BSOL2020-0019 Solar PlansSOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM NOTES • AL L MATERIAL (S), EQUIPMENT, INSTAL L ATION & WORK SHAL L COMPL Y W/ THE FOL L OWING APPL ICABL E CODE(S): -2019 CBC/201 8IBC [PART 2] -2019 CRC/201 8IRC [PART 2.5] -2019 CEC/201 7NEC [PART 3 ] -2019 CMC/201 8UMC [PART 4] -2019 CPC/201 8UPC [PART 5] -2019 CFC/201 8IFC -201 9 BUIL DING ENERGY EFFICIENCY STANDARDgPART 1 1 ] -201 9CA REFERENCE STANDARDS [PART 1 2] • EXISTING PL UMBING VENTS, SKYL IGHTS, EXHAUST OUTL ETS, VENTILATION INTAKE & AIR OPENINGS SHAL L NOT BE COVERED BY THE SOL AR PHOTOVOL TAIC SYSTEM • AL L EQUIPMENT SHAL L BE L ISTED & L ABEL ED BY A RECOGNIZED EL ECTRICAL TESTING L ABORATORY, INSTAL L ED PER THE L !STING REQUIREMENTS & MANUFACTURE'S INSTRUCTIONS [NEC 690.4(D)] • AL L OUTDOOR EQUIPMENT SHAL L BE NEMA 3 R RATED, INCL UDING AL L ROOF MOUNTED TRANSITION BOXES & SWITCHES • PAINT PV CONDUIT TO MATCH THE DWEL L ING EXTERIOR • CONTACT THE SERVICING UTIL ITY BEFORE POWERING ON THE PHOTOVOL TAIC SYSTEM REVISION 1 NOTES - 1 . EL ECTRICAL CAL CUL ATIONS REVISED ACCORDING TO CORRECTIONS. SEE PV.4. BSOL2020-0019 CI TY OF LA QU N TA BULONGOVISON REVI EYED FOR COCE Caro Av CE B'' A. 06/24/2020 7.68kW SOLAR ARRAY - (24) 320W HANWHA Q.PEAK PANELS+ENPHASE IQ7 MICROINVERTERS W/(1) AC COMBINER BOX [432SF] 2019 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE. PROPERTY L INE SHEET INDEX SHEET DESCRIPTION PV-1 GENERAL NOTES / SITE PL AN PV-2 ROOF PLAN PV-3 STRUCTURAL DETAIL S PV-4 ELECTRICAL PV-5 SIGNAGE PROPERTY L INE MAIN RESIDENCE ROOF MOUNTED SOL AR MODUL ES (E) FENCE EQUIPMENT LIST QTY / SIZE DESCRIPTION 24 MODULES 24 MICRO -INVERTERS 1 254 (E) MAIN PANEL COMBINER BOX MAIN SERVICE PANEL & METER red War op Pr Fred Wormy or co 979764 RandelpR Gaud Palm Nails Jr•cr.•.nrl Square- Q MonticelfD Ptak DRIVEWAY VICINITY MAP SCAL E: N.T.S GS SITE PLAN SCAL E: 1" = 1 5' SUNGEVITY 7100 W. FLORIDA HEMET - CA - 92515 (951) 926-11� CSLB # 1004233 (GEN-B/C10) JOSE CHACON DATE: 3/6/2020 PROJECT NUMBER: 4336205 SYSTEM SIZE: 7.680 kWDCI 6.912 kWAC UTIL ITY: SCE CUSTOMER INFORMATION: JAVIER VILLALOBOS e9fk4 RANDOLPH CT. LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (V)) 899.4Z2 SCOPE OF WORK # OF STORIES:1 TYPE OF ROOF: CONCRETE W-TILE # OF ROOF LAYERS: N/A INSTALLATION OF A PV SOLAR SYSTEM. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO COMPLY W/ FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL CODE(S) DESIGN CRITERIA SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE OCCUPANCY: R-3 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VB WIND SPEED: 130 MPH EXPOSURE CATEGORY: C STANDOFF HEIGHT: 6" MIN. NON -SPRINKLER LAT.: 33.728330 LON.:-116.272860 MOBILE HOME: N SNOW LOAD: N/A REV. DATE/DESIGNER 1 6/1520 - NYOUNG 2 3 DESIGNED BY: N.Y. REVIEWED BY: P.W. SHEET NUMBER: PV - 1.0 V-2.2-19 SHEET NAME: SITE PLAN ROOF DATA ARRAY 1 2 TILT 1 fY 1 8' AZIMUTH 1 29° 222 MODUL E QTY. 20 4 ° CI TY OF LAW N TA BULDNGDVISON REVI EVED FOR COCE COWL! AV CE IN A. a ore: 06/2412020 EMT CONDUIT TO BE USED; ARRAY(S) > COMBINER BOX V - 2.2 -19 3' PATHWAY TO RIDGE ARRAY 1 ALL MODULES ON ROOF PLANE (2) 3 6" PATHWAY SHAL L BE PROVIDED TO EMERGENCY ESCAPE & RESCUE OPENING TOTAL ROOF (SQ. FT.) TOTAL ARRAY (SQ. FT.) ARRAY % COVERING ROOF 3 000 43 6 14.53 % ARRAY 2 1 8' @ RIDGE (TYP.) FIRE ACCESS POINT 1 8' 18' ARRAY 1 ROOF PLAN SCAL E: 1 /8' = 1 '-0" KEY L EGEND MAIN SERVICE PANEL (E) GAS METER (N) INVERTER (N) AC DISCONNECT (N) DC DISCONNECT (N) PV ONL Y SUB -PANEL (N) COMBINER BOX (N) JUNCTION BOX (N) PV CONDUIT RUN ON: ROOF/UNDER EAVE THROUGH ATTIC (N) SOL AR MODUL E (N) FIRE SETBACK ROOF SYMBOL S (E) DORMER ATTIC VENT (E) CHIMNEY (E) ROOF PVC VENT (E) ROOF T-VENT (E) FLAT O'HAGINS VENT (E) HEAT EXCHANGE VENT (E) OVERHEAD UTIL ITY FEED = (E) TURBINE ATTIC VENT (E) ROUND ATTIC VENT (E) ROUND SKYL IGHT (E) RECTANGL E SKYL IGHT = (E) AC UNIT (E) SATEL L ITE DISH MSP INV ACD DCD SUB CB JB I=I w 11 lJ O = SUNGEVITY 7100 W. FLORIDA HEMET - CA - 92515 (951) 926-11Z CSLB # 1004233 (GEN-B/C10) JOSE CHACON DATE: 3/6/2 02 0 PROJECT NUMBER: 4336205 SYSTEM SIZE: 7.680 kWDCI 6.912 kWAC UTIL ITY: SCE CUSTOMER INFORMATION: JAVIER VILLALOBOS IZ4 RANDOLPH CT. LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (Z0) 899-4Z2 SCOPE OF WORK # OF STORIES: 1 TYPE OF ROOF: CONCRETE W-TILE # OF ROOF LAYERS: N/A INSTALLATION OF A PV SOLAR SYSTEM. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO COMPLY W/ FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL CODE(S) DESIGN CRITERIA: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE OCCUPANCY: R-3 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VB WIND SPEED: 130 MPH EXPOSURE CATEGORY: C STANDOFF HEIGHT: 6" MIN. NON -SPRINKLER LAT.: 33.728330 LON.:-116.272860 MOBILE HOME: N SNOW LOAD: N/A REV. DATE/DESIGNER 1 2 3 DESIGNED BY: N.Y. REVIEWED BY: P.W. SHEET NUMBER: PV - 2.0 SHEET NAME: ROOF PLAN 71 6' x .ZI' NUT, FLANGE ROOF SHEATHING (2) 518" LAG BOL 212 EMBEDMENT (MIN.) PRE-DRIL L ED31 61 HOL E PL ACE SEAL ANT AROUND LAG BOL T & UNDER STANDOFF BASE 7, 61 x .Z" NUT, FLANGE FRAMING- 3/8' BOL T SOLAR ROOF HOOKS/KS-RH-CT5DETAIL NOT TO SCAL E IRONRIDGE: PV R ATTACHM IRON RIDGE STANDARD RAIL IRONRIDGE 38" HEX BOL T -W OR S CONCRETE TIL E (N) SOLAR MODUL ES FIRE SETBACK ivr ENT AMI ■� A di IVA lilliiiiiiii ,. ..„......... 11=1 IIllWA=VAIIMI=II■I.WAIMlIMIWA II ogiligipluirm 1 ..„.......... 6' MAX. -- k.- 2' MAX. 2" x 4" FRAMING @ 24" O.C. MODULE INFO Module Weight (Ibs) 41.20 Module Area (ft2) 18.14 # of Modules 24 Total Module Weight (Ibs) 989 Loading Per Stand-off: 57.68 Total area 435.37 Loading (PSF) 2.8 PARTIAL ROOF FRAMING PLAN NOT TO SCAL E (TYP.) FIRE SETBACK (TYP. ) CI TY OF LA QU N TA BULONGDVISON REVI EVED FOR COCE COPRLI AV CE BY A. a DIE: 0612412020 SUNGEVITY 7100 W. FLORIDA HEMET - CA - 92515 (951) 926-1176 CSLB #1004233 (GEN-B/C10) JOSE CHACON DATE: 3/6/2 02 0 PROJECT NUMBER: 4336205 SYSTEM SIZE: 7.680 kWDC/ 6.912 kWAC UTIL ITV: SCE CUSTOMER INFORMATION: JAVIER VILLALOBOS 79k4 RANDOLPH CT. LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (760) 893-4762 SCOPE OF WORK. # OF STORIES: 1 TYPE OF ROOF: CONCRETE W-TILE # OF ROOF LAYERS: N/A INSTALLATION OF A PV SOLAR SYSTEM. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO COMPLY W/ FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL CODE(S) DESIGN CRITERIA: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE OCCUPANCY: R-3 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VB WIND SPEED: 130 MPH EXPOSURE CATEGORY: C STANDOFF HEIGHT: 6" MIN. NON -SPRINKLER LAT.: 33.728780 LON.:-116.272860 MOBILE HOME: N SNOW LOAD: N/A REV. DATE/DESIGNER 1 2 3 DESIGNED BY: N.Y. REVIEWED BY: P.W. SHEET NUMBER. V-2.2-19 PV - 3.0 SHEET NAME: STRUCTURAL DETAILS KEY NOTES • SOL ID BARE E.G.C. (FREE -AIR) MOUNTED UNDER ARRAY PER NEC 250.1 20(C): WHERE CONDUCTORS & GROUND WIRE ARE RUN EXPOSED ON FROM ARRAY TO J-BOX, CONDUCTORS & BARE GROUND WIRE SHAL L BE CONCEAL ED INSTAL L IN CONDUIT • PER NEC ARTICL E 690.3 5 INVERTER GROUND FAUL T PROTECTION PROVIDED AL L GROUNDS AND NEUTRAL S BONDED TO EXISTING GROUNDING CONDUCTOR W/ IRREVERSIBL E CRIMP CONNECTOR • BACKFED BREAKERS MUST BE L OCATED @ OPPOSITE END OF BUS BAR FROM MAIN BREAKER OR MAIN L UG ON GRID SIDE. WHEN A BACKFED BREAKER IS THE METHOD OF UTIL ITY INTERCONNECTION, BREAKER SHAL L NOT READ 'L INE OR L OAD'. • PER CEC 250.64(C): CONDUCTOR SPL ICES ONL Y AL L OWED WITH COMPRESSION CONNECTORS OR EXOTHERMIC WEL DING • AL L GROUNDS AND NEUTRAL S BONDED TO EXISTING GROUNDING CONDUCTOR W/ IRREVERSIBL E CRIP CONNECTOR. • VERIFY (E) UFER GROUND NEAR MSP. IF (E) UFER IS NOT ACCESSIBL E OR VERIFIABL E, INSTAL L A NEW 5/80 X 8 L ONG GROUNDING ROD AND BOND SOLAR SYSTEM EQUIPMENT GROUNDING ACCORDINGL Y. ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT LIST # ITEM DESCRIPTION QTY. 1 PV MODULE HANWHA Q.PEAK DUO-G7320 c 24 OPEN CIRCUIT VOL TAGE = 40.1 0 Vd MAX. POWER VOL TAGE = 3 3 .47Vd SHORT CIRCUIT CURRENT = 1 0.04A MAX. POWER CURRENT = 9.56A 2 MICRO -INVERTER ENPHASE ENERGY: IQ760-2-US 24 97.6°/0 CEC EFFICIENCY @ 240 Va c 240 Wa c CONTINUOUS MAX. OUTPUT CURRENT 1 .00 Aa c MAX. INPUT CURRENT 1 5 Ad c EQUIPPED W/ RAPID SHUTDOWN 3 JUNCTION BOX 6" x 6" x 4" UL LISTED WATER -TIGHT NEMA 3 R RATED 1 4 ENPHASE: AC COMBINER BOX ENPHASE AC COMBINER BOX W/ IQ+ CONSOL (DATES INTERCONNECTION INTO A SINGL E ENCL OSED STREAML INE 1 4A ENPHASE: COMBINER BOX BREAKERS 20A/2 P BREAKER FOR SOLAR 2 1 OA/2P BREAKER FOR ENVOY MONITORING & REVENUE GRADE METER 1 5 MAIN SERVICE PANEL (E) 1 25% MAIN SERVICE PANEL & METER: 1 25A MAIN BUSBAR W/ 1 00A CENTER -FED MAIN BREAKER 1 6 PV BREAKER 3 FA-2P, 240V 1 Conductors Item # QTY Size & Description Conduit Size Fill Fill % 0 2 #12 AWG PV MANUFACTURE WIRE FREE AIR NA NA 1 1 (2)#12ENPRASE gCABLE #6 AWG SCUD BARE EGC FREE AIR NA NA 0 4 1 #10 AWG THWN-2 A TH -2 E 75" T 0 3 0 3 1 #8 AWG THWN-2 #8 AWG THWN-2 EGC 0.75" EMT 0.14ti4 27% BRANCH OF (12) MODULES (12) MICRO -INVERTERS BRANCH OF (12) MODULES (12) MICRO -INVERTERS Voltage Drop %Vd = (0.2 x distance x Imp x DC DR AC resistance) J Vm, WIRE RUN WORST CASE VDROP DC/AC ARRAY TO }BOX 1.10% AC SYSTEM AC CALCULATIONS TOTAL SYSTEM SIZE {AC) MODULE PTC RATING TOTAL OF MODULES INVERTER CEC EFF. TOTAL WATTS IAC) CEC POWER RATING 296.9 X 24 X 0.97 = 6912 (AMPS) 'MAX CURRENT DERATE SRANCH 4A PER CEC A5.12 (B)(2)(3 )(d ) MSP BUS BAR =12% 12%x 1.2 =15% L ARGEST OCPD :150k -1000k = 50A CI TY OF LA QU N TA BU LD N G D VI 9 ON REV( EVED FOR COCE COIru AV CE �` A. Q DE: 0612412020 O 0 0 G 0 0 UTIL. AMPACITY CALCULATIONS ARRAY TO!BOX WIRE AMPAD- Y 2019 CEC TABLE 310.150)(16) (16) PV-1KV - 90° C 12 AWG THERMAL DEBATE FACTOR 2019 CEC TABLE 310.15(B)(2)(a) (ON ROOF) 66 NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS 2019 LEC310.L5 (B)(3)(a} (OPEN AIR) 0-3 30 AMPS x 0.82 X 1 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE AMPACITY = 24.6 BRANCH 1 (MAX = 15.06 BRANCH 2 (MAX = 15.00 JBOX TO SUB PANEL WIRE AMPAGTY 2019 CEC TABLE 310.15{B) (16) THWN -2 - 90° C 10 AWG THERMAL DERATE FACTOR 2019 CEC TABLE 310.15(5)(2)(a) ION ROOF) IC") 66 N UMBER OF CONDUCTORS 2019 CEC310.1S (B)13)la[ 4-6 40 AMPS X 0.82 X 0.6 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE AM PACITY = 26.24 PVDESIGN AMPAD1V= 15.00 SUB PANEL TO MAIN SERVICE PANEL WIRE AMPAOTY 2019 CEC TABLE 31fl.i5(B)(16) 8 AWG THERMAL DERATE FACTOR 2019 CEC TABLE 310.1S(B)(2)(a ) 44 NUMBER OF CONDUCTORS 2019 CEC310.15 (B)(3)(aj 0.3 SUNGEVITY 7100 W. FLORIDA HEMET - CA - 92515 (951) 926-11� CSLB # 1004233 (GEN-B/C10) JOSE CHACON DATE: 3/6/2020 PROJECT NUMBER: 4336205 SYSTEM SIZE: 7.680 kWDCI 6.912 kWAC UTIL ITY: SCE CUSTOMER INFORMATION: JAVIER VILLALOBOS e9fk4 RANDOLPH CT. LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (V)) 899.4Z2 SCOPE OF WORK # OF STORIES:1 TYPE OF ROOF: CONCRETE W-TILE # OF ROOF LAYERS: N/A INSTALLATION OF A PV SOLAR SYSTEM. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO COMPLY W/ FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL CODE(S) DESIGN CRITERIA SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE OCCUPANCY: R-3 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VB WIND SPEED: 130 MPH EXPOSURE CATEGORY: C 11 TANDOFF HEIGHT: 6" MIN. ON -SPRINKLER LAT.: 33.728330 I/ ON.:-116.272860 OBILE HOME: N 11 • NOW LOAD: N/A lc EV. DATE/DESIGNER 1 6/1520 - NYOUNG N.ESIGNED BY: 3 N.Y. • EVIEWED BY: P.W. rSHEET NUMBER: PV - 4.0 V-2.2 -19 JBOX TO SUB 0.1S% AC SUB PANEL TO MSP 0.12% TOTAL 1.40% BRANCH 1 BRANCH 2 1.00 X 12 1.00 X 12 = 12.00 12.00 m 15 SYSTEM IMP 6912 / 240V -rzt S0 INV.IMAX 1.00 X 24 15 = 24.00 30 30 50 AMPS 0.82 x 1 SHEET NAME: MAXIMUM A110WABLEAMPACITY 32.8 SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM PV DESIGN AMPACITY = 30.00 W NEW WARNING INVERTER OUTPUT CONNECTION DO NOT RELOCATE THIS OVERCURRENT DEVICE UNL ESS BUSBAR IS FUL L Y RATED - NEC A5.1 2(B)(2)(3 )(B) WHITE L ETTERS W/ RED BACK. CAUTION: SOL AR EL ECTRIC SYSTEM CONNECTED NEC 690.1 3 (B) & 690.1 5 BL ACK L ETTERS W/ YEL L OW BACK. ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION NEC 690.1 3 (B) WARNING'-BL ACK L ETTERS W/ ORANGE BACK. BL ACK L ETTER W/ BL ACK OUTL INE PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM EQUIPPED WITH RAPID SHUTDOWN TURN RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH TOTHE "OFF" POSITION TO SHUTDOWN PV SYSTEM AND REDUCE SHOCK HAZARD IN ARRAY NEC 690.56(C)(1 )(a ) BL ACK L ETTER W/ YELLOW BACK. RAPID SHUTDOWN SWITCH FOR SOLAR PV SYSTEM NEC 690.56(C)(3 ) WHITE L ETTER W/ RED BACK. WARNING - Electric Shock Hazard NNO USER SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE CONTACT AUTHORIZED SERVICE PROVIDER FOR ASSISTANCE NEC 690.3 1 (G)(3 ) & 690.1 3 (G)(4) WHITE L ETTERS W/ RED BACK. ARRAY WARNING: PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SOURCE NEC 690.3 1 (G)(3 ) & 690.1 3 (G)(4) WHITE L ETTERS W/ RED BACK. TO BE PL ACED AT L EAST EVERY 10' J/B SUB PANEL } PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEM AC DISCONNECT RATED AC OPERATING CURRENT 24 AMPS AC NOMINAL OPERATING VOLTAGE 240 VOLTS NEC 690.54 WHITE L ETTERS W/ RED BACK. SOL AR DISCONNECT NEC 690.13 (B) WHITE L ETTERS WITH RED BACKGROUND L_ ELECTRIC SHOCK HAZARD TERMINALS ON BOTH LINE AND LOAD SIDES MAY BE ENERGIZED IN THE OPEN POSITION DC VOLTAGE IS ALWAYS PRESENT WHEN SOLAR MODULES ARE EXPOSED TO SUNLIGHT NEC 690.1 3 (B) WARNING'-BL ACK L ETTERS W/ ORANGE BACK. BL ACK L ETTER W/ BL ACK OUTL INE PV SUB PANEL ONL Y WARNING THIS EQUIPMENT FED BY MULTIPLE SOURCES. TOTAL RATING OF ALL OVERCURRENT DEVICES, EXCLUDING MAIN SUPPLY OVERCURRENT DEVICE, SHALL NOT EXCEED AMPACITY OF BUSBAR NEC A5.1 2(B)(2)(3 )(C) BL ACK L ETTERS W/ ORANGE BACK. CI TY CF LA QU N TA BULONGDVISON REVI EYED FOR COM COWL! AV CE By A. a DIE. 06/24/2020 NOTES 1. CEC ARTICL ES 690 AND A5 AND CRC SECTION R3 3 1 MARKINGS SHOWN HEREON 2. AL L MARKINGS SHAL L CONSIST OF THE FOL L OWING: A. UV RESISTANT SIGN MATERIAL WITH ENGRAVED OR MACHINE PRINTED L ETTERS OR EL ECTRO-PLATING B. RED BACKGROUND COL OR WITH WHITE TEXT AND L INE WORK C. ARIAL FONT 3 . AL L SIGNS SHAL L BE SIZED APPROPRIATEL Y AND PL ACED IN THE L OCATIONS SPECIFIED. 4. SIGNS SHAL L BE ATTACHED TO THE SERVICE EQUIPMENT USING SCREWS. 5. THE L ABEL SHAL L BE SUITABL E FOR THE ENVIRONMENT WHERE IT IS INSTAL L ED. 6. WHERE REQUIRED EL SEWHERE IN THIS CODE, AL L FIEL D APPL IED L ABEL S, WARNINGS, AND MARKINGS SHOUL D COMPLY WITH ANSI Z53 5.4 [NEC 1 1 0.21 (B) FIEL D MARKING]. 7 ADHESIVE FASTENED SIGNS MAY BE ACCEPTABL E IF PROPERL Y ADHERED. VINYL SIGNS SHAL L BE WEATHER RESISTANT [IFC 605.1 1 .1 .3 ] 8 MUST BE INSTAL L ED ON THE FRONT OF THE MAIN SERVICE PANEL & L AYOUT MUST MATCH THE FIEL D CONDITIONS & THE APPROVED PL ANS PER 690.56(B) CAUTION POWER TO THIS BUIL DING IS AL SO SUPPL IED FROM THE FOL L OWING SOURCES WITH DISCONNECT(S) L OCATED AS SHOWN DANGEROUS VOL TAGE MAY BE PRESENT AT AL L TIMES SOL AR MODUL ES COMBINER BOX CBIIMSP YOU ARE HERE SERVICE PANEL "WARNING" PHOTOVOL TAIC ARRAY DISCONNECTION OF NEUTRAL OR GROUNDED CONDUCTORS MAY RESUL T IN OVER-VOL TAGE ON ARRAY OR INVERTER. SUNGEVITY 7100 W. FLORIDA HEMET - CA - 92515 (951) 926-11� CSLB # 1004233 (GEN-B/C10) JOSE CHACON DATE: 3/6/2020 PROJECT NUMBER: 4336205 SYSTEM SIZE: 7.680 kWDCI 6.912 kWAC UTIL ITY: SCE CUSTOMER INFORMATION: JAVIER VILLALOBOS e9fk4 RANDOLPH CT. LA QUINTA, CA 92253 (V)) 899.4Z2 SCOPE OF WORK # OF STORIES:1 TYPE OF ROOF: CONCRETE W-TILE # OF ROOF LAYERS: N/A INSTALLATION OF A PV SOLAR SYSTEM. ALL CONSTRUCTION TO COMPLY W/ FEDERAL, STATE & LOCAL CODE(S) DESIGN CRITERIA SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE OCCUPANCY: R-3 CONSTRUCTION TYPE: VB WIND SPEED: 130 MPH EXPOSURE CATEGORY: C STANDOFF HEIGHT: 6" MIN. NON -SPRINKLER LAT.: 33.728330 LON.:-116.272860 MOBILE HOME: N SNOW LOAD: N/A REV. DATE/DESIGNER 1 6/1520 - NYOUNG 2 3 DESIGNED BY: N.Y. REVIEWED BY: P.W. SHEET NUMBER: V-2.2-19 PV - 50 SHEET NAME: SIGNAGE powered by Q.ANTUM DUO/ Q.PEAK DUO-G7 315-330 ENDURING HIGH PERFORMANCE THE IDEAL SOLUTION FOR: Rooftop arrays on residential buildings Engineered in Germany Rooftop arrays on commercial and industrial buildings Quality Tested me abicv ww.VDEinto.com ID. 40032587 QCELLS MELD SECURITY EUPD RESEARCH TOP BRAND PV MODULES Q.ANTUM TECHNOLOGY: LOW LEVELISED COST OF ELECTRICITY Higher yield per surface area, lower BOS costs, higher power classes, and an efficiency rate of up to 19.9%. INNOVATIVE ALL-WEATHER TECHNOLOGY Optimal yields, whatever the weather with excellent low -light and temperature behaviour. ENDURING HIGH PERFORMANCE Long-term yield security with Anti LID Technology, Anti PID Technology', Hot -Spot Protect and Traceable Quality Tra.QTM. EXTREME WEATHER RATING High-tech aluminium alloy frame, certified for high snow (5400 Pa) and wind loads (4000 Pa). A RELIABLE INVESTMENT Inclusive 12-year product warranty and 25-year linear performance warranty2. STATE OF THE ART MODULE TECHNOLOGY Q.ANTUM DUO combines cutting edge cell separation and innovative wiring with Q.ANTUM Technology. "APT test conditions according to IEC/TS 62804-1:2015, method B (-1500 V, 168 h) 2 See data sheet on rear for further information. CELLS MECHANICAL SPECIFICATION Format 66.3in x 39.4in x 1.26in (including frame) (1685 mm x 1000 mm x 32 mm) Weight 41.2lbs (18.7 kg) Front Cover 0.13 in (3.2 mm) thermally pre -stressed glass with anti -reflection technology Back Cover Composite film Frame Black anodized aluminum Cell 6 x 20 monocrystalline Q.ANTUM solar half cells Junction Box 2.09-3.98in x 1.26-2.36in x 0.59-0.71in (53-101mm x 32-60mm x 15-18mm), IP67, with bypass diodes Cable Connector 4 mm2 Solar cable; (+) >_43.3 in (1100 mm), (-) >_43.3 in (1100 mm) Staubli MC4, Hanwha Q CELLS HQC4, Amphenol UTX, Renhe 05-6, Tongling TL-Cable01S, JMTHY JM601; IP68 or Friends PV2e; IP67 66.3" (1685 mm) 38.58" (980 mm) 13.9" (352.5 mm) 4 x Grounding points 00.1Tf' (4.5 mm) 493 Frame- 3744" (951 mm) 39.4" (1000 mm) Label v 4x Mounting slots (DETAIL A) 8 x Drainage holes 1.-16"(32 mm) DETAIL 0.630"(16imm) F- 0.965"(24.5mm)I�-)I0.335'18.5mm) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS POWER CLASS 315 320 325 330 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT STANDARD TEST CONDITIONS, STC' (POWER TOLERANCE +5 W /-0 W) E E Open Circuit Voltage' Vcc [V] 39.84 40.10 40.36 40.62 E Current at MPP M„ [A] 9.51 9.56 9.61 9.67 2 Power at MPP' PMPP [W] 315 320 325 330 Short Circuit Current' sc [A] 9.99 10.04 10.10 10.15 Voltage at MPP VMPP [V] 33.14 33.47 33.81 34.14 Efficiency' n [%] >_18.7 >-19.0 >_ 19.3 >-19.6 MINIMUM PERFORMANCE AT NORMAL OPERATING CONDITIONS, NMOT' Power at MPP PMPP [W] 235.9 239.6 243.4 247.1 E Short Circuit Current D E c Isc [A] 8.05 8.09 8.14 8.18 Open Circuit Voltage Voc [V] 37.56 37.81 38.06 38.31 2 Current at MPP IMPP [A] 7.48 7.52 7.57 7.61 Voltage at MPP [V] 31.53 31.85 32.17 32.48 'Measurement tolerances PMPP±3%; Isc; VDc±5%at STC: 1000 W/m2, 25±2°C, AM 1.5 according to IEC 60904-3 .2800W/m2, NMOT, spectrum AM 1.5 Q CELLS PERFORMANCE WARRANTY PERFORMANCE AT LOW IRRADIANCE 16 20 wnha,es ahPwuaiRn°Pa°. o4),nOsPwmre,2016) 26 YEARS At least 98% of nominal power during first year. Thereafter max. 0.54% degradation per year. At least 93.1% of nominal power up to 10 years. At least 85% of nominal power up to 25 years. All data within measurement toleranc- es. Full warranties in accordance with the warranty terms of the Q CELLS sales organisation of your respective country. I I I I I I I I I 200 400 600 800 1000 IRRADIANCE IW/m'I Typical module performance under low irradiance conditions in comparison to STC conditions (25°C, 1000W/m2) TEMPERATURE COEFFICIENTS Temperature Coefficient of Isc a [%/ K] +0.04 Temperature Coefficient of Nice f [%/K] -0.27 Temperature Coefficient of P8 , y [%/K] -0.35 Normal Module Operating Temperature NMOT [°F] 109±5.4 (43±3°C) PROPERTIES FOR SYSTEM DESIGN Maximum System Voltage Vsrs [V] 1000 (IEC)/1000 (UL) Safety Class Maximum Series Fuse Rating Max. Design Load, Push/Pull' Max. Test Load, Push/Pull' 'See Installation Manual [A DC] [Ibs/ft2] [Ibs/ft2] 20 Fire Rating based on ANSI / UL 1703 75 (3600 Pa)/55 (2667Pa) Permitted Module Temperature 113 (5400Pa)/84 (4000Pa) on Continuous Duty C (IEC)/TYPE 2 (UL) -40 ° F up to +185 ° F (-40°C up to +85 °C) QUALIFICATIONS AND CERTIFICATES PACKAGING INFORMATION UL 1703, VDE Quality Tested, CE-compliant, IEC 61215:2016, IEC 61730:2016, Application Class II, U.S. Patent No. 9,893,215 (solar cells) C E �sn,us Number of Modules per Pallet 32 Number of Pallets per 53' Trailer 30 Number of Pallets per 40' HC-Container 26 Pallet Dimensions (LxWxH) 69.3 x 45.3 x 46.9 in (1760 x 1150 x 1190mm) Pallet Weight 14151bs (642 kg) Note: Installation instructions must be followed. See the installation and operating manual or contact our technical service department for further information on approved installation and use of this product. Hanwha Q CELLS America Inc. 400 Spectrum Center Drive, Suite 1400, Irvine, CA 92618, USA I TEL +1 949 748 59 96 I EMAIL inquiry@us.q-cells.com I WEB www.q-cells.us technical changes © 0 CELLS Q.PEAK DUO-G7_315-330_2019-07_Rev Specifications sub Data Sheet Enphase Microinverters Region: AMERICAS Enphase IQ7and IQ 7+ Microinverters 41:11e CERTIFIED SAFETY US CA E341165 The high-powered smart grid -ready Enphase IQ 7 MicroTm and Enphase IQ 7+ MicroTM dramatically simplify the installation process while achieving the highest system efficiency. Part of the Enphase IQ System, the IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters integrate with the Enphase IQ EnvoyTM, Enphase IQ BatteryTM, and the Enphase EnlightenTM monitoring and analysis software. IQ Series Microinverters extend the reliability standards set forth by previous generations and undergo over a million hours of power -on testing, enabling Enphase to provide an industry -leading warranty of up to 25 years. 1 To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com Easy to Install • Lightweight and simple • Faster installation with improved, lighter two -wire cabling • Built-in rapid shutdown compliant (NEC 2014 & 2017) Productive and Reliable • Optimized for high powered 60-cell and 72-cell* modules • More than a million hours of testing • Class II double -insulated enclosure • UL listed Smart Grid Ready • Complies with advanced grid support, voltage and frequency ride -through requirements • Remotely updates to respond to changing grid requirements • Configurable for varying grid profiles • Meets CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA) * The IQ 7+ Micro is required to support 72-cell modules. ENPHASE. Enphase IQ 7 and IQ 7+ Microinverters INPUT DATA (DC) Commonly used module pairings' Module compatibility Maximum input DC voltage Peak power tracking voltage Operating range Min/Max start voltage Max DC short circuit current (module Isc) Overvoltage class DC port DC port backfeed current PV array configuration IQ7-60-2-US / IQ7-60-B-US IQ7PLUS-72-2-US / IQ7PLUS-72-B-US 235 W - 350 W + 60-cell PV modules only 48 V 27V-37V 16V-48V 22V/48V 15A I I OA 235 W - 440 W + 60-cell and 72-cell PV modules 60 V 27V-45V 16V-60V 22V/60V 15 A I I OA 1 x 1 ungrounded array; No additional DC side protection required; AC side protection requires max 20A per branch circuit OUTPUT DATA (AC) Peak output power Maximum continuous output power IQ 7 Microinverter IQ 7+ Microinverter 250 VA 295 VA 240 VA 290 VA Nominal (L-L) voltage/range2 240 V / 208 V / 240 V / 208 V / 211-264 V 183-229 V 211-264 V 183-229 V Maximum continuous output current Nominal frequency Extended frequency range AC short circuit fault current over 3 cycles Maximum units per 20 A (L-L) branch circuits Overvoltage class AC port AC port backfeed current Power factor setting Power factor (adjustable) 1.0 A (240 V) 60 Hz 47 - 68 Hz 5.8 Arms 16 (240 VAC) III OA 1.0 0.7 leading ... 0.7 lagging 1.15 A (208 V) 13 (208 VAC) 1.21 A (240 V) 60 Hz 47-68Hz 5.8 Arms 13 (240 VAC) III OA 1.0 0.7 leading ... 0.7 lagging 1.39 A (208 V) 11 (208 VAC) EFFICIENCY Peak CEC efficiency CEC weighted efficiency @240 V @208 V @240 V @208 V 97.6 % 97.6 % 97.5 % 97.3 % 97.0% 97.0% 97.0% 97.0% MECHANICAL DATA Ambient temperature range Relative humidity range Connector type (IQ7-60-2-US & IQ7PLUS-72-2-US) Connector type (IQ7-60-B-US & IQ7PLUS-72-B-US) Dimensions (WxHxD) Weight Cooling Approved for wet locations Pollution degree Enclosure Environmental category / UV exposure rating -40°C to +65°C 4% to 100% (condensing) MC4 (or Amphenol H4 UTX with additional Q-DCC-5 adapter) Friends PV2 (MC4 intermateable). Adaptors for modules with MC4 or UTX connectors: - PV2 to MC4: order ECA-S20-S22 - PV2 to UTX: order ECA-S20-S25 212 mm x 175 mm x 30.2 mm (without bracket) 1.08 kg (2.38 Ibs) Natural convection - No fans Yes PD3 Class II double -insulated, corrosion resistant polymeric enclosure NEMA Type 6 / outdoor FEATURES Communication Monitoring Power Line Communication (PLC) Enlighten Manager and MyEnlighten monitoring options. Both options require installation of an Enphase IQ Envoy. Disconnecting means The AC and DC connectors have been evaluated and approved by UL for use as the load -break disconnect required by NEC 690. Compliance CA Rule 21 (UL 1741-SA) UL 62109-1, UL1741/IEEE1547, FCC Part 15 Class B, ICES-0003 Class B, CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO. 107.1-01 This product is UL Listed as PV Rapid Shut Down Equipment and conforms with NEC-2014 and NEC-2017 section 690.12 and C22.1-2015 Rule 64-218 Rapid Shutdown of PV Systems, for AC and DC conductors, when installed according manufacturer's instructions. 1. No enforced DC/AC ratio. See the compatibility calculator at https://enohase.com/en-us/support/module-compatibility 2. Nominal voltage range can be extended beyond nominal if required by the utility. 3. Limits may vary. Refer to local requirements to define the number of microinverters per branch in your area. To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com © 2018 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. All trademarks or brands used are the property of Enphase Energy, Inc. 2018-05-24 ENPHASE Data Sheet Enphase Networking Enphase IQ Combiner 3 (X-IQ-AM1-240-3) The Enphase IQ Combiner 3TM with Enphase IQ EnvoyTM consolidates interconnection equipment into a single enclosure and streamlines PV and storage installations by providing a consistent, pre -wired solution for residential applications. It offers up to four 2-pole input circuits and Eaton BR series busbar assembly. Smart • Includes IQ Envoy for communication and control • Flexible networking supports Wi-Fi, Ethernet, or cellular • Optional AC receptacle available for PLC bridge Provides production metering and optional consumption monitoring Simple • Reduced size from previous combiner • Centered mounting brackets support single stud mounting • Supports back and side conduit entry • Up to four 2-pole branch circuits for 240 VAC plug-in breakers (not included) • 80 A total PV or storage branch circuits Reliable • Durable NRTL-certified NEMA type 3R enclosure • Five-year warranty • UL listed LISTED To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com ENPHASE Enphase IQ Combiner 3 MODEL NUMBER IQ Combiner 3 X-IQ-AM1-240-3 IQ Combiner 3 with Enphase IQ Envoy' printed circuit board for integrated revenue grade PV production metering (ANSI C12.20 +/- 0.5%) and optional* consumption monitoring (+/- 2.5%). ACCESSORIES and REPLACEMENT PARTS (not included, order separately) Enphase Mobile Connect'" CELLMODEM-03 (4G / 12-year data plan) Plug and play industrial grade cellular modem with data plan for systems up to 60 CELLMODEM-01 (3G / 5-year data plan) microinverters. (Available in the US, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands, CELLMODEM-M1 (4G based LTE-M / 5-year data plan) where there is adequate cellular service in the installation area.) Consumption Monitoring* CT CT-200-SPLIT Split core current transformers enable whole home consumption metering (+/- 2.5%). Circuit Breakers BRK-10A-2-240 BRK-15A-2-240 BRK-20A-2P-240 Supports Eaton BR210, BR215, BR220, BR230, BR240, BR250, and BR260 circuit breakers. Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 10A, Eaton BR210 Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 15A, Eaton BR215 Circuit breaker, 2 pole, 20A, Eaton BR220 EPLC-01 XA-PLUG-120-3 XA-ENV-PCBA-3 Power line carrier (communication bridge pair), quantity 2 Accessory receptacle for Power Line Carrier in IQ Combiner 3 (required for EPLC-01) Replacement IQ Envoy printed circuit board (PCB) for Combiner 3 ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Rating System voltage Eaton BR series busbar rating Max. continuous current rating (output to grid) Max. fuse/circuit rating (output) Branch circuits (solar and/or storage) Max. continuous current rating (input from PV) Max. total branch circuit breaker rating (input) Continuous duty 120/240 VAC, 60 Hz 125 A 65 A 90 A Up to four 2-pole Eaton BR series Distributed Generation (DG) breakers only (not included) 64 A 80A of distributed generation / 90A with IQ Envoy breaker included Production Metering CT 200 A solid core pre -installed and wired to IQ Envoy MECHANICAL DATA Dimensions (WxHxD) Weight Ambient temperature range Cooling Enclosure environmental rating Wire sizes Altitude INTERNET CONNECTION OPTIONS Integrated Wi-Fi Ethernet 49.5 x 37.5 x 16.8 cm (19.5" x 14.75" x 6.63"). Height is 21.06" (53.5 cm with mounting brackets). 7.5 kg (16.5 Ibs) -40° C to +46° C (-40° to 115° F) Natural convection, plus heat shield Outdoor, NRTL-certified, NEMA type 3R, polycarbonate construction • 20 A to 50 A breaker inputs: 14 to 4 AWG copper conductors • 60 A breaker branch input: 4 to 1/0 AWG copper conductors • Main lug combined output: 10 to 2/0 AWG copper conductors • Neutral and ground: 14 to 1/0 copper conductors Always follow local code requirements for conductor sizing. To 2000 meters (6,560 feet) 802.11 b/g/n Optional, 802.3, Cat5E (or Cat 6) UTP Ethernet cable (not included) Cellular Optional, CELLMODEM-01 (3G) or CELLMODEM-03 (4G) or CELLMODEM-M1 (4G based LTE-M) (not included) COMPLIANCE Compliance, Combiner UL 1741 CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 107.1 47 CFR, Part 15, Class B, ICES 003 Production metering: ANSI C12.20 accuracy class 0.5 (PV production) Compliance, IQ Envoy UL 60601-1/CANCSA 22.2 No. 61010-1 * Consumption monitoring is required for Enphase Storage Systems. To learn more about Enphase offerings, visit enphase.com © 2018 Enphase Energy. All rights reserved. All trademarks or brands in this document are registered by their respective owner. 