33444 Coral Canyon, LLCJune 29, 2009 P.O. Box 1504 LA QUINTA, CA 92247-1504 78-495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA, CA 92247-1504 Coral Canyon, LLC 77-785 Highway 1 1 1, Suite 105 Indian Wells, CA 92210 Re: Tentative Tract Map 33444 To Whom It May Concern: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (760) 777-7103 FAX (760) 777-7107 Per a request from the Public Works Department, this letter is to notify you that PM10 dust control plans for Tentative Tract Map 33444, Coral Canyon, have not been approved and permits have not been issued. Therefore, PM 10 dust control bonds are not yet required by the City. Please note for your records that Bond Nos. 726942S and 726943S for Tentative Tract Map 33444 were never received in the City Clerk's Office. If you have any questions, please call me at (760) 777-7002. Sincerel , ,r VERONICA,, . MMfONTECINO, City Clerk City of La Quinta, California cc: Tim Jonasson, Public Works Director/City Engineer Desert Empire Insurance Services, Inc File T4., 4 4v Qu!Krcu MEMORANDUM To: Veronica J. Montecino, CMC, City Clerk From: Ed Wimmer, Development Services Principal Engineer Via: imothy R. Jonasson, P.E., Public Works Director / City Engineer Date: June 25, 2009 Re: Release of PM -10 Dust Control Bonds for Tentative Tract Map No. 33444, Coral Canyon Please release the following securities for the above referenced tract. Records of these PM -10 bonds are not found in your files, but copies of the bond renewal invoices with the City of La Quinta as the Obligee are attached. The PM -10 Dust Control plans for Tentative Tract Map No. 33444, Coral Canyon, have not been approved and permits have not been issued. Therefore, PM -10 dust control bonds are not yet required by the City. The amounts and the address to the surety company are as follows: Tract No. 33444 Bond Number Bond Amount 726942S (onsite) $134,850 726943S (offsite) $41,850 Developer: Coral Canyon, LLC 77785 Highway 1 1 1, Suite 105 Indian Wells, CA 92210 Surety Company: Desert Empire Insurance Services, Inc. 77564 Country Club Drive, Suite B401 Palm Desert, CA 92211 cc: Project File I, Tract Map No. 33444 Amy Yu, Assistant Engineer 11 P.O. BOX 19725 - IRVINE, CA 92623 --irT - 800-782-1546 Ir1SC%jC0 SUBDIVISION BOND RENEWAL INVOICE REPRESENTING � DEVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY PRINCIPAL 5012906 OBLIGEE AND TRACT NO. r Coral Canyon LLCPLAN 5226 71765 HIGHWAY III STE 105 Y O OUINTA INDIAN WELLS CA 92210 78 495 CALLE TAMPICO LAQUINTA CA 92253 IMPORTANT NOTICE 7fthe ond Is continuous in nature and rernatns in effect unlli released by The bond obggee, ll the tigailpn covered by this bond has been campletad, please obtain a Formal wdlten release y ar authorized representative of the obligee. ond amount has been officially reduced, plaasa send a copy of the wotten document try llle obligee which confirms that reduction. Upon receipt the bond amount 14i bereand the renewal premium adjusted aecdrdingiy. Unless this d=fnen�fs provided prior !a renewal, the entire renewal premium is due and payable, ¢$� We encourage prompt reduction andlor exoneratlon of all open bands Until the bonded work le accepted by the obligee and the bonds exonerated, you remain ilabte to the obligee for cdmpieftn of Al the bonded improvements as well as correctlon of anydeficlencle6 andlor repairs. . PRODUCER 834058 DESERT EMPIRE INS SVCS INC 77564 COUNTRY CLUB DR STE 8401 PALM DESERT CA 92211 BOND TYPE SUBDIV. IMPROVEMENT FUGITIVE DUST CONTROL CUSTOMER COPY Bond premiums ere payable 30 days pror to Renewal Dale. Bond 726942S Premium is paid until 06-19-2009 Unless complete, we must receive $ 1,349.00 no later then 05-20-200.9 Unless proof of completion is furnished, remlt premium by -Cost To Complete: S- 134;850.00 05=20-2009 Bond Amount: 1134,850.00 PREMIUM TERM $1,349.00 1 -YR P.O. BOX 19725 - IRVINE, CA 92623 800-782-1546 inscmir- ] _SUBE)IVISION BOND RENEWAL INVOICE REPRESENTING D°tVELOPERS SURETY AND INDEMNITY COMPANY =CIF T T PRINCIPAL 5012906 Coral Canyon LLC 77 785 HIGHWAY III STE 105 QUINTA INDIAN WELLS CA 92210 78 495 CALLE TAMPICO LA QUINTA CA 92253 ;IF IMPORTANT NOTICE This Land is mnflnuous in nature and remains in aflect (inti released by fie band oblq}ee. If the WorklObligallon covered by this bond has been completed, please obtain a lormal wrillen release signed by an suihorized representative of the OhEgee. If the bond 2mount has been -officially reduced, please send a copy of the w ltlen document provided by the ablLee which confirms that reduction. Upan receipt the hand amount vNl be rodusad and the renewal premium ad}vsted accordingly. Unless this document Is provided prior to renawal.lhe awire renewal premlum is due and payable. We encourage prompt reducilon ancifar exoneratlon of all open bonds. Until The bonded work is able to ci of allthe bonded improvements as well as d edon of any defiritehe obilgeo o endesandfor re completion PRODUCER 834058 - DESERT EMPIRE INS SVCS INC 77564 COUNTRY CLUB DR STE 8401 PALM DESERT CA 92211 BOND TYPE SU13DIV, IMPROVEMENT FUGITIVE DUST CONTROL CUSTOMER COPY Bond premiumS are payable 30 days prior to Renewal Data. Bond 726943S Premium is paid until 06-19-2009 Unless complete, we must receive $ 419.00 no later than 05-20-2009 Unless proof of completion is famished, remit premium by Cost To Complete• S 41,850.00 05-20-2009 Bond Amount S 41,850.00 PREMIUM TERM $419.00 1 -YR