2017 Applications STVR & BLBUSINESS LOCATION 51715 AVENI DA MONTEZUMA BUSINESS NAME: DAHLQUIST, CECILE BUSINESS ADDRESS: PO BOX 5639 BLUE JAY, CA 92317 By DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7000 CERTIFICATE NON-TRANSFERABLE Dear Bus i ness Owner: Please be aware that issuance of a business license by the City does not authorize you to conduct bus iness in a building or tenant space that has not been approved for occupancy by the Design and Development Department. If you have any questions regarding this issue, or if you are not sure if a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued for your place of business, please contact Design and Development at (760)777-7000. The Licensee named herein having paid to the City of La Quinta all fees required, license is hereby granted said licensee to transact the business herein set forth, for the period stated , in conformity with the Provisions of Ordinance No . 2 of this City. This Licensee is issued without verfication that the licensee is subject to or exempt from licensing by the State of California . BUSINESS LIC NO: LIC -762623 CLASSIFICATION: STV RENTAL HOMEOWNER EXPIRATION DATE: 6/30/2017 City of La Quinta Design & Development Department Business License Division 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 (760) 777-7000 (760) 777:7011 Fax vacationrental@la -quinta .org SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL BUSINESS LICENSE RENEWAL FROM RECEIVED MAY 18 2016 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS LICENSE APPROVAL: APPROVED BY _____ _ DATE _____ _ CLASS _____ _ BUSINESS NAME: DAHLQUIST, CECILE BUSINESS ADDRESS : 51715 AVENIDA MONTEZUMA CITY/STATE : LA QUINTA CA ZIP CODE : 92253 -----------------------~ MAILING ADDRESS: PO BOX 5639 --------------------------------~ CITY/STATE : BLUE JAY CA -----------------------~ BUSINESS PHONE : E-MAIL ADDRESS : NAMES OF OWNERS OR OFFICERS AND TITLE : -Ce: c \. l;;" '\)A}\ (.Qu 'z)"1 1. 2. PREVIOUS YEAR GROSS BUSINESS RECEIPTS (SEE TAX SCHEDULE BELOW) $25 X _l_ NO. OF REGISTERED PROPERTIES *Surcharge for SB-1186 State Fee ZIP CODE : 92317 $ $ $ tp; · 75D ~S-oO 1.00 * On September 19, 2012 Governor Brown signed into law SB-1186 which adds a state fee of $1 on any applicant for a local business license, permit, or renewal. The purpose is to comply with construction-related accessibility requirements for businesses in order to facilitate compliance with federal and state disability law, as specified. TOTAL FEES$ BUSINESS TAX SCHEDULE HOMEOWNER PROPERTY MANAGEMENT CO. CLASS 2 CLASS 3 GROSS RECEIPTS RANGE: ~ 0-25,000 $21.00 25,001 -50,000 30.00 36.00 50,001 -100,000 36.00 43.00 100,001 -250,000 55.00 66.00 I HEREBY CERTIFY that all information supplied by me is correct and any licenses required by the County, State or Federal Government have been issued to me and are in full force and effect. ( ./° { SIGNATURE : c 5 S) -----....__ DATE : t;~ ls L((O Thank You for doing business ii?the City of La Quinta I , City of La Quinta Design & Development Department Business Licen se Division 78 -495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92 253 (760) 777-7000 (760) 777-7011 Fax vacationrental@la -quinta .org Busines s License No .: LIC -7 62623 Date Proces sed : .___......,...........,...........,...........,...........,...........,...........,...........,......__ ..... ---.i...._.,'!I> MAY 18 2016 j HOMEOWNER APPLICATION FOR SHORT-TERM VACATION RENTAL REGISTRATION PERMIT APPLICATION CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Ch ap ter 3.25 of the La Quinta M unici pal Code re q uires a valid reg istration per mit of all short -t erm vacation renta l units rented 30 consecut ive da ys o r less . The annu al perm it fee of $25 (p er unit) must acc o mpan y this ap pli cat ion . A busi ness li cense is req ui red . PLEASE PRI NT OWNER NAME : GR EG DAHLQUIST ------------------------------------- MA I LING ADDRES S: P 0 BOX 5639 BLU E JAY CITY/STA E: LA' QU INTA CA ZIP CO DE: 92253 ------ PHONE NO .: E-MAIL A DDRES S: Ge ~ ~-e ct~ k \ 1, l,.J\'&: ~ @ {Pl ease prov ide the best nu m ber t o be reach ed at) VACATION RENTAL PROPERTY ( c L 00 J • C.5YV\ {Attach addti onal sheets as necessary): Good Neighbor Brochures must be placed in prominent locations in all rental properties as well as provided to the de signated 'responsible person' in each rental party. By signing this Short-term Vacation Rental Permit Application, you acknowledge that you have received copies of the Good Neighbor Brochure and understand and accept the re sponsibility of giving copies to the responsible person in each rental party as well as placing brochures in rental properties. If your property is located within a Homeowner Association {HOA) it i s your re spon si bility to adhe re to any HOA r estri ctions regarding short- term vacation rentals. I declare under penalty that this information is to the best of my knowledge, true, correct, and complete . APPLICA TION BY : DATE : SIGNATURE : ~ DATE : ~( t<(?o c<.o _ FOR CITY USE ONLY 6-.~ L -f Date Paid : -------. ......... """"':;;::-T _,...._ -J c;.,OZJ Amount Paid: ___ v~~ff--,~--- Check Number: Checked By: