FNCUW2021-0001ADDITIONAL SITES CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES RESPONSE EMAIL: Good morning, I have reviewed the document provided. Bell-restraints are acceptable, however additional details are needed. Please see the attachment for clouded comments that I am providing. Of key concern is the design parameters for determining the distance “L” for bell restraints. Typically the manufacturers have design guidelines that should be referenced in accordance with the product listing(s). At a reasonable point, the project plans (specific to the Private Fire Main – Fire Permit) will need to be updated to specifically reference the application and use of the bell- Description: MONTAGE HOTEL & GOLF CLUB HOUSE Type: FIRE NEW COMMERCIAL UNDERGROUND WATER (WEB) Subtype: Status: ISSUED Applied: 7/20/2021 ECON Parcel No: 777490014 Site Address: 79179 AHMANSON LN LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Approved: 7/27/2021 KHET Subdivision: PM 33367 Block: Lot: 22 Issued: 7/28/2021 ONLINE Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $1,000.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: 3/15/2023 KHET No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: Montage La Quinta PRIVATE FIRE MAIN SERVING PRIVATE HYDRANTS AND FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS FOR THE "MONTAGE HOTEL AND SPA" AND THE "GOLF CLUBHOUSE". Printed: Friday, February 24, 2023 10:38:20 AM 1 of 10 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FNCUW2021-0001 E-MAIL KOHL HETRICK 8/9/2021 8/9/2021 restraints in lieu of thrust blocks. Specific locations and length of protection utilizing the bell restraints needs to be shown on the plans as well. Manufacturer specifications identifying the specific make, model and rating needs to be provided. It would be appropriate to further communicate with Amy Yu if the bell restraints are desired to be used on portions of the domestic water main. Thank you, KOHL HETRICK Fire Safety Specialist ----- RECEIVED EMAIL: Kohl, See attached RFI. Can you confirm that the proposed restraint joints are acceptable to the fire department? thank you Veit Veit Kugel Associate Printed: Friday, February 24, 2023 10:38:20 AM 2 of 10 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FNCUW2021-0001 E-MAIL KOHL HETRICK 9/24/2021 9/24/2021 RECEIVED EMAIL: Kohl, See email below from our utility contractor. We will be installing per plan for the Fire Srevice. JERRY BLOOM ------ From: Matt Trumble <matt@r3co.com> Sent: Friday, September 24, 2021 7:38 AM To: Bloom, Jerry <jbloom@rdolson.com>; Sheinberg, Samantha <ssheinberg@rdolson.com>; Hoskins, Gary <ghoskins@rdolson.com>; Dunn, Jeremy <jdunn@rdolson.com> Subject: Re: Water material submittal #2 Jerry, After discussing and reviewing the plans with our team, we’ve decided to install thrustblocks as originally drawn and approved, instead of pursuing the option of using mechanical restraints. Thank you, Matthew Trumble R3 Contractors C 949-289-1727 E-MAIL KOHL HETRICK 10/25/2021 10/25/2021 See attached documents (email/detail) showing Phase 2 modification to have mechanical restraints (angle fittings and bell restraints throughout to accommodate the backfilling schedule. E-MAIL KOHL HETRICK 10/27/2021 10/27/2021 SENT EMAIL to Matt @ R3 and Jerry @ RD Olson advising of the observations and concerns for the 10/27/2021 inspection. *See attachments. Printed: Friday, February 24, 2023 10:38:20 AM 3 of 10 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FNCUW2021-0001 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS1 CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT R D OLSON CONSTRUCTION INC 400 SPECTRUM CENTER DR. STE 1200 IRVINE CA 92618 (805)804-2454 jdunn@rdolson.com CONTRACTOR R D OLSON CONSTRUCTION INC 400 SPECTRUM CENTER DR. STE 1200 IRVINE CA 92618 (805)804-2454 jdunn@rdolson.com OWNER ROBERT GREEN RESIDENTIAL INC 3551 FORTUNA RANCH RD ENCINITAS CA 92024 (805)804-2454 JOSH@THEROBERTGRE ENCOMPANY.COM PRE-CON KOHL HETRICK 8/2/2021 8/2/2021 Met with Jerry (RD Olson), Matt & Everett (R3) to discuss the Private Fire Main and other utility installations. Discussed phasing desires and expectations of each inspection scope. CONDITIONS FINANCIAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT #CHECK #METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY FIRE FAILED OR ADDITIONAL RE- INSPECTION 101-0000-42421 0 $167.00 $167.00 9/16/22 WEB13071 725913159 CREDIT 953845 ECON FIRE FAILED OR ADDITIONAL RE- INSPECTION 101-0000-42421 0 $167.00 $167.00 9/16/22 WEB13071 725913159 CREDIT 953845 ECON FIRE FAILED OR ADDITIONAL RE- INSPECTION 101-0000-42421 0 $167.00 $167.00 9/16/22 WEB13071 725913159 CREDIT 953845 ECON FIRE FAILED OR ADDITIONAL RE- INSPECTION 101-0000-42421 0 $167.00 $167.00 9/16/22 WEB13071 725913159 CREDIT 953845 ECON FIRE FAILED OR ADDITIONAL RE- INSPECTION 101-0000-42421 0 $167.00 $167.00 9/16/22 WEB13071 725913159 CREDIT 953845 ECON Printed: Friday, February 24, 2023 10:38:20 AM 4 of 10 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FNCUW2021-0001 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT #CHECK #METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY FIRE FAILED OR ADDITIONAL RE- INSPECTION 101-0000-42421 0 $167.00 $167.00 9/16/22 WEB13071 725913159 CREDIT 953845 ECON FIRE FAILED OR ADDITIONAL RE- INSPECTION 101-0000-42421 0 $167.00 $167.00 9/16/22 WEB13071 725913159 CREDIT 953845 ECON FIRE FAILED OR ADDITIONAL RE- INSPECTION 101-0000-42421 0 $167.00 $167.00 9/16/22 WEB13071 725913159 CREDIT 953845 ECON FIRE FAILED OR ADDITIONAL RE- INSPECTION 101-0000-42421 0 $167.00 $167.00 9/16/22 WEB13071 725913159 CREDIT 953845 ECON FIRE NEW COMMERCIAL - UNDERGROUND WATER 101-0000-42421 0 $483.00 $483.00 7/28/21 WEB8852 02439A CREDIT R D OLSON CONSTRUCTION INC ECON FIRE NEW COMMERCIAL - UNDERGROUND WATER PC 101-0000-42420 0 $403.00 $403.00 7/28/21 WEB8852 02439A CREDIT R D OLSON CONSTRUCTION INC ECON FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 1 $167.00 $167.00 9/16/22 WEB13071 725913159 CREDIT 953845 ECON FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 1 $167.00 $167.00 9/16/22 WEB13071 725913159 CREDIT 953845 ECON FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 1 $167.00 $167.00 9/16/22 WEB13071 725913159 CREDIT 953845 ECON FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 0 $167.00 $167.00 9/16/22 WEB13071 725913159 CREDIT 953845 ECON FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 0.5 $83.50 $0.00 Total Paid for FIRE FEES: $3,140.50 $3,057.00 RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE 101-0000-42416 0 $10.00 $10.00 7/28/21 WEB8852 02439A CREDIT R D OLSON CONSTRUCTION INC ECON Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE: $10.00 $10.00 Printed: Friday, February 24, 2023 10:38:20 AM 5 of 10 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FNCUW2021-0001 INSPECTIONS SEQID INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES UG ROUGH PIPING KHET 10/13/2021 10/13/2021 NOT READY PARTIAL PHASE 1 INSPECTION Inspection was just for partial Pre-pour Thrust Block cutout. THRUST BLOCK PRE-POUR KHET 10/13/2021 10/13/2021 DISAPPROVE D PARTIAL PHASE 1 INSPECTION Multiple thrust-block cutouts were undersized and needed for excavation. Reinspection Required. THRUST BLOCK PRE-POUR FRE 10/20/2021 10/20/2021 PARTIALLY APPROVED Partial - see plan notes UG ROUGH PIPING FRE 10/20/2021 10/20/2021 PARTIALLY APPROVED Partial - see plan notes THRUST BLOCK PRE-POUR KHET 10/27/2021 10/27/2021 PARTIALLY APPROVED PARTIAL - PH 2 See email correspondence UG ROUGH PIPING KHET 11/1/2021 11/1/2021 PARTIALLY APPROVED SEE NOTES Partial PH 2 Observed specific concern of a concrete lined pipe that was in immediate coverage crossing of the private fire main. Need engineer direction on how to protect pipe in compliance with NFPA 24 and AWWA standards. THRUST BLOCK PRE-POUR KHET 11/1/2021 11/1/2021 PARTIALLY APPROVED Mech/Bell Restraints Partial PH 2 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT #CHECK #METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 $5.00 7/28/21 WEB8852 02439A CREDIT R D OLSON CONSTRUCTION INC ECON Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 $5.00 TOTALS:$3,155.50 $3,072.00 Printed: Friday, February 24, 2023 10:38:20 AM 6 of 10 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FNCUW2021-0001 UG HYDRO KHET 11/4/2021 11/4/2021 APPROVED Partial of Phase 1 200 psi for 1-hour, partial of main line serving sweeps of Pool Equipment and Spa Building risers and 1 hydrant nearest spa building. UG ROUGH PIPING KHET 11/4/2021 11/4/2021 PARTIALLY APPROVED Partial - Phase 2 Staight leg continuing on the east end of the project, between the Golf Clubhouse and the nearest Montage Guest Rooms. 100% restrained, including bells. Counseled on a twisted pipe and restraint section and continued improvement of mastic coating of fittings and bolts. UG HYDRO KHET 11/10/2021 11/10/2021 APPROVED Partial - Phase 1 THRUST BLOCK PRE-POUR KHET 12/6/2021 12/6/2021 APPROVED Partial - see plan notes THRUST BLOCK PRE-POUR KHET 12/9/2021 12/9/2021 APPROVED THRUST BLOCK PRE-POUR KHET 12/13/2021 12/13/2021 PARTIALLY APPROVED UG HYDRO KHET 12/20/2021 12/20/2021 PARTIALLY APPROVED PH 1 & 2 THRUST BLOCK PRE-POUR KHET 1/4/2022 1/4/2022 PARTIALLY APPROVED PARTIAL - PHASE 3 UG ROUGH PIPING KHET 1/10/2022 1/10/2022 PARTIALLY APPROVED PARTIAL - PHASE 3 Continued check of Phase 3 installations. Identified 2 thrust blocks that were not sized correctly and had already been poured. Contractor elected to add thrust restraints of these elements. Identified that the Spa and Pool Equipment building slabs and footings were poured without the riser sleeve being added. Will need to cut out the slab and footing components and fix/replace appropriately. UG HYDRO KHET 1/11/2022 1/11/2022 APPROVED Phase 3 Phase 4 of 4 is pending Printed: Friday, February 24, 2023 10:38:20 AM 7 of 10 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FNCUW2021-0001 BOND INFORMATION FLUSH KHET 2/2/2022 2/2/2022 PARTIALLY APPROVED SEE NOTES This was a functional test of flow and pressure observed when the system is being supplied by temporary (2) 2.5" water supply connections. The communication was to allow this temporary water supply to the new private fire main to provide on-site water supply to the hydrants for the benefit of continued construction protection. CVWD is delayed in installing their portions of the public water supply and the DDCA. Observed a static pressure of 104 psi. A diffuser with pitot was used to identify the flowing pressure and volume. This resulted in an observation of about 700+ gpm at an actual residual pressure of 20-22 psi. This volume is satisfactory for water supply for continued combustible construction processes (CFC 3312). Lumber is cleared to be dropped on site. Foundations and slabs are okay to be poured. *Vertical construction and framing should not begin until an improved/defined construction access road is provided that can support Fire Apparatus. (CFC 3310) REVIEWS REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE RETURNED DATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES 1ST PERMIT TECH (1 DAY) AARON HICKSON 7/20/2021 7/21/2021 7/20/2021 COMPLETE PLANS UPLOADED 1ST FIRE (2 WK)KOHL HETRICK 7/20/2021 7/27/2021 7/27/2021 APPROVED SEE ATTACHMENTS PARENT PROJECTS Printed: Friday, February 24, 2023 10:38:20 AM 8 of 10 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FNCUW2021-0001 ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 7/20/2021 EtrakitContractor 1ST SUBMITTAL PLANS 2021.07.20 SW2019- 0001 PA 2 Private Utilities 210609 Permited Plans R3 Contractor Permit Submittal.pdf 1 DOC 7/27/2021 KOHL HETRICK FNCUW2021-0001 - COA AND JOB CARD.pdf FNCUW2021-0001 - COA AND JOB CARD.pdf 1 DOC 7/27/2021 KOHL HETRICK FNCUW2021-0001 - APPROVED PLANS.pdf FNCUW2021-0001 - APPROVED PLANS.pdf 1 DOC 8/9/2021 KOHL HETRICK RFI 0047 - Thrust Block Conflict with Domestic and Fire Water Lines - MBI Response (08-04- 21).pdf RFI 0047 - Thrust Block Conflict with Domestic and Fire Water Lines - MBI Response (08-04- 21).pdf 1 DOC 10/20/2021 KOHL HETRICK FNCUW2021-0001 - PLANS FOR INSPECTION.pdf FNCUW2021-0001 - PLANS FOR INSPECTION.pdf 1 DOC 10/25/2021 KOHL HETRICK 10-25-2021 - Email - PH2 Modification.pdf 10-25-2021 - Email - PH2 Modification.pdf 1 DOC 10/25/2021 KOHL HETRICK Phase 2 - Adjustment by RD Olson.pdf Phase 2 - Adjustment by RD Olson.pdf 1 DOC 10/27/2021 KOHL HETRICK 10-27-2021 - EMAIL - INSPECTION OBSERVATIONS AND CONCERNS.pdf 10-27-2021 - EMAIL - INSPECTION OBSERVATIONS AND CONCERNS.pdf 1 DOC 10/27/2021 KOHL HETRICK 1000G2C_1100G2C_for_ DIP_submittal-1801- 2.pdf 1000G2C_1100G2C_for_ DIP_submittal-1801- 2.pdf 1 DOC 10/27/2021 KOHL HETRICK pipe_restrainers_2101- 1_catalog.pdf pipe_restrainers_2101- 1_catalog.pdf 1 Printed: Friday, February 24, 2023 10:38:20 AM 9 of 10 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FNCUW2021-0001 ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 10/27/2021 KOHL HETRICK jme_BIG_BLUE- BLUE_BRUTE- ULTRA_BLUE_Installatio n_Guide_03- 2011_web.pdf jme_BIG_BLUE- BLUE_BRUTE- ULTRA_BLUE_Installatio n_Guide_03- 2011_web.pdf 1 DOC 11/10/2021 KOHL HETRICK FNCUW2021-0001 - PLANS FOR INSPECTION v2.pdf FNCUW2021-0001 - PLANS FOR INSPECTION v2.pdf 1 DOC 12/20/2021 KOHL HETRICK FNCUW2021-0001 - PLANS FOR INSPECTION v3.pdf FNCUW2021-0001 - PLANS FOR INSPECTION v3.pdf 1 DOC 1/10/2022 KOHL HETRICK FNCUW2021-0001 - PLANS FOR INSPECTION v4.pdf FNCUW2021-0001 - PLANS FOR INSPECTION v4.pdf 1 DOC 9/19/2022 KOHL HETRICK 2022.09.16 RDOC Letter to COLQ for Permit Extension.pdf 2022.09.16 RDOC Letter to COLQ for Permit Extension.pdf 1 Printed: Friday, February 24, 2023 10:38:20 AM 10 of 10 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FNCUW2021-0001 Permit Drawings SW2019-0001 Montage Hotel & Spa - La Quinta 7/20/21 FNCUW2021-0001 PRIVATE FIRE MAIN APPROVED Riverside County Fire Department La Quinta Office of the Fire Marshal By: FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST 07/27/2021 3:51:03 PM The approval of plans and specifications does not permit the violation, deletion, omission or faulty installation of any requirements of Title 24 or any Local Ordinances. Construction shall remain accessible and exposed for inspection purposes until approved by the Fire Department. PERMIT # -FNCUW2021-0001 Kohl Hetrick Reason: I am approving this document Contact Info: 760-219-6057 Date: 2021.07.27 18:22:04-07'00' Installing Contractor:APPROVEDRiverside County Fire DepartmentLa Quinta Office of the Fire MarshalBy:FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST07/27/2021 3:49:59 PMThe approval of plans and specifications does notpermit the violation, deletion, omission or faultyinstallation of any requirements of Title 24 or anyLocal Ordinances. Construction shall remainaccessible and exposed for inspection purposesuntil approved by the Fire Department.PERMIT # -FNCUW2021-0001Kohl HetrickReason: I am approving this documentContact Info: 760-219-6057Date: 2021.07.27 18:22:14-07'00' EXISTING 6" FIRE HYIM 1 TO BE RELOCATED BY CVWD 1 1 IN i \w w PROPOSED STORM DRAIN (TYP) I 14+29.30 ENDIV 10 S V 14+18.50 INSTALL. ksZ, 2' 90' BEND a 08 1 ti DC7 , tf \\ \ 42 r I ZZ 13 F v r. c..f V" 71 GV & 1-4" GV ro.iutNV—ILriKr — — /12" 22.5° BEND 18.201W-6* FIRE ll 13+63.39 INSTALL 34 Ch 6" 22.5° BETA 01 14 i 10, MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET 4 NOTE ON WATER SEWER CROSSING WHEN CROSSING - BOTTOM OF WATERLINE SHALL BE ONE FOOT (1 FT) OR MORE ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER LINE e l f T ` cx f '' MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET 3 DOMESTIC WATER LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE NO BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH 0 NOTE 1 N12042'39"E 10.06' 6" PVC C-900 2 N77°17'21"W 20.13' 6" PVC C-900 3 N32029'06"W 80.61' 6" PVC C-900 4 N54°59'39"W 78.46' 6" PVC C-900 5 N43°44'39"W 137.06 6" PVC C-900 6 N41°14'39"W 40.16' 6" PVC C-900 7 N16014'39"W 14.39' 6" PVC C-900 8 N35°00'21"E 41.12' 3" PVC 9 N48°45'21"E 26.64' 4" PVC C-900 10 N32017'29"E 4.77' 2" PVC 11 N12°51'46"W 6.02' PVC 2" PVC 12 N57°52 '48"W 105.40' 2" PVC SEWER - LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE FIRE - LINE/CURVE LENGTH DATA TABLE 8.79' 6" SDR -35 0 BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH 3 N57°52'48"W -- NOTE 6" SDR -35 1 N88°44'39"W 18.63' 12" PVC C-900 2 N32°29'39"W 72.85' 12" PVC C-900 3 N54°59'39"W 74.45' 12" PVC C— 000 4 N43°44'39"W 137.54' 12" PVC C-900 5 N41014'39"W 41.14' 12" PVC C-900 6 N16°14'39"W 16.44' 12" PVC C-900 7 N57°30'21"E 29.63' 6" PVC C-900 8 N32029'39"W 25.15' C PVC C-900 9 N01057'00"E 13.55' 6" PVC C-900 10 N48045'21"E 35.21' 12" PVC C-900 SEWER - LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE @> BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH NOTE 1 N35°09'46"W -- 8.79' 6" SDR -35 2 N32°07'12"E -- 118.32' 6" SDR -35 3 N57°52'48"W -- 74.98' 6" SDR -35 CONSTRUCTION NOTES Q INSTALL 6" SDR -35 SEWER LATERAL (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 0 INSTALL 6" CLEAN OUT TO FINISH GRADE WITH CAP O INSTALL 6" PVC C-900 FIRE MAIN WITH 48" MINIMUM COVER (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 10 INSTALL 8" PVC C-900 FIRE MAIN WITH 48" MINIMUM COVER (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 11 INSTALL 12" PVC C-900 FIRE MAIN WITH 48" MINIMUM COVER (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 13 INSTALL 6" C-900 WATER MAIN WITH 36" MINIMUM COVER (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 14 INSTALL 4" C-900 WATER MAIN WITH 36" MINIMUM COVER (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 15 INSTALL 4" GATE VALVE 16 INSTALL 6" GATE VALVE 18 INSTALL 12" GATE VALVE 19 INSTALL 12%12%12" TEE 21 INSTALL 12%12%6" TEE 24 INSTALL 6"x6"x4" TEE 28 INSTALL 12"45' BEND, RESTRAINED 30 INSTALL 6" 45° D.I. BEND, RESTRAINED 32 INSTALL 12" 22.5° BEND, RESTRAINED 34 NOT USED 36 INSTALL 12" 11.25° BEND, RESTRAINED 38 INSTALL 6" 11.25° D.I. BEND, RESTRAINED 41 INSTALL 3" PVC SCH. 40 WATER SERVICE WITH REQUIRED BENDS AND FITTINGS (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 42 INSTALL 2" PVC SCH. 40 WATER SERVICE WITH REQUIRED BENDS AND FITTINGS (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 51 INSTALL 8" END CAP 52 INSTALL 6" FDC AND PIV PER RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE REQUIREMENTS AND DETAILS SHOWN ON SHEET 9 SCALE: 1"=20' BENCHMARK. BASIS OF BEARINGS. APPROVAL BY: CITYOFLAQUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA S H E E T I (Lull CITY OF LA QUINTA BM#430-Description: 11/2"COPPERWELD THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED RpPESS/p CG MONUMENT, STAMPED 'LS -99% FLUSH AT THE CENTERLJNE UPON THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM, iMichaelBakerPRIVATE ON-SITE UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN —^/ INTERSECTION OF AVENUE 54 AND JEFFERSON STREET. G 5.416 (NAVDE6) CCS 83, ZONE 6, AS DETERMINED LOCALLY ``P<c[[ SILVERROCK RESO 3.z11(NcvD2s) BY THE LINE BETWEEN USC&GS STATIONS LA 9 z INTERNATIONAL 11DIAL g DATE 1/Z/ OF SHEETS BEFOREFORE PROJECT ELEVATION AT BM #43o QUINTA CS2005 (P491) AND COLLEGE OF No. e4soso 75-410 Gerald Ford Dnve, Suite 100 BRYA McKINNEY YOU DIGIG (To obtain ProjectElevatonsinNAVD88Datum,Subtract1.564' THE DESERT (COTD), (POSITIONS PER * .t Palm Desert, CA 92211 CITY ENGINEER MONTAGE HOTEL SPA AND GUESTROOMS DWG. NAME from the elevations shown). NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY, NAD83, EPOCH J. U/V1 P Phone:(760)346-7481 MBAKERINTL.COM R.C.E. No. 49418 EXP. 09/30/2022 TOLL FRE811 To obtain ProjectElevafonsinNGVD29,Add0.6aTtothe 2011.00) AS SHOWN ON THE NATIONAL 9TF FODRAWN DESIGNED JOB NUMBER FILE NO. elevations shown). DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D DATE OF CA>_1 '%i1^ `- t JR JR/KE 161178 LOCATED WITHIN SW 1/4 OF SEC. 5 & NW, NE & SE 1/4 OF SEC. 8, T.6S.,R.7E., S.B.B.& M. A PUBLIC SERVICE BY GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLISHED DATA SHEETS ;j 05/25/21 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT ELEVATION=3.903' _ - SCALE AS NOTED CHECKED RV DATE May 2021 FOR` SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC _ SW2019-0001 BEING N.40"16'30.20"W. R E V I S I O N S MICHAEL TYLMAN RCE N0. C43090, EXP. 3/31/2022 DATE: v 1R u DOMESTIC WATER LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE NO BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH LENGTH NOTE 1 1 N85°53'33"E 12" 138.03' 4" PVC C-900 11.29' 2 N51°19'06"W C-900 13.28' 4" PVC C-900 PVC 3 N39019'06"W N27019'06"W 21.74' 4" PVC C-900 5 4 N27°19'06"W 12" 21.90' 4" PVC C-900 56.59' 5 N22414'42"W C-900 40.70' 4" PVC C-900 PVC 6 N09°18'00"W N41°15'21"E 57.44' 4" PVC C-900 9 7 N01°57'00"E 120.80' 4" PVC C-900 N88°45'21"E 8 N41015'21"E PVC 43.72' 4" PVC C-900 12" 9 N86°15'21"E 12 6.13' 4" PVC C-900 C-900 10 N88045'21"E 115.57' 7.00' 4" PVC C-900 N86049'34"W 11 N88°44'39"W PVC 7.00' 4" PVC C-900 8" 12 N77°29'39"W 16 18.00' 4" PVC C-900 C-900 13 N88°44'39"W 24.09' 116.05' 4" PVC C-900 N80°42'00"E 14 N88003'00"W 46 47.76' 3" PVC C-900 15 N85038'12"W 20 9.00' 3" PVC C-900 PVC 16 N83007'46"W 5.00' 8.95' 3" PVC C-900 17 N80°38'12"W 29.37' 3" PVC C-900 18 N31°51'48"E 34.39' 3" PVC C-900 19 N58°08'12"W 159.50' 3" PVC C-900 20 N32°09'23"E 2.17' 2" PVC C-900 21 N57°52'48"W 57.30' 2" PUC C-900 22 N88°03'00"W 21.11' 2" PVC C-900 23 N80°42'00"E 15.00' 2" PVC C-900 24 N62°40'54"E 32.08' 2" PYC C-900 a . / ,% SPA EXIST. 12" WATER LINE TO ( I FF=33.50 REMAIN, PROTECT IN PLACE ` 42 , ; off \ ., 41 PAD=33.0 A- 20ses20 12+54.58 II A- \ 3' TF E WIR 3'x2 REDUt A 12+56.5 INSTALL' A- ; fN kms` Al 29.38I 26.34I 28.20INV- CONSTRUCTION NOTES FIRE - LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE TABLE p BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH LENGTH NOTE 1 N85°53'33"E 134.81' 12" PVC C-900 2 N51°19'06"W 11.29' 12" PVC C-900 3 N39°19'06"W 20.90' 12" PVC C-900 4 N27019'06"W 21.30' 12" PVC C-900 5 N22°14'42"W 40.07' 12" PVC C-900 6 N09018'00"W 56.59' 12" PVC C-900 7 N01057'00"E 131.61' 12" PVC C-900 8 N41°15'21"E 34.18' 12" PVC C-900 9 N86015'21"E 7.88' 12" PVC C-900 10 N88°45'21"E 7.17' 12" PVC C-900 11 N88°44'39"W 7.48' 12" PVC C-900 12 N77°29'39"W 18.00' 12" PVC C-900 13 N88°44'39"W 115.57' 12" PVC C-900 14 N86049'34"W 57.88' 8" PVC C-900 15 NO3010'26"E 5.64' 8" PVC C-900 16 N04°06'27"W 44.75' 6" PVC C-900 17 N88°03'00"W 24.09' 1.5" 8"X6" 90° BEND, RESTRAINED PVC 18 N80°42'00"E 20.00' 1.5" 46 PVC 19 N62040'54"E 30.52 1.5" PUC 20 NO3010'26"E 28.13' 1.5 PVC 21 N32°07'12"E 5.00' 1.5" PVC a . / ,% SPA EXIST. 12" WATER LINE TO ( I FF=33.50 REMAIN, PROTECT IN PLACE ` 42 , ; off \ ., 41 PAD=33.0 A- 20ses20 12+54.58 II A- \ 3' TF E WIR 3'x2 REDUt A 12+56.5 INSTALL' A- ; fN kms` Al 29.38I 26.34I 28.20INV- CONSTRUCTION NOTES SEWER - LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE 0 BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH 24" NOTE 1 116°51'45" 115.00' 234.56' 8" SDR -35 2 N22414'42"W 26.77' 8" SDR -35 3 12056'41" 150.00' 33.89' 8" SDR -35 4 N09°18'00"W 27.98' 8" SDR -35 5 11015'00" 150.00' 29.45' 8" SDR -35 6 N01057'00"E 80.36' 8" SDR -35 7 N86049'34"W 37.92' 6" SDR -35 8 28°56'46" 100.00' 50.52' 6" SDR -35 9 N57°52'48"W 109.74' 6" SDR -35 10 N12°52'48"W 21.98' 6" SDR -35 11 N32007'12"E 25.08' 6" SDR -35 12 N42002'27"E 21.66' 4" SDR -35 13 23°41'22" 100.00' 41.35' 4" SDR -35 14 N88°03'00"W 8.85' 4" SDR -35 15 N72°0713111 6.64' 411 SDR -35 a . / ,% SPA EXIST. 12" WATER LINE TO ( I FF=33.50 REMAIN, PROTECT IN PLACE ` 42 , ; off \ ., 41 PAD=33.0 A- 20ses20 12+54.58 II A- \ 3' TF E WIR 3'x2 REDUt A 12+56.5 INSTALL' A- ; fN kms` Al 29.38I 26.34I 28.20INV- CONSTRUCTION NOTES 12" O INSTALL 8" SDR -35 SEWER MAIN (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 18 O INSTALL 6" SDR -35 SEWER LATERAL (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 24" O INSTALL 4" SDR -35 SEWER LATERAL (OR APPROVED EQUAL) PIPE TRENCH/BACKFILL DETAIL INSTALL 8" CLEAN OUT TO FINISH GRADE WITH CAP r151 71 TLzr;i] D 50 INSTALL 6" CLEAN OUT TO FINISH GRADE WITH CAP RISERRISER BREAK -OFF UNE JUST ABOVE FINAL.. GRADE AS €STASUSHED INSTALL 48" DIAMETER MANHOLE PER CVWD STD. DWG. NO. S-5 THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED INSTALL 4" BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY PER PLUMBING PLAN 1) I O INSTALL 6" PVC C-900 FIRE MAIN WITH 48" MINIMUM COVER (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 6 10 INSTALL 8" PVC C-900 FIRE MAIN WITH 48" MINIMUM COVER (OR APPROVED EQUAL) CCS 83, ZONE 6, AS DETERMINED LOCALLY 11 INSTALL 12" PVC C-900 FIRE MAIN WITH 48" MINIMUM COVER (OR APPROVED EQUAL) DIAL TWO WORKING 12 INSTALL 1.5" PVC SCH. 40 FIRE SERVICE WITH REQUIRED BENDS AND FITTINGS (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 14 INSTALL 4" C-900 WATER MAIN WITH 36" MINIMUM COVER (OR APPROVED EQUAL) OJ R 15 INSTALL 4" GATE VALVE QUINTA CS2005 (P491) AND COLLEGE OF 16 INSTALL 6" GATE VALVE 8 -HOLE X 6 -HOLE 17 INSTALL 8" GATE VALVE To obtain Project Elevations in NAVD88 Datum, Subtract 1.564' 18 INSTALL 12" GATE VALVE NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY, NAD83, EPOCH 20 INSTALL 12"x12%8" TEE 21 INSTALL 12"x12"x6" TEE To obtain Project Elevations in NGVD29, Add 0.687'to the 22 NOT USED elevations shown). 25 INSTALL 4"x4'x4" TEE DESCRIPTION 26 INSTALL 8" DIA., 3/8" THICK STEEL CASING PER CVWD STD. DWG. NO. W-40 AND DETAIL ON SHEET 5 28 INSTALL 12" 450 BEND, RESTRAINED 31 INSTALL 4" 45° BEND, RESTRAINED 36 INSTALL 12" 11.25° BEND, RESTRAINED 39 INSTALL 4" 11.250 BEND, RESTRAINED 41 INSTALL 3" PVC SCH. 40 WATER SERVICE WITH REQUIRED BENDS AND FITTINGS (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 42 INSTALL 2" PVC SCH. 40 WATER SERVICE WITH REQUIRED BENDS AND FITTINGS (OR APPROVED EQUAL) @ INSTALL 8"X6" 90° BEND, RESTRAINED 44 INSTALL 8"x6" REDUCER 46 INSTALL 6" FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY (WET BARREL) 47 INSTALL 1.5" FDC PER RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE REQUIREMENTS (WALL MOUNTED, COORDINATE WITH MEP PLANS) PAVEMENT SECTION AND/OR NATIVE SOIL OR SELECT UNPAVED PAVED MATERIAL PLACED IN 8" LIFTS LOOSE) AND COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 95% COMPACTION PER MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET 2 7 r / yy5 28.27INV-4 SD JZ 24.05INV-6'SWR F •. , a 1 :. _-_ _..._ I z 2 S 100 jf \ S r \ 14+22_01 PI -- - I DEFL.=2°30' 11/ 24.00INV-6 pM 14+29.19 PI 93 58 26.73INV-6°SD DFFL•-2 30 - 14+14.53 INSTALL I PROPOSED STORM DRAIN LVI f \ 12' 11.25° BEhAl3280TC0 'a 11+79.0 j 24r05. 6 , f 14+37.07 INSTALL 13+96.53 I TALL 12° 45° BEND ( ,n n o t f PAD -30.5 „ 28 9 10 11 - . 12° 11;25 BEM Uf36q• j • ol2o % FF -31 00 L ooQQooQn` Qf "` ? 9 10 11 ` FIRE FIRE ~- 13 FII r 13 3" o° oo oce' 9 25,92INV'SD \ / 11 13+95.93 INSTALL 141 I oa`Zo----:.- SD\c\ ° o©c:• oQ .\ d 22.36INV SWR /'" Jy a ° 4° 11.25 BQD 39 b ° n° l , 1 czw \ CONST. IAi M. 13 0 r -c NTA ; ° o 1 rso ta 30.30TCO 5 8 1B+24.62 LIPS D d 28 14+71.24 INSTALL 14+13.93 INSTALL 39 271 , 9 X°n Unas Qo, ` r+n 26.30INV 27 80TMi LIFE 1C ii 12" 45 4 11.25 BEND t' -' - 28INV-3 WTR 721 7OINV-IN25.62INV 6°SD `t'' 04 (E` a S.5309 a aoc 2,: ' 21.5OINV IT 28.SOINV-12'W1R\ c °on °o °+ s--' . / s_ 25.56INV-6 SD = \ "no ° 26-88INV-4 SD Q, 0+84.41 25.50INV-6"FIRE PROPOSED STORM DRAIN (TYP) ' i o tiD 42 'sem o° 22o.71INV_. >_ 5 0 21 no - . 012041 o 25 97INV- 6 STR 8 2 5.. 25 EXIST. 12" WATER LINE TO 24 50TH/ 9 12 0 AJ< REMAIN, PROTECT IN PLACE "0 Vis, o o n n nvcL, Done no°9 o nno°000nono 0 n 014, 1INSTALL 17 DEFL 1 6 22.50 BEM 16 1510+65.71 PI DEFL.=2°30' 15 1,\ 10+56.76 PI",. DETL.=2 30 _ 1 V 46 43 16 1-0+57.88_ IP TALL" 46 y t 6" FH ASSY 47 1 155+38,. 2 WAT 15+46.99 1.5" FIRE l 12 24.04II1 1 t` F=28. 00 (K4 1 PAD=27.3 24.3 1 22.4 N i 20 10 0 20 40 60 t`1X1 c, SCALE: 1 "=20' ASTM D1557 OR AS PER THE LOCAL GOVERNING AUTHORITY TRENCH/BACKFILL TO BE IN COMPLIANCE WITH NFPA 24 SECTION 10.9.1 AS AMENDED BY CFC CHAPTER 80. BACKFILL SHALL BE WELL TAMPED IN LAYERS OR PUDDLE UNDER AND AROUND PIPES TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT OR LATERAL MOVEMENT. BACKFILL SHALL CONSIST OF CLEAN FILL SAND OR PEA GRAVEL TO A MINIMUM 6" BELOW AND TO A MINIMUM OF 12" ABOVE TO PIPE AND SHALL CONTAIN NO ASHES, CINDERS, REFUSE, ORGANIC MATTER, OR CORROSIVE MATERIALS. OTHER BACKFILL MATERIALS AND METHODS ARE PERMITTED WHERE DISIGNATED BY A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AND APPROVE BY THE ENFORCING AGENCY. 6" MIN. WALL MOUNTED FD.0 12" 36"-49" C-61 VARIES END OF CURVt-• ' 18 42"-56" N.T.S. 24" 48"-62" fi FIRE iYOPAUr 6 -HOLT PIPE TRENCH/BACKFILL DETAIL BW INDICATES LOTS REQUIRING BACKWATER VALVE FOR SEWER. N.T.S. DJR. POL7E"yUENE WRAPPED r 151 71 TLzr;i] D BENCHMARK: Description: BASIS OF BEARINGS- RISERRISER BREAK -OFF UNE JUST ABOVE FINAL.. GRADE AS €STASUSHED 1 DR T CITY OF LA QUINTA BM #430 11/2" COPPERWELD THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED 2+ R `MOW RES' OIJNG GASKET OR MECHANI L :dOM 1) I MONUMENT, STAMPED " UE54, FLUSH EET. UPON THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM, 6 I o FERSONSTINTERSECTIONOFAVENUE54ANDJEFFERSONSTREET. ELEVATION = 5.467' (NAVD88) CCS 83, ZONE 6, AS DETERMINED LOCALLY 1 6" FLANGED C.I, aREAY-OFF RISER 6° LONG - B -HOLE DIAL TWO WORKING ELEVATION = 3.216'(NGVD29) BY THE LINE BETWEEN USC&GS STATIONS LA CLASS 520-C-2500 9 1 6 90 CUFY, -MON- OR M J x FLANGED, OJ R 10 BEFORE DAYS BEFORE PROJECT ELEVATION ATBM#430 QUINTA CS2005 (P491) AND COLLEGE OF 11 1 6 PORmVE 8RENC-OFF VALVE ASSENBLY-{f1AGE) 8 -HOLE X 6 -HOLE 12 YOU DIG rt1 YOU DIG To obtain Project Elevations in NAVD88 Datum, Subtract 1.564' THE DESERT (COTD), (POSITIONS PER N.T.S. from the elevations shown). NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY, NAD83, EPOCH TOLL FREE TELEPHONE: 811 To obtain Project Elevations in NGVD29, Add 0.687'to the 2011.00) AS SHOWN ON THE NATIONAL A PUBLIC SERVICE BY elevations shown). GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLISHED DATA SHEETS DATE BY DESCRIPTION R E V I S I O N SUNDERGROUNDSERVICEALERTELEVATIONBEINGN.40°16'30.20"W. 1'-6' NO SIDEWALK ITEM INSTALLED C-61 VARIES END OF CURVt-• ' NO. REO. 1 1 fi FIRE iYOPAUr 6 -HOLT SIDEWALK. o DJR. POL7E"yUENE WRAPPED 3 I GATE VALVE, FLANGED RISERRISER BREAK -OFF UNE JUST ABOVE FINAL.. GRADE AS €STASUSHED 1 VALVE OPERATOR WELL k Ci P. CURB OR SIDEWALK IO LVERTICAL CURB NOTE_ J FOR VALVE OPERATOR WELL INSTALLATION SEE STANDARD 1KRAHhNG W-17. , 0 S=0.2773 C 33 a FF=26.20 PAD=25.5 111 4 21.51 7 INS' WATER SVC. r- - FF=25.50 PAD=24.8 r' 3 14'w 4- TEE ER GV & 1-4"x3' 15+24.51=10+00.00 23.00INV-4 24.37IN 21.18INV-8 B_58 1.25 4- 11.25" EEM APPROVAL BY: QPOFESS/O Michael Baker I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A Lc g z m No. C43090 A 75-410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 Y McKINNEY Palm Desert, CA 92211 CITY ENGINEER On CIV 1 \- Phone: (760) 346-7481 • MBAKERINTL.COM R.C.E. NO. 49418 APP'D DATE qTF OF CALIFr11c rF%T.Y, DRAWN JR DESIGNED JR/KE 05/25/21 SCALE AS NOTED CHECKED RVMICHAELTYLMANRCEN0. C43090, EXP. 3/31/2022 DATE: M. 12 21.47INV-1.5"FIRE 6r 0 J S Kim LLI LLI U) LLI LLI U) 17+18.61 INSTALL 39V4° 11.25 BEM 17+20.80 INSTALL 17+40.35 INSTALL 39 12" 11.25 BEM `36 40 11.25° BEM 17+41.70 INSTALL 36 12" 11.25 BEND 19.31INV-12"FIRE 46 21 18+67.31 INSTALL \ 17+53.00 INSTAL- 28 20.86INV-12°SD 6° FH ASS'Y \ 12 456 BEAD 11 FIRE RE' FIRE FIRIE 1 f - f V 20.50INV-4"WTR 19.72INV4°WTR 19.00INV-6°FIRE 4? 45 6BEM TALL 31 \320.82INV-12'SD W 00 0 o° ` 3 __ -- 19.78INV-6"FIRE 17.93INV8 "SW R-A-17.46INV-8"SWR no ` 20.43INV-12°SD '°°° Q0 o° noo noo 1 S=0.0100 \ o o °oc°no c_ o >, o 00 0 0o o° ,. o o •esu c°o° O°O OnOnfl CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA S H E E T PRIVATE ON-SITE UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN 3SILVERROCKRESORT DATE /r 2 OF _-9-SHEETS EXP. 09/30/2022 MONTAGE HOTEL, SPA AND GUESTROOMS DWG. NAME JOB NUMBER 161178 LOCATED WITHIN A 1/4 OF SEC. 5 & NW, NE & SE 1/4 OF SEC. 5, T.6S.,R.7E., S.B.B.& M. FILE NO. DATE May 2021 FDR' SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC SW2019-0001 N0 N t'70 O b LU In W 10 ITEM No. SIZE AND DESCRIRP Na REMNRK$ NO. REO. 1 1 fi FIRE iYOPAUr 6 -HOLT 1+ S' X NO OF JOINTS AS REQUIRED DJR. POL7E"yUENE WRAPPED 3 1 GATE VALVE, FLANGED 4 1 VALVE OPERATOR WELL k Ci P. SEE STANDARD DRAWING W-17 5 2+ R `MOW RES' OIJNG GASKET OR MECHANI L :dOM RESRAWNING GLAND 6 I NNN S17E x fi TEE 7 1 6" FLANGED C.I, aREAY-OFF RISER 6° LONG - B -HOLE D 1 3 X 3' X 6 CONCREAL PAD CLASS 520-C-2500 9 1 6 90 CUFY, -MON- OR M J x FLANGED, OJ R 10 1 6 X REQUIRED LENGTH RISER F1ANC,ED r8 -HOLE) O.I.P. 11 1 6 PORmVE 8RENC-OFF VALVE ASSENBLY-{f1AGE) 8 -HOLE X 6 -HOLE 12 THRUST SLOGKrNG SEE STANDARD DRAWING W-19 SUPER FIRE HYDRANT N.T.S. 0 S=0.2773 C 33 a FF=26.20 PAD=25.5 111 4 21.51 7 INS' WATER SVC. r- - FF=25.50 PAD=24.8 r' 3 14'w 4- TEE ER GV & 1-4"x3' 15+24.51=10+00.00 23.00INV-4 24.37IN 21.18INV-8 B_58 1.25 4- 11.25" EEM APPROVAL BY: QPOFESS/O Michael Baker I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A Lc g z m No. C43090 A 75-410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 Y McKINNEY Palm Desert, CA 92211 CITY ENGINEER On CIV 1 \- Phone: (760) 346-7481 • MBAKERINTL.COM R.C.E. NO. 49418 APP'D DATE qTF OF CALIFr11c rF%T.Y, DRAWN JR DESIGNED JR/KE 05/25/21 SCALE AS NOTED CHECKED RVMICHAELTYLMANRCEN0. C43090, EXP. 3/31/2022 DATE: M. 12 21.47INV-1.5"FIRE 6r 0 J S Kim LLI LLI U) LLI LLI U) 17+18.61 INSTALL 39V4° 11.25 BEM 17+20.80 INSTALL 17+40.35 INSTALL 39 12" 11.25 BEM `36 40 11.25° BEM 17+41.70 INSTALL 36 12" 11.25 BEND 19.31INV-12"FIRE 46 21 18+67.31 INSTALL \ 17+53.00 INSTAL- 28 20.86INV-12°SD 6° FH ASS'Y \ 12 456 BEAD 11 FIRE RE' FIRE FIRIE 1 f - f V 20.50INV-4"WTR 19.72INV4°WTR 19.00INV-6°FIRE 4? 45 6BEM TALL 31 \320.82INV-12'SD W 00 0 o° ` 3 __ -- 19.78INV-6"FIRE 17.93INV8 "SW R-A-17.46INV-8"SWR no ` 20.43INV-12°SD '°°° Q0 o° noo noo 1 S=0.0100 \ o o °oc°no c_ o >, o 00 0 0o o° ,. o o •esu c°o° O°O OnOnfl CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA S H E E T PRIVATE ON-SITE UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN 3SILVERROCKRESORT DATE /r 2 OF _-9-SHEETS EXP. 09/30/2022 MONTAGE HOTEL, SPA AND GUESTROOMS DWG. NAME JOB NUMBER 161178 LOCATED WITHIN A 1/4 OF SEC. 5 & NW, NE & SE 1/4 OF SEC. 5, T.6S.,R.7E., S.B.B.& M. FILE NO. DATE May 2021 FDR' SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC SW2019-0001 N0 N t'70 O b LU In W 10 W W Z W W W U) z V, MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET 2 SEWER - LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE FIRE - LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE DOMESTIC WATER - LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE NOTE PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 PVC C-900 3" PVC 2" PVC 2" PVC 2" PVC 2" PVC 2" PVC PVC C-900 2" PVC 2" PVC 2" PVC 2" PVC 2" PVC PVC C-900 PVC C-900 2" PVC 2" PVC 2" PVC PVC C-900 L BE ONE HE TOP OSSING I- W W W W W W z I MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET 5 BW INDICATES LOTS REQUIRING BACKWATER VALVE FOR SEWER. SEE SHEET 1 FOR CONSTRUCTION NOTES BENCHMARK: BASIS OF BEARINGS: APPROVAL BY. CITYOF LACUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA S H E E T 1 1_99' j CITY OF LA QUINTA 111111411 - Descrillon: 1112" COPPERWELD THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ROFESS/ p Michael BakerDRGAZrTMONUMENT. TI STAMPED " UE 54 FLUSH F THE CENTERLINE Q Aq INTERSECTION OF AVENUE Sa AND JEFFERSON STREET. UPON Q``o AE jV Fti PRIVATE ON-SITE UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN N=5.46T'NAVDBB) `' Z SILVERROCK RESO 3.216(NGvozsj BY THE LINE BETWEEN USC&GS STATIONS LA 9 z I N T E R N A T I O N A L /C /DIALTWO WORKING w DATE 'OF SHEETS BEFOREDAYS BEFORE PROJECT ELEVATION AT BM#430 QUINTA CS2005 (P491) AND COLLEGE OF No. C43090 75-410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 BRYA McKINNEY YOU DIGYOU DIG (To obtain Project Elevations inNAVD88Datum,Subtract1.564' THE DESERT (COTD), (POSITIONS PER t t Palm Desert, CA 92211 CITY ENGINEER MONTAGE HOTEL SPA AND GUESTROOMS DWG. NAME tromtheelevationsshown). NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY, NAD83,EPOCH of CIV i\. Phone: (760) 346-7481 -MBAKERINTL.COM R.C.E. NO. 49418 EXP. 09/30/2022 TOLL FREE TELEPHONE: 811(TooboninProectElevationsinNGVD29,Add0.687'tothe 2011.00) AS SHOWN ON THE NATIONAL DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D DATE TFOF CAL Eatk ' t'',; DRAWN JR DESIGNED JR/KE JOB NUMBER 161178 LOCATED WITHIN SW 1J4 OF SEC. 5 & NW, NE k SE 1(4 OF SEC. 8, T.6S.,R.7E., S.B.B.& M. FILE N0. A PUBLIC SERVICE BY GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLISHED DATA SHE... 05f25/21 UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT ELEVATION=3.903' J SCALE AS NOTED CHECKED RV DATE May 2021 FOR. SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC SW2019-0001BEINGN.40'16'30.20"W. R E V I S 1 O N S MICHAEL TYLMAN RCE N0. C43090, EXP. 3/31/2022 DATE: v r N O N W r L0 O 0 W C7 W M 31e FF=23.50 PAD=22.8 FIRE - LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE TABLE BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH RADIUS NOTE 1 N26"16'47"W -- 15.44' N48°43'04"W 12" PVC C-900 2 N23019'44"W -- 15.84' 12" PVC C-900 3 N23012'13"W -- 45.39' 12" PVC C-900 4 N25°56'02"W -- 5.78' SDR -35 12" PVC C-900 5 N28°53'05"W -- 5.77' SDR -35 12" PVC C-900 6 N31050'08"W - 5.77' SDR -35 12" PVC C-900 7 N34°47'11 "W -- 5.77' SDR -35 12" PVC C-900 8 N37044'14"W -- 5.77' SDR -35 12" PVC C-900 9 N40041'17"W -- 5.77' 9 12" PVC C-900 10 N43038'20"W -- 5.77' 10 12" PVC C-900 11 N46035'23"W -- 5.77' 11 12" PWC C-900 12 N49°32'26"111 -- 5.88' 12 12" PVC C-900 13 N50635'17"W -- 25.56' 13 12" PVC C-900 14 N84024'43"E -- 7.79' 14 12" PVC C-900 15 N61°54'43"E -- 42.91' 15 12" PVC C-900 16 N26°58'13"W -- 63.64' 16 12" PVC C-900 17 N72°33'08"W -- 76.15' 17 12" PVC C-900 18 N62026'52"E -- 7.78' 06006'25" 1 12" PVC C-900 19 N73°41'52"E -- 16.45' N12°30'21"E I 12" PVC C-900 20 N76011'52"E -- 39.09' PVC 12" PVC C-900 21 N89057'28"E -- 129.81' C-900 12" PVC C-900 22 N79059'54"E -- 53.74' 25 12" PVC C-900 23 N88°45'06"W -- 38.66' N23019'44"W -- 12" PVC C-900 24 N17026'52"E -- 7.49' 15.81' 12" PVC C-900 25 N09014'05"W - 168.67' 12" PVC C-900 26 N42"59'05"W -- 37.44' 2" 8" PVC C-900 27 N66"47'47"E -- 35.01' PVC 1.5" N13°48'08"W -- PVC 28 N66047'47"E -- 19.79' 32 1.5" 32.05' PVC 29 N59°09'48"E -- 75.33' N05°37'55"W -- 1.5" PVC 30 N37043'09"W -- 5.77' 9.55' 1.5" 2" PVC 31 N52°16'51"E -- 56.02' 1.5" PVC PVC 32 N55°32'47"E -- 11.23' 2" 1.5" 37 PVC 33 N66°47'47"E -- 7.23' PVC 1.5" PVC 34 N39"24'43"E -- 18.61' PVC 1.5" PVC 35 N05°39'43"E -- 26.59' 1.5" PVC 36 N81023'15"E -- 58.48' 1.5" PVC 37 N36°23'15"E -- 14.10' 1.5" PVC 38 N08036'45"W -- 43.38' 1.5" PVC 39 N81"23'15"E -- 83.05' 1.5" PVC 40 N53036'45"W -- 23.54' 1.5" PVC 41 N00°02'32"W -- 53.61' 1.5" PVC 42 N10°00'06"W -- 18.55' 1.5" PVC 43 N33047'32"W -- 32.79' 8" PVC C-900 44 N11017'32"W -- 93.04' 8" PVC C-900 45 N33°47'32"W -- 24.95' 8" PVC C-900 46 N22°32'32"W -- 29.89' 8" PVC C-900 47 N00°02'32"W -- 29.89' 8" PVC C-900 48 N42°59'05"W -- 32.89' 8" PVC C-900 49 N47°00'55"E -- 27.22' 6" PVC C-900 SEWER - LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE @> BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH BEARING/DELTA RADIUS NOTE 1 N48°43'04"W 31.66' 97.78' 8" SDR -35 2 25`38'41" 127.00' 56.84' 4" 8" SDR -35 3 N23°04'23"W 49.14' PVC 8" SDR -35 4 20032'58" 296.00' 106.16' C-900 8" SDR -35 5 N61°58'27"E 58.78' 6 6" SDR -35 6 N81°27'26"E 50.43' N76°11'52"E -- 8" SDR -35 7 08°48'22" 500.00' 76.85' 129.68' 8" SDR -35 8 NO2055'57"W 11.08' 8" SDR -35 9 NO2°55'57"W 45.22' 4" 4" SDR -35 10 N66055'37"E 15.01' PVC 4" SDR -35 11 N31°40'26"E 25.52' C-900 4" SDR -35 12 18°56'26" 115.00' 38.02' 14 4" SDR -35 13 N61°58'27"E 48.47' N50°35'17"W -- 4" SDR -35 14 N24°45'28"W 44.99' 6.02' 4" SDR -35 15 N00°00'00"E 27.99' 4" 4" SDR -35 16 N28001'33"W 10.77' PVC 4" SDR -35 17 N04027'32"W 14.02' 4" SDR -35 18 06006'25" 1 296.00' 1 31.55' C-900 8" SDR -35 19 N12°30'21"E I 1 37.56' 22 4"SDR-35 5.97' 1 19. 17 11 1 4 30" , FF=23.20 PAD=22.5 C9 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET 4 0.0084 1 = m j CONST. MH NO. 15 24 46 12 12+25.95 LINE Al 6 FF=23 . 50- e2• 24.36TM'I 1+ 2.59 INSTALL jj 7.46INV-S .IN 1x ds°s c IRE SERVICE, t' 17.36INV-N OUT PAD=22 8 s1 o 1.5 F I ' u T t - PRtwncFn 1"" FIV. '\•,. r 'p1. _ 0 1 ..., A 19.SOINV 12 10 w X49 s 1 1 27 V\ 9ti` tiS\` FF=23.70`1 PAD=23.0 tiF 10. ilk "\. >] ' ) C3,r'°. ' 6yt`:,`' Alc F 14 14 91.80TC01titir 4 17.04IN4V-12"SD ° g'' 1.5 FIRE SERVICE L 1L12+82.28 INSTALL B19.6 INV 4"SWR i842 2° WATER SVC 47 o 1 28 47 CONST Mi NO. 14 19+29.07 INS i I 12+70.67 LINE B1 6 FF=22.30 28 12" 45° BEND I I -- 65TMi ; 7.53 INSTALL T 17.91INV_NW OUT PAD -21 . 6r.-- \ FTRF SFav1cF m__ 18.11INV 4 LAT'S IN 29 FF=24.50 PAD=23.8 20 • t 20 40 60 fJ h1 a O 71f j FF 22 0 yy , f --_ _-- r Y_ PAD=22.0 VV r 13+42.24 INSTAL 35422,5 BfB'll dt ' k19+95.65 INSTN - 12 11.25= BEND 36 Thd` o 17.63I NV-4"W TR y I Po 1 1 e T y S t 19+84.3.5=13+54.58{rY1 INSTALL e TEE IJ LJ f 19+74.53 i f ' DEFL 19+55.72 INSTALL 32 ! r 12" 22.5' BEM L. 16 O6INSTAI I r 17+"8'9.61 INSTALL - 11.25" BEM 36 ' WH 16+83.13=10+00.00 _ ;. .,. a=- - 16+99.77 INSTALL p j Y 12 11.25 BEND 18.14INV-6"SD 0 17 I -TALL 12"X12 X8 TEE , 15.61INV"SD 4" 11.25 BEM 39 W 18 GV :. r19+26.53 INSTALL 16.65INV 12 FIREN ? J4-- CD 1 17 93.14 INSTALL ! -- 18.16IM+ 12 FIRE o- 19.65INY 1.5 FIRE39zrl4 4 45M+ t o f -yam-18+45.41 INSTALL - V( - 4 11.25 BEND---18.93INV 6pSD 20.MINV 1p5 LIRE " ?. 78.70INV 4 W1R 18.50INV-4"W1R E-- wwry.,., i 36 % 19.50INV 4 WTR____ 20.60INV-6 FIRE T. IRE 10 W1118.92INV 4 Willa-- 19.50INV-4 WTR -.u_.. 1 - 12" 11.25 BEND 1 L ... . 77 26....i6.00INV-12°FIRE 18+28.70 RE _. .. - E __... FIRE: FIRE 21 FIRE FIRE" FIRE 9 0 g, 14 16E22.37- - 5 00INV-4"WTR DEFL 2 30 0 FI W 8 _____. 12 1 5 0.0050 14.77INIV 1 18 __-_ 19.43I '' WTR P _. - 48 , .,_.. ._._ I I e ~-_..SXNJST. Mi NO. 16 7 WN1 a, I 6 17+09.92 LINE C INV 8 SWR $ -- - -. i;, ,,, . ' 4223.80TC0 t 19 14 p _ _,_ r1 _. 4 PROPOSED STORM DRAIN (TYP) '. 42 f 23.71TMH /W1" S 19 4BNVa4:5'FiRE W _ 320SOINV172018+57.93 10+00.00"' 6 18+31.65 _ -'"' 15.29INV SW IN _F S"/ 16.851- ?`.SD _ t 9 8 -SWR z I ALS 12 X12 X8 TEEr -2 15.19INV E OUTNST ., 18+52.93 INSTALL w.. ,._ 127' _a" 7" i16+43.67 INSTALL4x,28., :a.. -1 4- 2003%NV 6 FI .. 0'. S.O 33 2 5 p 1.5 FIRE SERVICE-- 10+07p49 INS ALL 12,_ 45 BEND W I I - A 15.14INV-8'SWR 1 4 LIa_ va 10+29.89 INSTALL r t 11 *.. 1" 50INV 29 _ ,~_ ^ 33 . " 20.27INV-6"FIRE G,; WATER TALL 42 iF U845 M B- !!__ y 8 22.5° BMs" ?t 1 21.08INV s 18.64INV 617+97.98 INSTALL : ' 47 - 24.6 C 16.84INVA•SWR _ _ 11 r WA0+98.22 - 00 INST 4 17.18I MATCH LINE -SEE BELOW RIGHT ° __ -23 1.5" SERVICE 1 1 " , r` ; :68I , ` 19.54 y\` RI i FF 23.6 0 _ : ,,17.56INV 4 SWR " 10+59.78 INSTALL 37 20 8" 11.25° BEMi16INVI, 24.e0rco 4 FF -23.301PAD=22 9 2.21I I "S[i S 7+33.64 INSTALL` 9. 20.80INV 1829iV-4"SW 1.5"FIf6 SERVICE, , 10 1 _ 22 HOTCO PAD 22 6 10 u 1 l _ 8 :4 . l80 NV 3 47 17+41.65 INSTALL, \ s t 12+46.48 INSTALL' 16)' t 45° REBDUDCER 49 44 16 4 \ J 6 GATE VALVE ON 12+68.00 INSTALL * _ 46 6' FH ASSEMBLY r `eco°°o00 o...... 'Y.0., • LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE BENCHMARK: NO BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH 1i )ID nTR\ o NOTE 1 N12"24'26"W -- 97.78' 4" PVC C-900 2 N01°09'26"W -- 21.12' 4" PVC C-900 3 NO3039'26"W -- 18.81' 4" PVC C-900 4 N26058'13"W -- 29.19' 4" PVC C-900 5 N72"33'08"W -- 80.22' 4" PVC C-900 6 N73°41'52"E -- 14.66' 4" PVC C-900 7 N76°11'52"E -- 38.52' 4" PVC C-900 8 N89°57'28"E -- 129.68' 4" PVC C-900 9 N79"59'54"E -- 53.69' 4" PVC C-900 10 N88°45'06"W -- 38.35' 4" PVC C-900 11 N88°50'34"E -- 12.34' 4" PVC C-900 12 N64°24'43"E 9.12' 4" PVC C-900 13 N61°54'43"E -- 40.93' 4" PVC C-900 14 N84024'43"E -- 10.24' 4" PVC C-900 15 N50°35'17"W -- 27.26' 4" PVC C-900 16 N49032'26"W -- 6.02' 4" WC. C-900 17 N46°35'23"W -- 5.97' 4" PVC C-900 18 N43°38'20"W -- 5.97' 4" PVC C-900 19 N40"41'17"W -- 5.97' 4" PVC C-900 20 N37°44'14"W -- 5.97' 4" PVC C-900 21 N34047'11"W -- 5.97' 4" PUC C-900 22 N31°50'08"W -- 5.97' 4" PVC C-900 23 N28°53'05"W -- 5.97' 4" PVC C-900 24 N25°56'02"W -- 5.98' 4" PVC C-900 25 N23°12'13"W -- 45.48' 4" PVC C-900 26 N23019'44"W -- 15.74' 4" PVC C-900 27 N26016'47"W -- 15.81' 4" PVC C-900 28 N66°47'47"E -- 30.00' 2" PVC 29 N46021'40"E -- 36.01' 2" PVC 30 N12036'40"E -- 26.79' 2" PVC 31 N13°48'08"W -- 24.52' 2" PVC 32 N16052'05"E -- 32.05' 2" PVC 33 N05°37'55"W -- 21.41' 2" PVC 34 N39°22'05"E -- 9.55' 2" PVC 35 N00°02'32"W -- 52.69' 2" PVC 36 N00002'32"W -- 52.24' 2" PVC 37 N10°00'06"W -- 14.55' 2" PVC 38 N77°35'34"E -- 26.51' 2" PVC 20 • t 20 40 60 h1 a O 71f j FF 22 0 yy , f --_ _-- r Y_ PAD=22.0 VV r 13+42.24 INSTAL 35422,5 BfB'll dt ' k19+95.65 INSTN - 12 11.25= BEND 36 Thd` o 17.63I NV-4"W TR y I Po 1 1 e T y S t 19+84.3.5=13+54.58{rY1 INSTALL e TEE IJ LJ f 19+74.53 i f ' DEFL 19+55.72 INSTALL 32 ! r 12" 22.5' BEM L. 16 O6INSTAI I r 17+"8'9.61 INSTALL - 11.25" BEM 36 ' WH 16+83.13=10+00.00 _ ;. .,. a=- - 16+99.77 INSTALL p j Y 12 11.25 BEND 18.14INV-6"SD 0 17 I -TALL 12"X12 X8 TEE , 15.61INV"SD 4" 11.25 BEM 39 W 18 GV :. r19+26.53 INSTALL 16.65INV 12 FIREN ? J4-- CD 1 17 93.14 INSTALL ! -- 18.16IM+ 12 FIRE o- 19.65INY 1.5 FIRE39zrl4 4 45M+ t o f -yam-18+45.41 INSTALL - V( - 4 11.25 BEND---18.93INV 6pSD 20.MINV 1p5 LIRE " ?. 