2021-24 Riverside County - Amendment 1 - add Fire Marshal Inspector positionCITY COUNCIL MINUTES Page 6 of 16 OCTOBER 19, 2021 6. APPROVE AMENDMENT TO FIRE SERVICE AGREEMENT TO ADD A FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTOR POSITION 7. AUTHORIZE THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO AWARD FUTURE WORK TO DESERT CONCEPTS CONSTRUCTION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2021/22 WHEN THEY ARE THE LOWEST AND/OR QUALIFIED BIDDER 8. APPROVE ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION AGREEMENT AND AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT FOR TRACT MAP NO. 30138, A RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF AVENUE 52 WEST OF MADISON STREET 9. APPROVE DEMAND REGISTERS DATED OCTOBER 1 AND 8, 2021 MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Peña/Sanchez to approve the Consent Calendar as recommended, with Item No. 4 adopting Ordinance No. 596. Motion passed: ayes – 4, noes – 0, abstain – 0, absent – 1 (Fitzpatrick). BUSINESS SESSION 1. INTERVIEW AND APPOINT RESIDENTS TO FILL VACANCIES ON THE FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION (FAC) AND THE COACHELLA VALLEY MOSQUITO AND VECTOR CONTROL DISTRICT’S (CVMVCD) BOARD OF TRUSTEES Council waived presentation of the staff report, which is on file in the Clerk’s Office. Mayor Evans thanked all applicants for their willingness to serve the City and explained the process the Council follows in conducting interviews and appointing members. FAC candidate Shelley Mast gave a brief presentation of her experience and qualifications. Council waived the ballot vote as there was only one candidate. MOTION – A motion was made and seconded by Councilmembers Peña/Radi to appoint Shelley Mast to the Financial Advisory Commission to fill an unexpired term ending June 30, 2023. Motion passed: ayes – 4, noes – 0, abstain – 0, absent – 1 (Fitzpatrick). CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 6 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: October 19, 2021 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE AMENDMENT TO FIRE SERVICE AGREEMENT TO ADD A FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTOR POSITION RECOMMENDATION Approve amendment to Fire Service Agreement to add a Fire Marshal Inspector position. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The City contracts fire services from Riverside County Fire Department. • In August 2021, Council received and filed a fire service delivery study by Matrix Consulting Group (Matrix). One of the study's recommendations is to add a Fire Marshal Inspector to enhance the City's fire prevention efforts. • By adding a Fire Marshal Inspector to the La Quinta Fire Service Contract, the City will ensure that all state mandated inspections are completed on time and allow for proactive inspections of local business. FISCAL IMPACT The annual costs associated with this new position is estimated at $141,812 (Attachment 1). If this position is approved, the City would pay approximately $82,700 for seven months this fiscal year. This position requires a vehicle equipped with emergency lights and decals, estimated at $40,000. The position and vehicle are covered by the City Fire Fund. BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City contracts with Riverside County Fire Department (County Fire), which contracts with California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CALFIRE) to provide fire services. Currently, the City has a dedicated Fire Specialist that is responsible for plan -checks, construction inspections, city event reviews, and property inspections. The Fire Specialist first prioritizes land development and construction items to meet City's timelines, then focuses on reviewing City events as needed, and property inspections as time allows. 