2023 06 27 PC- -- GEM ofthr DESERT — Planning Commission agendas and staff reports are now available on the City's web page: www.laquintaca.gov PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2023, AT 5:00 P.M. ****************************** Members of the public may listen to this meeting by tuning -in live via http://laquinta.12milesout.com/video/live. CALL TO ORDER Roll Call: Commissioners Caldwell, Guerrero, Hassett, McCune, Nieto, Tyerman, and Chairperson Currie. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE PUBLIC COMMENTS — INSTRUCTIONS Members of the public may address the Commission on any matter listed or not listed on the agenda as follows: WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided either in -person during the meeting by submitting 15 copies to the Commission Secretary, it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting; or can be emailed in advance to TFlores@LaQuintaCA.gov, no later than 12:00 p.m., on the day of the meeting. Written public comments will be distributed to the Commission, made public, and will be incorporated into the public record of the meeting, but will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Chair, a brief summary of public comments is asked to be reported. If written public comments are emailed, the email subject line must clearly state "Written Comments" and should include: 1) full name, 2) city of residence, and 3) subject matter. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Page 1 of 5 JUNE 27, 2023 VERBAL PUBLIC COMMENTS can be provided in -person during the meeting by completing a "Request to Speak" form and submitting it to the Commission Secretary; it is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes (or approximately 350 words). Members of the public shall be called upon to speak by the Commission Secretary. In accordance with City Council Resolution No. 2022-028, a one-time additional speaker time donation of three (3) minutes per individual is permitted; please note that the member of the public donating time must: 1) submit this in writing to the Commission Secretary by completing a "Request to Speak" form noting the name of the person to whom time is being donated to, and 2) be present at the time the speaker provides verbal comments. Verbal public comments are defined as comments provided in the speakers' own voice and may not include video or sound recordings of the speaker or of other individuals or entities, unless permitted by the Chair. Public speakers may elect to use printed presentation materials to aid their comments; 15 copies of such printed materials shall be provided to the Commission Secretary to be disseminated to the Commission, made public, and incorporated into the public record of the meeting; it is requested that the printed materials are provided prior to the beginning of the meeting. There shall be no use of Chamber resources and technology to display visual or audible presentations during public comments, unless permitted by the Chair. All writings or documents, including but not limited to emails and attachments to emails, submitted to the City regarding any item(s) listed or not listed on this agenda are public records. All information in such writings and documents is subject to disclosure as being in the public domain and subject to search and review by electronic means, including but not limited to the City's Internet Web site and any other Internet Web -based platform or other Web -based form of communication. All information in such writings and documents similarly is subject to disclosure pursuant to the California Public Records Act [Government Code § 7920.000 et seq.]. TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY — INSTRUCTIONS Teleconference accessibility may be triggered in accordance with AB 2449 (Stats. 2022, Ch. 285), codified in the Brown Act [Government Code § 54953], if a member of the Commission requests to attend and participate in this meeting remotely due to `just cause" or "emergency circumstances," as defined, and only if the request is approved. In such instances, remote public accessibility and participation will be facilitated via Zoom Webinar as detailed at the end of this Agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA At this time, members of the public may address the Commission on any matter not listed on the agenda pursuant to the "Public Comments — Instructions" listed above. The Commission values your comments; however, in accordance with State law, no action shall be taken on any item not appearing on the agenda unless it is an emergency item authorized by the Brown Act [Government Code § 54954.2(b)]. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Page 2 of 5 JUNE 27, 2023 CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — NONE CONSENT CALENDAR — NONE BUSINESS SESSION — NONE STUDY SESSION — NONE PUBLIC HEARINGS — 5:00 p.m. or thereafter For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Commission Secretary prior to consideration of that item; comments are limited to three (3) minutes (approximately 350 words). Any person may submit written comments to the Planning Commission prior to the public hearing and/or may appear and be heard in support of or opposition to the project(s) at the time of the public hearing. If you challenge a project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at or prior to the public hearing. PAGE 1. CONTINUED FROM MARCH 28, 2023 - CONSIDER RESOLUTIONS RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2022-0002, SPECIFIC PLAN 2022-0001, AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 FOR A 252-UNIT APARTMENT PROJECT, LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS; CEQA: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PREPARED A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (EA2022-0001) CONSISTENT WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT; LOCATION: NORTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND AVENUE 50 STAFF ITEMS COMMISSIONERS' ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission will be held July 11, 2023, commencing at 5:00 p.m. at the La Quinta City Hall Council Chamber, 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Page 3 of 5 JUNE 27, 2023 DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Tania Flores, Secretary of the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the Commission meeting of June 27, 2023, was posted on the City's website, near the entrance to the Council Chamber at 78495 Calle Tampico and the bulletin board at 51321 Avenida Bermudas, on June 22, 2023. DATED: June 22, 2023 Tania Flores, Commission Secretary City of La Quinta, California Public Notices • Agenda packet materials are available for public inspection: 1) at the Clerk's Office at La Quinta City Hall, located at 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California 92253; and 2) on the City's website at https://www.laquintaca.gov/business/boards-and- commissions/planning-commission, in accordance with the Brown Act [Government Code § 54957.5; AB 2647 (Stats. 2022, Ch. 971)]. • The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please contact Commission Secretary at (760) 777-7023, 24-hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. • If background material is to be presented to the Commission during a Commission meeting, please be advised that 15 copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Commission Secretary for distribution. It is requested that this takes place prior to the beginning of the meeting. *** TELECONFERENCE PROCEDURES — PURSUANT TO AB 2449*** APPLICABLE ONLY WHEN TELECONFERENCE ACCESSIBILITY IS IN EFFECT Verbal public comments via Teleconference — members of the public may attend and participate in this meeting by teleconference via Zoom and use the "raise your hand" feature when public comments are prompted by the Chair; the City will facilitate the ability for a member of the public to be audible to the Commission and general public and allow him/her/they to speak on the item(s) requested. Please note — members of the public must unmute themselves when prompted upon being recognized by the Chair, in order to become audible to the Commission and the public. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Page 4 of 5 JUNE 27, 2023 Only one person at a time may speak by teleconference and only after being recognized by the Chair. ZOOM LINK: https://us06web.zoom.us/1/82853067939 Meeting ID: 828 5306 7939 Or join by phone: (253) 215 — 8782 Written public comments — can be provided in person during the meeting or emailed to TFlores©LaQuintaCA.gov any time prior to the adjournment of the meeting, and will be distributed to the Commission, made public, incorporated into the public record of the meeting, and will not be read during the meeting unless, upon the request of the Chair, a brief summary of any public comment is asked to be read, to the extent the Committee can accommodate such request. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Page 5 of 5 JUNE 27, 2023 PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 1 City of La Quinta PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING: June 27, 2023 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: CONTINUED FROM MARCH 28, 2023 - CONSIDER RESOLUTIONS RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL APPROVAL OF GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2022-0002, SPECIFIC PLAN 2022-0001, AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 FOR A 252-UNIT APARTMENT PROJECT, LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS; CEQA: DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PREPARED A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION (EA2022-0001) CONSISTENT WITH THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT; LOCATION: NORTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND AVENUE 50 RECOMMENDATION • Consider adopting a resolution to recommend City Council adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) for Environmental Assessment 2022-0001. • Consider adopting a resolution to recommend City Council approve General Plan Amendment 2022-0002, Specific Plan 2022-0001 (SP 2004-071, Amendment 2) and Site Development Permit 2022-0001. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The project site is located on a vacant parcel on the northeast corner of Washington Street and Avenue 50, the site of the previously approved La Paloma project (Attachment 1). • The Applicant presented a 284-unit apartment project to Planning Commission (Commission) on March 28, 2023, which included entitlement requests for a General Plan Amendment to revise the City's Housing Element, a Zone Change to increase the density, a Specific Plan Amendment to amend the La Paloma Specific Plan, and a Site Development Permit for project site design. • The Commission requested the applicant revise the project based on concerns regarding: o Architectural design o Density and height of buildings o Parking o Traffic • The applicant has resubmitted a revised project proposal (project) that includes the following revisions (Attachment 2): o Name change to La Quinta Village Apartments o Reduced number of units from 284 to 252 o Seven of the 11 residential buildings were originally proposed at three stories. Three buildings are reduced to two stories and one building to half three stories and two stories. This results in three and a half of the 11 buildings at three stories. o Parking count (520 spaces) remains the same as before but with reduced number of units, the ratio changes from 1.8 spaces per unit to 2 spaces per unit. o Revised traffic study with updated traffic counts and updated analysis due to decrease in units. Because of the reduction in unit count and density, a Zone Change is no longer required and has been removed from the entitlement request. The project density (number of units) meets the current Medium High Density Residential (MHDR) zoning with the density bonus applied because the project includes moderate income affordable units. • In order to make a recommendation for approval of the project, the Commission must: 1) Make findings in support of adopting the MND; 2) Make findings and apply conditions of approval in support of the General Plan Amendment (GPA); and 3) Make findings and apply conditions of approval determining that the development standards and guidelines of the Specific Plan (SP) are consistent with the General Plan (as amended); and 4) Consider the architecture, landscaping, and site design of the Site Development Permit (SDP) for the project and make findings and apply conditions of approval. Findings for each application are provided in Attachment 3, and Conditions of Approval are included as exhibits in the Resolutions. 4ACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The project is located on a 14.03-acre vacant parcel, bordered by a residential community to the north, Washington Street to the west, vacant land to the east, and Avenue 50 to the south. The project site was approved under La Paloma Specific Plan 2004-071 on December 7, 2004 for a multi -unit senior community with independent living, assisted living and memory care units. The Applicant is proposing the La Quinta Village Apartments: a 252-unit, multifamily apartment project on the site, which would include 178 market -rate units and 74 moderate - income affordable units. The project would include site improvements such as landscaping, utility infrastructure, covered parking, clubhouse, pool, spa, barbeque areas, putting course, pickleball court, and dog park for the residents. Each of the project's applications is described individually below, in the procedural order in which they must be considered. General Plan Amendment (GPA) The project site is identified on the City's inventory of sites in its Housing Element to accommodate 280 residential units in the very low- and low-income categories. Pursuant to Government Code Section 65863 (commonly referred to as the state "No Net Loss Law"), a jurisdiction must maintain adequate sites to accommodate its remaining unmet regional housing need allocation (RHNA) by each income category. If a jurisdiction approves a development of a parcel identified in its Housing Element sites inventory with fewer units, per income category, than shown in the Housing Element, it must either make findings that the Housing Element's remaining sites have sufficient capacity to accommodate the remaining unmet RHNA by income level or identify and make available sufficient sites to accommodate the remaining unmet RHNA for each income category. The City is responsible for compliance with the No Net Loss Law, unless a project applicant requests in his or her initial application, as submitted, a density that would result in the remaining sites in the housing element not being adequate to accommodate the jurisdiction's share of the regional housing. While the Project includes 74 moderate -income units and 178 market - rate units, the Project does not include units in the very low -and low-income categories. Therefore, the Applicant must identify additional site(s) that could accommodate 280 very low -and low-income units. This requires a GPA to add another site to the inventory of sites in the Housing Element. The Applicant has identified an additional site, a 12.74-acre property identified as Site 6 on the draft Housing Element amendment (Exhibit A, GPA Resolution). Site 6 is located at the northeast corner of Washington Street and Fred Waring Drive and is in a Community Commercial zone that also has the Affordable Housing Overlay and Mixed Use Overlay, which allows for mixed use development - both multifamily residential and commercial development (Attachment 4). The Affordable Housing Overlay allows for a density of up to 30 units per acre and the Mixed Use Overlay allows for mixed use projects up to 24 units per acre. At 280 units, Site 6 would have a density of 22 units to the acre, which is consistent with other affordable housing developments in the region. This site is within a "High Resource" area, in that it is immediately adjacent to schools, is in close proximity to Highway 111, and close to job areas which provides for economic opportunities. If the GPA is approved, including the project as proposed, the City would then re -submit its Housing Element to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for re -certification. This project is conditioned to not move forward with construction until and unless HCD has approved the amendment to the Housing Element. Density Bonus The project is proposing 74 units to be designated for moderate -income households, as defined by the City's Density Bonus Section of the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC), found at https://library.municode.com/ca/la quinta/codes/municipal code?nodeld=TIT9ZO CH9. 60SURERE 9.60.260DEBOAFHO, which was recently revised to be consistent with current state density bonus law. With 74 moderate income designated units, the project is allowed a 50% density bonus, which would allow for a total of 252 units on the Site. Per the LQMC, a condition would be placed for the project to enter into an agreement with the City to ensure that 74 units are reserved to moderate -income occupants. The agreement ensures continued affordability for a period of 55 years or longer; such agreement shall run with the land, shall be binding upon all successors in interest of the applicant, and shall be recorded in the office of the Riverside County Recorder. Specific Plan The project requires an amendment of the La Paloma Specific Plan to reflect the currently proposed project (Resolution Exhibit C). The current La Paloma Specific Plan contains detailed development principles, guidelines, and programs to facilitate the development of a multi -unit senior housing community. The amended Specific Plan (SP 2022-0001) would supersede the La Paloma Specific Plan and would detail the development principles, standards, guidelines and use standards for the new La Quinta Village Apartments project. The amended SP establishes some additional standards that differ from the LQMC zoning standards, including: Maximum structure height of 28 feet (ft) within 150 ft of image corridor (Washington Street and Avenue 50); current zoning limits the maximum structure height at 22 ft within 150 ft of image corridor. Maximum three stories; current zoning limits maximum number of stories to two. Carports allowed within front yard setback; current zoning does not allow any structures, including carports, within front yard setback. Minimum livable area of 670 square feet (sf); current zoning requires a minimum livable area of 750 sf. Allowance of fencing and retention basins within perimeter landscape setbacks; current zoning does not allow fencing or retention basins within setback. Standard Specific Plan Medium High Density Zone Minimum Project Size for Multi -Family Projects 20,000 sf 20,000 sf Minimum Frontage for Multi -Family Projects 100 ft 100 ft Maximum Structure Height 40 ft 28 ft Maximum Structure Height at Image Corridor 28 ft 22 ft Maximum Number of Stories 3 2 Minimum Front Yard Setback 20 ft 20 ft Minimum Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setback 5/10 ft 5/10 ft Minimum Rear Yard Setback 15 ft 15 ft Minimum Garage Setback 5 ft 25 ft Maximum Lot Coverage 60% 60% Minimum Common Open Area 30% 30% Minimum/Average Perimeter Landscape Setback 10/20 ft 10/20 ft Minimum Livable Area 670 sf 750 sf These additional standards are allowed with approval of the SP. Projects with affordable housing incorporated are allowed several concessions from the LQMC but the Project is proposing for these additional standards to occur within the SP. All other development standards as they relate to setbacks, heights, lighting standards, open space requirements, and requirements for multi -family projects have been met, including a minimum 75 ft setback from their eastern property line to meet a setback requirement from the Coachella Valley Water District's stormwater channel. Site ueveiopment Permit The SDP covers the site, architectural, and landscaping design of the project (Attachment 5). The units are proposed to be housed in 11 buildings throughout the project site, seven and half of one are two-story and three and half of one are three-story. The two-story buildings are proposed at a height of 28 ft 6 inches (in) and the three-story buildings are 38 ft 6 in. Five of the two-story buildings are positioned on the north side, adjacent to the existing residential development, and are set back at distances of 89 ft, 90 ft, 91 ft, and 72 ft from the northern property line, which exceeds the zoning code requirements for separation of two-story projects from one-story residential. The two buildings on the south side, adjacent to Avenue 50, have been reduced from three stories to two stories. All three- story buildings are now positioned in the central portion of the site. A unit breakdown of the 252 total units is as follows: - Total of 166 units are one (1) bedroom units O 60 are 673 sf, 106 are 755 sf Total of 86 units are two (2) bedroom units: o All are 960 sf The Project includes a total of 520 parking spaces, which is a ratio of 2.03 spaces per unit. Of these, 396 are covered by carport or garage. The carports and garages are at a maximum height of 11 ft and incorporate architecture to match the rest of the development. Per LQMC Density Bonus Section and state housing law, the total number of parking spaces required for this Project would be 295 parking spaces, after applying a by -right parking incentive for an affordable housing project (one space per one -bedroom unit, 1.5 spaces per two -bedroom unit). The project exceeds the minimum parking requirements. The architectural style was changed from a more Modern design to a more contemporary Mediterranean design. The changes to architectural elements include a modified color palette, trellis on second and third floors to reduce massing, arches, recessed niches, and crown moulding with stucco finish. The color palette still consists of earth tones, but also incorporates blues, grays, and purples as accents. The project's recreational amenities include community pool, clubhouse, cabanas, five (5) barbeque areas, spa, fire pits, a putting course, pickleball court, a dog park, and open space throughout. Landscaping Landscaping is proposed throughout the project site, including along Washington Street and Avenue 50, and described within the Specific Plan (Attachment 6). The proposed preliminary landscaping plant palette incorporates typical desert compatible species such as Mulga and Tipu trees, date palms, agaves, and yellow bells. The perimeter walls along Washington Street and Avenue 50 are proposed to be six-foot block walls with landscaping instead of the previously proposed wrought iron view fence. Traffic Circulation/Traffic Impact The project takes access from both Washington Street and Avenue 50, with right in/right out access off both streets. The Applicant revised the Traffic Impact Analysis (Analysis), as directed by the Commission, with updated traffic counts and less units, consistent with the currently proposed site plan. Updated counts were taken on March 30, 2023. The revised Analysis was reviewed by City of La Quinta staff, including the City's Traffic Engineer. The project is estimated to generate 1,556 total daily trips, including 108 AM peak trips and 125 PM peak hour trips. The revised Analysis included the following intersections: • Washington Street and Avenue 50 • Washington Street and Sagebrush Avenue • Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive • Washington Street and Avenue 48 • Moon River Drive/Park Avenue and Avenue 50 The revised Analysis concluded that all analyzed intersections would operate at acceptable Levels of Service (LOS), except Moon River Drive/Park Avenue and Avenue 50, under project completion conditions (existing traffic plus estimated traffic from ambient growth and the project) and cumulative conditions (existing traffic plus traffic from ambient growth, nearby projects that are being proposed, and the project). The deficient condition at the Moon River Drive/Park Avenue and Avenue 50 intersection is existing due to morning school traffic. A roadway segment analysis was also included in the revised Analysis. The following roadway segments were studied: • Washington Street, north of Avenue 50 • Washington Street, south of Avenue 50 • Avenue 50, west of Washington Street • Avenue 50, east of Washington Street The revised Analysis shows that all analyzed roadway segments would have adequate capacity under project completion conditions (existing traffic plus estimated traffic from ambient growth and the project) and cumulative conditions (existing traffic plus traffic from ambient growth, nearby projects that are being proposed and the project). The project would not significantly impact traffic operations in the area. AGENCY AND PUBLIC REVIEW Public Agency Review All written comments received are on file and available for review with the Design and Development Department. All applicable comments have been adequately addressed and/or incorporated in the recommended Conditions of Approval. Public Hearing Notice This project was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on March 17, 2023 and distributed to properties within 1,000 feet of the Site. Staff has received written comments from the public stating their opposition, with concerns regarding traffic, noise, and views (Attachment 7). Tribal Consultation In accordance with SB18 and AB52, Tribal Consultation was conducted with the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians (ACBCI), who were the only tribe to request consultation. Mitigation was incorporated into the MND as requested by the ACBCI. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The Design and Development Department (Department) prepared a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) consistent with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) (Exhibit A to EA2022-0001 Resolution) and circulated it for public review from March 3, 2023 through March 23, 2023 as prescribed by the CEQA Guidelines. The Department determined that the project would have less than significant effects on the environment, with mitigation measures incorporated. The City received eleven (11) public comments during the public review period regarding the traffic, biological, energy, and cultural sections. With the revisions to the project, no changes to the environmental analysis are necessary per Section 15073.5 of the CEQA guidelines, because the project revisions would not result in new significant environmental effects that were not previously analyzed. Prepared by: Cheri Flores, Planning Manager Approved by: Danny Castro, Design and Development Director Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Summary of Project Changes 3. Findings for Approval 4. Draft Housing Element Inventory Sites Map Amendment 5. Entitlement Plans 6. Landscape Plans 7. Public Comments PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING CITY COUNCIL ADOPT A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR A 252-UNIT APARTMENT PROJECT LOCATED AT NORTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND AVENUE 50 CASE NUMBER: ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 APPLICANT: IRWIN PARTNERS WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on June 27, 2023, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a request by Irwin partners, for a 252-unit apartment project at the northeast corner of Washington Street and Avenue 50, more commonly described as: 646-070-016 WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on March 17, 2023 as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 1,000 feet of the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on March 28, 2023, previously hold a duly noticed Public Hearing and continued said Public Hearing to a date certain of June 27, 2023, to give the applicant time to address the Planning Commission's concerns regarding architectural design, density and height of buildings, parking, and traffic; and WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act to justify approval of said Environmental Assessment: 1. The proposed project will not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of rare or endangered plants or animals or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory. Potential impacts can be mitigated to be less than significant levels. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: Page 2 of 2 2. The proposed project will not result in impacts which are individually limited or cumulatively considerable when considering planned or proposed development in the immediate vicinity. Potential impacts can be mitigated to be less than significant. 3. The proposed project will not have environmental effects that will adversely affect the human population, either directly or indirectly. Potential impacts can be mitigated to be less than significant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the Findings of the Planning Commission in this case. SECTION 2. That the Planning Commission hereby does recommend adoption of Environmental Assessment 2022-0001 with mitigation measures incorporated [Exhibit A]. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of La Quinta Planning Commission, held on June 27, 2023, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: LORETTA CURRIE, Chairperson City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: DANNY CASTRO, Design and Development Director City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: EXHIBIT A Administrative Draft Troutdale Village Specific Plan Amendment No. 3 Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Lead Agency: City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Prepared by: The Altum Group Rich Malacoff, AICP 44-600 Village Court, Suite 100 Palm Desert, CA 92260 EIE March 2023 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: Table of Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Overview 1 1.2 Authority 1 1.3 Scope of Environmental Review 1 1.4 Impact Assessment Terminology 2 1.5 Organization of the Initial Study 2 1.6 Documents Incorporated by Reference 2 Chapter 2 Project Description 4 2.1 Project Location and Setting 4 2.2 Project Description 5 2.3 Project -Related Approvals 5 2.4 Summary of Mitigation Measures 6 Chapter 3 Environmental Evaluation 15 3.1 Aesthetics 16 3.2 Agriculture and Forestry Resources 18 3.3 Air Quality 19 3.4 Biological Resources 27 3.5 Cultural Resources 31 3.6 Energy 34 3.7 Geology and Soils 35 3.8 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 40 3.9 Hazards and Hazardous Materials 42 3.10 Hydrology and Water Quality 45 3.11 Land Use and Planning 48 3.12 Mineral Resources 50 3.13 Noise 51 3.14 Population and Housing 54 3.15 Public Services 55 3.16 Recreation 58 3.17 Transportation 59 Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND ii March 2023 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3.18 Tribal Cultural Resources 63 3.19 Utilities and Service Systems 66 3.20 Wildfire 68 3.21 Mandatory Findings of Significance 69 Chapter 4 Report Preparers 74 List of Tables Table 1 Surrounding Land Uses 4 Table 2 Construction -Related Regional Criteria Pollutant Emissions 22 Table 3 Operational Regional Criteria Pollutant Emissions 23 Table 4 Maximum Number of Acres Disturbed Per Day 24 Table 5 Local Construction Emissions at the Nearest Receptors 25 Table 6 Local Operational Emissions at the Nearest Receptors 26 Table 7 Project Related Greenhouse Gas Annual Emissions 41 Table 8 Off -Site Traffic Noise Levels 53 Table 9 Existing Conditions (2021) Intersection Analysis 61 Table 10 Project Completion (2023) Intersection Analysis 61 Table 11 Cumulative Intersection Analysis 62 List of Exhibits Exhibit 1 Regional Map 9 Exhibit 2 Vicinity Map 10 Exhibit 3 Site Plan 11 Exhibit 4 Renderings 12 Exhibit 5 Avenue 50 Noise Contour Map 13 Exhibit 6 Washington Street Noise Contour Map 14 Appendix Appendix A Troutdale Village Air Quality, Greenhouse, and Energy Impact Study, MD Acoustics, December 30, 2021. Appendix B Biological Resources Report for the Troutdale Village Project Located in the City of La Quinta, Riverside County, California, ELMT Consulting, December 15, 2021. Appendix C Cultural Resource Investigation in Support of the Troutdale Village Project, PaleoWest, April 25, 2022. Appendix D Troutdale Village Apartments Project Noise Impact Study, MD Acoustics, January 12,2022. Appendix E Troutdale Village Transportation Analysis, Integrated Engineering Group, December 2021. Appendix F Preliminary Hydrology Study for Troutdale Village, Egan Civil, January 22, 2023. Appendix G Troutdale Village Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan, Egan Civil, January 2023. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND iii March 2023 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: Acronyms AB Assembly Bill AMSL Above Mean Sea Level APN Assessor's Parcel Number AQMP Air Quality Management Plan BMPs Best Management Practices CA EPA California Environmental Protection Agency CaIEEMod California Emissions Estimator Model CALGreen California Green Building Standards Caltrans California Department of Transportation CAP Climate Action Plan CARB California Air Resources Board CBC California Building Code CCR California Code of Regulations CDC California Department of Conservation CDFW California Department of Fish and Wildlife CEQA California Environmental Quality Act CERCLA Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act CFC Chlorofluorocarbons CH4 Methane CNEL Community Noise Equivalent Level CNPS California Native Plant Society CO Carbon Monoxide CO2 Carbon Dioxide CVMSHCP Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan CVWD Coachella Valley Water District dB Decibel dBA A -weighted decibels DSUSD Desert Sands Unified School District DTSC California Department of Toxic Substances Control DU/AC Dwelling Unit per Acre e.g. Exempli Gratia or "for example" EIR Eastern Information Center EPA Environmental Protection Agency FTA Federal Transit Administration GHG Greenhouse Gas IID Imperial Irrigation District In/sec Inches Per Second IS Initial Study Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND iv March 2023 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: ITE Institute of Engineers Lbs/day Pounds Per Day Leq Equivalent Continuous Sound Pressure Level LST Localized Significance Threshold MGD Million Gallons Per Day MLD Most Likely Descendant MMTCO2e Million Metric Tons of CO2Emitted MRZ-3 Mineral Resources Zone 3 MWD Metropolitan Water District of Southern California N20 Nitrous Oxides NAHC Native American Heritage Commission NO Nitric Oxide NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide NOx Nitrogen Oxide NPDES National Pollution Discharge Elimination System PDPD Palm Desert Police Department PM Particulate Matter PM10 Particulate Matter Equal to or less than 10 Microns in Diameter PM2.5 Particulate Matter Equal to or less than 2.5 Microns in Diameter PPM Parts Per Million PPV Peak Particle Velocities PRC California Public Resources Code PSI Pounds Per Square Inch PSUSD Palm Springs Unified School District RCALUC Riverside County Airport Land Use Commission RCFD Riverside County Fire Department RCRA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act RCS/SCS Regional Transportation/Sustainable Communities Strategy RMS Root Mean Square RTP Regional Transportation Plan RWQCB Regional Water Quality Control Board SB Senate Bill SCAB South Coast Air Basin SCAG Southern California Associations of Government SCAQMD South Coast Air Quality Management District SCE Southern California Edison SCS Sustainable Communities Strategy SIP State Implementation Plan SO2 Sulfur Dioxide Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND v March 2023 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: SoCal Gas Southern California Gas SOI Sphere of Influence SRA Source Receptor Area SRA State Responsibility Area SSAB Salton Sea Air Basin STC Sound Transmission Class SWPPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan USACE United States Army Corps of Engineers UWMP Urban Water Management Plan VdB Vibration decibels VMT Vehicle Miles Traveled WMP Water Management Plan WQMP Water Quality Management Plan WRP 10 Wastewater Treatment Plant 10 Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND vi March 2023 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: This page intentionally left blank. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND vii March 2023 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 1 INTRODUCTION Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview Troutdale Village, LLC. (hereafter, "Applicant") is proposing to develop the Troutdale Village Specific Plan Amendment No. 3 Project (hereafter, "Project"), which consists of 284 dwelling units in the City of La Quinta (hereafter, "City"), in Riverside County, California. The Project site is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Washington Street and Avenue 50 and is comprised of one parcel totaling approximately 14.03 acres. Currently, the Project site is vacant and is bordered by a residential community to the north, Washington Street to the west, vacant land to the east, and Avenue 50 to the south. The proposed Project will require the following entitlements from the City: 1) Specific Plan Amendment to replace the previous La Paloma Specific Plan (now called Troutdale Specific Plan) for the Project site and substitute for the City of La Quinta Municipal Code; 2) Change of Zone to change the existing zoning designation of the Project site from Medium High Density Residential to High Density Residential; and 3) Site Development Permit to allow for the development of 284 dwelling units and associated site improvements. 1.2 Authority The City of La Quinta is the lead agency for the proposed Project. The City Council is the governing body for the approval of the Project and adoption of the Mitigated Negative Declaration. Because the Project involves a change to the existing site, the City Council's consideration of the Project and its potential environmental effects is a discretionary action that is subject to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This Subsequent Initial Study (IS) and its appendices have been prepared in accordance with CEQA (Statute), the State's Guidelines for Implementation of CEQA (Guidelines) (as amended, 2018), and the City's CEQA Guidelines for preparation of an IS. This IS, when combined with the Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration, serves as the environmental document for the proposed Project pursuant to the provisions of CEQA (Public Resources Code 21000 et seq.) and the CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations Section 15000, et seq.). 1.3 Scope of Environmental Review The IS evaluates the proposed Project's potential environmental impacts on the following topics: • Aesthetics • Agricultural and Forestry Resources • Air Quality • Biological Resources • Cultural Resources • Energy • Geology and Soils • Greenhouse Gas Emissions • Hazards and Hazardous Materials • Hydrology and Water Quality • Land Use and Planning • Mineral Resources • Noise • Population and Housing • Public Services • Recreation • Transportation • Tribal Cultural Resources • Utilities and Service Systems • Wildfire • Mandatory Findings of Significance Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 1 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 1 INTRODUCTION 1.4 Impact Assessment Terminology The Environmental Checklist identifies potential impacts using four levels of significance as follows: • No Impact. A finding of no impact is made when it is clear from the analysis that the proposed project would not affect the environment. • Less than significant. A finding of less than significant is made when it is clear from the analysis that a proposed project would cause no substantial adverse change in the environment and no mitigation is required. • Less than significant with mitigation incorporated. A finding of less than significant with mitigation incorporated is made when it is clear from the analysis that a proposed project would cause no substantial adverse change in the environment when mitigation measures are successfully implemented by the project proponent. • Potentially Significant. A finding of potentially significant is made when the analysis concludes that the proposed project could have a substantially adverse impact on the environment related to one or more of the topics listed in the previous section, Scope of the Initial Study. 1.5 Organization of the Initial Study The content and format of this IS meet the requirements of CEQA. This IS contains the following sections: • Chapter 1 Introduction. This chapter provides a brief summary of the proposed Project, identifies the lead agency, summarizes the purpose and scope of the IS, and identifies documents incorporated by reference. • Chapter 2 Project Description. This chapter provides a project overview including a description of the regional location and Project vicinity, including Exhibits; and provides a description of the Project elements, e.g., dimensions of the Project, and identifies other agencies that may have permitting authority over the Project. • Chapter 3 Environmental Checklist. This chapter provides a copy of the City's Environmental Checklist and responses to each question posed in the checklist. This chapter also provides a brief description of the sources used to evaluate the proposed Project, a brief description of the existing conditions for each topic, and an analysis of potential environmental impacts. Mitigation measures are also identified where necessary. • Chapter 4 List of Preparers. This chapter identifies City staff and consultants who were responsible for the preparation of this IS and implementation of the Project. 1.6 Documents Incorporated by Reference As allowed by CEQA Guidelines Section 15150, a Mitigated Negative Declaration may incorporate by reference all or portions of another document that is generally available to the public. The document used must be available for public review for interested parties to access during public review of the Subsequent Initial Study and Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for this Project. The following documents are incorporated by reference. • City of La Quinta 2035 General Plan, Adopted February 19, 2013 (Amended November 19, 2013) • Draft Environmental Impact Report (SCH #2010111094) for the City of La Quinta General Plan Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 2 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 1 INTRODUCTION These documents are also available for review at the La Quinta City Hall at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. The Project specific reports are attached to the Initial Study as appendices. The General Plan and General Plan Final Environmental Impact Report are located on the City's website at: https://www.laquintaca.gov/business/design-and-development/planning-division/2035-1a-quinta-general- plan and https://www.laquintaca.gov/business/Ig2035-general-plan/documents, respectively. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 3 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Chapter 2 Project Description 2.1 Project Location and Setting As detailed in Exhibit 1 Regional Map, and Exhibit 2, Vicinity Map, the Project site is located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Washington Street and Avenue 50 in the City of La Quinta (City), in Riverside County, California. The Project site encompasses Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 646-070-016. Existing General Plan Designation The Project site is designated as "Medium/High Density Residential" under the City's General Plan 2035 Land Use Map. The Medium/High Density Residential designation is designed to accommodate a broad range of residential land uses, including small -lot divisions, duplex, condominium, and apartments. The maximum density of this land use designation is 16 dwelling units per acre. Existing/Proposed Zoning Designation The Project site is zoned "Medium High Density Residential (RMH)" and within an Affordable Housing Overlay per the City's Official Zoning Map and Municipal Code. Per the City's Municipal Code Section 9.30.060, the purpose of the RMH zoning designation is to provide for the development and preservation of medium -high density neighborhoods (eight to twelve dwelling units per acre), except as provided in Section 9.40.020. The Applicant is proposing a Change of Zone to change the Project site's zoning designation from RMH to "High Density Residential (RH)," which allows up to 16 units per acre. The Affordable Housing Overlay designation would remain. Existing Specific Plan Designation The entire Project site is located within the La Paloma Specific Plan (SP 04-071) which would be called Troutdale Village Specific Plan (Specific Plan 2022-0001, SP 04-071 Amendment). Surrounding Land Uses The Project site is bordered by a residential community located immediately north; to the west, the Project site is bordered by Washington Street and beyond is a residential community; to the east, the Project site is bordered by a dry channel and beyond is La Quinta Middle School, YMCA, and the Boys and Girls Club; and to the south, the Project site is bordered by Avenue 50 and beyond is vacant, undeveloped land. See Table 1, Surrounding Land Uses. Table 1 Surrounding Land Uses Direction General Plan Designation Zoning Existing Land Use North MHDR - Medium/High Density Residential RM - Medium Density Residential Residential community South MHDR - Medium/High Density Residential RM - Medium Density Residential Avenue 50/Vacant, undeveloped land East OS-N - Open Space Natural FP- Floodplain Dry channel and La Quinta Middle School, YMCA, and the Boys and Girls Club; West LDR - Low Density Residential RL - Low Density Residential Washington Street/Residential Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 4 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Existing Utility Infrastructure Existing utility infrastructure at the Project site consists of an 18-inch Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) waterline beneath Washington Street and Avenue 50. Additionally, sewer mains are located on the west side of the site in Washington Street and on the south side of the site in Avenue 50. There are existing power poles located on Washington Street, Avenue 50, and the north property line, which may be undergrounded if practical and allowed by Imperial Irrigation District (IID). 2.2 Project Description As shown in both Exhibit 3, Site Plan, the proposed Project involves the development of 11 two- and three- story apartment buildings totaling 284 dwelling units on a 14.03-acre property. The proposed apartment buildings would have a maximum height of 40 feet. Of the 284 dwelling units, 214 will be market -rate units and 70 will be moderate -income affordable units. The Applicant also proposes associated site improvements including landscaping, utility infrastructure, parking spaces, an internal roadway, a clubhouse, pool and spa, barbeque areas, putting course, pickleball court, and dog park for the residents. The Project would contain two retention basins along the western side of the Project site. The Project would provide for a total of 520 parking spaces, including 456 standard spaces, 12 accessible spaces, and 52 future electric vehicle (EV) capable spaces. The Project also would provide two bicycle parking racks, for a total of four spaces. Primary Project access would be provided along the Project site's frontage on Washington Street. The proposed secondary access would be provided along the Project site's frontage on Avenue 50. The internal circulation is a driveway around the perimeter of the site, which would not consist of dead -ends. This design also provides easy access for the fire department and trash collector to all proposed buildings on the site. Street improvements to the Project site's frontages with Washington Street and Avenue 50 would consist of expanded pavement, curb, gutter, median, and sidewalk/bike improvements. 2.3 Project -Related Approvals The discretionary approvals required by the City include: • Specific Plan Amendment No. 2022-001 • Change of Zone No. 2022-0002 • Site Development Permit No. 2022-0001 • Adoption of Troutdale Village Specific Plan IS/MND (EA2022-0001) • General Plan Amendment No. 2022-0002 Administrative approvals are required by the City related to the design and construction of stormwater drainage infrastructure, Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) for construction of water and sewer infrastructure and connection to the water and sewer distribution and conveyance systems, and Colorado River Basin Regional Water Quality Control Board for issuance of a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and approval of the Project's Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP). Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 5 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 2.4 Summary of Mitigation Measures BIO-1 If unavoidable, Project construction activities must begin during the nesting bird season (February 1st through August 31st), a pre -construction nesting bird survey shall be conducted no more than 14 days prior to initiation of ground disturbance and vegetation removal activities. The nesting pre - construction bird survey shall be conducted by a biologist familiar with identification of avian species known to occur in Riverside County. The nesting bird survey shall be conducted on foot inside the project boundary, including a 300-foot buffer for passerines (songbirds) and a 500-foot buffer for raptors in areas of suitable habitat. Inaccessible areas will be surveyed using binoculars to the extent practical. If nests are found, an avoidance buffer (dependent upon species, the proposed work activity, the existing disturbances associated with land uses outside of the site) shall be determined and demarcated by the biologist with bright orange construction fencing, flagging, construction lathe, or other means to mark the boundary. If a raptor nest is observed in a tree proposed for removal, the applicant must consult with CDFW. All construction personnel shall be notified of the existence of the buffer zone and avoid entering the buffer zone during nesting season. No ground disturbing activities shall occur within this buffer area until the avian biologist has confirmed the breeding/nesting is completed and the young have fledged. Encroachment into the buffer shall occur only at the discretion of the qualified biologist. BIO-2 The Applicant shall pay the CVMSHCP Local Development Mitigation Fee prior to building permit issuance. CUL-1 A qualified archaeologist monitor shall be present during any ground disturbing activities during the project construction phase. In the case that archaeological materials are encountered during ground disturbing activities, work in the area shall cease and any deposits shall be treated according to Federal, State, and local guidelines. No further grading is permitted in the area of the discovery until the City approves the appropriate measure to protect the discovered resources. CUL-2 In the event that human remains are uncovered during ground disturbing activities on the Project site, no further disturbance shall occur, and all work shall cease until the County Coroner has made a determination of the origin and disposition of the remains. Ground disturbing activities and excavations shall not resume until the following has been addressed: 1. 2. The County Coroner has been contacted and determined that no investigation to the cause of death is required, and If the County Coroner determines that the remains are of Native American decent, the Coroner must notify Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), which will then determine the Most Likely Descendant (MLD). The MLD shall complete the inspection of the site within 48 hours of notification and may recommend means of treating or disposing of, with appropriate dignity, the human remains, and any associated grave goods as provided in Public Resource Code Section 5097.98. GEO-1 Prior to the start of the proposed Project activities, all field personnel will receive a worker's environmental awareness training on paleontological resources. The training will provide a description of the laws and ordinances protecting fossil resources, the types of fossil resources that may be encountered in the Project area, the role of the paleontological monitor, outlines steps to follow in the event that a fossil discovery is made and provides contact information for the Project Paleontologist. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 6 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The training will be developed by the Project Paleontologist and can be delivered concurrent with other training including cultural, biological, safety, etc. GEO-2 Prior to the commencement of ground -disturbing activities, a professional paleontologist will be retained to prepare and implement a PRMMP for the proposed Project. The PRMMP will describe the monitoring required during excavations that extend into older Quaternary (Pleistocene) age sediments, and the location of areas deemed to have a high paleontological resource potential. Part- time monitoring, or spot checking, may be required during shallow ground -disturbances (< 10 feet below ground surface) to confirm that sensitive geologic units are not being impacted. Monitoring will entail the visual inspection of excavated or graded areas and trench sidewalls. GEO-3 In the event that a paleontological resource is discovered, the monitor will have the authority to temporarily divert the construction equipment around the find until it is assessed for scientific significance and, if appropriate, collected. If the resource is determined to be of scientific significance, the Project Paleontologist shall complete the following: 1. Salvage of Fossils. If fossils are discovered, all work in the immediate vicinity should be halted to allow the paleontological monitor, and/or Project Paleontologist to evaluate the discovery and determine if the fossil may be considered significant. If the fossils are determined to be potentially significant, the Project Paleontologist (or paleontological monitor) should recover them following standard field procedures for collecting paleontological as outlined in the PRMMP prepared for the Project. Typically, fossils can be safely salvaged quickly by a single paleontologist and not disrupt construction activity. In some cases, larger fossils (such as complete skeletons or large mammal fossils) require more extensive excavation and longer salvage periods. In this case the paleontologist should have the authority to temporarily direct, divert, or halt construction activity to ensure that the fossil(s) can be removed in a safe and timely manner. 2. Fossil Preparation and Curation. The PRMMP will identify the museum that has agreed to accept fossils that may be discovered during project -related excavations. Upon completion of fieldwork, all significant fossils collected will be prepared in a properly equipped laboratory to a point ready for curation. Preparation may include the removal of excess matrix from fossil materials and stabilizing or repairing specimens. During preparation and inventory, the fossils specimens will be identified to the lowest taxonomic level practical prior to curation at an accredited museum. The fossil specimens must be delivered to the accredited museum or repository no later than 90 days after all fieldwork is completed. The cost of curation will be assessed by the repository and will be the responsibility of the client. GEO-4 Upon completion of ground disturbing activity (and curation of fossils if necessary) the Project Paleontologist should prepare a final mitigation and monitoring report outlining the results of the mitigation and monitoring program. The report should include discussion of the location, duration and methods of the monitoring, stratigraphic sections, any recovered fossils, and the scientific significance of those fossils, and where fossils were curated. TCR-1 Prior to any ground disturbing activities on the Project site, an approved Agua Caliente Native American Cultural Resource Monitor(s) shall be present to monitor the site. Should buried cultural deposits be encountered, the Monitor may request destructive construction halt and the Monitor shall notify a qualified Archaeologist to investigate and, if necessary, prepare a mitigation plan for Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 7 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION submission to the State Historic Preservation Officer and the Agua Caliente Tribal Historic Preservation Office. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 8 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Exhibit 1 Regional Map Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 9 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION Exhibit 2 Vicinity Map ti *- J.�-0 •Yf. I�tii yrvii 14yry'b MY� i L:' { k i r4+.ar"3 ny t Cs �A1q ray { Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 10 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Exhibit 3 Site Plan Amo 121112 ■MAIyl r. rat IIIQlIIO1€l 111111T t33 L12 HOd9 NIHS7M I13: x.77 c 12g /3.2ae t rjc ry N Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 11 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Exhibit 4 Renderings Above: View of entry access on Avenue 50. Above: View on Avenue 50 looking towards Washington Street intersection with mountain range in background. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 12 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Exhibit 5 Avenue 50 Noise Contour Map Levels in dB(A) O +rt 6 it O 0 V • in 0 .n V1 f l0 �9 inz Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 13 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Exhibit 6 Washington Street Noise Contour Map Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 14 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Chapter 3 Environmental Evaluation ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED: The environmental factors checked below would be potentially affected by this project, involving at least one impact that is a "Potentially Significant Impact" as indicated by the checklist on the following pages. ❑ Aesthetics ❑ Biological Resources ❑ Greenhouse Gas Emissions ❑ ❑ Land Use/Planning ❑ Population/Housing ❑ Transportation/Traffic ❑ Mandatory Findings of Significance DETERMINATION: On the basis of this initial evaluation: Agriculture and Forestry Resources Cultural Resources Hazards and Hazardous Materials Mineral Resources Public Services Tribal Cultural Resources ❑ Air Quality ❑ Geology/Soils ❑ Hydrology/Water Quality ❑ Noise ❑ Recreation ❑ Utilities and Service Systems ❑ I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ▪ I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because revisions in the project have been made by or agreed to by the project proponent. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION will be prepared. ❑ I find that the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required. ❑ I find that the proposed project MAY have a "potentially significant impact" or "potentially significant unless mitigated" impact on the environment, but at least one effect 1) has been adequately analyzed in an earlier document pursuant to applicable legal standards, and 2) has been addressed by mitigation measures based on the earlier analysis as describe on attached sheets. An ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT is required, but it must analyze only the effects that remain to be addressed. ❑ I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, because all potentially significant effects a) have been analyzed adequately in an earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION pursuant to applicable standards, and b) have been avoided or mitigated pursuant to that earlier EIR or NEGATIVE DECLARATION, including revisions or mitigation measures that are imposed upon the proposed project, nothing further is required. Signature Date Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 15 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.1 Aesthetics 3.1.1 Sources • City of La Quinta, City of La Quinta 2035 General Plan, Adopted February 19, 2013. • City of La Quinta, Draft Environmental Impact Report (SCH #2010111094) for the City of La Quinta General Plan, July 2012. https://www.laquintaca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/15858/635338594527270000 • California Department of Transportation, California State Scenic Highway System Map, 2019 • Google Earth, 2022 3.1.2 Environmental Setting Scenic views from the Project site consists of the San Bernardino (north, northeast, and northwest), Santa Rosa (southwest), and San Jacinto (west) Mountain Ranges. The San Bernardino, Santa Rosa, and San Jacinto Mountains Ranges rise over the valley floor at elevations consisting of 8,716 feet (2,657 meters), 8,011 feet (2,442 meters), and 11,489 feet (3,502 meters), respectively. 3.1.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Im act P Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Im act P No Impact AESTHETICS — Would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect on a scenic vista? n L b) Substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway? a c) In non -urbanized areas, substantially degrade the existing visual character or quality of public views of the site and its surroundings? (Public views are those that are experienced from publicly accessible vantage point). If the project is in an urbanized area, would the project conflict with applicable zoning and other regulations governing scenic quality? L d) Create a new source of substantial light or glare which would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area? ❑ ❑ ❑ " a. Less than Significant Impact The Project site and the vicinity of the Project site do not contain a scenic vista. The nearest scenic vista consists of scenic views of the San Bernardino Mountains located 7.7 miles north of the Project site; Santa Rosa Mountains located approximately 5.0 miles southwest of the Project site; and San Jacinto Mountains located approximately 1.8 miles west of the Project site. Surrounding the Project site, views of the lower elevations of the aforementioned are partially blocked due to existing development and distance from the mountains; however, views of the middle and upper elevations of these mountains are kept visibly intact. As shown in Exhibit 3, Site Plan, the proposed maximum height for residential buildings at 40 feet would comply with the City's Zoning Code. The proposed buildings and site improvements would partially obscure views of the San Bernardino Mountains, Santa Rosa Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 16 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Mountains, and San Jacinto Mountains — although not substantially more than under existing conditions — and views of these Mountains would continue to be available above the proposed buildings. Therefore, the proposed Project would not have a substantial adverse effect on scenic vistas and impacts would be less than significant. b. No Impact According to the California Scenic Highway Program, the nearest scenic highway is SR-74, which is located approximately 6.2 miles west of the Project site and is classified as an Officially Designated Scenic Highway. Due to the distance between the Project site and SR-74, the Project site is not visible to vehicles driving along SR-74. In addition, there are no historic buildings nor any unique geologic or topographic features such as rock outcrops, bodies of water, ridges or canyons found on or within the Project site. Therefore, due to topography and intervening development, the proposed Project would not substantially damage scenic resources, including, but not limited to, trees, rock outcroppings, and historic buildings within a state scenic highway. No impact would occur. c. Less than Significant Impact The Project site is located in an urbanized area. Under existing conditions, the entire Project site is undeveloped vacant land with sparse desert flora. The surrounding land to the north and west are residential homes, vacant planned residential homes to the south, and a dry channel to the east. Implementation of the Project would result in the visual conversion of the site from vacant, undeveloped land to 284 homes. The Project would be compatible with the size, scale, and aesthetic features of other existing homes located to the north, west, and future homes to the south of the Project site. Furthermore, the Project would be required to comply with the applicable development standards and design guidelines in the Troutdale Specific Plan and the City of La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC), which regulates the visual quality of new development and ensures that new development does not detract from any scenic attributes/qualities in the surrounding area. LQMC Section 9.50.020, Height Limits and Setbacks Near Image Corridors, requires a maximum height of 22 feet within the first 150 feet from Avenue 50 and Washington Street. The Specific Plan will provide modified standards that will allow a maximum height of 40 feet, which will not impact the view of the mountains. The renderings (Exhibit 4) show that the views will not be impacted. Because the Project is in an urbanized area and would not conflict with applicable zoning standards and other regulations governing scenic quality, a less than significant impact would occur from implementation of the Project. d. Less than Significant Impact Under existing conditions, the Project site contains no sources of artificial lighting. The Project would introduce new sources of lighting, including streetlights and security lighting. Subject to City review and approval, all Project lighting would be required to conform to regulations, guidelines, and standards established under LQMC Section 9.150.080, Parking Facility Design Standards, and LQMC Section 9.100.150, Outdoor Lighting, which ensures adequate lighting for public safety while also minimizing light pollution, glare, and public nuisances. Mandatory compliance with the City's Zoning Code would ensure that the Project would not introduce any permanent design features that would adversely affect day or nighttime views in the area. Impacts would be less than significant. 3.1.4 Mitigation No mitigation required. 3.1.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation Not applicable. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 17 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.2 Agriculture and Forestry Resources 3.2.1 Sources • Riverside Map My County, 2022. https://gisl.countyofriverside.us/Html5Viewer/?viewer=MMC Public. 3.2.2 Environmental Setting The Project site is presently vacant, and the ground surface is covered with scattered desert brush, weeds, and minor debris. The Project site has an existing ground surface elevation range from about 40 to 59 feet above mean sea level (AMSL). The Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program (FMMP) designates the Project site as Urban and Built -Up Land. 3.2.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact AGRICULTURAL AND FORESTRY RESOURCES: In determining whether impacts to agricultural resources are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to the California Agricultural Land Evaluation and Site Assessment Model (1997) prepared by the California Dept. of Conservation as an optional model to use in assessing impacts on agriculture and farmland. In determining whether impacts to forest resources, including timberland, are significant environmental effects, lead agencies may refer to information compiled by the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection regarding the state's inventory of forest land, including the Forest and Range Assessment Project and the Forest Legacy Assessment project; and forest carbon measurement methodology provided in Forest Protocols adopted by the California Air Resources Board. Would the Project: a) Convert Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland), as shown on the maps prepared pursuant to the Farmland Mapping and a Monitoring Program of the California Resources Agency, to non-agricultural use? b) Conflict with existing zoning for agricultural use, or a Williamson Act Contract? ❑ ❑ c) Conflict with existing zoning for, or cause rezoning of, forest land (as defined in Public Resources Code Section 12220(g)), timberland (as defined by Public Resources Code section 4526) or timberland zoned Timberland ❑ ❑ Production (as defined by Government Code Section 51104(g))? d) Result in the loss of forest land or conversion of forest land to non -forest use? e) Involve other changes in the existing environment which, due to their location or nature, could result in conversion of Farmland, to non-agricultural use or conversion of forest land to non -forest use? ❑ ❑ a-e. No Impact According to mapping information available from the California Department of Conservation's (CDC) Farmland Mapping and Monitoring Program (FMMP), the Project site is classified as Urban and Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 18 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Built -Up Land. Accordingly, the Project site does not contain any lands mapped by the FMMP as Prime Farmland, Unique Farmland, or Farmland of Statewide Importance (Farmland); therefore, the Project would not convert such Farmland to non-agricultural use. Furthermore, the Project site is not located within a Williamson Act contract. Lastly, the Project site is zoned for Medium/High Density Residential under existing conditions; therefore, the Project would not conflict with zoning for agricultural use or result in the loss of forest land or convert forest land or timberland to non -forest land. Therefore, no impacts would occur. 3.2.4 Mitigation No mitigation is required. 3.2.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation Not applicable. 3.3 Air Quality 3.3.1 Sources • MD Acoustics, Troutdale Village Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy Study, December 30, 2021 (Appendix A) 3.3.2 Environmental Setting The Project site is within the Salton Sea Air Basin (SSAB), which is under the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). The SCAQMD is one of the 35 air quality regulatory agencies in the State of California and all development within the SSAB is subject to SCAQMD's 2016 Air Quality Management Plan (2016 AQMP) and the 2003 Coachella Valley PM10 State Implementation Plan (2003 CV PM10 SIP). The SCAQMD operates and maintains regional air quality monitoring stations at numerous locations throughout its jurisdiction. The SCAQMD is divided into 38 air -monitoring areas with a designated ambient air monitoring station representative of each area. The Project site is located in the City of La Quinta within the County of Riverside in the Coachella Valley (Area 30). The nearest air monitoring station to the Project site is the Palm Springs — Fire Station (Palm Springs Station) approximately 18 miles northwest of the site. However, this location does not provide all ambient weather data. Therefore, additional data was pulled from the SCAQMD historical data for the Coachella Valley Area (Area 30) for both sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide to provide the existing levels The SSAB exceeds state and federal standards for fugitive dust (PM10) and ozone (03) and is in attainment/unclassified for PM2.5. Ambient air quality in the SSAB, including the Project site, does not exceed state and federal standards for carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxides, sulfur dioxide, lead, sulfates, hydrogen sulfide, or Vinyl Chloride. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 19 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.3.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact AIR QUALITY — Where available, the significance criteria established by the applicable air quality management or air pollution control district may be relied upon to make the following determinations. Would the project: a) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air quality plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ " b) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project region is non -attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard? ❑ ❑ ❑ " c) Expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations? ❑ ❑ ❑ =' d) Result in other emissions (such as those leading to odors) adversely affecting a substantial number of people? ❑ ❑ ❑ �� a. Less than Significant Impact The SCAQMD has established the AQMP to achieve State and Federal air quality standards. On June 30, 2016, the SCAQMD released its Draft 2016 AQMP. The Plan was approved by the California Environmental Protection Agency (CA EPA) on June 15, 2017. Therefore, the applicable air quality plan for the Project is the SCAQMD 2016 AQMP. The SCAQMD CEQA Handbook states that "New or amended General Plan Elements (including land use zoning and density amendments), Specific Plans, and significant projects must be analyzed for consistency with the AQMP." Strict consistency with all aspects of the plan is usually not required. A project should be considered to be consistent with the AQMP if it furthers one or more policies and does not obstruct other policies. The pollutant reducing mechanisms in the AQMP are based, in part, on urban growth projections estimated by the Southern California Associations of Government (SCAG). The SCAQMD CEQA Handbook identifies two key indicators of consistency: 1. Whether the project will result in an increase in the frequency or severity of existing air quality violations or cause or contribute to new violations or delay timely attainment of air quality standards or the interim emission reductions specified in the AQMP. 2. Whether the project will exceed the assumptions in the AQMP in 2016 or increments based on the year of project buildout and phase. Below, Criterion 1 and Criterion 2 are discussed. Criterion 1 - Increase in the Frequency or Severity of Violations? Based on the air quality modeling analysis contained in Appendix A, short-term regional construction air emissions would not result in significant impacts based on SCAQMD regional and local thresholds of significance. In addition, long-term operational impacts would not result in significant impacts based on the SCAQMD local and regional thresholds of significance shown in Tables 10 and 11 of Appendix A. Based on the information provided above, the proposed Project would be consistent with the first criterion. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 20 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Criterion 2 - Exceed Assumptions in the AQMP? Consistency with the AQMP assumptions is determined by performing an analysis of the proposed Project with the assumptions in the AQMP. The emphasis of this criterion is to ensure that the analyses conducted for the proposed Project are based on the same forecasts as the AQMP. The AQMP is developed through use of the planning forecasts provided in the Regional Transportation Plan/Sustainable Communities Strategy (RTP/SCS) and Federal Transportation Improvement Program (FTIP). The RTP/SCS is a major planning document for the regional transportation and land use network within Southern California. The RTP/SCS is a long-range plan that is required by federal and state requirements placed on SCAG and is updated every four years. The FTIP provides long-range planning for future transportation improvement projects that are constructed with state and/or federal funds within Southern California. Local governments are required to use these plans as the basis of their plans for the purpose of consistency with applicable regional plans under CEQA. For this Project, the City of La Quinta General Plan's Land Use Plan defines the long-range land use assumptions that are represented in AQMP. The Project has a current land use classification of Medium High Density Residential according to the City of La Quinta Official Zoning Map. The proposed Project is to develop the site with a 284-unit apartment complex on 14.03 acres for a density of approximately 20.2 dwelling units per acre. As the Medium High Density Residential Land Use allows for eight to twelve dwelling units per acre, the Project proposes a zone change to High Density Residential allowing for up to 16 dwelling units per acre. The additional units past the 16 dwelling units per acre are part of the Project's density bonus for providing affordable units. The Project would be seeking an amendment to the City's General Plan to account for the difference. With approval of the General Plan Amendment, the proposed Project would not result in an inconsistency with the land use designation in the City's General Plan. Therefore, the proposed Project is not anticipated to exceed the AQMP assumptions for the Project site and is found to be consistent with the AQMP for the second criterion. Based on the above, the proposed Project would not result in an inconsistency with the SCAQMD AQMP. Therefore, a less -than -significant impact would occur in relation to implementation of the AQMP. b. Less than Significant Impact The proposed Project would not result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the Project region is non -attainment under an applicable Federal or State ambient air quality standard. Construction Emissions The Project was analyzed to be operational in 2023; therefore, construction is estimated to start no sooner than the first quarter of 2022 and be completed by 2023. The phases of the construction activities which have been analyzed below are: 1) site preparation, 2) grading, 3) building, 4) paving, and 5) architectural coating. For details on construction modeling and construction equipment for each phase, refer to Appendix A. Construction -Related Regional Impacts The latest version of the CaIEEMod model was used to estimate the on -site and off -site construction emissions. The worst -case summer or winter daily construction -related criteria pollutant emissions from the proposed Project for each phase of construction activities are shown below in Table 2. Since it is possible that building construction, paving, and architectural coating activities may occur concurrently towards the end of the building construction phase, Table 2 also shows the combined regional criteria pollutant emissions from building construction, paving, and architectural coating phases of construction. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 21 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Table 2 Construction -Related Regional Criteria Pollutant Emissions5 Activity Pollutant Emissions (pounds/day) VOC NOx CO SOz PM10 PM2.5 Site Preparation On-Site2 3.17 33.08 19.70 0.04 9.28 5.42 Off-Site3 0.06 0.04 0.56 0.00 0.15 0.04 Total 3.23 33.12 20.26 0.04 9.43 5.46 Grading On-Site2 3.62 38.84 29.04 0.06 5.22 2.93 Off-Site3 0.07 0.04 0.62 0.00 0.17 0.05 Total 3.69 38.89 29.66 0.06 5.39 2.97 Building Construction On-Site2 1.71 15.62 16.36 0.03 0.81 0.76 Off-Site3 1.55 5.06 14.23 0.05 4.06 1.14 Total 3.26 20.68 30.60 0.07 4.87 1.90 Paving On-Site2 1.51 10.19 14.58 0.02 0.51 0.47 Off-Site3 0.05 0.03 0.43 0.00 0.13 0.03 Total 1.56 10.22 15.01 0.02 0.64 0.50 Architectural Coating On-Site2 63.31 1.30 1.81 0.00 0.07 0.07 Off-Site3 0.26 0.15 2.34 0.01 0.69 0.19 Total 63.56 1.46 4.16 0.01 0.76 0.26 Total of Overlapping Phase? 10.16 28.22 35.85 0.06 2.36 1.57 SCAQMD Thresholds 75 100 550 150 150 55 Exceeds Thresholds No No No No No No Notes: 1 Source: CaIEEMod Version 2020.4.0 2 On -site emissions from equipment operated on -site that is not operated on public roads. 3 Off -site emissions from equipment operated on public roads. ° Construction, architectural coatings, and paving phases may overlap. 5 The impacts from Construction related Emissions are fully mitigated. Table 2, Error! Reference source not found. shows that none of the analyzed criteria pollutants would exceed the regional emissions thresholds during either site preparation, grading, building construction, architectural coating, or the combined building construction, paving, and architectural coatings phases. Therefore, a less than significant regional air quality impact would occur from construction of the proposed Project. Operational Emissions Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 22 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION The on -going operation of the proposed Project would result in a long-term increase in air quality emissions. This increase would be due to emissions from the Project -generated vehicle trips and onsite area source emissions from the on -going use of the proposed Project. Operations -Related Regional Criteria Pollutant Analysis The operations -related regional criteria air quality impacts created by the proposed Project have been analyzed through use of the latest CaIEEMod model and the input parameters utilized in this analysis have been detailed in Section 6.2.1 of Appendix A. The worst -case summer or winter volatile organic compounds (VOC, NOx, CO, SO2, PM10, and PM2.5) daily emissions created from the proposed Project's long-term operations have been calculated and are summarized below in Table 3. Table 3 Operational Regional Criteria Pollutant Emissions5 Activity Pollutant Emissions (pounds/day)1 VOC NOx CO SO2 PM10 PM2.5 Area Sources2 6.39 0.27 23.49 0.00 0.13 0.13 Energy Usage' 0.13 1.08 0.46 0.01 0.09 0.09 Mobile Sources4 4.67 5.57 37.99 0.08 7.97 2.17 Total Emissions 11.19 6.92 61.94 0.09 8.19 2.39 SCAQMD Thresholds 55 55 550 150 150 55 Exceeds Threshold? No No No No No No Notes: 1 Source: CaIEEMod Version 2020.4.0 'Area sources consist of emissions from consumer products, architectural coatings, and landscaping equipment. 3 Energy usage consists of emissions from on -site natural gas usage. 4 Mobile sources consist of emissions from vehicles and road dust. 5 Impacts are fully mitigated from Operational emissions. The data provided in Table 3 shows that none of the analyzed criteria pollutants would exceed the regional emissions thresholds. Therefore, a less than significant regional air quality impact would occur from operation of the proposed Project. Cumulative Impacts Cumulative projects include local development as well as general growth within the Project area. However, as with most development, the greatest source of emissions is from mobile sources, which travel well out of the local area. Therefore, from an air quality standpoint, the cumulative analysis would extend beyond any local projects and when wind patterns are considered, would cover an even larger area. Accordingly, the cumulative analysis for the Project's air quality must be generic by nature. The Project area is out of attainment for both ozone and PM10 particulate matter. Construction and operation of cumulative projects will further degrade the local air quality, as well as the air quality of the Salton Sea Air Basin. The greatest cumulative impact on the quality of regional air cell will be the incremental addition of pollutants mainly from increased traffic from residential, commercial, and industrial development along with the use of heavy equipment and trucks associated with the construction of these projects. Air quality will be temporarily degraded during construction activities that occur separately or 'The project site is approximately 0.28 miles in length at its longest point; therefore the on -site mobile source emissions represent approximately 1/25th of the shortest CaIEEMod default distance of 6.9 miles. Therefore, to be conservative, 1/10th the distance (dividing the mobile source emissions by 10) was used to represent the portion of the overall mobile source emissions that would occur on -site. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 23 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION simultaneously. However, in accordance with the SCAQMD methodology, projects that do not exceed the SCAQMD criteria or can be mitigated to less than criteria levels are not significant and do not add to the overall cumulative impact. The Project does not exceed any of the thresholds of significance and therefore is considered less than significant. c. Less than Significant Impact Construction -Related Local Impacts Construction -related air emissions may have the potential to exceed the State and Federal air quality standards in the Project vicinity, even though these pollutant emissions may not be significant enough to create a regional impact to the Salton Sea portion of the South Coast Air Basin. The proposed Project has been analyzed for the potential local air quality impacts created from construction -related fugitive dust, diesel emissions, toxic air contaminants, and construction -related odor impacts. The emission thresholds were calculated based on the Coachella Valley, source receptor area (SRA) 30, and a disturbance value of four acres per day (see Table 4). The nearest sensitive receptors are the existing dwelling units located adjacent to the north of the Project boundary; therefore, for conservative purposes, the SCAQMD Look -up Tables for 25 meters was used. As shown in Table 5, none of the analyzed criteria pollutants would exceed the calculated local emissions thresholds at the nearest sensitive receptors. Therefore, there would be a less -than -significant impact. Table 4 Maximum Number of Acres Disturbed Per Day Activity Equipment Number Acres/8hr-day Total Acres Site Preparation Rubber Tired Dozers 3 0.5 1.5 Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 4 0.5 2.0 Total Per Phase 3.5 Grading Excavators 2 0.5 1.0 Graders 1 0.5 0.5 Rubber Tired Dozers 1 0.5 0.5 Scrapers 2 0.5 1.0 Tractors/Loaders/Backhoes 2 0.5 1.0 Total Per Phase 4.0 Notes: 1. Source: CaIEEMod output and South Coast AQMD, Fact Sheet for Applying CaIEEMod to Localized Significance Thresholds. http://www.agmd.gov/dots/default-source/cega/handbook/localized-significance-thresholds/caleemod-guidance.pdf?sfvrsn=2 Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 24 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Table 5 Local Construction Emissions at the Nearest Receptors Phase On -Site Pollutant Emissions (pounds/day)1 NOx CO PM10 PM2.5 Site Preparation 33.08 19.70 9.28 5.42 Grading 38.84 29.04 5.22 2.93 Building Construction 15.62 16.36 0.81 0.76 Paving 10.19 14.58 0.51 0.47 Architectural Coating 1.30 1.81 0.07 0.07 Total of Overlapping Phases 27.11 32.76 1.39 1.30 SCAQMD Threshold for 25 meters (82 feet) or less2 266 1,961 11.7 6.3 Notes: 'Source: Calculated from CalEEMod and SCAQMD's Mass Rate Look -up Tables for four acres in Coachella Valley Source Receptor Area (SRA 30). Project will disturb a maximum of 4.0 acres per day (see Table 7). 'The nearest sensitive receptor is located adjacent to the north; therefore, the 25-meter threshold has been used. Operations -Related Local Impacts Project -related air emissions may have the potential to exceed the State and Federal air quality standards in the Project vicinity, even though these pollutant emissions may not be significant enough to create a regional impact to the SSAB. The Project has been analyzed for the potential local CO emissions impacts from Project -generated vehicular trips and from the potential local air quality impacts from on -site operations. The following analyzes the vehicular CO emissions and local impacts from on -site operations. Local CO Hotspot Impacts from Project -Generated Vehicular Trips CO is the pollutant of major concern along roadways because the most notable source of CO is motor vehicles. For this reason, CO concentrations are usually indicative of the local air quality generated by a roadway network and are used as an indicator of potential local air quality impacts. Local air quality impacts can be assessed by comparing the future without and with project CO levels to the state and federal CO standards of 20 parts per million (PPM) over one hour or 9 ppm over eight hours. According to the Project's traffic report prepared by IEG (Appendix E), the Project would generate 1,684 average daily trips. The 1992 Federal Attainment Plan for Carbon Monoxide (1992 CO Plan) showed that an intersection which has a daily traffic volume of approximately 100,000 vehicles per day would not violate the CO standard. The volume of traffic at Project buildout would be well below 100,000 vehicles and below the necessary volume to even get close to causing a violation of the CO standard. Therefore, no CO "hot spot" modeling was performed and no significant long-term air quality impact is anticipated to local air quality with the on -going use of the proposed Project. Local Air Quality Impacts from Onsite Operations Table 6, Local Operational Emissions at the Nearest Receptors, shows the calculated emissions for the proposed operational activities compared with the appropriate Localized Significance Thresholds (LSTs). The LST analysis only includes on -site sources; however, the CaIEEMod software outputs do not separate on -site and off -site emissions for mobile sources. For a worst -care scenario assessment, the emissions shown in Table 6 include all on -site Project -related stationary sources and 10% of the Project -related new mobile sources. This percentage is an estimate of the amount of Project -related new vehicle traffic that would occur on -site. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 25 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Table 6 Local Operational Emissions at the Nearest Receptors On -Site Emission Source On -Site Pollutant Emissions (pounds/day)1 NOx CO PM10 PM2.5 Area Sources2 0.27 23.49 0.13 0.13 Energy Usage3 1.08 0.46 0.09 0.09 On -Site Vehicle Emissions4 0.56 3.80 0.80 0.22 Total Emissions 1.91 27.75 1.01 0.43 SCAQMD Threshold for 25 meters (82 feet)5 266 1,961 3.3 1.7 Exceeds Threshold? No No No No Notes: 'Source: Calculated from CaIEEMod and SCAQMD's Mass Rate Look -up Tables for four acres in Coachella Valley Source Receptor Area (SRA 30). 2Area sources consist of emissions from consumer products, architectural coatings, and landscaping equipment 'Energy usage consists of emissions from generation of electricity and on -site natural gas usage 40n-site vehicular emissions based on 1/10 of the gross vehicular emissions and road dust 'The nearest sensitive receptor is located adjacent to the north; therefore, the 25 meter threshold has been used The data provided in Table 6 shows that the on -going operations of the proposed Project would not exceed the local NOx, CO, PM10, and PM2.5 thresholds of significance. Therefore, the on -going operations of the proposed Project would create a less -than -significant operations -related impact to local air quality due to on -site emissions. In conclusion, the Project would not expose sensitive receptors to substantial pollutant concentrations and impacts would be less than significant. d. Less than Significant Impact Potential sources that may emit odors during construction activities include the application of materials such as asphalt pavement. The objectionable odors that may be produced during the construction process are of short-term in nature and the odor emissions are expected to cease upon the drying or hardening of the odor producing materials. Diesel exhaust and VOCs would be emitted during construction of the Project, which are objectionable to some; however, emissions would disperse rapidly from the project site and therefore should not reach an objectionable level at the nearest sensitive receptors. Due to the short-term nature and limited amounts of odor producing materials being utilized, no significant impact related to odors would occur during construction of the proposed Project. The SCAQMD recommends that odor impacts be addressed in a qualitative manner. An analysis shall determine whether the Project would result in excessive nuisance odors, as defined under the California Code of Regulations and Section 41700 of the California Health and Safety Code, and thus would constitute a public nuisance related to air quality. Potential sources that may emit odors during the on -going operations of the proposed Project would include odor emissions from vehicle emissions. Due to the distance of the nearest receptors from the Project site and through compliance with SCAQMD's Rule 402, no significant impact related to odors would occur during the on -going operations of the proposed Project. 3.3.4 Mitigation No mitigation is required. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 26 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.3.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation Not applicable. 3.4 Biological Resources 3.4.1 Sources • ELMT Consulting, Biological Resources Report for the Troutdale Village Project Located in the City of La Quinta, Riverside County, California, December 5, 2021 (Appendix B) 3.4.2 Environmental Setting The City offers unique natural habitats to a range of plants and wildlife due to its climate and natural topography. The City recognizes the value of the wildlands and wildlife and has carefully planned to protect, preserve, and enhance the region's valuable biological resources. The City is located within the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Conservation Plan (CVMSHP). This is a regional plan that is implemented throughout the Coachella Valley in an effort to comply with Federal and State endangered species laws. A literature review and records search for the site was conducted by ELMT Consulting. The literature search identified 16 special -status plant species, 23 special -status wildlife species, and one special -status plant community as having potential to occur within the City of La Quinta quadrangle. ELMT also conducted a field survey of the site on November 3, 2021. The Project site is located at an approximate elevation of 42 to 59 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) and slopes generally from northeast to southwest. The Project site supports one plant community, alkali scrub, and one land cover type that would be classified as disturbed. No special -status plants were observed on the Project site during the field investigation. No fish, amphibians, or hydrogeomorphic features that would provide suitable habitat for fish or amphibians were observed on or within the vicinity of the Project site. The Project site provides suitable foraging and cover habitat for reptilian species adapted to routine human disturbance and desert environments. The only reptilian species observed during the field investigation were Great Basin whiptail (Aspidoscelis tigris tigris) and western side -blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana elegans). The Project site provides suitable foraging and nesting habitat for avian species adapted to routine human disturbance and desert environments. Bird species detected during the field investigation include mourning dove (Zenaida macroura), common raven (Corvus corax), great -tailed grackle (Quiscalus mexicanus), white -crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys), northern mockingbird (Mimus polyglottos), American kestrel (Falco sparverius), and rock pigeon (Columba liva), and verdin (Auriparus flaviceps). The Project site provides suitable foraging and denning habitat for mammalian species adapted to routine human disturbance and desert environments. However, most mammal species are nocturnal and are difficult to observe during a diurnal field visit. Mammals detected and/or signs observed during the field investigation include desert cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii), and coyote (Canis latrans). No active nests or birds displaying nesting behavior were observed during the field survey, which was conducted outside of the breeding season. Although subjected to routine disturbance, the ornamental vegetation found on -site has the potential to provide suitable nesting habitat for year-round and seasonal avian residents, as well as migrating songbirds that could occur in the area that area adapted to urban environments. No raptors are expected to nest on -site due to lack of suitable nesting opportunities. Lastly, the Project site is not located within a federally designated Critical Habitat. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 27 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.4.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES — Would the project: a) Have a substantial adverse effect, either directly or through habitat modifications, on any species identified as a candidate, sensitive or special status species in local or regional plans, policies, or regulations, or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? ❑ ❑ " b) Have a substantial adverse effect on any riparian habitat or other sensitive natural community identified in local or regional plans, policies, regulations or by the California Department of Fish and Game or U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service? c) Have a substantial adverse effect on federally protected wetlands as defined by Section 404 of the Clean Water Act (including, but not limited to, marsh, vernal pool, coastal, etc.) through direct removal, filling, hydrological interruption, or other means? ❑ ❑ ❑ a d) Interfere substantially with the movement of any native resident or migratory fish or wildlife species or with established native resident or migratory wildlife corridors, or impede the use of native wildlife nursery sites? ❑ ❑ ❑ �� e) Conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance? ❑ ❑ ❑ a f) Conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ -' a. Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated According to the City's General Plan, the Project site is located within the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (CVMSHCP), which aims to conserve over 240,000 acres of open space and protect 27 plant and animal species. Special -Status Vegetation Communities & Critical Habitat Analysis According to the field survey conducted by ELMT Consulting on November 3, 2021, the Project site supports one plant community: alkali scrub, which is dominated by hoary saltbush (Atriplex canescens) and is indicative of native bush scrub communities that have been devegetated and allowed to revegetate naturally. Common plant species observed in this plant community include cattle spinach (Atriplex polycarpa), barbwire Russian thistle (Salsola paulsenii), burrobrush (Ambrosia salsola), Mediterranean grass (Schismus barbatus), puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris), narrow leaved cryptantha (Cryptantha angustifolia), fanleaf crinklemat (Tiquilia plicata), blue palo verde (Parkinsonia florida), creosote (Larrea tridentata), and honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa). The Project site supports disturbed areas throughout the Project associated with formerly graded areas, unofficial walkways, and recreational vehicle trails, within utility easements along the western and southern boundaries. These areas can be Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 28 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION unvegetated or vegetated with a limited variety of hardy native and non-native plant species such as Mediterranean grass, barbwire Russian thistle, and puncture vine. In addition, the northern boundary of the Project site supports disturbed land where ornamental vegetation has invaded the site from adjacent residential developments. Based on observations made during the field survey, the Project would not impact any special -status vegetation community. According to literature review, one special -status plant community was identified as having potential to occur within the La Quinta quadrangle: Desert Fan Palm Oasis Woodland. However, based on the results of the field survey above, this and no other special -status plant community was observed on -site; therefore, no special -status plant community would be impacted by Project implementation. The Project site is also not located within a federally designated Critical Habitat. The nearest designated Critical Habitat to the site is located approximately 1.55 miles to the west for Peninsular bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni). Therefore, the Project would not cause loss or adverse modification of a Critical Habitat and impacts would be less than significant. Special -Status Plant Species Analysis According to literature review, 16 special -status plant species were identified as having potential to occur within the La Quinta quadrangle. Species determined to have a potential to occur within the general vicinity of the site are presented in Table D-1 of Appendix B. No special -status plants were observed on the Project site during the field survey conducted on November 3, 2021. Based on habitat requirements for specific species, the availability and quality of on -site habitats, and the isolation of the site and adjacent open space from nearby habitats, it was determined that the Project site does not have potential to support any of the special -status plant species known to occur in the vicinity of the site and all are presumed to be absent. In addition, the Project site is located outside of the known elevation ranges for the majority of the special -status plant species known to occur in the area. Therefore, Project impacts to special -status plant species would be less than significant. Special -Status Wildlife Species Analysis According to literature review, 23 special -status wildlife species were identified as having potential to occur within the La Quinta quadrangle. Species determined to have a potential to occur within the general vicinity of the site are presented in Table D-1 of Appendix 8. No special -status wildlife species were observed on -site during the field investigation. Based on habitat requirements for specific species and the availability and quality of on -site habitats, it was determined that the Project site has a moderate potential to support prairie falcon (Falco mexicanus) and black -tailed gnatcatcher (Polioptila melaneura). It was further determined that all other special -status wildlife species known to occur in the vicinity of the site do not have potential to occur and are presumed to be absent. None of the special -status wildlife species are state or federally listed as threatened or endangered. In order to ensure impacts to these avian species do not occur from implementation of the Project, a pre - construction nesting bird clearance survey shall be conducted prior to ground disturbance as described in Mitigation Measure (MM) 610-1, below. With implementation of MM BIO-1, impacts to special -status avian species would be less than significant. The Project site provides suitable foraging and cover habitat for species adapted to routine human disturbance and desert environments that are not special -status species. In conclusion, impacts to reptiles, birds, or mammals would be less than significant. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 29 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION No active nests or birds displaying nesting behavior were observed during the field survey, which was conducted outside of the breeding season. Although subjected to routine disturbance, the ornamental vegetation found on -site has the potential to provide suitable nesting habitat for year-round and seasonal avian residents, as well as migrating songbirds that could occur in the area that area adapted to urban environments. However, with implementation of MM BIO-1, impacts to migrating songbirds would be less than significant. No raptors are expected to nest on -site due to lack of suitable nesting opportunities. b/c. No Impact No jurisdictional drainage and/or wetland features were observed on the Project site during the field survey. It should be noted that a flood control channel occurs outside of the proposed limits of disturbances, east of the Project site; however, Project activities are not expected to encroach into this channel. Furthermore, no blueline streams have been recorded on the Project site and there is no evidence that the Project contained any streams, riparian habitat, marshes, protected wetlands, vernal pools or sensitive natural communities that would be protected by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) or by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Therefore, no impact would occur. d. Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated The Project site has not been identified as occurring in a wildlife corridor or linkage. The site has limited adjacent open space and available open space is entirely surrounded by existing development, limiting its connectivity to surrounding habitats. In addition, there are no riparian corridors, creeks, or useful patches of steppingstone habitat (natural areas) within or connecting the site to a recognized wildlife corridor or linkage. As such, implementation of the proposed Project is not expected to impact wildlife movement opportunities. Therefore, impacts to wildlife corridors or linkages are not expected to occur. e. No Impact The City has not adopted any ordinances regarding tree preservation. As observed during the field survey, the Project site mainly consists of small and medium size shrubs. No trees are located on the Project site under existing conditions. Therefore, the Project would not conflict with any local policies or ordinances protecting biological resources, such as a tree preservation policy or ordinance and no impact would occur. f. Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated The Project site is located within the boundaries of CVMSHCP but is not located within any conservation areas. The Project would be subject to payment of the Development Mitigation fee per Chapter 3.34, Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan/Natural Community Conservation Plan Mitigation Fee, as described as MM BIO-2. The fee would mitigate potential impacts to covered species within the CVMSHCP. Although the site is located within the CVMSHCP boundary, as mentioned in Section 2.4.3 (a), the Project site is not located within a biological sensitive or any conservation areas. Because the Project is not located within a conservation area and would implement MM BIO-2, the Project would not conflict with the provisions of an adopted Habitat Conservation Plan, Natural Community Conservation Plan, or other approved local, regional, or state habitat conservation plan. 3.4.4 Mitigation BIO-1 If unavoidable, Project construction activities must begin during the nesting bird season (February 1st through August 31st), a pre -construction nesting bird survey shall be conducted no more than 14 days prior to initiation of ground disturbance and vegetation removal activities. The nesting pre - construction bird survey shall be conducted by a biologist familiar with identification of avian species known to occur in Riverside County. The nesting bird survey shall be conducted on foot inside the project boundary, including a 300-foot buffer for passerines (songbirds) and 500-foot buffer for raptors Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 30 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION in areas of suitable habitat. Inaccessible areas will be surveyed using binoculars to the extent practical. If nests are found, an avoidance buffer (dependent upon species, the proposed work activity, the existing disturbances associated with land uses outside of the site) shall be determined and demarcated by the biologist with bright orange construction fencing, flagging, construction lathe, or other means to mark the boundary. If a raptor nest is observed in a tree proposed for removal, the applicant must consult with CDFW. All construction personnel shall be notified of the existence of the buffer zone and avoid entering the buffer zone during nesting season. No ground disturbing activities shall occur within this buffer area until the avian biologist has confirmed the breeding/nesting is completed and the young have fledged. Encroachment into the buffer shall occur only at the discretion of the qualified biologist. BIO-2 The Applicant shall pay the CVMSHCP Local Development Mitigation Fee prior to building permit issuance. 3.4.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation With implementation of MM BIO-1 and BIO-2, impacts on biological resources would be less than significant. 3.5 Cultural Resources 3.5.1 Sources • PaleoWest, Cultural Resource Investigation in Support of the Troutdale Village Project, April 25, 2022. (Appendix C) 3.5.2 Environmental Setting The Project area is situated east of the Peninsular Ranges in the southern extent of the Coachella Valley at the western edge of the Colorado Desert. The Coachella Valley is bordered by the San Jacinto and Santa Rosa mountains (part of the Peninsular Ranges) to the southwest and by the low, rolling Indio and Mecca hills to the northeast. From the steep slopes of the San Jacinto Mountains, the desert floor descends suddenly at less than 3 kilometers (2 miles) eastward to sea level in the city of Indio, where the Project area is located. A cultural resources survey of the Project area was conducted by PaleoWest on December 15, 2021. The Project site is a vacant, relatively flat parcel that is bounded on the west and south sides by Washington Street and Avenue 50, respectively. The east side of the property abuts a dry storm drain channel. Surficial deposits across the Project area have been disturbed by mechanical and natural processes with modern grading on the western side and undulating dunes on the eastern side. The soils on the western half are not native but a mixture of gravel, construction refuse, modern refuse, and road base from Washington Street and Avenue 50. The soils on the eastern half are native, eolian dune sands with a low density of cobbles. Vegetation within the Project area consists of salt bush (low lying shrubs), patches of mesquite, and bunch grasses. Modern trash was noted throughout the Project area. The landform of the dunes is active with sands migrating around the parcel during wind events. The dunes appear to have been subject to erosion over the years and show signs of deflation. There is evidence of a recent surface brush fire with burned vegetation observed on the ground surface. A transmission line of unknown age was also noted running west -east along the southern extent of the Project area. Although the age of the line Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 31 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION is not known, a review of aerial imagery indicates that it was not present before 1972 and as such, is likely modern in age. No new cultural resources were observed. However, cultural materials associated with the previously recorded archaeological sites of 33-001180 and 33-008226 were identified in the Project area. 3.5.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact CULTURAL RESOURCES — Would the project: a) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a historical resource as defined in § 15064.5? ❑ ❑ ❑ �� b) Cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an archaeological resource pursuant to § 15064.5? ❑ ❑ ❑ " c) Disturb any human remains, including those interred outside of formal cemeteries? ❑ ❑ ❑ " a/b. Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated On February 4, 2022, a literature review and records search was conducted at the Eastern Information Center. The records search indicated that 117 cultural resources were previously documented within a one -mile radius of the Project area. Two of the prehistoric archaeological sites, 33-001180 (CA-RIV-1180) and 33-008226 (CA-RIV-6074), were previously documented within the Project area. Site 33-001180 was originally recorded in 1972 as a moderate to heavy surface scatter of prehistoric artifacts in an area of deflating dunes. The site record has been updated over the years to include flaked and ground stone, ceramics, and shell artifacts, as well as fire affected rock (FAR), animal bone, and charcoal. Site 33-001180 is reported to measure 76 by 46 m and is intersected by Avenue 50 and a storm drain channel. Although most of the cultural remains associated with 33-001180 appear to lie east of the storm drain channel and south of Avenue 50, a survey conducted by Parr (1985) noted several concentrations of flaked and ground stone artifacts and modified animal bone immediately north of Avenue 50 in the current Project area. The site likely represents the remains of a habitation locale. Site 33-008226 was recorded in 1998 as a prehistoric habitation site composed of six loci. The site measured 115 by 80 meters and lies within a sandy dune area with creosote brushes and mesquite. The cultural constituents identified within the site include flaked and ground stone, ceramic artifacts, FAR, animal bone and hardened clay. The mapped boundary of Site 33-008226 overlaps with the previously defined boundary of Site 33-001180. During the field survey on December 15, 2021, PaleoWest identified the two previously recorded prehistoric archaeological sites, 33-001180 and 33-008226, in the northeast portion of the Project area. The mapped boundary of Site 33-008226 largely overlaps with Site 33-001180. Therefore, PaleoWest has combined these sites into one resource, herein referred to as 33-1001180 The State of California Department of Parks and Recreation records for both 33-001180 and 33-008226 were updated to note that the two resources have been consolidated. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 32 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION PaleoWest also conducted a Phase II investigation at Site 33-001180 to assess the presence/absence of buried cultural deposits in the Project area. The results of the Phase II investigation indicated that cultural deposits in the Project site are extremely sparse and are limited to the upper 20-30 cm of sediments. The absence of intact features suggests that the area has been extensively disturbed and that any thermal features or structures that were once present in the area have been destroyed. Based on these findings, PaleoWest concluded that the Project area does not contribute to the overall eligibility of the site for listing on the California Register of Historical Resources. Furthermore, the data potential of the prehistoric cultural deposits appears to have been realized fully during the Phase II investigations. PaleoWest recommends a finding of no impact to historical or archaeological resources under CEQA. However, due to the sensitivity of the area, PaleoWest recommends that an archaeological monitor be present to observe ground -disturbing construction activities in the Project area, as described in Mitigation Measure CUL-1. With implementation of Mitigation Measure CUL-1, impacts to historical and/or archaeological resources would be less than significant. c. Less than Significant Impact with Mitigation Incorporated The Project site is vacant, undeveloped, and does not contain any cemeteries or human remains under existing conditions. However, there is always the possibility that human remains could be uncovered during ground disturbing activities. In the unexpected event that human remains are found during ground disturbing activities, those remains would require proper treatment in accordance with all applicable laws. Through the implementation of Mitigation Measure CUL-2, all construction work taking place within the vicinity of the discovered remains must cease and the necessary steps to ensure the integrity of the immediate area must be taken. The State of California Health and Safety Code 7050.5 and the California Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 5097.98 states that the County Coroner must be notified within 24 hours of the discovered human remains. If the remains discovered are determined by the coroner to be of Native American descent, the coroner shall contact the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) within 24 hours. The NAHC would, in turn, contact the Most Likely Descendant (MLD) who would determine further action to be taken. The MLD would have 48 hours to access the site and make a recommendation regarding disposition of the remains. Therefore, with incorporation of Mitigation Measure CUL-2, impacts would be less than significant. 3.5.4 Mitigation CUL-1 CUL-2 A qualified archaeologist monitor shall be present during any ground disturbing activities during the project construction phase. In the case that archaeological materials are encountered during ground disturbing activities, work in the area shall cease and any deposits shall be treated according to Federal, State, and local guidelines. No further grading is permitted in the area of the discovery until the City approves the appropriate measure to protect the discovered resources. In the event that human remains are uncovered during ground disturbing activities on the project site, no further disturbance shall occur and all work shall cease until the County Coroner has made a determination of the origin and disposition of the remains. Ground disturbing activities and excavations shall not resume until the following has been addressed: 1. The County Coroner has been contacted and determined that no investigation to the cause of death is required, and 2. If the County Coroner determines that the remains are of Native American decent, the Coroner must notify Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), which will then determine the Most Likely Descendant (MLD). The MLD shall complete the inspection of the site within 48 Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 33 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION hours of notification and may recommend means of treating or disposing of, with appropriate dignity, the human remains, and any associated grave goods as provided in Public Resource Code Section 5097.98. 3.5.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation With the incorporation of Mitigation Measures CUL-1 and CUL-2, impacts to cultural resources would be reduced to less than significant. 3.6 Energy 3.6.1 Sources • MD Acoustics, Troutdale Village Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy Study, December 30, 2021 (Appendix A) • California Energy Commission, 2019 Building Energy Efficient Standards for Residential and Nonresidential Buildings, December 2018 https://www.energy.ca.gov/sites/default/files/2021-06/CEC-400-2018-020-CMF 0.pdf • Imperial Irrigation District, Troutdale Village Residential Apartment Project in La Quinta, CA, February 21, 2023. 3.6.2 Environmental Setting Electricity Imperial Irrigation District (IID) provides electricity to the City of La Quinta, including the Project site. Electricity is delivered to IID's substations throughout the City at 92 or 161 kilovolts, and decreased to 12 kilovolts for distribution to its customers. Natural Gas Natural gas for the Project site is provided by the Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas). Natural gas supplies are transported from Texas to the Coachella Valley through three east -west trending transmission lines, which cross the Valley near and parallel to Interstate-10 and continues west to Los Angeles. The pipelines include one 30-inch line and two 24-inch lines, with pressures of 2,000 pounds per square inch (PSI). 3.6.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact Energy — Would the project: a) Result in potentially significant environmental impact due to wasteful, inefficient, or unnecessary consumption of energy resources, during project construction or operation? ❑ %Q b) Conflict with or obstruct a state or local plan for renewable energy or energy efficiency? ❑ Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 34 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION a. Less than Significant Impact Energy Use During Construction The Project's construction process would consume electricity and fuel. Project -related construction activities would represent a "single -event" demand and would not require on -going or permanent commitment of energy resources. The amount of energy and fuel use anticipated by the Project's construction activities are typical for the type of scale of construction proposed by the Project and there are no aspects of the Project's proposed construction process that are unusual or energy intensive. Furthermore, construction equipment would be required to conform to the applicable CARB emissions standards, acting to promote equipment fuel efficiencies. Based on the foregoing, the Project's construction energy consumption would not be considered inefficient, wasteful, or otherwise unnecessary. Impacts during Project construction would be less than significant. Energy Use During Operation Building operations associated with the Project would result in the consumption of natural gas and electricity. The Project provides 284 dwelling units, which are not inherently energy intensive, and the Project energy demands in total would be comparable to, or less than, other apartment homes of similar scale. A letter from IID dated February 21,2023, stated the district would extend its electrical facilities to serve the Project by upgrading the Marshall Substation Bank 2 from 25 MVA to a 40/50 MVA, adding or reconfiguring distribution backbone line extensions, and adding new distribution feeders to the existing Marshall Station that would extend to the Project. Furthermore, the Project would be required to comply with Title 24 standards, which would ensure that the Project's energy demand would not be considered inefficient, wasteful, or otherwise unnecessary. Impacts during Project operation would be less than significant. b. Less than Significant Impact The Project's proposed 284 apartment homes would be required to comply with the City's Municipal Code, Zoning Ordinance, and other standards including the City's Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan provisions. Therefore, the Project would have no impact on plans for energy efficiency. 3.6.4 Mitigation No mitigation is required. 3.6.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation Not applicable. 3.7 Geology and Soils 3.7.1 Sources • Riverside Map My County, 2022. https://gisl.countyofriverside.us/Html5Viewer/?viewer=MMC Public • City of La Quinta General Plan, February 19, 2013. • Draft Environmental Impact Report (SCH #2010111094) for the City of La Quinta General Plan, July 2012. https://www.laguintaca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/15858/635338594527270000 Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 35 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.7.2 Environmental Setting The Project site is located in the Coachella Valley portion of the Salton Trough physiographic province and is a geologic, structural depression resulting from large scale regional faulting. The trough is bounded by the San Andreas fault and Chocolate Mountains on the northeast and the Peninsular Range and faults of the San Jacinto Fault Zone on the southwest. The Salton Trough represents the northward extension of the Gulf of California, containing both marine and non -marine sediments since the Miocene Epoch. Tectonic activity that formed the trough continues at a high rate as evidenced by deformed young sedimentary deposits and high levels of seismicity. The surrounding regional geology includes the Peninsular Ranges (Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains) to the south and west, the Salton Sea Basin to the southeast, and the Transverse Ranges (Little San Bernardino and Orocopia Mountains) to the north and east. Hundreds of feet to several thousand feet of Quaternary fluvial, lacustrine, and Aeolian soil deposits underlie the Coachella Valley. The southeastern part of the Coachella Valley lies below sea level. In the past, the ancient Lake Cahuilla submerged the area. Calcareous tufa deposits may be observed along the ancient shoreline as high as an elevation of 45 to 50 feet above mean sea level (AMSL) along the Santa Rosa Mountains from La Quinta southward. Lacustrine (lake bed) deposits comprise the subsurface soils over much of the eastern Coachella Valley with alluvial outwash along the flanks of the valley. The Project site is located in Southern California, which is a seismically active area. The type and magnitude of seismic hazards affecting the site are dependent on the distance of causative faults, the intensity, and the magnitude of the seismic event. Existing ground surface elevations range from 40 to 59 feet AMSL. 3.7.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact GEOLOGY AND SOILS — Would the project: a) Directly or indirectly cause potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving: i) Rupture of a known fault, as delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other substantial evidence of a known fault? Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Special Publication 42. ii) Strong seismic ground shaking? a iii) Seismic -related ground failure, including liquefaction? ❑ iv) Landslides? 17 b) Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil? c) Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project, and potentially result in on- or off -site landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence, liquefaction, or collapse? ❑ Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 36 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact d) Be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial risks to life or property? e) Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative waste water disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of waste water? ❑ ❑ ❑ f) Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature? ❑ ❑ ❑ " a-i. No Impact There are no known active faults crossing or projecting through the Project site. The Project site is not located within an Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zone, or within a fault zone identified by the County of Riverside GIS data. Therefore, ground rupture due to faulting is considered unlikely at this site. No impact would occur. a-ii. Less than Significant The Project site is located in a seismically active area of Southern California and is expected to experience moderate to severe ground shaking during the lifetime of the Project. This risk is not considered substantially different than that of other similar properties in the southern California area. As a mandatory condition of Project approval, the Project would be required to construct the proposed buildings in accordance with the California Building Code (CBC), also known as California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 24, Part 2, and the City of La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC), which is based on the CBC with local amendments. The CBC and LQMC (Chapter 8.02) provide standards that must be met to safeguard life or limb, health, property, and public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy, location, and maintenance of all buildings and structures, which have been specifically tailored for California earthquake conditions. In addition, the Project would be required to comply with the site -specific ground preparation and construction recommendations contained in the Project's geological report, which would be required prior to issuance of a grading permit. Mandatory compliance with these standards along with site -specific design and construction measures set forth in the Project's geotechnical report, the CBC, and the LQMC, potential impacts related to seismic ground shaking would be less than significant. As such, implementation of the Project would not expose people or structures to substantial adverse effects, including loss, injury, or death, involving seismic ground shaking. Impacts would be less -than -significant. a-iii. Less than Significant According to Riverside Map My County, the Project site is located within an area with moderate liquefaction susceptibility. However, prior to issuance of a grading permit, a geotechnical report would be required to be submitted for approval. The Project Applicant would be required to comply with the grading and construction recommendations contained within the geotechnical report for the Project to further reduce the risk of seismic -related ground failure due to liquefaction. Therefore, implementation of the Project would not directly or indirectly expose people or structures to substantial hazards associated with seismic -related ground failure and/or liquefaction hazards. Impacts would be less than significant. a -iv. No Impact The Project site is generally flat and contains no substantial natural or man-made slopes under existing conditions. There are no substantial natural or man-made slopes in the Project site Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 37 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION vicinity either. Accordingly, development on the subject property would not be exposed to landslide risks and the Project would not pose a landslide risk to surrounding properties. Impacts would be less than significant. b. Less than Significant Impact During construction of the proposed Project, soils would be disrupted during grading activities due to exposure of uncovered soils, thereby increasing the potential for wind or water -related erosion and sedimentation until construction is completed. Pursuant to State Water Resources Control Board requirements, the Applicant is required to obtain a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit for construction activities, which involves preparation and implementation of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for construction -related activities. The SWPPP will specify the Best Management Practices (BMPs) that would be required to be implemented during construction activities to ensure that waterborne pollution (erosion and sedimentation) is prevented, minimized, and/or otherwise appropriately treated prior to surface runoff being discharged from the subject property. The Project also would be required to comply with SCAQMD Rule 403 to minimize water and windborne erosion. Lastly, the Project would be required to prepare and implement a Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP), which is a site -specific post - construction water quality management program designed to minimize the release of waterborne pollutants, including pollutants of concern for downstream receiving waters, under long-term conditions via BMPs. The WQMP also is required to establish a post -construction implementation and maintenance plan to ensure on -going, long-term erosion protection. Therefore, with adherence to SCAQMD Rule 403, and preparation of a SWPPP and WQMP, the proposed Project would result in less than significant impacts related to soil erosion. c. Less than Significant The Project site does not contain substantial natural or man-made slopes under existing conditions. Additionally, there are no hillsides in the vicinity of the Project site with a potential to expose the site to landslide hazards. Therefore, no impact would occur related to landslides. Lateral spreading is primarily associated with liquefaction hazards. As previously mentioned in Section 3.7.3(a)(ii), above, the Project Applicant would be required to submit a geotechnical report prior to issuance of a grading permit and comply with the grading and construction recommendations contained within that geotechnical report to further reduce the risk of seismic -related ground failure due to liquefaction. The Project Applicant also would be required to comply with the site -specific ground preparation and construction recommendations contained in the geotechnical report for the Project site, which would attenuate the site's settlement potential. Therefore, impacts associated with liquefaction, lateral spreading, shrinkage/subsidence, and collapse would be less than significant. d. Less than Significant Impact According to the Web Soil Survey, the Project site consists of desert land comprised of Coachella fine sand and Myoma fine sand. Due to the low clay content in underlying soils, these near surface soils can be anticipated to have very low expansion characteristics. The Project site is not located in an area known for expansive soil (as defined in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994)), and the potential for the Project to create substantial risks to life or property, relating to expansive soils, is very low. Therefore, impacts would be less than significant. e. No Impact The Project would not involve the use of septic tanks or any other alternative wastewater disposal systems. Therefore, there would be no impacts associated with septic tanks or alternative wastewater systems. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 38 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION f. Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. The Project site does not contain any paleontological resources under existing conditions. However, according to the City's General Plan EIR and the Riverside Map My County, the Project site is located within a High Paleontological Sensitivity due to Pleistocene sediments and sediments from ancient Lake Cahuilla beds. Therefore, a professional paleontologist would be retained to prepare and implement paleontological monitoring and mitigation plan (PRMMP) as described in Mitigation Measures GEO-1 through GEO-4. Therefore, with implementation of Mitigation Measures GEO-1 through GEO-4, potential impacts to a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic feature would be reduced to less than significant. 3.7.4 Mitigation The following mitigation measures are required: GEO-1 Prior to the start of the proposed Project activities, all field personnel will receive a worker's environmental awareness training on paleontological resources. The training will provide a description of the laws and ordinances protecting fossil resources, the types of fossil resources that may be encountered in the project area, the role of the paleontological monitor, outlines steps to follow in the event that a fossil discovery is made and provides contact information for the project paleontologist. The training will be developed by the project paleontologist and can be delivered concurrent with other training including cultural, biological, safety, etc. GEO-2 Prior to the commencement of ground -disturbing activities, a professional paleontologist will be retained to prepare and implement a PRMMP for the proposed project. The PRMMP will describe the monitoring required during excavations that extend into older Quaternary (Pleistocene) age sediments, and the location of areas deemed to have a high paleontological resource potential. Part-time monitoring, or spot checking, may be required during shallow ground -disturbances (< 10 feet below ground surface) to confirm that sensitive geologic units are not being impacted. Monitoring will entail the visual inspection of excavated or graded areas and trench sidewalls. GEO-3 In the event that a paleontological resource is discovered, the monitor will have the authority to temporarily divert the construction equipment around the find until it is assessed for scientific significance and, if appropriate, collected. If the resource is determined to be of scientific significance, the project paleontologist shall complete the following: 1. Salvage of Fossils. If fossils are discovered, all work in the immediate vicinity should be halted to allow the paleontological monitor, and/or project paleontologist to evaluate the discovery and determine if the fossil may be considered significant. If the fossils are determined to be potentially significant, the project paleontologist (or paleontological monitor) should recover them following standard field procedures for collecting paleontological as outlined in the PRMMP prepared for the project. Typically, fossils can be safely salvaged quickly by a single paleontologist and not disrupt construction activity. In some cases, larger fossils (such as complete skeletons or large mammal fossils) require more extensive excavation and longer salvage periods. In this case the paleontologist should have the authority to temporarily direct, divert, or halt construction activity to ensure that the fossil(s) can be removed in a safe and timely manner. 2. Fossil Preparation and Curation. The PRMMP will identify the museum that has agreed to accept fossils that may be discovered during project -related excavations. Upon completion of Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 39 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION fieldwork, all significant fossils collected will be prepared in a properly equipped laboratory to a point ready for curation. Preparation may include the removal of excess matrix from fossil materials and stabilizing or repairing specimens. During preparation and inventory, the fossils specimens will be identified to the lowest taxonomic level practical prior to curation at an accredited museum. The fossil specimens must be delivered to the accredited museum or repository no later than 90 days after all fieldwork is completed. The cost of curation will be assessed by the repository and will be the responsibility of the client. GEO-4 Upon completion of ground disturbing activity (and curation of fossils if necessary) the project paleontologist shall prepare a final mitigation and monitoring report outlining the results of the mitigation and monitoring program. The report shall include discussion of the location, duration and methods of the monitoring, stratigraphic sections, any recovered fossils, and the scientific significance of those fossils, and where fossils were curated. 3.7.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation With implementation of Mitigation Measures GEO-1 through GEO-4, impacts associated with geology and soils would be reduced to less than significant. 3.8 Greenhouse Gas Emissions 3.8.1 Sources • MD Acoustics, Troutdale Village Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas, and Energy Study, December 30, 2021 (Appendix A) 3.8.2 Environmental Setting Constituent gases of the Earth's atmosphere, called atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHG), play a critical role in the Earth's radiation amount by trapping infrared radiation emitted from the Earth's surface, which otherwise would have escaped to space. Prominent greenhouse gases contributing to this process include carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), ozone, water vapor, nitrous oxide (N20), and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). This phenomenon, known as the Greenhouse Effect, is responsible for maintaining a habitable climate. Anthropogenic (caused or produced by humans) emissions of these greenhouse gases in excess of natural ambient concentrations are responsible for the enhancement of the Greenhouse Effect and have led to a trend of unnatural warming of the Earth's natural climate, known as global warming or climate change. Emissions of gases that induce global warming are attributable to human activities associated with industrial/manufacturing, agriculture, utilities, transportation, and residential land uses. Transportation is responsible for 41 percent of the State's greenhouse gas emissions, followed by electricity generation. Emissions of CO2 and nitrous oxide (NO2) are byproducts of fossil fuel combustion. Methane, a potent greenhouse gas, results from off -gassing associated with agricultural practices and landfills. Sinks of CO2, where CO2 is stored outside of the atmosphere, include uptake by vegetation and dissolution into the ocean. Table 6 of the Project's greenhouse gas analysis (Appendix A) provides a description of each of the greenhouse gases and their global warming potential. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 40 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.8.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact Greenhouse Gas Emissions - Would the project: a) Generate greenhouse gas emissions, either directly or indirectly, that may have a significant impact on the environment? ❑ ❑ ❑ �� b) Conflict with an applicable plan, policy or regulation adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions of greenhouse gases? ❑ ❑ ❑ �� a. Less than Significant Impact. The Project allows for the development of 284 dwelling units. The Project is anticipated to generate GHG emissions from area sources, energy usage, mobile sources, solid waste, water, and construction. The CaIEEMod Version 2020.4.0 was utilized by MD Acoustics to calculate the GHG emissions from the Project. As shown in Table 8, the Project would result in approximately 1,963.70 metric tons per year of CO2e (MTCO2e) per year and would not exceed the SCAQMD screening threshold of 3,000 MTCO2e per year. Therefore, Project GHG emissions impacts would be less than significant. Table 7 Project Related Greenhouse Gas Annual Emissions Category Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Metric Tons/Year)1 Bio-0O2 NonBio-0O2 CO2 CH4 NzO CO2e Area Sources' 0.00 3.45 3.45 0.00 0.00 3.54 Energy Usage3 0.00 449.10 449.10 0.02 0.01 451.60 Mobile Sources4 0.00 1,300.55 1,300.55 0.08 0.07 1,323.36 Solid Wastes 26.52 0.00 26.52 1.57 0.00 65.70 Water' 5.87 65.71 71.58 0.61 0.01 91.24 Construction' 0.00 27.44 27.44 0.00 0.00 28.26 Total Emissions 32.39 1,846.26 1,878.65 2.28 0.09 1,963.70 City of La Quinta CAP and SCAQMD Draft Screening Threshold 3,000 Exceeds Threshold? No Notes: 1 Source: CaIEEMod Version 2020.4.0 2 Area sources consist of GHG emissions from consumer products, architectural coatings, and landscape equipment. 3 Energy usage consist of GHG emissions from electricity and natural gas usage. 4 Mobile sources consist of GHG emissions from vehicles. 5 Solid waste includes the CO2 and CH4 emissions created from the solid waste placed in landfills. 6 Water includes GHG emissions from electricity used for transport of water and processing of wastewater. ' Construction GHG emissions based on a 30 year amortization rate. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 41 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION b. Less than Significant. The applicable plan for the Project is the City's Greenhouse Gas Plan, which contains goals and supporting measures that reflect and ensure compliance with Assembly Bill 32 (AB 32), Senate Bill 32 (SB 32), and the 2017 California Air Resources Board (CARB) Scoping Plan. The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) also states that projects that do not exceed the screening threshold of 3,000 MTCO2e per year are considered to have less -than -significant GHG emissions and are in compliance with the AQMP. As mentioned in Section 3.8.3(a) above, the GHG emissions generated by the Project would not exceed the SCAQMD screening threshold of 3,000 MTCO2e. Based on the foregoing, the Project would not have the potential to conflict with any applicable plan, policy, or regulation of an agency adopted for the purpose of reducing the emissions of GHGs. Impacts would be less than significant. 