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ADDITIONAL SITES CHRONOLOGY CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS1 CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT BAKER SYSTEMS INC P O BOX 1710 UPLAND CA 91786 (909)985-5504 matt.baker@bakersyst ems.net BILL TO Matt baker PO Box 1710 Upland CA 91785 (909)985-5504 matt.baker@bakersyst ems.net CONTRACTOR BAKER SYSTEMS INC 992 West 9th St UPLAND CA 91786 (909)985-5504 matt.baker@bakersyst ems.net OWNER LQ Investments, L.P.17165 New Hope St Fountain Valley CA 92708 (909)985-5504 mike@summitteam.co m CONDITIONS Description: NEW FIRE ALARM - Grocery Outlet Type: FIRE ALARM (WEB)Subtype: COMMERCIAL - FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Status: FINALED Applied: 6/7/2021 ECON Parcel No: 770020015 Site Address: 50929 WASHINGTON ST STE 2 LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Approved: 6/22/2021 KHET Subdivision: Block: Lot: Issued: 6/23/2021 ONLINE Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: 10/25/2021 KHET Valuation: $10,760.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Thursday, February 23, 2023 3:46:09 PM 1 of 3 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FA2021-0007 INSPECTIONS SEQID INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES ROUGH-WIRE INSPECTION KHET 10/14/2021 10/14/2021 APPROVED AS-BUILT REQD PRIOR TO FINAL FUNCTION TEST KHET 10/18/2021 10/18/2021 APPROVED SPRINKLER MONITORING KHET 10/18/2021 10/18/2021 APPROVED 24 HR. BATTERY TEST KHET 10/19/2021 10/19/2021 APPROVED FIRE FINAL**KHET 10/19/2021 10/25/2021 APPROVED NOTIFIED CONTRACTOR OF AS-BUILT REQUIREMENT PRIOR TO FINAL WHEN CONTRACTOR SCHEDULED INSPECTIONS. Contractor finally provided the completed NFPA 72 Record of Completion form. REVIEWS PARENT PROJECTS DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT #CHECK #METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS 101-0000-42421 0 $483.00 $483.00 6/23/21 WEB8578 02370E CREDIT BAKER SYSTEMS INC ECON FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS PC 101-0000-42420 0 $564.00 $564.00 6/23/21 WEB8578 02370E CREDIT BAKER SYSTEMS INC ECON Total Paid for FIRE FEES: $1,047.00 $1,047.00 RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE 101-0000-42416 0 $10.00 $10.00 6/23/21 WEB8578 02370E CREDIT BAKER SYSTEMS INC ECON Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE: $10.00 $10.00 TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 $5.00 6/23/21 WEB8578 02370E CREDIT BAKER SYSTEMS INC ECON Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 $5.00 TOTALS:$1,062.00 $1,062.00 Printed: Thursday, February 23, 2023 3:46:09 PM 2 of 3 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FA2021-0007 ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 6/7/2021 EtrakitContractor 1ST SUBMITTAL ALARM PLANS GO La Quinta SM Combined.pdf 1 DOC 6/22/2021 KOHL HETRICK 1ST SUBMITTAL - SPEC SHEETS AND CSFM LISTINGS Booklet - OM - La Quinta_1.pdf 1 DOC 6/22/2021 KOHL HETRICK FA2021-0007 - APPROVED PLANS.pdf FA2021-0007 - APPROVED PLANS.pdf 1 DOC 6/22/2021 KOHL HETRICK FA2021-0007 - COA AND JOB CARD.pdf FA2021-0007 - COA AND JOB CARD.pdf 1 DOC 10/14/2021 KOHL HETRICK FA2021-0007 - 10-14- 2021 INSP NOTES.pdf FA2021-0007 - 10-14- 2021 INSP NOTES.pdf 1 DOC 10/25/2021 KOHL HETRICK FA2021-0007 - RECORD OF COMPLETION.pdf FA2021-0007 - RECORD OF COMPLETION.pdf 1 BOND INFORMATION REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE RETURNED DATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES 1ST FIRE (2 WK)KOHL HETRICK 6/7/2021 6/21/2021 6/22/2021 APPROVED SEE ATTACHMENTS 1ST PERMIT TECH (1 DAY) PERMIT TECH BUCKET 6/7/2021 6/8/2021 6/7/2021 COMPLETE Printed: Thursday, February 23, 2023 3:46:09 PM 3 of 3 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FA2021-0007 GROCERY OUTLET50-929 WASHINGTON ST., SUITE ALA QUINTA, CA 92253WASHINGTON STREETCALLE TAMPICO Point to Point MethodSIGNAL DATA FOR THE PROJECTWORST CASE VOLTAGE DROP CALCULATIONDistance CIRCUIT IS WITHIN LIMITS FORMULA USED FOR CALCULATION PER SEGMENT2 X LENGTH X COND. RESISTANCE X LOAD CURRENTPercent DropEnd of Line VoltagepreviousGO LA QUINTADistance4934931.035Totals1000Current1.035Totals0.187DeviceWire Gauge for balance of circuitDistance from source to 1st deviceNominal System VoltageEnter current in amps.Minimum Device VoltageTotal Circuit Current.150 = 150 ma0.1580.1870.1580.1870.158CurrentDevice 6DeviceDevice 1Device 2Device 3Device 4Device 5NumberENDProject NameCircuit NumberArea CoveredDate4646454545from266deviceN2SALES6/3/20211.035End of Line Voltage17.98SYSTEM VOLTAGEV.D. %=2.4217.98Drop11.88%VoltageTOTAL V.D.2.424Wire1414VoltageGaugeDrop from1.6901.9382.1292.3712.2762.424source17.9818.7118.4618.2718.1218.0317.98Device At1620.42663.0711.88%Percent8.29%11.88%9.50%10.44%11.16%11.62%DropOhm'sPer 10003.07 LA QUINTA VILLAGESHOPPING CENTERSTORE #2040PROJECT AREA:SM1"Your Loss Prevention Company"SYSTEMS INC.50-929 WASHINGTON, SUITE ALA QUINTA, CA 92253BARGAIN MARKETGROCERY OUTLETTENANT IMPROVEMENTAPPROVEDRiverside County Fire DepartmentLa Quinta Office of the Fire MarshalBy:FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST06/22/2021 12:39:37 PMThe approval of plans and specifications does notpermit the violation, deletion, omission or faultyinstallation of any requirements of Title 24 or anyLocal Ordinances. Construction shall remainaccessible and exposed for inspection purposesuntil approved by the Fire Department.PERMIT # -FA2021-0007Kohl HetrickReason: I am approving this documentContact Info: 760-219-6057Date: 2021.06.22 12:46:00-07'00' 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 A A B B C C D D E E F F G G A.1 A.1 A.3 A.3 A.4 A.4 A.5 A.5 2.2 2.3 2.5 2.6 2.7 3.1 3.3 3.5 3.9 4.2 4.9 F.5 F.5 F.3 F.3 F.6 F.6 F.7 F.7 STOCK ROOM 3606 SF 111 SALES FLOOR 14403 SF 101 FRONT OFFICE 160 SF 102 BACK OFFICE 100 SF 103 DAIRY COOLER 715 SF 104 MEAT COOLER 205 SF 105 FREEZER 398 SF 106 BREAK ROOM 169 SF 107 MENS 75 SF 108 WOMENS 73 SF 109 HALLWAY 112 SF 110 656 SF RECEIVING 112 602 SF OUTDOOR STORAGE 115 204 SF DUMPSTER ENCLOSURE 116 1.5 1.5 280 SF MECHANICAL ROOM 117 G ADJACENT TENANT N.I.C. FIRE SPRINKLER RISER ROOM REFER TO THE SITE PLAN FOR LOCATION "Your Loss Prevention Company"SYSTEMS INC.50-929 WASHINGTON, SUITE ALA QUINTA, CA 92253BARGAIN MARKETGROCERY OUTLETTENANT IMPROVEMENTGENERAL NOTES SPECIFIC NOTES CABLE SCHEDULE SM2 GROCERY OUTLET SPRINKLER MONITORING SYSTEM FLOOR PLAN ENLARGED FIRE RISER ROOM SPRINKLER MONITORING SYSTEM RISER DIAGRAM N.T.S. NEW DEVICESNEW DEVICES GROCERY OUTLET TI PROJECTGROCERY OUTLET TI PROJECT SPRINKLER MONITORING CONTROL PANEL SPRINKLER ALARM PANEL SAP FMM-7045 18 AMP-HR. FPE-7039 SLC MODULE R2 HR2 HT2 R1 T2 SECONDARY PHONE CONNECTION AC Power 3 AC Power NC AC Power 1 RH1 T1 TH1 NC2 COM2 AUXILIARY RELAY PRIMARY PHONE CONNECTION NC1 COM1 NO1 SMK+ SMK- AUXILIARY RELAY SWITCHED SMOKE POWER NO2 AUX- AUX+ 4- L+ EARTH GROUND 2- L+ 1- 3-POINTS 1 - 4 POWER LIMITED 24v INITIATING LOOPS D7034 CONNECTOR ONLYSilenced Trouble PNP 1384 PNP 1384 PNP 1384 Silence 32 Drill Reset 98 #0 Cmnd Test History Disable56 PNP 1384 YBGBBBRBYABARAGA 1 7 Clear MC68HC11E1FN E288 QMZZR9721 4MC68HC11E1FN E288 QMZZR9721 * FPD-7024 Prog Power BOSCH FPD-7024 SYSTEM NORMAL Alarm SPRINKLER MONITORING SYSTEM POINT TO POINT WIRING DIAGRAM 4 D7044 B444 COMMUNICATOR INTERFACE B450 CELLULAR COMMUNICATOR 2.21K EOL Sprinkler Flow Switch Normally Open Contact FMR-7033 ANNUNCIATOR KEYPAD CLEAR SYSTEM NORMALSilenced D7033 4 7 * Trouble Power 1 Alarm History Reset Silence Drill Test Disable 65 8 PROGRAM 0 9 # COMMAND 2 3 DUCT DETECTOR MOUNTING DETAIL 3 NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUITS CLASS B DUCT DETECTOR MONITORING DETAIL 2 MONITOR MODULE DETAIL 1 SIGNALING LINE CIRCUIT CLASS B D7050 D7044 DEVICE CIRCUITS CLASS B INITIATING BY OTHERS 120 VAC (BY MECHANICAL) DUCT SMOKE DETECTOR D7053 D7053FMM-7045 D7053 D7053D7044 DEVICE CIRCUITS CLASS B INITIATING SM3"Your Loss Prevention Company"SYSTEMS INC.50-929 WASHINGTON, SUITE ALA QUINTA, CA 92253BARGAIN MARKETGROCERY OUTLETTENANT IMPROVEMENT CEILING MOUNTING ROUGH-IN STROBE & HORN/STROBE HARDLID CEILING MOUNTING 1 3 HARD LID SYSTEM NO WL3001 SYSTEM NO WL3112 4THROUGH PENETRATION FIRE STOP DETAILS MOUNTING HEIGHT DETAILS 5 CEILING MOUNT STROBE AND HORN/STROBE 4 "S" BOX W/ 1 GANG RING STUB-UP 3/4" C. MOUNTING DETAIL TYPICAL WALL SPRINKLER RISER DETAIL 2 OPERABLE PART POINT OF THE 42"- 48" A.F.F. TO THE HIGHEST 42"- 48"A.F.F. OF THE PULL STATION THE OPERABLE PART MANUAL PULL STATION WALL MOUNTING BACKBOX 4 "S" BOX W/ 1 GANG RING SB10 OR CABLE SUPPORT DEVICE DETAIL 7 CIRCUIT 120 VAC DEVICES TO FIELD DETECTOR TO SMOKE W/LOCK-ON BREAKER 42"-48" AFF TO THE HIGHEST POINT OF THE OPERABLE PART SAP Alarm SYSTEM NORMAL BOSCH FPD7024 Power Prog* 4 Clear 7 1 65 Disable History Test Cmnd 0 # 8 9 Reset Drill23 Silence Trouble Silenced FPD-7024 DEDICATED CL SCREWS TAMPERPROOF J-BOX WITH WEATHERPROOF SWITCH TAMPER SPRINKLER BUILDING INTERIOR MONITOR RISER EXPOSED CEILING MOUNTING DETAIL 6 MODULE J-BOXES PIV TAMPER SWITCH DETAIL BY OTHERS ALL ROUGH-IN BY OTHERS ALL ROUGH-IN NEW BY OTHERS ALL ROUGH-IN SM4"Your Loss Prevention Company"SYSTEMS INC.50-929 WASHINGTON, SUITE ALA QUINTA, CA 92253BARGAIN MARKETGROCERY OUTLETTENANT IMPROVEMENT •992 West 9th St, Upland, CA 91786 •Phone 800.986.2372 •Fax 909.985.7444 •Email: info@bakersystems.net •CA Lic. 818786 C10HIC Installing Contractor: Grocery Outlet #476 La Quinta 50-929 Washington St La Quinta, CA 92253 Project Name GOLD'S GYM GRIOCERYOUTLET arsaivi Market Disclosure Letter for Voluntary Systems/Devices The signee is aware the devices are not required, but accept the additional devices for greater life safety protection for the occupants and building protection. The system will be tested and maintained per code requirements. The devices that are not required are: Quantity (13) System Sensor "SCRL" & "PC2RL" A/V notification devices for voluntary occupant notification To Whom It May Concern, Please accept this letter as confirmation as acknowledgement that this fire detection system exceeds the minimum scope requirements of California Fire Code Section 907.2.7, cited below, for a single-story sprinklered building with an occupant load below 500 occupants. These additional audible/visual notification devices are voluntarily included with this system. Sincerely, 1/4 'Dt recA-cc, 2016 California Fire Code Section 907 FIRE AND DETECTION SYSTEMS: 907.2.7 Group M. A manual fire alarm system that activates the occupant notification system in accordance with Section 907.5 shall be installed in Group M occupancies where one of the following conditions exists: 1. The combined Group M occupant load of all floors is 500 or more persons. 2. The Group M occupant load is more than 100 persons above or below the lowest level of exit discharge. Exceptions: 1. A manual fire alarm system is not required in covered or open mall buildings complying with Section 402 of the California Building Code. 2. Manual fire alarm boxes are not required where the building is equipped throughout with an automatic sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.3.1.1 and the occupant notification appliances will automatically activate throughout the notification zones upon sprinkler water flow. 907.2.7.1 Occupant notification. During times that the building is occupied, the initiation of a signal from a manual fire alarm box or from a water flow switch shall not be required to activate the alarm notification appliances when an alarm signal is activated at a constantly attended location from which evacuation instructions shall be initiated over an emergency voice/alarm communication system installed in accordance with Section 907.5.2.2. 