FSINSP2022-0001ADDITIONAL SITES CHRONOLOGY CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS1 CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT BEAZER HOMES - CANTERA 310 Commerce, Suite 150 IRVINE CA 92602 suzy.charnley@beazer. com BILL TO BEAZER HOMES HOLDINGS LLC 310 COMMERCE SUTE 150 IRVINE CA 92602 SUZY.CHARNLEY@BEA ZER.COM CONTRACTOR BEAZER HOMES HOLDINGS LLC 310 COMMERCE SUTE 150 IRVINE CA 92602 SUZY.CHARNLEY@BEA ZER.COM OWNER ADOBE HOLDINGS INC P O BOX 1396 LA QUINTA CA 0 CONDITIONS Description: CANTERA / FIRE TRACT INSPECTION Type: FIRE SPECIAL INSPECTION Subtype: Status: ISSUED Applied: 1/5/2022 AMA Parcel No: 766070010 Site Address: 80325 AVENUE 58 LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Approved: 1/6/2022 KHET Subdivision: TR 31249 Block: 999 Lot: 9999 Issued: 7/26/2022 ONLINE Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: Valuation: $0.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: 1/22/2023 ECON No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Monday, March 06, 2023 2:48:55 PM 1 of 4 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FSINSP2022-0001 INSPECTIONS SEQID INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES TRACT ACCESS/HYDRANT VERIFICATION KHET 1/6/2022 1/6/2022 APPROVED W/EXCEPTIO N SEE NOTES The 4 Model Home Lots (3-6) are cleared for permit release with the requirement of a Restriction be applied to each case = "No vertical construction - pending Fire Clearance for Access requirements." TRACT ACCESS/HYDRANT VERIFICATION LIN 1/25/2022 1/25/2022 APPROVED Inspection for paved roads for the 4 Model Homes Lots 3-6 (BRES2021-0848 – 0851) - Fire Clearance for Access requirement, approval will release hold on no vertical construction. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT #CHECK #METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY FIRE FAILED OR ADDITIONAL RE- INSPECTION 101-0000-42421 0 $167.00 $167.00 7/26/22 WEB12591 674236061 CREDIT AEC1109 ECON FIRE SPECIAL INSPECTION 101-0000-42421 0 $167.00 $167.00 2/16/22 WEB10740 635441064 69 CREDIT AEC1109 ECON FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 1 $167.00 $167.00 2/16/22 WEB10740 635441064 69 CREDIT AEC1109 ECON FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 1 $167.00 $167.00 2/16/22 WEB10740 635441064 69 CREDIT AEC1109 ECON FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 1 $167.00 $167.00 3/25/22 WEB11147 636182522 72 CREDIT AEC1109 ECON Total Paid for FIRE FEES: $835.00 $835.00 TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 $5.00 2/16/22 WEB10740 635441064 69 CREDIT AEC1109 ECON Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 $5.00 TOTALS:$840.00 $840.00 Printed: Monday, March 06, 2023 2:48:55 PM 2 of 4 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FSINSP2022-0001 TRACT ACCESS/HYDRANT VERIFICATION LIN 2/17/2022 2/17/2022 