FSS2021-0185ADDITIONAL SITES CHRONOLOGY CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS1 CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION INC 12155 PAINE PL POWAY CA 92064 (619)588-6364 angela@SYMONSFP.CO M CONTRACTOR SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION INC 12155 PAINE PL POWAY CA 92064 (619)588-6364 angela@SYMONSFP.CO M OWNER NATIONAL MORTGAGE 81570 Carboneras La Quinta CA 92253 (619)588-6364 CONDITIONS Description: ANDALUSIA / BRES2021-0098 / FIRE SPRINKLER / PLAN TYPE 201 Type: FIRE SPRINKLER (WEB)Subtype: RESIDENTIAL - TRACT HOMES Status: FINALED Applied: 8/6/2021 ECON Parcel No: 764200071 Site Address: 59120 MARBELLA LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Approved: 8/24/2021 AMA Subdivision: TR 37790 Block: Lot: 44 Issued: ONLINE Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: 4/12/2022 KHET Valuation: $4,800.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: master plan submittal FINANCIAL INFORMATION Printed: Thursday, March 02, 2023 11:42:03 AM 1 of 3 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FSS2021-0185 INSPECTIONS SEQID INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES OVERHEAD HYRO KHET 9/15/2021 9/15/2021 DISAPPROVE D no pressure OVERHEAD ROUGH PIPING KHET 9/15/2021 9/15/2021 DISAPPROVE D need insulation protection throughout Head spacing confirmed. Just need wire protection and Hydro. OVERHEAD ROUGH PIPING KHET 9/22/2021 9/22/2021 APPROVED OVERHEAD HYRO KHET 9/22/2021 9/22/2021 APPROVED FIRE FINAL**KHET 4/12/2022 4/12/2022 APPROVED PARENT PROJECTS DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT #CHECK #METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY FIRE FAILED OR ADDITIONAL RE- INSPECTION 101-0000-42421 0 $161.00 $161.00 9/27/21 WEB9413 632674384 76 CREDIT 682025 ECON FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS - SINGLE FAMILY DETACHED 101-0000-42421 0 $161.00 $161.00 8/25/21 WEB9122 632130754 77 CREDIT 682025 ECON FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 0.5 $83.50 $83.50 4/5/22 WEB11265 636436199 08 CREDIT 682025 ECON Total Paid for FIRE FEES: $405.50 $405.50 RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE 101-0000-42416 0 $10.00 $10.00 8/25/21 WEB9122 632130754 77 CREDIT 682025 ECON Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE: $10.00 $10.00 TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 $5.00 8/25/21 WEB9122 632130754 77 CREDIT 682025 ECON Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 $5.00 TOTALS:$420.50 $420.50 Printed: Thursday, March 02, 2023 11:42:03 AM 2 of 3 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FSS2021-0185 ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 8/6/2021 EtrakitContractor 1ST SUBMITTAL - PLAN SET 20-0577 Andalusia-1st Submittal.pdf 1 DOC 8/6/2021 EtrakitContractor 1ST SUBMITTAL - CALCS AND CUTSHEET 20-0577 Andalusia-Calcs and Specs.pdf 1 DOC 8/6/2021 EtrakitContractor APPLICATION lot 44 application.pdf 1 DOC 4/5/2022 Etrakit Contractor extension letter Andalusia lot 44.pdf 1 BOND INFORMATION REVIEWS REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE RETURNED DATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES 1ST PERMIT TECH (1 DAY) ARMANDO MAGALLON 8/6/2021 8/9/2021 8/10/2021 COMPLETE 2ND PERMIT TECH – ETRAKIT (1 DAY) ARMANDO MAGALLON 8/24/2021 8/25/2021 8/24/2021 APPROVED FSS APPROVED PER MASTER PLAN Printed: Thursday, March 02, 2023 11:42:03 AM 3 of 3 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER FSS2021-0185 12155 PAINE PLACE POWAY, CA 92064 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR ANDALUSIA PLAN 201 FILE NUMBER: 20-0577-PLAN 201.SDF DATE: JULY 26, 2021 -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: RESIDENTIAL DENSITY: .05 gpm/ 450 sq.ft. AREA OF APLICATION: BEDROOM COVERAGE PER SPRINKLER: 225 sq.ft. NUMBER OF SPRINKLERS: 2 SPRINKLERS TOTAL SPRINKLER WATER FLOW REQUIRED: 24.3 gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose): 29.3 gpm FLOW AND PRESSURE (@ BOR): 24.3 gpm @ 33.9 psi SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 1/2” inch NAME OF CONTRACTOR: SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESIGN/ LAYOUT: FRANCISCO IBARRA AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: LA QUINTA FIRE DEPARTMENT CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION NUMBER: C16-682025 WATER DEPARTMENT: COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DEPARTMENT CONTACT: RUBEN MONTIEL WATER PRESSURE INFORMATION: 96.0 psi STATIC CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM (LICENSE #38071930) HRS SYSTEMS, INC. SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 1 DATE: 7/31/2021AM FILES\HRS SYSTEMS\HASS87\HASS DATA\20-0577-PLAN 201.SDF JOB TITLE: ANDALUSIA PLAN 201 TWO HEAD CALC WATER SUPPLY DATA SOURCE STATIC RESID. FLOW AVAIL. TOTAL REQ'D NODE PRESS. PRESS. @ PRESS. @ DEMAND PRESS. TAG (PSI) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) 1 86.4 85.0 31.0 85.1 29.3 57.7 AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE 29.3 GPM TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE 0.0 GPM OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES 5.0 GPM TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS 24.3 GPM NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE (FT) (PSI) (GPM) 1 0.0 SOURCE 57.7 29.3 2 3.0 - - - - 49.8 - - - 3 3.0 - - - - 38.8 - - - 4 6.0 - - - - 37.1 - - - 5 9.0 HOSE STREAM 33.9 5.0 6 18.0 - - - - 26.8 - - - 7 18.0 - - - - 8.1 - - - 7A 17.5 K= 4.30 8.2 12.3 8A 17.5 K= 4.30 7.8 12.0 SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 2 DATE: 7/31/2021AM FILES\HRS SYSTEMS\HASS87\HASS DATA\20-0577-PLAN 201.SDF JOB TITLE: ANDALUSIA PLAN 201 TWO HEAD CALC PIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) Pipe: 1 29.3 0.995 PL 20.00 PF 6.5 1 0.0 SRCE 57.7 (N/A) 12.1 150 FTG TG PE -1.3 2 3.0 0.0 49.8 0.0 0.226 TL 29.00 PV Pipe: 2 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE 2 3.0 0.0 49.8 0.0 11.0 psi, 29.3 gpm 3 3.0 0.0 38.8 0.0 Pipe: 3 29.3 2.050 PL 50.00 PF 0.4 3 3.0 0.0 38.8 0.0 2.8 150 FTG 3L PE -1.3 4 6.0 0.0 37.1 0.0 0.007 TL 59.00 PV Pipe: 4 29.3 1.025 PL 5.00 PF 2.0 4 6.0 0.0 37.1 0.0 11.4 150 FTG EL PE -1.3 5 9.0 H.S. 33.9 5.0 0.195 TL 10.00 PV Pipe: 5 24.3 1.101 PL 9.00 PF 3.1 5 9.0 H.S. 33.9 5.0 8.2 150 FTG 2ET3RC PE -3.9 6 18.0 0.0 26.8 0.0 0.097 TL 32.00 PV Pipe: 6 24.3 1.101 PL 115.00 PF 18.7 6 18.0 0.0 26.8 0.0 8.2 150 FTG 6E7T PE 0.0 7 18.0 0.0 8.1 0.0 0.097 TL 192.00 PV Pipe: 7 12.3 1.101 PL 0.50 PF 0.2 7 18.0 0.0 8.1 0.0 4.1 150 FTG TR PE 0.2 7A 17.5 4.3 8.2 12.3 0.028 TL 6.50 PV Pipe: 8 12.0 1.101 PL 12.00 PF 0.6 7 18.0 0.0 8.1 0.0 4.0 150 FTG E2R PE 0.2 8A 17.5 4.3 7.8 12.0 0.026 TL 21.00 PV NOTES (HASS): (1) Calculations were performed by the HASS 8.8 D computer program in accordance with NFPA13 (2019) under license no. 38071930 granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 208 Southside Square Petersburg, TN 37144 (931) 659-9760 (2) The system has been calculated to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0.008 gpm and a maximum imbalance at any node of 0.064 gpm. (3) Total pressure at each node is used in balancing the system. Maximum water velocity is 12.1 ft/sec at pipe 1. (4) Items listed in bold print on the cover sheet SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 3 DATE: 7/31/2021AM FILES\HRS SYSTEMS\HASS87\HASS DATA\20-0577-PLAN 201.SDF JOB TITLE: ANDALUSIA PLAN 201 TWO HEAD CALC are automatically transferred from the calculation report. (5) Available pressure at source node 1 under full flow conditions is 84.42 psi with a flow of 37.36 gpm. (6) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE User Pipe Table Name: FSS.PIP PAGE: H MATERIAL: CPVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T R K C L B L Ell Tee TEERUN COUPLG EL45 1.101 7.00 5.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 PAGE: I MATERIAL: CPPR-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D Ell Tee 1.025 3.00 8.00 2.00 8.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: J MATERIAL: S40PVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D Ell Tee 2.050 8.00 15.00 3.00 17.00 9.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: K MATERIAL: CPPR-K HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D Ell Tee L 0.995 2.00 6.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 4 DATE: 7/31/2021AM FILES\HRS SYSTEMS\HASS87\HASS DATA\20-0577-PLAN 201.SDF JOB TITLE: ANDALUSIA PLAN 201 TWO HEAD CALC WATER SUPPLY ANALYSIS Static: 86.40 psi Resid: 85.00 psi Flow: 31.0 gpm -14.7 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 FLOW (GPM) Note: (1) Dashed Lines indicate extrapolated values from Test Results G A U G E P R E S S U R E ( p s i ) A 1 2 B LEGEND 1 Available pressure 85.14 psi @ 29.3 gpm 2 Required pressure 57.65 psi @ 29.3 gpm A. Source Supply Curve B. System Demand Curve SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 5 DATE: 7/31/2021AM FILES\HRS SYSTEMS\HASS87\HASS DATA\20-0577-PLAN 201.SDF JOB TITLE: ANDALUSIA PLAN 201 TWO HEAD CALC WATER SUPPLY CURVE 96+ | | | 88+ 0 <-85.0 psi @ 31 gpm | Flow Test Point | 80+ | | | 72+ | | | P 64+ R | E | S X S 56+ U | R | E | 48+ ( | P | S | I 40+ ) | | | 32+ | | | 24+ | | |============================== 16+ LEGEND " | " | X = Required Water Supply " | 57.65 psi @ 29.3 gpm " 8+ " | 0 = Available Water Supply " | 85.14 psi @ 29.3 gpm " | " 0++-+---+----+-----+------+--------+--------+---------+-----------+ 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 FLOW (GPM) 12155 PAINE PLACE POWAY, CA 92064 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR ANDALUSIA PLAN 202 FILE NUMBER: 20-0577-PLAN 202.SDF DATE: JULY 26, 2021 -DESIGN DATA- OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: RESIDENTIAL DENSITY: .05 gpm/ 450 sq.ft. AREA OF APLICATION: BEDROOM COVERAGE PER SPRINKLER: 225 sq.ft. NUMBER OF SPRINKLERS: 2 SPRINKLERS TOTAL SPRINKLER WATER FLOW REQUIRED: 24.3 gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose): 29.3 