65 On September 27, 2018, the Governor of the State of California signed Senate Bill No. 1205 which mandates annual inspections to private and public schools, hotels, motels, lodging houses, and apartment/condominium buildings in accordance with California Health and Safety Code Section 13146.2 and 13146.3. Per the Matrix study, the benchmark for an inspector is to conduct 500 property inspections per year to accommodate the mandated inspections and conduct proactive business inspections. A full-time position will be allocated 76% to conduct inspections with the remaining 24% allocated to follow up inspections, addressing corrections at a property, and further proactive assessments of stores and restaurants, or community outreach to reduce false fire alarms. Given the continuous increase in construction activity and the State annual mandated inspections, staff is requesting that a Fire Marshall Inspector position be added to the City's Fire Service Agreement to ensure the Fire Specialist can focus on plan -checks, construction inspections, and city event reviews while the Fire Marshall Inspector can concentrate on inspections, including annual inspections as required by law, proactive inspections of businesses to ensure fire sprinkler systems are properly functioning, and contacting and inspecting buildings with fire false alarms. AL 1 LKNA 11VLS Council could elect to delay, modify, or reject the requested amendment to the fire contract. Prepared by: Martha Mendez, Public Safety Manager Approved by: Chris Escobedo, Community Resources Director Attachment: 1. Cost Estimate for FY 2021/22, 2022/23 and 2023/24 66 ATTACHMENT 1 EXHIBIT "A" TO THE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE FIRE PREVENTION, RESCUE, FIRE MARSHAL AND MEDICAL EMERGENCY FOR THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DATED SEPTEMBER 10, 2021 FOR FY2021/2022 THRU FY2023/2024 CITY BUDGET COST ESTIMATE (with Tax Credit) FISCAL YEAR 2021/2022 ($85,858) FISCAL YEAR 2022/2023 $244,732 FISCAL YEAR 2023/2024 $591,670 TOTAL CITY BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FY2021/2022 THRU FY2023/2024 $750,545 CITY BUDGET COST ESTIMATE (without Tax Credit) FISCAL YEAR 2021/2022 $ 6,961,990 FISCAL YEAR 2022/2023 $ 7,292,580 FISCAL YEAR 2023/2024 $ 7,639,518 TOTAL CITY BUDGET ESTIMATE FOR FY2021/2022 THRU FY2023/2024 $ 21,894,088 67 EXHIBIT "A" TO THE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE FIRE PREVENTION, RESCUE, FIRE MARSHAL AND MEDICAL EMERGENCY FOR THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DATED SEPTEMBER 10, 2021 FOR FY2021/2022 Add one (1) Fire System Inspector *See notation below for estimate assumptions CAPTAINS CAPTAIN ENGINEERS _MEDICS_ __________ STA #32 Medic Engine STA #70 Medic Engine STA #93 Medic Engine 225,271 1 225,271 1 225,271 1 Fixed Relief Vac. Relief - Engine SUBTOTALS 675,813 SUBTOTAL STAFF 3 FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST (PCN 114438) FIRE SYSTEMS INSPECTOR (PCN 111????) SUBTOTAL 198,282 1 198,282 1 ENGINEER FFII FF II MEDICS_ MEDICS 226,431 1 226,431 1 198,282 1 226,431 1 594,846 679,293 3 3 ESTIMATED SUPPORT SERVICES (Fire Cost Allocation Plan) Administrative/Operational (Schedule A) Volunteer Program (Schedule B) Medic Program (Schedule C) 10,648 Battalion Chief Support (Schedule D) ECC Support (Schedule E) 28.12 Fleet Support (Schedule F) Comm/IT Support (Schedule G 41.21 Hazmat Support (Schedule I) 1,096 SUPPORT SERVICES SUBTOTAL DIRECT CHARGES FIRE ENGINE USE AGREEMENT COOPERATIVE TRUCK AGREEMENT 12.5% TOTALS 347,662 2 399,919 2 1,171,135 6 347,662 2 399,919 2 1,171,135 347,662 1,042,986 161,564 each 141,812 each 16,082 5,504 Medic FTE and 78,644 per Call and 65,330 per Call and per Call and 2 399,919 399,919 199,960 1,799,637 6 per assigned Staff ** Per Entity Allocation 1,370 per Defib .29 FTE per Station 18,529 per Station per Fire Suppression Equip 27,160 per Station 4,468 per Station 6 2 1,199,283 6 2 626,350 3 1 624,673 3 $4,792,576 9 24 161,564 1 141,812 1 TOTAL STAFF COUNT TOTAL ESTIMATED CITY BUDGET * LA QUINTA ESTIMATED FIRE TAX CREDIT NET ESTIMATED CITY BUDGET 36,250 each engine * STRUCTURAL FIRE TAXES (2,103,300) ESTIMATED REDEVELOPMENT PASS THRU (5,132,548) total contract transfer 188,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED TAX FUNDING ($7,047,848) 3 Fire Stations 4,602 Number of Calls 12.38 Assigned Medic FTE 3 Monitors/Defibs 3 Hazmat Stations 7 Number of Hazmat Calls FY21/22 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF LA