78.70INV 4 W1R 18.50INV-4"W1R E-- wwry.,., i 36 % 19.50INV 4 WTR____ 20.60INV-6 FIRE T. IRE 10 W1118.92INV 4 Willa-- 19.50INV-4 WTR -.u_.. 1 - 12" 11.25 BEND 1 L ... . 77 26....i6.00INV-12°FIRE 18+28.70 RE _. .. - E __... FIRE: FIRE 21 FIRE FIRE" FIRE 9 0 g, 14 16E22.37- - 5 00INV-4"WTR DEFL 2 30 0 FI W 8 _____. 12 1 5 0.0050 14.77INIV 1 18 __-_ 19.43I '' WTR P _. - 48 , .,_.. ._._ I I e ~-_..SXNJST. Mi NO. 16 7 WN1 a, I 6 17+09.92 LINE C INV 8 SWR $ -- - -. i;, ,,, . ' 4223.80TC0 t 19 14 p _ _,_ r1 _. 4 PROPOSED STORM DRAIN (TYP) '. 42 f 23.71TMH /W1" S 19 4BNVa4:5'FiRE W _ 320SOINV172018+57.93 10+00.00"' 6 18+31.65 _ -'"' 15.29INV SW IN _F S"/ 16.851- ?`.SD _ t 9 8 -SWR z I ALS 12 X12 X8 TEEr -2 15.19INV E OUTNST ., 18+52.93 INSTALL w.. ,._ 127' _a" 7" i16+43.67 INSTALL4x,28., :a.. -1 4- 2003%NV 6 FI .. 0'. S.O 33 2 5 p 1.5 FIRE SERVICE-- 10+07p49 INS ALL 12,_ 45 BEND W I I - A 15.14INV-8'SWR 1 4 LIa_ va 10+29.89 INSTALL r t 11 *.. 1" 50INV 29 _ ,~_ ^ 33 . " 20.27INV-6"FIRE G,; WATER TALL 42 iF U845 M B- !!__ y 8 22.5° BMs" ?t 1 21.08INV s 18.64INV 617+97.98 INSTALL : ' 47 - 24.6 C 16.84INVA•SWR _ _ 11 r WA0+98.22 - 00 INST 4 17.18I MATCH LINE -SEE BELOW RIGHT ° __ -23 1.5" SERVICE 1 1 " , r` ; :68I , ` 19.54 y\` RI i FF 23.6 0 _ : ,,17.56INV 4 SWR " 10+59.78 INSTALL 37 20 8" 11.25° BEMi16INVI, 24.e0rco 4 FF -23.301PAD=22 9 2.21I I "S[i S 7+33.64 INSTALL` 9. 20.80INV 1829iV-4"SW 1.5"FIf6 SERVICE, , 10 1 _ 22 HOTCO PAD 22 6 10 u 1 l _ 8 :4 . l80 NV 3 47 17+41.65 INSTALL, \ s t 12+46.48 INSTALL' 16)' t 45° REBDUDCER 49 44 16 4 \ J 6 GATE VALVE ON 12+68.00 INSTALL * _ 46 6' FH ASSEMBLY r `eco°°o00 o...... 'Y.0., • SEE SHEET 1 FOR CONSTRUCTION NOTES NOTE: BOTTOM OF WATERL INE SHALL BE ONE FOOT (1 FT) OR MORE ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER LINE WHEN CROSSING PROPOSED GRADE OVER WATER MAIN 36" MIN. COVER -4" WATER 48" MIN. COVER -12" WATER INSTALL 45" BENDS INSTALL AIR/VAC ASSEMBLY PER CVWD STD. DWG. W -21A & W-218 AT HIGH POINT EXISTING STREAM BOTTOM OF STREAM INSTALL BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY PER CVWD STD. DWG. W -25A AT LOW POINT IN LINE INSTALL 45" BENDS 60' LONG STEEL CASING (SEE PLAN FOR SIZE) CENTERED BELOW EXISTING STREAM, SEE CVWD STD. NO. W-40 FOR PIPE INSTALLATION WITHIN CASING STEEL CASING (STREAM CROSSING) NO SCALE DESCRIPTION BENCHMARK: BASIS OF BEARINGS: 1i )ID nTR\ o CITY OFLAQUINTABM#430-Descripfion:112"COPPERWELD MONUMENT, STAMPED °LS-98°,FLUSH AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF AVENUE 54 AND JEFFERSON STREET. ELEVATION = 5.467'(NAVD88) THE EEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED. UPON THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM, CCS 83, ZONE 6, AS DETERMINED LOCALLY DIAL TWO WORKING BEFORE DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG q YOU DIG ELEVATION = 3.216'(NGVD29) PROJECT ELEVATION ATBM#430 To obtain Project Elevations in NAVD88 Datum, Subtract 1.564' from the elevations shown). BY THE LINE BETWEEN USC&GS STATIONS LA QUINTA CS2005 (P491) AND COLLEGE OF THE DESERT (COTD), (POSITIONS PER NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY, NAD83, EPOCH DATE BY TOLL FREE TELEPHONE: 811 A PUBLIC SERVICE BY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT To obtain Project Elevations in NGVD29, Add 0.687'to the elevations shown). ELEVATION =3.903' 2011.00) AS SHOWN ON THE NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLISHED DATA SHEETS 1 BEING N.40°16'30.20"W. SEE SHEET 1 FOR CONSTRUCTION NOTES NOTE: BOTTOM OF WATERL INE SHALL BE ONE FOOT (1 FT) OR MORE ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER LINE WHEN CROSSING PROPOSED GRADE OVER WATER MAIN 36" MIN. COVER -4" WATER 48" MIN. COVER -12" WATER INSTALL 45" BENDS INSTALL AIR/VAC ASSEMBLY PER CVWD STD. DWG. W -21A & W-218 AT HIGH POINT EXISTING STREAM BOTTOM OF STREAM INSTALL BLOWOFF ASSEMBLY PER CVWD STD. DWG. W -25A AT LOW POINT IN LINE INSTALL 45" BENDS 60' LONG STEEL CASING (SEE PLAN FOR SIZE) CENTERED BELOW EXISTING STREAM, SEE CVWD STD. NO. W-40 FOR PIPE INSTALLATION WITHIN CASING STEEL CASING (STREAM CROSSING) NO SCALE APP'D I DATE QROIESS7OIq 1. 7 Fy y T Z No. C43090 qlF OF CA0 tO S=0.0333 20.2 A f M T i 18.47IW-4"SWR 21.60INV-1A7'S 0.0641 3X2260INV2WTR 1 47:i° o N i n 12 a=" rTRE LEAF , t1 FIS 36FIRE 39 F 12 - 17+60.71 INSTA 1 l r 2 WATER_SVC 1+02.22 INSTALL w W.E 1{FIRE SERVI x y 9 n I 0 - t 110 _° 221 FF=26.50 PAD -25. 8 t - i 11+76.16 INSTALL 29 -`- 8" 45" BEtD MATCH LINE - SEE ABOVE LEFT APPROVAL BY: Michael Baker I N T E R N AT 1 0 N A L 75-410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 BRYAA McKINNEY Palm Desert; CA 92211 CITY ENGINEER Phone: (760) 346-7481 MBAKERINTL.COM R.C.E. NO. 49418 DRAWN JR DESIGNED 05/25/21 SCALE AS NOTED CHECKED RVMICHAELTYLMANRCEN0. C43090, EXP. 3/31/2022 DATE: rj `21 FF=25.50 PAD=24.8 4 1 /--PROPOSED STORM DRAIN (TYP) r s 10 111+77.77 INSTALL 33 44 16 8 27.5 BEM'.= 8°X6 REDUCEER/ i4 l , 6° GATE VALVE _ i v J 4 c`s9 KO 0ySo 12+10.56 ti 46FHFHAS,SEEfLYI- f' o BW INDICATES LOTS REQUIRING BACKWATER VALVE FOR SEWER. CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA S H E E T PRIVATE ON-SITE UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN 5SILVERROCKRESORTDATEGr1/L OE -9 SHEETS EXP. 09/302022 MONTAGE HOTEL, SPA AND GUESTROOMS DWG. NAME JOB NUMBER 161178 LOCATED WITHIN SW 1/4 OF SEC. 5 & NW, NE & SE 1/4 OF SEC. 8, T.6S„ R.7E., S.B.B.& M. FILE NO. DATE May 2021 FOR: SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC SW2019-0001 r N0 N 00 0 U) LU DESCRIPTION R E V I S 1 0 N S APP'D I DATE QROIESS7OIq 1. 7 Fy y T Z No. C43090 qlF OF CA0 tO S=0.0333 20.2 A f M T i 18.47IW-4"SWR 21.60INV-1A7'S 0.0641 3X2260INV2WTR 1 47:i° o N i n 12 a=" rTRE LEAF , t1 FIS 36FIRE 39 F 12 - 17+60.71 INSTA 1 l r 2 WATER_SVC 1+02.22 INSTALL w W.E 1{FIRE SERVI x y 9 n I 0 - t 110 _° 221 FF=26.50 PAD -25. 8 t - i 11+76.16 INSTALL 29 -`- 8" 45" BEtD MATCH LINE - SEE ABOVE LEFT APPROVAL BY: Michael Baker I N T E R N AT 1 0 N A L 75-410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 BRYAA McKINNEY Palm Desert; CA 92211 CITY ENGINEER Phone: (760) 346-7481 MBAKERINTL.COM R.C.E. NO. 49418 DRAWN JR DESIGNED 05/25/21 SCALE AS NOTED CHECKED RVMICHAELTYLMANRCEN0. C43090, EXP. 3/31/2022 DATE: rj `21 FF=25.50 PAD=24.8 4 1 /--PROPOSED STORM DRAIN (TYP) r s 10 111+77.77 INSTALL 33 44 16 8 27.5 BEM'.= 8°X6 REDUCEER/ i4 l , 6° GATE VALVE _ i v J 4 c`s9 KO 0ySo 12+10.56 ti 46FHFHAS,SEEfLYI- f' o BW INDICATES LOTS REQUIRING BACKWATER VALVE FOR SEWER. CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA S H E E T PRIVATE ON-SITE UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN 5SILVERROCKRESORTDATEGr1/L OE -9 SHEETS EXP. 09/302022 MONTAGE HOTEL, SPA AND GUESTROOMS DWG. NAME JOB NUMBER 161178 LOCATED WITHIN SW 1/4 OF SEC. 5 & NW, NE & SE 1/4 OF SEC. 8, T.6S„ R.7E., S.B.B.& M. FILE NO. DATE May 2021 FOR: SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC SW2019-0001 r N0 N 00 0 U) LU I W L r W I r vJ 1 W I 15.43 Z 14.40 15+37. Q11 91IN 33It. 16.0 15.1 14+56,15 INST 12"x6" TEE W LL M, 7 15+30.417 BC ' s-1 14.31I 14 S=0.0050 I t 10+78.56 19 ,I;I I ° 8" 45 BI all FF=22.00,. PAD=21 .3 ; I ffjj88 al ry L' P PROPOSED STORM DRAIN (TYP)Y - v./. v,- 21.00NV-6"FIRE " 18.97INV-6"SD FIRE - LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE WATER - LINE/CURVE BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TABLE NOTE 1 N88°45'06"W -- 18.14' NOTE 12" PVC C-900 2 N86°15'06"W -- 18.17' 12" PVC C-900 3 N83°45'06"W -- 116.94' 116.05' 12" PVC C-900 4 N61°15'06"W -- 157.65' PUC C-90012" PVC C-900 5 N58045'06"W -- 100.43' N15000'06"W -- 12" PVC C-900 6 N15000'06"W -- 40.38' 4" 12" PVC C-900 7 N60000'06"W -- 57.74' 9 12" PVC C-900 8 N82°30'06"W -- 14.62' 23.62' 12" PVC C-900 9 N85°00'06"W -- 17.83' PVC C-900 12" PVC C-900 10 N87°30'06"W -- 5.96' NOO'00'06"W -- 12" PVC C-900 11 N89059'54"E -- 19.53' 4" 12" PVC C-900 12 NOO*W 06"W -- 75.63' 16 12" PVC C-900 13 N35°00'06"W -- 17.36' 11.74 12" PVC C-900 14 N00°00'06"W -- 26.21' 2" PVC 12" PVC C-900 15 N11°14'54"E -- 24.56' N28°44'54"E -- 12" PVC C-900 16 N00°00'06"W -- 12.13' SDR -35 12" PVC C-900 21 N11°15'06"W -- 53.07' 23 12" PVC C-900 22 N00°00'06"W -- 25.22' 37.56' 1.5" PVC C-900 23 N06014'54"E -- 22.05' 2" PVC 8" PVC C-900 24 N38045'06"W -- 14.42' N45°00'06"W -- 8" PVC C-900 25 N06014'54"E - 11.77' 8" PWC C-900 26 N28044'54"E -- 30.32' 30 8" PVC C-900 27 N16°15'06"W -- 106.37' 9.49' 8" PVC C-900 28 N28044'54"E -- 24.88' 1.5" PVC 29 N28°44'54"E -- 34.75' 1.5" PVC 30 N32010'32"E -- 5.88' 1.5" PVC 31 N74°59'54"E -- 23.25' 1.5" PVC 32 N29059'54"E -- 28.44' 1.5" PVC 33 NOO°00'06"W -- 25.48' 1.5" PVC 34 N44059'54"E -- 4.88' 1.5" PVC 35 N00°00'06"W -- 59.97' 1.5" PVC 36 N45°00'06"W -- 11.41' 1.5" PVC 37 NOO"00'06"W -- 8.59' 1.5" PVC 38 N16°15'06"W -- 6.98' 1.5" PVC 39 N36022'27"W -- 2.41' 1.5" PVC 40 N28"44'54"E - 22.15' 6" PVC -C-900 41 N29°59'54"E -- 6.68' 1.5" PVC 42 N89°59'54"E -- 6.61' 6" PVC 43 N78045'06"W -- 5.28' 1.5" PVC 44 N83°45'06"W -- 6.37' 1.5" PVC 000 0 G° °° G° s oca 120 7.08 INSTA LL46 k0FHASSEMLY G0. x- INV-6"FIRE N, 11INV-4"NTR " CONST. Mi NO. 17 , 14+57.40 EC -LINE C , 22.72TM1 6 13.95IN-WIN-- 13.85INV- -OUT ; J 5 N x, I FIRE 14+19.40 INSTALL 35 4 22.5 E`^ ' 20.161INV-1.5"FIRE f .....,42 , rn A19.o0INV 4"WTR N, 4 w 4. S % j\ 9.99INV-2 INV-8" NT 3; 12 14 811R- µN ..14+10.28 BG , <' AR•, 13. / 3,.63INV I °". e __.. ___ NSTALL w `p 73,7j9r SF! 13+89. 30 f 13.52INV, A < f 47 17.73INV"SD rS - 4+93. x # ! p .'; !, A 16.501W-12" FIRE 5" FIRE SERIVV r y `21.00INV 6'SD 18.OBINV 6pSD e' ' x.2523 3 ^ <", ° i8.O6INV-4 WTR 21.01INV-1.5"FIRE 4, a7 = 612IM 4 SIR 20.20INV-4" WTR L 1W S=0.0050 21.01INV 1.5' FIRE f, f123 80TC0% < I 13.16INV-8"S w L 4 X19 19INV-6" SD 29 :5 19.801NVF/ 13 27INV-8 SIR, o 11 12+56. 50 r# " '< f" ` < .', DEFL.=2' 30' \ 8 t /20 92INV-2"WTRTM' j 12+62. 63 ` ~ " 1`:.4° Fi / `., .,,11 1RTNV-A CM % "',...... FF=24. 50 Pao=23. 8 DOMESTIC WATER - LINE/CURVEDATADATA TABLE NO BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTHLENGTH NOTE 1 N88°45'06"W -- 17.97' 4" PVC C- 900 2 N86°15'06"W -- 18.00' 4" PVC C- 900 3 N83°45'06"W -- 116.05' 4" PVC C- 900 4 N61°15'06"W -- 156.77' 4" PUC C- 900 5 N58045'06"W -- 98.74' 4" PVC C- 900 6 N15000'06"W -- 40.44' 4" PVC C- 900 7 N60000'06"W -- 60.19' 4" PVC C- 900 8 N82030'08"W -- 15.51' 4" PUC C- 900 9 N85°00'06"W -- 18.00' 4" PVC C- 900 10 N89°59'54"E -- 23.62' 4" PVC C- 900 11 N00°00'06"W -- 80.89' 4" PVC C- 900 12 N35°00'06"W -- 17.36' 4" PVC C- 900 13 NOO'00'06"W -- 24.56' 4" PVC C- 900 14 N11°14'54"E -- 24.56' 4" PVC C- 900 15 NOO°00'06"W -- 39.90' 4" PVC C- 900 16 N11015'06"W -- 53.07' 4" PVC C- 900 17 NOO'00'06"W -- 11.74 4" PVC C- 900 18 NO3°44'54"E -- 40. 50' 8" 2" PVC 19 N28°44'54"E -- 22.54' 2" PVC 20 N28°44'54"E -- 30. 20' 15 2" PVC 21 N32010'32"E -- 7. 45' SDR - 35 2" PVC 22 N74°59'54"E -- 20. 81' 8" 2" PVC 23 N29°59'54"E -- 21.96' 2" PVC 24 NOO'00'06"W -- 37. 56' N89°59'56" E 2" PVC 25 N44°59'54"E -- 6. 29' 19 2" PVC 26 N00°00'06"W -- 34. 81' SDR - 35 2" PVC 27 N45°00'06"W -- 11.41' 2" PVC 28 NOO'00'06"W -- 10.96' 2" PVC 29 N16015'06"W -- 5.26' 2" PVC 30 N07°29'54"E - 16.81 2" PVC 31 N78°45'06"W -- 9.49' 2" PVC SEE SHEET 1 FOR CONSTRUCTION NOTES w INDICATES LOTS REQUIRING BACKWATER VALVE FOR SEWER. INSTALL 11 17 40% FF=25. 60 PAD=24. 9 3+ / 12+ 13. 12. 64I 585 3 \' 23 30INV- 1. ID/ 12.3BINV- 8` n=ii ien Al TESTA i . 11+35.58. INSTALL/ A1.5" FIRE SERVICE , DATA TABLE N A MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET 7 o :11+05.16 INSTALL ' s` 11+09,55 INSTALL ! 4" 11 25 I" o 39 13 j 4 12" 11.25 BEND ° l Y, 1123+55.47 EC I 1 4 x;10, 8. 86IMV CP 1s. Id 14 I 9 20' j' r 39 1+58 2i3laINSTALL 4" 11.25 BEND I 1 11+62.62 INSTALLi A 38 12" 11.250 BEND B 19 87INV 12 FIRE .F J 1 r23 80TC0S 20.56 eWTR y 24+10. 25 1 8 4 19 SOINV.. 9; 40INN 12 .: ts' I ! 21 99INV4 SD l j i v r I( FF=24 . 50- 19 14INV 4 SwR S 2 6x 3 1 I LJiPAD=23.8'U -_ 12+01.74_ INSTALL, 36 12" 11.25' BEM ° °! i i as-' 42 tyI 12+03.21 INSTALL I "'"c 11+98.13 INSTALL39 3 x._,_ ROPOSED STORM DRAIN 1 FF=26. 00 PAD=25. 3 2 WATER SVC LN d 0 56INV-4"WTR912+11,6 1 1 43 16 23NV-4° SWR 1 5 FIRE SERVICE .!tom 1 3r.1 0d y t ' 12 69 S= 17143 WATER SVC NOTE: BOTTOM OF WATERLINE SHALL BE ONE FOOT (1 FT) OR MORE ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER LINE WHEN CROSSING LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE V I S 1 0 0 BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH NOTE r 1 05059'06" 500.00' 52.23' 8" SDR - 35 4 14 2 N83"45'06"W 73.01' 8" SDR - 35 To obtain Project Elevations in NGVD29, Add 0.687'to the elevations shown). ELEVATION=3. 903' 3 22°52'42" 115.00' 45.92' 8" SDR - 35 4 N60016'31"W 223.33' 8" SDR - 35 5 N15°00'06"W 40.96' 8" SDR - 35 6 N59032'55"W 47.94' 8" SDR - 35 7 30027'09" 135.00' 71.75' 8" SDR - 35 8 N89°59'56"E 34.77' 8" SDR - 35 9 N29043'29"E 33.85' 4" SDR - 35 10 N24"04'08"E 39.31' 4" SDR - 35 11 N12643'41"E 49.11' 4" SDR - 35 12 N00"00'04"W 226.90' 8" SDR - 35 13 03056'37" 400.00' 27.53' 8" SDR - 35 14 N06°14'54"E 37.65' 8" SDR - 35 15 N29°43'291 24.88' 8" SDR - 35 16 N29°43'29"E 34.79' 8" SDR - 35 17 N41°14'13"W 34.18' 4" SDR - 35 18 N89°59'56"E 57.11' 4" SDR - 35 19 N89"59'56"E 39.74' 4" SDR - 35 NOTE: BOTTOM OF WATERLINE SHALL BE ONE FOOT (1 FT) OR MORE ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER LINE WHEN CROSSING 51 BENCHMARK: BASIS OF BEARINGS: V I S 1 0 N S DR a CITY OF LA QUINTA BM 1430 - Description: 11/2" COPPERWELD MONUMENT, STAMPED "LS-98",FLUSH AT THE CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF AVENUE 54 AND JEFFERSON STREET. ELEVATION = 5.467' ( NAVD88) THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM, CCS 83, ZONE 6, AS DETERMINED LOCALLY 1j r DIAL TWO WORKING BEFORE / DAYS BEFORE YOU DIG rq YOU DIG ELEVATION = 3.216'( NGVD29) PROJECT ELEVATION ATBM# 430 To obtain Project Elevations in NAVD88 Datum, Subtract 1. 564' from the elevations shown). BY THE LINE BETWEEN USC&GS STATIONS LA QUINTA CS2005 (P491) AND COLLEGE OF THE DESERT (COTD), (POSITIONS PER NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY, NAD83, EPOCH io to x113+05 INSTALL 4 14 85 6" FH ASSY 21 46 16 44 f 0 DATE BY TOLL FREE TELEPHONE: 811 A PUBLIC SERVICE BY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERTGEODETIC To obtain Project Elevations in NGVD29, Add 0.687'to the elevations shown). ELEVATION=3. 903' 2011.00) AS SHOWN ON THE NATIONAL SURVEY PUBLISHED DATA SHEETS BEING N.40'16'30.20" W. i NOTE: BOTTOM OF WATERLINE SHALL BE ONE FOOT (1 FT) OR MORE ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER LINE WHEN CROSSING 20 10 0 SCALE: 1"= 20' o QROF ESS / dNQ` v c 9 No. C43090 9l CIV1l Q APP'D DATE l F OF CAI.\ EO/ INTERNATIONAL 75410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 Palm Desert, CA 92211 Phone: (760) 346-7481 - MBAKERINTL. COM 05/25/ 21 MICHAEL TYLMAN RCE NO. C43090, EXP. 3/31/2022 DATE: APPROVAL BY 14 eV 119 FF=26. 50 PAD=25. 8 DRAIN ( TYP) K BRYAW McKINNEY - CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. NO. 49418 IRAWN JR DESIGNED JR/ KE KALE AS NOTED CHECKED RV 0 O' 9 N15TALL 35 14 EM 7- s- 1 10+26.29 BC 11. 55INV X49. 1111NP3' 11.51INV- E 1069 DESCRIPTION R E V I S 1 0 N S 20 10 0 SCALE: 1"= 20' o QROF ESS / dNQ` v c 9 No. C43090 9l CIV1l Q APP'D DATE l F OF CAI.\ EO/ INTERNATIONAL 75410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 Palm Desert, CA 92211 Phone: (760) 346-7481 - MBAKERINTL. COM 05/25/ 21 MICHAEL TYLMAN RCE NO. C43090, EXP. 3/31/2022 DATE: APPROVAL BY 14 eV 119 FF=26. 50 PAD=25. 8 DRAIN ( TYP) K BRYAW McKINNEY - CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. NO. 49418 IRAWN JR DESIGNED JR/ KE KALE AS NOTED CHECKED RV 0 O' 9 N15TALL 35 14 EM 7- s- 1 10+26.29 BC 11. 55INV X49. 1111NP3' 11.51INV- E 1069 p' f 22 INSTALL39411250 BEM 25+2O. 76 10.51INVI n G 1j r I r 6 c0 io to x113+05 INSTALL 4 14 85 6" FH ASSY 21 46 16 44 f 0 Lu of r. 0 C Q EE 0 12+4 .2 INSTALL 31 4 45 BEND i 12" 90' BEMs i C7 Itz S. 0100 10+00.00 13+45.50 INSTALL L 1 s..I 1 D p' f 14.85IW-4-SWN 20' CVWD ESMT. 25+2O. 76 10.51INVI n G ECal cixs, 1 S-0. 0100 r 6 c0 u x113+05 INSTALL 4 14 85 6" FH ASSY 21 46 16 f 0 I of r. 0 C Q EE 0 PPP 10+00.00=13+45.50 INSTALL, 12" 90' BEMs i C7 a. s Y 10+00.00 13+45.50 INSTALL 21. A go t°?_. -"' G ECal cixs, g 0 r 6 c0 u G . n 04, 5<: 1 C, G f 0 I of r. 0 C Q EE 0 PPP G U Y L 10. 19 NE A= E_C n IN OUT I CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA S H E E T PRIVATE ON-SITE UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN 6 DATE G 92/ SILVERROCK RESORT of 9 SHEETS EXP. 09/30/ 2022 MONTAGE HOTEL, SPA AND GUESTROOMS DWG. NAME JOB NUMBER FILENO. 161178 LOCATED WITHIN SW 1/4 OF SEC. 5 & NW, NE & SE 1/4 OF SEC. 8, T.65.,R.7E., S.B.B.& M. DATE May 2021 FOR• SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC SW2019- 0001 N 0 N CD CD O b C) LU DOMESTIC WATER LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE NO BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH NOTE 1 N66°14'39"W 16.09' 4" PVC C-900 2 N68044'39"W 74.30' 4" PVC C-900 3 N71014'39"W 18.00' 4" PVC C-900 4 N73°44'39"W 18.00' 4" PVC C-900 5 N76014'39"W 18.06' 4" PVC C-900 6 N87°29'39"W 130.94' 4" PVC C-900 7 N84059'39"W 3.04' 4" PVC C-900 8 N73°44'39"W 18.00' 4" PVC C-900 9 N71014'39"W 118.87' 4" PVC C-900 10 N82030'06"W 18.00' 4" PVC C-900 11 N85°00'06"W 18.00' 4" PVC C-900 12 N87°30'06"W 18.00' 4" PVC C-900 13 N00°00'06"W 39.64' 4" PVC C-900 14 N22°30'06"W 39.90' 4" PVC C-900 15 NOO°OO'O6"W 13.88' 4" PVC C-900 16 N21°15'21"E 28.69' 17.83' 2" PVC 17 NO2"30'21"E 24.31' 13 2" PVC 18 NO2°30'21"E 26.93' C-900 2" PVC 14 N88°19'59"W -- 9.00' 12" PVC 20 N18045'21"E 20.76' N00°00'06"W -- 2" PVC 21 N67°29'54"E 13.69' 4" 2" PVC L FF=23.50 PAD=22.8 FIRE - LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE g BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH RADIUSNOTE 1 NW 14'39"W -- 17.77' 12" PVC C-900 8" 2 N68°44'39"W -- 74.12' 12" PVC C-900 8" 3 N71014'39"W -- 17.83' 12" PVC C-900 8" 4 N73°44'39"W -- 17.83' 12" PVC 0-900 8" 5 N76014'39"W -- 17.57' 12" PVC C-900 8" 6 N87 29 39'W -- 130.63' 12" PVC C-900 8" 7 N84 59 39 W -- 3.52' 12" PVC C-900 8" 8 N73044'395 -- 18.48' 12" PVC C-900 8" 9 N71014'39"W -- 118.57' 12" PVC C-900 8" 10 N82030'06"W -- 17.52' 12" PVC C-900 8" 11 N85°00'06"W -- 17.83' 12" PVC C-900 8" 12 N87°30'06"W -- 17.83' 12" PVC C-900 8" 13 N89059'54"E -- 27.71' 12" PVC C-900 8" 14 N88°19'59"W -- 9.00' 12" PVC C-900 4" 15 N00°00'06"W -- 44.43' 12" PVC C-900 4" 16 N22030'06"W -- 39.90' 12" PVC C-900 17 N00000'06"W -- 13.09' 12" PVC C-900 18 N85049'59"W -- 9.00' 12" PVC C-900 19 N83°19'59"W -- 2.89' 12" PVC C-900 20 N07°13'31"E -- 18.00' 12" PVC C-900 21 N09043'31"E -- 18.00' 12" PVC C-900 22 N12013'31"E -- 18.00' 12" PVC C-900 23 N14043'31"E -- 18.00' 12" PVC C-900 24 N12°13'31"E -- 18.00' 12" PVC C-900 25 N09043'31"E -- 9.00' 12" PVC C-900 26 N07013'31"E -- 18.00' 12" PVC C-900 27 N04"43'31"E -- 9.80' 12" PVC C-900 28 NO3°12'44"E -- 26.30' 12" PVC C-900 29 N00"42'44"E -- 141.15' 12" PVC C-900 30 N21"15'21"E -- 33.30' 1.5" PVC 31 NO2°30'21"E -- 28.73' 1.5" PVC 32 NO2630'21'E -- 31.50' 1.5" PVC 33 N18°45'21"E -- 24.54' 1.5" PVC 34 N67°29'54"E -- 7.45' 1.5" PVC 35 N18°45'21"E -- 26.10' 6" PVC C-900 SEWER - LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE 0 BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH NOTE 1 07°48'17" 200.00' 27.24' 8" SDR -35 2 N66013'24"W 102.12' 8" SDR -35 3 N89050'40"W 96.36' 8" SDR -35 4 18036'01" 300.00' 97.39' 8" SDR -35 5 N71°14'39"W 112.43' 8" SDR -35 6 10°26'12" 200.00' 1 36.43' 8" SDR -35 7 N81040'51"W 56.47' 8" SDR -35 8 N07°13'31"E 36.08' 8" SDR -35 9 07°32'04" 400--00' 52.60' 8" SDR -35 10 N11°16'14"W 9.13' 8" SDR -35 11 07°19'33" 400.00' 51.14' 8" SDR -35 12 14001 400.00' 98.07' 8" SDR -35 13 N00042'44"E 141.28' 8" SDR -35 14 N23°46'36"E 21.24' 4" SDR -35 15 N09009'57"E 11.97' 4" SDR -35 16 N00009'20"E 19.40' 4" SDR -35 17 N18°35'04"E 19.33' 4" SDR -35 18 N13°34'13"E 23.32' 4" SDR -35 20 10 0 SCALE: 1"=20 NOTE: BOTTOM OF WATER LINE SHALL BE ONE FOOT (1 FT) OR MORE ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER LINE WHEN CROSSING CONSTRUCTION NOTES O1 INSTALL 8" SDR -35 SEWER MAIN (OR APPROVED EQUAL) O INSTALL 4" SDR -35 SEWER LATERAL (OR APPROVED EQUAL) INSTALL 8" CLEAN OUT TO FINISH GRADE WITH CAP INSTALL 48" DIAMETER MANHOLE PER CVWD STD. DWG. NO. S-5 O7 INSTALL 60" DIAMETER MANHOLE PER CVWD STD. DWG. NO. S-5 INSTALL 4" BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY PER PLUMBING PLAN INSTALL 6" PVC C-900 FIRE MAIN WITH 48" MINIMUM COVER (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 11 INSTALL 12" PVC C-900 FIRE MAIN WITH 48" MINIMUM COVER (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 12 INSTALL 1.5" PVC SCH. 40 FIRE SERVICE WITH REQUIRED BENDS AND FITTINGS (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 14 INSTALL 4" C-900 WATER MAIN WITH 36" MINIMUM COVER (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 15 INSTALL 4" GATE VALVE 16 INSTALL 6" GATE VALVE 18 INSTALL 12" GATE VALVE 19 INSTALL 12"x12"x12" TEE 21 INSTALL 12"x12"x6" TEE 27 INSTALL 4" 900 BEND, RESTRAINED 32 INSTALL 12" 22.50 BEND, RESTRAINED 35 INSTALL 4" 22.5° BEND, RESTRAINED 36 INSTALL 12" 11.25° BEND, RESTRAINED 39 INSTALL 4" 11.25° BEND, RESTRAINED 42 INSTALL 2" PVC SCH. 40 WATER SERVICE WITH REQUIRED BENDS AND FITTINGS (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 43 INSTALL 8"X6" 90° BEND, RESTRAINED 46 INSTALL 6" FIRE HYDRANT ASSEMBLY (WET BARREL) 47 INSTALL 1.5" FDC PER RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE REQUIREMENTS (WALL MOUNTED, COORDINATE WITH MEP PLANS) 50 INSTALL 12" 90" BEND, RESTRAINED BW INDICATES LOTS REQUIRING BACKWATER VALVE FOR SEWER. EXIST. LAKE FILL WATER LINE TO REMAIN J J , J 2 z~14+23 94 k - v _.. ... r_ __,.. C ( PROTECT IN PLACE) h 230 14+06.11 ' w m _ 1 5 EWa as 19+97 26 DEFL.-2 30 13+88 28 fIT-DEFL 2°30 a 21+88.90 INSTALL 20+15.261 DEFL•=2 30' 13+70.71 INST " 1 BENDla £ 3 36 . _ --v !V ` 12+56 63 _ 3 59,4 1 2L,"Oaoa 14 IIP DEFL. 20+33.26 12 11.25 BEND •'- I i "` w 21+65 69 14+85.495 °: a 3 20+51.31 INSTALL 18 79INV-2 WTR- I (-- - 12+32.94 INSTALL 36 10.50INV p o a 3 naaa a Q RE 39 DEFL. 2 30'~ ,... _ 12" 11.25° 18.16 a o 4 ,' S 4" 11.25 KENDE 9.39INV-8'SNR llcfng e a na 4 a CEFL.-2°30 11 5.3532. n a n a _ F" a _ L, g F FIRE --k g FI + - TCO _ .r, 0 ,:c 00 araa,oa`0 M1 6 1 v I 7 FIR ii 22+fl3.20 uVI84 .$-0.0050 1 1 J a a o s nada . n T' nn INV , e a'' Pc ,., 42 < k . a o u wn a o n 7 8 DEFL.=2 30 17.46INV-4'WTR12oui / aar,'. a-a aaD da ; 14 13+02.72 ECa , nU ., 8 RE 18.30INV 6°FIRE li e- at 2M e a aoc? a ua° a V__ -11+65 61 INS_TAZL1a9.51INV°. EE c `a- n }n \ 11 16 t7•, 23.10TW S 3 - 'S S S _ ti 1° on. F 6" FH ASSY 21 461, x, d(rv..:.-..CONST. MH NO.. 6 3 S.7287 ?20.26INV-1.5"FIRE - 13+09.29 { 4 " ° _._.`...' 13 99.08 LINE B_ `'' 3 5.4267 0O >r~. 4, gnaw ^ .,,.,na e 18.30INV 6`FIRE ° ..__ g i ^`. n. a ,n 10+99.60 IN ALL ` s 20.23INV 2"WTR _.9-,85INV-8°S11R__.._ _ 9.52INV C S wa' 8.91INV-8 SWR 18.68INV-2 WTR 36 k-..... iJ - ....._- aan w, a 10.18INV-S IN 9 12 11.25 BEFD V4218.89IMV-1.5 FIRE a°° 8.81INV-8°SWR __. L Q 10.OSINV-W IN 9.87INV 8 SNR sa 1 ( ` { 13+59.36 INSTALL 9.37INV-8 SNR--~__.. `z .5 4.0050 1 S 12+02.268 a Gran jt9.98INV E OUT __ 7f as-, - 99 9."s FI 23+22.08 INSTALL 10+64.25 p " 18.90 IW 2,__, d 1.5" FIRE SERVICE r °. r u a 39 Iff. - - f- s - - - iJ22.80TC0 h+_62.671INSfAl_ 1 } 12+05.33 BC '04° 11.254 BEND DEFL.=2°30 47 lF# 1880INV " 21 9.03INY F d S.4040 3. ,~,, " a IRf10+82.08 23+58.08 8 1.5 FIRE SERVICE 58.0 d` 1 14r d°30' rr 0+59.06 INSTALL f ",!{ 1 °, i 2 NATER SVC {s _ JY I 47 ; 46 o q 14 c FI 10 1' 1 h N -f oa 8a 11 IRE p1 1 1i ($ { { 1 _.u_ 21+55.74 INSTALL \ _ r ...:-., , ` S{^} S a' ,o 1-k, PRn X23+ 10 11 12 E- J tll 1 r. B 2 NATER SVG 4 8 oa a_ 12 1 21.SOTCO 1.SOINV,, ° > z FL. -2.30 / d. x, 18.46INV-1.5"FIfIE a 10+74. 16.60INV-12°FIREy 1 jFF=24.401 f 22+79 80 INSTALL B.79INV-8. SNR .,'' t, Orr 9 tR 1 I asF a 8.37I 15.301W-4"WTR PAD=23.7 4111 / 54 2 WATER SVC 11+40.48 INSTA ' 16.31INV-12"FIRE S 1 ip r p f 191 s 12 s i ; FF=23.50] sit;f f m 1.5" FIRE SERVICE B i" Al I t -- PAD=22.8 1! g ,; - k 4( IJ 1 uP ti1+ ( FF=22. L • i1 / ! PAD=21 .6 Gr PROPOSED STORM DRAIN T1P 0 0 l` L STORM OR TYP), PROPOSED ten I f -..,11-- -- ---ft:_ __ -y ` -+ tom i _ j•, fr .-` 4 11 FF=21 80// PAD=21.1 41 MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET 8 T 9 ( \ \ a 11 1 S=O.00 \ 0 \ e C4 1 \ EX. 16" ACP IRR. LIFE \ LL I ` ( LAT. 120.8A) \ \ r fA { 10' 11' 18.6', i " 4 i ; y I e Y 39.9' 1 P1) W I'1 Q' i 17+67. 971 20+80.91 BC DEFL.=2°{30' W 7.09 s OD 17+94.28 DEFL.I2°30' ti 18+04.07 v, i DEFL.=2'30'' > 1 5=0.0044 I N 18+22.07 W ' F DEFL.- 0 IT , I 0 18+31.07 DEFL.=2°30' I m p 18+49107 DEFIL 4 Q 18+67. Q7 r DEFL.-2 30 21+78.98 PRC 1 i Q 7.52INV I i U ` LiJ Z r i 18+85.0' ' y ' 7 Qi ( DEFL.=2°30' r i _ so,iOf v( LJ W 8, r - 19+03_ 7 N '' 1 5=O.0040,l t w / I Q0010+35.8018 19 `, 4 _. t 2 GV r o 9+97.8 1QI171750 QiDEFL$- 19 INSTALL 12 90' BEF FI1R 4 tg 22+31 58 EC _ 10+09.71 7.75INV / EFL.=2°3010+00.71 / ~ 00.00 23+9Q.79 DEFL.=2°' LL STAT44 90° BEFD 15 27p O 1-4 GV ro 19.62TMi CONST Mi NO 5 r _ 91INV-4"WTR 2247.66 LINE A- r` P3INV 8°SWR 10+00 00 LINE B U S=0.0050 1 NV -W. IN 6 Z a 7 S $.00INV-S INp` 1; 7 90INV-N OUT 39-44 INSTALL 35 1301 t1 22.5 BEF I; 22' 6.79 ( I m 7.02INV-4"W1R 8 07INV 3 I Q SD9.22INVS ° t\ ; f ! w J 16.30INV-12"FIRE J 17.80INV-2°WTR _ X" r i A 14 , { w _ U 3hY c 18.02INVI FIR tit: 111 O 17.91INV4"SO I I 0 1 1S=0.0108 I 10+79.54 INSTAf 35 w I € Lo 4 22.5' BEND j e a { Ld I ETCH LINE - SEE SHEET 6 BENCHMARK: BASIS OF BEARINGS: APPROVAL BY: CITYOF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA S H E E T j/[\ Cm OF LA QUINTA BM 4430- Description: 1112"COPPERWELD THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED pp ESS/ DR JI A/- MONUMENT, STAMPED 'LS -98", FLUSH AT THE CENTERLINE 4R ONMichael Baker INTERSECTION OF AVENUE 54 AND JEFFERSON STREET. UPON THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM, Fo EL T 9lF PRIVATE ON-SITE UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN 7ELEVATION=5.467 (NAVD88) CCS 83, ZONE 6, AS DETERMINED LOCALLY `A yl I N T E R N A T I O N A L -- G g'Z S I LV E R RO C K RESORT 9DIALTWOWORKING ELEVATION=3.21T(NGVD29) BY THE LINE BETWEEN USC&GS STATIONS LA z z BEFORE DAYS BEFORE PROJECT ELEVATION AT BM 4430 QUINTA CS2005 (P491) AND COLLEGE r. DATE OF SHEETS YOU DIG 111 YOU DIG z No. caa0so A 75-410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 BRY McKINNEY To obtain Project Elevations in NAVD88 Datum, Subtract 1.564' THE DESERT (COTD), (POSITIONS PER ,t + Palm Desert, CA 92211 CITY ENGINEER from the elevations shown). NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY, NAD83, EPOCH p. CIVPhone: (760)346-7481 MBAKERINTLCOM R.C.E. NO. 49418EXP. 09/30/2022 1MONTAGEHOTEL SPA AND GUESTROOMS DWG. NAME TOLL FREE TELEPHONE: 811 (To obtain Project Elevations inNGVD29,Add 0.687'tothe 2011.00) AS SHOWN ON THE NATIONAL l`cdF CA11F DRAWN DESIGNED JOB NUMBER FILE N0. D DATE y JR JR/KE 161178 LOCATED WITHIN SW 1/4 OF SEC. 5 & MW, NE It SE 1/4 OF SEC. 8, T.6S.,R.7E., S.B.B.& M. GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLISHED DATA SHEETS 05/25/21 FOR: UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT ELEVATION = 3.903' BEING N.40°16'30.20"W. R E V I S 1 0 N S MICHAEL TYLMAN RCE NO. C43090, EXP. 3/31/2022 DATE: SCALE AS NOTED CHECKED RV DATE May 2021 SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC SW2019-0001 r irI O N 00 LO O LU I'l CONSTRUCTION NOTES 0 INSTALL 8" SDR -35 SEWER MAIN (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 2O INSTALL 6" SDR -35 SEWER LATERAL (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 3)INSTALL 4" SDR -35 SEWER LATERAL (OR APPROVED EQUAL) INSTALL 48" DIAMETER MANHOLE PER CVWD STD. DWG. NO. S-5 11 INSTALL 12" PVC C-900 FIRE MAIN WITH 48" MINIMUM COVER (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 28 INSTALL 12" 450 BEND, RESTRAINED 50 INSTALL 12" 90° BEND, RESTRAINED 51 INSTALL 8" END CAP I I I li •, \, i IX. 16" ACP IRR. LINE EX. 540 RCP IRR. LIPS \ LAT. 120.8A) ( I \(LAT. 120.8A) f ,,• '' ' I I I I I II I,1 10 1170-' -I 4 M 1 G, 1 1 tlC Gem IRRIGATION LATERAL IRR GATION LATERAL ABANDONED BY ABA CONED BY 4 •• CVWD 28 15+62.24 INSTA L 12 45° BEN) F1' E-F RE--AFIRE FIRE FIRE ----Q>- IR 15+74.70 INSTALL . 28 12 45 BEND \ ti E a .. - 1 S=0.0040 CONST. MH NO. 3 18+90.66 LI A 6 - --R/W-- - I 20.32TM1 . 6.26INV-S IN\ w y 6.06INV E OUT oe ' 111 C` 11-OS=0.0044 \ \ \ rr+ \ \ \ 10' 11 17.4' 38.5' w PUE MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET 7 NOTE: BOTTOM OF WATERLINE SHALL BE ONE FOOT (1 FT) OR MORE ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER LINE WHEN CROSSING XX ry A FIRE - LINE/CURVE LINE/CURVE DATA DATA TABLE BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH 0 BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH N00042'44"E NOTE 8" 1 N00°42'44"E 193.27' 385.66' 12" PVC C-900 N89°53'06"E 2 N44053'02"E 12.46' 4 12" PVC C-900 3 N89053'02"E 286.62' 6.00' 12'' PVC C-900 FIRE 4 N44°02'36"E 210.94' 12" PVC C-900 5 N00°00'06"W 9.97' 12" PVC C-900 6 N46°38'43"W 63.35' 12" PVC C-900 7 N44 2'36"E 14.81' 12" PVC C-900 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 0 INSTALL 8" SDR -35 SEWER MAIN (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 2O INSTALL 6" SDR -35 SEWER LATERAL (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 3)INSTALL 4" SDR -35 SEWER LATERAL (OR APPROVED EQUAL) INSTALL 48" DIAMETER MANHOLE PER CVWD STD. DWG. NO. S-5 11 INSTALL 12" PVC C-900 FIRE MAIN WITH 48" MINIMUM COVER (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 28 INSTALL 12" 450 BEND, RESTRAINED 50 INSTALL 12" 90° BEND, RESTRAINED 51 INSTALL 8" END CAP I I I li •, \, i IX. 16" ACP IRR. LINE EX. 540 RCP IRR. LIPS \ LAT. 120.8A) ( I \(LAT. 120.8A) f ,,• '' ' I I I I I II I,1 10 1170-' -I 4 M 1 G, 1 1 tlC Gem IRRIGATION LATERAL IRR GATION LATERAL ABANDONED BY ABA CONED BY 4 •• CVWD 28 15+62.24 INSTA L 12 45° BEN) F1' E-F RE--AFIRE FIRE FIRE ----Q>- IR 15+74.70 INSTALL . 28 12 45 BEND \ ti E a .. - 1 S=0.0040 CONST. MH NO. 3 18+90.66 LI A 6 - --R/W-- - I 20.32TM1 . 6.26INV-S IN\ w y 6.06INV E OUT oe ' 111 C` 11-OS=0.0044 \ \ \ rr+ \ \ \ 10' 11 17.4' 38.5' w PUE MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET 7 NOTE: BOTTOM OF WATERLINE SHALL BE ONE FOOT (1 FT) OR MORE ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER LINE WHEN CROSSING XX ry A SEWER - LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE 0 BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH NOTE 1 N00042'44"E 190.24' 8" SDR -35 2 N89053'06"E 385.66' 8" SDR -35 3 N89°53'06"E 400.00' 8" SDR -35 4 N86°04'28"E 105.00' 8" SDR -35 5 N00°00'00"E 6.00' 8" SDR -35 CONSTRUCTION NOTES 0 INSTALL 8" SDR -35 SEWER MAIN (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 2O INSTALL 6" SDR -35 SEWER LATERAL (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 3)INSTALL 4" SDR -35 SEWER LATERAL (OR APPROVED EQUAL) INSTALL 48" DIAMETER MANHOLE PER CVWD STD. DWG. NO. S-5 11 INSTALL 12" PVC C-900 FIRE MAIN WITH 48" MINIMUM COVER (OR APPROVED EQUAL) 28 INSTALL 12" 450 BEND, RESTRAINED 50 INSTALL 12" 90° BEND, RESTRAINED 51 INSTALL 8" END CAP I I I li •, \, i IX. 16" ACP IRR. LINE EX. 540 RCP IRR. LIPS \ LAT. 120.8A) ( I \(LAT. 120.8A) f ,,• '' ' I I I I I II I,1 10 1170-' -I 4 M 1 G, 1 1 tlC Gem IRRIGATION LATERAL IRR GATION LATERAL ABANDONED BY ABA CONED BY 4 •• CVWD 28 15+62.24 INSTA L 12 45° BEN) F1' E-F RE--AFIRE FIRE FIRE ----Q>- IR 15+74.70 INSTALL . 28 12 45 BEND \ ti E a .. - 1 S=0.0040 CONST. MH NO. 3 18+90.66 LI A 6 - --R/W-- - I 20.32TM1 . 6.26INV-S IN\ w y 6.06INV E OUT oe ' 111 C` 11-OS=0.0044 \ \ \ rr+ \ \ \ 10' 11 17.4' 38.5' w PUE MATCH LINE - SEE SHEET 7 NOTE: BOTTOM OF WATERLINE SHALL BE ONE FOOT (1 FT) OR MORE ABOVE THE TOP OF THE SEWER LINE WHEN CROSSING XX ry A 21 8- 122 8 f 0, I PROP. 2 WATER SERVICE & 4 FIRE SERVICE PER CLUBHOUSE r° / PRIVATE UTILITY PLANS CLUBHOUSE i FF=25.30K\., PAD=24.8 W a i PROP. 4" SEINER LATERAL PER GOLF CLUBHOUSE PRIVATE UTILITY PLANS 41/ r( 84N5L1UV 0+10.00 INSTALL CONST. MH NO. 15+05.00 LINE7 - - - 18.27TMH 3 \ 4.541W E OUT ti _ 1 S.0040 E COACHELLA BRANCH OF THE ALL AMERICAN CANAL E __ QT SVC xf PROP. WATER LIPE SOCAL GAS EASEMENT f PER GOLF CLUBHOUSE \ \ TO BE QUITCLAIMED PUBLIC WATER PLANS \\ \\ BY OWNER v° X •a vvv v Yj J \\ 4 SILVERROCK WAY v \ \ v I I EXISTING 8" PVC SEWER MIN, SOCAL GAS EASEMENT PER CVWD DWG. NO. 45737 \ \ \\ TO BE QUITCLAIhED 10+00.00 REMOVE 10+00.00 \ \ \ \EXISING 6' MANHOLE UJ V ' \ \ \ BY OWNER I^ % rr -) 51 INSTALL 8° CONST. Mi NO. 1 IXISTIP 8" EN) CRSS iLV O WAY \ ` PEER SRIIIP(( SAY z / \ \ \ J \J J J J END D CAP 11+05. 6 _s SEWER IX R IMP. PLANS \ \ I 2 96INV NN IN - (1.66INV-FIELD W - - - \ - - - _70 00 1 - . - VERIFY) S=.0107) 2 86INV w N 5 - 2.76R! -E OUT ! S S - -'( F](ISTING 24" PVC SES MAIN U O 5-= 4 ` 5 PER CVWD DWG. NO. 45737 3 S S -N -S S .e.e..-__ S __ -- ~ S'° 1 EXISTING 8" PYC EWER MIN \ \ \ s.a107 Q < Y` R - ,. - - - - PER CVWD W. N0. 1 5.0040 R/W--- UJ COACHELLA BRANCH OF THE ALL AMERICAN CANAL SCALE: 1" =20' BENCHMARK: BASIS OF BEARINGS: APPROVAL BY: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA S H E E T CITY OF LA QUINTA BM#430-Description: 1112"COPPERWELD THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED DFESS/pDHtff !/ - TMONUMENT,STAMPED"LS-98", FLUSH AT THE CENTERLINE Q >N u INTERSECTION OF AVENUE 54 AND JEFFERSON STREET. UPON THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM, ELT PRIVATE ON-SITE UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN Q o ELEVATION = 5.467' (NAVD88) CCS 83, ZONE 6, AS DETERMINED LOCALLY S I LV E R RO C K RESORT V ELEVATION=3.216'(NGVD29 BY THE LINE BETWEEN USC&GS STATIONS LA w ` 9 m I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L Q / DATE G s z OF 9 SHEETSDIALTWOWORKING ) c z m BEFORE DAYS BEFORE PROJECT ELEVATION AT BM #430 QUINTA CS2005 (P491) AND COLLEGE OF No. 043090 A 75-410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 BRYAPrMcKINNEY YOU DIG h YOU DIG (To obtain Project Elevations in NAVD88 Datum, Subtract 1.564' THE DESERT (COTD), (POSITIONS PER t Palm Desert, CA 92211 CITY ENGINEER MONTAGE HOTEL, SPA AND GUESTROOMS DWG. NAME from the elevations shown). NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY, NA083, EPOCH Phone: (760) 346-7481 MBAKERINTL.COM R.C.E. NO. 49418 EXP. 09/30/2022 TOLL FREE TELEPHONE: 811 (Too tainPrown)ct ElevationsinNGVD29,Add0.687'tothe 2011.00) AS SHOWN ON THE NATIONAL DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D DATE qlOf CAV1F ti a 7. i} DRAWN JR DESIGNED JR1KE JOB NUMBER 161178 LOCATED WITHIN SW 1/4 OF SEC. 5 & NW, NE & SE 1/4 OF SEC. 8, T.6S.,R.7E., S.B.B.& M. FILE NO. A PUBLIC SERVICE BY 05/25/21GEODETICSURVEYPUBLISHEDDATASHEETS FOR: SW2019-0001UNDERGROUNDSERVICEALERTELEVATION3.903 BEING N.40°1630.20"W. R E V I S I O N S MICHAEL TYLMAN RCE NO. C43090, EXP. 3/31/2022 DATE: SCALE AS NOTED CHECKED RV DATE May 2021 SILVERROCKDEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC CVO CV 010 LO O b LU Cf) LU A M j 28 12+75.62 INSTALL IRE -FIRE FIRE 12 45 BEN) FIRE FIRE - 21 8- 122 8 f 0, I PROP. 2 WATER SERVICE & 4 FIRE SERVICE PER CLUBHOUSE r° / PRIVATE UTILITY PLANS CLUBHOUSE i FF=25.30K\., PAD=24.8 W a i PROP. 4" SEINER LATERAL PER GOLF CLUBHOUSE PRIVATE UTILITY PLANS 41/ r( 84N5L1UV 0+10.00 INSTALL CONST. MH NO. 15+05.00 LINE7 - - - 18.27TMH 3 \ 4.541W E OUT ti _ 1 S.0040 E COACHELLA BRANCH OF THE ALL AMERICAN CANAL E __ SVC xf PROP. WATER LIPE SOCAL GAS EASEMENT f PER GOLF CLUBHOUSE \ \ TO BE QUITCLAIMED PUBLIC WATER PLANS \\ \\ BY OWNER v° X •a vvv v Yj J \\ 4 SILVERROCK WAY v \ \ v I I EXISTING 8" PVC SEWER MIN, SOCAL GAS EASEMENT PER CVWD DWG. NO. 45737 \ \ \\ TO BE QUITCLAIhED 10+00.00 REMOVE 10+00.00 \ \ \ \EXISING 6' MANHOLE UJ V ' \ \ \ BY OWNER I^ % rr -) 51 INSTALL 8° CONST. Mi NO. 1 IXISTIP 8" EN) CRSS iLV O WAY \ ` PEER SRIIIP(( SAY z / \ \ \ J \J J J J ENDD CAP 11+05. 6 _s SEWER IX R IMP. PLANS \ \ I 2 96INV NN IN - (1.66INV-FIELD W - - - \ - - - _70 00 1 - . - VERIFY) S=.0107) 2 86INV w N 5 - 2.76R! -E OUT ! S S - -'( F](ISTING 24" PVC SES MAIN U O 5-= 4 ` 5 PER CVWD DWG. NO. 45737 3 S S -N -S S .e.e..-__ S __ -- ~ S'° 1 EXISTING 8" PYC EWER MIN \ \ \ s.a107 Q < Y` R - ,. - - - - PER CVWD W. N0. 1 5.0040 R/W--- UJ COACHELLA BRANCH OF THE ALL AMERICAN CANAL SCALE: 1" =20' BENCHMARK: BASIS OF BEARINGS: APPROVAL BY: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA S H E E T CITY OF LA QUINTA BM#430-Description: 1112"COPPERWELD THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED DFESS/pDHtff !/ - TMONUMENT,STAMPED"LS-98", FLUSH AT THE CENTERLINE Q >N u INTERSECTION OF AVENUE 54 AND JEFFERSON STREET. UPON THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM, ELT PRIVATE ON-SITE UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN Q o ELEVATION = 5.467' (NAVD88) CCS 83, ZONE 6, AS DETERMINED LOCALLY S I LV E R RO C K RESORT V ELEVATION=3.216'(NGVD29 BY THE LINE BETWEEN USC&GS STATIONS LA w ` 9 m I N T E R N A T 1 0 N A L Q / DATE G s z OF 9 SHEETSDIALTWOWORKING ) c z m BEFORE DAYS BEFORE PROJECT ELEVATION AT BM #430 QUINTA CS2005 (P491) AND COLLEGE OF No. 043090 A 75-410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 BRYAPrMcKINNEY YOU DIG h YOU DIG (To obtain Project Elevations in NAVD88 Datum, Subtract 1.564' THE DESERT (COTD), (POSITIONS PER t Palm Desert, CA 92211 CITY ENGINEER MONTAGE HOTEL, SPA AND GUESTROOMS DWG. NAME from the elevations shown). NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY, NA083, EPOCH Phone: (760) 346-7481 MBAKERINTL.COM R.C.E. NO. 49418 EXP. 09/30/2022 TOLL FREE TELEPHONE: 811 (Too tainPrown)ct ElevationsinNGVD29,Add0.687'tothe 2011.00) AS SHOWN ON THE NATIONAL DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D DATE qlOf CAV1F ti a 7. i} DRAWN JR DESIGNED JR1KE JOB NUMBER 161178 LOCATED WITHIN SW 1/4 OF SEC. 5 & NW, NE & SE 1/4 OF SEC. 8, T.6S.,R.7E., S.B.B.& M. FILE NO. A PUBLIC SERVICE BY 05/25/21GEODETICSURVEYPUBLISHEDDATASHEETS FOR: SW2019-0001UNDERGROUNDSERVICEALERTELEVATION3.903 BEING N.40°1630.20"W. R E V I S I O N S MICHAEL TYLMAN RCE NO. C43090, EXP. 3/31/2022 DATE: SCALE AS NOTED CHECKED RV DATE May 2021 SILVERROCKDEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC CVO CV 010 LO O b LU Cf) LU A I 1" SEE SHEETS FOR PIPE SIZING MIN. 5 LID MIN. nrvl3n ummur 1, .4.. co ? *4" OR 6" D.I.P. CLASS 350 W/ FLANGED END FOR BACKFLOW PREVENTER. INSTALL PER NFPA 24 OR 6" PVC NOTE: FIRE SERVICE UNDERGROUND IS CONSIDERED FROM THE DCDA TO 6" ABOVE FINISH FLOOR WITHIN 12" OF THE WALL SEE FIRE SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR DWG'S FOR CONTINUATION FLEXIBLE COUPLING FLANGED REDUCER, AS REQ'D F. F. 2" ANNULAR CLEARANCE REQ'D FILL VOID WITH FLEX MASTIC 90' BEND CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK BEARING AREA PER NFPA 24 SPRINKLER RISER CONNECTION DETAIL N.T.S. NOTE: FIRE LINES MUST COMPLY WITH NFPA 24, 2016 EDITION. INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: 1. THRUST BLOCK PRE -POUR, TRENCH AND BACKFILL INSPECTION. 2. UNDERGROUND HYDROSTATIC TEST - 200 PSI FOR TWO HOURS 3. UNDERGROUND FLUSH. (PRIOR TO CONNECTION TO THE OVERHEAD FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM. 4. UNDERGROUND FINAL. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE SCHEDULED WITH THE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU. SPRINKLER CONTRACTORS MUST REQUEST INSPECTIONS THROUGH THE PROJECT SUPERINTENDENTS. THRUST AT FITTINGS FOR DUCTILE IRON & PVC TABLE A.10.6.1{a). NOMINALPIPE DIA(IN) DUCTILE IRON AND PVC PIPE 2.5" x 2.5" x 4" FDC 900 45a 22.5° 11.250- W/ DOUBLE CLAPPERS BRASS CAP 2559 1385 706 4" GALV. SCH40 STEEL PIPE 3739 5288 2862 SEE SHEETS FOR PIPE SIZING 733 4" FLG'D WAFER CHECK ABOVE GRADE 9097 4923 1 2510 1261 POST INDICATOR W/ 1 9677 13685 7406 3776 1897 BREAKABLE PADLOCK 1 13685 19353 Tod 5340 2683 SUPERVISORY DEVICE CONDUIT OUTDOOR LISTED, CSFM Z x ® E z X WIRING FROM FACP BY ELECTRICAL APPROVED TAMPER SWITCH DIVISION PER CEC. REFER TO FIRE ALARM DWGS FOR CONTINUATION o o 0000 FINISH GRADE n Z 1 I THE DIRECTION OF THE FDC OUTLETS SHALL BE TRACER WIRE TO BE APPROVED BY THE FIRE LAID ON TOP OF PIPE 4" D.I. RESTRAINED JOINT PIPE INSPECTOR. 4" OR 6" PVC FLO\' 4" OR 6" PVC NOTE: 6" OF CLEAN SAND ON D.I. KEY VALVE,iF 48" - M.J. x FL TEE ALL SIDES OF PIPE RESTRAINED JOINT POST INDICATOR / FIRE DEPT. CONNECTION DETAIL N.T.S. 1" SEE SHEETS FOR PIPE SIZING MIN. 5 LID MIN. nrvl3n ummur 1, .4.. co ? *4" OR 6" D.I.P. CLASS 350 W/ FLANGED END FOR BACKFLOW PREVENTER. INSTALL PER NFPA 24 OR 6" PVC NOTE: FIRE SERVICE UNDERGROUND IS CONSIDERED FROM THE DCDA TO 6" ABOVE FINISH FLOOR WITHIN 12" OF THE WALL SEE FIRE SPRINKLER CONTRACTOR DWG'S FOR CONTINUATION FLEXIBLE COUPLING FLANGED REDUCER, AS REQ'D F. F. 2" ANNULAR CLEARANCE REQ'D FILL VOID WITH FLEX MASTIC 90' BEND CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK BEARING AREA PER NFPA 24 SPRINKLER RISER CONNECTION DETAIL N.T.S. NOTE: FIRE LINES MUST COMPLY WITH NFPA 24, 2016 EDITION. INSPECTIONS REQUIRED: 1. THRUST BLOCK PRE -POUR, TRENCH AND BACKFILL INSPECTION. 2. UNDERGROUND HYDROSTATIC TEST - 200 PSI FOR TWO HOURS 3. UNDERGROUND FLUSH. (PRIOR TO CONNECTION TO THE OVERHEAD FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM. 4. UNDERGROUND FINAL. ALL INSPECTIONS WILL BE SCHEDULED WITH THE FIRE PREVENTION BUREAU. SPRINKLER CONTRACTORS MUST REQUEST INSPECTIONS THROUGH THE PROJECT SUPERINTENDENTS. THRUST AT FITTINGS FOR DUCTILE IRON & PVC TABLE A.10.6.1{a). NOMINALPIPE DIA(IN) DUCTILE IRON AND PVC PIPE DEAD END 900 45a 22.5° 11.250- 4 1810 2559 1385 706 355 6 3739 5288 2862 1459 733 8 1 6433 9097 4923 1 2510 1261 10 1 9677 13685 7406 3776 1897 12 1 13685 19353 10474 5340 2683 MINIMUM REQUIRED AREA (SF) PER CALCULATION A.10.6 1(a) "GRAVITY THRUST BLOCKS" NOMINAL PIPE DIA. (IN) DUCTI LE IRON AND PVC PIPE DEAD-END 0.707) 90 45 (0.541 22.5 0.276) 11.25 0.139) 4 2.72 3.84 2.08 1.06 0.53 6 5.61 7.93 4.29 2.19 1.10 8 9.65 13.651 7.38 3.77 1.89 10 14.52 20.53 11.11 5.66 2.85 12 20.53 29.031 15.71 8.01 4.02 PRIVATE WATER LINE NOTES 1. ALL WORKS SHALL CONFORM WITH THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (GREEN BOOK) LATEST EDITION, A.W.W.A. STANDARDS, 2019 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE AND THESE PLANS. 2. ALL WATER MAINS 4" THRU 12" SHALL BE C-900 CLASS 200, 14" AND LARGER SHALL BE C-905 CLASS 150, WATER PIPE SMALLER THAT 4" SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 OR SCHEDULE 80 PVC OR CPVC WITH A PRESSURE RATING GREATER THAN 200 PSI UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE PLANS. SIZES AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. AS MANUFACTURED BY JM EAGLE, PACIFIC -WESTERN MANUFACTURING COMPANY OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL. 3. FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE 6" WET BARREL TYPE WITH ONE 4" OPENING AND TWO 2-1/2" OPENINGS PER CVWD STANDARDS. FIRE HYDRANT SHALL BE JONES MODEL NO. J-3765 OR AVK MODEL CALIFORNIA 24-50 HP OR APPROVED EQUAL. 4. GATE VALVES 4" THRU 12" SHALL BE RESILIENT -SEATED WITH NON -RISING STEMS CONFORMING TO A.W.W.A. C-509-80. VALVES LARGER THAN 12" SHALL BE BUTTERFLY VALVES. VALVES SHALL BE FLANGED X FLANGED. AS MANUFACTURED BY AMERICAN AVK, CLOW, M&H, STOCKHAM, U.S. PIPE, OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL. 5. BALL VALVE MATERIAL SHALL BE AS INDICATED ON PLAN. BALL VALVE MATERIAL TO BE EITHER BRONZE BODY OR PVC SCHEDULE 80. BRONZE VALVE SHALL HAVE NPT THREADS ON BOTH ENDS RATED AT 600 PSI AS MANUFACTURED BY CONBRACO INDUSTRIES OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL, PVC VALVE SHALL HAVE NPT THREADS ON BOTH ENDS RATED AT 200 PSI AS MANUFACTURED BY SPEAR OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL. 6. THE MINIMUM COVER FOR WATER MAINS AND WATER SERVICES SHALL BE 36 INCHES. STREET SHALL BE BROUGHT TO SUBGRADE AND SEWER MAINS SHALL BE INSTALLED BEFORE WATER MAIN IS INSTALLED. 7. MINIMUM HORIZONTAL SEPARATION FROM PRIVATE WATER TO PRIVATE SEWER MAINS SHALL BE 1 FOOT FROM OUTSIDE TO OUTSIDE WALL. MINIMUM VERTICAL SEPARATION FOR WATER AND SEWER MAINS AT PERPENDICULAR CROSSING SHALL BE 1 FOOT FROM OUTSIDE WALL TO OUTSIDE WALL OF PIPE PER U.P.C. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TEST AND CHLORINATE PROPOSED WATER MAINS AD SERVICES BACTERIOLOGICAL SAMPLES SHALL BE CLEARED BY A CERTIFIED TESTING LAB AND SHALL PROVIDE THE WRITTEN RESULTS TO THE ENGINEER. TESTS ON FIRE SYSTEM SHALL MEET FIRE DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS AND S.S.P.W.C. 9. TRENCH EXCAVATION, PIPE BEDDING AND BACKFILL SHALL BE CERTIFIED BY A REGISTERED SOILS ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF AC OR CONCRETE. 10. IT SHALL BE THE WATER CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO SET WATER VALVE RISER, FRAME AND COVER TO FINISH GRADE AFTER PAVING IN ACCORDANCE WITH CVWD STANDARD DRAWING W -17A MODIFY VALVE COVER TO ONLY READ "WATER" OR "FIRE" AS APPROPRIATE. 11, ALL CONNECTIONS MADE TO EXISTING FACILITIES WILL BE AT CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. 12. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY STANDARDS AND REVIEW THE PLANS IN DETAIL WITH THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK AND SHALL MAINTAIN ALL FACILITIES UNTIL PROJECT IS COMPLETED. 14. EXISTING UTILITIES MAY OR MAY NOT BE SHOWN ON THESE DRAWINGS. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY AND PROTECT ALL UTILITIES IN THE CONSTRUCTION AREA WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT SHOWN HEREON. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND NOTIFY COMPANIES 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION AND CALL U.S.A. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT AT 1-800-227-2600. 15. ALL FITTINGS SHALL BE DUCTILE IRON PUSH -ON BY PUSH -ON EQUIPPED WITH "TYTON" PUSH -ON OR MECHANICAL JOINTS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ON PLANS. JOINT RESTRAINT SHALL BE "MEGA -LUG" BY EBAA IRON WORKS, SERIES 1600 BELL RESTRAINT HARNESS, OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL. 16. LENGTHS OF RESTRAINED PIPE SHALL BE A MINIMAL OF 54 LINEAR FEET IN EACH DIRECTION OF FITTING AND BRANCH OF TEE OR AS INDICATED ON PLAN. 17. ALL NUTS, WASHERS AND BOLTS SHALL BE STAINLESS STEEL. 18. BLUE DOT MARKERS SHALL BE PLACED ADJACENT TO FIRE HYDRANTS LOCATED ON THE CENTERLINE OF THE STREET OR DRIVEWAY. 19. THE CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT HE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR JOB SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT, INCLUDING SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERTY; THAT THIS REQUIREMENT SHALL APPLY CONTINUOUSLY AND NOT BE LIMITED TO NORMAL WORKING HOURS; AND THAT THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DEFEND, INDEMNIFY AND HOLD THE OWNER AND THE ENGINEER HARMLESS FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITY, REAL OR ALLEGED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT, EXCEPTING FOR LIABILITY ARISING FROM THE SOLE NEGLIGENCE OF THE OWNER OR ENGINEER. PRIVATE SEWER LINE NOTES 1. ALL WORKS SHALL CONFORM WITH THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION (GREEN BOOK) LATEST EDITION, A.W.W.A. STANDARDS, 2019 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE AND THESE PLANS. 2. ALL SEWER MAINS 4" THRU 15" SHALL BE SDR 35 SEWER PIPE COLORED GREEN. SIZES AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. AS MANUFACTURED BY JM EAGLE, PACIFIC -WESTERN MANUFACTURING COMPANY OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL. 3. SEWER CLEAN-OUT SHALL BE INSTALLED PER DETAIL ON THE PLANS, AND IN CONFORMANCE WITH SSPWC. 4. SEWER MAIN LINE AND GRACE SHALL BE AS INDICATED ON THE PLANS. 5. ALL CONCRETE USED IN SEWER CONSTRUCTION, INCLUDING PRECAST MANHOLE SECTIONS AND MANHOLE BASES SHALL BE CLASS 660-C-4000, PORTLAND TYPE CEMENT (7 SACKS, 4000 PSI). THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FURNISH A CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE SHOWING THE CEMENT TYPE USED. 6. WYES AND LATERALS SHALL BE PVC SDR -35 OR ABS 1210 DWV SCHEDULE 4 AND INSTALLED AT GRADES AS INDICATED ON PLAN. 7. SEPARATION BETWEEN PRIVATEATER LINES AND PRIVATEATE SEWER LINES SHALL CONFORM TO UPC MINIMUM VERTICAL SEPARATION OF 1 FOOT AND MINIMUM HORIZONTAL SEPARATION OF 1 FOOT (BOTH MEASURED FROM OUTSIDE OF PIPE TO OUTSIDE OF PIPE). 8. FINAL TESTING FOR PIPELINE LEAKAGE SHALL BE MADE IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ENGINEER AFTER BACKFILL HAS BEEN INPECTED AND APPROVED. 9. IT SHALL BE THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO SET MANHOLE COVERS TO FINISH GRADE AFTER PAVING IN ACCORDANCE -WITH COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT STANDARD DRAWING S -1A OR S-113 AS APPLICABLE. 10. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK AND SHALL MAINTAIN ALL FACILITIES COMPLETED AND UNCOMPLETED UNTIL ACCEPTED BY THE OWNER. 11. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY STANDARDS AND REVIEW THE PLANS IN DETAIL WITH THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO START OF CONSTRUCTION. 12. ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN TO BE EXISTING WHERE FROM RECENT SURVEY OF THE ENGINEER AND SHALL BE VERIFIED BY THE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ENGINEER 72 HOURS PRIOR TO STARTING ANY WORK. A PRE -CONSTRUCTION MEETING SHALL BE SET UP WITH THE ENGINEER, THE CONTRACTOR, HIS SUBCONTRACTORS, AND A REPRESENTATIVE FROM EACH OF THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHALL BE PRESENT. 14. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES AND NOTIFY COMPANIES 48 HOURS (2 WORKING DAYS) IN ADVANCE OF THE BEGINNING OF CONSTRUCTION AND CALL U.S.A. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT AT 1-800-227-2600. 15. TREES TO BE PLANTED 10' MINIMUM FROM SEWER LINES. ITEM DESCRIPTION MANUFACTURER I MODEL / TYPE 1COMMENTS C-900 PVC PIPE CLASS 165 (DR -25) JM EAGLE BLUE BRUTE OR APPROVED EQUAL SUPER FIRE HYDRANT CLOW VALVE 2060 OR APPROVED EQUAL POST INDICATOR VALVE MUELLER A-20806(4"-14") OR APPROVED EQUAL FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION AMERICAN FIRE SUPPLY 220RBSA OR APPROVED EQUAL FIRE RISER AMES FIRE SERIES IBR ORAPPROVED EQUAL RESILENT WEDGE GATE VALVE ICLOVVVALVE I C-5092"-12" IORAPPROVED EQUAL MINIMUM REQUIRED AREA (SF) PERTABLEA.10.6.1(b) HORIZONTAL BEARING BLOCK AREA" NOMINAL PIPE DIA. (IN) DUCTILE IRON AND PVC PIPE DEAD- END 0.707) 90 45 0.541 22.5 0.276 11.25 0.139) 4 2.69 3.80 2.06 1.05 0.53 6 5.59 7,90 1 4.27 2.18 1 1.10 8 9.62 13.60 7.36 3.75 1.89 10 14.49 20.50 11.09 5.66 2.85 12 20.50 29.00 15.69 8.00 4.03 NOTES: 1. THE FOLLOWING PRECAUTIONS MUST BE OBSERVED WHEN CONSTRUCTING THRUST BLOCKS: A. BLOCKS MUST BE POURED AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL.. B. THE PIPE JOINT AND BOLTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE. C. CONCRETE SHOULD BE CURED FOR AT LEAST 5 DAYS AND SHOULD HAVE A COMPRESSION STRENGTH OF 2,000 LBS. AT 28 DAYS. D. BLOCKS MUST BE POSITIONED TO COUNTERACT THE DIRECTION OF THE RESULTANT THRUST FORCE. THRUST BLOCK CALCULATIONS INPUT DATA WORKING WATER PRESSURE 200 SOIL BEARING PRESSURE 2000 * * SOIL BEARING PRESSURE SAFETY FACTOR (1.5 TYP.) 1.5 CAPACITY PER PAGE 13 OF SOILS REPORT TABLE 1: BEARING VALUE OF SOIL SOIL TYPE LBS./S.F. ALLUVIAL SOIL 1000 SOFT CLAY 2000 FIRM CLAY 4000 WET SAND 4000 SAND AND CLAY MIXED 4000 FINE DRY SAND 6000 HARD CLAY 8000 COARSE DRY SAND 8000 GRAVEL 12000 GRAVEL AND SAND, WELL 16000 CEMENTED HARDPAN OR HARD SHALE 20000 MEDIUM ROCK 40000 ROCK UNDER CAISSONS 50000 HARD ROCK 160,000 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PRIVATE FIRE LINE NOTES 1. THE INSTALLATION OF THE ON-SITE WATER SYSTEM SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE CURRENT EDITION OF NFPA 24 AND CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE. INSTALLATION WORK SHALL BE DONE BY FULLY EXPERIENCED AND RESPONSIBLE CONTRACTORS. CONTRACTORS SHALL BE APPROPRIATELY LICENSED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO INSTALL PRIVATE FIRE SERVICE MAINS AND THEIR APPURTENANCES (CSLB: C-16, C34, C-36, CLASS A). JOB CARDS WILL BE ISSUED TO THESE LICENSED CONTRACTORS ONCE ADEQUATE DOCUMENTATION AND APPROVAL FOR THE WORK HAS BEEN OBTAINED BY THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL. 2. ALL FIRE FLOW REQUIREMENTS, HYDRANT TYPE, NUMBER OF HYDRANTS, AND SPACING OF HYDRANTS SHALL BE PROVIDED AS PER THE CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE, 3. AN APPROVED WATER SUPPLY FOR FIRE PROTECTION, EITHER TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT, SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE WITHIN A REASONABLE DISTANCE AS SOON AS COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL ARRIVES ON THE JOB SITE. THIS WATER SUPPLY SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT - OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL. 4. THE CIVIL ENGINEER OR LICENSED CONTRACTOR WHO DESIGNED THE WATER SYSTEM HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT THIS WATER SYSTEM IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS AS PRESCRIBED BY THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL, THE CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE AND NFPA 24, WET -SIGNED STAMP SEAL SHALL BE PLACED ON THE PLANS. 5. THE FIRE FLOW CALCULATIONS SHALL BE BASED ON WATER FLOW TEST INFORMATION CONDUCTED WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THE PRIVATE FIRE MAIN PLAN SUBMITTAL APPLICATION DATE. 6. ANY PIPING NOT SHOWN ON THIS APPROVED PLAN IS NOT A PART OF THIS APPROVAL. ANY ADDITIONAL PIPING THAT IS TO BE INSTALLED WILL REQUIRE A SEPARATE PLAN SUBMITTAL REQUIRING THE APPROVAL FROM THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL. 7. DUCTILE IRON PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN FIVE FEET OF THE BUILDING. 8. NO JOINTS SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER THE BUILDING. THE SUPPLY LINE TO THE FIRE SPRINKLER RISERS) SHALL BE A UL LISTED ONE PIECE SOLID SWEEP. FIRE SPRINKLER RISERS THROUGH FLOOR SLABS SHALL HAVE A SLEEVE WITH A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES OF CLEARANCES FOR PIPES UP TO 3 J" IN SIZE AND 4 INCHES OF CLEARANCE FOR PIPE SIZES 4 INCHES AND GREATER. 9. ALL METAL MECHANICAL RESTRAINTS, UNDER GROUND BOLTS AND STAINLESS STEEL SWEEPS SHALL BE WRAPPED IN PROTECTIVE PLASTIC OR OTHER APPROVED CORROSION RETARDING MATERIAL. 10. ALL WATERLINES EXTENDING UNDER ROADWAY SURFACES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER OF 3 INCHES MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF PIPE TO FINISH GRADE. 11. THERE SHALL BE A MINIMUM VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 12 INCHES BETWEEN FIRE LINES AND ALL OTHER UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. THE 12 INCHES OF CLEARANCE IS MEASURED FROM OUTSIDE OF PIPE TO OUTSIDE OF OTHER UTILITY. 12. FIRE HYDRANTS: THE MINIMUM SIZE FIRE HYDRANT SHALL BE SUPER FIRE HYDRANTS (6"X 4"X 2J"X2"). DEPENDING ON FLOW REQUIREMENTS AN ENHANCED SUPER HYDRANT (6"X4"X4"X24") MAY BE REQUIRED. ALL PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE PAINTED RED AND PROVIDED WITH OSFM "NEW" SERVICE TAG AT TIME OF FINAL INSPECTION. 13, BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES: PRIVATE FIRE MAINS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A LISTED BACKFLOW PREVENTER ACCEPTED BY THE PUBLIC WATER AGENCY TO WHICH THE PRIVATE FIRE MAIN IS BEING SUPPLIED FROM. AT LEAST ONE INDICATING VALVE SHALL BE INCLUDED AS PART OF ABOVE -GROUND ASSEMBLIES. BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES SHALL NOT BE LOCATED WITHIN 40 FEET, OR THE HEIGHT OF THE FACING WALL, OF THE BUILDINGS) THAT IT SERVES. 14. SECTIONAL VALVES: WHEN A PRIVATE FIRE MAIN SERVES SIX OR MORE APPURTENANCES, SECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED. CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE INDICATING UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED -BY THE AHJ. SECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE LOCATED SO THAT NO MORE THAN FIVE FIRE APPURTENANCES ARE AFFECTED BY SHUT -DOWN OF ANY SINGLE PORTION OF THE FIRE SERVICE MAIN. 15. IMPACT PROTECTION: ON SITE FIRE HYDRANTS, POST INDICATOR VALVES AND FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS LOCATED LESS THAN THREE FEET BEHIND THE FACE OF CURB OR WHEN NO CURB IS PROVIDED SHALL BE PROTECTED BY GUARD POSTS SET IN CONCRETE TO THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: CONSTRUCTION OF STEEL NOT LESS THAN 4 INCHES IN DIAMETER AND CONCRETE FILLED SPACED NOT MORE THAT 3 FEET BETWEEN POSTS ON CENTER SET NOT LESS THAN 3 FEET DEEP IN CONCRETE FOOTING OF NOT LESS THAN A 15 INCHED DIAMETER SET WITH THE TOP OF THE POSTS NOT LESS THAN 3 FEET ABOVE GROUND LOCATED NOT LESS THAN 3 FEET FROM TAE FIRE HYDRANTS, POST INDICATOR VALVES AND FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS ALL GUARD POSTS SHALL BE PAINTED YELLOW. 16. BACKFILL: BACKFILL SHALL BE WELL TAMPED IN LAYERS OR PUDDLE UNDER AND AROUND PIPES TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT OR LATERAL MOVEMENT. BACKFILL SHALL CONSIST OF CLEAN FILL SAND OR PEA GRAVEL TO A MINIMUM 6 INCHES BELOW AND TO A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES ABOVE THE PIPE AND SHALL CONTAIN NO ASHES, CINDERS, REFUSE, ORGANIC MATTER, OR OTHER CORROSIVE MATERIALS. OTHER BACKFILL MATERIALS ARE PERMITTED WHERE DESIGNED BY A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AND APPROVED BY THE ENFORCING AGENCY. 17. FIRE RISER ACCESS: AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM RISERS SHALL NOT BE OBSTRUCTED IN ANY MANNER. IF A SYSTEM RISER IS TO BE CONCEALED BY MEANS OF A WALL, SOFFIT, COLUMN, OR OTHER BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, IT SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH EIGHTEEN (18) INCH CLEARANCE TO EACH SIDE AND TO THE FRONT OF THE SYSTEM RISER. ACCESS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY MEANS OF A DOOR WITH THE MINIMUM DIMENSIONS TWO (2) FEET SIX (6) INCHES IN WIDTH BY SIX (6) FEET 8) EIGHT INCHES IN HEIGHT. 18. FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS: EACH SEPARATE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM RISER (NOT ON MANIFOLD) SHALL BE PROVED WITH A FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION (FDC). THE FDC SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN 200 FEET OF A PUBLIC OR APPROVED FIRE HYDRANT, WHEN MEASURED AS A HOSE WOULD LAY ALONG AN APPROVED ROUTE. THE FDC SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE STREET SIDE OF BUILDINGS. SYSTEMS SERVING STANDPIPES SHALL BE SIZED TO SUPPLY THE SYSTEM PRESSURE AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS BASED ON ONE 2 J" CONNECTION FOR EACH 250 GALLONS PER MINUTE REQUIRED. AT A MINIMUM, A 2 J"X2 J"X4" FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED. 19. APPLICANT SHALL COORDINATE POINT OF CONNECTION OF UNDERGROUND WATER SYSTEMS WITH APPLICABLE WATER AGENCY. SUCH COORDINATION MAY INCLUDED, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS, FACILITY DESIGN, PLAN REVIEW, AND FACILITY TESTING. 20. INSPECTIONS: THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED: THRUST BLOCK PRE -POUR, RESTRAINT, PIPING MATERIAL, TRENCH, AND BACKFILL INSPECTION REQUIRED PRIOR TO BACKFILLING UNDERGROUND HYDROSTATIC TEST PER NFPA 24 FOR 2 HOURS UNDERGROUND FLUSH OF ALL AFFECTED PIPING UNTIL CLEAR. REQUIRED PRIOR TO CONNECTION OF ANY OVERHEAD PIPING. UNDERGROUND FINAL - A COPY OF THE "CONTRACTORS MATERIAL AND TEST CERTIFICATE FOR UNDERGROUND PIPING" SHALL BE PROVIDED. VALVE AND CONNECTION SIGNAGE IS IN PLACE. BLUE REFLECTOR HYDRANT MARKERS ARE INSTALLED IN THE ADJOINING ROADWAY. PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANTS ARE PAINTED RED AND PROVIDED WITH OSFM "NEW" SERVICE TAGS. CONTACT TO OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE TO SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS. THRUST CONSTRUCT z BEARING SYMMETRICAL Viii XA A017. AROUND PIPE. THRU BEARI AREA TYP) TEE OR PLUG CROSS WITH VALVE APPROVAL BY: oQgOFESSlOy9! Michael Baker 1 N T E R N AT 1 0 N A L9 04 No. 043090 75-410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 B1R`YAr4rMCKINNEY Palm Desert, CA 92211 CITY ENGINEER Phone: (760) 346-7481 MBAKERINTL.COM R.C.E. No. 49418 DRAWN DESIGNED DESCRIPTION APP'D DATE qrP CF CAI EIth, fr!Y 05/25/21 JRJR/KE R E V I S 1 0 N S MICHAEL TYLMAN RCE NO. C43090, EXP. 3/31/2022 DATE: I SCALE AS NOTED CHECKED RV THRUST BEARING AREA I U - 1RD DIALKING BEFOREFORE YOU DIGIG TOLL FRE811GG A PUBLIC SERVICE BY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT BENCHMARK: CITY OF LAQUINTA BM#430-Description:11/2"COPPERWELD F THECENTERLINEMONUMENT, STAMPED AVENUE ANDINTERSECTIONOFAVENUE54AND JEFFERSON STREET. STREET. ELEVATION=5.467'(NAVD88) ELEVATION=3.216•(NGVD29) PROJECT ELEVATION AT BMn430 To obtain Project Elevations inNAVD88Datum,Subtract1.564' from the elevations shown). To obtain Project ElevaeonsinNGVD29,Add 0.687'tothe elevations shown). ELEVATION =3.903' BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON THE CALIFORNIA COORDINATE SYSTEM, CCS 83, ZONE 6, AS DETERMINED LOCALLY BY THE LINE BETWEEN USC&GS STATIONS LA QUINTA CS2005 (P491) AND COLLEGE OF THE DESERT (COTD), (POSITIONS PER NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY, NAD83, EPOCH 2011.00) AS SHOWN ON THE NATIONAL GEODETIC SURVEY PUBLISHED DATA SHEETS 1 BEING. N.40016'30.20"W. 12" MIN. DATE BY THRUST NOTES: 1. THE FOLLOWING PRECAUTIONS MUST BE OBSERVED WHEN CONSTRUCTING THRUST BLOCKS: A. BLOCKS MUST BE POURED AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL.. B. THE PIPE JOINT AND BOLTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE. C. CONCRETE SHOULD BE CURED FOR AT LEAST 5 DAYS AND SHOULD HAVE A COMPRESSION STRENGTH OF 2,000 LBS. AT 28 DAYS. D. BLOCKS MUST BE POSITIONED TO COUNTERACT THE DIRECTION OF THE RESULTANT THRUST FORCE. THRUST BLOCK CALCULATIONS INPUT DATA WORKING WATER PRESSURE 200 SOIL BEARING PRESSURE 2000 * * SOIL BEARING PRESSURE SAFETY FACTOR (1.5 TYP.) 1.5 CAPACITY PER PAGE 13 OF SOILS REPORT TABLE 1: BEARING VALUE OF SOIL SOIL TYPE LBS./S.F. ALLUVIAL SOIL 1000 SOFT CLAY 2000 FIRM CLAY 4000 WET SAND 4000 SAND AND CLAY MIXED 4000 FINE DRY SAND 6000 HARD CLAY 8000 COARSE DRY SAND 8000 GRAVEL 12000 GRAVEL AND SAND, WELL 16000 CEMENTED HARDPAN OR HARD SHALE 20000 MEDIUM ROCK 40000 ROCK UNDER CAISSONS 50000 HARD ROCK 160,000 RIVERSIDE COUNTY PRIVATE FIRE LINE NOTES 1. THE INSTALLATION OF THE ON-SITE WATER SYSTEM SHALL COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF THE CURRENT EDITION OF NFPA 24 AND CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE. INSTALLATION WORK SHALL BE DONE BY FULLY EXPERIENCED AND RESPONSIBLE CONTRACTORS. CONTRACTORS SHALL BE APPROPRIATELY LICENSED IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO INSTALL PRIVATE FIRE SERVICE MAINS AND THEIR APPURTENANCES (CSLB: C-16, C34, C-36, CLASS A). JOB CARDS WILL BE ISSUED TO THESE LICENSED CONTRACTORS ONCE ADEQUATE DOCUMENTATION AND APPROVAL FOR THE WORK HAS BEEN OBTAINED BY THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL. 2. ALL FIRE FLOW REQUIREMENTS, HYDRANT TYPE, NUMBER OF HYDRANTS, AND SPACING OF HYDRANTS SHALL BE PROVIDED AS PER THE CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE, 3. AN APPROVED WATER SUPPLY FOR FIRE PROTECTION, EITHER TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT, SHALL BE MADE AVAILABLE WITHIN A REASONABLE DISTANCE AS SOON AS COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL ARRIVES ON THE JOB SITE. THIS WATER SUPPLY SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT - OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL. 4. THE CIVIL ENGINEER OR LICENSED CONTRACTOR WHO DESIGNED THE WATER SYSTEM HEREBY CERTIFIES THAT THIS WATER SYSTEM IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS AS PRESCRIBED BY THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL, THE CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE AND NFPA 24, WET -SIGNED STAMP SEAL SHALL BE PLACED ON THE PLANS. 5. THE FIRE FLOW CALCULATIONS SHALL BE BASED ON WATER FLOW TEST INFORMATION CONDUCTED WITHIN ONE YEAR OF THE PRIVATE FIRE MAIN PLAN SUBMITTAL APPLICATION DATE. 6. ANY PIPING NOT SHOWN ON THIS APPROVED PLAN IS NOT A PART OF THIS APPROVAL. ANY ADDITIONAL PIPING THAT IS TO BE INSTALLED WILL REQUIRE A SEPARATE PLAN SUBMITTAL REQUIRING THE APPROVAL FROM THE OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL. 7. DUCTILE IRON PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITHIN FIVE FEET OF THE BUILDING. 8. NO JOINTS SHALL BE INSTALLED UNDER THE BUILDING. THE SUPPLY LINE TO THE FIRE SPRINKLER RISERS) SHALL BE A UL LISTED ONE PIECE SOLID SWEEP. FIRE SPRINKLER RISERS THROUGH FLOOR SLABS SHALL HAVE A SLEEVE WITH A MINIMUM OF 2 INCHES OF CLEARANCES FOR PIPES UP TO 3 J" IN SIZE AND 4 INCHES OF CLEARANCE FOR PIPE SIZES 4 INCHES AND GREATER. 9. ALL METAL MECHANICAL RESTRAINTS, UNDER GROUND BOLTS AND STAINLESS STEEL SWEEPS SHALL BE WRAPPED IN PROTECTIVE PLASTIC OR OTHER APPROVED CORROSION RETARDING MATERIAL. 10. ALL WATERLINES EXTENDING UNDER ROADWAY SURFACES SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM COVER OF 3 INCHES MEASURED FROM THE TOP OF PIPE TO FINISH GRADE. 11. THERE SHALL BE A MINIMUM VERTICAL CLEARANCE OF 12 INCHES BETWEEN FIRE LINES AND ALL OTHER UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. THE 12 INCHES OF CLEARANCE IS MEASURED FROM OUTSIDE OF PIPE TO OUTSIDE OF OTHER UTILITY. 12. FIRE HYDRANTS: THE MINIMUM SIZE FIRE HYDRANT SHALL BE SUPER FIRE HYDRANTS (6"X 4"X 2J"X2"). DEPENDING ON FLOW REQUIREMENTS AN ENHANCED SUPER HYDRANT (6"X4"X4"X24") MAY BE REQUIRED. ALL PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANTS SHALL BE PAINTED RED AND PROVIDED WITH OSFM "NEW" SERVICE TAG AT TIME OF FINAL INSPECTION. 13, BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES: PRIVATE FIRE MAINS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH A LISTED BACKFLOW PREVENTER ACCEPTED BY THE PUBLIC WATER AGENCY TO WHICH THE PRIVATE FIRE MAIN IS BEING SUPPLIED FROM. AT LEAST ONE INDICATING VALVE SHALL BE INCLUDED AS PART OF ABOVE -GROUND ASSEMBLIES. BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLIES SHALL NOT BE LOCATED WITHIN 40 FEET, OR THE HEIGHT OF THE FACING WALL, OF THE BUILDINGS) THAT IT SERVES. 14. SECTIONAL VALVES: WHEN A PRIVATE FIRE MAIN SERVES SIX OR MORE APPURTENANCES, SECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE INSTALLED. CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE INDICATING UNLESS OTHERWISE APPROVED -BY THE AHJ. SECTIONAL CONTROL VALVES SHALL BE LOCATED SO THAT NO MORE THAN FIVE FIRE APPURTENANCES ARE AFFECTED BY SHUT -DOWN OF ANY SINGLE PORTION OF THE FIRE SERVICE MAIN. 15. IMPACT PROTECTION: ON SITE FIRE HYDRANTS, POST INDICATOR VALVES AND FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS LOCATED LESS THAN THREE FEET BEHIND THE FACE OF CURB OR WHEN NO CURB IS PROVIDED SHALL BE PROTECTED BY GUARD POSTS SET IN CONCRETE TO THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS: CONSTRUCTION OF STEEL NOT LESS THAN 4 INCHES IN DIAMETER AND CONCRETE FILLED SPACED NOT MORE THAT 3 FEET BETWEEN POSTS ON CENTER SET NOT LESS THAN 3 FEET DEEP IN CONCRETE FOOTING OF NOT LESS THAN A 15 INCHED DIAMETER SET WITH THE TOP OF THE POSTS NOT LESS THAN 3 FEET ABOVE GROUND LOCATED NOT LESS THAN 3 FEET FROM TAE FIRE HYDRANTS, POST INDICATOR VALVES AND FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS ALL GUARD POSTS SHALL BE PAINTED YELLOW. 16. BACKFILL: BACKFILL SHALL BE WELL TAMPED IN LAYERS OR PUDDLE UNDER AND AROUND PIPES TO PREVENT SETTLEMENT OR LATERAL MOVEMENT. BACKFILL SHALL CONSIST OF CLEAN FILL SAND OR PEA GRAVEL TO A MINIMUM 6 INCHES BELOW AND TO A MINIMUM OF 12 INCHES ABOVE THE PIPE AND SHALL CONTAIN NO ASHES, CINDERS, REFUSE, ORGANIC MATTER, OR OTHER CORROSIVE MATERIALS. OTHER BACKFILL MATERIALS ARE PERMITTED WHERE DESIGNED BY A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER AND APPROVED BY THE ENFORCING AGENCY. 17. FIRE RISER ACCESS: AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM RISERS SHALL NOT BE OBSTRUCTED IN ANY MANNER. IF A SYSTEM RISER IS TO BE CONCEALED BY MEANS OF A WALL, SOFFIT, COLUMN, OR OTHER BUILDING CONSTRUCTION, IT SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH EIGHTEEN (18) INCH CLEARANCE TO EACH SIDE AND TO THE FRONT OF THE SYSTEM RISER. ACCESS SHALL BE PROVIDED BY MEANS OF A DOOR WITH THE MINIMUM DIMENSIONS TWO (2) FEET SIX (6) INCHES IN WIDTH BY SIX (6) FEET 8) EIGHT INCHES IN HEIGHT. 18. FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS: EACH SEPARATE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM RISER (NOT ON MANIFOLD) SHALL BE PROVED WITH A FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION (FDC). THE FDC SHALL BE LOCATED WITHIN 200 FEET OF A PUBLIC OR APPROVED FIRE HYDRANT, WHEN MEASURED AS A HOSE WOULD LAY ALONG AN APPROVED ROUTE. THE FDC SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE STREET SIDE OF BUILDINGS. SYSTEMS SERVING STANDPIPES SHALL BE SIZED TO SUPPLY THE SYSTEM PRESSURE AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS BASED ON ONE 2 J" CONNECTION FOR EACH 250 GALLONS PER MINUTE REQUIRED. AT A MINIMUM, A 2 J"X2 J"X4" FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION SHALL BE PROVIDED. 19. APPLICANT SHALL COORDINATE POINT OF CONNECTION OF UNDERGROUND WATER SYSTEMS WITH APPLICABLE WATER AGENCY. SUCH COORDINATION MAY INCLUDED, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: ADDITIONAL FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS, FACILITY DESIGN, PLAN REVIEW, AND FACILITY TESTING. 20. INSPECTIONS: THE FOLLOWING INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED: THRUST BLOCK PRE -POUR, RESTRAINT, PIPING MATERIAL, TRENCH, AND BACKFILL INSPECTION REQUIRED PRIOR TO BACKFILLING UNDERGROUND HYDROSTATIC TEST PER NFPA 24 FOR 2 HOURS UNDERGROUND FLUSH OF ALL AFFECTED PIPING UNTIL CLEAR. REQUIRED PRIOR TO CONNECTION OF ANY OVERHEAD PIPING. UNDERGROUND FINAL - A COPY OF THE "CONTRACTORS MATERIAL AND TEST CERTIFICATE FOR UNDERGROUND PIPING" SHALL BE PROVIDED. VALVE AND CONNECTION SIGNAGE IS IN PLACE. BLUE REFLECTOR HYDRANT MARKERS ARE INSTALLED IN THE ADJOINING ROADWAY. PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANTS ARE PAINTED RED AND PROVIDED WITH OSFM "NEW" SERVICE TAGS. CONTACT TO OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE TO SCHEDULE INSPECTIONS. THRUST CONSTRUCT z BEARING SYMMETRICAL Viii XA A017. AROUND PIPE. THRU BEARI AREA TYP) TEE OR PLUG CROSS WITH VALVE APPROVAL BY: oQgOFESSlOy9! Michael Baker 1 N T E R N AT 1 0 N A L9 04 No. 043090 75-410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 B1R`YAr4rMCKINNEY Palm Desert, CA 92211 CITY ENGINEER Phone: (760) 346-7481 MBAKERINTL.COM R.C.E. No. 49418 DRAWN DESIGNED DESCRIPTION APP'D DATE qrP CF CAI EIth, fr!Y 05/25/21 JR/KE R E V I S 1 0 N S MICHAEL TYLMAN RCE NO. C43090, EXP. 3/31/2022 DATE: I SCALE AS NOTED CHECKED RV THRUST BEARING AREA 4 BARS EPDXY COATED) HOOK ENDS 6" MIN. CONCRETE THRUST Imo- BLOCK VERTICAL BEND 1 SECTION 9 4 REBAR CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK THRUST BLOCK DETAILS CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA S H E E T PRIVATE ON-SITE UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN 9SILVERROCKRESORT DATE S/Z OF 9 SHEETS MONTAGE HOTEL, SPA AND GUESTROOMS DWG. NAME EXP. 09/30/2022 DETAIL SHEET JOB NUMBER 161178 LOCATED WITHIN SW 1/4 OF SEC. 5 & NW, NE & SE 1/4 OF SEC. 8, T.6S.,R.7E., S.B.B.& M. FILE NO. DATE May 2021 FOR' SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC SW2019-0001 CV CD CV 00 LO If, 29 12" MIN. THRUST f= REDUCER BEEARAIN( 4 BARS EPDXY COATED) HOOK ENDS 6" MIN. CONCRETE THRUST Imo- BLOCK VERTICAL BEND 1 SECTION 9 4 REBAR CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK THRUST BLOCK DETAILS CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA S H E E T PRIVATE ON-SITE UTILITY IMPROVEMENT PLAN 9SILVERROCKRESORT DATE S/Z OF 9 SHEETS MONTAGE HOTEL, SPA AND GUESTROOMS DWG. NAME EXP. 09/30/2022 DETAIL SHEET JOB NUMBER 161178 LOCATED WITHIN SW 1/4 OF SEC. 5 & NW, NE & SE 1/4 OF SEC. 8, T.6S.,R.7E., S.B.B.& M. FILE NO. DATE May 2021 FOR' SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC SW2019-0001 CV CD CV 00 LO If, 29 Project Name: Montage Hotel and Spa Project Number: 210425 To Contact From Contact Gensler Teaka McCarthy R.D. Olson Construction, Inc.Sam Sheinberg teaka_mccarthy@gensler. com ssheinberg@rdolson.com QUESTION Response due by: 8/9/2021 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION RFI # 047 Re: Thrust Block Conflict with Domestic and Fire Water Lines Date: 8/2/2021 Ref: Per today's Fire Water "kick off meeting" with RDOC (8/2/21), there are areas where the thrust block may cover adjacent Fire and Domestic Water Lines. A similar condition also occurs at the Cart Bridge. Please advise if it is acceptable to use Mechanical Restraints in these areas ILO Thrust Blocks. If so, please provide details and spacing requirements, in and out of directional changes. Provide update sheets as required. ANSWER Date Answered: 400 SPECTRUM CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 1200 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92618 TEL: 949-474-2001 WEBSITE: WWW.RDOLSON.COM Name: Gensler RESPONSE PROVIDED BY: Scope of Work ScheduleImpactsCost Restrained Joints are acceptable provided they are installed per the attached detail. Please see the attached Restrained Joint Table for PVC piping. Rich Vaughn Michael Baker 08-04-2021 Confirm compliance needs What calculation method? Provide applicable reference of the design parameters. Does the manufacturer of the bell-restraints have their own design parameters? Confirm compliance with project conditions This is referencing a Water Department specification that is not applicable here. NFPA 24 10.8 and 10.9 amended sections are applicable. Need to incorporate the appropriate details and specifications into the project plan set specific to the Private Fire Main Permit. *Communicate and determine if will affect the Engineering Mylars for the On-site Utility plans recorded by the City. Provide manufacturer specifications and design guidelines for the bell restraints, specifically Normal concrete thrust blocks will be utilized. Line to be 100% restrained. JRCAT21.02 ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 39 Joint Restraint Products The Series 1000 provides joint restraint between PVC pipe and ductile iron fittings. The device works with fittings with either mechanical joint ends or push-on, and it may be installed on new or existing systems. Mechanical joint restraints totally eliminate the need for thrust blocks. The restraints have internal serrations that lock onto the pipe and give 360 degrees of contact and pipe wall support. These restraints may be used with PVC pipe made to either a CIOD or IPS OD diameter regimen. INFORMATION Can be Installed on New or Existing Systems • 360° contact, no pipe distortion or point loading and supports the wall of the pipe • Made of Ductile Iron - ASTM Grade A536, Grade 65-45-12 • Restrainers work with Mechanical Joint Fittings (Table A) or Push-On Fittings (Table B). • All restrainers are machined to exact tolerances. • Rated pressures carry a 2:1 safety factor. • Can be installed outside the trench, to ease installation • Maintains full deflection on Mechanical Joint and Push-On Fittings • T-Bolts/Rods/Hex Nuts: low alloy steel per ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 • Clamping Bolts: SAE J429 Grade 5 • Series 1000C is approved by Factory Mutual Research in sizes 4" - 6" for use on C900 PVC DR18 for 150 PSI. • Standard color is Graphite Black (RAL 9011). • Casting halves for IPS PVC pipe are painted Moss Green (RAL 6005). FEATURES & ADVANTAGES SAMPLE SPECIFICATIONS PVC restraint devices shall be manufactured of high strength ductile iron in accordance to ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 for all sizes. Internal serrations will be machined to provide exact tolerances to provide 360° contact and support of the pipe wall. PVC Restraint devices shall have a safety factor of 2:1 over the pressure rating. 6" Series 1000C for DI OD PVC Pipe Sizes 4" - 48" 1000C Restrainers for AWWA C900 PVC Pipe and MJ or Push-On Fittings 1000S Restrainer for IPS PVC and MJ or Push-On Fittings Pipe Restrainers series 1000 6" 1000C with MJ Fitting ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 40 Joint Restraint Products JRCAT21.02 Table A - Pressure Rating (PSI) For PVC Pipe To Ductile Iron MJ Fitting Connections NOM. SIZE (IN.) AWWA C900 (CIOD) AWWA C909 PVCO ASTMD2241*(IPS OD)IPEX PVCO JM EAGLE PVCO DR14 DR17 DR18 DR21 DR25 DR27.5 DR32.5 DR41 DR51 PC235 PC235 PC165 SDR 17 SDR 21 SDR 26 4 200 -150 -100 -------250 200 1606200-150 -100 -------250 200 160 8 200 -150 -100 -------250 200 160 10 200 -150 -100 -------250 200 160 12 200 -150 -100 -------250 200 160 14 305 250 235 200 165 ----235 ----- 16 -250 235 200 165 ----200 -165 --- 18 -250 235 200 165 ----200 ----- 20 --235 200 165 ---------- 24 --235 200 165 ---------- 30 --235 200 165 150 125 100 80 ------ 36 --235 200 165 150 125 100 80 ------ 42 ---200 165 150 125 100 80 ------ 48 ----165 150 125 100 80 ------ Table B - Pressure Rating (PSI) For PVC Pipe To Ductile Iron Push-On Fitting Connections NOM. SIZE (IN.) AWWA C900 (CIOD)ASTMD2241**(IPS OD) DR14 DR17 DR18 DR21 DR25 DR27.5 DR32.5 DR41 DR51 SDR 17 SDR 21 SDR 26 4 200 -150 -100 ----250 200 1606200-150 -100 ----250 200 160 8 200 -150 -100 ----250 200 160 10 100 -75 -50 ----125 100 80 12 100 -75 -50 ----125 100 80 * Transition Gasket Required ** Transition Push-On Gasket Required TECHNICAL INFORMATION NOM.SIZE PVC PIPE WITH DUCTILE IRON PIPE O.D. STYLE 1000C PVC PIPE WITH STEEL PIPE O.D. STYLE 1000S A BAPPROX.CMAX. RESTRAINT BOLTS/RODS CLAMPING BOLTS APPROX WT. (LBS)O.D. O.D.QTY SIZE QTY SIZE 4 4.80 4.50 1.12 9.12 6.00 2 3/4 x 7 2 5/8 x 3 1/2 8 6 6.90 6.63 1.15 11.12 6.00 2 3/4 x 7 2 5/8 x 3 1/2 10 8 9.05 8.63 1.47 14.75 6.00 2 3/4 x 7 2 3/4 x 4 15 10 11.10 10.75 1.38 16.82 6.00 4 3/4 x 7 2 7/8 x 5 25 12 13.20 12.75 1.42 19.46 6.00 4 3/4 x 7 2 7/8 x 5 27 14 15.30 N/A 4.00 22.68 15.00 6 3/4 x 17 4 7/8 x 7 68 16 17.40 N/A 3.75 24.65 15.00 6 3/4 x 17 4 7/8 x 6 1/2 62 18 19.50 N/A 4.25 26.65 15.00 8 3/4 x 17 4 7/8 x 6 1/2 78 20 21.60 N/A 5.00 28.88 22.00 8 3/4 x 24 4 1 1/8 x 8 1/2 113 24 25.80 N/A 5.00 33.98 22.00 12 3/4 x 24 4 1 1/8 x 8 1/2 145 30 32.00 N/A 7.00 42.48 22.00 12 1 x 24 6 1 1/8 x 6 247 36 38.30 N/A 7.00 48.61 22.00 12 1 x 24 6 1 1/8 x 6 304 42 44.50 N/A 11.00 57.00 26.00 16 1-1/4 x 30 6 1 1/2 x 10 1003 48 50.80 N/A 11.00 63.88 26.00 16 1-1/4 x 30 6 1 1/2 x 10 1166 PIPE RESTRAINERS 1000 SPECIFICATIONS* *All dimensions in inches except where indicated. Sizes 4" - 48" 1000C Restrainers for AWWA C900 PVC Pipe and MJ or Push-On Fittings 1000S Restrainer for IPS PVC and MJ or Push-On Fittings Pipe Restrainers series 1000 ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 41 JRCAT21.02 Joint Restraint Products STEP 1 Insert pipe into the MJ fitting bell. Then insert one of the long T-bolts/rods provided through one of the holes. Mark a line 1 1/4" away from the end of the T-bolt/rod and towards the MJ bell as shown. Assemble the MJ joint using the gland, gasket and T-bolts to AWWA standards. Assemble the restrainer on the pipe while making sure restrainer ears line up with the bolt holes of the MJ gland. Evenly tighten the restrainer clamping bolts to recommended torque, ensuring the gap between pads on both sides remain even. Insert one of the long T-bolts/rods provided, installing one nut each between the gland and the restrainer as shown. Follow the same procedure for remaining long T-bolts/rods. Tighten nuts against MJ Gland to AWWA standards. (See table for T bolt/nut torque details ) Place a washer (Provided and required only for sizes 8"-12") on each end of restrainer ear as shown. Snug the second nut on each long T-bolt/rod against the restrainer as shown. Caution: Do not over - tighten restraining nuts. Turn nut to hand tight plus half turn. STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 1 Insert pipe into the MJ fitting bell. Then insert one of the provided long restraint rods through one of the flange holes to mark a line about 1" away from the end of the bolt and towards the MJ socket as shown. Assemble the MJ joint using the gland, gasket and T-bolts to AWWA standards. Assemble the restrainer on the pipe so that it is even with the marked line on the pipe while making sure restrainer ears line up with the bolt holes of the MJ gland. Evenly tighten the restrainer clamping bolts to recommended torque (see Table B). Insert one of the long rods provided, installing one nut each between the gland and the restrainer as shown. Follow the same procedure for remaining long rods. Tighten nuts against MJ Gland to AWWA standards (see table A). T-bolts should be tightened alternately on opposite sides (Star Pattern). Snug tighten the second nut on each rod against the restrainer as shown. Caution: Do not over-tighten the restrainer nuts. Turn nut to hand tight plus half turn. STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 (TABLE A) T-HEAD BOLT & NUT DETAILS PIPE SIZE (IN) BOLT SIZE (IN) RANGE1 OF TORQUE (FT-LBS) 4-24 3/4 75-90 30-36 1 100-120 42-48 1 1/4 120-150 1These torque ranges are requirements of AWWA C600 (TABLE B) CLAMPING BOLTS RECOMMENDED TORQUE PIPE SIZE (IN) RANGE OF TORQUE (FT-LBS) 4-12 90-110 14-36 130 min. 42-48 300-350 4"-12" SERIES 1000 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR MJ FITTINGS 14"- 48" SERIES 1000 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR MJ FITTINGS RECOMMENDED TORQUE (CLAMPING BOLTS) PIPE SIZE (IN) RANGE OF TORQUE (FT-LBS) 4"-12"90-110 T-HEAD NUT & BOLT DETAILS PIPE SIZE (IN) BOLT SIZE (IN) RANGE OF TORQUE (FT. LBS) 4"-12"3/4 75-90 Washer required & provided only for sizes 8" to 12" Sizes 4" - 48" 1000C Restrainers for AWWA C900 PVC Pipe and MJ or Push-On Fittings 1000S Restrainer for IPS PVC and MJ or Push-On Fittings Pipe Restrainers series 1000 ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 42 JRCAT21.02 Insert pipe into the fitting bell according to standard procedure. Use one of the T-bolts (provided) as an alignment guide to position serrated restrainer on pipe. Leave sufficient room for threads on the rod ends to fully engage nuts (provided). Full engagement occurs when there are at least two threads showing past the nut on the bolt. Assemble the restrainer on the pipe as shown above. Make sure that the entire length of all the serrations are in contact with the pipe before installing the clamping bolts. Tighten the clamping bolts evenly between 90 and 110 ft-lbs of torque. Make sure the gap between the bolt pads on both sides remain the same. Insert the restraining T-bolts (provided) through the fitting lugs and the restrainer as shown. Snug tighten the nuts so that the spigot end is secured into the bell end. CAUTION: Do not over-tighten restraint nuts. Turn nuts to hand tight plus half a turn. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 4"-12" SERIES 1000 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR PUSH-ON FITTINGS • Not recommended for use with Push-On fittings in sizes 14-inch and larger. Notes: Joint Restraint Products 1000C Restrainers for AWWA C900 PVC Pipe and MJ or Push-On Fittings 1000S Restrainer for IPS PVC and MJ or Push-On Fittings Pipe Restrainers series 1000 Sizes 4" - 12" JRCAT21.02 ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 43 Joint Restraint Products The Series 1100 provides joint restraint for PVC pipe-to-pipe joints, and it may be installed on new or existing systems. Joint restraints totally eliminate the need for thrust blocks. The restraints have internal serrations that lock onto the pipe and give 360 degrees of contact and pipe wall support. These restraints may be used with PVC pipe made to either a CIOD or IPS OD diameter regimen. See the table below for the product’s rated pressure. INFORMATION PVC restraint devices shall be manufactured of high strength ductile iron in accordance to ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 for all sizes. Internal serrations will be machined to provide exact tolerances to provide 360° contact and support of the pipe wall. PVC Restraint devices shall have a safety factor of 2:1 over the pressure rating. Can be Installed on New or Existing Systems • 360° contact, no pipe distortion or point loading • Made of Ductile Iron - ASTM Grade 536, Grade 65-45-12 • Restrainers work with Push-On Pipe Bells. • All restrainers are machined to exact tolerances. • Rated pressures carry a 2:1 safety factor. • Can be installed outside the trench, to ease installation • T-Bolts/Rods/Hex Nuts: low alloy steel per ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 • Clamping Bolts: SAE J429 Grade 5 • Series 1100C is approved by Factory Mutual Research in sizes 4"-6" for use on C900 PVC DR18, for 150 PSI. • Available in sizes 4"-48" • Standard color is Graphite Black (RAL 9011). • Casting halves for IPS PVC pipe are painted Moss Green (RAL 6005). FEATURES & ADVANTAGES 6" Series 1100C for C900/C900 PVC Pipe SAMPLE SPECIFICATIONS 6" 1100C on pipe bell 1100C Bell Restrainers for AWWA C900 PVC Pipe and 1100S Bell Joint for IPS PVC Pipe Pipe Restrainers series 1100 Sizes 4" - 48" ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 44 Joint Restraint Products JRCAT21.02 4" - 12" Sizes 14" - 48" Sizes Standardized Pressure Ratings** NOM. SIZE (IN.) AWWA C900 (CIOD) AWWA C909 PVCO ASTMD2241*(IPS OD)IPEX PVCO JM EAGLE PVCO DR14 DR17 DR18 DR21 DR25 DR27.5 DR32.5 DR41 DR51 PC235 PC235 PC165 SDR 17 SDR 21 SDR 26 4 200 -150 -100 -------250 200 160 6 200 -150 -100 -------250 200 160 8 200 -150 -100 -------250 200 160 10 200 -150 -100 -------250 200 160 12 200 -150 -100 -------250 200 160 14 305 250 235 200 165 ----235 ----- 16 -250 235 200 165 ----200 -165 --- 18 -250 235 200 165 ----200 ----- 20 --235 200 165 ---------- 24 --235 200 165 ---------- 30 --235 200 165 150 125 100 80 ------ 36 --235 200 165 150 125 100 80 ------ 42 ---200 165 150 125 100 80 ------ 48 ----165 150 125 100 80 ------ * Transition Push-On Gasket Required *All dimensions in inches except where indicated. NOM.SIZE PVC PIPE WITH DUCTILE IRON PIPE O.D. STYLE 1100C PVC PIPE WITH STEEL PIPE O.D. STYLE 1100S A BAPPROX.CMAX. RESTRAINT BOLTS/RODS CLAMPING BOLTS APPROX WT. (LBS)O.D. O.D.QTY SIZE QTY SIZE 4 4.80 4.50 1.12 9.12 15.00 2 3/4 x17 4 5/8 x 3 1/2 16 6 6.90 6.63 1.15 11.12 15.00 2 3/4 x 17 4 5/8 x 3 1/2 20 8 9.05 8.63 1.47 14.75 15.00 2 3/4 x 17 4 3/4 x 4 32 10 11.10 10.75 1.38 16.82 22.00 4 3/4 x 24 4 7/8 x 5 52 12 13.20 12.75 1.42 19.46 22.00 4 3/4 x 24 4 7/8 x 5 56 14 15.30 N/A 4.00 22.68 27.00 6 3/4 x 30 8 7/8 x 7 150 16 17.40 N/A 3.75 24.65 27.00 6 3/4 x 30 8 7/8 x 6 1/2 117 18 19.50 N/A 4.25 26.65 27.00 8 3/4 x 30 8 7/8 x 6 1/2 147 20 21.60 N/A 5.00 28.88 33.00 8 3/4 x 36 8 1 1/8 x 8 1/2 206 24 25.80 N/A 5.00 33.98 33.00 12 3/4 x 36 8 1 1/8 x 8 1/2 265 30 32.00 N/A 7.00 42.48 44.00 12 1 x 48 12 1 1/8 x 6 492 36 38.30 N/A 7.00 48.61 44.00 12 1 x 48 12 1 1/8 x 6 561 42 44.50 N/A 11.00 57.00 50.00 16 1 1/4 x 54 12 1 1/2 x 10 1916 48 50.80 N/A 11.00 63.88 50.00 16 1 1/4 x 54 12 1 1/2 x 10 2242 PIPE RESTRAINERS 1100 SPECIFICATIONS* TECHNICAL INFORMATION **For ordinary water works with transient surges only. Ratings are for PVC pipes with SERIES 1100 Restrainer. 