3.8.4 Mitigation No mitigation is required. 3.8.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation Not applicable. 3.9 Hazards and Hazardous Materials 3.9.1 Sources • City of La Quinta General Plan, February 19, 2013. • Draft Environmental Impact Report (SCH #2010111094) for the City of La Quinta General Plan, July 2012. https://www.laquintaca. qov/home/showpublisheddocument/15858/635338594527270000 • State Water Resources Control Board, GeoTracker. Accessed August 10, 2021, https://www.waterboards.ca.qov/. 3.9.2 Environmental Setting The Project site occurs in an area of the City of La Quinta that has undergone gradual urbanization since the later decades of the 1900's. The general area is comprised primarily of residential, recreational, institutional, and commercial development. A unique feature of the City of La Quinta is the inclusion of golf courses within residential neighborhoods and the residential developments surrounding the site often support meandering golf courses. The Project site is surrounded to the north by residential development; to the east by an undeveloped flood control channel with a sports complex and school facilities beyond; to the south by Avenue 50 with undeveloped, vacant land and a golf course beyond; and to the west by Washington Street with residential development and a golf course beyond. The site itself is composed of primarily undeveloped, vacant land and developed portions of adjacent roadways and infrastructure. The site is heavily disturbed due to pedestrian and vehicle traffic associated with surrounding development, historic light grading, and routine weed abatement activities. Historic aerials show these disturbances have been ongoing since at least 1972. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 42 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.9.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact HAZARDS AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS — Would the project: a) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, or disposal of hazardous materials? I I ❑ �� b) Create a significant hazard to the public or the environment through reasonable foreseeable upset and accident condition involving the release of hazardous materials into the environment? _ ❑ c) Emit hazardous emissions or handle hazardous or acutely hazardous materials, substances, or waste within one -quarter mile of an existing or proposed school? ❑ ❑ a d) Be located on a site which is included on a list of hazardous materials sites compiled pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5 and, as a result, would it create a significant hazard to the public or the environment? ❑ ❑ ❑ X e) For a project located within an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the project area? ❑ ❑ ❑ a f) Impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ �� g) Expose people or structures, either directly or indirectly, to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires? ❑ ❑ ❑ a a. Less than Significant Impact. Proposed construction activities for the development of the Project may involve the use and transport of hazardous materials, which include but not limited to fuels, gasoline, hydraulic fluid, lubricants, and other liquids associated with the operation of heavy equipment utilized for construction. Additionally, materials that are consistent with building construction would also be present onsite and these materials may include paints, solvents, concrete, adhesives, roofing materials, and others. Additionally, transportation, storage, use and disposal of hazardous materials during construction activities would be required to comply with all applicable Federal, State, and local statues and regulations. This includes the preparation of a SWPPP that would outline specific BMPs that would be administered during the construction of the Project in order to prevent the discharge of construction - related pollutants that could contaminate nearby water sources. The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA; 42 USC 6901 et seq.) would require businesses with substantial quantities of hazardous materials to adhere to strict requirements in regard to handlings, transportation, and storing of supplies. Furthermore, the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act, 49 U.S.C. § 5101 et seq. protects against the risk to life, property, and the environment that are associated with the transportation of hazardous materials in intrastate, interstate, and foreign commerce. Upon completion of the proposed construction, all hazardous materials would be removed from the Project site. Therefore, with all Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 43 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION applicable regulations in place, impacts associated with accidental release of hazardous substances during construction activities would be less than significant. Long-term operations of the Project would involve limited use of substances typically associated with individual households. Typical materials would include paints, cleaning solvents, fertilizers, and motor oil. The Project would be required to comply with Federal, State, and local regulations to ensure proper use, storage, emission, and disposal of hazardous substances. With mandatory regulatory compliance, the Project is not expected to pose a significant hazard to the public or the environment through the routine transport, use, storage, emission, or disposal of hazardous materials, nor would the Project increase the potential for accident conditions which could result in the release of hazardous materials into the environment. Impacts would be less than significant. b. Less than Significant Impact. Accidents involving hazardous materials that could pose a significant hazard to the public or the environment would be highly unlikely during the construction and long-term operation of the Project and are not reasonably foreseeable. As discussed above under Section 3.9.3(a), the transport, use, and handling of hazardous materials on the Project site during construction is a standard risk on all construction sites, and there would be no greater risk for upset and accidents than would occur on any other similar construction site. Upon buildout, the Project site would operate as a residential use. Based on the operational characteristics of residential uses, there is limited use of hazardous substances; however, as discussed above under Section 3.9.3(a), the Project Applicant would be required to comply with all applicable local, State, and Federal regulations related to the transport, handling, and usage of hazardous material. Accordingly, impacts associated with the accidental release of hazardous materials would be less than significant during both construction and long-term operation of the Project. c. Less than Significant Impact. The nearest school to the Project site is Harry S Truman Elementary School located at 78870 Avenue 50. The school is within 0.25-mile to the east of the proposed Project site. Due to the nature of the proposed use of the Project as a residential development, there would be limited use of hazardous substances. In addition, as previously mentioned under Section 3.9.3 (a), the Project would be required to comply with Federal, State, and local regulations to ensure proper storage, use, emission, and disposal of hazardous substances. Therefore, the proposed Project would have a less than significant impact on schools within a quarter mile of the site. d. No Impact. According to the Department of Toxic Control Substances (DTCS), there are no Federal Superfund sites within the vicinity of the Project site. All environmental cleanups and any permitted hazardous material facilities are listed in the Envirostor database, including Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Lability Act (CERLA) sites as well. Additionally, according to the California State Water Resources Control Board's GeoTracker, the Project site is not located within any cleanup sites. The nearest cleanup site is the La Quinta Country Club, located at 77750 Avenue 50, which is approximately 0.71-mile west from the Project site. The La Quinta Country Club contained a potential contaminant of concern: gasoline. However, the case has been closed as of February 4, 1992. Therefore, the Project is not located on or within the vicinity of a site that is listed as a hazardous materials site pursuant to Government Code Section 65962.5. Thus, the Project would not create a significant hazard to the public or the environment. No impact would occur. e. No Impact. The closest airport to the Project site is the Bermuda Dunes Airport, which is approximately 4.1 miles northeast of the Project site. The Project site is not located within the Airport Influence Area and not Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 44 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION within the Airport Land Use Compatibility Zones. Therefore, the Project would not result in a safety hazard for people residing or working in the Project area. No impact would occur. f. No Impact. The Project site does not contain any emergency facilities under existing conditions, nor does it serve as an emergency evacuation route, so there is no potential for the Project to adversely affect an existing emergency response or evacuation plan. During construction and at Project buildout, the proposed Project would be required to maintain adequate emergency access for emergency vehicles as required by the City. As part of the City's discretionary review process, the City of La Quinta would review the Project to ensure that appropriate emergency ingress and egress would be available to -and -from the proposed dwelling units for public safety. Accordingly, implementation of the proposed Project would not impair implementation of or physically interfere with an adopted emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan. No impact would occur. g• No Impact. According to Map My County, the Project site is not located within a State Responsibility Area (SRA) or a Local Responsibility Area (LRA). The Project site and its surrounding areas are not located within a very high fire hazard area. Therefore, the proposed Project would not expose people or structures, either directly or indirectly, to a significant risk of loss, injury or death involving wildland fires. No impact would occur. 3.9.4 Mitigation No mitigation is required. 3.9.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation Not applicable. 3.10 Hydrology and Water Quality 3.10.1 Sources • Egan Civil, Preliminary Hydrology Study for Troutdale Village, January 22, 2023. (Appendix F) • Egan Civil, Troutdale Village Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan, January 2023. (Appendix G) • FEMA Flood Map Service Center, 2022. • Coachella Valley Water District, 2020 Urban Water Management Plan, 2020. 3.10.2 Environmental Setting The Project site is undeveloped and 100% pervious under existing conditions. The Project site is bound to the south and west with fully improved public streets and storm drain facilities. The existing site is not subject to off -site storm flows and there is no existing on -site retention of storm flow. The proposed impervious area is 65% of the Project site. The new improvements would include paved access around the interior of the site, 11 residential buildings with 284 units, paved parking, storm drain, and water and sewer improvements. Two retention basins would be constructed at the west end of the site to collect and store storm runoff generated during the 100-year design storm per City of La Quinta Drainage Ordinance requirements. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 45 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.10.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact HYDROLOGY AND WATER QUALITY — Would the project: a) Violate any water quality standards or waste discharge requirements or otherwise substantially degrade surface or ground water quality? ❑ ❑ ❑ �� b) Substantially decrease groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge such that the project may impede sustainable groundwater management of the basin? ❑ ❑ ❑ " c) Substantially alter the existing drainage pattern of the site or area, including through the alteration of the course of a stream or river or through the addition of impervious surfaces, in a manner which would: ❑ ❑ ❑ " c.i.) Result in substantial erosion or siltation on- or off- site; ❑ ❑ ❑ " c.ii.) Substantially increase the rate or amount of surface runoff in a manner which would result in flooding on- or offsite; ❑ ❑ ❑ �� c.iii.) Create or contribute runoff water which would exceed the capacity of existing or planned stormwater drainage systems or provide substantial additional sources of polluted runoff; or ❑ ❑ ❑ " c.iv) Impede or redirect flood flows? ❑ ❑ a n d) In flood hazard, tsunami, or seiche zones, risk release of pollutants due to project inundation? ❑ ❑ �/ V� e) Conflict with or obstruct implementation of a water quality control plan or sustainable groundwater management plan? ❑ ❑ �� a. Less than Significant Impact. Construction of the Project would be subject to National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater regulations for construction which are required when there is a soil disturbance of more than one acre. The Applicant will be required to comply with all rules, regulations, and procedures of the NPDES permit for municipal, construction, and industrial activities as outlined by the California State Water Resources Control Board or any of its Regional Water Quality Control Boards (Colorado River Basin — Region 7). A Project -specific Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) must also be prepared to determine and describe the Best Management Practices (BMPs) that will be implemented on the Project site. The Project would be required to meet all applicable water quality standards or waste discharge requirements, thus avoiding any violation of such standards or requirements. Any future development and construction of the Project would require compliance with South Coast Air Quality Management (SCAQMD) Rule 403 and 403.1. SCAQM Rule 403 requires the implementation of best available dust control measures (BACM) during active operations that are capable of generating fugitive dust, such as the construction of the proposed Project. SCAQMD Rule 403.1 is a supplemental rule to 403, which applies only to fugitive dust sources that occur in the Coachella Valley. This rule will assist in reducing fugitive dust and resulting PM10 emissions from man-made sources in the Coachella Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 46 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Valley. Although, these rules are intended to protect air quality, they would also assist in supporting water quality protection by preventing sediment track out and erosion. Additionally, a Project specific WQMP (Appendix G) was prepared to determine and describe the Best Management Practices (BMPs) that will be implemented on the Project site to address pollutants of concern that may potentially be generated from the use of the Project site. Per the WQMP, the BMP's have been selected and implemented to comply with WQMP Section 3.5 and consists of site design BMP concepts, source control, LID/site design and, if/where necessary, treatment control BMP's. Furthermore, the WQMP prepared for the proposed Project would be required to collect and store 100% of the runoff generated during the 100-year storm event on -site per City of La Quinta Drainage Ordinance. The on -site retention basins will be designed in a manner that allows the stored volume generated from the 100-year design storm event to completely evacuate via percolation into the soil within a 72-hour period. Therefore, the proposed Project would not violate any water quality standards, waste discharge requirements, or otherwise substantially degrade surface or ground water quality. Impacts would be less than significant. b. No potable groundwater wells are proposed by the Project and the Project would be served with potable water by the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD). The primary source of water in the Coachella Valley is groundwater extracted by deep wells and replenished with Colorado River water. The CVWD would provide domestic water service to the Project and is a participant in the Coachella Valley Regional Water Management Group that prepared an Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (WMP) in 2018. The 2018 Integrated Regional WMP determined that long-term regional demand for potable water is expected to increase; however, with continued conservation measures and replenishment of groundwater, it is projected that there will be sufficient supplies available to meet the CVWD demand. Based on the 2018 Integrated Regional WMP projected supply and demand numbers, the CVWD would have a sufficient water supply to serve the Project's water demands. At Project buildout, water would be required to serve the needs of the proposed development of 284 dwelling units. The Project would connect to an existing water line on Avenue 50. No additional water infrastructure or new wells are proposed. The Project would be required to comply with the CVWD's and the City's water -efficiency requirements, such as including the use of drought -tolerant planting materials and limited landscaping irrigation. The Project would also be required to comply with the CVWD's drought restrictions and water reduction measures as applicable. Therefore, compliance and implementation of CVWD and City requirements would ensure that the Project would not substantially decrease groundwater supplies or interfere substantially with groundwater recharge. Impacts would be less than significant. c. i-iv. Less than Significant Impact. Prior to development of the Project site, the City will review and approve the proposed civil plans to ensure the proposed development is in compliance with the City's Municipal Code, which requires the Project to retain the runoff volume from a 100-year, 24-hour storm event for the entire Project site. In addition, the Project's WQMP (Appendix G), includes BMPs, both of which are requirements for the City's NPDES implementation. The implementation of BMPs would allow for the reduction in pollutants of concern and help reduce the impacts both short and long term of water quality during the construction and operation of the Project. The implementation of BMPs is consistent with the Project - specific WQMP and complies with City requirements would ensure the design of the Project would not Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 47 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION result in erosion or siltation on- or off -site. The Project would result in a less than significant impact to downstream water bodies. d. Less than Significant Impact. The majority of the Project site is not located within a flood zone; however, the eastern side of the Project site is located within the U.S Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Flood Zone AE due to the Project site being adjacent to the Coachella Water District's Whitewater River Storm Water Channel. CVWD provided a letter dated April 5, 2022, which stated approval on the 75-foot setback. Therefore, no channel improvements would be required for the Project. Furthermore, the Project site is not located within the vicinity of any other water bodies. Due to the Project site location being far away from the ocean, lakes, or dams, there is no possibility of dam failure, tsunami or seiche. Therefore, impacts would be less than significant. e. Less than Significant Impact. As described in Section 2.10.3 (b), projected Project water demand does not exceed the projected water supply per the 2018 Integrated Regional WMP. There would be sufficient water supplies to serve the Project. The Project will adhere to all applicable water quality standards and will implement a Project specific WQMP (Appendix G) approved by the City and the Regional Water Quality Control Board for both construction and operational activities. Therefore, the Project would not conflict with or obstruct implementation of a water quality control plan or sustainable groundwater management plan. Impacts would be less than significant. 3.10.4 Mitigation No mitigation is required. 3.10.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation Not applicable. 3.11 Land Use and Planning 3.11.1 Sources • City of La Quinta, City of La Quinta 2035 General Plan, Adopted February 19, 2013. • City of La Quinta, Draft Environmental Impact Report (SCH #2010111094) for the City of La Quinta General Plan, July 2012. https://www.laquintaca. qov/home/showpublisheddocument/15858/635338594527270000 3.11.2 Environmental Setting The Project site is designated as "Medium/High Density Residential" per the City's General Plan 2035 Land Use Map and is zoned as "Medium High Density Residential (RMH)" and within the Affordable Housing Overlay per the City's Official Zoning Map. The Applicant proposes a Change of Zone to change the site's zoning designation to "High Density Residential (RH)." Under existing conditions, the Project site is bordered by a residential community located immediately north; to the west, the Project site is bordered by Washington Street and beyond is a residential community; to the east, the Project site is bordered by a dry channel and beyond is vacant, undeveloped land; and to the south, the Project site is bordered by Avenue 50 and beyond is vacant, undeveloped land. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 48 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.11.3 Impacts — Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact LAND USE AND PLANNING — Would the project: a) Physically divide an established community? b) Conflict with any applicable land use plan, policy, or regulation of an agency with jurisdiction over the project (including, but not limited to the general plan, specific plan, local coastal program, or zoning ordinance) adopted for the purpose of avoiding or mitigating an environmental effect? ❑ ❑ ❑ " a. No Impact Development of the Project would not physically disrupt or divide the arrangement of an established community. Under existing conditions, the Project site is bordered by a residential community located immediately north; to the west, the Project site is bordered by Washington Street and beyond is a residential community; to the east, the Project site is bordered by a dry channel and beyond is vacant, undeveloped land; and to the south, the Project site is bordered by Avenue 50 and beyond is vacant, undeveloped land. No impact would occur. b. Less Than Significant Impact The development of the Project would consist of 284 residential homes. Under existing conditions, the Project site is designated as "Medium/High Density Residential" per the City's General Plan 2035 Land Use Map and zoned "Medium High Density Residential (RMH)" and within the Affordable Housing Overlay per the City's Official Zoning Map. Because the Project would be consistent with the underlying General Plan land use designation, the Project would not conflict with the City's General Plan. As previously mentioned, the Applicant has applied for a Change of Zone, which requests to amend the Zoning Ordinance to change the underlying zone of the Project site from RMH to RH. Approval of the Change of Zone would inherently create consistency with the City's zoning designation. Prior to the development of the Project site, the City would review and approve the proposed architectural plans to ensure the proposed development meets the City's development standards for the Medium/High Density Residential land use and High Density Residential zone. Therefore, the Project would be developed in accordance with the proposed density requirement, zoning designation, and would comply with all applicable policies contained in the General Plan and all applicable development regulations and standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance. The Project also would not conflict with any applicable goals, objectives, and policies of the SCAQMD's AQMP, SCAG's Connect SoCal, and SCAG's Regional Comprehensive Plan. Impacts would be less than significant. 3.11.4 Mitigation No mitigation required. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 49 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.11.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation Not applicable. 3.12 Mineral Resources 3.12.1 Sources • City of La Quinta, Draft Environmental Impact Report (SCH #2010111094) for the City of La Quinta General Plan, July 2012. https://www.laquintaca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/15858/635338594527270000 3.12.2 Environmental Setting The majority of the City of La Quinta is located in mineral resource zone 1 (MRZ-1), which indicates that little likelihood exists for the presence of significant mineral resources. The western portion of the City is located in MRZ-3, which are areas containing known or inferred mineral occurrences of undetermined mineral resources significances. According to Exhibit III-11, Mineral Resource Zone Map, of the City's General Plan EIR, the Project site is located within MRZ-1. 3.12.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact MINERAL RESOURCES — Would the project: a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be of value to the region and the residents of the state? ❑ ❑ 1 b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally -important mineral resource recovery site delineated on a local general plan, specific plan, or other land use plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ 0 a-b. Less Than Significant Impact. According to the City's General Plan EIR, the Project site is located in an MRZ-1 zone, which indicates it is located in an area where there is little likelihood for presence of significant mineral resources. The Project site is currently designated Medium/High Density under the City's General Plan and zoned Medium High Density Residential. Neither the existing land use or zoning designation allow for mineral production. In addition, the General Plan consists of several policies that would protect mineral resources and prevent land use incompatibility impacts from mining. Furthermore, if a potential mineral extraction operation were to be located within the Project site, it would be incompatible both with the land use designation and surrounding land uses. Therefore, development of the Project would result in a less than significant impact relating to mineral resources. 3.12.4 Mitigation No mitigation required. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 50 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.12.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation Not applicable. 3.13 Noise 3.13.1 Sources • MD Acoustics, Troutdale Village Apartment Project Noise Impact Study, January 12, 2022. (Appendix D) 3.13.2 Environmental Setting Noise Noise has been defined as an unwanted sound. Sound becomes unwanted when it interferes with normal activities, when it causes actual physical harm, or when it has adverse effects on health. Noise is measured on a logarithmic scale of sound pressure level known as a decibel (dB). A -weighted decibels (dBA) approximate the subjective response of the human ear to broad frequency noise source by discriminating against very low and very high frequencies of the audible spectrum. They are adjusted to reflect only those frequencies which are audible to the human ear. Vibration According to the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) Transit Noise Impact and Vibration Assessment Manual, vibration is the periodic oscillation of a medium or object. The rumbling sound caused by the vibration of room surfaces is called structure -borne noise. Sources of ground -borne vibrations include natural or human made causes. In addition, vibration sources may be continuous, such as factory machinery, or transient, such as explosions. There are several different methods that are used to quantify vibration. The peak particle velocity (PPV) is defined as the maximum instantaneous peak of the vibration signal. The PPV is most frequently used to describe vibration impacts to buildings. Human body responds to average vibration amplitude often described as the root mean square (RMS). The RMS amplitude is defined as the average of the squared amplitude of the signal and is most frequently used to describe the effect of vibration on the human body. Decibel notation (VdB) is commonly used to measure RMS. Decibel notation (VdB) serves to reduce the range of numbers used to describe human response to vibration. Typically, ground -borne vibration generated by man-made activities attenuates rapidly with distance from the source of the vibration. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 51 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.13.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Im act p Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Im act p No Impact NOISE — Would the project result in: a) Generation of a substantial temporary or permanent increase in ambient noise levels in the vicinity of the project in excess of standards established in the local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? ❑ ❑ ❑ �� b) Generation of excessive ground borne vibration or ground borne noise levels? ❑ n ❑ „ c) For a project located within the vicinity of a private airstrip or an airport land use plan or, where such a plan has not been adopted, within two miles of a public airport or public use airport, would the project expose people residing or working in the project area to excessive noise levels? ❑ ❑ ❑ a. Less than Significant Impact. Project construction noise would occur due to the use of equipment that includes a combination of trucks, power tools, concrete mixers, and portable generators that when combined can reach high levels. The number and mix of construction equipment is expected to occur in stages such as site preparation, grading, building construction, and architectural coating. To describe the Project construction noise levels, measurements were collected for similar activities at several construction sites. Since the reference noise levels were collected at varying distances, all construction noise level measurements presented in Table 6 of Appendix D, have been adjusted to describe a uniform reference distance of 50 feet. Construction Noise Analysis Construction noise is considered a short-term impact and would be considered significant if construction activities are taken outside the allowable times (7 AM to 7 PM) as described in LQMC Section 6.08.050(A). Construction is anticipated to occur during permissible hours. Construction noise will have a temporary or periodic increase in the ambient noise level above the existing within the Project vicinity. Furthermore, noise reduction measures are provided to further reduce construction noise. The impact is considered less than significant. Construction noise level projections are provided below. Typical operating cycles for these types of construction equipment may involve one or two minutes of full power operation followed by three to four minutes at lower power settings. Noise levels will be loudest during the grading phase. A likely worst -case construction noise scenario during grading assumes the use of a grader, a dozer, two (2) excavators, two (2) backhoes, and a scraper operating at 290 feet from the nearest sensitive receptor (north residences). Assuming a usage factor of 40 percent for each piece of equipment, unmitigated noise levels at 290 feet have the potential to reach 70 dBA Leq and 74 dBA Lmax at the nearest sensitive receptors during grading. Noise levels for the other construction phases would be lower and range between 63 to 66 dBA. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 52 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Off -Site Traffic Noise Analysis Traffic generated by the operation of the Project will influence traffic noise levels in surrounding off -site areas. As previously mentioned, the Project is anticipated to generate approximately 2,079 average daily trips. The modeling is theoretical and does not take into account any existing barriers, structures, and/or topographical features that may further reduce noise levels. Therefore, the levels are shown for comparative purposes only to show the difference in with and without project conditions. In addition, the noise contours for 60, 65 and 70 dBA CNEL were calculated. The potential off -site noise impacts caused by an increase of traffic from operation of the proposed project on the nearby roadways were calculated for the following scenarios: Existing without Project and Existing with Project. Table 8 compares the two scenarios and shows the change in traffic noise levels as a result of the proposed Project. It takes a change of 3 dB or more to hear a perceptible difference. Table 8 Off -Site Traffic Noise Levels Roadway Segment CNEL at 60 Feet dBA1,2 Existing Without Project Existing With Project Change in Noise Level Potential Significant Impact Washington St Eisenhower Dr to Avenue 50 69.7 69.9 0.2 No Avenue 50 Washington St to Jefferson St 67.6 67.7 0.1 No Notes: ' Exterior noise levels calculated at 5 feet above ground level. 2 Noise levels calculated from centerline of subject roadway. As shown on Table 8, the maximum change in noise level generated from the Project is 0.2 dBA. Therefore, noise impacts to off -site receptors due to Project -generated trips would be less than significant. On -Site Traffic Noise Analysis Traffic noise from the local roadway network was evaluated and compared to the City's noise compatibility matrix. Per the City's Land Use Compatibility (LQMC Section 9.100.210), multi -family residential is conditionally acceptable up to 65 dBA CNEL. As shown in Table 5 of Appendix D, traffic 70 dBA CNEL noise projections from Washington Street will reach up to 173 feet from the centerline of the roadway. Residential structures are located approximately 180 feet away from Washington Street centerline and fall within the 70 to 65 dBA CNEL contour of the roadway and are located within the conditionally acceptable region for multiple -family residential. In order to ensure interior levels of 45 dBA CNEL, all residential windows would be designed with sound transmission class (STC) ratings of 28 to achieve a 25 dB reduction, as described in Mitigation Measure NOI-1, below. With implementation of Mitigation Measure NOI-1, on -site traffic noise would be reduced to a less than significant impact. b. Less than Significant Impact The Project does not propose or require uses or activities that would be considered substantive sources of on -going vibration. For the purposes of this analysis, and to substantiate whether the Project would result in "exposure of persons to or generation of excessive ground borne vibration or ground borne noise levels," applicable criteria developed by the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) were employed. The Caltrans Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual indicates that received vibration levels of 0.10 Peak Particle Velocity (PPV) (equal to 0.071 Root Mean Square Amplitude [RMS]) could be strongly perceptible (Caltrans Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 53 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Transportation and Construction Vibration Guidance Manual (Caltrans) September 2013, p. 38). For the purposes of this analysis, received vibration levels exceeding 0.10 PPV (0.071 RMS) would be considered potentially significant. Ground borne vibration levels resulting from construction activities occurring within the Project site were estimated by using data published by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA). Typical Project construction equipment would generate vibration levels of 0.003 PPV (small bulldozer) to 0.089 PPV (larger bulldozer) as measured at 25 feet. As with received noise levels, received vibration levels attenuate with distance. In general, manmade ground -borne vibrations attenuate rapidly with distance from the source. At a distance of 290 feet, a large bulldozer would yield a worst -case 0.006 peak particle velocity (PPV) (in/sec) which is below the threshold of perception and any risk of damage. Therefore, the Project would not result in or cause exposure of persons to, or generation of, excessive ground borne vibration or ground borne noise. Impacts would be less than significant. c. No Impact The nearest airport to the Project site is the Bermuda Dunes Airport, located approximately 4.1 miles northeast of the Project site. The Project site is not located within the airport influence area boundary. Furthermore, the noise compatibility contours provided in the Riverside County Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (RCALUCP) show that the Project site is outside of the 65 dBA CNEL noise contour for the Bermuda Dunes Airport. Therefore, the Project would not expose people residing or working in the Project area to excessive noise levels associated with airports. No impact would occur. 3.13.4 Mitigation NOI-1 Prior to building permit issuance, the Project Applicant shall ensure all residential windows be designed with sound transmission class (STC) 28 to achieve a 25 dB reduction. 3.13.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation With implementation of Mitigation Measure NOI-1, all Project -related noise impacts would be reduced to less - than -significant levels. 3.14 Population and Housing 3.14.1 Sources • United States Census Bureau, Quickfacts. July 1, 2021. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/laquintacitycalifornia/PST045219 3.14.2 Environmental Setting According to the United States Census Bureau, the City of La Quinta had a population of 37,558 in 2020, and the population increased by 0.2% from 2010. The number of households from 2016-2020 was 16,292 with an average household size at 2.55 persons per household. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 54 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.14.3 Impacts • Potentially Significant Im act p Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Im act p No Impact POPULATION AND HOUSING — Would the project: a) Induce substantial population growth in an area, either directly (for example, by proposing new homes and businesses) or indirectly (for example, through extension of roads or other infrastructure)? ❑ ❑ ❑ " b) Displace substantial numbers of existing people or housing, necessitating the construction of replacement housing elsewhere? Ian a. Less than Significant Impact. The Project Applicant proposes the future development of 284 residences on 14.03 acres of undeveloped land. According to the United States Census Bureau, the person per household from 2016-2020 in the City of La Quinta is 2.55, which calculates to an estimate of 724 residents. This only leads to a negligible increase in population and is consistent with current population growth projections. Furthermore, the Project site is surrounded to the north and west by residential homes and would be accessible via existing roads and infrastructure. No roads or infrastructure would need to be extended to serve the Project. Because the anticipated increase in population based on the proposed residences would be negligible, within current population growth projections, and induced population growth is also expected to be negligible. Therefore, impacts would be less than significant. b. No Impact. The proposed development of 284 residences would take place on a vacant parcel. No structures or housing will be eliminated as a result of the Project and no persons would be displaced. Therefore, there would be no impacts relating to the displacement of people or housing. 3.14.4 Mitigation No mitigation is required. 3.14.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation Not applicable. 3.15 Public Services 3.15.1 Sources • City of La Quinta, City of La Quinta 2035 General Plan, Adopted February 19, 2013. • City of La Quinta, Draft Environmental Impact Report (SCH #2010111094) for the City of La Quinta General Plan, July 2012. https://www.lapuintaca.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/15858/635338594527270000 Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 55 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.15.2 Environmental Setting Fire Protection Services Fire protection is provided through a contract with the Riverside County Fire Department. There are three City - owned fire stations, each staffed with full-time paid and volunteer firefighters: Fire Station No. 32 at 78-111 Avenue 52; Fire Station No. 70 at 54001 Madison Street; and Fire Station No. 93 at 44-555 Adams Street. Emergency response in the City is also available through Riverside County Fire Department stations in other cities. These include Station No. 55, located in Indian Wells; Station No. 88, in Indio; and Station No. 39, located at the Desert Resorts Airport, east of the City's eastern Sphere of Influence. County Fire dispatches all calls through its centralized Emergency Command Center, where responding stations are determined based on location and need. Average Fire Department response times are between 5 and 7 minutes. La Quinta has an Insurance Service Office (ISO) of 4, based on a scale of 1 through 10, with 1 being the highest rating. Ratings are reviewed periodically. A variety of criteria are used to determine the ISO rating, such as staffing levels, response times, safety history and building code standards. Police Protection Services Police protection services are provided through contract with the Riverside County Sheriff's Department. Riverside County Sheriff's Station is located at 86-625 Airport Boulevard, Thermal, CA 92274. The Civic Center Community Policing Office is located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. Schools There are two school districts providing public education to students in kindergarten through 12th grade in La Quinta: Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) and Coachella Valley Unified School District (CVUSD). Developers are required to pay school mitigation fees for residential and commercial development, which includes the proposed Project. Parks The City of La Quinta currently operates 11 City parks, the Civic Center Campus, and three nature preserve areas. The City of La Quinta also contains one public and 22 privately owned and operated golf courses, seven of which are open and available for public use. The City of La Quinta's designated recreational open space totals approximately 5,259 acres. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 56 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.15.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact PUBLIC SERVICES a) Would the project result in substantial adverse physical impacts associated with the provision of new or physically altered governmental facilities, need for new of physically altered governmental facilities, the construction of which could cause significant environmental impacts, in order to maintain acceptable service ratios, response times or other performance objectives for any of the public services: i) Fire Protection? 1 ii) Police Protection? 1 iii) Schools? 1 iv) Parks? 1 v) Other public facilities? 1 a-i. Less than Significant Impact Fire protection services in La Quinta are provided through a contract with the Riverside County Fire Department (RCFD). The nearest fire station (No. 32) is located at 78-111 Avenue 52, approximately 1.0-mile southwest from the Project site. Based on the Project site's proximity to the existing fire station, the Project would be adequately served by fire protection services and no new or expanded unplanned facilities would be required. Additionally, the Project would feature fire safety and fire suppression activities, including type of building construction, fire sprinklers, a fire hydrant system, and paved access. The La Quinta Fire Department and/or RCFD will review and approve Project plans to ensure all applicable fire standards and regulations are met. In addition, the Development Impact Fees paid for the project will fund this project's "fair -share" of capital Improvements for Fire that are needed from this development. Therefore, impacts associated with fire protection services would be less than significant. a-ii. Less than Significant Impact The La Quinta Police Department serves under contract by the Riverside County Sheriff's Department. The Community Policing Office is located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, which is located approximately 0.5-mile southwest from the Project site. Based on the Project site's proximity to the existing police station and the Sherriff's Thermal Sub -Station, the Project would be adequately served by police protection services and no new or expanded unplanned facilities would be required. The La Quinta Police Department, through the Riverside County Sheriff Department, will review and approve Project plans to ensure all applicable police standards and regulations are met. In addition, the Development Impact Fees paid for the project will fund this project's "fair -share" of capital Improvements for police that are needed from this development. Therefore, impacts associated with police protection services would be less than significant. a-iii. Less than Significant Impact The nearest school is Harry S Truman Elementary, which is located approximately 0.2-mile east of the Project site at 78870 Avenue 50. The addition of the future 284 homes would not significantly increase the number of students within nearby schools. The Project is required to Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 57 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION pay the State mandated school impact fees which would assist in mitigating impacts to schools. Therefore, this fee would assure that impacts would be less -than -significant levels. a -iv. Less than Significant Impact The City of La Quinta requires new developments to dedicate land for recreational purposes or pay in -lieu fees and payment of Development Impact Fees. The Project would result in a negligible population increase and a negligible demand for park facilities. Therefore, this fee will assure that the impacts to City parks would be less than significant. a-v. Less than Significant Impact The Project would result in less than significant impacts to other public facilities. It is not expected that the Project would result in an increase in population that would require the provision of additional public facilities within the City of La Quinta. Access to the Project site is provided by existing roads and would connect to existing utility infrastructure. New public roads or public transportation facilities, or other public facilities, are not required. Regardless of the negligible impact to public services, the Development Impact Fees will be paid for the Project which will fund this project's "fair -share" of capital Improvements for other public facilities that are needed from this development. Therefore, impacts would be less than significant. 3.15.4 Mitigation No mitigation is required. 3.15.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation Not applicable. 3.16 Recreation 3.16.1 Sources • City of La Quinta, City of La Quinta 2035 General Plan, Adopted February 19, 2013. • City of La Quinta, Draft Environmental Impact Report (SCH #2010111094) for the City of La Quinta General Plan, July 2012. https://www.laquintaca. qov/home/showpublisheddocument/15858/635338594527270000 3.16.2 Environmental Setting The City of La Quinta currently operates 11 City parks, the Civic Center Campus, and three nature preserve areas. La Quinta's three nature preserves are also available for public recreation, as they all contain trails for hiking and bicycling. There are also a number of public pocket parks located within existing subdivisions. La Quinta is home to one public and 22 privately owned and operated golf courses, seven of which are open and available for public use. La Quinta's designated recreational open space totals approximately 5,259 acres. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 58 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.16.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact RECREATION a) Would the project increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur or be accelerated? b) Does the project include recreational facilities or require the construction or expansion of recreational facilities which might have an adverse physical effect on the environment? a/b. Less than Significant Impact. The Project's development of 284 dwelling units would result in a negligible population increase and a negligible demand for park facilities. Since the Project will provide a pickleball court, pool and spa, barbeque areas, multiple open recreational spaces, and a dog park, there is a low potential for the Project to increase the use of existing neighborhood and regional parks or other recreational facilities such that substantial physical deterioration of the facility would occur, as well as a low potential for construction or expansion of recreational facilities which may have an adverse physical effect on the environment. Furthermore, because the Project is consistent with the existing land use and zoning designation, the City's General Plan has already accommodated for the new residents from this Project. Therefore, the Project would have a less than significant impact on recreational facilities within the City. 3.16.4 Mitigation No mitigation required. 3.16.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation Not applicable. 3.17 Transportation 3.17.1 Sources • Integrated Engineering Group, Troutdale Village Transportation Analysis, December 2021. (Appendix E) 3.17.2 Environmental Setting The Project trip generation was calculated using the ITE Trip Generation Manual (10th Edition). It is estimated that the Project would generate 1,684 total daily trips, 109 AM peak hour trips and 134 PM peak hour trips. Project trip distribution and assignment were developed in coordination with the City of La Quinta staff based on the land use characteristics of the proposed Project and surrounding area, existing travel patterns within the study area, anticipated travel patterns to and from the Project site, and approved projects located in the Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 59 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION vicinity of the Project site. Per the City of La Quinta VMT Analysis Policy (June 2021), the Project qualifies for the small project screening criterion as an affordable housing project. The SunLine Transit Agency (STA) is the main transit agency servicing the City of La Quinta. Currently, STA operates Route 7 within the vicinity of the project. Route 7 operates seven days a week and connects to Indian Wells and Palm Desert north of the site. Weekday and weekend service frequency is 90 minutes. Bus stops for Route 7 are currently located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Washington Street and Avenue 50 for northbound service and at the southwest corner for southbound service. Pedestrian accessibility and connectivity from the Project site to these bus stops is provided along the east and west sides of Washington Street with signalized crossings at the intersection where the bus stops are located. Pedestrian crosswalks are generally provided at signalized intersections along Washington Street with sidewalks on the east side. Buffered Class II bike lanes are provided in both directions along Washington Street and along the south side along Avenue 50, east of the Project site. 3.17.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact TRANSPORTATION — Would the project: a) Conflict with a program, plan, ordinance, or policy addressing the circulation system, including transit, roadway, bicycle and pedestrian facilities? n o b) Would the project conflict or be inconsistent with CEQA Guidelines section 15064.3, subdivision (b)? ❑ ❑ ❑ " c) Substantially increase hazards due to a geometric design feature (e.g., sharp curves or dangerous intersections) or incompatible uses (e.g., farm equipment)? d) Result in inadequate emergency access a a. Less than Significant Impact. Trip generation represents the amount of traffic which is both attracted to and produced by a development. The Project's Traffic Report (Appendix E) utilized the trip generation rates for multi -family housing for low-rise and mid -rise homes provided in the Institute of Engineers Trip Generation Manual 10th Edition. As shown in the modeling conducted by IEG, through use of the ITE trip generation rates, the Project is anticipated to generate approximately 1,684 total daily trips, 109 AM peak hour trips, and 134 PM peak hour trips. IEG conducted analyses for two scenarios: Existing Conditions (2021), Project Completion Year (2023) (Existing Plus Ambient Plus Project) Conditions, Cumulative (Existing Plus Ambient Plus Cumulative Plus Project) Conditions. As shown in Table 9, Existing Conditions (2021) Intersection Analysis, all analyzed intersections are operating at an acceptable LOS under Existing Year (2021) Conditions. Therefore, no improvements are required Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 60 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Table 9 Existing Conditions (2021) Intersection Analysis Intersection Intersection Control Existing Conditions Delay (a) LOS (b) AM/PM Peak 1. Washington Street & Avenue 50 Signalized 20.7/16.4 C/B 2. Washington Street & Eisenhower Drive Signalized 15.0/13.7 B/B 3. Washington Street & Avenue 48 Signalized 13.2/11.9 B/B Notes: (a) Delay refers to the average control delay for the entire intersection, measured in seconds/vehicle. (b) LOS calculations are based on the methodology outlined in the Highway Capacity Manual 6th Edition and performed using Synchro 10 The second scenario, Project Completion (2023) was analyzed with a two percent annual growth factor for two years applied to the existing counts. As shown in Table 10, Project Completion (2023) Intersection Analysis, all analyzed intersections are operating at an acceptable LOS under Project Completion (2023) conditions. Therefore, no additional improvements are required. Table 10 Project Completion (2023) Intersection Analysis Intersection Existing Conditions Project Completion Conditions Delay (a) LOS (b) Delay (a) LOS (b) AM Peak/PM Peak 1. Washington Street & Avenue 50 20.7/16.4 C/B 22.2/17.4 C/B 2. Washington Street & Eisenhower Drive 15.0/13.7 B/B 16.3/14.7 B/B 3. Washington Street & Avenue 48 13.2/11.9 B/B 14.6/12.7 B/B Notes: (a) Delay refers to the average control delay for the entire intersection, measured in seconds/vehicle. At unsignalized intersections, delay refers to the worst movement. (b) LOS calculations are based on the methodology outlined in the Highway Capacity Manual 6th Edition and performed using Synchro 10 The third scenario analyzed is Cumulative (Existing Plus Ambient Plus Cumulative Plus Project). The Cumulative Conditions traffic volumes were developed by adding cumulative project trips to the Project Completion Conditions traffic volumes. As shown in Table 11, Cumulative Intersection Analysis, all analyzed intersections are operating at an acceptable LOS under Cumulative Conditions. Therefore, no additional improvements are required. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 61 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Table 11 Cumulative Intersection Analysis Intersection Existing Conditions Cumulative Conditions Delay (a) LOS (b) Delay (a) LOS (b) 1. Washington Street & Avenue 50 20.7/16.4 C/B 22.4/17.7 C/B 2. Washington Street & Eisenhower Drive 15.0/13.7 B/B 16.4/14.8 B/B 3. Washington Street & Avenue 48 13.2/11.9 B/B 14.8/12.8 B/B Notes: (a) Delay refers to the average control delay for the entire intersection, measured in seconds/vehicle. At unsignalized intersection, delay refers to the worst movement. (b) LOS calculations are based on the methodology outlined in the Highway Capacity Manual 6th Edition and performed using Synchro 10 As previously mentioned in Section 3.17.2, STA operates Route 7 within the vicinity of the Project site. Bus stops for Route 7 are currently located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Washington Street and Avenue 50 for northbound service and at the southwest corner for southbound service Pedestrian accessibility and connectivity to and from the Project is provided along the east and west sides of Washington Street with signalized crossings at the intersection where the bus stops are located. Existing bike lanes are located along the Project site's frontage with Washington Street and along the south side of Avenue 50, east of the Project site. The Project would not interfere with the existing bus stops, sidewalks, and bike lanes. In conclusion, the Project would not conflict with the City's General Plan. Therefore, the Project would not conflict with a program, plan, ordinance, or policy addressing the circulation system, including transit, roadway, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities. Impacts would be less than significant. b. Less than Significant Impact. CEQA Guidelines Section 15064.3 sets forth guidelines for implementing Senate Bill 743 (SB 743) for reduction of GHG emissions and development of multimodal transportation networks. SB 743 requires amendments to the CEQA Guidelines to provide for an alternative criteria to the LOS methodology for evaluating transportation impacts. Generally, "vehicle miles travelled" or VMT is considered as the most appropriate measurement of transportation impacts. VMT refers to the amount and distance of automobile travel attributable to a project. Per the City of La Quinta VMT Analysis Policy and screening criteria for development projects, the proposed Project, consisting of 284 multifamily units of which 70 units are affordable housing units, can be presumed to not have a significant transportation related CEQA impact by qualifying for small and local serving projects screening criteria as affordable housing. Furthermore, as discussed in the GHG section above, the project is estimated to generate less than 3,000 MTCO2e, which also qualifies for screening criteria. Therefore, Project impacts related to VMT would be less than significant. c/d Less than Significant Impact. The types of traffic generated from the Project (i.e., passenger cars) would be compatible with the type of traffic observed along roadways within the Project vicinity under existing conditions. In addition, prior to development of the Project site, the City will review and approve the proposed architectural plans to ensure all proposed improvements within the public right-of-way would be installed in conformance with City Design Standards and that no hazardous transportation design features would be introduced through implementation of the Project. In addition, the Riverside County Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 62 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Fire Department, City Fire Services, and the City Police Department will review the proposed site plan to ensure that all safety design features and measures related to emergency access and geometric design are compliant with existing standards prior to final Project approval. Accordingly, the Project would not create or substantially increase safety hazards due to a design feature or incompatible use or result in inadequate emergency access. Impacts would be less than significant. 3.17.4 Mitigation No mitigation is required. 3.17.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation Not applicable. 3.18 Tribal Cultural Resources 3.18.1 Sources • PaleoWest, Cultural Resource Investigation in Support of the Troutdale Village Project, April 25, 2022. (Appendix C) • AB 52 Tribal Consultation Letters 3.18.2 Environmental Setting The Project site is situated east of the Peninsular Ranges in the southern extent of the Coachella Valley at the western edge of the Colorado Desert. The Coachella Valley is bordered by the San Jacinto and Santa Rosa mountains (part of the Peninsular Ranges) to the southwest and by the low, rolling Indio and Mecca hills to the northeast. From the steep slopes of the San Jacinto Mountains, the desert floor descends suddenly at less than 3 kilometers (2 miles) eastward to sea level in the city of Indio, where the Project site is located. PaleoWest contacted the Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) on October 19, 2021, for a review of the sacred lands file (SLF). The NAHC responded on November 30, 2021, stating that the SLF was completed with negative results; however, the NAHC requested that 16 individuals representing 11 Native American tribal groups be contacted to elicit information regarding cultural resource issues related to the proposed Project. PaleoWest sent outreach letters to the 11 recommended tribal groups on December 21, 2021. These letters were followed up by phone calls on January 12, 2022. To date five Tribes have responded to the notification letters: Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians, Quechan Historic Preservation Department, Los Coyote Band of Cahuilla and Cupeno Indians, Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians, and Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 63 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.18.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact TRIBAL CULTURAL RESOURCES — Would the project: a) Would the project cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a tribal cultural resource, defined in Public Resources Code section 21074 as either a site, feature, place, cultural landscape that is geographically defined in terms of the size and scope of the landscape, sacred place, or object with cultural value to a California Native American tribe, and that is: i) Listed or eligible for listing in the California Register of Historical Resources, or in a local register of historical resources as defined in Public Resources Code section 5020.1(k), or ❑ ❑ ❑ " ii) A resource determined by the lead agency, in its discretion and supported by substantial evidence, to be significant pursuant to criteria set forth in subdivision (c) of Public Resources Code Section 5024.1. In applying the criteria set forth in subdivision (c) of Public Resource Code Section 5024.1, the lead agency shall consider the significance of the resource to a California Native American tribe. ❑ ❑ ❑ " a.i. Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated As previously discussed in Section 3.5.3(a) and (b), the Project site contains two previously recorded prehistoric archeological sites, which have been combined by PaleoWest into one resource: 33-001180. The resource likely represents a Late Prehistoric Period habitation site, much of which has been destroyed by development in the surrounding area. PaleoWest concluded after a Phase II investigation that the portion of Site 33-001180 in the Project area does not contribute to the overall eligibility of the site for listing on the CRHR. However, due to the sensitivity in the area, Mitigation Measure CUL-1 would be implemented to ensure historical and archaeological resources would be less than significant. a.ii. Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated As previously mentioned in Section 3.18.2, PaleoWest contacted the NAHC on October 19, 2021, for review of the SLF. The NAHC responded on November 30, 2021, stating that the SLF was completed with negative results; however, the NAHC requested that 16 individuals representing 11 Native American tribal groups be contacted to elicit information regarding cultural resource issues related to the Project. PaleoWest sent outreach letters to the 11 recommended tribal groups on December 21, 2021. These letters were followed up by phone calls on January 12, 2022. To date, six Tribes have responded: Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians, Quechan Historic Preservation Department, Los Coyote Band of Cahuilla and Cupeno Indians, Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians, Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians, and Morongo Band of Mission Indians. The Soboba Band of Indians stated the Tribe would defer to the Torres -Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians, the Cabazon Band of Mission Indians, and the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians. The Quechan Historic Preservation Department sent an email indicating the Tribe does not wish to comment on the Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 64 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Project and stated they defer to more local tribes. The Environmental Department of the Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla and Cupeno Indians responded that they have no information to share and no comment on the Project. The Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Indians also stated that the Tribe would like to defer to the closest tribes in that area, Torres -Martinez and Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians. They further noted that the Tribe does not have any comment regarding the Project. The Morongo Band of Mission Indians stated the Project was not located within the boundaries of the ancestral territory and traditional use area of the Cahuilla and Serrano people of the Morongo Band of Mission Indians. The Augustine Band of Cahuilla Indians stated that they are not aware of any cultural resources that would be impacted by the Project but would like to be informed if any additional resources, beyond the two resources already identified within the Project site, are identified during development of the Project. A representative of the Ramona Band of Cahuilla requested that the letters be resent for review. The letter was resent to the Tribe on January 12, 2022. On January 28, 2022, the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians responded stating that the Project site is located within the Tribe's Traditional Use Area and therefore, requested to monitor during Project construction. On April 19, 2022, the Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians requested a formal government to government consultation under AB-52, a cultural resources inventory by a qualified archaeologist prior to any development activities, a copy of the records search with associated survey reports and site records from the information center, copies of any cultural documentation, a representative from the Agua Caliente Native American Cultural Resource, and an informational meeting with the developer, lead agency, and archaeologist. There was a joint SB18 and AB52 Revie conducted and on July 21, 2022, The Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians stated the Troutdale Village project had addressed all the Tribals Historic Preservation Office concerns and proper mitigation measures have been proposed to ensure the protections of tribal cultural resources, thus concluding AB52 consultation efforts. With implementation of Mitigation Measure TCR-1, as described below, impacts to tribal cultural resources would be less than significant. 3.18.4 Mitigation TCR-1 Prior to any ground disturbing activities on the Project site, an approved Agua Caliente Native American Cultural Resource Monitor(s) shall be present to monitor the site. Should buried cultural deposits be encountered, the Monitor may request destructive construction halt and the Monitor shall notify a qualified Archaeologist to investigate and, if necessary, prepare a mitigation plan for submission to the State Historic Preservation Officer and the Agua Caliente Tribal Historic Preservation Office. 3.18.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation With implementation of Mitigation Measure TCR-1, impacts regarding tribal cultural resources would remain less than significant. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 65 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.19 Utilities and Service Systems 3.19.1 Sources • City of La Quinta, City of La Quinta 2035 General Plan, Adopted February 19, 2013. • City of La Quinta, Draft Environmental Impact Report (SCH #2010111094) for the City of La Quinta General Plan, July 2012. https://www.laquintaca. qov/home/showpublisheddocument/15858/635338594527270000 3.19.2 Environmental Setting Domestic Water Domestic water for the majority of the City is provided by the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD). Groundwater is the principal source of municipal water supply in the Coachella Valley. The main groundwater source for the entire valley is the Coachella Valley Groundwater Basin, Indio Subbasin, and the Whitewater River Subbasin. The Whitewater River Subbasin underlies a major portion of the valley floor and encompasses approximately 400 square miles. Wastewater CVWD also provides wastewater and sewage collection and treatment services in the City and Sphere of Influence (SOI). CVWD sewer lines utilize a system of trunk lines ranging in diameter from 4 to 24 inches. There are 18-inch diameter force mains in Washington Street, Jefferson Street, Madison Street, and Avenues 50, 58, and 60. There are two CVWD wastewater treatment plants that serve La Quinta. Water Reclamation Plant 7 (WRP-7) is located at Madison Street and Avenue 38, northeast of the City in Indio. It provides wastewater treatment for development in the City north of Miles Avenue. The capacity of WRP-7 is 5 million gallons per day (MGD), and the plant processes approximately 2.8 to 3.0 MGD. It has the capacity to expand to 7.5 MGD. The Mid -Valley Water Reclamation Plant (WRP-4), located in Thermal, serves lands in the City and SOI that are located south of Miles Avenue. The Mid -Valley plant has a current capacity of just under 10 MGD, and processes approximately 5 MGD. Solid Waste Solid waste disposal services in the City of La Quinta are provided by the commercial vendor, Burrtec. Solid waste collected from the City of La Quinta residents and businesses is hauled to the Edom Hill Transfer Station in Cathedral City and is then transported to Lambs Canyon in the City of Beaumont. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 66 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.19.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact UTILITIES AND SERVICE SYSTEMS — Would the project: a) Require or result in the relocation or construction of new or expanded water, wastewater treatment or storm water drainage, electric power, natural gas, or telecommunications facilities, the construction or relocation of which could cause significant environmental effects? ❑ ❑ b) Have sufficient water supplies available to serve the project and reasonably foreseeable future development during normal, dry and multiple dry years? ❑ ❑ 17 c) Result in a determination by the wastewater treatment provider which serves or may serve the project that it has adequate capacity to serve the project's projected demand in addition to the provider's existing commitments? ❑ ❑ �� d) Generate solid waste in excess of State or local standards, or in excess of the capacity of local infrastructure, or otherwise impair the attainment of solid waste reduction goals? ❑ ❑ ❑ " e) Comply with federal, state, and local management and reduction statutes and regulations related to solid waste? ❑ ❑ ❑ �� a-e. Less than Significant Impact. Domestic Water CVWD provides domestic water services to the Project site. CVWD based its water demand calculations for its UWMP on the City's Anticipated Land Use Plan which the Project will remain consistent with its designated land use. Additionally, the Project would be required to implement all water conservation measures imposed by CVWD under normal and drought conditions over the life of the Project. These include requirements of Executive Order B-29-15, which was issued in 2015 and is still in effect. This Executive Order mandates reductions in water use by 36% in the Coachella Valley. In response to the Executive Order, CVWD has adopted restrictions on water use that include limiting days on which landscaping can be irrigated, a prohibition on the use of fountains or water features, a prohibition on irrigation by any means other than drip or micro -spray systems, and a requirement that hotels offer their guests the option of not having towels and linens laundered daily. Should additional restrictions or regulations be implemented, the Project would be required to comply with them also. No new wells or additional water infrastructure or entitlements will be required. Based on the foregoing, CVWD would be able to fulfill the Project's demand during normal and dry years. Impacts would be less than significant. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 67 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION Wastewater Wastewater generated from the Project site would be treated at either CVWD's WRP 7 or WRP 4, which contains an excess of 2.0 MGD or 5 MGD, respectively. Implementation of the Project would generate wastewater at a rate of 230 gallons per day per dwelling unit. As the Project includes the development of 284 dwelling units, the Project would generate approximately 65,320 gallons per day of wastewater. Therefore, implementation of the Project would result in an approximately 3.3 percent or 1.3 percent of the total capacity of wastewater treated at WRP 7 or WRP 4, respectively. This increase is considered minimal as these plants currently treat approximately 5 MGD (WRP 7) or 10 MGD (WRP 4) and would not result in a significant impact. Stormwater The City requires on -site retention basins for all new developments to manage surface water flows and reduce runoff from sources such as stormwater and landscape irrigation. The Project complies with this requirement by including two on -site retention basins to ensure stormwater is retained on -site. Additional measures to address onsite stormwater management are described in Section 3.10, Hydrology and Water Quality. Project -related impacts to stormwater management systems are expected to be less than significant. Therefore, impacts would be less than significant. Solid Waste Solid waste disposal service for the City would be provided by Burrtec, which is required to meet all local, regional, state, and federal standards for solid waste disposal. Implementation of the Project would generate solid waste at a rate of 12.23 pounds per dwelling unit per year. As the Project includes the development of 284 dwelling units, the Project would generate approximately 1.7 tons of solid waste per year. Solid waste generated at the Project site would be transported to the Edom Hill Transfer Station in northern Cathedral City and disposed of at Lamb Canyon Landfill in the City of Beaumont, which has a remaining capacity of 19.2 million cubic yards (2015). Due to the small scale of the Project, the Lamb Canyon Landfill has more than enough capacity to serve the proposed Project. Furthermore, Burrtec is required to meet all local, regional, state, and federal standards for solid waste disposal. Impacts would be less than significant. 3.19.4 Mitigation No mitigation is required. 3.19.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation Not applicable. 3.20 Wildfire 3.20.1 Sources • California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CAL FIRE), Map of CAL FIRE's Fire Severity Zones in Local Responsibility Areas — Western Riverside County, December 24, 2009. Accessed August 13, 2021 https://osfm.fire.ca.gov/media/6754/fhszl map60.pdf Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 68 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION • CAL FIRE, Fire Hazard Severity Zones in SRA, November 7, 2007. Accessed August 31, 2021 https://osfm.fire.ca.gov/media/6752/fhszs map60.pdf 3.20.2 Environmental Setting The Project site is located within an area of the City that is somewhat developed. According to CAL FIRE maps, the Project site is not located within a very high fire hazard severity zone or a fire hazard severity zone in a State Responsibility Area (SRA). 3.20.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact WILDFIRE — If located in or near state responsibility areas or lands classified as very high fire hazard severity zones, would the project: a) Substantially impair an adopted emergency response plan or emergency evacuation plan? ❑ ❑ ❑ b) Due to slope, prevailing winds, and other factors, exacerbate wildfire risks, and thereby expose project occupants to, pollutant concentrations from a wildfire or the uncontrolled spread of a wildfire? ❑ ❑ ❑ c) Require the installation or maintenance of associated infrastructure (such as roads, fuel breaks, emergency water sources, power lines or other utilities) that may exacerbate fire risk or that may result in temporary or ongoing impacts to the environment? ❑ ❑ ❑ �� d) Expose people or structures to significant risks, including downslope or downstream flooding or17 landslides, as a result of runoff, post -fire slope instability, or drainage changes? ❑ ❑ ❑ The Project site is not located in or near SRA or lands within a very high fire hazard severity zone; therefore, the Project would not exacerbate wildfire hazard risks or expose people or the environment to adverse environmental effects related to wildfires. As such, no impact would occur. 3.20.4 Mitigation No mitigation is required. 3.20.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation Not applicable. 3.21 Mandatory Findings of Significance 3.21.1 Sources All sources previously listed were used to support the conclusions made in this section. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 69 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION 3.21.2 Environmental Setting The environmental setting for the project site is summarized within Sections 2.1 through 2.20 of the Initial Study for each environmental issue. 3.21.3 Impacts Potentially Significant Impact Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated Less than Significant Impact No Impact MANDATORY FINDINGS OF SIGNIFICANCE a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? ❑ ❑ ❑ �� b) Does the project have impacts that are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? ("Cumulatively considerable" means that the incremental effects of a project are considerable when viewed in connection with the effects of past projects, the effects of other current projects, and the effects of probable future projects)? ❑ ❑ ❑ �� c) Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? ❑ ❑ ❑ �� a. Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. All impacts to the environment, including impacts to habitat for fish and wildlife species, fish and wildlife populations, plant and animal communities, rare and endangered plants and animals, and historical and pre -historical resources were evaluated as part of this Initial Study. Throughout this Initial Study, where impacts were determined to be potentially significant, mitigation measures have been imposed to reduce those impacts to less than significant. Accordingly, with incorporation of the mitigation measures imposed throughout this Initial Study, the Project would not substantially degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self- sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, substantially reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal, or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory. Impacts would be reduced to less than significant levels with mitigation incorporated. b. Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. The environmental evaluation of this Initial Study concluded that, with adherence to all mitigation measures, the Project's cumulatively considerable impacts would be mitigated to less than significant levels. c. Less than Significant with Mitigation Incorporated. The Project could result in environmental impacts to humans directly or indirectly. All Project environmental impacts would be less than significant or less than Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 70 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION significant with mitigation incorporated. The Project would, therefore, not result in environmental effects which would cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly. 3.21.4 Mitigation BIO-1 If unavoidable, Project construction activities must begin during the nesting bird season (February 1st through August 31st), a pre -construction nesting bird survey shall be conducted no more than 14 days prior to initiation of ground disturbance and vegetation removal activities. The nesting pre - construction bird survey shall be conducted by a biologist familiar with identification of avian species known to occur in Riverside County. The nesting bird survey shall be conducted on foot inside the project boundary, including a 300-foot buffer for passerines (songbirds) and a 500-foot buffer for raptors in areas of suitable habitat. Inaccessible areas will be surveyed using binoculars to the extent practical. If nests are found, an avoidance buffer (dependent upon species, the proposed work activity, the existing disturbances associated with land uses outside of the site) shall be determined and demarcated by the biologist with bright orange construction fencing, flagging, construction lathe, or other means to mark the boundary. If a raptor nest is observed in a tree proposed for removal, the applicant must consult with CDFW. All construction personnel shall be notified of the existence of the buffer zone and avoid entering the buffer zone during nesting season. No ground disturbing activities shall occur within this buffer area until the avian biologist has confirmed the breeding/nesting is completed and the young have fledged. Encroachment into the buffer shall occur only at the discretion of the qualified biologist. BIO-2 The Applicant shall pay the CVMSHCP Local Development Mitigation Fee prior to building permit issuance. CUL-1 A qualified archaeologist monitor shall be present during any ground disturbing activities during the project construction phase. In the case that archaeological materials are encountered during ground disturbing activities, work in the area shall cease and any deposits shall be treated according to Federal, State, and local guidelines. No further grading is permitted in the area of the discovery until the City approves the appropriate measure to protect the discovered resources. CUL-2 In the event that human remains are uncovered during ground disturbing activities on the project site, no further disturbance shall occur, and all work shall cease until the County Coroner has made a determination of the origin and disposition of the remains. Ground disturbing activities and excavations shall not resume until the following has been addressed: 1. The County Coroner has been contacted and determined that no investigation to the cause of death is required, and 2. If the County Coroner determines that the remains are of Native American decent, the Coroner must notify Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC), which will then determine the Most Likely Descendant (MLD). The MLD shall complete the inspection of the site within 48 hours of notification and may recommend means of treating or disposing of, with appropriate dignity, the human remains, and any associated grave goods as provided in Public Resource Code Section 5097.98. GEO-1 Prior to the start of the proposed Project activities, all field personnel will receive a worker's environmental awareness training on paleontological resources. The training will provide a description of the laws and ordinances protecting fossil resources, the types of fossil resources that may be Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 71 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION encountered in the Project area, the role of the paleontological monitor, outlines steps to follow in the event that a fossil discovery is made and provides contact information for the Project Paleontologist. The training will be developed by the Project Paleontologist and can be delivered concurrent with other training including cultural, biological, safety, etc. GEO-2 Prior to the commencement of ground -disturbing activities, a professional paleontologist will be retained to prepare and implement a PRMMP for the proposed Project. The PRMMP will describe the monitoring required during excavations that extend into older Quaternary (Pleistocene) age sediments and the location of areas deemed to have a high paleontological resource potential. Part-time monitoring, or spot checking, may be required during shallow ground -disturbances (< 10 feet below ground surface) to confirm that sensitive geologic units are not being impacted. Monitoring will entail the visual inspection of excavated or graded areas and trench sidewalls. GEO-3 In the event that a paleontological resource is discovered, the monitor will have the authority to temporarily divert the construction equipment around the find until it is assessed for scientific significance and, if appropriate, collected. If the resource is determined to be of scientific significance, the Project Paleontologist shall complete the following: 1. Salvage of Fossils. If fossils are discovered, all work in the immediate vicinity should be halted to allow the paleontological monitor, and/or Project Paleontologist to evaluate the discovery and determine if the fossil may be considered significant. If the fossils are determined to be potentially significant, the Project Paleontologist (or paleontological monitor) should recover them following standard field procedures for collecting paleontological as outlined in the PRMMP prepared for the project. Typically, fossils can be safely salvaged quickly by a single paleontologist and not disrupt construction activity. In some cases, larger fossils (such as complete skeletons or large mammal fossils) require more extensive excavation and longer salvage periods. In this case, the paleontologist should have the authority to temporarily direct, divert or halt construction activity to ensure that the fossil(s) can be removed in a safe and timely manner. 2. Fossil Preparation and Curation. The PRMMP will identify the museum that has agreed to accept fossils that may be discovered during project -related excavations. Upon completion of fieldwork, all significant fossils collected will be prepared in a properly equipped laboratory to a point ready for curation. Preparation may include the removal of excess matrix from fossil materials and stabilizing or repairing specimens. During preparation and inventory, the fossils specimens will be identified to the lowest taxonomic level practical prior to curation at an accredited museum. The fossil specimens must be delivered to the accredited museum or repository no later than 90 days after all fieldwork is completed. The cost of curation will be assessed by the repository and will be the responsibility of the client. GEO-4 Upon completion of ground disturbing activity (and curation of fossils if necessary) the Project Paleontologist should prepare a final mitigation and monitoring report outlining the results of the mitigation and monitoring program. The report should include discussion of the location, duration and methods of the monitoring, stratigraphic sections, any recovered fossils, and the scientific significance of those fossils, and where fossils were curated. TCR-1 Prior to any ground disturbing activities on the Project site, an approved Agua Caliente Native American Cultural Resource Monitor(s) shall be present to monitor the site. Should buried cultural deposits be encountered, the Monitor may request destructive construction halt and the Monitor shall Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 72 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 3 ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION notify a qualified Archaeologist to investigate and, if necessary, prepare a mitigation plan for submission to the State Historic Preservation Officer and the Agua Caliente Tribal Historic Preservation Office. 3.21.5 Level of Significance after Mitigation With incorporation of the above -mentioned mitigation measures, all Project -related impacts in regard to Mandatory Findings of Significance would be reduced to less than significant. Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 73 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: 5 REFERENCES Chapter 4 Report Preparers Lead Agency Carlos Flores, Senior Planner City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 The Altum Group Rich Malacoff, AICP Subconsultants Air Quality, Energy, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Noise Mike Dickerson, INCE, Principal — MD Acoustics Tyler Klassen, Air Quality Specialist — MD Acoustics Francisco Irarrazabal, Acoustical Consultant— MD Acoustics Biological Resources Travis McGill, Director — ELMT Consulting Cultural Resources Roberta Thomas, Senior Archaeologist, M.A., RPA — PaleoWest Archaeology Hydrology, WQMP Benjamin Egan, PE, PLS, Engineer — Egan Civil, Inc. Transportation, VMT George Ghossain, PE, MSCE, MPA, Principal Engineer— Integrated Engineering Group Troutdale Village SPA No. 3 IS/MND 74 April 2022 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023 - XXX A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, RECOMMENDING THAT THE CITY COUNCIL APPROVE A GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT, SPECIFIC PLAN AMENDMENT, AND SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT TO ALLOW THE DEVELOPMENT OF A 252-UNIT APARTMENT PROJECT LOCATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND AVENUE 50 CASE NUMBERS: GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2022-0002 SPECIFIC PLAN 2022-0001 (SP 2004-071, AMENDMENT 2) SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 APPLICANT: IRWIN PARTNERS ARCHITECTS WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on June 27, 2023, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a request by Irwin Partners Architects for approval of a General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, and Site Development Permit for a 252-unit apartment project located on the northeast corner of Washington Street and Avenue 50, more particularly described as: APN 646-070-016 WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on March 17, 2023, as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed toall property owners within 1,000 feet of the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on March 28, 2023, previously hold a duly noticed Public Hearing and continued said Public Hearing to a date certain of June 27, 2023, to give the applicant time to address the Planning Commission's concerns regarding architectural design, density and height of buildings, parking, and traffic; and General Plan Amendment 2022-0002 WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings to justify approval of said General Plan Amendment, as conditioned [Exhibits A and B]: 1. Internal General Plan Consistency. The amendment is internally consistent with goals, objectives, and policies of the general plan, which are not being amended. The project proposes 252 units, with 74 designated as moderate - income units, on a site that is shown in the Housing Element as 280 low- or PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2022-0002 SPECIFIC PLAN 2022-0001 (SP 2004-071, AMD 2) SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: Page 2 of 7 very low-income units. An alternate 12.74-acre site to accommodate these 280 very low- to low-income units has been designated and is identified as Site 6 in the draft Housing Element amendment (Exhibit A). The additional site is required to be identified by the Project to comply with Government Code Section 65863, commonly referred to as the state "No Net Loss Law". Site 6 is commercially designated under the City's Community Commercial designation and benefits from the Affordable Housing Overlay, which allow for multi -family residential development. The property not only allows for multi -family residential but mixed -use development as well. The Affordable Housing Overlay allows for a density up to 36 units per acre and mixed -use projects allow for density up to 24 units per acre, however this site is projected at 22 units to the acre, which is more consistent with development in the region. The site is within a "High Resource" area, and its proximity to Highway 111 and bordering of a middle school makes it an ideal site. Additionally, the La Quinta Village Apartment project includes 74 moderate -income level affordable units which would count for the City's RHNA goals. 2. Public Welfare. Approval of the amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare. As part of the project, a Mitigated Negative Declaration would be adopted to mitigate any potential impacts. 3. General Plan Compatibility. In the case of amendments to the General Plan policy diagram, no changes are proposed. 4. Property Suitability. In the case of amendments to the General Plan policy diagram, no new designation is proposed. 5. Change in Circumstances. No amendments are proposed to the General Plan policy diagram. Specific Plan Amendment 2022-0001 (Amendment 2 to Specific Plan 2004-071, La Paloma) WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, the Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings to justify approval of said Specific Plan Amendment, as conditioned [Exhibits C and D]: 1. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment is consistent with the land use, policies and programs of the General Plan, as it allows for development of a medium high density residential project in the Medium/High Density land use designation, which PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2022-0002 SPECIFIC PLAN 2022-0001 (SP 2004-071, AMD 2) SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: Page 3 of 7 supports 4-16 units per acre residential density and is designed to accommodate a broad range of residential land uses, including apartment projects. Approval of the Specific Plan Amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare, as the project is consistent with the existing land uses as a multi -family residential development and will be consistent with surrounding residential development and is nearby schools and neighborhood commercial uses. 2. Specific Plan 2022-0001 is compatible with zoning on adjacent properties which are also residential. The project proposes a medium high density residential project and is surrounded by Medium Density Residential land uses, including a vacant site to the south and existing residential to the north. 4. Specific Plan 2022-0001 is suitable and appropriate for the subject property, as the project's land use is intended for multi -family residential projects which this project proposes. Site Development Permit 2022-0001 WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of all interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the following mandatory findings to justify approval of said Site Development Permit, as conditioned [Exhibit E]: 1. The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of Medium/High Density Residential. The City's General Plan Medium/High Density Residential designation is designed to accommodate a broad range of residential land uses, including apartment projects. The City's General Plan policies relating to Medium/High Density Residential encourage a broad range of residential uses within the City, and the proposed use maintains those policies. The proposed project is consistent with the following Goals, Programs, and Policies: • Goal LU-2 as the project consists of high -quality design that complements and enhances the City. The project design uses high - quality contemporary style, and utilizes varying roof lines and wall depths, along with a complementary color palette. • Goal LU-5 as the project provides a broad range of housing types and choices for all residents of the City. The project provides for apartments, which creates a different housing type and choice for residents within the City. This includes 74 moderate -income level units. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2022-0002 SPECIFIC PLAN 2022-0001 (SP 2004-071, AMD 2) SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: Page 4 of 7 • Policy LU-5.2 in considering changes in market demand in residential product type to meet the needs of current and future residents. The project is changing from a senior residential project to a multi -family apartment project to respond to market demand in residential product type to provide residents with apartments. • Goal SC-1 in that it provides a community that provides the best possible quality of life for all its residents by providing alternative housing types within La Quinta meanwhile providing a project that incorporates open space and common area with a pool for its residents, along with barbecue areas, pickleball courts, a dog park, and putting green. • Policy ED-1.2 in supporting and assisting in the retention of existing businesses, and the recruitment of new businesses. The apartment project provides additional residences nearby to Highway 111, along Washington Street, and close to the City's Village Commercial area which will allow for a working base close by to support and assist in the retention of existing businesses and recruitment of new businesses. • Goal H-1 in providing housing opportunities that meet the diverse needs of the City's existing and projected population. The apartment project of this type provides a diverse type of residential product. • Policy H-1.3 to direct new housing development to viable areas where essential public facilities can be provided and employment opportunities, educational facilities, and commercial support are available. The housing development was directed to a viable area where essential public facilities can be provided and employment opportunities, educational facilities, and commercial support are all available. • Goal H-2 in assisting in the creation and provision of resources to support housing for lower and moderate -income households and Policy H-2.1 which is to increase housing choices for lower and moderate - income households. This project increases the housing choices for moderate -income households. The project would include 74 moderate - income level units, providing more housing choices for moderate - income households. 2. The proposed development, as conditioned, is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Medium High Density Residential zone as well as the development standards of the City's Zoning Code and in terms of architectural style and landscaping. The project satisfies the zone's intent to provide for the development of medium high density neighborhoods with two and three-story multi -family dwellings. The project is generally consistent with the residential PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2022-0002 SPECIFIC PLAN 2022-0001 (SP 2004-071, AMD 2) SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: Page5of7 development standards and permitted use table, except deviations as established within the Specific Plan. 3. The Design and Development Department has prepared Environmental Assessment 2022-0001 for this project, in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Department has determined that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect because mitigation measures have been incorporated. 4. The architectural design of the project, including, but not limited to, the architectural style, scale, building mass, materials, colors, architectural details, roof style and other architectural elements are compatible with surrounding development and with the quality of design prevalent in the city. The contemporary style utilizes a high -quality design that is compatible with other approved and constructed residential projects within the City. 5. The site design of the project including, but not limited to, project entries, interior circulation, pedestrian and bicycle access, pedestrian amenities, screening of equipment and trash enclosures, exterior lighting, and other site design elements are compatible with surrounding development and with the quality of design prevalent in the city. 6. Project landscaping, including, but not limited to, the location, type, size, color, texture, and coverage of plant materials, has been designed so as to provide visual relief, complement buildings, visually emphasize prominent design elements and vistas, screen undesirable views, provide a harmonious transition between adjacent land uses and between development and open space, and provide an overall unifying influence to enhance the visual continuity of the project. The proposed project is consistent with the landscaping standards and plant palette and implements the standards for landscaping and aesthetics established in the General Plan and Zoning Code. The permanent overall site landscaping utilizes various tree and shrub species to enhance the building architecture and provide adequate relief and screening from Washington Street and Avenue 50. WHEREAS, the La Paloma Specific Plan (SP 2004-071) was adopted on December 7, 2004, and amended on July 19, 2011, and is the effective Specific Plan for the site. The proposed La Quinta Village Apartments Specific Plan (SP2022-0001), upon the date it becomes effective, shall repeal and replace SP 2004-071 and its amendment; and PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2022-0002 SPECIFIC PLAN 2022-0001 (SP 2004-071, AMD 2) SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: Page 6 of 7 WHEREAS, prior to Specific Plan 2022-0001 becoming effective, prior to Site Development Permit 2022-0001 being eligible for approval, and prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the City's update to the Housing Element shall be approved by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) within 180 days of approval by City Council of GPA2022-0001. This approval by HCD must include certification of the City's Housing Element after adding "Site 6", as noted in Exhibit A of the Planning Commission Resolution, to the inventory of sites within the City to accommodate the City's share of very low- and low-income units per the City's RHNA. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the Findings of the Planning Commission in this case. SECTION 2. That the above project is determined to be consistent with the Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared for the project (EA 2022-0001). SECTION 3. That it does hereby recommend that the City Council approve General Plan Amendment 2022-0002, Specific Plan 2022-0001 (SP 2004-071, Amendment 2), and Site Development Permit 2022-0001, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval [Exhibits B, D, E]. PASSED, APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of La Quinta Planning Commission, held on June 27, 2023, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: LORETTA CURRIE, Chairperson City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2022-0002 SPECIFIC PLAN 2022-0001 (SP 2004-071, AMD 2) SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: Page 7 of 7 ATTEST: DANNY CASTRO, Design and Development Director City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2022-0002 SPECIFIC PLAN 2022-0001 (SP 2004-071, AMD 2) SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: HOUSING PURPOSE The Housing Element of the La Quinta General Plan establishes the City's policy relative to the maintenance and development of housing to meet the needs of existing and future residents. Jurisdictions within the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) region must complete the statutory housing element update for a planning period that extends from 2022 to 2029. The 2022 Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA) proposes that La Quinta provide the regulatory framework to facilitate the development of new housing units potentially affordable to a range of income levels. The City's RHNA is 1,530 units for the 2022-2029 planning period. The RHNA includes housing planning goals for very low, low, moderate, and above moderate income households. The City's RHNA by affordability level is 42o units of housing affordable to very low income households, 269 affordable for low income households, 297 affordable for moderate income households, and 544 above moderate income units. The Housing Element demonstrates the land resources, financial resources, market trends, and governmental efforts that have the potential to facilitate and encourage housing development and rehabilitation to meet the RHNA. Setting The City of La Quinta is one of nine cities in the Coachella Valley. A world- renowned vacation destination, La Quinta's population varies by season. La Quinta's permanent population is estimated at 40,660 persons in 2020. The seasonal population exceeds 10,000, increasing the City's population by 25% during winter months. La Quinta households are generally wealthier than other areas of Riverside County. The median household income of La Quinta in 2018 was $79,889, significantly higher than the Riverside County median household income of $63,948. EXHIBIT A 1 This income trend is related to the types of new housing available in La Quinta. La Quinta is home to many master planned communities. Although the number of multifamily units in the City increased by more than 30% from 2012 to 2019, multifamily units continue to represent less than 7 percent of the total housing stock. Housing Resources California housing element law allows local governments to obtain credit toward their RHNA housing goals in three ways: constructed and approved units, vacant and underutilized land, and the preservation of existing affordable housing. Moderate income households are able to afford some new and fairly new rental and for sale units. Very Low and Low income households, however, will continue to require subsidized affordable housing. Housing Plan The housing element sets forth a comprehensive housing plan consisting of goals, policies, and programs to address existing and projected housing needs. The detailed programs provided are designed to identify sites to exceed the RHNA, assist the development of affordable housing, remove governmental constraints to housing, preserve the existing housing stock, provide equal housing opportunities, and promote energy and water conservation in residential uses. Quantified Objectives The goals, policies, and programs will guide housing -related decision making and facilitate attainment of the 2022-2029 RHNA housing targets. As shown in Table II-1, future units both planned and to be planned, make up the bulk of new construction counted toward the RHNA. Each jurisdiction must establish quantified objectives by income category to prepare to meet or exceed the RHNA for the 2022-2029 planning period. The City of La Quinta's quantified objectives are based on constructed and approved units and land resources for new housing and programs created to address other existing and projected housing needs. Achieving the City of La Quinta's quantified objectives will rely on third party financing. The City will continue to participate in the development of affordable housing with private party partners. Please see the Housing Resources section. 2 Table II-1 Quantified Objectives 2022-2029 Type of Housing Extremely Low Very Low Low Moderate Above Moderate Total New Construction New Units 210 210 269 297 544 1,530 Rehabilitation/Conservation Residential Rehabilitation 10 15 30 35 90 Conservation INTRODUCTION Purpose The Housing Element of the La Quinta Plan establishes the City's policy relative to the maintenance and development of housing to meet the needs of existing and future residents. These policies will guide City decision making and set forth a housing action program through 2029. These commitments are an expression of the City's desire to facilitate adequate housing for every La Quinta resident. The City's housing policy is consistent with the statewide housing goal of "attainment of decent housing and a suitable living environment for every California Family." The purpose of the Element is to establish official policy which: ❖ Identifies existing and projected housing needs, and inventories resources and constraints that are relevant to meeting these needs. The assessment and inventory include: Community Profile Housing Profile Land Resource Inventory Governmental and Nongovernmental Constraints Analysis Analysis of Special Needs Housing Identification of Assisted Units "At Risk" of Conversion ❖ Identifies the community's goals, objectives, and policies relative to the preservation, improvement, and development of housing. ❖ Sets forth a schedule of actions (programs) the City is undertaking or intends to undertake to implement the policies and achieve the goals and objectives of the Housing Element. The Housing Element has been designed to address key housing issues in the City. These issues include appropriate housing types to meet the needs of all segments of the community while maintaining a low density character, provision of affordable housing for special needs groups in the community, and the maintenance of the existing housing stock. Consistency with State Planning Law California Government Code requires that every City and County prepare a Housing Element as part of its General Plan. In addition, State law contains specific requirements for the preparation and content of Housing Elements. Sections 6558o to 65589.8 of the California Government Code contain the legislative mandate for the housing 4 element. State law requires that the City's Housing Element consist of "identification and analysis of existing and projected housing needs and a statement of goals, policies, quantified objectives, financial resources, and scheduled programs for the preservation, improvement and development of housing." State law also requires that the City evaluate its housing element approximately every eight years to determine its effectiveness in achieving City and statewide housing goals and objectives, and to adopt an updated Element that reflects the results of this evaluation. State law is very specific about the content of the Housing Element and makes it clear that the provision of affordable housing is the responsibility of all local governments. The City is expected to contribute toward regional housing needs and to contribute to the attainment of state housing goals. The most recent updates to Housing Element law occurred in 2017, when a series of bills were passed into law to address the State's determination that California was experiencing a State-wide housing crisis. The laws passed in 2017 addressed a wide range of housing -related issues, including Housing Elements, which are summarized below. • SB 2 established a recordation fee for real estate documentation which would fund planning grants for affordable housing and affordable housing projects. • SB 3 placed a $4 billion general obligation bond on the November 2018 ballot to fund affordable housing, farmworker housing, transit - oriented development, infill infrastructure and home ownership. • SB 35 mandated a streamlined approval process for infill affordable housing projects in communities that have not, according to the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) met their affordable housing allocation (RH NA). • AB 72 allowed HCD to find a housing element out of compliance with State law, and to refer the non -compliant element to the State Attorney General for action at any time during a Housing Element planning period. • AB 73 provided State -funded financial incentives for local jurisdictions which choose to create a streamlined zoning overlay for certain affordable housing projects. • SB 166 required that development proposals on local jurisdictions' sites inventory cannot be reduced in density without findings, and/or the identification of additional sites to result in 'no net Toss' of affordable housing units in the sites inventory. 5 • SB 54o provided State funding for the planning and implementation of workforce housing opportunity zones for very low, low and moderate income households. • AB 571 modified the farmworker tax credit program to allow HCD to advance funds to migrant housing center operators at the beginning of each planting season, and allowed migrant housing to remain open for up to 275 days annually. • AB 678 amended the Housing Accountability Act to limit a local jurisdiction's ability to deny low and moderate income housing projects by increasing the required documentation and raising the standard of proof required of a local jurisdiction. • AB 686 (approved in 2018) required a public agency to administer its programs and activities relating to housing and community development in a manner that affirmatively furthers fair housing. • AB 879 amended the annual reporting requirements of local jurisdictions to HCD regarding proposed projects, including processing times, number of project applications and approvals, and required approval processes. • AB 1397 amended the requirements of adequate sites analysis to assure that sites are not only suitable, but also available, by requiring additional information in site inventories. • AB 1505 allowed local jurisdictions to adopt local ordinances that require affordable housing units on- or off -site when approving residential projects. • AB 1515 established a `reasonable person' standard to consistency of affordable housing projects and emergency shelters with local policies and standards. • AB 1521 placed restrictions on the owners of affordable housing projects when terminating or selling their projects. General Plan Consistency The goals, policies, standards, and proposals within this element relate directly to and are consistent with all other General Plan elements. The Housing Element identifies programs and resources required for the preservation, improvement, and development of housing to meet the existing and projected needs of its population. The Housing Element is affected by development policies contained in the Land Use Element, which establishes the locations, types, intensity, and distribution of land uses throughout the City and defines the buildout land use scenario. In designating total acreage and density of residential development, the Land Use Element places an upper limit on the number and types of housing units constructed in the City. The acreage designated for a range of commercial and office uses creates 6 employment opportunities for various income groups. The presence and potential for jobs affects the current and future demand for housing at the various income levels in the City. In addition, the Land Use Element has been updated in accordance with Senate Bill 244. There are no disadvantaged unincorporated communities in the City's Sphere of Influence. The Circulation Element also affects implementation of the Housing Element. The Circulation Element establishes policies for providing essential streets and roadways to all housing that is developed. The policies contained in the other elements of the General Plan affect the quality of life of the citizens of the City through the control of the amount and variety of open space and recreation areas, acceptable noise levels in residential areas, and programs to provide for the safety of residents. The Housing Element utilizes the most current data available. Data sources include the U.S. Census, American Community Survey, California Department of Finance (D0F), Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy, Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), Riverside County, and various City documents and resources, among others. Scope and Content The Housing Element is organized in the following manner: ❖ Introduction: A statement of the purpose of the Housing Element and statutory requirements, a statement of the relationship between the Housing Element and other General Plan elements, the scope, content and organization of the Element, and a summary of the public participation process. ❖ Evaluation of Past Element: A summary of the achievements and an evaluation of the effectiveness of the past Housing Element. ❖ Housing Vision Statement: A statement describing the future vision of housing in La Quinta as developed by the citizens and elected officials of the City. The policies in the Housing Element are designed to bring this vision to fruition. ❖ Community Profile and Housing Profile: A discussion of the characteristics of the population, households, and housing stock in La Quinta, including growth and affordability trends. 7 ❖ Fair Housing: A discussion of the City's commitment to and implementation of federal and state fair housing laws, as well as identified issues, concerns, and strategies. ❖ Housing Needs: An analysis of groups in the City that may have special housing needs, the implications of the affordability of housing stock in relation to household income, and projected housing needs. ❖ Housing Constraints: A discussion of governmental and nongovernmental constraints to the development of housing and opportunities for energy conservation in residential planning, design, construction, and rehabilitation. ❖ Housing Resources: An inventory of constructed and approved units, land available for residential development, and underutilized sites available for residential redevelopment, and an analysis of the ability of these projects and sites to meet the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA). ❖ Preservation of At Risk Units: A description of any assisted, affordable multifamily units that are eligible to convert to market rate within 10 years of the planning period. ❖ Goals, Policies, and Programs: A description of housing goals, policies, and programs responsive to the City's current and projected housing needs. Also included is a summary of the City's quantified objectives for new residential construction, rehabilitation, and financial assistance during the planning period. EFFECTIVENESS OF THE 2014-2021 HOUSING ELEMENT To develop appropriate programs to address the housing issues identified in this Housing Element Update, the City of La Quinta has reviewed the effectiveness of the housing programs adopted in the 2014-2021 Housing Element. The State of California requires an assessment of the previous housing program to identify areas of accomplishment as well as areas in which improvement could occur following the implementation of new or modified programs. The following section reviews the progress in implementation of the programs, the effectiveness of the Element, and the continued appropriateness of the identified programs. Analysis of the past element is quantified where such information is available. 8 As described in the evaluation of Policies and Programs below, the City continued to assist households with special needs, including seniors, disabled residents and persons experiencing homelessness (see evaluation of Policies 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5; and Programs 4.4•b, 5.5.a, and 5.5•b below). These programs resulted in benefits to these special needs populations, including the furtherance of programs by housing homeless residents at the Coral Mountain apartments; through CVAG's regional housing efforts for Coachella Valley homeless persons; and by the major rehabilitation and new units provided for seniors and disabled seniors at the Washington Street apartments. The policies and programs were very effective in assisting special needs populations. The results of the analysis provided the basis for developing the comprehensive housing strategy for the 2022-2029 planning period. Adequate Sites for Housing GOAL H-1 Provide housing opportunities that meet the diverse needs of the City's existing and projected population. ••• Policy H-i.i Identify adequate sites to accommodate a range of product types, densities, and prices to address the housing needs of all household types, lifestyles, and income levels. Program 1.1.a: To address the City's RHNA allocation for extremely low income households, 26 of the 68 new units at the Washington Street Apartments will be designated for extremely low income households. The additional 19 units identified in the RHNA will be given priority either at Washington Street Apartments, or at projects on sites identified in the Vacant Land Inventory (Table II- 5o) ■ Objective: Encourage the provision of 45 extremely low income units in new projects during the planning period. ■ Timing: 2015 for 26 units, 2015-2021 as projects are constructed for 19 units ■ Funding Source: Private Funding, Tax Credit Financing, Other sources as identified ■ Responsible Agency: Planning Department ■ Evaluation: 9 ■ Renovation and expansion of Washington Street Apartments was completed in November 2019, resulting in the rehabilitation of existing 72 units and construction of 68 new units, for a total of 14o units. Twenty-four (24) of the 68 new units were designated for extremely low income households. The additional 19 units identified in the RHNA were not constructed. The program will be modified to address the 2022-2029 RHNA allocation. ❖ Policy H-1.2 Focus housing growth within existing City boundaries until it is necessary to pursue annexation or development in planning areas for affordable housing. Evaluation: No annexations were needed for the construction of affordable housing during the 2014-2021 planning period. The Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) continues to offer increased opportunities for affordable housing development by allowing it at higher densities within all commercial zones and several residential sites. This policy was successful and will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. ❖ Policy H-1.3 Direct new housing development to viable areas where essential public facilities can be provided and employment opportunities, educational facilities, and commercial support are available. ■ Evaluation: ■ The City continued to look at projects for affordable housing on infill sites and in areas where transit and employment were readily available. Coral Mountain Apartments and Washington Street Apartments were both planned on such sites and their construction has been completed. ■ In 2016, the City introduced the mixed use (MU) overlay in the zoning code (La Quinta Municipal Code Chapter 9.140) to facilitate the development of mixed use projects that include both multifamily residential and commercial components in a cohesively designed and constructed manner. Mixed use projects will locate residents in proximity to services, employment, and transportation hubs and provide interconnected multi -purpose paths for alternative modes of transportation. Mixed use projects can claim incentives, including reduced parking requirements, reduced plan check and inspection fees, and density bonuses. The policy will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. 10 Assist in the Development of Affordable Housing GOAL H-2 Assist in the creation and provision of resources to support housing for lower and moderate income households. ❖ Policy H-2.1 Increase housing choices for lower and moderate income households. ❖ Policy H-2.2 Support public, private, and nonprofit efforts in the development of affordable housing. ❖ Policy H-2.3 Pursue a variety of forms of private, local, state, and federal assistance to support development of affordable housing. Program H-2.3.a: Collaborative Partnerships The City shall meet with parties interested in affordable housing development to discuss types of incentives available and requirements for obtaining assistance, discuss appropriate sites for affordable housing, and foster professional collaboration between the City and affordable housing stakeholders. ■ Objective: Continue to collaborate with nonprofits and the development community to develop affordable housing. ■ Timing: Project -by -project basis, by request, or on an annual basis. ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Evaluation: The City Manager's office supports affordable housing efforts and coordinates regularly with affordable housing partners such as Lift to Rise. The City will continue to assist affordable housing developers in securing third party financing. During the 2014-2021 planning period, Coral Mountain Apartments was completed with Desert Cities Development. This program was successful and will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. Program H-2.3.b: Affordable Housing Renter -to -Owner Transition Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) provides federal tax credits for private developers and investors that agree to set 11 aside all or a portion of their units for low income households. LIHTC projects can transition from rental to ownership units. The units must remain rentals for 15 years, at which time some projects convert to ownership units. Typically a portion or all of the rent paid for the 5 years prior to the conversion is put toward the purchase of the unit. This enables lower income households to invest in the property in which they have been living and benefit from its appreciation. Existing stalled condominium and townhome projects are prime opportunities for low income tax credits to be used for renter -to - owner programs. ■ Objective: Investigate the use of LIHTCs to finance affordable single-family attached rental development that can transition, after 15 years, into moderate income ownership housing. ■ Timing: Complete study by end of fiscal 2015 ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Evaluation: Investigation into the use of LIHTCs to finance affordable single-family attached rental development was not completed. However, it is still considered important. This program will continue into the 2022-2029 planning period. Program H-2.3.c: Affordable Housing Renter -to -Owner Transition There are many resources that the City, nonprofits, or for -profit developers may utilize to subsidize the construction and maintenance of affordable housing. Some of the most prominent resources are described below. ■ Objective: Advertise other financial resources through the affordable housing page of the City's website, apply for grants and competitive loans, and form partnerships with the development community to obtain additional financial resources. ■ Timing: Update website with funding information and partnership opportunities every six months or earlier if appropriate. ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Community Development Department 12 Low Income Tax Credits Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) provides federal tax credits for private developers and investors that agree to set aside all or a portion of their units for low income households. A minimum of zo percent of the units must be affordable to low income households and 40 percent of the units must be affordable to moderate income households. Community Reinvestment Act The Community Reinvestment Act provides favorable financing to affordable housing developers. The Redevelopment Agency, development community, and local, regional, and national banks are encouraged to work together to meet their obligations pursuant to the Community Reinvestment Act. California Housing Finance Agency Program The California Housing Finance Agency (CH FA) has three single- family programs for primarily moderate and middle income homebuyers: the Home Ownership Assistance Program and the Affordable Housing Partnership Program. Each provides permanent mortgage financing for first-time homebuyers at below -market interest rates. HOME Funds HOME is the largest Federal block grant distributed to state and local governments for the creation of lower income housing. Cities apply when Notices of Funding Availability are issued. Neighborhood Stabilization Program HUD's Neighborhood Stabilization Program makes emergency assistance grants available to local governments for the acquisition, redevelopment, and renting or resale of foreclosed properties at -risk of abandonment. Riverside County First -Time Homebuyers Program Continue participation in the Riverside County First -Time Homebuyers Program for low and moderate income households. Mortgage Credit Certificate The Riverside County Mortgage Credit Certificate Program is designed to assist low and moderate income first time homebuyers. Under the Mortgage Credit Certificate Program, first-time homebuyers receive a tax credit based on a percentage of the interest paid on their mortgage. This tax credit allows the buyer to qualify more easily for home loans, as it increases the 13 effective income of the buyer. Under federal legislation, 20 percent of the funds must be set aside for buyers with incomes between 75 and 8o percent of the county median income. Finance Agency Lease -Purchase Program Riverside/San Bernardino County Housing Finance Agency Lease Purchase Program provides down payment assistance and closing costs for eligible households up to 14o percent of the area median income. Housing Choice Voucher (formerly Section 8) Referrals Housing Choice Vouchers allow lower income households to use rental subsidies anywhere in the County, including La Quinta. Evaluation: Information about financial resources and partnership opportunities available for subsidizing the construction and maintenance of affordable housing was not provided on the City's website. However, it continues to be a priority, and City staff plans to accomplish this task by 2022. This program will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. Program H-2.3.d: Sweat Equity and Shared Equity Sweat equity and shared equity programs provide lower and moderate income households with ownership assistance. Sweat equity refers to the exchange of time and effort, usually in the form of construction activities, for an affordable ownership opportunity. • Objective: Continue to work with organizations that offer sweat and shared equity housing programs to lower and moderate income households in La Quinta. • Timing: Meet with organizations annually or more frequently (if requested or advantageous) to identify opportunities for coordinated efforts or potential housing projects. • Funding Source: General Fund • Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Evaluation: The City has worked with both Habitat for Humanity and the Coachella Valley Housing Coalition in the development of sweat equity homes in the past. However, no units were built in collaboration with the City during the 2014-2021 planning period. This program has been successful in the past and will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. 14 Removal of Governmental Constraints to Housing GOAL H-3 Create a regulatory system that does not unduly constrain the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing affordable to all La Quinta residents. ❖ Policy H-3.1 Remove unnecessary regulatory constraints to enable the construction or rehabilitation of housing that meets the needs of La Quinta residents, including lower income and special needs residents. Evaluation: In 2017, the City adopted Ordinance No. 561 to amend Municipal Code Section 9.60.090 (previously "Second Residential Units") to establish development standards and criteria for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). Under these amendments, ADUs are permitted as accessory uses in all residential zones and qualifying units can receive allowances for parking requirement exemptions and utility connection exemptions. The amendments reduce regulatory constraints associated with ADU development and expand housing opportunities for lower -income residents. The City will continue to monitor all municipal code requirements to assure that they do not impose a constraint on the development of affordable housing. This policy will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. ❖ Policy H-3.2 Coordinate the development of affordable housing with the provision of key utilities to ensure prompt and adequate service. Evaluation: All new project development plans are provided to the utility providers for review and comment on a case -by -case basis. The City coordinates with utility providers to assure that adequate utilities are in place and operational to serve the needs of residents. This policy is ongoing and will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. ❖ Policy H-3.3 Incentivize the development of affordable housing to facilitate the development of housing for the City's lower and moderate income households. 15 Evaluation: In 2016, the City introduced the mixed use (MU) overlay in the zoning code (La Quinta Municipal Code Chapter 9.14o) to facilitate the development of mixed use projects that include both multifamily residential and commercial components. The City also amended and completed Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) regulations and district boundaries in ordinances passed in 2016 and 2019. This program will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. Program H-3.3.a: Priority Water and Sewer Service In compliance with state law, the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) must create procedures to provide priority water and sewer service to lower income residential project. The law also prohibits the denial or conditioning the approval of service without adequate findings, and requires future water management plans to identify projected water use for lower income residential development. ■ Objective: Route the adopted Housing Element to the CVWD and notify them of changes and future updates to the Housing Element. ■ Timing: Upon Housing Element adoption ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Evaluation: CVWD is responsible for compliance with state law. The City will provide the adopted Housing Element to CVWD, notify them of changes and future updates, and continue to coordinate with them in the processing of applications in a timely manner. This program will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. Program H-3.3.b: Reduced Parking Standards There are several potential opportunities to reduce parking standards for special types of development in La Quinta. While the City already has special parking standards for multifamily senior housing, there is potential to further reduce those requirements, particularly for lower and moderate income senior housing. The compact, mixed -use character of the Village area may also foster opportunities for parking reductions or joint -use opportunities. Lower and moderate income households may own fewer vehicles than above moderate income households, 16 and be more inclined to walk or use public transportation. Incentives such as reduced parking requirements could be offered for affordable housing developments. ■ Objective: Study the potential impacts of adopting reduced parking requirements or shared parking standards for senior housing and housing in the Village, particularly for projects serving lower and moderate income households. ■ Timing: Zoning Ordinance Update 2014 ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Evaluation: The City updated Incentive Based Parking Adjustments (Zoning Code Section 9.150.050) in 2017 which allows a reduction in parking spaces of up to fifteen percent, subject to approval by the Planning Commission. Section 9.150.o5o.B addresses opportunities for parking reductions in the Village Build -Out Plan Area, including potential reductions of fifty percent and other variations subject to approval by the director. The program is complete and will not be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. Program H-3.3.c: Encourage Lot Consolidation Several small Tots in the Village Commercial would have improved development potential through lot consolidation. The City will study, identify, and adopt regulatory incentives to encourage and facilitate lot consolidation. Potential incentives include fee deferral or reductions, parking requirement reduction, and relief from various other development standards that could potentially increase the cost of the project. ■ Objective: Identify opportunities and adopt incentives for lot consolidation in the Village Commercial zone ■ Timing: July 1, 2015 ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Evaluation: The City completed the La Quinta Village Build -Out Plan and EIR in 2017. Ordinance No. 553 amended several chapters of the Municipal Code related to development standards for the Plan area; development standards are provided in Section 9.70.110. Projects in the Plan area are encouraged to implement the standards and incentives of Section 9.140.090, the mixed use overlay, which encourages development on lot assemblages or lots greater than one acre. Per Section 9.140.o9o.F, mixed use development can benefit from density bonuses, modified parking requirements, 17 expedited permit processing, and fee reductions. Parking requirement reductions and variations in the Village Build -Out Plan area are addressed in Section 9.15o.o5o.B. Although the regulatory portion of this program is complete, the need for lot consolidation in the Village remains, and the program will be modified to address this. GOAL H-4 Conserve and improve the quality of existing La Quinta neighborhoods and individual properties. ❖ Policy H-4.1 Protect the quality of La Quinta's neighborhoods through the rehabilitation of both affordable and market -rate homes. Evaluation: The rehabilitation of both affordable and market -rate homes is an ongoing process supported by the City. The rehabilitation of 72 existing units at Washington Street Apartments, an affordable housing project, was completed in 2019. This policy will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. ❖ Policy H-4.2 Promote financial and technical assistance to lower and moderate income households for housing maintenance and improvements. Evaluation: The City continues to support Riverside County and other third -party programs to fill this need. The City provides information on the HERO financing program for energy efficiency home improvements. City staff will conduct research on technical assistance available by agencies, including County assistance programs, and direct households to these programs when appropriate. This policy will be extended into the 2022- 2029 planning period. ❖ Policy H-4.3 Encourage the retention and rehabilitation of existing single-family neighborhoods and mobile home parks that are economically and physically sound. 18 ❖ Policy H-4.4 Enhance neighborhoods that presently provide affordable housing with drainage, lighting and landscape amenities, and parks and recreation areas. Program H-4.4.a: Housing Condition Monitoring To better understand the City's housing needs the quality and condition of the housing stock must be inventoried on a regular basis. The inventory should focus on older neighborhoods, such as those south of Calle Tampico, west of Washington Street, and north of Highway 1n1. ■ Objective: Maintain an inventory of housing conditions (updated approximately every five years) to enable the City to properly target Code Compliance and rehabilitation resources. ■ Timing: Complete by June 30, 2014 ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Evaluation: There was no activity during the 2014-2021 planning period. City staff will conduct a housing condition survey in the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year. This program will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. Program H-4.4.b: County of Riverside Senior Residential Rehabilitation The Minor Senior Home Repair program allocates grants up to $25o per year for lower income seniors for minor housing repairs, such as painting doors or trim, or repairing a window. The Enhanced Senior Home Repair Program provides major rehabilitation and repair for low income seniors, providing a one- time grant for repairs to homes owned and occupied by seniors and/or persons with disabilities. The maximum level of assistance for this program is $3,00o per year. ■ Objective: Continue to refer code violators and interested parties to the County of Riverside Minor and Enhanced Senior Home Repair programs and other local resources. Assist homeowners in completing applications as necessary. ■ Timing: Throughout planning period, on a case -by -case basis ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Community Development Department 19 Evaluation: The City does not operate its own senior home repair program; however, the City Manager's office coordinates with lower income households and refers them to the Riverside County Economic Development Agency, as appropriate. This program is an ongoing effort and will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. Program H-4.4.c: County of Riverside Home Repair Grant The County of Riverside Economic Development Agency Home Repair Program provides lower income households with up to $6,00o for home repairs such as a new roof, new air -conditioner, or a handicap ramp. As a jurisdiction in Riverside County, lower income La Quinta households are eligible for this grant. ■ Objective: Refer code violators and interested parties to the County of Riverside for home repair grants. ■ Timing: Throughout planning period, on a case -by -case basis ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Evaluation: To the extent that these County programs have been funded, the City has referred homeowners to the appropriate County staff. This effort is ongoing and the program will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. Program H-4.4.d: Rehabilitation Resources List Lower and moderate income homeowners may need assistance in affording important home repairs and improvements. The City can assist these households by compiling and sharing a listing of local, state, and federal programs offering rehabilitation assistance. ■ Objective: Provide a rehabilitation resources list on the affordable housing and code compliance pages of the City's website. Use the list, in online or printed form, as a reference for code violators. ■ Timing: Create list by June 30, 2014 ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Community Development Department 20 Evaluation: City staff has not prepared a list of rehabilitation resources for home repairs and improvements; however, such an effort is still considered important. This program will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. Equal Housing Opportunity GOAL H-5 Provide equal housing opportunities for all persons. ❖ Policy 5.1 Provide the regulatory framework to create an environment in which housing opportunities are equal. Evaluation: The City complies with all housing laws regarding equal housing opportunities, including updates on accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in 2017 and again in 2020/2021. The City regularly reviews and amends its Municipal Code to assure that all aspects of it comply with the law. This policy is ongoing and will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. ❖ Policy 5.2 Encourage and support the enforcement of laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination in lending practices and in the sale or rental of housing. Evaluation: The City complies with all housing Taws and distributes fair housing information. The City monitors housing complaints and refers all complaints to the Riverside County Fair Housing Council, which has jurisdiction over such matters. This policy is ongoing and will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. ❖ Policy 5.3 Encourage support services for the Coachella Valley's senior and homeless populations through referrals and collaborative efforts with non -profits and other jurisdictions. Evaluation: The City provides funding to and participates in CVAG's homelessness programs and provides financial assistance to Martha's Village and Kitchen and Coachella Valley Rescue Mission for homeless prevention services, in 21 addition to providing bus passes for homeless people and collaborating with non -profits to provide rapid rehousing and other services. This policy involves ongoing efforts and will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. ❖ Policy 5.4 Assist in the creation of a continuum of care for the homeless population and those transitioning into permanent housing. Evaluation: The City provides ongoing support for the CVAG Homeless Committee and participation in CVAG's homelessness programs. In the 2014-2021 planning period, the City housed five homeless families in Coral Mountain apartments through the Homeless Prevention Program. This program will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. ❖ Policy 5.5 Improve quality of life for disabled persons by facilitating relief from regulatory requirements that may create barriers to accessible housing and promoting universal design. Evaluation: During the 2014-2021 planning period, the City further amended the Zoning Code Section 9.60.320 to refine procedures for requesting, submittal, and review of applications for reasonable accommodation. The City continues to facilitate development of accessible housing for all its residents. This program is ongoing and will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. Program H-5.5.a: Regional Facilities for the Homeless Continue to support and collaborate with the Coachella Valley Association of Governments Homelessness Committee efforts to maintain a regional homeless facility that provides housing as well as supportive services. Continue to contribute, if funds allow, $250,00o annually to CVAG's efforts to provide housing and support services across the Coachella Valley. ■ Timing: City staff will continue to collaborate with CVAG throughout the planning. ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Community Development Department 22 Evaluation: The City participated in and collaborated with CVAG's Homelessness Committee to provide supportive programs for homeless people in the Coachella Valley. After the closure of Roy's Desert Resource Center in 2017, CVAG contracted with a non-profit to operate its Coachella Valley Housing First program and initiated the CVHEART program to coordinate and expand regional homelessness efforts. The City worked with homeless shelters and re -housing programs directly and through CVAG. Continuing support of these programs will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. Program H-5.5.b: Transitional Housing and Permanent Supportive Housing Transitional housing typically accommodates homeless people for up to two years as they stabilize their lives and does not meet emergency needs. Transitional housing includes training and services that are vital for rehabilitating and enriching the lives of the formerly homeless. Transitional housing facilities provide families and individuals with a safe place within which to rebuild their lives and prepare for independence. Permanent supportive housing is affordable housing with on- or off -site services that help a person maintain a stable, housed, life. ■ Objective: The Zoning Ordinance shall allow transitional and supportive housing as a residential use in all zones which allow for residential development, and subject only to those restrictions that apply to similar residential uses (single or multi -family units) of the same type in the same zone, and will not be subject to any restrictions not imposed on similar dwellings, including occupancy limits. ■ Timing: Coordinate with 2009/2011 General Plan Update ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Planning Department Evaluation: Several zoning ordinance amendments were completed in the 2014-2021 planning period. The amendments define homeless shelters and transitional shelters; allow transitional and supportive housing with a conditional use permit in the Medium Density, Medium -High Density, and High Density Residential zones; and allow transitional shelters with a conditional use permit within Regional Commercial and Major Community Facilities zones. Emergency shelters are allowed in all commercial zones. This program was completed and will not be extended into the 2022-2o29 planning period. 23 Program H-5.5.c: Fair Housing Referrals Fair housing organizations provide dispute resolution and legal assistance to tenants and landlords in conflict. Such services are particularly important for lower and moderate income households unable to afford counsel. ■ Objective: Continue to refer tenants and landlords to the Fair Housing Council of Riverside County. Provide information on fair housing resources on the City's website and at City Hall. Identify and coordinate with local nonprofits, service organizations and community groups that can assist in distributing fair housing information. ■ Timing: Referral service as needed. Information to be placed on website and local groups identified by January 2014 ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Evaluation: City staff referred residents to the County Fair Housing Council as needed. The City website provides information on the Fair Housing Council of Riverside County (FHCRC) and how to contact the FHCRC. This program is ongoing and will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. Program H-5.5.d: Directory of Services While numerous services are available to special needs and lower income households, it can be difficult to readily have access to these resources. A directory provides the contact information necessary to seek housing assistance. ■ Objective: Develop an online directory of services and information to provide La Quinta residents with contact information for community organizations and service providers that address special needs. ■ Timing: Update website by March 2014 ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Evaluation: The City website includes directories of affordable rental and ownership housing developments, as well as information about senior home purchase loan programs, personal finance resources, and other housing resources. City housing staff will continue to add additional information as needed. This program involves ongoing efforts and will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. 24 Energy and Water Conservation GOAL H-6.1 Provide a regulatory framework that facilitates and encourages energy and water conservation through sustainable site planning, project design, and green technologies and building materials. ❖ Policy H-6.1 Promote higher density and compact developments that increase energy efficiency and reduce land consumption. Evaluation: The zoning ordinance was amended in 2017 to include standards for mixed use and planned unit development (PUD). The purpose of the PUD is to allow flexibility in the design of residential projects, and encourage the development of creative, high -quality residential projects that provide attractive living environments in a setting that is different from standard single family home development. The City also continues to promote energy efficiency through rebate programs provided by utility companies and other agencies. This policy is ongoing and will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. ❖ Policy H-6.2 Facilitate housing development and rehabilitation that conserves natural resources and minimizes greenhouse gas emissions. Evaluation: New and renovated units at Washington Street Apartments were completed in 2019 and built to meet or exceed the most recent energy efficient building standards. Energy -conserving materials and systems include faucet flow restrictors, Energy Star -rated appliances and roofs, dual -glazed windows, and vented kitchen range hoods. The City website provides information about numerous home energy efficiency products, programs, and services, including financial assistance and residential rebate programs, that help homeowners conserve natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This policy is ongoing and will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. ❖ Policy H-6.3 Encourage and enforce green building regulations or incentives that do not serve as constraints to the development or rehabilitation of housing. 25 Evaluation: The City adopts and enforces the California Building Code (CBC) and California Green Building Standards Code per State requirements. The 2019 CBC updates include solar and green building requirements. This policy will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. ❖ Policy H-6.4 Focus sustainability efforts on measures and techniques that also assist the occupant in reducing energy costs; therefore reducing housing costs. Evaluation: The City has supported several residential developments that incorporate sustainable efforts and help reduce the occupant's energy costs. These properties include Coral Mountain Apartments and Washington Street Apartments for disabled seniors and veterans; both were completed during the 2014-2021 planning period. The City continues to promote its Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan and implement sustainability principles and measures in the General Plan. This policy will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. ❖ Policy H-6.5 Use and encourage emerging technologies to reduce high demands for electricity and natural gas including use of passive solar devices and where feasible other renewable energy technologies (e.g., biomass, wind, and geothermal). Program H-6.5.a: Green and Sustainable La Quinta Program Continue to implement the Green and Sustainable La Quinta Program. ■ Objective: Implement green goals, policies, and programs that accurately represent the City's direction in resource conservation and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. Implement design standards for residential and commercial structures that encourage solar protection to directly result in energy conservation. ■ Timing: As projects are proposed ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Community Development Department Evaluation: The Green and Sustainable La Quinta Program includes providing information on the City's website about home improvement programs, financial resources and rebates, recycling programs, water and energy 26 conservation measures, and other resources that facilitate resource conservation and greenhouse gas emission reductions. The City adopted and enforces the 2019 California Building Code and California Green Building Code that require design standards that encourage solar protection to directly result in energy conservation. The City also implements the policies and programs of its Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan and General Plan. This program is ongoing and will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. Program H-6.5.b: Energy Conservation Partners In working toward a sustainable La Quinta, the City and its residents will need to collaborate with utilities and service providers. Partnerships with the Coachella Valley Water District, Imperial Irrigation District, Southern California Gas, Burrtec Waste and Recycling Services, Sunline Transit District, Coachella Valley Association of Governments, Southern California Association of Governments and other entities will be an important component of making La Quinta a more livable city. ■ Objective: Continue to meet with and seek insight from utilities, service providers, and other entities involved in energy conservation efforts appropriate for La Quinta. ■ Timing: As part of regular coordination meetings with utilities ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: City Manager's Office/Community Development Department Evaluation: The City coordinates with utility companies to promote and implement energy conservation programs in residential construction. The City website includes descriptions of and contact information for home improvement energy conservation measures and financing programs, including rebates, offered by SoCalGas, Imperial Irrigation District, CVWD, and Burrtec Waste and Recycling. Development plans and construction activities are closely coordinated with utilities during planning and operational purposes. This program is ongoing and will be extended through the 2022-2029 planning period. Program H-6.5.c: Imperial Irrigation District Programs The Imperial Irrigation District (IID) is proactive in energy savings via conservation programs, product rebates, and general tips. An average home owner can save up to 10 percent on energy/energy bills by taking advantage of IID programs. Home owners can utilize the free "Check Me!" program, which checks the 27 refrigerant charge and airflow of their air conditioning/heating units. IID also offers a rebate on the purchase of higher efficiency air conditioning units, high efficiency refrigerators, programmable thermostats, and ENERGY STAR equipment. City staff has held several meetings with IID representatives to discuss opportunities for collaboration to conserve energy in La Quinta, including water management opportunities for golf courses and golf -oriented communities. ■ Objective: Maintain contact with IID to market energy efficiency programs and rebates that are most beneficial to La Quinta residents and homeowners. ■ Timing: Quarterly through Desert Cities Energy Partnership meetings ■ Funding Source: General Fund, IID program funds, and potential AB 811 special assessment district funds ■ Responsible Agency: City Manager's Office/Community Development Department Evaluation: The City's Going Green website provides information on IID programs and rebates through links to their websites, including the Residential ENERGY STAR product rebate program. IID continues to offer free, in -home residential and commercial energy audits and follow-up lists of recommendations intended to reduce electricity consumption and costs. The City promotes these programs through meetings with Homeowners' Association boards and various City sponsored events to encourage La Quinta residents and businesses to sign up for energy audits and reduction programs. However, IID's future is currently unknown; in addition to continuing to recommend IID as a conservation resource, the City will need to explore additional opportunities for residents to acquire energy savings via conservation programs, products, rebates, and general tips. This program will be modified for the 2022-2029 planning period. Program H-6.5.d: Weatherization Assistance The Federal Department of Energy's Weatherization Assistance Program, in conjunction with state and local programs, provide low or no cost weatherization and insulation services to reduce the heating and cooling costs for low income households. ■ Objective: Encourage low income homeowners or renters to apply for free energy audits, home weatherization, and utility rebate programs by advertising available programs on the City's website and at City Hall. 28 ■ Timing: Advertise annually as program funds are available ■ Funding: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Building and Safety Department, City Manager's Office Evaluation: The City website and distribution materials/flyers describe and provide contact information for Imperial Irrigation District's free energy audits for homes, home energy efficiency surveys, financing programs and tax credits, and rebates and incentive programs. The City also promotes SoCalGas' free energy and water conservation kit for residential customers and no -cost, energy -saving home improvements for income -qualified homeowners and renters. This program is successful and will be extended into the 2022-2029 planning period. However, the focus will continue to be on local and regional, not federal, programs, which will be reflected in revisions to the program. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION California Government Code requires that local governments make a diligent effort to achieve public participation from all economic segments of the community in the development of the housing element. The City's public outreach efforts focused on community and stakeholder workshops, information disseminated through the City's website, electronic mail notifications, and public hearings. Together, this input helped the City understand and respond to the housing needs of the community. The Housing Element draft was also posted on the City's website. Community and Stakeholder Workshops Workshop invitations were sent to local and regional development entities, advocacy groups, and interested parties via email. In addition, workshops were advertised on the City's website and in email blasts to the City's extensive resident email list. The workshops consisted of a Planning Commission presentation, two City Council updates, a Housing Commission presentation and a public workshop attended by more than 15 community members. The comments received at these workshops included the following, which are addressed in this Housing Element: ❖ Concerns about how to address overpayment by both owners and renters. ❖ The difficulty of financing new projects, which now require two or three times as many funding sources as in the past. 29 ❖ Concerns regarding whether short term vacation rentals are impacting the availability of housing for permanent residents. ❖ Assuring that land inventory sites for all types of housing. ❖ Assuring that development standards, fees and processing times reflect the needs of affordable housing projects. ❖ January 12, 2021 to present the process of the Update, discuss the City's RHNA allocation and seek input from the Commission. The Commission had no questions or comments. ❖ Joint Planning Commission and City Council Study Session on August 3, 2021, to inform the members on the comments received by HCD, and discuss the distribution of sites. The members had several questions and comments on the need for housing, including creative housing solutions like tiny homes; the City's ongoing efforts to provide it, and the challenges associated with funding projects. The comments and questions led to amendments and additions to policies and programs which are included in this Element. The amendments included changes to programs to develop incentives, including fee reductions and development standard concessions for affordable housing projects, and working closely with the development community to secure funding from all available sources. The participants' concerns were considered in the preparation of the goals, policies and programs, including additions and changes that further commit the City to partnering with affordable housing developers in the development of projects in the future; the City's recent actions to limit short term vacation rentals; and including inventory sites of varying sizes and locations close to services, transit, schools and job centers. The Element was posted on the City's website, and a public comment period provided from September 10 to 24, 2021. The public comment period was advertised through Facebook and Instagram posts, and a Nextdoor announcement from the City, and an email blast to all those invited to the community workshops (see Appendix A). City received no comments during the comment period. State Review and Public Hearings The Draft Element was submitted to the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) for review and certification. The City has received and responded to review comments from HCD to address its concerns. 30 The Housing Element was posted on the City's website for 3o days prior to City Council hearing. The posting was advertised on the City's website, on its Facebook page, and individual emails sent to all of the housing advocates, developers and residents who participated in the City's workshops (see Appendix A). HOUSING VISION STATEMENT A Housing Vision Statement was developed based on key housing issues and through cooperation of the citizens and elected officials of the City of La Quinta when the General Plan was adopted. It has been reviewed periodically, but remains true to the City's goals and aspirations. The housing policies and programs included in this Housing Element are designed to bring this vision to fruition. "The City of La Quinta's vision of the future for housing focuses on encouraging the provision of suitable housing for all City residents while maintaining and enhancing the City's high quality of life for its residents. Through its housing programs, the City will facilitate the maintenance and improvement of its existing housing stock resources, and encourage the production of a variety of new housing to meet residents' needs, while preserving the overall character of the City." COMMUNITY PROFILE The housing needs of the City are determined by characteristics of the population (age, household size, employment, and ethnicity) and the characteristics of housing available to that population (i.e., number of units, tenure, size, cost, etc.). This section explores the characteristics of the existing and projected population and housing stock in order to identify potentially unmet housing needs in La Quinta. This information provides direction in updating the City's Housing Element goals, policies, and programs. The demographics used in this section are derived from US Census data for 2000 and 2010; US Census American Community Survey (ACS) 3 and 5 year estimates data, California Department of Finance, and the City of La Quinta. Population The City of La Quinta is one of nine cities in the Coachella Valley subregion of Riverside County. The Coachella Valley includes the cities of Cathedral City, Coachella, Desert Hot Springs, Indian Wells, Indio, La 31 Quinta, Palm Desert, Palm Springs, and Rancho Mirage, as well as large areas of unincorporated Riverside County. La Quinta ranks high in population growth among California's 482 cities. During the 199os, the population of La Quinta grew by 111.3 percent, making it the fastest growing city in the Coachella Valley at the time. The number of residents in the City increased from 11,215 to 37,467 between 1990 and 2010. The population further increased to 40,704 by 2018, a smaller increase of 8.6 percent compared to the previous two decades. The absolute increase in population for cities in the Coachella Valley provides another perspective for analysis when size is taken into consideration. For example, Indio grew by the greatest number of people from 2010 to 2018, with an increase of approximately 15,199 people. La Quinta experienced the fourth largest numerical increase, with an added population of 3,237. Table II-z Population Growth City/Region 2000 2010 Census 2018 ACS 2000-2010 2010-2018 # % # La Quinta 23,694 37,467 58.1 13,773 40,704 8.6 3,237 Coachella Valley 255,788 346,518 35.5 90,730 382,296 10.3 35,778 Riverside County 1,545,387 2,i89,641 41.7 644,254 2,383,286 8.8 193,645 Source: zoo° and 2010 Census; American Community Survey 2°14-2°18 5-Year Estimates Table 11-3 Population Growth In Coachella Va ley Cities City 2000 2010 Census 2018 ACS Change z000-zolo Change 2o10-zo18 # % # Cathedral City 42,647 51,200 zo.1 8,553 54,037 5.5 2,837 Coachella 22,724 40,704 79.1 17,980 44,849 10.2 4,145 Desert Hot Springs 16,582 25,938 56.4 9,356 28,430 9.6 2,492 Indian Wells 3,816 4,958 29.9 1,142 5,317 7.2 359 Indio 49,116 76,036 54.8 26,920 91,235 20.0 15,199 La Quinta 23,694 37,467 58.1 13,773 40,704 8.6 3,237 Palm Desert 41,155 48,445 17.7 7,290 52,124 7.6 3,679 Palm Springs 42,807 44,552 4.1 1,745 47,525 6.7 2,973 Rancho Mirage 13,249 17,218 30.0 3,969 18,075 5.0 857 Total 255,790 346,5i8 35.5 90,728 382,296 10.3 35,778 Source: 2000 and 2010 Census; American Community Survey 2014-2018 5-Year Estimates 32 Seasonal Population The seasonal or part time resident population is not included in the population estimates compiled by the Census Bureau because people are classified according to the location of their primary residence. The California Department of Finance (DOF) provides a yearly estimate of total built housing units and an estimate of the number of vacant units. In resort communities like La Quinta, the number of vacant units reflects the number of units that are not occupied year-round, as well as those that are ready for year-round occupancy but have not been inhabited. According to the 2010 Census, the overall vacancy rate for La Quinta is 36.9%, while the seasonal vacancy rate is 27.5%. According to the 2018 ACS Census, the overall vacancy rate for La Quinta is 38.3%, while the seasonal vacancy rate is 31.8%. Age Composition Table 11-4, Age Distribution, shows the change in age groups from 2010 to 20-8. In 2018, children and youth groups (ages o-19) comprised 23.8 percent of the population, young and middle -age adults (2o to 54 years) represented 36.5 percent and all age groups over 55 years made up 39.8 percent. The data show that the population is slowly aging. In 2018, the median age in La Quinta was 47.E years, significantly older than Riverside County and the State of California averages of 35.8 and 36.7 years, respectively. This represents a 3% increase in the City's median age since 2010, when the median age was 45.6 years. Table 11-4 indicates that the rate of growth in the o-19 age groups slightly declined from 2010 to 2018. The 20-54 age groups reflect a slower growth rate, making up 2.8% less of the City's population in 2018. Conversely, growth in the 55+ age category shows a 3.5% increase in the share of City population compared to 2010. Table 11-4 Abe Distribution Age Group 2010 2018 # % # Under 5 years 1,784 4.8 2,048 5.0 5 to 9 years 2,136 5.7 2,549 6.3 10 to 14 years 2,624 7.0 2,212 5.4 15 to 19 years 2,544 6.8 2,877 7.1 20 to 24 years 1,629 4.3 1,635 4.0 25 to 34 years 3,239 8.6 3,567 8.8 35 to 44 years 4,457 11.9 4,231 10.4 45 to 54 years 5,435 14.5 5,413 13.3 55 to 59 years 2,652 7.1 2,849 7.0 6o to 64 years 3,151 8.4 3,318 8.2 33 Table 11-4 A Distribution Age Group 2010 2018 # % # 65 to 74 years 4,989 13.3 5,929 14.6 75 to 84 years 2,217 5.9 3,127 7.7 85 years & over 610 1.6 949 2.3 Total 37,467 100 40,704 100 Median age 45.6 47.1 Source: 2010 U.S. Census Tables P12 and P13; American Community Survey 2014-2018 5-Year Estimates, Tables DPo5 and Boloo2 Race and Ethnicity Table 11-5 describes the racial and ethnic distribution of the population for 2010 and 2018. Residents who categorize themselves as white comprise the largest race/ethnicity. The distribution remains largely stable from 2010 to 2018 with a small increase in the Asian group and a decrease in the American Indian and Alaska Native group. The percentage of Hispanic or Latino residents increased slightly from 30.3% to 34.1%. Table 11-5 Population by Race/Ethnicity Race/Ethnicity 2010 2018 # % # One Race White 29,489 78.7 32,239 79.2 Black or African American 713 1.9 772 1.9 American Indian and Alaska Native 230 o.6 48 0.1 Asian 1,176 3.1 1,529 3.8 Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific 41 0.1 20 <0.1 Islander Some Other Race 4,595 12.3 4,757 11.7 Two or More Races 1,223 3.3 1,339 3.3 Total 37,467 100 40,704 100 Hispanic or Latino (of any race) 11,339 30.3 13,872 34.1 Source: 2010 U.S. Census, Tables P3 and P12H; American Community Survey 2014- 2018 5-Year Estimates, Table DPo5 Employment The economy of the Coachella Valley was traditionally agriculture - driven, but has gradually shifted to tourism, service industries, and residential uses. Although employment patterns typically induce housing demand, the regional economy of the Coachella Valley differs from most parts of the state. Here, employment is created by housing demand, manifested in the construction and staffing of resorts and second homes. Tourism and 34 resort development are leading indicators that predict employment and housing demand. Although the tourist economy is seasonal in the Coachella Valley, it is generally stable and does not typically suffer the severe effects of recessions as do other regions dependent on manufacturing and consumer related goods. And with the benefit of desert weather, the resorts in the La Quinta area are increasingly operating year-round. There is, however, some seasonal fluctuation in the labor market, which can further compound the problem of economic stability in the lower income sectors of the labor force, affecting their ability to sustain themselves in the off season (summer) months. According to the US Census Bureau (2014-2018 American Community Survey), in 2o18 the civilian labor force over 16 years comprised 17,18o persons. Table 11-6 shows the types of employment by industry held by La Quinta residents in 2018. The majority of jobs held by La Quinta residents were in "educational services, health care, and social assistance", followed by "arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation, and food service" industries, "retail trade," and "professional, scientific, management, administrative, and waste management" industries. As shown in Table 11-7, more than one-third (37.1%) of the City's civilian employed labor force is employed in "management, business, science, and arts" occupations, followed by "sales and office" occupations (26.5%) and "service" occupations (2o.8%). Table 11-8 shows the major employers in the City of La Quinta. The largest employers are in the nonmanufacturing economy and are directly related to the provision of services, including education, big box retail, and recreational and resort activities. In 2019 the City surveyed its major commercial and hospitality facilities to identify major employers in the city limits. The largest employers surveyed include Desert Sands Unified School District, La Quinta Resort & Club/PGA West, Wal-Mart, Costco, and Home Depot. The Great Recession, with onset in late 2oo7, saw high unemployment and job losses in the Coachella Valley. At the lowest point, about every seventh person lost their job.1 Regional employment started to increase in 2011, but annual growth was still slower than pre -Recession levels until 2017, suffering more impact than western Riverside County, the state, and nation. The construction sector was hit hardest regionally, with approximately 7o% of jobs lost and only 14% recovered by December 2019 Greater Palm Springs Economic Report, Coachella Valley Economic Partnership, Figure 24. 35 2o17.2 The Retail Trade and Wholesale Trade sector lost around 6,700 jobs but has basically returned to pre -Recession levels. Two sectors have fully recovered and even added jobs: Education and Health Services and, to a lesser extent, Leisure and Hospitality. Between 2012 and 2019, annual unemployment rates in La Quinta saw an overall decline from a high of 7.5% in 2012 to a low of 4.1% in 2019.3 However, analysis of employment data from zoos to 2017 shows that, as of December 2017, La Quinta had not fully recovered the job losses it incurred during the Great Recession. The City lost about 3o% of jobs, relative to peak employment, and had recovered only about 5%.4 This scenario is roughly the same for seven other Coachella Valley cities; only Palm Springs and Rancho Mirage had recovered and exceeded their previous peaks. Future employment opportunities for City residents will include a variety of new retail, service, and entertainment jobs at the luxury Montage and Pendry hotels that are under construction at the SilverRock Golf Resort, a Residence Inn recently constructed on Highway 111, as well as other development resulting from the City's 2019 Highway 111 Corridor Plan. CV Link, a 49-mile long regional, multimodal pathway under construction, will run north of the Highway 111 corridor and is anticipated to support new business and employment opportunities. 2 Ibid, Figures 25 and 26. 3 California Employment Development Department annual unemployment rates (labor force), not seasonally adjusted, not preliminary. 4 2019 Greater Palm Springs Economic Report, Coachella Valley Economic Partnership, Figure 28. 36 Table 11-6 Employment by Industry (2018) Industry Employed Persons % of Employed Persons Agriculture, forestry, fishing, hunting, mining 352 2.0 Construction 1,056 6.1 Manufacturing 691 4.0 Wholesale Trade 242 1.4 Retail Trade 2,479 14.4 Transportation and warehousing, and utilities 657 3.8 Information 199 1.2 Finance, insurance, real estate, rental, leasing 1,309 7.6 Professional, scientific, management, admin., waste management 1,977 11.5 Educational services, health care, social assistance 3,373 19.6 Arts, entertainment, recreation, accommodation, food services 2,947 17.2 Other services, except public administration 1,021 5.9 Public Administration 877 5.1 Total civilian employed 16 years and over 17,08o 1oo.o Source: American Community Survey 2oi4-2018 5-Year Estimates, Table S24o3 Table 11-7 Employment by Occupation (2018) Occupation # % Management, business, science, and arts occupations 6,368 37.1 Service occupations 3,577 20.8 Sales and office occupations 4,547 26.5 Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations 1,588 9.2 Production, transportation, and material moving occupations 1,100 6.4 Total civilian employed population 16 years and over 17,08o 1oo.o Source: American Community Survey 2014-2o18 5-Year Estimates, Table S24o1 37 Table 11-8 Principal Employers in City of La Quinta Name of Employer Employed Persons Description Desert Sands Unified School District 2,852 Government La Quinta Resort & Club/ PGA West' 1,412 Hotel & Golf Resort Wal-Mart Super Center 30o Retailer Costco 290 Retailer Home Depot 212 Retailer Target 18o Retailer Lowe's Home Improvement 150 Retailer Imperial Irrigation District 134 Utility Company In N Out 84 Fast Food Restaurant Vons 83 Grocery Store Rancho La Quinta 77 Golf Resort Traditions Golf Club 71 Golf Resort Source: City of La Quinta 2018/19 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. 1 La Quinta Resort & Club and PGA West are accounted for as one entity; as such, their employment numbers are reported together as of FY 2015-16. Many La Quinta residents work in other communities, and many residents from other cities work in La Quinta. Table 11-9 describes the employment locations of La Quinta residents. As shown, only 23.1% of City residents work in La Quinta. A quarter (25.o%) work in Palm Desert. Table 11-9 Commuting Patterns Where La Quinta Residents Work No. of La Quinta Residents % of Total Indio 1,087 14.1 Cathedral City 254 3.3 Palm Desert 1,933 25.0 Palm Springs 827 10.7 Coachella 438 5.7 La Quinta 1,788 23.1 Desert Hot Springs 44 0.6 Rancho Mirage 879 11.4 Indian Wells 484 6.3 Source: 2019 Greater Palm Springs Economic Report, Coachella Valley Economic Partnership, Table 6. Based on 2015 data. General Income Characteristics Income can often vary significantly by region, industry, and type of job. Table II-10 describes average income per worker by industry in the Coachella Valley. As shown, the highest -paying sectors are Finance/Insurance/Real Estate, Government, and Information, with incomes averaging around $50,00o to $60,000. The lowest -paying sectors include Retail Trade, Other Services, and Leisure and Hospitality, with incomes averaging around $31,000. 38 Table II-10 Average Income by Industry, Coachella Valley Industry Average Income per Worker, zo17 Agriculture $29,571 Construction $45,488 Manufacturing $46,340 Retail Trade $32,281 Information $50,493 Finance, Insurance, Real Estate $59,726 Professional and Business Services $43,736 Education and Health Services $48,322 Leisure and Hospitality $31,513 Government $58,711 Other Services $31,836 Logistics $45,114 Source: 2019 Greater Palm Springs Economic Report, Coachella Valley Economic Partnership, Figure 29 The median household income in La Quinta in 2018 was $79,889, higher than the Riverside County median household income of $63,948. Since 2010, the median income for La Quinta residents has increased, with the 2010 median family income reported as $57,768 for the County of Riverside and $67,444 for the City of La Quinta. Household income estimates (2018) by total households are provided in Table II-11. Table II-11 2018 Household Income Estimates Income Category Households % of Households Less than $10,000 901 5.8% $10,000 -14,999 386 2.5% $15,000 - 24,999 846 5.5% $25,000 - 34,999 1,384 8.9% $35,000 - 49,999 1,771 11.4% $50,000 - 74,999 2,201 14.2% $75,000 - 99,999 1,792 ii.6% $100,000 -149,999 2,872 18.5% $150,000 -199,999 1,254 8.1% $200,000 or more 2,098 13.5% Total 15,505 ioo.o% Median Income $79,889 Source: American Community Survey 2014-2018 5-Year Estimates, Table DPo3 39 HOUSING PROFILE This section provides an overview of La Quinta's existing housing stock. Since the establishment of the La Quinta Hotel in 1926, La Quinta has been considered a world class resort and has been a favored location for vacation and retirement homes. Generally, single-family residences were constructed on an individual basis from the 195os until the La Quinta Country Club area was developed in the 196os. In 1975, a brief building boom began due to speculation. Recessions in the 198os and early 199os resulted in an oversupply of housing and little construction in the City. A rebound occurred beginning in the late 199os. As a result, the City has seen a rapid increase in residential development of all types, but predominantly single-family units. There are many projects clustered around recreation amenities. In many of these communities, second units and guest houses (typically used to house guests, extended family members, and service workers) are processed concurrently with the primary unit. The bust of subprime lending practices in the early and mid-2000s led to the Great Recession, which resulted in a steep decline in home values, rapid increase in foreclosures, and decrease in the number of households eligible to enter the ownership housing market. Construction of new housing slowed in La Quinta and many regional and national markets. Housing Characteristics Between 2012 and 2o19, the number of housing units in the City increased by 1,179 units from 23,585 to 24,764 units. This change represents a 5.o percent increase (see Table 11-12). There are five types of housing units for which data is presented in Table 11-12: detached and attached single family units, multifamily in a building of 2 to 4, or 5 or more units, and mobile homes. The predominant type of dwelling unit in the City of La Quinta continues to be single-family detached. Together, detached and attached single-family homes comprised 88.0 percent of all units in the City in 2o19. The number of multifamily (5 or more) units in the City increased by 31.9% from 2012 to 2019, although multifamily units represented 11.1 percent of the total housing stock in 2019. 40 Table II-13 shows the number of building permits issued for new residential construction in La Quinta between January 1, 2014 and December 31, 2020, covering nearly all of the 2014-2021 planning period. The data show that 944 permits were issued. The majority (92.7%) were for single-family detached units, 4.o% were for single-family attached units, 2.2% were for multi -family 3-4 units, and 1.1% were for multi -family 5+ units. Table 11-12 Housing Stock Trends - 2012 to 2019 Building Type 2012 2019 Change 2012- 2019 Units % of Total' Units % of Total' # Single -Family Detached 18,622 79.o 19,310 78.0 688 3.7 Single -Family Attached 2,387 10.1 2,476 io.o 89 3.7 Multifamily, 2-4 units 1,127 4.8 1,140 4.6 13 1.2 Multifamily, 5 or more units 1,218 5.2 1,607 6.5 389 31.9 Mobile Homes 1 231 1.0 231 1.0 0 0 Total Dwelling Units 23,585 1oo.0 24,764 100.0 1,179 5.o Source: Department of Finance Table E-5, 2012 and 2o1g. 1 differences due to rounding Table II-13 New Resident'al Construction, 2014-2020 Building Permit Type No. of Permits' Percent of Total Residential Dwellings: Single -Family Detached 875 92.7% Single -Family Attached 38 4.0% Multi -Family 3-4 units 21 2.2% Multi -Family, 5+ units 10 1.1% Total Permits: 944 100.0% Source: La Quinta Building Division 'Permits issued between 1/01/14 through 12/31/2o Households Before current housing problems can be understood and future needs anticipated, housing occupancy characteristics need to be identified. The following is an analysis of household type, growth, tenure, and vacancy trends. By definition, a "household" consists of all the people occupying a dwelling unit, whether or not they are related. A single person living in an apartment is a household, just as a couple with two children living in the same dwelling unit is considered a household. 4 1 From 2010 to 20-8, the number of La Quinta households grew from 14,802 to 15,505 at a 4.6% rate, as shown in Table 11-14. In 2o18, the majority of households (56.7%) consisted of married couple families, followed by non -family households (29.2%). Table 11-14 Household Growth Trends (2010 — 2018) Year Number of Household s # Increase % Increase 2010 14,820 - - 2018 15,505 685 4.6 Source: 2010 U.S. Census, Table P28; American Community Survey 2014-2018 5-Year Estimates, Table DPo2 Table II-15 Household Types Household Type No. of Households % of Total Family households: 10,977 70.8 Married couple family 8,797 56.7 Male householder, no wife present 747 4.8 Female householder, no husband present 1,433 9.2 Non -family households 4,528 29.2 Total Households 15,505 100 Average Household Size 2.62 Source: American Community Survey 2o14-2018 5-Year Estimates, Table DPo2 Housing Tenure The number of owner -occupied housing units in the City has not fluctuated much since 2010. In 2o18, La Quinta owners occupied 76 percent of total units in the City, compared to 75.2 percent in 2010. Vacancy The vacancy rate is a measure of the general availability of housing. It also indicates how well the types of units available meet the current housing market demand. A low vacancy rate suggests that many households have found housing. However, fewer vacant housing units remain available and households needing housing may have difficulty finding housing within their price range. A high vacancy rate may indicate either the existence of a high number of units undesirable for occupancy or an oversupply of housing units. 42 As shown in Table 11-16, the vacancy rate in La Quinta was 38.3 percent (9,638 units) in 20-8, reflecting the seasonal resort character of the City. Among the vacant units, 31.8 percent of total housing units in the City are for seasonal, recreational, or occasional use. On that basis, the City's actual net vacancy rate is 6.5%, including 353 units available for rent, 596 available for sale, 271 rented or sold and awaiting occupancy, and 414 of other vacant status. Of the 15,505 (61.7%) occupied housing units in the City, about 71.8% are owner -occupied, and 28.2% are renter -occupied. The homeowner vacancy rate is 5.o%, and the rental vacancy rate is 7.4%, both of which are moderately low. Table 11-16 Vacancy Status Vacancy Status Units Percentage Occupied Units Owner -occupied 11,125 44•2 Renter -Occupied 4,380 17.4 Subtotal 15,505 61.7 Vacant Units For rent 353 1.4 Rented, not occupied 28 0.1 For sale only 596 2.4 Sold, not occupied 243 1.o For seasonal, recreational, or occasional use 8,004 31.8 For migrant workers o 0 Other vacant 414 1.6 Subtotal 9,638 38.3 Total Units 25,143 100 Vacancy Rate: Homeowner vacancy rate - 5.o Rental vacancy rate - 7.4 Source: American Community Survey 2014-2018 5-Year Estimates, Tables DPo4 and B25004 Age and Condition of Housing Housing age is a factor for determining the need for rehabilitation. Without proper maintenance, housing units deteriorate over time. Also, older houses may not be built to current housing standards for fire and earthquake safety. Approximately 71.4 percent of the housing stock in the City of La Quinta has been built since 199o, and about 44 percent of the current stock has been constructed since 2000 (see Table II-12). Less than 5 percent was constructed prior to 197o. 43 The oldest homes in the City are found in the Cove neighborhood. Of the older single-family homes, many are well maintained and are mostly occupied by long term residents. A small proportion of older homes have not been well -maintained. These homes are typically smaller than new homes in the City; some less than 1,000 square feet. As land values increase, it will become economically viable to replace or rehabilitate some of these structures. These homes are primarily in the Cove area and behind City Hall. Outside of the Cove area, the homes are generally newer. Many new units in these other areas are custom homes in gated communities and are maintained by their owners in accordance with the requirements of a homeowners association. Table 11-17 Age of Housing Stock in La Quinta Year Built Total Percentage After2014 125 0.5 2010-2013 276 i.i 2000-2009 10,651 42.4 i99o—i999 6,9oi 27.4 i980-1989 4,235 16.8 1970-1979 1,762 7.0 1960-1969 460 1.8 1950-1959 459 1.8 1940-1949 153 0.6 Before 1939 121 0.5 Total Stock 25,143 100.0 Source: American Community Survey 2014-2018 5-Year Estimates, Table DPo4 Housing is considered substandard when conditions are found to be below the minimum standards of living defined by Section loot of the Uniform Housing Code. Households living in substandard conditions are considered as needing housing assistance even if they are not seeking alternative housing arrangements. According to a zoo? City-wide housing conditions survey (see Housing Conditions Survey, below), the majority of units needing minor or moderate rehabilitation are in the Cove area. Many of the housing units in the Cove area are more than 30 years old. After 3o years homes generally require major rehabilitation, such as a new roof or updated plumbing. 44 Another measure of potentially substandard housing is the number of housing units lacking adequate kitchen and plumbing facilities. In La Quinta, there are 83 units (o.54% of all units) lacking complete kitchens and 61 units (o.39% of all units) lacking plumbing facilities. More homeowner units have deficiencies than rental units. These homes could potentially benefit from rehabilitation programs. Table 11-18 Housing Units Lacking Facilities Type of Deficiency Owner -Occupied Units Renter -Occupied Units Total No. Total Units in City Percent of Total Units No. Total Units in City Percent of Total Units No. Percent of Total Units Lacking complete kitchen facilities 69 11,125 0.62 14 4,380 0.32 83 0.54 Lacking plumbing facilities 61 11,125 0.55 0 4,380 0 61 0.39 Source: 2014-2018 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Tables B25o53 and B25o49 Housing Conditions Survey The last citywide survey of housing conditions was conducted in November 2007. Homes were evaluated based on the condition of structural elements (walls, supports, columns), doors and windows, paint and cosmetics, roofing, and landscape and streetscape. The survey found that most homes were in good condition and required little or no maintenance or repairs. Approximately 7% of the housing stock (1,408 units) was categorized as "Deferred Maintenance" and needed minor repairs, such as refreshed paint and landscaping. Thirty- six (36) units were designated "Minor Rehabilitation" and demonstrated numerous deferred maintenance conditions; 83% of these units were in the Cove. Twenty-three (23) units designated "Moderate Rehabilitation" were in a deficient state and needed major roof repair, window replacement, or similar repairs; 87% of them were in the Cove. Four (4) units were designated "Substantial Rehabilitation or Replacement"; they required complete replacement of roofs, walls, and/or other structural elements and their condition endangered the health, safety, or well-being of occupants. The City has not conducted a housing conditions survey since 2007; however, one is planned for fiscal year 2021/2022. The Code Compliance staff is proactive in its work to track property maintenance. As described above, the primary area where maintenance issues occur is in the Cove. The City offers programs that assist homeowners and apartment complex owners with home maintenance and repair costs. Homeowners interested in reducing their utility bills 45 through upgrades now have an alternative to tapping their mortgage for home equity loans. Through partnership with the City of La Quinta, HERO and Ygrene are offering low -fixed interest rates and flexible payment terms of up to 20 years, with repayments made through property taxes. Currently, both programs offer a wide array of home energy products including: windows, skylights, and doors; heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; solar panels; roofing and insulation; artificial turf; and drip irrigation. In addition, Ygrene also offers pool pumps and related equipment and lighting products; HERO offers electric vehicle charging stations and water heating products. Rooms per Unit Table 11-19 shows the number of bedrooms per unit, ranging from no bedroom (studios) to five or more bedrooms. Table II-19 also describes the number of bedrooms per unit, in relation to the total number of units for both zo11 and 2018. The most prominent change proportionally was in no -bedroom (studio) units, which increased 1.7 percent from zo11 to 2018. This change may be a combination of additional guest houses, a popular addition in the City, and accessory dwelling units, which have in recent years become more common. Table II-19 Bedrooms Per Unit, 2o11-zo18 Bedrooms Per Unit 2011 % of Total 2018 % of Total Change ' Studio (no bedroom) 172 o.8 622 2.5 1.7 1 1,145 5.2 1,307 5.2 0 2 4,046 18.3 4,278 17.0 -1.3 3 11,772 53.3 13,305 52.9 -0.4 4 4,441 20.1 5,125 20.4 0.3 5+ 506 2.3 506 2.0 -0.3 Total 22,082 100 25,143 100.0 ---- Source: zoo9-2013 and 2014-2o18 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Tables B25o41. 1 This category represents percent change in proportional terms. Table II-2o identifies the number of bedrooms in a dwelling unit by tenure. Three -bedroom units constituted the majority of housing stock (approximately 55 and 49.4 percent, respectively) of both owner and rental units. In ownership units, those with two, three, or four bedrooms made up 96.7 percent of units, while the same bedroom mix made up only 82.i percent of rental units. As would be expected, rental units contained a much higher proportion of one -bedroom units, providing housing for those who are young, mobile or do not earn enough to enter homeownership. 46 Table 11-20 Bedrooms in Dwelling Unit by Tenure, 2018 Tenure Number Percentage Owner Occupied 11,125 100 Studio (no bedroom) 42 0.4 1 bedroom 93 0.8 2 bedrooms 1,721 15.5 3 bedrooms 6,124 55.0 4 bedrooms 2,912 26.2 5 or more bedrooms 233 2.1 Renter Occupied 4,380 100 Studio (no bedroom) 78 1.8 1 bedroom 697 15.9 2 bedrooms 989 22.6 3 bedrooms 2,165 49.4 4 bedrooms 443 10.1 5 or more bedrooms 8 0.2 Total 15,505 100 Studio (no bedroom) 46 0.8 1 bedroom 686 5.1 2 bedrooms 2,200 17.5 3 bedrooms 7,655 53.5 4 bedrooms 2,952 21.6 5 or more bedrooms 332 1.6 Source: 2014-2018 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Tables B25o42. Housing Costs This section discusses values of ownership housing, and average rental prices for rental housing. La Quinta's for -sale and rental properties range from multimillion -dollar estates to very low-income subsidized units. Home Values The table above compares median housing values in Coachella Valley cities from 2013 to 2018. La Quinta's median housing value was $348,400 in 2o13, which was lower than Rancho Mirage and Indian Wells, but higher than the other cities. Its median value increased io.8% over the 5- year period, which was the third lowest percent increase in the region. However, the City's median housing value still ranks third highest in the Coachella Valley. 47 Table 11-21 Regional Median Housing Value Trends, 2013 - 2018 Jurisdiction Median Value, owner -occupied units % Change 2013-2018 2013 2018 Desert Hot Springs $121,600 $174,900 43.8% Palm Springs $267,800 $367,900 37.4% Cathedral City $179,500 $259,900 44.8% Rancho Mirage $518,000 $499,900 -3.5% Palm Desert $308,000 $335,400 9.0% Indian Wells $604,600 $706,800 16.9% La Quinta $348,400 $386,200 10.8% Indio $192,600 $267,900 39.1% Coachella $137,600 $207,300 50.7% Source: American Community Survey 2009-2013 and 2014-2018 5-Year Estimates, Table B25077 Table 11-22 shows that nearly a third (32.5%) of owner -occupied units were valued between $300,00o to $499,999 in 2018, followed by 26% in the $500,00o to $999,999 range and 21.6% in the $200,00o to $299,999 range. Currently, 36% of owner -occupied units are worth $500,000 or more, and 31.6% are valued below $300,000. Table 11-22 Housing Values in La Quinta, 2018 Owner -occupied units value Number Percent Less than $50,000 240 2.2% $50,00o to $99,999 153 1.4% $ioo,00o to $149,999 135 1.2% $150,00o to $199,999 581 5.2% $200,000 to $299,999 2,404 21.6% $300,00o to $499,999 3,612 32.5% $500,000 to $999,999 2,888 26.0% $1,000,000 or more 1,112 10.0% Total 11,125 100 Median (dollars) 386,200 - Source: American Community Survey 2014-2018 5-Year Estimates, Table DP04 New Homes While the volume of new homes shrank by 30.6% from 2017 to 2018, the median price of new homes also decreased by 27.4% from 2018 to 2019.5 Although housing starts do not compare to pre -Recession levels, the market has recovered slowly. S Ibid. 48 During the 2014-2021 planning period, the City and non-profit organizations arranged financing for rehabilitation and expansion of affordable housing units at the Washington Street Apartments. The project, located on approximately 11.5 acres, included the substantial rehabilitation of all 72 existing units, construction of 68 new units, construction of 2 new community buildings, laundry facilities, a fitness center, and 2 swimming pools. The Coral Mountain project was also constructed during this period, providing 174 low and moderate income units. Currently pending residential housing projects are listed in the following table. As shown, approximately 2,822 single-family and multi -family units are either under review, approved, or under construction. Table 11-23 Pending Residential Projects Development Name Acres No. of Dwelling Units Type of Dwelling Units Status Mountain Village Residences 0.22 6 multi -family apts. under review Estate Collection at Coral Mountain 20 57 single-family approved SilverRock Phase 1 46.6 29 Single-family approved Travertine 800 1,20o single-family under review Centre at La Quinta 22 133 multi -family condos approved Desert Club Apartments o.7 16 multi -family apts. approved Floresta 20.8 82 single-family under construction Residence Club at PGA West 3 ii single-family approved Canyon Ridge 28.3 74 single-family approved Codorniz 15 142 single-family under construction SilverRock Phase 2 30.5 66 hotel branded condos approved Estates at Griffin Lake 30 78 single-family approved Monterra 14 4o single-family in final phase Signature at PGA West 42 23o single-family approved The Peak Mixed Use o.38 8 multi -family apts. under review La Quinta Penthouses 12.74 8 multi -family apts. under review Jefferson Street Apartments 5.36 42 multi -family apts. under review Coral Mountain Resort 320 60o single-family under review Total Units: 2,822 Rental Costs The rental housing market in La Quinta includes apartments, townhomes, condos/co-ops, and single-family homes. Table 11-24 shows median gross rent by number of bedrooms, according to the American Community Survey. The median gross rent is $1,473. 49 Table 11-24 Median Gross Rent by Bedrooms (2018) No. of Bedrooms Median Gross Rent* No bedroom $797 1 bedroom $396 2 bedrooms $1,2o6 3 bedrooms $1,731 4 bedrooms $2076 5+ bedrooms not provided Median Gross Rent: $1,473 * estimated, renter -occupied housing units paying cash rent Source: American Community Survey 2014-2018 5-Year Estimates, Table B25°31 Online listings show that current market rental rates generally range from approximately $1,33o to $1,80o for a 1-bedroom unit; $1,40o to $3,50o for a 2-bedroom unit; $2,00o to $4,50o for a 3-bedroom unit; and $2,40o to $5,00o for a 4+-bedroom unit.6 Although rental rates for some units are much higher than reflected in these ranges, they are generally outliers and not reflective of the majority. No studio apartment listings were found in the search. Affordable Rental Units The majority of apartment rental properties are offered at costs comparable to the average rental costs for the Coachella Valley as a whole. The affordability of rental housing in La Quinta is not directly tied to the density of the project; rather, prices range based on condition, on -site amenities, location, and unit size. New rental projects in La Quinta, particularly affordable projects, are incorporating more aspects of sustainable design and green building. There are 28 affordable single-family rental units in La Quinta, all of which have 3 bedrooms. Additionally, there are nine affordable multi- family housing complexes offering a total of 912 affordable multi -family rental units,? including HUD apartments, Section 8 apartments, public housing apartments, non-profit senior and family low-income apartments, and Low-income tax credit apartments (LI HTC).8 Five of the complexes are available to residents of all ages, including the following: Vista Dunes Courtyard Homes, constructed in 2oo8, provides 8o rental units affordable to extremely low, very low, and low income households. Vista Dunes was the first very low-income multifamily 6 Rent.com, accessed June 1, zozo. Affordable Housing Program, Single -Family Rental Units and Multi -Family Rental Units, City of La Quinta, updated July 8, zozo. 8 LowlncomeHousing.us, accessed June 1, zozo. 50 project of its size in the country to achieve LEED Platinum certification. The project provides a swimming pool, playground, basketball court, and large community multipurpose room. Vista Dunes offers one- to three -bedroom apartments. Wolff Waters Place, built in 2009, includes 216 green -built one- to four- bedroom apartments that are affordable to extremely low, very low, low, and moderate income households. Wolff Waters Place is a Low -Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) project. Aventine Apartments provides 20 units for low and moderate income households. Coral Mountain Apartments includes 174 units for low and moderate income households. Villa Cortina Apartments provides 116 moderate income restricted rentals. Four apartment complexes are dedicated to senior affordable rentals, including: Hadley Villas (79 units) offers extremely low, very low, and low income one -bedroom villas and accepts HUD subsidies. Depending on availability, rent will be based on 3o% of the Adjusted Gross Income for persons qualifying for low income housing. Seasons At Miraflores La Quinta is a Low -Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) apartment with 1i6 extremely low and very low income one - to two -bedroom apartments. The LIHTC gives incentives to builders and developers to provide affordable housing to low income persons. The maximum rent charged is based on the Area Median Income (AMI). Seasons At La Quinta is a Low -Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) apartment and provides 87 extremely low, low, and moderate income apartments. Washington Street Apartments was recently renovated and expanded and re -opened in late 2019. It provides 14o units for extremely low, very low, low, and moderate income seniors, nearly doubling its previous capacity. Thirteen (13) of these units are affordable through Section 8. 51 HOUSING NEEDS The following analysis of current City housing conditions addresses housing needs and concerns relative to various segments of the population. Several factors will influence the degree of demand or need for new housing in La Quinta in coming years. The four major "needs" categories considered in this element are: Overpayment: renters and homeowners who pay more than 3o percent of their gross incomes for shelter. Overcrowding: In response to higher housing prices, lower income households must often be satisfied with smaller, less adequate housing for available money. Special Needs: Special needs are those associated with demographic groups that call for very specific program responses, such as preservation of residential hotels or the development of four - bedroom apartments. State law specifically requires analysis of the special housing needs of the elderly, the disabled, single - parent households, large families, farm workers, and homeless persons. Future Housing Needs: To meet future needs of local and regional population and employment growth, SCAG developed the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA), which establishes both the projected need for non -market -rate housing and the "fair share" distribution of the projected need to each jurisdiction in each market area. Overpayment and Housing Affordability State housing policy recognizes that cooperative participation of the private and public sectors is necessary to expand housing opportunities to all economic segments of the community. Historically, the private sector generally responds to the majority of the community's housing needs through the production of market -rate housing. However, the percentage of the population on a statewide basis who can afford market -rate housing is declining. The State of California and HUD determined that affordable housing should consume no more than 3o percent of household gross income for lower and moderate -income households. A household spending greater than 3o percent of their gross income on housing is considered to be overpaying. 52 Table 11-25 lists the percentage of renters and homeowners who overpay for housing, based on 2012-2016 Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) data. CHAS data are compiled by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to evaluate the extent of housing problems and needs, particularly for low income households, based on Census data. Approximately 36.8 percent of all households in La Quinta spent more than 3o percent of their income on housing costs ("overpay"). A roughly equal proportion of owner and renter households (36.5% and 37.3%, respectively) experienced overpayment. Among extremely low-income households, 61.5 percent of renters and 78.4 percent of homeowners overpaid for housing. Among very low-income households, 70.8 percent of renters and 85.6 percent of homeowners overpaid for housing. Among low-income households, 64.9 percent of renters and 69.5 percent of homeowners overpaid. Furthermore, many of these households were actually paying more than 5o percent of their gross household income for housing ("severely overpaying"). Note that the proportions of households overpaying or severely overpaying are higher for lower -income households as a group, indicating that the cost burden of overpayment falls disproportionately on lower -income households and renters. These overpayment estimates reflect the need for affordable housing in the City, particularly for lower income households for rental and purchase. 53 Table 11-25 Overpayment by Income Category and Tenure Household Income' Owners Renters Households % Households less than or = 30% HAMFI (Extremely Low Income) 580 870 overpaying 455 78.4 535 61.5 severely overpaying 385 66.4 350 40.2 >30% to less than or =50% HAMFI (Very Low Income) 835 565 overpaying 715 85.6 400 70.8 severely overpaying 475 56.9 220 38.9 >50% to less than or =80% HAMFI (Low Income) 1,375 655 overpaying 955 69.5 425 64.9 severely overpaying 510 37.1 180 27.5 Subtotal: All lower -income households 2,790 2,090 Subtotal: All lower -income HH overpaying 2,125 76.2 1,360 65.1 Subtotal: All lower -income HH severely overpaying 1,370 49.1 750 35.9 >80% to less than or =100% HAMFI (Moderate Income) 755 425 overpaying 415 55.o 125 29.4 severely overpaying 150 19.9 55 12.9 >100% HAMFI (Moderate and Above Moderate Income) 7,080 2,095 overpaying 1,340 18.9 235 11.2 severely overpaying 295 4.2 15 0.7 Total Households 10,625 4,610 Total Households Overpaying 3,88o 36.5 1,720 37.3 Total Households Severely Overpaying 1,815 17.1 82o 17.8 1 HAMFI = HUD Area Median Family Income. HUD and CA HCD use different terminology/methodo ogy to define Household Income, but they are roughly equivalent. The table above matches HCD's terminology ("extremely low, very low, low") commonly used in HE documents to HUD categories, where appropriate. Note that "moderate" refers to 80%-i2o%ofAMI, and thus is noted in two HUD categories accordingly. "Overpaying" is defined as spending >3o% of gross household income on housing costs. "Severely overpaying" is defined as spending >5o% of gross household income on housing costs. Source: U.S. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development, CHAS data for La Quinta, based on 2012-2o16 ACS. A distinction between renter and owner housing overpayment is important because, while homeowners may overextend themselves financially to afford a home purchase, the owner maintains the option of selling the home and may realize tax benefits or appreciation in value. Renters, on the other hand, are limited to the trends of the rental market. Overpayment among the moderate and above moderate -income categories is a reflection of current economic conditions. In addition, some owner households choose to allocate a higher percentage of their disposable monthly income on housing costs because this allocation is justified in light of investment qualities of ownership. 54 Table 11-26 identifies the affordable rents and purchase prices, by income category, for a one -person household, a two -person household, and a family of four. Affordable rental rates and ownership (mortgage) costs are generally based on 3o percent of gross income. Table 11-26 Affordable Housing Costs by Annual Income Income Category' Annual Income Limit Maximum Affordable Monthly Rent Payment 2 Maximum Affordable Monthly Mortgage Payment 3 Maximum Affordable Home Purchase Price4 Single -Person Household Extremely Low (0-30% of AMI) $15,850 $396 $452 $58,750 Very Low (30%-50% of AMI) $26,400 $660 $753 $97,750 Low (50%-80% of AMI) $42,200 $1,055 $1,054 $136,900 Moderate (80%-120% of AMI) $63,250 $1,581 $1,933 $251,100 Above Moderate (120%+ of AMI) $63,250+ Above $1,581 Above $1,933 Above $251,loo Median $52,700 $1,318 Two -Person Household Extremely Low (0-30% of AMI) $18,ioo $453 $508 $66,000 Very Low (30%-50% of AMI) $30,150 $754 $847 $11o,000 Low (50%-80%of AMI) $48,200 $i,2o5 $i,i86 $i54,000 Moderate (80%-i20% of AMI) $72,300 $i,8o8 $2,i74 $282,400 Above Moderate (i20%+ of AMI) $72,300+ Above $i,8o8 Above $2,i74 Above $282,400 Median $60,250 $i,5o6 Four -Person Household Extremely Low (o-30% of AMI) $26,200 $655 $565 $73,450 Very Low (30%-50% of AMI) $37,650 $941 $941 $122,200 Low (50%-80% of AMI) $60,250 $1,506 $1,318 $171,250 Moderate (80%-120% of AMI) $90,350 $2,259 $2,4i6 $313,650 Above Moderate (120%+ of AMI) $90,350+ Above $2,259 Above $2,416 Above $313,650 Median $75,300 $1,883 1 AMI = area median income. 2 Based on 3o percent of monthly income. 3 From Riverside County/City of La Quinta 2020 Affordable Ownership Housing Cost Limits. Assumes single -person household lives in 1-bedroom unit; 2-person household lives in 2-bedroom unit; 4-person household lives in 3-bedroom unit. 4 Converts the "Maximum Affordable Monthly Mortgage Payment" to a home value, assuming io% down, 15-year fixed, 4.0% interest rate, 1.25% taxes and homeowner's insurance monthly. Source: HCD zozo State Income Limits Affordability of Homeownership Home values have generally increased in the Coachella Valley during 2013 to 2018 (see Table II-21). Some new and fairly new homes are for sale at prices that are affordable to median and moderate -income households (see Table 11-22). However, many homes are out of reach for lower income and many moderate households in the City. Table 11-22 shows that La Quinta has a wide range of housing values. The median housing value is $386,2oo. Units valued at Tess than $ioo,000, which would be affordable to extremely low income households and very low single -person households, comprise only 3.6% of all units in the City. Only 4.8% of ownership units are valued at less than $150,000, and only 1o% of ownership units are valued at less than $2oo,000, which would be in the range affordable to low-income households. Therefore, it could be challenging for extremely low, very low, low, and moderate income households to enter the homeownership market. To expand homeownership opportunities, the City coordinates with nonprofit agencies that provide relief to low-income residents and develop affordable ownership units, and assists with securing third party financing. The City also supports the use of affordable housing rent -to -own transition programs; developers who agree to set aside all or a portion of their units for low-income households can receive federal tax credits under the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program, and lower income residents have opportunities to invest and gain equity in their homes. The City also provides interested homeowners with information about grants and other resources available for home repairs and/or rehabilitation. Affordability of Rental Costs As shown previously in Table 11-26 median rent for a 1-bedroom unit is $396; the above table shows that single -person households in all income categories could afford a monthly rent payment of $396 or higher and, therefore, should be able to afford a 1-bedroom unit. Median rent for a 2-bedroom unit is $1,206; however, the table above shows that two - person households in the extremely low and very low-income categories would not have enough income to afford such a unit. Median rent for a 3-bedroom unit is $1,731; however, the table above shows that four - person households in the extremely low, very low, and low-income categories would not have enough income to afford such a unit. Hundreds of lower and moderate -income households are served by existing affordable housing and other projects. With the market -rate rental market essentially closed to extremely low and very low-income households, however, it is evident that their major source of affordable housing will continue to be found through income -restricted housing projects, housing voucher programs, accessory dwelling units, and employee/guest houses. Overcrowding The Bureau of the Census defines overcrowded housing units as "those in excess of one person per room average" and severely overcrowded housing units as "those in excess of 1.5 persons per room average". 56 Overcrowding may occur when a family or household cannot afford adequate living space, houses extended family members, or is sharing inadequate living space with nonfamily members. When more than one family shares a housing unit it is called doubling. Households with lower incomes may permit overcrowding to derive additional income, or there may be insufficient supply of housing units in the community to accommodate the demand. La Quinta has 577 overcrowded and severely overcrowded housing units, which represents 3.7% of the total 15,505 occupied units in the City. Table 11-27 shows that 3.2 percent of the total occupied housing units were moderately overcrowded in 2018, an increase from 2.4 percent from 2009-2011. A higher incidence of overcrowding was experienced among the rental tenure group. Although renter households constituted only 28.2 percent of all households in the City, approximately 10.9 percent of renters experienced overcrowded conditions, with 1.6 percent of all renters experiencing severe overcrowding. In comparison, within owner -occupied households, 0.9 percent experienced overcrowded conditions, with o.1 percent experiencing severe overcrowding. Table 11-27 Overcrowding Status Owner Renter Total Households Number %of Owner Number %of Renters Number %of Total Not Overcrowded 11,025 99.i 3,903 89.1 14,928 96.3 Moderately Overcrowded 86 0.8 406 9.3 492 3.2 Severely Overcrowded 14 0.1 71 1.6 85 0.5 Total 11,125 100.0 4,38o 100.0 15,505 100.0 Source: American Community Survey 2014-2o18 5-Year Estimates, Table B25o14 Note: Universe is total households in occupied housing units. Housing units that exceed 1.o or more persons per room are considered moderately overcrowded. Housing units that exceed 1.5 or more persons per room are considered severely overcrowded. Special Populations The state requires that the special needs of certain disadvantaged groups be addressed in the Housing Element. Selected populations with special housing needs include seniors, persons with disabilities, large families, single -parent households, the homeless, and farm workers. 57 Seniors The special housing needs of senior residents are an important concern for the City of La Quinta, since many retired persons residing in the City are likely to be on fixed low incomes. Besides affordability concerns, seniors may have special needs related to housing design and location. With regard to housing design needs, seniors may require ramps, handrails, and lower cupboards and counters, etc., to allow greater access and mobility. They also may need special security devices for their homes for greater self-protection. Seniors may also have special needs regarding location, such as the need for access to public facilities (i.e., medical and shopping) and transit. In many instances, seniors prefer to stay in their own dwellings rather than relocate to a retirement community and may need assistance making home repairs or modifications. Every effort should be made to maintain their dignity, self-respect, safety, and quality of life. As shown in the following table, 5,883 householders (37.9% of all householders) are 65 years or older. Senior households comprise 43.8% of all owner -occupied units, and 23.o% of all renter -occupied units. Table II-28 City of La Quinta Senior Households by Tenure Householder Age Owner -Occupied Renter -Occupied Households %' Households Non -Senior Households Under 65 years 6,251 56.2 3371 77.0 Senior Households 65 to 74 years 3,015 27.1 524 12.0 75 to 84 years 1,519 13.7 3z6 7.4 85 years and over 340 3.1 159 3.6 Subtotal, Senior Households 4,874 43.8 1,009 23.0 Total Households 11,125 100.0 4,380 100.0 Source: American Community Survey 2014-2018 5-Year Estimates, Table B25oo7 1 differences due to rounding According to the American Community Survey, an estimated 896 seniors have incomes below the poverty level, which represents 9.0% of all seniors in the City. The 2020 federal poverty guideline for one person is $12,76o. The major source of income for most seniors is Social Security, and the average Social Security monthly benefit is $1,503.9 Therefore, a single senior paying 30% of their monthly Social Security income on housing costs would pay $451 toward housing costs. However, La Quinta 9 Social Security Administration Fact Sheet, December 2019 Beneficiary Data. 58 median rents are $797 for a studio unit, and $396 for a one -bedroom unit (most likely not a separate unit given the relative price). A two -person senior household would have $9o2 available for housing costs, but median rents are $1,2o6 for a 2-bedroom unit. Therefore, Social Security alone most likely cannot adequately cover housing costs in the City. Table 11-29 Senior Incomes Below the Poverty Level Age Group No. of Residents with Income in Past 12 Months Below Poverty Level 65 to 74 years 541 75 years and over 355 Total 896 Source: 2014-2o18 ACS 5-Year Estimates, Table B17oo1 Apart from privately owned housing units, the City has several affordable rental options for senior living as discussed previously under rental units. They include: Seasons Senior Apartments, which offers 87 senior units in the extremely low, low, and moderate affordable price range; Seasons at Miraflores, a project completed in 2003 that supplies 118 senior units in the extremely low and very low income price range; Washington Street Apartments, which offers 14o extremely low, very low, low, and moderate income rentals (13 of these units are affordable through Section 8); and Hadley Villas Senior Apartments, an affordable project completed in 2004 that offers 79 units in the extremely low, very low, low, and above moderate income price range. Continued construction of multifamily units will aid greatly in meeting the needs of seniors currently overpaying for rental units. Numerous senior support services are provided by various organizations, including those listed in the following table. There are also numerous privately operated assisted living facilities and home care service providers in the City and Coachella Valley. 59 Table II-3o Senior Resources Organization Services Provided Assisted living and home care providers (various private providers) Housing, personal care, health care, housekeeping, meals Braille Institute Coachella Valley Neighborhood Center Rehabilitation, enrichment classes, in -home support for the visually impaired La Quinta Wellness Center Health/fitness programs, social events, classes, homebound outreach, food distribution Eisenhower Memory Care Center Adult day center for neuro-cognitive impairments FIND Food Bank Food distribution Hidden Harvest Food distribution Jewish Family Services of the Desert Advocacy, case management services Riverside County Office on Aging Medical case management, counseling, transportation assistance, meals Salvation Army Food distribution, social events, community programs Senior Advocates of the Desert Public benefits and social services assistance, emergency financial assistance SunLine Transit Agency For seniors and disabled residents: Half -Fare Program, Taxi Voucher Program, SunDial paratransit service, bus travel training People with Disabilities A "disability" is a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one of more major life activities. Housing elements must analyze the special housing needs of people with disabilities. Senate Bill No. 812 (2011) requires that the analysis include individuals with developmental disabilities. A developmental disability is defined by Section 4512 of the Welfare and Institutions Code as "a disability that originates before an individual becomes 18 years old, continues or can be expected to continue indefinitely, and constitutes a substantial disability for that individual." This includes intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, and related conditions, but does not include other handicapping conditions that are solely physical in nature. Physical and developmental disabilities can hinder access to housing units of traditional design, and potentially limit the ability to earn adequate income. The three major housing needs of the disabled are access, location, and affordability. Housing needs for individuals with disabilities can range from traditional independent living environments, to supervised group quarters, to institutions where medical care and other services are provided onsite. Important housing considerations for this group include proximity to public transportation, accessibility of the home and surroundings, access to medical and other public services, and affordability. 60 Disabled persons often require specially designed dwellings to provide access not only within the dwelling, but to and from the unit. Special modifications to permit free access are very important in maintaining safety, independence and dignity. The California Administrative Code Title 24 Requirements set forth access and adaptability requirements for the physically handicapped. These regulations apply to public buildings such as government facilities and motels, and require that ramps, larger door widths, restroom modifications, etc., be designed to enable free access to the handicapped. Such standards are not mandatory of new single-family residential construction. A number of disabled persons receive supplemental Social Security Income and are on fixed incomes. Increasing inflation and housing costs adversely affect these individuals' ability to secure affordable housing. The 2o14-2018 ACS identified 4,722 persons in the City with disabilities, of which 2,484 (52.6%) were persons over the age of 65. Individuals may be affected by one or more types of disability. The second most affected age groups are residents 18 to 64 years (42.2%). The table below identifies the number of disabilities, by type, for La Quinta residents. The most prevalent disabilities are ambulatory difficulties (26.6%) and independent living difficulties (17.8%). Group homes are listed as residential care facilities in the Zoning Ordinance, and are permitted by right in all residential zones. There are no use -specific standards for group homes, and they would require only a building permit for construction if occurring in a single family home environment, and with approval of a Site Development Permit if proposed as an apartment or similar multi -family project in the higher density zones. This same requirement also applies to apartment or multi -family project for any type of housing. 61 Table II-31 City of La Quinta Number of Disabilities, by Disability Type' Disability by Age and Type Number of Disabilities Percent of Total Disabilities' Under age 18 242 2.8 Hearing Difficulty 4 0.05 Vision Difficulty 91 1.1 Cognitive Difficulty 130 1.5 Ambulatory Difficulty o o.o Self -Care Difficulty 17 0.2 Independent Living Difficulty * * Ages 18-64 3,i88 37.4 Hearing Difficulty 291 3.4 Vision Difficulty 413 4.8 Cognitive Difficulty 845 9.9 Ambulatory Difficulty 746 8.8 Self -Care Difficulty 38o 4.5 Independent Living Difficulty 513 6.0 Ages 65+ 5,088 59.7 Hearing Difficulty 1,024 12.0 Vision Difficulty 420 4.9 Cognitive Difficulty 548 6.4 Ambulatory Difficulty 1,530 18.0 Self -Care Difficulty 560 6.6 Independent Living Difficulty 1,006 11.8 Total Disabilities 8,518 100.0 Total Civilian Non -Institutionalized Population with a Disability 4,722 1 differences due to rounding * data not provided Source: American Community Survey 2014-2018 5-Year Estimates, Table Si810 The California Department of Developmental Services (DDS) implements a statewide system of community -based services for people with developmental disabilities and their families. DDS contracts with the Inland Regional Center (IRC) in Riverside to provide and coordinate local services in Riverside County, including the City of La Quinta. IRC currently (2021) serves 172 clients who are La Quinta residents. Facilities and services in the Coachella Valley that assist persons with developmental and physical disabilities include: o La Quinta Wellness Center connects seniors with Riverside County Meals on Wheels, an outreach program for homebound seniors, and SunLine Transit Agency for Dial -a -Ride transportation services. 62 o Angel View, a non-profit organization based in Desert Hot Springs, operates 19 six -bed group homes for children and young adults with developmental and physical disabilities. The homes provide 24-hour nursing and/or attendant care and can accommodate too+ individuals at a time. There are 16 homes in the Coachella Valley, including 12 in Desert Hot Springs, 3 in Palm Springs, and 1 in Thousand Palms. o The Inland Regional Center uses person -centered planning when developing a Consumer's Individual Program Plan (IPP). The IPP outlines the goals developed by the Consumer and their support team, as well as the services and supports they will receive to help those goals. Many of the services/supports listed in the IPP are funded by Inland Regional Center. However, services and supports may also be provided by other agencies such as the Social Security Administration, school districts, county agencies, etc. o Canyon Springs in Cathedral City is a State developmental center operated by DDS with 55 licensed beds for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The treatment program at Canyon Springs is designed to provide its residents with work/job training, including formal educational opportunities and new home life and living skills. Referrals for admission are made by Regional Centers. Each person is assessed and will participate in developing and carrying out an Individual Program Plan. Residents have opportunities to participate in a variety of integrated activities in natural environments at home, at work, and in the community. o Desert AIDS Project - Palm Springs: Dedicated to providing support, care, and treatment to people with AIDS and related illnesses and education to the general community. The Desert AIDS project serves the psychological needs of AIDS clients, provides case management, anonymous HIV testing, legal services, a program of protection and prevention, and referral and recreational services. o FISH of Lower Coachella Valley - Coachella: Provides 2-3 days of emergency food for families/individuals in need. Clients may return for assistance every 14 days. o Desert Arc - Palm Desert: A comprehensive service delivery agency for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities; it provides programs to develop or enhance self-help skills, life enrichment skills, and prevocational and vocational skills. 63 o Braille Institute - Palm Desert: A nonprofit school providing daytime classes and other support programs and services for people with blindness and vision loss in the Coachella Valley. Large Family Households The 2014-2018 ACS reported 1,543 households in the City of La Quinta with five or more persons, which constitutes 10 percent of all households. This represents a 17 percent increase from the 2009-2011 ACS (1,319 households). Large -family households generally require larger dwellings with more bedrooms to meet their housing needs, but these households often experience difficulty securing adequate housing suitable for their expanded needs due to income limitations and/or lack of adequate housing stock. Difficulties in securing housing large enough to accommodate all members of a household are heightened for renters, as multifamily rental units are typically smaller than single- family units. Table 11-32 presents tenure of housing units by number of persons in the household based on 2014-2018 ACS data. The table shows that large households are roughly equally comprised of owner occupied and renter occupied households (805 owner occupied, 738 renter occupied). Large owner -occupied units comprise 7.2 percent of all owner -occupied housing, and large renter -occupied units comprise 16.8 percent of all renter -occupied units. Table II-32 Large Households by Tenure Number of Persons in Household Owner -Occupied Renter -Occupied Households % Households %, One to Four 10,320 92.8 3,642 83.2 Five 577 5.2 410 9.4 Six 228 2.0 264 6.0 Seven or More 0 0 64 1.5 Total Households with 5+ Persons 805 7.2 738 16.8 Total Households 11,125 1o0 4,38o 100 1 differences due to rounding Source: American Community Survey 2014-2018 5-Year Estimates, Table B25oog Multifamily housing rental stock consists primarily of one-, two -and three -bedroom units. Single family development in the Cove is made up largely of units with three bedrooms, although four -bedroom units are also present in limited supply. As shown in Table 11-32, there are 3,284 units with 4 or more bedrooms, which exceeds the current number of large families. Citywide single-family construction activity has created a 64 supply of housing for large families not available in multifamily housing, although prices for larger units tend to be affordable only to moderate and above moderate income households. Suitable housing products for large families include those with sufficient bedrooms that are near childcare facilities, schools, recreational areas, and public transit. In the current housing stock, 577 units (3.7% of all units citywide) are overcrowded, and the majority (82.7%) of them are rental units. There are 332 units with 5 or more bedrooms (1.6% of total units citywide), and only 8 of them are rental units, so there may be a need for additional larger units, particularly rental units. Given the lack of larger rental units, programs that assist large families with homeownership would be beneficial. Reduced parking standards for units with 5 or more bedrooms may also incentivize development of larger rental units. For instance, certain affordable housing developments may be granted a maximum parking ratio of two and one- half parking spaces for four or more bedrooms (La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.6o.26o.E. Incentives and Concessions). Single -Parent Households Single -parent heads of household constitute a group with serious housing concerns. In general, families with single -parent heads of household may experience a higher incidence of poverty than other household configurations. In particular, female -headed households can experience lower incomes, higher living expenses, higher poverty rates, and low rates of homeownership. Finding adequate and affordable housing is a high priority. Special considerations for this population include proximity to schools, childcare, employment, and health care. Table 11-33 Single -Parent Household Characteristics Household Type No. of Households % of Total Total households 15,505 too Male -headed households With own children under i8 747 437 4.8 2.8 Female -headed households With own children under 18 1,433 788 9.2 5.1 Total Families, Income in the Past 12 Months Below Poverty Level 625 ioo Male Householders, Income in the Past 12 Months Below Poverty Level 0 0 Female Householders, Income in the Past i2 Months Below Poverty Level 255 40.8 Source: American Community Survey 2014-2018 5-Year Estimates, Table DPo2; ACS 2018 Supplemental Estimates Detailed Table K2oi7o3 65 As shown in Table 11-33, there were 2,180 single -parent -headed family households in La Quinta, or 14% of all households, in 2018. Male -headed family households comprise 4.8% of all households, and female -headed family households comprise 9.2%. As shown in the table above, of the 1,433 female -headed family households in La Quinta, more than half (55%) of the female -headed households have children under age 18. While no male -headed households were below the poverty level in the past 12 months, female -headed households comprise 40.8% of all families with incomes below the poverty level. The number of single -parent -headed and female -headed family households both declined compared to 2010 (2,026 single -parent households, of which 1,461 were female -headed). However, 17.8 percent of the City's female -headed families live in poverty as compared to 16.1 percent in 2o1o. Many single parents do not have the resources to enter the housing market as a homeowner. Although the incidence of single -parent households below the poverty level is low (1.6% of all households) in the City, addressing the housing needs for single parents may require innovative housing solutions. Strategies need to be considered to provide more housing opportunities to these households, such as new multifamily housing, mixed -use units, and subsidized single-family housing. Flexible educational programs and job training services can help householders obtain higher paying jobs. Farmworkers Based on an analysis of farm labor and the diminishing amount of farmland in the City of La Quinta and surrounding rural areas, the need for farm worker housing has declined. Most agricultural land and farmworker housing in the Coachella Valley are located in the eastern valley in and around the communities of Coachella, Thermal, and Mecca. While the zoning map includes a Low -Density Agriculture/Equestrian Residential Overlay, there is no land designated specifically for agricultural uses in the City's General Plan and zoning maps. There are also no zoning policies or restrictions specific to farms or farmworker housing. Based on 2014-2018 ACS data, there were 352 persons employed in "agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, and mining" in the City in 2018, which constitutes 2% of the City's civilian employed population 16 years and over (see Table 11-6). It is probable that a number of occupations classified as agricultural are related to nursery operations or landscape maintenance. 66 Responsibility for providing housing for farm workers originally lay with the growers that employed the workers. This practice was discontinued, however, due to high costs for liability insurance and maintenance. Low income groups often need housing near work. For farmworkers, this means that housing is needed in rural, agricultural areas rather than urban areas. In the Coachella Valley, the principal housing options for migrant and local seasonal farm workers are family -owned homes, private rental houses, second units, apartments, and mobile homes. Farmworker housing does not appear to be a significant need in La Quinta. Nevertheless, farmworker households will benefit from rental subsidies and incentives provided by the City for developers to maintain affordable units that are available to all segments of the population. Extremely Low -Income Households Extremely low-income (ELI) households are households earning less than 3o percent of the HUD Area Median Family Income (HAMFI). The AMI for a 4-person household in Riverside County is $75,300. ELI household incomes are defined by HCD and HUD as those earning Tess than $26,200. These households often face significant financial challenges to affording adequate housing and, therefore, are considered a subpopulation with special housing needs. Table 11-34 Housing Problems for Extremely Low -Income Households Owners Renters Total Total Number of ELI Households 580 87o 1,450 Percent with any housing problems* 79.3% 62.1% 69.o% Percent with Cost Burden >30% of income 78.4% 61.5% 68.3% Percent with Cost Burden >50% of income 66.4% 40.2% 50.7% * housing problems include incomplete kitchen facilities, incomplete plumbing facilities, more than 1 person per room (overcrowding), and cost burden greater than 30% of income. Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, CHAS, based on the 2.012-2016 ACS. Existing Needs According to 2012-2016 CHAS data, there are 1,450 extremely low- income households (9.5% of total households) in La Quinta, consisting of 58o owner households and 87o renter households. Proportionally more owners (79.3%) than renters (62.i%) experience housing problems, including incomplete kitchen and plumbing facilities, overcrowding, and cost burden greater than 30% of income (overpayment). 67 Extremely low-income households are sensitive to unexpected changes in income and expenditures, so overpayment for housing could result in an inability to meet other important or emergency needs. Projected Needs To calculate projected housing needs, the City assumed 5o% of its very low income regional housing need assessment (RHNA) are extremely low income households. From its very low income need of 42o units, the City has a projected need of zoo units for extremely low income households. Many of the City's existing and proposed very low-income rental projects provide housing affordable to extremely low-income individuals, couples, and families with children. Extremely low-income households are also eligible to receive rental assistance in La Quinta through the County of Riverside Housing Authority's Section 8 voucher program. Small ELI households may also find an affordable housing option in Single Room Occupancy (SRO) hotels, accessory dwelling units (ADUs), and guest houses. SROs are permitted in the Regional Commercial zone with a Conditional Use Permit. A guest house/employee quarters is permitted as an accessory use in all residential zones, and can provide on -site living quarters for a homeowner's family members, staff, and guests. During the 2014-2021 planning period, the City updated the Zoning Code to remove constraints to the development of ADUs. ADUs are permitted as an accessory use in all residential zones and have some flexibility regarding parking and utility requirements. SROs, guest houses/employee quarters, and ADUs may be important resources for ELI households, including seniors on a fixed -income, single -parents, disabled persons, college students, and low -wage earning workers. Homeless Persons The Riverside County Department of Public Social Services completed a homeless count in zozo for all cities and some unincorporated areas in the County. The Homeless Point -In -Time (PIT) Count is a federally mandated annual count of homeless individuals used to evaluate the extent of homelessness. The data provide a snapshot of homelessness on a particular date and time. The 2020 PIT Count for Riverside County determined there were 3 unsheltered persons in La Quinta, including individuals living on streets or in vehicles, encampments, storage structures, or other places unfit 68 for human habitation.10 This represents o.i% of the unsheltered individuals in Riverside County, and o.5% of County Supervisory District 4 which includes the Coachella Valley and the City of Blythe. The actual number of homeless may be higher given that many individuals, particularly women and youth, remain hidden for safety or stay in locations where they cannot be seen. This represents a decrease from the County's 2019 PIT Count (9 individuals in La Quinta). Fluctuations in the number of homeless individuals documented from year to year may be due to actual increases or decreases and/or changes in counting and surveying methods, such as increased coverage by more volunteers or enhanced promotion and awareness strategies of the overall count. Table 11-35 describes the demographic characteristics of unsheltered people in La Quinta. 10 zozo Riverside County Homeless Point -In -Time Count and Survey Report, County of Riverside Department of Public Social Services, June zozo, pages 83 and 122. 69 Table 11-35 Characteristics of Unsheltered Individuals in La Quinta Number Percent of Total Race American Indian o o% Asian o o% Black 1 33% White 2 66% Multiple Races o o% Native Hawaiian o o% Unknown Race o o% Ethnicity Hispanic 2 66% Non -Hispanic 1 33% Ethnicity Unknown o o% Gender Male 3 i00% Female o o% Transgender o o% Gender Non -Conforming o o% Unknown Gender 0 o% Age Adults (>24 yrs) 3 i00% Youth (18-24) o o% Children (<18) o o% Unknown Age 0 o% Living Situation Woods 1 33% Vehicle 1 33% Street 1 33% Encampment o o% Under Bridge o o% Park o o% Other o o% Bus o o% Abandoned Building o o% TOTAL UNSHELTERED INDIVIDUALS = 3 Source: 202o Riverside County Homeless Point -In -Time Count and Survey Report, County of Riverside Department of Public Social Services, June 2020, pages 83 and 122. Particularly sensitive homeless subpopulations include veterans, the chronically homeless, those with mental health conditions and physical disabilities, victims of domestic violence, and others. The 2020 PIT Count also identified pet owners because of concerns that unsheltered individuals were not seeking shelter because they wanted to keep their pets. As shown in the following table, of the 3 unsheltered individuals interviewed in La Quinta, one had substance abuse issues, one was newly homeless, and one was a pet owner. 70 Table 11-36 Homeless Unsheltered Subpopulations Subpopulation Number' Percent of Total Substance Abuse 1 33% PTSD o o% Mental Health Conditions o o% Physical Disability o o% Developmental Disability o o% Brain Injury o o% Victim of Domestic Violence o o% AIDS or HIV o o% Veterans o o% Chronically Homeless o o% Adults Only 3 100% Children Only o o% Families with Children o o% Pet Owners 1 33% Newly Homeless 1 33% Seniors (>_ 6o) o o% Jail Release (within last 1z months) o o% 1 Results of interviews with 3 homeless individuals. Source: 2020 Riverside County Homeless Point -In -Time Count and Survey Report, County of Riverside Department of Public Social Services, June zozo, pages 83 and 122. Emergency, transitional, and supportive housing facilities and services can serve some of the short- and Tong -term needs of homeless individuals. Emergency shelters provide temporary shelter, often with minimal supportive services. Supportive housing is linked to support services intended to improve the individual's ability to independently live and work in the community. Transitional housing is provided with financial assistance and support services to help homeless people achieve independent living within 24 months. Supportive and transitional housing are often in apartment -style units. If a person or family finds themselves homeless, they may go to regional facilities provided by the county, City of Indio, or City of Palm Springs for assistance. The available homeless facilities in the Coachella Valley are listed in Table II-37. A recent analysis of Coachella Valley homelessness found that emergency shelter and transitional housing are not operating at full capacity; the occupancy rate was 79% in 2018 despite high rates of unsheltered single adults." Lower occupancy may be partially because some beds are reserved for domestic violence victims and youth rather than the general population. 11 "The Path Forward: Recommendations to Advance an End to Homelessness in the Coachella Valley," Barbara Poppe and Associates, November 27, 2018, page 21. 71 The Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG), of which the City of La Quinta is a member, contracted with Path of Life Ministries to operate its Coachella Valley Housing First program that placed people in permanent housing before addressing issues such as joblessness or behavioral health. Program results were positive, with 81% of the 242 people who exited the program in the first year able to find permanent housing, and all participants who exited the program more than doubling their monthly incomes.12 In late 2019, CVAG initiated an effort to advance the goals of CV Housing First through a collaborative approach called the Coachella Valley Homelessness Engagement & Action Response Team (CVHEART).13 The program is expected to establish a formal structure for regional homelessness policies and programs, identify funding opportunities for future projects, and expand multi -agency cooperation and participation. In addition to its own efforts to end homelessness, the City of La Quinta's membership in CVAG will assure its continued participation in regional efforts. The City's zoning permits emergency shelters by right in all nonresidential districts except Village Commercial. The non-residential zones, including Neighborhood Commercial, Community Commercial and Regional Commercial, are all located on major arterial roadways, and close to transit stops. This allows for easy access to services and transport. Emergency shelters proposed in an existing building would require no permitting other than building permits for tenant improvements (if any). If an emergency shelter were to be proposed as a new building, it would be subject to approval of a Site Development Permit, which would be approved by either the Director or the Planning Commission (Director approval is allowed for buildings under 1o,000 square feet on pads within existing commercial centers). The Site Development Permit consists of a review of site plan and building design to assure compliance with the City's development standards. A Site Development Permit, therefore, does not affect the use proposed, and emergency shelters are permitted by right. The findings for a Site Development Permit require consistency with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance; conformance with CEQA; and compatibility of site design, landscaping and architecture to surrounding buildings. The Site Development Permit addresses only zoning standards, and does not address land use. Therefore, the use of the building is not considered, and the permit is based on an analysis of setbacks, building heights and 12 13 "CV Housing First Program Evaluation: Examining the Clients Served in the First Year: July 2017 to June 2018," Health Assessment and Research for Communities, September 2018, page 55. "CV Heart: A Collaborative and Regional Approach to Homelessness in Coachella Valley," Greg Rodriguez, January 2020. 72 parking spaces. There are no parking requirements for emergency shelters. Program H-5.4.b. has been added to assure that emergency shelters are added to the parking table, and that parking only be required for employees. There are over 38o acres of vacant commercial land in the City (Land Use Element, Table 11-3). Transitional shelters for homeless persons or victims of domestic abuse are conditionally permitted in Regional Commercial and Major Community Facilities zoned districts. One use that may potentially provide housing for those in need of shelter is single room occupancy (SRO) hotels. SRO hotels, as defined in the municipal code, are residential facilities that are rented on a weekly or longer basis that may or may not have private bathroom and kitchen facilities. SRO hotels are conditionally permitted in Regional Commercial zoned districts. 73 Table 11-37 Coachella Valley Homeless Shelter Resources Shelter Name Type of Shelter City Clientele or Needs Served Number of Beds Martha's Village and Kitchen Emergency Indio General 120 Shelter From The Storm Emergency Palm Desert Domestic Violence 20 County of Riverside, Desert Healthcare District and Foundation' Emergency (seasonal) Cathedral City, Palm Springs, Desert Hot Springs General 90 (3o in each city) Operation Safe House Emergency /Transitional Thousand Palms Transitional: youth, young adults 205 Path of Life Ministries Inc. Emergency/ Rapid Rehousing Undisclosed — Coachella Valley General 12/2 Coachella Valley Rescue Mission Emergency/ Rapid Rehousing Indio families with children, individuals 300/08 Desert AIDS Project Permanent Palm Springs HIV/AIDS 8o Desert Horizon Permanent Desert Hot Springs Jewish Family Services 18 Desert Vista Permanent Palm Springs Jewish Family Services 40 Desert Vista Permanent Supportive Housing Expansion (new in 2018) Permanent Palm Springs Disabled Men and Women 35 Riverside University Health System — Behavioral Health Permanent Cathedral City Behavioral Health 25 Episcopal Community Services Permanent Scattered Site — Coachella Valley Persons With Disabilities and Chronically Homeless 40 Shelter Plus Care TBRA Permanent Indio Persons With Disabilities/ Mentally III 23 Source: "The Path Forward: Recommendations to Advance an End to Homelessness in the Coachella Valley," Barbara Poppe and Associates, November 27, 2018, Appendix 3. dhcd.org. FAIR HOUSING The California Fair Employment and Housing Act generally prohibits housing discrimination with respect to race, color, religion, sex, gender, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, national origin, ancestry, familial status, source of income, disability, genetic information, or veteran or military status. AB 686 requires that all housing elements due on or after January 1, 2021, must contain an Assessment of Fair Housing (AFH) consistent with the core elements of the analysis required by the federal Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) Final Rule of July 16, 2o15. 74 Under state law, AFFH means "taking meaningful actions, in addition to combatting discrimination, that overcome patterns of segregation and foster inclusive communities free from barriers that restrict access to opportunity based on protected characteristics." The City has completed the following: 1. Include a Program that Affirmatively Furthers Fair Housing and Promotes Housing Opportunities throughout the Community for Protected Classes (applies to housing elements beginning January 1, 2019). 2. Conduct an Assessment of Fair Housing, which includes summary of fair housing issues, an analysis of available federal, state, and local data and local knowledge to identify fair housing issues, and an assessment of the contributing factors to the fair housing issues. 3. Prepare the Housing Element Land Inventory and Identification of Sites through the lens of Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing. To comply with AB 686, the City has completed the following outreach and analysis. Outreach As discussed in the Public Participation section of this Housing Element, the City focused its outreach efforts on community and stakeholder workshops, study sessions, information disseminated through the City's website, electronic mail notifications, and public hearings. The community and stakeholder workshops consisted of a Planning Commission presentation (December 8, 2020), a City Council update (December 15, 2020), a Housing Commission presentation (January 12, 2021) a Joint Planning Commission and City Council Study Session presentation (August 3, 2021) and a public workshop (January 13, 2021) attended by more than 15 community members. The City received a variety of comments at these workshops, including: ❖ Concerns about how to address overpayment by both owners and renters. ❖ Concerns regarding whether short term vacation rentals are impacting the availability of housing for permanent residents. ❖ Assuring that land inventory sites are provided for all types of housing. 75 ❖ The difficulty of financing new projects, which now require two or three times as many funding sources as in the past. ❖ Assuring that development standards, fees and processing times reflect the needs of affordable housing projects. Workshop invitations were sent to local and regional development entities, advocacy groups, and interested parties via email. In addition, workshops were advertised on the City's website, social media, and in email blasts to the City's extensive resident email list. Once certified by HCD, the Housing Element Update will be presented in public hearings before both the Planning Commission and City Council, with the documents available for public review at City Hall and on the City's website. Assessment of Fair Housing California Government Code Section 65583 (1o)(A)(ii) requires the City of La Quinta to analyze areas of segregation, racially or ethnically concentrated areas of poverty, disparities in access to opportunity, and disproportionate housing needs, including displacement risk. The 2021 California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) and the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC) Opportunity Areas rate resource levels based on access to effective educational opportunities for both children and adults, concentration of poverty, environmental pollution, and employment levels and proximity to jobs, among others. High and highest resource areas are those with high index scores for a variety of educational, environmental, and economic indicators. Moderate resource areas have access to many of the same resources as high and highest resource areas but may have fewer educational opportunities, lower median home values, longer commutes to places of employment, or other factors that lower their indices for educational, environmental, and economic indicators. As shown in Exhibit 11-14 TCAC Opportunity Areas, the majority of the urban area in the City is considered "High Resource". Portions along the northern and western boundaries are considered "Highest Resource", and one area on the eastern boundary adjacent to the City of Indio and unincorporated Riverside County is considered "Moderate Resource". The southern end of the City is considered "High Segregation & Poverty". Areas of high segregation and poverty are those that have an overrepresentation of people of color compared to the County, and at least 3o% of the population in these areas is below the federal poverty line ($26,5oo annually for a family of four in 2o21). Within the City and surrounding jurisdictions, TCAC and HCD designated portions of the City of Indio as "Low Resource," which have the most limited access to all resources. 76 Cathee ral City Santa Rosa San Jac nro Maurnta+ns Natrona! Monument TCAC Opportunity Areas 2021 Highest Resource High Resource 0 Moderate Resource (Rapidly Changing) Moderate Resource Low Resource High Segregation & Poverty Missingflnsufficient Data 0 City Boundaries Source: Housing and Community Development, aazi r TERRA NOVA n .ra a rasrA c M we City of La quinta General Plan TCAC Opportunity Areas La quints, California r't India 4 Coachella Coachella Saurcn EuaUSGS HO+W 77 Integration and Segregation Patterns To assess patterns of segregation and integration, the City analyzed four characteristics: race and ethnicity, income, disability, and familial status. Race and Ethnicity The diversity index was used to compare the racial and ethnic diversity within the City and surrounding communities. Diversity Index ratings range from o to too, where higher numbers indicate higher diversity among the measured groups. As shown in Exhibit 11-15 Diversity Index, the City exhibits a range of diversity ratings. The Cove and Village area, the southern end of the City, the area just north of Highway 111, and an area on the eastern boundary adjacent to the City of Indio and unincorporated Riverside County have relatively high diversity (70-85). Portions of the northwestern and southeastern City have lower diversity (below 4o). The remaining areas are rated mid -range (4o-7o) on TCAC's diversity index. The surrounding areas have comparable diversity ratings as La Quinta, though areas of higher diversity are found in City of Indio to the east. According to the 2015-2019 American Community Survey, over half (57.3%) of La Quinta residents identify as White, non -Hispanic, whereas over half (64.2%) of the Indio residents to the east identify as Hispanic. The City of La Quinta can be viewed as a demographic transition point from the west to east Coachella Valley, with the proportion of White, non -Hispanic population between those in Indio (34.7%) to the east and Bermuda Dunes (58.5%) to the north, Palm Desert (66%) and Indian Wells (88.i%) to the west. The southern end of the City falls in part of a larger area designated a TCAC Area of High Segregation and Poverty in 2020 and 2021, and is also in Tract 456.05, which is designated a racially or ethnically concentrated area of poverty (R/ECAP) by HUD (2009-2013) (Exhibit 11-17). However, these designations are most likely not true for this part of the City due to data granularity reasons, as analyzed in detail below. This area, as part of Census Tract 456.05, is in a Hispanic Majority Tract with a predominant gap >50% between Hispanic and other race/ethnicity groups (Exhibit 11-16). More urban areas in the City fall in White Majority Tracts (predominant gap >50%). Similarly, much of the lower diversity areas in the Cities of Indian Wells and Palm Desert are also in White Majority Tracts. 78 Desert Hot Springs Palm Springs Cathedral City Rancho Mirage Source: Housing and Community Development, 2a21 r L J TERRA NOVA Thousand Palms Palm Desert Indian Wells ounta►ns City of La Quinta General Plan Diversity Index La Quinta, California La Quinta Diversity Index 2018 Lower Diversity 555 570 585 Higher Diversity II City Boundaries iFdio Coachella GEN • I. PLAN Exhibit 1115 79 Palm• prii,,r, Source: Housing and Community Development, 2021 r , City of La Quinta General Plan iL J TERRA NOVA' White/Hispanic Majority Tracts La Quinta, California r..cti we. h +di, I, Predominant Population Hispanic Majority Tracts Slim (gap c 10%) Sizeable (gap 10% - 50°I°) NM Predominant (gap n 50%) White Majority Tracts Slim (gap a 10%) Sizeable (gap 10% - 50%) Predominant (gap > 50%) © City Boundaries GENERAL PLAN 8o A close examination of the HCD AFFH maps and the R/ECAP area in La Quinta reveals that the designation is least likely due to demographics within the area, but rather its location in Census Tract 456.05, which spans a large area of unincorporated Riverside County in the east Coachella Valley. As shown in Exhibits 11-16 and 11-17, from a data granularity perspective, the R/ECAP and Hispanic Majority Tract designations cover the entire Tract 456.05 and do not tell any difference within the tract. Similarly, the Area of High Segregation and Poverty (zozo and 2o21) designations are specific to Block Group 4 under Tract 456.05 which covers more unincorporated Riverside County area than La Quinta City area (see Exhibit II-zob). The area in La Quinta under R/ECAP designation is roughly bounded by Avenue 6o on the north, and consists of vacant land, Coral Mountain Golf Club and Trilogy La Quinta, a retirement community. Based on local knowledge and property values at Coral Mountain and Trilogy, this area of the City is not an area with concentrated poverty. This area will be further analyzed in Income subsection below for any potential for segregation and concentration of poverty. HCD has not published the adjusted Racially Concentrated Areas of Affluence (RCAA) methodology for California as of August 2021. While no data has been released on RCAA, the national metric may be referenced for general considerations here: RCAA is defined as census tracts where 1) 8o% or more of the population is white, and 2) the median household income is $125,000 or greater (slightly more than double the national the median household income in 2016). As shown in Exhibit II-18, Census Tract 456.08 along the eastern City boundary (roughly between Avenue 54 and Avenue 6o) has a median income greater than $125,000. Census data reveals that this tract has 89.6% white population that is not Hispanic. The area may have the potential to be a RCAA. While another area to the north also has a median income greater than $125,000, it is in a tract with fewer than 8o% white, non - Hispanic population and may not qualify as a RCAA. While introducing various housing choices may alleviate the potential RCAA situation in these areas, they are mostly built out with retirement communities and offer very limited opportunities for education, employment, services/amenities, and transit. Therefore, the City has prioritized providing more affordable housing in areas that offer ample opportunities to meet the needs of lower -income households. Income The City also assessed the concentrations of households below the poverty line across the City to analyze access to adequate housing and jobs. As shown in Exhibits II-18 and 11-19, the bulk of the City has a very low percentage of residents (less than io%) who fall below the poverty 81 line ($26,5oo for a family of four in 2021), and the central and northern portions of the City as well as the southern Cove area have a low percentage (10%-20%) of residents below the poverty line. Note that the southern end of City, as part of Tract 456.05 that is designated as R/ECAP, shows a higher percentage (38.2%) of residents below the poverty line, but this percentage represents the entire tract rather than just the portion in La Quinta. 82 LDeseri otf F , Spnngs f, Rancho Mirage • Palm Springs Palm Desert 1 L�-a+ Quinta r•r ~ o ' —\ 1 Coachella., Mom.'• • Coachella RIECAP and Areas of High Segregation and Poverty TCAC Area of High Segregation and Poverty 2020 (Block Group Racially or Ethnically Concentrated Areas of Poverty (RIECAPs) - tHUD, 2009 -2013) 0 • Not a RIECAP 1 - RIECAP Area 0 City Boundaries 1 • .•�. 11$GS, HOAX Soup es. Esri Gamut usGS. Source: Housing and Community Development, 2021 r 1 City of La Quinta General Plan I►..1 TERRA NOVA' it uerwr. t yrue P. RECAP and Areas of High Segregation and Poverty La quinta, California Exhibit 83 6 Desert Hot Springs Palm Springs Cathedral City Rancho Mirage Median Income 2015-2019 c $30,000 �i c 555,000 c 587,100 (HCD 2020 State Median Income) c $125,000 ▪ Greater than $125,000 O City Boundaries Thousand Palms Palrn Desert Indian Wells Santa Rosa San Jacinto Mountains National Monument Source: Housing and Community Development, zoxt ✓ , City of La Quints General Plan L J TERRA NOVA Median Income rva..,nar1s[.nas 16C— La Quinta, California La Oniio Coancella L Soeucwc Esti USG NpA1k Source. Ism GHrnwn l]$GS NPS 84 Desert Hot Springs Palm Springs hillall!. '• Santa Rosa'San Jacinto Mountains National Monument Cathedral City Poverty Status 2015-2019 Percent of Population whose annual income is below poverty level 10% 10% - 20% I,.r.,a 20% - 30°/0 30% -40% > 40% © City Boundaries Rancho Mirage Thousand Palms Palm Desert Indian Wells Source: Housing and Community Development, zo2i r L. J TERRA NOVA' 'Ix PLLWo i IusEwR7,. u¢ City of La quinta General Plan Poverty Status La quinta, California La Quinta Indio Coachella Coachella 544 .,.,.r. 1I.15 At'S 85 The poverty status trend saw some minor changes from 2014 to 2019. The percentage of residents who fall below the poverty line in the northern Cove and Village area and an area on the eastern City boundary (north of Avenue 54) have lowered over time from 10-20% to below to%, while the percentage in the northern City increased from below lo% to 10-20%. The southern end of City as part of Tract 456.05, showed 42% of residents below the poverty line in 2014, though this percentage captures the entire tract and does not specifically indicate any change within the La Quinta area. The HUD Low to Moderate Income Population maps at Tract and Block Group levels (Exhibit II-zoa and b) illuminate how data granularity affects interpretation. The map in Exhibit II-zoa at tract level is less detailed/refined, showing the percentage of low to moderate income population for entire census tracts; in contrast, the map in Exhibit II -lob has a finer resolution at block group level, showing the percentages for each block group, which is a smaller geographical unit than the census tract. Census Tract 456.05 consists of a portion of City of La Quinta which includes vacant land, a private golf club and a private retirement community, and rural agricultural communities in unincorporated Riverside County. The southern end of La Quinta is part of Block Group 4 of Census Tract 456.05. Block Group 4 shows 42% of low -moderate income (LMI) population, whereas Tract 456.05 shows 79% of LMI population. This gap in percentage of LMI population can be attributed to the demographical difference between the La Quinta portion and the remaining unincorporated County area. The larger unincorporated County area skews the percentage of LMI population to the higher side. This phenomenon also occurs in the Predominant Population map (Exhibit 11-16), which shows the entire Census Tract 456.05, including the southern La Quinta area, as a Hispanic Majority Tract with a predominant gap >5o% between Hispanic and other race/ethnicity groups. This contradicts local demographic knowledge of this area, as there is no evidence showing a significantly higher ratio of Hispanic population than surrounding areas in the City. In summary, while currently available data are not specific to the southern end of the City of La Quinta and are inconclusive on the area's potential for segregation and concentration of poverty, based on local knowledge and judgment, the area in southern La Quinta is least likely to experience segregation based on race/ethnicity or low income, or qualify as an Area of High Segregation and Poverty or R/ECAP. As shown in Table 11-16 of this Housing Element, the City of La Quinta has a vacancy rate of 7.4% for rental units and 5.o% for ownership units. 86 Correcting for seasonal or recreational units, which are considered vacant by the Census but are not available or used for permanent occupancy, the overall vacancy rate is 6.5%. These vacancy rates are quite low and may indicate limited room for mobility and high demand for affordable units. Ranelin Mirage P.a1m Desert 46, Indian Wei Low to Moderate Income Population by Census Tract 25% 25%-5O% MI 50% - 75% SIM 75% - 100% 1=1 City Boundaries Source: Housing and Community Development, I021 r L J TERRA NOVA 1R Vn.10 . rrtsrMa..�c City of La Quinta General Plan Low to Moderate income Population by Census Tract La Quinta, California GENERAL PLAN Exhibit II-24a 88 Indian Wells Low to Moderate Income Population by Census Block Group I<25% -25°I°-50% 50% - 75% MI 75% -100% City Boundaries Source: Housing and Community Development, xaai r L 4 TERRA NOVA n ..nno a ItE City of La quinta General Plan Low to Moderate Income Population by Census Tract La Quinta, California Disability According to the 2015-2019 ACS, the City of La Quinta has a low percentage of population with a disability, with the majority of areas in the City being to%-20% and some areas being below io%. Compared to the 2o10-2014 ACS, the northern Cove and Village area now have a lower percentage (<1o%) than in 2014 (lo%-20%). Small portions on the northern City boundary show a higher percentage of population with a disability (lo%-20%) compared to 2014 (<1o%), though such data represent the entire Tract 452.14 which also covers part of Bermuda Dunes. Given the overall low percentages of population with a disability and limited space/time variation in the City of La Quinta, the population with a disability appears to be integrated in all communities such that they have equal access to all housing and economic opportunities. The City has a no -fee application process for reasonable accommodation, and assisted more than double the disabled residents between 2014 and 2o2o (from 91 to 188 residents) in Housing Authority owned properties. The City's Municipal Code Section 9.60.32o establishes a procedure for reasonable accommodation application, review and appeal processes, during which the City shall provide assistance to ensure an accessible process. The City will continue to refer lower income households to Riverside County for home repair grants, which can provide up to $6,000 for repairs including a handicapped ramp (Program H-4.4.c). Familial Status The 2015-2019 ACS reveals that the City of La Quinta has relatively few single -person households (<2o% in most areas) and a higher percentage of couple households (>4o% except in the mid -Cove area and a small area in the southeast corner). The percentage of children in married -couple households is at least 4o% throughout the City except for a small area in the northeast corner. The mid -Cove area, the area south of Highway 111, and the southern end of City see slightly higher percentage of children in female -headed single -parent households (20%-40%). Note that data for the southern end of City may not be representative as it is based on the entire tract which may have different demographics than the City area. The household makeup of the City suggests there is likely demand for units with at least two bedrooms for family and non -family households. Assessment and Actions Given the factors discussed above, there is no evidence of segregation based on disability in the City, but there is potential for segregation based on income and opportunity to improve racial integration within La Quinta. As shown in Exhibits 11-18 and II-19, the concentrations of lower income households are not limited to La Quinta. The City of Indio 90 to the east has an areas with over 40% population living below the poverty line, which is more concentrated than all surrounding areas. Areas with 30%-40% population living below the poverty line are seen in the cities of Cathedral City, Palm Springs and Desert Hot Springs to the west, and the City of Coachella to the east, as well as unincorporated Riverside County areas. With a median income higher than the state level in 2019 ($77,839 in La Quinta; $75,235 in California, 2015-2019 ACS), the City is not considered disadvantaged economically (median income is 80% or less than the statewide average), although certain areas in/around the Cove and Village area and south of the Highway 111 are below the threshold. Concentrations of households with similar incomes may indicate a uniform development pattern and need for more varied housing stock. If availability and distribution of affordable housing are improved, it will encourage a more economically diverse community. As shown in Exhibit II-21, Job Proximity Index, the majority of the City is rated with medium proximity to employment opportunities (Jobs Proximity Index between 4o and 80). One area along the eastern City boundary north of the Highway 111 and the bottom of the Cove area have lower Jobs Proximity Index scores of 19-35. Two areas in the western City have high Jobs Proximity Index scores (>80). In contrast to the TCAC Opportunity Areas (Exhibit 11-14), this suggests that access to jobs is not the single driver behind the concentration of lower income households, but rather the type of jobs and housing available and other socioeconomic factors. The City completed the La Quinta Village Build -Out Plan and EIR in 2017. The Village area is generally located north and south of Calle Tampico, east of Eisenhower Drive and west of Washington Street, and north of Avenue 52. Projects in the Village area are encouraged to implement the standards and incentives of Municipal Code Section 9.140.090, the mixed use overlay, which encourages development on lot assemblages or lots greater than one acre. The mixed use overlay was introduced in 2016 to facilitate the development of mixed use projects that include both multifamily residential and commercial components. Per Section 9.140.o9o.F, mixed use development can benefit from density bonuses, modified parking requirements, expedited permit processing, and fee reductions. The City also amended and completed Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) regulations in ordinances passed in 2016 and 2019. The City intends to apply the Affordable Housing Overlay to all sites identified in the Vacant Land Inventory (Program i.i.b.), including sites in the Village area and along the Highway 111 corridor. These measures are expected to expand housing options and foster a more economically diverse community. 91 The City was awarded an Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 3 Grant for "La Quinta Village Complete Streets - A Road Diet Project" in the amount of $7,313,000. This project included the construction of five new roundabouts in the La Quinta Village where pedestrian, bicycle, golf cart, and automobile traffic exist. The new roundabouts will help accommodate non -vehicular traffic, making roadways safer and more accessible to pedestrians and bicycles in the La Quinta Village. The project also reduced four traffic lanes to two lanes along Calle Tampico and Calle Sinaloa from Eisenhower to Desert Club Drive, and along Eisenhower from Calle Tampico to Calle Sinaloa. This area will be used as space for designated bike and golf cart lanes. The reduced lanes and crosswalks added midblock will provide pedestrians with safer access to Civic Center Park, Old Town La Quinta, and the Benjamin Franklin Elementary School. The City recognized the impacts on small businesses due to the COVID- 19 pandemic, and established a $1.5 million COVID-1g Small Business Emergency Economic Relief Program. The Program helps provide small businesses with emergency cash flow in the form of zero percent interest loans of $5,00o to $zo,000, and up to $500,00o exclusively for restaurants that were open for pickup and delivery orders in the City. La Quinta residents had access to rental assistance through United Lift, a rental assistance program coordinated between Riverside County, United Way of the Inland Valleys, and Lift To Rise. The program goal was to keep 1o,000 families and residents housed. The program provided $33 million in rental assistance between June and November 2020. Eligible recipients were renters in Riverside County with a current lease agreement who are either individuals or families earning 8o percent or below of the area's median income, or who can document a loss of income due to COVID-19 economic impacts, leaving them unable to make their rent. 92 Palm't7esert Jobs Proximity Index 2014-2017 20 (Furthest Proximity) 20 - 40 40 - 60 60 - 80 80 (Closest Proximity) [] City Boundaries Santa Rosa San Jacoto Mountains Natiwiai Monument Source: Housing and Community Development, 1621 r 1 City of La quinta General Plan L J TERRA NOVA Jobs Proximity Index P1r44410 i Af544444 La Quinta, California 0 Exhibit I I-21 93 Access to Opportunity The City reviewed TCAC Opportunity Areas identified in Exhibit 11-14, and identified one inaccurate designation: the southern end of the City is categorized as "High Segregation & Poverty" by TCAC/HCD, which includes vacant land, Coral Mountain Golf Club and Trilogy La Quinta, a retirement community. As discussed above, this portion of the City falls in census tracts (456.05 and 456.09) that consist of primarily agricultural/rural communities in the unincorporated Riverside County, and the census -tract -based designations and data do not accurately reflect the portion in La Quinta. This area has large vacant parcels with potential for housing development, and is zoned for commercial and residential developments at various densities. In addition to the Composite Score of TCAC Opportunity Areas shown in Exhibit 11-14, the City also analyzed individual scores for economic, education and environmental domains. Most of the City scores in the highest range (>0.75) which indicates more positive economic outcome. The southern end of City, lower Cove area, and a portion just north of Highway 111 score slightly lower (0.50-0.75) in the economic domain. The upper Cove, Village and area just north, as well as small areas along the eastern City boundary score lower (0.25-0.50), which indicates relatively less positive economic outcome. Areas identified with less positive economic outcome are found in the adjacent cities of Indio, Indian Wells, Palm Desert and census designated place of Bermuda Dunes. Areas identified with less positive economic outcome (<0.25) are seen in the cities of Indio, Coachella and unincorporated communities in the eastern valley. The area north of Highway 111 scores in the highest range (>0.75) which indicates more positive education outcomes, and the west side of the City scores slightly lower (0.50-0.75). The eastern City is identified with Tess positive education outcomes (<0.25), which is also seen in portions of the cities of Indio and Coachella, as well as the unincorporated eastern Coachella Valley. There is no data on environmental domain for the Cove area and an area in the eastern City roughly between Avenue 54 and Avenue 60. Most of the City falls in the highest score range (0.75-1) which indicates more positive environmental outcomes. The southern end of City (in Census Tracts 456.05 and 456.09) is identified with less positive environmental outcomes (<0.25). Similar to other HCD data, the environmental domain score is also based on census tracts and may not represent the City portion accurately. The eastern Coachella Valley in general, except portions of the cities of Indio and Coachella, is identified with Tess positive environmental outcomes (<0.25). 94 The Cove area is surrounded by the Santa Rosa Mountains on three sides, and the only access to the local and regional roadway network is on the north. This topographical constraint results in further proximity to jobs the further down the Cove the area is, (Job Proximity Index score decreases from 40-6o to <2o). The east side of the City generally has medium proximity to jobs (Job Proximity Index score between 40-60). As noted, the City encourages mixed -use development in the Village area, which is directly north of the Cove, in the La Quinta Village Build - Out Plan adopted in 2017. Future development and redevelopment in the Village will improve job proximity in the Cove area. Comparing Exhibit II-21, Jobs Proximity Index to Exhibits 11-18 through II-2o reveals that concentration of lower income households is not directly related to job proximity. These findings confirm the following trends: 1. Jobs that are near housing may not meet the needs of the residents located there, creating a jobs/housing imbalance and lower job proximity. 2. Someone may be able to both work and live in an area with a high concentration of jobs; however, they may still only be able to access positions with low wages and find it hard to afford housing costs. Existing affordable housing projects in the City of La Quinta range from apartments to single-family homes. According to the City's AB 987 database, as of July 8, 2020, there are 40o affordable single-family ownership units with two to five bedrooms. These units are dispersed in various neighborhoods in the western, central and northern City. The eastern and southern City consists primarily of private resorts and golf clubs. There are 28 affordable single-family rental units as of July 8, 2020, all of which have three bedrooms. These units are located in and around the Cove area. Additionally, there are nine affordable multi -family housing complexes offering a total of 912 affordable multi -family rental units,14 including HUD apartments, Section 8 apartments, public housing apartments, non-profit senior and family low-income apartments, and Low-income tax credit apartments (LIHTC).15 Villa Cortina Apartments provides 116 moderate income restricted rentals. Seasons At La Quinta is a Low -Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) apartment and provides 87 extremely low, low, and moderate 14 Affordable Housing Program, Single -Family Rental Units and Multi -Family Rental Units, City of La Quinta, updated July 8, zozo. 15 LowlncomeHousing.us, accessed June 1, zozo. 95 income apartments for seniors only. These two projects are located adjacent to the Village area near Calle Tampico & Washington Street. Residents have walking access to the various retail, dining and services in the Village area, as well as La Quinta Library, Civic Center Park and La Quinta Museum. The DSUSD Adams State Pre -School and John Adams Elementary School are located to the west within walking distance, and Benjamin Franklin Elementary School is located approximately 1/3-mile away to the west. Bus stops at Calle Tampico & Washington Street are served by SunLine Transit Agency's Route 7. There are five affordable housing projects south of Highway 111 between Washington Street and Jefferson Street. Hadley Villas (79 extremely low to low income one -bedroom villas) and Seasons At Miraflores La Quinta (116 extremely low and very low income one- to two -bedroom apartments) are dedicated to seniors. Aventine Apartments (zo low and moderate income units), Wolff Waters Place (216 green -built one- to four- bedroom apartments for extremely low to moderate income households), and Coral Mountain Apartments (174 low and moderate income units) are open to all ages. These projects have close proximity to various retail, grocery, dining and services in the Highway 111 corridor, which also offers ample employment opportunities with a variety of commercial developments. La Quinta Park and La Quinta High School are located north of Highway 111 on the other side of Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel. Amelia Earhart Elementary School and John Glenn Middle School are located approximately 1.2 miles to the north. The area is well served by Bus Routes'', iX and 7 and bus stops are within walking distance of these communities. In the northern City, Vista Dunes Courtyard Homes provides 8o one- to three -bedroom apartment units affordable to extremely low to low income households. A LEED Platinum certified community, the project provides a swimming pool, playground, basketball court, and large community multipurpose room. Pioneer Park (with a dog park) and Desert Pride Park are located across Miles Avenue to the south. There are two day care centers across Adams Street to the east. Amelia Earhart Elementary School and John Glenn Middle School are located approximately 2/3-mile to the east, and La Quinta High School at similar distance to the southeast. The project is less than a mile north of the Highway 111 corridor. The project is served by SunLine Bus Route 7 with stops at Miles Avenue & Adams Street. Washington Street Apartments is located in the northwestern corner of the City and provides 14o units for extremely low, very low, low, and moderate income seniors. The City of Palm Desert Joe Mann Park is 96 within walking distance to the northwest, as well as neighborhood serving plazas at Washington Street & Hovley Lane. The project is served by SunLine Bus Route 7 with stops just north on Washington Street. Within a half -mile radius of the project, James Monroe Elementary School is located to the northeast, Colonel Mitchell Paige Middle School and Horizon School to the south, Montessori School of the Valley campuses to the west. None of the currently affordable single-family rental units are at risk of losing affordability restrictions during or within 10 years of the planning period. Some of the single-family ownership units are at risk of losing affordability restrictions during the next planning period, and monitors sales to encourage preservation of these units. As shown in Table II-52, there are no rental units at risk of conversion during the planning period. In addition to planned and pending affordable housing projects described in the Land Inventory (Tables III-47 & III-48) of this Housing Element, the City will establish a program to encourage accessory dwelling units (ADUs) and Junior ADUs as described in Program H-2.1.a and assess their effectiveness in expanding housing choices in the highest resource areas. Disproportionate Housing Need and Displacement Risk The AFFH Guidance for All Public Entities and for Housing Elements (April 2021 Update) defines `disproportionate housing needs' as 'a condition in which there are significant disparities in the proportion of members of a protected class experiencing a category of housing need when compared to the proportion of members of any other relevant groups, or the total population experiencing that category of housing need in the applicable geographic area.' Disproportionate housing needs may include things like overcrowding, overpayment, housing conditions disproportionately affecting protected classes, including displacement risk. Overcrowding As discussed under Housing Needs (Table 11-27), overcrowding is not a significant issue in the City of La Quinta. As of the 2o14-2o18 ACS, 3.7% of all occupied units in the City are considered overcrowded, which include primarily renter units (82.7%, 477 units) rather than owner units (17.3%, too units). 10.9% of all renter households experience overcrowding. The overall overcrowding rate (3.7%) in La Quinta has increased from 2.3% in 2o-4; specifically, overcrowding has improved slightly for owners but worsened for renters. Compared to an overcrowding rate of 6.9% in the Riverside County (2o18), overcrowding in La Quinta is less significant. 