2021-03-16 STVR Account InfoFrom: Lori Lorett
Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2021 1:17 PM
To: Ceciledahlquist@icloud.com
Subject: STVR Acct Information - 51715 Avenida Montezuma
Good Afternoon,
Your Short -Term Vacation Rental permit renewal was not submitted within 30 days of the
expiration date; therefore, your renewal could not be processed, and you will need to
submit a new application. However, Executive Order #10 went into effect August 4, 2020,
imposing a moratorium on processing any new applications for Short -Term Vacation
Rentals in the City of La Quinta until April 6, 2021. And on March 2, 2021, City Council
adopted Resolution No. 2021-004 amending the City's Short -Term Vacation Rental
Program permit fees and application types. The City will issue you a refund of the fees
you submitted with your permit renewal and you will need to resubmit a new application
and fees after the moratorium is lifted.
Please feel free to contact a member of the STVR team at vacationlq@laquintaca.gov if
you have any questions.
Thank you,
— \I'1%IRi�,!
Lori Lorett 1 Permit Technician
Design & Development
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico 1 La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. 760.777.7162
PLEASE NOTE: City Hall is currently closed to the public. All services are available via phone,
email or online web portal. Please contact City staff if you need assistance at (760) 777-7000.
For Short -Term Vacation Rentals - please use online services at laquinta.munirevs.com. City
staff is available at (760) 777-7000 or via email at vacationlq@ laduintaca.gov to answer any