QUINTA Page 2 of 11 ** $303,377 25 418,299 26.01 5,504 1 135,930 12.38 235,932 3 184,975 195,991 3 271,107 22,965 $1,470,705 56,906 108,750 3 229,677 12.50% $6,961,990 (7,047,848) ($85,858) 24.0 Assigned Staff 1.13 Indio Truck (12.5%) 0.88 Battalion Chief Support 26.01 Total Assigned Staff 68 26.01 SUP_PO_RT S_E_RVICE_S (Fire Cost Allocation Plan) Administrative & Operational Services Finance Procurement Training Data Processing Accounting Personnel Emergency Services Fire Fighting Equip. Office Supplies/Equip. Volunteer Program - Support staff, Workers Comp, and Personal Liability Insurance Medic Program - Support staff, Training, Certification, Case Review & Reporting, Monitor/ Defibrillator replacement cyc Battalion Chief Support - Pooled BC coverage for Cities/Agencies that do not include BC staffing as part of their contracted services. Fleet Support - Support staff, automotive costs, vehicle/engine maintenance, fuel costs Emergency Command Center Support - Dispatch services costs Communications / IT Support - Support staff, communications, radio maintenance, computer support functions Facility Support - Facility maitenance staff with associated operating costs. Hazmat Program - Support staff, operating costs, and vehicle replacement FY 21/22 POSITION SALARIES TOP STEP (per assumptions below) 316,514 DEPUTY CHIEF 36,250 312,336 DIV CHIEF 16,082 263,060 BAT CHIEF 5,504 225,271 CAPT 10,648 254,658 CAPT MEDIC 1,370 198,282 ENG 78,644 226,431 ENG/MEDIC 18,529 173,831 FF II 28.12 199,960 FF II/MEDIC 65,330 173,935 FIRE SAFETY SUPERVISOR 27,160 161,564 FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST 41.21 141,812 FIRE SYSTEMS INSPECTOR 1,442 83,148 OFFICE ASSISTANT III 418.92 94,600 SECRETARY I 4,468 179,773 COUNTY DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL 1,095.74 1,891 FIRE ENGINE SRVDEL VOL DEL MEDIC FTE MEDIC MONITORS/DEFIBS REPLACEMENT BATT DEL ECC STATION ECC CALLS FLEET SUPPORT COMM/IT STATION COMM/IT CALLS FACILITY STATION FACILITY FTE HAZMAT STATION HAZMAT CALLS HAZMAT VEHICLE REPLACEMENT *Cost Assumptions: - All Salaries based on FINAL Salary, Pay Differentials, and Operating Expenses Schedule FY 2021-2022 Dated January 12, 2021 - Benefits and Admin Fee based on Staff Benefit Rate Matrix FY 2021-22 dated February 2021 - Prelim - Direct cost of benefits (COBEN) is based on 1st Qtr AO -17 data. - Estimated Support Services based on assumptions above FY 21/22 DIRECT BILL ACCOUNT CODES 520230 520300 520320 520800 520805 520830 520840 520845 521380 521440 521540 521660 521680 522310 Cellular Phone Pager Service Telephone Service Household Expense Appliances Laundry Services Household Furnishings Trash Maint-Copier Machines Maint-Kitchen Equipment Maint-Office Equipment Maint-Telephone Maint-Underground Tanks Maint-Building and Improvemer 522340 Station Budgeted Maint-Building and Improvement 522360 Maint-Extermination 522380 Maint-Critical Systems 522410 Maint-Health & Safety 522860 Medical Supplies 522890 Pharmaceuticals 523220 Licenses And Permits 523680 Office Equip Non Fixed Assets 526700 Rent -Lease Building 529500 Electricity 529510 Heating Fuel 529550 Water 537240 Interfnd Exp -Utilities 542060 Capital Improvements Facilities FY21/22 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF LA QUINTA Page 3 of 11 69 STA #32 Medic Engine STA #70 Medic Engine STA #93 Medic Engine EXHIBIT "A" TO THE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE FIRE PREVENTION, RESCUE, FIRE MARSHAL AND MEDICAL EMERGENCY FOR THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DATED SEPTEMBER 10, 2021 FOR FY2022/2023 CAPTAINS 236,535 1 236,535 1 236,535 1 Fixed Relief Vac. Relief - Engine *See notation below for estimate assumptions CAPTAIN ENGINEER ENGINEERS MEDICS MEDICS FF II FFII MEDICS TOTALS 208,196 1 365,045 2 419,915 2 1,229,691 6 208,196 1 365,045 2 419,915 2 1,229,691 6 208,196 1 SUBTOTALS 709,604 624,589 SUBTOTAL STAFF 3 3 FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST (PCN 114438) FIRE SYSTEMS INSPECTOR (PCN 11????) SUBTOTAL ESTIMATED SUPPORT SERVICES (Fire Cost Allocation Plan) Administrative/Operational (Schedule A) Volunteer Program (Schedule B) Medic Program (Schedule C) Battalion Chief Support (Schedule D) ECC Support (Schedule E) Fleet Support (Schedule F) Comm/IT Support (Schedule G Hazmat Support (Schedule 1) SUPPORT SERVICES SUBTOTAL DIRECT CHARGES FIRE ENGINE USE AGREEMENT COOPERATIVE TRUCK AGREEMENT 12.5% 237,752 1 365,045 2 419,915 237,752 1 419,915 237,752 1 209,958 713,257 1,095,135 1,889,619 3 6 164,796 each 144,649 each 16,886 per assigned Staff ** 5,779 Per Entity Allocation 11,180 Medic FTE and 1,439 per Defib 82,576 .29 FTE per Station 29.52 per Call and 19,455 per Station 68,597 per Fire Suppression Equip 43.27 per Call and 28,518 per Station 1,151 per Call and 4,691 per Station 2 1,259,248 6 2 657,668 3 1 655,906 3 9 $5,032,205 24 164,796 1 144,649 1 TOTAL STAFF COUNT TOTAL ESTIMATED CITY BUDGET * LA QUINTA ESTIMATED FIRE TAX CREDIT NET ESTIMATED CITY BUDGET 36,250 each engine * STRUCTURAL FIRE TAXES (2,103,300) ESTIMATED REDEVELOPMENT PASS THRL (5,132,548) total contract transfer 188,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED TAX FUNDING ($7,047,848) 3 Fire Stations 4,602 Number of Calls 12.38 Assigned Medic FTE 3 Monitors/Defibs 3 Hazmat Stations 7 Number of Hazmat Calls FY22/23 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF LA QUINTA Page 4 of 11 ** $309,444 25 439,214 5,779 142,726 247,729 194,224 205,791 284,662 24,114 $1,544,240 26.01 1 12.38 3 3 56,906 108,750 3 241,036 12.50% $7,292,580 (7,047,848) $244,732 24.0 Assigned Staff 1.13 Indio Truck (12.5%) 0.88 Battalion Chief Support 26.01 Total Assigned Staff 70 26.01 SUPPORT SERVICES (Fire Cost Allocation Plan) Administrative & Operational Services Finance Training Data Processing Accounting Personnel Procurement Emergency Services Fire Fighting Equip. Office Supplies/Equip. Volunteer Program - Support staff, Workers Comp, and Personal Liability Insurance Medic Program - Support staff, Training, Certification, Case Review & Reporting, Monitor/ Defibrillator replacement cyc Battalion Chief Support - Pooled BC coverage for Cities/Agencies that do not include BC staffing as part of their contracted services. Fleet Support - Support staff, automotive costs, vehicle/engine maintenance, fuel costs Emergency Command Center Support - Dispatch services costs Communications / IT Support - Support staff, communications, radio maintenance, computer support functions Facility Support - Facility maitenance staff with associated operating costs. Hazmat Program - Support staff, operating costs, and vehicle replacement FY 22/23 POSITION SALARIES TOP STEP (per assumptions below) 332,340 327,953 276,213 236,535 267,391 208,196 237,752 182,523 209,958 177,414 164,796 144,649 84,811 96,492 183,369 DEPUTY CHIEF DIV CHIEF BAT CHIEF CAPT CAPT MEDIC ENG ENG/MEDIC FF II FF II/MEDIC FIRE SAFETY SUPERVISOR FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST FIRE SYSTEMS INSPECTOR OFFICE ASSISTANT III SECRETARY I COUNTY DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL 36,250 16,886 5,779 11,180 1,439 82,576 19,455 29.52 68,597 28,518 43.27 1,514 439.86 4,691 1,150.52 1,986 FIRE ENGINE SRVDEL VOL DEL MEDIC FTE MEDIC MONITORS/DEFIBS REPLACEMENT BATT DEL ECC STATION ECC CALLS FLEET SUPPORT COMM/IT STATION COMM/IT CALLS FACILITY STATION FACILITY FTE HAZMAT STATION HAZMAT CALLS HAZMAT VEHICLE REPLACEMENT *Cost Assumptions: - All Salaries based on FINAL Salary, Pay Differentials, and Operating Expenses Schedule FY 2021-2022 Dated January 12, 2021 - Benefits and Admin Fee based on Staff Benefit Rate Matrix FY 2021-22 dated February 2021 - Prelim - Direct cost of benefits (COBEN) is based on 1st Qtr AO -17 data. - Projected increase of 5% to Safety & 2% Non -Safety Staff and 5% Support Services from previous FY21/22. FY 22/23 DIRECT BILL ACCOUNT CODES 520230 520300 520320 520800 520805 520830 520840 520845 521380 521440 521540 521660 521680 522310 Cellular Phone Pager Service Telephone Service Household Expense Appliances Laundry Services Household Furnishings Trash Maint-Copier Machines Maint-Kitchen Equipment Maint-Office Equipment Maint-Telephone Maint-Underground Tanks Maint-Building and Improvemei 522340 Station Budgeted Maint-Building and Improvement 522360 Maint-Extermination 522380 Maint-Critical