BRES2021-0182 Title 24-compressedREVISIONS ENFORCEMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR DOCUMENTATION BY OTHERS Certificate of Installation. For all buildings, the person in charge of the construction or installation, who is eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the construction or installation of features, materials, components, or manufactured devices regulated by Part 6 or the Appliance Efficiency Regulations (responsible person) shall sign and submit Certificate of Installation documentation as specified in Section 10-103(a)3 to certify conformance with Part 6. If more than one person has responsibility for the construction or installation, each person shall sign and submit the Certificate of Installation documentation applicable to the portion of the construction or installation for which they are responsible; alternatively, the person with chief responsibility for the construction or installation shall sign and submit the Certificate of Installation documentation for the entire construction or installation scope of work for the project. Subject to the requirements of Section 10-103(a)3, persons who prepare Certificate of Installation documentation (documentation authors) shall sign a declaration statement on the documents they prepare to certify the information provided on the documentation is accurate and complete. In accordance with applicable requirements of 10- 103(a)3, the signatures provided by responsible persons and documentation authors shall be original signatures on paper documents or electronic signatures on electronic documents conforming to the electronic signature specifications in Reference Joint Appendix JA7. Certificate of Field Verification and Diagnostic Testing (Certificate of Verification). For ail buildings for which compliance requires HERS field verification, a certified HERS Rater shall conduct all required HERS field verification and diagnostic testing in accordance with applicable procedures specified in Reference Appendices RA2, RA3, NA1, and NA2. All applicable Certificate of Verification documentation shall be completed, signed, and submitted by the certified HERS Rater who performed the field verification and diagnostic testing services (responsible person) in accordance with the regoirements of Section 10- 103(a)5, and Reference Appendices RA2, and NA1, to certify conformance with Part 6. If more than one rater has responsibility for the HERS verification for the building, each rater shall sign and submit the Certificate of Verification documentation applicable to the portion of the building for which they are responsible. Subject to the requirements of Section /0-103(a)5, persons who prepare Certificate of Verification documentation (documentation authors) shall sign a declaration statement on the documents they prepare to certify the information provided on the documentation is accurate and complete. The signatures provided by responsible persons and documentation authors shall be electronic signatures on electronic documents. Compliance, Operating, Maintenance, and Ventilation Information to be provided by Builder. 1. Compliance information. A. For low-rise residential buildings, at final inspection, the enforcement agency shall require the builder to leave in the building, copies of the completed, signed, and submitted compliance documents for the building owner at occupancy. For low-rise residential buildings, such information shall, at a minimum, include copies of all Certificate of Compliance, Certificate of Installation, and Certificate of Verification documentation submitted. These documents shall be in paper or electronic format and shall conform to the applicable requirements of Section 10-103(a). B. For nonresidential buildings, high-rise residential buildings and hotels and motels, at final inspection, the enforcement agency shall require the builder to leave in the building, copies of the completed, signed, and submitted compliance documents for the building owner at occupancy. For nonresidential buildings, high-rise residential buildings and hotels and motels, such information shall include copies of ail Certificate of Compliance, Certificate of Installation, Certificate of Acceptance and Certificate of Verification documentation submitted. These documents shall be in paper or electronic format and shall conform to the applicable requirements of Section 10-103(a). 2, Operating information. At final inspection, the enforcement agency shall require the builder to leave in the building, for the building owner at occupancy, operating information for all applicable features, materials, components, and mechanical devices installed in the building. Operating information shall include instructions on how to operate the features, materials, components, and mechanical devices correctly and efficiently. The instructions shall be consistent with specifications set forth by the Executive Director, For low-rise residential buildings, such information shall be contained in a (elder or manual which provides all information specified in Section 10-103(b). This operating information shall be in paper or electronic format. 3. Maintenance information. At final inspection, the enforcement agency shall require the builder to leave in the building, for the building owner at occupancy, maintenance information for all features, materials, components, and manufactured devices that require routine maintenance for efficient operation. Required routine maintenance actions shall be clearly stated and incorporated on a readily accessible label. The label may be limited to identifying, by title and/or publication number, the operation and maintenance manual for that particular model and type of feature, material, component or manufactured device. For Low-rise residential buildings, this information shall include a schedule of ail interior luminaires and lamps installed to comply with Section 150.0(k). This information shall be in paper or electronic format. 4. Ventilation information. For low-rise residential buildings, the enforcement agency shall require the builder to leave in the building, for the building owner at occupancy, a description of the quantities of outdoor air that the ventilation system(s) are designed to provide to the building's conditioned space, and instructions for proper operation and maintenance of the ventilation system. This information shall be in paper or electronic format. • For buildings or tenant spaces that are not individually owned and operated, or are centrally operated, Compliance, Operating, Maintenance & Ventilation information shall be provided to the person(s) responsible for operating and maintaining the feature, material, component or mechanical ventilation device installed in the building. INDOOR AIR QUALITY AND MECHANICAL VENTILATION §1 60.0(o): Requirements for Ventilation and indoor Air Quality. Ail dwelling units shall meet the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62,2, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings subject to the amendments specified in Section 150.0(o)1 below. Ali dwelling units shall comply with Section 150, 0 (o)2 below. §1 50.0(0)1. Amendments to ASHRAE 62.2 requirements. A. Window operation is not a permissible method of providing the dwelling unit ventilation airflow specified in subsections C, E, or F below. B. Continuous operation of central forced air system air handlers used in °entre! fan integrate ventilation systems is not a permissible method of providing the dwelling unit ventilation airflow required in Section 4 of ASHRAE Standard 62,2. C. Single family detached dwelling units, and attached dwelling units not sharing ceilings or floors with other dwelling units, occupiable spaces, public garages, or commercial spaces shall have mechanical ventilation airflow provided at rates determined in accordance with ASHRAE 62.2 Sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 as specified in subsections 1, ii, and iii. rt Air filtration she!! conform to the specificatio nee Qaction 150.0(m)12. Compliance with ASHPea,E 62.2 Sections 5.7 (Minimum Fiitration) and 6.7.1 (Filter Pressure Drop) shall not be required. E. Multifamily attached dwelling units shall have mechanical ventilation airflow provided at rates in accordance with Equation 150.0-B lASHRAE 62.2:4.1.1], and comply with one of the following subsections i or ii below. When subsection ii below is utilized for compliance, all dwelling units in the multifarnily building shall use the same ventilation system type. I. A balanced ventilation system shall provide the required dwelling -unit ventilation airflow, or ii, Continuously operating supply ventilation systems, or continuously operating exhaust ventilation systems shall be allowed to be used to provide the required dwelling unit ventilation airflow if the dwelling -unit envelope leakage is less than or equal to 0.3 cubic feet per minute at 50 Pa (0.2 inch water) per ft2 of dwelling unit envelope surface area as confirmed by field verification and diagnostic testing in accordance with the procedures specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.8. F. Multifamily building central ventilation systems that serve multiple dwelling units shall be balanced to provide ventilation airflow for each dwelling unit served at a rate equal to or greater than the rate specified by Equation 150.0-B EASHRAE 62.2:4.1.1j, but no more than twenty percent greater than the specified rate. These systems shall utilize balancing means to ensure the dwelling -unit airflows can be adjusted to meet this balancing requirement. These system balancing means may include but not be limited to constant air regulation devices, orifice plates, and variable speed central fans. G. Kitchen range hoods shall be rated for sound in accordance with Section 7.2 of ASHRAE 62.2. EXCEPTION to Section 150.0(0)1 G: Kitchen range hoods may be rated for sound at a static pressure determined at working speed as specified in HVI 916 section 7.2. H. Compliance with ASHRAE 62.2 Section 6.5.2 (Space Conditioning System Ducts) shall not be required. I. Compliance