1100C Bell Restrainers for AWWA C900 PVC Pipe and 1100S Bell Joint for IPS PVC Pipe Pipe Restrainers series 1100 Sizes 4" - 48" ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 45 JRCAT21.02 Joint Restraint Products STEP 1 Assemble the spigot end of first pipe into the pipe bell using standard procedure per pipe manufacturer. Assemble one restrainer behind the bell of pipe as shown above. The flat side of the restrainer ears must face away from the assembled joint. Make sure that the entire length of all the serrations are in contact with the pipe before installing the clamping bolts. Evenly tighten the restrainer clamping bolts to the recommended torque, Table B. Then insert one of the restraint rods (provided) through one of the restrainer holes. Mark a line away from the end of the rod and towards the end of the spigot that allows sufficient room for threads on the rod ends to fully engage nuts (provided). Full engagement occurs when there are at least two threads showing past the nut on the rod. Assemble the second restrainer even with the mark on the spigot end of pipe. Use one of the provided restraining rods as a guide to align restraint holes. Tighten clamping bolts to the recommended torque (see Table B) on the second restrainer after it is aligned with the first one. Insert the restraining rods through the restrainers as shown. Snug tighten the remaining nuts behind each restraint so that the spigot end is secured into the bell end. Caution: Do not over-tighten the restrainer nuts. Turn nut to hand tight plus half turn. STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 (TABLE B) CLAMPING BOLTS RECOMMENDED TORQUE PIPE SIZE (IN) RANGE OF TORQUE (FT-LBS) 4-12 90-110 14-36 130 min. 42-48 300-350 Washer required and provided only for sizes 8" - 12" STEP 1 STEP 4 Assemble one restrainer behind the bell of pipe. Evenly tighten the restrainer clamping bolts to the recommended torque, ensuring the gap between pads on both sides remain even. Use one of the Restraint rods as a guide to position Restraint on spigot end. Mark a reference line such that the Restraint rod ends extend past each nut approximately 0.50". NOTE: Due to variability of PVC Pipe bell lengths, please contact Star Pipe Products if rod lengths are short. Assemble the second restrainer on the spigot end of pipe. After aligning second restrainer with the first one, tighten the clamping bolts to the recommended torque evenly such that the gap between pads on both sides remain even . Assemble the spigot end of first pipe into the second pipe bell using standard procedure per pipe manufacturer. Insert the restraining rods through the restrainer ears. Place a washer (Provided and required only for sizes 8"-12") on each end of restrainer ear as shown. Snug tighten all nuts such that rods stick out approximately 0.50" past the nut on each end. Caution: Do not over - tighten restraining nuts. Turn nut to hand tight plus half turn. STEP 2 STEP 3 4" - 12" SERIES 1100 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 14" - 48" SERIES 1100 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS RECOMMENDED TORQUE (CLAMPING BOLTS) PIPE SIZE (IN) RANGE OF TORQUE (FT-LBS) 4"-12"90-110 1100C Bell Restrainers for AWWA C900 PVC Pipe and 1100S Bell Joint for IPS PVC Pipe Pipe Restrainers series 1100 Sizes 4" - 48" ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 46 JRCAT21.02 NOTES: ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 47 JRCAT21.02 Joint Restraint Products Pipe restraining devices shall be manufactured of high strength ductile iron in accordance to ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 for all sizes. Internal serrations will be machined to provide exact tolerance to provide 360° contact and support of the pipe well. Pipe restraining devices shall have a safety factor of 2:1 over the pressure rating. • • Castings made of Ductile Iron - ASTM A536, Grade 65-45-12 • Restrainers work with Mechanical Joint Fittings (Table A), Push-On Fittings (Table B), and Pipe-to-Pipe connections (Table A). Ductile iron pipe to be manufactured in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51. • All restrainers are machined to exact tolerances • Maintains full deflection on Mechanical Joint and Push-On Fittings • T-Bolts/Rods/Hex Nuts: Low alloy steel per ASTM/AWWA C111/A21.11 • Clamping Bolts: SAE J429 Grade 5 FEATURES & ADVANTAGES SAMPLE SPECIFICATIONS • Not recommended for installations on machined end pipe or fittings • Installation requires the clamping bolts to be installed to the torque shown in Table A & B on next page. • Installation and testing to be in accordance with the latest version of ANSI/AWWA C600 • For higher pressure requirements, please contact Star® Pipe Products • Pipe hardness not to exceed 230 BHN. • Not recommended for use with Push-On fittings in sizes 14-inch and larger. Notes: Pipe restrainers for ductile iron pipe-to-pipe joints, ductile iron pipe to mechanical joint fitting connections, or ductile iron to push-on fitting joints. Pipe restrainers can be installed on new or existing systems, totally eliminating the use of thrust blocks. These restrainers have internal serrations that lock onto the pipe and give 360° contact and support the pipe wall. INFORMATION For Use on Ductile Iron Pipe Above Image Represents a 6" Series 1100C 1000C & 1100C For Use On Ductile Iron Pipe Pipe Restrainers series 1000C & 1100C Sizes 4" - 16" ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 48 JRCAT21.02 NOMINAL SIZE MAXIMUM PRESSURE RATINGS (PSI) CLAMP BOLT TORQUE (FT-LBS) 4" - 8"250 110 min. 10" - 12"200 110 min. 14"150 200 min. 16"100 200 min. NOMINAL SIZE MAXIMUM PRESSURE RATINGS (PSI) CLAMP BOLT TORQUE (FT-LBS) 4" - 8"250 110 min. 10" - 12"100 110 min. TABLE A - Pressure Rating For Ductile Iron Pipe-To-Pipe Connections and Ductile Iron Pipe to MJ Fitting Connections TABLE B - Pressure Rating For DI Pipe To Ductile Iron Push-On Fitting Connections Joint Restraint Products TECHNICAL INFORMATION 1000C & 1100C For Use On Ductile Iron Pipe Pipe Restrainers series 1000C & 1100C Sizes 4" - 16" JRCAT21.02 ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 49 Joint Restraint Products Pressure Rating (PSI) For PVC Pipe To PVC Pressure Fitting Connections NOM. SIZE (IN.) AWWA C900 (CIOD) DR14 DR17 DR18 DR21 DR25 DR27.5 DR32.5 DR41 DR51 4 200 -150 -100 ---- 6 200 -150 -100 ---- 8 200 -150 -100 ---- PVC Restrainers are for restraining bell joints between AWWA C900 PVC pipe and PVC pressure fittings. The PVC pressure fitting may be PC235 psi molded AWWA C907 PVC pressure fittings or PR235 psi fabricated PVC pressure fittings. PVC restrainers can be installed on new or existing systems, totally eliminating the use of thrust blocks. These restrainers have internal serrations that lock onto the pipe and give 360° contact and support the pipe wall. INFORMATION PVC restraint devices shall be manufactured of high strength ductile iron in accordance to ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 for all sizes. Internal serrations will be machined to provide exact tolerances to provide 360° contact and support of the pipe wall. PVC Restraint devices shall have a safety factor of 2:1 over the pressure rating. • • 360° contact, no pipe distortion or point loading • Made of Ductile Iron - ASTM Grade 536, Grade 65-45-12 • Restrainers work with either -- PC235 psi molded AWWA C907 PVC pressure fittings or -- PR235 psi fabricated PVC pressure fittings. • All restrainers are machined to exact tolerances. • Supports wall of pipe with 360 degree contact • Can be installed outside the trench, to ease installation • T-Bolts/Rods/Hex Nuts: low alloy steel per ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 • Clamping Bolts: SAE J429 Grade5 • Standard gland color is Graphite Black (RAL 9011). FEATURES & ADVANTAGES 6" 1200C Restrainers for C900/C900 PVC Pipe 6" 1200C on PVC Fitting Can be Installed on New or Existing Systems SAMPLE SPECIFICATIONS 1200C Restrainers for PVC Pipe and PVC Pressure Fittings w/Ductile Iron Pipe OD Pipe Restrainers series 1200 Sizes 4" - 8" ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 50 Joint Restraint Products JRCAT21.02 TECHNICAL INFORMATION NOM.SIZE PVC PIPE WITH DUCTILE IRON PIPE O.D. STYLE 1200C PVC FITTINGBELL OD "D"A BAPPROX.CMAX. RESTRAINT BOLTS/RODS CLAMPING BOLTS APPROX WT.(LBS)O.D. MIN MAX QTY SIZE QTY SIZE 4 4.80 5.44 5.61 1.12 9.12 6.00 2 3/4 x 9 4 5/8 x 3-1/2 13.8 6 6.90 7.84 8.03 1.15 11.12 6.00 2 3/4 x 9 4 5/8 x 3-1/2 17.0 8 9.05 10.29 10.55 1.47 14.75 8.00 2 3/4 x 12 4 3/4 x 4 28.0 PIPE RESTRAINERS 1200 SPECIFICATIONS* *All dimensions in inches except where indicated. 1200C Restrainers for PVC Pipe and PVC Pressure Fittings w/Ductile Iron Pipe OD Pipe Restrainers series 1200 Sizes 4" - 8" Joint Restraint Products 1200C Restrainers for PVC Pipe and PVC Pressure Fittings w/Ductile Iron Pipe OD Pipe Restrainers series 1200 ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 51 JRCAT21.02 STEP 1 STEP 3 Insert the pipe into fitting bell per fitting manufacturer’s instructions. Using one of the T-bolts / rods (provided) mark a reference line such that the T-bolts / rod end extends past the nut by approximately 1/2". Assemble harness behind the bell of fitting using supplied clamping bolts and nuts. Evenly tighten to recommended torque. Tighten serrated restrainer clamp bolts evenly to recommended torque making sure the gap between bolt pads on both sides remain even. Insert the T-bolts/rods (provided) through harness and restrainer as shown. Place a washer (Provided and required only for size 8") on each rod behind the serrated restrainer ears. Snug tighten the nuts so that the spigot end is secured into the bell end. Caution: Do not over - tighten restraining nuts. Turn nut to hand tight plus half turn. STEP 2 STEP 4 4"- 8" SERIES 1200 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS CLAMPING BOLTS RECOMMENDED TORQUE PIPE SIZE (IN) MINIMUM TORQUE (FT-LBS) 4"-8"90-110 STEP 5 Washer required & provided only for size 8" Sizes 4" - 8" ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 52 JRCAT21.02 NOTES: JRCAT21.02 ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 53 Joint Restraint Products 1200R Restrainers are for restraining IPEX Blue Brute® PVC Pressure Fittings to C900 PVC Pressure Pipe. These restraints have pressure ratings up to 235 psi. PVC restrainers can be installed on new or existing systems, totally eliminating the use of thrust blocks. These restrainers have internal serrations that lock onto the pipe and give 360° contact and support the pipe wall. INFORMATION PVC restraint devices shall be manufactured of high strength ductile iron in accordance to ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 for all sizes. Internal serrations will be machined to provide exact tolerances to provide 360° contact and support of the pipe wall. PVC Restraint devices shall possess a pressure rating equal that of the fitting on which it is used with a 2:1 safety factor. • • 360° contact, no pipe distortion or point loading • Made of Ductile Iron - ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12 • Restrainers work with IPEX Blue Brute® PVC Pressure Fittings and C900 PVC Pressure Pipe. • All restrainers are machined to exact tolerances. • Rated at the full rated pressure of IPEX PVC Pipe fitting or the C900 pipe being installed, whichever is less with a 2:1 Safety Factor • Supports wall of pipe with 360 degree contact • Can be installed outside the trench, to ease installation • Rods/Hex Nuts: Low Alloy Steel Per ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 • Clamping Bolts: SAE J429 Grade5 • Standard gland color is Graphite Black (RAL 9011). FEATURES & ADVANTAGES 1200R Restrainers for IPEXBlue Brute® 1200R on PVC Fitting Can be Installed on New or Existing Systems SAMPLE SPECIFICATIONS * Blue Brute® is a trademark of IPEX Branding, Inc. 1200R Restrainer only for IPEX Blue Brute® PVC Pressure Fittings Pipe Restrainers series 1200R Sizes 14" - 24" ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 54 Joint Restraint Products JRCAT21.02 + Derated due to rating of PVC pressure fitting. TECHNICAL INFORMATION NOM. SIZE1 PVC PIPE WITH DUCTILE IRON PIPE O.D. STYLE 1200C PVC FITTING BELL OD "D"A1 A2 B1 APPROX. B2 APPROX. C MAX. RESTRAINT BOLTS/ RODS CLAMPING BOLTS APPROX WT. (LBS)O.D. MIN. MAX. QTY SIZE QTY SIZE 14 15.30 17.28 17.73 4.00 3.75 22.68 25.27 21 6 3/4 x 24 8 7/8 x 7**130 16 17.40 19.64 20.17 3.75 3.75 24.65 27.71 27 6 3/4 x 30 8 7/8 x 6 1/2 123 18 19.50 22.25 22.50 4.25 4.00 26.65 30.04 27 8 3/4 x 30 8 7/8 x 6 1/2 150 20 21.60 25.00 25.25 5.00 5.00 28.88 32.79 27 8 3/4 x 30 8 1 1/8 x 8 1/2 220 24 25.80 30.00 30.25 5.00 5.00 33.98 37.93 33 12 3/4 x 36 8 1 1/8 x 8 1/2 290 PIPE RESTRAINERS 1200R SPECIFICATIONS* *All dimensions in inches except where indicated. ** Clamping bolt size for harness is 7/8 x 6 1/2 Pressure Rating (PSI) For PVC Pipe To PVC Pressure Fitting Connections* NOM.SIZE(IN.) AWWA C900 (CIOD) AWWAC909(CIOD) IPEX PVCO DR14+DR17+DR18 DR21 DR25 DR27.5 DR32.5 DR41 DR51 PV235 14 235 235 235 200 165 ----235 16 -235 235 200 165 ----200 18 -235 235 200 165 ----200 20 --235 200 165 ----- 24 --235 200 165 ----- *For ordinary water works with transient surges only. Ratings are for PVC pipes with SERIES 1200R Restrainer. Pipe Restrainers series 1200R 1200R Restrainer only for IPEX Blue Brute® PVC Pressure Fittings Sizes 14" - 24" Joint Restraint Products ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 55 JRCAT21.02 STEP 1 STEP 3 Insert the pipe into fitting bell according to standard procedure. Use one of the rods (provided) as an alighment guide to position serrated restrainer on pipe, leave sufficient threads on the rod ends to fully engage nuts (provided). Full engagement occurs when there are at least two threads showing past the nut on the rod. Assemble harness on the body of the fitting bell behind the hump of the gasket raceway using hex head clamping bolts and nuts. It must be oriented as shown above. The flat side of the restraint ears must face away from the assembled joint. Evenly tighten to recommended torque (Table A). Assemble the restraint on the pipe as shown above. The flat side of the restraint ears must face away from the assembled joint. Make sure that the entire length of all the serrations are in contact with the pipe before installing the clamping bolts. Tighten serrated restrainer clamping bolts evenly to recommended torque (Table A) making sure the gap between bolt pads on both sides remain same. Insert the restraining rods (provided) through restrainers as shown. Place a washer (provided) on each end of rod behind the restrainer ears. Snug tighten the nuts so that the spigot end is secured into the bell end. CAUTION: Do not over-tighten restraining nuts. Turn nut to hand tight plus one full. STEP 2 STEP 4 STEP 5 14"- 24" SERIES 1200R INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (TABLE A) CLAMPING BOLTS RECOMMENDED TORQUE PIPE SIZE (IN) MINIMUM TORQUE (FT-LBS) 14 - 24 130 Pipe Restrainers series 1200R 1200R Restrainer only for IPEX / Blue Brute® PVC Pressure Fittings Sizes 14" - 24" ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 56 JRCAT21.02 NOTES: ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 57 JRCAT21.02 Joint Restraint Products Second Generation (Gen 2) PVC Restrainers for restraining mechanical joint or ductile iron push-on fittings with PVC pipe. These restraints work in any type of soil for a guaranteed joint restraint with rated pressure as listed below. PVC restrainers can be installed on new or existing systems, totally eliminating the use of thrust blocks. These restrainers have internal serrations that lock onto the pipe and give 360° contact and support the pipe wall. INFORMATION Rated to the New, Higher Pressure Classes in Latest Editions of AWWA C900 and C909 • 360° contact, no pipe distortion or point loading and supports the wall of the pipe • Made of Ductile Iron - ASTM Grade A536, Grade 65-45-12 • Restrainers work with Mechanical Joint or Ductile Iron Push-On Fittings. • For use on 4" - 12" C900 PVC and C909 PVCO Pipe. • The safety factor is twice (2:1) the maximum pressure rating listed on next page. • Can be installed outside the trench, to ease installation • Maintains full deflection on Mechanical Joint and Ductile Iron Push-On Fittings • T-Bolts/Hex Nuts: low alloy steel per ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 • Clamping Bolts: SAE J429 Grade 5 • Series 1000G2 is approved by Factory Mutual Research in sizes 4" - 12" for use on C900 DR18 pipe for 150 PSI. • Standard color is Graphite Black (RAL 9011). • Originally introduced as the 9000, this improved design (Gen 2) provides increased performance and is rated to the new, higher pressure classes in latest editions of AWWA C900 and C909. FEATURES & ADVANTAGES SAMPLE SPECIFICATIONS PVC restraint devices shall be manufactured of high strength ductile iron in accordance to ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 for all sizes. Internal serrations will be provided with exact tolerances for a 360° contact and support of the pipe wall. PVC Restraint devices shall have a safety factor of 2:1 over the pipe pressure rating. 6" Series 1000G2C for C900 PVC Pipe/C909 PVCO Pipe 1000G2C Restrainers for AWWA CI OD C900/C909 PVC/PVCO Pipe with MJ or Ductile Iron Push-On Fittings (Formerly Series 9000) Pipe Restrainers series 1000G2 6" 1000G2C with MJ Fitting Sizes 4" - 12" ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 58 Joint Restraint Products JRCAT21.02 TECHNICAL INFORMATION NOM.SIZE PVC/PVCO PIPE WITH DUCTILE IRON PIPE O.D. STYLE 1000G2C A BAPPROX.CMAX. RESTRAINT BOLTS(T-BOLTS)CLAMPING BOLTS APPROX WT. (LBS) O.D. QTY SIZE QTY SIZE 4 4.80 1.44 9.32 6.00 2 3/4 x 7 2 5/8 x 3 1/2 7.24 6 6.90 1.50 11.26 6.00 2 3/4 x 7 2 5/8 x 3 1/2 8.10 8 9.05 2.00 14.76 8.00 2 3/4 x 9 2 3/4 x 4 14.92 10 11.10 2.38 17.26 8.00 4 3/4 x 9 2 7/8 x 5 26.49 12 13.20 2.38 20.00 8.00 4 3/4 x 9 2 7/8 x 5 30.67 PIPE RESTRAINERS 1000G2C SPECIFICATIONS* * All dimensions in inches except where indicated. Table A - Pressure Rating (PSI) For PVC Pipe To Ductile Iron MJ Fitting Connections* NOM. SIZE (IN.) AWWA C900 (CIOD) AWWA C909 PVCO IPEX PVCO JM EAGLE PVCO DR14 DR17 DR18 DR21 DR25 DR27.5 DR32.5 DR41 DR51 PC235 PC235 PC165 4 305 250 235 200 165 ----235 -- 6 305 250 235 200 165 ----235 235 - 8 305 250 235 200 165 ----235 235 - 10 305 250 235 200 165 ----235 235 - 12 305 250 235 200 165 ----235 235 - Table B - Pressure Rating (PSI) For PVC Pipe To Ductile Iron Push-On Fitting Connections* NOM. SIZE (IN.) AWWA C900 (CIOD) AWWA C909 PVCO IPEX PVCO JM EAGLE PVCO DR14 DR17 DR18 DR21 DR25 DR27.5 DR32.5 DR41 DR51 PC235 PC235 PC165 4 305 250 235 200 165 ----235 -- 6 305 250 235 200 165 ----235 235 - 8 305 250 235 200 165 ----235 235 - 10 150 125 115 100 80 ----100 100 - 12 150 125 115 100 80 ----100 100 - *For ordinary water works with transient surges only. Ratings are for PVC pipes with SERIES 1000G2 Restrainer. *For ordinary water works with transient surges only. Ratings are for PVC pipes with SERIES 1000G2 Restrainer. 1000G2C Restrainers for AWWA CI OD C900/C909 PVC/PVCO Pipe with MJ or Ductile Iron Push-On Fittings (Formerly Series 9000) Pipe Restrainers series 1000G2 Sizes 4" - 12" ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 59 JRCAT21.02 Joint Restraint Products Washer required & provided only for size 8" to 12" STEP 1 STEP 3 STEP 2 STEP 4 Insert and completely home the pipe into the MJ fitting bell. Then insert one of the long T-bolts/rods provided through one of the holes as shown. Mark a line 1 1/4" away from the end of the T-bolt/rod and towards the MJ bell as shown. Assemble the MJ joint using the gland, gasket and T-bolts per the AWWA standards and as modified for AWWA C909 pipe in these guidelines. (Note that the long T-bolts/rods are installed later.) Next, assemble the restrainer on the pipe so that it is even with the line marked on the pipe in Step No. 1. Make sure that the open ends of the restrainer ears are toward the MJ fitting bell. Also ensure that the holes in the restrainer ears line up with the bolt holes of the MJ gland. Evenly tighten the restrainer clamping bolts to the recommended torque shown below, ensuring the gap between pads on both sides remain even. Insert one of the long T-bolts/rods provided, installing one nut each between the gland and the restrainer as shown. Follow the same procedure for the remaining long T-bolts/rods. Tighten nuts against the MJ gland per the AWWA standards and as modified for AWWA C909 pipe in these guidelines. (See table for T-bolt/nut torque details.) Place a washer (Provided and required only for sizes 8"-12") on each end of restrainer ear as shown. Snug the second nut on each long T-bolt/rod against the restrainer. Caution: Do not over-tighten restraining nuts. Turn nut to hand tight plus a half turn. T-HEAD BOLT & NUT DETAILS PIPE SIZE (IN) BOLT SIZE (IN) RANGE OF TORQUE (FT-LBS) C900/DI PIPE C909 4-12 3/4 75 - 90 55 - 65 CLAMP BOLT TORQUE MINIMUM PIPE SIZE (IN) C900/C909 (FT-LBS) DI PIPE (FT-LBS) 4-10 100 110 12 130 130 4"-12" SERIES 1000G2 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS 1000G2C Restrainers for AWWA CI OD C900/C909 PVC/PVCO and Ductile Iron Pipe with MJ or Ductile Iron Push-On Fittings (Formerly Series 9000) Pipe Restrainers series 1000G2 Sizes 4" - 12" ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 60 JRCAT21.02 Joint Restraint Products 1000G2C Restrainers for AWWA CI OD C900/C909 PVC/PVCO and Ductile Iron Pipe with MJ or Ductile Iron Push-On Fittings (Formerly Series 9000) Pipe Restrainers series 1000G2 Sizes 4" - 12" Insert pipe into the fitting bell according to standard procedure. Use one of the T-bolts (provided) as an alignment guide to position serrated restrainer on pipe. Leave sufficient room for threads on the rod ends to fully engage nuts (provided). Full engagement occurs when there are at least two threads showing past the nut on the bolt. Assemble the restrainer on the pipe as shown above. Make sure that the entire length of all the serrations are in contact with the pipe before installing the clamping bolts. Tighten the clamping bolts evenly between 90 and 110 ft-lbs of torque. Make sure the gap between the bolt pads on both sides remain the same. Insert the restraining T-bolts (provided) through the fitting lugs and the restrainer as shown. Snug tighten the nuts so that the spigot end is secured into the bell end. CAUTION: Do not over-tighten restraint nuts. Turn nuts to hand tight plus half a turn. STEP 1 STEP 2 STEP 3 STEP 4 4"-12" SERIES 1000G2 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR PUSH-ON FITTINGS • Not recommended for use with Push-On fittings in sizes 14-inch and larger. Notes: ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 61 JRCAT21.02 Joint Restraint Products Sizes 4" - 12" Second Generation (Gen 2) PVC Restrainers for restraining PVC pipe bell joints. These restraints work in any type of soil for a guaranteed joint restraint with rated pressure as listed below. PVC restrainers can be installed on new or existing systems, totally eliminating the use of thrust blocks. These restrainers have internal serrations that lock onto the pipe and give 360° contact and support the pipe wall. Restraint devices may be used with any type of PVC piping system. INFORMATION PVC restraint devices shall be manufactured of high strength ductile iron in accordance to ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 for all sizes. Internal serrations will be provided with exact tolerances for a 360° contact and support of the pipe wall. PVC Restraint devices shall have a safety factor of 2:1 over the pressure rating. • 360° contact, no pipe distortion or point loading • Made of Ductile Iron - ASTM Grade 536, Grade 65-45-12 • Restrainers work with Push-On Pipe Bells. • For use on 4" - 12" C900 PVC and C909 PVCO pipe. • The safety factor is twice (2:1) the maximum pressure rating listed on next page. • Can be installed outside the trench, to ease installation • Rods/Hex Nuts: low alloy steel per ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 • Clamping Bolts: SAE J429 Grade 5 • Series 1100G2 is approved by Factory Mutual Research in sizes 4"- 12" for use on C900 PVC DR18 for 150 PSI. • Standard color is Graphite Black (RAL 9011). • Originally introduced as the 9100, this improved design (Gen 2) provides increased performance and is rated to the new, higher pressure classes in latest editions of AWWA C900 and C909*. FEATURES & ADVANTAGES 6" Series 1100G2C for C900 PVC/C909 PVCO Pipe SAMPLE SPECIFICATIONS 6" Series 1100G2C Rated to the New, Higher Pressure Classes in Latest Editions of AWWA C900 and C909* * See table on next page. 1100G2C Bell Restrainers for AWWA CI OD C900/C909 PVC/PVCO Pipe Joints (Formerly Series 9100) Pipe Restrainers series 1100G2 ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 62 Joint Restraint Products JRCAT21.02 Sizes 4" - 12" * All dimensions in inches except where indicated. NOM.SIZE PVC/PVCO PIPE WITH DUCTILE IRON PIPE O.D. STYLE 1100G2C A BAPPROX.CMAX. RESTRAINT RODS CLAMPING BOLTS APPROX WT. (LBS) O.D. QTY SIZE QTY SIZE 4 4.80 1.44 9.32 15.00 2 3/4 x17 4 5/8 x 3 1/2 12.63 6 6.90 1.50 11.26 15.00 2 3/4 x 17 4 5/8 x 3 1/2 14.35 8 9.05 2.00 14.76 22.00 2 3/4 x 24 4 3/4 x 4 27.45 10 11.10 2.38 17.26 22.00 4 3/4 x 24 4 7/8 x 5 48.21 12 13.20 2.38 20.00 22.00 4 3/4 x 24 4 7/8 x 5 56.57 PIPE RESTRAINERS 1100G2C SPECIFICATIONS* TECHNICAL INFORMATION *For ordinary water works with transient surges only. Ratings are for PVC pipes with SERIES 1100G2 Restrainer. Standardized Pressure Rating (PSI)* NOM. SIZE (IN.) AWWA C900 (CIOD) AWWA C909 PVCO IPEX PVCO JM EAGLE PVCO DR14 DR17 DR18 DR21 DR25 DR27.5 DR32.5 DR41 DR51 PC235 PC235 PC165 4 305 250 235 200 165 ----235 -- 6 305 250 235 200 165 ----235 235 - 8 305 250 235 200 165 ----235 235 - 10 305 250 235 200 165 ----235 235 - 12 305 250 235 200 165 ----235 235 - 1100G2C Bell Restrainers for AWWA CI OD C900/C909 PVC/PVCO Joints (Formerly Series 9100) Pipe Restrainers series 1100G2 ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 63 JRCAT21.02 Joint Restraint Products Sizes 4" - 12" 4"-12" SERIES 1100G2 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS Assemble the spigot end of first pipe into the second pipe’s bell per the pipe manufacturer’s instructions. Assemble one restrainer behind the bell of pipe. Make sure that the open end of the restrainer ears are toward the joint. Evenly tighten the restrainer clamping bolts to the recommended torque shown below, ensuring the gap between pads on both sides remain even. Use one of the restraint rods as a guide to position the restraint on spigot end. Mark a reference line such that the restraint rod ends extend past each nut approximately 1/2". NOTE: The length of the PVC pipe bell varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Please contact Star Pipe Products if rod length is too short. Assemble the second restrainer on the spigot end of pipe. Make sure that the open end of the restrainer ears are toward the joint. After aligning the second restrainer with the first one, tighten the clamping bolts to recommended torque evenly such that the gap between pads on both sides remain even. Insert the restraining rods through the restrainer ears. Place a washer (Provided and required only for sizes 8"-12") on each end of restrainer ear as shown. Snug tighten all nuts such that rods stick out approximately 0.50" past the nut on each end. Caution: Do not over - tighten restraining nuts. Turn nut to hand tight plus half turn. CLAMPING BOLTS TORQUE (MINIMUM) PIPE SIZE (IN) C900/C909 (FT-LBS) DI PIPE (FT-LBS) 4-10 100 110 12 130 130 STEP 1 STEP 3 STEP 2 STEP 4 1100G2C Bell Restrainers for AWWA CI OD C900/C909 PVC/PVCO and Ductile Iron Pipe Joints (Formerly Series 9100) Pipe Restrainers series 1100G2 Washer required & provided only for size 8" to 12" ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 64 JRCAT21.02 NOTES: ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 65 JRCAT21.02 Joint Restraint Products Sizes 4" - 12" Pipe restraining devices shall be manufactured of high strength ductile iron in accordance to ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 for all sizes. Internal serrations will be provided with exact tolerance for a 360° contact and support of the pipe wall. Pipe restraining devices shall have a safety factor of 2:1 over the pressure rating. • • Castings made of Ductile Iron - ASTM A536, Grade 65-45-12 • Restrainers work with Mechanical Joint or Ductile Iron Push-On Fittings and with Ductile Iron Pipe manufactured per ANSI/AWWA C-151/A21.51. • The safety factor is twice (2:1) the maximum pressure rating listed on next page. • Maintains full deflection on Mechanical Joint and Push-On Fittings • T-Bolts/Rods/Hex Nuts: Low alloy steel per ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 • Clamping Bolts: SAE J429 Grade 5 FEATURES & ADVANTAGES SAMPLE SPECIFICATIONS • Not recommended for installations on machined end pipe or fittings • Installation requires clamp bolt torque values be applied as indicated on the next page. • Installation and testing to be in accordance with the latest version of ANSI/AWWA C600 • For higher pressure requirements, please contact Star® Pipe Products • Pipe hardness not to exceed 230 BHN. Notes: Second Generation (Gen 2) Pipe restrainers for restraining ductile iron pipe with mechanical joint or push-on fittings and DIP bell joints. Pipe restrainers can be installed on new or existing systems, totally eliminating the use of thrust blocks. These restrainers have internal serrations that lock onto the pipe and give 360° contact and support the pipe wall. INFORMATION For Use on Ductile Iron Pipe Above Image Represents a 6" Series 1100G2C 1000G2C & 1100G2C For Use On Ductile Iron Pipe Pipe Restrainers series 1000G2 & 1100G2 ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 66 JRCAT21.02 Sizes 4" - 12" TECHNICAL INFORMATION NOMINAL SIZE MAXIMUM PRESSURE RATINGS (PSI) CLAMP BOLT TORQUE (FT-LBS) 4" - 10"250 110 min. 12"200 110 min. NOMINAL SIZE MAXIMUM PRESSURE RATINGS (PSI) CLAMP BOLT TORQUE (FT-LBS) 4" - 8"250 110 min. 10" - 12"100 110 min. TABLE A - Pressure Rating For Ductile Iron Pipe-To-Pipe Connections and Ductile Iron Pipe to MJ Fitting Connections TABLE B - Pressure Rating For DI Pipe To Ductile Iron Push-On Fitting Connections Joint Restraint Products 1000G2C & 1100G2C For Use On Ductile Iron Pipe Pipe Restrainers series 1000G2 & 1100G2 ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 67 JRCAT21.02 Joint Restraint Products Second Generation (Gen 2) PVC Restrainers are for restraining bell joints between AWWA C900/C909 PVC/PVCO pipe and PVC pressure fittings. The PVC pressure fitting may be PC235 psi molded AWWA C907 PVC pressure fittings or PR 235 psi fabricated PVC pressure fittings. PVC restrainers can be installed on new or existing systems, totally eliminating the use of thrust blocks. These restrainers have internal serrations that lock onto the pipe and give 360° contact and support the pipe wall. INFORMATION PVC restraint devices shall be manufactured of high strength ductile iron in accordance to ASTM A536 Grade 65-45-12 for all sizes. Internal serrations will be provided with exact tolerances for a 360° contact and support of the pipe wall. PVC Restraint devices shall have a safety factor of 2:1 over the pressure rating. • • 360° contact, no pipe distortion or point loading and supports the wall of the pipe and fitting bell. • Made of Ductile Iron - ASTM Grade 536, Grade 65-45-12 • Restrainers work with either - PC235 psi molded AWWA C907 PVC pressure fittings or - PR235 psi fabricated PVC pressure fittings. • The safety factor is twice (2:1) the maximum pressure rating listed on next page. • Can be installed outside the trench, to ease installation • T-Bolts/Rods/Hex Nuts: low alloy steel per ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 • Clamping Bolts: SAE J429 Grade5 • Standard gland color is Graphite Black (RAL 9011). • Originally introduced as the 9200, this improved design (Gen 2) provides increased performance and is rated to the new, higher pressure classes in latest editions of AWWA C900 and C909*. FEATURES & ADVANTAGES 6" 1200G2C Restrainers for C900/C909 PVC Pipe with C907 Fitting Bell SAMPLE SPECIFICATIONS Rated to the New, Higher Pressure Classes in Latest Editions of AWWA C900 and C909* * See table on next page. 1200G2C Restrainers for C900/C909 PVC/PVCO Pipe and PVC Pressure Fittings w/Ductile Iron Pipe OD (Formerly Series 9200) Pipe Restrainers series 1200G2 6" 1200G2 Restrainer Sizes 4" - 12" ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 68 Joint Restraint Products JRCAT21.02 + Derated due to rating of PVC pressure fitting. TECHNICAL INFORMATION NOM.SIZE1 PVC/PVCO PIPE WITH DUCTILE IRON PIPE O.D. STYLE 1200G2C A BAPPROX.CMAX. PVC FITTINGBELL OD "D"RESTRAINT BOLTS/RODS CLAMPING BOLTS APPROX WT.(LBS)O.D. MIN MAX QTY SIZE QTY SIZE 4 4.80 1.44 9.32 8.00 5.44 5.61 2 3/4 x 9 4 5/8 x 3-1/2 13.58 6 6.90 1.50 11.26 8.00 7.84 8.03 2 3/4 x 9 4 5/8 x 3-1/2 16.84 8 9.05 2.00 14.76 11.00 10.29 10.55 2 3/4 x 12 4 3/4 x 4 28.28 10 11.10 2.38 17.26 11.00 12.63 12.96 4 3/4 x 12 4 7/8 x 5 43.10 12 13.20 2.38 20.00 11.00 15.07 15.46 4 3/4 x 12 4 7/8 x 5 54.38 PIPE RESTRAINERS 1200G2C SPECIFICATIONS* * All dimensions in inches except where indicated. NOMINAL SIZE RECOMMENDED CLAMP BOLT TORQUE (FT-LBS) 4" - 10"100 12"130 * For ordinary water works with transient surges only. Ratings are for PVC pipes with SERIES 1200G2 Restrainer. Pressure Rating (PSI) For PVC Pipe To PVC Pressure Fitting Connections* NOM. SIZE (IN.) AWWA C900 (CIOD) AWWA C909 PVCO IPEX PVCO JM EAGLE PVCO DR14+DR17+DR18 DR21 DR25 DR27.5 DR32.5 DR41 DR51 PC235 PC235 PC165 4 235 235 235 200 165 ----235 -- 6 235 235 235 200 165 ----235 235 - 8 235 235 235 200 165 ----235 235 - 10 235 235 235 200 165 ----235 235 - 12 235 235 235 200 165 ----235 235 - 1200G2C Restrainers for C900/C909 PVC/PVCO Pipe and PVC Pressure Fittings w/Ductile Iron Pipe OD (Formerly Series 9200) Pipe Restrainers series 1200G2 Sizes 4" - 12" ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 69 JRCAT21.02 Joint Restraint Products 4"-12" SERIES 1200G2 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS STEP 1 STEP 3 STEP 5 STEP 2 STEP 4 Insert the pipe into fitting bell per fitting manufacturer’s instructions. Assemble harness behind the bell of fitting using clamping bolts and nuts supplied. Evenly tighten to recommended torque. Using one of the T-bolts / rods (provided) mark a reference line such that the T-bolt / rod end extends past the nut by approximately 1/2". Insert the T-bolts / rods (provided) through harness and restrainer as shown. Place a washer (Provided and required only for sizes 8" to 12") on each end of rod behind the restrainer ears. Snug tighten the nuts so that the spigot end is secured into the bell end. Caution: Do not over - tighten restraining nuts. Turn nut to hand tight plus half turn. Make sure the open end of the restrainer ears are toward the joint. Tighten serrated restrainer clamp bolts evenly to recommended torque making sure the gap between bolt pads on both sides remain even. CLAMP BOLT TORQUE (MINIMUM) PIPE SIZE (IN) C900/C909 (FT-LBS) 4-10 100 12 130 Washer required & provided only for sizes 8"-12" Pipe Restrainers series 1200G2 1200G2C Restrainers for C900/C909 PVC/PVCO Pipe and PVC Pressure Fittings w/Ductile Iron Pipe OD (Formerly Series 9200) Sizes 4" - 12" ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 70 JRCAT21.02 NOTES: Building essentials for a better tomorrow INSTALLATION GUIDE BLUE BRUTE™/ BIG BLUE™/ ULTRA BLUE™ AWWA C900/C905/C909 ASTM F1483 WARNING RUPTURE HAZARD IMpROpER INSTALLATION OR MISUSE OF TAppING TOOLS MAy CAUSE pIpES UNDER hIGh pRESSURE TO RU pTURE AND RESULT IN hIGh v ELOCIT y AIRBORNE FRAGMENTATION LEADING TO SERIOUS INjURIES. • B E foRE AND DURING IN sTAll ATIo N , A lWAys: • CONSULT AND FOLLOW ThE FULL vERSION OF ThE pRODUCT INSTALLATION GUIDE • CLOSELy FOLLOW j OB S pECIFICATIONS • USE pROTECTIvE GEAR AND EqUIpMENT • B E foRE AND DURING TAPPING , AlWAys: • CONSULT AND FOLLOW U NI-BELL® pUBLICATION UNI-pUB-08-07, “TAppING GUIDE FOR pvC pRESSURE pIpE.” • USE ThE CORRECT TAppING TOOLS • BLEED AIR FROM pIpES AT hIGh SpOT BEFORE TAppING • USE pROTECTIvE GEAR AND EqUIpMENT pLEASE CONTACT jM E AGLE™ pRODUCT ASSURANCE AT (800) 621-4404 TO OBTAIN FULL vERSION OF T hE A ppROpRIATE INSTALLATION GUIDE OR FOR FURThER ASSISTANCE. RECEIvING AND hANDLING pIpE ShIpMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 INSpECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 UNLOADING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 COLD WEAThER hANDLING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 STOCkpILES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 GASkET CARE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 LOADING TRANSFER TRUCkS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 DISTRIBUTING ALONG ThE TRENCh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 TRENCh CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 WORkING AhEAD OF ThE pIpE LAyING CREW . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 CURvES IN ThE TRENCh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 BLUE BRUTE™ AWWA C900 AND ULTRA BLUE™ AWWA C909 (4"-16") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 BIG BLUE™ AWWA C905 (14"- 48") . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 TRENCh WIDThS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 TRENCh DEpThS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 pLANNING FOR ThRUSTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 pREpARATION OF TRENCh BOTTOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 CASINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 pLACEMENT OF CASINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 pULLING ThE pIpE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19 CONTENTS BLUE BRUTE™/ BIG BLUE™/ ULTRA BLUE™ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.7.1 2.7.2 CLOSURE OF CASING AFTER pIpE INSTALLATION . . . . . . . 21 pIpELINE CONSTRUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 INSpECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 LOWERING pIpE AND ACCESSORIES INTO TRENCh . . . . . . . . . . 23 ASSEMBLy OF jM EAGLE™ pvC pIpE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 ASSEMBLy INSTRUCTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 CUTTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 BEvELING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 LOCATING REFERENCE MARk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 ASSEMBLy AT FITTINGS AND ADApTORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 ThRUST BLOCkING AND ANChORAGE AT FITTINGS . . . . . . . . . . 29 DETERMINING SIzE AND TypE OF ThRUST BLOCkING . . . 29 UpWARD ThRUSTS AT FITTINGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 ANChORAGE OF pIpE ON SLOpES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 ANChORAGE OF vALvES IN ThE LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 CONSTRUCTION OF ThRUST BACkING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 INSTALLATION AT hyDRANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 ThRUST-RESTRAINT jOINTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 SERvICE CONNECTIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 DIRECT TApS, SADDLES, AND vALvES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 pIpE EMBEDMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 BEDDING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 BACkFILLING AND TAMpING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 hAUNChING AND INITIAL BACkFILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 COMpLETING ThE BACkFILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 FINAL BACkFILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 COMpACTION METhODS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 2.7.3 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.9.1 3.9.2 3.9.3 3.9.4 3.9.5 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.12.1 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.2.1 4.3 4.3.1 4.4 TAMpING BARS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 MEChANICAL TAMpERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 FLOOD OR WATER TAMpING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 WATER-jETTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ShEETING AND TRENCh BOxES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 pIpE TESTING AND REpAIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 pIpE DEFLECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 DEFLECTION TESTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 TESTING WATER pIpE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 FILLING ThE LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 RELIEvING AIR FROM ThE LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 pRESSURE-STRENGTh TESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 MAkING LEAkAGE TESTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 MAkING REpAIRS TO DAMAGED pIpELINES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 AppENDIx 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 5.0 5.1 5.1.1 5.2 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 4 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE ThE phySICAL (OR ChEMICAL) pROpERTIES OF jM EAGLE™ BLUE BRUTE™ pvC C.I.O.D. DISTRIBUTION pIpE (AWWA C900) ,BIG BLUE™ pvC C.I.O.D. TRANSMISSION pIpE (AWWA C905), ULTRA BLUE™ pvCO C.I.O.D. DISTRIBUTION pIpE (AWWA C909), AND ULTRA BLUE™ pvCO I.p.S. DISTRIBUTION pIpE (ASTM F1483) pRESENTED IN ThIS BOOkLET, REpRESENT TypICAL AvERAGE vALUES OBTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITh ACCEpTED TEST METhODS AND ARE SUBjECT TO NORMAL MANUFACTURING vARIATIONS. ThEy ARE SUppLIED AS A TEChNICAL SERvICE AND ARE SUBjECT TO ChANGE WIThOUT NOTICE. ChECk WITh jM EAGLE™ pRODUCT ASSURANCE TO ENSURE CURRENT INFORMATION. How THis Guide Can Help You This booklet was written especially for the installer and those who direct actual handling and installation of jM Eagle™ pvC Blue Brute™, Big Blue™, and Ultra Blue™ pipe. This guide should be used in conjunction with the following industry accepted installation and testing practices which are applicable. This document should not be considered a full guide or manual in lieu of: 1. ASTM D2774-04 (or later) “Underground Installation of Thermoplastic pressure piping.” 2. ASTM F690-86 (2003) (or later) “Underground Installation of Thermoplastic pressure piping Irrigation Systems.” 3. ASTM F1668-96 (2002) (or later) “Construction of Buried plastic pipe.” 4. ASTM F645-04 (or later) “Selection, Design, and Installation of Thermoplastic Water-pressure piping Systems.” 5. ASTM D2321-05 (or later) Underground Installation of Thermoplastic pipe for Sewers and Other Gravity-Flow Applications.” 6. ASTM F1417-92 (2005) (or later) “Installation Acceptance of plastic Gravity Sewer Lines Using Low-pressure Air.” 7. AWWA C605 “Underground Installation of polyvinyl Chloride (pvC) pressure pipe and Fittings for Water.” 5BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE 8. AWWA C651 “Disinfecting Water Mains.” 9. AWWA M23 “pvC pipe – Design and Installation.” 10. Uni-Bell® UNI-pUB-09 “Installation Guide for pvC pressure pipe.” 11. Uni-Bell® UNI-B-6 “Recommended practice for Low-pressure Air Testing of Installed Sewer pipe.” 12. Uni-Bell® UNI-pub-06 “Installation Guide for pvC Solid-Wall Sewer pipe (4-15 Inch).” 13. Uni-Bell® UNI-TR-1 “Deflection: The pipe/Soil Mechanism.” 14. Uni-Bell® UNI-TR-6 “pvC Force Main Design.” 15. Uni-Bell® UNI-TR-7 “Thermoplastic pressure pipe Design and Selection.” This guide is meant as an explanatory supplement to the materials above on how to install jM Eagle™ pvC Blue Brute™, Big Blue™, and Ultra Blue™ pipe under normal conditions so as to comply with Standard jM Eagle™ Laying Specifications. Any discrepancies between the above standards and the written information contained herein, should be brought to the attention of jM Eagle™ product Assurance immediately for resolution by jM Eagle™, prior to any actions by either contractor, engineer, or municipality. This guide is not intended to supply design information nor to assume the responsibility of the engineer (or other customer representative) in establishing procedures best suited to individual job conditions so as to attain satisfactory performance. Engineers, superintendents, contractors, foremen, and laying crews will find much to guide them in the following specifications. This booklet will also be of help in determining pipe needs when ordering. 6 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE warranTY j-M Manufacturing Company Inc. (jM Eagle™) warrants that its standard polyvinyl chloride (pvC), polyethylene (pE), conduit/plumbing/solvent weld and Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS) pipe products (“products”) are manufactured in accordance with applicable industry specifications referenced on the product and are free from defects in workmanship and materials. Every claim under this warranty shall be void unless in writing and received by jM Eagle™ within 30 days of the date the defect was discovered, and within one year of the date of shipment from the jM Eagle™ plant. Claims for product appearance defects, such as sun- bleached pipe etc., however, must be made within 30 days of the date of the shipment from the jM Eagle™ plant. This warranty specifically excludes any products allowed to become sun-bleached after shipment from the jM Eagle™ plant. proof of purchase with the date thereof must be presented to the satisfaction of jM Eagle™, with any claim made pursuant to this warranty. jM Eagle™ must first be given an opportunity to inspect the alleged defective products in order to determine if it meets applicable industry standards, if the handling and installation have been satisfactorily performed in accordance with jM Eagle™ recommended practices and if operating conditions are within standards. Written permission and/or a Return Goods Authorization (RGA) must be obtained along with instructions for return shipment to jM Eagle™ of any products claimed to be defective. The limited and exclusive remedy for breach of this Limited Warranty shall be, at j M Eagle’s sole discretion, the replacement of the same type, size and like quantity of non-defective product, or credits, offsets or combination of thereof, for the wholesale purchase price of the defective unit. This Limited Warranty does not apply for any product failures caused by user’s flawed designs or specifications, unsatisfactory applications, improper installations, use in conjunction with incompatible materials, contact with aggressive chemical agents, freezing or overheating of liquids in the product, and any other misuse causes not listed here. This Limited Warranty also excludes failure or damage caused by fire stopping materials, tread sealants, plasticized vinyl products or damage caused by the fault or negligence of anyone other than jM Eagle™, or any other act or event beyond the control of jM Eagle™. 7BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE jM Eagle’s liability shall not, at any time, exceed the actual wholesale purchase price of the product. The warranties in this document are the only warranties applicable to the product and there are no other warranties, expressed or implied. This Limited Warranty specifically excludes any liability for general damages, consequential or incidental damages, including without limitation, costs incurred from removal, reinstallation, or other expenses resulting from any defect. IMpLIED WARRANTIES OF MERC hANTABILIT y OR FITNESS FOR A pARTICULAR pUR p OSE ARE SpECIFICALLy DISCLAIMED AND jM Eagle™ ShALL NOT BE LIABLE IN ThIS RES pECT NOTWIT hSTANDING jM Eagle’s ACTUAL kNOWLEDGE ThE pRODUCT’S INTENDED USE. jM Eagle’s products should be used in accordance with standards set forth by local plumbing and building laws, codes or regulations and the applicable standards. Failure to adhere to these standards shall void this Limited Warranty. products sold by j M Eagle™ that are manufactured by others are warranted only to the extent and limits of the warranty of the manufacturer. No statement, conduct or description by jM Eagle™ or its representative, in addition to or beyond this Limited Warranty, shall constitute a warranty. This Limited Warranty may only be modified in writing signed by an officer of j M Eagle™. 8 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE 1.0 reCeivinG and HandlinG pipe sHipmenTs figure 1 1.1 INSpECTION Each pipe shipment shall be inspected with care upon arrival. Each pipe shipment is carefully loaded at the factory using methods acceptable to the carrier. The carrier is then responsible for delivering the pipe as received from jM Eagle™. All shipments include an adequate amount of lubricant for the pipe and a short form installation guide. IT IS T hE RESpONSIBILT y OF ThE RECEIv ER TO MAkE CERTAIN ThERE hAS BEEN NO LOSS OR DAMAGE (including smoke) UpON ARRIvAL. Check the materials, pipe, gaskets and fittings received against the bill of lading (tally sheet that accompanies every shipment) in accordance with the general guidelines below, reporting any error or damage to the transportation company representative and have proper notation made on the delivery receipt and signed by the driver. present the claim in accordance with the carrier’s instructions. Do not dispose of any damaged material. The carrier will advise you of the procedure to follow in order to procure samples and report the incident. 1. MAk E OvERALL E x AMINATION OF Th E LOAD. If the load is intact, ordinary inspection while unloading should be enough to make sure the pipe has arrived in good condition. 2. IF LOAD hAS ShIFTED OR S hOWS ROUGh TREATMENT, Th EN EACh pIECE MUST BE CAREFULLy INSpECTED FOR DAMAGE. 9BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE 3. ChECk T hE TOTAL qUANTITIES OF EACh ITEM AGAINST ThE TALLy S hEET (pipe, fittings, lubricant, etc.) 4. ANy DAMAGED OR MISSING ITEMS MUST BE NOTED ON ThE DELIvERy RECEIpT AND RETURNED TO ThE TRANSpORTATION COMpANy. 5. NOTIF y CARRIER IMMEDIATELy AND MAkE CLAIM IN ACCORDANCE WITh T hEIR INSTRUCTIONS. 6. DO NOT DISpOSE OF ANy DAMAGED MATERIAL. Carrier will notify you of the procedure to follow. 7. ShORTAGES AND DAMAGED MATERIALS ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLy REShIppED. If replacement material is needed, reorder through your distributor and make them aware of the claim. 1.2 UNLOADING figure 2 jM Eagle™ Blue Brute™, Big Blue™ and Ultra Blue™ pressure pipe is lightweight and may be unloaded by 1. hand, either by passing over the side or off the truck ends. Sliding one length on another is standard practice in unloading pvC pipe, but lengths in the bottom layer should be lifted off of the rough surface of the truck body to avoid abrasion. 2. Conventional forklift, for large orders of pipe, which are bundled in pallets. Care shall be exercised to avoid impact or contact between the forks and the pipe. The means by which jM Eagle™ pvC Blue Brute™, Big Blue™ and Ultra Blue™ pressure pipe is unloaded in the field is the decision and responsibility of the customer. preferred unloading is in units using mechanical equipment such as forklifts, cranes, cherry pickers or front-end loaders with adequate forks, trained, competent 10 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE operators, and equipment rated to safely handle the load. When unloading units, the following instructions should be carefully followed. Remove only one unit at a time. 1. Remove restraints from the top unit loads. These may be either tie down straps, ropes, or chains with protection. 2. If there are boards across the top and down the sides of the load, which are not part of pipe packaging, remove them. 3. Use a forklift (or front-end loader equipped with forks) to remove each top unit one at a time from the truck. Remove back units first. Do not run the forks too far under the unit as fork ends striking adjacent units may cause damage, or push other unit off opposite side of truck. Do not let forks rub the underside of pipe to avoid abrasion. 4. If a forklift is not available, a spreader bar on top and nylon strips capable of handling the load, spaced approximately eight (8) feet apart looped under the unit may be used. Cables may also be cushioned with a rubber hose sleeve or other material to prevent abrasion of the pipe. 5. During the removal and handling be sure that the units do not strike anything. Severe impact could damage the pipe (particularly during cold weather). 6. DO NOT: a. handle units with chains or single cables. b. Attach cables to unit frames for lifting. 7. Units should be stored and placed on level ground. Units should be protected by dunnage in the same way they were protected while loaded on the truck. The dunnage must support the weight of all units so that pipe lengths do not carry the weight of the unit loaded above them. Units should not be stacked more than two (2) high. 8. To unload lower units, repeat the above unloading process (items 1 through 7). WARNING : pvC pipe, though lighter than other material, is still heavy and may be dangerous if not handled properly. Not adhering to the above instructions may result in serious injury to pipe, property, and/or persons. Do not stand or climb on units. Stand clear of pipe during unloading. 11BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE NoTICE: pipe at the bottom of a stack may become out-of-round due to the weight of material above it. At normal application temperatures this corrects itself soon after the load is removed due to the property of elastic memory. Under freezing conditions this recovery to full initial roundness may take several hours. 1.3 COLD WEAThER hANDLING As the temperature approaches and drops below freezing, the flexibility and impact resistance of pvC pipe is reduced. Extra care should be used in handling during cold weather to avoid any type of impact to the pipe to prevent damage. 1.4 STOCkpILES Store pipe on a flat surface so as to support the barrel evenly, with bell ends overhanging. If mechanical equipment is being used for handling, the unit bearing pieces provide an excellent base. If unloading by hand, secure two timbers for a base. Set them on a flat area spaced the same as a factory load. Nail chock blocks at each end. Build up the stockpile in the same manner, as it was stacked for shipment, transferring dunnage and chock blocks from load to stockpile. Store random lengths separately where they will be readily available. Individual lengths of pipe should be stacked in piles no higher than five (5) feet. It should be noted that when pvC pipe is stored outside and exposed to prolonged periods of sunlight, an obvious discoloration or Uv degradation of pipe could occur. Based on the 24-month weathering study, the performance of pvC pipe was equally impressive. No significant changes in tensile strength at yield was observed. Reductions in impact strength were apparent after two years of exposure to weathering and ultra violet radiation. however, considering pvC pipe’s high initial impact strength, the reductions were not significant enough to warrant concern. pipe breakage due to impact loads encountered during normal handling and installation is not a problem with pvC pipe. This U v degradation does not continue after the pipe is removed from U v exposure. 12 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE A method of protecting pipe during long exposures (several months) to sunlight is to cover it with canvas or other opaque material. Clear plastic sheets are not satisfactory. Allow for adequate air circulation between the cover and the pipe. This will prevent heat build-up and possible dimensional distortion. 1.5 GASkET CARE All jM Eagle™ pvC pipe is manufactured with factory installed gaskets. These gaskets cannot be easily removed or replaced outside of the factory. keep them clean, away from oil, grease, excessive heat and electric motors, which produce ozone. It is advisable to keep gaskets protected from direct sunlight and temperature changes in order to avoid cracking in prolonged exposure for optimal performance. jM Eagle™ provides a gasket that is approved for water service with its standard product. Special gasket types may be available for applications where oil resistance is required. Be sure the correct ring is ordered. See Section 3.4 for further information. 1.6 LOADING TRANSFER TRUCkS Use trucks with long bodies so that pipe lengths do not over hang more than two (2) feet. Make certain truck bed is smooth, without cross-strips, bolt heads, or other protrusions that could damage the pipe. place the first layer carefully with the bell ends overhanging. Avoid sliding the pipe and abrading it. Subsequent layers can be slid into place. All bell ends should overhang the layer below. Short body trucks may be used if fitted with racks that properly support the pipe in the horizontal position. The rack shall support the pipe with supports spaced every three (3) feet or less along the pipe lengths. pad the contact areas to avoid damage to the pipe. 13BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE 1.7 DISTRIBUTING ALONG ThE TRENCh In stringing out pipe, keep these points in mind: 1. Line pipe as near to the trench as possible to avoid excessive handling. (Bell direction doesn’t affect flow or hydraulic coefficients.) 2. If the trench is open, it is advisable to string pipe on the side away from excavated earth wherever possible, so that the pipe can be moved easily to the edge of the trench for lowering into position. 3. If the trench is not yet open, find out which side the excavated earth will be thrown; then string out on the opposite side (leave room for the excavator). 4. place the pipe so as to protect it from traffic and heavy equipment. Also, safeguard it from the effect of any blasting that may be done. 2.0 TrenCH ConsTruCTion 2.1 WORkING AhEAD OF ThE pIpE LAyING CREW Where soil and ground water conditions permit, long stretches of trench can be opened ahead of pipe laying, so as to take full advantage of the easy handling and speed of assembly of jM Eagle™ pvC Blue Brute™, Big Blue™ and Ultra Blue™ pipe with elastomeric joints. however, for most jobs as a general rule, do not open the trench too far ahead of pipe laying. Avoiding these long stretches of opened trench may help with the economy of the project because: 1. It may reduce or even eliminate pumping or sheeting. 2. It minimizes the possibility of flooding the trench. 3. It reduces caving caused by ground water. 4. It helps avoid frozen trench bottom and backfill. 5. It reduces hazards to traffic and workmen. On most jobs it will be desirable to keep excavating, pipe laying and backfilling close together. 14 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE 2.2 CURvES IN ThE TRENCh 2.2.1 BLUE BRUTE™ AWWA C900 (4 INChES TO 12 INChES) AND ULTRA BLUE™ AWWA C909 (6 INChES TO 16 INChES) The trench may be curved to change direction or avoid obstructions within the limits of the curvature of the pipe as shown in Table 1: PIPE s IZE (inches) MINIMUM RADIUs (feet) offs ET (in) 4 100 24.08 6 150 16.02 8 200 12.01 10 250 9.61 12 300 8.00 Table 1 * Offset based on 20 feet length of pipe forming a true arc. The line may be assembled above ground, in a straight line, and then curved when laid in the trench. All curvature results from the bending of the pipe lengths. The maximum angular deflection at the joint is 1 degree. The approximate force per 20-foot length in pounds to accomplish these curvatures is shown in Table 2 (based on DR): PIPE s IZE (inches)DR 25 DR 18 DR 14 4 16.36 21.62 26.32 6 47.21 60.85 74.25 8 102.77 135.79 165.29 10 185.35 245.54 299.27 12 309.09 407.09 498.65 Table 2 15BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE NoTICE: Mechanical means should not be employed to accomplish these radii. It is the intent that the workers should accomplish this manually in the trench. ON 4-INCh TO 12-INCh, Th E CURv E CAN BE ACCOM pLIShED By BENDING ThE pIpE. TO AvOID OvER-STRESSING T hE BELL AND TO pRE vENT pOSSIBLE BREAk AGE AND/OR LEAkS, T hE MA xIMUM ANGULAR DEFLECTION IN ThE jOINTS IS 1 DEGREE. To avoid deflecting the joints while achieving curvature, it is recommended that the joints be sufficiently braced or backfilled and compacted to keep them stationary. Abrupt changes in direction shall be accomplished with fittings. 2.2.2 BIG BLUE™ AWWA C905 (14 INChES TO 48 INChES) AND ULTRA BLUE AWWA C909 (16 INChES) Since the moment of inertia of Big Blue™ pressure pipe is high, attempting to curve the pipe is extremely difficult. jM Eagle’s recommendation for 14-inchthrough 48-inch-diameter Big Blue™ and 16-inch Ultra Blue™ is that the angular deflection at the joint is a maximum of 1.5 degrees. This will produce an offset in a 20-foot section of approximately 6.25 inches. j oint deflection is achieved after the joint is assembled in straight alignment and to the reference mark. The bell should be braced in order to allow the free end to move laterally under steady pressure using a pry bar or other suitable means. Care should be taken not to exceed the maximum deflection allowed or damage the pipe with the machinery used. The line may be assembled above ground, in a straight line then offset when laid in the trench, if necessary. Abrupt changes in direction shall be accomplished with fittings. NoTICE: AvOID OvER-STRESSING ThE BELL (over-inserting the joints, or exceeding the maximum deflection/curvature allowed) IN ORDER TO pRE vENT pOSSIBLE BREAk AGE AND/OR LEAkS. 16 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE 2.3 TRENCh WIDThS Since j M Eagle™ pvC Blue Brute™, Big Blue™ and Ultra Blue™ pressure pipe can be assembled above ground and lowered into position, trench widths can be kept to a minimum. The trench width at the ground surface may vary with and depend upon depth, type of soils and position of surface structures. The minimum clear width of the trench, sheeted or unsheeted, measured at the spring-line of the pipe should be 1 foot greater than the outside diameter of the pipe. The maximum clear width of the trench at the top of the pipe should not exceed a width equal to the pipe outside diameter plus 2 feet. (See Figure 3.) This spacing will allow for proper compacting of the backfill to provide necessary sidewall support. It will also allow assembly work in the trench, if desired. If the above defined trench widths must be exceeded or if the pipe is installed in a compacted embankment, pipe embedment should be compacted to a point of at least 2.5 pipe diameters from the pipe on both sides of the pipe or to the trench walls, whichever is less. f igure 3 NoTICE: pvC pipe is a flexible pipe, so trench width and shape have little to no effect on loading experienced by the pipe, since the maximum load that may be carried by the pipe is that due to the column of soil directly above the pipe outside diameter. The trench width recommendations above help installers realize the economies that may result from installation of pvC pipe over other materials, while maintaining adequate control over backfilling, compaction and placement to limit long-term deflection. 17BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE 2.4 TRENCh DEpThS Depth is governed by surface loads earth loads and frost penetration. A minimum of 12 inches depth of cover is recommended where frost penetration need not be considered. Where frost is a factor, pipe should be buried 6 inches below the greatest recorded frost penetration. If the line will be drained and not used in winter, frost need not be considered. Should unusual soil conditions and/or surface loads be anticipated and the engineer wants to calculate deflection when working with pressure pipes, “pipe stiffness” (f/y) can be found in Table 3 below: PIPE DR s TIffNE ss (psi)PIPE DR sTI ffNEss (psi) 64 7 25 129 51 14 21 224 41 28 18 364 35 46 17 437 32.5 57 14 815 26 115 —— Table 3 For more information on deflection, see Section 5.1. 2.5 pLANNING FOR ThRUSTING Fittings used for changes in direction and all in-line valves will require thrust blocking or restraints, which must be formed against a solid wall. Do not machine dig at these fitting areas because the excavator will usually dig too far and damage the bearing surface of the trench wall. A small amount of hand digging just behind the fitting location will ensure a solid trench wall for thrust block construction later on. 18 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE 2.6 pREpARATION OF TRENCh BOTTOM The trench bottom should be smooth and free from stones greater than 1.5 inches in diameter, large dirt clods, and any frozen material. Excavation at bells (bell holes) should be provided so that the pipe is uniformly supported along its length as seen in Figure 4. f igure 4 Generally, loose material left by the excavator on the trench bottom will be adequate for bedding the pipe barrel so that it is fully supported. Where the excavator cuts a very clean bottom, soft material can be shaved down from the sidewalls to provide needed bedding. If the trench bottom is rocky or hard, as in shale, place a 4-inch layer of selected backfill material to provide a cushion for the pipe. In rock excavation it is necessary that rock be removed and a bed of sand or selected backfill at least 4 inches deep be placed on the bottom of the trench to provide a cushion for the pipe. A pipeline of any material resting directly on rock, in the absence of a bedding cushion, is subject to breakage under the weight of the backfill load, surface load, or earth movements. When an unstable trench bottom is encountered and, in the opinion of the engineer, it cannot support the pipe, an additional depth should be excavated and refilled to the pipe grade with material approved by the engineer. Trenches can be dangerous, and the contractor has the responsibility of ensuring that all safety regulations and design requirements have been observed for the protection of the workers and the public. 2.7 CASINGS 2.7.1 pLACEMENT OF CASINGS The placement of casings requires special equipment and skills. It is a specialized field of construction, to which some construction firms devote their entire efforts. 19BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE In the smaller diameters, the steel casing is usually placed progressively, following the boring equipment as it tunnels through the obstruction. The recommended practice is to use plain steel pipe (not corrugated) for the casing to facilitate movement of the pvC pipe through the casing with a minimum of resistance. For larger diameters, most of the casing construction is done by jacking the pipe from excavated pits. Where long casings are involved, numerous pits for jacking operations are required along the route. Regardless of the diameter, accuracy in alignment and grade of the casing pipe is very important in maintaining the established inverts. 2.7.2 pULLING ThE pIpE When pvC pipe is to be installed in casings under highways or railroad tracks, skids with rounded ends must be used to prevent the pipe and bells from snagging on the inside of the casing, and to keep the installed line from resting on the bells of the pipe. Skids shall be thick enough to allow clearance between the bells and the casing bottom. Normally two to four skids are only placed on the pipe spaced at 90 degrees as shown in Figure 5. For pipe larger than 18 inches, six skids should be placed at 60 degrees apart. Strapping SkidsA Skid CableWood cross piece 90˚ figure 5 A cable is passed through the casing and the first pipe length is fastened to a suitable wood crosspiece at the end of the pipe. The cable is then pulled steadily by a winch, tractor or other method until about 2 feet of pipe is left projecting out of the casing for assembly of the next length. (If cable is pulled at an angle, make sure that the leading pipe end is protected from damage.) The cable is then passed through the next pipe and the two pipes are assembled. This operation is continued until the pipe is completely through the casing. 20 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE NoTICE: In order to prevent over-insertion of the pipe joint while installing it through casings, some method of restricting the movement between the assembled bell and spigot must be provided. Four such assemblies should be made at 90-degree spacing around the pipe bells. All “B” Skids must be tightly strapped to the pipe by metal strapping or similar material. Also, note that all skids should be notched and leveled so that they form a smooth, flat bottom. This is necessary so that no portion of the pipe is carrying the total load. An illustration of one proposed method is shown in Figure 6. Metal Strap Nail Stop Mark “A” 1 ½ x 4” “B” Skid“B” Skid “B” Skid Details 3” 1½” 3” 24” to 30” “A” Skid “E” dimention + 6” 1½” x 4” figure 6 The inserted pvC pipelines should be circumferentially braced in the casing to prevent movement in any direction. In force sewer mains, movement can be caused by the thrust action generated by a slightly deflected joint. For gravity flow lines, movement of the inserted pipe may be caused by floatation from flooding of the annular spaces at each end of the casing. It is recommended that these spaces be sealed as described in Section 2.7.3. 21BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE In some cases, small pipe in larger casings may require skids or positioning braces placed around the entire circumference of the pipe to keep the pipe in proper alignment in the casing. When pipe is pulled into a casing with a cable, the pipe may rotate, causing the skids and positioning braces to rotate from their entry position. Consequently, if a sufficient number, size and circumferential spacing of skids and braces are not employed, the bells cannot be kept from contacting the casing surfaces. Lubricating the casing or skids will make sliding easier. Depositing drilling mud or flax soap at the end of the casing can lubricate the casing. Then attach rags to the cable and pull them through so that they act as swabs or spreaders. A rope attached to the cable will make it easy to retrieve. petroleum products, such as oil and grease, should not be used as lubricants since prolonged exposure to these products is detrimental to the rubber gaskets used to seal the joints. pvC pipe may also be pushed through the casing, using equipment, which will exert a constant and uniform force against the pipe end. To accomplish this, the pushing equipment must be firmly anchored and the joints sufficiently braced. 2.7.3 CLOSURE OF CASING AFTER pIpE INSTALLATION Under no circumstances should the ends of the casing be closed or any material installed inside the casing until the completion of the pressure test and approved by the engineer. After testing, the ends of the casing should be sealed off. A generally accepted practice is to sack the end of the casing, leaving an opening on the bottom. Sacking is to be placed between the pvC pipe and the casing except that the areas at the bottom between the skids are to be left open. This will keep backfill out of the casing, while allowing for drainage. The casing should not be backfilled with sand unless specified by the engineer. When sand is used, drainage is obstructed and access to the interior of the casing is made more difficult. Also, if the sand is packed tightly, the load on the casing may be transferred to the pvC pipe, thus nullifying the purpose of the casing. Where backfilling of the annular space under and around the encased pipe is required, three-fourths of the distance to the top of the 22 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE casing should be filled with sand or other approved material. Again, the areas between the skids (under the pipe) should be left open for drainage. Using a hose line, sand can be forced into the casing with water under pressure. Care must be taken to avoid forcing too much water into the casing because of the possibility of floating the pipe. Floatation could result in uneven support for the encased pipeline if the skid system fails to prevent movement in all directions. NoTICE: Under no circumstances should any blocks or spacers be wedged between the pipe and the top of the casing. pressure grouting when not strictly controlled can collapse pvC pipe. pressure grouting is sometimes specified for filling in the annular space between the pipeline and the casing. If pressure grouting is to be utilized, it will be necessary to arrange the skids and position braces on the pipe so as to accommodate a 2-inch grouting hose. The recommended pressure grouting method is as follows: 1. Arrange the skids and position braces on the pipe as shown in Figure 6. They will accommodate the grouting hose. 2. Secure the grouting hose to the leading end of the first pipe section before insertion begins. 3. Either push or pull the pipe into the casing, channeling the hose in place on the leading end of each succeeding section of pipe. 4. Cap or plug each end of the bore, leaving an air hole at the top of the low end and a hole at the top of the high end for the grouting hose to pass through. Use a grout mixture in a ratio of four (4) parts cement to one (1) part sand, with sufficient water to yield a consistency of thick soup. Start pumping very slowly. A sensitive pressure gauge should be mounted on the discharge outlet of the grouting machine. A pressure will develop equal to pressure needed to deliver the grout through the hose. After this pressure is established, any increase in pressure by 2 or 3 psi will indicate a need to pull the grouting hose slightly until the pressure returns to the established 23BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE average delivery pressure. It is essential that the pressure generated does not exceed 2 or 3 psi over the initial required delivery pressure. Continue this procedure until the bore is ¾ of the way full. NoTICE: Wooden skids in backfill should have a long life. The life of the skids will be further extended if they are treated before backfilling. If there is to be no backfill, it is important that the skids be treated with a wood preservative. Functionally, it is not necessary to backfill around the pipe inside the casing with sand or any other material. 3.0 pipeline ConsTruCTion 3.1 INSpECTION pipe and accessories should be inspected for defects and cleanliness prior to lowering into the trench. Any defective, damaged or unsound material should be repaired or replaced and foreign matter or dirt should be removed from the interior of the pipe and accessories before lowering into the trench. 3.2 LOWERING pIpE AND ACCESSORIES INTO TRENCh All pipe, fittings, valves and accessories should be carefully lowered into the trench using suitable equipment in such a manner as to prevent damage to pipe and accessories. pIpE AND ACCESSORIES ShOULD NE v ER BE DROppED OR DUMpED INTO Th E TRENCh. CAUTI oN: heavy impact may cause a slight longitudinal indentation in the outside of the pipe and a crack on the inside. This will result in a split as soon as the pipe is placed under pressure. Any pipe that has been impacted should be examined closely for this type of damage. 24 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE 3.3 ASSEMBLy OF jM EAGLE™ pvC pIpE The joint assembly is a push-on assembly in which the lubricated spigot end is inserted under the rubber gasket and into the bell as described in this installation guide. The joint assembly provides for the completion of tight, dependable joints in minimum time when the following procedure is adhered to. 3.4 ASSEMBLy INSTRUCTIONS jM Eagle™ supplies a standard gasket for water service with its pressure products and an oil resistant gasket under special request. The correct gasket for water service is not marked with any identifiers. The oil resistant gasket for special services has a blue band on the visible gasket face. Be sure you have the correct gasket for the installation. If you require oil resistant gaskets and those provided are for water service, contact jM Eagle™ immediately. Do not use the water service gaskets or try to replace them. Note that either ring type may be used for conveying potable water. Field removal and replacement of gaskets is not recommended. 1. Make certain that the gasket and bell is clean, with no dirt or foreign material that could interfere with proper seating of the gasket or assembly. If necessary, wipe the gasket and bell with a clean, dry cloth, as seen in Figure 7. Lubricating the gasket is not recommended. 2. Make sure pipe end is clean. Wipe with a clean dry cloth around the entire circumference from the end to 1 inch beyond the reference mark. 3. Lubricate the spigot end of the pipe, using only the jM Eagle™-approved pipe lubricant (NSF approved) supplied. Be sure to cover the entire spigot end circumference, with particular attention paid to the beveled end of the spigot. (See Figure 8.) The coating should be the equivalent of a brush coat of enamel paint. Lubricant can be applied to the pipe by hand, cloth, pad, sponge or glove. Lubrication of the gasket and/or ring groove may result in displacement during assembly. 25BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE figure 7 CAUTIoN: After spigot end is lubricated, do not allow it to contact the bedding material. Small pieces of stone or soil may adhere to the lubricant and may become lodged between the spigot and the gasket upon assembly, resulting in a possible leak. figure 8 NoTICE: The jM Eagle™ lubricant supplied with each shipment has been tested and approved for potable water service. Do not use non-approved lubricant, which may harbor bacteria or damage the gaskets or drinking water. 4. Insert the beveled spigot end into the bell so that it is in contact with the gasket. hold the pipe lengths being joined close to the ground (as shown below) and keep the lengths in proper alignment. Brace the bell, as shown in Figure 9, while the spigot end is inserted under the gasket, so that previously completed joints in the line will not be closed up or over-assembled. push the spigot end in until the reference mark on the spigot end is flush with the end of the bell, as seen in Figure 10. Stabbing is not recommended and should be avoided to prevent damage to the gasket and joint. 26 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE figure 9 CAUTI oN: If joint is over-assembled, causing the spigot to jam into the neck of the bell, flexibility of the joint is lost. Uneven settlement of the trench or additional loading may cause this type of joint assembly to leak or crack. Do not assemble beyond the reference mark. figure 10 If undue resistance to insertion of the beveled end is encountered or the reference mark does not reach the flush position, disassemble the joint and check the position of the gasket. If it is twisted or pushed out of its seat, do not attempt to realign gasket, replace with another piece of pipe. Be sure both lengths are in proper alignment. NoTICE: Should a spigot or bell end become deformed under load at higher temperatures, it will be necessary to exercise more care in assembling the joint in order to prevent fish-mouthing of the gasket. 5. No deflection at joint is allowed on 12-inch and smaller pipe. pipe curvature should be accomplished by bending the pipe rather than deflecting the joints as noted in Section 2.2. 27BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE NoTICE: If a pry bar, or backhoe is used for any assembly, a wood plank should be placed between the pipe and the machine to prevent damage. In addition, the force applied must be steady and constant. Do not ram or hit the pipe. For all pipe, a come-a-long jack is recommended over a backhoe. The method of attachment to the pipe must not abrade or damage the pipe in any way. Steps must be taken during installation using these methods to maintain correct alignment of the pipe. As well, a helper should be present in all cases to assist the operator in knowing when the reference mark is reached properly. 3.5 CUTTING A square cut is essential to ensure proper assembly and/or beveling. pvC pipe can easily be cut with a fine-toothed hacksaw, handsaw or a power type saw with a steel blade or abrasive disc. (See Figure 11.) (Do not use standard pipe cutters. The cutting wheel may crush or damage the pipe.) It is recommended that the pipe be marked around its entire circumference prior to cutting to ensure a square cut. Do not burn the pipe while cutting. figure 11 NoTICE: jM Eagle™ recommends using proper personal protective eqipment, such as gloves and safety glasses, when cutting pvC pipe. 28 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE 3.6 B E vELING Use a factory-finished beveled end as a guide to determine the angle and length of taper. The end may be beveled using a plastic pipe-beveling tool as shown, which will cut the correct taper automatically or such tools as the Stanley “Surform” No. 399, a coarse file or rasp. A portable sander or abrasive disc may also be used to bevel the pipe end. Remove all burrs and raised edges prior to assembly to avoid cutting the gasket. 3.7 LOCATING R EFERENCE MAR k With a pencil, crayon or permanent marker, locate the reference mark at the proper distance from the beveled end. The reference mark may also be located accurately by using a factory-marked end of the same pipe as a guide. 3.8 ASSEMBLy AT FITTINGS AND ADApTORS jM Eagle™ pvC Blue Brute™, Big Blue™ and Ultra Blue™ pipe is manufactured with a Cast Iron Outside Diameter. This means that this pipe can be directly connected to C.I.O.D. products and fittings such as ductile iron accessories. No extra support need be provided for these fittings and adaptors, but any heavy metal fittings or valves must be individually supported to avoid differential settlement between fittings and pipe. Note that fittings and valves in-line will require thrust blocking as specified in Section 3.9. NoTICE: Solvent Weld pvC fittings can not be used with Ultra Blue™ pipe. NoTICE: Use only M.j. fittings approved for use with AWWA C909 pipe. Follow M.j. fittings manufacturer’s assembly recommendations. NoTICE: The use of certain mechanical joint butterfly valves with DR 14 pvC pipe may require special adapters due to interference of the pipe wall and valve flap. Do not cut or trim the pipe wall to avoid decreasing the pressure rating. Fittings and adaptors are usually installed at predetermined locations and therefore, a tie-in length of less than 20 feet will usually be required. 29BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE 1. Be sure the correct gasket is used with the iron bell or fitting. Do not use the pvC gasket. 2. Bevel on the spigot should approximate the cast iron bevel, which is shorter and steeper. The reason for this is that the depth of the bell or fitting is shorter than the pvC bell. The reduced length of taper will allow a greater flat sealing surface and minimize the possibility of the gasket seating on the bevel, which may cause leakage. 3. When connecting to a mechanical joint or flanged fitting, a beveled spigot is not recommended or required. Cut off beveled end of pipe prior to insertion into jM Eagle™ style fitting. 3.9 ThRUST BLOCkING AND ANChORAGE AT FITTINGS Thrust backing (Figure 12) is needed wherever the pipeline: 1. Changes direction, as at tees, bends or crosses. 2. Changes in size, as at reducers. 3. Stops, as at dead ends. 4. valves at which thrust develops when closed. figure 12 3.9.1 DETERMINING SIz E AND Typ E OF Th RUST BLOC kING Size and type of blocking depends on pressure, pipe size, kind of soil and type of fitting. Common thrust block configurations are shown in Figure 13. At vertical bends, anchor pipelines to resist outward or horizontal thrusts as shown in Figure 14. If thrusts due to high pressure are expected, anchor the valves as shown in Figure 15. In all cases, thrust blocking and anchorages should be designed by a competent engineer to ensure adequate safety and 30 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE support based on the actual field conditions encountered. Failure to design thrust blocking and anchorage adequately may result in damage to the pipe, property, and/or people. figure 13 If the engineer has not specified the size of a thrust block, take the following steps to determine the bearing area required for a thrust block. Ex AMPlE: A 90-degree bend for an 8-inch 200 psi line, which will be tested at 200 psi. Soil is sand. 1. Refer to Table 4 and note that the thrust developed for each 100 psi water pressure at an 8-inch 90-degree bend is 9,100 pounds. yielding a total thrust developed of 18,200 lbs. 2. In Table 5, find that the bearing power of sand is 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf). Dividing the total force of 18,200 pounds by 2,000 psf, we have a total area of thrust backing required of 9.1 square feet or an area of 3 feet by 3 feet. NoTICE: Allowance in total bearing area should be made for possible water hammer in the line. 31BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE THRUsT (psf ) AT fITTINGs PRo DUCED By 100 psi of WATER PRE ssURE IN JM E AGlE™ PVC PREssURE PIPE PIPE sIZE (inches) fITTING 90 BEND 45 ElBoW TEE AND PlUGs 4 2,560 1,390 1,810 6 5,290 2,860 3,740 8 9,100 4,920 6,430 10 13,680 7,410 9,860 12 19,350 10,470 13,690 14 25,990 14,100 18,380 16 33,630 18,280 23,780 18 42,230 22,970 29,860 20 51,820 28,180 36,640 24 73,930 40,200 52,280 30 113,946 61,927 80,425 36 163,228 88,711 115,209 42 220,353 119,757 155,528 48 278,188 151,189 196,350 Table 4 AlloWAB lE B EARING of so I ls soI l BEARING (psf ) Muck, peat, etc.0 Soft Clay 1,000 Sand 2,000 Sand and Gravel 3,000 Sand and Gravel cemented with Clay 4,000 hard Shale 10,000 Table 5 * jM Eagle™ assumes no responsibility for the bearing load data, which was compiled from various sources. The engineer is responsible for determining safe bearing loads and when doubt exists, soil-bearing tests should be 32 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE specified. The bearing loads given are for horizontal thrusts when depth of cover is 2 feet. In soft, unstable soils such as muck or peat, thrusts are resisted by running corrosion-resistant tie rods to solid foundations or by removing the soft material and replacing it with a ballast of sufficient size and weight to resist the thrusts developed. pre-cast thrust blocks should not be placed directly against pvC pipe to avoid point loading and provide adequate force distribution. 3.9.2 UpWARD ThRUSTS AT FITTINGS Where a fitting is used to make a vertical bend, anchor the fitting to a thrust block braced against undisturbed soil. The thrust block should have enough resistance to withstand upward thrusts at the fitting. See Figure 14. figure 14 3.9.3 ANChORAGE OF pIpE ON SLOpES Anchors on slopes are needed only when there is the possibility of backfill slipping downhill and carrying the pipe with it. Usually, well-drained soil, carefully tamped in 4-inch layers up to the top of the trench, will not slide and pipe anchors will not be required. Where soil slippage is a possibility, anchors keyed in undisturbed soil can be fastened to every other length of pipe. 33BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE 3.9.4 ANChORAGE OF vALvES IN ThE LINE Under pressure conditions, valves must be anchored, as shown in Figure 15, against the thrust created when the valve is closed. The area of undisturbed soil, which braces the thrust block, must be large enough to withstand the thrust in whatever direction it is exerted. figure 15 3.9.5 CONSTRUCTION OF ThRUST BACkING 1. Concrete thrust blocks are constructed by pouring concrete between the fitting and the undisturbed bearing wall of the trench. A dry mixture is prepared so that the concrete may be easily shaped into the desired form, a wedge with the wide end against the solid wall. Note the shapes and positions of the thrust blocks in the drawings. 2. Cinder blocks, wood, dry sand-cement mix or other materials may be used for pipe sizes less than 6 inches provided that (a) there is sufficient bearing area between backing and fitting, and (b) the backing has sufficient strength to withstand the thrust load. If wood is used, it must be treated to prevent deterioration. 3. As an alternative, mechanical thrust restrainers may be used to resist the thrust developed. 3.10 INSTALLATION AT hyDRANTS Each hydrant run-out is normally equipped with a valve. The valve may be located at the main, at the hydrant or in between. Whatever the location, each fitting (branch-tee, gate valve and hydrant) should be separately supported by concrete. Be sure to firmly brace the hydrant while pipe connections are made and until the final foundation has been poured and has set. Do not make the pipe support the hydrant. 34 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE A concrete foundation poured around the base of the hydrant after it has been set in position, as seen in Figure 16, will serve as: — A thrust block. — A hold-down or anchorage against frost heave. — A foundation that eliminates washouts from the wastewater discharged through the hydrant drain. Elevation Plan Anchor rod Hydrantdrain Pour the base afterhydrant has been set figure 16 When the fittings are used in a hydrant run-out, seen in Figure 18, a single length can be used to connect two fittings. figure 17 3.11 ThRUST-RESTRAINT jOINTS various types of thrust-restraint joints are currently promoted for use with pvC pipe. These include couplings, which require grooving the pipe and various fittings with setscrews that bear on the pipe wall. None of these devices can be uniformly recommended by jM Eagle™ for use with our products. Contact j M Eagle™ product Assurance for specific application information with regard to specific joint restrainers. 35BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE fittings Ultra Blue™ has ductile iron (DI) outside diameters (OD), making standard pvC gasketed fittings compatible. (Note: s olvent Weld PVC fittings cannot be used.) Ductile iron or cast iron mechanical joint fittings and ductile iron push-on-type fittings can be installed directly onto Ultra Blue™, using the standard M.j. gasket made for cast iron or ductile iron pipe. When using M.j. fittings, 55 feet/pounds of torque is recommended. Joint Restraint Devices joint restrain devices that are commonly used with standard pvC can be used with Ultra Blue™. 3.12 SERvICE CONNECTIONS Service connections may be made to j M Eagle™ pvC pressure pipe by means of direct tapping, saddles or a sleeve and valve in the line at the service location. Due to the in-depth knowledge required to make proper taps safely, please refer to Uni-Bell® publication UNI-pUB-08-07, “Tapping Guide for pvC pressure pipe.” 3.12.1 DIRECT T A p S , S ADDLES , AND vAL vES With these connections, a jM Eagle™ pvC pressure pipeline can be tapped before or after the line goes into service. Check with saddle and valve manufacturers for recommended pressure rating of the tools used. WARNING: Use of improper tapping procedures or tools may result in serious damage to pipe, property and/or people. Do not tap prior to obtaining the complete tapping guide. 4.0 pipe embedmenT Figure 18 illustrates a typical trench with all major regions identified, as they will be addressed in the following sections. 36 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE Pipezone 6 in - 12 in EmbedmentMaterial Initialbackfill Haunching Bedding max. 6 in Foundation(may not be required) Springlineof pipe figure 18 4.1 B EDDING Bedding is required primarily to bring the trench bottom up to grade. Bedding materials should be placed to provide uniform longitudinal support under the pipe to prevent low spots. Blocking should not be used to bring the pipe to grade. Bell holes at every joint will allow for the joint to be assembled properly and maintain adequate support. Under normal circumstances a bedding of 4 to 6 inches compacted is of sufficient thickness for the bedding. If the native trench soil is comprised of fine-grain soils and migration of those soils into the bedding material is anticipated, either wide-trench construction, a well- graded bedding material without voids, or a fabric barrier should be used to avoid compromising the trench backfill materials. 4.2 B AC kFILLING AND T AMpING Backfilling should follow pipe assembly as closely as possible. This protects the pipe from falling rocks, eliminates possibility of lifting the pipe from grade due to flooding of an open trench, avoids shifting pipe out of line by cave-ins, and in cold weather lessens the possibility of backfill material becoming frozen. 4.2.1 hAUNChING AND INITIAL B AC kFILL There are two basic purposes of the haunching and initial backfilling of a flexible conduit such as pvC pipe: 37BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE 1. To provide the soil side support, which is necessary to enable the pipe and the soil to work together to meet the designed load requirements within the allowable deflection limits. 