2018-09-13 ENPHASE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Certificate Number Report Reference Issue Date 20180530-E341165 E341165-20171030 2018-MAY-30 Issued to: ENPHASE ENERGY INC 1420 N McDowell Blvd Petaluma CA 94954-6515 This is to certify that representative samples of STATIC INVERTERS, CONVERTERS AND ACCESSORIES FOR USE IN INDEPENDENT POWER SYSTEMS; PHOTOVOLTAIC RAPID SHUTDOWN SYSTEM EQUIPMENT See Addendum Have been investigated by UL in accordance with the Standard(s) indicated on this Certificate. Standard(s) for Safety: See Addendum Additional Information: See the UL Online Certifications Directory at www.ul.com/database for additional information Only those products bearing the UL Certification Mark should be considered as being covered by UL's Certification and Follow -Up Service. Look for the UL Certification Mark on the product. Bruce Mahrenholz, Director North American Certification Program UL LLC Any information and documentation involving UL Mark services are provided on behalf of UL LLC (UL) or any authorized licensee of UL. For questions, please contact a local UL Customer Service Representative at http://ul.com/aboutul/locations/ Page 1 of 2 Created by UL Document Assembler 2018-07-05 15:07:07 -05:00 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Certificate Number Report Reference Issue Date 20180530-E341165 E341165-20171030 2018-MAY-30 This is to certify that representative samples of the product as specified on this certificate were tested according to the current UL requirements. Permanently -connected, Grid Support utility Interactive, 208V single-phase, 240V single phase evaluated for use on a split phase system, distributed resource power system. Models IQ7-60, IQ7PLUS-72, and IQ7X-96, followed by -2, -5, -B, or -ACM, followed by -US+. Models IQ7PD-72-2-US and IQ7PD-84-2-US. USL/CNL — Photovoltaic Rapid Shutdown Equipment. Models IQ7-60, IQ7PLUS-72, and IQ7X-96, followed by -2, -5, -B, or -ACM, followed by -US+. Models IQ7PD-72-2-US and IQ7PD-84-2-US. + may be followed by additional characters not affecting safety Standard(s) for Safety: UL 62109-1, SAFETY OF POWER CONVERTERS FOR USE IN PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER SYSTEMS - PART 1: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS CSA C22.2 NO. 107.1-01, GENERAL USE POWER SUPPLIES IEEE 1547 INTERCONNECTING DISTRIBUTED RESOURCES WITH ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS IEEE 1547.1 IEEE STANDARD CONFORMANCE TEST PROCEDURES FOR EQUIPMENT INTERCONNECTING DISTRIBUTED RESOURCES WITH ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEMS UL 1741, INVERTERS, CONVERTERS, CONTROLLERS AND INTERCONNECTION SYSTEM EQUIPMENT FOR USE WITH DISTRIBUTED ENERGY RESOURCES CEC-300-2011-005,-CMF GUIDELINES FOR CALIFORNIA'S SOLAR ELECTRIC INCENTIVE PROGRAMS PURSUANT TO SENATE BILL 1 Bruce Mahrenholz, Director North American Certification Program UL LLC Any information and documentation involving UL Mark services are provided on behalf of UL LLC (UL) or any authorized licensee of UL. For questions, please contact a local UL Customer Service Representative at http://ul.com/aboutul/locations/ Page 2 of 2 Created by UL Document Assembler 2018-07-05 15:07:07 -05:00 =' SOLARHOOK5 N10 4 .com KS-RH-CT5 ► Type 304 Stainless Steel ► All the roof hook For side mount rails Number Desi riprnn SmtItanstn 3 Vaulting Screw Slots _tin . 1, -rm Ra15tot See tOmm. r.6mm Lergt. of Amf Hook t7ISmen Settler Ltd to Top End 165.3mm - 173.5mm T iciness Irem www.salarhoaks.corn - 2795 E. Bidwell Si, Ste 100. Folsom, CA 95630 - seise@wlarfiooke.com 5 /i IRONRIDGE Attn: Corey Geiger, COO, IronRidge Inc. Date: October 12th, 2018 Re: Structural Certification for IronRidge All Tile Hook Roof Attachment 28357 Industrial Blvd Hayward, CA 94545 1-800-227-9523 IronRidge.com This letter addresses the structural capacity of IronRidge All Tile Hook for use as a tile roof attachment for flush mounted PV solar systems. The All Tile Hook assembly consists of a cold formed stainless steel base and arm with an optional aluminum flashing. The All Tile Hook base is attached to an underlying roof rafter using two (2) 5/16" stainless steel lag bolts and the arm component is secured to the base by a 5/16" carriage bolt. Assembly of the arm, base, and accompanying hardware shall be installed in accordance with IronRidge's All Tile Hook installation manual. Full assembly details are shown in Exhibit EX-0016. The referenced uplift, compression and lateral capacities of All Tile Hook tabulated below are based on mechanical load tests conducted along the four load directions shown in Figure 1, using a Universal Instron Test Unit, conforming to the following standards: ASTM D1761-12, Standard Test Methods for Mechanical Fasteners in Wood ASTM A370-13, Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products NDS-2015, National Design Specification (NDS) for Wood Construction ICC-428, Acceptance Criteria for Modular Framing Systems Used to Support Photovoltaic (PV) Modules The uplift, compression and lateral load testing was performed by installing the All Tile Hook assembly on a sample roof deck composed of 15/32" OSB board over 24" O.C. 2x4 Douglas Fir rafters. The measured rafter average specific gravity and moisture contents are 0.37 and less than 16%, respectively. For each test the arm component was set at the furthest allowable position from the lag bolts and loads were directly applied at the highest slot position along the center line of the arm as shown in Figure 1 in order to perform the tests at the worst configuration. The ultimate failure mode for uplift testing was pull out of the lag bolts from the rafters and for compression testing the ultimate failure mode was rupture of the OSB board due to compression bearing of the arm. The averages of the peak loads of both directions, which were observed concurrent with the respective ultimate failure point, are documented in Table 1 shown below. The ultimate failure mode for both lateral directions was pull out of the lag bolts from the rafters. Average peak loads of 2315 Ibs. and 619 Ibs. were recorded for the direction parallel to rafter and direction perpendicular to rafter respectively. The associated lateral movements at the loading point were observed to be 7" and 10" respectively. To restrict system deformation under lateral loads, a deflection based serviceability limit was applied, which consequently results in a reduced allowable capacity. The serviceability limit determined loads are reported as the allowable capacity for both lateral load directions as tabulated in Table 1. Specifically, based on full scale lateral testing, a 1" lateral arm deflection is confirmed compatible with the full-scale system and presented as the serviceability limit for the load direction parallel to rafter. For the lateral load direction perpendicular to rafter, the Instron recorded proportional limit of 0.75" is presented as the serviceability limit which eliminates permanent deformation of the assembly. © 2018 IronRidge, Inc. All Tile Hook Certification Letter - 1 /`L IRQNRIDGE 28357 Industrial Blvd Hayward, CA 94545 1-800-227-9523 IronRidge.com Observed test results and failure modes along with allowable capacities are summarized in the Table 1. Table 1: IronRidge All Tile Hook Mechanical Load Test Results & Allowable Capacities (1) Load Direction Specimen Quantity Observed Failure Mode Average Peak Load at Failure (Ibs)i21 Safety Factor (3) Deviation of Test Results (4) Allowable Load (Ibs) Uplift 4 Lag Bolt Pull-out 1011 3.0 10.6% 337 Compression 4 OSB Deck Rupture 709 2.54 10.3% 279 Lateral Parallel to Rafter 4 Lag Bolt Pull-out 2315 3.0 5.4% 154(5) Lateral Perpendicular to Rafter 4 Lag Bolt Pull-out 619 3.0 8.0% 75(5) (1.) Capacities apply to rafter size of 2x4 or greater at 24" O.C. or less, deck thickness 15/32" or greater, and rafters with a Specific Gravity of 0.37 or greater. The specific gravity during testing was measured and recorded per ASTM D2395-14 "Standard Test Methods for Density and Specific Gravity." (2.) Values are based on securing lag bolt within center 1/3 of rafter width with a minimum 2.5" end distance. (3.) Safety factor is associated with respective failure modes per ASTM 7147-11 and NDS-2015. (4.) Deviation refers to the highest or lowest test value to the group average and is based on the ultimate peak load for the tension/compression and serviceability limit load for the lateral directions. (5.) The provided allowable loads are controlled by the specified serviceability limit. Uplift/Compression Sincerely, Gang Xuan, SE Senior Structural Engineer © 2018 IronRidge, Inc. Lateral (parallel to rafter) Figure 1 Date: 2018.10.12 17:09:03-07'00' All Tile Hook Certification Letter - 2 :PUNIRAC April 17, 2018 Re: Unirac Tile Hook Product Compatibility To Whom It May Concern: Unirac has assessed the compatibility of several Unirac mounting systems (previously Solarhooks mounting systems) with commercially available solar racking systems. The purpose of this report is to evaluate the physical fit of the connection between each racking system and the Unirac mounting products. SAMPLE DESCRIPTION Sample hardware of three systems was delivered to a 3rd party laboratory on April 27, 2017. Three racking systems, one manufactured by SnapNrack, one by IronRidge Inc, and one by Mounting Systems Inc were supplied along with three Unirac mounting systems, part #004CT5S, #004CT1S, and #004051D (previously Solarhooks part #KS-RH-CT5, #KS-RH-CT1, and #CMP-KT). Part#004AT1S is included thru similarity of mounting interface as well. The fit of Unirac's Solarmount racking system and Quickmount QRail system (added thru similarity to Mounting Systems racking) was also evaluated by Unirac outside of the lab evaluations and is included in the results of this letter. Appendix A includes a specification sheet for each Unirac tile hook system. COMPATIBILITY PROCEDURE The three Unirac mounting systems products were assembled with each racking system using each racking system's corresponding hardware. For example, the SnapNrack racking system was supplied with SnapNrack bolts and hardware; the connection of the SnapNRack racking system to the Unirac mounting system via the SnapNrack bolts and hardware was assessed. The same procedure was followed for the other systems. Each connection between the various racking systems and Unirac mounting systems was evaluated for fit and any limitations were noted. Appendix B includes photos of the racking systems assembled to the Unirac mounting systems. COMPATIBILITY RESULTS: Compatibility between the racking systems and Unirac mounting systems was evaluated for physical connection and fit. Unirac, SnapNrack, Iron Ridge, Mounting Systems and Quickmount QRail are all compatible with the evaluated Unirac mounting systems, as shown in Table 1, without limitation. This letter does not quantify the mechanical properties of the various racking systems or associated strength capacities of those systems. Engineering requirements set by building codes, engineering standards and local jurisdictions take precedence. Sincerely, Ernest Gallegos Director of Products Unirac, Inc. Ernest.gallegos@unirac.com Unirac, Inc. • www.unirac.com ■::U' ■■ �. Table 1 PRODUCT COMPATIBILITY RESULTS Racking Manufacturer Racking System Unirac Mounting System Compatibility Limitations Unirac Solarmount Compatible None SnapNRack 100 Compatible None Ironrdge