5650 Hollis Street, Emeryville, CA 94608.510-845-1999.groceryoutlet.com Fire Alarm Systems | FPD‑7024 Fire Alarm Control Panels FPD‑7024 Fire Alarm Control Panels www.boschsecurity.com u Four initiating zones (expandable to eight); up to 20 two‑wire smoke detectors per zone u Programmable through keypads or remote programming software (RPS) through a Conettix interface module u Two notification appliance circuits (NACs) on board with a shared internal regulated 24 VFWR, 4 A NAC power supply u Easily converts to addressable with the addition of a D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module The FPD‑7024 Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs) can be used in commercial and public building applications such as schools, universities, manufacturing plants, and health care facilities. They are listed by UL for central station, local, auxiliary, and remote station systems. The FPD‑7024 FACPs support four on‑board initiating zones that can be expanded to eight using the FPC-7034. Each initiating zone supports two‑wire and four‑wire detectors configurable as Class A , Style D or Class B, Style B loops. Each zone can support up to 20 two‑wire detectors, or any number of four‑wire detectors depending on available power. Each FACP has a built‑in digital fire alarm communicator transmitter (DACT). Enhance the FPD‑7024 conventional system features by adding a D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module. Adding a D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module to the FPD‑7024 turns the conventional FACP into an addressable FACP. The D7039 adds up to 247 addressable points to the base system and adds an additional 400 events to the history buffer for a total of 499 events. The D7039 also increases the number of programmable relay outputs from 19 to 59 and expands system users to 100. Functions Notification Appliance Circuits (NACs) Two Class A, Style Z or Class B, Style Y NACs provide up to 4 A of regulated 24 VFWR power to operate horns, strobes, bells, and other notification appliances. Each NAC can be programmed to provide Temporal Code 3, California March, steady, pulsed, and synchronized output for Wheelock, Gentex, or System Sensor notification appliances. User Interface A viewing port in the locked control panel enclosure door shows the system status light‑emitting diodes (LEDs) and liquid‑crystal display (LCD) while maintaining system keypad security. Unlocking the enclosure door provides access to the system controls for silencing off‑normal conditions, zone bypassing, detector resetting, testing, other fire functions, and programming. These functions are also available on all FMR‑7033 LCD Keypads connected to the system. Organized Event Display Sorts alarm, trouble, and supervisory events into categories and allows scrolling through specific events. History Buffer The system stores events in a 99‑event history buffer. Notice The number of events that can be stored in the history buffer increases to 499 with the addition of a D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module. Central Station Reporting The FPD-7024 FACPs send reports to two telephone numbers (or, if a Conettix interface module is installed, IP addresses) to an appropriate Conettix receiver at the central station with full single, double, and backup reporting. The panel supports communication in BFSK, SIA, Contact ID, Modem IIIa2, and 4/2 or 3/1 Tone Bursts. Dirty Smoke Detector Monitoring All on‑board zones and FPC‑7034 zones are continuously monitored for smoke detectors signaling a dirty condition using the Bosch Chamber Check feature and CleanMe protocol. If a detector's smoke chamber is dirty, the detector sends a CleanMe signal on the two‑wire loop or a dirty detector signal on the addressable loop. The control panel annunciates that there is a dirty detector on the loop or the address. The Chamber Check feature signals a dirty smoke chamber using the LED on the detector head. Accessories The FPD‑7024 enclosure has space for additional accessory modules and two D1218 (18 Ah) batteries or two D126 (7 Ah) batteries. Certifications and approvals Region Certification USA UL UOJZ: Control Units, System (ANSI/UL864) FM FPD-7024 CSFM see our website FCC ESVAL04B7024 FDNY-CoA #6173 Installation/configuration notes Compatible Products The following products are compatible (refer to the product datasheet for country‑specific certifications/ approvals) with the FPD‑7024 FACP: Category Product ID and Description Batteries and Power Supplies D126 12 V, 7 Ah battery D1218 12 V, 18 Ah battery FPP‑RNAC‑8A‑4C Remote NAC power supply Detectors For two‑wire detector compatibility, refer to FPD‑7024 Smoke Detector Compatibility List Technogram (P/N: F01U010790) Keypads and Annunciators D7030X Eight‑point LED annunciator (eight red) D7030X‑S2 Eight‑point LED annunciator (two yellow, six red) D7030X‑S8 Eight‑point LED annunciator (eight yellow) D7032 Eight‑point LED annunciator expander (eight red) FMR‑7033 LCD fire system keypad FMR‑7036 LCD annunciator Modules D132B Smoke detector reversing relay module D184A Local energy kit D185 Reversing polarity module D275 EOL power supervision module FPC‑7034 Four‑point expander D7039 Multiplex expansion module Option Bus Devices D7035 Octal relay module D7035B Octal relay module in box DX4010V2 USB/serial interface module DX4020 Network interface module B420 Ethernet communicator B426 Ethernet communication module B440 Conettix plug‑in cellular B441 Conettix plug‑in cellular B442 Conettix plug‑in GPRS cellular B443 Conettix plug‑in HSPA+ cellular B450 Conettix plug‑in communicator interface ITS-DX4020-G GPRS/GSM communicator NAC Devices Refer to FPD‑7024 Device Compatibility List Technogram (P/N: F01U010791) The following additional products are compatible with the FPD‑7024 Addressable FACPs: Category Product ID and Description Detector Heads and Bases D7050 Addressable Photoelectric Smoke Detector Head D7050TH Addressable Photoelectric Smoke and Heat Detector Head D7050‑B6 Detector Base Modules D7042 Multiplex eight‑input remote module 2 | FPD‑7024 Fire Alarm Control Panels D7042B Multiplex eight‑input remote module in box D7044 Multiplex single‑input module D7044M Mini multiplex single‑input module D7048 Multiplex octal driver D7048B Multiplex octal driver in box D7052 Multiplex dual‑input module D7053 Multiplex input‑output module Pull Stations FMM‑7045 Single‑action manual station FMM‑7045‑D Double‑action manual station Parts included FPD-7024 Quant.Component 1 FPD‑7024 board in a static‑resistant bag 1 Enclosure 1 Lock set with two #1358 (D102) keys (P/ N: F01U083084) 1 Transformer (P/N: F01U033706) 6 2.21 kΩ end‑of‑line (EOL) resistors (P/N: F01U034504) 1 Hardware pack 1 Literature pack Notice For the FPD‑7024 to be addressable, a D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module must be installed. The D7039 is purchased separately. FPD-7024-LC Quant.Component 1 FPD‑7024 board in a static‑resistant bag 1 Hardware pack 1 Literature pack FPD‑7024‑LT (Latin America only) Quant.Component 1 FPD‑7024 board in a static‑resistant bag 1 Enclosure 1 Lock set with two #1358 (D102) keys (P/ N: F01U083084) 6 2.21 kΩ end‑of‑line (EOL) resistors (P/N: f01U034504) 1 Hardware pack 1 Literature pack FPC-7024-FK1 Quant.Component 1 FPD‑7024 FACP 1 F220-B6E 6-in. (15.24-cm) diameter, 4-wire base with EOL relay 1 F220-P photoelectric spot smoke detector 1 SS-P2R Two‑wire Horn Strobe 1 FMM-100SATK manual station (red) 2 D162@24 2-ft (60.96-cm) dual modular phone cord 2 D166@24 RJ31X phone jack Technical specifications Electrical Current (alarm)*:380 mA Current (standby)*:200 mA Power (primary):120 VAC , 1.2 A maximum, 60 Hz or 240 VAC , 0.75 A maximum, 50 Hz * For product‑specific current values, see the product’s Installation Instructions. Environmental Environment:Indoor, dry Relative Humidity:Up to 95%, non-condensing Temperature (operating):+32°F (0°C) to +120°F ( +49°C) Mechanical Properties Color:Red Dimensions (HxWxD):20.8 in. x 15 in. x 4.3 in. (52.8 cm x 38.1 cm x 10.9 cm) Material:Cold-rolled steel Base: 18 gauge (1.2 mm) Cover: 19 gauge (1.1 mm) Indicating Device Circuits (IDC) Current:44 mA maximum per loop Line resistance:150 Ω Voltage:24 VDC nominal Outputs NAC:24 VDC nominal, 4 A maximum On-board Relays:Three Form C contacts rated at 5 A, 28 VDC Off-board Relays:Up to two D7035 Octal Relay Modules with each providing eight Form C relay outputs; contacts rated at 5 A, 28 VDC In an addressable system, up to 20 D7053 Multiplex Input-Output Modules are allowed per bus for a total of 40 3 | FPD‑7024 Fire Alarm Control Panels Trademarks All hardware and software product names used in this document are likely to be registered trademarks and must be treated accordingly. Ordering information FPD-7024 FACP Four detector zones (expandable to eight); up to 20 two wire smoke detectors per zone Order number FPD-7024 FPD-7024-LC FACP without Enclosure and Transformer Four detector zones (expandable to eight); up to 20 two wire smoke detectors per zone Order number FPD-7024-LC FPD-7024-LT FACP without Transformer Four detector zones (expandable to eight); up to 20 two wire smoke detectors per zone. Available only in Latin America. Order number FPD-7024-LT Accessories FPC-7024-FK1 Basic Fire Panel Kit Four-zone FACP with one four-wire photoelectric smoke detector and base with EOL relay, one two‑wire horn/strobe, one manual station, and two RJ31X phone jacks with dual modular phone cords. Order number FPC-7024-FK1 D102 Replacement Key Replacement key (#1358) for the D101 lock. Order number D102 4 | FPD‑7024 Fire Alarm Control Panels Represented by: Americas:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Asia-Pacific:China:America Latina: Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180 security.sales@us.bosch.com www.boschsecurity.us Bosch Security Systems B.V. P.O. Box 80002 5617 BA Eindhoven, The Netherlands Phone: + 31 40 2577 284 Fax: +31 40 2577 330 emea.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.com Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, Security Systems 11 Bishan Street 21 Singapore 573943 Phone: +65 6571 2808 Fax: +65 6571 2699 apr.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.asia Bosch (Shanghai) Security Systems Ltd. 201 Building, No. 333 Fuquan Road North IBP Changning District, Shanghai 200335 China Phone +86 21 22181111 Fax: +86 21 22182398 www.boschsecurity.com.cn Robert Bosch Ltda Security Systems Division Via Anhanguera, Km 98 CEP 13065-900 Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil Phone: +55 19 2103 2860 Fax: +55 19 2103 2862 latam.boschsecurity@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.com © Bosch Security Systems 2014 | Data subject to change without notice 2692228235 | en, V17, 18. Dec 2014 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7165-1615:0227 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7165 -- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT (COMMERCIAL) LISTEE:BOSCH SECURITY SYSTEMS130 Perinton Parkway, Fairport, NY 14450 Contact: Peter Namisnak (585) 678-3655 Fax (585) 678-3263 Email: peter.namisnak@us.bosch.com DESIGN: Model FPD-7024 fire alarm control unit. Power limited, local, automatic, manual, coded, noncoded, remote station (PPU), proprietary (PPU), central station (PPU), waterflow and sprinkler supervisory service. Refer to the listee's data sheet for additional components description. System components: FPD-7024; Control Unit FPC-7034; 4-Zone Expander FMR-7033, FMR-7036; Keypad D7035, D7035B; Expanded Relay Module D185; Reverse Polarity Module D7039, *FPE-7039; MUX Expander D7042, D7042B, D7044, D7044M, D7052, D7053; Mulitplez Expander Module D7048, D7048B; Octal Driver Module B440, B441, B443; Cellular Modules B450; Interface Module *FLM-7024-ISO; MUX Bus Isolator Module RATING:120 VAC primary; 24 VDC Secondary INSTALLATION: In accordance with the listee’s printed installation instructions, NFPA 72, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee’s name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as a fire alarm control unit for use with separately listed compatible initiating and indicating devices. Refer to listee’s Installation Instruction Manual for details. This control unit can generate a distinctive three-pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2002 Edition. This control unit meets the requirements of UL Standard 864, 9th Edition. NOTE: For Fire Alarm Verification Feature (delay of fire alarm signal), the maximum Retard/Reset/Restart period shall not exceed 30 seconds. *Revsion 02-15-17 gt July 01, 2020Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2021 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. Fire Alarm Systems | FMR-7033 LCD annunciator and control keypad FMR-7033 LCD annunciator and control keypad www.boschsecurity.com u Compatible with the FPD‑7024 FACP u Two‑line, 32‑character, alphanumeric LCD display u Status LEDs identify alarm, trouble, supervisory, and silenced conditions u Address setting by jumper u Remotely control system