97 The renter overcrowding rate (10.9%) is only slightly lower than that of the County (ii.8%). Households with lower incomes may permit overcrowding to derive additional income, or there may be insufficient supply of housing units in the City to accommodate the demand, especially rental units. Unit size and affordability can be key contributors to overcrowding, and the City may need more affordable rental units of various sizes to meet the need of the community. Homelessness In 2020, there were 3 unsheltered homeless persons in La Quinta according to the PIT Count for Riverside County. The City allows homeless shelters in the Regional Commercial and Major Community Facilities zones with a conditional use permit. Single -room occupancy units are also conditionally allowed in the Regional Commercial zone in the City. Program H-5.4.a and H-5.4.b commit the City to bring its Zoning Ordinance in compliance with AB 101 for Low Barrier Navigation Center requirements on homeless shelters, and with state law for emergency shelters, transitional and supportive housing. Overpayment The median rent in La Quinta can be out of reach for lower income households with two or more persons; however, as shown in Exhibit II- 22, La Quinta has Tess prevalent overpayment by renters (<60% of renter households City-wide) in 2019 compared to surrounding jurisdictions, which have areas with over 60% of renter households overpaying. Overpayment is considered a chronic issue that needs to be addressed both locally and regionally. As is shown in Table 11-25 (Overpayment by Income Category and Tenure), as of the 2012-2016 CHAS, between both renters and owners, 71.4% of lower income households in La Quinta pay at least 30% of their income toward housing costs. Regionally, overpayment among renters is especially prevalent (>80%) in the north side of the City of Palm Springs, south side of Desert Hot Springs, and adjacent unincorporated areas of Riverside County as well as the south side of the City of Coachella. The overpaying rate more than doubles for lower -income owners (76.2 percent) than that of all owner households (36.5%). Overpayment increases the risk of displacement for residents who are no longer able to afford their housing costs. Geographically speaking, overpayment among homeowners is more prevalent than among renters in the City of La Quinta, although the reverse is true for the region. As shown in Exhibit 11-23, most of La Quinta has a homeowner overpayment rate between 40%-60%, and the area north of Highway 111 has a lower overpayment rate below 40%. Regionally, overpayment among 98 homeowners is below 8o% except a small area in the City of Coachella, and areas with between 60%-80% homeowner overpayment are found in the cities of Rancho Mirage, Cathedral City, Palm Springs, Desert Hot Springs and the adjacent unincorporate Riverside County area as well as the City of Coachella. The City has included Programs H-1.1.a, H-2.1.b, H- 2.3.b to incentivize development of affordable housing and has included an action in Program H-5.2.a to connect minority populations to lending programs for homeownership. 99 Desert Hot Springs Palm Springs Cathedral City Rancho Mirage Overpayment by Renters 2015-2019 ¢ 20% 20% - 40% 46°/0 - 60% 60% - 80% � a 80% I= City Boundaries Thousand Palms Palm Desert Indian Wells La Quinta Santa Rosa San Jacinto Mountains National Monument Source: Housing and Community Development, 202, r 1 City of La Quints General Plan L J TERRA NOVA overpayment by Renters ommudoanis[►np. AMC La Quinta, California Coachella Coachella 1 0 Exhibit i1-22 100 Palm Springs Cathedral City Rancho Mirage -Lf Overpayment by Home Owners 2015-2019 <20% 20% - 40% jj 40% • 6O% 60%-80% 80% IO City Boundaries Thousand Palms Palm Desert Indian Wells Santa Rosa San Jacrnto Mountains Nava nal Monument Source: Housing and Community Development, 2o2i r 1 City of La Quints General Plan 1..1 TERRA NOVA' Overpayment by Owners La quinta, California FLAWING I RESEAPep. s+C L. &Jinia Coachella CoaEhclla 9 Exhibit I I-23 101 Substandard Housing Conditions In La Quinta, less than a third (28.6%) of the housing stock is older than 3o years, and less than 5% is over 5o years old. Older homes are typically found in the Cove area. After 3o years homes generally require major rehabilitation, such as a new roof or updated plumbing. As discussed earlier, a 2007 City-wide housing conditions survey found that the majority of 59 units in need of minor or moderate rehabilitation were in the Cove area. The Code Compliance staff track property maintenance and planned for a housing conditions survey in fiscal year 2021/2022. The repair costs can be prohibitive such that the owner or renter live in unhealthy, substandard housing conditions or the renter is displaced if the house is designated as uninhabitable and the owner does not complete repairs. To prevent these situations, the City offers programs that assist homeowners and apartment complex owners with home maintenance and repair costs. Homeowners interested in reducing their utility bills through upgrades now have an alternative to tapping their mortgage for home equity loans. Through partnership with the City of La Quinta, HERO and Ygrene offer a wide array of home energy products at low -fixed interest rates with flexible payment terms of up to 20 years (see Programs H-4.4.a through H-4.4.d). Mortgage Loan Indicators Data related to home loan applications is made available annually through the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, through the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA). The data is organized by census tracts rather than local jurisdictions, and thus the following analysis is based on census tracts located entirely within the City of La Quinta (451.09, 451.10, 451.20, 451.2116, and 456.08). Among first mortgage loan applications originated in La Quinta in 2020, 74.3% were made to white applicants. For 19.9% of loans issued, race data was not available. Among first mortgage loan applications originated in La Quinta in 2020, Asian (39, 1.8%), Black or African American (30, 1.4%), American Indian or Alaska Native (6, 0.3%) and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (5, o.2%) homebuyers received a small percentage of total mortgage loans. The percentages of originated loans for white, Asian and Black or African American groups are lower than the corresponding race distribution of La Quinta. Considering the 19.9% of loans with unavailable data on race and geographical area covered in the analysis, the pattern is largely consistent with the City-wide race distribution. HMDA data combines data on Hispanic or Latino identity within other race categories; approximately 10.3% (224) of 2,181 originated loan i6 The northeast corner of Tract 451.21 is located in City of Indio, which consists of a gas station and convenience store. These commercial properties do not affect home mortgage data. 102 applications went to borrowers identifying as Hispanic or Latino. The majority (239, 68.5%) of the 349 first mortgage loan applications that were denied were denied to white applicants (including 3o borrowers that also identified as Hispanic or Latino). Nine (2.6%) applications were denied to Asian borrowers, five (1.4%) were denied to borrowers identified as Black or African American, three (o.9%) were denied to borrowers identified as American Indian or Alaska Native and one (o.3%) were denied to Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander borrowers. For 82, or 23.5% of denied loan applications, race data was not available. The racial distribution in denied applications are roughly proportional to that in originated loan applications, except for the variations in American Indian or Alaska Native and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander groups due to small numbers of applications. Therefore, the denied loan distribution is considered largely consistent with the City-wide race distribution. In 2019, the origination rate to white applicants was higher than in zozo, with 77.1% of the 1,222 first mortgage loans originated for home purchases going to white residents. Black (1.6%, or 20 loans) residents had a marginally higher share of loans originated in 2019 as compared to 2020, while Asian (1.1%, or -14 loans) had a somewhat lower share of loans originated in 2019 as compared to 2020. The origination rates for American Indian or Alaska Native (o.2%, or 2 loans) and Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (o.i%, or 1 loan) groups in 20-19 were marginally lower than in 2020. Race data was not available for 17.9% of first mortgage loans originated. Of the 262 first mortgage loans that were denied in 2o19, 74.0% were denied to white applicants (194 loans, including 26 borrowers that also identified as Hispanic or Latino). Seven (2.7%) applications were denied to Asian borrowers, three (1.1%) were denied to borrowers identified as Black or African American. Approximately io.6% of loans originated and 11.8% of loans denied were for applicants who identify as Hispanic or Latino, though these loans are also counted within other race categories. As described in Policies H-1.4 and H-5.5, the City will strive to ensure equal access to lending programs for people in all segments of the population and prevent any discriminatory practices based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, or disability. 103 Sensitive Communities Vulnerable 0 City Boundaries Coachella Tract 456.09 Source Housing and Community ❑eve1Opment, 2021 r� L J TERRA NOVA PLARAems 8 RESEARCH, WC City of La Quints General Plan Sensitive Communities- Urban Displacement Project La Qulnta, California 02114 Ehhibit I I-24 104 Displacement Risk The Urban Displacement Project (UDP) is a research and action initiative of the University of California Berkeley and the University of Toronto. UDP conducts community -centered, data -driven, applied research toward more equitable and inclusive futures for cities, and contributed the Sensitive Communities map to HCD's AFFH Data Viewer. Communities are designated sensitive if "they currently have populations vulnerable to displacement in the event of increased redevelopment and drastic shifts in housing cost." The following characteristics define vulnerability: • Share of very low-income residents is above 20%; and • The tract meets two of the following criteria: o Share of renters is above 4o%, o Share of people of color is above 5o%, o Share of very low-income households (5o% AMI or below) that are severely rent burdened households is above the county median, o They or areas in close proximity have been experiencing displacement pressures (percent change in rent above County median for rent increases), or o Difference between tract median rent and median rent for surrounding tracts above median for all tracts in county (rent gap). The Sensitive Communities - Urban Displacement Project map (Exhibit 11-24) shows that two areas in the City are designated as vulnerable: the northern Cove area (Tract 451.20) and a small area in southeastern City (part of Tract 456.09). Tract 451.20 has 25%-50% low to moderate income (LMI) population (Exhibit II-20a), but the Village area (Block Group 3 in Tract 451.20) has 50%-75% LMI population, higher than the average tract (Exhibit II-20b). Sites 2 & 3 in the Vacant Land Inventory (Table II-5o) are located within Block Group 3 of Tract 451.2o which will increase affordable housing supply in this area and help alleviate displacement risks for lower income households. The entire Tract 456.09 is designated as vulnerable, which spans large areas in the City of Coachella and unincorporated County and only a tiny portion in the City of La Quinta. As shown in Exhibit 11-24, the portion within La Quinta consists of vacant land only, and is thus not considered a sensitive community nor subject to displacement. 105 Enforcement and Outreach Capacity The City enforces fair housing through periodical reviews of its policies and code for compliance with State law and investigation of fair housing complaints. The City of La Quinta regularly updates their policies and codes to reflect changes in State law. The City is set to meet housing element deadlines through efforts from both staff and consultants. The City will prioritize programs with action items on zoning code updates to facilitate housing. The City has included an action in Program H-2.2.a to update its Zoning Ordinance on density bonus provisions according to AB 2345. Program H-2.3.b requires the City to develop incentives for inclusion of affordable housing units in mixed use projects in the Highway 111 corridor. Other programs include assessing affordability of accessory dwelling units (H-2.1.a) and updating homeless shelter provisions to comply with AB 101 (Low -Barrier Navigation Centers) (H- 5.4.a). These changes will be completed at regular Zoning Ordinance update in 2021-2022. Apart from zoning and development standards, fair housing issues can occur in rental, lending and purchase of housing including discriminatory behaviors by landlords, lenders, and real estate agents. Typical cases range from refusal to grant reasonable accommodation requests or allow service animals to selective showing of property listings based on familial status, sex, religion, or other protected class, and more. The City complies with fair housing law on investigating such complaints by referring discrimination cases to the Fair Housing Council of Riverside County, Inc. (FHCRC), a non-profit organization approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) that works with individuals and government agencies to ensure that fair housing laws are upheld. Services include anti -discrimination education and investigation, landlord -tenant dispute mediation, foreclosure prevention, pre -purchase consulting, credit counseling, and training. The City website describes and provides a link to FHCRC. On August 9, 2021, FHCRC provided housing discrimination records in La Quinta during the 2014-2021 planning period. Of the 52 complaint records, physical disability (21, 40%) and sex (15, 29%) were the two main bases, followed by mental disability (5,1o%). Three each were based on national origin and age, two based on familial status, and one each based on race, source of income and arbitrary. The race/ethnicity distribution data shows 40% of the records were filed by persons identified as "White Non Hispanic" and 38% by persons identified as "White & Hispanic". Six records (12%) were filed by persons identified as "Black Non Hispanic", and 5 records (io%) were filed by persons that 106 "Chose not to respond to race (not Hispanic)". Additional details including case status/outcome were not provided on these records, and thus they are inconclusive to identify any patterns. HUD's Region IX Office of Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (FHEO) provided case records for La Quinta in July 2021. Five fair housing cases were filed with their office during the previous planning period, two based on disability and retaliation, one each based on disability/race, and the other based on race and retaliation. Three of these cases were closed with conciliation or successful settlement, and two others were closed due to no cause determination. All five cases were handled through the Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHAP), in which HUD funds state and local agencies that administer fair housing laws that HUD has determined to be substantially equivalent to the Fair Housing Act. California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH) is the only certified agency for FHAP in California. Because state law has additional protected classes than federal law, DFEH may have additional case records. A request was made in July to DFEH, but they were not able to provide data as of August 13, 2021. FHCRC and FHEO were not able to provide specific locational information for cases either because they do not track the geographic origin of complaints or due to confidentiality concerns. However, given the number of FHEO case records and their outcome, the City of La Quinta would have a low potential for any patterns or concentrations of fair housing issues in the City. However, the City continues to work with agencies and local organizations to affirmatively further fair housing through outreach and support and referral for housing discrimination cases (Programs H-1.4-a, H-5.2.b and H-5.2.c). Sites Inventory The City extends into the Santa Rosa Mountains in the west and south, and much of the area in the southwestern City is designated as Open Space - Natural on the General Plan and not available for development. The City is largely built out, and future housing development will occur as mainly infill projects and on the south side of the City where there are larger vacant parcels. The City identified sufficient sites to meet the RHNA in La Quinta's sixth cycle inventory (see Exhibit 11-25 and Table II- 50). The vacant land inventory only includes parcels that the City has identified as having the potential to develop during the 2022-2029 planning period. Sites 1-3, 7-9, ii and 13 are identified for lower income units, Sites 10 and 12 are identified for moderate income units, and Sites 15 through zo are identified for above moderate income units. 107 As shown in the inventory map (Exhibit 11-25), the sites identified for future housing development are located in different parts of the City in various zoning districts and dispersed to the greatest extent possible with available lands, which will encourage a mix of household types across the City. Most of the sites identified for this Housing Element, primarily those located along the Highway 111 corridor, which could generate 655 lower income units, and near the Cove area, could result in 36 units in the Village of small -lot development and housing affordable to lower -income households. Above moderate income units will be built in the southern City on larger lots and could generate 456 units. The vacant sites that are zoned suitably for multiple income categories and could generate 182 units are distributed in the central and north sides of the City, which combat potential segregation and concentration of poverty by providing a variety of housing types to meet the needs of residents in these areas. Integration and Segregation: Race and Income Sites in the inventory are dispersed in areas ranging from lowest to highest diversity ratings (Exhibit II-15), although some of the sites south of the Highway iii and near the Cove area are in areas with lower median incomes (<$55,000, see Exhibit I I-18). However, these areas are also High Resource areas due to location within the Highway 111 corridor and proximity to the Village area, and could generate 691 lower income units. The vacant land inventory will increase housing supply for lower and moderate income households in the High Resource areas by 1.147 units, and is not expected to exacerbate any existing patterns of segregation based on race and income. The City examined the opportunity area map prepared by HCD and TCAC (Exhibit II-14) and identified inaccurate designations for the southern end of the City. The area is generally bounded by Avenue 6o on the north and Monroe Street and City boundary on the other sides. This area consists of vacant land, Coral Mountain Golf Club and Trilogy La Quinta (a retirement community). As discussed above, it shows as "High Segregation & Poverty" most likely due to its location in a larger census tract that includes primarily unincorporated rural/agricultural communities. Based on local knowledge and data, the area in southern La Quinta is least likely to experience segregation based on race/income or qualify as Area of High Segregation and Poverty. Sites 17-2o are located in or adjacent to this area and designated for above moderate income units. The vacant land inventory will increase housing supply in the southern end of the City, and is not expected to improve or exacerbate existing conditions regarding integration and segregation based on race and income. 108 Racially/Ethnically Concentrated Areas of Poverty and Affluence As noted, the R/ECAP is designated at census tract level for Tract 456.05, which spans a large area of unincorporated Riverside County and a small portion in the City of La Quinta (Exhibits 11-16 & 11-17). Due to data granularity reasons and local knowledge discussed above, this designation is most likely inaccurate for the small area in La Quinta. Consisting of vacant land, Coral Mountain Golf Club and Trilogy La Quinta, a retirement community, this area should be designated as "Moderate Resource" or better, with potential drawbacks being its distance from job opportunities and schools. Sites 17 and 18 in this area are designated for above moderate income units. As the R/ECAP designation most likely does not apply to this area of the City, the vacant land inventory will not improve or exacerbate existing conditions regarding R/ECAP. There is one potential RCAA in the City, Census Tract 456.08 along the eastern City boundary (Exhibit 11-18) with a median income greater than $125,000 and 89.6% non -Hispanic white population. Sites 15, 16, 19, and 20 would provide 305 above moderate income units in this area. Based on the opportunity area map (Exhibit 11-14) and local knowledge and data, Census Tract 456.08 is not in the Highest Resource area of the City, is mostly built out with retirement communities, and offers very limited opportunities for education, employment, services/amenities, and transit. Therefore, the City has prioritized providing more affordable housing in areas that offer ample opportunities such as the northern City. The vacant land inventory may exacerbate the potential for RCAA in Census Tract 456.08; however, this housing sites distribution serves to maximize access to opportunities for households that need affordable housing. Access to Opportunity The opportunity area map designates the majority of the City as "Highest Resource" or "High Resource", which indicate areas whose characteristics have been shown by research to support positive economic, educational, and health outcomes for low-income families — particularly long-term outcomes for children. As discussed above, local knowledge and data indicate that the appropriate designation for the southern end of the City should be "Moderate Resource" or better. Using the statewide opportunity area map, local knowledge, and indicators of segregation, displacement risk, and access to opportunity as overlays to the City's vacant land inventory, the City was able to identify sufficient sites for 1,o72 affordable units in La Quinta's sixth cycle inventory (see Exhibit 11-25 and Table II-5o) in areas identified by 109 TCAC/HUD as either "Highest Resource" or "High Resource" with the highest Jobs Proximity Index scores. Sites 17 and 18 designated for 151 above moderate income units fall in the "High Segregation & Poverty" area, which is an inaccurate designation as discussed above and in fact the area qualifies for "Moderate Resource" or better. Several sites identified for affordable housing providing 655 units are located along the Highway 111 corridor, which offers a variety of resources and amenities. Two bus routes serve the area, which provide local and regional connectivity in the City, Coachella Valley and San Bernardino County (a commuter route). The Highway 111 corridor area features walkable streets and neighborhoods, and provides walking access to retail, restaurants, grocery and personal services. There are elementary and high schools and public parks nearby. Similarly, the sites in the inventory near the Village area, which would generate 36 lower income units also have easy access to the various retail, dining and services there, as well as La Quinta Library, Civic Center Park and La Quinta Museum. There are two elementary schools and one preschool in the Village area and vicinity. SunLine Bus Route 7 serves the Village area. These future housing sites affirmatively further fair housing through their proximity to jobs, education and transit, neighborhood retail and services, all of which can reduce the overall cost of living for lower -income households. The stores, restaurants and offices in both the Highway 111 and Village commercial districts provide various job opportunities. The City analyzed environmental constraints, including wildfire zones, too -year special flood hazard areas and geological hazard zones, and confirmed that none of the sites identified are within or near any identified hazard zones that cannot be mitigated with standard construction techniques. With the implementation of standard requirements such as site -specific geotechnical studies, the sites identified in the vacant land inventory will not subject future residents to any environmental hazards. Evidence provided by the HUD tables and maps reveal there are no disparities in access to environmentally healthy neighborhoods, except that the southern City area has an inaccurate designation for less positive environmental outcomes due to its location in a larger tract. When compared with the east Coachella Valley and areas north of the Interstate-1o, the City scores higher in the environmental domain. Overall, the vacant land inventory is expected to improve access to opportunities for households in need by increasing affordable housing stock in high and highest resource areas. 110 Disproportionate Housing Needs The fair housing assessment identified that there is likely demand for units with at least two bedrooms for family and non -family households based on the household makeup of the City. Among the areas that over 40% of renters and owners experience overpayment, Tract 451.2o is further designated as vulnerable/sensitive community regarding displacement risk. Tract 451.2o has a relatively high (25%-50%) low to moderate income (LMI) population (Exhibit II-zoa), with the Village area (Block Group 3 in Tract 451.20 having 50%-75% LMI population. The City completed the La Quinta Village Build -Out Plan and EIR in 2o17. Projects in the Village area are encouraged to implement the standards and incentives of Municipal Code Section 9.14o.ogo, the mixed use overlay, which encourages development on lot assemblages or Tots greater than one acre and facilitates the development of mixed use projects that include both multifamily residential and commercial components. Per Section 9.14o.ogo.F, mixed use development can benefit from density bonuses, modified parking requirements, expedited permit processing, and fee reductions. Sites 2 & 3 in the vacant land inventory will be able to take advantage of the mixed use overlay incentives and increase affordable housing supply in the Village area. The City also intends to apply the Affordable Housing Overlay to all sites identified in the vacant land inventory (Program i.i.b.), including sites in the Village area and along the Highway 111 corridor. These measures are expected to expand housing options for various income levels and foster a more economically diverse community. The City is also implementing traffic improvements including new roundabouts in the Village area, where pedestrian, bicycle, golf cart, and automobile traffic exist. The new roundabouts will help accommodate non -vehicular traffic, making roadways safer and more accessible to pedestrians and bicycles in the area and meeting the transportation needs of all segments of the community. Contributing Factors Discussions with community members and organizations, government agencies, affordable housing developers, and the assessment of fair housing issues identified several factors that contribute to fair housing issues in La Quinta, including: 111 • Low vacancy rates and limited availability of affordable, accessible units in a range of sizes, especially for Tower -income renters, families with children and disabled people. • Lack of access to opportunity due to high housing costs including rising rents and stagnant income. • Lack of information made easily available to all segments of the community on landlord, tenant and buyer rights and opportunities. This may indirectly contribute to discriminatory practices during leasing and lending processes. Based on this assessment, these contributing factors largely stem from a common issue of limited options and supply. The City identified two priorities to further fair housing: expand availability of affordable housing and combat discriminatory practices through education. Programs under Policies H-1.4 and H-5.52 focus on information dissemination to all segments of the City population for affirmatively furthering fair housing and combating discrimination. Additionally, the City has incorporated meaningful actions that address disparities in housing needs and in access to opportunity for all groups protected by state and federal law, through preservation and new development of affordable housing and encouraging a variety of housing products including accessory dwelling units and other creative housing solutions such as shipping container conversions. (See Programs H-1.1.a, H-2.1.a through H-2.1.c, H-2.3.a through H-2.3.d, H-3.3.b, H-4.4.a through H- 4.4.e). HOUSING CONSTRAINTS Constraints to the provision of adequate and affordable housing are posed by both governmental and nongovernmental factors. These factors may result in housing that is not affordable to lower and moderate income households or may render residential construction economically infeasible. Constraints to housing production significantly impact households with lower incomes and special housing needs. To accurately assess the housing environment in the City of La Quinta, close consideration needs to be given to a series of constraints; the housing market, infrastructure, and environmental and governmental factors that impact the cost of housing. 112 Nongovernmental Constraints Although housing costs in the Coachella Valley region are, on average, below other metropolitan areas in Southern California, the cost of renting or purchasing adequate housing in La Quinta continues to be influenced by a number of market factors. Costs associated with labor, raw land, materials, and financing influence the availability of affordable housing. Land and Construction Costs Land costs include the costs of raw land, site improvements, and all costs associated with obtaining government approvals. Factors affecting the costs of land include overall availability within a community, environmental site conditions, public service and infrastructure availability, aesthetic considerations, and parcel size. The cost of land is an important component in determining the cost of housing development. Land in the Coachella Valley has been and remains relatively affordable compared to other Southern California markets. A 2020 survey of single- and multi -family undeveloped residential land sales in La Quinta shows that vacant residential land ranges from $99,000 for a o.12-acre parcel in the Cove to $1.5 million for a 0.47-acre parcel in Tradition. The average cost is $448,493 per acre. Construction costs can constitute up to 5o percent of the cost of a single-family detached home. Labor costs are usually two to three times the cost of materials, and thus make up 17 to 20 percent of the total cost of a new home. Labor costs are based on a number of factors, including housing demand, the number of contractors in the area, and union status of workers. However, state law requires the payment of prevailing wages for most private projects built under an agreement with a public agency providing assistance to the project, except for certain types of affordable housing. All cities are affected by these laws. In the Coachella Valley, construction costs for single-family dwelling units generally range between $235 to over $275 per square foot (excluding site improvements).'? Construction costs for vertical multi- family units generally range from $125 to $145 per square foot, based on typical 50-7o unit project with a 2 to 3 story garden style, Type V wood building.18 A survey of regional affordable housing developers determined that the average construction cost for affordable housing units in the Coachella Valley is approximately $317,074 per unit. Costs can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including but not limited 17 Gretchen Gutierrez, CEO, Desert Valleys Builders Association, March 2021. 18 Chris Killian, Senior Vice President of Construction, National Core, March 2021. 113 to, location, project site, unit size, bedroom count, finishes, fixtures, amenities, building type, and wage and hiring requirements. Other determining factors include site -specific terrain and soil conditions, environmental factors, and availability of infrastructure. The construction cost of housing may be considered a constraint to affordable housing in the La Quinta area. The City cannot directly control construction costs. Hence, increases in these costs amplify the need for subsidies to achieve affordability in residential units. Through density bonus provisions, the City provides incentives and relief to the development community in exchange for the inclusion of affordable housing into a project. Financing Interest rates impact both the purchase price of the unit and the ability to purchase a home. Interest rates are determined by national policies and economic market conditions and local government has no impact on these rates. Historical market trends reveal that when interest rates are high, a potential homeowner's ability to secure a loan decreases. Conversely, when rates are low, homeownership becomes more accessible to more families. The La Quinta market has demonstrated that when interest rates are low, the majority of housing demand focuses on single-family homes. When interest rates are high (in excess of about 12 percent) for any length of time, only a small percentage of new home buyers can qualify for monthly mortgage payments on the average market rate single- family home. At this point, demand shifts to lower priced units, usually multifamily, and construction trends follow. First-time home buyers are the group most impacted by financing requirements. The currently low mortgage rates (at or below 4 percent) facilitate first-time home buying. Typically, conventional home loans will require 5 to zo percent of the sale price as a down payment, which is one of the largest constraints to first-time home buyers. When interest rates are low, they are not generally a serious constraint to affordable housing. Further, lower interest rates help support home purchases by low and moderate income households, who may not be able to qualify at higher rates. There is no evidence that nongovernmental constraints affect the City's ability to meet the RHNA. Furthermore, the City cannot influence banks, lending institutions or the suppliers of building materials. Although the City will continue to work with the affordable housing development 114 community to reduce costs and encourage development through fee waivers, density bonus provisions and other means over which it has control, it cannot impact the national economy. Governmental Constraints The City has traditionally exercised authority in the areas of land use controls, site improvement requirements, building codes, fees, and other regulatory programs. General Plan Land Use Designations The two General Plan residential designations are Low Density Residential and Medium/High Density Residential. The densities of individual parcels are further refined in the Zoning Ordinance. Under General Plan Program LU-7.1.a (Policy LU-7.1), the City has established a mixed -use overlay that allows for the construction of housing to be integrated in various ways, such as above office space or commercial uses. The overlay is applied to all commercial zones. The mixed use overlay works together with the affordable housing overlay to raise densities to 24 units per acre (not including density bonus). The density ranges allowed for each residential district used to calculate housing at build out are listed in Table II-38. Table II-38 Residential General Plan and Zoning Districts General Plan Zoning Density Purpose Low Density Very Low Density Residential (RVL) Up to 2 units per acre One -to two-story single-family detached homes on large lots; at the southeastern boundary of the City. Low Density Residential (RL) Up to 4 units per acre Single-family attached and detached development, both in a country club setting and in standard subdivisions. Agriculture/ Equestrian Residential Overlay (A/ER) Applied to underlying residential designations Allows continuation of agricultural activities in Vista Santa Rosa area. Medium High Density Medium Density Residential (RM) Cove Residential (RC) Up to 8 units per acre One -to two-story single-family detached and attached homes on medium to small sized lots; clustered small dwellings, such as one to two-story single-family condominiums, townhomes, or apartment and duplexes. 115 Table 11-38 Residential General Plan and Zoning Districts General Plan Zoning Density Purpose Medium High Density Residential (RMH) Up to 12 units per acre One -to two-story, single-family detached homes on small lots; one -to two-story single-family attached homes; one -and two- story townhomes, condominiums and multifamily dwellings. Mobile home parks may be allowed with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit. High Density Residential (RH) Up to 24 units per acre for affordable housing sites One -to two-story single-family attached homes; one -to three - story townhomes and multifamily dwellings. Duplex and multiplex development is the most common. Mobile home parks or subdivisions with common area amenities and open space may also be allowed subject to a Conditional Use Permit. General Commercial Regional Commercial (CR) Commercial Park (CP) Community Commercial (CC) Neighborhood Commercial (CN) Office Commercial (CO) Up to 24 units per acre for affordable housing and with mixed use overlay High density residential uses are permitted with a Conditional Use Permit. Village Commercial Village Commercial (VC) Up to 24 units per acre for affordable housing and with mixed use overlay Medium High and High Density residential land uses are appropriate. Live/work housing is also appropriate. Tourist Commercial Tourist Commercial (CT) Up to 24 units per acre with mixed use overlay Multifamily residential and condominium development is permitted with a Conditional Use Permit. Source: City of La Quinta General Plan and Zoning Code 2021 Zoning Code The residential zone portions of the Zoning Code impact housing affordability in several ways. The Zoning Code regulates such features as building height and density, lot area, setbacks, minimum units, and 116 open space requirements for each zoning district. Development standards for the six residential zoning classifications and two overlay districts are provided in Table II-39• Residential land use regulations allow for single-family detached development by right at allowable densities between o and 12 units per acre. Single-family detached housing at higher densities may be achieved with a specific plan for individual projects as long as overall density is not exceeded. Single-family attached and multifamily development is permitted by right at densities between 8 and 24 units per acre and these types of residential uses are also permitted in lower density zones under the provisions of a specific plan. A variety of residential development is possible in the City, ranging in average density from Tess than two units per acre for lands designated Low Density to 24 units per acre for affordable housing in the High Density and all Commercial categories. If a density bonus is utilized, greater residential densities may be achieved in any zone. Table 11-38 identifies the list of permitted uses by residential district. The Zoning Ordinance also includes Supplemental Residential Regulations, which address a wide range of issues, from how to measure building height, to satellite dish installation and recreational vehicle storage. These standards are not subjective, and serve to clarify requirements for specific uses. Lower Density Residential Districts The RVL and RL zones provide for low density residential uses with densities consistent with the General Plan LDR designation (up to four units per acre). Single-family development in lower density zones is allowed through a building permit, following administrative review for consistency with the Zoning Code and state requirements. Developments requiring a tract map to establish new lots of record are reviewed by various City departments and adopted through Planning Commission and City Council public hearings. Typical conditions of approval relate to environmental quality such as erosion control, storm drainage, and access. Higher density uses, such as patio homes, duplexes, attached single- family dwellings, townhomes, and condominiums, may be permitted in RVL and RL zones when part of a specific plan or planned unit development (PUD), as long as the overall density of the project does not exceed that permitted by the underlying zone. The specific plan is reviewed by various City departments and a determination is made by 117 the City Council at a regularly scheduled public hearing. Specific plans are typically adopted by resolution and are common throughout the City. Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (JADUs), and guest houses are permitted as accessory uses in all residential districts. ADUs and JADUs are permitted in any residential zone, and guest houses are permitted on any single-family residential lot. In the RVL and RL zones, more than one guesthouse may be permitted with director approval. The City's ADU requirements may not be consistent with current State law. Program 2.1.a provides for the modification of the Zoning Code to comply with current law. These types of housing units are described further below. Residential care facilities with 6 or fewer persons, and senior citizen residences with 6 or fewer persons, are also permitted in all residential districts. Congregate living facilities with 6 or fewer persons are permitted in all residential districts, except RH. Development in the Cove, under RC zoning, allows for development and preservation of the character of the Cove, with one story single-family detached dwellings. The Zoning Code also establishes a minimum 7,zoo- square-foot lot size, which may require lot consolidation in some circumstances. However, as the majority of the Cove was originally subdivided into 5,00o square foot lots, existing lots less than 7,zoo square feet are considered buildable nonconforming lots. Medium and High -Density Residential Districts The RM, RMH, and RH zones allow an upper range of development density consistent with the General Plan Medium/High Density Residential designation. Minimum side yards and setbacks are required where a project abuts an exterior boundary or a public street. However, lot coverage, width, and setbacks within a project are variable to allow for clustering or creative lot configurations, as well as creating space for desired recreational and open space amenities. As shown in Table 11-39, the development standards in the RMH and RH zones are not a constraint: front yard setbacks for apartments are zo feet, side yards 5 to 15 feet, and rear yard setbacks 15 to zo feet. Given that apartments include parking areas surrounding the buildings, front and rear setbacks of this dimension allow for the placement of driveways, parking spaces and carports, and do no limit the use of the site. As demonstrated at the Wolff Waters and Coral Mountain Apartments, the Zoning Ordinance does not constrain the development of multifamily housing. Multifamily development is allowed in all three zones with a Site Development Permit approved at regularly scheduled Planning Commission public hearings. 118 The City's Zoning Code allows for innovation in design standards and densities as long as the overall density and dwelling unit capacity is not exceeded. Residential compatibility standards have been incorporated into the Zoning Code, which governs conditions where higher or lower density uses are proposed than the General Plan designation. As explained previously, ADUs, JADUs, and guest houses are permitted as an accessory use in all residential districts, including the RM, RMH, and RH zones. In the CR, RM, RMH, and RH zones, only one guesthouse may be permitted on a lot unless otherwise approved through a specific plan. Residential care facilities with 6 or fewer persons, and senior citizen residences with 6 or fewer persons, are also permitted in all residential districts. Additionally, senior group housing with 7 or more persons are permitted with a minor use permit in the RM, RHM, and RH districts. Supportive and transitional housing is permitted with a conditional use permit in the RM, RHM, and RH districts. Congregate living facilities with 6 or fewer persons are permitted in all residential districts, except RH. Residential Uses in Nonresidential Districts There are development opportunities for residential uses in several of La Quinta's nonresidential zones (Table 11-39). Multifamily housing is permitted with a Conditional Use Permit in all commercial zones except Major Community Facilities (MC). Residential uses are to be developed at densities consistent with the High Density residential designations. The Village Build -Out Plan Area encourages residential development in mixed use projects according to the standards and incentives of the Mixed Use Overlay. Maximum permitted densities are 25-3o units per acre, depending on location, which are higher than those permitted in any residential zone or the Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) (up to 24 du/ac). Maximum building height is 45 feet, which is higher than that permitted in any residential zone (maximum 4o feet). As such, the Village Build -Out Plan Area does not constrain development. As with most commercial zones, projects can be developed in the Village Commercial District that are too percent residential in use, as there is no requirement that a project be a mix of residential and nonresidential uses. Development standards specific to the Village currently include a 45-foot maximum height. Residential floors generally range from 10-12 feet in height. If a project contains solely residential uses, the 45-foot height limit does not constrain development. 119 Mixed use projects consisting of both multifamily residential and commercial/office components are permitted in all commercial districts except MC. The Mixed Use Overlay also facilitates mixed use projects. Uses may be integrated vertically (residential over commercial) or horizontally (residential next to commercial). Residential densities range between 12 and 24 units per acre, although higher densities may be achieved through density bonuses, including a density bonus of 1o% where at least 30% of total project square footage consists of retail uses. Maximum heights vary from 35 to 6o feet, depending on the underlying district, but heights may be up to 25% more than the base district if approved in the site development permit. The Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) allows development of affordable housing at higher densities within commercial zones (CC, CP, CN, CR, and VC) and other sites identified on the zoning map. The AHO provides increased and enhanced opportunities for affordable housing development, including maximizing the housing potential of vacant and underutilized sites. Zoning Code Section 9.6o.26o describes opportunities for granting density bonuses and other incentives and concessions for the development of units affordable to low and very low income households, senior citizen housing, mobile home parks, and moderate income households. Available concessions may include reductions in setback or parking requirements, modifications of architectural design requirements, or other approved measures that can result in cost reductions to the developer. As provided in Program H- 3.1.a, the AHO will be applied to all affordable inventory sites, with a density increase to 3o units per acre. Rooming and boarding houses and senior group housing are permitted in the VC zone if a minor use permit is approved. Single Room Occupancy (SRO) hotels are conditionally permitted in the CR zone. Emergency shelters are permitted in all commercial zones except VC. Transitional shelters for homeless persons or victims of domestic abuse are permitted in the CR and MC zones with a conditional use permit. Transitional and supportive housing are permitted in the Medium, Medium -High and High Density residential zones with a conditional use permit. This is not consistent with other residential uses, which are permitted uses in the same zones. Program H-5.4.b requires that these uses be changed to permitted uses in those zones. 120 Table 11-39 2021 Residential Development Standards' Development Standard RVL RL RC RM RMH RH Min. Lot Size for Single- Family Dwelling (sq ft) 20,00 0 7,200 7,200 5,00 0 3,600 2,000 Min. Project Size for Multifamily Projects (sq ft) N/A N/A N/A N/A 20,000 20,000 Min. Lot Frontage for Single -Family Dwellings (ft)1 ioo 60 60 50 40 N/A Min. Frontage for Multifamily Projects (ft) N/A N/A N/A N/A ioo ioo Max. Structure Height (ft) 2 28 28 17 28 28 40 Max. No. of Stories 2 2 i 2 2 3 Min. Front Yard Setback (ft)3 30 20 20 20 20 20 Min. Garage Setback (ft)4 30 25 25 25 25 25 Min. Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setback (ft)5'7 io/zo 5/to 5/10 5/io 5/lo 1o/i5 Min. Rear Yard Setback (ft)7 3o 20 for new lots/io for existing recorde d lots' io i5 i5 20 Max. Lot Coverage (% of net lot area) 40 50 60 60 60 60 Min. Livable Area Excluding Garage (sf) z,5oo 1,400 1,200 i,400 1'400 (MF: 750) MF: 750 Min. Common Open Area' N/A N/A N/A 30% 30% 30% Min./Average Perimeter Landscape Setbacks (ft)6 1o/2o 1o/2o N/A 1o/2o 1o/2o 1o/2o i-8 for notes, see Zoning Code Table 9-2 Source: Table 9-2, City of La Quinta Zoning Code zozi. 1 Residential uses in Commercial zones are subject to the RH development standards. 121 Table II-40 2021 Permitted Residential Uses by Residential Zoning District Land Use Residential Zoning District Very Low Cove Medium ediu MHighm High RVL RL RC RM RMH RH Single -Family Detached P P P P P S Single -Family Detached patio homes (i.e., "zero lot -line") PUD PUD PUD PUD PUD PUD Duplex PUD PUD X PUD P P Single Family Attached PUD PUD X PUD P P Townhome dwellings PUD PUD X P P P Condominium Multifamily PUD PUD X P P P Apartment Multifamily X X X P P P Mobile Home Park C C C C C C Mobile Home Subdivision and Manufactured Home on individual lots, subject to Section 9.60.180 P P P P P X Resort Residential, subject to Section 9.60.31 o P P X P P P Guesthouses, subject to Section 9.60.100 A A A A _ A A Second residential units subject to Section 9.60.090 A A A A A A Group Living and Care Uses Congregate Living Facility (<_6 persons) P P P P P X Congregate Care Facility C C C C C C Residential Care Facility (<6 persons) P P P P P P Senior Citizen Residence (<_6 persons) P P P P P P 122 Table II-4o 2021 Permitted Residential Uses by Residential Zoning District Land Use Residential Zoning District Very Low Cove Medium ediu MHighm High RVL RL RC RM RMH RH Senior Group Housing (7+ persons) X X X M M M Time share facilities, subject to Section 9.6o.28o M M M M M M Bed and breakfast inns M M M M M M Supportive housing X X X C C C Transitional housing X X X C C C Source: Table 9-1, City of La Quinta Zoning Code 2021 P = Permitted use; C = Conditional use permit; M = Minor use permit; S= Specific plan; A = Accessory use; X = Prohibited use, PUD = Planned unit development Table II-41 2021 Permitted Residential Uses by Nonresidential Zoning District Land Use Zoning District Regional Commercial Commercial Park Community Commercial Neighbor- hood Commercial Tourist Commercial Office Commercial Major Community Facilities Village Commercial CR CP CC CN CT CO MC VC Existing Single- Family home X X X X X X X P Townhome and Multifamily dwelling as a primary use C C C C C C X C Residential as an accessory use, e.g., caretaker residences per Section 9.ioo.i6o M M M M M M M M Resort Residential, subject to Section 9.60.310 S X C X P X X P 123 Table II-41 2021 Permitted Residential Uses by Nonresidential Zoning District Land Use Zoning District Regional Commercial Commercial Park Community Commercial Neighbor- hood Commercial Tourist Commercial Office Commercial Major Community Facilities Village Commercial CR CP CC CN CT CO MC VC RV Rental Parks and Ownership Membership Parks X X X X M X X X Emergency Shelter P P P P P P P X Rooming/ Boarding Housing X X X X X X X M Senior Group Housing X X X X X X X M Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Hotel, subject to Section 9.100.250 C X X X X X X X Transitional Shelters for homeless persons or victims of domestic abuse C X X X X X C X Single-family residential X X X X X X X X Mixed -use projects, subject to Section 9.110.120 P P P P P P X P Hotels and motels P X P X P X X P Timeshare facilities, fractional ownership, subject to Section 9.60.280 P X P X P X X P Source: Table 9-5, City of La Quinta Zoning Code 2021 P = Permitted use; C = Conditional use permit; M = Minor use permit; A = Accessory use; X = Prohibited use 124 Density Bonus California law (Government Code Sec. 65915 et seq.) allows for an increase in the density of a residential development when a developer donates land or constructs affordable housing as a part of a project. A density bonus of 20 percent above the maximum permitted density may be granted if a project includes 5 percent of the units at rates affordable to very low income households or 10 percent of the units at rates affordable to low income households. If 10 percent of the total units are affordable to moderate income households in a common interest development, then the project is eligible to receive a 5 percent density bonus. In addition, a sliding scale requires additional density bonuses above the base 20 percent. The maximum density bonus is 35 percent over the maximum allowable density under the applicable zoning and General Plan designation. With a density bonus, allowable residential densities range from 2.7 units per acre in the RVL zone to 32 units per acre in the high density and mixed -use zones and specific plans. Projects that are restricted to senior residents are also eligible for a density bonus of 20 percent without any income -restricted units. The density bonus is not required to exceed 20 percent and is not subject to the sliding scale mentioned above unless a minimum number of income - restricted units are included. Effective January 1, 2021, AB 2345 amends the state's Density Bonus Law to increase the maximum density bonus from 35% to 5o% for projects that provide at least: 1) 15% of total units for very low income households, 2) 24% of total units for low income households, or 3) 44% of total for -sale units for moderate income households. AB 2345 also decreases the threshold of set -aside low income units required to qualify for concessions or incentives from zoning or development regulations, and decreases the number of parking spaces required for 2 and 3-bedroom units. Density bonus projects within 1/2 mile of a major transit stop that provide unobstructed access to the transit stop may also qualify for reduced parking requirements. Program 4-2.2.a directs the City to amend the Zoning Ordinance accordingly to assure compliance with AB 2345. Accessory Dwelling Units In 2020/2021, to comply with AB 2299, the City modified Zoning Code Section 9.60.090 pertaining to Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). The modifications ease barriers to development of ADUs. ADUs are 125 independent living quarters on existing home lots, the use of which is subordinate and incidental to the main building or use. They can provide affordable rental opportunities for lower and moderate income households, including seniors, disabled persons, single parents, domestic employees, and extended family members. ADUs create additional housing opportunities on already developed or developing parcels and can provide a source of income for homeowners. They are often referred to as "casitas" throughout the Coachella Valley. ADUs are permitted in all residential -only zones and can be attached or detached to the primary residence. Conditions on the ADU require that no interest in the ADU(s) may be sold separately from the remainder of the property, though the unit may be rented (not less than 3o days); that the lot contain an existing single-family dwelling that conforms to the minimum lot size requirement; that the ADU is no larger than 1,200 square feet or 3o percent of the primary home; and must have a minimum of one off-street parking space on the same lot that the ADU is located. Parking requirements may be waived in certain circumstances, including when the ADU is within one-half mile of public transit or one-half block of a car -share station, within an architecturally and historically significant district, part of an existing primary residence or accessory structure, and/or required to obtain a parking permit from the City. The City's ADU requirements may not be consistent with current State law. Program 2.1.a provides for the modification of the Zoning Code to comply with current law. Guest Houses Guest houses are detached or attached units with sleeping and sanitary facilities, which may include full bathroom and/or kitchen or cooking facilities. Standards and criteria for the establishment of guest houses are provided in Zoning Code Section 9.6o.100. The purpose of guest houses is to provide free on -site housing for relatives, guests and domestic employees. This type of unit can be particularly important to provide housing opportunities for the City's extremely low income workforce. Guest houses are permitted as accessory uses in all residential zones on any single-family lot, but are not permitted when duplexes, triplexes, or apartments occur on the lot. A guest house may not exceed 3o percent of the square footage of the primary structure and must conform to lot coverage requirements. Manufactured Housing Requirements Manufactured housing and mobile homes are considered housing alternatives, especially for serving the needs of lower -income households. Manufactured homes and mobile home subdivisions are 126 permitted uses in all residential zones, except for High Density Residential, subject to the provisions of Zoning Code Section 9.6o.180, which requires approval of a minor use permit by the Planning Commission prior to the placement of a manufactured home on a single- family lot to ensure that it is consistent with the development standards of the single-family zone. Mobile home parks are permitted with a conditional use permit in all residential districts. Short -Term Vacation Rentals Municipal Code Section 3.25 defines a short-term vacation rental (STVR) unit as a privately owned residential dwelling such as, but not limited to, a single-family detached or multifamily attached unit, apartment house, condominium, cooperative apartment, duplex, or any portion of such dwellings, rented for occupancy for dwelling, lodging, or sleeping purposes for a period of 3o consecutive calendar days or less, counting portions of calendar days as full days. Homeowners are required to obtain a STVR permit and business license, manage the unit in accordance with established regulations, and collect transient occupancy taxes (TOT) at a rate of io% of the rent charged. In 2021, the City reviewed its STVR standards and made modifications to limit permitting and strengthen the enforcement regulations, following residents' concerns regarding over -saturation and lack of management at some locations. STVRs provide homeowners with opportunities to increase their incomes, which can offset their housing costs. STVRs comprise 1,170 of the 25,143 housing units, or 4.6% of the housing stock in the City, and are not considered a constraint to housing. Low Barrier Navigation Centers Assembly Bill (AB) 101 requires that Low Barrier Navigation Centers (LBNC) be a by -right use in areas zoned for mixed use and nonresidential zoning districts permitting multifamily uses. LBNCs provide temporary room and board with limited barriers to entry while case managers work to connect homeless individuals to income, public benefits, permanent housing, or other shelter. Program H-5.4.a of this Housing Element directs the City to review and revise the Zoning Ordinance, as necessary, to ensure compliance with AB 101, and to modify the definition of "homeless shelter" to include this use. Parking Requirements Parking requirements in the City of La Quinta, shown in Table 11-42, are typical for a city of its size with resort -oriented characteristics. The parking requirements are based on unit size for market housing, and are permitted to be reduced based on alternative analysis methodology. 127 Additionally, the parking requirements for special needs uses are relatively minimal and facilitate the construction of such uses. Reductions in required parking spaces are often a concession granted to affordable housing developers through the City's density bonus provisions. Overall, the parking requirements do not directly constrain the development of housing. Table 11-42 Parking Requirements for Residential Uses Land Use Minimum Off -Street Parking Spaces Guest Spaces Single -Family Detached, Single -Family Attached and Duplex 2 spaces per unit in a garage Tandem garages allowed in RC zone 0.5 guest space per unit if no on -street parking is available Mobile Home Park 2 covered spaces per unit (tandem permitted) o.5 guest space per unit Apartments, townhomes, and condominiums: (1) Studio . covered space per unit o.5 guest space per unit (2) One- and Two- Bedrooms 2 covered spaces per unit o.5 guest space per unit (3) Three or More Bedrooms 3 covered spaces per unit, plus o.5 covered space per each bedroom over three 0.5 guest space per unit Employee Quarters -I covered or uncovered space. This space shall not be tandem. Senior Housing (excluding single family units) . covered space per unit o.5 guest spaces per unit Senior Group Housing, Senior Citizen Hotel, and Congregate Care Facility 0.5 covered spaces per unit o.5 guest space per unit Source: Table 9-11, City of La Quinta Zoning Code 2021 Subdivision Improvement Requirements The City maintains subdivision improvement requirements that contribute to the cost of housing. In many cases, a developer may be required to provide any or all of the required improvements within a subdivision or a single residential project. Although the provision of these improvements or actions required to meet subdivision requirements may cumulatively add costs to the provision of housing, they are not considered a deterrent, as they are required throughout California with public safety as the underlying factor. Subdivision regulations are provided in Municipal Code Title 13; pertinent improvements include: 128 • Full -width street improvements for all internal subdivision streets and alleys shall be installed; • Where a subdivision borders a public street, the developer shall provide half -width right-of-way improvements, plus one additional travel lane on the opposite side of the centerline if it does not already exist; • Additional rights -of -way or easements shall be provided, where necessary, to accommodate roadway slopes, drainage structures, bicycle or equestrian paths and trails, and other facilities related to subdivision development; • Minimum landscape setback widths shall be 5o feet from Highway 111, 20 feet from other arterial streets, 20 feet from primary arterial streets, 10 feet from secondary arterial streets, and 10 feet from collector streets; • The size and configuration of streets shall comply with Exhibits 11-2 and 11-3, as amended, of the General Plan circulation element. Cul-de-sacs shall have a minimum curb radius of 45 feet for private streets and 38 feet for public streets; • Private streets are limited to 36 feet in width when parking is double loaded, 32 feet when single loaded; • Sidewalks are required to be provided on both sides of the street within public rights -of -way of all General Plan designated arterial and collector streets, for local streets in residential areas and in areas designated rural residential overlay where densities exceed 3 du/ac; • Transit facilities, such as bus turnouts and covered bus shelters and benches, are required if a bus stop occurs adjacent to the development site, on General Plan designated arterial and collector streets; • Street width transitions, pavement elevation transitions and other incidental work deemed necessary for public safety may be required to ensure that new construction is safely integrated with existing improvements; • Improvements shall include traffic signs, channelization markings/devices, street name signs, medians, sidewalks, and mailbox clusters; • The developer shall provide improvements connecting the subdivision to the domestic water supply and distribution system operated by the Coachella Valley Water District, and is required to connect to an existing sewer collection system; • Prior to the completion of homes or occupancy of permanent buildings within the subdivision, the subdivider shall install traffic -control devices and street name signs along access roads to the homes or buildings. 129 Local Processing and Permit Procedures The cost of holding land by a developer during the evaluation and review process is frequently cited by builders as a contributing factor to the high cost of housing. The California Government Code establishes permitted time periods for local agencies to review and act upon private development proposals. Typical local development application processing times identified in Table 11-43 reflect both single- and multifamily uses. State -imposed time restrictions are identified in Table 11-44. Table 11-43 Local Development Processing Times Item Typical Length of Time From Submittal to Public Hearing Site Development Permit 9-12 weeks Conditional Use Permit 8-io weeks Tentative Tract Map 10-12 weeks Variance 8-10 weeks Zoning Amendments or Zone Change 9-12 weeks General Plan Amendment 12-16 weeks Specific Plan 12-16 weeks Environmental Documentation Runs with application Source: City of La Quinta 2021 Table 11-44 State Development Processing Time Limits Item State Maximum General Plan Amendment None Zone Change None Subdivision Action on Tentative Map 5o Days Environmental Documentation/CEQA Review of Application for Completeness 30 Days Determination of NEG DEC or EIR Requirement' 30 Days Completion of NEG DEC Requirement io5 Days Certification of Final EIR i Year Source: California Permit Streamlining Act, 1977 'The City attempts to process the Negative Declaration so that it runs with application La Quinta's City Council directed, during the last Housing Element cycle, that staff look at opportunities for development streamlining. The original Zoning Code changes were brought forward after review by a specially formed committee, which proposed a wide range of changes, many focused on moving review and approval authority to staff level decisions, or to the Planning Commission rather than the City Council. 130 This effort included Site Development Permits and other permits, which now can be approved by staff under specific circumstances, and a change in permitted and conditionally permitted uses that removed conditional use permits from a number of land uses in varying zones. Since the original amendments, the City annually completes a "Code Tune Up," which includes specific Zoning Code items that have arisen through each year. As a result of these processing changes, the City's entitlement process is one of the most efficient in the Coachella Valley. Site Development Permit The purpose of the site development permit (SDP) process is to review detailed plans for proposed development projects to ensure that the standards of the Zoning Code, including permitted uses, development standards and supplemental regulations, are satisfied. If the proposed project is part of a previously adopted specific plan, the review and approval of SDP application may be streamlined as called for in the specific plan. The SDP process enables the Planning Commission to review the site plan, architectural, lighting and landscape plans, and related development plans. The Planning Commission does not exercise discretionary review over the proposed land use; the focus on the SDP is on issues of site planning and design. The findings for a Site Development Permit require consistency with the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance; conformance with CEQA; and compatibility of site design, landscaping and architecture to surrounding buildings. A SDP may take a minimum of 9 weeks for review, but the process could take as long as 3 months, or longer, if unforeseen complications arise. To reduce the amount of time required for plan review, the City provides the opportunity for a conceptual design review (sometimes referred to as a pre -application review) prior to formal application submittal to give the applicant information on City requirements and project feedback prior to committing to the application process. This conceptual review can save the applicant both time and money, making the proposed development more cost effective. Minor Use Permit A Minor Use Permit (MUP) is required for the following residential land uses: senior group housing (7+ persons) in RM, RMH, and RH zones; timeshare facilities in all residential zones; and manufactured homes on single-family lots. Most MUPs are administratively approved by Planning Division staff. On rare occasions, the project may be reviewed by the Planning Commission at a public hearing to ensure that it is consistent with the development standards in single-family zones. 131 Conditional Use Permit A conditional use permit (CUP) is required for congregate care facilities in any residential designation; mobile home parks in any residential designation; supportive and transitional housing in RM, RMH, and RH zones; multifamily housing in non-residential zones (except affordable land inventory sites which will be subject to the AHO (see Program 3.1.a), which allows multifamily projects by right); SRO hotels in the CR zone; and transitional shelters for homeless persons or victims of domestic violence in the CR and MC zones. The requirement for a CUP requires a public hearing before the Planning Commission. However, a CUP is often processed concurrently with an SDP; therefore, no additional time is required for the processing of the CU P. Typical findings required to approve a CUP are consistency with the goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan, consistency with the Zoning Code, compliance with CEQA, and certification that the proposed project is neither detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the public nor injurious to adjacent uses. The most common specific conditions of approval relate to mitigating environmental impacts such as erosion, storm water runoff, and traffic. These conditions are necessary to protect environmental integrity and public health and safety and are not considered a constraint to housing development. Discussions with affordable housing developers have consistently indicated that the City's CUP process does not inhibit the process or cost of building affordable housing. With the inclusion of the AHO on all affordable housing sites identified in Table I I-5i, there will be no need for Conditional Use Permits, and this constraint will be eliminated. Specific Plan Specific plans are unique regulations designed to provide more flexibility than permitted through the Zoning Code. The processing of a specific plan can add 12 weeks to the project schedule. However, the additional entitlement rights, flexibility in design and use, and infrastructure negotiations obtained through the specific plan process generally outweigh the impacts of the additional time expenditure. Specific plans must be reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council at a public hearing. In La Quinta, specific plans are adopted by resolution. The required findings for approval are consistency with the goals, objectives, and policies of the General Plan; certification that the 132 project does not create conditions that are detrimental to public health, safety, and welfare; and proof that uses are compatible with nearby uses and the property is suitable for the proposed project. The City allows the concurrent processing of applications to accelerate the process. For example, for a specific plan that also requires a CUP, both permits would be processed at the same time so no additional review time is necessary. Overall, the processing periods and procedures are not considered a constraint to the production of housing by the development community. The City processes residential projects within statutory time frames. The processing period is typically expedited for projects within adopted specific plan areas, as environmental review has been conducted and standards have been imposed, e.g., exactions and payment schedules, design, etc., for the entire area and in itself does not significantly impact housing construction costs. Permitting Mixed Use Development Mixed use development can provide a lively, walkable, and convenient living and visiting experience. Mixed Use is allowed in most commercial zones in the City. The City has not determined any conditions of approval specific to mixed use development; conditions are determined on a case -by -case basis, reflecting the context and design of each project. Affordable housing developers in the area have indicated that the process in La Quinta has not posed a constraint to affordable housing projects. Development and Processing Fees Development fees and other assessments cover the costs for infrastructure, environmental protection, public services, and utilities incurred by residential development. These fees impact the cost of housing and may, therefore, reduce the ability for unassisted market - rate housing to provide units affordable to low income households. The City describes current fees and exactions that are applicable to housing development projects on its website, consistent with Government Code §65940.1(a)(1)(A). The City imposes Developer Impact Fees on new development to fund the expansion and/or construction of public facilities, such as fire stations and parks and recreation facilities, as they are required and demanded. Government Code Section 66001 requires jurisdictions to identify the purpose and use of impact fees and determine whether there is a reasonable relationship between the use of a fee and type of development upon 133 which it is imposed, the need for the facility and type of development on which the fee is imposed, and the fee amount and the public facility cost attributable to the development on which the fee is imposed. Current City developer impact fees (Table II-45) are based on the City's "Development Impact Fee Study" dated September 23, 2019 and adopted February 4, 2020, which demonstrates that reasonable relationships between development, public facilities, and fees exist. The City also charges fees for application and permit processing, plan checks, environmental analyses, and special studies. Some fees are a flat rate, and some require additional payment to cover costs of additional analysis by City staff and/or third party service providers. Planning fees are generally collected at the outset of the application process; others, like building fees, are collected at permit issuance. In addition to City fees and assessments, developers of new dwellings are obligated to pay fees imposed by other government agencies, such as Coachella Valley Multi -Species Habitat Conservation Plan fees, Fish and Game fees, Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fees (TUMF), and other special district assessments, as applicable. Table 11-46 presents an overview of City fees for an average 1,500- square-foot tract home with a two -car garage in a low density subdivision and an average 950-square-foot multifamily home with a two -car garage. Table II-47 identifies fees for various planning actions, such as zoning changes, tentative tract maps, and conditional use permits. Based on the fees presented in these tables, and the average cost of building a single family home in the City ($386,2oo), the development fees per unit would be about $38,613 per unit, or io% of the building cost. Given that the City's fee schedule and development impact fees are consistent with those of other Coachella Valley cities, and that affordable housing projects are often exempted from fees, the costs associated with City fees are not considered a constraint to the development of affordable housing. In addition to these fees, all residential development in La Quinta and elsewhere in California is required to pay the State -mandated school impact fee, which varies by school district and adjusts from year to year. For residential development, the school impact fee is currently $3.79 per square foot in the Coachella Valley Unified School District (CVUSD) and $4.08 per square foot in the Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD). The City has no control over this fee, and as it is charged in all cities, it cannot be considered a constraint on development in La Quinta. 134 While the fees charged by the City add to the cost of housing and, therefore, are a constraint to the provision of affordable housing, infrastructure improvements and processing must be paid. Instead of offering fee reductions or waivers for affordable housing projects, the City offers other incentives to promote infill or affordable housing development through Zoning Code Section 9.6o.26o, which allows density bonuses for affordable housing and concessions that may include a waiver or reduction in site development standards, or a modification that can result in actual cost savings to the developer. A comparison of the City's fees with other communities in the Coachella Valley indicates that the City generally charges comparable fees to other cities. Table 11-45 Impact Fees Per Unit of Development Land Use Type Development Units Total Fee6 Residential (SFD)1 Dwelling Unit $9,380 Residential (SFA) 2 Dwelling Unit $7,719 Residential (MFO) 3 Dwelling Unit $6,113 Office/Hospital 1,00o SF $7,589 General Commercial 1,00o SF $9,191 Tourist Commercial/Lodging Room4 $2,864 Source: City of La Quinta, effective July 1, 2020 1 Residential -single-family detached. 2 Residential -single-family attached 3 Residential -multi -family and other 4 Guest room or suite 5 Net Acre 6 Includes fees for park improvements, community/cultural, library, Civic Center, maintenance facilities, fire, and transportation. 135 Table 11-46 Development Fees for Typical Single -Family and Multifamily Homes Type of Fee Cost Per Unit Multifamily' Single -Family' Building Fees (includes permit and plan check) New Construction Permit Plan Check $1,855.18 $1,311.69 $2,389.24 $1,585.99 Mechanical4 $104.64 $104.64 Plumbing5 $228.07 $308.56 Electrical $214.13 $233.45 Strong Motion Instrumentation Program ($o.50 or valuation x o.00013)8 $24 $38.99 Grading $148.12 $148.12 Other Fees Development Impact Fee $6,113 $9,380 Multi -Species Habitat Conservation Plan 3 $571 $1,371 TUMF7 $1,330 $2,310 CVWD Sewer -New Connection Fee $4,851 $4,851 CVWD Water - New Connection Fee6 $3,600 $3,600 Fish and Game Fee (unfinished lot) Negative Declaration -flat $3,22o fee $3,22o $3,22o Art in Public Places (Total Value) Based on project valuation charged at one - quarter of 1 percent of anything over $zoo,000 or $zo minimum $20 $250 Quimby fees (if in -lieu of land dedication —fee payment only option for tracts of <50 lots/units) Based on per acre FMV of land Based on per acre FMV of land Total $23,591 S29,791 Source: City of La Quinta 2021 1 Calculated on a 950-square-foot unit valued at $181,030 (average value of single-family attached unit, per building permits issued 2014-2o2o) 2 Calculated on a 1,5o0-square-foot home valued at $299,933 (average value of single-family detached unit, per building permits issued 2014-2o2o) 3 $1,371/unit at o-8 DU/AC; $571/unit at 8.1-14 DU/AC; and $254/unit at >14 DU/AC; fees are passed through to the Coachella Valley Conservation Commission 4 Assumes i furnace, i refrigeration unit, i cooling unit 5 Assumes plumbing fixtures (MF unit = 5 fixtures, SF unit = 8 fixtures), water heater, installation of water piping, sewer connection 6 Connection and meter installation (assumes i-inch pipe, i-inch backflow device, and N-inch meter) 7 Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee passed through to CVAG 8 SMIP fees are passed through to the CA Department of Conservation 136 Table II-47 Planning Department Fee Schedule Item/Type Permit _ Base Fee* Conditional Use Permit $6,413 Planned Unit Dev. $6,413 Amendment $3,026 Time Extension $1,691 Site Development Permit Amendment $4,669 Time Extensions $1,691 Planning Commission $8,909 Administrative $7,621 Modification by Applicant $400 Development Agreement $3,327 Minor Adjustment $400 Variance $2,415 Minor Use Permit $400 Amendment $400 Final Landscape Plan $1,771 Housing SB 33o Application Review $1,288 Conceptual Design Review $2,254 Street Name Change $1,852 Historical Structures Landmark Designation/Cert of Appropriateness $1,320 General Plan Amendment $1o,465 Specific Plan $10,680 Amendment $4,776 Temporary Use Permit- Minor, Standard $400 Minor, Requiring Addl. Effort $400 Major, Standard $2,093 Major, Requiring Addl. Effort $2,093 Zoning Certificate of Compliance $505 Change of Zone $9,392 Zoning Text Amendment $9,445 Director's Determination $405 Letter, Basic Property Info $263 Letter, Addl. Research Required $1,369 Sign Permit $355 A -Frame Sign Permit $o Sign Program $2,844 Sign Program Amendment $966 Tentative Parcel Map $5,045 Waiver $1,369 Amendment $3,005 Revision $3,005 Time Extension $966 Amended Final Parcel Map $4,025 137 Table II-47 Planning Department Fee Schedule Item/Type Permit Base Fee* Tentative Tract Map $8,372 Revision $3,971 Amendment $3,971 Time Extension (CC or PC) $1,852 Time Extension (Admin) $1,047 Tentative Condominium Map $8,372 Amended Final Tract Map $6,440 Appeals $1,500 Environmental Review Environmental Assessment $483 Recordation of Exemption $161 Initial Study (ND/MND) $3,220 Environmental Impact Report $8,855 Zoning Clearance - Planning Plan Check Alteration/Addition - Resid. $81 New Construction - SF Resid. $161 New Construction - 2-4 Units $242 New Construction - 5+ Units $644 New Construction - non-resid. $322 Alteration/Addition - non-resid. $161 Source: City of La Quinta, adopted July 21, 2o2o * In addition to the fees identified here, the City will pass through to the applicant any fees imposed by other agencies and any discrete costs incurred from the use of outside service providers required to process the specific application. Building Codes and Enforcement The City of La Quinta has adopted the following State Codes: 2019 California Building Code, 2019 California Mechanical Code, 2019 California Plumbing Code, 2019 California Energy Code, and the 2019 California Electrical Code. In addition, the City enforces the 2019 California Fire Code, Residential Code, and Green Building Standards Code. Overall, the Building Codes adopted by the City of La Quinta do not pose any special constraints on the production or cost of housing. The City has not made substantive amendments to the code that would adversely affect housing. The City of La Quinta enforces the Health and Safety Code, as it pertains to housing, which provides minimum health and safety standards for the maintenance of the existing housing supply. These standards are intended to provide for safe and sanitary housing that is fit for human habitation. The enforcement of the Health and Safety Code is normally handled on a complaint -response basis. 138 The most common housing -related problem is illegal additions/garage conversions. Warnings are issued with a referral to the City and other agencies for remediation assistance. The Housing Code mandates that health and safety deficiencies be corrected in accordance with construction standards that were in effect at the time the structure was built. In cases where property owners refuse to correct deficiencies, enforcement of the Housing Code relies on civil sanctions. Constraints to the Provision of Housing for Persons with Disabilities State law, per Senate Bill 52o, requires that in addition to an analysis of special housing needs for persons with disabilities, the Housing Element must analyze potential governmental constraints to the development, improvement and maintenance of housing for persons with disabilities. Programs must be included to remove constraints to providing adequate housing for persons with disabilities. The City maintains general processes for individuals with disabilities to make requests for reasonable accommodation through Section 9.6o.32o of the Zoning Code, the permit processing process, and building codes. A reasonable accommodation request is reviewed and approved by the Director, based on the following findings: a. Whether the subject property will be used by an individual with disabilities protected under fair housing laws; b. Whether the requested accommodation is necessary to make housing available to an individual with disabilities protected under fair housing laws; c. Whether the requested accommodation would impose undue financial or administrative burdens on the city; d. Whether the request for accommodation would require a fundamental alteration in the nature of a city program or law; e. Potential impacts on surrounding land uses; f. Alternative reasonable accommodations that may provide an equivalent level of benefit; The City's process is administrative, and does not result in a constraint for persons requiring accommodation. Congregate living facilities with six or fewer persons are permitted by right in all residential zones except High Density; congregate care facilities with seven or more are permitted with a conditional use permit in all residential zones. Furthermore, residential care facilities and senior citizen residences of six or fewer persons are permitted in all residential zones. Senior homes of more than six are permitted subject to a Minor Use Permit in the RM, RMH, RH, and VC zones. 139 The Zoning Code also includes provisions for the reduction of parking requirements for affordable, senior and special needs housing, including senior and/or group homes, if a project proponent can demonstrate a reduced need for parking. The City also enforces ADA standards for the number of parking spaces required for persons with disabilities. There are no conditions or requirements imposed for group homes that would affect the development or conversion of residences to meet the needs of persons with disabilities. There are no minimum distance standards between two or more special needs housing developments. The City of La Quinta has adopted the zo1g California Building Code, as well as the zo1g California Mechanical, Electrical, Energy, Fire, Residential, Green Building, and Plumbing Codes. No amendments have been made to the codes that would diminish the ability to accommodate persons with disabilities. There are no restrictions on requests for retrofitting of homes for accessibility, such as ramps and handrails. Requests for such retrofits are handled as any other minor improvement to a home necessitating a building permit, with the exception that the design must meet all applicable standards and ADA requirements, and is reviewed at the inspection phase for conformance to construction requirements. Although requests for retrofit of existing homes have been extremely limited in the past few years, a number of homes advertised for resale in the Cove area have been retrofitted or built specifically for persons with physical disabilities and are described as such. The public review process for the approval of group or senior homes is no different from any other permitted use in the applicable zone. Where a group or senior home is permitted by right, no public hearing is required. The project is brought to the Planning Commission if a MUP is required, and is subject to consideration and approval as any other use permitted by MUP. Where a senior group home may be requested with a MUP as part of a specific plan, the use would be considered and approved within the established public hearing process as part of the total specific plan and subject to the applicable Zoning Code provisions. Environmental and Infrastructure Constraints Development of new housing in La Quinta will continue to take place throughout the City. Public services and infrastructure are being upgraded and expanded within the City. Major flood control programs have been funded by the City and constructed by the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) for the protection of the Cove Area. In response to growth, Desert Sands and Coachella Valley Unified School Districts 140 operate several elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools that serve La Quinta residents. Three Riverside County Fire Department stations serve the City. The potable water system in the City is operated and administered by CVWD. The sanitary sewage collection and treatment system in the City is operated and administered by CVWD, which extends service based upon approved designs and improvements constructed by the private developer. Senate Bill (SB)1o87 requires water and sewer providers to create procedures to provide priority water and sewer service to lower income residential projects. The law also prohibits the denial or conditioning the approval of service without adequate findings and requires future water management plans to identify projected water use for lower income residential development. The City routes the Housing Element update to CVWD to facilitate consistency with these requirements. The City of La Quinta is served by Southern California Gas Company. The Southern California Gas Company has indicated that the future supply of natural gas will meet demand generated by additional development in the City. Major infrastructure improvements, including full -width streets, water and sewer mains, and stormwater systems, are the responsibility of the developer to install with any development. Developers are required to provide parks or in -lieu fees as part of a residential development. When infrastructure improvements are made that benefit other properties, the subdivider is reimbursed from the area fund when other properties in the area are developed. Non -Governmental Constraints Projects requiring a Site Development Permit generally apply for building permits with 30-90 days of approval. The building permit plan check process is expedited, and if plans are submitted with only minor deficiencies, building permits will be issued within 3o to 6o days of submittal. The City has not received requests for projects at densities lower than that proposed in the Land Use Inventory, and works with applicants to assure that the targeted density is achieved or exceeded. Opportunities for Energy Conservation The City has adopted a comprehensive Green and Sustainable La Quinta Program to enhance the City's conservation of resources and to reduce 141 environmental impacts of existing and future conditions. This program will allow the City to consider a wide range of programs that will address energy, water, air quality, solid waste, land use, and transportation. Current Regulations and Programs Title 24 Regulations On a regulatory level, the City enforces the State Energy Conservation Standards (Title 24, California Code of Regulations). These standards incorporated into the City's Building Code provide a great deal of flexibility for individual builders to achieve a minimum "energy budget" through the use of various performance standards. These requirements apply to all new residential and commercial construction as well as remodeling and rehabilitation construction where square footage is added. Compliance with Title 24 on the use of energy -efficient appliances and insulation has reduced energy demand stemming from new residential development. Green Building Programs Two prominent green building programs are California Green Builder, recognized by the California Energy Commission, and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), which is sponsored by the US Green Building Council. Both programs involve a third -party certification process, have different environmental goals, and apply to different types of development. Green Builder is a voluntary environmental building and certification program for residential construction. Certified homes incorporate water -efficient landscaping and fixtures, utilize high efficiency insulation and ventilation systems, contain environmentally sound building materials, initiate waste reduction methods during construction, and must be 15 percent over existing Title 24 energy efficiency standards. LEED is a national rating system for green buildings. Primarily focused on commercial and multifamily residential projects, LEED requires the developer to register their project with the US Green Building Council, which in turn reviews the project for conformance and assigns points based upon various efficiency, materials quality, and design factors. Once the Council has reviewed the project, it issues a certification based upon the number of points achieved in each category. City Projects The City has undertaken an aggressive series of green building programs that demonstrate the opportunities available to reduce the overall 142 environmental impact of new developments. The Title 24 energy efficiency requirements significantly increase the overall energy efficiency of all new construction, and now require photovoltaic systems for residential projects, and will require them for commercial projects in 2o3o. Vista Dunes Courtyard Homes Located at 78-990 Miles Avenue (just west of Adams Street), the Vista Dunes project consists of 8o affordable courtyard -oriented single-family and duplex homes. This LEED Platinum certified development includes photovoltaic cells to generate electrical power. This feature will annually save $72o per unit in electric utility costs. Water saving improvements will reduce water usage by 1,900,00o gallons per year for the entire project. It is estimated that this project exceeds Title 24 by 28 percent. Some of the units will exceed Title 24 requirements by 3o percent or more. At the time of its development, Vista Dunes Courtyard Homes was the first LEED Platinum certified multifamily affordable housing development of its size in the country. The City maintains a photographic history of the project and produced a video for educational purposes. Further, tenants will be educated on energy efficiencies through written materials, a DVD and the project operator, CORE Housing Management. Wolff Waters Place Housing Project This affordable housing development exceeds Title 24 requirements by 24 percent and will save approximately 2,000,000 gallons of water from interior water use alone. Compliance with the CVWD Ordinance will further reduce exterior water use. The project is LEED certified and includes solar hot water for laundry buildings, a transit friendly location with a bus stop and shopping within walking distance, low -water -use landscape and irrigation, dual flush toilets, low -flow water fixtures, energy -efficient lights, ENERGY STAR appliances, recycled building materials, paint with low volatile organic compounds, reduced construction waste, advanced indoor air handling systems, underground parking, high efficiency air conditioning units, and a tenant training program. It also includes an onsite childcare center; for residents using the childcare center, the proximity of the daycare center to housing units reduces vehicle miles traveled and associated greenhouse gas emissions. 143 Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan In conjunction with the adoption of its 2013 General Plan, the City adopted a Greenhouse Gas Reduction Plan. The Plan provides residents, business owners and land owners with a broad range of measures designed to reduce energy use and the use of fossil fuels. The Plan will be effective in reducing costs for existing homes and for new residential development. It will also allow changes in driving patterns, transit use and other measures that will reduce the City's dependence on traditional energy sources. Future City Programs/Actions The City seeks to encourage and enforce regulations or incentives that do not serve as constraints to the development or rehabilitation of housing. The City should focus on measures and techniques that assist the occupant in reducing energy costs, thereby increasing the amount of income that can be spent on housing, childcare, health care, or other necessary costs. The continued implementation of the City's Green and Sustainable La Quinta Program will require ongoing participation of many city departments and agencies. The program includes the City's adherence to and promotion of green building practices, efficient energy usage, and implementation of conservation measures. The City provides information to developers based on research of best building practices and operational practices, such as commercial recycling programs provided in AB 1826. Program costs could include energy audit upgrades for existing facilities and buildings, irrigation and landscape modifications to City -maintained properties, City fleet vehicles, and City maintenance equipment. The City's 2013 General Plan includes a Livable Community Element that provides direction on building siting, mixed use site planning, and energy reduction techniques. The element also includes a suite of policies and programs designed to lower energy costs, promote healthy living, and encourage high quality design. Under the direction of the City Manager's Office, Community Development and Community Services Department staff plays an instrumental role in educating the community on water conservation programs and resources. Energy Conservation Partners In developing a better La Quinta, the City cannot be successful without a sound relationship with Coachella Valley Water District, Imperial Irrigation District, Southern California Gas, Burrtec Waste and Recycling 144 Services, Sunline Transit District, Coachella Valley Association of Governments, SCAG, and other entities. Additionally, many of the areas of concern, such as air quality and regional transportation, cannot be addressed without strong regional, state and federal programs. Utility Programs The City of La Quinta has a strong working relationship with local utility providers, including the Imperial Irrigation District (IID). IID is proactive in creating energy savings via conservation programs, home energy audits, product rebates, and general consumer tips. IID indicates that an average home owner can reduce energy use by 10 percent more by taking advantage of IID programs. IID offers rebate programs on the purchase of higher efficiency air conditioning units, the high efficiency refrigerators, and programmable thermostats. Additionally, product rebates are offered on ENERGY STAR equipment such as home and office electronics. IID also offers free in -home energy audits to its residential customers. Other utility programs assist residential customers with energy and water conservation and cost reduction. SoCalGas offers rebates on energy -efficient appliances, incentives for solar thermal water heating, and grants and assistance programs to reduce energy costs. The City works cooperatively with CVWD to promote and enforce, as required, water conservation programs, including those affecting homeowners and home builders. Burrtec offers programs that reduce solid waste and increase recycling opportunities. HOUSING RESOURCES Regional Housing Needs Assessment State Housing Law requires that SCAG identify future housing needs in each jurisdiction. To meet this mandate, SCAG develops the Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA), which establishes both the projected need for housing and the fair share distribution of the projected need to its member jurisdictions. The RHNA calculates the projected new construction necessary to accommodate the anticipated population through October 2o29. State housing law requires that cities and counties demonstrate adequate residential sites that could accommodate development of housing to satisfy future housing needs. 145 The 2021 RHNA proposes that La Quinta construct 1,53o new housing units to accommodate housing needs for all income groups during the planning period January 2022 through October 2029. These units are distributed by income category as illustrated in Table 11-48. According to SCAG, 42o new units are needed to accommodate very low income households. Consistent with HCD methodologies, 5o% (21o) of these units are assumed to be for extremely low income (ELI) households, and the remaining 5o% (21o) are assumed to be for very low income households. A total of 269 new units are needed to accommodate low income households, 297 new units are needed for moderate income households, and 544 new units (provided through market -rate housing) are needed for above moderate income households. The City's 1,53o-unit future housing need is a 6.2 percent increase in the number of existing dwelling units (24,764 in 2019). Table 11-48 2022-2029 Regional Housing Needs Assessment Household Income Levels Income as a Percent of County Median RHNA Allocation Percent Extremely Low' 210 13.7 Very Low Less than 5o% 210 13.7 Low 51%-80% 269 17.6 Moderate 81%-120% 297 19.4 Above -Moderate Over 120% 544 35.6 Total 1,530 t00% Source: Regional Housing Needs Assessment for Southern California, 2o2i, prepared by SCAG. 1 Extremely Low Income (ELI) category is a subset of the Very Low Income category. ELI households are defined by HCD as those with incomes less than 3o% of AMI. The number of ELI units is assumed to be 5o% of all Very Low Income units. California housing element law allows local governments to obtain credit toward its RHNA housing goals in three ways: constructed and approved units, vacant and underutilized land, and the preservation of existing affordable housing. The City will rely on the construction of new units on vacant lands to meet its housing needs between 2022 and 2029. Meeting the Need for Affordable Housing With the loss of redevelopment set -aside funds, the State has limited the City's ability to provide funding for new affordable housing projects. The City, however, continues to be committed to addressing its housing need. 146 The City continues to market its land in the Village (sites #2 through #6 in the land inventory, which could produce up to 42 additional units of very low and low income housing. Additional efforts will be made toward expanding housing opportunities in the Highway 111 corridor, on lands owned by private parties. Highway 111 provides access to jobs, transit, and has successfully integrated the Coral Mountain project, which the City built in the last planning period. To that end, site #13, owned by the City, has been added to the inventory, and is projected to provide 116 units for very low and low income households. The balance of the units, as shown in Table II-5i, will be accommodated on multiple sites throughout the City, and will be developed through a combination of private development projects, and public/private partnerships where the City can participate if resources allow. The City has only recently seen an increase in inquiries regarding ADUs, and it is expected that with the latest additions to the Zoning Code (2021) to address changes in State law, that interest will increase. A program has been added to encourage, monitor and reevaluate the demand for ADUs throughout the planning period as a tool to expand affordable housing options for City residents. As discussed earlier in this Element, current conditions in the real estate market make it possible for moderate income households to afford market rate housing. Further, the rental market offers a broad range of units at rental rates, with a median gross rent of $1,473 per month. Table 11-49 demonstrates the affordability of market rate rentals and home purchases in La Quinta for a moderate income four -person household. 147 Table II-49 Affordability of Housing 2021 Ownership Rental Median Existing Single $386,200 N/A Family Purchase Price Monthly Mortgage Costs (PITI) $2,047 N/A Median Gross Monthly Rent N A / $1,473 3o% of Monthly Moderate Household $2,259 $2,259 Income' Affordability Gap/Overage $212 $786 1 Per HCD, the annual income limit for a moderate income 4-person household in Riverside County is $go,35o. Therefore, the monthly income is $7,529, and 3o% is $2,259. As shown in the table, the rental and resale market can accommodate some of the City's expected moderate income households during the 2022-2029 planning period. Available Land for Housing The Housing Element must identify available sites within the City that can accommodate the RH NA. The land inventory includes an analysis of the realistic capacity of the sites. An evaluation of zoning, densities, market demand, record of affordable housing development, and financial feasibility will establish the ability of available sites to provide housing for all income levels. Available Vacant Land The vacant land inventory only includes parcels that the City has identified as having the potential to develop during the 2022-2029 planning period. Additional vacant sites are located in the City but are not assumed to have the potential to satisfy the current RH NA for lower income households. The development potential for Village Commercial (VC) sites is assumed to be improved through logical consolidation with adjacent vacant lots. The City has seen interest in the development of more dense residential projects in the Village, indicating that the development community has an interest and is participating in lot consolidation which could result in additional units in this part of the City. The City will encourage and facilitate lot consolidation in this district through incentives provided in Program H-3.3.b. The City will also continue to consider City -owned lands, not on the inventory, for affordable housing projects in the Village. The City's flexible 148 development and use standards further facilitate the development of a range of housing types. The Table also includes 456 units for above moderate income households. These are all associated with approved projects which are expected to develop during the planning period. In addition, existing vacant single family lots are located throughout the City which only require building permit approvals, and two large planned communities are currently in the entitlement process, and would result in more than 2,822 units in the City, as shown in Table III-23. Table II-51 provides a summary of the vacant land with residential development potential within the City. A map showing the parcel locations is provided in Exhibit 11-25. As shown on the map, inventory lands are geographically distributed throughout the City and are not concentrated in any areas. As such, they further fair housing principles. The City owns some of the sites shown in Table I I-51. Some of these lots are located in the Village, and are small Tots that the City has assembled over several years. The City is marketing the Tots as consolidated parcels, and will complete lot mergers (as provided in Program H-i.i.b) to facilitate their sale. Two sites are located in the center of the City, and will be marketed for joint venture with the affordable housing development community. Sites will be offered, consistent with the Surplus Land Act, through Requests for Proposals. Table II-51 includes sites which were in the City's inventory in the prior planning period, but no sites have been included in the inventory for two consecutive previous planning periods. 149 Table II-5o Vacant Land Inventory Map Key APN Acres Existing GP Existing Zoning Projected Density Projected Yield Very Low, Low and Moderate Income Sites 1 646-070-016 13.84 MHDR RMH (AHO) 20 28o 2* 770156007 0.23 VC VC 14 4 770156010 0.39 VC VC 14 5 770181009 0.36 VC VC 14 5 3 (City Owned) 773078005 0.11 MC/VC MC/VC 14 1 773078006 0.11 MC/VC MC/VC 14 1 773078007 0.11 MC/VC MC/VC 14 1 773078016 0.12 MC/VC MC/VC 14 2 773078017 0.12 MC/VC MC/VC 14 2 773078034 1.11 MC/VC MC/VC 14 15 6 609070053 CG CC (AHO) 22 7 604-032-042 1.88 MHDR RMH 12 22 8 (City Owned) 600-030-010 2.72 of 11.29 MHDR RMH 19 52 9 600-390-024 15.14 CG CP/CR 18 273 10* 600080001 0.19 MHDR RM 10 2 600080002 0.19 MHDR RM 10 2 600080003 0.19 MHDR RM 10 2 600080004 0.19 MHDR RM 10 2 600080005 0.19 MHDR RM 10 2 600080006 0.19 MHDR RM 10 2 600080007 0.19 MHDR RM 10 2 60oo80008 0.19 MHDR RM 10 2 600080009 0.21 MHDR RM 10 2 600080041 2.4 MHDR RM 10 24 11 643-020-025 4.81 CG CR 26 126 12* 600340050 4.46 MHDR RM 8 36 600340051 13.01 MHDR RM 8 104 13 (City Owned) 600-020-057 6.42 CG CR 18 116 Total Very Low, Low and Moderate Income Sites 1,367 *Moderate income site Above Moderate Income Sites Acres Existing GP Existing Zoning Projected Density Projected Yield 15 Various 40.76 LDR/OS-R RVL/PR 3 90 16 Various 37.43 LDR RL/PR 3 6o 150 Table II-50 Vacant Land Inventory Map Key APN Acres Existing GP Existing Zoning Projected Density Projected Yield 17 Various 29.56 LDR RL 3 94 '8 Various 20.72 LDR RL 3 57 19 Various 33.07 LDR RL 3 85 20 Various 28.76 LDR RL 3 70 Total Above Moderate Sites 456 Total All Sites 1,823 151 ENHOWER DR w i ti P3 611 •. •y 7E 12V 13L 1D� 1't 1 50th AVE. 1� !L 1,6 10 2 i JEFFERSON St 52nd AVE. 54th AVE. 2D" 19 n L.-I-.-.-._.-._._._I_.-I--...-._._.mwmI-.-rm._._._.-._ _ _.� 60th AVE ! ! 18 51Lcail i 601 17 1 62ndAVE i ! i F i ! ! N i ! ! i r 64th AVE. Zoning 05 cc CN CO CP CR CT FP GC MC 05 PR RC RH RL 1111..1 RM RMH ROW RVL vc t1 Mites r -, Fit of La Quints Gil plan L . TERRA NOVA' Inventory Map P •••••�+. AF4FA4 La qukita, California 35 Edit"! 11-25 152 Site Adequacy Analysis The sites shown in Table II-5o, above, all accommodate residential development at various densities. Site 1 is residentially designated, and benefits from the Affordable Housing Overlay, which increases its density potential (please see below). Residential development in La Quinta, particularly that for affordable housing projects, has been built at or near the maximum allowable densities. For example, development in the RM zone generally occurred at the maximum density of 8 units per acre or above through density bonus provisions. Miraflores Apartments were constructed at a density of 11.2 units per acre in the RM zone in 2003. In 2004, Hadley Villas Apartments were developed at a density of 7.8 units per acre in the RM zone. In 2001, the Aventine Apartments were constructed at a density of 14.3 units per acre in the RH zone. The City's most recent restricted affordable projects have also been completed within existing residential densities: Wolff Waters Place was built at 14.7 units per acre, the Washington Street Apartments' expansion was completed at a density of 8 units per acre, Vista Dunes was built at a density of 10 units per acre, and the Coral Mountain Apartments were built at a density of 16 units per acre. In order to expand the analysis of realistic capacity, other cities in the Coachella Valley were analyzed. As the area operates as a region, with similar building trends, zoning requirements and land use patterns, an analysis of regional trends is appropriate. The following projects are planned or under construction regionally: Palm Springs: • Monarch Apartments, will provide 6o units affordable to very low and low income households on 3.6 acres, at a density of 17 units per acre. The project is fully funded and will break ground in October of 2021. Palm Desert: • Carlos Ortega Villas, consists of 72 units on 3.48 acres affordable to very low and low income households, at a density of 21 units per acre. • Vitalia, 27o units affordable to very low and low income households on 12 acres approved in 2021, at a density of 23 units per acre. • Millennium SARDA site, 24o units affordable to very low and low income households on 10 acres, under contract in 2021, at a density of 24 units per acre. 153 Indio: • Arroyo Crossing 1 is currently under construction, and provides 184 units on 6.4 acres affordable to very low and low income households, at a density of 29 units per acre. • Arroyo Crossing 2, will provide 216 units affordable to very low and low income households on 7.3 acres, at a density of 3o units per acre. The project was approved in 2o21. In the region, projects ranging in density from 17 to 29 units per acre are being funded and can be built to accommodate lower income households. Therefore, the densities for larger projects, ranging from 18 to 26 units per acre, can be achieved in La Quinta. In the past, the City has applied the Affordable Housing Overlay to specific inventory sites which were zoned for non-residential uses. This strategy is being modified (see Program 3.1.a) to apply to all inventory sites, and to increase the AHO density to 3o units per acre, even though, as demonstrates above, affordable housing projects in the region are being built at lower densities. The 3o unit per acre density will be the base on which density bonus provisions will be applied, as described in Program 3.1.a. Units built using the AHO must be affordable to lower income households, unless they are identified as moderate income sites in Table II-5o. As provided in Program 3.1.a, the AHO will allow three story construction (consistent with the existing High Density Residential Zone), and shall be analyzed to assure that development standards are sufficient to allow the 3o unit per acre density. Site 2 consists of three small lots in the Village, on Desert Club Drive. The three lots have been approved for 14 apartments which are to be affordable to moderate income households. The three lots may be merged by the owner, but can proceed as three Tots without further City processes. The owner has been finalizing building plans and construction is expected in 2022. As shown in Table III-49, market rental rates in the City are affordable to moderate income households. Therefore, these units have been included for moderate income households. Three sites in Table II-5o are over 10 acres in size. Although the State does not believe that these sites can be developed for affordable housing, the Coachella Valley is experiencing development of lower income projects on larger sites, including two projects in Palm Desert described above. Nevertheless, in order to encourage the development of affordable projects on these sites, Program 3.1.a has been added, which provides incentives for subdivision of larger sites. 154 Site 6 is one of these aforementioned sites over 10 acres in size. It is commercially designated and benefits from the Affordable Housing Overlay. The site is 12.74 acres under the City's Community Commercial zoning designation, which allows for multifamily residential development. The property not only allows for multifamily residential but mixed use development as well. The Affordable Housing Overlay allows for a density up to 3o units per acre and mixed use projects allow for density up to 24 units per acre, but this site is proposed at 22 units to the acre, more consistent with development in region. The site is within a "High Resource" area, per Exhibit 11-14, and its proximity to Highway 111 and bordering of a middle school makes it an ideal site. It should also be noted that Site 1o, which includes multiple small lots for 42 moderate income units, is an approved apartment project which is being constructed on land previously owned by the City, which was successfully sold to a private developer. The project is expected to be constructed in the next two years. The parcels previously were developed as single family homes, which the City bought to widen Jefferson Street. Upon completion of the widening, the lots were marketed to the private development community, and an apartment project was proposed in 2019, and approved in 2020 for the site. The City therefore has experience in the assembly of smaller lots for the successful development of housing. Finally, sites 15 through 20 are provided to accommodate above moderate income households. These sites are all located in existing approved communities or tract maps, and require only residential building permits to proceed to construction. Environment and Infrastructure Analysis None of the parcels identified in the vacant land inventory are located in areas of topographic constraint or have known environmental hazards. The sites identified in the vacant land inventory are adjacent to existing urbanized development and are within service hook-up distance of existing water and sewer systems as well as all dry utilities in adjacent streets. All providers have sufficient capacity to accommodate the growth generated by the units listed in Table II-51. According to the latest Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) Urban Water Management Plan (2°15), the implementation of water conservation, groundwater recharge, and water source substitution management strategies will ensure that adequate water resources are available to existing and future residents of La Quinta. 155 Affordability Analysis It is expected that development of affordable housing units will be accomplished through public -private partnerships, with a focus on two areas of the City: the Village for smaller projects that bring residents into the expanding commercial downtown, and along Highway 111, building upon the success of the Coral Mountain apartments. It is important to note that the sites identified provide a variety of land sizes to allow flexibility in types of projects, and exceed the City's need for very low and low income units, allowing for greater opportunities for a mix of market and affordable units within projects. As described above, the median sales price for a home is approximately $386,2oo and the median gross rent for an apartment unit is approximately $1,473 per month. In comparison, the maximum affordable sales price for a moderate income family of four is $313,650 and the maximum affordable rent for a moderate income couple is $1,808 per month. Moderate income households, therefore, can afford to rent in the City and are able to afford homes that are lower than the median price currently. Some moderate income households, especially one and two person households or larger families, will need assistance to purchase a home. The City will continue to work with affordable housing developers to participate in projects and provide streamlining, financial assistance and fee reductions wherever possible. However, it is important to note, as identified by participating affordable housing developers in the City's workshop and outreach, that funding affordable housing projects has been made much more difficult with the loss of local redevelopment funds, and that these developers must identify and secure twice or three times the funding sources that were previously necessary to fund projects. This constraint is one that the City cannot control and cannot alleviate. General proforma analyses were conducted using land costs (average of $448,493 per acre of vacant residential land in La Quinta) and construction costs ($317,074 per unit of affordable housing according to affordable housing developers contacted in the preparation of this Update) to estimate the capacity of land in La Quinta to support affordable housing. The results indicate that homeownership products will remain available to moderate income households without a very large subsidy. The developers of ownership projects require financial returns through the one-time sale of the housing units. 156 A generally accepted minimum project size for affordable housing development is 5o units. Like their higher density counterparts, lower density sites able to accommodate 5o units are eligible for funding mechanisms such as Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTCs), a type of restricted development that must meet strict size and amenity guidelines to compete for funding. High density is also not a determining factor in obtaining other resources, such as HOME funds and Community Development Block Grant program funding. The RM and RMH sites identified in Table II-5o, would both allow a minimum project size consistent with these requirements. Financial and Regulatory Subsidies A subsidy can be financial or regulatory in nature. Financial subsidies are found in federal, state, local, and private programs and organizations focused on the production of affordable housing. Developers in La Quinta use and leverage many sources of financial assistance. Projects may seek funding from LIHTCs, tax-exempt bonds, Community Development Block Grants, HOME funds, other HUD grant programs, and commercial banking resources. Regulatory subsidies can take many forms, including fee waivers or deferrals, flexible development standards, and increased densities. Higher densities generally increase the financial feasibility of a residential project as a developer is able to sell more housing units on the same amount and cost of land (even with slightly lower sales prices associated with smaller, attached units). The City's vision recognizes the importance of providing affordable housing for its residents and employees. Accordingly, the City supports affordable housing development through financial and regulatory subsidies and permits densities up to 24 units per acre with the Affordable Housing Overlay (higher densities are permitted through density bonus provisions). The City is thereby able to achieve both the goal of maintaining lower density community character while also producing its fair share of affordable housing. Vacant Land Opportunities The City has established a strong record of providing assistance to affordable multifamily housing projects (townhomes and apartments), ranging in density from 7.8 to over 20 units per acre. Single-family detached assisted housing was also developed, with City assistance, at densities as low as 4.4 units per acre and up to 7.8 units per acre. 157 La Quinta is able to achieve market -driven moderate income housing through the relative affordability of land, the local market demand for lower maintenance housing types, and reasonable development impact and entitlement fees. La Quinta has a solid record of working with local nonprofits and affordable housing developers to accommodate the housing needs of its lower income residents. The vacant land inventory provides the City and affordable housing developers with a map of opportunity areas. The moderate income housing need can be met without any mixed -use development. However, the City recognizes that mixed -use developments will play a role in moderate and above moderate housing opportunities in the future. Both the General Plan and the Zoning Ordinance have been modified to encourage Mixed Use development. The City's efforts to promote mixed use development have had limited success. According to the development community, mixed use projects cannot be financed in La Quinta, due to a lack of such projects in the region. Mixed use properties are therefore not included in this inventory. Fair Housing According to the Fair Housing analysis (see "Fair Housing" section), the City has a low segregation level, no racially or ethnically concentrated areas of poverty, equal access to opportunity, and no disproportionate housing needs. The sites identified above will not exacerbate any such conditions. 158 PRESERVATION OF AT RISK UNITS State Government Code requires that localities identify and develop a program for their Housing Elements for the preservation of affordable multifamily units assisted under various federal, state and local programs. In the preservation analysis, localities are required to provide an inventory of assisted, affordable units that are eligible to convert to market rate within five years of the end of the planning period (2o34)• Income -restricted housing units sometimes change to market rate due to expiration of subsidies, mortgage prepayments, or expiration of affordability restrictions. An inventory of all assisted multifamily projects is provided in Table II-51. The earliest possible date of conversion for any of the City's restricted multifamily housing stock is 2051 for the extremely low and low income units at Seasons Senior Apartments. There are no at risk units in the City. Table II-5i Assisted Multifamily Project Inventory Project Earliest Date of Conversion Extremely Low (30%) Very Low (5o%) Low (80%) Moderate (120%) Above Moderate (1zo%+) Total Aventine Apartments (4775o Adams St) 2056 --- --- 10 10 --- 20 Hadley Villas Senior Apartments (78875 Avenue 47) 2059 65 12 1 --- 1 79 Seasons at Miraflores Senior Apartments (47747 Gertrude Way) 2057 45 71 --- --- --- 116 Seasons La Quinta Senior Apartments (50915 Rainbow Ct.) 2051 19 --- 37 31 --- 87 Vista Dunes Courtyard Homes (4495o Vista Dunes Lane) 2063 8 64 8 8o Washington Street (senior) Apartments' (42800 Washington) 2066 24 72 42 2 --- 140 Wolff Waters Place (47795 Dune Palms Road) 2065 43 56 37 8o --- 216 Coral Mountain Apartments (79625 Vista Coralina Lane) 2070 --- 36 138 2 --- 176 Total N/A 204 311 273 125 1 914 Source: City of La Quinta 'Rental assistance for anyone <_ 50% AMI or lower Maintenance of the at -risk housing units as affordable will depend largely on market conditions, the status of HUD renewals of Section 8 contracts, and the attractiveness of financial incentives, if warranted. 16o GOALS, POLICIES, AND PROGRAMS The following goals, policies, and programs set forth a comprehensive housing plan for the City of La Quinta during the 2022-2029 planning period. Adequate Sites for Housing GOAL HA Provide housing opportunities that meet the diverse needs of the City's existing and projected population. ❖ Policy H-1.1 Identify adequate sites to accommodate a range of product types, densities, and prices to address the housing needs of all household types, lifestyles, and income levels. Provide new housing choices by increasing affordable housing supply in higher opportunity areas and throughout the community, and improve housing mobility through encouraging various housing options such as accessory dwelling units and creative housing solutions. Program 1.1.a: To address the City's RHNA allocation for extremely low income households, 15% of units on the City's land on Highway 111 (site #13) will be assigned to extremely low income households. The City shall negotiate very low income units for all other projects on sites identified in the Vacant Land Inventory (Table II-5o) individually to reach the target of 210 units during the planning period. ■ Timing: June 2025 for Highway 111 project, as projects are constructed for additional units ■ Funding Source: Private Funding, Tax Credit Financing, Other sources as identified ■ Responsible Agency: City Manager's Office/Housing ■ Program i.i.b: The City will merge its parcels in the Village (as listed in Table II-51) to facilitate the consolidation of these lots for sale through the Surplus Land Act. ■ Timing: June 2023 for lot mergers. June 2024 for RFPs and land sales. 161 ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: City Manager's Office/Housing Program 1.1.c: To encourage the development of housing for extremely low, low and special needs residents, the City will develop a program of incentives for the subdivision of larger sites, to include application fee waivers, DlFfee reductions and expedited processing. The City will contact the owners of the three sites listed in Table II-5o and encourage that they subdivide the land and take advantage of the City's incentive program. ■ Timing: June 2022 for development of program. June 2023 for initial contacts with land owners, and annually thereafter. ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Planning Division, City Manager's Office/Housing ••• Policy H-1.2 Focus housing growth within existing City boundaries until it is necessary to pursue annexation or development in planning areas for affordable housing. ❖ Policy H-1.3 Direct new housing development to viable areas where essential public facilities are provided and employment opportunities, educational facilities, and commercial support are available. ❖ Policy H-1.4 The City shall promote and affirmatively further fair housing opportunities throughout the community for all persons regardless of race, religion, sex, marital status, ancestry, national origin, color, familial status, disability, source of income, veteran or military status, or other characteristics protected by the California Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA), Government Code Section 65008, and any other applicable state and federal fair housing and planning law. Assist in the Development of Affordable Housing GOAL H-z Assist in the creation and provision of resources to support housing for lower and moderate income households. 162 ••• Policy H-2.1 Increase housing choices for lower and moderate income households in areas of higher need and throughout the community. Address disproportionate housing needs and alleviate disproportionate cost burdens on lower and moderate income households by providing more affordable housing units. Program H-2.1.a: Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) The City will modify its Zoning Ordinance to comply with State law regarding ADUs and JADUs and provide for the reduced parking standards, setbacks and other incentives included in the law. The City shall establish a program to encourage the building of ADUs and JADUs, with a goal of 2 new units per year throughout the planning period, and monitor their development to gauge if they are affordable alternatives for housing. The program will include tracking annual permits, an annual survey of rents in ADUs, and whether any ADUs are accepting housing subsidy or restricting their units to very low or low income households. ■ Timing: Zoning amendments June 2022. Monitoring program beginning June 2023. ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Design and Development Department Program H-2.1.b: City -owned Lots Aggressively pursue development of the City's central -city properties (sites 8 and 13) to generate up to 168 units of extremely low, very low and low income units on these parcels. To implement this program, the City will establish a schedule for Requests for Proposals and include incentives. These incentives may include elimination of Development Impact Fees, financial assistance in the form of land contributions, and density bonuses as provided in the Zoning Ordinance. In addition, the City will consider affordable housing for other City -owned lots in the Village when marketing the land for development, including mixed use projects that combine retail and residential uses. Wherever possible, include 15% affordable units in these projects ■ Timing: Annually, beginning with June 2o23. ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: City Manager's Office/Housing 163 Program H-2.1.c: Creative Housing Solutions In order to expand the variety of housing options for extremely low and low income households in the City, study, research and pursue the amendments to the Zoning Code and subdivision ordinance that would be required to allow creative housing solutions, including "tiny homes," prefabricated or "kit" homes, shipping container conversions, and other options available in the market as they arise. Present the findings of the research to the Planning Commission and Council for their consideration. This program could generate up to 4 units per year in creative housing solutions. ■ Timing: Research June 2024. Planning Commission and City Council Study Session no later than June 2025. Amendments per Council direction by the end of 2o25. ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Design and Development Department ❖ Policy H-2.2 Support public, private, and nonprofit efforts in the development of affordable housing. Program H-2.2.a: Density Bonus Amendments Revise the Zoning Ordinance to ensure compliance with Assembly Bill (AB) 2345 as it pertains to Density Bonus requirements. • Timing: June 2022 regular Zoning Ordinance update • Funding Source: General Fund • Responsible Agency: Design and Development Department ❖ Policy H-2.3 Pursue a variety of forms of private, local, state, and federal assistance to support development of affordable housing throughout the community. Program H-2.3.a: Collaborative Partnerships The City shall continue to meet with affordable housing development entities to discuss types of incentives available and requirements for obtaining assistance, discuss appropriate sites for housing for extremely low, low and special needs residents, and foster professional collaboration between the City and affordable housing stakeholders. This program could result in 2 new partnership projects during the planning period. 164 ■ Timing: Project -by -project basis, by request, or on an annual basis. ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Design and Development Department Program H-2.3.b: Mixed Use in the Highway 111 Corridor In order to take advantage of the high density residential permitted in the Mixed Use overlay, develop a menu of incentives, including reduction in development fees, density bonuses and other provisions for the inclusion of affordable housing units in Mixed Use projects within the Highway 111 Plan area. This program could result in too to 30o new units of affordable housing in the Corridor. ■ Timing: Menu of incentives, June 2023. As projects are proposed ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: City Manager's Office/Housing Program H-2.3.c: Affordable Housing Renter -to -Owner Transition There are many resources that the City, nonprofits, or for -profit developers may utilize to subsidize the construction and maintenance of affordable housing. This program, in conjunction with Program H-2.3.a, could result in 2 new partnership projects during the planning period. Some of the most prominent resources are described below. ■ Timing: Update website with funding information and partnership opportunities by June 2022, and every six months thereafter. ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: City Manager's Office/Housing Low Income Tax Credits Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) provides federal tax credits for private developers and investors that agree to set aside all or a portion of their units for low income households. A minimum of 20 percent of the units must be affordable to low income households and 40 percent of the units must be affordable to moderate income households. 165 Community Reinvestment Act The Community Reinvestment Act provides favorable financing to affordable housing developers. The Redevelopment Agency, development community, and local, regional, and national banks are encouraged to work together to meet their obligations pursuant to the Community Reinvestment Act. California Housing Finance Agency Program The California Housing Finance Agency (CH FA) has three single- family programs for primarily moderate and middle income homebuyers: the Home Ownership Assistance Program and the Affordable Housing Partnership Program. Each provides permanent mortgage financing for first-time homebuyers at below -market interest rates. HOME Funds HOME is the largest Federal block grant distributed to state and local governments for the creation of lower income housing. Cities apply when Notices of Funding Availability are issued. Neighborhood Stabilization Program HUD's Neighborhood Stabilization Program makes emergency assistance grants available to local governments for the acquisition, redevelopment, and renting or resale of foreclosed properties at -risk of abandonment. Riverside County First -Time Homebuyers Program Continue participation in the Riverside County First -Time Homebuyers Program for low and moderate income households. Mortgage Credit Certificate The Riverside County Mortgage Credit Certificate Program is designed to assist low and moderate income first time homebuyers. Under the Mortgage Credit Certificate Program, first-time homebuyers receive a tax credit based on a percentage of the interest paid on their mortgage. This tax credit allows the buyer to qualify more easily for home loans, as it increases the effective income of the buyer. Under federal legislation, 20 percent of the funds must be set aside for buyers with incomes between 75 and 8o percent of the county median income. 166 Finance Agency Lease -Purchase Program Riverside/San Bernardino County Housing Finance Agency Lease Purchase Program provides down payment assistance and closing costs for eligible households up to 14o percent of the area median income. Housing Choice Voucher (formerly Section 8) Referrals Housing Choice Vouchers allow lower income households to use rental subsidies anywhere in the County, including La Quinta. Program H-2.3.d: Sweat Equity and Shared Equity Continue to work with organizations that offer sweat and shared equity housing programs to lower and moderate income households in La Quinta, with a goal of assisting 2 to 4 households annually. Sweat equity and shared equity programs provide lower and moderate income households with ownership assistance. Sweat equity refers to the exchange of time and effort, usually in the form of construction activities, for an affordable ownership opportunity. • Timing: Meet with CVHC and Habitat for Humanity annually or more frequently (if requested) to identify opportunities for coordinated efforts or potential housing projects. • Funding Source: General Fund • Responsible Agency: City Manager's Office/Housing Removal of Governmental Constraints to Housing GOAL H-3 Create a regulatory system that does not unduly constrain the maintenance, improvement, and development of housing affordable to all La Quinta residents. ❖ Policy H-3.1 Remove unnecessary regulatory constraints to enable the construction or rehabilitation of housing that meets the needs of La Quinta residents, including lower income and special needs residents. Program 3.1.a: All properties listed in the Affordable Housing Inventory for extremely low, very low and low income units shall have the Affordable Housing Overlay applied. Further, the AHO text shall be amended to allow 3o units per acre and to allow 3 story development. The analysis that accompanies the Zone text amendment shall demonstrate that the development standards 167 being applied to the AHO, including setbacks, height and parking requirements, allow a density of 3o units per acre. Consistent with Government Code Section 65583.2(h) and (i), the AHO will permit owner -occupied and rental multifamily residential use by right for developments in which at least 20 percent of the units are affordable to lower income households during the planning period. These sites shall be zoned with minimum density of 20 units per acre and development standards that permit at least 16 units per site. ■ Timing: October 2022 for Zoning Map and text amendments ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Planning Division ❖ Policy H-3.2 Coordinate the development of affordable housing throughout the community with the provision of key utilities to ensure prompt and adequate service. ❖ Policy H-3.3 Incentivize the development of affordable housing to facilitate the development of housing for the City's lower and moderate income households throughout the community. Program H-3.3.a: Priority Water and Sewer Service Route the adopted Housing Element to the CVWD and notify them of changes and future updates to the Housing Element. In compliance with state law, the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) must create procedures to provide priority water and sewer service to lower income residential project. The law also prohibits the denial or conditioning the approval of service without adequate findings, and requires future water management plans to identify projected water use for lower income residential development. ■ Timing: Upon Housing Element adoption ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Design and Development Department, Coachella Valley Water District Program H-3.3.b: Encourage Lot Consolidation Although not on the Site's Inventory, several small lots in the Village Commercial would have improved development potential through lot consolidation. The Village Build Out Plan and Zoning Code amendments have been completed to encourage 168 consolidation. The City continues to market its land in the Village, and will also work with private land owners and developers to assemble larger holding to allow multi -family projects which increase the number of residents in the Village. The City will consider potential incentives including fee deferral or reductions, parking requirement reduction, and relief from various other development standards that could potentially increase the cost of the project, resulting in .1 new project per year. • Timing: As City staff reviews projects in the Village • Funding Source: General Fund • Responsible Agency: Design and Development Department GOAL H-4 Conserve and improve the quality of existing La Quinta neighborhoods and individual properties, including targeting areas of higher need and concentration of lower income households. ❖ Policy H-4.1 Protect the quality of La Quinta's neighborhoods through the rehabilitation of both affordable and market -rate homes. ❖ Policy H-4.2 Promote financial and technical assistance to lower and moderate income households for housing maintenance and improvements. ❖ Policy H-4.3 Encourage the retention and rehabilitation of existing single-family neighborhoods and mobile home parks that are economically and physically sound. ❖ Policy H-4.4 Enhance neighborhoods that presently provide affordable housing with drainage, lighting and landscape amenities, and parks and recreation areas, including targeting areas of higher need and concentration of lower income households. Employ government and non -government resources to preserve and revitalize neighborhoods and communities and thereby provide protection against disinvestment -based displacement. -69 Program H-4.4.a: Housing Condition Survey & Monitoring Complete an inventory of housing conditions (updated approximately every five years) to enable the City to properly target Code Compliance and rehabilitation resources. To better understand the City's housing needs the quality and condition of the housing stock must be inventoried on a regular basis. The inventory should focus on older neighborhoods, such as those south of Calle Tampico, west of Washington Street, and north of Highway 111. ■ Timing: Complete by June 2o23 ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Design and Development Department Program H-4.4.b: Habitat for Humanity Residential Rehabilitation Program Complete the Memorandum of Understanding with Habitat for Humanity to implement the "Brush with Kindness" program. The program will be implemented by Habitat volunteers who will donate time for repair and maintenance programs, including yard work, weed abatement, window replacements, roof repairs, and air conditioning repair. Residents will be prioritized to focus on seniors, veterans, the disabled, low and very low income residents, and those in affordably -designated homes. The first -year City contribution will be $40,000, and the annual amounts will be reviewed every year based on the success of the program. ■ Timing: MOU by June 2022, assist 6 households annually through the planning period ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Habitat for Humanity, City Manager's Office/Housing Program H-4.4.c: County of Riverside Home Repair Grant Refer code violators and interested parties to the County of Riverside for home repair grants. The County of Riverside Economic Development Agency Home Repair Program provides lower income households with up to $6,00o for home repairs such as a new roof, new air -conditioner, or a handicap ramp. As a jurisdiction in Riverside County, lower income La Quinta households are eligible for this grant. 