Systems 522410 Maint-Health & Safety 522860 Medical Supplies 522890 Pharmaceuticals 523220 Licenses And Permits 523680 Office Equip Non Fixed Assets 526700 Rent -Lease Building 529500 Electricity 529510 Heating Fuel 529550 Water 537240 Intel -ft -1d Exp -Utilities 542060 Capital Improvements Facilities FY22/23 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF LA QUINTA Page 5 of 11 71 STA #32 Medic Engine STA #70 Medic Engine STA #93 Medic Engine EXHIBIT "A" TO THE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE FIRE PREVENTION, RESCUE, FIRE MARSHAL AND MEDICAL EMERGENCY FOR THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DATED SEPTEMBER 10, 2021 FOR FY2023/2024 CAPTAINS 248,361 1 248,361 1 248,361 1 Fixed Relief Vac. Relief - Engine *See notation below for estimate assumptions CAPTAIN ENGINEER ENGINEERS MEDICS MEDICS 218,606 1 218,606 1 249,640 1 249,640 1 218,606 1 249,640 1 SUBTOTALS 745,084 655,818 748,920 SUBTOTAL STAFF 3 3 3 FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST (PCN 114438) FIRE SYSTEMS INSPECTOR (PCN 11????) SUBTOTAL ESTIMATED SUPPORT SERVICES (Fire Cost Allocation Plan) Administrative/Operational (Schedule A) Volunteer Program (Schedule B) Medic Program (Schedule C) Battalion Chief Support (Schedule D) ECC Support (Schedule E) Fleet Support (Schedule F) Comm/IT Support (Schedule G Hazmat Support (Schedule 1) SUPPORT SERVICES SUBTOTAL DIRECT CHARGES FIRE ENGINE USE AGREEMENT COOPERATIVE TRUCK AGREEMENT 12.5% 168,091 147,542 FF II FFII MEDICS TOTALS 383,297 2 440,911 2 1,291,176 383,297 2 440,911 2 1,291,176 383,297 2 440,911 440,911 220,456 1,984,100 1,149,892 each each 6 17,731 per assigned Staff ** 6,068 Per Entity Allocation 11,739 Medic FTE and 1,511 per Defib 86,705 .29 FTE per Station 31.00 per Call and 20,428 per Station 72,027 per Fire Suppression Equip 45.43 per Call and 29,944 per Station 1,208 per Call and 45.43 per Station 6 6 2 1,322,210 6 2 690,551 3 1 688,702 3 $5,283,815 9 24 168,091 1 147,542 1 TOTAL STAFF COUNT TOTAL ESTIMATED CITY BUDGET * LA QUINTA ESTIMATED FIRE TAX CREDIT NET ESTIMATED CITY BUDGET 36,250 each engine * STRUCTURAL FIRE TAXES (2,103,300) ESTIMATED REDEVELOPMENT PASS THRL (5,132,548) total contract transfer 188,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED TAX FUNDING ($7,047,848) 3 Fire Stations 4,602 Number of Calls 12.38 Assigned Medic FTE 3 Monitors/Defibs 3 Hazmat Stations 7 Number of Hazmat Calls FY23/24 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF LA QUINTA Page 6 of 11 ** $315,633 25 461,175 6,068 149,863 260,116 203,935 216,080 298,895 25,319 $1,621,452 26.01 1 12.38 3 3 56,906 108,750 3 252,963 12.50% $7,639,518 (7,047,848) $591,670 24.0 Assigned Staff 1.13 Indio Truck (12.5%) 0.88 Battalion Chief Support 26.01 Total Assigned Staff 72 26.01 SUPPORT SERVICES (Fire Cost Allocation Plan) Administrative & Operational Services Finance Procurement Training Emergency Services Data Processing Fire Fighting Equip. Accounting Office Supplies/Equip. Personnel Volunteer Program - Support staff, Workers Comp, and Personal Liability Insurance Medic Program - Support staff, Training, Certification, Case Review & Reporting, Monitor/ Defibrillator replacement cycle. Battalion Chief Support - Pooled BC coverage for Cities/Agencies that do not include BC staffing as part of their contracted services. Fleet Support - Support staff, automotive costs, vehicle/engine maintenance, fuel costs Emergency Command Center Support - Dispatch services costs Communications / IT Support - Support staff, communications, radio maintenance, computer support functions Facility Support - Facility maitenance staff with associated operating costs. Hazmat Program - Support staff, operating costs, and vehicle replacement FY 23/24 POSITION SALARIES TOP STEP (per assumptions below) 348,957 DEPUTY CHIEF 36,250 FIRE ENGINE 344,350 DIV CHIEF 17,731 SRVDEL 290,023 BAT CHIEF 6,068 VOL DEL 248,361 CAPT 11,739 MEDIC FTE 280,761 CAPT MEDIC 1,511 MEDIC MONITORS/DEFIBS REPLACEMENT 218,606 ENG 86,705 BATT DEL 249,640 ENG/MEDIC 20,428 ECC STATION 191,649 FF II 31.00 ECC CALLS 220,456 FF II/MEDIC 72,027 FLEET SUPPORT 180,962 FIRE SAFETY SUPERVISOR 