gpm FLOW AND PRESSURE (@ BOR): 24.3 gpm @ 31.1 psi SPRINKLER ORIFICE SIZE: 1/2” inch NAME OF CONTRACTOR: SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION, INC. DESIGN/ LAYOUT: FRANCISCO IBARRA AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: LA QUINTA FIRE DEPARTMENT CONTRACTOR CERTIFICATION NUMBER: C16-682025 WATER DEPARTMENT: COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DEPARTMENT CONTACT: RUBEN MONTIEL WATER PRESSURE INFORMATION: 96.0 psi STATIC CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM (LICENSE #38071930) HRS SYSTEMS, INC. SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 1 DATE: 7/31/2021AM FILES\HRS SYSTEMS\HASS87\HASS DATA\20-0577-PLAN 202.SDF JOB TITLE: ANDALUSIA PLAN 202 TWO HEAD CALC WATER SUPPLY DATA SOURCE STATIC RESID. FLOW AVAIL. TOTAL REQ'D NODE PRESS. PRESS. @ PRESS. @ DEMAND PRESS. TAG (PSI) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) 1 86.4 85.0 31.0 85.1 29.3 54.9 AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE 29.3 GPM TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE 0.0 GPM OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES 5.0 GPM TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS 24.3 GPM NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE (FT) (PSI) (GPM) 1 0.0 SOURCE 54.9 29.3 2 3.0 - - - - 47.0 - - - 3 3.0 - - - - 36.0 - - - 4 6.0 - - - - 34.3 - - - 5 9.0 HOSE STREAM 31.1 5.0 6 18.0 - - - - 24.1 - - - 7 18.0 - - - - 8.1 - - - 7A 17.5 K= 4.30 8.2 12.3 8A 17.5 K= 4.30 7.8 12.0 SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 2 DATE: 7/31/2021AM FILES\HRS SYSTEMS\HASS87\HASS DATA\20-0577-PLAN 202.SDF JOB TITLE: ANDALUSIA PLAN 202 TWO HEAD CALC PIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) Pipe: 1 29.3 0.995 PL 20.00 PF 6.5 1 0.0 SRCE 54.9 (N/A) 12.1 150 FTG TG PE -1.3 2 3.0 0.0 47.0 0.0 0.226 TL 29.00 PV Pipe: 2 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE 2 3.0 0.0 47.0 0.0 11.0 psi, 29.3 gpm 3 3.0 0.0 36.0 0.0 Pipe: 3 29.3 2.050 PL 50.00 PF 0.4 3 3.0 0.0 36.0 0.0 2.8 150 FTG 3L PE -1.3 4 6.0 0.0 34.3 0.0 0.007 TL 59.00 PV Pipe: 4 29.3 1.025 PL 5.00 PF 2.0 4 6.0 0.0 34.3 0.0 11.4 150 FTG EL PE -1.3 5 9.0 H.S. 31.1 5.0 0.195 TL 10.00 PV Pipe: 5 24.3 1.101 PL 9.00 PF 3.1 5 9.0 H.S. 31.1 5.0 8.2 150 FTG 2ET3RC PE -3.9 6 18.0 0.0 24.1 0.0 0.097 TL 32.00 PV Pipe: 6 24.3 1.101 PL 105.50 PF 15.9 6 18.0 0.0 24.1 0.0 8.2 150 FTG 4E6T PE 0.0 7 18.0 0.0 8.1 0.0 0.097 TL 163.50 PV Pipe: 7 12.3 1.101 PL 0.50 PF 0.2 7 18.0 0.0 8.1 0.0 4.1 150 FTG TR PE 0.2 7A 17.5 4.3 8.2 12.3 0.028 TL 6.50 PV Pipe: 8 12.0 1.101 PL 12.00 PF 0.6 7 18.0 0.0 8.1 0.0 4.0 150 FTG E2R PE 0.2 8A 17.5 4.3 7.8 12.0 0.026 TL 21.00 PV NOTES (HASS): (1) Calculations were performed by the HASS 8.8 D computer program in accordance with NFPA13 (2019) under license no. 38071930 granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 208 Southside Square Petersburg, TN 37144 (931) 659-9760 (2) The system has been calculated to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0.007 gpm and a maximum imbalance at any node of 0.059 gpm. (3) Total pressure at each node is used in balancing the system. Maximum water velocity is 12.1 ft/sec at pipe 1. (4) Items listed in bold print on the cover sheet SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 3 DATE: 7/31/2021AM FILES\HRS SYSTEMS\HASS87\HASS DATA\20-0577-PLAN 202.SDF JOB TITLE: ANDALUSIA PLAN 202 TWO HEAD CALC are automatically transferred from the calculation report. (5) Available pressure at source node 1 under full flow conditions is 84.29 psi with a flow of 38.67 gpm. (6) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE User Pipe Table Name: FSS.PIP PAGE: H MATERIAL: CPVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T R K C L B L Ell Tee TEERUN COUPLG EL45 1.101 7.00 5.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 PAGE: I MATERIAL: CPPR-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D Ell Tee 1.025 3.00 8.00 2.00 8.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: J MATERIAL: S40PVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D Ell Tee 2.050 8.00 15.00 3.00 17.00 9.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: K MATERIAL: CPPR-K HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D Ell Tee L 0.995 2.00 6.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 4 DATE: 7/31/2021AM FILES\HRS SYSTEMS\HASS87\HASS DATA\20-0577-PLAN 202.SDF JOB TITLE: ANDALUSIA PLAN 202 TWO HEAD CALC WATER SUPPLY ANALYSIS Static: 86.40 psi Resid: 85.00 psi Flow: 31.0 gpm -14.7 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 FLOW (GPM) Note: (1) Dashed Lines indicate extrapolated values from Test Results G A U G E P R E S S U R E ( p s i ) A 1 2 B LEGEND 1 Available pressure 85.14 psi @ 29.3 gpm 2 Required pressure 54.87 psi @ 29.3 gpm A. Source Supply Curve B. System Demand Curve SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 5 DATE: 7/31/2021AM FILES\HRS SYSTEMS\HASS87\HASS DATA\20-0577-PLAN 202.SDF JOB TITLE: ANDALUSIA PLAN 202 TWO HEAD CALC WATER SUPPLY CURVE 96+ | | | 88+ 0 <-85.0 psi @ 31 gpm | Flow Test Point | 80+ | | | 72+ | | | P 64+ R | E | S | S 56+ U X R | E | 48+ ( | P | S | I 40+ ) | | | 32+ | | | 24+ | | |============================== 16+ LEGEND " | " | X = Required Water Supply " | 54.87 psi @ 29.3 gpm " 8+ " | 0 = Available Water Supply " | 85.14 psi @ 29.3 gpm " | " 0++-+---+----+-----+------+--------+--------+---------+-----------+ 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 FLOW (GPM) Model RFC & G5 Cover Plate Model RFC43 & RFC43LLModel RFC30 & RFC30LL Model RFC49 & RFC49LL Model RFC58 Features • cULus Listed as Residential Sprinklers • Push-On cover plate installation • Low water flow requirements Product Description Model RFC Series residential sprinklers are flat cover plate, concealed pendent sprinklers intended for installation in accordance with NFPA 13, NFPA 13R, or NFPA 13D. The sprinklers are cULus Listed as Residential Sprinklers in ac- cordance with UL 1626. In addition, Model RFCLL Series sprinklers are cULus Certified for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI standard 61 Annex G (LL) and Australian WaterMark Certified (WMCS). Model RFC30 sprinklers have a 165°F (74°C) temperature rated fusible-link operating element. Model RFC43, RFC49, RFC58, and RFC76 sprinklers are offered with either a 165°F (74°C) or 212°F (100°C) temperature rated fusible-link oper- ating element. Sprinklers with a 165°F (74°C) temperature rating are ordinary temperature classification and are listed for use with a 135°F (57°C) temperature rated cover plate. Sprinklers with a 212°F (100°C) temperature rating are inter- mediate temperature classification and are listed for use with a 165°F (74°C) temperature rated cover plate. Model RFC Series sprinklers are installed with a Model RFC or Model G5 Cover Plate. Model G5 Cover Plates may be installed by either pushing or threading the cover plate into the sprinkler cup. Model RFC30, RFC30LL, RFC43, RFC43LL, RFC49 and RFC49LL sprinklers allow 1/2” (13 mm) of cover plate adjustment. Model RFC58 and RFC76 sprinklers allow 3/4” (19 mm) of cover plate adjustment. Model RFC and G5 Cover Plates are available in a variety of finishes as listed in Table H. www.reliablesprinkler.com Sprinkler Model Nominal K-Factor gpm/psi1/2 (l/min/bar1/2) Max. Coverage Area ft x ft (m x m) Listings & Approvals Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) RFC30 3.0 (43)14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3)cULus RA0611 RFC30LL 3.0 (43)14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3)cULus, LL, WMCS RA3211 RFC43 4.3 (62)20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1)cULus RA0612 RFC43LL 4.3 (62)20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1)cULus, LL, WMCS RA3212 RFC49 4.9 (71)20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1)cULus RA0616 RFC49LL 4.9 (71)20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1)cULus, LL, WMCS RA3216 RFC58 5.8 (84)20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1)cULus RA0613 RFC76 7.6 (109)20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1)cULus RA0618 Table A cULus: cULus Listed to UL1626, Residential Sprinklers for Fire Protection Service. LL: cULus Certified for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Annex G (Less than 0.25% Lead content). WMCS: Australian WaterMark Certified. Model RFC76 cULus Listed Model RFC Series Residential Sprinklers Flat Concealed Pendent Bulletin 006 January 2020 Bulletin 006 January 2020 Page 2 of 8 www.reliablesprinkler.com Model RFC30 & RFC30LL Sprinkler Components and Dimensions Figure 1 Model RFC30 and RFC30LL Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Table B Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure (1) Max. Coverage Area (2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar) 12 x 12 (3.6 x 3.6) 9 (34) 9.0 (0.62) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3) 10 (38) 11.0 (0.76) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in Table B above and (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Technical Specifications Style: Flat Concealed Pendent Threads: 1/2” NPT or ISO 7-1R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 3.0 (43 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Min. Spacing: 8 ft. (2.4 m) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: Nickel Alloy Solder Link Sprinkler Body: Brass Alloy Levers: Bronze Alloy Yoke: Brass Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Towers: Copper Alloy Pins: Stainless Steel Deflector: Bronze Alloy Cup: Steel Cover Plate Finishes (See Table H) Sensitivity Fast-response Temperature Rating 165°F (74°C) sprinkler 135°F (57°C) cover plate Cover Plate Model RFC Cover Plate Model G5 Cover Plate Sprinkler Wrench Model FC (without wrench-able cap) Model W3 (with wrench-able cap) Listings and Approvals cULus Listed to UL 1626 cULus Certified for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Annex G (RFC30LL only) Watermark