with ASHRAE 62.2 Section 4.4 (Control and Operation) shall require manual switches associated with dwelling unit ventilation systems to have a label clearly displaying the following text, or equivalent text: "This switch controls the indoor air quaiity ventilation for the home. Leave it on unless the outdoor air quality is very poor." §1 50.00)2. Field Verification and Diagnostic Testing. A.Airflow Performance. The dwelling unit ventilation airflow required by Sections 150.0(o)1C, 150.0(o)1E, and 150.0{0)1 F shall be confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing in accordance with the applicable procedures specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.7. B. Kitchen Range Hoods. The installed kitchen range hood shall be field verified in accordance with the procedures in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.74.3 to confirm the model is rated by HV1 to comply with the following requirements: i. The minimum ventilation airflow rate as specified in Section 5 of ASHRAE 62.2. IL The maximum sound rating as specified in Section 150.0(o)1G. §160.2(a)1C and §150.2(a)2C: Mechanical Ventilation for Indoor Air Quality for Additions. i. Additions to an existing dwelling unit that increase the conditioned floor area of the existing dwelling unit by more than 1,000 square feet shall have mechanical ventilation airflow in accordance with Sections 150.0 (o)1C, 150.0(0)1E, or 150.0(o)1F as applicable. The dwelling unit mechanical ventilation airflow rate shall be based on the conditioned floor area of the entire dwelling unit comprised of the existing dwelling unit conditioned floor area plus the addition conditioned floor area. ii. New dwelling units that are additions to an existing building shall have mechanical ventilation airflow provided in accordance with Sections 150.0(0)1C, 150.0(0)1E, or 150.0(o)1F as applicable. The mechanical ventilation airflow rate shall be based on the conditioned floor area of the new dwelling unit. The following summarizes the key requirements for most newly constructed residences. 1, A awelling unit mechanical ventilation system shall be provided. The Airflow rate provided by the system shall be confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing in accordance with the applicable procedures specified in Reference Residential Appendix RA3.7 2. Kitchens and bathrooms shall have local exhaust systems vented to the outdoors. 3. Clothes dryers shall be vented to the outdoors. 4. Ventilation air shall come from the outdoors and shall not be transferred from adjacent dwelling units, garages, unconditioned attics or crawlspaces. 5. Ventilation system controls shall be labeled and the home owner shall be provided with instructions on how to operate the system. 6. Combustion appliances shall be properly vented and air systems shall be designed to prevent back drafting. 7. The walls and openings between the house and the garage shall be sealed or gasketed. B. Habitable rooms shall have windows with a ventilation area of at least 4 percent of the floor area. 9. Mechanical systems including heating and air-conditioning systems that supply air to habitable spaces shall have MERV 13 filters or better and be designed to accommodate the system's air filter media rated pressure drop for the system design airflow rate. 1 O. Dedicated air inlets (not exhaust) that are part of the ventilation system design shall be located away from known contaminants. 1 1.A carbon monoxide alarm shall be installed in each dwelling unit in accordance with NFPA 720. 12. Air -moving equipment used to meet the dwelling unit ventilation requirement and the local ventilation exhaust requirement shall be rated in terms of airflow and sound: a. Dwelling unit ventilation and continuously operating local exhaust fans must be rated at a maximum of 1.0 sone {measurement of sound). b. Demand -controlled local exhaust fans must be rated at a maximum of 3.0 sone. c. Kitchen exhaust fans must be rated at a maximum of 3.0 sone at one or more airflow settings greater than or equal to 100 CFIVI. d, Remotely located air -moving equipment (mounted outside habitable spaces) are exempt from the sound requirements provided there is at least 4 feet of ductwork between the fan and the interior grille. Table 4-16; Prescriptive Duct Sizing for Single -Fan Exhaust Systems (ASHRAE 62.2, Table 5.3) _ Duct Type Flex Duct Smooth Duct Fan Airflow Rating, CF1v1 @ 0.25 in. wc 50 1 80 100 125 150 200 1 250 1 1._ 300 50 SO 100 125 ' 150 200 250 . 300 Diameter a, inches Maximum Length b c- 4, feet 3 XX X X , X X X _ X 5 X X X '. X X X X 4 56 4 X X X X X X 114 31-10 X X X X X 5 NI 81 42 16 2 X X X NL 152 91 51 28 4 X X 6 NI NI 158 91 55 18 1 X Nt. NL NL 168 112 - 53 25 9 7 NI NL NL NI 161 78 40 19 NL NL NL NI . NL 248 88 54 8 and above NI NL NL NI NI 189 111 69 NL NL NL NL NL NL 198 133 a. For noncircular ducts, calculate the diameter as four times the cross -sectional area divided by the perimeter. b. This table assumes no elbows. Deduct 15 feet of allowable duct length for each elbow. c. NI= no limit on duct length of this size. d. X = not allowed; any length of duct of this size with assumed turns and fitting will exceed the rated pressure drop. 150.00)2: PIPE INSULATION FOR NEW RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS Water piping, solar water -heating system piping, and space conditioning system line insulation thickness and conductivity. Piping shall be insulated as follows: A. All domestic hot water piping shall be insulated as specified in Section 609.11 of the California Plumbing Code. In addition, the following piping conditions shall have a minimum insulation wall thickness of 1 inch or a minimum insulation R-value of 7.7: i. The first 5 feet of hot and cold water pipes from the storage tank or water heater. ii. All hot water piping with a nominal diameter equal to or greater than % inch and less than 1 inch. iii. All hot water piping with a nominal diameter less than % inch that is: a. Associated with a domestic hot water recirculation system; b. From the heating source to the kitchen fixtures; c. From the heating source to a storage tank or between storage tanks; or d. Buried below grade. B. Piping for space conditioning system, solar water -heating system collector loop, and distribution piping for steam and hydronic heating system, shall meet the requirements of Section 120.3(c). TABLE 120.3-A PIPE INSULATION THICKNESS Fluid Operating Temperature Range (°F) Insulation Conductivity Nominal Pipe Diameter (in inches) Conductivity (in Btu-in/h•ft2-°F) Mean Rating Temperature (°F) < 1 1 to <1.5 1.5 to < 4 4 to < 8 8 and larger Refrigerant, Space Heating & Water Heating Systems Minimum P pe Insulation Required 105-140 0.22-0.28 100 Inches 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 R-Value R-7.7 R-12.5 R-11 R-9 R-8 40-60 0.21-0.27 75 Inches .75 .75 1.0 1.0 1.0 R-Value R-6 R-S R-7 R-6 R-5 Below 40 0.20-0.26 50 Inches 1.0 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 R-Value R-8.5 R-14 R-12 R-10 R-9 Footnote to TABLE 120.3-A: 1. These thickness are based on energy efficiency considerations only. Issues such as water vapor permeability or surface condensation sometimes require vapor retarders or additional insulation. EXCEPTION 1 to Section 120.3: Factory -installed piping within space -conditioning equipment certified under Section 110.1 or 110.2. EXCEPTION 2 to Section 120.3: Piping that conveys fluids with a design operating temperature range between 60GF and 105'F. EXCEPTION 3 to Section 120.3: Where the heat gain or heat loss to or from piping without insulation will not increase building source energy use. EXCEPTION 4 to Section 120.3: Piping that penetrates framing members shall not be required to have pipe insulation for the distance of the framing penetration. Metal piping that penetrates metal framing shall use grommets, plugs, wrapping or other insulating material to assure that no contact is made with the metal framing 150.00)1: HIGH EFFICIENCY WATER HEATER READY Systems using gas or propane water heaters to serve individual dwelling units shall include the following items: A. A dedicated 125 volt, 20 amp electrical receptacle that is connected to the electric panel with a 120/240 volt 3 conductor, 10 AWG copper branch circuit, within 3 feet from the water heater and accessible to the water heater with no obstructions, In addition, ail of the following: i. Both ends of the unused conductor shall be labeled with the word "Spare" and be electrically isolated; and ii. A reserved single pole circuit breaker space in the electrical panel adjacent to the circuit breaker for the branch circuit in A above and labeled with the words 'Future 240V Use"; and B. A Category l I 1 or IV vent, or a Type B vent with straight pipe between the outside termination and the space where the water heater is installed; and C. A condensate drain that is no more than 2 inches higher than the base of the installed water heater, and allows natural draining without pump assistance, and D. A gas supply line with a capacity of at least 200,000 Btuihr. EQU 1 PMEMT (oR as)u.e..e) 1 NEW I SITSTEril MR HANIMER te.1-1, R. 5,91-de.D. eseFu Ell-kt7F 0-1 tee) CI JO 114171° r Low LE41-4.6-LIE A.1-k. 126q..1::). Req.°. PAN VeAtizrr t, l2./eNee vE1:2,i P) Et) Al RFLovei Reg D. CON OE NIS ER st-civR . asP sea &-eiz.fEEsz_ (Nut-1) MO /1'3.0 TeDits4 VERkPIE.C) EFF 1 C.- • ;MO 0. lZ GF r2 ICI . c-i-wacg REq.0. WATER. 14EgrEct E.