FA2022-0012ADDITIONAL SITES CHRONOLOGY CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS1 CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT Joel Marsh 55405 San Pierre Rd Whitewater CA 92282 (760)464-2792 HTSFIREALARM@GMAI L.COM BILL TO HUGH T SMITH CO 5383 ROBERTS ROAD YUCCA VALLEY CA 92284 (760)464-2792 HTSFIREALARM@GMAI L.COM CONTRACTOR HUGH T SMITH CO INC 5383 ROBERTS ROAD YUCCA VALLEY CA 92284 (760)464-2792 HTSFIREALARM@GMAI L.COM OWNER SLF ADAMS STREET LA QUINTA LLC 2 PARL PLAZA SUITE 700 IRVINE CA 92614 (760)464-2792 CONDITIONS Description: SOLTERRA RECREATION BUILDING / FIRE ALARM / BCOM2021-0023 Type: FIRE ALARM (WEB)Subtype: COMMERCIAL - SPRINKLER MONITORING Status: FINALED Applied: 9/13/2022 EPRS Parcel No: 600340048 Site Address: 47470 ALOE WY LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Approved: 9/27/2022 RWI Subdivision: Block: Lot: REC Issued: ONLINE Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: 8/2/2023 LRO Valuation: $10,000.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 11:40:06 AM 1 of 3 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FA2022-0012 INSPECTIONS SEQID INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES ROUGH-WIRE INSPECTION KHET 5/2/2023 5/2/2023 APPROVED REVISED PLANS/CALCS REQD FUNCTION TEST KHET 8/1/2023 8/1/2023 APPROVED 24 HR. BATTERY TEST LRO 8/2/2023 8/2/2023 APPROVED FIRE FINAL**LRO 8/2/2023 8/2/2023 APPROVED REVIEWS REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE RETURNED STATUS REMARKS NOTES PARENT PROJECTS DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT #CHECK #METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY FIRE PLAN REVISION SUBMITTALS 101-0000-42420 0 $175.00 $175.00 7/18/23 WEB15730 112193392 0 CREDIT Joel Marsh EPRS FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SUPERVISION AND ALARMS 101-0000-42421 0 $167.00 $167.00 10/10/22 WEB13279 738597633 CREDIT Joel Marsh EPRS FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS SUPERVISION AND ALARMS PC 101-0000-42420 0 $250.00 $250.00 10/10/22 WEB13279 738597633 CREDIT Joel Marsh EPRS Total Paid for FIRE FEES: $592.00 $592.00 RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE 101-0000-42416 0 $11.00 $11.00 10/10/22 WEB13279 738597633 CREDIT Joel Marsh EPRS Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE: $11.00 $11.00 TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 $5.00 10/10/22 WEB13279 738597633 CREDIT Joel Marsh EPRS Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 $5.00 TOTALS:$608.00 $608.00 Printed: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 11:40:06 AM 2 of 3 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FA2022-0012 ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 9/13/2022 Etrakit Public Registration 1ST SUBMITTAL - FIRE ALARM PLAN THE CENTER FA.pdf 1 DOC 9/13/2022 Etrakit Public Registration CUT SHEETS DATA SHEETS.pdf 1 DOC 9/13/2022 Etrakit Public Registration SFM LISTING LISTINGS.pdf 1 DOC 5/16/2023 Etrakit Public Registration (REVISION-1) - 1ST SUBMITTAL - FIRE ALARM PLAN THE CENTER FA 051523.pdf 1 DOC 5/2/2023 KOHL HETRICK FA2022-0012 - Insp Notes - 5-2-2023.pdf FA2022-0012 - Insp Notes - 5-2-2023.pdf 1 DOC 6/8/2023 KOHL HETRICK FA2022-0012 - AS- BUILTS - APPROVED.pdf FA2022-0012 - AS- BUILTS - APPROVED.pdf 1 DOC 8/2/2023 LEILANI ROJAS FA2022-0012 REC Comp.pdf FA2022-0012 REC Comp.pdf 1 DOC 9/27/2022 REBECCA WINSCOTT LQ FA2022-0012.pdf LQ FA2022-0012.pdf 1 DOC 9/27/2022 REBECCA WINSCOTT LQ FA2022-0012 Centre at La Quinta APPROVED.pdf LQ FA2022-0012 Centre at La Quinta APPROVED.pdf 1 BOND INFORMATION DATE 1ST FIRE (2 WK)REBECCA WINSCOTT 9/13/2022 9/27/2022 9/27/2022 APPROVED 1ST PERMIT TECH (1 DAY)JACK LIMA 9/13/2022 9/14/2022 5/16/2023 COMPLETE CONTRACTOR BUSINESS LICENSE IS REQUIRED COMPLETE 1ST FIRE - ETRAKIT (1 WK) KOHL HETRICK 5/16/2023 5/23/2023 6/8/2023 APPROVED (REVISION - 1) Printed: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 11:40:06 AM 3 of 3 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FA2022-0012 • Capable of providing up to 100 points to satisfy smaller installation needs • Connect up to 17 panels on one site with convenient single- point access using the SK-NIC Network Interface Card. Connected panels can have mixed compatible FACP models • Convenient field-upgradeable firmware •#VJMUJOEVBMQBUI 1054BOE*1 DPNNVOJDBUJPOT XJUIPQUJPOBMDFMMVMBS NPEFMTBWBJMBCMFGPS SFMJBCMFCBDLVQ SFQPSUJOH • 6860 annunciator with a 4 x 40 large display • 'PVSVTFS QSPHSBNNBCMFCVUUPOT NJOJNJ[FUJNFTQFOU FYFDVUJOHDPNQMFYPS SPVUJOFUBTLT • Built-in USB interface for convenient and quick programming • Programmable date setting for automatic and convenient Daylight Saving Time changes •+VNQ4UBSUkBVUP QSPHSBNNJOHSFEVDFT JOTUBMMBUJPOUJNF • 125 software zones and 125 output groups for flexible design options 6700 "EESFTTBCMF'JSF"MBSN$POUSPM1BOFM The 6700 is an addressable fire alarm control panel (FACP) UIBUJTB EJSFDUSFQMBDNFOUGPSUIF'"$15IF can be configured to BDIJFWFBQPJOUDBQBDJUZPGVQUPQPJOUT*UIBTPOFCVJMUJO TJHOBMJOHMJOFDJSDVJU 4-$ XIJDIDBOTVQQPSU4ZTUFN4FOTPSk 4,  TFOTPSTBOE4,NPEVMFTPS)PDIJLJk 4% EFWJDFT "DPNNPODPNNVOJDBUJPOTBOEBOOVODJBUJPOMJOLBMMPXTVQUP panels to be connected via copper or fiber optic cable. A designated panel is configured as the communicator for all panels in the link for DPOWFOJFOUTJOHMFQPJOUDPNNVOJDBUJPOT5IFBMTPIBTBCVJMUJO  EVBMMJOF1054BOE*1DPNNVOJDBUPSXJUIBEEJUJPOBMDFMMVMBSPQUJPOT BWBJMBCMF 5IFTZTUFNDBOCFFOIBODFECZBEEJOHNPEVMFTTVDIBTUIF SFNPUFBOOVODJBUPSXIJDIBMTPIBTGPVSQSPHSBNNBCMFGVODUJPO CVUUPOTUPIFMQBVUPNBUFUBTLTBOESFEVDFUJNFTQFOUBUUIFQBOFM 48*'5kXJSFMFTTDPNQBUJCJMJUZQSPWJEFTPQUJPOTGPSXJSFMFTTEFUFDUJPO UISPVHIB$MBTT"NFTIOFUXPSL*UJTJEFBMGPSIBSEUPXJSFMPDBUJPOT  CVJMEJOHTXIFSFOFXXJSJOHJTOPUBMMPXFE PSUPQSPWJEFBOFBTZJOTUBMM fi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• General Alarm (Red)'MBTIFTJGJO BMBSNTPMJEXIFOBMBSNJTTJMFODFE • Supervisory (Yellow):'MBTIFTJGB TVQFSWJTPSZDPOEJUJPOFYJTUTTPMJE XIFOTVQFSWJTPSZJTTJMFODFE • System Trouble (Yellow)'MBTIFT JGBUSPVCMFDPOEJUJPOFYJTUT TPMJEXIFOUSPVCMFJTTJMFODFE • System Silenced (Yellow) 0OXIFOBOBMBSN USPVCMFPS TVQFSWJTPSZDPOEJUJPOIBTCFFO TJMFODFECVUOPUZFUDMFBSFE • System Power (Green): 'MBTIFT GPS"$GBJMVSFTPMJEXIFO QPXFSTZTUFNTBSFOPSNBM USER INTERFACE 5IFCVJMUJOYBOOVODJBUPS XJUIDIBSBDUFS-$%EJTQMBZ BOEMBSHFFBTZUPVTFUBDUJMF UPVDIQBEDBOCFVTFEGPSTZTUFN PQFSBUJPO QSPHSBNNJOHBOE NBJOUFOBODF*UIBs fiWF-&%TGPS BMBSN TVQFSWJTPSZ TZTUFNUSPVCMF  TZTUFNTJMFODFEBOETZTUFNQPXFS 4ZTUFNPQFSBUJPOTJODMVEFTJMFODJOH BMBSNTBOEUSPVCMFT SFTFUUJOHBMBSNT BOEUIFEJTQMBZPGBMBSNUSPVCMFTBOE NFNPSZ5IFTZTUFNTOPOWPMBUJMF FWFOUIJTUPSZCVGGFSTUPSFT  FWFOUTGPSWJFXJOHGSPNUIFCVJMU JOPSSFNPUFBOOVODJBUPS4ZTUFN PQFSBUJPOTDBOCFJOJUJBUFEXJUIB NFDIBOJDBl fiSFfiHIUFSTLFZPSB WBMJEUPEJHJUPQFSBUPSTDPEF PROGRAMMING 5IFTZTUFNPGGFSTTFWFSBMPQUJPOT UPTJNQMJGZBOETQFFEVQQSPHSBNNJOH +VNQ4UBSUkBVUPQSPHSBNNJOH NJOJNJ[FTQSPHSBNNJOHSFRVJSFEUP TUBSUBOFXTZTUFN5IFCVJMUJOLFZQBE  PSUIF PSSFNPUF BOOVODJBUPSTHJWFZPVPOTJUFBDDFTTUP DVSSFOUTZTUFNQSPHSBNNJOH 1SPHSBNNJOHDBOBMTPCFBDDPNQMJTIFE VTJOHUIF8JOEPXTkCBTFE)POFZXFMM 'JSF4PGUXBSF4VJUF )'44 QSPHSBN SOFTWARE TOOLS SKST:4JMFOU,OJHIU4FMFDUJPO5PPM QSPWJEFTUIFJOTUBMMFSPSEFTJHOBSDIJUFDU XJUIB8JOEPXTkTPGUXBSFTZTUFN DPOGJHVSBUJPOUPPMUPDSFBUFBEFUBJMFE #JMMPG.BUFSJBM #0. BOECBUUFSZ DBMDVMBUJPOT HFSS:)POFZXFMM'JSF4PGUXBSF4VJUF QSPWJEFTDPNNVOJDBUJPOBOEQBOFM QSPHSBNNJOH EFUFDUPSTUBUVT FWFOU IJTUPSZBOEBEEJUJPOBMEBUB3FRVJSFTB 1$SVOOJOH.JDSPTPGUk8JOEPXTk ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 5XJTUFEVOTIJFMEFEQBJSXJSFJT SFDPNNFOEFE5IFBMTPIBT QSFTFUOPUJGJDBUJPODBEFODFQBUUFSOT JODMVEJOH"/4*  • UL Listed:4 • CSFM • FDNY$0" ORDERING INFORMATION "EESFTTBCMF'JSF"MBSN $POUSPM1BOFM 3FEDBCJOFU COMPATIBLE ANNUNCIATORS 6860:Y-$%SFNPUe fiSF BOOVODJBUPS MJOFTBOEVQUP DIBSBDUFST QFSTZTUFNGPVS QSPHSBNNBCMFCVUUPOT 5860:Y-$%SFNPUe fiSF BOOVODJBUPSJTHSBZ3JTSFE 6855:Y-$%SFNPUe fiSF BOOVODJBUPS 5865-3 or 5865-4:-&%BOOVODJBUPST DBOEJTQMBZVQUP-&%T SFEBOE ZFMMPX 5IFIBTLFZTXJUDIFT GPSTJMFODFBOESFTFU BOEBTZTUFN USPVCMF-&% 5880:5IF-&%*0NPEVMF IBTQSPHSBNNBCMF-&%PVUQVUT BOEFJHIUTVQFSWJTFEESZDPOUBDU JOQVUTXIJDIBSFVTFGVMGPSDVTUPN BQQMJDBUJPOT:PVDBOVTFVQUPFJHIU NPEVMFTPOPOFDPOUSPMQBOFMGPS NBYJNVm fl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mportant: :PV DBOOPU NJY 4, BOE 4% EFWJDFTJOUIFTBNFGJSFBMBSNTZTUFN Page 2 of 4 — 351607:B 9/26/2018 4,$0.1"5*#-&"%%3&44"#-& DEVICES SK-ACCLIMATE:.VMUJDSJUFSJB QIPUPFMFDUSJDTNPLFEFUFDUPSXJUIUIFSNBM m'GJYFEUFNQFSBUVSF SK-BEAM:3FGMFDUFECFBNTNPLFEFUFDUPS XJUIPVUUFTUGFBUVSF SK-BEAM-T:3FGMFDUFECFBNTNPLF EFUFDUPSXJUIUFTUGFBUVSF SK-CONTROL:4VQFSWJTFEDPOUSPMNPEVMF SK-CONTROL-6:4JYDJSDVJUTVQFSWJTFE DPOUSPMNPEVMF SK-DUCT:1IPUPFMFDUSJDEVDUTNPLF EFUFDUPSXJUIFYUFOEFEBJSTQFFESBOHF SK-FIRE-CO:'PVSDSJUFSJBGJSFBOEDBSCPO NPOPYJEFEFUFDUPS SK-HEAT:'JYFEUIFSNBMEFUFDUPS m' 4,)&"58'JYFEUIFSNBMEFUFDUPS m' XIJUF SK-HEAT-ROR:'JYFESBUFPGSJTFEFUFDUPS m' 4,)&"53038'JYFESBUFPGSJTFEFUFDUPS m' XIJUF SK-HEAT-HT:'JYFEIJHIUFNQFSBUVSF UIFSNBMEFUFDUPS m' 4,)&"5)58'JYFEIJHIUFNQFSBUVSF UIFSNBMEFUFDUPS m' XIJUF SK-ISO:'BVMUJTPMBUPSNPEVMF SK-MINIMON:.JOJNPOJUPSNPEVMF SK-MONITOR:.POJUPSNPEVMF SK-MONITOR-2:%VBMJOQVUNPOJUPS NPEVMF SK-MON-10:JOQVUNPOJUPSNPEVMF SK-PHOTO:1IPUPFMFDUSJDTNPLFEFUFDUPS 4,1)05081IPUPFMFDUSJDTNPLF EFUFDUPS XIJUF SK-PHOTO-T:1IPUPFMFDUSJDTNPLFEFUFDUPS XJUIUIFSNBM m'GJYFEUFNQFSBUVSF 4,1)050581IPUPFMFDUSJDTNPLF EFUFDUPSXJUIUIFSNBM m'GJYFE UFNQFSBUVSF XIJUF SK-PHOTOR:1IPUPFMFDUSJDEFUFDUPSXJUI SFNPUFUFTUDBQBCJMJUZ 4,1)050381IPUPFMFDUSJDEFUFDUPS XJUISFNPUFUFTUDBQBCJMJUZ XIJUF SK-PULL-SA:"EESFTTBCMFTJOHMFBDUJPO QVMMTUBUJPO SK-PULL-DA:"EESFTTBCMFEVBMBDUJPOQVMM TUBUJPO SK-RELAY:"EESFTTBCMFSFMBZNPEVMF SK-RELAY-6:"EESFTTBCMF4JYSFMBZDPOUSPM NPEVMF SK-RELAYMON-2:"EESFTTBCMF%VBMSFMBZ NPOJUPSNPEVMF SK-ZONE:"EESFTTBCMF[POFJOUFSGBDF NPEVMF SK-ZONE-6:4JY[POFJOUFSGBDFNPEVMF # *7 CBTFGPS4,84FSJFT B210LP:NPVOUJOHCBTF # #- *7 8)*5& GMBOHFMFTTCBTF B501:'MBOHFMFTTNPVOUJOHCBTF #4 *7 8) *OUFMMJHFOUTPVOEFSCBTF B200S:*OUFMMJHFOUTPVOEFSCBTF #4-' *7 8) -PX'SFRVFODZ JOUFMMJHFOUTPVOEFSCBTF B200S-LF:-PXGSFRVFODZJOUFMMJHFOU TPVOEFSCBTF #3# *7 8) 3FMBZCBTF B224RB:3FMBZCBTF ##* *7 8) *TPMBUPSCBTF B224BI:*TPMBUPSCBTF SD COMPATIBLE ADDRESSABLE DEVICES SD505-6AB:"EESFTTBCMFCBTF SD505-6IB:"EESFTTBCMFTIPSUDJSDVJU JTPMBUPSCBTF SD505-6RB:"EESFTTBCMFSFMBZCBTF SD505-6SB:"EESFTTBCMFTPVOEFSCBTF SD500-AIM:"EESFTTBCMFJOQVUNPEVMF TXJUDIJOQVU SD500-ANM:"EESFTTBCMFOPtifiDBUJPO NPEVMF SD500-ARM: "EESFTTBCMF SFMBZ NPEVMF SD505-DTS-K: 3FNPUF UFTU TXJUDI BOE-&%JOEJDBUPSGPSUIF4%%6$53 SD505-DUCT:"EESFTTBCMF%VDU4NPLF %FUFDUPS SD505-DUCTR:"EESFTTBCMF%VDU %FUFDUPSIPVTJOHXJUISFMBZCBTF SD505-HEAT:"CTPMVUFUFNQFSBUVSFIFBU EFUFDUPS5SJQQPJOUSBOHFGSPN m'ŗm' m$ŗm$  SD500-LIM:"EESFTTBCMF-JOFJTPMBUPS NPEVMF SD500-MIM:"EESFTTBCMF.JOJJOQVU NPOJUPSNPEVMF TXJUDIJOQVU SD505-PHOTO:1IPUPFMFDUSJDTNPLF EFUFDUPS SD500-PS/-PSDA:"EESFTTBCMF4JOHMFPS EVBMBDUJPOQVMMTUBUJPO SD500-SDM:"EESFTTBCMFTNPLFEFUFDUPS NPEVMF AUDIBLE/VISIBLE DEVICES 5IFTF"7EFWJDFTBSFBMMXJSF$PMPSş3Š JOEJDBUFTSFEş8ŠEFOPUFTXIJUF'PSB DPNQMFUFMJTUJOHPG4JMFOU,OJHIU"7EFWJDFT HPUPXXXTJMFOULOJHIUDPN CHSRL/CHSWL:8BMMDIJNFTUSPCF CHSCRL/CHSCWL:$FJMJOHDIJNFTUSPCF CHRL/CHWL:8BMMDIJNF HRL/HWL:8BMMIPSO P2RL/P2WL:8BMMIPSOTUSPCF PC2RL/PC2WL:$FJMJOHIPSOTUSPCF SRL/SWL:8BMMTUSPCF SCRL/SCWL:$FJMJOHTUSPCF SPSCRL/SPSCWL:$FJMJOHTQFBLFSTUSPCF SPSRL/SPSWL:8BMMTQFBLFSTUSPCF SPRL/SPWL:8BMMTQFBLFS SPCRL/SPCWL:$FJMJOHTQFBLFS SWIFT WIRELESS DEVICES SWIFT is only compatible with System Sensor (SK) devices. It is not compatible with Hochiki (SD) devices. 