Certified (RFC30LL only) Bottom View Model RFC30 & RFC30LL Residential Sprinklers RFC30: SINRA0611 RFC30LL: SINRA3211 Bulletin 006 January 2020 Page 3 of 8 www.reliablesprinkler.com Model RFC43 & RFC43LL Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Table C Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure (1) Max. Coverage Area (2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Ordinary Temperature Intermediate Temperature Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar) Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar) 15 x 15 (4.6 x 4.6) 12 (45) 7.8 (0.54) 12 (45) 7.8 (0.54) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9) 13 (49) 9.1 (0.63) 13 (49) 9.1 (0.63) 18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5) 18 (68) 17.5 (1.21)---- 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) 21 (79) 23.8 (1.64)---- Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in Table C above and (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Model RFC43 & RFC43LL Sprinkler Components and Dimensions Figure 2 Technical Specifications Style: Flat Concealed Pendent Threads: 1/2” NPT or ISO 7-1R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 4.3 (62 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Min. Spacing: 8 ft. (2.4 m) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: Nickel Alloy Solder Link Sprinkler Body: Brass Alloy Levers: Bronze Alloy Yoke: Brass Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Towers: Copper Alloy Pins: Stainless Steel Deflector: Bronze Alloy Cup: Steel Cover Plate Finishes (See Table H) Sensitivity Fast-response Temperature Rating Ordinary: 165°F (74°C) sprinkler 135°F (57°C) cover plate Intermediate: 212°F (100°C) sprinkler 165°F (74°C) cover plate Cover Plate Model RFC Cover Plate Model G5 Cover Plate Sprinkler Wrench Model FC (without wrench-able cap) Model W3 (with wrench-able cap) Listings and Approvals cULus Listed to UL 1626 cULus Certified for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Annex G (RFC43LL only) Watermark Certified (RFC43LL only) Bottom View Model RFC43 & RFC43LL Residential Sprinklers RFC43: SINRA0612 RFC43LL: SINRA3212 Technical Specifications Style: Flat Concealed Pendent Threads: 1/2” NPT or ISO 7-1R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 4.9 (71 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Min. Spacing: 8 ft. (2.4 m) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: Nickel Alloy Solder Link Sprinkler Body: Brass Alloy Levers: Bronze Alloy Yoke: Brass Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Towers: Copper Alloy Pins: Stainless Steel Deflector: Bronze Alloy Cup: Steel Cover Plate Finishes (See Table H) Sensitivity Fast-response Temperature Rating Ordinary: 165°F (74°C) sprinkler 135°F (57°C) cover plate Intermediate: 212°F (100°C) sprinkler 165°F (74°C) cover plate Cover Plate Model G5 Cover Plate Sprinkler Wrench Model FC (without wrench-able cap) Model W3 (with wrench-able cap) Listings and Approvals cULus Listed to UL 1626 cULus Certified for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Annex G (RFC49LL only) Watermark Certified (RFC49LL only) Model RFC49 & RFC49LL Sprinkler Components and Dimensions Figure 3 Model RFC49 & RFC49LL Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Table D Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure (1) Max. Coverage Area (2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Ordinary Temperature Intermediate Temperature Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar) Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9) 13 (49.0) 7.0 (0.48) 13 (49.0) 7.0 (0.48) 18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5) 17 (64.3) 12.0 (0.83) 17 (64.3) 12.0 (0.83) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) 20 (75.7) 16.7 (1.15) 21 (79.5) 18.4 (1.27) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in Table D above and (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Bulletin 006 January 2020 Page 4 of 8 www.reliablesprinkler.com Bottom View Model RFC49 & RFC49LL Residential Sprinklers RFC49: SINRA0616 RFC49LL: SINRA3216 Model RFC58 Residential Sprinkler SIN RA0613 Technical Specifications Style: Flat Concealed Pendent Threads: 1/2” NPT or ISO 7-1R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 5.8 (84 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Min. Spacing: 8 ft. (2.4 m) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: Nickel Alloy Solder Link Sprinkler Body: Brass Alloy Levers: Bronze Alloy Yoke: Brass Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Towers: Copper Alloy Pins: Stainless Steel Deflector: Chrome Plated Bronze Alloy Cup: Steel Cover Plate Finishes (See Table H) Sensitivity Fast-response Temperature Ratings Ordinary: 165°F (74°C) sprinkler 135°F (57°C) cover plate Intermediate: 212°F (100°C) sprinkler 165°F (74°C) cover plate Cover Plate Model G5 Cover Plate Sprinkler Wrench Model FC (without wrench-able cap) Model W3 (with wrench-able cap) Listings and Approvals cULus Listed Model RFC58 Sprinkler Components and Dimensions Figure 4 Model RFC58 Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Table E Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure( 1) Max. Coverage Area (2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9) 16 (60.6) 7.6 (0.53) 18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5) 18 (68.1) 9.6 (0.66) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) 20 (75.7) 11.9 (0.82) Bulletin 006 January 2020 Page 5 of 8 www.reliablesprinkler.com Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in Table E above and (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Bottom View Bulletin 006 January 2020 Page 6 of 8 www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Style: Flat Concealed Pendent Threads: 3/4” NPT or ISO 7-1R3/4 Nominal K-Factor: 7.6 (109 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Min. Spacing: 8 ft. (2.4 m) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: Nickel Alloy Solder Link Sprinkler Body: Brass Alloy Levers: Bronze Alloy Yoke: Brass Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Towers: Copper Alloy Pins: Stainless Steel Deflector: Bronze Alloy Cup: Steel Cover Plate Finishes (See Table H) Sensitivity Fast-response Temperature Ratings Ordinary: 165°F (74°C) sprinkler 135°F (57°C) cover plate Intermediate: 212°F (100°C) sprinkler 165°F (74°C) cover plate Cover Plate Model G5 Cover Plate Sprinkler Wrench Model FC (without wrench-able cap) Model W3 (with wrench-able cap) Listings and Approvals cULus Listed Model RFC76 Flat Concealed Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Table E Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure( 1) Max. Coverage Area (2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9) 21 (79.5) 7.6 (0.52) 18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5) 24 (90.8) 9.9 (0.68) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) 34 (128.7) 20 (1.4) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in Table E above and (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Bottom View Model RFC76 Residential Sprinkler SIN RA0618 Model RFC76 Sprinkler Components and Dimensions Figure 5 Standard Finishes Special Application Finishes White Polyester Off White Paint Black Paint Raw Brass Chrome Plated Bright Brass Finished Bronze Black Plated Satin Chrome Stainless Steel Clad(3)Custom Color Paint(2) Notes: 1. Paint or any other coating applied over the factory finish will void all approvals and warranties. 2. Custom color paint is semi-gloss, unless specified otherwise. 3. Stainless steel clad cover plates are Type 316 Stainless Steel on the finished side and C102 Copper Allow on the back side. Cover plates are not listed or approved as corrosion resistant. Cover Plate Finishes(1) Table H Bulletin 006 January 2020 Page 7 of 8 www.reliablesprinkler.com Notes: 1. Face of fitting to ceiling dimensions are based on a nominal thread make up. Verify dimensions based on fitting and thread sealing method prior to installation. A 1/2” x 1/2” brass nipple extension (Reliable P/N 6999991900) is available where necessary for replacement of existing sprinklers. 2. For use with 165°F (74°C) temperature rated sprinklers where the Maximum Ceiling Temperature does not exceed 100°F (38°C). 3. For use with 212°F (100°C) temperature rated sprinklers where the Maximum Ceiling Temperature does not exceed 150°F (66°C). Sprinkler Model Cover Plate Model Cover Plate Diameter inch (mm) Recommended Hole Diameter in Ceiling inch (mm) Cover Plate Adjustment inch (mm) Min. to Max. Face of Fitting to Ceiling(1) inch (mm) Min. to Max. Dropped Deflector Distance below Ceiling inch (mm) Cover Plate Temperature Rating RFC30, RFC30LL RFC or G5 3-5/16 (84) 2-5/8 (67) 1/2 (13) 1-1/2 to 2 (38 to 51) 1/2 to 1 (13 to 25) 135°F (57°C) RFC43, RFC43LL, RFC49, RFC49LL RFC or G5 3-5/16 (84) 2-5/8 (67) 1/2 (13) 1-1/2 to 2 (38 to 51) 1/2 to 1 (13 to 25) 135°F(2) (57°C) or 165°F(3) (74°C) RFC58, RFC76 RFC or G5 3-5/16 (84) 2-5/8 (67) 3/4 (19) 1-1/2 to 2-1/4 (38 to 57) 1/4 to 1 (6 to 25) 135°F(2) (57°C) or 165°F(3) (74°C) Table JInstallation Dimensions Installation Model RFC series sprinklers are intended to be installed in accordance with NFPA 13, NFPA 13R, or NFPA 13D, as well as the requirements of applicable authorities having jurisdiction. Model RFC series sprinklers must not be installed in ceilings with positive pressure in the space above. Ensure that the 4 slots in the cup are open and unobstructed following installation. Model RFC series sprinklers are shipped with a wrench-able protective cap that should remain on the sprinkler until the sprinkler system is placed in service following construction. Model RFC series sprinklers can be installed without removing the wrench-able protective cap using the Model W3 wrench. Alternatively, Model RFC series sprinklers can be installed using the Model FC wrench by temporarily removing the protective cap during installation of