XR Compatible None Mounting Systems 10/48, 13/52 Compatible None Quickmount PV QRail Compatible None Unirac Mounting Systems Evaluated: Unirac Mounting System 004AT1S Description SolarHooks Part Number AT1 FLAT TILE HOOK SIDE MT KS-RH-AT1 004CT1S CT1 SPANISH TILE HOOK SIDE MT KS-RH-CT1 004CT5S CT5 UNIV TILE HOOK SIDE MT KS-RH-CT5 004051D COMPOSITION FLASHING KIT CMP-KT 1411 Broadway Blvd. NE • Albuquerque, NM • 87102-1545 • Ph: (505) 242-6411 • Fax: (505) 242-6412 2 AUTHORIZATION TO MARK This authorizes the application of the Certification Mark(s) shown below to the models described in the Product(s) Covered section when made in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Certification Agreement and Listing Report. This authorization also applies to multiple listee model(s) identified on the correlation page of the Listing Report. This document is the property of Intertek Testing Services and is not transferable. The certification mark(s) may be applied only at the location of the Party Authorized To Apply Mark. Applicant: Address: Country: Contact: Phone: FAX: Email: IronRidge, Inc. 1495 Zephyr Ave Hayward, CA 94544 USA Yann Schwarz (800) 227-9523 (707) 459-1833 yschwarz@ironridge.com Party Authorized To Apply Mark: Report Issuing Office: Control Number: 4008083 Same as Manufacturer Lake Forest, CA Authorized by: Manufacturer: Address: Country: Contact: Phone: FAX: Email: ETl C ASSIFlED GIJS lntertek This document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number. This Authorization to Mark is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and Is provided pursuant to the Certification agreement between Intertek and Its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. lntertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this Authorization to Mark. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Authorization to Mark and then only in its entirety. Use of Intertek's Certification mark is restricted to the conditions laid out in the agreement and in this Authorization to Mark. Any further use of the lntertek name for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by lntertek. Initial Factory Assessments and Follow up Services are for the purpose of assuring appropriate usage of the Certification mark in accordance with the agreement, they are not for the purposes of production quality control and do not relieve the Client of their obligations in this respect. Precision Die & Stamping, Inc. 1704 W. 10th Street Tempe, AZ 85281 USA Andy Frola (480) 967-2038 (480) 829-0838 andy@precisiondie.com for Thomas J. Patterson, Certification Manager Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 545 East Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Telephone 800-345-3851 or 847-439-5667 Fax 312-283-1672 Standard(s): UL Subject 2703 Outline of Investigation for Rack Mounting Systems and Clamping Devices for Flat -Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels, Issue Number: 1, October 4, 2010 Product: XR Rails with Integrated Grounding. Brand Name: IronRidge Roof Mount Models: IR XR followed by 4 Alphanumeric Characters ATM for Report 101541132LAX-002 Page 2 of 2 ATM Issued: 28-Jan-2016 ED 16.3.15 (1-Jan-13) Mandatory /lr IRONRIDGE Solar Is Not Always Sunny Over their lifetime, solar panels experience countless extreme weather events. Not just the worst storms in years, but the worst storms in 40 years. High winds capable of ripping panels from a roof, and snowfalls weighing enough to buckle a panel frame. XR Rails are the structural backbone preventing these results. They resist uplift, protect against buckling and safely and efficiently transfer loads into the building structure. Their superior spanning capability requires fewer roof attachments, reducing the number of roof penetrations and the amount of installation time. rmPatibIe with Flat & Pitched Roofs XR Rails are compatible with FlashFoot and other pitched roof attachments. Force -Stabilizing Curve Sloped roofs generate both vertical and lateral forces on mounting rails which can cause them to bend and twist. The curved shape of XR Rails is specially designed to increase strength in both directions while resisting the twisting. This unique feature ensures greater security during extreme weather and a longer system lifetime. IronRidge offers a range of tilt leg options for flat roof mounting applications. Tech Brief XR Rail Family Corrosion -Resistant Materials All XR Rails are made of marine -grade aluminum alloy, then protected with an anodized finish. Anodizing prevents surface and structural corrosion, while also providing a more attractive appearance. Rik CLASSIFICATION Constructional Data Report (CDR) 1.0 Reference and Address Report Number 101541132LAX-002 Original 22-May-2014 Revised: 15-Jan-2016 Standard(s) UL Subject 2703 Outline of Investigation for Rack Mounting Systems and Clamping Devices for Flat -Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels, Issue Number: 1, October 4, 2010 Applicant _ (IronRidge, Inc. Manufacturer 1 IronRidge, Inc. Address 1495 Zephyr Ave Hayward, CA 94544 Address 1495 Zephyr Ave Hayward, CA 94544 Country USA Country USA Contact Yann Schwarz Contact Jim Norsworthy Or Dave Taggart Phone (800) 227-9523 (510) 225-0973 Phone (707) 363-3025 (800) 227-9523 FAX (707) 459-1833 FAX (510) 225-0975 Email yschwarz©ironridge.com Email jnorsworthy@ironridge.com dtaggart@ironridge.com Manufacturer 2 Precision Die & Stamping, Inc. Address 1704 W. 10th Street Tempe, AZ 85281 Country USA Contact Andy Frola Phone (480) 967-2038 FAX (480) 829-0838 Email andy@precisiondie.com Page 1 of 86 This report is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement. for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this report. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this report and then only in its entirety. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or advertisement of the tested material. product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The observations and test results in this report are relevant only to the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is or has ever bean under an Intertek certification program. Report No. 101541132LAX-002 IronRidge, Inc. Page 2 of 86 Issued: 22-May-2014 Revised: 15-Jan-2016 2.0 Product Description Product XR Rails with Integrated Grounding. Brand name IronRidge Roof Mount Description The product covered by this report is the IronRidge Rails with Integrated Grounding solar roof mounting system. This system is designed to provide bonding and grounding to photovoltaic modules. The mounting system employs anodized aluminum rails that are roof mounted using aluminum Extruded L Foot brackets. The mounting rails in this report are XRL, XR10, XR100 and XR1000 Rail. All rails have an optional aluminum splice which ties the rails together to extend their length. A grounding strap and stainless steel hardware are required for penetrating the anodized coating of the rails, creating a bonded connection from rail to rail. 304 stainless steel Grounding Mid Clamp and aluminum End Clamps are used to attach and support framed photovoltaic modules to the system. The End Clamps are not used as a grounding means. The Grounding Mid Clamps are installed onto the module frame by using a 18-8 stainless steel serrated T-Bolt and a 18-8 stainless steel Flange Hex Nut that gets screwed onto the rails to a specified torque. The retention teeth of the clamp and bolt penetrate the anodized coating of the photovoltaic modules frame and rail to contact the metal, creating a bonded connection from module to module and module to rail. The grounding of the entire system is intended to be in accordance with the latest edition of the National Electrical Code, including NEC 250: Grounding and Bonding, and NEC 690: Solar Photovoltaic Systems. Any local electrical codes must be adhered in addition to the national electrical codes. An entire array, regardless of size, is grounded via one grounding lug. The WEEB Grounding Lug is secured to XRL, XR10, XR100 or XR1000 Rail's top slot using stainless steel hex bolt or T-Bolt, flat washer, split lock washer, and nut, tightened to manufacture's specified torque. The WEEB Grounding Lug is intended for use with one solid or stranded copper wire, conductor size 14 AWG though 6 AWG. The Titan Grounding Lug is secured to XRL, XR10, XR100 or XR1000 Rail's side center cavity of rails using stainless steel T-bolt, k-lock nut, star washer, and machine screw. The Titan Grounding Lug is intended for use with one solid or stranded copper wire, conductor size 14 AWG though 4 AWG. Models IR XR followed by 4 Alphanumeric Characters Model Similarity N/A Ratings Fuse Rating: 20 A Fire Class Resistance Rating: - Class A for Steep Slope Flush -Mount (Symmetrical) Applications when using Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3, Listed Photovoltaic Module. - Class A for Low Slope Flush -Mount (Symmetrical) Applications when using Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3, Listed Photovoltaic Module. - Class A for Steep Slope Tilt -Mount ( Asymmetrical) Applications when using Type 1 and Type 2, Listed Photovoltaic Module. - Class A for Low Slope Tilt -Mount ( Asymmetrical) Applications when using Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3, Listed Photovoltaic Module. ED 16.3.15 (1-Jan-13) Mandatory Report No. 101541132LAX-002 Page 3 of 86 Issued: 22-May-2014 IronRidge, Inc. Revised: 15-Jan-2016 2.0 Product Description These systems were evaluated or tested for bonding and grounding with the following PV- Module frames: Motech - Black or Silver Frames Models: IM and XS series, 60 and 72 cell modules with 40 mm frame height. IM and XS series, 60 and 72 cell modules with 45 mm frame height. IM and XS series, 60 and 72 cell modules with 50 mm frame height. Suntech - Black or Silver Frames Models: Wdb, Wde, and Wd series, 60 and 72 cell modules with 35 mm frame height. Vd series, 60 and 72 cell modules with 50 mm frame height. ET Solar - Black or Silver Frames Models: ET Solar 60 cell modules with 35 and 40 mm frames ET-Y660xxxZZ Where "Y" can be P, L, or M; "xxx" refers to the module power rating; "ZZ" can be WB, WW, BB, WBAC, or BBAC ET Solar 72 cell modules with 40 and 50 mm frames ET-Y672xxxZZ Where "Y" can be P, L, or M; "xxx" refers to the module power rating; "ZZ" can be WB, WW, BB, or WBG Hyundai - Black or Silver Frames Models: SG, MG, RG and TG Series, 60 cell modules with 35 mm frame height. MI, RI and