APPROVED Inspection good for lots 44, 45, 46, 47 and 48 - FSINSP2022-0001. TRACT ACCESS/HYDRANT VERIFICATION LRO 3/31/2022 3/31/2022 APPROVED Inspection good for lots 43, 42, 41, 49 AND 50. TR31249 TRACT ACCESS/HYDRANT VERIFICATION KHET 8/1/2022 8/1/2022 APPROVED W/EXCEPTIO N Future Inspections Still required Phases 4 – 13 (Lot 10 – 37, 53 – 83) This inspection covers the remaining portions of the project pending clearance for release of current and future Building Permits. The placement and function of the fire hydrants were confirmed. Useable road access was confirmed. Building permits for all remaining lots may be released. The following items remain to be completed for full tract final approval: (1) Fire Hydrant street control valves made accessible. (2) Fire Lane Marking and Signage in compliance with Fire Approved plans. (3) Street Name Sign - Coral View/Segovia View (4) Street Name Sign - Segovia View/Aragon Way (5) Correct Street Name Sign - Palatine Ct/Aragon Way (Shows Coral View Way (6) Street Name Sign - Aventine Way/Coral View Way/Aragon Way (7) Street Name Sign - Aventine Way/Avenue 58 (8) Fire Permit for Community Security Vehicle Gates is required. Shall include plans, details and equipment specifications to show compliance with CFC 503.6 and amendment addition CFC 503.6.1. REVIEWS PARENT PROJECTS Printed: Monday, March 06, 2023 2:48:55 PM 3 of 4 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FSINSP2022-0001 ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 3/25/2022 JULIA AGGREH Tract Map Pg 2_Coral Mountain Final Map PH.2.pdf Tract Map Pg 2_Coral Mountain Final Map PH.2.pdf 0 DOC 3/25/2022 JULIA AGGREH Fee Summary - CANTERA - TR31249 - LOTS 43,42,41,49,50.pdf Fee Summary - CANTERA - TR31249 - LOTS 43,42,41,49,50.pdf 0 DOC 3/25/2022 JULIA AGGREH SCHOOL FEE LETTER - CANTERA - TR31249 - LOTS 43,42,41,49,50.pdf SCHOOL FEE LETTER - CANTERA - TR31249 - LOTS 43,42,41,49,50.pdf 0 DOC 1/6/2022 KOHL HETRICK Cantera SDP Site Plan REV 8-19-2021.pdf Cantera SDP Site Plan REV 8-19-2021.pdf 1 DOC 1/25/2022 KOHL HETRICK ONST2021-0001 - FIRE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL.pdf ONST2021-0001 - FIRE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL.pdf 1 DOC 1/25/2022 KOHL HETRICK APPROVED ONST2021- 0001 - 2195_Phase_2_On- Site_Street_Improveme nt_Plan.pdf APPROVED ONST2021- 0001 - 2195_Phase_2_On- Site_Street_Improveme nt_Plan.pdf 1 DOC 1/25/2022 KOHL HETRICK APPROVED ONST2021- 0001 - 2195_Phase_1_On- Site_Street_Improveme nt_Plan.pdf APPROVED ONST2021- 0001 - 2195_Phase_1_On- Site_Street_Improveme nt_Plan.pdf 1 BOND INFORMATION REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE RETURNED DATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES 1ST PERMIT TECH (1 DAY) ARMANDO MAGALLON 1/5/2022 1/6/2022 1/5/2022 APPROVED FIRE TRACT INSPECTION FOR CANTERA WILL BE CONDUCTED THROUGH HERE Printed: Monday, March 06, 2023 2:48:55 PM 4 of 4 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FSINSP2022-0001 MSACONSULTING,INC.