the sprinkler. The use of any other wrench to installed Model RFC series sprinklers is not permitted and may damage the sprinkler. Fully insert the Model W3 wrench over the cap until it reaches the bottom of the cup, or the Model FC wrench over the sprinkler until the wrench engages the body. Do not wrench any other part of the sprinkler/cup assembly. The Model W3 and FC wrenches are designed to be turned with a standard 1/2” square drive. Tighten the sprinkler into the fitting after applying a PTFE based thread sealant to the sprinkler’s threads. Recommended installation torque is 8 to 18 ft-lbs (11 to 24 N-m) for 1/2” thread sprinklers and 14 to 20 ft-lbs (19 to 27 N-m) for 3/4” thread sprinklers. Do not exceed the maximum recommended torque. Exceeding the maximum recommended torque may cause leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Use care when inserting or removing the wrench from the sprinkler to avoid damage to the sprinkler. Install the cover plate by hand by pushing the cover plate into the cup and turning the cover in the clockwise direction until it is tight against the ceiling. Application Model RFC series sprinklers are intended for installation where residential sprinklers are permitted or required by NFPA 13, NFPA 13R, and NFPA 13D. The sprinklers are concealed pendent residential sprinklers. Model RFC 30 and RFC30LL sprinklers are available in ordinary temperature classification for installation where the Maximum Ceiling Temperature does not exceed 100°F (38°C). Model RFC43, RFC43LL, RFC49, RFC49LL, RFC58, and RFC76 sprinklers are available in either ordinary or intermediate temperature classification for installation where the Maximum Ceiling Temperature does not exceed 100°F (38°C) or 150°F (66°C), respectively. Guarantee For the Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. guarantee, terms, and conditions, visit www.reliablesprinkler.com. Patents Model RFC30, RFC30LL, RFC43, RFC43LL, RFC49, RFC49LL, RFC58, and RFC76 sprinklers are covered by U.S. Patent No. 9,248,327 and U.S. Patent No. 7,275,603. Model RFC30, RFC30LL, RFC43 and RFC43LL sprinklers are additionally covered by U.S. Patent No. 8,776,903. Ordering Information Specify the following when ordering. Sprinkler • Model (RFC30, RFC30LL, RFC43, RFC43LL, RFC49, RFC49LL, RFC58, RFC76) • Temperature Rating Cover Plate • Model RFC or G5 • Temperature Rating • Finish (See Table H) Sprinkler Wrench • Model FC • Model W3 Maintenance Model RFC series sprinklers should be inspected and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by gentle vacuuming. Replace any sprinkler cover plate assembly which has been painted (other than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick replace- ment of damaged or operated sprinklers. Prior to installation, sprinklers should be maintained in the original cartons and packaging until used to minimize the potential for damage to sprinklers that would cause improper operation or non-oper- ation. Bulletin 006 January 2020 Page 8 of 8 www.reliablesprinkler.com Listings and Approvals Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. and UL Certified for Canada to UL1626, Residential Sprinklers for Fire-protection Service (cULus). Certified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. and Underwrit- ers Laboratories of Canada for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Annex G (LL) (RFC30LL, RFC43LL, and RFC49LL only). Australian WaterMark Certified (RFC30LL, RFC43LL, and RFC49LL only).P/N 9999970261Model FC For use with Model RFC Series sprinklers without wrench-able cap installed Wrench Model W3 For use with Model RFC Series sprinklers with wrench-able cap installed Features • cULus Listed Residential Sprinklers • Available in pendent and horizontal sidewall orientations • Decorative finishes available, including recessed escutch- eons and conical concealed cover plates Product Description Model F1Res Series sprinklers are residential sprinklers with a 3 mm glass bulb operating element. A variety of K-Factors as well as recessed and conical concealed options are available as detailed in this Bulletin. The F1Res Series sprinklers are specially engineered for fast thermal response to meet the requirements of UL 1626. They are intended for installation in accordance with NFPA 13, 13R, and 13D. Application The Model F1Res Series sprinklers cULus Listed Residential sprinklers are intended for use in accordance with NFPA 13, NFPA 13R, or NFPA 13D. The Model F1Res residential sprin- klers are cULus Listed for use in residential occupancies and residential portions of any occupancy, where permitted by NFPA 13, NFPA 13R, or NFPA 13D. For NFPA 13R and NFPA 13D applications, the design flow and pressure shall not be less than the minimum flow and pressure specified in the Listed www.reliablesprinkler.com Residential Sprinkler Summary Sprinkler Model Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) Orientation K-Factor gpm/psi1/2 (lpm/bar1/2) Thread Size NPT or ISO7-1 Installation Options Max. Coverage Area ft x ft (m x m) F1Res30 R3511 Pendent 3.0 (43)1/2 Pendent or Recessed 16 x16 (4.9 x 4.9) F1Res49 R3516 Pendent 4.9 (71)1/2 Pendent or Recessed 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) F1Res58 R3513 Pendent 5.8 (84)1/2 Pendent or Recessed 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) F1Res76 R7618 Pendent 7.6 (109)3/4 Pendent or Recessed 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) F1Res30 CCP R3511 Pendent 3.0 (43)1/2 Conical Concealed or Recessed 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3) F1Res49 CCP R3516 Pendent 4.9 (71)1/2 Conical Concealed or Recessed 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) F1Res58 CCP R3513 Pendent 5.8 (84)1/2 Conical Concealed or Recessed 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) F1Res76 CCP R7618 Pendent 7.6 (109)3/4 Conical Concealed or Recessed 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) F1Res44 HSW R3531 Horizontal Sidewall 4.4 (63)1/2 Recessed 16 x 20 (4.9 x 6.1) F1Res44 SWC R3531 Horizontal Sidewall 4.4 (63)1/2 Conical Concealed 16 x 20 (4.9 x 6.1) F1Res58 HSW R3533 Horizontal Sidewall 5.8 (84)1/2 Recessed 16 x 20 (4.9 x 6.1) F1Res 58 HSWX RA3533 Horizontal Sidewall 5.8 (84)1/2 Recessed 14 x 26 (4.3 x 7.9) Table A Design Criteria tables in this Bulletin. For NFPA 13 applications, the design density shall be a minimum of 0.1 gpm/sf (4.1 mm/ min), but in no case shall the flow and pressure be less than the minimum flow and pressure specified in the Listed Design Criteria tables in this bulletin. Model F1Res Series sprinklers are listed for use in wet systems only. cULus Listed Model F1Res Series Glass Bulb Residential Sprinklers Bulletin 135 October 2019 Model F1Res30 Residential Pendent Sprinkler Components and Installation Dimensions Figure 1 * Model FV escutcheons are not for use in positively pressurized ceiling plenums. Technical Specifications Style: Pendent and Recessed Pendent Threads: 1/2” NPT or ISO7-1R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 3.0 (43 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) 175°F (79°C) Recessed Escutcheons F2 Recessed FV Recessed* Sprinkler Wrenches Model W2 Model GFR2 (Recessed) Model F1Res30 Residential Pendent Sprinkler & Models F2 & FV Escutcheon SIN R3511 Bulletin 135 October 2019 Page 2 of 15 www.reliablesprinkler.com Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems(1) Maximum Coverage Area(2) ft. x ft.(m x m) Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar) Deflector to Ceiling Distance 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7)8 (30)7.0 (0.48) 1 to 4 inches (25 to 100 mm) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3)10 (38)11.0 (0.76) 15 x 15 (4.6 x 4.6)12 (45)16.0 (1.1) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9)13 (49)18.8 (1.3) Table BModel F1Res30 Residential Pendent Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Model F1Res49 Residential Pendent Sprinkler Components and Installation Dimensions Figure 2 Model F1Res49 Residential Sprinkler & Models F1, F2, & FV Escutcheons SIN R3516 Technical Specifications Style: Pendent and Recessed Pendent Threads: 1/2” NPT or ISO7-1R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 4.9 (71 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass-bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) 175°F (79°C) Recessed Escutcheons F1 Recessed F2 Recessed FV Recessed* Sprinkler Wrenches Model W2 Model GFR2 (Recessed) Bulletin 135 October 2019 Page 3 of 15 www.reliablesprinkler.com Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems(1) Maximum Coverage Area(2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar) Deflector to Ceiling Distance 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7)13 (49)7.0 (0.48) 1 to 4 inches (25 to 100 mm) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3)13 (49)7.0 (0.48) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9)13 (49)7.0 (0.48) 18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5)17 (64)12.0 (0.83) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1)20 (76)16.7 (1.15) 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7)15 (57)9.4 (0.65) 4 to 8 inches (100 to 200 mm) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3)16 (61)10.7 (0.74) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9)17 (64)12.0 (0.83) 18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5)19 (72)15.0 (1.03) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1)22 (83)20.2 (1.39) Model F1Res49 Residential Pendent Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Table C Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. * Model FV escutcheons are not for use in positively pressurized ceiling plenums. Model F1Res58 Residential Pendent Sprinkler & F1, F2, & FV Recessed Escutcheons SIN R3513 Technical Specifications Style: Pendent and Recessed Pendent Threads: 1/2” NPT or ISO7-1R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 5.8 (84 