TI Series, 72 cell modules with 50 mm frame height. Yingli - Black or Silver Frames Models: Panda and YGE models, 60 cell modules with 40 mm or 35 mm frame height. YGE models, 72 cell modules with 50 mm or 40 mm frame height. Kyocera - Models: KD(xxx)GX-LPU, KD(xxx)GX-LFU, KD135SX-UPU, KD(xxx)GX-LFBS, KD(xxx)GX-LPB KD(xxx)GX-LFB, KD(xxx)GX-LFB2, KD(xxx)GX-LPB2 KD135GX-LPS, KD140GX-LPS, KD140SX-UPU KU(xxx)-3AC, KU(xxx)-4AC, KU(xxx)-SAC, KU(xxx)-3BC, KU(xxx)-4BC KU(xxx)-SBC, KU(xxx)-6BC, KU(xxx)-8BC, KU(xxx)-3FC, KU(xxx)-4FC KU(xxx)-5FC, KU(xxx)-6FC, KU(xxx)-4UC, KU(xxx)-5UC. Where xxx refers to the module power rating Canadian Solar - Black or Silver Frames Models: CS6P-M 60 Cell Modules with a 40mm frame height. CS6P-P 60 Cell Modules with a 40mm frame height. CS6X-M 72 cell modules with a 40mm frame height. CS6X-P 72 cell modules with a 40mm frame height. Report No. 101541132LAX-002 Page 4 of 86 Issued: 22-May-2014 IronRidge, Inc. Revised: 15-Jan-2016 2.0 Product Description Other Ratings LG Modules - Black or Silver Frames Models: LG 60 cell modules with 35 mm frames: LGxxxyl z-b3 Where xxx is the module power rating, "y" can be A,N or S, "z" can be C or K, and "b" can be A, B, or G. LG 60 cell Modules with 40mm frames: LGxxxyl z-G4 Where "xxx" is the module power rating, "y" can be N or S, and "z" can be C or K LG 72 Cell Modules with 46mm frames: LGxxxy2z-b3 Where "xxx" is the module power rating, "y" can be N or S, "z" can be C or K, and "b" can be A, B, or G Suniva Modules - Black or Silver Frames Models: 60 Cell Modules with 35 and 40mm frames: OPTxxx-60-A-YYY-Z MVXxxx-60-A-YYY-Z Where "xxx" is the module power rating, "A" is either 4 or 5, "YYY" is either 100,101,700,1 B0, or 161, and "z" is blank or B. 72 Cell Modules with 38, 46, and 50mm frames: OPTxxx-72-A-YYY-Z MVXxxx-72-A-YYY-Z Where "xxx" is the module power rating, "A" is either 4 or 5, "YYY" is either 100,101,700,1 B0, or 161, and "Z" is either blank or B Hanwha Modules - Black or Silver Frames Models: HSL72P6-PA-1-xxx(50mm frame) HSL72P6-PB-1-xxx(45mm frame) HSL60P6-PB-1-xxx(40mm frame) HSL60P6-PA-1-xxx(45mm frame) The model number can be followed with a "B" Where xxx is the module power rating Trina Solar Modules - Black or Silver Frames Models: TSM-xxxPA05 (35mm frame height) TSM-xxxPC05 (35mm frame height) TSM-xxx-PD05 (35mm frame height) TSM-xxxPA05 (40mm frame height) TSM-xxxPA14 (46mm frame height) TSM-xxxPD14 (40mm frame height) TSM-xxxPC14 (40mm frame height) The model number can be followed by A and .05 or .08 Where xxx refers to module power rating ED 16.3.15 (1-Jan-13) Mandatory ED 16.3.15 (1-Jan-13) Mandatory Report No. 101541132LAX-002 IronRidge, Inc. Page 5 of 86 Issued: 22-May-2014 Revised: 15-Jan-2016 IronRidge, Inc. 2.0 Product Description SolarWorld Modules - Black or Silver Frames Models: Sunmodule Plus SW-xxx, Sunmodule Protect SW-xxx, Sunmodule XL SW-xxx Mono or Poly with 31, 33, or 46 mm frame height. Where xxx refers to the module power rating Phono Solar Modules - Black or Silver Frames Models: PSxxxP-20/U, PSxxxM-20/U, PSxxxP-24/T, PSxxxM-24/T with 40mm frame height Where xxx refers to module power rating SunEdison modules - Black or Silver Frames Models: SE-QxxxBCC-3Y, SE-MxxxBCC-3Y, SE-FxxxBCC-3Y, SE-PxxxBCC-3Y, SE-QxxxBMC-3Y SE-MxxxBMC-3Y, SE-FxxxBMC-3Y, SE-DxxxBMC-3Y, SE-PxxxBMC-3Y with 50mm frame height. Where xxx refers to module power rating Hanwha Q CELLS modules - Black or Silver Frames Models: Hanwha QCells 60 cell modules with 32 mm frames Q. P L U S-G4-xxx Q.PRO BFR-G4-xxx where xxx refers to module power rating Hanwha QCells 60 cell modules with 35 mm frames: Q.PRO-G3-xxx Q. P RO-BFR-G 3-xxx Q.PEAK BLK G3-xxx Q.PLUS G3-xxx where xxx refers to module power rating Hanwha QCells 72 cell modules with 35 mm frames: Q.PRO L-G4y-xxx Q.PLUS L-G4y-xxx where "y" can be blank, 1 or 2 and "xxx" refers to module power rating Hanwha QCell 72 cell modules with 40 mm frames: Q.PRO L-G2xxx Q.PRO L-G3y-xxx where "y" can be blank or 1 and "xxx" refers to module power rating Hanwha QCell 72 cell modules with 42 mm frames: Q.PRO L-G2-xxx where "xxx" refers to module power rating Report No. 101541132LAX-002 Page 6 of 86 Issued: 22-May-2014 Revised: 15-Jan-2016 2.0 Product Description Renesola Modules - Black or Silver Frames Models: Mono and Virtus II Modules: JCxxxM-24/Abh, JCxxxS-24/Abh, JCxxxF-24/Abh, JCxxxM-24/Abh-b, JCxxxS-24/Abh-b JCxxxF-24/Abh-b, JCxxxM-24/Ab, JCxxxM-24/Abv, JCxxxS-24/Ab, JCxxxF-24/Ab JCxxxM-24/Ab-b, JCxxxM-24/Abv-b, JCxxxS-24/Ab-b, JCxxxF-24/Ab-b with 50mm frame height. JCxxxM-24/Bb, JCxxxM-24/Bbv, JCxxxS-24/Bb, JCxxxF-24/Bb, JCxxxM-24/Bb-b JCxxxM-24/Bbv-b, JCxxxS-24/Bb-b, JCxxxF-24/Bb-b, JCxxxM-24/Bbh, JCxxxS-24/Bbh JCxxxF-24/Bbh, JCxxxM-24/Bbh-b, JCxxxS-24/Bbh-b, JCxxxF-24/Bbh-b with 40mm frame height. JCxxxS-24/Db, JCxxxF-24/Db, JCxxxS-24/Db-b, JCxxxF-24/Db-b with 35mm frame height. Where xxx refers to the module power rating. Sunpower Modules- Black or Silver Frames Models: SPR-E-xx series with standard (G3) or InvisiMount (G5) 46 mm frame SPR-X-xx series with standard (G3) or InvisiMount (G5) 46 mm frame. where xx is the series number Panasonic Modules - Black or Sliver Frames Models: VBHNxxxSA06, VBHNxxxSA06B, VBHNxxxSA11, VBHNxxxSA11 B with 35 mm frame height. Where xxx refers to the module power rating Winaico Modules - Black or Silver Frames Models: Winaico 60 Cell modules with 35 and 40 mm frames Wsy-xxxz6 Where "y" can be either P or T, "xxx" is the module power rating, and "z" can be either M or P Mitsubishi Modules - Black or Silver Frames Models: PV-MYYxxxZZ Where YY can be LE or JE, xxx is the module power rating, and ZZ can be either HD, HD2, or FB Jinko Solar Modules - Silver Frames Models: JKMxxxP-60: Where xxx is the module power rating between 250-270 in increments of 5. JKMSxxxP: Where xxx is the module power rating between 255-270 in increments of 5. JKMxxxPP-60: Where xxx is the module power rating between 255-270 in increments of 5. ED 16.3.15 (1-Jan-13) Mandatory ED 16.3.15 (1-Jan-13) Mandatory MODULE COMPATIBILITY The Flush Mount System may be used to ground and/or mount a PV module complying with UL 2703 only when the specific module has been evaluated for grounding and/or mounting in compliance with the included instructions. Unless otherwise noted, "xxx" refers to the module power rating and both black and silver frames are included in the certification. MODELS Amerisolar Aptos Astronergy Solar ASUN Auxin Axitec Boviet BYD Canadian Solar CertainTeed CSUN Ecosolargy Amerisolar modules with 35, 40 and 50 mm frames AS-bYxxxZ Where "b" can be 5 or 6; "Y" can be M, P, M27, P27, M30, or P30; "xxx" is the module power rating; and "Z" can be blank, W or WB Aptos modules with 35 and 40 mm frames DNA-yy-zz23-xxx Where "yy" can be 120 or 144; "zz" can be MF or BF; and ""xxx" is the module power rating Astronergy modules with 30, 35, 40 and 45 mm frames aaSMbbyyC/zz-xxx Where "aa" can be CH or A; "bb" can be 60, 66, or 72; "yy" can be blank, 10 or 12; "C" can M, P, M(BL), M-HC, M(BL)-HC, P-HC, M(DG), or M(DGT); "zz" can be blank, HV, F-B, or F-BH ; and "xxx" is the module power rating Astronergy frameless modules CHSM6610P(DG)-xxx Where "xxx" is the module power rating ASUN modules with 35 and 40 mm frames ASUN-xxx-YYZZ-aa Where "xxx" is the module power rating;" YY" can be 60 or 72; "ZZ" can be M,or MH5; and "aa" can be blank or BB Auxin modules with 40 mm frames AXN6y6zAxxx Where "y" can be M or P; "z" can be 08, 09, 10, 11, or 12; "A" can be F or T; and "xxx" is the module power rating Axitec Modules with 35 and 40 mm frames AC-xxxY/aaZZb Where "xxx" is the module power rating; "Y" can be M, P or MH; "aa" can be blank, 125- or 156-; "ZZ" can be 54, 60, 72, 120, or 144; "b" can be S or SB Boviet modules with 35 and 40mm frames BVM66aaYY-xxxBB Where "aa" can be 9, 10 or 12; "YY" is M or P; "xxx" is the module power rating; and "BB" can be blank or L BYD modules with 35 mm frames BYDxxxAY-ZZ Where "xxx" is the module power rating; "A" can be M6, P6, MH or PH; "Y" can be C or K; and "ZZ" can be 30 or 36 Canadian Solar modules with 30, 35 and 40 mm frames CSbY-xxxZ Where "b" can be 1, 3 or 6; "Y" can be H, K, P, U, V, W, or X; "xxx" refers to the module power rating; and "Z" can be M, P, MS, PX , M-SD, P-AG, P-SD, MB-AG, PB-AG, MS -AG, or MS -SD Canadian Solar frameless modules CSbY-xxx-Z Where "b" can be 3 or 6; "Y" is K, P, U, or X; "xxx" is the module power rating, and "Z" can be M-FG, MS-FG, P-FG, MB-FG, or PB-FG CertainTeed modules with 35 and 40 frames CTxxxYZZ-AA Where "xxx" is the module power rating; "Y" can be M, P or HC; "ZZ" can be 00,01, 10, or 11; and "AA" can be 01, 02, 03 or 04 Csun modules with 35 and 40 mm frames YYxxx-zzAbb Where "YY" is CSUN or SST; xxx is the module power rating; "zz" is blank, 60, or 72; and "A" is blank, P or M; "bb" is blank, BB, BW, or ROOF Ecosolargy modules with 35, 40 and 50 mm frames ECOxxxYzzA-bbD Where "xxx" is the module power rating; "Y" can be A, H, S, or T; "zz" can be 125 or 156; "A" can be M or P; "bb" can be 60 or 72; and "D" can be blank or B © 2019 IRONRIDGE, INC. VERSION 2.2 FLUSH MOUNT INSTALLATION MANUAL - 13 MODULE COMPATIBILITY ET Solar Flex ET Solar modules with 35, 40 and 50 mm frames ET-Y6ZZxxxAA Where "Y" can be P, L, or M; "ZZ" can be 60 or 72; "xxx" refers to the module power rating; and "AA" can be WB, WW, BB, WBG, WWG, WBAC, WBCO, WWCO, WWBCO or BBAC GCL Flex modules with 35, 40 and 50 mm frames and model identifier FXS-xxxYY-ZZ; where "xxx" is the module power rating; "YY" can be BB or BC; and "ZZ" can be MAA1B, MAA1W, MAB1W, SAA1B, SAA1 W, SAC1 B, SAC1 W, SAD1 W, SBA1 B, SBA1 W, SBC1 B, or SBC1 W GCL modules with 35 mm and 40 mm frames GCL-ab/YY xxx Where "a" can be M or P; "b" can be 3 or 6; "YY" can be 60, 72, 72H, or 72DH; and xxx is the module power rating GigaWatt Solar Gigawatt modules with 40 mm frames GWxxxYY Where "xxx" refers to the module power rating; and "YY" can be either PB or MB Hansol Hansol modules with 35 and 40 frames HSxxxYY-zz Where "xxx" is the module power rating; "YY" can be PB, PD, PE, TB, TD, UB, UD, or UE; and "zz" can be AH2, AN1, AN3, AN4, HV1, or JH2 Hanwha Solar Hanwha Solar modules with 40, 45, and 50 mm frames HSLaaP6-YY-1-xxxZ Where "aa" can be either 60 or 72; "YY" can be PA or PB; "xxx" refers to the module power rating; and "Z" can be blank or B Hanwha Q CELLS Heliene Hanwha Q CELLS Modules with 32, 35, 40, and 42mm frames and model identifier aaYY-ZZ-xxx where "aa" can be Q. or B.; "YY" can be PLUS, PRO, PEAK, LINE PRO, LINE PLUS, PLUS DUO or PEAK DUO; and "ZZ" can be G3, G3.1, G4, G4.1, L-G2, L-G2.3, L-G3, L-G3.1, L-G3y, L-G4, L-G4.2, L-G4y, LG4.2/TAA, BFR-G3, BLK-G3, BFR-G3.1, BLK-G3.1, BFR-G4, BFR-G4.1, BFR G4.3, BLK-G4.1, G4/SC, G4.1/SC, G4.1 /TAA, G4.1/MAX, BFR G4.1 /TAA, BFR G4.1 /MAX, BLK G4.1/TAA, BLK G4.1 / SC, EC-G4.4, G5, BLK-G5, L-G5, L-G5.1, L-G5.2, L-G5.2/H, L-G5.3, G6, G6+, BLK-G6, L-G6, L-G6.1, L-G6.2, L-G6.3, G7, BLK-G6+, BLK-G7, G7.2, G8, BLK-G8, G8+, BLK-G8+ L-G7, L-G7.1, L-G7.2, L-G7.3, L-G8, L-G8.1, L-G8.2, or L-G8.3; and "xxx" is the module power rating Heliene modules with 40 mm frames YYZZxxxA Where "YY" can be 36, 60, 72, or 96; "ZZ" can be M, P, or MBLK; "xxx" is the module power rating; and "A" can be blank, HomePV, or Bifacial HT-SAAE HT-SAAE modules with 40 mm frames HT72-156Z-xxx Where "Z" can be M, P, M-C, P-C, M(S), M(VS), M(V), P(V), M(V)-C, P(V)-C; and "xxx" is the module power rating Hyundai Itek JA Solar Hyundai modules with 33, 35, 40 and 50 mm frames HiY-SxxxZZ Where "Y" can be A, D, M or S; "xxx" refers to the module power rating; and "ZZ" can be HG, HI, KI, MI, MF, MG, RI, RG, RG(BF), RG(BK), SG, TI, or TG _ Itek Modules with 40 and 50 mm frames IT-xxx-YY Where "xxx" is the module power rating; and "YY" can be blank, HE, or SE, or SE72 JA Solar modules with 30, 35, 40 and 45 mm frames JAyyzz-bbww-xxx/aa Where "yf' can be M, P, M6 or P6; "zz" can be blank, (K), (L), (R), (V), (BK), (FA), (TG), (FA)(R), (L)(BK), (L)(TG), (R)(BK), (R)(TG), (V)(BK), (BK)(TG), or (L)(BK)(TG); "bb" can be 48, 60, or 72; "ww" can be D09, S01, SO2, S03, S06, S09, or S10; "xxx" is the module power rating; and "aa" can be BP, MP, SI, SC, PR, 3BB, 4BB, 4BB/RE, 5BB Jinko Kyocera LG Longi Jinko modules with 35 and 40 mm frames JKMYxxxZZ-aa Where "Y" can either be blank or S; "xxx" is the module power rating; "ZZ" can be M, P, or PP; and "aa" can be blank, 60, 60B, 60H, 60L, 60BL, 6OHL, 60HBL, 60-J4, 60B-J4, 60B-EP, 60(Plus), 60-V, 60-MX, 72, 72-V, 72H-V, 72L-V, 72HL-V, 72-MX, 72H-BDVP, or 72HL-TV Jinko frameless modules JKMxxxPP-DV Where "xxx" is the module power rating Kyocera Modules with 46mm frames KYxxxZZ-AA Where "Y" can be D or U; "xxx" is the module power rating; "ZZ" can be blank, GX, or SX; and "AA" can be LPU, LFU, UPU, LPS, LPB, LFB, LFBS, LFB2, LPB2, 3AC, 3BC, 3FC, 4AC, 4BC, 4FC, 4UC, SAC, 5BC, SFC, 5UC, 6BC, 6FC, 8BC, 6MCA, or 6MPA LG modules with 35, 40, and 46 mm frames LGxxxYaZ-bb Where "xxx" is the module power rating; "Y" can be A, E, N, Q, S; "a" can be 1 or 2; "Z" can be C, K, T, or W; and "bb" can be A3, A5, B3, G3, G4, J5, K4, or V5 Longi modules with 30, 35 and 40 mm frames LRa-YYZZ-xxxM Where "a" can be 4 or 6; "YY" can be blank, 60 or 72; "ZZ" can be blank, BK, BP, HV, PB, PE, PH, HBD, HPB, or HPH; "xxx" is the module power rating © 2019 IRONRIDGE, INC. VERSION 2.2 FLUSH MOUNT INSTALLATION MANUAL - 14 MODULE COMPATIBILI Mission Solar Mitsubishi Motech Neo Solar Power Panasonic Peimar Phono Solar Prism Solar REC Solar Renesola Renogy Risen S-Energy Seraphim Energy Group Seraphim USA Sharp Silfab Solaria Solarcity SolarTech Mission Solar modules with 33 and 40 mm frames MSEbbxxxZZaa Where "bb" can be blank or -1 60A; "xxx" is the module power rating; "ZZ" can be blank, MM, SE, SO, SQ , SR, or TS; and "aa" can be blank, 1J, 4J, 4S, 5K, 5T, 60, 6J, 6S, 6W, 8K, 8T, or 9S Mitsubishi modules with 46 mm frames PV-MYYxxxZZ Where "YY" can be LE or JE; xxx is the module power rating; and "ZZ" can be either HD, HD2, or FB IM and XS series modules with 40, 45 and 50 mm frames Neo Solar Power modules with 35 mm frames D6YxxxZZaa Where "Y" can be M or P; xxx is the module power rating; "ZZ" can be B3A, B4A, E3A, E4A, H3A, H4A; and "aa" can be blank, (TF), ME or ME (TF) Panasonic modules with 35 and 40 mm frames VBHNxxxYYzzA Where "xxx" refers to the module power rating; "YY" can be either KA, RA, SA or ZA; "zz" can be either 01, 02, 03, 04, 06, 06B, 11, 11 B, 15, 15B, 16, 16B, 17, or 18; and "A" can be blank, E, G, or N Peimar modules with 40 mm frames SbxxxYzz Where "b" can be G or P; "xxx" is the module power rating; "Y" can be M or P; and "zz" can be blank, (BF), or (FB) Phono Solar modules with 35, 40, and 45 mm frames PSxxxY-ZZ/A Where xxx refers to the module power rating; "Y" can be M, M1, MH, or M1H or P; "ZZ" can be 20 or 24; and "A" can be F, T, U, or TH Prism Solar frameless modules BiYY-xxxBSTC Where "YY" can be 48, 60, 60S, 72 or 72S; and "xxx" is the module power rating REC modules with 30, 38 and 45 mm frames RECxxxYYZZ Where "xxx" is the module power rating; "YY" can be AA, M, NP, PE, PE72, TP, TP2, TP2M, TP2SM, or TP2S; and "ZZ" can be blank, Black, BLK, BLK2, SLV, or 72 ReneSola modules with 35, 40 and 50 mm frames AAxxxY-ZZ Where "AA" can be SPM(SLP) or JC; "xxx" refers to the module power rating; "Y" can be blank, F, M or S; and "ZZ" can be blank, Ab, Ab-b, Abh, Abh-b, Abv, Abv-b, Bb, Bb-b, Bbh, Bbh-b, Bbv, Bbv-b, Db, Db-b, or 24/Bb Renogy Modules with 40 and 50 mm frames RNG-xxxY Where "xxx" is the module power rating; and "Y" can be D or P Risen Modules with 35 and 40 mm frames RSMyy-6-xxxZZ Where "yy" can be 60, 72, 120 or 144; "xxx" is the module power rating; and "ZZ" can be M or P Frameless modules RSMyy-6-xxxZZ Where "yy" can be 60, 72, 120 or 144; "xxx" is the module power rating; and "ZZ" can be MDG or PDG S-Energy modules with 40 frames SNxxxY-ZZ Where "xxx" is the module power rating; "Y" can be M or P; and "ZZ" can be 10, or 15 Seraphim modules with 35 and 40 mm frames SEG-aYY-xxxZZ Where "a" can be blank, 6 or B; "YY" can be blank, MA, MB, PA, or PB; "xxx" is the module power rating; and "ZZ" can be blank, BB, BG, BW, HV, WB, WW, BMB, BMB-HV Seraphim modules with 40 and 50 mm frames SRP-xxx-6YY Where "xxx" is the module power rating; and "YY" can be MA, MB, PA, PB, QA-XX-XX, and QB-XX-XX Sharp modules with 35 and 40 mm frames NUYYxxx Where "YY" can be SA or SC; and "xxx" is the module power rating Silfab Modules with 38 mm frames SYY-Z-xxxaa Where "YY" can be IL, SA, LA, SG or LG; "Z" can be blank, M, P, or X; "xxx" is the module power rating; and "aa" can be blank, BL, or NT Solaria modules with 40 mm frames PowerXT xxxY-ZZ Where "xxx" is the module power rating; "Y" can be R or C; and "ZZ" can be AC, BD, BX, BY, PD, PX, PZ, WX or WZ Solarcity modules with 40 mm frames SCxxxYY Where "xxx" is the module power rating; and "YY" can be blank, B1 or B2 SolarTech modules with 42 mm frames STU-xxxYY Where "xxx" is the module power rating; and "YY" can be PERC or HJT © 2019 IRONRIDGE, INC. VERSION 2.2 FLUSH MOUNT INSTALLATION MANUAL - 15 MODULE COMPATIBILITY 1 SolarWorld AG / Industries GmbH SolarWorld Americas Inc. Stion SunEdison Suniva Sunpower Sunpreme Sunspark Suntech Talesun Trina URE Vikram VSUN Winaico Yingli SolarWorld Sunmodule Plus, Protect, Bisun, XL, Bisun XL, may be followed by mono, poly, duo, black, bk, or clear; modules with 31, 33 or 46 mm frames SW-xxx Where "xxx" is the module power rating SolarWorld Sunmodule Plus, Protect, Bisun, XL, Bisun XL, may be followed by mono, poly, duo, black, bk, or clear; modules with 33 mm frames SWA-xxx Where "xxx" is the module power rating Stion Thin film modules with 35 mm frames STO-xxx or STO-xxxA Thin film frameless modules STL-xxx or STL-xxxA Where "xxx" is the module power rating SunEdison Modules with 35, 40 and 50 mm frames SE-YxxxZABCDE Where "Y" can be B, F, H, P, R, or Z; "xxx" refers to the module power rating; "Z" can be 0 or 4; "A" can be B,C,D,E,H,I,J,K,L,M, or N ; "B" can be B or W; "C" can be A or C; "D" can be 3, 7, 8, or 9; and "E" can be 0, 1 or 2 Suniva modules with 35, 38, 40, 46 and 50 mm frames OPTxxx-AA-B-YYY-Z MVXxxx-AA-B-YYY-Z Where "xxx" is the module power rating; "AA" is either 60 or 72; "B" is either 4 or 5; "YYY" is either 100,101,700,1 B0, or 1 B1; and "Z" is blank or B Sunpower standard (G3 or G4) or InvisiMount (G5) 40 and 46 mm frames SPR-Zb-xxx-YY Where "Z" is either A, E, P or X; "b" can be blank, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, or 22; "xxx" is the module power rating and "YY" can be blank, BLK, COM, C-AC, D-AC, E-AC, G-AC, BLK-C-AC, or BLK-D-AC Sunpreme frameless modules GXB-xxxYY Where "xxx" is the module power rating; and "YY" can be blank or SL Sunspark modules with 40 mm frames SYY-xxxZ Where "YY" can be MX or ST; "xxx" is the module power rating; and "Z" can be M, P or W Vd, Vem, Wdb, Wde, and Wd series modules with 35, 40 and 50 mm frames Talesun modules with 35 and 40 frames TP6yyZxxx-A Where "yy" can be 60, 72, H60 or H72; "Z" can be M, or P; "xxx" is the module power rating; and "A" can be blank, B, or T Trina Modules with 30, 35, 40 and 46mm frames TSM-xxxYYZZ Where "xxx" is the module power rating; "YY" can be DD05, DD06, DD14, DE14, DE15, DEG15, PA05, PC05, PD05, PD06, PA14, PC14, PD14, PE14, or PE15 ; and "ZZ" can be blank, .05, .08, .10, .18, .08D, .18D, 0.82, .002, .00S, 05S, 08S, A, A.05, A.08, A.10, A.18, A(II), A.05(II), A.08(II), A.082(II), A.10(II), A.18(II), H, H(II), H.05(II), H.08(II), HC.20(II), HC.20(II), or M Frameless modules TSM-xxxYY Where "YY" can be either DEG5(II), DEG5.07(II), DEG5.40(II), DEG5.47(II), DEG14(II), DEG14C(II), DEG14C.07(II), DEG14.40(II), PEG5, PEG5.07, PEG5.40, PEG5.47, PEG14, or PEG14.40 URE modules with 35 mm frames DyZxxxHaa Where "y" can be 6 or 7; "Z" can be K or M; "xxx" is the module power rating; and "aa" can be H3A, H4A, or H8A Vikram solar modules with 40 mm frames VSyy.ZZ.AAA.bb Where "yy" can be M, P, MBB, MH, MS, MHBB, or PBB; "ZZ" can be 60 or 72; "AAA" is the module power rating; and "bb" can be 03.04 or 05 VVSUN modules with 35 and 40 mm frames VSUNxxx-YYz-aa Where "xxx" is the module power rating; "YY" can be 60, 72, or 144; "z" can be M, P, MH, PH, or BMH; and "aa" can be blank, BB, or DG Winaico modules with 35 and 40 mm frames Wsy-xxxZa Where "y" can be either P or T; "xxx" is the module power rating; "Z" can be either M, P, or MX; and "a" can be blank or 6 Panda, YGE, YGE-U, and YLM series modules with 35, 40, and 50 mm frames © 2019 IRONRIDGE, INC. VERSION 2.2 1 =1 8431 Murphy Drive Middleton, WI 53562 USA Telephone: 608.836.4400 Facsimile: 608.831.9279 www.intertek.com Test Verification of Conformity In the basis of the tests undertaken, the sample(s) of the below product have been found to comply with the requirements of the referenced specifications at the time the tests were carried out. Applicant Name & Address: Product Description: Ratings & Principle Characteristics: Models: Brand Name: Relevant Standards: Verification Issuing Office: Date of Tests: Test Report Number(s): This verification is part of the full imply product certification. IronRidge, Inc. 1495 Zephyr Ave. Hayward, CA 94544 USA XR Rails with Integrated Grounding. Fire Class Resistance Rating: -Flush Mount (Symmetrical). Class A Fire Rated for Low Slope applications when using Type 1, 2 and 3, listed photovoltaic modules. Class A Fire Rated for Steep Slope applications with Type', 2 and 3, listed photovoltaic modules. Tested with a 5" gap (distance between the bottom the module frame and the roof covering), per the standard this system can be installed at any gap allowed by the manufacturers installation instructions. No perimeter guarding is required. 