BRES2021-0045Permit Details City of La Quinta Description: PGA WEST / RE -ROOF WITH EXISTING TILE Type: RE -ROOF (WEB) Subtype: Status: FINALED Applied: 6/1/2021 EPRS Approved: 6/1/2021 AHI Issued: 6/3/2021 ONLINE Finaled: 10/14/2021 KKI Expired: Parcel No: 762032009 Site Address: 56810 MERION LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 25499-1 CM 78/129-128 CM 78/129 - Block: Lot: 1 136 Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Valuation: $16,660.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: RE -ROOF REPLACE UNDERLAYMENT AND RESET WITH EXISITING CLAY TILE PER 2019 CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE. ro - ummary 133 2 Applied to Approved Approved to Issued Issued to Finaled ADDITIONAL SITES CHRONOLOGY CONDITIONS CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS1 CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT Tony Brasil 777 S. Lugo San Bernardino CA 92408 (909)884-8505 tony@brsroofing.com CONTRACTOR B R S ROOFING INC 777 SOUTH LUGO AVE SAN BERNARDINO CA 92408 (909)884-8505 TONY@BRSROOFING.0 OM OWNER Desert Resort Management 42635 Melanie Place Palm Desert Ca 92260 (909)884-8505 krinetti@drminternet.c om FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Thursday, July 20, 2023 9:05:30 AM 1 of 3 CRWSYSTEMS Permit Details City of La Quints DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD ■ ■ PAID BY CLTD BY BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $1.00 $1.00 6/3/21 WEB8405 703061 CREDIT Tony Brasil EPRS Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $1.00 $1.00 BSA: RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE 101-0000-42416 0 $10.00 $10.00 6/3/21 WEB8405 703061 CREDIT Tony Brasil EPRS Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE: $10.00 $10.00 RE ROOF EA ADDITIONAL 1,000SF 101-0000-42404 0 $38.64 $38.64 6/3/21 WEB8405 703061 CREDIT Tony Brasil EPRS RE ROOF FIRST 2,000SF 101-0000-42404 0 $54.74 $54.74 6/3/21 WEB8405 703061 CREDIT Tony Brasil EPRS RE ROOF FIRST 2,000SF PC 101-0000-42600 0 $109.48 $109.48 6/3/21 WEB8405 703061 CREDIT Tony Brasil EPRS Total Paid for RE -ROOF 2019: $202.86 $202.86 ENHANCEMENT FEE TECHNOLOGY 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 $5.00 6/3/21 WEB8405 703061 CREDIT Tony Brasil EPRS Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 $5.00 TOTALS: $218.86 $218.86 INSPECTIONS SEQID INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES PRE -ROOF AMOR 8/13/2021 8/13/2021 APPROVED PRE -ROOF KKI 10/13/2021 10/13/2021 APPROVED eTRAKiT Inspection Request 10/12/2021 9:22 AM Tony Brasil Contact Name: Tony Brasil Site Address: 56810 MERION Phone: 9098848505 e-Mail: tony@brsroofing.com Printed: Thursday, July 20, 2023 9:05:30 AM 2 of 3 CRWSYSTE S Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BRER2021-0045 FINAL** KKI 10/14/2021 10/14/2021 APPROVED eTRAKiT Inspection Request 10/13/2021 2:09 PM Tony Brasil Contact Name: Tony Brasil Site Address: 56810 MERION Phone: 9098848505 e-Mail: tony@brsroofing.com