FPYR2022-0010ADDITIONAL SITES CHRONOLOGY CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS1 CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT PYRO SPECTACULARS, INC - MARIA BARAJAS PO BOX 2329 LA QUINTA CA 92253 (909)355-8120 MBARAJAS@PYROSPEC .COM BILL TO Maria w/Pyro Spectaculars Barajas w/ Pyro Spectaculars 3196 N. Locust Ave.Rialto CA 92377 (909)355-8120 mbarajas@pyrospec.co m CONTRACTOR Maria w/Pyro Spectaculars Barajas w/ Pyro Spectaculars 3196 N. Locust Ave.Rialto CA 92377 (909)355-8120 mbarajas@pyrospec.co m OWNER MDM Enterprise 23 CORPORATE PLAZA #150 NEWPORT BEACH CA 92377 (909)355-8120 mbarajas@pyrospec.co m CONDITIONS Description: FIREWORKS APPLICATION: MDM Enterprises November 11, 2022 Type: FIRE PYROTECHNICS (WEB)Subtype: Status: ISSUED Applied: 10/28/2022 ECON Parcel No: 767320013 Site Address: 81345 AVENUE 54 LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Approved: 11/8/2022 KHET Subdivision: Block: Lot: Issued: ONLINE Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $1.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: Fireworks Location: Merv Griffin Estate Dirt Lot, 81345 Avenue 54, La Quinta, CA FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 11:24:00 AM 1 of 3 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FPYR2022-0010 ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 10/28/2022 Etrakit Contractor 1ST SUBMITTAL MDM ENTERPRISE PERMIT MDM Enterprise_Permit App_11-11-22_.pdf 1 BOND INFORMATION INSPECTIONS REVIEWS REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE RETURNED DATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES 1ST PERMIT TECH (1 DAY) AARON HICKSON 10/28/2022 10/31/2022 10/31/2022 COMPLETE 1ST FIRE - ETRAKIT (1 WK) KOHL HETRICK 10/28/2022 11/4/2022 11/8/2022 APPROVED SEE ATTACHMENTS PARENT PROJECTS DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT #CHECK #METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY FIRE PYROTECHNICS PERMIT (REVIEW AND STANDBY CHARGE) PC 101-0000-42420 0 $175.00 $175.00 11/8/22 WEB13547 750130217 CREDIT AEC1108 ECON Total Paid for FIRE FEES: $175.00 $175.00 RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE 101-0000-42416 0 $11.00 $11.00 11/8/22 WEB13547 750130217 CREDIT AEC1108 ECON Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE: $11.00 $11.00 TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE 502-0000-43611 0 $8.00 $8.00 11/8/22 WEB13547 750130217 CREDIT AEC1108 ECON Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $8.00 $8.00 TOTALS:$194.00 $194.00 Printed: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 11:24:00 AM 2 of 3 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FPYR2022-0010 ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 11/8/2022 KOHL HETRICK 21-006-ib-COLD SPARKLER.pdf 21-006-ib-COLD SPARKLER.pdf 1 DOC 11/8/2022 KOHL HETRICK FPYR2022-0010 - APPROVED PERMIT.pdf FPYR2022-0010 - APPROVED PERMIT.pdf 1 Printed: Wednesday, September 27, 2023 11:24:00 AM 3 of 3 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FPYR2022-0010 APPROVED By: FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST 11/08/2022 2:59:30 PM The approval of plans and specifications does not permit the violation, deletion, omission or faulty installation of any requirements of Title 24 or any Local Ordinances. Construction shall remain accessible and exposed for inspection purposes until approved by the Fire Department. PERMIT # - 1 CAL FIRE – Office of the State Fire Marshal Information Bulletin 21-006 Issued: August 13, 2021 Pyrotechnic Effect Simulation Equipment The CAL FIRE - Office of the State Fire Marshal (OSFM) is issuing this Information Bulletin to address the use of pyrotechnic devices known as “cold spark technology” or Pyrotechnic Effect Simulation Equipment. Currently, several brands are available on the market. These devices use a composite fuel compound containing the chemical elements Titanium and Zirconium. California Health and Safety Code, Section 12505 identifies any fireworks which contain any of the following: Titanium, except in particle size greater than 100-mesh. or Zirconium as “Dangerous Fireworks”. The use of any “Dangerous Fireworks” is required to be performed by a pyrotechnic operator licensed by OSFM, as well as follow all “Dangerous Fireworks” permitting, licensing and regulatory requirements. To assist local authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ) with the permitting requirements for proximate audience use of these type of devices, the OSFM is providing the following: 1. The Licensee is required to obtain a local permit from the local authority having jurisdiction. 2. Licensing requirements: A. For film or television production with or without live audience present, an OSFM Pyrotechnic Operator – Special Effects 1st or 2nd Class License. B. For live theater, operatic productions or before a live audience, an OSFM Pyrotechnic Operator – Theatrical or Special Effects 1st Class License. 3. The Licensed Pyrotechnic Operator shall provide a dimensioned plot plan and work with the AHJ to determine the proximity to the audience and fallout radius to ensure fire and public safety. 4. Public liability insurance is required as a condition for a permit to conduct a public display. 5. Applicant for a local permit for use of Pyrotechnic Effect Simulation Equipment shall file a certificate evidencing the possession of a valid OSFM Public Display General, Special or Limited License. 6. Applicant for a local permit for any public display of fireworks shall furnish, at the time of application, proof that he/she carries worker’s compensation insurance for his/her employees. 7. Pre-Display Report pursuant to Title 19, California Code of Regulations (CCR), §993.1 and a Post Display Report pursuant to Title 19, CCR §1005(a) are required. Exception: A general public display licensee conducting special effects activities for motion picture, television, and theatrical productions need not comply with any of the above reporting requirements. Unless injury to person(s), violations of code or fire caused by fireworks. 2 In addition, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has issued a Tentative Interim Amendment (TIA) in October 2017 that incorporates the use of “cold spark” devices. Please refer to the following link: https://www.nfpa.org/assets/files/AboutTheCodes/1126/Proposed_TIA_1317_NFPA_1126.pdf For any questions regarding this Information Bulletin, please contact CAL FIRE - Office of the State Fire Marshal, Fireworks Program at FWX@fire.ca.gov