> PLANNING > CIVIL ENGINEERING > LAND SURVEYING34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270760.320.9811msaconsultinginc.comR:\2195\ACAD\Improvement Plans\Street\Onsite\Phase 1\2195 Phase 1 On-Site Street Plan 01.dwg, 8/27/2021 11:03:11 AM, swieborg, MSA Consulting,Inc.08/27/21          9/2/21                                     ǻ/4ǻ/4ǻ/4ǻ/4ǻ/4ǻ/4MSACONSULTING,INC.> PLANNING > CIVIL ENGINEERING > LAND SURVEYING34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270760.320.9811msaconsultinginc.com4/ǻǻǻ/4ǻǻ/4ǻ/44ǻ/ǻ4/R:\2195\ACAD\Improvement Plans\Street\Onsite\Phase 1\2195 Phase 1 On-Site Street Plan 05A.dwg, 8/27/2021 11:04:18 AM, swieborg, MSA Consulting, Inc.08/27/21         9/2/21                   R:\2195\ACAD\Improvement Plans\Street\Onsite\Phase 1\2195 Phase 1 On-Site Street Plan 07A.dwg, 8/27/2021 11:04:40 AM, swieborg, MSA Consulting, Inc.MSACONSULTING,INC.> PLANNING > CIVIL ENGINEERING > LAND SURVEYING34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270760.320.9811msaconsultinginc.com08/27/21         9/2/21 MSACONSULTING,INC.> PLANNING > CIVIL ENGINEERING > LAND SURVEYING34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270760.320.9811msaconsultinginc.comR:\2195\ACAD\Improvement Plans\Street\Onsite\Phase 2\2195 Phase 2 On-Site Street Plan 01.dwg, 6/10/2021 11:25:00 AM, swieborg, MSA Consulting,Inc.08/27/21          9/2/21                            R:\2195\ACAD\Improvement Plans\Street\Onsite\Phase 2\2195 Phase 2 On-Site Street Plan 04A.dwg, 8/11/2021 12:25:52 PM, BNguyen, MSA Consulting,Inc.MSACONSULTING,INC.> PLANNING > CIVIL ENGINEERING > LAND SURVEYING34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270760.320.9811msaconsultinginc.com08/27/21         9/2/21 CORAL VIEW WAYVERA CRUZ COURTSIDONIA WAY58TH AVENUEARAGON WAYCORAL VIEW WAYSEGOVIA VIEW WAYPALATINE COURT54555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384854748495051525337363534333231302928272625242322212019181716151413121110987654321464544434241403938SHEET 3 OF 3SHEET 2 OF 3N 89°41'34" E 1320.33'N 00°15'16" W 1095.81'N 89°43'26" E 1318.80'N 00°10'28" W 1096.53'LOT "A"LOT "C"LOT "S"LOT "S"LOT "S"LOT "R"LOT "Q"LOT "O"LOT "P"LOT "E"PLAN 1PLAN 2PLAN 3PLAN 460'65'60'64'53'74'55'80'MSA CONSULTING, INC.> P LANNING > CIVI L ENGINEERING > LAND SURVEYING34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270760.320.9811 msaconsultinginc.comSHEETSHEETS3OF1N.T.S.VICINITY MAPSITE58TH AVENUE60TH AVENUEAIRPORT BLVD.54TH AVENUEMADISON STREET MONROE JEFFERSONSTREETSTREET JACKSON STREET SDP SITE PLANDATA TABLEASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS:766-070-009, -010, 766-140-001 THRU -039 & 776-150-001 THRU -050EXHIBIT DATE: AUGUST 19, 2021EXISTING