FSS2018-0068ADDITIONAL SITES CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES Description: JOHNSON / BRES2017-0171 / FIRE SPRINKLER Type: FIRE SPRINKLER Subtype: RESIDENTIAL - CUSTOM HOMES Status: FINALED Applied: 4/9/2018 ECON Parcel No: 770310017 Site Address: 78612 PEERLESS PL LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Approved: 4/18/2018 RGR Subdivision: Block: Lot: 27 Issued: 4/19/2018 AHI Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: 10/9/2019 crw Valuation: $20,000.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: 1/30/2019 - FSS E GONZALEZ - "1) A bucket test shall be conducted at or before final inspection. 2) Revisions to approved plans to be submitted for review before final inspection request." Printed: Thursday, January 19, 2023 9:55:30 AM 1 of 6 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FSS2018-0068 E-MAIL KOHL HETRICK 10/1/2019 10/1/2019 To Tim @ Southwest Fire Pros: Here is Edgar's permit notes: 1/30/2019 - FSS E GONZALEZ - "1) A bucket test shall be conducted at or before final inspection. 2) Revisions to approved plans to be submitted for review before final inspection request." There is a fundamental difference between Revisions and As- builts. Revisions means that changes to the design and hydraulics were observed and need to be recalculated. As- builts can be either red-lines, or re-drawn plans to identify minor modifications and additions not affecting the design calculations. Based on his notes, he identified that the changes were significant and wanted both a bucket test of the 2 design heads (+5gpm domestic) and revisions. At this time I will take either 1) bucket test with as-builts OR 2) Plan revisions with recalculated information. Respectfully, KOHL HETRICK E-MAIL KOHL HETRICK 9/28/2019 9/28/2019 From Tim @ Southwest Fire Pros: Good morning Kohl, We are getting close to scheduling the final inspection for FSS2018-0068 and Edgar has made note of needing a static pressure report from CVWD, which I’ve requested. My main question is he is requesting plan revisions (As-builts); these are not common on 13D systems. Will you accept red line drawings either on site during inspection, or do you need them re-submitted? Thank you for the clarification. Tim Leiterman Printed: Thursday, January 19, 2023 9:55:30 AM 2 of 6 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FSS2018-0068 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS1 CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT SOUTHWEST FIRE PROS 31-410 RESERVE DRIVE SUITE 2 THOUSAND PALMS CA 92276 (760)343-2233 MNEAL@SOUTHWESTF IREPROS.COM BILL TO SOUTHWEST FIRE PROS 31-410 RESERVE DRIVE SUITE 2 THOUSAND PALMS CA 92276 (760)343-2233 CHRIS@SOUTHWESTFI REPROS.COM CONDITION TYPE CONTACT DATE ADDED DATE REQUIRED DATE SATISFIED STATUS REMARKS NOTES READY TO ISSUE CHECKLIST EDGAR GONZALEZ 7/15/2019 PENDING SEE FIELD CORRECTION NOTICE IN FILE SINGED BY CONTRACTOR. REVISIONS AND BUCKET TEST TO BE REVIEWED AND CONDUCTED BEFORE FINAL IS GRANTED (ALONG WITH ORIGINAL FIELD SET MARKED MY FSS GONZALEZ) NOTE ARMANDO MAGALLON 12/14/2018 12/14/2018 APPLICANT WAS REQUESTING AN EXTENSION. I LET APPLICANT KNOW THAT IN ORDER FOR EXTENSION TO BE GRANTED THEY NEED TO RENEW BL AND THEN REQUEST AN EXTENSION. NOTE ARMANDO MAGALLON 12/18/2018 12/18/2018 PERMIT EXTENSION RECEIVED - APPROVED BY EDGAR 6 MONTH EXTENSION GRANTED. NOTE KAYLI ALFORD 10/2/2019 10/2/2019 FINAL INSPECTION REQUESTED BY CONTRACTOR. INFORMED ANAID THAT THE PERMIT IS EXPIRED AS OF 7/30/19 