FM2022-0003ADDITIONAL SITES CHRONOLOGY CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS1 CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT Lisa Caplan 3024 Locust St St. Louis MO 63103 (314)583-9928 maggiet@touchwoodcr eative.com OWNER MSR Resort Lodging Tenant, LLC 49499 EISENHOWER DR. LA QUINTA CA 92253 (314)583-9928 CONDITIONS Description: FIRE OPS PERMIT - FIRE DANCER - 4/7/2022 - PENN MUTUAL EVENT Type: FIRE MISCELLANEOUS (WEB)Subtype: Status: ISSUED Applied: 3/21/2022 EPRS Parcel No: 658190012 Site Address: 49499 EISENHOWER DR LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Approved: 3/24/2022 KHET Subdivision: TR 28545-3 Block: Lot: 30 Issued: 3/25/2022 JLIM Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $15,000.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: 3/20/2023 JLIM No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: Mr. Kohl Hetrick requested we apply for a Fire Operational Permit, I was unable to find it FINANCIAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT #CHECK #METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 2 $417.00 $417.00 3/25/22 WEB11134 636172466 50 CREDIT Lisa Caplan EPRS Total Paid for FIRE FEES: $417.00 $417.00 Printed: Friday, March 03, 2023 3:23:14 PM 1 of 2 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FM2022-0003 ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 3/21/2022 Etrakit Public Registration 1ST SUBMITTAL Floorplan for event space Penn Mutual Royal Blue PLAN Production v031722.pdf 1 DOC 3/21/2022 Etrakit Public Registration 1ST SUBMITTAL This is the general run of show for the act using the fire dancer. FNI Run of Show v2.pdf 1 DOC 3/21/2022 Etrakit Public Registration 1ST SUBMITTAL Fire Performance Details and Safety Information Fire Performance Details.pdf 1 DOC 3/24/2022 KOHL HETRICK FM2022-0003 - FIRE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL.pdf FM2022-0003 - FIRE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL.pdf 1 BOND INFORMATION INSPECTIONS SEQID INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES FIRE INSPECTOR KHET 4/6/2022 4/7/2022 APPROVED Display Rehearsal - 7:00 pm *Just informed 4/6/2022 @ 12:00pm REVIEWS REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE RETURNED DATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES 1ST PERMIT TECH – ETRAKIT (1 DAY) PERMIT TECH BUCKET 3/21/2022 3/22/2022 3/21/2022 COMPLETE 1ST FIRE - ETRAKIT (1 WK) KOHL HETRICK 3/21/2022 3/26/2022 3/24/2022 APPROVED SEE ATTACHMENTS PARENT PROJECTS TOTALS:$417.00 $417.00 Printed: Friday, March 03, 2023 3:23:14 PM 2 of 2 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FM2022-0003 Show Date: Room: Venue/Address: Fiesta Ballroom La Quinta Resort & Spa Palm Springs, CA Producer: TD: Drawn By: Lisa Caplan Tobin Sio THS Show Name: Penn Mutual Royal Blue Scale:1:40 Drawing Name: PLAN - Production Sheet Number: 1 of 1 DISCLAIMER: THIS DRAWING IS ONLY A REPRESENTATION OF DESIGN CONCEPTS RELATING TO POSSIBLE SEATING, DESIGN, AND ROOM LAYOUT FOR THIS PROJECT. ANTECHAMBER DESIGN MAKES NO ASSURANCE THAT THIS SEATING AND ROOM LAYOUT IS PER CODE OR IN ACCORDANCE WITH ANY REGULATED ROOM RATING OCCUPANCY SPECIFICATIONS. ANTECHAMBER DESIGN ALSO ASSUMES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR THIS DRAWING IN RESPECT TO FIRE EXITS BLOCKED OR EXIT AISLE SIZES. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PRODUCER TO ACQUIRE APPROVAL ON THESE ITEMS AND THIS DRAWING FROM THE PROPER AUTHORITIES. ANTECHAMBER DESIGN TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY, AND DISCLAIMS LIABILITY FOR THE ERECTION, ENGINEERING OR USE OF ANY COMPONENT OR CONCEPT SHOWN ON THIS OR ANY OTHER DRAWING. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PRODUCER AND THE VENDOR TO ERECT THIS DESIGN USING PROPERLY ENGINEERED AND APPROVED MATERIALS, COMPONENTS AND METHODS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO LOCAL BUILDING, FIRE AND SAFETY CODES, AND ALL APPLICABLE O.S.H.A. STANDARDS. Fiesta 1 Fiesta 2 Fiesta 5Fiesta 7 Fiesta 3 Fiesta 4Fiesta 6Fiesta 8Fiesta 10Fiesta 14 Fiesta 13 Fiesta 9 Fiesta 11 Fiesta 12 CAM LIGHTING Image Size: 30' w x 10' h / 3240 pix x 1080 pix x2 Image Size: 10' h x 18' w Lens to Screen (actual): 32'-3.78" Lens to Screen (straight): 32' AUDIO STAGE MGR x 2 I m a g e S i z e : 1 0 ' h x 1 8 ' w L e n s t o S c r e e n (a c t u a l ): 3 2 '-3 .7 8 " L e n s t o S c r e e n (s t r a i g h t ): 3 2 ' 12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10' 12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10' 12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10' 1 2 " x 1 2 " x 1 0 ' 1 2 " x 1 2 " x 1 0 ' 1 2 " x 1 2 " x 1 0 ' 12" x 12" x 10' 12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 5'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 5'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 10'12" x 12" x 5'Flex 0.00 lbf SERVICE HALL 72" Rounds of 10 - 560 1 36 x 48 - 3 1 36 x 48 - 3 2 36 x 48 - 3 2 36 x 48 - 3 12'-0"32'-0" +24"8'-0"18'-0" Fire Performance Tech Rider Thank you for considering fire performance in your venue! We want you to know a bit about our performances and safety standards to help ensure your confidence in our ability to treat your venue with respect and the highest level of safety practices. Fire Safety:  We have been performing fire for live audiences at public and private events, both indoors and outdoors since 2007 in South Florida, and since 2013 in Colorado  We have a 100% accident-free track record  Our fire safety practices are compliant with NFPA 160: Standard for Flame Effect before an Audience. These standards are created by the National Fire Protection Association: the authority on fire, electrical and building safety  We select our fire props and choreography to customize a show that will safely fit into your venue/performance area  We carry liability insurance for our fire dancers and can request a certificate of additional insured for your venue if desired  Our performance package includes a trained fire safety assistant with certified fire extinguisher and other safety equipment required  We have an annual City of Denver fire permit and we will contact the relevant fire marshal for your event location and assist with any inspections needed  Typically, the fire department will require purchase of an “open flame” permit (NOT pyrotechnics); the application for this will often include photos of the space, event layout diagram, and relevant specs  Our fire props are made of Kevlar wick, and soaked in white gas and/or lamp oil, ignited by a lighter or stationary flame source. Each prop can burn for up to 3-5 minutes before the fuel runs out. They can be extinguished voluntarily before the fuel runs out, by envelopment in a safety blanket Fire Performance Requirements:  Performance space must be a clear, flat area, at least 10’x10’ (for soloist shows) or 15’x20’ for multi - performer shows, with no overhead branches, wires, or décor.  Lumina Entertainment provides costuming and equipment (for safety reasons)  Our pricing includes a fire safety assistant as required by NFPA 160  For indoor performances, active ventilation of the room is required  Audience must be minimum 15’ from performer for full use of fire props. Smaller fire props (such as fire eating wands) may be used with a 5’ distance between performer and audience.  Performance area must be secured by rope and stanchion, staging, venue staff, or other visible barrier  Flammable decorations (fabric, paper displays, wood etc.) must be minimum 15’ from performer.  15’ minimum height from performance surface to ceiling (or truss/lights) for full use of fire props, can use smaller fire props with 12’ ceiling.  