JSmith & TMuli, Inck CALIFORNIA = r-�'-x'��w �'iF'+e-'F �. fir +�:�! wleu. .x.:-�•�a+ • �I �aR-rw-�; ��s;{�I I: � f � ,nom -WF PROPOSAL: PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES AVENUE 50 BRIDGE PROJECT PROPOSAL FEDERAL PROJECT NO. BR-NBIL (547) CITY OF LA QUINTA PROJECT NO. 2019-02 J. SMITH & T. MULI, INC. 33161 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, SUITE -D SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 CA DIR# PW -LR -1000893931 State of CA / USDOT Certified DBE# 50981 State of CA SBE # 2026784 State of CA MBE # 22000400 mollow — AUGUST 23, 2023 " J. SMITH J�T. M U L I JS&TM JS&TM PRN: 23029 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLEOF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................................................................. i A. COVER LETTER...................................................................................................................................................................... i B. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATION.......................................................................................................................................3 i. Firm Staffing and Key Personnel................................................................................................................................. 3 Project Team Organization Chart: ..................................................................................................................................... 4 ii. Subconsultants........................................................................................................................................................5 iii. Team Project Experience and References.............................................................................................................. 6 C. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING & APPROACH.......................................................................................................................8 PROJECTUNDERSTANDING............................................................................................................................................... 8 PROJECTAPPROACH........................................................................................................................................................ 12 Innovative or Advanced Techniques: ............................................................................................................................... 16 Project Management Approach...................................................................................................................................... 16 Client and Stakeholder Engagement...............................................................................................................................17 JS&TM Quality Assurance................................................................................................................................................ 17 Costand Schedule Controls.............................................................................................................................................17 D. SCOPE OF WORK PROGRAM............................................................................................................................................17 PROJECT MANAGEMENT/ADMINISTRATION.............................................................................................................. 17 PHASE -1: Project Approval and Environmental Documents(PA&ED)............................................................................. 18 TASK 1.1 RESEARCH & INVESTIGATION...................................................................................................................... 18 TASK 1.3 UTILITY INVESTIGATION / NOTIFICATION/ COORDINATION....................................................................... 18 TASK 1.4 GEOTECHNICAL STUDY................................................................................................................................ 19 TASK 1.5 STORMWATER ENGINEERING AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSES........................................................................ 19 TASK 1.6 ENVIRONMENTAL APPROVAL......................................................................................................................20 TASK 1.7 GEOMETRIC APPROVAL DRAWINGS (35% Design Plan Set)........................................................................ 20 PHASE -2 PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES (PS&Es)........................................................................................... 21 TASK 2.1 FINAL PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ESTIMATE (65%, 90%, 100% PS&Es)................................................. 21 TASK 2.2: BRIDGE STRUCTURAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS................................................................................... 23 TASK 2.3: PLAN AND PERMIT PROCESSING......................................................................................................... 23 PHASE -3 RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION............................................................................................................................ 23 TASK 3.1 RIGHT OF WAY............................................................................................................................................. 23 PHASE -4 CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT................................................................................................................................ 25 TASK 4.1: BID ASSISTANCE.......................................................................................................................................... 25 Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page i TASK 4.2: STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP).......................................................................... 26 TASK 4.3. CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT.......................................................................................................................... 26 E. PROJECTSCHEDULE..........................................................................................................................................................27 F. DBE COMMITMENT..........................................................................................................................................................27 G. APPENDICES......................................................................................................................................................................28 APPENDIX1...................................................................................................................................................................... 29 Signed Non -Collusion Affidavit Form (See Attachment 4).............................................................................................. 29 APPENDIX2...................................................................................................................................................................... 30 Insurance Acknowledgement (See Attachment 3).......................................................................................................... 30 APPENDIX3...................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Identification of Project Team & Staff Resumes.............................................................................................................. 31 APPENDIX4...................................................................................................................................................................... 35 AddendumAcknowledgement........................................................................................................................................35 APPENDIX5...................................................................................................................................................................... 36 ProjectSchedule..............................................................................................................................................................36 COSTPROPOSAL.......................................................................................................................................................................37 Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page ii A. COVER LETTER August 23, 2023 City of La Quinta Attn: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst, Public Works Department 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Tel: (760)777-7041 Email: jmignogna@laquintaca.gov Subject: Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project J. Smith & T. Muli, Inc. (1S&TM) is pleased to provide our proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge. Over the past 22 years, JS&TM staff has provided bridge and stormwater engineering, planning, and design services, for multiple municipalities, special districts, and major land holders in the Coachella Valley and throughout Southern California. 1S&TM has assembled a team of experts that has vast experience in Bridge and Roadway Design, Stormwater Engineering, Water Resources Engineering, Dry Utility Engineering, Land Survey, Land Appraisal and Land Acquisition, and CEQA Documentation and Resource Agency Permitting for local, state, and federally funded projects. Most of our projects include environmental documentation, resource agency permitting, utility coordination, coordination with multiple agencies, as well as resident and stakeholders communication, so we are well versed in the importance of peripheral services and the soft skills needed to successfully deliver a major project for the city. JS&TM understands the need for the City of La Quinta to complete this critical infrastructure project in order to alleviate historic road closures and risks presented by the current low water crossing; especially in light of the roadway flooding that stranded motorist in the 2013 catastrophic storm events that resulted in extensive flooding in various parts of the city. The JS&TM Team conducted a site visit on July 26, 2023 and observed current construction of fiber optic cable interconnect conduit installation. The site review, our prior work on the Focused Drainage Study, and our team's involvement in other bridge and low water crossing projects in the Coachella Valley gives us excellent detailed knowledge of this project and the ability to deliver a successful bridge project for the city. The team we have assembled for this project has worked together over many years developing unique projects solutions and have been part of multiple award-winning projects within the Coachella Valley and throughout Southern California. The JS&TM Team consists of the following team members: r J. SMITH • J. Smith & T. Muli & • Monument ROW m onument —— 7s�rnt T. M U L J • Rende Consulting Group R C G • Donahue and Associates • Dudek DUDEIC • Charles Marr Consulting I RBI �1 • Converse Consultants 634kConverseConsultants • RBI Traffic '[� d®BI TR %TTc • David Volz Design • GIS Surveyors ..: GC�1 Identification of the Team: Identification of each company in the JS&TM team is provided in Appendix 3. Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 1 This team has vast experience and expertise in delivering Bridge and Roadway Projects; especially those that include advanced stormwater services, relocation of major utilities, environmental documentation & permitting, construction staging, and construction support services. Our Principal, Jonis C. Smith, PE, CFM, Env SP, QSD/P will be the Primary Contact to the City. He will be the working Project Manager for the project. Jonis brings over 28 years' experience in project management and flood control engineering for transportation projects. He has great passion for stormwater engineering and a great appreciation for the often unnoticed yet invaluable contribution that Stormwater Engineers make to society and the quality of life of home and business owners. Mr. Smith has a unique ability to manage engineering teams. He is very good and taking technical topics and making them understandable to everyone. He develops a deep understanding of the abilities of each team member and connects with people to lead high performing teams. Our other Principal, Tim Muli, PE, CFM, QSD/P, LEED AP will be the Assistant Project Manager and Lead Project Engineer for the project. Tim is licensed in multiple states and has over 22 years of experience in Storm Drain Design. He is highly recognized and respected subject matter expert in stormwater management, flood control engineering, and construction document preparation and has been involved in many transportation projects throughout Southern California. Mr. Muli and Mr. Smith are supported by a strong team with vast experience and expertise in transportation engineering and stormwater engineering, and construction support services. Please find in a separate sealed envelope our Cost Proposal. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal to the City of La Quinta and are available to begin work immediately. JS&TM has carefully reviewed this Request for Proposals (RFP) and we request no exceptions or deviations from the RFP. Our proposal will remain valid for a period of not less than 180 calendar days from the date of submittal. Please do not hesitate to contact Jonis Smith, PE at 949.212.0916 or ismith@istminc.com and Tim Muli, PE at 949.378.0632 or tmuli@Istminc.com should you have questions or require further information. Please send all notifications to both Tim Muli, PE and Jonis Smith, PE, who are both authorized to bind JS&TM. We look forward to the opportunity to discuss our proposal with the city staff in greater detail. Our company information is provided below: Company Name: J. Smith & T. Muli, Inc Location Address: 10 33161 Camino Capistrano, Suite -D San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Website: https://www.ostminc.com/ ■� Sincerely, J ni mith, PE, CFM, QSD/P, Env SP Principal Tim Muli, PE, CFM, QSD/P, LEED AP Principal Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 2 B. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATION The JS&TM Team has worked together for many years on numerous projects. The team members are experts in their respective fields. As a team we focus on project delivery. We keep the project moving and get it done efficiently and quickly. JS&TM will be the lead consultant on this project. i. Firm Staffing and Key Personnel JS&TM has assembled a dedicated team with vast experience and expertise in storm drain design, bridge design, land surveying, geotechnical engineering, pavement evaluation and design, Environmental Approval process (CEQA/NEPA documentation & environmental permitting), right of way acquisition, traffic control, utility potholing, plans & permit processing, overall PS&E preparation, construction support services. Our Principal, Principal, Jonis C. Smith, PE, CFM, Env SP, QSD/P will be the Primary Contact to the City. He will be the working Project Manager and Principal Engineer for the project. Jonis brings over 28 years' experience in all aspects of Civil Engineering. He specifically has great passion for Stormwater Engineering and a great appreciation for the often unnoticed yet invaluable contribution that Stormwater Engineers make to society. Mr. Smith has an in-depth understanding of the behavior of stormwater and is able to weave his understanding of the interconnectedness of hydrology and hydraulics into his approach to stormwater engineering and design. Our other Principal, Tim M. Muli, PE, CFM, LEED AP, QSD/P will be the Assistant Project Manager and Lead Project Engineer for the project. Tim is licensed in multiple states and has over 22 years of experience. He is universally recognized and respected subject matter expert in flood control engineering, stormwater management, Civil design, floodplain management, stream restoration, civil design, water quality permitting, low impact development (LID) stormwater management design, and has been involved in many private and municipal infrastructure projects throughout Southern California. Our Team Project QA/QC Manager will be Charles Greely, PE, QSD who has over 30 years of experience in civil engineering, specializing in roadway/bridge design, floodplain, drainage, and stormwater quality design and analysis. Mr. Greely has extensive experience working with clients as a Principal engineer on municipal, roadway, and private development projects and is well versed in regulatory agency permitting and stormwater quality requirements. He has engineered and managed projects through all phases, from planning, design through construction, and currently manages Dudek's La Quinta office, which also means he is in close proximity to City offices for meetings and to oversee project progress. The key staff will be supported by project engineers, design engineers, environmental team, and other key specialists listed in the organization chart below. The JS&TM team will also be supported by a group of highly experienced contract designers and senior level engineers. We have excellent long-term teaming relationships and have the capability to handle small and large projects and meet City needs. We have included our long-term partners as subconsultants in this project to provide special services such as Geotechnical Engineering, Pavement Evaluation and Design, Survey/Mapping, Right of Way Acquisition, Traffic Engineering, Environmental Permitting, and utility research/potholing. Resumes for our key personnel are provided as part of the Appendices. Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 3 KIM BIBOLET, SR/WA, R/W-NAC CURTIS BIBOLET, SR -WA, R/W-AMC JASON REYNOLDS MICHAEL WILLIAMS, PHD JAMES COWAN, INCE, Bd CERT SARAH SIREN. PG, GISP PROJECT TEAM ORGANIZATION CHART J. SMITH T. MULI CHARLES GREELEY, PE TIM MULI, PE, CFM, QSD/P, LEED AP [ON.S SMITH, PE, CFM, QSD/P, ENV IPJ HERNAN MONTOYA, SE JONIS SMITH, PE DENNIS ROSE, PLS TIM MULI, PE, CFM, QSD/P, LIED AP GAVIN M­11lONls SMITH, PE, CFM, QSD/P, ENV SP DENNIS ROSE, PIS HASHMI QUAZI, PHD, PE, GE NAPOIEAN CORPUZ, ISIT RYAN FOREST, PLS ROBERT GREGOREK, PG, CEG DAVID VOLZ, LSA I IONIS SMITH, PE, URTI GREG RENDE, PE T:M MULI, PE QUEZ, LSA C K M B BIO ETTSR/WA, R/W--NACC HERNAN MONTOYA, SE I I JONIS SMITHEARDSLEV, TE PE RUSTY GALASLPSCASSSSAZHASHMI QRR CHARLES MARRPPE UAZI, PHD. PE. GE JASON REYNOLDS CHARLES 7Rp'Rr TIM MULI, PE DAVID VOLZ, LSA CHARLES GREELEY, v KEVIN DONAHUE, MAI MARK LATHRAM KEVIN CIPHOR, PECURTIS JOSH CATO, PE JENNIFER 777 GARY VASQUEZ, LSA GREG RENDS, PE TOMMYMOOLIO BBOLEl SR-WMC OBRIEN, PE PAUL CASSAR CHARLES MARR, PE lONls SMITH, PE ERIC SCHNIEWIND TIM MJONM SMITH, PE LUIS PEDRAZA 7HASHMI QUAD, PHD, PI TEAMING PARTNERS li v .t C Converse Consultants m on u mentGSi if........weti_...,1. Rcs RBI TRAFFIC Page 4 ii. Subconsultants JS&TM has teamed with Dudek, RBI Traffic, GSI Surveyors, Converse, David Volz Design, Charlie Marr Consulting, Rende Consulting, Donahue & Company, and Monument to provide the services required for this project. The team assembled here has worked together on many successful projects, requiring similar experience and with the same engineering design elements. The sub -consultants range from small to mid-sized firms with vast experience in engineering planning, design, construction, and management of wide-ranging cost-effective projects for various municipalities and private developers. The JS&TM team endeavors to develop and implement practical project solutions, using existing facilities prudently and innovatively before spending on costly new and expanded structures or facilities. The JS&TM staff/team assembled here has recent experience working together to complete projects such as, Dunlap Bridge Replacement for City of Yucaipa, Stormwater System Condition Assessment and CIP for the City of San Marino, Storm Drain CIP Implementation for City of Rancho Palos Verdes, Haigh Road Channel Improvements for the City of Thousand Oaks (award winning project), among other unique projects throughout Southern California. The JS&TM team was recently awarded the Lacey Park Storm Drain and Rehabilitation Project by the City of San Marino. Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 5 Team Project Experience and References Merrill Avenue Bridge Over Cucamonga Creek Channel, City of Ontario, Bryan Lirely, PE, 909.395.2137 RCG performed not only the structural design but also prepared the complete Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) for the widening of this existing 160- ` foot -long 3 -span precast concrete girder bridge. RCG also performed the .;. structural design and prepared the complete Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) for the construction of an outlet transition/junction structure at the existing Cucamonga Creek Channel. The outlet transition/junction structure involved highly complex geometry due to the need to transition from a double 12'x6' RCB to a 25'-7" rectangular open channel side inlet joining the main channel at a very small confluence angle (20 -degrees). All structural design was in accordance with all applicable USACE Engineering Manuals and included AASHTO maintenance vehicle loading applied both vertically and laterally. This project required that a Section 408 permit be approved by the USACE, and all structural calculations and construction details were reviewed and approved by the USACE and the San Bernardino County Flood Control District as part of this Section 408 permit process. Dunlap Boulevard Bridge Replacement Project, City of Yucaipa, Landon Kern, 909.797.2489 Members of the JS&TM Team including Rende Consulting Group, Dudek, Converse Consultants, GIS Surveyors, and JS&TM staff provided bridge/structural engineering, land survey and mapping, geotechnical engineering, stormwater engineering, and site civil engineering, services, and project management for the City of Yucaipa to replace an existing undersized culvert with a new bridge. Tim Muli, PE was the project manager, Jonis Smith was the Project Engineer, r_ Greg Rende, PE was the Structural Engineer for this bridge and drainage improvement project. The project team performed structural design and prepared the complete Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E) for the replacement of an existing triple 10'x10' RCB with a new 65 -foot -long precast prestressed concrete box girder bridge. One unique aspect of this project is that the new bridge was designed and constructed such that it completely spans (above and beyond) the limits of the existing RCB structure. This allowed for construction to occur year-round due to the avoidance of the environmental and hydraulic restrictions imposed within the channel during the rainy season. Removal of the existing RCB and construction of the channel improvements will occur in a subsequent phase of the project. The existing bridge opening is a triple 12' (W) X 12' (H) and is undersized, with no capacity to convey a 100 -year storm. Washington Street Drainage Improvements Phases 1 & 2, City of La Quinta Bryan McKinney, 760.777.7045 JS&TM team members including JS&TM staff and Dudek provided engineering services for refining the drainage analysis and preparation of construction documents for two of the five major flooded areas identified as part of the focused drainage study previously prepared by the JS&TM staff. The two locations were Washington Street near the main entrance of Lake La Quinta, and Washington Street and Avenue 50. The project refined XPSWMM 1D/2D analysis of the 250 year/1-hour storm event for both sites. Haigh Road Drainage Channel Improvements, City of Thousand Oaks, Nader Heydari, Civil Engineer, 805.449.2392, nheydari@toaks.org Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 6 JS&TM Team members including JS&TM staff, Rende Consulting Group, Dudek, and GIS Surveyors provided comprehensive final design and construction support for the Haigh Road Drainage Channel Improvement Project. This project won the APWA Project of the year award in 2019. Tim Muli was the Project Manager, Jonis Smith was Project Engineer, Greg Rende was the project Structural Engineer. The project included the rehabilitation design for approximately 1,234 linear -foot of 5 -foot wide-open channel with reinforced concrete invert, and reinforced CMU block walls. There was an existing 15 -foot - wide storm drain easement along the west channel wall. A large compound headwall/junction structure exists at the upstream end of the channel where the system transitions from a 60 -inch RCP and a 36 -inch RCP to the open channel that conveys runoff from upstream tributary areas. Magnolia Avenue Bridge Widening, City of Corona, James Lu (951) 687-1005 x 104 The project consisted of widening the Magnolia Avenue Bridge over the Temescal Wash and street widening between EI Camino Avenue and 1,000 feet east of All-American Way. The proposed widening included an additional lane in each direction for a total of three 12 -foot lanes in each direction, a 12 -foot striped median, 8 -foot outside shoulders in both directions, 5 -foot sidewalks on the north and south sides of the bridge. Hashmi Quazi, PHD, PEG, was the principal in charge and Robert Gregorek, PE, GE was the project geotechnical engineer. Converse Consultants obtained a no -fee permit from the City of Yucaipa. Provided drilling of 2 exploratory borings to 50 -feet. One on either side of the bridge. Obtained representative soil samples during the subsurface exploration which were tested in our laboratory to evaluate their engineering properties. Laboratory testing included in-place moisture and density, expansion index, R -value, consolidation, sieve analysis, direct shear, and laboratory maximum density. Analyzed the data from the boring samples and laboratory tests and prepared a report to document the findings, conclusions, and recommendations developed during our investigation. La Quinta Village Road Diet Tampico Trunk Storm Drain, City of La Quinta, Bryan McKinney, 760.777.7045, bmckinney@la-guinta.or JS&TM team members including JS&TM staff and Dudek provided engineering services for Final improvements and reconstruction, PS&E for the Calle Tampico to alleviate flooding and reduce the risk of future catastrophic flood events in this area of the city. This project was identified as a high priority CIP as part of the focused area drainage study previously performed by JS&TM staff. The focused study evaluated the flood risk associated with extreme storm events and identified potential drainage improvements to reduce future flood damage and increase public safety if or when extreme storm events occur. Tim Muli, PE was the Project Manager, and Jonis Smith, PE was the Project Engineer. Lacadena over Santa Ana River Improvement Project, City of Colton, Victor Ortiz, 909.370.5065, vortiz@contonca.ov This project replaced the existing La Cadena bridge over Santa Ana River to accommodate four travel lanes, a raised median, bike lane, and a sidewalk in each direction. The project will also replace the existing access to the Santa Ana River Trail (SART) parking lot and a portion of the existing bike trail connection between the SART and southbound side of La Cadena Drive. The project entailed overall project coordination, title, and escrow services, right of way engineering services, appraisal and appraisal review services, right-of-way acquisition, utility coordination and right-of-way certification services. The project impacted 4 parcels that required purchase of partial permanent and temporary interests to accommodate the proposed improvements. Monument provided oversight of overall project coordination and managed all elements of the right-of-way program. This included the management of consultants and staff for delivery of tasks, project schedule development and project compliance with state and federal regulations. Monument also provided utility La Cadena Over Santa Ana Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 7 River Bridge Improvement Project. Monument also managed utility coordination and utility relocation services for electric, cable, gas, and waterline facilities before construction and obtained Caltrans Certification. Bradley Road Bridge Project Environmental Services, City of Menifee, Jack Abcarius; 858.385.2128 Dudek is currently providing comprehensive CEQA and NEPA based analysis, documentation, permitting, mitigation, and delivery services for the City of Menifee. Dudek's responsibilities include proactive coordination with Caltrans District 8's environmental division, negotiating permitting conditions and mitigation commitments, including helping identify and secure mitigation credits on behalf of the City. The project would span approximately 335 feet across Salt Creek and would be approximately 64 feet wide. The bridge would have a 12 -foot median, two 12 -foot travel lanes (one in each direction), 8 -foot shoulders on both sides, and 5 -foot pedestrian sidewalks on both sides with tubular hand railings. The bridge would be raised approximately 14 feet above Salt Creek at the bridge's highest point. Shielded, downward facing lighting would be installed along the length of the bridge. Improvements to Bradley Road to the north and south of the proposed bridge would entail grade changes to ramp up/down to the proposed bridge abutments. The proposed improvements also include a reestablished trail connection that currently runs along the eastern edge/top of slope parallel with the Salt Creek channel. Additionally, utility relocations are also proposed. The proposed conversion from a low-water crossing to a new bridge across the Salt Creek Flood Control Channel has required detailed environmental study and Dudek leveraged our expertise to complete the CEQA approval process, including an addendum to capture utility relocation -based improvements. Dudek is also working with the City and Caltrans District 8 to complete the NEPA approval process, including a range of technical C. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING & APPROACH PROJECT UNDERSTANDING It is our understanding that the City of La Quinta has successfully obtained funding obligation to prepare Phase I — Project Approval and Environmental Documents (PA&ED). It is envisioned that Phase I will allow the project to be developed through approximately 35% of the engineering phase. Phase II, III, and IV will not be authorized until the city obtains funding obligation for the remainder of the Preliminary Engineering Phase. In the later phase of the project, the City of La Quinta intends to design and construct a 90 -ft wide by 200 -ft long bridge over the La Quinta Evacuation Channel along Avenue 50. The proposed bridge/road section will include a 6 -ft sidewalk on both sides of the bridge, two (2) 8 -ft bike/cart path, two (2) 12 - ft outside lanes, two (2) 11/12 -ft inside lanes, and a 12 -ft �4 ■'.EHIiF 50 iJ J> Figure 1— Proposed Bridge / Road Section Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 8 5MA ! - -�- _ '44 . - %..• 1 .. Via. ,� Figure 2 — Exist Low Water Crossing painted median (see Fig. 1). The new bridge will replace the existing low- water crossing (see Fig. 2) with an all-weather access bridge. During severe summer and winter storms, the existing Avenue 50 low water crossing is frequently inundated and damaged due to flows within the storm water channel. In the interest of public health and safety, and in response to community concerns regarding frequent closures of the low water crossing, the city has determined that replacement of the low water crossing with a new bridge is the best way to ensure all weather access is maintained to the community. The proposed improvements will provide Coachella Valley motorists and pedestrians a safe path of travel across the La Quinta Evacuation Channel at Avenue 50 regardless of adverse weather. The project will also provide reliable access for emergency vehicles and improve traffic circulation on Avenue 50 and the surrounding project areas. Construction of the proposed bridge will require vertical realignment of the existing Avenue 50 roadway starting from approximately 500 If east of the Ave. 50 -Washington St intersection to approximately 500 If west of the Ave. 50 & Park Ave. intersection. In order to have adequate clearance between the SPFj. storm flow in the La Quinta Evacuation Channel with - �'. _ ,R the minimum required freeboard, the bottom of the a::h �• ■ proposed bridge deck (soffit) will need to be located' approximately 19 ft above the existing low water crossing roadway surface. The bridge deck will be`'� approximately 2.5 -ft thick. Therefore, the existing Ave. 50 roadway profile will be adjusted approximately 21.5 t� ' ft vertically. This will require relocation of the existing ":4s'', wet and dry utilities and reconstruction of the existing road and landscape improvements within the project footprint. The project will require CEQA/NEPA and Figure 3 — Existing Private Land Parcel Impacts resource agency permitting. Preparation of improvement plans for the proposed bridge and roadway improvements will involve the following engineering services: • Detailed Research and investigations • Utility investigations and modifications • Detailed topographic mapping • Conceptual design plan development • CEQA Documentation • Hydraulic analyses • Right of Way Appraisal • Final design plans • Final Basis of Design Report • Specifications & Estimates • Right of Way Acquisition • Construction support 491 Figure 4 — Parcel Impacts West of Proposed Bridge Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 9 Constructing the proposed Ave 50 bridge and roadway improvements will require the acquisition of Right of Way, Slope Easements, and Temporary Construction Easements. The proposed improvements will impact nine (9) parcels adjacent to Ave. 50 and in the vicinity of the project (see Fig. 3). The impacts to the existing parcels are shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. The City intends to utilize federal funds under the Highway Bridges Program which will require the right-of-way acquisition process to comply with the Caltrans Right of Way Manual and applicable state and federal laws and regulations. The JS&TM team has reviewed the information provided in the RFP and analyzed the potential right-of-way requirements associated with the project. LF.PEHO Figure 5 — Parcel Impacts East of Proposed Bridge Based on our review of the County's land records, the existing roadway is immediately adjacent to the neighboring privately and publicly owned properties. This includes the following six (6) property ownerships consisting of nine (9) Assessor's Parcel Numbers. No. APN Owner Name Anticipated Acquisition Comments 646-070-016 1 Troutdale Partial The subject property is unimproved, and the proposed acquisition will have minimal CVWD 12" SS (gravity) 10. GTE Telephone Village Acquisition impact on the remainder property. 6. CVWD 18" DW & TCE 2 770-040-012 00217 La Quinta Partial The subject property is unimproved, and the proposed acquisition will have minimal UHC Acquisition impact on the remainder property. & TCE 3 770-070-015 Desert Fairways TCE The proposed acquisition is within the landscaped area owned and maintained by the & 016 HOA homeowner's association. This acquisition could be complicated if the HOA regulations required approval by the majority of the HOA membership of the proposed TCE. 4 646-070-005, CVCWD Aerial It is assumed the project will expand the roadway over the flood control channel. As 770-040-004 Easement such, it is anticipated an aerial easement will be necessary to facilitate the design and & 770-040- & TCE construction of the project. 001 5 646-070-001 Desert Sands Slope The subject property is improved with a public school. The proposed slope easement Unified School Easement will not impose an impact on the school's facilities. District 6 770-070-017 Parlog Family TCE The proposed TCE is required to construct a new sound barrier wall adjacent to the Trust subject property. The sound barrier wall is necessary to mitigate the increase of noise level that will result once the roadway is elevated. The proposed bridge construction and vertical roadway realignment will require relocation and reconstruction of the existing utilities within and adjacent to Ave. 50 (see Fig. 6). The inventory of existing utilities to be relocated includes the following: 1. CVWD 21" SS (gravity) 7. So, Cal Gas 3" G 2. CVWD 18" SS (force main) 8. Charter CATV 3. CVWD 12" SS (force main) 9. Frontier CATV 4. CVWD 12" SS (gravity) 10. GTE Telephone 5. CVWD 4" SS (force main) 11. Traffic Signal Fiber Optic (see Fig. 7) 6. CVWD 18" DW Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 10 1�c•s�7 DAR A. 'b-SSF _.. Figure 6 — Exist Utilities in Vicinity of Project It is our intention to avoid relocation of Imperial Irrigation District (IID) electrical facilities. We believe that we can design the proposed bridge and roadway improvements to avoid impacting IID electrical towers. Leaving the IID towers in place would not compromise the design and would allow for more expedient implementation of the project at significant cost savings. The existing landscape along Ave. 50 will have to be removed and reconstructed as a result of the proposed roadway reconstruction. Approximately 0.8 acres of existing landscape/hardscape and irrigation equipment located east of the proposed bridge in the Ave. 50 median and southerly roadway slope area will be removed and reconstructed as part of this project. The areas along the northerly side of Ave. 50 on either side of the proposed bridge will be newly landscaped, as well as the area west of the proposed bridge on the southerly side of Ave. 50 (see Fig 7). The La Quinta Evacuation Channel will be improved in the vicinity of the proposed Ave : ;;•. 50 bridge. The channel improvements will =`�� LL ��'y harden and stabilize the channel invert and slopes in order to protect the bridge piers""-' and abutments. The proposed channel improvements will construct a trapezoidal * ^' ; �A concrete lined channel beneath the proposed Ave. 50 bridge (see Fig.B) similar to Figure 7 — Ave 50 Landscape Impacts the existing channel improvements at bridge crossings upstream at Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive (see Fig 10). We understand that it is the desire of the city to maintain traffic access through the construction site throughout the project. This will require the construction of two (2) separate bridge structures that are tied together to make a single bridge. We recommend constructing the proposed Ave. 50 Bridge southerly (eastbound) lanes first. This will require diverting both directions of traffic to the northerly section of the road around the construction area. While traffic is shifted to the northerly side, then construct the relocated utilities in the southerly bridge and roadway section. Once the southerly bridge and roadway sections are complete and the new utilities are in place, then shift all traffic to the newly constructed northerly lanes. While all traffic is confined to the northerly lanes then construct the southerly bridge section and abandon the existing utilities in place. Once the northerly portion of the bridge and road is constructed and the utilities are reconnected, then reopen the full bridge and road to traffic on the north and south sections of the road. Constructing the proposed bridge and roadway in this staged construction scenario will provide the following benefits: • Temporary traffic lane shifting during construction to minimize traffic flow disruption during construction. • Relocation and reconstruction of utilities with minimal disruption to customers • Sufficient concrete curing time while traffic is staged to opposite side of road. Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 11 • Reduced construction cost by allowing staging of equipment in the active construction area. • Safe construction site with traffic diverted to opposite side of road and protection of construction area with K -rail barriers. This recommended construction staging is described in greater detail in the Approach section of this proposal. PROJECT APPROACH Jonis Smith, PE, CFM, QSD/P, Env SP, will serve as Project Manager and Lead Project Engineer and will be the primary point of contact with the city during the life of the agreement. Jonis will be supported by Tim Muli, PE, CFM, QSD/P, LEED AP, who will act as a Project Engineer and assistant Project Manager. JS&TM will lead the project team through the preliminary design, final design, and construction process to successful delivery of the Ave. 50 bridge. JS&TM will lead the project through Phase -I: Project Approval and Environmental Documents (PA&ED). The JS&TM Team will be responsible for preparing, processing, and obtaining approval of the appropriate environmental document which meets the requirements of both the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). We anticipate providing the following technical services during PA&ED process: • Dudek will begin Categorical Exemption documentation for the project and file project Notice of Exemption (NOE) early in the project after the geometrics of the proposed bridge and roadways are set and agreed upon. • Identify Resource Agency Permits (ACOE, etc.), • Obtain channel Hydraulic Analysis and coordination / approval with CVWD and Caltrans, • Engineering related Aerial/Field Survey, • Identification of utility conflicts and coordination with appropriate utility companies, • Preparation of project Base Map • Geotechnical Studies including Preliminary Foundation Report and coordination / approval with Caltrans, • Street Light Layout, • Aesthetic Studies, • Preliminary street plan and profile (35% design level), • Bridge Type Selection Report with General Plan and Foundation Plan and coordination / approval with Caltrans, • Preliminary Engineer's Estimate, • Meetings with City Staff. The JS&TM Team will begin the project by deploying GIS Surveyors to begin land survey and mapping services for the project. At the same time, we will begin research of existing utilities to map and locate existing facilities active and abandoned in the field. The identified facilities will be mapped in our project basemap files so that existing utilities are clearly identified and accurately located in all exhibits, maps, and plans produced by our team. Adding these facilities to the basemap provides a foundation for good project communication across each technical discipline, and for reviewers, owners, and stakeholders. The land survey will be prepared using control tied to local CORS GPS stations using NAD83, California State Plane Coordinate System Zone 6, Epoch 2010.00 and elevations based on NAVD88. The survey will be conducted using RTK GPS and/or Total Station to derive a ground surface model with all above ground features and survey the boundary/Right of Way. Simultaneous to the deployment of the survey team, JS&TM will deploy the Converse Consultants to begin geotechnical testing and geologic study by obtaining soil samples at locations near the proposed bridge abutments and roadway. Upon completion of topographic mapping JS&TM will prepare project basemaps to begin geometric layout of the proposed bridge and roadway improvements with the support of Dudek engineering staff. An initial roadway profile will be set and then JS&TM along with Dudek will prepare a hydraulic model of the La Quinta Evacuation Channel to determine the resultant SPF and 100 -yr water surface elevations and flow conditions with the preliminary bridge and road configuration. Necessary adjustments will be made to the road profile and bridge span and then checked again in the hydraulic model. This iterative process will be employed until the most efficient and cost-effective combination of bridge span and roadway profile that meets CVWD freeboard requirements, City of La Quinta roadway design requirements, and Caltrans roadway design and project funding requirements is identified. Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 12 Once the desired roadway profile and bridge configuration is identified, JS&TM along with Dudek, Rende Consulting Group, and RBI Traffic will begin preparation of Geometric Approval Drawings (35% Design Plan) for the proposed bridge and roadway improvements. The Geometric Approval Drawings will be a collaborative effort between the JS&TM Team, the City of La Quinta and CVWD to identify the bridge and road geometries that meet the project goals most cost effectively and require the lease right-of-way acquisition. The 35% plans will provide an accurate depiction of the horizontal and vertical layout of the proposed bridge, roadway, and channel improvements. The Geometric Approval Drawings will include necessary horizontal and vertical control, existing condition and demolition sheets, roadway geometric sheets, roadway profile sheets, bridge sheets, and channel plan & profile sheets. The 30% plan set will be submitted to the City of La Quinta for a preliminary review of the major project elements. Upon completion of the review of the Geometric Approval Drawings package, the JS&TM Team will meet with the City of La Quinta to discuss comments, elicit feedback on the design, obtain input from City staff and stakeholders, and coordinate outstanding tasks. The JS&TM Team will begin advancing the preliminary design package to Phase -II advanced design 65% level upon receiving notice to proceed from the City of La Quinta. The JS&TM team will incorporate the feedback and comments provided by the City and Caltrans into the construction document package preparation. We anticipate providing the following services during Phase II — Plans, Specifications, and Estimate (PS&E): • Completed project plans, • Final itemized engineer's estimate, • Project Specifications and Bid Documents • All environmental documents for use during construction, • SWPPP, Dust Control, and Drainage, • Response to Constructability Review comments. After the Geometric Approval Drawings comments are incorporated into the project design basemap and design plans. JS&TM will deploy Dudek to begin CEQA and NEPA documentation. We believe that all Project -related environmental effects can be mitigated to a level of less than significant impact, and thus, an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) would be the appropriate and defensible level of CEQA documentation and a NEPA Categorical Exclusion will be the appropriate federal document for the Project. Dudek will also begin filing Notices of Intent with the USACOE and early notification filings with other resource agencies to get an early start on resource agency coordination and permitting. After soil borings/soil sampling and lab testing is completed, Converse Consultants will prepare the Structure Preliminary Geotechnical Design Reports (SPGDR). The SPGDR is required during the early stages of the project to assist Structure Design in the preparation of an Advanced Planning Study and cost estimate for the Caltrans district to support. Converse will also prepare a Preliminary and Final Bridge Foundation Report (PBFR) to support Structure Type Selection, as well as design and construction of the bridge. With the roadway and bridge geometrics and profile set and the Final Bridge Foundation Report completed, Rende Consulting Group will begin structure type selection. Greg Rende, PE has evaluated the proposed bridge type, and we generally concur that it is an appropriate bridge type at this site with one significant exception. We have identified a significant element of the proposed structure type that is no longer in conformance with Caltrans' bridge design standards: Since 2019, Caltrans' Seismic Design Criteria specifically excludes pier walls from its list of acceptable substructure types for intermediate supports. The reasons for this are entirely structural and are intended to promote Caltrans' seismic design philosophy of substructure ductility and foundation protection. The result of this Caltrans design policy change for the Avenue 50 bridge is that each of the bridge's intermediate supports will need to consist of a line of columns rather than a continuous pier wall. The other elements of the proposed bridge are acceptable and can remain as depicted in the City's HBP funding application. The use of 30" diameter individual columns would be expected to result in increased flow disruption/energy loss and increased water surface compared to a pier wall, increased potential pier hangup(s) compared to pier walls, and increase pier scour (horseshoe scour) in comparison to a pier wall. So, the hydraulic analyses of the final design structure will differ from the preliminary Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 13 analyses in these areas. This may affect (increase) the necessary pier depth and the bridge soffit elevation to accommodate an increase in calculated water surface elevation(s). JS&TM's project managers are both experts in the understanding and application of the Riverside County hydrology and CVWD hydraulics design procedures and requirements and overall flood control engineering analyses. We have designed and managed many projects throughout the Coachella Valley and Southern California involving both simple and complex hydraulic engineering. We have extensive experience with design and analysis using CVWD freeboard and scour calculation methodologies. With the roadway and bridge geometrics and profile set, and the bridge structure type selected, the JST&M team will begin advancing the project design plans to the 65% level of completion. JS&TM will deploy Charles Marr Consulting to begin design and engineering for relocation of the wet utilities. The JS&TM team anticipates that the proposed project will impact the following Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) Water and Sewer facilities in Avenue 50: 1. 1,400 linear feet of 18" Water TM 2. 600 linear feet of 21" Gravity Sewer, west side of LQE Channel 3. 700 linear feet of 18" Sewer Force Main from the Lift Station, east side of LQE Channel 4. 18" Sewer Force Main crossing Ave 50 from the south (assumed length up to 500 If) 5. 12" VCP Gravity Sewer crossing Ave 50 from the south (assumed length up to 500 If) Utilities and traffic handling are the two primary challenges which will be properly resolved and incorporated into the project's construction documents. RBI's Registered Traffic Engineer, Rusty Beardsley, will work closely with both the design team and the City's Traffic Engineer to make sure that the signing/striping, staging, and phased traffic control plans meet the City's expectations while also satisfying State and local traffic guidelines. The JS&TM team has developed a construction staging sequence which allows the bridge to be constructed while minimizing impacts to existing utility service and traffic. Because most of the larger and more complex utility relocations occur along the north side of Avenue 50, we propose that the southerly portion of the bridge and roadway approaches be constructed in Stage 1. To minimize impacts and unnecessary temporary relocations to these existing utilities, there is a significant benefit to minimizing the constructed width of Stage 1. As a result, we propose that the constructed width of Stage 1 accommodates just one -lane of traffic in each direction, and this results in a constructed Stage 1 bridge width of approximately 37'. Once the construction of Stage 1 is complete (including the applicable utility relocations into the bridge), traffic will be moved onto the newly constructed bridge deck and roadway. With traffic out of the way, the remaining utility relocations within the northerly portion of the existing low-water crossing can be completed — followed by construction of the remaining (Stage 2, northerly) portion of the bridge and roadway. A series of exhibits showing this staged construction sequence is shown in Exhibit -1 Stage -0 through Final Stage located in Appendix S. Once the bridge construction is complete, the construction of the concrete channel lining and transitions can be completed. The surrounding developments, including the recently approved Troutdale Village SPA No.3 / La Quinta Village Apartments are well developed with established design themes, so the proposed bridge would include architectural treatments (see Fig. 9), as selected by the city and consistent with the surrounding community design goals and Figure 9 —La Quinta Bridge Architectural Detail other City of La Quinta bridges. All of wet utilities are owned, operated and maintained by CVWD and will require relocation. We believe that the proposed utility relocations can be constructed such that the sewer piping systems can operate within the current hydraulic constraints of the adjacent sewer lift station and wet well. The serviceability of the gravity flow sewer line could be impacted by raising or lowering invert elevations. Therefore, we will begin wet utility Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 14 relocation efforts by coordinating with CVWD staff to ensure vertical adjustments of their facilities will be acceptable. Charles Marr Consulting (CMC) has extensive experience with utility relocations for roadway and all-weather channel crossing projects. That experience will prove to be very valuable to facilitating the design of the proposed utility relocations and the proposed bridge structure utility features. CMC has identified that transitioning between earthfill to bridge and back to earthfill through bridge/channel abutments, as well as bridge shape/profile, are a critical constructability consideration. Bridge cell dimensioning and adequate utility space within the bridge section are critical to considerations regarding pipe support systems, minimum annular space if encasement is required, and on-going operation and maintenance of the relocated facilities. It would appear that the profile of Avenue 50 bridge would lend itself to a parabolic profile bridge. However, a parabolic bridge profile will make for a more challenging bridge structural design, more challenging bridge construction, and a more challenging pipe installation process. In order to reduce construction costs for the project we intend to design a bridge with a straight grade profile. Another measure that we will implement to reduce construction costs will be to specify steel water pipeline with epoxy coating instead of cement -mortar coating on the exterior of the pipe for the reach within the bridge structure. The epoxy coating is easier to install and less prone to damage during installation in the bridge structure utility openings. An additional cost savings and safety measure that we will employ is designing the steel water pipeline with flexible expansion joints to accommodate differential movement between the structural bridge and earthfill on either side. Flexible expansion joints allow forflexibility and movement and preclude the development of damaging stresses that could compromise the pipeline's structural integrity and simplify construction of the pipeline transition between the bridge structure and the roadway fill. Figure 10 — Construction Staging Plan JS&TM team member R81 Traffic will begin development of the construction staging plans that will reflect the coordinated design and construction of the bridge and roadway in a logical and planned sequence. The bridge and roadway design plans will be developed for each phase of staged construction to provide clear planned sequential construction of the proposed improvements. Fig. 10 provides a recent sample of traffic control plans. Our team will prepare well thought out traffic control and staged construction plans aimed at maintaining safe and efficient ingress/egress through the construction zone and to ensure that unimpeded access by emergency vehicles is provided. The JS&TM Team anticipates proving the following services through Phase III — Right of Way Acquisition: • Preparation of Legal Descriptions and Plats, • Property Appraisals, • Preparation of Offers, • Negotiation with Property Owners, • Final Property Acquisition Agreements for permanent and temporary impacts, • Utility Agreements (if necessary). JS&TM team member Monument will handle dry utility coordination and relocations. Monument will begin actively coordinating with each respective utility owner during preparation of the 65% plans. The lines crossing Ave 50 are electrical transmission, distribution lines and communication lines. Adjustment or relocation of the IID TSP transmission lines that cross Avenue 50 may be required to resolve height clearance conflicts with the proposed bridge. It is our understanding that IID has greater rights than the City, meaning the City would have to pay for any relocations that occur. We have identified the least cost alternatives associated with adjustment/relocation of the IID facilities. If height clearance requirements are met between the proposed Ave 50 bridge/ road alignment and the IID transmission lines, we would recommend undergrounding the distribution and communication lines and leaving the transmission lines in place. We would review the language in the existing IID easement to see if they have underground rights to do Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 15 so. If IID does not currently have expressed underground rights in the easement document, then those rights will have to be acquired. If the transmission line height clearance requirements are not met, we would recommend undergrounding all lines crossing Ave 50 including electrical transmission/distribution lines and communication lines. We will review the existing IID easement to determine if undergrounding rights exist. If IID does not currently have expressed underground rights in the easement document, then those rights will have to be acquired. Another option is to relocate/raise the IID TSP Transmission lines to taller poles. The TSPs are long lead items that take approximately a year to obtain and $100k to $300k per pole. No right of way would need to be acquired for this option. A total of six utility owners have been identified by DigAlert as possibly having facilities present in the project area that may require relocation including: • City of La Quinta • Imperial Irrigation District — Distribution & • Coachella Valley Water District Transmission • Frontier • Southern California Gas — Distribution • Spectrum During the development of the 6S% plans set Monument will begin handling right-of-way delivery for the JS&TM team. With the roadway and bridge alignment set and the required grading limits identified, Monument will prepare an Acquisition Management Plan. The goal of the Acquisition Management Plan is to deliver right-of-way is acquired in the most efficient and effective manner in compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and procedures. JS&TM team member Donahue and Associates (DAA) will be deployed during the 65% design plan development to handle right-of-way appraisal services for the project. DAA will support Monument by determining the fair market value of property and right of way to be acquired by the City for this project. During the 65% Design preparation Dudekwill continue processing CEQA/NEPA documentation and will begin resource agency application processing. Dudek is currently providing similar services on two low-water crossing replacement projects for the City of La Quinta (Bradley Road Bridge and Murrieta Road Bridge) and will apply experience and understanding garnered from those projects to this one. The JS&TM Team will continue processing the PS&E package and the supporting documents to completion and issuance of approvals and permits to construct the proposed facilities. The JS&TM Team anticipates proving the following services through Phase IV Construction Support: Attend Pre -Bid Meeting, Respond to Bidder Inquiries, Attend Pre -Construction Meeting, Respond to Requests for Information, Preparation of Record Drawings (as-builts). Innovative or Advanced Techniques: JS&TM is an innovative firm and has a definite demonstrated ability to employ innovative approaches to business fiscal management, business operations management, client management, project management, technical problem solving, and business administration. To achieve optimal efficiency in delivery of services we utilize smart technology. Project Management Approach Jonis Smith, PE, CFM, QSD/P, Env SP, will serve as Project Manager and Lead Project Engineer and will be the primary point of contact with the city during the life of the agreement. Jonis will be supported by Tim Mull, PE, CFM, QSD/P, LEED AP, who will act as a Project Engineer and assistant Project Manager. The key to excellent project management is Excellent, Timely, Frequent, Effective communication. Our Project Managers are highly experienced technical experts that are trained in Project Management and Client Management. JS&TM will provide hands-on project management and coordination of project elements to ensure completion on time. This includes active Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 16 coordination with various staff at the City of La Quinta, CVWD, Utility agencies, resource agency, and project team members as necessary to seek and obtain timely information to keep the project going on schedule and on budget. Monthly meetings will provide detailed project status updates, project schedule, and will address any questions/concerns. Jonis Smith has enormous amount of experience managing similar bridge/roadway/utility relocation/stormwater design projects requiring coordination with multiple agencies and stakeholders and will dedicate his time to ensure that City's needs on the project are met Client and Stakeholder Engagement Excellent client and stakeholder engagement is the result of excellent communication. Excellent communication requires Excellent, Timely, Frequent, and Effective communication. JS&TM will be the project manager to guide this project to success. As such, it is our responsibility to engage staff at the City of La Quinta and other stakeholders. We pride ourselves on being purposeful about keeping clients informed and abreast of project developments. We are a service-oriented firm. Our job is to serve the Client and their best interests. It is our duty to interact with stakeholders with integrity and honesty. JS&TM Quality Assurance JS&TM employs a Quality Assurance and Quality Control program devoted to ensuring that our deliverables meet our internal standard of excellence and quality before they are submitted to clients and review agencies. Our QA/QC program has three (3) distinct phases that are an integral to building and maintaining a reputation of Excellence. Every project deliverable is internally reviewed using our 3 -Step -2 -Party QA/QC process to ensure that the deliverables adherence to the project scope of work, project goals, and objectives, design standards, and the JS&TM standard of excellence and quality. Cost and Schedule Controls We find that the most effective way to control project costs is to keep the project moving forward, to keep the project team engaged on the project, and adherence to the project scope of work. In order to keep the project moving our Project Managers are trained to engage the project team on a weekly basis, set goals for each week, and track progression of project development on a weekly basis in order to keep all project members (client, subconsultants, and internal project team members) focused on doing their part in delivering the project in progressive increments. Projects that linger or stop and restart are projects that go over budget. So, we put tremendous effort into keeping projects moving forward. That is the most effective method to ensure budget adherence and timely delivery. D. SCOPE OF WORK PROGRAM As a part of this project, the JS&TM Team will perform all project tasks outlined in the Scope of Services, which will include the following: PROJECT MANAGEMENT/ADMINISTRATION JS&TM will provide project management to guide the project through the design and permitting process. JS&TM will coordinate with the consultant team to ensure effective communication amongst all consultants. During the preliminary design phase, JS&TM will meet and confer with City staff on a regular periodic basis to resolve design issues and ensure design continuity with City standards and project goals. JS&TM will provide consultation and guidance to the City of La Quinta on technical issues related to the project. We will also meet with the City's consultants, community stakeholders, and review agencies such as CVWD at the City's direction. We anticipate hosting/participating/leading in-person or online meetings/conferences/workshops in the preliminary design phase to ensure the project is on track to meet City goals. We have included 40 (forty) meetings with City staff. including monthly Project Development Team (PDT) meetings, and City Transportation Commission and Council meetings. Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 17 Deliverable(s): Monthly Progress Reports, Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Schedule Updates. PHASE -1: Project Approval and Environmental Documents (PA&ED) TASK 1.1 RESEARCH & INVESTIGATION JS&TM will provide preliminary field and site research services to collect and review existing background data. Data collection includes right-of-way documents, existing utilities plans, soils, and geologic information, "as -built" construction drawings for the regional channel facilities, existing drainage reports and master plans of drainage, previous project reports, and proposed development plans. In addition, a field reconnaissance investigation of the project area will be performed. The field investigation will include a verification of the site conditions and accuracy of as -built plans and maps. All existing data compiled during the research and data collection process will be compiled and summarized on the base sheets. An existing conditions discussion will be included in the basis of design report. TASK 1.2 LAND SURVEY AND TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING JS&TM team member GIS Surveyors will provide topographic survey of the project. Avenue 50, Washington Street, and the La Quinta Evacuation Channel will be surveyed to the boundary shown in Figure -11. A detailed topographic aerial survey supplemented with ground survey will be conducted to capture visible ground features and utilities within the area indicated in Figure -14. The area encompasses the project area and right of way for Ave 50, Washington Street, and The La Quinta Evacuation Channel. The survey data and topographic mapping created will serve as the topographic base map for this project. The survey will be based upon the 1988 North American Vertical Datum (NAVD88). The horizontal control system for the survey will be the 1983 North American Datum (NAD83) Zone -VI California State Plan Coordinate system. The survey will capture the existing land and built features needed to create a complete and accurate basemap for the project. TASK 1.3 UTILITY INVESTIGATION / NOTIFICATION/ COORDINATION The JS&TM Team will prepare utility notifications for all dry and wet utilities that will be impacted by the project and continue open communication and coordination with each impacted utility throughout the life of the project. JS&TM will perform a detailed field review investigation of the Ave SO right-of-way and identify the utilities within the project footprint. We take responsibility for identifying and resolving utility conflicts encountered within the project footprint on the surface, below ground, and overhead. Existing utilities within the project footprint will be shown in both plan and profile view and the disposition thereof will be specified and defined on the construction plans. We will determine the available information related to potential existing utilities within the project area or future utility projects that may be impacted and coordinate with the utility owners. The initial research will include notification of the potentially affected utility companies and researching available plan information and ownership information which will be incorporated into the project plan view "base sheet "database. The proposed project design features will be coordinated with representatives of the utility companies to determine precise information on the location, type, size, conduit material, and use of the utility facilities. JS&TM team member Monument will provide potholing of existing underground utilities. Based upon the information obtained from the utility research, JS&TM will identify utilities that need to be potholed in order to verify the facility size, material, and horizontal and vertical location within the project footprint. The JS&TM Team will coordinate potholing activities with the City of La Quinta and the owner of the subject utility. JS&TM Team member Monument will excavate the utility at required locations. GIS Surveyors will precisely determine the subject facility horizontal and vertical location and document findings. It is anticipated that IID Transmission Lines and Poles will need to be protected in place with all other aerial lines potentially under -grounded. The JS&TM Team Utility Relocation Support includes: Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 18 • Monument will act as the primary point of contact with the utility owners identified on the utility plans • Prepare the Introductory Request for as-builts notices (6 utility owners) • Review and verify with the design team which facilities are considered in conflict based on the potholing report. • Coordinate with the design team with the preparation of the conflict matrix and conflict exhibits needed for each utility company whose facilities are in conflict. • Prepare and send the Relocation Claim Letter to utility owner (estimate 6 letters) • Coordinate and plan a meeting amongst the utility owner, design team as needed to discuss the project design, the utility conflict, relocation alternatives, and a plan to resolve the conflict (estimate 18 meetings including filed meetings) • Determine the liability for the conflicts facilities impacting the project (estimate 10 conflicts) • Obtain detailed relocation plans from utility owners • Draft and issue Notice to Owner to relocate (estimate 6 notices) • Provide final close-out file • Potholing: 18 potholes Deliverable(s): Atlas Maps, Utility Notifications, Utility Agreements as necessary, Potholing, as necessary. TASK 1.4 GEOTECHNICAL STUDY JS&TM Team member, Converse Consultants will prepare the following. A Structures Preliminary Geotechnical Report (SPGR) to support Advanced Planning Studies. A Preliminary and Final Bridge Foundation Report (PBFR) to support Type Selection and the design and construction of the bridge. One combined Geotechnical Design and Material Report (GDR/MR). All reports will be prepared in accordance with Caltrans procedures, regulations, materials, policies, and format. All reports will be signed by a licensed geotechnical engineer/engineering geologist. The reports will be submitted for review and comment to the project team and the City of La Qunita. We understand Caltrans will NOT review these reports. Structure Preliminary Geotechnical Report (SPGR) The SPGR is required during the early stages of a project to assist Structure Design in the preparation of an Advanced Planning Study and cost estimate for the district. We will also perform a geotechnical analysis of the existing pavement section to determine the appropriate pavement section for the new pavement. This work will include pavement borings to determine existing pavement thickness and subgrade analysis to determine if the City's standard section will adequately perform under the specified Traffic Index. Converse will prepare infiltration tests to provide adequate information to design drywells in the project vicinity, as necessary. Deliverable(s): Draft/Final Geotechnical Pavement and Infiltration Report. TASK 1.5 STORMWATER ENGINEERING AND HYDRAULIC ANALYSES JS&TM staff supported by JS&TM Team member Dudekwill prepare a stormwater engineering report to present and document the hydraulic analyses and design of the Avenue 50 Bridge over the La Quinta Evacuation Channel. The Stormwater Engineering Report will serve as a repository of data and information regarding the parameters, methods, and approach(s) employed in the analyses. The goal of the technical memorandum is to present the findings in a clear, concise easy to follow manner to aid City of La Quinta and CVWD staff in their review of the design information and hydraulic analyses. The Stormwater Engineering Report will document facility design that complies with City of La Quinta standards, City of La Quinta Master Drainage Study, and CVWD freeboard requirements. The report will include the design of the proposed local stormdrain system improvements and the proposed channel improvements. It is anticipated that the proposed channel improvements will be coordinated with and reviewed by CVWD staff. Deliverable(s): Stormwater Engineering Report. The report will be supported with results tables, detail drawings, maps, plan, and profile drawings, and exhibits as necessary to clearly present the findings. Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 19 TASK 1.6 ENVIRONMENTAL APPROVAL JS&TM Team member, Dudek Consultant will complete all necessary documents to ensure the project's environmental compliance with both the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA). Dudek will prepare the Initial Study to determine if there are any project -level impacts. Dudek will determine if any mitigation is required to bring project impacts below a significant impact and draft the Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program (MMRP). Dudek will be responsible for the public distribution, response to comments, and all other ancillary requirements. The anticipated technical PA&ED studies include the following: • Air Quality, Greenhouse Gas Assessment, and Energy • Biological Resources Study • Jurisdictional Delineation • Wetlands Only Practicable Alternative Analysis • Cultural Resources Assessment • Native American Coordination • Cultural Resources Survey • Cultural Resources Technical Report • Cultural NEPA Services • Noise Study Report / Noise Analysis • Visual Impact Assessment / Aesthetics Analysis • Transportation Assessment (VMT and LOS Screening) • Phase I Initial Site Assessment / Hazards Analysis • NEPA Preliminary Environmental Study • NEPA Categorical Exclusion • Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration • Wetlands Regulatory Permitting Services Deliverables: Biological Resources Study, Aquatic Resources Delineation Report, Jurisdictional Delineation, Cultural Resources Study, Noise Study, Visual Impact Assessment, Preliminary Environmental Study, CEQA IS MND, NEPA Categorical Exemption, MMRP. TASK 1.7 GEOMETRIC APPROVAL DRAWINGS (35% Design Plan Set) The JS&TM Team will prepare Geometric Approval Drawings equivalent to a 35% design plan set for the proposed roadway, bridge, channel, storm drain, utility, and landscape improvements. The Geometric Approval Drawings will provide the preliminary geometric layout, structure type selection, facility sizing, horizontal facility alignment(s), vertical profile(s), location of proposed storm drain laterals and curb inlet catch basins, relocated utilities, and maintenance access provisions. The plan set will include a plan view geometric layout of existing and proposed traffic lanes. Roadway curves and section tapers will be shown on the Geometric Approval Drawings as well. The plan set will include dry utility sheets to show the disposition of existing utilities and proposed relocations. The project power source will be identified on the plan. A demolition sheet will be included in the plan set to clearly identify utility conflicts so proposed utility relocation coordination can be reviewed/approved and begin to move forward as soon as possible. JS&TM Team member, Rende Consulting Group (RCG) will provide the "Structure Type Selection" for the proposed bridge in accordance with the requirements set forth by Caltrans for HBP projects. This task includes a structure type selection study in which RCG will study the existing site constraints and evaluate the various span arrangements and structure types with the goal of providing a cost-effective and constructible structural solution for the bridge. RCG will prepare a Structure Type Selection Memorandum. The structure type selection study will consider construction costs, anticipated construction schedule, environmental impacts, constructability, and utilization of construction methods which minimize temporary impacts to the existing channel and vehicular traffic. The structure type selection memorandum will summarize the results of the study and make recommendations in Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 20 regard to the selected structure type. The memo will be prepared in the format described in Caltrans (Bridge) Memos to Designers Manual. Deliverable(s): 35% Concept Design Plan, Structure Type Selection Memo. The anticipated 35% Geometric Approval Drawings sheets are detailed below: Geometric Approval Drawings (35% Design Plan Set) Sheet Count General Plan Sheet 1 Site Plan / Index Sheet 1 Existing Conditions and Horizontal Control Sheets 1 Demolition Sheets 1 Ave 50 Sta X+xx to Sta X+xx Plan and Profile Sheets 5 Structure General Plan Sheets 2 Stormdrain Plan and Profile Sheets 2 Channel Improvement Plan and Profile Sheets 1 Chanel Cross Section from Sta X+xx to Sta X+xx 1 CVWD Facility Plan Set Sewer Plan and Profile Sheets 5 Water Plan and Profile Sheets 5 Total Sheet Count 25 PHASE -2 PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ESTIMATES (PS&Es) TASK 2.1 FINAL PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND ESTIMATE (65%,90%, 100% PS&Es) The JS&TM Team will prepare a complete constructable set of construction documents for the proposed roadway, bridge, channel, storm drain, utility, and landscape improvements, construction specifications, and an engineer's estimate of construction costs. All structural calculations, plans and specifications will be prepared in accordance with the latest Caltrans/AASHTO bridge design specifications. The construction document will be submitted at 65%, 90%, and 100% level of completion. The final plan sets will include the necessary information and data needed to layout and construct the proposed improvements including horizontal control information, existing facility demolition information, roadway and bridge geometrics, roadway plan and profile information, structural drawings, stormdrain and wet utility facility sizing, dry utility relocation coordinating information, proposed irrigation, and landscape improvements. Plans - Construction plans will be prepared on standard City of La Quinta 1" = 40' scale 24" x 42" plan sheets using City of La Quinta standard title block commensurate with the level of completion. Wet utilities including domestic water, sanitary sewer, and reclaimed water will be prepared on CVWD plan sheets using standard CVWD title block commensurate with the level of completion. Bridge plans will be prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Caltrans Bridge Design Details manual and Caltrans Plans Preparation Manual. Dry utility drawings will be prepared in the standard format of each respective utility owner. Soil boring log will be included in the plans to provide uniform information for bidding contractors to identify if and where dewatering may be needed, unsuitable soil conditions, existence of bedrock, and general subsurface conditions to improve bid quality and eliminate change orders based on unknown subsurface conditions. The plans set will also include necessary construction details, cross section drawings, material schedules, quantity estimates, and proposed facility specifications. Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 21 Specifications — JS&TM will prepare the Bid Item List and Special Provisions portion of the Construction Specifications and Contract Documents suitable for bidding and awarding of the contract for the proposed improvements based upon sample special provisions provided by the City of La Quinta for guidance. The City of La Quinta will provide the JS&TM Team with the standard "boiler plate" front documents, contracts, and general provisions. The JS&TM Team will prepare the project technical specifications for the proposed improvements for the 90%, 100% and final plan submittals. Specifications will be prepared in Microsoft Word in a City -approved format and include the bid schedule. Specifications for the project will conform to the most recent applicable standards and specification from: • City of La Quinta • Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook) • State of California Standard Specifications • Construction Specification Institute (CSI) format specifications Estimates — The JS&TM Team will prepare a construction cost estimate commensurate with the level of completion of the plans set. Construction quantities will be determined from the plan set construction items. Unit costs for construction items will be based upon available City of La Quinta unit costs and bid records from recent project or available bid records from recent public works projects in Riverside County, San Bernardino County, Orange County, Los Angeles County, and Ventura County. Deliverable: The JS&TM Team will prepare a constructable set of plans for the proposed improvements. The construction documents will be submitted to the city for review at benchmark levels of completeness including 65%, 90%, and 100%. The Final Plans will be submitted digitally in AutoCAD 2018 or higher format and in PDF format on full size (Arch D) sheets. The Consultant shall provide an Engineer's estimate of probable construction costs with the 90%, 100%, and final plan submittal. The estimate will be prepared in Microsoft Excel and include sufficient bid items, as approved by the City, for contractors to properly bid on the scope of work. The JS&TM Team anticipates delivering Construction Plans commensurate with the project progression at the 65%, 90%, and 100% levels of completion. The anticipated plans set sheets are detailed below: Final PS&Es 65%,90%, 100% Sheet Count General Plan Sheet 1 Notes Sheets Site Plan / Index Sheet Existing Conditions and Horizontal Control Sheets Demolition Sheets Ave 50 Sta X+xx to Sta X+xx Plan and Profile Sheets Roadway Signage and Striping Sheets Bridge Plan Sheets Bridge Foundation Plan Bridge Structure Detailing Bridge Railing and Architectural Detailing Sheets Stormdrain Plan and Profile Sheets Channel Improvement Plan and Profile Sheets Chanel Cross Section from Sta X+xx to Sta X+xx General Construction Details CVWD Facility Plan Set Title Sheet Index Sheet Notes Sheet Sewer Plan and Profile Sheets Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 22 Water Plan and Profile Sheets Wet Utility Construction Details 2 Irrigation Plans 5 Landscape and Planting Plans 5 Traffic Control and Staging Sheets 8 Boring Log Sheet 2 Total Sheet Count 65 TASK 2.2: BRIDGE STRUCTURAL DESIGN CALCULATIONS The JS&TM Team member RCG will prepare structural design calculations for the new bridge. All structural calculations, plans and specifications will be prepared in accordance with the latest Caltrans/AASHTO bridge design specifications. The bridge will be designed by a California -registered civil engineer, experienced in bridge design, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the following Caltrans manuals: AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 8th Edition (as amended by Caltrans) Caltrans Seismic Design Criteria (S.D.C.), Caltrans Bridge Memos to Designers, and Caltrans Bridge Design Aids. A complete set of bridge design calculations will be prepared and made available for City of La Quinta review, at the 65%, 90%, and 100% milestone submittals. An "Independent Check" of the bridge design will be performed by a California -registered civil engineer, experienced in bridge design, in accordance with the applicable provisions of the following Caltrans manuals: AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications, 8th Edition (as amended by Caltrans), Caltrans Seismic Design Criteria (S.D.C.), Caltrans Bridge Memos to Designers, and Caltrans Bridge Design Aids. A complete set of bridge design "Independent Check" calculations will be prepared and made available for City of La Quinta review, as necessary, with the appropriate milestone submittals. Deliverable: The JS&TM Team will deliver Bridge Design Calculations, and Bridge Design "Independent Check" Calculations TASK 2.3: PLAN AND PERMIT PROCESSING The JS&TM Team will submit and process the proposed improvement plans with permitting agencies and utilities to obtain approvals and permits needed to construct the proposed improvements. We anticipate obtaining construction permits, encroachment permits, and/or approval signatures from City of La Quinta, CVWD, Imperial Irrigation District, Southern California Gas, AT&T, Charter Communications, Time Warner Cable, and Frontier Communications as needed for the proposed improvements. Our staff will coordinate with the subject agency staff, make necessary submittals, meet with staff, and make representations to their staff to obtain approvals and permits needed to construct the proposed improvements. Deliverable: The JS&TM Team will deliver encroachment permits, grading permits, and construction permits necessary to construct the proposed improvements. PHASE -3 RIGHT OF WAY ACQUISITION TASK 3.1 RIGHT OF WAY JS&TM Team member, Monument will be responsible for the technical and administrative functions required to provide right-of-way services on the project. Monument will prepare and implement an Acquisition Management Plan, plan, organize, supervise, coordinate, and administer the various elements of the right -of - Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 23 way scope of work. GSI will prepare legal descriptions and plats for proper Right of Way conveyance for the street improvements. DAA will be responsible for conducting the property appraisals, determining just compensation, preparing the initial offers, negotiating with the property owners, and preparing the final agreements. The appraisal will be prepared by individuals licensed with the State of California, Office of Real Estate Appraisers, as a Certified General Real Estate Appraiser DAA will prepare the Notice of Decision to Appraiser letter for each property, advising the property owner of the proposed project, introducing the appraiser, enclosing an Acquisition Brochure describing the City's acquisition process, and contract information to answer questions and concerns. Appraisal reports will comply with laws that are applicable to the specific appraisal assignment and the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). Review appraisals will be provided for each appraisal, and in accordance with State and Federal law and City policy as required. Monument and DAA will assist the city with file audits. Monument will provide right-of-way delivery services required for the city to purchase right-of-way required to construct the Project. Right of Way includes Temporary Construction Easements (TCE), Right -to -Enter and Construct or any other right of way service that may be required for the project. The tasks will be performed in accordance with applicable Federal, State, and local regulations, Caltrans Policies and Procedures and City's right-of-way Policies and Procedures. Additionally, Monument will provide the following services under the direction of the city staff: • Provide the Acquisition and Negotiations Services • Coordinate and manage the acquisition process. • Review right-of-way plans, appraisal reports, title reports, appraisal maps and legal descriptions and all other pertinent documents. • Prepare acquisition offer packages consisting of the City's written purchase offer, appraisal summary statement, acquisition brochure, acquisition agreement, conveying instruments (Grant Deed, Permanent and/or Temporary Easements, etc.), Certificate of Acceptance, recommendation of Amount of Just Compensation, plat maps and legal descriptions, and Title VI Information. • Meet personally with each property owner to present the City's purchase offer, explain the project design requirement, and inform him or her of the City's right-of-way acquisition process. • Negotiate personally in good faith with each property owner, his/her agent or representative and discuss appraisal and valuation of the property interests, gather information from the property for consideration and address any questions or concerns that may arise during the acquisition process. • Establish and maintain an acquisition file for each property owner or property interest acquired and maintain a file checklist pursuant to the City's specifications. • Secure Right of Entry Agreements; licenses or permits from property owners for purposes of performing hazardous waste, archeological and other inspections. • Transmit executed documents (acquisition agreements, executed deeds, rental agreements, statements of information, offset statements, and the like) to the city for acceptance and processing. • Prepare and submit a Letter of Recommendation to the City for any proposed administrative settlements with property owners. • Escrow Coordination - Coordinate opening of escrows with direction from the project manager, assist the escrow company in obtaining additional documentation as necessary to provide clear title to the city, supervise and review the closing of escrows, and review closing statements for completeness and accuracy. We will serve as liaison between the title company, escrow holder, and the city. Upon closing of escrow, tax cancelation letters will be prepared for City signature, as necessary, for fee interest acquisitions. Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 24 • Recommend condemnation action when negotiations have reached an impasse. • Eminent Domain Support — If requested, coordinate with City's condemnation counsel, as required, to support the condemnation activities until the Resolution of Necessity is adopted and possession is granted by the courts. Litigation support after the hearing for the Resolution of Necessity, such as depositions, mediation appearances and expert testimony, can be provided on a time -and -materials basis. • Perform any other normal procedures and processes to implement the acquisition assignment and provide any other supporting information and/or correspondence required by the city. • Provide bilingual acquisition agents, if necessary. • Prepare all applicable forms, secure property owner's approval and signature and submit the forms to the City for review and acceptance. • Upon completion of the acquisition process for each property or property interest, or at project completion, Monument will provide the City with the original acquisition file as well as electronic copy of files for future audit purposes. • Right-of-way Certification: a right-of-way certification form will be submitted to Caltrans, and FHWA, if necessary, in accordance with the Caltrans Right of Way Manual and FHWA requirements. Deliverable(s): Legal Descriptions and Plats, Notice of Intent to Appraise Letters, Appraisal Reports, Letters of Recommendation, Right of Entry Agreements, Acquisition Offer Packages, Final Agreements, ROW Certification. PHASE -4 CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT TASK 4.1: BID ASSISTANCE • The JS&TM Team will provide post design bid support services to the City of La Quinta. The JS&TM Team will be available to answer any bidder questions related to the proposed improvements during bidding and correct any errors found in the plans. The anticipated bid support services include the following: • Assistance with preparation of bid package — The JS&TM Team will prepare a bid item quantity sheet for the contractors to use for bidding, The JS&TM Team will prepare a specifications package using City of La Quinta standard front-end documents for distribution to bidding contractors, The JS&TM Team will prepare an Engineer's of Construction Costs • Pre-bid meeting attendance and participation - at the Pre-bid meeting, The JS&TM Team project engineers will present the project to bidding contractors, describe the improvements to be constructed, and answer questions regarding the facility design and construction documents. • Provide official response to contractor questions during bidding — JS&TM will accept contractor questions during bidding, post/publish questions as directed by City of La Quinta staff, provide official answers/clarifications to questions, and post/publish answers and clarifications as directed by City of La Quinta staff. • Provide Bid Addendum Documents — JS&TM will prepare bid addendum documents if needed in response to questions/clarification and post/publish/circulate as directed by City of La Quinta staff. Deliverable: Bid Documents, RFI Response Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 25 TASK 4.2: STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP) JS&TM and Dudek wiII prepare the Permit Registration Documents (PRDs) necessary for acquisition of an NP DES permit for the project under the requirements of the State Construction General Permit. These documents include: • Notice if Intent (NCI) • Risk Assessment • Site Map (with information as detailed in the General Permit) • Site-specific SWPPP • Certification Statement JS&TM and Dudek will assist the Client staff member identified as the Legally Responsible Person (LRP) with the submittal of all PRDs to the State and Regional Board electronically through the SMART system. JS&TM assumes that the annual permit fee will be paid directly by the Client. In addition to the SWPPP, JS&TM will prepare the required Stormwater Pollution Control Plan (SWPCP) for the project. The SWPCP will be prepared in accordance with the requirements of the current Riverside County Stormwater General Permit. TASK 4.3. CONSTRUCTION SUPPORT The JS&TM Team will provide comprehensive engineering support services during construction of the project which will include the following: • Attendance of a pre -construction meeting - At the pre -construction meeting, JS&TM project engineers will describe the improvements to be constructed and answer questions regarding the construction documents, project specifications, material quantities, facility design, traffic control, construction staging and phasing, material selection, alternative materials, utility relocation, utility coordination, etc. • Review and response to Requests for Information (RFIs) — JS&TM will receive RFI, review RFIs, and provide timely (same day) response to contractor RFIs and distribute/post/publish RFI responses as directed by City of La Quinta staff. • Review and response to contractor Submittals and Shop Drawings - JS&TM will receive contract material submittals and shop drawings, review submittals and shop drawings, and provide timely (same day) response to contractor submittals and shop drawings and distribute/post/publish responses as directed by City of La Quinta staff. • RCG will prepare bridge deck "4 -Scale" plans which are a critical item needed by the Contractor and the City's Inspection/CM team for the bridge construction. • PS&E Delta Revisions — Sometimes unknown conditions are discovered during construction which require design revisions. If this occurs, JS&TM will provide delta revisions to the project plans and specifications as needed to revise design for conditions discovered during construction. JS&TM Project Engineers will observe the condition on site, obtain survey information, if needed, and revise construction plans and process delta revisions with the City of La Quinta as needed to obtain design revision approval. • Attendance of construction meetings / field meetings — JS&TM will attend regular construction field meetings and lead design related discussions to provide answers to design questions and provide requested information to the contractor. • Preparation of As -Built Drawings —upon completion of construction, JS&TM will prepare an as -built set of final working drawings and specifications. No later than 30 -days after substantial completion of the Project, JS&TM will review and forward the Final Working Drawing and Specifications with all changes made by change orders or otherwise pursuant to the construction documents a set of as -built drawings Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 26 and specifications. The as -built drawings will show the as -built condition of the constructed improvement as recorded by the construction contractor. JS&TM will obtain certifications from field inspectors and the contractor that the drawings are correct. JS&TM will provide a signed and stamped set of record drawings both printed and in pdf format. Record Drawings / As -built Plans: Upon construction completion, JS&TM will incorporate as -built information, as provided by the General Contractor and City Inspection staff, into the drawing files to provide record drawings for City of La Quinta archives. Deliverable: Construction submittal review and response, As -Built Plan set, construction support correspondence and consultation. E. PROJECT SCHEDULE JS&TM has included a project schedule in Appendix B for the City's reference. The JS&TM Team estimated project kickoff is on September 25, 2023, with the project to be completed in over two years from Notice to Proceed (NTP). The projected project schedule is included in Appendix -5 F. DBE COMMITMENT To ensure there is equal participation of the DBE groups specified in 49 CFR 26.5, the City of La Quinta has established a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goal of 21% for this project. Below is the completed Exhibit 10-01 "Consultant Proposal — DBE Commitment" as described in General Terms number 19. — DBE and Other Federal Information. The DBE Commitment forms are provided below. Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 27 ATTACHMENT 5A Local Assistance Procedures Manual EXHBIT 10-1 Notice to Proposers DBE Information EXHIBIT 10-1 NOTICE TO PROPOSERS DBE INFORMATION (Federally funded projects only) The Agency has established a DBE goal for this Contract of 21.00% 1. TERMS AS USED IN THIS DOCUMENT • The term "Disadvantaged Business Enterprise" or "DBE" means a for-profit small business concern owned and controlled by a socially and economically disadvantaged person(s) as defined in Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Part 26.5. • The term "Agreement" also means "Contract." • Agency also means the local entity entering into this contract with the Contractor or Consultant. • The term "Small Business" or "SB" is as defined in 49 CFR 26.65. 2. AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY A. DBEs and other small businesses are strongly encouraged to participate in the performance of Contracts financed in whole or in part with federal funds (See 49 CFR 26, "Participation by Disadvantaged Business Enterprises in Department of Transportation Financial Assistance Programs"). The Consultant must ensure that DBEs and other small businesses have the opportunity to participate in the performance of the work that is the subject of this solicitation and should take all necessary and reasonable steps for this assurance. The proposer must not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, or sex in the award and performance of subcontracts. B. Proposers are encouraged to use services offered by financial institutions owned and controlled by DBEs. 3. SUBMISSION OF DBE INFORMATION If there is a DBE goal on the contract, Exhibit 10-01 Consultant Proposal DBE Commitment must be included in the Proposal. In order for a proposer to be considered responsible and responsive, the proposer must make good faith efforts to meet the goal established for the contract. If the goal is not met, the proposer must document adequate good faith efforts. All DBE participation will be counted towards meeting the contract goal; therefore, all DBE participation shall be collected and reported. Exhibit 10-02 Consultant Contract DBE Information must be included in best qualified consultant's executed consultant contract. Even if no DBE participation will be reported, the successful proposer must execute and return the form. 4. DBE PARTICIPATION GENERAL INFORMATION It is the proposer's responsibility to be fully informed regarding the requirements of 49 CFR, Part 26, and the Department's DBE program developed pursuant to the regulations. Particular attention is directed to the following: A. A DBE must be a small business firm defined pursuant to 13 CFR 121 and be certified through the California Unified Certification Program (CUCP). B. A certified DBE may participate as a prime consultant, subconsultant, joint venture partner, as a vendor of material or supplies, or as a trucking company. C. A DBE proposer not proposing as a joint venture with a non -DBE, will be required to document one or a combination of the following: 1. The proposer is a DBE and will meet the goal by performing work with its own forces. 2. The proposer will meet the goal through work performed by DBE subconsultants, suppliers or trucking companies. 3. The proposer, prior to proposing, made adequate good faith efforts to meet the goal. Page 1 of 2 January 2020 Local Assistance Procedures Manual EXHIBIT 10-1 Notice to Proposers DBE Information D. A DBE joint venture partner must be responsible for specific contract items of work or clearly defined portions thereof. Responsibility means actually performing, managing, and supervising the work with its own forces. The DBE joint venture partner must share in the capital contribution, control, management, risks and profits of the joint venture commensurate with its ownership interest. E. A DBE must perform a commercially useful function pursuant to 49 CFR 26.55, that is, a DBE firm must be responsible for the execution of a distinct element of the work and must carry out its responsibility by actually performing, managing and supervising the work. F. The proposer shall list only one subconsultant for each portion of work as defined in their proposal and all DBE subconsultants should be listed in the bid/cost proposal list of subconsultants. G. A prime consultant who is a certified DBE is eligible to claim all of the work in the Contract toward the DBE participation except that portion of the work to be performed by non -DBE subconsultants. 5. RESOURCES A. The CUCP database includes the certified DBEs from all certifying agencies participating in the CUCP. If you believe a firm is certified that cannot be located on the database, please contact the Caltrans Office of Certification toll free number 1-866-810-6346 for assistance. B. Access the CUCP database from the Department of Transportation, Office of Civil Rights website 1. Click on the link titled Disadvantaged Business Enterprise; 2. Click on Search for a DBE Firm link; 3. Click on Access to the DBE Query Form located on the first line in the center of the page. Searches can be performed by one or more criteria. Follow instructions on the screen. 6. MATERIALS OR SUPPLIES PURCHASED FROM DBES COUNT TOWARDS THE DBE GOAL UNDER THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. If the materials or supplies are obtained from a DBE manufacturer, count 100 percent of the cost of the materials or supplies. A DBE manufacturer is a firm that operates or maintains a factory, or establishment that produces on the premises the materials, supplies, articles, or equipment required under the Contract and of the general character described by the specifications. B. If the materials or supplies purchased from a DBE regular dealer, count 60 percent of the cost of the materials or supplies. A DBE regular dealer is a firm that owns, operates or maintains a store, warehouse, or other establishment in which the materials, supplies, articles or equipment of the general character described by the specifications and required under the Contract are bought, kept in stock, and regularly sold or leased to the public in the usual course of business. To be a DBE regular dealer, the firm must be an established, regular business that engages, as its principal business and under its own name, in the purchase and sale or lease of the products in question. A person may be a DBE regular dealer in such bulk items as petroleum products, steel, cement, gravel, stone or asphalt without owning, operating or maintaining a place of business provided in this section. C. If the person both owns and operates distribution equipment for the products, any supplementing of regular dealers' own distribution equipment shall be, by a long-term lease agreement and not an ad hoc or Agreement -by -Agreement basis. Packagers, brokers, manufacturers' representatives, or other persons who arrange or expedite transactions are not DBE regular dealers within the meaning of this section. D. Materials or supplies purchased from a DBE, which is neither a manufacturer nor a regular dealer, will be limited to the entire amount of fees or commissions charged for assistance in the procurement of the materials and supplies, or fees or transportation charges for the delivery of materials or supplies required on the job site, provided the fees are reasonable and not excessive as compared with fees charged for similar services. Page 2 of 2 January 2020 ATTACHMENT 5B Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 10-01 Consultant Proposal DBE Commitment 1. Local Agency: EXHIBIT 10-01 CONSULTANT PROPOSAL DBE COMMITMENT CITY OF LA QUINTA 2. Contract DBE Goal: 21% 3. Project Description: Prepare PS&E for the replacement of the Avenue 50 low-water crossing with Avenue 50 Bridge 4. Project Location: LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 5. Consultant's Name: J. SMITH & T. MULI, INC 6. Prime Certified DBE: ❑ 7. Description of Work, Service, or Materials 8. DBE Certification 9. DBE Contact Information 10. DBE % Supplied Number Project Management/Administration Jonis Smith, Principal JS&TM, Tel:(949) DBE # 50981 329-3639 Email: jsmith@jstminc,com 88.00 Surveying/utility Coordination Kim Bibolet Tel:(800) 577-0109 DBE # 46456 Email:info@monumentrow.com 43.00 Geotechnical engineering Jonis Smith, Principal JS&TM, Tel:(949) DBE # 50981 329-3639 Email: jsmith@jstminc,com 0.80 Environmental Approval Jonis Smith, Principal JS&TM, Tel:(949) DBE # 50981 329-3639 Email: jsmith@jstminc.com 2.70 Geometric Approval drawings and PS&E Jonis Smith, Principal JS&TM, Tel:(949) DBE # 50981 329-3639 Email: jsmith@jstminc.com f 1.00 Right of way/legal descriptions Kim Bibolet Tel:(800) 577-0109 DBE # 50981 Email:info@monumentrow.com 71.00 Construction Support Services Jonis Smith, Principal JS&TM, Tel:(949) DBE # 50981 329-3639 Email: jsmith@jstminc.com 14.00 Local Agency to Complete this Section 17. Local Agency Contract Number: 2019-02 11. TOTAL CLAIMED DBE PARTICIPATION 33.70 18. Federal -Aid Project Number: BR-NBIL(547) Consultant's Ranking after Evaluation: IMPORTANT: Identify all DBE firms being claimed for credit, Local Agency certifies that all DBE certifications are valid and information on regardless of tier. Written confirmation of each listed DBE is this form is complete and accurate. required. 21. Local Agency Representative's Signature 22• Date 12. Preparer's Signature 13. Date 23. Local Agency Representative's Name 24. Phone 14. Preparer's Name 15. Phone 25. Local Agency Representative's Title 16. Preparer's Title DISTRIBUTION: Original - Included with consultant's proposal to local agency. ADA Notice: For individuals with sensory disabilities, this document is available in alternate formats. For information call (916) 654-6410 or TDD (916) 654- 3880 or write Records and Forms Management, 1120 N Street, MS -89, Sacramento, CA 95814. LPP 18-01 Page 1 of 2 January 2019 Local Assistance Procedures Manual Exhibit 10-01 Consultant Proposal DBE Commitment INSTRUCTIONS — CONSULTANT PROPOSAL DBE COMMITMENT CONSULTANT SECTION 1. Local Agency - Enter the name of the local or regional agency that is funding the contract. 2. Contract DBE Goal - Enter the contract DBE goal percentage as it appears on the project advertisement. 3. Project Location - Enter the project location as it appears on the project advertisement. 4. Project Description - Enter the project description as it appears on the project advertisement (Bridge Rehab, Seismic Rehab, Overlay, Widening, etc.). 5. Consultant's Name - Enter the consultant's firm name. 6. Prime Certified DBE - Check box if prime contractor is a certified DBE. 7. Description of Work, Services, or Materials Supplied - Enter description of work, services, or materials to be provided. Indicate all work to be performed by DBEs including work performed by the prime consultant's own forces, if the prime is a DBE. If 100% of the item is not to be performed or furnished by the DBE, describe the exact portion to be performed or furnished by the DBE. See LAPM Chapter 9 to determine how to count the participation of DBE firms. 8. DBE Certification Number - Enter the DBE's Certification Identification Number. All DBEs must be certified on the date bids are opened. 9. DBE Contact Information - Enter the name, address, and phone number of all DBE subcontracted consultants. Also, enter the prime consultant's name and phone number, if the prime is a DBE. 10. DBE % - Percent participation of work to be performed or service provided by a DBE. Include the prime consultant if the prime is a DBE. See LAPM Chapter 9 for how to count full/partial participation. 11. Total Claimed DBE Participation % - Enter the total DBE participation claimed. If the total % claimed is less than item "Contract DBE Goal," an adequately documented Good Faith Effort (GFE) is required (see Exhibit 15-H DBE Information - Good Faith Efforts of the LAPM). 12. Preparer's Signature - The person completing the DBE commitment form on behalf of the consultant's firm must sign their name. 13. Date - Enter the date the DBE commitment form is signed by the consultant's preparer. 14. Preparer's Name - Enter the name of the person preparing and signing the consultant's DBE commitment form. 15. Phone - Enter the area code and phone number of the person signing the consultant's DBE commitment form. 16. Preparer's Title - Enter the position/title of the person signing the consultant's DBE commitment form. LOCAL AGENCY SECTION 17. Local Agency Contract Number - Enter the Local Agency contract number or identifier. 18. Federal -Aid Project Number - Enter the Federal -Aid Project Number. 19. Proposed Contract Execution Date - Enter the proposed contract execution date. 20. Consultant's Ranking after Evaluation — Enter consultant's ranking after all submittals/consultants are evaluated. Use this as a quick comparison for evaluating most qualified consultant. 21. Local Agency Representative's Signature - The person completing this section of the form for the Local Agency must sign their name to certify that the information in this and the Consultant Section of this form is complete and accurate. 22. Date - Enter the date the DBE commitment form is signed by the Local Agency Representative. 23. Local Agency Representative's Name - Enter the name of the Local Agency Representative certifying the consultant's DBE commitment form. 24. Phone - Enter the area code and phone number of the person signing the consultant's DBE commitment form. 25. Local Agency Representative Title - Enter the position/title of the Local Agency Representative certifying the consultant's DBE commitment form. LPP 18-01 Page 2 of 2 January 2019 G. APPENDICES • Appendix 1— Signed Non -Collusion Affidavit Form (See Attachment 4). • Appendix 2 — Insurance Acknowledgement (See Attachment 3). • Appendix 3 — Identification of Project Team & Staff Resumes. • Appendix 4 — Addendum Acknowledgement • Appendix 5 — Project Schedule & Proposed Project Construction Sequence (Exhibit 1) Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 28 APPENDIX 1 Signed Non -Collusion Affidavit Form (See Attachment 4) Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 29 NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT FORM Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal JONIS SMITH. PE am A PRINCIPAL (name) hereby declare as follows: of J. SMITH & T. MULI, INC ta �a t AI IJ;t1R\1:1 - ATTACHMENT 4 (Title) (Company) the party making the foregoing proposal, that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly, sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the agreement of anyone interested in the proposed agreement; that all statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price or any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative hereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company, association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member or agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Proposer Signature: '_� EAU Proposer Name: JONIS SMITH, PE Proposer Title: Company Name: Address: PRINCIPAL J. SMITH & T. MULI, INC 33161 CAMINO CAPISTRANO, SUITE -D, SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO, CA 92675 APPENDIX 2 Insurance Acknowledgement (See Attachment 3) Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 30 ta �a t AI IJ;i]R\1:1 - ATTACHMENT 3 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal I, JONIS SMITH, PE (name) hereby acknowledge and confirm that J. SMITH & T. MULI, INC (name of company) has reviewed the City's indemnification and minimum insurance requirements as listed in Exhibits E and F of the City's Agreement for Contract Services (Attachment 1); and declare that insurance certificates and endorsements verifying compliance will be provided if an agreement is awarded. am PRESIDENT (Title) of J. SMITH & T. MULI, INC (Company) Commercial General Liability (at least as broad as ISO CG 0001) $1,000,000 (per occurrence); $2,000,000 (general aggregate) Must include the following endorsements: General Liability Additional Insured General Liability Primary and Noncontributory Commercial Auto Liability (at least as broad as ISO CA 0001) $1,000,000 (per accident) Personal Auto Declaration Page if applicable Errors and Omissions Liability $1,000,000 (per claim and aggregate) Worker's Compensation (per statutory requirements) Must include the following endorsements: Worker's Compensation Waiver of Subrogation Worker's Compensation Declaration of Sole Proprietor if applicable APPENDIX 3 dentification of Project Team & Staff Resumes Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 31 Identification of Project Team Companies j. SMITH J. Smith & T. Muli Inc. (JS&TM) is a Civil Engineering services firm that specializes tiTN T. MUL1 in helping our clients solve stormwater infrastructure problems and improve communities. JS&TM holds a Caltrans/USDOT Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certification, a State of California DGS Small Business Enterprise (SBE) certification, and a State of California Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) certification. We have extensive experience, a wealth of knowledge, and ample resources to draw upon to deliver practical and feasible engineering solutions. Our primary area of focus is Stormwater Engineering. We plan, design, engineer, renovate, and manage water resources facilities ranging from storm drains and channels to levees and floodplains, to lakes, ponds, and reservoirs. Our Team has the ingenuity to deliver creative and sensible, innovative, cost-effective design solutions for your unique and challenging projects. JS&TM is a debt -free employee -owned firm with a mission to provide excellent no-nonsense Stormwater and Civil Engineering services. R C G Established in 2006, Rende Consulting Group, Inc. (RCG) is a small privately -owned civil engineering consulting firm based in Orange County and is registered with the State of California as a certified Small Business (#1800698). RCG specializes in the design of public works structures projects involving bridges, earth -retaining structures, and various other non-standard drainage, flood control, and hydraulic structures, and RCG has extensive experience with the applicable local, State, and USACE design and construction standards. D U D E IC For the past 43 years, our team of experts across the design, entitlement, permitting, and compliance monitoring arenas have been ensuring continuity, design, environmental commitments, regulatory permitting, and post -approval compliance services for a broad range of local agency projects for decades. We specialize in guiding transportation/bridge projects through the preliminary design (30%) and environmental entitlement objectives and into the post approval milestones We have managed hundreds of complex projects throughout the full project development process, including the post -approval stage coordinating with regulatory agencies, contractors, consulting firm partners, and local/regional municipalities. As an Experienced Environmental Entitlement/Compliance Team, Dudek brings the needed expertise and ability to anticipate the interdependencies between the preliminary, advancing, and final design of bridge projects and the corresponding environmental services and updates needed to ensure timely delivery. iroConverse Consultants Converse Consultants (Converse) is an employee -owned geotechnical and geological engineering corporation, with 9 offices and more than 175 employees throughout the United States. Our professional and technical staff includes in-house geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists, environmental scientists, deputy inspectors, laboratory and field technicians, drafting/CAD specialists, and other specialized support personnel. Our laboratories are certified by the Division of the State Architect (DSA), California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), US Army Corps of Engineers, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), and the Cement and Concrete Reference Laboratory (CCRL). A registered civil engineer supervises each lab to ensure all of our equipment is calibrated regularly, and quality control is available 24/7. Whatever the challenge, Converse can meet all your geotechnical and materials testing needs. Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 32 David Volz Design (DVD) is committed to the creative design of outstanding public spaces. We develop landscapes, parks, sports fields, and streetscapes to meet the specific needs of their communities. DVD designs special environments for those who seek recreation in a beautiful setting: wonderful natural environments for those who are simply looking for respite, and for those who pursue recreation and competitive athletic endeavors on the playing field. Our firm capitalizes on what the site and nature have to offer. For all our commissions, we work to enhance the site's use, working within environmentally sound parameters while taking full advantage of the site and its surroundings to best service the community's needs. Ever mindful of our role as stewards of the land, DVD's design philosophy includes careful consideration for realistic maintenance requirements and construction cost parameters. We also embrace any opportunity to interact with the public to create environments that meet their needs. DVD's proven outreach approach has often been the catalyst for our most successful projects. Our proven approach and input we receive provides the inspiration that leads to creative and innovative solutions. Our company understands the importance of protecting the environment, protecting our resources and the health of future generations. DVD is proud to be a LEED Accredited and a Qualified Stormwater Designer QSD company. We understand the commitment we have to the public to deliver quality projects that offer a high return for the public funds invested; projects that can be maintained and deliver a lifetime of service to the communities they are built for. Parks and greenspaces designed by our firm have received awards and accolades from community groups, civic organizations, the American Public Works Association, the California Parks & Recreation Society, and the National Recreation & Park's `� SSS GIS Surveyors, Inc. (GSi) was created out of a belief that incorporating the J:.:;° complimentary technologies of Land Surveying with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and LiDAR services would provide clients with a one-stop shop for all their geospatial needs. GSi was established in 2002 by our CEO, Paul Loska. In 2013, the company's service offerings were expanded to include other geospatial services, such as GIS, LiDAR, and utility locating, and since then we have grown significantly in size and capabilities. We provide our clients with everything they need to fulfill their geospatial contracts from under one roof, and this has become our unique identifier. As a veteran- and employee -owned firm, GSi retains top quality land survey talent. We have tripled in size since our 2013 opening with three offices throughout the western seaboard - San Diego, Yorba Linda, and Seattle. Our highly experienced workforce has a strong work ethic that leverages the finest land survey technology to produce limitless client solutions. Ourteam has hundreds of combined years of land survey experience and is made up of eleven land survey crews including four licensed Professional Land Surveyors, Land Surveyors in Training, Utility Locating Specialists and Federal Aviation Administration -certified Unmanned Aerial Systems pilots. monument Monument, a DBE, SBE, and WBE certified firm formed in 2018, is a full- service real estate and right-of-way company providing exceptional service, strategic planning, innovation, and timely delivery. We serve local, state, and federal agencies, transportation authorities, and engineering partners with public infrastructure projects throughout California. At Monument, we understand the difference an experienced, solutions -minded right-of- way partner can bring in achieving the goals and objectives of a project and that's exactly what we are. We have successfully delivered hundreds of projects as a Team with our success attributed to our Company motto... we listen, we innovate, we deliver. We offer the following full range of services to meet all of your real estate and right-of-way needs: (Project & Program Management, Planning & Programming, Property Acquisition, Residential & Business Relocation, Property & Asset Management, Appraisal & Appraisal Review, Title & Escrow) Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 33 Donahue and Company, Inc. was founded in December 2020 by Kevin J. Donahue, MAI. The company's core business is completing appraisals and appraisal review for public .0 agencies and private parties involved in the eminent domain process. Appraisals and consulting services are also completed for the private sector, to include estate planning, estate taxes, development services and litigation support. With over 37 years of experience, Mr. Donahue has provided expert testimony in Los Angeles, Ventura, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Orange Counties, as well as Federal Bankruptcy Court. Staff Appraiser Denyse Neville rounds out the team, with over 8 years of appraisal experience. The company focuses its business in the State of California. --- Charlie Marr is Principal Civil Engineer and owner of Charles Marr Consulting (CMC) r with engineering and management experience in water and sewer systems design -'� and planning, including hydraulic modeling, and water resources analysis in support of pump station and pipeline design, and creative solutions to sewer service that may not be conducive with standard operation. The master plans for domestic water, wastewater, and nondomestic water systems performed for cities; large residential, industrial, and commercial developments; and university campuses state-wide typically include preparation of capital improvement programs identifying future facilities and sizing to accommodate proposed infill and service area expansion. Master planning and hydraulic modeling are key tasks for preliminary design of both water and sewer piping and pumping systems to determine optimal pipe diameter, and pumping/system curves for reliable and efficient operation. RBI Traffic is a firm specializing in providing traffic engineering services in the Southern ) ' California area with a focus on traffic control for construction. RBI Traffic has developed rR.UF`L a solid reputation based on its responsiveness to client's needs and quality of work. It is the firm's unwavering commitment to maintain this reputation by continuing to provide high quality designs and related services to its clients. RBI Traffic has been designing traffic control, as well as traffic signal and signing/striping plans for over twenty years. Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 34 PROJECT TEAM RESUMES rm L -S- M -S4 ITH .51 IS&TM T. M U L I Jonis C. Smith, PE, CFM, QSD/P, Env SP Principal Jonis Smith is a seasoned professional Civil Engineer with over 28 years' experience in Stormwater Engineering. Mr. Smith learned the highly technical and very nuanced practices of Flood Control Engineering and Stormwater Engineering during a 14 -yr period of working with three of the premier Stormwater Engineers in Southern California: Bruce M. Phillips, PE, Scott Taylor, PE and Johan Perslow, PE. He developed passion for Stormwater Engineering and a great appreciation for the often unnoticed yet invaluable contribution that Stormwater Engineers make to society. Throughout history and throughout the world floods have destroyed communities, economies, countless lives, and businesses. The practice of Stormwater Engineering to control flooding and protect stability in our communities is a very noble cause. Mr. Smith has in-depth understanding of the behavior of stormwater and is able to weave his understanding of the interconnectedness of hydrology and hydraulics into his approach to stormwater engineering and design. An in-depth understanding of stormwater provides Mr. Smith with the ability to develop effective/practical/simple solutions to complex stormwater problems. Mr. Smith credits his teachers with shaping his understanding of stormwater engineering through the many hours of advice, guidance, and mentoring they provided to him over the years. Mr. Smith is an avid outdoorsman that has spent many days hiking trails along creeks, streams, rivers and ponds and lakes throughout California, Arizona, and Oregon. This has provided Mr. Smith with tremendous informal training and hands-on education on the tremendous power of flowing water, natural stream behavior, effective stream boundaries and the variable nature of flow hydraulics. Mr. Smith is also trained in flood control construction techniques by Bruce Phillips and numerous hours spent on construction sites observing construction. This unique combination of formal training, experience, and hobby interest puts Mr. Smith in the company of some of the most experienced and knowledgeable Stormwater Engineers in Southern California. Mr. Smith Education California State University, Long Beach MS, Civil Engineering (Construction Management), 2000 California State University, Long Beach BS, Civil Engineering, 1995 Accreditations and Licenses Professional Civil Engineer CA No. 58654 Certified Floodplain Manager No. US -14-07485 Qualified SWPPP Developer 27390 Qualified SWPPP Practitioner 27390 Envision Sustainability Professional 49408 Professional Affiliations Floodplain Managers Association has provided numerous stormwater facility evaluations, designed many miles of storm drain, culverts, and channels. He has extensive experience with hydrologic and hydraulic modeling. He is adept in the use of the older and newer software models alike (LA Storm, RD4412/WSPG, HEC -RAS (1D), HEC -RAS (21D), FLO-2D, XPSWMMM, etc.). Mr. Smith has provided preliminary design guidance to numerous projects to avoid or minimize resource agency permitting (401, 404, 408, 1602, etc.) and comply with CEQA documentation requirements. He has designed numerous BMPs and prepared many WQMPs and SWPPPS to help clients achieve compliance with NPDES storm water quality regulations. He has successfully processed over 30 FEMA applications (CLOMR, LOMR, PMR, etc.) and consults clients and engineers FEMA processing and effective floodplain management techniques. Mr. Smith specializes Stormwater Engineering and Design the preparation of construction plans for stormwater and flood control facilities. Representative / Selected Project Experience Dunlap Road Bridge Replacement Project, City of Yucaipa, San Bernardino County, California - Mr. Smith led a design team to develop a plan to remove and replace the existing Dunlap Blvd Bridge at Wilson Creek Channel with a new prefabricated steel bridge structure while avoiding impacts to Waters of the US and Dept of the Army 404 Permit. The goal of the project is to increase conveyance capacity of Wilson Creek at the bridge crossing and reduce flooding associated with 100 -year and greater storm events. This project is located along Wilson creek between 14th street and the 1-10 freeway, just southeast of Dunlap Boulevard and 14th Street intersection. The existing bridge opening is a triple 12'(W) X (12' (H) and is undersized, with no capacity to convey a 100 -year storm. The project had a quick turnaround design scheduled to last 120 calendar days. Mr. Smith and the design team devised a work program that would raise the bridge soffit by approximately 5 -feet above the existing RCB soffit. The existing RCB bottom was to be protected in place as well as the bottom portion of the RCB side walls that will be joined to the proposed bridge abutments. The abutments will slope from the remaining bottom RCB side walls towards the proposed steel bridge piles to provide wider bridge opening. The bridge will have a span of 60 feet and a width of 22 feet to accommodate 1 lane of vehicle traffic for one way traffic travelling northwest across the channel and with an 8 -foot -wide path for pedestrians. The prefabricated steel truss bridge will be designed to meet current AASHTO LRFD design specifications. The design speed will be 10 mph for both proposed bridge and transitional street improvements, with the pedestrian paths designed to meet for ADA design guidelines. The bridge construction is currently underway. The images shown below depict the existing Dunlap Road Culvert and the proposed sequence of demolition to construct the proposed bridge structure while avoiding resource agency permitting Laguna Canyon Channel Improvement Project -Beach Street to The Ocean, City of Laguna Beach, Orange County, California- Mr. Smith led a design team as the Project Manager and Lead Engineer designing 1,000 If of channel rehabilitation for the F-01 Laguna Canyon Channel extending from Beach Street to the ocean outfall at Main Beach. The downstream reach of Laguna Canyon Channel was severely dilapidated due to its age and constant exposure to ocean water. The 16'x9' RCB channel was constructed in 1920 and was beginning to fail due to steel reinforcement corrosion and swelling causing cracking and spalling in the concrete. The open channel transition structure located upstream of Beach Street was a known flooding source to Downtown Laguna Beach. Watch the video at the link provided here from the 22 second mark to observe the flooding that the previous transition structure caused. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKL-iVKaOmY. Mr. Smith developed a comprehensive design to reconstructthe Beach Street transition structure to improve pedestrian and traffic safety, improve hydraulic efficiency, decrease debris hang-ups, and increase conveyance capacity in the culvert by greater than 25%, all within the existing structure footprint. No right-of-way or easement acquisition was required. This was accomplished by providing a smooth transition from the upstream channel section to the downstream channel section and extending the channel walls above grade to act as traffic barriers. The design team lead by Mr. Smith also designed a replacement ocean outfall structure that increased conveyance capacity at the outfall and provided improved resistance to highly corrosive ocean outfall conditions. Mockingbird Canyon Wash Restoration, Unincorporated Riverside County, California -Mr. Smith is Technical Lead and Project Manager providing flood control engineering services that will address a 40 -year history of flooding in Mockingbird Canyon. Mockingbird Canyon Wash has been subject to significant erosion, and sediment movement in the upstream reach. This has led to a decreased storage capacity in Mockingbird Reservoir at the downstream terminus of Mockingbird Canyon Wash. Proposed improvements will improve and stabilize approximately two miles of the Mockingbird Canyon Wash including reconstructing the Mockingbird Canyon Road Culvert, Van Buren Blvd Culvert, Greenview Drive Culvert, and Pennington Place Bridge. The proposed improvement program was developed by Mr. Smith and includes removing sediment deposited in the downstream reach of the wash and recycling it to construct soil cement banks alongthe downstream reach. The upstream reach of the wash will be improved with bank stabilization using rip -rap armoring. The stabilization plan developed by Mr. Smith utilizes a series of grade control structures (13) to create a stair stepped channel with a hydraulically flat slope to effectively control scour and erosion. The average base width of the proposed trapezoidal improved wash is approximately 50 -ft with a 10 -ft wall height. The design 100 -yr flowrate is 7,500 cfs. Mid County Parkway EIR — Perris, California - Mr. Smith was the lead floodplain modeling engineer tasked with developing a plan to mitigate the floodplain impacts of the proposed Mid -County Parkway twin bridges over San Jacinto River on the 2 -yr, 5 -yr, 10 -yr, 25 -yr, and 100 -yr floodplain in the San Jacinto River. Mr. Smith developed a plan to grade rills in the floodplain and low height berms to limit the spread of lower frequency floodplain in the proposed condition. The rills lowered the water surface elevation to match existing conditions and the berm limite the spread of the water surface to match existing condition floodplain limits. The Riverside County Transportation Commission moved forward with the concept, acquired the necessary land and presented the solution as a mitigation in the project EIR. Wildwood Creek / Wildwood Cyn Rd. Detention Basin Project — City of Yucaipa, San Bernardino County, California— Mr. Smith was the lead project engineer tasked with developing a plan to design a proposed multi- purpose flood control basin with appurtenant channel and preliminary street improvements within Wildwood Creek at the confluence of two tributaries. The project required extensive basin flood routing modeling and hydraulic modeling to develop the basin design parameters. Once the design parameters were determined Mr. Smith was the lead engineer tasked with preparing detailed construction documents (PS&E's). In order to optimize the detention basin effectiveness within the narrow footprint of the Wildwood Creek and due to grading limitations of nearby environmentally sensitive habitat it was necessary to design the basin to function with a low -flow bypass to preserve capacity in the basin to store the peak of the tributary storm hydrograph. The goal of the project was to reduce peak flows, provide groundwater recharge, and habitat preservation and restoration as part of the Wildwood Creek Watershed Management Plan. Upon construction of the basin the project will add benefit to the watershed with increased groundwater recharge, water quality improvements in Wildwood Creek, creek bed stabilization, environmental restoration, and recreational trail improvements. West Fontana Channel Water Quality BMP Project, Fontana, San Bernardino County, California - Mr. Smith led a design team as the Project Manager and Lead Engineer preparing improvement plans for a linear BMP along West Fontana Channel to capture local runoff from industrial land uses and treat runoff in the BMP before discharging to the West Fontana Channel. To achieve compliance with the County General NPDES Stormwater Quality permit the San Bernardino County Flood Control District constructed a stormwater quality BMP as a part of the improvements to the West Fontana Channel within unincorporated San Bernardino County. The 4.5 -acre linear water quality basin spanned approximately 17,000 linear feet along the West Fontana Chanel from the Banana Basin which is southwest of the intersection of Banana Avenue and Whittram Avenue to the Hickory Basin, southwest of the intersection of Mulberry Avenue and Whittram Avenue. The project consisted of constructing a vegetated swale and linear basin that would capture runoff from the local tributary watershed and treat runoff up to the 85th percentile design storm before discharging to the West Fontana Channel via side weir spillways. Coachella Wasteways Rehabilitation Project, Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD), Palm Desert, California. Mr. Smith was lead engineer for the structural evaluation and rehabilitation of four wasteway channels totaling 43,850 linear feet of concrete -lined channel draining the East Side Dike. The project includes field investigations and non-destructive evaluation of the existing reinforced concrete trapezoidal channels. Led the hydraulic analysis of the aging channels to confirm their respective conveyance capacity using Hydraulic Engineering Center -River Analysis System (HEC -RAS) and WSPG. Led the design team in preparation of the rehabilitation PS&E package. The final rehabilitation details included a mix of full structural section replacements, partial embankment and invert replacement, parapet wall replacement, concrete patching, and crack sealing. Whitewater River, Flood Control Engineering Dina Shore Drive Bridge, Cathedral City, California. Mr. Smith served as stormwater engineer performing all hydraulic modeling and flood control engineeringfor a proposed 1,200 ft long 80 - ft wide 6 -lane bridge over the Whitewater River (design flowrate Qspf = 93,000 cfs) with multiple jurisdictional agencies (FEMA, Coachella Valley Water District, RCFC&WCD, ACOE, State Regional Water Quality Control Board). Eastern Transportation Corridor State Route (SR)-261,Transportation Corridor Agency, County of Orange, California. Mr. Smith served as project engineer performing roadway grading design, and design of flood control facilities and surface drainage systems for the SR -261. Foothill Transportation Corridor State Route (SR) -241 Section 3, Transportation Corridor Agency, County of Orange, California. Mr. Smith served as lead drainage engineer for Section -3 performing all stormwater analyses and design of flood control facilities and surface drainage systems for the future 14 -mile extension of SR -241 to the Interstate (I)-5/Section 3 to 2.5 miles. 1-405/SR-55 Transitway/Airport Storm Drain, Caltrans, Costa Mesa, California - Mr. Smith served as design engineer performing design and analysis of Airport Storm Channel and surface drainage systems for 1-405/SR-55 HOV flyover construction and freeway interchange improvement for the 10th busiest freeway interchange in the nation. 13.4 -MG Goetz Road Tank, Eastern Municipal Water District, City of Perris, Riverside County, California. - Mr. Smith provided civil/site design for the preliminary and final design of a 13.4 -MG prestressed Type 1 concrete tank. Other design features on the tank site included 30 -inch CML&C steel inlet and outlet piping, an altitude valve and check valve vault, reservoir mixing system, and chloramination boosting facility, site grading to partially conceal the tank and addressing site drainage for approximately 100-cfs that naturally drained through the site. The project also included hydraulic analyses to size the 30 -inch transmission main and an alignment analysis that used a matrix rating system which scored each alignment in 10 different categories. Camino Carrillo Roadway Extension Project, PEGH Investments, Camarillo, California. Mr. Smith was project manager for the design of the roadway extension of Camino Carrillo Road in the City of Camarillo. The project will extend Camino Carrillo Road 700 -ft easterly from its current terminus at the intersection of Camino Carrillo and Camino Ruiz in Mission Oaks Business Park. Dudek is providing all mapping and civil engineering services to extend the roadway, grading design, design of all utilities including a 30 -inch RCP storm drain, a 10 -inch PVC domestic water line, a 6 -inch pvc non -potable waterline, a 21 -inch sanitary sewer line, signage, striping, and all dry utilities and irrigation facilities. Dudek also prepared all design reports for water and sewer studies, storm drain basis of design reports, and water quality system design studies. In addition, Dudek managed all coordination with the City of Camarillo Planningand Public Works departments, Ventura County Watershed Protection District, Camrosa Water District, and each dry utility purveyor. Storm Drain Deficiency Program FY 2016-2017, Rancho Palos Verdes, California. Mr. Smith was design engineer responsible for preparation of construction plans for the City's FY 16-17 storms drain infrastructure improvement program, which was part of City's effort to improve its aging storm drain infrastructure. These improvements follow the recommendation of the 2015 Master Plan of Drainage (MPD) that was performed by Michael Baker International, which is part of a comprehensive infrastructure rehabilitation program. Dudek's project covered improvements identified on the MPD as priority 1, located in three separate drainage areas, namely: Los Angeles Harbor East, Palos Verdes Estates North, and Palos Verdes Estates West. The project involves a comprehensive planning and design process that include review of existing information, CEQA documentation, analysis and identification of the final required improvements, engineering design of these improvements (plans, specifications, estimates), bid analysis & preferred bidder identification, construction support, and update of City's GIS database with As -built plans. The project is schedule for construction in 2017. Laguna Canyon Channel Culvert Flood Alternative Study, Laguna Beach, California. Mr. Smith served as lead engineer for the hydraulic evaluation of the historic flooding of downtown Laguna Beach. This project, focusing on the Laguna Canyon Channel culvert between Beach Street to the ocean, identified the existing system's limitations and provided the city with several alternatives to minimize the impacts of recurring flooding. Dudek used an advanced hydrologic/hydraulic model to evaluate multiple mitigation scenarios for the city and ranked them based on their feasibility. Given the City's dense and historic buildings and infrastructure, advanced modeling allowed Dudek to identify unique alternatives that would minimize flood risks and construction impacts. XP Solution's XPSWMM was used to evaluate a linked subsurface/surface model (1-dimentional/2-dimentional) that more accurately displayed the true impacts of various potential solutions. Work involved using a distributed rainfall model (DRM) over a 3-D surface that was linked to the entire subsurface storm drain system via surface inlets. The outfall was at the ocean, which entailed a variable tide, which included storm surge. Dudek provided the preliminary plans and cost estimates for a phased approach that would work with the City's budget. Hamilton Airfield Reuse Plan (Hamilton Airfield Redevelopment Plan Checker and Reviewer), City of Novato, Novato, California - Mr. Smith served as plan review engineer reviewing grading and drainage construction plans. Antigua Rd. Vector Habitat Remediation Program, San Diego County, California. Mr. Smith was project manager for the channel improvement plans and vector habitat remediation for the culvert crossing under Antigua Road in the County of San Diego. A hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of the upstream watershed was performed to model the incoming flow rates for multiple design storms. The proposed outfall structure was designed using low impact design (LID) methods and materials by engineering a hydraulic jump as an energy dissipator, instead of a concrete structure. The downstream low flow and main channels were analyzed using WSPGW and HEC -RAS modeling software. Murrieta Line -F Channel Repair — Flood Control Engineering, RCFC&WCD, Murrieta, California. Mr. Smith served as project manager/project engineer guiding the preparation of the channel repair plans and obtaining all construction permits for the rehabilitation (design flowrate Q100 = 1,200cfs) for the 500 linear feet of RC Trap Channel. East Cathedral Canyon Channel Levee Rehabilitation, Flood Control Engineering, Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (RCFC&WCD), Cathedral City, California. Mr. Smith served as project manager guiding the flood control bank protection system design and obtaining all construction permits for the rehabilitation of the existing levee lining reconstruction and rehabilitation (design flowrate Q100 = 3,400 cfs) for the 7,800 linear feet of earthen fill levee. Whitewater River, Flood Control Engineering (Desert Cove Golf Course), Howard Margoles, Cathedral City, California. Mr. Smith served as project manager/project engineer managing all aspects of design and permitting for a proposed 18 -hole golf course in the Whitewater River (design flowrate Qspf = 93,000 cfs) with multiple jurisdictional agencies (FEMA, Coachella Valley Water District, RCFC&WCD, ACOE, State Regional Water Quality Control Board). Lytle Creek, Flood Control Engineering, Lytle Development, Rialto, California. Mr. Smith served as project manager guiding the FEMA permitting process, the flood control bank protection system design, the on-site stormwater system design, the water quality system design, and obtaining all water quality and construction permits for the flood control and stormwater management systems (design flowrate Q100 = 65,OOOcfs) for the 700 -acre residential development between Lytle Creek and Sycamore Creek. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 4/20 - 1/22. Michael Baker International Inc. Santa Ana, CA Water Practice Executive Responsibilities -Managing the P&L for the Water Practice in Santa Ana office including 65 employees and sales of $10.8M annually. all aspects of project management, research, site design, permitting, bid support and construction support for The Irvine Company fire station and park projects. I design and draw all of the civil improvements, manage sub -consultants, obtain all permits necessary to construct the project, prepare all specifications and engineers' estimates, provide survey support, and provide construction support. 4/12 - 9/20. Dudek Encinitas, CA Principal Engineer Responsibilities -all aspects of project management, research, site design, permitting, bid support and construction supportfor The Irvine Companyfire station and park projects. I design and draw all of the civil improvements, manage sub -consultants, obtain all permits necessary to construct the project, prepare all specifications and engineers' estimates, provide survey support, and provide construction support. 4/6-4/12. Pacific Advanced Civil Engineering Fountain Valley, CA Sr. Project Manager Responsibilities -all aspects of project management, research, site design, permitting, bid support and construction supportfor The Irvine Companyfire station and park projects. I design and draw all of the civil improvements, manage sub -consultants, obtain all permits necessary to construct the project, prepare all specifications and engineers' estimates, provide survey support, and provide construction support. 4/03-4/6. Douglas Bender and Associates Irvine, CA Project Manager Responsibilities -all aspects of project management, research, site design, permitting, bid support and construction supportfor The Irvine Companyfire station and park projects. I design and draw all of the civil improvements, manage sub -consultants, obtain all permits necessary to construct the project, prepare all specifications and engineers' estimates, provide survey support, and provide construction support. • 4/02 - 4/03. Berryman & Henigar, Inc. Project Manager - (Construction Management/Municipal Engineering) Santa Ana, CA CM Responsibilities -managing all aspects of construction from bidding to final project close-out. Managing project inspectors and general oversight of inspections. Processing RFI's, managing change orders, design changes, estimates, certifying contractor payroll, providing public representation on behalf of project owner, hosting weekly project meetings. Eng. Responsibilities -performing various aspects of project management, budgeting, scheduling, proposal formation, marketing, quality control, and leadership. Responsibilities also include typical project engineer related tasks such as research, engineering design, engineering calculations, client management, generation of construction documents, exhibits, reports, and presentations. • 4/00 - 4/02 Dudek & Associates, Inc. Anaheim, CA Project Manager and Civil Engineer - (Engineering Division) Manager Responsibilities -performing various aspects of office management, staff management, project management, budgeting, scheduling, business planning, project selection, proposal formation, contract formation, contract negotiation, marketing, quality control, staff management, leadership, and employee recruitment in the Orange County office (8 -employees, annual revenue approximately $1.1 million). Engineering Responsibilities also included project engineer related tasks for the design of lakes and water features including, research, soil percolation analysis, engineering design and grading, design of lake liner and water proofing, pump selection and flowrate calculations, design and construction of physical models, pump station design, aeration system design, filtration and circulation system design, generation of construction documents, exhibits, reports, and presentations. • 6/95 - 4/00 Robert Bein, William Frost & Associates Irvine, CA Civil Engineer - (Flood Control) Responsibilities - Detailed study of local and regional watershed hydrology , complex flood routing analyses, hydraulic analysis and design of flood control improvements, above ground and sub -surface detention basin design and analysis, forensic hydrology analysis and studies for flood insurance claims. design plan review, due -diligence studies, design reports, watershed masterplan studies, detailed cost estimation, CLOMR studies. PUBLICATIONS • Performance Measurement of Training in Engineering Organizations; Journal of Management in Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, September/October 2000 Volume 16 Number 5 J. SMITH SIT. MULI I S&TM Tim Muli, PE, CFM, QSD/P, LEED AP Principal Tim Muli is a professional engineer with 22 years of experience in stormwater management, civil design, flood control engineering, bridge hydraulics analysis and design, stream restoration design, water quality permitting, low impact (LID) stormwater management design, and has been involved in many private and municipal infrastructure projects throughout Southern California. He has successfully engineered and managed planning level designs as well as final designs (PS&E) and construction processes for multiple public and private projects, including projects requiring resource agency and construction permitting process. He has experience in Floodplain mapping and processing of FEMA Conditional Letter of Map Revision (CLOMR), Letter of Map Revision (LOMR), Physical Map Revision (PMR), and Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA)) applications. He is an expert in complex hydrology and hydraulic modeling and analysis and has worked as an expert reviewer for and on behalf of the County Education of Orange on complex hydrology models and runoff management plans. He California State University, performed complex 2D hydraulic simulation of sub -surface and surface Los Angeles flooding for the World Trade Center in New York City, and 2D XP-SWMM MS, Civil Engineering (Transportation modeling of flooding within the Cities of Redlands and La Quinta. Among other Engineering), 2000 complex and interesting modeling projects, he prepared Master Plan of University of Nairobi, Drainage for the City of South San Francisco, a project requiring complex Kenya hydrology and 2D flood simulation and involving Radar Rainfall Estimation for BS, Civil Engineering, 1999 Modeling. He has is highly experienced in preparation of Stormwater Master plans, runoff management plans and has done so for both private Accreditations and Licenses development as well as for Cities within the Counties of Riverside, San Professional Civil Engineer Bernardino, Los Angeles, Orange, interacting with multiple reviewing CA No. 72992, TX No. 140273 agencies, acting in the capacity of a project manager. He has extensive NV No. 028443, WA No. 21003209 knowledge and experience in prepreration of PS&E and has spent many years Certified Floodplain Manager using design programs such as AutoCAD, Civil 3D, MicroStation & InRoads, No. US -20-11552 as well as older and new hydrology and hydraulics software models, such as Qualified SWPPP Developer & AES, HEC -1, HEC -HMS, LA Storm, Civil Storm, RD4412/WSPG, WSPGW, HEC- Qualified SWPPP Practitioner RAS (1D/2D), XPSWMMM, etc.) He is has knowledge of the regulatory 27386 compliance requirements and has worked on many projects requiring both CEQA and regulatory permitting (401, 404, 1602) providing key coordination Professional Affiliations with teams preparing these documentations as well as attending meetings Floodplain Managers Association with reviewing agencies. Mr Muli has prepared project WQMPs and SWPPPS American Society of Civil Engineers to help clients achieve compliance with NPDES storm water quality regulations and MS4 permits requirements. Mr. Muli also has experience in American Public Works Association roadway drainage and has prepared many plans, specifications and Engineers Without Borders - USA estimates (PS&E) for public and private sector clients for projects within the Counties of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Riverside, and Orange. Mr. Muli has experience preparing construction documents for stream restoration projects, including those requiring special fish passage design, and projects specifically for restoration of riparian ecosystems, both as standalone projects and mitigation for jurisdictional impacts. He was the engineer of record for the award-winning Buck Gulley Channel Restoration project in Corona Del Mar, in the City of Newport Beach. Representative Project Experience Prodalim LID BMP Project, City of South Gate, California - JS&TM Staff prepared Small Site LID BMP Plan to capture local runoff from industrial land uses and treat runoff in the BMP before discharging to the Local City Storm Drain. The project will involve an industrial site and result in the development or redevelopment of more than 500 square feet or impervious area but is not an MS4 LID Category project. The site's tributary runoff is intercepted by Page 1 BMJ. SMITH T.fS&TM M U L I the existing concrete ditch located on site. Flow then enters into a catch basin and is conveyed through an existing storm drain pipe to a clarifier and then to Street SD. Mountain View Baptist Church Parking Lot Expansion Project, Calimesa, California - Mr. Muli is the project Manager tasked with preparation of PS&E for this project, which includes site Civil Engineering, precise grading plan, erosion control plans, parking lot striping plan, parking lot paving plan, and a site deomoltion plan for Mountain View Baptist Chuch. The Church is expanding there existin parking lot from 20 stalls to 100 parking stalls. The detailed scope of work includes data collection, topographic survey and mapping, hydrology and hydraulics report, stormwater BMPs, site grading plan and final PS&E, and processing. These proposed Site Improvements for Mountain View Baptist Church will cost an estimated $200K for the site improvements. South Norco Channel Stage 2, City of Norco, California - Mr. Muli is the project Manager tasked with preparation of PS&E for this project, which includes a channel improvement study on the proposed. South Norco Channel. The detailed scope of work includes data collection, design survey, hydrology, hydraulics, channel concept plan and final PS&E, environmental documentation, regulatory permitting and FEMA floodplain mapping and processing. These proposed Drainage Improvements for South Norco Channel from Hamner Avenue to the confluence with South Norco Channel Line SB just east of River Road are included in the Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District (RCFC&WCD) 5 -year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP), with an estimated budget of $4.8 million for the channel improvements.The South Norco channel improvements will provide flood protection to thirty (30) residences and/or businesses adjacent to the channel and remove flood insurance requirement for those properties currently within the FEMA Zone A floodplain. The South Norco Channel project will replace nearly 5,800 feet of mainline channel with a new channel that is sized to contain the 100 -year storm event. This scope assumes that the improvements are box culverts from the end of the culvert east of River Road to Parkridge Ave. The remainder of the channel is a concrete lined with natural invert except at roadway crossings which would be box culverts. Haigh Road Drainage Channel Improvements, City of Thousand Oaks, California - Project manager responsible for the design of approximately 1,234 linear -foot of 5 -foot wide-open channel that was constructed in the 1960's with reinforced concrete invert, and reinforced CMU block walls. There is an existing 15 -foot -wide storm drain easement along the west channel wall. A large compound headwall/junction structure exists at the upstream end of the channel where the system transitions from a 60 -inch RCP and a 36 -inch RCP to the open channel that conveys runoff from upstream tributary areas. On the downstream end of the channel, just south of Newbury Road, the channel base width is constricted from 5 -ft to 3.5 feet before discharging into the side wall of curb opening catch basin, then continues eastwards to flow as a 60 -inch downstream of the catch basin. Mockingbird Canyon Wash Restoration, Unincorporated Riverside County, California -Mr. Muli is a Technical Specilaist providing flood control engineering services that will address a 40 -year history of flooding in Mockingbird Canyon. Mockingbird Canyon Wash has been subject to significant erosion, and sediment movement in the upstream reach. This has led to a decreased storage capacity in Mockingbird Reservoir atthe downstream terminus of Mockingbird Canyon Wash. Proposed improvements will improve and stabilize approximately two miles of the Mockingbird Canyon Wash including reconstructing the Mockingbird Canyon Road Culvert, Van Buren Blvd Culvert, Greenview Drive Culvert, and Pennington Place Bridge. The proposed improvement program includes removing sediment deposited in the downstream reach of the wash and recycling it to construct soil cement banks along the downstream reach. The upstream reach of the wash will be improved with bank stabilization using rip -rap armoring. The stabilization plan utilizes a series of grade control structures (13) to create a stair stepped channel with a hydraulically flat slope to effectively control scour and erosion. The average base width of the proposed trapezoidal improved wash is approximately 50 -ft with a 10 -ft wall height. The design 100 -yr flowrate is 7,500 cfs. Upper Wildwood Creek Basin #4 Groundwater Recharge and Water, City of Yucaipa, California. - Mr. Muli was the Project Manager leading a team tasked with the design of proposed multi-purpose flood control basin with appurtenant channel and preliminary street improvements within Wildwood Creek at the confluence of two tributaries. The project required extensive basin flood routing modeling and hydraulic modelingto develop the basin design parameters. In order to optimize the detention basin effectiveness within the narrow footprint of the Page 2 J. SMsz ITH .gj rS&TM T. M U L I Wildwood Creek and due to grading limitations of nearby environmentally sensitive habitat it was necessary to design the basin to function with a low -flow bypass to preserve capacity in the basin to store the peak of the tributary storm hydrograph. The goal of the project was to reduce peak flows, provide groundwater recharge, and habitat preservation and restoration as part of the Wildwood Creek Watershed Management Plan. Upon construction of the basin the project will add benefit to the watershed with increased groundwater recharge, water quality improvements in Wildwood Creek, creek bed stabilization, environmental restoration, and recreational trail improvements. Calle Tampico Drainage Improvements, City of La Quinta, California - Mr. Muli was the Project Manager for preparation of PS&E for complete rehabilitation and reconstruction of the Calle Tampico storm drain in the City of Yucaipa to alleviate flooding and reduce the risk of future catastrophic flood events in this area of the City. Hydrology & hydraulics for this project was performed utilizing advanced 1D/2D XPSWMM modeling. The project included using an alternative hydrology approach (distributed rainfall method, or DRM) in conjunction with a fully 2- dimensional (2-D) surface model of a major portion of the City. The existing and proposed storm drain facilities were linked to the 2-D model to create a single comprehensive, fully dynamic 1D/2D hydrologic/hydraulic model for various storm events. The models were validated against actual storm flood photos prior to implementing proposed drainage solutions. The design involved close coordination with a separate project team designing the Complete Streets "road diet" improvements in this area as well. The concurrent road diet project revised several intersections along Calle Tampico from signalized to roundabouts, improving circulation along the route. Dunlap Blvd Bridge Replacement at Wilson Creek Channel, City of Yucaipa, Yucaipa, California - Mr Muli was the Project Manager preparing PS&E to remove and replace the existing Dunlap Blvd Bridge at Wilson Creek Channel with a new prefabricated steel bridge structure. The goal of the project is to open up Wilson Creek at the bridge crossing, increase flow conveyance capacity, and reduce flooding associated with 100 -year and greater storm events. The bridge will have a span of 60 feet and a width of 22 feet to accommodate 1 lane of vehicle traffic for one way traffic travelling northwest across the channel and with an 8 -foot -wide path for pedestrians. The prefabricated steel truss bridge will be designed to meet current AASHTO LRFD design specifications. The design speed will be 10 mph for both proposed bridge and transitional street improvements, with the pedestrian paths designed to meet for ADA design guidelines. The project will also include partial demolition of the existing box culvert as well as grading and channel improvements required to transition from proposed bridge to existing. It will also incorporate street improvements on Dunlap Boulevard, which will extend on both sides of the bridge to tie to the existing street (s) on the southeast side and to the proposed private development grading on the northwest side of the bridge. The proposed bridge is within the City right of way, but the channel is under the jurisdiction of the San Bernardino County Flood Control District (County) and requires coordination with City, County, and other agencies. Foothill Parkway Westerly Extension, Corona, California. City of Corona - Project Manager responsible for roadway hydrology and hydraulics and preparation of drainage PS&E. Also responsible for regional hydrology, hydraulics and design of the regional facilities impacted by this project, which include Kroonen Channel, the Wardlow Canyon and the Mabey Canyon Debris basin modifications, and Project CLOMR Application and processing. The proposed Foothill Parkway Westerly Extension project is located in the southern portion of the City of Corona along the base of the Santa Ana Mountains. Also responsible for preparation of plans and documents necessary for processing of a dam alteration application with the State of California, Department of Water Resources, Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD) for the proposed modifications to the Mabey Canyon Dam. Responsible for coordination with the Flood Control District, the City of Corona, Department of Interior, FEMA, the project geotechnical engineers and other members of the project team. The project involved preparation of 12 initial concept plans and developed a comprehensive basis of design report based upon design and environmental studies forthe westerly extension of Foothill Parkway as a four - lane roadway from approximately 250 feet west of Trudy Way to Green River Road, approximately two miles. The project began with a public outreach program, designed a comprehensive website, prepared illustrative communications materials, and organized a large-scale, interactive open house focused on details for the roadway extension. The project also included engineering services for the preparation of roadway plans, bridge and retaining wall plans, right-of-way engineering, storm drain plans, roadway grading plans, traffic signal plans, landscape and irrigation plans, water line plans, and construction cost estimates. Lee Lake Dam Hydrologic Studies and Inlet/Outlet Mechanical Modifications, Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District, Lake Elsinore, California. Project engineer responsible for a hydrologic study of the watershed Page 3 J. SMITH R1 & fS&TM T. M U L I tributary to Lee Lake (Corona Lake), and part of a team that evaluated the outlet works capacity and control systems. The engineering work was in response to the California Division of Safety of Dams (DSOD) requests for more information. DSOD had classified the Lee Lake Dam as a High Hazard Dam, requiring a minimum design storm return period of 1,000 years. The team determined the appropriate design storm return period to use in the hydrologic analysis byfollowing DSOD accepted procedures and using the US Army Corps of Engineers HEC -HMS model. A hydraulic model of the dam outlet system was developed to estimate the outlet's capacity to draw down the reservoir, based on information supplied by EVMWD on outlet sizes, lengths, types of valves and gates, and the reservoir storage -elevation curve. The results included a plot of the outlet capacity versus reservoir elevation and were used to estimate the time to draw down the reservoir in accordance with DSOD guidelines. Stormwater System Condition Assessment, City of San Marino, California - Mr Muli was the Lead Project Engineer responsible for preparation of a stormwater system condition assessment (SSCA) to meet current and anticipated future drainage requirements based on appropriate mapping and modeling of the systems. The project resulted in a detailed stormwater system condition assessment report (SSCAR) that is now used by the City as a guidance document for programming capital improvements to address identified deficiencies and to provide the basis for implementing a long-range improvement program to address future aging, capacity and regulatory issues. The City storm drain infrastructure consisted of lined and unlined open channels, drainage inlets, pipe systems, as well as reinforced concrete and corrugated metal pipe culverts, majority of which were designed and constructed in the 1930s through mid-1950s. The majority of the regional flood structures and drainage washes are under the jurisdiction of the County of Los Angeles, while the local drainage systems are owned and maintained by the City. The City did not have as -built records of locations and/or alignments most of the existing drainage systems, and only performs annual maintenance to systems that can be visually identified. Such maintenance includes cleaning, and limited repair, rehabilitation, and replacement of drainage inlets and culverts as determined necessary. Storm Drain Deficiency Program FY 2016-2017, Rancho Palos Verdes, California - Mr Muli was the Project Manager responsible for preparation of construction plans for the City's FY 16-17 storms drain infrastructure improvement program, which was part of City's effort to improve its aging storm drain infrastructure. These improvements follow the recommendation of the 2015 Master Plan of Drainage (MPD), which is part of a comprehensive infrastructure rehabilitation program. The project covered improvements identified on the MPD as priority 1, located in three separate drainage areas, namely: Los Angeles Harbor East, Palos Verdes Estates North, and Palos Verdes Estates West. The project involves a comprehensive planning and design process that include review of existing information, CEQA documentation, analysis and identification of the final required improvements, engineering design of these improvements (plans, specifications, estimates), bid analysis and preferred bidder identification, construction support, and update of City's GIS database with As -Built plans. Laguna Canyon Channel Improvement Project -Beach Street to The Ocean, City of Laguna Beach, Orange County, California- Mr. Muli wass a lead project engineer for the this 1,000 linear feet of channel rehabilitation for the F-01 Laguna Canyon Channel extending from Beach Street to the ocean outfall at Main Beach. The downstream reach of Laguna Canyon Channel was severely dilapidated due to its age and constant exposure to ocean water. The 16'x9' RCB channel was constructed in 1920 and was beginning to fail due to steel reinforcement corrosion and swelling causing cracking and spalling in the concrete. The open channel transition structure located upstream of Beach Street was a known flooding source to Downtown Laguna Beach. Watch the video at the link provided here from the 22 second mark to observe the flooding that the previous transition structure caused. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v-aKL- iVKaOmY. The design included a comprehensive plan to reconstruct the Beach Street transition structure to improve pedestrian and traffic safety, improve hydraulic efficiency, decrease debris hang-ups, and increase conveyance capacity in the culvert by greater than 25%, all within the existing structure footprint. No right-of-way or easement acquisition was required. This was accomplished by providing a smooth transition from the upstream channel section to the downstream channel section and extending the channel walls above grade to act as traffic barriers. The project also included the design of a replacement ocean outfall structure that increased conveyance capacity atthe outfall and provided improved resistance to highly corrosive ocean outfall conditions. Page 4 gj) J. SMSL ITH f S&Tht T. M U L I Laguna Canyon Channel Culvert Flood Alternative Study, Laguna Beach, California - Lead Project Engineer for the hydraulic evaluation of the historic flooding of downtown Laguna Beach. This project, focusing on the Laguna Canyon Channel culvert between Beach Street to the ocean, identified the existing system's limitations and provided the City with several alternatives to minimized the impacts of recurring flooding. Advanced hydrologic/hydraulic model was used to evaluate multiple mitigation scenarios for the City and ranked them based on their feasibility. Given the City's dense and historic buildings and infrastructure, advanced modeling helped identify unique alternatives that would minimize flood risks AND construction impacts. XP Solution's XPSWMM was used to evaluate a linked subsurface/surface model (1-dimentional/2-dimentional) that more accurately displayed the true impacts of various potential solutions. Work involved using a distributed rainfall model (DRM) over a 3-D surface that was linked to the entire subsurface storm drain system via surface inlets. The outfall was at the ocean, which entailed a variable tide, which included storm surge. The team provided the preliminary plans and cost estimates for the project. Laguna Woods Village Regional Drainage Improvement Project, Laguna Woods, California. Third Laguna Hills Mutual. Project Engineer. Responsible for hydrology and hydraulics analysis and coordination with the City staff. The project prepared a Categorical Exemption/ Notice of Exemption for a proposed storm drain replacement project in Laguna Woods Village. The document described existing conditions in the project area, provided background information on flooding, and detailed the proposed improvements. The effort included consultation with City of Laguna Woods staff to confirm the methodology and approach and finalize the environmental clearance documents. Jonata Park Road Bridge 225 Hydraulic Location Study, Santa Barbara County, California. Santa Barbara County. Project Engineer responsible for performing bridge scour analysis and hydraulic modeling of Zaca Creek in the vicinity of the Jonata Road Bridge crossing to adequately assess the project impacts and provide sufficient information to evaluate potential changes in the existing streambed. The project involved a hydraulic locations study for proposed improvements to the Jonata Park Road Bridge No. 225, which crosses Zaca Creek in the San Rafael Mountains northwest of Santa Barbara. Zaca Creek has a tributary drainage area of 32 square miles at the bridge crossing. Mr Muli evaluated the Zaca Creek watershed to determine the 50- and 100 -year flow rates through the bridge and prepared improvement plans for channel transitions and slope protection to accommodate the new bridge and provide interim channelization to direct flows through the existing concrete arch culvert at Route 101. Alton Parkway Extension, Orange County, California. Orange County. Project Engineer. Main Project Engineer responsible for roadway hydrology analysis, local drainage hydrology, and hydraulics, and preparation of drainage plans, specifications, and estimates, including flood control improvements within Borrego Canyon Wash upstream of Irvine Boulevard. Also responsible for providing construction support and coordination with other disciplines, and contractor during the construction process. The project included preparation of preliminary design for a one -mile extension of Alton Parkway from its easterly terminus at Irvine Boulevard to the City of Lake Forest limits. This six -lane arterial is a vital link in the Foothill Corridor Phasing Plan and will facilitate traffic flow through the former Marine Corps Air Station EI Toro property between the communities of Baker Ranch, Foothill Ranch, Pacific Commercentre, and the City of Irvine, and provide a connection between 1-5 and the Foothill Transportation Corridor (S.R. 241). Alton Parkway Extension, Lake Forest, California. Lead Project Engineer responsible for roadway hydrology and hydraulics and preparation of drainage PS&E for the Lake Forest Portion of the Alton Parkway Extension Project. The Alton Parkway Extension project, Lake Forest portion is located in the County of Orange between Foothill Transportation Corridor (SR -241) and Commercentre Drive. This joined the County portion of Alton Parkway at Commercentre Drive. Alton Parkway is designated as a major arterial highway, which provides for a six -lane divided highway. John Wayne Perimeter Road Improvements, Costa Mesa, California. John Wayne Airport. Lead Drainage Project Engineer responsible for site hydrology and hydraulics and preparation drainage design plans and estimates. The project provided full engineering and design services for the perimeter service road, which included the reconstruction of approximately 4,000 linear feet of a 24 -foot -wide asphalt concrete bi-directional roadway. Key to design development was providing continued access through the work site while maintaining security, access control, and monitoring. Phase I had evaluated, by use of a feasibility study, construction of a new parallel perimeter service road system along the western property limit between the fuel farm and the northwest gate at Airport Loop Road. Phase II design included preparation of the final plans, specifications, and estimates (PS&E) documents for the Page 5 J. SMITH BlT. ,s&TM M U L I service road, including the new parallel roadway, if determined to be feasible, based on the results of the Phase I study. La Pata and Camino Del Rio Transportation Project, Orange County, California. Orange County. Project Engineer responsible for hydrology and hydraulics analysis and preparation of a Hydrology and Hydraulics Report in support of an EIR for approximately four miles of La Pata Avenue and Camino Del Rio. The project is located in one of the most geologically challenging areas of Orange County. Also responsible for coordination with other disciplines and reviewing agencies. The project consisted of two phases, monitoring while OC Survey staked the project site disturbance limits and biological monitoring during vegetation removal prior to the bird nesting season. The initial project effort was to document the placement of survey lath for the future vegetation clearing. The work effort included review of on-site surveyed / staking areas implemented by OC Survey. The purpose of the monitoring is to ensure consistency between on -the -ground staking and environmental clearances. Apple Valley Road Realignment and Widening, Apple Valley, California. Town of Apple Valley. Project Engineer responsible for roadway hydrology analysis; local drainage hydrology and hydraulics based on proposed street improvements, and preparation of drainage plans, specifications, and estimates for the southerly portion of Apple Valley Road from Yucca Loma to Bear Valley Road, a length of approximately two miles, and the northerly potion from Yucca Loma to Highway 18, a length of approximately three -and -a -half miles. The project included engineering services forthe widening, reconstruction, and realignment of 5.7 miles of Apple Valley Road, from Highway 18 to Bear Valley Road. The scope of services included services included civil engineering, roadway design, landscape architecture, and environmental services. The widening and reconstruction improvements include roadway realignment, hydrology and hydraulics analysis, a Class I bike lane design, local street storm drainage improvements, landscape and irrigation design, traffic circulation analysis, traffic signal warrant analysis, traffic signal modifications, signing and striping, full traffic handling and stage construction phasing, right-of-way mapping, and coordination with various utilities and local agencies. Potrero Creek Stabilization and Restoration, Beaumont, California. K. Hovnanian Companies of California. Design Engineer responsible for hydrology and hydraulics. The project was to provide engineering and design services for the stabilization of Potrero Creek and the major tributaries within the Four Seasons project in the City of Beaumont. The design recommended improvements to stabilize the existing natural channel reaches and maintain the riparian and alluvial characteristics for approximately two miles of the existing stream corridor. The project included review and evaluation of the previous studies and reports on the tributary watershed, preparation of regional hydrology, detailed hydraulic modeling, sediment transport analyses, development of the conceptual stabilization design, final design of the recommended improvements, and coordination with the jurisdictional agencies for the installation of the proposed improvements. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE October 2002 -June 2003 The Keith Companies Inc. Thousand Oaks Civil Engineer ✓ Carried out hydraulics and hydrology studies and prepared hydrology reports and maps. ✓ Storm drain design, parking lot studies and design ✓ Rough and fine grading design, field inspection and certification ✓ Carried out quantity take -offs and cost estimation. ✓ Prepared plans and exhibits and drafting using Land Desktop/AutoCAD ✓ Involved on various tasks in hillside land development. Canterbury Heights for Richmond American Homes; Lake Sherwood for Sherwood Development Company; Valley Central Shopping Center in Lancaster; Air force One for Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation; and Canyon Gate for D.R. Horton September- October 2002 Traffic Data Services (TDS) Los Angeles Transportation Engineer Page 6 g)j J. SMSz ITH rs&Tna T. MULI ✓ Installed Traffic Counters. Retrieved volume counts collected and forwarded them to headquarters; made validity checks on the data collected. ✓ Traffic counts processing May 2001- June 2002 Junior Engineer California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) Los Angeles ✓ Assisted project manager in managing the delivery of projects through their entire life cycle. ✓ Ensured that the projects met the quality, scope, schedule, and cost commitments. ✓ Monitored project performance and progress. ✓ Filed project documents, plans, drafts, and reports. ✓ Prepared right-of-way request documents, fact sheets, and other such documents ✓ Communicated project information and evaluated the satisfaction of stakeholders. COMMUNITY ACTIVITIES 2009 - Present Engineers without Borders - Orange County Chapter USA Civil Engineer -Volunteer ✓ Member of design team for two EWB-OC overseas projects, performing drainage design and analysis. The projects involved pedestrian bridge and water source development, both within Laikipia County, Kenya. ✓ Traveled to Kenya 6 times as part of the assessment or implementation teams for these two projects. 2015 - 2017 Corazon, Inc Civil Engineer -Volunteer Tijuana, Mexico ✓ Member of design team for multiple design -built (home build) projects, ✓ Drainage engineer involved in the design of leaching systems, toilets, etc. ✓ Traveled to Tijuana, Mexico (Valle De Las Palmas) twice as part of construction team on two projects. CONTINUING EDUCATION/TRAINING Fish Passage and Stream Restoration Design Training, FPT20-17374, WSDOT, 2/4/2021 HONORS AND AWARDS ✓ APWA Project of the Year Award -Haigh Road Drainage Storm Drain, Thousand Oaks, CA (2019) ✓ APWA Project of the Year Award -Buck Gully Canyon Restoration, Newport Beach, CA (2013) ✓ APWA Project of the Year Award -Alton Parkway Extension, County of Orange, CA (2012) PRESENTATIONS Application of GIS in Floodplain Mapping; 2010 URISA Conference, San Diego, California; April 19, 2010 Page 7 Gregory L. Rende, P.E. Structures Design Registration: 1995, Civil Engineer, CA, 54529 2001, Civil Engineer, AZ, 36034 Years of Experience: 31 Associate Bridge Engineer, Caltrans 1992-1996 Senior Associate, RBF Consulting 1996-2006 Founder, President and Principal Engineer of Rende Consulting Group, Inc. since 2006 Education: B.S., 1991, Civil Engineering, University of California, Berkeley 1994 Graduate of the Caltrans Bridge Design Academy, Sacramento, CA 1995 Graduate of the Caltrans Resident Engineer's Academy, Santa Ana, CA Qualifications and Experience: Mr. Rende has more than 31 years of experience in all phases of project development for major highway, flood control and public works structures projects. Mr. Rende provides project management, preliminary and final engineering design, plan preparation, specification writing, agency permit processing, plan - checking, and construction engineering in a wide variety of projects involving public works structures. In 2006, Mr. Rende founded Rende Consulting Group (RCG) and serves as RCG's President and Principal Engineer. The following is a list of some of the types of structures for which Mr. Rende has been directly involved in the preliminary and/or final structures design: Highway & Railway Bridges • Cast -in -Place Prestressed Concrete Box Girder • Pre -Cast Concrete I -Girder / Box Girder / Slab • Widenings, Seismic Retrofits, Staged Replacements • >20 Structure Type Selection Approvals by Caltrans • >80 Bridges over Major Regional Drainage Facilities and Environmentally -Sensitive Habitat Areas Non -Standard Retaining Walls • Cast -in -Place Concrete Cantilever Retaining Walls • Tieback Retaining Walls • Soldier Pile Retaining Walls • Sheet Pile Retaining Walls • Mechanically -Stabilized Embankment (MSE) Walls Pedestrian Bridges • Cast -in -Place Prestressed Concrete Box Girder • Pre -Fabricated Steel Through -Truss • Rolled Wide -Flange Beam Deck -Girder Flood Control/ Water Quality Structures • Open -Channels / Transitions / Drop Structures • Single and Multi -Cell RCB Culverts • Detention Basin Intake Towers / Outlet Structures • Non -Standard Junction Structures • Stormwater Pump Stations Wildlife Undercrossings / Tunnels Mr. Rende was among the first in the consultant community to implement Caltrans' Seismic Design Criteria (S.D.C.) and has obtained Caltrans Type Selection and PS&E approvals of numerous major highway bridge projects on California's Highway System. Mr. Rende also has extensive experience in bridge construction engineering and inspection gained while working at Caltrans Division of Structures from 1992 to 1996. Additional construction experience includes work for the County of Orange Department of Public Works (Construction Division) as an Engineering Assistant from 1987 to 1991 while attending college. KENDE CONSULTING GROUP Resume Page 1 of 2 Gregory L. Rende, P.E. Structures Design The following is a listing of some of Mr. Rende's project experience within the last few years: Recent Projects: Ethanac Road Bridge over the San Jacinto River (Riverside County, CA) 2022 — Principal Engineer preparing the final structural design calculations and PS&E for a new 450 -foot long 3 -span cast -in-place pre -stressed concrete box girder structure. Limonite Avenue Bridge over Cucamonga Creek Channel (Eastvale, CA) 2022 — Principal Engineer preparing the final structural design calculations and PS&E for a new 320 -foot long 3 -span precast prestressed concrete "Wide -Flange" girder bridge. South Palm Canyon Drive Bridge over Murray Canyon Creek (Palm Springs, CA) 2021 — Principal Engineer preparing the structure type selection, final structural design calculations and PS&E for a new 160 -foot long four -span cast -in-place concrete slab bridge. South Palm Canyon Drive Bridge over Andreas Canyon Creek (Palm Springs, CA) 2021 — Principal Engineer preparing the structure type selection, final structural design calculations and PS&E for a new 120 -foot long three -span cast -in-place concrete slab bridge. Dunlap Avenue Bridge over the Wilson Creek (Yucaipa, CA) 2021 — Principal Engineer preparing the structure type selection, final structural design calculations and PS&E for a new single - span pre -cast prestressed concrete box girder bridge containing decorative steel through -truss members mounted to each side of the bridge. Arantine Bridge over Bedford Wash (Corona, CA) 2021 — Principal Engineer preparing the independent check structural design calculations for a new 177 -foot long single -span cast -in- place prestressed concrete box girder bridge. Eucalyptus Avenue Bridge over the Cucamonga Creek Channel (Ontario, CA) 2021 — Principal Engineer preparing the structure type selection, final structural design calculations and PS&E for a new 160 -foot long single -span precast prestressed concrete wide -flange girder bridge. Merrill Avenue Bridge (Widening) over the Cucamonga Creek Channel (Ontario, CA) 2020 — Principal Engineer preparing the final structural design calculations and PS&E for the widening of an existing 160 -foot long 3 -span precast prestressed concrete girder bridge. Coachella Valley Water District Coachella Canal Wasteways Improvement Project (Riverside County, CA) 2018 — Principal Engineer preparing the final structural design calculations and PS&E for the replacement and rehabilitation of several miles of concrete trapezoidal flood -control channels and the new construction of a 10 -cell (12'x9') reinforced concrete box culvert carrying Fillmore Street over one of the new channels. RENDE CONSULTING GROUP Resume Page 2 of 2 HERNAN MONTOYA, S.E. Education B.S., 1977, Civil Engineering (Major in Structures), Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia M.S., 1983, Civil Engineering (Major in Structures), California State University of Long Beach Registrations • Civil Engineer (Republic of Colombia) #1873VLL • Structural Engineer (CA) #S002819 • Professional Civil Engineer (CA) #36919 • Professional Civil/Structural Engineer (OR) #15595PE • Professional Civil/Structural Engineer (NV) #13354 • Professional Engineer (VA) #040552 • Professional Engineer (MD) #0030909 • Professional Engineer (Struct) (DC) #PE901451 • Professional Engineer (UT) #5973374-2202 • Professional Engineer (MO) #2006002629 • Professional Engineer (GA) #PE031004 • Professional Engineer (MI) #56549 • Professional Engineer (CO) #44136 • Professional Engineer (FL) # PE72767 • Professional Engineer (IN) # PE11300465 • Professional Engineer (OK) #PE27171 • Professional Engineer (Structural) (AZ) 60166 Project Experience Mr. Montoya has more than 40 years of experience as a structural engineer. He has worked in a wide variety of structural projects in charge of engineering, quality assurance, coordination with clients, other consultants and building officials, and field support for various commercial, residential, industrial, civil and public works projects, including hotels, restaurants, apartment complexes, senior housing, warehouses, office complexes, schools, mining plant equipment supports and structures, bridges, etc. A sample list of public works projects managed or designed by Mr. Montoya include: Sierra Bella Dr. Bridge - Corona, CA Structural design of a precast post -tensioned concrete box girder bridge spanning over a MWD right of way, prepared for Forestar Corona, LLC, as part of a new residential development in the City of 22391 Gilberto, Suite E • Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 • (949) 766-5102 • Fax (949) 766-1761 Hernan Montoya, S.E. Page 2 of 2 Corona. Although the design of the bridge was prepared on behalf of Forestar Corona, LLC, the bridge will be owned by the City of Corona. Temescal Hills Dr. and Toscana Dr. Bridges - County of Riverside, CA Independent check calculations of two precast concrete arch roadway bridges over Temescal Canyon Wash, as part of the Terramor Development Project for Forestar Development Company. The project also included independent check calculations of precast pilasters, head walls and retaining walls. Avenue I Undercrossing - Lancaster, CA For the City of Lancaster. Project Manager/Project Engineer for the structural design of this cast -in- place, prestressed concrete box girder freeway off -ramp to be constructed over Avenue I. The Project included tie -back and pile supported retaining walls for the widening of Avenue I under the existing freeway under crossing and the new off -ramp. Nason Street Bridge/ Channel "F" - Moreno Valley, CA For Highland Fairview. Project Manager/Project Engineer for this developer built vehicle bridge over a new concrete lined channel constructed for the Aquabella Development, to be owned and maintained by the City of Moreno Valley. "C" Street Bridge/ Channel "F" - Moreno Valley, CA For Highland Fairview. Project Manager/Project Engineer for this developer built private vehicle bridge over a new concrete lined channel for the Aquabella Development in the City of Moreno Valley. Santiago Creek Bike Trail, Hewes St. Segment - City of Orange, CA Served as prime consultant for the channel overcrossing and service road bridge of the bike trail segment along Hewes St. Santiago Creek Bike Trail North, Chapman Ave, UC - City of Orange, CA Served as structural consultant for the structural design of the tie -back walls along the north segment of the bike trail. Santiago Creek Bike Trail North, Collins Ave, UC - City of Orange, CA Served as structural consultant for the structural design of this precast RCB undercrossing Collins Ave. along the north segment of the bike trail. Borrego Canyon Wash — Lake Forest, CA Served as structural consultant for Hunsaker & Associates the structural design of 3,760 ft of reinforced concrete box, inlet and outlet structures, transition structure, rectangular concrete channel, and conventional renforced concrete walls for the Borrego Canyon Wash for Orange County Department of Public Works. Highpointe Temecula RCB & Transition Structure — County of Riverside Served as structural consultant for Mayers & Associates a double cell reinfroced concrete box, head walls and transition structures for this drainage structure under "C" Street of Tract No. 31597. se'A' so o A Glm4SPANAL PIRfd Education: Southwest Missouri State University: Computer Info Sys (CIS) Santiago Canyon College: Land Surveying Training Coursework University of California Los Angeles (UCLA): Management Development for Entrepreneurs (MDE) Program Professional Licenses and Certifications: Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) California No. 9045 (2013) CPR First Aid Training Professional Affiliations: California Land Surveyors Association (CLSA) Total Years of Experience: 21 Years with Firm: 7 DENNIS ROSE, PLS Chief Operating Officer Biography Mr. Rose has over 21 years of experience as a California Professional Land Surveyor (PLS). He has brought his background as an information technology systems professional to the survey industry. His IT expertise allows him to recognize technological advantages and apply them to real-world survey solutions. As COO, Mr. Rose is tasked with overseeing daily business activities, managing budgets, developing strategic plans, creating policies, and ensuring client satisfaction. His ability to effectively communicate the needs of his clients to the field crews and mappers ensures that the job is done efficiently, effectively and on schedule. Relevant Experience Annual Dam Survey, Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District, Canyon Lake, CA Professional Land Surveyor. GSi conducted trigonometric leveling as well as digital level loops to verify both horizontal and vertical values at the highest level of accuracy possible. A small boat was utilized to access the top of the dam spillway where four existing monuments needed to be measured. Afterthe data was collected it was analyzed in Trimble Business Center. As PLS, Mr. Rose performed final QA/QC and approved the findings. The final data was exported and added to the annual dam survey report. City of Yorba Linda, Equestrian Trail Segment 4, Yorba Linda, CA Professional Land Surveyor. Responsible for overseeing and providing professional land surveyor oversight to this project that consisted of land records research and boundary surveys to establish the limits of various equestrian easements for the city of Yorba Linda. City of Buena Park, Ball Road Loop Project, Buena Park, CA Professional Land Surveyor. Responsible for overseeing and providing professional land surveyor oversight to this project that consists of topographic mapping for a waterline replacement project for the City of Buena Park. San Diego Unified Port District, Austal Floating Dry Dock Survey Services (as a subcontractor to Moffatt and Nichol), National City, CA Professional Land Surveyor. Responsible for providing professional land surveyor oversight and review/sign off on all deliverables for the Austal Floating Dry Dock project. Mr. Rose and his team utilized existing tidal benchmarks and survey control provided by the client to provide topographic survey and utility locating services according to the applicable scope of work and guidelines required for completion of a grading plan for site improvements. San Diego Unified Port District, TAMT, Phase 3 Electrical Survey Services (as a subcontractor to Moffatt and Nichol), San Diego, CA Professional Land Surveyor. GSi field crews completed a topo survey at the 10th Avenue Marine Terminal in support of the TAMT Phase 3 project. The scope of work for this project involved a topographic survey along a roughly 100 -foot wide corridor centered on the proposed alignment of updated electrical conduits. All surface features were collected and mapped. Mr. Rose provided professional land surveyor oversight, final QA/QC, and was responsible for signing off on all deliverables. c5sal A GEOSAATIAL FtFIM Education: N .L BS, Topographic Science University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK (1993) Professional Licenses and Certifications: GAVIN MCKELLAR Chief of Parties/Field Operations Manager Biography Mr. McKellar has over 28 years of survey experience, working on small and large- scale projects for private, public, utility and government clients. He is GSi's Field Operations Manager and ensures our crews have up to date training, such as safety, procedures and processes and he is also responsible for scheduling and resourcing of our field crews. Mr. McKellar's survey experience has allowed him to learn and become proficient in survey hardware and software, GPS and terrestrial measurement methods enabling him to produce high quality GIS or CAD deliverables. Relevant Experience Lake Eleanor Bathymetric Survey, Thousand Oaks, CA Chief of Survey Parties. GSi was contracted to perform a topographic and hydrographic survey of Lake Eleanor to enable inundation mapping and to develop an Emergency Action Plan. Mr. McKellar used a CEE-LINE single beam echo sounder, coupled with a Trimble R10 GNSS system and TSC3 data collector, to undertake the bathymetric survey from a kayak. He run survey lines at regular intervals throughout the extents of the lake and took topographic survey shots were collected around the edges of the lake to determine lateral lake extents and water level elevations. A comprehensive map of the survey area was delivered to the client with lake surface area and volume deteminations. OSHA 30 -Hour Training City of Buena Park, Ball Road Loop Project, Buena Park, CA FAA Certified Remote Pilot Chief of Survey Parties. This project consists of topographic mapping for a waterline Operator — Unmanned Aerial replacement project for the City of Buena Park. Mr. McKellar and his field crews Systems (UAS) were responsible for establishing on-site control points tied to nearby CORS GPS stations using static GPS observations. Aerial targets were then placed on the 5 -Day Utility Locate Training ground to control the photogrammetric mapping carried out by our trusted 3 -Day GPR Training partners Aerotech Mapping. Once mapping was complete, field crews performed a QA/QC walk to identify any obscured features and collect any data missed in the CPR First Aid Training aerial survey. All data was compiled into a master CAD file with the rectified orthophoto as a background image. Total Years of Experience: 28 San Diego Unified Port District, National City Marine Terminal (NCMT) Berth Years with Firm: 6 24-11 Rehab Survey Services (as a subcontractor to Moffatt and Nichol), National City, CA (2022) Chief of Survey Parties. Mr. McKellar and his survey crews conducted a ground- based topographic survey as well as a sub -grade utility mark -out at the site in various areas of concern as delineated by the client. Once fieldwork was completed, the survey data was reviewed, reduced, and imported into a CAD base -file (AutoCAD Civil3D format as required). San Diego Unified Port District, TAMT, Phase 3 Electrical Survey Services (as a subcontractor to Moffatt and Nichol), San Diego, CA (2021) Chief of Survey Parties. Responsible for directing and supervising GSi field crews that completed a topo survey at the 101h Avenue Marine Terminal in support of the TAMT Phase 3 project, as subcontractor to M&N. The scope of work for this project involved a topographic survey along a roughly 100 -foot wide corridor centered on the proposed alignment of updated electrical conduits. All surface features were collected and mapped. Mr. McKellar provided lead direction to assigned field crews and was responsible for ensuring the collected data was accurate and fit for purpose. GSM A GE08AAFlA! FIRhA Education: BS, Electrical Engineering Adamson University, Philippines (1989) Professional Licenses and Certifications: Land Surveyor in Training (LSIT) California No. 8050 (2010) Total Years of Experience: 20 Years with Firm: 8 NAPOLEON CORPUZ, LSIT Office Operations Manager Biography Napoleon (Nap) has over 20 years of progressive office and field surveying experience and holds a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering. He is an accomplished survey professional and is responsible for managing all office operations to ensure deliverables are produced within time, cost, and quality objectives. His survey experience includes commercial, educational, military, industrial, natural gas and electric and land development industries. In addition to his surveying experience Nap's background includes civil engineering design. He has extensive knowledge in topographic surveys, base mapping, field surveying, GPS control, construction staking, data processing and sag surveys. Nap's field and office experience gives him a unique ability to work with clients and understand client requests to align field and office staff. Relevant Experience City of Yorba Linda, Equestrian Trail Segment 4, Yorba Linda, CA Office Operations Manager. Responsible for preparing all office deliverables for this project to establish the limits of various equestrian easements for the city of Yorba Linda. Mr. Corpuz compiled the field data in the office and the results were reflected in a basemap with dimensions illustrating the geospatial relationship between the easements and the adjacent or encroaching walls. City of Buena Park, Ball Road Loop Project, Buena Park, CA Office Operations Manager. This project consists of topographic mapping for a waterline replacement project for the City of Buena Park. Mr. Corpuz was responsible for preparing all office deliverables. All data was compiled into a master CAD file with the rectified orthophoto as a background image. Various Land Surveying Projects, Southern California Office Operations Manager. Responsible for meeting project objectives, scope and roles. Determining and managing resourcing. Managing and tracking project budgets and costs. Preparing project plans, scheduling key milestones and managing the project according to the plan. Providing project reports. Identifying and mitigating project risks and issues. Undertaking survey production tasks and ensuring all office calculations and deliverables are completed on time, on budget and meet client's expectations in terms of quality. Key clients include SoCalGas, SDG&E, Southern California Edison, Spec Services, Barnard Construction, Cordoba Corp SoCalGas and SDG&E, Pipeline Safety Enhancement Plan (PSEP) Party Chief and Project Surveyor. Nap has responsibility for completing field activities for boundary surveys, easement retracement, utility surveys, topographic surveys, construction staking, layout of bore pits & alignment, structure monitoring, as built surveys for PSEP lines and valve sites. In the office, he was responsible for processing field data and producing surveys for boundary, topographic, GPS control, utility location, client reports and implementing quality control processes. C�S1 Education: (AS) Land Surveying and Mapping Santiago Canyon College Orange, California (2009) Professional Licenses and Certifications: California Professional Land Surveyor (PLS) No. 9695 (2022) Total Years of Experience: 18 Years with Firm: 4 RYAN FOREST, PLS Project Surveyor Biography Ryan has 18 years' experience in the Survey and Mapping industry. He is currently working as a Project Surveyor in a consulting capacity for Southern California Edison (SCE). Ryan recently passed his Professional Land Surveyor exam and is now licensed in California to perform land surveying duties. Relevant Experience GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi) — Technical Specialist/Scientist — Various SCE Projects, Southern California Technical Specialist/Scientist. Currently oversees all quality control of the incoming field data. This involves review of any staking jobs, processing the topographic data in Trimble Business Center and DWG creation. Writes and develops survey field procedures and standards. Conducts boundary resolution and topographic mapping. Puts together field packages including boundary calcs, research and project scope requirements. GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi) — SCE Survey Support for the Relicensing of the 8.85 Megawatt Kaweah Hydroelectric Project, Tulare County, CA Project Surveyor. GSi was awarded a follow-on project with SCE to manage the survey required to support Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) relicensing of the 8.85 megawatt Kaweah Hydroelectric Project. Ryan played an integral role with pre -filing activities, boundary surveys and creation of legal description exhibits that are to be used in acquiring further easements and future planning. This included extensive records research, field data collection, monumentation surveys and complicated boundary analysis all in support of a final application that will be submitted to FERC. GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi) — SCG Santa Ana River Project, Santa Ana, CA Project Surveyor. Ryan recently completed a large easement legal description and plat project for Southern California Gas Co. (SCG). The project consisted of basemapping and field location to determine the correct boundaries and tie points, title report review, plotting of the legal descriptions and exceptions and drafting the new easements for the Santa Ana River project. GIS Surveyors Inc. (GSi) — SCE Golden Gems Project, Southern California Project Surveyor. Ryan was responsible for developing the legal and plat for the SCE Golden Gems project. This project was initiated to establish an access easement across the westerly 16' of the property that services 3 large lattice towers. Ryan also worked with SCE to prepare and submit an exhibit for a Land Use Restriction Agreement legal document. David Evans and Associates — Various Survey Projects, Southern California Project Surveyor. Ryan was responsible for the drafting, reviewing and quality control of many record maps. This included Tract Maps, Records of Surveys and Parcel Maps. He was also a key player in the execution of many easement legal descriptions & plats for Southern California Edison (SCE) and private corporations. Hashmi Quazi, PhD, PE, GE Principal -in -Charge / Project Manager Dr. Quazi has over 36 years of overall experience and 36 years with Converse Consultants providing geotechnical engineering services and has earned a reputation for providing quality work in an honest and ethical manner, on time and within budget. Dr. Quazi provides quality control, budget oversight, and technical assistance on various types of projects, including interchanges, streets, bridges, grade separation and other related projects. Relevant Experience Dunlap Blvd. Bridge Replacement, Yucaipa, CA. Principal in Charge. Provided technical oversight and budget control for the EDUCATION ro ect during the design phase. The project involved an existing ArizoPh.DCivil Engineering, University of P 1 9 9 p P J 9 Arizona, 1987 bridge approximately 70 -foot -long by 60 -foot -wide box culvert • M.S., Civil Engineering, Arizona State structure spanning Wilson Creek southeast of the intersection of University, 1982 • B.S., Bangladesh Engineering Dunlap Boulevard and 14th Street in Yucaipa, California. It University, 1978 included the design of the new 60 -foot -long by 22 -foot -wide prefabricated steel truss bridge to accommodate 1 lane of vehicle REGISTRATIONS/CERTIFICATIONS traffic and an 8 foot wide path for pedestrians, partial demolition California, Civil Engineer, #46651 California, Geotechnical Engineer, of the existing box culvert structure as well as channel #2517 improvements required to transition from proposed bridge to existing channel conditions and associated street improvements at intersection of 14th Street and Dunlap Boulevard in order to transition to new/elevated bridge improvements. Glen Helen Bridge Replacement, San Bernardino, CA. Principal in Charge. Provided technical oversight and budget control for the geotechnical investigation. The existing 50 -foot -long and 14 - foot -wide wooden bridge will be replaced with a prefabricated steel structure. This bridge spans over the lake located within the Glen Helen Regional Park at 2555 Glen Helen Parkway, City of San Bernadino, San Bernadino County, California. Magnolia Avenue Bridge Widening, Corona, CA. Principal in Charge. Provided technical oversight and budget control for geotechnical investigation for the project. The project consisted of widening the Magnolia Avenue Bridge over the Temescal Wash and street widening between EI Camino Avenue and 1,000 feet east of All-American Way. The proposed widening consisted of an additional lane in each direction for a total of three 12 -foot lanes in each direction, a 12 -foot striped median, 8 -foot outside shoulders in both directions, 5 -foot sidewalks on the north and south sides of the bridge. Orange Street Bridge, Redlands, CA. Principal in Charge. Provided technical oversight and budget control for the geotechnical investigation. The crossing of the Santa Ana River at Orange Street was washed out in 1993 and again in 1995.. The original structure was replaced with a dip crossing with concrete box culverts at the Orange Street crossing. The bridge parameters are 100 meters long, 20 meters wide, 3 spans, 4 lanes, and approximately 124 meters of approach lane length. Robert Gregorek Senior Geologist Mr. Gregorek has over 44 years of overall experience on geologic, environmental and geotechnical aspects of both public and private throughout southern California. His experience includes preliminary geologic/geotechnical investigations; Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments; construction cost estimating; report writing; geologic field mapping; excavatability/rippability studies, groundwater studies; evaluation of geologic and seismic hazards; review of geologic, environmental and geotechnical and reports, as well as consultation and review for governing agencies. Relevant Experience Dunlap Blvd. Bridge Replacement, Yucaipa, CA. Senior Geologist. Provided geological oversight for the design phase. The project involved an existing bridge approximately 70 -foot -long by 60 - foot -wide box culvert structure spanning Wilson Creek southeast of the intersection of Dunlap Boulevard and 14th Street in Yucaipa, California. It included the design of the new 60 -foot -long by 22 -foot - wide prefabricated steel truss bridge to accommodate 1 lane of vehicle traffic and an 8 foot wide path for pedestrians, partial demolition of the existing box culvert structure as well as channel improvements required to transition from proposed bridge to existing channel conditions and associated street improvements at intersection of 14th Street and Dunlap Boulevard in order to transition to new/elevated bridge improvements. EDUCATION • BA, Earth Science, California State University, Fullerton, Graduated 1977 MS, Program, Engineering Geology, California State University, Los Angeles, 1982 REG ISTRATIONSICERTIFICATIONS • California, Professional Geologist, PG 3965 California, Certified Engineering Geologist, CEG 1257 OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120(e)40 -hour Hazardous Waste Operations Health and Safety Glen Helen Bridge Replacement, San Bernardino, CA. Senior Geologist. Provided geological oversight for the design phase. The existing 50 -foot -long and 14 -foot -wide wooden bridge will be replaced with a prefabricated steel structure. This bridge spans over the lake located within the Glen Helen Regional Park at 2555 Glen Helen Parkway, City of San Bernadino, San Bernadino County, California. Magnolia Avenue Bridge Widening, Corona, CA. Senior Geologist. Provided geological oversight for the geotechnical investigation. The project consisted of widening the Magnolia Avenue Bridge over the Temescal Wash and street widening between EI Camino Avenue and 1,000 feet east of All-American Way. The proposed widening consisted of an additional lane in each direction for a total of three 12 -foot lanes in each direction, a 12 -foot striped median, 8 -foot outside shoulders in both directions, 5 -foot sidewalks on the north and south sides of the bridge. SR -91 and Pine Avenue Ramp Widening, Chino, CA. Senior Geologist. Provided geological oversight for the geology of the design phase of the project. The project consisted of widening the SR -71 north bound and south bound off -ramp by adding a 12 -foot -wide lane for a distance of 600 feet to the ramp termini to accommodate the proposed lanes each, modify existing traffic signal at the intersection of SR -71 southbound off -ramp and Pine Avenue to accommodate the new lane configuration, restripe Pine Avenue bridge to provide two through lanes in each direction, one westbound left -turn lane, two eastbound left -turn lanes and five-foot outside shoulders, connect riser at north bound off ramp to existing 42" pipe culvert and all curb ramps will be reconstructed to meet ADA standards per Caltrans Standard Plan. CURTIS BIBOLE T, SR/ WA, R/W -AMC UTILITY COORDINATION MANAGER 4. 