PARENT PROJECTS REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE RE DATEED STATUS REMARKS NOTES 1ST PERMIT TECH — ETRAKIT (1 DAY) AARON HICKSON 6/1/2021 6/2/2021 6/1/2021 COMPLETE 1 Attachment Type CREATED OWNER I DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 6/1/2021 EtrakitPublicReg PGA RES II 2021.pdf 1 Printed: Thursday, July 20, 2023 9:05:30 AM 3 of 3 CRWSYSTE S 1 BRS: ROOk7116. m L. • . ALL YOUR ROOFING NEEDS PROPOSAL/AGREEMENT 5/13/2II ,t ITION: PROPOSAL FOIE PROJECT CONTACT: Desrl Resort PGA ' 'est- Ras_ II Kristen Rinetti Management Lca Quinto CA krinetfididrinternel.cOrh PAPS Roofing lnca,rpor°led would First dike to thank you for the opporturOy to bid on your Lppwwrpiwc roof Axoject, The Fcftowirlg agreement shall!' be bef wean Roafrng Inc. (contractor) o rid the property owner fisted above or air authorized agleri . The terms of agreement and scope of work ore cr3 follows, 7ERMS OF AQREEM A_ BRS Rooffri9 shall provide ail lour, rr l'ehpl5 arLel 6-011 prmlerlr to perform 011 speoiRed wars~ fated ir1 the #tape. Roohng shci provide nd rr-*i*tin aII necessary+ li $n , insr,rance aerlilicertes, and cihyr required Ovilizingi per rwis far the duraIon of 1he roof arojr i_ O. All w 13I011 be pedfarrned in a professional frKihrwirf Irk accordance with i1 (N arobrioncer3 arncl sorely standards_ C. Crekr.rusr authorized ocenr 5haII prokido adequate oaten of the progeny and staging areas os needed forte Completion of the rcf project. D. All nece5sor,r rrofifrcQ1ions will be ]royided prior to the Start of file pro]i9o1_ BRS RooKrng MC_ will nal be responsible 'or the rdentifacaliQn or rerno'of of asbestos. mold, mil w. dents or <Inv of her l ozordc u5 n tiGcerld#_ F. Upon ccrnpIIfion of project, where a tan -term vyarranhyr has been awed 1;5* yearn_ BRS RC Iirng will provide a rnoirrienanoe program to help m iriPain the integrity if the roof and its warranties_ If sufficient maintenance Is snot performed to the kidShDrickuth of 1ES IRcofinQ Inc, o d. the Material Monvfoct.res, BRS Roofing Ire. shoti have the right is terrrmlnpie ti••rronly_ G. bR5 Roofing Inc_wW no be resiDOnsible for cirri dcrrroges or uriquellierited rues performed by oinerq.ori wddrFdrbfOd arefls. BRS Roofing Inc, Hick have the right ii dsconllnue worranliBs in Fmrneafa!$ ore(Ciraperly rewired or inspeciel, H. All abjBcis enabling the Cerj etiari of the ropf projec r must bB removed prigs to the skirt of the project. [trees, 5ateIIIe di#I r s. awrsinR5. ete,] I. &rild�g �iii ar5C11or Hari C0wner ollerof ion i May be Subject to choncie orders. PAGE Picot.. tea falowIng page Ior saopu of work INMAL_ 91?S R O1+NO, NC. 1 ?77 5. LUGS AVE. I SA 1 &ERNAL'EINE). CA¶2#9i9 I T' 055.58111277P 9.09,8$+218i& I INRSROOFING.COM 2 • ALL TOUR HOOFING HEEDS AUDI Eo1 Deser IR4srsort Management MiratiailliNDIMELL 1. 0b1i1-, i city requirea perrnda find ceardlnorr; QI' Inspacilon. 9, Provide Ikber and m¢hefol f4 ri3mavo tie i::ti Store lc( re -use and Greclr mar of all 13'0 4 *5, 3, Rer'nove rel3b any arrickgidd ar delerioraled prywo 41 an ocklikinal cnxF ji S I OD.fl) pm sheet. 