84,8(*8JSFMFTT(BUFXBZ 84,1)0508JSFMFTT1IPUPFMFDUSJD TNPLFEFUFDUPS WSK-PHOTO-T:8JSFMFTT.VMUJDSJUFSJB QIPUPFMFDUSJDTNPLFEFUFDUPSXJUIUIFSNBM EFUFDUJPO m'GJYFEUFNQFSBUVSF BOE #8CBTF WSK-HEAT:8JSFMFTT)FBU  m'GJYFE UFNQFSBUVSF BOE#8CBTF WSK-HEAT-ROR:8JSFMFTTIFBU 303 m'GJYFEUFNQFSBUVSF BOE#8 CBTF WSK-MONITOR:8JSFMFTTNPOJUPSNPEVMF WSK-RELAY:8JSFMFTTSFMBZNPEVMF W-USB:48*'55PPMT64#USBOTDFJWFSVTFE GPSDPNNVOJDBUJPOXJUI48*'5EFWJDFT SBUS ACCESSORIES 5496:"BNQOPUJGJDBUJPOQPXFSFYQBOEFS XJUIGPVSQPXFSMJNJUFEOPUJGJDBUJPO BQQMJBODFDJSDVJUPVUQVUT 5883:3FMBZJOUFSGBDF1SPWJEFT'PSN$ SFMBZT 5824:4FSJBM1BSBMMFMQSJOUFSJOUFSGBDF NPEVMFGPSQSJOUFSDPOOFDUJPO 5895XL:1PXFSTVQQMZXJUITJY'MFYQVUk DJSDVJUT BOEUXP'PSN$SFMBZT.BYQFS TZTUFN 5815RMK:3FNPUFNPVOUJOHLJU %JNFOTJPOTŠ8YŠ)YŠ% COMMUNICATION OPTIONS CELL-CAB-SK:$FMMVMBSDPNNVOJDBUPS  NFUBMFODMPTVSFXJUIMPDLLFZ CELL-MOD:$FMMVMBSDPNNVOJDBUPS QMBTUJD FODMPTVSF  4PMFQBUI QPXFSFECZQBOFM IPGSM-4G:%VBMQBUIGJSFBMBSN DPNNVOJDBUPS DFMMVMBSBOEPS*1 QSJNBSZPS CBDLVQ TFMFDUBCMF SK-IP-2:3FNPUFSFQPSUJOHWJBUIF*OUFSOFU 3FRVJSFTB7JTPS"MBSNkSFDFJWFSBUUIFDFOUSBM TUBUJPO MISC. ACCESSORIES SK-NIC:/FUXPSL*OUFSGBDF$BSE1SPWJEFTB DPNNPODPNNVOJDBUJPOTMJOLGPSUIF SK-NIC-KIT:*OTUBMMBUJPO"DDFTTPSZ,JU SK-FML:'JCFS0QUJD.VMUJ.PEF USBOTNJUUFS BOESFDFJWFS SK-FSL:'JCFS0QUJD4JOHMF.PEF RBB:3FNPUFCBUUFSZCPYBDDFTTPSZDBCJOFU GPSCBUUFSJFTUIBUBSFUPPMBSHFUPGJUJOUIF '"$1DBCJOFU%JNFOTJPOTŠ8YŠ)Y Š% NN8YNN)YNN%  SK-SCK: 4FJTNJD $PNQMJBODF ,JU VTFE UP TFDVSFMZGBTUFOCBUUFSJFTUPUIFGJSFQBOFM 1BHFPGŘ# 'MFYQVUk )POFZXFMMk  +VNQ4UBSUk 4JMFOU,OJHIUk  48*'5k BOE4ZTUFN 4FOTPSkBSFSFHJTUFSFE USBEFNBSLTPG)POFZXFMM *OUFSOBUJPOBM*OD )PDIJLJkJTBSFHJTUFSFE USBEFNBSLPG)PDIJLJ $PSQPSBUJPO.JDSPTPGUk BOE8JOEPXTkBSF SFHJTUFSFEUSBEFNBSLTPG .JDSPTPGU$PSQPSBUJPO 5IJTEPDVNFOUJTOPU JOUFOEFEUPCFVTFEGPS JOTUBMMBUJPOQVSQPTFT8F USZUPLFFQPVSQSPEVDU JOGPSNBUJPOVQUP EBUFBOEBDDVSBUF8F DBOOPUDPWFSBMMTQFDJGJD BQQMJDBUJPOTPSBOUJDJQBUF BMMSFRVJSFNFOUT"MM TQFDJGJDBUJPOTBSFTVCKFDU UPDIBOHFXJUIPVUOPUJDF 'PS5FDIOJDBM4VQQPSU DBMM  5FDIOJDBM4QFDJGJDBUJPOT PHYSICAL Overall Dimensions:Š8YŠ)YŠ% Weight:MCT Color:3FE ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature:m'UPm' m$UP m$ Humidity:UPSFMBUJWFIVNJEJUZ OPO DPOEFOTJOH ELECTRICAL 6700 Primary AC:7"$!)[ "5PUBM "DDFTTPSZ-PBE"!7%$QPXFSMJNJUFE Standby Current:N" Alarm Current:N" Battery Charging Capacity:UP") Battery Size:")NBYBMMPXFEJODPOUSPMQBOFM DBCJOFU-BSHFSDBQBDJUZCBUUFSJFTDBOCFIPVTFEJO 3##BDDFTTPSZDBCJOFU ]#] g)POFZXFMM*OUFSOBUJPOBM*OD Honeywell Silent Knight $MJOUPOWJMMF3PBE /PSUIGPSE $5  XXXTJMFOULOJHIUDPN NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUITS (NACS) Two programmable circuits which can be programmed individually as: NACs:"!7%$QFSDJSDVJU QPXFSMJNJUFE XJUIBQBOFMNBYJNVNDVSSFOUPG" Auxiliary Power Circuits:"!7%$QFS DJSDVJU QPXFSMJNJUFE 4VQQPSUT$MBTT# 4UZMF BOE$MBTT" 4UZMFPS  DPOfiHVSBUJPOGPSUIF4-$ WIRING:4FFUIFQSPEVDUNBOVBMGPSXJSJOHEFUBJMT FEATURES & BENEFITS • Installer can open station without causing an alarm condition • Dual-color LED is visible through handle of station blinks green to indicate normal operation and remains steady red in an alarm condition • Key operated test and reset lock using lock plate actuator • Key matches compatible FACP locks • Meets ADA requirement for 5 lbs maximum pull force to active • Meets the Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) controls and operating mechanisms guidelines (Section 4.1.3[13]) • Shell, door, and handle molded from durable LEXAN® • Reliable analog communications for trouble-free operation • Braille text on station handle • Rotary address switches for fast installation • Handle latches in down position and the word Activated appears, clearly indicating the station has been pulled • UL Listed, including UL 38, Standard of Manually Actuated Signaling System • CSFM Listed • MEA Listed SK-PULL-SA / SK-PULL-DA Intelligent Pull Stations The SK-PULL-SA is a single action pull station requiring only one motion to activate the station. The SK-PULL-DA is a dual action pull station requiring two motions to active the station. The SK-PULL-SA and SK-PULL-DA are for use with Honeywell Silent Knight Series fire control panel (FACP). Extremely easy to operate, the SK-PULL-DA and SK-PULL-SA provide a fast and practical means of manually initiating a fire alarm signal. The FACP recognizes each manual pull station by its specific address saving precious seconds in determining the location of an alarm. INSTALLATION The SK-PULL-SA and SK-PULL-DA can be surface mounted to an SB-I/O surface back box or semi-flush mounted on a standard single-gang with a minimum depth of 2.13”(5.40 cm) or double gang or 4” (10.61 cm) square electrical box. You can also use the optional (System Sensor® PN BG-TR) trim ring if the station is being semi-flush mounted. SK-PULL-SA SK-PULL-DA For a complete listing of all compliance approvals and certifications, please visit www.silentknight.com. Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows Logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Silent Knight®, System Sensor® and Honeywell® are registered trademarks of Honeywell International, Inc. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For Technical Support, call 800-446-6444. SK-PULL-SA / SK-PULL-DA Technical Specifications PHYSICAL Dimensions: 5.5” H x 4" W x 1.45" D (14 x 10.2 x 3.7cm) Housing Material: LEXAN polycarbonate resin Bi-Colored LED: Blinking Green: Normal Steady Red: Alarm Switch: Single pole, single throw (SPST) normally open (N/O) switch which closes upon activation of the pull station ELECTRICAL Operating Voltage: 15 – 32VDC SLC Standby and Alarm Current: 350μ A Wire Gauge: Up to 12AWG (3.1 mm2) ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature: 32ºF – 120ºF (0ºC – 49ºC) Humidity: 10% – 93% non-condensing ORDERING INFORMATION SK-Pull-SA: Single Action Pull Station SK-Pull-DA: Dual Action Pull Station ACCESSORIES BG-TR: Optional trim ring. SB-I/O: Surface backbox, indoor/outdoor. * Unless otherwise noted, specifications apply to SK-Pull-SA and SK-Pull-DA COMPATIBILITY The SK-PULL-SA AND SK-PULL-DA are compatible with the following Honeywell Silent Knight fire alarm control panels: 6820: Addressable fire alarm control panel 6820EVS: Addressable fire alarm control panel with an emergency voice system. 6808: Addressable fire alarm control panel 6700: Addressable fire alarm control panel 5700: Addressable fire alarm control panel 5808: Addressable fire alarm control panel 5820XL: Addressable fire alarm control panel 5820XL-EVS: Addressable fire alarm control panel with an emergency voice system Doc 350135 | Rev E | 11/17 © 2017 Honeywell International Inc. For more information Learn more about Honeywell Silent Knight and other products by visiting www.silentknight.com Honeywell Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road Northford, CT 06472 800-328-0103 SK-PHOTO-W SERIES Addressable Photoelectric Smoke Detectors The Silent Knight® SK-PHOTO-W Series feature a modern design and expanded color options support a variety of contemporary aesthetic demands. In addition, each detector is constructed for exceptional installation and maintenance efficiency. The SK-PHOTO-W Series intelligent plug-in smoke detectors are designed for both performance and aesthetics, and are direct replacements for the SK-PHOTO Series detectors. A new modern, sleek, contemporary design and enhanced optical sensing chamber is engineered to sense smoke produced by a wide range of combustion sources in accordance with more stringent code standards. The SK-PHOTO-W Series detector sensitivity can be programmed in the control panel software. Sensitivity is continuously monitored and reported to the panel. Point ID capability allows each detector’s address to be set with rotary, decimal address switches, providing exact detector location for selective maintenance when chamber contamination reaches an unacceptable level. Dual electronic thermistors add 135°F (57°C) fixed temperature thermal sensing on the SK-PHOTO-T-W. The SK-PHOTO-R-W is a remote test capable detector for use with DNR Series duct detector housings. FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Designed to meet UL 1268 7th Edition • Sleek and stylish contemporary design • Stable communication technique with noise immunity • Addressable by device • Rotary, decimal addressing (Refer to the Silent Knight panel manuals for device capacity) • Two-wire SLC connection • LEDs blink every time the unit is polled • 360°-field viewing angle of the visual alarm indicators (two bi-color LEDs); LEDs blink green in Normal condition and turn on steady red in Alarm • Integral communications and built-in device-type identification • Remote test feature from the panel • Built-in functional test switch activated by external magnet • Walk test with address display (an address of 121 will blink the detector LED 12- (pause)-1) • Low standby current • Built-in tamper-resistant feature • Designed for direct-surface or electrical- box mounting • Sealed against back pressure • Plugs into separate base for ease of installation and maintenance • Expanded color options • SEMS screws for wiring of the separate base • Optional remote, single-gang