An undisturbed side area (no audience access) to fuel props  Secure dressing room with space to warm up, with table and chairs  Stage lighting is not needed for fire performance. If lighting is available, it should be kept to a minimal level for greatest effect  Lumina Entertainment reserves the right to photograph or film fire performance Subject:Re: Introduc-on Date:Friday, March 18, 2022 at 5:08:24 PM Central Daylight Time From:Lumina Entertainment <luminaentertainmentllc@gmail.com> To:Maggie Techner <maggiet@touchwoodcrea-ve.com> CC:Lisa Caplan <lisac@touchwoodcrea-ve.com>, ScoM@fearnoice.com <scoM@fearnoice.com> A2achments:fire - solo1.jpg, MSDS - Coleman white gas.pdf, Lumina Insurance Cer-ficate 2021-2022.pdf Hi Maggie, I'm happy to answer any specific ques-ons the fire marshal has. Below is some general info about our fire dancing logis-cs and safety. I've aMached my liability insurance cer-ficate, and the MSDS sheet for Coleman white gas (the fuel I will be using). As for safety plan, I don't have info about the stage size, placement, or components on stage, or where my fueling area and prop storage loca-on will be. This is something ScoM told me we'd determine on site. As for safety assistance/spoMer, ScoM said one of his team members will provide this service instead of me providing my own personnel. Experience: I have been performing fire dancing professionally for 15 years, in a variety of types and formats of events, indoor and outdoor, coordina-ng with several fire departments over that -me. My entertainment company, Lumina Entertainment LLC, employs several fire dancers as this art form is our specialty. We're proud of our incident-free safety record. We follow the Performer Safety Guidelines as set out by the NAFAA. I believe flame classifica-on for Fire Performers is; Group I Flame Effect – An aMended, manually controlled flame effect. NFPA 160; Chapter 3, Safety: The safety supplies I will be providing include the following items: duvetyne towel, wet coMon towel, paint cans for dipping fuel, rubber gloves, squeeze boMles, and other accessories. ScoM Rella has agreed that the venue will provide a fire ex-nguisher onsite. One gallon of Coleman white gas will be onsite in the fueling area. The container and paint can will be kept closed at all -mes other than fueling (soaking) the prop wicks. Our props are made of steel with rolled Kevlar fabric wick material that is briefly soaked in fuel. Each prop burns for approximately 3-4 minutes before running out of fuel and self-ex-nguishing, or being inten-onally ex-nguished by the performer. There will be no audience interac-on with the fire performance, and they will be seated at least 10' away from the stage, as I've been told. Performance plan: This flame effect performance consists of one performer moving their lit fire props in a controlled and entertaining manner for approximately 3 minutes before the fuel soaked in the wick runs out. They will either blow out the wicks, or ex-nguish them by folding the duvetyne or wet coMon towel over them. The prop will be set aside on a heat- resistant surface. Props will be fueled 10min in advance of the show start -me, and will remain in plas-c bags un-l being lit, in order to reduce fuel evapora-on. Fire props include poi balls, fans, and sword. NO fire breathing will occur. Please send me any room layout diagrams, or photos of the room in which the show will occur; this will greatly help me plan for safety. If you or the fire marshal would like to give me a call to discuss, my cell is 248-320-5998. Megan Smith Owner & Performer 248-320-5998 LuminaEntertainment.com On Fri, Mar 18, 2022 at 3:38 PM Maggie Techner <maggiet@touchwoodcrea-ve.com> wrote: Hi, Megan! The fire marshal is reques-ng a performance descrip-on and a detailed safety plan for us to submit for the fire permit. ScoM told me you would be the one to ask for this info. We are in a bit of a -me crunch, so if you could get this to me this weekend, that would be wonderful Thank you, and let me know if you have any ques-ons. Maggie Techner Touchwood Creative | www.touchwoodcreative.com From: Lisa Caplan <lisac@touchwoodcrea-ve.com> Date: Friday, March 18, 2022 at 4:33 PM To: luminaentertainmentllc@gmail.com <luminaentertainmentllc@gmail.com> Cc: Maggie Techner <maggiet@touchwoodcrea-ve.com> Subject: Introduc-on Meagan, Let me introduce Maggie, my associate. She needs to speak with you about requests for the fire marshal in Palm Springs. ladies...rock on Lisa Caplan Difference Maker Touchwood Creative | www.touchwoodcreative.com 3024 Locust Street St. Louis, MO. 63103 mobile: 314-583-9928 tel: 314-421-9878 lisac@touchwoodcreative.com Page 1 of 7 Material Safety Data Sheet Product: Coleman® Camp Fuel 1. Chemical Product