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) 175°F (79°C) Recessed Escutcheons F1 Recessed F2 Recessed FV Recessed* Sprinkler Wrenches Model W2 Model GFR2 (Recessed) * Model FV escutcheons are not for use in positively pressurized ceiling plenums. Model F1Res58 Residential Pendent Sprinkler Components and Installation Dimensions Figure 3 Bulletin 135 October 2019 Page 4 of 15 www.reliablesprinkler.com Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems(1) Maximum Coverage Area(2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar) Deflector to Ceiling Distance 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9)16 (61)7.6 (0.52) 1 to 4 inches (25 to 100 mm)18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5)19 (72)10.8 (0.75) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1)22 (83)14.4 (1.0) Model F1Res58 Residential Pendent Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Table D Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Model F1Res76 Residential Pendent Sprinkler & F1, F2, & FV Escutcheons SIN R7618 Technical Specifications Style: Pendent and Recessed Pendent Threads: 3/4” NPT or ISO7-1R3/4 Nominal K-Factor: 7.6 (109 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) 175°F (79°C) Recessed Escutcheons F1 Recessed F2 Recessed FV Recessed* Sprinkler Wrenches Model W2 Model GFR2 (Recessed) Model F1Res76 Residential Pendent Sprinkler Components and Installation Dimensions Figure 4 * Model FV escutcheons are not for use in positively pressurized ceiling plenums. Bulletin 135 October 2019 Page 5 of 15 www.reliablesprinkler.com Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems(1) Maximum Coverage Area(2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar) Deflector to Ceiling Distance 18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5)21 (80)7.6 (0.52)1 to 4 inches (25 to 100 mm)20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1)23 (87)9.2 (0.63) Model F1Res76 Residential Pendent Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Table E Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Model F1Res30 CCP Conical Concealed Pendent & Model FP Recessed Escutcheon Pendent Sprinkler SIN R3511 Technical Specifications Style: Conical Concealed Pendent and Recessed Pendent Threads: 1/2” NPT or ISO7-1R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 3.0 (43 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) Recessed Escutcheons/Cover Plates CCP Conical Concealed Plate 135°F (57°C)* FP Recessed* Sprinkler Wrenches Model GFR2 Model F1Res30 CCP and FP Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Installation Dimensions Figure 5 *Note: Model FP escutcheons and CCP cover plates are not listed for use in positively pressurized ceiling plenums. Bulletin 135 October 2019 Page 6 of 15 www.reliablesprinkler.com Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems(1) Maximum Coverage Area(2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar)Deflector to Ceiling Distance 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7)8 (30)7.0 (0.48)1/2 to 1 inch (13 to 25 mm)14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3)11 (38)13.4 (0.92) Model F1Res30 CCP Pendent & FP Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Table F Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. 3. The sprinkler must be installed into a ceiling with the listed cover plate installed. Model F1Res49 CCP Conical Concealed Pendent & Model FP Recessed Escutcheon Pendent Sprinkler SIN R3516 Technical Specifications Style: Conical Concealed Pendent and Recessed Pendent Threads: 1/2” NPT or ISO7-1R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 4.9 (71 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) Recessed Escutcheons/Cover Plates CCP Conical Concealed Plate 135°F (57°C)* FP Recessed* Sprinkler Wrenches Model GFR2 Model F1Res49 CCP & FP Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Installation Dimensions Figure 6 Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems(1) Maximum Coverage Area(2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar)Deflector to Ceiling Distance 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3)13 (49)7.0 (0.48) 1/2 to 1 inch (13 to 25 mm) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9)14 (53)8.2 (0.57) 18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5)18 (68)13.5 (0.93) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1)20 (76)16.7 (1.15) Model F1Res49 CCP Pendent and FP Recessed Pendent Hydraulic Design Criteria Table G Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. 3. The sprinkler must be installed into a ceiling with the listed cover plate installed. *Note: Model FP escutcheons and CCP cover plates are not for use in positively pressurized ceiling plenums. Bulletin 135 October 2019 Page 7 of 15 www.reliablesprinkler.com Model F1Res58 CCP Conical Concealed Pendent & Model FP Recessed Escutcheon Pendent Sprinkler SIN R3513 Technical Specifications Style: Conical Concealed Pendent and Recessed Pendent Threads: 1/2” NPT or ISO7-1R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 5.8 (84 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) Recessed Escutcheons/Cover Plates CCP Conical Concealed Plate 135°F (57°C)* FP Recessed* Sprinkler Wrenches Model GFR2 (Recessed) Figure 7Model F1Res58 CCP and FP Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Installation Dimensions Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems(1) Maximum Coverage Area(2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar)Deflector to Ceiling Distance 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9)16 (61)7.6 (0.52) 1/2 to 1 inch (13 to 25 mm)18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5)19 (72)10.8 (0.75) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1)22 (83)14.4 (1.0) Model F1Res58 CCP Pendent & FP Recessed Pendent Hydraulic Design Criteria Table H *Note: Model FP escutcheons and CCP cover plates are not for use in positively pressurized ceiling plenums. Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. 3. The sprinkler must be installed into a ceiling with the listed cover plate installed. Bulletin 135 October 2019 Page 8 of 15 www.reliablesprinkler.com Figure 8Model F1Res76 CCP and FP Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Installation Dimensions Model F1Res76 CCP Conical Concealed Pendent and Model FP Recessed Escutcheon Pendent Sprinkler SIN R7618 Technical Specifications Style: Conical Concealed Pendent and Recessed Pendent Threads: 3/4” NPT or ISO7-1R3/4 Nominal K-Factor: 7.6 (109 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) Recessed Escutcheons/Cover Plates CCP Conical Concealed Plate 135°F (57°C)* FP Recessed* Sprinkler Wrenches Model GFR2 (Recessed) Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems(1) Maximum Coverage Area(2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar)Deflector to Ceiling Distance 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9)21 (80)7.6 (0.52) 1/2 to 1 inch (13 to 25 mm)18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5)22 (83)8.4 (0.58) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1)25 (95)10.8 (0.75) Model F1Res76 CCP Pendent & FP Recessed Pendent Hydraulic Design Criteria Table I *Note: Model FP escutcheons and CCP cover plates are not for use in positively pressurized ceiling plenums. Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. 3. The sprinkler must be installed into a ceiling with the listed cover plate installed. Bulletin 135 October 2019 Page 9 of 15 www.reliablesprinkler.com Model F1Res44 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler & Models FV & F2 Recessed Escutcheon SIN R3531 Technical Specifications Style: Sidewall and Recessed Sidewall Threads: 1/2” NPT or ISO7-1R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 4.4 (63 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) 175°F (79°C) Recessed Escutcheons F2 Recessed FV Recessed Sprinkler Wrenches Model W2 Model GFR2 (Recessed) Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems(1) Maximum Coverage Area(2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar) Deflector to Ceiling Distance 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7)12 (45)7.5 (0.52) 4 to 6 inches (100 to 150 mm) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3)14 (53)10.2 (0.70) 15 x 15 (4.6 x 4.6) 15 (57)11.6 (0.80) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9)16 (61)13.3 (0.92) 16 x 18 (4.9 x 5.5)18 (68)16.8 (1.16) 16 x 20 (4.9 x 6.1)23 (87)27.4 (1.89) 18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5)19 (72)18.7 (1.29) 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7)14 (53)10.2 (0.7) 6 to 12 inches (150 to 300 mm) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3)16 (61)13.2 (0.91) 15 x 15 (4.6 x 4.6)16 (61)13.2 (0.91) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9)17 (64)15.0 (1.03) 16 x 18 (4.9 x 5.5)20 (76)20.7 (1.43) 16 x 20 (4.9 x 6.1)23 (87)27.4 (1.89) Model F1Res44 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Table J Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Model F1Res44 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Installation Dimensions Figure 9 Bulletin 135 October 2019 Page 10 of 15 www.reliablesprinkler.com Note: (1) Not for installation where the maximum ceiling temperature exceeds 100°F due to cover plate temperature rating. (2) 135°F SWC Conical Concealed Plate for 155°F (68°C) sprinklers (3) 135°F SWC-2 (Slotted) Conical Concealed Plate for 175°F (79°C) sprinklers Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems(1) Maximum Coverage Area(2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Ordinary Temperature Rating 155°F (68°C) Intermediate Temperature Rating 175°F (79°C)Deflector to Ceiling DistanceFlow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar) Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar) 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7)13 (49)8.7 (0.60)14 (53)10.2 (0.7) 4 to 6 inches (100 to 150 