LED accessory • Optional sounder, relay, and isolator bases Page 2 of 3 — 351634:B • 7/1/2019 INSTALLATION The SK-PHOTO-W Series plug-in intelligent thermal detectors use a separate base to simplify installation, service, and maintenance. Installation instructions are shipped with each detector. Mount base (all base types) on an electrical backbox which is at least 1.5" (3.81 cm) deep. For a chart of compatible junction boxes, see SK-61045. Note: Because of the inherent supervision provided by the SLC loop, end-of-line resistors are not required. Wiring “T-taps” or branches are permitted for Style 4 (Class “B”) wiring. Note: When using relay or sounder bases, consult the SK-ISO installation sheet I56-3627 for device limitations between isolator modules and isolator bases. OPERATION Each SK-PHOTO-W Series detector uses one of the panel’s addresses (total limit is panel dependent) on the Signaling Line Circuit (SLC). It responds to regular polls from the control panel and reports its type and the status. If it receives a test command from the panel (or a local magnet test), it stimulates its electronics and reports an alarm. It blinks its LEDs when polled and turns the LEDs on when commanded by the panel. The SK-PHOTO-W Series offers features and performance that represent the latest in smoke detector technology. PRODUCT LINE INFORMATION Note: “-IV” suffix indicates ivory color. SK-PHOTO-W: White, low-profile photoelectric sensor SK-PHOTO-T-W: White, same as SK-PHOTO-W but includes a built-in 135°F (57°C) fixed-temperature thermal device SK-PHOTO-R-W: White, low-profile intelligent photoelectric sensor, remote test capable, for use with DNR/DNRW B300-6: White, standard flanged low-profile mounting base B300-6-BP: Bulk pack of B300-6, package contains 10 B300-6-IV: Ivory, standard flanged low-profile mounting base B501-WHITE: White, standard European flangeless mounting base B501-BL: Black, standard European flangeless mounting base B501-IV: Ivory, standard European flangeless mounting base B501-WHITE-BP: Bulk pack of B501-WHITE, contains 10 B200S-WH: White, Intelligent, programmable sounder base B200S-IV: Ivory, Intelligent, programmable sounder base B200SR-WH: White, Intelligent sounder base for retrofit applications B200SR-IV: Ivory, Intelligent sounder base for retrofit applications B200S-LF-WH: White, Low Frequency Intelligent, programmable sounder base B200S-LF-IV: Ivory, Low Frequency Intelligent, programmable sounder base B200SR-LF-WH: White, Low Frequency Intelligent sounder base for retrofit applications B200SR-LF-IV: Ivory, Low Frequency Intelligent sounder base for retrofit applications B224RB-WH: White, plug-in System Sensor® relay base B224RB-IV: Ivory, plug-in System Sensor relay base B224BI-WH: White, plug-in System Sensor isolator detector base B224BI-IV: Ivory, plug-in System Sensor isolator detector base ACCESSORIES TR300: White, replacement flange for B210LP or B300-6 bases TR300-IV: Ivory, replacement flange for B210LP or B300-6 bases RA100Z(A): Remote 3 – 32 VDC LED annunciator, mounts to a U.S. single-gang electrical box, for use with B501 and B300-6 bases only M02-04-00: Test magnet M02-09-00: Test magnet with telescoping handle CK300: White, detector color kit, pack of 10 CK300-IV: Ivory, detector color kit, pack of 10 CK300-BL: Black, detector color kit, pack of 10 SK-PHOTO-W SERIES TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 351634 | B | 07/19 ©2019 Honeywell International Inc. Honeywell Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road Northford, CT 06472-1610 203.484.7161 www.silentknight.com Silent Knight® and System Sensor® are registered trademarks of Honeywell International, Inc. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Country of origin: Mexico PHYSICAL/ENVIRONMENTAL Sensitivity: -UL Applications: 0.5% to 4.0% per foot obscuration. -ULC Applications: 0.5% to 3.5% per foot obscuration Size: 2.0" (5.3 cm) high; base determines diameter - B300-6: 6.1" (15.6 cm) diameter - B501: 4" (10.2 cm) diameter For a complete list of detector bases, see SK-61045. Shipping weight: 3.4 oz. (95 g) Operating temperature range: • SK-PHOTO-W: 32°F to 122°F (0°C to 50°C) • SK-PHOTO-T-W: 32°F to 100°F(0°C to 38°C) • SK-PHOTO-R-W installed in a DNR/DNRW: -4°F to 158°F (-20°C to 70°C) UL/ULC Listed Velocity Range: 0-4000 ft/ min. (1219.2 m/min.), suitable for installation in ducts Relative humidity: 10% – 93% non- condensing Thermal ratings: fixed-temperature set point 135°F (57°C), rate-of-rise detection 15°F (8.3°C) per minute, high temperature heat 190°F (88°C) ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS Voltage range: 15 - 32 volts DC peak Standby current (max. avg.): 200µA @ 24 VDC (one communication every 5 seconds with LED enabled) Max current: 4.5 mA @ 24 VDC (“ON”) DETECTOR SPACING AND APPLICATIONS Silent Knight recommends spacing detectors in compliance with NFPA 72. In low airflow applications with smooth ceiling, space detectors 30 feet (9.1m). For specific information regarding detector spacing, placement, and special applications refer to NFPA 72. A System Smoke Detector Application Guide, document A05-1003, is available at www.systemsensor.com. AGENCY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS These listings and approvals apply to the modules specified in this document.In some cases, certain modules or applications may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult factory for latest listing status. •UL Listed: S6173 • FM Approved •CSFM: 7272-0559:0512 FEATURES & BENEFITS • Single contact monitor • Support for Class A and Class B wiring • Fully supervised • Panel controlled status LED that flashes green in normal state and is solid red in alarm • SEMS screws for easy wiring • UL Listed • Rotary address switches for fast installation SK-MONITOR Intelligent Monitor Module The SK-MONITOR is an addressable monitor module for use with Honeywell Silent Knight Series fire alarm control panels (FACPs). The SK-MONITOR is intended for use in intelligent, two-wire systems, where individual address of each module is selected using the built-in rotary switches. The SK-MONITOR supports Class A supervised or Class B supervised wiring to the load device. Conventional 4-wire smoke detectors can be monitored for alarm and trouble conditions. INSTALLATION The SK-MONITOR mounts directly into a 4” square electrical box. The box must have a minimum depth of 2-1/8”. A surface mount electrical box (System Sensor® PN SMB500) is available from Silent Knight.SK-MONITOR For a complete listing of all compliance approvals and certifications, please visit www.silentknight.com. Microsoft, Windows, and the Windows Logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Silent Knight®, System Sensor® and Honeywell® are registered trademarks of Honeywell International, Inc. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For Technical Support, call 800-446-6444. SK-MONITOR Technical Specifications PHYSICAL Height: 4.5”H x 4” W x 1.25”D (11.4 X 10.2 X 3cm) Shipping Weight: 6.3 oz (196 g) ELECTRICAL Operating Voltage: 15 – 32VDC Current Draw (LED on): 5.0mA max Operating Current (LED flashing): 375 μ A Standby Current: 400 μ A max @ 24 VDC (one communication every 5 sec with 47K EOL); 550 μ A max @ 24 VDC (one communication every 5 sec with EOL <1K) 5.5 mA (with LED latched on) LED Current: 5.5 mA (with LED latched on) End-of-Line Resistance: 47K W Initiating Device Circuit Wiring Resistance: 1,500 W max SLC Loop Resistance: 40 W max. ENVIRONMENTAL Operating Temperature: 32ºF – 120ºF (0ºC – 49ºC) Humidity: 10% – 93% non-condensing ORDERING INFORMATION SK-MONITOR: Monitor Module ACCESSORIES. SMB500: 4” Square surface mount electrical box COMPATIBILITY The SK-MONITOR is compatible with the following Honeywell Silent Knight fire alarm control panels: 6820: Addressable fire alarm control panel 6820EVS: Addressable fire alarm control panel with an emergency mass notification system. 6808: Addressable fire alarm control panel 6700: Addressable fire alarm control panel 5700: Addressable fire alarm control panel 5808: Addressable fire alarm control panel 5820XL: Addressable fire alarm control panel 5820XL-EVS: Addressable fire alarm control panel with an emergency mass notification system Doc 350131 | Rev G | 11/17 © 2017 Honeywell International Inc. For more information Learn more about Honeywell Silent Knight and other products by visiting www.silentknight.com Honeywell Silent Knight 12 Clintonville Road Northford, CT 06472 800-328-0103 Ceiling Horn Strobe L-Series, Indoor Strobes and Horn Strobes Indoor Selectable-Output Strobes/Horn Strobes for Ceiling Applications Notification Appliances General The L-Series audible visible notification products offer the most versatile and easy-to- use product line of horns, strobes, and horn strobes in the industry. This product includes lower current draws and a modern aesthetic design which reduce installation times and maximize profits. In addition, the L-Series offers white and red plastic housings and wall and ceiling mounting options. Similar to the entire L-Series product line, the ceiling-mount strobes and horn strobes include a variety of features that increase their application versatility while simplifying the installation. All devices offer a plug-in design so that there is minimal intrusion into the backbox. These features make installations fast and foolproof while eliminating costly and time-consuming ground faults. To simplify the installation, the L-Series uses a universal mounting plate allowing you to mount the devices to a wide array of backboxes. With an on-board shorting spring, Installers can test wiring continuity before the device is installed. Installers can also easily adapt devices to suit a wide range of application requirements using the following: • Field-selectable candela settings • Automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation • Rotary switch for horn tones with two volume selections FEATURES & BENEFITS • Listed for ceiling mounting only •Features a plug-in design so that there is minimal intrusion into the backbox •Designed with a tamper-resistant construction • Provides an automatic selection of 12- or 24- volt operation at 15 and 30 candela • Uses field-selectable candela settings on the following ceiling units: - 15 - 30 - 75 - 95 - 115 - 150 - 177 • Produces horn rated at 88+ dBA at 16 volts • Offers a rotary switch for horn tone and two volume selections • Includes a universal mounting plate for ceiling units • Contains a mounting plate with a shorting spring feature that checks the wiring continuity before device installation • Compatible with MDL3 sync module • Supports electrical compatibility with the legacy SpectrAlert and the SpectrAlert Advance devices 2 Architect/Engineer Specifications General The L-Series ceiling-mount strobes and horn strobes shall mount to any of the following: • double-gang backbox • 4-inch octagon backbox • a standard 4 x 4 x 1 1/2-inch backbox Two-wire products shall also mount to a single-gang compact 2 x 4 x 17/8-inch backbox. A universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting ceiling and wall products. The notification appliance circuit wiring shall terminate at the universal mounting plate. Also, the L-Series products, when used with the Sync•Circuit Module accessory, shall be powered from a non-coded notification appliance circuit output and shall operate on a nominal 12 or 24 volts. When it is used with the Sync•Circuit Module, the following occur: • 12-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 8.5 and 17.5 volts. • 24-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 16.5 and 33 volts. The Indoor L-Series products shall operate between 32 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC or full-wave rectified unfiltered power supply. Ceiling strobes and horn strobes shall have the following field- selectable candela settings including: Strobe The strobe shall be an L-Series Model _______ listed to UL Standard 1971 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe’s entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/ reflector system. Horn Strobe Combination The horn strobe shall be an L-Series Model _______ listed to UL Standard 1971 and UL Standard 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The horn strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe’s entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The horn shall have two audibility options and an option to switch between a temporal three pattern and a non-temporal (continuous) pattern. These options are set by a multiple position switch. The horn on horn strobe models shall operate o a coded or non-coded power supply. Synchronization Module The module shall be a Sync•Circuit model MDL3 listed to UL Standard 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The module shall synchronize the L-Series strobes at 1 Hz and synchronize horns at temporal three. Also, while operating the strobes, the module shall silence the horns on horn strobe models over a single-pair of wires. The module shall mount to a 4 11/6 x 4 11/16 x 2 1/8-inch backbox. The module shall also control two Style Y (Class B) circuits or one Style Z (Class A) circuit. The module shall synchronize multiple zones. Daisy-chaining two or more synchronization modules together will synchronize all the zones they control. The module shall not operate on a coded power supply. UL Current Draw Table 1 lists the UL maximum strobe current draw. •15 •30 •75 •95 • 115 • 150 • 177 Candela 8-17.5 Volts 16-33 Volts FWRDC DC 15 87 41 60 30 153 63 86 75 N/A 111 142 95 N/A 134 164 115 N/A 158 191 150 N/A 189 228 177 N/A 226 264 Table 1: UL Maximum Strobe Current Draw (mA RMS) 3 UL Current Draw Data Table 2 lists the maximum UL Current Draw (mA RMS) allowed for 2-Wire Horn Strobes. Horn Strobe Tones and Sound Output Data Table 3 lists the horn strobe tones and sound output date. DC Input 8-17.5 Volts 16-33 Volts 15cd 30cd 15cd 30cd 75cd 95cd 115cd 150cd 177cd Temporal High 103 167 71 90 143 165 187 217 254 Temporal Low 96 165 54 71 137 161 185 211 249 Non-Temporal High 106 173 71 90 141 165 187 230 273 Non-Temporal Low 95 166 54 71 124 161 170 216 258 3.1K Temp Hi 111 164 69 94 147 163 184 229 257 3.1K Temp Low 103 163 54 88 143 155 185 212 252 3.1K Non-Temporal High 111 172 69 94 144 164 202 229 271 3.1K Non-Temporal 103 169 54 88 131 155 187 217 259 16-33 Volts FWR Input 15cd 30cd 75cd 95cd 115cd 150cd 177cd Temporal High 107 135 179 198 223 254 286 Temporal Low 78 101 151 172 199 229 262 Non-Temporal High 107 135 179 198 223 254 286 Non-Temporal Low 78 101 151 172 199 229 262 3.1K Temporal High 108 135 179 200 225 256 289 3.1K Temporal Low 79 101 150 171 196 229 260 3.1K Non-Temporal High 108 135 179 200 225 255 289 3.1K Non-Temporal Low 79 101 150 171 196 229 260 Table 2 UL Max. Current Draw (mA RMS), 2-Wire Horn Strobe Switch Position Sound Pattern dB 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts FWR DC DC 1 Temporal High 84 89 89 2 Temporal Low 75 83 83 3 Non-Temporal High 85 90 90 4 Non-Temporal Low 76 84 84 5 3.1 KHz Temporal High 83 88 88 6 3.1 KHz Temporal Low 76 82 82 7 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal High 84 89 89 8 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal Low 77 83 83 Table 3: Horn Strobe Tones and Sound Output Data 4 L-Series Ordering Information Ceiling Horn Strobes: PC2RL: 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, Red PC2WL: 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, White PC4RL: 4-Wire Ceiling Horn Strobe, Red, FIRE PC4WL: 4Wire Ceiling Horn Strobe, White, FIRE Ceiling Strobes: SCRL: Strobe, Red SCWL: Strobe, White SCWL-CLR-ALERT: Strobe, White, ALERT L-Series Ordering Information Accessories: TRC-2: Universal Ceiling Trim Ring Red TRC-2W: Universal Ceiling Trim Ring White SBBCRL: Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box, Red SBBCWL: Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box, White L-Series Dimensions Figure 1 illustrates the dimensions for the ceiling-mount horn strobes. Figure 1 Ceiling-Mount Horn Strobes L-Series Dimensions Figure 2 illustrates the dimensions for the ceiling backbox surface mount backbox. Figure 2 Ceiling-Surface-Mount Backbox 2.47" (62.7 mm) 1.37" (34.8 mm)6.83" diameter (173 mm) 6.92" diameter (175.77 mm) 2.50" (64 mm) L- Series Dimensions Figure 3 illustrates the dimensions for the ceiling backbox surface mount backbox. Figure 3 2-Wire Ceiling Mount Horn Strobes with Ceiling Surface Mount Backbox SL Series Dimensions Figure 4 illustrates the dimensions for the ceiling backbox surface mount backbox. Figure 4 4-Wire Ceiling Mount Horn Strobes with Ceiling Surface Mount Backbox L-Series, Indoor Strobes and Horn Strobes Technical Specifications 9021-60928 | C | 03/18 ©2018 Honeywell International Inc. For a complete listing of all compliance approvals and certifications, please visit: http://www.gamewell- fci.com/en-US/ documentation/Pages/ Listings.aspx E3 Series® and Gamewell-FCI® are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. UL® is a registered trademark of Underwriter’s Laboratories Inc. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to- date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. Honeywell Gamewell-FCI 12 Clintonville Road Northford, CT 06472-1610 203.484.7161 www.honeywell.com For more information Learn more about Gamewell-FCI’s L-Series, Indoor Strobes and Horn Strobes and other products available by visiting www.Gamewell-FCI.com SYSTEMS Temperature Ranges: Standard Operating Temperature: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Humidity Range: 10 to 93% non-condensing Voltages: Strobe Flash Rate: 1 flash per second Nominal Voltage: Regulated 12 VDC or regulated 24 DC/FWR1 Operating Voltage Range2: 8 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16 to 33 V (24 V nominal) Operating Voltage Range (MDL3): 8.5 to 17.5V(12 V nominal) or 16.5 to 33 V(24V nominal) Wire Gage: Input Terminal Wire Gauge: 12 to 18 AWG Dimensions: Ceiling-Mount Dimensions (including lens): 6.8" diameter × 2.5" high (173 mm diameter × 64 mm high) Ceiling-Mount Surface Mount Back Box Skirt Dimensions (SBBCR, SBBCW): 6.9" diameter x 3.4" high (175 mm diameter x 86 mm high) Notes: 1. Full Wave Rectified (FWR) voltage is a non- regulated, time-varying power source that is used on some power supply and panel outputs. 2. P, S, PC, and SC products will operate at 12 V nominal only for 15 and 30 cd. TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY RANGES This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0 – 49°C/32 – 120°F and at a relative humidity 93% ± 2% RH (noncondensing) at 32°C ± 2°C (90°F ± 3°F). However, the useful life of the system's standby batteries and the electronic components may be adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and humidity. Therefore, it is recommended that this system and its peripherals be installed in an environment with a normal room temperature of 15 – 27°C/60 – 80°F. STANDARDS The L-Series, Ceiling Strobes and Horn Strobes are designed to comply with the following standard: UL Standard: UL 1971 and UL 464 AGENCY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS These listings and approvals apply to the modules specified in this document. In some cases, certain modules or applications may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult factory for latest listing status. UL: S5512, S4011 CSFM: 7135-1653:0503 7125-1653:0504 ISO 9001 Certification Agency Listings Features • Plug-in design with minimal intrusion into the back box • Tamper-resistant construction • Automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation at 15 and 15/75 candela • Field-selectable candela settings on wall units: 15, 15/75, 30, 75, 95, 110, 115, 135, 150, 177, and 185 • Horn rated at 88+ dBA at 16 volts • Rotary switch for horn tone and three volume selections • Universal mounting plate for wall units • Mounting plate shorting spring checks wiring continuity before device installation • Electrically Compatible with legacy SpectrAlert devices • Compatible with MDL3 sync module • Listed for ceiling or wall mounting The SpectrAlert Advance series offers the most versatile and easy-to-use line of horns, strobes, and horn strobes in the industry. With white and red plastic housings, wall and ceiling mounting options, and plain and FIRE-printed devices, SpectrAlert Advance can meet virtually any application requirement. Like the entire SpectrAlert Advance product line, wall-mount horns, strobes, and horn strobes include a variety of features that increase