FA2022-0003ADDITIONAL SITES CHRONOLOGY CONDITION TYPE CONTACT DATE ADDED DATE REQUIRED DATE SATISFIED STATUS REMARKS NOTES CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES NOTE JOSE DELGADO 4/11/2023 4/12/2023 CONTRACTOR REQUESTED FINAL INSPECTION. PERMIT EXPIRED AS OF 11/19/22 (6 MOS FROM DATE OF LAST APPROVED INSPECTION). ADDED EXTENSION FEE OF $88 AND EXTENDED PERMIT TO 4/14/23 SO CONTRACTOR CAN PAY FEE VIA ETRAKIT. WILL ALSO REQUIRE AN EXTENSION REQUEST LETTER FROM CONTRACTOR. OK TO EXTEND PER KOHL. FEES HAVE BEEN PAID AND CONTRACTOR PROVIDED EXTENSION REQUEST. EXTENDING PERMIT FOR ANOTHER 6 MONTHS. CONDITIONS Description: TI EVAC Upgrade to an existing Fire Alarm System. Type: FIRE ALARM (WEB)Subtype: COMMERCIAL - FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Status: FINALED Applied: 1/31/2022 EPRS Parcel No: 770020031 Site Address: 50777 SANTA ROSA PLAZA LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Approved: 3/20/2022 KHET Subdivision: PM 29909 Block: Lot: 6 Issued: 5/23/2022 JLIM Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: 6/5/2023 KHET Valuation: $378,000.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: Printed: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 11:39:08 AM 1 of 8 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FA2022-0003 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS1 CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT Kevin 15531 Container Lane Huntington Beach CA 92649 (714)902-9002 k.dahl@pyrocomm.co m BILL TO Pyro-Comm Inc.15531 Container Lane Huntington Beach CA 92649 (714)902-9002 enghb@pyrocomm.co m CONTRACTOR PYRO-COMM SYSTEMS INC 15531 CONTAINER LANE HUNTINGTON BEACH CA 92649 (714)902-9002 RECEPTION@PYROCO MM.COM OWNER VILLAGE RESORT 15531 Container Lane Huntington Beach CA 92649 (714)902-9002 k.dahl@pyrocomm.co m READY TO ISSUE CHECKLIST AARON HICKSON 2/3/2022 PENDING CITY BL REQUIRED FINANCIAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT #CHECK #METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS 101-0000-42421 0 $500.00 $500.00 5/23/22 WEB11861 637301857 55 CREDIT Pyro-Comm Inc.EPRS FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS PC 101-0000-42420 0 $584.00 $584.00 5/23/22 WEB11861 637301857 55 CREDIT Pyro-Comm Inc.EPRS FIRE FAILED OR ADDITIONAL FIELD INSPECTIONS (EXCESSIVE) EACH 101-0000-42421 0 $175.00 $175.00 4/26/23 WEB14992 858318710 CREDIT 612153 ECON FIRE FAILED OR ADDITIONAL FIELD INSPECTIONS (EXCESSIVE) EACH 101-0000-42421 0 $175.00 $175.00 4/26/23 WEB14992 858318710 CREDIT 612153 ECON FIRE FAILED OR ADDITIONAL FIELD INSPECTIONS (EXCESSIVE) EACH 101-0000-42421 0 $175.00 $175.00 5/19/23 WEB15226 873957466 CREDIT 612153 ECON Printed: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 11:39:08 AM 2 of 8 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FA2022-0003 INSPECTIONS SEQID INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES See attached document detailing the areas inspected and confirmed compliant and the areas requiring reinspection/inspection. Provided Comments: 1. Rough Wire and Device Verification was only able to be completed in the common areas. It is required to provide access to all sleeping rooms to confirm device verification. This may be phased/clustered. a. Some devices were not confirmed due to behind locked doors or not completed installation due to wallpaper still being completed. 2. Rough Wire and Device Verification was not performed in any part of the “Mezzanine” due to time and confusion of location. 3. PyroComm staff shall audit all fire alarm system wiring/conduit penetrations of known fire-rated wall/floor assemblies to DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT #CHECK #METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 1 $88.00 $88.00 4/12/23 WEB14861 849750109 CREDIT 612153 ECON Total Paid for FIRE FEES: $1,697.00 $1,697.00 RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE 101-0000-42416 0 $11.00 $11.00 5/23/22 WEB11861 637301857 55 CREDIT Pyro-Comm Inc.EPRS Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE: $11.00 $11.00 TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 $5.00 5/23/22 WEB11861 637301857 55 CREDIT Pyro-Comm Inc.EPRS Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 $5.00 TOTALS:$1,713.00 $1,713.00 Printed: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 11:39:08 AM 3 of 8 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FA2022-0003 ROUGH-WIRE INSPECTION KHET 4/25/2023 4/25/2023 PARTIALLY APPROVED Partial - Common Areas confirm fire-blocking is provided reasonably. Spot-check or thorough check will be conducted for compliance as at least one location was observed not compliant. 4. All FTC shall have not connected wires labeled/tagged as Spare/etc. 5. All RPS/NFCs shall have the panel/circuit labeled on the exterior panel door. *Lock- outs to be confirmed. 6. 3rd floor Mag-door-holder was not operational – rectify. 7. Revised plans (As-builts with calcs) will be required prior to final function and battery testing. a. Added ADU (all levels) RPS to 2nd floor b. EOL locations have changed in some areas. Clarify wire routing and new EOL. c. See plan notes for device changes observed. 5/9/2023 Inspection Update: Completed dwelling/sleeping unit inspections of devices on levels 3 and 4. Also did common area of the Mezzanine and followed up on some of the previously noted correction items. See attached document detailing the areas inspected and confirmed compliant and the areas requiring reinspection/inspection. Provided Comments: 1. Pending Device Verification of the sleeping rooms on Levels 1, Mezzanine and 2. a. Some devices were not confirmed due to behind locked doors or not completed installation due to wallpaper still being completed. Printed: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 11:39:08 AM 4 of 8 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FA2022-0003 ROUGH-WIRE INSPECTION KHET 5/9/2023 5/9/2023 PARTIALLY APPROVED SEE NOTES 3. PyroComm staff shall audit all fire alarm system wiring/conduit penetrations of known fire-rated wall/floor assemblies to confirm fire-blocking is provided reasonably. Spot-check or thorough check will be conducted for compliance as at least one location was observed not compliant. – SPOT CHECK REVEALED MOST AREAS ADDRESSED. IDENTIFIED AT LEAST ONE PENETRATION ON LEVEL 3 THAT WAS NOT CORRECTED. THIS WAS FIXED AT TIME OF INSPECTION. ADDITIONAL SPOT CHECKING OF LEVELS 1, 2 AND MEZZANINE ARE PLANNED. 4. All FTC shall have not connected wires labeled/tagged as Spare/etc. – WILL CHECK LEVEL 1, 2 AND MEZZANINE 5. All RPS/NFCs shall have the panel/circuit labeled on the exterior panel door. *Lock- outs to be confirmed. – WILL CHECK LEVEL 1, 2 AND MEZZANINE 6. 3rd floor Mag-door-holder was not operational – rectify.- PENDING 7. Revised plans (As-builts with calcs) will be required prior to final function and battery testing. a. Added ADU (all levels) RPS to 2nd floor b. EOL locations have changed in some areas. Clarify wire routing and new EOL. – FURTHER NOTED IDENTIFIED LOCATIONS SHALL BE UPDATED. c. See plan notes for device changes observed. Printed: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 11:39:08 AM 5 of 8 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FA2022-0003 ROUGH-WIRE INSPECTION KHET 5/18/2023 5/18/2023 APPROVED SEE ATTACHMENTS 5/18/2023 Inspection Update: Completed dwelling/sleeping unit inspections of devices on levels 1, Mezzanine and 2. See attached document detailing the areas inspected and confirmed compliant and the areas requiring reinspection/inspection. Provided Comments: 6. 3rd floor Mag-door-holder was not operational – rectify.- PENDING 7. Revised plans (As-builts with calcs) will be required prior to final function and battery testing. a. Added ADU (all levels) RPS to 2nd floor b. EOL locations have changed in some areas. Clarify wire routing and new EOL. – FURTHER NOTED IDENTIFIED LOCATIONS SHALL BE UPDATED. c. See plan notes for device changes observed. FUNCTION TEST KHET 5/23/2023 5/24/2023 PARTIALLY APPROVED Levels 1, Mezz and 2 PHASE 1 FUNCTION TEST KHET 5/30/2023 5/30/2023 APPROVED All functions have been completed 24 HR. BATTERY TEST LRO 5/31/2023 5/31/2023 APPROVED FIRE FINAL**KHET 5/31/2023 6/5/2023 APPROVED INSPECTIONS WERE COMPLETED 5/31 WITH SATISFACTION. FINAL AS-BUILT PLANS WERE PROVIDED 6/1 AND REVIEWED/APPROVED 6/5. PERMIT IS FINALED. REVIEWS REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE RETURNED DATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES PARENT PROJECTS Printed: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 11:39:08 AM 6 of 8 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FA2022-0003 ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 4/12/2023 Etrakit Contractor Extension Request Letter Permit Extension Request La Quinta.pdf 1 DOC 1/31/2022 Etrakit Public Registration 1ST SUBMITTAL Product Data Booklet 50-777 Santa Rosa Plaza - Embassy - SUBMITTAL BOOKLET.pdf 1 DOC 1/31/2022 Etrakit Public Registration 1ST SUBMITTAL Fire Alarm Plan Set 50-777 Santa Rosa Plaza - Embassy - DRAWING SET.pdf 1 DOC 3/4/2022 Etrakit Public Registration Revised Drawings per LaQuinta Corrections. 50-777 Santa Rosa Plaza - Embassy - CORRECTION DRAWING SET.pdf 1 DOC 2/28/2022 KOHL HETRICK FA2022-0003 - 1ST REVIEW - FIRE PLAN CORRECTIONS.pdf FA2022-0003 - 1ST REVIEW - FIRE PLAN CORRECTIONS.pdf 1 DOC 3/20/2022 KOHL HETRICK FA2022-0003 - COA AND JOB CARD.pdf FA2022-0003 - COA AND JOB CARD.pdf 1 DOC 3/20/2022 KOHL HETRICK FA2022-0003 - APPROVED PLANS.pdf FA2022-0003 - APPROVED PLANS.pdf 1 DOC 3/20/2022 KOHL HETRICK FA2022-0003 - PLANS FOR INSPECTION.pdf FA2022-0003 - PLANS FOR INSPECTION.pdf 0 BOND INFORMATION 1ST FIRE (2 WK)KOHL HETRICK 1/31/2022 2/14/2022 2/28/2022 REVISIONS REQUIRED SEE ATTACHMENTS *Plan comments only, no Correction Letter. 1ST PERMIT TECH (1 DAY) AARON HICKSON 1/31/2022 2/1/2022 2/15/2022 COMPLETE 2ND FIRE (1 WK)KOHL HETRICK 3/4/2022 3/11/2022 3/20/2022 APPROVED SEE ATTACHMENTS 3RD FIRE (1 WK)KOHL HETRICK 5/23/2023 5/30/2023 6/15/2023 APPROVED Revised Plans Printed: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 11:39:08 AM 7 of 8 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FA2022-0003 ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 5/9/2023 KOHL HETRICK FA2022-0003 - FA Insp Notes 5-9-2023.pdf FA2022-0003 - FA Insp Notes 5-9-2023.pdf 1 DOC 5/9/2023 KOHL HETRICK FA2022-0003 - FA Insp Notes 4-25-2023.pdf FA2022-0003 - FA Insp Notes 4-25-2023.pdf 1 DOC 5/18/2023 KOHL HETRICK FA2022-0003 - FA Insp Notes 5-18-2023.pdf FA2022-0003 - FA Insp Notes 5-18-2023.pdf 1 DOC 5/23/2023 KOHL HETRICK Embassy Suites La Quinta - 2021476 REVISED Asbuilts.pdf Embassy Suites La Quinta - 2021476 REVISED Asbuilts.pdf 1 DOC 6/5/2023 KOHL HETRICK FA2022-0003 - FINAL APPROVED AS- BUILTS.pdf FA2022-0003 - FINAL APPROVED AS- BUILTS.pdf 1 Printed: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 11:39:08 AM 8 of 8 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FA2022-0003 APPROVEDBy:FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST03/20/2022 7:08:22 AMThe approval of plans and specifications does notpermit the violation, deletion, omission or faultyinstallation of any requirements of Title 24 or anyLocal Ordinances. Construction shall remainaccessible and exposed for inspection purposesuntil approved by the Fire Department.PERMIT # - WWW.PYROCOMM.COM C-10 612153 NORTHERN CA REGIONAL OFFICE ▪ 10966 BIGGE STREET ▪ SAN LEANDRO, CA 94577 (510) 632-1208 SAN DIEGO REGIONAL OFFICE ▪ 5115 AVENIDA ENCINAS, SUITE G ▪ CARLSBAD, CA 92008 (760) 930-6014 Pyro-Comm Systems, Inc. 15531 CONTAINER LANE ▪ HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA 92649 (714) 902-8000 ▪ FAX (714) 902-8001 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM MFG. MODEL# DESCRIPTION CSFM# [CONTROL PANELS] NOTIFIER NFS-LBB Battery Back Box N/A [BATTERIES] NOTIFIER BAT-1270 Battery-7 AH N/A NOTIFIER BAT-12180 Battery-18 AH N/A [VOICE EVACUATION] NOTIFIER NFC 50/100 Emergency Voice Evac. Control 6911-0028:0265 NOTIFIER NFC 50DA 50W Distributed Amplifier 7300-0028:0266 [MANUAL PULL STATIONS] NOTIFIER NBG-12LX Address Manual Pull Station 7150-0028:0199 [SIGNALING DEVICES] SYST.SENS. SPCWL Fire Alarm Speaker-White 7320-1653:0505 SYST.SENS. SPWL Fire Alarm Speaker-White 7320-1653:0505 SYST.SENSR. SWL Wall Strobe, Standard cd, White 7125-1653:0504 SYST.SENSR. SCWL Ceiling Strobe, Standard cd,- White 7125-1653:0504 SYST.SENSR. SWK Wall Strobe, Standard cd,- Red-Outdoor 7300-1653:0187 Embassy Suites – Tenant Improvement 50-777 Santa Rosa Plaza La Quinta, Ca 92253 Fire Alarm System Submittal PCSI Job# 2021476.1 DN-6040:A2 • 10/18/2012 — Page 1 of 2 CHG-120 Battery Charger Power Supplies DN-6040:A2 • E-191 General The CHG-120 is a state-of-the-art battery charging system designed for use with NOTIFIER Fire Alarm Control Panels (FACPs). It is designed to charge lead-acid batteries between 25 and 120 ampere-hours (AH). Features • Charges sealed lead-acid batteries. • Automatic float-type battery charger. • Rated for batteries of 25 to 120 ampere-hours. • Obtains full float voltage within 48 hours. • For use on any 24-volt FACP which can handle the speci- fied batteries and can disable the local charger. • AC Fail delay (central station applications) per latest NFPA requirements. • Form-C Trouble contact. • Dual outputs, for easy load distribution. • Diagnostic LEDs: –Primary AC On –Charger Trouble. –Ground Fault. –Hi Charge. –Lo Charge. –Battery Voltage Level (3 LEDs). –Low Battery. • Black or red NFS-LBB(R) battery cabinet (optional). • Field-selectable input voltage, 120 VAC or 230 