FSS2022-0115Description: NEW RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM Type: FIRE SPRINKLER (WEB) Subtype: RESIDENTIAL - CUSTOM Status: FINALED Applied: 3/28/2022 EPRS HOMES Approved: 4/26/2022 KHET Parcel No: 643130009 Site Address: 47990 VIA FIRENZE LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 26152 Block: Lot: 9 Issued: ONLINE Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: 12/1/2022 LRO Valuation: $7,000.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: 1 29 �J Applied to Approved ADDITIONAL PENN 11 III III • • • • NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESSI CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT jose martinez 9630 Jurupa R.D Riverside CA 92509 (951)314-4338 josem.acerfire@gmail.c om CONTRACTOR ACER FIRE PROTECTION 4661 MANE STREET MONTCLAIR CA 91763 (951)314-4338 josem.acerfire@gmail.c om OWNER HAMID YOUNESI 240 S OAKHURST DR I BEVERLY HILLS I CA 1 92253 1 (951)314-4338 Printed: Thursday, April 06, 2023 1:30:46 PM 1 of 4 WSYSiEMS CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS - SINGLE 101-0000-42421 0 $167.00 $167.00 5/10/22 WEB11698 637094636 CREDIT jose martinez EPRS 52 FAMILY DETACHED FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS - SINGLE 101-0000-42420 0 $250.00 $250.00 5/10/22 WEB11698 637094636 CREDIT jose martinez EPRS 52 FAMILY DETACHED PC Total Paid for FIRE FEES: $417.00 $417.00 RECORDS 101-0000-42416 0 $11.00 $11.00 5/10/22 WEB11698 637094636 CREDIT jose martinez EPRS MANAGEMENT FEE 52 Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE: $11.00 $11.00 TECHNOLOGY 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 $5.00 5/10/22 WEB11698 637094636 CREDIT jose martinez EPRS ENHANCEMENT FEE 52 Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 $5.00 TOTALS:•• $433.00 INSPECTIONS SEQID INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED COMPLETED RESULT REMARKS NOTES DATE DATE OVERHEAD ROUGH KHET 8/24/2022 8/24/2022 APPROVED PIPING OVERHEAD HYRO KHET 8/24/2022 8/24/2022 APPROVED FIRE FINAL" LRO 12/1/2022 12/1/2022 APPROVED Printed: Thursday, April 06, 2023 1:30:46 PM 2 of 4 WsYsrEMS Talked to applicant. Property owner is voluntarily planning on the installation of a residential fire sprinkler system retroactively. I am requiring a 1ST FIRE -ETRAKIT KOHL 3/28/2022 4/11/2022 4/26/2022 APPROVED SEE ATTACHMENTS letter or email statement from the property (2 WK) HETRICK owner to communicate that voluntary decision. Owner emailed with confirmation of Voluntary installation of residential fire sprinkler system. 1ST PERMIT TECH — PERMIT TECH 3/28/2022 3/29/2022 3/30/2022 COMPLETE ETRAKIT (1 DAY) BUCKET BOND INFORMATION Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED FIRENZE RESIDENCE LA DOC 3/28/2022 Etrakit Public 1ST SUBMITTAL PLAN QUINTA FIRE SPRINKLER 1 Registration PLAN.pdf DOC 3/28/2022 Etrakit Public 1ST SUBMITTAL TYCO-RSV-1.pdf 1 Registration CUTSHEET DOC 3/28/2022 Etrakit Public 1ST SUBMITTAL WATER FIRENZE WATER.pdf 1 Registration PRESSURE EMAIL 1ST SUBMITTAL DOC 3/28/2022 Etrakit Public HYDRAULIC FIRENZE RESIDENCE 1 Registration CALC 2.PDF CALCULATION 1ST SUBMITTAL DOC 3/28/2022 Etrakit Public HYDRAULIC FIRENZE RESIDENCE 1 Registration CALC 1.PDF CALCULATION 2 DOC 3/28/2022 Etrakit Public 1ST SUBMITTAL VK494 REV.pdf 1 Registration SPRINKLER CUTSHEET Owner Email - Owner Email - DOC 4/26/2022 KOHL HETRICK Voluntary Installation of Voluntary Installation of 1 SPK.pdf SPK.pdf FSS2022-0115- FSS2022-0115- DOC 4/26/2022 KOHL HETRICK APPROVED PLANS AND APPROVED PLANS AND 1 CALCS.pdf CALCS.pdf Printed: Thursday, April 06, 2023 1:30:46 PM 3 of 4 WsYsrEMS Printed: Thursday, April 06, 2023 1:30:46 PM 4 of 4 WsYsrEMS VIKJNG* Fire Sprinkler Plan SCALE:1/S -V HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION RE IRE 5 Tmu--E.URE—l. eu ATEi..-ATsxc Sprinkler L"end Ngi�ZIR©0 ® <e3-P►I:I71lv,lLol1:&1 Water lntG. STATIC: 81 PSI � IR,r✓ia b Nil + + ��c;t nlrNn uv.s °EIJIG c.JnCEALEO F D/.xT E—T-; O LLI U Z LLI N W LLI Q LL Q Q7 Z LLI i Z ag LLI M ILL APPROVED Riverside County Fire Department La Ouinta O"_ of the Fire Marshal BY Kohl Hetrick m;,�""'w FIRESAFEWSPECIALIST laeaeer xuneeR 04126120221 46:41 PM e approval of plans and epeafica— does not permit lxe viola0on, dele0on,omisalon ar Pauly W eln of any reQuire—tion of sheTtle 24 any lONlnences. Conslrucl ll remainm niaPa,o eerier meeFareori spemloe rwrpoaea PERMIT#-FSS2022-0115 David McGee to me, Development Mar 10, 2022,113 PM * h , Jose, Unless you getthe full fire flow analysis, the static pressure is