their application versatility while simplifying installation. All devices feature plug-in designs with minimal intrusion into the back box, making installations fast and foolproof while virtually eliminating costly and time-consuming ground faults. To further simplify installation and protect devices from construction damage, SpectrAlert Advance utilizes a universal mounting plate with an onboard shorting spring, so installers can test wiring continuity before the device is installed. Installers can also easily adapt devices to a suit a wide range of application requirements using field-selectable candela settings, automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation, and a rotary switch for horn tones with three volume selections. Indoor Selectable- Output Horns, Strobes, and Horn Strobes for Wall Applications SpectrAlert® Advance audible visible notification products are rich with features guaranteed to cut installation times and maximize profits. MEA452-05-E3023572 7125-1653:186 (indoor strobes) 7125-1653:188 (horn strobes, chime strobes) 7135-1653:189 (horns, chimes) S4011 (chimes, horn strobes, horns) S5512 (strobes) SpectrAlert Advance Specifications Architect/Engineer Specifications General SpectrAlert Advance horns, strobes, and horn strobes shall mount to a standard 4 × 4 × 1½-inch back box, 4-inch octagon back box, or double-gang back box. Two-wire products shall also mount to a single-gang 2 × 4 × 17⁄8-inch back box. A universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting ceiling and wall products. The notification appliance circuit wiring shall terminate at the universal mounting plate. Also, SpectrAlert Advance products, when used with the Sync•Circuit™ Module accessory, shall be powered from a non-coded notification appliance circuit output and shall operate on a nominal 12 or 24 volts. When used with the Sync•Circuit Module, 12-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 8.5 and 17.5 volts; 24-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 16.5 and 33 volts. Indoor SpectrAlert Advance products shall operate between 32 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC or full- wave rectified unfiltered power supply. Strobes and horn strobes shall have field-selectable candela settings including 15, 15/75, 30, 75, 95, 110, 115, 135, 150, 177, and 185. Strobe The strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Advance Model _______ listed to UL 1971 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe’s entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. Horn Strobe Combination The horn strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Advance Model _______ listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The horn strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe’s entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The horn shall have three audibility options and an option to switch between a temporal three pattern and a non-temporal (continuous) pattern. These options are set by a multiple position switch. On four-wire products, the strobe shall be powered independently of the sounder. The horn on horn strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply. Synchronization Module The module shall be a System Sensor Sync•Circuit model MDL3 listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The module shall synchronize SpectrAlert strobes at 1 Hz and horns at temporal three. Also, while operating the strobes, the module shall silence the horns on horn strobe models over a single pair of wires. The module shall mount to a 411 ⁄16 × 411 ⁄16 × 21 ⁄8-inch back box. The module shall also control two Style Y (class B) circuits or one Style Z (class A) circuit. The module shall synchronize multiple zones. Daisy chaining two or more synchronization modules together will synchronize all the zones they control. The module shall not operate on a coded power supply. Physical/Electrical Specifications Standard Operating Temperature 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Humidity Range 10 to 93% non-condensing Strobe Flash Rate 1 flash per second Nominal Voltage Regulated 12 DC/FWR or regulated 24 DC/FWR1 Operating Voltage Range2 8 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16 to 33 V (24 V nominal) Operating Voltage Range MDL3 Sync Module 8.5 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16.5 to 33 V (24 V nominal) Input Terminal Wire Gauge 12 to 18 AWG Wall-Mount Dimensions (including lens)5.6˝ L × 4.7˝ W × 2.5˝ D (142 mm L × 119 mm W × 64 mm D) Horn Dimensions 5.6˝ L × 4.7˝ W × 1.3˝ D (142 mm L × 119 mm W × 33 mm D) Wall-Mount Trim Ring Dimensions (sold as a 5 pack) (TR-HS)5.7˝ L × 4.8˝ W × 0.35˝ D (145 mm L × 122 mm W × 9 mm D) Notes: 1. Full Wave Rectified (FWR) voltage is a non-regulated, time-varying power source that is used on some power supply and panel outputs. 2. P, S, PC, and SC products will operate at 12 V nominal only for 15 and 15/75 cd. Horn and Horn Strobe Output (dBA) Switch Position Sound Pattern dB 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts 24-Volt Nominal Reverberant Anechoic DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR 1 Temporal High 78 78 84 84 88 88 99 98 2 Temporal Medium 75 75 80 80 86 86 96 96 3 Temporal Low 71 71 76 76 83 80 94 89 4 Non-Temporal High 82 82 88 88 93 92 100 100 5 Non-Temporal Medium 78 78 85 85 90 90 98 98 6 Non-Temporal Low 73 74 81 81 88 84 96 92 7†Coded High 82 82 88 88 93 92 101 101 8†Coded Medium 78 78 85 85 90 90 97 98 9†Coded Low 74 75 81 81 88 85 96 92 †Settings 7, 8, and 9 are not available on 2-wire horn strobes. UL Max. Strobe Current Draw (mA RMS) Candela 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts DC FWR DC FWR Standard Candela Range 15 123 128 66 71 15/75 142 148 77 81 30 NA NA 94 96 75 NA NA 158 153 95 NA NA 181 176 110 NA NA 202 195 115 NA NA 210 205 High Candela Range 135 NA NA 228 207 150 NA NA 246 220 177 NA NA 281 251 185 NA NA 286 258 UL Max. Current Draw (mA RMS), 2-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard Candela Range (15–115 cd) DC Input 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts 15 15/75 15 15/75 30 75 95 110 115 Temporal High 137 147 79 90 107 176 194 212 218 Temporal Medium 132 144 69 80 97 157 182 201 210 Temporal Low 132 143 66 77 93 154 179 198 207 Non-Temporal High 141 152 91 100 116 176 201 221 229 Non-Temporal Medium 133 145 75 85 102 163 187 207 216 Non-Temporal Low 131 144 68 79 96 156 182 201 210 FWR Input Temporal High 136 155 88 97 112 168 190 210 218 Temporal Medium 129 152 78 88 103 160 184 202 206 Temporal Low 129 151 76 86 101 160 184 194 201 Non-Temporal High 142 161 103 112 126 181 203 221 229 Non-Temporal Medium 134 155 85 95 110 166 189 208 216 Non-Temporal Low 132 154 80 90 105 161 184 202 211 UL Max. Current Draw (mA RMS), 2-Wire Horn Strobe, High Candela Range (135–185 cd) DC Input 16–33 Volts FWR Input 16–33 Volts 135 150 177 185 135 150 177 185 Temporal High 245 259 290 297 Temporal High 215 231 258 265 Temporal Medium 235 253 288 297 Temporal Medium 209 224 250 258 Temporal Low 232 251 282 292 Temporal Low 207 221 248 256 Non-Temporal High 255 270 303 309 Non-Temporal High 233 248 275 281 Non-Temporal Medium 242 259 293 299 Non-Temporal Medium 219 232 262 267 Non-Temporal Low 238 254 291 295 Non-Temporal Low 214 229 256 262 UL Max. Horn Current Draw (mA RMS) Sound Pattern dB 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts DC FWR DC FWR Temporal High 57 55 69 75 Temporal Medium 44 49 58 69 Temporal Low 38 44 44 48 Non-temporal High 57 56 69 75 Non-temporal Medium 42 50 60 69 Non-temporal Low 41 44 50 50 Coded High 57 55 69 75 Coded Medium 44 51 56 69 Coded Low 40 46 52 50 UL Current Draw Data Horn Tones and Sound Output Data 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 www.systemsensor.com ©2014 System Sensor. Product specifications subject to change without notice. Visit systemsensor.com for current product information, including the latest version of this data sheet. AVDS10201 • 1/14 SpectrAlert Advance Dimensions Model Description Wall Horn Strobes P2R 2-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, Red P2R-P 2-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Plain P2R-SP 2-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, Red, “FUEGO” P2RH 2-Wire Horn Strobe, High cd, Red P2RH-P 2-Wire Horn Strobe, High cd, Red, Plain P2W 2-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, White P2W-P 2-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, White, Plain P2WH 2-Wire Horn Strobe, High cd, White P2WH-P 2-Wire Horn Strobe, High cd, White, Plain P4R 4-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, Red P4R-P 4-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Plain P4RH 4-Wire Horn Strobe, High cd, Red P4W 4-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, White Wall Strobes SR Strobe, Standard cd, Red SR-P Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Plain SR-SP Strobe, Standard cd, Red, “FUEGO” SpectrAlert Advance Ordering Information Notes: All -P models have a plain housing (no “FIRE” marking on cover) All -SP models have “FUEGO” marking on cover “Standard cd” refers to strobes that include 15, 15/75, 30, 75, 95, 110, and 115 candela settings. “High cd” refers to strobes that include 135, 150, 177, and 185 candela settings. 