-xt-V1P.SGI G,NLLI:Dr4c-, 1271-ta H e tee PuT R E.0 Oet M2eat EFF1C. - STiee tee 0- BY -Lori? re.VE..e7Ceee Faece-vaZ. F 1 12-1- ‘-vg..12.ATir•-461 ViVAc vucT thisuL. a- 8.0 1-isthc. Duct Tsepar Recio• CAL-rr sET E3A.cy. mEamor-,74:1-- Rapk.)tizEu so‘.)t-so ogvit-4,64acs pvziorz. itoc SET slineICR 4 5PECAP1 c, 15Y certeeErec-2 Prior to final inspection an electronically signed and registered copy of the following checked CF2R installation certificates shall be posted and made available to the enforcement agency. For energy features that require HERS field verification, an electronically signed and registered copy of the following checked CF3R verification and diagnostic testing certificates shall be posted and made available to the enforcement agency. Verification Certificate CF3R (HERS) Installation Certificate CF2R Document Category Category Description Document Description . X 1 : ENV-01 • Envelope Non HERS Fenestration/Glazing X ENV-03 Envelope Non HERS Insulation Installation X ENV-04 Envelope Non HERS Roofing - Ventilation Cool Roof or Radiant Barrier (if Required) ENV-20H Envelope HERS Building Envelope Air Leakage Blower Door Test ENV- 21H-22H Envelope HERS Quality Insulation Installation (QII) LTG-01 Lighting Non HERS Single Family lightin_g LTG-02 Lighting Non HERS Multi -Family Lighting . MCH-01 Mechanical Non HERS HVAC Systems & Ducts Return Air Filter Labeling X MCH-20H Mechanical HERS Duct Leakage Test Low Leakage Air Handler (LLAH) MCH-21H Mechanical HERS Duct Location Conditioned Space X MCH-22H Mechanical HERS Fan Watt Draw Efficacy (FWD) X MCI-I-23H Mechanical HERS Cooling Coil Airflow (CCA) (350 CFMrron) X X MCH-25H Mechanical HERS Refrigerant Charge Verification X MCH-26H Mechanical HERS SEER & EER & HSPF Verification MCH-2714 Mechanical HERS Indoor Air Quality & Mechanical Ventilation ASHRAE 62_2 (Continuous Fan) NICH-29H Mechanical HERS Supply Duct Surface Area, R-Value & Buried Ducts MCH-02 NICH-31H Mechanical Non HERS HERS Whole House Fan MOH-32H Mechanical HERS Local Mechanical Exhaust PLB-01 PLB-21H Plumbing Non HERS HERS Multi -Family Hot Water Distribution System PLB-02 PLB-22H Plumbing Non HERS HERS Single Family Hot Water Distribution System PVB-01 Solar Photovoltaic System SUPERINTENDENTS Please coordinate with the subcontractors and HERS rater the importance of having the above checked certificates filled out on time to prevent any hold-ups during final inspection. The Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued until the CF2R & CF3R certificates are reviewed and approved by the enforcement agency. Keep in mind that some of these items need to be inspected by the HERS rater prior to drywall. 2019 Low -Rise Residential Mandatory Measures Summary NOTE: Low-rise residential buildings subject to the Energy Standards must comply with ail applicable mandatory measures, regardless of the compliance approach used. Review the respective section for more information. *Exceptions may apply. (Original 08/20191 Building Envelope Measures: § 110.6(01: Air Leakage. Manufactured fenestration, exterior doors, and exterior pet doors must limit air leakage to 0.3 cfm per square foot or less when tested per NFRC-400, ASTM E283 or AAMA/WDMAICSA 101/LS.2/A440-2011d § 110.6(05: Labeling. Fenestration products and extedor doors must have a label meeting the requirements of Section 10-111(a). § 110.6(b): § 110.7: Field fabricated exterior doors and fenestration products must use U-factors and solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) values from Tables 110.6-A, 110.6-B, or JA4.5 for exterior doors. They must be caulked and/or weather stripped.' Air Leakage All joints, penetrations, and other openings in the building envelope that are potential sources of air leakage must be caulked, gasketed, or weather stripped. § 110.8(a): Insulation Certification by Manufacturers. Insulation must be certified by the Department of Consumer Affairs, Bureau of Household Goods and Services (BHGS). § 110.8(g): Insulation Requirements for Heated Slab Floors. Heated slab floors must be insulated per the requirements of Section 110.8(g). § 110.8(i): § 1104): Roofing Products Solar Reflectance and Thermal Emittance. The thermal emittance and aged solar reflectance values of the roofing material must meet the requirements of § 110.e(i) and be labeled per §10-113 when the installation of a cool roof is specified on the CF1R. Radiant Barrier, When required, radiant barriers must have an eminence of 0.05 or less and be certified to the Department of Consumer Affairs. § 150.0(a): Ceiling and Rafter Roof Insulation. Minimum R-22 insulation in wood -frame ceiling; or the weighted average U-factor must not exceed 0.043. Minimum R-19 or weighted average U-factor of 0.054 or less in a rafter roof alteration. Attic access doors must have permanently attached insulation using adhesive or mechanical fasteners. The attic access must be gasketed to prevent air leakage. Insulation must be Installed in direct contact with a continuous roof or ceiling which is sealed to limit infiltration and exfiltration as specified in § 1/0.7, including but not limited to placing insulation either above or below the roof deck or on top of a drywall ceiling.' §150.0(b): Loose -fill Insulation. Loose fill insulation must meet the manufacturer's required density for the labeled R-vaiue. § 150.0(c): Wall Insulation. Minimum R-13 Insulation in 2x4 inch wood framing wall or have a U-factor of 0.102 or less, or R-20 in 2x6 inch wood framing or have a U-factor 0.071 or less, (R-19 in 2x6 or U-factor of 0.074 or less). Opaque non -framed assemblies must have an overall assembly U- factor not exceeding 0.102, equivalent to an installed value of R-13 in a wood framed assembly. Masonry walls must meet Table 160.1-A or B.* § 150.0(0: Raised -floor Insulation. Minimum R-19 insulation in raised wood framed floor or 0.037 maximum U-factord § 150.0(f): Slab Edge Insulation. Slab edge insulation must meet all of the following: have a water absorption rate, for the insulation material alone without facings no greater than 0.3%; have a water vapor permeance greater than 2.0 perm per inch; be protected from physical damage and UV light deterioration; and, when installed as part of a heated slab floor, meet the requirements of § 110.8(g). § 150.0(9)1: § 150.0(9)2: Vapor Retarder. In climate zones 1 through 16, the earth floor of unvented crawl space must be covered with a Class I or Class vapor retarder. This requirement also applies to controlled ventilation crawl space for buildings complying with the exception to § 150.0(d). Vapor Retarder. In climate zones 14 and 16, a Class' or Class II vapor retarder must be installed on the conditioned space side of all Insulation in all exterior walls, vented attics, and unvented attics with air -permeable insulation. § 150.0(q): Fenestration Products. Fenestration, including skylights, separating conditioned space from unconditioned space or outdoors must have a maximum U-factor of 0.58; or the weighted average U-factor of all fenestration must not exceed 0.58.' Fireplaces, Decorative Gas Appliances, and Gas Log Measures: § 110.5(e) Pilot Light. Continuously burning pilot lights are not allowed for indoor and outdoor fireplaces. § 150.0(e)1: Closable Doors. Masonry or factory -built fireplaces must have a closable metal or glass door covering the entire opening of the firebox. § 150.0(e)2: § 150.0(6)3: Combustion Intake. Masonry or factory -built fireplaces must have a combustion outside air intake, which is at least six square inches in area and is equipped with a readily accessible, operable, and tight -fitting damper or combustion -air control device.' Flue Damper. Masonry or factory -built fireplaces must have a flue damper with a readily accessible control.' Space Conditioning, Water Heating, and Plumbing System Measures: Certification. Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment, water heaters, showerheads, faucets, and all other regulated § 110.04 110.3: appliances must be certified by the manufacturer to the Energy Commission.' § 110.2(a): § 110.2(b): § 110.2(c): HVAC Efficiency. Equipment must meet the applicable efficiency requirements in Table 110.2-A through Table 110.2-Ka Controls for Heat Pumps with Supplementary Electric Resistance Heaters. Heat pumps with supplementary electdc resistance heaters must have controls that prevent supplementary heater operation when the heating load can be met by the heat pump alone; and in which the cut -on temperature for compression heating is higher than the cut -on temperature for supplementary heating, and the cut-off temperature for compression heating is higher than the cut-off temperature for supplementary heating.' Thermostats. All heating or cooling systems not controlled by a central energy management control system (EMCS) must have a setback thermostat.' § 110.3(0)4: § 110,3(06: Water Heating Recirculation Loops Serving Multiple Dwelling Units. Water heating recirculation loops serving multiple dwelling units must meet the air release valve, backflow prevention, pump priming, pump isolation valve, and recirculation loop connection requirements of § 110.3(c)4. Isolation Valves. Instantaneous water heaters with an input rating greater than 6.8 kBTL1 per hour (2 kW) must have isolation valves w th hose bibbs or other fittings on both cold and hot water lines to allow for flushing the water heater when the valves are closed. § 110.5: Pilot Lights. Continuously burning pilot lights are prohibited for natural gas: fan -type central furnaces; household cooking appliances (appli- ances without an electrical supply voltage connection with pilot lights that consume less than 150 Btuihr are exempt); and pool and spa heaters.' § 150.0001: Building Cooling and Heating Loads. Heating andlor cooling loads are calculated in accordance with the ASHRAE Handbook, Equipment Volume, Applications Volume, and Fundamentals Voitene: the SMACNA Residential Comfort System Installation Standards Manual; or the ACCA Manual J using design conditions specified in § 150.0(h)2. § 150.0(h)3A: Clearances. Air conditioner and heat pump outdoor condensing units must have a clearance of at least 5 feet from the outlet of any dryer vent. § 150.0(h)313: Liquid Line Drier. Air conditioners and heat pump systems must be equipped with liquid line filter driers if required, as specified by the manufacturer's instructions. § 150,0(j)1: Storage Tank Insulation. Unfired hot water tanks, such as storage tanks and backup storage tanks for solar water -heating systems, must have a minimum of R-12 external insulation or R-16 internal insulation where the internal insulation R-value is indicated on the exterior of the tank. § 150.0(j)2A: Water Piping, Solar Water -heating System Piping, and Space Conditioning System Line Insulation. All domestic hot water piping must be insulated as specified in Section 609.11 of the California Plumbing Code. in addifon, the following piping conditions must have a minimum insulation wall thickness of 1 inch or a minimum insulation R-value of 7.7: the first 5 feet of cold water pipes from the storage tank; al! hot water piping with a nominal diameter equal to or greater than 3/4 inch and less than 1 inch; all hot water piping with a nominal diameter less than 3/4 inch that is: associated with a domestic hat water recirculation system, from the heating source to storage tank or between tanks, buried below grade, and from the heating source to kitchen fixtures.