notgiven in a letter. We only provide an email. As I mentioned on the phone, the static pressure in front oft his address on Via Firenze is approximately 81 PSI. Thanks, David McGee Development Services Technician II Z YourWater is our promise ©© 0 1313 Coachella Valley Water District 75-515 Hovley Lane East Palm Desert CA 92211 (760) 398-2651 Ext. 3537 www.cvwd.org Nare: These comments/conditions are valid for one year from the dote of this letter/email, inciuding any verholrepresentations. Thereafter, CVWD may review and revise the requirements discussed and/or require updated infarmoiion. From: Jose Martinez <iosemAcerfire(agmail.com> Sent: Thursday, March 10, 2022 12:46 PM To: David McGee cDMcGee@cvwd.orga Cc: Develo pment Se rvi ces <Develop me ntServices@cvwd.org> Subject: Re: Fire Flow An alysi5Application IExternal e-mail: Do not click on links or open attachments un less you recognize the sender and you know the content is safe. i Hydraulic Summary .am Job Number: 1 Report Description: Residential (1) Job Number Design Engineer 1 JOSE MARTINEZ Job Name: FIRENZE RESIDENCE State CertifcationlLicense Number Address 47990 VIA FIRENZE AHJ Address 2 Job Sits/Building LA QUINTA CA 92253 Address 3 Drawing Name FIRENZE RESIDENCE LA QUINTA FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN Syste 1111111111 Remote Area(s) Most Demanding Sprinkler Data Occupancy Job Suffix 4.9 K-Factor 13.00 at 7.039 Residential Hose Allowance At Soume Density Area of Application 0.00 0.05gpm/ft2 900ft2 (Actual 213ft2) Additional Hose Supplies Number Of Sprinklers Calculated Number Of Nomles Calculated Coverage Per Sprinkler Node Flow(gpm) 2 0 256ft2 Hose At Node 57 5.00 Au.PeakResults :Pressure For Remote Area(s)Adjacent ToMost Remote Ares, Right: 66.508 Total Hose Streams 5.00 System Flow Demand Total Water Required (Including Hose Allowance) 31.34 31.34 Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 Maximum Velocity Above Ground 23.19 between nodes 1 and 62 Maximum Velocity Under Ground Volume capacity of Wet Pipes Volume capacity of Dry Pipes 21.41 gal Supplies Hose Flow Static Residual Flow Available Total Demand Required Safety Margin Node Name m(psi) (psi)gc m (psi)@ m (psi)(psi) 1 Water Supply 81.000 81.000 100.00 81.000 31.34 67.397 13.603 Contractor Contractor Number 1 Contact Name JOSE MARTINEZ Conlact Title DESIGNER Name of Contractor. ACER FIRE PRTOTECTION Phone 951-314-4338 Extension Addressi 4661 MANE STREET FAX Address 2 MONTCLAIR, CA E-mail JOSEM.ACERFIRE@GMAIL.COM Web-Slts Address 3 k, @ M.E.P.CAD, Inc. l�jj AutoSPRINK 2019 3/28/2022 2:07:13PM Page 1 +� Hydraulic Graph � ! 5 Job Number: 1 Ronnrf r)—rrin4inn• P—irl—tinl (11 Water Supply at Node 1 100 90 Static Pressure 81.000 100.00 81.000 80 70 31.34 @ 67.397 60 N Q 50 U) o_ 40 System demand curve 30 20 10 0 020 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Water flow, gpm Hydraulic Graph Water Supply at Node 1 Static: Pressure 81.000 Residual: Pressure 81.000 @ 100.00 Available Pressure at Time of Teat 81.000 @ 31.34 System Demand 67.397 @ 31.34 System Demand (Including Hose Nl—a— at Source) 67.397 @ 31.34 & @ M.E.P.CAD, Inc. I115 AutoSPRINK 2019 3/28/2022 2:07:14PM Page 2 �(P Summary Of Outflowing Devices C t % Job Number: 1 Report Description: Residential (1) Device Actual Flow pm Minimum Flow pm K-Factor K Pressure psi Coverage Foot Hose 57 5.00 5.00 0 27.923 Sprinkler 124 13.34 13.00 4.9 7.415 N/A y Sprinkler 127 13.00 13.00 4.9 7.039 N/A b Most Demanding Sprinkler Data L, © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 111 AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.15.0 3/28/2022 2:07:15PM Page 3 0 Node Analysis rI, J� Job Number: 1 Reoort Description: Residential (1) Node Elevation Foot Fittings Pressure(psi) Dischar e m 1 -3'-0 S 67.397 31.34 57 4'-6 Hose 41'-10 27.923 5.00 124 9'-0 S r -7.415 7.415 13.34 127 9'-0 S r -7.039 7.039 13.00 41 10'-0 T 5'-0 , Tr 1'-0 7.449 49 4'-0 E 7'-0 27.291 56 4'-0 T 6'-9 28.454 62 -3'-0 WMV -8.000 61.034 L © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 1115 AutoSPRINK 2019 3/28/2022 2:07:16PM Page 4 IN ydraulic Analysis Job Number: 1 Report Description: Residential (1) Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Eq. Length Total Length Pressure Summary Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Upstream Q&•••••Route 1 ••••• DR 1.1010 13.00 4.38 150 0.030666 12'-6 Pf 0.843 127 41 9'-0 10'-0 13.00 4.9 7.039 7.449 Sprinkler, 2E(7'-0), Tr(1'-0) 15'-0 27'-6 Pe Pv -0.434 BL 1.1010 26.34 8.88 150 0.113268 86'-9 Pf 17.242 41 49 10'-0 4'-0 13.34 7.449 27.291 Flow (q) from Route 2 8Tr(1'-0), 2T(5'-0), 3E(7'-0), f(-3. 