AND WILL NEED EXTENSION REQUEST LETTER AND EXTENSION PAYMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $40 PRIOR TO SCHEDULING. EXTENSION PAYMENT AND LETTER RECEIVED. PERMIT EXTENDED 6 MOS. NOTE REYNA CAMARENA 4/12/2018 4/12/2018 Original submittal was 4/9/18 web based. Submittal was incomplete so contractor came in person to resubmit hard copies. Left as 1st submittal and deleted (web) description. PUBLIC COUNTER VISIT AARON HICKSON 4/19/2018 4/19/2018 JAMES ALDRICH PICKED UP PLANS. RECEIVED LETTER FROM SOUTHWEST AUTHORIZED SIGNEE. CONDITIONS Printed: Thursday, January 19, 2023 9:55:30 AM 3 of 6 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FSS2018-0068 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS1 CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL CONTRACTOR SOUTHWEST FIRE PROS 31-410 RESERVE DRIVE SUITE 2 THOUSAND PALMS CA 92276 (760)343-2233 MNEAL@SOUTHWESTF IREPROS.COM OWNER PAUL AND BRENDA JOHNSON 9429 148TH ST EDMONTON AB CN T5R1A (760)343-2233 INSPECTIONS SEQID INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES FINANCIAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT #CHECK #METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY Credit Card Fee 101-0000-43505 0 $7.29 $7.29 4/9/18 WEB2451 CREDIT SOUTHWEST FIRE PROS ECON Total Paid for Credit Card Fee: $7.29 $7.29 FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS - SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 101-0000-42421 0 $156.00 $156.00 4/9/18 WEB2451 CREDIT SOUTHWEST FIRE PROS ECON FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS - SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED PC 101-0000-42420 0 $234.00 $234.00 4/9/18 WEB2451 CREDIT SOUTHWEST FIRE PROS ECON FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 0.25 $40.00 $40.00 10/3/19 R54207 12838 CHECK SOUTHWEST FIRE PROS JLIM Total Paid for FIRE FEES: $430.00 $430.00 RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE 101-0000-42416 0 $10.00 $10.00 4/9/18 WEB2451 CREDIT SOUTHWEST FIRE PROS ECON Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE: $10.00 $10.00 TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 $5.00 4/9/18 WEB2451 CREDIT SOUTHWEST FIRE PROS ECON Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 $5.00 TOTALS:$452.29 $452.29 Printed: Thursday, January 19, 2023 9:55:30 AM 4 of 6 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FSS2018-0068 ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 12/18/2018 ARMANDO MAGALLON fss2018-0068 extension request.pdf fss2018-0068 extension request.pdf 0 DOC 4/10/2018 EtrakitContractor 1ST SUBMITTAL - SPRINKLER PLAN Johnson Residence - Fire Sprinkler.pdf 1 DOC 4/10/2018 EtrakitContractor 1ST SUBMITTAL - CALCS Johnson Residence - Calcs.pdf 1 DOC 4/10/2018 EtrakitContractor 1ST SUBMITTAL - PIPING PLAN Johnson Residence - Detail.pdf 1 DOC 10/3/2019 JACK LIMA PERMIT EXTENSION REQUEST DATED 10-2- 2019 PERMIT EXTENSION REQUEST DATED 10-2- 2019.pdf 0 BOND INFORMATION SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE OVERHEAD ROUGH PIPING EGO 1/30/2019 1/31/2019 APPROVED 1) A BUCKET TEST SHALL BE CONDUCTED AT OR BEFORE FINAL. 2) REVISIONS TO APPROVED PLANS TO BE SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW BEFORE FINAL. OVERHEAD HYRO EGO 1/30/2019 1/31/2019 APPROVED FIRE FINAL**KHET 10/9/2019 10/9/2019 APPROVED REVIEWS REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE RETURNED DATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES 1ST PERMIT TECH (1 DAY) REYNA CAMARENA 4/9/2018 4/10/2018 4/10/2018 COMPLETE Plans were not uploaded. 