4, lruici 1 nrw APP ?Anal 71 Welded s r hem of cricket/rrai anam. b. Ir,Stio•I new #xa drip edgt me1ol ord iblr# irep of porrmeter of Toot P'rowlde land inglal a dLubie I¢rer 4f US underrlymenp to the enure roof surirse:e meCw4rliG0I111 wren with a 1" rojrud cop noi, 7_ I-araH wonder ana werave Viplloys faro drtloil,o1 vOFeciion. Provlria and instal riceqyF+r @auge plp.k liasteig, and new akxnlnum pipe jade of iu plpi, penehriDnans as required. 9- FrovItt and Instal 24 gouge 4' X 6" pun melQr a' all ppn runs_ 10, krOvIcia arld instil 24 gouge 24" %enure me1aI at all wolfs. 1 L. OAaO and Rath now Zr.45.recie Fxaadd al all . p and ridge areas. la Re-Insir}e eixfsF'ng file using a 101Ds7a tounmed ndll to properly serx se tile_ 1 - Replans any tmaket.or darrtuged llie with new tie 160+atch oa dosed$ possible inenlsting llie_ 14- Seal grra paint all Fie rod iysrem arzes5crle' to motCh, 1 Colson and dvtciil Minima lo remv,rer arrr lelo related debris.. s.. I. Provide 10 Year Wurkeriongrip $ Materta; Warranty_ tit FOB PGA West- Res, II L_i Quintp CA PROP AL/AME!MEIht•'t 5113/21 IROJELCOHT Kristen Rinettl kris eM13,drrnintemet.carri i W To EMI: - ROOFING, INC_ 177Z S. LiJOo AVF. 15A 1.4 bERNARDINO, 92108 I r: 55.500.I 277 F; 906'-414.4i15 16it5RQOFRiG.CQM - 3 ADDRESS RHAsE PRODUCT TYPE cO5T FLIT ROOF 55-421- 55451 WINGED FAT 2 MEDALIST 30,640 610 ISr 55-38S LAI~I R EI VALLEY 2 MESQUITE 13..40 ON 55-435 LAUREL VALLIEY 9 5MCFKE TREE 15,800 i'frf 1 55-235 AND 5S-24.5 LAU H Li. VALLEY 2 I PAEO VERDE 13,200 2013 ; $ Ar PHASE 2 SUBTOTAL 83,0E6 79-985 MERION 3 I GALLERIES Z3120 kiLlYi 5B-025 R IVPERA 3 HIGHLANDS 1 13,940 2012 4 I la 56-06I0 R IV ERA 3 rnG HLAN DS 1 L,940 2012 4 11Z 55-0$.S R IVFERA 3 HIG HLAN o$ 3 16,6 57,000 41 IR 56-265 RIV ERA 3 HIGHLANDS 1 13.940 2012 9 M Zik 5G 5 R IV(ERA 3 NIG I1LAN 1 2 17,340 $3,745 ' 1 la 56-48a R I'iIEERA _ 3 1 1 HIGHLANDS 2 17,340— $3 745 St a 56-545 RIVIERA 3 HIGHLAND51 17 341.C1 2012 61 E 56- 5 R IVIERA 3 FuG F1LAFIDS 3 16,660 1-.15.05 4111 PHASE 3 SUBTOTAL 15O,MD 56 785 MERION d 1 ISIG HLAN D5 1 13,94n LI ( IR 5G- 790 MER ION 4 HIG HLAN LS 3 1.6,660 2012 L 56-810 MERION 4 HIG HLAN D5 3 10,E 67 2012 '1 5b-&M] MEP ION 4 HI(3HI-AN DS 2 17,340 $4,280 Fj 4 tq 57-032 MER ION 4 HFG HLAN DS 3 16,640 2012 I{et E 57.110 Nil ER ION a HFCIILANDS3 16 600 $3,775 lift eg 57-i8t MEP ION 4 _ MPG FILAND53 16, D $3,745 1-11,g i 57-214 MERION 4 HIGHLANDS3 16,6150 $374: Licol 57-301 MERION H 1-ILA N DS 3 16.6160 $1,6135 i it PHASE 4 5 U$TQTA1 147,900 S3€?l.210 S78,245 TOTAL INVESTMENT AMOUNT - $409,485.00 P nemit Terrns; 30% Du'DuEi Upon tirl of Pra}itici_ Remainder of Contract Prime Cue Upa i C rripdetion. .c pionr.. MEM ACCEPTANCE. the move contract Om SCope of wor' and terms ore agreed upon arya accepted. EIR$ Rooting Inc_ is au th ed lo completer ified above. All payments will be made in ac oraonce with the tecrns included In the contract_ • APPROVED BY: DATEMay 28 r 2021 BR$ ROOFING' DATE {COLLIN PASCA Llt� WE WOULD ikIKE TO T#1A NI: YOU FOR GIVING BRS ROOFING INC. TFIE OPPORTuNIIY TO Ha OH YOUR 13QQFTIG PROJECT, IF YOU HhwE ANY OLPUThN.5 a CONCERNS REGARDING. MIS PROPOSAL L PLEASE QON'r HE RATE TO CALL CcILLN PASCALE 4$I 132 9-252 gR RQOHNG. II'C. 1777 5. LUDO A1+E, I .A N BER NA.RDINO, CA 92108 I T.855.501 ; 277 F: 4UR ° J I egSROOF NG.coM — RRS.ROO'lll6. inc...yo.