GROSS AND NET AREA33.21 AC.EXISTING ZONING:PROPOSED ZONING:EXISTING GENERAL PLAN LAND USE:PROPOSED GENERAL PLAN LAND USE:LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (RL)LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (RL)LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (RL)LAND USE DESCRIPTION:AREA (AC.)EXHIBIT PREPARER:ADDRESS:MSA CONSULTING, INC.34200 BOB HOPE DRIVERANCHO MIRAGE, CALIFORNIA 92270CONTACT:PAUL SEPULVEDATELEPHONE:(760) 320-9811REVISIONSNO.DATELOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL (RL)IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIALEGAL DESCRIPTION:DESCRIPTIONLOTS 1 THROUGH 85 INCLUSIVE, AND LETTERED LOTS "A" THROUGH "H" INCLUSIVE, AND "J" THROUGH"S" INCLUSIVE, OF TRACT MAP NO. 31249, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 411, PAGES 23 THROUGHAPPLICANT /ADDRESS:CONTACT:310 COMMERCE, SUITE 150IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92602SUZY CHARNLEYBEAZER HOMES HOLDINGS, LLCTELEPHONE:(760) 419-5432PROPOSED SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL LOTS (LOTS 1 THRU 85)PROPOSED OPEN SPACE LOTS (LOTS "A", "C", "E", "O", "P", "Q", "R" & "S")PROPOSED PRIVATE STREETS23.38 AC.5.53 AC.4.30 AC.LAND OWNER:FOR APPROVED TRACT MAP NO. 31249CANTERA @ CORAL MOUNTAINPROJECT NAME:27 INCLUSIVE, OF MAPS, LOCATED IN A PORTION OF THE NE 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4 OF SECTION 28,TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO MERIDIAN.EXISTING LAND USE:PROPOSED LAND USE:VACANTSINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL1,446,461 SFAREA (SF)1,018,312 SF240,703 SF187,446 SF(SIDONIA WAY, CORAL VIEW WAY, VERA CRUZ COURT,SEGOVIA VIEW WAY, ARAGON WAY & PALATINE COURT)INDEX SHEETLegend:Lot Number78Plan 1: 20 UnitsPlan 3: 22 UnitsDrivewayPlan 2: 21 UnitsPlan 4: 22 UnitsPlan TypesSCALE: 1" = 50'Lot Area10,089 SFPlan Number / Elevation Letter -PLAN 3ARProposed A/C UnitExisting Sewer LineExisting Sewer Line LateralExisting Water LineExisting Water MeterExisting Dry UtilitiesExisting Storm DrainExisting IrrigationExisting GasExisting Right-Of-WayExisting Lot LineBuilding SetbacksExisting Public Utility EasementExisting Project BoundaryTotal: 85 Units(17ft Min. / 30ft Max. Width)A: SpanishB: Spanish ColonialC: Modern SpanishGarage Handing (Left (L) or Right (R))R:\2195\ACAD\Planning\SDP\2195 SDP Site Plan.dwg, 8/19/2021 7:48:26 AM, ddewegeli, MSA Consulting, Inc. 45'129'70'93'161'197'118'197'151'96'151'133'85'133'80'126' 127'80'127'80'136'146'129'80'129' 131'75'129'75'131'74' 131'119'73'131'104'127'91'125'153'85'127'179'85'153'126'85'179'113'89'126'87'141'170'113'54'157'56'141'119'25'85'103'119'120'120'145'146'145'84'121'122'57'79'118'122'73'118'74'119'80'152'124'119'74'116'81'80'76'69' 122'122'122'45'61'70'36'56'53'67'92'92'1 08 '87'60'89'85'87'48'48'89' 8 0 '7'13'12'13'14'11.6'13'16.5'21.8'19'17'43.7'23.3'17'13'39.2'26.4'13'13'38.3'18'416,522 SFPLAN 3BL516,304 SFPLAN 4CR614,338 SFPLAN 1AL710,723 SFPLAN 2BR216,798 SFPLAN 3AL314,330 SFPLAN 2CR812,344 SFPLAN 4CR914,779 SFPLAN 3BL8411,825 SFPLAN 4BL8511,745 SFPLAN 2CR8311,938 SFPLAN 1AL8210,577 SFPLAN 4CR1211,157 SFPLAN 2BL1111,302 SFPLAN 1CR1011,732 SFPLAN 4AL6710,475 SFPLAN 3AL6610,248 SFPLAN 4CL6510,748 SFPLAN 2AL6411,811 SFPLAN 1BL6312,137 SFPLAN 3CR6213,370 SFPLAN 2BL6113,371 SFPLAN 1AR6013,370 SFPLAN 3BR5911,578 SFPLAN 2AR5812,074 SFPLAN 4BR5710,480 SFPLAN 3CR5610,429 SFPLAN 2BL5510,466 SFPLAN 1CR5212,797 SFPLAN 1BL5110,701 SFPLAN 2AL5010,917 SFPLAN 4CL4910,959 SFPLAN 3BL4810,967 SFPLAN 1AL4711,302 SFPLAN 2CL4614,615 SFPLAN 3AR4515,220 SFPLAN 4BL4411,184 SFPLAN 3CL4310,297 SFPLAN 1CL4210,032 SFPLAN 2BL4110,447 SFPLAN 4AL4011,400 SFPLAN 3CL110,887 SFPLAN 4ALVERA CRUZ COURTCORAL VIEW WAY SIDONIA WAY CORAL VIEW WAYPALATINE COURTCORAL VIEW WAY 58 AVENUEN 00°15'16" W 1095.81'N 89°41'34" E 1320.33'LOT "S"LOT "S"LOT "P"LOT "A"LOT "O"LOT "C"20'20'10'22.2'35.7'38.4'20 '10'20'32'20'Ex. R/W andImprovements(To be Revised)Prop. R/W andImprovements12'35.7'21.8'13'20.2'38.1'49.9'7'20'20'36.9'10.9'44.7'37.9'27.4'50.8'21.6'14.3'26.6'Prop. Call Box18.8'35.3'44.7'32'34.6'20'33.1'9.3'15.3'20'30.7'15.4'7'35'21.3'33.8'21.7'13.7'12'25.9'76.9'29.3'20.2'32'59.3'39.5'20'37.6'13.1'13'26.2'20.1'23.9'8.8'25'29.8'20.6'21.3'32'29.8'13'27'36.5'14.8'49' 41.1' 41.4' 44' 48.8' 51.2'13'13'75.2'14.6 '33.7'25.6'24.2'6.9'10.3'19.4'32.4'5.8'13'20.6' 32' 29.9' 20.9'5.7'13'20.9'28.3'5'13'30' 18.8' 20.5' 22.1' 20' 31.8' 20.4' 28.3' 20.9' 32.4' 44.4'8.7'13'36.5' 29.8'12.3'13'34' 37.4' 20.6'26'8.8'46'15.7'13'13.4'36.6'5'37.7'17.5 '20'38.7'15.1'25.5'16.5'29.5'20.7'21.8' 21.7'45'33'100'60'102' 144' 145'85'145'85'125' 137'85'78'49'125'93'35'129'70'100'85'95'152'49'123'80'146'129'104'85'85'50'30'37'108'61'46' 30 ' 83' 25'29'71'9 3' 13' 14'11.6'7' 1 5 '13'12'19'17'48.5' 55 10,466 SF PLAN 1CR 5413,876 SFPLAN 2AR3512,059 SFPLAN 4BL5312,221 SFPLAN 3BL3611,004 SFPLAN 1CL3710,994 SFPLAN 3AR5212,797 SFPLAN 1BL40 11,400 SF PLAN 3CL 3911,894 SFPLAN 2BR3814,369 SFPLAN 4CL3412,367 SFPLAN 3CRCORA L V I E W W A Y PALATINE COURT ARAGON WAY58 AVENUE N 00°10'28" W 1096.53'N 89°41'34" E 1320.33'LOT "Q"LOT "R"LOT "E"LOT "C" 36.5' 21' 31.1'10.5'2 8 . 8 ' 27.3'27.1'5 ' 1 4 . 8 '41.6'33.4' 36.6' 32' 20.5'13'7'21' 39.7' 50.5' 21.4'13'35.4' 32.4'63.3'62.1'49'7.2'32.4'1 0 . 9 '20'32'20.9'28.3'26' 45.5'27.5'5'13'30'18.8'32.4'15' 24.6' 34.2'21.7'MSA CONSULTING, INC.