13 YEARS EXPERIENCE monument As a certified right of way professional, Curtis possesses an abundance of real estate transaction, utility relocation, and property management expertise. He has over 13 years of experience managing best practices, regulatory procedures, and logistics for utility relocation and property management projects on behalf of public agencies. With his friendly demeanor, Curtis provides oversight and quality review for Monument agents. He is focused on maximizing revenue, clearing encroachments, and mitigating utility conflicts for his clients. PROJECT EXPERIENCE ® LICENSES SENIOR RIGHT-OF-WAY AGENT International Right -of -Way Association RIGHT-OF-WAY ASSET MANAGEMENT International Right -of -Way Association REAL ESTATE SALESMAN State of California CA#02008725 AFFILIATIONS IRWA International Right -of -Way Association wTS Women's Transportation Seminar FUN FACT! Curtis is a boating enthusiast even though his acronym for BOAT means "Bust Out Another Thousand." He is exceptional at producing large crawfish boils and his favorite food is creole. He played football in college and married his college sweetheart. WEST VALLEY CONNECTOR BUS RAPID TRANSIT PROJECT San Bernardino County Transportation Authority I San Bernardino, CA This is a 35 mile long street widening to accommodate a bus travel lane including 60 station platforms and 33 intersection improvements. Curtis is the Utility Coordination Manager responsible for preparing a Utility Matrix to identify utility owners, descriptions of facilities, dispositions (protect, relocate, abandon), and initial liability determinations. He also drafted and issued the Relocation Claim Letters and Notice to Owner to relocate to coordinate with utility companies for adjustment and relocation of interfering utilities to make way for the project. Curtis coordinated with affected agencies and utility owners to obtain permits, approvals, and necessary agreements for relocation, maintained files documenting relocations and communications with the utilities involved, and participated in meetings with the City and the design team to provide status updates. SANTA ANA RIVER TRAIL (SART) PHASE 2 Riverside County Transportation Commission I Corona, CA SART will cover a 12.8 -mile section along the Santa Ana River Trail connecting Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. This Phase is the most westerly portion of the project adjacent to Green River Golf Course and the project will have to cross the rail. The utility companies within the project location are ATT, City of Corona, Level 3 Communication, Metropolitan Water District, Santa Ana Watershed, Southern California Edison, Southern California Gas, and Sprint. Curtis is the Utility Coordination Manager which includes the relocation of electric, cable, gas, and waterline facilities. He is coordinating with affected agencies and utility owners to obtain permits, approvals, and necessary agreements for relocation, maintained files documenting relocations and communications with the utilities involved, and participated in meetings with RCTC and the design team to provide status updates. PINE AVENUE WIDENING City of Chino I Chino, CA This project extends Chino's Pine Avenue to connect to State Route 71 to Euclid. It will provide LA CADENA OVER SANTA ANA RIVER BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PROJECT EDUCATION City of Colton I Colton, C. BACHELORS DEGREE This public improvement Project replaces the existing La Cadena bridge over Santa Ana River Communications Studies, Minor in Business, University to accommodate four travel lanes, a raised median, bike lane, and a sidewalk in each direction. of Idaho Curtis is the Utility Coordination Manager which includes the relocation of electric, cable, gas, and waterline facilities before construction and will obtain Caltrans Certification. ® LICENSES SENIOR RIGHT-OF-WAY AGENT International Right -of -Way Association RIGHT-OF-WAY ASSET MANAGEMENT International Right -of -Way Association REAL ESTATE SALESMAN State of California CA#02008725 AFFILIATIONS IRWA International Right -of -Way Association wTS Women's Transportation Seminar FUN FACT! Curtis is a boating enthusiast even though his acronym for BOAT means "Bust Out Another Thousand." He is exceptional at producing large crawfish boils and his favorite food is creole. He played football in college and married his college sweetheart. WEST VALLEY CONNECTOR BUS RAPID TRANSIT PROJECT San Bernardino County Transportation Authority I San Bernardino, CA This is a 35 mile long street widening to accommodate a bus travel lane including 60 station platforms and 33 intersection improvements. Curtis is the Utility Coordination Manager responsible for preparing a Utility Matrix to identify utility owners, descriptions of facilities, dispositions (protect, relocate, abandon), and initial liability determinations. He also drafted and issued the Relocation Claim Letters and Notice to Owner to relocate to coordinate with utility companies for adjustment and relocation of interfering utilities to make way for the project. Curtis coordinated with affected agencies and utility owners to obtain permits, approvals, and necessary agreements for relocation, maintained files documenting relocations and communications with the utilities involved, and participated in meetings with the City and the design team to provide status updates. SANTA ANA RIVER TRAIL (SART) PHASE 2 Riverside County Transportation Commission I Corona, CA SART will cover a 12.8 -mile section along the Santa Ana River Trail connecting Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties. This Phase is the most westerly portion of the project adjacent to Green River Golf Course and the project will have to cross the rail. The utility companies within the project location are ATT, City of Corona, Level 3 Communication, Metropolitan Water District, Santa Ana Watershed, Southern California Edison, Southern California Gas, and Sprint. Curtis is the Utility Coordination Manager which includes the relocation of electric, cable, gas, and waterline facilities. He is coordinating with affected agencies and utility owners to obtain permits, approvals, and necessary agreements for relocation, maintained files documenting relocations and communications with the utilities involved, and participated in meetings with RCTC and the design team to provide status updates. PINE AVENUE WIDENING City of Chino I Chino, CA This project extends Chino's Pine Avenue to connect to State Route 71 to Euclid. It will provide CURTIS' PROJECT EXPERIENCE CONTINUED a key corridor for freight trucks and commuters in Chino's growing logistics and warehouse industries emerging on former agricultural and dairy lands. As Utility Manager, Curtis relocated 30 Southern California Edison (SCE) poles and coordinated the move of two 500 kV transmission poles. Curtis also provided utility research, utility relocation coordination, and utility certification with Caltrans for this extension. CROWN VALLEY PARKWAY Laguna Niguel I Laguna Niguel, CA This project involves the widening of Crown Valley Parkway in Laguna Niguel. The current street is 4 lanes each way and is impacted with multiple turn lanes, two intersections and a freeway entrance and exit. Significant traffic and unsafe bike access have caused this section of the road to be dangerous. The Project will widen each side of Crown Valley and impact multiple businesses including a combination car wash and gas station, medical facility, railroad access and possibly a Costco parking lot. Curtis is the Utility Coordination Manager and is coordinating with 6 utility owners including obtaining permits, approvals, and necessary agreements for relocation, establishing and maintaining files documenting relocations and communications with the utilities involved, and participated in meetings with the City and the design team to provide status updates. EL PRADO ROAD AT KIMBALL AVENUE AND CENTRAL AVENUE The City of Chino kicked off this project to improve the intersection of EI Prado Road and Kimball Avenue and EI Prado Road and Central Avenue.9 utility providers were identified as possibly having facilities present in the project area. Curtis is leading the utility coordination services and will provide utility research and utility relocation coordination for these projects. NORTH FIRST AVENUE BRIDGE REPLACEMENT OVER BNSF RAIL YARD UTILITY RELOCATION TZ EXPERT DEDICATED MANAGER ° WHO ENSURES PROJECT SUCCESS EXPERIENCED IN MAJOR A6A TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS Jj STRONG RELATIONSHIPS x , I WITH ALL STATE UTILITY COMPANIES 19 A CONSENSUS BUILDER City of Barstow I Barstow, CA Utilizing Caltrans Highway Bridge funds, the City is replacing the bridge to correct structural deficiencies. As the Utility Manager, Curtis provided utility coordination services for 28 utility conflicts in the original design and ultimately coordinated relocations for 11 facilities. Utilities affected included City of Barstow sewer, Golden State Water, Southwest Gas, Southern California Edison, Spectrum, and Frontier. Curtis provided cost estimates for the utility relocations for the Caltrans Right of Way Data Sheet and certification package. PS&E FOR BUNDY CANYON ROAD/SCOTT ROAD WIDENING Bundy Canyon/Scott Road is a two-lane rural corridor in southwest Riverside County between Interstate 15 and Interstate 215. The City of Menifee in partnership with the City of Wildomar is widening this three-mile corridor to six lanes from Haun Road to city limits at Sunset Avenue to improve safety and traffic flow. Curtis was the Utility Manager on this project and provided 25 pothole investigations and coordination for over 100 utility facility relocations. SR -55 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Orange County Transportation Authority I Orange, CP This project adds one general purpose lane, one carpool lane, and auxiliary lanes in each direction of SR -55 between 1-405 and 1-5 in order to reduce congestion and increase capacity. Curtis was the Utility Coordination Manager on this project involving 52 utility conflicts. Some of the utility relocations were highly complex, including Southern California Edison high-voltage transmission lines spanning overhead the freeway. KIM BIBOLE T, R/W -NAC PROJECT MANAGER EXPERIENCE Off EDUCATION BACHELORSDEGREE Sports Science, University of Idaho 77, LICENSES SENIOR RIGHT-OF-WAY AGENT International Right -of -Way Association RIGHT-OF-WAY NEGOTIATION AND ACQUISITION International Right -of -Way Association REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON State of California CA#01883565 AFFILIATIONS IRWA International Right -of -Way Association WTS Women's Transportation Seminar FUN FACT! Kim is obsessed with ice cream and spends her free time on the soccer field coaching her kid's teams. She prefers to be outdoors whether she's boating, camping, hiking or golfing. Speaking of golf... she's pretty good and has the coveted title of having a hole in one! SR/ WA, monument Kim Bibolet is a tenured right -of -way professional with over 15 years of experience. She has worked closely with numerous local governments, public agencies, and private companies on transit, transportation, housing, and utility infrastructure projects. She has been involved in all aspects of right-of-way work, including property management, appraisal valuations, curative title, environmental assessments, escrow coordination, encroachment mitigation and permitting, eminent domain support, and relocation advisory services. P ROJ E CT EX P E R I E N C E SANTA ANA RIVER TRAIL PROJECT ission I Riverside, CA Kim is spearheading Monument's right-of-way program to deliver the Santa Ana River Trail Project Phases I & 11. RCTC, in coordination with its joint partners, proposes to construct a 12.8 mile section of the Santa Ana River Trail which will be constructed in 5 phases. Once constructed, the Project will provide a direct trail connection through Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties to cyclists, runners, walkers and equestrians. The Project will require the acquisition of property rights from multiple public and quasi -public entities, including USACE, OCFCD, OCPW, SBFCD, RCFCWCD, SAWPA, BNSF and California State Parks. Monument is providing services for project management, title and escrow, appraisal and environmental coordination, property negotiations, right-of-way certification, construction support, and project closeout. VARIOUS PROJECTS City of Chino I Chino, CA EI Prado Road at Kimball Avenue. The City of Chino kicked off this project to improve the intersection of EI Prado Road and Kimball Avenue. Kim is leading the right-of-way services scope for a Department of General Services owned parcel, which is currently occupied by a state correctional facility. Monument's role for this project includes title, appraisal, negotiation, and utility relocation services. EI Prado Road at Central Avenue: The City kicked off this project to improve the intersection of EI Prado Road and Central Avenue where Kim is leading the right-of-way services scope for one parcel including title, appraisal, negotiation, and utility relocation services. WEST VALLEY CONNECTOR BUS RAPID TRANSIT CORRIDOR San Bernardino County Transportation Authority I San Bernardino, CA This is a 35 mile long street widening to accommodate a bus travel lane including 60 station platforms and 33 intersection improvements. Kim is responsible for preparation of the RAMP, bid documents for appraisal, right-of-way engineering and right-of-way services. She drives the schedule and works collaboratively with the client to deliver the project BUNDY CANYON ROAD/SCOTT ROAD WIDENING City of Menifee I Menifee, CA Bundy Canyon/Scott Road is a two-lane rural corridor in southwest Riverside County between Interstate 15 and Interstate 215. The City of Menifee in partnership with the City of Wildomar is widening this three-mile corridor to six lanes from Haun Road to city limits at Sunset Avenue to KIM'S PROJECT EXPERIENCE CONTINUED improve safety and traffic flow. Kim led the right-of-way team to acquire rights to over 60 private property interests owned by 58 unique property owners. She also provided oversight for utility relocation work which included 100 potholes and 25 facility relocations. 1-15 RAILROAD CANYON ROAD INTERCHANGE Riverside County Transportation Commission I Riverside to Perris, CA Kim managed the right-of-way process which included 14 parcels in Lake Elsinore that were owned by 9 unique owners. These properties included In -N -Out restaurant, a Carl's Jr. restaurant franchisee, Arco Gas Station, and a Walmart. Acquisition activities included partial takes, securing Utility Easements, and acquisition of TCE's and Relinquishment of Access Rights. All properties were acquired voluntarily, and project certification was obtained on schedule. RAMON ROAD WIDENING �thedral City I Palm Sorings. CA Kim managed the right-of-way team and provided comprehensive right of way services for the widening of Ramon Road between San Luis Rey Drive in Palm Springs and Landau Boulevard in Cathedral City. The project location included a bridge over Whitewater River. This assignment included right of way services for 26 properties, including Bureau of Indian Affairs tribal land. Kim oversaw appraisals and reviews, acquisition, title services, escrow oversight, Caltrans certification, eminent domain support, utility coordination and potholing oversight. MURRIETA HOT SPRINGS ROAD Kim Provided right-of-way acquisition services for Murrieta Hot Springs Road Improvement project including project management, coordination and review of preliminary title reports, appraisal oversight; document preparation for offer packages, acquisitions and negotiations, and escrow services and Coordination for two properties. ABILITY TO BRING TZPARTIES TOGETHER FOR RESOLUTION SUCCESSFULLY MANAGES ° COMPLEX PROJECT MATTERS EXPERIENCED WITH Q� UNIFORM ACT, FHWA, FTA En AND CALTRANS HAS DELIVERED THOUSANDS OF PART AND FULL TAKE PARCELS A DRIVEN PROJECT MANAGER ON A DELIVERY MISSION! SR -60 TRUCK CLIMBING/DESCENDING LANE PROJECT, Riverside County Transportation Commission I Riverside County, CA This project is located in unincorporated Riverside County from Gilman Springs Road to approximately 1.37 miles west of Jack Rabbit Trail. Five parcels were impacted with 12 permanent acquisition areas and one temporary construction easement. As Project Manager, Kim oversaw preliminary title report coordination, right-of-way document preparation, negotiations and acquisitions, escrow coordination, utility relocation and Caltrans Right of Way Certification. MT. VERNON VIADUCT REPLACEMENT DESIGN -BUILD, San Bernardino County Transportation Authority I San Bernardino, CA The Mt. Vernon Viaduct over BNSF Intermodal Yard Replacement is a $140 million Design -Build project owned by San Bernardino County Transportation Authority involving the demolition of the existing viaduct over the BNSF Intermodal Yard in the City of San Bernardino and construction of a new bridge over 1,000' in length. Total design -build project cost estimated at $140 M for all phases - environmental, preliminary design, r/w, design -build, and mitigation. As Project Manager, Kim aided the Design -Build team in mitigating risks to the project schedule through effective management of the right-of-way acquisition schedule, performing due diligence to reduce community impacts, communicate project goals with public stakeholders and property owners, and perform railroad coordination to obtain temporary easements and related permits. STATE ROUTE 60 AND CENTRAL AVENUE INTERCHANGE PROJECT In cooperation with Caltrans and the City of Chino, SBCTA is constructing improvements to the SR-60/Central Avenue Interchange in Chino to ease area traffic congestion and improve safety. As the Right -of -Way Project Manager, Kim managed the team that provided right- of-way services to obtain partial takes, temporary construction easements, and a slope easement. Tasks included property acquisition, utility coordination, project management, Caltrans Certification, and post -project certification. Seven properties were affected including two San Bernardino County Flood Control District parcels, two restaurants, two gas stations, and a motel. Education: Bachelor of Arts in Finance, Emphasis in Real Estate Studies, California State University, Fullerton License: State of California: Certified General Real Estate Appraiser, OREA No. AG 015779 Professional Affiliations: Appraisal Institute, MAI Designated Member International Right of Way Association, Chapter 67 o President 2001 Orange County Association of Realtors - Appraiser Member Years of Experience: 37 PROFESSIONAL EXPERTISE Mr. Donahue has over 37 years of experience in real estate appraisal and appraisal management in Southern, Central and Northern California serving both public and private clients. He has provided expert testimony in Orange, Los Angeles, Ventura, San Bernardino and Riverside Counties, and Federal Bankruptcy Court as well as appearing as a witness in various ADR venues. Mr. Donahue specializes in: eminent domain, inverse condemnation, estate tax disputes and estate planning, construction defect cases, landslide and soils issues, marital dissolution, and other litigation involving real property. He has appraised vacant land types such as: commercial, residential, industrial, open space, and public -owned land. Commercial property types appraised include retail storefront, shopping centers, service stations, office buildings, and mixed-use properties. Residential property types appraised include single family, small multiple family, apartment complexes, single room occupancy (SRO) hotels, estate residential and waterfront estates. Industrial property types appraised include general warehouses, distribution facilities, food processing facilities, agricultural processing plants. His appraisal experience also includes active and former rail transportation corridors, rail expansion projects, abandoned rail facilities, utility corridors and crossings thereof. Mr. Donahue has significant experience with valuation of full and partial acquisitions for public projects, on behalf of both public agencies and private clients. PROJECT EXAMPLES Mr. Donahue has appraised the following notable assignments: ❖ La Quinta Housing Authority Properties o Appraisal of three (3) City owned properties for internal decision making ❖ Date Palm Bridge Widening/ Retrofitting Project, Cathedral City, CA o Partial Acquisition Appraisals for six (6) subject properties ❖ Warrior Bike Bath, Cathedral City, CA o Appraisal of City -owned Bike Path on Cimmaron Golf Resort ❖ Avenue 52 Grade Separation Project, City of Coachella, CA o 16 Full and Partial Acquisition Appraisals ❖ Fred Waring Road Widening Project, La Quinta, CA o Partial acquisition of numerous vacant and improved properties for the widening and improvement of Fred Waring Road SPECIFIC EXPERTISE Other Coursework: Appraisal Institute Courses/Seminars: ❖ Report Writing and Valuation Analysis ❖ Advanced Applications ❖ Standards of Professional Practice (bi-annually) ❖ Real Estate Principles ❖ Basic Valuation Procedures ❖ Basic and Advanced Income Capitalization Valuation of Leased Fee Interests ❖ Easement Valuation ❖ Professional Writing in Appraisal Reports ❖ Appraisal Review according to the Federal Land Acquisitions (aka "Yellow Book") ❖ Appraisal Applications for Federal Land Jason Reynolds Jason is the Transportation Sector, Market Leader and a Senior CEQA/NEPA Project Manager with Dudek. He brings 30 years of environmental management for transportation systems experience. His responsibilities stretch across the company's offices, and his experiences include both conducting and managing individual and joint CEQA/NEPA based delivery across a broad range of project types at differing scales and complexities. Jason has a diverse range of project experiences, including light rail, passenger rail, high-speed rail, local roadway improvements, interchanges, grade separations, bridges, freeway decking/capping, bus rapid transit (BRT), as well as major transportation corridors. He also has direct experience with and the ability to take -on a project at any stage, from inception through the bid and award process and into construction successfully. Jason also brings large-scale project and program management capabilities and consistently draws upon his detailed knowledge of scheduling, budgetary and risk management, project delivery methods, effective use of project controls and tracking systems, and quality compliance. He has a proven ability to build consensus among diverse groups, including agencies, consultants, and stakeholders, and he has established approaches with federal, state, and local agencies that provide a unique ability to anticipate and quickly resolve project challenges encountered at any stage of the development process. Dudek Project Experience Project/Environmental Manager, Bradley Road Bridge, City of Menifee, California. Mr. Reynolds is serving as the Dudek project and environmental manager for the proposed conversion of Bradley Road from a low-water crossing to a new bridge across the Salt Creek Flood Control Channel. Under Mr. Reynolds leadership Dudek has completed the CEQA approval process, Education BS, City and Regional Planning, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo Professional Affiliations National Association of Environmental Professionals -Transportation Working Group -NEPA Working Group Association of Environmental Professionals American Council of Enginee6ng Companies San Diego Transportation Development Association - Vice President including an addendum to capture utility relocation based improvements. Dudek is also working with the City and Caltrans District 8 to complete the NEPA approval process, including a range of technical studies [NESMI, Phase I ISA, Noise, Visual, Cultural, and Section 4(f)], along with a Categorical Exclusion. Bradley Road crosses Salt Creek in a north -to -south direction, generally at an equal elevation to Salt Creek. Due to this design, Bradley Road is prone to flooding during rain events, which has historically presented public safety hazards to motorists, resulting in the closure of the roadway. The proposed project would raise the roadway out of the floodplain and includes local roadway improvements extending beyond the bridge to the north and south. Project/Environmental Manager, Murrieta Road Bridge, City of Menifee, California. Mr. Reynolds is serving as the Dudek project and environmental manager for the proposed conversion of Murrieta Road from a low-water crossing to a new bridge across the Salt Creek Flood Control Channel. Under Mr. Reynolds leadership Dudek will DUDEK be responsible for completing the CEQA/NEPA analysis and approval process, including coordination with the City and Caltrans District 8. The CEQA approval will be addressed through preparation of an IS/MND with the City as the lead agency. The NEPA approval process includes a suite of technical studies [NESMI, Phase I ISA, Noise, Visual, Cultural, and Section 4(f)] with NEPA approval satisfied through a Categorical Exclusion with Caltrans as the lead agency. Murrieta Road crosses Salt Creek in a north -to -south direction, generally at an equal elevation to Salt Creek. Due to this design, the existing roadway is prone to flooding during rain events, which historically has presented public safety hazards, resulting in roadway closures. The proposed project would raise the roadway out of the floodplain and include, utility relocations and local roadway improvements extending beyond the bridge to the north and south. Environmental/Contract Manager, Concrete Bridge/Pier Replacement, City of Oceanside, California. Under Mr. Reynolds leadership, Dudek is providing comprehensive environmental support, assessment, analysis, documentation, approval, and post -approval services as the project ultimately transitions into final design and construction. The project proposes an in-kind replacement of the concrete portion of the existing Pier View Way Bridge a critical active transportation (pedestrian) connection to the City's coastal resources and wooden pier. The environmental services include alternative analysis and selection processes, a full suite of technical studies, summary CEQA approval documentation, and regulatory permitting.. The area serves as a critical destination for public coastal access and recreation. The area supports public facilities that include visitor - serving commercial, lifeguard headquarters, a police station, a community center, and plaza areas. The Proposed Project must also be compatible with existing neighboring uses, as well as current and planned projects. Dudek is supporting the project through a full suite of tasks, including: • Schematic Design, Alternatives Analysis, and Evaluation; • Design Development, Environmental Analysis, and Documentation; • Regulatory Permitting and Approvals; • Plans, Specifications, and Estimates - Conditions of Approval; and • Construction Bid Support/ Construction Compliance Project Director, West Mission Bay Drive Bridge Replacement, City of San Diego, San Diego, California. Mr. Reynolds directed the environmental analysis and documentation process, including completion of the Final NEPA Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact (EA/FONSI). He also provided direct support of the City of San Diego's CEQA Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (IS/MND) approval process. Mr. Reynolds served as the primary environmental liaison between the City of San Diego and Caltrans District 11, as well as directed multiple consultation meetings with local, state, and federal resource agencies regarding regulatory permitting. These efforts provided additional guidance on jurisdictional impacts, construction timing, temporary impacts, and resource protection missions for each agency. Key environmental issues analyzed and addressed included construction activities within the San Diego River Channel/Southern Wildlife Preserve, maintaining the daily tidal prism and westerly river flow throughout construction, visual impacts, water quality, traffic, and endangered species impacts. Additionally, Mr. Reynolds oversaw the team's preparation for the value analysis/value engineering process. He coordinated the environmental resource presentation components and participated in the value engineering meetings. During the PS&E stage, Mr. Reynolds directed the regulatory permitting application process, concept mitigation plan development, and the NEPA revalidation. Project/Environmental Manager, North Torrey Pines Bridge Rehabilitation and Seismic Retrofitting, City of Del Mar, California. Mr. Reynolds managed the preparation and approval process, including the technical analysis and CEQA/NEPA documents, regulatory permitting, and post approval environmental compliance support for the North Torrey Pines Bridge Seismic Retrofit Project. Environmental issues included historic resources, biological and aquatic resources, resource agency and coastal permitting, visual impacts analysis, and DUDEK construction -related noise and traffic management. The significant natural resources evaluated included wetlands, endangered species, and sensitive habitats, as well as proximity to a designated San Diego Multi Habitat Preserve Area. All these factors added to a complex environmental analysis and documentation process. Under Mr. Reynolds' leadership, his team employed many unique solutions to address the project's complexities. Regulatory agencies were invited to be part of the project development team. Specifically, the team solicited agency input on impact analysis, implementation methods, how to best address their respective resource protection/preservation responsibilities, and to facilitate future permitting. A construction contractor was invited to join the project team once the construction footprint and impacts had been defined. It was recognized that the project would have little to no permanent impacts, but the timeline would likely be over two years. Based on this information, a contractor was asked to evaluate the construction methodologies, access routes, stage transitions, crane pad locations, and staging and storage areas, and to recommend modifications that would reduce the corresponding impacts. Input on the project's mitigation measures from both the agencies and contractor were requested. The objective was to fulfill permitting requirements, making sure they were biddable, measurable, and enforceable from a construction contractor's perspective, and therefore could be easily included in the specifications and special provisions. The benefits realized from these unique solutions included an expedited CEQA/NEPA approval based on limited comments from the agencies. Following the approval milestone, the permitting process was also completed on a highly accelerated schedule, with the applications submitted, reviewed, and approved without comments. Additionally, the project's mitigation commitments, as defined and agreed upon by the agencies, included performance-based provisions that afforded the contractor flexibility in fulfilling those requirements. These efforts also presented an opportunity to fulfill a long-standing but unfunded restoration plan from the California Department of Parks and Recreation (CDPR), specifically for an area immediately adjacent to and east of the bridge. Working with Darren Smith, a Senior Environmental Scientist with CDPR, was instrumental in satisfying the project commitments while also supporting and implementing the CDPR restoration plan. As referenced previously, the benefits included an expedited schedule for both approval and permitting, the corresponding cost savings associated with a shortened environmental timeline, and the value-added reputation benefits for the City of Del Mar and California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) as the project sponsors. The project received the San Diego Chapter Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP) award for an Outstanding Environmental Solution and the National AEP Award for Best Available Environmental Technology. Senior Environmental Manager, City of Oceanside/Caltrans District 11, Douglas Drive Bridge Seismic Retrofit/Replacement Project, Oceanside, California. Mr. Reynolds provided environmental management for the proposed seismic retrofit or replacement of Douglas Drive Bridge over the San Luis Rey River. His management involved early environmental, permitting, habitat assessment, and threatened/endangered species coordination through the alternative evaluation processes. Detailed investigation activities to support this alternative evaluation required an independent CEQA/NEPA approval, which was supported by protocol surveys, analysis of the geotechnical methods (access, equipment, timing), Section 7 consultation, the full suite of regulatory permits (1602, 404, and 401), and Section 408 Permission Processing with the USACE engineering division. These efforts set the project up for selection of either a retrofit or replacement alternative to be analyzed, documented, and approved according to the requirements of both CEQA (Oceanside - Lead Agency) DUDEK and NEPA (Caltrans - Lead Agency). The parallel efforts from the USACE to recertify the San Luis Rey River levees presented numerous additional challenges regarding natural and aquatic resource-based analysis, documentation, permitting, and protection objectives. Under Mr. Reynolds's leadership and management, these challenges were addressed and agreement on advancing the retrofit/replacement efforts into and beyond geotechnical investigations proceeded. Project Director, Willow Street Bridge Replacement, City of Chula Vista and Caltrans District 11, Chula Vista, California. Mr. Reynolds provided project direction and oversight through the post environmental approval CEQA addendum and NEPA reevaluation processes. His additional responsibilities included supporting the consultant team and guiding the client through the regulatory permitting process, which required numerous adjustments based on minor design changes that impacted jurisdictional resources. The permitting process included a 404 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, a 401 Certification from the Regional Water Quality Control Board, and a 1602 Streambed Alteration Agreement from the California Department of Fish & Wildlife. The project crosses the Sweetwater River connecting Bonita Road and Sweetwater Road east of 1-805. This bridge was constructed in 1940 and the existing two-lane structure consists of a reinforced concrete slab supported on driven piles. The bridge design options evaluated included rehabilitation and replacement alternatives involving both two-lane and four -lane alternatives. Ultimately a replacement option was selected. 4 Tommy Molioo Tommy Moiioo is a senior biologist with 11 years' professional experience as a biologist and project manager specializing in technical surveys and reporting for projects requiring CEQA/NEPA compliance. Mr. Molioo's experience includes + conducting habitat assessments, biological resources impact analyses, bat surveys, year-long biodiversity studies, avian and raptor surveys, habitat mitigation monitoring, and local and regional habitat conservation plan compliance and strategic planning. Education Project Experience University of Denver Development MAS, Environmental Policy and Management, The Creek at Dominguez Hills, Shopoff Group, Carson, California. Served as 2017 phase manager/project biologist. The project proposes to redevelop the Minot State university southern portion of the exiting Victoria Links Golf Course into a multi -use BA, Biology, 2008 sports complex. Conducted a biological reconnaissance of the project site, as Certifications well as a late season botanical survey, jurisdictional delineation, and focused USFWS, Section California gnatcatcher surveys. Prepared a biological technical report to 10(a)(1)(A) Survey Permit, document the existing conditions and analyze impacts. Also prepared the No. TE06$73C-0.1 (exp. Biological Resources section for the project's EIR, which prescribed mitigation 6/26/2022) to reduce potential impacts to a less than significant level. Project is currently ■ California gnatcatcher in progress. CDFW, Scientific Collecting Permit, No. SC - Carol Kimmelman Sports and Academic Campus, County of Los Angeles, 10395 Carson, California. Served as phase manager/project biologist. The project Professional Affiliations proposes to redevelop the northern portion of the Victoria Links Golf Course !North American Society of with new recreation uses including a new sports and academic campus Bat research Conducted a biological reconnaissance of the project site, as well as a Western Bat Working jurisdictional delineation, and focused California gnatcatcher surveys. Group Prepared the Biological Resources section for the project's EIR, which Western Section of the prescribed mitigation to reduce potential impacts to a less than significant Wildlife Society level. Project is currently in progress. Biological and Cultural Resources Monitoring Tehachapi Renewable Transmission Project (TRTP) Construction Monitoring, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties, California. Served as field biologist. Conducted on-site construction monitoring for sensitive species during a portion of the Southern California Edison Tehachapi Renewable Transmission project. Construction monitoring entailed supervising various construction crews during transmission tower construction at various locations in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties. Monitoring activities also involved conducting pre -construction clearance surveys, monitoring plan compliance, daily and nightly spot checks, and routine reporting. DUDEK Pine Canyon Second Barrel Maintenance Monitoring, LADWP, California. Served as field biologist. Conducted a pre -construction clearance survey, worker training program, and construction monitoring during road maintenance of a small segment of the existing Second Aqueduct access north of California City, to protect Desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii), Mohave ground squirrel (Xerospermophilus mohavensis), Le Conte's thrasher (Toxostoma lecontei), and Charlotte's phacelia (Phacelia nashiana). Development Fresno General Plan Update, City of Fresno, California. Served as project biologist. Prepared the Biological Resources Section, which included documenting existing biological conditions for the City of Fresno and preparing a programmatic -level impact analysis, for the City of Fresno 2035 General Plan Master EIR. The biological resources within the entire City of Fresno zone of influence were documented and analyzed for potential impacts related to future projects within the City. Downtown Fresno Specific Plan, City of Fresno, California. Served as project biologist. Prepared the Biological Resources Section for the City of Fresno Downtown Specific Plan Project. The Project involved the revitalization of the Downtown Fresno Area including upgrading buildings and roads, and planning for new development. The report included an analysis of potentially sensitive biological resources that may be impacted and preparation of mitigation. Walker Basin, De Luz and Sandia Vineyards, Riverside County, California. Served as project biologist. Tommy assisted with general reconnaissance surveys, vegetation mapping, and oak tree mapping on approximately 140 acres in Western Riverside County. Tommy also conducted a jurisdictional delineation on a portion of the project site, as well as mapped potential restoration areas in support of preparation of a Determination of Biological Equivalent or Superior Preservation report. The work was conducted in compliance with the Western Riverside County MSHCP, with direct consultation between the Applicant, the Riverside County Environmental Program Division, CDFW, and USFWS. The biological county documents were prepared in order to support a Criteria Area Refinement by the MSHCP. Jurisdictional Delineations and Regulatory Permitting Noyes Street Vector Habitat Remediation Project, City of San Diego, California. Served as field biologist. Conducted a jurisdictional delineation survey of the Kendall Frost Marsh Reserve and areas that would be affected by the project. The survey involved identifying potential waters of the U.S., State, and local jurisdiction to identify potential impacts to jurisdictional waters by the project. Big Dalton Dam Sluiceway Rehabilitation Project, City of Glendora, Los Angeles County, California. Served as field biologist. Conducted a jurisdictional delineation, and prepared a report, for the LA Department of Public Works for their Sluiceway Rehabilitation Project on the Big Dalton Dam. The survey involved identifying potential waters of the U.S. and State to identify potential impacts to jurisdictional waters by the project. Cattle Canyon Project, Glendora, Los Angeles County, California. Served as field biologist. Conducted a jurisdictional assessment of the Cattle Canyon Project which occurs along a portion of the East Fork of the San Gabriel River. Delineated the limits of jurisdiction within the floodplain of the River to determine if projects activities will result in any impacts to jurisdictional waters. Transportation SR 91 and SR 71 Interchange Improvement Project, City of Corona, California. Served as field biologist. Conducted a general habitat assessment and MSHCP Consistency Analysis for the 35 -acre project site and surrounding 652 - acre study area. Surveys focused on assessing suitable conditions for burrowing owl, narrow endemic plant DUDEK species, riparian/riverine areas, as well as sensitive species not covered under the MSHCP. Assisted in conducting a jurisdictional delineation for areas potentially under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), Regional Water Quality Control Board, and CDFW. Prepared a written Habitat Assessment and MSHCP Consistency report, and Determination of Biological Equivalent or Superior Preservation analysis. Assisted in preparation of a Natural Environment Study for the California Department of Transportation and the Riverside County Transportation Commission. Schnoor Avenue Bridge Undercrossing, City of Madera, California. Served as field biologist. Conducted a biological assessment survey for a proposed bridge undercrossing project involving the expansion of an existing pedestrian and bike trail beneath the existing Schnoor Avenue Bridge. The biological assessment was requested by the California Department of Transportation and the results of the survey were prepared in a Natural Environment Study (Minimal Impacts) report. The project also required a field visit with City and Caltrans staff to discuss impacts and potential issues, as