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Description: NFPA 13 SYSTEM FOR COVERED RV STORAGE Type: FIRE SPRINKLER (WEB) Subtype: Status: FINALED Applied: 3/21/2022 ECON COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL Approved: 5/23/2022 KHET Parcel No: 600390011 Site Address: 79120 CORPORATE CENTER DR LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: PM 29351 Block: Lot: 1 Issued: 5/24/2022 JLIM Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: 6/17/2022 LIN Valuation: $19,000.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: Extra Space Storage Covered RV f� , 1 63 � � 24 Applied to Approved Approved to Issued Issued to Finaled 1�=' 111 OFF • • •I 1 • CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES 71 E-MAIL AARON HICKSON 3/22/2022 3/22/2022 REQUESTED DOCUMENTS FOR REVIEW NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESSI CONDITIONS CONTACTS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT WORLD FIRE PROTECTION INC 41-905 BOARDWALK STE B PALM DESERT CA 92211 (760)565-6030 bchapman@worldfirep rotection.com CONTRACTOR WORLD FIRE PROTECTION INC 41-905 BOARDWALK STE B I PALM DESERT CA I I 92211 (760)565-6030 I I bchapman@worldfirep I rotection.com OWNER EXTRA SPACE PROP 126 PO BOX 800729 DALLAS TX 1 75380 1 (760)565-6030 Printed: Wednesday, April 05, 2023 2:33:27 PM 1 of 4 WSYSiEMS CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY BY FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 101-0000-42421 0 $240.00 $240.00 5/24/22 R70585 INVOICE CREDIT WORLD FIRE JLIM COMMERCIAL/INDUSTR 1901 PROTECTION INC IAL FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 101-0000-42420 0 $667.00 $667.00 5/24/22 R70585 INVOICE CREDIT WORLD FIRE JLIM COMMERCIAL/INDUSTR 1901 PROTECTION INC IAL PC Total Paid for FIRE FEES: $907.00 $907.00 RECORDS 101-0000-42416 0 $11.00 $11.00 5/24/22 R70585 INVOICE CREDIT WORLD FIRE JLIM MANAGEMENT FEE 1901 PROTECTION INC Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE: $11.00 $11.00 TECHNOLOGY 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 $5.00 5/24/22 R70585 INVOICE CREDIT WORLD FIRE JLIM ENHANCEMENT FEE 1901 PROTECTION INC Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 $5.00 �O $923.00 SEQID INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED CO7DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES DATE Correct the following for final inspection: 1) Hanger maximum spacing for 1.25" branchlines is 12-feet 2) Seismic - Lateral maximum spacing is 25- OVERHEAD ROUGH KHET 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 APPROVED SEE NOTES feet PIPING 3) FDC maximum height is 48-inches above grade, and shall be braced. 4) Provide weather -resistant signage for the riser identifying the location of the Hydraulic Calc Plate and Spare Head box in Building L. OVERHEAD HYRO KHET 5/25/2022 5/25/2022 Printed: Wednesday, April 05, 2023 2:33:27 PM 2 of 4 WSYSiEMS FIRE FINAL" I LIN I 6/17/2022 I 6/17/2022 I APPROVED RETURNED STATUS REMARKS REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE NOTES DATE 1ST PERMIT TECH — AARON 3/21/2022 3/22/2022 3/22/2022 PENDING DOCUMENTS ETRAKIT (1 DAY) HICKSON KOHL 3/22/2022 4/5/2022 4/14/2022 REVISIONS REQUIRED SEE ATTACHMENTS 1ST FIRE (2 WK) HETRICK KOHL 4/22/2022 4/29/2022 5/23/2022 APPROVED SEE ATTACHMENTS 2ND FIRE (1 WK) HETRICK BOND INFORMATION Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 3/22/2022 Etrakit Contractor 1ST SUBMITTAL STRAPS FIG 20S PIPE STRAP.pdf 1 DOC 3/22/2022 Etrakit Contractor 1ST SUBMITTAL PIPES pipe and Fittings.pdf 1 AND FITTINGS Tyco Heads, Flow DOC 3/22/2022 Etrakit Contractor 1ST SUBMITTAL TYCO 1 Switch.pdf DOC 3/22/2022 Etrakit Contractor 1ST SUBMITTAL PLAN EXTRA SPACE REV1 1 merged.pdf DOC 3/22/2022 Etrakit Contractor 1ST SUBMITTAL CVWD FIRE FLOW ESS LA1 QUINTA.pdf DOC 4/6/2022 Etrakit Contractor 1ST SUBMITTAL LA QUINTA RV - 1 HYDRAULIC CALCS 1 RAI.PDF DOC 4/6/2022 Etrakit Contractor 1ST SUBMITTAL LA QUINTA RV RA2.PDF 1 HYDRAULIC CALCS 2 DOC 4/6/2022 Etrakit Contractor 1ST SUBMITTAL PLANS ESS LA QUINTA - RV.pdf 1 Printed: Wednesday, April 05, 2023 2:33:27 PM 3 of 4 WSYSiEMS ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED LA QUINTA RV STORAGE DOC 4/22/2022 Etrakit Contractor ESS La Quinta RV - Calcs 1Revised 1 Storage -Revised Calcs 4.22.22.PDF ESS La Quinta RV LA QUINTA RV STORAGE DOC 4/22/2022 Etrakit Contractor Storage - Revised Cals # - Calcs 2 Revised 1 2 4.22.22.PDF FSS2022-0102 - 1ST FSS2022-0102 - 1ST DOC 4/14/2022 KOHL HETRICK REVIEW - FIRE PLAN REVIEW - FIRE PLAN 1 CORRECTIONS.pdf CORRECTIONS.pdf DOC 5/18/2022 KOHL HETRICK 5-17-2022 - Structural 5-17-2022 - Structural 1 Engineer Email.pdf Engineer Email.pdf FS52022-0102- FSS2022-0102- DOC 5/23/2022 KOHL HETRICK APPROVED PLANS AND APPROVED PLANS AND 1 CALCS.pdf CALCS.pdf DOC 5/23/2022 KOHL HETRICK FSS2022-0102 - COA FSS2022-0102 - COA 1 AND JOB CARD.pdf AND JOB CARD.pdf Printed: Wednesday, April 05, 2023 2:33:27 PM 4 of 4 WSYSiEMS .. N.. y• i7�� == � T BLv.Berc EgroRPUTTon � AYFLICABLECUIDES •N •_� 4 +1 • r�r ��•�� ai•.cu�'r.fAlA1p CE0E.(CHry /. LL `ni' 1r � �.�T.7Ti'.: --= �. =5.= ___�.� j� n,l rrin-Ia � Vey � w �• ..�""x. 0 STEM RISER .7 R APPROVED 1 i'� M� , _' .. ti, _ � ^" ���w ..�•..• aRMPf.�LHUR.HIrvO HE1GH'f8 BY: Kohl HOffice ofMe Elm Maent N' PVC MIF Ri—itle County Fire DNb11K2N0VNC �_—� Flre Marehal ' ase•uleie ln.er•x — w r>>x YYRRIIgqtt FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST 05I23I20222:16:fi5 PM Q,S l4lBSOI+CONSTRUCHON teulry o� . d WRINLOONSTRUCTION aoa a rove a Ere e . PERMIT #tl°-FSS2022-0102o I 7►WO6LER PLAN SYMBOLS: I ti' �. ; r °INCH NlYtel tT.n)• E .,MEN RCR rLAN FIX HYPHAUM CA&CULMIPn lnWcKW OnY SI.TL PAdI'ldCROIfL�[1-BIPPA I7- 77Lf (6TANOARIL['.OVFRAC•ei s Lvenl°r.. N`a acmNncrarAeWrARCN. IotR[N Auaa p= IWIWpEia MIYK «R ��, N 'P A on i IN :HWill W I ii ewY1N�YWYWAOW�M n .'max,. ► ��-, n_.,:.^".� IyilpSPp1NK 2�p uPRIBHTaI�eFllaeR oeTAiL Cl � �IYYYNI w �r�.YerelfC\rlle. AuM4 rir.oueN ZZ lIOWTR1if Rll{W,T] i. �01- m .A ARE SHOM AS CUT LENGTHS FROM ALL CROSSMAINS ALL--T.E NTER-dl-CUTLETTODUTLLE:GTN,AND B�A6IOIAINf f:liT SITE LOCATION p= O NYM1`11a MAP LOCATOR YI17YAtlIM1Y� MNYAIp �.AT��OI�.DI.,PA �iRWI! ACNL.IT 2,.4 tea' 6RAYlRACE LOA6 CAI.LSBATRVlS LAITFAI. HRACIYG - aPACEB AT 2c'-C LONGITUDLNAL BRACING - SPACED AT 20.4 aaNaNa - QT-0 IllNa� I�Nnn a I Pvw iwlT�utrrox AD9�N4TIC AIR RELEASE ARt VENT RELIEF VALVEASSEMBLY �%b•mI•INN �1o<�I y1 r•r».i G Ixr Jl...i r�xxlMiL rlf.i i. Iwr1 w-�elgr HANGER DETAHS cHNmul,lw s: weT�•sT�t Tax_ • wo+«taaarll°rwaa T,[Mnl�or,+Pxu°°sc�iiwac*oIIYDn Ne.,wL.Naan•�a.� L MrY4�MGItlRYNNAM]�LOC.41bM��611rMbElox[a1tl11tlItt YkLUc.NE eMwifM h! HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION DEsiGRI AREA NAME: #2 EDMON OF HFPA 13. 2016 D19CEFARCE DENSITY- .15 AREA 1500 0((1JPAW V CtMSIFICATIOM: OH 1 C0MMWTY CLAMSFFFCATIOM: M"MUM PERPMMI) STORAGE HEIGHT: OH1 STOK C0FFn u;Anof . HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE: owsimI 250__ INSIDE: TOTAL• III I R ED BASE OF RISER FLOW AND PRESSURE: 286.83 GPM a 61.028 P51RESFITrm REOU19ED FWW AND PRESSURE Of, ML ZEM Al THE WATER SUPPLY sOuRCE: STATIE . 89.2 RE51DM • 73.46 ►-Low Gm . 3600 III IRED FLOW AND PRESSURE AT THE DISMARGE SIDE OF FIRE PUMP: STATIC RESIDUAL FLOWGPM MINIMUM DISCHARGE FLOW RATE AND PRESSURE FROM HYDfAULIC_AUY MOST DEMANDING SPRINKLER: GPM @ F51 RE5RLRIAI, P RU T [ i MM. ARF A PLR 5PRlH KL ER 6A5W 4N KM RAu uc tW U IAT wm; �. Ordinary Group IWO.15gpm1ft2 for 15T4ft2 e.r. 'I � 4b% / %% r r I / 20a , b7 ►. r / o �. r Va. R'9 205 I i J 2os ! C3 s; P1UVIRLD PF£ 5kL9L 5LRI2W1S SH a6E�?5�91.FSLDTICI �BIYES P51 / 201 7 r1+ FIRE SPRINKLERS INSTALLED �! / O �°10 MANU FAL rURER S.I.N. K-fACTOR g6flCE TEMP. oEYE NTAiIOM TYCO TY3131 5.6 1/2" 200 UPRIGHT I .4 1r I 0 r • I I 202 �lr .Q 210 !r O� ►�,+ .� ■ / *- CP �� 1 ! Cb INSTAWNO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION+ � � pd � 207 MAAEF: WORLD FIDE PROTECTION11P AODRFSs: 41-W5 BOARDWALK, SUITE B - PAID DESSERT, CA. 92211 � / 4b PNONE: 7t3D-56FJ$diQ FaAARL� i�lE1LS11E: / 203 - O� . , ,+ 211 !� ��° .Q �4 4 4� e ' Cb !! I 208 CP IN ^ /dry. 4P ^ +■� 204 0.T tt rr ! 'ti _ 212 r 4q + w lbft Cb ► y ) 41, Hydraulic Information Remote Area #2 - RV PARKING OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION Ordinary Group I DENSITY (gpm1ft2) 0.15 for 1500ft2 (Actual 1574ft2) QUICK RESPONSE REDUCTION 16'-0 Ceiling (31.0%) 1035ft2 TOTAL HOSE STREAMS 250.00 TOTAL HEADS FLOWING 13 K-FACTOR 5.6 TOTAL WATER REQUIRED 636.83 TOTAL PRESSURE REQUIRED 73.113 BASE of RISER (gpm) 286.83 BASE of RISER (psi) 61.028 SAFETY MARGIN (psi) +15.621 (17.6%) FIRE HYDRANT / '' r° CAR PORT O.T.S. +-N Q CAR PORT �O 0. T.S. 0c / M IN P IV I All 7 �a LOWEAVE EL, 14'%0" - Aa END OF LINE RESTRAINT = (TYPICAL) s war 4� wa Arra - 1P ' w r2i,2 sx BUR! (NEST ELEVATION Ordinary Group 1w0.15gpmfft2 for 1549ft2 D • . + CP �` U i 104 ,ct� 4 1� ° Q rs ! rakeioma«P.Y.i '� AIR RELEASE VA. Dry ^` � !/ �• r io5 +" r 5 .? _ . 05 BOR >� I'I ~ f'UR[ H ��° Q +:fir . 4F 112 Do b giro-CL 4 /AV FIRE SPRINKLER RISER r 2' �. a ,:` �1h 0+4 'p,}, � e� - ory �r.4 FI ...... 103 tar IN+'1`0�ry 3 11a r SEE DETAIL - FP2 I 4 �. ; , r Q 41 ,.fir .;1 „a Q j °I ry °� � C01 I 4 a tiro L,y a��o 4 ry a �.: .'ry°.4r�ry,� 'tip �¢' p� �` `�h ^ Q C `t '��q . M1�o �C a 4 �� �. a �+ir y �.'10 41'F IR`,.' 1 ,. ti >s 1 ,r ,S >ti '` r rd ''1''' IF► s + ry * `..' . *- ti O�` j w`r ?> >\. _ 9+ F+ F\ ' ti1r w\1 1\N ! FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION -� r �o� ,+ a►;Iry �* ti d'.a o a coy 'i► o a• ti� ,;� try COS �+ '' � � j h w� �- a'-10. 1 �°.,�1 CO3 ^ ` ti'� R p1 } C04 �. `+ + ..I + '�' COB �, is --4e7 + #� p o� "�rP ,ti' co + �� C9Q SINGLE /:" SNOOT �f - L �. 1 �:, i;1' , ,;I* ti �n 1e � , o .>F 1 ! 21A I► 2'/2 2'/2 D� + 2'/a 2 /s 2 /' • ° , s 2 /z �� 2 /x h� 2 /s 2 /s I� 2'/4 /s, 1 /Q h 2 /2 2 /s h 21A " 2'/ % LA QUINTA RV PARK Remote Area *1 CALCULATION DESIGN CRITERIA: STANDARDNFPA#13 OCCUPANCYCLASS 0I"11 MAX COVERAGE per HEAD 125 Ft' DENSITY .15 GPM F Fi' for 154.9 Ft' SPRINKLER TYCO TY3131 SSU ORIFICE 1i2" K= 5.6 WATER FLOW INFORMATION": STATIC 89.2 PSI RESIpUAL 73.46 PSI FLOW IMQ GPM AT RASE OF RISER, SYSTEM REQUIRES: 289.87 GPM @ 62.961 psi At the of Design Hydraulic Information Remote Area #1 - RV PARKING OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION DENSITY(gpm/ft2) Ordinary Group 1 0.15 for 1500ft2 (Actual 1549ft2) TOTAL HOSE STREAMS 250.00 TOTAL HEADS FLOWING 14 K-FACTOR 6.6 TOTAL WATER REQUIRED 539.87 TOTAL PRESSURE REQUIRED 75.064 BASE of RISER (gpm) 289,87 BASE of RISER (psi) 62.961 SAFETY MARGIN (psi) +13.665 (15.40A) wl CAP $ CHAIN 7 -11 j i 13'-3 7'-0 B'-1 ° ro 13'-10 2'/x 2'�4'/s 7'-2Ys B'-T'Iz 13`-1D +q f3'�3'la 7'-8'/s 6'-1'/s s n w y 1 13'-10 e+� 10 7'-Z 8'� 4XV 10 f +�� (P i7 ra '1° O ,r �� 2'/x p'1'A° 1^ '� g cs 2V2 2 fz 1 12 a y +� ►� O HORN $ STROBE LIGHT % °`�� 0--7 :a r'a o eq o`er ,• b, ,o ,, �, '� 0'-s'/s I + arlr *� 1'-0+/2 ! �+. En � 5 �0 ! N° ' `ro ri1° /° �� ' ,a1r �►, tD q 9 '�` 14 �` �. 1 fi s r 12x2.5x12GA CEE wa ,;1` +:�p�rp 12x2.5x12GA'CE€ �� # 11°�� �- _ 113 �* x x (n tT r4 _ �,� 4 O PCIRLIN TYP. �Flr /Q PURLIN TYP. O �a '`: ��a� 111 FLlRLlIV TYA. o 112 y. P ` > HIGH EAVE p 16'-0 10, I AUXILARY DRAIN �4 r 1" BALL VA. w/ PLUG ' Co u r Supply Flow Test Data Test Conducted By Coachella Valey Water District Test Witnessed By Hector Rodriguez Date of Test 918I20 Location 4600 Adams 5t., Laquinta- Ca 92211 Static Pressure 89.200 Residual Pressure: 73.460 Flow 3600.00 FIRE & WATERWORKS A WATTS Brand colaIM Series ciao (Colt 300h C30ON psi 16 14 q 12 10 cc t 8 6 UN -LEADED ) DESIGN, [NC FIRE SPRINKIIIII DESIGN SUVICIS 2804 West Detroit St Broken Arrow, OK 74012 918-808-7509 Ronald J. Fujikawa NICET LEVEL IV CERT. # 122988 PRIVATE WATER MAIN EXISTING BACKFLOW IN VAULT - m m °� r 18 `" 18 CONDENSED UNDERGROUND ROUTING 483'-0 _ _ - m 4 2 - _-- r b m __ - COS ; CITY WATER. MAIN 8T� Service Flow Rated Flow -UL Rated Flow tl•t• 1 S.Z-0-11 rl IIIII�� i 0 500 1000 0 1900 3800 7.5 Z H 1 WU ZUUU 15UU gpm 5700 7600 9500 Ipm 10 fps EXISTING BAGKFLOW PREVENTER IN VAULT 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 I 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 SCALE: 11W, = 14-0 Autos PR INK 2020 SPRINKLER DESIGN SOFTWARE (M) $93-4807 FIRE HYDRANT FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION SINGLE 21/2" SNOOT wl CAP ,S CHAIN UNDERGROUND SUPPLY '/.' = T-0 FLOOR PLAN 1/S" = V-0 SUPPLY TO SYSTEM 1 r` t =� HORN $ STROBE LIGHT FIRE SPRINKLER RISER SEE DETAIL - FP2 .1■:=► OO NORTH _NSED 'ROUND Sprinkler Legend Symbol Manufacturer SIN IModel Quantit K-Factor a Size Res nse IFinish Tem rature Note Tyco I TY3131 TY-FRB 1 931 5.SlUprightl V. lQuick lBrass 12009F EXPOSED Total = 93 4 Supply to system 2% - Pipe, Schedule 10 2% - Pipe, Schedule 10 21/z - Valve, G-G Check C t Riser Manifold wl Flow Switch 2'/2 x 21/z - FDC, Single, BackIV r 3 Main Drain' 4 x 21/z - Grooved Concentric Reducer, DI 11/4 - Pipe, Schedule 40 LJ Q� 0 Horn & Strobe Light 4 - Pipe, DI Class 51 FIRE SPRINKLER RISER 1/2Is V-0 Z O W 0 um ILL N w Z Z d Z Q d a o Lu V a � w w C4 4 Cv ❑ N ' 4 NI N C� c = J � J FFFF?F43:Zcn ,11 = CV N N N N{V N 0 a W to V 5 5 SS>>_ d w Y LU Z W OWWWWU1CO p_Z d sees SI-0 cnzwIt J w F H N �mzl- bbb + bbbw W FzO. rr--rr�rCLaw Z¢ Q ariFiaEian.a��� ❑x co cn u] to co rn U) Co LL Z � p a RW V of 4 �O a LU N s= j� 0 cn W {7 � J � Q a ra wd H}r - C0 W 2_J0.ZWI-Z 99999Q44a CL0,Z 12 j fY Z J iYr'vinrnTnininin� wZEm S»S��»-JW0Oa=w. Lu LL U3ul(nu]UOUf rn coZir- JU~ - Z O Vv 1VVvv�W❑ZZO = w V)X<LU-r o4v99C?b W� 0 W W Q r r r r r r J�❑al=-❑ aaaaaaQa�F-rn CL 0c+sOWWWWWO M w §a. d Enu�u�cnmEnmcn='2z LLLU - �Lu0-15 W r0}d��a 00 Z jowN Z 2 - mawz0w. 6bQbb baWw¢�Zx 2 W NN------ J0 Li-ZO :Va Od InLLI >- w m w w LU Zxazam CI-ddQO. i ZMxw ID z_ d dw w WJoLXw xw_ rr�svNcrv� =aLOilw !- a tr t m W N S E C� L0 W 0 I� 13 J W W co i ~ to cV = � U 0 IL a � uu H a cn W W H � ( 0 Z LL. Q 2 W U a 5 G J W AHJ PERMIT NO. JOB NO. APPROVAL DESIGNER SCALE DATE DRAWING NO. c r v� 0 ti 0 LL FIRE MARSHAL 2795 ROB FOWERS R. FUJIKAWA 1/8" = 1'-0 4-0-2022 iT Hazards by Location Search Information ova Address: 79120 Corporate Centre Dr, La Quinta, CA 92253, USA Coordinates: 33.7108245,-116.2838892 San . Wilderness Bernardino National Forest 68 ft Palm Springs Joshua Tree a National Park Palm De rt o _ Elevation: 68 ft La Quinta- Y Timestamp: 2022-05-19T16:23:24.583Z Temecula s'of Hazard Type: Seismic v� Go le gOTfe�° Reference ASCE7 16 g Springs Map data ©2022 Google, INEGI Document: Risk Category: II Site Class: D-default Basic Parameters Name Value SS 1.654 St 0.668 SMs 1.984 SM1 * null SDS 1.323 SD1 * null * See Section 11.4.8 Description MCER ground motion (period=0.2s) MCER ground motion (period=1.Os) Site -modified spectral acceleration value Site -modified spectral acceleration value Numeric seismic design value at 0.2s SA Numeric seismic design value at 1.0s SA Additional Information Name Value Description SDC * null Seismic design category Fa 1.2 Site amplification factor at 0.2s Fv * null Site amplification factor at 1.0s CRg 0.9 Coefficient of risk (0.2s) CR1 0.885 Coefficient of risk (1.0s) PGA 0.708 MCEG peak ground acceleration FPGA 1.2 Site amplification factor at PGA PGAM 0.85 Site modified peak ground acceleration TL 8 Long -period transition period (s) SsRT 1.933 Probabilistic risk -targeted ground motion (0.2s) SsUH 2.149 Factored uniform -hazard spectral acceleration (2% probability of exceedance in 50 years) SsD 1.654 Factored deterministic acceleration value (0.2s) S1RT 0.759 Probabilistic risk -targeted ground motion (1.0s) S1 UH 0.857 Factored uniform -hazard spectral acceleration (2% probability of exceedance in 50 years) S1 D 0.668 Factored deterministic acceleration value (1.0s) PGAd 0.708 Factored deterministic acceleration value (PGA) * See Section 11.4.8 The results indicated here DO NOT reflect any state or local amendments to the values or any delineation lines made during the building code adoption process. Users should confirm any output obtained from this tool with the local Authority Having Jurisdiction before proceeding with design. Disclaimer Hazard loads are provided by the U.S. Geological Survey Seismic Design Web Services. While the information presented on this website is believed to be correct, ATC and its sponsors and contributors assume no responsibility or liability for its accuracy. The material presented in the report should not be used or relied upon for any specific application without competent examination and verification of its accuracy, suitability and applicability by engineers or other licensed professionals. ATC does not intend that the use of this information replace the sound judgment of such competent professionals, having experience and knowledge in the field of practice, nor to substitute for the standard of care required of such professionals in interpreting and applying the results of the report provided by this website. Users of the information from this website assume all liability arising from such use. Use of the output of this website does not imply approval by the governing building code bodies responsible for building code approval and interpretation for the building site described by latitude/longitude location in the report. T01-BraceTM Seismic Bracing Calculations V8.8.178 Contractor: UN -LEADED DESIGN, INC. Project Address: La Quinta RV Storage Address: 2804 WEST DETROIT ST F.Te N BROKEN ARROW, OK. 74012 79120 Corporate Center Drive phone: 918-808-7609 POWKMsusmwn k"'rds La Quinta, CA 92253 Licence: 122988 Job # 2795 Calculations based on 201rr NFPA Pamphlet #13 Brace Information TOLCOTm Brace Components TOLCOT" Component Listed Load Adjusted Load Maximum Brace Length 7' 0" (2.134 m) Diameter of Brace lot Fig. 1001 Clamp 2000 Ibs (907 kg) 1414 Ibs (641 kg) Fig.980 - 112" Universal Swive 2100 Ibs (953 kg) 1485 Ibs (674 kg) Type of Brace Sch-40 Fig.825AIong 1600 Ibs (726 kg) 1131 lbs (513 kg) Angle of Brace 45' Min. `Calculation Based on CONCENTRIC Loading *Please Note- These calculations are for TOLCOTM components only. Use of any other components voids these calculations and the listing of the assembly. Least Rad_ of Gyration 0.42" (11 mm) Seismic Brace Assembly Detail LIR Value 200 I............................................. ............. ..............1 Max Horizontal Load 1310 Ibs (594 kg) '• TOLCO FIG. 980 [� Fastener Information Orientation to Connecting surface NFPAType B e Fastener �{ Type FIg.825 Along i TOLCO FIG. 625J Diameter NIA Length NIA —BRACE PIPE Maximum Load 1600 Ibs (726 kg) TOLCO FIG, 1401 Brace Identification on Plans 2 112" Lateral Brace Prying Factor NIA Brace Type Lateral [X] Longitudinal [ ] 4-Way [ ] Sprinkler System Load Calculation (Fpw = CpWp) CP Z 0.7578 Diameter Type Length I Total Length Weight Per Unit Length Total Weight 2.5" (65 mm) Sch. 10 25 ft (7.6 m) 25 ft (7.6 m) 5.89 lb/ft (8.77 kg/m) 147 Ibs (67 kg) 1.25' (32 mm) Sch. 10 160 ft (48.S m) 160 ft (46.8 m) 2,52 lb/ft (3.75 kglm) 403 Ibs (183 kg) Subtotal Weight 550 Ibs (249 kg) Wp (incl. 15%) 632 Ibs (287 kg) Main Size 2.5" Type/Sch. Sch. 10 Spacing (ft) 25 Total (Fpw) Maximum Fpw per (if applicable) 479 Ibs (217 kg) 513 lb (232 kg) (TQLBracel Version 81 Use of T0111.13race'" is subject to terms and conditions Per the end user license agreement TQLBraceTM Seismic Bracing Calculations 18.8.1,8 Contractor: UN -LEADED DESIGN, INC. Project Address: La Quinta RV Storage Address: 2804 WEST ❑ETROIT ST. BROKEN ARROW, OK. 74012 79120 Corporate Center Drive phone: 918-808-7509 ftswingsusawswtwod as La Quinta, CA92253 Licence: 122988 Jots # 2795 Calculations based on 2016 NFPA Pamphlet #13 Brace Information TOLCOT11 Brace Components TOLCaTM Component Listed Load Adjusted Load Maximum Brace Length 7r 9' (2.134 m) Diameter of Brace 1" Fig. 4LClamp 2000 Ibs (907 kg) 1414 Ibs (641 kg) Fig.980 -112" Universal 5wive 2100 Ibs (953 kg) 1485 Ibs (674 kg) Type of Brace 5ch.40 Fig.825Across 1600 Ibs (726 kg) 1131 Ibs (513 kg) Angle of Brace 45* Min. `Calculation Based on CONCENTRIC Loading •Please Note: These calculations are for TOLCOTm components only. Use of any other components voids these calculations and the listing of the assembly. Least Rad_ of Gyration 0.42" (11 mm) Seismic Brace Assembly Detail LfR Value 200 Max Horizontal Load 1310 Ibs (594 kg) TOLCO FIG. 980 0 Fastener Information ° Orientation to Connecting surface NFPA Type B GRACE PIPE Fastener TOLCO FIG. 325 Type Fig.825 Across Diameter NIA TOLCO FIG 4L Length NIA Maximum Load 1600 Ibs (726 kg) Bracy' Identification on Plans 2 10 Longitudinal Brace Prying Factor NIA grace Type Lateral[ ] Longitudinal [X] 4-Way [ ] Sprinkler System Load Calculation (Fpw = CpWp) Cp = 0.7578 Diameter Type Length Total Length Weight Per Unit Length Total Weight 2.5" (65 mm) Sch. 10 80 ft (24.4 m) 80 ft (24.4 m) 5.89 lb/ft (8.77 kglm) 471 Ibs (214 kg) Subtotal Weight 471 Ibs (214 kg) Wp (incl. 15%) 542 Ibs (246 kg) Main Size TypelSch. Spacing (ft) 2.5" Sch, 10 80 Total (Fpw) Maximum Fpw per (if applicable) 410 Ibs (186 kg) NIA fTOLBrace- Version 81 Use of TOLBrace- is subject to terms and conditions per the end user license agreement �r Hydraulic Overview C t 5 Job Number: 2795 - LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Report Description: Ordinary Group I (#2 - RV PARKING) boa -1J11 Job Number Design Engineer 2795 UNLEADED DESIGN Job Name: LA QUINTA - RV STOARG E Phone 918-808-7509 FAX Address 1 79120 CORPORATE CENTER DR. State Certifostion/License Number 122988 Add...2 LA QUINTA, CA92253 AHJ LAQUINTA Address 3 Job SilelBuilding EXTRA SPAVE STORAGE 1561 - RV STORAGE NEW- S6 Density Area of Application 0.15gpm/ft2 1500ft2 (Actual 1574ft2) Hose Streams Most Demanding Sprinkler Data 5.6 K-Factor 18.75 at 11.211 250.00 Coverege Per Sprinkler Number Of Sprinklers Calculated 125ft2 13 0 System Pressure Demand System Flow Demand 73.113 286.83 Total Demand 536.83 @ 73.113 Pressure Result +15.621 (17.6%) Supplies W Check Point Gauges Node Name Flow m Hose Flow(gpm) Stak(PS0 Residual(psi) Identifier Pressure(psi) K-Factor(K) Flow m 1 Water Supply 3600.00 250.00 89.200 73.460 BOR 61.028 36.72 286.83 ESS LA QUINTA - RV STORAGE - 4-22-22 - RJF Water Supply at Node 1 (3600.00, 0.00, 89.200, 73.460) 100 90 Static Pressure 89.200 80 3600.00 @ 73.460 70 536.83 with hose streams _ 60 ® ........... w System demand curve a } 30 20 10 0 6300 7000 -%Zpp 10�800 3500 4200 4900 5600 Water flow, gpm k, © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 1111 AutoSPRINK 2020 4/22/2022 7:47:25AM Page 1 i Hydraulic Summary .Mn Job Number: 2795 - LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Report Description: Ordinary Group I (#2 - RV PARKING) Job Number Design Engineer 2795 UNLEADED DESIGN Job Name: LA QUINTA- RV STOARGE Stale CedifcationlLicense Number 122988 Address 79120 CORPORATE CENTER DR. AHJ LAQUINTA Address 2 Job SitalBmldmg LA QUINTA, CA 92253 EXTRA SPAVE STORAGE 1561 - RV STORAGE Address 3 D—ing Name ESS LA QUINTA - RV STORAGE - 4-22-22 - RJF Sys all, Remote Area(s) Most Demanding Sprinkler Data Occupancy Job SO x 5.6 K-Factor 18.75 at 11.211 Ordinary Group I LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Hose Allowance At Soume Density Area of Application 250.00 0.15gpm/ft2 1500ft2 (Actual 1574ft2) Additional Hose Supplies Number Of Sprinklers Calculated Number Of Nomles Calculated Coyerege Per Sprinkler Node Flow(gpm) 13 0 125ft2 Au.Peak Results: Pressure For Remote Areas) Adjacent To Most Remote Area Left: 73.113 Right: 73.113 Total Hose Streams 250.00 System Flow Demand Total Water Required (Including Hose Allowance) 286.83 536.83 Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 Maximum Velocity Above Ground 19.93 between nodes 10 and 204 Maximum Velocity Under Ground 6.55 between nodes 3 and 21 Volume capacity of Wet Pipes Volume capacity of Dry Pipes 41051.69gal Supplies Hose Flow Static Residual Flow Available Total Demand Required Safety Margin Node Name m(psi) (psi)gc m(psi)@ m(psi) (psi) 1 Water Supply 250.00 89.200 73.460 3600.00 88.734 536.83 73.113 15.621 Contractor 11111111116. Contractor Number 41-905 (WFP) Contact Name ROB FOWERS Conact Title SALES & PROJECT MAN Name of Contractor. WORLD FIRE PROTECTION Phone 801-940-2602 Extension Addressi 41-905 BOARDWALK FAX Address 2 SUITE B E-mail rfowers@worldfireprotection.com Address 3 PALM DESSERT, CA. 92211 Web -Site & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. l�jj AutoSPRINK 2020 4/22/2022 7:47:27AM Page 2 +� Hydraulic Graph � ! 5 Job Number: 2795 - LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Ronnrf n—rrin4inn• rlrrlinn— r--in 1 1td9 - P\/ PAPWINr:1 Water Supply at Node 1 100 90 Static Pressure 89.20 80 286.83 @ 73.113 3600.00 @ 73.460 536.83 with hose streams 70 60 N Q 50 to a� EL S Istern demand curve 40 30 20 10 0 700 1400 2100 2800 3500 4200 4900 5600 6300 7000 Water flow, gpm Hydraulic Graph Water Supply at Node 1 Stab.: Pressure 89.200 Residual: Pressure 73.460 @ 3600.00 Available Pressure at System Demand 88.734 @ 536.83 Required Pressure at System Demand 73.113 @ 286.83 Required Pressure at System Demand (Indudl, Hose Albwance at Source) 73.113 @ 536.83 & @ M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 111 AutoSPRINK 2020 4/22/2022 7:47:28AM Page 3 ikummary Of Outflowing Devices Job Number: 2795 - LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Report Description: Ordinary Group I (#2 - RV PARKING) Device Actual Flow pm Minimum Flow pm K-Factor K Pressure psi Sprinkler 200 18.75 18.75 5.6 11.211 Sprinkler 201 18.88 18.75 5.6 11.366 Sprinkler 202 19.53 18.75 5.6 12.166 Sprinkler 203 20.96 18.75 5.6 14.004 Sprinkler 204 23.33 18.75 5.6 17.351 Sprinkler 205 22.03 18.75 5.6 15.474 Sprinkler 206 22.20 18.75 5.6 15.714 Sprinkler 207 22.97 18.75 5.6 16.824 Sprinkler 208 24.62 18.75 5.6 19.335 Sprinkler 209 22.45 18.75 5.6 16.077 Sprinkler 210 22.62 18.75 5.6 16.321 Sprinkler 211 23.40 18.75 5.6 17.465 Sprinkler 212 25.08 18.75 5.6 20.060 r* Most Demanding Sprinkler Data L, © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 111 AutoSPRINK 2020 4/22/2022 7:47:29AM Page 4 0 Node Analysis rI, J� Job Number: 2795 - LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Report Description: Ordinary Group 1 (#2 - RV PARKING) Node Elevation Foot Fittings Pressure(psi) Dischar e m 1 4-0 S, T 168'-8 73.113 286.83 200 12'-9 S r-11.211 11.211 18.75 201 12'-11'/z S r-11.366 11.366 18.88 202 13'-2 S r-12.166 12.166 19.53 203 13'-4Y2 S r-14.004 14.004 20.96 204 13'-7 Spr-17.351 17.351 23.33 205 12'-9 Spr-15.474 15.474 22.03 206 12'-11'/z S r-15.714 15.714 22.20 207 13'-2 S r-16.824 16.824 22.97 208 13'-4'/z S r-19.335 19.335 24.62 209 12'-9 S r-16.077 16.077 22.45 210 13'-0 S r-16.321 16.321 22.62 211 13'-2Y2 S r-17.465 17.465 23.40 212 13'-5'/ Spr-20.060 20.060 25.08 2 4-0 T 52'-10 73.102 3 4-0 T 38'-5 64.240 4 V-0 BOR 61.028 5 V-1'/z 60.974 6 4'-11 fT 14'-10 58.613 7 13'-0 fE 4'-3'/z 53.471 10 13'-0 PO 7'-5 50.948 12 13'-0 PO 7'-5 49.705 17 12'-11'/ PO 7'-5 49.359 21 4-0 LtE 10'-9 63.421 L © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 1115 AutoSPRINK 2020 4/22/2022 7:47:30AM Page 5 11 ydraulic Analysis Job Number: 2795 - LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Report Description: Ordinary Group I (#2 - RV PARKING) Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Upstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary Q&•••••Route 1 ••••• BL 1.4420 18.75 3.68 120 0.024521 10'-0 Pf 0.245 200 201 12'-9 12'-11 Yz 18.75 5.6 11.211 11.366 Sprinkler 10'-0 Pe Pv -0.090 BL 1.4420 37.63 7.39 120 0.088964 10'-0 Pf 0.890 201 202 12'-11'/2 13'-2 18.88 5.6 11.366 12.166 Sprinkler 10'-0 Pe Pv -0.090 BL 1.4420 57.16 11.23 120 0.192813 10'-0 Pf 1.929 202 203 13'-2 13'-4% 19.53 5.6 12.166 14.004 Sprinkler 10'-0 Pe Pv -0.090 BL 1.4420 78.12 15.35 120 0.343622 10'-0 Pf 3.437 203 204 13'-4'/z 13'-7 20.96 5.6 14.004 17.351 Sprinkler 10'-0 Pe Pv -0.090 BL 1.4420 101.44 19.93 120 0.557204 44'-11% Pf 33.341 204 10 13'-7 13'-0 23.33 5.6 17.351 50.948 Sprinkler, T(T-5), PO(T-5) 14'-10'/ 59'-10 Pe Pv 0.257 CM 2.6350 286.83 16.88 120 0.202327 8'-2 Pf 2.526 10 7 13'-0 13'-0 185.38 50.948 53.471 Flow (q) from Route 2 fE(4'-3'/2) 4'-3'/2 12'-6 Pe Pv -0.003 CM 2.6350 286.83 16.88 120 0.202327 8'-1 Pf 1.636 7 6 13'-0 4'-11 53.471 58.613 8'-1 Pe Pv 3.506 CM 2.6350 286.83 16.88 120 0.202327 3'-6'/z Pf 0.717 6 5 4'-11 1'-1'/2 58.613 60.974 2f(-0.000) 3'-6'/2 Pe Pv 1.644 DY 4.2800 286.83 6.40 140 0.014331 0'-0 Pf 0.000 5 4 1'-1'/ 1'-0 60.974 61.028 BOR 0'-0 Pe Pv 0.054 UG 4.2800 286.83 6.40 140 0.014331 5'-0 Pf 0.226 4 21 1'-0 4-0 61.028 63.421 LtE(10'-9) 10'-9 15'-9 Pe Pv 2.168 UG 4.2300 286.83 6.55 150 0.013357 1V-4Yz Pf 0.819 21 3 4-0 4-0 63.421 64.240 LtE(11'-6'/z), T(38'-5) 49'-11'/ 61'-4 Pe Pv -0.000 UG 7.9800 286.83 1.84 150 0.000607 162'-5 Pf 8.862 3 2 4-0 4-0 64.240 73.102 BFP(-8.801), T(52'-10) 52'-10 215'-2Yz Pe Pv CM 17.8500 286.83 0.37 150 0.000012 563'-0 Pf 0.011 2 1 4-0 4-0 73.102 73.113 2T(168'-8), S 337'-4'/ 900'-4Yz Pe Pv 250.00 Hose Allowance At Source 1 536.83 (F-b•••••Route 2••••• BL 1.4420 22.03 4.33 120 0.033039 10'-0 Pf 0.330 205 206 12'-9 12'-11'/ 22.03 5.6 15.474 15.714 Sprinkler 10'-0 Pe Pv -0.090 BL 1.4420 44.23 8.69 120 0.119958 10'-0 Pf 1.200 206 207 12'-11'/2 13'-2 22.20 5.6 15.714 16.824 Sprinkler 10'-0 Pe Pv -0.090 BL 1.4420 67.20 13.20 120 0.260073 10'-0 Pf 2.601 207 208 13'-2 13'-4'/2 22.97 5.6 16.824 19.335 Sprinkler 10'-0 Pe Pv -0.090 BL 1.4420 91.82 18.04 120 0.463384 50'-3'/ Pf 30.198 208 12 13'-4'/z 13'-0 24.62 5.6 19.335 49.705 Sprinkler, T(T-5), PO(T-5) 14'-10'/z 65'-2 Pe Pv 0.172 CM 2.6350 185.38 10.91 120 0.090237 13'-10 Pf 1.249 12 10 13'-0 13'-0 93.56 49.705 50.948 Flow (q) from Route 3 13'-10 Pe Pv -0.006 cm&•••••Route 3••••• BL 1.4420 22.45 4.41 120 0.034229 10'-0 Pf 0.342 209 210 12'-9 13'-0 22.45 5.6 16.077 16.321 Sprinkler 10'-0 Pe Pv -0.099 BL 1.4420 45.08 8.86 120 0.124257 10'-0 Pf 1.243 210 211 13'-0 13'-2'/z 22.62 5.6 16.321 17.465 Sprinkler 10'-0 Pe Pv -0.099 & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 8JJBAWSPRINK 2020 4/22/2022 7:47:31AM Page 6 IN ydraulic Analysis Job Number: 2795 - LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Report Description: Ordinary Group I (#2 - RV PARKING) Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Summary Upstream Total Length BL 1.4420 68.48 13.45 120 0.269337 10'-0 Pf 2.694 Pe -0.099 211 13'-2'/2 23.40 5.6 17.465 Sprinkler 212 13'-5'/z 20.060 10'-0 Pv BL 1.4420 93.56 18.38 120 0.479768 45'-9'/z 14'-10'/z Pf 29.094 Pe 0.204 212 13'-5'/2 25.08 5.6 20.060 Sprinkler, 17 12'-11'/2 49.359 T(7'-5), PO(7'-5) 60'-7'/z Pv CM 2.6350 93.56 5.50 120 0.025468 13'-10 Pf 0.352 17 12'-11 Y: 49.359 Pe -0.006 12 13'-0 49.705 13'-10 Pv Equivalent Pipe Lengths of Valves and Fittings (C=120 only) W C Value Multiplier Actual Inside Diameter 4.87 Value Of C 100 130 140 150 ( Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter ) =Factor Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 1.51 Pipe Type Legend Units Legend Fittings Legend AO Arm -Over Diameter Inch ALV Alarm Valve BL Branch Line Elevation Foot AngV Angle Valve CM Cross Main Flow gpm b Bushing DN Drain Discharge gpm BaIV Ball Valve DR Drop BFP Backflow Preventer DY Dynamic Velocity fps BV Butterny Valve FM Feed Main Pressure psi C Cross Flow Turn 90' FIRFeed Riser Length Foot cplg Coupling MS Miscellaneous Friction Loss psi/Foot Cr Cross Run OR Outrigger HWC Hazen -Williams Constant CV Check Valve RN Riser Nipple Pt Total pressure at a point in a pipe DeIV Deluge Valve SP Sprig DPV Dry Pipe Valve ST Stand Pipe Pn Normal pressure at a point in a pipe E 90' Elbow UG Underground Pf Pressure loss due to friction between points EE 45' Elbow Pe Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated Eel 11'/,° Elbow points Eel 22'/>° Elbow Pv Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90' FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45' FireLock(TM) Elbow flg Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve PO Pipe Outlet PRV Pressure Reducing Valve PrV Pressure Relief Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90' Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 111 AutoSPRINK 2020 4/22/2022 7:47:31AM Page 7 0 Check Point Gauge Data rt, Job Number: 2795 - LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Report Description: Ordinary Group I (#2 - RV PARKING) BOR L © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. Al AutoSPRINK 2020 4/22/2022 7:47:32AM Page 8 �r Hydraulic Overview C t 5 Job Number: 2795 - LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Report Description: Ordinary Group 1 (#1 - RV PARKING) boa -1J11 Job Number Design Engineer 2795 UNLEADED DESIGN Job Name: LA QUINTA - RV STOARG E Phone 918-808-7509 FAX Address 1 79120 CORPORATE CENTER DR. State Certification/License Number 122988 Add...2 LA QUINTA, CA92253 AHJ LAQUINTA Address 3 Job SilelBuilding EXTRA SPAVE STORAGE 1561 - RV STORAGE NEW- M6 Density Area of Application 0.15gpm/ft2 1500ft2 (Actual 1549ft2) Hose Streams Most Demanding Sprinkler Data 5.6 K-Factor 18.75 at 11.211 250.00 Coverege Per Sprinkler Number Of Sprinklers Calculated 125ft2 14 0 System Pressure Demand System Flow Demand 75.064 289.87 Total Demand 539.87 @ 75.064 Pressure Result +13.665 (15.4%) Supplies Check Point Gauges Node Name Flow m Hose Flow(gpm) Stak(PS0 Residual(psi) Identifier Pressure(psi) K-Factor(K) Flow m 1 Water Supply 3600.00 250.00 89.200 73.460 BOR 62.961 36.53 289.87 ESS LA QUINTA - RV STORAGE - 4-22-22 - RJF Water Supply at Node 1 (3600.00, 0.00, 89.200, 73.460) 100 90 Static Pressure 89.200 80 36010.00 @ 73.460 70 539.87 with hose streams n_ :00 ........... �' System demand curve a` 40 } 30 20 10 0 6300 7000 -%f� Zpp 10�800 3500 4200 4900 5600 Water flow, gpm k, © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 1111 AutoSPRINK 2020 4/22/2022 7:46:49AM Page 1 i Hydraulic Summary .mm Job Number: 2795 - LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Report Description: Ordinary Group 1 (#1 - RV PARKING) Job Number Design Engineer 2795 UNLEADED DESIGN Job Name: LA QUINTA- RV STOARGE Stale CedifcationlLicense Number 122988 Address 79120 CORPORATE CENTER DR. AHJ LAQUINTA Address 2 Job SilelBmldmg LA QUINTA, CA 92253 EXTRA SPAVE STORAGE 1561 - RV STORAGE Address 3 D—ing Name ESS LA QUINTA - RV STORAGE - 4-22-22 - RJF Sys all, Remote Area(s) Most Demanding Sprinkler Data Occupancy Job SO x 5.6 K-Factor 18.75 at 11.211 Ordinary Group I LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Hose Allowance At Soume Density Area of Application 250.00 0.15gpm/ft2 1500ft2 (Actual 1549ft2) Additional Hose Supplies Number Of Sprinklers Calculated Number Of Nomles Calculated Coyerege Per Sprinkler Node Flow(gpm) 14 0 125ft2 AutoPeak Results: Pressure For Remote Areas) Adjacent To Most Remote Area Right: 75.064 Total Hose Streams 250.00 System Flow Demand Total Water Required (Including Hose Allowance) 289.87 539.87 Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 Maximum Velocity Above Ground 19.95 between nodes 9 and 8 Maximum Velocity Under Ground 6.62 between nodes 3 and 21 Volume capacity of Wet Pipes Volume capacity of Dry Pipes 41051.69gal Supplies Hose Flow Static Residual Flow Available Total Demand Required Safety Margin Node Name m(psi) (psi)gc m(psi)g� m(psi) (psi) 1 Water Supply 250.00 89.200 73.460 3600.00 88.729 539.87 75.064 13.665 Contractor Contractor Number 41-905 (WFP) Contact Name ROB FOWERS Conact Title SALES & PROJECT MAN Name of Contractor. WORLD FIRE PROTECTION Phone 801-940-2602 Extension Addressi 41-905 BOARDWALK FAX Address 2 SUITE B E-mail rfowers@worldfireprotection.com Address 3 PALM DESSERT, CA. 92211 Web -Site & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. l�jj AutoSPRINK 2020 4/22/2022 7:46:51AM Page 2 +� Hydraulic Graph � ! 5 Job Number: 2795 - LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Ronnr4 n—rrin4inn• Orrlinn— r--in 1 !$1 - P\/ PAPIONIM Water Supply at Node 1 100 90 Static Pressure 89.20 80 289.87 @ 75.064 1 539.87 with hose streams 3600.00 @ 73.460 70 60 N Q 50 a S stem demand curve 40 30 20 10 0 tL 700 1400 2100 2800 3500 4200 4900 5600 6300 7000 Water flow, gpm Hydraulic Graph Water Supply at Node 1 Stab.: Pressure 89.200 Residual: Pressure 73.460 @ 3600.00 Available Pressure at System Demand 88.729 @ 539.87 Required! Pressure at System Demand 75.064 @ 289.87 Required Pressure at System Demand (Including Hose All—anm at Source) 75.064 @ 539.87 & @ M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 111 AutoSPRINK 2020 4/22/2022 7:46:52AM Page 3 ikummary Of Outflowing Devices Job Number: 2795 - LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Report Description: Ordinary Group I (#1 - RV PARKING) Device Actual Flow pm Minimum Flow pm K-Factor K Pressure psi Sprinkler 100 18.75 18.75 5.6 11.211 Sprinkler 101 18.80 18.75 5.6 11.271 Sprinkler 102 19.38 18.75 5.6 11.973 Sprinkler 103 20.73 18.75 5.6 13.701 Sprinkler 104 18.92 18.75 5.6 11.414 Sprinkler 105 18.95 18.75 5.6 11.453 Sprinkler 106 19.51 18.75 5.6 12.143 Sprinkler 107 20.86 18.75 5.6 13.873 Sprinkler 108 20.89 18.75 5.6 13.912 Sprinkler 109 20.93 18.75 5.6 13.974 Sprinkler 110 21.56 18.75 5.6 14.817 Sprinkler 111 22.98 18.75 5.6 16.836 Sprinkler 112 23.71 18.75 5.6 17.923 Sprinkler 113 23.91 18.75 5.6 18.226 b Most Demanding Sprinkler Data L, © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 111 AutoSPRINK 2020 4/22/2022 7:46:53AM Page 4 0 Node Analysis rI, J� Job Number: 2795 - LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Report Description: Ordinary Group I (#1 - RV PARKING) Node Elevation Foot Fittings Pressure(psi) Dischar e m 1 -4'-0 S, T 168'-8 75.064 289.87 100 12'-9 S r-11.211 11.211 18.75 101 13'-2 S r-11.271 11.271 18.80 102 13'-7'/z S r-11.973 11.973 19.38 103 14'-01/2 S r-13.701 13.701 20.73 104 12'-9 Spr-11.414 11.414 18.92 105 13'-3 Spr-11.453 11.453 18.95 106 13'-9 S r-12.143 12.143 19.51 107 14'-2'/2 S r-13.873 13.873 20.86 108 12'-9'/z S r-13.912 13.912 20.89 109 13'-4 S r-13.974 13.974 20.93 110 13'-10'/z S r-14.817 14.817 21.56 111 14'-7Y2 S r-16.836 16.836 22.98 112 14'-5 Spr-17.923 17.923 23.71 113 14'-5'/ Spr-18.226 18.226 23.91 2 4-0 T 52'-10 75.053 3 4-0 T 38'-5 66.194 4 V-0 BOR 62.961 5 V-1'/z 62.907 6 4'-11 fr 14'-10 60.532 7 13'-0 fE 4'-3% 55.357 8 14'-4'/2 T 7'-5 18.653 9 12'-10'/ PO 7'-5 24.290 11 14'-4'/ T 7'-5 17.390 14 12'-10 PO 7'-5 23.009 15 14'-4 T 7'-5 18.308 16 12'-10 PO 5'-0 22.707 21 4-0 LtE 10'-9 65.359 L © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 1115 AutoSPRINK 2020 4/22/2022 7:46:54AM Page 5 11 ydraulic Analysis Job Number: 2795 - LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Report Description: Ordinary Group 1 (#1 - RV PARKING) Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Upstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary Q&•••••Route 1 ••••• BL 1.4420 18.75 3.68 120 0.024521 10'-0 Pf 0.245 100 101 12'-9 13'-2 18.75 5.6 11.211 11.271 Sprinkler 10'-0 Pe Pv -0.185 BL 1.4420 37.55 7.38 120 0.088620 10'-0 Pf 0.887 101 102 13'-2 13'-7'% 18.80 5.6 11.271 11.973 Sprinkler 10'-0 Pe Pv -0.185 BL 1.4420 56.93 11.18 120 0.191355 10'-0 Pf 1.913 102 103 13'-7'/ 14'-0'% 19.38 5.6 11.973 13.701 Sprinkler 10'-0 Pe Pv -0.185 BL 1.4420 77.66 15.26 120 0.339872 7'-6'/2 Pf 5.091 103 8 14'-0'/ 14'-4'/2 20.73 5.6 13.701 18.653 Sprinkler, T(T-5) 7'-5 15'-0 Pe Pv -0.140 BL 1.4420 101.56 19.95 120 0.558416 V-6 Pf 4.987 8 9 14'-4'/ 12'-10'/2 23.91 18.653 24.290 Flow (q) from Route 6 PO(7'-5) 7'-5 8'-11 Pe Pv 0.649 CM 2.6350 289.87 17.05 120 0.206314 146'-7 Pf 31.130 9 7 12'-10'/2 13'-0 188.31 24.290 55.357 Flow (q) from Route 2 fE(4'-3'/2) 4'-3'/2 150'-10'/2 Pe Pv -0.062 CM 2.6350 289.87 17.05 120 0.206314 8'-1 Pf 1.669 7 6 13'-0 4'-11 55.357 60.532 8'-1 Pe Pv 3.506 CM 2.6350 289.87 17.05 120 0.206314 3'-6'/2 Pf 0.731 6 5 4'-11 1'-1'/2 60.532 62.907 2f(-0.000) 3'-6'/2 Pe Pv 1.644 DY 4.2800 289.87 6.46 140 0.014613 0'-0 Pf 0.000 5 4 1'-1'/2 1'-0 62.907 62.961 BOR 0'-0 Pe Pv 0.054 UG 4.2800 289.87 6.46 140 0.014613 5'-0 Pf 0.230 4 21 1'-0 4-0 62.961 65.359 LtE(10'-9) 10'-9 15'-9 Pe Pv 2.168 UG 4.2300 289.87 6.62 150 0.013620 1V-4'/2 Pf 0.835 21 3 4-0 4-0 65.359 66.194 LtE(11'-6'/2), T(38'-5) 49'-11'/ 61'-4 Pe Pv -0.000 UG 7.9800 289.87 1.86 150 0.000619 162'-5 Pf 8.860 3 2 4-0 4-0 66.194 75.053 BFP(-8.801), T(52'-10) 52'-10 215'-2'/2 Pe Pv CM 17.8500 289.87 0.37 150 0.000012 563'-0 Pf 0.011 2 1 4-0 4-0 75.053 75.064 2T(168'-8), S 337'-4'/ 900'-4'/2 Pe Pv 250.00 Hose Allowance At Source 1 539.87 (F-b•••••Route 2••••• BL 1.4420 18.92 3.72 120 0.024933 10'-0 Pf 0.250 104 105 12'-9 13'-3 18.92 5.6 11.414 11.453 Sprinkler 10'-0 Pe Pv -0.211 BL 1.4420 37.87 7.44 120 0.090024 10'-0 Pf 0.901 105 106 13'-3 13'-9 18.95 5.6 11.453 12.143 Sprinkler 10'-0 Pe Pv -0.211 BL 1.4420 57.39 11.27 120 0.194210 10'-0 Pf 1.941 106 107 13'-9 14'-2'/2 19.51 5.6 12.143 13.873 Sprinkler 10'-0 Pe Pv -0.211 BL 1.4420 78.24 15.37 120 0.344645 2'-11'/2 Pf 3.578 107 11 14'-2'/2 14'-4'/2 20.86 5.6 13.873 17.390 Sprinkler, T(T-5) 7'-5 10'-4'/2 Pe Pv -0.062 BL 1.4420 101.22 19.89 120 0.554938 V-6 Pf 4.964 11 14 14'-4'/2 12'-10 22.98 17.390 23.009 Flow (q) from Route 4 PO(T-5) 7'-5 8'-11'/2 Pe Pv 0.655 CM 2.6350 188.31 11.08 120 0.092887 13'-10 Pf 1.286 14 9 12'-10 12'-10'/2 87.09 23.009 24.290 Flow (q) from Route 3 13'-10 Pe Pv -0.006 cm&•••••Route 3••••• BL 1.4420 20.89 4.10 120 0.029942 10'-0 Pf 0.300 108 109 12'-9'/2 13'-4 20.89 5.6 13.912 13.974 Sprinkler 10'-0 Pe Pv -0.237 & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 8JJB AWSPRINK 2020 4/22/2022 7:46:55AM Page 6 IN ydraulic Analysis Job Number: 2795 - LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Report Description: Ordinary Group I (#1 - RV PARKING) Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Upstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary BL 1.4420 41.82 8.22 120 0.108164 9'-11'/z 9'-11'/z Pf Pe Pv 1.079 -0.236 109 13'-4 20.93 5.6 13.974 Sprinkler 110 13'-10'/2 14.817 BL 1.4420 63.38 12.45 120 0.233385 8'-4'/2 T-5 15'-9'/z Pf Pe Pv 3.689 -0.199 110 13'-10'/z 21.56 5.6 14.817 Sprinkler, 15 14'-4 18.308 T(T-5) BL 1.4420 87.09 17.11 120 0.420141 1'-6 T-5 8'-11 Pf Pe Pv 3.751 0.647 15 14'-4 23.71 18.308 Flow (q) from Route 5 16 12'-10 22.707 PO(T-5) CM 2.6350 87.09 5.12 120 0.022303 13'-10 13'-10 Pf Pe Pv 0.309 -0.006 16 12'-10 22.707 14 12'-10 23.009 Q&•••••Route 4•••• BL 1.4420 22.98 4.51 120 0.035720 5'-1 Pf 0.447 111 11 14'-7'/z 14'-4Yz 22.98 5.6 16.836 17.390 Sprinkler, T(T-5) 7'-5 12'-6 Pe Pv 0.107 imb•••••Route 5••••• BL 1.4420 23.71 4.66 120 0.037849 1'-8 Pf 0.345 112 15 14'-5 14'-4 23.71 5.6 17.923 18.308 Sprinkler, T(T-5) T-5 9'-1'/z Pe Pv 0.040 g•••••Route 6••••• BL 1.4420 23.91 4.70 120 0.038440 2'-5'/2 Pf 0.381 113 8 14'-5'/ 14'-4'/z 23.91 5.6 18.226 18.653 Sprinkler, T(T-5) T-5 9'-11 Pe Pv 0.046 Equivalent Pipe Lengths of Valves and Fittings (C=120 only) Actual Inside Diameter ( Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter 4.87 ) = Factor C Value Multiplie Value Of C 100 130 140 Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 150 1.51 & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 111 AutoSPRINK 2020 4/22/2022 7:46:55AM Page 7 Affi Wydraulic Analysis Job Number: 2795 - LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Keport uescription: urainary (3roup i �;;i - KV FAKKINU) Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Eq. Length Pressure Summary Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Upstream Total Length Pipe Type Legend Units Legend Fittings Legend AO Arm -Over Diameter Inch ALV Alarm Valve BL Branch Line Elevation Foot AngV Angle Valve CM Cross Main Flow gpm b Bushing DN Drain Discharge gpm BaIV Ball Valve DR Drop BFP Backflow Preventer DY Dynamic Velocity fps BV Butterfly Valve FM Feed Main Pressure psi C Cross Flow Turn 90' FR Feed Riser Length Foot cplg Coupling MS Miscellaneous Friction Loss psi/Foot Cr Cross Run OR Outrigger HWC Hazen -Williams Constant CV Check Valve RN Riser Nipple Pt Total pressure at a point in a pipe DeIV Deluge Valve SP Sprig DPV Dry Pipe Valve ST Stand Pipe Pn Normal pressure at a point in a pipe E 90' Elbow UG Underground Pf Pressure loss due to friction between points EE 45' Elbow Pe Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated Eel 11'/4' Elbow points Eel 22'/� Elbow Pv Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90' FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45' FireLock(TM) Elbow flg Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve PO Pipe Outlet PRV Pressure Reducing Valve PrV Pressure Relief Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90' Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 111 AutoSPRINK 2020 4/22/2022 7:46:55AM Page 8 0 Check Point Gauge Data rt, Job Number: 2795 - LA QUINTA RV STORAGE Report Description: Ordinary Group I (#1 - RV PARKING) BOR L © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. Al AutoSPRINK 2020 4/22/2022 7:46:56AM Page 9 tqC00 Worldwide I Contacts Iwww tyco-fire.com Series TY-FRB, 5.6 K-factor Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers Quick Response, Standard Coverage General Description The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 5.6 K-factor, Upright (TY313) and Pendent (TY323) Sprinklers described in this data sheet are quick response, standard coverage, decorative 3 mm glass bulb -type spray sprinklers designed for use in light or ordinary hazard, commercial occupan- cies such as banks, hotels, and shop- ping malls. The recessed version of the Series TY-FRB Pendent Sprinkler, where applicable, is intended for use in areas with a finished ceiling. This recessed pendent sprinkler uses one of the following: • A two-piece Style 15 Recessed Escutcheon with recessed adjust- ment up to 5/8 in. (15,9 mm) from the flush pendent position. • A two-piece Style 20 Recessed Escutcheon with recessed adjust- ment up to 1/2 in. (12,7 mm) from the flush pendent position. The adjustment provided by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces the accuracy to which the fixed pipe drops to the sprinklers must be cut. Intermediate level versions of Series TY-FRB Sprinklers are described in Technical Data Sheet TFP357. Sprin- kler guards and shields are described in Technical Data Sheet TFP780. IMPORTANT Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP2300 for warnings pertaining to regulatory and health information. Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER WARNING" that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and installation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. MUM The TYCO Series TY-FRB Sprinklers described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authori- ties having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these devices. The owner is responsible for main- taining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating con- dition. Contact the installing contrac- tor or product manufacturer with any questions. Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) TY313.... Upright 5.6K, 1/2 in. NPT TY323.... Pendent 5.61K, 1/2 in. NPT Technical Data Approvals Refer to Table A Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12.1 bar) 250 psi (17.2 bar)* ' The maximum working pressure of 250 psi (17.2 bar) only applies to the listing by Underwriters Laborato- ries, Inc. (UL). Discharge Coefficient K=5.6 GPM/psi'/2 (80,6 LPM/bar'/2) Temperature Rating Refer to Table A Finishes Sprinkler: Refer to Table B Recessed Escutcheon: White Coated, Black Coated, Chrome Plated, or Brass Plated Physical Characteristics Frame ............................Bronze Button......................Brass/Copper Sealing Assembly ... Stainless Steel w/TEFLON Bulb...............................Glass Compression Screw ................. Bronze Deflector..........................Bronze Operation The glass bulb contains a fluid which expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass bulb, allowing the sprinkler to activate and water to flow. Design Criteria The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 5.6 K-factor, Upright (TY313) and Pendent (TY323) Sprinklers are intended for fire protec- tion systems designed in accordance with the standard installation rules recognized by the applicable Listing or Approval agency (such as, UL Listing is based on the requirements of NFPA 13, and FM Approval is based on the requirements of FM's Loss Prevention Data Sheets). Only the Style 15 or Style 20 Recessed Escutcheon is to be used for recessed pendent installations. Page 1 of 4 AUGUST 2018 TFP172 TFP172 Page 2 of 4 Components: 1 Frame 2 Button 3 Sealing Assembly 4 - Bulb 5 - Compression Screw * Temperature rating is ** Pipe thread connections per ISO 7-1 indicated on Deflector. can be provided on special request. ESCUTCHEON PLATE 6 - Deflector* nFFI R-TOR * SFATING SURFACE 7/16" (11,1 mm) NOMINAL 2" MAKE -IN (50,8 mm) 2" �] q/y (50,8 mm) 1/2" NPT** 1/2" 7/16" (11,1 mm) NPT** NOMINAL MAKE -IN 1 DEFLECTOR* WRENCH FLATS STYLE 15 or 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2-7/8" (73,0 mm) DIA. — CROSS SECTION UPRIGHT PENDENT RECESSED PENDENT FIGURE 1 SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY313) AND PENDENT (TY323) SPRINKLERS 5.6 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT, QUICK RESPONSE lWRENCH RECESS e� (USE ONLY END "A") FIGURE 2 W-TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH WRENCH RECESS PUSH WRENCH IN TO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGURE 3 W-TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH Installation The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 5.6 K-factor, Upright (TY313) and Pendent (TY323) Sprinklers must be installed in accor- dance with this section. General Instructions Do not install any bulb -type sprin- kler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diam- eter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 in. (1,6 mm) forthe 135°F (57°C) and 3/32 in. (2,4 mm) for the 286°F (141°C) temperature ratings. A leak -tight 1/2 in. NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained by applying a minimum to maximum torque of 7 to 14 lb-ft (9,5 to 19,0 N•m). Higher levels of torque can distort the sprinkler Inlet with consequent leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for insufficient adjustment in the Escutch- eon Plate by under- or over -tightening the sprinkler. Re -adjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. Upright and Pendent Sprinklers The Series TY-FRB Upright and Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instructions. Step 1. Install Pendent sprinklers in the pendent position. Install upright sprin- klers in the upright position. Step 2. With pipe -thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand - tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Figure 2). With ref- erence to Figure 1, apply the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench to the wrench flats. Torque sprinklers 7 to 14 lb-ft (9,5 to 19,0 N•m). Recessed Pendent Sprinklers The Series TY-FRB Recessed Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accor- dance with the following instructions. Step A. After installing the Style 15 or Style 20 Mounting Plate over the sprinkler threads, and with pipe -thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand -tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step B. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Figure 3). With reference to Figure 1, apply the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench to the sprinkler wrench flats. Torque sprinklers 7 to 14 lb-ft (9,5 to 19,0 N•m). Step C. After ceiling installation and finishing, slide on the Style 15 or Style 20 Closure over the Series TY-FRB Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mounting Plate until its flange comes in contact with the ceiling. TFP172 Page 3 of 4 Care and Maintenance The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 5.6 K-factor, Upright (TY313) and Pendent (TY323) Sprinklers must be maintained and ser- viced in accordance with this section. Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, obtain permission to shut down the affected fire protection systems from the proper authorities and notify all personnel who may be affected by this action. Absence of the outer piece of an escutcheon, which is used to cover a clearance hole, can delay sprinkler operation in a fire situation. The owner must assure that the sprin- klers are not used for hanging any objects and that the sprinklers are only cleaned by means of gently dusting with a feather duster; otherwise, non - operation in the event of a fire or inad- vertent operation may result. Sprinklers which are found to be leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated, or other- wise altered after leaving the factory. Modified sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid damage to the sprinklers before, during, and after installation. Sprin- klers damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be replaced. Also, replace any sprin- kler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installa- tion Section.) The owner is responsible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Asso- ciation (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Contact the install- ing contractor or product manufacturer with any questions. Automatic sprinkler systems are rec- ommended to be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspec- tion Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. 