4.7˝ 5.6˝ 6.8˝ Dia. 2.5˝ 2.5˝ Wall-mount horn strobes Model Description Wall Strobes (cont.) SRH Strobe, High cd, Red SRH-P Strobe, High cd, Red, Plain SRH-SP Strobe, High cd, Red, “FUEGO” SW Strobe, Standard cd, White SW-P Strobe, Standard cd, White, Plain SWH Strobe, High cd, White SWH-P Strobe, High cd, White, Plain Horns HR Horn, Red HW Horn, White Accessories TR-HS Trim Ring, Wall, Red SBBR Indoor Surface Mount Back Box, Red SBBW Indoor Surface Mount Back Box, White Agency Listings Features • Automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation at 15 and 15/75 candela • Field-selectable candela settings on wall and ceiling units: 15, 15/75, 30, 75, 95, 110, 115, 135, 150, 177, and 185 • Plug-in design with minimal intrusion into the back box • Tamper-resistant construction • Universal mounting plate for wall- and ceiling-mount units • Mounting plate shorting spring tests wiring continuity before devices are installed • Weatherproof per NEMA 4X, IP56 • Listed to UL 1638 (strobe) and UL 464 (horn) • Rated from –40°F to 151°F • Horn rated at 88+ dBA at 16 volts • Rotary switch for horn tone and three volume selections • Compatible with System Sensor synchronization protocol and legacy SpectrAlert products The SpectrAlert Advance series offers the broadest line of outdoor horns, strobes, and horn strobes in the industry. With white and red plastic housings, wall and ceiling mounting options, and plain and FIRE-printed devices, SpectrAlert Advance can meet virtually any application requirement. SpectrAlert Advance outdoor horns, strobes, and horn strobes can be used indoors or outdoors in wet or dry applications, and can provide reliable operation from −40°F to 151°F. Like the entire SpectrAlert Advance product line, these devices include a variety of features that increase their application versatility while simplifying installation. All devices feature plug-in designs with minimal intrusion into the back box, which make installations fast and foolproof while virtually eliminating costly and time-consuming ground faults. All horns, strobes, and horn strobes use a universal mounting plate with an onboard shorting spring that tests wiring continuity before the device is installed, protecting devices from damage. In addition, field-selectable candela settings, automatic selection of 12- or 24- volt operation, and a rotary switch for horn tones with three volume selections enables installers to easily adapt devices to suit a wide range of application requirements. Outdoor Selectable- Output Horns, Strobes, and Horn Strobes SpectrAlert® Advance outdoor selectable-output horns, strobes, and horn strobes are rich with features that cut installation times and maximize profits. MEA452-05-E3023572 7300-1653:187 (outdoor strobes) 7125-1653:188 (horn strobes, chime strobes) 7135-1653:189 (horns, chimes) S4011 (chimes, horn strobes, horns) S3593 (outdoor and alert strobes) A05-0456-002 SpectrAlert Advance Outdoor Horn, Strobe, and Horn Strobe Specifications Architect/Engineer Specifications General SpectrAlert Advance outdoor horns, strobes and horn strobes shall mount to a weatherproof back box. A universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting ceiling and wall products. The notification appliance circuit wiring shall terminate at the universal mounting plate. Also, SpectrAlert Advance products, when used with the Sync•Circuit™ Module accessory, shall be powered from a non-coded notification appliance circuit output and shall operate on a nominal 12 or 24 volts. When used with the Sync•Circuit Module, 12-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 9 and 17.5 volts; 24-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 17 and 33 volts. Outdoor SpectrAlert Advance products shall operate between −40 and 151 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC or full-wave rectified unfiltered power supply. Strobes and horn strobes shall have field-selectable candela settings including 15, 15/75, 30, 75, 95, 110, 115, 135, 150, 177, and 185. Strobe The strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Advance Model _______ listed to UL 1971 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe’s entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The strobe must be installed with its weatherproof back box in order to remain outdoor approved per UL. The strobe shall be suitable for use in wet environments. Horn Strobe Combination The horn strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Advance Model _______ listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The horn strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe’s entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The horn shall have three audibility options and an option to switch between a temporal three-pattern and a non-temporal (continuous) pattern. These options shall be set by a multiple position switch. On four-wire products, the strobe shall be powered independently of the sounder. The horn or horn strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply. The horn strobe must be installed with its weatherproof back box in order to remain outdoor approved per UL. The horn strobe shall be suitable for use in wet environments. Physical/Electrical Specifications Operating Temperature –40°F to 151°F (–40°C to 66°C) Strobe Flash Rate 1 flash per second Nominal Voltage Regulated 12 DC/FWR or regulated 24 DC/FWR1 Operating Voltage Range2 8 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16 to 33 V (24 V nominal) Input Terminal Wire Gauge 12 to 18 AWG Ceiling-Mount Dimensions (including lens)6.8˝ diameter × 2.5˝ high (173 mm diameter × 64 mm high) Wall-Mount Dimensions (including lens)5.6˝ L × 4.7˝ W × 2.5˝ D (142 mm L × 119 mm W × 64 mm D) Horn Dimensions 5.6˝ L × 4.7˝ W × 1.3˝ D (142 mm L × 119 mm W × 33 mm D) Wall-Mount Weatherproof Back Box Dimensions (SA-WBB)5.7˝ L × 5.1˝ W × 2.0˝ D (145 mm L × 130 mm W × 51 mm D) Ceiling-Mount Weatherproof Back Box Dimensions (SA-WBBC)7.1˝ diameter × 2.0˝ high (180 mm diameter × 51 mm high) Notes: 1. Full Wave Rectified (FWR) voltage is a non-regulated, time-varying power source that is used on some power supply and panel outputs. 2. P, S, PC, and SC products will operate at 12 V nominal only for 15 and 15/75 cd. A05-0456-002 Horn and Horn Strobe Output (dBA) Switch Position Sound Pattern dB 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts 24-Volt Nominal Reverberant Anechoic DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR 1 Temporal High 78 78 84 84 88 88 99 98 2 Temporal Medium 74 74 80 80 86 86 96 96 3 Temporal Low 71 73 76 76 83 80 94 89 4 Non-Temporal High 82 82 88 88 93 92 100 100 5 Non-Temporal Medium 78 78 85 85 90 90 98 98 6 Non-Temporal Low 75 75 81 81 88 84 96 92 7†Coded High 82 82 88 88 93 92 101 101 8†Coded Medium 78 78 85 85 90 90 97 98 9†Coded Low 75 75 81 81 88 85 96 92 †Settings 7, 8, and 9 are not available on 2-wire horn strobe. UL Max. Strobe Current Draw (mA RMS) Candela 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts DC FWR DC FWR Standard Candela Range 15 123 128 66 71 15/75 142 148 77 81 30 NA NA 94 96 75 NA NA 158 153 95 NA NA 181 176 110 NA NA 202 195 115 NA NA 210 205 High Candela Range 135 NA NA 228 207 150 NA NA 246 220 177 NA NA 281 251 185 NA NA 286 258 UL Max. Current Draw (mA RMS), 2-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard Candela Range (15–115 cd) DC Input 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts 15 15/75 15 15/75 30 75 95 110 115 Temporal High 137 147 79 90 107 176 194 212 218 Temporal Medium 132 144 69 80 97 157 182 201 210 Temporal Low 132 143 66 77 93 154 179 198 207 Non-Temporal High 141 152 91 100 116 176 201 221 229 Non-Temporal Medium 133 145 75 85 102 163 187 207 216 Non-Temporal Low 131 144 68 79 96 156 182 201 210 FWR Input Temporal High 136 155 88 97 112 168 190 210 218 Temporal Medium 129 152 78 88 103 160 184 202 206 Temporal Low 129 151 76 86 101 160 184 194 201 Non-Temporal High 142 161 103 112 126 181 203 221 229 Non-Temporal Medium 134 155 85 95 110 166 189 208 216 Non-Temporal Low 132 154 80 90 105 161 184 202 211 UL Max. Horn Current Draw (mA RMS) Sound Pattern dB 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts DC FWR DC FWR Temporal High 57 55 69 75 Temporal Medium 44 49 58 69 Temporal Low 38 44 44 48 Non-Temporal High 57 56 69 75 Non-Temporal Medium 42 50 60 69 Non-Temporal Low 41 44 50 50 Coded High 57 55 69 75 Coded Medium 44 51 56 69 Coded Low 40 46 52 50 UL Current Draw Data Horn Tones and Sound Output Data UL Max. Current Draw (mA RMS), 2-Wire Horn Strobe, High Candela Range (135–185 cd) DC Input 16–33 Volts FWR Input 16–33 Volts 135 150 177 185 135 150 177 185 Temporal High 245 259 290 297 Temporal High 215 231 258 265 Temporal Medium 235 253 288 297 Temporal Medium 209 224 250 258 Temporal Low 232 251 282 292 Temporal Low 207 221 248 256 Non-Temporal High 255 270 303 309 Non-Temporal High 233 248 275 281 Non-Temporal Medium 242 259 293 299 Non-Temporal Medium 219 232 262 267 Non-Temporal Low 238 254 291 295 Non-Temporal Low 214 229 256 262 Candela Derating For K series products used at low temperatures, listed candela ratings must be reduced in accordance with this table. Strobe Output (cd) Listed Candela Candela rating at –40°F 15 Do not use below 32°F15/75 30 75 44 95 70 110 110 115 115 135 135 150 150 177 177 185 185 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 ©2009 System Sensor. Product specifications subject to change without notice. Visit systemsensor.com for current product information, including the latest version of this data sheet. A05-0456-002 • 11/09 • #2255 SpectrAlert Advance Dimensions Model Description Wall Horn Strobes P2RK*†2-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Outdoor P2RHK*†2-Wire Horn Strobe, High cd, Red, Outdoor P2WK*†2-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, White, Outdoor P2WHK*†2-Wire Horn Strobe, High cd, White, Outdoor P4RK†4-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Outdoor P4WK 4-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, White, Outdoor P2RHK-120 2-Wire Horn Strobe, High cd, Red, Outdoor, 120 V Wall Strobes SRK*†Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Outdoor SRHK*†Strobe, High cd, Red, Outdoor SWK*†Strobe, Standard cd, White, Outdoor SWHK*†Strobe, High cd, White, Outdoor Model Description Ceiling Horn Strobes PC2RK 2-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Outdoor PC2RHK 2-Wire Horn Strobe, High cd, Red, Outdoor PC2WK 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, Standard cd, White, Outdoor PC2WHK 2-Wire, Horn Strobe High cd, White, Outdoor PC4WK 4-Wire, Horn Strobe, Standard cd, White, Outdoor PC4WHK 4-Wire, Horn Strobe, High cd, White, Outdoor Ceiling Strobes SCRK Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Outdoor SCRHK Strobe, High cd, Red, Outdoor SCWK Strobe, Standard cd, White, Outdoor SCWHK Strobe, High cd, White, Outdoor Horns HRK Horn, Red, Outdoor SpectrAlert Advance Ordering Information Notes: * Add “-P” to model number for plain housing (no “FIRE” marking on cover), e.g., P2RK-P. † Add “-R” to model number for weatherproof replacement device (no back box included), only for use with weatherproof outdoor flush mounting plate, WTP and WTPW. “Standard cd” refers to strobes that include 15, 15/75, 30, 75, 95, 110, and 115 candela settings. “High cd” refers to strobes that include 135, 150, 177, and 185 candela settings. When replacing standard outdoor units both the device and back box must be replaced. 