2. To provide protection for the pipe from impact damage due to large rocks, etc., contained in the final backfill. The essentials of satisfactory haunching and initial backfilling can be summarized as follows: provide approved materials, properly compacted continuously above the bedding and around the pipe to the spring-line, as well as between the pipe and undisturbed trench walls. After the bedding material has been placed according to Section 4.1, place the haunching and initial backfill by hand to a 1-foot minimum depth of cover above the pipe to give pipe support and cushion. In doing so, proper control should be exercised to avoid vertical and horizontal displacement of the pipe from proper alignment. This backfill should be a selected material, free from rocks greater than 1.5 inches in diameter, dirt clods or frozen material. This material is solely responsible for providing effective support of the pipe in the haunching area and limiting deflection. This is accomplished by tamping the embedment materials under the haunches and around the pipe to the spring-line of the pipe. Side support is accomplished by tamping the soil firmly under the haunches of the pipe out to the trench walls. Tamping should be done in layers no greater than 6 inches. If automatic tampers are used, care should be exercised to avoid damaging the pipe. For more information on tamping, see Section 4.4.1. A. Right—Backfill correctly placed by hand filling all voids. B. Wrong—Backfill not placed evenly. figure 19 38 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE The immediate placement of initial backfill will provide adequate weight of soil on the pipe so that expansion and contraction will be evenly distributed over each pipe length. This portion of the backfill begins at the spring-line of the pipe and extends to some predetermined distance above the pipe. Since little to no side support is derived from the soils placed in this area, native soils maybe used without tremendous compaction efforts, unless in the influence zone of other structures. It should be noted that at shallow depths of cover (less than 3 feet) flexible conduits may deflect and rebound under dynamic loading if the trench width is not highly compacted, resulting in damage to road surfaces. For pipes buried under flexible road surfaces at depths less than 3 feet, it is recommended that a minimum of 90 percent proctor density be achieved from the bottom of the trench up to the road surface using Class I or Class II materials as described in Appendix 1. Minimum cover is recommended to be 1 foot from the top of rigid road surfaces or the bottom of flexible road surfaces. NoTICE: For water pipe installations the top area of the bells can be left exposed for visual inspection during the test if required. 4.3 C OM p LETING T h E B AC kFILL Balance of backfill need not be as carefully selected as the initial material, unless specified by the engineer. Care should be taken, however, to avoid including large stones that could damage the pipe by dropping on it or by being forced down on to the pipe under the weight of the final backfill. 4.3.1 FINAL B AC kFILL The final backfill should be placed and spread in uniform layers in such a manner as to completely fill the trench with a uniformly dense backfill load on the pipe and avoid unfilled spaces in the backfill. Rolling equipment should not be used until a minimum of 18 inches of backfill material has been placed over the top of the pipe. If a hydro hammer is to be used to compact the backfill, a minimum of 3 feet of cover is required. Unless otherwise specified, trenches under pavements, sidewalks, or roads shall be backfilled and compacted to 90 percent density, as determined by the American Association of highway and Transportation Officials Method 39BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE T99 for State Compaction and Density of Soils. Unless specified, other trenches may be backfilled without controlled compaction in the final backfill. Additional backfill material should be supplied, if needed, to completely backfill the trenches or to fill depressions caused by subsequent settlement. for description of backfill materials and their recommended usage, please refer to Appendix 1. 4.4 C OM p ACTION M ET h ODS The first step in providing effective support for the pipe in the haunching area is to tamp the embedment materials under the haunches and around the pipe to the spring-line of the pipe. Tamping should be done with hand tamping bars, mechanical tampers, or by using water to consolidate the embedment materials. With hand tamping, satisfactory results can be accomplished in damp, loamy soils and sands. For more cohesive soils, the necessary compaction may require the use of mechanical tampers. Water tamping should be limited to trenches excavated in soils in which water drains through quickly and, in so doing, compacts the embedment material. 4.4.1 T AMpING BARS Two types of tamping bars should be available for a good tamping job. The first should be a bar with a narrow head. (See A or B of Figure 20.) These are used to tamp under the pipe. The second tamping bar should have a flat head. It is used to compact the soil along the sides of the pipe to the trench walls. (See Figure 20 C.) 40 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE 1” bar weld to flat bar 6” x 4” x 1 60” ¾” - 1“ or 1¼” pipe 30° bend A B C 30°bend tee and two 4” nipples figure 20 Do not attempt to use the flat tamper (C ) in place of A or B. 4.4.2 M EC h ANICAL T AM p ERS Care should be taken to avoid contact between the pipe and compaction equipment. Compaction of the embedment material should generally be done in such a way that the compaction equipment is not used directly above the pipe until sufficient backfill has been placed to ensure that the use of compaction equipment will not damage the pipe or cause deflection of the pipe. When hydro-hammers are used to achieve compaction, they should not be used within 3 feet of the top of the pipe and then, only if the embedment material density has been previously compacted to a minimum 85 percent proctor density. 4.4.3 FLOOD OR W ATER TAM pING Flooding or water tamping should be used only in trenches that are excavated in soils from which water drains quickly and, at the same time, compacts the haunching material. If flooding is used, the approved embedment material is first hand placed, making certain all voids under, around and along both sides of the pipe and 41BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE couplings are filled. Initial embedment material should be placed to a height sufficient to prevent floating of the pipe. 4.4.4 W ATER-jETTING The introduction of water under pressure to the embedment material is not to be used to compact the embedment material of pvC pipe, or any other flexible conduit. 4.4.5 Sh EETING AND T RENCh BO xES When sheeting is used, it should be left in place unless it is designed to prevent disturbing the soil adjacent to the pipe when pulled and removed. If heavy wooden sheeting has to be pulled, well-graded granular material should be placed on each side of the pipe for a distance of at least two pipe diameters. The granular material should be compacted to at least 90 percent standard proctor density. Whenever possible, sheeting and bracing should be installed so that the bottom of the sheeting extends no lower than the spring-line of the pipe. When installed in this manner, pulling the sheeting will not disturb the embedment material providing sidewall support for the pipe. If a trench box is used, it should be designed so that the back end of the sides do not extend below the pipe spring-line. This will allow filling and compaction of the annular space as the trench box is moved forward. 5.0 pipe TesTinG and repair 5.1 pI p E D EFLECTION Under ordinary circumstances the deflection of pvC pressure pipe is of no concern because the internal pressure of the pipe is much greater than the external load placed on the pipe, thus no deflection occurs. however, in some cases, these pipes are used for force mains or gravity flow applications. Towns and municipalities normally set the long-term deflection limits of pvC at 7.5 42 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE percent by ASTM D3034 (Appendix), to provide a very conservative factor of safety against structural failure. however, it should be noted that pvC sewer pipe will have a minimum safety factor of 4 in structural failure at this limit. To ascertain how a certain pvC product will deflect under various loading conditions, backfill types, and depths one may contact jM Eagle™ for design charts specific to a situation. 5.1.1 DEFLECTION T ESTING It is the position of jM Eagle™ that deflection testing of pvC pipe is unnecessary when pipe is installed in accordance with the acceptable practices stated in this guide. Most towns and municipalities limit initial deflection to 5 percent, when in actuality ASTM D3034 recommends pvC pipe deflection at 7.5 percent of base inside diameter. Thus, exceeding these limits does not necessarily indicate any structural damage, failure or reduction in life and only add to the cost of the project. proof of this position is that more than 750,000,000 feet of pvC sewer pipe are performing satisfactorily in the field today. On the other hand, where improper installation practices are known or suspected, questionable bedding materials are employed, and/or installation conditions are severe, deflection testing of these sections of the installation should be considered advisable by the engineer. In the event that deflection measurement is a requirement, please consult jM Eagle™ publication jME- 05B, “Gravity Sewer Installation Guide.” 5.2 T ESTING WATER pI p E It is good practice to pressure test portions of a line as it is installed—before the entire line is completed. Before testing, all parts of the line should be backfilled and braced sufficiently to prevent movement under pressure. In setting up a section of line for test, a provision for air relief valves should be made. There are three parts of the line to consider when testing: 1. The run of pipe, which must be backfilled sufficiently to prevent movement under test pressure. 43BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE 2. Thrust blocks at fittings, which should be permanent and constructed to withstand test pressure. If concrete thrust blocks are used, enough time to permit the cement to set must elapse before testing. 3. Test ends, which should be capped and braced to withstand the appreciable thrusts that are developed under test pressure, as seen in Figure 21. Refer to Section 3.9 on “Thrust Blocking and Anchorage at Fittings.” Typical End Cap figure 21 The last full length laid should be firmly wedged and braced to prevent kicking out under pressure, as seen in Figure 22. (All exposed pipe must be wedged or backfilled, in order to hold it securely in line.) Using a plumb bob over a reference point on the pipe will check creeping when pressure is built up. figure 22 5.2.1 FILLING T h E LINE The line can be slowly filled from any available low-pressure source. The water can be introduced from lines in service through valve connections, by temporary connections to hydrants, to taps made in the new line, or at the connection in the end cap. All such connections, however, should be made at the lowest point in the line, if possible, to help eliminate air entrapment. Where a portion of the line is to be tested and has not yet been tied to the final source, some other source of water must be found. Table 6 shows the approximate volume of water required for filling jM Eagle™ pvC Blue Brute™, Big Blue™ and Ultra Blue™ pipe. 44 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE VolUME of WATER REqUIRED IN G A lloNs/fooT PIPE s IZE (inches) C900/C905 PIPE DR 51 41 32.5 25 18 14 4 ———0.79 0.73 0.68 6 ———1.62 1.51 1.40 8 — — —2.80 2.60 2.41 10 — — —4.21 3.91 3.62 12 — — —5.95 5.54 5.12 14 — —8.34 8.00 7.44 — 16 — —10.80 10.34 9.61 — 18 — —13.56 13.00 12.07 — 20 — —16.63 15.95 14.82 — 24 — —23.74 22.74 21.14 — 30 38.38 37.58 36.50 35.00 — — 36 54.98 53.76 52.29 50.12 — — 42 74.22 72.59 70.61 67.68 — — 48 96.72 94.55 92.02 88.18 — — VolUME of WATER R Eq UIRED IN G AlloNs/fooT PIPE s IZE (inches) AWWA C909-09 PC 100 PC 165 PC 235 6 1.70 —1.69 8 2.93 —2.90 10 4.41 —4.37 12 6.24 —6.18 16 — 11.18 — Table 6 45BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE 5.2.2 R ELIEv ING AIR FROM T h E LINE ALL AIR ShOULD BE v ENTED FROM ALL hIGh SpOTS IN ThE pIpELINE BEFORE MA kING EIThER pRESSURE OR LEA k AGE TESTS. AUTOMATIC AIR RELEASE vALv ES ARE RECOMMENDED. Compressed entrapped air causes difficulty in pumping to required pressure for strength tests. Furthermore, a pipeline may leak compressed air when it is actually watertight. If this occurs during a leakage test, it will cause erroneous results. Most importantly, when entrapped air is compressed, it poses a severe explosion hazard and may result in pipe failure and/or injury to property and/ or persons. Don’t use pvC for compressed-air systems. 5.3 pRESSURE -S TRENGT h T ESTS The purpose of a pressure-strength test is to make certain that the line will withstand normal working pressure plus reasonable excesses that may occur. In a properly designed line, excess pressures will be kept to a minimum by the use of automatic relief valves, slow closing and opening valves, slow pump starting and other controls. A test pressure of 25 percent above the normal operating pressure should generally be sufficient, unless the specification calls for greater pressure. Do not build test pressures greater than those specified. This can happen if the pressure is read from a gauge located at a high point in the line. In such cases the actual pressure at low points will be greater and might cause damage to the line. In all cases, it is important that no pressure test, regardless of duration, exceed the marked pressure capacity of the pipe and/or accessories being tested. Doing so might cause damage to the line or shorten the expected life of the system. For more detailed instructions on how to perform installation and pressure testing, please consult ASTM D2774, “Standard practice for Underground Installation of Thermoplastic pressure piping” and/or the appropriate AWWA standards. 46 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE 5.4 M Ak ING L EA k AGE T ESTS The purpose of a leakage test is to establish that the section of line to be tested–including all joints, fittings, and other appurtenances–will not leak or that the leakage established is within the limits of the applicable leakage allowance. Leakage, if any, is usually involved in joints at saddles, valves, transition fittings and adaptors not usually in pipe joints. Normal operating pressure is usually applied for tests. This should be maintained as constant as possible throughout the testing period. Measurement of the amount of additional water pumped in during the test will provide a measurement of the amount of leakage, if any. In setting up a section of line for testing, air relief valves should be provided. Air trapped in the line during the test will affect test results and can cause damage to the pipeline and/or injury to workers. Generally, the engineer will establish the duration of the test, the allowable leakage, and indicate the appropriate methods and procedures for testing. If not, a two-hour test is recommended and the allowable leakage shall be determined by the following formula: l = (ND P) / 7400 L is the allowable leakage, in gallons per hour; N is the number of joints in the length of pipeline tested; D is the nominal diameter of the pipe in inches; and p is the average test pressure during the test in pounds per square inch gauge (pSIG). Leakage values determined by the above formula are shown in Table 7. 47BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE lEAKAGE A lloWANCE G A lloNs PER 100 JoINTs PER HoUR PIPE s IZE (inches) TEsT PREss URE (psi) 50 100 150 200 225 4 0.38 0.54 0.66 0.76 0.81 6 0.57 0.81 0.99 1.15 1.22 8 0.76 1.08 1.32 1.53 1.62 10 0.96 1.35 1.66 1.91 2.03 12 1.15 1.62 1.99 2.29 2.43 14 1.34 1.89 2.32 2.68 2.84 16 1.53 2.16 2.65 3.06 3.24 18 1.72 2.43 2.98 3.44 3.65 20 1.91 2.70 3.31 3.82 4.05 24 2.29 3.24 3.97 4.59 4.86 30 2.87 4.05 4.97 5.73 6.08 36 3.44 4.86 5.96 6.88 7.30 42 4.01 5.68 6.95 8.03 8.51 48 4.59 6.49 7.94 9.17 9.73 Table 7 Consideration should be given to any valves isolating the test section. Many waterworks valves are not designed for leak-proof operation. Leakage through these valves can distort actual leakage figures. The leakage allowances indicated are intended for municipal water pipe distribution networks, which include numerous valves and fittings. h owever, jM Eagle™ pvC Blue Brute™, Big Blue™ and Ultra Blue™ pressure pipe can meet the tighter leakage allowances of NFpA 24, “Standard for Outside protection (Firelines).” potable water lines may require disinfecting per AWWA standards. 48 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE 5.5 M Ak ING RE p AIRS TO D AMAGED pIpELINES When pipe has been damaged and repair is required, all damaged material may be replaced in kind or the pipe may be repaired using a repair clamp or other methods authorized by the engineer. If a repair clamp is to be used, the full circle type with opposed bolt line flanges is recommended and should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Gouges that have a depth greater than 10 percent of the wall thickness of the pipe, should be repaired. If the damaged area is localized, a repair clamp may be used. When the damaged area extends beyond a localized area, it is recommended that the damaged section of the pipe be cut out and replaced. In such cases, repair clamps or Dresser-type couplings will be required to join the pipe ends. Other types of couplings may be available. please consult jM Eagle™ for acceptability of these other products. NoTE: Trenches and/or casing should be constructed and used in accordance with all applicable state and federal standards to ensure safety. NoTICE To A ll READER s of THI s GUIDE: pvC pipe installation may be hazardous to pipe, property and/or people if this guide and/or the recommendations of jM Eagle™ are not adhered to fully. j M Eagle™ has made every effort to expose all known dangers of misusing pvC pipe in this guide; however, j M Eagle™ cannot possibly know or anticipate all situations or outcomes. jM Eagle™ maintains the position that pvC pipe is the most reliable and safest piping material available. Thus, j M Eagle™ encourages all users of its products to exercise good judgment when installing our products and to consult jM Eagle™ for additional information when questions or concepts illustrated herein are not fully answered or understood. It is recommended that all users of its products (or people handling) attend training on pipe construction, installation and safety prior to working with its products to ensure safety, knowledge and understanding. Should you need further assistance, please contact j M Eagle™ product Assurance at 1-800- 621-4404. 49BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE appendix 1 EMBEDMENT M ATERIALS Materials suitable for foundation and embedment are classified in Table A1.1. They include a number of processed materials plus soil types defined according to the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) in ASTM D2487, “Standard Method for Classification of Soils for Engineering purposes.” Table A1.2 provides recommendations on the installation and use based on class of soil or aggregates and location within the trench. It is important to engineer all materials used in the pipe trench to work together and with the native material surrounding the trench. Class IA Materials: Class IA materials provide the maximum stability and pipe support for a given density because of the angular interlocking of the material particles. With minimum efforts, these materials can be installed at relatively high densities over a wide range of moisture contents. These materials also have excellent drainage characteristics that may aid in the control of water. These soils are often desirable as embedment in rock cuts where water is frequently encountered. On the other hand, when ground water flow is anticipated, consideration should be given to potential migration of fines from adjacent materials into the open graded Class IA materials. Class IB Materials: Class IB materials are produced by mixing Class IA and natural or processed sands to produce a particle-size distribution that minimizes migration from surrounding soils that may contain fines. They are more widely graded than Class IA and thus require more compaction effort to achieve the minimum density specified. When these materials are properly compacted these soils exhibit high stiffness and strength, and depending on the amount of fines, may be relatively free draining. Class II Materials: When Class II materials are compacted, they provide a relatively high level of pipe support. In most respects, they all have the desirable characteristics of Class IB materials when widely graded. however, open-graded groups may allow for migration and the sizes should be checked for compatibility with the native trench materials. Typically, Class II materials consist of rounded particles and are less stable than the angular materials of Class IA and IB unless they are confined and compacted. 50 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE Class III Materials: These materials provide less support for a given density than Class I or Class II materials. high levels of compaction effort are required if moisture content is not controlled. These materials will provide reasonable support once proper compaction is achieved. Class IV-A Materials: Class I v-A materials must be carefully evaluated before use. The moisture content of the materials must be near optimum to minimize compaction effort and achieve the required density. properly placed and compacted, these soils can provide reasonable levels of pipe support. h owever, these materials may not be suitable under high fills, surface applied dynamic loads, or under heavy vibratory compactors and tampers. These materials should be avoided if water conditions in the trench may cause instability and result in uncontrolled water content. 51BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE Table A1.1Description of Material Classification as Defined in AsTM D2321Percentage Passing sieve sizesAtterberg limitsCoefficientsClassTypesoil symbol GroupDescription AsTM D24871.5 in (40 mm)No.4 (4.75 mm)No.200 (.075 mm)llPlUniformity CuCurvature CcIAManufactured Aggregates: open graded, cleanNoneAngular, crushed stone or rock, crushed slag, cinders or shell: large void content, contain little or no fines100%< or = 10%< 5%Non plasticIBManufactured, processed Aggregates: dense graded, cleanNoneAngular, crushed stone (or other Class IA materials) and stone/sand mixtures with gradations selected to minimize migration of adjacent soils: contain little to no fines100%< or = 50%< 5%Non plasticIICoarse-Grained Soils: cleanGWWell graded gravels and gravel-sand mixtures: little to no fines100%< 50% of coarse fraction< 5%Non plastic> 41 to 3Gppoorly graded gravels and gravel-sand mixtures: little to no fines< 4< 1 or > 3SWWell graded sands and grav-elly sands: little to no fines< 50% of coarse fraction> 61 to 3Sppoorly graded sands and gravelly sands: little to no fines< 6< 1 or > 3Coarse-Grained Soils: borderline clean to w/finesSands and gravels which are bordeline between clean and with fines100%varies5% to 12%Non plasticSame as for GW, Gp, SW, and SpBased on tables found in the Uni-Bell® pvC pipe Association, “handbook of pvC pipe Design and Construction.” 52 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE Table A1.1 continuedPercentage Passing sieve sizesAtterberg limitsCoefficientsClassTypesoil symbol GroupDescription AsTM D24871.5 in (40 mm)No.4 (4.75 mm)No.200 (.075 mm)llPlUniformity CuCurvature CcIIICoarse-Grained Soils w/ FinesGMSilty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures100%> 50% of coarse fraction> 12% to < 50%< 4 or < ”A” LineGCClayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures< 7 and > ”A” LineSMSilty sands, sand-silt mixtures> 50% of coarse fraction> 4 or < ”A” LineSCClayey sands, sand-silt mixtures> 7 and > “A” LineIv-AFine-Grained Soils: InorganicMLInorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands, silts with slight plasticity100%100%> 50%< 50< 4 or < “A” LineCLInorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravely clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays> 7 and > “A” LineBased on tables found in the Uni-Bell® pvC pipe Association, “handbook of pvC pipe Design and Construction.” 53BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE Table A1.2recommendations for installation and use of soils and aggregates for Foundation, embedment, and backfill soil Class as Defined in Table A1.1Class IAClass IBClass IIClass IIIClass IV-AGeneral Recommendations and RestrictionsDo not use where cond-tions may cause migration of fines from adjacent soil and loss of pipe support. Suitable for use as a drain-age blanket and underdrain in rock cuts where adjacent material is suitably graded.process materials as required to obtain gradation which will minimize migration of adjacent materi-als. Suitable for use as drainage blanket and underdrain.Where hydraulic gradient exists check gradation to minimize migration. “Clean” groups suitable for use as drainage blan-ket and underdrain.Do not use where water conditions in trench may cause instabilityObtain geotechnical evalu-ation of processed material. May not be suitable under high earth fills, surface ap-plied loads and under heavy vibratory compactors and tampers. Do not use where water conditions in trench may cause instability.FoundationSuitable as foundation and for replacing over-excavated and unstable trench bottom as restricted above. Install and compact in 6-inch maximum layers.Suitable as founda-tion and for replac-ing over-excavated and unstable trench bottom. Install and compact in 6-inch maximum layers.Suitable as founda-tion and for replacing over-excavated and unstable trench bottom as restricted above. Install and compact in 6-inch-maximum layers.Suitable as foundation and for replacing over-excavated trench bottom as restricted above. Do not use in thicknesses greater than 12 inches total. Install and com-pact in 6-inch maximum layers.Suitable only in undisturbed condition and where trench is dry. Remove all loose material and provide firm, uniform trench bottom before bedding is placed.Based on tables found in the Uni-Bell® pvC pipe Association, “handbook of pvC pipe Design and Construction.” 54 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDE Table A1.2 continued soil Class as Defined in Table A1.1Class IAClass IBClass IIClass IIIClass IV-ABeddingSuitable as restricted above. Install in 6 inch maximum layers. Level final grade by hand. Minimum depth 4 inches (6 inches in rock cuts).Install and compact in 6 inch maxium layers. Level final grade by hand. Minimum depth 4 inches (6 inches in rock cuts).Suitable as restricted above. Install and compact in 6-inch-maximum layers. Level final grade by hand. Minimum depth 4 inches (6 inches in rock cuts).Suitable only in dry trench conditions. Install and compact in 6-inch-max-imum layers. Level final grade by hand. Minimum depth 4 inches (6 inches in rock cuts).Suitable only in dry trench conditions and when optimum placement and compaction control is maintained. Install and compact in 6 inch maximum layers. Level fi-nal grade by hand. Minimum depth 4 inches (6 inches in rock cuts).haunchingSuitable as restricted above. Install in 6 inch maximum layers. Work in around pipe by hand to provide uniform support.Install and compact in 6 inch maximum layers. Work in around pipe by hand to provide uniform support.Suitable as restricted above. Install and compact in 6-inch-maximum layers. Work in around pipe by hand to provide uniform support.Suitable as restricted above. Install and compact in 6-inch-maximum layers. Work in around pipe by hand to provide uniform support.Suitable only in dry trench conditions and when optimum placement and compaction control is maintained. Install and compact in 6 inch maximum layers. Work in around pipe by hand to provide uniform support.Initial BackfillSuitable as restricted above. Install to a minimum of 6 inches above pipe crown.Install and compact to a minimum of 6 inches above pipe crown.Suitable as restricted above. Install and compact to a minumum of 6 inches above pipe crown.Suitable as restricted above. Install and com-pact to a minumum of 6 inches above pipe crown.Suitable as restricted above. Install and compact to a minumum of 6 inches above pipe crown.Final BackfillCompact as required by the engineer.Compact as required by the engineer.Compact as required by the engineer.Compact as required by the engineer.Suitable as restricted above. Compact as required by the engineer.Based on tables found in the Uni-Bell® pvC pipe Association, “handbook of pvC pipe Design and Construction”. 58 BLUE BRUTE™/BIG BLUE™/ULTRA BLUE™ INSTALLATION GUIDEBuilding essentials for a better tomorrow revised march 2011 jME-03B © j-M Manufacturing Co., Inc. 5200 West Century Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90045 T: 800.621.4404 F: 800.451.4170 Nine peach Tree hill Road Livingston, Nj 07039 T: 973.535.1633 F: 973.533.4185 www.Jmeagle.com Global H eadQuarTers:reGional oFFiCe: General Contractor Construction Management 400 S PECTRUM C ENTER D RIVE, S UITE 1200, I RVINE, C ALIFORNIA 92618 T EL: 949-474-2001 WWW.RDOLSON.COM Sent via email:aortega@laquinta.gov September 16, 2022 AJ Ortega Building Official – Design and Development Department CITY OF LA QUINTA 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Re: Montage Hotel & Spa / Conference Center / Golf Clubhouse REQUEST FOR PERMIT EXTENSION Dear AJ, R.D. Olson is requesting an extension of the following existing active permits due to the recent work stoppage due to a lack of funding. We expect to be back on site working next week. If you have any questions or need anything further, please reach out to Samantha Sheinberg at 714-920- 7537 or ssheinberg@rdolson.com and she can assist. Respectfully, R.D. OLSON CONSTRUCTION, INC. John A. Ramirez Senior Vice President of Operations Cc: Jerry Bloom, Lang Naefke, Patrick Ready, Armando Alarcon, John Staff, Gary Hoskins, Jeremy Dunn, Keith Freeman, Eduardo Paz Hydraulic Calculations Flow Scenarios Montage Hotel & Spa - La Quinta 7/20/21 P-187P-186P-185P-184P-183P-182P-180P-174P-173P-171P-168P-167P-163P -162P-160P-159P-158P-157P-156P-155P-153P-152P-149P -14 8P-147P-146P-145P-144P-143P-142P-140P-138P-137P-136P-135P-133P-131P-130P-129P-128P-126P-124P-123P-122P-121P-119P-118P-114P-113P-112P-111P-110P-109P-108P-107P-105P-104P-103P-101P-100P-99P-98P-97P-96P-95P-92P-84P-83P-82P-80P-79P-78P-77P-76P-75P-74P-73P-72P-71P-70P-69P-68P-67P-64P-63P-62P-58P-57P-55P-54P-53P-15P-14P-12P-11P-6P-3P-2P-24P-23P-22P-5P-4P-8P-7P-9P-10P-49P-46P-45P-44P-43P-42P-39P-34P-33P-29P-25P-21P-20P-18P-17P-16J-5J-233J-4J-3J-121J-74J-231J-73J-230J-72J-71J-70J-133J-69J-68J-147J-145J-144J-67J-66J-143J-65J-132J-140J-148J-129J-137J-146J-126J-64J-63J-62J-125J-142J-61J-141J-131J-60J-139J-59J-138J-58J-136J-57J-135J-56J-134J-55J-PH2J-53J-124J-52J-130J-51J-122J-50J-128J-49J-127J-H2J-PH1J-SSJ-45J-44J-43J-123J-42J-41J-117J-39J-121J-114J-38J-113J-37J-120J-36J-119J-35J-118J-245J-97J-34J-116J-115J-105J-33J-112J-111J-110J-32J-247J-109J-31J-108J-107J-106J-30J-102J-29J-244J-234J-104J-243J-98J-28J-27J-89J-HSJ-95J-103J-94J-246J-101J-100J-99J-25J-24J-23J-22J-21J-96J-20J-19J-18J-17J-16J-15J-14J-93J-232J-92J-91J-13J-90J-1J-88J-12J-87J-11J-86J-10J-85J-79J-84J-H1J-77J-82J-9J-CHJ-81J-8J-7J-75J-80J-6J-14987 psi76 psi75 psi75 psi87 psi83 psi87 psi82 psi80 psi80 psi81 psi87 psi82 psi82 psi86 psi87 psi86 psi86 psi86 psi86 psi87 psi85 psi86 psi84 psi85 psi86 psi87 psi87 psi82 psi82 psi82 psi85 psi85 psi87 psi86 psi86 psi87 psi86 psi78 psi87 psi78 psi87 psi77 psi87 psi80 psi86 psi80 psi77 psi79 psi85 psi79 psi86 psi78 psi87 psi79 psi85 psi80 psi86 psi80 psi77 psi81 psi81 psi83 psi87 psi85 psi87 psi87 psi84 psi80 psi87 psi85 psi86 psi86 psi85 psi76 psi76 psi75 psi76 psi83 psi82 psi84 psi76 psi84 psi85 psi84 psi78 psi80 psi82 psi83 psi82 psi82 psi81 psi78 psi80 psi85 psi86 psi82 psi81 psi78 psi87 psi86 psi83 psi85 psi84 psi82 psi78 psi72 psi74 psi84 psi82 psi75 psi87 psi81 psi81 psi83 psi76 psi77 psi76 psi75 psi82 psi83 psi76 psi75 psi76 psi77 psi76 psi75 psi75 psi73 psi84 psi71 psi71 psi78 psi71 psi84 psi73 psi78 psi74 psi78 psi76 psi78 psi77 psi76 psi74 psi76 psi76 psi76 psi76 psi85 psi75 psi76 psi80 psi87 psi77 psi78 psi83 psiColor Coding LegendPipe: Diameter (in)<= 2.0<= 4.0<= 6.0<= 8.0<= 10.0<= 12.0<= 18.0OtherColor Coding LegendJunction: Pressure (psi)<= 20<= 30Other SCENARIO 1:Montage Guest Rooms- Fire flow of2,500 GPM split between 2 hydrantsFH 1 @J-7FH 2 @J-1121,250 gpm @ 80psi (103 Static)Model is showing a flow of 5,129 gpm@ 20 psi residual curve pressure fromthe 2 most remote fire hydrants.1,250 gpm @ 80psi (100 Static) P-187P-186P-185P-184P-183P-182P-180P-174P-173P-171P-168P-167P-163P-162P-160P-159P-158P-157P-156P-155P-153P-152P-149P -148P-147P-146P-145P-144P-143P-142P-140P-138P-137P-136P-135P-133P-131P-130P -1 2 9 P-128P-126P-124P-123P-122P -121P-119P-118P-114P-113P-112P-111P-110P-109P-108P-107P-105P -1 0 4 P-103P-101P-100P-99P-98P-97P-96P -95P-92P-84P-83P-82P-81P-80P-79P-78P-77P-76P-75P-74P-73P-72P-71P -70P-69P-68P-67P-64P-63P-62P-58P-57P-55P-54P-53P-15P-14P -1 2 P-11P-6P-3P-2P -2 4 P -2 3 P -2 2 P-5P-4P-8P-7P -9 P -1 0 P-49P -4 6 P-45P-44P-43P-42P-39P-34P-33P-29P-25P-21P -2 0 P-18P-17P-16J-5J-233J-4J-3J-121J-74J-231J-73J-230J-72J-71J-70J-133J-69J-68J-147J-145J-144J-67J-66J-143J-65J-132J-140J-148J-129J-137J-146J-126J-64J-63J-62J-125J-142J-61J-141J-131J-60J-139J-59J-138J-58J-136J-57J-135J-56J-134J-55J-PH2J-53J-124J-52J-130J-51J-122J-50J-128J-49J-127J-H2J-PH1J-SSJ-45J-44J-43J-123J-42J-41J-117J-39J-121J-114J-38J-113J-37J-120J-36J-119J-35J-118J-245J-97J-34J-116J-115J-105J-33J-112J-111J-110J-32J-247J-109J-31J-108J-107J-106J-30J-102J-29J-244J-234J-104J-243J-98J-28J-27J-89J-HSJ-95J-103J-94J-246J-101J-100J-99J-25J-24J-23 J-22J-21J-96J-20J-19J-18J-17J-16J-15J-14J-93J-232J-92J-91J-13J-90J-1J-88J-12J-87J-11J-86J-10J-85J-79J-84J-H1J-77J-82J-9J-CHJ-81J-8J-75J-80J-6J-14989 psi77 psi77 psi77 psi89 psi87 psi89 psi85 psi82 psi82 psi83 psi89 psi83 psi84 psi88 psi88 psi88 psi88 psi88 psi89 psi89 psi87 psi88 psi87 psi87 psi88 psi88 psi88 psi84 psi84 psi84 psi86 psi87 psi88 psi88 psi88 psi88 psi88 psi80 psi89 psi80 psi88 psi78 psi89 psi82 psi88 psi82 psi79 psi80 psi86 psi81 psi88 psi80 psi89 psi81 psi87 psi82 psi88 psi82 psi79 psi83 psi83 psi84 psi88 psi86 psi89 psi88 psi86 psi82 psi88 psi88 psi87 psi88 psi87 psi77 psi78 psi76 psi77 psi84 psi84 psi86 psi77 psi86 psi87 psi87 psi79 psi85 psi86 psi87 psi83 psi84 psi88 psi79 psi86 psi89 psi89 psi83 psi84 psi79 psi88 psi88 psi86 psi87 psi86 psi83 psi79 psi73 psi76 psi85 psi85 psi77 psi88 psi83 psi85 psi77 psi78 psi77 psi77 psi83 psi85 psi77 psi77 psi77 psi78 psi77 psi76 psi76 psi75 psi87 psi73 psi73 psi79 psi72 psi86 psi74 psi79 psi75 psi79 psi78 psi79 psi78 psi78 psi76 psi77 psi77 psi77 psi78 psi87 psi77 psi78 psi89 psi78 psi79 psi86 psiColor Coding LegendPipe: Diameter (in)<= 2.0<= 4.0<= 6.0<= 8.0<= 10.0<= 12.0<= 18.0OtherColor Coding LegendJunction: Pressure (psi)<= 20<= 30OtherSCENARIO 4:Montage Hotel-Fire flow of 2,250GPM split between 2 hydrantsFH 1 @J-1FH 2 @J-1181,125 gpm @ 84psi (100 Static)1,125 gpm @ 86psi (100 Static)Model is showing a flow of 5,565 gpm@ 20 psi residual curve pressure fromthe 2 targeted fire hydrants. P-187P-186P-185P-184P-183P-182P-180P-174P-173P-171P-168P-167P-163P -162P-160P-159P-158P-157P-156P-155P-153P-152P-149P-1 48P-147P-146P-145P-144P-143P-142P-140P-138P-137P-136P-135P-133P-131P-130P -1 2 9 P-128P-126P-124P-123P-122P -121P-119P-118P-114P-113P-112P-111P-110P-109P-108P-107P-105P -1 0 4 P-103P-101P-100P-99P-98P-97P-96P -95P-92P-84P-83P-82P-80P-79P-78P-77P-76P-75P-74P-73P-72P-71P -70P-69P-68P-67P-64P-63P-62P-58P-57P-55P-54P-53P-15P-14P -1 2 P-11P-6P-3P-2P -2 4 P -2 3 P -2 2 P-5P-4P-8P-7P -9 P -1 0 P-49P -4 6 P-45P-44P-43P-42P-39P-34P-33P-29P-25P-21P -2 0 P-18P-17P-16J-5J-233J-4J-3J-121J-74J-231J-73J-230J-72J-71J-70J-133J-69J-68J-147J-145J-144J-67J-66J-143J-65J-132J-140J-148J-129J-137J-146J-126J-64J-63J-62J-125J-142J-61J-141J-131J-60J-139J-59J-138J-58J-136J-57J-135J-56J-134J-55J-PH2J-53J-124J-52J-130J-51J-122J-50J-128J-49J-127J-H2J-PH1J-SSJ-45J-44J-43J-123J-42J-41J-117J-39J-121J-114J-38J-113J-37J-120J-36J-119J-35J-118J-245J-97J-34J-116J-115J-105J-33J-112J-111J-110J-32J-247J-109J-31J-108J-107J-106J-30J-102J-29J-244J-234J-104J-243J-98J-28J-27J-89J-HSJ-95J-103J-94J-246J-101J-100J-99J-25J-24J-23 J-22J-21J-96J-20J-19J-18J-17J-16J-15J-14J-93J-232J-92J-91J-13J-90J-1J-88J-12J-87J-11J-86J-10J-85J-79J-84J-H1J-77J-82J-9J-CHJ-81J-8J-75J-80J-6J-14991 psi80 psi80 psi80 psi91 psi89 psi91 psi87 psi84 psi84 psi85 psi91 psi86 psi86 psi90 psi90 psi90 psi90 psi90 psi91 psi91 psi89 psi90 psi89 psi89 psi90 psi90 psi91 psi86 psi86 psi86 psi89 psi89 psi91 psi90 psi90 psi91 psi90 psi82 psi91 psi82 psi90 psi81 psi91 psi84 psi90 psi84 psi81 psi82 psi88 psi83 psi90 psi82 psi91 psi83 psi89 psi84 psi90 psi84 psi81 psi85 psi85 psi86 psi91 psi89 psi91 psi91 psi89 psi85 psi91 psi90 psi90 psi91 psi89 psi80 psi81 psi80 psi80 psi88 psi86 psi89 psi80 psi89 psi89 psi89 psi83 psi88 psi88 psi89 psi86 psi86 psi90 psi83 psi88 psi91 psi91 psi86 psi86 psi83 psi91 psi90 psi88 psi89 psi89 psi86 psi83 psi76 psi79 psi88 psi85 psi80 psi91 psi85 psi87 psi80 psi81 psi80 psi80 psi86 psi88 psi80 psi80 psi80 psi81 psi80 psi80 psi79 psi78 psi90 psi76 psi76 psi83 psi76 psi89 psi77 psi82 psi78 psi82 psi81 psi82 psi82 psi81 psi79 psi80 psi80 psi80 psi81 psi89 psi80 psi81 psi91 psi81 psi82 psi88 psiColor Coding LegendPipe: Diameter (in)<= 2.0<= 4.0<= 6.0<= 8.0<= 10.0<= 12.0<= 18.0OtherColor Coding LegendJunction: Pressure (psi)<= 20<= 30OtherSCENARIO 5:Montage Spa-Fire flow of 1,875 GPMFH 1 @J-103Model is showing a flow of 4,629 gpm@ 20 psi residual curve pressure fromthe 1 targeted fire hydrant.1,875 gpm @ 85psi (100 Static) P-187P-186P-185P-184P-183P-182P-180P-174P-173P-171P-168P-167P-163P-162P-160P-159P-158P-157P-156P-155P-153P-152P-149P -148P-147P-146P-145P-144P-143P-142P-140P-138P-137P-136P-135P-133P-131P-130P -1 2 9 P-128P-126P-124P-123P-122P -121P-119P-118P-114P-113P-112P-111P-110P-109P-108P-107P-105P -1 0 4 P-103P-101P-100P-99P-98P-97P-96P -9 5P-92P-84P-83P-82P-80P-79P-78P-77P-76P-75P-74P-73P-72P -71P-70P-69P-68P-67P-64P-63P-62P-58P-57P-55P-54P-53P-15P -14P -1 2 P-11P-6P-3P-2P -2 4 P -2 3 P -2 2 P-5P-4P-8P-7P -9 P -1 0 P-49P -4 6 P-45P-44P-43P-42P-39P-34P-33P-29P-25P-21P -2 0 P-18P-17P-16J-5J-233J-4J-3J-121J-74J-231J-73J-230J-72J-71J-70J-133J-69J-68J-147J-145J-144J-67J-66J-143J-65J-132J-140J-148J-129J-137J-146J-126J-64J-63J-62J-125J-142J-61J-141J-131J-60J-139J-59J-138J-58J-136J-57J-135J-56J-134J-55J-PH2J-53J-124J-52J-130J-51J-122J-50J-128J-49J-127J-H2J-PH1J-SSJ-45J-44J-43J-123J-42J-41J-117J-39J-121J-114J-38J-113J-37J-120J-36J-119J-35J-118J-245J-97J-34J-116J-115J-105J-33J-112J-111J-110J-32J-247J-109J-31J-108J-107J-106J-30J-102J-29J-244J-234J-104J-243J-98J-28J-27J-89J-HSJ-95J-103J-94J-246J-101J-100J-99J-25J-24J-23 J-22J-21J-96J-20J-19J-18J-17J-16J-15J-14J-93J-232J-92J-91J-13J-90J-1J-88J-12J-87J-11J-86J-10J-85J-79J-84J-H1J-77J-82J-9J-CHJ-81J-8J-75J-80J-6J-14995 psi86 psi86 psi86 psi96 psi95 psi96 psi93 psi89 psi89 psi90 psi95 psi91 psi91 psi95 psi95 psi95 psi94 psi94 psi97 psi95 psi94 psi95 psi95 psi94 psi95 psi95 psi95 psi91 psi91 psi91 psi93 psi95 psi95 psi95 psi95 psi95 psi95 psi87 psi96 psi87 psi95 psi86 psi96 psi89 psi95 psi89 psi86 psi87 psi93 psi88 psi95 psi87 psi96 psi88 psi94 psi89 psi95 psi89 psi86 psi89 psi90 psi91 psi95 psi93 psi95 psi95 psi95 psi90 psi95 psi96 psi95 psi97 psi94 psi86 psi86 psi85 psi86 psi94 psi91 psi95 psi86 psi95 psi95 psi95 psi88 psi94 psi94 psi95 psi92 psi91 psi96 psi88 psi94 psi97 psi98 psi92 psi92 psi88 psi95 psi94 psi94 psi94 psi95 psi92 psi88 psi82 psi85 psi94 psi93 psi85 psi95 psi92 psi94 psi86 psi87 psi86 psi86 psi92 psi94 psi86 psi86 psi86 psi87 psi86 psi85 psi85 psi84 psi96 psi82 psi82 psi88 psi81 psi94 psi83 psi88 psi84 psi88 psi86 psi88 psi87 psi87 psi84 psi86 psi86 psi86 psi87 psi94 psi86 psi86 psi96 psi87 psi88 psi94 psiColor Coding LegendPipe: Diameter (in)<= 2.0<= 4.0<= 6.0<= 8.0<= 10.0<= 12.0<= 18.0OtherColor Coding LegendJunction: Pressure (psi)<= 20<= 30OtherSCENARIO 6:Montage Pool Structures-Fire flow of1,000 GPMFH 1 @J-1031,000 gpm @ 93psi (100 Static)Model is showing a flow of 3,726 gpm@ 20 psi residual curve pressure fromthe 1 targeted fire hydrant. Pipe & Junction Data Tables Montage Hotel & Spa - La Quinta 7/20/21 Label Diameter (in) Velocity (ft/s) Length (ft) Start Node Stop Node Hazen- Williams C Flow (gpm) Headloss Gradient (ft/ft) P-132 8 7.98 161 J-107 J-108 130 1,250 0.028 P-133 8 7.98 141 J-108 J-109 130 1,250 0.028 P-134 8 7.98 62 J-109 J-7 130 1,250 0.028 P-139 8 7.98 175 J-111 J-112 130 1,250 0.028 P-73 2 7.62 11 J-61 GPV-25 130 75 0.128 P-74 2 7.62 12 GPV-25 J-64 130 75 0.128 P-182 2 7.53 11 J-244 GPV-36 130 74 0.125 P-183 2 7.53 12 GPV-36 J-245 130 74 0.125 P-75 2 7.52 11 J-60 GPV-26 130 74 0.125 P-76 2 7.52 13 GPV-26 J-63 130 74 0.125 P-185 2 7.51 12 J-246 GPV-37 130 74 0.124 P-186 2 7.51 12 GPV-37 J-247 130 74 0.124 P-77 2 7.51 11 J-41 GPV-27 130 74 0.124 P-78 2 7.51 12 GPV-27 J-62 130 74 0.124 P-33 2 7.44 27 J-29 GPV-21 130 -73 0.122 P-34 2 7.44 23 GPV-21 J-30 130 -73 0.122 P-42 2 7.42 30 J-33 GPV-23 130 -73 0.122 P-43 2 7.42 23 GPV-23 J-28 130 -73 0.122 P-29 2 7.42 23 J-21 GPV-20 130 73 0.122 P-30 2 7.42 27 GPV-20 J-27 130 73 0.122 P-38 2 7.39 27 J-31 GPV-22 130 -72 0.121 P-39 2 7.39 25 GPV-22 J-32 130 -72 0.121 P-178 2 4.58 13 J-233 GPV-31 130 45 0.05 P-179 2 4.58 12 GPV-31 J-234 130 45 0.05 P-85 2 4.58 12 J-65 GPV-28 130 45 0.05 P-86 2 4.58 14 GPV-28 J-66 130 45 0.05 P-87 2 4.57 13 J-42 GPV-29 130 45 0.05 P-88 2 4.57 13 GPV-29 J-67 130 45 0.05 P-140 12 4.27 258 J-111 J-149 130 -1,506 0.005 P-141 12 4.27 306 J-149 J-113 130 -1,506 0.005 P-155 6 4.19 105 J-64 J-70 130 369 0.012 P-52 12 4.13 194 J-40 J-37 130 1,457 0.005 P-49 12 4.13 117 J-38 J-37 130 -1,457 0.005 P-89 12 4.13 210 J-38 J-68 130 1,457 0.005 P-90 12 4.13 176 J-68 J-69 130 1,457 0.005 P-91 12 4.13 377 J-69 J-39 130 1,457 0.005 P-51 12 4.13 172 J-95 J-39 130 -1,457 0.005 P-100 2 3.98 14 J-74 GPV-30 130 39 0.038 P-101 2 3.98 15 GPV-30 J-121 130 39 0.038 P-168 12 3.78 34 J-75 J-138 130 1,334 0.004 P-171 12 3.78 64 J-139 J-140 130 1,334 0.004 P-172 12 3.78 83 J-140 J-141 130 1,334 0.004 P-173 12 3.78 187 J-141 J-142 130 1,334 0.004 P-174 12 3.78 323 J-142 J-143 130 1,334 0.004 P-175 12 3.78 352 J-143 J-113 130 1,334 0.004 Scenario 1: Montage Guestrooms Pipe Table The 130 C-factor is moreconservative. Civil Plans showC-900 PVC Piping used for the firemain. This provides a morebeneficial C-Factor of 150. Youmay use 150 in the calculation P-169 12 3.78 162 J-138 J-144 130 1,334 0.004 P-170 12 3.78 251 J-144 J-139 130 1,334 0.004 P-154 4 3.43 218 J-66 J-44 130 135 0.013 P-79 6 3.34 17 J-64 J-63 130 -294 0.008 P-119 12 3.31 67 J-95 J-96 130 1,166 0.003 P-120 12 3.31 116 J-96 J-97 130 1,166 0.003 P-121 12 3.31 204 J-97 J-98 130 1,166 0.003 P-14 6 3.3 132 J-12 J-6 130 -291 0.008 P-15 6 3.3 77 J-6 J-13 130 -291 0.008 P-40 6 3.3 17 J-1 J-28 130 291 0.008 P-104 6 3.3 108 J-33 J-13 130 291 0.008 P-57 4 3.29 130 J-49 J-50 130 129 0.012 P-58 4 3.29 124 J-50 J-51 130 129 0.012 P-72 4 3.29 144 J-70 J-49 130 129 0.012 P-2 4 3.02 118 J-121 J-3 130 -118 0.01 P-3 4 3.02 107 J-3 J-4 130 -118 0.01 P-6 4 3.02 76 J-8 J-9 130 -118 0.01 P-9 4 3.02 51 J-77 J-79 130 118 0.01 P-7 4 3.02 67 J-9 J-80 130 -118 0.01 P-8 4 3.02 77 J-80 J-79 130 -118 0.01 P-4 4 3.02 98 J-4 J-81 130 -118 0.01 P-5 4 3.02 136 J-81 J-8 130 -118 0.01 P-115 4 3.02 31 J-91 J-92 130 -118 0.01 P-116 4 3.02 112 J-92 J-93 130 -118 0.01 P-117 4 3.02 201 J-93 J-94 130 -118 0.01 P-118 4 3.02 42 J-94 J-121 130 -118 0.01 P-59 4 2.91 138 J-52 J-53 130 114 0.01 P-92 4 2.91 186 J-70 J-71 130 114 0.01 P-93 4 2.91 87 J-71 J-72 130 114 0.01 P-94 4 2.91 63 J-72 J-52 130 114 0.01 P-62 4 2.91 94 J-PH1 J-57 130 -114 0.01 P-63 4 2.91 101 J-57 J-51 130 -114 0.01 P-66 4 2.91 58 J-53 J-59 130 114 0.01 P-67 4 2.91 193 J-59 J-PH2 130 114 0.01 P-122 12 2.82 179 J-98 J-99 130 994 0.003 P-123 12 2.82 251 J-99 J-100 130 994 0.003 P-124 12 2.82 60 J-100 J-101 130 994 0.003 P-125 12 2.82 24 J-101 J-102 130 994 0.003 P-129 12 2.82 300 J-104 J-105 130 994 0.003 P-130 12 2.82 101 J-105 J-106 130 994 0.003 P-131 12 2.82 72 J-106 J-107 130 994 0.003 P-127 12 2.82 59 J-102 J-230 130 994 0.003 P-128 12 2.82 265 J-230 J-104 130 994 0.003 P-16 4 2.8 91 J-15 J-14 130 -110 0.009 P-17 4 2.8 18 J-22 J-14 130 110 0.009 P-18 4 2.8 27 J-23 J-22 130 110 0.009 P-19 4 2.8 262 J-24 J-23 130 110 0.009 P-25 4 2.8 116 J-16 J-15 130 -110 0.009 P-47 4 2.8 83 J-36 J-24 130 110 0.009 P-110 4 2.8 133 J-16 J-87 130 110 0.009 P-111 4 2.8 95 J-87 J-88 130 110 0.009 P-112 4 2.8 157 J-88 J-89 130 110 0.009 P-113 4 2.8 59 J-89 J-90 130 110 0.009 P-114 4 2.8 77 J-90 J-91 130 110 0.009 P-80 6 2.51 14 J-63 J-62 130 -221 0.005 P-37 6 2.47 27 J-32 J-28 130 -218 0.004 P-41 6 2.47 25 J-33 J-31 130 -218 0.004 P-109 4 2.46 211 J-77 J-36 130 96 0.007 P-11 6 2.44 134 J-5 J-10 130 -215 0.004 P-12 6 2.44 64 J-10 J-11 130 -215 0.004 P-13 6 2.44 122 J-11 J-12 130 -215 0.004 P-10 6 2.44 19 J-77 J-5 130 -215 0.004 P-81 18 2.37 547 J-40 J-122 130 1,876 0.001 P-82 18 2.37 12 J-122 J-65 130 1,876 0.001 P-55 4 2.32 440 J-44 J-45 130 91 0.006 P-56 4 2.32 74 J-45 J-SS 130 91 0.006 P-83 18 2.31 12 J-65 J-42 130 1,832 0.001 P-53 18 2.25 11 J-42 J-233 130 1,787 0.001 P-69 18 2.2 332 J-43 J-126 130 1,742 0.001 P-54 18 2.2 196 J-233 J-43 130 1,742 0.001 P-70 18 2.2 9 J-126 J-61 130 1,742 0.001 P-71 18 2.1 16 J-61 J-60 130 1,667 0.001 P-68 18 2.01 14 J-60 J-41 130 1,594 0.001 P-105 4 1.94 114 J-12 J-82 130 76 0.005 P-106 4 1.94 54 J-82 J-H1 130 76 0.005 P-95 18 1.92 12 J-41 J-244 130 1,520 0.001 P-96 18 1.82 11 J-244 J-246 130 1,446 0.001 P-97 18 1.73 352 J-246 