170 ■ Timing: Throughout planning period, refer 5 households annually ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Design and Development Department, City Manager's Office/Housing Program H-4.4.d: Rehabilitation Resources List Provide a rehabilitation resources list on the affordable housing and code compliance pages of the City's website. Use the list, in online or printed form, as a reference for code violators. Lower and moderate income homeowners may need assistance in affording important home repairs and improvements. The City can assist these households by compiling and sharing a listing of local, state, and federal programs offering rehabilitation assistance. ■ Timing: Create list by June 2022. Distribute to 15 households annually. ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Design and Development Department, Community Resources Department, City Manager's Office/Housing Equal Housing Opportunity GOAL H-5 Provide equal housing opportunities for all persons. ❖ Policy 5.1 Provide the regulatory framework to create an environment in which housing opportunities are equal. ❖ Policy 5.2 Encourage and support the enforcement of laws and regulations prohibiting discrimination in lending practices and in the sale or rental of housing. Program H-5.2.a: Collaborate and coordinate with government agencies (e.g. Fair Housing Council of Riverside County) and nonprofit groups (e.g. Habitat for Humanity) to support outreach and expansion of lending programs for homeownership among minority populations. Advertise workshops and webinars held by these organizations on financial resources for homeownership on 171 the City website, under News page and Directory of Services (see Program H-5.2.c). This program could result in homeownership for 5 minority households annually. • Timing: Annually (June) with adoption of budget, subject to available funding. • Funding Source: General Fund • Responsible Agency: City Manager's Office/Housing Program H-5.2.b: Fair Housing Referrals Continue to refer up to 10 tenants and landlords annually to the Fair Housing Council of Riverside County. Provide information on fair housing resources on the City's website and at City Hall. Identify and coordinate with local nonprofits, service organizations and community groups that can assist in distributing fair housing information. Fair housing organizations provide dispute resolution and legal assistance to tenants and landlords in conflict. Such services are particularly important for lower and moderate income households unable to afford counsel. ■ Timing: Referral service as needed. Information to be maintained on website ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: City Manager's Office/Housing Program H-5.2.c: Directory of Services Maintain the online directory of services and information to provide La Quinta residents with contact information for community organizations and service providers that address special needs. While numerous services are available to special needs and lower income households, it can be difficult to readily have access to these resources. A directory provides the contact information necessary to seek housing assistance. ■ Timing: Update website annually ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: City Manager's Office/Housing 172 ❖ Policy 5.3 Encourage support services for the Coachella Valley's homeless populations through referrals and collaborative efforts with non -profits and other jurisdictions. Program H-5.3.a: Regional Facilities for the Homeless Continue to support and collaborate with the Coachella Valley Association of Governments Homelessness Committee efforts to maintain a regional homeless facility that provides housing as well as supportive services. The Strategic Plan created by the Homelessness Committee establishes a continuum of care for the Coachella Valley. ■ Timing: City staff will continue to collaborate with CVAG throughout the planning period and work with the appropriate facilities directly. ■ Funding Source: Low and Moderate Income Housing Fund ■ Responsible Agency: City Manager's Office/Housing ❖ Policy 5.4 Assist in the creation of a continuum of care for the homeless population and those transitioning into permanent housing. Program H-5.4.a: Low Barrier Navigation Centers Review and revise, as necessary, the Zoning Ordinance to ensure compliance with Assembly Bill (AB) um as it pertains to Low Barrier Navigation Centers. Modify the definition of "homeless shelter" to include this use. • Timing: June 2022 at regular Zoning Ordinance update • Funding Source: General Fund • Responsible Agency: Design and Development Department Program H-5.4.b: Zoning Amendments for Emergency Shelters, Transitional and Supportive Housing Revise the Zoning Ordinance to require that homeless shelters only be required to provide parking for employees; and that Transitional and Supportive Housing be permitted uses in the Medium, Medium -High and High density residential zones. • Timing: June zozz at regular Zoning Ordinance update • Funding Source: General Fund • Responsible Agency: Design and Development Department 173 ❖ Policy 5.5 Improve quality of life for disabled persons by facilitating relief from regulatory requirements that may create barriers to accessible housing and promoting universal design. Energy and Water Conservation GOAL H-6.1 Provide a regulatory framework that facilitates and encourages energy and water conservation through sustainable site planning, project design, and green technologies and building materials. ❖ Policy H-6.1 Promote higher density and compact developments that increase energy efficiency and reduce land consumption. ❖ Policy H-6.2 Facilitate housing development and rehabilitation that conserves natural resources and minimizes greenhouse gas emissions. ❖ Policy H-6.3 Encourage and enforce green building regulations or incentives that do not serve as constraints to the development or rehabilitation of housing. ❖ Policy H-6.4 Focus sustainability efforts on measures and techniques that also assist the occupant in reducing energy costs; therefore reducing housing costs. ❖ Policy H-6.5 Use and encourage emerging technologies to reduce high demands for electricity and natural gas including use of passive solar devices and where feasible other renewable energy technologies (e.g., biomass, wind, and geothermal). Program H-6.5.a: Going Green La Quinta Program Implement green goals, policies, and programs that accurately represent the City's direction in resource conservation and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions. Implement design standards for residential and commercial structures that encourage solar protection to directly result in energy conservation. 174 ■ Timing: As projects are proposed ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Design and Development Department Program H-6.5.b: Energy Conservation Partners Continue to meet with and seek insight from utilities, service providers, and other entities involved in energy conservation efforts appropriate for La Quinta. In working toward a sustainable La Quinta, the City and its residents will need to collaborate with utilities and service providers. Partnerships with the Coachella Valley Water District, Imperial Irrigation District, Southern California Gas, Burrtec Waste and Recycling Services, Sunline Transit District, Coachella Valley Association of Governments, Southern California Association of Governments and other entities will be an important component of making La Quinta a more livable city. ■ Timing: As part of regular coordination meetings with utilities ■ Funding Source: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: City Manager's Office, Design and Development Department Program H-6.5.c: Energy Efficiency Programs Investigate all potential energy efficiency programs and provide a list of programs on the City's Going Green website. In addition to programs that may become available through IID, investigate other opportunities, including state and federal incentives, and promote them on the Going Green website. ■ Timing: Ongoing as programs are identified ■ Funding Source: General Fund, IID program funds, and other programs as identified ■ Responsible Agency: City Manager's Office, Design and Development Department Program H-6.5.d: Weatherization Assistance Encourage low income homeowners or renters to apply for IID and SCG programs, including free energy audits, home weatherization, and utility rebate programs by advertising available programs on the City's website and at City Hall. ■ Timing: Advertise annually as program funds are available ■ Funding: General Fund ■ Responsible Agency: Design and Development Department, City Manager's Office 175 Appendix A Public Outreach Materials PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 1 OF 2 GENERAL EXHIBIT B 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this General Plan Amendment. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. GPA2022-0001 shall comply with all applicable conditions and mitigation measures for the following related approvals: Environmental Assessment 2022-0001 Specific Plan 2022-0001 Site Development Permit 2022-0001 In the event of any conflict(s) between approval conditions and/or provisions of these approvals, the Design and Development Director shall adjudicate the conflict by determining the precedence. 3. The applicant requested in its initial application, as submitted, a density that would result in the remaining sites in the City's Housing Element not being adequate to accommodate the City's share of low- and very low-income units under the City's inventory of sites, as approved by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) in accordance with the City's regional housing need assessment (RHNA) pursuant to Section 65584. Therefore, pursuant to Government Code section 65863(e), the applicant is required to ensure compliance with the state "no net loss" law set forth in Section 65863. 4. Prior to Specific Plan 2022-0001 becoming effective, prior to Site Development Permit 2022-0001 being eligible for approval, and prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the City's update to the Housing Element shall be approved by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) within 180 days of approval by City Council of GPA2022-0001. This approval by HCD must include certification of the City's Housing Element after adding "Site 6", as noted in Exhibit A of the Planning Commission Resolution, to the inventory of sites within the City to accommodate the City's share of low- and very low-income units under the RHNA. If, within 180 days of approval by City Council, HCD does not approve and/or certify the City's Housing Element after being updated by GPA2022-0001 and the adding of "Site 6," then GPA2022-0001 shall be repealed on its own accord without the need for further action by City Council and Specific Plan 2022-0001 shall not become effective, Site Development Permit 2022-0001 shall not be approved, and no grading, construction, or building permit for the Project may be issued by the City. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-00 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2022-0001 ADOPTED: PAGE 2 OF 2 5. Prior to the issuance of building permits for any dwelling unit, an applicant shall agree to, and the city shall ensure, that the designated 74 moderate -income units are subject to a recorded affordability restriction of 55 years or longer to ensure continued affordability (Affordability Covenant). The Affordability Covenant shall be in a form approved by the City Manager and City Attorney, and shall require, among other terms and conditions, eligibility criteria as determined by state law for selecting eligible households, rental limits, annual income verification for current households, and the unit numbers designated as the 74 moderate -income units. The Affordability Covenant shall be binding upon all successors in interest of the applicant and shall be recorded in the office of the Riverside County Recorder. 6. The property owner shall submit to the Design and Development Department on an annual basis by January 30 of every year a record of rent payments for the 74 designated moderate -income units that meet the Riverside County moderate income rent limits. EXHIBIT C PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT 2022-0001 ADOPTED: La Quinta Village Specific Plan La Paloma Specific Plan Amendment No. 2 City of La Quinta Adopted xx,xx, 2023 Resolution Number xxxx Prepared For: Troutdale Village, LLC. 1800 Blankenship Road #325 Linn, Oregon 97068 Prepared By: Altum Group Rich Malacoff, AICP Heather Boland Jordan Parrish 44600 Village Court, Suite 100 Palm Desert, California 92260 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 Table of Contents Section 1 Introduction/Purpose 5 Executive Summary 6 The Process 6 Relationship to Other Agencies 7 Relationship to the General Plan 7 Section 2 Specific Plan 10 Project Description 10 Art In Public Places 11 Infrastructure Phasing 11 Grading / Drainage / Flood Control 11 Erosion Control 11 SWPPP / NPDES / PM 10 12 Hydrology 12 Flood Control Master Plan 12 On -Site Storm Water Design / PWQMP 12 Nuisance Water 13 Utilities 13 Sewer Plan 13 Water Plan 13 CVWD Well Site 13 Electrical Plan 13 Other Utilities 14 Section 3 Land Use Plan 15 Land Use 15 Development Standards 15 Additional Development Standards 17 Specific Plan Minor Modifications 18 Specific Plan Amendments 18 Modifications to Approved Grading Plan 19 Parking Requirements 19 Carports and Garages 19 i La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 Trash Enclosures 20 Fencing and Walls 20 Lighting 22 Section 4 Circulation Overview 24 Off -Site Circulation System 24 On -Site Circulation System 24 Public Transportation 24 Section 5 Design Guidelines 25 Landscape Concepts 25 Approval Process .26 Development Standards .27 Signage 28 General Architectural Theme 28 Administrative Plan 35 Implementation Program 35 Site Development Permit 36 Exhibit 1 Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 5 Exhibit 6 Exhibit 7 Exhibit 8 Exhibit 9 Exhibit 10 Exhibit 11 Exhibit 12 Exhibit 13 List of Exhibits Regional Location Map Project Vicinity Map USGS Map Site Plan City Zoning Map City General Plan Map Image Corridor Exhibit Photo Array FEMA Map Civil Site Plan Conceptual Grading Plan Preliminary Utility Plan First Floor Plan ii La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 Exhibit 14 Second Floor Plan Exhibit 15 Third Floor Plan Exhibit 16 Roof Plan Exhibit 17 Unit Plans Exhibit 18 Clubhouse Exhibit 19 Bldg. 1 - Elevations Exhibit 20 Bldg. 2 - Elevations Exhibit 21 Bldg. 3 - Elevations Exhibit 22 Bldg. 3 - Elevations Exhibit 23 Bldg. 4 - Elevations Exhibit 24 Bldg. 5 - Elevations Exhibit 25 Bldg. 6 - Elevations Exhibit 26 Bldg. 7 - Elevations Exhibit 27 Bldg. 8 - Elevations Exhibit 28 Bldg. 9 - Elevations Exhibit 29 Bldg. 10 - Elevations Exhibit 30 Bldg. 11 Elevations Exhibit 31 Exterior Elevations Exhibit 32 3D Views Exhibit 33 3D Views & Materials Board Exhibit 34 Line of Sight Diagram Exhibit 35.1 Site Lighting Plan Exhibit 35.2 Site Lighting Plan Exhibit 36.1 Site Photometric Plan Exhibit 36.2 Site Photometric Plan Exhibit 37 Light Fixture Cut Sheets Exhibit 38 Conceptual Landscape Plan Exhibit 39 Typical Building Planting Exhibit Exhibit 40 Slope Planting Exhibit Exhibit 41 Pool Area Exhibit 42 Entry Exhibit 43 Wall & Fence Plan iii La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 This page intentionally left blank. La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 Section 1 - Introduction/Purpose The purpose of the La Quinta Village Specific Plan, previously known as the La Paloma Specific Plan, is to set forth the detailed development principles, guidelines, and programs to facilitate the development of a 14.03-acre site located at the northeast corner of Washington Street and Avenue 50 in the City of La Quinta. (Exhibit 2 - Vicinity Map). The project is designed and will be managed as a multi -family apartment project. The community will consist of one- and two -bedroom units with a mix of market -rate and moderate -income units. This Specific Plan proposes development standards for the northeast corner of Washington Street and Avenue 50 (APN: 646-070-016). This Specific Plan Amendment will replace previous Specific Plans and substitute for the La Quinta Municipal Code (LQMC). Any issue not addressed in the Specific Plan will defer to the La Quinta Municipal Code. For the sake of clarity, the parcel on the southeast corner of Washington Street and Avenue 50 is not part of this Specific Plan similarly as it was in the amended 2011 version of the La Paloma Specific Plan. The 2011 La Paloma Specific Plan removed this parcel from the designated specific plan area and reverted it back to the underlying standards for Residential Medium (RM) zoning. This parcel was previously included within the 2004 Pacific Retirement Services and Westport La Quinta LP (Specific Plan 2004-071). This Specific Plan is intended to meet the requirements for a Specific Plan as set forth in State law and City of La Quinta regulations. The State authorizes cities and counties to adopt Specific Plans, as appropriate, in implementing their General Plans. Such a plan is to include the detailed regulations, conditions, programs, and any proposed legislation that is necessary for the systematic implementation of the General Plan. The Specific Plan provides the linkage between the General Plan (and the general goals and policies of the City) and the detailed implementation of that plan with tools such as zoning ordinances, subdivision ordinances, and the like. The Government Code (Section 65451) sets forth the minimum requirements of a Specific Plan and states: "A Specific Plan shall include a text and diagram or diagrams which specify all of the following in detail: 1. The distribution, location, and extent of the uses of land, including open space, within the area covered by the plan. 2. The proposed distribution, location, and extent and intensity of major components of public and private transportation, sewage, water, drainage, solid waste disposal, energy, and other essential facilities proposed to be located within the area covered by the plan and needed to support the land uses described by the plan. 3. Standards and criteria by which development will proceed, and standards for the conservation, development, and utilization of natural resources, where applicable. 4. A program of implementation measures including regulations, programs, public works projects, and financing measures necessary to carry out paragraphs (1), (2), and (3)." The establishment of specific performance, design, and development standards is set forth to guide the development of the subject property in such a way as to implement 5 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 the General Plan while maintaining some flexibility to respond to changing conditions which may be a factor in any long-term development program. The document also acts to augment the City's Zoning Ordinance by providing design guidelines, a tailored list of permitted and prohibited uses for the site, and unique development standards. The site plan, architectural, and landscape illustrations in the Specific Plan establish a design theme with detailed perspectives. These illustrations are conceptual and do not constitute precise pre -construction drawings. Executive Summary La Quinta Village Apartments is a proposed multi -family apartment project located on 14.03 acres on the northeast corner of Washington Street and Avenue 50 in the City of La Quinta (Exhibit 2 - Project Vicinity Map). The General Plan designation of the site is Medium High Density Residential (Exhibit 6 - General Plan Map). The zoning designation is Medium High Density Residential (RMH) (Exhibit 5 - City Zoning Map). The project site fronts Washington Street which is designated by the City's General Plan as a major arterial and abuts Avenue 50 designated as a primary arterial. The site is vacant, generally flat, and has been grubbed and leveled in the past. The site was previously entitled for single-family subdivision in the early 1990's but the entitlements have since expired. Property to the immediate east is the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) evacuation channel. Further east on the far side of the channel is a Sports Complex, the La Quinta Middle School, and single-family residences. Surrounding property to the north is subdivided and mostly developed with single family residences. Directly west across Washington Street is the La Quinta County Club. Property to the south is vacant and zoned for Medium Density Residential. Site photos are illustrated on Exhibit 8 - Photo Array. The project will operate as a multiple -family residential apartments with a mix of moderate -income units (74 Units) and market -rate Units (178 Units). The project will incorporate amenities such as a clubhouse, pool and spa, barbeque areas, pickle ball court, and dog park. (Exhibit 4 - Site Plan). Additionally, the project site will be environmentally responsible and will take steps both during and after construction to ensure minimal impact to the surrounding neighborhood and a positive long-term impact on those who will reside and work at La Quinta Village Apartments. The Environmental Conservation Element of the General Plan identifies the site as having no significant issues constraining the property. The Process The purpose of a Specific Plan is to provide a detailed plan for a selected area within the City for the purpose of implementing the General Plan. The Specific Plan outlines and directs all facets of development for the site. The standards of development delineated in this Specific Plan create a link between the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Implementation of the Specific Plan is intended to carry out the goals and policies contained in the La Quinta General Plan. 6 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 The project will require approvals from the Planning Commission and City Council for the Specific Plan Amendment, General Plan Amendment, Site Development Permit, Density Bonus Agreement, and the Implementation of Assembly Bill 330. In addition, the City will review the engineering and building construction documents which must also be consistent with the Specific Plan and Site Development Permit approvals. The project and the various applications that are necessary to complete the entitlement process shall be consistent with the City ordinances, policies, and regulations of the City of La Quinta unless otherwise approved within this Specific Plan. Relationship to Other Agencies In addition to the City's approvals and actions, permits will be needed from the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) for connection to water and sewer lines. Other infrastructure extensions or connections will be required by the Imperial Irrigation District (IID) for electrical power, Frontier for telephone service, Southern California Gas Company for natural gas, and Spectrum for cable TV service. The Coachella Valley Water District controls a portion of the sloped area adjacent to Avenue 50. They control any drainage into the channel and any alterations or landscape of its property. Relationship to the General Plan All development within the La Quinta Village Specific Plan shall be consistent with the provisions of the La Quinta General Plan. The proposed General Plan Land Use for the site is shown in Exhibit 6. Among the important provisions of the General Plan that will be implemented upon the development of La Quinta Village Specific Plan include: • Land Use - Medium High Density Residential uses should be located close to park/open space uses such as neighborhood and community parks (such as Saguaro Park), schools (including John Adams Elementary Schools and La Quinta Middle School STEM Academy), or other recreational facilities. • Land Use - Medium High Density Residential Uses can be used to provide transition areas between low density residential uses and high -density commercial uses along arterial roadways. • Circulation - The Circulation Element of the General Plan outlines the design and location of required street improvements to complete the transportation system in the City. La Quinta Village Apartments will complete the unfinished portions of two important links in the City's circulation network: Washington Street and Avenue 50. Potential improvements may include sidewalks, bicycle lanes, bus stops, and signal improvements. • Primary Image Corridors - In addition to roadway improvements, the Project will refine the Image Corridors. Washington Street is identified as a Primary Image Corridor and Avenue 50 is shown as a Secondary Image Corridor. The Specific Plan will modify the height requirements but will maintain the striking 7 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 viewsheds that define the City of La Quinta. The 150-foot setback on Washington Street and Avenue 50 are shown on Exhibit 7 - Image Corridor Exhibit. • Water Quantity and Quality -The Specific Plan outlines the use of drought tolerant planting, irrigation techniques, and incorporates a grading concept designed to detain stormwater on -site. • Infrastructure - The Specific Plan incorporates plans to complete the infrastructure that lies adjacent to the project site. The La Quinta Village Specific Plan seeks to establish a well-defined planning framework that implements the goals, policies, and objectives of the City's 2035 General Plan. As a comprehensive development plan, it ensures a cohesive, integrated framework for the development of multiple family housing. This chapter provides a summary discussion to demonstrate that the La Quinta Village Specific Plan is consistent with the City's General Plan and that the La Quinta Village Specific Plan results in the implementation of applicable goals and policies included in the City's General Plan. Table 1 - General Plan Consistency Analysis General Plan Goal or Policy Consistency Finding Land Use Goal LU-2: High quality design that complements and enhances the city. The La Quinta Village community incorporates high quality desert architectural themes and materials into the building aesthetic. Policy LU-2.4: Planning for all major community facilities shall carefully consider the potential impacts to adjacent development, particularly residential development. The proposed residential buildings have been broken up and set back from the northern property line to reduce the impact of its mass on the adjoining single-family neighborhood. Program LU-2.7a: Continue to utilize the QUIMBY Act to charge park fees and allow for park development. This development will pay the required QUIMBY Act fees. Goal LU-5: A broad range of housing types and choices for all residents of the city. Providing both market -rate and moderate - income rentals fills the need for this type of housing, which is not being satisfied currently. In addition, the variation in apartment size, accessibility, and affordability provides opportunities for a great variety of residents in La Quinta. Housing Policy H-2.1: Increase housing choices for lower and moderate -income households. This development will provide 74 affordable units and 178 market -rate income units which provides more housing options in the City of La Quinta. 8 La Quinta Village Specific Plan Amendment No. 2 City of La Quinta General Plan Goal or Policy Policy H-6.1: Promote higher density and compact developments that increase energy efficiency and reduce land consumption. Goal H-5: Provide equal housing opportunities for all persons. Policy 5.5: Improve quality of life for disabled persons by facilitating relief from regulatory requirements that may require barriers to accessible housing and promoting universal design. Consistency Finding La Quinta Village Apartments provides 18 dwelling units per acre while minimizing its impact on the nearby single-family nei • hborhoods. La Quinta Village Apartments will provide affordable moderate -income units and accessible units, providing a greater variety of housing types in the City of La Quinta. La Quinta Village Apartments will provide ground floor accessible units. The pool, spa, parking, and other recreational spaces will be compliant with accessibility regulations. Circulation Program CIR 1.10a: Review new and redeveloping projects along all major roadways with the intent of limiting access and aligning and/or consolidating access drives in a manner which minimizes the use of existing and planned signalized intersections. Policy CIR 1.12: As a means of reducing vehicular traffic on major roadways and to reduce vehicle miles travels by traffic originating in the city, the city shall pursue development of a land use pattern that maximizes the interactions between adjacent or nearby land uses. Policy CIR 1.17: To preserve the aesthetic values on the city's streets, optimum landscape setback shall be maintained along all designated General Plan Image Corridors and shall be identified in the City's Municipal Code. Access will be provided along a primary and major arterial road. The access points have been designed to minimize interruptions at the intersection of Washington Street and Avenue 50. Due to the community's proximity to the school, children will be able to walk safely to school. Additionally, La Quinta Village Apartments is near a Sunline route, which will allow its residents to have easy access to public transit services. Both Washington Street and Avenue 50 are image corridors and have a 150-foot setback with a 22-foot height restriction which will be raised to 28 feet to accommodate the number of units allowed by the Density Bonus Law. The viewshed will still provide beautiful panoramic views of the Santa Rosa Mountains. Natural Resources Policy OS 2.3: Encourage the preservation of open space in privately owned development projects. Goal SC-1: A community that provides the best possible quality of life for its residents. La Quinta Village Apartments provides 4.8 to 5 acres of open space areas for its residents, above the minimum required per the city's municipal code. The community will have intricate pedestrian pathways for its residents that provide connectivity throughout the site. La Quinta Village Apartments will provide open space and recreational amenities such as a clubhouse, pool and spa, barbeque areas, putting course, fitness center, and office space. 9 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 Section 2 - Specific Plan Project Description The project site consists of a 14.03-acre parcel located on the northeast corner of Washington Street and Avenue 50 in the City of La Quinta. The site is currently vacant but has been cleared and grubbed. It was previously approved for the development of a single-family tract of houses (Tentative Tract Map 26148) in the late 1980's and the approval was extended into the early 1990's. However, the entitlements were allowed to lapse. To the north, the project site abuts a mostly built out established tract of single- family homes which are accessed from Washington Street at Sagebrush Avenue. La Quinta Village Apartments is a proposed multiple family residential development that will offer 252-units of which 178 will be market -rate and 74 will be moderate income affordable units. The housing type will be a mix of one- and two -bedroom units with a total of 166 one -bedroom units and 86 two -bedroom units. The project will have two - and three-story apartment buildings with a maximum height of 40 feet with a contemporary Mediterranean architectural design aesthetic. The proposed density is 18 dwelling units per acre, which includes the use of a Density Bonus for Affordable Housing from LQMC Section 9.60.260. In contrast to the City of La Quinta's Zoning Ordinance, this Specific Plan will allow for the moderate -income affordable housing density bonus to be applied without requiring the affordable units to be offered to the public for purchase. The density permitted in the Medium High Density Residential zoning allows for 8 to 12 units per acre. The project amenities will include a dog park, pickle ball court, putting green, swimming pool and spa, barbeque areas, and clubhouse. Inside the clubhouse there will be offices, restrooms, showers, a fitness center, and a community area. This apartment community will be managed by a management company that will develop and enforce all community standards and rules. La Quinta Village will be an environmentally sustainable community that will help facilitate and encourage health and wellness for its residents and employees. The project will create community connectivity through access to public transportation. Recycling within the project using collection bins will also be encouraged. Water and energy efficiencies will be implemented throughout the project by using high -efficiency, low -flow rate plumbing fixtures and Energy Star rated appliances. Architectural features such as colors, materials, and shading devices will also reduce the project's energy demands. Landscaping will meet or exceed CVWD water budget requirements. Parking for the facility is primarily located directly off the perimeter drive along both Avenue 50 and Washington Street. The perimeter drive is proposed to provide fire and safety equipment access and servicing to the complex. The site plan complies with required landscape setbacks on both Washington Street and Avenue 50 and employs a single vehicular access from each street to the site. These standards are consistent with the adopted image corridors regulations established in the General Plan. The site is irregular in shape and the development is constrained by parcel geometry, additional street dedication on Washington to comply with the General Plan, and the city staff 10 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 request for additional right-of-way to accommodate a dedicated right turn lane. The project proponent previously dedicated full General Plan Right -of- Way for both streets. The project is within the image corridor of both Washington Street and Avenue 50. The image corridor setback is measured 150 feet from the right-of-way line as defined in the parcel map. Portions of buildings fronting on Washington Street and Avenue 50 are within the 150-foot setback. A detailed discussion of the Image Corridors is included later in the Specific Plan. There is a 75-foot building setback from Coachella Valley Water District Stormwater Channel located to the east of the project site. No buildings are allowed within the 75- foot setback; however, carports are permitted. Art In Public Places The requirement for art in public places will be satisfied in accordance with Section 2.65 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. Infrastructure Phasing The infrastructure improvements required in conjunction with this development will be installed and completed prior to occupancy of the facility. All adjacent infrastructure improvements adjacent to the site will be improved with the initial development of the property. Grading / Drainage / Flood Control The site will be mass graded and it is anticipated that there will be a net -import of material to the site. Garage elevations adjacent to neighbors along Saguaro Street range two (2) to three (3) feet lower than the adjacent homes to the north of the project site. Overall, it is anticipated that approximately 36,000 cubic yards of import will be moved to the site. Stormwater, including that from a 100-year event, will be stored in above ground retention facilities. As an alternative, a regional assessment could be undertaken to determine the feasibility of discharging flows into the channel after first flush. To do this, the City and CVWD would have to see an analysis that shows there is adequate capacity in the channel when the subject property discharges storm flows. Due to the adjacent Evacuation Channel, CVWD has noted that the channel water surface elevation is established at 48 feet above sea level. The City Engineer will require that the site development plan and street improvement plans for Avenue 50 are designed and constructed to provide a minimum elevation of 50 feet to prevent flooding. The Conceptual Grading Plan is shown in Exhibit 11. Erosion Control The grading operations shall include adequate provisions for wind and water erosion control both during as well as after grading operations have ceased. The details of erosion control shall be included in the project's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and PM 10 Plan. 11 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 • Pre -watering - The site shall be pre -watered to a depth of three feet prior to the onset of grading operations. • During Grading - Once grading has commenced, and until grading has been completed, watering of the site and/or other treatment(s) determined to be appropriate shall be ongoing. • Post Grading - All disturbed areas shall be treated to prevent erosion for the term that the area will remain undeveloped. Final landscape and irrigation shall be installed as soon as feasible after grading operations have been completed. SWPPP/NPDES/PM 10 Since the Coachella Valley experiences periods of moderate to heavy wind conditions, wind-blown dust and sand is a concern with mass grading operations, especially those more than five acres in size. Because of health concerns, the Environmental Protection Agency has instituted a plan in the valley to curb excess small particle dust (PM 10). The City also participates in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System program. The City of La Quinta requires SWPPP, NPDES and PM 10 plans to control the wind- and water - born erosion associated with such grading operations. The project will comply with the City's requirements relative to these programs. Hydrology La Quinta Village lies in a Zone X Other Areas flood zone as determined by FEMA, Community Panel Number 06065C-2241 G, revised August 20, 2008. Zone X includes areas to be outside the 500-year event. There are no tributary flows that must be accommodated in the development of the site (Exhibit 8 - Photo Array). Flood Control Master Plan The stormwater drainage system in the City of La Quinta is administered by CVWD. The system consists of improvements to the natural drainage channels that run through the city. There is an existing storm drain located in Washington Street that collects storm water and conducts that flow into the adjacent Evacuation Channel via a storm drain in Avenue 50. Water collected in this channel then feeds into the Whitewater River and to the Salton Sea. On -Site Storm Water Design / PWQMP The City of La Quinta in conjunction with CVWD requires each development to include provisions for handling storm water attributed to the site. The design storm, which creates the worst -case scenario is a 100-year, 3-hour event. Each development project must either retain the 100-year stormwater on site or discharge it into an approved storm water system after first flush containments have been removed. The initial storm water design concept for the La Quinta Village Apartments is to retain the storm water on -site in above -ground basins. A Preliminary Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) will be submitted as part of the Site Development Permit, showing how the first flush containments will be collected and removed from the storm water prior to percolation or dewatering. 12 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 Nuisance Water Nuisance water attributed to the project will be collected and directed to the above- ground retention basin areas if this is the final method chosen for handling stormwater. If a direct discharge approach is proven feasible, nuisance water will be directed to one or more dry wells if needed. The amount of nuisance water is expected to be reduced due to the use of water efficient landscape and irrigation materials. Utilities La Quinta Village Apartments is well served by utilities and is situated in a corridor planned for a relatively intense scope of urban development. Utility extensions will be minimal with most utilities existing at the perimeter of the site. Some upgrades will be required by the individual utility companies providing service to the property. Several overhead utility lines exist along Washington Street, Avenue 50, and along the Evacuation Channel. It is the intent of the development to underground all the adjacent overhead utility lines except for the transmission lines along the northern property line and the transmission lines following the alignment of the channel, as required by the City of La Quinta, and regulated by the Imperial Irrigation District (Exhibit 12 - Preliminary Utility Plan). Street improvements implementing the project's conditions of approval will be installed concurrently with the construction of the project and will be completed prior to occupancy of the facility. Sewer Plan Sanitary sewer facilities for La Quinta are provided by CVWD. Sewer mains are located on the west side of the site in Washington Street, in Avenue 50, and in the Evacuation Channel at the southeast corner of the site. Sewage will flow by gravity to the main. No upsizing of facilities will be required. The on -site sewer system will be private (Exhibit 12 - Preliminary Utility Plan). Water Plan Water facilities for La Quinta are provided by CVWD. An 18-inch main exists in Washington Street and there is also an 18-inch main in Avenue 50. The on -site water lines will be connected into the existing infrastructure network in at least two places to avoid "dead- end" lines. CVWD Well Site No well site is required for the property. The nearest well is located outside the site near the northeast corner of the project. Electrical Plan The Imperial Irrigation District (IID) provides electric facilities in the City of La Quinta. IID indicates that the design of the electrical service will depend on final load calculations for the overall project. IID will require the installation of underground facilities throughout 13 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 the project. Existing power poles located on Washington Street and Avenue 50 may be undergrounded if practical and allowed by IID. Other Utilities Natural gas is provided by the Southern California Gas Company. The nearest facility is a 6-inch line located in Washington Street. The project site will independently connect into the gas line. Television cable service is provided by Spectrum Cable with the nearest facilities located in Washington Street at Saguaro Drive abutting the site. Landline Telephone service will be provided by Frontier Communications. Facilities exist in both Washington Street and Avenue 50. Frontier expects to serve the project from these locations. Waste disposal service is provided by Burrtec Waste Industries. The project also proposes implementing recycling facilities within the project using collection bins and instructing occupants and employees to use. Waste and recycling materials will be deposited by residents at various locations throughout the site. Burrtec will collect the refuse and recyclables. 14 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 Section 3 - Land Use Plan Land Use The land use designation for the site is Medium High Density Residential (RMH). This designation allows multi -family housing. Development Standards The development standards outlined in this document are specific to this development and may differ from the La Quinta Municipal Code. The uses and development standards will be in accordance with the provisions of the La Quinta Municipal Code and General Plan regulations. Should conflict occur between the regulations and the Specific Plan, the provisions of the Specific Plan and supporting text shall prevail. Any matter not addressed in the La Quinta Village Specific Plan shall defer to the La Quinta Municipal Code. Residential Permitted Uses Apartments/condominium for multi -family housing. Including the following: garages, carports, patio covers, decks, gazebos, outdoor terraces, fences and walls, clubhouses, swimming pools and spas, cabanas, barbeque, passive and active recreations such as picnic tables, pickleball and tennis courts, community gardens. Guesthouses, Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs), Junior Dwelling Units subject to LQMC 9.60.090 or applicable change in State Law. Congregate Care Facilities are only permitted subject to the rules and regulations of the State of California. Home Occupation Permits subject to LQMC 0.210.060 Child Day Care or Family Day Care Facilities as an accessory use, serving 6 or fewer children, subject to LQMC 9.60.190. Licensed Service Animals or in -training are exempt. Utility Facilities such as water, sewer, cable, electricity, and gas are permitted uses. Telecommunication facilities will be allowed subject to LQMC 9.170 Residential Prohibited Uses Kennels and Catteries Keeping of barnyard, wild, exotic, reptiles, and dangerous animals. Agriculture Uses except for community gardens Storage, parking, maintenance of recreation vehicles or mobile homes. Maintenance of autos and trucks. Single Family Residential Dwellings as a Primary Use 15 La Quinta Village Specific Plan Amendment No. 2 City of La Quinta Residential Development Standards Minimum Project Size for Multi -Family Projects 20,000 SQ. FT. Minimum Frontage for Multi -Family Projects 100 Feet Maximum Structure Height 3 40 Feet Maximum Structure Height at Image Corridor 3, 4 28 Feet Maximum Number of Stories 3 Minimum Front Yard Setback ' 20 Feet Minimum Interior/Exterior Side Yard Setback 1, 2, 7 5/10 Feet Minimum Rear Yard Setback ' 15 Feet Minimum Garage Setback 5 Feet Maximum Lot Coverage 60% Minimum Common Open Area 5 30% Minimum/Average Perimeter Landscape Setback 10/20 Feet Minimum Livable Area 6 670 SQ. FT. General Notes: 1 Parking and carports are permitted within front, interior/exterior side, and rear setbacks. 2 To avoid monotony on the street side -yard, buildings can extend into the setback area if the average of 20 feet is maintained. 3 Only residential and commercial structures are included in the height restrictions. Potential utilities facilities such as water, sewer, cable, electricity, phone, cell, and gas are not included. 4 The maximum structure height equals 28 feet for all buildings within 150-feet of any general plan -designated image corridor. Height restriction shall not include roof -mounted equipment screening and parapet walls. 5 Common open area equals percent of net project area. Perimeter landscape setback are adjacent to perimeter streets: first number equals minimum at any point; second number equals minimum average over entire frontage. 6 Excludes garage and private open space. 7 For interior side yards, if the building is over 17 feet in height, the setback is 5 feet plus 1 foot for every foot over 17 feet in height or fraction thereof, to a maximum of 10 feet. The additional setback may be provided entirely at grade level or a combination of at grade and airspace above the 17-foot building. Density Calculations: The density used for the calculation refers to Medium High Density Residential standards and Density Bonus allowances for moderate -income affordable units respectively, LQMC Section 9.30.070 and Section 9.60.260 (G) (4). Calculation: RMH Density Allowed = 12 du/ac Acres = 14.03 12 du/ac x 14.03 acres = 168 Total Allowable Units (Base) Percentage of Density Bonus = 50% New Density = 18 du/ac 18 du/ac x 14.03 acres = 252 Maximum Allowable Units with Density Bonus 16 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 Percentage of Moderate -Income Units = 44% 44% moderate -income percentage x 168 base units = 74 Minimum Required Moderate -Income Units Breakdown of Units: Market Rate Units 178 Affordable Units 74 Total Number of Units = 252 The calculations for the gross area shall include all dedicated lands for right-of-way, drainage, retention basins, and utilities. This gross area shall be used to calculate the gross density for the property. Note: The Specific Plan will allow the use of the Density Bonus for rental units in addition to home ownership, which is currently allowed per the La Quinta Municipal Code regardless of affordable income level. Additional Development Standards General Requirements: A. Architectural projections such as roof overhangs, chimneys, awnings, and canopies may encroach a maximum of two feet into any required setback provided such projections are no closer than three- and one-half feet from any property line. B. Roof structures not associated with living area such as parapet walls, air conditioners, chimneys, and other such structures shall not be included in the measurement of height. Only parts of the building that are directly related to living area shall be part of the height calculation. Height shall be measure from finished grade. C. Masonry walls and/or decorative fencing a maximum of six feet in height shall be used along the perimeter of the property and along public streets within perimeter landscaping setbacks. Ornamental iron and tubular steel fencing is permitted to be used in any location on the lot. D. Parking shall be screened from public views on the street frontage by use of walls, fences, landscaping, or decorative berms. E. Roof mounted utility and mechanical equipment including, but not limited to, air conditioning and heating shall be screened and an integral part of the roof design. Screening parapets will be a maximum of five feet. Ground mounted utility and mechanical equipment may be located within setback areas and shall be screened with, but not limited to, landscape planting, walls, and fencing. F. Architecturally integrated parapets to screen roof equipment shall not be included in the building height. G. For multi -family residential, the minimum livable area shall be 670 square feet. 17 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 H. Parking, carports, pickleball court, and dog park are permitted to be located within setbacks. Specific Plan Minor Modifications The following constitute minor modifications to the Specific Plan not requiring a Specific Plan Amendment and are subject to review and approval by the Design and Development Director. The Design and Development Director shall have the discretion to refer any such requests for modification to the Specific Plan development standards using the criteria found in the La Quinta Municipal Code Sections 9.200.90 or 9.200.110: • Change in utility provider. • A maximum shift of ten percent (10%) of the total number of various unit types provided the total number of units or density for the entire Specific Plan area does not exceed that established in the Specific Plan Amendment. • Minor changes to development standards can be approved by the Development Services Manager or their designee subject to LQMC Section 9.210.040. • Minor changes to the landscape materials, wall materials, wall alignment, entry design, and streetscape design, which are consistent with the conceptual design set forth in the design guidelines, contained within in the Specific Plan. • Minor changes to the design guidelines, which are intended to be conceptual in nature only, and are intended to be flexible in implementation. • Other modifications of similar nature to those listed above, which are deemed minor by the Planning Manager, which are in keeping with the purpose and intent of the approved La Quinta Village Specific Plan and which are in conformance with the General Plan. • Changes in site plan due to requirements from the electrical, phone, gas, sewer, or water purveyor. o Building changes from these types of changes can be approved by the Design and Development Director if it does not include more than seven (7) buildings on site and do not exceed the maximum height allowed. Prior to the Design and Development Director making a written determination as to the substantial conformance of a revised plan in accordance with the standards set forth in the approved La Quinta Village Specific Plan, the applicant shall prepare a written request that addresses the nature of the revisions and how the revised plan complies with the adopted Specific Plan standards. The applicant's request shall be accompanied by appropriate graphic and/or technical information that supports the revisions. Specific Plan Amendments Amendments to the La Quinta Village Specific Plan may be requested by the applicant by submitting the Specific Plan Amendment Application to the Design and Development Department with the required fees as required by the City Council. The request must comply with Section 65453(a) of the California Government Code and Chapter 9.240 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. Amendments shall be processed pursuant to the provisions of the Government Code for Specific Plan Amendments. In the event the 18 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 proposed amendment requires supplemental environmental analysis pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the applicant(s) are responsible for preparing the necessary CEQA documentation. Any amendment will be subject to a public hearing requirement for which a 500-foot radius notification of the public hearing will be required or will need to comply with the public hearing notification requirements of Section 9.200.100 of the La Quinta Municipal Code, whichever is the greater requirement. Modifications to Approved Grading Plan Final grading may vary from the project's approved Site Development Permit within the following restrictions: 1. Finish grade elevations may vary by up or down .5 feet within the first 50 feet adjacent to the northerly property line and 1.0 feet up or down elsewhere on the site. 2. Final grading plans may be altered due to minor changes in building configuration, door locations, parking lot revisions, CVWD requirements and changes in ADA paths of access. Parking Requirements The Specific Plan allows standards to be different from those found in the City's Municipal Code. However, California Government Code Section 65915 does mandate specific parking standards when providing affordable units. Within the City's Municipal Code Section 9.60.260 (K), the By -Right parking incentive and parking ratios apply to the entire development and is not restricted to only the affordable units. The parking ratios are listed as follows: 1-bedrooms require 1 parking space per unit and 2-bedrooms require 1.5 spaces per unit. Although only 295 parking spaces are required per code, the minimum total parking spaces will exceed the number required. For the Community Center, 1 parking space for every 300 square feet of gross floor area shall be provided. The parking required for each unit will be sufficient for guest parking and encourage other modes of transportation. In addition to satisfying the required parking minimums, La Quinta Village Apartments will provide 218 extra parking stalls. Provision of future electric vehicle charging station connections is recommended and may be installed at a future date or as mandated per California Green Building Code (CalGreen). Carports and Garages In La Quinta Village Apartments, carports must have relatively flat or shed roof and be made of metal to endure the harsh desert environment. Carports should be complementary to the architecture of the apartment buildings. For the safety of residents, the carports shall have lighting. All electrical conduits shall be screened from public view. Carports should be placed as close to the corresponding building as possible for the convenience of the future residents if parking stalls are assigned. 19 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 The design of garages should also complement the architecture of the buildings with a similar roof and have a sectional garage door. For the safety of the residents, the garages shall have exterior lighting and all electric conduits shall be screened from public view. Trash Enclosures Trash enclosures shall comply with LQMC Section 9.100.200 in addition to the following standards outlined in the Specific Plan. Trash enclosures shall be placed in locations to be approved by the City of La Quinta and Burrtec Disposal to ensure the facility is accessible and secure. The location shall be outside public view as much as possible and be enclosed by block walls with metal gates and a pedestrian entrance. The walls of the trash enclosure shall complement the building in color and material. Fencing and Walls The function of walls and/or fences in the La Quinta Village Specific Plan will be to provide safety, security, and privacy to all the tenants. All fencing shall compliment the architecture and landscaping on -site. Block walls and fencing in the La Quinta Village Specific Plan shall comply with LQMC Section 9.60.010 and the following: • Maximum height of 6-feet except for tennis/pickleball courts may be 16-feet. • Block Walls are the preferred barrier along the perimeter of the Specific Plan area, however, wrought iron or tubular steel fencing is also appropriate. For purposes of the La Quinta Village Specific Plan, tubular steel and wrought iron shall be considered the same. • In areas where existing masonry walls are present and in good condition, the walls will be stuccoed and painted to match. In areas where there is either no wall or fence, a new six -foot -high masonry wall will be erected as indicated by landscape plans. • A minimum six -foot -high decorative masonry wall will be necessary along both public streets to reduce the noise levels impinging on the residential uses. 20 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 • If wrought iron fencing is used as perimeter fencing on Washington Street and/or Avenue 50, the wrought iron fencing shall have the rungs facing inward as shown in the picture on the previous page. The decorative top to the fence shall be a spear or similar decoration on the top of the fence. These items are to make it more difficult for trespassers and/or those with nefarious intentions to climb the fence. • To provide surface relief on both wrought iron and block walls, there shall be a decorative pilaster placed no more than 40-feet apart and at each corner or turn. • Every wall off -set or corner turn shall have a matching pilaster. • Block walls shall be composed of masonry block with a decorative cap and matching grout. • Gates shall be aesthetically pleasing and automatic as opposed to manual. Gates shall have a Knox Box or other means of access for police and fire emergencies as approved by the Riverside County Fire Department. • The use of vinyl, wood, wire, chain link, serpentine, and barbed wire fences are strictly prohibited and shall not be used anywhere on -site. • Chain link fencing shall only be allowed for use around the perimeter of pickle ball and/or tennis courts. • Fencing shall be allowed to be within perimeter landscaping setbacks and around above -ground retention basin areas. 21 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 Lighting All on -site lighting shall comply with LQMC Section 9.100.150 and the following: • Lighting within the project site boundaries shall be complementary to the buildings and consistent with the scale and character of the project. • The adjoining properties shall be protected against glare of lighting fixtures and be designed to provide safety to the future residents. • Brightly colored and/or blinking lights are not allowed. • The location, design, type, and size of all exterior lighting shall be reviewed and approved by the City of La Quinta Planning Department and the Riverside County Sheriff Department. • A photometric plan with lumen intensity (candle -feet) and specification sheets that detail the material used will be required. Lighting on the property will be 1- candle-foot on site and 0-candle-foot at the property lines. • All lighting at the property line shall have back -flow screens to prevent spillover to the adjacent residential properties • All building mounted lighting shall be firmly attached to the building and shall not be capable of pivoting or being moved. When mounted on buildings adjacent to surrounding properties, lighting shall also be focused down directly on the ground to avoid spillover to adjacent properties. • All freestanding lighting in the parking area shall comply with the following: 1. The lights shall be contained lights with either a rounded fixture or shoebox fixture. 2. Lighting shall be focused directly down to prevent spillover to adjacent properties. 3. The total height of any freestanding fixture shall not exceed 18-feet and shall have a metallic post. 4. The post shall connect to a concrete base with a beveled edge and decorative surface. Under no circumstance shall the base have the marking from the container that the concrete is formed in. 5. All connections between the pole and the base shall have a metal box screening the connection. 6. Lighting fixture placement shall provide the appropriate illumination for outdoor areas such as parking and pedestrian walkways. 7. The lighting level shall have the number of candle -feet that allows face recognition from 100-feet. 8. Use of illuminated bollards for walkways is recommended. 22 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 9. Untreated bollards with rolled concrete are unacceptable and will not be allowed. Yellow bollards shall only be used when required by law but shall not have rolled concrete at the top of the bollard. 10. Whenever possible, bollards shall be used as a light fixture to enhance safety and provide additional amenity. Bollards not used for lighting shall have a decorative cover. • 23 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 Section 4 - Circulation Overview The La Quinta Village Specific Plan proposes to develop the adjacent street system in a manner consistent with the City of La Quinta General Plan Circulation Element. The property is located on Washington Street which is designated by the General Plan as a major arterial requiring a half street of 64 feet. The site also abuts Avenue 50 which is designated as a primary arterial for which the General Plan calls for a half street of 54 feet. Off -Site Circulation System The existing conditions around the site include partial improvements on both abutting public streets. The General Plan standards for improvements, which will be required in conjunction with this project, are consistent with other recent road improvements for both Washington Street and Avenue 50. The construction of the required improvements will continue the process of implementing the adopted General Plan Circulation Plan. Expanded pavement, curb, gutter, median and sidewalk/bike path improvements are planned for the project's two street frontages. Signal upgrades may be required in addition to relocation to the ultimate improvement location. On -Site Circulation System The 14.03-acre site will be serviced by the main access on Washington Street and a secondary access on Avenue 50. The internal circulation is a driveway around the perimeter of the site which will have no dead -ends. The design also provides easy access for fire department and trash collection access to all buildings. Public Transportation A bus turnout and a relocated bus shelter on Washington Street is required as a part of the project's public street improvements per Sunline Transit requirements and Public Works Department. Prior to issuance of building permits for individual Site Development Permits, applicants shall submit a Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Plan to the Public Works and Design and Development Departments. The plans shall address capital improvement and operational standards as set forth in the City's TDM Ordinance. Any transit related improvements required by the Sunline Transit Agency as a condition to development will not constitute compliance with the plan submittal requirements. 24 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 Section 5 - Design Guidelines Landscape Concepts This section of the La Quinta Village Specific Plan contains development standards, design concepts, guidelines, and special treatment plans for the implementation of landscaping throughout the site. The landscape material chosen shall be compatible with the desert climate, water efficient, and compliment the character of the surrounding community. A preliminary landscape plan can be seen below in Figure 2.4 Landscape Plan. CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN PRELIM [NARY LANDSCAPE PLAN LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS PARKER DEVELOPMENT Cal' OF LA QUINTA. C.A. F,K;rwv:xn* -.• KOLIVICFEA1141 AREA Figure 2.4, Landscape Plan LP-1 401 25 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 The landscape plan found in Figure 2.4 is conceptual and shall be approved by the Planning Commission via the Site Development Plan (SDP). The final landscape plan shall be approved by the Design and Development Director or his/her designee and shall be designed to perform the following functions: 1. Landscaping shall be in scale with adjacent buildings and be of an appropriate size at maturity to accomplish its intended purpose. 2. Provide a functional and aesthetically pleasing appearance. 3. Landscaping shall be used to compliment the building architecture. 4. Landscaping shall comply with AB 1881 Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance and LQMC Section 8.13. 5. Provide a visual buffer of buildings from adjacent properties. 6. Provide landscape material that will provide shading and complement the architecture. 7. Provide an attractive and well-defined entrance and street frontage that will define the project. 8. Street frontages shall be consistent with the surrounding area. 9. Provide dust and erosion control during construction and natural color soil binder with native seasonal flowers to be used between phases with a 3-year life to be replaced when needed. 10. Landscaping shall be used to screen undesirable views. 11. Preserve and protect the special attributes of the area and minimize adverse effects on the natural environment to the greatest extent possible. Approval Process 1. The conceptual landscape plan shall be approved by the City Council along with the Specific Plan and Site Development Permit. 2. The final landscape plan with all planting and irrigation details shall be approved by the Planning Manager prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. a) The final landscape plan shall include any direction provided by the Planning Commission and/or City Council. b) The Planning Manager can make minor changes to the landscape plan including moving of landscape areas or changes in species. c) Any appeals can be made subject to the appeal process on page 32 of this document and found in LQMC Section 9.200.1 10. 26 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 Development Standards 1. Selected plant material shall be low maintenance and drought tolerant. 2. Plant materials shall be water efficient. 3. Landscape areas shall have decomposed granite, ground cover, crushed rock, boulders, and turf. The use of turf shall be limited by the requirements of the Coachella Valley Water District. 4. Plants are to be grouped with plants with similar needs and irrigation requirements for efficiency and optimal growth. 5. Desert friendly trees with canopies shall be planted throughout the site to provide shade to uncovered parking and outdoor gathering areas. 6. The canopy trees shall be a mixture of trees of different sizes such as 15-gallon and 24-inch box. The use of 15-gallon trees shall not exceed 50% of the total number of canopy trees used on site. 7. Trees shall be planted no less than 10 feet on center to avoid crowding and overlapping of canopies. 8. All trees shall have an adequately sized planting area. Parking area planters shall be a minimum of 5 feet x 5 feet and be clearly shown on the final landscape plan. 9. All landscaping shall be within planters bounded by a curb at least six inches high in the parking area. 10. Root barriers shall be used when trees are planted within 5 feet of pedestrian walkways and buildings. 11. The parking lot area will be landscaped with one tree per 4 parking spaces except for where carports are located and the frontage along Washington Street. All trees shall be 24-inch boxes. 12. All canopy trees shall be double staked to prevent swaying and shifting, which can damage the roots underground by breaking them. Palm trees are not required to have staking. 13. Plantings such as trees and/or shrubs shall not obstruct views for safety and security purposes and shall not interfere with fire equipment access. 14. All trees, shrubs, and ground covers must be properly maintained. All dead or dying plants shall be replaced within 10 days of being reported to the property owner. Maintenance for seasonal planting will be required in the off season to remove all dead or frost damaged growth, leaf litter, or other debris. Irrigation systems must be maintained to ensure survivability of plant material. 15. All landscaped areas shall be designed so that plant materials are protected from vehicle damage, encroachment, or overhang. 16. Concrete mow strips shall be used between different types of planting material or different colors of decomposed granite. 27 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 17. Use of redwood headers, metal dividers, and rubber tubing as a separation between planting materials is strictly prohibited. 18. The spacing of shrubs shall be appropriate to the species that is used. 19. Plant material shall not interfere with designated emergency areas, fire equipment, or electrical transformers. 20. Decorative gravel/crushed rock/ and/or decomposed granite may also be used as groundcover. The maximum size of decomposed granite shall be 3/8 - inch which ensures a variety of sizes. The gravel can be composed of rubble or cobble and should have a range of 4-6 inches diameter. 21. Maintenance of landscape shall be the responsibility of the property owner and shall be performed according to proper horticultural standards. 22. Nothing in this subsection shall preclude the installation of additional landscaping and the planting of additional trees which can be approved by the Planning Manager. 23. The perimeter landscaping setbacks shall be a minimum of 10 feet or be an average of 20 feet, including Washington Street and Avenue 50 frontages. Fencing and landscaped retention basins shall be allowed to encroach into the perimeter landscaping setbacks. The landscape concept follows a "lush oasis" theme while emphasizing water efficient materials, colors, and form. A planting palette is shown in Exhibits 37-41. Entry areas are treated with a formal layout of Date Palms, Palo Brea, and Mulga Trees that frame the entrance. Perimeter areas are treated with Indian Rosewood and Tipuana Tipu trees. The landscaping around the buildings will be Tipuana Tipu, Swan Hill, and Mulga which complement the architecture of the buildings. In general, the proposed landscaping will create an attractive street frontage and a pleasing environment for future residents. Signage Project identification signs are anticipated at each entry. The signage will be consistent with the City of La Quinta sign ordinance. Such signs shall be architecturally integrated with the wall and landscape designs and limited to one project identification sign on each frontage with no more than 24 square feet of sign face per sign. Other minor signs will be consistent with city or state/federal requirements. See Exhibit 42 - Entry for the main project (monument) sign. General Architectural Theme La Quinta Village Specific Plan will provide multiple family dwelling units and will endeavor to provide a welcoming atmosphere with open space to avoid the feeling of high bulk and density. The architecture will support this goal and provide a pleasant atmosphere for future residents of La Quinta Village Apartments. The La Quinta Village Specific Plan will include the following policy statements to support the goals of the City's General Plan and La Quinta Village Specific Plan: 1. Provide clean and crisp architectural forms and materials. 28 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 2. Indoor/outdoor spaces will blend with the landscape shape. 3. Provide the use of natural materials and colors to be reflective of the dramatic desert surroundings. 4. Architecture and Landscaping will complement each other and create a pleasant environment. 5. Maintain the Image Corridors on both Avenue 50 and Washington Street. The Image Corridors on Avenue 50 and Washington Street are measured 150-feet from the right-of-way line as indicated on the parcel map and as shown on Exhibit 7. On Washington Street, building 5 is within the 150-foot image corridor setback. Building 5 is a 2-story building and extends approximately 18 feet into the setback. In the final analysis, the view of the Santa Rosa Mountains is not impacted since they are to the north and west of the project site and are most impacted by the buildings on the other side of Washington Street. Therefore, this project has no impact on residential or vehicular views from Washington Street. Exhibit 33, View 8 confirms there is no impact on the view from Washington Street. On Avenue 50, Buildings 5 and 6 are entirely within the 150-foot setback and within this Specific Plan allowable height requirements. Exhibit 33 shows Views 8, 9, and 10 that have the views from both Washington Street and Avenue 50. Views 8 and 9 show the impact of Avenue 50 from Buildings 5 and 6. A minuscule amount of the Santa Rosa Mountains view may be blocked, but the view will still be visible for people driving from the west. Notably, this view will mostly be impacted by other unrelated projects to the west. These renderings make it clear that the beautiful views of the Santa Rosa Mountains will still be visible. La Quinta is known for its stunning views and this project will not interfere with those views. Therefore, the Specific Plan will allow a maximum height of 28 feet within the 150-foot Image Corridor. It will only apply to this property and not anywhere else in the City of La Quinta. Preserving the viewsheds is desirable to the developers of this Project because they will make it more desirable to future tenants. Creating more multi -family housing will benefit the City of La Quinta, the Coachella Valley, and Riverside County by helping to alleviate the housing crisis that we all face. La Quinta Village Apartments consists of two and three-story multiple -family dwelling buildings with a contemporary Mediterranean architectural style expressed with stucco finish, parapet walls, flat roofs, horizontal banding, crown molding, stucco reglets, and metal railings. Exterior color schemes convey a desert contemporary palette with contrasting stucco accent colors. The gated site also includes a clubhouse, garages and carports, open space with meandering walking paths, several shade structures with barbeques and picnic tables, a putting green, pickleball court, dog park, and a pool 29 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 area with a spa, cabanas, fire pits, and barbeques. Renderings of the proposed project are below. it t�;:�fiiiIItIilul � ''411111 Figure 1 - Clubhouse pool area (left) and shade structure (right). Figure 2 - Primary entrance on Washington Street. View of the clubhouse to the far right. The architectural site plan has a main access on Washington Street and a secondary access on Avenue 50. The clubhouse and pool will be placed at the terminus of the Washington Street entrance with four (4) buildings surrounding it. The remaining seven (7) 30 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 buildings will frame the remainder of the property. The garages and carports are placed strategically along the northern and eastern perimeter of the property and other locations throughout the site so that each building has convenient parking. The clubhouse, pool, cabanas, and putting green are at the center of the property. The dog park and pickleball courts are located on the south side adjacent to Avenue 50. Figure 3 - Rendering of entrance on Avenue 50. Scheme 1 or DE6212 weus O4Y SL0100 DE 6341 Yuba, A<uht 6[ucto DET 674 Gunnysxk 3Wxo2 DE 62O4 rate MAD Accent stucco 2 OE 6390 Gm.. PudOng aeni Scheme 2 OE 6172 e..gelmv Taupe Stucco DET 50T Shadow E6e1 A<unls14w 0Er 674 Gunnysack Swcca 2 OE 6204 Trite white Accent 3tucm 2 OE 63g0 Chocolate Pudding ACunt Scheme 3 DE 6207 EgypfEn Sand DE 6034 asi9•1 to The sun Atte01.616Kca DET 674 Gunnysack Stkoo2 OE 0200 Trite Willie Accent stucco 2 DE 6360 Chemlete Pudding m ant The garages will match the buildings' contemporary Mediterranean architecture style with alternating color schemes. The fronts will have an overhang with supports which will provide surface relief to the building. The rear and side will have stucco reglets. The front 31 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 of each garage will have access for 5-cars with individual spaces for each car. The sectional overhead garage doors will have three to five sections. rDOWN LIGHT, TYP. r DOWN LIGHT, TYP L DECORATIVE L PAINT SCHEME EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. DECORATIVE J PER SITE PLAN. EXTERIOR LIGHT. TYP. Figure 4 - Typical front elevation of garage. Garages are located on north side of property. Carports sizes will vary and will have support columns with flat metal roofs. The carports will be metal so that they can weather well in the harsh desert environment. Figure 5 - Rendering of carports near building 7. The contemporary Mediterranean style clubhouse building will have color scheme 2 with desert tones, multi -level roofs, architectural pop -outs, accent stucco colors, door and window trims, and louvred awnings over the front windows. The main clubhouse room includes bi-fold doors to provide an indoor -outdoor relationship to the pool deck area. The pool deck area includes access to the pool, spa, showers, and restrooms. 32 La Quinta Village Specific Plan Amendment No. 2 Figure 6 - Rendering of clubhouse. City of La Quinta The residential buildings will be similar in concept and composed of desert tones including tans and greys with accent colors. Covered breezeways provide access from both sides (long side) of each building with a stairway. The buildings will have architectural pop -outs for surface relief and a multi -height roofline. The facades will be detailed with stucco reglets creating a geometric pattern which will enhance the building design. The exterior doors and windows will have a header stucco trim in a lighter color to provide contrast. Each unit will have a door that leads to a covered balcony with a tube steel railing painted black in a decorative design or to a covered patio with a low wall. Vinyl windows and fiberglass doors will be white in color to provide a contrast to the stucco wall colors. Refer to elevation sheets A9 through Al 9 for apartment building elevations. Each of the long sides of the buildings will have separate units on each side. The units will not have a railroad flat floor plan. The ends of the buildings include architectural pop -outs, contrasting horizontal banding, crown molding, and stucco recessed niches for surface relief. Buildings are designed as four-sided architecture with the street view facade very similar to the courtyard facade. To prevent clutter, electric and water meters will be screened at the breezeways of each apartment building. 33 La Quinta Village Specific Plan Amendment No. 2 City of La Quinta Figure 7 - Rear courtyard with shade structure in center surrounded by apartment buildings 7-11. Figure 8 - View on Avenue 50 looking towards Washington Street intersection with mountains in the background. The architecture will provide a positive living space for the future residents and make a positive contribution to this neighborhood of La Quinta and to the city as a whole. 34 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 The administration and implementation section of this document is provided herein to further define the relationship between the La Quinta Village Specific Plan, City of La Quinta development codes and standards, and the process by which the La Quinta Village Specific Plan will obtain additional discretionary approvals as the project proceeds through the phases of the development process. Administrative Plan 1. La Quinta Village Specific Plan Upon its approval/adoption, the La Quinta Village Specific Plan as approved by the La Quinta City Council will become the primary document governing land use regulations. The La Quinta Village Specific Plan has development standards and land use regulations that will replace the corresponding standards in the City of La Quinta's Municipal Code. Where the Specific Plan does not address a standard or subject, the applicable City code and/or ordinance shall apply. The Corresponding Site Development for the La Quinta Village Apartments shall run with the property once the project is built and is transferrable to future owners of the property. The Site Development Permit shall expire if a building permit is not issued within two (2) years from approval of the Second Reading of the Specific Plan by the City Council. Prior to the expiration of the Site Development Permit, the property owner may apply for a two (2) year time extension to be approved by the Planning Commission on an annual basis. The time extension must be submitted prior to the expiration date of the project. 2. Interpretation Unless otherwise provided, should ambiguities occur concerning the content and appropriate application of the La Quinta Village Specific Plan, said ambiguities shall be resolved by the Planning Manager of the City of La Quinta or his/her designee, in a manner most consistent with the intent, goals and policies set forth in the La Quinta Village Specific Plan and the City's General Plan as outlined in Section 9.200.110. The Director's decision is appealable to the Design and Development Director and or Planning Commission in accordance with La Quinta Municipal Code. Implementation Program According to Government Code 65451 of the California Planning Law, the La Quinta Village Specific Plan shall include a program for implementation including regulations, conditions, programs, and additional measures as necessary to carry out the plan. In response to this requirement, the Implementation Program for the SP and Mitigated Negative Declaration consists of the following: 1. Environmental Review and Mitigation Monitoring Program The Specific Plan has been subjected to Environmental Review pursuant to the provisions of CEQA for a Mitigated Negative Declaration. 35 La Quinta Village Specific Plan City of La Quinta Amendment No. 2 The Mitigation Measures adopted for this project shall comply during all stages and phases of the project's construction and operation of the facility. 2. Adoption of the La Quinta Village Specific Plan and Approval of the Site Development Permit. The La Quinta Village Specific Plan shall be approved by Ordinance which includes a first reading, second reading, and then take effect 30 days after the second reading. The Site Development Permit will be processed concurrently with the Specific Plan and shall take effect after the 30-days have expired. 3. Grading and Improvement Plans A Precise Grading Plan (PGP) will be submitted to the City for approval Site Development Permit. Approval of a grading plan(s) will allow the developer(s) to begin grading the site for development. A National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP), PM-10 Plan, and hydrology study will be required prior to approval of the PGP. Improvement plans such as street, water, sewer, and drainage plans will need to be submitted to the City of La Quinta and all affected agencies for review and approval prior to issuance of a grading permit(s). 4. Project Maintenance During construction, maintenance of all facilities will be the responsibility of the developer. After the property has been improved, ongoing maintenance of private facilities including streets, street lighting, landscaping, entry documentation and similar items will be the responsibility of the property owner. Site Development Permit Site -specific development of the site shall be subject to Site Development Permit and approval by both the Planning Commission and City Council for the City of La Quinta. If the Specific Plan is processed separately from the Site Development Permit, then the Site Development Permit shall be acted on by the La Quinta Planning Commission. 36 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SPECIFIC PLAN 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 1 OF 2 GENERAL EXHIBIT D 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Specific Plan. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. Specific Plan 2022-0001 shall comply with all applicable conditions and mitigation measures for the following related approvals: Environmental Assessment 2022-0001 General Plan Amendment 2022-0001 Site Development Permit 2022-0001 In the event of any conflict(s) between approval conditions and/or provisions of these approvals, the Design and Development Director shall adjudicate the conflict by determining the precedence. 3. The applicant requested in its initial application, as submitted, a density that would result in the remaining sites in the City's Housing Element not being adequate to accommodate the City's share of low- and very low-income units under the City's inventory of sites, as approved by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) in accordance with the City's regional housing need assessment (RHNA) pursuant to Section 65584. Therefore, pursuant to Government Code section 65863(e), the applicant is required to ensure compliance with the state "no net loss" law set forth in Section 65863. 4. Prior to Specific Plan 2022-0001 becoming effective, prior to Site Development Permit 2022-0001 being eligible for approval, and prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the City's update to the Housing Element shall be approved by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) within 180 days of approval by City Council of GPA2022-0001. This approval by HCD must include certification of the City's Housing Element after adding "Site 6", as noted in Exhibit A of the Planning Commission Resolution, to the inventory of sites within the City to accommodate the City's share of low- and very low-income units under the RHNA. If, within 180 days of approval by City Council, HCD does not approve and/or certify the City's Housing Element after being updated by GPA2022-0001 and the adding of "Site 6," then GPA2022-0001 shall be repealed on its own accord without the need for further action by City Council Specific Plan 2022-0001 shall not become effective, Site Development Permit 2022-0001 shall not be approved, and no grading, construction, or building permit for the Project may be issued by the City. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SPECIFIC PLAN 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 2 OF 2 5. Prior to the issuance of building permits for any dwelling unit, an applicant shall agree to, and the city shall ensure, that the designated 74 moderate -income units are subject to a recorded affordability restriction of 55 years or longer to ensure continued affordability (Affordability Covenant). The Affordability Covenant shall be in a form approved by the City Manager and City Attorney, and shall require, among other terms and conditions, eligibility criteria as determined by state law for selecting eligible households, rental limits, annual income verification for current households, and the unit numbers designated as the 74 moderate -income units. The Affordability Covenant shall be binding upon all successors in interest of the applicant and shall be recorded in the office of the Riverside County Recorder. 6. The property owner shall submit to the Design and Development Department on an annual basis by January 30 of every year a record of rent payments for the 74 designated moderate -income units that meet the Riverside County moderate -income rent limits. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 1 OF 19 GENERAL EXHIBIT E 1. The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Site Development Permit. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. This Site Development Permit shall comply with the requirements and standards of Government Code §§ 66410 through 66499.58 (the "Subdivision Map Act"), and Chapter 13 of the La Quinta Municipal Code ("LQMC"). The City of La Quinta's Municipal Code can be accessed on the City's Web Site at www.laquintaca.gov. 3. The Site Development Permit shall expire twenty-four (24) months after City Council approval and shall become null and void in accordance with La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.200.080 unless a building permit has been issued. A time extension may be requested per LQMC Section 9.200.080. 4. Prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary clearances and/or permits from the following agencies, if required: • Riverside County Fire Marshal • La Quinta Public Works Department (Grading Permit, Green Sheet (Public Works Clearance) for Building Permits, Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) Exemption Form — Whitewater River Region, Improvement Permit) • La Quinta Design Planning Division • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department • Desert Sands Unified School District (DSUSD) • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • California Regional Water Quality Control Board (CRWQCB) • State Water Resources Control Board • SunLine Transit Agency (SunLine) • South Coast Air Quality Management District Coachella Valley (SCAQMD) The applicant is responsible for all requirements of the permits and/or clearances from the above listed agencies. When these requirements include approval of PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 2 OF 19 improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting those improvements plans for City approval. 5. Coverage under the State of California Construction General Permit must be obtained by the applicant, who then shall submit a copy of the Regional Water Quality Control Board's ("RWQCB") acknowledgment of the applicant's Notice of Intent ("NOI") and Waste Discharger Identification (WDID) number to the City prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit. 6. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City's NPDES discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 et seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; the California Regional Water Quality Control Board — Colorado River Basin Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011 and the State Water Resources Control Board's Order No. 2012-0006-DWQ. A. For construction activities including clearing, grading or excavation of land that disturbs one (1) acre or more of land, or that disturbs less than one (1) acre of land, but which is a part of a construction project that encompasses more than one (1) acre of land, the Permitee shall be required to submit a Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan ("SWPPP") to the State Water Resources Control Board. The applicant or design professional can obtain the California Stormwater Quality Association SWPPP template at www.cabmphandbooks.com for use in their SWPPP preparation. B. The applicant shall ensure that the required SWPPP is available for inspection at the project site at all times through and including acceptance of all improvements by the City. C. The applicant's SWPPP shall include provisions for all of the following Best Management Practices ("BMPs") (LQMC Section 8.70.020 (Definitions)): 1) Temporary Soil Stabilization (erosion control). 2) Temporary Sediment Control. 3) Wind Erosion Control. 4) Tracking Control. 5) Non -Storm Water Management. 6) Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control. D. All erosion and sediment control BMPs proposed by the applicant shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to any onsite or offsite grading, pursuant to this project. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 3 OF 19 E. The SWPPP and BMPs shall remain in effect for the entire duration of project construction until all improvements are completed and accepted by the City Council. F. The provision for the funding and perpetual maintenance and operation of all post -construction BMPs as required; and the applicant shall execute and record an agreement that provides for the perpetual maintenance and operation of all post -construction BMPs is required. 7. Permits issued under this approval shall be subject to the provisions of the Development Impact Fee and Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee programs in effect at the time of issuance of building permit(s). 8. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual attorney's fees incurred by the City Attorney to review, negotiate and/or modify any documents or instruments required by these conditions, if Developer requests that the City modify or revise any documents or instruments prepared initially by the City to effect these conditions. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. 9. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual consultant's fees incurred by the City for engineering and/or surveying consultants to review and/or modify any documents or instruments required by this project. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. 10. Site Development Permit 2022-0001 shall comply with all applicable conditions and mitigation measures for the following related approvals: Environmental Assessment 2022-0001 Specific Plan 2022-0001 General Plan Amendment 2022-0001 In the event of any conflict(s) between approval conditions and/or provisions of these approvals, the Design and Development Director shall adjudicate the conflict by determining the precedence. 11. The applicant requested in its initial application, as submitted, a density that would result in the remaining sites in the City's Housing Element not being adequate to accommodate the City's share of low- and very low-income units under the City's inventory of sites, as approved by the California Department of PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 4 OF 19 Housing and Community Development (HCD) in accordance with the City's regional housing need assessment (RHNA) pursuant to Section 65584. Therefore, pursuant to Government Code section 65863(e), the applicant is required to ensure compliance with the state "no net loss" law set forth in Section 65863. 12. Prior to Specific Plan 2022-0001 becoming effective, prior to Site Development Permit 2022-0001 being eligible for approval, and prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the City's update to the Housing Element shall be approved by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) within 180 days of approval by City Council of GPA2022-0001. This approval by HCD must include certification of the City's Housing Element after adding "Site 6", as noted in Exhibit A of the Planning Commission Resolution, to the inventory of sites within the City to accommodate the City's share of low- and very low-income units under the RHNA. If, within 180 days of approval by City Council, HCD does not approve and/or certify the City's Housing Element after being updated by GPA2022-0001 and the adding of "Site 6," then GPA2022-0001 shall be repealed on its own accord without the need for further action by City Council and Specific Plan 2022-0001 shall not become effective, Site Development Permit 2022-0001 shall not be approved, and no grading, construction, or building permit for the Project may be issued by the City. 13. Prior to the issuance of building permits for any dwelling unit, an applicant shall agree to, and the city shall ensure, that the designated 74 moderate -income units are subject to a recorded affordability restriction of 55 years or longer to ensure continued affordability (Affordability Covenant). The Affordability Covenant shall be in a form approved by the City Manager and City Attorney, and shall require, among other terms and conditions, eligibility criteria as determined by state law for selecting eligible households, rental limits, annual income verification for current households, and the unit numbers designated as the 74 moderate - income units. The Affordability Covenant shall be binding upon all successors in interest of the applicant and shall be recorded in the office of the Riverside County Recorder. 14. The property owner shall submit to the Design and Development Department on an annual basis by January 30 of every year a record of rent payments for the 74 designated moderate -income units that meet the Riverside County moderate - income rent limits. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 5 OF 19 PROPERTY RIGHTS 15. Prior to issuance of any permit(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights necessary for the construction or proper functioning of the proposed development. Conferred rights shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant access easements to the City for emergency services and for maintenance, construction, and reconstruction of essential improvements. 16. The applicant shall offer for dedication all public street rights -of -way in conformance with the City's General Plan, Municipal Code, applicable specific plans, site development permit, and/or as required by the City Engineer. 17. The public street right-of-way offers for dedication required for this development include: A. PUBLIC STREETS 1) Washington Street (Major Arterial, 128' ROW) — The standard 64 feet from the centerline of Washington Street except for additional variable right of way dedication to accommodate improvements conditioned under STREET AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS. 2) Avenue 50 (Primary Arterial 108' ROW) — The standard 54 feet from the centerline of Avenue 50 except for additional variable right of way dedication to accommodate improvements conditioned under STREET AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS. 18. Dedications shall include additional widths as necessary for dedicated right and left turn lanes, bus turnouts, and other features contained in the approved construction plans. Pursuant to this requirement, the Applicant shall include in the submittal packet containing the rough grading plans submitted for plan checking, an offsite street geometric layout, drawn at 1" equals 40 feet, detailing the following design aspects: median curb line, outside curb line, lane line alignment including lane widths, left turn lanes, deceleration lane(s) and bus stop turnout(s). The geometric layout shall be accompanied with sufficient professional engineering studies to confirm the appropriate length of all proposed turn pockets and auxiliary lanes that may impact the right of way dedication required of the project and the associated landscape setback requirement. 19. When the City Engineer determines that access rights to the proposed street right-of-way shown on the approved Site Development Permit are necessary prior to approval of the improvements dedicating such right-of-way, the applicant shall grant the necessary right-of-way within 60 days of a written request by the City. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 6 OF 19 20. At locations where the onsite finished grade has an elevation differential with respect to the arterial street top of curb exceeding 11.0 feet, the applicant shall comply with, and accommodate, the maximum slope gradients in the parkway area and sidewalk requirements by installing retaining walls between the sidewalk and the back of the landscaped area as needed as approved by the City Engineer. 21. The applicant shall offer for dedication those easements necessary for the placement of, and access to, utility lines and structures, drainage basins, mailbox clusters, park lands, and common areas. 22. Direct vehicular access to Washington Street and Avenue 50 is restricted, except for those access points identified on the Site Development Permit, or as otherwise conditioned in these conditions of approval. 23. The applicant shall furnish proof of easements, or written permission, as appropriate, from those owners of all abutting properties on which grading, retaining wall construction, permanent slopes, or other encroachments will occur. 24. The applicant shall cause no easement to be granted, or recorded, over any portion of the subject property after the date of approval of the Site Development Permit unless such easement is approved by the City Engineer. STREET AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS 25. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Sections 13.24.060 (Street Improvements), 13.24.070 (Street Design - Generally) & 13.24.100 (Access for Individual Properties and Development) for public streets; and Section 13.24.080 (Street Design - Private Streets), where private streets are proposed. 26. Streets shall have vertical curbs or other approved curb configurations that will convey water without ponding and provide lateral containment of dust and residue during street sweeping operations. If a wedge or rolled curb design is approved, the lip at the flowline shall be near vertical with a 1/8" batter and a minimum height of 0.1'. Unused curb cuts on any lot shall be restored to standard curb height prior to final inspection of permanent building(s) on the lot. 27. The applicant shall construct the following street improvements to conform with the General Plan (street type noted in parentheses.) PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 7 OF 19 A. OFF -SITE STREETS 1) Washington Street (Major Arterial; 128' R/W): Widen the east side of the street at locations where additional street width is needed to accommodate: a) The applicant shall construct a concrete bus stop pad north of the primary entry drive on Washington Street as required by SunLine Transit and approved by the Planning Manager and the City Engineer. Bus turnout shall be provided if required by SunLine Transit for the bus stop. b) A deceleration/right turn only lane shall be provided at the Washington Street Primary Entry as determined by the City Engineer. Other required improvements in the Washington Street right-of-way and/or adjacent area include: c) All appurtenant components such as, but not limited to curb, gutter, traffic control striping, legends, and signs. d) 6-foot-wide sidewalk. e) Extend the existing raised median on Washington Street north of Avenue 50 to line up with the curb face on the south side of the primary entrance to prevent southbound Washington Street traffic from making illegal left turns into the project entrance on Washington Street as approved by the City Engineer. f) Establish a Class II Level II benchmark in the Washington Street right of way and file a record of the benchmark with the County of Riverside. 2) Avenue 50 (Primary Arterial; 108' R/W): Widen the south side of the street along the project boundary within the existing City right-of-way or obtain right-of-way dedication from landowners on the south side of Avenue 50, if needed, to accommodate: a) At the Avenue 50/Washington Street intersection, a right turn only lane, a golf cart/ bike lane on the north side and south side of Avenue 50, a westbound thru lane, two eastbound thru lanes, and dual westbound left turn lanes as approved by the City Engineer. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 8 OF 19 b) Along the project frontage, a golf cart/ bike lane on the north side and south side of Avenue 50, two westbound thru lanes, two eastbound thru lanes, and a painted median as approved by the City Engineer. Other required improvements in the Avenue 50 right-of-way and/or adjacent area include: c) All appurtenant components such as, but not limited to curb, gutter, traffic control striping, legends, and signs. d) 6-foot-wide sidewalk. The applicant shall extend improvements beyond the project boundaries to ensure they safely integrate with existing improvements (e.g., grading; traffic control devices and transitions in alignment, elevation or dimensions of streets and sidewalks). Entry drives, main interior circulation routes, standard knuckles, corner cutbacks, bus turnouts, dedicated turn lanes and other features shown on the approved construction plans, may require additional street widths as may be determined by the City Engineer. The applicant is responsible for construction of all improvements mentioned above. 28. The applicant shall design street pavement sections using CalTrans' design procedure for 20-year life pavement, and the site -specific data for soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (including construction traffic). Minimum structural sections shall be as follows: Parking Lot & Aisles (Low Traffic) 3.0" a.c./4.5" c.a.b. Parking Lot & Aisles (High Traffic) 4.5" a.c./5.5" c.a.b. Primary Arterial 4.5" a.c./6.0" c.a.b. Major Arterial 5.5" a.c./6.5" c.a.b. or the approved equivalents of alternate materials. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 9 OF 19 29. The applicant shall submit current mix designs (less than two years old at the time of construction) for base, asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete. The submittal shall include test results for all specimens used in the mix design procedure. For mix designs over six months old, the submittal shall include recent (less than six months old at the time of construction) aggregate gradation test results confirming that design gradations can be achieved in current production. The applicant shall not schedule construction operations until mix designs are approved. 30. General access points and turning movements of traffic are limited to the following: A. Washington Street - Primary Entry: Right turn movements in and out are allowed. Left turn movements in and out are prohibited. B. Avenue 50 - Secondary Entry for Residence Only: Right turn in and out movements are allowed. Left turn movements in and out are prohibited. 31. Improvements shall include appurtenances such as traffic control signs, markings and other devices, raised medians if required, street name signs and sidewalks. Mid -block street lighting is not required. 32. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City adopted standards, supplemental drawings, and specifications, or as approved by the City Engineer. Improvement plans for streets, access gates and parking areas shall be stamped and signed by qualified engineers. 33. Standard knuckles and corner cut -backs shall conform to Riverside County Standard Drawings #801 and #805, respectively, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. PARKING LOTS and ACCESS POINTS 34. The design of parking facilities shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150 and in particular the following: A. The parking space and aisle widths and the double hairpin stripe parking space design shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150. B. Cross slopes should be a maximum of 2% where accessibility is required including accessibility routes between buildings. C. Building access points shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plans to evaluate ADA accessibility issues. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 10 OF 19 D. Accessibility routes to public streets and adjacent development shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plan. E. Parking space lengths shall be according to LQMC Chapter 9.150 and be a minimum of 17 feet in length with a 2-foot overhang for standard parking spaces and 18 feet with a 2-foot overhang for accessible parking space or as approved by the City Engineer. One van accessible parking space is required per 8 accessible parking spaces. Entry drives, main interior circulation routes, corner cutbacks, bus turnouts, dedicated turn lanes, accessibility route to public streets and other features shown on the approved construction plans, may require additional street widths and other improvements as may be determined by the City Engineer. IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these Conditions of Approval, professional titles such as "engineer," "surveyor," and "architect," refer to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 35. Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers and/or architects, as appropriate, and shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.040 (Improvement Plans). 36. The following improvement plans shall be prepared and submitted for review and approval by the Public Works Department. A separate set of plans for each line item specified below shall be prepared. The plans shall utilize the minimum scale specified, unless otherwise authorized by the City Engineer in writing. Plans may be prepared at a larger scale if additional detail or plan clarity is desired. Note, the applicant may be required to prepare other improvement plans not listed here pursuant to improvements required by other agencies and utility purveyors. A. On -Site Rough Grading Plan B. PM10 Plan C. Erosion Control Plan 1" = 40' Horizontal 1" = 40' Horizontal 1" = 40' Horizontal D. Final WQMP (Plan submitted in Report Form) NOTE: A through D to be submitted concurrently. E. On -Site Precise Grading Plan 1" = 30' Horizontal F. Off -Site Street Improvement/Storm Drain Plan 1" = 40' Horizontal, 1" = 4' Vertical PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 11 OF 19 G. Off -Site Signing & Striping Plan 1" = 40' Horizontal The Off -Site street improvement plans shall have separate plan sheet(s) (drawn at 20 scale) that show the sidewalk, mounding, and berming design in the parkway area. H. On -Site Street Improvements/Signing & Striping/Storm Drain Plan 1" = 40' Horizontal, 1 "= 4' Vertical NOTE: E through H to be submitted concurrently. (Separate Storm Drain Plans if applicable) Other engineered improvement plans prepared for City approval that are not listed above shall be prepared in formats approved by the City Engineer prior to commencing plan preparation. All Off -Site Plan & Profile Street Plans and Signing & Striping Plans shall show all existing improvements for a distance of at least 200-feet beyond the project limits, or a distance sufficient to show any required design transitions. All On -Site Signing & Striping Plans shall show, at a minimum; Stop Signs, Limit Lines and Legends, No Parking Signs, Raised Pavement Markers (including Blue RPMs at fire hydrants) and Street Name Signs per Public Works Standard Plans and/or as approved by the Engineering Department. "Rough Grading" plans shall normally include perimeter walls with Top Of Wall & Top Of Footing elevations shown. All footings shall have a minimum of 1-foot of cover, or sufficient cover to clear any adjacent obstructions. "On -Site Precise Grading" plans shall normally include all on -site surface improvements including but not limited to finish grades for curbs & gutters, building floor elevations, wall elevations, parking lot improvements and accessibility requirements. 37. The City maintains standard plans, detail sheets and/or construction notes for elements of construction which can be accessed via the "Plans, Notes and Design Guidance" section of the Public Works Department at the City website (www.laquintaca.gov). Please navigate to the Public Works Department home page and look for the Standard Drawings hyperlink. 38. The applicant shall furnish a complete set of all approved improvement plans on a storage media acceptable to the City Engineer. 39. Upon completion of construction, and prior to final acceptance of the improvements by the City, the applicant shall furnish the City with reproducible PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 12 OF 19 record drawings of all improvement plans which were approved by the City. Each sheet shall be clearly marked "Record Drawing" and shall be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the accuracy and completeness of the drawings. The applicant shall have all approved mylars previously submitted to the City, revised to reflect the as -built conditions. The applicant shall employ or retain the Engineer of Record during the construction phase of the project so that the FOR can make site visits in support of preparing "Record Drawing". However, if subsequent approved revisions have been approved by the City Engineer and reflect said "Record Drawing" conditions, the Engineer of Record may submit a letter attesting to said fact to the City Engineer in lieu of mylar submittal. IMPROVEMENT SECURITY AGREEMENTS 40. Prior to constructing any off -site improvements on Washington Street and Avenue 50, the applicant deposit securities equivalent to both a Performance and Labor & Material Bonds each valued at 100% of the cost of the off -site improvements required on Washington Street and Avenue 50. 41. In the event the applicant fails to construct the improvements for the development or fails to satisfy its obligations for the development in a timely manner, pursuant to the approved phasing plan, the City shall have the right to halt issuance of all permits, and/or final inspections, withhold other approvals related to the development of the project, or call upon the surety to complete the improvements. 42. Depending on the timing of the development of this Site Development Permit, and the status of the off -site improvements at the time, the applicant may be required to: A. Construct certain off -site improvements. B. Construct additional off -site improvements, subject to the reimbursement of its costs by others. C. Reimburse others for those improvements previously constructed that are considered to be an obligation of this tentative tract map. D. Secure the costs for future improvements that are to be made by others. E. To agree to any combination of these actions, as the City may require. Off -Site Improvements should be completed on a first priority basis. The applicant shall complete Off -Site Improvements in the first phase of construction. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 13 OF 19 In the event that any of the improvements required for this development are constructed by the City, the applicant shall, prior to the issuance of any permit related thereto, reimburse the City for the costs of such improvements. GRADING 43. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.050 (Grading Improvements). 44. Prior to occupancy of the project site for any construction, or other purposes, the applicant shall obtain a grading permit approved by the City Engineer. 45. To obtain an approved grading permit, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of all of the following: A. A grading plan prepared by a civil engineer registered in the State of California, B. A preliminary geotechnical ("soils") report prepared by an engineer registered in the State of California, C. A Fugitive Dust Control Plan prepared in accordance with LQMC Chapter 6.16, (Fugitive Dust Control), and D. A Best Management Practices report prepared in accordance with LQMC Sections 8.70.010 and 13.24.170 (NPDES Stormwater Discharge Permit and Storm Management and Discharge Controls). E. A final WQMP prepared by an engineer registered in the State of California, and F. A grading bond in a form acceptable to the City, and in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the grading bond requirements. All grading shall conform with the recommendations contained in the Preliminary Soils Report and shall be certified as being adequate by soils engineer, or engineering geologist registered in the State of California. The applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the City, and in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the approved Fugitive Dust Control Plan provisions as submitted with its application for a grading permit. Additionally, the applicant shall replenish said security if expended by the City of La Quinta to comply with the Plan as required by the City Engineer. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 14 OF 19 46. The applicant shall maintain all open graded, undeveloped land in order to prevent wind and/or water erosion of such land. All open graded, undeveloped land shall either be planted with interim landscaping, or stabilized with such other erosion control measures, as were approved in the Fugitive Dust Control Plan. 47. Grading within the perimeter setback and parkway areas shall have undulating terrain and shall conform with the requirements of LQMC Section 9.60.230(F) except as otherwise modified by this condition requirement. The maximum slope shall not exceed 3:1 anywhere in the landscape setback area, except for the backslope (i.e., the slope at the back of the landscape lot) which shall not exceed 2:1 if fully planted with ground cover. The maximum slope in the first six (6) feet adjacent to the curb shall not exceed 4:1 when the nearest edge of sidewalk is within six feet (6') of the curb, otherwise the maximum slope within the right of way shall not exceed 3:1. All unpaved parkway areas adjacent to the curb shall be depressed one and one-half inches (1.5") in the first eighteen inches (18") behind the curb. 48. Building pad elevations on the rough grading plan submitted for City Engineer's approval shall conform with pad elevations shown on the preliminary grading plan, unless the pad elevations have other requirements imposed elsewhere in these Conditions of Approval. 49. Building pad elevations of perimeter lots shall not differ by more that one foot higher from the building pads in adjacent developments or as approved by City Engineer. 50. The applicant shall minimize the differences in elevation between the adjoining properties and the lots within this development. 51. Prior to any site grading or regrading that will raise or lower any portion of the site by more than plus or minus half of a foot (0.5') from the elevations shown on the approved Site Development Permit Site Plan, the applicant shall submit the proposed grading changes to the City Engineer for a substantial conformance finding review. 52. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any building lot, the applicant shall provide a lot pad certification stamped and signed by a qualified engineer or surveyor with applicable compaction tests and over excavation documentation. Each pad certification shall list the pad elevation as shown on the approved grading plan, the actual pad elevation, and the difference between the two, if any. Such pad certification shall also list the relative compaction of the pad soil. The data shall be organized by lot number and listed cumulatively if submitted at different times. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 15 OF 19 DRAINAGE 53. Stormwater handling shall conform with the approved hydrology study for the Troutdale Village project (SDP2022-0001), or as approved by the City Engineer. Nuisance water shall be disposed of in an approved manner. 54. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.120 (Drainage), Retention Basin Design Criteria, Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 — Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems and Engineering Bulletin No. 06-015 - Underground Retention Basin Design Requirements. More specifically, stormwater falling on site including the half -street tributary area on Washington Street and Avenue 50 during the 100- year storm shall be retained within the development, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The design storm shall be either the 1 hour, 3-hour, 6 hour or 24-hour event producing the greatest total run off. 55. Nuisance water shall be retained on site. Nuisance water shall be disposed of per approved methods contained in Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 — Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems and Engineering Bulletin No. 06-015 - Underground Retention Basin Design Requirements. 56. In design of retention facilities, the maximum percolation rate shall be two inches per hour. The percolation rate will be considered to be zero unless the applicant provides site specific data indicating otherwise and as approved by the City Engineer. 57. The project shall be designed to accommodate purging and blowoff water (through underground piping and/or retention facilities) from any on -site or adjacent well sites granted or dedicated to the local water utility authority as a requirement for development of this property. 58. For on -site above ground common retention basins, retention depth shall be according to Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 — Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems. Side slopes shall not exceed 3:1 and shall be planted with maintenance free ground cover. Additionally, retention basin widths shall be not less than 20 feet at the bottom of the basin. 59. Stormwater may not be retained in landscaped parkways unless approved by the Planning Manager and the City Engineer. Only incidental storm water (precipitation which directly falls onto the setback) will be permitted to be retained in the landscape setback areas. The perimeter setback and parkway areas in the street right-of-way shall be shaped with berms and mounds, pursuant to LQMC Section 9.100.040(B)(7). PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 16 OF 19 60. The design of the development shall not cause any increase in flood boundaries and levels in any area outside the development. 61. The development shall be graded to permit storm flow in excess of retention capacity to flow out of the development through a designated overflow and into the historic drainage relief route. 62. Storm drainage historically received from adjoining property shall be received and retained or passed through into the historic downstream drainage relief route. 63. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions for post construction runoff per the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 et seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board — Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011. A. For post -construction urban runoff from New Development and Redevelopments Projects, the applicant shall implement requirements of the NPDES permit for the design, construction and perpetual operation and maintenance of BMPs per the approved Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for the project as required by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board — Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011. B. The applicant shall implement the WQMP Design Standards per (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011 utilizing BMPs approved by the City Engineer. A project specific WQMP shall be provided which incorporates Site Design and Treatment BMPs utilizing first flush infiltration as a preferred method of NPDES Permit Compliance for Whitewater River receiving water, as applicable. C. The developer/owner shall execute and record a Stormwater Management/BMP Facilities Agreement that provides for the perpetual maintenance and operation of stormwater BMPs. UTILITIES 64. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.110 (Utilities). 65. The applicant shall obtain the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines within any right-of-way, and all above -ground utility structures including, but not limited to, traffic signal cabinets, electric vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for practical and aesthetic purposes. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 17 OF 19 66. Existing overhead utility lines within, or adjacent to the proposed development, and all proposed utilities shall be installed underground. All existing utility lines attached to joint use 92 KV transmission power poles are exempt from the requirement to be placed underground. Applicant may request a waiver from undergrounding poles, such as the poles on the northern property line, consistent with the City's undergrounding waiver guidelines in the La Quinta Municipal Code. Waiver must be approved by City Council. 67. Underground utilities shall be installed prior to overlying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing improved streets, the applicant shall comply with trench restoration requirements maintained, or required by the City Engineer. The applicant shall provide certified reports of all utility trench compaction for approval by the City Engineer. Additionally, grease traps and the maintenance thereof shall be located as to not conflict with access aisles/entrances. CONSTRUCTION 68. The City will conduct final inspections of habitable buildings only when the buildings have improved street and (if required) sidewalk access to publicly maintained streets. The improvements shall include required traffic control devices, pavement markings and street name signs. If on -site streets in residential developments are initially constructed with partial pavement thickness, the applicant shall complete the pavement prior to final inspections of the last ten percent of homes within the development or when directed by the City, whichever comes first. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION 69. Landscape and irrigation plans for landscaped lots and setbacks, medians, retention basins, and parks shall be signed and stamped by a licensed landscape architect. 70. All new and modified landscape areas shall have landscaping and permanent irrigation improvements in compliance with the City's Water Efficient Landscape regulations contained in LQMC Section 8.13 (Water Efficient Landscape). 71. Lighting plans shall be submitted with the final landscaping plans for a recommendation to the Planning Manager for his approval. Exterior lighting shall be consistent with LQMC Section 9.100.150 (Outdoor Lighting). All freestanding lighting shall not exceed 18 feet in height and shall be fitted with a visor if deemed necessary by staff to minimize trespass of light off the property. The illuminated carports shall be included in the photometric study as part of the final lighting plan submittal. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 18 OF 19 72. All water features shall be designed to minimize "splash" and use high efficiency pumps and lighting to the satisfaction of the Design and Development Director. They shall be included in the landscape plan water efficiency calculations per Municipal Code Chapter 8.13. 73. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be completely screened from view. Utility transformers or other ground mounted mechanical equipment shall be fully screened with a screening wall or landscaping and painted to match the adjacent buildings. 74. The applicant shall submit the final landscape plans for review, processing and approval to the Design and Development Department, in accordance with the Final Landscape Plan application process. Planning Manager approval of the final landscape plans is required prior to issuance of the first building permit unless the Planning Manager determines extenuating circumstances exist which justifies an alternative processing schedule. NOTE: Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the appropriate City official, including the Planning Manager and/or City Engineer. 75. The applicant or his agent has the responsibility for proper sight distance requirements per guidelines in the AASHTO "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, 5th Edition" or latest, in the design and/or installation of all landscaping and appurtenances abutting and within the private and public street right-of-way. 76. The final design of the perimeter landscaping, particularly the perimeter wall/fence, shall be included with the Final Landscape Plan submittal. PUBLIC SERVICES 77. The applicant shall provide public transit improvements as required by SunLine Transit Agency and approved by the City Engineer. MAINTENANCE 78. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.160 (Maintenance). 79. The applicant shall make provisions for the continuous and perpetual maintenance of perimeter landscaping up to the curb, access drives, sidewalks, common areas, and stormwater BMPs. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2023-XXX CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL- RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2022-0001 PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS ADOPTED: PAGE 19 OF 19 FEES AND DEPOSITS 80. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.180 (Fees and Deposits). These fees include all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposits and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan check and permits. ATTACHMENT 1 ittA rk*kgit *WS% Vittlit11 ik Cv.4 #.4 Olt; Nu Tr. a 4t, 421.4. tie_5(14• MEM? A - het-• — • kiki 44414 ,6* r-1.2* Aiiir ze*S4 &Atty.' #‘110j ata - — 711714-01111,2 16,07: bat- loosivak- %MairirOW :4411,611 IONGIMIMPORIIIV Vicinity Map ATTACHMENT 2 June 07, 2023 Per the Planning Commission meeting held March 28th, 2o23, we have considered the Commission's and community's comments and have made the following changes: o Changed the Project name to "La Quinta Village Apartments" previously "Troutdale Village" o Withdrawn the Zone Change Application (previously requested to change the zoning from Residential Medium -High (RMH) to Residential High (RH)) o The existing zoning of Residential Medium -High (RMH) will remain and a 5o% density bonus will apply o The total unit count has been reduced from 284 units to 252 units o 178 market -rate units and 74 moderate -income units will be provided, previously 214 market -rate units and 7o moderate -income units were proposed o Architectural style changed from modern contemporary to contemporary Mediterranean. New architectural elements include: o Modified color palette and schemes o Trellis on znd and 3rd floors to reduce massing o Arches, recessed niches, crown moulding with stucco finish and new end (short -side) elevations included o Reduced the height and stories of the following buildings: o Building 4 reduced to 2 and 3-story, originally all 3-story o Building 5 reduced to z-story, originally all 3-story o Building 6 reduced to z-story, originally all 3-story o Building 11 reduced to z-story, originally all 3-story o No three-story buildings within 150-feet of Image Corridors o Maximum allowable height within Image Corridor height restriction of zz'-o" (LQMC 9.5o.o2o) increased to 28'-o" per La Quinta Village Specific Plan. Maximum allowable height within Image Corridor may not exceed the maximum allowable height of the existing zone (28'-o") per LQMC 9.50.03o Table 9-2, Footnote 2. o Total parking count remains at 52o spaces. o Parking ratio per unit is now 2.03 spaces per unit, previously 1.8 spaces per unit o By -Right Parking Incentive parking ratios still apply to entire development Additional benefits: o Upgrades to Marshall Substation, providing much needed relief of grid overload and electricity to surrounding areas o Additional deceleration lane and bus turnout on Washington Street. o Additional 2 lanes to expand Avenue 5o, including a bike lane along Avenue 5o which will connect Park Avenue and Washington Street bike lanes. o Providing local housing for growing full-time population o Serves business areas by reducing travel time from other desert communities June 07, 2023 Illustration of Original Proposal with Locations of 3-Story Buildings Highlighted Illustration of Revised Proposal with Locations of 3-Story Buildings Highlighted ATTACHMENT 3 FINDINGS Environmental Assessment 2022-0001 1. The proposed project will not have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife population to drop below self-sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community, reduce the number or restrict the range of rare or endangered plants or animals or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory. Potential impacts can be mitigated to be less than significant levels. 2. The proposed project will not result in impacts which are individually limited or cumulatively considerable when considering planned or proposed development in the immediate vicinity. Potential impacts can be mitigated to be less than significant. 3. The proposed project will not have environmental effects that will adversely affect the human population, either directly or indirectly. Potential impacts can be mitigated to be less than significant. General Plan Amendment 2022-0002 1. Internal General Plan Consistency. The amendment is internally consistent with goals, objectives, and policies of the general plan, which are not being amended. The project proposes 252 units, with 74 designated as moderate - income units, on a site that is shown in the Housing Element as 280 low- or very low-income units. An alternate 12.74-acre site to accommodate these 280 very low- to low-income units has been designated and is identified as Site 6 in the draft Housing Element amendment (Exhibit A). The additional site is required to be identified by the Project to comply with Government Code Section 65863, commonly referred to as the state "No Net Loss Law". Site 6 is commercially designated under the City's Community Commercial designation and benefits from the Affordable Housing Overlay, which allow for multi -family residential development. The property not only allows for multi- family residential but mixed -use development as well. The Affordable Housing Overlay allows for a density up to 36 units per acre and mixed -use projects allow for density up to 24 units per acre, however this site is projected at 22 units to the acre, which is more consistent with development in the region. The site is within a "High Resource" area, and its proximity to Highway 111 and bordering of a middle school makes it an ideal site. Additionally, the La Quinta Village Apartment project includes 74 moderate -income level affordable units which would count for the City's RHNA goals. 2. Public Welfare. Approval of the amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare. As part of the project, a Mitigated Negative Declaration would be adopted to mitigate any potential impacts. 3. General Plan Compatibility. In the case of amendments to the General Plan policy diagram, no changes are proposed. 4. Property Suitability. In the case of amendments to the General Plan policy diagram, no new designation is proposed. 5. Change in Circumstances. No amendments are proposed to the General Plan policy diagram. Specific Plan Amendment 2022-0001 (Amendment 2 to Specific Plan 2004-071, La Paloma) 1. The proposed Specific Plan Amendment is consistent with the land use, policies and programs of the General Plan, as it allows for development of a medium high density residential project in the Medium/High Density land use designation, which supports 4-16 units per acre residential density and is designed to accommodate a broad range of residential land uses, including apartment projects. Approval of the Specific Plan Amendment will not create conditions materially detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare, as the project is consistent with the existing land uses as a multi -family residential development and will be consistent with surrounding residential development and is nearby schools and neighborhood commercial uses. 2. Specific Plan 2022-0001 is compatible with zoning on adjacent properties which are also residential. The project proposes a medium high density residential project and is surrounded by Medium Density Residential land uses, including a vacant site to the south and existing residential to the north. 4. Specific Plan 2022-0001 is suitable and appropriate for the subject property, as the project's land use is intended for multi -family residential projects which this project proposes. Site Development Permit 2022-0001 1. The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of Medium/High Density Residential. The City's General Plan Medium/High Density Residential designation is designed to accommodate a broad range of residential land uses, including apartment projects. The City's General Plan policies relating to Medium/High Density Residential encourage a broad range of residential uses within the City, and the proposed use maintains those policies. The proposed project is consistent with the following Goals, Programs, and Policies: • Goal LU-2 as the project consists of high -quality design that complements and enhances the City. The project design uses high - quality contemporary style, and utilizes varying roof lines and wall depths, along with a complementary color palette. • Goal LU-5 as the project provides a broad range of housing types and choices for all residents of the City. The project provides for apartments, which creates a different housing type and choice for residents within the City. This includes 74 moderate -income level units. • Policy LU-5.2 in considering changes in market demand in residential product type to meet the needs of current and future residents. The project is changing from a senior residential project to a multi -family apartment project to respond to market demand in residential product type to provide residents with apartments. • Goal SC-1 in that it provides a community that provides the best possible quality of life for all its residents by providing alternative housing types within La Quinta meanwhile providing a project that incorporates open space and common area with a pool for its residents, along with barbecue areas, pickleball courts, a dog park, and putting green. • Policy ED-1.2 in supporting and assisting in the retention of existing businesses, and the recruitment of new businesses. The apartment project provides additional residences nearby to Highway 111, along Washington Street, and close to the City's Village Commercial area which will allow for a working base close by to support and assist in the retention of existing businesses and recruitment of new businesses. • Goal H-1 in providing housing opportunities that meet the diverse needs of the City's existing and projected population. The apartment project of this type provides a diverse type of residential product. • Policy H-1.3 to direct new housing development to viable areas where essential public facilities can be provided and employment opportunities, educational facilities, and commercial support are available. The housing development was directed to a viable area where essential public facilities can be provided and employment opportunities, educational facilities, and commercial support are all available. • Goal H-2 in assisting in the creation and provision of resources to support housing for lower and moderate -income households and Policy H-2.1 which is to increase housing choices for lower and moderate -income households. This project increases the housing choices for moderate -income households. The project would include 74 moderate -income level units, providing more housing choices for moderate -income households. 2. The proposed development, as conditioned, is consistent with the purpose and intent of the Medium High Density Residential zone as well as the development standards of the City's Zoning Code and in terms of architectural style and landscaping. The project satisfies the zone's intent to provide for the development of medium high density neighborhoods with two and three-story multi -family dwellings. The project is generally consistent with the residential development standards and permitted use table, except deviations as established within the Specific Plan. 3. The Design and Development Department has prepared Environmental Assessment 2022-0001 for this project, in compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Department has determined that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect because mitigation measures have been incorporated. 4. The architectural design of the project, including, but not limited to, the architectural style, scale, building mass, materials, colors, architectural details, roof style and other architectural elements are compatible with surrounding development and with the quality of design prevalent in the city. The contemporary style utilizes a high -quality design that is compatible with other approved and constructed residential projects within the City. 5. The site design of the project including, but not limited to, project entries, interior circulation, pedestrian and bicycle access, pedestrian amenities, screening of equipment and trash enclosures, exterior lighting, and other site design elements are compatible with surrounding development and with the quality of design prevalent in the city. 6. Project landscaping, including, but not limited to, the location, type, size, color, texture, and coverage of plant materials, has been designed so as to provide visual relief, complement buildings, visually emphasize prominent design elements and vistas, screen undesirable views, provide a harmonious transition between adjacent land uses and between development and open space, and provide an overall unifying influence to enhance the visual continuity of the project. The proposed project is consistent with the landscaping standards and plant palette and implements the standards for landscaping and aesthetics established in the General Plan and Zoning Code. The permanent overall site landscaping utilizes various tree and shrub species to enhance the building architecture and provide adequate relief and screening from Washington Street and Avenue 50. ATTACHMENT 4 1 r ELSENHOWER DR. i i 1 MI FREE WARIH& PR, _,... 4j i 1 i MILE'.SPE. t,_ _ •_, i 2 i L W W g • 11r 7■ 13'17- i 13L 12� f 1 12 _._ 30th AVE. i10 ix ip Iy 20 19 60th AVE. ,__•_.__•____d 62ndAVE. 