51-61GD-005, 51-61GD-005B, 51-5000-001 and 51-65-001 IronRidge Roof Mount UL 2703 (Section 15.2 and 15.3) Standard for Safety Mounting Systems, Mounting Devices, Clamping/Retention Devices, and Ground Lugs for Use with Flat -Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels, First Edition dated Jan. 28, 2015 Referencing UL1703 Third Edition dated Nov. 18, 2014, (Section 31.2) Standard for Safety for Flat -Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels. Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc. 8431 Murphy Drive Middleton, WI 53562 08/27/2014 to 03/17/2015 101769343M1D-001r1, 101769343MID-001a, 101915978M1D-001 & 101999492MID-001ar1-cr1 test report(s) and should be read in conjunction with them. This report does not automatically Completed by: Chad Naggs Title: Technician II, Fire Resistance Signature: Date: 03/30/2015 Reviewed by: Gregory Allen Title: Engineering Team Lead, Fire Resistance 4-�J.J•1�..r1 .itiyT��yl•.__ _ 03/30/2b15 Signature: Date: 11. This Verification is for the exclusive use of Intertek's client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this Verification. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Verification. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The observations and test/inspection results referenced in this Verification are relevant only to the sample tested/inspected. This Verification by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is or has ever been under an Intertek certification program. GFT-OP-11a (24-MAR-2014) Starling Madison Lofquist, Inc. ('finuifing ifrflclur.ii .1 !I Inoon{if Fngirrrrrs 5224 South 39th Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85040 tel: (602) 438-2500 fax: (602) 438-2505 ROC#291316 www.smleng.com IronRidge 1495 Zephyr Ave Hayward, CA 94544 Attn: Mr. David F. Taggart, Vice President Products Subject: IronRidge FlashFoot Dear Sir: December 18, 2014 page 1 of 11 This letter is a supplement to the standard letter for the IronRidge Roof Flush Mounting System to address the requirements for use with the IronRidge FlashFoot. The IronRidge FlashFoot comprises an aluminum block and flashing plate. An L-Foot base is attached using a 5/16" lag screw with a 3 inch minimum embedment into a wood substrate. The wood substrate for the tests consisted of 1/2" CDX plywood over a 2x6 SPF #2 rafter with a specific gravity of 0.42. A full detail can be seen on the attached drawings. The testing data provided shows that the critical failure occurs in one of two ways, pullout of the lag screw from the base material or the shear failure of the L-Foot. Maximum allowable values for these failure conditions were derived using a safety factor of 3.0 on the lowest ultimate load provided by the testing. The maximum allowable uplift reaction of 717 lbs and the maximum allowable downslope (lateral) reaction of 341 lbs are based on the tested criteria. The allowable loads used to develop the tables below have been increased from the tested values above to reflect installation into a wood substrate with specific gravity of 0.50. The increase was determined using the ANSI/AF&PA NDS-2010 National Design Specification (NDS) for Wood Construction adjustment factor of 1 / 1-(0.50-G) where G is the tested specific gravity. Therefore, the maximum allowable uplift reaction is 779 lbs and the maximum allowable downslope (lateral) reaction is 370 lbs. The maximum allowable spacing of the FlashFoot for common load cases due to wind and snow are shown in Tables 1-9 below. Starling Madison Lofquist, Inc. Consulting Structural and Forensic Engineers IronRidge December 18, 2014 Ivir.David F. Taggart Page 1 I of 11 IronRidge Flashing Notes — Tabulated values are based on the following criteria: 1. Building mean roof height = 30 ft 2. Risk Category = I 3. Roof Slope — 7 to 27 degrees 4. Solar panel long dimension = 78.5 in 5. Minimum specific gravity of wood rafter — 0.50 6. ASCE 7-10 Our analysis assumes that the connections and associated hardware are installed in a workmanlike manner in accordance with the "IronRidge Roof Mount Installation Manual" by lronRidge and generally accepted standards of construction practice. Ft is the responsibility of the contractor to verify that the quality of the roof framing meets the minimum. properties used in the tests, Additional information is available at the IronRidge web site, lroniidge.com. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience if you have any questions. Respectfully yours, Tres J- Warner, P.E. Design Division Manager Starling Madison Lofqutlst, Inc. Consulting Structure[ and Forensic Engineers -11- OEM AUTHORIZATION TO MARK This authorizes the application of the Certification Mark(s) shown below to the models described in the Product(s) Covered section when made in accordance with the conditions set forth in the Certification Agreement and Listing Report. This authorization also applies to multiple listee model(s) identified on the correlation page of the Listing Report. This document is the property of Intertek Testing Services and is not transferable. The certification mark(s) may be applied only at the location of the Party Authorized To Apply Mark. Applicant: Address: Country: Contact: Phone: FAX: Email: IronRidge, Inc. 1495 Zephyr Ave Hayward, CA 94544 USA Yann Schwarz (800) 227-9523 (707) 459-1833 yschwarz@ironridge.com Party Authorized To Apply Mark: Report Issuing Office: Control Number: 4008377 Same as Manufacturer Lake Forest, CA Authorized by: Address: Manufacturer: IronRidge, Inc. 1495 Zephyr Ave Hayward, CA 94544 Country: USA Contact: Jim Norsworthy Or Phone: (707) 363-3025 FAX: (510) 225-0975 Email: jnorsworthy@ironridge.com 204,44.s4 ad?, for Thomas J. Patterson, Certification Manager ETL CLASl3Flti1 Intertek This document supersedes all previous Authorizations to Mark for the noted Report Number. This Authorization to Mark is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the Certification agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this Authorization to Mark. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Authorization to Mark and then only in its entirety. Use of Intertek's Certification mark is restricted to the conditions laid out in the agreement and in this Authorization to Mark. Any further use of the Intertek name for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. Initial Factory Assessments and Follow up Services are for the purpose of assuring appropriate usage of the Certification mark in accordance with the agreement, they are not for the purposes of production quality control and do not relieve the Client of their obligations in this respect. Intertek Testing Services NA Inc. 545 East Algonquin Road, Arlington Heights, IL 60005 Telephone 800-345-3851 or 847-439-5667 Fax 312-283-1672 Standard(s): UL Subject 2703 Outline of Investigation for Rack Mounting Systems and Clamping Devices for Flat -Plate Photovoltaic Modules and Panels, Issue Number: 1, October 4, 2010 Product: XR Rails with Integrated Grounding. Brand Name: IronRidge Roof Mount Models: IR XR followed by 4 Alphanumeric Characters ATM for Report 101541132LAX-002 Page 1 of 2 ATM Issued: 28-Jan-2016 ED 16.3.15 (1-Jan-13) Mandatory Tech Brief Tech Brief /lw IRONRIDGE Simplified Grounding for Every Application The UFO family of components eliminates the need for separate grounding hardware by bonding solar modules directly to IronRidge XR Rails. All system types that feature the UFO family —Flush Mount, Tilt Mount and Ground Mount —are fully listed to the UL 2703 standard. UFO hardware forms secure electrical bonds with both the module and the rail, resulting in many parallel grounding paths throughout the system. This leads to safer and more reliable installations. Stopper Sleeve The Stopper Sleeve snaps onto the UFO, converting it into a bonded end clamp. Bonded Splice Each Bonded Splice uses self -drilling screws to form a secure connection. No bonding strap needed. UFO Family of Components Grounding Lug A single Grounding Lug connects an entire row of PV modules to the grounding conductor. Universal Fastening Object (UFO) The UFO securely bonds solar modules to XR Rails. It comes assembled and lubricated, and can fit a wide range of module heights. Bonded Attachments The bonding bolt attaches and bonds the L-foot to the rail. It is installed with the same socket as the rest of the system. System Diagram 0 UFO [ Stopper Sleeve • Grounding Lug [11 Bonded Splice Ground Wire Approved Enphase microinverters can provide equipment grounding of IronRidge systems, eliminating the need for grounding lugs and field installed equipment ground conductors (EGC). A minimum of two microinverters mounted to the same rail and connected to the same Engage cable is required. Refer to installation manuals for additional details. UL Certification The IronRidge Flush Mount, Tilt Mount, and Ground Mount Systems have been listed to UL 2703 by Intertek Group plc. UL 2703 is the standard for evaluating solar mounting systems. It ensures these devices will maintain strong electrical and mechanical connections over an extended period of time in extreme outdoor environments. 0 Go to IronRidge.com/UFO Feature Cross -System Compatibility Flush Mount Tilt Mount Ground Mount XR Rails XR1000 Only UFO/Stopper Bonded Splice Grounding Lugs 1 per Row N/A 1 per Row 1 per Array Microinverters & Power Optimizers Enphase - M250-72, M250-60, M215-60, C250-72 Darfon - MIG240, MIG300, G320, G640 SolarEdge - P300, P320, P400, P405, P600, P700, P730 Fire Rating Modules Class A Class A N/A Tested or Evaluated with over 400 Framed Modules Refer to installation manuals for a detailed list. © 2016 IronRidge, Inc. All rights reserved. Visit www.ironridge.com or call 1-800-227-9523 for more information. Version 1.10