> P LANNING > CIVI L ENGINEERING > LAND SURVEYING34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270760.320.9811 msaconsultinginc.comSHEETSHEETS3OF2Index MapN.T.S.SHEET 258TH AVENUESHEET 3SHEET MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 3SHEET MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 3VIEW MATCHLINE - SEE THIS SHEET (ABOVE RIGHT)VIEW MATCHLINE - SEE THIS SHEET (ABOVE RIGHT)SHEET MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 3SHEET MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 3 VIEW MATCHLINE - SEE THIS SHEET (BELOW) VIEW MAT C H L I N E - SEE THIS SH E E T ( B E L O W )SDP SITE PLANEXHIBIT DATE: AUGUST 19, 2021REVISIONSNO.DATEIN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIADESCRIPTIONFOR APPROVED TRACT MAP NO. 31249CANTERA @ CORAL MOUNTAINPROJECT NAME:SITE PLAN SHEET 2Legend:Lot Number78Plan 1: 20 UnitsPlan 3: 22 UnitsDrivewayPlan 2: 21 UnitsPlan 4: 22 UnitsLot Area10,089 SFPlan Number / Elevation Letter -PLAN 3ARProposed A/C UnitExisting Sewer LineExisting Sewer Line LateralExisting Water LineExisting Water MeterExisting Dry UtilitiesExisting Storm DrainExisting IrrigationExisting GasExisting Right-Of-WayExisting Lot LineBuilding SetbacksExisting Public Utility EasementExisting Project BoundaryTotal: 85 Units(17ft Min. / 30ft Max. Width)A: SpanishB: Spanish ColonialC: Modern SpanishGarage Handing (Left (L) or Right (R))R:\2195\ACAD\Planning\SDP\2195 SDP Site Plan.dwg, 8/19/2021 7:49:05 AM, ddewegeli, MSA Consulting, Inc. 124'124'87'124'135'85'135'128'122'128'144'78'115' 128'140'144'112'55'92'36'92'84'112'105'38'92'104'133'124'85'133'85'144'86'86'120'120'49'71'120'35'120'85'120' 125'85'125' 121'87'121' 119'54'40'119' 126'43'48' 105' 124'82'126' 120'88'124'117'85'120'35' 120'67'6 3 '117'1 2 0 '86'86'120'120'86'86'1 2 0 '45'94'41'123'80'123'126'80'126' 125'80'125' 126'80'126' 125'80'125' 126'80'126' 125'80'125' 124'80'124' 118'52' 118' 35'100'134'85'128' 126'91'134' 126'95'126' 135'91'126' 141'85'135' 140'85'141' 132'85'140' 125'92'132' 128'93'125'125'86'128'153'137'125'136'117'75'153'145'136'136'134'85'145'50'125'86'134'86'83'32'99'73'121'50'62'92'95'91'80'80'80'4 5 '45'91'87'45' 8 0 '59'66'79'110'80'80'93'43' 6 9 '46'59' 11 5'76'58'5 7 '37'93'87'82'60' 8 6 '73' 4 2 '87'71'79'85'85'39'83'68'60'13' 13' 13'14'13' 13'17'13'17.3'13'37.2'20.8'13'7'46.4'5'5'914,779 SFPLAN 3BL8411,825 SFPLAN 4BL8511,745 SFPLAN 2CR8311,938 SFPLAN 1AL8210,577 SFPLAN 4CR8112,434 SFPLAN 3BL1211,157 SFPLAN 2BL1111,302 SFPLAN 1CR1011,732 SFPLAN 4AL1311,817 SFPLAN 4AL8012,774 SFPLAN 4BL7910,005 SFPLAN 2CL7810,089 SFPLAN 3AR7710,009 SFPLAN 1CL7610,042 SFPLAN 4BR7510,001 SFPLAN 3CL7410,071 SFPLAN 2AL7310,019 SFPLAN 4BL7210,515 SFPLAN 3AL7110,870 SFPLAN 1CR7011,021 SFPLAN 2BR6910,131 SFPLAN 1AL6814,442 SFPLAN 1CL6710,475 SFPLAN 3AL6610,248 SFPLAN 4CL6510,748 SFPLAN 2AL6411,811 SFPLAN 1BL6312,137 SFPLAN 3CR6213,370 SFPLAN 2BL6113,371 SFPLAN 1AR6013,370 SFPLAN 3BR5911,578 SFPLAN 2AR5812,074 SFPLAN 4BR5710,480 SFPLAN 3CR5610,429 SFPLAN 2BL5510,466 SFPLAN 1CR5413,876 SFPLAN 2AR3512,059 SFPLAN 4BL3412,367 SFPLAN 3CR3311,861 SFPLAN 4AL3210,863 SFPLAN 1BL3110,724 SFPLAN 2CL3010,978 SFPLAN 3AL2912,467 SFPLAN 1BL2815,798 SFPLAN 4AL2712,750 SFPLAN 