64th AVE. Updated 03.10.2023 i0 16U Zoning 05 cc CN CO CP 1 CR CT FP GC MC OS PR RC RH RL RM RMH ROW RVL VC Miles 2 Housing Inventory Sites ATTACHMENT 5 La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. PROJECT DATA - I~ • - _ • _ - -_ - _ - -_ _ _ - `'````• -.: r7 - - SHEET INDEX Ti Title CIVIL PROJECT ADDRESS NE CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET & AVENUE 50 ASSESSORS PARCEL NUMBER . - i - , - .. - - , - .. ... .1. . r +.. •', • F . . , . .. I , - . • I '�° z� • Cl CIVIL SITE PLAN C2 CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN C3 PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN C4 HYDROLOGY MAP AND PRELIMINARY WQMP ARCHITECTURAL 646-070-016 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 13.84 ACRES M/L IN POR LOT 1 MB 023/099 DESERT CLUB MANOR TR 2 Lot 1 Subdivision Name DESERT CLUB MANOR TR 2 Acres 013.84 M/L LotType Lot Rec Map Type Map Book Map Plat B 023 Map Plat P 099 Portion Lot Portion SCOPE OF WORK - . T t = . •• -s _ , -- r-Ff R ti -ciiLv i�� - �fi2�r� �� 1 • -I 1„ ,� - , , i. �. -. . Al Site Plan A2 First Floor Plan A3 Second Floor Plan A4 Third Floor Plan A5 Roof Plan A6 Unit Plans A7 Clubhouse A8 Bldg. 1 - Elevations A9 Bldg. 2 - Elevations A10 Bldg. 3 -Elevations All Bldg. 3 - Elevations Al2 Bldg. 4 - Elevations A13 Bldg. 5 - Elevations A14 Bldg. 6 - Elevations A15 Bldg. 7 - Elevations A16 Bldg. 8 -Elevations A17 Bldg. 9 - Elevations A18 Bldg. 10 -Elevations A19 Bldg. 11 - Elevations A20 Exterior Elevations A21 3D Views A22 3D Views & Materials Board A23 Line of Sight Diagrams ELECTRICAL _� JuF ,'At" _41 ,: - = _. '�• - ti • • •. ,. y . ,. -� '� +� 4 ,� .� r, �!". _• I ' { _ .:.. 4 aF..{ ', t _ ,y M ' : + Y •' I I, p ti �; =• �' _ :' • y by r , oil z •'• 3 ' ~- r '5J • # 40 • .ril -4..' - •''' •; ` ti �'• ; r J : x* : g �i?'' y i ti • i• ` d`• . • r" ti �•• a y f L ; * fi •r ,; ++ J•' . . kr.� { F 4 k ' will' i f: • , J..� , . t w, .. -#,_ z _' 'e..�• ` -+ `- :'-'i :Iy : ' .h� ,:;' 4 ; , ' • i • 4. , - . r.. t z - a~� - ''�•`�+� �'�' . '�� }. +� ' " f+{ . . ' +{ r - • -'� - ? =` _ • -• �. PROPOSED 2 AND 3 STORY APARTMENT BUILDINGS WITH CLUBHOUSE, GARAGES, CARPORTS, POOL, AND COMMUNITY SPACES AND NECESSARY HARDSCAPE AND LANDSCAPE. PROPOSED LAND USE -RENTAL APARTMENTS SITE DATA EXISTING ZONING RMH MEDIUM/HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (8 12 UNITS PER ACRE) INCLUDES AFFORDABLE DENITY BONUS OVERLAY PROPOSED ZONING RMH MEDIUM/HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (8-12 UNITS PER ACRE) WITH DENSITY BONUS SEE PROJECT INFO BELOW SITE AREA 611,146.8 SF / 14.03 ACRES BUILDING FOOTPRINT 94,088 SF MAX. LOT COVERAGE 60% OF NET LOT AREA = 366,688.08 SF LOT COVERAGE PROPOSED 33.6% = 205,615 SF TOTAL BUILDING AREA 258,199 SF TOTAL PROPSED DWELLING UNITS 252 UNITS / 202,970 SF MIN. COMMON OPEN AREA REQUIRED: 30% OF NET PROJECT AREA = 183,344.04 SF COMMON OPEN AREA PROVIDED: 34.6% = 211,482 SF ACTIVE RECREATION AREA REQUIRED: 30% OF COMMON OPEN AREA REQUIRED = 55,003 SF ACTIVE RECREATION AREA PROVIDED: 31.1 % = 57,110 SF MINIMUM FRONT SETBACK: 20' 0" MINIMUM INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK: 5'-0" MINIMUM EXTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK: 10'-0" MINIMUM REAR YARD SETBACK: 15' 0" MIN. PERIMETER LANDSCAPE SETBACK: 10' 0" AVG. PERIMETER LANDSCAPE SETBACK: 20' 0" MAX. NO. OF STORIES ALLOWED PER RMH ZONING: 2 ***SEE SPECIFIC PLAN***• PER LA QUINTA GENERAL PLAN, EXHIBIT 3.6: PRIMARY IMAGE CORRIDOR: WASHINGTON STREET SECONDARY IMAGE CORRIDOR: AVENUE 50 IMAGE CORRIDOR SETBACK: 150' 0" ALLOWABLE BLDG HEIGHT AT IMAGE CORRIDOR: 22'-0" (WASHINGTON STREET & AVENUE 50) *** *** SEE SPECIFIC PLAN FOR ADD. INFO BUILDING CONSTRUCTION _ ;4 .I1 • k},'.•' : - . .,� :7;,' . -. • I. = I�''If e_.. - -*'r • ' • 11 '� } '' ' • �t* - •_ = rt' *�, 1a .. �'�� � `� ''� +'• �'�. • �.• .� r1.•� __ �_ JIB'. \ _______. -;.-%, - "T.t � * _ ; • -;- _ Y. _4,4 L ti • 111'" , .# • j• '• -• "''.• • L ' - .' L 4:1-• f=• �,• •- = - 1• „f ,5 F ., { Jr.` }�. x# •;L • �. ;H'� u - - _ " • '' , • = "- '`'' •J = r {. _' .'..'•• '�.,;1R •• 1 ` - * +_1~'" -`' _ • - t i',,'''.k� �• !r F*' r • '�•� . ' "" y_ I''�r " �' } f' ~•• ''• I•. I '• r L.s _ ; "� t- ' +-•-rt''. '..• :f • • !' `' .. r { R �� = - .- •' _•• ` .‘41. '• ' �, 0.• . .,,+ �. - _ate • • " � + `}' ' ;. ' { PO` F.•4 r -- ..;x., �; '"fir 0.. ' " a _ _ _ .lam f4• ,:. . R�� , •• - �"' •:• ~ - r , + , -'• r '' •,' .,- 4? . - ,�4, ':, _ .--• - •% " * • �' -� � - ' st. rr •' .- -f• •#''ti• _* *�,- Y : � � •' ....� �" - I 1 ,,4,.ri �# . 44r Irx '. •• = ' - .. _ -- • . yr e'er • ..: " r ''' ti: . - - ' !.. _: _ - • _ , - _ .. 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Y : '� ; -• � `1 r• e. r •'•_ �'� ,x . } i * �.. : f '4rs ._ ti• �'ir.+' ., f �� ~. ` , . - 'r' • #�i . f ' = -• :; _ - •_ L F - _ Y, �'` ..ILL- • • 1,. v y -' x - ' .1 s`:. . _ . _ -_ - -., • " / : a;. € , - , 'r !! a .+, .t # "f -__ _ I kfl 111 '¢4 k ____ ' 4 - _� 42 - S• _ _ .�+' " �' ` _• _ • I� �. ` ' • _ • • • •LP-6 411111010: OM* • _ _ . . - El .0 Site Lighting Plan E1.1 Site Lighting Plan El .2 Site Photometric Plan El .3 Site Photometric Plan El .4 Light Fixture Cut Sheets LANDSCAPE LP-1 Conceptual Landscape Plan LP-2 Typical Building Planting Exhibit LP-3 Slope Planting Exhibit LP-4 Pool Area LP-5 Entry Conceptual Wall & Fence Plan OCCUPANCY TYPES: R-2, A-2, A-3, AND B CONSTRUCTION TYPE: TYPE V A SPRINKLERS: YES, FULLY SPRINKLERED (NFPA 13)iiil ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT PER RMH ZONING: 28'-0" ***SEE SPECIFIC PLAN*** PROPOSED BUILDING HEIGHT AT CLUBHOUSE: 19'-0"01 PROPOSED BUILDING HEIGHT AT 2-STORY BLDGS: 27'-6" PROPOSED BUILDING HEIGHT AT 3-STORY BLDGS: 38'-6" PLANS SHALL BE PREPARED TO THE APPLICABLE CODE AT THE TIME OF SUBMITTAL FOR BUILDING PERMIT. AS OF JANUARY 1, 2020, ALL WORK SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES PROJECT INFORMATION PARKING CALCULATIONS VICINITY MAP PROJECT TEAM UNIT MIX Common Area Calculations Parking Calcs 0F,tVlalIli art up4}rcer I'f OWNER Troutdale Village, LLC 1800 Blankenship Rd., Suite 325 West Linn, Oregon 97068 T: (503) 807-8852 Jeff Parker ARCHITECT Irwin Partners Architects 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B2 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714-557-2448 W: WWW.I aoc.com p Braun CIVIL Egan Civil, Inc. 42945 Madio Street, Suite A Indio, CA 92201 T: (760) 404-7663 W: egancivil.com Steven Egan, Project Designer LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT Hermann Design Group, Inc. g p, 77899 Wolf Road, Suite 102 Palm Desert, CA 92211 T: 760-777-9131 W: hd inc.com g- Jose Estrada, VP, Project Manager ELECTRICAL RTM Engineering Consultants 39249 Leopard Street, Suite A-101 p Palm Desert, CA 92211 T: (760) 983-2007 W: www.wtmec.com Victor Leon, PE, Principal p Unit Type Unit Name Beds QtyArea (SF)Total (SF)Area (SF){ Yp ' Qty PARKING LEGEND AND REQUIRED SIZES: PARKING RATIOS k . + , ;. �'4;*=fr PER LQMC 9.60.260 K BY -RIGHT PARKING INCENTIVE THE ADA 6 ADA =ACCESSIBLE STANDARD PARKING SPACE (9' X 19') +5' AISLE Q O � - i � , -. � _'�� �� ; } - u ; � �' Avei-Itirle.Y . , =' "; 1-Bed Apartment 1A-ADA 1 29 673 19,517 1, First Floor p 1-Bed Apartment 1A-STD 1 31 673 20,863 CLUBHOUSE RESIDENT ACTIVITY 978 p 1-Bed Apartment 1B - ADA 1 44 755 33,220 Fire Riser MECHANICAL 12 _ _ 1 Bed Apartment 1 B STD 1 62 755 46,810 GYM RESIDENT ACTIVITY 725 2-Bed Apartment 2A- ADA 2 34 960 32,640 HALL CIRCULATION 186 p 2-Bed Apartment 2A -STD 2 52 960 49,920 HK SERVICE 36 FOLLOWING PARKING RATIOS SHALL APPLY TO THE ENTIRE ADA VAN 2 ADA VAN =ACCESSIBLE VAN PARKING SPACE (9' X 19') +8' AISLE DEVELOPMENT (INCLUDING MARKET -RATE UNITS) E - ..# ++',' .r .U•liiif U;riit rslPi 'JR * �' I - I }(a„ �y,- . • i • 1 ' •.. C 28 C = COMPACT PARKING SPACE (8.5' X 16') 1-BR UNITS: 1 SPACE PER UNIT REQUIRED .' - `r�* 1G,• . M. ,e +-' Cork 8,; EOrkc1 "+►*t r • +‘+ .��tt„ * !I � mrt r1 _ _:Y: EI • ice,,,, : _'�41 •ram Lc.,:-: + Q*�, CC 4 CC = COVERED COMPACT PARKING SPACE (8.5' X 17.5') �,, Y '# ; ;w „ ,� i 2-BR UNITS: 1.5 SPACES PER UNIT REQUIRED . '- • Ave 48----� - Ave •4� '; CP 281 CP = COVERED STANDARD PARKING SPACE (9' X 19') mow► ,,,,F,,,,. +I�. ,� , _ * ; ; 4 , �, •. _ 1, • ' R T1J■I '4 +1?rne 'r" k it .. a • x - # �A ± : "r ' ;.. FEV 50 FEV = FUTURE EV PARKING SPACE (9' X 19') PARKING FACILITY BREAKDOWN 444.1i• * ,"�,t +'� • , • '04' , asr ! �.,. '• � ' 338 252 202,970 sq ft Office ADMINISTRATION 290 '*++I'' ii} :;`NF � ! f FEV ADA 1 FEV ADA = FUTURE EV ADA PARKING SPACE (9' X 19') +5' AISLE UNCOVERED STANDARD PARKING SPACES: 88 (Includes 1 FEV space) �4. , ■, I. _ ''. a: ; R ,�.r'. {w' r V4..../., # A ' `*, I -01*- •*' Pool RETENTION BASIN 1,343 DENSITY CALCULATIONS Pool Deck TERRACE 7,094 UNCOVERED_T: COMPACT PARKING SPACES: 28 (Includes 0 FEV space) FEV VAN 1 FEV VAN = FUTURE EV VAN PARKING SPACE 9' X 19' +8' AISLE ( ) UNCOVERED ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES: 6 2 FEV _ ru :% }�.++ . 4, 10 a . ,• * ,+�: ` M " } .' 4 r�cho La Quinta• • ;`Lagirrra:DeLa' ,r Y " • xJ fir. 4. * +� ' BASE DENSITY: 14.03 ACRES x 12 UNITS/ACRE = 168 BASE UNITS Pool Equip MECHANICAL 186 q p TOTAL UNITS PROPOSED: 252 UNITS RR RESTROOMS 124 50% DENSITY BONUS IS BEING PROPOSED Shower RESTROOMS 68 14.03 ACRES x 18 UNITS/ACRE = 252 PROPOSED UNITS Spa RETENTION BASIN 93 FOR 50% DENSITY BONUS, 44% OF BASE UNITS NEED TO BE MODERATE INCOME UNITS BASED ON Stor SERVICE 111 LQMC 9.60.260 DENSITY BONUS PERCENTAGES. 44% x 168 = 74 MODERATE INCOME UNITS Wet Bar CIRCULATION 36 WH MECHANICAL 12 (Includes spaces) G 57 G = GARAGE STANDARD PARKING SPACE (10 X 20) CARPORT STANDARD PARKING SPACES: 332 (Includes 48 FEV spaces) # „ ). r' :Is- RhIGeardh.os� �,� ,, ,_,�., , La chili 71a _ - e# '• t . 1. ,! ` ''Sherry r ' �' Mail 1 MAIL = DESIGNATED MAIL VAN PARKING SPACE (9' X 19') CARPORT COMPACT PARKING SPACES: 4 Includes 0 FEV spaces) ( P ) , . ..�!-�Eiseirh4wer Dr = c tion Rerrrt .ls * " �r''" et �+ � M ,,.,-; �4�� �o�' a �'� • r�•� �'.�.,Thr - •' • f.'''• F �,•� F ��� r:�'� 1� P 89 P = STANDARD PARKING SPACE (9 X 19) (9 X 17) CARPORT ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES: 4 (Includes 0 FEV spaces) i. _' '".:; ;'. 'c "' • tir" ° .... - '� #1! A` I ' .F• '. , s" J ^� v a y �'� .. +, ti I aCy Villas La • a - . -0H me Flood Pre er�tion a. mil. an!`!?o La GARAGE STANDARD PARKING SPACES: 56 Includes 1 FEV space) 520 ( p ) GARAGE ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES: 2 Includes 0 FEV '' - fi . ` Wilts Irsrl !{achy Coulter, •iuinta Golf Club i`"'���. ' } `` ' space) ( p ) , +� * , .. _.._ .:Coulter & AsoSaat ''�1 `'.; ' - '!' # `� F' l'4.1�' r "I1FF;1#N �� TOTAL SPACES 520 (Includes 52 FEV spaces) PARKING REQUIRED (INCLUDES COVERED PARKING) PER LQMC 9.60.260 (K) BY -RIGHT PARKING INCENTIVE - +�' � '` �+�`�� �I �"� ''��. * - :•_ �. _ *,� _ - *{: =-,; * ..-.' . '`+wr �;� * 3Fa' i I, ` NOTE: LQMC 9.60.260 (K) BY -RIGHT PARKING INCENTIVE AND PARKING RATIOS APPLY TO THE ENTIRE DEVELOPMENT `# `• + 1* {' f i+1'*.'• s F • k *" 4+*r �1 d• UNIT MIX AS PERCENTAGES: MARKET RATE UNITS 178 11,294 sq ft 166 1 BED UNITS (65.87% of 252 UNITS) NOT RESTRICTED TO ONLY AFFORDABLE UNITS PARKING RATIOS PER LQMC 9.60.260 ARE LISTED ABOVE. ( ) Q _I' t ,. ,A r *00 ,: id` ,.. ' . ' {'w MODERATE INCOME UNITS 74 86 2 BED UNITS (34.13% of 252 UNITS) TOTAL UNITS 252. MARKET RATE UNITS: 116 1-BR UNITS x 1 SPACE/UNIT REQUIRED = 116 a� ` '' 1 _1 +-1 *': "' =• ' w' „�...:� .,c . .1,0P-� ► 5. 1 Balcony Count 252 TOTAL UNITS 62 2-BR UNITS x 1.5 SPACES UNIT REQUIRED = 93 / Q MODERATE INCOME UNITS: 50 1-BR UNITS x 1 SPACE/UNIT REQUIRED = 50 Q ' l.b, • }- '' �+ _ �,' , • r .'. PROJECT SITE �i I . La: uin MicI[II p . . - r „ v....pa ._ . , i'• : =.. HBrry1S,Tr, gnarl ' Soh o! Stern Aca• rn Qty Area (SF) Total (SF) MARKET -RATE UNITS PROVIDED: MODERATE INCOME UNITS PROVIDED: First Floor 116 1-BED UNITS 50 1-BED UNITS 67.57°/ of 74 UNITS ( ) 24 2-BR UNITS x 1.5 SPACES/UNIT REQUIRED = 36 COMMUNITY CENTER: 1 SPACE PER 300 SF OF GROSS FLOOR AREA ; WI'_ii41,'',X6.-''' , ,I • . ' �',{ • 14 r� t , w ... ..- • '..' Eldmentar Schogl , i � w B yam" girl' -�: : ,. �` . +�- i'--- lolly oa e'I _ �F . / 62 2 BED UNITS 24 2-BED UNITS (32.43% of 74 UNITS) Balcony 29 61 1,769.r00 178 TOTAL MARKET RATE UNITS PROV'D 74 TOTAL MODERATE INCOME UNITS PROV'D Balcony34 66 2,244 Balcony44 60 2,640#O 2000 SF / 300 SF 6.57 ='AI. , � ,y .- ,�, ',will. . ;;;' �� d �. � - -- � -` ,�� - ' P•wenLLa elp r, • - � � ' `'� a �V 2TI l!2 `J'Q" �. ,, � _ �Aw EY-IL 0,`J#} - AV TOTAL SPACES 302 REQUIRED:II TOTAL SPACES PROVIDED: 520 _ �.�,,� f ` c: avenue �. ~- �� ' "'',.r r ' - is.91" rit a Fwr+F '4. ', i x .'w �•��'� � . �,.' � ' � �,�*� *'t �, �K� • �- .- '. .. - 'r . •c. �r:,,f_ x m4,..., * � ��� ���! �F� .{vIr-d,w � Gross Liveable Area Gross BuildingArea 107 6,653 s ft COVERED PARKING NOT REQUIRED PER LQMC 9.60.260 (K) BY -RIGHT PARKING INCENTIVE . T {. ,w '''•`I• �,�r+__ �I rf?f�SLF6Ir Y l.yyti '" 1 Ate, ' " ' = w .' 13.' ' e, Area (SF) Area (SF) Second Floor UNITS: PROVIDED: 398 COVERED 115 UNCOVERED i,phil - ; �,,,,w��, ,r ! � ti ` .' ' Bldg 01 (2-STORY) 10,887 Bldg 01 (2-STORY) 14,076 Balcony 29 61 1,769 COMMUNITY CENTER: PROVIDED: 0 COVERED 7 UNCOVERED k :#°°vrt�ort - iI, rha rkA' artlments „ • 1 . ,_ r "� t Frw+�F III ` Errrl Suit Bldg 02 (2-STORY) 15,521 Bldg 02 (2-STORY) 19,798 Balcony 34 66 2,244 TOTAL SPACES PROVIDED: 398 COVERED + 122 UNCOVERED = 520 TOTAL NOTE: ADA AND FEV PARKING IS INCLUDED IN THE OVERALL PARKING COUNT as .by01-iiIta ,,, . .' .. ,42,114# ! --- ; . ipt ' ~ ' f • ' 91' �,.•� I �E� u:als�tl+' L2 Qufrita.Hotela�,-,� L• isi _11'_le`�ef' "# �`,.,04. ! :-...1. . . _ ' - . �L,R ..�,'�5Y1.`• I i i' terla* ,; • . , .2 '� B nj. , rr Fra�-iklin. T`* r+. °'* p'1 •� . ' .� ' J"F.� E em ry cFool ** r - 3, ,l '; , " .}*,i,ti t 1 �. f *4' �+ �4wlrrF w: *+ 1'! �[�:PNNR Li:b,�t�ortis�• • �,� �• :�,'� «r�.�+r.,t�.a: i �-_, �,,.._.-....� _ ' al 'i4 ;_ VI 1.: �u y The ` iRxr leilig y a �`+ � .• Bldg 03 (3-STORY) 29,688 Bldg 03 (3-STORY) 37,278 Balcony 44 60 2,640 Bldg 04 (2 & 3-STORY) 28,807 Bldg 04 (2 & 3-STORY) 35,300 107 6,653 sq ft Bldg 05 (2-STORY) 12,314 Bldg 05 (2-STORY) 15,443 Third Floor Bldg 06 (2-STORY) 16,860 Bldg 06 (2-STORY) 21,809 Balcony 2 61 122 Pints & Plates.... . ~yam ' TOTAL PARKING SPACES 520 TOTAL PARKING SPACES 520 SHORT-TERM 0.35 0 ° 10 /o OF TOTAL PARKING SPACES 52 (5 /° OF VISITOR VEHICLE PARKING) r . 4- . , k, .w ! ` ' ! PL _$ar�81' rill :I ; r ,,..I • . p :.� , 't ,-, - �'' r'' -,1 . + I'. • • .o r r+Pi-P! ' r.,• s `‘. ' .,xY 4 r �r:r•.r+ r. . I Il ' .:! ' ,' `1 'rill. 1 t# Bldg 07 (3-STORY) 21,755 Bldg 07 (3-STORY) 27,430 Balcony 18 60 1,080 Bldg08 (3-STORY)27,983 Bldg08 (3-STORY)34,131 Balcony18 66 1,188 2% OF 513 ASSIGNED PARKING SPACES 10.26 LONG-TERM 0 - N/A TOTAL HC SPACES REQ'D 11 FUTURE EV SPACES REQ'D 52 NOT REQ'D, NO 10 OR MORE TENANT OCCUPANTS - .JI _ / "' �.'-+ a• , „ '•^ ' . s+.. ' L.1. .. ', • t � It' - C Bldg09 (2-STORY) 12,906 Bldg 09 (2-STORY) 16,114 38 2 390 sq ft ' FUTURE EV SPACES PROVIDED 52-• 5% OF 7 UNASSIGNED PARKING SPACES 0.35 MIN. BICYCLE PARKING REQ'D 2 r I 4 ,' - _ I* i a: • 0 di- _ : * • : F * •" ,r _ a� } `�T S�!.• *�k#;;. r •ti :_ ` Bldg 10 (2-STORY) 12,884 Bldg 10 (2-STORY) 16,225 252 15,696 sq ft * 4' TOTAL HC SPACES REQ'D 1 TOTAL BICYCLE PARKING PROVIDED 4 - z�. = - Fr = Arenup 'Avenu52"'� .h . 1z' •. 0 ai , ,6 �' .. ' ,,. • ` -'`: Bldg 11 (2-STORY) 13,717 Bldg 11 (2-STORY) 17,163 PER CALGREEN ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING ADA CAR SPACES REQ'D 10 SPACES (EV SPACES) CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING FUTURE VANREQ'D 1 ELECTRICAL VEHICLE SUPPLY EQUIPMENT _ , i° . '' - - ""` " Clubhouse (1 STORY) 2,680 Clubhouse (1 STORY) 3,226 Fire Risers Count Pool Equip (1-STORY) 186 Pool Equip. (1-STORY) 206 QtyArea (SF)Total (SF)ADA (EVSE). ADA SPACESS TOTAL PROVIDED 12 INTENDED TO DEMONSTRATE PROJECT'S CAPABILITY & CAPACITY FOR FACILITATING FUTURE EV CHARGING. NO REQUIREMENT FOR EV SPACES TO BE CONSTRUCTED OR 206,188 sq ft 258,199 sq ft F.R. 11 8 88 GROSS BUILDING AREA INCLUDES AREA WITHIN SURROUNDING EXTERIOR WALLS AND AREAS Fire Riser 1 12 12 AVAILABLE UNTIL EV CHARGERS ARE INSTALLED FOR USE. ILNOTE: OF BUILDING NOT PROVIDED WITH SURROUNDING WALLS IF WITHIN HORIZONTAL PROJECTION OF 12 100 sq ft ROOF OR FLOOR ABOVE (EXCLUSIVE OF VENT SHAFTS AND COURTS). !IPA WTAIRR C IN H 1 PART E C TNERS S 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Title T1 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 • O • • 4 .& #0. 011 `e INBUS�STOPD 0/ IVI & SHELTER IIIIII� 101 I1I 64Ii1 AO IN! 11.11160 T11 I �►IIH E •. IiiN I z Ip ma I■ U .5 1 N44°21'06"W \ 32.52' ABBREVIATIONS: C/L CENTERLINE EG EXISTING GROUND FL FLOW LINE FS FINISH SURFACE GB GRADE BREAK x 4&. 54.56' R. DET. BASIN TOP=48.0 BTM=42.0 I 0 I I% r il/i�i ��"11""4.4171,1 �4i& �l/."Minr4r"rcff/y�Ii.��i����i�0 iiI ilditN/�I U deee fififarilAliMelLA _f Lf // //// ' // bA&LA MR ,13ISE' 'OOM„ BLDG. 1 PAD=51.0 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF 50 IMAGE CORRIDOR HEIGHT RESTRICTION �W ' W P'IPOSED WA /FEN,cE TP TOP OF PAVEMENT TC TOP OF CURB TF TOP OF FOOTING TW TOP OF WALL (XX.XX) EXISTING ELEVATION SWALE W 'Y 'Y W 4, 4, W W W 4, 4, 4, Y Y W W • j4 a.1 4, / 93.67'//, BLDG. 4-1 PAD=51.0 ME ENwa 0 PP WA Alt BE CLUB HOUSE PAD=52 .0 2-STORY / 12 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF 1215.32' W gg may �. .,�'// /�y�� izor mw ��� / fly r� / ► /, , / , 3 . ► JO I / � � / / // % / —GARAGE W Fit RIS'"ER Rio P,,I Deck • 7,096 SF • D BLDG. 2 PAD=51.5 2-STORY / 22 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 10,000± SF BLDG. 4 PAD=51.0 3-STORY / 18 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF G� � i itrn %' ►'/' TRASH e lit111140" j 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 8,000± SF DIAL BEFORE YOU DIG CALL 81; � TOLL FREE '' 1-800-422-4133 AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG A PUBLIC SERVICE BY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT BENCHMARK: BENCHMARK: TOP OF CURB #2006 / ELEVATION: 252.27 TC / DATUM: NGVD29 FT DESCRIPTION: TOP OF CURB AT THE BCR AS SHOWN ON THE CITY OF RANCHO MIRAGE STREET PLANS FOR THE KESSLER OFFICE BUILDING, SHEET 9 OF 9 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF RANCHO MIRAGE AS PLAN NUMBER E0600371. BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS SURVEY ARE BASED ON THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM (CCS83), ZONE VI, (2017.50 EPOCH) AS PER GRID INVERSE CALCULATIONS BETWEEN CONTINUOSLY OPERATING REFERENCE (C.O.R.S.) STATIONS P491 AND PIN1 PER PUBLISHED VALUES PROVIDED BY THE SCRIPPS ORBIT AND PERMANENT ARRAY CENTER (S.O.P.A.C.), BEING: NORTH 78' 59' 35.49" WEST. PROPOSED + R. kIGHT-OFWWAY '' WALL''FENOE GHT-OF-WAY) 4, 4, W . * * FPIRE 4. 4. W W W W W V' W 44' .4' ' W * * SER'ROOM BLDG. 6 PAD=52.0 2-STORY / 24 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 11,000± SF DRAINAGE EASEMENT BLDG. 3 PAD=53.0 3-STORY / 36 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 14,000± SF CCM Pr Aor ;mow R ROOM Ar %• "Ad -IRE' R EOM 4, 4, 4, 4, W 4 4, * W W W 4' W W 4, W W W BLDG. 11 PAD=53.0 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,000± SF • BLDG. 7 PAD=53.0 3-STORY / 24 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 10,000± SF W W 4, W W •Y FIRE RISER ROOM W * * og Park W 'Y PROPERTY LINE x 50.7 BLDG. 10 PAD=53.5 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,000± SF FIE RISER 'ROOM' / i t' D • 27.5' BLDG. 8 PAD=54.5 3-STORY / 36 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 12,500± SF All=11=1111.w ENGINEER MARK BY DATE REVISIONS COUNTY APPR. DATE ELAN CIVIL, IN.I PO BOX 5282, LA ULINTA. CA 92248-528 `. (7fi0) 404-7883 WWW. EGANCIVIL CO PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: BENJAMIN DANIEL EGAN, R.C.E. 73070 DATE: 06/06/2023 APPROVED BY: REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED BY: DATE DATE PLAN CHECKED BY: CIVIL TRAFFIC LANDSCAPE BLDG. 9 PAD=55.0 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,000± SF ////////// /,/ ', / / / — _ — _ LOW WATER CROSSING 40 0 013S. 0 w J U (n 40 PR9POS OB5.Q a 80 120 SCALE: 1"=40' PRINTED ON: 06/06/2023 IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS CIVIL SITE PLAN 252 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX WASHINGTON ST & AVENUE 50, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 APN 646-070-016 SHEET OF SHEETS 1 3 CITY FILE NUMBER 0) 44.5 4 21'06"W M ABBREVIATIONS: C/L CENTERLINE EG EXISTING GROUND FL FLOW LINE FS FINISH SURFACE GB GRADE BREAK CP COVERED PARKING (Z.49.2 DRYWELL PR. DET. BASIN TOP=48.0 BTM=42.0 4Y W W 4' DRYWELL W W PR. DET. BASIN y y TOP=48.0 W BTM=42.0 .1, 4, W 2 W W W W W 4Y 4Y 'Y 'Y 'Y W 4 CATCH BASIN 48. 18" STORM LINE /� �rL✓ TP TOP OF PAVEMENT TC TOP OF CURB TF TOP OF FOOTING TW TOP OF WALL (XX.XX) EXISTING ELEVATION SWALE x 4 d (OLD RI S 49.3±RIM TRASH BLDG. 1 PAD=51.0 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF BLDG. 4-1 PAD=51.0 2-STORY / 12 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF BLDG. 5 PAD=50.5 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 8,000± SF W SETBACK VV T-OF-WAY — — S CLUB HOUSE PAD=52.0 R. RIGHT-OF±WAY W W W 51_ EX. RIGHT-OF-WAY ' ---� 49.73R I M EARTHWORK QUANTITIES: RAW CUT: 5,500 YARDS RAW FILL: 47,400 YARDS IMPORT: 41,900 YARDS THE ABOVE QUANTITIES ARE AN ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE ONLY AND ARE PROVIDED FOR GRADING PERMIT PURPOSES. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES FOR THIS BID PURPOSES. =01AZIIIT DIAL BEFORE YOU DIG CALL 81; 81� TOLL FREE '' 1-800-422-4133 AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG A PUBLIC SERVICE BY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT BENCHMARK: BENCHMARK: TOP OF CURB #2006 / ELEVATION: 252.27 TC / DATUM: NGVD29 FT DESCRIPTION: TOP OF CURB AT THE BCR AS SHOWN ON THE CITY OF RANCHO MIRAGE STREET PLANS FOR THE KESSLER OFFICE BUILDING, SHEET 9 OF 9 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF RANCHO MIRAGE AS PLAN NUMBER E0600371. BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS SURVEY ARE BASED ON THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM (CCS83), ZONE VI, (2017.50 EPOCH) AS PER GRID INVERSE CALCULATIONS BETWEEN CONTINUOSLY OPERATING REFERENCE (C.O.R.S.) STATIONS P491 AND PIN1 PER PUBLISHED VALUES PROVIDED BY THE SCRIPPS ORBIT AND PERMANENT ARRAY CENTER (S.O.P.A.C.), BEING: NORTH 78' 59' 35.49" WEST. de. ---PROP TY LINE • Plod Deck 7,096 SF s D BLDG. 2 PAD=51.5 2-STORY / 22 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 10,000± SF 131--F2 BLDG. 4 PAD=51.0 3-STORY / 18 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF —vv 50.5FL±F BLDG. 3 PAD=53.0 3-STORY / 36 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 14,000± SF BLDG. 6 PAD=52.0 2-STORY / 24 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 11,000± SF >) I NAGS-EISNEN�� GARAGE — 1.0±RI 51.0±RIM Argrav 1215.32' 52.0±RI BLDG. 10 PAD=53.5 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,000± SF BLDG. 11 PAD=53.0 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,000± SF 4, W 'Y 'Y W W VW W W BLDG. 7 PAD=53.0 3-STORY / 24 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 10,000± SF W W 4Y 'Y W W W •Y 'Y 4' %og Park 1 PROPERTY LINE SD ------x ,167 II AMC TRAFF ENGINEER MARK BY DATE REVISIONS COUNTY APPR. DATE ELAN CIVIL, IN.I PO BOX 5282, LA UllINTA. CA 92248-528 `. Ofi0) 404-7fifi3 WWW. EGANCIVIL C01 PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: BENJAMIN DANIEL EGAN, R.C.E. 73070 DATE: 06/06/2023 APPROVED BY: DATE REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED BY: DATE BLDG. 8 PAD=54.5 3-STORY / 36 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 12,500± SF 52.4FL PLAN CHECKED BY: CIVIL TRAFFIC LANDSCAPE A im 1-4 BLDG. 9 PAD=55.0 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,000± SF _ — _ — _ LOW WATER CROSSING 2_4// /// 00 40 PROPERTY LINE -SEZBACK4 0 53.5FL PROPERTY LNSO, 40 ..._.,-,-_ 80 120 SCALE: 1"=40' PRINTED ON: 06/06/2023 IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN 252 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX WASHINGTON ST & AVENUE 50, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 APN 646-070-016 SHEET OF SHEETS 2 3 CITY FILE NUMBER cn cn 44.5 4 21'06"W M // x 4b'b1 0 IL PR. DET. BASI TOP=48.0 BTM=42.0 11 00 -;area FISER`q PR. DET. BASIN`\ TOP=48.0 BTM=42.0 x 4&. ree 1:7 ONE 12 ATER MAIN 137 LF PR. 8" WATER MAI MANHOLE 49.3±RIM 4 .3 IE FIR BLDG. 1 PAD=51.0 ////// // /// / ,„„ // r.. // '/ / ////// / // /� j/ //. 1215.32' 1 /// / ////'/ //// / / // // dill, // / / // /// / // j / /// /// / /� / // //4-`/AvA4/711r:114E/iii // /// Tl l ' ��-- - - - - i GARAGE ,ARAGE r�x54.2x5. rillibil7--71iPtaiWNIVilt441ftgLI --''''"*"'" _6 ___ 20� LF P12"W � -t LF PR. 12" WATER`I_►► i�,i id 397 LF 12" WATER MAI w 7MANHOLE 1M Irrr % 4MA��_ ,t____ - � /�rri _ ��iW .. �.,, r�r�l�ri■���: �.IO:a, UM! ><s�- 4 W i. �Pfir_-. s�L■NOWV.; : yA,�l NI K ffebi _ i MANHOLE 3 42.8 IE I' � �-i1� - IE IN ji x 48. 41; \ E I MANHOLE fik ii ilit JI .a EL L. il ___a___ lw , RE OOM RISER x 2-STORY 2 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± F CLEANOUT 219 LF PR. 12' WAT ' IN 41.2 IE (OLD RI S MANHOLE 49.7±RIM 38.9 IE TRASH CLEANOUT BLDG. 5 PAD=50 -STORY / 16 UNITS Fos' PRINT - 8,000± SF VV T-OF-WAY S =01AZIIIT DIAL BEFORE YOU DIG CALL 81; 81� TOLL FREE • ' 1-800-422-4133 AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG A PUBLIC SERVICE BY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT BENCHMARK: BENCHMARK: TOP OF CURB #2006 / ELEVATION: 252.27 TC / DATUM: NGVD29 FT DESCRIPTION: TOP OF CURB AT THE BCR AS SHOWN ON THE CITY OF RANCHO MIRAGE STREET PLANS FOR THE KESSLER OFFICE BUILDING, SHEET 9 OF 9 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF CITY ENGINEER OF THE CITY OF RANCHO MIRAGE AS PLAN NUMBER E0600371. BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE BASIS OF BEARINGS FOR THIS SURVEY ARE BASED ON THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM (CCS83), ZONE VI, (2017.50 EPOCH) AS PER GRID INVERSE CALCULATIONS BETWEEN CONTINUOSLY OPERATING REFERENCE (C.O.R.S.) STATIONS P491 AND PIN1 PER PUBLISHED VALUES PROVIDED BY THE SCRIPPS ORBIT AND PERMANENT ARRAY CENTER (S.O.P.A.C.), BEING: NORTH 78' 59' 35.49" WEST. r= UV _MANHOLE W/INS IDE DROP 36.1 IE IN_ CONNECT TO EX. 10" STUB 26.11IE)- CLEANOUT L=51.0 FIRE BLDG. 2 PAD=51.5 2-STORY / 22 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 10,000± SF FIRE RISER ROO 1,343 SF BLDG. 4 AD=51.0 3- eRY/18UNITS OOTPRINT - 7,500± SF WATER CONNECTION POINT ANOUT HYD ;8 EL=51.5 41.0 IE / \ CLEANOUT BLDG. 3 PAD=53. 3 STO�I �6 UNIT FOOTPRINT - 14,000± S CLEANOUT r FIRE BLDG. 6 AD=52.0 2-STORY / 24 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 11,000± SF 1 YUMOW R ROOM MANHOLE 52.0±RIM '40.3 IE B PA 2-STO FOOTPRI LEANOUT RIGHT-OF-WAY SD ' 12)7 --------------------__���/////%ice P 3-STORY/ NIT FOOTPRINT - 10,000± II CLEANOUT 111,111111 = _ DG. 10 PAD= STa-Y/ 16 UNITS 00 PRINT - 9,000± SF 30 52.49 CLEANOU ENGINEER MARK BY DATE REVISIONS COUNTY APPR. DATE ELAN CIVIL, IN.I PO BOX 5282, LA UllINTA. CA 92248-528 Ofi0) 404-7fifi3 WWW. EGANCIVIL C01 PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: BENJAMIN DANIEL EGAN, R.C.E. 73070 DATE: 06/06/2023 APPROVED BY: DATE REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED BY: DATE BLDG. 8 'C= 54.5 3-STORY / 36 UNITS OOTPRINT - ' ,500± , F PLAN CHECKED BY: CIVIL TRAFFIC LANDSCAPE 55.4 44:0 IE CLEANOUT GARAGE //i1-4 r ��. BLDG. 9 PAD=55.0 2- y-/ 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,000± SF HYD ;5 EL=55. _ - _ - _ LOW WATER CROSSING x5 FIRE RISER ROOM 40 0 PROPERTY LINE 40 OI3S. 49.2 OB5'.Q 4. 80 x.. 120 SCALE: 1"=40' 0 J U N PRINTED ON: 06/06/2023 IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN 252 UNIT APARTMENT COMPLEX WASHINGTON ST & AVENUE 50, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 APN 646-070-016 SHEET OF SHEETS 3 3 CITY FILE NUMBER PROPERTY LINE (E) POWER POLE TO BE REMAIN, TYP. ACCESSIBLE GARAGE N89°59'50"W 1327.53' ACCESSIBLE GARAGE (E) POWER POLE TO BE REMAIN, TYP. N00°12'49"W 1322.96' 40.00' 2.60' (2.57') RI, R2 (E) POWER POLE TO BE UNDERGROUND, TYP. RELOCATED 3US STOP & SHELTER N00°12'49"W 648.01' 10'-0" PROPERTY LINE 650.22' 650.00)R1, R2 MOIVUM M II 76' I" 0 O 0 co N O O O z N N in w DECEL-j--• Lozo LANE O 0 0 O (E) POWER POLE TO BE UNDERGROUND, TYP. N44°21'06"W 32.52' (32.52'R5) -rA L i 6' BLOCK WALL DESERTSCAPE INTERIOR SIDEYARD SETBACK LINE SIDEYARD SETBACK: MINIMUM 5'-0" SETBACK PLUS 1'-0" FOR EVERY FOOT OVER 17'-0" IN BUILDING H GHT, MAXIMUM SETBACK OF 10'-0" RETENTION BASIN - IMAGE CORRIDO PED GATE CALL BOX KNOX mir BOX PED GATE ACCESSIBLE SITE SIGN PER CBC 1109A.8.8 156'- DRIVE AISL RESTRICTII •-VEHICLE GATE ,-38' R / R VEHICLE GATE 0.97 inn nn (N89°59'27"W 1 COMMUNIfiY- RISPLAY BOAfjtD W/ KNOX BOX PER RCrD DRIVE AISLE' '7.64') R6 N89°58'03"W 127.79' COLOR SCHEME 2 CARPORT 11111111011111111111poo LCOLOR SCHEME 2 LCOLOR SCHEME 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ARTIFICIAL TURF DESERTSCAPE LINE OF IMAGE • HEIGHT RESTRI TRASH ENCLOSURE CARPORT CP CP • •- . ► 1 111 00 CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .-(N) HYDRA Bldg. 1 2 Story 16 Units Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 (N) HYDRANT WATER FEATURE SEE LANDSCAPE DWG'S TIFICI TURF BICYCLE RACK 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0°° Clubhouse 1 Story DESERTSCAPE Bldg. 4-1 2 Story 12 Units Total Bldg. 5 2 Story 16 Units Total ii ♦ trash of Dec 7,094 SF 1,343 SF Bldg. 2 2 Story 22 Units Total ADA PATH ° 0 0 °0 •F TRAVEL 00 0 0 0 0 0 FIRE PITAe FIRE PIT - Bldg. 4-2 3 Story 18 Units Total DESERTSCAPE ARTIFICIAL TURF O O. _ 1 YDRANT1(1 DESERTSCAPE Bldg. 3 3 Story 36 Units Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 HYDRANT- CP CP CP CP �P= C�CP ' CP CP CP DRIVE KNOX BOX MONUME SIGN - EXTERIOR SIDE YARD (IMAGE CORRIDOR) MAXIMUM SETBACK OF 25'-0" PROPERTY LINE Common Area Calculations Area (SF) 1, First Floor CLUBHOUSE Fire Riser GYM HALL HK Office Pool Pool Deck Pool Equip RR Shower Spa Stor Wet Bar WH RESIDENT ACTIVITY MECHANICAL RESIDENT ACTIVITY CIRCULATION SERVICE ADMINISTRATION RETENTION BASIN TERRACE MECHANICAL RESTROOMS RESTROOMS RETENTION BASIN SERVICE CIRCULATION MECHANICAL 978 12 725 186 36 290 1,343 7,094 186 124 68 93 111 36 12 11,294 sq ft (E) POWER POLE TO BE UNDERGROUND, TYP. INTERIOR SIDE YARD SETBACK �(E) VERTICAL CREST TO BE REMOVED SIDEYARD SETBACK: MINIMUM 5'-0" SETBACK PLUS 1'-0" FOR EVERY FOOT OVER 17'-0" IN BUILDING HEIGHT, MAXIMUM SETBACK OF 10'-0" UNIT MIX Unit Type 1-Bed Apartment 1-Bed Apartment 1-Bed Apartment 1-Bed Apartment 2-Bed Apartment 2-Bed Apartment Unit Name 1A-ADA 1A-STD 1B-ADA 1B - STD 2A - ADA 2A- STD Beds 1 1 1 1 2 2 Qty 29 31 44 62 34 52 Area (SF) 673 673 755 755 960 960 Total (SF) 19,517 20,863 33,220 46,810 32,640 49,920 338 252 202,970 sq ft DENSITY CALCULATIONS BASE DENSITY: 14.03 ACRES x 12 UNITS/ACRE = 168 BASE UNITS TOTAL UNITS PROPOSED: 252 UNITS 50% DENSITY BONUS IS BEING PROPOSED 14.03 ACRES x 18 UNITS/ACRE = 252 PROPOSED UNITS FOR 50% DENSITY BONUS, 44% OF BASE UNITS NEED TO BE MODERATE INCOME UNITS BASED ON LQMC 9.60.260 DENSITY BONUS PERCENTAGES. 44% x 168 = 74 MODERATE INCOME UNITS MARKET -RATE UNITS 178 MINIMUM REQUIRED MODERATE UNITS 74 MAXIMUM UNITS ALLOWED W/ DENSITY BONUS 252 TOTAL PATIO AREA 6,653 SF TOTAL BALCONY AREA 9,043 SF (N.I.C. STAIR LANDINGS) Parking Calcs --- t tt - ---- CP CP CP CP P= SPCP CP CP CP Bldg. 6 2 Story 24 Units Total PROPERTY LINE FEV GARAGE • •; CARPORT DRIVE AISLE CARPORT • •; 1 • •; CARPORT 11111110 i 0 M 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0& 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NTENAI E x m TRASH ENCLOSURE rn C• •- C. -BICYCLE RACK (N) HYDR tras -1 FEV VA Bldg. 11 2 Story 16 Units Total TRASH DESERTSCAPE 0ENCLOSURE (N) HYDRA PICKLEBALL Dog Park trash Bldg. 10 2 Story 16 Units Total 0 ARTIFICIAL TURF Bldg. 7 3 Story 24 Units Total CARPORT trash TRASH ENCLOSURE PERIMETER LANDSCAPING SETBACK NOTE: MINIMUM 10'-0" SETBACK, AVERAGE 20'-0" SETBACK SEE SPECIFIC PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELOCATED VERTICAL CREST L N89°58'03"W 1137.53' (N89°59'33"W 1137.53') R4 RIGHT-OF-WAY PER PARCEL MAP AVENUE 50 Qty PARKING LEGEND: ADA 6 ADA = ACCESSIBLE STANDARD PARKING SPACE (9' X 19') +5' AISLE ADA VAN 2 ADA VAN = ACCESSIBLE VAN PARKING SPACE (9' X 19') +8' AISLE C 28 C = COMPACT PARKING SPACE (8.5' X 16') CC 4 CC = COVERED COMPACT PARKING SPACE (8.5' X 17.5') CP 281 CP = COVERED STANDARD PARKING SPACE (9' X 19') FEV 50 FEV = FUTURE EV PARKING SPACE (9' X 19') FEV ADA 1 FEV ADA = FUTURE EV ADA PARKING SPACE (9' X 19') +5' AISLE FEV VAN 1 FEV VAN = FUTURE EV VAN PARKING SPACE (9' X 19') +8' AISLE G 57 G = GARAGE STANDARD PARKING SPACE (10' X 20') Mail 1 MAIL = DESIGNATED MAIL VAN PARKING SPACE (9' X 19') P 89 P = STANDARD PARKING SPACE (9' X 19') (9' X 17') 520 PARKING FACILITY BREAKDOWN UNCOVERED STANDARD PARKING SPACES: UNCOVERED COMPACT PARKING SPACES: UNCOVERED ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES: CARPORT STANDARD PARKING SPACES: CARPORT COMPACT PARKING SPACES: CARPORT ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES: GARAGE STANDARD PARKING SPACES: GARAGE ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACES: TOTAL SPACES 90 28 6 330 4 4 56 2 520 SPACES SPACES SPACES SPACES SPACES SPACES SPACES SPACES SPACES INCLUDES INCLUDES INCLUDES INCLUDES INCLUDES INCLUDES INCLUDES INCLUDES 1 1 2 48 0 0 1 0 52 FEV SPACES FEV SPACES FEV SPACES FEV SPACES FEV SPACES FEV SPACES FEV SPACES FEV SPACES FEV SPACES 1327.90' (1327.59') R2, R3 PARKING RATIOS PER LQMC 9.60.260 (K) BY -RIGHT PARKING INCENTIVE, THE FOLLOWING PARKING RATIOS SHALL APPLY TO THE ENTIRE DEVELOPMENT (INCLUDING MARKET -RATE UNITS) 1-BR UNITS: 1 SPACE PER UNIT REQUIRED 2-BR UNITS: 1.5 SPACES PER UNIT REQUIRED PARKING PROVIDED 7 GUEST PARKING SPACES FOR COMMUNITY BUILDING 513 PARKING SPACES 252 DWELLING UNITS 2.03 PARKING SPACES PER UNIT PROVIDED 295 REQUIRED PARKING SPACES FOR UNITS 513 PROVIDED PARKING SPACES FOR UNITS 520 TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED • •- S u 3 CARPORT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 Bldg. 8 3 Story 36 Units Total CARPORT z O SETBAC 0 PER CVWD 1- /cr) 8'-6„ w / // O 0 w Gross Building Area Area (SF) Bldg 01 Bldg 02 Bldg 03 Bldg 04 Bldg 05 Bldg 06 Bldg 07 Bldg 08 Bldg 09 Bldg 10 Bldg 11 Clubhouse Pool Equip. (2-STORY) (2-STORY) (3-STORY) (2 & 3-STORY) (2-STORY) (2-STORY) (3-STORY) (3-STORY) (2-STORY) (2-STORY) (2-STORY) (1-STORY) (1-STORY) 14,076 19,798 37,278 35,300 15,443 21,809 27,430 34,131 16,114 16,225 17,163 3,226 206 258,199 sq ft 6' BLOCK WALL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -BICYCLE RACK ADA PATH OF TRAVEL SETBACK PER CVWD Bldg. 9 2 Story 16 Units Total trash. DESERTSCAPE TRASH ENCLOSURE CARPORT CARPORT LINE OF IMAGE CORRIDOR HEIGHT RESTRICTION CARPORT c. ram. c Q co no O �v 4 44/co no gZT �� co 0 4- v �Q / T/CT O v O� V co 6R- 0 / iv* DESERTSCAPE / . P SETBACK PERT BUILDING COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT/ i SETBACK LINE / SETBACK MINIMUM 10'-0" PERIMETER LANDSCAPING PROPERTY LINE 7,038 SF PER FLOOR 9,899 SF PER FLOOR 12,426 SF PER FLOOR 14,007 SF PER FLOOR (GROUND FLOOR AND SECOND STORY) 7,287 SF THIRD STORY 7,722 SF PER FLOOR 10,905 SF PER FLOOR 9,144 SF PER FLOOR 11,377 SF PER FLOOR 8,057SF PER FLOOR 8,113 SF PER FLOOR 8,582 SF PER FLOOR PER CBC TABLE 504.3 ALLOWABLE BUILDING HEIGHT IN FEET ABOVE GRADE PLANE TYPE V-A R-2 S (WITHOUT AREA INCREASE) = 70 FEET ALLOWED PER CBC TABLE 504.4 ALLOWABLE NUMBER OF STORIES ABOVE GRADE PLANE TYPE V-A R-2 S (WITHOUT AREA INCREASE) = 4 STORIES ALLOWED PER CBC TABLE 506.2 ALLOWABLE AREA FACTOR TYPE V-A R-2 SM (WITHOUT HEIGHT INCREASE) = 36,000 SF PER FLOOR ALLOWED NFPA13 SPRINKLER SYSTEM COMPLYING WITH CBC SECTION 903.3.1.1 <14 0 16' 32' 64' Site Plan SCALE: 1/32" = 1'-0" 72.21' (72.21')R4 EIPA IRWIN PARTNERS � A R C H I T E C T S 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Site Plan Al PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 • :r1 A-ADA 673 SF 1 A -AD 673 SF BLDG 1 A-ADA 673 SF 1A-AD 673 SF Stor R Officeiii SF Office H Wet Bar 36 HALL CLUBHOUSE 978 SF m`6S1 2A - ADA 960 SF 2A - ADA 960 SF .6SA LEGEND PROPOSED ENCLOSURE LOCATION FOR METERS AND SWITCHGEAR EQUIPMENT 8 .t. A-ADA 673 SF A-ADA 673 SF 40 1 A -AD 673 SF 1 A -AD 673 SF do B - A 755 SF MO - AD 755 SF BLDG 3 B -AD 755 SF 610 Tap F,1 • B - AD 755 SF -nuu F e m A-ADA 1 A -AD 673 SF 673 SF BLDG 6 A-ADA 1 A -AD 673 SF 673 SF 13111 • ■. 0 SF No - ADA 755 SF 60 SF, 1B-A 755 SF BLDG 10 - ADA 755 SF 1B -A 755 SF oip UMW B - A 755 SF NO AD 7-5 BLDG 11 - ADA 960 SF 1110 2A-A 960 SF ■ lak <N> 3'-0" x 8'-0" DOOR W/ FIRE RISER SIGNAGE First Floor Plan SCALE: 1/32" = 1'-0" 4" RISER 18" CLEAR TYP. FIRE RISER ENLARGED PLAN SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" EIO PA IARR C WINH PARTITE NC ERS TS 1 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 First Floor Plan A2 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 1 A-ST 673 SF 1 A-S 673 SF I'� A -STD 673 SF 1B-ST 755 SF BLDG 5 A -STD 673 SF -71 SF 1B-S 755 SF D 2A - STD 960 SF 2A - STD 960 SF .I, ROOF H BELOW <N> Second Floor Plan SCALE: 1/32" = 1'-0" r�I PA IRWINARCH PARTNERS T S 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Second Floor Plan A3 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 ------------------ 1 BLDG 2 v0) ---TT TT---1 LJ LJ r� LJ rr1 -_LJ_ Lam_ u '--'--'--'--' _LJ -- LJ ,I11111111111111111 r ▪ LJ v m -n LJ - STD 960 SF 1B-S 755 SF 2A-S 960 SF 1B - ST 755 SF 755 SF B - STD 755 SF - STD 960 SF - ST 755 SF 1B - ST 755 SF - ST 755 SF B ST' 755 SF 2A - ST 960 SF v rn L J r ;------------u-------- —1 ,J - u y—� r� L J dCC LJ LJ a_1 vcf) BLDG 6 w w0 aJ ✓ � n rr� `-� +----LJ L.1 m L 114 PER FT SLOPE J '"" L BLDG 11 Lek w LJ cC d w a2 vto rT_____ LJ w w a� r� .Trcn r� `----L� .L1 L L r� , -------------------------------------------- 114 PER FT SLOPE _ LJ aN Third Floor Plan SCALE: 1/32" = 1'-0" PA IARWINRCH PARTNERS T S 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Third Floor Plan A4 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 LEGEND SOLAR READY ZONE HVAC CONDENSERS FIRE ACCESS, 4'-0" CLEAR MIN. r1 LJ r1 LJ I 1/4 PER 1/4 PEF FT FT Clubhouse Below 1/4 PER FT 1/4 PERK FT r1 LJ r-- r J -1 L❑ _ J Zone DI 981 SF w ro Zone D2 990 SF r1 LJ i1 TT LJ LJ I LJ r 1- " a wp 5 I- LL 0_ 0_ a2 r1 LJ L i Zone El 1,103 F BLDG 5 u- CC0 w ao r1 r1 v CI) _L1 r1 LJ r1 LJ --------- 'r-r 1-1---1 LJ LJ LL w w a w a 2 co BLDG 2 r ----r LJ rQ TT-' LJ • • • r1 LJ H LL w as wo a J r1 r-I v r1 r-I L J LJ---' i• I `--_LJ_ L1---' 1-1 -------- L L LJ LJ J I- Zone D3 1,107 SF BLDG 4 D4 - LJ LJ -o m r1r LJ ----------------- LJ LJ_1 1,098 SF Ts, r7 LJ r1 LJ ROOF BELOW r------------'I -r LJ LJ m T -r 1 LJ r LL CC s lJ aJ v0) r1 r' --------------; LJ •------------ SOLAR READY ROOF: NO DIMENSION LESS THAN 5'-O" EACH SUBAREA MUST BE AT LEAST 160 SF IF TOTAL ROOF AREA EXCEEDS 10,000 SF SOLAR ZONE ON STEEP SLOPED ROOFS MUST BE ORIENTED BETWEEN 110 AND 270 DEGREES OF TRUE NORTH, ORIENTATION DOES NOT APPLY ON ROOFS SLOPED LESS THAN 2:12 MUST BE FREE OF ROOF PENETRATIONS AND ROOF MOUNTED EQUIPMENT MIN. 15% OF TOTAL ROOF AREA IS REQ'D TO BE SOLAR READY, EXCLUDING ANY SKYLIGHT AREA TOTAL ROOF AREA: SOLAR READY MINIMUM: SOLAR READY MIN. REQUIRED: SOLAR READY PROVIDED: 119,225 SF 15% OF TOTAL ROOF AREA 17,883.25 SF 17,884 SF BLDG 6 r1 LJ Zone F1 752 SF r1 LJ LL w w a ao r1 v °n LJ r1 r1 • J___ 1_1 NOTE: - PER DESERT SAGE SPECIFIC PLAN, PARAPETS SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF FIVE FEET TALL TO SCREEN/HIDE HVAC EQUIPMENT - SEE SHEET A21 FOR LINE OF SIGHT DIAGRAMS - PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS SHALL MEET MINIMUM QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN JOINT APPENDIX JA11 (2019 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE) - SOLAR READY ZONE MAYALSO BE LOCATED ON CARPORTS, FINAL LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED r-- L ---TT LJ TT LJ LL CC a w a0 BLDG 10 TT LJ LLw as WI aJ r1 r1 v (n r1 ----L_L ,LJ u __JI LJ <N> Roof Plan SCALE: 1/32" = 1'-0" EI PA IRWINARCH PARITTE NERSC T S 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Roof Plan A5 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 SECOND & THIRD FLOOR UNITS - STANDARD oJ 2 Bed - Standard 2i—tA SCALE:1/4" = 1'-0" 2 Bed - ADA 2ASCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 29'-10" 25'-10" 4'-0" 6'-10" co 0 (9 0) 13'-0" X 11-0" 11111781 " I I LIN 0 a/M PANTR 10'-3" 60 SF 7'-2" 1 B - STD 755 SF WH FAU -DW 1 14'-3" in (V O CN 0 5'-4" 29'-10" BI Bed - Standard 1 SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" GROUND FLOOR UNITS - ACCESSIBLE TO COMPLYWITH CBC 11AACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS 10'-3" 14'-3" 1 B - ADA 755 SF 5'-4" 29'-10" 1 Bed - ADA 1 BSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" / 12'-0" X 10'-1 10'-2" 11 '-6" 27'-3" 5'-7" 1 Bed - Standard 1 ASCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" ti N O N 10'-2" 1 A-ADA 673 SF 11'-6" 5'-7" 1 Bed - ADA 1 ASCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" EIMPA IRWINARCH PARTITE NC ERS TS 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Unit Plans A6 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 O +19-0" O +17-2" O +15'-6" SCHEME 1: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY, OR EQ. GYM 725 SF CHEIJ l, , Fire Rider / 12SF ' 0 WH 12 SF Shower Shower J- . Office L MAIN ENTRY ( 1- Stor 111 SF Office ! Wet Bar O 0 0 <> O 0 0 0 7 , 0 l J 1 HALL CLUBHOUSE 978 SF 1 a 0 HK 36 SF CI r O 0 ✓ _ 6 <N>1 0 Clubhouse POOL DECK SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" B B Li FIRE RISER DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. SCHEME 2 STUCCO REGLET II DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. 04 STUCCO REGLET STUCCO REGLET STUCCO REGLET 1 o I 03 6i 6 ai +13'-7" Roof 4[1+11' 2 Second Floor +0" 1 First Floor Clubhouse - North Elevation SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" T.O. PL 0+19-0" 0+17-10" 0 +12'-6" Roof Beyond +11' 2 Second Floor A, ±0" 1 First Floor Clubhouse - South Elevation SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" EXTERIOR SHOWERS O +19-0" O +15-4" +13'-6" Roof +11' T.O. PL 2 Second Floor 7 0 +0" 1 First Floor Clubhouse - East Elevation (Pool Deck) O SCALE: 1 /4" = 1'-0" DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. 01 78 METAL AWNING, BROWN TYP. 000 T.O. PL Clubhouse - West Elevation (Entry) SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" • +19-0" • +17-10" aii +13-7" Roof dik-Fit 2 • Second Floor II oor STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR EQ. SCHEME 2: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR EQ. SCHEME 3: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EQ. ACCENT- ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR EQ. VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF: TBD COLOR: TBD ! IPA ARCH ITE CTS 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Clubhouse A7 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 SCHEME 1: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY, OR EQ. IIIIIIIIIII 11111111111 iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII COVERED BREEZEWAY L 01 RECESSED NICHE 04 STUCCO REGLET J]liuii]IIIIIIIILlluiiJJJIIIJ■r Inegi momosi DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. T.O. PL +11 2 Second Floor ±0" First Floor Bldg 1 - West Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" VINYL WINDOW SCHEME 1 — DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. COVERED BREEZEWAY STUCCO REGLET TUBE STL. RAILING ti PAINTED BLACK, TYP. VINYL WINDOW — RECESSED NICHE — — STUCCO REGLET TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. T.O. PL T.O. PL F.G. o +27'-6" o +25'-6" +22' �3 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 1 - South Elevation 0 SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" — FIRE RISER 02 T.O. PL +25'-6" +22' �3 Third Floor T.O. PL i:7) — STUCCO REGLET +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 1 - East Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" METAL TRELLIS PAINTED ACCENT COLOR FIBER GLASS FRENCH DOOR T.O. PL T.O. PL 0) • +27'-6" • +25'-6" +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 1 - North Elevation O SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR EQ. SCHEME 2: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR EQ. SCHEME 3: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EQ. ACCENT- ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR EQ. VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF: TBD COLOR: TBD !IPA � AIRR C IN H 1 PART E C TERS S 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Bldg. 1 -Elevations A8 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 SCHEME 1: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY, OR EQ. 02 n n n n n n n n q In n n n n n — VINYL WINDOW COVERED BREEZEWAY — FIBERGLASS FRENCH DOOR 00 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n In n n n n n n n n n n n n n — STUCCO REGLET COVERED BREEZEWAY TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. 02 n — FIRE RISER — RECESSED NICHE 04 .0. PL .0. PL — STUCCO REGLET — DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. g+27'-6" +25'-6" +2' '3 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 2 - West Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" — METAL TRELLIS PAINTED ACCENT COLOR +27'-6" +25'-6" +22' T.O. PL 7.3 Third Floor T.O. PL 03 .6) F.G. +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 2 - South Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" I l I 1 02 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 11 n n n n n n n n n n n IL — STUCCO REGLET COVET BREEZE ED WAY 02 STUCCO REGLET 02 T.O. PL T.O. PL +25'-6" +22' -1.3 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor +0„ 1 First Floor Bldg 2 - East Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" — DECORATIVE — FIBER GLASS EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. FRENCH DOOR VINYL WINDOW n n n n n n n n n n 1L BR TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. VERED EZEWAY L SCHEME 1 T.O. PL T.O. PL Q+27'-6" 4+25'-6" +22' �3 Third Floor 0) +11' 2 Second Floor +0„ 1 First Floor Bldg 2 - North Elevation 0 I SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR EQ. SCHEME 2: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR EQ. SCHEME 3: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EQ. ACCENT- ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR EQ. VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF: TBD COLOR: TBD !IPA � AIRR C IN H 1 PART E C TERS S 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Bldg. 2 -Elevations A9 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 — STUCCO REGLET COVET BREEZE ED WAY 02 STUCCO REGLET 02 T.O. PL T.O. PL +25'-6" +22' -1.3 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor +0„ 1 First Floor Bldg 2 - East Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" — DECORATIVE — FIBER GLASS EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. FRENCH DOOR VINYL WINDOW n n n n n n n n n n 1L BR TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. VERED EZEWAY L SCHEME 1 T.O. PL T.O. PL Q+27'-6" 4+25'-6" +22' �3 Third Floor 0) +11' 2 Second Floor +0„ 1 First Floor Bldg 2 - North Elevation 0 I SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR EQ. SCHEME 2: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR EQ. SCHEME 3: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EQ. ACCENT- ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR EQ. VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF: TBD COLOR: TBD !IPA � AIRR C IN H 1 PART E C TERS S 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Bldg. 2 -Elevations A9 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 SCHEME 1 T.O. PL T.O. PL Q+27'-6" 4+25'-6" +22' �3 Third Floor 0) +11' 2 Second Floor +0„ 1 First Floor Bldg 2 - North Elevation 0 I SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR EQ. SCHEME 2: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR EQ. SCHEME 3: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EQ. ACCENT- ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR EQ. VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF: TBD COLOR: TBD !IPA � AIRR C IN H 1 PART E C TERS S 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Bldg. 2 -Elevations A9 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 BUILDING 3-1 BUILDING 3-2 SCHEME 1: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY, OR EQ. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II 1111111111111111111111111111111 [II It!! ■ ■ ■ ■ Imo■ NI NE IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI� IIII�IIi �,n,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -_.. SCHEME 2 +40'-0" MAX0 +38'-6" +36'-6" +33' Roof +22 3 Third Floor T.O. PL T.O. PL +11 2 Second Floor _ T.O.PL ±0" 1 First Floor C) i 1111111 [ J11111111.1111111 U11111011111111111 SCHEME 2 METAL TRELLIS PAINTED ACCENT COLOR 04 +40'-0" MAX $+38'-6" +33' Roof +22' �3 Third Floor +11' �2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 3 - West Elevation Overall SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" 03 n n n n OVERED B EEZEWAY 111111111111111111111111111 • — STUCCO REGLET n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n FIBER GLASS FRENCH DOOR COVE BREEZE ED AY n DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. FIBER GLASS FRENCH DOOR STUCCO REGLET TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. — VINYL WINDOW IL C ERED BR ZEWAY BIdg 3-1 - West Elevation O SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" • VINYL WINDOW — 03 TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. — FIRE RISER r COVERED BREEZEWAY 0+40'-0" MAX 0+36'-6„ +33' T.O. PL Roof O) T.O. PL +22' 3 Third Floor +11' T.O. PL 2 Second Floor — STUCCO REGLET ±0' 1 First Floor Bldg. 3 - South Elevation O SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 03 L J — RECESSED NICHE n — DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. 0+40'-0" MAX 0+38'-6" 0+36'-6" +33' 11-1 .0. PL Roof T.O. PL — VINYL WINDOW T.O. P +22' 3 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor 0) ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 3-2 - West Elevation O SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 ■ STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR EQ. SCHEME 2: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR EQ. SCHEME 3: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EQ. ACCENT- ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR EQ. VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF: TBD COLOR: TBD !IPAARCH ITE CTS � 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Bldg. 3 -Elevations A10 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 BUILDING 3-1 BUILDING 3-2 +38'-6" SCHEME 1: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY, OR EQ. A f.f i IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ■ _ lil IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'il;iiiill 1111111111111111111111111,11111� 1— SCHEME 2 II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIQIIII IIIIIII IR= immuuum it el vie i +40'-0" MAX +36'-6" T.O. PL +22' 3 Third Floor T.O. PL + 11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor T.O. PLC 1— SCHEME 2 METAL TRELLIS PAINTED ACCENT COLOR 1111101111111111111111111 IIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 04 +33' o Roof �+22' 3 Third Floor �+11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 3 - East Elevation Overall SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" 1 03 n e R RR RR RR n n n n n n n u 1 JI — STUCCO REGLET Mow ITU n n n n n n n n n WI n I LI n n n n n n n n n n n III COVERED BREEZEWAYHi - - DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. IL TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. Bldg 3-1- East Elevation O SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 4 03 +40'-0" MAX ®+38'-6" - T.O. PL — VINYL WINDOW — RECESSED NICHE T.O. PL T.O. PL — STUCCO REGLET 0+36'-6" +33' 0 Roof +22' 3 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 3 - North Elevation O SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" n o n o n n n n n n n n n o n o n n II II TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. — STUCCO REGLET n n n n n n n n n n n n n n COVERED REEZEWAY — DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. 03 111111111111111111111 +40-0"' MAX +38'-6 0+36'-6" T.O. PL T.O. PL T.O. PL +33' Roof +22' 3 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 3-2 - East Elevation 0 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR EQ. SCHEME 2: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR EQ. SCHEME 3: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EQ. ACCENT- ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR EQ. VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF: TBD COLOR: TBD !IPA WTN� AIRR C IN H 1 PART E C TERS S 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Bldg. 3 -Elevations All PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 BUILDING 4-1 BUILDING 4-2 SCHEME 1: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY, OR EQ. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SCHEME 3 SCHEME 3 +40'-0" MAX $+38'-6„ +' 4'Roo33f +22' �3 Third Floor +11' �2 Second Floor +0„ �1 First Floor 04Bldg 4 - North Elevation Overall SCALE: 3/32" = 1'-0" COVERE BREEZEVI! — DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. RECESSED NICHE 05 T.O. P STUCCO REGLET — STUCCO REGLET +40'-0" MAX 0+38'-6" 0+36'-6" +22' 3 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor ±0' 1 First Floor Bldg 4 - West Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. COVERED BREEZEWAY n n n n n n n n n n n n n n 04 03 1 0+40'-0" MAX 0+27'-6" 0+25'-6" +22' �3 Third Floor T.O. PL 0) +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 4-1 - North Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" i 04 FIRE RISER — RECESSED NICHE — 04 n n n n n n n n n n n n I n 0-1 n n n n 1 IIIIflhIIi TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. COVE�ED BREEZ WAY n n n 02 T.O. P +40'-0" MAX 0+38'-6" 0+36'-6" I.O. PLC — STUCCO REGLET +33' Roof +22' 3 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 4 - East Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" n n n n n n n n n n — DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. — STUCCO REGLET n n n n n n n n n 01 j_T_O_PL COVERED 1REEZEWAY e T_O._PL +40'-0' MAX +38'-6" 0+36'-6" +33' Roof +22' 3 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 4-2 - North Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" ■ STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR EQ. SCHEME 2: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR EQ. SCHEME 3: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EQ. ACCENT- ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR EQ. VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF: TBD COLOR: TBD !IPA � AIRR C IN H 1 PART E C TERS S 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Bldg. 4 -Elevations Al2 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 SCHEME 1: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY, OR EQ. n n n n n n n n n n n n n L4 L u COVERED BREEZEWAY 05 FIRE RISER RECESSED NICHE n 04 DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. STUCCO REGLET T.O. PL T.O. PL • +27'-6" • +25'-6" +22' '3 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 5 - West Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" — METAL TRELLIS PAINTED ACCENT COLOR STUCCO REGLET n n n n n n n n n n n J COVERED BREEZEWAY TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. it 03 05 T.O. PL T.O. PL +25'-6" +22' '3 Third Floor 0) +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 5 - South Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 05 RECESSED NICHE 02 STUCCO REGLET T.O. PL T.O. PL • +27'-6" • +25'-6" +22' '3 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 5 - East Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" METAL TRELLIS PAINTED ACCENT COLOR l/ERED =ZEWAY — DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. — STUCCO REGLET I COVI BREED TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. RED CWAY SCHEME 2 T.O. PL T.O. PL • +27'-6" • +25'-6" +22' "3 Third Floor o) +11' 2 Second Floor 1 First Floor Bldg 5 - North Elevation O SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR EQ. SCHEME 2: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR EQ. SCHEME 3: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EQ. ACCENT- ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR EQ. VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF: TBD COLOR: TBD lom PA IRWINARCH PARTNERS S T� 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Bldg. 5 -Elevations A13 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 SCHEME 1: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY, OR EQ. COVERED BREEZEWA` ■■ — STUCCO REGLET COVERED BREEZEWAY — DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. — METAL TRELLIS PAINTED ACCENT COLOR 06 .. RECESSED NICHE 1 4 ni COVER BREEZE\ VAY n 04 • +27'-6" • +25'-6" +22' T.O. P '3 Third Floor T.O. PL STUCCO REGLET +11' Second Floor +o" First Floor Bldg 6 - West Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" COVERED BREEZEWAY TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. 03 • +27'-6" ▪ +25'-6" +22' T.O. PL "3 Third Floor T.O. P +11' Second Floor 0) +o, First Floor Bldg 6 - South Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" r 06 RECESSED NICHE— FIRE RISER STUCCO REGLET — T.O. P T.O. P • +27'-6" • +25'-6" �3 +22' Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 6 - East Elevation 0 SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" METAL TRELLIS PAINTED ACCENT COLOR — STUCCO REGLET COVERE BREEZEW — DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. JI SCHEME 1 T T 71 T T T T 71 T T -1 T 71 T T JL VERED EZEWAY TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. 06 T.O. PL T.O. PL o) • +27'-6" ▪ +25'-6" +22' "3 Third Floor + 11' '2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 6 - North Elevation O SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR EQ. SCHEME 2: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR EQ. SCHEME 3: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EQ. ACCENT- ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR EQ. VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF: TBD COLOR: TBD !IPA � AIRR C IN H 1 PART E C TERS S 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Bldg. 6 -Elevations A14 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 SCHEME 1: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY, OR EQ. 07 1I CO BRE ERED EWAY n n n n n n n n n n n TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. ❑❑ 4 07 QQ FIRE RISER — — RECESSED NICHE. T.O. PL T.O. PL T.O. PL — STUCCO REGLET — STUCCO REGLET +40'-0" MAX g,+38'-6" ip+36'-6" +33' Roof +22' 3 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor +0„ 1 First Floor O�Bldg 7 - South Elevation SCALE:1/8" = 1'-0" rn i 11■111111IIIII■ COVERED BREEZEWAY n o n METAL TRELLIS PAINTED ACCENT COLOR l l n n n n n n n n n n n n CO BRE RED EWAY — DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. rn r-n r-nr L J J 03 T.O. PL T.O. PL T.O. PL ii,+40'-0" MAX ai+38'-6„ qi+36'-6" +33' Roof +22' Third Floor 0) Bldg 7 - West Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" I � �l I 07 IrrI 1 1 I I E 1 a RECESSED NICHE +11' Second Floor +0" 1 First Floor g,+40'-0" MAX im+38'-6„ T.O. PL T.O. PL T.O. PL STUCCO REGLET gi+36'-6„ +33' Roof +22' 3 Third Floor +11' Second Floor '1 First Floor Bldg 7 - North Elevation 0 SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" n n 1•11111111 — DECORATIVE — STUCCO REGLET TUBE STL. RAILING EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. PAINTED BLACK, TYP. 07 COVERED BREEZEWAY mow r SCHEME 3 T.O. PL T.O. PL T.O. PL 0) +40'-0" MAX g+38'-6" g+36'-6" +33' Roof +22' Third Floor +11 Second Floor +0„ Bldg 7 - East Elevation O SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 First Floor 1 STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR EQ. SCHEME 2: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR EQ. SCHEME 3: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EQ. ACCENT- ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR EQ. VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF: TBD COLOR: TBD !IPA � AIRR C IN H 1 PART E C TERS S 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Bldg. 7 -Elevations A15 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 SCHEME 1: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY, OR EQ. rn� Inl 1 _IL t_ 111111111111111111 n n n COVERED BREEZEWAY n n n n n n n n n n nin n n A II n n n n n n n n n n n n 17-1 — RECESSED NICHE — FIRE RISER 4 I L I 04 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n II COVERED BREEZEWAY — DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. 08 — STUCCO REGLET n n n n n n n n n n n n n n T.O. P _T.O. P T.O. P. i+40'-0" MAX a+38'-6„ +36'-6" +33' Roof +22' 3 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 8 - South Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" — STUCCO REGLET Inn 111111111111111111111111111 COVE BREEZI n n nl I? 11111111111111111111 COVERED BREEZEWAY TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. n n n n n n n n n n n n n IL J 03 08 ii,+40'-0" MAX ai+38'-6„ g+36'-6" +33' T.O. PL Roof +22' T.O. PL 3 Third Floor T.O. PL Bldg 8 - West Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" c C 08 RECESSED NICHE 02 STUCCO REGLET +11' 2 Second Floor +0" 1 First Floor i+40'-0" MAX g+38'-6„ +36'-6" +33' Roof +22' 3 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 8 - North Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" METAL TRELLIS PAINTED ACCENT COLOR n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n In 7 -' VERED -ZEWAY — DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. — STUCCO REGLET n n nl n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n r 08 TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. VERED EZEWAY I 111111111111111111111111111111 1 T.O. PL T.O. PL T.O. PL +40'-0" MAX +38'-6" g+36'-6" +33' g'Roof 0) Bldg 8 - East Elevation O SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" +22' 3 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor r STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR EQ. SCHEME 2: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR EQ. SCHEME 3: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EQ. ACCENT- ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR EQ. VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF: TBD COLOR: TBD ! IPA ARCH ITE CTS 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Bldg. 8 -Elevations A16 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 SCHEME 1: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY, OR EQ. of n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n — VINYL WINDOW FIRE RISER COVERED BREEZEWAY — FIBER GLASS FRENCH DOOR RECESSED NICHE 06 — METAL TRELLIS PAINTED ACCENT COLOR — DECORATIVE — STUCCO REGLET EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. T.O. PL T.O. PL STUCCO REGLET +22' '3 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 9 - East Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" COVERED BREEZEWAY TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. STUCCO REGLET o n o n o n n o n o n o 09 T.O. PL ■ IL 03 T.O. PL +22' �3 Third Floor Bldg 9 - South Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" — RECESSED NICHE — VINYL WINDOW 04 T.O_PL T.O. PL +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Q+25'-6„ +22' "3 Third Floor +11' "2 Second Floor Bldg 9 - West Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" METAL TRELLIS PAINTED ACCENT COLOR n n n n n n n n n n n n VINYL WINDOW SCHEME 1 COVEF BREEZE F NAY FIBER GLASS FRENCH DOOR — STUCCO REGLET n n n n n n n n n I❑ TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. /ERED ZEWAY — DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. T.O. PL ±0" 1 First Floor l+27'-6" +22' �3 Third Floor T.O. PL +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 9 - North Elevation O SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR EQ. SCHEME 2: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR EQ. SCHEME 3: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EQ. ACCENT- ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR EQ. VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF: TBD COLOR: TBD !IPA � AIRR C IN H 1 PART E C TERS S 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Bldg. 9 -Elevations A17 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 SCHEME 1: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY, OR EQ. COVERED BREEZEWAY — DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. 10 0+25'-6„ +22' P �3 Third Floor +11' • — STUCCO REGLET FIRE RISER — RECESSED NICHE — VINYL WINDOW — VINYL WINDOW T.OPL 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 10 - West Elevation O SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" — STUCCO REGLET — DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. STUCCO REGLET TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. COVERED BREEZEWAY q+25'-6" 10 +22' �3 Third Floor T.O. PL T.O. PL — VINYL WINDOW — FIBER GLASS FRENCH DOOR +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 10 - South Elevation 0 SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" 10 — STUCCO REGLET TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. — RECESSED NICHE VINYL WINDOW T.O. P T.O. P 4 +25'-6" +22' �3 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 10 - East Elevation 0 SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" 1— METAL TRELLIS _ _ g+27'-6" PAINTED ACCENT COLOR — FIBER GLASS FRENCH DOOR 01 +25'-6" +11' 2 Second Floor 1 First Floor Bldg 10 - North Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR EQ. SCHEME 2: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR EQ. SCHEME 3: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EQ. ACCENT- ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR EQ. VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF: TBD COLOR: TBD !IPA � AIRR C IN H 1 PART E C TERS S 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Bldg. 10 -Elevations A18 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 SCHEME 1: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY, OR EQ. C n n n n n n n n n n n J STUCCO REGLET COVE BREEZI ;tD WAY — DECORATIVE — STUCCO REGLET EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. T.O. PL T.O. PL — RECESSED NICHE — VINYL WINDOW 0+25'-6" +22' `73 Third Floor +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 11 - South Elevation O SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" COVERED BREEZEWAY TUBE STL. RAILING — VINYL WINDOW PAINTED BLACK, TYP. n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n • II i 11 — FIBER GLASS FRENCH DOOR 0+27'-6" 0+25'-6" 11' T.O. PL 2 Second Floor 0) ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 11 - West Elevation 0 SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" — STUCCO REGLET FIRE RISER RECESSED NICHE — VINYL WINDOW T.O. PL 0+27'-0" 0+25'-6" +22' �3 Third Floor T.O. PL +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 11 - North Elevation 0 SCALE: 1 /8" = 1'-0" n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n �0 COVERED BREEZEWAY • i n n n n n n n n n n n on ono 117 U — DECORATIVE — VINYL WINDOW FIBER GLASS EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. FRENCH DOOR STUCCO REGLET ■ iIJ COVERED BREEZEWAY TUBE STL. RAILING PAINTED BLACK, TYP. SCHEME 1 01 0+27'-6" 0+25'-6" T.O. P +22' `JF3 Third Floor +11' T.O. PL 2 Second Floor o) ±0" 1 First Floor Bldg 11 - East Elevation SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR EQ. SCHEME 2: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR EQ. SCHEME 3: STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EQ. ACCENT- ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR EQ. VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF: TBD COLOR: TBD !IPAARCH ITE CTS � 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Bldg. 11 -Elevations A19 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 30'-4" 7, 5'-0" ROOF +11' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Trash Only 13 O C7 trash - Recycle Only Organics Only 14 Typical Trash Enclosure Plan SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Typical Trash Enclosure Right Elevation SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" 12 O co 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Typical Trash Enclosure Left Elevation SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" ORGANICS SIGNAGE var +11' �2 Second Floor +0„ 1 First Floor Pool Equip. Side Elevation 11 SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" ROOF 1/4" PER FOOT SLOPE MINIMUM RECYCLING SIGNAGE TRASH SIGNAGE HHS COLUMN CMU— +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Typical Trash Enclosure Front Elevation 1 0 SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" +11' 2 Second Floor EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE BACKYARD Typical Trash Enclosure Rear Elevation 0 SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" G G G G G N 1 Nf,,yz 7 7X / N,,,,,/ 1 \, „/ COLOR SCHEME 2 Typical Garage Plan 08SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" Tar W 5'-0" 1 MIN. TYP. DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. +11' �2 Second Floor +0„ 1 First Floor 7PooI Equip. Front Elevation SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" 6'-0" MAX PER LQMC'I 19'-0" 1/4" PER FOOT SLOPE MINIMUM 2 Second Floor STANDARD PARKING STALL CARPORT BY OTHERS FOR REFERENCE ONI Y 04 +0" 1 First Floor Typical Carport Side Elevation SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 'I TYP. /TYP� I ```````_ ------— ion ----'—''''/' CP CP CP Es)� CP _-�' `__� CP CP CP CP --'' ,,-�'��' --'� CARPORTS BY OTHERS, FOR REFERENCE ONLY FINAL CARPORT DESIGN TO COMPLY WITH LQMC 9.150.080 ��...._, `____ DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR COLOR SCHEMES 06 ±0" 1 First Floor Typical Garage Left Elevation SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" 1 First Floor DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR COLOR SCHEMES 0 Typical Garage Right Elevation 5SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" Typical Carport Plan 0.JSCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" WALL AT PROPERTY LINE REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR COLOR SCHEMES DOWN LIGHT, TYP. 02 __ +11' 2 Second Floor 0 m --� 0 CO \ ±0" 1 First Floor Typical Garage Rear Elevation SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" DOWN LIGHT, TYP. — DECORATIVE EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. — PAINT SCHEME PER SITE PLAN. REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR COLOR SCHEMES 01 DECORATIVE — EXTERIOR LIGHT, TYP. +11' 2 Second Floor ±0" 1 First Floor Typical Garage Front Elevation SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" !IPA � AIRR C IN H 1 PART E C TERS S 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Exterior Elevations A20 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 View of Building 1 with Building 2 and putting green in background. View of clubhouse from Washington Street main entry. Bird's-eye view of property. 11116111111111imr, Ililli�ilil �: rt .�: : ,�. �� �±lll ���� iiiimmUii 1111111111111 View of pool area and shade structure Key Plan View of Buildings 3 & 4. �iL •!a, • I ilk, 111, 1;,,1II'1111111III:IIL_ �IiI;III�I�Ii+�IIIE„allulill '�I �Ilidlli�lllllii�lli WII LEGEND X BUILDING NUMBER XX VIEW NUMBER View of garages and carports at north side of property View of rear courtyard with shade structure in center and surrounded by buildings 7-11. View of carports near building 8. !IPA � AIRR C IN H 1 PART E C TERS S 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 3D Views A21 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 View on Washington Street with deceleration lane on far left. See location of view on sheet A21 Key Plan. Scheme 1 DE6242 Wells Gray Stucco DE 6341 Vulcan Accent Stucco VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS & FENCING TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. COLOR: BLACK TRASH ENCLOSURES CMU WALLS METAL ROOF METAL GATES GARAGES SEE SITE PLAN FOR COLOR SCHEMES Desert Sage Apartments Paint Schemes Color Board DUNN - EDWARDS PAINTS Scheme 2 DE 6172 Bungalow Taupe Stucco DET 597 Shadow Effect Accent Stucco CARPORTS BY OTHERS STEEL SUPPORTS & METAL ROOF, OR SIM. PICNIC AREA SHADE STRUCTURES BY OTHERS TBD POOL AREA CABANAS BY OTHERS TBD Scheme 3 DE 6207 Egyptian Sand Stucco DE 6034 Raisin In The Sun Accent Stucco All Schemes DET 674 Gunnysack Stucco 2 DE 6204 Trite White Accent Stucco 2 DE 6390 Chocolate Pudding Accent/Trim View on Avenue 50 looking towards Washington Street intersection with mountains in the background. See location of view on sheet A21 Key Plan. View of entry access on Avenue 50. See location of view on sheet A21 Key Plan. lomI PA IRARWCINH PARTNERSI S TE CT � 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 3D Views & Materials Board A22 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 21014 La Quinta SD V2 ±44'-0" ±40'-0" ±36'-0" -MECHANICAL-EQUIP MIENT li. • Ir. ` III III��j1 11111111 IIII 1i1iII 11!i� �aIu1 VIEW FROM WASHINGTON STEET - BUILDINGS 1 & 2 -MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT - VIEW FROM WASHINGTON STEET - BUILDING 4 & CLUBHOUSE VIEW FROM AVENUE 50 - BUILDINGS 5 & 6 BUILDING 5 RETENTION BASIN 132'-10" SOLID WALL FENCING 19'-0" PARKINGSTALL BUILDING 4 DRIVE AISLE PARKINGSTALL 1 57'-9" ±32'-0" ±28'-0" ±24'-0" ±20'-0" ±16'-0" -±12" _+" _+4" WASHINGTON STREET EXISITING SIDEWALK LINE OF SIGHT DIAGRAM - WASHINGTON STREET TOWARDS AVENUE 50 O SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" RETENTION BASIN SOLID WALL FENCING NEW SIDEWALK -MECHAN-C-AL EQ1J1PMENT a � NEW DECEL LANE ---+320°-_e _ --+36'-0_' +0" +28'-0" +2_4 _� +220"-_� + 16'-0" + 12'-0" +8'-0" WASHINGTON STREET LINE OF SIGHT DIAGRAM - WASHINGTON STREET O L SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" AVENUE 50 BUILDING 5 - SOLID WALL FENCING 33'-7" EXISITING SIDEWALK LINE OF SIGHT DIAGRAM - AVENUE 50 Oi SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" +44'-0" +40'-0" +36'-0" +32'-0" +28'-0" +24'-0" +20'-0" + 16'-0" + 12'-0" +8'-0„ +4'-0 " ig-IPAIARRWcI NH PIATR TE 1c E TR Ss 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 (714) 557 2448 www.ipaoc.com ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Line of Sight Diagrams A23 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/7/2023 1 2 3 4 5 6 L a) 0 U) z 1- J CO z 0 z w w z C. z w 2 1- 0 E D C 0 z J a UJ 0 w J w w_ C9 0 oB z 0 cn w 0 O z w 2 0 Q z 5 0 J M O 0 H J Q N_ 0A w N O N_ 3- ai E co z d LL L. L. AM I II II II II II I I Ii II �II I I / 0 0 f °1 \o o N L o L_ 0 0 / 1I / )I ICI /I 11 ■ * 0. Wit. ,o 11 ' 7 .4#1.i r f ■■■■%■■ IF �..�..� �,:r..v0 o o o o 4 • #7.• ARAGE /o of o 0 GARAGE BLDG. 1 PAD=51.0 �VJ Lu \ /0 \ / \ / 000 \ 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF 0 4- BLDG. 5 PAD=50.5 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 8,000± SF —FIX TYPE 'BA' (TYP.) GARAGE TRASH GARAGE BLDG. 2 PAD=5 . 2-STORY / 20 N TS FOOTPRINT - 10 00SF �—■ �' �, O 0J0 pT�`►� � Feat; 3T lidMMaIMMIIPY: BLDG. 4 PAD=51.0 3-STORY / 36 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 15,000± SF M U BLDG. 6 PAD=52.0 2-STORY/24 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 11,000± SF --.- GARAGE BLDG. 3 PAD=53.0 3-STORY / 36 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 14,000± SF GARAGE �0 0 ° GARAGE I o w BLDG. 11 PAD=53 0 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,001± SF w z J 2 U H (T) w w {w �� F FOO FIXTURE TYPE 'SI' (TYP.) r v\ J FULLY SHIELDED 1 LIGHT FIXTURE NOTE: TOP OF FIXTURE NOT TO EXCEED 25'-0' A.F.G. (TYPICAL) BASE COVER CONCRETE BASE WITH BROOM BRUSH FINISH TOP OF FINISHED GRADE 25'-0" MAX. LIGHT POLE DETAIL II / / ED-- I L :, ' LIGHT FIXTURE TY' S• TO BE MOUNTED TO T1 E DE OF STRUCTURAL STEEL SIDING ON THE PR PE LINE SIDE TO SHIEII LHT FROM TRESPASSIN ON T O ADJACENT PROPER Y. N TS LIGHT FIXTURE TYPE 'SA' TO BE MOUNTED TO THE FASCIA OF THE STRUCTURAL STEEL SIDING. LIGHT PATTERN SHIELDING PROVI BY STEEL FRAMIN TOP OF FINISHED GRADE LIGHT PATTERN SHIELDING PROVIDE BY STEEL FRAMING CARPORT LIGHT DETAIL N TS TYPE SYMBOL MANUFACTURE / MODEL NUMBER DESCRIPTION AND NOTES 4�e� Q LSI INDUSTRIES #XWM—FT—LED-04L-30 EXTERIOR WALL MOUNTED AREA LIGHT FIXTURE WET LOCATION LISTED. MOUNT © +20'-0" A.F.F., 43B> Q LSI INDUSTRIES #XWM-2—LED-04L-30 EXTERIOR WALL MOUNTED AREA LIGHT FIXTURE. WET LOCATION LISTED. MOUNT © +20'-0" A.F.F. (I3C/ • TERON GHTING #8300KLI49434SBK —6 AXF.FRIOR WALL WET LOCATION CLISTE ED. CBD> Q LSI INDUSTRIES #WPSLS-01L-30 SMALL LED SLIM WALL PACK MOUNT AT 12'-0" A.F.F. LIGMAN LIGHTING #ULEE-30021—T1-40K LED AREA LIGHT MOUNT AT FASCIA OF CARPORT. (SB) I-01 LITHONIA LIGHTING #LSVB-48—LED-840K— 040L— U N V 4' SURFACE WRAPAROUND SC T LSI INDUSTRIES #SLM—LED-09L—SIL-2— 30-70CRI EXTERIOR AREA LIGHT POLE MOUNTED WITH TYPE 2 DISTRIBUTION. TOP OF FIXTURE TO BE AT 25'-0" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. CSE> 4 LSI INDUSTRIES #SLM—LED-09L—SIL—FT— 30-7OCRI EXTERIOR AREA LIGHT POLE MOUNTED WITH TYPE 4 DISTRIBUTION. TOP OF FIXTURE TO BE AT 25-0" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. (SF) 4 LSI INDUSTRIES #SLM—LED-09L—SIL-5W— 30-70CRI EXTERIOR AREA LIGHT POLE MOUNTED WITH TYPE 5 DISTRIBUTION. TOP OF FIXTURE TO BE AT 25'-0" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. SG y LSI INDUSTRIES #SLM—LED-09L—SIL—FT— 30-70CRI—IL EXTERIOR AREA LIGHT POLE MOUNTED WITH TYPE FT DISTRIBUTION. TOP OF FIXTURE TO BE AT 25'-0" ABOVE FINISH GRADE. �il * SOLERA #SRB8X-48W—LED— TYPEV—CW LED BOLLARD SI 4 HOLM #DFRS-11 a-6LED—BZ LED LANDSCAPING FLOOD LIGHT SITE LIGHTING PLAN SCALE: 1 "=30'-0" NORTH t m engineering consultants 39249 Leopard Street, Suite A-101 Palm Desert, CA 92211 rtmassociates.com 1760.340.9005 CLIENT: THE ALTUM GROUP 72140 MAGNESIA E FALLS DRIVE, SUITE 1 RANCHO MIRANGE, CA 92270 FOR STAMP PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE D APARTMENTS PARKER DEVELOPMENT NW WASHINGTON STREET AND AVENUE 50 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 C B ISSUANCE: REVISIONS: DATE DESCRIPTION DATE: 11.10.2022 PROJECT NUMBER: 21.ALTG.003 DRAWN BY: GL/FR A CHECKED BY: VL SHEET TITLE: SITE LIGHTING PLAN SHEET NO: E1.0 1 2 3 4 5 L- 6 � rtm E D C 0 0 z J 3- Zit w J w w_ C 0 B 0 z 0 0 w 0 O E cow Z w 2 N N Q cp w (NI O Z ;J o Z co O o Q c Z 1-0 A w COo Z O EL Z • %� E w w E Z co (9 Z Z o5 w -c 2 I— d / w z J U 1- w DG. 11 D=53 0 tY / 16 UNITS INT-9,001±SF SHEET MATCHLINE LUJ BLDG. 7 PAD=53.0 3-STORY / 24 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 10,000± SF / o° L BLDG. 10 PAD=53.5 2-STORY / 16 UNITS — FOOTPRINT - 9,000± SF BLDG. 8 PAD=54.5 3-STORY / 36 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 12,500± SF 0 / x BLDG. 9 PAD=55.0 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,000± SF / / / / / / / / / / rl /13 O ro x 1 • / o \I I/ \ \I 1 1 o/o//o/o 1 O O FIXTURE T O / pE4Typ)/ / I FIXTURE TYPE 'BC' (TYP.) FIXTURE TYPE 'SC' (TYP.) FIXTURE TYPE 'BC' (TYP.) FIXTURE TYPE 'SB' (TYP.) I I FIXTURE TYPE 'BB'I(TYP ) I FIXTURE TYPE 'SA' (TYP.) FIXTURE/ TYPE 'SH' (TYP.) FI // MH O MH O O AI\ SITE LIGHTING PLAN SCALE: 1 "=30'-0" NORTH engineering consultants 39249 Leopard Street, Suite A-101 Palm Desert, CA 92211 rtmassociates.com 1760.340.9005 CLIENT: THE ALTUM GROUP 72140 MAGNESIA E FALLS DRIVE, SUITE 1 RANCHO MIRANGE, CA 92270 FOR STAMP PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE D APARTMENTS PARKER DEVELOPMENT NW WASHINGTON STREET AND AVENUE 50 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 C B ISSUANCE: REVISIONS: DATE DESCRIPTION DATE: 11.10.2022 PROJECT NUMBER: 21.ALTG.003 DRAWN BY: GL/FR A CHECKED BY: VL SHEET TITLE: SITE LIGHTING PLAN SHEET NO: E1.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 E co T N (NI O N 0 a) 0 z a) 0 0 U) z 1- J CO z 0 z w w z (9 z w 2 1- 0 E D C 0 z J C+_ J U_ EE E- CD w J w w_ (9 0 oB 0 z 0 z w 0 O H z w 2 0+_ z_ 5 0 J M O O I- J Q N_ GO 0A w O N O N_ 0 a) co z 0 t+ nnu II II I I II II it 0 L o L >(0- •� 0 e e e e 0.0 .. e. .. Tare • • • • •• • b •l[•�•][•=•lit•• t• +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0. +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 +0.1 L +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0. \ 0 + 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 D. • • 0.0�•_r�'�i`5, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.• 0.0 0.�'1'�'Ii,'+ ivs•ws•, 0.4 0.6 •xINNROM[• [•> • [•>♦[• [•> •r=n[•� �i�• [•> •i•> ••ui•�[•>�•�[•r.F- :r.�•-_i�•1r. + + + _ . • .1 +1.3 + .1.7 +2.4 & 2.1 +2.1 +2.5 +3 1!1 3 + .8 +2.0 +'. +1.6 +1. " +1.8 +k +3 +2. 9 +1. 6 +4 1 +4.8 +4.4 +3.3 +2.0 +2.2 +3.7 +4.8 +4.8 +3 9 +2.6 +2 �.2 +2.2 +2. 5 +� . + . • + 4? .0 +2 1 +2.0 +2.1 +L . 2 +2.0 +1. W. -FIXT TYPE 'BA' (TYP.) rii • 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.•_•.• 0.0 0.0 0.•.L!Z:,!_•aA.0 0.0 •• • • +•. • +•. • +•. +•. Ik•&•1E•1l.7�•1IM•1!.'Z14 a�ai•1ti•N•i•!tt'l • GARAGE ri +1 ;� +1 8 • 3 GARAGE ��' 2.• 19 .1 •.5 I� I` L I >�/// /// j T•RfITYft2�(?Y�.) j///V/ R�T1r ' /'�T,/ / T , T E '6B'/�TYy:)/ / / /// /� FIXTURE T 0.0 0.0 C.0 0.6 A.0 1).0 0.0 0.0 0g+0.7 +0.8 u[•i•1[•i•1[• •1[•iu[• +C�1 +0.9 +0 +1.9 + U 1-J .3 +1.4 +1.8 +2.3 +2.2 +1.9 +1.7 +1.5 +1.6 +2.0 +1.9 +1.5 +1.3 +1.5 +1.8 +2. +4.8 +4.8 +3.7 +2 3 +2.3 +3.8 +4.6 +4.4 +3.3 +2.8 +2.1 +1.9 +2.0 +1.8 ---- 8 •.2 g5 1.3 '.• - ._ - s 24 1 29 _ :9 �a, 3.2 3.2 3.. ':7 3.1%�� 3.• -- � 2 3 • -29 2. '2-.--+2' 22 •r `9 •7 u6 r7 h.' 09_• =T2 1. 1$- y-18 - I.T1. I� 11 T:' 1. ► - 17 1� " 1•�=1 1. 1r WilWINEranigNIMIWIENTIMENMPINIMINIMPRIONMELIMPORIMaligWEIMEMMEMMEEMMNPM �1�11� • i • .2 AI FT +2.3 + .7 +2.r :'lr.,- + .6 +2.1 +1.9 +2.0 +3.9 +1 BLDG. 1 PAD=51.0 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF +0.9 +1.4 +1.1 +1.2 +1.4 +1.4 +1.3 +1.2 +1.1 +1.0 +1.1 +1.1 +1.1 +1.0 1.0 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5 .0 +2 2 +2.1 +2.3 +2.4 +2.0 +1.8 +2.0 +2.3 +2.3 +2.0 +1.7 +1.6 +1.9 +2.2 +2.1 +1.7 +1.4 +1.2 +1.5 +1.7 =1 $ + -9 _ -4 • _. -- 4 4--- 4--- - 4.3+1. 2.7 _' .6 r >9;; 2.9 _3.2 S. 2.:, _32 6 3.2 _2.8 _3 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 PR. DET. BASIN +0.0 +0.0 +0 pO 8%0 +0.0 +0.0 BTM=42.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +040 +0.0 +0.0 +0. BLDG. 5 PAD=50.5 3-STORY / 24 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 8,000± SF 0 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0. AL AL 1.14 I � ,%ice-�• ►. 174 •►l!,►_.. ,�.��iDi ✓i:':C�►� .�i:^mow BLDG. PAD=5 2-STORY / 20 FOOTPRINT - 10 BLDG. 4 PAD=51.0 3-STORY / 36 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 15,000± SF +0.6 +0.4 +=.- +0.7 0.4 +0.4 4440 +0.7 +0.4 BLDG. 3 PAD=53.0 3-STORY / 36 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 14,000± SF + --. + • +: +•+ . L GARAGE +2. 0 +1. +1. +0 • `! 1. 3 . 3 +1. 0 . 9 +2r +2.2 +2.0 +1.5 +1.4 +1.2 +1.3 +1.6 +1.6 + +1.6 +2.2 +3. 6 +4. 6 +4. 7 +3.8 +2.4 +1.6 +1.5 +1 Y +1.7 4: +3.3 +1.3 +1.0 +1. "+ , +1-.5 +1.8 +0.9 +1. I� .1 +2.8 +3.8 + " : +4.4 +3.6 +3.0 +3.3 + . +3.8 +3.1 +2.4 +2 6 +3.2 +' +3.2 +2.6 +2.2 +2.8 + . +3.3 +2 9 +2.2 +1.7 +1.7 +1.9 +1.9 +2.0 +1.7 +1.2 .5 1.7 +1.9 +2.0 +1.9 +1.8 +1.7 +1.7 1.7 +1.6 +1.4 +1.3 +1.1 +1.1 +1.2 +1.1 +1.0 +1.0 +1.1 +1.1 +1.1 1.1 +1.0 +1.0 +1.1 +1.4 1.8 2.0 1.7 1.2 +1. MI-1 +1.7 +1.8 +2.0 +2.0 +2.3 +2.7 +2.9 +2.6 +2.0 +1.6 +1.5 +1.8 +2.2 +2.2 +1.6 +1.4 +1.5 +1.8 +2.2 +2.1 BLDG. 6 PAD=52.0 3-STORY / 24 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 11,000± SF FIXTURE TYPE 'SI' (TYP.) 6 \ o 8 +0.9 +1 +0.5 +0.5 +I +0.8 +1. •\ LAW • +0.0.6 +0.6 +0.7 +0.9 + 4 1.3 +1.7 +2.0 +1.6 BLDG. 11 PAD=53 0 2-STORY/ 24 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,004± SF + +0.0 +0.0 +0.8 +0.9 +0.4 +0.0 3- if01 + 3 1.4 .4. +1 +1.0 +1.5 �f i„ +0 8 +0.6 + +1.1 +0.8 +0.5 0.4 + +0.2 +0.2 M PARKING AREA STATISTICS AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM MAX/MIN AVERAGE/MIN 1.6 FC 2.9 FC 1.0 FC 2.9:1 1.6:1 AI\ SITE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN SCALE: 1 "=30'-0" NORTH � rtm engineering consultants 39249 Leopard Street, Suite A-101 Palm Desert, CA 92211 rtmassociates.com 1760.340.9005 CLIENT: THE ALTUM GROUP 72140 MAGNESIA E FALLS DRIVE, SUITE 1 RANCHO MIRANGE, CA 92270 FOR STAMP PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE D APARTMENTS PARKER DEVELOPMENT NW WASHINGTON STREET AND AVENUE 50 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 C B ISSUANCE: REVISIONS: DATE DESCRIPTION DATE: 11.10.2022 PROJECT NUMBER: 21.ALTG.003 DRAWN BY: GL/FR A CHECKED BY: VL SHEET TITLE: SITE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN SHEET NO: E1.2 1 2 3 4 5 L 6 co T N N O N 0 N > 0 Z a) cn w Z 1- J CO Z 0 0 Z w w Z_ (9 Z w H E D C 0 0 Z J 3- J 0 w J w 4 w 0 B 0 (%) 0 0 Z (/) w 0 O Z w 0 Z_ 5 J co O O J N 0A w N O (NI w a) E co Z co d a) IL u / \ 0/ \- Ji 0/ \ o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +1 +2i +2.2 +2.1 +1.9 +1 +1.5 +1 I +1.7 +1.8 +1.9 +2. MH GARAGE +2.8 +2. +2. A.A.8 +1.6 L GARAGE MH +1.6 +ai. +2.3 +2.0 +1. A.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 D.0 A 0 A.0 D.0 D.0 0.0 0.0.0 0.0 0} 0_ +0.0 +0.8 +0. 0 +0.6 +0.7 +0.2 GARAGE 3.0 GARAGE S+2.0 +2.7 +0.0 +0.0 W D.0 D.0 D.0 0.0 +2.1 +2. 0+3. 04. 0 +2 .8 +2.6 ++�. +2.2 + 'v1.7 + +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 I � + +2.7 + +2.5 +2. +0. +0.0 2.7 +2. +3.8 +4.4 +3. X c0 x 0.0 A.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 A.Q +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0- 0.8 +0.3 +0.2 +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0 0 FIXTURE .0 0.0 1 .0.0 +2.1 +2.3 +1.9 +1.7 +1.7 +2.0 +2.3 +2.6 +2.3 +2.5 +2.4 +1.9 +1.6 +1.5 +1.4 +1.4 +1.7 +2.1 +2.5 +2.5 +2.6 +2.7 +2.4 +2.2 +2.3 +2.4 +2.5 + 4.3 5.2 4.9 +3.7 2.3 2.8 4.2 4.9 4.3 3.2 1.8 2.1 3.7 +4.7 +4.7 +3.7 2.2 1.9 2.5 2.9 2.8 2.5 2.7 2.7 2.2 1.6 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.6 2.1 2.5 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.1 1.7 1.6 + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + 2.7 2 ' F3.0 = 2:4 2. 1.8 2. 2 5 2. ' 2 2. 2. =+2: 3:0 2 L' ��■� �'� �`� r►z��i�] 1 4 1.1 1.1 1. ��1.• 1 5_ fl : 1 6 +1. 1 6 +�. .• 7 + . 1. +1. + +1 1. ' 1: +1. 1.� +2 , III ■aimu!■I!. unnumm mpuri■1impe ammummoge "'+!!mminitimaimiso!p i i ' i i ' i ' i ' i ' i • ���„��!►�lSQ�lSC��Sd'i )G. 1 =530 Y / 16 UNITS NT - 9,001± SF +1.4 /+0.5 +0 +0.9 BLDG. 7 +00 PAD=53.0 +0•0 3-STORY / 24 UNITS +1 EFOOTPRINT - 10,000± SF +0.9 +1 g,. +1.1 +1.3 +1.4 +111 +1.3 + 1.4 +2.0 +2.5-'-.0. 4.3 +2.3 + -3:2 +2.1 +1.9 +1.5 1.1 +1.1 +1.0 , + . +1.0 +1.0 +1. 4.3 .3.5 +1.1+0 8 +0.6 +0.6 +0.8 +0.8 +0.5 +0.4 +0.3 +0.4 +0 6 +0.2 +Q +0.1 v.1 O. +4.4 +2.7 1.7 +1.9 +2.8 +1.9 +2. BLDG. 10 PAD=53.5 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,000± SF +0.7 +0.7 +0.7 +0.6 +0\7K +0.9 +1.1 +0.6 +0.6 +0.8 +1.0 +0.4 4 -1 BLDG. 8 PAD=54.5 3-STORY / 36 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 12,500± SF 41/1i 0/4 BLDG. 9 PAD=55.0 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,000± SF 0 +1.2 o/ o/o/ o /o 4/ +1 +0.4 +0.2 +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 .8 +2.3 +2.6 +2. +0.7 +1.2 +1.8 +o. +0.8 +0.4 0.5 0.2 0 +0.6 +0.2 +0.0 +0.0 +0.9 +0.2 +0.0 +0.0 +0.9 +0.2 +0.1 +0.8 +0.1 +0.4 +0.1 +0.2 �1MH FIXTURE TYPE 'BC' (TYP.) F �CTURE TYPE 'SC' (TYP. FIXTURE TYPE'BC' (TYP.) FIXTURE TYPE 'SB' (TYP.) FIXTURE TYPE 'BB'I(TYP ) I FIXTURE TYPE 'SAS( TYP. Fl MH PARKING AREA STATISTICS AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM MAX/MIN AVERAGE/MIN 1.6 FC 2.9 FC 1.0 FC 2.9:1 1.6:1 Ak SITE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN NIP NORTH rtm engineering consultants 39249 Leopard Street, Suite A-101 Palm Desert, CA 92211 CLIENT: THE ALTUM GROUP 72140 MAGNESIA E FALLS DRIVE, SUITE 1 RANCHO MIRANGE, CA 92270 EOR STAMP PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE D APARTMENTS PARKER DEVELOPMENT NW WASHINGTON STREET AND AVENUE 50 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 ISSUANCE: REVISIONS: DATE DESCRIPTION PROJECT NUMBER: DRAWN BY: GL/FR A CHECKED BY: VL SHEET TITLE: SITE PHOTOMETRIC PLAN SHEET NO: E1.3 1 Catalog #: Project: 2 3 LED Wall Light Satin Black i 4 Catalog # : Project : 5 L 6 CD 0 0 (n z 1- J (1) z 0 z w w z c9 z w 2 1— E D C 0 z J J U_ w J w O LU (9 0 o B 0 (1) >z_ 0 z 0 (1) cn LLJ 0 o_ z w 2 IY z 5 0 J 0 J N_ f� 0A w N N a) E (0 z 0 Prepared By: Date: Mirada Medium Wall Sconce (XWM) Outdoor LED Wall Sconce 0 TIILL 24 IKO8 OVERVIEW Lumen Range 3,000 -12,000 Wattage Range 23 -102 Efficacy Range (LPW) 107 -140 Weight Ibs(kg) 30 (13.6) FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS QUICK LINKS Type: Ordering Guide Performance Photometrics Dimensions Construction • Rugged die-cast aluminum housing contains factory prewired driver and optical unit, Hinged die-cast aluminum wiring access door located underneath. • Galvanized -steel universal wall mount bracket comes standard with hinging mechanism to easily access the junction box wire connections without removing the luminaire. • Optional pole -mounting bracket (XPMA) permits mounting to standard poles. • Fixtures are finished with LSI's DuraGrlp' polyester powder coat finishing process. The DuraGrip finish withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling. Other standard LSI finishes available. Consult factory. • Shipping weight: 30 Ibs in carton. Optical System • State -of -the -Art one piece silicone optic sheet delivers industry leading optical control with an integrated gasket to provide IP65 rated sealed optical chamber in 1 component. • Proprietary silicone refractor optics provide exceptional coverage and uniformity in Types 2, 3, and Forward Throw (FT) distributions. • Silicone optical material does not yellow or crack with age and provides a typical Tight transmittance of 93%. - Zero uplight. - Available in 5000K, 4000K and 3000K color temperatures per ANSI C78.377. Also Available in Phosphor Converted Amber with Peak intensity at 610nm. • Minimum CRI of 70. Electrical • High-performance programmable driver features over -voltage, under -voltage, short- circuit and over temperature protection. Custom lumen and wattage packages available. • 0-10V dimming (10% -100%) standard. • Standard Universal Voltage (120-277 Vac) Input 50/60 Hz or optional High Voltage (347-480 Vac). • L80 Calculated Life: e100k Hours • Total harmonic distortion: s20% • Operating temperature: -40°C to +50°C (-40°F to +122°F). • Power factor: >.90 • Input power stays constant over life. • Optional 10kV surge protection device meets a minimum Category C Low operation (per ANSI/IEEE C62,41.2). • High -efficacy LEDs mounted to metal -core circuit board to maximize heat dissipation - Components are fully encased in potting material for moisture resistance. Driver complies with FCC standards. Driver and key electronic components can easily be accessed via hinged door. • Optional integral emergency battery pack provides 90-minutes of constant power to the LED system, ensuring code compliance. A test switch/indicator button is installed on the housing for ease of maintenance. The fixture delivers 1500 lumens during emergency mode. Controls • Integral passive infrared Bluetooth" motion and photocell sensor options. Fixtures operate independently and can be commissioned via an i0S or Android configuration app. Updates and modifications to the control strategy are easily implemented via an intuitive app. • LSI's AirLinkra Blue lighting control system is a simple feature rich wireless Bluetooth mesh network. The integrated fixture sensor module provides wireless control of grouped fixtures based on motion sensors, daylight or a fully customizable schedule. Installation • Universal wall mounting plate easily mounts directly to 4° octagonal or square junction box. • 2 fasteners secure the hinged door underneath the housing and provide quick & easy access to the electrical compartment for installing/servicing. • Optional terminal block accepts up to 12 ga wire. Warranty • LSI LED Fixtures carry a 5-year warranty. • 1 Year warranty on Battery Back-up option. Listings • Listed to UL 1598 and UL 8750. • Meets Buy American Act requirements. • IDA compliant; with 3000K or lower color temperature selection. • Title 24 Compliant; see local ordinance for qualification information. • Suitable for wet Locations. - IP65 rated luminaire per IEC 60598. • 3G rated for ANSI C136.31 high vibration applications when pole mounted (using optional XPMA bracket) or wall mounted. - IK08 rated luminiare per IEC 66262 mechanical impact code • DesignLights Consortium' (DLC) qualified product. Not all versions of this product may be DLC qualified. Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at www.designlights, orcalQPL to confirm which versions are qualified. QLSI Industrles Inc. 10000 Alliance Pd. Cincinnati, OH 45242 • www.isicorp.com (513) 372-3200 • (1)2020 LSI Industries Inc. All Rights Reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. Page 1/5 Rev. 08/20/21 SPEC.102&A 0420 LIGHT FIXTURE TYPE 'BA' AND 'BB' (MOUNT AT 20' A.F.F.) U LE E-30021 Leeds 6 Large Surface Downlight fill[icrc OS TECHNOLOGY LIGHTING USA lop 20w LLD 2122 Lumens - 28v LFD 320D L.H' ie Its IP66, For VJet L7Cat1Ori5 Ik07 • IInl.Jilcl. Res ,.i.int Weight a• Iles 10.2• 8.5' Mounting Detail 4' function box cover pule i5 available as an option TECHNOLOGY legman's micro Variable Optical System provides the ability to interchange, mix & rotate optics to provide specific light distributions for optimized spacing and uniformity. T:l>:: II TyI:, •: I The variable optic system allows for the designer to create hybrid distributions for precise lighting requirements. TYPE 1 .& ¥'F E V Construction SIMI= Less than 0,1 % copper content - Marine Grade 60E0 extruded & LM6 aluminum High Pressure die casting provides excellent mechanical strength, dean detailed product liners and excellent heat dissipation. 8 s• tep degrease and phosphate process that includes deoxidizing and etching as well as a zinc and nickel phosphate process before product paining. 1Nani9ty R.t.nkiv.-finL„n r .lo.t Provided with specal injection molded 'fit for purpose" long life high temperature memory retentive silicon gaskets. Maintains the gaskets exact profile and seal over years of use and compression. lltatTealiCallaitaThrt. LIM Aluminum is used Tor its excellent mechanical strength and thermal dissipation properties in low and high ambient temperatures. The superior thermal heat sink design byLigman used in conjunction with the drivel, controls thermals below critical temperature range to ensure maximum luminous flux output as well as providing long LED service life and ensuring less than 1015 lumen depredation at 50,000 hours. Surge Suppression Standard 101xwsurge suppressor provided with all Mures. Contact Factory Bolzhlig_ All L;gman products go through an extensive finishing profess that inckdes fettling to improve paint adherence. SittiA uv stabilized 4,9MiI thick powder coat paint and baked at 200 Deg C. This process ensures that Ligrran products can rwthstand harsh ererlr[nments. Rated for use in natatorfums. Inaolred by NatureEnhihes The Inspired by nature Finishing is a unique sysrem of decorative powder coating_ Our metal decoration process can easily transform the appearance of metal or aluminum product into a wood grain finish. This patented technology enables the si mulation of wood grain, and Oren marble Or granite finish I hrough the use of decorative powder coating. the wood gram finish Is so realistic that it's almost undisdnguishafM from real wood, even from a dose visual Inspection. The system of coating permeates the enure thickness of the coat and as a result. the roaring cannot be removed by normal ntbbing. chipping, or scratching. t he Cuatios. Process After pretreatment the prepared parts are powder coated with a specially formulated polyurethane powder. This powder provides protection against wear. abrasion, impact and corrosion and acts es the relief base color for the finalized metal decoration. The component is then wrapped with a sheet of nonporous film with the seiecied decoration pattern printed on it using special high temperature inks. This pr e printed film transfer Is vacuum -sealed to the surface for a complete therm print and then transferred Into a SW-WM.120d oven. The oven transforms the Ink Into different fours within the paint layer before it becomes solid, finally, the film Is removed. and a vivid timber look on aluminum remains. Wood grain coating Can create beautiful wood.leatirg products of any son. There are over 300 combinations of designs currently in use. wood grains can be made with different colors. designs. etc. Our powder coatings are certified for Indoor and outdoor applications and are backed by a comprehensive warranty. These coatings rise to the highest conceivable standard el performance excellence and design innovation. Added Benefits • Resistance to sait-acid room. accelerated agrin • Bolling water, lime and Condensed water resistant • Anti -Graffiti. Anq-Slip. Anti -Microbial. Ann -Scratch • Super durable Il1V resistant) • TGIC free [non•toklc] Simedwaste Provided Hardware Is Marine grade 316Stainless steel Tapped holes are infused with a spacial and seize compound designed to prevent seizure of threaded connection& due to elec roiyals from neat, OM** atmospheres and misuse. Crustal Cleat Low Iron Gass Lert4 Providedwilh tempered. impact resistant crystal clear low iron glass enuring no green glass tinge. D ti'. eron Predse optic design provides ekcepdoewl light control and predse distribution of light. LED CRT r 80 Lannon - Maintenance Life L80I810 at 50,000 hours (This means that at least 50% of the LED still achieve 8015 of their origfal flap Clean, beautiful, surface wall fixtures with class leading performance. Minimalist form, yet the most powerful and flexible Iighitng tool of its type, offering packages up to 4000 lumens and microVos technology. A range of small, square and rectangular, ADA compliant wall mounted luminaires with options of upward or downward light distributions. Ideally suited to illuminate the wall and surfaces in front of wall and for light accents on vertical surfaces using high efficiency LED's. The Leeds is suitable for indoor and outdoor applications and provides a clean, visually appealing solution for small, unob- trusive wall mounted luminaires. This luminaire is available in 3 different sizes and In combinations of down, up or up/down light distributions. This fixture utilizes microVos technology, meaning the ability to do Type I,II,III,IV & V distributions as well as hybrid distributions to suit the designer's requirements. Using the microVos optics allows for very wide spacing to mounting height ratios, while still providing perfect uniformity and code compliant light levels. The Leeds has been IDA Dark Sky certified for cct's of 3000K or lower. Ad;9itionol O[;tiClny 1:c0114C.IIt F,oC:tOry For Pri(:irll j SCL:T S.Ill:x:c Ccrc.i.•il rlca:i�•.::,a T•iii WrentynwgIAA ream* the risk* wrgespeciacanarawuautwrx,wdraa ,rmmctbwi.ybrtaewIdoms4on buebmeoondnuel me rnn.LE6**noogrdatiandra.pmera maydnnyevnAneim'u .•..'r Ll�llr.l -F.xno.l r,g =, LIGHT FIXTURE TYPE 'SA' (MOUNT AT CARPORT FASCIA) 8300K-4943458K (18 inch Tall, Outdoor Wall Sconce, Integrated LED Array, 3000K) Certifications/Qualifications Class 2 Title 24 Compliant Dimensions Base Backplate Extension Weight Haight from center of Wall opening (Spec Sheet) Height Width Electrical Input Voltage Light Source Delivered Lumens Expected Life Span (Hours) Lamp included Light Source Max or Nominal Watt # of Bulbs/LED Modules Mounting/Installation Interior/Exterior Location Rating Mounting Style Mounting Weight Photometrics Color Rendering Index Color Temperature Range Delivered Efficacy (LumenslWatt) Kelvin Temperature FI'T',RE ATTRIBUTES Housing Diffuser Description Primary Material Productl0rdering Information SKU Finish Style UPC Finish Options • • Architectural Bronze Platinum Satin Bieck eron Lighting, Inc., Donald Drive, Fairfield, OH 45014 513) 858-6004 Fax (513)853.6036 Yes Yes 16.50 X4.75 4.00" 5.00 LBS 9.25" 18.25" 6.00" Dual (120/140)V 800 40000 Integrated LED 30W 1 Exterior Wet Wall 5.00 LBS 80 3000 28 3000K Clear Polycarbonate Aluminum 494348BK Satin Black Contemporary 783927430715 1ERON LrG'•- LIGHT FIXTURE TYPE 'BC' (MOUNT AT 6'-6" A.F.F.) LSVB LED o-oaled Vapor B WIT VISIONEEFIING by VISCOR Prone: Cetelogue #: Notes: Type= Product Description The LSVB is a rugged commercial -grade enclosed and gasketed IP66 luminaire. It is ideal for use with indoor and outdoor applications where high-effidency, performance and a high degree of ingress protection from dustlwater is required. This luminaire's 5VA flame rated polyoarbonate housing and lens make It non -corrosive and Impact resistant. The LSVB features an operating ambient temperature range from -20 to 35 degree Celsius. Features Applications • NEMA 4X 1 IP65 • 4 x Trt-Wing tamper resistant screws standard • Dust and water resistant - Shallow and narrow design • Lightweight, 5VA injection molded housing and lens *Standard low voltage dimming (0-10v, 10%) Featured Options • Internal and external occupancy Motion Sensors • Low Temperature (-40C) • Canopies • Cold Storage Facilities • Garages and Workshops • Dusty and Wet Environments Optical System Standard diffuser Is Injection molded, UV stabilized frosted polycarbonate diffuser designed for high - efficiency while providing reduced glare. Smooth surface faces outwards. Mounting Snap -in mounting brackets provided for chain or ceiling surface mounting. Offset mounting pads which keep luminaire level and slightly off of the mounting surface are formed within the housing. Construction Lightweight, Injection molded, high mechanical resistant housing. Hole on one end is 7(8 Inch nominal diameter comes with a strain relief connector. The other end has provisional 718" knock -out If required in row mounting applications. Diffuser flange fits into the gasketed retention slot providing a continuous seal, and Is held in place with stainless steel retaining latches. Finish RAL 7035 light grey polycarbonate housing. Electrical Long life LEDs coupled with high efficiency drivers provide quality illumination. Rated to deliver L70 performances 225,000 hours. Warranty 5 year limited warranty. For complete warranty terms visit: htto:/Mscor.comlassetsNiscorJ.ED Warranty.pdf Approvals Wet Locations. Meets IP66. NEMA 4X. Approved to CSA and UL standards. Tested to LM-79r08 standards. DesignLights Consortiums® Premium Qualified. C@W LgTI� DLC is pending. IK10+ teat *Sofia baked On C18 option. Al configurations may not be DLC qualified_ Check www.des1gnfigrtts_org/QPL for quaillied configurations_ IP66 IK10• NET LQC Dimensions Top View —A— rb IaY INN VJ MODEL End View B l- A 48" 48" 4 3/4' 4 1/18' Phone: (415) 245-7991 I www.vieconcom I Specifications and data subject to change without notice. 105l2812021 VISCOR 'Car" LIGHT FIXTURE TYPE 'SB' (MOUNT AT CARPORT) Prepared By : Date Slim Wall Pack (WPSLS) Small LED Slim Wall Pack gmeclu LK1Fl OVERVIEW Lumen Range 1,000 - 4,000 Wattage Range 12-40 Efficacy Range (LPW) 98 -122 Weight Ibs(kg) 3.8 (1.7) FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS Construction • Rigid Precision Die cast -aluminum housing for durability and consistency. • Vertical fins serve as a heat sink and resist accumulation of dust and debris. • The Patent Pending thermal stacking heat re- moval technology extracts heat from within the housing moving it away from LEDs and integral components. • Luminaire hinges open from the bottom to prevent leakage. • Luminaire is proudly manufactured and tested in the U.S. • Fixtures are finished with LSI's DuraGripe polyester powder coat finishing process. The DuraGrip finish withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling. Other standard LSI finishes available. Consult factory • Shipping weight: 3.8 Ibs in carton. Optical System • High-performance Chip On Board (COB) LEDs behind clear tempered glass for maximum light output • 3000K 1 4000K 1 5000K color temperatures. • Minimum CRI of 71. • Zero uptight, QUICK LINKS Ordering Guide Performance Electrical • High-performance driver features aver -voltage, under voltage, short-circuit and over tempera- ture protection. • 0-10 volt dimming (10%-100%) standard. • Standard Universal Voltage (120-277 Vac) Input 50/60 Hz • L70 Calculated Life: >100k Hours • Total harmonic distortion: <20% • Power factor: >,85 • Input power stays constant over life. • Driver Off -State Power is 0 watts. • Chip 0n Board (COB) LEDs with integrated circuit board mounted directly to the housing to maximize heat dissipation and promote long Ilfe, • Components are fully encased in potting ma- terial for moisture resistance, Driver complies with FCC standards. Driver and key electronic components can easily be accessed. • Minimum 2.SkV surge rating • Operating temperature: -40°C to +50°C (-40°F to +122°F) Dimensions Photometrics Controls • Optional 120V electronic button Photocontol. • Apertures for field or factory installed photo - control. Installation • Surface mounts direct toe -box or wall. • Features a bubble level and removable hinged face frame for ease of installation. Warranty • LSI LED Fixtures carry a 5-year warranty, • 1 Year warranty on optional Button Photocell. Listings • Listed to UL 1598 and UL 8750. • CSA Listed • RoHS Compliant. • DesignLights Consortium° (DLC) qualified product. Not all versions of this product may be DLC qualified. Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at www.designlights.org/OPL to confirm which versions are qualified. • American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Funding Compliant. • Suitable For Wet Locations Specifications and dimensions subject to change without notice. QLSI Industries Inc. 10000 Alliance Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45242 • www.isi-industries.com (513) 372.3200 • C52020 LSI Industries Inc. All Rights Reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. Page 1/2 Rev. OB/27/21 SPEC.1025.A.0420 LIGHT FIXTURE TYPE 'BD' (MOUNT AT 12' A.F.F.) Catalog #: Prepared By: Slice Medium (SLM) Outdoor LED Area Light 0 TITLE 4 2 IP66 a®12 LISTS OVERVIEW Lumen Package 9,000 - 48,000 Wattage Range 63 - 401 Efficacy Range (LPW) 112 -156 Weight Ibs(kg) 30 (13,6) FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS Construction • Rugged die-cast aluminum housing contains factory prewired driver and optical unit. Cast aluminum wiring access door located underneath. • Fixtures are finished with LSI's DuraGrip,' polyester powder coat finishing process. The DuraGrip finish withstands extreme weather changes without cracking or peeling. Other standard LSI finishes available. Consult factory. • Shipping weight: 37 Ibs in carton. Optical System State -of -the -Art one piece silicone optic sheet delivers industry leading optical o tical control with an integrated gasket to provide IP66 rated seal. Proprietary silicone refractor optics provide exceptional coverage and uniformity in distribution types 2, 3, 5W, FT, FTA and AM. Silicone optical material does not yellow or crack with age and provides a typical light transmittance of 93%. Zero uplight. Available in 5000K, 4000K, and 3000K color temperatures per ANSI C78.377. Also available in phosphor converted amber with peak intensity at 61onm. Minimum CRI of 70 Integral louver (IL) and house -side shield (IH) options available for improved backlight control without sacrificing street side performance. See page 3 for more details. IKO8 QUICK LINKS Project: Date: Type: Ordering Guide Performance Electrical • High-performance driver features overvoltage, under -voltage, short-circuit and over temperature protection. • 0-10V dimming (10% -100%) standard. • Standard Universal Voltage (120-277 VAC) Input 50/60 Hz or optional High Voltage (347-480 VAC). • L80 Calculated Life: >100k Hours (See Lumen Maintenance on Page 5) • Total harmonic distortion: <20% • Operating temperature: -40°C to +50°C (-40°F to +122°F). 42L and 48L lumen packages rated to +402C. • Power factor: >.90 • Input power stays constant over life. • Field replaceable 10kV surge protection device meets a minimum Category C Low o operation(perANSI IEEE C62.41.2 . P • High -efficacy LEDs mounted to metal -core circuit board to maximize heat dissipation • Driver is fully encased in potting material for moisture resistance and complies with FCC standards. Driver and key electronic components can easily be accessed. Controls • Optional integral passive infrared Bluetootht" motion and photocell sensor. Fixtures operate independently and can be commissioned via i05 or Android configuration app. • LSI's AirLink" wireless control system options reduce energy and maintenance costs while optimizing light quality 24/7. Photometrics Dimensions Installation • A single fastener secures the hinged door, underneath the housing and provides quick & easy access to the electrical compartment. • Included terminal block accepts up to 12 ga. wire. • Utilizes LSI's traditional B3 drill pattern. (See drawing on page 9) Warranty • LSI luminaires carry a 5-year limited warranty. Refer to https://www,lsiindustries. com/resources/terms-and-warranty.aspx for more information. Listings • Listed to UL 1598 and LJL 8750. • Meets Buy American Act requirements. • IDA compliant; with 3000K color temperature selection. • Title 24 Compliant; see local ordinance for qualification information. • Suitable for wet locations. • IP66 rated Luminaire per IEC 60598-1. • 3G rated for ANSI C136.31 high vibration applicationsapplicationsare qualified. • IK08 rated luminiare per IEC 66262 mechanical impact code. • DesignLights Consortium' (DLC) qualified product. Not all versions of this product may be DLC qualified. Please check the DLC Qualified Products List at www.designlights. org/QPL to confirm which versions are qualified. • Patented Silicone Optics (US Patent NO. 10,816,165 B2) 0 LSI Industries Inc. 10000 Alliance Rd. Cincinnati, OH 45242 - www.isicorp.com (513) 372-3200 •5 2020 LSI Industries Inc. All Rights Reserved. Specifications subject to change without notice. Page 1/9 Rev. 09/08/21 SPEC.1023.A.0420 LIGHT FIXTURE TYPE 'SC','SE','SF' AND 'SG' (MOUNT AT 25' A.F.F.) holm TYPE CATALOG # PROJECT NOTES LED DIRECTIONAL FIXTURES dFresco-na Substantial wall wash light in 1, 3, 6, or 9 LED. Available in aluminum. RGBW capable with ZDClink systems. Quick Facts Die-cast aluminum • Two -layer marine -grade anodization and powder co • Cree5atfinishIntegrated LEDs • ProAim" adjustability • Tamper resistant features • Color temperature filters • Compatible with Luxe technology • Phase and PWM dimmable • Input voltage:10-15V 32"V8.1 cm ARCHITECTURAL& LANDSCAPE LIGHTING I holmlighting.com A Hunter industnes Company LIGHT FIXTURE TYPE 'SI' (SIGN FLOOD LIGHT) SoIera Vote Quote # Project Name Type 1610 Sismet Road, Mississauga, Ontario L4W 1 R4, Canada Toll Free:1.877.765.3722 Fax: 905.457.1115 www.soleracorp.com SRB8X - Bollard De c'iptionf Bollard with rounded top and deco bars providing ample symmetrical light patterns for walkways and pathways. Dome top mounts to extruded aluminum shaft. Lens is sllicone sealed for weather protection. Name Engine Lumens CCT Electrical Mounting Lens IFTAk Pattern Options nnish r ---1AF-- Name Light Engine Source LUmensiLEDi Color Temp Electrical 5RB8X Mounting 48 LED (Max) 70 HPS 100 MH 18 LPS PLT42 Contact for custom Lens 1930 Contact for custom Light Pattern 3000K 3500K 4000K 5000K Contact for custom Options INV 120-277V HLV 347-480V TT Tri-Tap(HID) MT +Hilt[-Tap(HID) Finishes 1 ABT Andior, bolts & template CPL Clearpulycarbonate TY5 TypeV(5td) lens (5td) OPL Opal polycarbonate TY3 Type III lens 190 180 degrees (Lumens are based on max wattage & 50001( CCT HESfiles available upon request • Std - Standard Offering MS 5D TP Motion sensor Step dimming Tamperproof hardware TS Tamperproof screws PC Button photocell GFR SF ELB Ground fault receptacle Single fuse Electronic HID ballast Standard BL Black WH White SG Silver Grey B2 Bronze Custom CC Since product development is an on -going process, Sclera reserves the right to change the information on this spec sheet. Date Modified:10-24-2019 Custom Color See weticite for custom odors. Contact factory for physical samples. 1FA LIGHT FIXTURE TYPE 'SH' (BOLLARD) LIGHT FIXTURE CUTSHEETS SCALE: NTS rtm engineering consultants 39249 Leopard Street, Suite A-101 Palm Desert, CA 92211 rtmassociates.com 1760.340.9005 CLIENT: THE ALTUM GROUP 72140 MAGNESIA E FALLS DRIVE, SUITE 1 RANCHO MIRANGE, CA 92270 FOR STAMP PROJECT: LA QUINTA VILLAGE p APARTMENTS PARKER DEVELOPMENT NW WASHINGTON STREET AND AVENUE 50 LA QUINTA, CA 92253 C B ISSUANCE: REVISIONS: DATE DESCRIPTION DATE: 11.10.2022 PROJECT NUMBER: 21.ALTG.003 DRAWN BY: GL/FR A CHECKED BY: VL SHEET TITLE: LIGHT FIXTURE CUTSHEETS SHEET NO: E1.4 k *• I1-- 1 1 /lipt 1 -01 GARAGE REFER TO TYP. BOIL_ DNG� PLANTING EXHIBIT ‘t1 " Il� r' 16 f a + ` (% � r t 1n�v 4. 76 0D - = D� GARAGE BLDG. 1 PAD=51.0 • 2-STORY/ 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF PLIT III, GRE BLDG. 4-1 PAD=51.0 2-STORY / 12 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF BLDG. 5 PAD=50.5 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 8,000t SF CLUB HOUSE AD=52.0 GARAGE 2-STORY / 22 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 10,000± SF BLDG. 4 PAD=51.0 3-STORY / 18 UNIT FOOTPRINT - 7,500± S GARAGE BLDG. 6 PAD=52.0 2-STORY / 24 UNITS FOOTPRINT-11,000t SF REFER TO SLOPE PLANTING EXHIBIT ACCENT PAVING PUTTING GREEN CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS PARKER DEVELOPMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA, CA GARAGE BLDG. 3 PAD=53.0 3-STORY / 36 UNITS FOOTPRINT-14,000t SF AVSNHF 50 GARAGE POOL RECREATION AREA GARAGE BLDG. 11 PAD=53.0 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT- 9,000t SF BLDG. 7 PAD=53.0 3-STORY / 24 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 10,000t SF TRAFFIC LANE TRAFFIC LANE TRAFFIC LANE TRAFFIC LANE PICKLEBALL COURT GARAGE BLDG. 8 PAD=54.5 -STORY / 36 UNITS NT- 12,500± SF Mr DEED RECa Wil576 j`I} j`�� �,p:; CA; DQC, #1076-60450569 ioTAeal GARAGE • BLDG. 9 PAD=55.0 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,000t SF �Zr GARAGE SHADE STRUCTURE WITH PICNIC TABLES ZONE 2: 58" _9176 ESTIMATED ANNUAL APPL I ED WATER USE TREE AND SHRUB LOW - DRIP / BUBBLER. ETO X PF X LA X 0.62 / 748 / I E = EAAWU 55.0 X .20 X 102,353 X 0.62 / 748 / .q0 = I,0g3.7a TREE AND SHRUB MODERATE- DRIP / BUBBLER ETO X PF X LA X 0.62 / 748 / I E = EAAWU 58.0 X .50 X 65,256 X 0.62 / '748 / .q0 = 1,523 TURF HIGH- ROTOR ETO X PF X LA X 0.62 / 748 / 1 E = EAA INU 55.0 X .10 X S3,4741 X 0.62 / 748 / .80 = 1,405.51 TURF HIGH- DRIP ETO X PF X LA X 0.62 / 748 / I E = EAAWU 55.0 X .70 X I,0c10 X 0.62 / 748 / .4t0 = 40."76 TURF HIGH - SPRAY ETO X PF X LA X 0.62 / 748 / 1 E = EAAWU 55.0 X 0.10 X 1,6741 X 0.62 / 748 / .75 = 15.34 MAXIMUM ANNUAL APPLIED WATER USE ETO X .45 X LA X 0.62 / 145 = MAANU 55.0 X .45 X 211,452 X 0.62 / 748 = 4,575.14 PUTTING GREEN AREA - 3,161 POOL AND SPA AREA - 1,454 EST! MATED ANNUAL APPLIED WATER USE TOTAL - 4,441.2 MAXIMUM ANNUAL APPLIED WATER USE TOTAL - 4,5'75.14 ESTIMATED LANDSCAPE SQUARE FT. TOTAL - 211,452 01 40' 80' 120' SCALE: 1"= 40' LP-1 HERMANN DESIGN GROUP 77-899 WOLF RD. SUITE 102 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 L[C# 2754, EXP 04/30/22 PH. (760) 777-9131 FAX (760) 777-9132 ATE 6/6/25 FL4\T LIST ,/ . • • • BLDG. 1 PAD 51.0 2-STORY/ 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF TYP. BUILDING PLANTING EXHIBIT PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS PARKER DEVELOPMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA, CA NOTE: PIV, FDC, HYDRANT LOCATIONS SHALL NOT BE OBSTRUCTED FROM ACCESS BY VEGETATION. A MINIMUM 3-FEET RADIUS AROUND EACH DEVICE CIRCUMFERENCE SHALL BE FREE OF OBSTRUCTIVE VEGETATION, WITH CONSIDERATION OF MATURE PLANT GROWTH. WATER CONSERVATION STATEMENT LANDSCAPING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ORDINANCE 1302.1. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR EFFICIENT PERFORMANCE WITH CONSERVATION IN MIND. POINT SOURCE DRIP / BUBBLER SYSTEMS WILL PROVIDE DIRECT WATER TO THE SHRUBS AND TREES. SYMBOL arr. OTAN I CAL NAME 0 • WV 0 0 0 • • 0 0 TREES 4 PALMS S17 WAT us =R DALBERGIA SISSOO "INDIAN ROSEWOOD" TIPUANA TIPU "TIPU TREE" OLEA EUROPAEA 'SWAN HILL' ACACIA STENOPHYLLA "SHOESTRING ACACIA" ACACIA SALICINA "WILLOW ACACIA" PARKINSONIA PRAECOX "PALO BREA" ACACIA ANEURA "MULGA" PHOENIX DACTYL IFERA 'ZANIDI DATE PALM' WASH INGTONIA ROBUSTA "MEXICAN FAN PALM" DESERT ACCENTS 24" BOX 24" BOX 3�0" BOX MULTI -TRK. 24" BOX SINGLE TRK. 24" BOX SINGLE TRK. 24" BOX SINGLE TRK. 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW STND. 0.2 LOW STND. 0.2 LOW STND. 24" BOX 0.2 LOW SINGLE TRK. STND. 18.1 BTH 0.5 MOD DIAMOND CUT 1S' BTH 0.5 MOD AGAVE SISALANA "SISAL" AGAVE ANGUST IFOL IA "CARIBBEAN AGAVE" AGAVE GEM IN'FLORA "TWIN -FLOWERING AGAVE" HESPERALOE PARVIFLORA 'DESERT FLAMENCO' ECHINOCACTUS GRUSONII "GOLDEN BARREL CACTUS" SRUES 15 GAL. 15 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW CAESALPINIA PULCHERRIMA "RED BIRD OF PARADISE" LEUCOPHYLLUM PRUINOSUM 'SIERRA BOUQUET' LEUCOPI-IYLLUM FRUTESCENS 'WHITE CLOUD' SENNA ARTEMIS10IDES "FEATHERY CASSIA" TECOMA STANS "YELLOW BELLS" LEUCOPHYLLUM LANGMANIAE IL MS LEGACY' OLEA EUROPAEA 'LITTLE OLLIE' RUSSELIA EQUISETIFORMIS "CORAL BELLS" LEUCOPHYLLUM ZYGOPHYLLUM 'C IMARRON' CARISSA MACROCARPA 'BOXWOOD BEAUTY' CALLISTEMON VIM INALIS 'LITTLE JOHN' GRASSES 15 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD MUHLENBERGIA CAP ILL ARIS 'REGAL MIST' LOMANDRA LONGIFOLIA 'PLATINUM BEAUTY' DIANELLA TASMANICA 'VARIEGATA' C ROUNIDCOVER 4 VINES 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD DALE A GREGG II TRAILING INDIGO BUSH" CARISSA 'GREEN CARPET' EVOLVULUS GLOMERATUS "HAWAIIAN BLUE EYES" BOUGANVILLEA 'LA JOLLA' DURANTA RE PENS "SKY FLOWER" 0' 10' 20' 30' SCALE: 1"=10' 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 5 GAL. STK. 0.5 MOD LP-2 HERMANN DESIGN GROUP 77-899 WOLF RD. SUITE 102 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 LIC# 2754, EXP 04/30/22 PH. (760) 777-9131 FAX (760) 777-9132 ?,ATE /�/2S COBBLE 6' HT. BLOCK WALL SLOPE PLANTING EXHIBIT PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS PARKER DEVELOPMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA, CA NOTE: PIV, FDC, HYDRANT LOCATIONS SHALL NOT BE OBSTRUCTED FROM ACCESS BY VEGETATION. A MINIMUM 3-FEET RADIUS AROUND EACH DEVICE CIRCUMFERENCE SHALL BE FREE OF OBSTRUCTIVE VEGETATION, WITH CONSIDERATION OF MATURE PLANT GROWTH. WATER CONSERVATION STATEMENT LANDSCAPING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ORDINANCE 1302.1. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR EFFICIENT PERFORMANCE WITH CONSERVATION IN MIND. POINT SOURCE DRIP / BUBBLER SYSTEMS WILL PROVIDE DIRECT WATER TO THE SHRUBS AND TREES. F4\ LIST S'I'liSOL QTY. EOT4N I CAL NAME t. • 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 4 TREES 4 PALMS SIZE uUAT US DALBERGIA 515500 "INDIAN ROSEWOOD" TIPUANA TIPU "TIPU TREE" OLEA EUROPAEA 'SWAN HILL' ACACIA STENOPI-IYLLA "SHOESTRING ACACIA" ACACIA SAL ICINA "WILLOW ACACIA" PARKINSONIA PRAECOX "PALO BREA" ACACIA ANEURA "MULGA" PHOENIX DACTYL IFERA 'ZAINIDI DATE PALM' WASH INGTONIA ROBUSTA "MEXICAN FAN PALM" DESERT ACCENTS 24" BOX 24" B0X " BOX MULTI-TRK. 24" B0X SINGLE TRK. 24" BOX SINGLE TRK. 24" BOX SINGLE TRK. 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW STND. 0.2 LOW STND. 0.2 LOW STND. 24" BOX 0.2 LOW SINGLE TRK. STND. 18' 15T1-I 0.5 MOD DIAMOND CUT 10' BTH 0.5 MOD AGAVE SISALANA "SISAL" AGAVE ANGUSTIFOL1A "CARIBBEAN AGAVE" AGAVE GEM IN'FLORA, "TWIN -FLOWERING AGAVE" HESPERALOE PARVIFLORA 'DESERT FLAMENCO' ECHINOCACTUS GRUSONII "GOLDEN BARREL CACTUS" SI-TRUES 15 GAL. 15 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW CAESALPINIA PULCHERRIMA "RED BIRD OF PARADISE" LEUCOPHYLLUM PRUINOSUM 'SIERRA BOUQUET' LEUCOPHYLLUM FRUTESCENS 'WHITE CLOUD' SENNA ARTEMISIOIDES "FEATHERY CASSIA" TECOMA STANS "YELLOW BELLS" LEUCOPHYLLUM LANGMANIAE 'LYNS LEGACY' OLEA EUROPAEA 'LITTLE OLLIE' RUSSELIA EQUISETIFORMIS "CORAL BELLS" LEUCOPHYLLUM ZYGOPHYLLUM 'C IMARRON' CARISSA MACROCARPA 'BOXWOOD BEAUTY' CALLISTEMON VIM INALIS 'LITTLE JOHN' GRASSES 15 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD MU1-ILENBERGIA CAPILLARIS 'REGAL MIST' LOMANDRA LONGIFOLIA 'PLATINUM BEAUTY' DIANELLA TASMANICA 'VARIEGATA' GROUNIDCOVER 4 VINES 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD DALEA GREGGII TRAILING INDIGO BUSH" CARISSA 'GREEN CARPET' EVOLVULUS GLOMERATUS "HAWAIIAN BLUE EYES" BOUGANVILLEA 'LA JOLLA' DURANTA RE PENS "SKY FLOWER" 0' 10' 20' 30' SCALE: 1"=10' 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 5 GAL. STK. 0.5 MOD LP-3 HERMANN DESIGN GROUP 77-899 WOLF RD. SUITE 102 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 LIC# 2754, EXP 04/30/22 PH. (760) 777-9131 FAX (760) 777-9132 DATE 6;/6;/2S FL4\T LIST ACCENT PAVING POOL AREA PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS PARKER DEVELOPMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA, CA SHADE STRUCTURE WITH PICNIC TABLES NOTE: PIV, FDC, HYDRANT LOCATIONS SHALL NOT BE OBSTRUCTED FROM ACCESS BY VEGETATION. A MINIMUM 3-FEET RADIUS AROUND EACH DEVICE CIRCUMFERENCE SHALL BE FREE OF OBSTRUCTIVE VEGETATION, WITH CONSIDERATION OF MATURE PLANT GROWTH. WATER CONSERVATION STATEMENT LANDSCAPING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ORDINANCE 1302.1. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR EFFICIENT PERFORMANCE WITH CONSERVATION IN MIND. POINT SOURCE DRIP / BUBBLER SYSTEMS WILL PROVIDE DIRECT WATER TO THE SHRUBS AND TREES. SYMBOL QTY. OTAN I CAL NAME 4 0 Ott 0 iso 0 0 Oka 0 TREES 4 PALMS S17 WAT us =R DALBERGIA SISSOO "INDIAN ROSEWOOD" TIPUANA TIPU "TIPU TREE" OLEA EUROPAEA 'SWAN HILL' ACACIA STENOPHYLLA "SHOESTRING ACACIA" ACACIA SAL ICINA "WILLOW ACACIA" PARKINSONIA PRAECOX "PALO BREA" ACACIA ANEURA "MULGA" PHOENIX DACTYL IFERA 'ZANIDI DATE PALM' WASH INGTONIA ROBUSTA "ME XICAN FAN PALM" DESERT ACCENTS 24" BOX 24" BOX 3�0" BOX MULTI -TRK. 24" BOX SINGLE TRK. 24" BOX SINGLE TRK. 24" BOX SINGLE TRK. 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW STND. 0.2 LOW STND. 0.2 LOW STND. 24" BOX 0.2 LOW SINGLE TRK. STND. 1E3' BTH 0.5 MOD DIAMOND CUT 1S' BTH 0.5 MOD AGAVE SISALANA "SISAL" AGAVE ANGUST IFOL IA "CARIBBEAN AGAVE" AGAVE GEM IN'FLORA "TWIN -FLOWERING AGAVE" HESPERALOE PARVIFLORA 'DESERT FLAMENCO' ECHINOCACTUS GRUSONII "GOLDEN BARREL CACTUS" SRUES 15 GAL. 15 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW CAESALPIN1A PULCHERRIMA "RED BIRD OF PARADISE" LEUCOPHYLLUM PRUINOSUM 'SIERRA BOUQUET' LEUCOPHYLLUM FRUTESCENS 'WHITE CLOUD' SENNA ARTEMISIOIDES "FEATHERY CASSIA" TECOMA STANS "YELLOW BELLS" LEUCOPHYLLUM LANGMANIAE IL MS LEGACY' OLEA EUROPAEA 'LITTLE OLLIE' RUSSELIA EQUISETIFORMIS "CORAL BELLS" LEUCOPHYLLUM ZYGOPHYLLUM 'C IMARRON' CARISSA MACROCARPA 'BOXWOOD BEAUTY' CALLISTEMON VIM INALIS 'LITTLE JOHN' GRASSES 15 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD MUHLENBERGIA CAPILLARIS 'REGAL MIST' LOMANDRA LONGIFOLIA 'PLATINUM BEAUTY' DIANELLA TASMANICA 'VARIEGATA' C1ROUNEDCOVER 4 VINES 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD DALE A GREGG II TRAILING INDIGO BUSH" CARISSA 'GREEN CARPET' EVOLVULUS GLOMERATUS "HAWAIIAN BLUE EYES" BOUGANVILLEA 'LA JOLLA' DURANTA REPENS "SKY FLOWER" 0' 10' 20' 30' SCALE: 1"=10' 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 5 GAL. STK. 0.5 MOD LP-4 HERMANN DESIGN GROUP 77-899 WOLF RD. SUITE 102 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 LIC# 2754, EXP 04/30/22 PH. (760) 777-9131 FAX (760) 777-9132 1 z cox MONUMENT SIGN 6' HT. BLOCK WALL VEHICULAR GATES 6'-6" HT. PLASTER WITH DECORATIVE CAP ENTRY PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS PARKER DEVELOPMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA, CA ACCENT PAVING WATER FEATURE NOTE: PIV, FDC, HYDRANT LOCATIONS SHALL NOT BE OBSTRUCTED FROM ACCESS BY VEGETATION_ A MINIMUM 3-FEET RADIUS AROUND EACH DEVICE CIRCUMFERENCE SHALL BE FREE OF OBSTRUCTIVE VEGETATION, WITH CONSIDERATION OF MATURE PLANT GROWTH. WATER CONSE VAT ION STATEMENT LANDSCAPING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ORDINANCE 1302.1. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR EFFICIENT PERFORMANCE WITH CONSERVATION IN MIND. POINT SOURCE DRIP / BUBBLER SYSTEMS WILL PROVIDE DIRECT WATER TO THE SHRUBS AND TREES. 0' 10' SCALE: 1"=10' 20' 30' LP-5 HERMANN DESIGN GROUP 77-899 WOLF RD. SUITE 102 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 L[C# 2754, EXP 04/30/22 PH. (760) 777-9131 FAX (760) 777-9132 ATE 6/61E3 cn cn cn cn Ltd co 4-� p 1 L MONUM SIGN n 1) 1) 1) cn 0) i < i 00> J) 11) BLDG. 1 \ PAD=51.0 ---1, 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF BLDG. 4-1 PAD=51.0 2-STORY / 12 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF BLDG. 5 PAD=50.5 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 8,000± SF ‘%1 BLDG. 2 PAD=51.5 2-STORY / 22 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 10,000± SF • ,A P: $.4 A' •Lo.:... \ ,:_,._ y,T�I TS_ „.. t ].A; k AV; . z^ToxoT��/' � iNc■'rM' a .,�i�• 0 yw Aiiti[07 / \ alb 2 IQ BLDG. 4 PAD=51.0 3-STORY / 18 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF VEHIC BLDG. 6 PAD=52.0 2-STORY / 24 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 11,000± SF TUBU W BLDG. 3 PAD=53.0 3-STORY / 36 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 14,000± SF w W AV A CONCEPTUAL WALL AND FENCE PLAN PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS PARKER DEVELOPMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA, CA '/ _Xv(tL/J BLDG. 11 PAD=53.0 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,000± SF \/\/ BLDG.7 PAD=53.0 3-STORY / 24 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 10,000± SF SIDEWALK BLDG. 10 PAD=53.5 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,000± SF BLDG. 8 PAD=54.5 3-STORY / 36 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 12,500± SF SD CART/BI LA g W TRAFFIC LANE S TRAFFIC LANE TRAFFIC LANE TRAFFIC LANE S BLDG. 9 PAD=55.0 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,000± SF L " (-1r _91 6 LEGEND EXISTING BLOCK WALL TO REMAIN IN PLACE 6' HT. BLOCK WALL WITH STUCCO FINISH TO MATCH ARCHITECTURE 6' HT. SPLITFACE TAN COLOR BLOCK WALL WITH FLAT CAP TAN COLOR 6'-6" HT. PILASTER WITH STUCCO FINISH WITH DECORATIVE TAN COLOR CAP 10' LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS DECORATIVE CAP STUCCO FINISH TO MATCH ARCHITECTURE TAN COLOR 8" HT. SIGN LETTERING m' MONUMENT SIGN 40' SCALE: 1"=40' 120' LP-6 HERMANN DESIGN GROUP 77-899 WOLF RD. SUITE 102 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 LIC# 2754, EXP 04/30/22 PH. (760) 777-9131 FAX (760) 777-9132 DATE 0/6/2 1 • -01 GARAGE REFER TO TYP. BUILDNG PLANTING EXHIBIT I ‘t1 '11) 16% • 1E4- A ,.,r GARAGE BLDG. 1 �. PAD=51.0 2-STORY/ 16 UNITS r FOOTPRINT - 7,500t SF PLIT III, GRE BLDG. 4-1 PAD=51.0 2-STORY / 12 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF BLDG. 5 PAD=50.5 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 8,000t SF m-PP 9176 CD GARAGE J L_ BLDG. 2 PAD=51.5 2-STORY / 22 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 10,000t SF BLDG. 4 PAD=51.0 3-STORY / 18 UNIT FOOTPRINT - 7,500± $ GARAGE BLDG. 6 PAD=52.0 2-STORY / 24 UNITS FOOTPRINT-11,000t SF REFER TO SLOPE PLANTING EXHIBIT ACCENT PAVING PUKING GREEN CONCEPTUAL LANDSCAPE PLAN PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS PARKER DEVELOPMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA, CA GARAGE BLDG. 3 PAD=53.0 3-STORY / 36 UNITS FOOTPRINT-14,000t SF AVSNHr 50 GARAGE POOL RECREATION AREA GARAGE BLDG. 11 PAD=53.0 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT- 9,000t SF BLDG. 7 PAD=53.0 3-STORY / 24 UNITS FOOTPRINT-10,000t SF TRAFFIC LANE TRAFFIC LANE TRAFFIC LANE TRAFFIC LANE PICKLEBALL COURT GARAGE BLDG. 8 PAD=54.5 -STORY / 36 UNITS NT- 12,500± SF r DEED REC. 311311576 j` I} j`�� �,p:; CA; DOC, #1076-60450569 e al GARAGE • • BLDG. 9 PAD=55.0 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,000t SF ;i GARAGE SHADE STRUCTURE WITH PICNIC TABLES ZONE 2: 58" ESTIMATED ANNUAL APPL I ED WATER USE TREE AND SHRUB LOW - DRIP / BUBBLER. ETO X PF X LA X 0.62 / 748 / I E = EAAAU 5a.o X .20 X 102,553 X 0.62 / 748 / .qo = I,0g3.7a TREE AND SHRUB MODERATE- DRIP / BUBBLER ETO X PF X LA X 0.62 / 748 / I E = EAAAU 58.0 X .50 X 65,256 X 0.62 / '748 / .q0 = 1,525 TURF HIGH- ROTOR ETO X PF X LA X 0.62 / 748 / I E = EAAAU 55.0 X .10 X 55,4741 X 0.62 / 748 / .80 = 1,405.51 TURF HIGH- DR I P ETO X PF X LA X 0.62 / 748 / I E = EAAAU 58.0 X .i0 X 1,0c10 X 0.62 / 748 / .4t0 = 40."76 TURF HIGH - SPRAY ETO X PF X LA X 0.62 / 748 / 1 E = EAAAU 55.0 X 0.10 X 1,67cl X 0.62 / 748 / .75 = 15.34 MAXIMUM ANNUAL APPLIED WATER USE ETO X .45 X LA X 0.62 / 145 = MAANU 55.0 X .45 X 211,482 X 0.62 / 748 = 4,575.14 PUTTING GREEN AREA - 5,161 POOL AND SPA AREA - 1,454 ESTIMATED ANNUAL APPL I EL, WATER USE TOTAL - 4,441.2 MAXIMUM ANNUAL APPL I En WATER USE TOTAL - 4,5'75.14 ESTIMATED LANDSCAPE SQUARE FT. TOTAL - 211,482 01 40' 801 120' SCALE: 1"= 40' LP-1 HERMANN DESIGN GROUP 77-899 WOLF RD. SUITE 102 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 L[C# 2754, EXP 04/30/22 PH. (760) 777-9131 FAX (760) 777-9132 ATE 6/6/25 FL4\T LIST ,/ . • • • BLDG. 1 PAD 51.0 2-STORY/ 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF TYP. BUILDING PLANTING EXHIBIT PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS PARKER DEVELOPMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA, CA NOTE: PIV, FDC, HYDRANT LOCATIONS SHALL NOT BE OBSTRUCTED FROM ACCESS BY VEGETATION. A MINIMUM 3-FEET RADIUS AROUND EACH DEVICE CIRCUMFERENCE SHALL BE FREE OF OBSTRUCTIVE VEGETATION, WITH CONSIDERATION OF MATURE PLANT GROWTH. WATER CONSERVATION STATEMENT LANDSCAPING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ORDINANCE 1302.1. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR EFFICIENT PERFORMANCE WITH CONSERVATION IN MIND. POINT SOURCE DRIP / BUBBLER SYSTEMS WILL PROVIDE DIRECT WATER TO THE SHRUBS AND TREES. SYMBOL arr. OTAN I CAL NAME 0 • WV 0 0 0 • • 0 0 TREES 4 PALMS S17 WAT us =R DALBERGIA SISSOO "INDIAN ROSEWOOD" TIPUANA TIPU "TIPU TREE" OLEA EUROPAEA 'SWAN HILL' ACACIA STENOPHYLLA "SHOESTRING ACACIA" ACACIA SALICINA "WILLOW ACACIA" PARKINSONIA PRAECOX "PALO BREA" ACACIA ANEURA "MULGA" PHOENIX DACTYL IFERA 'ZANIDI DATE PALM' WASH INGTONIA ROBUSTA "MEXICAN FAN PALM" DESERT ACCENTS 24" BOX 24" BOX 3�0" BOX MULTI -TRK. 24" BOX SINGLE TRK. 24" BOX SINGLE TRK. 24" BOX SINGLE TRK. 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW STND. 0.2 LOW STND. 0.2 LOW STND. 24" BOX 0.2 LOW SINGLE TRK. STND. 18.1 BTH 0.5 MOD DIAMOND CUT 1S' BTH 0.5 MOD AGAVE SISALANA "SISAL" AGAVE ANGUST IFOL IA "CARIBBEAN AGAVE" AGAVE GEM IN'FLORA "TWIN -FLOWERING AGAVE" HESPERALOE PARVIFLORA 'DESERT FLAMENCO' ECHINOCACTUS GRUSONII "GOLDEN BARREL CACTUS" SRUES 15 GAL. 15 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW CAESALPINIA PULCHERRIMA "RED BIRD OF PARADISE" LEUCOPHYLLUM PRUINOSUM 'SIERRA BOUQUET' LEUCOPI-IYLLUM FRUTESCENS 'WHITE CLOUD' SENNA ARTEMIS10IDES "FEATHERY CASSIA" TECOMA STANS "YELLOW BELLS" LEUCOPHYLLUM LANGMANIAE IL MS LEGACY' OLEA EUROPAEA 'LITTLE OLLIE' RUSSELIA EQUISETIFORMIS "CORAL BELLS" LEUCOPHYLLUM ZYGOPHYLLUM 'C IMARRON' CARISSA MACROCARPA 'BOXWOOD BEAUTY' CALLISTEMON VIM INALIS 'LITTLE JOHN' GRASSES 15 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD MUHLENBERGIA CAP ILL ARIS 'REGAL MIST' LOMANDRA LONGIFOLIA 'PLATINUM BEAUTY' DIANELLA TASMANICA 'VARIEGATA' C ROUNIDCOVER 4 VINES 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD DALE A GREGG II TRAILING INDIGO BUSH" CARISSA 'GREEN CARPET' EVOLVULUS GLOMERATUS "HAWAIIAN BLUE EYES" BOUGANVILLEA 'LA JOLLA' DURANTA RE PENS "SKY FLOWER" 0' 10' 20' 30' SCALE: 1"=10' 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 5 GAL. STK. 0.5 MOD LP-2 HERMANN DESIGN GROUP 77-899 WOLF RD. SUITE 102 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 LIC# 2754, EXP 04/30/22 PH. (760) 777-9131 FAX (760) 777-9132 ?,ATE /�/2S COBBLE 6' HT. BLOCK WALL SLOPE PLANTING EXHIBIT PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS PARKER DEVELOPMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA, CA NOTE: PIV, FDC, HYDRANT LOCATIONS SHALL NOT BE OBSTRUCTED FROM ACCESS BY VEGETATION. A MINIMUM 3-FEET RADIUS AROUND EACH DEVICE CIRCUMFERENCE SHALL BE FREE OF OBSTRUCTIVE VEGETATION, WITH CONSIDERATION OF MATURE PLANT GROWTH. WATER CONSERVATION STATEMENT LANDSCAPING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ORDINANCE 1302.1. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR EFFICIENT PERFORMANCE WITH CONSERVATION IN MIND. POINT SOURCE DRIP / BUBBLER SYSTEMS WILL PROVIDE DIRECT WATER TO THE SHRUBS AND TREES. F4\ LIST S'I'liSOL QTY. EOT4N I CAL NAME t. • 0 0 0 0 0 0 • 4 TREES 4 PALMS SIZE uUAT US DALBERGIA 515500 "INDIAN ROSEWOOD" TIPUANA TIPU "TIPU TREE" OLEA EUROPAEA 'SWAN HILL' ACACIA STENOPI-IYLLA "SHOESTRING ACACIA" ACACIA SAL ICINA "WILLOW ACACIA" PARKINSONIA PRAECOX "PALO BREA" ACACIA ANEURA "MULGA" PHOENIX DACTYL IFERA 'ZAINIDI DATE PALM' WASH INGTONIA ROBUSTA "MEXICAN FAN PALM" DESERT ACCENTS 24" BOX 24" B0X " BOX MULTI-TRK. 24" B0X SINGLE TRK. 24" BOX SINGLE TRK. 24" BOX SINGLE TRK. 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW STND. 0.2 LOW STND. 0.2 LOW STND. 24" BOX 0.2 LOW SINGLE TRK. STND. 18' 15T1-I 0.5 MOD DIAMOND CUT 10' BTH 0.5 MOD AGAVE SISALANA "SISAL" AGAVE ANGUSTIFOL1A "CARIBBEAN AGAVE" AGAVE GEM IN'FLORA, "TWIN -FLOWERING AGAVE" HESPERALOE PARVIFLORA 'DESERT FLAMENCO' ECHINOCACTUS GRUSONII "GOLDEN BARREL CACTUS" SI-TRUES 15 GAL. 15 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW CAESALPINIA PULCHERRIMA "RED BIRD OF PARADISE" LEUCOPHYLLUM PRUINOSUM 'SIERRA BOUQUET' LEUCOPHYLLUM FRUTESCENS 'WHITE CLOUD' SENNA ARTEMISIOIDES "FEATHERY CASSIA" TECOMA STANS "YELLOW BELLS" LEUCOPHYLLUM LANGMANIAE 'LYNS LEGACY' OLEA EUROPAEA 'LITTLE OLLIE' RUSSELIA EQUISETIFORMIS "CORAL BELLS" LEUCOPHYLLUM ZYGOPHYLLUM 'C IMARRON' CARISSA MACROCARPA 'BOXWOOD BEAUTY' CALLISTEMON VIM INALIS 'LITTLE JOHN' GRASSES 15 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD MU1-ILENBERGIA CAPILLARIS 'REGAL MIST' LOMANDRA LONGIFOLIA 'PLATINUM BEAUTY' DIANELLA TASMANICA 'VARIEGATA' GROUNIDCOVER 4 VINES 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD DALEA GREGGII TRAILING INDIGO BUSH" CARISSA 'GREEN CARPET' EVOLVULUS GLOMERATUS "HAWAIIAN BLUE EYES" BOUGANVILLEA 'LA JOLLA' DURANTA RE PENS "SKY FLOWER" 0' 10' 20' 30' SCALE: 1"=10' 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 5 GAL. STK. 0.5 MOD LP-3 HERMANN DESIGN GROUP 77-899 WOLF RD. SUITE 102 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 LIC# 2754, EXP 04/30/22 PH. (760) 777-9131 FAX (760) 777-9132 DATE 6;/6;/2S FL4\T LIST ACCENT PAVING POOL AREA PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS PARKER DEVELOPMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA, CA SHADE STRUCTURE WITH PICNIC TABLES NOTE: PIV, FDC, HYDRANT LOCATIONS SHALL NOT BE OBSTRUCTED FROM ACCESS BY VEGETATION. A MINIMUM 3-FEET RADIUS AROUND EACH DEVICE CIRCUMFERENCE SHALL BE FREE OF OBSTRUCTIVE VEGETATION, WITH CONSIDERATION OF MATURE PLANT GROWTH. WATER CONSERVATION STATEMENT LANDSCAPING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ORDINANCE 1302.1. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR EFFICIENT PERFORMANCE WITH CONSERVATION IN MIND. POINT SOURCE DRIP / BUBBLER SYSTEMS WILL PROVIDE DIRECT WATER TO THE SHRUBS AND TREES. SYMBOL QTY. OTAN I CAL NAME 4 0 Ott 0 iso 0 0 Oka 0 TREES 4 PALMS S17 WAT us =R DALBERGIA SISSOO "INDIAN ROSEWOOD" TIPUANA TIPU "TIPU TREE" OLEA EUROPAEA 'SWAN HILL' ACACIA STENOPHYLLA "SHOESTRING ACACIA" ACACIA SAL ICINA "WILLOW ACACIA" PARKINSONIA PRAECOX "PALO BREA" ACACIA ANEURA "MULGA" PHOENIX DACTYL IFERA 'ZANIDI DATE PALM' WASH INGTONIA ROBUSTA "ME XICAN FAN PALM" DESERT ACCENTS 24" BOX 24" BOX 3�0" BOX MULTI -TRK. 24" BOX SINGLE TRK. 24" BOX SINGLE TRK. 24" BOX SINGLE TRK. 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW STND. 0.2 LOW STND. 0.2 LOW STND. 24" BOX 0.2 LOW SINGLE TRK. STND. 1E3' BTH 0.5 MOD DIAMOND CUT 1S' BTH 0.5 MOD AGAVE SISALANA "SISAL" AGAVE ANGUST IFOL IA "CARIBBEAN AGAVE" AGAVE GEM IN'FLORA "TWIN -FLOWERING AGAVE" HESPERALOE PARVIFLORA 'DESERT FLAMENCO' ECHINOCACTUS GRUSONII "GOLDEN BARREL CACTUS" SRUES 15 GAL. 15 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW CAESALPIN1A PULCHERRIMA "RED BIRD OF PARADISE" LEUCOPHYLLUM PRUINOSUM 'SIERRA BOUQUET' LEUCOPHYLLUM FRUTESCENS 'WHITE CLOUD' SENNA ARTEMISIOIDES "FEATHERY CASSIA" TECOMA STANS "YELLOW BELLS" LEUCOPHYLLUM LANGMANIAE IL MS LEGACY' OLEA EUROPAEA 'LITTLE OLLIE' RUSSELIA EQUISETIFORMIS "CORAL BELLS" LEUCOPHYLLUM ZYGOPHYLLUM 'C IMARRON' CARISSA MACROCARPA 'BOXWOOD BEAUTY' CALLISTEMON VIM INALIS 'LITTLE JOHN' GRASSES 15 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD MUHLENBERGIA CAPILLARIS 'REGAL MIST' LOMANDRA LONGIFOLIA 'PLATINUM BEAUTY' DIANELLA TASMANICA 'VARIEGATA' C1ROUNEDCOVER 4 VINES 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD 0.5 MOD DALE A GREGG II TRAILING INDIGO BUSH" CARISSA 'GREEN CARPET' EVOLVULUS GLOMERATUS "HAWAIIAN BLUE EYES" BOUGANVILLEA 'LA JOLLA' DURANTA REPENS "SKY FLOWER" 0' 10' 20' 30' SCALE: 1"=10' 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 5 GAL. 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 0.2 LOW 0.5 MOD 5 GAL. STK. 0.5 MOD LP-4 HERMANN DESIGN GROUP 77-899 WOLF RD. SUITE 102 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 LIC# 2754, EXP 04/30/22 PH. (760) 777-9131 FAX (760) 777-9132 1 z cox MONUMENT SIGN 6' HT. BLOCK WALL VEHICULAR GATES 6'-6" HT. PLASTER WITH DECORATIVE CAP ENTRY PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS PARKER DEVELOPMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA, CA ACCENT PAVING WATER FEATURE NOTE: PIV, FDC, HYDRANT LOCATIONS SHALL NOT BE OBSTRUCTED FROM ACCESS BY VEGETATION_ A MINIMUM 3-FEET RADIUS AROUND EACH DEVICE CIRCUMFERENCE SHALL BE FREE OF OBSTRUCTIVE VEGETATION, WITH CONSIDERATION OF MATURE PLANT GROWTH. WATER CONSE VAT ION STATEMENT LANDSCAPING IS CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT ORDINANCE 1302.1. THE IRRIGATION SYSTEM SHALL BE DESIGNED FOR EFFICIENT PERFORMANCE WITH CONSERVATION IN MIND. POINT SOURCE DRIP / BUBBLER SYSTEMS WILL PROVIDE DIRECT WATER TO THE SHRUBS AND TREES. 0' 10' SCALE: 1"=10' 20' 30' LP-5 HERMANN DESIGN GROUP 77-899 WOLF RD. SUITE 102 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 L[C# 2754, EXP 04/30/22 PH. (760) 777-9131 FAX (760) 777-9132 ATE 6/61E3 cn cn cn cn Ltd co 4-� p 1 L MONUM SIGN n 1) 1) 1) cn 0) i < i 00> J) 11) BLDG. 1 \ PAD=51.0 ---1, 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF BLDG. 4-1 PAD=51.0 2-STORY / 12 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF BLDG. 5 PAD=50.5 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 8,000± SF ‘%1 BLDG. 2 PAD=51.5 2-STORY / 22 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 10,000± SF • ,A P: $.4 A' •Lo.:... \ ,:_,._ y,T�I TS_ „.. t ].A; k AV; . z^ToxoT��/' � iNc■'rM' a .,�i�• 0 yw Aiiti[07 / \ alb 2 IQ BLDG. 4 PAD=51.0 3-STORY / 18 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 7,500± SF VEHIC BLDG. 6 PAD=52.0 2-STORY / 24 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 11,000± SF TUBU W BLDG. 3 PAD=53.0 3-STORY / 36 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 14,000± SF w W AV A CONCEPTUAL WALL AND FENCE PLAN PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS PARKER DEVELOPMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA, CA '/ _Xv(tL/J BLDG. 11 PAD=53.0 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,000± SF \/\/ BLDG.7 PAD=53.0 3-STORY / 24 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 10,000± SF SIDEWALK BLDG. 10 PAD=53.5 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,000± SF BLDG. 8 PAD=54.5 3-STORY / 36 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 12,500± SF SD CART/BI LA g W TRAFFIC LANE S TRAFFIC LANE TRAFFIC LANE TRAFFIC LANE S BLDG. 9 PAD=55.0 2-STORY / 16 UNITS FOOTPRINT - 9,000± SF L " (-1r _91 6 LEGEND EXISTING BLOCK WALL TO REMAIN IN PLACE 6' HT. BLOCK WALL WITH STUCCO FINISH TO MATCH ARCHITECTURE 6' HT. SPLITFACE TAN COLOR BLOCK WALL WITH FLAT CAP TAN COLOR 6'-6" HT. PILASTER WITH STUCCO FINISH WITH DECORATIVE TAN COLOR CAP 10' LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS DECORATIVE CAP STUCCO FINISH TO MATCH ARCHITECTURE TAN COLOR 8" HT. SIGN LETTERING m' MONUMENT SIGN 40' SCALE: 1"=40' 120' LP-6 HERMANN DESIGN GROUP 77-899 WOLF RD. SUITE 102 PALM DESERT, CA 92211 LIC# 2754, EXP 04/30/22 PH. (760) 777-9131 FAX (760) 777-9132 DATE 0/6/2 ATTACHMENT 7 Tania Flores From: Tammy Fairchild <tfairchild@britulsa.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 12:32 PM To: Carlos Flores Subject: FW: 50th & Washington Project IYou don't often get email from tfairchild@britulsa.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Planning Commission: You received an email from Mr. Joe Nemeth on 3/28/23. I completely agree with everything Mr Nemeth stated in his email. My husband and I live at 78285 Hacienda La Quinta Drive. As you drive south on Washington all you see is single family homes. This apartment complex does not fit in with the current standard that has been set by the commission. There are no three story house anywhere in sight. We ask that you do not change the current zoning for this property. We too, are concerned about the traffic this project will create. Currently exiting through our gate onto Avenue 50 can be dangerous. More cars will only make it more treacherous. While this will not directly effect our home, We are also am concerned for the homeowners who live directly across the street and wash from this project. From the renters third floor apartments, they will be able to look directly into current homeowners backyards. I am sure when these homeowners purchased their property they never expected to have eye contact with someone from a third floor balcony. We ask that the proposal for this project be denied. Please keep our surrounding community single family homes as it currently is. Dan & Tammy Fairchild i Tania Flores From: Pat Lizza <patlizza@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 1:45 PM To: Carlos Flores Subject: Fwd: Proposed Troutdale Project APN 646-070-016 - Corner of 50th and Washington IYou don't often get email from patlizza@gmail.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Carlos, My friend and fellow La Quinta resident sent the email below which we wholeheartedly agree with and share the same concerns. Our home residence is 79105 Coyote Creek, La Quinta, CA 92253. Thank you, Pat Lizza Forwarded message From: Joe Nemeth <joseph.j.nemeth@gmail.com> Date: Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 1:23 PM Subject: Fwd: Proposed Troutdale Project APN 646-070-016 - Corner of 50th and Washington To: Jojo Perricone<joioperricone@perriconefarms.com>, Pat Lizza <patlizza@gmail.com> If you can send anything in prior to the 5pm meeting that would be great. CFlores@laquintaca.gov Carlos Flores is compiling neighborhood feedback. Joe Forwarded message From: Joe Nemeth <joseph.j.nemeth@gmail.com> Date: Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 11:53 AM Subject: Proposed Troutdale Project APN 646-070-016 - Corner of 50th and Washington To: <CFlores@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Stacy Nemeth cell <slnemeth@pacbell.net> Dear Planning Commission, I am writing to you to express my concerns regarding the very large and dense housing project proposed at 50th and Washington called Troutdale. It is not that I oppose development and I understand the state needs to build more housing, and more affordable housing. I oppose this large and dense development as proposed because of the significant variance from the current zoning, incomplete analyses and further negative impacts. i While there has been a detailed impact report performed by a consultant hired by the builders, I do not believe they have incorporated observations within the community, nor actual baseline measurements and there are errors in the report. 1) A 284 unit proposal is significantly greater than the general plan allowances as zoned, Medium High Density, when we purchased our property within La Quinta Country Club at 78144 Hacienda La Quinta Dr. The intended purpose per Civil Code 9.30.060 is "To provide for the development and preservation of medium -high density neighborhoods (eight (8) to twelve (12) units per acre" and this proposal significantly exceeds that. 2) I am sure the Planning Commission will hear arguments by the applicant that the project can't be built unless the Planning Commission supports the change to the General Plan and to up zone the property. I ask that when our commissioners hear from the applicant the project "doesn't pencil" without their proposed changes, what they really mean is that they won't receive the same profit margin they desire vs modest changes that would keep the project within our zoning and general plan. 3) The number of parking spaces and the traffic impacts identified do not comport. With 520 parking spaces provided, the project would provide "homes" to almost twice as many cars as the proposed number of housing units, with the expectation that those parking spaces would be occupied and used by the tenants in the building. Thus the trip generation rates used to calculate traffic and the accompanying impacts have have been significantly underestimated. Although I unfortunately believe the very real additional negative impacts below will ultimately change our neighborhood and they are unlikely to be considered in the current political climate, I ask the commission to please at least hear and consider these from your residents as you weigh the plan in total and consider modifications that should be made to the project as proposed. • The character of the neighborhood will be significantly negatively impacted. • The traffic and congestion in an already impacted traffic signal at 50th and Washington will be significantly negatively impacted. • Amenities will be significantly negatively impacted. • The noise will be significantly greater and will significantly negatively impact the area. We do NOT support this development proposal nor the proposed amendments to the general plan, variances to the zoning nor the site development plan as proposed. 1) Please, do not approve the waiver to the current zoning, keep it at less than or to the maximum of Medium High Density zoning. 2) Please, do not amend the general plan. This process was completed with analysis and community input. 3) Please, do not permit a 284 unit apartment project. Were the commission to consider a variance to increase the density, then the commission should please consider the following for our community: 1) What traffic and congestion mitigation measures will be taken? 2) How could the design be modified to mitigate noise to the surrounding community better? 3) If this is really an "affordable housing project" should more units be offered not at market rate but at lower middle income levels? We emphatically urge you to NOT approve these plans nor the amendments. Please reject the application and send the proposal back to the applicant to conform to no more than the medium -high density 8-12 units per acre. Joseph and Stacy Nemeth 2 Joe Nemeth m +1408-421-1295 Joe Nemeth m +1408-421-1295 Patrick M. Lizza (760) 219-6037 3 Tania Flores From: Jojo Perricone <jojoperricone@perriconefarms.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 1:43 PM To: Carlos Flores Subject: FW: Proposed Troutdale Project APN 646-070-016 - Corner of 50th and Washington IYou don't often get email from jojoperricone@perriconefarms.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Dear Carlos, I'm opposing the development proposition as detailed in Mr. Joe Nemeth's email below. I currently reside at 49415 Avenida Montero which is just several hundred yards away from this proposed development and this will greatly impact the traffic on Washington. Sincerely, Jojo Perricone 550 B Street Beaumont, CA 92223 Office: 951-769-7171 joio@perriconefarms.com From: Joe Nemeth[mailto:joseph.i.nemeth@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 1:23 PM To: Jojo Perricone <jojoperricone@perriconefarms.com>; Pat Lizza <patlizza@gmail.com> Subject: Fwd: Proposed Troutdale Project APN 646-070-016 - Corner of 50th and Washington If you can send anything in prior to the 5pm meeting that would be great. CFlores@laquintaca.gov Carlos Flores is compiling neighborhood feedback. Joe Forwarded message From: Joe Nemeth <joseph.j.nemeth@gmail.com> 1 Date: Tue, Mar 28, 2023 at 11:53 AM Subject: Proposed Troutdale Project APN 646-070-016 - Corner of 50th and Washington To: <CFlores@laquintaca.gov> Cc: Stacy Nemeth cell <slnemeth@pacbell.net> Dear Planning Commission, I am writing to you to express my concerns regarding the very large and dense housing project proposed at 50th and Washington called Troutdale. It is not that I oppose development and I understand the state needs to build more housing, and more affordable housing. I oppose this large and dense development as proposed because of the significant variance from the current zoning, incomplete analyses and further negative impacts. While there has been a detailed impact report performed by a consultant hired by the builders, I do not believe they have incorporated observations within the community, nor actual baseline measurements and there are errors in the report. 1) A 284 unit proposal is significantly greater than the general plan allowances as zoned, Medium High Density, when we purchased our property within La Quinta Country Club at 78144 Hacienda La Quinta Dr. The intended purpose per Civil Code 9.30.060 is "To provide for the development and preservation of medium - high density neighborhoods (eight (8) to twelve (12) units per acre" and this proposal significantly exceeds that. 2) I am sure the Planning Commission will hear arguments by the applicant that the project can't be built unless the Planning Commission supports the change to the General Plan and to up zone the property. I ask that when our commissioners hear from the applicant the project "doesn't pencil" without their proposed changes, what they really mean is that they won't receive the same profit margin they desire vs modest changes that would keep the project within our zoning and general plan. 3) The number of parking spaces and the traffic impacts identified do not comport. With 520 parking spaces provided, the project would provide "homes" to almost twice as many cars as the proposed number of housing units, with the expectation that those parking spaces would be occupied and used by the tenants in the building. Thus the trip generation rates used to calculate traffic and the accompanying impacts have have been significantly underestimated. Although I unfortunately believe the very real additional negative impacts below will ultimately change our neighborhood and they are unlikely to be considered in the current political climate, I ask the commission to please at least hear and consider these from your residents as you weigh the plan in total and consider modifications that should be made to the project as proposed. • The character of the neighborhood will be significantly negatively impacted. • The traffic and congestion in an already impacted traffic signal at 50th and Washington will be significantly negatively impacted. • Amenities will be significantly negatively impacted. • The noise will be significantly greater and will significantly negatively impact the area. We do NOT support this development proposal nor the proposed amendments to the general plan, variances to the zoning nor the site development plan as proposed. 2 1) Please, do not approve the waiver to the current zoning, keep it at less than or to the maximum of Medium High Density zoning. 2) Please, do not amend the general plan. This process was completed with analysis and community input. 3) Please, do not permit a 284 unit apartment project. Were the commission to consider a variance to increase the density, then the commission should please consider the following for our community: 1) What traffic and congestion mitigation measures will be taken? 2) How could the design be modified to mitigate noise to the surrounding community better? 3) If this is really an "affordable housing project" should more units be offered not at market rate but at lower middle income levels? We emphatically urge you to NOT approve these plans nor the amendments. Please reject the application and send the proposal back to the applicant to conform to no more than the medium -high density 8-12 units per acre. Joseph and Stacy Nemeth Joe Nemeth m +1 408-421-1295 Joe Nemeth m +1 408-421-1295 This communication is privileged and confidential and is intended only for the recipient(s) listed above. Any use or disclosure of the content or attachment(s) of this communication without direct authorization from Beaumont Juice, Inc. d/b/a Perricone Juices is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify Perricone Juices immediately by replying to this email address or calling 1-800-446-4052. This communication is privileged and confidential and is intended only for the recipient(s) listed above. Any use or disclosure of the content or attachment(s) of this communication without direct authorization from Beaumont Juice, Inc. d/b/a Perricone Juices is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify Perricone Juices immediately by replying to this email address or calling 1-800-446-4052. 3 Tania Flores From: CHERI POTECHIN <cheripotec@aol.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 2:32 PM To: Carlos Flores Subject: NORTHEAST CORNER OF WASHINGTON STREET AND AVENUE 50 [You don't often get email from cheripotec@aol.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ] ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Attention: Carlos Flores As a 20 year resident of La Quinta near this location I feel that this project as it is currently designed would cause numerous problems for the surrounding residents. There should not be rezoning of this lot to allow the buildings to be three story & to allow an increase of the occupancy allotment. The existing design of the ingress & egress into the development would cause lots of traffic problems/issues for that area. And also the noise from that large a development would cause lots of additional problems. Please do not approve this development as now designed for that location. Thank you Cheri Potechin 50175 Doral St La Quinta, CA Sent from my iPhone i Tania Flores From: Margaret Pyle <mpyle@thepylegroup.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 4:53 PM To: Carlos Flores Subject: Opposition to Troutdale Project APN [You don't often get email from mpyle@thepylegroup.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ] ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Dear Planning Commission: We are writing as La Quinta homeowners (78126 Hacienda LaQuinta Dr) and potential neighbors of the above project in opposition to it. Our reasons: the exponential increase in traffic on Avenue 50 so close to two schools and the Boys and Girls Club will endanger students and parents at pick up and drop off time. Avenue 50 and Washington St. are already busy enough at peak times without adding to the risk. We are not opposed to development of that particular site, it is simply the density and resulting traffic burden we oppose. It would make sense to use that space for additional athletic fields or a single family home neighborhood. It seems there would be many other properties in the area better suited to densely populated apartments with a better ingress and egress situation. Thank you for your consideration, Margaret and Thomas Pyle i Tania Flores From: Sherilyn Flath <sdflath@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 10:06 AM To: Carlos Flores Subject: Irwin Partners Proposed Developement IYou don't often get email from sdflath@gmail.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Greetings Carlos Flores and the Planning Commission, My name is Sherilyn Flath, I live at 78555 Saguaro Rd, La Quinta, CA 92253. I along with my husband sat through both the community meeting held at the Embassy Suites and the commission public hearing. (yes we stayed for the whole 5 hours) I am writing this email, because at both the community meeting and in the public hearing last night, little if any consideration was given to the residents that reside on Saguaro Rd. This is a bit unfortunate, because I believe the project impacts these homes the most. We talked with the developer after the community meeting and he said that our existing walls are going to be used, and judging from what was said last night, this hasn't changed. We get that there needs to be something developed there, I do believe looking at an empty lot full of weeds is not aesthetically pleasing. Also, by having the land developed it would cut down the dust considerably. We do agree with everything that was brought up last night, however if this project does go through, we ask for a few concessions. !. That a common retaining wall be put up, one that is effective for sound proofing. Also, our bedroom backs up to that property. By putting up a wall that will help with the glare of headlights and property lights coming into our room at night. 2. That the power lines be buried. The reasons given for why the power lines won't be buried are weak; They are in residences' backyards and they wouldn't know where to put them? They are considering burying the rest, why not the ones on the north side of the property? 3. That the building be set back farther than five feet from our property. Whether it be parking spaces or buildings or whatever, at five feet it will literally be in our backyard. 4. And all the rest of the stuff mentioned last night, traffic, traffic flow, traffic lights, building heights, building design... As a happy resident of La Quinta for 32 years I would like to thank all of you for what you do for our city...THE GEM OF THE DESERT! Best Regards, Sherilyn Flath 1 Tania Flores From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Monika Radeva Wednesday, March 29, 2023 4:34 PM LINDA GUNNETT Jon McMillen; Cheri Flores; Tania Flores; Danny Castro; Carlos Flores; Tania Flores; City Clerk Mail RECEIVED: Gunnett, Linda 2023-03-29 - Troutdale Village - Problem solving re 50/Washington Screenshot 2023-03-29 8.45.50 AM.png Follow up Flagged Good afternoon, The written comments provided below regarding the proposed Troutdale Village development at the northeast corner of Avenue 50 and Washington Street have been received and will be included in the record for the project file. Thank you. Monika Radeva, CMC I City Clerk City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 Tel: (760) 777-7035 MRadeva(a_laquintaca.gov From: LINDA GUNNETT <lulukazoo@yahoo.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2023 8:58 AM To: Council <Council@laquintaca.gov>; Monika Radeva <mradeva@laquintaca.gov> Cc: City of La Quinta <cityoflaquinta@gmail.com> Subject: Problem solving re 50/Washington EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Here is an idea: The City has purchased two lots along the 111 corridor to be utilized for affordable housing (partially, I assume), consisting of 5.2 acres and 15 acres. We have that property, but no developer or funding to build on it yet. The developer for Troutdale Apartments has property to build on, about 7.5 acres as I understand it to be, but most of the local residents do not feel it is the right location for his large scale project. It would require a zoning change/general plan modification to get this project approved which would set a precedent that I don't want to see in our Village aesthetic. Why don't we trade some of our property along 111 with the Troutdale developer, in exchange for their property on 50/Washington? That developer's design as proposed is similar in aesthetics to the Residence Inn on 111, and perhaps, the developer could even add another story onto his design, to make it even more financially feasible for him. Views, noise, traffic, etc, are not a concern along that commercial corridor...and no zoning change/general plan amendment would be required. i We could then use the property at 50/Washington to create a park with additional parking for the sports events taking place at the schools next door and for the Boys&Girls Club events. This seems like a solution that could work for all involved and it would move us along in our quest to meet our RHNA mandate. If this works for everybody, we may be able to form a relationship with this developer for the building of more needed apartments in that 111 area on the remaining property we own. The State is in the process of revamping their financing criteria for affordable housing and we need to jump in now while funding for affordable housing is at the forefront of discussions in Sacto. Linda Gunnett 2 p (2O,667 unread) - lulukazoory, x (20,667 unread)-Julukazooriy.. k ® 2923-MFS 1- uidelines-Statemi- X H- a i hcd-ca.govlsites,default}fikesldocslgrants-and-fundingJSuperNOFPJ2023-MFSN-Guidelines-Statement-pf-Changes.pdt 2023-MFSN-Guidelines-Statement-of-Changes.pdf STATE OF CALIFORNIA -BUSINESS. CONSUMER SERVICES, AND HOUSING AGENCY GAVIN NEWSOM, Gav@rOof DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIVISION OF STATE FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE 2020 W. El Camino Avenue. Suite 550. 95E133 P. O. Box 962052. Sacramento. CA 94252-2052 {916} 263-2769 f FAX (91 Nj 274-0406 Www. hc[f .Ca.gov DATE: March 27. 2023 MEMORANDUM FOR: Multifamily SuperNOFA Stakeholders and Interested Parties FROM: Gina Ferguson, Branch Chief Program Design and Development Division of State Financial Assistance SUBJECT: Request for Public Comment Summary of Proposed Changes to Multifamily Super NOFA The Department of Housing and Community Development (Department or HCD) is soliciting comments on proposed amendments to the Multifamily Super NOFA (MFSN) Guidelines for the following programs: • Multifamily Housing Program • Joe Sema Jr. Farmworker Housing Grant Program (FWHG) • Veterans Housing and Homeless Prevention Program (VHHP) • Infill Infrastructure Grant Program (IIG) — Qualifying Infill Projects C O _ Id X Guest 8:450 # i Tania Flores From: Lynn Reich <desertlynn66@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, April 1, 2023 9:06 AM To: Carlos Flores Subject: 50th and Washington apartment project [You don't often get email from desertlynn66@gmail.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ] ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Good morning.. I'm writing to voice my opinion on the apartment project being considered at 50 and Washington. As a 23 year resident of LaQuinta in PGA West, we have seen many great improvements. This is not one of them: As evidenced by the tract development on Jefferson, which is already an eyesore and will create crazy traffic in the retail areas, our city needs no more of that. Please do not approve this project as presented at the Monday meeting. It will forever mar another gateway into Old Town LaQuinta and other surrounding, well thought out projects. Thank you. Lynn Reich 55-550 Southern Hills LaQuinta 847-774-6092 i Tania Flores From: Hannah Larsson <hannah.larsson.ms.work@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, April 2, 2023 8:57 AM To: Carlos Flores Subject: New apartment complex - traffic IYou don't often get email from hannah.larsson.ms.work@gmail.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. I respectfully would like to express my concern about the impact the Troutdale apartment complex will have on the community. There are not enough roads to accommodate all the new residents' cars. La Quinta residents will have so much stress as a result of the heavy traffic all the time on Washington and nearby streets. Please reconsider. Thanks for this opportunity to express my sincere concern. Respectfully. i Tania Flores From: Joseph Lis <jrlis7171 @gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, June 3, 2023 9:02 AM To: Tania Flores Subject: Troutdale residences IYou don't often get email from jr1is7171@gmail.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Good morning, My name is Joseph Lis and I am a resident of Dunas La Quinta at 50th and Washington. I am catching up on the details involving the troutdale residences project. I am simply astounded to hear that the next traffic evaluation that will be submitted is going to be from June 2023. When over 70 percent of the residents in that immediate area are gone for the season? Please reconsider that the developer use an appropriate date for gauging the traffic in the area! Respectfully, Joseph Lis 1 From: Celeste Varela <manniesmama@icloud.com> Sent: Sunday, June 4, 2023 10:53 AM To: Linda Evans <Levans@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Troutdale Village La Quinta [You don't often get email from manniesmama@icloud.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ] ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Hello Linda, I want to know if this project has been approved? I am completely against this project for many reasons. I am listening (on line) to the meeting on May 16. Why can this project NOT be discussed? How do we as LQ citizens find out IF this project is going to happen? I want to be involved an decision on this project. Thank you, Celeste Varela 49860 Avila La Quinta 92253 Sent from my iPhone Celeste Varela CalBRE# 01350384 California Lifestyle Realty 50200 Avenida Vista Bonita La Quinta CA 92253 Cell: (760) 408-7116 CelesteVarela@AOL.com 2 Tania Flores From: Kelly Scannell <kellyscannelll @gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2023 6:52 PM To: Tania Flores Cc: bob Subject: Troutdale Residences written comments [You don't often get email from kellyscanne111@gmail.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ] ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Dear Tania, > > My husband, Bob, and I live in Montero Estates, the neighborhood in La Quinta directly across the street on Washington for the proposed Troutdale project. We listened to the public hearing and have some serious concerns with the project as proposed. We are concerned about the following: > 1. Density for that property > 2. Traffic with only one lane on 50th Ave and only one entrance on Washington. > 3. Noise for the increase in traffic and for the addition of so many > homes 4. The design is nothing like anything else on Washington after > you cross Hwy 111 5. Where will excess parking be for visitors to the > apartments > > We realize that they have been given time to come back with a new proposal and appreciate that the property will be developed but ask that the commission consider the above. > > In addition, please consider the impact on the Montero community in > the new traffic study. We exit out the gate on Washington and make a > u-turn on Sagebrush. The addition of hundreds of cars will make > crossing multiple lanes dangerous. The alternative is to go back down > to 50th to make a u-turn which will only add to the potential > increased congestion from the new residences > > While the developer claimed to have contacted the neighborhoods that would be impacted, no one in our neighborhood was informed of the planned project. > > Thank you for taking our concerns into consideration. > Kelly and Bob Scannell 49495 Avenida Montero > > > > Sent from my iPad 1 Tania Flores From: Greg Helm <greg@helmconsulting.com> Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2023 1:44 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: WRITTEN COMMENTS: Proposed Troutdale Project APN 646-070-016 - Corner of 50th and Washington, La Quinta, Gregory and Glenna Helm You don't often get email from greg@helmconsulting.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. WRITTEN COMMENTS: Proposed Troutdale Project APN 646-070-016 - Corner of 50th and Washington, La Quinta, Gregory and Glenna Helm Dear Planning Commission, I am writing to you to express my concerns regarding the very large and dense housing project proposed at 50th and Washington called Troutdale. It is not that I oppose development and I understand the state needs to build more housing, and more affordable housing. I oppose this large and dense development as proposed because of the significant variance from the current zoning, incomplete analyses and further negative impacts. While there has been a detailed impact report performed by a consultant hired by the builders, I do not believe they have incorporated observations within the community, nor actual baseline measurements and there are errors in the report. 1) A 284 unit proposal is significantly greater than the general plan allowances as zoned, Medium High Density, when we purchased our property within La Quinta Golf Estates. The intended purpose per Civil Code 9.30.060 is "To provide for the development and preservation of medium -high density neighborhoods (eight (8) to twelve (12) units per acre" and this proposal significantly exceeds that. 2) I am sure the Planning Commission will hear arguments by the applicant that the project can't be built unless the Planning Commission supports the change to the General Plan and to up zone the property. I ask that when our commissioners hear from the applicant the project "doesn't pencil" without their proposed changes, what they really mean is that they won't receive the same profit margin they desire vs modest changes that would keep the project within our zoning and general plan. 3) The number of parking spaces and the traffic impacts identified do not comport. With 520 parking spaces provided, the project would provide "homes" to almost twice as many cars as the proposed number of housing units, with the expectation that those parking spaces would be occupied and used by the tenants in the building. Thus the trip generation rates used to calculate traffic and the accompanying impacts have been significantly underestimated. Although I unfortunately believe the very real additional negative impacts below will ultimately change our neighborhood and they are unlikely to be considered in the current political climate, I ask the commission to please at least hear and consider these from your residents as you weigh the plan in total and consider modifications that should be made to the project as proposed. • The character of the neighborhood will be significantly negatively impacted. 1 • The traffic and congestion in an already impacted traffic signal at 50th and Washington will be significantly negatively impacted. • Amenities will be significantly negatively impacted. • The noise will be significantly greater and will significantly negatively impact the area. We do NOT support this development proposal nor the proposed amendments to the general plan, variances to the zoning nor the site development plan as proposed. 1) Please, do not approve the waiver to the current zoning, keep it at less than or to the maximum of Medium High Density zoning. 2) Please, do not amend the general plan. This process was completed with analysis and community input. 3) Please, do not permit a 284 unit apartment project. Were the commission to consider a variance to increase the density, then the commission should please consider the following for our community: 1) What traffic and congestion mitigation measures will be taken? 2) How could the design be modified to mitigate noise to the surrounding community better? 3) If this is really an "affordable housing project" should more units be offered not at market rate but at lower middle income levels? We emphatically urge you to NOT approve these plans nor the amendments. Please reject the application and send the proposal back to the applicant to conform to no more than the medium -high density 8-12 units per acre. Gregory and Glenna Helm 48700 San Dimas Street La Quinta, CA 92253 Greg Helm 760-220-8800 The information contained in this email is confidential and/or protected. This email and its message are intended only for the use/review of the individual(s) named in the email, and no privileges are waived 2 Tania Flores From: Tanya Burak <tanya.desert.realestate@live.com> Sent: Friday, June 16, 2023 6:44 PM To: Planning WebMail Cc: Tania Flores; Cheri Flores; Siji Fernandez Subject: Urgent re: La Quinta Village Some people who received this message don't often get email from tanya.desert.realestate@live.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Dear LQ Planning Commission : Please advise as to what the strongest and most powerfully productive way we, as individual residents of our beloved city, can do to protest and stop this project getting approved? How dare an out of area developer come in and try to maneuver around existing codes and the will of vast majority of LQ citizens and mar the ambience and charm so lovingly treasured and protected for so many years. As the guardians of this city do not let this happen. Respectfully ... Tanya Burak California Lifestyle Realty i STAFF POWERPOINT PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 27, 2023 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 Planning Commission Meeting June 27, 2023 5:00 p.m. 1 Planning Commission Meeting June 27, 2023 PH1 — La Quinta Village Apartment Project EA2022-0001, GPA2022-0002, SP2022-0001, & SDP2022-0001 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 .44 • '? IlllwiiiiL= Id iN -1 14104111611111141114 3 March 28 Public Hearing • "Troutdale Village" apartment project — 284 units, 214 market rate and 70 moderate income • Planning Commission asked the applicant to address the following: — Architectural design -Parking — Density and height of buildings -Traffic 4 2 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 Project Changes • Name change to La Quinta Village Apartments • Reduced number of units from 284 to 252 — 74 moderate income units — 178 market rate units • Reduced height of 3.5 buildings to two stories • Parking ratio is now 2 spaces per unit • Revised traffic study with updated traffic counts and updated analysis due to decrease in units 5 Existing Zoning 0,, Medium High Density Zone lo'okasA itt` !j MIP i a g=" � a i r- ■ Nwir r l gi r►o■■i■■■■ m g atrt■ ■■ w■ a� ■�{i■■r��i■if - -- ...- In .. -] Wan r• 4 t. t.. ,. ■..r! .�, �� c�ei'r' 11'-*■■ hi. i��� ��A����ii�■a��■fit-t��� radii !' i�' ■m■ uii l ip E�� El il 1111i ......_- ►,• RM R R� RFVI .� --- :16Rti Site ,.flh,1 4SiuEiimnIi&a RM 6 3 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 Project Changes • 11 buildings in project — 7.5 are two story — 3.5 are three story • Two story are 28'-6", three story are 38'-6" 7 Illustration of Original Proposal with Locations of 3-Story Buildings Highlighted 8 4 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27,2O23 IllustraCon of Rev�sed Proposal with Locations Of 3-Stery Buildings Highlighted g 10 � 5 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 Revised Unit Breakdown • 252 Unit breakdown: — Market Rate Units = 178 • 116 one -bedroom • 62 two -bedroom — Moderate Income Units = 74 • 50 one -bedroom • 24 two -bedroom 11 Parking • 520 parking spaces, 396 covered • Density bonus requires 389 spaces - 1 space per one -bedroom, - 1.5 for two -bedroom 12 6 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 13 GECORATNE EXTERIOR u6MT. TO" PRI Flaw 02Clubhouse - East Elevation (Pool Deck) SCALE: Ile • 14 r EOM 4 _ n I 1 IXIERgR4GM, M. BROWN Tel. i0 01 Clubhouse - West Elevation (Entry) SCALE_ YI' • 1'-0' — W� 1111LI11 a 1 g! I,__ 1 :: DUI III f_ IIIII IIII!— 1' : :: 1111• 1; �IJ:.� — -_l _ 1 l 1111':C ::' ill E ,.,�... 1111� :: :: ■� i i 1Lf ■iII■ 1ICI■I■`■■ L._..� a..— L..� D4Bldg 2 - West DEvation ,:.�E.�- ..� Bldg 2 • South Elevation 0J...,. R< •• E� no Bldg 2 - East Elevation 14 7 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 15 16 8 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 17 18 9 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 19 Traffic • Revised Traffic Analysis included 5 intersections: — Washington Street and Avenue 50 — Washington Street and Sagebrush Avenue — Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive — Washington Street and Avenue 48 — Moon River Drive/Park Avenue and Avenue 50 • All projected to operate at acceptable levels of service, except Moon River — Already operates at a deficiency due to morning school traffic 20 10 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 .11 Traffic • Roadway segments analyzed: — Washington Street, north of Avenue 50 — Washington Street, south of Avenue 50 — Avenue 50, west of Washington Street — Avenue 50, east of Washington Street • All projected to operate at acceptable levels of service 21 Applications • Mitigated Negative Declaration finding no significant effects on environment with mitigation incorporated • General Plan Amendment, Specific Plan Amendment, and Site Development Permit • Zone Change no longer necessary 22 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 General Plan Amendment • Site identified on City's inventory in Housing Element for 280 very low- to low-income units • City must maintain adequate sites to accommodate its remaining unmet RHNA by income category • If City approves a development identified on its Housing Element with fewer units than identified in Housing Element, the development applicant must identify an additional site to accommodate 23 General Plan Amendment • The Project includes 178 market rate units and 74 moderate -income units that would count towards RHNA • Applicant has identified an additional site to accommodate 280 very low- to low-income units — 12.74-acre commercial parcel at NE Corner Washington and Fred Waring — Affordable Housing and Mixed -Use Overlays 24 12 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 Site 6 a._._._.,.._._._._._I 1 1 i 6111 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Fred Waring Dr 1 • • a 4i 1 ri r 1 1 I 1 UMI=IMIMIMIMI=11 1 1 1 1 1 82t . O '_'�+�1 13 • a._ — 25 General Plan Amendment • If GPA approved, City would need to re- submit its Housing Element to HCD • Project is conditioned to not move forward with any construction until and unless HCD has approved the amended Housing Element 26 13 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 Specific Plan Amendment • Project requires an amendment of the La Paloma Specific Plan • Amended Specific Plan would supersede La Paloma and detail the development standards for La Quinta Village Apartments 27 Specific Plan Amendment • Specific Plan differences from Municipal Code: — Image corridor height changes — Three stories allowed — Carports within setbacks — Minimum livable area of 670 sf — Perimeter landscape setback changes, including allowing fencing and retention basins 28 14 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 CEQA • Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) prepared • Department determined project would have less than significant effects, with mitigation • City received (11) comments during public review period 29 Findings • PC must make findings that: — Support adoption of MND — Support the GPA and apply conditions of approval (COA) — Determine Specific Plan is consistent with General Plan and apply COA — Consider architecture, landscaping, and site design of SDP and apply COA 30 15 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 COAs • Project has the following conditions: — HCD must approve amended Housing Element prior to construction permits being issued — Deed restricted covenant for 55 years for moderate income units — Improvements along Washington Street and Avenue 50 31 Recommendation 1) Adopt a resolution to recommend City Council adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for Environmental Assessment 2022-0001. 2) Adopt a resolution to recommend City Council approve GPA2022-0002, SP2022-0001 (SP2004- 071, Amendment 2), and SDP2022-0001 32 16 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 33 COAs • City staff recommendation to add to condition #47: "In the area of Avenue 50, east of the southerly project driveway, where the profile of Avenue 50 descends into the channel low water crossing, the applicant shall be permitted to propose alternative solutions that are supported by sound Geotechnical Engineering in the interests of preserving CVWD's access to the channel maintenance road, minimizing the heights of retaining walls, and minimizing costs as these improvements may be replaced in the near future by an all-weather crossing over the channel." 34 17 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 Site Development Permit • Project would upgrade existing substation south of the project that currently serves other residents • Applicant would be required to underground utilities on south and west, unable to on east, and requesting to not underground on north 35 Traffic • Access off Washington and Avenue 50, with right in/right out for both • Project will add sidewalks, bike/golf cart lanes on Avenue 50 and Washington Street, extend median 36 18 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 37 I 11 III f111111111111 umwmin PX5f8.01. •TrW]�F1E* 38 0r� Clubhouse - East Elevation (Pool Deck) 112sc�. +r.• , ,a 0 q Clubhouse - West Elevation (Entry) ••rtEM E,TrF noBklg2- East Elevation 1.11 SCALE 're 19 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING January 27, 2023 39 20 APPLICANT POWERPOINT PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 27, 2023 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APPLICANT PRESENTATION June 27, 2023 ormerly known as iroutaaie Village 1 .= 3-Story Building ORIGINAL PROPOSAL 284 Units 7 3-Story Buildings REVISED PROPOSAL 252 Units 3.5 3-Story Buildings 2 1 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APPLICANT PRESENTATION June 27, 2023 CHANGES TO PROPOSAL ORIGINAL NEW o Requesting Zone Change (RMH RH) o No Zone Change (Existing RMH zoning to remain) o 284 Units o 252 Units o 214 Market -Rate Units o 178 Market -Rate Units o 70 Moderate -Income Units o 74 Moderate -Income Units o 7 Total 3-story Buildings o 3.5 Total 3-Story Buildings o Two 3-Story Buildings in Avenue 50 Image o No 3-Story Buildings in Avenue 50 Image Corridor Corridor, Now 2-Story Buildings o 520 Parking Spaces o 522 Parking Spaces Planning Commissioners — Please see Revisions to Original Proposal Letter provided for in-depth comparison chart. 3 252 Units 522 Parking Spaces 4 178 Market -Rate Units 74 Moderate -Income Units 2 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APPLICANT PRESENTATION June 27, 2023 li'.Q 4Q m 4Q4; ,".: { , irQ. 4Q4Q4.r 4Q4Q4:�y Washington Street lrnage Corridor 150 Feet Avenue 50 rmage Corridor 150 feet No 3-Story Buildings in Image Corridor 5 6 WHAT ARE THE OFF -SITE IMPROVEMENTS? 3 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APPLICANT PRESENTATION June 27, 2023 pgrades to IID Marshal Substation rom 25 MVA to 40/50 MVA Proximity of Marshal Substation to Project Site 7 Upgrades to IID Marshal Substation From 25 MVA to 40/50 MVA 8 Provides relief to grid overload and much needed electricity to neighborhood 4 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APPLICANT PRESENTATION June 27, 2023 AVENUE 50 WIDENING 9 AVENUE 50 WIDENING Additional traffic lane and bike lanes oking west towards Washington 5 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APPLICANT PRESENTATION June 27, 2023 m'w U= New Traffic Lane .= New Bike Lane El= Future Bike Lane = Striping yJ PIMA J { 11 rrb*1.191 mw■ AVENUE 50 WIDENING ,P . TEPTIC IRE MAN EC WE Additional Vehicle Lane and Bike lanes connecting Park and Washington 11 WASHINGTON STREET IMPROVEMENTS 12 6 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APPLICANT PRESENTATION MOUNTk���UK|T�|KJ \/|�UV� AIN v/�-vv'� View of Avenue SO and Washington Street Intersection 13 New Deceleration Lane _ New Bus Turnout Relocated Bus Shelter ' � -�` - -- — - wr--- --- *- - ^ , '~ ... VVASH|NGTONSTREET IMPROVEMENTS90 - - --i H * °-SEV"~" OF SEV"ON 31M- ) �Iz a.==. ° - Dedicated w �r Deceleration Lane at Primary Entry Relocated Bus Stop wy Dedicated Bus Turnout 14 7 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APPLICANT PRESENTATION June 27, 2023 15 CONTEMPORARY MEDITERRANEAN ARCHITECTURAL STYLE WITH DESERT TONE COLOR SCHEMES 16 8 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APPLICANT PRESENTATION June 27, 2023 OE 4I tiEt r:. nram 'from xw hex S!! . ) DE LSJ Caw Pup., Scheme 2 [Et N +IE4 .mEA x n DESERT TONE COLOR SCHEMES Scheme 3 ,20, Amin P[ew+ Rao. In F,r 3un r CET 374 3 PE s,.. xw h[ae ^Pica uE Accer- 17 ��ryry��++SfAg 9 - Easl Elevallnn TYPICAL 2-STORY BUILDING 81dg 9 - NwLh Elevahan 8Idg 9 - WL-xl Etevdigl Color Scheme 1 18 9 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APPLICANT PRESENTATION June 27, 2023 •— usgair • Oy�S Srwu+ E4vallen 04. P - TYPICAL 3-STORY BUILDING ■ • lir sr elr • ■ A i NI -L1 11 sau s - W� Elew9dl koRh flIQV,9lgr1 Color Scheme 2 19 laUlLOIFIG 05" 4 - Wwdl Elevatlor BUIDING #4 — 2 & 3-STORY BI.HLDING 4.2 1 02'?2?9 earl Ehlvalfort Color Scheme 3 20 10 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APPLICANT PRESENTATION June 27, 2023 COVERED PARKING 338 Carports 58 Private Garages 21 Will Village Residents be able to look into my backyard? Intentional layout of garages along north property line and landscaping prevent looking into neighbor's yards 22 11 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APPLICANT PRESENTATION June 27, 2023 Will Village Residents be able to look into my backyard? Intentional layout of garages along north property line and landscaping prevent looking into neighbor's yards 23 PARKING Required without Affordable Ratios: • 2 Spaces per Unit • 0.5 Guest Spaces per Unit 252 units x 2 spaces/unit = 504 spaces for units 252 units x 0.5 Guest spaces/unit = 126 spaces for Guests 603 Total Spaces Required JUNE 2023 Required with Affordable Ratios: • 1 Space per 1-Bedroom Unit • 1.5 Spaces per 2-Bedroom Unit • No guest spaces required 166 1-Bed units x 1 space/unit = 166 spaces 86 2-Bed units x 1.5 spaces/unit = 129 spaces 295 Spaces for Units Required 7 Spaces for Clubhouse 302 Total Spaces Required LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS Parking Provided Ratios: • 1 Space per 1-Bedroom Unit • 2 Spaces per 2-Bedroom Unit • 0.5 Guest Spaces per Unit 166 1-Bed units x 1 space/unit = 166 spaces 86 2-Bed units x 2 spaces/unit = 172 spaces 252 units x 0.5 spaces/unit = 126 spaces for Guests 56 Garage Spaces 2 Accessible Garage Spaces 522 Total Spaces Provided Parking Pass System to regulate parking & visitors 24 24 12 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APPLICANT PRESENTATION June 27, 2023 PARKING CONERNS What if the Village holds special events for its residents? Where will Village residents and their guests park? Will they be parking in the Sagebrush neighborhood? Drafted Overflow Parking Management Plan to provide strategies to be implemented during special events & holidays Professional Valet Service to park vehicles on -site Off -site parking (Sports Complex) and shuttle bus service What if Village Residents park in my neighborhood? Including Sagebrush Avenue, Bottlebrush Drive, Saguaro Road, Date Palm Drive Sagebrush Neighborhood can request City to implement "Permit Required" Parking / Preferential Parking District (PPD) A PPD is an area with posted regulations limiting parking by vehicles without permits in order to reduce impact of non-resident parking JUNE 2023 LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS 25 25 LA QUINTA COUNTRY CLUB ESTATES tr.411FI LAGO Li 3r GATED rQ MONTERO ESTATES r! GATED rc DUNA '. LA QUINT. 01 whiskimiaweil 0 W x PARC LA QUINTA RANCHO GATED GATE aw,r_ -. ,r'. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES PROPOSED PERMIT REQUIRED PARKING VACANT ADJACENT NEIGHBORHOOD PARKIN SING% AIRILY i Lf4uu I e YMCA BOYS & GIRLS CLUB LO SPORTS YOUTH CENTER RANCHO LA OUINTA 1 DESERT SANDS USD •ncs LO MIDDLE STEM ACADEMY HARRY S TRUMAN ELEMENTARY PAINTED COVE GATED SI NGLE-FiCAfftlY RESIDENCES 26 13 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APPLICANT PRESENTATION June 27, 2023 UPDATED TRAFFIC STUDY DURING PEAK SEASON APRIL 2023 New traffic study conducted April 2023. Previous study conducted during December 2020. Study Area Intersections Washington / Avenue 50 Washington / Sagebrush Ave. Washington / Eisenhower Dr./Rancho La Quinta Drive Washington / Avenue 48 Avenue 50 / Moon River Dr./Park Ave. Project Trip Generation 1,556 Total Daily Trips 108 AM Peak Hour Trips 125 PM Peak Hour Trips Study Time Periods Weekday AM Hours: 7:OOAM — 9:OOAM Weekday PM Hours: 4:OOPM — 6:OOPM Peak Hours for Analysis per City of LQ Less than significant impact due to study area intersections operating at acceptable Level of Service (LOS) under Project Completion Conditions. Existing deficient operation conditions at Moon River Dr./Park Ave. and Avenue 50 due to AM student drop off for Harry S. Truman Elementary School. No improvements are required. JUNE 2023 SOURCE TROUTDALE VILLAGE TRANSPORTATION ANALYSIS, INTEGRATED ENGINEERING GROUP P L 023 LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS 27 27 WILL SHORT -TERN RENTALS BE ALLOWED? NO Leasing Term Commitment of One Year Minimum Providing local housing for growing full-time community Serving local businesses by reducing travel time from other desert communities JUNE 2023 LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS 28 28 14 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APPLICANT PRESENTATION June 27, 2023 WHAT IS AFFORDALE HOUSING? AFFORDABLE LOW-INCOME JUNE 2023 Different levels of Affordability Acutely Low-income Extremely Low-income Very Low-income Low-income Moderate -income Above Moderate -income (Market -Rate) *Based on Area Median Income (AMI) Definition: Area Median Income — midpoint of a region's income distribution. In a region, half of households earn more than the median and half earn less than the median. This is NOT the average income. SOURCE NnoSaiwww.SAOmNTACA.cwiaESTOENTvsOCAL,ESOURCES/ArwaOAREE-N OUnNwINCOME-LIMITS LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS 29 29 WHO SETS AFFORDABLE RENT LIMITS? Who sets the guidelines? How much will the moderate -income rents be? Established by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Based on federal limits set by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) SOURCE. NrIPS.uwww. EAOUINTACA. sOV/PESmENTLEOCAL•arsOuaCEVArroavAaLE•HOUs:NOnNCOMELIMITS JUNE 2023 LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS 30 30 15 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APPLICANT PRESENTATION June 27, 2023 2023 RENT LIMITS MODERATE) PER RIVERSIDE COUNTY LA QUINTA HOUSING AUTHORITY Income levels based on Department of Housing and Community Development Income Limits dated June 6, 2023 1-Bedroom 2-Bedroom Monthly Affordable Rent: $2,079 Monthly Affordable Rent: $2,339 1 Person Household Median Income: $66,150 Maximum Income: $79,400 JUNE 2023 2 Person Household Median Income: $75,600 Maximum Income: $90,700 3 Person Household Median Income: $85,050 Maximum Income: $102,050 Annual Income Limit for Moderate ranges from $79,400 - $149,700 Median Income for Moderate ranges from $66,150 - $124,750 *Based on Household Size* Definition: Annual Income — Gross income from all sources for all members of the household SOURCE. Hrrvs://www.LAQuiNTAca. c Ov/HOME/SHOwaue„sHEOOOCUMENr/eeog3 LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS 31 31 AFFORDABLE RENT EXAMPLE Income levels based on Department of Housing and Community Development Income Limits dated June 6, 2023 EXAMPLE The AMI for a 2-person household is $75,600. The maximum income to be eligible for moderate -income housing is $90,700. For rental tenants in a 2-person household, the maximum rent for moderate -income is $2,079 / month for a 1-Bedroom $2,339 / month for a 2-Bedroom Annual Income Limit for Moderate ranges from $79,400 - $149,700 Median Income for Moderate ranges from $66,150 - $124,750 *Based on Household Size* Definition: Annual Income — Gross income from all sources for all members of the household SOUP, Hrrvs_//WWW LAQm NrA[A. aO,HOME/SNOweususHEOOOCUMENr/ae493 JUNE 2023 LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS 32 32 16 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - June 27, 2023 APPLICANT PRESENTATION 33 THANK YOU Learn more at www.laquintavillage.com https://www.l aq u i ntaca.gov/ou r-city/city-departments/design-and-development/planning-d ivis ion/pl an n i ng-projects/I a-q u i nta-vi I I age-apartments-troutd a l e 34 17 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - APPLICANT PRESENTATION June 27, 2023 "••[1[11i] 11111•-[-1-11E- 35 18 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENT PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 27, 2023 Tania Flores From: Nancy Alexander <alexander1430@comcast.net> Sent: Friday, June 23, 2023 11:23 AM To: Tania Flores Subject: Proposed apts on 50th & Washington in LaQuinta [You don't often get email from alexander1430@comcast.net. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ] ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Dear Mr. Flores, I attended the last meeting and don't understand why the City Council changed their mind and agreed to give the developer a nod to proceed in the final minutes of the meeting. I believe the developer said he'd pay for a substation? Please clarify. I live in Duna LaQuinta and have imagined the apartments being there when I drive south on Washington. In season the traffic is already horrendous on that corner. Also, the view of the mountains which is what makes LQ a beautful place to live would be blocked. The number of apartments and height of them would be copy cats of the apartments on the west side of Jefferson near Hwy 111. I do not support the project as it is presently being discussed. Sincerely, Nancy Alexander 1 Tania Flores From: Elizabeth Broedlow <lizbroedlow@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, June 23, 2023 4:37 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: Written Comments - La Quinta Village Apartments Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed IYou don't often get email from lizbroedlow@gmail.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. RE: the upcoming public hearing regarding the city's proposed plans to build the La Quinta Village Apartments (formerly Troutdale Residences). This development includes one, two and three story buildings housing 252 multifamily units on the northeast corner of Washington and Avenue 50. As a resident of La Quinta, I am not in favor of this large housing project. This is too massive for the area and it will impact the traffic which is heavy down Washington at 50th. The density of this project is not with in the original community design and it is way out of scale for this area. Elizabeth Broedlow 48771 San Vicente Street La Quinta. LA QUINTA GOLF ESTATES i Tania Flores From: Linda Fero <Ilfero@icloud.com> Sent: Friday, June 23, 2023 11:22 AM To: Tania Flores Subject: Written Comments La Quinta Village Apartments Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed [You don't often get email from Ilfero@icloud.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** La Quinta Village Apartments. Linda Fero 78310 Calle Las Ramblas La Quinta Ca 92253. As a concern homeowner I live in Duna La Quinta on Washington and 50th in LQ Ca. We are extremely concerned with this project and the problems it will bring. We already have far too much traffic and it is an extremely dangerous intersection. I have witnessed numerous crashes and have been hit myself by a car that ran a red light. The infrastructure will not support that many apartments with Traffic, speeding, parking and overall dangers of adding too many units with no real plan to address current issues already. I see nothing but danger especially because there will be children in peril with the speeds at which people travel on Washington and 50th. 50th is in desperate need of repair. They are currently working on a stretch outside of our complex and landscaping and irrigation has been damaged. We have a run down shopping center on Washington that these poor business see no improvements to and from what I understand a slum landlord who will not keep up with the times. I see these apartments as an accident waiting to happen. Linda Fero Sent from my iPhone i Tania Flores From: Joe Hager <joehager119@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, June 23, 2023 4:49 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: Written Comments - La Quinta Village Apartments Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. My name is Joe Hager. My wife and I own a house in Duna La Quinta, which is directly across the intersection for the proposed high density development. We strongly oppose this development for the following reasons: 1. A proven fact: the higher the population density, the higher the crime rate; the higher the single-family land use, the lower the crime rate; and the higher the percentage of multifamily land -use, and the higher the crime rate, including higher rates of robbery, aggravated assault and rape. * From the study, titled "Land Use and Violent Crime," published in the November 2009 issue of the journal Criminology. • There are currently numerous school children that walk through that intersection on their way to and from school. They will be at a much higher risk of kidnapping, assaults and rape due to this development. • Those children will also have increased risks of serious injury or worse from the increased traffic at that intersection and the entrances/exits of this proposed development. • There is also a proven relationship between home ownership and crime. This is true of both violent and property crime. The bottom 25 states in homeownership have violent crime rates that are 17.43 percent higher than in the top 25 states for homeownership. Property crime rates in low homeownership states are 6.31 percent higher than in high homeownership states 2. Higher density areas repel single-family homeowners. Homeowners prefer to be next to single-family homes rather than apartments. Thus, this development, at this location, will decrease the attractiveness of our adjacent single-family neighborhoods, and potentially decrease our property values. • higher crime rates drive down demand, which causes prices to fall in response 3. Increased density decreases neighborhood personal interactions, involvement and changes behaviors. One of the main reasons we were attracted to this area of Palm Springs was Old Town LaQuinta: it has the intimacy of the small town with its surrounding neighborhoods. As we go for morning walks or walk to dinner in Old Town, we meet numerous other similar, friendly homeowners, which fosters connections. More homeowners in a neighborhood results in more civic engagement and personal investment The proposed development, at this location, will negatively affect the friendliness and social interactions of our neighborhoods, including Old Town LaQuinta. 1 • This will be the result of the increased transience and turnover of residents from the high density development, at that location. 4. A high density development with multi -storied apartment buildings would be out of place and not fit in with the adjacent neighborhoods, even with the latest proposed architectural modifications. • This location is surrounded by small neighborhoods of single-family houses and should remain that way. • This intersection and Washington Ave is one of the main entrance points to our quaint Old Town LaQuinta, thus changing the Old Town feeling and historical ambience of our city. I strongly recommend that a different location is selected for this type of high density development to prevent the occurence of the above facts and issues. Sincerely, Joe Hager * https://newsinfo.iu.edu/news/page/normal/13030.html#:-:text=%22Apparently%2C%20high%2Ddensity%20housing, areas% 20traversed%20by%20major%20streets. 2 Tania Flores From: Elizabeth Broedlow <lizbroedlow@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2023 7:44 AM To: Tania Flores Subject: Written Comments - La Quinta Village Apartments Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed [You don't often get email from lizbroedlow@gmail.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ] ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** I am a resident of La Quinta and we live in the La Quinta Golf Estates. This project is too dense and will cause. Major traffic problem for our area. I urge you to re think this massive project and the impact it will have. The traffic is only one issue, the added noise level with cars along Washington and 50th. Trash pickup, Water, Gas and Electricity use will increase. This will effect the environment which the State is already cracking down on, and seems aggressively concerned with. I believe this over zealous project is a money making for a few, but a disaster for many. The Desert still has acres of open land to develop upon. Washington and 50th is not a good location for this size development. I can only pray and hope the City Commissioners who work with the Developers making these decisions, will be for the betterment of those who have already paid dearly to live in this area, and not be swayed by political agendas, greed, or financial gain. Elizabeth Broedlow 48771 San Vicente St La Quinta 1 Tania Flores From: Ted Kennedy <ejkennedy604@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2023 10:06 AM To: Tania Flores Subject: Written Comments - La Quinta Village Apartments Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed You don't often get email from ejkennedy604@gmail.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. As residents of Duna La Quinta for 15 years the proposed project Is diagonally across from our gated community. The communities surrounding this property on all sides are single family homes which would have you believe this is the zoning for this area, not apartment complexes. My wife and I totally oppose this property being approved for apartment buildings and should only allow zoning for single family homes. Ted & Fran Kennedy 78382 Calle Las Ramblas, La Quinta, Ca 92253 1 Tania Flores From: CHERI POTECHIN <cheripotec@aol.com> Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2023 6:44 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: 50th & Washington Development Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed [You don't often get email from cheripotec@aol.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** To the attention of the La Quinta planning commission: I'm a homeowner in the LQ Fairways. I feel that the revised development still has some unacceptable issues. The density is still too high & there should not be any 3 story buildings. Also an ingress & egress off of Washington after the 50th & Washington intersection will cause a lot of traffic problems as it is now planned. I hope these issue will have further work done on them before you would give any approval. Thank you Cheri Potechin 50-175 Doral St. La Quinta CA 92253 Sent from my iPhone i Tania Flores From: Margaret Pyle <mpyle@thepylegroup.com> Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2023 1:49 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: Written Comments - La Quinta Village Apartments Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed [You don't often get email from mpyle@thepylegroup.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ] ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** We are writing in opposition to the above project for the following reasons: 1) It will add increased traffic congestion and accidents. 2) It is too close to a school and the increased traffic, especially in the morning, will negatively impact the safety of the school children. 3) It will increase population density thus destroying the beauty of La Quinta as a quiet, less congested area, the reason we bought our single family home in La Quinta in the first place. 4) It will result in increased crime in the area. The evidence is unfortunate, but clear: lower income multi -family housing results in more police calls and higher crime rates. La Quinta is the Gem of the Desert. Those of us who bought single family homes here did so because we wanted less congestion and crime in single family home neighborhoods. Apartment projects will ruin our gem and property values will decline as a result. Please reject the proposal! Thomas and Margaret Pyle 78-126 Hacienda La Quinta Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 1 Tania Flores From: Evie Connell Sproul <outlook_A64EE74B338FE1 E5@outlook.com> Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2023 4:04 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: Troutdale project Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed You don't often get email from outlook_a64ee74b338fe1e5@outlook.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. I am Evelyn Connell Sproul. I live in the Duna La Quinta gate. My home is the closest one to the corner of 50th and Washington. I have lived in this home for 31 years and watched the growth around me all these years. This area is not the appropriate land to place three story or two story buildings! That is crowding too many people in this small space. Please do not approve this project!!!! Thank you, Evelyn Sent from Mail for Windows > Tania Flores From: Roger Garvin <rogergarvin375@yahoo.com> Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2023 2:59 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: Fwd: Washington and Avenue 50 Proposed Development, NE Corner Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed You don't often get email from rogergarvin375@yahoo.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Roger Garvin <rogergarvin375@yahoo.com> Date: June 25, 2023 at 2:56:55 PM PDT To: Audrey Reed <draudrey@mac.com>, Roger Garvin <rblrg@aol.com> Subject: Fwd: Washington and Avenue 50 Proposed Development, NE Corner Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: Roger Garvin <rogergarvin375@yahoo.com> Date: June 25, 2023 at 2:50:44 PM PDT To: tflores@laquinta.gov Subject: Fwd: Washington and Avenue 50 Proposed Development, NE Corner Mr. Flores We fully concur with the attached. The one thing that I would add pertains to the developer's promise to double the capacity of the power grid. I know that for some reason we're not allowed to allude to the developer's checkered past regarding past projects he's started but I think that it is relevant in believing his promise regarding the power grid without: 1. A detailed estimate of what the grid upgrade will cost and 2. This amount should be placed in an escrow account by the developer prior to any potential approval of this project. Thank you. i Roger and Jackie Garvin 50685 Grand Traverse Avenue Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: 2 Tania Flores From: josephrscaccia@aol.com Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2023 2:47 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: Fw: Washington and Avenue 50 Proposed Development Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed You don't often get email from josephrscaccia@aol.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Initially sent to wrong address. See below. Forwarded Message From: josephrscaccia@aol.com <josephrscaccia@aol.com> To: TFlores@laquinta.gov <tflores@laquinta.gov> Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2023 at 01:45:31 PM PDT Subject: Washington and Avenue 50 Proposed Development Dear La Quinta Council Members, I am writing to ask that you NOT approve the apartment project currently under review for the NE corner of Washington and Avenue 50. I'II try to keep my arguments succinct: * The project as proposed is WAY to dense. Too many units, not enough parking for each unit and unsightly 3 story buildings completely not in keeping with the surrounding neighborhoods. Add to that the light pollution and noise pollution — late night revealers, slamming car doors, blaring car security alarms at 2:OOAM — that the residents on Sagebrush and elsewhere would have to endure and this proposed monstrosity would be a disaster for nearby residents. * This project often gets lauded by council members because they say if offers so much more parking than the previously approved senior living project that is no longer in the mix. This is a deceiving apples to oranges comparison. Any senior living project would require WAY fewer spaces per living unit as most of the residents would not even drive. Please stop giving kudos to the developer for this absurd comparison. Despite the larger total number of spaces, there are many fewer than would actually be needed for the number of units and the expected population of the complex. * The access proposed from Avenue 50 is completely untenable. Avenue 50 narrows to a tight 3 lanes as it goes through the CVWD dip/culvert and rises rapidly as one approaches the corner at Washington. There is no way to widen Avenue 50 to 2 lanes of traffic in each direction with a bike lane, a sidewalk and a right turn lane into the proposed complex. There simply is no way to make Avenue 50 wide enough to handle the required space. If you disagree, please bring the exact measurements of each westbound lane feature proposed for Avenue 50 and prove that they all fit. * The often floated idea that Washington and Avenue 50 (at the school) can accommodate a U Turn lane in order that one can enter the complex from either street is absolutely going to create a traffic i hazard. Those making a left U Turn from the southbound Washington lanes will both slow traffic behind them and find themselves turning head on into westbound Avenue 50 traffic making a right on red turn onto Washington. * If you are considering adding a U Turn lane on the eastbound Avenue 50 at Park and Moon River, you are asking to create a nightmare scenario involving school children and/or the cars that line both Avenue 50 and Park during the pickup and drop off hours. * It's been said that the developer's history of building other projects in other cities is not relevant. I beg to differ. Do a Google search of this developer and see what you find. Are you actually saying La Quinta should ignore the issues this developer has wrought on other communities? Would you hire a babysitter without first seeking referrals and background checks? To ignore this developer's litany of past projects is to not do your job. * The last presentation made by the developer was confusing and disorganized— it was like watching a clown car. They couldn't find half the slides they wanted to present and when they could, the type could not be read if you were standing 2 feet from the screen. In my experience, if you cant be trusted to do the little things right — like making a convincing presentation — you probably can't be trusted to the big things right, like building your monstrosity. * Also, the last presentation made by the developer was not on the agenda until about 3 hours after the meeting began. It was almost as if the council hoped to wear out the homeowners through attrition so fewer voices would be heard when the agenda item came up. Give the homeowners the respect they deserve. Move our comments section up in your agenda and definitely let us ask our questions and point out the project's flaws BEFORE we have to sit through another debacle of a presentation by the developer. I'll close by simply repeating my initial recommendation. DO NOT APPROVE THIS PROJECT. There must be a more appropriately sized project for this awkward triangular space and, while it may take some more time to find it, you would definitely retreat building the currently proposed oversized eyesore. Thank you for your consideration. Joseph R. Scaccia 50585 Grand Traverse Ave La Quinta, CA 92253 2 Tania Flores From: maureen skeese <mdskeese@gmail.com> Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2023 3:01 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: Proposed Complex on Northeast Corner of Washington and Ave.50 Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed [You don't often get email from mdskeese@gmail.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ] ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Dear Ms. Flores, planning commission members and other involved persons, Please do not allow this development to get built at this location. The developer's meeting at the wellness center on June 19 demonstrated his unwillingness to accept (or even compromise) with the concerns of the La Quinta residents present at the first meeting at city hall with the planning commission. His biggest change appeared to be a change of name (from Troutdale Village to La Quinta Village Apartments). Those of us in single story and single family homes do NOT want to see an eyesore like the three story apartments next to Costco built in beautiful La Quinta. Thank you for your attention to this issue and PLEASE vote NO on this monstrosity. Maureen Skeese 50115 Doral Street La Quinta, CA 92253 Sent from my iPad 1 Tania Flores From: Alane Anderson, Realtor I MBA <alane@alaneanderson.com> Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 10:55 AM To: Tania Flores Subject: June 27 meeting on proposed 50th & Washington project Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed You don't often get email from alane@alaneanderson.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Dear Council Members, I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed housing development in our neighborhood. While I understand the need for affordable housing in our city, I believe that this project would have a detrimental impact on our community. First and foremost, the proposed development is simply too large for our area. The increase in population density would put a strain on our already overburdened traffic flow & congestion - especially at the school intersection of Park and Washington, leading to an even worse safety situation for the school children and parents. Additionally, the construction of this project would result in significant environmental visual damage, destroying the city's notoriety for its natural view of the mountains and desert scenery that surrounds our communities. Furthermore, the type of housing being proposed is simply not in keeping with the character of our city. La Quinta enjoys a healthy income from tourists including seasonal rentals, outdoor activities, festivals, art enthusiasts, restaurants, Old Town, event attendees, and more. Placing this poorly designed project in the heart of these tourist traveled roads will diminish the overall desirability of our area. Tourists and residents vote with their dollars, there are many choices, this will have a negative impact on how all parties choose to spend their time and disposable income in La Quinta. Think of it this way, if you could no longer enjoy the La Quinta views and instead experienced increased traffic and commute times, high density/population, longer lines at various retail, restaurants, grocery stores, etc, would you return or look for a new area? Finally, I am concerned about the impact this development would have on families moving into the project. Typically, suburban and rural areas have low denisty while urban areas have high density buildings. Placing this project closer to an urban area such as HWY-111 or similary geographic location would provide residents with lifestyle support options such as walkability/bus/transportation to nearby Doctors, health support services, restaurants, grocery stores, and job opportunities. > In conclusion, I strongly urge you to reconsider this proposed housing development. While I recognize the need for affordable housing, I believe that this project is simply not the right location for this area of La Quinta. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, La Quinta resident for over 24 years, Alane Anderson 2 Tania Flores From: Ron Delaney <rondelaney@me.com> Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 1:56 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: Written Comments - La Quinta Village Apartments proposed development Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed [You don't often get email from rondelaney@me.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ] ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Dear Ms. Flores, My name is Ron Delaney. My wife and I live at 78062 Calle Norte, La. Quinta in the Duna La Quinta subdivision. We are adamantly opposed to the La Quinta Village apartments development. We object to several items in the proposal. 1. The additional traffic created by 252 new residences along Washington Ave and Ave 50 will be disastrous to what is already a burden to current residences. 2. The additional traffic on Ave 50 in proximity with an elementary school, middle school and the Boys and Girls Club create a major safety issue. 3. The proposed architectural design in incongruent with current La Quinta architecture particularly the adjacent La Quinta Resort. 4. The proposed building heights for the 3-story buildings again is not in compliance with current city code. We could go on and on. We love La Quinta having lived here for 13 years. Please protect our resort style of living, the city and lifestyle we all enjoy. Thank you. Kindest regards, Ron & Enid Delaney 78062 Calle Norte La Quinta, CA 92253 1 Tania Flores From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Duna La Quinta Board of Directors <dunahoa@gmail.com> Monday, June 26, 2023 10:45 AM Cheri Flores; Tania Flores Linda Evans; Steve Sanchez; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Deborah McGarrey; Steven Gardner; d cox; David Schuknecht; PAT & JANICE MC COY, TRUSTEES; THOMAS GUNN & RUTHIE MARLENEE; Lawrence Van Pelt; ronbeeler@fpps.us Written Comments by Duna La Quinta HOA Regarding the La Quinta Village Revised Site Plan Submittal Duna La Quinta letter RE La Quinta Village Site Plan.pdf Follow up Completed Some people who received this message don't often get email from dunahoa@gmail.com. Learn why this is important [I EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Dear Ms. Flores and Members of the City Council, please find our comments on the subject document attached. Many thanks for your hard work making La Quinta an amazing place to live! Keith Meyer President DUNA LA QUINTA HOA NO. 1 BOARD OF DIRECTORS i DUNA Lcattimtt,•Homeowners Association No. 1 June 23, 2023 Cheri Flores City of La Quinta Planning Department Members of the La Quinta City Council 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 dunahoa@gmail.com RE: Review of La Quinta Village (formerly Troutdale Village) Site Plan APN 646-070-016 General Plan Amendment to revise the City's Housing Element Specific Plan Amendment to amend the existing La Paloma Specific Plan Site Development Permit Dear Ms. Flores and Members of the Planning Commission and City Council; I am the President of Board of Directors for Duna La Quinta HOA No. 1, which is located on the south side of Avenue 50 between Washington Street and Eisenhower Blvd. Duna La Quinta includes three HOAs, totaling 184 single family and condominium units. The Duna La Quinta Homeowners Association is opposed to this project, due to project location and inadequate site access from Washington Street and Avenue 50, turning traffic impacts, the proposed increase in allowable building height from 22 ft. to 40 ft., and the significant impact to the views along Avenue 50. We urge the City of La Quinta to reject the Site Development Permit, General Plan Amendment, and Specific Plan for the La Quinta Village apartments, and require separate Environmental Impact Statements for the Project and for the Citywide General Plan amendment that would raise building heights in residential communities. Our association has reviewed the revised site plan for the proposed project and has the following comments on the developer's stated revisions to the site plan: 1. Architectural style changed from modern contemporary to contemporary Mediterranean. New architectural elements include: • Modified color palette and schemes • Trellis on 2nd and 3rd floors to reduce massing. • Arches, recessed niches, crown molding with stucco finish and new ends (short -side) Page 1 of 5 DUNA Lcattim Homeowners Association No. 1 dunahoa@gmail.com This urban industrial architectural style is grossly out of place in the Avenue 50 Corridor. The proposed development is surrounded by single family, single story tile roof homes. The design for this development should be Spanish style stucco and tile roofs as are other buildings in the area (particularly if it is to be called "La Quinta Village"). It is imperative that any development in this Image Corridor be consistent with surrounding resort -style neighborhoods. Please have the applicant use some of the themes prevalent around the La Quinta "Village" area, as shown below: 2. Reduced the height and stories of the following buildings: a. Building 4 reduced to 2 and 3-story, originally all 3-story b. Building 5 reduced to 2-story, originally all 3-story c. Building 6 reduced to 2-story, originally all 3-story d. Building 11 reduced to 2-story, originally all 3-story e. No three-story buildings within 150-feet of Image Corridors f. Maximum allowable height within Image Corridor height restriction of 22'-0" (LQMC 9.50.020) increased to 28'-0" per La Quinta Village Specific Plan. Maximum allowable height within Image Corridor may not exceed the maximum allowable height of the existing zone (28'-0") per LQMC 9.50.030 Table 9-2, Footnote 2. While the developer is now in compliance with the City's Image Corridor setback requirements, the 3-story buildings still require a change to the La Quinta Municipal Code to increase building height from 22 ft to 40 ft. This is unacceptable in this corridor and location. We implore the City to NOT ALLOW a change in building height. 3. Additional deceleration lane and bus turnout on Washington Street. Additional 2 lanes to expand Avenue 50, including a bike lane along Avenue 50 which will connect Park Avenue and Washington Street bike lanes. This site is not a good location for such a large housing project that generates more than 1,600 trips per day. How does a resident get into this development from Washington north? They can't make a left turn in from southbound Washington, and they can't make a left turn in from westbound Avenue 50. So, it means that 100% of traffic coming from southbound must make a U-turn at Avenue 50. Page 2 of 5 DUNA Lcattim Homeowners Association No. 1 dunahoa@gmail.com That would be more than 50 ADDITIONAL vehicles per hour making a U-turn, which will in turn occupy significantly more signal time, or cause the left turn lanes to back up more than they already do. In addition, 100% of the development traffic wanting to go to Ralph's or other points east will need to first go west and then make a U-turn at Washington Street, thus exacerbating the signal timing even more. The locations of the La Quinta Village entries are too close to the intersection of Washington Street/Avenue 50. It should also be noted that the pavement along Avenue 50 between Washington Street and Eisenhower Blvd. is highly deteriorated and will pull up more, with additional traffic loads. The City needs to repave this road ASAP regardless of the development. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Environmental Assessment, General Plan Amendment, and Specific Plan for the La Quinta Village. The Environmental Assessment is no longer valid, as it is out of date and the project description has changed. The City cannot approve the General Plan Amendment to revise the City's Housing Element, Specific Plan Amendment to amend the existing La Paloma Specific Plan, nor the Site Development Permit without an approved Environmental Document. TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT At the recent public hearing meeting conducted by the developer at the La Quinta Wellness Center, requests were made for all details on a new traffic study that was represented. Applicant stated that all information would be available at www.laquintavillages.cor 72 hours prior to planning commission hearing on June 27th. That site is not active as of writing this letter, and no information has been shared with the public as requested and promised. Therefore, our previous comments from March 22, 2023, made on the last Traffic Study, still apply. The current project's reduced number of units is irrelevant, as the developer changed the unit mix of 1 and 2 bedrooms; previously there were 342 beds, and now 338 beds are proposed (4 beds less). Therefore, there will be virtually no reduction in traffic or pedestrian impacts. Our comments on the previous traffic report therefore remain: Page 3 of 5 DUNA (,c.QU1 (.,,Homeowners Association No. 1 dunahoa@gmail.com 1. Study Intersections. Limiting the traffic study to three local intersections is inadequate, since major employment, entertainment and shopping are located north and east, and project traffic will travel to further intersections. The more congested intersections of Avenue 50/Jefferson Street and Highway 111/Washington Street must be included in the analysis. The project's reduced number of units is irrelevant, as the developer changed the unit mix of 1 and 2 bedrooms, such that previously there were 342 beds, and now 338 beds (4 beds less). Therefore, there will be virtually no reduction in traffic or pedestrian impacts. Our comments on the previous traffic report will remain. 2. Background Data Collection is not representative of current existing conditions and thus renders any traffic operation analysis useless. The project TA does not consider peak season special events in La Quinta that have a major impact on area roadways, particularly Washington Street and Avenue 50. There is no discussion of the impact to special events that greatly impact the Washington Street and Avenue 50 corridors, specifically, the Coachella and Stagecoach music festivals, the BNP Open Tennis tournament (because of the relationship to the La Quinta Resort) and the La Quinta Ironman. 3. Assumptions of Traffic Distribution are arbitrary, not based on empirical evidence, and have significant impact on the traffic forecasts, rendering the current forecasts and traffic operations useless. 4. VMT Analysis Exemption. This exemption violates the consultant's own workplan agreement with the City. Not providing this evaluation violates CEQA guidelines, since the development is underserved by transit. 5. Lack of Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Analysis. This evaluation should be included, as pedestrian crossings of Avenue 50 and Washington Street will have a significant impact on traffic signal operations. It is noted that the traffic consultant's signal operations evaluations do not consider any pedestrian activations or the excessive U-turns noted above. The Project's adjacency to Truman Elementary and La Quinta Middle Schools needs to be assessed as to the effects to children walking along the project site, as well as impact to parent dropoff/pickup queues, which can create significant congestion along Avenue 50 and affect signal timing at Washington Street. 6. Lack of Current EV Charging Stations. Although the developer has provided for 50 "future" EV parking spaces, when would these be constructed and by whom? The lack of any EV charging stations today will exacerbate traffic flow, by forcing apartment residents to drive elsewhere looking for charging stations. The likely destination will be the City of La Quinta's free fast chargers located in Old Town Page 4 of 5 DUNA G4,au ,HHomeowners Association No. 1 CLOSING dunahoa@gmail.com We urge the City of La Quinta to reject this site for such a large development, and therefore NOT APPROVE the Site Development Permit, General Plan Amendment, and Specific Plan Amendment for the La Quinta Village apartments. Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments. Sincerely Keith G. Meyer CA PE/TE 1376 President, Duna La Quinta HOA No.1 78130 Calle Norte, La Quinta CA 92253 760-266-2409 cc: City Council, Duna La Quinta HOA Board of Directors, Villa Vista HOA, Duna Gardens HOA Page 5 of 5 Tania Flores From: lawrence van pelt <vanpelt_lawrence@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 4:38 PM To: Tania Flores; Cheri Flores Cc: Linda Evans; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Deborah McGarrey Subject: Re: RECEIVED: Duna La Quinta HOA - Public Comment - La Quinta Village Apartments Attachments: VV Letter to Planning Commission RE La Quinta Village 6.26.23.docx EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Attached please find comments from Villa Vista HOA in Duna La Quinta regarding the La Quinta Village Apartments proposed project. Thank you. Lawrence Van Pelt Keller Williams Realty 949 689 5367 DUNA , f1,uilettet June 26, 2023 Cheri Flores City of La Quinta Planning Department Members of the La Quinta City Council 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 Villa Vista HOA RE: Review of La Quinta Village Apartments (formerly Troutdale Village) Site Plan Dear Ms. Flores and Members of the City Council; I am the President of Board of Directors for Villa Vista HOA located in Duna La Quinta, which is located on the south side of Avenue 50 between Washington Street and Eisenhower Blvd. Duna La Quinta includes three HOAs, totaling 184 single family and condominium units. Our residents are deeply concerned about the proposed La Quinta Village Apartments project. Visually it will not be consistent with the style of any nearby properties. Heights of 40 feet will obstruct mountain views for all surrounding communities and passersby. And finally, 1600 car trips per day added to Washington and 50th from this project alone, with all of those trips needing to U Turn, will destroy the functionality of that intersection. At the recent public hearing meeting conducted by the developer at the La Quinta Wellness Center, I made a request for all details on a new traffic study that was represented during that session. The Applicants representative stated that all information would be available at www.laquintavillages.com 72 hours prior to planning commission hearing on June 27th. That site is not active, and no information has been shared with the public as requested and promised. We urge the City of La Quinta to reject the Site Development Permit, General Plan Amendment, and Specific Plan for the La Quinta Village apartments. This project will damage and disrupt our City and our community, not enhance it. Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments. Sincerely Lawrence Van Pelt President, Villa Vista HOA 78024 Calle Norte, La Quinta CA 92253 (949) 689 5367 Page 1 of 1 Tania Flores From: Kevin Eastley <keastley@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 9:09 PM To: Tania Flores Cc: Terry Eastley Subject: Review of La Quinta Village (formerly Troutdale Village) Site Plan APN 646-070-016 Attachments: LQ Planning Comm.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed IYou don't often get email from keastley@gmail.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Dear Ms. Flores and Members of the Planning Commission and City Council. Please see our letter attached. Sincerely Kevin and Terry Eastley 1 June 26, 2023 Att: Cheri Flores City of La Quinta Planning Department Members of the La Quinta City Council 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Review of La Quinta Village (formerly Troutdale Village) Site Plan APN 646-070-016 General Plan Amendment to revise the City's Housing Element Specific Plan Amendment to amend the existing La Paloma Specific Plan Site Development Permit Dear Ms. Flores and Members of the Planning Commission and City Council; We are homeowners located in La Quinta Fairways which is located on the south side of Avenue 50 between Washington Street and Eisenhower Blvd. My wife and I are opposed to this project, due to project location and inadequate site access from Washington Street and Avenue 50, turning traffic impacts, the proposed increase in allowable building height from 22 ft. to 40 ft., and the significant impact to the views along Avenue 50. We urge the City of La Quinta to reject the Site Development Permit, General Plan Amendment, and Specific Plan for the La Quinta Village apartments, and require separate Environmental Impact Statements for the Project and for the Citywide General Plan amendment that would raise building heights in residential communities. We have stayed close to this project and have reviewed the revised site plan for the proposed project and has the following comments on the developer's stated revisions to the site plan: 1. Architectural style changed from modern contemporary to contemporary Mediterranean. New architectural elements include: • Modified color palette and schemes • Trellis on 2nd and 3rd floors to reduce massing. • Arches, recessed niches, crown molding with stucco finish and new ends (short -side) This urban industrial architectural style is grossly out of place in the Avenue 50 Corridor. The proposed development is surrounded by single family, single story tile roof homes. The design for this development should be Spanish style stucco and tile roofs as are other buildings in the area (particularly if it is to be called "La Quinta Village"). It is imperative that any development in this Image Corridor be consistent with surrounding resort -style neighborhoods. Please have the applicant use some of the themes prevalent around the La Quinta "Village" area, as shown below: 2. Reduced the height and stories of the following buildings: a. Building 4 reduced to 2 and 3-story, originally all 3-story b. Building 5 reduced to 2-story, originally all 3-story c. Building 6 reduced to 2-story, originally all 3-story d. Building 11 reduced to 2-story, originally all 3-story e. No three-story buildings within 150-feet of Image Corridors f. Maximum allowable height within Image Corridor height restriction of 22'-0" (LQMC 9.50.020) increased to 28'-0" per La Quinta Village Specific Plan. Maximum allowable height within Image Corridor may not exceed the maximum allowable height of the existing zone (28'-0") per LQMC 9.50.030 Table 9-2, Footnote 2. While the developer is now in compliance with the City's Image Corridor setback requirements, the 3-story buildings still require a change to the La Quinta Municipal Code to increase building height from 22 ft to 40 ft. This is unacceptable in this corridor and location. We implore the City to NOT ALLOW a change in building height. 3. Additional deceleration lane and bus turnout on Washington Street. Additional 2 lanes to expand Avenue 50, including a bike lane along Avenue 50 which will connect Park Avenue and Washington Street bike lanes. This site is not a good location for such a large housing project that generates more than 1,600 trips per day. How does a resident get into this development from Washington north? They can't make a left turn in from southbound Washington, and they can't make a left turn in from westbound Avenue 50. So, it means that 100% of traffic coming from southbound must make a U-turn at Avenue 50. That would be more than 50 ADDITIONAL vehicles per hour making a U-turn, which will in turn occupy significantly more signal time, or cause the left turn lanes to back up more than they already do. In addition, 100% of the development traffic wanting to go to Ralph's or other points east will need to first go west and then make a U-turn at Washington Street, thus exacerbating the signal timing even more. The locations of the La Quinta Village entries are too close to the intersection of Washington Street/Avenue 50. It should also be noted that the pavement along Avenue 50 between Washington Street and Eisenhower Blvd. is highly deteriorated and will pull up more, with additional traffic loads. The City needs to repave this road ASAP regardless of the development. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Environmental Assessment, General Plan Amendment, and Specific Plan for the La Quinta Village. The Environmental Assessment is no longer valid, as it is out of date and the project description has changed. The City cannot approve the General Plan Amendment to revise the City's Housing Element, Specific Plan Amendment to amend the existing La Paloma Specific Plan, nor the Site Development Permit without an approved Environmental Document. TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT At the recent public hearing meeting conducted by the developer at the La Quinta Wellness Center, requests were made for all details on a new traffic study that was represented. The applicant stated that all information would be available at www.laquintavillages.com 72 hours prior to planning commission hearing on June 27th. That site is not active as of writing this letter, and no information has been shared with the public as requested and promised. Therefore, previous comments from March 22, 2023, made on the last Traffic Study, still apply. The current project's reduced number of units is irrelevant, as the developer changed the unit mix of 1 and 2 bedrooms; previously there were 342 beds, and now 338 beds are proposed (4 beds less). Therefore, there will be virtually no reduction in traffic or pedestrian impacts. Our comments on the previous traffic report therefore remain: 1. Study Intersections. Limiting the traffic study to three local intersections is inadequate, since major employment, entertainment and shopping are located north and east, and project traffic will travel to further intersections. The more congested intersections of Avenue 50/Jefferson Street and Highway 111/Washington Street must be included in the analysis. The project's reduced number of units is irrelevant, as the developer changed the unit mix of 1 and 2 bedrooms, such that previously there were 342 beds, and now 338 beds (4 beds less). Therefore, there will be virtually no reduction in traffic or pedestrian impacts. Our comments on the previous traffic report will remain. 2. Background Data Collection is not representative of current existing conditions and thus renders any traffic operation analysis useless. The project TA does not consider peak season special events in La Quinta that have a major impact on area roadways, particularly Washington Street and Avenue 50. There is no discussion of the impact to special events that greatly impact the Washington Street and Avenue 50 corridors, specifically, the Coachella and Stagecoach music festivals, the BNP Open Tennis tournament (because of the relationship to the La Quinta Resort) and the La Quinta Ironman. 3. Assumptions of Traffic Distribution are arbitrary, not based on empirical evidence, and have significant impact on the traffic forecasts, rendering the current forecasts and traffic operations useless. 4. VMT Analysis Exemption. This exemption violates the consultant's own workplan agreement with the City. Not providing this evaluation violates CEQA guidelines, since the development is underserved by transit. 5. Lack of Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Analysis. This evaluation should be included, as pedestrian crossings of Avenue 50 and Washington Street will have a significant impact on traffic signal operations. It is noted that the traffic consultant's signal operations evaluations do not consider any pedestrian activations or the excessive U-turns noted above. The Project's adjacency to Truman Elementary and La Quinta Middle Schools needs to be assessed as to the effects to children walking along the project site, as well as impact to parent drop-off/pickup queues, which can create significant congestion along Avenue 50 and affect signal timing at Washington Street. 6. Lack of Current EV Charging Stations. Although the developer has provided for 50 "future" EV parking spaces, when would these be constructed and by whom? The lack of any EV charging stations today will exacerbate traffic flow, by forcing apartment residents to drive elsewhere looking for charging stations. The likely destination will be the City of La Quinta's free fast chargers located in Old Town Page 5 of 5 We urge the City of La Quinta to reject this site for such a large development, and therefore NOT APPROVE the Site Development Permit, General Plan Amendment, and Specific Plan Amendment for the La Quinta Village apartments. Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments. Sincerely, Kevin and Terry Eastley 50640 Spyglass Hill Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 Tania Flores From: Kathryn Evenson <ev1967vy@outlook.com> Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 5:27 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: Written Comments Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed You don't often get email from ev1967vy@outlook.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. From: Kathryn Evenson Residence: 50565 Grand Traverse Ave, La Quinta Fairways, La Quinta, CA Re: LQ Village Apartments Project I have several comments regarding this project that I believe need to be addressed prior to having it be approved. First is a current traffic study as it is my understanding the one the developer is using was done during the anomaly of Covid. If a subsequent study was done in the last 2 months, I would question that being a true reflection of traffic due to the decrease in the number of seasonal residents during that time. Egress and Ingress into such a large facility can be very problematic off the two busy street, Washington and Avenue 50, that border it. My second concern is that of the actual physical size of the proposed apartment buildings. A structure that will house 283 units (figure I've seen as proposed number) will loom over the surrounding properties and have a density far and above what is surrounding the proposed development. Scale is of importance here to maintain continuity within our LQ community. Just because that number can "fit" on the property does not mean it should be built. Thirdly, I would say that to build any structure, with the possible exception of a retirement home facility, without adequate parking for every unit is an abomination. A car in our sprawling valley is a necessity and so is having a place to park it safely. There is no off street parking available when the property is covered lot line to lot line. The last comment I would urge the council to carefully look at this particular builders past performance. To believe everything the developer says and go blithely forward with approval and then wonder why events are not happening as planned would be so foolish and one need only look to SilverRock Golf Course to see what a lack of due diligence has led to. In conclusion, I would say that tomorrow's meeting should not at this time, end with approval of the overblown LQ Village Apartments Project. Respectfully, 1 Kathryn Evenson 2 Tania Flores From: deborah fehn <debfehn@gmail.com> Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 6:22 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: Written Comments - La Quinta Village Apartments Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed [You don't often get email from debfehn@gmail.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ] ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** This is a terrible idea. The traffic impacts are immense. This project has to be stopped. Deborah Fehn La Quinta CA Deborah Fehn 1 Tania Flores From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Kathy Haugh <kkhaugh@icloud.com> Monday, June 26, 2023 3:08 PM Tania Flores 50th / Washington development letter for tomorrow's planning meeting Duna La Quinta letter RE La Quinta Village Site Plan.pdf Follow up Completed [You don't often get email from kkhaugh@icloud.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Hello - I concur with Keith's assessment below and strongly oppose this development. I believe the TRUE impact of traffic (already horrendous) in the LQ area hasn't been felt yet as the major apartment and housing developments already under construction are not able yet to be included in the revised recent impact study. These developments are not inhabited yet. Once these are full with bone -fide dwellers, the amount of traffic will be substantially more! Another impact: Schools in the area and capacity. Has anyone asked the principals or school superintendent how all these units will affect student enrollment capacity? You can't simply add portable classrooms forever. Lastly- La Quinta has always been considered a beautiful place...why at the last council meeting the historical society even had a presentation about our lovely architecture. This new development does NOT ENHANCE our city with beauty. It feels like a cheaply constructed group of boxes - a "Walmart for people".... If the council is wanting to approve this due to the desperate need for the electric grid to be improved (which the developer has hung out like a carrot on a stick) perhaps better planning for that shouldn't be on the backs of those whose life, viewpoints and property values are most impacted. I'm from Portland Oregon and this developer has an incredibly AWFUL reputation and you can check out his shenanigans with a web search about him in Lake Oswego Oregon. Thank you. i Tania Flores From: Eduard Michel <emichelmd@me.com> Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 6:56 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: Written Comments - La Quinta Village Apartments Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed You don't often get email from emichelmd@me.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. My name is Eduard Michel and my wife and I reside at 48205 Paso Tiempo Ln, La Quinta (Rancho La Quinta community). I am writing to you to express our opposition to the proposed development of La Quinta Village Apartments at the corner of Ave 50 and Washington Ave in La Quinta, CA. There are large ongoing developments on Adams St north of Ave 48, as well as Jefferson St north of Ave 48. The proposed La Quinta Village Apartments along with the previously mentioned similar developments within a 2-3 mile area will increase traffic along already congested streets where speed limits are not observed or followed and we believe will lead to traffic accidents. Our community was never informed about this development and the residents were never surveyed. It feels very rushed and it gives the appearance that the city commissioners and planning authorities are trying to hide this project from residents affected by it. Eduard Michel, MD C: 612.251.3563 1 Tania Flores From: Mary Montgomery <marye.montgomery@mac.com> Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 4:58 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: Written Comments - La Quinta Village Apartments Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed You don't often get email from marye.montgomery@mac.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. To: La Quinta City Council Members: From: Mary & James Montgomery 49300 Avenida Fernando La Quinta, CA Comments: We strongly oppose the La Quinta Village Apartments proposed for Washington and Avenue 50. The scope, size and density will inevitably result in increased traffic. as well as increased noise/air pollution problems — all of which are inappropriate for the many peaceful residential areas that surround the proposed project: La Quinta Golf Estates, Duna La Quinta, Lago La Quinta and many others. Thank you for your consideration. Mary Montgomery James Montgomery 1 Tania Flores From: Diane Nichols <dnichols28@hotmail.com> Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 6:02 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: Written Comments - La Quinta Village Apartments Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed [You don't often get email from dnichols28@hotmail.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ] ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Greetings LaQuinta! I would like to voice my disapproval for the proposed apartment complex at the northeast corner of Avenue 50 and Washington. I own a home at 49-841 Coachella Dr, and I feel that this area is so wrong for an apartment complex. The increase in traffic would be significant and dangerous. This complex is too close to our elementary school and The Boy's and Girls Club, which should remain a safe area for our children. I believe an apartment complex would devalue all the residential homes in the area, which includes my home. There are many other reasons that this project is not right for this area. As a homeowner in this beautiful city of La Quinta, I ask the you please reject and deny this project. Thank you, Diane Nichols 49-841 Coachella Dr. La Quinta, CA 92253 Sent from my iPhone i Tania Flores From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: Sandy Robbins <sandy@sandyrobbins.com> Monday, June 26, 2023 8:05 PM Tania Flores Public Comment - La Quinta Village Apartment Letter Planning Commission 6-26-2023.pdf Follow up Completed You don't often get email from sandy@sandyrobbins.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Ms. Flores, Please see my attached letter for Public comment for the La Quinta Village apartment development. Let me know if you have any questions. Yours truly, Sandy Robbins This message and any attachments may contain confidential or privileged information and are only for the use of the intended recipient of this message. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender by return email, and delete or destroy this and all copies of this message and all attachments. Any unauthorized disclosure, use, distribution, or reproduction of this message or any attachments is prohibited and may be unlawful. 1 June 26, 2023 Dear Ms. Flores and Members of the Planning Commission and City Council; I am writing to you today regarding the proposed development of La Quinta Village apartments (formerly Troutdale Apartments). I have several significant concerns regarding this project in the proposed location of Washington/50th. 1. The project only has seven guest parking spots. The neighboring homes on Saguaro Road, Bottlebrush Drive, Date Palm, and Sagebrush Avenue will be significantly impacted by visitors visiting their friends and family and potentially overflowing parking from residents. The adjacent homes on Saguaro Road, Bottlebrush Drive, Date Palm, and Sagebrush Avenue should not have to endure the burden of the overflow parking from the proposed La Quinta Village apartments, nor should the neighboring homes have to get a parking permit from the City of La Quinta to be able to park in front of their own home. The project should be designed with adequate guest parking. The Developer should eliminate their outdoor recreational areas or cut back on the number of units being built and provide more guest parking for the development. 2. The ingress and egress off of Washington is an inferior access for the proposed project. Cars traveling south on Washington will have to make a U-turn at Washington/50th, causing a backup for flowing traffic. 3. The Traffic study was completed in April 2023. The traffic study was not conducted during the busiest time of the season. Most snowbirds go home after the winter season is over on April 1 of each year. The new traffic will not reflect the accuracy of how many cars travel Washington and 50th daily. The new traffic study should be made available to the public 72 hours before the Planning meeting tomorrow. As I write this letter to you, the new traffic study is unavailable on the Developer's website. The Developer's website is currently down and not working. 4. Environmental report and assessment - The proposed development is adding approximately 504 to 630 cars to daily traffic patterns and the environment. Has a new study and assessment been completed to see the impact of the air and noise on neighboring homes? A new study should be completed since the project has changed. 5. The building project height of the buildings is higher than allowed by the City of La Quinta ordinance. The architecture is different from the surrounding homes in the area. The height of the buildings looks into the neighboring houses and yards on Saguaro Road. 6. The neighboring homes on Saguaro Road have to look at the loft wall from their backyards. There is nothing aesthetically pleasing about looking at a blank wall of nothing. 1 7. Water - How does the City of La Quinta plan to handle the new contract between the State of California and the Fed's to reduce the amount of water the State of California receives from the Colorado River with this new development? 8. The current power grid cannot handle the new development and will require an upgrade. At who's expense? This project is adverse development for the surrounding homes, including resale value, traffic, safety for bicyclists and pedestrians, and environmental impacts. This property would be better suited for one-two story senior development, or single-family homes would be a better fit for this property. Thank you for your time in reviewing my letter and concerns. Yours truly, Sandy Robbins 2 Tania Flores From: Celeste Varela <manniesmama@icloud.com> Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 2:31 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: "Written Comments" Celeste Varela LaQuinta Troutdale Apartments June 27 meeting Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed [You don't often get email from manniesmama@icloud.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** City Planner, I am a 30 year resident of LQ living in LQCC On 50th. My address is 49860 Avila Dr. I am vehemently against this project being built in our city. We do not have the infrastructure nor the capacity to allow an apartment building of this size and height to be built on 50th and Washington. It will dramatically impact our entire Neighborhood and cause us much duress. The traffic it will cause is unsupportable along with the light and noise, trash pollution it will become a nuisance to LQ. MOST IMPORTANTLY, This project will negatively affect the home values of all the residents in La Quinta Country Club. I don't care what the developers have to say or whatever spin they out on it, we can not allow this project to go through. Please think about it and think about your citizens here in LQ. We are living here for the peace and quiet the beautiful desert allows us and to put this project in this area is horrible planning. Let me know how I can impact the decision and speak out against it. I am willing to do anything. Please confirm receipt of this email. Thank you, Celeste Varela 760-408-7116 Manniesmama@aol.com Sent from my iPhone i Celeste Varela CaIBRE# 01350384 California Lifestyle Realty 50200 Avenida Vista Bonita La Quinta CA 92253 Cell: (760) 408-7116 CelesteVarela@AOL.com 2 Tania Flores From: helen welsh <h_welsh@yahoo.com> Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 1:15 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: Development Project for Avenue 50 and Washington Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed You don't often get email from h_welsh@yahoo.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. La Quinta City Council members, I ask you to please vote against this incredibly large development proposed for Avenue 50 and Washington the following reasons: Have you investigated thisdeleoper to assure thiscompany has the resources to complete the project? It will drastically increase the traffic in the vicinity, particularly at 50th and Park, which is the entrance to the elementary school and the Boy's and Girl's club. Many of the students walk to and from school along 50th and many parents drive in to pick up their children, with some of them parking illegally on both 50th and Park Avenue which already causes plenty of adverse traffic conditions. That does not even factor in the number of school busses that serve the school. If this project, with possible need for trips to the commercial areas near Hwy 111 which has many more available affordable shopping, health care and transportation to other parts of the valley, why should it not be placed closer to those services? I am also concerned about how much parking will be allowed for each unit and if it is not sufficient for the residents there, where overflow will be located. For a development this large what are the amenities for recreation and outside spaces for the number of residents that are being proposed? Is this developer required to financially assist the school district in any way since the residences will most likely have lots of children who will be attending our local schools? Does this developer have enough resources to complete the project? What has happened at Silver Rock has us all concerned. Please carefully consider these subjects and distribute this email to the council members who will be voting on this proposal, which I assume will be all of you. I would appreciate an indication that you have received this. Many thanks, > Helen Welsh 50505 Grand Traverse 2 Tania Flores From: Kevin White <iamkmw@me.com> Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 12:33 PM To: Cheri Flores Cc: Danny Castro; Tania Flores Subject: Re: Proposed Troutdale Project Attachments: Letter in OPPOSITION to La Quinta Village.docx; Untitled attachment 00009.htm Hi Cheri, Please see the attached for the public record. Thank you. Best regards, Kevin White To City of La Quinta Planning Commission June 26th, 2023 Re: La Quinta Villages Project Dear Commissioners, I am writing in opposition of the newly renamed La Quinta Village (formerly Troutdale Villages) project at the corner of Washington Ave and 50th St. If there was ever a definition of putting "lipstick on a pig" we need to look no further. Changing the name to try and make it seem more "community friendly" does not change the specific details which the community finds so objectionable. There will still be too much density, unacceptable traffic levels, negative impact on the image corridors and architecture inconsistent with the surrounding community. The original plan for assisted living/memory care would be a much more valuable contribution to the community, especially with the aging population. While it is true that more year-round people are moving here, including younger people, it is also true that younger generations are choosing to have smaller/no families, and yet our current and growing population will need more support. This project STILL does not match the charm of LQ architecture. We heard a lot in the March 28th meeting about the importance of maintaining the look of LQ. Unfortunately, for this outside developer, the allure of cheaper building standards is apparently more important than maintaining the design standards of the community. In the last meeting, I heard the comment from one of the Commissioners that we need to chase the State dollars and that "we are falling behind Indio (and surrounding communities) in this regard." - With all due respect, we are not trying to become Indio, and I would suggest if anyone on the commission still feels that way, you may want to set your sights higher. Within the staff summary, the traffic STILL shows over 1500 day trips and the following comments: "The revised Analysis concluded that all analyzed intersections would operate at acceptable Levels of Service (LOS), except Moon River Drive/Park Avenue and Avenue 50, under project completion conditions (existing traffic plus estimated traffic from ambient growth and the project) and cumulative conditions (existing traffic plus traffic from ambient growth, nearby projects that are being proposed, and the project). The deficient condition at the Moon River Drive/Park Avenue and Avenue 50 intersection is existing due to morning school traffic." So, while the expected shortage of parking spaces may be reduced with the new ratio, it does not change the sheer VOLUME increase and the danger this poses specially to the school children walking along this stretch. It is also of note that the written comments were unanimously OPPOSED to the development. There was not a single written submission in favor of the project. The voice of the community has been loud and consistent on this. If the Planning Commission is listening to the community, the choice should be clear. While there is no required variance and the project meets MHD, it is my understanding that this proposal STILL REQUIRES AN AMENDMENT to the La Paloma Specific Plan-- among other things, it would require increasing the height restriction in the image corridor for 22 ft to 26 feet and increase the height from 2 stories to three stories. This may seem like a small thing, but I would remind the Commission that these standards were adopted for a purpose and they should not be sacrificed to the Almighty dollar. And please, I implore you, do not be fooled by a promise of future value to be added --like power plant improvements. While it is an easy "promise" to make for the fuure, the landscape is littered with promises made and promises broken by developers --in fact history has shown us this is a real danger. Please do be fooled. Finally --it is a life lesson to understand that just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. Please reject this proposal and ensure that La Quinta remains the Gem of the Valley. Sincerely, Kevin White La Quinta Fairways Tania Flores From: Ron Beeler <ronbeeler@fpps.us> Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 9:45 AM To: Cheri Flores; Tania Flores Cc: Linda Evans; Steve Sanchez; Kathleen Fitzpatrick; John Pena; Duna La Quinta Board of Directors; Deborah McGarrey; corcoran.erin.a@gmail.com; Steven Gardner; d cox; David Schuknecht; PAT & JANICE MC COY, TRUSTEES; THOMAS GUNN & RUTHIE MARLENEE; Lawrence Van Pelt; priestlake69 @gmail.com; Laura Bulrice Subject: RE: Written Comments by Duna La Quinta HOA Regarding the La Quinta Village Revised Site Plan Submittal Attachments: Duna La Quinta letter RE La Quinta Village Site Plan.pdf; Village apartment concerns.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Dear Ms Flores and members of the City Council of La Quinta We understand the complexities of balancing the needs of developers and the community and appreciate your efforts to ensure that the interest of both parties is considered. However, we feel that the Village Apartment project will have a negative impact on our community, particularly with regards to traffic congestion and the lack of infrastructure. We hope that you will take our concerns into consideration as you continue to make decisions that affect the future of La Quinta. I have attached a letter from Keith G Meyer, President of the Duna La Quinta, Duna 1 HOA and a letter from Duna Gardens HOA in my name. Thank you for your service to our community. i DUNA Lcattimtt,•Homeowners Association No. 1 June 23, 2023 Cheri Flores City of La Quinta Planning Department Members of the La Quinta City Council 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 dunahoa@gmail.com RE: Review of La Quinta Village (formerly Troutdale Village) Site Plan APN 646-070-016 General Plan Amendment to revise the City's Housing Element Specific Plan Amendment to amend the existing La Paloma Specific Plan Site Development Permit Dear Ms. Flores and Members of the Planning Commission and City Council; I am the President of Board of Directors for Duna La Quinta HOA No. 1, which is located on the south side of Avenue 50 between Washington Street and Eisenhower Blvd. Duna La Quinta includes three HOAs, totaling 184 single family and condominium units. The Duna La Quinta Homeowners Association is opposed to this project, due to project location and inadequate site access from Washington Street and Avenue 50, turning traffic impacts, the proposed increase in allowable building height from 22 ft. to 40 ft., and the significant impact to the views along Avenue 50. We urge the City of La Quinta to reject the Site Development Permit, General Plan Amendment, and Specific Plan for the La Quinta Village apartments, and require separate Environmental Impact Statements for the Project and for the Citywide General Plan amendment that would raise building heights in residential communities. Our association has reviewed the revised site plan for the proposed project and has the following comments on the developer's stated revisions to the site plan: 1. Architectural style changed from modern contemporary to contemporary Mediterranean. New architectural elements include: • Modified color palette and schemes • Trellis on 2nd and 3rd floors to reduce massing. • Arches, recessed niches, crown molding with stucco finish and new ends (short -side) Page 1 of 5 DUNA Lcattim Homeowners Association No. 1 dunahoa@gmail.com This urban industrial architectural style is grossly out of place in the Avenue 50 Corridor. The proposed development is surrounded by single family, single story tile roof homes. The design for this development should be Spanish style stucco and tile roofs as are other buildings in the area (particularly if it is to be called "La Quinta Village"). It is imperative that any development in this Image Corridor be consistent with surrounding resort -style neighborhoods. Please have the applicant use some of the themes prevalent around the La Quinta "Village" area, as shown below: 2. Reduced the height and stories of the following buildings: a. Building 4 reduced to 2 and 3-story, originally all 3-story b. Building 5 reduced to 2-story, originally all 3-story c. Building 6 reduced to 2-story, originally all 3-story d. Building 11 reduced to 2-story, originally all 3-story e. No three-story buildings within 150-feet of Image Corridors f. Maximum allowable height within Image Corridor height restriction of 22'-0" (LQMC 9.50.020) increased to 28'-0" per La Quinta Village Specific Plan. Maximum allowable height within Image Corridor may not exceed the maximum allowable height of the existing zone (28'-0") per LQMC 9.50.030 Table 9-2, Footnote 2. While the developer is now in compliance with the City's Image Corridor setback requirements, the 3-story buildings still require a change to the La Quinta Municipal Code to increase building height from 22 ft to 40 ft. This is unacceptable in this corridor and location. We implore the City to NOT ALLOW a change in building height. 3. Additional deceleration lane and bus turnout on Washington Street. Additional 2 lanes to expand Avenue 50, including a bike lane along Avenue 50 which will connect Park Avenue and Washington Street bike lanes. This site is not a good location for such a large housing project that generates more than 1,600 trips per day. How does a resident get into this development from Washington north? They can't make a left turn in from southbound Washington, and they can't make a left turn in from westbound Avenue 50. So, it means that 100% of traffic coming from southbound must make a U-turn at Avenue 50. Page 2 of 5 DUNA Lcattim Homeowners Association No. 1 dunahoa@gmail.com That would be more than 50 ADDITIONAL vehicles per hour making a U-turn, which will in turn occupy significantly more signal time, or cause the left turn lanes to back up more than they already do. In addition, 100% of the development traffic wanting to go to Ralph's or other points east will need to first go west and then make a U-turn at Washington Street, thus exacerbating the signal timing even more. The locations of the La Quinta Village entries are too close to the intersection of Washington Street/Avenue 50. It should also be noted that the pavement along Avenue 50 between Washington Street and Eisenhower Blvd. is highly deteriorated and will pull up more, with additional traffic loads. The City needs to repave this road ASAP regardless of the development. ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT Environmental Assessment, General Plan Amendment, and Specific Plan for the La Quinta Village. The Environmental Assessment is no longer valid, as it is out of date and the project description has changed. The City cannot approve the General Plan Amendment to revise the City's Housing Element, Specific Plan Amendment to amend the existing La Paloma Specific Plan, nor the Site Development Permit without an approved Environmental Document. TRAFFIC ASSESSMENT At the recent public hearing meeting conducted by the developer at the La Quinta Wellness Center, requests were made for all details on a new traffic study that was represented. Applicant stated that all information would be available at www.laquintavillages.cor 72 hours prior to planning commission hearing on June 27th. That site is not active as of writing this letter, and no information has been shared with the public as requested and promised. Therefore, our previous comments from March 22, 2023, made on the last Traffic Study, still apply. The current project's reduced number of units is irrelevant, as the developer changed the unit mix of 1 and 2 bedrooms; previously there were 342 beds, and now 338 beds are proposed (4 beds less). Therefore, there will be virtually no reduction in traffic or pedestrian impacts. Our comments on the previous traffic report therefore remain: Page 3 of 5 DUNA (,c.QU1 (.,,Homeowners Association No. 1 dunahoa@gmail.com 1. Study Intersections. Limiting the traffic study to three local intersections is inadequate, since major employment, entertainment and shopping are located north and east, and project traffic will travel to further intersections. The more congested intersections of Avenue 50/Jefferson Street and Highway 111/Washington Street must be included in the analysis. The project's reduced number of units is irrelevant, as the developer changed the unit mix of 1 and 2 bedrooms, such that previously there were 342 beds, and now 338 beds (4 beds less). Therefore, there will be virtually no reduction in traffic or pedestrian impacts. Our comments on the previous traffic report will remain. 2. Background Data Collection is not representative of current existing conditions and thus renders any traffic operation analysis useless. The project TA does not consider peak season special events in La Quinta that have a major impact on area roadways, particularly Washington Street and Avenue 50. There is no discussion of the impact to special events that greatly impact the Washington Street and Avenue 50 corridors, specifically, the Coachella and Stagecoach music festivals, the BNP Open Tennis tournament (because of the relationship to the La Quinta Resort) and the La Quinta Ironman. 3. Assumptions of Traffic Distribution are arbitrary, not based on empirical evidence, and have significant impact on the traffic forecasts, rendering the current forecasts and traffic operations useless. 4. VMT Analysis Exemption. This exemption violates the consultant's own workplan agreement with the City. Not providing this evaluation violates CEQA guidelines, since the development is underserved by transit. 5. Lack of Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Analysis. This evaluation should be included, as pedestrian crossings of Avenue 50 and Washington Street will have a significant impact on traffic signal operations. It is noted that the traffic consultant's signal operations evaluations do not consider any pedestrian activations or the excessive U-turns noted above. The Project's adjacency to Truman Elementary and La Quinta Middle Schools needs to be assessed as to the effects to children walking along the project site, as well as impact to parent dropoff/pickup queues, which can create significant congestion along Avenue 50 and affect signal timing at Washington Street. 6. Lack of Current EV Charging Stations. Although the developer has provided for 50 "future" EV parking spaces, when would these be constructed and by whom? The lack of any EV charging stations today will exacerbate traffic flow, by forcing apartment residents to drive elsewhere looking for charging stations. The likely destination will be the City of La Quinta's free fast chargers located in Old Town Page 4 of 5 DUNA G4,au ,HHomeowners Association No. 1 CLOSING dunahoa@gmail.com We urge the City of La Quinta to reject this site for such a large development, and therefore NOT APPROVE the Site Development Permit, General Plan Amendment, and Specific Plan Amendment for the La Quinta Village apartments. Thank you for the opportunity to provide comments. Sincerely Keith G. Meyer CA PE/TE 1376 President, Duna La Quinta HOA No.1 78130 Calle Norte, La Quinta CA 92253 760-266-2409 cc: City Council, Duna La Quinta HOA Board of Directors, Villa Vista HOA, Duna Gardens HOA Page 5 of 5 Cheri Flores City of La Quinta Planning Department Members of the La Quinta City Council 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: La Quinta Village (formerly Troutdale Village) Site Plan APN 646-070-016 Hello Ms. Flores and Members of the Planning Commission and City Council! I am writing to you as the President of the Board of Directors for Duna Gardens HOA, which is located on the south side of Avenue 50 between Washington Street and Eisenhower Blvd. Our community, Duna La Qunita Community, consists of three HOAs. The Duna Gardens HOA Community in which I represent consists of 91 single family and condominium units. We support and concur with the letter from Keith G. Meyer, President, Duna La Quinta HOA No.1 dated June 23, 2023 and attached for your reference. We also must express our opposition to the proposed La Quinta Village apartments project. Our concerns stem from the project's location and the inadequate access from Washington Street and Avenue 50, the expected increase in traffic, the proposed increase in allowable building height from 22 ft. to 40 ft., and the significant impact on the views along Avenue 50. The lack of parking spaces will indeed lead to overcrowding, especially if families share units, and it will cause problems for the surrounding community when overflow parking becomes an issue. It's important for developers to consider the needs of both the residents and the community when planning projects like this and in this case, it appears that only the developers needs are met due to the development of a postage -Stamp size corner lot supporting 252 residents and 520 parking spaces. I can't believe that the developer could possibly mitigate the impact of an additional 520 cars a day making U turns at Washington and 50t" to enter the apartments. We strongly urge the City of La Quinta to reject the Site Development Permit, General Plan Amendment, and Specific Plan for the La Quinta Village apartments. We also request that separate Environmental Impact Statements be conducted for the Project and for the Citywide General Plan amendment that would permit higher building heights in residential communities. Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. Ron Beeler President, Duna Gardens HOA 78262 Calle Las Ramblas La Quinta, CA 92253 (714) 267-7209 Tania Flores From: Nkaya Brandon <nkayabrandon@yahoo.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 9:58 AM To: Planning WebMail Subject: PLS VOTE NO on 50th and Washington housing project again Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed [Some people who received this message don't often get email from nkayabrandon@yahoo.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ] ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Dear Planning Commission, PLEASE VOTE NO on the `updated' new housing developmentirni We live nearby in the Estancias community of Rancho La Quinta and are EXTREMELY OPPOSED to this NON -CONGRUENT looking (with our lovely City), high density housing development that is similarly being proposed as last time (even with all the Very clear, helpful guidance information given by The Panning Commission on what to come back with next time - today.) I have been in contact with you by phone and filled in about the detail changes by your staff about how the developers have now come back with some alterations to their initial plan for the corner of 50th and Washington in La Quinta. From everything that you have reported back and I have seen thus far, the changes that the developers have made are minimal: that the architectural style is VERY similar after everything that was discussed last time of the design NOT fitting in with La Quinta architecture. This is ESPECIALLY important as that huge corner is right in a view corridor with major site lines and at major intersection that leads people into the heart of Old Town La Quinta. It is a Gateway corner that should be developed with at least 'something' representative of La Quinta. This Definitely DOES NOT. The main issues are that it STILL is NOT what La Quinta architecture is about, the HUGE impact it will have on traffic and safety at that corner (that we drive daily) and the MASSIVE impact of 3 story buildings blocking the mountains (still the same even if they just switched them to the middle sections...) and what that does to the beauty of our areas, let alone the neighboring property values. Once again, rectangle box style buildings, especially those that would be 2 and 3 stories tall would blend in/fit further in the North areas of La Quinta as between 111 and 48th where there already are similar style commercial buildings. i But once you get South of 48th Ave, it is nearly ALL single story buildings and with the odd 2 story residential buildings that are architecturally congruent with our lovely community. 2 and 3 story rectangle buildings of high density and minimal parklike plantings/trees etc would be a 'what the h... happened there???' eyesore for decades to come.... This proposal that the developers are continuing to bring to La Quinta Planning Commission is NOT congruent with our 'Gem of the Desert' wonderful architecturally inviting city. We understand that the development directly across the street has 2 stories, but at least is congruent in style with our city. To have what this developer is planning to build on the other side of the road would be a HORRENDOUS mistake on a major view corridor and entryway to the beauty that our City holds. Not only would it be a massive mistake to allow the current plan to go through there on that major intersection, but it would also open up more developments that look similar in our precious view corridors since this one would have already set the stage for that. Imagining La Quinta having one, let alone other developments, constructed like that is just too sad to contemplate. I believe there are many, many possibilities design wise for developments in the future of that area that will enhance our community. Ones that would be wise decisions for the people of La Quinta. Where beauty of the area is preserved. Where traffic congestion and safety issues are truly taken into account year round. This project is NOT that! Please, our community implores you to vote NO on this proposed 3 and 2 story architecturally non - congruent high density housing on that corner. Please do NOT do that to our beautiful community, Do not allow that to stand out as any part of your legacy. This is a vitally important corner on a main artery of out community. Please understand that capital letters in this email are because we feel passionate about our lovely city and it's future. Thank you for including this email in your readings and to all for all you do for La Quinta. See you at the meeting tonight. Best wishes ahead, Carolyn Brandon & Charles Ciup 50240 Woodmere La Quinta Ca 92253 2 Tania Flores From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments: Follow Up Flag: Flag Status: alisa@amartinlaw.com Tuesday, June 27, 2023 8:51 AM Tania Flores Robert Lange Written Comments - La Quinta Village Apartments 1 - Land Use and Violent Crime Study by Stucky.pdf Follow up Completed IYou don't often get email from alisa@amartinlaw.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Dear City Council and Planning Commission, I am a homeowner on Avenida Anselmo in the La Quinta Golf Estates Community and a La Quinta Country Club member. My fiance Alisa Martin, her 12-year-old daughter, and I are full-time La Quinta residents. Our neighborhood perimeter is directly across the street from this proposed project. I am trying to understand why this matter is being brought to our community in the off-season when many of our prominent residents are enjoying their second homes and are not here to voice their concerns and opposition to this project. I consider this negligent and deceptive. I oppose the proposed La Quinta Residential Apartments. This project is not suitable for our community. It will bring additional traffic to an already busy Washington Blvd. It also will bring CRIME! I just learned about this project last week. I am shocked that the lot is zoned for apartments and that a high - density project is under consideration. "Land use matters when it comes to predicting violent crime rates, according to a study by two professors in the IU School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University -Purdue University Indianapolis. [Attached] Numerous studies, including those by Thomas Stucky and John Ottensmann, show that rates of murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault are often higher in areas with high -density residential developments...." https://newsinfo.iu.edu/news/page/normal/13030.html#:^':text=%22Apparently%2C%20high%2Ddensity%20 housing,areas%20traversed%20by%20major%20streets Why would the city even consider doing this to our community? Many apartment complexes are already under construction throughout the Coachella Valley, including the massive project underway on Jefferson east of Costco. Nationally there are 1 million apartment complexes under construction in 2023. This is a historic record high. Several sources have documented unprecedented foreclosures on apartment complexes because the demand for apartments is far less than the number of apartment complexes being constructed in Southern California and throughout the country. Despite what you may hear in the media, apartment vacancies are rising. > The La Quinta City Council and the planning commission must listen to the community and taxpayers. After I learned about this project last week, I contacted numerous residents. Every resident I have spoken to strongly condones this project. How can this project even be proposed as three stories? Our HOA just adopted new architectural guidelines to prohibit the construction of two-story buildings to protect views of the majestic Santa Rosa mountains and traditional La Quinta aesthetics. I am still trying to understand how the city could consider a three-story project without considering the surrounding areas and neighborhoods. The La Quinta Village Apartments proposal is only good for BlackHawk Development to the detriment of everyone else. Please deny this application and project. Respectfully, Robert W. Lange 2 LAND USE AND VIOLENT CRIME Thomas D. Stucky John R. Ottensmann School of Public and Environmental Affairs Indiana University Public Policy Institute Indiana University —Purdue University Indianapolis Contact Information: Thomas D. Stucky, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Criminal Justice School of Public and Environmental Affairs BS/SPEA Building 4069 801 W. Michigan St. Indianapolis, IN 46202 tstucky@iupui.edu. 317-274-3462 (office) 317-274-7860 (fax) Keywords: land use, violent crime, spatial analysis, ecological theories Brief biographical paragraphs John Ottensmann is a professor in the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University -Purdue University Indianapolis and serves as the director of urban policy research for the Center for Urban Policy and the Environment. He received his undergraduate degree from the University of Wisconsin at Madison and the Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His research focuses on the spatial organization of urban areas, the spatial dimensions of public policy, and the use of analytical models to understand these issues. He has done applied public policy research for a variety of organizations and has published articles in a diverse range of scholarly and professional journals. Thomas D. Stucky is Interim Director of Indiana University's Center for Criminal Justice Research and an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice. Professor Stucky earned his Ph.D. in Sociology at the University of Iowa in 2001. His scholarly interests are at the intersection of politics and criminal justice, specifically the relationship between politics and crime/policing at the city level, and state level trends in imprisonment and correctional spending. He is also interested in the continuing development of the systemic social disorganization theory, and among other things the relationship between land use, the physical environment and crime. He has authored two books, and journal articles appearing in Criminology, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, and Justice Quarterly, among others. This is the author's manuscript of the article published in final edited form as: Stucky, T. D., & Ottensmann, J. R. (2009). Land Use And Violent Crime*. Criminology, 47(4), 1223-1264. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1745-9125.2009.00174.x 1 LAND USE AND VIOLENT CRIME Although research has shown specific land uses to be related to crime, systematic investigation of land uses and violent crime has been less common. This study systematically examines links between land uses and violent crime and whether such links are conditioned by socioeconomic disadvantage. We employ geocoded UCR data from the Indianapolis police department and information on 30 categories of land use, and demographic information from the 2000 census. We use land use variables to predict violent crime counts in 1000 X 1000 feet grid cells using negative binomial regression models. Results show that, net of other variables, specific land uses predict variation in counts for individual violent crimes and aggregate rates. Some nonresidential land uses are associated with higher violent crime counts, whereas others are associated with lower counts. Specific land uses also condition the effects of socioeconomic disadvantage on violent crime. Implications for routine activities/opportunity and social disorganization/collective efficacy theories of crime are discussed. 