„ ALL YOUR ROOFING NEEDS NLJ1ernhLr 14, 2019 To Whom It May Concern: I, Tony .Br 1, authurizc my employee Joseph Joarc-z to pull perm iL on behalf -of FIRS Rooting, Inc, for the city of La Quin CA, Sincerely, Tony Brasil PresidentiCEO BRS Roofing,. ir1 777 $ouRh Lugo AVeIpu! San Bernardino, CA.E12A0B BOO 4-85D5 0 909..8 421B45 F Trustee Otter: Signer Is Representing; 8 CAUPO IIIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLEDGMENT CIVIL CODE § 1189 �fd5�c �f�aati ��^�"�cx•+��'� ri is Y'� �r•.�: S',: C`�r:{•.C�i•.,`.� X e..� a:07oc;c:{•.c: c 7r.�•�r:{•�'�ti�k �r�� �r•�c^!`� s+Ex•�c:+C�C•dx�c A notary public of crther officer cornpleL:y'g this cer1ilicale Yefrfles inly he iderrttty of the iradlillbel who 2gne•l the d4GurTr1l to which tl*Catrcoate i5 ched,. and riot life truthfulness, aCcuravy,. or validity of that document. SOLO of California COwity OF IRS V cSL On N. crambeir1.4r c Data persOnalh1 0.ppeared I 1 &Ok3 beIIrire me, lecto,i,e,1\10-1-mN ekkicANc Here insert Name and T1 of itre Officer Pilamars) Of S r(s) who proved to me on the basis of satIsfactory inidence to be the person(s) why ndrne(s) +sfare subscribed too the within ins#urr►ent arid acknowledges to me that heiShaithay executed the same in hIS/herft ' it aLkthcifized capaCity(I10, and that by hi lheritherr SIgrratua-e(s) on the instrument the person{s), or the enti#y upon behatf or which the person(s) acted,. executed the instrument, I certify under'PENALTY OF F ERMAT under the Tam) of the Slate Of California that the fota9oing paragraph is true and correct, STEM 11os PASCALE Commission # 2110970 New, Prd++c - Cr1 r11la Sin 8ernudirq �Iv CDrnm. EJ4irn.Ifl ?9. 2OV: P0aue fiptaty Seat Above WITNESS my hand and off iak seal, Signature_ _ Signature of N rnry Parbiro Q!RTIOIAI4L Tough thi's secth cio#ror1ae, comp ti'n1g !his r'nform$tiorr ictin. defer akerauto of The document or fraudulent teraStachmant of this farm to an. unirrptendect &paamen . Deacription of Attached Document 1 Title x Types Ur Daccumen#, heir I ar4 i PC'ifr1�'r bocumertt Elate; 1.4 c I. M ti Number of Pages _ k Sig fs? Odder Than Named Above: If•1 CIsirr ed sn.�) l Srs Name; - ) ., f t 1 Corporate Officer — T tle{s)_ r t" ,ciceoriceia party r— — : Limited General Individual !Attorney in Fact .I Guardian or Coosenrater Signer's N$iii : '1 le tlo,por8te Officer — Trtle(s); Plarlrier — =i Llmiteg '• General Individual Attorney in Fact Trustee Guardian or C nserwator Other Signer Le R'preeenting: .P2014 N t oval Noiii,y Association • Mvw,NatlonalNctar _or9 F 1- OO`LJS NOTARY 1-H 876- 7) ttem 4.5901