VAC. • Charges: –26 AH batteries within 9 hours. –55/60 AH batteries within 20 hours. –120 AH batteries within 38 hours. NOTE: Values per NOTIFIER testing. Construction and Operation The CHG-120 consists of a PC board and mounting chassis. Charging current is provided automatically when the battery voltage falls below the charger’s output voltage. Applications Use the CHG-120 when batteries required for standby are rated between 25 to 120 AH. CHG-120 Specifications Primary AC (TB1): –115 VAC, 60 Hz, 2 A. –230 VAC, 50 Hz, 1 A. Form-C relay (TB3): 5 A at 30 VDC. Float charge voltage: 27.6 VDC. Maximum charging current: 4.5 A. Fuses F1-F3: 15 A. Battery sizes: 26 AH to 120 AH. Charging time (to charge two fully discharged batteries): – 25 AH = 9 hours. –55 AH/60 AH = 20 hours. –120 AH = 38 hours. Installation The CHG-120 has a variety of mounting options. It can be mounted in either a CAB-4 Series backbox or remotely in the NFS-LBB Battery Backbox. Install the CHG-120 within 20 feet (6.096 m) of the main FACP. When mounting in a CAB-4 Series backbox: • The CHG-120 can be mounted in the main power supply position, on the lower left of the CAB-4 Series backbox. • Using self-tapping screws, the CHG-120 can be mounted in the lower right position (normally, where the batteries are mounted) of the CAB-4 Series backbox. When mounting remotely in the NFS-LBB: • The CHG-120 mounts in the left position of the backbox. NOTE: Only one 55 AH battery or two 26 AH batteries will mount with the charger board in the NFS-LBB. NFS-LBB Battery Box Battery Configurations: The battery backbox can mount configurations of batteries as follows: • Without CHG-120 mounted internally: –Up to two 26 AH batteries. –Up to two 55/60 AH batteries. –One 100 AH battery. • With CHG-120 mounted internally: –Up to two 26 AH batteries. –One 55/60 AH battery. –One 100 AH battery.6040chg.wmf Page 2 of 2 — DN-6040:A2 • 10/18/2012 NOTIFIER® is a registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc. ©2012 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118. www.notifier.com Made in the U.S. A. NOTE: When 100 AH batteries are required, a NFS-LBB is required to mount each 100 AH battery. The CHG-120 can mount in either the CAB-4 Series backbox or in a third NFS-LBB in this configuration. Product Line Information CHG-120: Battery charger circuit board and mounting chassis. Includes mounting hardware and installation instructions. BAT-12260: 26 AH, 12-volt, sealed lead-acid battery. Order as bulk pack BAT-12260-BP, contains two. See data sheet DN- 6933. BAT-12550: 55 AH, 12-volt, sealed lead-acid battery. See data sheet DN-6933. BAT-121000: 100 AH, 12-volt, sealed lead-acid battery. See data sheet DN-6933. NFS-LBB: Battery Backbox — holds up to two BAT-12550 55 AH batteries or one BAT-121000 100 AH battery. Dimensions: Box: 24.0" (61.0 cm) wide x 14.0" (35.6 cm) high x 7.75" (19.7 cm) deep. Door: 24.125" (61.3 cm) wide x 14.25" (36.2 cm) high x (door adds 0.063" [approx. 0.16 cm] to depth), black. NFS-LBBR: Same as NFS-LBB above but painted red. Compliance with Codes and Standards The CHG-120 complies with the following standards: • NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code. • UL 864 Standard for Control Units for Fire Alarm Systems. • UL 1481 Power Supplies for Fire Alarm Systems. • CAN/ULC-S527-M87. Agency Listings and Approvals The listings and approvals below apply to the basic CHG-120. In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult fac- tory for latest listing status. •UL: S674. •ULC: S635. •FM: Approved. •CSFM: 7315-0028:0189. •MEA: 195-97-E, 345-02-E. •FDNY: #6114. CHG-120 Features NFS-LBB Battery Backbox 6040bb5.wmf6040feat.wmf DN-6933:B • 01/20/2011 — Page 1 of 2 BAT Series Batteries Sealed Lead-Acid Power Supplies DN-6933:B • E-205 General BAT Series Batteries are Power Sonic brand batteries. BAT Series (or Power Sonic brand) batteries are recommended for secondary power or backup power for all NOTIFIER fire alarm control equipment. Features • Provide secondary power for control panels. • Sealed and maintenance-free. • Overcharge protected. • Easy handling with leakproof construction. • Ruggedly constructed, high-impact case (ABS, polystyrene, or polypropylene, depending on models). • Long service life. • Compact design. Agency Listings and Approvals 6933cov.jpg The listings and approvals below apply to BAT Series Batteries. In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in process. Consult factory for latest listing status. •UL Recognized Components: MH20845 (Power-Sonic) Part Number Reference & Specifications Current Part Number Power Sonic Part Number Battery Description DIMENSIONS Nominal Voltage V Nominal Capacity @ 20 hr. rate A.H. Width Depth Height Height over terminal Weight in.mm in.mm in.mm in.mm lb.kg. BAT-1250 PS-1250 12 5 sealed 3.54 90 2.76 70 4.02 102 4.21 107 4.1 1.9 BAT-1270 PS-1270 12 7 sealed 5.95 151 2.56 65 3.7 94 3.86 98 4.8 2.18 BAT-12120 PS-12120 12 12 sealed 5.95 151 3.86 98 3.7 94 3.94 100 7.92 3.59 BAT-12180 PS-12180 12 18 sealed 7.13 181 2.99 76 6.57 167 6.57 167 12.6 5.8 BAT-12260 PS-12260 12 26 sealed 6.56 167 6.97 177 4.92 125 4.92 125 17 7.71 BAT-12550 PS-12250 12 55 sealed 9.04 230 654 138 8.2 208 8.98 228 36 16.33 BAT-121000 PS-121000 12 100 sealed 12 305 6.6 168 8.2 208 8.98 228 68 30.84 Bulk packs: Bulk packs are available for all models except BAT-12550 and BAT-12000. Characteristic Discharge Curves Effect of Temperature on Capacity 1109grf1.tif1109grf2.wmf•BAT-1250-BP: 10-unit bulk pack of BAT-1250 •BAT-1270-BP: 5-unit bulk pack of BAT-1270 •BAT-12120-BP: 4-unit bulk pack of BAT-12120 •BAT-12180-BP: 2-unit bulk pack of BAT-12180 •BAT-12260-BP: 2-unit bulk pack of BAT-12260 Page 2 of 2 — DN-6933:B • 01/20/2011 NOTIFIER® is a registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc. Batteries display trademarks of the manufacturer. ©2011 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118. www.notifier.com Made in the U.S. A. 1109grf3.wmfat left: PS-121000 Shelf-Life and Storage 1109grf4.wmfat left: PS-121000 Discharge Characteristics DN-60772:A6 • 10/23/2015 — Page 1 of 6 NFC-50/100(E) Notifier First Command Voice Evacuation & Emergency Communications System DN-60772:A6 General Notifier’s First Command NFC-50/100 and NFC-50/100E are multipurpose emergency voice evacuation panels for fire appli- cations, mass notification applications, or both. The First Com- mand delivers 50 or 100 watts of audio power for distribution to up to eight speaker circuits (i.e. zones). The NFC-50/100(E) comes standard with a single speaker circuit and a built-in 50 watt, 25V amplifier. A secondary 50 watt amplifier (NFC-BDA- 25/70V) can be added for single speaker circuit backup or to increase system capacity to two speaker circuits and an addi- tional 50 watts of audio power. An optional NFC-CE6 module added to the NFC-50/100(E) will upgrade the system to a max- imum of eight speaker circuit outputs. All speaker output cir- cuits can be wired in either Style Y (Class B) or Style Z (Class A) configuration. The NFC-50/100(E) has fourteen field pro- grammable messages (up to 60 seconds each), built-in field configurable pre- and post-announce tone generators and a fully supervised Notification Appliance Circuit (NAC) with 2.0 amps of synchronized NAC power. The NFC-50/100(E) includes three built-in Form-C relay contacts, (AC power, trou- ble and MNS active) a NAC follower and 500mA special appli- cation power. A built-in power supply delivers operational power and an onboard battery charger supports charging up to 26AH batteries (NFC cabinet holds up to 18AH batteries). For fire protection applications, the NFC-50/100(E) is an adjunct (slave) to any UL listed FACP, providing reverse polar- ity or contact closure; can be used as a stand-alone unit for non-fire applications. For seamless integration between fire and mass notification, the NFC-50/100(E) can be directly acti- vated via serial communication between the NFW2-100, NFS- 320, or NFS2-640. Activation of the NFC-50/100(E) via other FACPs uses the eight on board Command Input Circuits (CMDs). Two of the eight CMD circuits (CMD 1 & CMD 2) can be individually field programmed for activation by an FACP Notification Appliance Circuit reverse polarity and all eight can be activated by a contact closure. In addition, the NFC-50/ 100(E) can be activated from a building's Private Branch Exchange (PBX) with the integral night ring feature. All NFC-50/100(E) programming is done by using a simple, built-in programming utility accessed from any laptop. For added flexibility, the NFC-50/100(E) supports both 25V and 70V speaker output operation. By adding a 70V transformer conversion module (NFC-XRM-70V) or an additional 70 volt secondary amplifier (NFC-BDA-25/70V) the system supports 70 volt speaker devices. The NFC-50/100(E) can expand in order to accommodate larger or more complex installations. To add more control and increase system capacity, any combination of up to eight external remote consoles (including the NFC-LOC, NFC-RPU, and NFC-RM) and up to eight distributed audio amplifiers (including the NFC-50DA(E), NFC-100DA(E) and NFC-125- DA(E) can be connected on the external data bus and audio riser data bus to create a fully integrated command center. A fully loaded system supports up to 1100 watts of total audio power and up to 24 speaker circuit outputs. TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Features • UL Listed to UL 2572 Communication (Control Units Mass Notification Systems) and UL 864 (emergency voice evacu- ation for fire) • Modular design for system flexibility and easy expansion • Removable terminal blocks • 50 watts of 25V audio power (expandable to 100 watts) RMS • 2 amp Notification Appliance Circuit (NAC) output, sync generator, or follower for System Sensor, Wheelock or Gen- tex protocols • Optional 70Vtransformer available for the primary amplifier. (Note that speaker wiring continues to be supervised in standby, alarm and when background music is playing with this optional transformer installed) • Eight Command Input Circuits to activate messages 1 to 8: –CMD1 and CMD2 are field selectable to be activated from 12 or 24 VDC Notification Appliance Circuits (reverse polarity) or contact closures –CMD3-CMD8 are activated by contact closures • Speaker Circuits –Single Style Y (Class B) or Style Z (Class A) speaker Cir- cuit • Schools • Nursing Homes • Factories • Theaters • Military facilities • Restaurants • Auditoriums • Places of Worship • Office Buildings Page 2 of 6 — DN-60772:A6 • 10/23/2015 –Two Style Y (Class B) or Style Z (Class A) speaker cir- cuits (with optional NFC-BDA-25/70V Audio Amplifier installed) –Eight Style Y (Class B) or Style Z (Class A) speaker cir- cuits (with optional NFC-BDA-25/70V and NFC-CE6 installed) • 520Hz square wave tones available, which can be uploaded to the NFC-50/100 to meet NFPA Low Frequency requirements (Refer to the Device Compatibility Document 15378 for listed compatible speakers.) • NFC-50/100(E) can be controlled by an FACP via the ANN/ ACS (EIA-485) link of the NFW2-100, and via the ACS (EIA-485) link of the NFS-320 or NFS2-640. The NFS-320 or NFS2-640 must be firmware version 20.0 or higher. • Certified for seismic applications when used with the appro- priate seismic mounting kit • Integral supervised microphone • Microphone time-out feature which reverts back to prere- corded message if emergency page exceeds the pro- grammed time • 14 recorded messages • Field-selectable message and custom message recording capability using the local microphone, a USB port, or an external audio input • External Audio Input can be used for background music • Up to 60 second message duration for all messages • Integral tone generators field selectable for multiple tone types • Powered by integral AC power supply or batteries during AC fail • Programmable delay of immediate, 2 hours or 6 hours reporting of AC Loss • Piezo sounder for local trouble • 100 event history log • Three Form-C relays: –AC Power Loss Relay - TB1 –System Trouble Relay - TB2 –MNS Active - TB3 • 500mA (0.5A) Special Application (auxiliary power) output for addressable modules when interfaced with compatible addressable FACPs and End-of-Line power supervision relays • System Status LEDs (Refer to “Controls and Indicators” in product manual LS10001-001NF-E.) • Integral Dress Panel • Optional TR-CE-B semi-flush trim ring • Any combination of up to eight (8) external remote con- soles: –Optional NFC-RM Remote Microphone (includes cabinet) See DN-60778. –Optional NFC-RPU Remote Page Unit (includes cabinet) See DN-60775. –Optional NFC-LOC Local operator console (includes cab- inet) See DN-60777. • Any combination of up to eight (8) distributed audio amplifi- ers: • Optional NFC-50DA(E) distributed amplifier, 50 watts. See DN-60776. • Optional NFC-125DA(E) distributed amplifier, 125 watts. See DN-60776. • Optional NFC-50/100 distributed amplifier with backup capability, 50/100 watts. See DN-60776. Optional Internal Expansion Modules NFC-CE6: Circuit Expander Module provides connections for up to six Style Z (Class A) or Style Y (Class B) speaker cir- cuits. Circuits are configured through the web-based program- ming utility. NFC-BDA-25V: 25V, 50 watt audio amplifier module. Adding a second speaker circuit increases the total NFC-50/100 power output to 100 watts or can also be used as a backup amplifier. NFC-BDA-70V: 70V, 50 watt audio amplifier module. Adding a second speaker circuit increases the total NFC-50/100 power output to 100 watts or can also be used as a backup amplifier. NFC-XRM-70V: 70V Transformer Conversion