000), CV 39'-0 125'-9 Pe Pv 2.601 BL 1.0250 26.34 10.24 150 0.160467 0'-6 Pf 1.163 49 56 4'-0 4'-0 27.291 28.454 T(6'-9) 6'-9 7'-3 Pe Pv BL 1.0250 31.34 12.19 150 0.221316 75'-8'h Pf 29.545 56 62 4'-0 4-0 5.00 28.454 61.034 Flow (q) from Route 3 f(-3.000), 3E(2'-8'/z), WMV(-8.00 0) 8'-1 83'-9'% Pe Pv 3.035 BL 0.7430 31.34 23.19 150 1.060529 6'-0 Pf 6.363 62 1 4-0 4-0 61.034 67.397 Water Supply 6-0 Pe Pv 0.00 Hose Allowance At Source 1 31.34 s-. ••••• Route 2••••• DR 1.1010 13.34 4.50 150 0.032181 2'-6 Pf 0.467 124 41 9'-0 10'-0 13.34 4.9 7.415 7.449 Sprinkler, E(7'-0), T(5'-0) 12'-0 14'-6 Pe Pv -0.434 Q&•••••Route 3••••• BL 1.0250 5.00 1.94 150 0.007417 0'-6 Pf 0.314 57 56 4'-6 4'-0 5.00 27.923 28.454 Hose(41'-10) 41'-10 42'-4 Pe Pv 0.217 Equivalent Pipe Lengths of Valves and Fittings (C=120 only) Actual Inside Diameter ( Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter 4.87 ) Factor C Value Multiplier Value Of C 100 130 140 Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 150 1.51 & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 111 AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.15.0 3/28/2022 2:07:17PM Page 5 Affi Wydraulic Analysis Job Number: 1 Kepon uescnption: Kesiaentiai (i) Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Summary Upstream Total Length Pipe Type Legend Units Legend Fittings Legend AO Arm -Over Diameter Inch ALV Alarm Valve BL Branch Line Elevation Foot AngV Angle Valve CM Cross Main Flow gpm b Bushing DN Drain Discharge gpm BaIV Ball Valve DR Drop BFP Backflow Preventer DY Dynamic Velocity fps BV Butterfly Valve FM Feed Main Pressure psi C Cross Flow Turn 90' FR Feed Riser Length Foot cplg Coupling MS Miscellaneous Friction Loss psi/Foot Cr Cross Run OR Outrigger HWC Hazen -Williams Constant CV Check Valve RN Riser Nipple Pt Total pressure at a point in a pipe DeIV Deluge Valve SP Sprig DPV Dry Pipe Valve ST Stand Pipe Pn Normal pressure at a point in a pipe E 90' Elbow UG Underground Pf Pressure loss due to friction between points EE 45' Elbow Pe Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated Eel 11'/4' Elbow points Eel 22'/� Elbow Pv Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90' FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45' FireLock(TM) Elbow flg Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve PO Pipe Outlet PrV Pressure Relief Valve PRV Pressure Reducing Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve SFx Seismic Flex Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 111 AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.15.0 3/28/2022 2:07:17PM Page 6 i Hydraulic Summary .am Job Number: 1 Report Description: Residential (2 PROOF CALC ) Job Number Design Engineer 1 JOSE MARTINEZ Job Name: FIRENZE RESIDENCE State CertifcatioNLicense Number Address 47990 VIA FIRENZE AHJ Address 2 Job Sits/Building LA QUINTA CA 92253 Address 3 Drawing Name FIRENZE RESIDENCE LA QUINTA FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN Syste Remote Area(s) Most Demanding Sprinkler Data Occupancy Job Suffix 4.9 K-Factor 13.00 at 7.039 Residential Hose Allowance At Soume Density Area of Application 0.00 0.05gpm/ft2 900ft2 (Actual 268ft2) Additional Hose Supplies Number Of Sprinklers Calculated Number Of Nomles Calculated Coverage Per Sprinkler Node Flow(gpm) 2 0 256ft2 Hose At Node 57 5.00 Au.PeakResults :Pressure Far Remote Area(s)Adjacent ToMost Remote Ares Total Hose Streams 5.00 System Flow Demand Total Water Required (Including Hose Allowance) 31.25 31.25 Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 Maximum Velocity Above Ground 23.12 between nodes 1 and 62 Maximum Velocity Under Ground Volume capacity of Wet Pipes Volume capacity of Dry Pipes 21.41 gal Supplies Hose Flow Static Residual Flow Available Total Demand Required Safety Margin Node Name m(psi) (psi)gc m(psi)@ m(psi) (psi) 1 Water Supply 81.000 81.000 100.00 81.000 31.25 67.245 13.755 Contractor Contractor Number 1 Contact Name JOSE MARTINEZ Coma. Title DESIGNER Name of Contractor. ACER FIRE PRTOTECTION Phone 951-314-4338 Extension Addressi 4661 MANE STREET FAX Address 2 MONTCLAIR, CA E-mail JOSEM.ACERFIRE@GMAIL.COM Web-Slte Address 3 k, @ M.E.P.CAD, Inc. l�jj AutoSPRINK 2019 3/28/2022 2:07:30PM Page 1 +� Hydraulic Graph � ! 5 Job Number: 1 P—nrf rl—rrin4inn• P—irlon4inl (7 PPnO;: (.Al r 1 Water Supply at Node 1 100 90 Static Pressure 81.000 100.00 81.000 80 70 31.25 @ 67.245 60 N Q 50 U) o_ 40 System demand curve 30 20 10 0 020 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 Water flow, gpm Hydraulic Graph Water Supply at Node 1 Static: Pressure 81.000 Residual: Pressure 81.000 @ 100.00 Available Pressure at Time of Teat 81.000 @ 31.25 System Demand 67.245 @ 31.25 System Demand (Including Hose Nl—a— at Source) 67.245 @ 31.25 & @ M.E.P.CAD, Inc. I115 AutoSPRINK 2019 3/28/2022 2:07:31 PM Page 2 0 Node Analysis rI, J� Job Number: 1 Report Description: Residential (2 PROOF CALC ) Node Elevation Foot Fittings Pressure(psi) Dischar e m 1 -3'-0 S 67.245 31.25 57 4'-6 Hose 41'-10 27.911 5.00 103 9'-0 S r -7.310 7.310 13.25 108 9'-0 S r -7.039 7.039 13.00 11 10'-0 T 5'-0 7.362 49 4'-0 E 7'-0 27.287 56 4'-0 T 6'-9 28.442 62 -3'-0 WMV -8.000 60.918 L © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 1115 AutoSPRINK 2019 3/28/2022 2:07:33PM Page 4 0 Node Analysis rI, J� Job Number: 1 Report Description: Residential (2 PROOF CALC ) Node Elevation Foot Fittings Pressure(psi) Dischar e m 1 -3'-0 S 67.245 31.25 57 4'-6 Hose 41'-10 27.911 5.00 103 9'-0 S r -7.310 7.310 13.25 108 9'-0 S r -7.039 7.039 13.00 11 10'-0 T 5'-0 7.362 49 4'-0 E 7'-0 27.287 56 4'-0 T 6'-9 28.442 62 -3'-0 WMV -8.000 60.918 L © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 1115 AutoSPRINK 2019 3/28/2022 2:07:33PM Page 4 IN ydraulic Analysis Job Number: 1 Report Description: Residential (2 PROOF CALC ) Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Upstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Total Length Summary Gib ••••• Route 1 ••••• DR 1.1010 13.00 4.38 150 0.030666 12'-8Yz Pf 0.757 108 11 9'-0 10'-0 13.00 4.9 7.039 7.362 Sprinkler, E(7'-0), T(5'-0) 12'-0 24'-8Yz Pe Pv -0.434 BL 1.1010 26.25 8.85 150 0.112511 91'-3Yz Pf 17.323 11 49 10'-0 4'-0 13.25 7.362 27.287 Flow (q) from Route 2 10Tr(1'-0), T(5-0), 3E(7'-0), f(-3. 000), CV 36-0 127'-3Yz Pe Pv 2.601 BL 1.0250 26.25 10.21 150 0.159395 0'-6 Pf 1.155 49 56 4'-0 4'-0 27.287 28.442 T(6'-9) 6-9 7'-3 Pe Pv BL 1.0250 31.25 12.15 150 0.220074 75'-8Y2 Pf 29.441 56 62 4'-0 4-0 5.00 28.442 60.918 Flow (q) from Route 3 f(-3.000), 3E(2'-8'/z), WMV(-8.00 0) 8'-1 83'-9% Pe Pv 3.035 BL 0.7430 31.25 23.12 150 1.054575 6-0 Pf 6.327 62 1 4-0 4-0 60.918 67.245 Water Supply 6-0 Pe Pv 0.00 Hose Allowance At Source 1 31.25 . ••••• Route 2••••• DR 1.1010 13.25 4.46 150 0.031758 3'-3'/2 Pf 0.486 103 11 9'-0 10'-0 13.25 4.9 7.310 7.362 Sprinkler, E(7'-0), T(5'-0) 12'-0 15'-3'/z Pe Pv -0.434 .••••• Route 3••••• BL 1.0250 5.00 1.94 150 0.007417 0'-6 Pf 0.314 57 56 4'-6 4'-0 5.00 27.911 28.442 Hose(41'-10) 41'-10 42'-4 Pe Pv 0.217 Equivalent Pipe Lengths of Valves and Fittings (C=120 only) Actual Inside Diameter ( Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter 4.87 ) Factor C Value Multiplier Value Of C 100 130 140 Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 150 1.51 & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 111 AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.15.0 3/28/2022 2:07:34PM Page 5 Affi Wydraulic Analysis Job Number: 1 I- Keport uescription: Kesiaentiai (21-KUUt- UALU Pipe Type Diameter Flow Velocity HWC Friction Loss Length Pressure Downstream Elevation Discharge K-Factor Pt Pn Fittings Eq. Length Summary Upstream Total Length Pipe Type Legend Units Legend Fittings Legend AO Arm -Over Diameter Inch ALV Alarm Valve BL Branch Line Elevation Foot AngV Angle Valve CM Cross Main Flow gpm b Bushing DN Drain Discharge gpm BaIV Ball Valve DR Drop BFP Backflow Preventer DY Dynamic Velocity fps BV Butterfly Valve FM Feed Main Pressure psi C Cross Flow Turn 90' FR Feed Riser Length Foot cplg Coupling MS Miscellaneous Friction Loss psi/Foot Cr Cross Run OR Outrigger HWC Hazen -Williams Constant CV Check Valve RN Riser Nipple Pt Total pressure at a point in a pipe DeIV Deluge Valve SP Sprig DPV Dry Pipe Valve ST Stand Pipe Pn Normal pressure at a point in a pipe E 90' Elbow UG Underground Pf Pressure loss due to friction between points EE 45' Elbow Pe Pressure due to elevation difference between indicated Eel 11'/4' Elbow points Eel 22'/� Elbow Pv Velocity pressure at a point in a pipe f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 90' FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 45' FireLock(TM) Elbow flg Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve PO Pipe Outlet PrV Pressure Relief Valve PRV Pressure Reducing Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve SFx Seismic Flex Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90° Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 111 AutoSPRINK 2019 v15.1.15.0 3/28/2022 2:07:34PM Page 6 Page 1 of 8 N4 I Kj® FREEDOM® RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER VK494 (K4.9) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page www.vikinggroupinc.com DESCRIPTION Viking Freedom@ Residential Concealed Pendent Sprinkler VK494 is a small thermosensitive, glass -bulb residential sprinkler designed for installation on concealed pipe systems where the appearance of a smooth ceiling is desired. The orifice design allows the sprinkler's efficient use of available water supplies for the hydraulically designed fire -protection system. The glass bulb operating element and special deflector characteristics meet the challenges of residential sprinkler standards. Features: • K4.9 (70.6 metric) • Fast response glass bulb operating element. • Integral threaded adapter cup accepts push -on or thread -on cover plates. • Low -profile, small diameter, removeable cover plates offer almost flush appearance upon installation and allow ease of maintenance. • Protective cap prevents damage during installation and finishing and keeps errant overspray from coating internal parts. • Various finishes available to meet design requirements. • Optional Electroless Nickel PTFE (ENT) coating provides corrosion resistance (see Approval Chart). 2. LISTINGS AND APPROVALS c 4L us cULusEU Listed: Category VKKW Eu Refer to the Approval Charts and Design Criteria for C-UL-US-EU Listing requirements that must be followed. WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm- w .P65Warnings.ca.gov 3. TECHNICAL DATA Specifications: Minimum Operating Pressure: Refer to the Approval Chart. Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar). Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (34.5 bar). Thread size: 1/2" (15 mm) NPT Nominal K-factor: 4.9 U.S. (70.6 metric*) Glass -bulb fluid temperature rating: to -65 °F (-55 °C) * Metric K-factor measurement shown is in Bar. When pressure is measured in kPa, divide the metric K-factor shown by 10.0. Material Standards: Sprinkler Body: Brass UNS-C84400 or QM Brass Deflector: Phosphor Bronze UNS-051000 Deflector Pins: Stainless Steel UNS-S30200 Button: Brass UNS-C36000 Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper UNS-C11000 and Stainless Steel UNS-S30400 Compression Screw: 18-8 Stainless Steel Yoke: Phosphor Bronze UNS-051000 Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Beryllium Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides with PTFE Tape Cover Adapter: Cold Rolled Steel JIS G3141 and Carbon Steel UNS-G10100 (per JIS G3141) Shipping Cap: High Density Polyethylene Vibration damper ring: Buna-N Rubber SAE AS-568-017 Cover Plate Materials: Cover Plate Assembly: Copper UNS-C11000 and Brass UNS-C26800 or Stainless Steel UNS-S30400 Spring: Beryllium Nickel Solder: Eutectic 4. INSTALLATION Refer to appropriate NFPA Installation Standards. 5. OPERATION During fire conditions, when the temperature around the sprinkler approaches the cover plate's nominal temperature rating, the cover plate detaches and releases the deflector. Continued heating of the exposed sprinkler causes the heat -sensitive liquid in the glass bulb to expand. When the temperature reaches the sprinkler's nominal temperature rating, the glass bulb shatters releasing the yoke, pip cap assembly and sealing spring. Water begins flowing through the sprinkler orifice and strikes the deflector form- ing a uniform spray pattern over a specific area of coverage, which is determined by the water supply pressure at the sprinkler, in order to extinguish or control the fire. Form No. F_012116 21.06.05 Rev 21.1 Replaces Form No. F_012116 Rev 20.2 (Revised images; replaced part numbers.) Page 2 of 8 N4 I Kj® FREEDOM® RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER VK494 (K4.9) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page www.vikinggroupinc.com 6. INSPECTIONS, TESTS AND MAINTENANCE Refer to NFPA 25 for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance requirements. 7. AVAILABILITY Viking Sprinkler Model VK494 is available through a network of domestic and international distributors. See The Viking Corporation web site for the closest distributor or contact The Viking Corporation. 