mm) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3)14 (53)10.2 (0.7)14 (53)10.2 (0.7) 15 x 15 (4.6 x 4.6)16 (61)13.2 (0.91)– –– – 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9)17 (64)15.0 (1.03)– –– – 16 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5)19 (72)18.7 (1.31)– –– – 16 x 20 (4.9 x 6.1)23 (87)27.4 (1.89)– –– – 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7)14 (53)10.2 (0.7)– –– – 6 to 12 inches (150 to 300 mm) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3)15 (57)11.7 (0.81)– –– – 15 x 15 (4.6 x 4.6)17 (64)15.0 (1.03)– –– – 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9)18 (68)16.8 (1.16)– –– – 16 x 18 (4.9 x 5.5)20 (76)20.7 (1.43)– –– – Model F1Res44 SWC Conical Concealed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Table K Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. SWC SWC-2 Bulletin 135 October 2019 Page 11 of 15 www.reliablesprinkler.com Model F1Res44 SWC Conical Concealed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler SIN R3531 Technical Specifications Style: Conical Concealed Sidewall Threads: 1/2” NPT or ISO 7-1 R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 4.4 (63 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass-bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) 175°F (79°C) (1) Cover Plates SWC Conical Concealed Plate(2) SWC-2 (Slotted) Conical Concealed Plate(3) Sprinkler Wrenches Model GFR2 Model F1Res44 SWC Conical Concealed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler and Installation Dimensions Figure 10 Model F1Res58 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler & Models F2 & FV Recessed Escutcheon SIN R3533 Technical Specifications Style: Sidewall and Recessed Sidewall Threads: 1/2” NPT or ISO7-1R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 5.8 (84 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) 175°F (79°C) Recessed Escutcheons F2 Recessed FV Recessed Sprinkler Wrenches Model W2 Model GFR2 (Recessed) Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems(1) Maximum Coverage Area(2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar) Deflector to Ceiling Distance 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7)16 (61)7.6 (0.52) 4 to 6 inches (100 to 150 mm) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3)18 (68)9.7 (0.66) 15 x 15 (4.6 x 4.6)19 (72)10.7 (0.74) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9)21 (80)13.2 (0.91) 16 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5)25 (95)18.6 (1.28) 16 x 20 (4.9 x 6.1)29 (110)25.0 (1.72) 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7)22 (83)14.4 (1.0) 6 to 12 inches (150 to 300 mm) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3)22 (83)14.4 (1.0) 15 x 15 (4.6 x 4.6)24 (91)17.1 (1.18) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9)26 (98)20.1 (1.39) 16 x 18 (4.9 x 5.5)31 (117)28.6 (1.97) Model F1Res58 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Table L Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Model F1Res58 Residential Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Installation Dimensions Figure 11 Bulletin 135 October 2019 Page 12 of 15 www.reliablesprinkler.com Model F1Res58 HSWX Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler & Models F2 & FV Recessed Escutcheon SIN RA3533 Technical Specifications Style: Sidewall and Recessed Sidewall Threads: 1/2” NPT or ISO7-1R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 5.8 (84 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) 175°F (79°C) Recessed Escutcheons F2 Recessed FV Recessed Sprinkler Wrenches Model W2 Model GFR2 (Recessed) Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems(1) Maximum Coverage Area(2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (l/min) Pressure psi (bar) Deflector to Ceiling Distance 18 x 20 (5.5 x 6.1)30 (114)26.8 (1.85) 4 to 6 inches (100 to 150 mm) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1)30 (114)26.8 (1.85) 16 x 22 (4.9 x 6.7)33 (125)32.4 (2.23) 16 x 24 (4.9 x 7.3)38 (144)42.9 (2.96) 14 x 26 (4.3 x 7.9)42 (160)52.4 (3.63) 18 x 20 (5.5 x 6.1)35 (133)36.4 (2.51) 6 to 12 inches (150 to 300 mm) 16 x 22 (4.9 x 6.7)38 (144)42.9 (2.96) 16 x 24 (4.9 x 7.3)42 (160)52.4 (3.61) 14 x 26 (4.3 x 7.9)46 (174)62.9 (4.34) Model F1Res58 HSWX Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Table M Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Model F1Res58 HSWX Residential Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Installation Dimensions Figure 12 Bulletin 135 October 2019 Page 13 of 15 www.reliablesprinkler.com Installation Models F1Res sprinklers are to be installed as shown in this bulletin. Model F1, F2, FV, and FP recessed escutcheons are the only recessed escutcheons to be used with Model F1Res sprinklers. Not all F1Res sprinklers may be used with all recessed escutcheons offered. Confirm listing of escutch- eon type for use with individual sprinklers. Use of any other recessed escutcheon will void all approvals and warranties. For installing Model F1Res sprinklers, use only the Model W2 sprinkler Wrench; for installing Models F1Res Recessed Pendent, Sidewall, Conical Concealed Pendent (CCP), and Sidewall Concealed (SWC and SWC–2) sprinklers use only the Model GFR2 sprinkler wrench. Use of wrenches other than those specified may damage these sprinklers. Model GFR2 Model W2 Installation of F1Res sprinklers in a wall or ceiling will require a hole diameter of 2-1/4” (57 mm) for F1 or F2 recessed escutcheons; or 2-5/8” (67 mm) for FP recessed escutcheons, CCP, SWC, and SWC–2 cover plates. Install F1Res HSW sprinklers with a ceiling to deflector dis- tance that complies with the hydraulic design criteria tables in this bulletin. The flow arrow on deflector must point away from near wall and “Top” marking must face the ceiling. A ‘leak tight” sprinkler joint can be obtained with the following torque: • 1/2” NPT and ISO7-1R1/2: 8-18 ft-lbs (11 – 24 N-m) • 3/4” NPT and ISO7-1R3/4: 14-20 ft-lbs (19 – 27 N-m) Do not tighten sprinklers over maximum recommended torque. This may cause leakage or impairment of the sprinklers. Do not install any glass bulb sprinklers where the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. Glass bulb sprinklers have orange bulb protectors to mini- mize bulb damage during shipping, handling and installation. Remove this protection at the time the sprinkler system is placed in service. Removal of the protectors before this time may leave the bulb vulnerable to damage. RASCO wrenches are designed to install sprinklers when protectors are in place. Remove protectors by undoing the clasp by hand. Do not use tools to remove the protectors. Maintenance Reliable Model F1Res Sprinklers should be inspected and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25, 13, 13D, and 13R, as well as the requirements of any Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Prior to installation, sprinklers should remain in the original cartons and packaging until used. This will minimize the potential for damage to sprinklers that could cause improper operation or non-operation. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia liquid or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by gentle vacuum- ing without touching the sprinkler. Replace any sprinkler which has been painted (other than factory applied). Properly installed CCP, SWC, and SWC–2 cover plates will have an air gap that is required for proper operation, do not seal the gap or paint the cover plates. Table N Standard Finishes Special Application Finishes Sprinkler(1)F1, F2. FV, FP(3), Escutcheons CCP, SWC (Conical) Cover Plates (1)Sprinkler (1)F1, F2. FV, FP(3), Escutcheons CCP, SWC (Conical) Cover Plates (1) Bronze Brass --Bright Brass Bright Brass Bright Brass Chrome Plated Chrome Plated Chrome Plated Dull Chrome Dull Chrome Dull Chrome White Polyester (2) White Polyester White Paint Black Polyester (2) Black Polyester Black Paint ------Custom Color Polyester Custom Color Polyester Custom Color Paint ------Electroless Nickel PTFE (2)---- Notes: (1) Paint or any other coating applied over the factory finish will void all approvals and warranties. (2) cULus Listed Corrosion Resistant. (3) The Model FP escutcheon assembly consists of an unfinished galvanized cup with a finished escutcheon ring. Finishes Bulletin 135 October 2019 Page 14 of 15 www.reliablesprinkler.com P/N 9999970235Replace any sprinkler which has been damaged, where cracks are observed in the glass bulb, or when liquid has been lost from the glass bulb. A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick replacement of damaged or operated sprinklers. Failure to properly maintain sprinklers may result in inadver- tent operation or non-operation during a fire event. Listings & Approvals Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and UL Certified for Canada (cULus) Guarantee For Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Company guarantee, terms, and conditions, visit www.reliablesprinkler.com. Patents For patents applicable to products contained in this technical bulletin, please visit www.r-s.co Ordering Information Specify the following when ordering: Sprinkler • Model (See Table A) • Temperature Rating • Threads (NPT or ISO7-1) • Finish (See Table N) Escutcheon or Cover Plate • Model • Finish (See Table N) Sprinkler Wrench • Model W2 (Pendent and HSW) • GFR2 (Recessed and Concealed) Bulletin 135 October 2019 Page 15 of 15 www.reliablesprinkler.com Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 103 Fairview Park Drive, Elmsford, New York 10523 Model F1FR Series Quick Response Glass Bulb Sprinklers Bulletin 014 March 2019Bulletin 014 March 2019 Model F1FR56 Sprinkler Types Standard Spray Upright Standard Spray Pendent Conventional Upright/Pendent Vertical Sidewall Horizontal Sidewall Model F1FR56 Recessed Sprinkler Types Standard Spray Pendent Horizontal Sidewall Model F1FR56 Concealed Sprinkler Types Standard Spray Pendent Model F1FR42, F1FRXLH & F1FR28 Sprinkler Types Standard Spray Upright Standard Spray Pendent Model F1FR40 Sprinkler Types Standard Spray Pendent Model F1FR42, F1FR40, F1FRXLH & F1FR28 Recessed Sprinkler Types Standard Spray Pendent Model F1FR56LL & F1FR42LL Low Lead Sprinkler Types Standard Spray Pendent with less than 0.25% Lead Content Listing & Approvals The following organizations provide Listings or Approvals for various Model F1FR series sprinklers. See the Design and Installation table in this Bulletin for information on specific listings and approvals applicable to each sprin- kler. 1. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and Certified for Canada (cULus) in accordance with ANSI/UL199. 2. FM Approvals (FM) 3. Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB) 4. VdS Schadenverhütung GmbH (VdS) 5. Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and Underwriters Laboratories of Canada Certified for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Annex G (ULH) 6. EC Certificate: 0786-CPD-40239 (RA1414), 0786- CPD-40251 (RA1425), 0786-CPD-40252 (RA1475) (EC) UL Listing Category Sprinklers, Automatic & Open (VNIV) Quick Response Sprinkler Pendent Conventional Recessed Pendent/F1/F2 Upright Vertical Sidewall Horizontal Sidewall Recessed Horizontal Sidewall Recessed Pendent/FP Concealed Pendent XLH Upright XLH Pendent XLH Recessed Pendent F1/F2 XLH Recessed Pendent FP Product Description Reliable Model F1FR series sprinklers are quick-response automatic sprin- klers with a glass bulb thermal element. Model F1FR series sprinklers are Stan- dard Spray sprinklers, with the excep- tion of the Model F1FR56 Conventional sprinkler which is an Old-style/Conven-tional sprinkler. The Model F1FR Series automatic sprinklers utilize a 3.0 mm frangible glass bulb. These sprinklers have demonstrat- ed response times in laboratory tests which are five to ten times faster than standard response sprinklers. This quick response enables the Model F1FR Series sprinklers to apply water to a fire faster than standard-response sprinklers of the same temperature rating. The glass bulb consists of an accurately controlled amount of special fluid hermetically sealed inside a precisely man- ufactured glass capsule. This glass bulb is specially con- structed to provide fast thermal response. 2. At normal temperatures, the glass bulb contains the fluid in both the liquid and vapor phases. The vapor phase can be seen as a small bubble. As heat is applied, the liquid expands, forcing the bubble smaller and smaller as the liq- uid pressure increases. Continued heating forces the liquid to push out against the bulb, causing the glass to shatter, opening the waterway and allowing the deflector to distrib- ute the discharging water. Model F1FR Series sprinklers provide a wide range of op- tions where quick-response, glass bulb sprinklers are used:• Pendent, recessed pendent, upright, horizontal sidewall, and vertical sidewall deflectors• K-factors of 2.8 (40 metric), 4.0 (57 metric), 4.2 (60 metric), and 5.6 (80 metric)• Flush, recessed, and concealed installations See the Design and Installation Information table in this Bulletin for information on the approvals and availability of specific Model F1FR series sprinkler configurations. Model F1FR Recessed Pendent and Recessed Horizon- tal Sidewall sprinklers are required to be used with Reliable Model F1, F2, or FP recessed escutcheons. See the Re- cessed Escutcheon Data table in this Bulletin for listing and approval information with each specific Model F1FR series sprinkler. Model F1 and F2 recessed escutcheons, shown in Fig. 1 and 3, are a friction fit assembly allowing for 3/4-inch (19mm) and 1/2-inch (12.7mm) of adjustment, respectively. Model FP recessed escutcheons, shown in Fig. 2, provide a 1/2-inch (12.7mm) threaded adjustment. Model F1FR56 Concealed Pendent and Model F1FR56LL Concealed Pendent sprinklers are required to be used with Model CCP cover plates. A standard profile Model CCP cov- er plate is available that provides up to 1/2-inch (12.7mm) of cover plate adjustment. In addition, a low profile Model CCP cover plate is also available that provides up to 5/16-inch (8.0mm) of cover plate adjustment. See the Design and In- stallation Information and Listed and Approved Temperature Ratings tables in this Bulletin for further information on ap- proved cover plate options. Application Model F1FR Series sprinklers are intended for use in accordance with NFPA 13, FM Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets, and the requirements of the Authority Hav- ing Jurisdiction. Care must be exercised that the k-factor, temperature rating, deflector style, and sprinkler type are in accordance with the requirements of the applicable design and installation standards. In addition, Model F1FR Series sprinklers must be used in accordance with their listings and approvals, as well as the information provided in this Bulletin. Installation Glass bulb sprinklers have orange bulb protectors or pro- tective caps to minimize bulb damage during shipping, han- dling and installation. Reliable sprinkler installation wrench- es are designed to install sprinklers with bulb protectors in place. Remove the bulb protector at the time when the sprin- kler system is placed in service for fire protection. Removal of the bulb protector before this time may leave the bulb vul- nerable to damage. Remove bulb protectors by undoing the clasp by hand. Do not use tools to remove bulb protectors. Model F1FR Series sprinklers must be installed with the Reliable sprinkler installation wrench identified in the Design and Installation Information table in this Bulletin. Any other wrench may damage the sprinkler. A leak tight sprinkler joint can be obtained with a torque of 8 to 18 lb-ft (11 to 24 N-m). Do not tighten sprinklers over the maximum recommended installation torque. Exceeding the maximum recommended installation torque may cause leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Recessed Sprinklers Model F1FR Series Recessed sprinklers are to be installed as shown in Fig. 1, Fig. 2, or Fig. 3, as applicable to the spe- cific model being installed. The Recessed Escutcheon Data table in the Bulletin identifies the only recessed escutcheons that are permitted to be used with each Model F1FR Series Recessed sprinkler. The use of any other recessed escutch- eon will void all approvals and negate all warranties. Concealed Sprinklers Model F1FR Series Concealed Pendent sprinklers are to be installed as shown in Fig. 4 or Fig. 5, as applicable to the selected cover plate. Model F1FR56 Concealed Pendent and Model F1FR56LL Concealed Pendent sprinklers have a factory-installed Model CCP cup. A protective cap is in- stalled at the factory that should remain on the sprinkler until the sprinkler is installed and should then be reinstalled on the sprinkler until the cover plate is installed. The concealed sprinkler assemblies are completed by the installation of a Model CCP push-on/thread-off cover plate assembly. The cover plate and sprinkler cup assemblies are joined using a cover plate skirt with flexible tabs for threaded engage- ment. A choice of two Model CCP cover plate assemblies provides either 1/2-inch (13mm) or 5/8-inch (8mm) of cover adjustment. Do not install Model F1FR Series Concealed Pendent sprinklers in ceilings which have positive pressure in the space above. Model F1FR Series Concealed Pendent sprinklers require a 2-5/8-inch (67mm) diameter hole to be cut in the ceiling. The Model GFR2 wrench is used to engage the sprinkler wrench- ing surfaces and to install the sprinkler in the fitting. Remove the protective cap to install the sprinkler, then reinstall the protective cap until the cover plate is installed. When inserting or remov- ing the wrench from the sprinkler/cup assembly, care should be taken to prevent damage to the sprinkler. Do not wrench any other part of the sprinkler/cup assembly. Installation is com- pleted by removing the protective cap from the sprinkler and pushing the cover plate onto the cup. Final adjustment is made by hand turning the cover plate until the skirt flange makes full contact with the ceiling. Cover plate removal requires turning the cover plate in the counter clockwise direction. After installation, inspect all sprinklers to ensure that there is a gap between the cover plate and ceiling and that the four cup slots are open and free from any air flow impediment to the space above. Concealed cover plate/cup assemblies are listed only for use with specific sprinklers. The use of any concealed cover plate/cup assembly other than the Reliable Model CCP with Model F1FR56 Concealed Pendent and Model F1FR56LL Concealed Pendent sprinklers or the use of the Model CCP Concealed cover plate assembly on any sprinkler with which it is not specifically listed my prevent good fire pro- tection and will void all guarantees, warranties, listings and approvals. 