J-73 130 1,373 0.001 P-98 18 1.73 10 J-73 J-74 130 1,373 0.001 P-99 18 1.68 8 J-74 J-75 130 1,334 0.001 P-184 6 1.67 12 J-245 J-62 130 147 0.002 P-35 6 1.65 29 J-31 J-29 130 -146 0.002 P-36 6 1.65 29 J-30 J-32 130 -146 0.002 P-107 4 1.62 260 J-H1 J-84 130 63 0.003 P-108 4 1.62 67 J-84 J-HS 130 63 0.003 P-44 4 1.49 134 J-34 J-35 130 58 0.003 P-45 4 1.49 62 J-35 J-18 130 58 0.003 P-26 4 1.49 40 J-HS J-119 130 58 0.003 P-27 4 1.49 92 J-119 J-120 130 58 0.003 P-28 4 1.49 26 J-120 J-20 130 58 0.003 P-149 4 1.49 31 J-20 J-34 130 58 0.003 P-84 6 1.02 14 J-66 J-67 130 -90 0.001 P-102 4 1 346 J-121 J-147 130 39 0.001 P-103 4 1 215 J-147 J-CH 130 39 0.001 P-187 6 0.83 12 J-247 J-245 130 74 0.001 P-50 12 0.82 9 J-1 J-95 130 -291 0 P-31 6 0.82 30 J-29 J-27 130 -73 0.001 P-32 6 0.82 30 J-30 J-21 130 73 0.001 P-138 12 0.72 189 J-110 J-111 130 -256 0 P-135 12 0.72 160 J-107 J-231 130 -256 0 P-136 12 0.72 218 J-231 J-232 130 -256 0 P-137 12 0.72 70 J-232 J-110 130 -256 0 P-176 46 0.64 30 R-5 PMP-3 130 3,333 0 P-177 46 0.64 40 PMP-3 J-40 130 3,333 0 P-180 6 0.51 10 J-234 J-67 130 45 0 P-148 12 0.49 101 J-117 J-98 130 -172 0 P-142 12 0.49 127 J-113 J-114 130 -172 0 P-143 12 0.49 398 J-114 J-115 130 -172 0 P-146 12 0.49 321 J-116 J-117 130 -172 0 P-144 12 0.49 45 J-115 J-148 130 -172 0 P-145 12 0.49 116 J-148 J-116 130 -172 0 P-60 4 0.38 124 J-51 J-56 130 15 0 P-61 4 0.38 368 J-56 J-H2 130 15 0 P-20 4 0.34 49 J-19 J-25 130 13 0 P-21 4 0.34 216 J-18 J-19 130 13 0 P-46 4 0.34 33 J-25 J-36 130 13 0 P-64 4 0 140 J-53 J-58 130 0 0 P-24 4 0 94 J-86 J-17 130 0 0 P-65 4 0 69 J-58 J-55 130 0 0 P-23 4 0 100 J-85 J-86 130 0 0 P-22 4 0 65 J-18 J-85 130 0 0 P-156 12 0 22 J-126 J-134 130 0 0 P-157 12 0 110 J-134 J-127 130 0 0 P-161 12 0 495 J-130 J-131 130 0 0 P-126 8 0 48 J-102 J-103 130 0 0 P-158 12 0 421 J-127 J-128 130 0 0 P-166 12 0 231 J-146 J-136 130 0 0 P-159 12 0 152 J-128 J-129 130 0 0 P-151 12 0 214 J-133 J-123 130 0 0 P-167 12 0 108 J-136 J-137 130 0 0 P-162 12 0 195 J-131 J-132 130 0 0 P-181 12 0 132 J-243 J-37 130 0 0 P-147 8 0 53 J-117 J-118 130 0 0 P-164 12 0 126 J-135 J-145 130 0 0 P-165 12 0 104 J-145 J-146 130 0 0 P-152 12 0 175 J-123 J-125 130 0 0 P-153 12 0 337 J-125 J-124 130 0 0 P-163 12 0 23 J-73 J-135 130 0 0 P-150 12 0 31 J-122 J-133 130 0 0 P-160 12 0 45 J-127 J-130 130 0 0 Label Pressure (psi) Demand (gpm) Elevation (ft) Hydraulic Grade (ft) J-90 71 0 26.5 190.59 J-91 71 228 25 189.91 J-92 71 0 25 190.23 J-89 72 0 25 191.12 J-88 73 0 24.5 192.53 J-93 73 0 22 191.38 J-87 74 0 23.47 193.37 J-84 74 0 30 201.23 J-HS 74 5 29.33 201.01 J-14 75 0 23.4 196.41 J-15 75 0 22.35 195.6 J-119 75 0 27.65 200.9 J-94 75 0 19.9 193.44 J-121 75 0 20 193.88 J-81 75 0 23.2 197.19 J-22 75 0 22.5 196.57 J-3 75 0 20.94 195.08 J-19 75 0 25.66 199.9 J-4 76 0 21.65 196.19 J-16 76 0 20 194.56 J-120 76 0 26.06 200.64 J-77 76 0 26.6 201.37 J-23 76 0 21.85 196.81 J-18 76 45 24.9 199.94 J-25 76 0 24.83 199.89 J-35 76 0 24.83 200.11 J-34 76 0 25.2 200.49 J-82 76 0 27 202.31 J-20 76 0 25.15 200.57 J-5 76 0 26 201.45 J-H1 76 13 26.6 202.07 J-8 76 0 22.65 198.59 J-86 76 0 23.92 199.94 J-36 76 0 23.86 199.89 J-79 76 0 24.5 200.85 J-9 76 0 22.9 199.37 J-80 77 0 23 200.06 J-17 77 0 22.83 199.94 J-24 77 0 21.83 199.15 J-57 77 0 28.9 206.57 J-85 77 0 22 199.94 J-PH1 77 114 27.47 205.66 J-PH2 77 114 27 205.37 J-11 78 0 23 202.3 Scenario 1: Montage Guestrooms Junction Table J-10 78 0 22.5 202.02 J-6 78 0 24 203.82 J-12 78 0 23 202.82 J-33 78 0 25 205.2 J-13 78 0 24.17 204.39 J-31 78 0 25 205.31 J-29 78 0 25 205.37 J-27 78 0 25 205.39 J-58 78 0 27 207.78 J-51 78 0 26.7 207.54 J-59 78 0 26 207.22 J-53 79 0 26 207.78 J-52 79 0 26 209.11 J-50 79 0 25.43 209.03 J-112 80 1,250 26 210.03 J-72 80 0 25 209.71 J-49 80 0 25.68 210.59 J-H2 80 15 22.5 207.43 J-56 80 0 22.5 207.51 J-71 80 0 25.4 210.54 J-39 80 0 35 220.22 J-55 80 0 22.5 207.78 J-7 80 1,250 19 204.69 J-108 80 0 24.5 210.29 J-109 81 0 20 206.39 J-100 81 0 30 216.96 J-70 81 126 25.24 212.32 J-SS 81 91 29.47 216.58 J-101 81 0 29 216.81 J-102 81 0 28.88 216.75 J-45 81 0 29 217.04 J-21 82 0 30 219.01 J-30 82 0 30 219.03 J-32 82 0 30 219.09 J-69 82 0 33 222.13 J-28 82 0 30 219.21 J-103 82 0 27.45 216.75 J-64 82 0 24 213.55 J-230 82 0 27 216.6 J-111 82 0 25.2 214.88 J-63 82 0 24 213.68 J-62 82 0 24 213.74 J-245 82 0 24 213.77 J-247 82 0 24 213.77 J-68 82 0 33 223.03 J-99 83 0 26.6 217.58 J-44 83 44 28.8 219.8 J-104 83 0 24.85 215.93 J-149 83 0 25 216.27 J-118 83 0 26.5 218.02 J-231 83 0 23 214.78 J-96 83 0 27 219.11 J-110 83 0 22.45 214.84 J-105 84 0 22.12 215.18 J-232 84 0 21.5 214.82 J-95 84 0 25.39 219.34 J-116 84 0 24 217.99 J-1 84 0 25 219.34 J-117 84 0 23.5 218.02 J-97 84 0 24.17 218.72 J-98 84 0 23 218.03 J-148 84 0 22.9 217.98 J-115 85 0 22.54 217.98 J-124 85 0 29.47 225.07 J-142 85 0 25 220.85 J-123 85 0 28.8 225.07 J-125 85 0 28.8 225.07 J-128 85 0 28 224.51 J-243 85 0 28 224.7 J-107 85 0 17.99 214.75 J-114 85 0 21 217.94 J-129 85 0 27.47 224.51 J-37 85 0 27.52 224.7 J-132 85 0 27 224.51 J-CH 85 39 25 222.59 J-141 86 0 24 221.66 J-106 86 0 17.15 214.93 J-140 86 0 24 222.02 J-113 86 0 19.9 217.93 J-38 86 0 26 224.1 J-139 86 0 24 222.29 J-131 86 0 26 224.51 J-66 86 0 24 222.65 J-67 86 0 24 222.66 J-234 86 0 24 222.66 J-147 86 0 24 222.87 J-137 86 0 25 224.24 J-127 86 0 25.24 224.51 J-144 86 0 24 223.38 J-143 86 0 20 219.45 J-130 86 0 25 224.51 J-134 86 0 25 224.51 J-136 87 0 24 224.24 J-145 87 0 24 224.24 J-146 87 0 24 224.24 J-121 87 0 23 223.33 J-246 87 0 24 224.46 J-244 87 0 24 224.47 J-41 87 0 24 224.48 J-60 87 0 24 224.49 J-61 87 0 24 224.5 J-126 87 0 24 224.51 J-43 87 0 24 224.84 J-233 87 0 24 225.03 J-42 87 0 24 225.04 J-65 87 0 24 225.05 J-133 87 0 24 225.07 J-138 87 0 23 224.08 J-135 87 0 23 224.24 J-122 87 0 23.71 225.07 J-75 87 0 22.4 224.23 J-74 87 0 22.4 224.23 J-73 87 0 22.4 224.24 J-40 88 0 22 225.68 Label Diameter (in) Velocity (ft/s) Length (ft) Start Node Stop Node Hazen- Williams C Flow (gpm) Headloss Gradient (ft/ft) P-73 2 7.61 11 J-61 GPV-25 130 75 0.128 P-74 2 7.61 12 GPV-25 J-64 130 75 0.128 P-182 2 7.53 11 J-244 GPV-36 130 74 0.125 P-183 2 7.53 12 GPV-36 J-245 130 74 0.125 P-75 2 7.52 11 J-60 GPV-26 130 74 0.125 P-76 2 7.52 13 GPV-26 J-63 130 74 0.125 P-185 2 7.51 12 J-246 GPV-37 130 74 0.124 P-186 2 7.51 12 GPV-37 J-247 130 74 0.124 P-77 2 7.51 11 J-41 GPV-27 130 74 0.124 P-78 2 7.51 12 GPV-27 J-62 130 74 0.124 P-33 2 7.44 27 J-29 GPV-21 130 -73 0.122 P-34 2 7.44 23 GPV-21 J-30 130 -73 0.122 P-42 2 7.42 30 J-33 GPV-23 130 -73 0.122 P-43 2 7.42 23 GPV-23 J-28 130 -73 0.122 P-29 2 7.42 23 J-21 GPV-20 130 73 0.122 P-30 2 7.42 27 GPV-20 J-27 130 73 0.122 P-38 2 7.39 27 J-31 GPV-22 130 -72 0.121 P-39 2 7.39 25 GPV-22 J-32 130 -72 0.121 P-147 8 7.18 53 J-117 J-118 130 1,125 0.023 P-178 2 4.59 13 J-233 GPV-31 130 45 0.05 P-179 2 4.59 12 GPV-31 J-234 130 45 0.05 P-85 2 4.58 12 J-65 GPV-28 130 45 0.05 P-86 2 4.58 14 GPV-28 J-66 130 45 0.05 P-87 2 4.57 13 J-42 GPV-29 130 45 0.05 P-88 2 4.57 13 GPV-29 J-67 130 45 0.05 P-155 6 4.19 105 J-64 J-70 130 369 0.012 P-52 12 4.17 194 J-40 J-37 130 1,468 0.005 P-49 12 4.17 117 J-38 J-37 130 -1,468 0.005 P-89 12 4.17 210 J-38 J-68 130 1,468 0.005 P-90 12 4.17 176 J-68 J-69 130 1,468 0.005 P-91 12 4.17 377 J-69 J-39 130 1,468 0.005 P-51 12 4.17 172 J-95 J-39 130 -1,468 0.005 P-50 12 4.02 7 J-1 J-95 130 -1,416 0.005 P-100 2 3.98 14 J-74 GPV-30 130 39 0.038 P-101 2 3.98 15 GPV-30 J-121 130 39 0.038 P-154 4 3.43 218 J-66 J-44 130 135 0.013 P-79 6 3.34 17 J-64 J-63 130 -294 0.008 P-14 6 3.3 132 J-12 J-6 130 -291 0.008 P-15 6 3.3 77 J-6 J-13 130 -291 0.008 P-40 6 3.3 17 J-1 J-28 130 291 0.008 P-104 6 3.3 108 J-33 J-13 130 291 0.008 P-57 4 3.29 130 J-49 J-50 130 129 0.012 P-58 4 3.29 124 J-50 J-51 130 129 0.012 Scenario 4: Montage Hotel Pipe Table P-72 4 3.29 144 J-70 J-49 130 129 0.012 P-168 12 3.04 34 J-75 J-138 130 1,072 0.003 P-171 12 3.04 64 J-139 J-140 130 1,072 0.003 P-172 12 3.04 83 J-140 J-141 130 1,072 0.003 P-173 12 3.04 187 J-141 J-142 130 1,072 0.003 P-174 12 3.04 323 J-142 J-143 130 1,072 0.003 P-175 12 3.04 352 J-143 J-113 130 1,072 0.003 P-169 12 3.04 162 J-138 J-144 130 1,072 0.003 P-170 12 3.04 251 J-144 J-139 130 1,072 0.003 P-2 4 3.02 118 J-121 J-3 130 -118 0.01 P-3 4 3.02 107 J-3 J-4 130 -118 0.01 P-6 4 3.02 76 J-8 J-9 130 -118 0.01 P-9 4 3.02 51 J-77 J-79 130 118 0.01 P-7 4 3.02 67 J-9 J-80 130 -118 0.01 P-8 4 3.02 77 J-80 J-79 130 -118 0.01 P-4 4 3.02 98 J-4 J-81 130 -118 0.01 P-5 4 3.02 136 J-81 J-8 130 -118 0.01 P-115 4 3.02 31 J-91 J-92 130 -118 0.01 P-116 4 3.02 112 J-92 J-93 130 -118 0.01 P-117 4 3.02 201 J-93 J-94 130 -118 0.01 P-118 4 3.02 42 J-94 J-121 130 -118 0.01 P-59 4 2.91 138 J-52 J-53 130 114 0.01 P-92 4 2.91 186 J-70 J-71 130 114 0.01 P-93 4 2.91 87 J-71 J-72 130 114 0.01 P-94 4 2.91 63 J-72 J-52 130 114 0.01 P-62 4 2.91 94 J-PH1 J-57 130 -114 0.01 P-63 4 2.91 101 J-57 J-51 130 -114 0.01 P-66 4 2.91 58 J-53 J-59 130 114 0.01 P-67 4 2.91 193 J-59 J-PH2 130 114 0.01 P-16 4 2.8 91 J-15 J-14 130 -110 0.009 P-17 4 2.8 18 J-22 J-14 130 110 0.009 P-18 4 2.8 27 J-23 J-22 130 110 0.009 P-19 4 2.8 262 J-24 J-23 130 110 0.009 P-25 4 2.8 116 J-16 J-15 130 -110 0.009 P-47 4 2.8 83 J-36 J-24 130 110 0.009 P-110 4 2.8 133 J-16 J-87 130 110 0.009 P-111 4 2.8 95 J-87 J-88 130 110 0.009 P-112 4 2.8 157 J-88 J-89 130 110 0.009 P-113 4 2.8 59 J-89 J-90 130 110 0.009 P-114 4 2.8 77 J-90 J-91 130 110 0.009 P-80 6 2.51 14 J-63 J-62 130 -221 0.005 P-37 6 2.47 27 J-32 J-28 130 -218 0.004 P-41 6 2.47 25 J-33 J-31 130 -218 0.004 P-109 4 2.46 211 J-77 J-36 130 96 0.007 P-11 6 2.44 134 J-5 J-10 130 -215 0.004 P-12 6 2.44 64 J-10 J-11 130 -215 0.004 P-13 6 2.44 122 J-11 J-12 130 -215 0.004 P-10 6 2.44 19 J-77 J-5 130 -215 0.004 P-55 4 2.32 440 J-44 J-45 130 91 0.006 P-56 4 2.32 74 J-45 J-SS 130 91 0.006 P-81 18 2.04 547 J-40 J-122 130 1,615 0.001 P-82 18 2.04 12 J-122 J-65 130 1,615 0.001 P-83 18 1.98 12 J-65 J-42 130 1,570 0.001 P-105 4 1.94 114 J-12 J-82 130 76 0.005 P-106 4 1.94 54 J-82 J-H1 130 76 0.005 P-53 18 1.92 11 J-42 J-233 130 1,525 0.001 P-142 12 1.91 127 J-113 J-114 130 672 0.001 P-143 12 1.91 398 J-114 J-115 130 672 0.001 P-146 12 1.91 321 J-116 J-117 130 672 0.001 P-144 12 1.91 45 J-115 J-148 130 672 0.001 P-145 12 1.91 116 J-148 J-116 130 672 0.001 P-69 18 1.87 332 J-43 J-126 130 1,480 0.001 P-54 18 1.87 196 J-233 J-43 130 1,480 0.001 P-70 18 1.87 9 J-126 J-61 130 1,480 0.001 P-71 18 1.77 16 J-61 J-60 130 1,406 0.001 P-68 18 1.68 14 J-60 J-41 130 1,332 0.001 P-184 6 1.67 12 J-245 J-62 130 147 0.002 P-35 6 1.65 29 J-31 J-29 130 -146 0.002 P-36 6 1.65 29 J-30 J-32 130 -146 0.002 P-107 4 1.62 259 J-H1 J-84 130 63 0.003 P-108 4 1.62 68 J-84 J-HS 130 63 0.003 P-95 18 1.59 12 J-41 J-244 130 1,258 0.001 P-96 18 1.49 11 J-244 J-246 130 1,185 0 P-44 4 1.49 134 J-34 J-35 130 58 0.003 P-45 4 1.49 62 J-35 J-18 130 58 0.003 P-26 4 1.49 40 J-HS J-119 130 58 0.003 P-27 4 1.49 92 J-119 J-120 130 58 0.003 P-28 4 1.49 26 J-120 J-20 130 58 0.003 P-149 4 1.49 31 J-20 J-34 130 58 0.003 P-97 18 1.4 352 J-246 J-73 130 1,111 0 P-98 18 1.4 10 J-73 J-74 130 1,111 0 P-99 18 1.35 8 J-74 J-75 130 1,072 0 P-148 12 1.28 101 J-117 J-98 130 -453 0.001 P-140 12 1.13 258 J-111 J-149 130 -400 0 P-141 12 1.13 306 J-149 J-113 130 -400 0 P-129 12 1.13 300 J-104 J-105 130 -400 0 P-130 12 1.13 101 J-105 J-106 130 -400 0 P-131 12 1.13 72 J-106 J-107 130 -400 0 P-127 12 1.13 59 J-102 J-230 130 -400 0 P-128 12 1.13 265 J-230 J-104 130 -400 0 P-138 12 1.13 189 J-110 J-111 130 -400 0 P-135 12 1.13 160 J-107 J-231 130 -400 0 P-136 12 1.13 218 J-231 J-232 130 -400 0 P-137 12 1.13 70 J-232 J-110 130 -400 0 P-122 12 1.13 179 J-98 J-99 130 -400 0 P-123 12 1.13 251 J-99 J-100 130 -400 0 P-124 12 1.13 60 J-100 J-101 130 -400 0 P-125 12 1.13 24 J-101 J-102 130 -400 0 P-84 6 1.02 14 J-66 J-67 130 -90 0.001 P-102 4 1 346 J-121 J-147 130 39 0.001 P-103 4 1 215 J-147 J-CH 130 39 0.001 P-187 6 0.83 12 J-247 J-245 130 74 0.001 P-31 6 0.82 30 J-29 J-27 130 -73 0.001 P-32 6 0.82 30 J-30 J-21 130 73 0.001 P-176 46 0.6 30 R-5 PMP-3 130 3,083 0 P-177 46 0.6 40 PMP-3 J-40 130 3,083 0 P-180 6 0.51 10 J-234 J-67 130 45 0 P-60 4 0.38 124 J-51 J-56 130 15 0 P-61 4 0.38 368 J-56 J-H2 130 15 0 P-20 4 0.34 49 J-19 J-25 130 13 0 P-21 4 0.34 216 J-18 J-19 130 13 0 P-46 4 0.34 33 J-25 J-36 130 13 0 P-119 12 0.15 67 J-95 J-96 130 53 0 P-120 12 0.15 116 J-96 J-97 130 53 0 P-121 12 0.15 204 J-97 J-98 130 53 0 P-65 4 0 69 J-58 J-55 130 0 0 P-64 4 0 140 J-53 J-58 130 0 0 P-22 4 0 65 J-18 J-85 130 0 0 P-24 4 0 94 J-86 J-17 130 0 0 P-23 4 0 100 J-85 J-86 130 0 0 P-156 12 0 22 J-126 J-134 130 0 0 P-126 8 0 48 J-102 J-103 130 0 0 P-157 12 0 110 J-134 J-127 130 0 0 P-151 12 0 214 J-133 J-123 130 0 0 P-166 12 0 231 J-146 J-136 130 0 0 P-139 8 0 175 J-111 J-112 130 0 0 P-153 12 0 337 J-125 J-124 130 0 0 P-162 12 0 195 J-131 J-132 130 0 0 P-150 12 0 31 J-122 J-133 130 0 0 P-163 12 0 23 J-73 J-135 130 0 0 P-158 12 0 421 J-127 J-128 130 0 0 P-165 12 0 104 J-145 J-146 130 0 0 P-161 12 0 495 J-130 J-131 130 0 0 P-160 12 0 45 J-127 J-130 130 0 0 P-152 12 0 175 J-123 J-125 130 0 0 P-159 12 0 152 J-128 J-129 130 0 0 P-164 12 0 126 J-135 J-145 130 0 0 P-167 12 0 108 J-136 J-137 130 0 0 P-181 12 0 132 J-243 J-37 130 0 0 P-132 8 0 161 J-107 J-108 130 0 0 P-134 8 0 62 J-109 J-7 130 0 0 P-133 8 0 141 J-108 J-109 130 0 0 Label Pressure (psi) Demand (gpm) Elevation (ft) Hydraulic Grade (ft) J-90 72 0 26.5 193.91 J-91 73 228 25 193.22 J-92 73 0 25 193.54 J-89 73 0 25 194.44 J-88 74 0 24.5 195.84 J-93 75 0 22 194.69 J-87 75 0 23.47 196.69 J-84 76 0 30 204.54 J-HS 76 5 29.33 204.32 J-14 76 0 23.4 199.73 J-15 76 0 22.35 198.91 J-119 76 0 27.65 204.21 J-94 77 0 19.9 196.76 J-121 77 0 20 197.19 J-81 77 0 23.2 200.51 J-22 77 0 22.5 199.88 J-3 77 0 20.94 198.4 J-19 77 0 25.66 203.22 J-4 77 0 21.65 199.5 J-16 77 0 20 197.88 J-120 77 0 26.06 203.96 J-77 77 0 26.6 204.68 J-23 77 0 21.85 200.13 J-18 77 45 24.9 203.26 J-25 77 0 24.83 203.21 J-35 77 0 24.83 203.43 J-34 77 0 25.2 203.8 J-82 77 0 27 205.63 J-20 77 0 25.15 203.89 J-5 77 0 26 204.76 J-H1 77 13 26.6 205.38 J-8 78 0 22.65 201.9 J-86 78 0 23.92 203.26 J-36 78 0 23.86 203.2 J-79 78 0 24.5 204.16 J-9 78 0 22.9 202.69 J-80 78 0 23 203.38 J-17 78 0 22.83 203.26 J-24 78 0 21.83 202.46 J-57 78 0 28.9 210.31 J-PH1 79 114 27.47 209.41 J-85 78 0 22 203.26 J-PH2 79 114 27 209.12 J-11 79 0 23 205.61 Scenario 4: Montage Hotel Junction Table J-10 79 0 22.5 205.34 J-6 79 0 24 207.13 J-12 79 0 23 206.14 J-33 79 0 25 208.52 J-13 79 0 24.17 207.71 J-31 79 0 25 208.63 J-29 79 0 25 208.69 J-27 79 0 25 208.7 J-58 80 0 27 211.53 J-51 80 0 26.7 211.28 J-59 80 0 26 210.97 J-53 80 0 26 211.53 J-52 81 0 26 212.85 J-50 81 0 25.43 212.78 J-72 82 0 25 213.46 J-49 82 0 25.68 214.34 J-H2 82 15 22.5 211.17 J-56 82 0 22.5 211.26 J-71 82 0 25.4 214.29 J-55 82 0 22.5 211.53 J-39 82 0 35 223.58 J-SS 83 91 29.47 220.18 J-118 84 1,125 26.5 221.42 J-70 83 126 25.24 216.07 J-45 83 0 29 220.64 J-100 83 0 30 222.88 J-69 83 0 33 225.52 J-21 83 0 30 222.33 J-30 83 0 30 222.35 J-32 83 0 30 222.41 J-28 83 0 30 222.53 J-64 84 0 24 217.29 J-101 84 0 29 222.91 J-63 84 0 24 217.42 J-62 84 0 24 217.49 J-245 84 0 24 217.51 J-247 84 0 24 217.52 J-102 84 0 28.88 222.92 J-68 84 0 33 226.44 J-44 84 44 28.8 223.4 J-103 85 0 27.45 222.92 J-230 85 0 27 222.95 J-99 85 0 26.6 222.77 J-96 85 0 27 222.69 J-112 85 0 26 223.59 J-104 86 0 24.85 223.07 J-111 86 0 25.2 223.59 J-95 85 0 25.39 222.69 J-149 86 0 25 223.71 J-117 86 0 23.5 222.63 J-116 86 0 24 223.02 J-108 86 0 24.5 223.29 J-1 86 1,125 25 222.66 J-97 86 0 24.17 222.69 J-98 86 0 23 222.68 J-124 86 0 29.47 228.66 J-148 87 0 22.9 223.16 J-231 87 0 23 223.37 J-115 87 0 22.54 223.21 J-123 86 0 28.8 228.66 J-125 86 0 28.8 228.66 J-128 87 0 28 228.25 J-243 87 0 28 228.13 J-142 87 0 25 225.8 J-110 87 0 22.45 223.5 J-105 87 0 22.12 223.21 J-129 87 0 27.47 228.25 J-37 87 0 27.52 228.13 J-132 87 0 27 228.25 J-CH 87 39 25 226.42 J-232 87 0 21.5 223.47 J-38 87 0 26 227.52 J-114 88 0 21 223.7 J-141 88 0 24 226.34 J-131 88 0 26 228.25 J-66 88 0 24 226.24 J-67 88 0 24 226.26 J-234 88 0 24 226.26 J-140 88 0 24 226.58 J-139 88 0 24 226.76 J-147 88 0 24 226.7 J-109 88 0 20 223.29 J-127 88 0 25.24 228.25 J-137 88 0 25 228.06 J-130 88 0 25 228.25 J-134 88 0 25 228.25 J-113 88 0 19.9 223.85 J-144 88 0 24 227.49 J-7 88 0 19 223.29 J-136 88 0 24 228.06 J-145 88 0 24 228.06 J-146 88 0 24 228.06 J-121 88 0 23 227.16 J-246 88 0 24 228.21 Label Pressure (psi) Demand (gpm) Elevation (ft) Hydraulic Grade (ft) J-90 81 0 26.5 214.41 J-91 82 228 25 213.73 J-92 82 0 25 214.04 J-89 82 0 25 214.94 J-88 83 0 24.5 216.35 J-93 84 0 22 215.2 J-87 84 0 23.47 217.19 J-84 84 0 30 225.05 J-HS 85 5 29.33 224.83 J-14 85 0 23.4 220.23 J-15 85 0 22.35 219.42 J-119 85 0 27.65 224.72 J-94 85 0 19.9 217.26 J-57 86 0 28.9 226.55 J-121 86 0 20 217.7 J-81 86 0 23.2 221.01 J-22 86 0 22.5 220.39 J-3 86 0 20.94 218.9 J-19 86 0 25.66 223.72 J-PH1 86 114 27.47 225.65 J-4 86 0 21.65 220 J-PH2 86 114 27 225.36 J-16 86 0 20 218.38 J-120 86 0 26.06 224.46 J-77 86 0 26.6 225.19 J-23 86 0 21.85 220.63 J-18 86 45 24.9 223.76 J-25 86 0 24.83 223.71 J-35 86 0 24.83 223.93 J-34 86 0 25.2 224.3 J-82 86 0 27 226.13 J-20 86 0 25.15 224.39 J-5 86 0 26 225.27 J-H1 86 13 26.6 225.89 J-8 86 0 22.65 222.41 J-86 86 0 23.92 223.76 J-36 86 0 23.86 223.71 J-79 87 0 24.5 224.67 J-9 87 0 22.9 223.19 J-58 87 0 27 227.77 J-51 87 0 26.7 227.52 J-80 87 0 23 223.88 J-17 87 0 22.83 223.76 J-24 87 0 21.83 222.97 Scenario 6: Montage Pool Junction Table Label Diameter (in) Velocity (ft/s) Length (ft) Start Node Stop Node Hazen- Williams C Flow (gpm) Headloss Gradient (ft/ft) P-126 8 11.97 48 J-102 J-103 130 1,875 0.059 P-73 2 7.61 11 J-61 GPV-25 130 75 0.128 P-74 2 7.61 12 GPV-25 J-64 130 75 0.128 P-182 2 7.53 11 J-244 GPV-36 130 74 0.125 P-183 2 7.53 12 GPV-36 J-245 130 74 0.125 P-75 2 7.52 11 J-60 GPV-26 130 74 0.125 P-76 2 7.52 13 GPV-26 J-63 130 74 0.125 P-185 2 7.51 12 J-246 GPV-37 130 74 0.125 P-186 2 7.51 12 GPV-37 J-247 130 74 0.125 P-77 2 7.51 11 J-41 GPV-27 130 74 0.124 P-78 2 7.51 12 GPV-27 J-62 130 74 0.124 P-33 2 7.44 27 J-29 GPV-21 130 -73 0.122 P-34 2 7.44 23 GPV-21 J-30 130 -73 0.122 P-42 2 7.42 30 J-33 GPV-23 130 -73 0.122 P-43 2 7.42 23 GPV-23 J-28 130 -73 0.122 P-29 2 7.42 23 J-21 GPV-20 130 73 0.122 P-30 2 7.42 27 GPV-20 J-27 130 73 0.122 P-38 2 7.39 27 J-31 GPV-22 130 -72 0.121 P-39 2 7.39 25 GPV-22 J-32 130 -72 0.121 P-178 2 4.59 13 J-233 GPV-31 130 45 0.05 P-179 2 4.59 12 GPV-31 J-234 130 45 0.05 P-85 2 4.58 12 J-65 GPV-28 130 45 0.05 P-86 2 4.58 14 GPV-28 J-66 130 45 0.05 P-87 2 4.57 13 J-42 GPV-29 130 45 0.05 P-88 2 4.57 13 GPV-29 J-67 130 45 0.05 P-155 6 4.19 105 J-64 J-70 130 369 0.012 P-100 2 3.98 14 J-74 GPV-30 130 39 0.038 P-101 2 3.98 15 GPV-30 J-121 130 39 0.038 P-122 12 3.47 179 J-98 J-99 130 1,224 0.004 P-123 12 3.47 251 J-99 J-100 130 1,224 0.004 P-124 12 3.47 60 J-100 J-101 130 1,224 0.004 P-125 12 3.47 24 J-101 J-102 130 1,224 0.004 P-154 4 3.43 218 J-66 J-44 130 135 0.013 P-79 6 3.34 17 J-64 J-63 130 -294 0.008 P-52 12 3.32 194 J-40 J-37 130 1,171 0.003 P-49 12 3.32 117 J-38 J-37 130 -1,171 0.003 P-89 12 3.32 210 J-38 J-68 130 1,171 0.003 P-90 12 3.32 176 J-68 J-69 130 1,171 0.003 P-91 12 3.32 377 J-69 J-39 130 1,171 0.003 P-51 12 3.32 172 J-95 J-39 130 -1,171 0.003 P-14 6 3.3 132 J-12 J-6 130 -291 0.008 P-15 6 3.3 77 J-6 J-13 130 -291 0.008 P-40 6 3.3 17 J-1 J-28 130 291 0.008 Scenario 5: Montage Hotel Pipe Table P-104 6 3.3 108 J-33 J-13 130 291 0.008 P-57 4 3.29 130 J-49 J-50 130 129 0.012 P-58 4 3.29 124 J-50 J-51 130 129 0.012 P-72 4 3.29 144 J-70 J-49 130 129 0.012 P-2 4 3.02 118 J-121 J-3 130 -118 0.01 P-3 4 3.02 107 J-3 J-4 130 -118 0.01 P-6 4 3.02 76 J-8 J-9 130 -118 0.01 P-9 4 3.02 51 J-77 J-79 130 118 0.01 P-7 4 3.02 67 J-9 J-80 130 -118 0.01 P-8 4 3.02 77 J-80 J-79 130 -118 0.01 P-4 4 3.02 98 J-4 J-81 130 -118 0.01 P-5 4 3.02 136 J-81 J-8 130 -118 0.01 P-115 4 3.02 31 J-91 J-92 130 -118 0.01 P-116 4 3.02 112 J-92 J-93 130 -118 0.01 P-117 4 3.02 201 J-93 J-94 130 -118 0.01 P-118 4 3.02 42 J-94 J-121 130 -118 0.01 P-59 4 2.91 138 J-52 J-53 130 114 0.01 P-92 4 2.91 186 J-70 J-71 130 114 0.01 P-93 4 2.91 87 J-71 J-72 130 114 0.01 P-94 4 2.91 63 J-72 J-52 130 114 0.01 P-62 4 2.91 94 J-PH1 J-57 130 -114 0.01 P-63 4 2.91 101 J-57 J-51 130 -114 0.01 P-66 4 2.91 58 J-53 J-59 130 114 0.01 P-67 4 2.91 193 J-59 J-PH2 130 114 0.01 P-168 12 2.82 34 J-75 J-138 130 994 0.003 P-171 12 2.82 64 J-139 J-140 130 994 0.003 P-172 12 2.82 83 J-140 J-141 130 994 0.003 P-173 12 2.82 187 J-141 J-142 130 994 0.003 P-174 12 2.82 323 J-142 J-143 130 994 0.003 P-175 12 2.82 352 J-143 J-113 130 994 0.003 P-169 12 2.82 162 J-138 J-144 130 994 0.003 P-170 12 2.82 251 J-144 J-139 130 994 0.003 P-16 4 2.8 91 J-15 J-14 130 -110 0.009 P-17 4 2.8 18 J-22 J-14 130 110 0.009 P-18 4 2.8 27 J-23 J-22 130 110 0.009 P-19 4 2.8 262 J-24 J-23 130 110 0.009 P-25 4 2.8 116 J-16 J-15 130 -110 0.009 P-47 4 2.8 83 J-36 J-24 130 110 0.009 P-110 4 2.8 133 J-16 J-87 130 110 0.009 P-111 4 2.8 95 J-87 J-88 130 110 0.009 P-112 4 2.8 157 J-88 J-89 130 110 0.009 P-113 4 2.8 59 J-89 J-90 130 110 0.009 P-114 4 2.8 77 J-90 J-91 130 110 0.009 P-80 6 2.51 14 J-63 J-62 130 -221 0.005 P-119 12 2.5 67 J-95 J-96 130 881 0.002 P-120 12 2.5 116 J-96 J-97 130 881 0.002 P-121 12 2.5 204 J-97 J-98 130 881 0.002 P-37 6 2.47 27 J-32 J-28 130 -218 0.004 P-41 6 2.47 25 J-33 J-31 130 -218 0.004 P-109 4 2.46 211 J-77 J-36 130 96 0.007 P-11 6 2.44 134 J-5 J-10 130 -215 0.004 P-12 6 2.44 64 J-10 J-11 130 -215 0.004 P-13 6 2.44 122 J-11 J-12 130 -215 0.004 P-10 6 2.44 19 J-77 J-5 130 -215 0.004 P-55 4 2.32 440 J-44 J-45 130 91 0.006 P-56 4 2.32 74 J-45 J-SS 130 91 0.006 P-81 18 1.94 547 J-40 J-122 130 1,537 0.001 P-82 18 1.94 12 J-122 J-65 130 1,537 0.001 P-105 4 1.94 114 J-12 J-82 130 76 0.005 P-106 4 1.94 54 J-82 J-H1 130 76 0.005 P-83 18 1.88 12 J-65 J-42 130 1,492 0.001 P-140 12 1.85 258 J-111 J-149 130 -651 0.001 P-141 12 1.85 306 J-149 J-113 130 -651 0.001 P-129 12 1.85 300 J-104 J-105 130 -651 0.001 P-130 12 1.85 101 J-105 J-106 130 -651 0.001 P-131 12 1.85 72 J-106 J-107 130 -651 0.001 P-138 12 1.85 189 J-110 J-111 130 -651 0.001 P-127 12 1.85 59 J-102 J-230 130 -651 0.001 P-128 12 1.85 265 J-230 J-104 130 -651 0.001 P-135 12 1.85 160 J-107 J-231 130 -651 0.001 P-136 12 1.85 218 J-231 J-232 130 -651 0.001 P-137 12 1.85 70 J-232 J-110 130 -651 0.001 P-53 18 1.82 11 J-42 J-233 130 1,447 0.001 P-69 18 1.77 332 J-43 J-126 130 1,402 0.001 P-54 18 1.77 196 J-233 J-43 130 1,402 0.001 P-70 18 1.77 9 J-126 J-61 130 1,402 0.001 P-71 18 1.67 16 J-61 J-60 130 1,328 0.001 P-184 6 1.67 12 J-245 J-62 130 147 0.002 P-35 6 1.65 29 J-31 J-29 130 -146 0.002 P-36 6 1.65 29 J-30 J-32 130 -146 0.002 P-107 4 1.62 259 J-H1 J-84 130 63 0.003 P-108 4 1.62 68 J-84 J-HS 130 63 0.003 P-68 18 1.58 14 J-60 J-41 130 1,254 0.001 P-44 4 1.49 134 J-34 J-35 130 58 0.003 P-45 4 1.49 62 J-35 J-18 130 58 0.003 P-26 4 1.49 40 J-HS J-119 130 58 0.003 P-27 4 1.49 92 J-119 J-120 130 58 0.003 P-28 4 1.49 26 J-120 J-20 130 58 0.003 P-149 4 1.49 31 J-20 J-34 130 58 0.003 P-95 18 1.49 12 J-41 J-244 130 1,180 0 P-96 18 1.4 11 J-244 J-246 130 1,107 0 P-97 18 1.3 352 J-246 J-73 130 1,033 0 P-98 18 1.3 10 J-73 J-74 130 1,033 0 P-99 18 1.25 8 J-74 J-75 130 994 0 P-84 6 1.02 14 J-66 J-67 130 -90 0.001 P-102 4 1 346 J-121 J-147 130 39 0.001 P-103 4 1 215 J-147 J-CH 130 39 0.001 P-142 12 0.97 127 J-113 J-114 130 344 0 P-143 12 0.97 398 J-114 J-115 130 344 0 P-146 12 0.97 321 J-116 J-117 130 344 0 P-144 12 0.97 45 J-115 J-148 130 344 0 P-145 12 0.97 116 J-148 J-116 130 344 0 P-148 12 0.97 101 J-117 J-98 130 344 0 P-187 6 0.83 12 J-247 J-245 130 74 0.001 P-50 12 0.82 7 J-1 J-95 130 -291 0 P-31 6 0.82 30 J-29 J-27 130 -73 0.001 P-32 6 0.82 30 J-30 J-21 130 73 0.001 P-176 46 0.52 30 R-5 PMP-3 130 2,708 0 P-177 46 0.52 40 PMP-3 J-40 130 2,708 0 P-180 6 0.51 10 J-234 J-67 130 45 0 P-60 4 0.38 124 J-51 J-56 130 15 0 P-61 4 0.38 368 J-56 J-H2 130 15 0 P-20 4 0.34 49 J-19 J-25 130 13 0 P-21 4 0.34 216 J-18 J-19 130 13 0 P-46 4 0.34 33 J-25 J-36 130 13 0 P-23 4 0 100 J-85 J-86 130 0 0 P-22 4 0 65 J-18 J-85 130 0 0 P-64 4 0 140 J-53 J-58 130 0 0 P-24 4 0 94 J-86 J-17 130 0 0 P-65 4 0 69 J-58 J-55 130 0 0 P-156 12 0 22 J-126 J-134 130 0 0 P-157 12 0 110 J-134 J-127 130 0 0 P-165 12 0 104 J-145 J-146 130 0 0 P-162 12 0 195 J-131 J-132 130 0 0 P-139 8 0 175 J-111 J-112 130 0 0 P-161 12 0 495 J-130 J-131 130 0 0 P-158 12 0 421 J-127 J-128 130 0 0 P-151 12 0 214 J-133 J-123 130 0 0 P-150 12 0 31 J-122 J-133 130 0 0 P-167 12 0 108 J-136 J-137 130 0 0 P-147 8 0 53 J-117 J-118 130 0 0 P-166 12 0 231 J-146 J-136 130 0 0 P-164 12 0 126 J-135 J-145 130 0 0 P-163 12 0 23 J-73 J-135 130 0 0 P-181 12 0 132 J-243 J-37 130 0 0 P-153 12 0 337 J-125 J-124 130 0 0 P-152 12 0 175 J-123 J-125 130 0 0 P-160 12 0 45 J-127 J-130 130 0 0 P-159 12 0 152 J-128 J-129 130 0 0 P-134 8 0 62 J-109 J-7 130 0 0 P-132 8 0 161 J-107 J-108 130 0 0 J-244 88 0 24 228.22 J-41 88 0 24 228.22 J-60 88 0 24 228.23 J-61 88 0 24 228.24 J-126 88 0 24 228.25 J-143 89 0 20 224.87 J-43 88 0 24 228.49 J-233 89 0 24 228.63 J-42 89 0 24 228.64 J-65 89 0 24 228.65 J-133 89 0 24 228.66 J-107 89 0 17.99 223.29 J-138 89 0 23 227.95 J-122 89 0 23.71 228.66 J-135 89 0 23 228.06 J-106 89 0 17.15 223.26 J-75 89 0 22.4 228.05 J-74 89 0 22.4 228.06 J-73 89 0 22.4 228.06 J-40 90 0 22 229.13 P-133 8 0 141 J-108 J-109 130 0 0 Label Pressure (psi) Demand (gpm) Elevation (ft) Hydraulic Grade (ft) J-90 76 0 26.5 201.14 J-91 76 228 25 200.45 J-92 76 0 25 200.77 J-89 76 0 25 201.67 J-88 77 0 24.5 203.07 J-93 78 0 22 201.92 J-87 78 0 23.47 203.92 J-84 79 0 30 211.77 J-HS 79 5 29.33 211.55 J-14 79 0 23.4 206.96 J-15 80 0 22.35 206.14 J-119 80 0 27.65 211.44 J-94 80 0 19.9 203.99 J-121 80 0 20 204.42 J-81 80 0 23.2 207.74 J-22 80 0 22.5 207.11 J-3 80 0 20.94 205.63 J-19 80 0 25.66 210.45 J-4 80 0 21.65 206.73 J-16 80 0 20 205.1 J-120 80 0 26.06 211.19 J-77 80 0 26.6 211.91 J-23 80 0 21.85 207.36 J-18 80 45 24.9 210.49 J-25 80 0 24.83 210.44 J-35 80 0 24.83 210.66 J-34 80 0 25.2 211.03 J-82 80 0 27 212.85 J-20 80 0 25.15 211.12 J-5 80 0 26 211.99 J-H1 80 13 26.6 212.61 J-8 81 0 22.65 209.13 J-57 81 0 28.9 215.39 J-86 81 0 23.92 210.49 J-36 81 0 23.86 210.43 J-79 81 0 24.5 211.39 J-9 81 0 22.9 209.92 J-PH1 81 114 27.47 214.49 J-PH2 81 114 27 214.2 J-80 81 0 23 210.61 J-17 81 0 22.83 210.49 J-24 81 0 21.83 209.69 J-85 82 0 22 210.49 J-58 82 0 27 216.61 Scenario 5: Montage Spa Junction Table J-51 82 0 26.7 216.36 J-11 82 0 23 212.84 J-59 82 0 26 216.05 J-10 82 0 22.5 212.57 J-6 82 0 24 214.36 J-12 82 0 23 213.37 J-53 82 0 26 216.61 J-33 83 0 25 215.75 J-13 83 0 24.17 214.94 J-31 83 0 25 215.86 J-29 83 0 25 215.91 J-27 83 0 25 215.93 J-52 83 0 26 217.93 J-50 83 0 25.43 217.86 J-72 84 0 25 218.54 J-49 84 0 25.68 219.42 J-H2 84 15 22.5 216.25 J-56 84 0 22.5 216.34 J-71 84 0 25.4 219.37 J-55 84 0 22.5 216.61 J-39 85 0 35 230.47 J-SS 85 91 29.47 225.22 J-70 85 126 25.24 221.15 J-45 85 0 29 225.68 J-103 85 1,875 27.45 224.43 J-100 85 0 30 227.52 J-101 86 0 29 227.3 J-102 86 0 28.88 227.22 J-64 86 0 24 222.37 J-63 86 0 24 222.5 J-62 86 0 24 222.57 J-245 86 0 24 222.59 J-247 86 0 24 222.6 J-69 86 0 33 231.75 J-68 86 0 33 232.35 J-21 86 0 30 229.56 J-30 86 0 30 229.57 J-32 86 0 30 229.64 J-44 86 44 28.8 228.44 J-28 86 0 30 229.75 J-230 87 0 27 227.28 J-99 87 0 26.6 228.45 J-118 88 0 26.5 229.15 J-104 88 0 24.85 227.59 J-96 88 0 27 229.75 J-112 88 0 26 228.85 J-108 88 0 24.5 228.13 J-111 88 0 25.2 228.85 J-149 88 0 25 229.15 J-124 88 0 29.47 233.7 J-95 88 0 25.39 229.89 J-1 89 0 25 229.89 J-123 89 0 28.8 233.7 J-125 89 0 28.8 233.7 J-116 89 0 24 229.26 J-231 89 0 23 228.31 J-128 89 0 28 233.33 J-97 89 0 24.17 229.52 J-243 89 0 28 233.47 J-117 89 0 23.5 229.15 J-105 89 0 22.12 227.93 J-129 89 0 27.47 233.33 J-37 89 0 27.52 233.47 J-98 89 0 23 229.11 J-110 89 0 22.45 228.64 J-142 89 0 25 231.19 J-132 89 0 27 233.33 J-148 89 0 22.9 229.3 J-CH 89 39 25 231.52 J-115 89 0 22.54 229.32 J-232 90 0 21.5 228.56 J-38 90 0 26 233.07 J-66 90 0 24 231.28 J-67 90 0 24 231.3 J-234 90 0 24 231.3 J-131 90 0 26 233.33 J-141 90 0 24 231.66 J-147 90 0 24 231.8 J-140 90 0 24 231.87 J-139 90 0 24 232.03 J-127 90 0 25.24 233.33 J-109 90 0 20 228.13 J-137 90 0 25 233.16 J-130 90 0 25 233.33 J-134 90 0 25 233.33 J-114 90 0 21 229.46 J-144 90 0 24 232.66 J-7 90 0 19 228.13 J-136 90 0 24 233.16 J-145 90 0 24 233.16 J-146 90 0 24 233.16 J-121 91 0 23 232.26 J-246 91 0 24 233.29 J-244 91 0 24 233.3 J-41 91 0 24 233.3 J-60 91 0 24 233.31 J-61 91 0 24 233.32 J-126 91 0 24 233.33 J-43 91 0 24 233.54 J-113 91 0 19.9 229.5 J-233 91 0 24 233.67 J-42 91 0 24 233.68 J-65 91 0 24 233.69 J-133 91 0 24 233.7 J-122 91 0 23.71 233.7 J-138 91 0 23 233.07 J-107 91 0 17.99 228.13 J-135 91 0 23 233.16 J-143 91 0 20 230.38 J-75 91 0 22.4 233.15 J-74 91 0 22.4 233.16 J-73 91 0 22.4 233.16 J-106 91 0 17.15 228.05 J-40 92 0 22 234.12 Label Diameter (in) Velocity (ft/s) Length (ft) Start Node Stop Node Hazen- Williams C Flow (gpm) Headloss Gradient (ft/ft) P-73 2 7.61 11 J-61 GPV-25 130 75 0.128 P-74 2 7.61 12 GPV-25 J-64 130 75 0.128 P-182 2 7.53 11 J-244 GPV-36 130 74 0.125 P-183 2 7.53 12 GPV-36 J-245 130 74 0.125 P-75 2 7.52 11 J-60 GPV-26 130 74 0.125 P-76 2 7.52 13 GPV-26 J-63 130 74 0.125 P-185 2 7.51 12 J-246 GPV-37 130 74 0.125 P-186 2 7.51 12 GPV-37 J-247 130 74 0.125 P-77 2 7.51 11 J-41 GPV-27 130 74 0.124 P-78 2 7.51 12 GPV-27 J-62 130 74 0.124 P-33 2 7.44 27 J-29 GPV-21 130 -73 0.122 P-34 2 7.44 23 GPV-21 J-30 130 -73 0.122 P-42 2 7.42 30 J-33 GPV-23 130 -73 0.122 P-43 2 7.42 23 GPV-23 J-28 130 -73 0.122 P-29 2 7.42 23 J-21 GPV-20 130 73 0.122 P-30 2 7.42 27 GPV-20 J-27 130 73 0.122 P-38 2 7.39 27 J-31 GPV-22 130 -72 0.121 P-39 2 7.39 25 GPV-22 J-32 130 -72 0.121 P-126 8 6.38 48 J-102 J-103 130 1,000 0.018 P-178 2 4.59 13 J-233 GPV-31 130 45 0.05 P-179 2 4.59 12 GPV-31 J-234 130 45 0.05 P-85 2 4.58 12 J-65 GPV-28 130 45 0.05 P-86 2 4.58 14 GPV-28 J-66 130 45 0.05 P-87 2 4.57 13 J-42 GPV-29 130 45 0.05 P-88 2 4.57 13 GPV-29 J-67 130 45 0.05 P-155 6 4.19 105 J-64 J-70 130 369 0.012 P-100 2 3.98 14 J-74 GPV-30 130 39 0.038 P-101 2 3.98 15 GPV-30 J-121 130 39 0.038 P-154 4 3.43 218 J-66 J-44 130 135 0.013 P-79 6 3.34 17 J-64 J-63 130 -294 0.008 P-14 6 3.3 132 J-12 J-6 130 -291 0.008 P-15 6 3.3 77 J-6 J-13 130 -291 0.008 P-40 6 3.3 17 J-1 J-28 130 291 0.008 P-104 6 3.3 108 J-33 J-13 130 291 0.008 P-57 4 3.29 130 J-49 J-50 130 129 0.012 P-58 4 3.29 124 J-50 J-51 130 129 0.012 P-72 4 3.29 144 J-70 J-49 130 129 0.012 P-2 4 3.02 118 J-121 J-3 130 -118 0.01 P-3 4 3.02 107 J-3 J-4 130 -118 0.01 P-6 4 3.02 76 J-8 J-9 130 -118 0.01 P-9 4 3.02 51 J-77 J-79 130 118 0.01 P-7 4 3.02 67 J-9 J-80 130 -118 0.01 P-8 4 3.02 77 J-80 J-79 130 -118 0.01 Scenario 6: Montage Pool Pipe Table P-4 4 3.02 98 J-4 J-81 130 -118 0.01 P-5 4 3.02 136 J-81 J-8 130 -118 0.01 P-115 4 3.02 31 J-91 J-92 130 -118 0.01 P-116 4 3.02 112 J-92 J-93 130 -118 0.01 P-117 4 3.02 201 J-93 J-94 130 -118 0.01 P-118 4 3.02 42 J-94 J-121 130 -118 0.01 P-59 4 2.91 138 J-52 J-53 130 114 0.01 P-92 4 2.91 186 J-70 J-71 130 114 0.01 P-93 4 2.91 87 J-71 J-72 130 114 0.01 P-94 4 2.91 63 J-72 J-52 130 114 0.01 P-62 4 2.91 94 J-PH1 J-57 130 -114 0.01 P-63 4 2.91 101 J-57 J-51 130 -114 0.01 P-66 4 2.91 58 J-53 J-59 130 114 0.01 P-67 4 2.91 193 J-59 J-PH2 130 114 0.01 P-16 4 2.8 91 J-15 J-14 130 -110 0.009 P-17 4 2.8 18 J-22 J-14 130 110 0.009 P-18 4 2.8 27 J-23 J-22 130 110 0.009 P-19 4 2.8 262 J-24 J-23 130 110 0.009 P-25 4 2.8 116 J-16 J-15 130 -110 0.009 P-47 4 2.8 83 J-36 J-24 130 110 0.009 P-110 4 2.8 133 J-16 J-87 130 110 0.009 P-111 4 2.8 95 J-87 J-88 130 110 0.009 P-112 4 2.8 157 J-88 J-89 130 110 0.009 P-113 4 2.8 59 J-89 J-90 130 110 0.009 P-114 4 2.8 77 J-90 J-91 130 110 0.009 P-80 6 2.51 14 J-63 J-62 130 -221 0.005 P-37 6 2.47 27 J-32 J-28 130 -218 0.004 P-41 6 2.47 25 J-33 J-31 130 -218 0.004 P-109 4 2.46 211 J-77 J-36 130 96 0.007 P-11 6 2.44 134 J-5 J-10 130 -215 0.004 P-12 6 2.44 64 J-10 J-11 130 -215 0.004 P-13 6 2.44 122 J-11 J-12 130 -215 0.004 P-10 6 2.44 19 J-77 J-5 130 -215 0.004 P-55 4 2.32 440 J-44 J-45 130 91 0.006 P-56 4 2.32 74 J-45 J-SS 130 91 0.006 P-52 12 2.05 194 J-40 J-37 130 723 0.001 P-49 12 2.05 117 J-38 J-37 130 -723 0.001 P-89 12 2.05 210 J-38 J-68 130 723 0.001 P-90 12 2.05 176 J-68 J-69 130 723 0.001 P-91 12 2.05 377 J-69 J-39 130 723 0.001 P-51 12 2.05 172 J-95 J-39 130 -723 0.001 P-105 4 1.94 114 J-12 J-82 130 76 0.005 P-106 4 1.94 54 J-82 J-H1 130 76 0.005 P-122 12 1.83 179 J-98 J-99 130 646 0.001 P-123 12 1.83 251 J-99 J-100 130 646 0.001 P-124 12 1.83 60 J-100 J-101 130 646 0.001 P-125 12 1.83 24 J-101 J-102 130 646 0.001 P-184 6 1.67 12 J-245 J-62 130 147 0.002 P-35 6 1.65 29 J-31 J-29 130 -146 0.002 P-36 6 1.65 29 J-30 J-32 130 -146 0.002 P-107 4 1.62 259 J-H1 J-84 130 63 0.003 P-108 4 1.62 68 J-84 J-HS 130 63 0.003 P-168 12 1.61 34 J-75 J-138 130 567 0.001 P-171 12 1.61 64 J-139 J-140 130 567 0.001 P-172 12 1.61 83 J-140 J-141 130 567 0.001 P-173 12 1.61 187 J-141 J-142 130 567 0.001 P-174 12 1.61 323 J-142 J-143 130 567 0.001 P-175 12 1.61 352 J-143 J-113 130 567 0.001 P-169 12 1.61 162 J-138 J-144 130 567 0.001 P-170 12 1.61 251 J-144 J-139 130 567 0.001 P-44 4 1.49 134 J-34 J-35 130 58 0.003 P-45 4 1.49 62 J-35 J-18 130 58 0.003 P-26 4 1.49 40 J-HS J-119 130 58 0.003 P-27 4 1.49 92 J-119 J-120 130 58 0.003 P-28 4 1.49 26 J-120 J-20 130 58 0.003 P-149 4 1.49 31 J-20 J-34 130 58 0.003 P-81 18 1.4 547 J-40 J-122 130 1,110 0 P-82 18 1.4 12 J-122 J-65 130 1,110 0 P-83 18 1.34 12 J-65 J-42 130 1,065 0 P-53 18 1.29 11 J-42 J-233 130 1,020 0 P-69 18 1.23 332 J-43 J-126 130 975 0 P-54 18 1.23 196 J-233 J-43 130 975 0 P-70 18 1.23 9 J-126 J-61 130 975 0 P-119 12 1.23 67 J-95 J-96 130 433 0.001 P-120 12 1.23 116 J-96 J-97 130 433 0.001 P-121 12 1.23 204 J-97 J-98 130 433 0.001 P-71 18 1.14 16 J-61 J-60 130 901 0 P-68 18 1.04 14 J-60 J-41 130 827 0 P-84 6 1.02 14 J-66 J-67 130 -90 0.001 P-140 12 1 258 J-111 J-149 130 -354 0 P-141 12 1 306 J-149 J-113 130 -354 0 P-129 12 1 300 J-104 J-105 130 -354 0 P-130 12 1 101 J-105 J-106 130 -354 0 P-131 12 1 72 J-106 J-107 130 -354 0 P-138 12 1 189 J-110 J-111 130 -354 0 P-127 12 1 59 J-102 J-230 130 -354 0 P-128 12 1 265 J-230 J-104 130 -354 0 P-135 12 1 160 J-107 J-231 130 -354 0 P-136 12 1 218 J-231 J-232 130 -354 0 P-137 12 1 70 J-232 J-110 130 -354 0 P-102 4 1 346 J-121 J-147 130 39 0.001 P-103 4 1 215 J-147 J-CH 130 39 0.001 P-95 18 0.95 12 J-41 J-244 130 753 0 P-96 18 0.86 11 J-244 J-246 130 680 0 P-187 6 0.83 12 J-247 J-245 130 74 0.001 P-50 12 0.82 7 J-1 J-95 130 -291 0 P-31 6 0.82 30 J-29 J-27 130 -73 0.001 P-32 6 0.82 30 J-30 J-21 130 73 0.001 P-97 18 0.76 352 J-246 J-73 130 606 0 P-98 18 0.76 10 J-73 J-74 130 606 0 P-99 18 0.72 8 J-74 J-75 130 567 0 P-142 12 0.6 127 J-113 J-114 130 213 0 P-143 12 0.6 398 J-114 J-115 130 213 0 P-146 12 0.6 321 J-116 J-117 130 213 0 P-144 12 0.6 45 J-115 J-148 130 213 0 P-145 12 0.6 116 J-148 J-116 130 213 0 P-148 12 0.6 101 J-117 J-98 130 213 0 P-180 6 0.51 10 J-234 J-67 130 45 0 P-60 4 0.38 124 J-51 J-56 130 15 0 P-61 4 0.38 368 J-56 J-H2 130 15 0 P-176 46 0.35 30 R-5 PMP-3 130 1,833 0 P-177 46 0.35 40 PMP-3 J-40 130 1,833 0 P-20 4 0.34 49 J-19 J-25 130 13 0 P-21 4 0.34 216 J-18 J-19 130 13 0 P-46 4 0.34 33 J-25 J-36 130 13 0 P-23 4 0 100 J-85 J-86 130 0 0 P-64 4 0 140 J-53 J-58 130 0 0 P-24 4 0 94 J-86 J-17 130 0 0 P-65 4 0 69 J-58 J-55 130 0 0 P-22 4 0 65 J-18 J-85 130 0 0 P-156 12 0 22 J-126 J-134 130 0 0 P-157 12 0 110 J-134 J-127 130 0 0 P-139 8 0 175 J-111 J-112 130 0 0 P-166 12 0 231 J-146 J-136 130 0 0 P-147 8 0 53 J-117 J-118 130 0 0 P-153 12 0 337 J-125 J-124 130 0 0 P-161 12 0 495 J-130 J-131 130 0 0 P-158 12 0 421 J-127 J-128 130 0 0 P-162 12 0 195 J-131 J-132 130 0 0 P-165 12 0 104 J-145 J-146 130 0 0 P-151 12 0 214 J-133 J-123 130 0 0 P-160 12 0 45 J-127 J-130 130 0 0 P-181 12 0 132 J-243 J-37 130 0 0 P-167 12 0 108 J-136 J-137 130 0 0 P-164 12 0 126 J-135 J-145 130 0 0 P-152 12 0 175 J-123 J-125 130 0 0 P-159 12 0 152 J-128 J-129 130 0 0 P-150 12 0 31 J-122 J-133 130 0 0 P-163 12 0 23 J-73 J-135 130 0 0 P-133 8 0 141 J-108 J-109 130 0 0 P-132 8 0 161 J-107 J-108 130 0 0 P-134 8 0 62 J-109 J-7 130 0 0 J-59 87 0 26 227.21 J-85 87 0 22 223.76 J-53 87 0 26 227.77 J-52 88 0 26 229.09 J-11 88 0 23 226.12 J-10 88 0 22.5 225.84 J-50 88 0 25.43 229.02 J-6 88 0 24 227.63 J-12 88 0 23 226.64 J-33 88 0 25 229.02 J-13 88 0 24.17 228.21 J-31 88 0 25 229.13 J-29 88 0 25 229.19 J-27 88 0 25 229.21 J-72 89 0 25 229.7 J-49 89 0 25.68 230.58 J-H2 89 15 22.5 227.41 J-56 89 0 22.5 227.49 J-71 89 0 25.4 230.53 J-55 89 0 22.5 227.77 J-SS 89 91 29.47 236.2 J-70 90 126 25.24 232.31 J-45 90 0 29 236.66 J-39 90 0 35 243.4 J-64 91 0 24 233.53 J-63 91 0 24 233.66 J-62 91 0 24 233.73 J-245 91 0 24 233.75 J-247 91 0 24 233.76 J-44 91 44 28.8 239.42 J-69 91 0 33 243.93 J-68 91 0 33 244.17 J-100 92 0 30 242.47 J-21 92 0 30 242.83 J-30 92 0 30 242.85 J-32 92 0 30 242.91 J-28 92 0 30 243.03 J-101 92 0 29 242.4 J-102 92 0 28.88 242.37 J-103 93 1,000 27.45 241.5 J-124 93 0 29.47 244.66 J-230 93 0 27 242.4 J-123 93 0 28.8 244.66 J-125 93 0 28.8 244.66 J-96 94 0 27 243.13 J-99 94 0 26.6 242.75 J-118 94 0 26.5 242.97 J-128 94 0 28 244.47 J-243 94 0 28 244.63 J-112 94 0 26 242.91 J-129 94 0 27.47 244.47 J-37 94 0 27.52 244.63 J-132 94 0 27 244.47 J-104 94 0 24.85 242.49 J-111 94 0 25.2 242.91 J-CH 94 39 25 242.77 J-95 94 0 25.39 243.16 J-149 94 0 25 243 J-1 94 0 25 243.16 J-108 94 0 24.5 242.67 J-66 94 0 24 242.26 J-67 94 0 24 242.27 J-234 94 0 24 242.27 J-38 95 0 26 244.46 J-131 95 0 26 244.47 J-142 95 0 25 243.71 J-97 95 0 24.17 243.06 J-116 95 0 24 243.02 J-147 95 0 24 243.05 J-127 95 0 25.24 244.47 J-137 95 0 25 244.41 J-117 95 0 23.5 242.97 J-130 95 0 25 244.47 J-134 95 0 25 244.47 J-231 95 0 23 242.73 J-141 95 0 24 243.88 J-140 95 0 24 243.95 J-98 95 0 23 242.95 J-139 95 0 24 244.01 J-148 95 0 22.9 243.03 J-144 95 0 24 244.23 J-110 95 0 22.45 242.84 J-136 95 0 24 244.41 J-145 95 0 24 244.41 J-146 95 0 24 244.41 J-246 95 0 24 244.46 J-244 95 0 24 244.46 J-41 95 0 24 244.46 J-60 95 0 24 244.47 J-61 95 0 24 244.47 J-126 95 0 24 244.47 J-105 95 0 22.12 242.61 J-115 95 0 22.54 243.04 J-121 95 0 23 243.51 J-43 95 0 24 244.59 J-233 95 0 24 244.65 J-42 95 0 24 244.65 J-65 95 0 24 244.66 J-133 95 0 24 244.66 J-122 96 0 23.71 244.66 J-232 96 0 21.5 242.81 J-138 96 0 23 244.38 J-135 96 0 23 244.41 J-75 96 0 22.4 244.41 J-74 96 0 22.4 244.41 J-73 96 0 22.4 244.41 J-114 96 0 21 243.1 J-109 96 0 20 242.67 J-40 96 0 22 244.9 J-113 97 0 19.9 243.11 J-143 97 0 20 243.43 J-7 97 0 19 242.67 J-107 97 0 17.99 242.67 J-106 98 0 17.15 242.64 Material Product Submittals Montage Hotel & Spa - La Quinta 7/20/21 Specification Name:Utilities CSI Code:33 00 00 -001 Detail Description:Utilities Status:For Approval Category:Product Data/Specifications Submittal Pkg. #:002 Date:6/21/2021 Due Date: REVIEWED AND FORWARDED FOR APPROVAL REVIEWED WITH EXCEPTIONS NOTED NONCONFORMING, REVISED & RESUBMITTED Project Name:Montage Resort - La Quinta Project Number: 180400 Comment: 330000-001.0 Sewer, Water, Fire, & Storm Drain, Product Data SEWER • 10” ANSI/AWWA C900; VINYLTECH PVC PIPE, IPEX, JM EAGLE, DIAMOND PLASTICS, NORTH AMERICAN PIPE CORPORATION • 4” & 6” ASTM D3034 SDR35/PS 46 PVC SEWER PIPE; VINYLTECH PIPE, DIAMOND PLASTICS, JM EAGLE, NORTH AMERICAN PIPE CORPORATION • SDR35 D-3034/PS46 F-679 SEWER FITTINGS; GPK PRODUCTS, INC. • 10” VALVE BOX SERIES; EISEL EBTERPRISES INC. WATER • 4” ANSI/AWWA C900; VINYLTECH, IPEX, JM EAGLE, DIAMOND PLASTICS, NORTH AMERICAN PIPE CORPORATION • 2” & 3” SCHEDULE 40 PVC PRESSURE PIPE; UNI BELL PVC PIPE ASSOCIATION • 4” A-2362 RW GATE VALVE FLG x FLG; MUELLER COMPANY • 6” A-2362 RW GATE VALVE FLG x FLG; MUELLER COMPANY • HEX BOLTS A307 GRADE A; WESTERN WATER WORKS • TEADIT NA 1082SAN NSF61 APPROVED NON ASBESTOS GASKET; ITP • MARK VTB VALVE BOX SERIES; BINGHAM & TAYLOR • PVC SCH 40 FITTINGS; LASCO FITTING, INC. • 4” IMPORT DUCTILE IRON PUSH-ON COMPACT FITTINGS; STAR PIPE PRODUCTS, SIP INDUSTRIES, SIGMA, TYLER UNION FIRE • 1-1/2” SCHEDULE 40 PVC PRESSURE PIPE; UNI-BELL PVC PIPE ASSOCIATION • 6”, 8”, & 12” ANSI/AWWA C900; VINYLTECH PVC PIPE, IPEX, JM EAGLE, DIAMOND PLASTICS, NORTH AMERICAN PIPE CORPORATION • HEX BOLTS A307 GRADE A; WESTERN WATER WORKS • TEADIT NA 1082SAN NSF61 APPROVED NON ASBESTOS GASKET; IPT • 6” A-2362 RW GATE VALVE FLG X FLG; MUELLER COMPANY • 8” A-2362 RW GATE VALVE FLG X FLG; MUELLER COMPANY • 10” A-2362 RW GATE VALVE FLG X FLG; MUELLER COMPANY • 6” & 12” IMPORT DUCTILE IRON FLANGED FITTINGS; STAR PIPE PRODUCTS, SIP INDUSTRIES, SIGMA, TYLER UNION • 4” IN-BUILDING RISER; AMES FIRE & WATER WORKS, ZURN WILKINS • J-4000 TRITON SERIES DUCTILE IRON HYDRANTS; MUELLER COMPANY, JONES • 6” CLOW LBI 400A BREAK-OFF CHECK VALVE; CLOW VALVE • 6” x 42” PUSH-ON HYDRANT BURYS; WESTERN WATER WORKS • 6” & 12” PRESSURE CLASS 350 TYTON-JOINT PIPE; US PIPE • 6”, 8”, & 12” IMPORT DUCTILE IRON PUSH-ON COMPACT FITTINGS; STAR PIPE PRODUCTS, SIP INDUSTRIES, SIGMA, TYLER UNION • FIELD LOK 350 GASKETS; US PIPE • HEX BOLTS GRADE 5 & 8; WESTERN WATER WORKS • 6”, 8”, & 12” ANSI/AWWA C900; VINYLTECH PVC PIPE, IPEX, JM EAGLE, DIAMOND PLASTICS, NORTH AMERICAN PIPE CORPORATION • MARK VTB VALVE BOX SERIES; BINGHAM & TAYLOR STORM • 18” CATCH BASIN GRATE SERIES; NDS • 18” CATCH BASIN FRAME; NDS • 9” CATCH BASIN; NDS • BRASS & CHROME GRATES; NDS • SPEE-D BASINS; NDS • 4”, 6”, & 12” HDPE PIPE; PRINSCO, ADS • 4”, 6”, & 12” HDPE FITTINGS; PRINSCO, ADS • HARCO DRAIN BASIN STANDARD DETAIL; THE HARRINGTON CORPORATION Submittal Transmittal 400 SPECTRUM CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 1200 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92618 TEL: 949-474-2001 WEBSITE: WWW.RDOLSON.COM Page 1 of 2 YELLOW = LONG LEAD 16178 06/22/21 (APPROVED) X Rich Vaughn The Submittals have been reviewed for general conformation to the design intent of the contract documents with reguard to type and quality and not quantity and/or dimensions, which are the responsibility of the subcontractor and/or supplier making the submittal. The subcontractor and/or supplier is responsible for coordination of their work with other trades. Review of submittals and/or shop drawings does not releive the subcontractor's and/or supplier's responsibility for any errors, omissions and/or changes for the requirements of the contract documents, nor for errors and/or omissions made by subcontractor and/or supplier in sad submittals and/or shop drawings. R.D. OLSON CONSTRUCTION BY:Sam Sheinberg DATE:6/21/2021 JOB:Montage Resort - La Quinta (180400)SPEC:33 00 00 -001 400 SPECTRUM CENTER DRIVE, SUITE 1200 IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92618 TEL: 949-474-2001 WEBSITE: WWW.RDOLSON.COM Page 2 of 2 SUBMITTAL REVIEW NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN. MAKE CORRECTIONS AS NOTED. Resubmittal not required unless Contractor cannot comply with corrections noted. REVISE AS NOTED AND RESUBMIT. RESUBMIT PROPERLY. Submittal not reviewed for reasons noted. NOT REVIEWED. Submittal not required by Contract Documents. RECEIVED FOR CLIENT’S RECORD ONLY. Submittal not reviewed. Gensler has reviewed this Submittal, but only for the purpose of checking for conformance with the design intent expressed in the Contract Documents. Gensler’s action on a specific item does not indicate approval of an assembly of which the item is a component, nor of an item as delivered and installed if it does not conform to the Contract Documents. Contractor is responsible for checking for deviations between this Submittal and differing information or conditions in the Contract Documents and field conditions; for determining or substantiating the accuracy and completeness of other details such as dimensions and quantities; for substantiating instructions for installation or performance of equipment or systems designed by Contractor; for construction means, methods, techniques, schedules, sequences, procedures, and fabrication processes; for errors and omissions in Submittals; for coordination of the Work of the trades, safety precautions and performing the Work in a safe and satisfactory manner and in conformance with the Contract Documents. If more than one submittal review stamp appears on this Submittal, the most stringent action and notations thereon apply. Signature of a submittal review stamp by Gensler or a consultant does not imply that it has reviewed work not within its professional discipline or scope of services. v1 3/2012 By: Date: Project No: Submittal: Veit Kugel Fri Jun 25, 2021 55.7598.000 330000-001.0 Sewer Water Fire Storm Prod Data-MBI //gensler.ad/Projects/55/55.7598.000/Documentation/6/6S/Construction/Incoming/330000 RDO to receive approval of fire related items by La Quinta Fire Department. RDO proceeds at own risk with fire laterals unitil the sprinkler system has been designed and approved by the Fire Department. Corrections or comments made on the shop drawings during this review do not relieve contractor from compliance with requirements of the drawings and specifications. This check is only for review of general conformance with the design concept of the project and general compliance with the information given in the contact documents. The contractor is responsible for: Confirming and correlating all quantities and dimensions; selecting fabrication processes and techniques of construction; coordinating his or her work with that of all other trades and performing his work in a safe and satisfactory manner. Burton Landscape Architecture Studio A California Corporation Date By: NO EXCEPTION TAKEN REJECTED REVISE AND RESUBMIT REVIEWED FURNISH AS CORRECTED OTHER______________ Patrick BaldwinJuly 1, 2021 x If