and Company Identification Trade Name of this Product: Coleman® Camp Fuel Manufacturer Contact Name HOC Industries, Inc. Don Poschen 3511 N. Ohio Phone Number Wichita, KS 67219 (316) 838-4663 Emergency Phone (800) 633-8253 3 10 NFPA H F R S 2. Composition and Information on Ingredients Ingredient ACGIH Light Hydrotreated CAS Number Weight % TWA STEL Distillate 68410-97-9 100 300 ppm 500 ppm 3. Hazard Identification ******EMERGENCY OVERVIEW****** * WARNING: Flammable Liquid and Vapor. The Flash Point is <0 degrees F. * This product is a clear, green, light hydrocarbon liquid. * It has a solvent petroleum odor. The product floats on water. * When burned the product produces carbon monoxide and other asphyxiants during combustion. * Harmful if inhaled and may cause delayed lung injury. * Aspiration hazard if swallowed - can enter lungs and cause damage. * Keep away from heat, sparks, and flame. Page 2 of 7 * Avoid breathing vapor. Use ventilation to keep vapor below exposure limits. * Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Material splashed into the eyes will irritate tissues. Gently flush material from eyes with clean water. * Unprotected exposure to this product will cause skin dryness. * Remove product soaked clothing and wash with mild soap. * As with any petroleum product, avoid mixing this product with strong oxidizers. * This product is not listed on the NTP, IARC, OSHA, or ACGIH lists of suspected/confirmed carcinogens. * This product may be toxic to fish but will be toxic to birds and wildlife through ingestion during pelage cleaning. * This product is readily biodegradable in the presence of air and sunlight. * Spilled material is slippery and may cause falls. *****END OF EMERGENCY OVERVIEW ***** POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS PRIMARY ROUTE(S) OF ENTRY: Skin. EYES Tests on similiar materials suggest acute irritation can be expected. SKIN Tests on similiar materials indicate acute irritation is expected to occur upon short-term exposure, chronic dermatitis on prolonged contact. INGESTION ACUTE ASPIRATION HAZARD. Tests on similar materials indicate possibility of the following symptoms: headache, nausea, drowsiness, fatigue, pneumonitis, pulmonary adema, central nervous system depression, convulsions, and loss of consciousness. INHALATION Tests on similar material indicate the possibility of the following symptoms: headache, nasal and respiratory irritation, nausea, drowsiness, breathlessness, fatigue, central nervous system depression, convulsions, and loss of consciousness. CHRONIC Prolonged and/or repeated contact with this material may produce skin irritation and inflammation. CANCER INFORMATION Carcinogen listed by: National Toxicology Program: No I.A.R.C.: No OSHA: No ACGIH: No This product does not require a cancer hazard warning in accordance with the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard. MEDICAL CONDITIONS AGGRAVATED BY EXPOSURE Personnel with pre-existing skin disorders should avoid contact with this product. 4. First Aid Information EYES Flush eyes immediately with water for at least 15 minutes or until irritation subsides, occasionally lifting lower and upper lids. Get medical attention promptly. SKIN Wash thoroughly with soap and water. Immediately remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. If irritation or rash develops, obtain medical assistance. Immediately remove soaked clothing. Page 3 of 7 INGESTION CALL PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. Do not induce vomiting except at the instruction of a physician. Never give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. INHALATION Remove person to fresh air and consult a physician. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. If not breathing give artificial respiration. 