3. Design and Installation Information Model Nominal K-factor Nominal Orifice Diameter Deflector/ Orientation Nominal Sprinkler Height Installation Wrench SIN Listings and Approvals Approval Notes US Metric inches mm inches mm F1FR28 2.8 40 3/8 10 Pendent 2.25 57 W2 RA1411 cULus 2 Recessed Pendent 2.25 57 GFR2 RA1411 cULus 2 Upright 2.25 57 W2 RA1421 cULus 1,2 F1FR40 4.0 57 3/8 10 Pendent 2.25 57 W2 RA1418 VdS Recessed Pendent 2.25 57 GFR2 RA1418 VdS F1FR42 4.2 60 7/16 10 Pendent 2.25 57 W2 RA1413 cULus 2 Recessed Pendent 2.25 57 GFR2 RA1413 cULus 2 Upright 2.25 57 W2 RA1423 cULus 1,2 F1FR42LL 4.2 60 7/16 10 Pendent 2.25 57 W2 RA1410 cULus, ULH Recessed Pendent 2.25 57 GFR2 RA1410 cULus, ULH F1FRXLH (F1FR42 with Pintle) 4.2 60 7/16 10 Pendent 2.25 57 W2 RA1413 cULus 2 Recessed Pendent 2.25 57 GFR2 RA1413 cULus 2 Upright 2.25 57 W2 RA1423 cULus 1,2 F1FR56 5.6 80 1/2 15 Pendent 2.25 57 W2 RA1414 cULus, FM, LPCB, VdS, EC 1,2,3,4 Recessed Pendent 2.25 57 GFR2 RA1414 cULus, FM, LPCB, VdS, EC 1,2,3,4 Concealed Pendent 2.25 57 GFR2 RA1414 cULus,VdS,EC 5,6 Upright 2.25 57 W2 RA1425 cULus, FM, LPCB, VdS, EC 1,2,3,4 "Conventional (Pendent or Upright)"2.25 57 W2 RA1475 LPCB, VdS, EC 4 F1FR56LL 5.6 80 1/2 15 Pendent 2.25 57 W2 RA1415 cULus, ULH 1 Recessed Pendent 2.25 57 GFR2 RA1415 cULus, ULH Concealed Pendent 2.25 57 GFR2 RA1415 cULus, ULH 6 F1FR56 5.6 80 1/2 15 Horizontal Sidewall 2.63 67 W2 RA1435 cULus, FM 1,2,3,7 Recessed Horizontal Sidewall 2.63 67 GFR2 RA1435 cULus, FM 8 F1FR56 5.6 80 1/2 15 Vertical Sidewall (Pendent or Upright)2.25 57 W2 RA1485 cULus, FM, LPCB 1,2,3,9 (1) cULus Listed Corrosion Resistant sprinkler when ordered with available Polyester coating. (2) cULus Listed Corrosion Resistant sprinkler when ordered with available Electroless Nickel PTFE plating. (3) Available with FM approved Polyester coating in black or white. (4) Available with LPCB and VdS approved Polyester coating. (5) VdS and EC approvals of the F1FR56 Concealed Pendent sprinkler are for 155°F (68°C) temperature rated sprinklers only. VdS approved sprin- klers must use Norbulb brand glass bulbs with the 1/2-inch (12.7mm) adjustment Model CCP cover plate only. (6) Model F1FR56 Concealed Pendent and Model F1FR56LL Concealed Pendent sprinklers must be used with Reliable Model CCP cover plates, available as either standard depth with 1/2-inch (12.7mm) of adjustment or low profile with 5/16-inch (8.0 mm) of adjustment. (7) cULus Listing of the F1FR56 Horizontal Sidewall sprinkler is for Light and Ordinary Hazard occupancies only. Minimum to maximum deflector to ceiling distance shall be 4 inches to 12 inches (102mm to 305mm). FM Approval of the F1FR56 Horizontal Sidewall sprinkler is for Light Hazard occupancies only. (8) cULus Listing and FM Approval of the F1FR56 Recessed Horizontal Sidewall sprinkler is for Light Hazard occupancies only. (9) The F1FR56 Vertical Sidewall sprinkler is listed and approved for use only in Light Hazard occupancies. LPCB approval of the F1FR56 Vertical Sidewall sprinkler is for installation in the Pendent position only. Technical Data: Sensitivity: Quick-response Thread Size: 1/2-inch NPT standard; ISO 7-R1/2 optional Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) - 100% Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (34.5 bar) SIN RA1425, RA1414 & RA1435 cULus listed for 250 psi (17 bar) 4. Listed and Approved Temperature Ratings Model Deflector/ Orientation Ordinary Temp. Classification 100°F (38°C) Max. Ambient Temp. Intermediate Temp. Classification 150°F (65°C) Max. Ambient Temp. High Temp. Classification 225°F (107°C) Max. Ambient Temp. 135°F (57°C) Temp. Rating 155°F (68°C) Temp. Rating 175°F (79°C) Temp. Rating 200°F (93°C) Temp. Rating 286°F (141°C) Temp. Rating Orange Bulb Red Bulb Yellow Bulb Green Bulb Blue Bulb F1FR28 Pendent cULus Recessed Pendent cULus Upright cULus F1FR40 Pendent VdS Recessed Pendent VdS F1FR42 Pendent cULus Recessed Pendent cULus Upright cULus F1FR42LL Pendent cULus, ULH Recessed Pendent cULus, ULH F1FRXLH Pendent cULus Recessed Pendent cULus Upright cULus F1FR56 Pendent cULus, FM, LPCB, VdS, EC Recessed Pendent cULus, FM, LPCB, VdS, EC Concealed Pendent*cULus cULus,VdS,EC cULus Upright cULus, FM, LPCB, VdS, EC “Conventional (Pendent or Upright)”LPCB, VdS, EC F1FR56LL Pendent cULus, ULH Recessed Pendent cULus, ULH Concealed Pendent*cULus, ULH F1FR56 Horizontal Sidewall cULus, FM Recessed Horizontal Sidewall cULus, FM F1FR56 Vertical Sidewall (Pen- dent or Upright)cULus, FM, LPCB * Model F1FR56 Concealed Pendent and F1FR56LL Concealed Pendent sprinklers must be used with Reliable Model CCP cover plates. For Ordinary Temperature Classification sprinklers use a 135°F (57°C) temperature rated cover plate. For Intermediate Temperature Classification sprinklers use a 165°F (74°C) temperature rated cover plate. Recessed Escutcheon Data Model Deflector/ Orientation Listed and Approved Recessed Escutcheons SIN Model F1 (Fig. 1 & 3) 3/4-inch (19mm) adjustment Model F2 (Fig. 1 & 3) 1/2-inch (12.7mm) adjustment Model FP (Fig. 2) 1/2-inch (12.7mm) adjustment F1FR28 Recessed Pendent cULus cULus cULus RA1411 F1FR40 Recessed Pendent VdS VdS VdS RA1418 F1FR42 Recessed Pendent cULus cULus cULus RA1413 F1FR42LL Recessed Pendent cULus, ULH cULus, ULH cULus, ULH RA1410 F1FR42XLH Recessed Pendent cULus cULus cULus RA1413 F1FR56 Recessed Pendent cULus, LPCB, VdS, EC cULus, FM, LPCB, VdS, EC cULus, VdS, EC RA1414 F1FR56LL Recessed Pendent cULus, ULH cULus, ULH cULus, ULH RA1415 F1FR56 Recessed Horizontal Sidewall cULus cULus, FM cULus RA1435 5. Fig. 1 Model F1FR56, F1FR56LL, F1FR42, F1FR40, F1FR42LL, F1FRXLH & F1FR28 Recessed Pendent sprinkler with Model F1 or F2 escutcheon Fig. 2 Model F1FR56, F1FR56LL, F1FR42, F1FR40, F1FR42LL, F1FRXLH & F1FR28 Recessed Pendent sprinkler with Model FP escutcheon 6. Fig. 3 Model F1FR56 Recessed Horizontal Sidewall sprinkler with Model F1 or F2 escutcheon Fig. 4 Model F1FR56/F1FR56LL Concealed Pendent sprinkler with standard depth 1/2-inch (12.7mm) adjustment - Model CCP cover plate 7. Fig. 5 - Model F1FR56/F1FR56LL Concealed Pendent sprinkler with low profile 5/16-inch (8.0mm) adjustment - Model CCP cover plate Maintenance The Model F1FR Series sprinklers should be inspected and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by using a soft brush or gentle vacuuming. Replace any sprinkler which has been painted (other than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick replacement of damaged or operated sprinklers. Finishes (1) Standard Finishes Sprinkler Escutcheon Cover plate(1) Bronze Brass Chrome Chrome Plated Chrome Plated White Polyester Coated (4)(5)(6)White Painted Special Application Finishes Sprinkler Escutcheon Cover plate(1) Electroless Nickel PTFE(7) Electroless Nickel PTFE Bright Brass Bright Brass(3)Bright Brass Black Plating Black Plated Black Plated Black Paint Black Paint(2)(6)Black Paint Off White Off White(2)(6) Off White Satin Chrome Chrome Dull Chrome Dull (1) Other finishes and colors are available on special order. Consult the factory for details. Custom color painted sprinklers may not retain their UL Corrosion resistance listing. Coverplate custom paint is semi-gloss, unless specified otherwise. (2) cULus Listed only. (3) 200°F (93°C) maximum. (4) cULus listed “corrosion resistance” applies to SIN Numbers RA1435 (HSW), RA1485(VSW), RA1425 (Upright), RA1414 (Pendent) and RA1415 (Pendent) in standard black or white. Corrosion resistance in other polyester colors is available upon request. (5) FM Approvals finish as “Polyester coated” applies to SIN Number RA1414, RA1435 and RA1425 in standard black or white. (6) LPCB and VdS Approved finish applies only to RA1425, RA1414, RA1418 (VdS) and RA1475. (7) cULus listed Corrosion Resistant Material Data Frame: DZR Brass, QM Brass, or Low Lead Brass Deflector:CDA Alloy 220, 260, or 510 Load Screw\Pintle: CDA Alloy 360 or 544 Cup:CDA Alloy 651 or 693 Washer:Nickel Alloy 440 or 360, coated with PTFE Adhesive Tape Bulb:Glass Ordering Information Specify: 1. Sprinkler Model: [F1FR28][F1FR40][F1FR42] [F1FR42LL][F1FRXLH][F1FR56][F1FR56LL] 2. Sprinkler Deflector/Orientation: [Pendent][Recessed Pendent][Upright][Conventional][Horizontal Sidewall] [Recessed Horizontal Sidewall][Vertical Sidewall] 3. Sprinkler threads: [1/2-inch NPT][ISO 7-R1/2] 4. Sprinkler Temperature Rating: [135°F (57°C)][155°F (68°C)][175°F (79°C)][200°F (93°C)][286°F (141°C)] 5. Sprinkler Finish 6. Escutcheon Model: [F1][F2][FP] 7. Escutcheon Finish (where applicable) 8. Cover plate Model: [standard profile CCP 1/2-inch (12.7mm) adjustment][low profile CCP 5/16-inch (8.0mm) adjustment] 9. Cover plate Temperature Rating: [135°F (57°C) for use with Ordinary Temperature sprinklers][165°F (74°C) for use with Intermediate Temperature sprinklers] 10. Cover plate Finish Note: When Model F1FR Series Recessed sprinklers are ordered, the sprinklers and escutcheons are packaged separately. Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. (800) 431-1588 Sales Offices (800) 848-6051 Sales Fax (914) 829-2042 Corporate Offices www.reliablesprinkler.com Internet Address Manufactured by Recycled Paper Revision lines indicate updated or new data. EG. Printed in U.S.A. 03 /19 P/N 9999970300 The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest published Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, Factory Mutual Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances whenever applicable. Products manufactured and distributed by Reliable have been protecting life and property for almost 100 years. • Automatic sprinklers • Flush automatic sprinklers • Recessed automatic sprinklers • Concealed automatic sprinklers • Adjustable automatic sprinklers • Dry automatic sprinklers • Intermediate level sprinklers • Open sprinklers • Spray nozzles • Alarm valves • Retarding chambers • Dry pipe valves • Accelerators for dry pipe valves • Mechanical sprinkler alarms • Electrical sprinkler alarm switches • Water flow detectors • Deluge valves • Detector check valves • Check valves • Electrical system • Sprinkler emergency cabinets • Sprinkler wrenches • Sprinkler escutcheons and guards • Inspectors test connections • Sight drains • Ball drips and drum drips • Control valve seals • Air maintenance devices • Air compressors • Pressure gauges • Identification signs • Fire department connection Reliable offers a wide selection of sprinkler components. Following are some of the many precision-made Reliable products that guard life and property from fire around the clock. Reliable...For Complete Protection April 5, 2022 Re: FSS2021-0185 – Lot 44 To whom it may concern: We are requesting an extension for the permit mentioned above. Per the general contractor schedule fell behind due to covid restrictions. We are now moving forward with final fire sprinkler inspections. Respectfully, Angela Zumaya Design Coordinator Symons Fire Protection 9475 Chesapeake Drive San Diego, CA 92123 Phone: 619-588-6364 9475 Chesapeake Drive San Diego, CA 92123 (619) 588-6364 CA Lic. #682025