Module. Con- verts the NFC-50/100(E) primary amplifier to a 70V output. This transformer mounts directly to the NFC-50/100(E) main control board by two metal brackets. Control and Indicators PUSH BUTTON CONTROLS • All Call • Message Select 1-14 • MNS Control • Diagnostic Select • System Control • Trouble Silence • Speaker Select 1-24 • Console Lamp Test DN-60772:A6 • 10/23/2015 — Page 3 of 6 LED Status Indicators (visible with door closed) LED Indicators (visible with door and dress panel open) • Speaker Volume Control Fault (yellow). • Option Card Fault (yellow). • Amplifier Over Current Fault (yellow). Product Line Information NFC-50/100: (Primary Operating Console) 50 Watt, 25V single speaker zone emergency voice evacuation system, integral microphone, built in tone generator and 14 recordable mes- sages. NFC-50/100E: Export version (Primary Operating Console) 50 Watt, 25V single speaker zone emergency voice evacuation system, integral microphone, built in tone generator and 14 recordable messages. (240 VAC, 50Hz). NFC-CE6: Speaker Circuit/Zone Expander Module. NFC-BDA-25V: 25V, 50 watt audio amplifier module. Adding a second speaker circuit increases the total NFC-50/100 power output to 100 watts or can also be used as a backup amplifier. NFC-BDA-70V: 70V, 50 watt audio amplifier module. Adding a second speaker circuit increases the total NFC-50/100 power output to 100 watts or can also be used as a backup amplifier. NFC-XRM-70V: 70V Transformer Conversion Module. Con- verts the NFC-50/100(E) primary amplifier to a 70V output. This transformer mounts directly to the NFC-50/100(E) main control board by two metal brackets. NFC-LOC: Local Operator Console (Complete user interface), Please refer to the data sheet DN-60777 for more information. NFC-RPU: Remote Page Unit Hand held microphone, 14 message buttons. Please refer to the data sheet DN-60775 for more information. NFC-RM: Remote Microphone only. Please refer to the data sheet DN-60778 for more information. NFC-50DA: Distributed (Remote) Audio Amplifier, 50 watts. Please refer to the data sheet DN-60776 for more information. NFC-50DAE: Export version. Distributed (Remote) Audio Amplifier, 50 watts. (240 VAC, 50Hz). Please refer to the data sheet DN-60776 for more information. NFC-125DA: Distributed (Remote) Audio Amplifier, 125 watts. Please refer to the data sheet DN-60776 for more information. NFC-125DAE: Export version. Distributed (Remote) Audio Amplifier, 125 watts. (240 VAC, 50Hz). Please refer to the data sheet DN-60776 for more information. NFC-50/100DA: Distributed (Remote) Audio Amplifier with back up, 50 watts/100 watts at 25Vrms or 70Vrms. Please refer to the data sheet DN-60776 for more information. NFC-50/100DAE: Export version. Distributed (Remote) Audio Amplifier with back up, 50 watts/100 watts (240 VAC, 50Hz). Please refer to the data sheet DN-60776 for more information. NFC-BDA-BU: Expander card for ECC-50BDA remote amplifier for 100 watt primary / 50 watt back up operation.Please refer to the data sheet DN-60776 for more information. NFC-CE4: Distributed Audio Speaker Circuit/Zone expander module. NFC-FFT: Fire Fighter Telephone System. Please refer to the data sheet DN-60779 for more information. NFC-RTZM: Remote Telephone Zone Module. Allows for secure access to the NFC via cell phone or remote telephone means; not UL listed.Please refer to the data sheet DN-60818 for more information. SEISKIT-COMMENC: Seismic kit for the NFC-50/100. Includes battery bracket for two 12 AH or 18 AH batteries. N-FPJ: Remote Phone Jack. FHS-F: Fire Fighters Remote Handset. FHSC-R: Fire Fighters Handset Cabinet Recessed. FHSC-S: Fire Fighters Handset Cabinet Surface Mount TR-CE-B: Optional Trim Ring. THUMBLTCH: Optional Thumb Latch. (Non UL-Listed). CHG-75: 25 to 75 ampere-hours (AH) External Battery Charger. CHG-120: 25-120 ampere-hours (AH) External Battery Charger. ECC-MICROPHONE: Replacement Microphone only. BAT-1270: Battery,12 volt,7.0 AH (Two required). BAT-12120: Battery,12 volt,12.0 AH (Two required). BAT-12180: Battery,12 volt, 18.0 AH (Two required). BAT-12260: Battery, 12 volt, 26.0 AH (Two required). BB-26: Battery cabinet mounts up to two 26 AH batteries. Wiring Requirements See product manual, part number LS10001-001NF-E for detailed wiring requirements. Total System Capacity: (NFC-50/100(E) only) • Total Built-in Audio Power: 50 Watts. • Total Expandable Audio Power: 100 Watts. • Total Built-in Speaker Circuits: 2. • Total Expandable Speaker Circuits: 8. • Audio Message Max Time Duration: 60 seconds. • External Audio Input: 1. Total System Capacity: (Fully Loaded System) • Total Distributed Audio Power: 1100 Watts. • Total Speaker Circuits Per System: 24. • Total Remote Consoles Supported: 8. • Total Distributed Audio Amplifiers Supported: 8. Fire System Active (green)LOC/RPU/RM 1-8 Active (green) MNS Control (green) Main Console Fault (yellow) System Control (green) AC Power (green) System in Use (green) Ground Fault (yellow) Speaker Zone 1-24 Active (green)Charger Fault (yellow) Speaker Zone 1-24 Fault (yellow)Battery Fault (yellow) OK to Page (green) Data Bus Fault (yellow) Microphone Trouble (yellow) NAC Fault (yellow) Message 1-8 Active (red) NAC Active (green) Message 1-8 Fault (yellow) System Trouble (yellow) Remote Amplifier 1-8 Fault (yellow)Audio Riser Fault (yellow) LOC/RPU/RM 1-8 Fault (yellow) Page 4 of 6 — DN-60772:A6 • 10/23/2015 horns/strobes Speaker Circuits TB20 & TB21 NAC Circuit TB19 Internal options NFC-CE6 circuit expander NFC-BDA25/70V optional amplifier NFC-FFT firefighter telephone remote consoles NFC-LOC local operator console NFC-RPU remote paging unit NFC-RM remote microphone TB4 TB12 TB22distributed audioexternal battery charger - J7 NFC-50DA 50W remote amplifier NFC-125DA 125W remote amplifier CHG-120 charger CHG-75 charger NFC-50/100(E) FirstCommand (Possible Configurations) NFC-50/100DA 50/100W remote amplifier DN-60772:A6 • 10/23/2015 — Page 5 of 6 Electrical Specifications PRIMARY (AC) POWER (TB15) NFC-50/100: 120 VAC, 60 Hz, 3.5 amps. NFC-50/100E: 240 VAC, 50 Hz, 2.0 amps. Wire size: minimum #14 AWG (2.00mm2) with 600 V insulation. SECONDARY POWER (BATTERY) CHARGING CIR- CUIT (J7) • Supports lead-acid batteries only. • Float charge voltage at 27.3V • Maximum charge current: 1.0 Amp • Maximum battery charge capability: 2.8 Amps, 26AH (NFC cabinet holds max. 18AH battery). • Minimum Battery size:12 Amp Hour. AC LOSS RELAY CONTACT RATING (TB3) • 2.0 amps @ 30 VDC (resistive), 0.5 amps @ 30 VAC (resistive). FORM C - TROUBLE RELAY CONTACT RATING (TB2) • 2.0 amps @ 30 VDC (resistive), 0.5 amp @ 30 VAC (resistive). MNS ACTIVE RELAY CONTACT RATING (TB1) • 2.0 amps @ 30 VDC (resistive), 0.5 amps @ 30 VAC (resistive). NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CIRCUIT (NAC) OUTPUT RATING (TB19) • One (1) Style Y (Class B) or Style Z (Class A) circuit. • Power-limited circuitry, (Class 2) supervised. • Nominal operating voltage: 24 VDC. • Maximum signaling current for special application power: 2.0A. • Maximum signaling current for regulated power: 200mA. • Maximum wiring impedance: 1 . • Current limit: fuse-less, electronic, power-limited. • End-Of-Line Resistor: 4.7 K , ½ watt, (P/N 71252) required for Style Y (Class B) operation. Refer to the Device Compatibility Document 15378 for listed compatible devices. NAC FOLLOWER OUTPUT REMOTE SYNC (TB18) • Connections for FACP NAC synchronization trigger signal. • Output terminals: pass-through to other system compo- nents. • Trigger input voltage: 9 to 32 VDC, 24 VDC rated. • Input current draw in Alarm condition: 10 mA at rated volt- age. SPECIAL APPLICATION POWER (AUX. POWER) (TB17) • 500 mA @ 24 VDC. • Used for powering addressable modules and associated End-of-Line power supervision relays. Power-limited circuitry. Refer to the Device Compatibility Doc- ument 15378 for a list of compatible devices. SPEAKER VOLUME CONTROL OVERRIDE (TB23) • Style Y (Class B) or Style Z (Class A) circuit. • Special application power. • Power-limited circuitry, supervised. • Nominal operating voltage: 24 VDC. • Maximum signaling current: 0.25 amps. • Current limit: fuse-less, electronic, power-limited. • End-Of-Line Resistor: 4.7 K , ½ watt, (P/N 71252) required for Style Y (Class B) operation. Speaker Circuits • Primary Speaker Circuit (TB20) • Secondary Speaker Circuit (TB21) (with optional amplifier only). –Circuit can be wired Style Y (Class B) or Style Z (Class A). –Power-limited circuitry. –Normal Operating Voltage: 25 VRMS @ 2 amps max and maximum Load Impedance of 12.5 (70V @ 700 mA max. with maximum load Impedance of 100 operation possible by plugging optional NFC-XRM-70V conversion transformer into J12 of the main control board). –Output Power: 50 watts (10 watts when background music is employed). –Frequency Range: 400Hz - 4,000Hz. –Maximum total capacitance for each speaker circuit: 250 µF. –End-of-Line Resistor required for Style Y circuit: 15 K , 1 watt (P/N: ELR-15K). Command Input Circuits (alarm polari- ties shown) CMD1 - TB4 Terminals 3(+) & 4(-) are input terminals and Ter- minals 1(-) and 2(+) are output terminals which provide feed through of the NAC circuits to NAC devices down stream. CMD2 - TB5 Terminals 3(+) & 4(-) are input terminals and Ter- minals 1(-) and 2(+) are output terminals which provide feed through of the NAC circuits to NAC devices downstream. CMD3 - TB6 Terminals 1(+) & 2(-) are input terminals for con- tact closure only. CMD4 - TB6 Terminals 3(+) & 4(-) are input terminals for con- tact closure only. CMD5 - TB7 Terminals 1(+) & 2(-) are input terminals for con- tact closure only. CMD6 - TB7 Terminals 3(+) & 4(-) are input terminals for con- tact closure only. CMD7 - TB8 Terminals 1(+) & 2(-) are input terminals for con- tact closure only. CMD8 - TB8 Terminals 3(+) & 4(-) are input terminals for con- tact closure only. • Power-limited and supervised circuitry. • Normal Operating Voltage Range: 10.5 VDC - 29 VDC; (Maximum Voltage: 29 VDC). • NAC Reverse Polarity Current (requires End-of-Line Resis- tor from NAC): 1.6 mA maximum. • Contact Closure Operation Current (requires 4.7K , ½ watt End-of-Line Resistor P/N 27072): 6.6 mA maximum. • Maximum Wiring Impedance CMD1 - CMD8 (Contact Clo- sure Operation): 200 . NOTE: When the system is programmed for Mass Notification, CMD1and CMD2 will be programmed for Reverse Polarity only. See manual P/N LS10001-001NF-E for more details. MAXIMUM INPUT IMPEDANCE: • CMD1 & CMD2 (Reverse Polarity Operation): 20K . • CMD1 - CMD8 (Contact Closure Operation): 4.75K . NIGHT RING INPUT - TB16, TERMINALS 1 (+) & 2 (-) • Contact closure input. • Isolated, non-supervised. • Operation current: 3.8 mA, maximum. Page 6 of 6 — DN-60772:A6 • 10/23/2015 First Command® and Notifier® are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. ©2015 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118. www.notifier.com Made in the U.S. A. • Maximum wiring impedance: 30K . • Minimum isolation withstand voltage: 1500 VRMS. EXTERNAL OPERATOR INTERFACE POWER OUTPUT (TB24) • Non-resettable power for external operator interface com- ponents. • Power-limited circuitry, non-supervised. • Nominal operating voltage: 24 VDC. • Maximum output current: 0.80 amps. • Current limit: fuse-less, electronic, power-limited circuit. EXTERNAL DATA BUS (EIA-485) (TB12) • Data connections for external operator interface components. • Redundant transceiver circuitry for Class A operability. • Power-limited circuitry, supervised. • Maximum wiring impedance: 13.2 FACP DATA BUS (EIA-485) (TB13) • Dedicated connection to FACP serial bus. • Output terminals: pass-through to other system components. • Isolated, supervised. • Minimum isolation withstand voltage: 1500 VRMS. • Maximum wiring impedance: 40 (ANN-BUS), 26 (ACS-BUS). • External Audio Riser (TB22). • Style Y (Class B) or Style Z (Class A) audio connections to external operator interface components. • Power-limited circuitry, supervised. • Audio signal level: 3.85 V, maximum. • Frequency range: 400 Hz - 4 KHz RMS. • Frequency range (NFC-50/125DA): 800Hz - 2KHz RMS. EXTERNAL AUDIO INPUT (TB5) • Input Impedance: 8.5K nominal @1KHz • Input Voltage: 700 mV rms maximum • Input Current: 0.1 mA maximum @ 700 mV NOTE: Some laptops/personal computers only provide an audio output for headphones. It may be necessary to adjust the head- phone output level for proper recording of voice messages. NFC-CE6 Circuit Expander Module Specifications • Power-limited circuitry. • Up to six (6) circuits on the NFC-CE6 can be wired as Style Y (Class B) or Style Z (Class A). • Normal Operating Voltage for Speaker Circuits: 25 V@ 2.0 amps max. (Maximum Load Impedance of 12.5 ). • 70.0 V @ 700 mA max. with maximum Load Impedance of 100 operation possible for the primary circuit by plugging in an optional NFC-XRM-70V conversion transformer into J12 of the main control board. The same operation is possi- ble for the optional 50W amplifier by selecting the NFC- BDA-70V model. • Speaker circuit wiring is supervised during standby, back- ground music, and alarm. • Output Power: 50 watts total; Frequency Range: 400Hz - 4,000Hz. • Maximum total capacitance: 250 µF. (Note that the total capacitance for the speaker outputs must not exceed the maximum of 250 µF). • End-of-Line Resistor required for Style Y (Class B) speaker circuit: 15 K , 1 watt (P/N: ELR-15K) TB13 on the main control board: ACS/ANN (EIA-485) electrically isolated link to FACP provides programmed speaker control. Cabinet Specifications • Backbox: 19.0"(48.26 cm) high x 16.65"(42.29 cm) wide x 5.20"(13.23 cm) deep. • Door: 19.26” (48.92 cm) high x 16.82”(42.73 cm) wide x 0.12”(0.30 cm) deep. • Trim Ring (TR-CE-B): 22.00” (55.88 cm) high x 19.65” (49.91 cm) wide. Shipping Specifications Base Unit Weight: 27.85 lbs (12.63 kg). Temperature and Humidity ranges This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0-49º C/32-120º F and at a relative humidity 93% ± 2% RH (non- condensing) at 32°C ± 2°C (90°F ± 3°F). However, the useful life of the system's standby batteries and the electronic com- ponents may be adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and humidity. Therefore, it is recommended that this system and its peripherals be installed in an environment with a normal room temperature of 15-27º C/60-80º F. Agency Listings and Approvals The listings and approvals below apply to the basic NFC-50/ 100(E) control panel. In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies or listing may be in pro- cess. Consult factory for latest listing status. • UL/ULC Listed S635. • Compliant with UFC 4-021-01. • CSFM: 6911-0028:0265. • NYC Fire Dept.Certificate of Approval: #6163 Standards and Codes The NFC-50/100(E) complies with the following UL Standards, NFPA 72, International Building Codes, and California Building Codes. • UL 864. • UL 2572. • IBC 2012, IBC 2009, IBC 2006, IBC 2003, IBC 2000 (Seis- mic). • CBC 2007 (Seismic) CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.6911-0028:0265 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 6911 -- VOICE COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS CONTROL UNITS LISTEE:NotifierOne Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06472-1653 Contact: Lisa Brant (203) 484-6105 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: lisa.brant@honeywell.com DESIGN: Models NFC-50/100 and NFC-50/100E. These are 50-watt audio emergency voice evacuation panels expandable to 100-watt for fire applications, mass notification applications, or both. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. System components: *ECC-LOC: Local Operator Console ECC-MCB; Main Control Board ECC-DKVCM; Display Board NFC-BDA-25V; Amplifier Module 25 VRMS NFC-BDA-70V; Amplifier Module 70 VRMS NFC-CE6; Speaker Circuit Expander Module NFC-XRM-70V; Transformer Module 70.7 VRMS RATING:Primary Operating: 120 V, 60 Hz, 3.5 A or 240 V, 50 Hz, 2 A INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as voice communication systems for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units to provide emergency voice evacuation signals. Refer to listee’s Installation Instruction Manual for details. XLF:6911-0075:0226 *12-27-2016 dc July 01, 2021Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2022 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. DN-60776:C • 6/30/2015 — Page 1 of 4 NFC-50DA(E) NFC-125DA(E) NFC-50/100DA Distributed Audio Amplifiers Emergency Voice Evacuation DN-60776:C General Notifier’s FirstCommand NFC-50DA(E), NFC-50/100DA and NFC-125DA(E) are intelligent 50 watt, 100 watt, and 125 watt amplifiers that are used with the NFC-50/100(E) Emergency Command Center. These distributed audio amplifiers amplify an audio message for distribution throughout a facility when additional audio power is required. They are designed as self- contained units and can be conveniently installed near an area of protection to reduce wiring demands for speaker circuit out- puts. Each NFC-50DA(E) is capable of producing 50 watts of total power and includes four built-in, fully supervised speaker cir- cuits/zones. The NFC125DA(E) is capable of producing 125 watts of total power with four built-in, fully supervised speaker circuits/zones. Both amplifiers are expandable to include eight speaker circuits when an optional NFC-CE4 module is installed. For installations that require survivability, the NFC-50/100DA can be configured for 50 watts of primary power and 50 watts of backup power, or 100 watts primary with 50 watts back up and comes standard with eight built-in, fully supervised speaker circuits/zones. Any combination of up to eight, NFC-50DA(E)s, NFC-50/ 100DAs, or NFC-125DA(E)s can be connected to the NFC-50/ 100(E) to provide a total output of 1100 watts of audio power and up to 24 speaker circuit outputs. These distributed audio amplifiers are wired to the data bus and the Audio-Riser bus of the NFC-50/100(E) primary operating console. They have their own power supplies with built-in battery charger and are both fully supervised by the NFC-50/100(E) for any trouble condi- tions. Features • The NFC-50DA(E) and NFC-125DA(E) units come stan- dard with four onboard fully supervised speaker circuit zones, and are expandable to eight circuits when an optional NFC-CE4 module is added. • The NFC-50/100DA includes eight onboard fully supervised speaker circuits/zones. • Any combination of up to eight NFC-50DA(E)s, NFC-50/ 100DAs, or NFC-125DA(E)s per system can be used with the NFC-50/100(E) for a total of 1100 watts of audio power and 24 speaker circuit outputs. • The NFC-50/100DA can be used in the following configura- tions: – 50 Watts primary / 50 Watts back up – 100 watts primary / No back up – 100 watts primary / 50 Watts backup (Optional NFC- BDA-BU required) • The NFC-50/100DA supports the use of low frequency sounders per UL 464. Refer to the Device Compatibility Document #15378 for compatible devices. • Supports both Class A (Style Z) and Class B (Style Y) wir- ing. • Easy setup and configuration by using a simple, built-in web based programming utility on the NFC-50/100(E). • UL2572 (Communication and Control Units Mass Notifica- tion Systems). UL 864 (Emergency Voice Evacuation for Fire). • Built-in power supply and battery charger that supports up to 35AH. (For batteries larger than 18 AH, use the BB-26 or NFS-LBB Battery Box.) • NFC-50DA(E) and NFC-50/100DA are field selectable for 25Vrms or 70Vrms of operation. NFC-125DA(E) operates at 25 volts. • Sturdy, scratch resistant cabinet. SOME SUITABLE APPLICATIONS Installation The NFC-50DA(E), NFC-50/100DA, and NFC-125DA(E) can be surface or flush mounted. Compatibility The NFC-50DA(E), NFC-50/100DA, and NFC-125DA(E) are only compatible with the NFC-50/100(E) FirstCommand evac- uation panel. Electrical Specifications PRIMARY AC POWER: •NFC-50DA: 120VAC, 60Hz •NFC-50DAE: 240VAC, 50Hz •NFC-50/100DA: 120VAC, 60Hz • Schools • Nursing Homes • Factories • Theaters • Military Facilities • Restaurants • Auditoriums • Places of Worship • Office Buildings Page 2 of 4 — DN-60776:C • 6/30/2015 •NFC-125DA: 120VAC, 60Hz •NFC-125DAE: 240VAC, 50Hz SPEAKER POWER: •NFC-50DA(E): 50 watts primary only (25Vrms or 70.7Vrms). • NFC-50/100DA: 50 watts primary & 50 watts back up (25Vrms or 70.7Vrms); 100 watts primary only (25Vrms or 70.7Vrms); 100 watts primary & 50 watts back up (25Vrms or 70.7Vrms) (NFC-BDA-BU installed). •NFC-125DA(E): 125 watts primary only (25Vrms). SPEAKER OUTPUTS •NFC-50DA(E): Four (4) supervised Class B (Style Y) or Class A (Style Z). outputs. (Expandable to eight with NFC- CE4). •NFC-50/100DA: (8) supervised Class B (Style Y) or Class A (Style Z). outputs. •NFC-125DA(E): Four (4) supervised Class B (Style Y) or Class A (Style Z). outputs. (Expandable to eight with NFC- CE4). SECONDARY POWER (BATTERY) CHARGING CIRCUIT • Supports lead acid batteries only. • Battery charge capability: 7AH to 35AH. (The NFC-50DA(E), NFC-50/100DA and the NFC-125DA(E) cabinet only support up to 18AH. For batteries larger than 18AH, use the BB-26 or the NFS-LBB battery box. Other Accessories BB-26: Battery cabinet used to mount up to two 26AH Batter- ies (BAT-12260). NFS-LBB: Battery cabinet used to mount up to two 55AH Bat- teries (BAT-12250). Product Line Information (Ordering Information) NFC-50DA: Distributed (Remote) Audio Amplifier, 50 watts. NFC-50/100DA: Distributed (Remote) Audio Amplifier with back up, 50 watts/100 watts at 25Vrms or 70Vrms. NFC-125DA: Distributed (Remote) Audio Amplifier. NFC-50DAE: Export version, Distributed (Remote) Audio Amplifier, 50 watts, 240 VAC, 50 Hz. NFC-125DAE: Export version, Distributed (Remote) Audio Amplifier, 125 watts, 240 VAC, 50 Hz. NFC-50/100: (Primary operating Console) 50 Watt, 25VRMS single speaker zone emergency voice evacuation system, Integral microphone, built in tone generator and 14 recordable messages. Please refer to the data sheet DN-60772 for more information. NFC-50/100E: Export version (Primary operating Console) 50 Watt, 25VRMS single speaker zone emergency voice evacua- tion system, Integral microphone, built in tone generator and 14 recordable messages. 240 VAC, 50 Hz. Please refer to the data sheet DN-60772 for more information. CHG-75: 25 to 75 ampere-hours (AH) external battery charger. BAT-1270: Battery, 12volt, 7.0AH (Two required). BAT-12120: Battery,12volt,12.0AH (Two required). BAT-12180: Battery,12volt, 18.0AH (Two required). BAT-1260: Battery, 12volt, 26.0AH (Two required). Optional Modules NFC-CE4: Circuit Expander Module provides connections for up to four Style Z (Class A) or four Style Y (Class B) speaker circuits. Circuits are configured through the web-based pro- gramming utility on the NFC-50/100(E). NFC-BDA-BU Expander card for NFC-50/100DA remote ampli- fier for 100 watt primary / 50 watt back up operation. Wiring Requirements See Product manual part number: LS10027-001NF-E for detailed wiring requirements. Cabinet Specifications 16" W x 26.25" H x 4.125" D (40.64cm W x 66.68cm H x 10.48cm D). Shipping Specifications NFC-50DA Weight: 25.8 lbs (11.7kg) NFC-50DA(E) Weight: 25.8 lbs (11.7kg) NFC-125DA Weight: 24.3 lbs (11.02kg) NFC-125DA(E) Weight: 24.3 lbs (11.02kg) NFC-50/100DA Weight: 28 lbs (12 kg) NFC-BDA-BU Weight: 3 lbs (1 kg) DN-60776:C • 6/30/2015 — Page 3 of 4 horns/strobes Speaker Circuits TB20 & TB21 NAC Circuit TB19 Internal options NFC-CE6 circuit expander NFC-BDA25/70V optional amplifier NFC-FFT firefighter telephone remote consoles NFC-LOC local operator console NFC-RPU remote paging unit NFC-RM remote microphone TB4 TB12 TB22distributed audioexternal battery charger - J7 NFC-50DA 50W remote amplifier NFC-125DA125W remote amplifier CHG-120 charger CHG-75 charger NFC-50/100(E) FirstCommand (Possible Configurations) NFC-50/100DA 50/100W remote amplifier Page 4 of 4 — DN-60776:C • 6/30/2015 FirstCommand® and Notifier® are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. ©2015 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118. www.notifier.com Assembled in the USA Temperature and Humidity ranges This system meets NFPA requirements for operation at 0-49º C/32-120º F and at a relative humidity 93% ± 2% RH (non- condensing) at 32°C ± 2°C (90°F ± 3°F). However, the useful life of the system's standby batteries and the electronic com- ponents may be adversely affected by extreme temperature ranges and humidity. Therefore, it is recommended that this system and its peripherals be installed in an environment with a normal room temperature of 15-27º C/60-80º F. Agency Listings and Approvals The listings and approvals below apply to the NFC-50/ 125DA(E) Remote Amplifiers. In some cases, certain modules may not be listed by certain approval agencies or listing may be in process. Consult factory for latest listing status. • UL Listed S635 • CSFM: 7300-0028:0266 Standards and Codes The NFC-50/100 system complies with the following UL Stan- dards and with NFPA 72 Fire Alarm system requirements. UL 864 UL 2572 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7300-0028:0266 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7300 -- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE:NotifierOne Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06472-1653 Contact: Lisa Brant (203) 484-6105 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: lisa.brant@honeywell.com DESIGN: Models NFC-50DA, NFC-50DAE, NFC-125DA, and NFC-125DAEamplifiers. Model NFC-CE4 speaker expander module. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING:120V, 60HZ INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm control unit accessories for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control panels. Refer to listee’s Installation Instruction Manual for details. XLF:7300-0559:0173 09-17-13 gt July 01, 2021Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2022 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. DN-6726:D • 4/13/2012 — Page 1 of 2 NBG-12LX Addressable Manual Pull Station Intelligent/Addressable Devices DN-6726:D • H-240 The NBG-12LX Addressable Manual Pull Station 6643cov1.jpg‘General The Notifier NBG-12LX is a state-of-the-art, dual-action (i.e., requires two motions to activate the station) pull station that includes an addressable interface for any Notifier intelligent control panel except FireWarden series panels, and the NSP- 25 panel. Because the NBG-12LX is addressable, the control panel can display the exact location of the activated manual station. This leads fire personnel quickly to the location of the alarm. Features • Maintenance personnel can open station for inspection and address setting without causing an alarm condition. • Built-in bicolor LED, which is visible through the handle of the station, flashes in normal operation and latches steady red when in alarm. • Handle latches in down position and the word “ACTIVATED” appears to clearly indicate the station has been operated. • Captive screw terminals wire-ready for easy connection to SLC loop (accepts up to 12 AWG/3.25 mm² wire). • Can be surface mounted (with SB-10 or SB-I/O) or semi- flush mounted. Semi-flush mount to a standard single- gang, double-gang, or 4" (10.16 cm) square electrical box. • Smooth dual-action design. • Meets ADAAG controls and operating mechanisms guide- lines (Section 4.1.3[13]); meets ADA requirement for 5 lb. maximum activation force. • Highly visible. • Attractive shape and textured finish. • Key reset. • Includes Braille text on station handle. • Optional trim ring (BG12TR). • Meets UL 38, Standard for Manually Actuated Signaling Boxes. • Up to 99 NBG-12LX stations per loop on CLIP protocol loops. • Up to 159 NBG-12LX stations per loop on FlashScan® pro- tocol loops. • Dual-color LED blinks green to indicate normal on FlashScan® systems. Construction Shell, door, and handle are molded of durable polycarbonate material with a textured finish. Specifications •Shipping Weight: 9.6 oz. (272.15 g) •Normal operating voltage: 24 VDC. •Maximum SLC loop voltage: 28.0 VDC. •Maximum SLC standby current: 375 μA. •Maximum SLC alarm current: 5 mA. •Temperature Range: 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) •Relative Humidity: 10% to 93% (noncondensing) •For use indoors in a dry location Installation The NBG-12LX will mount semi-flush into a single-gang, dou- ble-gang, or standard 4" (10.16 cm) square electrical outlet box, or will surface mount to the model SB-10 or SB-I/O sur- face backbox. If the NBG-12LX is being semi-flush mounted, then the optional trim ring (BG12TR) may be used. The BG12TR is usually needed for semi-flush mounting with 4" (10.16 cm) or double-gang boxes (not with single-gang boxes). Operation Pushing in, then pulling down on the handle causes it to latch in the down/activated position. Once latched, the word “ACTI- VATED” (in bright yellow) appears at the top of the handle, while a portion of the handle protrudes from the bottom of the station. To reset the station, simply unlock the station with the key and pull the door open. This action resets the handle; clos- ing the door automatically resets the switch. Each manual station, on command from the control panel, sends data to the panel representing the state of the manual switch. Two rotary decimal switches allow address settings (1 – 159 on FlashScan® systems, 1 – 99 on CLIP systems). Architectural/Engineering Specifications Manual Fire Alarm Stations shall be non-coded, with a key- operated reset lock in order that they may be tested, and so designed that after actual Emergency Operation, they cannot be restored to normal except by use of a key. An operated sta- tion shall automatically condition itself so as to be visually detected as activated. Manual stations shall be constructed of red-colored polycarbonate material with clearly visible operat- ing instructions provided on the cover. The word FIRE shall appear on the front of the stations in white letters, 1.00 inches (2.54 cm) or larger. Stations shall be suitable for surface mounting on matching backbox SB-10 or SB-I/O; or semi-flush mounting on a standard single-gang, double-gang, or Page 2 of 2 — DN-6726:D • 4/13/2012 NOTIFIER® and FlashScan® are registered trademarks of Honeywell International Inc. ©2012 by Honeywell International Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use of this document is strictly prohibited. This document is not intended to be used for installation purposes. We try to keep our product information up-to-date and accurate. We cannot cover all specific applications or anticipate all requirements. All specifications are subject to change without notice. For more information, contact Notifier. Phone: (203) 484-7161, FAX: (203) 484-7118. www.notifier.com Made in the U.S. A. 4" (10.16 cm) square electrical box, and shall be installed within the limits defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or per national/local requirements. Manual Stations shall be Underwriters Laboratories listed. Manual stations shall connect with two wires to one of the con- trol panel SLC loops. The manual station shall, on command from the control panel, send data to the panel representing the state of the manual switch. Manual stations shall provide address setting by use of rotary decimal switches. The loop poll LED shall be clearly visible through the front of the station. The LED shall flash while in the normal condition, and stay steadily illuminated when in alarm. Product Line Information NBG-12LX: Dual-action addressable pull station. Includes key locking feature. (Listed for Canadian and non-Canadian appli- cations.) NBG-12LXSP: Spanish/English labelled version. NBG-12LXP: Portuguese labelled version. SB-10: Surface backbox; metal. SB-I/O: Surface backbox; plastic. BG12TR: Optional trim ring. 17021: Keys, set of two. NY-Plate: New York City trim plate. Agency Listings and Approvals In some cases, certain modules or applications may not be listed by certain approval agencies, or listing may be in pro- cess. Consult factory for latest listing status. •UL/ULC Listed: S692 (listed for Canadian and non-Cana- dian applications). •MEA: 67-02-E. •CSFM: 7150-0028:0199. •FDNY: COA #6085 (NFS2-640), COA #6098 (NFS2-3030). •BSMI: CI313066760047. • U.S. Coast Guard. • Lloyd’s Register. • FM Approved. Patented: U.S. Patent No. D428,351; 6,380,846; 6,314,772; 6,632,108. CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7150-0028:0199 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7150 -- FIRE ALARM PULL BOXES LISTEE:NotifierOne Fire-Lite Place, Northford, CT 06472-1653 Contact: Lisa Brant (203) 484-6105 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: lisa.brant@honeywell.com DESIGN: Models NBG-12, NBG-12S, NBG-12LR, NBG-12LRA, NBG-12LAO, NBG-12LAOB, NBG-12-LO, NBG-12LOB, NBG-12W, NBG-12LW, NBG-12NC, NBG-12WP, NBG-12LWP, NBG-12L, NBG-12LX, NBG-12LA, NBG-12PS, NBG-12LSP, NBG-12LPS, NBG-12LPSP, NBG-12SP, NOT-BG12LX, NBG-12LXSP, NBG-12LXBL and NBG-12LXP fire alarm pull boxes. All units except Model NBG-12S are dual action pull stations. Models NBG-12LR and NBG-12LRA are intended for agent releasing device. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm pull boxes for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Models NBG-12WP, NBG-12LW, NBG-12W, NBG-12LWP, NBG-12LAO, NBG-12LO, NBG-12LAOB and NBG-12LOB are intended for outdoor use when installed with Models WBB, SB-I/O, or WP-10 back box. Refer to listee’s Installation Instruction Manual for details. These manual pull boxes meet the requirements of UL Standard 38, 1999 Edition and California amendments which the controls and operating mechanisms required to be operable at no more than 5lbs. force with one hand and shall not require tight grasping, pinching, or twisting of the wrist. *Corrected 10-08-12 bh July 01, 2021Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2022 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. Indoor Selectable- Output Speaker Strobes and Dual Voltage Evacuation Speakers for Ceiling Applications System Sensor L-Series selectable-output speaker strobes and dual-voltage evacuation speakers can reduce ground faults and enable faster installation with lower current draw and modern aesthetics. Features • Plug-in design and protective cover reduce ground faults • Universal mounting plate with an onboard shorting spring tests wiring continuity before installation • No extension ring required • Field selectable candela settings on ceiling units: 15, 30, 75, 95, 115, 150, and 177 • Automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation at 15 and 30 candela • Rotary switch simplifies field selection of speaker voltage (25 and 70.7 Vrms) and power settings (¼, ½, 1 and 2 watts) • Speakers offer high fidelity and high volume sound output • 520 Hz capable with compatible FACP • Compatible with System Sensor synchronization protocol • Electrical compatibility with existing SpectrAlert and SpectrAlert Advance products • Tamper-resistant construction • Updated modern aesthetics System Sensor L-Series of speakers and speaker strobes reduce costly ground faults using a plug-in design and universal mounting plate that allow the installer to pre-wire mounting plates, dress the wires, and confirm wiring continuity before plugging in the speakers. In addition, a protective plastic cover prevents nicked wires by covering exposed speaker components. These devices also enable faster installations by providing instant feedback to ensure that wiring is properly connected, rotary switches to select voltage and power settings, and 7 field-selectable candela settings for both wall and ceiling speaker strobes. The low total harmonic distortion of the SP speaker offers high fidelity sound output while still offering high volume sound output for use in high ambient noise applications. L-Series makes installation easy • Attach a universal mounting plate to a 4 × 4 × 21⁄8 inch back box . Flush-mount applications do not require an extension ring. • Connect the notification appliance circuit or speaker wiring to the terminals on the mounting plate. • Attach the speaker or speaker strobe to the mounting plate by inserting the product tabs into the mounting plate grooves. Hinge the device into position to lock the product pins into the mounting plate terminals. The device will temporarily hold in place with a catch until it is secured with a captured mounting screw.Agency Listings 7320-1653:0505S4048FM approved except for ALERT models 3057493 L-Series Speaker and Speaker Strobe Specifications Architectural/Engineering Specifications General L-Series speaker and speaker strobes shall mount to a 4 × 4 × 21⁄8-inch back box. A universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting ceiling and wall products. The notification appliance circuit and amplifier wiring shall terminate at the universal mounting plate. Also, L-Series speaker strobes, when used with the Sync•Circuit™ Module accessory, shall be powered from a non-coded notification appliance circuit output and shall operate on a nominal 12 or 24 volts. When used with the Sync•Circuit Module, 12-volt rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 8.5 and 17.5 volts; 24-volt rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 16.5 and 33 volts. Indoor L-Series products shall operate between 32°F and 120°F from a regulated DC, or full-wave rectified, unfiltered power supply. Speaker strobes shall have field-selectable candela settings including 15, 30, 75, 95, 115, 150, 177. Speaker The speaker shall be a System Sensor L-Series model _______ dual-voltage transformer speaker capable of operating at 25.0 or 70.7 nominal Vrms. It should be listed to UL 1480 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The speaker shall have a frequency range of 400 to 4,000 Hz and shall have an operating temperature between 32°F and 120°F. The speaker shall have power taps and voltage that are selected by rotary switches. Speaker Strobe combination The speaker strobe shall be a System Sensor L-Series model __________ listed to UL1480 and UL 1971 and be approved for fire protective signaling systems. The speaker shall be capable of operating at 25.0 or 70.7 nominal Vrms selected via rotary switch, and shall have a frequency range of 400 to 4,000 Hz. The speaker shall have power taps that are selected by rotary switch. The strobe shall comply with the NFPA 72 requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe’s entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. Synchronization Module The module shall be a System Sensor Sync•Circuit model MDL3 listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The module shall synchronize SpectrAlert strobes at 1 Hz. The module shall mount to a 411⁄16 × 411⁄16 × 21⁄8-inch back box. The module shall also control two Style Y (class B) circuits or one Style Z (class A) circuit. The module shall synchronize multiple zones. Daisy chaining two or more synchronization modules together will synchronize all the zones they control. The module shall not operate on a coded power supply. Physical Specifications Operating Temperature 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Humidity Range 10 to 93% non-condensing Dimensions, Ceiling-Mount Diameter Depth SPC Speaker 6.8 in, 173 mm 1.0 in, 25 mm With Surface Mount Back Box 6.9 in, 176 mm 3.5 in, 89 mm SPSC Speaker Strobe 6.8 in, 173 mm 2.8 in, 73 mm With Surface Mount Back Box 6.9 in, 176 mm 5.37 in, 136 mm Electrical/Operating Specifications Nominal Voltage (speakers)25 Volts or 70.7 Volts (nominal) Maximum Supervisory Voltage (speakers)50 VDC Strobe Flash Rate 1 flash per second Nominal Voltage (strobes)Regulated 12 VDC or regulated 24 VDC/FWR 1,2 Operating Voltage Range (includes fire alarm panels with built in sync) 8 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16 to 33 V (24 V nominal) Operating Voltage with MDL3 Sync Module 8.5 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16.5 to 33 V (24 V nominal) Frequency Range 400 to 4,000 Hz3 Power ¼, ½, 1, 2 watts 1. Full Wave Rectified (FWR) voltage is a non-regulated, time-varying power source that is used on some power supply and panel outputs. 2. Strobe products will operate at 12 V nominal only for 15 and 30 cd. 3. 