* § 150.00)3: insulation Protection. Piping insulation must be protected from damage, including that due to sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind as required by Section 120.3(b). Insulation exposed to weather must be water retardant and protected from UV light (no adhesive tapes). Insulation covering chilled water piping and refrigerant suction piping located outside the conditioned space must include, or be protected by, a Class I or Class 11 vapor retarder. Pipe insulation buried below grade must be installed in a waterproof and non -crushable casing or sleeve. § 150.0(n)1: Gas or Propane Water Heating Systems. Systems using gas or propane water heaters to serve individual dwelling units must include all of the following: A dedicated 125 volt, 20 amp electrical receptacle that is connected to the electric panel with a 120/240 volt 3 conductor, 10 AWG copper branch circuit, within 3 feet from the water heater without obstruction. Both ends of the unused conductor must be labeled with the word "spare' and be electrically isolated. Have a reserved single pole circuit breaker space In the electrical panel adjacent to the circuit breaker for the branch circuit and labeled with the words "Future 240V Use"; a Category III or IV vent, or a Type B vent with straight pipe beteeen the outside termination and the space where the water heater is installed; a condensate drain that is no more than 2 inches higher than the base of the water heater, and allows natural draining without pump assistance; and a gas supply line with a capacity of at least 200,000 Btu per hour. § 150.0(02: Recirculating Loops. Recirculating loops serving multiple dwelling units must meet the requirements of § 110.3(05. § 150.0(n)3: Solar Watepheating Systems. Solar water -heating systems and collectors must be certified and rated by the Solar Rating and Certification Corporation (SRCC), the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, Research and Testing (1APM0 R&T), or by a listing agency that is approved by the Executive Director. Ducts and Fans Measures: § 110.8(d)3: Ducts. insulation installed on an existing space -conditioning duct must comply with Caiifornia Mechanical Code (CMC) Section 604,0.1f a contractor installs the insulation, the contractor must certify to the customer in writing, that the insulation meets this requirement. §150.0(m)1: CMC Compliance. All air -distribution system ducts and plenums must meet the requirements of the CMC Section 601.0, 602.0, 603.0, 604.0, 605.0 and ANSUSMACNA-006-2006 HVAC Duct Construction Standards Metal and Flexible 3rd Edition. Portions of supply -air and return -air ducts and plenums must be insulated to a minimum installed level of R-6.0 or a minimum installed level of R-4.2 when ducts are entirely in conditioned space as confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing (RA3. Portions of the duct system completely exposed and surrounded by directly conditioned space are not required to be insulated. Connections of metal ducts and inner core of flexible ducts must be mechanically fastened. Openings must be sealed with mastic, tape, or other duct -closure system that meets the applicable requirements of UL 181, UL 181A, or UL 181B or aerosol sealant that meets the requirements of UL 723. If mastic or tape is used to seal openings greater than Ye inch, the combination of mastic and either mesh or tape must be used. Building cavities, support platforms for air handlers, and plenums designed or constructed with materials other than sealed sheet metal, duct board or flexible duct must not be used to convey conditioned air. Building cavities and support platforms may contain ducts. Ducts installed in cavities and support platforms must not be compressed to cause reductions In the cross -sectional area.' Factory -Fabricated Duct Systems. Factory -fabricated duct systems must comply with applicable requirements for duct construction, § 150.0(m)2: connections, and closures; joints and seams of duct systems and their components must not be seated with cloth back rubber adhesive duct tapes unless such tape is used in combination with mastic and draw bands. § 150.0(m)3: Field -Fabricated Duct Systems. Field -fabricated duct systems must comply w th applicable requirements for: pressure -sensitive tapes, mastics, sealants, and other requirements specified for duct construction. §150.0(m)7: Backdraft Damper. Fan systems that exchange air between the conditioned space and outdoors must have backdre or automatic dampers. §150.0(m)8: Gravity Ventilation Dampers. Gravity ventilating systems serving conditioned space must have either automatic or readily accessible, manually operated dampers in all openings to the outside, except combustion inlet and outlet air openings and elevator shaft vents. § 150.0(m)9: 150.0(m)10: Protection of Insulation. Insulation must be protected from damage, sunlight, moisture, equipment maintenance, and wind. Insulation exposed to weather must be suitable for outdoor service. For example, protected by aluminum, sheet metal, painted canvas, or plastic cover. Cellular foam insulation must be protected as above or painted with a coating that is water retardant and provides shielding from solar radiation. Porous Inner Core Flex Duct. Porous inner core flex ducts must have a non -porous layer between the inner core and outer vapor barrier. Duct System Sealing and Leakage Test. When space conditioning systems use forced air duct systems to supply conditioned air to an § 150.0(m)11: occupiable space, the ducts must be sealed and duct leakage tested, as confirmed through field verification and diagnostic testing, in accordance with § 150.0(m)11 and Reference Residential Appendix RA3. Air Filtration. Space conditioning systems with ducts exceeding 10 feet and the supply side of ventilation systems must have MERV 13 or § 150.0(m)12: equivalent titers. Filters for space conditioning systems must have a 2 inch depth or can be 1 inch if sized per Equation 150.0-A. Pressure drops and labeling must meet the requirements in §150.0(m)12. Filters must be accessible for regular service.* § 150.0(m)13: Space Conditioning System Airflow Rate and Fan Efficacy. Space conditioning systems that use ducts to supply cooling must have a hole for the placement of a static pressure probe, or a permanently installed static pressure probe in the supply plenum. Airflow must be e 350 CFM per ton of nominal cooling capacity, and an air -handling unit fan efficacy e 0.45 watts per CFM for gas furnace air handlers and e 0.58 watts per CFM for all others. Small duct high velocity systems must provide an airflow e 250 GEM per ton of nominal cooling capacity, and an air -handling unit fan efficacy a 0.62 watts per CFM. Field verification testing is required in accordance with Reference Residential Appendix RA3.3.* Requirements for Ventilation and indoor Air Quality: Requirements for Ventilation and Indoor Air Quality. All dwelling units -must meet the requirements of ASHRAE Standard 62.2, Ventilation §150.0(o)1: and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality in Residential Buildings subject to the amendments specified in §150.0(o)1. Single Family Detached Dwelling Units. Single family detached dwelling units, and attached dwelling units not sharing ceilings or floors with § 150.0(o)1C: other dwelling units, occupiable spaces, public garages, or commercial spaces must have mechanical ventilation airflow provided at rates determined by ASHRAE 62.2 Sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 and as specified in § 150.0(o)1C. Muitifamily Attached Dwelling Units. Multifamily attached dwelling units must have mechanical ventilation airflow provided at rates in § 150.0(01E: accordance with Equation 150.0-B and must be either a balanced system or continuous supply or continuous exhaust system. If a balanced system is not used, all units in the building must use the same system type and the dwelling -unit envelope leakage must be e 0.3 CFM at 50 Pa (0.2 inch water) per square foot of dwelling unit envelope surface area and verified in accordance with Reference Residential Appendix RA3.8. Multifamily Building Central Ventilation Systems. Central ventilation systems that seive multiple dwelling units must be balanced to provide § 150.0(01F; ventilation airflow for each dwelling unit served at a rate equal to or greater than the rate specified by Equation 150.0-B. All unit airflows must be within 20% of the unit with the lowest airflow rate as it relates to the individual unit's minimum required airflow rate needed for compliance. § 150.0(01G: Kitchen Range Hoods. Iltchen range hoods must be rated for sound in accordance with Section 7.2 of ASHRAE 62.2. § 150.0(0)2: Field Verification and Diagnostic Testing. Dwelling unit ventilation airflow must be verified in accordance with Reference Residential Appendix RA3.7. Kitchen range hoods must be verified in accordance with Reference Residential Appendix RA3.7.4.3 to confirm it is rated by HVI to comply with the airflow rates and sound requirements as specified In Section 5 and 7.2 of ASHRAE 62,2. §10-111 Labeling Requirements: All fenestration shall comply with this section when implementing temporary and permanent labeling using National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) certification requirements showing the U-factors, Solar Heat Gain Coefficients (SHGC), Visible Transmittance (VT) and Air Leakage for fenestration products under Section 110.6(a) of part 6. REVISION 3 BRES2021-0129 CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE DATE01/27/2023 By ENERGY DOCUMENTS UPDATED TO REFLECT CHANGE IN HVAC SYSTEM TYPE, SEER RATING & DUCT REPLACEMENT. 