2CR2611,730 SFPLAN 3BR2511,774 SFPLAN 1BL2411,912 SFPLAN 2CL2311,837 SFPLAN 3BR2211,805 SFPLAN 4AL2112,023 SFPLAN 1BR2011,607 SFPLAN 2AL1911,759 SFPLAN 4CL1811,684 SFPLAN 1AL1711,459 SFPLAN 3CL1612,478 SFPLAN 2AL1516,974 SFPLAN 4CR1414,107 SFPLAN 1BLCORAL VIEW WAY SEGOVIA VIEW WAYPALATINE COURTARAGON WAY PALATINE COURTARAGON WAYCORAL VIEW WAY N 00°15'16" W 1095.81'N 89°43'26" E 1318.80'N 00°10'28" W 1096.53'N 00°10'28" W 1096.53'N 00°15'16" W 1095.81'LOT "S"LOT "S"30'13'20.9' 34.7'18'20'29.7' 32' 20.4'45.5'42.5'20'24.7'17.8'27.1'35.8'36.6'20.7'21.5'32'45.2'35.8'79.4'75.4'24.2'30'22.6'35.1'42.4'13'26'19.8'26.8'7'20'30.5'20.3'13'24'20.8' 35.4' 25.4' 40'13'12'28.7' 20'21.7'17.3'29.8'5'39.3'13'32.9'7'14'30.4' 33.2' 36.9'13'13'31.4' 18.9' 49.1' 33.2'12'17'55.9' 30.9' 20.5'13'13'37.6' 48.5'13'13'23.2' 38.5' 20.7'22'25'20'20'32' 32.2'18'13'41.1' 27.6' 44.5'13'13'19'13'41.4' 34.9' 2 1 . 5 ' 35.3' 20.9'9.7 '5.1 ' 30.2' 66.7' 62.7'40.1'5' 23.5'25.7'28.5'32.3'19'35.1'30.6'22.3'20'35.3' 28.3' 35.4' 25.4'13'19'13'7'20' 20.4' 25.5'23.3'7'2 0 . 4 '38.4'36.7'7'11.9' 21' 11.3'15.2'24.4'40.9'20.5'33.9' 33.1'39.1'42.6'13'17'20'32'13'12'27.2'32'21'20.8' 26.8'20.8'37.4'18.6'13.4'25.6' 25.4'38.3'5 ' 7 . 9 ' 24.5'12'13'7'13'39.3' 24.2' 28.2' 30.3' 34.9' 25'7'12.3'13'13'14.1'13'27.8' 20' 25.2' 20.9' 20.1' 33.5' 20.7' 28.2'30.1'13'7'21.8'20'24.8'25.3'21.1'32.6'41.9'32'43.4'22.5'23.6'20.1'33.3' 20.8'31.2'30.7' 23.5' 33.5'13'13.8'13'10.4'20.9' 34.5' 27.5'21.1'35.6' 34.3'13'15.2'20.9'35' 20.3' 29.9'22.1 '15.2 '20.7'5'36.4'43 . 1 '46.6'8'15.6'36'38.6 '10'13'43.6' 36.2' 36.2'25.8'26.4' 26.4' 34.6'23.5'30.1'28.4' 20.6' 20.8'20.2'30.4'17.9'20.5'18.3'20'20.3'20.8'20.5'MSA CONSULTING, INC.> P LANNING > CIVI L ENGINEERING > LAND SURVEYING34200 Bob Hope Drive, Rancho Mirage, CA 92270760.320.9811 msaconsultinginc.comSHEETSHEETS3OF3Index MapN.T.S.SHEET 258TH AVENUESHEET 3SHEET MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 2SHEET MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 2SHEET MATCHLINE - SEE SHEET 2SDP SITE PLANEXHIBIT DATE: AUGUST 19, 2021REVISIONSNO.DATEIN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIADESCRIPTIONFOR APPROVED TRACT MAP NO. 31249CANTERA @ CORAL MOUNTAINPROJECT NAME:SITE PLAN SHEET 3Legend:Lot Number78Plan 1: 20 UnitsPlan 3: 22 UnitsDrivewayPlan 2: 21 UnitsPlan 4: 22 UnitsLot Area10,089 SFPlan Number / Elevation Letter -PLAN 3ARProposed A/C UnitExisting Sewer LineExisting Sewer Line LateralExisting Water LineExisting Water MeterExisting Dry UtilitiesExisting Storm DrainExisting IrrigationExisting GasExisting Right-Of-WayExisting Lot LineBuilding SetbacksExisting Public Utility EasementExisting Project BoundaryTotal: 85 Units(17ft Min. / 30ft Max. Width)A: SpanishB: Spanish ColonialC: Modern SpanishGarage Handing (Left (L) or Right (R))R:\2195\ACAD\Planning\SDP\2195 SDP Site Plan.dwg, 8/19/2021 7:51:49 