5. Fire Fighting Measures FLAMMABLE PROPERTIES FLASH POINT: <0°F (<-18°C) Tag Closed Cup AUTOIGNITION: not available FLAMMABILITY CLASS: IB LOWER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT (%): not available UPPER EXPLOSIVE LIMIT (%): not available FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARDS Can form flammable mixtures with air and flash at room temperature or upon slight heat application. Vapors are heavier than air and may travel considerable distance. Explosion hazard in confined spaces if exposed to ignition source. Mists or sprays may be flammable below fuel’s normal flash point. Keep away from heat or open flame. EXTINGUISHING MEDIA Dry Chemical, carbon dioxide, and foam. NOTE: Water, fog and foam may cause frothing and spattering. Water stream may spread fire. FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS Use water to cool containers exposed to flames. Do not enter enclosed or a confined work space without proper protective equipment. Fire fighting personnel should wear respiratory protection (positive pressure if available). If leak or spill has not ignited, use water spray to disperse the vapors. Products of combustion include fumes, smoke and carbon monoxide. 6. Accidental Release Measures Evacuate area and shut off ignition source. Contain spill and keep from entering waterways or sewers. Use personal protective equipment. Advise EPA or state agency if required. Absorb with inert material. Shovel or sweep spill and place in closed container for disposal. 7. Handling and Storage HANDLING: Keep product away from high energy ignition sources, heat, sparks, pilot lights, static electricity, and open flame. Avoid contact with skin. Avoid inhalation of vapors or mists. Use in well ventilated area away from all ignition sources. See Section 8 for additional personal protection advice when handling this product. STORAGE: Store in a cool area. Store as OSHA Class IB flammable liquid SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS: To prevent and minimize fire or explosion risk from static accumulation and discharge, effectively bond and/or ground product transfer system. Electrical equipment and fittings must comply with local fire prevention regulations for this class of product. Use the correct grounding procedures. Refer to national, state, or local regulations covering safety at petroleum handling and storage areas for this product. Page 4 of 7 EMPTY CONTAINER WARNING: Empty containers retain residue (liquid and/or vapor) and can be dangerous. DO NOT PRESSURIZE, CUT, WELD, BRAZE, SOLDER, DRILL, GRIND OR EXPOSE SUCH CONTAINERS TO HEAT, FLAME, SPARKS, STATIC ELECTRICITY, OR OTHER SOURCES OF IGNITION; THEY MAY EXPLODE AND CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH. Do not attempt to refill or clean container since residue is difficult to remove. Empty drums should be completely drained, properly bunged and promptly returned to a drum reconditioner. All containers should be disposed of in an environmentally safe manner and in accordance with governmental regulations. WORK/HYGIENIC PRACTICES Wash hands with soap and water before eating, drinking, smoking or use of toilet facilities. Do not use harsh abrasive skin cleaners for washing exposed skin areas. Take a shower after work if general contact occurs. Remove fuel-soaked clothing and launder before reuse. Launder or discard contaminated shoes and leather gloves. 8. Exposure Controls and Personal Protection ENGINEERING CONTROLS Use adequate ventilation to keep fuel mists of this material below applicable standard(s). See Section on occupational exposure limits. EYE/FACE PROTECTION Safety glasses, splash goggles, or face shield as appropriate. Have suitable eye wash water available. SKIN PROTECTION Avoid prolonged and/or repeated skin contact. If prolonged contact cannot be avoided, wear protective impervious gloves and clothing. Acceptable materials for gloves are neoprene, nitrile, or viton. RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Up to 1000 ppm, half mask organic vapor respirator. Up to 5000 ppm, full face organic vapor respirator or full face supplied air respirator. Greater than 5000 ppm, fire fighting, or unknown concentration, self contained breathing apparatus with positive pressure should be used. OTHER/GENERAL PROTECTION If there is a likelihood of splashing, an oil resistant clothing should be worn. Never wear oil soaked clothing. Launder or dry clean before wearing. Discard fuel soaked