commands and programming The FMR‑7033 LCD Keypad combines remote annunciator and controller functions for fire alarm systems controlled by the FPD‑7024 Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs). It operates identically to the built‑in user interface on the FACPs. You can connect up to four keypads to an FACP. The keypad allows starting local system tests, system programming, system control, and viewing the system's event log remotely. It provides passcode‑protected access to system functions allowing installation in areas open to the general public. The two‑line, 32‑character LCD (liquid‑crystal display) annunciates system status and events. The top line provides general system status information, while the bottom line identifies specific devices or instructions. An internal sounder signals alarm, supervisory, and trouble conditions and annunciates keystrokes during programming and control procedures. Four status LEDs indicate supervisory, alarm, trouble, and silenced conditions. A pull‑out slide with operating instructions fits behind the mounting base. Certifications and approvals Region Regulatory compliance/quality marks USA UL UL 864, Control Units and Accessoriesfor Fire Alarm Systems FM FMR-7033 CSFM see www.boschsecurity.com (the Boschwebsite) FDNY-CoA 6173 Installation/configuration notes Compatible Products The keypad is compatible with the FPD-7024 Fire alarm control panels and the D7030X, D7030X‑S2, and D7030X‑S8 Annunciators. Mounting Surface mount or mount on a single‑gang or four‑inch square back box. Wiring Guidelines • Do not share keypad wiring with multiplex, telephone, or notification appliance circuit (NAC) wiring • Use a minimum of 22 AWG (ISO 0.34 mm2) four‑wire cable - do not use twisted pair or shielded cable Notice A minimum of 18 AWG (ISO 0.75 mm2) cable is required for NEC-NFPA-72. • Do not exceed 1000 ft. (305 m) between the control panel and the remote keypads • Do not exceed 4000 ft. (1219 m) of keypad wiring per system Number of keypads Do not connect more than four keypads. Place up to two keypads along any single 1000 ft. (305 m) run of 22 AWG (ISO 0.34 mm2) wire. Three keypads can be used on any single 1000 ft. (305 m) run of 18 AWG (ISO 0.75 mm2) wire. Parts included Quantity Component 1 LCD keypad 1 Literature pack Technical specifications Environmental Environment:Indoor, dry Relative Humidity:Up to 95%, non‑condensing Temperature (Operating):+32°F to +122°F (0°C to +50°C) Mechanical Dimensions (HxWxD):4.6 in. x 6.3 in. x 1.2 in. (12 cm x 16 cm x 3 cm) Power (Option Bus) Current (alarm):100 mA Current (standby):80 mA Voltage (operating):12 VDC nominal Ordering information FMR-7033 LCD annunciator and control keypad Combines remote annunciator and controller functions for fire alarm systems controlled by an FPD‑7024 Fire Alarm Control Panel Order number FMR-7033 Accessories D7030X Annunciator, 8 alarm LED Eight zone LEDs indicate alarm conditions. Order number D7030X D7030X-S2 Annunciator, 8 LED (2 supervisory) Two LEDs indicate supervisory conditions, six indicate alarm conditions. Order number D7030X-S2 D7030X-S8 Annunciator, 8 LED (8 supervisory) All eight zone LEDs (yellow) indicate supervisory conditions. Order number D7030X-S8 2 | FMR-7033 LCD annunciator and control keypad Represented by: Europe, Middle East, Africa:Germany:North America:Asia-Pacific: Bosch Security Systems B.V. P.O. Box 80002 5600 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands Phone: + 31 40 2577 284 emea.securitysystems@bosch.com emea.boschsecurity.com Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH Robert-Bosch-Ring 5 85630 Grasbrunn Germany www.boschsecurity.com Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180 onlinehelp@us.bosch.com www.boschsecurity.us Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, Security Systems 11 Bishan Street 21 Singapore 573943 Phone: +65 6571 2808 Fax: +65 6571 2699 apr.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.asia © Bosch Security Systems 2018 | Data subject to change without notice 2696396939 | en, V6, 08. Nov 2018 Intrusion Alarm Systems | B444 Conettix Plug-in 4G LTE Cellular Communicator B444 Conettix Plug-in 4G LTE Cellular Communicator www.boschsecurity.com u Secure Conettix IP communication from compatible Bosch panels to Bosch receivers using Verizon 4G LTE cellular network u Remote programming and monitoring of compatible Bosch panels u Personal SMS message and e-mail notification options u Direct configuration from Bosch Remote Programming Software (RPS) eliminating the need for separate configuration u Simple LED status information and advanced keypad diagnostics available with easy 2 step plug-in installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance The cellular communicator enables secure two-way IP communication over the Verizon 4G LTE cellular network by plugging into a compatible control panel or communicator interface. Typical applications are: • Alarm reporting to a central station • Remote control panel programming through Remote Programming Software with supported control panels • Remote monitoring and control through a mobile application with supported control panels • Personal notification using SMS for compatible control panels Notice Cellular capability requires an Installer Services account and appropriate data plan. System overview Callout ᅳ Description Callout ᅳ Description 1 ᅳ Cellular communicator 7 ᅳ Remote PC’s network connection 2 ᅳ Compatible control panel 8 ᅳ Remote PC running RPS 3 ᅳ Antenna cable 9 ᅳ Personal SMS notification 4 ᅳ Magnetic base antenna 10 ᅳ Ethernet connection 5 ᅳ Base station on wireless carrier’s network 11 ᅳ Central monitoring station 6 ᅳ IP network cloud Functions Activation The B444 module is shipped pre-activated. The B444-C module needs to be activated. Activate the module by emailing: installer.services@us.bosch.com, or by call Bosch Installer Services at: 800-289-0096, option 6. Conettix IP communication via Cellular In addition to the security provided by the network operator, the cellular communicator uses our Conettix IP protocol that supports: • Flexible polling intervals • Resistance to Denial of Service attacks • 128-bit to 256-bit AES encryption with Cypher Block Chaining • Anti-replay/anti-substitution keys Easy Installation, troubleshooting, and maintenance • No networking expertise required at field site (no firewall or router settings) • No PC or special tools required for installation and troubleshooting • Service plans and settings managed through RPS • Diagnostic LEDs for on-site troubleshooting LED Function Blue (heartbeat)System status indicator Red Unacceptable signal strength Yellow Marginal signal strength 1 Green Good signal strength 2 Green Very good signal strength Remote programming of Bosch control panels The cellular communicator supports secure RPS programming of compatible Bosch control panels. Personal notification and control The cellular communicator supports the Bosch Remote Security Control mobile application and can be configured for SMS personal notification reports to mobile phones or e-mail addresses. Remote Connect Service Support Remote Connect Service enables a secure control panel connection to remote programming software (RPS) using Bosch Cloud services. The service allows a secure TLS connection to a control panel without specific port and router settings and without a static IP or DNS. Certifications and approvals Region Certification USA Verizon Open Development Certified Region Regulatory compliance/quality marks USA UL UL 864 - Standard for Control Units andAccessories for Fire Alarm Systems UL UL 1076 - Proprietary Burglar AlarmUnits and Systems UL UL 1610 - Central Station Burglar AlarmUnits UL UL 365 - Police Station Connected Bur-glar Alarm Units UL UL 609 - Standard for Local BurglarAlarm Units and Systems UL UL 636 - Holdup Alarm Units and Sys-tems UL UL 985 - Household Fire Warning Sys-tem Units UL UL 1023 - Household Burglar Alarm Sys-tem Units CSFM see www.boschsecurity.com (the Boschwebsite) FCC Part 15 Class B Installation/configuration notes Mounting considerations The module plugs into any compatible control panel, available in a variety of enclosures. Wiring considerations The module connects to any compatible control panel without tools or physical wiring for power. When used with the B450, the B450 is wired to the control panel data bus. The cellular module has a screw on SMA antenna connection. Compatibilities Devices B9512G/B9512G-E, B8512G/B8512G-E B6512 B6512/B5512/B4512/B3512, B5512E/ B4512E/B3512E control panel with firmware v3.05 or higher (direct insertion) The module is compatible with most Bosch control panels when used with a B450 Conettix Plug-in Communicator Interface with firmware v3.05 or higher. Refer to the B450 datasheet for complete control panel compatibility listings. B465 Conettix Universal Dual Path Communicator with firmware v2.0 or higher. B40 antennas Cellular 4G LTE - Cat 1 2 | B444 Conettix Plug-in 4G LTE Cellular Communicator Commercial Fire and Burglary applications Approved for Commercial Fire/Burglary applications as sole, primary, or secondary communications path when the system is installed to the NFPA-72 specification Technical specifications Electrical Current (operating) Standby: 35 mA Alarm: 100 mA Voltage (operating)12 VDC nominal Radio Verizon LTE CAT 1 Band 4 and 13 Environmental Environment Environmental Class III - Indoor Relative humidity 5 - 93% at +32°C (+90°F) non-condensing Operating temperature 0°C to +49°C (+32°F to +120°F) Mechanical Board dimensions 2 in x 3.68 in x 0.60 in (50 mm x 93.5 mm x 15.25 mm) Antenna (included)• Magnetic base omni-directional • 8.2 ft (2.5 m) cable with SMA connector Ordering information B444 Conettix Plug-in 4G LTE Cellular Communicator Pre-activated 4G LTE cellular communicator for secure two-way IP communication on the Verizon Wireless LTE network. Order number B444 B40-P Outdoor puck antenna, cell, 6.5ft Omnidirectional, low profile antenna for metallic indoor/outdoor surface mounting. Supports LTE, and 2G/3G/4G data communication. Operates over 698-960 MHz and 1710-2170 MHz bands. Order number B40-P B40-MB50 Outdoor multiband antenna, cell, 50ft Provides wide bandwidth and low angle radiation pattern for indoor/outdoor applications. Supports 2G/3G/4G data communication, Domestic (US) LTE 700 band, Global LTE 2600 band, Domestic (US) Cellular, Global GSM, and WiMAX 2300/2500/2600 bands. Includes a 50 ft (15.2 m) cable, and a mounting bracket. Order number B40-MB50 B40-MB25 Outdoor multiband antenna, cell, 25ft Provides wide bandwidth and low angle radiation pattern for indoor/outdoor applications. Supports 2G/3G/4G data communication, Domestic (US) LTE 700 band, Global LTE 2600 band, Domestic (US) Cellular, Global GSM, and WiMAX 2300/2500/2600 bands. Includes a 25 ft (7.6 m) cable, and a mounting bracket. Order number B40-MB25 B444-C Plug-in cell module, VZW LTE, cold Non-activated 4G LTE cellular communicator for secure two-way IP communication on the Verizon Wireless LTE network. Order number B444-C 3 | B444 Conettix Plug-in 4G LTE Cellular Communicator Represented by: Europe, Middle East, Africa:Germany:North America:Asia-Pacific: Bosch Security Systems B.V. P.O. Box 80002 5600 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands Phone: + 31 40 2577 284 emea.securitysystems@bosch.com emea.boschsecurity.com Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH Robert-Bosch-Ring 5 85630 Grasbrunn Germany www.boschsecurity.com Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180 onlinehelp@us.bosch.com www.boschsecurity.us Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, Security Systems 11 Bishan Street 21 Singapore 573943 Phone: +65 6571 2808 Fax: +65 6571 2699 apr.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.asia © Bosch Security Systems 2018 | Data subject to change without notice 35406955147 | en, V6, 20. Nov 2018 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7300-1615:0502 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7300 -- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE:BOSCH SECURITY SYSTEMS130 Perinton Parkway, Fairport, NY 14450 Contact: Peter Namisnak (585) 678-3655 Fax (585) 678-3263 Email: peter.namisnak@us.bosch.com DESIGN: Model B444 Cellular Wireless Communicator Module, transmits in 4G LTE wireless communication. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING:Model B444 12 Vdc INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as Cellular Wireless Communicator Module transmission device for use with separately listed and compatible fire alarm control units. Acceptable for use as single communication path or multiple communications paths. Refer to listee’s Installation Instruction Manual for details. July 01, 2020Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2021 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. Intrusion Alarm Systems | B450 Conettix Plug-in Communicator Interface B450 Conettix Plug-in Communicator Interface www.boschsecurity.com u Enables full two-way IP communication using Plug-in Cellular Communicators u Plug and Play installation makes future radio technology changes easy u Compatible with new and most deployed Bosch control panels u Supports remote installation of cellular modules for improved signal The B450 Conettix Plug-in Communicator Interface is a four-wire powered SDI2, SDI, or option bus device that provides two-way communication with compatible control panels over commercial cellular networks using a plug-in communicator (available separately). System overview Use B450 in combination with a plug-in communicator for primary or backup alarm communication, remote panel programming and other remote applications. The B450 supports Conettix IP protocol with full authentication, 256 bit AES encryption and resistance to Denial of Service attacks. It is a reliable way to add cellular network communications to existing or new commercial security and fire installations. 1 2 7 5 6 3 4 13 12 11 8 14 9 10 B450 system overview Callout ᅳ Description Callout ᅳ Description 1 ᅳ Compatible Bosch control panel 6 ᅳ Cellular carrier network 2 ᅳ Panel data bus (SDI2, SDI, or Option) 7 ᅳ Internet/LAN/WAN 3 ᅳ B450 Plug-in Communicator Interface 8 ᅳ Remote Programming Workstation 4 ᅳ USB connection for B450 configuration 9 ᅳ Bosch Conettix IP receiver (D6600, D6100i, or D6100IPv6) 5 ᅳ B44x Plug-in Cellular Communicator (available separately) Functions Conettix IP communication The B450 uses Conettix IP protocol which supports: • Full event code reporting and administration • Flexible supervision intervals • Resistance to Denial of Service attacks • 128, 192 or 256-bit AES encryption • Anti-replay and anti-substitution Switch addressing Use the address switch to easily assign a bus address or setup for USB or SMS configuration where required. Easy configuration For most installations, the default B450 settings allow installation with no device programming required. An address switch allows easy bus address selection. For customized network settings, the B450 supports a USB configuration menu, or configuration via SMS. B Series and GV4 Series control panels support limited keypad and RPS programming of B450 settings. LEDs Three LEDs provide status and troubleshooting information about the module and its connection. LED Description Heartbeat Indicates the system status of the B450 and its connection to the panel. RX Indicates when an inbound packet is received on the bus. TX Indicates when an outbound packet is transmitted on the bus. Certifications and approvals Region US NIST FIPS 197 FCC Part 15 Class B UL 365 UL 636 UL 864 UL985 UL 1023 UL 1076 UL 1610 SIA CP-01:2010 False Alarm Reduction California State Fire Marshall (CSFM) - Certified Fire Department of New York (FDNY) - Certified Canada CAN/ULC S303 CAN/ULC S304 ULC S545 ULC-ORD C1023 ULC-ORD C1076 ICES-003 – Digital Apparatus Rogers - Certified North America PTCRB - Certified Europe CE - EN50130-4, EN61000-6-3, EN60950 Australia A-tick - Certified Region Certification Europe CE 2014/30/EU EMC Directive (EMC);2014/35/EU Low-Voltage Directive(LVD); 2011/65/EU Restriction of theuse of certain hazardous substances inelectrical and electronic equip-ment(RoHS) USA CSFM see our website FDNY-CoA #6173 Brazil ANATEL 2708-14-1855 Installation/configuration notes Mounting considerations Find a location with acceptable signal strength on your wireless network. Mount the B450 Conettix Plug-in Communicator Interface into the interior of a compatible enclosure via the 3-hole mounting pattern using the supplied mounting screws. Wiring considerations The B450 connects to a control panel using a data bus connection via the module’s terminal strip, or the module’s interconnect wiring connectors. For data bus powered installations outside the compatible control panel enclosure, follow the maximum wiring distances in the technical specifications. For further installations power from a compatible auxiliary power supply. Parts included Quantity Component 1 B450 Conettix Plug-in Communicator Interface 1 Hardware pack 1 Interconnect cable wiring 2 | B450 Conettix Plug-in Communicator Interface 1 Quick Start Guide (hardcopy) 1 Literature (mini-CD) Technical specifications Electrical Current (operating) Standby: B450 with B440/B441/B442/B443 = 60 mA Alarm: B450 with B440/B441/B442/B443 = 180 mA Voltage (operating)(B450 bus operation): 12 VDC nominal Environmental Relative humidity Up to 93% at +32°C (+90°F) non-condensing Operating temperature 0°C to +50°C (+32°F to +122°F) Mechanical Board dimensions 79 mm x 128 mm x 38 mm (3.11 in x 5.03 in x 1.50 in) Wiring Data bus wire gauge 12 AWG to 22 AWG USB cable USB cable (Type A to A male-to-male) – not supplied Data bus wire length Maximum Distance – wire size: 22 AWG (0.65 mm) --> 12 m (40 ft) 18 AWG (1.0 mm) --> 30 m (100 ft) 16 AWG (1.3 mm) --> 48 m (158 ft) 12 AWG (2.0 mm) --> 122 m (400 ft) Using a separate power supply, such as the B520 Auxiliary Power Supply Module , connected to the B450 within the specification listed above, the wire distance can be extended up to 300 m (1000 ft) Compatibilities Control panels B5512/B4512/B3512 (B5512E/B4512E/ B3512E with firmware v2.03 and higher) D9412GV4/D7412GV4/D7212GV4 (v1.00.0xx+) D9412GV3/D7412GV3/D7212GV3 D9412GV2/D7412GV2/7212GV2 (v7.06+) FPD-7024 (v1.03+) AMAX 2000/2100/3000/4000 CMS 6/8 CMS 40 Solution 2000/3000 Cellular communicators B440 Conettix Plug-in Communicator, Cellular (3G) B441 Conettix Plug-in CDMA Cellular Communicator B442 Conettix Plug-in GPRS Cellular Communicator B443 Conettix Plug-in HSPA+ Cellular Communicator Enclosures B10 B11 D8103 D203 Applications Tera Term (for USB B450 configuration) Hyper Terminal (for USB B450 configuration) RPS version 5.16 or higher Installed Bus Function Option/SDI SDI2 Details IP Event Reporting Y Y TCP protocols only supported on SDI2 Remote Program (RPS or A-link) Y Y Requires Bosch Cellular service or other cellular network access Configure B450 from control panel (RPS, A-link) N Y GV4/B Series v2.03+, AMAX vX.X, Solution vX.X Personal Notification via SMS or Email N Y Requires compatible control panel and cellular plan Remote Security Control App N Y*Requires Bosch Cellular service or other cellular network access Ordering information B450 Conettix Plug-in Communicator Interface Supports two-way IP communication over using a plug- in Cellular Communicator for compatible SDI2, SDI or option bus control panels. Order number B450 Accessories B440 Conettix Plug-in Cellular Communicator Dual technology 3G EVDO/CDMA cellular communicator for secure two-way IP communication on the Verizon Wireless network. Order number B440 B441 Conettix Plug-in Cellular Communicator Multi-function CDMA cellular communicator for secure two-way IP communication on the Verizon Wireless network. Order number B441 B442 Conettix Plug-in GPRS Cellular Communicator Multi-function cellular communicator. For use in Latin America. Order number B442 3 | B450 Conettix Plug-in Communicator Interface B443 Conettix Plug-in HSPA+ Cellular Communicator Multi-function 3G/4G cellular communicator providing IP communication over a GSM/GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/ HSPA+ cellular network. For use in Latin America and Canada. Order number B443 4 | B450 Conettix Plug-in Communicator Interface Represented by: Americas:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Asia-Pacific:China:America Latina: Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180 security.sales@us.bosch.com www.boschsecurity.us Bosch Security Systems B.V. P.O. Box 80002 5617 BA Eindhoven, The Netherlands Phone: + 31 40 2577 284 Fax: +31 40 2577 330 emea.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.com Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, Security Systems 11 Bishan Street 21 Singapore 573943 Phone: +65 6571 2808 Fax: +65 6571 2699 apr.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.asia Bosch (Shanghai) Security Systems Ltd. 201 Building, No. 333 Fuquan Road North IBP Changning District, Shanghai 200335 China Phone +86 21 22181111 Fax: +86 21 22182398 www.boschsecurity.com.cn Robert Bosch Ltda Security Systems Division Via Anhanguera, Km 98 CEP 13065-900 Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil Phone: +55 19 2103 2860 Fax: +55 19 2103 2862 latam.boschsecurity@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.com © Bosch Security Systems 2014 | Data subject to change without notice 11036186251 | en, V16, 04. Nov 2014 Fire Alarm Systems | FPE-7039 MUX expansion module FPE-7039 MUX expansion module www.boschsecurity.com u Provides two Class B multiplex buses (supports addresses 9 to 128, 129 to 255) u Provides one Class A multiplex bus (supports addresses 9 to 128) u Allows system to support conventional and addressable devices at the same time u Scales from a conventional to an addressable system without changing the control panel u Increases event history buffer to 499 events The FPE‑7039 MUX expansion module is designed to enhance the conventional features of the FPD‑7024, D7024 or DS9400 FACPs. The module connects directly to the FACP and results in a total of up to 255 addressable points. The module also increases the number of relay outputs (to 58 on the D7024 control panels and 59 on FPD 7024 control panels). It adds an additional 400 events to the history buffer for a total of 499 non volatile events. It also allows for up to 100 system users (an addition of 84 PINs from the base system). The module can be programmed remotely from a PC using the RPS Remote programming software. Notice The D7024 and DS9400 panels are listed to UL864, 8th edition. Certifications and approvals Region Certification USA UL UOJZ: Control Units, System (ANSI/UL864) CSFM see our website Installation/configuration notes Compatible Products The following products are compatible with the FPE‑7039 MUX expansion module: Category Product ID Product Description Control Panels FPD-7024 Addressable and conventional FACPs D7024*Addressable and conventional FACPs DS9400*Control panels Modules D343*MUX duct detector housing with auxiliary relay D7042 MUX remote module, 8-input class B D7042B MUX module w/ metal enclosure, 8- input D7044 MUX single-input module, 12V D7044M MUX mini single-input module, 12V D7050 MUX smoke head D7050DH MUX duct smoke head D7050TH MUX smoke head w/ fixed heat (135°F) D7050-B6 MUX base, 2-wire D7052 MUX dual-input module, 12V D7053 MUX input/output module, 12V FLM-7024-ISO MUX bus expansion module FMM-7045 MUX manual station, single-action, red FMM-7045-D MUX manual station, double-action, red *Legacy product not available for purchase. Legacy products were investigated to comply only to UL864 8th edition or earlier. Mounting Considerations The module mounts onto the control panel board inside of the control panel's enclosure using connector pins. The Input\Output board mounts to the inside wall of the enclosure for field wiring. Wiring Considerations Refer to control panel’s installation guide for additional wiring requirements. Notice If used in fire applications, a minimum of 18 AWG (ISO 0.75 mm2) is required. Wire resistance 50 Ω at +20°C (+68°F), depends on method and wire sized used Wire length 5950 ft (1810 m) , depends on wire size and number of devices Wire capacitance < 0.12 μF (max per bus) Notice Do not use shielded wire. Twisted-pair wire is not recommended, but is acceptable if wire length is reduced by 50%. Parts included Quantity Component 1 FPE‑7039 board 1 FPE‑7039 Input/output board 3 Standoffs for Input/output board 4 Standoffs for FPE‑7039 board 1 Literature pack Technical specifications Environmental Environment Indoor, dry Power Current Draw Alarm Load, Class A Load, Class B Standby 190 mA maximum 100 mA maximum 100 mA maximum for each bus 190 mA maximum Bus Voltage 8.5 V to 13 V Wire Resistance (maximum)50 Ω at +20°C (+68°F), depends on method and wire sized used Ordering information FPE-7039 MUX expansion module It enhances the features of the FACPs. It increases the number of addressable points to 247. It increases the number of relay outputs to 58 on the D7024/DS9400 or 59 on the FPD‑7024. It increases number of events on the history buffer to 499. Order number FPE-7039 2 | FPE-7039 MUX expansion module 3 | FPE-7039 MUX expansion module Represented by: Europe, Middle East, Africa:Germany:North America:Asia-Pacific: Bosch Security Systems B.V. P.O. Box 80002 5600 JB Eindhoven, The Netherlands Phone: + 31 40 2577 284 emea.securitysystems@bosch.com emea.boschsecurity.com Bosch Sicherheitssysteme GmbH Robert-Bosch-Ring 5 85630 Grasbrunn Germany www.boschsecurity.com Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180 onlinehelp@us.bosch.com www.boschsecurity.us Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, Security Systems 11 Bishan Street 21 Singapore 573943 Phone: +65 6571 2808 Fax: +65 6571 2699 apr.