AM, ddewegeli, MSA Consulting, Inc. OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL – LA QUINTA 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 • Phone (760) 777-7074 • www.rvcfire.org August 18, 2021 Beazer Homes 310 Commerce #150 Irvine, Ca 92602 Re: Onsite Street Improvement Plans - Fire Plan Review – VILLAGE AT CORAL MOUNTAIN – TM31249 ONST2021-0001 The plans you submitted for the above referenced project have been reviewed by Riverside County Fire Department - Office of the Fire Marshal personnel and are approved with the following conditions. Dimensions (CFC 503.2.1) The RCFD has amended the CFC to require that fire apparatus access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 24 feet, exclusive of shoulders, except for approved security gates in accordance with Section 503.6. Parallel parking on one side is permitted on a fire apparatus access roadway that is at least 32 feet in width. Parallel parking on both sides is permitted on a fire apparatus access roadway that is 40 feet or more in width. Marking (CFC 503.3) The method of marking fire apparatus access roads (fire lanes) shall be in accordance with approved plans Traffic Calming Devices (CFC 503.4.1) Traffoc Calming Devices are not permitted unless approved by the Fire Code Official. No such devices have been proposed for this project and shall not be installed. Security Gates (CFC 503.6) Where not required for apparatus placement associated with building fire suppression activities, the minimum open clear width of security gates may be reduced to a minimum of 14 feet. Manually operated gates shall not be locked unless: 1. A KNOX box containing the key to the lock installed at the gate in an approved location, or 2. A KNOX padlock capable of unlocking the gate is utilized. Electric gates shall include the capability of being opened via a KNOX key switch in an approved location and via automatic opener. To order KNOX products visit https://www.knoxbox.com. Automatic Opener (CFC 503.6.1 RCFD Amendment) The RCFD has amended the CFC to require that new motorized gates shall be provided with means to be automatically opened remotely by emergency vehicle, excluding gates serving individual one- and two- family dwelling parcels. The gates shall be installed with a receiver compatible for use with Riverside County emergency vehicle preemption devices from, but not limited to, the following manufacturers: Federal Signal, Whelen, and Tomar. Automatic openers shall be installed to be initiated by Riverside County Fire apparatus (clear view/adequate height of receiver) and keep the gate open for at least 30 seconds. A function test shall be required by Fire Department apparatus prior to final acceptance. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Office of the Fire Marshal staff at (760)777-7074. Kohl Hetrick - Fire Safety Specialist