2-7/8" DIA. _ (73,0 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. FACE OF (57,2 mm) SPRINKLER FITTING 5/8" (15,9 mm) FLUSH 3/8±5/16" (9,5±71,9 mm) MOUNTING 1/8" 1 f (3,2 mm) SURFACE 111 CLOSURE SERIES MOUNTING 1-3/8" (34,9 mm) TY-FRB PLATE 3/4" (19,1 mm) FIGURE 4 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY (TY323) WITH TWO PIECE 518 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 15 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2-7/8" DIA. _ (73,0 mm) FACE OF SPRINKLER 2-1/4" DIA. FITTING (57,2 mm) 5/16±1/4" 1/2" (12,7 mm) (7,9±6,4 mm) FLUSH 1 //7711 I I MOUNTING 1/8" SURFACE (3,2 mm) CLOSURE SERIES MOUNTING 1-1 (34,9 mm) TY-FRB PLATE 7/8" (22,2 mm) FIGURE 5 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY (TY323) WITH TWO PIECE 112 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON Limited Warranty For warranty terms and conditions, visit www.tyco-fire.com. Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. When placing an order, indicate the full product name and Part Number (P/N). Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT Thread Connections Specify: Series TY-FRB Upright or Pendent (specify) Sprinkler, SIN (specify), K=5.6, Quick Response, (specify) temperature rating, (specify) finish, P/N (specify, refer to Table A). Recessed Escutcheon Specify: Style 15 Recessed Escutch- eon with (specify") finish, P/N (specify") Specify: Style 20 Recessed Escutch- eon with (specify") finish, P/N (specify*) " Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP770 Sprinkler Wrench Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-000-6-387 Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-850-4-001 TFP172 Page 4 of 4 SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 7) K FACTOR TYPE TEMPERATURE BULB LIQUID COLOR NATURAL BRASS CHROME PLATED POLYESTERC 135°F (57°C) Orange UPRIGHT (TY313) 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 5.6 1/2 in. NPT PENDENT (TY323) 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F(141°C) Blue 135°F (57°C) Orange RECESSED PENDENT (TY323) Figures 4a and 56 1, 2, 3, 4 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green Notes: 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., (UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 2. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., for use in Canada (C-UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 3. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 4. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. 5. VdS Approved (For details, contact Johnson Controls, Enschede, Netherlands, Tel. 31-53-428-4444/Fax 31-54-428-3377.) 6. Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB Ref. No. 094a/06) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 7. Where Polyester Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion -Resistant Sprinklers. a. Installed with Style 15 (112 in. NPT) 5/8 in. Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. b. Installed with Style 20 (1/2 in. NPT) 1/2 in. Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. c. Frame and Deflector only. Listings and approvals apply to color (Special Order). TABLE A LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS FOR 5.6 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS P/Na 77 — XXX — X — XXX SIN 370 1 5.6K UPRIGHT (1/2 in.NPT) I TY313 371 15.6K PENDENT (1/2 in.NPT) I TY323 Notes: a. Use suffix "I" for ISO 7-1 connection; for example, 77-370-4-175-1 SPRINKLER FINISH 1 NATURAL BRASS 3 PURE WHITE (RAL9010)a POLYESTER 4 SIGNAL WHITE (RAL9003) POLYESTER 5 JET BLACK (RAL9005) POLYESTER 9 CHROME PLATED Notes: a. Eastern Hemisphere sales only TABLE B SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT AND PENDENT SPRINKLERS PART NUMBER SELECTION TEMPERATURE RATINGS 135 135°F (57°C) 155 155°F(68°C) 175 175°F(79°C) 200 200°F (93°C) 286 286°F (141°C) 1400 Pennbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 19446 1 Telephone +1-215-362-0700 m 2018 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. Johnson 1 nson ORO NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION and NFPA are registered trademarks of National Fire Protection Association; Controls TEFLON Is a registered trademark of DuPont Tyco Fire Protection Products Series TY-FRB — Worldwide I www.tyco-fire.com Contacts 2^ 4.29 5.6, and 8.0 K-Factor Upright, Pendent, Quick Response, General Description The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers described in this data sheet are quick response, standard coverage, deco- rative 3 mm glass bulb -type spray sprinklers designed for use in light or ordinary hazard, commercial occupan- cies such as banks, hotels, and shop- ping malls. The recessed version of the Series TY-FRB Pendent Sprinkler, where applicable, is intended for use in areas with a finished ceiling. This recessed pendent sprinkler uses one of the following: • A two-piece Style 10 (1/2 inch NPT) or Style 40 (3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon with 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of recessed adjustment or up to 3/4 inch (19,1 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pendent position, or a • A two-piece Style 20 (1/2 inch NPT) or Style 30 (3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon with 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) of recessed adjustment or up to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pendent position. The adjustment provided by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces the accuracy to which the fixed pipe drops to the sprinklers must be cut. Corrosion -resistant coatings, where applicable, are utilized to extend the life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond that which would otherwise be obtained IMPORTANT Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER WARNING" that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and installation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers Standard Coverage when exposed to corrosive atmo- spheres. Although corrosion -resistant coated sprinklers have passed the standard corrosion tests of the appli- cable approval agencies, the testing is not representative of all possible cor- rosive atmospheres. Consequently, it is recommended that the end user be consulted with respect to the suit- ability of these coatings for any given corrosive environment. The effects of ambient temperature, concentration of chemicals, and gas/chemical velocity, should be considered, as a minimum, along with the corrosive nature of the chemical to which the sprinklers will be exposed. An intermediate level of the Series TY-FRB Pendent Sprinklers is detailed in Technical Data Sheet TFP356, and Sprinkler Guards are detailed in Tech- nical Data Sheet TFP780. NOTICE The Series TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document and with the applica- ble standards of the National Fire Pro- tection Association, in addition to the standards of any authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these devices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with any questions. Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) TY1131 - Upright 2.8K, 1/2- NPT TY1231 - Pendent 2.8K, 1/2- NPT TY2131 - Upright 4.2K, 1/2- NPT TY2231 - Pendent 4.2K, 1/2-NPT TY3131 - Upright 5.6K, 1/2- NPT TY3231 - Pendent 5.6K, 1/2- NPT TY4131 - Upright 8.OK, 3/4- NPT TY4231 - Pendent 8.OK, 3/4- NPT TY4831 - Upright 8.OK, 1/2- NPT TY4931 - Pendent 8.OK, 1/2- NPT Page 1 of 10 NOVEMBER 2015 TFP171 TFP171 Page 2 of 10 * Temperature rating ** Pipe thread connections per 1 - Frame is indicated on ISO 7-1 can be provided on ESCUTCHEON 2 - Button Deflector. special request. PLATE SEATING SURFACE 7/16" (11,1 mm) NOMINAL 2 i/4" MAKE -IN (57,2 mm) 2-3/16" (55,6 mm) 1-9/16" (39,7 mm) 1/2" NPT** WRENCH STYLE 10 or 20 FLATS RECESSED UPRIGHT PENDENT ESCUTCHEON 2-7/8" (73,0 mm) DIA. RECESSED PENDENT 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression Assembly Screw 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector* 7 - Bushing CROSS SECTION FIGURE 1 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY1131) AND PENDENT (TY1231) SPRINKLERS 2.8 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT * Temperature rating is indicated on Deflector. UPRIGHT ** Pipe thread connections per ISO 7-1 can be provided on special request. ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING SURFACE im) IAL 2-3/16" -IN (55,6 mm) 2-3/16" (55,6 mm) _J WRENCH STYLE 10 or 20 FLATS RECESSED PENDENT ESCUTCHEON 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression 2 - Button Assembly Screw 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector* I — 2-7/8" (73,0 mm) DIA. RECESSED PENDENT 1 3 2 4 -- 5 6* CROSS SECTION FIGURE 2 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY2131) AND PENDENT (TY2231) SPRINKLERS 4.2 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT * Temperature rating ** Pipe thread connections per 1 Frame 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression is indicated on ISO 7-1 can be provided on 2 Button Assembly Screw Deflector. special request. ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING 4- Bulb 6- Deflector* SURFACE 1/2" NPT* UPRIGHT 7/16" '11,1 mm) NOMINAL 2-3/16" MAKE -IN (55,6 mm) 2-3/16" 1-1/2" (55,6 mm) (38,1 mm) * WRENCH STYLE 10 or 20 FLATS RECESSED PENDENT ESCUTCHEON I-- 2-7/8" (73,0 mm) DIA. - RECESSED PENDENT .1*11&91x0r141 FIGURE 3 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY3131) AND PENDENT (TY3231) SPRINKLERS 5.6 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT TFP171 Page 3 of 10 * Temperature rating ** Pipe thread connections per 1 Frame 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression is indicated on ISO 7-1 can be provided on ESCUTCHEON 2 - Button Assembly Screw Deflector. special request. PLATE SEATING 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector* SURFACE 1/2" (12,7 mm) NOMINAL 2-5/16" MAKE -IN (58,7 mm) 2-1/4" (57,2 mm) \ 3/4" NPT** WRENCH STYLE 30 or 40 FLATS RECESSED UPRIGHT PENDENT ESCUTCHEON 2-7/8" (73,0 mm) DIA. RECESSED PENDENT CROSS SECTION FIGURE 4 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY4131) AND PENDENT (TY4231) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K-FACTOR, 314 INCH NPT 7/16" (11,1 mm) NOMINAL Ll MAKE -IN 2-3/16" I �' (55,6 mm) 1/2" NPT** WRENCH FLATS UPRIGHT PENDENT CEILING PLATE 1 - Frame 5 - Compression SEATING SURFACE 2 - Button Screw 1 3 - Sealing 6 -Deflector Assembly 3 4 - Bulb 2-1/4" 3 (57,2 mm) 2 * Temperature rating is 1-9/16"Y6* 4 indicated on Deflector. (39,7 mm) 5 ** Pipe thread connections per ISO 7-1 can be a provided on special request. CROSS SECTION FIGURE 5 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY4831) AND PENDENT (TY4931) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT WRENCH RECESS (END "A" USED FOR 1/2" NPT MODELS) WRENCH RECESS (END "B" USED FOR 3/4" NPT MODELS) FIGURE 6 W-TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH WRENCH RECESS PUSH WRENCH IN TO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGURE 7 W-TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH TFP171 Page 4 of 10 Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed FM, LPCB, and NYC Approved Refer to Table A and B for complete approval information including corrosion - resistant status. Maximum Working Pressure Refer to Table C. Discharge Coefficient K=2.8 gpm/psi'/2 (40,3 Ipm/bar'/2) K=4.2 gpm/psi/2 (60,5 Ipm/bar'/z) K=5.6 gpm/psi'/2 (80,6 Ipm/bar'/2) K=8.0 gpm/psi'/2 (115,2 Ipm/bar'/2) Temperature Rating Refer to Table A and B. Finishes Sprinkler: Refer to Table D. Recessed Escutcheon: Signal or Pure White, Jet Black, Chrome Plated, or Natural Brass Physical Characteristics Frame ............................Bronze Button ...................... Brass/Copper Sealing Assembly. . Beryllium Nickel w/TEFLON Bulb...............................Glass Compression Screw ................. Bronze Deflector ................... Copper/Bronze Bushing(K=2.8).....................Bronze Operation The glass bulb contains a fluid that expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass bulb, allowing the sprinkler to activate and water to flow. Design Criteria The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers are intended for fire protection systems designed in accordance with the stan- dard installation rules recognized by the applicable Listing or Approval agency (such as, UL Listing is based on the requirements of NFPA 13, and FM Approval is based on the require- ments of FM's Loss Prevention Data Sheets). Only the Style 10, 20, 30, or 40 Recessed Escutcheon, as applica- ble, is to be used for recessed pendent installations. Installation The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with this section. General Instructions Do not install any bulb -type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprin- kler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch (1,6 mm) for the 135°F (57°C) and 3/32 inch (2,4 mm) for the 286°F (141°C) tem- perature ratings. A leak -tight 1/2 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained by applying a minimum to maximum torque of 7 to 14 ft.-Ibs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A leak tight 3/4 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained with a torque of 10 to 20 ft.- Ibs. (13,4 to 26,8 Nm). Higher levels of torque can distort the sprinkler Inlet with consequent leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for insufficient adjustment in the Escutch- eon Plate by under- or over -tightening the sprinkler. Re -adjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. Series TY-FRB Upright and Pendent Sprinklers The Series TY-FRB Pendent and Upright Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instructions. Step 1. Install Pendent sprinklers in the pendent position. Install upright sprin- klers in the upright position. Step 2. With pipe -thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand - tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Figure 6). With ref- erence to Figures 1 through 5, apply the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench to the sprinkler wrench flats. Series TY-FRB Recessed Pendent Sprinklers The Series TY-FRB Recessed Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accor- dance with the following instructions. Step A. After installing the Style 10, 20, 30, or 40 Mounting Plate, as applica- ble, over the sprinkler threads and with pipe -thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand -tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step B. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Figure 7). With reference to Figures 1 to 4, apply the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench to the sprinkler wrench flats. Step C. After ceiling installation and finishing, slide on the Style 10, 20, 30, or 40 Closure over the Series TY-FRB Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mounting Plate until its flange comes in contact with the ceiling. TFP171 Page 5 of 10 SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 5) K FACTOR TYPE TEMPERATURE BULB LIQUID COLOR NATURAL BRASS CHROME PLATED POLYESTER — 135°F (57°C) Orange PENDENT (TY1231) 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow and 1, 2, 3, 4 UPRIGHT (TY1131) 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue 135°F (57°C) Orange 2,8 1/2 NPT RECESSED PENDENT 1 55°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow (TY1231)- Figure 8 200°F (93°C) Green 1, 2, 4 135°F (57°C) Orange RECESSED PENDENT 155°F (68°C) Red (TY1231)*' Figure 9 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 135°F (57°C) Orange PENDENT (TY2231) 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow and UPRIGHT (TY2131) 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue 135°F (57°C) Orange 4.2 1/2" NPT RECESSED PENDENT 1,2 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow (TY2231)* Figure 10 200°F (93°C) Green 135°F (57°C) Orange RECESSED PENDENT 155 68 °F °C ) ( Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow (TY2231)" Figure 11 200°F (93°C) Green NOTES: 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., (UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 2. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., for use in Canada (C-UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 3. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 4. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. 5. Where Polyester Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion -Resistant Sprinklers. :.Installed with Style 10 (1/2" NPT) or Style 40 (3/4" NPT) 3/4" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Installed with Style 20 (1/2" NPT) or Style 30 (3/4" NPT) 1/2" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Frame and Deflector only. N/A: Not Available TABLE A LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS FOR 2.8 AND 4.2 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS TFP171 Page 6 of 10 SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 8) K FACTOR TYPE TEMPERATURE BULB LIQUID COLOR NATURAL BRASS CHROME PLATED POLYESTER*** LEAD COATED PENDENT (TY3231) 135-F(57°C) Orange 155°F (68°C) Red 175'F (79°C) Yellow and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 5 UPRIGHT (TY3131) 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue 135-F(57°C) Orange 155'F (68°C) Red RECESSED 5.6 1/2" NPT PENDENT (TY3231)* 1, 2, 4, 5 N/A 175'F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green Figure 12 286°F (141°C) Blue 135-F(57°C) Orange 155'F (68°C) Red RECESSED PENDENT (TY3231) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 N/A 175'F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green Figure 13 286°F (141°C) Blue PENDENT (TY4231) 135-F(57°C) Orange 155'F (68°C) Red 175'F (79°C) Yellow and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 5 UPRIGHT (TY4131) 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue 135-F(57°C) Orange 155'F (68°C) Red RECESSED 8.0 3/4" NPT PENDENT (TY4231)* 1, 2, 5 N/A 175'F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green Figure 14 286°F (141°C) Blue 135°F(57°C) Orange 155'F (68°C) Red RECESSED PENDENT (TY4231) 1, 2, 3, 5 N/A 175'F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green Figure 15 286°F (141°C) Blue 8.0 1/2" NPT PENDENT (TY4931) and UPRIGHT (TY4831) 135-F(57°C) Orange 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 1, 2, 5 155'F (68°C) Red 175'F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue NOTES: 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., (UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 2. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., for use in Canada (C-UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 3. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 4. Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB Ref. No. 007k/04) as Quick Response Sprinklers. However, LPCB does not rate the thermal sensitivity of recessed sprinklers. 5. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. 6. VdS Approved (For details, contact Tyco Fire Suppression & Building Products, Enschede, Netherlands, Tel. 31-53-428-4444/Fax 31-53-428-3377.) 7. Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB Ref. No. 094a/06) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 8. Where Polyester Coated and Lead -Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion -Resistant Sprinklers. Where Lead -Coated Sprinklers are noted to be FM Approved, the sprinklers are FM Approved as a Corrosion -Resistant Sprinklers. * Installed with Style 10 (1/2" NPT) or Style 40 (3/4" NPT) 3/4" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. " Installed with Style 20 (1/2" NPT) or Style 30 (3/4" NPT) 1/2" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Frame and Deflector only. N/A: Not Available TABLE B LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS FOR 5.6 AND 8.0 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS TFP171 Page 7 of 10 SPRINKLER FINISH K TYPE NATURAL CHROME POLYESTER LEAD FACTOR BRASS PLATED COATED PENDENT (TY1231) and 2.8 UPRIGHT (TY1131) 1/2" NPT 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) N/A RECESSED PENDENT (TY1231) PENDENT (TY2231) and 4.2 UPRIGHT (TY2131) 1/2" NPT 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) N/A RECESSED PENDENT (TY2231) PENDENT (TY3231) and 5.6 UPRIGHT (TY3131) 250 PSI (17,2 BAR) 1/2" NPT OR 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) RECESSED (SEE NOTE 1) PENDENT (TY3231) PENDENT (TY4231) 175 PSI 8.0 and UPRIGHT (TY4131) (12,1 BAR) 3/4" NPT 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) RECESSED N/A PENDENT (TY4231) 8.0 PENDENT (TY4931) 175 PSI 1/2" NPT and 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) (12,1 BAR) UPRIGHT (TY4831) NOTES: 1. The maximum working pressure of 250 psi (17,2 bar) only applies to the Listing by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL); the Listing by Under- writers Laboratories, Inc. for use in Canada (C-UL); and, the Approval by the City of New York. TABLE C MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSURE Care and Maintenance The TYCO Series TY-FRB must be maintained and serviced in accordance with this section. Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, obtain permission to shut down the affected fire protection systems from the proper authorities and notify all personnel who may be affected by this action. Absence of the outer piece of an escutcheon, which is used to cover a clearance hole, can delay sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Sprinklers which are found to be leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated, or other- wise altered after leaving the factory. Modified sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid damage to the sprinklers before, during, and after installation. Sprin- klers damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be replaced. Also, replace any sprin- kler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installa- tion Section.) The owner is responsible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Asso- ciation (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Contact the install- ing contractor or sprinkler manufac- turer regarding any questions. Automatic sprinkler systems are rec- ommended to be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspec- tion Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. Care must be exercised to avoid damage to the sprinklers -before, during, and after installation. Sprin- klers damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be replaced. Also, replace any sprin- kler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installa- tion Section). Initial and frequent visual inspections of random samples are recommended for corrosion -resistant sprinklers to verify the integrity of the corrosion -resistant material of construction. Thereafter, annual inspections per NFPA 25 should suffice. Inspections of corrosion -resistant sprinklers are recommended at close range, instead of from the floor level per NFPA. Inspection at close range can better determine the exact sprin- kler condition and the long-term integ- rity of the corrosion -resistant material, which can be affected by the corrosive conditions present. TFP171 Page 8 of 10 2-7/8" DIA. 5/8±1/4" (73,0 mm) 3/4" (19,1 mm) (17±6,4 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1 —7— �Z/ MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES TY-FRB (3,22 mm) 1-5/16" (33,3 mm) 13/16" (20,6 mm) FIGURE 8 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 314 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT 2-7/8" DIA. 5/8±1/4" (73,0 mm) 3/4" (19,1 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1/8" 1 (3,2 mm) 1 1 MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-1/4" (31,8 mm) TY-FRB 3/4" (19,1 mm) FIGURE 10 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 314 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT 2-7/8" DIA. (73,0 mm) 1/2" 12,7 mm (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) / FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1/8" (3,2 mm) / PT i 1 MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16" (33,3 mm) TY-FRB 1-1/16" (27,0 mm) FIGURE 9 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 112 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT 2-7/8" DIA. (73,0 mm) 1/2" (12,7 mm) (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) / FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1/8" (3,2 mm) PTir � 1 1 MOUNTING SURFACE 7 CLOSURE SERIES 1-1/4" (31,8 mm) TY-FRB 1 " (25,4 mm) FIGURE 11 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 112 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT TFP171 Page 9 of 10 5/8±1/4" (15,9±6,4 mm) FACE OF SPRINKLER FITTING MOUNTING SURFACE 2-7/8" DIA. (73,0 mm) 3/4" (19,1 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) (57,2 mm) MOUNTING r, PLATE CLOSURE SERIES TY-FRB C/ r (3,22 mm) 1-1/4" (31,8 mm) 3/4" (19,1 mm) FIGURE 12 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 314 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT 2-7/8" DIA. 5/8±1/4" (73,0 mm) 3/4" (19,1 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1/8" (3,2 mm) I/ '777, MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16" (33,3 mm) TY-FRB 13/16" (20,6 mm) FIGURE 14 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 314 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 40 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K-FACTOR, 314 INCH NPT 2-7/8" DIA. (73,0 mm) 1/2" 12,7 mm (13,2 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) 7FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1/8" (3,2 mm) P77 � 1 1 MOUNTING SURFACE 7 CLOSURE SERIES 1-1/4" (31,8 mm) TY-FRB 1 " (25,4 mm) FIGURE 13 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 112 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT 2-7/8" DIA. 1/2±1/8" (73,0 mm) 1/2" (12,7 mm) (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1/8" (3,2 mm) MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16" (33,3 mm) TY-FRB 1-1/16" (27,0 mm) FIGURE 15 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 112 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 30 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K-FACTOR, 314 INCH NPT TFP171 Page 10 of 10 P/N 57 - XXX - X - XXX SIN 330 2.8K UPRIGHT (1/2"NPT) TY1131 331 2.8K PENDENT (1/2"NPT) TY1231 340 4.2K UPRIGHT (1/2"NPT) TY2131 341 4.21K PENDENT (1/2"NPT) TY2231 370 5.6K UPRIGHT (1/2"NPT) TY3131 371 5.6K PENDENT (1/2"NPT) TY3231 390 8.OK UPRIGHT (3/4"NPT) TY4131 391 8.OK PENDENT (3/4"NPT) TY4231 360 8.OK UPRIGHT (1/2"NPT) TY4831' 361 8.OK PENDENT (1/2"NPT) TY4931* SPRINKLER FINISH 1 NATURAL BRASS 3 PURE WHITE POLYESTER (RAL9010)1 4 SIGNAL WHITE POLYESTER (RAL9003) 5 JET BLACK POLYESTER (RAL9005)2 7 LEAD COATED 9 1 CHROME PLATED TEMPERATURE RATINGS 135 135°F (57°C) 155 155°F(68°C) 175 175°F(79°C) 200 1 200°F (93°C) 286 1 286°F (141°C) NOTES: 1. Eastern Hemisphere sales only. 2. Available in only 2.8K, 4.2K, and 8.OK, 155°F (68°C) and 200°F (93°C); requires lead time to manufacture. TABLE D SERIES TY-FRB PENDENT AND UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS PART NUMBER SELECTION Limited Warranty For warranty terms and conditions, visit www.tyco-fire.com. Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for availability. When placing an order, indicate the full product name and Part Number (P/N). Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT Thread Connections Specify: Series TY-FRB (Specify SIN), (specify K-factor), (specify Pendent or Upright) Sprinkler (specify) temperature rating, (specify) finish or coating, P/N (specify from Table D) Recessed Escutcheon Specify: Style (10, 20, 30, or 40) Recessed Escutcheon with (specify") finish, P/N (specify') Sprinkler Wrench Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-000-6-387 Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-850-4-001 Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP770 GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS 11400 Pennbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 19446 1 Telephone +1-215-362-0700 Copyright © 2015 Tyco Fire Products, LP. All rights reserved. t[�CO TEFLON is trademark of The DuPont Corporation. Fire Protection Products tqC00 Series EC-11 and 11.2 K and 14.0 K Extended Covera General Description TYCO Series EC-11 and EC-14 Extended Coverage Upright and Pendent Sprinklers are decorative glass -bulb sprinklers designed for use in light or ordinary hazard occupancies. They are intended for use in automatic sprinkler systems designed in accor- dance with standard installation rules, such as NFPA 13, for a maximum cov- erage area of 400 ft2 (37,2 m2) as com- pared to the maximum coverage area of 130 ft2 (12,1 m2) for standard cover- age sprinklers used in ordinary hazard occupancies, Series EC-11 and EC-14 Extended Coverage Sprinklers feature a UL and C-UL Listing that permits their use with unobstructed or non-combus- tible obstructed ceiling construction as defined and permitted by NFPA 13, as well as a specific application listing for use under concrete tees. Series EC-11 and EC-14 Extended Cov- erage Sprinklers have been fire tested to compare their performance to that of standard coverage spray sprinklers. These tests have shown that the pro- tection provided is equal to or more effective than standard coverage spray sprinklers. Corrosion -resistant coatings, where applicable, help extend the life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond that which occurs when exposed to corrosive atmospheres. Although corrosion -resistant coated sprinklers IMPORTANT Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP2300 for warnings pertaining to regulatory and health information. Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER WARNING" that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and installation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. Worldwide I Contacts Iwww tyco-fire.com EC-14 Sprinklers, Upright and ge Light and Ordinary Hazard Pendent passed standard corrosion tests of the applicable approval agencies, this testing is not representative of all pos- sible corrosive atmospheres. Conse- quently, it is recommended that the end user be consulted with respect to the suitability of these corrosion -resistant coatings for any given corrosive envi- ronment. The effects of ambient tem- perature, concentration of chemicals, and gas/chemical velocity should be considered, along with the corrosive nature of the chemical to which the sprinklers will be exposed. NOTICE Series EC-11 and EC-14 Extended Coverage Sprinklers described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, (NFPA), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these devices. The owner is responsible for main- taining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating con- dition. Contact the installing contrac- tor or product manufacturer with any questions. Sprinkler Identification Numbers TY5137............ Upright, 11.2K TY5237............ Pendent, 11.2K TY6137............ Upright, 14.OK TY6237........... Pendent, 14.OK TY5137 is a re -designation for C5137, G1894, and S2510 TY5237 is a re -designation for C5237, G1893, and S2511 TY6137 is a re -designation for C6137, G1896, and S2610 TY6237 is a re -designation for C6237, G1895, and S2611 Technical Data Approvals TYCO Series EC-11 and EC-14 Extended Coverage Upright and Pendent Sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed. See Table A for complete sprin- kler approval information including cor- rosion -resistant status. The approvals apply to the service conditions indi- cated in the Design Criteria section. Series EC-11 and EC-14 Extended Cov- erage Sprinklers are FM Approved. See Table A for complete sprinkler approval information including corrosion -resis- tant status. The approvals apply to the service conditions indicated in the Design Criteria section. Page 1 of 8 JUNE 2019 TFP22O TFP220 Page 2 of 8 WRENCH FLAT 3/4" ESCUTCHEON PLATE NPT** SEATING SURFACE 2-7/16" (61,9 mm) UPRIGHT & PENDENT 1/2" (12,7 mm) NOMINAL MAKE -IN UPRIGHT 16" nm CROSS PENDENT SECTION Components: 1 1 - Frame 2 - Button 3 - Sealing Assembly 2 4 - Bulb 5 - Compression Screw 6 - Deflector 3 * Temperature rating is 4 indicated on Deflector. ** Pipe thread connections per 5 ISO 7-1 can be provided on special request. 6* FIGURE 1 SERIES EC-11 AND EC-14 EXTENDED COVERAGE SPRINKLERS 11.2 K-FACTOR UPRIGHT (TY5137) AND PENDENT (TY5237) 14.0 K-FACTOR UPRIGHT (TY6137) AND PENDENT (TY6237) ASSEMBLY The Style 60 Two -Piece Flush Escutch- eon shown in Figure 4 is UL Listed for use with the Series EC-11 and EC-14 Pendent Sprinklers. Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12,1 bar) Pipe Thread Connection 3/4 in. NPT Discharge Coefficients K = 11.2 GPM/psi' (161,3 LPM/bars) K = 14.0 GPM/psi'/ (201,6 LPM/bares) Temperature Ratings See Table A Finish Sprinkler: See Table A Recessed or Flush Escutcheon: White -Coated, Chrome -Plated, and Brass -Plated Physical Characteristics Frame ............................ Bronze Button ............................ Bronze Sealing Assembly . Beryllium Nickel w/TEFLON Bulb ........................ Glass (3 mm) Compression Screw ................ Bronze Deflector ........................... Brass Operation The glass bulb contains a fluid that expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass bulb, which then allows the sprin- kler to activate and flow water. Design Criteria TYCO Series EC-11 and EC-14 Extended Coverage Upright and Pendent Sprinklers must only be installed in accordance with the applicable UL and C-UL Listing or FM Approval requirements as indi- cated below. Only Style 30 or 40 Recessed Escutcheons are to be used for recessed installation, as applica- ble. See Tables A, B, and C, for more information. UL and C-UL Listing Requirements 1. Series EC-11 and EC-14 Extended Coverage Sprinklers may be used for the coverage areas shown in Table D, based on maintaining the minimum specified flow rate as a function of coverage area and haz- ard group for all sprinklers in the design area. 2. Series EC-11 and EC-14 Extended Coverage Sprinklers are permitted to be used with unobstructed or non-combustible obstructed ceil- ing construction as defined and permitted by NFPA 13; for example: • Unobstructed, combustible or noncombustible, ceiling con- struction with a deflector to ceiling/roof deck distance of 1 to 12 in. (25 to 300 mm). • Obstructed, non-combusti- ble, ceiling construction with a deflector location below struc- tural members of 1 to 6 in. (25 to 150 mm) and a maximum deflector to ceiling/roof deck dis- tance of 22 in. (550 mm). Series EC-11 and EC-14 Extended Coverage Sprinklers, specifically tested and listed for non-combus- tible obstructed construction, are permitted to be used within truss- es or bar joists having non-com- bustible web members greater than 1 in. (25,4 mm) when apply- ing the 4 times obstruction crite- ria rule defined under "Obstruc- tions to Sprinkler Discharge Pattern Development". 4. To prevent cold soldering, the minimum allowable spacing be- tween Series EC-11 and EC-14 Ex- tended Coverage Sprinklers is 8 ft (2,4 m) for upright sprinklers and 9 ft (2,7 m) for pendent sprinklers. 5. Series EC-11 and EC-14 Extended Coverage Sprinklers are to be in- stalled in accordance with all oth- er requirements of NFPA 13 for extended coverage upright and pendent sprinklers; For exam- ple, obstructions to sprinkler dis- charge, obstructions to sprinkler pattern development, obstructions to prevent sprinkler discharge from reaching hazard and clearance to storage. TFP220 Page 3 of 8 Hazard Type Temperature Bulb Liquid Sprinkler Finish (See Note 5) Natural Brass Chrome Plated Polyester' Lead Coated 135°F(57°C) Orange Upright K=11.2 (TY5137) 1, 2, 3**, 4 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow Light Pendent Table B describes UL and C-UL K=11.2 (TY5237) K=14.0 (TY6237) 200°F (93°C) Green 1, 2, 4 1, 2, 4 286°F (141°C) Blue Recessed Pendent K=11.2 (TY5237) K=14.0 (TY6237) 135°F (57°C) Orange 1, 2, 3, 4 N/A Sensitivity Rating Table C describes FM Sensitivity Rating 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow With Style 30 Escutcheon 1, 2, 4 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue Ordinary Upright K=11.2 (TY5137) K=14.0 (TY6137) Pendent 135°F (57°C) Orange 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green Table B describes K=11.2 (TY5237) 1, 2, 4 UL and C-UL Sensitivity Rating K=14.0 (TY6237) 286°F (141°C) Blue Recessed Pendent 135°F (57°C) Orange Table C describes 155°F (68°C) Red FM Sensitivity Rating K=11.2 (TY5237) K=14.0 (TY6237) With Style 30 or 40 1, 2, 4 N/A 175°F (79°C) Yellow Escutcheon 200°F (93°C) Green NOTES 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) 2. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., for use in Canada (C-UL) 3. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) 4. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 177-03-E 5. Where Polyester Coated or Lead Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion Resistant Sprinklers N/A = Not Available * Frame and Deflector only ** Pendent only TABLE A LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Light Hazard Ordinary Hazard Area Style ftxft 135°F 155°F 175°F 200°F 286°F 135°F 155°F 175°F 200°F 286°F (57°C) (68°C) (79°C) (93°C) (141°C) (57°C) (68°C) (79°C) (93°C) (141°C) Upright or Pendent - - QR QR QR QR QR 14 x 14 Style 30 Recessed - - - QR QR QR QR QR Style 40 Recessed - - - QR QR QR QR QR Upright or Pendent QR* QR* QR* QR* QR* SR SR SR SR SR 16 x 16 Style 30 Recessed QR* QR* QR* QR* QR* SR SR SR SR SR Style 40 Recessed N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SR SR SR SR SR Upright or Pendent QR* QR* QR* QR* QR* SR SR SR SR SR 18 x 18 Style 30 Recessed QR* QR* QR* QR* QR* SR SR SR SR SR Style 40 Recessed N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SR SR SR SR SR Upright or Pendent QR* QR* QR* SR* SR* SR SR SR SR SR 20 x 20 Style 30 Recessed QR* QR* QR* SR* SR* SR SR SR SR SR Style 40 Recessed N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A SR SR SR SR SR NOTES • QR = Quick Response • SR = Standard Response • N/A = Not Applicable * Does not apply to Upright K=14.0 TABLE B SENSITIVITY RATING FOR UL AND C-UL LISTING OF SERIES EC-11 OR EC-14 SPRINKLERS (SEE TABLE D FOR PERMITTED K-FACTOR/AREA COMBINATIONS) TFP220 Page 4 of 8 HCA Linear Spacing Area Spacing ft ft Ceiling Height ft Ceiling Type K-factor Style Response Min Max Min Max Noncombustible Unobstructed, 11.2 EC Pendent or 10 20 100 400 Up to 30 Noncombustible Obstructed, or 14.0 EC Upright Combustible Unobstructed Noncombustible Unobstructed, 11.2 EC Pendent 10 20 100 400 Up to 30 Noncombustible Obstructed, or 14.0 EC Recessed Combustible Unobstructed Style 30 10 20 100 400 Up to 30 Combustible Obstructed 11.2 EC 14.0 EC Pendent or Upright Quick 11.2 EC Pendent 10 20 100 400 Up to 30 Combustible Obstructed 14.0 EC Recessed Style 30 10 20 100 400 Over 30 and up to 45 Noncombustible Unobstructed 11.2 EC 14.0 EC Upright HC-2 Linear Spacing Area Spacing ft ft Ceiling Height ft Ceiling Type K-factor Style Response Min Max Min Max 10 20 100 400 Up to 30 Noncombustible Unobstructed, 11.2 EC Pendent or Upright Quick 10 20 100 400 Up to 30 14.0 EC Pendent or Upright Combustible Unobstructed 10 16 100 256 Over 30 and 11.2 EC 14.0 Upright up to 45 EC HC-3 Linear Spacing Area Spacing ft ft Ceiling Height ft Ceiling Type K-Factor Style Response Min Max Min Max 10 16 100 256 Up to 30 11.2 EC Upright 10 20 100 400 Up to 30 14.0 EC Pendent or Upright Noncombustible Unobstructed, Combustible Unobstructed Quick 10 16 100 256 Over 30 and 11.2 EC, Upright up to 45 14.0 EC NOTES • The design for K 11.2 EC (K 160 EC) sprinklers should not include fewer than six sprinklers or have a design pressure of less than 12 psi (0,8 bar); similarly the design for K 14.0 EC (K 200 EC)sprinklers should not include fewer than four sprinklers or have a design pressure of less than 18 psi (1,2 bar). • For flow criteria, refer to FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 3-26. • Refer to FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 2-0 for permitted K-Factor/Area Combinations. TABLE C SENSITIVITY RATING FOR FM APPROVAL OF SERIES EC-11 OR EC-14 SPRINKLERS UL and C-UL Specific Application Listing Requirements for Installation under Concrete Tees Series EC-11 and EC-14 Extended Cov- erage Upright and Pendent Sprinklers (TY5137, TY5237, TY6137 and TY6237) have a UL and C-UL Specific Applica- tion Listing for use under concrete tees when installed as follows: 1. Stems of the concrete tee con- struction must be spaced at less than 7.5 ft (2,3 m) on center but more than 3 ft (0,9 m) on center. The depth of the concrete tees must not exceed 30 in. (762 mm). The maxi- mum permitted concrete tee length is 32 ft (9,8 m). However, where the concrete tee length exceeds 32 ft (9,8 m), non-combustible baffles, equal in height to the depth of the tees, can be installed so that the space between the tees does not exceed 32 ft (9,8 m) in length. 2. The sprinkler deflectors are to be located in a horizontal plane at or above 1 in. (25,4 mm) below the bottom of the concrete tee stems. 3. When the sprinkler deflectors are located higher than a horizontal plane 1 in. (25,4 mm) beneath the bottom of the concrete tee stems, the obstruction to sprinkler dis- charge criteria requirements of NFPA 13 for extended coverage upright and pendent sprinklers applies. TFP220 Page 5 of 8 Light Hazard Group I Group II Area 0.10 GPM/ft2 Ordinary Hazard Ordinary Hazard Description 0.15 GPM/ft2 0.20 GPM/ftz ft x ft GPM PSI GPM PSI GPM PSI 14 x 14 30 7.2 30 7.2 39 12.1 16 x 16 30 7.2 39 12.1 51 20.7 TY5137 (K=11.2) Upright 18 x 18 33 8.7 49 19.1 65 33.7 20 x 20 40 12.8 60 28.7 80 51.0 14 x 14 30 7.2 30 7.2 39 12.1 16 x 16 30 7.2 39 12.1 51 20.7 TY5237 (K=11.2) Pendent 18 x 18 33 8.7 49 19.1 65 33.7 20 x 20 40 12.8 60 28.7 80 51.0 14 x 14 N/A N/A 39 7.8 51 13.3 16 x 16 N/A N/A 39 7.8 51 13.3 TY6137 (K=14.0) Upright 18 x 18 N/A N/A 49 12.3 65 21.6 20 x 20 N/A N/A 60 18.4 80 32.7 14x14 37 7.0 39 7.8 51 13.3 16 x 16 37 7.0 39 7.8 51 13.3 TY6237 (K=14.0) Pendent 18 x 18 37 7.0 49 12.3 65 21.6 20 x 20 40 8.2 60 18.4 80 32.7 NOTES • 1 ft = 0,3048 m • 1 ft2 = 0,093 mz • 1 GPM = 3,785 LPM • 1 psi = 0,06895 bar • 1 GPM/ftz= 40,74 mm/min TABLE D FLOW CRITERIA FOR UL AND C-UL LISTING OF SERIES EC-11 AND EC-14 SPRINKLERS FM Approval Requirements Series EC-11 and EC-14 Extended Coverage Upright and Pendent Sprin- klers are to be installed in accor- dance with the applicable FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet for limited use in buildings of specific roof construc- tion and for the protection of certain specific ordinary hazard (non -storage and/or non-flammable or combustible liquid) occupancies. Information pro- vided in the FM Loss Prevention Data Sheets relates to, but is not limited to, hydraulic design, ceiling slope, and obstructions, minimum and maximum allowable spacing, and deflector -to - ceiling distance. These criteria may differ from UL and/or NFPA criteria. Therefore, the designer should review and become familiar with FM requirements before proceeding with design. Installation TYCO Series EC-11 and EC-14 Extended Coverage Upright and Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with this section. General Instructions Do not install any bulb -type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprin- kler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 in. (1,6 mm) for the 135°F (57°C) to 3/32 in. (2,4 mm) for the 286°F (141°C) tempera- ture ratings. A leak -tight 3/4 in. NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained by applying a min- imum -to -maximum torque of 10 to 20 lb-ft (13,4 to 26,8 N•m). Higher levels of torque may distort the sprinkler inlet with consequent leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for insufficient adjustment in an Escutch- eon Plate by under or over -tightening the Sprinkler. Re -adjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. Step 1. Install the sprinkler with the deflector parallel to the mounting surface. Install pendent sprinklers in the pendent position. Install upright sprinklers in the upright position. Step 2. After installing the Style 30, 40, or 60 mounting plate, or other applica- ble escutcheon, over the sprinkler pipe threads and with pipe -thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand - tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 3. For upright or pendent sprin- klers, wrench -tighten using only the W-Type 3 (End A) Sprinkler Wrench. For the pendent sprinkler installed with Style 30, 40, or 60 Escutcheon, wrench -tighten the sprinkler using only the W-Type 22 Sprinkler Wrench. Apply the wrench recess of the appli- cable sprinkler wrench, Figure 5 and 6, to the sprinkler wrench flats, Figure 1. TFP220 Page 6 of 8 2-7/8" DIA. (73,0 mm) 1/2" 12,7 mm (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) FACE OF (57,2 mm) SPRINKLER MOUNTING FITTING F"T PLATE 1 =/r 1 1 MOUNTING SURFACE 1/8" (3,2 mm) CLOSURE TY5237 or 1-3/8" (34,9 mm) TY6237 1-1/8" (28,6 mm) FIGURE 2 SERIES EC-11 AND EC-14 RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY WITH TWO-PIECE 112 IN. TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 30 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2-7/8" DIA. (73,0 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. (57,2 mm) FACE OF SPRINKLER FITTING: 3/8" (9,5 mm) ABOVE TO 1/8" (3,2 mm) BELOW MOUNTING SURFACE ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING SURFACE: 1/4" (6,4 mm) ABOVE TO 1/2" (12,7 mm) BELOW MOUNTING SURFACE; 3/4" (19,1 mm) TOTAL ADJUSTMENT 2-7/8" DIA. 5/8±1/4" (73,0 mm) 3/4" (19,1 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) FACE OF (57,2 mm) SPRINKLER MOUNTING FITTING � PLATE MOUNTING SURFACE 1/8 (3,2 mm) CLOSURE TY5237 or 1-3/8" (34,9 mm) TY6237 7/8" (22,2 mm) FIGURE 3 SERIES EC-11 AND EC-14 RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY WITH TWO-PIECE 314 IN. TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 40 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON INTERNAL DIMENSIONS OF STYLE 60 ESCUTCHEON ACCOMMODATE CLASS 150 MALLEABLE IRON REDUCING SPRINKLER FITTING MOUNTING 1/8" SURFACE (3,2 mm) CLOSURE 3/4" NPT 2-5/16" (58,7 mm) -MOUNTING 1-13/16" (46,0 mm) PLATE FIGURE 4 SERIES EC-11 AND EC-14 PENDENT SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY WITH 314 IN. TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 60 TWO-PIECE FLUSH ESCUTCHEON "FITTING SIDE" TOWARDS SPRINKLER FITTING / WRENCH RECESS (END "A") FIGURE 5 W-TYPE 3 SPRINKLER WRENCH WRENCH RECESS Q - 400 WRENCH HEX FIGURE 6 W-TYPE 22 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH TFP220 Page 7 of 8 P/N 51 - XXX -X -XXX SIN SPRINKLER TEMPERATURE FINISHt RATING 893 11.2K Pendent TY5237 1 NATURAL BRASS 135 135°F (57°C) 894 11.2K Upright TY5137 SIGNAL WHITE 155 155°F (68°C) 4 (RAL9003) POLYESTER 895 14.OK Pendent TY6237 JET BLACK (RAL9005) 175 175°F (79°C) 5 POLYESTER 896 14.OK Upright TY6137 200 200°F (93°C) 7 LEAD COATED 286 286°F (141°C) 9 CHROME -PLATED 000 OPEN2 NOTES: 1. Escutcheon ordered separately. 2. OPEN indicates the sprinkler assembly without glass bulb, button, and sealing assembly. TABLE E SERIES EC-11 AND EC-14 UPRIGHT AND PENDENT SPRINKLERS PART NUMBER SELECTION Care and Maintenance TYCO Series EC-11 and EC-14 Extended Coverage Upright and Pendent Sprinklers must be maintained and serviced in accordance with this section. Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, obtain permission to shut down the affected fire protection systems from the proper authorities and notify all personnel who may be affected by this action. Sprinklers which are found to be leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated, or other- wise altered after leaving the factory. Modified sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid damage to the sprinklers before, during, and after installation. Sprin- klers damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be replaced. Also, replace any sprinkler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. Refer to the Instal- lation section, for more information. Frequent visual inspections are rec- ommended to be initially performed for corrosion resistant coated sprin- klers, after the installation has been completed, to verify the integrity of the corrosion resistant coating. Thereafter, annual inspections per NFPA 25 should suffice; however, instead of inspecting from the floor level, a random sampling of close-up visual inspections should be made, so as to better determine the exact sprinkler condition and the long term integrity of the corrosion resistant coating, as it may be affected by the corrosive conditions present. The owner is responsible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in compliance with this doc- ument, as well as with the applicable standards recognized by the Approval agency, such as NFPA 25, in addition to the standards of any authorities having jurisdiction. Contact the installing con- tractor or product manufacturer with any questions. Automatic sprinkler systems are rec- ommended to be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspec- tion Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. Limited Warranty For warranty terms and conditions, visit www.tyco-fire.com. Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for availability. When placing an order, indicate the full product name and Part Number (P/N). Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT Thread Connections Specify: Series EC-11 or EC-14 (specify) Sprinkler, SIN (specify), (specify) K-factor, Pendent or Upright (specify) Extended Coverage, (specify) temperature rating, (specify) finish, P/N (from Table E) Recessed Escutcheon, Two -Piece Specify: Style (30 or 40) Two -Piece Recessed Escutcheon with (specify) finish, P/N (specify") 'Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP770 Flush Escutcheon, Two -Piece Specify: Style 60 Two -Piece Flush Escutcheon with (specify) finish, P/N (specify"") "Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP778 Sprinkler Wrenches Specify: W-Type 3 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-895-1-001 Specify: W-Type 22 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-665-7-001 TFP220 Page 8of8 1400 Pennbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 19446 1 Telephone A-215-362-0700 02019 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. Johnson 400 NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION and NFPA are registered trademarks of National Fire Protection Association; Controls TEFLON is a registered trademark of DuPont tqC00 Worldwide I Contacts Iwww tyco-fire.com Model CC3-4-2 and 5.6 K-factor Combustible Concealed Space Sprinklers Specific Application, Upright General Description The Model CC3 Combustible Con- cealed Sprinklers are quick response, upright, specific application sprinklers designed to provide protection of spe- cific light hazard combustible, as well as non-combustible, concealed spaces requiring sprinkler protection. The Model CC3 Sprinklers comply with the criteria for the protection of combus- tible concealed spaces as described in NFPA 13. The Model CC3 Sprinklers are designed for installation on BLAZE - MASTER CPVC wet pipe systems, other UL Listed CPVC pipe products, and steel wet pipe or dry pipe sprinkler systems (see the respective Design Cri- teria sections). The Model CC3 Sprin- klers are designed to be installed in the following arrangements for both wet CPVC and steel: • 4.2K 14 ft (4,3 m) maximum between sprinklers 196 ft2 (18,2 m2) maximum cover- age area • 5.6K 16 ft (4,9 m) maximum between sprinklers 256 ft2 (23,8 m2) maximum cover- age area IMPORTANT Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP2300 for warnings pertaining to regulatory and health information. Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER WARNING" that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and installation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. • 6 in. (152,4 mm) minimum height for joist with steel pipe or CPVC when insulation filled. 12 in. (305 mm) min- imum height for all other arrange- ments and sizes • 60 in. (1524 mm) maximum height from joist to joist and 84 in. (2134 mm) from floor to ceiling • 60 in. (1524 mm) maximum height for truss and bar joist • The 4.21K and 5.6K sprinklers are UL Listed for use with LFP@ Antifreeze. For information about antifreeze compatibility and approved con- figurations, see the Technical Data section. NOTICE The Model CC3 Combustible Con- cealed Sprinklers described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these devices. The owner is responsible for main- taining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating con- dition. Contact the installing contrac- tor or product manufacturer with any questions. Sprinkler Identification Number TY2199 - Upright, 4.2K TY3199 - Upright, 5.61K Technical Data Approvals UL Listed (Listings and approvals only apply to the service conditions indicated in the Design Criteria sections.) Antifreeze Compatibility Model CC3 TY2199 4.21K and TY3199 5.61K Sprinklers are UL Listed for use with LFP® Antifreeze within 1000 ft2 (93 m2) draft curtain areas in all construction types described in this document. Model CC3 TY3199 5.61K Sprinkler is also UL Listed for use with LFP@ Antifreeze within 2000 ft2 (186 m2) draft curtain areas in solid wood open truss construction on edge or on face. The use of LFP@ Antifreeze should be in accordance with LFP@ Antifreeze Agency Listed Solution for Fire Sprinkler Systems (Technical Data Sheet TFP1680). There is no system volume limit for this application. Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12,1 bar) Pipe Thread Connection '/2 in. NPT Discharge Coefficient K = 4.2 GPM/psi/ (60,5 LPM/bars) K = 5.6 GPM/psi'/2 (80,6 LPM/bar'i2) Temperature Rating 200°F(93°C) Finish Natural Brass Physical Characteristics Frame .............................Brass Button............................Bronze Sealing Assembly. Beryllium Nickel w/TEFLON Bulb .........................Glass (3 mm) Compression Screw .................. Brass Deflector..........................Bronze Page 1 of 8 APRIL 2019 TFP633 TFP633 Page 2 of 8 Components 1 - Frame 2 - Sealing Assembly 3 - Button 4 - Bulb 5 - Compression Screw 6 - Deflector 7 - Ejection Spring Operation 3RINKLER FRAME ARMS VRENCH FLATS 1/2" NPT 1-11/16" _ (42,9 mm) 2-1/4" (57,2 mm) 7/16" (11,1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE -IN FIGURE 1 MODEL CC3 SPRINKLER The glass bulb contains a fluid that expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass bulb allowing the sprinkler to acti- vate and flow water. Design Criteria Design criteria is provided as follows: • 200°F (93°C), Model CC3 Combusti- ble Concealed Sprinklers with CPVC pipe and horizontal slope above sprinklers not exceeding 2:12. See Page 2. • 200°F (93°C), Model CC3 Combus- tible Concealed Sprinklers with steel pipe and horizontal slope above sprinklers not exceeding 2:12 See Page 4. • For the installation of Model CC3 Combustible Concealed Sprinklers installed with baffles at 2000 ft2 (186 m2), the design of the system should be 6 sprinklers or 1000 sq. ft., whichever is greater. Design Criteria, CPVC Pipe Area of Use (CPVC Pipe) Horizontal (slope not exceeding 2:12) combustible concealed spaces of: • Unobstructed wood truss construc- tion or unobstructed bar joist con- struction. See Figure 2. • Non-combustible, insulation -filled solid wood or composite wood joist construction. See Figure 3. NOTE: In order to be considered "non-combustible insulation -filled solid wood or composite wood joist construction," the insulation (includ- ing insulation provided with a combus- tible vapor barrier), must completely fill the pockets between the joists to the bottom of the joists, and the insulation must be secured in place with metal wire netting. The metal wire netting is intended to hold the insulation in place should the insulation become wetted by the operation of the Model CC3 Sprinklers in the event of a fire. Concealed Space Area (CPVC Pipe) The area of the concealed space is not limited; however, for both Figure 2 and Figure 3, where CPVC pipe is being uti- lized, draft curtains or full height walls must be provided at 1000 ft2 (93 m2) areas. In addition, the 5.6K sprinkler is UL Listed for a 2000 ft2 (186 m2) draft curtain area for solid wood open truss construction on edge or on face. This draft curtain shall be at least 1/3 the depth of the concealed space or 8 in. (200 mm), whichever is greater, and be constructed using a material that will not allow heat to escape through or above the draft curtain. For information about antifreeze com- patibility and approved configurations, see the Technical Data section. Concealed Space Size (CPVC Pipe) The depth of the concealed space is 60 in. (1524 mm) maximum to 6 in. (152 mm) minimum. System Type (CPVC Pipe) Light hazard, wet pipe system Maximum Distance Between Model CC3 Sprinklers (CPVC Pipe) TY2199 4.2K.............. 14 ft (4,3 m) TY3199 5.6K.............. 16 ft (4,9 m) Maximum Coverage Area (CPVC Pipe) TY2199 4.2K........... 196 ft2 (18,2 m2) TY3199 5.6K........... 256 ft2 (23,8 m2) Minimum Distance Between Model CC3 Sprinklers (CPVC Pipe) Minimum sprinkler spacing is 7 ft (2,1 m) NOTE: Minimum spacing does not apply to any additional sprinklers required for protection of CPVC pipe that is offset over an obstruction. Deflector Position (CPVC Pipe) • 1-1/2 in. to 4 in. (40 to 100 mm) below upper deck for wood truss construc- tion or bar joist construction. See Figure 2. • 1-1/2 in. to 4 in. (40 to 100 mm) below solid wood or composite wood joists. See Figure 3. Minimum Distance Away From Trusses (CPVC Pipe) 4-1/2 in. (114 mm) Remote Area (CPVC Pipe) The remote area is 1000 ft2 (93 m2) NOTE: The remote area does not include any additional sprinklers required for protection of CPVC pipe that is offset over an obstruction. Required Minimum Density (CPVC Pipe) 0.10 gpm/ft2 (4,1 mm/min) Minimum Operating Pressure (CPVC Pipe) 7 psi (0,48 bar) Obstructions (CPVC Pipe) See Figure 8 in this data sheet for obstructions rules. Use of UL Listed BLAZEMASTER CPVC Pipe with Model CC3 Sprinklers BLAZEMASTER CPVC product may be used in concealed spaces requir- ing automatic sprinklers, when used in conjunction with Model CC3 Sprin- klers. In order to use the BLAZEMAS- TER CPVC product for wood truss or bar joist construction, the horizon- tal run of pipe must be a maximum of 6 in. (150 mm) above the ceiling or noncombustible ceiling insulation, or 1/3 the depth of concealed space (as measured from the top surface of the ceiling to the bottom of the deck above), whichever is smaller, see Figure 2. For insulation -filled solid wood or composite wood joist construction, the horizontal run of pipe must be a maximum of 6 in. (150 mm) above ceiling or non-combustible ceiling insulation, or 1/3 the depth of con- cealed space (as measured from the top surface of the ceiling to the bottom surface of the joist insulation above), whichever is smaller, see Figure 3. The CPVC pipe can then be used to supply the Model CC3 Sprinklers, as well as the sprinklers below the ceiling. Unless modified by this technical data sheet, TFP633 Page 3 of 8 MODEL CC3 4-1/2" (114 mm) MINIMUM UPPER DECK SPRINKLER FROM FACE OF WOOD TRUSS \ OR TOP CHORD OF BAR JOIST 6" IXI TOP CHORD MAXIMUM FOR FOR 4" (102 mm) CPVC PIPE OR LESS -- ----- FRAME ARMS OF i j SPRINKLER MUST i BEINSTALLED i IN -LINE WITH i PIPE RUN i L - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J OBSTRUCTION I I I I TOP OF CHORD - CEILING 4" (102 mm) MAXIMUM 1-1/2" (40 mm) MINIMUM 6" (152 mm) 60" (1524 mm) MINIMUM MAXIMUM / 6" (152 mm) MAXIMUM ABOVE \ WHEN OFFSETTING CPVC PIPE OVER AN CEILING TO BOTTOM OF PIPE OR BOTTOM OBSTRUCTION, A MODEL CC3 SPRINKLER NON-COMBUSTIBLE CEILING INSULATION, OF PIPE MUST BE INSTALLED DIRECTLY ON THE OR 1/3 THE DEPTH OF CONCEALED SPACE CPVC PIPE OVER THE OBSTRUCTION (AS MEASURED FROM TOP SURFACE OF CEILING TO BOTTOM OF DECK ABOVE), WHICHEVER IS SMALLER FIGURE 2 UNOBSTRUCTED WOOD TRUSS CONSTRUCTION OR UNOBSTRUCTED BAR JOIST CONSTRUCTION CROSS SECTION ELEVATION VIEW CPVC PIPE UPPER COMPOSITE DECK WOOD JOISTS 6" (152 mm) MAXIMUM FOR CPVC PIPE MODEL CC3 7--SPRINKLER OBSTRUCTION CEILING WHEN OFFSETTING CPVC PIPE OVER AN OBSTRUCTION, A MODEL CC3 SPRINKLER MUST BE INSTALLED DIRECTLY ON THE CPVC PIPE OVER THE OBSTRUCTION SOLID WOOD NON-COMBUSTIBLE JOISTS INSULATION 4" (102 mm) MAXIMUM / I 1-1/2" (40 mm) MINIMUM 1 + FRAME ARMS OF i SPRINKLER MUST i 60" (1524 mm) i BE INSTALLED 72" (1829 mm) MAXIMUM IN -LINE WITH i MAXIMUM 6" (152 mm) i PIPE RUN i MINIMUM L _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J VV VV I \TOP OF 6" (152 mm) MAXIMUM ABOVE CHORD CEILING TO BOTTOM OF PIPE OR NON-COMBUSTIBLE CEILING INSULATION, BOTTOM OR 1/3 THE DEPTH OF CONCEALED SPACE OF PIPE (AS MEASURED FROM TOP SURFACE OF CEILING TO BOTTOM SURFACE OF JOIST INSULATION ABOVE), WHICHEVER IS SMALLER FIGURE 3 NON-COMBUSTIBLE INSULATION -FILLED UPPER DECK SOLID WOOD OR COMPOSITE WOOD JOIST CONSTRUCTION CROSS SECTION ELEVATION VIEW CPVC PIPE TFP633 Page 4 of 8 all other guidelines of the "BLAZEMAS- TER — Installation Instructions & Tech- nical Manual' must be met. When using 1 in. (DN25) or larger pipe, a hanger must be located at the truss nearest a sprig for purposes of restraint. If using 3/4 in. (DN19) piping, all sprigs over 12 inches (305 mm) must be laterally braced using methods described in the NFPA standards. Where the CPVC must be offset up and over an obstruction and the pipe exceeds the allowed horizontal posi- tioning requirements specified above as well as shown in Figure 2 and 3, additional Model CC3 Sprinklers are to be installed as shown in Figures 2 and 3 to protect the BLAZEMASTER CPVC product. A minimum lateral distance of 18 in. (460 mm) must be maintained between the CPVC pipe and heat pumps, fan motors, and heat lamps. Design Criteria, Steel Pipe Area of Use (Steel Pipe) Horizontal (slope not exceeding 2:12) combustible concealed spaces of: • Unobstructed wood truss construc- tion or unobstructed bar joist con- struction. See Figure 4. • Solid wood joist construction (see Figure 5) where the upper deck and ceiling joists may have a maximum depth of 12 inches (300 mm) and typical on center joist spacing of minimum 16 inches (400 mm). • Non-combustible insulation -filled solid wood joist or wood composite joist construction. See Figure 6. • Obstructed wood truss construction. See Figure 7. NOTE: In order to be considered "non- combustible insulation -filled solid wood joist or composite wood joist construction", the insulation (includ- ing insulation provided with a combus- tible vapor barrier), must completely fill the pockets between the joists to the bottom of the joists, and the insulation must be secured in place with metal wire netting. The metal wire netting is intended to hold the insulation in place should the insulation become wetted by the operation of the Model CC3 Sprinklers in the event of a fire. Concealed Space Area (Steel Pipe) The area of the concealed space is not limited; however, • For unobstructed wood truss con- struction or concealed spaces of non-combustible, unobstructed bar joist construction (see Figure 4) draft curtains or full height walls must be provided at 1000 ft2 (93 m2) areas. In addition, the 5.6K sprinkler is UL Listed for a 2000 ft2 (186 m2) draft curtain area for solid wood open truss construction on edge or on face. This draft curtain shall be at least 1/3 the depth of the concealed space or 8 in. (200 mm), whichever is greater, and be constructed using a mate- rial that will not allow heat to escape through or above the draft curtain. • For solid wood joist construction (see Figure 5) and obstructed wood truss construction (see Figure 7): Blocking must be provided in each upper deck and ceiling joist channel at a maximum 32 ft (9,75 m) inter- vals. This blocking shall be installed to the full depth of the joists and be installed so as to not allow heat to escape through or above the block- ing. The blocking must be con- structed using a non-combustible material or the joist construction material. Draft curtains must protrude below the joist a minimum of 6 inches (150 mm) or 1/3 the depth of the con- cealed space, whichever is greater, and run parallel with the joist spaced at 31 ft (9,4 m) width maximum to limit the area to a maximum of 1000 ft2 (93 m2). For information about antifreeze compatibility and approved constructions, see the Technical Data section. The draft curtains are to be con- structed using a material that will not allow heat to escape through or above the draft curtain. • For non-combustible, insulation -filled solid wood joist or composite wood joist construction (see Figure 6), the requirement for draft curtains and blocking does not apply. • For information about antifreeze compatibility and approved con- figurations, see the Technical Data section. Concealed Space Size (Steel Pipe) The minimum and maximum concealed space depth is as follows: For unobstructed wood truss construc- tion or concealed spaces of unob- structed bar joist construction (see Figure 4) the maximum depth of the concealed space is 60 in. (1524 mm) from bottom of upper deck to top of ceiling, and the minimum depth is 6 in. (152 mm) from the bottom of the upper chords to the top of the lower chords. For solid wood joist construction (see Figure 5) and solid wood or com- posite wood joist construction the maximum depth of the concealed space is 84 in. (2134 mm) from bottom of upper deck to top of ceiling, and the minimum depth is 6 in. (152 mm) from the bottom of the upper deck joists to the top of the ceiling joists. If joist con- struction is filled with non-combustible insulation the maximum height of the space is 84 in. (2134 mm). See Figure 6. For obstructed wood truss construc- tion (see Figure 7), the maximum depth of the concealed space is 84 in. (2134 mm) from bottom of upper deck to top of ceiling, and the minimum depth is 6 in. (152 mm) from the bottom of the upper chord to the top of the lower chord. System Type (Steel Pipe) Light hazard, wet or dry pipe system NOTES: Use of the 4.2K sprinklers in dry pipe systems is permitted by section of NFPA 13 (2013 edition) where piping is corrosion resistant or internally galvanized. Maximum Distance Between Model CC3 Sprinklers (Steel Pipe) TY2199 4.2K.............. 14 ft (4,3 m) TY3199 5.6K.............. 16 ft (4,9 m) Maximum Coverage Area (Steel Pipe) TY2199 4.2K........... 196 ft2 (18,2 m2) TY3199 5.6K........... 256 ft2 (23,8 m2) Minimum Distance Between Model CC3 Sprinklers (Steel Pipe) Minimum sprinkler spacing is 7 ft (2,1 m) Deflector Position (Steel Pipe) 1-1/2 in. to 4 in. (40 mm to 100 mm) below upper deck for wood truss con- struction or concealed spaces of non- combustible bar joist construction. See Figure 4. 1-1/2 in. to 2 in. (40 to 50 mm) below solid wood joist (see Figure 5) or top chord of a wood truss that has a depth greater than 4 in. See Figure 7. 1-1/2 in. to 4 in. (40 to 100 mm) below non-combustible insulation -filled solid wood joists or composite wood joists. See Figure 6. Remote Area (Steel Pipe) The remote area for wood truss con- struction or bar joist construction (see Figure 4), solid wood joist con- struction (see Figure 5), or obstructed wood truss construction (see Figure 7) is 1000 ft2 (93 m2) for wet pipe or dry pipe systems. The remote area for non-combusti- ble insulation -filled solid wood joist or wood composite joist construction (see Figure 6) without draft curtains is to be calculated per the requirements of NFPA 13. TFP633 Page 5 of 8 MODEL CC3 4-1/2" (114 mm) MINIMUM UPPER DECK SPRINKLER FROM FACE OF WOOD TRUSS OR TOP CHORD OF BAR JOIST 4" (102 mm) TOP CHORD MAXIMUM 4" (102 mm) 1-1/2" (40 mm) OR LESS i ____ _______ FRAME ARMS OF i MINIMUM 60" (1524 mm) SPRINKLER MUST i MAXIMUM i BEINSTALLED i IN -LINE WITH i PIPE RUN i 6" (152 mm) L____________J MINIMUM 1 CEILING FIGURE 4 UNOBSTRUCTED WOOD TRUSS CONSTRUCTION OR UNOBSTRUCTED BAR JOIST CONSTRUCTION CROSS SECTION ELEVATION VIEW STEEL PIPE r------------------� FRAME ARMS OF SPRINKLER i MUST BE INSTALLED i IN -LINE WITH PIPE RUN L__ 2" (51 mm) MAXIMUM 1-1/2" (38 mm) MINIMUM UPPER 2x FLOOR SOLID DECK WOOD JOISTS CEILING CEILING FRAMING FIGURE 5 SOLID WOOD JOIST CONSTRUCTION CROSS SECTION ELEVATION VIEW STEEL PIPE 84" (2134 mm) MAXIMUM 60" (1524 mm) MAXIMUM 6" (152 mm) MINIMUM T TFP633 Page 6 of 8 r------------------ i FRAME ARMS OF SPRINKLER i MUST BE INSTALLED i IN -LINE WITH PIPE RUN L------------------ J 4" (102 mm) MAXIMUM 1-1/2" (38 mm) MINIMUM 2" (: MA) 1-1/2" MIN CEILING FRAMING UPPER NON-COMBUSTIBLE DECK INSULATION COMPOSITE MODEL CC3 WOOD JOISTS SPRINKLER N 11 ll ) 84" (2134 �/YJ� MAXIMUM 2x FLOOR SOLID WOOD JOISTS 60" (1524 mm) MAXIMUM 6" (152 mm) MINIMUM CEILING FIGURE 6 NON-COMBUSTIBLE INSULATION -FILLED UPPER DECK SOLID WOOD OR COMPOSITE WOOD JOIST CONSTRUCTION CROSS SECTION ELEVATION VIEW STEEL PIPE r------------------ i FRAME ARMS OF SPRINKLER i MUST BE INSTALLED i IN -LINE WITH PIPE RUN UPPER TOP CHORD GREATER DECK THAN 4" (102 mm) IN DEPTH CEILING CEILING FRAMING FIGURE 7 OBSTRUCTED WOOD TRUSS CONSTRUCTION CROSS SECTION ELEVATION VIEW STEEL PIPE 84" (2134 MAXIMUM 60" (1524 mm) nAAYINAi inn TFP633 Page 7 of 8 UPPER DECK OR BOTTOM OF NON-COMUSTIBLE INSULATION B MODEL CC3 SPRINKLER A OBSTRUCTION NOTE: WEB MEMBERS AND GUSSETS SHALL NOT BE CONSIDERED OBSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED THE MINIMUM 4-1/2 INCH LATERAL DISTANCE (FIG. 2) REQUIRED BY THE SPECIFIC APPLICATION LISTING IS MAINTAINED. UPPER DECK OBSTRUCTION 1 A C r MODEL CC3 SPRINKLER D LOWER DECK ELEVATION VIEW Distance from Maximum Allowable Centerline of Distance of Deflector Sprinkler to Side Above Bottom of of Obstruction Obstruction (A) (B) <12" 0" <(304,8 mm) (0 mm) 12" to <18" 2-1/2" (304,8 mm to <457,2 mm) (63,5 mm) 18" to <24" 3-1/2" (457,2 mm to <609,6 mm) (88,9 mm) 24"to <30" 5-1/2" (609,6 mm to <762,0 mm) (139,7 mm) 30"to <36" 7-1/2" (762,0 mm to <914,4 mm) (190,5 mm) 36"to <42" 9-1/2" (914,4 mm to <1066,8 mm) (241,3 mm) 42"to <48" 12" (1066,8 mm to <1219,2 mm) (304,8 mm) 48" to <54" 14" (1219,2 mm to <1371,6 mm) (355,6 mm) 54"to <60" 16-1/2" (1371,6 mm to <1524,0 mm) (419,1 mm) A>_3C or 3D A<_24" (609,6 mm) (Use dimension C or D, whichever is greater) OBSTRUCTION MODEL CC3 SPRINKLER C • D �-A-� PLAN VIEW FIGURE 8 NFPA 13 OBSTRUCTION TO WATER DISTRIBUTION CRITERIA (REFERENCE) / WRENCH RECESS (USE END "A" ONLY) FIGURE 9 W-TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH Required Minimum Density (Steel Pipe) 0.10 gpm/ft2 (4,1 mm/min) Minimum Operating Pressure (Steel Pipe) 7 psi (0,48 bar) Obstructions (Steel Pipe) See Figure 8 in this data sheet for obstructions rules. Installation The Model CC3 Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with this section. General Instructions The Model CC3 Sprinklers are to be installed upright and with their frame arms (see Figure 1) in -line with the pipe run. See Figures 2 through 7, as applicable. Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprin- kler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 in. (1,6 mm) for the 200oF (93°C) tempera- ture rating. A leak -tight 1/2 in. NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained with a torque of 7 to 14 lb-ft (9,5 to 19,0 N•m). Higher levels of torque may distort the sprinkler inlet with consequent leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. The Model CC3 Sprinklers must only be installed in the upright position with the deflector parallel to the upper deck. With pipe thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, use only the W-Type 6 (End A) Sprinkler Wrench (see Figure 9) for installation of the Model CC3 Sprin- klers by applying the wrench to the sprinkler wrench flats only. TFP633 Page 8of8 Care and Maintenance The Model CC3 Sprinklers must be maintained and serviced in accordance with this section. Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, permission to shut down the affected fire protection systems must be obtained from the proper authorities and all personnel who may be affected by this action must be notified. Sprinklers that are found to be leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated, or other- wise altered after leaving the factory. Modified sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid damage to the sprinklers before, during, and after installation. Sprin- klers damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be replaced. Also, replace any sprinkler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. Seethe Installation section. The owner is responsible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, for example, NFPA 25, in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Contact the installing contractor or product manufacturer with any questions. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected , tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspec- tion Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. Limited Warranty For warranty terms and conditions, visit www.tyco-fire.com. Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. When placing an order, indicate the full product name and Part Number (P/N). Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT Thread Connections Specify: SIN (specify), K-factor (specify), Model CC3 Combustible Concealed Space Sprinkler, Specific Application, Upright, 200°F (93°C), P/N (specify): TY2199, 4.2K ................. 51-311-1-200 TY3199, 5.6K ................. 51-301-1-200 Sprinkler Wrench: Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-000-6-387 1400 Pennbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 19446 I Telephone +1-215-362-0700 m 2019 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision date and are subject to change without notice. LFP is a registeretl tratlemark of Johnson Controls; NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION and NFPA are reglsteretl trademarks of National Fire Protection Association; TEFLON Is a reglsteretl tratlemark of DuPont; BLAZEMASTER is a registeretl tratlemark of The Lubrizol Corporation Johnson 01,to Controls Pipe Clamps I A Armafixot IPH Series Inserts Only - Inserts with Clamps • Engineered load -bearing inserts prevents insulation compression • Innovative insulated pipe support • Desirable "Foam -to -Foam" Bond • Slip Data: 45 lbs. (0.20 kN) max • Recommended Clamp Torque: 12-15 in-lbs. (1.3-1.7 Nm) • Service Temperature Range -58OF (-50'Q to +220°F (+105'Q Insert Only Assembly Insert & Clamp 1/2" Wall Insulation Thickness Assembly Part No. Insert Only Part No. Pipe/Copper/OD Size Hanger Size* IPHO3812 IPHO3812WO 3/8" O.D. 11/4" IPHO1212 IPHO1212WO 1/2" O.D. 11/4" IPHO5812 IPHO5812WO 5/8" O.D. 11/2" IPHO7812 IPHO7812WO 3/4" O.D. & 7/8" O.D. 2" IPH11812 IPH11812WO 3/4" IPS & 11/8" O.D. 2" IPH13812 IPH13812WO 13/8" O.D. 21/2" IPH15812 IPH15812WO 15/8" O.D. 21/2" IPH11012 IPH11012WO 11/2" IPS & 17/8" O.D. 3" IPH21812 IPH21812WO 21/8" O.D. 3" IPH25812 IPH25812WO 25/8" O.D. 31/2" IPH31812 IPH31812WO 31/8" O.D. 4" IPH35812 IPH35812WO 35/8" O.D. 5" IPH41812 IPH41812WO 41/8" O.D. 6" IPH40012 IPH40012WO 4" IPS 6" IPH50012 IPH50012WO 5" IPS 8" IPH60012 IPH60012WO 6" IPS 8" * Recommended pipe hanger size for insulation thickness shown. (Order hanger separately) IPH18230 ARMAFLEX@t Insulation Tape • 30 ft. (9.14 M) roll TAPiAzao AAA 3/4" Wall Insulation Thickness Assembly Part No. Insert Only Part No. Pipe/Copper/OD Size Hanger Size* IPHO3834 IPHO3834WO 3/8" O.D. 2" IPHO1234 IPHO1234WO 1/2" O.D. 2" IPHO5834 IPHO5834WO 5/8" O.D. 2" IPHO7834 IPHO7834WO 3/4" O.D. & 7/8" O.D. 21/2" IPH11834 IPH11834WO 3/4" IPS & 11/8" O.D. 21/2" IPH13834 IPH13834WO 13/8" O.D. 3" IPH15834 IPH15834WO 15/8" O.D. 31/2" IPH11034 IPH11034WO 11/2" IPS & 17/8" O.D. 31/2" IPH21834 IPH21834WO 21/8" O.D. 4" IPH25834 IPH25834WO 25/8" O.D. 5" IPH31834 IPH31834WO 31/8" O.D. 5" IPH35834 IPH35834WO 35/8" O.D. 6" IPH41834 IPH41834WO 41/8" O.D. 6" IPH40034 IPH40034WO 4" IPS 6" IPH50034 IPH50034WO 5" IPS 8" IPH60034 IPH60034WO 6" IPS 10" IPH80034 IPH80034WO 8" IPS 12" * Recommended pipe hanger size for insulation thickness shown. (Order hanger separately) 1" Wall Insulation Thickness Assembly Insert Only I Pipe/Copper/OD , Hanger Part No. Part No. Size Size* IPHO5810 IPHO5810WO 5/8" O.D. 21/2" IPHO7810 IPHO7810WO 3/4" O.D. & 7/8" O.D. 3" IPH11810 IPH11810WO 3/4" IPS & 11/8" O.D. 3" IPH13810 IPH13810WO 13/8" O.D. 31/2" IPH15810 IPH15810WO 15/8" O.D. 31/2" IPH11010 IPH11010WO 11/2" IPS & 17/8" O.D. 4" IPH21810 IPH21810WO 21/8" O.D. 4" IPH25810 IPH25810WO 25/8" O.D. 5" IPH31810 IPH31810WO 31/8" O.D. 5" IPH35810 IPH35810WO 35/8" O.D. 6" IPH41810 IPH41810WO 41/8" O.D. 6" IPH40010 IPH40010WO 4" IPS 8" IPH50010 IPH50010WO 5" IPS 8" IPH60010 IPH60010WO 6" IPS 10" IPH80010 IPH80010WO 8" IPS 12" * Recommended pipe hanger size for insulation thickness shown. (Order hanger separately) tArmafix® and Armaflex® is a registered trademark of Armacell. Eaton All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. 93 B-Line series Pipe Hangers & Supports CEILING PLATES AND FLANGES Z ,& VIL Fig. 128R Size Range: 3/8" and'/z" Material: Malleable iron Finish:❑ Plain or❑Zinc Plated (Hot -Dip Galvanized optional) Service: Recommended for attachment to wood beams or ceiling. Ordering: Specify rod size, figure number, name and finish. Rod Threaded, Ceiling Flange FIG.128R: DIMENSIONS (IN) • LOAD (LBS) • WEIGHT (LBS) Rod Size A Max Load Weight Screws (not included) Quantity Size No. 1/8 0.16 2 12 1/2180 PROJECTO•APPROVAL Project: ❑ Approved Address: ❑ Approved as noted Contractor: ❑ Not approved Engineer: Remarks: Submittal Date: Notes 1: Notes 2: PH-1.15 Seismic Bracing Fig. 4L - Longitudinal In -Line Sway Brace Attachment Size Range: 21/2" (65mm) through 8" (200mm) IPS. Material: Steel Function: For bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbance Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada WQ 21/2" (65mm) through 8" (200mm) pipe. For FM Approval information refer to page 51. Installation Instructions: Fig. 4L is the "braced pipe" attachment component of a longitudinal sway brace assembly. It is intended to be combined with the "bracing pipe" and TOLCO structural attachment component to form a complete bracing assembly. NFPA 13 guidelines should be followed. To Install: Place the Fig. 4L over the pipe to be braced and tighten bolts. Then engage "bracing pipe" into jaw opening and tighten set bolt until head snaps off. Jaw attachment can pivot for adjustment to proper brace angle. Finish: Plain. Contact B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, pipe size and finish. 4-Way Riser Brace (plan view) Longitudinal Brace Sat Rnit R Hardwares Indudnd Y Y ■ Mr C@ us LISTED Part No. Pipe Size in. (nun) A in. (mm) C in. Wrn) 0 in. (mm) Bolt Size Max. Rec. Load (cULuc) lbs. (M) Approx. Wt./100 lbs. (kg) 4L-21/2 21/2" (65) 67/16" (163.5) 21/2" (63.5) 23/4' (69.8) 1/2"-13 2015 (8.96) 253 (114.7) 4L-3 3" (80) 7" (177.8) 23/4" (69.8) 31/16" (77.8) 1/2"-13 2015 (8.96) 268 (121.5) 41.-4 4" (100) 81/2" (215.9) 33/8" (85.7) 311/16" (93.7) 1/2"-13 2015 (8.96) 348 (157.8) 4L-5 5' (125) 93/4" (247.6) 37/8" (98.4) 43/8" (111.1) 1/2"-13 2015 (8.96) 380 (172.3) 4L-6 6" (150) 111/2" (292.1) 5" (127.0) 51/8" (130.2) 1/2"-13 2015 (8.96) 640 (290.3) 4L-8 8" (200) 131/4" (336.5) 55/8" (142.8) 55/8" (142.9) 1/2"-13 2015 (8.96) 728 (330.2) Eaton's B-Line Business seismic bracing components are designed to be compatible only with other B-Line bracing components, resulting in a listed seismic bracing assembly. B-Line's warranty for seismic bracing components will be the warranty provided in B-Line's standard terms and conditions of sale made available by B-Line, except that, in addition to the other exclusions from B-Line's warranty, Eaton's B-line Business makes no warranty relating to B-Line's seismic bracing components that are combined with products not provided by Eaton's B-Line Business. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. by E:T■N 50 Fire Protection Solutions RING HANGERS Fig. 69 (Formerly Afcon Fig. 300) Adjustable Swivel Ring, Tapped Per NFPA Standards Size Range:'/2" through 8" Material: Carbon steel Finish: Strap is Pre -Galvanized Zinc Material. Nut is Zinc Plated. Service: Recommended for suspension of non -insulated stationary pipe line. Maximum Temperature: 450' F Approvals: Complies with Federal Specification A-A-1192A (Type 10), WW-H-171-E (Type 10), and ANSI/MSS SP-58 (Type 10). UL Listed and FM Approved (Sizes 3/4" - 8"). Features: • '/2" - 2" sizes designed for use with steel and CPVC piping and manufactured with FBC System Compatible oil. • Threads are countersunk so that they cannot become burred or damaged. • Knurled swivel nut provides vertical adjustment after piping is in place. • Captured swivel nut in the'/2" through 6" sizes. The capture is permanent in the bottom portion of the band, allowing the hanger to be opened during installation if desired, but not allowing the nut to fall completely out. Ordering: Specify size, figure number and name. A Non -captured nut also available upon request. ! IA�- F B C i G '/2" through 1" pipe -, A I*- 1'/4" through 2" pipe 2'/2" through 8" pipe FIG. 69: DIMENSIONS (IN) • LOADS (LBS) • WEIGHT (LBS) Pipe Size Max Load Weight RodSizeB C F Width 1/2 300 0.10 % 2�/8 2 19/6 e /s 8/4 0.10 23/4 1'/8 1,/16 1 0.10 29/6 111/6 1 0.10 2% 1'A 7 /8 11/2 0.10 23/4 17/8 2 0.11 31/4 2% 11/8 2'/z 525 0.20 4 23/4 1 s/ 6 3/a 3 0.20 313/16 215/16 13/ s 4 650 0.30 411/6 313/s 19/,s 5 1,000 0.54 1/2 55/16 4% 6 0.65 611/16 59/6 21/4 8 1.00 8'/16 7'/16 31/4 '/z" through 2" Size Rounded Edge Design C UL us FM LISTED APPROVED 2'/2" through 8" Size PROJECT1 1APPROVAL Project: ❑ Approved Address: ❑ Approved as noted Contractor: ❑ Not approved Engineer: Remarks: Submittal Date: Notes 1: Notes 2: PH-1.18 Seismic Bracing Fig. 980 - Universal Swivel Sway Brace Attachment - 3/8" to 3/4" Size Range: One size fits bracing pipe 1" (25mm) thru 2" (5omm), B-Line 12 gauge (2.6mm) channel, and all structural steel up to 1/4" (31.7mm) thick. Material: Steel Function: Multi -functional attachment to structure or braced pipe fitting. Features: This product's design incorporates a concentric attachment opening which is critical to the performance of structural seismic connections. NFPA 13 indicates clearly that fastener table load values are based only on concentric loading. Mounts to any surface angle. Break off bolt head assures verification of proper installation. Installation: Fig.980 is the structural or transitional attachment component of a longitudinal or lateral sway brace assembly. It is intended to be combined with the "bracing pipe" and TOLCO "braced pipe" attachment, Fig. 1000, 1001, 2002, 4L, 4A or approved attachment to pipe to form a complete bracing assembly. NFPA 13 guidelines should be followed. To Install: Place the Fig. 980 onto the "bracing pipe". Tighten the set bolt until the head breaks off. Attachment can pivot for adjustment to proper brace angle. Approvals: —Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (LIL) and Canada (WL). For FM Approval information refer to page 67. Note: Fig. 980 Swivel Attachment and Fig. 1001, 1000, 2002, 4A or approved attachment to pipe that make up a sway brace system of UL Listed attachments and bracing materials which satisfies the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Finish: Plain, Electro-Galvanized or Stainless Steel. Contact B-Line for alternative finishes. Order By: Figure number and finish. Pat. #6,273,372, Pat. #6,517,030, Pat. #6,953,174, Pat. #6,708,930, Pat. #7,191,987, Pat. #7,441,730, Pat. #7,669,806 Lateral Brace Fig. 4L Y Y ■ Mr Set Bolt Included Mounting Hardware Is Not Included Part Mtg. Hdw. Mounting Hole Max. Design Approx. Number Size A B D Load (cULus) Wt./100 in. (nun) in. (nun) in. (nun) in. (mm) in. (nun) lbs. (kg) 980-3/8 3/8" (9.5) 51/4" (133.3) 17/8" (47.6) 13/32" (10.3) 2015 (8.96) 149 (67.6) 980-1/2* 1/2- (12.7) 51/4" (133.3) 17/8- (47.6) 17/32" (13.5) 2015 (8.96) 148 (67.1) 980-5/8 5/8- (15.9) 51/4" (133.3) 17/8" (47.6) 11/16" (17.5) 2015 (8.96) 147 (66.7) 980-3/4 3/4" (19.0) 51/4" (133.3) 17/8" (47.6) 13/16- (20.5) 2015 (8.96) 146 (66.2) * Standard size Fig. 980 ceus LISTED Longitudinal Brace Eaton's B-Line Business seismic bracing components are designed to be compatible only with other B-Line bracing components, resulting in a listed seismic bracing assembly. B-Line's warranty for seismic bracing components will be the warranty provided in B-Line's standard terms and conditions of sale made available by B-Line, except that, in addition to the other exclusions from B-Line's warranty, Eaton's B-line Business makes no warranty relating to B-Line's seismic bracing components that are combined with products not provided by Eaton's B-Line Business. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. by E:T■N 66 Fire Protection Solutions FCOn. SEISMIC BRACES Fig. AF076 (Formerly Afton Fig. 076) Size Range: Brace Pipe: I" through Z DN25 through DN50 Anchor Size:'/z" Sway Brace Swivel Attachment Material: Ductile Iron jaw with Carbon Steel Baseplate and Hardware Finish: ❑ Plain or ❑ Electro-Galvanized per ASTM B633 Service: A seismic swivel attachment designed to connect brace pipe to the building structure or to a seismic structural attachment. The Sway Brace Swivel Attachment rigidly braces piping systems subjected to lateral seismic loads. Approvals: cULus Listed (UL 203a) and FM Approved (FM 1950-10 & FM 1950- 13). Complies with the hanging and bracing requirements listed in NFPA 13. Features: • One universal jaw allows for attachment to multiple brace pipe sizes. • Field adjustable design requires no threading of the brace pipe. • Shear offset screw provides a visual indication that the desired torque value has been achieved. Installation Instructions: c UL us <a> LISTED APPROVED • Insert anchor through the mounting hole and into the structure or seismic structural attachment. • For connection to Fig. AF085, AF086, AF087, and AF779 seismic structural attachments, the bolt and nuts shall be installed wrench tight (typically finger tight plus'/a to'/z turns). • For connection to concrete, wood, timber, steel, and other structures, install fasteners per the fastener manufacturer's installation instructions. • Insert Sch. 40 brace pipe into the brace jaw until the brace pipe bottoms out. • Torque shear off bolt until head shears off. • Check the cross bolt and nut and ensure the nut is wrench tight. • Fire Protection applications shall also be installed per the requirements of NFPA 13 and local codes. Ordering: Specify figure number, finish and description. Notes: Anvil International® brand bracing components are designed to be compatible ONLY with other Anvil International® brand bracing components, resulting in a Listed seismic bracing assembly. Updated UL listing information may be viewed at www.u[.com and updated FM approval information may be viewed at www.approva[guide.com. Disclaimer: Anvil International ("Anvil") does not provide any warranties and specifically disclaims any liability whatsoever with respect to Anvil bracing products and components that are used in combination with products, parts or systems not manufactured or sold by Anvil. In no event shall Anvil be liable for any incidental, direct, consequential, special or indirect damages or lost profits where non -Anvil bracing components have been, or are used. SeisBrace®Seismic Fire Protection Design Tool may be accessed at www.seisbrace.com PROJECT1 1APPROVAL Project: []Approved Address: ❑Approved as noted Contractor: []Not approved Engineer: Remarks: Submittal Date: Notes 1: Notes 2: PH-3.19 FCOn. SEISMIC BRACES Z /ANVIL Fig. AF076 (Formerly Afcon Fig. 076) Shear Off Bolt M Fastener C Hole Sway Brace Swivel Attachment (cont.) FIG. AF076: DIMENSIONS (IN) • WEIGHT (LBS) Fastener Size A B C D E L W Weight Yz 1.00 1.83 1.25 1.38 3/4 2% 21A 1.68 FIG. AF076 cULus MAX SEISMIC HORIZONTAL LOADS: DIMENSIONS (IN) • LOADS (LBS) Brace Pipe Size Fastener Max Seismic Max Service Size Brace Load Pipe Size 1-2 (DN25 - DN50) 1/2 2765 10 NIPS Brace Pipe Dimensions per ASTM A53 Sch. 40, ASTM A106 Sch. 40, or equivalent. DN Brace Pipe Dimensions per KS D 3562 Sch. 40 or equivalent. FIG. AF076 FM MAX SEISMIC HORIZONTAL ASD LOADS": DIMENSIONS (IN) • LOADS (LBS) Brace Fastener Max Seismic Brace Load at Brace Pipe Angle* 30-44 45-59 60-74 75-90 Pipe Size Size (DN25 DN50) 1/2 1310 1810 2630 2930 NPS Brace Pipe Dimensions per ASTM A53 Sch. 40, ASTM A106 Sch. 40, or equivalent. DN Brace Pipe Dimensions per GBlr 3091, EN10255H, JIS G3454 Sch. 40, KS D 3562 Sch. 40, or equivalent. * Brace Pipe Angles are determined from vertical. **The allowable FM approved capacity of brace subassemblies are listed in Allowable Stress Design (ASD). For Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) capacities, the above values will need to be multiplied by 1.5. FIG. AF076 HORIZONTAL PRYING FACTORS (Pr) PER NFPA: ANGLES (DEG) Brace Orientation* A B C D E F G H I Brace Angle** 30-44 45-59 60-90 30-44 45-59 60-90 30-44 45-59 60-90 Prying Factor (Pr) 3.724 2.150 1.375 2.150 2.150 2.250 2.750 1.945 1.588 * Brace Orientation per NFPA 13-2016 Figure ** Brace Pipe Angles are determined from vertical. PH-3.19 ,AFCO/1 SEISMIC BRACES Z ANVIL Fig. AF775 (Formerly Anvil Fig. 775) Longitudinal & Lateral Seismic Clamp Size Range: Service Pipe: 2%2" through 8", DN65 through DN200 Brace Pipe:1'; IA", DN25 and DN32 Material: Carbon Steel Clamp and Ductile Iron Brace Socket Finish: ❑ Plain or ❑ Galvanized (Brace Socket Electro-Galvanized per ASTM B633 and Clamps Hot -Dip Galvanized per ASTM A153). L Service: Designed to rigidly brace piping systems subjected to longitudinal _ and lateral seismic loads. May also be installed to brace piping systemsA subjected to vertical seismic loads. For vertical load capacities, reference - OSHPD OPM-0351-13. Approvals: cULus Listed (UL 203a) and FM Approved (FM 1950-10 & FM 1950-13). OSHPD Pre -Approved (OPM-0351-13 and OPA-2804-10). Complies Osr)pd c & us <FM with the hanging and bracing requirements listed in NFPA 13. OPM-0351-13 LISTED APPROVED Features: For use in either longitudinal or lateral seismic brace applications. Installation Instructions: • Position the clamp at the desired location on the service pipe and hand tighten the hex bolts. Ensure the spacer and the brace socket attachment are positioned on the bolt between the pipe clamps ears. • Insert brace pipe into the socket until the brace pipe bottoms out. • Torque shear off bolt until the bolt head breaks off. • Ensure the brace pipe is set to the desired installation brace angle. • Tighten the clamp bolts and nuts equally and alternately until metal to metal contact is achieved with the proper torque value. • Fire Protection applications shall also be installed per the requirements of NFPA 13 and local codes. Ordering: Specify service pipe size, brace pipe size, figure number, finish and description. Longitudinal Brace race Pipe Fig. AF775 Service Pipe FIG. AF775 WLus MAX SEISMIC LATERAL LOADS: DIMENSIONS (IN) • LOADS (LBS) Service Brace Max Seismic Brace Load Sch.10 Sch. 40 Pipe Size Pipe Size 21/2 - 4 1000 1000 (DN65 - DN100) 1 -1' /4 5-6 1600 1600 (DN125 - DN150) (DN25 - DN32) 8 (DN200) 2015 2015 NPS Brace Pipe Dimensions per ASTM A53 Sch. 40, ASTM Al 06 Sch. 40, or equivalent. NPS Service Pipe Dimensions per ASTM A53, ASTM A106 or equivalent. Lateral Brace DN Service Pipe Dimensions per KS D 3507/3537 or equivalent listed with Sch.10 loads. DN Service Pipe Dimensions per KS D 3562 Sch. 40 or Equivalent listed with Sch. 40 loads. DN Brace Pipe Dimensions per KS D 3562 Sch. 40 or equivalent. Notes: Anvil International® brand bracing components are designed to be compatible ONLY with other Anvil International® brand bracing components, resulting in a Listed seismic bracing assembly. Updated UL listing information may be viewed at www.ui.com and updated FM approval information may be viewed at www.approva[guide.com. Disclaimer: Anvil International ("Anvil') does not provide any warranties and specifically disclaims any liability whatsoever with respect to Anvil bracing products and components that are used in combination with products, parts or systems not manufactured or sold by Anvil. In no event shall Anvil be liable for any incidental, direct, consequential, special or indirect damages or lost profits where non -Anvil bracing components have been, or are used. SeisBrace®Seismic Fire Protection Design Tool may be accessed at www.seisbrace.com PROJECT1 1APPROVAL Project: []Approved Address: ❑Approved as noted Contractor: []Not approved Engineer: Remarks: Submittal Date: Notes 1: Notes 2: PH-3.19 FCOn. SEISMIC BRACES Fig. AF775 (Formerly Anvil Fig. 775) Brace Socket Longitudinal & Lateral Seismic Clamp (cont.) FIG. AF775: WEIGHT (LBS) • DIMENSIONS (IN) • WEIGHT (LBS) • TORQUE (FT-LBS) Service Pipe Size A B D 1" Brace D 11Y' Brace Socket Depth 1"/DN25 Brace Pipe Weight 1'/a'/DN50 Brace Pipe Weight Installation Torque 21/2 6 23/8 3 /a 2'/a 3 13/8 2.19 2.54 80 DN65 61/8 21/2 2.25 2.60 3 (DN80) 63/4 23/4 2.36 2.71 4 (DN100) 81/2 31/2 2.62 2.97 100 DN125 91/2 4 3.74 4.09 5 91/2 4 3.74 4.09 DN150 113A 41/8 �/a 6.32 6.67 120 6 111/2 47/3 6.32 6.67 DN200 131/e 6 7.42 1 7.77 140 8 133/4 1 6 7.42 1 7.77 FIG. AF775 FM MAX SEISMIC LATERAL ASD LOADS***: DIMENSIONS (IN) • LOADS (LBS) • ANGLES (DEG) Service Pipe Size Pipe Schedules Brace Pipe Size Max Seismic Brace Load at Brace Pipe Angle" 30-44 45-59 60-74 75-90 21/2 LW" 1 -11/4 (DN25 - DN32) 1570 2220 1690 1870 DN65 1570 2220 1690 1870 3(DN80) 1570 2220 1690 1870 4(DN100) 1520 1060 910 1000 DN125 1570 2220 1690 1870 5 1570 2220 1690 1870 DN150 1570 2220 910 1040 6 1570 2220 910 1040 21/2 Sch.10 — Sch. 40 1370 2150 2390 2640 DN65 1370 2150 2390 2640 3(DN80) 1370 2150 2390 2640 4(DN100) 1280 1810 1680 1870 DN125 1370 2150 2390 2640 5 1370 2150 2390 2640 DN150 1520 2150 2570 2830 6 1520 2150 2570 2830 DN200 1570 2220 2720 3140 8 1570 2220 2720 3140 NPS Brace Pipe Dimensions per ASTM A53 Sch. 40, ASTM A106 Sch. 40, or equivalent. NPS Service Pipe Dimensions per ASTM A53, ASTM A106 or equivalent. DN Service Pipe Dimensions per EN 10220, GB/T 8163, or equivalent listed with LW loads. DN Service Pipe Dimensions per GB/T 3091, GB/T 3092, EN10255M, EN10255H, KS D 3507/3537, or equivalent listed with Sch.10 loads. DN Service Pipe Dimensions per JIS G3452, KS D 3562 Sch. 40 or equivalent listed with Sch. 40 loads. DN Brace Pipe Dimensions per GB/T 3091, EN10255H, JIS G3454 Sch. 40, KS D 3562 Sch. 40, or equivalent. * Load rating for LW above refers to FM Approved Lightwall pipe, commonly referred to as Sch.7 and Flow Pipe. See FM Approval Guide for approved Lightwall pipe. '* Brace Pipe Angles are determined from vertical. *"* The allowable FM approved capacity of brace subassemblies are listed in Allowable Stress Design (ASD). For Load Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) capacities, the above values will need to be multiplied by 1.5. PH-3.19 POTTER O 'POTTER SPECIALTY ITEMS FIRE PRO SPRINKLER AN ACCESSORIES D STANDPIPE Member of Morris Group International - SPECIFICATIONS FLOW SWITCH Red tamper proof switch housing with flow paddle. Adjustable pneumatic retard setting from 0 to 70 seconds. Two single pole, double throw microswitches to operate separate circuits, 120 Volt A.C. UL Listed for schedule 10 and 40 steel water pipe. Type and size as selected by model number. MODEL SELECTION FLOW SWITCHES 36201 2" For Steel Tube d6202 2-1/2" For Steel Tube d6203 3" For Steel Tube 36204 3-1/2" For Steel Tube d6205 4" For Steel Tube J6206 5" For Steel Tube L26207 6" For Steel Tube g6208 8" For Steel Tube L06211 2" For Copper Tube ❑ 6212 2-1/2" For Copper Tube ❑ 6216 Tee Type with Retard ❑ 6217 Tee Type without Retard SUPERVISORY SWITCHES ❑ 6220 For OS&Y Gate valves ❑ 6222 For Sprinkler System Valves ❑ 6223 For Post Indicator Type Valves & Regulating Valves ACCESSORIES ❑ 6230 Bell ❑ 12 Volts ❑ 24 Volts ❑ 6235 Bell Guard ❑ 6240 Pressure Gauge (UL Listed) PRODUCT OPTIONS "NO AVAILABLE OPTIONS" - 1. MODEL 6206 (Shown) MODELS Model/Series No. 6201-6240 SERIES Contact Ratings: 10A @ 125/250 VAC 2.5A @ 24 VDC � I � .� �rr 'i S'h� •j�i� H SUPERVISORY SWITCH SUPERVISORY SWITCH MODEL 6220 MODEL 6222 Contact Ratings: 10A @ 125/250 VAC 2.5A @ 24 VDC SUPERVISORY SWITCH BELL MODEL 6223 MODEL 6230 'fJ BELL GUARD PRESSURE GAUGE MODEL 6235 MODEL 6240 Call Potter Roemer- Fire Pro for current listings and approvals. Dimensions are subject to manufacturer's tolerance and may change notice. Potter Roemer- y 9 - - FIRE EUU I PM ERs ONFSA MANUFACTURERS' ASSOCIATION POTTER ROEMER/FIRE PRO Headquarters: Also in: Q Fire Pro assumes no responsibility for use of void or _ "^"�""` °'"` ""'"""" """`""�"'"` New York 800 526-4592 P.O. Box 3527 ( ) superceded data. © Copyright Potter Roemer --Fire Pro, City of Industry, CA Chicago (800) 547-3473 Member of Morris Group International - Pleasevisit potterroemer.com for most current specifications. o°``:"° .Los �s IL "' CASPE M 91744U.S.A. Atlanta (800) 762-0542 g Miami 866 961-3473 An eles Area ( )0 800-366-3473 Dallas (866) 644-3473 6201-6240 SERIESDate:09/22/15 �Plum�,n9En9,nePos NFA _� 626-855-4890 www.potterroemer.com Tyco Fire Protection Products Model BFV-300/BFV-300C Butterfly Valve Grooved End General Description The TYCO Models BFV-300 and BFV- 300C Grooved End Butterfly Valves are indicating type valves designed for use in fire protection systems where a visual indication of open or closed valve condition is required. They are used, for example, as system, sec- tional and pump water control valves. They have grooved inlet and outlet con- nections that are suitable for use with grooved end pipe couplings listed or approved for fire protection systems. For applications requiring supervi- sion of the open or closed state of the valve, the Gear Operators for the Model BFV-300/BFV-300C Butterfly Valves feature two sets of factory installed internal switches each having SPDT contacts (Ref. Figure 3). The super- visory switches transfer their electri- cal contacts when there is movement from the open or closed disc position during the first two revolutions of the handwheel. NOTICE The Model BFV-300/BFV-300C Grooved End Butterfly Valves described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Asso- ciation, in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the perfor- mance of these devices. The owner is responsible for main- taining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating con- dition. Contact the installing contrac- tor or product manufacturer with any questions. Technical Data Approvals UL Listed FM Approved CE Certified VdS Approved Russian Fire Certificate CNPP R1 Listed-APSAD Listed by California State Fire Marshall Refer to Tables A, B and C for applicability. All laboratory listings and approvals are for indoor and outdoor use. Sizes 2-12 Inch (DN50-DN300) UL/FM Maximum Working Pressure 2-8 Inch (DN50-DN200) .... 300 psi (20,7 bar) 10-12 Inch (DN250-DN300) ..175 psi (12,1 bar) VdS Maximum Working Pressure 2-8 Inch (DN50-DN200) .... 300 psi (20,7 bar) 10 Inch (DN250) ........... 232 psi (16,0 bar) 12 Inch (DN300) ............175 psi (12,1 bar) Maximum Working Temperature 212°F (100°C) in accordance with UL 1091 Materials of Construction Body ......................... Ductile Iron Body Coating ........... RILSAN PA11 Black Disc .......................... Ductile Iron Disc Seal...............EPDM Encapsulated Upper & Lower Stem.......... Stainless Steel Handwheel .................... Ductile Iron (BFV-300 red painted; BFV-300C black painted) Actuator, 2-6 Inch (DN50-DN150): • IP 65, bronze traveling nut gearbox, ductile iron housing Actuator, 8-12 Inch (DN200-DN300): • IP 65, brass segmented gearbox, ductile iron housing Silicone Free Model Availability Silicone free models are available. Contact Tyco sales for information. Tapping Bosses Two factory -plugged NPT threaded tapping bosses in the valve body are located on the up- and downstream sides of the disc for connection to valve trim. Tapping boss sizes: 2-3 inch (DN50-DN80) .............3/8 NPT 4-12 inch (DN100-DN300) ..........1/2 NPT Control Valve Seat Leakage Class IEC 60534-4 CLASS VI (Type C) Control Valve Seat Leakage according to ANSI/FCI 70-2-2006 (ASME B16.104) Worldwide www.tyco-fire.com Contacts MODEL BFV-300 WITH OPEN SUPERVISORY SWITCHES MODEL BFV-300C WITH CLOSED SUPERVISORY SWITCHES FM .�sT'^ L of CAL,, c p APPROVEDA 9F E MpQq C E F,a VdS '� ���°� EA[ Cr Page 1 of 8 APRIL 2017 TFP1511 TFP1511 Page 2 of 8 Nominal Pipe Nominal Dimensions Valve Size OD Inches Weight Inches Inches (mm) Lbs. (DN) (mm) A B C D E F G H J (kg) 2 2.37 3.8 10.63 2.85 4.90 4.92 4.28 1.99 0 0 10.8 DN50 60,3 96,4 270 72,5 124,5 125 108,E 50,5 4,9 2-1/2 2.88 3.8 11.72 3.35 5.5 4.92 4.28 1.99 0 0 13.0 DN65 73,0 96,4 297,8 85 139,8 125 108,E 50,5 5,9 3 3.8 11.72 3.35 5.5 4.92 4.28 1.99 0 0 13.0 DN65 76,1 96,4 297,8 85 139,8 125 108,E 50,5 5,9 3 3.5 3.8 12.22 3.58 5.76 4.92 4.28 1.99 0 0 13.9 DN80 88,9 96,4 310,3 91 146,3 125 108,E 50,5 6,3 4 4.5 4.54 13.92 4.29 6.75 4.92 4.28 1.99 0 0 17.64 DN100 114,3 115,4 353,5 109 171,5 125 108,E 50,5 8,0 5.5 5.83 16 5.16 7.93 5.91 5.79 2.32 0 0 26.4 DN125 139,7 148 406,E 131 201,5 150 147 58,9 11,9 5 5.56 5.83 16 5.16 7.93 5.91 5.79 2.32 0 0 26.4 DN125 141,3 148 406,E 131 201,5 150 147 58,9 11,9 6.5 5.83 17.07 5.71 8.44 5.91 5.79 2.32 0 0 30,42 DN150 165,1 148 433,E 145 214,5 150 147 58,9 13,8 6 6.63 5.83 17.07 5.71 8.44 5.91 5.79 2.32 0 0 30,42 DN150 168,3 148 433,E 145 214,5 150 147 58,9 13,8 8 8.63 5.24 19.67 6.69 9.29 8.86 8.19 2.76 5.66 1.24 47.18 DN200 219,1 133 499,5 170 236 225 208 70 143,7 31,4 21,4 10 10.75 6.26 22.46 7.68 11.1 11.14 8.19 2.91 7.21 1.65 73.41 DN250 273 159 570,5 195 282 283 208 74 183,1 41,8 33,3 12 12.75 6.5 25.39 9.5 12.2 11.14 8.19 2.91 9.96 2.7 89.29 DN300 323,9 165 645 241,5 310 283 208 74 252,9 68,5 40,5 SEGMENTED HANDWHEEL GEAR OPERATOR 8 TO 12 INCH E INDICATOR (DN200 TO DN300) FLAG VALVE SIZES C D - (VALVE CLOSED) F TAPPING O O BOSSES G B HANDWHEEL I,III�1 HANDWHEEL INDICATOR i' V BODY FLAG (VALVE TAPPING O o OPEN) BOSSES ----- n A o(pn' TAPPING BOSSES DISC J H TRAVELLING NUT TRAVELLING NUT ELECTRICAL CONNECTOR GEAR OPERATOR GEAR OPERATOR Viu'V� 2 TO 4 INCH 5 TO 6 INCH (DN50 TO DN100) (DN125 TO DN150) VALVE SIZES VALVE SIZES FIGURE 1 MODEL BFV-300/BFV-300C GROOVED END BUTTERFLY VALVE NOMINAL DIMENSIONS TFP1511 Page 3 of 8 No. Part Material Qty. 01 Body ASTM 1 A-536 02 Upper Stem AISI 410 1 03 Lower Stem AISI 410 1 04 Disc EPDM 1 05 O-Ring (P12) EPDM 4 06 Oiless B/R _ 4 MB1410 07 End Cap EPDM 1 2-1/2-4 Inch 08 Gear Box ASTM 1 A-536 Traveling Nut Bronze 1 2-6 Inch 09 Segment Gear C 3604BD 1 8-12 Inch 10 Bushing (2) FD-0205-45 1 11 Cover ASTM 1 A-619 12 Bushing Fe 1 13 Headless Wrench ASTM 1 Bolt M5 x 7L A-307 14 Stem Housing Fe 1 35 �4 28 37 33 30 32 38,39 31 No. Part Material Qty. 15 Spring Pin ASTM 1 A-228 16 Indicator ASTM 1 A-619 17 O-Ring NBR 1 18 Cover Gasket Paper 1 19 Spring Pin ASTM 1 05x1Tx25 A-228 20 O-Ring (P10) EPDM 1 21 Worm Shaft AISI 410 1 22 Bushing (1) FD-0205-45 1 23 Collar FD-0205-45 1 24 Spring Washer ASTM 4 A-167 25 Hex Bolt ASTM 2 M8 x 20L A-167 26 Hex Bolt ASTM 2 M8 x 25L A-167 27 Gasket Paper 1 28 Spring Pin ASTM 1 04x0.8tx25 A-228 29 Handwheel ASTM 1 A-536 28 30 37 No. Part Material Qty. 30 Bolt (Round) ASTM 3 A-167 31 Plate Washer ASTM 4 A-167 32 Switch Assembly — 1 33 T/R Bolt ASTM 2 A-307 34 Tapping Screw S10C 1 ST3.5 x 7.5 35 Tooth Washer 44 S10C 1 36 Lever ASTM 1 A-619 37 Connector — 1 38 Sticker — 1 39 Sticker — 1 40 Spring Pin ASTM 1 03x0.6Tx25 A-228 Headless Plug 3/8 NPT 2-3 Inch 41 ASTM 2 A-307 Headless Plug 1/2 NPT 4-12 Inch 33 35 34 36 38,39 31 30 30 19, 19, 29 20 40 17 14 12 18 29 20 40 17 14 12 18 16 16------- 11 15 11 / 15 -_— - 21 10 21 10 13 13 22 09 22 - 09 27 27-- 23 08 23 08 25 25 24 05 24 05 26 26 25 02 25 02 01 41 01 41 04 03 04 03 6----- 06,----- - 07 06 07 BFV-300 Normally Open Valve BFV-300C Normally Closed Valve Supervisory Switch Arrangement Supervisory Switch Arrangement FIGURE 2 MODEL BFV-3001BFV-300C GROOVED END BUTTERFLY VALVE ASSEMBLY TFP1511 Page 4of8 11 11 .11 111 111 IIII .III IIII IIII 1 IIIII■■■■ IIIII■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■� ��■�,■■■■■■ ■■■►I ■■■■■■ ��■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■III I/IIII IIIII IIIII IIIII ■■ ■I �■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ��■■■■■■I■M■■■■ II ■■■■■■II■I ■■■■I Ammon ■■■■■IIIII sons IIIII IIIII 1 IIIII IIIII ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■�■■■■■■� ■■■■■ ■■■■� IIIII IIIII ■►� ■■ ■■ ■� ►�■■■■■■�■■ ■■■■►I ■■■■� IIIII IIIII 1 I ■■ ■■ ■■ ■■►�■■■■■■■ ■■■■■ ■■■III IIIII IIIII �■ ■■ ■■ ■► ■■■■■■►�■■■ ■■■� ■ ■■■■■IIIII IIIII 1 IIIII■■■■■■■I■��■■■■■■I■■■■■■■I,i11111111111/I■■■■■��■■■■■I■■■■■■■I■■■■■11111111111 ..... �....... �.