520Hz capable with compatible FACP. UL Current Draw Data UL Max. Strobe Current Draw (mA RMS) Candela 8 to 17.5 Volts 16 to 33 Volts DC DC FWR 15 87 41 60 30 153 63 86 75 NA 111 142 95 NA 134 164 115 NA 158 191 150 NA 189 228 177 NA 226 264 Ceiling-Mount Speaker Sound Output Setting UL Reverberant (dBA @10 ft) UL Anechoic (dBA @10 ft) 1/4 W 79 79 1/2 W 82 82 1 W 85 85 2 W 88 88 Ceiling-Mount Speaker Strobe Sound Output Setting UL Reverberant (dBA @10 ft) UL Anechoic (dBA @10 ft) 1/4 W 77 77 1/2 W 80 80 1 W 83 83 2 W 86 86 L-Series Dimensions Ceiling Speaker Ceiling Speaker Strobe 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 www.systemsensor.com ©2017 System Sensor. Product specifications subject to change without notice. Visit systemsensor.com for current product information, including the latest version of this data sheet. AVDS86601 • 03/17 L-Series Ordering Information Ceiling Mount White Red Description SPCWL SPCRL Speaker only SPSCWL SPSCRL Speaker Strobe SPSCWL-P —Plain, Speaker Strobe SPSCWL-SP —Fuego, Speaker Strobe SPSCWL-CLR-ALERT —Alert, Speaker Strobe, Clear Lens Accessories White Red Description SBBCWL SBBCRL Universal Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box TRC-2W TRC-2 Universal Ceiling Trim Ring Surface Mounting Ceiling Speaker with Surface Mount Back Box Ceiling Speaker Strobe with Surface Mount Back Box Agency Listings 7320-1653:0505S4048FM approved except for ALERT models 3057493 Indoor Selectable- Output Speaker Strobes and Dual Voltage Evacuation Speakers for Wall Applications System Sensor L-Series selectable output speaker strobes and dual-voltage evacuation speakers can reduce ground faults and enable faster installation with lower current draw and modern aesthetics. Features • Plug-in design and protective cover reduce ground faults • Universal mounting plate with an onboard shorting spring tests wiring continuity before installation • No extension ring required • Field selectable candela settings on wall units: 15, 30, 75, 95, 110, 135, 185 • Automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation at 15 and 30 candela • Rotary switch simplifies field selection of speaker voltage (25 and 70.7 Vrms) and power settings (¼, ½, 1 and 2 watts) • Seakers offer high fidelity and high volume sound output • Compatible with System Sensor synchronization protocol • Electrical compatibility with existing SpectrAlert and SpectrAlert Advance products • Tamper-resistant construction • Updated modern aesthetics The System Sensor L-Series of speakers and speaker strobes reduce costly ground faults using a plug-in design and universal mounting plate that allow the installer to pre-wire mounting plates, dress the wires, and confirm wiring continuity before plugging in the speakers. In addition, a protective plastic cover prevents nicked wires by covering exposed speaker components. These devices also enable faster installations by providing instant feedback to ensure that wiring is properly connected, rotary switches to select voltage and power settings, and 7 field-selectable candela settings for wall speaker strobes. The low total harmonic distortion of the speaker offers high fidelity sound output while still offering high volume sound output for use in high ambient noise applications. System Sensor L-Series makes installation easy • Attach a universal mounting plate to a 4 × 4 × 21⁄8 inch back box. Flush-mount applications do not require an extension ring. • Connect the notification appliance circuit or speaker wiring to the terminals on the mounting plate. • Attach the speaker or speaker strobe to the mounting plate by inserting the product tabs into the mounting plate grooves. Hinge the device into position to lock the product pins into the mounting plate terminals. The device will temporarily hold in place with a catch until it is secured with a captured mounting screw. L-Series Speaker and Speaker Strobe Specifications Architectural/Engineering Specifications General L-Series speaker and speaker strobes shall mount to a 4 × 4 × 21⁄8-inch back box. A universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting ceiling and wall products. The notification appliance circuit and amplifier wiring shall terminate at the universal mounting plate. Also, L-Series speaker strobes, when used with the Sync•Circuit™ Module accessory, shall be powered from a non-coded notification appliance circuit output and shall operate on a nominal 12 or 24 volts. When used with the Sync•Circuit Module, 12-volt rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 8.5 and 17.5 volts; 24-volt rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 16.5 and 33 volts. Indoor L-Series products shall operate between 32°F and 120°F from a regulated DC, or full-wave rectified, unfiltered power supply. Wall- mount speaker strobes shall have field-selectable candela settings including 15, 30, 75, 95, 110, 135, 185. Speaker The speaker shall be a System Sensor L-Series model _______ dual-voltage transformer speaker capable of operating at 25.0 or 70.7 nominal Vrms. It should be listed to UL 1480 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The speaker shall have a frequency range of 400 to 4,000 Hz and shall have an operating temperature between 32°F and 120°F. The speaker shall have power taps and voltage that are selected by rotary switches. Speaker Strobe combination The speaker strobe shall be a System Sensor L-Series model __________ listed to UL1480 and UL 1971 and be approved for fire protective signaling systems. The speaker shall be capable of operating at 25.0 or 70.7 nominal Vrms selected via rotary switch, and shall have a frequency range of 400 to 4,000 Hz. The speaker shall have power taps that are selected by rotary switch. The strobe shall comply with the NFPA 72 requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe’s entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. Synchronization Module The module shall be a System Sensor Sync•Circuit model MDL3 listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The module shall synchronize SpectrAlert strobes at 1 Hz. The module shall mount to a 411⁄16 × 411⁄16 × 21⁄8-inch back box. The module shall also control two Style Y (class B) circuits or one Style Z (class A) circuit. The module shall synchronize multiple zones. Daisy chaining two or more synchronization modules together will synchronize all the zones they control. The module shall not operate on a coded power supply. Physical Specifications Operating Temperature 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Humidity Range 10 to 93% non-condensing Dimensions, Wall-Mount Length Width Depth SPL Speaker 6.5 in, 165 mm 5 in, 127 mm .97 in,23 mm With Surface Mount Back Box 6.6 in, 168 mm 5.1 in, 130 mm 3.2 in, 82 mm SPSL Speaker/Strobe (including lens and speaker) 6.5 in, 165 mm 5.0 in, 127 mm 2.3 in, 58 mm With Surface Mount Back Box 6.6 in, 168 mm 5.1 in, 130 mm 4.5 in, 116 mm Electrical/Operating Specifications Nominal Voltage (speakers)25 Volts or 70.7 Volts(nominal) Maximum Supervisory Voltage (speakers)50 VDC Strobe Flash Rate 1 flash per second Nominal Voltage (strobes)Regulated 12 VDC or regulated 24 DC/FWR1,2 Operating Voltage Range (includes fire alarm panels with built in sync) 8 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16 to 33V (24 V nominal) Operating Voltage with MDL3 Sync Module 8.5 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16.5 to 33V (24 V nominal) Frequency Range 400 to 4000 Hz Power ¼, ½, 1, 2 watts 1. Full Wave Rectified (FWR) voltage is a non-regulated, time-varying power source that is used on some power supply and panel outputs. 2. Strobe products will operate at 12 V nominal only for 15 and 30 cd UL Current Draw Data UL Max Strobe Current Draw (mA RMS) Candela 8 to 17.5 Volts 16 to 33 Volts DC DC FWR 15 88 43 60 30 143 63 83 75 N/A 107 136 95 N/A 121 155 110 N/A 148 179 135 N/A 172 209 185 N/A 222 257 Sound Output Speaker Strobe ¼ W ½ W 1 W 2 W UL Reverberant (dBA @10 ft)77 80 83 86 UL Anechoic (dBA @10 ft)77 80 83 86 Sound Output Speaker ¼ W ½ W 1 W 2 W UL Reverberant (dBA @10 ft)79 82 85 88 UL Anechoic (dBA @10 ft)79 82 85 88 L-Series Dimensions Wall-Mount Speaker Wall-Mount Speaker Strobe 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 www.systemsensor.com ©2017 System Sensor. Product specifications subject to change without notice. Visit systemsensor.com for current product information, including the latest version of this data sheet. AVDS86701 • 03/17 L-Series Ordering Information Wall Mount White Red Description SPWL SPRL Speaker only SPSWL SPSRL Speaker Strobe SPSWL-P SPSRL-P Plain Speaker Strobe SPSWL-ALERT —Speaker Strobe, Amber Lens SPSWL-CLR-ALERT —Speaker Strobe Clear Lens —SPSRL-SP Speaker Strobe, Fuego Accessories White Red Description RFPW RFP 7 in × 9.5 in Retrofit Plate SBBSPWL SBBSPRL Surface Mount Back Box for Speakers and Speaker Strobes TR-2W TR-2 Wall Mount Trim Ring Notes: All -P models have a plain housing (no “FIRE” marking on the cover) Surface Mounting Wall-Mount Speaker Strobe with SBBSPL Surface Mount Back Box CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7320-1653:0505 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7320 -- SPEAKERS LISTEE:System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Int'l Inc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Lisa Brant (203) 484-6105 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: lisa.brant@honeywell.com DESIGN: System Sensor Indoor Models: SPRL and SPWL Wall Speakers; SPCRL and SPCWL Ceiling Speakers; SPSRL, SPSWL, SPSRL-P, SPSRL-SP, SPSWL-P, SPSWL-ALERT and SPSWL-CLR-ALERT Wall Speaker Stobes; SPSCRL, SPSCWL, SPSCWL-P, SPSCWL-SP and SPSCWL-CLR-ALERT Ceiling Speaker Strobes. Wall Bezel Parts: BZSPR-P, BZSPR-AL, BZSPR-EV, BZSPR-AG, BZSPR-PG, BZSPR-F and BZSPR-SP, BZSPW-P, BZSPW-AL, BZSPW-EV, BZSPW-AG, BZSPW-PG, BZSPW-F and BZSPW-SP, Ceiling Bezel Parts: BZSPRC-P, BZSPRC-AL, BZSPRC-EV, BZSPRC-AG, BZSPRC-PG, BZSPRC-F and BZSPRC-SP, BZSPWC-P, BZSPWC-AL, BZSPWC-EV, BZSPWC-AG, BZSPWC-PG, BZSPWC-F and BZSPWC-SP, WallTrim Rings for Speaker Strobes: TR2 and TR2W CeilingTrim Rings for Speaker Strobes: TRC2 and TRC2W. Wall Surface Mounted Back Boxes: SBBSPRL and SBBSPWL, Ceiling Surface Mounted Back Boxes: SBBCRL and SBBCWL Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. 02-27-17 gt July 01, 2021Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2022 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. Listing No. Page 2 of 2 7320-1653:0505 RATING:25 or 70.7 VAC, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2 Watt outputs. Regulated 12 VDC and 24 VDC/FWR is for 2-wire strobe portion. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NFPA 72, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as speakers and speaker-strobes when used with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Suitable for indoor use, dry and damp environments. *Listed with software code, S05-0048-001 for low temperature compensation. Authority having jurisdiction should be consulted prior to installation. Refer to listee’s Installation Instruction Manual for details. 02-27-17 gt July 01, 2021Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2022 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. Features • Plug-in design with minimal intrusion into the back box • Tamper-resistant construction • Automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation at 15 and 30 candela • Field-selectable candela settings on ceiling units: 15, 30, 75, 95, 115, 150, and 177 • Horn rated at 88+ dBA at 16 volts • Rotary switch for horn tone and two volume selections • Universal mounting plate for ceiling units • Mounting plate shorting spring feature checks wiring continuity before device installation • Electrically Compatible with legacy SpectrAlert and SpectrAlert Advance devices • Compatible with MDL3 sync module • Listed for ceiling mounting only The System Sensor L-Series offers the most versatile and easy-to-use line of horns, strobes, and horn strobes in the industry with lower current draws and modern aesthetics. With white and red plastic housings, wall and ceiling mounting options, System Sensor L-Series can meet virtually any application requirement. The entire L-Series product line of ceiling-mount strobes and horn strobes include a variety of features that increase their application versatility while simplifying installation. All devices feature a plug-in design with minimal intrusion into the back box, making installations fast and foolproof while virtually eliminating costly and time- consuming ground faults. To further simplify installation, the L-Series utilizes a universal mounting plate so installers can mount them to a wide array of back boxes. With an onboard shorting spring, installers can test wiring continuity before the device is installed. Installers can also easily adapt devices to a suit a wide range of application requirements using field-selectable candela settings, automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation, and a rotary switch for horn tones with two volume selections. Indoor Selectable- Output Strobes and Horn Strobes for Ceiling Applications System Sensor L-Series audible visible notification products are rich with features guaranteed to cut installation times and maximize profits with lower current draw and modern aesthetics. Agency Listings 7125-1653:0504 7135-1653:0503 S5512 S4011 FM approved except for ALERT models 3057383 AVDS86800 L-Series Specifications Architect/Engineer Specifications General L-Series ceiling-mount strobes and horn strobes shall mount to a standard 4 × 4 × 1½-inch back box, 4-inch octagon back box, or double- gang back box. Two-wire products shall also mount to a single-gang 2 × 4 × 17⁄8-inch back box. A universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting ceiling and wall products. The notification appliance circuit wiring shall terminate at the universal mounting plate. Also, L-Series products, when used with the Sync•Circuit™ Module accessory, shall be powered from a non-coded notification appliance circuit output and shall operate on a nominal 12 or 24 volts. When used with the Sync•Circuit Module, 12-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 8.5 and 17.5 volts; 24-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 16.5 and 33 volts. Indoor L-Series products