1ST FIRE (1 WK)RONALD GRIESINGER 4/18/2018 4/23/2018 4/18/2018 APPROVED PARENT PROJECTS Printed: Thursday, January 19, 2023 9:55:30 AM 5 of 6 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FSS2018-0068 ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 10/3/2019 KAYLI ALFORD Johnson Residence - FSS2018-0068 - Permit Extention Letter.pdf Johnson Residence - FSS2018-0068 - Permit Extention Letter.pdf 0 Printed: Thursday, January 19, 2023 9:55:30 AM 6 of 6 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FSS2018-0068 K-2189-8PO RTRAITLAVATO RYVITREO US CHINA K-2189-8PO RTRAITLAVATO RYVITREO US CHINA K-2241-8M EMO IRSLAVATO RYVITREO US CHINA K-2241-8M EMO IRSLAVATO RYVITREO US CHINA K-2885-8UM AN'S LAVLAVATO RYCAST IRO N K-2885-8UM AN'S LAVLAVATO RYCAST IRO N K-2885-8UM AN'S LAVLAVATO RYCAST IRO NK-2885-8UM AN'S LAVLAVATO RYCAST IRO N K-2241-8M EMO IRSLAVATO RYVITREO US CHINA KO HLER CAST IRO NBATHIRO N WORKSK-710 KO HLER CAST IRO NBATHIRO N WORKSK-710 KO HLER CAST IRO NBATHIRO N W O R K SK-710 M A4 .2 A4 .2 L K-2885-8UM A N ' S L A VLAVATO R YCAST IRO N Water Supply Information Static Pressure: Residual Pressure: Residual Flow: Additional Hose Flow: 84.85 psi 69.44 psi 32 GPM 0 GPM Inspectors Test Inspectors Test FAU Head Above FAU Remote area number: Occupancy classification: Density: Area of application: Total water required (including hose streams): @ a required system pressure of: Fire Protection System Demand: No. of sprinklers calculated: Inside Hose Streams: Outside Hose Streams: 2 0.05 0.01 Gpm/SqFt SqFt 31.741 GPM 49.2669 Psi 5 GPM 0 GPM 6 TOR 15 14 12 1 45 2 Existing 1" Water Meter 5 psi Calc Pressure Loss Bedroom Sitting Room Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom Sitting Room BedroomFamily Room Kitchen Great Room Office Master Bedroom His Hers Garage BOR 817 Domestic 12' - 9 1/4" Distance From Water Meter to Riser 140' Underground Sypply = 1 1/2" PVC By Others 1 1/2" Service1 1/2" UGFIRE SPRINKLERS WILL BE LOCATED IN THE ATTIC ONE HEAD FOR EACH 1000 SF of BUILDING SPACE Meditation Cottage shown on this page as referance only and is actually 15 feet east of the Casita Supply Point 28 27 20 21 2223 24 19 25 Remote area number: Occupancy classification: Density: Area of application: Total water required (including hose streams): @ a required system pressure of: Fire Protection System Demand: No. of sprinklers calculated: Inside Hose Streams: Outside Hose Streams: 2 0.05 Gpm/SqFt SqFt 26.1895 GPM 50.7619 Psi 0 GPM 0 GPM 18 10 9 26 7 www.southwestfirepros.com Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by Southwest Fire Pros31410 Reserve Drive Suite 2Office 760-343-2233 Fax 760-343-2210www.southwestfirepros.comConsultant Address Address Phone Fax e-mail 1/8" = 1'-0"4/9/2018 7:24:42 AMFP-2 Fire Sprinklers Project Number Residence Johnson Issue Date Author Checker No. Description Date Sprinkler Schedule Count Description K-Factor Part Number (Hydratec) Temperature Rating 6 TYCO 4.9 155 °F 1 TY313 5.6 SIN TY 313 200 °F 8 TYCO 4.9 SIN TY 2231 78 TYCO 4.9 SIN TY 3596 155 °F Grand total: 93 Fire Sprinkler Riser Detail 1 1/4" CPVC to supply fire sprinkler system TOR BOR Domestic Supply Check Flow Control 1 1/4" CPVC 1 1/4" CPVC Flow Switch Note Wiring by Others 300psi Gage Sprinkler Box with Wrench & two Sprinkler Heads Each Type 1/2" Drain to Outside1 1/4"1 1/4"1 1/4" Potter Horn Strobe Wired by Others not to scale Module Must Connect to the Multi Station Smoke Alarm System and the Fire Sprinkler Flow Switch ( all wiring by others ) INSPECTOR TEST DETAIL 5' 1" Ball Valve Access Panel (By Others) Exterior Wall of Building Inspector Test to Terminatein a Smooth Bore CorrosionResistant Orfice With a FlowEquivalent to One Sprinkler NOTE: Access Panel Shall have sign Indicating Inspector Test GENERAL NOTES 1.General: All materials and devices shall conform to 2016 NFPA 13D standards. Installation shall conform to all applcable State and Local Codes. 