shoes. Affix warning labels on containers in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1200 (Hazard Communication Standard). Maintain local or dilution ventilation to keep air concentration below 100 ppm. Loading, unloading, tank gauging, etc., remain upwind. Request assistance of safety and industrial hygiene personnel to determine air concentrations. INGREDIENT NAME, CAS #, EXPOSURE LIMITS, PERCENT BY VOLUME ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hydrotreated Light Distillate, CAS # 68410-97-9, OSHA-500 ppm, 100.0 This product contains: *Cyclohexane, CAS # 110-82-7, OSHA-300 ppm, ACGIH-300 ppm *Nonane, CAS # 111-84-2, ACGIH-200 ppm *Octane, CAS # 111-65-9, OSHA-400 ppm, ACGIH-300 ppm *Heptane, CAS # 142-82-5, OSHA-500 ppm, ACGIH-400 ppm *Pentane, CAS # 109-66-0, OSHA-1000 ppm, ACGIH-600 ppm Page 5 of 7 9. Physical and Chemical Properties APPEARANCE Clear, green liquid. ODOR Petroleum Naphtha. ODOR THRESHOLD N.D. BASIC PHYSICAL PROPERTIES PHYSICAL STATE: Liquid BOILING POINT: IBP >100°F (>38°C) MELTING POINT: N/A VAPOR PRESSURE: (Reid) 5.3 psi @ 100°F VAPOR DENSITY (AIR=1): 3 SPECIFIC GRAVITY @ 60°F (water=1): 0.7 MOLECULAR WEIGHT: not available SOLUBILITY (H2O): negligible PERCENT VOLATILES: 100% VISCOSITY: not available Physical data may vary slightly to meet specifications. 10. Stability and Reactivity STABILITY: Stable. CONDITIONS TO AVOID Sources of ignition. INCOMPATIBLE MATERIALS Strong oxidizers. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS Incomplete combustion may produce fumes, smoke, carbon monoxide and other asphyxiants. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: will not occur. 11. Toxicological Information Skin effects May cause irritation or dermatitis with prolonged and repeated contact. Oral effects Tests on similar materials indicate an order of acute oral toxicity. Inhalation effects Acute toxicity expected on inhalation. Medical conditions aggravated by overexposure Dermatitis and sensitive skin. This product is not listed as carcinogenic or a potential carcinogen by the national toxicology program, by the I.A.R.C. monographs or by OSHA. Nevertheless, good industrial hygienic practices are recommended. Page 6 of 7 12. Ecological Information If applied to leaves, this product may kill grasses and small plants by interfering with transpiration and respiration. This product is not toxic to fish but may coat gill structures resulting in suffocation if spilled in shallow, running water. Product may be moderately toxic to amphibians by preventing dermal respiration. This product may cause gastrointestinal distress to birds and mammals through ingestion during pelage grooming. This product is rapidly biodegradable. Biodegradation is possible within 90 to 120 days in aerobic environments at temperatures above 70˚F (21˚C). 13. Disposal Considerations RCRA hazardous waste if discarded in its present form. EPA hazardous waste number D001. State and local requirements for waste disposal may be more restrictive or otherwise different from federal regulations. Consult state and local regulations regarding the proper disposal of this material. 14. Transportation Information PROPER SHIPPING NAME: Petroleum Distillates, n.o.s., Class 3, UN 1268, PG II HAZARD CLASS: Class 3 Flammable Liquid DOT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: UN1268 DOT SHIPPING LABEL: DOT Hazardous material 15. Regulatory Information U.S. FEDERAL REGULATORY INFORMATION SARA 302 Threshold Planning Quantity: NOT APPLICABLE SARA 304 Reportable Quantity: NOT APPLICABLE SARA TITLE III - Section 311/312 Hazard classes: Immediate/Acute Health Effects: no Delayed/Chronic Health Effects: yes Fire Hazard: yes Sudden Release of Pressure Hazard: no Reactivity Hazard: no EPA/TSCA Inventory: The components of this product are listed on the EPA/TSCA inventory of chemicals. SARA TITLE III - Section 313 Supplier notification: The following chemicals are subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372: * Cyclohexane 110-82-7 up to 10% Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA): The following chemicals in this product are subject to the reporting