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.asia © Bosch Security Systems 2017 | Data subject to change without notice 18607509003 | en, V13, 16. Feb 2017 Fire Alarm Systems | D7050 Addressable Photoelectric Smoke and Smoke Heat Detector Heads D7050 Addressable Photoelectric Smoke and Smoke Heat Detector Heads www.boschsecurity.com u Connects to the multiplex bus of the FPD‑7024 or D7024 Addressable FACP and the DS7400Xi Control Panel u Superior dust immunity u Exclusive Chamber Check self-diagnostics u Automatic sensitivity test features u Easy disassembly for cleaning The D7050 Photoelectric Smoke and Smoke Heat Detector Heads are UL Listed, open-area photoelectric smoke detectors designed for use with commercial fire protective signaling systems and household fire warning systems (see NFPA 72, the National Fire Alarm Code). They are compatible with the FPD‑7024 or D7024 Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs), the DS7400Xi Control Panel, and the G Series Control Panels. They detect large smoke particles by scattering light from a pulsed infrared source operating with a gated, high-speed, photodiode infrared sensor. The symmetry of the optical chamber allows 360° uniform smoke entry, but minimizes external light entry. Use both of these smoke detectors for detection circuits installed in areas where personnel are present. The D7050TH has an added fixed-temperature sensor. This expands the detector application to confined areas where a fire increases air temperature slowly and where there is a substantial increase in air temperature before the fire breaks confinement, such as furnace rooms, closets, and other confined areas. Functions Detector Head and Base System The D7050 Photoelectric Smoke and Smoke Heat Detector Heads are part of a compound system of detector head and base. The detector base installs over a back box and contains all the wiring. The detector head attaches to the base by aligning the head with the base and turning it clockwise. No tools are required for installation other than the hex key used to tighten the tamper screw. Each detector head requires a D7050-B6 detector base. Chamber Check Self-diagnostics The detector meets NFPA guidelines for sensitivity testing, because you can visually inspect the detector and check the flash rate of the LED. If the calibration is out of factory-listed range, the LED on the detector double flashes once every 3 sec to 8 sec. Follow the instructions provided with the detector to clean it. The detector also sends a dirty chamber report to the control panel. LED Operation When the detector is operating normally, the LED flashes once every 3 sec to 8 sec. In alarm, the detector flashes at least once per second. Magnetic Test Feature Test the detector's operation by placing the SMK-TM Test Magnet next to the detector's LED for three consecutive flashes. This causes the detector to send an alarm. Certifications and approvals Region Certification USA UL UROX: Smoke-automatic Fire Detectors(ANSI/UL 268) and UROX7: Smoke-au-tomatic Fire Detectors Certified for Can-ada (CAN/ULC-S529) FM D7050 Family CSFM see our website FDNY-CoA #6173 Hong Kong HKFSD Installation/configuration notes Compatible Products The following products are compatible with the D7050 Smoke Detector and the D7050TH Smoke Heat Detector: Category Product ID Product Description Control Panels FPD‑7024 FACP D7024 FACP D7024-EXP FACP for export G Series D9412G (or later), D7412G (or later), and D7212G1 (or later) Detector Bases D7050-B6 Two-wire base Remote Annunciators DRA-12/24 12/24 VDC remote annunciator Interface Modules D8125MUX Multiplex bus interface module 1 The D7212G models are not UL Listed for commercial fire. Parts included Quant.Component 1 Detector head 1 Literature pack Technical specifications Environmental Considerations Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Immunity: No alarm or setup on critical frequencies in the range of 26 MHz to 950 MHz for field strengths less than 50 V/m Temperature (normal operating): +32°F to +100°F (0°C to +38°C) Note: The environment where these detectors are installed must be within the specified normal operating temperature limits. Mechanical Properties Color:Off-white Dimensions (diameter x D): 4 in. x 1.3 in. (10.2 cm x 3.3 cm) Material:High-impact, fire-retardant ABS plastic Power Requirements Current (alarm):0.55 mA maximum Current (standby):0.55 mA nominal Power-up Time:22 sec maximum Voltage (minimum):8 VDC peak from the multiplex bus Ordering information D7050 Addressable Photoelectric Smoke Detector Head The D7050 detects large smoke particles by scattering light from a pulsed infrared source operating with a gated, high-speed, photodiode infrared sensor. The symmetry of the optical chamber allows 360° uniform smoke entry, but minimizes external light entry. Order number D7050 D7050TH Addressable Photoelectric Smoke and Heat Detector Head The D7050TH, in addition to an optical smoke chamber, has an added 135°F (57°C) fixed- temperature sensor that expands its application to confined areas where a fire increases air temperature slowly and where there is a substantial increase in air temperature before the fire breaks confinement. Order number D7050TH Accessories DRA‑12/24 Remote Annunciator (12/24 VDC) Designed to provide remote annunciation of alarms when connected to the D7050‑B6 Multiplex Detector Base Order number DRA-12/24 DT‑2 Detector Removal Tool Use the DT‑2 to remove, replace, or test the detector head Order number DT-2 2 | D7050 Addressable Photoelectric Smoke and Smoke Heat Detector Heads SMK‑TM Test Magnet Used to test detectors Order number SMK-TM 3 | D7050 Addressable Photoelectric Smoke and Smoke Heat Detector Heads Represented by: Americas:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Asia-Pacific:China:America Latina: Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180 security.sales@us.bosch.com www.boschsecurity.us Bosch Security Systems B.V. P.O. Box 80002 5617 BA Eindhoven, The Netherlands Phone: + 31 40 2577 284 Fax: +31 40 2577 330 emea.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.com Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, Security Systems 11 Bishan Street 21 Singapore 573943 Phone: +65 6571 2808 Fax: +65 6571 2699 apr.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.asia Bosch (Shanghai) Security Systems Ltd. 201 Building, No. 333 Fuquan Road North IBP Changning District, Shanghai 200335 China Phone +86 21 22181111 Fax: +86 21 22182398 www.boschsecurity.com.cn Robert Bosch Ltda Security Systems Division Via Anhanguera, Km 98 CEP 13065-900 Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil Phone: +55 19 2103 2860 Fax: +55 19 2103 2862 latam.boschsecurity@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.com © Bosch Security Systems 2014 | Data subject to change without notice 2700030219 | en, V5, 22. Jul 2014 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7272-1615:0175 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7272 -- SMOKE DETECTOR-SYSTEM TYPE-PHOTOELECTRIC LISTEE:BOSCH SECURITY SYSTEMS130 Perinton Parkway, Fairport, NY 14450 Contact: Peter Namisnak (585) 678-3655 Fax (585) 678-3263 Email: peter.namisnak@us.bosch.com DESIGN: Models D7050, D7050TH and *D7050DH addressable photoelectric type smoke detectors. Model D7050TH employs an integral 135o fixed temperature heat sensor. This heat sensor is intended for use only as a supplemental device to assist the smoke detector. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING:Supplied by Model D7024 series fire alarm control unit through a multiplex bus. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, *date code and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as photoelectric smoke detectors for use only with listee's separately listed Model D7024 (CSFM Listing No. 7165-1615:147) series fire alarm control unit. Units must be connected to the multiplex bus of the fire alarm control unit for both power and signaling. Model D7050 and D7050TH are intended for use with listee’s Model D7050-B6 Base (CSFM Listing No. 7300-1615:176). Model D7050DH is intended for use with listee’s Model D343 duct detector housing (CSFM Listing No. 3240-1615:181). *Rev. 05-29-2007 jw July 01, 2020Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2021 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. Fire Alarm Systems | D7050‑B6 Two‑wire Detector Base D7050‑B6 Two‑wire Detector Base www.boschsecurity.com u Connects to multiplex bus of the FPD‑7024 or D7024 Addressable FACP, DS7400Xi Control Panel, and G Series Control Panels u Detector's head is easily removed by twisting u Two‑piece detector head and base design allows pre‑wiring the system The D7050‑B6 is the required base for the D7050 Multiplex Photoelectric Smoke Detector Head and the D7050TH Multiplex Photoelectric Smoke Heat Detector Head. It connects to the multiplex bus of the FPD‑7024 or D7024 Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs), the DS7400Xi Control Panel, and the G Series Control Panels. Notice All versions of the FPD-7024 require a D7039 MUX Expansion Module. The D7024 FACP requires a D7039 MUX Expansion Module and control panel ROM version 2.0 or higher. Certifications and approvals Region Certification USA UL UROX: Smoke-automatic Fire Detectors(ANSI/UL 268) FM D7050-B6 CSFM see our website FDNY-CoA #6173 Installation/configuration notes Compatible Products The following products are compatible with the D7050‑B6 detector base: Category Product ID Product Description Control Panels FPD‑7024 FACP D7024 FACP D7024‑EXP FACP for export G Series D9412G (or later), D7412G (or later), and D7212G1 (or later) Detectors D7050 Multiplex photoelectric smoke detector D7050TH Multiplex photoelectric smoke detector with 135°F (57°C) heat sensor Remote Annunciators DRA-12/24 12 VDC and 24 VDC remote annunciator Interface Modules D8125MUX Multiplex bus interface module 1 The D7212G models are not UL Listed for commercial fire. Mounting Considerations The D7050‑B6 Base can be mounted on a four‑inch square, a four‑inch octagonal, or a single‑gang box. It can also be surface mounted with anchors, mollies, or wing nuts. Number of Devices Allowed on Loop The number of multiplex smoke or smoke‑heat detectors allowed on the multiplex bus is determined by the wire gauge and the total wire length of the bus. Do not exceed 30 Ω maximum line resistance. For multiplex bus wiring requirements, see the D7039 Installation Guide. Wiring Connection to D7024 MUX bus through D7039 Notice Do not use shielded cable. The D7050-B6 bases can be wired in a series or using the T‑tap method. See the following illustrations.DONOTPAINTSTRIPGAGE+1 R2 3-DONOTPAINTSTRIPGAGE+1 R2 3-BUS A+BUS A-BUS B+BUS B-Mux BusSeries Connection DONOTPAINTSTRIPGAGE+1 R2 3-DONOTPAINTSTRIPGAGE+1 R2 3-BUS A+BUS A-BUS B+BUS B-Mux BusT‑tap Connection Parts included Quant.Component 1 Detector base 1 Hardware pack 1 Literature pack Technical specifications Environmental Considerations Relative Humidity:0% to 93% non‑condensing Temperature (0perating):+32°F to +100°F (0°C to +38°C) Mechanical Properties Color:Off-white Material:High‑impact, fire‑retardant polymer plastic Ordering information D7050‑B6 Two‑wire Detector Base Required base for the D7050 Multiplex Photoelectric Smoke Detector Head and the D7050TH Multiplex Photoelectric Smoke Heat Detector Head Order number D7050-B6 2 | D7050‑B6 Two‑wire Detector Base 3 | D7050‑B6 Two‑wire Detector Base Represented by: Americas:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Asia-Pacific:China:America Latina: Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180 security.sales@us.bosch.com www.boschsecurity.us Bosch Security Systems B.V. P.O. Box 80002 5617 BA Eindhoven, The Netherlands Phone: + 31 40 2577 284 Fax: +31 40 2577 330 emea.