��....... ����...,............. �.0-..... �����..... ��................... ■■■■■.... ■■■■■.... ■■■■■.... ■��.....■■■��...,...■■■■■■■r,■■■■...■,■■■■��.M...■■■�...■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ..�.......■���..A ,��....■■■■=......■■■■■■■■.■■■....■■■■��.......■■ter......■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ME■■■■■■I■■.....AM■■110MII...■■■�.........■■■■■■■■■■. 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II II -1• I 1 � YELLOW F------- i YELLOW S-1 FIRE ALARM COMMON (WHITE) COMMON (WHITE) END OF LINE CONTROL PANEL RESISTOR SUPERVISORY RED RED OR CIRCUIT NEXT DEVICE MODEL BFV-300/BFV-300C I GREEN GEAR OPERATOR OPERATOR CASE CONTACT RATINGS: - GROUND 16A 125V/250 VAC I I BLUE 5A 24VDC SWITCH S-1, 2 LEADS PER CONTACT SWITCH S-2, 1 LEAD PER CONTACT i S 2 i COMMON (BLACK) I I ORANGE VOLTAGE L _ _ _ _ _ J AUX. DEVICE SOURCE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (BELL OR HORN) FIGURE 3 MODEL BFV-300 BUTTERFLY VALVE OPEN POSITION - SUPERVISORY SWITCH OPEN POSITION MODEL BFV-300C BUTTERFLY VALVE CLOSED POSITION - SUPERVISORY SWITCH CLOSED POSITION INTERNAL SWITCH WIRING DIAGRAM TFP1511 Page 5 of 8 Nominal Pipe Part Number Agencv Listing/Approval Valve Size Inches O.D. Inches PSG' BFV-300 BFV-300C CA Fire Russian (bar) Supv. Switch Supv. Switch CE UL FM �VdS Marshall CNPP PAVUS Fire (DN) (mm) OPEN CLOSED Cart. 2 DN50 2.38 60,3 300 201 5930OG02OWS 5930OG02OWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 2-1/2 DN65 2.88 73,0 300 20,7 59300GO25WS 59300GO25WSC ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ DN65 3 76,1 300 20,7 59300GO26WS 59300GO26WSC ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 3 DN80 3,5 88,9 300 20,7 5930OG03OWS 5930OG03OWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 4 DN100 4.5 114,3 300 20,7 5930OG04OWS 5930OG04OWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ DN125 5.5 139,7 300 20,7 59300GO56WS 59300GO56WSC ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 5 DN125 5.56 141,3 300 20,7 5930OG05OWS 5930OG05OWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ DN150 6.5 165,1 300 20,7 59300GO66WS 59300GO66WSC ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 6 DN150 6.63 168,3 300 20,7 5930OG06OWS 5930OG06OWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 8 DN200 8.63 219,1 300 20,7 5930OG08OWS 5930OG08OWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 10 DN250 10.75 273 175 12,1 5930OG10OWS 5930OG10OWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ 12 DN300 12.75 323,9 175 12,1 5930OG12OWS 5930OG12OWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ TABLE A MODEL BFV-3001BFV-300C GROOVED END BUTTERFLY VALVE WITH INTERNAL SUPERVISORY SWITCHES PART NUMBER SELECTION AND AGENCY LISTINGS/APPROVALS Nominal Pipe Part Number Agency Listing/Approval Valve Size O.D. Max. BFV-300 BFV-300C Inches Inches (bar) Supv. Switch Supv. Switch CE VdS CNPP (DN) (mm) OPEN CLOSED 2 DN50 2.38 60,3 300 20,7 59300GO20AWS 59300GO20AWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ 2-1/2 DN65 2.88 73,0 300 20,7 59300GO25AWS 59300GO25AWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ DN65 3 76,1 300 20,759300G026AWS 59300GO26AWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ 3 DN80 3,5 88,9 300 20,7 59300GO30AWS 59300GO30AWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ 4 DN100 4.5 114,3 300 20,7 59300GO40AWS 59300GO40AWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ DN125 5.5 139,7 300 20,7 59300GO56AWS 59300GO56AWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ 5 DN125 5.56 141,3 300 20,7 59300GO50AWS 59300GO50AWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ DN150 6 165,120,7 300 59300GO66AWS 59300GO66AWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ 6 DN150 6.63 168,3 300 20,7 59300GO60AWS 59300GO60AWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ 8 DN200 8.63 219,1 300 20,7 59300GO80AWS 59300GO80AWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ 10 DN250 10.75 273 175 12,1 5930OG100AWS 5930OG100AWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ 12 DN300 12.75 323,9 175 12,1 5930OG120AWS 5930OG120AWSC ✓ ✓ ✓ TABLE B MODEL BFV-3001BFV-300C GROOVED END BUTTERFLY VALVE WITH CNPP-APSAD LARGE 100 X 100 MM FLAG AND INTERNAL SUPERVISORY SWITCHES PART NUMBER SELECTION AND AGENCY LISTINGS/APPROVALS TFP1511 Page 6 of 8 Nominal Pipe Max. A enc Listin /A roval CA Fire Russian Valve Size Inches O.D. Inches Part Number (bar) CE UL FM VdS Marsh II CNPP PAVUS Fire (DN) (mm) Cert. 2 DN50 2.38 60,3 300 20,7 5930OG02ONS / / V V / 2-1/2 2.88 300 59300GO25NS DN65 73,0 20,7 DN65 3 76,1 300 20,7 59300GO26NS 3 3,5 300 5930OG03ONS ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ DN80 88,9 20,7 4 4.5 300 5930OG04ONS DN100 114,3 20,7 DN125 5.5 139,7 300 20,7 59300GO56NS 5 DN125 5.56 141,3 300 20,7 5930OG05ONS / / / / ,/ DN150 6.5 165,1 300 20,7 59300GO66NS 6 DN150 6.63 168,3 300 20,7 5930OG06ONS 8 8.63 300 5930OG08ONS ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ DN200 219,1 20,7 10 DN250 10.75 273 175 12,1 5930OG10ONS 12 12.75 175 5930OG12ONS DN300 323,9 12,1 TABLE C MODEL BFV-300 GROOVED END BUTTERFLY VALVE WITHOUT INTERNAL SUPERVISORY SWITCHES PART NUMBER SELECTION AND AGENCY LISTINGS/APPROVALS Notes: 1. Install a single switch in either bracket mounting position to monitor Open or Closed valve condition ® � ---� r- I I I O L- ® Bernstein Switch Wiring Diagram TABLE D MODEL BFV-300 GROOVED END BUTTERFLY VALVE WITHOUT INTERNAL SUPERVISORY SWITCHES ACCESSORY EXTERNAL SUPERVISORY SWITCHES AND MOUNTING BRACKETS PART NUMBER SELECTION Part Number Nominal Gear Bernstein Bernstein Valve Size Operator Mounting Bernstein i88-IP65 GC-SU1Z Inches Type Bracket with i88-IP65 LED Switch Ex IP-66/67 ATEX (DN) Mounting Bolts Regular Switch 24V (Ex 112G Ex dIIC T6 Gb) Switch 2-4 (DN50-DN100 Travelling Nut 59300SPBRACKETI0 59300SPSW 59300SPSWLED 59300SPSWATEX 5-6 DN125-DN200 59300SPBRACKET20 8 DN200 Segmented Gear 59300SPBRACKET25 10-12 DN250-DN300 59300SPBRACKET30 TFP1511 Page 7 of 8 Installation The Model BFV-300/BFV-300C Grooved End Butterfly Valves may be installed with flow in either direction and can be positioned either horizon- tally or vertically. The grooved end pipe couplings used with the Model BFV-300/BFV- 300C must be listed or approved for fire protection service and installed in accordance with the manufacturers instructions. The Model BFV-300/BFV-300C But- terfly Valve may be installed with any schedule of pressure class of pipe or tubing that is listed or approved for fire protection. Conduit and electrical connections are to be made in accordance with the authority having jurisdiction and/ or the National Electrical Code. With reference to Figure 3, the supervisory switch is intended for connection to the supervisory circuit of a fire alarm control panel in accordance with NFPA 72. The auxiliary switch is intended for the unsupervised connection to aux- iliary equipment in accordance with NFPA 70, National Electric Code. NOTE: For outdoor applications with internal supervisory switches, it is rec- ommended that wiring connections be made at a temperature above 15°F (-9°C), in order to insure sufficient flex- ibility of the wire lead insulation. Care and Maintenance Before closing a fire protection system control valve for maintenance or inspection work on either the valve or fire protection system which it con- trols, permission to shut down the affected fire protection systems must be obtained from the proper authorities and all personnel who may be affected by this decision must be notified. The owner is responsible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in accordance with the applicable stan- dards of the National Fire Protection Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any authority having jurisdiction. Contact the installing con- tractor or product manufacturer with any questions. Any impairment must be immediately corrected. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified inspec- tion service. Nominal Valve Size Part Number Inches (DN) BFV-300, Red Painted BFV-300C, Black Painted 2-4 DN50-DN100 59300SPHWHEEL10 59300SPHWHEEL10B 5-8 DN125-DN200 59300SPHWHEEL20 59300SPHWHEEL20B 10-12 DN250-DN300 59300SPHWHEEL30 59300SPHWHEEL306 TABLE E BFV-300/BFV-300C GROOVED END BUTTERFLY VALVE REPLACEMENT HANDWHEEL PART NUMBER SELECTION Limited Warranty For warranty terms and conditions, visit www.tyco-fire.com. Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. When placing an order, indicate the full product name and Part Number (P/N). Butterfly Valves Model BFV-300 with Internal Open Supervisory Switches Specify: (specify size) Model BFV-300 Grooved End Butterfly Valve, Inter- nal Open Supervisory Switches, P/N (specify per Table A) Model BFV-300C with Internal Closed Supervisory Switches Specify: (specify size) Model BFV- 300C Grooved End Butterfly Valve, Internal Closed Supervisory Switches, P/N (specify per Table A) Model BFV-300 with Internal Open Supervisory Switches, APSAD Approved Specify: (specify size) Model BFV-300 Grooved End Butterfly Valve, Internal Open Supervisory Switches, APSAD Approved, P/N (specify per Table B) Model BFV-300C with Internal Closed Supervisory Switches, APSAD Approved Specify: (specify size) Model BFV-300C Grooved End Butter- fly Valve, Internal Closed Supervi- sory Switches, APSAD Approved, P/N (specify per Table B) Model BFV-300 without Internal Supervisory Switches Specify: (specify size) Model BFV-300 Grooved End Butterfly Valve, P/N (specify per Table C) Accessories External Supervisory Switch and Mounting Bracket Note: Accessory external supervi- sory switches and mounting brackets are applicable only to valves without factory -installed internal supervisory switches. Refer to Table D for switch models and part numbers. Specify: (specify size) Model BFV-300 Grooved End Butterfly Valve Exter- nal Switch Mounting Bracket, P/N (specify), with (specify quantity) Bern- stein External Switch (specify model), P/N (specify) Replacement Parts Note: Only items described in this section are offered as replacement parts. Handwheel Replacement handwheel includes pin. Refer to Table E for part numbers. Model BFV-300, Red Painted Specify: Handwheel, (specify size) Model BFV-300 Grooved End Butter- fly Valve, P/N (specify) Model BFV-300C, Black Painted Specify: Handwheel, (specify size) Model BFV-300C Grooved End But- terfly Valve, P/N (specify) TFP1511 Page 8 of 8 GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS 11400 Pennbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 19446 1 Telephone +1-215-362-0700 Copyright © 2017 Tyco Fire Products, LP. All rights reserved. t[�CO RILSAN is a registered trademark of Arkema, Inc Fire Protection Products F�_r5ISHURJOINV MODEL Z05 RIGID COUPLING - Angle -Pad Design - The Shurjoint Model Z05 is an angle -pad design rigid coupling for moderate pressure piping services including fire mains, long straight runs and valve connections. The angle - pad design allows the coupling housings to slide along the bolt pads when tightened. The result is an offset clamping action which provides a rigid joint which resists so called snaking of a long straight run. Support and hanging requirements correspond to ANSI B31.1, B31.9 and NFPA 13. With the removal of only one bolt you can make a fast and easy "swing -over" installation. The Shurjoint Model Z05 is available with a standard "C" shaped or GapSeal gasket in a variety grades to meet your specific service requirements. M +Z05 couplings should always be installed so that the coupling bolt pads make metal to metal contact. c �L us LISTED '' ;. 4 APPRRVF3 For Fire Protection pressure rating, listing, and approval information, refer to Data Sheet B-42 or visit SHURJOINT website, www.shurioint.com for details or contact your SHURJOINT Representative. _ 10 V E A R LIMITED WARRANTY Full warranty terms can be found on www.shurjoint.com Model Z05 Rigid Coupling Max. Working Max Nominal Pipe Pressure End Load Axial - Dimension Bolt Size O.D. CWP * (CWP) Displacement t A B C No. Size Weight in in Lbs in in in in in Lbs mm mm kN „im I mi„ mm m 1'/4 1.660 500 1080 0 - 0.05 2.60 4.00 1.81 2 % x 2% 1.41 32 42.2 35 4.89 0 - 1.2 66 102 46 M10 x 55 0.64 1'/2 1.900 500 1410 0 - 0.05 2.83 4.29 1.81 2 % x 2'% 1.46 40 48.3 35 6.41 0 - 1.2 72 109 46 M10 x 55 0.66 2 2.375 500 2210 0 - 0.07 3.35 4.61 1.85 2 % x 2% 1.74 50 60.3 35 9.99 0 - 1.7 85 117 47 M10 x 70 0.79 2'/2 2.875 500 3240 0 - 0.07 3.86 5.24 1.85 2 % x 2% 2.05 65 73.0 35 14.64 0 - 1.7 98 133 4 M10 x 70 0.93 76.1 mm 3.000 500 3530 0 - 0.07 3.94 5.35 1.85 2 % x 2% 2.16 76.1 35 15.91 0 - 1.7 100 136 47 M10 x 70 0.98 3 3.500 500 4800 0 - 0.07 4.45 5.91 1.88 2 % x 2% 2.60 80 88.9 35 21.71 0 - 1.7 113 150 48 M10 x 70 1.20 108.0 mm 4.250 500 7080 0 - 0.16 5.59 6.93 2.13 2 % x 2% 3.62 108.0 35 32.05 0 - 4.1 142 176 54 M10 x 70 1.64 4 4.500 500 7940 0 - 0.16 5.75 7.20 2.13 2 % x 2% 4.12 100 114.3 35 35.89 0 - 4.1 146 183 54 M10 x 70 1.87 133.0 mm 5.250 350 7570 0 - 0.16 6.69 8.82 2.13 2 /z x 3 5.14 133.0 24 33.33 0 - 4.1 170 224 54 M12 x 75 2.33 139.7 mm 5.500 350 8310 0 - 0.16 6.81 8.98 2.09 2 '/z x 3 5.67 139.7 24 36.77 0 - 4.1 173 228 53 M12 x 75 2.57 5 5.563 350 8500 0 - 0.16 6.89 9.06 2.13 2 '/z x 3 5.69 125 141.3 24 37.62 0 - 4.1 175 230 54 M12 x 75 2.58 159.0 mm 6.250 350 10730 0 - 0.16 7.80 9.84 2.09 2 Y2 x 3 6.06 159.0 24 47.63 0 - 4.1 198 250 53 M12 x 75 2.75 G-03-1/3 Rev.M 20160310 FcI51SHURJOINT" Model.. Coupling Max. Working Max Nominal Pipe Pressure End Load Axial Dimension Bolt Size O.D. (CWP)" (CWP) Displacement t A B C No. Size Weight in in PSI Lbs in in in in in Lbs mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm mm K s 6.500 350 11600 0 - 0.16 7.87 9.92 2.09 '/2 x 3 6.72 165.1 mm 2 165.1 24 51.35 0 - 4.1 200 252 53 M12 x 75 3.05 6 6.625 350 12050 0 - 0.16 8.00 10.00 2.09 2 '/2 x 3 6.77 150 168.3 24 53.36 0 - 4.1 203 254 53 M12 x 75 3.07 8 8.625 350 20430 0 -- 0.19 10.40 12.68 2.52 2 %x55/16 13.38 200 219.1 24 90.44 0 - 4.8 264 322 64 M16 x135 6.07 200 JIS 8.516 350 19920 0 -- 0.19 10.24 13.35 2.50 2 %x4% 15.43 216.3 24 88.14 0 - 4.8 260 339 64 M20 x 120 7.00 Working Pressure is based on roll grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe. t Allowable Axial Displacement and Angular Movement (deflection) figures are for roll grooved standard steel pipe. Values for cut grooved pipe will be double that of roll grooved. These values are maximums; for design and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by: 50% for %"/DN20 - 3'/i'/DN90; 25% for 4"/DN100 and larger to compensate forjobsite conditions. Performance Data The following tables show the maximum working pressures (CWP) of Shurjoint Model Z05 Rigid Coupling used on both carbon steel and stainless steel pipes. Shurjoint ductile iron couplings can be used in conjunction with stainless steel pipe in non -corrosive environment as the flow media does not come in direct contact with the coupling housings but rather only the gasket. Model1 on •• • Nom. Size Cut -Grooved Roll -Grooved In l mm XS STD STD Sch. 10 Sch. 7 PSI / Bar PSI / Bar PSI / Bar PSI / Bar PSI / Bar 1'/4 600 600 500 400 250 32 42 42 35 28 17 1'/2 600 600 500 400 250 40 42 42 35 28 17 2 600 600 500 400 250 50 42 42 35 28 17 2'/2 600 600 500 400 250 65 42 42 35 28 17 3 600 600 500 400 250 80 42 42 35 28 17 4 600 600 500 400 200 100 42 42 35 28 14 5 450 450 350 300 175 125 31 31 24 20 12 6 450 450 350 300 175 150 31 31 24 20 12 8 450 450 350 300 150 200 31 31 24 20 10 G-03-2/3 Rev.M 20160310 Model1 on • Nom. Size Cut -Grooved Roll -Grooved in l mm Sch. 80S Sch. 40S Sch. 40S Sch. 10S Sch. 5S PSI / Bar PSI / Bar PSI / Bar PSI / Bar PSI / Bar 1'/4 600 600 450 300 250 32 42 42 31 20 17 1'/z 600 600 450 300 250 40 42 42 31 20 17 2 600 600 450 300 250 50 42 42 31 20 17 2'/z 600 600 450 300 250 65 42 42 31 20 17 3 600 600 450 300 250 80 42 42 31 20 17 4 600 600 450 300 200 100 42 42 31 20 14 5 450 450 300 200 N R 125 31 31 20 14 6 450 450 300 125 N R 150 31 31 20 9 8 450 450 300 100 N R 200 31 31 20 7 H15 SHURJOYNT " MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Housing: Ductile Iron to ASTM A536, Gr. 65-45-12 and orASTM A395, Gr.65-45-15, min. tensile strength 65,000 psi (448 MPa). Surface Finish: Standard painted finishes in orange or RAL3000 red. ❑ Hotdipzincgalvanized(Optional). ❑ Epoxy Coatings in RAL3000 red orothercolors (Optional) • Rubber Gasket: Grade "E" EPDM (Color code: Green stripe) Good for cold & hot waterupto+230°F(+1100C). Also good forservicesforwater with acid, waterwith chlorine, deionized water, seawater and wastewater, dilute acids, oil -free air and many chemicals. Not recommended forpetroleum oils, minerals oils, solvents and aromatic hydrocarbons. Maximum Temperature Range: -30OF (-340C)to+230OF (+110-C)*. *EPDM gaskets for water services are not recommended for steam services unless couplings or components are accessible for frequent gasket replacement. (Option) Gr. "E-pw" EPDM (Color code: Double Green Stripes), Good forcold +860F (+300C) and hot+180OF (+82°C) potable water services. EPDM is UL classified perNSF/ANS161 &NSF/ANS1372. (Option) "tube-E" pre -lubricated EPDM gasket. (Option)Grade "T" Nitrile (Colorcode: Orange stripe) Recommended forpetroleum products, airwith oil vapors, vegetable and mineral oilswithin the specified temperature range. Also good for water services under +150OF (+66°C). Temperature range: -20OF to +180OF (-29OC to +82OC). Do not use for HOT WATER above +150 OF (+66 °C) or HOT DRYAIR above +140OF (+60 °C) ❑ Otheroptions: Grade"O"- Fluoroelastomer. Grade "L" - Silicone. For dry systems we recommend the use of the Shurjoint GapSeal gasket. For additional details contact Shurjoint. • Bolts &Nuts: Heat treated carbon manganese steel track bolts toASTM A449-83a(orA183Gr.2), minimum tensile strength 110,000psi (758 M Pa), Zinc electroplated, with heavy-duty hexagonal nuts to ASTM A563. General Notes: • Maximum Working Pressure(CWP) listed isthe maximum cold water pressure for general piping services tested toASTM F1476and orAWWAC606 methods. Figures listed are based on roll-orcut-grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe. Forotherpipe schedules orpipe materials, contact Shurjoint for additional information. • Max. EndLoadis calculated based on the maximum working pressure (CWP). • Listed and orApproved Pressures are pressure ratings for fire protection systems, tested and approved by various approval bodies. Pleasealways refer to the latest approval data posted on the Shurjointwebsite. • Field Joint Test For onetime only the system maybe tested hydrostatically at 1 % times the maxim u m working pressure listed (AWWA C606 5.2.3). • Warning: Piping systems must always be depressurized and drained before attempting d isassem bly and or removal of any components. • The10YearLimitedWarrantyappliestomanufacturingdefectsonlyanddoesnotcoversevereservice/temperatureapplicationsorwearparts. • Shurjoint reserves the right to change specifications, designs and or standard without notice and without incurring any obligations. Shurjoint product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measurements, please contact Shurjoint Technical Service. Shurjoint reserves the right to change or modify product design, construction, specifications, or materials without prior notice and without incurring any obligations to make such changes and modifications on Shurjoint products previously subsequently sold. G-03-3/3 Rev.M 20160310 FA IFAII As the leading supplier of steel sprinkler pipe, we understand that there are no second chances in fire suppression. You need products of enduring quality and exceptional strength —plus reliable service. You need Bull Moose. O.D. (in) 1.295 1.650 I 1.900 I I 2.375 1 I.D. (in) 1.083 1.418 1.654 2.123 Emptyweight(lb/ft) 1.461 2.070 2.547 3.308 -� Water Filled Weight (lb/ft) 1.860 2354 3.468 4.842 C.R.R. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Pieces per Lift 70 51 44 30 Lift Weight (Ibs) 21' lengths 2,148 2,217 2,353 2,084 Lift Weight (Ibs) 24' lengths 2,454 2,534 2,690 2,382 Lift Weight (Ibs) 25' lengths 2,557 2,639 2,802 2,481 EDDYTHREAD 40 ADVANTAGES: �% • UL listed (US & Canada) and FM approved • ASTM A135 and A795 Type E, Grade A Certified • Complies with NFPA-13,13R and 14 • Industry -leading hydraulic characteristics • CRR of 1.0 and greater • All pipe NDT weld tested OTHER BENEFITS/SERVICES: • We have the most stocking locations in the industry, for best delivery and availability • Plain end or roll groove • Eddy Guard II' bacterial -resistant internal coating • Custom length options • Hot dipped galvanization • Reddi-Pipe° red or black pipe eliminates field painting • Compatible for use in wet, dry, preaction and deluge sprinkler systems • The only maker with EPDs (to help earn LEED points). c us LISTED <g> nO ONFSA APPROVED NFPJ1 =��� •w. , 800.325.4467 es.com FA IIIII3IIf6741 As the leading supplier of steel sprinkler pipe, we understand that there are no second chances in fire suppression. You need products of enduring quality and exceptional strength —plus reliable service. You need Bull Moose. O.D. (in) 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 6.525 8.625 I.D. (in) 1.097 1.442 1.682 2.157 2.535 1 3.250 1 4.260 6.357 8.249 Empty Weight (Ib/ft) 1.410 1 1.810 2.090 2.640 3.530 4.340 5.620 9.290 16.940 Water Filled Weight (Ib/ft) 1.820 2.518 3.053 4.223 5.893 7.957 11.796 23.038 40.086 C.R.R. 15.27 9.91 7.76 5.27 4.92 3.54 2.50 1.158 1.805 Pieces per Lift 91 61 61 37 30 19 19 10 7 Lift Weight (Ibs) 21' lengths 2,695 2,319 2,611 2,051 2,224 1,732 2,242 1,951 2,490 Lift Weight (Ibs) 24' lengths 3,079 2,550 3,060 2,344 2,542 1,979 2,553 2,230 2,848 Lift weight (Ibs) 25' lengths 3,208 2,760 3,187 2,442 2,648 2,062 2,670 SCHEDULE 10 R 40 ADVANTAGES: • UL listed (US & Canada) and FM approved • ASTM A135 and A795 Type E, Grade A Certified • Complies with NFPA-13,13R and 14 • Industry -leading hydraulic characteristics • CRR of 1.0 and greater • All pipe NDT weld tested c us LISTED FM APPROVED d 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 1.049 1.380 1.610 2.067 2.459 3.058 4.026 1.680 2.270 2.720 3.660 5.800 7.580 10.800 2.055 2.918 3.602 5.114 7.875 10.783 16.316 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 70 51 44 30 30 19 19 2,470 2,431 2,513 2,306 3,654 3,024 4,309 2,822 2,778 2,872 2,535 4,175 3,455 4,925 2,940 2,894 2.992 2.745 4,350 3,601 5,130 OTHER BENEFITS/SERVICES: • We have the most stocking locations in the industry, for best delivery and availability • Plain end or roll groove • Eddy Guard II' bacterial -resistant internal coating • Custom length options • Hot dipped galvanization • Reddi-Pipe° red or black pipe eliminates field painting • Compatible for use in wet, dry, preaction and deluge sprinkler systems • The only maker with EPDs (to help earn LEED points). 101 AM nr sn r.w•.rr. r. war rdn:Y NFP 800.325.4467 _ _ salesra BullMooseindustries.[om (PURGENVENT MANUAL AIR VENTING VALVES Model 7910MAV The PURGENVENT Model 7910 is a Manual Air Vent (MAV) for wet fire sprinkler systems. The Model 7910MAV is designed to exceed NFPA 13 standard that requires a single air vent be provided on each system utilizing metallic pipe. To vent air, open the Model 7910MAV while the system is being filled and close the valve when the system is full. While the system is in operation the Model 7910MAV can be opened and closed in rapid succession to vent any remaining air from the system; keep the M7910MAV closed during normal system operation. AGF recommends installing the M7910MAV at the end of system branch lines, at the highest and furthest points of the system, and at the top of supply risers. The M7910MAV can also be used as a vacuum break while draining the system. Installation Locations FLOAT SEALED TO SEAT WITH WATER AND PRESSURE DETAIL F MAIN BALL MOVES FLOAT OFF SEAT T C� Item ID Item Description 7910MAV 1/2" Manual Air Vent (MAV) NOTE: Factory Mutual does not offer an approval standard for manual air venting valves. DETAIL H GpAgT TO CpgST 1 - The best sprinkler pipe in the industry! c us LISTED FM APPROVED ONFU NFF 9pr iAMln A-41i BULL MOOSE TUBE COMPANY = i n c us LISTED FM APPROVED no an*WSA NFPA 41 MIA T Bull Moose Tube° is a customer focused, growth oriented manufacturer and marketer of tubular products, where success is based on a commitment to meeting the customer's perception of quality. Our strength resides in our people working together to satisfy customers and to promote business growth by achieving superior financial performance. www.BuilMooseTube.com sales@bullmoosetube.com 800.325.4467 BULL MOOSE TUBE COMPANY Bull Moose Tube's® "Eddy Pipe®" brand sprinkler pipe is produced to meet sprinkler pipe standards and applications. c us LISTED FM APPROVED '01 NFPA ADVANTAGES OF BULL MOOSE TUBE° EDDY PIPE° FAMILY • All pipe products are UL Listed (for U.S. and Canada), and have been approved by Factory Mutual. • Excellent production and coating capabilities, tighter tolerances, and our unique steel properties make our pipe excellent for roll grooving, welding, threading, and plain end fittings. • All products are certified to ASTM A135 and A795 Type E, Grade A. • Available in specific cut to order lengths from regular mill rollings. • More popular sizes available with coating or bare. • Ultra Eddy°, Eddy Flow°, Eddylite°, and Eddythread 40° offer cost savings along with superior hydraulics without compromising service life. • Sprinkler pipe inventory stocked in Masury Ohio; Gerald, Missouri; Casa Grande, Arizona; Kent, Washington; and Dallas, Texas. • All Bull Moose (black) sprinkler pipe includes our exclusive EDDY GUARD III MIC preventative coating. • Bull Moose Tube° sprinkler pipe is FBCTM compatible. PRODUCTS • Schedule 10 and Schedule 40: FM approved and UL listed sprinkler pipe. • Eddythread 400: Light threadable Schedule 40 replacement with corrosion resistance ratio of 1.0. • Eddylite°: Lightwall threadable with standard outside diameter. • Eddy Flow®: Cost effective replacement for Schedule 10. • Ultra Eddy®: Lightwall roll groovable pipe. • Bull Moose galvanized steel sprinkler pipe is hot dipped galvanized to meet ASTM A123 standards. All products are stencilled to meet FM & UL specifications. PROTECTION • Eddy Guard II®: Bull Moose Tube° is producing product that can resist bacteriological growth even after multiple rinse -outs. You know MIC corrosion can impact your installation and your property. Specify Bull Moose Tube® "Eddy Guard II®" and feel comfortable knowing that you are getting Eddy Pipe® product you trust with the bacteria resistance you need. Eddy Guard II® is NFPA 13 and NFPA 13R system compatible for use in hybrid systems as well as FM approved. All information contained herein is accurate as known at the time of publication. Bull Moose Tube® reserves the right to change product specifications without notice and without incurring obligation. Bull Moose Tube's® Schedule 10 and Schedule 40 are FM Approved and UL Listed (for U.S. and Canada), even though these products do not require separate approvals and listings. Bull Moose Tube® made the decision to have them approved and listed. Our Schedule 10 and Schedule 40 have a pressure rating of 300 PSI and have been through the same rigorous testing as our other fine pipe products. Schedule 10 can be supplied roll grooved or plain end. Bull Moose Tube's® Schedule 10 and Schedule 40 pipes are hot dipped galvanized to meet ASTM A123 standards. All products are stencilled to meet FM & UL specifications. c us LISTED FM APPROVED A. no am NFPA E--ff]:I:4win] 4=i[am ,l;J =11111=1:J= 7WW-1,,4IIII[•] ►E=� NOMINAL PIPE O.D. I.D. WATER FILLED BUNDLE SIZE (IN) (IN) (IN) CRR** WEIGHT/FT WEIGHT SIZE 1 1.315 1.097 15.27 1.41 1bs/ft 1.820 91 1-1/4 1.660 1.442 9.91 1.81 1bs/ft 2.518 61 1-1/2 1.900 1.682 7.76 2.09lbs/ft 3.053 61 2 2.375 2.157 6.27 2.641bs/ft 4.223 37 2-1/2 2.875 2.635 4.92 3.531bs/ft 5.893 30 3 3.500 3.260 3.54 4.34lbs/ft 7.957 19 4 4.500 4.260 2.50 5.62lbs/ft 11.796 19 SCHEDULE 40 PIPE SPECIFICATIONS NOMINAL PIPE O.D. I.D. WATER FILLED BUNDLE SIZE (IN) (IN) (IN) CRR** WEIGHT/FT WEIGHT SIZE 1 1.315 1.049 1.00 1.681bs/ft 2.055 70 1-1/4 1.660 1.380 1.00 2.271bs/ft 2.918 51 1-112 1.900 1.610 1.00 2.721bs/ft 3.602 44 2 2.375 2.067 1.00 3.661bs/ft 5.114 30 2-1/2* 2.875 2.468 1.00 5.801bs/ft 7.875 30 3* 3.500 3.068 1.00 7.581bs/ft 10.783 19 4* 4.500 4.026 1.00 10.801bs/ft 16.316 19 *Only available in Casa Grande, AZ **Corrosion Resistance Ratio per latest UL Directory Listing PIPE PREPARATION For proper operation, all pipe surfaces should be cleaned prior to installation. In order to provide a leak -tight seat for the gasket, pipe surfaces should be free from indentations and projections from the end of the pipe to the groove. All loose paint, scale, dirt, chips, grease, and rust must be removed prior to installation. Failure to take these important steps may result in improper coupling assembly, causing leakage. Also, check the manufacturer's instructions for the specific fitting used. For Additional Information Contact (800) 325-4467 www.builmoosetube.com Or From Canada Call: (800) 882-4666 sales@bullmoosetube.com 1819 Clarkson Road Chesterfield, MO Gerald, MO Kent, WA Casa Grande, AZ Dallas, TX Masur , OH 61JLL MOOSE TUBE COMPANY 63017 Bull Moose Tube's° Eddythread 40® ADVANTAGES OF BULL MOOSE TUBE° EDDYTHREAD 400 is a lightweight replacement for • Has a Corrosion Resistance Ratio of 1.0. Schedule 40 that has a Corrosion • Has a pressure rating of 300 psi. Resistance Ratio of 1. • Is lighter weight than Schedule 40. • Is approved by Factory Mutual and listed by Underwriters Laboratories. • Is produced in accordance to ASTM A135 and A795 Type E, Grade A. • Can be used with standard Schedule 40 threaded fittings, couplings, and valves. • Is produced from steel with excellent properties of strength and threadability. • Can be used in wet, preaction, and deluge type sprinkler systems. • Can be hot dipped galvanized to meet FM's requirement for dry systems. • Offers lower freight costs. • Supplied with EDDY GUARD III MIC preventative coating. c us LISTED FM APPROVED ,01 Ot&vm EDDYTHREAD 40® SPECIFICATIONS NOMINAL PIPE O.D. I.D. WEIGHT WATER FILLED BUNDLE SIZE (IN) (IN) (IN) CRR* LB./FT WEIGHT SIZE 1 1.295 1.083 1.00 1.461 1.860 70 1-1/4 1.650 1.418 1.00 2.070 2.754 51 1-1/2 1.900 1.654 1.00 2.547 3.468 44 2 2.375 2.123 1.00 3.308 4.842 30 'Corrosion Resistance Ratio per latest UL Directory Listing PIPE PREPARATION For proper operation, all pipe surfaces should be cleaned prior to installation. In order to provide a leak -tight seat for the gasket, pipe surfaces should be free from indentations and projections from the end of the pipe to the groove. All loose paint, scale, dirt, chips, grease, and rust must be removed prior to installation. Failure to take these important steps may result in improper coupling assembly, causing leakage. Also, check the manufacturer's instructions for the specific fitting used. For Additional Information Contact (800) 325-4467 www.bullmoosetube.com ( v�,31/► �1���/� Or From Canada Call: (800) 882-4666 sales@bullmoosetube.com 1819 Clarkson Road Chesterfield, MO Gerald, MO Kent, WA Casa Grande, AZ Dallas,TX Masury, OH BULL MOOSE TUBE COMPANY 63017 5 Bull Moose Tube's° Eddy Flow° is a specially engineered replacement for Schedule 10, offering better flow characteristics while providing design flexibility. This product is FM approved, as well as UL Listed (for U.S. and Canada) for roll grooving and welding. As an added benefit, it is more economical to use than Schedule 10 due to reduced delivery costs and ease of handling. Furthermore, Eddy Flows® larger ID provides an opportunity for downsizing and further cost savings. c us LISTED FM APPROVED A. no am NFPA ADVANTAGES OF BULL MOOSE TUBE° EDDY FLOW° • Certified to ASTM A135 and A795 Type E, Grade A. • FM approved for roll grooving and welding for use in wet systems. • UL Listed (for U.S. and Canada) for joining by welding or by listed rubber gasketed fittings for use in wet, dry, preaction, and deluge type sprinkler systems. • Lightweight — saves shipping costs and offers easier handling. • Can be used with roll grooved couplings or welded outlets for pressures up to 300 psi. • Can be supplied roll grooved or plain end. • Can be hot dipped galvanized to meet FM's & UL requirement for dry systems. • Supplied with EDDY GUARD II° MIC preventative coating. NPS O.D. EDDY FLOW® EDDY FLOW® WEIGHT WATER FILLED BUNDLE SIZE (IN) (IN) (ID) CRR* PER FT. WT. SIZE 1-1/4 1.660 1.530 1.98 1.222 2.019 61 1-1/2 1.900 1.728 3.44 1.844 2.860 61 2 2.375 2.203 2.78 2.330 3.982 37 2-112 2.875 2.705 1.66 2.809 5.299 30 3 3.500 3.334 1.00 3.361 7.144 19 4 4.500 4.310 1.00 4.968 11.290 19 "Corrosion Resistance Ratio per latest UL Directory Listing PIPE PREPARATION For proper operation, all pipe surfaces should be cleaned prior to installation. In order to provide a leak -tight seat for the gasket, pipe surfaces should be free from indentations and projections from the end of the pipe to the groove. All loose paint, scale, dirt, chips, grease, and rust must be removed prior to installation. Failure to take these important steps may result in improper coupling assembly, causing leakage. Also, check the manufacturer's instructions for the specific fitting used. For Additional Information Contact (800) 325-4467 www.builmoosetube.com (�,3v1/► �1���/� Or From Canada Call: (800) 882-4666 sales@bullmoosetube.com 1819 Clarkson Road Chesterfield, MO Gerald, MO Kent, WA Casa Grande, AZ Dallas, TX Masury OH 61JLL MOOSE TUBE COMPANY 63017 7 c us LISTED FM APPROVED '01 .� AFL. E NIPS (IN) 1 1-1/4 1-1/2 2 2-1/2 3 4 O.D. (in) 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 I.D. (in) 1.201 1.546 1.786 2.261 ULTRA EDDY° Empty Weight (lb/ft) 0.868 1.107 1.274 1.604 Water -Filled Weight (lb/ft) 1.359 1.920 2.360 3.344 C.R.R. 2.17 1.40 1.11 1.00 O.D. (in) 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 I.D. (in) 1.530 1.728 2.203 2.705 3.334 4.310 Empty Weight (lb/ft) 1.222 1.844 2.330 2.809 3.361 4.968 EDDY FLOW° Water -Filled Weight (lb/ft) 2.019 2.860 3.982 5.299 7.144 11.290 C.R.R. 1.98 3.44 2.78 1.66 1.00 1.00 O.D. (in) 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 I.D. (in) 1.097 1.442 1.682 2.157 2.635 3.260 4.260 SCHEDULE Empty Weight (lb/ft) 1.410 1.810 2.090 2.640 3.530 4.340 5.620 10 Water -Filled Weight (lb/ft) 1.820 2.518 3.053 4.223 5.893 7.957 11.796 C.R.R. 15.27 9.91 7.76 6.27 4.92 3.54 2.50 O.D. (in) 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 I.D. (in) 1.137 1.482 1.712 2.177 EDDYLITV Empty Weight (lb/ft) 1.260 1.617 1.967 2.617 Water -Filled Weight (lb/ft) 1.700 2.364 2.965 4.230 C.R.R. 0.13 0.08 0.12 0.16 O.D. (in) 1.295 1.650 1.900 2.375 I.D. (in) 1.083 1.418 1.645 2.123 EDDYTHREAD Empty Weight (lb/ft) 1.461 2.070 2.547 3.308 400 Water -Filled Weight (lb/ft) 1.860 2.754 3.468 4.842 C.R.R. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 O.D. (in) 1.315 1.660 1.900 2.375 2.875 3.500 4.500 I.D.(in) 1.049 1.380 1.610 2.067 2.469 3.068 4.026 SCHEDULE Empty Weight (lb/ft) 1.680 2.270 2.720 3.660 5.800 7.580 10.800 40 Water -Filled Weight (lb/ft) 2.055 2.918 3.602 5.114 7.875 10.783 16.316 C.R.R. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 For Additional Information Contact (800) 325-4467 www.builmoosetube.com ( v�,31/► Or From Canada Call: (800) 882-4666 sales@bullmoosetube.com 1819 Clarkson Road Chesterfield, MO Gerald, MO Kent, WA Casa Grande, AZ Dallas, TX Masury OH BULL MOOSE TUBE COMPANY 63017 9 AL FireLock° Fittings FireLock® products comprise a unique system specifically designed for fire protection services. FireLock full -flow elbows and tees feature CAD -developed, hydrodynamic design, affording a shorter center -to -end dimension than standard fittings. A noticeable bulge allows the water to make a smoother turn to maintain similar flow characteristics as standard full flow fittings. FireLock fittings are designed for use exclusively with Victaulic IPS-sized couplings that have been Listed or Approved for Fire Protection Services. Use of other couplings or flange adapters may result in bolt pad interference. Victaulic FireLock fittings pressure ratings conform to the ratings of Victaulic FireLock EZO Style 009H couplings. VNIIPO See Victaulic publication 10.61 for details MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Fitting: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, grade 65-45-12. JOB/OWNER System No. Location Fitting Coating: • Orange enamel. • Red Enamel in EMEA-I. • Optional: Hot dipped galvanized. CONTRACTOR ENGINEER Submitted By Spec Sect Date Approved Para www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2011 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. IICi_tau Iici REV_J 10.03_1 IPS CARBON STEEL PIPE — FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS 10.03 FireLock° Fittings DIMENSIONS �CtoE� tc I � (-- —a 0totomo E p oho Eo o o NO. 001 NO. 003 NO. 002 NO. 006 www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. 0 2011 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. IC —tau I —id 10.03_2 REV_J IPS CARBON STEEL PIPE - FIRE PROTECTION PRODUCTS 10.03 FireLock° Fittings FLOW DATA Size Actual Outside Equivalent Feet/meters of Straight Pipe t No. 00 Size DiameterNominal Elbows Straight Tee Inches Inches �� 0. Elbow . �0 Elbow Branch Run 1 '/4 1.660 - 32 42.4 - - - - - 1 /z 1.900 40 48.3 - - - - 2 2.375 3.5 1.8 8.5 3.5 50 60.3 1.1 0.5 2.6 1.1 2'/2 2.875 4.3 2.2 10.8 4.3 65 73.0 1.3 0.7 3.3 1.3 76.1 mm 3.000 4.5 2.3 11.0 4.5 76.1 1.4 0.7 3.4 1.4 3 3.500 5.0 2.6 13.0 5.0 80 88.9 1.5 0.8 4.0 1.5 108mm 4.250 6.4 3.2 15.3 6.4 108.0 2.0 0.9 4.7 2.0 4 4.500 6.8 3.4 16.0 6.8 100 114.3 2.1 1.0 4.9 2.1 5 5.563 8.5 4.2 21.0 8.5 125 141.3 2.6 1.3 6.4 2.6 159mm 6.250 9.4 4.9 25.0 9.6 158.8 2.9 1.5 7.6 2.9 6 6.625 10.0 5.0 25.0 10.0 150 168.3 3.0 1.5 7.6 3.0 8 8.625 13.0 5.0 33.0 13.0 200 219.1 4.0 1.5 10.1 4.0 t The flow data listed is based upon the pressure drop of Schedule 40 pipe. www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. 0 2011 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. X,0 AC- t -au I -id REV_J 10.03_3 FireLock° Fittings GENERAL NOTES NOTE: When assembling FireLock EZ couplings onto end caps, take additional care to make certain the end cap is fully seated against the gasket end stop. For FireLock EZ Style 009/009WO09H couplings, use FireLock No. 006 end caps containing the "EZ" marking on the inside face or No. 60 end caps containing the "QV EZ" marking on the inside face. Non-Victaulic end cap products shall not be used with Style 009/009V/009H couplings. WARRANTY Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details. NOTE This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. All products to be installed in accordance with current Victaulic installation/assembly instructions. Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. For complete contact information, visit www.victaulic.com 10.03 1539 REV J UPDATED 812011 Citcal 1�IL' VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. 0 2011 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. . 10.03 Fw Grooved End Fittings Victaulic offers a broad line of fittings in sizes through 48"/1200mm in a variety of straight and reducing styles. Most standard fittings are cast of durable ductile iron to precise tolerances. Victaulic standard fittings pressure ratings conform to the ratings of Victaulic Style 77 couplings. All fittings are supplied with grooves or shoulders to permit fast installation without field preparation. The grooved design permits flexibility for easy alignment. These fittings are not intended for use with Victaulic couplings for plain end pipe (refer to Section 14.04 for fittings available for plain end applications). Fittings are provided in various materials including ductile iron, steel or segmentally welded steel depending on styles and size. Fittings are painted orange enamel with a galvanized finish available as an option, contact Victaulic for details. Victaulic fittings are designed specifically for use in grooved piping systems. Fittings are provided grooved or with shoulders conforming to standard steel pipe outside diameters. When connecting wafer or lug -type butterfly valves directly to Victaulic fittings with 741 or 743 Vic -Flange® adapters, check disc clearance dimensions with I.D. dimension of fitting. Note: The following Victaulic fittings are VdS approved: NO.10 90' Elbow, NO.11 45' Elbow, NO.20 Tee and NO.60 Cap. Note: The following Victaulic fittings are LPCB approved: NO.10 90' Elbow, NO.11 45' Elbow, NO.12 221/2' Elbow, NO.13 111/a° Elbow, NO.30 45' Lateral, NO.30-R Reducing Lateral, NO.100 Long Radius Elbow, NO.110 Long Radius Elbow, NO.20 Tee, NO.35 Cross, NO.60 Cap, NO.25 Reducing Tee, NO.33 True Wye, NO.50 Concentric Reducer, NO.51 Eccentric Reducer, NO.29M Tee with Threaded Branch, NO.27 Standpipe Tee, and NO.32 Tee Wye. AGS - ADVANCED GROOVE SYSTEM ift JOB/OWNER System No. Location UL FM UDC vds LPCB SEE VICTAULIC PUBLICATION 10.01 FOR DETAILS NO. 20 TEE NO. 10 ELBOW Advanced Groove System — For 14 — 247350 — 600 mm piping systems, Victaulic now offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). Refer to Section 20.05 for AGS fitting details. Stainless Steel — Grooved end fittings are available in Schedule 10 Type 316 stainless steel (Schedule 5, 40 and Type 304 available as an option) in various sizes. Fitting center -to -end dimensions will vary depending upon type and schedule. Refer to Section 17.04 and 17.16 for details. Aluminum — Grooved end fittings are available in aluminum alloy 356 T6, in sizes from 1 — 8'725 — 200 mm. Refer to Section 21.03 or contact Victaulic for details. Extra Heavy EndSeal® "ES" Fittings — EndSeal fittings are available in 2 — 12750 — 300 mm for use with "ES" grooved pipe and HP-70ES EndSeal couplings. "ES" fittings are painted black for easy identification. EndSeal (and standard) fittings may be easily internally coated (by others) for severe service requirements. Always specify "ES EndSeal fittings" when ordering. See Section 07.03 for information on EndSeal fittings. Fittings Machined for Rubber or Urethane Lining (MRL) — For severe abrasive services, Victaulic fittings may be rubber or urethane lined (by others). Lining may be inside diameter/end (abrasion resistance) or wrap -around (corrosion and/or abrasion) machined. Refer to Section 25.03 or contact Victaulic for specific details. Note: Fittings are available with a variety of coatings upon request such as hot dip galvanized, epoxy, glass lined and others. CONTRACTOR Submitted By ENGINEER Spec Sect Para Date Approved www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2009 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REV_M ✓ct_au I —id 07.01_1 CARBON STEEL PIPE - GROOVED FITTINGS 07.01 Grooved End Fittings MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Fitting: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, grade 65-45-12. Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-395, grade 65-45-15, is available upon special request. • Or: Segmentally welded steel as shown under nipples Nipples: (adapter, swaged & hose) • 3/4 — 4'720 — 100 mm: Carbon steel, Schedule 40, conforming to ASTM A-53, Type F • 5 — 6'7125 — 150mm: Carbon steel, Schedule 40, conforming to ASTM A-53, Type E or S, Gr. B • 8 — 12'7200 — 300mm: Carbon steel, Schedule 30 or 40, conforming to ASTM A-53, Type E or S,Gr.B Flanged Adapter Nipples: (Nipple — see above) • Class 125 Flange: Cast iron conforming to ANSI B-16.1 • Class 150 Flange: Carbon steel conforming to ANSI B-16.5, raised or flat face • Class 300 Flange: Carbon steel conforming to ANSI B-16.5, raised or flat face Fitting Coatings: Orange enamel • Optional: Hot dip galvanized and others. Some fittings supplied electroplated as standard — see product specifications. Flanged Adapter Nipple Coating: None (Unfinished) • Optional: Orange enamel, hot dip galvanized and others. www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2009 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. dCit.`�1♦"im 07.01_2 REV_M CARBON STEEL PIPE - GROOVED FITTINGS 07.01 Grooved End Fittings FLOW DATA The chart expresses the frictional resistance of various Victaulic fittings as equivalent feet of straight pipe. Fittings not listed can be estimated from the data given, for example, a 221/2' elbow is (Frictional Resistance) approximately one-half the resistance of a 45' elbow. Values of mid -sizes can be interpolated. Size Dimension - Feet/meters Elbows Tees ,0. Elbows 4 Elbows 0. No. 110 Actual No. 01 ze .. . Std. Long Std. Long ri/� mm In./mm Radius Radius Radius Radi us Branch 1 1.315 1.7 0.8 4.2 1.7 _ _ 25 33.7 0.5 1 0.2 1.3 0.5 2 2.375 3.5 2.5 1.8 1.1 8.5 3.5 50 60.3 1.1 0.8 0.5 0.3 2.6 1.1 76.1 mm 3.000 4.3 _ 2.1 _ 10.8 4.3 76.1 1.3 0.7 3.3 1.3 3 3.500 5.0 3.8 2.6 1.6 13.0 5.0 80 88.9 1.5 1.2 0.8 0.5 4.0 1.5 4.250 6.4 3.2 15.3 6.4 108.0 mm 108.0 2.0 _ 0.9 _ 4.7 2.0 4 4.500 6.8 5.0 3.4 2.1 16.0 6.8 100 114.3 2.1 1.5 1.0 0.6 4.9 2.1 133.0 mm 5.250 8.1 _ 4.1 _ 20.0 8.1 133.0 2.5 1.2 6.2 2.5 5.500 8.5 4.2 21.0 8.5 139.7 mm 139.7 2.6 _ 1.3 _ 6.4 2.6 5 5.563 8.5 4.2 21.0 8.5 125 141.3 2.6 1.3 6.4 2.6 6.250 9.4 4.9 25.0 9.6 159.0 mm 159.0 2.9 _ 1.5 _ 7.6 2.9 6.500 9.6 5.0 25.0 10.0 165.1 mm 165.1 2.9 _ 1.5 _ 7.6 3.0 6 6.625 10.0 7.5 5.0 3.0 25.0 10.0 150 168.3 3.0 2.3 1.5 0.9 7.6 3.0 8 8.625 13.0 9.8 6.5 4.0 33.0 13.0 200 219.1 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.2 10.1 4.0 10 10.750 17.0 12.0 8.3 5.0 41.0 17.0 250 273.0 5.2 3.7 2.5 1.5 12.5 5.2 12 12.750 20.0 14.5 10.0 6.0 50.0 20.0 300 323.9 6.1 4.4 3.0 1.8 15.2 6.1 14 14.000 24.5 § 15.8 18.5 § 11.0 70.0 23.0 350 355.6 7.5 4.8 5.6 3.4 21.3 7.0 16 16.000 28.0 § 18.0 21.0 § 13.0 80.0 27.0 400 406.4 8.5 5.5 6.4 4.0 24.4 8.2 18 18.000 31.0 § 20.0 23.5 § 14.0 90.0 30.0 450 457.0 9.5 6.1 7.2 4.3 27.4 9.1 20 20.000 34.0 § 22.5 25.5 § 16.0 100.0 33.0 800 508.0 10.4 6.9 7.8 4.9 30.5 10.1 24 24.000 42.0 § 27.0 29.5 § 19.0 120.0 40.0 600 610.0 12.8 8.2 9.0 5.8 36.6 12.2 26 26.000 28.0 20.5 130.0 43.0 650 660.4 # 8.5 # 6.3 39.6 13.1 30 30.000 34.0 24.0 150.0 50.0 750 762.0 # 10.4 # 7.3 45.7 15.2 36 36.000 40.5 28.5 180.0 60.0 900 914.0 # 12.3 # 8.7 54.9 1 18.3 70.0 42 42.000 47.0 33.0 210.0 1050 1067.0 # 14.3 # 10.1 64.0 21.3 # Contact Victaulic for details. # For use on cut grooved systems only. For roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales office. § Fitting flow data for 14-247350-600 mm size NO. 10 and NO. 11 Elbows is based on fittings for Style 07 and 77 couplings. For flow data on AGS fittings ( NO. W10 and NO. W11 Elbows), refer to submittal 20.05. Note: All fittings are ductile iron unless otherwise noted with an "sw" or "s". SW= Segmentally Welded. S= Carbon Steel www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2009 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Ict_au I -id REV_M 07.01_3 CARBON STEEL PIPE - GROOVED FITTINGS 07.01 Grooved End Fittings DIMENSIONS Elbows NO. 10 90' Elbow NO. 11 45' Elbow NO. 12 221/2' Elbow NO. 13 111/4' Elbow NO. 100 90' Long Radius NO. 110 45' Long Radius ~ C to E to E NO. 10 kCtoE� � EtoE I CtoE Cato E CtoE CtoE NO.11 NO.12 NO.13 NO.100 NO.110 Size Nominal Actual Size Outside D ia. �� App rox. Ap ox. Ap ox. C to E Wgt . Each C to E WgtpEach WgtpEach Approx. Approx. Approx. C to E Wgt. Eachl C to E Wgt. Each C to E Wgt. Each 71nches Inches Inches mm mm 3/4 1.050 Ir In nc es Lbs. Inches Lbs. L mm kg mm kg 2.25 0.5 1.50 0.5 1.63 sw Lbs. Ebs. Inches Lbs. mm kg kg mm kg 1.38 sw 20 26.9 57 0.2 38 1 0.2 41 35 2.25 0.6 1.75 0.6 3.25 @ 0.6 1 1.315 1.38 sw 0.3 25 1 33.7 57 0.3 44 0.3 83 0.3 35 0.1 1'/4 1.660 2.75 1.0 1.75 0.9 1.75 0.8 1.38 sw 0.5 32 42.4 70 0.5 44 0.4 44 0.4 35 0.2 1 Y2 1.900 2.75 1.2 1.75 0.9 1.75 0.8 1.38 sw 0.5 T- o 48.3 70 0.5 44 0.4 44 0.4 35 0.2 2 2.375 3.25 1.8 2.00 1.3 3.75 @ 1.4 1.38 1.0 4.38 2.5 2.75 1.8 50 60.3 83 0.8 51 0.6 95 0.6 35 0.5 111 1.1 70 0.8 2 Y2 2.875 3.75 3.2 2.25 2.2 4.00 @ 2.3 1.50 1.1 5.13 3.4 3.00 2.8 65 73.0 95 1 1.5 57 1.0 102 1.0 38 0.5 130 1.5 76 1.3 76.1 mm 3.000 3.75 3.7 2.25 3.4 2.24 _ 1.50 76.1 95 1.7 57 1.5 57 38 3 3.500 4.25 4.5 2.50 3.1 4.50 @ 3.1 1.50 2.1 5.88 6.0 3.38 4.9 80 88.9 108 2.0 64 1.4 114 1.4 38 1.0 149 2.7 86 2.2 3 Y2 4.000 4.50 5.6 2.75 4.3 2.50 sw 4.0 1.75 sw 2.7 90 101.6 114 2.5 70 2.0 64 1.8 44 1.2 4 4.500 5.00 7.1 3.00 5.6 2.88 5.6 1.75 3.6 7.50 12.3 4.00 7.3 100 114.3 127 3.2 76 2.5 73 2.5 44 1.6 191 5.6 102 3.3 4.250 5.00 11.0 3.00 5.6 108.0 mm 108.0 127 5.0 76 2.5 41/2 5.000 5.25 sw 10.0 3.13 sw 6.0 3.50 6.6 1.88 sw 4.2 120 127.0 133 4.5 79 2.7 89 3.0 48 1.9 5 5.563 5.50 11.7 3.25 8.3 2.88 sw 7.8 2.00 sw 5.0 18.2 14.8 125 141.3 140 5.3 83 3.8 73 3.5 51 2.2 + 8.3 + 6.7 5.250 5.50 11.7 3.25 8.3 133.0 mm 133.0 140 5.3 83 3.8 5.500 5.50 11.7 3.25 8.3 2.87 2.00 139.7 mm 139.7 140 5.3 83 3.8 73 _ 51 6 6.625 6.50 17.2 3.50 10.8 6.25 @ 12.2 2.00 7.0 10.75 30.4 5.50 17.4 150 168.3 165 7.8 89 4.9 159 5.5 51 3.2 273 13.8 140 7.9 6.250 6.50 18.6 3.50 10.8 159.0 mm 159.0 165 8.4 89 4.9 165.1 mm 6.500 6.50 15.5 3.50 9.8 3.13 11.4 2.00 7.4 10.75 29.0 5.50 19.0 165.1 165 7.0 89 4.4 79 5.2 51 3.4 273 13.2 140 8.6 Note: All fittings are ductile iron unless otherwise noted with an "sw' or "s". SW= Segmentally Welded. S= Carbon Steel www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2009 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ICt aUI1C® 07.01_4 REV_M CARBON STEEL PIPE - GROOVED FITTINGS 07.01 Grooved End Fittings Tees, Crosses and True Wyes -CtoE NO. 20 Tee h C to E - NO. 35 Cross C NO. 33 True Wye Z -.r NO. 29M Tee with C Threaded Branch to E 3 y NO. 20 NO 35 C to LE C to ` GE 2to_JE CtoTEE NO. 33 NO. 29M Size Nominal Actua I cc No. 29M Tee Cross (sw) True Wye (sw) Tee with Threaded Branch Approx. Approx. Approx. Approx. Size Outside Dia. Inche s I nches 3/4 1.050 C to E Weight Each C to E Weight Each C to LE C to SE Weight Each C to GE C to TE Weight Eac Inches Lbs. Inches Lbs. Inches Inches Lbs. Inches Inches Lbs. 2.25 0.6 2.25 0.9 2.25 2.25 0.6 20 26.9 57 0.3 57 0.4 57 57 0.3 2.25 1.0 2.25 1.3 2.25 2.25 1.1 2.25 2.25 1.0 1 1.315 25 33.7 57 0.5 57 0.6 57 57 0.5 57 57 0.5 1 Y4 1.660 2.75 1.5 2.75 2.1 2.75 2.50 1.5 2.75 2.75 1.5 32 42.4 70 0.7 70 1.0 70 64 0.7 70 70 0.7 1'/2 1.900 2.75 2.0 2.75 2.5 2.75 2.75 1.8 2.75 2.75 2.0 40 48.3 70 0.9 70 1.1 70 70 0.8 70 70 0.9 2 2.375 3.25 3.0 3.25 3.8 3.25 2.75 2.5 3.25 4.25 3.00 50 60.3 83 1.4 83 1.7 83 70 1.1 83 108 1.4 2 Y2 2.875 3.75 4.3 3.75 6.1 3.75 3.00 4.3 3.75 3.75 4.3 65 73.0 95 2.0 95 2.8 95 76 2.0 95 95 2.0 76.1 mm 3.000 3.75 5.2 3.75 3.75 5.2 (sw) 76.1 95 2.4 95 95 2A 3 3.500 4.25 6.8 4.25 10.5 4.25 3.25 6.1 4.25 6.00 6.8 80 88.9 108 3.0 108 4.8 108 83 2.8 108 152 3.1 3 Y2 4.000 4.50 (sw) 7.9 4.50 11.5 4.50 3.50 9.6 4.50 4.50 7.9 (sw) 90 101.6 114 3.6 114 5.2 114 89 4.4 114 114 73.6 108.Omm 4.250 5.00 15.5 _ _ _ _ _ 5.00 5.00 15.5 108.0 127 7.0 127 127 7.0 4 4.500 5.00 11.9 5.00 15.8 5.00 3.75 10.0 5.00 7.25 11.9 100 114.3 127 5.4 127 7.2 127 95 4.5 127 184 5.4 4 Y2 5.000 5.25 (sw) 15.0 5.25 18.5 5.25 5.25 15.0 (sw) 120 127.0 133 6.8 133 8.4 _ _ _ 133 133 6.8 133.Omm 5.250 5.50 17.8 _ _ _ _ _ 5.50 5.50 17.8 133.0 140 8.1 140 140 8.1 139.7mm 5.500 5.50 17.8 _ _ _ _ _ 5.50 5.50 17.8 139.7 140 8.1 140 140 8.1 5 5.563 5.50 17.8 5.50 20.0 5.50 4.00 15.0 5.50 5.50 17.8 (sw) 125 141.3 140 8.1 140 9.1 140 102 6.8 140 140 8.1 159.0mm 6.250 6.50 27.1 6.50 6.50 27.1 159.0 165 12.3 165 165 12.3 165.1 mm 6.500 6.50 22.0 6.50 28.0 6.50 6.50 22.0 165.1 165 10.0 165 12.7 165 165 10.0 6 6.625 6.50 25.7 6.50 28.0 6.50 4.50 22.3 6.50 6.50 25.7 (sw) 150 168.3 165 11.7 165 12.7 165 114 10.1 165 165 11.7 8 8.625 7.75 47.6 7.75 48.0 7.75 6.00 36.0 7.75 7.75 47.6 (sw) 200 219.1 197 21.6 197 21.8 197 152 16.3 197 197 21.6 10 10.750 9.00 99.0 9.00 121.5 9.00 6.50 69.9 9.00 9.00 73.0 250 273.0 229 44.9 229 55.1 229 155 31.7 229 229 33.1 12 12.750 10.00 133.0 10.00 110.0 10.00 7.00 80.0 10.00 10.00 99.0 300 323.9 254 60.3 254 49.9 254 178 36.3 254 254 44.9 Note: All fittings are ductile iron unless otherwise noted with an "sw" or "s". SW= Segmentally Welded. S= Carbon Steel www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. 