4.7˝ 5.6˝ 6.8˝Dia. 2.5˝ 2.5˝ Wall-mount horn strobes Ceiling-mount horn strobes 2.23˝5.05˝ 5.98˝ 7.1˝Dia. 2.25˝ 5.1˝ 2.0˝ 5.7˝ 7.1˝ Dia. 2.0˝ Wall weatherproof back box Ceiling weatherproof back box SDB System Document Box FEATURES • Dimensions: 14 1/4” tall, 14 1/3” wide and 3” deep • Velcro strap and inside edge keep important documents secure • Standard thumb screw included with a knock-out if lock is needed (sold separately) • 20 gauge cold rolled steel construction with durable, red powder coat finish • Lift-a-way hinge door for easy access A cost-effective answer for those looking for a durable, code-compliant enclosure to ensure mandated records are maintained at the fire alarm control unit location. Every durable box is fabricated from 20 gauge steel with a powder coat finish and features a formed lift-a-way hinge. Also included is a Velcro strap and inside edge to keep important documents secure. SPECIFICATIONS The SDB System Document Box shall be constructed of 20 gauge cold rolled steel and finished with a durable, red powder coat. Front cover will feature a lift-a-way hinge. Door shall be secured with a standard thumb screw with a knock-out available if a lock is needed. Construction shall include a Velcro strap and inside edge to hold documents in place. Pg. 1/2 ORDERING INFORMATION SSU00691 SDB System Document Box Accessories: SSU00695 CAT30 Lock kit SSU00696 PK625 Lock Kit SSU00697 T45 Lock Kit SSU03161 Inspection and Maintenance Identification Labels SSU52020 IRF Inspection Record Frame www.1sae.com | toll free 1.800.486.1723 | fax 508.485.4740 © Copyright 2018 Space Age Electronics, Inc. | This document subject to change without notice | LT10801 | Rev. A Pg. 2/2 DIMENSIONS Inspection and Maintenance Identification Labels for verification per NFPA 72 Chapter 14 (sold separately) CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7165-0559:0501 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7165 -- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT (COMMERCIAL) LISTEE:SILENT KNIGHT SECURITYOne Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06472-1653 Contact: Lisa Brant (203) 484-6105 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: lisa.brant@honeywell.com DESIGN: Silent Knight Model 6700, Fire Alarm Control Unit, automatic, manual, local, remote station (PPU), central station (PPU), releasing (water deluge only). *The CELL-MOD and CELL-CAB-SK have the option to be configured by a compatible control unit for the following pathways: Cellular only without a backup path, primary Cellular communication path, or secondary Cellular communication path. Model 6700 System Components: 5860 Remote Annunciator 6855 Remote Annunciator 6860 Remote Annunciator 5496 NAC Expander 5880 LED I/O Module 5865-3 Remote LED Annunciator 5865-4 Remote LED Annunciator 5883 Relay Interface 5824 Serial/Paralell Printer Interface Module 5895XL Power Supply SK-NIC Network Inerface Card SK-NIC-KIT Network Interface Card in Cabinet SK-FML Mulit Mode Fiber Card SK-FSL Single Mode Fiber Card CELL-MOD Celullar Communicator in Plastic Enclosure CELL-CAB-SK Cellular Communicator in Metal Enclosure with Lock & Key RBB Remote Battery Box (16"WX10"HX6"D) SK-SCK Seismic Complaince Kit RATING:Primary Operating Power Supply: 120VAC, 60HZ, 1.5A Secondary Operating Power Supply: 24VDC, 3.1A, 35Ah INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances *Rev 10-02-19 gt July 01, 2022Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2023 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other VICTOR WONG, Program Coordinator Listing No. Page 2 of 2 7165-0559:0501 and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as a commercial fire alarm control unit for use with separately listed initiating and indicating devices. Refer to listee’s Installation Instruction Manual for details. *Rev 10-02-19 gt July 01, 2022Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2023 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other VICTOR WONG, Program Coordinator CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7150-0559:0161 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7150 -- FIRE ALARM PULL BOXES LISTEE:SILENT KNIGHT SECURITYOne Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06472-1653 Contact: Lisa Brant (203) 484-6105 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: lisa.brant@honeywell.com DESIGN: Models SK-PULL-SA and SK-PULL-DA single/dual action fire alarm pull boxes. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm pull boxes for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Refer to listee’s Installation Instruction Manual for details. * These manual pull boxes meet the requirements of UL Standard 38, 1999 Edition with California amendments. XLF:7150-0028:0199 04-16-09 July 01, 2022Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2023 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other VICTOR WONG, Program Coordinator CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7272-0559:0512 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7272 -- SMOKE DETECTOR-SYSTEM TYPE-PHOTOELECTRIC LISTEE:SILENT KNIGHT SECURITYOne Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06472-1653 Contact: Lisa Brant (203) 484-6105 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: lisa.brant@honeywell.com DESIGN: Models IDP-PHOTO-W, IDP-PHOTO-R-W, IDP-PHOTO-T-W, SK-PHOTO-W, SK-PHOTO-R-W, and SK-PHOTO-T-W analog addressable, photoelectric smoke detectors for open area and duct installations. Models IDP-PHOTO-T-W and SK-PHOTO-T-W have complementary heat detectors. All models are similar except for population/depopulation of components on the Printed Wiring Board for the intended features. All above models may be followed by two digit Suffix indicating the color of the detector enclosure: no suffix for white, -IV for ivory, -BL for black. Refer to listee's Installation and Maintenance Instruction for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING:24 VDC. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as photoelectric smoke detectors. Detectors are for use with separately listed System Sensor base Models *B224BI and B224RB (CSFM Listing 7300-1653:0126), *B501, *B210LP (CSFM Listing 7300-1653:0109), B200S and B200SR (CSFM Listing 7300-1653:0213), B200S-LF and B200SR-LF (CSFM Listing 7300-1653:0238), B300-6 and B300-6-IS bases (CSFM Listing 7300-1653:0109), System Sensor duct detector housings Models DNR and DNRW (CSFM listing 3240-1653:0209), and separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Refer to manufacturer’s Installation Manual for details. *All models comply with the applicable requirements in ANSI/UL 268, Smoke Detectors for Fire Alarm Systems, 7th Edition, January 11, 2016. NOTE: The photoelectric type detectors are generally more effective at detecting slow, smoldering fires that smolder for hours before bursting into flame. Sources of these fire may include cigarettes burning in the couched or bedding. The ionization type detectors are generally more effective at detecting fast, flaming fires that consume combustible materials rapidly and spread quickly. Sources of these fires include paper burning in a waste container or a grease fire in the kitchen. XLF:7272-0028:0503 *Revision 12-17-19 VWW July 01, 2022Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2023 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other VICTOR WONG, Program Coordinator CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7300-0559:0155 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7300 -- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE:SILENT KNIGHT SECURITYOne Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06472-1653 Contact: Lisa Brant (203) 484-6105 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: lisa.brant@honeywell.com DESIGN: Models IDP-Relay-6, SK-Relay-6, relay module, IDP-Control-6, SK -Control-6, supervising control module, IDP-Monitor-10, SK-Mon-10, input monitor module, IDP-Zone-6, SK-Zone-6 six zone interface module, IDP-Monitor, IDP-Minimon, IDP-Zone, SK-Monitor, SK-Minimon, SK-Zone monitor modules, IDP-Control, IDP-Relay, SK-Control, SK-Relay, control modules, IDP-Monitor-2, SK-Monitor-2, dual monitor modules,and *IDP-RELAYMON-2, *SK-RELAYMON-2 with 2 input/2 output relay modules. All devices are intended to be connected between the signaling line circuit of a compatible fire alarm control panel. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING:16-33 VDC Primary INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, product number and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as control unit accessories for use with listee's separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. NOTE: If an external power supply is used for Model SK-Zone-6 and IDP-Zone-6, the negative of the external power supply is referenced to the negative of the auxiliary supply of the compatible control panel. This is done in order to detect ground faults on the initiating circuit. XLF:7300-0028:0219 *Rev. 10-25-11 mt July 01, 2022Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2023 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other VICTOR WONG, Program Coordinator CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7125-1653:0504 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7125 -- FIRE ALARM DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED LISTEE:System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Int'l Inc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Lisa Brant (203) 484-6105 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: lisa.brant@honeywell.com DESIGN: System Sensor Indoor 2-wire Models: SRL, SWL, SGRL, SGWL, SRL-P SWL-P, SRL-SP, SWL-CLR-ALERT and SWL-ALERT Wall Strobes; SCRL, SCWL and SCWL-CLR-ALERT Ceiling Strobes. Wall Bezel Parts: BZR-F, BZR-AL, BZR-AG, BZR-EV, BZR-P, BZR-SP, BZR-PG, BZW-F, BZW-AL, BZW-AG, BZW-EV, BZW-P, BZW-SP, BZW-PG, BZGR-F, BZGR-AL, BZGR-AG, BZGR-EV, BZGR-P, BZGR-SP, BZGR-PG, BZGW-F, BZGW-AL, BZGW-AG, BZGW-EV, BZGW-P, BZGW-SP and BZGW-PG, Ceiling Bezel Parts: BZRC-F, BZRC-AL, BZRC-AG, BZRC-EV, BZRC-P, BZRC-SP, BZRC-PG, BZWC-F, BZWC-AL, BZWC-AG, BZWC-EV, BZWC-P, BZWC-SP and BZWC-PG. Color Lens: LENS-A2, LENS-B2, LENS-G2, LENS-R2, LENS-AC2, LENS-BC2, LENS-GC2 and LENS-RC2. WallTrim Rings: TR2 and TR2W CeilingTrim Rings: TRC2 and TRC2W. Wall Surface Mounted Back Boxes: SBBRL, SBBGRL, SBBWL and SBBGWL, Ceiling Surface Mounted Back Boxes: SBBCRL and SBBCWL Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. *Rev 04-04-19 gt July 01, 2022Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2023 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other VICTOR WONG, Program Coordinator Listing No. Page 2 of 2 7125-1653:0504 RATING:Regulated 12 VDC setting: 8-17.5 VDC Regulated 24 VDC/fwr setting: 16-33 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NFPA 72, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as two wire strobe units used for synchronous application when used with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Suitable for indoor use, vertical wall or horizontal ceiling mounted. *Listed with software code, S05-0048-001 for low temperature compensation. Authority having jurisdiction should be consulted prior to installation. Refer to listee’s Installation Instruction Manual for details. *Rev 04-04-19 gt July 01, 2022Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2023 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other VICTOR WONG, Program Coordinator CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7125-1653:0188 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7125 -- FIRE ALARM DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED LISTEE:System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Int'l Inc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Lisa Brant (203) 484-6105 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: lisa.brant@honeywell.com DESIGN: Models CHSR and CHSW Chime/Strobes. Models P2R, P2W, P2RH and P2WH Horn/Strobes two-wire type, rectangular enclosure. Models PC2R, PC2W, PC2RH and PC2WH Horn/Strobes two-wire type, round enclosure Models P4R, P4W, P4RH and P4WH Horn/Strobes four-wire type, rectangular enclosure. Models PC4R, PC4W, PC4RH and PC4WH Horn/Strobes* four-wire type, round enclosure. All models are intended for indoor use only unless other wise indicated. Models may be followed by the suffix “K” indicating indoor or outdoor use, or may be followed by suffix “P” for plain housing with no lettering. “K” suffix models are suitable for outdoor applications at temperatures from -40°F to +151°F (-40°C to +66°C) and are rated NEMA 4X when used with the System Sensor weather proof back boxes models SA-WBB (Wall), SA-WBBW (Wall), SA-WBBC (Ceiling) and *SA-WBBCW (Ceiling). Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING:Standard Horn/Strobes and Chime/Strobes 8 - 17.5 or 16-33 VDC/FWR Hi CD Horn/Strobes 16-33 VDC/FWR INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances, and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as *horn/strobes or chime/strobes suitable for signaling appliances and equipment for the hearing impaired applications when used with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Horn/strobes with -K suffix are suitable for indoor or outdoor use, ceiling or wall mount. Chime section is suitable for private mode and indoor use only. Horn/Strobes or chime/strobes* can generate the distinctive three-pulse audible Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2010 Edition. Refer to listee’s Installation Instruction Manual for details. *Corrected 12-15-11 bh July 01, 2022Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2023 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other VICTOR WONG, Program Coordinator OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL – LA QUINTA 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 • Phone (760) 777-7074 • www.rvcfire.org September 27, 2022 Hugh T Smith Re: Fire Alarm System Plan Review – Centre @ La Quinta FA2022-0012 (47470 Aloe Way) The fire alarm system plans you submitted for the above referenced project have been reviewed by Riverside County Fire Department - Office of the Fire Marshal personnel and are approved with the following conditions. 1. For Central Station monitoring service, provide written documentation, at the time of acceptance testing, that there is a contract to provide the runner and maintenance services as required per NFPA 72. 2. The Office of the Fire Marshal staff shall witness the following inspections/tests: a) Rough-Wire Inspection – all wire not in conduit is exposed for inspection. b) Function Test / Start 24-hour Battery - The alarm installer shall provide all needed testing equipment to complete the final alarm inspection. c) 5-Minute Ring-out / Final Acceptance Testing and Certification 3. Provide a completed NFPA 72 Record of Completion that the system has been installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications as required. 4. Operating, testing, and maintenance instructions, record drawings (“as builds”), site-specific software and equipment specifications shall be provided in a documentation cabinet in compliance with NFPA 72 Section 7.7.2 The Fire Department approved plans and conditions letter must be at the job site. Applicant/installer shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspections. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 48 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (760)777-7131. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Office of the Fire Marshal staff at (760)777-7074. Rebecca Winscott - Fire Safety Specialist 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 / 760-777-7000 / INSPECTION HOTLINE: 760-777-7131 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING RECORD OF INSPECTIONS / PERMIT CARD THIS CARD IS TO REMAIN ON SITE AT ALL TIMES. INSTALLING CONTRACTOR MUST BE PRESENT FOR ALL INSPECTIONS. SEE NOTES ON REVERSE SIDE. JOB ADDRESS: 47470 Aloe Way PERMIT#: FA2022-0012 DATE ISSUED: 9-27-22 DESCRIPTION: Centre @ La Quinta CONTRACTOR: Hugh T Smith HYDRANT SYSTEM DATE INITIALS SPECIAL SUPPRESSION DATE INITIALS Thrust block pre-pour Door fan test UG rough piping Abort test UG hydro Mechanical shutdown Flush Detector test Final E F Deluge/pre-action SPRINKLER U.G. Final E F Thrust block pre-pour UST/AST TANK UG rough piping Installation UG hydro Removal Flush Emergency shut off Final E F Primary piping FIRE SPRINKLER Secondary piping Weld inspection Dispensers & shear valves Overhead rough piping Final E F Overhead hydro MISC. INSPECTIONS UG flush / OK to connect Spray booths Main drain/inspectors’ test Hood/duct extinguishing High pile storage High pile rack storage In-rack sprinklers H.P. vents/access/corridors Hose racks Tract access/hydrant verification Final E F Access & Address verification HOOD EXTINGUISHING OTHER CONST. PERMIT Detection system Function test Gas/electrical shut-off Nozzle model/placement Fire alarm connection Final E F SPRAY BOOTHS FIRE CODE PERMIT(S) Installation Air flow test Mechanical interlock Extinguishing system Fire alarm connection Final E F FIRE ALARM KNOX SYSTEM Rough-wire inspection Building Knox box Function test Gate access Knox box/padlock Duct detectors/velocity BUILDING INSPECTIONS 24 hr. battery test T/I final Sprinkler monitoring Shell final Final E F Final for occupancy 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 / 760-777-7000 / INSPECTION HOTLINE: 760-777-7131 FINAL INSPECTION DATE: INSPECTORS SIGNATURE: **WHEN CALLING FOR AN INSPECTION PLEASE HAVE PERMIT NUMBER READY. SEE NOTES ON REVERSE SIDE** 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 / 760-777-7000 / INSPECTION HOTLINE: 760-777-7131 INSPECTION NOTES 1. Sway bracing and hangers will be inspected at the time of rough piping inspection. 2. All required hydrostatic pressure tests shall maintain 200 psi for a 2-hour duration. (EX: Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems) 3. Fire sprinkler system remodels: if indicated on plans or this card, a hydrostatic pressure test shall be required. 4. All underground joints and thrusts blocks shall be exposed and readily visible during the hydrostatic test. 5. Contractor shall supply all testing equipment, access and operating instructions at time of test. 6. All systems shall be inspected, tested, and approved by a Fire Inspector before any work is started that may cause the affected system to be covered or hidden. POLICIES ON FIELD INSPECTIONS A. INSPECTION REQUESTS: Inspections are made subject to availability. Please have the permit number available when scheduling inspections. For City of La Quinta inspections call: (760) 777-7131. B. APPROVED PLANS: Shall be kept on the job site at all times that work is in progress. Work shall NOT commence without approved plans. C. INSPECTION REQUESTS: As required by the California Fire Code, the appropriate installing contractor shall be required to schedule the necessary inspections and be present on site for inspections. D. RE-INSPECTIONS: Will be charged against a permit when an inspection has failed, is not ready, the responsible party not on site or where previously noted corrections have not been completed. E. COMMODITIES: Unless otherw ise noted on approved plans or letter of conditions, no commodities shall be entered into the structure until clearance has been granted by the Fire Dept and Building Official. F. OCCUPANCY: Buildings shall NOT be occupied by persons other than construction workers until a Final Fire Clearance has been granted by the Fire Dept and a Certificate for Occupancy has been issued by the Building Official. INSPECTION NOTES: THIS CARD IS REQURIED TO BE POSTED AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. THIS CARD AND APPROVED PLANS MUST BE AVAILABLE AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE FOR ALL INSPECTIONS. THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE AND BECOME NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF THE WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS OR MORE. 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 / 760-777-7000 / INSPECTION HOTLINE: 760-777-7131 THIS PERMIT IS FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL ONLY AND DOES NOT INTEND TO ABROGATE MORE RESTRICTIVE REQUIREMENTS OF OTHER AGENCIES HAVING RESPONSIBILITY.