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.com Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, Security Systems 11 Bishan Street 21 Singapore 573943 Phone: +65 6571 2808 Fax: +65 6571 2699 apr.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.asia Bosch (Shanghai) Security Systems Ltd. 201 Building, No. 333 Fuquan Road North IBP Changning District, Shanghai 200335 China Phone +86 21 22181111 Fax: +86 21 22182398 www.boschsecurity.com.cn Robert Bosch Ltda Security Systems Division Via Anhanguera, Km 98 CEP 13065-900 Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil Phone: +55 19 2103 2860 Fax: +55 19 2103 2862 latam.boschsecurity@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.com © Bosch Security Systems 2014 | Data subject to change without notice 2706837387 | en, V6, 22. Jul 2014 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7300-1615:0176 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7300 -- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE:BOSCH SECURITY SYSTEMS130 Perinton Parkway, Fairport, NY 14450 Contact: Peter Namisnak (585) 678-3655 Fax (585) 678-3263 Email: peter.namisnak@us.bosch.com DESIGN: *Model D7050-B6 (2-wire) detector base. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed smoke detector base for use with listee's separately listed compatible Models D7050 series smoke detector (CSFM Listing No. 7272-1615:175) and fire alarm control units. *Recert. 04-22-2007 jw July 01, 2020Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2021 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. Fire Alarm Systems | D7044 Multiplex Single‑input Module D7044 Multiplex Single‑input Module www.boschsecurity.com u Use with D7024, DS9400M, or FPD‑7024 Addressable FACPs u Fits into a standard double‑gang or four‑inch square back box u Easy addressing using rotary switches u Low current draw u UL Listed The D7044 Multiplex Single‑input Module connects a normally‑open (NO) contact to the multiplex bus of a D7024, DS9400M, or FPD‑7024 Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP). Use the D7044 supervised input in a Class B configuration. All operating power for the input module is drawn from the FACP. Notice D7024 and DS9400M are not listed under UL864, 9th edition. Rotary switches allow convenient address setting. An on‑board status LED on the module indicates normal, alarm, and trouble conditions and is visible on the module or on an attractive, low‑profile faceplate. Certifications and approvals Region Certification USA UL NBSX: Household Burglar Alarm SystemUnits (ANSI/UL 1023), UOJZ: ControlUnits, System (ANSI/UL 864), andUOXX: Control Unit Accessories, System(ANSI/UL 864) FM D7044\D7044M Region Certification CSFM see our website FDNY-CoA #6173 Installation/configuration notes Compatible Products The following products are compatible with the D7044 Multiplex Single‑input Module: Category Product ID Product Description Control Panels D7024 Addressable FACP D7024‑EXP Addressable FACP for export DS9400M Addressable FACP FPD‑7024 Addressable FACP Modules D7039 Multiplex expansion module Mounting Mount the D7044 on a double‑gang or four‑inch square back box. Wiring Make connections to the terminals on the rear of the D7044. All terminals can accommodate up to 12 AWG (2.3 mm) wire; however, follow wiring guidelines specified by the National Electrical Code (NFPA-70). All wiring is power limited and supervised. Notice Supervise the input loop with the supplied EOL resistor. Parts included Quant.Component 1 D7044 module 1 2.21 kΩ end‑of‑line (EOL) resistor (P/N: 25899) 1 Literature pack 1 Hardware pack Technical specifications Circuit Designation MUX Bus:Supervised Class A (Style 6) SLC or Class B (Style 4) SLC Input:Supervised Class B (Style B) IDC Environmental Considerations Environment:Indoor, dry Relative Humidity:Up to 93% non‑condensing Temperature (operating):+32°F to +120°F (0°C to +49°C) Input Type:One normally‑open (NO) contact input supervised by a 2.21 kΩ EOL resistor (P/N: 25899) Mechanical Properties Color:White Dimensions:4.3125 in. (10.9 cm) square by 1.0625 in. (2.7 cm) deep Material:ABS plastic Weight:3.9 oz (110 g) Power Requirements (supplied from FACP's MUXbus) Current:0.55 mA Voltage (minimum):8 V peak (12 VDC nominal) Ordering information D7044 Multiplex Single‑input Module The D7044 connects a normally‑open (NO) contact to the multiplex bus of a D7024, DS9400M, or FPD‑7024 FACP. The D7044's supervised input power is drawn from the FACP for use in a Class B configuration. Rotary switches allow convenient address setting. Order number D7044 2 | D7044 Multiplex Single‑input Module 3 | D7044 Multiplex Single‑input Module Represented by: Americas:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Asia-Pacific:China:America Latina: Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180 security.sales@us.bosch.com www.boschsecurity.us Bosch Security Systems B.V. P.O. Box 80002 5617 BA Eindhoven, The Netherlands Phone: + 31 40 2577 284 Fax: +31 40 2577 330 emea.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.com Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, Security Systems 11 Bishan Street 21 Singapore 573943 Phone: +65 6571 2808 Fax: +65 6571 2699 apr.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.asia Bosch (Shanghai) Security Systems Ltd. 201 Building, No. 333 Fuquan Road North IBP Changning District, Shanghai 200335 China Phone +86 21 22181111 Fax: +86 21 22182398 www.boschsecurity.com.cn Robert Bosch Ltda Security Systems Division Via Anhanguera, Km 98 CEP 13065-900 Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil Phone: +55 19 2103 2860 Fax: +55 19 2103 2862 latam.boschsecurity@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.com © Bosch Security Systems 2014 | Data subject to change without notice 2691757963 | en, V5, 22. Jul 2014 Fire Alarm Systems | FMM‑7045 Multiplex Addressable Manual Stations FMM‑7045 Multiplex Addressable Manual Stations www.boschsecurity.com u Easy addressing with rotary switches u Terminal connections and low current draw u Key‑lock reset u Replaceable scored acrylic break rod option u UL Listed and ADA compliant The FMM‑7045 Multiplex Manual Stations are UL Listed fire alarm initiating devices that can be connected along with other multiplex devices on the D7039 Multiplex Expansion Module. The FPD‑7024 or D7024 Addressable Fire Alarm Control Panel (FACP) supervises the entire multiplex loop, including the FMM‑7045 or FMM‑7045‑D manual stations, for troubles, alarms, and ground fault conditions. Because each manual station occupies only one address on the multiplex bus, it can be addressed for any point within the 9 to 255 range allowed by the multiplex expansion module. These manual stations are generally installed near building exits such as stairways and doors, allowing persons evacuating the building to activate the fire alarm. They have optional scored acrylic breakrods and a pull handle that locks in the activated position, to allow easy identification of alarm activation points. These manual stations are high‑quality units constructed entirely of non‑toxic materials. They have a low profile and rounded edges to fit most design applications. All components are painted or have plated surfaces to inhibit corrosion. Non-corroding screw terminals are provided for wire connections. They are manufactured in conformance with the standards set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Functions Alarm Action The single‑action FMM‑7045 has a white pull‑down lever in its center. The dual‑action FMM‑7045‑D has a white push lever above the white pull‑down lever in its center. Pulling down the pull‑down lever latches it into place and sends an alarm signal to the control panel over the multiplex bus. The pull‑down lever cannot be reset unless the correct key is inserted into the manual station's lock and the unit is opened. The latching lever can then be restored to its normal position. Certifications and approvals Region Certification USA UL UNIU: Boxes, Non-Coded (UL38) CSFM see our website FDNY-CoA #6173 Installation/configuration notes Compatibility Information The following table lists control panels compatible with the FMM‑7045 and FMM-7045-D manual stations: Control Panels Active products: FPD-7024 Legacy products: D7024* * with firmware revision 2.0 or greater and with a D7039 Multiplex Expansion module Addressing Addresses are set using three rotary switches. For programming information, refer to the D7024 FACP Operation and Installation Guide or the FPD‑7024 Operation and Installation Guide and the FMM-7045, FMM-7045-D Multiplex Addressable Manual Stations Installation Instructions. Mounting The manual stations are for indoor use only. Notice If a pull station is needed for outdoor use or in an unheated area, use an FMM‑100 Family Pull Station rated for the environment and wired to a multiplex module within the interior of the building. The FMM‑7045 manual stations flush or surface mount on a standard four‑inch square back box with a single‑gang mud ring so that the total depth of the box is at least 2.25 in. (5.7 cm). Notice These manual stations do not fit an FMM‑100BB‑R Back Box. Wiring The terminal block accepts wiring up to 12 AWG (ISO 4 mm2) in diameter. For multiplex wiring information, refer to the D7039 Installation Instructions. Parts included Quant.Component 1 Manual station 1 FMM‑100GR Scored Acrylic Breakrod 1 D102 Key (1358) 1 Literature pack Technical specifications Environmental Considerations Environment:Dry, indoor Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) Immunity: No alarm on critical frequencies in the range from 26 MHz to 950 MHz at field strengths less than 30 V/m. Temperature (Operating): +32°F to +120°F (0°C to +49°C) Mechanical Properties Dimensions (H x W x D):4.75 in. x 3.75 in. x 3.25 in. (12 cm x 9.5 cm x 8.2 cm) Material:Die cast zinc alloy and steel Power Requirements Current Draw (Mux Bus Average): Alarm: 0.55 mA Standby: 0.55 mA Voltage (Operating):12 VDC nominal (provided by the MUX bus) Ordering information FMM‑7045 Single‑Action Manual Station The single‑action manual station is UL listed and meets Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. Its address on the polling circuit is easily set with rotary switches. The pull handle locks in the activated position and is reset by opening the unit with a key and then relocking it. Order number FMM-7045 FMM‑7045‑D Double‑Action Manual Station The double‑action manual station is UL listed and meets Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. Its address on the polling circuit is easily set with rotary switches. The pull handle locks in the activated position and is reset by opening the unit with a key and then relocking it. Order number FMM-7045-D Accessories D102 Replacement Key Replacement key (#1358) for LOCK‑1358 and the D101 lock. Order number D102 2 | FMM‑7045 Multiplex Addressable Manual Stations FMM‑100GR Scored Acrylic Break Rods Scored acrylic rods (12 per package) Order number FMM-100GR 3 | FMM‑7045 Multiplex Addressable Manual Stations Represented by: Americas:Europe, Middle East, Africa:Asia-Pacific:China:America Latina: Bosch Security Systems, Inc. 130 Perinton Parkway Fairport, New York, 14450, USA Phone: +1 800 289 0096 Fax: +1 585 223 9180 security.sales@us.bosch.com www.boschsecurity.us Bosch Security Systems B.V. P.O. Box 80002 5617 BA Eindhoven, The Netherlands Phone: + 31 40 2577 284 Fax: +31 40 2577 330 emea.