0 2009 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 07.01_8 ✓ctaulid REV_M CARBON STEEL PIPE - GROOVED FITTINGS 07.01 Grooved End Fittings Cap NO. 60 I bT NO. 60 . .r Cap Nominal Actual T Approx. DiameterSize Size Outside Inches Inches Inches Los. mm mm mm kg 3/4 1.050 0.88 0.2 20 26.9 22 0.1 1 1.315 0.88 0.3 25 33.7 22 0.1 1'/4 1.660 0.88 0.3 32 42.4 22 0.1 1 Y2 1.900 0.88 0.5 40 48.3 22 0.2 2 2.375 0.88 0.6 50 60.3 22 0.3 2 Y2 2.875 0.88 1.0 65 73.0 22 0.5 3.000 0.88 1.2 76.1 mm 76.1 22 0.5 3 3.500 0.88 1.2 80 88.9 22 0.5 3 Y2 4.000 0.88 2.5 90 101.6 22 1.1 4.250 1.00 2.3 108.0mm 108.0 25 1.0 4 4.500 1.00 2.5 100 114.3 25 1.1 5.250 1.00 4.5 133.0 m m 133.0 25 2.0 5.500 1.00 4.5 139.7mm 139.7 25 2.0 5 5.563 1.00 4.6 125 141.3 25 2.1 6.250 1.00 6.8 159.Omm 159.0 25 3.1 6.500 1.00 7.3 165.1 mm 165.1 25 3.3 Size Nominal Actual . .r Cap T Approx. Size Outside Diameter Inches Inches mm mm 6 6.625 Thickness Weight Each Inches Los. mm kg 1.00 6.1 150 168.3 25 2.8 8 8.625 1.19 13.1 200 219.1 30 5.9 10 10.750 1.25 21.0 250 273.0 32 9.5 12 12.750 1.25 35.6 300 323.9 32 16.2 14 # (s) 14.000 9.50 350 355.6 16.000 241 16 # (s) 10.00 400 406.4 254 18 # (s) 18.000 11.00 450 457.0 279 20 # (s) 20.000 12.00 500 508.0 305 24.000 13.50 24 # (s) 600 610.0 343 314 - 600 -24 AGS- For AGS fitting information, see publication 20.05 IMPORTANT NOTES: * Steel dish caps available through 247600mm, contact Victaulic. No. 60 cap is not suitable for use in vacuum service with Style 72 or 750 couplings. No. 61 bull plugs should be used, see pg. 35. # For use on cut grooved systems only. For roll grooved systems, Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS). For pricing and availability of cut groove fittings in this size, contact your nearest Victaulic sales office. Note: All fittings are ductile iron unless otherwise noted with an "sw° or "s". SW= Segmentally Welded. S= Carbon Steel www.victaulic.com VICTAULIC IS A REGISTERED TRADEMARK OF VICTAULIC COMPANY. © 2009 VICTAULIC COMPANY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ICt_au I -id REV_M 07.01_19 Fittings N C7 Z H H u- Concentric/Eccentric Reducer NO. 50 Concentric NO. 51 Eccentric (Ductile Iron#) For Complete Information Request Publication 07.01 Nominal Approx. Concentric Reducer Eccentric Reducerkg Size mm 1'/4 X 3/4 IT kg mmSize E Ito E Weight Each Weigh Wegh Each s. mm + 1.9 32 20 0.9 1 + 1.9 25 0.9 1.4 + 1 1/2 3/4 X 40 20 0.6 1 2.50* 0.8 8.50(sw) 4.5 25 64 0.4 216 2.0 2.50* 11/4 1.0 32 64 0.5 0.9 9.00(sw) 2.0 2 3/4 X 2.50* 50 20 64 0.3 229 0.9 2.50* 1 0.7 9.00(sw) 2.3 25 64 0.3 229 1.0 2.50* 1.2 9.00(sw) 11/4 4.6 32 64 0.5 229 2.1 2.50* 1.0 3.50 11/2 4.6 40 64 0.5 89 2.1 21/2 t X 3/4 + 1.3 + 3.3 65 20 0.6 1.5 2.50 1 3.6 9.50(sw) 3.5 25 64 1.5 241 1.6 2.50* (sw) 3.3 3.50 1 1/4 + 32 64 1.5 89 3.6 9.50(sw) 1'/2 2.50* 3.7 40 64 1.6 241 1.7 2 3.9 9.50(sw) 4.3 2.50 50 64 1.8 1.5 241 + 2.0 4.5 3 3/4 X + 80 20 0.7 2.0 1 2.50* 1.3 9.50(sw) 4.8 25 64 0.6 241 2.2 2.50 3.0 + 4.8 1'A 32 64 1.4 2.2 2.50* 1'/2 5.1 9.50(sw) 5.1 40 64 2.3 241 2.3 2.50* 1.6 3.50 6.0 2 50 64 0.7 89 2.7 21/2 2.50* 1.8 3.50 7.0 65 64 0.8 89 1 3.2 2.50 2.1 76.1 64 1.0 3'/2 X 3 2.50 2.0 9.50(sw) 7.0 90 80 64 0.9 241 3.2 4 1 x 3.00* 3.0 13.00(sw) 6.5 100 25 76 1.4 330 2.9 1 'A + 4.6 32 2.1 1'/2 3.00 6.9 10.00(sw) 8.1 40 76 3.1 254 3.7 2 3.00* 2.4 4.00 3.3 50 76 1.1 102 1.5 2.7 4.00 3.4 21/2 3.00* 65 76 1.2 102 1.5 3.2 4.00 3.5 3 3.00* 80 76 1.4 102 1.6 2.9 10.00(sw) 8.0 31/2 3.00 90 76 1.3 254 3.6 E Into E� I,*-- E to E U E� NO. 50 NO. 51 + Contact Victaulic for details. * Available with male threaded small end No. 52. # Ductile Iron except those marked (sw) which are segmentally welded steel. t Available in 76.1 mm and 165.1 mm sizes to these dimensions. IMPORTANT NOTE: Steel eccentric reducers available through 307750mm, contact Victaulic. 2-15 V CtaU�iC y WW.VICTAULIC.COM Couplings N CS Z J d O U QuickVic° Rigid Coupling STYLE 107 For Complete Information Request Publication 06.19 • Installation ready design • Angled -pad design for rigidity • Pressure rated up to 580 psi/4000kPa • Sizes from 2 — 87 50 — 200mm STYLE 107 PRE -ASSEMBLED (INSTALLATION -READY CONDITION) E Y ` 7� D OH' STYLE 107 JOINT ASSEMBLED t The allowable pipe separation dimension shown is for system layout purposes only. Style 107 QuickVic rigid couplings are considered rigid connections and will not accommodate expansion or contraction of the piping system. @ Number of bolts required equals number of housing segments. WARNING: Depressurize and drain piping system before attempting to install, remove or adjust any Victaulic piping products. ANSI STANDARD * Working Pressure and End Load are total from all internal and external loads grooved in steel pipe in accordance with Victaulic specifications. Contact Victaulic for performance on other pipe. Refer to notes on pg.1-4. WARNING: FOR ONE TIME FIELD TEST ONLY, the Maximum Joint Working Pressure may be increased to 1 1/2 times the figures shown. 1 CtaUliC WWW.VICTAULIC.COM Couplings Zero -Flex Rigid Coupling STYLE 07 For Complete Information Request Publication 06.02 U� FM (J�t; VdS LPCB • Angled -pad design for rigidity • Resists flexural and torsional loads • Pressure rated up to 750 psi/5170 kPa • Sizes from 1-12"/25-300mm Size Nominal Size Actual Outside .. Max. W rk Pressure Max. End Allow. Pipe Load End Sep.* Dimensions Appro . Wgt. Each Inches 1 Inches 1.315 psi 750 Lbs. Inches Inches Inches 650 0.05 2.36 4.22 Inches Lbs. 1.84 1.6 25 33.7 5175 2890 1.2 1 60 107 47 0.7 1'A 1.660 750 1,620 0.05 2.69 4.62 1.84 1.6 32 42.4 5175 7210 2,130 1.2 0.05 68 117 47 0.7 1'12 1.900 750 2.94 5.81 1.84 1.6 40 48.3 5175 9480 3,320 1.2 0.07 75 148 47 0.7 2 2.375 750 3.35 5.78 1.84 2.3 50 60.3 5175 14775 1.7 85 147 47 1.0 21/2 2.875 750 4,875 0.07 3.88 6.38 1.84 2.6 65 73.0 5175 21695 1.7 98 162 47 1.2 76.1 3.000 750 5,300 0.07 4.21 6.61 1.84 3.6 mm 76.1 5175 23585 1.7 107 168 47 1.6 3 3.500 750 7,215 0.07 4.54 6.81 1.84 3.0 80 88.9 5175 32105 1.7 115 173 47 1.4 2.07 5.3 4 4.500 750 11,925 0.16 5.81 8.21 100 114.3 5175 53065 4.1 148 209 53 2.4 108.Omm 4.250 750 10,635 0.16 5.56 7.98 2.07 5.2 108.0 5175 47325 4.1 141 203 53 2.4 5 5.563 750 18,225 0.16 7.03 9.89 2.07 7.4 125 141.3 5175 81100 4.1 179 251 53 3.4 133.0mm 5.250 700 15,145 0.16 6.69 9.60 2.07 7.4 133.0 4825 67395 4.1 170 244 53 3.4 139.7mm 5.500 700 16,625 1 0.16 6.94 9.82 2.07 7.6 139.7 4825 73980 4.1 176 249 53 3.4 8.3 6 6.625 700 24,130 0.16 8.26 10.83 2.07 150 168.3 4825 107380 4.1 210 275 53 3.8 159.Omm 6.250 700 21,465 0.16 7.84 10.54 2.07 9.2 159.0 6.500 4825 95520 4.1 0.16 199 8.13 268 10.84 53 2.07 4.2 8.3 165.1 700 23,225 mm 165.1 4825 103305 4.1 207 275 53 3.8 15.1 8 § 8.625 600 35,000 0.19 10.54 13.74 2.51 200 219.1 4130 155750 4.8 0.13 268 12.86 349 16.98 64 2.56 6.8 23.5 10 § 10.750 500 45,400 250 273.0 3450 202030 1 400 51,000 3.3 327 431 65 10.7 28.2 12 § 12.750 0.13 14.86 18.88 1 2.56 300 323.9 2750 226950 3.3 377 480 65 12.8 14 - 24 A6$* For 14 - 24"/350 - 600 mm sizes Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS) line of products, pg. 5-3. 350 - 600 Request publication 20.02 for information on the rigid W07 AGS coupling. § Couplings 87200mm,107250mm,127300mmsizes are available toJISstandards. Refer toPublication 06.17for details. * Refer to General Notes on pg.1-4. IMPORTANT NOTES: Metric thread size bolts are available (color coded gold) for all coupling sizes upon request. Contact Victaulic for details. IN .r_r. IPI�I TYPICAL FOR ALL SIZES Ctaullc� WWW.VICTAULIC.COM 1-6 Couplings N CS Z J d O U Quickvic Flexible Coupling STYLE 177 For Complete Information Request Publication 06.20 • Installation -ready design with no loose components • Pressure rated up to 1000 psi/6900kPa • Sizes from 2-6"/50-150mm V F,Z X 7 STYLE 177 PRE -ASSEMBLED (INSTALLATION -READY CONDITION) STYLE 177 JOINT ASSEMBLED (])The minimum pipe end separation as required by the gasket center leg for roll or cut grooved pipe. See illustrations below. (2 & 3) Maximum pipe end separation to be used for determining overall piping system movement for roll (2) or cut (3) groove pipe. For design and installation purposes, the minimum and maximum pipe end separations should be reduced to the values shown in the table below. These design and installation considerations include thermal growth, settlement, installation misalignment and offsets. See illustrations below. Minimum Pipe Separation (1) Maximum Pipe Separation (2) Roll and Cut Groove Roll Groove Exaggerated for clarity Maximum Pipe Separation (3)Cut Groove WARNING: Depressurize and drain the piping system before attempting to install, remove or adjust any Victaulic piping products. * Working Pressure and End Load are total, from all internal and external loads, based on (ANSI) steel pipe, grooved in accordance with Victaulic specifications. Contact Victaulic for performance on other pipe. WARNING: FOR ONE TIME FIELD TEST ONLY, the Maximum Joint Working Pressure may be increased to 1 1/2 times the figures shown. 1 Xtaulic WWW.VICTAULIC.COM Couplings Standard Flexible Coupling STYLE 77 For Complete Information Request Publication 06.04 UL FM ()LC • Cross -ribbed construction design • Provides flexibility for expansion, contraction, and deflection • Pressure rated up to 1000 psi/6900 kPa • Sizes from 3/4 - 12720- 600mm for roll or cut grooved systems. Sizes from 14-24"/350-600mm for cut grooved systems only. • For 14-24"/350-600mm AGS roll groove systems, see pg. 5-1 Size Max. Work Pressure Max. End Load Allow. Pipe End Sep. Approx. Dimensions Wgt. Each Nominal Inches mm -al .. Inches psi mm kPa Lbs. N Inches Inches mm mm Inches Inches mm mm :0 3/4 1.050 1000 865 0 - 0.06 2.13 4.00 1.75 1.1 20 26.7 1 6900 3850 0 - 1.6 54 102 44 0.5 4.12 1.75 1.2 1 1.315 1000 1,360 0 - 0.06 2.38 25 33.4 6900 6050 0 - 1.6 61 105 44 0.5 1'A 1.660 1000 2,160 0 - 0.06 2.65 5.00 1.88 2.0 32 42.2 6900 9610 0 - 1.6 67 127 48 0.9 1'/2 1.900 1000 2,835 0 - 0.06 3.13 5.38 1.88 2.1 40 48.3 6900 12615 0 - 1.6 79 137 48 1.0 2 2.375 1000 4,430 0 - 0.06 3.63 5.88 1.88 2.6 50 60.3 6900 19715 0 - 1.6 92 149 48 1.2 21/2 2.875 1000 6,490 0 - 0.06 4.25 6.50 1.88 3.1 65 73.0 6900 28880 0 - 1.6 108 165 48 1.4 76.1 mm 3.000 1000 7,070 0 - 0.06 4.38 6.63 1.88 3.2 76.1 6900 31460 0 - 1.6 111 168 48 1.5 3 3.500 1000 9,620 0 - 0.06 5.00 7.13 1.88 3.7 80 88.9 6900 46810 0 - 1.6 0 - 0.06 127 181 48 1.7 5.6 31/2 4.000 1000 12,565 5.63 8.25 1.88 90 101.6 6900 55915 0 - 1.6 0 - 0.13 143 210 48 2.5 6.7 4 4.500 1000 15,900 6.13 8.88 2.13 100 114.3 6900 70755 0 - 3.2 156 226 54 3.0 108.0 mm 4.250 1000 14,180 0 - 0.13 6.00 8.63 2.13 11.0 108.0 6900 63100 0 - 3.2 152 219 54 5.0 5 5.563 1000 24,300 0 - 0.13 7.75 10.65 2.13 10.6 125 141.3 6900 108135 0 - 3.2 197 270 54 4.8 133.0 mm 5.250 1000 21,635 0 - 0.13 7.63 10.38 2.13 10.0 133.0 6900 96275 0 - 3.2 194 264 54 4.5 10.0 139.7 5.500 1000 23,745 0 - 0.13 8.63 10.65 2.13 mm 139.7 6900 105665 0 - 3.2 219 270 54 4.5 12.0 6 6.625 1000 34,470 0 - 0.13 8.63 11.88 2.13 150 168.3 6900 153390 0 - 3.2 219 302 54 5.4 159.0 6.250 1000 30,665 0 - 0.13 8.63 11.50 2.13 13.2 mm 159.0 6900 136460 0 - 3.2 219 292 54 6.0 165.1 6.500 1000 33,185 0 - 0.13 8.88 11.63 2.13 13.2 mm 165.1 6900 147660 0 - 3.2 226 295 54 6.0 8 § 8.625 800 46,740 1 0 - 0.13 11.00 14.75 2.50 20.8 200 219.1 5500 207995 0 - 3.2 279 375 63 9.4 10 § 10.750 800 73,280 0 - 0.13 13.63 17.13 2.63 31.1 250 273.0 5500 326100 1 0 - 3.2 102,000 0 - 0.13 346 435 67 14.1 12 § 12.750 800 15.63 19.25 2.63 27.8 300 323.9 5500 453900 0 - 3.2 397 489 67 12.6 14# 14.000 300 46,180 0 - 0.13 16.63 19.88 2.88 35.6 350 355.6 2065 205500 0 - 3.2 422 505 73 16.1 16# 16.000 300 60,320 0 - 0.13 19.00 22.13 3.00 51.1 400 406.4 2065 268425 0 - 3.2 482 562 76 23.2 18# 18.000 300 76,340 0 - 0.13 21.38 24.50 3.13 64.4 450 457.2 2065 339710 0 - 3.2 543 622 80 29.2 20# 20.000 300 94,000 0 - 0.13 23.63 27.25 3.13 91.2 500 508.0 2065 418300 0 - 3.2 600 692 80 41.4 22# 22.000 300 114,000 1 0 - 0.13 25.75 29.50 3.13 92.0 550 559.0 2065 507300 1 0 - 3.2 250 1 113,000 1 0 - 0.13 654 749 80 41.7 2775 31.25 3.13 94.0 24# 24.000 600 609.6 1725 502850 0 - 3.2 704 794 80 42.6 14 - 24 AGO- For 14 - 247350 - 600 mm sizes Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS) line of products, pg. 5-3. 350 - 600 v Request publication 20.03 for information on the flexible W77 AGS coupling. § Couplings 87200 mm, 107250mm, 127300mm sizes are available to JIS standards. Refer to Publication 06.17 for details. # For use on cut groove systems only. For roll grooved systems Victaulic offers the Advanced Groove System (AGS), see pg.5-1. For cut groove fittings in this size contact our Engineered Products Group at 610-559-3300. * Refer to General Notes on pg.1-4. TYPICAL 3/4-12'720-300mm SIZES -1 Z I - TYPICAL 241600 mm SIZES O C r Z 0 W ✓ctauIIicti WWW.VICTAULIC.COM Couplings Flexible Coupling STYLE 75 For Complete Information Request Publication 06.05 Z CS Z d U U � U� FM UDC VdS LPCB • For use where moderate pressures are expected and weight considerations are a factor • 50% lighter in weight than Style 77 • Housings cast in two identical pieces in all sizes • Pressure rated up to 500 psi/3450 kPa • Sizes from 1-12"/25-304.8 mm Size NJActual SiWD. Max ' Work Pressure Max. End Load Allow. Pipe End Sep. Dimensions Approx. Wgt. Each Inches In c hes mm mm 1 1.315 psi kPa 500 Lbs. N 680 Inches mm 0 - 0.06 Inches mm 2.38 Inches Inches mm mm 4.27 1.77 Lbs. kg 1.3 25 33.4 3450 3025 0 - 1.6 61 108 45 4.61 1.77 0.6 1'A 1.660 500 1,080 0 - 0.06 2.68 1.4 32 42.2 3450 4805 0 - 1.6 68 117 45 44.82 1.77 0.6 1'/2 1.900 500 1,420 0 - 0.06 2.9 1.5 40 48.3 3450 6320 0 - 1.6 74 122 45 0.6 2 2.375 500 2,215 0 - 0.06 3.43 5.22 1.88 1.7 50 60.3 3450 9860 0 - 1.6 87 133 48 0.8 21/2 2.875 500 3,245 0 - 0.06 3.88 5.68 1.88 1.9 65 73.0 3450 14440 0 - 1.6 98 144 48 0.9 76.1 3.000 500 3,535 0 - 0.06 4.00 5.90 1.88 1.9 mm 76.1 3450 15730 0 - 1.6 102 150 48 0.9 3 3.500 500 4,800 0 - 0.06 4.50 7.00 1.88 2.9 80 1 88.9 3450 21360 0 - 1.6 114 178 48 1.3 31/2 4.000 500 6,300 0 - 0.06 5.00 7.50 1.88 2.9 90 101.6 3450 28035 0 - 1.6 127 191 48 1.3 4 4.500 500 7,950 0 - 0.13 5.80 8.03 2.13 4.1 100 114.3 3450 35380 0 - 3.2 147 204 54 7.79 2.13 1.9 108.0 mm 4.250 450 6,380 0 - 0.13 5.55 3.7 108.0 3100 28395 0 - 3.2 141 198 54 9.43 2.13 1.7 41/2 5.000 450 8,820 0 - 0.13 6.13 5.5 120 127.0 3100 39250 0 - 3.2 156 240 54 10.07 2.13 2.5 5 5.563 450 10,935 0 - 0.13 6.88 5.8 125 141.3 3100 48660 0 - 3.2 175 256 54 9.37 2.13 2.6 133.0 mm 5.250 450 9,735 0 - 0.13 6.55 6.0 133.0 3100 43325 0 - 3.2 166 238 1 54 2.7 139.7 mm 5.500 450 10,665 0 - 0.13 6.80 9.59 2.13 6.3 139.7 3100 47460 0 - 3.2 173 244 54 2.9 6 6.625 450 15,525 0 - 0.13 8.00 11.07 2.13 70 150 168.3 3100 69085 0 - 3.2 203 281 54 3.2 159.0 6.250 450 13,800 0 - 0.13 7.63 10.49 2.13 6.8 mm 159.0 3100 61405 0 - 3.2 194 266 54 3.1 165.1 6.500 450 14,940 0 - 0.13 7.84 10.66 2.06 7.2 mm 165.1 3100 66483 0 - 3.2 199 271 52 3.3 8 8.625 450 26,280 0 - 0.13 10.34 13.97 2.32 12.4 200 219.1 3100 116945 0 - 3.2 263 355 59 5.6 203.2 mm# 8.000 450 22,635 0 - 0.13 9.72 13.33 2.31 12.6 203.2 3100 100725 0 - 3.2 247 339 58 5.7 254.0 mm# 10.000 350 27,500 0 - 0.13 12.16 15.81 2.53 20.8 254.0 2400 122375 0 - 3.2 309 402 64 9.4 304.8 mm# 12.000 350 39,500 0 - 0.13 14.16 17.69 2.53 23.6 304.8 2400 175775 0 - 3.2 360 449 64 10.7 # Style 74 Couplings. * Refer to General Notes on pg.1-4. IMPORTANT NOTES: Metric thread size bolts are available (color coded gold) for all coupling sizes upon request. Contact Victaulic for details. loop,� �� 111 'Film, Imp TYPICAL FOR ALL SIZES 1 y CtaUliiC WWW.VICTAULIC.COM Couplings N CS Z J d O U Reducing Coupling STYLE 750 For Complete Information Request Publication 06.08 U- FM UDC vds • Direct reduction on the piping run • Designed to replace two couplings and a reducing fitting • Special reducing gasket for pressure responsive sealing • Pressure rated up to 500 psi/3450 kPa • Sizes from 2x1750x25mm through 8 x 6"/200 x 150 m m Size Nominal Max Work Pressure Max. End Load Allow. Pipe End Sep. Approx. Dimensions Wgt. Each Inches 2 1 psi 350 Lbs. 1,000 Inches Inches 0 - 0.07 3.38 Inches Inches Lbs. 5.28 1.88 2.7 x 50 25 2400 4450 0 - 1.8 85 134 1 48 1.2 1,000 0 - 0.07 3.38 5.28 1.88 2.0 1'/2 350 40 2400 4450 0 - 1.8 85 134 48 1.0 21/2 2 500 2,215 0 - 0.07 4.00 5.93 1.88 3.1 x 65 50 3450 9850 0 - 1.8 102 151 48 1.4 76.1 x 2 350 1,550 0 - 0.07 4.38 6.63 1.88 4.6 50 2410 6900 0 - 1.8 111 168 48 2.1 3 2 350 1,550 0 - 0.07 4.75 7.13 1.88 4.9 80 x 50 2410 6900 0 - 1.8 121 181 48 2.2 21/2 500 3,250 0 - 0.07 4.75 7.13 1.88 4.3 65 3450 14460 0 - 1.8 121 181 48 2.0 88.9 x 76.1 350 2,275 0 - 0.07 4.75 7.13 1.88 4.2 2410 10125 0 - 1.8 121 181 48 1.9 4 2 350 1,550 0 - 0.13 6.25 8.90 2.25 8.1 100 x 50 2410 6900 0 - 3.2 159 226 57 3.7 21/2 350 2,275 0 - 0.13 6.25 8.90 2.25 8..6 65 2410 10125 0 - 3.2 159 226 57 3.9 3 500 4,810 0 - 0.13 6.00 8.90 2.25 6.7 80 3450 21400 0 - 3.2 152 226 57 3.0 114.3 x 76.1 350 2,275 0 - 0.13 6.25 8.90 2.25 6.9 2410 10125 0 - 3.2 159 226 57 3.1 5 4 350 5,565 0 - 0.13 7.18 10.70 2.13 11.2 x 125 100 2410 24765 0 - 3.2 182 272 54 5.1 6 4 350 5,565 0 - 0.13 8.63 11.90 2.25 16.7 150 x 100 2410 24765 0 - 3.2 219 302 57 7.6 5 350 8,500 0 - 0.13 8.31 11.90 2.25 12.9 125 2410 37825 0 - 3.2 211 302 57 5.9 165.1 x 4 350 5,565 0 - 0.13 8.63 11.90 2.25 15.2 100 2410 24765 0 - 3.2 219 302 57 6.9 8 6 350 12,000 0 - 0.13 10.81 14.88 2.50 22.4 200 x 150 2410 53400 0 - 3.2 275 378 64 10.2 Refer to General Notes on pg. 1-4. IMPORTANT NOTES: Style 750 reducing couplings should not be used with end caps (No. 60) in systems where a vacuum may be developed. Contact Victaulic for details. I ��e:� r �l6 TYPICAL FOR ALL SIZES 1.13 % 'ctEl"E WWW.VICTAULIC.COM Mechanical-r Bolted Branch Outlets STYLES 920 AND 92ON Victaulic Mechanical-Te Outlet provides a direct branch connection at any location a hole can be cut in pipe. The hole is cut oversize to receive a "holefinder° locating collar which secures the outlet in position permanently. A pressure responsive gasket seals on the pipe O.D. Cross -type connections can be achieved by utilizing two upper housings of the same style and size, with the same or differing branch size connections. NOTE; Style 920 and Style 92ON housings cannot be mated to each other to achieve a cross connection. Style 920 and Style 920N Mechanical-T outlets are available with grooved or female threaded outlet. Specify choice on order. Units are supplied painted with plated bolts_ Galvanized hous- ings are available, supplied with plated bolts. All sires of Style 920 and 920N are rated at 500psi1345OkPa working pressure on Schedule 10 and 40 carbon steel pipe. They may also be used on high density polyethylene or poly- butylene (HOPE) pipe. Pressure ratings on HIaPF are dependent on the pipe rating. Contact Victaulic for ratings on other pipe. Style 920 and 92ON are not recommended for use on PVC plastic pipe. Standard piping practices dictate that the Mechanical-T Styles 920 and 920N must be installed so that the main and branch connections are a true 90' arigle when permanently attached to the pipeline surface. Additionally, the Vic Tap 110 hole cutting tool, which allows for hale cutting capabilities on pressurized systems, utilizes the Style 920 Mechanical-T in conjunction with the Series 726 Vic -Bali Valve to create the Style 931 Vic -Tap II Mechanical T unit. See page 8 for further information. u� ire �� vds LPCB SEE VICTAIXIC PUBLICATION 10.01 FW DETAILS STYLES 920 AND 920N STYLE 920 CROSS PATENTED MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Housing/Coating: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-536, grade 65-45-12, with orange enamel coating. Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A-395, grade 65-45-15, is available upon special request. ■ Optional: Hot dipped galvanized JOB/OWNER System No Location Gasket: (Specify choice') ■ Grade "E" EPDM EPDM (Green color code). Temperature range—"F to+230°FI--34°C to+110°C. Recommended for cold and hot water service within the specified temperature range plus a variety of dilute acids, oil -free air and many chemical services. UL Classified in accordance with ANSI/NSF 61 for cold +86°Ff+30°C and hot+180°F/+82*C. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PETROLEUM SERVICES. ■ Grade "T' nitrile Nitrile (Orange color code). Temperature range —20'F to +1800FI--29°C to +82°C. Recommended for petroleum products, air with oil vapors, vegetable and mineral oils within the specified temperature range. Not recommended for hot water services over +150'FI+66'C or for hot dry air over +140°Ff+600C. *Services listed are General Service Recommendations only. it should be noted that there are services for which these gaskets are not recommended. Reference should always be made to the latest Victaulic Gasket Selection Guide for specific gasket service recommendations and for a listing of services which are not recommended. Bolts/Nuts: Heat -treated plated carbon steel, trackhead meeting the physical and chemical requirements of ASTM A-449 and physical requirements of ASTM A-183. CONTRACTOR ENGINEER Submitted By Spec Sect Date Approved Para Date www.vi-ctaulic-corn %MITAI I it is A ornicrrnrn TOAif)FUADV nil %&1TAI II it PAUDAF V A '�7) %WITAI iI it PAUDAMY Al I ❑irrurc Drf rCDVM �otaU CARBON STEEL PIPE - HOLE CUT PRODUCTS 11.02 Mechanical-r Bolted Branch Outlets STYLES 920 AND 92ON DIMENSIONS rir e7u 1Tlra�7f� imi GROOVED OUTLET , Ef : 7a� OtT W FEMALE THR EAD ED OUTLET • Provides a direct branch connection at any location where a hole can be cut in the pipe • A pressure responsive gasket provides the seal • Request Publication 11.03 for Mechanical T cross assemblies • Pressure rated up to 500psi13450kPa on steel pipe; also available for use with HdPE pipe • Sizes from 2 x W150 x 15mm through 8 x T/200 x 100mm IMPORTANT NOTES: Style 920 and Style 92ON housings cannot be mated to one another to achieve cross connections. 2 x A(a)n 92oN Soo I -SO 200 2.53 `-& 5.35 175 3.1 50 15 3450 38.1 5- 64 _ 41 136 70 IL 34 (a) n 920N 500 1.50 1.97 2.53 _ -.6: 5.35 2.75 3.1 20 3450 38.1 W 64 41 136 /0 1.5 1 (a) n92UN 500 1.50 -.85 2.53 _ fi 5.35 2.75 3.0 25 34SO 3.1 4/ 64 41 136 /0 1A y, (a),Ul wm 500 1.75 2.05 2.75 3.00 -.6 5.35 3.00 3.5 3.2 32 3450 44.S S2 /0 16 41 136 16 1.1 1.S . h (a) to WON 500 1,75 2,03 275 3.12 -.6- 5,35 3,25 3.6 3.2 40 3450 44.S 52 /0 19 41 136 83 1.1 1.S 2Y2 fi (a) §11 91UN 500 1.50 2.21 2.74 1.82 5.64 2.75 3.0 65 x 1S 3450 38: S6 IU _ 46 143 10 1A _ 3& W §u 92.UN 500 1.50 2.:8 2.74 _ 1.82 5.64 2.75 10 20 3450 38.- 5S /0 46 143 10 1.4 i (a) §n 92UN 500 1.50 2.U6 2.74 _ 132 5.64 2.75 2.9 25 3450 38.- S1 10 46 143 10 1A 1 Je t (aJ n 92ON 500 135 230 100 3.25 1.82 6.29 100 3.5 3.2 32 34SO 44.5 S8 16 83 46 160 /6 1.1 Ls 1 Y2 t W ° 920N 500 2.00 2.28 3.00 3.25 1.82 6.26 125 16 3.3 40 3450 50.3 S8 16 83 46 1 S9 83 1.1 1.6 /6-1 x {a] 920N 300 1.50 2.22 2.75 _ 2.25 6.46 118 3.9 1S 2065 38: S6 /0 51 164 81 L8 % (a) 920N 300 1.50 2-9 2.75 _ 2.25 6.46 118 3.9 20 _ 206S 38: 56 /a 51 164 81 1.8 1 (a) 92ON 300 1.50 2.07 Z75 _ 2.25 6.46 118 3.8 _ 25 2065 38.1 53 /0 51 164 81 1.1 1 �I, (a) 92UN 500 Lb 2.30 3.00 3.31 192 6.29 3.00 1. 3.2 32 3450 44.S S8 /b 84 49 160 /6 1 _b 1.S 1 Yz (a) 500 2.00 2.28 3.00 3.31 -92 5.21 3.25 3.S 3.3 40 92UN i4W SU-8 S8 Ib 84 49 16U W 1_b L5 3 Yz 0 ° 92UN SUo 1.50 2.52 3.0S 2.28 6.15 2.15 3A 8V x 1 S 34So 38.1 64 /8 _ 58 166 /U 1.b Yf (a) n 92UN SUO 1.50 2A9 3.US _ 2.28 6.15 2./S 3.4 20 M50 38.1 W M 58 156 IU 1-15 1 W 92UN 500 1.50 2.38 3.06 _ 2.28 6.15 2.8 3.3 1S MW 38.1 61 /8 58 156 /U 1.6 A (a) ttl 92UN 500 1./5 2.SS 3.25 3.56 2,28 &1 S 3.00 3.8 3.1 32 (b) M50 44,S 6S 83 90 5e 156 16 1-8 1-8 Yx (a) to 92UN 500 2,0U 2./8 3.50 3.56 2.28 6.15 3.25 4.1 3.8 Q(b) M-50 5U-8 1- 89 90 58 156 83 1.9 1-8 2(a). 92UN 500 2.W 2.IS 150 3.56 2.28 6./5 3.86 43 4.6 SO 34W 63-S /V K9 90 58 112 91.) 2-3 2.1 3 Yz x 2 92UN Soo 2.50 3.00 _ 3./S 2.44 6.12 3.88 _ 3.8 90 So 3450 63-5 16 % 62 1/1 W L8 TABLE CONTINUED ON PG. 3 '* Center of run to engaged pipe end, Female threaded outlet only (dimensions approximate). t Available with grooved or female threaded outlet. Specify choice on order. t Center of run to end of fitting. 9 Female threaded outlets are available to IN PT and BSPT specifications - cc) See page 7 for Fire Protection approvals and pressure ratings_ (a) British Standard female pipe threaded outlet is available as listed_ Specify "BSPT" clearly on order (b)For 16.1 mm threaded outlet, specify 2W BSPT clearly on order. Vds approved for fire protection services -PCB approved for fire protection services 0 Approved for use in China by Tianjin Approvals Company. www.►il ulicxotri C$�U r rnrTA411 it IQ a rlrricrrrzm ToenrueW nr %NITAi 11 it rnrloewv A ern-) uu•TAi 11 1(' rnuuAW Ai r ❑icurc orcrovrn CARBON STEEL PIPE - HOLE CUT PRODUCTS 11.02 Mechanical-V Bolted Branch Outlets STYLES 920 AND 920N DIMENSIONS GROOVED OUTLET y� FZ� 1� T I 0 FEMALE THREADED OUTLET • Provides a direct branch connection at any location where a hole can be cut in the pipe • A pressure responsive gasket provides the seal • Request Publication 11.03 for Mechanical T cross assemblies • Pressure rated up to 500 psi/3450 kPa on steel pipe; also available for use with HIDPE pipe • Sizes from 2 x W150 x 15mm through 8 x 47200 x 100mm IMPORTANT NOTES - Style 920 and Style 91UN housings cannot be mated to one another to achieve cross connections. TABLE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 4 x 920N SUU 1,50 3-03 3-56 _ 2-69 /.UI 1.IS 31 100 1S 34SU 3i&i 11 gU 68 1/8 IU IS ' }� 500 1-SU 3.00 3-56 2-6y /01 2.A 3-1 ZU 920N 34so 38.1 /6 yU _ 68 1/8 IU IS 1 (a]." 920N SUU 1,50 Z.88 3-56 2.6y /.U1 2-6 3-6 25 3450 3W /3 gU _ 68 1/8 /U IS A W tl�! 920 N SUU 1./S 3.08 3 M 4,UU 2.69 101 3-00 AU 3.6 31 (b) 34SU 44_S /8 % 1 U2 68 1 /8 /6 i -9 18 Yz�ia) ill 920N SUU 1-00 3.28 4,00 4.00 2.69 /.U1 3-1s 4-2 3-9 40 (b) 3450 -W-8 83 0-2 1 U2 68 118 83 2.0 1.9 2 (a) th 92UN 500 2.SU 3,25 4-00 4,Vii 2.69 101 3-89 S-U 4-6 SU 34S0 63_s W :01 1 U2 68 1 /8 99 2.3 21 2b4 (a) t 920 SUU 2.1S 2.88 4,00 4.UU 2-69 1.34 4.63 5-8 S-U 6.S 34SU 69.9 13 ST1 1 U2 68 186 118 2.6 2.3 76: mm 920 500 2,15 2.88 _ 4,00 2.69 /34 4,63 _ 6-4 34S0 69.9 13 1 u2 68 1 M 118 2.y 3 0) t 920 SU0 3-SU 3,31 4-sU 4,11 2-69 I13 5-12 8-4 6-4 80 3450 88.9 84 1-4 lUS 68 196 130 3-8 2-9 1 U8.0 x A (a) 92UN 500 1./S 3.U8 3 B _ 2-63 /.64 3-US S-U 32 -- SU 44_5 /8 96 6/ 194 /8 2.3 3h (3)1� 92UN SUU 2.00 3.28 4.UU _ 2.63 1.64 3.25 S.0 40 34S0 SU-8 83 (T1 6/ 194 63 2.3 2(a) 92ON SUU 2-SO 3,25 4-00 _ 2.63 /-64 4-00 -W 4,U _ SU -i4S0 63_5 83 01 6/ 194 i.9 /6. rim 920 500 2,15 2-88 4,00 4.00 2-63 1.64 4.29 -09 8-U /a 34SU 69.9 13 (T1 lu1 6/ 194 3.6 -ls 3 (a) 920 SUU 3-SU 3-31 4-SU 4SU 2.63 463 4.88 6.8 6-5 80 34SU 88.9 84 1"4 -14 6/ 194 124 3.1 3-0 S x 1 1h (a) t 920 SUU 2-00 4-03 4,/S 4-/5 3-16 9.IU 3-69 1.4 /.6 12S 40 34SU SU_8 102 121 12- 8U 246 94 3.4 3.4 - 2 (a) t 920 500 2-SU 4.UU 4./S 445 3-16 9.10 4,38 ' S.Z 8-U 50 34SU 63_S 102 121 12' 80 246 1' 3./ 3.6 2b4 (a) t 920 SUU 2.8 3W 4,8 4-/S 3-16 9./U 4.63 83 /-9 65 34S0 69.9 92 121 11- 8U 246 118 3.8 3.6 76: mm 920 500 2,15 3.1S _ 4-/5 3-16 9-10 4,63 _ 8-0 34SU 69-9 % 12- 80 246 118 3-6 3 0) t 920 SUU 3-sU 3.8' 5-00 4.63 -18 316 9.10 5,31 84 K8 SU 34SU 88.9 91 121 8n 246 13S 3-8 4-U 133.0 x 2 92UN 500 2-SU 3.1s 4-W _ 3: / 890 3-88 8U W 34SU 63.5 9S 1-4 81 2U3 99 3.6 3 920 SU0 3-SU 3-6- S-VU _ 3-00 9.46 5.31 8-0 SU 34S0 88.9 9/ 121 /6 24U 1,15 1.6 TABLE CONTINUED ON PG. 4 ** Center of run to engaged pipe end, female threaded outlet only (dimensions approximate). t Available with grooved or female threaded outlet. Specify choice on order. t Center of run to end of Fitting. # Female threaded outlets are available to N PT and BSPT specifications. @ See page 7 for Fire Protection approvals and pressure ratings_ (a) British Standard female pipe threaded outlet is available as listed_ Specify "BSPT' clearly on order (b)For /6.1 mm threaded outlet, specify 2W BSPT clearly on order. § Vds approved for fire protection services 1E LPCB approved for fire protection services 0 Approved for use in China by Tianjin Approvals Company. www.victauli XDM %MITdl II it IC A GMI@T -VAtGaulac CARBON STEEL PIPE - HOLE CUT PRODUCTS 11.02 Mechanical-r Bolted Branch Outlets STYLES 920 AND 92ON DIMENSIONS TABLE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 V 139-f x h 1 920N SUU 2-UU 3-18 4-W _ 3-3U 6-23 3-25 ID 40 -44YJ SU-8 96 1-4 84 2W Ki 3-2 920N SUU 2-sU Vs 4-W _ 3,30 8.23 3-88 9-U S[1 34SO 63-5 9S 1-4 84 209 99 4-1 W 6 i S(N) 1-Is 4-43 5-13 s.13 1/9 W 5 3-25 S.1 -SU x :32 (b) 92ON -44S1 44-S 112 30 130 % 232 fill 2-3 GROOVED OUTLET 'h ('�) "I 92ON 5W 2-9U 4,40 5-13 5.13 1/9 9.15 3-2s S-4 40 (h) 34SO SO-8 112 ' 30 13U 96 232 83 24 2 W1 n I 420N SW2-SO 4.38 5-13 5.13 3./9 9.1 S 3.88 6-0 y ,�_ Z _� !r'34SQ 63-S 1-1 i 3u 130 96 232 99 21 Ivi 65 9� SUU 699 4.01 -30 1.iu 94 26 118 83 6S 34St] 69-9 -1 u - 3U 13i1 94 16I 11 Ei 3-ki v SW 2-/5 4,15 _ 5-2' 3-69 'OS' 4,63 _ T 1G mrnJ 92O M50 69.9 105 132 94 26I 116 3 (a) t SUU 3-SU 4,31 S.sO S.13 3-69 -U-s- 5.31 9-9 W 80 92U M50 88.9 -10 140 130 94 261 135 4,5 4(a)t� 5uV 4-W 3B- S-/S S38 3-69 -0.5- 6-25 1U_1 -W 92O 3450 114-3 9/ 146 13/ 94 26I 159 4,6 FEMALE THREADED OUTLET 1S9-U x 1 1i (a) 92ON SOU 2.01) 4.41 5,13 _ 3.63 9.40 3.25 /8 40 MW sU-8 -12 -3U 92 239 83 is 2 (a) SUU 2-W 4.38 5.13 3.63 9,40 3.88 610 • Provides a direct branch connection at So 92ON 34SV 63-5 ill -3U - 92 239 99 3-6 any location where a hole can be cut 76: mm 920 SUU 2,/5 4.38 S-SA) 5,13 3-63 9.40 4,63 9-s in the pipe 3450 69-9 111 140 130 92 239 118 4-3 3 920 sue 1W 4,31 5-10 5,13 3-63 9.40 5.31 6-1 • A pressure responsive gasket provides f91J 34W 889 11U 140 130 92 239 135 3.1 the seal 108-0mm 920 S00 4.W 4.4s _ s.36 3.63 9.4U 6.12 34SO 1-4-3 -13 13/ 92 239 15S • Request Publication 11.03 for 4 500 4.50 3.81 S.IS _ 3-63 9.40 6-2s 1s0 Mechanical-T cross assemblies OU 42D 34SO 114i 96-SU 146 92 239 1S9 8-) TABLE CONTINUED ON PG. 5 • Pressure rated up to 500 psi13450 kPa •• Center of run to engaged pipe end, Female threaded outlet only (dimensions approximate) - on steel pipe; also available for use t Available with grooved or female threaded outlet. Specify choice on order - with HDPE pipe t Center of run to end of fitting. • Sizes fl0m 2 x W154 x 15mm P Female threaded outlets are available to NPT and 3SPT specifications. through 8 x 4"l204 x 100m m @ See page 7 for Fire Protection approvals and pressure ratings_ (a) British Standard female pipe threaded outlet is available as listed_ Specify'BSPT" clearly on order. (b)For 16.1 mm threaded outlet, specify 2W f35PT clearly on order. Vds approved for file protection services LPCB approved for fire protection services IMPORTANT NOTES: 0Approved for use in China by Tianjin Approvals Company - Style 920 and Style 92ON housings cannot be mated to one another to achieve cross connections- 4-8 2-2 S.1 2-3 5,6 2-S 46 i4 &4 3.8 8.4 3-8 1UJ 4-6 9.S 4-3 4-U 6-4 0.0 4-S www.ViC ulicxotii C$�U r rnrTA411 it IQ A DrricrrQCn TDAM&AAW nr %NITAi 11 it rnuDewv A ern-) uu•TAi 11 1(' rnuoAW Ai i ❑icure Drcrovrn CARBON STEEL PIPE - HOLE CUT PRODUCTS 11.02 Mechanical-V Bolted Branch Outlets STYLES 920 AND 920N DIMENSIONS rn irl� �17fi�rifr GROOVED OUTLET v �z� v O,W FF- FEMALE THREADED OUTLET • Provides a direct branch connection at any location where a hole can be cut in the pipe • A pressure responsive gasket provides the seal • Request Publication 11.03 for Mechanical-T cross assemblies • Pressure rated up to 500 psi/3450 kPa on steel pipe; also available for use with HDPE pipe • Sices from 2 x W150 x 15mm through S x 47200 x 100mm IMPORTANT NOTES: Style 920 and Style 920N housings cannot be mated to each other to achieve cross connections. TABLE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 4 165: x 1 910N S W 1.SU 3.88 4.56 _ 3-/9 934 1, 6 8 U _ 2S �44!10 3i&l 99 1-6 96 231 10 3-6 - 1 Yap 920N 500 1-6 4.43 -13 5.13 - _ 1/9 9,34 3.1S 8.4 i 31 34so 44-S 3u % 211 83 3-9 Ya (a) 110 920N SW 2-00 4-41 5.13 5,13 3-19 934 3.2S 84 S.4 40 3450 Su-8 112 7 30 140 96 231 83 3-8 2-4 2 (a) t 910N 500 2.SU 4-38 5.13 ' SJ 3 3.19 9,:34 3-88 KS 6.0 50 34S0 63-S 1' 1 3u 130 96 241 99 3-9 2-1 76: mm 920 SW 2.IS 4.01 5.13 - 5-2- 3.63 -U.S- 4,63 86 1.6 34S0 69-9 710 3u 1-12 W 261 118 3-9 3-4 3 (a) t e 920 500 3-W 4,31 -lu S.SU SJ3 3,U3 U.S 5,31 -U1 SA 80 34SU 8&9 140 130 91 26/ 13S 4-6 3-8 4 (a) to 920 SW 4-,W 3.8' S.1S S.38 3.63 'U.S' 6.2S 10.5 84 WJ 34SU 114.3 9/ 146 131 W 261 159 4.8 3.8 8 x 2 (a) t 920 SUU 2,15 5,44 619 -SI 6.25 4,81 -22 - 2-42 4-W 11.6 11,6 2W W 3450 69.9 138 1W 3'6 114 5-3 5-3 2V2 (a) t 920 SUU 2.I5 SAI 6.19 - 6,19 4,81 -22 - 2.42 4-50 11.6 ilk 65 3450 W-9 129 5I 151 3' 6 114 S.3 5-3 76: mm 920 SUU 2-IS S.2S _ b.2S 4,131 -22 -2.42 4.56 _ 11.6 3450 69.9 133 159 3-6 116 5-3 3 (a) tt� 920 SUU 3.SU 5.31 6.W b.SD 4.61 -22 - 2.42 S 31 12.6 11.6 80 3450 88.9 135 165 165 3 6 135 5.1 5-3 4 ta 920 SOU 4.W 4.81 6.75 6.38 4,81 - 2,42 6,25 1 S.3 12.5 UU 34SU 1143 122 111 162 -22 3-6 1S9 6.9 S.I 44 Center of run to engaged pipe end,felnale.threaded outlet only [dimensions approximate]- t Available with grooved or female threaded outlet. Specify choice on order. * Center of run to end of fitting- # Female threaded outlets are available to N PT and BSPT specifcations- 1& See page 1 for Fire Protection approvals and pressure ratings' (a) British Standard female pipe threaded outlet is available as listed. Specify "BSPT" clearly on order. (b)For 76.1 mm threaded outlet, specify 21YT BSPT clearly on order. § Vds approved for fire protection services r, LPCB approved for fire protection services 0 Approved for use in China by Tianjin Approvals Company. www.vicfaulic.com %MITdl II it IC A GMI@T -VAta ,JIlac CARBON STEEL PIPE - HOLE CUT PRODUCTS Mechanical-r Bolted Branch Outlets STYLES 920 AND 92ON FLOW DATA 0 6caggerater fordailty 11.02 Flow test data has shown that the total head loss between point (1) and 0 for the Style 920, 92ON and 929 Mechanical-TI fittings can best he expressed in terms of the pressure difference across the inlet and branch. The pressure difference can be obtained from the relationship below. Cv and Kv Values Values for flaw of water at +60°FI+16°C are shown in the table below. Formulas for C❑,K Values AP Where: AP - Q` Where: Q Q = Flow (GPM) K Q = Flow (m31h) AP = Pressure Drop (psi) AP = pressure Drop (liar) Q = C x dP C.= Flow Coefficient Q = r, x hP = Flow Coefficient t Hazen -Williams coefficient of friction is i 20. * Pipe with a wall thickness of 0.165inY42mm_ www.viC ulic.com VIV'TA4 11 it IQ a DUI I QTrQCn Toenru AW nr u{rrei IIIt rnwoewv A -rn-) %NITAIII I(' Ph FIua MV Ai i ❑icure Drcrovrn �Ct'clU I I C CARBON STEEL PIPE - HOLE CUT PRODUCTS Mechanical-V Bolted Branch Outlets STYLES 920 AND 920N. FIRE PROTECTION APPROVAL$ AND PRESSURE RATINGS 11.02 I he information provided below is based on the latest listing and approval data at the time of publication. Listings/Approvals are subject to change and/or additions by the approvals agencies. Contact Victaulic for performance on other pipe and the latest listings and approvals. 2-8/5 - 6.625 All ' 0, 40 400 400 AL 400 ��MKTTMMM 290 `999 232 362 2U2 - 8 65-150 73.0-1683 275S 2755 275S 1599 2496 21/2-4 2-8/5-4.500 All pF 300 300 300 290 232 362 65 - 100 73-0 - 1' 43 2065 2065 2065 999 1599 2496 21/2-4 2-8/S-4Soo All SF 300 300 300 290 232 362 6S-100 73-0-1'43 2065 2065 2065 999 1599 2496 6 662S 3,4 to 300 300 2S0 290 232 362 ISO 1683 2065 2065 1724 999 1599 2496 6 6.62S 3,4 30, 40 300 300 300 290 232 362 ISO 1683 2065 2065 2065 999 1599 2496 8 8625 21I2 0,40 400 — — — 14S 200 2 41 2755 1000 8 8.62S 34 10 300 _ 2So _ 14S 200 2' 9.1 2065 1724 1000 8 8625 3R 30,40 300 _ 300 _ 145 200 2' 9.1 2065 2065 1000 NOTES. 10 refers to Listed/Approved Schedule 10steel sprinkler pipe. 40 refers to Listed/Approved Schedule 40 steel sprinkler pipe. OF refers to Listed/Approved Dyna-Flow steel sprinkler pipe manufactured by American Tube Company. SF refers to Listed/Approved Super -Flo steel sprinkler pipe manufactured by Allied Tube and Conduit Corporation VIC-TAP II HOLE CUTTING TOOL FOR 4 - 9'7100 - 24OMM CARBON STEEL PIPE The Vic -Tap II hole cutting tool is designed for use with the Style 931 Vic -Tap li Mechanical-T unit, which is a combination of the Style 920 Mechanical-1 and Series 726 Vic -Ball Valve. The Vic -Tap it is capable of tapping into carbon steel pipe systems udder pressures up to 500psi1345OkPa. The Style 931 Vic -Tap II Mechanical T unit is a full port ball value which can he mounted on 47100mm, 57125mm, 67150mm and 87200 mm diameter pipe. The Style 931 comes with a 2 V2765mm grooved outlet. The drill motor is an electric motor with ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI) in accordance with safety codes. For more information, refer to publication 24.01. www.vicuulic.com %MITAI I it is a GMIQTrnrn TOAnFUADV nil tarrei I it rnuoaav A '�7) uirraii I. it PAUDAMY Al i ❑inure orcrovrn �CtG1U �C Mechanical-V Bolted Branch Outlets STYLES 920 AND 92ON INSTALLATION Reference should always be made to the 1-100 Victaulic Field Installation Handbook for the product you are installing. Handbooks are Included with each shipment of Victaulic products for complete installation and assembly data, and are available in PDF format on our website at www.victaulic.corn. WARRANTY Refer to the Warranty section of the current Price List or contact Victaulic for details. NOTE This product shall be manufactured by Victaulic or to Victaulic specifications. All products to be Installed in accordance with current Victaulic Installation/assembly instructions. Victaulic reserves the right to change product specifications, designs and standard equipment without notice and without incurring obligations. For complete contact information, visit www.victaulic.corn 11.02 1480 REV U UPDATED 0312012 �C.ft.'d L��eC. 1nrTeI a o it ice o[n�CTr[n TuenCKAADV nr ua i irre3 t rnuDAmv c �1� ua i irrai t rn UDA Nv Al I oir_urc DMDkre SMITH,--,COOPEA I N T E R N A T I O N A L r, J r J 1 u rI ulvll�i\rju COOPLETS° Weld Outlets & Adapter Nipples COOPLET® Weld Outlets are UL Listed and FM Approved for use on Sch 10, Sch 40 and the following sprinkler pipe PIPE NAME Manufacturers Dyna- Thread®, Central- Thread®, XL®, XL -II®, Dyna-Flow ®, Super 400, Super- Flo®, TL®, Central 711, BLT® Allied Tube and Conduit Corp. Eddylite®, Eddy Flow®, Eddy Thread 40e Bull Moose Tube Co. Gal-7® IDOD Systems Co. EZ-Flow® Northwest Pipe Company WLS®, Mega Flow®, Mega- Thread®, MLT®, GL® Wheatland Tube Company Steady Flow®, Steady Thread® Welded Tube Corp. Fire -Flo®, Ez- Thread® Youngstown Tube Co. Tex- Flow® Tex- Tube International SPSF® Yieh Phui Enterprise Co. Ltd. Fire Line Flow®, Rapid Thread®, Rapid -Thread® Western International Forest Products Inc. Quality Plu • Quality control inspections both at the overseas factory and our US warehouses • Company engineer available at your request • $10,000,000 product liability insurance • SCI trademark logo on each fitting • SCI 5150 guarantee • Pro Pak System makes products easier to handle and warehouse • Orders shipped with in 24 hours • Fax confirmation of every order • Knowledgeable customer service personnel Warranty and Limitations of Liability SMITH -COOPER INTERNATIONAL (SCI) warrants to its initial purchaser only, that its products which are delivered to this initial purchaser will be of the kind described in the order or price list and will be free of defects in workmanship or material for a period of five years from the date of delivery to our initial purchaser. Should any failure to conform to this warranty appear within five years after the date of the initial delivery to our initial purchaser, SCI will, upon written notification thereof and substantiation that the goods have been stored, installed, maintained and operated in accordance with recognized engineering and piping practices and industry standards, correct such defects by suitable repair or replacement (which alternative shall be at the discretion of SCI) of product at SCI's own expense upon return of the defective part to SCI. In the event that SCI elects to replace the defective product, SCI shall pay up to $50 per defective product for total cost of replacement. In the event of multiple claims, such payment shall be no greater than $1,000 for each installation project. This warranty applies only during normal use that meets the above referenced conditions of installation and operation and is absolutely void if the product has been damaged after purchase or if it has been misused, repaired, altered or modified in any manner whatsoever. SCI shall not warranty any of its products if any portion of the product including without limitation, any component, gasket, housing or bolt has been modified, altered, remanufactured or replaced in any manner by any customer, user of the product or third party. Correction of non -conformities, in the manner and for the period of time provided above, shall constitute fulfillment of all liabilities of SCI to our initial purchaser, with respect to the goods, whether based on contract, negligence, strict tort, or otherwise. It is the intention of SCI that no warranty of any kind, whether expressed or implied shall pass through our initial purchaser to any other person or corporation. No returns will be allowed unless prior written permission of SCI is first obtained. Buyers shall be responsible for all costs of transportation as well as a restocking charge. This warranty is exclusively for the benefit of the initial purchaser of this product from SCI and, except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, the foregoing warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of fitness or merchantability. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY: SCI shall not under any circumstances be liable for special or consequential damages such as, but not limited to damage to loss of other property or equipment, loss of profits or revenue, cost of capital, cost of purchased or replacement goods, claims of customers of our initial purchaser, any labor cost for repair or replacement of the product or damage caused by the product. The remedies of our initial purchaser, and all others, set forth herein are exclusive, and the liability of SCI with respect to same shall not, except as expressly provided herein, exceed the price of the SCI products on which such liability is based. SMITH -COOPER INTERNATIONAL® • TOLL FREE 1-800-766-0076 • FAX (323) 890-4456 • www.smithcooper.com C I N T E R N A T 10 N A LUL/FM 300# GOOPLET° Weld Outlets Outlet Size Pipe Run Size Part Number Dimensions (in) Hole Size Weight (lb) Packaging A g Inner Master A Hole Size c (@us LISTED Female Threaded 1 /2 1 to 1-1/2 61 FT1004010 1.063 0.750 0.161 50 400 1 /2 2 to 2-1/2 61 FT1004020 1.063 0.750 0.157 50 400 1 /2 3 to 8 61 FT1004030 1.063 0.750 0.155 50 400 3/4 1 to 1-1/2 61FT1006010 1.125 0.875 0.240 50 300 3/4 2 to 2-1/2 61 FT1006020 1.125 0.875 0.232 50 300 3/4 2-1/2 61FT1006024 1.125 0.875 0.231 50 300 3/4 3 to 8 61 FT1006030 1.125 0.875 0.229 50 300 1 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 61 FT1010012 1.250 1.125 0.263 50 200 1 2 to 2-1/2 61 FT1010020 1.250 1.125 0.255 50 200 1 2-1/2 61FT1010024 1.250 1.125 0.253 50 200 1 3 to 4 61 FT1010030 1.250 1.125 0.250 50 200 1 5 to 8 61 FT1010060 1.250 1.125 0.246 50 200 1-1/4 1-1/2 61 FT1012014 1.375 1.500 0.358 70 140 1-1/4 2 61FT1012020 1.375 1.500 0.348 70 140 1-1/4 2-1/2 61FT1012024 1.375 1.500 0.343 70 140 1-1/4 3 to 4 61 FT1012030 1.375 1.500 0.338 70 140 1-1/4 5 to 8 61 FT1012060 1.375 1.500 0.329 70 140 1-1/2 2 61FT1014020 1.625 1.625 0.576 50 100 1-1/2 2-1/2 61FT1014024 1.625 1.625 0.567 50 100 1-1/2 3 61FT1014030 1.625 1.625 0.560 50 100 1-1/2 4 to 5 61 FT1014040 1.625 1.625 0.553 50 100 1-1/2 6 to 8 61 FT1014060 1.625 1.625 0.546 50 100 2 2-1/2 61FT1020024 1.750 2.000 0.878 25 50 2 3 61 FT1020030 1.750 2.000 0.863 25 50 2 4 to 5 61 FT1020040 1.750 2.000 0.849 25 50 2 6 to 8 61 FT1020060 1.750 2.000 0.835 25 50 2-1/2 3 61 FT1024030 2.215 2.500 1.498 15 30 2-1/2 4 61 FT1024040 2.215 2.500 1.467 15 30 2-1/2 6 61 FT1024060 2.215 2.500 1.436 15 30 2-1/2 8 61FT1024080 2.215 2.500 1.422 15 30 3 4 61FT1030040 2.500 3.000 2.431 8 16 3 6 61FT1030060 2.500 3.000 2.367 8 16 3 8 61FT1030080 2.500 3.000 2.339 8 16 4 6 61FT1040060 3.000 4.000 4.141 4 8 4 8 61 FT1040080 3.000 - 4.000 4.067 4 8 FM APPROVED COOPLET® Weld Outlets conform to ASTM A106, ASME 131.20.1, and UL listed and FM approved at 300 psi SMITH -COOPER INTERNATIONALO • TOLL FREE 1-800-766-0076 • FAX (323) 890-4456 1 www.smithcooper.com 1 A I N T E R N A T 10 N A LUL/FM 300# COOPLET° Weld Outlets Outlet Size Pipe Run Size Part Number Dimensions (in) Hole Size Weight (lb) Packaging A g Inner Master A Hole Size Schedule 40 Cut Grooved 1-1/4 1-1/2 61CG1012014 3.000 1.500 0.531 40 80 1-1/4 2 61 CG 1012020 3.000 1.500 0.525 40 80 1-1/4 2-1/2 61 CG 1012024 3.000 1.500 0.521 40 80 1-1/4 3 61 CG 1012030 3.000 1.500 0.518 40 80 1-1/4 4 to 5 61 CG 1012040 3.000 1.500 0.515 40 80 1-1/4 6 to 8 61 CG 1012060 3.000 1.500 0.512 40 80 1-1/2 2 61 CG 1014020 3.000 1.625 0.641 25 50 1-1/2 2-1/2 61 CG 1014024 3.000 1.625 0.635 25 50 1-1/2 3 61 CG 1014030 3.000 1.625 0.630 25 50 1-1/2 4 to 5 61CG1014040 3.000 1.625 0.625 25 50 1-1/2 6 to 8 61 CG 1014060 3.000 1.625 0.620 25 50 2 2-1/2 61 CG 1020024 3.000 2.000 0.874 16 32 2 3 61CG1020030 3.000 2.000 0.861 16 32 2 4 to 5 61 CG 1020040 3.000 2.000 0.850 16 32 2 6 61 CG 1020060 3.000 2.000 0.838 16 32 2 8 61CG1020080 3.000 2.000 0.826 16 32 2-1/2 3 61 CG 1024030 3.000 2.500 1.397 12 24 2-1/2 4 to 5 61 CG 1024040 3.000 2.500 1.368 12 24 2-1/2 6 61 CG 1024060 3.000 2.500 1.340 12 24 2-1/2 8 61CG1024080 3.000 2.500 1.327 12 24 3 4 61 CG 1030040 3.000 3.000 1.864 6 12 3 6 61 CG 1030060 3.000 - 3.000 1.801 6 12 3 8 61 CG 1030080 3.000 - 3.000 1.774 6 12 4 6 61CG1040060 4.000 - 4.000 3.507 4 8 4 8 61CG1040080 4.000 - 4.000 3.435 4 8 6 8 61CG1060080 4.000 - 4.000 6.578 - 2 8 8 61 CG 1080080 4.000 - 4.000 11.621 2 Size -on -Size Cut Grooved COOPLET® Weld Outlets are Available but not listed UOLC <: > FM LISTED APPROVED COOPLET® Weld Outlets conform to ASTM A106, ASME 131.20.1, and UL listed and FM approved at 300 psi SMITH -COOPER INTERNATIONALS • TOLL FREE 1-800-766-0076 • FAX (323) 890-4456 1 www.smithcooper.com I N T E R N A T I O N A L r� J r J1rJ 4� I ' i iI ri 1 �J 'JS!iJlrlr� r1 1 1 Fpiri_.Pr'viJd:Jrj-ljhT Ductile Iron Pipe Fittings ecifications • Manufacturing facilities are ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 14001 • Castings conform to ASTM A536 • Fitting dimensions conform to ASME B 16.3 • Bushings and Plugs conform to ASME B 16.14 • Ductile Iron Threaded Fittings are UL Listed and FM Approved at 500 psi • Fittings are 100% air tested • NPT threads on all fittings conform to ASME B 1.20.1 • Independent lab verification that fittings meet applicable chemical & physical properties SCI Quality Plus • Quality control inspections both at the overseas factory and our US warehouses • All fittings 100% tested underwater • Company engineer available at your request • $10,000,000 product liability insurance • SCI trademark logo on each fitting • SCI 5150 guarantee • Pro Pak System makes products easier to handle and warehouse • Orders shipped with in 24 hours • Fax confirmation of every order • Knowledgeable customer service personnel Warranty and Limitations of Liability C @US LISTED FM APPROVED SMITH -COOPER INTERNATIONAL (SCI) warrants to its initial purchaser only, that its products which are delivered to this initial purchaser will be of the kind described in the order or price list and will be free of defects in workmanship or material for a period of five years from the date of delivery to our initial purchaser. Should any failure to conform to this warranty appear within five years after the dale of the initial delivery to our initial purchaser, SCI will, upon written notification thereof and substantiation that the goads have been stared, installed, maintained and operated in accordance with recognized engineering and piping practices and industry standards, correct such defects by suitable repair or replacement (which alternative shall be at the discretion of SCI) of product at SCI's own expense upon return of the defective part to SCI. In the event that SCI elects to replace the defective product, SCI shall pay up to $50 per defective product for total cost of replacement. In the event of multiple claims, such payment shall be no greater tban $1,000 for each installation project. This warranty applies only during normal use that meets the above referenced conditions of installation and operation and is absolutely void if the product has been damaged after purchase or if it has been misused, repaired, altered or modified in any manner whatsoever. SCI shall not warranty any of its products if any portion of the product including without limitation, any component, gasket, housing or boll has been modified, altered, remanufactured or replaced in any manner by any customer, user of the product or third party. Correction of non -conformities, in the manner and for the period of time provided above, shall constitute fulfillment of all liabilities of SCI to our initial purchaser, with respect to the goods, whether based on contract, negligence, strict tort, or otherwise. It is the intention of SCI that no warranty of any kind, whether expressed or implied shall pass through our initial purchaser to any other person or corporation. No returns will he allowed unless prior written permission of SCI is first obtained. Buyers shall be responsible for all costs of transportation as well as a restocking charge. This warranty is exclusively for the benefit of the initial purchaser of this product from SCI and, except to the extent prohibited by applicable law, the foregoing warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of fitness or merchantability. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY: SCI shall not under any circumstances be liable for special or consequential damages such as, but not limited to damage to loss of other property or equipment, loss of profits or revenue, cost of capital, cost of purchased or replacement goods, claims of customers of our initial purchaser, any labor cost for repair or replacement of the product or damage caused by the product. The remedies of our initial purchaser, and all others, set forth herein are exclusive, and the liability of SCI with respect to same shall not, except as expressly provided herein, exceed the price of the SCI products on which such liability is based. SMITH -COOPER INTERNATIONAL® • TOLL FREE 1-800-766-0076 • FAX (323) 890-4456 • www.smithcooper.com SMITH -COOKIE UL/FM Class 300 Ductile Iron Threaded Fittings I N T E R N A T I O N A L art Size Part Number Dimensions (in) Weight Packaging A B C (lb) Inner Master 90° Elbow 1/2 35E 3004 1.13 0.218 100 200 3/4 35E 3006 1.31 0.360 70 140 1 35E 3010 1.50 0.575 40 80 1-1/4 35E 3012 1.75 0.875 25 50 1-1/2 35E 3014 1.94 1.159 18 36 2 35E 3020 2.25 1.814 10 20 Ilk 2-1/2 35E 3024 2.70 3.233 4 8 A A 90' Reducing Elbow 3/4xl/2 35RE3006004 1.22 1.20 0.294 80 160 1x1/2 35RE3001004 1.36 1.26 0.417 70 140 1x3/4 35RE3001006 1.45 1.38 0.475 50 100 1-1/4xl/2 35RE3012004 1.53 1.34 0.539 35 70 1-1/4x3/4 35RE3012006 1.63 1.45 0.6224 35 70 1-1/4xl 35RE3012010 1.67 1.58 0.735 30 60 1-1/2xl/2 35RE3014004 1.75 1.52 0.656 30 60 1-1/2x3/4 35RE3014006 1.75 1.52 0.745 25 50 B 1-1/2xl 35RE3014010 1.80 1.65 0.877 20 40 F� 1-1/2xl-1/4 35RE3014012 1.88 1.82 1.029 18 36 2x1/2 35RE3020004 1.97 1.60 1.035 18 36 2x3/4 35RE3020006 1.97 1.60 1.044 18 36 I 2x1 35RE3020010 2.02 1.73 - 1.285 16 32 A 2xl-1/4 35RE3020012 2.10 1.90 1.363 12 24 2xl-1/2 35RE3020014 2.16 2.02 1.510 10 20 2-1/2xl-1/2 35RE3024014 2.51 2.16 2.206 6 12 2-1/2x2 35RE3024020 2.60 2.39 2.551 6 12 45° Elbow 1/2 35F 3004 0.88 0.201 150 300 3/4 35F 3006 0.98 0.322 80 160 1 35F 3010 1.13 0.505 40 80 lb 1-1/4 35F 3012 1.29 0.759 25 50 1-1/2 35F 3014 1.44 1.004 20 40 2 35F 3020 1.69 1.616 10 20 R „ 2-1/2 35F 3024 1.95 2.772 4 8 A I 1/2 35T 3004 1.13 0.308 80 160 3/4 35T 3006 1.31 0.502 30 60 1 35T 3010 1.50 0.789 25 50 1-1/4 35T 3012 1.75 1.192 10 20 1-1/2 35T 3014 1.94 . 