well as conference calls to address reporting requirements. Fulton Mall Project, City of Fresno, California. Served as biologist. Prepared the Biological Resources Section for an Initial Study for the Fulton Mall Project which involves the conversion of vehicle streets to pedestrian use for revitalization of the Mall and Downtown Area. Also, prepared a Natural Environment Study (Minimal Impacts) report to address potential impacts of the project on federally protected biological resources on the site due to a change in the use of existing roads and rights-of-way. Baxter Road Project, Merced County, California. Served as biologist. Prepared the CDFW Streambed Alteration Agreement and RWQCB 401 Certification for replacement of the Baxter Road Bridge which spanned over Deadman Creek. An NES was used for the permit applications which documented the potential impacts of the proposed project, which included significant impact to California tiger salamander. Sarah Siren, PG, LISP Sarah Siren is a senior paleontologist with 24 years' experience as a paleontological resources consultant. Ms. Siren has served as paleontologist for numerous projects throughout California, with extensive experience in Imperial, Orange, Riverside, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and San Diego Counties. These projects involved multiple agencies, public and private sector clients, a variety of resources, and multidisciplinary staff supervision. She specializes in California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) compliance standards. She taught at Saddleback Community College in Mission Viejo, California as an associate geology professor, and worked as a curatorial assistant with the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and, more recently, as a field manager with the San Diego Natural History Museum. Ms. Siren has conducted studies at both the Smithsonian Institution and Badlands National Park, and supervised as lead research scientist for various field activities, curation projects, and laboratory preparations. Her diverse experience includes recovering, identifying, mapping, and preparing fossils. Ms. Siren is able to effectively manage projects and complete deliverables from assessments to final technical reports in a timely manner. Project Experience Development Double D Mine, County of Riverside, California. Responsible for cultural and paleontological resources management of surveys and reporting on this 511 - acre mine near Blythe. Deliverables were accepted and approved by the County of Riverside. Mira Loma Commerce Center, County of Riverside, California. Project manager and principal investigator, responsible for cultural and paleontological J Education South Dakota School of Mines and Technology MS, Paleontology, 2002 George Washington University 8S, Geology, 2990 8A, French Language Certifications Professional Geologist (PG), CA, No. 9831 Certified GIS Professional (LISP), No. 58370 OSHA 40 -hour HAZWOPER Qualified Paleontologist, City of San Diego and Counties of Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, and San Luis Obispo Professional Affiliations Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County resources monitoring during the construction of two commercial buildings on Society of Vertebrate 31 acres and completion of a final technical report. Paleontology Energy Crimson Solar Project, CDFW, County of Riverside, California. Responsible for peer review of the paleontological resource assessment for this 350 -megawatt (MW) solar photovoltaic facility located in eastern Riverside County. McCoy Solar Project, First Solar, County of Riverside, California. Managed cultural and paleontological resource staff during construction of this 250 -megawatt (MW) solar photovoltaic facility located in easternmost Riverside DUDEK County. As the BLM-permit holder, served as principal investigator for paleontology and paleontological resources compliance manager. Imperial Irrigation District (IID) Imperial to Dixieland 230 kilovolt Transmission Line and Expansion of Dixieland Substation, AECOM, County of Imperial County, California. As field manager and co -principal investigator, responsible for field studies oversight and preparation of the paleontological assessment report. The paleontological assessment program included completion of a paleontological records search and literature review, completion of a field survey, and preparation of a final report summarizing findings and proposing appropriate mitigation measures to reduce potential adverse impacts to a level below significance. The findings of this paleontological assessment report indicated that the potential adverse impacts to a variety of marine and non -marine sedimentary rocks could be avoided. SCG Imperial Valley Loop, Insignia Environmental, City of Brawley, California. As field manager, responsible for oversight of monitoring and fossil salvage being conducted on site by another consultant. Mitigation efforts consisted of monitoring during mass grading activities, recovery of fossils discovered, laboratory preparation and curation of fossils, and preparation of the final report. A series of fossil producing strata were discovered and collected from 14,000 to 7,000 year old lacustrine sedimentary rocks ancient Lake Cahuilla. Recovered fossils consisted of significant fossil remains of late Pleistocene- to early Holocene -age marine invertebrates. Municipal Block 4N (North Encanto) Project, City of San Diego, California. As project manager and principal investigator, responsible for archaeological and paleontological monitoring for underground conduit system installation by San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) for the City of San Diego in the neighborhood of Encanto. A marine mollusk and vertebrate assemblage was recovered from the San Diego Formation. Served as the primary author of the report. Specimens were prepared and curated according to the City of San Diego and the San Diego Natural History Museum's guidelines for paleontology. Palm Springs Waste Water Treatment Plant, City of Palm Springs, California. Project manager and principal investigator, responsible for preparation of a field survey report, paleontological resources monitoring program, and final report for this construction project. Transportation Keller Road and 1-215 Interchange Project, Jacobs Engineering and California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), City of Murrieta, California. As project manager and principal investigator for cultural and paleontological resources on this interchange project for the City of Murrieta, conducted the field survey and drafted a report in accordance with the Caltrans Standard Environmental Reference. 1-15/Limonite Avenue Interchange Improvements Project, County of Riverside, California. Conducted field survey and co-authored the Paleontological Identification and Evaluation Report for submittal to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 8. Water/Wastewater Little Lake Line B Town Drain System Construction Project, Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, California. Served as project manager and principal investigator on this public works project. Responsible for managing cultural and paleontological resources monitoring for a new underground pipeline. Jason Collins Jason Collins is a paleontologist and a cross -trained archaeological field technician with more than 11 years' experience with fieldwork, fossil invertebrate specimen processing, and coauthoring and contributing to reports for private and public utilities. Mr. Collins has worked in four different states conducting archaeology surveys and field testing. He also has experience attending pre -construction meetings and preparing and presenting Worker Environmental Awareness Programs. He has experience conducting site investigations, collecting artifacts, processing sediments for microfossils, and accessioning fossils to the San Diego Natural History Museum. Mr. Collins has worked on projects for the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) and Bureau of Land Management, and has private company mitigation experience in San Diego, Imperial, Orange, Los Angles, Riverside, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Kern, and Fresno Counties. Mr. Collins has operated as a dual field lead on small and large projects with responsibilities including monitoring for archaeological and paleontological resources, supervising archaeological and paleontological monitoring, coordinating spot checks, coordinating monitoring with superintendents and foreman, and producing deliverables to clients for projects including residential, commercial, municipal, utility, solar, wind farm, and transportation. Project Experience Development Indian Wells Tennis Club, Watkins Construction Inc., City of Indian Wells, California. As a dual archaeologist and paleontologist, monitored construction and development activities on a project site being developed for a large tennis club and arena. Education San Diego State University BA, History, 2007 Certifications OSHA 40 -Hour HAZ WOPER Mine Safety and Health Administration Qualified Archaeologist/ Paleontologist, City of San Diego and Counties of Kern, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, and San Luis Obispo Anza Borrego Paleontology Society Certification Program Coral Mountains Apartments, Coral Mountain Apartments LP, City of La Quinta, California. As an archaeologist, performed construction monitoring on a project site being developed for a small low- income and elderly community. SilverRock Way, City of La Quinta, County of Riverside, California. Served as a field lead paleontologist, attended pre -construction meeting, coordinated with field technicians for project coverage, collected fossils, and performed laboratory prep. Silver Rock Park Venue, City of La Quinta, California. As an archaeologist, field lead, and laboratory manager, monitored construction and improvements associated with a new park venue, utilities, and landscaping. Lake Cahuilla fossils were discovered and recovered from this project. DUDEK Renewable Energy/Energy Mountain View Wind Repower Project, Riverside County Planning Department, City of Palm Springs, California. Served as a lead paleontological field tech and conducted a survey of an area for potential development wind power redevelopment. Contributing writer for paleontological resources study. Desert Peak Energy Center Project, NexTera, City of Palm Springs, California. Served as a dual paleontological and archaeological technician surveying for a battery energy storage system. Painted Hills Wind Energy Project, Painted Hills Wind LLC, City of Palms Springs, California. Served a dual archaeological and paleontological monitor and field technician. Performed monitoring for ground disturbance associated with the installation of wind energy project. Coachella Flats, Coachella Flats LLC, City of Palms Springs, California. Served a dual archaeological and paleontological monitor and field technician. Performed monitoring for ground disturbance associated with the installation of wind energy project. Transportation Mid -Coast Corridor Transit Project, PGH Wong Engineering, City of San Diego, California. As a dual -project lead paleontologist and archaeologist, supervised up to 35 field monitors, provided archaeological and paleontological monitoring, and coordinated with subcontractors. Construction encompassed five separate projects: San Diego River Bridge Double Track, Elvira to Morena Double Tracking, Gilman Bridge, Rose Creek Bike Path, and the Mid - Coast Light Rail Transit Project. The construction was associated with the installation of 7 miles of track, and construction of heavy rail double track from Old Town San Diego to Rose Canyon and light rail track extending from downtown San Diego's Santa Fe Depot to the University City Community and La Jolla's University Town Center. More than 1,000 specimens of Eocene fossils were discovered and recovered from this San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and Caltrans project. Coauthor for the final archaeological reports and contributing author on the paleontological reports. Contributed to the fossil laboratory work and curation. Organized, cleaned, and identified archaeological field finds. Submitted DPR forms. San Diego River Bridge Project, PGH Wong Engineering, City of San Diego, California. As a dual -project lead paleontologist and archaeologist, supervised up to 35 field monitors, provided archaeological and paleontological monitoring, and coordinated with subcontractors. Project consisted of 1 mile of double tracking and a bridge over the San Diego River Bridge. Coauthor for the final archaeological reports and contributing author on the paleontological reports. Contributed to the fossil laboratory work and curation. Organized, cleaned, and identified archaeological field finds. Submitted DPR forms. San Elijio Lagoon Double Track Project, AECOM, City of Encinitas, California. As an archaeologist and paleontologist, monitored construction for utilities, widening of the rail areas, and double tracking the railroads on this SANDAG project. Monte Kim, Ph.D. Monte Kim (he/him) is a senior architectural historian and historic built environment resource specialist with over 20 years of professional experience in all phases of regulatory compliance under Section 106 and Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), Section 4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). He has experience in the inventory and evaluation of resources within the historic built environment, as well as the assessment of effects on historic properties and historical resources and has authored or co-authored nominations for the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and has overseen the documentation of historic properties in accordance with the standards required for the Historic American Building Survey (NABS), the Historic American Engineering Record (HAER), and the Historic American Landscape Survey (HALS). He has also developed and implemented resource -specific mitigation measures, treatment plans, protection plans, and interpretive plans for large, transportation -related projects, including the California High -Speed Rail Project. Additionally, he has experience consulting with State Historic Preservation Officers and developing programmatic agreements and memorandum of agreement documents for government agencies. Mr. Kim meets the Secretary of the Interior's Professional Qualification Standards for history and architectural history. Dudek Project Experience Cultural Resources Technical Report, SDSU Fenton Bridge Project, Sari Diego, California (2023). Dudek prepared a cultural resources technical study for San i,Ai k Education University of California, Santa Barbara Ph.D., History, 2005 California State University, Sacramento MA Public History, 1999 University of California, Santa Cruz BA, History, 1996 Professional Affiliations California Preservation Foundation Vernacular Architecture Forum Transportation Research Board Diego State University in support of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Fenway Parkway Bridge Project, which involved the construction of a new bridge across the San Diego River. The study included a review of records search material from the South Coastal Information Center, a summary of findings from an intensive pedestrian field survey, and a CEQA impacts assessment. The study concluded that because the segment of the San Diego River within the study area was a non -engineered, natural watercourse with embankments that were not components of a formal levee system, the proposed bridge would have no impact on historical resources under CEQA. Mr. Kim authored portions of the CEQA impact analysis for this project (2023). Bradley Road Bridge Project, Riverside County, California. Dudek assisted the City of Menifee with preparing the environmental analysis for this project for compliance with CEQA, NEPA, and Section 106 of the NHPA. The proposed project involves the replacement of a low -flow crossing over Salt Creek along Bradley Road in Menifee. Because construction of the new bridge involves federal funding, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 8 Local Assistance office is the federal lead agency for review and approval of the project. Dudek cultural resources staff reviewed records search material from the Eastern Information Center, conducted an intensive pedestrian field survey, and evaluated a segment of Bradley Road within the delineated area of potential effects DUDEK (APE). The evaluation concluded that the roadway segment is not eligible for the NRHP or the CRHR. Mr. Kim provided a senior level review of the Bradley Road evaluation (2023). Previous Project Experience California High -Speed Rail Project Environmental Impact Report/Environmental Impact Statement (EIR/EIS). Mr. Kim served as a lead planner for the California High -Speed Rail Authority and was responsible for reviewing the cultural resources, parks and recreation, and Section 4(f) chapters for the EIR/EIS prepared for six of the eight regional sections of the California High -Speed Rail Project. Additionally, he reviewed the supporting cultural resources technical reports (inventory, evaluation, and Section 106 finding of effect reports), built environment treatment plans. He also contributed to the drafting of four memorandum of agreement documents between the California High -Speed Rail Authority, California State Historic Preservation Officer, and the Surface Transportation Board, provided technical guidance to the Authority's regional consultants, and engaged with the State Historic Preservation Officer to obtain concurrences under Section 106 and Section 4(f) (2015-2022) Historical Resources Evaluation Reportforthe I Street Bridge Replacement Project, City of Sacramento, Sacramento County, and City of West Sacramento, Yolo County, California. This report was prepared to assist the City of Sacramento and the City of West Sacramento with the environmental analysis for a project that involved the replacement of the historic I Street Bridge with a new bridge consisting of a movable center span across the Sacramento River and two, fixed -span approach structures. The project was subject to state and federal review requirements because of the use of federal Highway Bridge Program funds from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). Accordingly, the technical report was prepared in compliance with CEQA, NEPA, and Section 106. The report evaluated a total of 17 historic -era built resources, including the NRHP listed I Street Bridge. Mr. Kim conducted an intensive field survey, evaluated properties under NRHP and CRHR listing criteria, and prepared the historical resources evaluation report. (2015). Black Point Bridge Automation Project Finding of No Adverse Effect with Standard Conditions & Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties Report, Marin and Sonoma Counties, California. This report analyzed the effects of an automation project to supplement the existing mechanical and electrical systems of the Black Point Bridge swing spans. The Black Point Bridge is a Pratt swing -truss railroad bridge that spans the Petaluma River at Black Point, just east of the city of Novato in Marin County. The bridge was determined eligible for listing in the NRHP under Criteria A and C in 2005. The Sonoma Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART) District is responsible for maintainingthe bridge and requested FHWA funds to complete the project. Caltrans District 4 Office of Local Assistance served as the federal lead agency for review and approval of the project. Mr. Kim evaluated the effects of the automation project on the Black Point Bridge by applying the criteria of adverse effect (36 CFR § 800.5[a][1]-[2]) and concluded that because the undertaking would be designed and implemented in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's [Rehabilitation] Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties, the automation project would have no adverse effect on the bridge (2015). 2 Elena Nunn RESOURCESAIR Education California State University, Elena Nuno is an air resources specialist with 19 years' experience in Fresno environmental consulting and project management. She provides analysis and MA, Public Administration documentation for California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Stanford University Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance and project management support BS, Geological and for a variety of public and private projects. Ms. Nuno's technical specialty is Environmental Sciences preparing thorough and legally defensible air quality and greenhouse gas (GHG) Certifications impact assessments using air quality models—such as the California Emissions Dust Control Plan Estimator Model (CaIEEMod), Caline-4, AERMOD, and MOVES3—that accurately Preparer, San Joaquin characterize a project's impacts and provide applicable strategies or mitigation Valley Air Pollution measures to reduce potential impacts. Control District Professional AfFllations Project Experience Association of En vironmentai California Department of General Services, Southern Regional Emergency Professionals, Central Operations Center, Costa Mesa, California. Served as an air quality specialist Chapter Director for the preparation of air quality, health risk, energy, and greenhouse WTS International - assessments within the South Coast Air Quality Management District to Central California Chapter support an Environmental Impact Report (EIR). The project involved the development of 55,000 square foot emergency operations center for the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services on 15 acres in the Fairview Development Center property in Costa Mesa. The project will support full-time staff and establish a regional center to serve as a hub for critical emergency management planning and emergency preparedness services in support of local agencies. Riverview Development Air Quality, Energy, and Greenhouse Gases Technical Report, Santa Clarita, California. Served as an air quality specialist for the preparation of a stand-alone air quality, energy, and greenhouse gases technical report to support the preparation of an EIR. The project involves the development of 122 single-family homes, 269 attached townhomes, and 69,692 square feet of commercial space on approximately 35 acres in the City of Santa Clarita. Solaris Business Park Project, City of Escondido, California. Served as an air quality specialist for the preparation of two stand-alone technical reports for air quality and greenhouse gases to support the preparation of an EIR. The project proposes a specific plan to provide for the orderly development of up to 500,000 square feet of business park uses, including light industrial, manufacturing, storage, commercial, medical/professional, office, and automotive on a 45.4 acre site in the City of Escondido. Relevant Previous Experience California Interstate 5 Corridor Improvement Project EIR/EA, Caltrans, Sacramento County, California. Responsible for peer reviewing air quality and GHG technical studies prepared by Illingworth & Rodkin, Inc., and drafting the air quality and GHG sections of the environmental document. The peer review involved ensuring consistency with the Standard Environmental Reference (SER) -annotated outline and conformity guidance. Also responsible for reviewing the Caltrans -prepared energy study and incorporating the information into the energy analysis in the EIR/EA. DUDEK Caltrans State Route 51/Interstate 80 Business/Capital City Freeway Improvement Project, Caltrans, Sacramento County, California. Responsible for peer reviewing air quality and GHG technical studies prepared by Illingworth & Rodkin, Inc., and drafting the air quality and GHG sections of the environmental document. The peer review involved ensuring consistency with the Standard Environmental Reference (SER) -annotated outline and conformity guidance. Also responsible for drafting the energy technical study using data consistent with the air quality/GHG technical studies. Alternative Retaining Wall Design Project-CEQA Addendum to the 2021 American River Bridge Deck Replacement Project IS/MND, City of Sacramento, California. Prepared an air quality and GHG technical memorandum evaluating the proposed project change from a sound wall to a floodwall for the proposed addendum to the 2021 American River Bridge Deck Replacement Project. The technical memorandum involved assessing project changes to on -road and off-road construction equipment, developing emissions spreadsheets, and comparing the change in emissions to Sacramento Air Quality Management District thresholds of significance. China Creek/Road 425B Bridge Replacement, County of Madera, California. Served as senior associate planner and primary technical author for an IS/MND for a bridge replacement project in Madera County. Assisted with the preparation of regulatory permit applications, including a Clean Water Act Section 404 Water Quality Certification, a California Department of Fish and Wildlife Section 1602 Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement, and a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nationwide Permit 14. Travers Creek Bridge Replacement at Manning Avenue, County of Fresno, California. Served as project manager. The project involved the replacement of an existing structurally deficient bridge with a wider bridge to allow for the ultimate right-of-way design for Manning Avenue and improvements to associated roadway approaches. Ms. Nuno prepared the required air study and coordinated the preparation of noise, hazardous materials, biological, and cultural technical studies to ensure local agency compliance with Federal Highway Administration funding administered through the California Department of Transportation. Served as the primary author of the IS/MND for CEQA compliance and the NEPA categorical exclusion. Dogtown Road Over French Gulch, County of Calaveras, California. Served as project manager. Prepared the required air study and coordinated the preparation of noise, hazardous materials, biological, cultural, water quality, floodplain, land use, and traffic studies for local agency compliance with Federal Highway Administration funding administered through the California Department of Transportation. The project involved the replacement of an existing structurally deficient bridge and associated roadway improvements. Ms. Nuno was involved in the Native American consultation process and assisted in preparing the IS/MND pursuant to CEQA. John Muir Parkway Extension, City of Brentwood, California. Served as air quality specialist for the preparation of the air quality conformity analysis for the John Muir Parkway Extension Project. The analysis was prepared to be consistent with information published by the Federal Highway Administration related to project -level conformity analysis; the Standard Environmental Reference Air Quality Conformity Findings Checklist, applicable to U.S. Environmental Protection Agency project -level analysis guidance; the Transportation Conformity Regulations at 40 CFR 93 Subpart A; and Section 176(c) of the Clean Air Act (42 USC 7506[c]). The project involved the realignment of Concord Avenue east of its existing location, extending from John Muir Parkway at Briones Valley Road to the existing Concord Avenue at a site approximately 1,600 feet northeast of the intersection of Briones Valley Road and John Muir Parkway. The relocation is needed because construction of State Route 4 in 2009 displaced this portion of Concord Avenue. Charlie Marr is Principal Civil Engineer and owner of Charles Marr Consulting (CMC) with engineering and management experience in water and sewer systems design and planning, including hydraulic modeling, and water resources analysis in support of pump station and pipeline design, and creative solutions to sewer service that may not be conducive with standard operation. The master plans for domestic water, wastewater, and nondomestic water systems performed for cities; large residential, industrial, and commercial developments; and university campuses state-wide typically include preparation of capital improvement programs identifying future facilities and sizing to accommodate proposed infill and service area expansion. Master planning and hydraulic modeling are key tasks for preliminary design of both water and sewer piping and pumping systems to determine optimal pipe diameter, and pumping/system curves for reliable and efficient operation. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE: Well No. 1 Site Improvements (Bell Gardens, CA) 2018 -current — Mr. Marr is working under contract with Infrastructure Engineers to prepare preliminary design and final design for the City's well Charlie Marr, P.E. Principal Civil Engineer Charles Marr Consulting Registration: 1995, Civil Engineer, CA, 53435 Years of Experience: 35 Education: B.S., 1987, Civil Engineering (Environmental Emphasis) California Polytechnic State University, Pomona Professional Affiliations: Associate Member, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Metro LA Branch American Water Works Association (AWWA) Orange County Water Association (OCWA), past member Water Emergency Response of Orange County, Engineering Advisor, past member site improvements project as an applicant for State Water Resources Control Board funding to improve its water supply system and maximize its use of local water supplies. New facilities include Treatment vessels for controlling PFAS contamination, 1.2 MG steel storage reservoir, and booster pump station. The project team solicited the expertise of RC Slade and Associates, renowned groundwater and well planning specialists, to provide opinion regarding feasibility of drilling a second well within the project site. Appurtenances include (1) on-site piping and valving; (2) booster pumping with variable -speed to control flow for the closed system operation; (3) modifications to existing well operation; (4) 1 million gallons of on-site storage; (5) new chlorine injection/analyzers; and (6) SCADA offices. The PDR phase is complete and final design was underway until PFAS contamination was discovered requiring the addition of pressure vessels (GAC or Ion -Exchange). Pipeline Design for Interstate 10 Widening (San Bernardino County, CA) 2018-2023 — CMC teamed with V&A to prepare water and sewer relocation designs in order to accommodate the proposed widening of the I-10 freeway from the Los Angeles County border east to the Interstate 15 freeway. This high-profile project required multiple lane expansion for approximately 10 miles of the freeway which impacted residents, businesses and required razing and rebuilding of several overcrossing bridges. This project required coordination with multiple municipalities and water and sewer agencies to design the pipeline relocation conflicts under Caltrans, San Bernardino County Transit Authority (SBCTA), and the utility agency having jurisdiction of the particular roadway crossing. Conflicts requiring relocation design included large water and sewer pipelines 6 -inch to 30 -inch in diameter; Charles Marr Consulting crossing of a major Metropolitan Water District (MWDSC) aqueduct, pipeline installations within new bridge crossings, and steel encasements for all under- and over -crossings. Affected agencies included Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, City of Ontario, City of Montclair, Inland Empire Utilities Agency, Monte Vista Water District, Cucamonga Valley Water District, and San Antonio Water Company. Coordination with these agencies and the phased operation, including necessary temporary conditions that also had to be designed for, was of paramount importance in order to keep all stakeholders, utility owners, and municipalities abreast of construction scheduling and any scheduling changes that were necessary due to changed conditions from the original project. College Hills Pipeline Replacement Project (Whittier, CA) 2019 — CMC designed water pipelines within a historic residential district of the City of Whittier. The new water pipelines replaced old cast iron 4 -inch pipe constructed in the 1920's and 30's in order to improve water service and upgrade fire flow coverage. The design required coordination with public utilities, and extensive coordination with city staff regarding alternative alignments considering existing utility crossings and constructability. Much of the new pipeline was installed in old and historic concrete roads constructed at a time when standard roadway widths were much narrower than today's standards, but still with all the necessary utilities including storm drain, sewer, gas, internet, and underground electrical and telephone. Asset Management Program (Cupertino, CA) 2018-2019 — CMC teamed with Kayuga Solution to prepare an asset management program and valuation study for a city -owned system. As owners that have leased out operation of their water distribution system for the last 20 years, the City had minimal knowledge of the specifics of their system and its capabilities. CMC helped in the coordination of obtaining critical hydraulic capacity information through computer modeling and cooperation with the operator, San Jose Water Company. The study will ultimately summarize system capacity under critical operating scenarios, and develop capital improvement program to ensure its proper operation and capacity for delivering fire flows and peak summer demands. Sewer System Rehabilitation Design (Rodeo, CA) — Support the Rodeo Sanitary District in directing the design effort for replacement or rehabilitation of over three miles of sanitary sewer pipeline. The project involves review of closed-circuit televised video (CCTV); determining most feasible methods for upgrade on a sewer -by -sewer basis; marking up base maps and developing construction specifications for a construction planset for the "Sewer Year 2 Improvements". The District has embarked on a rehabilitation strategy that could ultimately save them $1-2 million from the all-out replacement recommended in their 2012 master plan. The "Sewer Year 2 Improvements" facilities include sewers in difficult -to -access easements behind residential lots. Therefore, methods for replacement, if necessary, will likely be performed using trenchless techniques, specifically pipe - bursting. Pumping Plant No. 2 Replacement (Whittier, CA) — Charlie served as Project Engineer for the complete overhaul of Whittier Utility Authority's primary supply pump station, Pumping Plant No. 2. He headed up the hydraulic analysis effort to establish hydraulic grade lines through the supply process from Whittier Narrows Operable Unit (WNOU) pressure vessels to the City's wellfield in the Central Basin to the critical forebay on the PP2 site, and through the PP2 pumps to the distribution system that serves almost half the City's residents. The project established pump control, flow control into the major 464 Zone storage tanks with total storage capacity of 20 million gallons. Critical issues to overcome included inability to utilize the full capacity of a remote 454 Zone storage site; unbalanced flows to each of the three 454 Zone reservoir sites; PP2 discharge TDH within a critical pressure Charles Marr Consulting 2 `envelope' to ensure pressure ratings of aged transmission facilities were not overloaded; and the City's desire to decommission an antiquated booster system constructed decades ago for the express, and inefficient purpose of utilizing more capacity of the remote reservoir. These issues were addressed with the use of extended -period computer model simulation to understand the dynamics of flow through the 454 zone at all hours of the day. Water and Sewer System Design (Whittier, CA) 2018 — CMC worked with California Properties, a real estate developer, to help enhance water and sewer system operation at Norwalk Boulevard and Whittier Boulevard for the purpose of improving fire flow coverage, and enhancing water and sewer service of a commercial office building project at a major City intersection. The designs improved a problematic private sewer service lateral originally constructed to serve a single commercial lot that was later subdivided without improving the water and sewer services. The sewer design added a public sewer system that greatly improved the City's collection system with minimal impacts to adjacent sewer service, and will provide the City the future flexibility to change over other services to the new sewer. By the same token, the public water system enhancement improved the client's water service, as well as provided improved fire flow coverage for all tenants served by the City's water system at the high-profile intersection. The designs had to minimize traffic impacts, and included contracting for survey services and traffic control plans. Water System Design (Whittier, CA) 2017-2018 — CMC worked with ICORE Properties and California Properties to help enhance fire water and domestic water services for local business expansion projects at Greenleaf Avenue and Painter Boulevard in the City of Whittier. These were essential improvements required by the City as a condition for site upgrades. The development projects involved construction at major commercial intersections requiring consideration to minimize traffic impacts. Friends Avenue Pipeline Design (Whittier, CA) 2015 — CMC prepared design plans, specifications, and construction cost estimate for a transmission pipeline for increased fire flow and future water circulation enhancement in a critical part of the City known as The Uptown. This vibrant and historic shopping district is a city "jewel" for artists, small business operators and boutique shops and restaurants accessed by public streets covered mostly in 100 -plus year old concrete (PCC). The unique character of the area made for a challenging and costly construction project where cost control was critical. Avalon Tract 36649 Water and Sewer Calculations (Jurupa Valley, CA) 2022 — Charlie worked under contract with Landex Corporation to prepare water and sewer flow estimates and hydraulic analysis. The water and sewer purveyor for the Project site is Rubidoux Community Service District who conditioned the analysis in order to confirm the capacity of their existing systems to serve the Project. RCSD Water and Sanitary Sewer Systems Design and Construction manual dictating operating parameters to verify with the completion of the proposed project and full occupancy. The Manual was used for estimating average and peak water, as well as procedures for evaluating system operation. For the water system that meant maintaining minimum pressures and maximum velocities. For sewer, it was determined that depth ratio increase was negligible. Final Water Report for Majestic 303 (Goodyear, AZ) 2022 — Mr. Marr worked with PBLA Engineering on a 852,000 square -foot Light Industrial (warehouse) development project to confirm fire department requirements and fire flow standards could be met from this remote site. Field flow testing Charles Marr Consulting and hydraulic results were provided as the basis for fire service confirmation. The City of Goodyear outlines a specific process for verifying fire flow capability that includes public system identification, system looping and hydraulic constraints and presentation of modeling results. In addition, headlosses due to backflow prevention were a critical consideration. Backflow control is always required by public agencies as a result of health department requirements to protect public system water quality, but at the same time reduces hydraulic capacity for fire flow. Water Supply Assessments (Coachella, Thousand Palms, Temescal Valley, Redlands, San Bernardino, Beaumont, Rancho Cucamonga, and Norco CA) 2020-2023 — Charlie has prepared water supply assessments for developer clients pursuant to California Water Code regulations and specifically Senate Bill 610 which was written into law in 2002 requiring all size -able development projects to identify its water supply sources and capacities for the individual project presently and 20 years into the future. In general, WSAs rely heavily on the information within the purveying agency's Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP) and are required for projects that include at least 500 dwelling units or will require the equivalent amount of water demanded by 500 dwelling units. SB 610 impacts CEQA and approvals during the entitlement process. The reports require preparation by a registered civil engineer, and a conclusion that water supply will be available upon completion of the project construction and in the future, as well as consider all other development projects that may also require water supply from the same public water system. If this cannot be concluded, water supply is deemed insufficient and could impact the landowner's ability to obtain approvals for the Project. The documents must be consistent with the local jurisdiction's current Urban Water Management Planning. Water Rate Study (Bell Gardens, CA) 2021 and current — As part of the Well No. 1 Site Improvements project, Charlie lead the effort to perform a water rate study as a condition for State funding of the City's water system operation and maintenance. This was essential to establishing sustainable, efficient and safe water service for the City's service area. Soon after the new water rate structure was adopted and approved by the City Council, notification levels of PFAS contamination was found. Water quality and treatment studies ensued. The current challenge of water quality and the potential need for additional treatment facilities on-site will add O&M costs not envisioned for the new water rates. KPC Coachella Water and Sewer Master Plans (Coachella, CA) 2019-2023 — Charlie worked under contract with Kimley-Horn to prepare water and sewer master plans for a 2,800 -acre development project in the City of Coachella. The water master plan included preparation of a water system computer model, and evaluation of concept grading plan to establish pressure zone service areas. Each pressure zone was planned with tanks at elevation and a subzone was planned to be supplied from pressure -reducing stations. Water supply was necessary from an offsite groundwater production plant due to insufficient groundwater quantity and quality. The sewer master plan included preparation of a sewer computer model, and extensive study to determine the impacts of the development on the City's existing trunk sewer system. A few years prior the City had completed its City-wide master plans, the sewer plan of which assumed an infeasible location to collect the Project's wastewater. Charlie