2019 Low -Rise Residential Mandatory Measures Summary Pool and Spa Systems and Equipment Measures: § 110.4(a): § 110.4(b)1: § 110.4(b)2: § 110.4(b)3: Certification by Manufacturers. Any pool or spa heating system or equipment must be certified to have all of the following: a thermal efficiency that complies with the Appliance Efficiency Regulations; an on -off switch mounted outside of the heater that allows shutting off the heater without adjusting the thermostat setting; a permanent weatherproof plate or card with operating instructions: and must not use electric resistance heating.' Piping. Any pool or spa heating system or equipment must be installed with at least 36 inches of pipe between the filter and the heater, or dedicated suction and returp fineeeoe bpilbin or built-up connections to allow for future solar heating. Covers. Outdoor pools or spas that have a heat pump or gas heater must have a cover. _ . Directional Inlets and Time Switches for Pools. Pools must have directional inlets that adequately mix the pool water, and a time switch that will allow all pumps to be set °reprogrammed to run only during off-peak electric demand periods. § 110.5: Pilot Light Natural gas pool and spa heaters must not have a continuously burning pilot light. § 150.0(p): Pool Systems and Equipment Installation. Residential pool systems or equipment must meet the specified requirements for pump sizing, flow rate, piping, filters, and valves.' Lighting Measures: § 110.9: Lighting Controls and Components. All lighting control devices and systems, ballasts, and luminaires must meet the applicable requirements of §110,9; §150.0(k)1A: Luminaire Efficacy. All installed luminaires must meet the requirements in Table 150.0-A. § 150.0(k)1B: Blank Electrical Boxes. The number of electrical boxes that are more than 5 feet above the finished floor and do not contain a luminaire or other device must be no greater than the number of bedrooms. These electrical boxes must be served by a dimmer, vacancy sensor control, or fan speed control. § 150.0(k)1C: Recessed Downlight Luminaires in Ceilings. Luminaires recessed into ceilings must meet all of the requirements for: insulation contact (IC) labeling; air leakage; sealing; maintenance; and socket and light source as described in § 150.0(k)1C. § 150.0(k)1D: Electronic Ballasts for Fluorescent Lamps. Ballasts for fluorescent lamps rated 13 watts or greater must be electronic and must have an output frequency no less than 20 kHz. § 150.0(k)1E: § 150.0(k)1F; § 150.0(k)1G: § 150.0(k)1H: Night Lights, Step Lights, and Path Lights. Night lights, step lights and path lights are not required to comply with Table 150,0-A or be controlled by vacancy sensors provided they are rated to consume no more than 5 watts of power and emit no more than 150 lumens. Lighting Integral to Exhaust Fans, Lighting integral to exhaust fans (except when installed by the manufacturer in kitchen exhaust hoods) must meet the applicable requirements of § 150.0(k): Screw based luminaires. Screw based luminaires must contain lamps that comply with Reference Joint Appendix JAB." Light Sources in Enclosed or Recessed Luminaires. Lamps and other separable light sources that are not compliant with the JA8 elevated temperature requirements, including marking requirements, must not be installed in enclosed or recessed luminaires. § 150.0(k)11; Light Sources in Drawers, Cabinets, and Linen Closets. Light sources internal to drawers, cabinetry or linen closets are not required to comply with Table 150.0-A or be controlled by vacancy sensors provided that they are rated to consume no more than 5 watts of power, emit no more than 150 lumens, and are equipped with controls that automatically turn the lighting off when the drawer, cabinet or linen closet is closed. § 150.0(k)2A: Interior Switches and Controls. All forward phase cut dimmers used with LED light sources must comply with NEMA SSL TA. § 150.0(k)2B: Interior Switches and Controls. Exhaust fans must be controlled separately from lighting systems.' § 150.0(k)2C: §150.0(k)20: Interior Switches and Controls. Lighting must have readily accessible wall -mounted controls that allow the lighting to be manually turned ON and OFF * Interior Switches and Controls. Controls and equipment must be installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. § 150.0(k)2E: § 150.0(k)2F: Interior Switches and Controls. Controls must not bypass a dimmer, occupant sensor, or vacancy sensor function if the control is installed to comply with § 150.0(k). Interior Switches and Controls. Lighting controls must comply with the applicable requirements of § 110.9. §150.0(k)2G: §150.0(k)2H: §150.0(k)21: Interior Switches and Controls. An energy management control system (EMCS) may be used to comply with control requirements if it: provides functionality of the specified control according to § 110.9; meets the Installation Certificate requirements of § 130,4; meets the EMCS requirements of § 130.0(e); and meets all other requirements in § 150.0(k)2. Interior Switches and Controls. A multiscene programmable controller may be used to comply with dimmer requirements in § 150.0(k) if it provides the functionality of a dimmer aecording to § 110.9, and complies with all other applicable requirements in §150.0(k)2. Interior Switches and Controls. in bathrooms, garages, laundry rooms, and utility rooms, at least one luminaire in each of these spaces must be controlled by an occupant sensor or a vacancy sensor providing automatic -off functionality. If an occupant sensor is installed, it must be initially configured to manual -on operation using the manual control required under Section 150.0(k)2C, §150.0(k)2J: § 150.0(k)2K: Interior Switches and Controls. Luminaires that are or contain light sources that meet Reference Joint Appendix JA8 requirements for dimming, and that are not controlled by occupancy or vacancy sensors, must have dimming controls." Interior Switches and Controls. Under cabinet lighting must be controlled separately from ceiling -installed lighting systems. § 150.0(k)3A: § 150.0(k)3B: § 150.0(k)3C: Residential Outdoor Lighting. For single-family residential buildings, outdoor lighting permanently mounted to a residential building, or to other buildings on the same lot, must meet the requirement in item § 150.0(k)3Ai (ON and OFF switch) and the requirements in either § 150.0(k)3Aii (photocell and either a motion sensor or automatic time switch control) or § 150.0(k)3Aili (astronomical time clock), or an EMCS. Residential Outdoor Lighting. For low-rise residential buildings with four or more dwelling units, outdoor lighting for private patios, entrances, balconies, and porches; and residential parking lots and carports with less than eight vehicles per site must comply with either Section 150.0(103A or with the applicable requirements in Sections 110.9, 130.0, 130.2, 130.4, 140.7 and 141.0. Residential Outdoor Lighting. For low-rise residential buildings with four or more dwelling units, any outdoor fighting for residential parking lots or carports with a total of eight or more vehicles per site and any outdoor lighting not regulated by Section 150.0(k)38 or Section 150.0(k)30 must comply with the applicable requirements in Sections 110.9, 130.0, 130.2, 130.4, 140.7 and 141.0. § 150.0004: § 150.0(k)5: § 150.0(k)6A: § 150.0(k)6B: Internally illuminated address signs. Internally illuminated address signs must comply with § 140.8; or must consume no more than 5 watts of power as determined according to § 130.0(0. Residential Garages for Eight or More Vehicles. Lighting for residential parking garages for eight or more vehicles must comply with the applicable requirements for nonresidential garages in Sections 110.9, 130.0, 130.1, 130.4, 140.5, and 141,0. Interior Common Areas of Low-rise Multifamily Residential Buildings. In a low-rise multifamily residential building where the total interior common area in a single building equals 20 percent or less of the floor area, permanently installed lighting for the interior common areas in that building must be comply with Table 150.0-A and be controlled by an occupant sensor. Interior Common Areas of Loweise Multifamily Residential Buildings. In a low-rise multifamily residential building where the total interior common area in a single building equals more than 20 percent of the floor area, permanently installed lighting for the interior common areas in that building must i. Comply with the applicable requirements in Sections 110.9, 130.0, 130.1, 14,0.6 and 141.0; and IL Lighting installed in corridors and stairwells must be controlled by occupant sensors that reduce the lighting power in each space by at least 50 percent. The occupant sensors must be capable of turning the light fully on and off from all designed paths of ingress and egress. Solar Ready Buildings: §110.10(a)1: §110.10(a)2: Single Family Residences. Single family residences located in subdivisions with ten or more single family residences and where the application for a tentative subdivision map for the residences has been deemed complete and approved by the enforcement agency, which do not have a photovoltaic system installed, must comply with the requirements of § 110.10(b) through § 110,10(0. Low-rise Multifamily Buildings. Low-rise multi -family buildings that do not have a photovoltaic system installed must comply with the requirements of § 110.10(b) through § 110.10(d). §110,10(b)1: §110.10(b)2: Minimum Solar Zone Area. The solar zone must have a minimum total area as described below. The solar zone must comply with access, pathway, smoke ventilatien, and spacing requirements as specified in Title 24, Part 9 or other Parts of Title 24 or in any requirements adopted by a local jurisdiction, The solar zone total area must be comprised of areas that have no dimension less than 5 