requirements of CERCLA Section 101(14)(F): Cyclohexane When this product is used in a mixture, or as an ingredient in another product, or in a manufacturing operation, the petroleum exclusion may terminate and an accidental spill may require reporting to the National Response Center. STATE LIST DATA - This product contains chemicals which are on the following state lists: Florida Toxic Substance Massachusetts Hazardous Substance Pennsylvania Hazardous Substance Minnesota Hazardous Substance Page 7 of 7 STATE LIST DATA - This product contains chemicals which are on the following state lists (continued): New Jersey RTK Hazardous Substance New York List of Hazardous Substances Washington Air Contaminant 16. Other Information DATE MADE: 2/12/04 DATE REVISED: 6/19/07 The information contained herein is based upon data available to us and reflects our best professional judgment. However, no warranty of merchantability, fitness for any use, or other warranty is expressed or implied regarding the accuracy of such data, the results to be obtained from the use thereof, or that any such use does not infringe any patent. Since the information contained herein may be applied under conditions of use beyond our control and with which we may be unfamiliar, we do not assume any responsibility for the results of such application. This information is furnished upon the condition that the person receiving it shall make his own determination of the suitability of the material for his particular purpose. Penn Mutual Royal Blue Opening Act! V2, March 7, 2022 FEAR NO ICE…OR FIRE! The room goes dark as the audience resumes seats following the presentation of The National Anthem. From center stage the audience sees a dancing flame: stage lights slowly reveal the fire dancer (description). Lights come up throughout the ballroom and the audience realizes that there are “Performers” coming thru the crowd and making their way to the stage. One performer shoots dry ice smoke while the other unveils the wall of ice approx. 7 feet high and 8 feet wide and tosses plastic cover stage right. Two of the performers cross upstage, where they pick up chain saws, then walk to front of stage, raise saws and pull triggers. Then dramatically head to the ice. One performer starts to draw 175 on the front of the ice. The other performer shoots sparks from behind the ice. And the fire dancer compliments the ice artists. Audience engagement #1: After the design [175 Years] is started to get cut out, the fire dancer goes into the audience with some small piece of ice to give to someone in the audience. Maybe it’s a heart or a rose, she plays for two or three minutes and then returns to stage. There, two ice artists are cutting away at the letters Y E A R S below the 175. Maybe one performer is cutting out big ice and the other performer is following adding smaller details. Behind the ice, the fire dancer can be seen behind the transparent wall playing with Fire. Footer text – page 2 of 2 Audience engagement #2: performers cut out a picture frame and the fire dancer and an ice sculptor go back into the audience (while one remains on stage cutting away). They take a few photos with audience members and then head back to stage. False ending of show #1: After returning to the stage and sculpting the ice, Sculptor 1 is at the front of the stage bowing and waving like the show is over. Sculptor 2 is waving his arms to the audience behind Sculptor 1’s back, signaling “NO, it’s not over!! “Then, he gets Sculptor 1’s attention: “NO, you’re not done, look over here” and then points to the ice. Sculptor 1 now is gesturing “OH, you’re right”. The Fire Dancer waves her fire wand across / in front of the ice, the ice falls dramatically revealing “Celebrate Us “ While this is happening, another “sculptor” (in actuality, Tom Harris, dressed in the same googles and safety gear as the other sculptors) appears behind the wall of ice. He has a chainsaw in his hands. False ending of show #2: Sculptor 1 starts with his “the shows over routine again” now the audience is on to him. Sculptor 2 is over-exaggerating “Look at this guy, pointing and shaking his