2 INTRODUCTION Consideration of the relationship between land use and crime has a long history in criminological research, dating back at least to the early studies in the Chicago school (Burgess, 1916; Shaw and McKay, 1972[1942]). Land uses are discussed in a variety of lines of research including Jacobs' (1961) and Newman's (1971) early work on urban landscapes and crime, Brantingham and Brantingham's (1981) crime pattern theory, routine activities/opportunity theories (Cohen and Felson, 1979; Kennedy and Forde, 1990), hot spots research (Loukaitou-Sideris, 1999; Sherman, Gartin, and Buerger, 1989; Weisburd, Bushway, Lum, and Yang 2004), and research on crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) (Eck, 2002; Felson, 2002; Jeffrey, 1976, 1977; Lab, 1992; Plaster -Carter, Carter, and Dannenberg, 2003).' Despite this longstanding, periodic attention to land use (Duffala, 1976; Fowler, 1987; Greenberg and Rohe, 1984; Greenberg, Rohe, and Williams, 1982; Ley and Cybriwsky, 1974; Lockwood, 2007; Smith, Frazee, and Davidson, 2000; White, 1932; Wilcox, Quisenberry, Cabrera, and Jones 2004), until recently it has not figured prominently in research on several mainstream ecological theories. Thus, land use is completely absent from anomie/strain research and most tests of social disorganization/collective efficacy theories (but see Sampson and Groves 1989).2 Research also frequently focuses on a few specific land uses such as taverns (Roncek and Maier, 1991; Roncek and Pravatanier, 1989) or schools (LaGrange, 1999; Roncek and Faggiani, 1985; Roncek and LoBosco, 1983), or combines land use information into indices (McCord, Ratcliffe, Garcia, and Taylor 2007; Wilcox et al., 2004), or single measures of "mixed" or nonresidential land use. For example, Sampson and Raudenbush (1999) include a measure of "mixed land use" but find no effects of the measure on crime, whereas Cahill (2005) finds significant effects of mixed land uses on crime. These conflicting findings may result from treating different land uses 1 See also Murray (1983), Roncek (1981), Taylor (1998), Taylor and Gottfredson (1986), Taylor and Harrell (1996) for overviews of physical environment and crime. 2 See Brantingham and Jeffrey (1981) for a discussion of this issue with respect to social disorganization theory. 3 similarly. If not all land uses produce crime, then combining such measures risks masking potentially opposite effects on crime. For example, commercial establishments may be associated with higher crime because they place potential offenders and targets in proximity with regularity. But do industrial areas, which likely place fewer offenders and targets in proximity, also create similar opportunities for crime? To date, few studies have systematically examined links between particular land uses and violent crime.3 Many studies have assumed that land uses have direct effects on crime irrespective of social context. Thus, the effect of "nonresidential" land uses is expected to be the same in advantaged or disadvantaged areas. Such an assumption seems unwarranted because the potential for land uses to create opportunities for crime likely depends on the willingness and/or capacity of occupants of an area to exercise social control (see Merry, 1981; Smith, Frazee, and Davison, 2000; Wilcox et al., 2004), which are also likely to vary based on the relative advantage or disadvantage of a neighborhood. Thus, a few recent studies have argued that the effects of land uses on crime are likely conditional on the socioeconomic characteristics of the area (Smith et al., 2000; Wilcox et al., 2004). Yet, these studies considered a limited number of land uses, and either focused on a single crime, or employed subjective land use measures. Therefore, additional systematic consideration of the conditional effects of land use and socioeconomic disadvantage seems warranted. The current study advances research on land use by systematically exploring whether and how a wide variety of objectively -measured land uses and several violent crimes are related, and by exploring whether land uses and socioeconomic disadvantage have independent or conditional effects on violent crime. Following a discussion of existing research on land use and crime, we discuss the data and methods used in the current study. Then we discuss the results of negative binomial analyses of the links between land uses, socioeconomic and demographic factors, and geocoded UCR violent crime counts 3 Several recent studies have examined links between land uses, neighborhood deterioration, and actual or perceived disorder such as Kurtz, Koons, and Taylor (1998); McCord et al., (2007); Taylor, Koons et al., (1995); Wilcox, Quisenberry, and Jones (2003). 4 in 1000 X 1000 feet square grid cells in Indianapolis, Indiana. We close by discussing the implications of the current study for systemic social disorganization/collective efficacy and routine activities/opportunity theories of crime. LAND USE AND CRIME Although studies of land use have appeared sporadically for decades, there appears to be a renewed attention to land use in recent years. Recent studies have focused on land use, usually from two broad perspectives —routine activities/opportunity theories and social disorganization/collective efficacy theories.4 Developed in 1979 by Cohen and Felson, routine activities theory suggests that the daily activities in which citizens engage —going to work, school, and church —differentially place potential offenders and potential targets in close proximity, which leads to variation in crime victimization. From this perspective, a crime is more likely to the extent that motivated offenders and suitable targets meet in the absence of a capable guardian. Thus, studies incorporating land use have focused on how particular land uses such as bars (Roncek and Maier, 1991; Roncek and Pravatanier, 1989) or schools (LaGrange, 1999; Roncek and Faggiani, 1985; Roncek and LoBosco, 1983) can increase crime by regularly placing offenders and victims in proximity in the absence of guardianship. For example Roncek and Maier (1991) found that areas with bars tend to have higher violent and property crime (UCR index offenses), net of sociodemographic factors. Similarly, LaGrange (1999) examined the effects of malls and schools on minor crimes for a one-year period in Alberta, Canada, from a routine activities perspective. She argued that schools and malls place many people who don't know each other (malls) or are at a crime prone age (schools) together. Using data "enumeration areas" (subunits of census tracts) from Edmonton, LaGrange found that malls and public high schools, rental units, rooming houses, and vacant lots all increase criminal mischief and damage to parks and transit areas. The opportunity approach suggests that different land uses are likely to create different 4 One recent study (McCord et al., 2007) focuses on Brantingham and Brantingham's crime pattern theory. 5 opportunity structures for crime, by influencing the mix of motivated offenders, potential victims, and the presence or absence of capable guardians. So a church is likely to create a very different set of social interactions that seems much less likely to place offenders and victims in proximity (in the absence of guardianship) than commercial activities. Yet, as noted above, many studies create aggregate measures of land uses as if all nonresidential land uses can be assumed to similarly increase opportunities for crime (Cahill, 2005; Sampson and Raudenbush, 1999) or focus on a few specific land uses (LaGrange, 1999; Roncek and Faggiani, 1985; Roncek and LoBosco, 1981; Roncek and Maier, 1991; Roncek and Pravatanier, 1989). Therefore, a study which allows for investigation of the independent effects of a variety of land uses is warranted. Other recent studies of land use and crime have employed the social disorganization/ collective efficacy perspective. Developed from the Chicago School tradition and Shaw and Mckay's landmark study (1972 [1942]), social disorganization theory posits that community crime rates vary because social structural factors such as poverty, ethnic heterogeneity, and family instability, impede the ability of residents to maintain informal social control in the neighborhood (see also Bursik, 1988; Sampson and Groves, 1989). Although most social disorganization studies focus on social ecology, some studies also consider land uses (Lockwood, 2007; Sampson and Raudenbush, 1999; 2000; Wilcox et al., 2004). Some argue that mixed or nonresidential land uses impede the ability of residents to maintain social control by increasing street traffic which increases the number of strangers in an area and reducing residents' ability to tell locals from outsiders (Gardiner, 1976; Greenberg, Rohe, and Williams, 1982; Kurtz, Koons, and Taylor, 1998; Taylor et al., 1995; Wilcox et al., 2004), or by increasing actual or perceived neighborhood deterioration, disorder, or incivilities (Kurtz et al. 1998; McCord et al., 2007; Taylor et al., 1995; Wilcox, Quisenberry, and Jones 2003).5 5 Others argue that mixed land uses can be beneficial. Jacobs (1961) argued that mixed land uses are crucial because they keep people in areas throughout a day. Thus, there are constantly "eyes on the street." Expanding on Jacobs' work, Newman (1972) developed the concept of `defensible space.' Newman suggested that territoriality (the degree to which an area appears to be "owned") and natural surveillance are factors that would likely affect an offenders' 6 Consistent with this logic, Lockwood (2007) examines the influences of retail/commercial and public/institutional, and recreational land uses on robbery, aggravated assault, and simple assault rates in 145 census block groups in Savannah, Georgia. Lockwood (2007) finds that both commercial and public land uses are significantly positively associated with simple assault, aggravated assault, and robbery rates. 6 Additionally, the author finds that recreational land uses are significantly positively associated with robbery rates. Yet, Lockwood's analysis focuses only on a few very broad categories of land uses, the study has a small sample size, and the study only considers direct effects of land uses on crime. Recently, theorists have begun to suggest combining social disorganization and routine activities theories (Smith et al., 2000). Such an approach would suggest that crime rates will vary based both on how frequently routine daily activities place offenders and targets in proximity, and the willingness or capacity of others to intervene to maintain social control. Consistent with this logic, two recent studies have suggested that the effect of land uses on crime may be conditional on the socioeconomic characteristics of the neighborhood. If socioeconomic disadvantage (a structural antecedent of social disorganization) is generally associated with lesser levels of informal social control, ceteris paribus, then the crime generating potential of land uses will likely vary depending on the level of disadvantage in an area. Consistent with this, Smith et al. (2000: 516) found that "[s]ocial disorganization attributes of a face block combine with land use factors to affect the probability that street robbery will occur." Specifically, the authors found that the influence of hotels/motels, and bars/restaurants/gas stations on robbery was greater as the number of single parent households in a face -block increased, whereas the influence of choice of whether or not to commit a crime in a given area. He argued that physical characteristics can give the impression that space will be defended and therefore reduce the likelihood of crime. In addition, if people feel they own a space, they will be more likely to exercise informal social control over it and as a result, crime will be lower. Evidence on the utility of defensible space is mixed (Mawby, 1976; Merry, 1981; Taylor, Gottfredson, and Brower, 1980, 1984). 6 The author also noted having examined homicide rates but no results were presented for these analyses. 7 multifamily structures, bars/restaurants/gas stations, and vacant/park lots on robberies decreased with distance from the center of the city. Although promising, these findings are specific to robbery and include primarily commercial kinds of land uses. Similarly, Wilcox et al. (2004) suggest that the effect of land use on crime might be conditional on the socioeconomic characteristics of the area (see also Wilcox, Quisenberry, and Jones, 2003). Wilcox et al. (2004) examined the linkages between specific land uses and burglary, assaults, and robberies in 100 Seattle neighborhoods. The authors argued that certain types of land use will lead to greater difficulty in maintaining informal social control because of the greater amount of "public" space and the larger number of strangers. Wilcox et al. (2004) also argued that certain types of land use are more likely to be associated with physical deterioration or incivilities, which could lead to more serious crimes (i.e., broken windows logic). The authors found that the effects of businesses on burglary and playgrounds on robberies and assaults were conditional on the relative level of population instability. Yet, the effects ran counter to their expectations. Wilcox et al. (2004) had predicted that some land uses would be more likely to be associated with crime in unstable areas. Their analyses showed just the opposite to be true. They speculate that such land uses in unstable areas may encourage greater monitoring by parents at playgrounds and the police or business owners for businesses in unstable areas. Yet, this study only considered a few land uses, relied on a small number of census tracts, did not control for crime or disadvantage in surrounding areas, and employed subjectively determined land use measures.' In sum, although land use measures have periodically been incorporated in criminological studies, most studies have assumed that nonresidential land uses independently increase opportunities or decrease the potential for informal social control. Recently, authors have suggested that opportunity and informal social control may have conditional effects on crime. Consistent with this 7 Respondents were asked a series of questions regarding the presence of nine land uses within three blocks of their homes. 8 logic, two recent studies (Smith et al., 2000; Wilcox et al., 2004) have considered conditional effects of land uses and disadvantage on violent crime. Yet, each has limitations that suggest the need for additional research. Therefore, a systematic study of the effect of objectively -measured land uses on a variety of serious violent crimes that considers the conditional effects of land uses and disadvantage seems warranted. DATA AND METHODS The data for this study come from three sources, the Indianapolis Police Department (IPD) Uniform Crime Report (UCR) data for 2000-2004, land use data from the Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development from 2002, and 2000 Census data.8 Crime data for the study covers the IPD service area, which is approximately the Indianapolis city boundaries before city -county consolidation in 1970.9 UNIT OF ANALYSIS The units of analysis for this study are 2,142 1000-feet square grid cells overlaid on the (IPD) service area. Grid cells only partially included within the boundaries have been excluded from the analysis because only some crimes in them would have been reported to IPD. One advantage of this approach is that the grid cells are much more homogeneous than larger units such as census tracts or block groups. Although other units such as census blocks or face blocks (e.g. Smith et al., 2000) might have been chosen, each would present significant problems for allocating the crime data (See Appendix 1 for additional discussion of the use of grid cells rather than census -based boundaries). Maps 1 and 2 illustrate the IPD service area relative to Marion County, Indiana, and the grid cell approach taken in the current analysis. Maps 1 and 2 about here 8 Although these data could be subject to concerns over causal order, it seems unlikely that in the short run changes in crime are unlikely to cause changes in land use. 9 The 2000 population of the IPD service area was 322,212. This population is comparable to that for other large central cities in the Midwest, such as Pittsburgh, PA (334,563), Cincinnati, OH (331,285), and St. Louis, MO (348,189). 9 DEPENDENT VARIABLES In this analysis, we use geocoded UCR data for the IPD service area from 2000-2004 to examine the violent index offenses (murder and non -negligent manslaughter, rape, robbery, aggravated assault) individually and as a violent crime index.10 We focus on violent crimes because, by definition, these require an offender and a target to interact. For each crime, the count of incidents per cell was determined. The crime locations were geocoded from address information, so that crimes could be located as accurately as the nearest street address." SOCIOECONOMIC VARIABLES To determine whether land uses influence crime net of socioeconomic variables, and whether their influence on crime is conditioned by disadvantage, it is necessary to control for relevant socioeconomic predictors of violent crime. Therefore, we include the socioeconomic characteristics of the areas in which each of the grid cells are located. Values of the sociodemographic variables have been estimated for each grid from the 2000 census. To estimate the grid cell values the blocks and census tracts were intersected with the grid cells and the values of blocks and tracts split by the grid cells were apportioned to the cells based on the proportion of the area of the block or census tract within the cell. Block data from Summary File 1 were used for the estimation of those 10 The homicide variable includes homicides from 1992 to 2004 to increase stability of estimates. Preliminary analyses also considered homicides from 2000 to 2004 with similar results. 11 IPD did not provide information on the geocoding success rate for the UCR data that were provided or describe the geocoding procedures used. However, the dataset included a small number of records (less than 1%) for which no geocoded coordinate information was provided. Some of these records included "UNKNOWN" in the address field, while others included addresses that apparently could not be successfully geocoded. Based upon this, one might infer that the geocoding success rate exceeded 99 percent, though we cannot definitively conclude this, which would be a very high success rate. IPD uses the street database of the Metropolitan Emergency Communications Agency, which handles 911 dispatching for geocoding. This is an extremely comprehensive and accurate database, which would contribute to a very high geocoding success rate. Further, IPD has full-time personnel devoted to "cleaning" the UCR data and puts considerable effort into the UCR dataset so that the crime locations accurately reflect the locations of the crimes as opposed to the locations to which the officers initially responded. This is evidenced by the time delays associated with the release of the UCR data. While IPD makes their officer incident report data available within 24 hours, the UCR data are not available until approximately 4-5 months later. This suggests attention to developing accurate address information that could make the high geocoding success rate plausible. 10 characteristics reported at the block level: population, Hispanic population, African -American population (all persons reporting at least one race African -American), number of female headed households, number of occupied housing units, and number of owner -occupied housing units. Block group data from Summary File 3 were used for the estimation of those characteristics obtained from the long -form (sample) questions: population change from 1990 to 2000, number of persons foreign born, number of persons aged 16 and over in civilian labor force, number of employed persons, number of persons for whom poverty status was determined, and number of persons below the poverty level. It should be noted that there can be a number of grid cells in each block group in some cases (see Map 3). Therefore, because these block group characteristics represent an aggregation across the area within each block group, the much smaller grid cells may in some cases depart from this average. Previous research has shown that many social structural predictors of crime such as poverty, unemployment, and family disruption are often highly correlated. Therefore, following previous research (Land, McCall, and Cohen, 1990; Parker and McCall, 1999), using principal components analyses, we created a disadvantage index which included the following indicators: percent poor, percent unemployed, median household income, and percent female -headed households. Factor loadings ranged from 0.68 to 0.83. Social disorganization theory and research has focused on the difficulty of maintaining social control in unstable neighborhoods (Wilcox et al., 2004). Therefore, we developed a stability index, consisting of the percent of housing units that were owner -occupied, the percent that is foreign born, and the percent of the population that had not moved for five years.12 Factor loadings on this index ranged from 0.66-0.82. In addition, the percentage of the population that is African American and the percentage Hispanic in the cell are included. To control for the 12 Alternative specifications that included only the percent of owner -occupied residents or percent of population that had not moved in the previous five years produced similar results to those reported in tables 2 and 3. 11 possibility that greater counts of violent crime will occur in a cell simply because more people live in an area, we control for the cell population (Land et al. 1990). LAND USE VARIABLES Prior research has considered several land use categories. The land use data available for Indianapolis included parcel -based data on land use in 2002 obtained from the Indianapolis Department of Metropolitan Development. Each parcel was assigned a land use in one of the following categories: Residential (0 — 1.75, 1.76 — 3.5, 3.6 — 5, 5.1-8, 8.1-15, over 15) units per acre, Commercial (office, retail/ community, heavy, downtown mixed), Vacant, Agriculture, Industrial (light, heavy), Hospitals, Schools, Cemeteries, Churches, Utilities, Parks, Water, Unknown or under development, Village mixed use, Airport -related mixed use. Land use parcel information was intersected with the grid cells to obtain the portions of each parcel within each grid cell and summarized to produce the total area of the land in each grid cell devoted to each land use type. Then for each land use type, the percentage of the land area of the grid cell in the land use type was determined. Preliminary analyses examined both presence of land use and the percentage of the cell devoted to each land use. Following extensive examination of land uses empirically and through review of previous research, the following set of land uses were included in the models described below.13 Consistent with prior research suggesting that schools can be associated with higher crime, we include a categorical variable to indicate the presence of a school land use in the cell. Categorical variables were included for the presence of hospitals and cemeteries. If nonresidential land uses are associated with higher crime, one might expect that hospitals would be associated with higher crime because they bring many strangers together. Conversely, cemeteries could be associated with fewer violent crimes because they are unlikely to place offenders and targets in proximity. 13 All land use percentage variables were expressed as a percentage of the total non -road land use with the exception of the residual land use variable which was expressed as a percentage of the total area of the cell. 12 Examination of prior research suggests that commercial businesses are likely to be associated with higher crime (Smith et al., 2000) by frequently placing offenders and targets in proximity. Likewise, vacant land has been posited to be associated with higher crime (Greenberg et al., 1982; LaGrange, 1999; Ley and Cybriwsky, 1974), presumably through increased opportunity in the absence of guardianship or informal control. Although some have argued that industry, as a nonresidential land use, could be associated with higher crime (Lockwood, 2007), others suggest that industry might be associated with lower crime (Felson, 1987). In addition, some studies have found parks or recreational land uses to be associated with crime (Lockwood, 2007; Wilcox et al., 2004). Although, not studied in other research that we are aware of, water is a feature of many cities, whether in the form of rivers, lakes, or retention ponds. We anticipate that water would reduce the opportunity for violent crimes, although the areas around water may be areas with lower guardianship or informal social control.14 To explore these effects individually, commercial businesses, industry, vacant land, parks, and water land uses were all included and expressed as percentages of the total land area in each cell.15 Some studies have also shown that high density housing can create anchors for disadvantage and crime (McNulty and Holloway, 2000). Therefore, a categorical variable was also created to capture the presence of high density residential land use within a cell (defined as 8 or more units per acre). Additionally, the presence of through traffic streets may increase crime by increasing street traffic and the presence of strangers (Greenberg et al., 1982). Therefore, we include a continuous variable that captures the sum total of the length of major roads in each grid cell. Thus, if a cell had one major road running through the entire cell, the value of the variable would be 1000. 14 One reviewer suggested that we examine buffers around water because beaches may bring large numbers of people together and increase opportunities for crime. We agree that this would be appropriate in some areas, however, in our study there are no large bodies of water with beaches. 15 Despite the ability to examine many specific land uses, data were limited in some ways. In the dataset, there were four broad categories of commerce that provided no opportunity for further disaggregation. Thus, in this study we are unable to distinguish taverns from other commercial establishments. 13 Finally, we include a variable that captures the percentage of remaining land uses as a control variable. This residual land use variable includes the percentage of total land area devoted to agriculture, utilities, railroad rights -of -way, rights -of -way, village or airport mixed uses, under development, other, and unknown.16 (See table 1 for variable means and standard deviations and Appendix 2 for variable correlations.) Table 1 about here MODELING STRATEGY Perhaps not surprisingly due to the size of the grid cells, the distribution of the dependent variable is highly skewed. Especially for homicide and rape, many cells have zero counts. Therefore, a Poisson distribution is more appropriate for count data (Greene, 2000; Osgood, 2000, Osgood and Chambers, 2000). Because Poisson models assume that there is no residual dispersion left to explain once the explanatory variables are included, we employ negative binomial models (which include a dispersion parameter) in the analyses reported below.17 We limited the analysis to cells with a population count greater than zero. Combined with missing information on some independent variables for some cells, this caused a 7.7% reduction in the sample size from 2,142 to 1,956. Because cells can be contiguous, the crime data can be expected to exhibit spatial autocorrelation, producing spatially correlated errors in the normal negative binomial models. Indeed, calculation of a Moran's (1948) I statistic for all crimes discussed below confirmed statistically significant (p <.001) spatial auto-correlation.18 To address this, we develop spatial autoregressive models by including a spatial lag variable in the model (Fotheringham, Brunsdon and 16 We are grateful to anonymous reviewers for this suggestion. 17 The advantage of including this parameter in the model is that when there is no over -dispersion in the model, the parameter estimate is 0 and the negative binomial model reduces to the Poisson model. 18 The Moran's I statistic was calculated using Anselin's GeoDa version 0.9.5-i. Significance was calculated using the random permutation procedure with 999 permutations. Results were substantively similar using the Queen or Rook contiguity. 14 Charlton, 2000). For the weight matrix, we include the eight adjacent cells surrounding each grid cell, producing a spatial lag variable that is the average of the counts for the specific crime in those adjacent cells.19 The multivariate models reported in tables 2 and 3 were estimated using maximum likelihood methods in SAS Proc Genmod. RESULTS BIVARIATE RESULTS To determine whether land use and crime are related, it seems reasonable to examine the data before moving on to regression equations. Figure 1 shows the percentage departure from the overall cell average for homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault counts by the presence or absence of industry within a cell. Thus, the horizontal axis represents a cell with average counts of each offense. Cells containing industrial land uses have between 15 and 25% fewer violent crimes than the overall cell average, whereas those without industry experienced 5 to 15% higher than average homicides, rapes, robberies, and aggravated assaults. Of course, this figure does not control for other factors such as population and disadvantage. Figure 1 about here Figure 2 shows the percentage departure from the overall cell average count for each violent crime based on levels of disadvantage and the presence or absence of commercial land uses within the cell. The left two sets of columns represent cells with below average levels of socioeconomic disadvantage, whereas the right two sets represent cells with above average levels of disadvantage. From the left, the first and third groups of columns are cells without commercial land uses, whereas the second and fourth groups of columns are cells with commercial land uses present. Figure 2 suggests that the effects of commercial land use and disadvantage on violent crime may be 19 A recent example of the use of a spatial lag model for addressing spatial autocorrelation in the prediction of crime rates is Wang (2007). 15 conditional. For example, as one might expect, violent crimes are lowest in advantaged areas with no commercial land uses and highest in disadvantaged areas with commercial land uses. Yet, robbery is substantially higher in advantaged areas with commerce than disadvantaged areas with no commerce, whereas the reverse is true for homicide. From a social disorganization perspective, one might expect that both robbery and homicide would be higher or lower in areas with similar levels of disadvantage. Though not accounting for other factors, taken together, these figures suggest that land uses and crime are related but in potentially complicated ways. Figure 2 about here NEGATIVE BINOMIAL REGRESSION ANALYSES Turning to multivariate examinations of land use and crime, tables 2 and 3 present the results of negative binomial regression analyses of the effects of land uses and socioeconomic variables on the violent crime index and homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault counts for 1,956 cells in Indianapolis. Table 2 considers main effects of a variety of land uses on individual violent crimes and an aggregate index of violent crime. Table 3 presents conditional effects of land uses and disadvantage on the violent crime index which combines cell counts for murder, rape, robbery and aggravated assault. To examine overall model fit, a likelihood ratio test was calculated. The likelihood ratio is computed as two times the difference between the log -likelihoods of the models being compared. This difference is then compared to the X2 distribution. The degrees of freedom for the test equal the difference in the number of parameters between the two models being compared (Osgood and Chambers, 2000). In tables 2 and 3, each model is compared to a model with only an intercept and dispersion parameter. Calculating the likelihood ratio test for each of the equations in tables 2 and 3 shows that all models are significant at the .001 level. 16 Table 2 about here Turning to the effects of individual variables, as one might expect, in all equations in table 2, the spatial lag variable is significant, showing that violent crime is positively correlated with violent crime in adjacent cells. Population size is also significantly positively related to all violent crimes for all equations, and the percentage of the population in the cell that is African American is significantly positively associated with all violent crimes except rape. The percentage of the population that is Hispanic in the cell is significantly positively related to the violent crime index, aggravated assault, and homicide, but not rape or robbery. The index of population stability is significantly negatively related to all violent crimes except robbery (p <.10 for homicide).20 Consistent with prior research, the socioeconomic disadvantage index is significantly positively related to all violent crimes in table 2 (p <.001). However, as we will see in table 3, the effects of socioeconomic disadvantage on violent crime are conditioned by certain land uses. Table 3 about here Turning to the effects of specific land uses on violent crime, the presence of high density residential units in the cell (8 or more units per acre) was significantly positively (p<.001) associated with all violent crimes in table 2, even controlling for population size and socioeconomic disadvantage. There appears to be something about such units that is associated with all types of serious violent crime, even controlling for the other factors in the model. Apparently high density housing units promote serious violent crime. The percent of a cell devoted to commerce is significantly positively related to all crimes in table 2 except homicide, even net of the other factors in the model. From a routine activities 20 We tested numerous interaction effects with land use variables and the stability index but none were significant. 17 perspective, one would expect this result because commercial activities increase the frequency of offender and target contacts in the absence of capable guardians, ceteris paribus. The percentage of a cell devoted to industry is significantly negatively related to the violent crime index, robberies, and aggravated assaults, marginally negatively related to rape (p<.10), but is unrelated to homicide in table 2. Although some would suggest that all nonresidential land uses are associated with higher crime, these results suggest that this is not always the case. From the routine activities perspective (Felson, 1987), these results make sense because industrial areas are not likely to attract large numbers of potential offenders, although they are not likely to be areas where large numbers of capable guardians are present. Although to our knowledge, no research has considered whether water and crime are related, we included water to be systematic. The percent of water in a cell was significantly negatively related to the violent crime index, robbery, and aggravated assault (p <.05), but unrelated to homicide or rape. This suggests that water in an area decreases the number of violent crimes, most likely by decreasing the opportunities for offenders and victims to interact. We also examined whether the length of major streets in the cell influenced violent crime, net of the other factors in the model. As expected, we found that the lengths of major streets in a cell were significantly positively associated with violent crime overall and individually in all equations in table 2. Additional major streets likely increase the number of strangers in an area, and, ceteris paribus, increase the number of potential offenders and victims in an area, which may also make it more difficult to maintain informal social control. Additional major streets also increase the number of entry and exit points, which may make areas more attractive for offenders (see White, 1990 for a discussion of research on neighborhood permeability).21 21 We also considered a binary variable indicating the presence of major streets and a continuous variable that captured the total percentage of the land in a cell devoted to streets, highways, and interchanges. Both alternative specifications produced similar main and interaction effects to those reported in tables 2 and 3. We are grateful to anonymous reviewers for suggesting alternative specifications to probe the robustness of this relationship. 18 The presence of a cemetery in the cell was significantly negatively related to homicide and robbery (p<.05), and marginally negatively related to the violent crime index (p<.10). Thus, it appears that cemeteries reduce some kinds of crime, possibly by suppressing the number of potential offender -victim interactions. School land use was significantly negatively related to homicide (p<.05), and marginally negatively related to rape (p<.10), but unrelated to robbery, aggravated assault, or the violent crime index. These mixed findings contradict prior studies that have shown schools to be related to crime. Perhaps the explanation lies in a limitation of the current data. School land use includes all types of educational institutions, including public and private elementary and secondary schools and colleges and universities. Presumably public high schools might be more likely to be related to serious violent crimes than private elementary schools. The presence of a hospital in a cell was also unrelated to violent crime in all equations in table 2. We had expected that hospitals might attract both offenders and victims and therefore increase the potential for violent crimes. Yet, unlike commercial areas, hospitals do not appear to be associated with violent crime. In addition, contrary to some prior studies (Lockwood, 2007; Smith et al., 2000), the percent of a cell devoted to park related land use was significantly negatively associated with aggravated assault (p <.01) and marginally negatively related to homicide (p < .10), but unrelated to the other violent crimes in table 2. Such a finding is somewhat surprising because one might expect parks to increase interactions between potential offenders and targets, in the absence of guardians and be areas where informal social control would be lower. Finally, the percent of vacant land in a cell was marginally positively related to robbery in table 2 (p < .10) but unrelated to the other crimes. One explanation for this may be that in this context, vacant land means that there is no structure on the land, which can mean very different things depending on the context surrounding the vacant land. Thus, a vacant lot in a brand new subdivision is likely to have very different implications for violent crime than a vacant lot surrounded by boarded up buildings. 19 Finally, the residual land use category that we included was significantly negatively associated with the violent crime index, aggravated assault, and robbery, but not rape or homicide.22 THE CONDITIONAL EFFECTS OF LAND USE AND DISADVANTAGE ON VIOLENT CRIME Table 3 considers whether the influences of land uses and disadvantage on violent crime are conditional. To avoid reporting on multiple analyses, we limit these analyses to the overall violent crime index and those results where there were consistent interactions between land uses and disadvantage (although numerous other interaction terms were examined). In general, the main effects of the control variables on violent crime are consistent with expectations and remarkably stable across the five equations reported in table 3. Specifically, the spatial lag variable, cell population, socioeconomic disadvantage, percent Black and percent Hispanic are all significantly positively related to the violent crime index, and the stability index is significantly negatively related to violent crime in all equations as expected (disadvantage is marginally significant in equation 1). In addition, the main effects for several land uses including high density housing, percent commercial, percent industrial, percent water, and the binary variable for the presence of a cemetery and the length of major streets variable achieve significance in all equations in table 3, and are in the expected direction. Parks, schools, hospitals, and the percentage of vacant land in a cell were unrelated to the violent crime index in all equations in table 3. Turning to the examination of interaction effects, equation 1 of table 3 includes an interaction term for the presence of high density residential units and disadvantage, which is positive and significant (p<.01). Thus, the effect of disadvantage on violent crime is conditioned by the presence of high density housing. Figure 3 illustrates the predicted number of violent crimes expected at 22 The substantive findings from tables 2 and 3 are similar whether this variable is included, excluded, or the sample is limited to cases with less than 20% of land uses in this miscellaneous category. Few cases (8.4%) had more than 20% of total land area in this category and many were already excluded because they also had zero population. 20 various levels of the disadvantage index depending on the presence or absence of high density residential units in the cell (assuming the cell contained no schools, cemeteries, or hospitals and other variables were at their means). Even in highly advantaged areas (i.e., the left side of the figure), areas with high density housing have somewhat higher expected numbers of violent crimes. However, as the area becomes more disadvantaged, the effect of high density housing on violent crime becomes more pronounced. Interestingly, predicted violent crime counts in highly advantaged cells with high density housing are only slightly lower than predicted violent crime counts in extremely disadvantaged areas with no high density housing. Thus, it appears that high density housing is associated with higher violent crimes but especially so in disadvantaged areas. Figure 3 about here Equation 2 includes an interaction term between the percent of a cell that is commercial and the disadvantage index. The significant negative interaction term (p <.001) means that commercial land use actually blunts the relationship between disadvantage and violent crime. Figure 4 illustrates predicted violent crime counts in a cell at varying levels of disadvantage and percent of the land use that is devoted to commerce (with no high density housing, schools, cemeteries, or hospitals in the cell, and other variables at their means). In extremely advantaged areas (the far left side of the figure), crime is expected to be lowest in cells with no commerce and increase substantially as the percentage of the cell devoted to commerce increases. Yet, as disadvantage increases, the additional violent crimes one would expect with increasing commercial land use becomes much less. In extremely disadvantaged areas (the far right side of figure 4), the predicted number of violent crimes in the cell increases only slightly as the amount of commerce increases.23 Several possibilities might 23 To probe whether this conditional relationship depended on the type of commercial activity, we ran additional analyses including the available subcategories of commerce. We found identical results for three of the four subcategories of commerce: office commercial, retail/community commercial, and heavy commercial, but not downtown mixed commercial land uses (which are only present in a small number of cells). Thus, although the 21 explain this finding. First, it could be that commercial activities in advantaged areas bring relatively larger numbers of motivated offenders than in disadvantaged areas where more of these offenders might already be located. Or it could be that commercial activities in advantaged areas are associated with much more attractive targets for offenders. Although we can only speculate without additional data, the current results challenge the notion that commerce is invariably associated with higher crime regardless of the socioeconomic context. Figure 4 about here Equation 3 includes the interaction term for the percent industry and disadvantage, which is significantly negative (p<.001), meaning that industry blunts the impact of disadvantage on violent crime. Figure 5 illustrates predicted violent crimes at various levels of percent industry in a cell and disadvantage (net of the other variables as noted for figure 4). When there is no industry in a cell, there is a strong positive relationship between disadvantage and predicted violent crime counts. Yet, as the percentage of the cell devoted to industry increases, the relationship between disadvantage and violent crime lessens. If the percentage of the cell devoted to industry is two standard deviations above average, the predicted violent crimes are similar regardless of the level of disadvantage. It could be that industry provides a buffer against the increasing violence one would expect in more disadvantaged areas, by reducing opportunities for offenders and targets to come together, or it could be that the presence of industry increases informal social control by increasing the number of law- abiding citizens in an area. Of course, this is only speculation without individual -level data. These results suggest that physical environment and social ecology interact to produce crime. Figure 5 about here category of commerce is somewhat broad, it appears to be the case that most types of commercial activity are conditionally related to violent crime as reported for the broader category in Table 3. 22 Equation 4 includes the interaction term between the length of the major roads in the cell and disadvantage, which is significant and negative (p<.001). Figure 6 illustrates the predicted number of violent crimes one would expect at various levels of the disadvantage index and road lengths in the cell (with no schools, cemeteries, or hospitals in the cell, and other variables at their means). In advantaged areas, areas with long segments of major roads would be expected to have more than twice as many violent crimes as those with no major roads. Yet, in disadvantaged areas the difference between predicted violent crime counts in cells with no major roads or long segments of major roads is much smaller. The explanation for this may be similar to the presence of commerce. It could be that major roads create additional avenues for motivated offenders to enter and exit areas (see White, 1990). Or it could be that areas with major roads make informal social control more difficult. In advantaged areas this might overwhelm social control capacity, whereas in disadvantaged areas there is likely to be limited informal social control capacity to overwhelm. Or it could be that in disadvantaged areas with major roads, citizens are especially vigilant because of the larger number of people. Those in advantaged areas might not feel a similar need to be vigilant and therefore be more vulnerable (see Wilcox et al., 2004 for a similar argument). Figure 6 about here So what are we to make of these results? Clearly, we cannot assume that the effects of land uses on crime are unconditional, which may explain some of the inconsistent findings of previous studies that have typically only examined main effects of land uses (or as Smith et al., 2000 note, fail to find interaction effects with larger units of analysis). Such findings suggest that it is important to re-examine the reasons we would expect land uses to matter for crime. Prior studies have generally focused on either increased opportunities or reduced informal social control (separately) as the mechanisms by which land uses influence crime. These results are consistent with the notion that 23 opportunity and informal social control interact to produce variation in violent crime in urban areas. Of course, we can only speculate on these issues without additional data that is beyond the scope of the current study. CHECKS FOR ROBUSTNESS To examine the robustness of the findings reported in tables 2 and 3, we conducted a number of additional analyses. First, equation 5 of Table 3 shows that the reported effects remain when all interactions are included. Second, it is important to note that numerous additional interaction effects were tested for land use and socioeconomic characteristic combinations (e.g., hospital, schools, water, vacant land, and cell population by disadvantage interactions, as well as interactions with the stability index), and none were consistently significant. We ran sensitivity analyses for the effects of specific variables. For example, to explore whether the results were influenced by the inclusion of cells with few residents, when models were restricted to cells with 20 or more residents or 50 or more residents, substantively similar estimates were produced. We also ran models that employed mean substitution to replace missing data and found only two differences from those reported in tables 2 and 3. In some models, parks became statistically significantly negatively associated with violent crimes and the stability index declined to non -significance in some models. Otherwise substantive conclusions were identical to those reported. To investigate the potential that outliers might influence the significance of land uses, for the 1000-feet cell models we restricted the analyses to cells with less than 80 percent devoted to industrial, water, or park uses, and found similar results. We observed no obvious outliers for any of the dependent variables. We ran models limiting the sample to cells with less than 20 percent of residual land uses and found similar results to those reported here. We conducted analyses using 500 X 500 feet cells and these results showed that the effects of specific land uses such as percent commercial and percent industrial interacted with the level of disadvantage in an area to produce violent crime variation. Thus, substantively similar conclusions 24 about the direct and conditional impacts of land use and disadvantage were reached with smaller units of analysis (and a much larger N). We also conducted analyses which calculated socioeconomic variables with the 2000 census area characteristics within a 1/2 mile radius of the cell rather than the cell itself. Again, substantively similar results were produced regarding the direct and conditional effects of land uses and disadvantage on violent crimes. Finally, we calculated a spatial lag variable of the disadvantage index, and models which controlled for the average level of disadvantage in the 8 surrounding cells (in a 3 X 3 grouping of cells) produced results substantively equivalent to those reported in table 3. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Some prior research has suggested that land uses and crime are related, although studies have tended to focus on specific land uses and generally investigated only main effects of land uses. The current study moved beyond prior research by considering main and conditional effects of a variety of land uses on several serious violent crimes. Using socioeconomic and land use information for regular shaped 1000 X 1000 feet cells in the IPD service area we found that specific land uses are related to a violent crime index of UCR reported crimes, and homicide, rape, robbery, and aggravated assaults, net of the variables typically included in violent crime models. Specifically, we found that commercial activity and high density residential land uses were associated with higher violent crime counts, whereas cemeteries, water, and industry were associated with lower counts for some violent crimes. Thus, it does not appear that all nonresidential land uses are associated with higher crime. In addition, the influences of several land uses on violent crime counts were conditional on the socioeconomic characteristics of the cell. Specifically, we found that the effects of busy roads, high density residential units, commerce and industrial land uses on violent crime counts all depended on the disadvantage index (and vice versa). Yet, high density residential units enhanced the impact of disadvantage on violent crime, whereas commerce, industry, and busy roads dampened the effect of disadvantage. Thus, both residential and nonresidential land uses can increase or decrease crime but 25 their effects depend on the socioeconomic context surrounding them. In addition to confirming the importance of land uses for explaining violent crime, net of socioeconomic variables, the current study has implications for both systemic social disorganization/collective efficacy theories and routine activities/opportunity theories. As we noted earlier, there has been exploration of land use -crime relationships at least since the early days of the Chicago school. For example, Shaw and Mckay's classic discussion of transition zones shows that land uses are systematically related to social (dis)organization. They noted that the highest delinquency areas were those that were in close proximity to industrial or commercial areas. Yet, Shaw and Mckay (1972[1942]: 143) dismissed the notion that land uses caused delinquency: There is, of course, little reason to postulate a direct relationship between living in proximity to industrial developments and becoming delinquent. While railroads and industrial properties may offer a field for delinquent behavior, they can hardly be regarded as a cause for such activities. Consistent with this, subsequent research and theorizing in systemic social disorganization has primarily focused on social ecology rather than land uses and so, with few exceptions (Sampson and Raudenbush1999, 2004; Smith et al. 2000; Taylor, 1997; Wilcox et al., 2004), mainstream research on social disorganization/collective efficacy (Morenoff, Sampson, and Raudenbush, 2001; Sampson and Groves, 1989; Sampson, Raudenbush, and Earls, 1997) has excluded land use variables. Yet, the current study suggests that Shaw and Mckay may have been incorrect to presume that land uses themselves would be unlikely to have independent effects on crime (see also Brantingham and Jeffery, 1981). One of the key findings of the original Shaw and Mckay study was that neighborhoods tended to have stable rates of delinquency despite changes in their racial and ethnic composition over time. They interpreted this to mean that neighborhood social structural characteristics created some enduring constraints on the ability of neighborhoods to generate informal social control. It seems quite likely that they undersold the importance of how the enduring 26 physical characteristics of neighborhoods also structured social interactions in patterned ways that created opportunities for delinquency —which is even suggested by the reference to industrial areas as "offering a field for delinquent behavior" in the quote above. Given the relatively stable nature of land use configurations in areas over time, it seems likely that some of the observed stability in neighborhood delinquency rates was due to the enduring physical characteristics of the neighborhoods. Of course, this speculation goes beyond the findings of the current cross -sectional study but our results suggest that theorists explicitly need to bring physical structure back into social disorganization/collective efficacy theories. This study also suggests that the focus on the breakdown of social institutions in systemic social disorganization theory may be overly narrow. In addition to being amorphous, difficult to measure social constructs, social institutions such as religion, education, and the economy have tangible physical manifestations that structure social interactions in patterned ways. Thus, the importance of education or commerce may not only be in how it influences the capacity for informal social control but also in how the physical land uses associated with such activities structure social interaction and, as a result, opportunities for crime. The current study also suggests that theories focusing on the breakdown of social institutions only tell part of the story. Ecological theories such as social disorganization and institutional anomie theories also need to focus on social institutions at work and the complex interplay of social institutions that generate particular land use configurations. Students of urban politics are keenly aware that zoning and resulting land use configurations are not natural phenomena. Therefore, the placement of certain land uses is intimately tied to how neighborhoods can or fail to mobilize to say "Not in My Back Yard" to some land uses perceived as undesirable. Or, conversely, how well neighborhoods mobilize to create or maintain desirable neighborhoods through zoning or code enforcement can have important effects on crime (see Bursik, 1989). The findings of the current study also have implications for land use planners. For example, it 27 appears that busy roads and high density housing can produce additional violent crime but busy roads have more of an impact in advantaged areas whereas high density housing has more of an impact in disadvantaged areas. It also appears that industry may be a buffer against violence, especially in disadvantaged areas. This study also suggests new avenues of development for routine activities/opportunity theories of crime. For example, land uses are mentioned in Sherman et al.'s (1989) seminal work on "hot spots" (see also Kennedy and Forde, 1990). Such stability of crime hot spots was recently confirmed in Weisburd et al.'s (2004) study of crime trajectories of street segments in Seattle. Yet, such work is too often ad hoc. Hot spots, however, don't simply appear at random, nor do they result solely from the socioeconomic characteristics of the neighborhood. They are the result of how particular land uses structure the routine activities of daily life and social interactions in patterned ways. Therefore, small area research would benefit from additional consideration of how to systematically include land use information and how such land uses structure social interactions and opportunities for crime. Including land use information could help to make sense of how routine activities and the corresponding opportunities for crime come together in a structured way to move beyond the empirically -driven approaches often taken in such research. The findings of the current study also provide additional evidence supporting the integration of social disorganization and routine activities theories. For example, Smith et al. (2000) began to empirically integrate routine activities and social disorganization theories in their study of robbery in face blocks (see also Wilcox, Land, and Hunt, 2003; Wilcox, Quisenberry, and Jones, 2003, 2004). Although such a study is a good beginning, more theoretical work is necessary to fully integrate situational and ecological theories, which is likely the best way to capitalize on the strengths of both. Despite the contributions of the current study, some limitations should be noted. One weakness of the current study is the inability to distinguish within certain categories of land uses. For example, the current data could not distinguish liquor establishments from other kinds of commercial 28 businesses or elementary schools from high schools. Future research needs to examine more closely the extent to which different kinds of commercial activity increase violent crime more than others. A second limitation of this study is that we did not have access to data on property crimes. We did, however, find fairly consistent effects of land uses across violent crimes. Future research should consider whether the effects of land uses found in the current study also apply for property crimes such as burglary and theft. A third limitation of this study is that it is cross -sectional. Given the stability of land use configurations, it seems unlikely that crime is driving land uses (at least in the short-term). Yet, future research should examine long term dynamic models of land use and crime. We were also unable to measure informal social control, incivilities, or opportunity directly in the current study. Therefore, our study cannot address such issues. Fully explicating the role of land uses in generating violent crime awaits a study that can incorporate measurements of these key intervening variables. Finally, our study only includes land use information from one city. Although there is little reason to believe that the kinds of land uses examined here would have different effects in other cities, and the data analyzed here come from a fairly typical older large Midwest city, such comparisons with other cities in future research would help clarify the generality of the findings of the current study. In sum, we find that specific land uses affect violent crime, and the effects of such land uses on violent crime vary depending on the socioeconomic disadvantage in the area. We believe that such results suggest important revisions to existing ecological and situational theories are necessary to incorporate land uses into theoretical models. Land uses also may provide a way to integrate ecological and situational models to develop a fuller explanation of crime. 29 Table 1. Univariate Statistics for Variables Used in Multivariate Analysis (N=1,956). Variable Violent Crimes per Cell Homicides Per Cell Rapes Per Cell Robberies Per Cell Agg. Assaults Per Cell Cell Population Percent Black Percent Hispanic Stability Index Disadvantage Index Hi Density Residential (Yin) Commercial Percent Industrial Percent Water Percent Major Road Total Length Cemetery in Cell (y/n) School in Cell (y/n) Hospital in Cell (y/n) Park Percent Vacant Percent Residual land Use Percent Mean Std. Deviation Minimum Maximum 10.3 14.08 0.00 114.00 0.55 1.08 0.00 8.00 0.57 1.04 0.00 11.00 4.36 7.76 0.00 67.00 4.88 6.79 0.00 61.00 154.27 111.27 1.00 760.46 40.46 37.15 0.00 100.00 3.86 5.82 0.00 54.41 0.0316 0.94 -5.39 2.19 0.00 1.00 -3.54 3.25 0.79 0.41 0.00 1.00 10.19 18.73 0.00 100.00 10.78 23.23 0.00 100.00 0.92 6.34 0.00 83.37 74.89 855.39 0.00 4742.0 0.03 0.16 0.00 1.00 0.13 0.34 0.00 1.00 0.03 0.18 0.00 1.00 3.28 12.32 0.00 100.0 5.60 10.86 0.00 98.50 5.04 11.72 0.00 100.00 Table 2. Negative Binomial Regressions of Land Uses and Socioeconomic Variables on UCR Violent Crimes in 1000 X 1000 Feet Grid Cells in Indianapolis (N=1956). Violent Homicide Robbery Aggravated crime Assault Rape Intercept Spatial Lag Cell Population Percent Black Percent Hispanic Stability Index Disadvantage Index - 0.2060* (0.1014) 0.0305*** ( 0.0030) 0.0042*** (0.0003) 0.0048*** (0.0007) 0.0097* (0.0041) - 0.0629 * (0.0289) 0.2687 * * * (0.0298) -3.2321 * * * (0.2166) 0.1846** ( 0.0633) 0.0037*** (0.0005) 0.0141*** (0.0014) 0.0195 * * (0.0063) -0.0905' (0.0527) 0.3302*** (0.0539) -1.272*** (0.1367) 0.0563*** ( 0.0068) 0.0046*** (0.0004) 0.0038*** (0.0009) 0.0018 (0.0050) -0.0406 (0.0373) 0.1993*** (0.0374) -0.7147*** (0.1099) 0.0877*** ( 0.0062) 0.0033*** (0.0003) 0.0046*** (0.0008) 0.0138** (0.0043) -0.0971 * * (0.0307) 0.2925*** (0.0326) -2.3109*** (0.1953) 0.2737*** ( 0.0633) 0.0035*** (0.0005) 0.0008 (0.0013) 0.0094 (0.0061) -0.1112* (0.0507) 0.3099*** (0.0532) Hi Density Residential (y/n) Commercial Percent Industrial Percent Water Percent Park Percent Major Roads Total Length Cemetery in Cell (y/n) School in Cell (y/n) Hospital in Cell (y/n) Vacant Percent Residual Land Use Percent 0.5922*** (0.0641) 0.0150*** (0.0014) - 0.0037** (0.0013) -0.0137** (0.0041) - 0.0012 (0.0020) 0.0004*** (0.0000) - 0.2830+ (0.1453) 0.0179 (0.0618) 0.0289 (0.1148) 0.0021 (0.0023) - 0.0085 * * * (0.0021) 0.7182*** (0.1601) 0.0044 (0.0027) -0.0043 (0.0029) -0.0000 (0.0072) -0.0037+ (0.0022) 0.0002*** (0.0000) -0.6800*** (0.3616) -0.3023 * (0.1188) -0.1438 (0.2039) 0.0075 (0.0038) -0.0026 (0.0040) 0.6296*** (0.0867) 0.0230*** (0.0018) -0.0035* (0.0017) -0.0178** (0.0060) 0.0004 (0.0026) 0.0005*** (0.000) -0.6688** (0.2139) -0.0075 (0.0801) -0.0762 (0.1518) 0.0051" (0.0030) -0.0080** (0.0028) 0.5603*** (0.0738) 0.0050** (0.0015) -0.0049** (0.0015) -0.0150** (0.0047) -0.0057** (0.0022) 0.0003*** (0.0000) -0.0922 (0.1574) 0.0670 (0.0657) 0.0245 (0.1197) -0.0001 (0.0025) -0.0089* (0.0023) 0.5432*** (0.1444) 0.0050* (0.0025) -0.0051" (0.0027) - 0.0111 (0.0087) 0.0013 (0.0035) 0.0003*** (0.0000) -0.5161 (0.3557) -0.1990" (0.1121) -0.0780 (0.1882) 0.0051 (0.0040) -0.0042 (0.0040) Dispersion Log Likelihood Note: Standard errors 0.5763 0.3587 0.8206 0.5298 (0.0255) (0.0640) (0.0414) (0.0291) 38933.8***-1112.2*** 10335.0*** 10888.7*** in parentheses, +p < .10, * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001 (2-tailed tests). 31 0.4202 (0.0701) - 1299.2*** Table 3. Negative Binomial Regressions of Land Use and Socioeconomic Variable Interactions on UCR Violent Crimes in 1000 X 1000 Feet Grid Cells in Indianapolis (N=1956). Equation 1 Equation 2 Equation 3 Equation 4 Equation 5 Intercept Spatial Lag Cell Pop. Pct. Black Pct. Hispanic Stability Index Disadvantage Index Hi Density Residential (y/n) Commercial Pct. Industrial Pct. Water Pct. Park Pct. Major Roads Total Length Cemetery in Cell (y/n) School in Cell (y/n) Hospital in Cell (y/n) Vacant Pct. Residual Land Use Percent Disadvantage* Hi Density Residential Disadvantage* Pct. Commercial Disadvantage* Industry Pct. Disadvantage* Road Length - 0.2445*-0.1768'-0.1815+-0.1918'-0.1742' (0.1019) (0.1010) (0.1014) (0.1013) (0.1016) 0.0295*** 0.0301*** 0.0298*** 0.0306*** 0.0288*** ( 0.0030) (0.0030) (0.0030) (0.0030) (0.0030) 0.0042*** 0.0041*** 0.0041*** 0.0042*** 0.0041*** (0.0003) (0.0003) (0.0003) (0.0003) (0.0003) 0.0046*** 0.0047*** 0.0046*** 0.0047*** 0.0044*** (0.0007) (0.0007) (0.0007) (0.0007) (0.0007) 0.0090* 0.0099* 0.0099* 0.0102* 0.0099* (0.0041) (0.0041) (0.0041) (0.0041) (0.0041) - 0.0720*-0.0676* -0.0622* -0.0642* -0.0735* (0.0290) (0.0286) (0.0288) (0.0287) (0.0287) 0.1129+ 0.3308*** 0.3116*** 0.3422*** 0.2982*** (0.0605) (0.0325) (0.0317) (0.0362) (0.0676) 0.6357*** 0.5984*** 0.6015*** 0.5791*** 0.6242*** (0.0652) (0.0638) (0.0640) (0.0641) (0.0647) 0.0150*** 0.0139*** 0.0150*** 0.0145*** 0.0138*** (0.0014) (0.0014) (0.0014) (0.0014) (0.0014) - 0.0035**-0.0040**-0.0032*-0.0039*-0.0035** (0.0013) (0.0013) (0.0013) (0.0013) (0.0013) -0.0137*** -0.0149*** -0.0133**-0.0131**-0.0139*** (0.00401 (0.0041) (0.0041) (0.0040) (0.0041) - 0.0009-0.0016 -0.0015 -0.0013 -0.0016 (0.0019) (0.0020) (0.0020) (0.0020) (0.0020) 0.0004*** 0.0004*** 0.0004*** 0.0004*** 0.0004*** (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) (0.0000) - 0.2789+-0.2866* -0.2915* -0.2964* -0.2993* (0.1449) (0.1448) (0.1450) (0.1445) (0.1439) 0.0097 0.0051 0.0201 0.0201 0.0060 (0.0618) (0.0617) (0.0617) (0.0617) (0.0615) 0.0348 0.0334 0.0168 0.0549 0.0414 (0.1150) (0.1140) (0.1145) (0.1144) (0.1138) 0.0018 0.0016 0.0016 0.0016 0.0008 (0.0023) (0.0023) (0.0023) (0.0023) (0.0023) - 0.0081*** -0.0083*** -0.0085*** -0.0087***-0.0083*** (0.0021) (0.0021) (0.0021) (0.0021) (0.0021) 0.1864** 0.1296* (0.0633) (0.0657) -0.0059***-0.0046*** (0.0012) (0.0013) -0.0052***-0.0049** (0.0013) (0.0013) -0.0001*** -0.0001* (0.0000) (0.0000) Dispersion 0.5749 0.5671 0.5714 0.5704 0.5599 (0.0254) (0.0252) (0.0253) (0.0254) (0.0249) Log Likelihood 38938.1*** 38945.1*** 38941.8*** 38940.3*** 38926.3*** Note: Standard errors in parentheses, +p < .10, * p < .05, ** p < .01, *** p < .001 (2-tailed tests). 32 References Brantingham, Paul J. and Patricia L. 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DISCUSSION OF GRID CELLS AS THE UNITS OF ANLAYSIS We chose 1000-feet grid cells as the units of analysis because other units of analysis presented a variety of problems. An obvious choice for this type of spatial analysis would be census subdivisions, either census tracts or block groups, which are familiar and widely used. We felt that these were inappropriate for the current study for several reasons. First, these units are relatively large and would have very significant heterogeneity in terms of land uses, reducing the ability to distinguish the relationship between land use and crime. Second, because these units are defined to have (very roughly) equal populations, they vary significantly in terms of land area, further confounding the analysis of the spatial relationship between crime and land use. A final issue arises from the fact that the boundaries of these units are generally streets. The UCR data have all been geocoded to street centerlines. The geocoded locations are not offset to the side of the street on which the address is located. This is reasonable because incidents can literally occur in the middle of the street, with the address being used to identify location on the street as opposed to a parcel on either side of the street. For crimes occurring on streets that form the boundaries of these units, ambiguity would exist as to which tract or block group the crimes should be assigned. Because census tracts and block groups are so widely employed in spatial analysis, there is a tendency to assume that these are somehow "natural" units. Such an assumption seems potentially problematic. Census tracts have been defined locally to be somewhat homogeneous areas. However, this is limited by the constraints of establishing census tracts with roughly comparable populations meeting the census criteria and tracts were often delineated decades ago. Such tracts may have been relatively homogeneous when created but less so now, given population changes over time. For block groups, no claim is made that these subdivisions reflect natural areas. They are defined for administrative convenience by the Census Bureau. Using census blocks would provide areas more appropriate for reducing the heterogeneity of land use. However, the use of these units is highly problematic given IPD' s assignment of the crimes 42 to the street centerlines. Nearly all of the crimes would be assigned to the boundaries between the census blocks, creating difficulties in consistently assigning the crimes to census blocks. Perhaps the most reasonable "natural" units for analysis, suggested by one reviewer, would be face blocks, single street segments of blocks. For areas with regular, rectangular blocks, these are relatively well-defined units. However, in areas with irregular street patterns, the definition of the face blocks becomes more ambiguous. Because of the structure of the UCR crime data provided by IPD, many crimes have been geocoded to street intersections. This raises the ambiguity of assigning those crimes to the (typically four) face block street segments at the intersection. Our use of grid cells largely solves the problem of assigning the geocoded crimes to the correct unit. Though it is possible that a grid cell boundary could intersect with a crime location, the probability of an exact intersection is extremely small. The major argument for using the grid cells as opposed to census tracts or block groups is to reduce the heterogeneity of land use within the units of analysis (Map 3 shows a comparison of block groups with the grid cells for Marion County). This cannot, of course, address potential issues in the heterogeneity of socioeconomic characteristics within the units of analysis for which the census reports those characteristics. Socioeconomic characteristics are necessarily derived from the census data and are estimated for the grid cells by making the assumption that the characteristics are uniform within the census units. However, for those characteristics available from the full -count, census block data, block data were used to estimate grid cell values. The assumption is made only of homogeneity within the small areas of the blocks, not the larger block group areas. For those characteristics from the sample data, reported at the block group level as the smallest unit (foreign born, lived in same residence, unemployment, poverty, and household income), the assumption is necessarily being made of homogeneity within the block groups for estimation for the grid cells. Map 3 about here 43 Appendix 2. Bivariate Correlation Matrix for 1000 X 1000 Feet Cells, N=1,956. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1.Violent Crime - 2. VC lag .58* - 3. Homicide .57* .40* 4. Hom lag .44* .73* .46* - 5. Rape .60* .41* .35* .29* - 6. Rape lag .49* .81* .30* .54* .38* - 7. Robbery .89* .44* .39* .30* .46* .39* - 8. Robbery lag .50* .91* .29* .55* .37* .74* .44* 9. Agg Assault .87* .58* .54* .46* .50* .47* .57* .44* - 10. Aggass lag .57* .92* .41* .72* .38* .70* .37* .68* .63* 11.Ce11 Pop .48* .50* .31* .29* .38* .48* .35* .45* .50* .46* 12.% Black .19* .25* .35* .54* .06* .08* .09* .12* .23* .29* .02 13. % Hispanic .20* .21* .06* .02 .19* .28* .20* .23* .15* .15* .24* -.25* 14. Stability .32* -.36* -.16* -.20* -.25* -.33* -.28* -.36* -.27* -.31* -.26* .08* -.38* 15. Disadvant. 33* .42* .36* .53* .24* .37* .20* .28* .36* .46* .08* .47* -.05* 16. Hi Den Res. .26* .32* .20* .26 .20* .31* .17* .23* .29* .34* .43* .02 .12* 17. %Commer. .20* .07* .01 -.03 .05* .01 .30* .14* .06* .02 -.19* -.03 .08* 18. %Industry -.19* -.18* -.13* -.15* -.13* -.14* -.15* -.16* -.18* -.17* -.41* -.15* .21* 19. %Water -.05* -.04 -.01 .01 -.03 -.05* -.05* -.06* -.04 -.02 -.12* .05* .04 20.% Park -.06* -.03 -.01 .03 -.03 -.03 -.06* -.06* -.06* -.01 -.13* .09* .02 21. Major Road .28* .07* .09* .04 .14* .03 .31* .05* .19* .07* -.08* -.05* .05* 22. Cemetery -.08* -.06* -.05* -.02 -.06* -.07* -.07* -.08* -.06* -.03 -.12* .02 -.04 23. School .01 -.02 -.04 -.03 -.02 -.03 -.01 -.03 .03 -.01 .04 -.01 .03 24. Hospital .02 .05* .01 .01 .02 .03 .01 .04 .03 .05* -.02 -.02 .03 25. %Vacant .01 .03 .10* .14* .02 .02 -.02 -.02 -.03 .05* -.04 .18* -.04 26. % Resid. LU -.07* -.03 -.04 .01 -.04 -.01 -.06* -.02 -.07* -.03 -.19* .01 .01 * p < .05, two -tailed test. 44 Appendix 2. Bivariate Correlation Matrix for 1000 X 1000 Feet Cells, N=1,956. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 15. Disadvant. -.28* 16. Hi Dens Res. -.12* .18* - 17. %Commer. -.23* .03 -.13* 18. %Industry .09* .11* -.25* -.07* 19. %Water -.11* .04 -.08* -.05* -.02 20.°/a Park .03 .06* -.01 -.08* -.10* .02 21. Major Road -.17* .02 .04 .34* .05* .04* -.01 - 22. Cemetery .03 -.02 -.01 -.04 -.02 -.02 -.01 .01 23. School -.15* -.02 -.03 -.06* -.13* .07* .02 -.01 -.04 24. Hospital -.17* .06* -.02 .01 -.04 -.01 -.01 .06* .01 .01 25. %Vacant -.01 .23* -.01 -.01 -.01 -.03 -.07* .01 .01 -.06* -.02 26. % Resid. LU -.14* .13* -.09* -.01 .06* .05* -.05* -.01 -.02 -.03 .01 -.01 * p < .05, two -tailed test. 45 Map 1. Interstate highways Major roads Rivers Reservoirs 1 IPD service area 46 Map 2. ' ll �iilllllE lYYl01' —1 1 1ii 1 i� lIdG■giI �. ■S - } �T. J 11 11 • — a 1 II SI ��II ��I �1�1�11��1II1-��i' • ■ I 1ii lot _ r Iiii1L Aiiii r! sl s i ES 1l1 11' n i ii l�l��il1.l•4•lun iiiiri ■ iqu11 I _ n µY' -%. 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MIME Mini iiiI II '11. I 1■11■■1 Iiii■■i i.. ■11■■I 1■■ •_•'_ ■■■ 1 ill I In I■11■■11.■ olio .■■■11.■.■■■ m •11111 d . • . 1_: rjo•i ■■I1■■ 1■■■ ■11■■I 1■ ._.a ■urii I-':1■il■11�R'/.■1 ■■r+■■ 1■■■ ■11■■I I■' ■■I ■11■i111■■I I■■■.rr:■rauEi1 mom iiion Ii' LI NN !11!11! 1..1 !ow 1.i!raog NNE aal I.E.!1laal!a ■� I- • 48 Tania Flores From: Malott Nyhart <mwnyhart@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 10:17 AM To: Tania Flores Subject: Proposed apartment complex at Washington/Ave 50 Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed You don't often get email from mwnyhart@gmail.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. The LQ city council seems to be receiving an over abundance of opposition for this new development.I have read the La Quinta land use, sphere of influence and vacant/developed land figures and recommendations most recently amended and adopted by the LQ city council. This development is one of the most densely proposed developments in LQ. It appears the proposed development is going to allow about 600-900 new residents in this area and it could grow to 1,000 residents if multiple families move into some units which is not unusual. LQ has proposed a land use of about 9000 new residents in the hundreds of vacant acres in its land use plan and yet this development is allowing almost 10% of the expected growth in about 1% of the available land. If this development proceeds as proposed with more than half of these units (140 apartments) it would seem that all we local residents can do is go to court. Malott Nyhart 78013 Lago Drive La QUinta, CA 92253 1 Tania Flores From: John Shelton <john@getagripsheltons.com> Sent: Monday, June 26, 2023 1:31 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: Written Comments - La Quinta Village Apartments [You don't often get email from john@getagripsheltons.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ] ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** My name is John Shelton. My address in La Quinta is 49-055 Cedros Circle. My wife and I have several concerns which we would appreciate seeing addressed regarding the La Quinta Village Apartments Project. 1. Our understanding is that California requires solar installation for new housing of less than three stories. Since some of this development is slated to be two stories„ we're wondering what provisions are being made for solar panels. 2. We are also concerned about how much the school district will be affected. It's possible that there will be families with children moving into this development. Their children will have to attend schools nearby. 3. What is the plan for water? This is a critical resource for which I am not aware of any overabundance in the valley. Thank you for your consideration of our concerns We would like to know how these issues are being addressed. Sincerely, John and Marilyn Shelton i Tania Flores From: Diane Bryant <di.marie.bryant@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 6:59 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: La Quinta Village Apartments IYou don't often get email from di.marie.bryant@gmail.com. Learn why this is important EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. I live in the Citrus Country Club. I am so sad to see these new housing projects building up to three stories, soon they'll want four. I'm not in favor of high density living in a desert community with limited water. You need at least 2 parking spaces for each apartment. In your larger apartments there may be one or more adult children with parking needs. They will be parking on the streets, which is never a good idea. The moderate income families need an on property park setting for their children to play in safely. It should have playground equipment. La Quinta Village Apartments is an enormous improvement over the original name. I wish market rate and moderate income were 50-50, but I do understand the need to make money. Sincerely, Diane Bryant 1 Tania Flores From: Joe Hager <joehager119@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 6:54 PM To: Cheri Flores Cc: Tania Flores; Danny Castro Subject: Re: La Quinta Village Apts Public Hearing Information EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Well, if 1 cannot speak via the Zoom meeting as was stated in your meeting agenda, then here are my questions that! would request you or someone read/ask at the meeting: 1. What is the maximum allowable residents/unit?....or isn't this going to be controlled and monitored? • if 1 bedroom units allowed 1 resident = 166 • if 2 bedroom units allowed 2 residents = 172 o total = 338 • But, these numbers could easily double to a total of 676 if not mandated or monitored • So, then is a zoning change really not longer required? 2. Where and when were the neighborhood meetings held to inform the adjunct neighborhoods of this proposed development? • 1 live in Duna LaQuinta, directly across the Washington/50 intersection and our neighborhood was not invited to attend any informative meeting. • Previously 1 was told there was a meeting completed at PGA West, which is not affected by this development! • Seems like the developer is trying to slip this proposal past the adjunct neighborhoods. 3. 1 do not believe the results stated from the traffic studies and would request a independent study be completed, not by the city traffic engineer. Thanks for conveying my questions and concerns, Joe Hager Duna LaQuinta 952-270-0268 From: Joe Hager <joehager119@gmail.com> Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2023 6:42 AM To: Tania Flores <tflores@laquintaca.gov> Subject: Re: La Quinta Village Apts Public Hearing Information EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Hi Tania Thanks for sending me the information on the upcoming meeting and the proposed development plans. I have a couple more questions: • Was a new traffic study completed and if so, where are the results? • What are the proposed start and completion dates? • One of the previous comments and objections was that adjacent neighborhoods were not surveyed or informed of the proposed development. I believe there was a previous meeting held at PGA West, which really isn't affected by this development, so how about the adjacent neighborhoods, country clubs and schools: Duna La Quinta, LaQuinta Country Club, Rancho LaQuinta Country Club, LaQuinta Resort and the nearby school, will there be meetings for these residents? Thanks, Joe Hager Tania Flores From: Thomas Kenny <tklook585@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 1:42 PM To: Tania Flores Subject: La Quinta Village (formerly Troutdale Village) Site Plan [You don't often get email from tklook585@gmail.com. Learn why this is important at https://aka.ms/LearnAboutSenderldentification ] ** EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. ** Ms Flores As a resident of La Quinta I am concerned with plans to build an apartment community with multiple buildings taller than 2 stories. While I am supportive of building affordable housing options for residents this project looks like it has some work to do to blend in with the scheme of the community. Perhaps the developer can reduce the height of the buildings to provide a mix of 2 and 3 stories. I am also concerned about density at that intersection which already supports heavy traffic during school hours. Please take input from the community before granting final approval. Thanks 1 Tania Flores From: Cheri Flores Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 12:50 PM To: Tania Flores Cc: Bryan McKinney; Danny Castro Subject: FW: See comment letter below. 4Q CALIFORNIA Cheri Flores I Planning Manager City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Ph. 760-777-7067 www.laquintaca.gov From: Brian Thomas <myhudsonhouse@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2023 12:41 PM To: Cheri Flores <clflores@laquintaca.gov> Subject: You don't often get email from myhudsonhouse@gmail.com. Learn why this is important [I EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information. Hi Cheri, I attended the last two Developer and recent City Council meetings and after reviewing the majority of the newly posted documents, wanted to report the following concerns. The Updated Traffic Study - The 'Updated Traffic Study' wasn't posted on the City's Website last week when I checked. I didn't check on Monday but noted that it was present this morning. I honestly don't know 'why' this document wasn't posted at least 1-2 weeks ago given the fact that so many issues came up regarding its content. I mentioned to the Council members at the last meeting that the December/2021 assessment was missing, 1) information regarding 'when' the study was conducted, it's relevance in 2023, the duration, date/time, etc. plus a host of other items that weren't clearly stated. The new document states, "Turning movement counts for one weekday during the morning and evening peak hours and average daily traffic (ADT) counts were conducted on Thursday March 30, 2023". My questions are: -Assessing turning counts for 1 day does begin to identify traffic patterns over the entire month. -Why wasn't this document available to the public 1-2 weeks prior to tonight's meeting when they have had 90 days to complete and post it? -Why wasn't the study completed during the Coachella concerts in April to better track volume and load? -Why can't the individuals who executed this study clearly state the 1) Duration, (i.e. start date/time, etc.), method of analysis, (i.e. people counting cars on each corner or a counting cable across the ground?) 1 Summary - I earnestly can't believe that the individuals calling themselves 'experts' want us to believe that this is again, a valid study. Yes, it can be said that it was done during 'peak season' as will undoubtedly be stated tonight, but it is still missing information. The North Wall - During last week's Developers meeting, questions came up about the north wall behind the residences on Saguaro Street and the proposed garages. One of the Saguaro residents stood up and said, "I have a 6 foot wall behind my house - how will the proposed garages affect my view"? The two individuals representing the Developer stated, "The garages will be 10 feet high which means that you will lose 4 feet of your view" and reiterated, "It's only 4 feet", minimizing the residents' concern. This isn't the first concern that has been brought up about how the build will affect community residents, some of whom have lived there for over 10 years. On behalf of these concerned residents, I'd like to say the following ... - The Developer has proposed 520 Parking Places and assigned 58 of them to the 12 garages, (i.e. 5 parking slots per garage), leaving 462 Parking Place with no overhead cover. - Why does the developer want the 12 garages, Why here when they will undoubtedly block the mountain view for most, if not all of the Saguaro residents -Are the garages being proposed to provide additional revenue for those who can pay for the space versus those that can't? -Why not put them on the East and/or South sides where they won't block any residences? Summary - I have talked with some of these residents about the proposed garages and believe that due diligence hasn't been done. I want to ask the council members to consider pushing out any approvals until such time that the Saguaro residents have been informed with how the proposed garages will impact their view. If the majority say they don't care, then build the garages, but if the majority have a deep concern about this, then the Developer has two options, 1) Eliminate them altogether from the plan or 2) Move them to the East and South sides of the property. Either way, I believe that we need to reach out to the Saguaro residents to let them know what the plan is. Regards Brian Thomas 2 HANDOUTS PLANNING COMMISSION JUNE 27, 2023 PLANNING COMMISISON MEETING - JUNE 27, 2023 - HANDOUT BY APPLICANT PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 1 - LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS - REVISIONS TO ORIGINAL PROPOSAL :AI PA IRWIN PARTNERS A R CHITEC T S June 24, 2023 Planning Commission City of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 RE: La Quinta Village Apartments — Revisions to Original Proposal To Whom It May Concern: Per the Planning Commission meeting held March 28th, 2023, we have considered the Commission's and community's comments and have made the following changes: o Changed the Project name to "La Quinta Village Apartments," previously "Troutdale Village" o Withdrawn the Zone Change Application (previously requested to change the zoning from Residential Medium -High (RMH) to Residential High (RH)) o The existing zoning of Residential Medium -High (RMH) (8-12 units per acre allowed) will remain and a 50% density bonus will apply. o The total unit count has been reduced from 284 units to 252 units o 178 market -rate units and 74 moderate -income units will be provided, previously 214 market -rate units and 70 moderate -income units were proposed o Architectural style changed from modern contemporary to contemporary Mediterranean. New architectural elements include: o Modified color palette and schemes o Trellis on 2nd and 3rd floors to reduce massing o Arches, recessed niches, crown moulding with stucco finish and new end (short - side) elevations included o Reduced the height and stories of the following buildings: o Building 4 reduced to 2 and 3-story, originally all 3-story o Building 5 reduced to 2-story, originally all 3-story o Building 6 reduced to 2-story, originally all 3-story o Building 11 reduced to 2-story, originally all 3-story o No three-story buildings within the first 150-feet of Image Corridors o Maximum allowable height within Image Corridor height restriction of 22'-0" (LQMC 9.50.020) increased to 28'-0" per La Quinta Village Specific Plan to 245 Fischer Avenue Suite 92, Costa Mesa. California 92626 W ipaoc corn CA 714-557-2448 emift I PA IRWIN PARTNERS ARCHITECTS allow for 9-foot finished ceiling heights within units and to screen roof -mounted mechanical equipment as required per LQMC 9.60.140. Maximum allowable height within Image Corridor may not exceed the maximum allowable height of the existing zone (28'-0") per LQMC 9.50.030 Table 9-2, Footnote 2. o Total parking count increased to 522 spaces, previously 520 spaces. o By -Right Parking Incentive parking ratios still apply to entire development o 7 dedicated parking spaces for the Clubhouse remain o 166 parking spaces for 1-Bedroom units (1 space per unit) o 172 parking spaces for 2-Bedroom units (2 space per unit) o 126 parking spaces for Guests (0.5 spaces per unit) o 56 Garage spaces, 2 Accessible Garage spaces Off -site Improvements to include: o Upgrading IID's Marshal Substation from 25 MVA to 40/50 MVA, providing much needed relief of grid overload and electricity to surrounding areas o Additional deceleration lane with turn pocket and bus turnout with relocated bus stop on Washington Street. o Additional vehicular lane to expand Avenue 50 and a bike lane along the Project's frontage on Avenue 50 which will connect Park Avenue and Washington Street bike lanes. A dedication for a bike lane on the south side of Avenue 50, which shall be developed by that parcel's landowner o Providing local housing for growing full-time population o Serving local businesses by reducing travel time from other desert communities Per the community meeting held June 19, 2023, we considered the community's concerns and have made the additional changes: o Added defensive landscaping at north property line behind garages to prevent and discourage anybody from walking through that area o Additional security measures for the whole complex include but are not limited to: o Security cameras throughout the property o Manager(s) living on -site o Drafted a parking management plan for overflow parking to be proposed to the City o Added a shaded tot lot to rear open area 245 Fischer Avenue. Suite B2, Costa Mesa, California 92626 W ipaoc corn CA. 714-557-2448 :0 pA IRWIN PARTNERS ARCHITECTS Included with this letter is Table 1, which compares the original proposal and revised proposal. Also included is Figure A, illustrating a comparison of 3-story buildings located on the Project site as proposed in the original and revised proposal. Sincerely, 4r ireg 1O�IIVi.ir►� Greg Irwin, Partner IRWIN PARTNERS ARCHITECTS 245 Fischer Ave., Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92662 245 Fischer Avenue. Suite B2, Costa Mesa. California 92626 W ipaoc corn CA 714-557-2448 ig IRWIN PARTNERS ARCHITECTS Table 1 — Comparison of Original Proposal and Revised Proposal Original Proposal Revised Proposal Zoning Requesting Zone Change from Residential Medium -High (RMH) to Residential High (RH) No Zone Change Residential Medium -High (RMH) zoning to remain 26% Density Bonus = 70 Moderate -Income Units 50% Density Bonus = 74 Moderate -Income Units Unit Count 284 Total Units 214 Market -Rate Units 70 Moderate -Income Units 252 Total Units 178 Market -Rate Units 74 Moderate -income Units Image Corridor and Building Height (7 } 3-Story Buildings on -site o 3-Story buildings at 38'-6" tall located throughout site ( 3.5 ) 3-Story Buildings on -site o 3-Story buildings are located in central area of site to reduce impact of views (2 ) 3-Story Buildings within Avenue 50 Image Corridor height restriction o Within Image Corridor height restriction: 3-Story Buildings at 38'-6" No 3-Story Buildings within Avenue 50 Image Corridor height restriction o Within Image Corridor height restriction: 2-Story Buildings at 2S'-0" Architecture Modern Contemporary architectural style o Desert -tone color palette o Crisp, clean lines o Tower elements housing exterior utility closets Contemporary Mediterranean architectural style o Modified desert -tone color palette o Arches and recessed niches o Trellis on upper floors o Crown moulding with stucco finish throughout No defensive landscaping between garages and north property line (adjacent to SFR) Defensive landscaping between garages and north property line. Additional landscaping to include Bougainvillea planting at each corner of garages Site lighting to be Dark Sky compliant Site lighting to be Dark Sky compliant 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B2, Costa Mesa, California 92626 W ipaoc corn CA 714-557-2448 !Oil PA IRWIN PARTNERS ARCHITECTS Original Proposal Revised Proposal i Parking By -Right Parking Incentive parking ratios apply to entire development o 1-Bedroom: 1 space per unit o 2-Bedroom: 1.5 spaces per unit By -Right Parking Incentive parking ratios apply to entire development o 1-Bedroom: 1 space per unit o 2-Bedroom: 1.5 spaces per unit 520 Total Parking Spaces o 7 dedicated spaces for Clubhouse o 284 Assigned Resident Parking Spaces o 229 Unassigned/Guest Parking Spaces 522 Total Parking Spaces o 7 dedicated spaces for Clubhouse o 166 Spaces for 1-Bed Units (1 per unit) o 172 Spaces for 2-Bed Units (2 per unit) o 126 Guest Spaces (0.5 spaces per unit) o 56 Garage Spaces o 2 Accessible Garage Spaces o Parking Pass System to regulate guest parking No Overflow Parking Management Plan Drafted Overflow Parking Management Plan Includes parking management strategies to be implemented during special event and holidays: o Valet services o Visitor parking program o Off -site parking and shuttle bus services Electric Vehicle parking to be provided per CalGreen requirements Electric Vehicle parking to be provided per CalGreen requirements Amenities o Clubhouse o Fitness Center o Community Room w/ hospitality bar o Leasing Offices o Pool & Spa o Outdoor Showers o Cabanas ❑ BBC), Areas o Putting Area o Pickleball Court o Dog Park o Open Recreational Area o Clubhouse o Fitness Center o Community Room w/ hospitality bar o Leasing Offices o Pool & Spa o Outdoor Showers o Cabanas o BBQ Areas o Putting Area o Pickieball Court o Dog Park o Open Recreational Area ❑ Shaded Tot Lot 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B2, Costa Mesa, California 92626 W ipaoc com CA. 714-557-2448 :0I PA IRWIN PARTNERS ARCHITECTS Original Proposal Revised Proposal Of Site improvements Upgrading IID Marshal Substation o Currently 25 MW to 40/50 MW (Additional 15-25 MW) o Providing grid overload relief and electricity to surrounding area Upgrading IID Marshal Substation o Currently 25 MW to 40/50 MW (Additional 15-25 MW) o Providing grid overload relief and electricityto surrounding area Washington Street o Dedicated deceleration land a New bus turnout further from busy intersection a Relocated bus shelter o Extend existing raised median to prevent illegal left turns into Project entry Washington Street o Dedicated deceleration land o New bus turnout further from busy intersection a Relocated bus shelter o Extend existing raised median to prevent illegal left turns into Project entry Avenue 50 o Additional vehicular lane o Additional bike lanes connecting Park Ave. and Washington St. o Public sidewalk along Avenue 50 along Project frontage o Painted median Avenue 50 a Additional vehicular lane o Additional bike lanes connecting Park Ave. and Washington St. o Public sidewalk along Avenue 50 along Project frontage a Painted median (raised median at Avenue 50 ultimate development or as required by Public Works) 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B2, Costa Mesa. California 92626 W: ipaoc corn CA: 714-557-2448 10-IPA IRWIN PARTNERS ARCHITECTS Figure A.1 l lustration of Original Proposal with Locations of 3-Story Buildings Highlighted Figure A.2 Illustration of Revised Proposal with Locations of 3-Story Buildings Highlighted 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B2, Costa Mesa California 92626 VV ipaoc corn CA: 714-557-2448 PLANNING COMMISISON MEETING - JUNE 27, 2023 - HANDOUT BY APPLICANT PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 1 - LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS - PARKING MANAGEMENT PLAN :0I PA IRWIN PARTNERS ARCHITECTS June 24, 2023 Planning Commission City of La Quinta 78495 Ca11e Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 RE: La Quinta Village Apartments — Parking Management Plan for Overflow Parking To Whom It May Concern: This letter serves as Parking Management Plan ("PMP") for the proposed La Quinta Village Apartments project ("Project") located at NEC of Washington Street and Avenue 50 in the City of La Quinta, California. This letter estimates potential parking needs associated with the Project and identifies PMP measures to ensure adequate parking is provided for employees, residents, and guests of the Proj ect. Project Location/Description The La Quinta Village Apartments project is located at the northeast corner of Washington Street and Avenue 50. There are two entrances into the gated community: the primary entry is off Washington Street, while a secondary, resident -only entry is off Avenue 50. The Project consists of 252 units, which includes market -rate and moderate -income affordable units. Parking for the Project is provided per the City's Density Bonus Section, which is consistent with State Housing Law and Government Code Section 65915. The development includes 522 total parking spaces. Although only 295 parking spaces are required for the dwelling units per La Quinta Municipal Code Section 9.60.260(K), 515 parking spaces are proposed. The types of parking provided are as follows: o 7 dedicated parking spaces for the Clubhouse o 515 total remaining parking spaces: o 166 parking spaces for 1-Bedroom units (1 space per unit) 245 Fischer Avenue. Suite B2, Costa Mesa, California 92626 W. ipaoc corn CA 714-557-2448 rip I PA IRWIN PARTNERS ARCHITECTS o 172 parking spaces for 2-Bedroom units (2 spaces per unit) o 126 parking spaces for Guests (0.5 spaces per unit) o 56 Standard Garage Spaces o 2 Accessible Garage Spaces The Project will implement a Parking Pass system for its residents, guests, and employees. The Parking Pass system will help regulate parking and visitors. Parking Management Plan The following may be implemented to help ensure the adequacy of on -site parking for the Project: A. Valet Services For special occasions such as major/holiday events, valet services will be provided to manage on -site parking. The property management company will engage a professional valet service company for special event parking. B. Parking Program During Major Holidays and Off -Site Parking The community plans well in advance for major holidays and increased visitors on those days. When needed, the property management company will direct associates and guests to utilize public transportation and nearby parking lots such as those at the La Quinta Sports & Youth Center. Needing this extra parking is not anticipated to occur but it is useful to have for the rare overflow parking occasions. The plans include: o Securing offsite temporary parking in nearby parking lots such as the La Quinta Sports & Youth Center (See Figure 1). o The community will either shuttle visitors from the parking location to the community and back and/or hire valet service to bring cars to the off -site parking area. Conclusion Based on the above, we conclude that the proposed supply of 522 on -site spaces will be adequate in meeting the Project's total parking needs. 245 Fischer Avenue Suite 82 Costa Mesa, California 92626 W: ipaoc corn CA 714-557-2448 10-I PA IRWIN PARTNERS ARCHITECTS We appreciate the opportunity to prepare this Parking Management Plan. Should you have any questions or need additional assistance, please do not hesitate to call us at (714) 557-2448 Sincerely, 4're43 lrtivkv Greg Irwin, Partner IRWIN PARTNERS ARCHITECTS 245 Fischer Ave., Suite B-2 Costa Mesa CA 92626 245 Fischer Avenue, Suite B2. Costa Mesa. Carifornia 92626 W. ipaoc corn CA. 714-557-2448 Google Earth Imagery date' 11;6122 PA IRWIN PARTNERS 11ARCHITECTS `Lr OFF -SITE PARKING 70O f1 Camera 5,404 ft 33'4114"r4 116° 17'23 w 51 ft FIGURE 1 VICINITY MAP LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS PLANNING COMMISISON MEETING - JUNE 27, 2023 - HANDOUT BY APPLICANT PUBLIC HEARING ITEM NO. 1 - LA QUINTA VILLAGE APARTMENTS - REVISED PLAN SET PROJECT DATA 104L1.DSC1 4135ORE36 RE COR4ER OF 5361.31-m1C113.4 STRICT Y ey[nOE 50 A22E66 Th2_1S424ELHI11n1e1 W6UFW16 row nFCROTIDII 736f ACRES Ma IHPOR LOT 1 ND 0237088 DESERT CW6MOOD TR]Let" Nn Nang bE9ERT [LYE MANOR TR ?Aunt 0196114LLalT6p La NR 0.9 7101IAee FNL wP Mal 6 023196 Mr H u11 PadNI1 Let Pcnun P Rpp09ED2AND 15,043 OPAR7NEHT B1ILOND4 WITH CLI161101142. GA11ADES, 49970.5.HW L PN14114031011Y SFAEES4140? DEMURE 0macjor JItb D.PREICAPE E99C7111. 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MP Re IEHIiPSISI APE SET94.11. c PERSCTCR L441b0tm42 SETBACK e ll ND CF STORIRS N,1NRD PER P4441 L1O1043: FERIA 27,MACEr6R34FLAN EXAM le PRISMRr 610.24E CO WTIDOR SEC5 11 11144.E CORR.. MAD. 0CdUhfgRSETRAte- MLCINPnIE a W HE1our AT MADE 'JDMwW P W nFm c11HT1bJO 1311 OCCU W 1CY TYFES: C•095.741,09171PE SPPE ALERS to D' 5'M 10{1- 15 CO 10•11 JNA' 7 '-eH 572CIM ryµl"' R-7 A-2 R3 ralep TYPE Vd1 425 FLtLV23'911I 140001MPA 13j A1706169LE WRDs.G HEIGHT PER RENZOY1MY 2V-0. ^•SEISPECPIDFLAN"' PROPOSED DUIL WIG ',SIGHT ATCLU RIODSE: 1E01 PHOPO4E0 130L1141Y1 1rt193T AT 2-3T99r DLI11al 25'q- 1449.55EB swum.. ftIG111ATi31CR1' BLOOD 36'-0' p02 46aue RP mmewA2I8101HD AIT••CAltll (gLM8umnedL^1 ,t1!>`6N 75D'^BIIrw¢wr AS67 4A141997 t 294g,A,1.LIC4EL:46L6LLAE0FSnN 5M1! w1M ZELLF211520414.41M2419-46128-1 PROJECT INFORMATION La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. PARKING CALCULATIONS HIM LIM Typ. 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SPACM's O 13 1312E NC EPF.CH a2129 1 ADACPA SP1.CFS P23o ACK WW SPJK0 RE2D TOTAL ADA SPACE Pa0TI01.0 i l2 1p12LPJW'WO"ACM S21 1Me 9F 7ITA PAWNS EMUS S12 21o41 r0PIRI-1110Ar1N MS 5N00T-1T101 0)5 1 W1 42419 �� 2•Rk 11011 14 .6I6 C 1[411wYRnrnNNP1 IS1L 310412 214401E FE46 TOTAL 2SCYtu RITIAIN0 PADYIBee Pn1gLOSLEA•.101...h 11WC111I2 snow= 0I11108% 41623011E9 SPACiM) WAREOF 4416061190 /WAX MUSICALVB110E£ WRYIPMIECIJIINEI(IfEYSEI. 00-084.44ID16 b00 161961Fi'DAl(CT504 C0l0.6 CSIAU17 FOE MOIl1611.6 MIME SO 4DAGMG 70474 5IR1EY7IE ICl Er MMOS TO e<CVPBmUC16o LTA M'A IR..7 WIA EY CHRIOEP1$ 767 1420141676e 115E PAUSED SPACES 1314 57 FUTIM1 w 991.05 P4OVL726 59 SHEET INDEX TI C1 C2 CT Ca T61a OPAL SITE FIAN CC10EPJ'AL GRADING RAN 1'HELLLIIHAR2 MEATY PLAN HYUHYLOGY 664P Arr11'REUMIM1RY WOW NCHITECTU9A1 Al Sile Plan A2 Frsl FM9971er1 A21 SYi'Y'1 FLw Plon A4 TI'e0 Four Pun AS ROES P U AD Llml Plans A7 CNblg4se AI Bldg 1-tbrelons AP AID All Al2 Al A1e A73 All Al? A18 A19 A26 A21 A22 ADD Wig 2-1Rre1Ce4 0442. 3 - 616alions 913y 3 • ErFra1DI® BHy 4. 3190d110J6 Bldg 5-Ele refit. Mg 6-Elerel4A6 WV 7- ELeralion5 910y 6•E4,li.S e4p B-Er6Ya11ons EHg 1U-Elera9m6 Wig 11-Elerelld,D Eder 03 010041gn4 so views 35 Items d Male1dh Beard Una o1 SI3w2 Daps. 411 rIr S E16 Ste LIDIVI0g Rim El 1 Hole LIg1111Rg Ran El 5111P180311 4c Plan E1.9 sin PIlUIamDl Pyn El L514 Fo1,,,(ul srleele 11112�we0 LP-1 CMH0plual Lardx3P3 F'1PR L3,3 1r7'Cel Ou cIng F'l.nrrg (.4112pjL 17=3 Slops Plomeg E.J'1011 LP-4 P•d4.a 1R5 Enlry 1Pd 03201, uel1VEE ! Fewee Pon PROJECT TEAM D*4ER 71611114RIye, L4( 1E(10 BWJonslly Ito - 9RAe 325 )Men Len. Orion 9156E T:15021007-0632 JF11 PANr1 AROHI ICT MAR PYN0. Anlietll 2r5 FIsPler 1WAu9. SdN 42 41000 etas, CA MCI 11171+657-2445 97,4199.0aa3 rare alwly Breen C7WL EgminCIA Inc 4291,IA1Ib 5441.4E Sue A IMk%CA60301 T. 170(9+00669 W-%Neldwrnn 3Wen Fyn, P19keBe0Sn•r LANDSICAPEARCIVECT Hamm-0 Nato 02315. Inc 77698 W/(1B044 Sub 142 w an Ll4WFf1 CA 92211 T: 780.71T-0t31 W Ir,. Joss VP. P1v191 Ms14pw R▪ T41 L44500Mp $1n...•..1•.. 21Y WOW/ Sleet 9916A•161 Pan OHII0 CA 922T1 T: 17301169.2027 W WOW Ls s.A.F cam %ar LINA. PE. INI•dca1 OVA IRWIN PARTNERS 1 �1 A I1 C H 1 T E C T E 245 7 ,1.16I AY W n1e- 5Di1e 13-2 C0616 Aleaa CA 92626 17' 4 y 567 2445 22 IpauL :am ARCH,TE C1 URC P2,e1911N6 CONDIILTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Wasntrlgton Street & Avenue 50 La Quints. Callfomia 92253 Title T1 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE:6127J2023 •1A�4. a .•4, .e. en Ln 4.90 2.44.1 3 12,5 R. 0, 1E1 POWER 7.0_E TO HF L15,ERCR01.1610. TYP. RELOCATED WS S100 6 SHEL 1E13 P12:21AE F3 Y1. 1- LJ - Z 57, •-• Z DECEL LA.& X .41 LE) POW..R NAL re). 9C t/1.10ERGROUND. TYI' 06.52R5.1. PROPFRT`r L I f24)4' hiitutow6tereAr..6k3i ar4 INTERIOR SIOEYARD ETEACK LINE 0111410,4.0,50004.01). 31133 5119,16..0' SET RACK-K(15 .31R '4:511 • -FOOT OVER 1 F.30 'IN GUIL DIFIGNEt6131h P.M/WA' BLCCK. WALL r.FF.,StIrSCApC r .1,9211CteCI., GATE RED RATE . Um, i 4 I. -nrAt-W31-E: • Mittm •• „ .,-, _ I sfiEsiDrovei P- 1 •TI.,01'0 P : E---- i'.. _-/d - 1 . • .MO110018.9, Li_ ,___• r. • M•••4" ' i. Bldg. 4.1 --7-' P Y '12 Story P "4 12 Units Total wirliogiusil-o. -4. •.• P '3146-0•.- fil L. ▪ 111,0 ,I15 •.• 304411,5)3.' DE5E1M2CAM PRDPER.ri LINV -13.3011311VRE 1,ANL/EiCARINS 46ET.6.6466 , 1591113.1.134.611/94 511'05'1Fa lL 4511111,13136 ILF,IF firma - '' 4.41stxtivo4.ototOtti.stm W. aFEJSMV:. PLAN oar A. c4S1_017ac.ktftit. ...... :4.- r..l'y'471)1.fl 131344.r00r53. . . {r1441905.F-re 093103•Vi 110 RPOTP liYDRAqt-• EXTERIOR SEE TARO- IltoPEtirr L.PS 11.3AGE CLCRIDL/H) 61A.X16IUM :lc/BACK Di 2F-0' ornfMC.rk Cakulalion. A.f.115-F0 1, F.43111.0. CL0B1101.15E Tw0 035.0e C.90.1 LaLL 1-1K 01060 R.101 Po,1 (4006 PG11 8.1993 RR 04441 115'51 RES OUR 0,CTIVITY 3.30C110,0CAL RESIDENT ACTIV 10 artovo-runt .5ovicE F.Oh1 NISTRAT,OH RETENTION BkSIN TERRACE AP; 101400.AL 1,6 S ' Exuma RE T.-FR00615 RE 015.31025.11.0.SiN SEltrIVE P111)1.•HAna:AL S711 12 225. 1136 36 230 1,N 3 31W1 166 1 1.31 00 111 Sti 12 11,2114411 CP .ae- _ TRABH ENI:LOSURE- IMMO Bldg. 5 2 Story 16 Lloffs Total - t+1,10,114ll17ft4 mgr '77 Romeo POLE TO 06 ONL/LEGROUND. TY? r•DARPORT tairki. 7 • 2 Story 22 Uoils. Total Bldg. 4-2 3 Story 18 Milt Total s•FPISC, HYDRIAL • vaarfrdzA 3,3,4 1,55. moo 4", Gam.. - , .02,1310.•.....t. Ilia • 144,41144 or tole. - 1-1;litlitt°rT IVALSG-rrurioRpti'M 6446.9314/41•3 3,3•03,0333A.114 • 0000160 08 004.1-006 0.6r tr et, trio mouto...v. ABHOR T I 1561200032.40F Bldg 6 ' 2 Story • 29 Units Total - ....oitttOter• WI- it *a • kreao amanmiceedwoow f'.64111-5241T 414.2 5:4N• PEER C-1.46Q40-tr' -6[144•NIVSTrTg6F.Ii---T pir.1•SV't PIO7P6F000 L •VtFifaccRar Itir.ZaTervErthu CREST ANIMA 'SIDE YARDEETBACK it Now,. F1130,00T1-5FTI3A•C,K 61121101104 51.0 SFTEiAck 0LLr6 "•0' FOR EV 'RI' FooT CIVEO 17..0 • 111 PLIRDRIG -16 OR T. MAXIM sE TB ACK OF 0..0. UN. MI X 24motafoli04011m 1.1nES:ms 20.1260 •A•STO 313 • ADA 111.013 2. • AL. IA-9315i 0E9$1.1.1S.914VLATIONs BAs 33E034/4 14 03 469E6 4 12 L941/831008 = 108 sAsE um/9 1,391.999v 2523.91.11 50", DE/+.6T0 06,505 ,5 v. 00,=o5E0 () ACRES a 131 Aws3A20 6 252 8841286038 u /OS 4402 C'.3 155 "5, 3,30 862 44.E DE .EASE 83311E 348E0.3.3 3.1C-38FITATF 1,031.16 .A4Prs 80SE41ov10112 903 .0 CE,J31, BOr,5 FERCF0 "0.9 22 x 34 193-.4109.011 9-20416 364.1 010604, LR.01, . 110 Vo•Pa...1.173.66133111PIT110.1•113,3•0 utert. 79 ,.1..V130L1 UNITS ALLOWEC,I.A.13RN,,i3 13C19635 602 TOTAL 1,1302134100 945)00 14,130 3103 L.91.3 AREA 91618 1.030.9-3.8; PorldrIgGIcr. ADA 4. A03. VAN 2 20 4 07 201 392060.33 3800CARDROCI-.6 0.11195 Bldg, 11 2 Story 16 Ltni 1.9 To -WI TRASH PI labrar1A0c UMW "GVIND PRC)PERTY (NOT A PART) Bldg. 7 3 Story 24 Units Total IRAS 05124400' PEA/METER LANDSCAPING SE -TRACE .1...,13E: MIMI., 6E WOO: .5,150.0.6 A' SFT0,50, SEE EFECIFIC PLAN FOP 20) TRA314 ENCLOSURE-1 1.14. ' • "6-3 ,56319.3-.43 ram Bldg. 10 2 Story 16 Units ToTal Bldg. 9 3 Story 36 Units Total ,Frir MR; prIR.C.V.VD .0; - LILOCIS WALL minor -row PER PARCEL MAP AVENUE 50 FLY 50 rEvABA FEY VATI 6 St 44.2 pa.560.30. LFRLVD- 005 - ACCER,IG., 5.f.ohraRR) P11553.1G51...R 100151 15 0.511 4.61, 1120 = AC-E5515 F mar (4 193-38115.8 2: 4164102021411146 509- 1.(5 X 16) - enwmcF.69.095o.131315G {6.5. % I/ 5.3 Fs - PUT_IRt tV 9ARTRX, .16.5CE (9..5 41/1 ILO:IUUR1E2000 P100.N11)216E13 x 19 1.5.0_5a fee VAN = 4)00110E E9 51133 PARKA, WOE 01 .001,414.01.1 - GVACE 5-ANDAFbearKinc 500CE (10,1, 111511 - 0.E.31GRI3TED MAX SP.r.CE 101 = 5.7.036906 FX.0.X1116 65.9CE 19' x iv, (0-x 51.40OVI1E4. 512632606 PARKIN. SPACES! 92 ...PALES 5,4055 2 0105.I.E 5 111.60115650 00.1097 30R011I544040CL5: 050.:55 1300639E5 3 P6/ WC/ S 19170906.9ACC115341 1,R1ING SPA L.ff - 6 WPM INCOJDEI 2 Fn. 510016 001(6191 50302010 R.R.P.111G SPAZES, 001 501(05 112-11,0F, ID r CP SP•1035 053A-J10T Camprr 1353K1r.G 500201. 4 SPACES urCoxes 00 311.- 50,015 F.Alurc SPACES L, 51516E0, ElatRDES .0 REV surces 000').00 Rual..G65.0.121S: 55 gviCES LIKLU0E5 1 FEr SPFetEE roar...W.:Miter .4q,dg:•••..r.k. • RRACFS DR, UnR5_52_EE4L2.32a5 1,811.1. EMUS 522 sr.,. 53 1031011110)2041102 1,741.2112'w 113163 INN. 50731V .1.101111 ...A.INENG RATIN; 11.1 L0400 9 F.0.2 Ex-9. p3EAING 'Aux r3v2 /3.6 AMA 03 DIF.D.13RE L VALL-ORIErd 1.13CLJ041IG ,511:-X411..T12 041(5) 1.31 31111-5 • PACE FIR Orr PE,31311813 Un- 5 5PRZ ES RER. UN,R.QUIP.E0 140.112.1106 113.104161 ••3136;T 634401/1c VAC, 00.;(133794'PET rn 0G 366 SPACES F.R. AEI) WOO SPACE RH, u,.R,j 1a.613=.114021OLL11112iLICO 00'2000000'00011,10170345 RO:R ,1151,5 (95 ACQUIRED PAnfare.. 3t0(.1 FCRIY1 ITS ▪ I 051E510333-.9 pRR PAMIDFD 3 /6 TC.101. 81E51 901265.18000E0 56 SPACES R.C,IDED 22CCE55.1.31.E.41)I5C 5510ES PWRIEG, 52? .0,61. 7RURIL.,50 Geo:. Bui.cl..3 Are,' OMJ unaLA 6. arll .a. I pi -305,CLE RACK Bid. 2 Story • 16UoitS TOta I 10: - an.•;:c. wpoirr LINE •OF INACE CORRIDOR RETORT RESTEBOT/00.1 ke.s (,F) Day 31.026 1.9183F PER ,LOOR 161.19 02 (2•51C0x5 • 9./90 9359 SP =Er 01.890. .6419 03 13•Sr06r... 37.27.6 11.436 sr P.EP P.00•11 81:Ig 3.1 1203 STOW! 25,10001 110501100415110140 13fl0011100 012011 Ave SEGO-01510,r: .r a.? .5s 111f. SIOnv dc. 06 12 STORY! 11.413 7101.01 /Er cl DOR F01312 00ER.3" 21.839 10.1c, 21C PC71,030 Bldg 71 1335.1613.0 27.31 311 0.12402015 FLOOR 13IJg 08 1-1.1 3 1 11,21.1 SF 05 33, 1.3.,13 000 09 i.,59 05.1 16,114 09575F FEll 1140g .2.0.0330J 16.225 r F.EFt FLOOR Emq 11 {2 .5ICRI) 1 T .153 B SF pm FLOOR GAR.. V-YLOo.) 3.226 Rx•i EpLio .r,i-sraNg 20.5 256,1319 sr. h t1.8.616_1.9.oLs.1.2uSut•naLf-immtlall1.1121 R-21(1111I1>2121004105000511 rC MET ALL.C...e:C. ElaratrarBar.:LLIALLoye.617LCALY.63.6,oudgE12.1110MLLMO.21,BKL TrPF 55X3. HE, AREAA4CRCASC) 1 Eic30.34 A 693413 ELKSB64,9.11.1292.6D.BMILLAIUMA6.16E. 1.0 Milt OJT He. Pr 0.1CRE,SR, 3691415..3E8 non0 7060121-9 001)1N5LLIE t LOVIHTING wiTn Le C 8 ECTIC.4 tangl r$:•%'4 . • - _ le', ?Ty! 1411261659 •L -PROPERri • 7..411'15firri: cp. SF.TBACK Li ,rE RF51.11•16 T FR 1 RNDSCAP15.10 -SETBACK 6li16rm01.1 10-0. AL. <INI>Site Plan scAllar= ReIPA!,RriN},P.AFT'''19 2015 0.60001 5.010 161.2 casm Wesa CA 22626 /pd.: 9 ipaoc cool 6.0 01'1E0'1019E 1701151110 La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washinginn Slreel 5 Avenue 50 La Quinta. California 92253 Site Plan Al PROJC.T 'JO: 21019 PLOT DA-E 6(27 21323 c lESIEEIR 72_1 PROPOSED ENCLOSURE LOCATION FOR METERS ANO SWITCNGEAR EQUIPMENT AND First Floor Plan SCARE: VS2'= 1'-0' TYP. FIRE RISER ENLARGED PLAN scnl.r: tm = p� e IF IRW1N PARTNERS C 1/ �l ARCHITECTS 205 Re0AI NM. , Saito B-2 Cued Mem CA 9202B Oil) OLT 244E vow .pRoc corn �k ClPIT ECTBRE f'LANNIMC COHSLILIIHQ La Quanta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 5{} Le Quints, California 92253 First Floor Plan A2 PROJECT NO. 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/27/2023 <ND Second Floor Plan SCALE. v72' - P¢ dEIPA1RW1N PARTNERS A !IGNITE C Y 9 2.15 Fieehei Arenue. Sole 0-7 Cosle Men CA 92026 L1,ar SST 210 wwN Ipaec tern •RCHI TEL PURE PLAN, INS CONSULTING La Quanta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Gluinta, California 92253 Second Floor Plan A3 PROJECT No. 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/27/2023 124 -sLns a J- 9 rI r' Third Floor Plan SCALE. UV-. I. ;pIPAIRWIN PARTNERS ARCHITECTS 245 Foolw r Avenue. & ILw B.2 Costa Masa CA 92020 I711 551 2110 www !pact tom ARCNITECTNA! PLANNINp CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La °Uinta. California 92253 Third Floor Plan A4 PROJECT NO: 2191-0 PLOT nATE- G2T12923 1.1 n.. r — r1.4M11, ow, [ I L GEND SOLAR READY ZONE I 1 CDHDE S HVAC LY 7 N• ERS FIRE ACCESS. 4'-0" CLEAR MIN. SOLAR READY ROOF. NO DIMENSION LESS I TAN 5'•0• EACH SUBAREA MUST BEAT LEAST 160 SF IF TOTAL ROOF AREA EXCEEDS 10,000 SF SOLAR ZONE ON STEEP SLOPED ROOFS MUST BE ORIENTED BETWEEN 110 AND 270 DEGREES OF TRUE NORTH, ORIENTATION DOES NOT APPLY ON ROOFS SLOPED LESS THAN 2;12 MUST EE FREE OF ROOF PENETRATIONS AND ROOF MOUNTED E0UIPMEN MIN. 1S% OF TOTAL ROOF AREA I$ REQ'D TO BE SOLAR READY. EXCLUDING ANY SKYLIGHT AREA TOTAL ROOF AREA: SOLAR READY MINIMUM. SOLAR READY MIN. REQUIRED: SOLAR READY PROVIDED: 119,225 SF 15% OF TOTALROOF AREA 17,583,2S SF 17,084 SF METE: - PER DESERT SAGE SPECIFIC PLAN, PARAPETS SHALL BE A MAXIMUM OF FIVE FEET TALL 70 SCREENlHIDE HVAC EQUIPMENT • SEE SHEET A21 FOR LINE OF SIGHT DIAGRAMS - PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS SHALL MEET MINIMUM QUALIFICATION REQUIREMENTS AS SPECIFIED IN JOINT APPENDIX JA11 (2010 cALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE) SOLAR READY ZONE SAY ALSO BE LOCATED ON CARPORTS, FINAL LOCATION TO BE DETERMINED <N> Roof Plan SCALE. 1037 = AIPA IRWIN PARTNERS • A R C H I T E C T 8 2n5 Flat5el Avant , SO. B.2 Coata Wu GA 72626 (7 II) SIT I-0ng w.. boot rnm ARCHITECTURE PLAHUIHr: CpJOVLT•NG La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta, California 92253 Roof Plan A5 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE! W2712023 SECOND & THIRD FLOOR UNITS - STANDARD 2 n 2 6ed - Standard 2A2 Bed - ADA SCALE 1I. PIT 1 B 1 Bed - Standard SCALE, V4' • V4 GROUND FLOOR UNITS -ACCESSIBLE TO COMPLY WITH CSC 11AACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS •1 B 1 Bed - ADA sCN.E. 14 • r•(f 1 A11 Bed - Standard LE The • 1•{I' .) A 1 Bed - RDA CRt a i i . rat" IL�IPA IRW1N PARTNERS ARCHITECTST S 295 FISW91 Areno6, sons 11-2 Cwm Meau CA 92628 [}1G1667NEE xnl. Ivaoc Cum ARCIIITLGTIIRE PLANNINO CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta. California 92253 Unit Plans AG PROJECT NO 21014 PLOT DATE: 6/27/2023 <N>1 Clubhouse POOL DECK —DECORATIVE E%TEAIOR DONT. 77P FIRE R^,FR—$0Lioco REGLET —GFCt#+ATIVE EUEF1IOR LICJ Ii. T1 • rr snene—:ria'i 'i•I rnl•�v [0L1 /[''�J[AyClubhouse - North Elevation 4::L'N. F 1•-1• . 1. 0• 03Clubhouse - South Elevation scnte:1 = 1•0• ne)Ctubhouse - East Elevation (Pool Deck) SCUE. 9Nl• - ra• RECCRATNF. IAETAL AYMIG. EVIERICR LIGHT. TYP CHOWN TYP. O I Clubhouse - West Elevation (Entry) • Le IPA IRWIN PARTNERS A R C k I T E C T s La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 5O Le Quints. California 92253 STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS 0E6242 WELLS GRAY. OR EO, STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS UET674 GUNNYSACK, OR ER. STUCCO3 DUNN EDWARDS DE8764 TRITE WNITE, OR EO. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE5111 VULCAN. DR EO SC HFmF 7 STUCCO 1 PUNN EDWARDS DE13172 BUNGALOW TAUPE. OR ED. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS UET874 GUNNYSACK. OR EO STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WNITE. OR EC. 8Tt1CrD 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET097 SFaADOw FFFECT, OR EQ. 5CHEI0 LA, STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR ER. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS bET674 GUNNYSACK, OR E. STUCCO 3 DUNN EUWARUS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR ER. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6014 RAISIN IN TI IE BUN, OR ER ACCENT. ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS OE6392 CHOCOLATE PUDDING. OR EO. VINYL DOORS 0 WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL. OR SIM, COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF; TBD COLOR: TN) Clubhouse 210 Fische, Ar¢nyv. $I!II9 0-2 Cosra &Iesa CA92528 (7,1)557 2•115 WNW ONO=cum A RCHII kL IV11E PIAHHINI: LUNSUL TING A7 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE VJ2712023 STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DEti242 WELLS GRAY. OR ER. Ir l'f'1111111111,10111l GD1'ER%D 110Ir!21M1YRT op! rims IN COIERED rgIE€Z(TWAY 04COwsDn s1ISCCO ij[E1 r.414 l •L111Nf: EZTER W, LItl1T TV. PAINTED a Ant TVP nA Bidg 1 - West Elevation GCki.E: • rrr�sr�r��- — -- 16IIIfi1 ii1111161I ± � trigt FMLN RARIY� FnTERICR LIGHT ttP inutuonuAET 'um z 1 nkurk vaAnci NAGN.m ,..era• ain n aiea •Ir 03BIdg 1 - South Elevation SCALE: tar • 1'41' OrBtdg 1 - East Elevation SCALE: IIa' - 1%7 LYFrA1 WELL5I•Mffw - ACCr.IRLptOY - ILL CARS% FRCNCA DOOR r •7Pa1 a ZSI O 1 Bldg 1 - North Elevation SCA1{: 119 = 1'4Y • STUCCO 2 DUNN E D WARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK. OR ED STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DES204 TRrrF WMITF, OR FQ STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR EO. 8CHEMF a STUCCO DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE- OR Eq. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET574 GUNNYSACK. UR EO. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE. OR CO srucco4 DUNN EDIYARD5 DE7s97 SHADOW EFFECT. OR EO. SCHEME 3• STUCCO DUNN EDWARDS DE62D7 EGYPTIAN SAND. OR ED. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EO. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS 0E0204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO a DUNN EDWARDS ❑F6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR Eq. ACCENT. ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS UEti.J90 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR EU. VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL- OR SIM COLOR. BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF: TBD COLOR- THU ARW1N PARTNERS 245 Flache. A.cnw Suilo e.2 Cash 91as. CA 92626 (71-0) 557 2498 vot. Ipeoc corn ARC H11ECTUNE PLAINIHO CONSUL rI RG La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street 8 Avenue 50 La Ouinta, California 92253 Bldg. 1 - Elevations A8 PROJECT NO.21014 PLOT DATE 6727(2023 STUCCO I DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY. OR EO. wart nEwCrn I �L�JII!IIJI.'lli E;eaulru 1 RE IKN DOOR tuR2KE[ALT ^ 1UBESTL BAILWC PJ4NFEO611C[ Yry atucro.fG.n raxRi11 EpFF.rvmr ■ r ���lIII'I �'I�•I, - ••LLCORAII4'1 04Bldg 2 - West Elevation SCALE U6• • t•-p I11F ALIFFJI . NyN1 En�(MT COLdI CECCAdilMa en .00.1i OR. rry EXTERIORL.,.11! 110ER GtAss-.curtWINDOW lHCK11LOOR �rrr�rrrrrr-•-- ITirl�l� I 11E111 = TUBE STL RALING PPNIEP 6LACk• r r 03 •124' Bldg 2 - South Elevation nlf 00- • 1•-0' 02Bldg 2 - East Elevation SCALEva• • r.Q- iiimpir �! . flrrrrerrr r• 1L2 1 i' tofBI IT'rd [im • I 2 01 Bldg 2 - North Elevation SCALE. 118• = 1'.0' • STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DETG74 GUNNYSACK OR W. STUCCO a DVNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE' WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN. DR EQ. SCHF)AF 7• S TUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN KDWARDS DETS74 GUNNYSACK. OR EO. STUCCO DUNN EDWARDS 0E6204 TRITE WHITE, 0R EO, STUCCO a DUNN EDWARDS DETS9T SHADOW EFFECT. OR EQ. .BCHEMF3 STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DVNN EDWARDS. DETE74 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE. OR EO- S i UCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS ❑E60.34 RAISIN IN THE SUN. OR EO, ACCENT -ALL SCHEMES DUNN FDWARDS DR6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR Ell, VINYL DOORS 8 WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL. OR SIM COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF= TBD COI OR TBD FiE I PA IRW1NN PARIT E❑ T 2TNERS R P C 245 Fischer Avenue Slyle B-2 CoeLa Nase CA 82626 1?1415572108 rcx ipee[cem 295NI-ECIVRE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale VI!Iage, LLC. NEC 1Nashinglon Street & Avenue 50 La Qulnta, California 92253 Bldg. 2 - Elevations A9 PROJECT NO; 21014 PLOT DATE 6/27/2023 I-,,,4.w cn•rin STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY. OR ED_ BUILDING 3-1 BUILDING 3-2 fl4BIdg 3 - West Elevation Overall SCwIC377'• n3Bldg 3-1 - West Elevation SCALE ler 02B1dg. 3 - South Elevation 1-1 1 Bldg 3-2 - West Elevation SCALE; us- 1'.¢ STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, DR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DEa204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ STUCCO 9 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR EQ. SCHEME Z; STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS 0E61728UNGALQW TAUPE, OR EQ STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS ❑ET679 GUNNYSACK. OR EQ STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6201 TRITE WHITE. OR EQ STL OC.CO 4 DUNN EDWARDS OET597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR EQ SCHEME 3. STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR FP STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR ED STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE0204 TRITE 1YHITE, OR ED STUCCO 9 DUNN EDWARDS DE607l RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR F47. ACCENT. ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE63D0 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR ED.. VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR; WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM, COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF:TBD COLOR: TBD 11 PJA 1RWIN PARTNERS A R C H I T E C T S 2.15 riechel AVeTNie, suite 6.7 costa Mega CA 92628 {71g165724 5 wcow lass con Au L'ILI I ECTURE PLANNING CONSULT LNG La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avanue 50 La ()ninth, California 92253 Bldg. 3 - Elevations Al0 PROJECT NO. 21014 PLOT DATE. 6I2712023 STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY, OR Eq. BUILDING 3-1 BUILDING 3-2 IMF OM a10 I 6ITi'0111AeX nr. ll � ' �I411111ifliIIriu39I i14ECO MILK/ MC(o441rve YXRRORI 2nr,'1W Bldg 3 - East Elevation Overall SCALE. aar• 1•.0' D3BIdg 3-1- East Elevation SCAT I' !..I Yip' �9/'/'�BIdq 3 - North Elevation LLCALE. IIS' • VCr 0 Bldg 3-2 - East Elevation SCALE:126 - 1'-G Lf� STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. sruCCO OUNN EDWARDS DER204 TRITE WHITE, OR EO. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS 0E6341 VULCAN, OR Ea. SCHF1 F 6• STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE. OR EQ STUCCO 2 DUNN LL)WARUS DET674 GUNNYSACK. OR ED. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6209 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET59T SHADOW EFFECT, OR EO CCNEME 3• STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTWN SAND. OR EO, STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR EO STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN. OR FO. ACCENT. ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE63®0 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR EO VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR 51M COLOR: SLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF: TBD COLOR: TBD •9I PA IRWINH PAI T E RTNC T SERS A R C 2a5 Fischer Arens.. Sole 9-2 Costa Hasa CA 92625 1711)5572442 wow ipaoo corn APCHITEC 1252 PLANHINW LUNSULT INI: La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Slreel & Avenue 5n La Quinta, Calffnrnia 92253 Bldg. 3 - Elevations All PROJECT N0. 21014 PLOT DATE 612712023 STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY. OR EO. BUILDING 4-1 Note: 61dg 4 - $0u[h Elevation Similar COVE L wv7 E.[TERICR LI HCHL Trp RECESEEUH1CTE -911cw lrl[f BUILDING 4-2 1 YINVt9P11J; • MIFF I11TJ .01J4GO IIEGIFT 1119E 6TL BAQIhG vA HL�C BIAC., lyp NOLO-- Bldg, 4 - South Elevation Similar 0581dg 4 - West Elevation SCALE: I!B- 1'.0 TI11g 61/. rwvc L1pW RI1>w•R Tyr 11:'Illlli!II II 11911111:: ExrolOo CEI:OrOMP —TLT. ..[U HH1LEl Note: 614 4 - South Elevation Similar ]Tmrep 1,411 r.lr rm Bldg 4 - North Elevation Overall t.1 4U13 E.z = I.rr 9•tnl es x nBldg 4-1 -North Elevation 5-0' O/JBldg 4 - East Elevation Lsc LE: NB- r-D' n 1 Bldg 4-2 - North Elevation V SCALE J1 . t•-9' • STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS ❑ETST4 GUNNYSACK, OR FQ STUCCO a DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, DP Ea STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6344 VULCAN, OR EO, SCHEME 7• STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EO. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK. OR EU. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR E0. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET59T SHADOW EFFFC:T. OR EO, SCHEME 3' STIICCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EO STI,Dc0 2 DUNN EDWARDS UET674 GUNNYSACK- OR ED- STODGE, 3 DUNN EDWARDS DEe204 TRITE WHITE. OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DF5334 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EO, ACCENT -ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, OR EQ. VINYL DOORS a WINDOWS COLOR WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL.- OR SIM, COLORS BLACK ROOFING TPD ROOFING M ANUF: TBD COLOR- 1'BD IpAIRWINPARTNERS z A H C N I T t C 7 6 141 F 41. L pYenw, 3uHe B-2 Costa M. GA 976i6 Jr111 Y7244B T 4Ipaou cum Ar.CIIITEL 1llRE f•LAHHIHC CGH$LJLII}IG La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC, NEC Washington Streel 5 Avenue 50 La Ouinta, California 92253 Bldg. 4 - Elevations Al2 PROJECT No: 21014 PLOT DATE: 6;2712022 04B1dg 5 - West Elevation SCALD ay • 1'.W nrcrnnm•r EATER.ON LICHr TYv ITU= ItL,14FF DAC 9TL IWLING PANNEuyACX TYP AgBldg 5 - South Elevation SGLE 1r • r-O' 02Bldg 5 - East Elevation SCALE- tar = 1'•0- C nL iR'III7., I.I.ILO .H:I:DTLCIC•,J .r 01 Bldg ra' 5 - North Elevation i. T•c sru1co 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY, OR EQ S IUCCD 2 DUNN EOWARus DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE621M TRITS WHITE. OR EO STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN. OR EO SCHEME 2- STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR FQ, STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DE Te74 ouNNYSACH• OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, OR E4 STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARpg DF.T597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR EQ- _SC HFMF 3• ITUCCO 1 DUWI EDWARDS DE5207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR E13 STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DE T674 GUNNYSACK. OR hO STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DEG2514 TRITE WHITE. OR hQ STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE€V3,1 RAISIN IN THE SUN. DR EO ACCENT -ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, DR ED VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLORS WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL. OR 51M COLOR: BLACK RODFiND TPO ROOFING MANUF. !SD COLOR: TED :I PA IRWIN PARTNERS � A R CH I T EC T S 24% F IEcM1nl 5n ia, Yu11e 114 Ce;le Mn•; CA coon R14155124IE uquhrDann con. ARCHITECTURE PLANHIHG CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale village, LLC. NEC Washington Slreel & Avenue 50 La QDIIIIa, California 92253 Bldg. 5 - Elevations A13 PROJECT NO:21014 PLOT DATE: 6127I2023 STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS Um5242 WELLS GRAY, OR E0. IPAIRW1N PART E TNC T SERS A R C H I y HD fll!E F_�rcn STuCCOREGLET [AVOW HT EIT2RIQRLGHT TYP RALES9LUnICRE 9TlKCORFGLEr 8 •3r6 ir ��Roil: IIki fouccoaf3IEr 9CCEORAre.T E%tFllnµl IG lr, rep 0(��9� Bldg 6 - West Elevation 'TSCALE : VS - 1'.o- In MI Ii i i I THEE AIL R1Lml3 PAI UEU BUCK. TT; RUBES.. WARR: elmrtraa,ce, T'IT M(IAL 19191.1.34.A.II1:O zr ra el �TM".' I Abe I► I 'IiBR, 0101. 41111 D381dg 6 - South Elevation Jsi✓AE 010 . 1.0- Q2BIdg 6 - East Elevation SCALE: 1T6- • 1+C' is7ALT1 W MAITEO r �ai4 .r Tary. ten_ 01Bldg 6 - North Elevation SCALE: 1rn- = 1O. STUCCO 2 DUNN COWARDS OET679 GUNNYSACK. OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DI1NN EDWARDS DE62204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN. OR EQ. §GHEME 2 STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE. OR EO, STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OH EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6201 TRITE WRITE, OR EO. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR EQ. SCHEME 3' STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, 0R E0 STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DEW,' GUNNYSACK. OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE0209 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN RD DF6g34EDWAi AI51N ISN THE SUN, OR EQ. ACCENT- ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DEIi390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, UR E[1. VINYL COORS 8 WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STFEL, OR SIM COLOR. SLACK RODFINQ TP0 ROOFING MANUF: TED COLOR. 1'9D La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Slreet &Avenue 54 I a Quints. California 92253 216 Fissher A.e.i.e 3,IIe 9-2 Coala L1em CA 92626 [i IA] 557244E ... loam corn ARCHITECTURE p[AhNI6G COHSU2-Inc Bldg. 6 - Elevations A94 PROJECT NO. 21314 PLOT DATE: 0/27/2023 STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY. O7 Ea. 11'!I �;111141� �4'll� I�IIII' IIII It'Ill:i:1191: CC n our msrA-. `F .I �fl.�ri• TUBE sr, RAIJ 4s auHTED RACK I', RECESSED Ir.:HE STUCCO KOLE} 11,11111s! .I 1I I, II,II I1 cn nED I WC&UEGLE• Deourre EXTEaip( LICHT Teo I T. Fee, fl4Bldg 7 - South Elevation ac.& r• ua- • r•c 11L91G11 IICIIII911I1I COVER=0 MEELTVEA' ETERIO NE EXTETn�RIIf:HC cmC/Am}UAETi'L6r Nor Di RAINA SvICUEI nrwrry 6ucr, m. LTIIELII{ G s1 LYkD0.—'�-' _ _ I DPI 1 rn1 rer. O3 Bldg 7 - West Elevation SCALE118- 02Bldg 7 - North Elevation 9G2LE: 116. 1' G" 01 �I _r-an� �nmraa Bldg 7 - East Elevation SCALE TEE• = • STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR E0. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE, DR EQ STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6311 VULCAN. OR ED. $CREME STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS 0E6172 6UNC'AI,OW TAUPE, OR EQ, STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS 0ET674 GUNNYSACK. OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRI I E WHl1 L. OR Eq. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS 0ET5S7 SHADOW !EFFECT, 014 EQ. STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS 006207 CGYPTIAN SANG. 0R E4, STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DFT6T4 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6Z04 TRITE WHITE- OR Eq. SI UUCO4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EO. ACCENT. ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CFIOCOLATE PUDDING. OR EO. VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS DO54R: WHITE RAILINGS TLFUE STEEL. DR SIM. COLOR! BU00 ROOFING TPO ROOFING MFINUF: TDO COLOR: TRD ■ ■0I PA IRWCINH PARTNERS A R S ■ 245 Fec1er ATenae• Sli-te 6-2 Costa Mesa CA 22626 17141 557 240 TANEN ipaoc corn ASCHITEC TURF P-n1NIHG COHSt.LIING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC WAS hinglan Slfeek R A.enue 54) La Quints, California 92253 Bldg. 7 - Elevations A15 PROJECT NO 21014 PLOT DATE- F72 712023 STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS VE6242 WELLS GRAY, OR EQ. ■ P SEI , I J!/. II I P I %4A I flllU 11/111111.:( AT a.�.lccr+ M�n v S■II • I. III III.,I ;11111 •- ',NEATE 04 I.i19191I111.1i I.11 1 111111 III!111111111'IIi11 COTE n RRE r1li2A. EK2DWAT11•E EXTENKIR LNVT1 1TP Bldg 8 - South Elevation SCALE Tli' - 1-P 11'IIi111'.II-1I, I....... DECORATIVE EATERION LIONT TYR IlLlll� I��II -- SRUl-.1 SEILE• •• ROC STL PAIL Na %WNrEOAncs. Tro • IS I .,. III MI ■ 7ill�r,+' n XIt.i Ell MI f' I STUCCO RCMP NEE STL. NA% MT MYJTFp PLATA TT, -1va•IY.5 •21 TOlR- >r ogBIdg 8 - West Elevation SCALE- 116' • t'•V 0 xri _�•36' c . a, rod_ TO PL TO h .� TKCCSiETINOTT SRN_'[UREGLEI IR.n �.,e1 end r.T1I0o. 02Bidg 8 - North Elevation OCN.Ei Br - I'M' 01 VfTIfa lotLL1&22J1'LS A[[1111WAR q.aa•o-UM. Bldg 8 - East Elevation WALE 1'1‘I- • 1.4r -22 Nor STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EO. STUCCO 3 nuPN EDWARDS DE6204 TRFmE WHITE. OR EG STUCCO 4 IXONN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR EO. SCJNEW 2 STUCCU 1 DUNK EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EO STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK. OR Ea STUCCO 3 DVNN EDWARDS DE0204 TRITE WHITE, OR EV STUCCO 4 DUNN ED2VARO5 OET5Br SHADOW EFFECT. OR EO SCHEME 3• STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND. OR ED. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK. OR EO STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DEE204 TRITE WHITE. OR EO SIUCC04 DLNJN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EO ACCENT. ALL SCHEIIIES DUNN EDWARDS DF6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING, 17R EQ VINYL DOORS R WINDOWS COLON- VOW 1 E RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF: TBD COLOR: TBD 10 I PA IRWIN PARTNERS 245 Fif20el Memos. Sere 6-2 Costa Mesa CA 6262e 1714)SST 240e A.A. pave cam ARCHIr1CTDRE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Shoal & Avenue 50 La Quinla, California 92253 Bldg. 8 - Elevations A16 PROJECT NO.21014 PLOT DATE: 6/27/2023 STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DEI242 WELLS GRAY. OR EQ. MEll MA65 rEcolsA163 F.NCIr59OR ExTEAIUR LIG,I PO O`Bldg 9 - East Elevation VaaE uu5 • rTP '•� f/lrlrErlr� Ill•1 �l ��IIIIIIIIII+��i ��l vWR mt.OW —5C11E EI Sib CCOREr.jFT 155555L. Sxlti[I 6.41t60flal5 55' •wEMf A55. rn1 •>_q {tipp 67J zi FIT 61 i1$ I!7 =9 E141 irlSi 3TYCLOAE6xr 03Bldg 9 - South Elevation SI:A;: - D4BIdg 9 - West Elevation 5CALE: VW • 1••0• L•E1H .L.LLSf1W11En nccernee 15p — • — 11111111r .MIEN 769E511 WIILNG IM-W4 TM1'E ext5RlpRLM5IT ttR tNJME( 9[ACtt TYR 01 Bldg 9 - North Elevation SCALE- 118- • 1•.(r zr IY STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK, OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE67o4 TRITE WHITE. OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN, OR ED. SCHENIF 2 STUCCO DUNN EDWARDS 0E6172 BUNGALOW TALIFF OR FO. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS L3 11i74 GUNNYSACK. OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DEI3204 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DETt197 SHADOW EFFECT_ DR EQ, SCHEME 3• STUCCO 1 DUNN COWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EQ. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS OET6 T4 GUNNYSACK. OR EQ STUCCO 3 CONN EDWARDS DES2D4 TRITE WHITE, OR EQ. STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6034 RAISIN 1N 1 NE SUN. OR EO ACCENT. ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS DE6390 CHOCOLATE PODDING, DR FO. VINYL DOORS S WINDOWS COLOR! WHITE RAILINGS TUBE 51 EEL, OR SPA COLOR: BLACK ROOFING TAO ROOFING MAIJUFA TBD COLOR: TBO !OIPA IRWIN PARTNERS ■ R c n I T E c T s 215 F 15211e: Ammo. Suite 0-2 Cede Ness CA 92625 {11.} 55i saga .,os, yalx cum ARCWITELYuRE RIAUNIHG CORSULTIWG La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avonuo 50 La Quints, California 92253 Bldg. 9 - Elevations A17 PROJECT N0:21014 PLOT DATE 6I27l2023 STUCCQ 1 DUNN EDWARDS UE6242 WELLS GRAY, CR EO. --11111k IIJfIINO ECCRµ1 EXTEpiOR LIGHT GHT TYp 04BIdg 10 - West Elevation 3G1L VC - 1'•IT 10111I 1 11101111 I�11 REo Er74venr STLCCO.COIET TURF STI. RAN. PIe141-0n BUCF, 1TP CDVEneu .RFF2Fwav U11IIII,10 Y/fR111IA%RY • FIBER OL^35 FRFN[]ICa 03BIdg 10 - South Elevation SCALE17r - t'•� 02B1dg 10 - East Elevation SCALE- 1S • 1'.3- 0.� Bldg 10 - North Elevation SCALE %1t • 1',0• STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DE T574 GUNNYSACK, OR EO. STUCCO [KINN EDWARDS 0E6204 TRITE W H ITF, OR EO, STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DES341 VULCAN. OR EQ. SCHEME 7 STl7CCQ 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE, OR EQ. STUCCOL DUNN EDWARDS DET679 GUNNYSACK. OR 10 STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE. OR EQ. stucco 4 DUNN EDWARDS DET597 SHADOW EFFECT, OR Eg SCHEME 31 STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND, OR EQ- STUCCQ 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 0UNNYSACK, OR EQ- STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE02C4 TRITE WHITE. OR EQ STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS 0F69134 RAISIN rN THE SUN, OR EO ACCENT- ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS 0E6390 CNOCDLAYE PUDDING, OR EU. VINYL DOORS S WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. COLOR BLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MAM1F. TBO COLOR. IBD i PA IRWIN PARTNERS IA A C H 1 T E❑ T 8 245 FIecn¢i Avenue. 90I16 6-2 Cm.1111,1e. CA 92626 17141557 2440 ww Ipaoe corn A RC HST FCTVOl 6LAH N INO COHSVl TIH4 La Quinta Vintage Apartments Bldg. 10 Elevations A18 Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street& Avenue 50 La 0uinta, California 92253 PROJECT NQ 21014 PLOT DATE 6/2 712023 STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6242 WELLS GRAY. OR Ea. 2i1,!Ir?Ij1'I 04B1dg 11 - South Elevation SOLE: GELGW114 Yiry1 WIIYNiMI •EIERGL4SS FrTFS?>LCSlT, Lit• FRENCH Lippe ]I IIIIL�l�1fy��i�l HED E+L}tiAv STUCCO PECLET NEE STL HALM -rwrL wvochT FIBER LAMS MAME BLACK rrP rnmcnL JOA • u1:sO PEGIET "re 03BIdg 11 - West Elevation SCALE tt1r - 1' G 02Bldg 11- North Elevation SCALE: NV • 1•- �17 1»wrerr i uo- ;4.• >�IIII�II.IIIIIOlIII, i sma„ pr t1En11 RArttic S1 AUNTEPRIACA TYE 01 Bldg 11- East Elevation SCALE: IIE' • 1'M d1 • STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS D[T674 GUNNYSACK OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE62O4 TRITE WHITE. DR EQ STUCCO 4 DUNN EDWARDS DE6341 VULCAN. OR EO, SCHEME 7' STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS 0E6172 BUNGALOW TAUPE. OR EO. STUCCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DET674 GUNNYSACK. OR EQ. STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRI1 E INK I L. OR Eq. STUCCO DUNN EDWARDS DE T507 SHADOW EFFECT- 0R EQ. gCHEIlIEIZ'. STUCCO 1 DUNN EDWARDS DE6207 EGYPTIAN SAND. OR EQ STUDCO 2 DUNN EDWARDS DF.T6ra GUNNYSACK, OR EQ- STUCCO 3 DUNN EDWARDS DE6204 TRITE WHITE OR Eq. Si ucc0 d DUNN EDWARDS DE0030 RAISIN IN THE SUN, OR EQ ACCENT. ALL SCHEMES DUNN EDWARDS 13E6390 CHOCOLATE PUDDING. OR EQ. VINYLDOORS & WINDOWS COLOR: WHITE RAILINGS TUBE STEEL. OR SIM DOLOR' HLACK ROOFING TPO ROOFING MANUF. T[D COLOR:TBD � CILAIIICNITECTET 6 245 Rscher "wen.. Bull* ea C*sg Mesa CA 92876 (111) 55F 2440 1 x ipaLALcam PPCR1rECrURE PLANNING CON9IJL LING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avcnue 50 La Quints, Calitvrnia 92253 Eidg. 11 - Elevations Ala PROJECT NO. 21014 PLOT DATE. R77/2073 1 A Typical Trash Enclosure Plan SCALE IN' • 1•-0' 2 Snowd Naar 13TypicaITrash Enclosure Right Elevation SCALE3 1R• • 1'If 12Typical Trash Enclosure Left Elevation SGLE'LIW. 1'Ir • •`�i �fpy 41 FIe[Fmpr 1 1 Pool Equip. Side Elevation SCALE. 3t16-• $'.p• ROC* I, MN rIS.'•uvrry IH1f CAL rRTH- • II. •mono RAH 1 °Typical Trash Enclosure Front Elevation SCALE,: y16-• 1'7 •1r 2 Sworn] FT... Typical Trash Enclosure Rear Elevation 09 r. xs6• = r-o• a 7 n f \7 . / 7 c \ \7 . 7 N • 08Typical Garage Plan SCALE: 3,16' • CO' I �07Pool Equip. Front Elevation V scALE. 1,1Ir= 1,00 OECYaGTHE, OV ER'Oe LIGHT. ra. REFER TO SITF PLAN FOR COLOR SCHEME: 06Typical Garage Left Elevation ECAI,p; 3F16-- 1-Ar 041.124i5tRrE E.T.HOR t rolL nT REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR COLOR SCHEMES 05Typical Garage Right Elevation SCALE 311G- = 1•-0• 18..1 Ftrc mr rRA, wcn OTER1ORLlalr. TTP 0 N.CCr —�r+r•rarr lr Ateelryy A Typical Carport Side Elevation 03Typical Carport Plan SCALE3+15•• i•0• - Y:hI I. AT PROPERLY LINE REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR COLOR SCHEMES 02Typical Garage Rear Elevation 52-405'3r1P• 1'A' ilOr„-'I uoFlr. I rP DOM. I-KTE'TYR PERME1km REFER TO SITE PLAN FOR COLOR SCHEMES 01 •1T RCCRAIPAP EkTEILORO .HT.. TYR Typical Garage Front Elevation SCALE -.Ills'• 1••0' 11I PA IRWIN PARTNERS ARCHITECTS 245 Napier A•. .. Sup. B-2 Coale Alma LA 02625 IT14>5572,144 ARA,CON ARCHITECTURE PLANNING CONSULTING La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, I.LC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quints. California 92253 Exterior Elevations A20 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT DATE 6/27/2023 02 View of Building 1 will) Building 2 and pulling green in background- 01 View of clubhouse from Washington Street main entry. (ID Birds -eye view of property- -T, r" i. } Isd!fif:vff$l rnr11lrr ,.,,„Wu )i',s� .1111'. ii/111 Snlgir uuin l''ti�I�Inlil.�fiip,.� 4m�"ih'LM' �N ... ''•iIsli r. wl1. --tN\ 43 View of pool area and shade structure 111f [ 11 11111 t II,.I 1 { 1 .II . 11,1 I•! IIJ i Key Plan 07 View of Buildings 3 & 4. ?i - L° f:v 1_ tl rl_L,-r? i l 1r 'Iti• ppmum] tIcevie e xewnurwrnr 0 View of garages and carports al north side of property 0 View of rear courtyard with shade structure In center and surrounded by buildings 7-11. QView of carports near building a ?IPA IRWIN PARTNERS A n C F1 TECTS 205 Frscncr R.nn�,P Sink G 2 Costa A1nca GA 9202G IT11; 5' 7 2.115 ..w .p[ac corn ARCii FCTu F P 2HHINC C..].I$I LIIt1G La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Street & Avenue 50 La Quinta. California 92253 3D Views A21 PROJECT NO: 21014 PLOT GATE: 6127.2023 10 View on Washington Street with deceleration lane on far left See location or view on sheet A21 Key Plan. Scheme 1 0E8247 Wells Gray Stucco DE Sall Vulcan Accent SWCCO VINYL DOORS & WINDOWS COLOR; WHITE Desert Sage Apartments Paint Schemes Color Board OUNN - EDyVAR OS PAINTS Scheme 2 OE 8172 Bungalow Taupe Stucco DET 597 Shadow Effect Accent Stucco CARPORTS BY OTHERS STEEL SUPPORTS 6 METAL ROOF. OR SIM RAILINGS & FENCING PICNIC AREA SHADE STRUCTURES BY OTHERS TUBE STEEL, OR SIM. TBD COLOR: BLACK TRASH ENCLOSURES CMO WALLS METAL ROOF METAL GATES GARAGES SEE SITE PLAN FOR COLOR SCHEMES POOL AREACABANAS BY OTHERS TB❑ Scheme 3 DE 6207 Egyptian Sand Stucco UE 0034 Raisin In The Sun Accent Shoran All Schemes DET 674 Grtnnysack Sluoca 2 DE 8204 Idle Mlle Accent Shrew 2 DE 6950 Chocolate Ridding AacanVTrim 0 View on Avenue 50 looking towards Washington Street intersection with mountains in the background. See bcatton or view on sheet A21 Key Plan. 08 View of entry access co Avenue 50 See Iacaaoo of view on sheet A21 Key Plan. !IPA IRW1N PARTNERS RCHITECTS 245 Fuc1er A.m.. Suiiv (1-2 Coyle Masx CA 92626 {7'4)5572496 Rm.ipaoc Cam ARCHITECTURE ernHtr160 C0HSUCTINC La Quanta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC, NEC Washington Slreel 8 Avenue 50 Le Quinla, Callfurnia 52253 3D Views & Materials Board A22 PROJECT rio: 21014 PLOT DATE- 6,27/2023 VIEW FROM WASHINGTON STEET - BUILDINGS 1 & 2 VIEW FROM WASHINGTON STEET - BUILDING 4 & CLUBHOUSE EOBI PA RRWCN PARE NER �.a Mel„aIax eueeue0/1 ;4;1 --- ;477:7. "17,:':ff." • ,././ // ,4:44,44',/eaa,..,/ • 70,71:-/'Xi70,**".437C/fli';'; 4'97"W ar.7/1).!, 1/1.5.'" //,' 1"/ /,,,ZA:VWF/1461/4:./ 47,0%25/ i."14;:t.4/111( 4,/ zi" ••, bNIoeIR+ - 9 03LINE OF SIGHT DIAGRAM - WASHINGTON STREET TOWARDS AVENUE 50 WALE Mr • 1' d VIEW FROM AVENUE 50 - BUILDINGS 5 & 6 Mw YFLTi URI wnsHlncTOIJ 02LINE OF SIGHT DIAGRAM - WASHINGTON STREET SCALE Ilb. - I'ff La Quinta Village Apartments Troutdale Village, LLC. NEC Washington Skkeel & Avenue 50 La Quinla, California 92253 k 0 1 LINE OF SIGHT DIAGRAM - AVENUE 50 1 S['.ALE: S1r • I'd 1e 0. • �-0 a 0 245 Fiedrer Arenue, Suite b•Z l.0b13 Mass CA 82826 {714i 55.72i4e nnx luaor com ARC XI TLC il1RC PLANNING LON,WI rING Line of Sight Diagrams A23 PROJECT NO: 21414 PLOT' DATE: &2T!2O73