1.574 10 20 2 35T 3020 2.25 2.433 6 12 2-1/2 35T 3024 2.70 4.335 4 8 Ductile Iron Threaded Fittings conform to ASTM A536, ASME B 16.3 Class 300, ASME B 16.14, ASME B 1.20.1 FM SMITH -COOPER INTERNATIONAL® • TOLL FREE 1-800-766-0076 • FAX (323) 890-4456 • www.smithcooper.com 1 SMITH-COOPEM UL/FM Glass 300 Ductile Iron Threaded Fittings I N T E R N A T I O N A L Pa KSi7p Part Number Dimensions (in) Weight Packaging A B C (lb) Inner Master Reducing Tee 3/4xl/2 35RT3006004 1.20 1.20 1.22 0.433 60 120 1x1/2 35RT3010004 1.26 1.26 1.36 0.621 30 60 lxl/2xl 35RT3010004010 1.50 1.36 1.50 0.669 30 60 1x3/4 35RT3010006 1.38 1.38 1.45 0.6879 25 50 1x3/4x3/4 35RT3010006006 1.38 1.31 1.45 0.615 35 70 lx3/4xl 35RT3010006010 1.50 1.45 1.50 0.711 25 50 1-1/4xl/2 35RT3012004 1.34 1.34 1.53 0.838 20 40 1-1/4xl/2xl-1/4 35RT3012004012 1.75 1.53 1.75 0.950 25 50 1-1/4x3/4 35RT3012006 1.45 1.45 1.62 0.9255 15 30 1-1/4x3/4xl-1/4 35RT3012006012 1.75 1.62 1.75 1.003 20 40 aiii C 1-1/4xl 35RT3012010 1.58 1.58 1.67 1.040 15 30 1-1/4xlxl/2 35RT3012010004 1.34 1.26 1.53 0.739 25 50 1-1/4xlx3/4 35RT3012010006 1.45 1.38 1.63 0.823 20 40 1-1/4xlxl 35RT3012010010 1.58 1.50 1.69 0.942 20 40 B 1-1/4xlxl-1/4 35RT3012010012 1.75 1.69 1.75 1.082 15 30 1-1/2xl/2 35RT3014004 1.41 1.41 1.66 1.046 16 32 1-1/2xl/2xl-1/4 35RT3014004012 1.81 1.56 1.88 1.149 24 48 1-1/2xl/2xl-1/2 35RT3014004014 1.94 1.66 1.94 1.237 12 24 1-1/2x3/4 35RT3014006 1.52 1.52 1.75 1.145 16 32 1-1/2x3/4xl-1/4 35RT3014006012 1.94 1.66 1.88 1.167 20 40 1-1/2x3/4xl-1/2 35RT3014006014 1.94 1.75 1.94 1.287 18 36 1-1/2xl 35RT3014010 1.65 1.65 1.80 1.275 12 24 1-1/2xlxl/2 35RT3014010004 1.44 1.25 1.69 0.898 20 40 1-1/2xlx3/4 35RT3014010006 1.50 1.44 1.75 0.9861 16 32 1-1/2xlxl 35RT3014010010 1.65 1.50 1.80 1.081 16 32 1-1/2xlxl-1/4 35RT3014010012 1.82 1.67 1.88 1.235 12 24 1-1/2xlxl-1/2 35RT3014010014 1.94 1.80 1.94 1.349 12 24 1-1/2xl-1/4 35RT3014012 1.82 1.82 1.88 1.430 12 24 1-1/2xl-1/4xl/2 35RT3014012004 1.41 1.34 1.66 0.957 16 32 1-1/2xl-1/4x3/4 35RT3014012006 1.52 1.45 1.75 1.037 16 32 1-1/2xl-1/4xl 35RT3014012010 1.65 1.58 1.80 1.168 16 32 1-1/2xl-1/41-1/4 35RT3014012012 1.82 1.75 1.88 1.325 14 28 1-1/2xl-1/41-1/2 35RT3014012014 1.94 1.88 1.94 1.449 14 28 2x1/2 35RT3020004 1.49 1.49 1.88 1.529 10 20 2x3/4 35RT3020006 1.60 1.60 1.97 1.629 10 20 2x1 35RT3020010 1.73 1.73 2.02 1.780 8 16 2x1x2 35RT3020010020 2.25 2.02 2.25 1.998 8 16 2xl-1/4 35RT3020012 1.90 1.90 2.10 1.975 8 16 2xl-1/4x2 35RT3020012020 2.25 2.10 2.25 2.097 8 16 2xl-1/2 35RT3020014 2.02 2.02 2.16 2.122 8 16 2x1-1/2x1/2 35RT3020014004 1.49 1.41 1.88 1.321 10 20 2x1-1/2x3/4 35RT3020014006 1.60 1.52 1.97 1.408 10 20 2xl-1/2xl 35RT3020014010 1.73 1.65 2.02 1.568 8 16 2x1-1/2x1-1/4 35RT3020014012 1.90 1.82 2.10 1.717 8 16 2x1-1/2x1-1/2 35RT3020014014 2.02 1.94 2.16 1.8785 8 16 Bull Head Tee 3/4xl 35BT3006010 1.45 1.45 1.37 0.617 30 60 1x1-1/4 35BT3010012 1.67 1.67 1.58 0.941 20 40 1x1-1/2 35BT3010014 1.80 1.80 1.65 1.069 15 30 1-1/4xlxl-1/2 35BT3012010014 1.88 1.80 1.82 1.256 15 30 1-1/4xl-1/2 35BT3012014 1.88 1.88 1.82 1.338 15 30 1-1/4x2 35BT3012020 2.10 2.10 1.90 1.653 10 20 1-1/2xl-1/4x2 35BT3014012020 2.16 2.10 2.02 1.832 10 20 1-1/2x2 35BT3014020 2.16 2.16 2.02 1.888 8 16 C 4(i A B c DUS Ductile Iron Threaded Fittings conform to ASTM A536, ASME 1316.3 Class 300, ASME B 16.14, ASME B 1.20.1 F LISTED SMITH -COOPER INTERNATIONAL® • TOLL FREE 1-800-766-0076 • FAX (323) 890-4456 • www.smithcooper.com 2 SMITH-COOPEM UL/FM Glass 300 Ductile Iron Threaded Fittings I N T E R N A T I O N A L PaFleDimensions (in) Weight Packaging rt Part Number A B C (Ib) Inner Master Cross 1 35X 3010 1.50 0.947 20 40 1-1/4 35X 3012 1.75 1.420 12 24 1-1/2 35X 3014 1.94 1.866 8 16 4P 2 35X 3020 2.25 2.838 6 12 A A i �A A Reducing Cross 1-1/4xl 35RX3012010 1.67 1.58 1.204 15 30 1-1/2x1 35RX3014010 1.80 1.65 1.435 12 24 2x1 35RX3020010 2.02 1.73 2.000 8 16 A A I B _ _I _ I I B Cap 1/2 35C 3004 0.87 0.112 300 600 3/4 35C 3006 0.97 0.177 200 400 1 35C 3010 1.16 0.296 110 220 1-1/4 35C 3012 1.28 0.439 70 140 1-1/2 35C 3014 1.33 0.553 50 100 2 35C 3020 1.45 0.852 25 50 2-1/2 35C 3024 1.70 1.604 18 36 6alA Union 1 35U 3010 2.19 1.085 20 40 1-1/4 35U 3012 2.50 1.250 15 30 1-1/2 35U 3014 2.62 1.761 10 20 2 35U 3020 3.12 2.441 6 12 A c I uS Ductile Iron Threaded Fittings conform to ASTM A536, ASME B 16.3 Class 300, ASME B 16.14, ASME B 1.20.1 LISTED SMITH -COOPER INTERNATIONAL® • TOLL FREE 1-800-766-0076 • FAX (323) 890-4456 • www.smithcooper.com 3 SMITH-COOPEM UL/FM Glass 300 Ductile Iron Threaded Fittings I N T E R N A T I O N A L Paa Part Number Dimensions (in) Weight Packaging rt A B C (lb) Inner Master Coupling 1/2 35CP3004 1.38 0.156 200 400 3/4 35CP3006 1.63 0.254 100 200 1 35CP3010 1.75 0.444 60 120 10 1-1/4 35CP3012 2.00 0.553 35 70 1-1/2 35CP3014 2.19 0.778 25 50 A 2 35CP3020 2.62 1.211 15 30 2-1/2 35CP3024 3.00 2.224 9 18 Hex Reducing Coupling 1x1/2 35RC3010004 1.69 0.362 80 160 1 x3/4 35RC3010006 1.69 0.451 60 120 1-1/4x3/4 35RC3012006 2.06 0.675 40 80 2x1 (not hex) 35RC3020010 2.81 1.094 20 40 A Hex Bushing 1x1/2 35HB3010004 1.06 0.224 180 360 1x3/4 35HB3010006 1.06 0.180 180 360 1-1/4xl 35HB3012010 1.19 0.296 90 180 1-1/2xl 35HB3014010 1.25 0.464 75 150 1-1/2xl-1/4 35HB3014012 1.25 0.314 75 150 2x1 35HB3020010 1.38 0.651 40 80 2xl-1/4 35HB3020012 1.38 - 0.657 40 80 B 2xl-1/2 35HB3020014 1.38 0.657 40 80 Ali Plug, Square Head 1/2 35SP3004 0.94 0.077 600 1200 3/4 35SP3006 1.12 0.131 350 700 1 35SP3010 1.25 0.196 200 400 1-1/4 41 35SP3012 1.37 0.316 100 200 1-1/2 35SP3014 1.44 0.428 80 160 2 nB Al 35SP3020 1.50 0.667 45 90 Beam Clamp 3/8 35BC3003 0.75 - - 0.308 100 200 or1/2 35BC3004 0.75 - - 0.555 80 160 ,A AL S Ductile Iron Threaded Fittings conform to ASTM A536, ASME 1316.3 Class 300, ASME B 16.14, ASME B 1.20.1 Fwsx�onm LISTED SMITH -COOPER INTERNATIONAL® • TOLL FREE 1-800-766-0076 • FAX (323) 890-4456 • www.smithcooper.com 4 SMITH --OLDIE UL/FM Glass 300 Ductile Iron Threaded Fittings I N T E R N A T I O N A L Working Pressure Ratings TEMPERATURE OL DEGREES F Al WORKING PRESSURE, NONSHOCK PSIG 300# CLASS THREADED FITTINGS -20 TO 100 500 150 500 200 480 250 460 300 440 350 420 400 400 450 380 500 360 550 340 600 320 650 300 NOTES SMITH -COOPER INTERNATIONAL® • TOLL FREE 1-800-766-0076 • FAX (323) 890-4456 • www.smithcooper.com 5 N Fig. 200 - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger (Cooper B-Line Fig. B3170NF) (D TO CO Fig. 20OF - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger with Felt Lining (Cooper B-Line Fig. 63170NFF) IJL us Fig. 200C - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger with Plastic Coated (Cooper B-Line Fig. B3170NFc) usren Fig. 200S - "Trimline" Adjustable Band Hanger with Non -Captured Nut FM Size Range: �.� •o Fig. 200 - 1/2" (15mm) thru 8" (200mm) pipe Material: Steel, Pre -Galvanized to G90 specifications Function: For fire sprinkler and other general piping purposes. Knurled swivel nut design permits hanger adjustment after installation. Features: • (1/2" (15mm) thru 2" (5omm)) Flared edges ease installation for all pipe types and protect CPVC plastic pipe from abrasion. Captured design keeps adjusting nut from separating with hanger. Hanger is easily installed around pipe. For hanger with non -captured nut order Fig. 200S. • (21/2" (65mm) thru 8" (2oomm)) Spring tension on nut holds it securely in hanger before installation. Adjusting nut is easily removed. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories listed (1/2" (15mm) thru 8" (2oomm)) in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) for steel and CPVC plastic pipe and Factory Mutual Engineering Approved (FM) (3/4" (20mm) thru 8" (200mm)). Conforms to Federal Specifications WW-H-171 E & A-A-1192A, Type 10 and Manufacturers Standardization Society ANSI/MSS SP-69 & SP-58, Type 10. Maximum Temperature: 650OF (343°C) Finish: Pre -Galvanized. Stainless Steel materials will be supplied with (2) hex nuts in place of a knurl nut. Order By: Figure number and pipe size Designed to meet or exceed requirements of FM DS 2-0. Fig. 200C Fig. 200-1 to 200-2 Fig. 20OF B A Fig. 200-1/2. 200-3/4 Fig. 200-21/2 to 200-8 200-1/2 Pipe 1/2" Size (15) Rod Size 3/8"-16 31/8" A (79.4) 25/8" B (66.7) Approx.0i 11 (5.0) 200-3/4 M1 3/4" (20) 3/8"-16 31/8" (79.4) 21/2" (63.5) 11 (5.0) 200-1 1" (25) 3/8"-16 33/8" (85.7) 25/8" (66.7) 12 (5.5) 200-11/4 11/4" (32) 3/8"-16 33/4" (94.0) 27/8" (73.0) 13 (5.9) 200-11/2 11/2" (40) 3/8"-16 37/8" (98.4) 27/8" (73.0) 14 (6.4) 200-2 2" (50) 3/8"-16 41/2" (114.3) 3" (76.3) 15 (6.9) 200-21/2 21/2" (65) 3/8"-16 55/8" (142.9) 41/8" (104.7) 27 (12.3) 200-3 3" (75) 3/8"-16 57/8" (149.1) 4" (101.6) 29 (13.3) 200-31/2 31/2" (90) 3/8"-16 73/8" (187.3) 51/4" (133.3) 34 (15.6) 200-4 4" (100) 3/8"-16 73/8" (187.3) 5" (127.0) 35 (16.0) 200-5 5" (125) 1/2"-13 91/8" (231.8) 61/4" (158.7) 66 (30.2) 200-6 6" (150) 1/2"-13 101/8" (257.2) 63/4" (171.4) 73 (33.4) 200-8 1 8" 1 (200) 1 1/2"-13 131/8" 1 (333.4) 83/4" (222.2) 136 (62.3) Fig. 200 Fig. 200S All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. 1 COOPER R B-Line Fig. 24 - Hanger for CPVC Plastic Pipe & IPS Steel Pipe** Double Fastener Strap Side Mounted (Cooper B-Line B3183) Size Range: 3/4" (20mm) thru 2" (50mm) CPVC pipe Material: Pre -Galvanized Steel Function: Intended to perform as a hanger to support CPVC piping used in automatic fire sprinkler systems. Can be installed on the top or on the bottom of a beam. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) to support fire sprinkler piping. May be installed in wood using fasteners supplied with product, or into minimum 20 gauge (0.912mm) steel using (2) 1/4" x 1" tek type screws. Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13, 13R and 13D. Features: Fig. 24 incorporates features which protect the pipe and ease installation. The flared edge design protects the CPVC pipe from -F any rough surface. Easily attaches to the building structure using the two UL Listed hex head self threading screws' furnished with the product. It is recommended that rechargeable electric drills fitted with a hex socket attachment be used as installation tools. No impact 1 tools (such as a hammer) are allowed. Damage has been known to result from installations using impact type tools. No pre -drilling of a pilot hole in wood is required. Finish: Pre -Galvanized' Order By: Figure number and pipe size " Hardened hex head self threading screw is furnished with the 3W product and is the minimum fastener size acceptable. "" With reduced spacing, consult factory. & TCLCC I:&s LISTED 24-3/4 CPVC 3/4" (20) 25/16" (58.7) 15/32" (27.8) 13/16" (30.2) Max. Hanger Spacing00 51/2 (1.67) Fastener 5/16" Hex (7.9) Approx. 9 (4.1) 24-1 ill (25) 25/8" (66.7) 15/16" (33.3) 13/16" (30.2) 6 (1.83) 5/16" (7.9) 9 (4.1) 24-11/4 11/4" (32) 3" (76.2) 11/2" (38.1) 13/16" (30.2) 61/2 (1.98) 5/16" (7.9) 11 (5.0) 24-11/2 11/2" (40) 31/4" (82.5) 15/8" (42.3) 13/16" (30.2) 7 (2.13) 5/16" (7.9) 12 (5.4) 24-2 2" (50) 311/16" (93.7) 1 127/32" (43.6) 1 13/16" 1 (30.2) 8 1 (2.44) 1 5/16" (7.9) 1 15 (6.8) Fig. 25 - Surge Restrainer Size Range: — One size fits 3/4" (20mm) thru 2" (40mm) pipe. Material: — Pre -Galvanized Steel Function: — Designed to be used in conjunction with Fig. 200 band hangers to restrict the upward movement of piping as it occurs during sprinkler head activation or earthquake type activity. The surge restrainer is easily and efficiently installed by snapping into a locking position on the band hanger. This product is intended to satisfy the requirements as indicated in the National Fire Protection Association NFPA 13, 2010 edition, and Can be used to restrain either steel pipe or CPVC plastic Pipe. Approvals: — Underwriters Laboratories Listed only when used with band hanger Fig. 200, in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). Finish: Pre -Galvanized Order By: Figure number and band hanger, size from 3/4" (20mm) thru 2" (40mm). Patent #5,344,108 C&us LISTED All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. OW COOPER B-Line Fig. B3205 - Threaded Rod (right-hand threads - both ends) (TOLCO Fig.103) Fig. B3205L - Threaded Rod (right & left hand threads) Size Range: 3/8"-16 thru 3"-4 rod Material: Steel Function: Recommended for use as a hanger support in hanger assemblies. Rod is threaded on both ends with right hand threads of the length shown. Also available with left and right hand threads - specify Fig. B3205L when ordering. Maximum Temperature: 750°F (399°C) Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, rod size, length and finish B3205-%x'L' Thread Size 3/8"-16 Thread 21/2" d.rd Length TL (63.5) i• 730 Design (3.25) Load i 572 (2.54) B3205-1/2 x'L' 1/2"-13 21/2" (63.5) 1350 (6.00) 1057 (4.70) B3205-5/8 x'L' 5/8"-11 21/2" (63.5) 2160 (9.61) 1692 (7.52) B3205-3/4 x'L' 3/4"-10 3" (76.2) 3230 (14.37) 2530 (11.25) B3205-7/8 x'L' 7/8"-9 31/2" 1 (88.9) 1 4480 (19.93) 3508 1 (15.60) For larger sizes consult full line pipe hanger catalog. Fig. ATR - All Threaded Rod (TOLCO Fig. 99 & Fig.100) Size Range: 3/8"-16 thru 11/2"-6 rod in 10' (3.o5m) lengths Material: Steel Maximum Temperature: 750°F (399°C) Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, rod size, length and finish Note: Fig. 99 is cut to length all threaded rod. Fig. 100 is full length. Part ATR 1/4" No. x'L' Threads 20 Recommended 240 Load (1.07) Approx.00 12 (5.44) ATR %" x'L' 16 730 (3.24) 29 (13.15) ATR 1/2" x'L' 13 1350 (6.00) 53 (24.04) ATR 5/8" x'L' 11 2160 (9.60) 89 (40.37) ATR 3/4" x'L' 10 3230 (14.37) 123 (55.79) ATR 7/8" x'L' 9 4480 1 (19.93) 1 170 1 (77.11) For larger sizes consult full line pipe hanger catalog. (9)TOLCQ' All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. COOPER B-Line Fig. 4L - Longitudinal "In -Line" Sway Brace Attachment Size Range: 2" (5omm) through 8" (200mm) IPS. Material: Steel Function: For bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbance. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (WL) 2" (50mm) through 8" (200mm) pipe. For FM Approval information refer to page 47. Installation Instructions: Fig. 4L is the "braced pipe" attachment component of a longitudinal sway brace assembly. It is intended to be combined with the "bracing pipe" and Cooper B-Line/TOLCO structural attachment component to form a complete bracing assembly. NFPA 13 guidelines should be followed. To Install: Place the Fig. 4L over the pipe to be braced and tighten bolts. Then engage "bracing pipe" into jaw opening and tighten set bolt until head snaps off. Jaw attachment can pivot for adjustment to proper brace angle. Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, pipe size and finish. 4-Way Riser Brace (plan view) Longitudinal Brace Sat Rnit R Hardware Included c&us LISTED Part 4L-2 Pipe Size 2" (50) 53/8" A (136.5) C 21/16" (52.4) 1 21/16" (52.4) :i 1/2"-13 Max. Rec. 2015 Load (8.96) Approx. 11 247 (112.0) 4L-21/2 21/2" (65) 67/16" (163.5) 21/2" (63.5) 23/4" (69.8) 1/2"-13 2015 (8.96) 253 (114.7) 4L-3 3" (80) 7" (177.8) 23/4" (69.8) 31/16" (77.8) 1/2"-13 2015 (8.96) 268 (121.5) 4L-4 4" (100) 81/2" (215.9) 33/8" (85.7) 311/16" (93.7) 1/2"-13 2015 (8.96) 348 (157.8) 4L-5 5" (125) 93/4" (247.6) 37/8" (98.4) 43/8" (111.1) 1/2"-13 2015 (8.96) 380 (172.3) 4L-6 6" (150) 111/2" (292.1) 5" (127.0) 51/8" (130.2) 1/2"-13 2015 (8.96) 640 (290.3) 4L-8 8" 1 (200) 1 131/4" (336.5) 1 55/8" (142.8) 1 55/8" (142.9) 1 1/2"-13 1 2015 1 (8.96) 1 728 (330.2) " The loads listed are axial loads on the brace. The horizontal load capacity, H, of the brace is: H = F x sin ?, where ? the installation angle measured from the vertical. Cooper B-Line, Inc.'s ("Cooper B-Line") seismic bracing components are designed to be compatible only with other Cooper B-Line bracing components, resulting in a listed seismic bracing assembly. Cooper-B-Line's warranty for seismic bracing components will be the warranty provided in Cooper B-Line's standard terms and conditions of sale made available by Cooper B-Line, except that, in addition to the other exclusions from Cooper B-Line's warranty, Cooper B-line makes no warranty relating to Cooper B-Line's seismic bracing components that are combined with products not provided by Cooper B-Line. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. oo COOPER B-Line Fig. 980 - Universal Swivel Sway Brace Attachment - 3/8" to 3/4" Size Range: One size fits bracing pipe 1 " (25mm) thru 2" (50mm), Cooper B-Line 12 gauge (2.6mm) channel, and all structural steel up to 1/4" (31.7mm) thick. Material: Steel Function: Multi -functional attachment to structure or braced pipe fitting. Features: This product's design incorporates a concentric attachment opening which is critical to the performance of structural seismic connections. NFPA 13 indicates clearly that fastener table load values are based only on concentric loading. Mounts to any surface angle. Break off bolt head assures verification of proper installation. Installation: Fig.980 is the structural or transitional attachment component of a longitudinal or lateral sway brace assembly. It is intended to be combined with the "bracing pipe" and Cooper B-Llne/TOLCO "braced pipe" attachment, Fig. 1000, 1001, 2002, 4L, 4A or approved attachment to pipe to form a complete bracing assembly. NFPA 13 guidelines should be followed. To Install: Place the Fig. 980 onto the "bracing pipe". Tighten the set bolt until the head breaks off. Attachment can pivot for adjustment to proper brace angle. Approvals: —Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL). For FM Approval information refer to page 61. Note: Fig. 980 Swivel Attachment and Fig. 1001, 1000, 2002, 4A or approved attachment to pipe that make up a sway brace system of UL Listed attachments and bracing materials which satisfies the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Finish: Plain, Electro-Galvanized or Stainless Steel. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes. Order By: Figure number and finish Pat. #6,273,372, Pat. #6,517,030, Pat. #6,953,174, Pat. #6,708,930, Pat. #7,191,987, Pat. #7,441,730, Pat. #7,669,806 Fig. 4L " Standard size. Set Bolt Included Mounting Hardware Is Not Included Fig. 980 TOLCO c&us LIS ED Longitudinal Brace Cooper B-Line, Inc.'s ("Cooper B-Line") seismic bracing components are designed to be compatible only with other Cooper B-Line bracing components, resulting in a listed seismic bracing assembly. Cooper-B-Line's warranty for seismic bracing components will be the warranty provided in Cooper B-Line's standard terms and conditions of sale made available by Cooper B-Line, except that, in addition to the other exclusions from Cooper B-Line's warranty, Cooper B-line makes no warranty relating to Cooper B-Line's seismic bracing components that are combined with products not provided by Cooper B-Line. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. COOPER B-Line Fig. 907 - Multi -Angle Attachment Size Range: 1 " (25.4mm) X 1 " (25.4mm), 1 " (25.4mm) X 11/4" (31.7mm) and 11/4" (25.4mm) X 11/4" (25.4mm) bracing pipe. Material: Steel, hardened cone (or cup) point set bolt Function: For attaching two pieces of pipe together at various angles. Can be used as OSHPD Pre -Approved Seismic Bracing assembly. Approvals: Included in our Seismic Restraints Catalog approved by the State of California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development (OSHPD). For additional load, spacing and placement information relating to OSHPD projects, please refer to the Cooper B-Line/TOLCO Seismic Restraint Systems Guidelines. To Install: Attach the Fig. 907 over one piece of pipe and adjust to desired position. Tighten set bolt until head bottoms out on surface, then repeat the process for the second pipe. Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number, bracing pipe sizes and finish. (DTOLCQ' Cooper B-Line, Inc.'s ("Cooper B-Line") seismic bracing components are designed to be compatible only with other Cooper B-Line bracing components, resulting in a listed seismic bracing assembly. Cooper-B-Line's warranty for seismic bracing components will be the warranty provided in Cooper B-Line's standard terms and conditions of sale made available by Cooper B-Line, except that, in addition to the other exclusions from Cooper B-Line's warranty, Cooper B-line makes no warranty relating to Cooper B-Line's seismic bracing components that are combined with products not provided by Cooper B-Line. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. OW COOPER B-Line Fig. 1001 -Sway Brace Attachment Size Range: Pipe size to be braced: 21/2" (65mm) thru 8" (200mm) IPS. " Pipe size used for bracing: 1 " (25mm) and 11/4" (32mm) Schedule 40 IPS. Material: Steel Function: For bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbance. The pipe attachment component of a sway brace system: Fig. 1001 is used in conjunction with a Fig. 900 Series fitting and joined together with bracing pipe per NFPA 13, forming a complete sway brace assembly. Features: Can be used to brace schedules 7 through 40 IPS. Field adjustable, making critical pre -engineering of bracing pipe length unnecessary. Unique design requires no threading of bracing pipe. Comes assembled and ready for installation. Fig. 1001 has built-in visual verification of correct installation. See installation note below. Installation Note: Position Fig. 1001 over the pipe to be braced and tighten two hex head cone point set bolts until heads bottom out. A minimum of 1 " (25mm) pipe extension is recommended. Brace pipe can be installed on top or bottom of pipe to be braced. Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cLIL). For FM Approval information refer to page 65. Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Order by figure number, pipe size to be braced, followed by pipe size used for bracing (1" (25mm) or 11/4" (32mm)) , and finish. Important Note: Fig. 1001 is precision manufactured to perform its function as a critical component of a complete bracing assembly. To ensure performance, the UL Listing requires that Fig. 1001 must be used only with other Cooper B-Line/TOLCO bracing products. " See load ratings in UL Listed Design Load chart. The loads listed are axial loads on the brace. The horizontal load capacity, H, of the brace is: H = F x sin ?, where ? is the installation angle measured from the vertical. (D TCLCC c&u s LISTED UL Listed Design Load Sch. 7 - 1600lbs. (7.11M) Sch. 10 & 40 w/1" (25mm) Brace Pipe 2015 lbs. (8.96kN) Sch.10 & 40 w/11/4" (32mm) Brace Pipe 2765 lbs. (12.30U) All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. PW COOPER B-Line Fig. B3069W - Welded Knee Bracket (TOLCO Fig. 31-M) Size Range: 1/2" (15mm) thru 8" (200mm) pipe Material: Steel Function: Recommended for suspending pipe outward from mounting surface. Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Note: Maximum "L" dimension 16" (406.4mm). Order By: Figure number, pipe size, C*) "L" dimension and finish B3069W-1/2--** Pipe 1/2" Size (15) Hole 9/16" Size H (14.3) Max. Rec. 1000 Load (4.45) B3069W-3/4-** 3/4" (20) 9/16" (14.3) 1000 (4.45) B3069W-1 ** ill (25) 9/16" (14.3) 1000 (4.45) B3069W-11/4--** 11/4" (32) 9/16" (14.3) 1000 (4.45) B3069W-11/2--** 11/2" (40) 9/16" (14.3) 1000 (4.45) B3069W-2-** 2" (50) 9/16" (14.3) 1000 (4.45) B3069W-21/2--** 21/2" (65) 9/16" (14.3) 1000 (4.45) B3069W-3-** 3" (80) 9/16" (14.3) 1000 (4.45) B3069W-31/2--** 31/2" (90) 9/16" (14.3) 1000 (4.45) B3069W-4-** 4" (100) 11/16" (17.5) 1000 (4.45) B3069W-5-** 5" (125) 11/16" (17.5) 1000 (4.45) B3069W-6-** 6" (150) 11/16" (17.5) 1000 (4.45) B3069W-8-** 8" (200) 11/16" (17.5) 1000 (4.45) Fig. B3069E - 11011 Bracket (TOLco Fig. 31-0) Size Range: 1/2" (15mm) thru 8" (200mm) pipe Material: Carbon Steel Function: Recommended for suspending pipe outward from mounting surface. Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Note: Maximum "L." dimension 16" (406.4mm). Order By: Figure number, pipe size, (**) "L" dimension and finish B3069E-1/2--** Pipe 1/2" Size (15) Hole Size H 9/16" (14.3) Max. Rec. 450 Load (2.00) B3069E-3/4-** 3/4" (20) 9/16" (14.3) 450 (2.00) B3069E-1 ** ill (25) 9/16" (14.3) 450 (2.00) B3069E-11/4--** 11/4" (32) 9/16" (14.3) 450 (2.00) B3069E-11/2--** 11/2 (40) 9/16" (14.3) 450 (2.00) B3069E-2 ** 2" (50) 9/16" (14.3) 450 (2.00) B3069E-21/2--** 21/2" (65) 9/16" (14.3) 450 (2.00) B3069E-3-** 3" (80) 9/16" (14.3) 450 (2.00) B3069E-31/2--** 31/2" (90) 9/16" (14.3) 450 (2.00) B3069E-4-** 4" (100) 11/16" (17.5) 450 (2.00) B3069E-5** 5" (125) 11/16" (17.5) 450 (2.00) B3069E-6 ** 1 6" (150) 11/16" (17.5) 450 (2.00) B3069E-8 ** J 8" 1 (200) 1 11/16" 1 (17.5) 450 (2.00) W 14 10, Kilo ■ H ** Length to be specified as shown on the drawing. H '* Length to be specified as shown on the drawing. All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. COOPER B-Line Fig. B501 - Light Weight U-Bolt with 2 Hex Nuts (TOLCO Fig.111) Size Range: Size 1/2" (15mm) thru 8" (200mm) pipe Material: Carbon Steel Function: Recommended for supporting or anchoring light pipe loads. Maximum Temperature: 650oF (343°C) B Finish: Plain. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number and finish. Note: When furnished in Hot -Dip Galvanized finish, oversize tapped hex nuts must be used. B Thread Length i Design Load 4) TOLco- Ilex Nuts ncluded B501-1/2 15/16" (23.8) 13/4" (44.4) 11/2" (38.1) 1 5/16"-18 Design 600 Load (2.67) Approx. i 12 Wt./100 (5.4) B501-3/4 11/8" (28.6) 13/4" (44.4) 15/8" (41.3) 5/16"-18 600 (2.67) 13 (5.9) B501-1 13/8" (29.9) 17/8" (47.6) 15/8" (41.3) 5/16"-18 900 (4.00) 14 (6.3) B501-11/4 123/32" (43.6) 13/4" (44.4) 115/32" (37.3) 5/16"-18 900 (4.00) 15 (6.8) B501-11/2 2" (50.8) 13/4" (44.4) 17/16" (36.5) 5/16"-18 900 (4.00) 16 (7.2) B501-2 27/16" (61.9) 21/16" (52.4) 17/8" (47.6) 3/8"-16 1200 (5.34) 27 (12.2) B501-21/2 215/16" (74.6) 21/16" (52.4) 113/16" (46.0) 3/8"-16 1200 (5.34) 32 (14.5) B501-3 39/16" (90.5) 2" (50.8) 13/4" (44.4) 3/8"-16 1800 (8.00) 36 (16.3) B501-31/2 43/32" (94.6) 2" (50.8) 123/32" (43.6) 3/8"-16 1800 (8.00) 38 (17.2) B501-4 419/32" (116.7) 21/4" (57.1) 121/32" (50.0) 3/8%16 1800 (8.00) 42 (19.0) B501-5 521/32" (143.6) 21/4" (57.1) 2" (50.8) 1/2"-13 2400 (10.70) 92 (41.7) B501-6 63/4" (171.4) 25/8" (66.7) 23/8" (60.3) 5/8"-11 2400 (10.70) 176 (79.8) B501-8 83/4" (222.2) 1 25/81, 1 (66.7) 23/8" (60.3) 1 5/8"-11 1 2400 (10.70) 191 (86.6) All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. PW COOPER B-Line Fig. HN - Standard Hex Nut (TOLCO Fig.113) Size Range: 1/4"-20 thru 7/8"-9 Material: Steel Finish: Plain or Electro-Galvanized. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number size and finish Part Number HN-1/4 For Rod Size 1/4" 20 Width Flats 7/16" Across (11.1) Width •o 1/2" Across (12.7) 7/32" (5.7) Approx. ii 0.7 (0.3) HN-3/8 3/8"-16 9/16" (14.3) 21/32" (16.6) 21/64" (8.3) 1.6 (0.7) HN-1/2 1&'-13 3/4" (19.0) 55/64" (21.8) 7/16" (11.1) 3.7 (1.7) HN-5/8 5/t 11 15/16 (23.8) 13/32" (27.8) 35/64" (13.9) 7.3 (3.3) HN-3/4 3/4" 10 11/8" (28.6) 15/16" (33.3) 41/64" (16.3) 12.0 (5.4) HN-7/8 1 7/8"-9 1 15/16" 1 (33.3) 1 133/64" (38.5) 1 3/4" 1 (19.0) 1 19.0 (8.6) Fig. HHN - Heavy Hex Nut (TOLCO Fig. 114) Size Range: 1/4"-20 thru 7/8"-9 Material: Steel Finish: Plain or Electro-Galvanized. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number size and finish •�S Part Number HHN-1/4 For Rod Size 1/4" 20 Width Flats 1/2" Across (12.7) Width Across •o 37/64" (14.7) 15/64" (5.9) Approx. 00 1.2 (0.5) HHN-% 3/t"-16 11/16" (17.5) 51/64" (20.2) 2%4" (9.1) 3.1 (1.4) HHN-1/2 1h"-13 7/8" (22.2) 11/8" (28.6) 31/64" (12.3) 6.5 (2.9) HHN-% 5/8"-11 11/16" (27.0) 1144" (31.3) 39/64" (15.5) 12.0 (5.4) HHN-3/4 3/4"-10 11/4" (31.7) 129/64" (36.9) 47/64" (18.6) 19.0 (8.6) HHN-7/8 7/8"-9 1 17/16" (36.5) 1 121/32" 1 (42.6) 15%4" 1 (21.8) 1 30.0 1 (13.6) All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. COOPER B-Line Fig. FW - Flat Washer (TOLCO Fig. 115) Size Range: 1/4"-20 thru 1 "-8 rods Material: Steel Finish: Plain or Electro-Galvanized. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number size and finish NPart umber FW-1/4 For Rod Size 1/4"-20 Outside Diameter 3/4" (19.0) Approx 0i 0.7 (0.3) FW-3/8 3/8"-16 ill (25.4) 3.9 (1.7) FW-1/2 1&'-13 13/8" (34.9) 6.7 (3.0) FW-5/8 5A"-11 13/4" (44.4) 7.3 (3.3) FW-3/4 3/4"-10 2" (50.8) 11.0 (5.0) FW-718 7/S"-9 21/4" (57.1) 19.0 (8.6) FW-1 1 "-8 21/ " 1 (69.8) 22.0 (10.0) Fig. LW - Lock Washer (TOLCO Fig. 117) Size Range: 1/4"-20 thru 1 "-8 rods Material: Steel Finish: Plain or Electro-Galvanized. Note: Available in Hot Dip Galvanized finish or Stainless Steel materials. Order By: Figure number size and finish Part Number LW-1/4 For Rod 1/4"-20 Outside .49" (12.4) Approx. ii 0.3 (0.13) LW-% 3A 16 .68" (17.3) 0.6 (0.27) LW-1/2 1/2-13 .88" (22.3) 1.3 (0.59) LW-5/8 5/8"-11 1.08" (27.4) 2.4 (1.09) LW-3/4 3/4" 10 1.27" (32.2) 3.8 (1.72) LW-7/8 7/a"-9 1.46" (37.1) 5.9 (2.67) LW-1 1 "-8 1.66" (42.1) 8.8 (3.99) Fig. FFW - Flat Fender Washer (TOLCO Fig.119) Size Range: 3/8"-16 and 1/2"-13 rods Material: Steel Function: To provide a greater bearing surface than standard washer. Finish: Plain or Electro-Galvanized. Contact Cooper B-Line for alternative finishes and materials. Order By: Figure number and size (I) TOLCC- C� 4040 All dimensions in charts and on drawings are in inches. Dimensions shown in parentheses are in millimeters unless otherwise specified. 00 COOPER B-Line 1 t 1 1 S�ANMYS° !il � Ill -. 2014 Product Catalog _ _ TABLE OF CONTENTS Sammys" for Wood.......................................................................................................................... 4 Sidewinder° for Wood....................................................................................................................... 5 Sammys Swivel Head' for Wood...................................................................................................... 5 Sammys" for Steel............................................................................................................................ 6 Sidewinder° for Steel........................................................................................................................ 7 Sammys Swivel Head'm for Steel....................................................................................................... 7 SammyX-Press°............................................................................................................................... 8 SammyX-Press SidewinderTM............................................................................................................ 8 SammyX-Press Swivel'm................................................................................................................... 9 Sammy X-Press It° Installation Tool.................................................................................................. 9 Sammys° for Concrete................................................................................................................... 10 Sidewinder° for Concrete................................................................................................................ 10 Sammys Swivel HeadT11 for Concrete................................................................................................11 Concrete/Wood Installation Kit........................................................................................................ 11 SammysToggleTM............................................................................................................................ 12 CeilingScrews................................................................................................................................. 12 Dektite° Pipe Flashing.....................................................................................................................13 Speedy Pole TooITM.......................................................................................................................... 13 Approvalsand Listings.................................................................................................................... 14 SpecialNotes.................................................................................................................................. 15 Warranty • Disclaimer of Warranty Proper fastener connection design takes in to account where and how fasteners are used. Allowance for special characteristics in materials, differences in materials, differences in types of materials being joined, unique or unusual environmental service or installation conditions and the safety factors required by anticipating normal or short term loading conditions must be considered. Due to possible differences in specifications, applications, and interpretation of results, purchasers and specifiers must make their own evaluation of the products, to determine the suitability of these products for intended use. All warranties of Buildex products, expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantabilty and fitness for particular purposes are specifically excluded except for the following: Buildex will repair or replace any product which, within twelve months after sale by Buildex or its distributors, is found by Buildex to be defective in material or workmanship - normal wear and tear accepted. This is the sole warranty of Buildex and the sole remedy available to distributor or buyer. Buildex shall not be liable for any injury, loss or damage, direct, indirect, or consequential, arising out of the use of, or the inability to use, any Buildex product. INSTALLATION STEP,INTO WOOD & STEEL:, INSTALLATION STEP • ' • , TO WOOD & STEEL: A 1. Insert the appropriate nut driver into a 318" or 112" portable drill. 2. Insert the SAMMYS® into the #14 (black) nut driver (p/n 8113910). Drill should be in a vertical position 3. Push the face of the nut driver tight to the member. Begin installation when the nut driver spins freely on the SAMMYS, stop drill and remove. 4. The SAMMYS is now ready to receive 114" 318", 112" or metric all thread rod, bolt stock. (The 112" requires the #14SW red nut driver) Note: When installing DSTR, follow the above instructions, then add retainer nut and torque to 20 foot lbs. for maximumpullout in purlin steel. IIJCTAI 1 ATIAAI CTCDQ Jfffl-Wmki,. INTO CONCRETE 1. Using an SDS 250 carbide tip bit or a HEX RECEIVER with a #250 carbide tip bit, pre -drill the concrete member to a depth of 2" with a hammer/rotary hammer drill set on impact mode. 2. After pre -drilling has been completed, install the SLEEVE TOOL over the bit (the bit should remain in the drill), and insert the #14 (black) nut driver (p/n 8113910) into the opposite end (see Vertical Installation note above). 3. Insert the CST screw into the nut driver. 4. Place tip of screw into the pre -drilled hole, turn impact/drill unit to drill mode and begin insertion. When the nut driver spins freely on the CST screw, installation is complete. Stop and remove drill. 5. The concrete screw is ready to receive 114", 318" 112", or metric all thread rod or bolt stock. (#14SW red nut driver used with 112" screw) Note: Use a 1200 maximum RPM drill for installation. Note: Do not install concrete screws while the drill unit is in impact mode — doing so will destroy the pullout factor of the screw. 1. Insert the appropriate nut driver into a 318" or 112"portable drill. 2. Insert the SAMMYS into the #14SW (red) nut driver (p/n 8114910). With drill unit in a horizontal position and at a right angle to the structural member, begin installation. 3. When the nut driver spins freely on the SAMMYS, stop the drill and remove. 4. The unit is now ready to receive 114", 318", 1110, M8 or metric all thread rod or bolt stock. Note: When installing SWDR, follow the above instructions, then add retainer nut and torque to 20 foot lbs. for maximum pullout in purlin steel. INSTALLATION STEPS 11111011ROIN 0 INTO CONCRETE: 1. Using an SDS 250 carbide tip bit or a HEX RECEIVER with a #250 carbide tip bit, pre -drill the concrete member to a depth of 2" with a hammer/ rotary hammer drill set on impact mode. 2. After pre -drilling has been completed, install the SLEEVE TOOL over the bit (the bit should remain in the drill), and insert the #14SW (red) nut driver (p/n 8114910) into the opposite end. 3. Insert the SWC screw into the nut driver. 4. Place tip of screw into the pre -drilled hole, turn impact/drill unit to drill mode and begin insertion. When the nut driver spins free on the SWC screw, installation is complete. Stop and remove drill. 5. The SWC screw is ready to receive 114 , 318"or metric all thread rod or bolt stock. Note: Use a 1200 maximum RPM drill for installation. Note: Do not install concrete screws while the drill unit is in impact mode — doing so will destroy the pullout factor of the fastener. SPECIAL NUT DRIVER SYSTEM: The nut drivers were designed with a unique spin-off feature which provides a fast and safe installation each time. When the face of the driver comes into contact with the material you are installing into, continue drilling until nut driver spins free. Installation is then complete. Warranty requires the use of the appropriate nut driver for installations. SAMMYS° FOR WOOD i - #14 Black Nut Driver Part # 8113910 i . #14 SW Red Nut Driver Part # 8114910 Not less than 2" nominal width Not less than 3" nominal thickness (2-1/2") (depth or side of vertical member) • No pre -drilling required. • Quick to install using the Sammy Nut Driver with an 18V cordless drill/driver. • Saves time from traditional methods. • Reduces installation costs. Manufactured in the U.S.A. Watch a video demonstration at Www.itwbuildex.com 1/4" 8002957 GST 100 1/4 x 1" 210 (7/16" OSB) 25 125 670 (3/4" Ply) 1/4" 8003957 GST 200 1/4 x 2" 1760 (Fir) 25 125 • 3/8" 8007957 GST 10 1/4 x 1" 210 (7/16" OSB) 300 25 125 670 (3/4" Ply) .p 3/8" 8008957 GST 20 1/4 x 2" 1760 (Fir) 850 1475 25 125 • 3/8" 8068925 GST 20-SS 1/4 x 2" 1760 (Fir) 850 25 125 �. 3/8" 8009925 GST 25-380 3/8 x 2-1/2" 2113 (Fir) 1500 25 125 . Q 3/8" 8010957 GST 30 1/4 x 3" 2060 (Fir) 1500 1475 25 125 3/8" 8069925 GST 30-SS 1/4 x 3" 2060 (Fir) 25 125 1/2" 8013925 GST 2 1/4 x 2" 1760 (Fir) 25 125 1/2" 8015925 GST 3 1/4 x 3" 2275 (Fir) 25 125 ft-ft N� V MANUFACTURED� SPECIAL NUT DRIVER SYSTEM: The nut drivers were designed with a unique spin-off feature which provides a fast and safe installation each time. When the face of the driver comes into contact with the material you are installing into, continue drilling until nut driver spins free. Installation is then complete. Warranty requires the use of the appropriate nut driver for installations. �L7LU�`t1nl��t7� Not less than 2" nominal width _ y (1-1/2") up to 3-1/2" pipe; not less than 3" (2-1/2") nominal width 4" & 5" pipe Floor Joist Minimum 2-1/2" from bottom for branch lines. Minimum 3" from bot- tom for main lines. Exception: This requirement shall not apply to 2" or thicker nailing strips resting on top of steel beams. r1lipp, err �f kCo Consult t recommei _PI 'Pre -drilling r SWG :• 1/4" 8019957 3/8" 8020957 3/8" 8021957 3/8" 8073925 3/8"* 8022925 #14 SW Red 3/8" 8023925 Nut Driver Part # 8114910 * May require pre -drilling; consult joist manufacturer. VWMX •r ereearasr �•� ti rweca—'. Rho rpxuti� rrr KU a•• • No pre -drilling required. • Quick to install using the Sammy Nut Driver with an 18V cordless drill/driver. • Saves time from traditional methods. • Reduces installation costs. • Manufactured in the U.S.A. cc Wafch a video demonsfrefion at 4•� www.itwbuildex.com SWG 200 1/4 x 2" 1725 (Fir) 25 125 SWG 10 1/4 x 1" 622 (Fir) 300 25 125 SWG 20 1/4 x 2" 1725 (Fir) 1050 25 125 SWG 20-SS 1/4 x 2" 1725 (Fir) 850 25 125 SWG 25-380 3/8 x 2-1/2" 2249 (Fir) 1500 25 125 SWG 30 114 x 3" 1884 (Fir) 25 125 • Eliminates distortion of threaded rod. • Accommodates up to 3%" x 12 pitch roof. • Allows 17° deflection from vertical. • Saves time from traditional methods. • Reduces installation costs. Manufactured in the U.S.A. #14 Black Nut Driver (A_L<� 3/8" 8139957 SH-GST 20 1/4 x 2" 1257 (Fir) 1050 1475 25 125 art # 8113910 1903 Dim. Lumber 3/8"* 8269957 SH-GST/CST 20 5/16 x 1-3/4" 1406 @ 45°off vertical 1500 25 125 Dim. Lumber 850 @ 45° 903 Dim. Lumber 1/2" 8303957 SH-GST/CST 2.0 5/16 x 1-3/4" 1406 @ 45°off vertical 25 125 Dim. Lumber May require pre -drilling; consult joist manufacturer. #14 SH Orange Nut Driver Part # 8273910 SAMMI/S° FOR STEEL A #14 Black Nut Driver Part # 8113910 i- #14 SW Red Nut Driver Part # 8114910 PFtG�D�ED 1/4" 8024957 DSTR 100 * 1/4-20 x 1"TEKS 3 1510 (20 ga.) 1/4" 8025957 DST 100 1 /4-14 x 1" TEKS 3 446 (20 ga.) 1/4" 8026957 DST 150 1/4-14 x 1-1/2" TEKS 3 970 (16 ga.) 1/4" 8027957 DST 200 1/4-14 x 2" TEKS 3 446 (20 ga.) 1/4" 8030957 TEK 500 12-24 x 1-1/2" TEKS 5 3125 (3/16") p 3/8" 8038957 DSTR 1 * 114-20 x V TEKS 3 1510 (20 ga.) 1500 Q 3/8" 8037957 DSTR 1-1/2 * 12-24 x 1-1/2" TEKS 5 1510 (3/16") 1500 Q 3/8" 8039957 DSTR 516 * 5/16-18 x 1-1/4" TEKS 3 2200 (20 ga.) 1500 3/8" 8040957 DST 10 114-14 x 1" TEKS 3 446 (20 ga.) 970 (16 ga.) 3/8" 8077925 DST 10-SS 1/4-14 x 1"TEKS 3 446 (20 ga.) 970 (16 ga.) 3/8" 8041957 DST 15 114-14 x 1-1/2" TEKS 3 446 (20 ga.) 970 (16 ga.) 3/8" 8078925 DST 15-SS 1/4-14 x 1-1/2" TEKS 3 446 (20 ga.) 970 (16 ga.) 3/8" 8042957 DST 20 1 /4-14 x 2" TEKS 3 446 (20 ga.) 970 (16 ga.) 3/8" 8044957 DST 30 1/4-14 x 3" TEKS 3 446 (20 ga.) 970 (16 ga.) Q 3/8" 8045957 DST 516 5/16-18 x 1-1/4" TEKS 3 1500 (3/16") 1500 Q 3/8" 8046957 TEK 50 12-24 x 1-1/2" TEKS 5 3125 (3/16") 1500 1/2" 8031925 DST 2.0 1/4-14 x 2" TEKS 3 446 (20 ga.) 970 (16 ga.) 1/2" 8033925 DSTR 1.0 * 1/4-20 x 1" TEKS 3 1510 (20 ga.) 1/2" 8034925 DSTR 5.16 * 5/16-18 x 1-1/4" TEKS 3 2220 (20 ga.) 1/2" 8035925 DST 5.16 5116-18 x 1-1/4" TEKS 3 1500 (3/16") 1/2" 8036925 TEK 5.0 12-24 x 1-1/2" TEKS 5 3125 (3/16") *Includes retaining nut • Made with Teks® self -drilling fasteners - no pre -drilling required. • Installs into steel range from 20 gauge —1/2" thicknesses. • Saves time from traditional methods. • Reduces installation costs. • Quick to install using the Sammys Nut Driver with an 18V cordless drill/driver. • A standard screwgun with a depth sensitive nosepiece should be used to install Teks. For optimal fastener performance, the screwgun should be a minimum of 6 amps and have an RPM range of 0-2500. • Manufactured in the U.S.A. AM W&h a video demonstration at www.itwbuildezcom .036"-20 ga 3/16" 25 125 .036"-20 ga 3/16" 25 125 .036"-20 ga 3/16" 25 125 .036"-20 ga 3/16" 25 125 .188"-3116" 1/2" 25 125 1475 .036"-20 ga 3/16" 25 125 1475 .060"-16ga. 1/2" 25 125 1475 .036"-20 ga 3/16" 25 125 .036"-20 ga 3/16" 25 125 .036"-20 ga 3/16" 25 125 .036"-20 ga 3/16" 25 125 .036"-20 ga 3/16" 25 125 036"-20 ga 3/16" 25 125 .036"-20 ga 3/16" 25 125 1475 .125"-1/8" 3/16" 25 125 1475 .250"-1/4" 1/2" 25 125 .188"-3/16" 1/4" 25 125 .036"-20 ga 3/16" 25 125 .036"-20 ga 3/16" 25 125 .125"-1/8" 3/16" 25 125 .188"-3/16" 1/2" 25 125 sIT SPECIAL NUT DRIVER SYSTEM: The nut drivers were designed with a unique spin-off feature which provides a fast and safe installation � each time. When the face of the driver comes into contact with the material you are installing into, continue drilling until nut driver spins MANUFACTURED us A free. Installation is then complete. Warranty requires the use of the appropriate nut driver for installations. �Affffvo,: ... . • Made with Teks° self -drilling fasteners - no pre -drilling required. • Installs into steel range from 20 gauge —1/2" thicknesses. P.A��,�.1t�E� • A standard screwgun with a depth sensitive nosepiece should be used to EEEE���� �tflu install Teks. For optimal fastener performance, the screwgun should be a �8 minimum of 6 amps and have an RPM range of 0-2500. y • Saves time from traditional methods. • Reduces installation costs. • Quick to install using the Sammys Nut Driver with an 18V cordless drill/driver. AIM Watch a video demonstration at Manufactured in the U.S.A. Vawwwitwbuildex.com Approvals Rod Part Model Screw Ultimate UL Test FM Test Min Max Box Case Size Number •- Qty Qty HORIZONTAL MOUNT 1/4" 8047957 SWD 100 1/4-14 x 1"TEKS 3 1477 (16 ga.) .060"-16 ga 3/16" 25 125 1/4" 8049957 SWDR 100 * 1/4-20 x 1"TEKS 3 1900 (20 ga.) .036"-20 ga 3/16" 25 125 3/8" 8050957 SWD 10 1/4-14 x 1"TEKS 3 1477 (16 ga.) .060"-16 ga 3/16" 25 125 3/8" 8080925 SWD 10-SS 1/4-14 x 1"TEKS 3 1477 (16 ga.) .060"-16 ga 3/16" 25 125 3/8" 8052957 SWD 20 1/4-14 x 2" TEKS 3 1477 (16 ga.) .060"-16 ga 3/16" 25 125 3/8" 8055957 SWDR 1 * 1/4-20 x 1"TEKS 3 1900 (20 ga.) 1500 1475 .036"-20 ga 3/16" 25 125 914 SW Red 3/8" 8054957 SWDR 1-1/2 * 12-24 x 1-1/2" TEKS 5 2375 (3/16") 1500 1475 .188"-3/16" 1/2" 25 125 Nut Driver 3/8" 8056957 SWDR 516 * 5/16-18 x 1-1/4" TEKS 3 2480 (20 ga.) 1500 1475 .036"-20 ga 3/16" 25 125 Part # 8114910 L 3/8" 8057957 SWT 15 12-24 x 1-1/2" TEKS 5 2375 (3/16") .188"-3116" 1/2" 25 125 *Includes retaining nut SAMMYS SWIVEL HEAD Tm FOR STEEL -Swivel Application Application . r r • Eliminates distortion of threaded rod in sloped roof applications. • Accommodates 3-1/2 x 12 pitch. • Installs into angled z-purlin; allows threaded rod to hang plumb. ' • Allows 17' deflection from vertical. �1 Manufactured in the U.S.A. wwww itwbuildex come Rod Part Screw Ultimate JIL Test FM Test Min Max —Box �Case Approvals Size Number Model •• Qty Qty MOUNTSWIVEL #14Black er " * 1/X 1 TEK S 3 () Nut Driver TEKS 3/88137957 SH-DSTR 1" 3220 3/16" 1500 1475 .035" 3/16" 25 125 Nut Part # 81139, 0 or 2368 (1/2" steel Vertical) r 3/8" 8268957 SH-TEK 50 12-24 x 1-3/4" 1306 (45' off Vertical) 1500 (Vertical) 4" 3/16" 1/2" 25 125 TEKS 5 2281 (3/16" HISS) 850 (45' off Vertical) 2-1/2" 1585 (3/16" HISS 45' off Vertical) 2368 (1/2" steel Vertical) 1/2" 8270957 SH-TEK 5.0 12-24 x 1-3/4" 1306 (45* off Vertical) 3/16" 1/2" 25 125 TEKS 5 2281 (3/16" HISS) #14 SH Orange 1585 (3/16" HISS 45' off Vertical) Nut Driver Part # 8273910 *Does not comply with ROHS requirements/Includes retaining nut J W co SA MMY X.PRESS® Installs into Metal Deck, Purlin, or Tubular Steel • The Sammy X-Press expands to provide direct vertical attachment in: - light gauge steel deck or purlin (22 ga.-1/8"). • Installs in seconds with Sammy X-Press It® Tool, saving time & installation costs. Use in applications where access to the back of the installed fastener is prohibited. is. metal roof deck, tubular steel, or vapor barrier fabric. 1/4" 8181922 XP 200 Sammy 1146 (22 ga) 185 (Luminaire) .027" X-Press 200 250 (Luminaire) .056" ■ 850 (2%s" Pipe) .027" 940 (2" Pipe) .029" Q 3/8" 8150922 XP 20 Sammy 1146 (22 ga) 185 (Luminaire) .027' 1475 (4" Pipe) .104" X-Press 20 250 (Luminaire) .056" 283 (Conduit & Cable) .029" 1500 (4" Pipe) .060" Q mmy 3/8" 8153922 XP 35 1783 (16 ga) 185 (Luminaire) .029" 4(Pipe) X Pr ss 35 250 (Luminaire) .056" 775 (4" Pipe) .1104" 416 (Conduit & Cable) .059" • Less jobsite material needed. • No retaining nut required. • Provides design flexibility. • Manufactured in the U.S.A. AIM Watch a video demonstration at www.itwbuildezcom 125" 25 125 Metal Deck 125" 25 125 Metal Deck 125" 25 125 Purlin Pre -Pour Structural Concrete@ 3000 psi Metal Deck 3/8" 8150122 XP 20 Sammy 1146 (22 ga) 850 (2% Pipe) 25 125 (Pre -Pour) X-Press 20 Post -Pour Range II LWC<_ 35 PCF (Ibs/ft') Metal Deck (Post -Pour) Pre -Pour Structural Concrete @ 3000 psi Post -Pour Range II LWC<_ 35 PCF (Ibs/ ft') • The Sammy X-Press Sidewinder expands to • Less jobsite material needed. provide horizontal attachment in: 16 ga - 3/16" steel - purlin, tubular steel. • No retaining nut required. • Installs in seconds with Sammy X-Press It° Tool, • Provides design flexibility. saving time & installation costs. • Manufactured in the U.S.A. • Use in applications where access to the back of the installed fastener is prohibited; ie. metal roof (SWXP) deck, tubular steel, or vapor barrier fabric. Watch a video demonstration at www.ltwuiex.com (24 3/8" 8293957 SWXP 35 X-Press 35 1798 (16 ga) 80 (Luminaire) .059" .125" 25 125 Purlin 416 (Conduit & Cable) VAlfak MANUFACTURED USA. �"'w 6�Affffvo (D • The Sammy X-Press Swivel allows you to hang plumb in extreme roof pitches: 89° in z-purlin 45° in metal deck for 12/12 pitch FOR �T • Installs in seconds with Sammy X-Press It® Tool, % 1RE�`�`1�a�g OR saving time & installation costs. Use in applications where access to the back of 1 �5 the installed fastener is prohibited. ie. metal roof deck, tubular steel, or vapor barrier fabric. • Less jobsite material needed. • No retaining nut required. • Provides design flexibility. • Manufactured in the U.S.A. Watch a video demonstration at www.itwbuildex.com Size Number Pullout (lbs) Load (lbs) Thick Load (Ibs) Thick Thick Qty Qty ........ NIVEL MOUNT 750 (2" Pipe) Swivel Q 3/8" 8294922 SXP 20 1061 (22 ga Vert) 170 Vertical (Luminaire) 80 45° 635 Pipe) 25 125 Metal Deck X-Press 20 829 (45° Off Vert) @ (Luminaire) .029" (2" .029" .125" 283 Vertical (Conduit & Cable) 'J 233 @ 45° (Conduit & Cable) W' , 1 1250 (3-1/2" Pipe) Swivel p 3/8" 8295922 SXP 35 250 Vertical (Luminaire) 1675 (16 ga Vert) 80 @ 90° (Luminaire) 059" " 029" 125" 25 125 Purlin X-Press 35 1558 (89° Off Vert) 500 Vertical (Conduit &Cable) 635 (2Pipe) 333 @ 89° (Conduit & Cable) SwivelT 1/2" 8272957 SXP 2.0 (22 ga Vert) 027" 125" 25 125 Metal Deck X-Press 2.0 829 (45° Off Vert) - 1/2" 8271957 SXP 3.5 Swivel 1675 (16 ga Vert) 060" 125" 25 125 Purlin X-Press 3.5 1558 (89° Off Vert) t The Sammy X"Press expands to provide direct vertical attachment in: metal deck (22-16 gauge) z-purlin (18-16 gauge) Manufactured in the U.S.A. • Watch a video demonstrator at � www.itwbuildex.com Part Number Model Description Qty 8194910 UXPIT* Universal X-Press It Tool 1 8152910 XPDB 25/64" Drill Bit 1 'Tool Includes: Sleeve, Bit Receiver, Hex Wrench, and 25/64" Drill Bit. SA MMYS° FOR CONCRETE - ..y 8. �¢ i e::y�§�� ': : +;r°� sq •ets�'�� t;:+r°4;e;�°�;. r�;asi�, e�., Mm aw t, • Easy two step process (Drill hole & drive Sammys concrete anchor). •''1W pre -drilled pilot hole required. • Concrete Installation Tool available for a one tool installation process. Manufactured in the U.S.A. • New Sammys for Cracked Concrete now available! Watch a video demonstration at www.itwbuildex.com L VERTICAL MOUNT #14 Black 1/4" 8058957 CST 200 5/16 x 1-3/4" 2400 25 125 Nut Driver 3/8" 8059957 CST 20 5/16 x 1-314" 2400 1475 25 125 Part # 8113910 #14SW Red 3/8" 8145925 CST 20-SS 5/16 x 1-3/4" 2400 25 125 Nut Driver 1/2" 8060925 CST 2 5/16 x 1-3/4" 2400 ` 25 125 Part # 8114910 E: ICC-ESR 2202 3/8" 8306957 CCST 516 5/16-14 x 2-1/2" 857** 25 125 For complete performance data see ICC Report ESR-2202 * Tested in 3000 PSI concrete ** Pullout strength for Cracked Concrete and Seismic Zones A-F [� • Easy two step process (Drill hole & drive pSammys concrete anchor). z ° p nab �4 •'/<" pre -drilled pilot hole required. o • Concrete Installation Tool available for a one tool installation process. Q 6� a Manufactured in the U.S.A. Qv - !7a' o New Sammys for Cracked Concrete now available! Watch a video demonstration of www.itwbuildexcom Approvals Rod Size HORIZONTAL MOUNT 1 /4" Q 3/8" #14SW Red 3/8 Nut Driver Part # 8114910 8062957 SWC 200 5/16 x 1-3/4" 2450 25 125 8061957 SWC 20 5/16 x 1-3/4" ' 2450 1475 = 25 125 8307957 SW-CCST 516 5/16-14 x 2-1/2" 857** 25 125 Tested in 3000 PSI concrete **Pullout strength for cracked concrete and Seismic Zones A-F SPECIAL NUT DRIVER SYSTEM: The nut drivers were designed with a unique spin-off feature which provides a fast and safe installation ©5 each time. When the face of the driver comes into contact with the material you are installing into, continue drilling until nut driver spins Mneurncruaeo U.S. A. free. Installation is then complete. Warranty requires the use of the appropriate nut driver for installations. SWIVEL MOUNT 3/8" 8269957 SH-GST/CST 20 5/16 x 1-3/4" i P 1/2" 8303957 SH-GST/CST 2.0 5/16 x 1-3/4" #14 SH Orange Nut Driver Part # 8273910 3/8" 8308957 SH-CCST 516 5/16-14 x 2-1/2" Note: UL Listed for wood - see page 5 � �Tzz Eff T� I �__) � -,: • Installs vertically and swivels up to 89' in wood & concrete structures. • Eliminates distortion of threaded rod. • 1/4" pre -drilled pilot hole required. • Concrete installation tool available for a one piece installation process. • Manufactured in the U.S.A. New Sammys for Cracked Concrete now available! 2537 in 3000 psi concrete 1459 @ 45°off vertical in 3000 psi concrete 2852 in 6000 psi concrete 25 125 1636 @ 45°off vertical in 6000 psi concrete 2537 in 3000 psi concrete 1459 @ 45°off vertical in 3000 psi concrete 2852 in 6000 psi concrete 25 125 1636 @ 45°off vertical in 6000 psi concrete 857** 25 125 * Tested in 3000 PSI concrete ** Pullout strength for cracked concrete and Seismic Zones A-F (b) (b) (9) (d) (h) �" '��� (e) (h) 4CO.-l— R1� (c) (c) Part Number Description Each Qty 8122910 Concrete Installation Kit (a) Kit includes the following items: 8113910 #14 Black Nut Driver (b) 1 8114910 #14 SW Red Nut Driver (c) 1 8116910 #250 Bit (1/4") (d) 1 8117910 SIDS Bit (1/4") (e) 1 8118910 7/32 Wood Bit (f) 1 8120910 HEX 250 Bit Receiver (1/4") (g) 1 8098910 SL 250 Sleeve (h) 1 8121910 SIDS B250 Bit Receiver (1/4")* 1 *Only sold separately - not included in kit. ACCESSORIES #14 Black Nut Driver Part # 8113910 CWIT Installation Tool Part # 8110910 w Pre -Cast Hollow Core Concrete �o. "T 1. Pre -drill a 5/8" hole with a regular drill or hole saw. 2. Insert SST screw into #14 black nut driver. With wing nut and washer on bolt, insert wing nut through surface, and begin installation. 