feet and are no less than 80 square feet each for buildings with roof areas less than or equal to 10,000 square feet or no less than 160 square feet each for buildings with roof areas greater than 10,000 square feet. For single family residences, the solar zone must be located on the roof or overhang of the building and have a total area no less than 250 square feet. For low-rise multi -family buildings the solar zone must be located on the roof or overhang of the building, or on the roof or overhang of another structure located within 250 feet of the building, or on covered parking installed with the building project, and have a total area no less than 15 percent of the total roof area of the building excluding any skylight area. The solar zone requirement is applicable to the entire building, including mixed occupancy.' Azimuth. All sections of the solar zone located on steep -sloped roofs must be oriented between 90 degrees and 300 degrees of true north. § 110,10(b)3A: Shading. The solar zone must not contain any obstructions, including but not limited to: vents, chimneys, architectural features, and roof mounted equipment.' . . . Shading. Any obstruction located on the roof or any other part of the building that projects above a solar zone must be located at least twice the § 110.10(b)3B: distance, measured In the horizontal plane, of the height difference between the highest point of the obstruction and the horizontal projection of the nearest point of the solar zone, measured in the vertical plane.' Structural Design Loads on Construction Documents. For areas of the roof designated as a solar zone, the structural design loads for roof dead load and roof live load must be clearly indicated on the construction documents. Interconnection Pathways. The conshection documents must indicate: a location reserved for inverters and metering equipment and a § 110.10(c): pathway reserved for routing of conduit from the solar zone to the point of interconnection with the electrical service; and for single family residences and central water -heating systems, a pathway reserved for touting plumbing from the solar zone to the water -heating system. Documentation. A copy of the construction documents or a comparable document indicating the information from §110.10(b) through § 110.10(c) must be provided to the occupant Main Electrical Service Panel. The main electrical service panel must have a minimum busbar rating of 200 amps. §110.10(b)4: § 110.10(d): § 110.10(9)1: §110.10(e)2: Main Electrical Service Pane!. The main electrical service panel must have a reserved space to allow for the installation of a double pole circuit breaker for a future solar electric installation. The reserved space must be permanently marked as 'For Future Solar Electric'. STATEMENT OF CONFORMANCE These Calculations contain all the building features and performance specifications required for compliance by the California Code of Regulations Title 24, Part Administrative Requirements; Part 6, Building Energy Efficiency Standards; and portions of Title 20, Appliance Efficiency Standards. When these features are incorporated into the architectural plans the design will be in compliance with the 2019 Energy Efficiency Standards as they apply in the specified Climate Zone for residential buildings using a California Energy Commission approved compliance method. 5.13sZi C,L.A.c7S iz.2_ 1-1‘/Ac- e- e-- tt5 0 12C 0 0 1.111 co co co ca) co cte 0 -eT) CD cr) > 1.0 Ci 0 < c 00 .5 z of> 0 0) CL a) 0 a) a) -th a) cD 0 a) .F_74` a. 2 :=, Co (4.7, CO or) Ls) c\I on 5 C3 CF1 CO r\I 0 7544 E. 5addiehii 0 1- 'tir • r-i u o (r) g c I- ° NI _c Date 3 /Z7 /21 Drawn R.A. M Job # California Association of Building Energy Consultants CERTIFIED ENERGY ANALYST FatkIllauter R1640-10024 Prepared By: Rick Maurer Sheet T-24.1 2019 Energy Standards . HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY Project Name Reim1 - Remodeled Residence Date 10113/2022 Syslern Name HVAC House Floor Area 2,690 ENGINEERING CHECKS SYSTEM LOAD - Number of Systems 2 COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK CFM Sensible Latent CFM Sensible Heating System Total Room Loads 2.596 53,664 3.377 969 37.823 Output per System 64.000 Return Vented Lighting 0 Total Output (f)tuts} 128.000 Return Air Ducts 2.529 1.444 Output { Btuhlsgftl 47.6 Return Fan 0 0 Cooling System Ventilation ❑ 0 01 n 0 Output per System 48,000 Supply Fan 0 0 Total Output (Birth) 96,000 Supply Air Ducts 2.529 1,444 Otayttrts'rans} 8.0 Total Output (Btuhlsg10 35.7 TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD F. 58 721 3,377 40,711 Total Output (sgrtrron) 336.3 Air System CFM per System 2.❑00 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION Airflow {dies) 4,000 HVAC Equipment Selection & Sizing by Others 4.o 63,316 17,837 128,000 Airflow {cfm/sgft) 1.49 Airflow {cfm/Ton) 600.0 Total Adjusted System Output 63,316 17.837 128.000 Outside Air{%) 0-0% (Adjusted for Peak Design conditions) Outside Air {cfrtirsgft} 0-00 TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 3 PM Jan 1 AM Rota: values above given at ARI conditions HEATING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Temperatures at Time of Heating Peak) 26 °F 68 °F 68 °F 105 °F 1, Olnside Air 0 cIm Supply Fan Healing Coil 105 °F 4,000 elm ROOM in 63 °F 68°F I s COOLING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS {Airstream Temperatures at Time of Cooling Peak) 112 / 78 °F 78 / 57 °F 78.162 °F 56/54, " i I t Outside Hie 0 tier Supply Fan Cooling 56 i 54 °F Coil 4,000 cfm 47.1% ROOM 11 70/1/2°F 75182°F I Vt HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY Project Name Relm1 - Remodeled Residence Date 10/13/2022 System Name HVAC Add Floor Area 659 ENGINEERING CHECKS SYSTEM LOAD _ Number of Systems 1 COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK Heating System CFM Sensible Latent CFM Sensible Output per System 21,600 Total Room Loads 06 10,203 827 257 7,590 Total Output {Btuh) 21.600 Return Vented Lighting 0 Output (etultfsgit) 32.8 Return Air Ducts 484 230 Cooling System Return Fan 0 0 Output per System 24.000 Ventilation ! 0 0 0 0 0 Total Output (stub) 24,000 PP Y Fan Supply 0 0 Total Output (Tons} 2.0 SupplyAlr Ducts 484 230 Total Output (Stuhlsgit) 36.4 Total Oqut (sgfwron) 329.5 TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD 11234 8271 8,050 Air S�rstem CFM per System 800 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION Airflow(ring (t 800 HVAC Equipment Seledeon & S21ng by Others 2.0 16,606 s 3,702 13,49t Airflow (efmisgft) 1.21 Alrflow jcfmrTon) 400.0 • Outside Air IV p-0% Total Adjusted System Output 16,606 3,702 13,491 Outside Air (cfmisl1, t) 0 ooi (Adjusted lea Peals Design conddtions) Note: values above given at ARI conditions i_ TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Aug 3 PM Jan 1 AM HEATING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS (Airstream Temperatures at Time of Heating Peak) 26 °F 68 °F 68 °F 95 °F M �. t i Olds hoe Air 0 L'itn �i Supply Fan Healing Coil 95 °F pit, 800 ROOM n 68 °F 68 °F I COOLING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS {Airstream Temperatures at Time of Cooling Peak) 112/78°F 76/82°F 76/62°F 55/54°F 0 t / Otdside.tir 0 Cfm Supply Fan Cooling Coif 56 r 54 °F soD cim 47.3% ROOM in 76 ; 62 °F 75 1 82 °F CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Project Name: Paul Reim - Remodeled Residence Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis reerameemeleil Calculation Date/Time: 2022.10.13T14;36:16-07;lX Input File Name: Reiml•ribdl9x CF1R-PR FOIE (Page 1 of 12) GENERAL i NFORMATI O N 01 Project Name Paul Reim - Remodeled Residence 02 Run Title Title 24 Analysis 03 Project Location 99.363 Guyarro Drive 04 City La Quints 0S Standards Version 2019 06 gip code 92253 07 Software Version EnergyPro 8.3 OS Climate gone 15 09 Front Orientation (deg/ Cardinal) 90 10 Building Type Single family 11 Number of Dwelling Units 1 12 Project Scope AddhtianAlterateon 13 Number of Bedrooms a 14 Addition Cond. Floor Area {TO) 659 15 Number of Stories 3 16 Existing Cond. Floor Area (ft°) 2690 17 Fenestration Average U-factor 0.49 18 Total Cond. Floor Area {ft2) 3343 19 Glazing Percentage IN/ 17.57% 20 AMP Bedroom Count n/a • b as A Conditioned Floor Area n/a 22 Is Natural Gas Available? Yet COMPLIANCE RESULTS ¥r qt- g-•y` OD D F C i T 01 Building Complies with Computer Performance 02 This building incorporates features that require field testing and/or verification by a certified HERS rater under the supervision of a CE C-approved HERS provider 03 This building incorporates one or more Special Features shown below ENERGY USE SUMMARY Energy Use IkTDV/fT2-yr) Standard Design Proposed Design Compliance Margin Percent Improvement Space Heating Space Cooling IAQ Ventilation Water Heating Self Utilisation/Flexibility Credit Compliance Energy Total 2.57 170.21 0 10.52 n/a 183.3 3.41 148.13 10.52 0 162.06 -0.84 22.08 0 ❑ 21.24 •32.7 13 0 n/a 11.6 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Project Name: Paul Reim - Remodeled Residence Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Calculation Date/Time: 2022-10-13714:36:16.07:00 Input File Name: Reiml.ribdl9x CfFER-PRE-DIE (Page 2 of 12) REQUIRED SPECIAL FEATURES The following are features that must be installed as condition for meeting the modeled energy performance for this computer analysis. Floor has high level of insulation • Insulation below root deck • Window overhangs and/or fins • New ductwork added is less than 10 ft, in length HERS FEATURE SUMMARY The following is a summary of the features that must he field -verified by a certified HERS Rater as a condition for meeting the modeled energy performance for this computer analysis. Additional detail is provided in the buildng tables below. Registered CF2Rs and CF3Rs are required to be completed in the HERS Registry Butldirrg-level Verifications: • •• None-- CoolingSystem Verifications; • Minimum Airflow • Verified EER • Verified SEER • Verified Refrigerant Charge • Refrigerant Charge verification required if a refrigerant co • Fan Efficacy Watts/CFM Heating System Verifications: • Verified 1-191°F • Verified heat pump rated heating caparity HVAC Distribution System Verifications: • Duct leakage testing • Duct sealing required if a duct system component, plenum, or air handling unit is altered • Low -leakage Air Handling Unit Domestic Hot Water System Verifications: • -- None •• c F. i BUILDING -FEATURES INFORMATION 01 02 03 04 95. 