8. GUARANTEE For details of warranty, refer to Viking's current list price schedule or contact Viking directly. TABLEORDERING INFORMATION Ordering Instructions: (1) Select a sprinkler base part number (2) Add the suffix for the desired finish (3) Add the suffix for the desired sprinkler temperature rating (4) Order a cover plate (Must be ordered separately; refer to Table 2) Example: 23707AE = 200 °F (93 °C) Temperature rated sprinkler with a standard brass finish. Sprinkler Size 1: Finishes 2: Temperature Ratings' Base Part NPT Max. Ambient Ceiling Number Inch Description Suffix Nominal Rating Bulb Color Temperature Suffix 23707 112 Brass A 155 °F (68 °C) Red 100 °F (38 °C) B ENT5,6 JN 200 °F (93 °C) Green 150 °F (65 °C) E Corrosion resistant sprinkler finish: ENT Accessories Sprinkler Wrenches and tools (See Figure 1): A. Installation wrench: 243393 B. Protective cap removal tool: 243404 C. Concealed Cover Plate Installer Tool Part Number: 144121, (available since 2007) D. Large Concealed Cover Plate Installer Tool Part No. 148671 (available since 2007) Sprinkler Cabinet: Holds up to 6 sprinklers: Part number 01731A (available since 1971). Footnotes 1 Part number shown is the base part number. For complete part number, refer to the current Viking price list schedule. z. Based on NFPA 13, NFPA 13R, and NFPA 13D. Other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location, and other requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Refer to specific installation standards. s. Requires a ''/2" ratchet (not available from Viking). 4. Optional for removal of the protective cap; requires a small piece of CPVC pipe or similar to attach. 5. cULus Listed as corrosion resistant. 6. The corrosion resistant coatings have passed the standard corrosion test required by the approving agencies indicated in the Approval Charts. These tests cannot and do not represent all possible corrosive environments. Prior to installation, verify through the end -user that the coatings are compatible with or suitable for the proposed environment. For automatic sprinklers, the ENT coating is applied to all exposed exterior surfaces, including the waterway. For ENT coated sprinklers, the Belleville spring is exposed. 7 The sprinkler temperature rating is stamped on the deflector. e. The installer tool is for push -on style cover plates only. 9. Requires a peice of 1" PVC pipe or similar to attach. Form No. F_012116 21.06.05 Rev 21.1 Page 3 of 8 N4 I Kj® FREEDOM® RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER VK494 (K4.9) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page www.vikinggroupinc.com COVERTABLE 2: ORDERING •R• Instructions: (1) Select a cover plate base part number (2) Add the suffix for the desired finish (3) Add the suffix for the required cover plate nominal rating. Example: 23190MCIW = 165 °F (74 °C) Temperature rated, 2-3/4" (70 mm) diameter, thread -on style, round cover plate with a painted white finish. 1: Select a Cover Plate Base Part Number' 2: Select a Finish Thread-OnPush-On Base Part Size Base Part Size Type Type Description Suffix5 Number' Inch (mm) Number Inch (mm) 23190 2-3/4 (70) Round 23447 2-3/4 (70) Round Polished Chrome F 23174 3-5/16 (84) Round 23463 3-5/16 (84) Round Brushed Chrome F-/B 23179 3-5/16 (84) Square 23482 3-5/16 (84) Square Bright Brass B Stainless Stainless Antique Brass B-/A 231935 2-3/4 (70) Steel Round 234555 2-3/4 (70) Steel Round Brushed Brass B-/B Stainless Stainless Brushed Copper E-/B 231835 3-5/16 (84) Steel Round 234735 3-5/16 (84) Steel Round Painted White M-/W Painted Ivory M-/I Painted Black M-/B 3: Temperature Rating Matrix' z Cover Plate Nominal Temperature Sprinkler Nominal Rating Sprinkler Maximum Ambient Suffix Rating (Required) Classification Ceiling Temperature 135 °F (57 °C) Ordinary 155 °F (68 °C) 100 °F (38 °C) A 165 °F (74 °C) Intermediate 200 °F (93 °C) 150 °F (65 °C) C Footnotes 1. Part number shown is the base part number. For complete part number, refer to the current Viking price list schedule. s. The sprinkler temperature rating is stamped on the deflector. 3. Based on NFPA-13, NFPA 13R, and NFPA 13D. Other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location, and other requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Refer to specific installation standards. 4. Where a dash (-) is shown in the Finish suffix designation, insert the desired Temperature Rating suffix. See example above. 