3. When bolt is secure and nut driver spins free, stop drill motor and remove. 4. SST screw is now ready to receive 1/4", 3/8", or Metric all thread rod or bolt stock. 1/4" 8063925 SST 300 1/4 x 3" 450 (Lath & Plaster) 25 125 404 (2 Layers 5/8 Rock) 3/8" 8064925 SST 30 114 x 3" 450 (Lath & Plaster)404 (2 Layers 5/8 Rock) 25 25 • 3/16" eyelet to accommodate common wire size. • ICC approvals can be found at www.itwbuildex.com under Evaluation Report # ER-5367. Usethe Speedy Pole Tool` for easy installation of ceiling screws without ladders or scaffolding! (see pg 13 for details) ICC STEEL 8107957 CWSD 1* Teks 1/4 x 1" 2" 472 (20 ga) 16 ga. 170 (20 ga.) 25 125 ICC STEEL 8190957 CWSD 15* Gimlet 1/4 x 1-1/2" 2-3/4" 472 (20 ga) 20 ga. 270 (20 ga.) 25 125 WOOD 980 (Fir) ICC STEEL 8108957 CWSD 2* Teks 1/4 x 2" F 3-1/4" 472 (20 ga) 16 ga. 170 (20 ga.) 25 125 ICC 8110910 CWIT Installation Tool 1 Does not comply with ROHS requirements �nEltrrre STAY UP TO CODE! with a quicker, CLEARAMOR HOLE more efficient way to flash your refrigeration/freezer units. IHSIILATED FREEZER STRUCTURE DRY SPRINKLER 2AMM70`: • Complies with NFPA 13 Code Changes. • Flashing for dry pendant sprinklers subject to extreme temperature changes. One piece construction is easy to install. Pipe diameter markings ensure accurate fit. EPDM temperature range of -65°F to +250T 4001910 Mini 1/4"-1-1/8" 3-1/2" 1-3/4" 20 4003910 1 1/4" - 2" 4-3/4" 3" 10 4004910 2 1-3/4" - 3-1/4" 6-1/4" 4" 10 3 Insert adjusting pin here Adjust the Pale Tool to length. Load rod and Sammys into The socket will spin free The adjusting pin must be 18" Pole Tool. when the screw Is completely below the base or the pin may installed. Pull down to remove intedere with the rod. the Pole Tool. SP4 Speedy Pole 4' -12' SP6 Speedy Pole 6'-18' 8128910 Ceiling Wire Socket Driver Speed your labor by 25% Work from the ground up No scaffolding, ladders, or lifts Perfect for working in tight spaces, through ceiling grid, and high vaulted ceilings Works with any Vertical SAMMYS: Wood, Steel, or Concrete Driver hangs 12 or 9 gauge wire or jack chain W 0 Q) UJ V V Q APPROVALS 8007957 GST 10 3/8" Vertical CPVC 1-1/2" 300 1-1/2" 8020957 SWG 10 3/8" Horizontal CPVC 1-1/2" 300 1-1/2" 8008957 GST20 3/8" Vertical 2-1/2" 850 1-1/2" 4" 1475 1-1/2" 8068925 GST20-SS 3/8" Vertical 2-1/2" 850 1-1/2" 8010957 GST30 3/8" Vertical 4" 1500 1-1/2" 4" 1475 1-1/2" 8009925 GST25-380 3/8" Vertical 4" 1500 1-1/2" 8022925 SWG 25-380 3/8" Horizontal 3-1/2" - 4"* 1500 1-112" 8021957 SWG 20 3/8" Horizontal 2-1/2" - 3"** 1050 1-1/2" 8073925 SWG 20-SS 3/8" Horizontal 2-1/2" 850 1-1/2" 8269957 SH-GST/CST 20 3/8" 45' Angle off Vertical 2-1/2" 850 1-112" 8269957 SH-GST/CST 20 3/8" 45' Angle off Vertical 4" 1500 1-1/2" 8139957 SH-GST 20 3/8" 17' Angle off Vertical 3" 1050 1-1/2" 4" 1475 1-1/2" Min Thick SAMMYS FOR 8038957 STEEL - PIPE HANGER DSTR 1 3/8" Vertical 4" 1500 Steel Max Steel Thick .035" 4" 1475 .105" 8037957 DSTR 1-1/2 3/8" Vertical 4" 1500 .035" 4" 1475 .105" 8039957 DSTR 516 3/8" Vertical 4" 1500 .037" 4" 1475 .105" 8045957 DST 516 3/8" Vertical 4" 1500 .188" 4" 1475 .188" 8046957 TEK 50 3/8" Vertical 4" 1500 .250" 4" 1475 .188" 8055957 SWDR 1 3/8" Horizontal 4" 1500 .037" 4" 1475 .060" 8056957 SWDR 516 3/8" Horizontal 4" 1500 .037" 4" 1475 .060" 8054957 SWDR 1-1/2 3/8" Horizontal 4" 1500 .037" 4" 1475 .060" 8137957 SH-DSTR 1 3/8" 17° Angle off Vertical 4" 1500 .035" 4" 1475 .105" 8268957 SH-TEK 50 3/8" Vertical 2-1/2" 850 70' Angle off Vertical 4" 1500 2" 940 8150922 XP 20 3/8" Vertical 2-1/2" 850 .029" .027" 4" 1475 .105" 2 940 8153922 XP 35 3/8" Vertical 4" 1500 .029" .060" 4" 1475 .125" 8294922 SXP 20 3/8" Vertical or up to 45' 2" 750 .027" 2' 635 .029" 8295922 SXP 35 3/8" Vertical or up to 89° 3-1/2" 1250 .060" 2" 635 .029" 8293957 SWXP 35 3/8" Horizontal 3-1/2" 1250 .060" SAMMYS FOR CONCRETE - PIPE HANGER 8059957 CST 20 3/8" Vertical 4" 1475 3000 8061957 SWC 20 3/8" Horizontal 4" 1475 3000 8150922 XP 20 3/8" Vertical 2-1 i2 850 Pre -Pour Structural @ 3000psi 8150922 Part Number XP 20 Model 3/8" Vertical .. Size 2-1 2" Mount Direction 850 Post -Pour Range II LWC <_ 35 PCF (Ibs/ft3) UL Load UIL Min Steel Rating (lbs) Thickness SAMMYS 185 027' 8150922 XP 20 3/8" Vertical 250 035` 185 027' 8153922 XP 35 3/8" Vertical 250 035` 185 8181922 XP200 1/4" Vertical .027" 250 .035" Vertical 170 8294922 SXP 20 3/8" .027" 45' 80 .027" Vertical 250 8295922 SXP 35 3/8" .060" 90, 80 .060" 8293957 Part SWXP 35 Model Rod 3/8" Mount UL Load Horizontal UL Min. Steel 80 .060" Listed Application Number SAMMYS 8150922 XP 20 Size 3/8" Direction Rating (Ibs) Vertical 283 Thickness .027" Max 4 trade size EMT, RMC, and IMC & 5 trade size rigid PVC conduit 8153922 XP 35 3/8" Vertical 500 .060" Max 4 trade size EMT & 6 trade sze RMC, IMC, and rigid PVC conduit 8294922 SXP 20 318" Vertical 283 .027" Max 4 trade size EMT, RMC, and IMC & 5 trade size rigid PVC conduit 8295922 SXP 35 3/8" Vertical 500 .060" Max 4 trade size EMT & 6 trade sze RMC, IMC, and rigid PVC conduit 8293957 SWXP 35 318" Horizontal 500 .060" Max 4 trade size EMT & 6 trade sze RMC, IMC, and rigid PVC conduit 8149957 CZ2000 1/4" or 3/8" Onto Vertical Rod UL Listed 4S16 - Cable Hanger, Cat. No. C-Z2000 Plenum Rated, Sheet Steel Gauges Complies w/ NEC Standards Gauge No. 22 ga. 20 ga. 18 ga. 16 ga. 14 ga. 12 ga. 1/8" 3/16" 1/4" Nominal Decimal Equivalent .030" .036" .048" .060" .075" .105" .125" .188" .250" *SWG 25-380 Maximum pipe size in composite wood joist allowed by UL is 3-112" UL compliance with NEC Standards. *SWG 25-380 Maximum pipe size in wood timber orjoist allowed by UL is 4" UL and FM tests were performed in compliance with NFPA 13 Standards. {{SWG 20 Maximum pipe size in composite wood joist allowed by UL is 2-1/2" Fastening requirement: 5 times weight of water -filled schedule 40 pipe plus 250 pounds. SPECIAL NOTES Engineering Note In 1996, the anchors listed by UL were tested in plate steel that measured .188" and .118". Subsequent testing was done for z-purlin applications in May 1997 using (.037) or 20 gauge steel. Most recently in 2008, testing with the new Sammy X-Press® was completed using (.030") or 22 gauge steel metal deck. Sammys® Nut Drivers Special nut drivers were designed to be used with Sammys. When the appropriate nut drivers are used for installation, the driver spins freely on the screw after installation is complete and eliminates the expected wrist snap, reduces over -torque, and prevents screw failure. Steel Screws Due to variations in hardness of certain metals, it should be noted that our self -drilling screws for steel will experience different drill speeds. 500-1500 RPM drill speed should be used. Metric Products Metric versions of the Sammy anchors are available at www.itwbuildex.com Sammys for Seismic Please visit www.itwbuildex.com for our current Seismic product offerring. Vibratory Environments® For attaching or anchoring in high vibratory environments, special care should be taken not just for building attachments but also for the hangers or assemblies being supported. Consult local code authorities for accepted anchoring devices. Composite Joist/Truss Truss manufacturers vary installation recommendations for composite joist. UL testing was completed to validate that Sammys and Sidewinders SWG 20 and SWG 25-380 can be installed into the top cord of a truss. Sammy GST 20 can be installed into the center of the lower cord of a composite joist. Penetration of the upright center web is permitted by some joist manufacturers. Consult truss manufacturer for recommended installation point. Pre -drilling may be required by joist manufacturers. If so, pre -drill pilot hole 1/8" smaller than root diameter of fastener. Consult the table below: ModelRoot Diameter HoleSize GST 20 .182" 1/81, GST 25-380 .280" 7132" SWG 20 .182" 1/8" SWG 25-380 .280" 7/32" To increase efficiency of the installation process, sleeve tools, bit receivers, and wood bits are available for pre -drilling. NFPA/NEC Standards All UL and FM testing complies with NFPA 13 and NEC standards. Check with your local (AHJ) Authority Having Jurisdiction to confirm application and usage. UL Listings / FM Approvals UL and FM reports are available at www.itwbuildex.com & PM )NDU IT- CABEE HARRM,ARE S ANCHOR FOR W MINAIRE 9.1 Technical Drawings Technical drawings are available and can be downloaded at www.itwbuildex.com in the following formats:.dwg, .dxf, and .igs. Manufactured in the U.S.A. Products MM Contact Information MANUFACTURED U.SA. Technical Assistance: (800) BUILDEX Option #6 (x 3259) Customer Service: (800) BUILDEX Option #1 J Q 0 cc Q. Q. Q ID j SAMMVV itwbuildex.com National �ieucilquarters CLPwWrner Service 700 High Grove Blvd. 1765 Holmes Ra. Glendale Heights. I L 51) 139 Elgin. IL 60123 P- 630-K5-7900 Pr 800.848-5611 E. orderstlitwi-,crtaxum Technical Support E_ MadO in U.S.A. San % X- P. SWDM!f X-Pnb*s H. SRjMMfdX. &VnMy XLPfQM"A 8WrMrcw., yY - Pfm Skl*Andw. Topoon. Sammy 300c Spep* Po* Too . SMI-Fum L&14, ObUe. SwhAm Mkkd. SarrPer" ToWe biba Tells Ird IrDowNw%3 W Kom lone Wafks. Inc thlkUtt iS A FPp*b&md Uadwawk or D*N kKkLSjrbm PW UU. 0 2DW 41m6a TaN ftxm. 4m F P, ES-FP53L Job Name . Job Location Engineer — Approval — Model FP53L Pressure Relief Valve Size: 1/2" (15mm) Watts No. FP53L is designed for use in fire protection grid systems to provide protection against excessive water pressure caused by thermal expansion or line surge. It is available in 175psi (12.1 bar), 185psi (12.8 bar), 260psi (17.9 bar) and 310psi (21.4 bar) pressure relief settings and can be installed horizontally or vertically. Bronze body construction with stainless steel spring to inhibit corrosion. The valve is constructed with a precision stem guide to ensure proper reseating. The test lever affords periodic manual testing and flushing of waterways and seating surfaces. Features • Underwriters Laboratory listed • Forged stainless steel spring • Bronze body construction for superior strength and to prevent corrosion • Manual test lever • Valve stem is guided to enhance reseating •'/2" (15mm) male inlet x female outlet • Pressure settings: 175psi (12.1 bar), 185psi (12.8 bar), 260psi (17.9 bar) and 310psi (21.4 bar) Specifications For applications requiring a UL approved relief valve to provide pressure relief protection from water pressure in excess of 175psi (12.1 bar). Each valve shall be bronze body construction with forged stainless steel spring. It shall have a test lever and the valve shall be guided to enhance reseating and to decrease chance of the seat being misaligned. Watts Model No. FP53L. Dimensions — Weight MODEL WIDTH in. mm in. mm ill mm lbs. kgs. FP53L 1h 15 3'/2 89 1'/8 48 '/2 .23 Contractor Approval Contractor's P.O. No. Representative 112" NPT Male Outlet '/2' NPT Female Outlet S Pressure Relief Valves should be tested periodically to ensure that the product has not been affected by corrosive water conditions and to ensure that the valve and discharge piping have not been altered or tampered with. This device is designed for emergency safety relief and shall not be used as an operating control. Note: This information is not intended to replace the full product installation and safety information available or the experience of a trained product installer. You are required to thoroughly read all installation instructions and product safety information before beginning the installation of this product. Watts product specifications in U.S. customary units and metric are approximate and are provided for reference only. For precise measurements, please contact Watts Technical Service. Watts reserves the right to change or modify product design, construction, specifications, or materials without prior notice and without incurring any obligation to make such changes and modifications on Watts products previously or s�uybsequently sold. 7�/ 1 • 9001-2008 VU WAr CERTIFIED USA: Tel: (978) 688-1811 • Fax: (978) 794-1848 • www.watts.com Canada: Tel: (905) 332-4090 • Fax: (905) 332-7068 • www.watts.ca A Watts Water Technologies Company ES-FP53L 1214 © 2012 Watts CP� POTTER The Symbol of Protection U.S. Pat. No. 3921989 Canadian Pat. No. 1009680 Other Patents Pending Potter Electric, Rd., 1990 GENERAL INFORMATION The Model VSR-F is a vane type waterflow switch for use on wet sprinkler systems. It is UL Listed and FM Approved for use on steel pipe; schedules 10 through 40, sizes 2" thru 8" (50mm thru 200mm). LPC approved sizes are 2" thru 8" (50mm thru 200mm). The unit may also be used as a sectional waterflow detector on large systems. The unit contains two single pole, double throw, snap action switches and an adjustable, instantly recycling pneumatic retard. The switches are actuated when a flow of 10 gallons per minute (38 LPM) or more occurs downstream of the device. The flow condition must exist for a period of time necessary to overcome the selected retard period. ENCLOSURE: The unit is enclosed in a general purpose, die-cast housing. The cover is held in place with two tamper resistant screws which require a special key for removal. A field installable cover tamper switch is available as an option which may be used to indicate unauthorized removal of the cover. See bulletin no. 5400775 for installation instructions of this switch. VSR-F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD UL, ULC and CSFM Listed, FM and LPCB Approved, NYMEA Accepted, CE Marked Service Pressure: Up to 450 PSI (31 BAR) Minimum Flow Rate for Alarm: 10 GPM (38 LPM) Maximum Surge: 18 FPS (5,5 m/s) Contact Ratings: Two sets of SPDT (Form C) 15.0 Amps at 125/250VAC 2.OAmps at 30VDC Resistive Conduit Entrances: Two knockouts provided for 1 /2" conduit Environmental Specifications: • Suitable for indoor or outdoor use with factory installed gasket and die-cast housing. • NEMA 4/IP54 Rated Enclosure - use with appropriate conduit fitting. • Temperature Range: 40°F/120°F, 4,5°C/49°C • Non -corrosive sleeve factory installed in saddle. Caution: This device is not intended for applications in explosive environments. Sizes Available: Steel Pipe schedules 10 thru 40, sizes 2" thru 8" B S 1387 pipe 50mm thru 200mm Note: For copper or plastic pipe use Model VSR-CF. Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler NFPA-13 One or two family dwelling NFPA-13 D Residential occupancy up to four stories NFPA-13R National Fire Alarm Code NFPA-72 Optional: Cover Tamper Switch Kit, Stock No. 0090018 INSTALLATION: See Fig.2 These devices may be mounted on horizontal or vertical pipe. On horizontal pipe they should be installed on the top side of the pipe where they will be accessible. The units should not be installed within 6" (15cm) of a fitting which changes the direction of the waterflow or within 24" (60 cm) of a valve or drain. Drain the system and drill a hole in the pipe using a circular saw in a slow speed drill. The 2" (50mm) and 2 1/2" (65mm) devices require a hole with a diameter of 1 1/4" + 1/8" - 1/16" (33mm f2mm). All other sizes require a hole with a diameter of 2" f1/8" (50mm f2mm). Clean the inside pipe of all growth or other material for a distance equal to the pipe diameter on either side of the hole. Roll the vane so that it may be inserted into the hole; do not bend or crease it. Insert the vane so that the arrow on the saddle points in the direction of the waterflow. Install the saddle strap and tighten nuts alternately to an eventual 20 ft-lbs. (27 n-m) of torque (see Fig. 2). The vane must not rub the inside of the pipe or bind in any way. Specifications subject to change without notice. Potter Electric Signal Company • 2081 Craig Road, St. Louis, MO, 63146-4161 • Phone: 800-325-3936/Canada 888-882-1833 • www.pottersignal.com PRINTED IN USA MKT. 48800001 - REV X PAGE 1 OF 2 MFG. 45400761 - 3/07 (E)POTTER The Symbol of Protection FIG. 1 SWITCH TERMINAL CONNECTIONS CLAMPING PLATE TERMINAL DWG 923-3 01 CAUTION: An uninsulated section of a single conductor should not be looped around the terminal and serve as two separate connections. The wire must be severed, thereby providing supervision of the connection in the event that the wire becomes dislodged from under the terminal. FIG. 2 OPTIONAL TAMPER SWITCH RETARD ADJUSTMENT: TO CHANGE TIME TURN KNOB (EITHER DIRECTION) FOR DESIRED TIME DELAY. USE THE MINIMUM AMOUNT OF RETARD NECESSARY TO PREVENT FALSE ALARMS, A "B" SETTING IS USUALLY ADEQUATE FOR THIS. FACTORY IS SET TO "B". TO INSTALL, DRILL HOLE AS INDICATED: PIPE SIZE HOLE SIZE 2" to 2 1/2" 1 1/4" +1/8" -1/16" (50mm to 65mm) (33mm t2mm) 3" to 8" 2" t 1 /8" (80mm to 200mm) 50mm t2mm) Cover Tamper (with cover in place) / DIRECTION OF + + + WATERFLOW n� �C N.O. N.C. iWHT ) (RED) ea mLgl DWG. #761-30 VSR-F VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD DO NOT LEAVE COVER OFF FOR EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME M TIGHTEN NUTS ALTERNATELY TO AN EVENTUAL 20FT.-LBS (27 n-m) OF TORQUE MOUNT ON PIPE SO ARROW ON SADDLE POINTS IN DIRECTION OF WATERFLOW ROLL PADDLE IN OPPOSITE DIRECTION OF WATERFLOW APPROX. RETARD SETTINGS (IN SECS.) 0 0 A 10-25 B 20-40 C 35-55 D 50-70 E 60-90 FIG. 3 TYPICAL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS NOTES: 1. The Model VSR-F has two 2 SETS OF NORMALLY switches, one can be used OPEN CONTACTS CLOSE ON ALARM WATERFLOW ZONE EOLR FROM ON FIRE PANEL FIRE PANEL t0 Operate a central Station, E0 R proprietary or remote signaling 1-1 1 NO I I NC NOI Iunit, while the other contact is used to operate a local audible or visual annunciator. COM NO NC COM NO NC IR 2. A condition of LPC Approval of this product is that the electrical THE N.C. AND N.O. MARKINGS ON POSITIVE DC entry must be sealed to exclude THE SWITCH ARE FOR AN ALARM OR HOT AC CONDITION. BELL moisture. THE CONTACTS ARE REVERSED NEGATI NEUTRALAC RALAC 3For supervised circuits see . u ll WHEN THE DEVICE IS IN THE DWG 76t-2 "Switch Terminal Connections" NORMAL CONDITION. drawing and caution note (Fig. 1). APPLICATION WARNING! FIG. 4 To remove knockouts: Place screwdriver at edge of knockouts, not in the center. Due to the possibility of unintended discharges caused by pressure surges, trapped air, or short retard times, waterflow switches that are monitoring wet pipe sprinkler systems should not be used as the sole initiating device to discharge AFFF, deluge, or chemical suppression systems. TESTING The frequency of inspection and testing for the model VSR-F and its associated protective monitoring system should be in accordance with applicable NFPA Codes and Standards and/or the authority having jurisdiction (manufacturer recommends quarterly or more frequently). If provided, the inspector's test valve, that is usually located at the end of the most remote branch line, should always be used for test purposes. If there are no provisions for testing the operation of the flow detection device on the system, application of the VSR-F is not recommended or advisable. A minimum flow of 10 gpm (38 Lpm) is required to activate this device. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please advise the person responsible for testing of the fire protection system that this system must be tested in accordance with the testing instructions. PRINTED IN USA MKT. #8800001 - REV X PAGE 2 OF 2 MFG. #5400761 - 3/07 POTTER y ;; • Thp Symbol of Protection The SH-120 Scrics Set ect-A-Strobellorn711 is designed to provide audible and/or visual signals for fire and burglar alarm protection systems and notification signals For the purpose of life safety and protection. The SI-1-120 are operable with a 120 'VAC system between 96 VAC and 132 VAC. They can be interfaced ivitb pull stations, Installation Node. Installation must comply in accordance with applicable standards. OPTIONAIL OPnoNRI 4' SCUARE OUTLET BOX eeu-1 0UTCMR5= 0 L7Q od G 99)S Lxir000R Box Ordering Information W • UL Listed • 120 VAC opera • Outdoor and in • 6 sound output • Pre -wire back: l • Universal back octrigon, or 4" • Single screw m • Low current dr. • BJ3X-5 w•eathei SH-120 SERIES , MOUNT WEATHER PROOF LECT A-STROBEIHORN® mounting (single gang, double gang. proof backbox included flow switches. end sprinkler systems for residential, commercial and industrial applications. The S1l Series combines a selective three horn tone and provides a continuous tone or ternporal pattenr (code 3) when constant voltage is applied. 'Phis scricS is av qilable with a red or white housing and a clear lens. l MW Q CI DWON I$II Stock Number Model Number Description Color 4710030 SH-12OR Selectable gtrobei ornlchime Red 4710031 SH-12OW Selectable strobe! ornlchime White 4270048 BB w5 Back. box [inc uded] Red 4270049 White 1500001 BBK-1 Bell back x Red )±rigincering Specifications ry�� The contractor shall provide and install a Potter S1d-120 stroW horn. The unit shall operate on a nominal 120 VAC input and have a selectable horn settine. The unit shall be listed to UL standard 1638. General Signaling for indoor and outdoor applications. The strobe shall have a 110 candela rating. The unit shall ineIude a weather proof back box as part of the standard package. The device shall have a universal pre -wire mounting plate for the t*se.of connection. The universal bo 'k plate shall allow for connection to a single gang. double gang, 4" square standard or deep box, BBK-1 weather proof Weil back tx x or the B13X-5 custom weather proof track. hox. The horn shall be listed to UL standard 404, Audible Signaling devices. Potter Electri:: Signal Cc,, LLC • St. Louis, MO- Cust Service: 856-240-1870 - Tc,�h Support: 86G-�56-1211 a Canada 888-992-1833 • www.pottersignai.com PRINTED IN USA MKT. 48910015 - REV B PAGE 1 OF 2 Ina (E)POTTER n The Symbol of Protection S -�120 SERIES WALL RUNT WEATHER PROOF SEL CT A-STRDSEIHORNO Wring Diagram Dimensions: inches mm) SL-120 Control Panel l To Nex[ LAC+ AC'- a App]ivnce IPo r "O" High voltage may be present inside the light nssembly even though power is not connected. If access to the comlxment board is required (removaI or replacement), the capacitor must be disearged by touching a wire to both ends of the ilashtube. ❑O NOT auempt to touch or move the assembly until the calracitor has been discharged. specificatiolts Includes 4 ea. T 98-32 x'/, screws Rated Max RNIS lutpu flash Operating opel tlng construction series Voltage Operating Current Output Rate Voltage Temperature �Yl7e Materials (mArms) Range Range SH-120 120 VAC N/A (current varies 110 cd 72 per 96-132 VAC ,40`F to 151OF indoor' ABS housing. fi0Hz with horn setting) on axis min. (401,'C t GG`'C) outdoor polycarbonate lens Switch Setting ON: 1 OFF: 0 Max. RMS dBA Reverberant 5cr es Pattem Tone Operatin-Current Ratings per U€.464 SW 1 SW2 SW3 (;1Lirirly) (ilFiA 4CL IOFt) 24001-1x 1 1 1 115 87.7 Steady Elector Mechanical 1 0 1 119 87.8 Bfoadband 0 1 1 115 89.2 S11-120 2400liz I 1 0 ill 91.1 Temporal Eiectro Mechanical 1 0 0 112 83.4 Broadband 0 1 0 110 93.4 FRPYTED IP1 USA MKT. #8910013 - REV 8PAC,H 2 DF 2 7110 LISTING No. CATEGORY: LISTEE: DESIGN: RATING: INSTALLATION: MARKING: APPROVAL: CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY S FIRE F OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHA FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTIN LISTING SERVICE 7135-0328:0190 7135 --AUDIBLE DEVICES i PROGRAM Page 1 of 1 Potter Electric Signal Col 609 Park 370 Place, Hazelwood, MID 63042 Contact: Bill Witherspoon (314) 595-6900 Fax (314) 595-699 Email: BiIIW@pottersignal.com Model Ski-120 strobe/horn and SL-120 strobe light for wall mount indoor and outdoor use. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional product description a nd operational oonsiderations. Electrical: 120 VAC Candela: 110cd In accordance with Iistee's printed installation instructions, a Iicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdic o . Listee's name, model number, electrical/candela ratings, and UL label. Listed as audibleivisual signal devioes for indoor or outdoor use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's InstallaboM Instruction Manual far details. These units can produce a distinctive three -pulse Temporal Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2 manufacturer's Installation Manual for details. Ettern Fire Alarm Evacuation ? Edition. Refer to 0309-10 fm This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listi g should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, Ir aIlation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2013 Listing Expires June 30, 2014 Authorized By: JAMES PARSEGIAN, Program Coordinator Eire Engineering Division Tyco Fire Protection Products Model CV-1FR Grooved -End Riser Check Valves 2 to 12 Inch (DN50 to DN300) General Description The TYCO Model CV-1FR Grooved - End Riser Check Valve is a compact and rugged swing -type unit that al- lows water flow in one direction and prevents flow in the opposite direc- tion. A resilient elastomer seal fac- ing on the spring -loaded clapper ensures a leak -tight seal and non - sticking operation. The Model CV-1 FR Riser Check Valves are designed to minimize water hammer caused by flow reversal. The Model CV-1 FR Riser Check Valve is furnished with grooved ends and can be installed using GRINNELL Grooved Couplings or GRINNELL Figure 71 Flange Adapters. The Model CV-1 FR Riser Check Valves have been designed with a removable cover for ease of field main- tenance. These valves can be installed horizontally (with cover in the upward position) or vertically with the flow in the upward direction. Refer to Figure 6. To facilitate their use in wet -type auto- matic sprinkler system risers, the Model CV-1 FR Riser Check Valves are provid- ed with threaded outlets for pressure gauges and a drain connection. They provide a more compact and economi- cal alternative to an alarm check valve where a water motor alarm is not re- quired. Provisions must be made for a local alarm using an approved flow switch (not included). The Model CV-1 FR Riser Check Valve is also Listed for use in conjunction with the TYCO DV-5 Deluge Valve in Preaction Systems under air pressure without the use of prime water. The Model CV-1 FR Riser Check Valves are a redesign for the Central Figure 590FR and GRINNELL Figure 590FR. NOTICE The Model CV-1FR Riser Check Valve described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document and with the applicable stan- dards of the National Fire Protection Association, in addition to the stan- dards of any authorities having juris- diction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of this device. Never remove any piping component nor correct or modify any piping defi- ciencies without first de -pressurizing and draining the system. Failure to do so may result in serious personal injury, property damage, and/or impaired de- vice performance. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. Contact the installing contractor or manufacturer with any questions. Technical Data Approvals UL, C-UL Listed FM Approved Sizes 2 to 12 Inch (DN50 to DN300) Maximum Working Pressure 300 psi (20,7 bar) Valve Assembly Finish Red, non -lead paint Worldwide I www.tyco-fire.com Contacts U� C@ AP ROVED Installation The Model CV-1 FR Riser Check Valves are to be installed in accordance with this section: 1. The arrow cast on the Body must point in the direction of the flow. 2. Valves installed vertically must be positioned with the flow in the up- ward direction. 3. Valves installed horizontally must be positioned with the Cover facing up. Refer to Figure 6. 4. Grooved -end pipe couplings used with the Model CV-1 FR Riser Check Valve must be installed in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. NOTE; Valves should be installed a reasonable distance downstream from pumps, elbows, expanders, reducers, or other similar devices to extend the valve life. Standard piping practices call for a minimum of five (5) times the pipe diameter for general use. Page 1 of 6 JULY 2014 TFP950 TFP950 Page 2 of 6 A B 1/4" 1/4" NPT NPT C O.D. D J K E F FIGURE 1 MODEL CV-1FR RISER CHECK VALVES NOMINAL DIMENSIONS Nominal Dimensions Nominal Pipe Size Inches Cover Approx. (mm) Bolt Torque Weight Lbs. ANSI O.D. K Lbs.-ft. (kg) Inches Inches A B C D E F J Inches (Nm) DN (mm) NPT 2 2.375 6.75 4.38 1.96 2.57 3.25 4.37 1.56 1 18 9.0 DN50 (60,3) (171,5) (111,3) (49,8) (65,3) (82,3) (111,0) (39,6) (25) (4,5) 2-1/2 2.875 8.00 5.38 2.63 3.09 3.87 5.12 1.73 1-1/4 39 10.0 DN65 (73,0) (203,2) (136,7) (66,8) (78,5) (98,3) (130,0) (43,9) (54) (4,5) 76,1 - 8.00 5.38 2.63 3.09 3.87 5.12 1.72 1-1/4 39 10.0 DN65 (76,1) (203,2) (136,7) (66,8) (78,5) (98,3) (130,0) (43,7) (54) (4,5) 3 3.500 8.37 5.72 2.81 3.31 3.87 5.12 1.72 1-1/4 39 11.0 DN80 (88,9) (212,6) (145,3) (71,4) (84,1) (98,3) (130,0) (43,7) (54) (5,0) 4 4.500 9.63 6.68 3.80 3.63 4.53 5.78 2.12 2 50 25.0 DN100 (114,3) (245,6) (169,7) (96,5) (92,2) (115,4) (146,8) (53,8) (69) (11,3) 139.7 - 10.50 7.40 4.46 4.13 4.90 7.00 2.09 2 39 29.0 DN125 (139,7) (266,7) (188,0) (113,2) (104,9) (124,5) (177,8) (53,1) (54) (13,2) 5 5.563 10.50 7.40 4.46 4.13 4.90 7.00 2.09 2 39 29.0 DN125 (141,3) (266,7) (188,0) (113,2) (104,9) (124,5) (177,8) (53,1) (54) (13,2) 165.1 - 11.50 8.00 4.62 4.50 5.00 7.25 2.00 2 60 47.0 DN150 (165,1) (292,1) (203,2) (117,4) (114,3) (127,0) (184,2) (50,8) (82) (21,3) 6 6.625 11.50 8.00 4.62 4.50 5.00 7.25 2.00 2 60 47.0 DN150 (168,3) (292,1) (203,2) (117,4) (114,3) (127,0) (184,2) (50,8) (82) (21,3) 8 8.625 14.00 10.14 6.67 5.52 5.46 10.50 2.43 2 120 66.0 DN200 (219,1) (355,6) (257,6) (169,4) (140,2) (138,7) (266,7) (61,7) (164) (30,0) 10 10.750 18.00 12.38 8.62 6.41 7.50 10.75 3.38 2 130 109.7 DN250 (273,1) (457,2) (314,5) (218,9) (162,8) (190,5) (273,1) (85,9) (178) (49,4) 12 12.750 21.0 14.28 9.93 7.27 7.62 10.00 3.13 2 130 151.0 DN300 (323,9) (533,4) (362,7) (252,2) (184,7) (193,5) (254,0) (79,5) (178) (68,0) TFP950 Page 3 of 6 8 8 4,15 17 16 2 SEE 9 __ ___ 5 9 VIEW A 2 7 2 7 5 3 2" - 8" 10" - 12" (DN50 DN200) (DN250 - DN300) VIEW A D O 13 5 13 11,15 11 14,15 SEE / 18 6 DETAIL B 5 6 2---8" 10" - 12" 1 (DN50-DN200) (DN250 - DN300) DETAIL B Detail Part Material Qty. Detail Part Material Qty. Detail Part Material Qty. 1 Body Ductile Iron 1 6 Clapper EPDM "E" 1 14 Lockout Stainless 1 Facing Grade Steel 2 Cover Ductile Iron 1 7 Spring Stainless Steel 1 15 Adhesive Thread Sealer AR 3 Cover Gasket Nitrite Rubber 1 g Hinge Shaft Stainless Steel 1 i6 Nameplate Aluminum 1 4 Hex Cap Steel, Zinc AR 9 Retaining Stainless AR 17 Rivet Steel 2 Screw Plated Ring Steel Clapper 2 -8 Stainless 11 Retention Stainless Stainless 1 1 18 Spacer (DN50-200) Steel Bolt Steel Steel 5 1 Clapper 10-- 12- Ductile Iron 13 Retaining Stainless 1 (DN250-300) Disc Steel FIGURE 2 MODEL CV-1FR RISER CHECK VALVES ASSEMBLY • 11 11 111 111 111 11/ /11 IIII IIII 1/11 IIII ���.■■■... ��.......... ......... MO NIAEE.. EMEN..■■■■■■.���.■ ■■■■■ ■■„■■ ■■■.. �FA■■ ■■ ■FAMEEMA. EME'NEW iiiiiiiiiiiiiii�i • A�i 1 1 �:::::00::::::: iMVAMMMiiiilMMiiiii'N ■■■■■■■■ nn■■■■■■ NOON■■■ ,■ I■ - • ■. ■■■■■■■■■■IIIE■■■■■■r■rMMME■EFI■� rnnnoon■►■■■■■■■."■■■■vA■nn■■■■■■n�nnonn■■■■.■onn■■■ ANON■IIII I.MEEEEMMMII■■■■■II■■■■■■■■■■III■■■■1■■■1■■■■►I■■■■rI■■■ ■I EI■I■I MEEM■■A■■■■■■■11M ■I E■■FI ■■��,EIEIE ■ ' NOON■■■ NOON■■ NOON■ I■ I■ I ■ •• I■■■■■III ■E■■■■11 ` I■■11111 • • II■■■E■■MM-■■■ME.MMMMMMM■■■11■1■11111111■ II■MMMM■■I�■■■■■►I■■■■■■■■■■I�■I■11111111■■■11■■■■II■■■■ ■■■■■ IIM■■■I,MMMIMM■■■MMFIM■I■11111111■■I,M■M11FIM■■■ MEN .■■■�M■■■ 1 / •• • • NOON■ I I■ 4■■IIII d■■■■ AN ■/1■■■1■■■■■■I�■■■1111111111■■/1■■■■h■■■■■ • NOON NONE I I I■■■111 I■■mill III■■■■ IIII■■■ 11■ ` I■■■■■■1■■■■■■I■■11111111111■I,■■■■��■■■■■ I■■mml■■■■■/1■m111111111111■/I■■m1/1■■■■■ ' ■ • 1 NONE■■I ■■■■.ME I 11■■ ,■■1111 FAME■■■■ 1111100 I■■■■I■IM ,11E �.■■ • /■■1111■■ .M■MM■■� • I■11111111111111I■■■1/limo■■■ F.■■■■■■■■■■■■■116AMM ■.,■■■■■■■■ .• :. 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MEN IMM►i■■■■M■1111nrnn■■■W�MIIMM■■■■■FmMM■■■■■OIIIIIn►,nn■■■■MMMIMM■■■ 1 1 • ■■■■■■■111111�1111■■■►�■■11■■■■■■I,■■1■■■■■■■r�11111/,11111■■■■■111■■■■■ 1 ��■■■■■■■on- ■�■■1■■■■■■■►�■■1111,�11111■_■_■_■■■■■■_■_■_■_■ MEMO— _■i■■■■■■■■IIIII/IIIII■■�■■■■■■_■_■_■■_FA 1 11 11 11 •11 ■11 111 111 111 •111 Mill IIII 111 TFP950 Page 4 of 6 A I � C E B D - FIGURE 4 MODEL CV-1FR RISER CHECK VALVE WITH TRIM COMPONENTS NOMINAL DIMENSIONS Nominal Dimensions Nominal Pipe Size Inches (mm) ANSI O.D. E Inches Inches A B C D Inches DN (mm) NPT 2 2.375 6.75 5.87 3.25 9.52 1 DN50 (60,3) (171,5) (149,1) (82,6) (241,9) 2-1/2 2.875 8.00 6.66 3.87 10.80 1-1/4 DN65 (73,0) (203,2) (169,2) (98,3) (274,3) 76,1 - 8.00 6.66 3.87 10.80 1-1/4 DN65 (76,1) (203,2) (169,2) (98,3) (274,3) 3 3.500 8.37 6.88 3.87 11.02 1-1/4 DN80 (88,9) (212,6) (174,8) (98,3) (279,9) 4 4.500 9.63 7.63 4.53 11.92 2 DN100 (114,3) (244,6) (193,7) (115,1) (302,7) 139,7 - 10.50 8.13 4.90 12.42 2 DN125 (139,7) (266,7) (206,4) (124,5) (315,4) 5 5.563 10.50 8.13 4.90 12.42 2 DN125 (141,3) (266,7) (206,4) (124,5) (315,4) 165,1 - 11.50 8.50 5.00 12.79 2 DN150 (165,1) (292,1) (215,8) (127,0) (324,8) 6 6.625 11.50 8.50 5.00 12.79 2 DN150 (168,3) (292,1) (215,8) (127,0) (324,8) 8 8.625 14.00 9.52 5.46 13.81 2 DN200 (219,1) (355,6) (241,7) (138,7) (350,7) 10 10.750 18.00 10.41 7.50 14.70 2 DN250 (273,1) (457,2) (264,3) (190,5) (373,3) 12 12.750 21.00 11.27 7.62 15.56 2 DN300 (323,9) (533,4) (286,1) (193,5) (395,2) TFP950 Page 5 of 6 P/N 59-591-1-020 2 Inch (DN50) NO. DESCRIPTION QTY. P/N 1 300 psi/ 2000 kPa Water Pressure Gauge .. 2 92-343-1-005 2 1/4" Gauge Test Valve .. 2 46-005-1-002 3 1/4" Plug ............. 2 CH 4 1" Angle Valve ......... 1 46-048-1-006 5 1/4" x 2" Nipple........ 1 CH 6 1/4" x 5" Nipple........ 1 CH 7 1" x 3" Nipple.......... 1 CH P/N 59-591-1-030 2-1/2 Inch (DN65) through 3 Inch (DN80) NO. DESCRIPTION QTY. P/N 1 300 psi/ 2000 kPa Water Pressure Gauge .. 2 92-343-1-005 2 1/4 " Gauge Test Valve .. 2 46-005-1-002 3 1/4" Plug ............. 2 CH 4 1-1/4" Angle Valve...... 1 46-048-1-007 5 1/4" x 2" Nipple........ 1 CH 6 1/4" x 5" Nipple........ 1 CH 7 1-1/4" x 3" Nipple ...... 1 CH P/N 59-591-1-080 4 Inch (DN100) through 12 Inch (DN300) NO. DESCRIPTION QTY. P/N 1 300 psi/ 2000 kPa Water Pressure Gauge .. 2 92-343-1-005 2 1/4" Gauge Test Valve .. 2 46-005-1-002 3 1/4" Plug ............. 2 CH 4 2" Angle Valve ......... 1 46-048-1-009 5 1/4" x 2" Nipple........ 1 CH 6 1/4" x 5" Nipple........ 1 CH 7 2" x 3" Nipple.......... 1 CH NOTES: MAIN 1. All Fittings and Nipples are DRAIN VALVE galvanized (Standard Order). (NORMALLY 2. CH: Common Hardware. CLOSED) SYSTEM i PRESSURE _� j GAUGE 1 SUPPLY PRESSURE GAUGE 5 2 3 1--,l MODEL CV-1 FR 1 RISER CHECK VALVE 2 6 3 FIGURE 5 MODEL CV-1FR RISER CHECK VALVES TRIM PARTS LIST COVER OUTLET INLET OUTLET FLOW COVER FLOW INLET VERTICAL ORIENTATION HORIZONTAL ORIENTATION FIGURE 6 MODEL CV-1FR RISER CHECK VALVES INSTALLATION TFP950 Page 6 of 6 Care and Maintenance Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, obtain permission to shut down the affected fire protection sys- tem from the proper authorities and no- tify all personnel who may be affected by this decision. After placing a fire protection system in service, notify the proper authorities and advise those responsible for moni- toring proprietary and/or central station alarms. The owner is responsible for the in- spection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devic- es in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable stan- dards of the National Fire Protection Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any authority having jurisdiction. Contact the installing con- tractor or product manufacturer with any questions. Any impairments must be immediately corrected. Automatic sprinkler systems are recom- mended to be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service in accordance with local re- quirements and/or national codes. Limited Warranty For warranty terms and conditions, visit www.tyco-fire.com. Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. When placing an order, indicate the full product name and Part Number (P/N). Model CV-1FR Check Valves Specify: Size and P/N (below). 2-(DN50)............... P/N 59-590-1-020 2-1/2-(DN65)............ P/N 59-590-1-025 76,1 mm (DN65) ......... P/N 59-590-1-076 3-(DN80)............... P/N 59-590-1-030 4-(DN100) .............. P/N 59-590-1-040 139,7 mm (DN125) ....... P/N 59-590-1-139 5" (DN125) .............. P/N 59-590-1-050 165,1 mm (DN150) ....... P/N 59-590-1-165 6-(DN150).............. P/N 59-590-1-060 8-(DN200).............. P/N 59-590-1-080 10" (DN250) ............. P/N 59-590-1-100 12-(DN300)............. P/N 59-590-1-120 Model CV-1FR Riser Check Valve Trim Assembly Specify: Size and P/N (below). 2-(DN50)............... P/N 59-591-1-020 2-1/2-(DN65)............ P/N 59-591-1-030 76,1 mm (DN65) ......... P/N 59-591-1-030 3-(DN80)............... P/N 59-591-1-030 4" (DN100) .............. P/N 59-591-1-080 139,7 mm (DN125) ....... P/N 59-591-1-080 5- (DN125) .............. P/N 59-591-1-080 165,1 mm (DN150) ....... P/N 59-591-1-080 6-(DN150).............. P/N59-591-1-080 8-(DN200).............. P/N 59-591-1-080 10-(DN250)............. P/N 59-591-1-080 12-(DN300)............. P/N 59-591-1-080 GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS 11400 Pennbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 19446 1 Telephone +1-215-362-0700 Copyright © 2014 Tyco Fire Products, LP. All rights reserved. tgpa Fire Protection Products iej) UNITED BRASS WORKS, INC. 714 S. Main St., Randleman, NC 27317 Tel: 800-334-3035 Fax: 800-498-4696 www.ubw.com kEGISTERB UMPO Model 80 Ball Valve Double Female • 200 lbs. WSP @ 406 'Max • 400 lbs. WOG • 100% Pressure Tested • Threaded Ends • Blow -Out Proof Stem • 1/4" -1/2" Full Flow • 3/4" - 2" Large Port Diameters MATERIAL LIST NO DESCRIPTION MATERIAL 1 Lever Plated Steel w/ vinyl grip 2 Stem Brass 3 Jam Nut Plated Steel 4 Packing Nut Brass 5 Packing Sleeve Brass 6 Packing Graphite Non-Asb. 7 Bevel Washer Steel 8 O-RingBuna 9 Tail Piece ('/4" - '/z") Tail Piece (3/4" - 2") Brass Bronze 10 Body Bronze 11 Ball Chrome Plated Brass 12 Nest Teflon SIZE A B C D E F SHIP WT. (lbs.) QUAN. PER CTN. '/4" 0.38 1.86 0.92 0.94 1.58 3.31 0.52 12 3/8" 0.38 1.86 0.92 0.94 1.58 3.31 0.52 12 /z" 0.50 2.17 1.06 1.11 2.28 4.23 0.78 12 3/4" 0.63 2.05 1.20 1.31 2.38 4.23 0.98 12 1" 0.81 3.27 1.67 1.59 2.55 4.23 1.59 6 1 '/4" 1.00 3.48 1.72 1.77 3.19 5.47 2.47 4 1 ''/2" 1.25 3.97 1.95 2.02 3.38 5.47 3.50 4 2" 1.50 4.41 2.14 2.27 3.56 5.47 5.00 2 Description Manufactured from .020" white coated aluminun...... _.�.. _,r__ are screen printed with a fade resistant red ink. Each sign is shipped with a clear protective plastic coating which can be re- moved at time of installation. Each sign type meets or exceeds NFPA13 requirements. All signs (except 7" round) are drilled in four corners to allow for easy installation. All signs (except 7" round) may be installed with sign chain or with any fastener that is suitable for the material that the sign is being attached. The 7" round bell signs are center drilled to allow for installation di- rectly to the bell gong assembly. Type "A" 9" x 7" Control valve signs are drilled with the same four hole pattern as Type "B" 6" x 2" signs to allow for attachment of Type "B" to Type "A". Installation Installation of aluminum signs is accomplished by several methods. The most common installation procedure is to use #16 Single Jack chain to hang the sign on the area being identified. Since all of the above mentioned signs are predrilled at all four cor- ners, the last link of the chain can be opened and hooked ©1996-2009 Fire Protection Products, Inc (FPPI) through the top holes on the signs and hung on the ap- propriate valve or piping. The signs may also be fastened to a flat surface with fasteners appropriate to the base mate- rial. (The 9" x 7" Fire Alarm Bell sign must be drilled if it is to be attached directly to the bell gong.) Specifications Material: .020" aluminum with removable plastic coating Sizes: 6" x 2" 4" x 6" 5" x 7" 9" x 7" 12" x 10" 8.5" x 11" See current catalog for a full listing of all available signs. Fire Protection Products, Inc 6241 Yarrow Dr., Suite A, Carlsbad, CA 92011-1541 F.,o P Pn �. For questions: 1 800 344-1822 • 1 800 344-3775 fax • www.fppi.com Sprinkler Identification Signs FIRE SPRINKLER RISER INSIDE AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER SHUT-OFF VALVE LOCATED FT. OPPOSITE THIS SIGN SPRINKLERS THROUGHOUT BUILDING 01996-2009 Fire Protection Products, Inc (FPPI) FPPI's Sprinkler Identification Signs are manufactured of aluminum, painted white then printed with "fade resistant" red ink. Each sign is drilled for easy installation and is plastic coated to prevent scratching of finish during shipment and final installation. Designed in accordance with NFPA requirements. 02-002-00 Blank Sign w/border 6" x 2" 1000 02-006-00 Air Control, 6" x 2" 1000 02-010-00 Air Line, 6" x 2" 1000 02-014-00 Alarm Line, 6" x 2" 1000 02-018-00 Alarm Test, 6" x 2" 1000 02-022-00 Anti -Freeze System 6" x 2" 1000 02-023-00 Anti -Freeze System 5" x 7" 1000 02-024-00 Auto Sprinkler Shut -Off 12" x 10" 1000 02-026-00 Auxiliary Drain, 6" x 2" 1000 02-034-00 Control Valve, 6" x 2" 1000 02-036-00 Control Valve, 4" x 6" 1000 02-037-00 Control Valve, 5" x 7" 1000 02-038-00 Control Valve, 9" x 7" 500 02-042-00 Drain, 6" x 2" 1000 02-046-00 Drain Valve, 6" x 2" 1000 02-050-00 Dry Standpipe 6" x 2" 1000 02-051-00 Fire Dept. Connection 6" x 2" 1000 02-053-00 Excess Pressure Pump, 6" x 2" 1000 02-054-00 Entire System, 6" x 2" 1000 02-055-00 Fire Alarm Bell, 9" x 7" 500 02-056-00 Fire Alarm Bell, 7" Round 500 02-057-00 911 Fire Alarm Bell, 7" Round 500 02-058-00 F.S. Valve Do Not Close, 6" x 2" 1000 02-060-00 Fire Sprinkler Riser Inside, 6" x 2" 1000 02-062-00 From City Main, 6" x 2" 1000 02-066-00 In This Building, 6" x 2" 1000 02-070-00 In This Section, 6" x 2" 1000 02-074-00 Inspectors Test, 6" x 2" 1000 02-077-00 Hydraulic System, 5" x 7" 1000 02-081-00 Hydraulic System, 8-1/2" x 11" 1000 02-082-00 Main Control, 6" x 2" 1000 02-086-00 Main Drain, 6" x 2" 1000 02-091-00 Multi -use System, Warning, 5" x 7" 1000 02-092-00 Normally Closed, 6" x 2" 1000 02-096-00 Normally Open, 6" x 2" 1000 02-098-00 Open Sprinkler, 6" x 2" 1000 Fire Protection Products, Inc 6241 Yarrow Dr., Suite A, Carlsbad, CA 92011-1541 F„o P Pn I. For questions: 1 800 344-1822 • 1 800 344-3775 fax • www.fppi.com Storage Cabinet Description Fire Protection Products, Inc. Spare Sprinkler Head Cabinets are designed to allow for spare sprinkler head storage as required by NFPA guidelines. The Spare Sprinkler Head Cabinets are available in six configurations. Three head, six head, six head ESFR, twelve head, twenty-four head and thirty-six head. All six styles are manufactured with "knockouts" to accommodate the most common size sprinklers. The shelf is located to allow for the storage of a typical sprinkler head wrench. Each cabinet is finished with a red enamel fi nish. Each spare head cabinet comes with a hinged door which remains closed to protect the spare sprinklers from the elements and features two holes on the back panel to allow for attachment to most surfaces utilizing the appropriate fasteners. Not intended for exposed or harsh environments. Installation Select the correct Spare Sprinkler Head Cabinet in accordance with the Automatic Sprinkler Systems Handbook. As per the 1989 Edition the correct number of spare sprinkler is as follows: "0-300 sprinklers, not less than 6 300-1000, not less than 12 1000 or more, not less than 24. Stock of spare sprinklers shall include all types and ratings installed.` ©2000-2007 Fire Protection Products, Inc (FPPI) Once the correct Spare Sprinkler Head Cabinet has been select- ed, installation is accomplished by inserting the correct fastener in each of the two holes inside the cabinet, securing the cabinet securely to the wall. The insert the correct number and type of sprinklers in accordance with the "handbook". *Final determination is subject to approval by the AHJ. Specifications Material: Painted plain steel Finish: Red enamel Styles: 3 Spare sprinklers, 1/2 or 3/4 6 Spare sprinklers, 1/2 or 3/4 6 Spare, ESFR, 1/2,3/4or1" 12 Spare sprinklers 1/2 or 3/4 24 Spare sprinklers 36 Spare sprinklers Fire Protection Products, Inc 6241 Yarrow Dr., Suite A, Carlsbad, CA 92011-1541 F.,o P Pn �. For questions: 1 800 344-1822 • 1 800 344-3775 fax • www.fppi.com Applications • Fire sprinkler systems • Suitable for all media that will not obstruct the pressure system or attack copper alloy parts Special Features • UL-listed (UL-393), United States and Canada • Factory Mutual (FM) approved • Reliable and economical Standard Features Design EN 837-1 & ASME B40.100 Sizes 4" (100 mm) Accuracy class ± 3/2/3% of span (ASME B40.100 Grade B) ©2010 Fire Protection Products, Inc (FPPI) Rev061710 Ranges 0/80 psi, retard to 250 psi (air) 0/300 psi (water) Working Pressure Steady: 3/4 of full scale value Fluctuating: 2/3 of full scale value Short time: full scale value Operating Temperature Ambient: -40°F to 140°F (-40°C to 60°C) Media: 140°F (+60°C) maximum Temperature Error Additional error when temperature changes from reference temperature of 680F (20°C) +0.4% for every 18°F (10°C) rising or falling. Percentage of span. Manufactured by Wlka Instrument Specifications Bourdon Tube Material: copper alloy C-type Pressure Connection Material: copper alloy 1/4" NPT lower mount (LM) Movement Copper alloy Dial White aluminum with stop pin; black and red lettering Pointer Black aluminum Case Black polycarbonate Window Snap -in clear polycarbonate FM 0.PPNOVE� C&U, LISTEIO Fire Protection Products, Inc 6241 Yarrow Dr., Suite A, Carlsbad, CA 92011-1541 F.,o P Pn �. For questions: 1 800 344-1822 • 1 800 344-3775 fax • www.fppi.com Tyco Fire Protection Products Series TY-FRB — Worldwide I www.tyco-fire.com Contacts 2^ 4.29 5.6, and 8.0 K-Factor Upright, Pendent, Quick Response, General Description The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers described in this data sheet are quick response, standard coverage, deco- rative 3 mm glass bulb -type spray sprinklers designed for use in light or ordinary hazard, commercial occupan- cies such as banks, hotels, and shop- ping malls. The recessed version of the Series TY-FRB Pendent Sprinkler, where applicable, is intended for use in areas with a finished ceiling. This recessed pendent sprinkler uses one of the following: • A two-piece Style 10 (1/2 inch NPT) or Style 40 (3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon with 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of recessed adjustment or up to 3/4 inch (19,1 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pendent position, or a • A two-piece Style 20 (1/2 inch NPT) or Style 30 (3/4 inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon with 1/4 inch (6,4 mm) of recessed adjustment or up to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pendent position. The adjustment provided by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces the accuracy to which the fixed pipe drops to the sprinklers must be cut. Corrosion -resistant coatings, where applicable, are utilized to extend the life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond that which would otherwise be obtained IMPORTANT Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER WARNING" that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and installation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers Standard Coverage when exposed to corrosive atmo- spheres. Although corrosion -resistant coated sprinklers have passed the standard corrosion tests of the appli- cable approval agencies, the testing is not representative of all possible cor- rosive atmospheres. Consequently, it is recommended that the end user be consulted with respect to the suit- ability of these coatings for any given corrosive environment. The effects of ambient temperature, concentration of chemicals, and gas/chemical velocity, should be considered, as a minimum, along with the corrosive nature of the chemical to which the sprinklers will be exposed. An intermediate level of the Series TY-FRB Pendent Sprinklers is detailed in Technical Data Sheet TFP356, and Sprinkler Guards are detailed in Tech- nical Data Sheet TFP780. NOTICE The Series TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document and with the applica- ble standards of the National Fire Pro- tection Association, in addition to the standards of any authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these devices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with any questions. Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) TY1131 - Upright 2.8K, 1/2- NPT TY1231 - Pendent 2.8K, 1/2- NPT TY2131 - Upright 4.2K, 1/2- NPT TY2231 - Pendent 4.2K, 1/2-NPT TY3131 - Upright 5.6K, 1/2- NPT TY3231 - Pendent 5.6K, 1/2- NPT TY4131 - Upright 8.OK, 3/4- NPT TY4231 - Pendent 8.OK, 3/4- NPT TY4831 - Upright 8.OK, 1/2- NPT TY4931 - Pendent 8.OK, 1/2- NPT Page 1 of 10 NOVEMBER 2015 TFP171 TFP171 Page 2 of 10 * Temperature rating ** Pipe thread connections per 1 - Frame is indicated on ISO 7-1 can be provided on ESCUTCHEON 2 - Button Deflector. special request. PLATE SEATING SURFACE 7/16" (11,1 mm) NOMINAL 2 i/4" MAKE -IN (57,2 mm) 2-3/16" (55,6 mm) 1-9/16" (39,7 mm) 1/2" NPT** WRENCH STYLE 10 or 20 FLATS RECESSED UPRIGHT PENDENT ESCUTCHEON 2-7/8" (73,0 mm) DIA. RECESSED PENDENT 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression Assembly Screw 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector* 7 - Bushing CROSS SECTION FIGURE 1 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY1131) AND PENDENT (TY1231) SPRINKLERS 2.8 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT * Temperature rating is indicated on Deflector. UPRIGHT ** Pipe thread connections per ISO 7-1 can be provided on special request. ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING SURFACE im) IAL 2-3/16" -IN (55,6 mm) 2-3/16" (55,6 mm) _J WRENCH STYLE 10 or 20 FLATS RECESSED PENDENT ESCUTCHEON 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression 2 - Button Assembly Screw 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector* I — 2-7/8" (73,0 mm) DIA. RECESSED PENDENT 1 3 2 4 -- 5 6* CROSS SECTION FIGURE 2 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY2131) AND PENDENT (TY2231) SPRINKLERS 4.2 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT * Temperature rating ** Pipe thread connections per 1 Frame 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression is indicated on ISO 7-1 can be provided on 2 Button Assembly Screw Deflector. special request. ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING 4- Bulb 6- Deflector* SURFACE 1/2" NPT* UPRIGHT 7/16" '11,1 mm) NOMINAL 2-3/16" MAKE -IN (55,6 mm) 2-3/16" 1-1/2" (55,6 mm) (38,1 mm) * WRENCH STYLE 10 or 20 FLATS RECESSED PENDENT ESCUTCHEON I-- 2-7/8" (73,0 mm) DIA. - RECESSED PENDENT .1*11&91x0r141 FIGURE 3 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY3131) AND PENDENT (TY3231) SPRINKLERS 5.6 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT TFP171 Page 3 of 10 * Temperature rating ** Pipe thread connections per 1 Frame 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression is indicated on ISO 7-1 can be provided on ESCUTCHEON 2 - Button Assembly Screw Deflector. special request. PLATE SEATING 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector* SURFACE 1/2" (12,7 mm) NOMINAL 2-5/16" MAKE -IN (58,7 mm) 2-1/4" (57,2 mm) \ 3/4" NPT** WRENCH STYLE 30 or 40 FLATS RECESSED UPRIGHT PENDENT ESCUTCHEON 2-7/8" (73,0 mm) DIA. RECESSED PENDENT CROSS SECTION FIGURE 4 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY4131) AND PENDENT (TY4231) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K-FACTOR, 314 INCH NPT 7/16" (11,1 mm) NOMINAL Ll MAKE -IN 2-3/16" I �' (55,6 mm) 1/2" NPT** WRENCH FLATS UPRIGHT PENDENT CEILING PLATE 1 - Frame 5 - Compression SEATING SURFACE 2 - Button Screw 1 3 - Sealing 6 -Deflector Assembly 3 4 - Bulb 2-1/4" 3 (57,2 mm) 2 * Temperature rating is 1-9/16"Y6* 4 indicated on Deflector. (39,7 mm) 5 ** Pipe thread connections per ISO 7-1 can be a provided on special request. CROSS SECTION FIGURE 5 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY4831) AND PENDENT (TY4931) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT WRENCH RECESS (END "A" USED FOR 1/2" NPT MODELS) WRENCH RECESS (END "B" USED FOR 3/4" NPT MODELS) FIGURE 6 W-TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH WRENCH RECESS PUSH WRENCH IN TO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGURE 7 W-TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH TFP171 Page 4 of 10 Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed FM, LPCB, and NYC Approved Refer to Table A and B for complete approval information including corrosion - resistant status. Maximum Working Pressure Refer to Table C. Discharge Coefficient K=2.8 gpm/psi'/2 (40,3 Ipm/bar'/2) K=4.2 gpm/psi/2 (60,5 Ipm/bar'/z) K=5.6 gpm/psi'/2 (80,6 Ipm/bar'/2) K=8.0 gpm/psi'/2 (115,2 Ipm/bar'/2) Temperature Rating Refer to Table A and B. Finishes Sprinkler: Refer to Table D. Recessed Escutcheon: Signal or Pure White, Jet Black, Chrome Plated, or Natural Brass Physical Characteristics Frame ............................Bronze Button ...................... Brass/Copper Sealing Assembly. . Beryllium Nickel w/TEFLON Bulb...............................Glass Compression Screw ................. Bronze Deflector ................... Copper/Bronze Bushing(K=2.8).....................Bronze Operation The glass bulb contains a fluid that expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass bulb, allowing the sprinkler to activate and water to flow. Design Criteria The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers are intended for fire protection systems designed in accordance with the stan- dard installation rules recognized by the applicable Listing or Approval agency (such as, UL Listing is based on the requirements of NFPA 13, and FM Approval is based on the require- ments of FM's Loss Prevention Data Sheets). Only the Style 10, 20, 30, or 40 Recessed Escutcheon, as applica- ble, is to be used for recessed pendent installations. Installation The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with this section. General Instructions Do not install any bulb -type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprin- kler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1/16 inch (1,6 mm) for the 135°F (57°C) and 3/32 inch (2,4 mm) for the 286°F (141°C) tem- perature ratings. A leak -tight 1/2 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained by applying a minimum to maximum torque of 7 to 14 ft.