06 07 Project Name Conditioned Floor Area (Ttr} Number of Dwelling Units Number of Bedrooms Number of Zones Number of Ventilation Cooling Systems Number of Water Heating Systems Paul Reim - Remodeled Residence 3349 1 4 2 0 1 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Project Name: Paul Reim - Remodeled Residence Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Calculation Date/Time:2022-10-13714:36:16-07:00 Input File Name: Reiml.ribdl9x CF1R-1 RF-OlE (Page 3 of 12) ZONE INFORMATION 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 Zone Name Zone Type HVAC System Name Zone Floor Area {ft2j Avg. Ceiling Height Water Heating System 1 Water Heating System 2 Existing House Conditioned HVAC Housel 2690 8 DHW Sys 1 N/A Addition Conditioned HVAC Add2 659 8 DHW Sys 1 N/A OPAQUE SURFACES • 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Name Zone Construction Azimuth Orientation Gross Area (ftli Window and Door Area (ft2) Tilt (deg) Wall Exceptions Status Verified Existing Condition Existing Front Wall Existing House R-11 Walt 90 Front 480 62 90 none Existing No Existing Left Wail Existing House R-11 Wall I , L ;son. ir; 7,�..kw. xsx. A is. 90 none Existing Na Existing Back Wall Existing House R•11 W. = k <;nit.none Existing No Existing Right Wall Existing House A R-it Wall - 0 .;; F...y Righf' a 76 a 98:g1 No none Existing No New Front 2x6 Wall Addition • R•21 Wall 90 Front 171 0 90 none New nla New Left 2x6 Wall Addition R-21 Wall 180 Left 320 65.6178 90 none New nla New Back 2x6 Wall Addition R-21 Wall 270 Buck 171 0 90 none New n/a New Right Wall Addition R-15 Wall 0 Right • 320 27 90 none New n/a Existing Ceiling Below At Existing House R-19 Existing Attic n/a n/a 2031 n/a n/a Existing No Vented Attic-HPA-19 Addition R•3$ Ceiling w/R-21@Roof n/a n/a 659 n/a n/a New n/a New Floor a/Outside Addition R•30 Floor o/Outride n/a n/a 56 n/a n/a New n/a CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Project Name: Paul Reim • Remodeled Residence Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Calculation 0ate/Time:: 2022-10-13T14:36:16-07:00 Input File Name: Reirnl.ribdl9x CF1R-PRF-01E (Page 4 of 12) OPAQUE SURFACES . 41 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 Name Zone Construction Azimuth Orientation Gross Area (ft2) Window and Door Area (fE2l Tit (deg) Wall Exceptions Status Verified Existing Condition Interior Surface Addition R-0 Floor Na Crawlsp ace n/a n/a 60.3 n/a n/a New n/a ATTIC OI 02 03 04 55 06 07 08 49 10 Name Construction Type Roof Rise (x in 12} Roof Reflectance Roof Eminence Radiant Barrier Cool Roof Status Verified Existing Condition AtticExisting Ex i House 8d Attic RoofExistingHouse Ventilate 4 0.1 0.85 Na N o E xistin g No Attic Addition AtticRoofAdditon Ventilated 4 0.1 0.85 No No New nla FENESTRATION / GLAZING 01 02 i 03 04 OS n 0µ 13 14 15 16 Name Type Surface �IhEe • <; clop u Ep� tH �. t c .-, •M ma,., ' �. ftor II ; ct-;; r. r .� .a '-. r rye ' R. SHGC Source • Exterior Shading Status Verified Existing Condition Ext. Front Openable Window Existing Front Wall Front 90 1 12 0.58 Table 110.6-A 9.55 Table 110.6-B tug Screen Existing No Ext. Front Hinged Door Window Existing Front Wall Front 90 1 50 0.53 Table 11❑_6-A 0.65 Table 110.6-8 Bug Screen Existing No Ext. Left Openable Window Existing Leif Wall Left 180 1 93.3 ❑.5g Table 110_6•A q &5 Table 110.6-8 Bug Screen Existing Na Ext. Left Openable 2 Window Existing Left Wall Left 180 1 30 0.33 NFRC 0.23 NFRC Bug Screen Altered No Ext Back Openable WindowExisting Back Wall Back 270 1 84 0.58 Table 110.6•A1101.8 0.65. Table Bug Screen Existing No Alt. Back sliding Door Window Existing Clack Wall Back 270 16 8 1 128 0.51 NFRC 0.2.1 NFRC Bug Screen Altered No Ext. Right Openable Window Existing Right Wall Right 0 1 14 0.58 Table 110.6-A 0.65 Table 110.6-6 Bug Screen Existing No Registration Number: 221-P4} 0093899C 1300.000.00011000-000u CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2019 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 202240.13 14:44:16 Report Version: 2019.2.ODO Schema Version: rev 29200901 HERS Provider; Ca CERr Sinc. Report Generated: 2022.10.13 14:37:G4 R CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Project Name: Paul Reim - Remodeled Residence Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Calculation Date/Time: 2022-10-13T14:36:16.07:00 Input File Name: Reiml.ribdl9x CF1R-PRF-01E (Page 5 of 12) FENFSTRATI DN Jr GLAZING 01 02 03 04 OS 06 07 ❑a 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name Type Surface Orientation Azimuth Width (•ki Height Iftl Molt. Area {ft2} U-factor U-factor Source SHGC SHGC Source Exterior Shading Static Verified Existing Condition Ext. Right Fixed Window Existing Right Wall Right 0 1 47.7 0 SS Table 110.6-A 0.67 Table 110.6-B Bug Screen Existing No Ext. Right Hinged Door Window Existing Right Wall g Right 0 1 16.7 0-53 Table 110.6-a 0.65 Table 110.E-8 Bug Screen Existing No Alt. Right Hinged Door Window Existing Right Wall Right 0 3 6.67 1 20.01 0.51 NFRC 0.24 NFRC Bug Screen Altered No New Left Openable Window New Left 2e6 Wall Left 180 5 4 t 24 0.51 NFRC 0.24 NFRC Bug Screen New ' n/a New Left Openable Window aft 2x6 New ll . Left 180 2 3 I 6 9.51 NFRC 0.24 NFRC Bug Screen New n/a New Left Hinged Door Window New Left let Will .....Lett - R ge ri• .�. aF'era H].51 NFRC 0-24 NFRC Bug Screen New nla New Right Fixed Window New Right Weir t r e 9' s 7 ^ . RC •� NFRC Bug Screen g New n a / OVERHANGS AND FINS - .• M .. '- , 01 02 03 04 05 1 06 t 07 08 09 10 11 1 12 13 1 14 1S 16 17 Window Overhang Left Fin Right Fin Depth Dist Up Left Extent Right Extent Flap Ht. Depth Top Up Dist L Bot tip Depth Top Up Dist 11 Sot Up Status Verified Existing Condition Existing Construction Alt. Back Sliding Door 8 0 2 2 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 Aid No Alt. Right Hinged Door 1.5 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 ❑ 0 0 0 Arke No New Left Openable 1 1 2 2 A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 New NA New Left Openable 2 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 0 0 New NA CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Project Name: Paul Reim- Remodeled Residence Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Calculation Date/Time: 2022-10.13714:36:16-07:00 Input File Name: Reiml.riLsdl9x CFI R-PRF-DIE (Page 6 of 12) OVERHANGS AND FINS 01 02 03 04 05 06 D7 Oa 09 10 11 12 I 13 14 15 16 17 Window . Overhang Left Fin Right Fin Depth Dist Up Left Extent Right Extent Flap Ht. Depth Top Up Dist L lot Up Depth Top tip Dist Ft Rot Up Status c Verified Existing Condition Existing Construction New Left Hinged Door 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 0 New NA New Right Fixed 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 New NA SLAB FLOORS 11. 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Name Ext. Slab -on -Grade Zone Existing House Area Ift21 269 Perimeter (ft) 4Sxana 264 a Edge Instil. R-value and 2 Edge Insist. R-value and S Carpeted Fraction in c Heated NO Status Existing Verified Existing Condit#ocs No OPAQUE SURFACE CONSTRUCTIONS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Construction Name Surface Type Con structionType Framing Total Cavity R-value Interior / Exterior Continuous R-value U-factor Assembly Layers R-11 Wall Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall ra� .2x414 16 in. O. C. R-1I None / None 0.11 Inside Finish: Gypsum Board Cavity/ Frame: R-11 i 2x4 Exterior Finish' 3 Coat Stucco R-21 Wall Exterior Walls Wood Framed Wall 2x6 *16 in. 0_ C. R-21 None / None 0.069 Inside Finish: Gypsum Board Cavity / Frame: R-21 /,2x6 Exterior Finish: 3 Coat Stucco R-15 Walt Exterior Wails Wnod Framed Wall 2x4 a 16 in. O. C. R-15 None / None 0.095 Inside finish: Gypsum Board Cavity/ Frame: R•1S / 2x4 Exterior Finish: 3 Coat Stucco CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Project Name: Paul Reim - Remodeled Residence Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Calculation Date/Time:2022.10-13T14:36.l6.07:00 Input File Name: Reimi.ribdl4x CFIR-PRF-01E (Page7of 12) OPAQUE SURFACE CONSTRUCTIONS 01 02 03 (I4 05 06 07 08 Construction Name Surface Type Construction Type Framing Total Cavity R value Interior / Exterior Continuous R-value r U-factor Assembly Layers Attic RoofExisting House Attic Roofs Wood Framed Ce ii ng 2x4 @ 24 in. 0. C. R•0 None / None 9.4 Roofing: 10 PSF IRoofTileAirGapj Tile Gap: present Roof Deck: Wood Siding/Sheathing/decking Cavity! Frame: no insul. / 2x4 Attic RoofAddrtion Attic Roofs Wood Framed Ceiling 2x4 @ 24 in. O. C. R-21 None / None 0.051 Roofing: 10 PIP IRoofTilrAirGapl The Gap: present Roof Deck: Woad Siding/sheathing/decking Cavity / Frame: R-13.0 J 2x4 Around Roof Joists; R•8.0 insul• R-19 Existing Attic Ceilings (below attic) cod F . ed Ceilin:� • „ ar+� @ 1: x .. ;x „ •� +.; e e 3fii 0.051 Over Ceiling taints: R-4.7 insul. Cavity / Frame; R-14.3 / 2x6 Inside Finish' Gypsum Board R-38 Ceiling sn/R •21@Roof Ceilings (below attics Wood Framed Ceiling P 2e4 @ 24 in. O. C. "'A R-38 .. F. 14 None / None 0.02S flyer Ceiling Joists: R-28.9 rosin. Cavity / Frame' R-9.1 / 2x4 Inside Finish: Gypsum Board R-39 FlooroJOutside Exterior Floors Wood Framed Floor 2x12 @ 16 in. O. C. R-30 None / None 0.033 Floor Surface' Carpeted Floor Deck: Wood Sidi ng/sheathing/dec king Cavity / Frame: R-30 J 2x12 R-0 Floor No Crawlspace Interior Floors Wood Framed Floor 2x12 @ 16 en. Cl. C. R-0 None / None 0.196 Floor Surface, Carpeted Floor Deck: Wood Siding/sheathing/decking Cavity I Frame: no haul, / 2x12 Ceiling Below Finish: Gypsum Board CERTIFICATE OP COMPLIANCE f roiect Name: Paul Reim - Remodeled Residence Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Calculation Date/Time: 2022-10-13714:36:16.07:00 Input File Name: Reiml.ribdl9x CF1R-PRF-01E (Page 8 of 12) BUILDING ENVELOPE -HERS VERIFICATION 01 02 03 04 Oualfty Insulation Installation (QII) High le -value Spray Foam Insulation Building Envelope Air Leakage CFMSD Not Required Not Required Not Required n/a WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 01 02 03 04 OS 06 07 08 09 10 Name System Type Distribution Type Water Heater Name PO ti H l Soar Heating System Compact Distribution HERS Verification Status Verified Existing Condition Existing Water Heating System DHW Sys 1 Domestic Hot Water {DHVy} Standard Olelklbutiah system . DHW Heater III) n/a None n/a Existing No WATER HEATERS OS OZ OB ad s 0 QI 0 .a' 6 10-. 