2023 06 07 FAC Minutes Special MeetingFINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETINr MINUTES WEDNESDAY JUNE 7, 2023 CALL TO ORDER A special meeting of the La Quinta Financial Advisory Commission (Commission) was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Chair Mills. PRESENT: Commissioners Anderson, Batavick, Dorsey, Mast, Way, and Chair Mills ABSENT: Commissioner Luettjohann STAFF PRESENT: Finance Director Martinez, Account Technician Batuta, and Management Assistant Delgado PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Mast led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA — None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA — Confirmed ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS — None CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 1. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES DATED MAY 10, 2023 2. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED APRIL 30, 2023 CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 2 — Discussion The Commission and staff discussed the variance amounts for revenue and expenditure funds listed on Attachment 1 to the staff report. CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 1 — Comments Chair Mills noted that the meeting minutes dated May 10, 2023, should reflect the Commission's discussion to have Chair Mills attend the May 16, 2023, Council meeting. Staff said they would review the recording and amend accordingly. Commission discussion followed regarding the Washington Street Connector for the Avenue 48 Art and Music Line project and Measure G funding Commission recommendations. FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING Page 1 of 3 JUNE 7, 2023 Motion — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Batavick/Dorsey to approve the Consent Calendar, as recommended. Motion passed: ayes — 6, noes — 0, abstain — 0, absent — 1 (Luettjohann). Consent Calendar Item No. 1, page no. 2, the fourth paragraph under Study Session Item No. 1 shall be amended to include further detail on the Commission's discussion notated in italics, and shall read as follows: The Commission expressed a safety and security concern for the Washington Street Connector for the Avenue 48 Art and Music Line project; reached a unanimous consensus (five members present) to recommend to Council to reconsider the proposed funding of the Avenue 48 Art and Music Line and Washington Street Connector projects. The Commission agreed there was insufficient time to convey this recommendation to the Council via a letter for Council's consideration of the fiscal year 2023/24 preliminary proposed budget at the May 16, 2023, regular meeting, therefore Chair Mills would attend on the Commission's behalf (for the five members present) to convey this recommendation in person during public comment. Staff said the Commission's recommendation to oppose funding the two projects would be notated in the meeting minutes, and that Council reviews the meeting minutes for all City Boards and Commissions as they are included in Council meeting agenda packets; and suggested two additional meetings to convey this message to Council, which are the June 6 or June 20, 2023, Council meetings. BUSINESS SESSION 1. DISCUSS FISCAL YEAR 2023/24 PRELIMINARY PROPOSED BUDGET AND APPROVE ALLOCATION OF MEASURE G SALES TAX REVENUE Finance Director Martinez presented the staff report, which is on file in the Finance Department. The Commission and staff discussed proposed Measure G allocation for the Public Safety Fund, Highway 111 Corridor (Corridor) Event Site project, the Avenue 48 Art and Music Line (Art & Music Line) project, and the Washington Street Connector for the Art and Music Line project. The Commission recommended the following for Council consideration: • Allocation of Measure G funds for Public Safety and Measure G Reserves for a total of $9.1 million and capital improvement projects including Highway 111 Corridor plan improvements, Fritz Burns Park Improvements, and the Highway 111 Event Site project, for a total of $3 million, total allocation of $12.1 million. • No Measure G allocation for the Art & Music Line project and the Washington Street Connector for the Art & Music Line project, a total of $3.6 million currently included in the fiscal year 2023/24 preliminary proposed budget. FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING Page 2 of 3 JUNE 7, 2023 The Commission discussed past Commission recommendations compared to current recommendations for allocation of Measure G funds. Motion — A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Way/Mast to approve allocation of Measure G sales tax revenue per the recommendations noted above. Motion passed: ayes — 6, noes — 0, abstain — 0, absent — 1 (Luettjohann). STUDY SESSION — None DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS — All reports are on file in the Finance Department. 1. FINANCE DEPARTMENT CURRENT AND FUTURE INITIATIVES The Commission and staff discussed the review of Measure G reserves for future subcommittees appointed to audit and formulate the annual Measure G sales tax oversight compliance report. Chair Mills asked if the budget subcommittee (Subcommittee) report, comprised of Commissioners Mast and Way, would incorporate the Commission's comments. Finance Director Martinez said that the report usually includes the Subcommittee comments, but staff would distribute it to the Commission for any feedback prior to the June 20, 2023, regular Council meeting. COMMISSIONERS' ITEMS Commissioner Mast and Way said that they applied for reappointment of their current Commissioner seats. Commissioner Mast mentioned that she would not be able to attend the interviews scheduled to be conducted by Council on June 20, 2023, but that she wrote Council a letter expressing her interest in being reappointed and explaining the reasons for her inability to attend. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Commissioner Dorsey/Anderson to adjourn this meeting at 5:13 p.m. Motion passed: ayes — 6, noes — 0, abstain — 0, absent — 1 (Luettjohann). Respectfully submitted, Jessica Delgado, Management Assistant City of La Quinta, California FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING Page 3 of 3 JUNE 7, 2023