head.” He again, gets Sculptor 1 ’s attention. Another piece of ice is held up to the audience but its white, there’s nothing on it. This time the fire dancer gets her fire wand and waves it over the ice. Some ice falls as her wand passes over it and the Pen Mutual Logo is revealed and held for the audience to see. The Sculptor hands this to the Tom and the two sculptors remove his hat and Googles so the Audience realizes its Tom Harris, President of Penn Mutual Life and Annuities. Close: The performers drop their tools and the show ends with a slow, choreographed bow to the audience, a gesture to the ice. At the feet of the performers sits ice glasses. They slowly pick them up and toast the audience and themselves. And as they do, the fire dancers swallows her “cocktail”—fire! Notes: • This is a rough outline: additional details will be developed to enhance the performance. There will be nary a dull moment! • We need Tom Harris’ height and weight for costuming. • Tom will need to rehearse on Wednesday afternoon with the team. OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL – LA QUINTA 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 • Phone (760) 777-7074 • www.rvcfire.org March 24, 2022 Touchwood Creative Lisa Caplan 3024 Locust Street St. Louis, MO 63103 Re: Assembly / Exhibit / Trade Show/FIRE PERFORMER – Construction and Operational Fire Plan Review – PENN MUTUAL – FIRE AND ICE PERFORMANCE (WITH PYRO DANCER) FM2022-0003 / 49499 EISENHOWER DRIVE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 The plans you submitted for the above referenced project have been reviewed by Riverside County Fire Department - Office of the Fire Marshal personnel and are approved with the following conditions. FIREWORKS/PYRO/FIRE PERFORMERS Fire performers have been proposed for this event. Compliance with “Fire Performance Tech Rider” by Lumina Entertainment shall be strictly followed. ASSEMBLY AND MAXIMUM OCCUPANT LOADS Assembly functions and gatherings of more than 50 persons shall be provided with adequate means of egress access in compliance with the expected occupant loads. Identified maximum occupant loads for rooms or spaces shall not be exceeded and shall be controlled. MAINTENANCE OF AISLES Minimum clear width of aisles and pathways to means of egress shall be in compliance with applicable sections of CFC Chapter 10. PLANNED BLOCKING OF EXITS AND EXIT ACCESSES For indoor assembly rooms, banquet halls and conference centers with many points of Exit Access, plans for blocking and screening Exit doorways and Exit Access points shall be approved. Where Exit elements are approved to be blocked and screened, illuminated Exit signs shall be covered. INTERIOR FINISH AND DECORATIVE MATERIALS Interior finish, interior trim, furniture, furnishings and decorative materials, including decorative vegetation, used in exhibition areas shall comply with the CFC Chapter 8 for fire resistance rating. The materials used for interior wall and ceiling finish of exhibit booths and displays in exhibition areas shall comply with one of the following: o Non-sprinklered – Class A finish in accordance with CFC 803 FIRE ALARM NOTIFICATION MAINTENANCE Building and Occupancy Fire Alarm Systems with Notification appliances shall be maintained in an operational state. All proposals for disconnecting sensing and notification circuits require prior approval. Specific fire watch conditing may be conditioned for any reduction in level of system monitoring and notification service of the Fire Alarm System. FIRE INSPECTION Prior to this Special Event, you must be cleared by the Fire Department by way of a Pre-Event Fire Safety Inspection. Applicant/installer shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspections. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 48 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (760)777-7131. *Proposed rehearsals sessions with fire dancers shall be observed by OFM Inspector. Any concerns raised at that time shall be addressed. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Office of the Fire Marshal staff at (760)777-7074. Kohl Hetrick - Fire Safety Specialist