11 12 13 • 14 Name Heating Element Type Tank Type #af Units Tank Vol. (gal) Energy Factor or Efficiency Input Rating or Pilot Tank Insulation R-value {tnt/Cat) Standby Loss or Recovery Elf 1St Hr. Rating or Flow Rate NE EA Heat Pump Brand or Model Tank Location . or Ambient Condition Status Verified Existing Condition DHW Neater 1 Gas Small Storage 1 50 0.53-BF cx 75 k8tu/hr 0 80 a n/a n/a n/a Existing No WATER HEATING - HERS VERIFICATION 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Name Pipe Insulation Parallel Piping Compact Distribution Compact Distribution Type Recirculation Control Central DHW Distribution Shower Drain Water Heat Recovery ISHW Sys 1 - 1/1 Not Required Not Required Not Required None Not Required Not Required Not ReRuired Registration Number: 221-P 1 S -00 000nooD-0Dt0 p p0930 9C D-OLIQ CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2019 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2022-10 .1 3 14.4416 Report Version: 2019.2.0E10 Schema Version: rev 20290901 HERS Provider; CarCE Rt' S Report Generated: 2022.10-13 14:37.04 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Project Name: Paul Reim - Remodeled Residence Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING DIVISION REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE DATE O1/27/2023 BY I F Calculation Date/Time: 2022-10-13T14:36:16-07:00 Input File Name: Reiml.ribdl9x CFIR-PRF-01E (Page 9 of 12) SPACE CONDITIONING SYSTEMS 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 D8 09 10 11 Name System Type Heating Unit Name Cooling Unit Name Fan Name Distribution Name Required Thermostat Type Status Verified Existing Condition Hearing Equipment Count Cooling Equipment Count HVAC Housel Heating and cooling system other Heating Component 1 Cooling Component 1 IiVAC Fan I Air Distribution System 1 h/a Existing No 2 2 HVAC Add2 Heat pump heating cooling Heat Pump System 2 Heat Pump System 2 HVAC Fan 2 Air Distribution System 2 Setback New r No 1 1 HVAC - HEATING UNIT TYPES 01 02 �.� 03 04 Name Sys[ei r ii C mberjilpi1!iSF .. Heating Efficiency Heating Component 1 Ce g ; C re ce ...• x, --m 2 t .:f t a- r-. AFUE-80 -_2 Oa 1 Z.,,41 ?... $�S 1FVAC - COOLING UNIT TYPES 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 Name system Type Number of Units Efficiency EER/LEER Efficiency SEER Zonally Controlled Mulit-speed Compressor HERS Verification Cooling Component 1 Central split At 2 11 13 Not Zonal Single Speed Cooling Component 1-hers-cool CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Project Name: Paul Reim - Remodeled Residence Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Calculation Date/Time: 2(]22-10-13T14:36:16-07:00 input Fite Name: Reim1_rild19x ff 1R-PRF-01E (Page 10 of 12) al 02 03 04 OS 06 07 OS r 09 10 11 HVAC - HEAT PUMPS Name System Type Number of Units Heating Cooling Tonally Controlled Compressor Type HERS Verification HSPF/COP Cap 47 Cap 17 SEER EER/LEER Hest n ..- c,.Central LMp _,S.er^. 2 r up asp i. 1 a ]clop I f smv, 17Zonal S3 Not Single Speed Heat Pump System 2-hers-htpump HVAC HEAT PUMPS - HERS VERIFICATION 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Name Verified Airflow Airflow Target Verified EER Verified SEER Verified Refrigerant Charge Verified HSPF Verified Heating Cap 47 Verified Heating Cap 17 Heat Pump System 2-hers-htpump Required 350 • • Required Required Yes Yes Yes Yes HVAC - DISTRIBUTfON SYSTEMS y Lieaat 01 02 03 ,..f OS i:r=: r 1L 13 14 15 16 Duct ins. aloe -4c cal n Sur4 ArR. 1 1) E. Name Type Design Type Supply Return Supply Return Supply Return Bypass putt - Duct • Leakage HERS Nitrification Status Verified Existing Condition Existing Distribution system New Ducts 40 ft Air Distributi on System 1 Unconditioned attic Non- Verified R-8 R-8 Attic Attic n/a n/a No Bypass Duct Existing (not specified) Air Distribute on System 1-hers- dist Existing ; New No pia pie Air Distributi on System Unconditioned attic Nan• Verified R-8 R-8 Attic Attic n/a n/a No Bypass Duct Air Distributi on System 2-hers- dist New n/a n/a n/a CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Project Name: Paul Reim - Remodeled Residence Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Calculation Date/Time: 2022-10-13114:36:16-07:00 Input File Name: Reiml.ribdl9x CF1R-PR F-01E (Page 11 of 12) HVAC DISTRIBUTION - HERS VERIFICATION 01 02 r 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 Name Duct Leakage Verification Duct Leakage Target (%1 Verified Duct Location Verified Duct Design Buried Ducts Deeply Buried Ducts Low -leakage Air Handler Low Leakage Ducts Entirely in Conditioned Space Air Distribution System 2-hens-dirt Yes 5.0 Not Required Not Required Not Required - Credit not taken Required No HVAC • FAN SYSTEMS 01 02 03 04 Name Type Fan Power (watts/CFM). Name HVAC fan 1 HVAC Fan 0.58 HVAC Fan 1-hers-fan HVAC Fan 2 s° AC Fan HVAC Fan 2-hers-fan HVAC FAN SYSTEMS - HERS VERIFICATION c "s '1141. •t f ;' {-� . l i R 01 02 03 Name Verified Fan Watt Draw Required Fan Efficacy (Watts/CFM) HVAC Fan 1-hers-fan Net Required 0 HVAC Fan 2-hers-fan Required 0.45 Registration Number: 22 t.POI 0093669C-Ong-n0400000 W-stoop CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards -2019 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2022.7 14:44 to 0.1 3 Report Version' 2019.2.000 Schema Version: rev 20290901 HERS Provider: Ca lCERTS inc. Report Generated: 2022-10-13 14:37:04 **SUMMARY SHEET " Project: Paul Reim -- La Quinta, CA Zone: 15 Remodeled Residence Wall insulation: R-15 in All New or Newly Opened 2x4 Exterior Walls R-21 in All New or Newly Opened 2x6 Exterior Walls Ceiling Insulation: R-38 in All New Attic Areas with Additional R-21 insulation Required Below Plywood Roof Deck in Vented Attic Space Radiant Foil Barrier: Not Required Cool Roof (CRRC): Not Required Raised Floor Insulation: R-30 in All New Construction Slab Edge Insulation: None Hard Surface Flooring: None Required Minimum Furnace AFUE: 9.0 HSPF for New Heat/Pump Low Leakage to be Rater Verified Minimum Heating Capacity: 8,050 BTUH for New Heat/Pump Zone Minimum A/C SEER: 17.0 SEER/13.0 EER for New A/C A/C Tonnage: Min.Sens. 11,231 i) 115° for Upstairs Only (A/C Size By Mechanical Contractor) Duct Insulation: Minimum R-8.0 insulation is required on new ducts in unconditioned spaces. Duct Leakage Test Required Glazing- All new windows and glass doors will have a weighted average NFRC U-factor of .51 or less and a weighted average SHGC of .24 or less with Low-E glass. Note(s): 1) A new heat/pump HVAC system will be installed. 2) Use the existing water heater per the owner's request. 3) Use the existing HVAC systems per the owner's request. CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Project Name: Paul Reim - Remodeled Residence Calculation Description: Title 24 Analysis Calculation Date/Time: 2022-10.13714:36:16-07:00 input File Name: Reiml.ribdl9x CF1R-PRF-01E (page 12 of 12) DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1. I certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and compEete. Documentation Author Name: Rick Maurer Documentation Author Signature: 4,7 �. Company: Rick Maurer Title 24, Inc. Signature Date: 2022-10-13 14:43:21� EC Address: 7544 Saddlehill Trail CEA/ HERS Certification Identification 11f applieablel: R19-90-30037 risitiviiitorn City/State/2ip: Orange, CA 92869 Phone: 714-771-1507 RESPONSIBLE PERSONS DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following tinder penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California: 1. I am eligible under Division 3 of the evvness and Professions Code to accept responsibility For the 2. 'certify that the energy features and performance specifications identified on this Certificate of Compliance a. The building design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforc,r° "-gamy ap7:'T.'• i�°s !meld ing design identified on this Certificate of Compliance. conform lathe requirements of Title 24, Part land Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. are consistent with the lnfermatlon provided on other applicable compliance documents. worksheets. •"`- -'.. /00-ation. Responsible Designer N a me: Sii Charles Ste ichen nsim,. De"'.u4r Signal Company:_ LSA Architecture Inc. C.. �a ... gj f ❑ 0 2-T6-13 14:44:1P Address: 2082 Michelson Drive Suite 100E License: n/a City/State/Zip: Irvine, CA 92612 Phone: 9494325-5218 Digitally signed 6y CaiCERTS. This digital signature is provided in order to secure the content of this registered document• and in no way implies Registration Provider respnnsihitity for the accuracy of the informalion Regr i n Number: iss at o e 221-F010093GB9C-OIXl-r,•UO.0000O00.6000 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2019 Residential Compliance Registration Date/Time: 2022.10.F 3 14:44:1 i Report Version: 2019.2.000 Schema Version: rev 20200901 HERS Provider: T CalCf:f; S lac Report Generated: 2022-1❑-13 14.37:04 REVISIONS S ti 3 t7•I- i G+LA F A GLASS N me A, ,1-I VAG A r A A A r Designer: LSA Architecture Inc. 8018 E. Santa Ana Canyon Road, #100-121 Anaheim, CA 92808 Owner: Paul Reim 49-363 Guijarro Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 Project: Remodeled Residence 49-363 Guijarro Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 RACE kiAliF211E1Q TITLE 24, INC. 7544 E. Saddlehili Trail * Orange, CA 92869 Phone: (714) 771-1507 T-24@socaI.rr.com Date 3 1z7 1a% Drawn R.A.M. Job # Sheet T24.2. 2019 Energy Standards