-Ibs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A leak tight 3/4 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained with a torque of 10 to 20 ft.- Ibs. (13,4 to 26,8 Nm). Higher levels of torque can distort the sprinkler Inlet with consequent leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for insufficient adjustment in the Escutch- eon Plate by under- or over -tightening the sprinkler. Re -adjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. Series TY-FRB Upright and Pendent Sprinklers The Series TY-FRB Pendent and Upright Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instructions. Step 1. Install Pendent sprinklers in the pendent position. Install upright sprin- klers in the upright position. Step 2. With pipe -thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand - tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Figure 6). With ref- erence to Figures 1 through 5, apply the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench to the sprinkler wrench flats. Series TY-FRB Recessed Pendent Sprinklers The Series TY-FRB Recessed Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accor- dance with the following instructions. Step A. After installing the Style 10, 20, 30, or 40 Mounting Plate, as applica- ble, over the sprinkler threads and with pipe -thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand -tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step B. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Figure 7). With reference to Figures 1 to 4, apply the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench to the sprinkler wrench flats. Step C. After ceiling installation and finishing, slide on the Style 10, 20, 30, or 40 Closure over the Series TY-FRB Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mounting Plate until its flange comes in contact with the ceiling. TFP171 Page 5 of 10 SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 5) K FACTOR TYPE TEMPERATURE BULB LIQUID COLOR NATURAL BRASS CHROME PLATED POLYESTER — 135°F (57°C) Orange PENDENT (TY1231) 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow and 1, 2, 3, 4 UPRIGHT (TY1131) 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue 135°F (57°C) Orange 2,8 1/2 NPT RECESSED PENDENT 1 55°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow (TY1231)- Figure 8 200°F (93°C) Green 1, 2, 4 135°F (57°C) Orange RECESSED PENDENT 155°F (68°C) Red (TY1231)*' Figure 9 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 135°F (57°C) Orange PENDENT (TY2231) 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow and UPRIGHT (TY2131) 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue 135°F (57°C) Orange 4.2 1/2" NPT RECESSED PENDENT 1,2 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow (TY2231)* Figure 10 200°F (93°C) Green 135°F (57°C) Orange RECESSED PENDENT 155 68 °F °C ) ( Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow (TY2231)" Figure 11 200°F (93°C) Green NOTES: 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., (UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 2. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., for use in Canada (C-UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 3. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 4. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. 5. Where Polyester Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion -Resistant Sprinklers. :.Installed with Style 10 (1/2" NPT) or Style 40 (3/4" NPT) 3/4" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Installed with Style 20 (1/2" NPT) or Style 30 (3/4" NPT) 1/2" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Frame and Deflector only. N/A: Not Available TABLE A LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS FOR 2.8 AND 4.2 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS TFP171 Page 6 of 10 SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 8) K FACTOR TYPE TEMPERATURE BULB LIQUID COLOR NATURAL BRASS CHROME PLATED POLYESTER*** LEAD COATED PENDENT (TY3231) 135-F(57°C) Orange 155°F (68°C) Red 175'F (79°C) Yellow and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 3, 5 UPRIGHT (TY3131) 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue 135-F(57°C) Orange 155'F (68°C) Red RECESSED 5.6 1/2" NPT PENDENT (TY3231)* 1, 2, 4, 5 N/A 175'F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green Figure 12 286°F (141°C) Blue 135-F(57°C) Orange 155'F (68°C) Red RECESSED PENDENT (TY3231) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 N/A 175'F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green Figure 13 286°F (141°C) Blue PENDENT (TY4231) 135-F(57°C) Orange 155'F (68°C) Red 175'F (79°C) Yellow and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1, 2, 5 UPRIGHT (TY4131) 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue 135-F(57°C) Orange 155'F (68°C) Red RECESSED 8.0 3/4" NPT PENDENT (TY4231)* 1, 2, 5 N/A 175'F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green Figure 14 286°F (141°C) Blue 135°F(57°C) Orange 155'F (68°C) Red RECESSED PENDENT (TY4231) 1, 2, 3, 5 N/A 175'F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green Figure 15 286°F (141°C) Blue 8.0 1/2" NPT PENDENT (TY4931) and UPRIGHT (TY4831) 135-F(57°C) Orange 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 1, 2, 5 155'F (68°C) Red 175'F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue NOTES: 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., (UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 2. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., for use in Canada (C-UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 3. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 4. Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB Ref. No. 007k/04) as Quick Response Sprinklers. However, LPCB does not rate the thermal sensitivity of recessed sprinklers. 5. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. 6. VdS Approved (For details, contact Tyco Fire Suppression & Building Products, Enschede, Netherlands, Tel. 31-53-428-4444/Fax 31-53-428-3377.) 7. Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB Ref. No. 094a/06) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 8. Where Polyester Coated and Lead -Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion -Resistant Sprinklers. Where Lead -Coated Sprinklers are noted to be FM Approved, the sprinklers are FM Approved as a Corrosion -Resistant Sprinklers. * Installed with Style 10 (1/2" NPT) or Style 40 (3/4" NPT) 3/4" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. " Installed with Style 20 (1/2" NPT) or Style 30 (3/4" NPT) 1/2" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Frame and Deflector only. N/A: Not Available TABLE B LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS FOR 5.6 AND 8.0 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS TFP171 Page 7 of 10 SPRINKLER FINISH K TYPE NATURAL CHROME POLYESTER LEAD FACTOR BRASS PLATED COATED PENDENT (TY1231) and 2.8 UPRIGHT (TY1131) 1/2" NPT 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) N/A RECESSED PENDENT (TY1231) PENDENT (TY2231) and 4.2 UPRIGHT (TY2131) 1/2" NPT 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) N/A RECESSED PENDENT (TY2231) PENDENT (TY3231) and 5.6 UPRIGHT (TY3131) 250 PSI (17,2 BAR) 1/2" NPT OR 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) RECESSED (SEE NOTE 1) PENDENT (TY3231) PENDENT (TY4231) 175 PSI 8.0 and UPRIGHT (TY4131) (12,1 BAR) 3/4" NPT 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) RECESSED N/A PENDENT (TY4231) 8.0 PENDENT (TY4931) 175 PSI 1/2" NPT and 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) (12,1 BAR) UPRIGHT (TY4831) NOTES: 1. The maximum working pressure of 250 psi (17,2 bar) only applies to the Listing by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL); the Listing by Under- writers Laboratories, Inc. for use in Canada (C-UL); and, the Approval by the City of New York. TABLE C MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSURE Care and Maintenance The TYCO Series TY-FRB must be maintained and serviced in accordance with this section. Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, obtain permission to shut down the affected fire protection systems from the proper authorities and notify all personnel who may be affected by this action. Absence of the outer piece of an escutcheon, which is used to cover a clearance hole, can delay sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Sprinklers which are found to be leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated, or other- wise altered after leaving the factory. Modified sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid damage to the sprinklers before, during, and after installation. Sprin- klers damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be replaced. Also, replace any sprin- kler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installa- tion Section.) The owner is responsible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Asso- ciation (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Contact the install- ing contractor or sprinkler manufac- turer regarding any questions. Automatic sprinkler systems are rec- ommended to be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspec- tion Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. Care must be exercised to avoid damage to the sprinklers -before, during, and after installation. Sprin- klers damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be replaced. Also, replace any sprin- kler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installa- tion Section). Initial and frequent visual inspections of random samples are recommended for corrosion -resistant sprinklers to verify the integrity of the corrosion -resistant material of construction. Thereafter, annual inspections per NFPA 25 should suffice. Inspections of corrosion -resistant sprinklers are recommended at close range, instead of from the floor level per NFPA. Inspection at close range can better determine the exact sprin- kler condition and the long-term integ- rity of the corrosion -resistant material, which can be affected by the corrosive conditions present. TFP171 Page 8 of 10 2-7/8" DIA. 5/8±1/4" (73,0 mm) 3/4" (19,1 mm) (17±6,4 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1 —7— �Z/ MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES TY-FRB (3,22 mm) 1-5/16" (33,3 mm) 13/16" (20,6 mm) FIGURE 8 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 314 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT 2-7/8" DIA. 5/8±1/4" (73,0 mm) 3/4" (19,1 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1/8" 1 (3,2 mm) 1 1 MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-1/4" (31,8 mm) TY-FRB 3/4" (19,1 mm) FIGURE 10 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 314 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT 2-7/8" DIA. (73,0 mm) 1/2" 12,7 mm (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) / FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1/8" (3,2 mm) / PT i 1 MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16" (33,3 mm) TY-FRB 1-1/16" (27,0 mm) FIGURE 9 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 112 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT 2-7/8" DIA. (73,0 mm) 1/2" (12,7 mm) (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) / FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1/8" (3,2 mm) PTir � 1 1 MOUNTING SURFACE 7 CLOSURE SERIES 1-1/4" (31,8 mm) TY-FRB 1 " (25,4 mm) FIGURE 11 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 112 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT TFP171 Page 9 of 10 5/8±1/4" (15,9±6,4 mm) FACE OF SPRINKLER FITTING MOUNTING SURFACE 2-7/8" DIA. (73,0 mm) 3/4" (19,1 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) (57,2 mm) MOUNTING r, PLATE CLOSURE SERIES TY-FRB C/ r (3,22 mm) 1-1/4" (31,8 mm) 3/4" (19,1 mm) FIGURE 12 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 314 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT 2-7/8" DIA. 5/8±1/4" (73,0 mm) 3/4" (19,1 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1/8" (3,2 mm) I/ '777, MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16" (33,3 mm) TY-FRB 13/16" (20,6 mm) FIGURE 14 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 314 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 40 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K-FACTOR, 314 INCH NPT 2-7/8" DIA. (73,0 mm) 1/2" 12,7 mm (13,2 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) 7FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1/8" (3,2 mm) P77 � 1 1 MOUNTING SURFACE 7 CLOSURE SERIES 1-1/4" (31,8 mm) TY-FRB 1 " (25,4 mm) FIGURE 13 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 112 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT 2-7/8" DIA. 1/2±1/8" (73,0 mm) 1/2" (12,7 mm) (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 1/8" (3,2 mm) MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-5/16" (33,3 mm) TY-FRB 1-1/16" (27,0 mm) FIGURE 15 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 112 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 30 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K-FACTOR, 314 INCH NPT TFP171 Page 10 of 10 P/N 57 - XXX - X - XXX SIN 330 2.8K UPRIGHT (1/2"NPT) TY1131 331 2.8K PENDENT (1/2"NPT) TY1231 340 4.2K UPRIGHT (1/2"NPT) TY2131 341 4.21K PENDENT (1/2"NPT) TY2231 370 5.6K UPRIGHT (1/2"NPT) TY3131 371 5.6K PENDENT (1/2"NPT) TY3231 390 8.OK UPRIGHT (3/4"NPT) TY4131 391 8.OK PENDENT (3/4"NPT) TY4231 360 8.OK UPRIGHT (1/2"NPT) TY4831' 361 8.OK PENDENT (1/2"NPT) TY4931* SPRINKLER FINISH 1 NATURAL BRASS 3 PURE WHITE POLYESTER (RAL9010)1 4 SIGNAL WHITE POLYESTER (RAL9003) 5 JET BLACK POLYESTER (RAL9005)2 7 LEAD COATED 9 1 CHROME PLATED TEMPERATURE RATINGS 135 135°F (57°C) 155 155°F(68°C) 175 175°F(79°C) 200 1 200°F (93°C) 286 1 286°F (141°C) NOTES: 1. Eastern Hemisphere sales only. 2. Available in only 2.8K, 4.2K, and 8.OK, 155°F (68°C) and 200°F (93°C); requires lead time to manufacture. TABLE D SERIES TY-FRB PENDENT AND UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS PART NUMBER SELECTION Limited Warranty For warranty terms and conditions, visit www.tyco-fire.com. Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for availability. When placing an order, indicate the full product name and Part Number (P/N). Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT Thread Connections Specify: Series TY-FRB (Specify SIN), (specify K-factor), (specify Pendent or Upright) Sprinkler (specify) temperature rating, (specify) finish or coating, P/N (specify from Table D) Recessed Escutcheon Specify: Style (10, 20, 30, or 40) Recessed Escutcheon with (specify") finish, P/N (specify') Sprinkler Wrench Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-000-6-387 Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, P/N 56-850-4-001 Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP770 GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS 11400 Pennbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 19446 1 Telephone +1-215-362-0700 Copyright © 2015 Tyco Fire Products, LP. All rights reserved. t[�CO TEFLON is trademark of The DuPont Corporation. Fire Protection Products tqCaRre Suppression & Building Products Technical Services 800-381-9312 1 +1-401-781-8220 www.tyco-fire.com Model G1, G4 Sprinkler Guards and Model GVS1, G4/S3 Guards with Shields for Series TY-6, TY-FR6, TY-L, and TY-FRL Sprinklers General Description TYCO Model G1 and G4 Sprinkler Guards are designed for use with specific types of Series TY-B, TY-FRB, TY-L, and TY-FRL Sprinklers that may be located in areas that make them susceptible to mechanical or physical damage. Table A provides compatibility details. Model G1/S1 and G4/S3 Sprinkler Guards with Shields (Figure 2), in addition to providing protection from mechanical or physical damage, protects the sprinkler from water spray of higher elevation sprinklers (for example, rack storage sprinkler instal- lations). When the Model G1/S1 and G4/S3 are used with the Series TY- B, TY-FRB, TY-L, and TY-FRL Sprin- klers shown in Table A, the assemblies form Upright Intermediate Level Sprin- klers intended for use in fire sprinkler systems designed in accordance with the standard installation rules recog- nized by the applicable Listing agency (that is, UL Listing is based on NFPA requirements). • Model G1 and G4 Guards are a re - designation for the Gem F938 and F937 respectively. • Model G1/S1 and G4/S3 Guards area re -designation for the Gem F938/Q-76 and F937/Q-75 respectively. NOTICE CE Model G1 and G4 Sprinkler Guards and Model G1/S1 and G4/S3 Sprinkler Guards with Shields described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document and with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Asso- ciation, in addition to the standards of any Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the perfor- mance of these devices. Owners are responsible for maintaining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. The in- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- facturer should be contacted with any questions. Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed FM Approved Refer to Table A. Finishes Red Painted and Zinc Chromate Physical Characteristics Welded assembly fabricated from carbon steel Design Criteria In accordance with the requirements of the NFPA, sprinkler guards shall be listed. Guards are only listed for use with specified sprinklers; therefore, the Model G1, G4, G1/S1, and G4/S3 must only be used with the Series TY-B, TY-FRB, TY-L, and TY-FRL Sprinklers shown in Table A. Page 1 of 6 MAY 2011 TFP780 TFP780 Page 2of6 Sprinkler Series TFP SIN GEM SIN STAR SIN Sprinkler Type Sprinkler K-Factor Mounting Location Guard Model Approvals Guard with Shield Model Approvals TY1151 G7530 Upright 2.8 Thread Relief G1 (1) N/A TY1251 G7531 Pendent 2.8 Thread Relief G1 (1) N/A TY3151 G7570 Upright 5.6 Thread Relief G1 (1, 2), G4 (2) G1 /S1 (1, 2) TY3251 G7571 Pendent 5.6 Thread Relief G1 (1, 2), G4 (2) N/A TY4851 G7560 Upright 8.0 (1/2- NPT) Thread Relief G1 (1, 2) N/A TY-B TY4951 G7561 Pendent 8.0 (1/2- NPT) Thread Relief G1 (1, 2) N/A TY4151 G7590 Upright 8.0 (3/4- NPT) Thread Relief G1 (1, 2) G1 /S1 (1, 2) TY4251 G7591 Pendent 8.0 (3/4- NPT) Thread Relief G1 (1, 2) N/A TY3351 G7578 HSW 5.6 Thread Relief G4 (1, 2) N/A TY3451 G7575 VSW 5.6 Thread Relief G4 (1) N/A TY1131 G7330 Upright 2.8 Thread Relief G1 (1) N/A TY1231 G7331 Pendent 2.8 Thread Relief G1 (1) N/A TY3131 G7370 Upright 5.6 Thread Relief G1 (1, 2), G4 (2) G1 /S1 (1) TY3231 G7371 Pendent 5.6 Thread Relief G1 (1, 2), G4 (2) N/A TY-FRB TY4131 G7390 Upright 8.0 (3/4- NPT) Thread Relief G1 (1, 2) G1 /S1 (1) TY4231 G7391 Pendent 8.0 (3/4- NPT) Thread Relief G1 (1) N/A TY3331 G7378 HSW 5.6 Thread Relief G4 (1) N/A TY3431 G7375 VSW 5.6 Thread Relief G4 (1) N/A TY3111 G3111 S1800 Upright 5.6 Wrench Area G1 (2), G4 (1) G4/S3 (1) TY3211 G3112 S1801 Pendent 5.6 Wrench Area G1 (2), G4 (1) N/A TY3311 G3113 S1803 HSW 5.6 Wrench Area - N/A TY-L TY4811 - S1805 Upright 8.0 (1/2- NPT) Wrench Area G4 (1, 2) G4/S3 (1) TY4911 - S1806 Pendent 8.0 (1/2- NPT) Wrench Area G4 (1) N/A TY4111 G3101 S1810 Upright 8.0 (3/4- NPT) Wrench Area G4 (1, 2) G4/S3 (1) TY4211 G3102 S1811 Pendent 8.0 (3/4- NPT) Wrench Area G4 (1) N/A TY1121 G8973 S1879 Upright 2.8 Wrench Area G4 (1) N/A TY1221 G8971 S1880 Pendent 2.8 Wrench Area G4 (1) N/A TY3121 G8974 S1864 Upright 5.6 Wrench Area G4 (1, 2) G4/S3 (1) TY-FRL TY3221 G7375 S1865 Pendent 5.6 Wrench Area G4 (1) N/A TY3321 G8972 S1878 HSW 5.6 Wrench Area G4 (1) N/A TY4121 G8946 S1866 Upright 8.0 (3/4- NPT) Wrench Area G4 (1, 2) G4/S3 (1) TY4221 G8174 S1867 Pendent 8.0 (3/4""NPT) Wrench Area G4 () N/A APPROVALS & NOTES 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. 2. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation. N/A Not Applicable for noted sprinkler. — No SIN, Listing or Approval TABLE A LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS TFP780 Page 3 of 6 SPRINKLER THREAD RELIEF ENGAGED BY / BASE PLATE BASE 2-7/8" DIA. PLATE (73,0 mm) 1 2-5/16" (58,7 mm) 1 SPRINKLER THREAD RELIEF ENGAGED BY BASE PLATE BASE PLATE WARD CLIP IGAGED) MODEL G1 GUARD SHOWN WITH SERIES TY-FRB SPRINKLER BAR 3-7/16" (87,3 mm) 2-7/8" DIA. (73,0 mm) MODEL G4 GUARD SHOWN WITH SERIES TY-FRL SPRINKLER FIGURE 1 MODEL G1 AND G4 SPRINKLER GUARDS — DIMENSIONS — 'UARD CLIP IGAGED) BAR 4" DIA. _ 4-3/4" DIA. _ (101,6 mm) (120,7 mm) 1 S1 SHIELD 2-3/8" WITH (60,3 mm) 1 SCREW 3-1/2" S3 SHIELD (88,9 mm) WITH SCREW I LBAR BASE BAR PLATE 2-7/8" DIA. GUARD (73,0 mm) CLIP BASE SPRINKLER (ENGAGED) PLATE GUARD THREAD RELIEF 2-7/8" DIA. CLIP ENGAGED BY SPRINKLER (73,0 mm) (ENGAGED) BASE PLATE WRENCH AREA ENGAGED BY -A BASE PLATE MODEL Gl GUARD MODEL G4 GUARD WITH MODEL Si SHIELD WITH MODEL S3 SHIELD SHOWN WITH SERIES TY-B SPRINKLER SHOWN WITH SERIES TY-L SPRINKLER FIGURE 2 MODEL G1/S1 AND G41S3 SPRINKLER GUARDS WITH SHIELDS — DIMENSIONS — TFP780 Page 4 of 6 WITH SPRINKLER PROPERLY INSTALLED, CAREFULLY SPREAD BASE PLATES APART AND FIT ONTO SPRINKLER AT APPROPRIATE MOUNTING LOCATION PER TABLE A AND FIGURES 1 or 2 BASE PLATE CLII ADJ) Brin MODEL G4 GUARD WITH MODEL S3 SHIELD & SERIES TY-L UPRIGHT SPRINKLER SHOWN FIRST FIRST CLIP FULLY LIP FULLY ENGAGED ENGAGED MODEL G1 GUARD & SERIES TY-FRB PENDENT SPRINKLER SHOWN SWIVEL CLIPS OVER ADJACENT BARS AND SLIDE TOWARD BASE PLATES UNTIL SNUG Installation TYCO Models G1, G4, G1/S1, and G4/S3 Guards must be installed in accordance with the following instructions. 1. Install the sprinkler in accordance with the applicable technical data sheet. 2. Mount the Model G1, G4, G1/S1, or G4/S3 Guard on the sprinkler. 3. With the Clips loose, spread the two halves of the Sprinkler Guard enough to pass by the sprinkler deflector from the side. 4. Spread the two halves of the Sprinkler Guard enough to pass over the sprinkler "thread relief" or "wrenching area", as applicable, portion of the sprinkler. Refer to Table A, as well as Figures 1 and 2. 5. With the Sprinkler Guard positioned on the "thread relief' or "wrenching area" portion of the sprinkler, as applicable, engage the Clips and then slide the Clips until they seat against the Base, completing the installation as shown in Figures 1 and 2. To help assist with the sliding of the Clips, use the Guard Installation Tool as shown in Figure 3. Additionally, pliers can be used to facilitate the final seating of the Clips. ---- INSTALLATION TOOL SECOND CLIP CLIP FULLY ENGAGED INSTALLATION BAR SLOT ,TOOL 1 � o CLIP A PLIER MAY BE INSTALLATION TOOL USED (SHIPPED WITH WITH INSTALLATION TOOL APPLIED OVER GUARDS) ADJACENT BARS, PRESS SECOND CLIP TOWARD BASE PLATES UNTIL FULLY ENGAGED FIGURE 3 INSTALLATION PROCEDURE NOTICE The Clips must seat against the Base to be fully seated and in order to complete the installation. The Model G1, G4, G1/S1, and G4/S3 Guards may be located in any position relative to the sprinkler frame arms. TFP780 Page 5 of 6 Care and Maintenance TYCO Models G1, G4, G1/S1, and G4/ S3 Guards do not require any regu- larly scheduled maintenance; how- ever, proper installation of the Sprin- kler Guards should be verified during the annual visual inspection of the sprinklers. Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it con- trols, obtain permission to shut down the affected fire protection system from the proper authorities and notify all personnel who may be affected by this action. Responsibility lies with sprinkler own- ers for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in compliance with this document, as well as with the ap- plicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association (for example, NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdic- tion. Contact the installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer regarding any questions. Automatic sprinkler systems are recom- mended to be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service in accordance with local re- quirements and/or national codes. Owners must assure that the sprinklers are not used for hanging of any objects and that the sprinklers are only cleaned by means of gently dusting with a feather -duster. Other- wise, non -operation in the event of a fire or inadvertent operation may result. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire Suppression & Building Products (TFSBP) are warranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in material and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by TFSBP. No warranty is given for prod- ucts or components manufactured by companies not affiliated by ownership with TFSBP or for products and com- ponents which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corro- sion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in ac- cordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Associa- tion, and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Mate- rials found by TFSBP to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at TFSBP's sole option. TFSBP neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. TFSBP shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete in- formation supplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. In no event shall TFSBP be liable, in contract, tort, strict liability or under any other legal theory, for incidental, indirect, special or consequential dam- ages, including but not limited to labor charges, regardless of whether TFSBP was informed about the possibility of such damages, and in no event shall TFSBP's liability exceed an amount equal to the sales price. The foregoing warranty is made in lieu of any and all other warranties, express or implied, including warranties of mer- chantability and fitness for a particular purpose. This limited warranty sets forth the ex- clusive remedy for claims based on fail- ure of or defect in products, materials or components, whether the claim is made in contract, tort, strict liability or any other legal theory. This warranty will apply to the full ex- tent permitted by law. The invalidity, in whole or part, of any portion of this warranty will not affect the remainder. Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for availability. When placing an order, indicate the full product name and Part Number (P/N). Model G1 Sprinkler Guard Specify: Model G1 Sprinkler Guard with (finish), and P/N (below). Red Painted ......... P/N 56-938-1-001 Zinc Chromate ....... P/N 56-938-9-001 Model G4 Sprinkler Guard Specify: Model G4 Sprinkler Guard with (finish) and P/N (below). Red Painted ......... P/N 56-937-1-001 Zinc Chromate ....... P/N 56-937-9-001 Model G1/S1 Guard with Shield Specify: Model G1/S1 Sprinkler Guard with Shield, (finish) and P/N (below). Red Painted ......... P/N 56-938-1-066 Zinc Chromate ....... P/N 56-938-9-066 Model G4/S3 Guard with Shield Specify: Model G4/S3 Sprinkler Guard with Shield, (finish) and P/N (below). Red Painted ......... P/N 56-937-1-066 Zinc Chromate ....... P/N 56-937-9-066 Additional* Guard Installation Tools Specify: Guard Installation Tool for Model G1 and G4 Sprinkler Guards, P/N (56-000-8-597). * The Guard Installation Tool is included with orders in original carton quantities. W ■ Fig. 20 - Standard Pipe Strap Fig. 20S - Flush Mount Pipe Strap Data Table for Fig. 20S Size Range — 1/2" thru 8" pipe Dimensions • Weights Material — Carbon Steel Function — Recommended for supporting pipe Pipe A B C D Hole Max. Rec. Approx. Sizes Size Load Lbs. Wt./100 with fittings vertically or horizontally to walls or 1/2 41/8 5/16 27/8 3/4 7/16 410 21 ceiling. Fig. 20S will support pipe flush with 3/4 45/16 7/16 3 15/16 7/16 410 24 mounting surface. 1 49/16 9/16 33/8 11/8 7/16 410 26 Approvals — Conforms to Federal Specification 11/4 415/16 11/16 33/4 11/2 7/16 410 30 WW-H-171 E, Type 26 and Manufacturers 11/2 53/16 13/16 41/4 15/8 7/16 410 33 Standardization Society SP-69, Type 26. 2 53/4 11/16 43/4 21/4 7/16 410 38 Finish — Plain 21/2 61/4 19/16 51/4 23/4 7/16 610 102 3 67/8 15/8 57/8 33/8 7/16 610 118 Note — Available in Electro-Galvanized and HDG 31/2 73/8 17/8 63/8 37/8 7/16 610 130 finish or Stainless Steel materials. 4 83/8 21/8 7 43/8 9/16 725 159 Order By — Figure number, pipe size, material 5 97/16 25/8 77/8 53/8 9/16 725 191 and finish 6 101/2 33/16 87/8 67/16 9/16 725 234 8 14 41/4 111/2 83/8 11/16 900 446 Data Table for Fig. 20 Dimensions • Weights Pipe Hole Max. Rec. Approx. Sizes A B C D Size Load Lbs. Wt./100 1/2 37/8 3/4 31/16 15/32 7/16 410 16 3/4 4 13/16 31/8 15/16 7/16 410 I 21 1 49/16 7/8 33/8 11/2 7/16 410 26 11/4 415/16 1 33/4 1 7/8 7/16 410 30 ! 11/2 53/16 13/16 41/4 21/8 7/16 410 33 2 53/4 1 7/16 43/4 25/8 7/16 410 38 .1 21/2 61/4 111/16 51/4 31/8 7/16 610 102 ` 3 67/8 2 57/8 33/4 7/16 610 118 31/2 73/8 21/4 63/8 41/4 7/16 610 130 4 83/8 21/2 7 43/4 9/16 725 159 5 97/16 31/16 77/8 513/16 9/16 725 191 6 101/2 36/8 87/8 67/8 9/16 725 234 8 14 45/8 111/2 9 11/16 900 446 FIG. 21 - "Tin Strap" Size Range — 1/2" thru 2" pipe Material — Pre -Galvanized Steel Function — Light duty strap that attaches pipe or copper tubing to horizontal or vertical structure. Finish — Pre -Galvanized Note — Available with felt lining, order TOLCOO Fig. 21 F. Order By — Figure number and pipe size OFFICE/MANUFACTURING FACILITY • 1375 SAMPSON AVE. • CORONA, CA 92879 • PH: 951.737.5599 • FAX: 951.737.0330 m CUSTOMER SERVICE • 800.786.5266 www.tolco.com Hetrick, Kohl@CALFIRE From: Derrick Suarez <dsuarez@lochsaidaho.com> Sent: Tuesday, May 17, 2022 2:56 PM To: Hetrick, Kohl@CALFIRE Cc: Nick Hrico; Riley Mahaffey Subject: FW: ESS La Quinta - Revised Fire Main Plans - New Canopy Attachments: 214291_Extra Space RV Storage -Submittal Set -Rev. 3.pdf; 214291_Extra Space RV Storage -Calculations -Rev. 3.pdf, 214291_Extra Space RV Storage -Plan Review Response 2.pdf Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Warning: this message is from an external user and should be treated with caution. Kohl, Per our conversation here was the lasted correspondence we had with Forge Buildings. We were made aware of the fire sprinklers after our original design but we have since review and accounted for this in these loads in our latest submittals. We accounted for 3" main lines with 1 %" branch lines but it looks like the final plans are for 2 %" mains and 1 %" branch lines. It appears that the final plans would fall inline with out current design. We appreciate your review on this and double checking. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you, Derrick Suarez, P.E. I Project Manager Lochsa Engineering Boise, Idaho D: (208) 489-7616 O: (208) 342-7168 dsuarez(cblochsaidaho.com www.lochsa.com NOTE: All information contained in this email and /or attachments is confidential. The recipient of this information shall not copy, use, or modify this information without the prior written authorization of Lochsa Engineering. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error -free, and Lochsa Engineering accepts no liability for any damage caused by any nature of virus transmitted by this email. From: Derrick Suarez Sent: Monday, March 7, 2022 8:00 AM To: Kraig Hutchison <kraig@forgebuildings.com> Subject: RE: ESS La Quinta - Revised Fire Main Plans - New Canopy Kraig, Attached are the updated drawings, calculations, and new plan review response letter. Please let me know if you need anything at this time. Thank you, Derrick Suarez, P.E. I Project Manager Lochsa Engineering Boise, Idaho D: (208) 489-7616 O: (208) 342-7168 dsuarez(cDlochsaidaho.com www.lochsa.com NOTE: All information contained in this email and /or attachments is confidential. The recipient of this information shall not copy, use, or modify this information without the prior written authorization of Lochsa Engineering. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error -free, and Lochsa Engineering accepts no liability for any damage caused by any nature of virus transmitted by this email. From: Kraig Hutchison <kraig@forgebuildings.com> Sent: Friday, March 4, 2022 5:42 AM To: Derrick Suarez <dsuarez@lochsaidaho.com> Subject: RE: ESS La Quinta - Revised Fire Main Plans - New Canopy Good Morning Derrick, Please see attached for additional items from the city on this project. Please take a look and let me know if you have any questions. FEB]FORE3� Kraig (Hutchison I Project Manager 348 W Parkcenter Blvd, Ste 200 1 Boise, ID 83706 Mobile: 208-880-4685 www.forgebuildings.com From: Derrick Suarez <dsuarez@lochsaidaho.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 8, 2022 11:04 AM To: Kraig Hutchison <kraig@forgebuildings.com> Subject: RE: ESS La Quinta - Revised Fire Main Plans - New Canopy Kraig, Those loads can be found in the rev. 2 calcs. Those loads are carried through the rest of the framing calcs. The 5psf covers the general structure for lateral. -9.C25iIGF;R; 4ns;iKwh1= U»EKbI -- � �_ b.CJS��$it�tl�RtBIIUpI r7-8:ICp� rr_-5.ale]IlFl f}a-elQir�K�? � FIRE SPRINILER LOADS, TYP. Derrick Suarez, P.E. I Project Manager Lochsa Engineering Boise, Idaho D: (208) 489-7616 O: (208) 342-7168 dsuarez(cDlochsaidaho.com www.lochsa.com IIMST] 140e1- f.Q13DGp-: I ry�fi.ai�{10pl '•Vr-QQ LgtKip] R Fr-'p'hl��kl r4� e4la-.? + Ir T NOTE: All information contained in this email and /or attachments is confidential. The recipient of this information shall not copy, use, or modify this information without the prior written authorization of Lochsa Engineering. Email transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error -free, and Lochsa Engineering accepts no liability for any damage caused by any nature of virus transmitted by this email. From: Kraig Hutchison <kraig@forgebuildings.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 8, 2022 10:34 AM To: Derrick Suarez <dsuarez@lochsaidaho.com> Cc: Art Schultz <aschultz@lochsaidaho.com> Subject: Fw: ESS La Quinta - Revised Fire Main Plans - New Canopy Good Morning Derrick, Can you please address the question below from the architect regarding the fire -sprinklers? From: Kevin Tait <kevin@nearcal.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 8, 2022 10:26 AM To: Kraig Hutchison <kraig@forgebuildings.com> 3 Cc: David Alford <davida@nearcal.com>; James Goodman, AIA <jimgoodman@lgaia.com> Subject: Fwd: ESS La Quinta - Revised Fire Main Plans - New Canopy Good morning Kraig We need a immediate response to the architects question about the dead load. White reviewing the structural calcs, we can't find anything that addresses the dead load for the fire sprinklers or future solar panels: From the Fire Comments: [51 Structural Calculations need to clearly identify the load calculations including the expecte loading of the required fire sprinkler system ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: James Goodman, AIA <limgoodman@igaia.com> Date: Tue, Feb 8, 2022 at 9:23 AM Subject: RE: ESS La Quinta - Revised Fire Main Plans - New Canopy To: Kevin Tait <kevin@nearcal.com>, Judy Lee <iudy@latierraconsulting.com> CC: David Alford <davida@nearcal.com>, bstrand <bstrand@strandengineeringinc.com>, mglasmire <mglasmire@extraspace.com>, Jeff Goodman <ieffgoodman@igaia.com> Good morning: Here are the final drawings and responses to the correction list, including the solar note and fire extinguisher layout and specs. https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ciengv4712s8gv7/Extra%20Space%201561%20La%20Quinta%20RV%20Canopy%20%2 8Master%29%2002-02-22.pdf?d I=0 White reviewing the structural talcs, we can't find anything that addresses the dead load for the fire sprinklers or future solar panels: From the Fire Comments: [51 Structural Calculations need to clearly identify the load calculations including the a pecte loading of the required fire sprinkler system Other than that, everything is ready to resubmit. Jim James Goodman, AIA James Goodman, Architecture 949.492.0740 Voice 4 714.292.9597 Cell iimgoodman@j�gaia.com From: Kevin Tait <kevin@nearcal.com> Sent: Monday, February 7, 2022 11:49 AM To: Judy Lee <iudy@latierraconsulting.com> Cc: David Alford <davida@nearcal.com>; James Goodman, AIA <iimgoodman@Igaia.com>; bstrand <bstrand@strandengi neeringinc.com>; mglasmire <mglasmire@extraspace.com> Subject: Re: ESS La Quinta - Revised Fire Main Plans - New Canopy Good morning, We had a conversation last week and James is addressing the open items. A3 solar will be future A4 James to add the FE locations A5 Thank You, Kevin Tait Project Manager 512 Chaney Street Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 (951) 245-5400 x229 office (951) 245-5408 fax (951) 905-8530 cell kevin(&-nearcal.com On Mon, Feb 7, 2022 at 11:37 AM Judy Lee <iudy@latierraconsulting.com> wrote: Has the design -builder addressed comments A3 through A5, etc., below, so I can include them with the resubmittal package? Regards, Judy Lee Mobile: (949) 829-3286 Sent from a mobile device On Wed, Feb 2, 2022 at 10:36 AM James Goodman, AIA <iimgoodman@igaia.com> wrote: Good morning: I have gone through the correction list and have drafted responses. The ones that need to be addressed by the design -builder are: Structural and Fire Comments as well. I suggest that responses by added my responses to the correction list. Here is a link to download the Cover Sheet and Site Plan https://www.dropbox.com/s/f9bwjm6bkpnci7ly/Extra%20Space%201561 %20La%20Quinta%20RV%20Canopy%20 %28Arch%29%2002-02-22.pdf?dl=0 Here is a link to download a combined set will Civil, Foundation & Metal Building drawings https://www.dropbox.com/s/4ciengv47]2s8gv7/Extra%20Space%201561%20La%20Quinta%20RV%20Canop, °/y o20 %28Master%29%2002-02-22.pdf?d I=0 James Goodman, AIA James Goodman, Architecture 949.492.0740 Voice 714.292.9597 Cell iimgoodman@j�gaia.com From: Kevin Tait <kevin@nearcal.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 8:20 AM To: James Goodman, AIA <iimgoodman@igaia.com> Cc: David Alford <davida@nearcal.com>; Judy Lee <iudy@latierraconsulting.com>; bstrand <bstrand@strandengineeringinc.com>; mglasmire <mglasmire@extraspace.com> Subject: Re: ESS La Quinta - Revised Fire Main Plans - New Canopy Good morning I apologize my understanding was that the complete package was to be resubmitted with the underground fire included not as a separate submittal. On Tue, Feb 1, 2022 at 8:18 AM James Goodman, AIA <iimgoodman@igaia.com> wrote: Kevin: Bill's drawing is for the fire department/underground only. We are finalizing the full RV Canopy package for resubmittal later this week. Jim From: Kevin Tait <kevin@nearcal.com> Sent: Tuesday, February 1, 2022 5:58 AM To: Judy Lee <iudy@latierraconsulting.com> Cc: David Alford <davida@nearcal.com>; James Goodman, AIA <iimgoodman@igaia.com>; mglasmire <mglasmire@extraspace.com>; bstrand <bstrand@strandengineeringinc.com> Subject: Re: ESS La Quinta - Revised Fire Main Plans - New Canopy Good morning Not completely sure but it would be a good idea to reveal the package on a quick call to confirm all comments have been addressed. On Tue, Feb 1, 2022 at 5:38 AM Judy Lee <iudy@latierraconsulting.com> wrote: Do these plans include the new layout we discussed during the weekend of 01/22/2022? Regards, Judy Lee Mobile: (949) 829-3286 Sent from a mobile device On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 12:09 PM Kevin Tait <kevin@nearcal.com> wrote: Yeah it looks fine for the resubmittal. Will work it out in the field if any items come up during installation. On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 12:00 PM William Strand <bstrand@strandengineeringinc.com> wrote: Kevin, I have revised the drawing per our conversation. Please confirm it is acceptable so Judy can submit to the Fire Dept. Thank you. William Strand, MS, PE, QSD Strand Engineering, Inc. www.strandengineeringinc.com 1001 Avenida Pico, Ste. C-121 San Clemente, CA 92673 O. (949) 431-0610 C. (209) 605-5753 From: Kevin Tait <kevin@nearcal.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2022 11:08 AM To: William Strand <bstrand@strandengineeringinc.com> Subject: Re: ESS La Quinta - Revised Fire Main Plans - New Canopy I would say show it that way but we may need to adjust during the field installation. To be honest we are going to have to maneuver this riser with the foundations to make it work. Thank You, Kevin Tait Project Manager 512 Chaney Street Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 (951) 245-5400 x229 office (951) 245-5408 fax (951) 905-8530 cell kevin(@-nearcal.com On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 10:39 AM William Strand <bstrand@strandengineeringinc.com> wrote: Maybe something like this? William Strand, MS, PE, QSD Strand Engineering, Inc. www.strandengineeringinc.com 1001 Avenida Pico, Ste. C-121 San Clemente, CA 92673 O. (949) 431-0610 C. (209) 605-5753 From: Kevin Tait <kevin@nearcal.com> Sent: Wednesday, January 26, 2022 10:29 AM To: William Strand <bstrand@strandengineeringinc.com> Cc: James Goodman, AIA <iimgoodman@igaia.com>; David Alford <davida@nearcal.com> Subject: Re: ESS La Quinta - Revised Fire Main Plans - New Canopy Good morning, I would think we would run the fire riser to the first column not to the second. Thank You, Kevin Tait Project Manager 512 Chaney Street Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 (951) 245-5400 x229 office (951) 245-5408 fax (951) 905-8530 cell kevin(@-nearcal.com On Wed, Jan 26, 2022 at 10:17 AM William Strand <bstrand@strandengineeringinc.com> wrote: Jim/Kevin, I I have updated the Fire Main Plans with the new canopy. I also revied the points to the new gridlines for the canopy. Kevin — Can you take a look at the Fire Riser and confirm it is what you were thinking? The existing fire line appears to run between the columns and the trust block is close to a proposed column. William Strand, MS, PE, QSD Strand Engineering, Inc. www.strandengineeringinc.com 1001 Avenida Pico, Ste. C-121 San Clemente, CA 92673 DI O. (949) 431-0610 C. (209) 605-5753 11 Thank You, Kevin Tait Project Manager NEAR -CAL CORP General contractors 512 Chaney Street Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 (951) 245-5400 x229 office (951) 245-5408 fax (951) 905-8530 cell kevin@nearcal.com Thank You, Kevin Tait Project Manager NEAR -CAL CORP General contractors 512 Chaney Street Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 (951) 245-5400 x229 office (951) 245-5408 fax (951) 905-8530 cell kevin@nearcal.com Thank You, Kevin Tait Project Manager NEAR -CAL CORP General contractors 512 Chaney Street Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 (951) 245-5400 x229 office (951) 245-5408 fax (951) 905-8530 cell kevin@nearcal.com 10 Thank You, Kevin Tait Project Manager NEAR -CAL CORP General contractors 512 Chaney Street Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 (951) 245-5400 x229 office (951) 245-5408 fax (951) 905-8530 cell kevin@nearcal.com Thank You, Kevin Tait Project Manager NEAR -CAL CORP General contractors 512 Chaney Street Lake Elsinore, CA 92530 (951) 245-5400 x229 office (951) 245-5408 fax (951) 905-8530 cell kevin@nearcal.com 11 CAL FIRE - RIVERSIDE UNIT RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL — LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 • Phone (760) 777-7074 • www.rvcfire.org May 23, 2022 World Fire Protection 41905 Boardwalk #B Palm Desert, CA 92211 Re: New Fire Sprinkler System Plan Review — EXTRA SPACE — RV STORAGE CANOPY FSS2022-0102 / 79120 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 The sprinkler plans you submitted for the above referenced project have been reviewed by Riverside County Fire Department - Office of the Fire Marshal personnel and are approved with the following conditions. 1) Approval of these plans does not include the piping of the underground system. Installing contractor shall provide separate underground plans for review and approval prior to installation. 2) All persons performing work on the automatic fire sprinkler system shall be Certified Sprinkler Fitters or Registered with the State Fire Marshal for Apprentice or Trainee classification. 3) The completed Contractor's Material and Test Certificate for Aboveground Piping shall be provided to the fire inspector prior to a final inspection. 4) Permanently marked identification signs shall be attached to all control valves. 5) A sign shall be located adjacent to the alarm bell worded as follows: a) SPRINKLER FIRE ALARM - WHEN BELL RINGS CALL 911 6) The fire sprinkler system shall be monitored and supervised by an approved Dedicated Function - Fire Sprinkler Monitoring System. 7) Each system shall have an Air -Relief valve in compliance with NFPA 13 installed in a remote, most elevated location. 8) CA compliant Hydraulic Calculation Placards shall be installed on the riser or other approved location. Risers shall have signage indicating the location of remotely located placards. 9) Single head sprinkler drops located in suspended ceilings shall be provided with seismic escutcheons or other approved devices for restraint or seismic bonding. 10) The following inspections/tests are required to be witnessed by Office of the Fire Marshal staff: a) Overhead Rough: All installed/relocated piping must be visible. b) Overhead Hydro: Entire system shall be hydrostatically tested at a minimum of 200 psi for 2 hours. c) Underground Supply Flush: Flush of the underground supply line until clear of all debris and to the satisfaction of the inspector. d) Final inspection: Water -flow signal test as performed from the inspector test valve. As -Built plans required to be maintained on site as approved by the inspector. General Information sign and Hydraulic Calculation plate(s) provided. Title 19 "New" system tag affixed to riser. NOTE: The underground flush shall be done through a pipe or hose equal in size to the sprinkler underground supply pipe, prior to connection to the above ground sprinkler piping. The Fire Department approved plans and conditions letter must be at the job site. Applicant/installer shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspections. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 48 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (760)777-7131. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Office of the Fire Marshal staff at (760)777-7074. Kohl Hetrick - Fire Safety Specialist RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING RECORD OF INSPECTIONS / PERMIT CARD tQ ti�Cv THIS CARD IS TO REMAIN ON SITE AT ALL TIMES. — CALIFORNIA INSTALLING CONTRACTOR MUST BE PRESENT FOR ALL INSPECTIONS. SEE NOTES ON REVERSE SIDE. JOB ADDRESS: 79120 CORPORATE CENTER DRIVE PERMIT#: FSS2022-0102 AT ED: 5/23/2022 DESCRIPTION: EXTRA SPACE RV STORAGE CONTRACTOR: FWORLD FIRE PROTECTION HYDRANT SYSTEM DATE INITIALS SPECIAL SUPPRESSION DATE INITIALS Thrust block pre -pour Door fan test UG rough piping Abort test UG hydro Mechanical shutdown Flush Detector test Final E F Deluge/pre-action SPRINKLER U.G. Final EF Thrust block pre -pour UST/AST TANK UG rough piping Installation UG hydro Removal Flush Emergency shut off Final E F Primary piping FIRE SPRINKLER Secondary piping Weld inspection Dispensers & shear valves Overhead rough piping Final EF Overhead hydro MISC. INSPECTIONS UG flush / OK to connect Spray booths Main drain/inspectors' test Hood/duct extinguishing High pile storage High pile rack storage In -rack sprinklers H.P. vents/access/corridors Hose racks Tract access/hydrant verification Final E F Access & Address verification HOOD EXTINGUISHING OTHER CONST. PERMIT Detection system Function test Gas/electrical shut-off Nozzle model/placement Fire alarm connection Final E F SPRAY BOOTHS FIRE CODE PERMIT(S) Installation Air flow test Mechanical interlock Extinguishing system Fire alarm connection Final E F FIRE ALARM KNOX SYSTEM Rough -wire inspection Building Knox box Function test Gate access Knox box/padlock Duct detectors/velocity BUILDING INSPECTIONS 24 hr. battery test T/I final Sprinkler monitoring Shell final Final E F Final for occupancy FINAL INSPECTION DATE: INSPECTORS SIGNATURE: **WHEN CALLING FOR AN INSPECTION PLEASE HAVE PERMIT NUMBER READY. SEE NOTES ON REVERSE SIDE** 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 / 760-777-7000 / INSPECTION HOTLINE: 760-777-7131 INSPECTION NOTES 1. Sway bracing and hangers will be inspected at the time of rough piping inspection. 2. All required hydrostatic pressure tests shall maintain 200 psi for a 2-hour duration. (EX: Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems) 3. Fire sprinkler system remodels: if indicated on plans or this card, a hydrostatic pressure test shall be required. 4. All underground joints and thrusts blocks shall be exposed and readily visible during the hydrostatic test. 5. Contractor shall supply all testing equipment, access and operating instructions at time of test. 6. All systems shall be inspected, tested, and approved by a Fire Inspector before any work is started that may cause the affected system to be covered or hidden. POLICIES ON FIELD INSPECTIONS A. INSPECTION REQUESTS: Inspections are made subject to availability. Please have the permit number available when scheduling inspections. For City of La Quinta inspections call: (760) 777-7131. B. APPROVED PLANS: Shall be kept on the job site at all times that work is in progress. Work shall NOT commence without approved plans. C. INSPECTION REQUESTS: As required by the California Fire Code, the appropriate installing contractor shall be required to schedule the necessary inspections and be present on site for inspections. D. RE -INSPECTIONS: Will be charged against a permit when an inspection has failed, is not ready, the responsible party not on site or where previously noted corrections have not been completed. E. COMMODITIES: Unless otherwise noted on approved plans or letter of conditions, no commodities shall be entered into the structure until clearance has been granted by the Fire Dept and Building Official. F. OCCUPANCY: Buildings shall NOT be occupied by persons other than construction workers until a Final Fire Clearance has been granted by the Fire Dept and a Certificate for Occupancy has been issued by the Building Official. INSPECTION NOTES: THIS CARD IS REQURIED TO BE POSTED AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. THIS CARD AND APPROVED PLANS MUST BE AVAILABLE AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE FOR ALL INSPECTIONS. THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE AND BECOME NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF THE WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS OR MORE. THIS PERMIT IS FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL ONLY AND DOES NOT INTEND TO ABROGATE MORE RESTRICTIVE REQUIREMENTS OF OTHER AGENCIES HAVING RESPONSIBILITY. 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 / 760-777-7000 / INSPECTION HOTLINE: 760-777-7131