shall operate between 32 and 120 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC or full-wave rectified unfiltered power supply. Ceiling strobes and horn strobes shall have field-selectable candela settings including 15, 30, 75, 95, 115, 150, and 177. Strobe The strobe shall be a System Sensor L-Series Model _______ listed to UL 1971 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe’s entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. Horn Strobe Combination The horn strobe shall be a System Sensor L-Series Model _______ listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The horn strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe’s entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The horn shall have two audibility options and an option to switch between a temporal three pattern and a non-temporal (continuous) pattern. These options are set by a multiple position switch. The horn on horn strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply. Synchronization Module The module shall be a System Sensor Sync•Circuit model MDL3 listed to UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The module shall synchronize L-Series strobes at 1 Hz and horns at temporal three. Also, while operating the strobes, the module shall silence the horns on horn strobe models over a single pair of wires. The module shall mount to a 4 11 ⁄16 × 4 11 ⁄16 × 2 1 ⁄8-inch back box. The module shall also control two Style Y (class B) circuits or one Style Z (class A) circuit. The module shall synchronize multiple zones. Daisy chaining two or more synchronization modules together will synchronize all the zones they control. The module shall not operate on a coded power supply. Physical/Electrical Specifications Standard Operating Temperature 32°F to 120°F (0°C to 49°C) Humidity Range 10 to 93% non-condensing Strobe Flash Rate 1 flash per second Nominal Voltage Regulated 12 VDC or regulated 24 DC/FWR1 Operating Voltage Range2 8 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16 to 33 V (24 V nominal) Operating Voltage Range (MDL3)8.5 to 17.5V (12 V nominal) or 16.5 to 33 V (24V nominal) Input Terminal Wire Gauge 12 to 18 AWG Ceiling-Mount Dimensions (including lens)6.8" diameter × 2.5" high (173 mm diameter × 64 mm high) Ceiling-Mount Surface Mount Back Box Skirt Dimensions (SBBCRL, SBBCWL) 6.9" diameter x 3.4" high (175 mm diameter x 86 mm high) Notes: 1. Full Wave Rectified (FWR) voltage is a non-regulated, time-varying power source that is used on some power supply and panel outputs. 2. P, S, PC, and SC products will operate at 12 V nominal only for 15 and 30 cd. AVDS86800 Horn and Horn Strobe Output (dBA) Switch Position Sound Pattern dB 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts DC DC FWR 1 Temporal High 84 89 89 2 Temporal Low 75 83 83 3 Non-Temporal High 85 90 90 4 Non-Temporal Low 76 84 84 5 3.1 KHz Temporal High 83 88 88 6 3.1 KHz Temporal Low 76 82 82 7 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal High 84 89 89 8 3.1 KHz Non-Temporal Low 77 83 83 UL Max. Strobe Current Draw (mA RMS) Candela 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts DC DC FWR 15 87 41 60 30 153 63 86 75 N/A 111 142 95 N/A 134 164 115 N/A 158 191 150 N/A 189 228 177 N/A 226 264 UL Max. Current Draw (mA RMS), 2-Wire Horn Strobe DC Input 8-17.5 Volts 16-33 Volts 15cd 30cd 15cd 30cd 75cd 95cd 115cd 150cd 177cd Temporal High 103 167 71 90 143 165 187 217 254 Temporal Low 96 165 54 71 137 161 185 211 249 Non-Temporal High 106 173 71 90 141 165 187 230 273 Non-Temportal Low 95 166 54 71 124 161 170 216 258 3.1K Temporal High 111 164 69 94 147 163 184 229 257 3.1K Temporal Low 103 163 54 88 143 155 185 212 252 3.1K Non-Temporal High 111 172 69 94 144 164 202 229 271 3.1K Non-Temporal Low 103 169 54 88 131 155 187 217 259 FWR Input 16-33 Volts 15cd 30cd 75cd 95cd 115cd 150cd 177cd Temporal High 107 135 179 198 223 254 286 Temporal Low 78 101 151 172 199 229 262 Non-Temporal High 107 135 179 198 223 254 286 Non-Temportal Low 78 101 151 172 199 229 262 3.1K Temporal High 108 135 179 200 225 255 289 3.1K Temporal Low 79 101 150 171 196 229 260 3.1K Non-Temporal High 108 135 179 200 225 255 289 3.1K Non-Temporal Low 79 101 150 171 196 229 260 UL Current Draw Data Horn Strobe Tones and Sound Output Data 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 ©2017 System Sensor. Product specifications subject to change without notice. Visit systemsensor.com for current product information, including the latest version of this data sheet. AVDS86801 • 03/17 L-Series Dimensions Model Description Ceiling Horn Strobes PC2RL 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, Red PC2WL 2-Wire, Horn Strobe, White L-Series Ordering Information Ceiling-Mount Horn Strobes Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box Model Description Ceiling Strobes SCRL Strobe, Red SCWL Strobe, White SCWL-CLR-ALERT Strobe, White, ALERT Accessories TRC-2 Universal Ceiling Trim Ring Red TRC-2W Universal Ceiling Trim Ring White SBBCRL Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box, Red SBBCWL Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box, White Ceiling Mount Horn Strobes with Ceiling Surface Mount Back Box CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7125-1653:0504 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7125 -- FIRE ALARM DEVICES FOR THE HEARING IMPAIRED LISTEE:System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Int'l Inc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Lisa Brant (203) 484-6105 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: lisa.brant@honeywell.com DESIGN: System Sensor Indoor 2-wire Models: SRL, SWL, SGRL, SGWL, SRL-P SWL-P, SRL-SP, SWL-CLR-ALERT and SWL-ALERT Wall Strobes; SCRL, SCWL and SCWL-CLR-ALERT Ceiling Strobes. Wall Bezel Parts: BZR-F, BZR-AL, BZR-AG, BZR-EV, BZR-P, BZR-SP, BZR-PG, BZW-F, BZW-AL, BZW-AG, BZW-EV, BZW-P, BZW-SP, BZW-PG, BZGR-F, BZGR-AL, BZGR-AG, BZGR-EV, BZGR-P, BZGR-SP, BZGR-PG, BZGW-F, BZGW-AL, BZGW-AG, BZGW-EV, BZGW-P, BZGW-SP and BZGW-PG, Ceiling Bezel Parts: BZRC-F, BZRC-AL, BZRC-AG, BZRC-EV, BZRC-P, BZRC-SP, BZRC-PG, BZWC-F, BZWC-AL, BZWC-AG, BZWC-EV, BZWC-P, BZWC-SP and BZWC-PG. Color Lens: LENS-A2, LENS-B2, LENS-G2, LENS-R2, LENS-AC2, LENS-BC2, LENS-GC2 and LENS-RC2. WallTrim Rings: TR2 and TR2W CeilingTrim Rings: TRC2 and TRC2W. Wall Surface Mounted Back Boxes: SBBRL, SBBGRL, SBBWL and SBBGWL, Ceiling Surface Mounted Back Boxes: SBBCRL and SBBCWL Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. *Rev 04-04-19 gt July 01, 2021Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2022 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. Listing No. Page 2 of 2 7125-1653:0504 RATING:Regulated 12 VDC setting: 8-17.5 VDC Regulated 24 VDC/fwr setting: 16-33 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NFPA 72, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as two wire strobe units used for synchronous application when used with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Suitable for indoor use, vertical wall or horizontal ceiling mounted. *Listed with software code, S05-0048-001 for low temperature compensation. Authority having jurisdiction should be consulted prior to installation. Refer to listee’s Installation Instruction Manual for details. *Rev 04-04-19 gt July 01, 2021Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2022 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. Agency Listings Features • Weatherproof per NEMA 4X, IP56 • Listed to UL 1638 (strobe) and UL 464 (horn) • Compatible with System Sensor synchronization protocol and legacy SpectrAlert products • Field-selectable candela settings: 15, 15/75, 30, 75, 95, 110, 115, 135, 150, 177, and 185 • Automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation at 15 and 15/75 candela • Rotary switch for horn tone and three volume selections • Horn rated at 88+ dBA at 16 volts • Rated from –40°F to 151°F • Universal mounting plate with an onboard shorting spring that tests wiring continuity before devices are installed • Plug-in design with minimal intrusion into the back box • Tamper-resistant construction • Listed for ceiling or wall mounting SpectrAlert Advance offers the broadest line of outdoor horns, strobes, and horn strobes in the industry. With white or red plastic housings, wall or ceiling mounting options, and plain or FIRE-printed devices, SpectrAlert Advance can meet virtually any application requirement, including indoor, outdoor, wet, and dry applications in temperatures from −40°F to 151°F. Like the entire SpectrAlert Advance line, outdoor horns, strobes, and horn strobes for wall applications include a variety of features that increase application flexibility and simplify installation. First, field-selectable settings, including candela, automatic selection of 12- or 24-volt operation, horn tones, and three volume options enable installers to easily adapt devices to meet requirements. Next, SpectrAlert Advance devices use a universal mounting plate for both wall and ceiling applications. This mounting plate includes an onboard shorting spring that ensures wiring continuity before devices are installed, so installers can verify proper wiring without mounting the devices and exposing them to potential construction damage. Once the plates are mounted, all SpectrAlert Advance devices utilize a plug-in design with a single captured screw to speed installation and virtually eliminate costly ground faults. Outdoor devices ship with weatherproof plastic back boxes (metal back boxes are available separately) that accommodate in-and- out wiring for daisy chaining devices. Plastic back boxes feature removable side flanges and improved resistance to saltwater corrosion. Knock-outs located on the back eliminate the need to drill holes for screw-in mounting. Plastic and metal weatherproof back boxes come with ¾-inch top and bottom conduit entries and ¾-inch knock-outs at the back. A screw-in NPT plug with an O-ring gasket for a watertight seal is included with each back box. Outdoor Selectable- Output Horns, Strobes, and Horn Strobes for Wall Applications SpectrAlert® Advance outdoor audible visible products are rich with features that cut installation times and maximize profits. MEA452-05-E3023572 7300-1653:187 (outdoor strobes) 7125-1653:188 (horn strobes, chime strobes) 7135-1653:189 (horns, chimes) S4011 (chimes, horn strobes, horns) S3593 (outdoor and alert strobes) AVDS01201 SpectrAlert Advance Outdoor Horn, Strobe, and Horn Strobe Specifications Architect/Engineer Specifications General SpectrAlert Advance outdoor horns, strobes, and horn strobes shall mount to a weatherproof back box. A universal mounting plate shall be used for mounting ceiling and wall products. The notification appliance circuit wiring shall terminate at the universal mounting plate. Also, SpectrAlert Advance products, when used with the Sync•Circuit™ Module accessory, shall be powered from a non-coded notification appliance circuit output and shall operate on a nominal 12 or 24 volts. When used with the Sync•Circuit Module, 12-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 9 and 17.5 volts; 24-volt-rated notification appliance circuit outputs shall operate between 17 and 33 volts. Outdoor SpectrAlert Advance products shall operate between −40 and 151 degrees Fahrenheit from a regulated DC or full-wave rectified unfiltered power supply. Strobes and horn strobes shall have field-selectable candela settings including 15, 15/75, 30, 75, 95, 110, 115, 135, 150, 177, and 185. Strobe The strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Advance Model _______ listed to UL 1971 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe’s entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The strobe must be installed with its weatherproof back box in order to remain outdoor approved per UL. The strobe shall be suitable for use in wet environments. Horn Strobe Combination The horn strobe shall be a System Sensor SpectrAlert Advance Model _______ listed to UL 1971 and UL 464 and shall be approved for fire protective service. The horn strobe shall be wired as a primary-signaling notification appliance and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act requirements for visible signaling appliances, flashing at 1 Hz over the strobe’s entire operating voltage range. The strobe light shall consist of a xenon flash tube and associated lens/reflector system. The horn shall have three audibility options and an option to switch between a temporal three pattern and a non-temporal (continuous) pattern. These options shall be set by a multiple position switch. On four-wire products, the strobe shall be powered independently of the sounder. The horn or horn strobe models shall operate on a coded or non-coded power supply. The horn strobe must be installed with its weatherproof back box in order to remain outdoor approved per UL. The horn strobe shall be suitable for use in wet environments. Physical/Electrical Specifications Operating Temperature –40°F to 151°F (–40°C to 66°C) Strobe Flash Rate 1 flash per second Nominal Voltage Regulated 12 DC/FWR or regulated 24 DC/FWR1 Operating Voltage Range2 8 to 17.5 V (12 V nominal) or 16 to 33 V (24 V nominal) Input Terminal Wire Gauge 12 to 18 AWG Wall-Mount Dimensions (including lens)5.6˝ L × 4.7˝ W × 2.5˝ D (142 mm L × 119 mm W × 64 mm D) Horn Dimensions 5.6˝ L × 4.7˝ W × 1.3˝ D (142 mm L × 119 mm W × 33 mm D) Wall-Mount Weatherproof Back Box Dimensions (SA-WBB)5.7˝ L × 5.1˝ W × 2.0˝ D (145 mm L × 130 mm W × 51 mm D) Notes: 1. Full Wave Rectified (FWR) voltage is a non-regulated, time-varying power source that is used on some power supply and panel outputs. 