29,944 COMM/IT STATION 168,091 FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST 45.43 COMM/IT CALLS 147,542 FIRE SYSTEMS INSPECTOR 1,590 FACILITY STATION 86,507 OFFICE ASSISTANT III 461.86 FACILITY FTE 98,422 SECRETARY I 4,926 HAZMAT STATION 187,036 COUNTY DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL 1,208.05 HAZMAT CALLS 2,085 HAZMAT VEHICLE REPLACEMENT *Cost Assumptions: - All Salaries based on FINAL Salary, Pay Differentials, and Operating Expenses Schedule FY 2021-2022 Dated January 12, 2021 - Benefits and Admin Fee based on Staff Benefit Rate Matrix FY 2021-22 dated February 2021 - Prelim - Direct cost of benefits (COBEN) is based on 1st Qtr AO -17 data. - Projected increase of 5% to Safety & 2% Non -Safety Staff and 5% Support Services from previous FY22/23 FY 23/24 DIRECT BILL ACCOUNT CODES 520230 Cellular Phone 522340 Station Budgeted Maint-Building and Improvement 520300 Pager Service 522360 Maint-Extermination 520320 Telephone Service 522380 Maint-Critical Systems 520800 Household Expense 522410 Maint-Health & Safety 520805 Appliances 522860 Medical Supplies 520830 Laundry Services 522890 Pharmaceuticals 520840 Household Furnishings 523220 Licenses And Permits 520845 Trash 523680 Office Equip Non Fixed Assets 521380 Maint-Copier Machines 526700 Rent -Lease Building 521440 Maint-Kitchen Equipment 529500 Electricity 521540 Maint-Office Equipment 529510 Heating Fuel 521660 Maint-Telephone 529550 Water 521680 Maint-Underground Tanks 537240 Interfnd Exp -Utilities 522310 Maint-Building and Improvemei 542060 Capital Improvements Facilities FY23/24 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF LA QUINTA Page 7of11 73 STA #32 Medic Engine STA #70 Medic Engine STA #93 Medic Engine EXHIBIT "A" TO THE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE FIRE PREVENTION, RESCUE, FIRE MARSHAL AND MEDICAL EMERGENCY FOR THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DATED SEPTEMBER 10, 2021 FOR FY2024/2025 CAPTAINS 260,779 1 260,779 1 260,779 1 Fixed Relief Vac. Relief - Engine *See notation below for estimate assumptions CAPTAIN ENGINEER ENGINEERS MEDICS MEDICS 229,536 1 229,536 1 FF II FFII MEDICS TOTALS 402,462 2 462,957 2 1,355,735 402,462 2 462,957 2 1,355,735 262,122 1 402,462 2 462,957 262,122 1 462,957 229,536 1 262,122 1 231,478 SUBTOTALS 782,338 688,609 786,366 1,207,387 2,083,305 SUBTOTAL STAFF 3 3 3 6 FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST (PCN 114438) FIRE SYSTEMS INSPECTOR (PCN 11????) SUBTOTAL 171,453 each 150,492 each 6 6 2 1,388,320 6 2 725,079 3 1 723,137 3 9 $5,548,006 24 171,453 1 150,492 1 $321,946 25 ESTIMATED SUPPORT SERVICES (Fire Cost Allocation Plan) Administrative/Operational (Schedule A) 18,617 per assigned Staff ** 484,234 Volunteer Program (Schedule B) 6,372 Per Entity Allocation 6,372 Medic Program (Schedule C) 12,326 Medic FTE and 1,586 per Defib 157,356 Battalion Chief Support (Schedule D) 91,040 .29 FTE per Station 273,121 ECC Support (Schedule E) 32.55 per Call and 21,450 per Station 214,132 Fleet Support (Schedule F) 75,628 per Fire Suppression Equip 226,884 3 Comm/IT Support (Schedule G 47.70 per Call and 31,442 per Station 313,840 Hazmat Support (Schedule 1) 1,268 per Call and 5,172 per Station 26,585 SUPPORT SERVICES SUBTOTAL $1,702,525 26.01 1 12.38 3 DIRECT CHARGES FIRE ENGINE USE AGREEMENT COOPERATIVE TRUCK AGREEMENT 12.5% TOTAL STAFF COUNT TOTAL ESTIMATED CITY BUDGET * LA QUINTA ESTIMATED FIRE TAX CREDIT NET ESTIMATED CITY BUDGET 36,250 each engine * STRUCTURAL FIRE TAXES (2,103,300) ESTIMATED REDEVELOPMENT PASS THRL (5,132,548) total contract transfer 188,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED TAX FUNDING ($7,047,848) 3 Fire Stations 4,602 Number of Calls 12.38 Assigned Medic FTE 3 Monitors/Defibs 3 Hazmat Stations 7 Number of Hazmat Calls FY24/25 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF LA QUINTA Page 8 of 11 ** 56,906 108,750 3 265,486 12.50% $8,003,617 (7,047,848) $955,770 24.0 Assigned Staff 1.13 Indio Truck (12.5%) 0.88 Battalion Chief Support 26.01 Total Assigned Staff 74 26.01 SUPPORT SERVICES (Fire Cost Allocation Plan) Administrative & Operational Services Finance Procurement