2.Scope of Work: Install a new Residential Fire Protection System. 3.Piping: All overhead pipe and fittings shall be CPVC unless otherwise noted. 4.Design: NFPA 13D 2016 Edition and CFC Chapter 80. 5.System Demand @ Source. Two Sprinklers Flowing (16X16 Spacing): 31 gpm @ 62.17psi ( Casita ) 6.Water Supply Data: Water is supplied from public water main in street. StaticPressure: 91.77 psi Information Source: CVWD - RCCE 11/30/16 7.Sprinkler Head Spacing and Installation Requirements:Sprinklers shall not be located Closer than 8'-0" apart where there is no intervening obstruction. Sprinklers near potential obstruction shall be located per manufactures instructions. 8.Piping Supports: Piping shall be supported and restrained in conformance with local plumbing codes and CPVC manufactures instructions . Eachpipe section that supplies a drop to a sprinkler shall be secured no more than 12" from the drop to prevent laterial and vertical movement. 9.Pipe lenghts are approximate for hydraulic calculation and plan review purposes only. 10.The owner shall furnish sufficant heat in all areas to prevent freezingof pipe. 11.Waterflow Switch and Alarm: a. A dedicated electrical circuit with a circuit breaker lock shall be provided for waterflow horn/strobes. b. An approved audible sprinkler waterflow alarm shall be visible from the street. The device shall be listed. for outdoor use . An approved sign shall be placed at or near the drvice stating, SPRINKLER FIRE ALARM - WHEN ALARM SOUNDS CALL 911 c. An approved audible sprinkler waterflow alarm module shall be conected to the smoke detectors to alert occupants shall be provided. Fire Department Notes NFPA 13D 2016 A. The installation of new fire sprinkler systems or modifications to existing systems shall comply with the following: NFPA 13D 2016 CBC 2016 CFC 2016 Local Municipal Codes Requirements of the AHJ All Manufacture Installation Guidelines Note: When conflict arrises between existing codes and standards, the most stringent shall apply. B. The Fire Department Shall require the following inspections and tests. 1. Overhead installation and hydrostatic test, ( prior to cover ). a. Normal opperating pressure when no FDC is installed. b. 200psi when FDC is required. c. Two hour minimum. 2. Final sprinkler and underground, ( prior to building final ). a. All inspections shall be scheduled by the contractor of record. b. Inspections shall be scheduled 24 hours in advance. SPRINKLER PIPEINSULATION BOTTOM CORD OF ROOF TRUSS OR CEILING JOIST PIPE INSULATION DETAIL www.southwestfirepros.com Scale Project number Date Drawn by Checked by Southwest Fire Pros31410 Reserve Drive Suite 2Office 760-343-2233 Fax 760-343-2210www.southwestfirepros.comConsultant Address Address Phone Fax e-mail As indicated 4/9/2018 7:26:15 AMFP-3 Details Project Number Residence Johnson Issue Date Author Checker No. Description Date 1/2" = 1'-0"1 Riser Detail 1/2" = 1'-0"2 Inspectors Test 1/8" = 1'-0"3 General Notes 1/8" = 1'-0"4 FD Notes 1" = 1'-0"5 Insulation Detail