2. P, S, PC, and SC products will operate at 12 V nominal only for 15 and 15/75 cd. AVDS01201 Horn and Horn Strobe Output (dBA) Switch Position Sound Pattern dB 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts 24-Volt Nominal Reverberant Anechoic DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR DC FWR 1 Temporal High 78 78 84 84 88 88 99 98 2 Temporal Medium 74 74 80 80 86 86 96 96 3 Temporal Low 71 73 76 76 83 80 94 89 4 Non- Temporal High 82 82 88 88 93 92 100 100 5 Non- Temporal Medium 78 78 85 85 90 90 98 98 6 Non- Temporal Low 75 75 81 81 88 84 96 92 7†Coded High 82 82 88 88 93 92 101 101 8†Coded Medium 78 78 85 85 90 90 97 98 9†Coded Low 75 75 81 81 88 85 96 92 †Settings 7, 8, and 9 are not available on 2-wire horn strobe. UL Max. Strobe Current Draw (mA RMS) Candela 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts DC FWR DC FWR Standard Candela Range 15 123 128 66 71 15/75 142 148 77 81 30 NA NA 94 96 75 NA NA 158 153 95 NA NA 181 176 110 NA NA 202 195 115 NA NA 210 205 High Candela Range 135 NA NA 228 207 150 NA NA 246 220 177 NA NA 281 251 185 NA NA 286 258 UL Max. Current Draw (mA RMS), 2-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard Candela Range (15–115 cd) DC Input 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts 15 15/75 15 15/75 30 75 95 110 115 Temporal High 137 147 79 90 107 176 194 212 218 Temporal Medium 132 144 69 80 97 157 182 201 210 Temporal Low 132 143 66 77 93 154 179 198 207 Non-Temporal High 141 152 91 100 116 176 201 221 229 Non-Temporal Medium 133 145 75 85 102 163 187 207 216 Non-Temporal Low 131 144 68 79 96 156 182 201 210 FWR Input Temporal High 136 155 88 97 112 168 190 210 218 Temporal Medium 129 152 78 88 103 160 184 202 206 Temporal Low 129 151 76 86 101 160 184 194 201 Non-Temporal High 142 161 103 112 126 181 203 221 229 Non-Temporal Medium 134 155 85 95 110 166 189 208 216 Non-Temporal Low 132 154 80 90 105 161 184 202 211 UL Max. Current Draw (mA RMS), 2-Wire Horn Strobe, High Candela Range (135–185 cd) DC Input 16–33 Volts FWR Input 16–33 Volts 135 150 177 185 135 150 177 185 Temporal High 245 259 290 297 Temporal High 215 231 258 265 Temporal Medium 235 253 288 297 Temporal Medium 209 224 250 258 Temporal Low 232 251 282 292 Temporal Low 207 221 248 256 Non-Temporal High 255 270 303 309 Non-Temporal High 233 248 275 281 Non-Temporal Medium 242 259 293 299 Non-Temporal Medium 219 232 262 267 Non-Temporal Low 238 254 291 295 Non-Temporal Low 214 229 256 262 UL Max. Horn Current Draw (mA RMS) Sound Pattern dB 8–17.5 Volts 16–33 Volts DC FWR DC FWR Temporal High 57 55 69 75 Temporal Medium 44 49 58 69 Temporal Low 38 44 44 48 Non-Temporal High 57 56 69 75 Non-Temporal Medium 42 50 60 69 Non-Temporal Low 41 44 50 50 Coded High 57 55 69 75 Coded Medium 44 51 56 69 Coded Low 40 46 52 50 UL Current Draw Data Horn Tones and Sound Output DataCandela Derating For K series products used at low temperatures, listed candela ratings must be reduced in accordance with this table. Strobe Output (cd) Listed Candela Candela rating at –40°F 15 Do not use below 32°F15/75 30 75 44 95 70 110 110 115 115 135 135 150 150 177 177 185 185 3825 Ohio Avenue • St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 800-SENSOR2 • Fax: 630-377-6495 ©2012 System Sensor. Product specifications subject to change without notice. Visit systemsensor.com for current product information, including the latest version of this data sheet. AVDS01201 • 3/12 SpectrAlert Advance Diagrams Model Description Wall Horn Strobes P2RK*†2-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) P2RHK*†2-Wire Horn Strobe, High cd, Red, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) P2WK*†2-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, White, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) P2WHK*†2-Wire Horn Strobe, High cd, White, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) P4RK†4-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) P4WK 4-Wire Horn Strobe, Standard cd, White, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) P2RHK-120 2-Wire Horn Strobe, High cd, Red, Outdoor, 120 V (includes plastic weatherproof back box) Wall Strobes SRK*†Strobe, Standard cd, Red, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) SRHK*†Strobe, High cd, Red, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) SWK*†Strobe, Standard cd, White, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) SWHK*†Strobe, High cd, White, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) Horns HRK†Horn, Red, Outdoor (includes plastic weatherproof back box) Accessories SA-WBB Red, Metal Weatherproof Back Box SA-WBBW White, Metal Weatherproof Back Box SpectrAlert Advance Ordering Information Notes: * Add “-P” to model number for plain housing (no “FIRE” marking on cover), e.g., P2RK-P. † Add “-R” to model number for weatherproof replacement device (no back box included), only for use with weatherproof outdoor flush mounting plate, WTP and WTPW. “Standard cd” refers to strobes that include 15, 15/75, 30, 75, 95, 110, and 115 candela settings. “High cd” refers to strobes that include 135, 150, 177, and 185 candela settings. When replacing standard outdoor units both the device and back box must be replaced. 4.7˝ 5.6˝ 6.8˝ Dia. 2.5˝ 2.5˝ Wall-Mount Horn Strobes Wall Plastic Weatherproof Back Box Wall-Mount Horn Strobe with Plastic Weatherproof Back Box CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No.7300-1653:0187 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7300 -- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIES/MISC. DEVICES LISTEE:System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Int'l Inc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Lisa Brant (203) 484-6105 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: lisa.brant@honeywell.com DESIGN: Models SWK, SWHK, SCWK, SCWHK, SRK, SRHK, SCRK and SCRHK strobe lights intended for indoor or outdoor use and may be mounted on the wall or the ceiling. These strobe lights are suitable for outdoor use at an operating temperature range of -40°F to 150°F (-40°C to 66°C)* rating and are NEMA 4X rated when used with the Listed models SA-WBB (wall), SA-WBBW (Wall) or the model SA-WBBC (ceiling), SA-WBBCW (Ceiling) weatherproof back boxes. May be followed by suffix -P for plain housing with no lettering. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING:8-17.5 or 16-33 VDC/FWR INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instruction, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as strobe lights for general signaling. For indoor or outdoor use. Refer to listee’s Installation Instruction Manual for details. NOTE: Not approved for public mode and not to be used as an evacuation signal for the hearing impaired. *Corrected 07-22-10 fm July 01, 2021Date Issued:Listing Expires June 30, 2022 Authorized By: Fire Engineering Division This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee’s data sheet, installation instructions and/or other DAVID CASTILLO,, M.E., F.P.E. OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL – LA QUINTA 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 • Phone (760) 777-7074 • www.rvcfire.org March 20, 2022 Pyro Comm Systems 15531 Container Lane Huntington Beach, CA 92649 Re: Fire Alarm System Plan Review – EMBASSY SUITES – TI EVAC UPGRADE FA2022-0003 / 50777 SANTA ROSA PLAZA, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 The fire alarm system plans you submitted for the above referenced project have been reviewed by Riverside County Fire Department - Office of the Fire Marshal personnel and are approved with the following conditions. 1. For Central Station monitoring service, provide written documentation, at the time of acceptance testing, that there is a contract to provide the runner and maintenance services as required per NFPA 72. 2. The Office of the Fire Marshal staff shall witness the following inspections/tests: a) Rough-Wire Inspection – all wire not in conduit is exposed for inspection. b) Function Test / Start 24-hour Battery - The alarm installer shall provide all needed testing equipment to complete the final alarm inspection. c) 5-Minute & 15-Minute Ring-out / Final Acceptance Testing and Certification 3. Provide a completed NFPA 72 Record of Completion that the system has been installed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications as required. 4. Operating, testing, and maintenance instructions, record drawings (“as builds”), site-specific software and equipment specifications shall be provided in a documentation cabinet in compliance with NFPA 72 Section 7.7.2 The Fire Department approved plans and conditions letter must be at the job site. Applicant/installer shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspections. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 48 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (760)777-7131. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Office of the Fire Marshal staff at (760)777-7074. Kohl Hetrick - Fire Safety Specialist 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 / 760-777-7000 / INSPECTION HOTLINE: 760-777-7131 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING RECORD OF INSPECTIONS / PERMIT CARD THIS CARD IS TO REMAIN ON SITE AT ALL TIMES. INSTALLING CONTRACTOR MUST BE PRESENT FOR ALL INSPECTIONS. SEE NOTES ON REVERSE SIDE. JOB ADDRESS: 50777 SANTA ROSA PLAZA PERMIT#: FA2022-0003 DATE ISSUED: 3/20/2022 DESCRIPTION: TI EVAC UPGRADE – EMBASSY SUITES CONTRACTOR: PYRCOM COMM SYSTEMS HYDRANT SYSTEM DATE INITIALS SPECIAL SUPPRESSION DATE INITIALS Thrust block pre-pour Door fan test UG rough piping Abort test UG hydro Mechanical shutdown Flush Detector test Final E F Deluge/pre-action SPRINKLER U.G. Final E F Thrust block pre-pour UST/AST TANK UG rough piping Installation UG hydro Removal Flush Emergency shut off Final E F Primary piping FIRE SPRINKLER Secondary piping Weld inspection Dispensers & shear valves Overhead rough piping Final E F Overhead hydro MISC. INSPECTIONS UG flush / OK to connect Spray booths Main drain/inspectors’ test Hood/duct extinguishing High pile storage High pile rack storage In-rack sprinklers H.P. vents/access/corridors Hose racks Tract access/hydrant verification Final E F Access & Address verification HOOD EXTINGUISHING OTHER CONST. PERMIT Detection system Function test Gas/electrical shut-off Nozzle model/placement Fire alarm connection Final E F SPRAY BOOTHS FIRE CODE PERMIT(S) Installation Air flow test Mechanical interlock Extinguishing system Fire alarm connection Final E F FIRE ALARM KNOX SYSTEM Rough-wire inspection Building Knox box Function test Gate access Knox box/padlock Duct detectors/velocity BUILDING INSPECTIONS 24 hr. battery test T/I final Sprinkler monitoring Shell final Final E F Final for occupancy FINAL INSPECTION DATE: INSPECTORS SIGNATURE: **WHEN CALLING FOR AN INSPECTION PLEASE HAVE PERMIT NUMBER READY. SEE NOTES ON REVERSE SIDE** 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 / 760-777-7000 / INSPECTION HOTLINE: 760-777-7131 INSPECTION NOTES 1. Sway bracing and hangers will be inspected at the time of rough piping inspection. 2. All required hydrostatic pressure tests shall maintain 200 psi for a 2-hour duration. (EX: Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems) 3. Fire sprinkler system remodels: if indicated on plans or this card, a hydrostatic pressure test shall be required. 4. All underground joints and thrusts blocks shall be exposed and readily visible during the hydrostatic test. 5. Contractor shall supply all testing equipment, access and operating instructions at time of test. 6. All systems shall be inspected, tested, and approved by a Fire Inspector before any work is started that may cause the affected system to be covered or hidden. POLICIES ON FIELD INSPECTIONS A. INSPECTION REQUESTS: Inspections are made subject to availability. Please have the permit number available when scheduling inspections. For City of La Quinta inspections call: (760) 777-7131. B. APPROVED PLANS: Shall be kept on the job site at all times that work is in progress. Work shall NOT commence without approved plans. C. INSPECTION REQUESTS: As required by the California Fire Code, the appropriate installing contractor shall be required to schedule the necessary inspections and be present on site for inspections. D. RE-INSPECTIONS: Will be charged against a permit when an inspection has failed, is not ready, the responsible party not on site or where previously noted corrections have not been completed. E. COMMODITIES: Unless otherwise noted on approved plans or letter of conditions, no commodities shall be entered into the structure until clearance has been granted by the Fire Dept and Building Official. F. OCCUPANCY: Buildings shall NOT be occupied by persons other than construction workers until a Final Fire Clearance has been granted by the Fire Dept and a Certificate for Occupancy has been issued by the Building Official. INSPECTION NOTES: THIS CARD IS REQURIED TO BE POSTED AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. THIS CARD AND APPROVED PLANS MUST BE AVAILABLE AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE FOR ALL INSPECTIONS. THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE AND BECOME NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF THE WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS OR MORE. THIS PERMIT IS FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL ONLY AND DOES NOT INTEND TO ABROGATE MORE RESTRICTIVE REQUIREMENTS OF OTHER AGENCIES HAVING RESPONSIBILITY.