Training Emergency Services Data Processing Fire Fighting Equip. Accounting Office Supplies/Equip. Personnel Volunteer Program - Support staff, Workers Comp, and Personal Liability Insurance Medic Program - Support staff, Training, Certification, Case Review & Reporting, Monitor/ Defibrillator replacement cy( Battalion Chief Support - Pooled BC coverage for Cities/Agencies that do not include BC staffing as part of their contracted services. Fleet Support - Support staff, automotive costs, vehicle/engine maintenance, fuel costs Emergency Command Center Support - Dispatch services costs Communications / IT Support - Support staff, communications, radio maintenance, computer support functions Facility Support - Facility maitenance staff with associated operating costs. Hazmat Program - Support staff, operating costs, and vehicle replacement FY 24/25 POSITION SALARIES TOP STEP (per assumptions below) 366,405 DEPUTY CHIEF 36,250 FIRE ENGINE 361,568 DIV CHIEF 18,617 SRVDEL 304,524 BAT CHIEF 6,372 VOL DEL 260,779 CAPT 12,326 MEDIC FTE 294,799 CAPT MEDIC 1,586 MEDIC MONITORS/DEFIBS REPLACEMENT 229,536 ENG 91,040 BATT DEL 262,122 ENG/MEDIC 21,450 ECC STATION 201,231 FF II 32.55 ECC CALLS 231,478 FF II/MEDIC 75,628 FLEET SUPPORT 184,581 FIRE SAFETY SUPERVISOR 31,442 COMM/IT STATION 171,453 FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST 47.70 COMM/IT CALLS 150,492 FIRE SYSTEMS INSPECTOR 1,669 FACILITY STATION 88,237 OFFICE ASSISTANT III 484.95 FACILITY FTE 100,390 SECRETARY I 5,172 HAZMAT STATION 190,777 COUNTY DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL 1,268.45 HAZMAT CALLS 2,189 HAZMAT VEHICLE REPLACEMENT *Cost Assumptions: - All Salaries based on FINAL Salary, Pay Differentials, and Operating Expenses Schedule FY 2021-2022 Dated January 12, 2021 - Benefits and Admin Fee based on Staff Benefit Rate Matrix FY 2021-22 dated February 2021 - Prelim - Direct cost of benefits (COBEN) is based on 1st Qtr AO -17 data. - Projected increase of 5% to Safety & 2% Non -Safety Staff and 5% Support Services from previous FY23/24 FY 24/25 DIRECT BILL ACCOUNT CODES 520230 Cellular Phone 522340 Station Budgeted Maint-Building and Improvement 520300 Pager Service 522360 Maint-Extermination 520320 Telephone Service 522380 Maint-Critical Systems 520800 Household Expense 522410 Maint-Health & Safety 520805 Appliances 522860 Medical Supplies 520830 Laundry Services 522890 Pharmaceuticals 520840 Household Furnishings 523220 Licenses And Permits 520845 Trash 523680 Office Equip Non Fixed Assets 521380 Maint-Copier Machines 526700 Rent -Lease Building 521440 Maint-Kitchen Equipment 529500 Electricity 521540 Maint-Office Equipment 529510 Heating Fuel 521660 Maint-Telephone 529550 Water 521680 Maint-Underground Tanks 537240 Interfnd Exp -Utilities 522310 Maint-Building and Improvemei 542060 Capital Improvements Facilities FY24/25 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF LA QUINTA Page 9 of 11 75 STA #32 Medic Engine STA #70 Medic Engine STA #93 Medic Engine EXHIBIT "A" TO THE COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT TO PROVIDE FIRE PREVENTION, RESCUE, FIRE MARSHAL AND MEDICAL EMERGENCY FOR THE CITY OF LA QUINTA DATED SEPTEMBER 10, 2021 FOR FY2025/2026 CAPTAINS 273,818 1 273,818 1 273,818 1 Fixed Relief Vac. Relief - Engine SUBTOTALS 821,455 SUBTOTAL STAFF 3 *See notation below for estimate assumptions CAPTAIN ENGINEERS _MEDICS_ __________ FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST (PCN 114438) FIRE SYSTEMS INSPECTOR (PCN 11????) SUBTOTAL 241,013 1 241,013 1 ENGINEER MEDICS FF II FFII _MEDICS _ TOTALS 422,585 2 486,105 2 1,423,521 6 422,585 2 486,105 2 1,423,521 6 275,228 1 422,585 2 486,105 2 1,457,736 6 486,105 2 761,333 3 243,052 1 759,294 3 275,228 1 241,013 1 275,228 1 723,040 825,685 3 3 ESTIMATED SUPPORT SERVICES (Fire Cost Allocation Plan) Administrative/Operational (Schedule A) Volunteer Program (Schedule B) Medic Program (Schedule C) 12,942 Battalion Chief Support (Schedule D) ECC Support (Schedule E) 34.17 Fleet Support (Schedule F) Comm/IT Support (Schedule G 50.08 Hazmat Support (Schedule 1) 1,332 SUPPORT SERVICES SUBTOTAL DIRECT CHARGES FIRE ENGINE USE AGREEMENT