allowed by the La Quinta fire department, please provide theHydrants (page 34) as:#1 Preference: Brass#2 Preference: Painted dark gray#3 Preference: If #1 and #2 are not allowed by the fire department,please provide list of colors that will be allowed Per JF Email remove. Together, Building the Future A general engineering contractor specializing in Underground Utilities, Drainage and Sump Pump Systems. SUBMITTAL NO. 1 SEWER, WATER, FIRE, & STORM MATERIAL SUBMITTAL 6/18/21 Re: 79179 AHMANSON LN. LA QUINTA, CA 92253 www R3co.com SEWER, WATER, FIRE, & STORM MATERIAL SUBMITTAL SEWER • 10” ANSI/AWWA C900; VINYLTECH PVC PIPE, IPEX, JM EAGLE, DIAMOND PLASTICS, NORTH AMERICAN PIPE CORPORATION • 4” & 6” ASTM D3034 SDR35/PS 46 PVC SEWER PIPE; VINYLTECH PIPE, DIAMOND PLASTICS, JM EAGLE, NORTH AMERICAN PIPE CORPORATION • SDR35 D-3034/PS46 F-679 SEWER FITTINGS; GPK PRODUCTS, INC. • 10” VALVE BOX SERIES; EISEL EBTERPRISES INC. WATER • 4” ANSI/AWWA C900; VINYLTECH, IPEX, JM EAGLE, DIAMOND PLASTICS, NORTH AMERICAN PIPE CORPORATION • 2” & 3” SCHEDULE 40 PVC PRESSURE PIPE; UNI BELL PVC PIPE ASSOCIATION • 4” A-2362 RW GATE VALVE FLG x FLG; MUELLER COMPANY • 6” A-2362 RW GATE VALVE FLG x FLG; MUELLER COMPANY • HEX BOLTS A307 GRADE A; WESTERN WATER WORKS • TEADIT NA 1082SAN NSF61 APPROVED NON ASBESTOS GASKET; ITP • MARK VTB VALVE BOX SERIES; BINGHAM & TAYLOR • PVC SCH 40 FITTINGS; LASCO FITTING, INC. • 4” IMPORT DUCTILE IRON PUSH-ON COMPACT FITTINGS; STAR PIPE PRODUCTS, SIP INDUSTRIES, SIGMA, TYLER UNION FIRE • 1-1/2” SCHEDULE 40 PVC PRESSURE PIPE; UNI-BELL PVC PIPE ASSOCIATION • 6”, 8”, & 12” ANSI/AWWA C900; VINYLTECH PVC PIPE, IPEX, JM EAGLE, DIAMOND PLASTICS, NORTH AMERICAN PIPE CORPORATION • HEX BOLTS A307 GRADE A; WESTERN WATER WORKS • TEADIT NA 1082SAN NSF61 APPROVED NON ASBESTOS GASKET; IPT • 6” A-2362 RW GATE VALVE FLG X FLG; MUELLER COMPANY • 8” A-2362 RW GATE VALVE FLG X FLG; MUELLER COMPANY • 10” A-2362 RW GATE VALVE FLG X FLG; MUELLER COMPANY • 6” & 12” IMPORT DUCTILE IRON FLANGED FITTINGS; STAR PIPE PRODUCTS, SIP INDUSTRIES, SIGMA, TYLER UNION • 4” IN-BUILDING RISER; AMES FIRE & WATER WORKS, ZURN WILKINS • J-4000 TRITON SERIES DUCTILE IRON HYDRANTS; MUELLER COMPANY, JONES • 6” CLOW LBI 400A BREAK-OFF CHECK VALVE; CLOW VALVE • 6” x 42” PUSH-ON HYDRANT BURYS; WESTERN WATER WORKS • 6” & 12” PRESSURE CLASS 350 TYTON-JOINT PIPE; US PIPE • 6”, 8”, & 12” IMPORT DUCTILE IRON PUSH-ON COMPACT FITTINGS; STAR PIPE PRODUCTS, SIP INDUSTRIES, SIGMA, TYLER UNION • FIELD LOK 350 GASKETS; US PIPE • HEX BOLTS GRADE 5 & 8; WESTERN WATER WORKS • 6”, 8”, & 12” ANSI/AWWA C900; VINYLTECH PVC PIPE, IPEX, JM EAGLE, DIAMOND PLASTICS, NORTH AMERICAN PIPE CORPORATION • MARK VTB VALVE BOX SERIES; BINGHAM & TAYLOR STORM • 18” CATCH BASIN GRATE SERIES; NDS • 18” CATCH BASIN FRAME; NDS • 9” CATCH BASIN; NDS • BRASS & CHROME GRATES; NDS • SPEE-D BASINS; NDS • 4”, 6”, & 12” HDPE PIPE; PRINSCO, ADS • 4”, 6”, & 12” HDPE FITTINGS; PRINSCO, ADS • HARCO DRAIN BASIN STANDARD DETAIL; THE HARRINGTON CORPORATION FIRE Smooth Running Jobs PVC Pipe SCHEDULE 40 PVC PRESSURE PIPE General Information: Product Standard: ASTM D1785, ASTM D2665 Pipe Compound: ASTM D1784 Cell Class 12454 Certification: ANSI/NSF 61, ANSI/NSF 14* Uniform Plumbing Code* Pipe End Finish: Bell End*, Plain End Nominal Laying Length: 10/20 feet (Laying length tolerances are in accordance with ASTM standards) Installation: Manufacturers Solvent Weld Installation Guide Water pressure rating measured at 23°C (73°F) Manning Coefficient (n) = 0.009 Hazen-Williams Coefficient (c) = 150 Available Size: 1/2"- 4" Product Standard: ASTM D1785 Certification: ANSI/NSF 61 Pipe End Finish: Bell End PVC PRESSURE PIPE ANSI/AWWA C900 UL 1285 FM 1612** *See Certification Letter for full explanation and list of exceptions. **FM 1612 calculates pressure ratings differently than AWWA for 4"-12" only with DR 18 as 185 psi and DR 14 as 250 psi. ‡See Installation Guide for more information. Pipe Standard:AWWA C900-16 Diameter Std.:Cast Iron Outside Diameter (CIOD) Nominal Sizes:4", 6", 8", 10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 20", 24", 30", 36" Dimension Ratios & Pressure Ratings: DR 51 – 80 psi DR 41 – 100 psi DR 32.5 – 125 psi DR 25 – 165 psi DR 21 – 200 psi DR 18 – 235 psi (185 psi)** DR 14 – 305 psi (250 psi)** Lay Length:20' [6.1m] Pipe Compound:ASTM D1784 Cell Class 12454 Pipe Joint Std.:ASTM D3139 Max. Angular Joint Deflection:‡1° Gasket Standard:ASTM F477, UL 157 Gasket Material Offerings: Standard – SBR Optional – NBR or EPDM Installation Std.:AWWA C605 Color:Blue Green Purple Certifications:* NSF 14 NSF 61 CSA B137.3 CSA B137.3 CSA B137.3 Applications Potable Water Waste- water Reclaimed Water Only products bearing the NSF Mark are Certified Short Form Specification MARKING The pipe shall be marked in accordance with AWWA C900. QUALITY CONTROL Each length of the pipe including the bell shall be hydrostatically tested in accordance with AWWA C900. The pipe shall meet all additional test requirements as described in AWWA C900. Manufacturers full-time quality assurance staff continually administers a rigid program of tests to maintain the production of the best pipe products available. INSTALLATION Instruction procedures are outlined in AWWA C605, Underground Installation of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fittings for Water. The AWWA Manual M23, PVC Pipe Design and Installation, is also an invaluable resource guide for design and installation. TAPPING The consistent success of tapping PVC pressure pipe is contingent upon the use of proper procedures and equipment. Strict compliance with the requirements as specified in AWWA C605. ASSEMBLING THE PIPE Assembly of PVC water pipe is easily accomplished. A depth of entry mark is on each spigot end to serve as a visual check for rapid, accurate joint inspection. Do not over insert. Smooth Running Jobs BOLTS & NUTS Smooth Running Jobs HEX BOLTS A307 GRADE A SUBMITTAL SPECIFICATIONS ABSTRACT OF ASTM A307 GRADE A GRADE: Low Carbon Steel 60,000 PSI CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS Chemical analysis shall be performed in accordance with ASTM A751 CARBON MAX MANGANESE MAX PHOPHOROUS MAX SULFER MAX 0.29 1.20 0.04 0.15 MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS HARDNESS BRINEL MIN MAX HARDNESS ROCKWELL MIN MAX TENSILE STRENGTH (KSI) MIN MAX ELONGATION IN 2 IN (50MM) MIN 121 241 69 100 60 - 18 Hex Nuts ASTM A563 (ASME B18.2.2) Heavy Hex Nuts ASTM A563 (ASME B18.2.2) Washers ASTM F844-04 (ASME B18.22.1) FINISH Plain Zinc Plated per ASTM B633 Hot Dip Galvanized Per ASTM A153 Cadmium Plated DIMENSIONAL DATA: Unless otherwise specified in the purchase order, parts shall be the coarse threaded series as specified in the latest issue of ANSI / ASME B1.1, page A-26. Having a 2A tolerance. Grade A Bolts shall have Hex Bolt Dimensions as given in the latest issue of ANSI / ASME B 18.2.1, Page C1. Unless otherwise specified Grade A Bolts should be used with Hex Nuts. ADDITINOAL INFORMATION: Additional information can be found in ASTM A307A-07B,, ASTM A563-04A FLANGE GASKETS TEADIT NA 1082SAN NSF61 APPROVED NON ASBESTOS GASKET Smooth Running Jobs SUBMITTAL SPECIFICATIONS GASKETS MEET THE PRESSURE RATINGS, DRILLING AND DIMENSIONS OF ANSI/ASME B16.21 AND AWWA C111 NSF 61 CERTIFIED FOR CHLORINATED POTABLE WATER TECHNICAL DATA MANUFACTURES STYLE COLOR BINDER TEMP MAX HARDNESS SHORE A TENSILE STRENGTH ASTM F- 152 ELONGATION APPLICATION CERTIFICATION MATERIAL Teadit. NA1082SAN Blue Proprietary 752 N/A 1885 N/A Potable Water Systems NSF 61 Non Asbestos Full Face Ring 1/16” 1/8” GENERAL DESCRIPTION: Teadit style NA1002SAN is specifically formulated to pass criteria established in NSF-61 for sealing materials, as well as providing excellent resistance to conductivity. ** Domestically manufactured in the USA** GATE VALVES 2"-12" A-2362 RW GATE VALVES FLG X FLG This information is based on the best data available at the date printed above. Please check with www.muellercompany.com for any updates or changes. 6" FLG x FLG RW GATE VALVE OPEN LEFT NDZ STEM T316 SS HARDWARE Smooth Running Jobs SPECIFICATIONS: Meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of ANSI/AWWA C509 and C515, UL Listed, FM Approved, and certified to ANSI/NSF 61 & 372. Standard Flanged Ends (2” thru 12”) with flange drilling complying to ANSI B16.1 Class 125 Ductile Iron body with nominal 10 mils MUELLER® Pro-Gard® Fusion Epoxy Coated interior and exterior surfaces Epoxy coating meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of ANSI/AWWA C550 Standard and is certified to ANSI/NSF Standard 61 & 372† Ductile Iron wedge, symmetrical & fully encapsulated with molded *EPDM Rubber; no exposed iron Stem non-rising (NRS) Manganese **Bronze, ASTM B138 Alloy C67600 Triple O-ring seal stuffing box (2 upper & 1 lower O-rings) with fourth o-ring serving as dirt seal *EPDM Rubber 2" square wrench nut-open left *Bolts & Nuts for stuffing box and bonnet Type 316 Stainless Steel 350 psig (2400 kPa/24 barg) maximum working pressure, 700 psig (4800 kPa/48 barg) static test pressure UL Listed, FM Approved: 350 psig (2400 kPa/24 barg) Mueller valves are designed for potable water application **Bronze components meet current lead-free requirements A-2362-6 *E381 MANUFACTURED IN THE U.S.A. Shown with optional hand wheel † Approved for backflow prevention devices by USC (for 4” - 10” sizes) GATE VALVES 2"-12" A-2362 RW GATE VALVES FLG X FLG This information is based on the best data available at the date printed above. Please check with www.muellercompany.com for any updates or changes. 8" FLG x FLG RW GATE VALVE OPEN LEFT NDZ STEM T316 SS HARDWARE Smooth Running Jobs SPECIFICATIONS: Meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of ANSI/AWWA C509 and C515, UL Listed, FM Approved, and certified to ANSI/NSF 61 & 372. Standard Flanged Ends (2” thru 12”) with flange drilling complying to ANSI B16.1 Class 125 Ductile Iron body with nominal 10 mils MUELLER® Pro-Gard® Fusion Epoxy Coated interior and exterior surfaces Epoxy coating meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of ANSI/AWWA C550 Standard and is certified to ANSI/NSF Standard 61 & 372† Ductile Iron wedge, symmetrical & fully encapsulated with molded *EPDM Rubber; no exposed iron Stem non-rising (NRS) Manganese **Bronze, ASTM B138 Alloy C67600 Triple O-ring seal stuffing box (2 upper & 1 lower O-rings) with fourth o-ring serving as dirt seal *EPDM Rubber 2" square wrench nut-open left *Bolts & Nuts for stuffing box and bonnet Type 316 Stainless Steel 350 psig (2400 kPa/24 barg) maximum working pressure, 700 psig (4800 kPa/48 barg) static test pressure UL Listed, FM Approved: 350 psig (2400 kPa/24 barg) Mueller valves are designed for potable water application **Bronze components meet current lead-free requirements A-2362-6 *E381 MANUFACTURED IN THE U.S.A. Shown with optional hand wheel † Approved for backflow prevention devices by USC (for 4” - 10” sizes) GATE VALVES 2"-12" A-2362 RW GATE VALVES FLG X FLG This information is based on the best data available at the date printed above. Please check with www.muellercompany.com for any updates or changes. 10" FLG x FLG RW GATE VALVE OPEN LEFT NDZ STEM T316 SS HARDWARE Smooth Running Jobs SPECIFICATIONS: Meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of ANSI/AWWA C509 and C515, UL Listed, FM Approved, and certified to ANSI/NSF 61 & 372. Standard Flanged Ends (2” thru 12”) with flange drilling complying to ANSI B16.1 Class 125 Ductile Iron body with nominal 10 mils MUELLER® Pro-Gard® Fusion Epoxy Coated interior and exterior surfaces Epoxy coating meets or exceeds all applicable requirements of ANSI/AWWA C550 Standard and is certified to ANSI/NSF Standard 61 & 372† Ductile Iron wedge, symmetrical & fully encapsulated with molded *EPDM Rubber; no exposed iron Stem non-rising (NRS) Manganese **Bronze, ASTM B138 Alloy C67600 Triple O-ring seal stuffing box (2 upper & 1 lower O-rings) with fourth o-ring serving as dirt seal *EPDM Rubber 2" square wrench nut-open left *Bolts & Nuts for stuffing box and bonnet Type 316 Stainless Steel 350 psig (2400 kPa/24 barg) maximum working pressure, 700 psig (4800 kPa/48 barg) static test pressure UL Listed, FM Approved: 350 psig (2400 kPa/24 barg) Mueller valves are designed for potable water application **Bronze components meet current lead-free requirements A-2362-6 *E381 MANUFACTURED IN THE U.S.A. Shown with optional hand wheel † Approved for backflow prevention devices by USC (for 4” - 10” sizes) IMPORT DUCTILE IRON FLANGED FITTINGS ANSI / AWWA C110 / A21.10 Class 125 Smooth Running Jobs APPROVED MEMBER GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL: PRESSURE: TESTING: LAYING LENGTH: WEIGHTS: DRILLING: CEMENT LINING: COATING: APPROVALS: DIMENSIONS: INSTALLATION: Ductile iron per ASTM A536 *Flanged fittings *2” – 48” rated at 250 psi. 54” – 64” rated at 150psi. *Note: With rubber annular ring flange gasket, 2” – 24” flanged fittings can be rated at 350 psi. In accordance with ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10, UL and FM requirements 2" - 48" sizes in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10 and ANSI B16.1 and 54" - 64" sizes in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C153/ A21.53 (fittings not listed in ANSI/AWWA have dimensions per design as noted in the catalog) Are in pounds, unless noted otherwise and do not include accessories, cement lining and coatings In accordance with ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10, ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53 and ANSI B16.1 Class 125 Flanges In accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4 and UL/NSF-61 -- sizes 1"- 3" single thickness and sizes 4"- 64" double thickness Zinc coating will follow ISO 8179-2 (Zinc Primer) standards. Top Coat Asphaltic seal coat per ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4 2" - 12" Underwriters Laboratories and ULC Listed and Factory Mutual approved for 300 PSI rating. Please consult factory for detail listing and approvals.. 2" and greater are UL/NSF-61. All dimensions are in inches unless noted otherwise. Per ANSI/AWWA C110 and C111 Smooth Running Jobs In-Building Riser LEAD-FREE* In-Building Risers are used to connect the main fire supply to the building overhead fire system. The fitting passes under the foundation without joints and ex-tends up through the floor. Provided with installation tabs, the unit has a CIPS (Cast Iron Pipe Size) coupler for easy connection to the underground supply (AWWA C900 PVC and Ductile Iron Pipe) and industry standard grooved-end connection IPS (AWWA C606) on the building side for easy connection to the overhead fire sprinkler system. The In-Building Riser features Lead Free* construction to comply with Lead Free* installation requirements. $SSUoYDOs        0DteUiDOs            )eDtXUes   00 PSI 40‡- End Connections OUTLET:  Includes Coupling & 1" Tap with Plug    : PVC or Ductile Iron pipe AWWA C900 6'x6' standard length (custom lengths from 3' – 20'available) Transition Risers Application J-4000 Triton® Series Ductile Iron Hydrants Refer to our catalog or visit us on the web at Joneswaterproducts.com for the full selection of Wet Barrel Fire Hydrants. •Furnished with cast iron hose caps with 1-1/8", 1-1/2" or 1-3/4" operating nuts. •Non-kinking chains. •Low-zinc silicon bronze stem. •Two O-ring seals on stem insert. •Field-replaceable nozzles. •Removable outlet threads for easy access to disc holder and stem. •Clean aesthetic lines The number of options and combinations provides just about any configuration of ductile iron wet barrel fire hydrant needed. •UL listed and FM approved wet barrel hydrant. •Lead-Free ASTM B584 Alloy C89833, C87600 & C89836 •Meets requirements of AWWA C503. •Cast, manufactured, and assembled inAlbertville, AL, U.S.A. • • Contemporary design features a contouredhead and fluted spool. Produced by Mueller Co. at its Albertville,Alabama plant which assures customers thatstandard orders are filled more rapidly. •Operating pressure up to 350psig/24barg (HP models) TRITON J-4040 TRITON J-4048 TRITON J-4060 Part Number Description Size J-4060 Hydrant Complete - 6 Hole .75 on 9.38 BC - CI Caps 1-1/8 Pent 4" x 2-1/2" x 2-1/2" Note: 4-1/2" Nozzle Option is available for all stated 4" iron outlets. Please make a note on the order if this is required. All Iron Hydrants are regularly furnished with Cast Iron Caps (CI) hydrant general components § Outlet Nozzle Nozzle Cap Inlet Flange Nozzle Cap Cap Op Nut Op Nut on Stem Stem Insert Hydrant Body J4000 Sieries Ductile Iron Hydrant Refer to www.clowvalve.com for more information Part Number Description Size LBI 400A Break-Off Check Valve 8-Hole x 6-Hole W/Blue Coated Hex Nuts Low Lead 6" Smooth Running Jobs Clow LBI 400A Break-Off Check Valve The Clow LBI 400A is an efficient means for preventing the loss of water when a hydrant has been knocked off its mounting. A double-groove extension riser controls the break point enabling the bury to be protected during impact. As the break occurs, upward movement of a secured threaded stainless steel rod automatically releases a spring-loaded bronze valve flapper into the waterway. In static operation the valve flapper is housed in a recessed area out of the waterway.ea The Clow LBI 400A can easily be installed with any wet barrel fire hydrant regardless of model or manufacturer. Any bolt-hole pattern may be ordered upon request. All Clow LBI 400A are made standard with protective fusion epoxy lining. Conservation sensitive areas will also recognize the opportunity to reduce water losses by specifying the Clow LBI 400A . A hydrant broken from a 6” line under normal operating pressures can quickly result in large and highly visible water losses as indicated by the flow table below. TYPICAL FLOW RATES FOR A 6” LINE Part Number Description Size POB642-8 D.I. 8-Hole PO Hydrant Bury C/L with Gasket 6" x 42" Smooth Running Jobs Fire Hydrant Burys & Extension Spools Short Form Specification: Casting : As per ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53Material : Ductile Iron per ASTM A536Cement Lining : As per ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4, 1/8" thickness minimum Coating : Standard NSF-61 approved asphaltic coating inside-out Pressure Rating : 350 PSI hydrostatic pressure PUSH-ON HYDRANT BURYS Smooth Running Jobs Ductile Iron Pipe PRESSURE CLASS 350 TYTON-JOINT® PIPE ANSI/AWWA STANDARDS:ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.5, Ductile Iron Pipe, Centrifugally Cast for Water. Ductile Iron Tyton Joint Pipe is centrifugally cast in metal molds in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.5. The asphaltic outside coating is in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C151/A21.51. ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 Standard for Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile Iron Pressure Pipe.The standard rubber compound is SBR – Styrene Butadiene Rubber. This material has a maximum service temperature rating of 150°F and is used as the predominant gasket material for Drinking Water, Sea Water, Sanitary Sewer, Reclaimed Water, Raw Water, & Storm Water. ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4, Cement-Mortar Lining for Ductile-Iron Pipe and Fittings for Water. The cement-mortar lining and inside coating are in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/ A21.4. Special linings and/or coatings can be furnished for specific conditions. ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11, Rubber-Gasket Joints for Ductile-Iron Pressure Pipe and Fittings. Tyton Gaskets are furnished in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11. ANSI/AWWA C105/A21.5, Polyethylene Encasement for Ductile Iron Pipe Systems. If specifiers and users believe that corrosive soils will be encountered where our products are to be installed, please refer to ANSI/AWWA C105/ A21.5, for proper external protection procedures. ASTM A536 "Standard Specification for Ductile Iron Castings." Tyton joint pipe is NSF/ANSI 61 Certified for drinking water system components. MADE IN U.S.A. INCHES PSI INCHES POUNDS SIZE PRESSURE CLASS THICKNESS OUTSIDE DIAMETER a BARREL WEIGHT PER FOOT WEIGHT PER LAYING LENGTH b 18-FOOT 20-FOOT 3 — ————— 4 350 0.25 4.80 10.9 205 230 6 350 0.25 6.90 16.0 305 335 8 350 0.25 9.05 21.1 400 445 10 350 0.26 11.10 27.1 515 570 12 350 0.28 13.20 34.8 660 730 14 350 0.31 15.30 44.7 860 945 16 350 0.34 17.40 55.8 1065 1175 IMPORT DUCTILE IRON PUSH-ON COMPACT FITTINGS ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53 Ductile Iron per ASTM A536. 350 psi Rating for 4”-24". Pressure rating applies to fittings only and not to retaining lugs In accordance with ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53 and UL Requirement. In accordance with ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53. Fittings not listed in ANSI/AWWA have dimensions per as noted in Catalog. Are in pounds, unless noted otherwise and do not include Accessories, Cement Lining and Coatings. Flanged ends on Fittings match ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15 and ANSI B16.1 CLASS 125 Flanges. In accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4. Asphaltic Seal Coat inside and out in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C104/A21.4 Dual Hardness SBR in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C 111/A21.11. All dimensions are in inches unless noted otherwide.. 4”- 12” UL/ULC Listed - 4" AND GREATER UL/ANSI/NSF 61 and 372 - 4"-12" FM Approved. Please consult factory for details. MATERIAL : PRESSURE : TESTING : LAYING LENGTH : WEIGHTS : FLANGES : CEMENT LINING : COATING : GASKETS : DIMENSIONS : APPROVALS : GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Smooth Running Jobs APPROVEDMEMBER INSTALLATION :Per ANSI/AWWA C600 and C111 using DIP conforming to C150/C151 and PVC pipe conforming to C900/C905 90 Bend Shown RESTRAINTS FIELD LOK 350® Gaskets Product Features •The gold standard for push-on joint restraint. U.S. Pipe's FIELD LOK 350® Gasket is an extremely successful, trouble-free means of joint restraint in 4" - 24" sizes for well over one million Ductile Iron pipe and fitting joint assemblies across North America. •No pipe surface preparation or grooving is required for field cut pipe other than the cut end needing to be beveled as required for any push-on joint spigot end. •Joints are restrained without thrust blocks, bolts, grooves, rods, clamps or retainer glands, resulting in savings of labor, material and time. •Available in 4" - 24" sizes (350 psi) • Providing a boltless, integral restraining system, and shall be rated for 350 psi in accordance with the requirements of ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11. •Underwriters Laboratories lists the 4"–24" sizes for 350 psi. Factory Mutual, utilizing a safety factor of 4, approves the 4"–16" sizes for 250 psi and the 18"–24" sizes for 200 psi service. Smooth Running Jobs Part Number Description Size 6000000108 Field Lok 350 Gasket for DI Pipe 12" Visit: www.uspipe.com for more information FIELD LOK ®, FIELD LOK 350 ®, TYTON ®, TYTON JOINT ® and TR FLEX ® are Registered Trademarks of U.S. Pipe and Foundry Company. FOR WATER & WASTEWATER, FIRE PROTECTION & INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS BOLTS & NUTS Smooth Running Jobs HEX BOLTS GRADE 5 AND 8 SUBMITTAL SPECIFICATIONS Abstract of SAE J429 CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS Chemical analysis shall be performed in accordance with SAE J429 CARBON MIN MAX PHOPHOROUS MIN MAX SULFER MIN MAX GRADE 5 0.28 0.55 - 0.05 - 0.06 GRADE 8 0.28 0.55 - 0.04 - 0.05 MECHANICAL REQUIREMENTS HARDNESS ROCKWELL MIN MAX TENSILE STRENGTH (KSI) MIN MAX PROOF LOAD (KSI) MIN MAX ELONGATION GRADE 5 C19 C34 105 120 75 85 14 GRADE 8 C33 C39 150 - 120 - 12 GRADE: CARBON STEEL GRADES 1 THOUGH 8 Hex Nuts ASTM A563 Hex Nuts Grade 5 SAE J995 Hex Nuts Grade 8 SAE J995 Washers ASTM F844-00 (ASME B18.22.1) FINISH Plain Zinc Plated Hot Dip Galvanized Blue Xylan DIMENSIONAL DATA: Unless otherwise specified, threads shall be the coarse threaded series as specified in the latest issue of ANSI / ASME B1.1, page A-26. Having a class 2A tolerance. Bolts shall have Hex Heads with Dimensions as given in the latest issue of ANSI / ASME B 18.2.1, page C1. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Additional information can be found in SAE J429, SAE J995, and ASTM A563. PVC PRESSURE PIPE ANSI/AWWA C900 UL 1285 FM 1612** *See Certification Letter for full explanation and list of exceptions. **FM 1612 calculates pressure ratings differently than AWWA for 4"-12" only with DR 18 as 185 psi and DR 14 as 250 psi. ‡See Installation Guide for more information. Pipe Standard:AWWA C900-16 Diameter Std.:Cast Iron Outside Diameter (CIOD) Nominal Sizes:4", 6", 8", 10", 12", 14", 16", 18", 20", 24", 30", 36" Dimension Ratios & Pressure Ratings: DR 51 – 80 psi DR 41 – 100 psi DR 32.5 – 125 psi DR 25 – 165 psi DR 21 – 200 psi DR 18 – 235 psi (185 psi)** DR 14 – 305 psi (250 psi)** Lay Length:20' [6.1m] Pipe Compound:ASTM D1784 Cell Class 12454 Pipe Joint Std.:ASTM D3139 Max. Angular Joint Deflection:‡1° Gasket Standard:ASTM F477, UL 157 Gasket Material Offerings: Standard – SBR Optional – NBR or EPDM Installation Std.:AWWA C605 Color:Blue Green Purple Certifications:* NSF 14 NSF 61 CSA B137.3 CSA B137.3 CSA B137.3 Applications Potable Water Waste- water Reclaimed Water Only products bearing the NSF Mark are Certified Short Form Specification MARKING The pipe shall be marked in accordance with AWWA C900. QUALITY CONTROL Each length of the pipe including the bell shall be hydrostatically tested in accordance with AWWA C900. The pipe shall meet all additional test requirements as described in AWWA C900. Manufacturers full-time quality assurance staff continually administers a rigid program of tests to maintain the production of the best pipe products available. INSTALLATION Instruction procedures are outlined in AWWA C605, Underground Installation of Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Pressure Pipe and Fittings for Water. The AWWA Manual M23, PVC Pipe Design and Installation, is also an invaluable resource guide for design and installation. TAPPING The consistent success of tapping PVC pressure pipe is contingent upon the use of proper procedures and equipment. Strict compliance with the requirements as specified in AWWA C605. ASSEMBLING THE PIPE Assembly of PVC water pipe is easily accomplished. A depth of entry mark is on each spigot end to serve as a visual check for rapid, accurate joint inspection. Do not over insert. Smooth Running Jobs CLEANOUT & VALVE BOXES GRE10RTF Visit binghamandtaylor.com for more information BINGHAM & TAYLOR MARK VTB VALVE BOX SERIES 10 BINGHAM HEAVY MARK VTB TRI CAST IRON VALVE BOX RIM WITH FLANGE GENERAL INFORMATION: Smooth Running Jobs CLEANOUT & VALVE BOXES CUL10LTCVWD-W-Y Visit binghamandtaylor.com for more information BINGHAM & TAYLOR MARK VTB VALVE BOX SERIES 10 BINGHAM MARK VTB CAST IRON TRIANGULAR COVER MARKED "CVWD WATER" YELLOW GENERAL INFORMATION: Smooth Running Jobs on-site water system is "Private". you will need to have water covers that say "WATER", not "CVWD". this submittal is fine for the water lines in Ahmanson Lane. Rich Vaughn 06-21-2021 REV.17.01 ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 1 Joint Restraint Submittal Form Series 1100G2C for C900 PVC/C909 PVCO Pipe • Castings made of Ductile Iron - ASTM A536, Grade 65-45-12 •Castings made of Ductile Iron - ASTM A536, Grade 65-45-12 •Restrainers work with Mechanical Joint or Ductile Iron Push-On Fittings and with Ductile Iron Pipe manufactured per ANSI/AWWA C-151/A21.51. •All restrainers are machined to exact tolerances •The safety factor is twice (2:1) the maximum pressure rating listed below. •Maintains full deflection on Mechanical Joint and Push-On Fittings •T-Bolts/Rods/Hex Nuts: Low alloy steel per ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 •Clamping Bolts: SAE J429 Grade 5 FEATURES & ADVANTAGES MEMBER SUBMITTAL INFORMATION PROJECT NAME: ENGINEER: CONTRACTOR: SPEC. SECTION: •Restraint Castings: Ductile Iron per ASTM A536, Grade 65-45-12 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS: RESTRAINT CASTINGS FINISH OPTIONS (Please check one): Standard: alkyd enamel coating Optional: StarbondTM TGIC polyester powder coating applied by an electrostatic spray process Optional: Other (specify) _____________________________ HARDWARE OPTIONS (Please check one): STANDARD: - Clamp Bolt: SAE J429 Grade 5 - Clamp Nut: SAE J995 Grade 2 or ASTM A563 Grade “A” or “B” - Restraint Bolt/Rod/Nut: High strength low alloy steel per ANSI/ AWWA C111/A21.11 - Washer: carbon steel per ASTM F844 OPTIONAL SS ALLOY 304: - Clamp Bolt: SS alloy 304 per ASTM A193 Grade B8, Class 2 - Clamp Nut: SS alloy 304 per ASTM A194 Grade 8, S1 - Restraint Bolt/Rod: SS alloy 304 per ASTM F593 CW - Restraint Nut: SS alloy 304 per ASTM F594 CW - Washer: SS alloy 304 OPTIONAL SS ALLOY 316: - Clamp Bolt: SS alloy 316 per ASTM A193 Grade B8M, Class 2 - Clamp Nut: SS alloy 316 per ASTM A194 Grade 8M, S1 - Restraint Bolt/Rod: SS alloy 316 per ASTM F593 CW - Restraint Nut: SS alloy 316 per ASTM F594 CW - Washer: SS alloy 316 OPTIONAL STAR BLUE: - Clamp Bolt: Fluoropolymer Star Blue coated SAE J429 Grade 5 - Clamp Nut: Fluoropolymer Star Blue coated SAE J995 Grade 2 or ASTM A563 Grade “A” or “B” - Restraint Bolt/Rod/Nut: Fluoropolymer Star Blue coated high strength low alloy steel per ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11 - Washer: Fluoropolymer Star Blue coated carbon steel per ASTM F844 COUNTRY OF ORIGIN OPTION (Please check one): Import 1000G2C & 1100G2C For Use On Ductile Iron Pipe Pipe Restrainers series 1000G2 & 1100G2 ® REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF STAR PIPE PRODUCTS STAR® PIPE PRODUCTS HOUSTON CORPORATE TOLL FREE 1-800-999-3009 FAX 281-558-9000 www.starpipeproducts.com Page 2 Joint Restraint Submittal Form REV.17.01 TECHNICAL INFORMATION Pressure Ratings For Ductile Iron Pipe to MJ Fitting Connections. Pressure Ratings For Ductile Iron Pipe- to-Pipe Connections. Pressure Ratings For DI Pipe to Ductile Iron Push-On Fitting Connections. 1000G2C & 1100G2C For Use On Ductile Iron Pipe Pipe Restrainers series 1000G2 & 1100G2 NOMINAL SIZE MAXIMUM PRESSURE RATINGS (PSI) CLAMP BOLT TORQUE (FT-LBS) 4" 250 110 6"250 110 8"250 110 10"250 110 12"200 110 NOMINAL SIZE MAXIMUM PRESSURE RATINGS (PSI) CLAMP BOLT TORQUE (FT-LBS) 4" 250 110 6"250 110 8"250 110 10"250 110 12"200 110 NOMINAL SIZE MAXIMUM PRESSURE RATINGS (PSI) CLAMP BOLT TORQUE (FT-LBS) 4" 250 110 6"250 110 8"250 110 10"100 110 12"100 110 Please check sizes: Please check sizes: Please check sizes: 1 Hetrick, Kohl@CALFIRE From:Bloom, Jerry <jbloom@rdolson.com> Sent:Monday, October 25, 2021 12:56 PM To:Matt Trumble; Mark Trumble; Alan Rock Cc:Ramirez, John; Hoskins, Gary; Dunn, Jeremy; Sheinberg, Samantha; De La Rosa, Eric; Naefke, Lang; Hetrick, Kohl@CALFIRE; Josh Frantz; Edward Hernandez Subject:Clubhouse to Montage Fire Line Attachments:Document1.pdf Warning: this message is from an external user and should be treated with caution. Team R3, As you are aware the Fireline coming from the Golf Clubhouse to the Montage Site is as equally important to the construction effort as the sewer system. That being said we no longer have adequate time to install this line with normal construction. R3 will need to mechanically restrain 100% of the Fire-line as depicted on the attached plan. I met with Kohl Hetrick (Cal Fire/Riverside Fire department Inspector) today and he stated if the line was 100% restrained, he would allow it to be completely backfilled prior to Hydro Inspection, which could be done with the remainder of Phase 2. R3 is directed to install per the attached plan, there will be no extra cost associated with this work. Had R3 conformed with the schedule provided to RD Olson this would not even be a conversation at this point. I have attached the Owner, Fire Inspector, and our Public Works Inspector to this email. I appreciate your efforts to date and look forward to finishing this with you. Thank you. JERRY BLOOM Sr. Project Superintendent - 400 SPECTRUM CENTER DRIVE SUITE 1200 IRVINE, CA 92618 DIRECT: (949) 697-1498 OFFICE: (949) 474-2001 rdolson.com ***** CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE ***** This e-mail and any attachments are confidential and may be protected by privacy, privilege, copyright or intellectual property laws. If you are not the intended recipient of this e-mail, you are not authorized to disclose, distribute, use or take any action based on this information. If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail or telephone and delete this e-mail from your e-mail system. 1 Hetrick, Kohl@CALFIRE From:Hetrick, Kohl@CALFIRE Sent:Wednesday, October 27, 2021 1:50 PM To:matt@r3co.com; Bloom, Jerry Subject:FNCUW2021-0001 - 10-27-2021 INSPECTION OBSERVATIONS Attachments:pipe_restrainers_2101-1_catalog.pdf; 1000G2C_1100G2C_for_DIP_submittal-1801-2.pdf; jme_BIG_BLUE-BLUE_BRUTE-ULTRA_BLUE_Installation_Guide_03-2011_web.pdf Gentlemen, Today’s inspection is complete with some notes of reference. I always want to be forward with you and your crew respectfully and humbly when appropriate. There was observed agitation today from the foreman on a couple of inquiries or requests for improvement that I raised. I can certainly understand that the crew has been working vigorously and tirelessly to try and complete this phase, which also was met with some unique hurdles – and this likely created a slight short temper. I will not hold this against the foreman(s) or crew and R3 team in any way. I respectfully ask that we reasonably work together to ensure the system is installed per plan, per manufacturer specification, per code/standard and where engineering needs to be consulted – that is done just so. I can humbly admit when I am wrong or when a concern that I raise is not relevant. Nevertheless, if I raise a concern, and the concern is not agreed with – simply and respectfully walk me through how the concern is not necessary, educate me to the appropriate application or disprove my concern through consultation with a legal designer. I do not need to be repeatedly replied to with the decades of experience an individual or the team have in installing pipelines. It is not appropriate, my opinion, to justify an action or inaction based on time and experience alone. Therefore, I respectfully provide these notes and research based on the observations and concerns raised today: 1. NFPA 24 Section 10.8.8 – Pipes shall be supported in the trench throughout their full length and shall not be supported by the bell ends only or by blocks. a. This was observed and commented on, then brushed off. 2. NFPA 24 Section 10.8.2 – The tightness of bolted joints shall be verified by the bolt torque or by the method described in the listing information or manufacturer’s installation instructions. a. This was questioned and advised that “the pipe clamps were tightened so that the metal flanges were touching and could not be wrenched tighter.” *I observed the shipping boxes of the bell restraints and looked up the manufacturer specifications which included installation instructions. (See Attached reference of torque checking) 3. NFPA 24 Section Corrosion Resistance – After installation, rods, nuts, bolts, washers, clamps, and other restraining devices shall be cleaned and thoroughly coated with a bituminous or other acceptable corrosion retarding material. a. I requested 3 of the sequential first bell restraints be uncovered of the poly wrap to observe the condition of the clamp installation. All 3 showed that portions of the assembly not thoroughly coated with the bituminous material, exposing for possible future corrosion. I chose not to have the other wraps opened and encouraged the Foreman to get on the crew to improve this quality. b. Moving forward it is necessary for at time of inspection to have the wrap pre-set but easily unveiled so that the installation and protection can be observed thoroughly on all fittings. 4. Manufacturer Specifications were resourced while in the field and some points of additional clarification may be necessary. All shipping boxes were specifically marked for Star Pipe Products – Model 1100G2C Pipe Restrainer. 2 a. Per the specific Manufacturer Specifications package for the 1100G2C product, this is specifically for DIP=Ductile Iron Pipe. *Need to confirm from manufacturer representative that it is equally applicable to PVC C900 to PVC C900 bell connections. b. The Product Catalog attached includes additional details for the differed product models and includes installation instructions. I do notice in all of these details that the clamps are shown installed with the bolting element on the horizontal sides to allow ease of access for, well, torquing. The thread roads are orientated to the top and bottom. *This project did not have any of the clamps installed this way, making it impossible to confirm both mastic coating of the assembly and the torquing. 5. Manufacturer Specifications for the BlueBrute C900 PVC piping gives specific delineation on acceptable curvatures in the trench and affecting the pipe, with specific concern placed on the “over-stressing the bell”. The manufacturer has placed a maximum 1-degree deflection at the joints(bells/fittings)[See section 2.2 CURVES IN THE TRENCH – Attached]. I observed an over-deflection and voiced my concern. It was this observation and concern that met with the most agitation from the foreman(s). After some back and forth, I held to the need for the specific section of pipe to be dug down to decrease the deflection specifically at the fitting. I stated to the forman(s), if there is an observed issue of the plan details in conflict with the manufacturer specifications, it is appropriate for the installation contractor to request a consult from the engineer to identify a reasonable and appropriate solution. It is not with the installation contractor’s, nor the Fire Code Official’s, scope to make field design alterations (based on time/experience or otherwise). Please let me know how we can proceed. I understand the need to get the last ~300-feet of this feed line in prior to the Tuesday deadline for the Golf course to reopen. Respectfully, KOHL HETRICK Fire Safety Specialist / Office of the Fire Marshal Cal Fire/Riverside County Fire Department City of La Quinta Desk: 760-777-7074 | Mobile: 760-409-5109 Inspection Hotline: 760-777-7131 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 kohl.hetrick@fire.ca.gov | www.rvcfire.org Sch: Mon-Thurs Leadership, Competence, Integrity, Safety, Customer Service The Office of the County Fire Marshal is committed to facilitating fire and life safety solutions by empowering its employees to serve our community through innovation and partnership. OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL – LA QUINTA 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 • Phone (760) 777-7074 • www.rvcfire.org July 27, 2021 R D Olson Construction INC 400 Spectrum Center Dr #1200 Irvine, CA 92618 Re: Private Fire Main Plan Review – MONTAGE HOTEL & SPA FNCUW2021-0001 / 79-187 & 79195 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 The private fire main plans you submitted for the above referenced project have been reviewed by Riverside County Fire Department - Office of the Fire Marshal personnel and are approved with the following conditions. The following inspections and tests must be observed: 1) Pre-Pour Thrust Block cutout inspection 2) Rough Piping / Hydrostatic Test a. Confirm pipe material, bury depth and backfill requirements b. Minimum 200 psi for two (2) hours or at 50 psi in excess of the maximum static pressure when it is in excess of 150 psi. 3) Underground Flush & Final - a. Flush of the underground supply line until clear of all debris and to the satisfaction of the inspector. b. The underground flush shall be done through a pipe or hose equal in size to the sprinkler underground supply pipe, prior to connection to the above ground sprinkler piping. c. Appropriate valve and connection signage is provided d. Private fire hydrants are painted red and provided with OSFM tag. e. Provide the completed Contractor’s Material and Test Certificate for Underground Pipe *Phased inspections will be subject to additional fees for each occurrence. The Fire Department approved plans and conditions letter must be at the job site. Applicant/installer shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspections. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 48 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (760)777-7131. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Office of the Fire Marshal staff at (760)777-7074. Kohl Hetrick - Fire Safety Specialist 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 / 760-777-7000 / INSPECTION HOTLINE: 760-777-7131 RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING RECORD OF INSPECTIONS / PERMIT CARD THIS CARD IS TO REMAIN ON SITE AT ALL TIMES. INSTALLING CONTRACTOR MUST BE PRESENT FOR ALL INSPECTIONS. SEE NOTES ON REVERSE SIDE. JOB ADDRESS: 79-187 & 79-195 AHMANSON LANE PERMIT#: FNCUW2021-0001 DATE ISSUED: 7/27/2021 DESCRIPTION: MONTAGE HOTEL & SPA CONTRACTOR: R D OLSON CONSTRUCTION INC HYDRANT SYSTEM DATE INITIALS SPECIAL SUPPRESSION DATE INITIALS Thrust block pre-pour Door fan test UG rough piping Abort test UG hydro Mechanical shutdown Flush Detector test Final E F Deluge/pre-action SPRINKLER U.G. Final E F Thrust block pre-pour UST/AST TANK UG rough piping Installation UG hydro Removal Flush Emergency shut off Final E F Primary piping FIRE SPRINKLER Secondary piping Weld inspection Dispensers & shear valves Overhead rough piping Final E F Overhead hydro MISC. INSPECTIONS UG flush / OK to connect Spray booths Main drain/inspectors’ test Hood/duct extinguishing High pile storage High pile rack storage In-rack sprinklers H.P. vents/access/corridors Hose racks Tract access/hydrant verification Final E F Access & Address verification HOOD EXTINGUISHING OTHER CONST. PERMIT Detection system Function test Gas/electrical shut-off Nozzle model/placement Fire alarm connection Final E F SPRAY BOOTHS FIRE CODE PERMIT(S) Installation Air flow test Mechanical interlock Extinguishing system Fire alarm connection Final E F FIRE ALARM KNOX SYSTEM Rough-wire inspection Building Knox box Function test Gate access Knox box/padlock Duct detectors/velocity BUILDING INSPECTIONS 24 hr. battery test T/I final Sprinkler monitoring Shell final Final E F Final for occupancy FINAL INSPECTION DATE: INSPECTORS SIGNATURE: **WHEN CALLING FOR AN INSPECTION PLEASE HAVE PERMIT NUMBER READY. SEE NOTES ON REVERSE SIDE** 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 / 760-777-7000 / INSPECTION HOTLINE: 760-777-7131 INSPECTION NOTES 1. Sway bracing and hangers will be inspected at the time of rough piping inspection. 2. All required hydrostatic pressure tests shall maintain 200 psi for a 2-hour duration. (EX: Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems) 3. Fire sprinkler system remodels: if indicated on plans or this card, a hydrostatic pressure test shall be required. 4. All underground joints and thrusts blocks shall be exposed and readily visible during the hydrostatic test. 5. Contractor shall supply all testing equipment, access and operating instructions at time of test. 6. All systems shall be inspected, tested, and approved by a Fire Inspector before any work is started that may cause the affected system to be covered or hidden. POLICIES ON FIELD INSPECTIONS A. INSPECTION REQUESTS: Inspections are made subject to availability. Please have the permit number available when scheduling inspections. For City of La Quinta inspections call: (760) 777-7131. B. APPROVED PLANS: Shall be kept on the job site at all times that work is in progress. Work shall NOT commence without approved plans. C. INSPECTION REQUESTS: As required by the California Fire Code, the appropriate installing contractor shall be required to schedule the necessary inspections and be present on site for inspections. D. RE-INSPECTIONS: Will be charged against a permit when an inspection has failed, is not ready, the responsible party not on site or where previously noted corrections have not been completed. E. COMMODITIES: Unless otherwise noted on approved plans or letter of conditions, no commodities shall be entered into the structure until clearance has been granted by the Fire Dept and Building Official. F. OCCUPANCY: Buildings shall NOT be occupied by persons other than construction workers until a Final Fire Clearance has been granted by the Fire Dept and a Certificate for Occupancy has been issued by the Building Official. INSPECTION NOTES: THIS CARD IS REQURIED TO BE POSTED AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. THIS CARD AND APPROVED PLANS MUST BE AVAILABLE AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE FOR ALL INSPECTIONS. THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE AND BECOME NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF THE WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS OR MORE. THIS PERMIT IS FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL ONLY AND DOES NOT INTEND TO ABROGATE MORE RESTRICTIVE REQUIREMENTS OF OTHER AGENCIES HAVING RESPONSIBILITY.