5. Stainless Steel versions are not available with any finishes or paint. Form No. F_012116 21.06.05 Rev 21.1 Page 4 of 8 ® FREEDOM® RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER VK494 (K4.9) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page www.vikinggroupinc.com ''oona cap. Installation Wrench Cap Removal Tool Figure 1: Sprinkler Wrench and Cap Removal Tool Q\'\C--p CUS TO �e �2 O n U� O \y �O All custom color painted cover plates will have an identifying label affixed to the inside of the cover that indicates the custom color and will have a representative sample (a paint dot) of the paint on the label. Figure 2: Identification of Custom Paint - -• • - ......., Figure 3: Square Cover Assembly Form No. F_012116 21.06.05 Rev 21.1 Page 5 of 8 N4 I Kj® FREEDOM® RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER VK494 (K4.9) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page www.vikinggroupinc.com '/i'NPT (15 mm BSPT) 3'/d' (83 mm) Minimum required opening in the ceiling 2'/4" (57 mm) 2„ (50 mm) �- Minimum t 2'/<" (57 mm)� A 2'/i' (64 mm) '/2 (13 mm) If the bottom of the cover is flush with the surface of the ceiling when installed, the sprinkler adapter cup will be recessed 1/2" (15 mm). See Figure 5. Figure 4: Sprinkler Dimensions Nominal pipe engagement mm) Nominal pipe engagement _ '/6" (11 mm) 2'/2" (64 mm) 1 Maximum Minimum required opening in the ceiling 2'/4" (57 mm) Install the sprinkler so the finished surface of the ceiling lines up within the marked'/2" (13 mm) range on the protective cap (A). Figure 5: Sprinkler Installation Dimensions Form No. F_012116 21.06.05 Rev 21.1 Page 6 of 8 N4 I Kj® FREEDOM® RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER VK494 (K4.9) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page www.vikinggroupinc.com Approval Chart Viking VK494, 4.9 K-factor Residential Concealed Pendent Sprinkler For systems designed to NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R. For systems designed to NFPA 13, refer to the Design Criteria. For Ceiling types refer to current editions of NFPA 13, 13R or 13D Sprinkler Base Thread Size Nominal K-factor Maximum Water Part Number SIN Working Pressure NPT BSPT U.S. metric 2 20759 VK494 1/2" 15 mm 4.9 70.6 175 psi (12 bar) Max. Coverage Area 6 Flow Pressure Listings and W X L GPM (LPM) PSI (bar) Deflector Installation Approvals3,5 Minimum SF aci g 155 °F (68 °C), 200 °F (93 °C) cULusEUa Ft. X Ft. to Ceiling Type (m) (m X m) Temperature Rated Sprinklers 12 X 12 13 7.0 3.7 X 3.7 49.2 0.48 14 X 14 13 7.0 4.3 X 4.3 49.2 0.48 Refer to Concealed with Cover Plate As- See Footnotes 8, & 9 8 16 X 16 13 7.0 4.9 X 4.9 49.2 0.48 Figure 2 sembly. (2.4) 18 X 18 17 12.0 See Footnote 7. (5.5 X 5.5) (64.4) (0.83) 20 X 20 20 16.7 6.1 X 6.1 75.7) 1.15 Footnotes Part number shown is the base part number. For complete part number, refer to the current Viking price schedule. Y. Metric K-factor measurement shown is when pressure is measured in Bar. When pressure is measured in kPa, divide the metric K-factor shown by 10.0. 3. This chart shows the listings and approvals available at the time of printing. Other approvals may be in process. Check with the manufacturer for any additional approvals. Refer also to Design Criteria. <. Listed by Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. for use in the U.S., Canada, and European Union. 5. Meets New York City requirements, effective July 1, 2008. 6. For areas of coverage smaller than shown, use the "Flow' and "Pressure' for the next larger area listed. Flows and pressures listed are per sprinkler. The distance from sprinklers to walls shall not exceed one-half the sprinkler spacing indicated for the minimum "Flow" and "Pressure' used. 7 Other paint colors are available on request with the same listings as the standard finish colors. Stainless Steel cover plates are not available with any finishes or paint. Listings and approvals apply for any paint manufacturer. Contact Viking for additional information. Custom colors are indicated on a label inside the cover assembly. Refer to Figure 2. 6. Accepted Cover Plate Finishes are: Polished Chrome, Brushed Chrome, Bright Brass, Antique Brass, Brushed Brass, Brushed Copper, Painted White, Painted Ivory, or Painted Black 7. e. C-UL-US-EU Listed as corrosion resistant - Electroless Nickel PTFE (ENT) DESIGN CRITERIA o refer to the Approval Chart. UL Listing Reauirements (C-UL-US-EU): When using Viking Residential Concealed Pendent Sprinkler VK494 for systems designed to NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R, apply the listed areas of cover- age and minimum water supply requirements shown in the Approval Chart. For systems designed to NFPA 13: The number of design sprinklers is to be the four contiguous most hydraulically demanding sprinklers. The minimum required discharge from each of the four sprinklers is to be the greater of the