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.com Robert Bosch (SEA) Pte Ltd, Security Systems 11 Bishan Street 21 Singapore 573943 Phone: +65 6571 2808 Fax: +65 6571 2699 apr.securitysystems@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.asia Bosch (Shanghai) Security Systems Ltd. 201 Building, No. 333 Fuquan Road North IBP Changning District, Shanghai 200335 China Phone +86 21 22181111 Fax: +86 21 22182398 www.boschsecurity.com.cn Robert Bosch Ltda Security Systems Division Via Anhanguera, Km 98 CEP 13065-900 Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil Phone: +55 19 2103 2860 Fax: +55 19 2103 2862 latam.boschsecurity@bosch.com www.boschsecurity.com © Bosch Security Systems 2014 | Data subject to change without notice 2708533771 | en, V2, 11. Aug 2014 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7150-1615:0122 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7150 -- FIRE ALARM PULL BOXES LISTEE:BOSCH SECURITY SYSTEMS130 Perinton Parkway, Fairport, NY 14450 Contact: Peter Namisnak (585) 678-3655 Fax (585) 678-3263 Email: peter.namisnak@us.bosch.com DESIGN: Models, FMM-462, FMM-462-D, FMM-325A, FMM-325A-D, FMM-7045, and FMM-7045-D fire alarm manual pull stations. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinance and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as manual pull stations for use with listee's separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Refer to listee’s Installation Instruction Manual for details. * These manual pull boxes meet the requirements of UL Standard 38, 1999 Edition and California amendments. NOTE: FORMERLY: 7150-0801:131 *Rev. 12-15-2009 fm July 01, 2020Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2021 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. Features • Plug-in design with minimal intrusion into the back box • Tamper-resistant construction • Automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation at 15 and 30 candela • Field-selectable candela settings on ceiling units: 15, 30, 75, 95, 115, 150, and 177 • Horn rated at 88+ dBA at 16 volts • Rotary switch for horn tone and two volume selections • Universal mounting plate for ceiling units • Mounting plate shorting spring feature checks wiring continuity before device installation • Electrically Compatible with legacy SpectrAlert and SpectrAlert Advance devices • Compatible with MDL3 sync module • Listed for ceiling mounting only The System Sensor L-Series offers the most versatile and easy-to-use line of horns, strobes, and horn strobes in the industry with lower current draws and modern aesthetics. With white and red plastic housings, wall and ceiling mounting options, System Sensor L-Series can meet virtually any application requirement. The entire L-Series product line of ceiling-mount strobes and horn strobes include a variety of features that increase their application versatility while simplifying installation. All devices feature a plug-in design with minimal intrusion into the back box, making installations fast and foolproof while virtually eliminating costly and time- consuming ground faults. To further simplify installation, the L-Series utilizes a universal mounting plate so installers can mount them to a wide array of back boxes. With an onboard shorting spring, installers can test wiring continuity before the device is installed. Installers can also easily adapt devices to a suit a wide range of application requirements using field-selectable candela settings, automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation, and a rotary switch for horn tones with two volume selections. Indoor Selectable- Output Strobes and Horn Strobes for Ceiling Applications System Sensor L-Series audible visible notification products are rich with features guaranteed to cut installation times and maximize profits with lower current draw and modern aesthetics. Agency Listings 7125-1653:0504 7135-1653:0503 S5512 S4011 FM approved except for ALERT models 3057383 AVDS868-02 • 12/01/2017 • Page 3 AVDS868-02 • 12/01/2017 • Page 2 L-Series Specifications Architect/Engineer Specifications General L-Series ceiling-mount strobes and horn strobes shall mount to a standard 4 × 4 × 1½-inch back box, 4-inch octagon back box, or double- gang back box. Two-wire products shall also mount to a single-gang 2 × 4 × 17⁄8-inch back box. A universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting ceiling and wall products. The notification appliance circuit wiring shall terminate at the universal mounting plate. Also, L-Series products, when used with the Sync•Circuit™ Module accessory, shall be powered from a non-coded notification appliance circuit output and shall operate on a nominal 12 or 24 volts. When used with the Sync•Circuit Module, 12-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 8.5 and 17.5 volts; 24-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 16.5 and 33 volts. Indoor L-Series products shall operate between 32 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC or full-wave rectified unfiltered power supply. Ceiling strobes and horn strobes shall have field-selectable candela settings including 15, 30, 75, 95, 115, 150, and 177. Strobe The strobe shall be a System Sensor L-Series Model _______ listed to UL 1971 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe’s entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. Horn Strobe Combination The horn strobe shall be a System Sensor L-Series Model _______ listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The horn strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe’s entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The horn shall have two audibility options and an option to switch between a temporal three pattern and a non-temporal (continuous) pattern. These options are set by a multiple position switch. The horn on horn strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply. Synchronization Module The module shall be a System Sensor Sync•Circuit model MDL3 listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The module shall synchronize L-Series strobes at 1 Hz and horns at temporal three. Also, while operating the strobes, the module shall silence the horns on horn strobe models over a single pair of wires. The module shall mount to a 4 11 ⁄16 × 4 11 ⁄16 × 2 1 ⁄8-inch back box. The module shall also control two Style Y (class B) circuits or one Style Z (class A) circuit. The module shall synchronize multiple zones. Daisy chaining two or more synchronization modules together will synchronize all the zones they control. The module shall not operate on a coded power supply. Physical/Electrical Specifications Standard Operating Temperature 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Humidity Range 10 to 93% non-condensing Strobe Flash Rate 1 flash per second Nominal Voltage Regulated 12 VDC or regulated 24 DC/FWR1 Operating Voltage Range2 8 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16 to 33 V (24 V nominal) Operating Voltage Range (MDL3)8.5 to 17.5V (12 V nominal) or 16.5 to 33 V (24V nominal) Input Terminal Wire Gauge 12 to 18 AWG Ceiling-Mount Dimensions (including lens)6.8" diameter × 2.5" high (173 mm diameter × 64 mm high) Ceiling-Mount Surface Mount Back Box Skirt Dimensions (SBBCRL, SBBCWL) 6.9" diameter x 3.4" high (175 mm diameter x 86 mm high) Notes: 1. Full Wave Rectified (FWR) voltage is a non-regulated, time-varying power source that is used on some power supply and panel outputs. 2. P, S, PC, and SC products will operate at 12 V nominal only for 15 and 30 cd. AVDS868-02 • 12/01/2017 • Page 3 Horn Strobe Output (dBA) Switch Position Sound Pattern dB 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts DC DC FWR 1 Temporal High 84 89 89 2 Temporal Low 75 83 83 3 Non-Temporal High 85 90 90 4 Non-Temporal Low 76 84 84 5 3.1 KHz Temporal High 83 88 88 6 3.1 KHz Temporal Low 76 82 82 7 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal High 84 89 89 8 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal Low 77 83 83 UL Current Draw Data Horn Strobe Tones and Sound Output Data UL Max. Horn Current Draw (mA RMS) Sound Pattern dB 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts DC DC FWR Temporal High 39 44 54 Temporal Low 28 32 54 Non-Temporal High 43 47 54 Non-Temporal Low 29 32 54 3.1 KHz Temporal High 39 41 54 3.1 KHz Temporal Low 29 32 54 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal High 42 43 54 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal Low 28 29 54 Coded High 43 47 54 3.1 KHz Coded High 42 43 54 UL Max. Strobe Current Draw (mA RMS) Candela 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts DC DC FWR Candela Range 15 87 41 60 30 153 63 86 75 N/A 111 142 95 N/A 134 164 115 N/A 158 191 150 N/A 189 228 177 N/A 226 264 UL Max. Current Draw (mA RMS), Ceiling Horn Strobe, Candela Range (15–177 cd) DC Input 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts 15cd 30cd 15cd 30cd 75cd 95cd 115cd 150cd 177cd Temporal High 103 167 71 90 143 165 187 217 254 Temporal Low 96 165 54 71 137 161 185 211 249 Non-Temporal High 106 173 71 90 141 165 187 230 273 Non-Temportal Low 95 166 54 71 124 161 170 216 258 3.1K Temporal High 111 164 69 94 147 163 184 229 257 3.1K Temporal Low 103 163 54 88 143 155 185 212 252 3.1K Non-Temporal High 111 172 69 94 144 164 202 229 271 3.1K Non-Temporal Low 103 169 54 88 131 155 187 217 259 FWR Input 16–33 Volts 15cd 30cd 75cd 95cd 115cd 150cd 177cd Temporal High 107 135 179 198 223 254 286 Temporal Low 78 101 151 172 199 229 262 Non-Temporal High 107 135 179 198 223 254 286 Non-Temportal Low 78 101 151 172 199 229 262 3.1K Temporal High 108 135 179 200 225 255 289 3.1K Temporal Low 79 101 150 171 196 229 260 3.1K Non-Temporal High 108 135 179 200 225 255 289 3.1K Non-Temporal Low 79 101 150 171 196 229 260 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 ©2017 System Sensor. Product specifications subject to change without notice. Visit systemsensor.com for current product information, including the latest version of this data sheet. AVDS868-02 • 12/01/2017 L-Series Dimensions Model Description Ceiling Horn Strobes PC2RL 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, Red PC2WL 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, White PC4RL 4-Wire, Horn Strobe, Red PC4WL 4-Wire, Horn Strobe, White L-Series Ordering Information Ceiling-Mount Horn Strobes Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box Model Description Ceiling Strobes SCRL Strobe, Red SCWL Strobe, White SCWL-CLR-ALERT Strobe, White, ALERT Accessories TRC-2 Universal Ceiling Trim Ring Red TRC-2W Universal Ceiling Trim Ring White SBBCRL Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box, Red SBBCWL Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box, White 6.83" diam. (173 mm) 2.47" (62.7 mm) 1.37" (34.8 mm)6.92" diam. (175.77 mm) 2.5" (64 mm) 2-Wire Ceiling Mount Horn Strobes with Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box 4-Wire Ceiling Mount Horn Strobes with Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box A0531-01 A0545-00 A0546-00 A0494-01 For a ceiling-listed horn-only device, see AVDS865 “Indoor Selectable- Output Horns, Strobes, and Horn Strobes for Wall Applications”. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7135-1653:0503 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7135 -- AUDIBLE DEVICES LISTEE:System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Int'l Inc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Megan Sisson (203) 484-6544 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: megan.sisson@honeywell.com DESIGN: System Sensor Indoor 2-wire and *4-wire Models: HWL, HRL, HGWL and HGRL Horns; CHWL and CHRL Chimes; P2RL, P2WL, P2GRL, P2GWL, P2RL-P, P2WL-P, P2RL-SP, P2WL-SP, *P4RL and *P4WL Wall Horn Strobes; PC2RL, PC2WL, *PC4RL and *PC4WL Ceiling Horn Strobes; CHSRL and CHSWL Wall Chime Strobes; CHSCRL and CHSCWL Ceiling Chime Strobes; Wall Bezel Parts: BZR-F, BZR-AL, BZR-AG, BZR-EV, BZR-P, BZR-SP, BZR-PG, BZW-F, BZW-AL, BZW-AG, BZW-EV, BZW-P, BZW-SP, BZW-PG, BZGR-F, BZGR-AL, BZGR-AG, BZGR-EV, BZGR-P, BZGR-SP, BZGR-PG, BZGW-F, BZGW-AL, BZGW-AG, BZGW-EV, BZGW-P, BZGW-SP and BZGW-PG, Ceiling Bezel Parts: BZRC-F, BZRC-AL, BZRC-AG, BZRC-EV, BZRC-P, BZRC-SP, BZRC-PG, BZWC-F, BZWC-AL, BZWC-AG, BZWC-EV, BZWC-P, BZWC-SP and BZWC-PG. Color Lens: LENS-A2, LENS-B2, LENS-G2, LENS-R2, LENS-AC2, LENS-BC2, LENS-GC2 and LENS-RC2. WallTrim Rings: *TR-2 and *TR-2W CeilingTrim Rings: *TRC-2 and *TRC-2W. Wall Surface Mounted Back Boxes: SBBRL, SBBGRL, SBBWL and SBBGWL, Ceiling Surface Mounted Back Boxes: Revision 08-21-2017 dcc July 01, 2020Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2021 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. Listing No. Page 2 of 2 7135-1653:0503 SBBCRL and SBBCWL MP120KL 120 VAC Adapter Mounting Plate Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING:12 VDC regulated and 24 VDC/FWR INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NFPA 72, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as audible devices when used with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Suitable for indoor use, wall or ceiling mounted. Authority having jurisdiction should be consulted prior to installation. Refer to listee’s Installation Instruction Manual for details. Revision 08-21-2017 dcc July 01, 2020Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2021 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7125-1653:0504 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7125 -- FIRE ALARM DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED LISTEE:System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Int'l Inc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Megan Sisson (203) 484-6544 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: megan.sisson@honeywell.com DESIGN: System Sensor Indoor 2-wire Models: SRL, SWL, SGRL, SGWL, SRL-P SWL-P, SRL-SP, SWL-CLR-ALERT and SWL-ALERT Wall Strobes; SCRL, SCWL and SCWL-CLR-ALERT Ceiling Strobes. Wall Bezel Parts: BZR-F, BZR-AL, BZR-AG, BZR-EV, BZR-P, BZR-SP, BZR-PG, BZW-F, BZW-AL, BZW-AG, BZW-EV, BZW-P, BZW-SP, BZW-PG, BZGR-F, BZGR-AL, BZGR-AG, BZGR-EV, BZGR-P, BZGR-SP, BZGR-PG, BZGW-F, BZGW-AL, BZGW-AG, BZGW-EV, BZGW-P, BZGW-SP and BZGW-PG, Ceiling Bezel Parts: BZRC-F, BZRC-AL, BZRC-AG, BZRC-EV, BZRC-P, BZRC-SP, BZRC-PG, BZWC-F, BZWC-AL, BZWC-AG, BZWC-EV, BZWC-P, BZWC-SP and BZWC-PG. Color Lens: LENS-A2, LENS-B2, LENS-G2, LENS-R2, LENS-AC2, LENS-BC2, LENS-GC2 and LENS-RC2. WallTrim Rings: TR2 and TR2W CeilingTrim Rings: TRC2 and TRC2W. Wall Surface Mounted Back Boxes: SBBRL, SBBGRL, SBBWL and SBBGWL, Ceiling Surface Mounted Back Boxes: SBBCRL and SBBCWL Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. *Rev 04-04-19 gt July 01, 2020Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2021 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. Listing No. Page 2 of 2 7125-1653:0504 RATING:Regulated 12 VDC setting: 8-17.5 VDC Regulated 24 VDC/fwr setting: 16-33 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NFPA 72, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as two wire strobe units used for synchronous application when used with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Suitable for indoor use, vertical wall or horizontal ceiling mounted. *Listed with software code, S05-0048-001 for low temperature compensation. Authority having jurisdiction should be consulted prior to installation. Refer to listee’s Installation Instruction Manual for details. *Rev 04-04-19 gt July 01, 2020Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2021 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. ©2018 Southwire Company, LLC. All Rights Reserved. ®Registered Trademark and ™Trademark of Southwire Company, LLC. APPLICATIONS Fire protective signaling circuits. Also for smoke detectors, voice communications, audio control and initiating circuits. Article 760 of the NEC. CONSTRUCTION A.) CONDUCTOR Solid Bare Copper or Stranded Bare Copper B.) INSULATION PVC C.) COLOR CODE Black, Red, Green, Yellow. (4C 18AWG Stranded is Black, Red, White, Green) D.) ASSEMBLY Cabled with ripcord, and jacketed. E.) JACKET PVC COMPLIANCE A.) SPECIFICATION B.) CABLE TYPE FPLR (NEC / UL) C.) FLAME TEST UL 1666; FT4 D.) VOLTAGE 300V E.) TEMPERATURE 75C F.) SUITABLE USE:Fire protectice signaling circuits, smoke detectors, audio, control, and initiating circuits. G.) QA (UL) Listed / (UL) FPLR FEATURES & OPTIONS:Available in 1000 ft or 500 ft packages, reels, RIBs, or pull-boxes where practicable. Optional: other colors, jackets with extruded stripes, and composite cables for multiple services, jacketed, or armored as permitted. Cable Type AWG #/C STR/ SOL BC/ TD SHIELD UL/NEC 18 2 18 4 16 2 16 4 14 2 14 4 12 2 18 2 18 4 16 2 16 4 14 2 14 4 12 2 Cable Type AWG #/C STR/ SOL BC/ TD SHIELD UL/NEC 18 2 16 2 14 2 12 2 18 2 18 4 16 2 14 2 *Products are subject to 25,000’ minimum orders. Call your Southwire representative for further details. F50375 F60341 F50289 F60340 F70092 F40370 F40150 F50382 F60030 F60354 F70015 Stock Code F40142 F60001 F60355 F70004 F40015 F40567 F50010 FPLR18/4C STR BC SHLD FPLR 16/2C STR BC SHLD FPLR 14/2C STR BC SHLD FPLR Stock Code F40021 F40568 F50004 F50383 18/2C STR BC SHLD FPLR FPLR STR BC SHLD FPLR 18/4C SOL BC SHLD FPLR 16/2C SOL BC SHLD FPLR 16/4C SOL BC SHLD FPLR 14/2C SOL BC SHLD FPLR 14/4C SOL BC SHLD FPLR 12/2C SOL BC SHLD FPLR 18/2C SOL BC SHLD FPLR FPLR SOL BC SHLD FPLR Solid BC Stranded BC FPLR - FIRE ALARM CABLE STANDARD -- Riser Rated -- Bare Copper -- PVC DESCRIPTION 18/2C SOL BC N/S FPLR 16/2C SOL BC N/S FPLR BC DESCRIPTION 16/2C STR BC N/S FPLR 18/2C STR BC N/S FPLR 14/4C SOL BC N/S FPLR N/S 12/2C SOL BC N/S FPLR FPLR SOL BC N/S FPLR 12/2C STR BC N/S FPLR UL 1424 14/2C SOL BC N/S FPLR 18/4C SOL BC N/S FPLR 16/4C SOL BC N/S FPLR 14/2C STR BC N/S FPLR FPLR STR CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7161-2231:0101 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7161 -- CABLES-FIRE PROTECTIVE SIGNALING LISTEE:Southwire Co.One Southwire Drive, Carrollton, GA 30119 Contact: Pat Bridges (770) 832-5286 Fax (770) 832-5047 Email: pat.bridges@southwire.com DESIGN: Type FPL, FPLR and FPLP fire protective signaling cable. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NEC Art. 760 and applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, type, NEC rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as power-limited fire protective signaling cable. NOTE: Formerly 7160-1236:0102 7/8/16 dg July 01, 2020Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2021 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL – LA QUINTA 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 • Phone (760) 777-7074 • www.rvcfire.org June 22, 2021 Baker Systems Inc. PO Box 1710 Upland, CA 91785 Re: Fire Alarm System Plan Review – GROCERY OUTLET FA2021-0007 / 50929 WASHINGTON ST #1, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 The fire alarm system plans you submitted for the above referenced project have been reviewed by Riverside County Fire Department - Office of the Fire Marshal personnel and are approved with the following conditions. 1. For Central Station monitoring service, provide written documentation, at the time of acceptance testing, that there is a contract to provide the runner and maintenance services as required per NFPA 72. 2. The Office of the Fire Marshal staff shall witness the following inspections/tests: a) Rough-Wire Inspection – all wire not in conduit is exposed for inspection. b) Function Test / Start 24-hour Battery - The alarm installer shall provide all needed testing equipment to complete the final alarm inspection. c) 5-Minute Ring-out / Final Acceptance Testing and Certification 3. Provide a completed NFPA 72 Record of Completion that the system has been installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications as required. 4. Operating, testing, and maintenance instructions, record drawings (“as builds”), site-specific software and equipment specifications shall be provided in a documentation cabinet in compliance with NFPA 72 Section 7.7.2 The Fire Department approved plans and conditions letter must be at the job site. Applicant/installer shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspections. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 48 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (760)777-7131. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Office of the Fire Marshal staff at (760)777-7074. Kohl Hetrick - Fire Safety Specialist 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 / 760-777-7000 / INSPECTION HOTLINE: 760-777-7131 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING RECORD OF INSPECTIONS / PERMIT CARD THIS CARD IS TO REMAIN ON SITE AT ALL TIMES. INSTALLING CONTRACTOR MUST BE PRESENT FOR ALL INSPECTIONS. SEE NOTES ON REVERSE SIDE. JOB ADDRESS: 50929 WASHINGTON #1 PERMIT#: FA2021-0007 DATE ISSUED: 6/22/2021 DESCRIPTION: GROCERY OUTLET – NEW FA CONTRACTOR: BAKER SYSTEMS INC HYDRANT SYSTEM DATE INITIALS SPECIAL SUPPRESSION DATE INITIALS Thrust block pre-pour Door fan test UG rough piping Abort test UG hydro Mechanical shutdown Flush Detector test Final E F Deluge/pre-action SPRINKLER U.G. Final E F Thrust block pre-pour UST/AST TANK UG rough piping Installation UG hydro Removal Flush Emergency shut off Final E F Primary piping FIRE SPRINKLER Secondary piping Weld inspection Dispensers & shear valves Overhead rough piping Final E F Overhead hydro MISC. INSPECTIONS UG flush / OK to connect Spray booths Main drain/inspectors’ test Hood/duct extinguishing High pile storage High pile rack storage In-rack sprinklers H.P. vents/access/corridors Hose racks Tract access/hydrant verification Final E F Access & Address verification HOOD EXTINGUISHING OTHER CONST. PERMIT Detection system Function test Gas/electrical shut-off Nozzle model/placement Fire alarm connection Final E F SPRAY BOOTHS FIRE CODE PERMIT(S) Installation Air flow test Mechanical interlock Extinguishing system Fire alarm connection Final E F FIRE ALARM KNOX SYSTEM Rough-wire inspection Building Knox box Function test Gate access Knox box/padlock Duct detectors/velocity BUILDING INSPECTIONS 24 hr. battery test T/I final Sprinkler monitoring Shell final Final E F Final for occupancy FINAL INSPECTION DATE: INSPECTORS SIGNATURE: **WHEN CALLING FOR AN INSPECTION PLEASE HAVE PERMIT NUMBER READY. SEE NOTES ON REVERSE SIDE** 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 / 760-777-7000 / INSPECTION HOTLINE: 760-777-7131 INSPECTION NOTES 1. Sway bracing and hangers will be inspected at the time of rough piping inspection. 2. All required hydrostatic pressure tests shall maintain 200 psi for a 2-hour duration. (EX: Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems) 3. Fire sprinkler system remodels: if indicated on plans or this card, a hydrostatic pressure test shall be required. 4. All underground joints and thrusts blocks shall be exposed and readily visible during the hydrostatic test. 5. Contractor shall supply all testing equipment, access and operating instructions at time of test. 6. All systems shall be inspected, tested, and approved by a Fire Inspector before any work is started that may cause the affected system to be covered or hidden. POLICIES ON FIELD INSPECTIONS A. INSPECTION REQUESTS: Inspections are made subject to availability. Please have the permit number available when scheduling inspections. For City of La Quinta inspections call: (760) 777-7131. B. APPROVED PLANS: Shall be kept on the job site at all times that work is in progress. Work shall NOT commence without approved plans. C. INSPECTION REQUESTS: As required by the California Fire Code, the appropriate installing contractor shall be required to schedule the necessary inspections and be present on site for inspections. D. RE-INSPECTIONS: Will be charged against a permit when an inspection has failed, is not ready, the responsible party not on site or where previously noted corrections have not been completed. E. COMMODITIES: Unless otherwise noted on approved plans or letter of conditions, no commodities shall be entered into the structure until clearance has been granted by the Fire Dept and Building Official. F. OCCUPANCY: Buildings shall NOT be occupied by persons other than construction workers until a Final Fire Clearance has been granted by the Fire Dept and a Certificate for Occupancy has been issued by the Building Official. INSPECTION NOTES: THIS CARD IS REQURIED TO BE POSTED AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. THIS CARD AND APPROVED PLANS MUST BE AVAILABLE AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE FOR ALL INSPECTIONS. THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE AND BECOME NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF THE WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS OR MORE. THIS PERMIT IS FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL ONLY AND DOES NOT INTEND TO ABROGATE MORE RESTRICTIVE REQUIREMENTS OF OTHER AGENCIES HAVING RESPONSIBILITY.