COOPERATIVE TRUCK AGREEMENT 12.5% 1,267,756 174,882 each 153,502 each 19,548 6,690 Medic FTE and 95,592 per Call and 79,410 per Call and per Call and 2,187,470 6 per assigned Staff ** Per Entity Allocation 1,666 per Defib .29 FTE per Station 22,522 per Station per Fire Suppression Equip 33,014 per Station 5,431 per Station 9 $5,825,406 24 174,882 1 153,502 1 TOTAL STAFF COUNT TOTAL ESTIMATED CITY BUDGET * LA QUINTA ESTIMATED FIRE TAX CREDIT NET ESTIMATED CITY BUDGET 36,250 each engine * STRUCTURAL FIRE TAXES (2,103,300) ESTIMATED REDEVELOPMENT PASS THRU (5,132,548) total contract transfer 188,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED TAX FUNDING ($7,047,848) 3 Fire Stations 4,602 Number of Calls 12.38 Assigned Medic FTE 3 Monitors/Defibs 3 Hazmat Stations 7 Number of Hazmat Calls FY25/26 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF LA QUINTA Page 10 of 11 ** $328,385 25 508,445 26.01 6,690 1 165,224 12.38 286,777 3 224,839 238,229 3 329,532 27,915 $1,787,651 56,906 108,750 3 278,635 12.50% $8,385,732 (7,047,848) $1,337,884 24.0 Assigned Staff 1.13 Indio Truck (12.5%) 0.88 Battalion Chief Support 26.01 Total Assigned Staff 76 26.01 SUPPORT SERVICES (Fire Cost Allocation Plan) Administrative & Operational Services Finance Training Data Processing Accounting Personnel Procurement Emergency Services Fire Fighting Equip. Office Supplies/Equip. Volunteer Program - Support staff, Workers Comp, and Personal Liability Insurance Medic Program - Support staff, Training, Certification, Case Review & Reporting, Monitor/ Defibrillator replacement cyc Battalion Chief Support - Pooled BC coverage for Cities/Agencies that do not include BC staffing as part of their contracted services. Fleet Support - Support staff, automotive costs, vehicle/engine maintenance, fuel costs Emergency Command Center Support - Dispatch services costs Communications / IT Support - Support staff, communications, radio maintenance, computer support functions Facility Support - Facility maitenance staff with associated operating costs. Hazmat Program - Support staff, operating costs, and vehicle replacement FY 25/26 POSITION SALARIES TOP STEP (per assumptions below) 384,725 DEPUTY CHIEF 36,250 379,646 DIV CHIEF 19,548 319,751 BAT CHIEF 6,690 273,818 CAPT 12,942 309,539 CAPT MEDIC 1,666 241,013 ENG 95,592 275,228 ENG/MEDIC 22,522 211,293 FF II 34.17 243,052 FF II/MEDIC 79,410 188,273 FIRE SAFETY SUPERVISOR 33,014 174,882 FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST 50.08 153,502 FIRE SYSTEMS INSPECTOR 1,753 90,002 OFFICE ASSISTANT III 509.20 102,398 SECRETARY I 5,431 194,592 COUNTY DEPUTY FIRE MARSHAL 1,331.87 2,299 FIRE ENGINE SRVDEL VOL DEL MEDIC FTE MEDIC MONITORS/DEFIBS REPLACEMENT BATT DEL ECC STATION ECC CALLS FLEET SUPPORT COMM/IT STATION COMM/IT CALLS FACILITY STATION FACILITY FTE HAZMAT STATION HAZMAT CALLS HAZMAT VEHICLE REPLACEMENT *Cost Assumptions: - All Salaries based on FINAL Salary, Pay Differentials, and Operating Expenses Schedule FY 2021-2022 Dated January 12, 2021 - Benefits and Admin Fee based on Staff Benefit Rate Matrix FY 2021-22 dated February 2021 - Prelim - Direct cost of benefits (COBEN) is based on 1st Qtr AO -17 data. - Projected increase of 5% to Safety & 2% Non -Safety Staff and 5% Support Services from previous FY24/25 FY 25/26 DIRECT BILL ACCOUNT CODES 520230 520300 520320 520800 520805 520830 520840 520845 521380 521440 521540 521660 521680 522310 Cellular Phone Pager Service Telephone Service Household Expense Appliances Laundry Services Household Furnishings Trash Maint-Copier Machines Maint-Kitchen Equipment Maint-Office Equipment Maint-Telephone Maint-Underground Tanks Maint-Building and Improvemer 522340 Station Budgeted Maint-Building and Improvement 522360 Maint-Extermination 522380 Maint-Critical Systems 522410 Maint-Health & Safety 522860 Medical Supplies 522890 Pharmaceuticals 523220 Licenses And Permits 523680 Office Equip Non Fixed Assets 526700 Rent -Lease Building 529500 Electricity 529510 Heating Fuel 529550 Water 537240 Interfnd Exp -Utilities 542060 Capital Improvements Facilities FY25/26 EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF LA QUINTA Page 11 of 11 77