determined a couple alternative options for a much more feasible collection scheme depending on the progress of surrounding development. The collection system required multiple lift stations and evaluation of the capacity of the receiving treatment plant. One option documented would also benefit the City by allowing the activation of large trunk sewers that had been built prematurely. By activating the new trunk sewer system, the City could save the costs of maintaining an unused system and relieve Charles Marr Consulting 4 downstream sewers of capacity which were only designed to be utilized on an interim basis. The master plans included construction cost estimates for capital improvements for each alternative. Pico Apartment Building Rehabilitation (Pico Rivera, CA) 2021— CMC assisted Blue Mountain Develop in resolving a sewer service challenge for a 79 -unit apartment complex which was undergoing a complete rehabilitation. The rehab project exposed sewer issues that required a complete overhaul of the service concept, including off-site collection to, and utilization of, a recently decommissioned LACSD trunk sewer. CMC assisted in the presentation of these alternatives, and ultimately improved sewer service for the entire project. Golden Oaks Senior Living (Whittier, CA) 2021— CMC teamed with DLS Builders to evaluate the public sewer system and capacity to serve a new senior living facility. The review was critical for obtaining city approvals to connect to the existing sewer system that was thought to be at capacity. Key demonstrating existing capacity was the extended flow monitoring operation performed by a flow monitoring contractor (US Cubed) CMC has used in the past. CMC determined that existing flows were within acceptable operating depth ratios, and that the addition of flows from the new residential development would continue operating at acceptable depths. San Gabriel Valley Water Company (Fontana, CA) 2021— CMC teamed with Conaway Geomatics to prepare a series of water improvement project designs to support the efforts of residential and commercial developers and their projects as conditions of approval (COA). These design projects included public water main design, fire and domestic water services, new and relocated fire hydrants, and backflow prevention. Part of the process required of the water company was for the consultant to perform a plancheck list (for quality assurance) and a materials list for the contractor that was also used by the company to allocate costs to the developers. The Foundry (Redondo Beach, CA) 2019 — CMC teamed with Blue Mountain Development to re- direct sewer flows from an old metal working operation site to a more appropriate sewer system conditioned by the City of Redondo Beach. The site was under re -development from an industrial land use site to a high-end multi residential development. Existing sewering from the old metal -working operation included a problematic siphon that required frequent flushing to minimize odor issues. By converting the sewer system as part of the redevelopment project, the City was able to remove a "hotspot" maintenance issue from their O&M program. The recommended sewer system had to be pumped from a central pumping facility on-site to a different location within the public system, which was accomplished using a private gravity flow system to a low-pressure pumping station and discharge system pre -fabricated by E -One. La Palma Water System Pumping Evaluation (La Palma, CA) 2019 — CMC teamed with City staff and Infrastructure Engineers, Inc. to manage the preparation of La Palma's 2019 WSMP Update to their 2008 Master Plan. Charlie updated the City's water system model specifically to refine the Capital Improvement Program. The 2019 Update hydraulic analysis focused on updating the City's water operations plan and water supply emergency plan. The City's unique and efficient water supply allows them to maximize the use of their local groundwater pumping rights to keep water production costs down and customer bills low. The revised Capital Improvement Program was based on bolstering the groundwater supply and distribution system to minimize reliance on costly and unreliable imported water. The pumping evaluation also presented the feasibility of relocating a major water production Charles Marr Consulting well, storage and boosting plant, as well as established preliminary coordination with neighboring water utilities for emergency interconnections. LA County Metropolitan Transit Authority (Los Angeles, CA) 2016-2019 — CMC teamed with V&A Inc. on site redevelopment for the LACMTA for the Westside Subway Extension in the City of Los Angeles. CMC evaluated anticipated increase in site water demands and wastewater flows as a result of the redevelopment project. CMC reviewed on-site systems design, verified utility sizing for serving the increased flows for the redeveloped site, and provided recommendation for complying with industry and agency standards. Indian Wells Tennis Garden (Indian Wells, CA) 2015-2017 — Charlie prepared the original water and sewer master plan report for the Garden of Champions Tennis Complex in Indian Wells in 1998. Later work included preliminary design and technical evaluation of a non -potable groundwater source for irrigating a large expanse of greenspace used largely for parking for major events, resulting in upgrades to the irrigation well pump. Recent upgrades to the facility including the addition of Stadium 2, and potential future stadium additions, required analysis of water and sewer utility capacities as the basis for recommended upgrades. CMC continued to work with the prime consultant during site expansion to evaluate the impacts to the site's water and sewer systems based on increased event attendance and expanded fire flow capacity. Charlie determined the water and sewer systems upgrades due to site expansion, including the addition of water service connections to the public systems, water pipeline looping, and additional trunk sewers for adequate capacity to serve the increased stadium capacity. California State Polytechnic University (Pomona, CA) October 2015-2017 — Project included detailed hydraulic evaluation, model analysis and recommended water system improvement projects for enhancing fire flow capacity for the CPP campus. The initial phase activities finalized hydraulic analysis investigation and presented results and conclusions in a technical memorandum completed in December 2015. The second phase of the study involved coordinating the efforts of field verification in order to confirm the recommended projects. Mr. Marr completed preparation of the construction drawings under the final phase for three pressure -reducing stations and distribution pipeline in order to increase fire flow capacity and optimize system operation and maintenance within a dual pressure -zone system. Construction has since been completed on schedule and within budget to meet state funding conditions. Potable Water Pipe Design (Whittier, CA) 2015 — Managed the design and survey work for a 10 -inch Ductile Iron transmission main on behalf of a property manager for the City of Whittier for the specific purpose of upgrading fire flow capacity. Charlie also performed the preliminary design, assessed system capacity; prepared hydraulic calculations confirming the diameter of the pipeline; and managed the utility research of utilities in the area to preclude underground construction conflicts. Sewer System Rehabilitation Design (Rodeo, CA) 2014-2015 — Supported the efforts of the Rodeo Sanitary District design for replacement or rehabilitation of over three miles of sanitary sewer pipeline. The project involved review of closed-circuit televised video (CCTV); determining most feasible methods for upgrade on a sewer -by -sewer basis; marking up base maps; and developing construction specifications for a construction planset for the "Sewer Year 2 Improvements". The District has embarked on a rehabilitation strategy that could ultimately save them $1-2 million from the all-out replacement recommended in their 2012 master plan. The "Sewer Year 2 Improvements" facilities Charles Marr Consulting 6 included sewers in difficult -to -access easements behind residential lots. For this reason, methods for replacement considered trenchless techniques, specifically pipe -bursting. Sewer System Design Plans (Chino, CA) 2013 — Managed the design of two separate force main sewer systems — one for discharge of wastewater flows from a 200 -acre industrial complex (Project owned by Sares-Regis Group), the other was a relocation of an existing force main sewer system (owned and operated by the Inland Empire Utilities Agency). Both pipelines are located in the City of Chino and required close coordination with the City as well as IEUA and other agencies with facilities impacted by the alignments. The relocation required strict adherence to IEUA design procedures and a plan to make reconnections to the existing system once the new sewer reach was complete and ready for operation. The alignments for both pipelines included special geometry for the horizontal directional drilling (HDD) trenchless installation technique. Marblehead Coastal Master Plan and Pipelines Design (San Clemente, CA) 2005 and 2013 — Marblehead Coastal moved forward with final utility design plans after the City approved a master plan prepared by Mr. Marr in order to provide water and sewer service from the City's existing water and sewer systems. Mr. Marr managed the design of the backbone domestic water, recycled water and wastewater collection systems vital for efficient service to the new Marblehead Coastal community. The project included over 300 single-family homes and a commercial shopping center around a critical, and environmentally sensitive, arroyo that drains to the adjacent Pacific Ocean. Pipeline design included 16 -inch, 12 -inch, and 8 -inch water and sewer pipelines in Avenida Vista Hermosa and Avenida Pico, as well as in -tract pipelines and pressure -reducing stations for service to three separate pressure zones. Charles Marr Consulting % Kevin Cifor is a Project Engineer and Design Specialist for Charles Marr Consulting (CMC) with Autocad design and hydraulic analysis experience for water and sewer systems. Kevin's experience includes employment with reputable civil engineering consultants since his graduation from California Baptist University in 2016 with a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. He has supervised EIT's on civil design projects, and performed inspection duties to monitor project progress and conformance with safety and sanitation standards. RELEVANT EXPERIENCE: Kevin Cifor, P.E. Project Engineer, Design Charles Marr Consulting Registration: 2019, Civil Engineer, CA, 89816 Years of Experience: 7 Education: B.S., 2016, Civil Engineering California Baptist University, Riverside Sierra Ridge Apartments Fire System Design (Fontana, CA) current — Kevin is CADD manager and design lead for a critical fire water system proposed to serve an apartment complex. The project site is tight and includes critical facilities such as post -indicator valves, fire department connections, fire hydrants, and fire sprinkler risers for each building. CMC performed the hydraulic analysis to confirm sizing and on-site system layout as required by the SB County Fire Department. The project entails coordination with other CADD team disciplines, including the project architect and underground utility designers to preclude conflicts during construction and facilitate on-going operation and maintenance. Water and Sewer System Design Parcel 38493 (Indio, CA) 2022 -Current — Kevin worked with DO Capital Group to design both water and sewer systems to support their 188 single family home for rent project in the City of Indio, CA. This project was serviced by Indio Water Authority and Valley Sanitary District. Kevin also led the design of the private water and fire water system on site. Water and Sewer System Design Tract 17980 (Hesperia, CA) 2019-2022 — Kevin worked with Frontier Communities to design both water and sewer systems to support their 312 single family home subdivision in the city of Hesperia, CA. Due to the remote location of this project and several other constraints a sewer siphon located underneath the California Aqueduct. 1,500 linear foot of offsite water was also designed to support the project which included 2 pressure reducing valves. Water System Design (Whittier, CA) 2018-2020 — CMC worked with California Properties to help enhance fire water and domestic water services for local business expansion projects at Greenleaf Avenue and Painter Boulevard in the City of Whittier. Kevin prepared the construction drawings for 2 separate fire service projects, which were required pursuant to Project conditions and City standards. The development projects involved construction of the water facilities at major commercial intersections and mitigation of traffic impacts. Sewer System Design (Whittier, CA) 2018 — Kevin designed a public sewer system for California Properties, a real estate developer, to help enhance sewer system operation at Norwalk Boulevard and Whittier Boulevard for the purpose of improving sewer service of a commercial office building project at a major City intersection. The designs replaced a problematic sewer service lateral originally Charles Marr Consulting constructed to serve a single commercial lot that was later subdivided without improving the water and sewer services. Kevin's sewer design added a public sewer system that greatly improved the City's collection system with minimal impacts to adjacent sewer service, and will provide the City the future flexibility to change over other services to the new sewer. By the same token, the public water system enhancement improved the client's water service, as well as provided improved fire flow coverage for all tenants served by the City's water system at the high-profile intersection. The designs had to minimize traffic impacts, and included contracting for survey services and traffic control plans. Utility System Design Tract 20247 (Chino, CA) 2019-2020 — Kevin worked with Richland Communities to design utility systems for 168 condominiums near Bickmore and Euclid in the City of Chino. Preliminary layouts were set according to the city standards and specifications. The project was eventually sold to KB homes for production and Kevin prepared the water, sewer and storm drain construction plans to help enhance fire water and domestic water services for local business expansion projects at Greenleaf Avenue and Painter Boulevard in the City of Whittier. Kevin prepared the construction drawings. These plans had to be coordinated with several other consultants including the Street light consultant and the Landscape Architect. Water System Modeling (Bell Gardens, CA) 2022 — Kevin performed hydraulic analysis for developing a critical system curve in support of pump station design for the City of Bell Gardens. As part of a CMC contract services to prepare preliminary design and final design for the City's well site improvements project, a booster pump station is needed for closed system operation. This critical operation requires full-time pumping from the new pump station to maintain water service pressures throughout the City Water System. The PDR phase is complete and final design is underway. Kevin verified system connectivity and prepared the model simulation scenarios in support of a major water production facility upgrade design. The hydraulic analysis was instrumental in determining capacity of the new booster pump station. Close system operation simulation is a unique and challenging operation for water utilities and Bell Gardens system was no exception. IT confirmed booster pump station Q -H characteristics and defined its limits in terms of flow capacity to provide emergency fire flow. Water and Sewer System Modeling (Coachella, CA) 2021-22 — Kevin performed hydraulic analysis and sewer loading to ensure proper sizing for a master planned community of more than 1500 acres in the Coachella Valley. This high profile development project would increase the capacity of the City's system by approximately 50 percent, and is the largest single project the City is in the process approving, and has ever had to accommodate with the services. Kevin prepared and analyzed the models for the development project to confirm the proposed multi -pressure zone and water supply facilities could feasibly support the project. Asset Management Program (Cupertino, CA) 2018-2019 — Kevin worked with an existing computer model and coordinated with the contracted operator, San Jose Water Company, to update the model and provide critical modeling analysis. CMC teamed with Kayuga Solution to prepare the update to the model for accurate simulation as part of an asset management program and valuation study for a city - owned system. As owners that leased out operation of their water distribution system for many years, the City had minimal knowledge of the specifics of their system and its capabilities. Kevin's hydraulic model analysis helped in the coordination of obtaining critical hydraulic capacity information through model simulation and cooperation with the operator. The study identified system capacity under critical operating scenarios, and was the primary tool the City used to develop a capital improvement program to ensure its proper operation and capacity for delivering fire flows and peak summer demands. Charles Marr Consulting 2 DAVID VOLZ RESUME Director of Design / Senior Landscape Architect David Volz has over 30 years of experience in the design of successful public landscapes, streetscapes and parks. He has managed public design projects including the master planning, design, and construction of municipal projects for more than 100 public agencies in California. Mr. Volz has a broad base of experience focused in the development process from inception through master plan development, construction document preparation, contract administration, and on-site inspection. His extensive knowledge of landscaping materials and vegetation is often called for at commission meetings and in council reports for agencies he has served. He has comprehensive experience in storm water treatments, habitat restoration, walking trails and water conservation. He has an excellent reputation for facilitating community outreach programs for park design through the public input process. The public workshop process for park design is a concept that he always encourages. The opportunity to get first hand insights from users, neighbors, and the public in general is always beneficial in the design of public projects. Public landscape, streetscape and park project experience is Mr. Volz's design focus. Serving in various capacities from principal -in -charge to designer, he has overseen scores of award-winning projects for cities, school districts and public agencies throughout California. EDUCATION • BS, Landscape Architecture, 1981, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona • Graduate Studies, Computer Applications for Landscape Architecture, 1981, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona REGISTRATION • Landscape Architect, California #2375, 1983 • Landscape Architect, Nevada #499, 1996 • LEED Certified, 2008 • Qualified Stormwater Professional, QSD/QSP, 2015 YEARS WITH DVD: January 1997 - present VTJD-d2 L -louL LAri 4A:W,Rpf P.r4hhietEL GPA! ;vrk ftmr&%,prs LE: Principal in charge, worked with the client to determine goals, presented on multiple occasions to the community and council/commission, and served as quality control of other professionals responsible for delivering concept plans and construction documents. Client: City of Cypress The lawn and aging irrigation system along this important thoroughfare will be redesigned. David Volz Design will prepare the plans for a bold and exciting streetscape with a water saving plant palette and a low maintenance irrigation system. Client Contact: Nick Mangkalakiri, Senior Civil Engineer, (714) 754-5291, nmangkal@cypressca.gov _14YiL\Yi1111sky%17.7W_1041 BRYS7_1» ENHANCEMENTS Client: City of Newport Beach The emphasis of the project was to enhance the pedestrian experience and to install interesting plants to create a beautiful tree -shaded boulevard with a subtle tropical, beach -oriented feel. Client Contact/Title: Iris Lee, Senior Civil Engineer, (949) 644-3323, ilee@newportbeach.gov BEACH BOULEVARD MEDIANS Client: City of Stanton Beach Boulevard is a main thoroughfare in Stanton running for 3 miles, the entire length of the city. The design team coordinated with Caltrans and city departments for the median landscape improvements, creating a bold statement. Client Contact: Jim Box, City Manager (714) 379-9222 x277, jbox@ci.stanton.ca.us WASHINGTON BLVD & 1-5 ON RAMP Client: City of Commerce The City desires to install aesthetic improvements at the I-5/Washington Boulevard interchange, primarily consisting of landscaping, bridge painting, and a monument sign. Client Contact: Maryam Babaki, Director Public Works, (323) 722- 4805 Ext 2337, mbabaki@ci.commerce.ca.us GARY VASQUEZ RESUME IDTT�-d2 -TJL U[ny WApf ArMiieM:L GRA;vrk ftmra%ors Director of Design / Senior Landscape Architect Gary Vasquez provides senior design leadership as a result of 20 years of experience designing multi- faceted projects throughout California. His design abilities have proven to be not only innovative and unique, but award-winning. He will work under the direction of David Volz providing creative design solutions to the challenges and opportunities that arise. Mr. Vasquez has provided high quality project management on many of our firms' most successful and highly acclaimed park projects. Mr. Vasquez is a key figure in our community outreach program. He successfully integrates the ideas generated through the public input process to create the master plan. This dedication to ensuring the community's input has led to extremely successful projects. He has extensive experience in the development process from inception through master plan development, construction document preparation, contract administration, and on-site inspection. He ensures adherence to established project budgets, schedules and cost agreements. His expertise in concept development graphic illustration techniques and project planning. His broad knowledge of construction detailing, planting design and irrigation equipment anchor his approach to high quality project delivery. EDUCATION • MLA, Landscape Architecture, 1989 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona • BS, Ornamental Horticulture, 1986 California State Polytechnic University, San Luis Obispo RF(,ICTROTIrII\I Landscape Architect, California, #3883, 1992 JAk_UUIVIr'LIJr11VICN 1 J Design of the Year Award, APA 2010 SKILLS AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Office YEARS WITH DVL September 1997 - present Director of Design, worked extensively on the development process from inception through master plan development, construction document preparation, contract administration, and on-site inspection. He managed the project to ensure adherence to established project budgets, and schedules. 11011 7A► I:11.]r_11041 7:11»_ 91:18I:10411I Client: City of Norwalk This EEMP grant funded project included the removal of turf and replaced with low water use and drought tolerant plantings within medians and side panels. Client Contact: Christine Roberto, Public Services Manager, (562) 929-5708, croberto@norwalkca.gov WASHINGTON BLVD & 1-5 ON RAMP Client: City of Commerce The City desires to install aesthetic improvements at the 1-5/Washington Boulevard interchange, primarily consisting of landscaping, bridge painting, and a monument sign. Client Contact: Maryam Babaki, Director Public Works, (323) 722-4805 Ext 2337, mbabaki@ci.commerce.ca.us DIAMOND BAR BOULEVARD / GRAND AVENUE STREETSCAPE Client: City of Diamond Bar Cut steel panels, big timber rails, detailed crosswalks and sidewalks, and a foothill landscape design give great character to the main thoroughfare and hearken back to the ranchland history. Client Contact/Title: Bob Rose, Director of Community Services, (909) 839-7061, brose@diamondbarca.gov HARBOR BOULEVARD IMPROVEMENTS Client: City of Costa Mesa A main commercial thoroughfare just off the 405 freeway and gateway into the city, street improvements were designed to enhance the overall experience of the street whether by driving in a car or walking through the commercial district on the sidewalk. Client Contact/Title: Baltazar Mejia, Senior Engineer, (714) 754-5291, baltazar.mejia@costamesaca.gov PAUL CASSAR RESUME Project Designer Paul Cassar has more than 13 years of experience in landscape architecture working on projects for public agencies. His design expertise ranges from recreational io parks to streetscapes, school sites, as well as city design guidelines. A benefit to Mr. Cassar's design ability is his attention to detail and his knowledge of playground design, the latest construction practices and materials, ADA accessibility concerns, and his experience in the installation of hardscape, softscape, and irrigation systems. He brings field investigation, research, and communication experience to each of our projects. Mr. Cassar has been a key figure at DVD in coordinating design development plans and carrying them through construction drawings. He is known for his ability to collaborate with a variety of clients, architects, engineers and designers and to successfully manage projects from beginning to end. He ensures adherence to established project schedules and cost agreements, and monitors production for delivery of the highest quality products to clients. He cooperates well with staff, clients, and agencies to create successful products and works closely with contractors during construction. He is typically responsible for plan checking to ensure the successful completion and delivery of projects. EDUCATION BS, Landscape Architecture, 2005 California State Polytechnic University, Pomona SKILLS Adobe In Design, Adobe Creative Suite, Sketch up, AutoCAD, Microsoft Office YEARS WITH DVD: November 2005 - present VTJD-d2 La-%TJI LAri 4A:W,Rpf P.r4hhietEL GRd ;vrk ftmr&%,prs ROLE: Project Designer, worked extensively on the development process from inception through master plan development, construction document preparation, contract administration, and on-site inspection. He managed the project to ensure adherence to established project budgets, and schedules. RECENT PROJECT EXPERIENCE TURF MEDIAN REPLACEMENT Client: City of Norwalk This EEMP grant funded project included the removal of turf and replaced with low water use and drought tolerant plantings within medians and side panels. Client Contact: Christine Roberto, Public Services Manager, (562) 929-5708, croberto@norwalkca.gov MILES AVENUE TURF REDUCTION Client: City of La Quinta The new street median island landscape along Miles Avenue will set a precedent for a new beautiful water thrifty and desert efficient landscape. Client Contact/Title: Nick Nickerson, Project Manager, NAI Consulting, (760) 323-5344, nnickerson@naiconsulting.com BEACH BOULEVARD MEDIANS Client: City of Stanton Beach Boulevard is a main thoroughfare in Stanton running for 3 miles, the entire length of the city. The design team coordinated with Caltrans and city departments for the median landscape improvements, creating a bold statement. Client Contact: Jim Box, City Manager (714) 379-9222 x277, jbox@ci.stanton.ca.us BALBOA BOULEVARD LANDSCAPE ENHANCEMENTS Client: City of Newport Beach The emphasis of the project was to enhance the pedestrian experience and to install interesting plants to create a beautiful tree -shaded boulevard with a subtle tropical, beach -oriented feel. Client Contact/Title: Iris Lee, Senior Civil Engineer, (949) 644-3323, ilee@newportbeach.gov TRAFFIC STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS RBI Traffic, Inc. 1515 Garretson Ave. Corona, CA 92879 Voice: 951.264.1963 Email: Rusty@RBltraffic.com RBI Traffic is a firm specializing in providing traffic engineering services in the Southern California area with a focus on traffic control for construction. RBI Traffic has developed a solid reputation based on its responsiveness to client's needs and quality of work. It is the firm's unwavering commitment to maintain this reputation by continuing to provide high quality designs and related services to its clients. RBI Traffic has been designing traffic control, as well as traffic signal and signing/striping plans for over twenty years. KEY PERSONNEL: W.J. `Rusty' Beardsley — President — California Traffic Engineering License #1784 Mr. William `Rusty' Beardsley (Traffic Engineering License #1784) has been a traffic design professional for over 30 years and has lead RBI Traffic's design efforts since the firm's inception in 2007. One of RBI Traffic's primary focuses has been on providing safe and efficient temporary traffic control designs for various agencies throughout the Southland. Mr. Beardsley has also provided City Traffic Engineer services to six local municipal agencies, including the City of La Quinta. Some of the highlights of Mr. Beardsley's experience are: • Design of Traffic Control Plan for construction of Dune Palms Rd. bridge over low-water crossing. Project was accomplished in two phases while maintaining continuous traffic flow in both directions. Traffic Control Plans were also provided for short term full closure of Dune Palm Rd. for installation of a sewer line. • Responsible for providing Traffic Engineering plans for the widening of 1.8 miles of a major arterial as part of a City of Moreno Valley Capital Improvement Project. Plans were prepared for phased construction and included integration with a separate Caltrans related ramp project. RBI Traffic provided signal modification plans at seven locations as well as signing/striping and construction traffic control for the length of the project. • Provided striping and signing plans along over 4,000 feet of Inglewood Avenue as part of a repaving project for the City of Lawndale. • Designed and drafted traffic control plans for three separate construction projects that installed a total of over 5 miles of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power trunk lines in the City of Los Angeles. 0 Page 2 August 22, 2023 • Created traffic control plans for the widening of over a mile of Limonite Avenue in the City of Jurupa Valley, CA. Plans included traffic control for the construction of a bridge structure. • Prepared traffic control plans to close three major roadways in Palmdale for railroad grade crossing improvements. Jon Larkin — Assistant Engineer Jon Larkin graduated from Cal Poly Pomona with a BS in Civil Engineering and has been working with RBI Traffic for the past eight years designing and drafting traffic control plans, working with SYNCRO on signal timing projects and providing detailed plan checks. He has acquired a solid understanding of the services RBI Traffic provides and has shown himself to be a quick study in determining the needs of any project. Prior to joining RBI Traffic, Mr. Larkin served 13 years active duty in the United States Air Force, leaving the service as a cyber security specialist with the rank of Staff Sargent. RBI Traffic • Page 3 6y4Ax010=111W11»NI:Iz s]4 August 22, 2023 • Design of Traffic Control Plan for construction of Dune Palms Rd. bridge over low-water crossing. Project was accomplished in two phases while maintaining continuous traffic flow in both directions. Traffic Control Plans were also provided for short term full closure of Dune Palm Rd. for installation of a sewer line. • Responsible for providing Traffic Engineering plans for the widening of 1.8 miles of a major arterial as part of a City of Moreno Valley Capital Improvement Project. Plans were prepared for phased construction and included integration with a separate Caltrans related ramp project. RBI Traffic provided signal modification plans at seven locations as well as signing/striping and construction traffic control for the length of the project. • Provided striping and signing plans along over 4,000 feet of Inglewood Avenue as part of a repaving project for the City of Lawndale. • Designed and drafted traffic control plans for three separate construction projects that installed a total of over 5 miles of Los Angeles Department of Water and Power trunk lines in the City of Los Angeles. • Created traffic control plans for the widening of over a mile of Limonite Avenue in the City of Jurupa Valley, CA. Plans included traffic control for the construction of a bridge structure. • Prepared traffic control plans to close three major roadways in Palmdale for railroad grade crossing improvements. RBI Traffic APPENDIX 4 Addendum Acknowledgement Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 35 ta Q�W CALIFORNIA ATTACHMENT 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF ADDENDA Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal; If no addenda has been issued, mark "N/A" under Addendum No. indicating Not Applicable and sign ADDENDUM NO. SIGNATURE INDICATING RECEIPT 01 02 /'1»II1IIIIII Project Schedule & Proposed Project Construction Sequence Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 36 Task Na 01 Q2 Q3 04 Qi Q2 Q3 trl Q1 02 03 Q4 Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Da. Jan Fab Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sap Oct Nov Dac Jan Fab Mar Apr Nay Jun Jul i\uy Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Fab Mar Apr May JJn PROPOSED PROJECT CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE STAGE 0 EXISTING CONDITION J. SMITH �� T. MULI 33161 Camino Capistrano, Suite D San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Phone: (949) 329.3639 • JSTMINC.COM FIGURE 1.0 - STAGE 0 PROPOSED AVENUE 50 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE �e 14E7iIlE 50 I I E I .IFEE7Bd.kG �1479Q�1y CONSiR T CIGH GGNG PIUNG f f RdAI-IC FRAFFIC I I o4 CAI `'M,TlNG rFrAFfl6 SIC'Al. uHE �EMINC GA5 LINE NLERCCHM16':T STAGE 1-A GG TRI T STAGE 1 '}S9 IN-0PoLLE HME GNC ETE PIL G t H SECTION AT CHANNEL ExISTING STORM DRAIN EXISTING OH ELEC �Cv. —.ME •m. 4 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC BARRIER _ EXISTING WATER E. SEWER " - --•� — _ — WEST BOUND TRAFFIC BOUND TRAFFIC AVENUE 5 -, AVENUE 50 - s• --+fir . - -- -- - -- -- --- - o -----;— ' M EXISTING EXISTING CATV -----i--- - _ _ _ - EXISTING OH ELEC EXISTING FORCE MAIN • F EXISTING TELEPHONE a w }� IL STAGE 1A CONSTRUCT STAGE 1 J. SMITH CIDH CONCRETE PILING JS&TM T. 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MU L I 33161 Camino Capistrano, Suite D San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Phone: (949) 329.3639 • JSTMINC.COM I EXISTING SEWER v tii EXISTING CONCRETE APRON EXISTING WATER 7� STAGE 1 B CONSTRUCT STAGE 1 COLUMNS AND ABUTMENTS I 1 so WEST BOUND TRAFFIC EAST BOUND TRAFFIC EXISTING GAS EXISTING CATV LINES TEMPORARY RETAINED EARTH I F` FIGURE 1.0 - STAGE 1 B PROPOSED AVENUE 50 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE Fes¢ AVENUE M SHIDGE DECK ".0CE �g DECK A RELOCATE UTILITIES - 'R , C�C/'�TI/"1 I.1 AT l'�LJAAINIrI r 3111111111111111 6P 06- a� lb TEMPORARY RETAINED EARTH •T 1 AVENUE 50 s �~ • T •# �' EXISTING GAS T ! — — — t EXISTING CATV LII *1 EXISTING FORCE MAIN EXISTING TELEPHONE � 1 + J. SMITH JS&TM T. MU L I 33161 Camino Capistrano, Suite D San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Phone: (949) 329.3639 • JSTMINC.COM 4f _ i2 EXISTTING SEWER q ' �Ellli_ UT I INrP76R4 [TQ ElIS I WA It LRC r"rl URDW J E SnNG CATV ExlSTINC WATER ONE LINES .'TIKO TRAFFIC SIGNAL • i EIl15n NG GAS LINE INTERCONNECT g��9_C 4 CONSTRUCT STAGE * _ ".0CE �g DECK A RELOCATE UTILITIES - 'R , C�C/'�TI/"1 I.1 AT l'�LJAAINIrI r 3111111111111111 6P 06- a� lb TEMPORARY RETAINED EARTH •T 1 AVENUE 50 s �~ • T •# �' EXISTING GAS T ! — — — t EXISTING CATV LII *1 EXISTING FORCE MAIN EXISTING TELEPHONE � 1 + J. SMITH JS&TM T. MU L I 33161 Camino Capistrano, Suite D San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Phone: (949) 329.3639 • JSTMINC.COM 4f _ i2 EXISTTING SEWER q ' �Ellli_ EXISTING STORM DRAIN ; w • i 4 EXISTING OH ELEC * _ �Cvv ! EXISTING WATER 16� —► 1 — —_, — s„--- ' /3 WL EXISTING CONCRETE U��v APRON EXISTING SEWER EXISTING WATER � ■ — — — -- —P WEST BOUND TRA, iC.- - — — — f EAST BOUND TRAFFIC Vim --- — —--E—�-•— _�_ — AVENUE 50 — — n a _—^ --- — — — RELOCATE WATER, CATV, AND GAS EXISTING OH ELEC STAGE 1C CONSTRUCT STAGE 1 BRIDGE DECK AND RELOCATE UTILITIES EXISTING GAS EXISTING CATV LINES TEMPORARY RETAINED EARTH FIGURE 1.0 -STAGE 1 C PROPOSED AVENUE 50 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE AVENUE 90 I J N 1ggTF[6 TRAFFIC' i i I I STAGE I -D COMPLETE STAGE 1 READY FOR STAGE 2 TRAFRC SECTION AT CHANNEL m —A TEMPORARY RETAINED EARTH o w.I3 AVENUE 50 IP - �.-----_-- it -M ----- __ EXISTING GAS - a --� ----- EXISTING CATV LI -- — a EXISTING FORCE EXISTING TELEPHONE a . . *60 er,`L_ J. SMITH Bl> JS&TM T. MU L I 33161 Camino Capistrano, Suite D San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Phone: (949) 329.3639 • JSTMINC.COM 1• GG r`1 EXISTING SEWER q EXISTING STORM DRAIN ♦ _ W� a l EXISTING OH ELEC � �wv f M •, v, ��� EXISTING CONCRETE APRON W t - -. EXISTING SEWER , -- f p� y EXISTING AAILH PPP • / � - � Ll�t .! �� WEST BOUND TRAFFIC - - - f EAST BOUND TRAFFIC AVENUE 50 NES EXISTING GAS EXISTING OH ELEC - EXISTING CATV LINES _ TEMPORARY RETAINED EARTH STAGE 1D CONSTRUCT STAGE 1 READY FOR STAGE 2 TRAFFIC L FIGURE 1.0 - STAGE 1 D PROPOSED AVENUE 50 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE J. SMITH Bl> JS&TM T. MU L I 33161 Camino Capistrano, Suite D San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Phone: (949) 329.3639 • JSTMINC.COM .qTAC;F 9A CONSTRUCT STAGE 2 CAST -IN -DRILLED -HOLE CONCRETE PILING FIGURE 1.0 - STAGE 2A PROPOSED AVENUE 50 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE F --t AVENUE 3P r STAGE2-B - C GNSTR UCT STAGE 2 a COI. UM N$ AND ABUTMENTS F in -SECTION AT CHANNEL Exlsn NG STORM DRAIN ` a. EXISTING OH ELEC EXISTING SEWER q � µr V � r � rC • A& � + -""�`*�� •I -EXISTING WATER 1. `•----m----.----,p---- — T ; yO� .L• EXISTING CONCRETE APRON -- TEMPORARY RETAINED EARTH EXISTING SE�WE�f. y EXISTING WATER IL —0—WEST BOUND TRAFFIC EAST BOUND TRAFFIC � — EXISTING GAS EXISTING CATV LINES EXISTING FORCE MAIN — rr� a }. EXISTING TELEPHONE • � a L� � a J. SMITH JS&TM T. MU L I 33161 Camino Capistrano, Suite D San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Phone: (949) 329.3639 • JSTMINC.COM 11 --'— ---�--- AVENUE 50 WEST BOUND TRAFFIC TRAFFIC —� EXISTING GAS EXISTING OH ELEC EXISTING CATV LINES TEMPORARY RETAINED EARTH STAGE 2B CONSTRUCT STAGE 2 COLUMNS AND ABUTMENTS Ilk FIGURE 1.0 - STAGE 2B PROPOSED AVENUE 50 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE u NE SIWII� 519pR[} -iAFF:C TR,4}FIC � ' 1, 4. �� 1. •M &TAGF 7-C i - l.OKlSTRt1LT STAGi T - BRIDGE DECK ' ' 1 - EXISTING STORM DRAIN t ` SECTION AT CHANNEL EXISTING OH ELEC 'M `7 EXISTING WATER EXISTING SEWER/'j"� EXISTING SEWER 1p If • 7 /c'1 i r EXISTING WATER --------------------AVENUE 5O------ ------ - _AVENUE 50 ------------- WEST BOUND BOUND TRAFFIC _ _ _ WEST BOUND TRAFFIC EAST D TRAF BOUNFIC — / — �— / — — _ EAST BOUND TRAFFIC y °jjEXI.ITING," �GAS EXISTING CATV LINES EXISTING OH ELEC FORCE MAIN Ate_ IXISTING TELEPHONE .r � 4 STAGE 2C CONSTRUCT STAGE 2 J. SMITH BRIDGE DECK JS&TM T. MU L I 33161 Camino Capistrano, Suite D San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Phone: (949) 329.3639 - JSTMINC.COM EXISTING GAS EXISTING CATV LINES FIGURE 1.0 - STAGE 2C PROPOSED AVENUE 50 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE r �4 AVENUE 50 F MAFnc MAm. :I 51 AGE 2-D COl!•PLETE STAGE 2 AND GNNF.GTTGSTAGE1VW f)FCKCSGSNRFPOk1R SETIO CN AT CHANNEL EXISTING STORM DRAIN' a EXISTING OH ELEC �■ 4� tib' s EXISTING S-,dER aQvvty 4 � 4 y EXISTING WATER EXISTING SEWERI. ---------------------� AVENUE 50 '--- WEST BOUND TRAFFIC EAST BOUND TRAFFIC — GAS -- — — M EXISTING CATV LINES EXISTING FOE MAIN — — EXISTING TELEPHONE J. SMITH JS&TM T. MU L I 33161 Camino Capistrano, Suite D San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 Phone: (949) 329.3639 • JSTMINC.COM y G EXISTING WATER ti — ------ ------ / ---1--'—'/ --'-- ----� AVENUE 50 _ — _ — _ _ _ _ f— WEST BOUND TRAFFIC EAST BOUND TRAFFIC —� r EXISTING GAS EXISTING OH ELEC -� EXISTING CATV LINES bL STAGE 2D COMPLETE STAGE 2 AND CONNECT TO STAGE 1 WITH DECK CLOSURE POUR FIGURE 1.0 - STAGE 2D PROPOSED AVENUE 50 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE �€ AWNUE 50 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE J. SMITH OPEN TO 4 LANES OF TRAFFIC RlJS&TM T. MU L I 33161 Camino Capistrano, Suite D San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 FIGURE 1.0 - FINAL STAGE Phone: (949) 329.3639 - JSTMINC.COM PROPOSED AVENUE 50 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE a' a' i -n• s' -a• L7' -r,• 7a -o• TBUUNp LANL:1 Is' -o• u IIAYi za'-a• EASTBOUNp LANES -c^ PRTM SW 91 EXISTING SEWER Alp 640 CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE OPEN TO LANES OF TRAFFIC _ ■ - ���► \ E+� SECTION AT CHANNEL EXISTING STORM DRAIN ; W� \ * EXISTING OH ELEC EXISTING WATER EXISTING SEWER r - EXISTING WATER _ SIDE WALK - m BIKE PATH —. SIDE WALK _ _ a WESTBOUND LANES WEST BOUIIU 7RAFFTC — — — — —" —,— — — ——• —� —, — — .--- Y ---,--WEST K ATH _ —• — ___________ — BOUND TRAFFIC WESTBOUN D LANES MEDIAN ________________� AVENUE 50 --- — — —__ _ ___ _/ �___ _ —/ �__ _— —� AVENUE 50 EASTBOUND LANES EAST BOUND TRAFFIC — `— 74 BOUND TRAF FIC — —` — — "— — -- — —`— — —`— _________ ______ -m BIKE PATH_—=— --- — — — -----•--- -----_ —EAST ---- — EASTBOUND LANES SIDE WALK —` — — —`— — — —`- — __ - m BIKE PATH — — + SIDE WALK _ EXISTING GAS PROPOSED WATER EXISTING CATV LINES- _ PROPOSED GAS EXISTING GAS -- --7--- — — — _ EXISTING OH ELEC PROPOSED CATV EXISTING FORCE MAIN w _' — _ EXISTING CATV LINES EXISTING TELEPHONE CONSTRUCTION COMPLETE J. SMITH OPEN TO 4 LANES OF TRAFFIC RlJS&TM T. MU L I 33161 Camino Capistrano, Suite D San Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 FIGURE 1.0 - FINAL STAGE Phone: (949) 329.3639 - JSTMINC.COM PROPOSED AVENUE 50 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE COST PROPOSAL We have included under separate cover and sealed envelope (Envelope 2), one hardcopy of Cost Proposal for the Engineering Services, Clearly Marked as "Cost Proposal". Our fee includes labor, materials, reprographics, meetings, and presentations. JS&TM understands that all approved deliverable products shall become property of the City of La Quinta. All charges for services will be a "Not -To -Exceed" fee, as submitted with, and made part of said JS&TM's Fee Schedule. Proposal for Professional Engineering Services for Avenue 50 Bridge Project Page 37