following: • The flow rates given in the Approval Chart for NFPA 13D and NFPA 13R applications for each listed area of coverage, or • Calculated based on a minimum discharge of 0.1 gpm/sq. ft. over the "design area" in accordance with sections or of the current edition of NFPA 13. • Minimum distance between residential sprinklers: 8 ft. (2.4 m). NOTE: Concealed sprinklers must be installed in neutral or negative pressure plenums only. IMPORTANT: Always refer to Bulletin Form No. F 080415 - Best Practices for Residential Sprinkler Handling and Installation. Also refer to Form No. F 080614 for general care, installation, and maintenance information. Viking sprinklers are to be in- stalled in accordance witTii the latest edition of Viking technical data, the appropriate standards of NFPA and any other similar Authorities Having Jurisdiction, and also with the provisions of governmental codes, ordinances, and standards, whenever applicable. Final approval and acceptance of all residential sprinkler installations must be obtained from the Authorities awing Jurisdiction. Form No. F_012116 21.06.05 Rev 21.1 Page 7 of 8 N4 I Kj® FREEDOM® RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER VK494 (K4.9) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page www.vikinggroupinc.com USE ONLY the designated sprinkler wrenches shown in this document. Permanent damage to the Asprinkler assembly can occur if the proper wrench is not used. Other sprinkler wrenches available from Viking may fit into the sprinkler adapter cup; however, only the wrenches shown here are designed to properly install this sprinkler. C B Step 1: Insert the wrench (A) into the slots (B) on the protective cap (C). Step 1: Attach a peice of plastic pipe as shown and tighten the thumb screw (not shown); then, insert the tool (A) into the slots (B) in the protective cap (C). n Step 2: Rotate the wrench slightly in either direction until the tines on the wrench (D) line up with the vent openings (E) on the adapter cup and lock into place. NOTE: A leak tight seal must be achieved. Turn the sprinkler clockwise 1 to 1-'/2 turns past finger -tight. Figure 6: Using the Sprinkler Wrench Step 2: Rotate the tool slightly to lock into place. Step 2: Gently, pull downward to remove the protective cap. The deflector will slide downwards on the pins. Form No. F_012116 21.06.05 Rev 21.1 Figure 7: Using the Cap Removal Tool Page 8 of 8 N4 I Kj® FREEDOM® RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER VK494 (K4.9) The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page www.vikinggroupinc.com Minimum Maximum Install the cover plate by inserting the adpater into the adapter cup and pushing or threading into place (depending on style). Snug the cover plate in place by rotating clockwise. Ensure the cover plate is flush with the ceiling as shown to allow airflow through the sprinkler assembly. Figure 8: Installing the Cover Plate Form No. F_012116 21.06.05 Rev 21.1 N I KJ NG* (0 Viking Residential Sprinkler Installation Guide October 25, 2018 WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm- www.P65Warnings.ca.gov Trusted Above AIITM www.vikinggroupinc.com Sprinkler RES1 NJ 4 RESIDENTIAL I I a N7G41 111OLFREEDOW SPRINKLERSTALLATION GUIDE The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com 1. DESCRIPTION Viking residential automatic sprinklers are equipped with a "fast response" heat -sensitive operating element designed to respond individually and quickly to a specific high temperature. Viking residential sprinklers are designed to combine speed of operation with water distribution characteristics to help in the control of residential fires and to improve life safety by prolonging the time available for occupants to escape or be evacuated. 2. LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Refer to the Approval Charts on the appropriate sprinkler technical data page(s) and/or approval agency listings. A. Viking residential sprinklers are intended for use in the following occupancies: one- and two-family dwellings and mobile homes with the fire protection sprinkler system installed in accordance with NFPA 13D; residential occupancies up to four stories in height with the fire protection system installed in accordance with NFPA 13R; or residential portions of any occupancy with the fire protec- tion system installed in accordance with NFPA 13. Information contained in this guide is based on NFPA 13, "Standard for the Installation of Sprinkler Systems". B. The design criteria for residential sprinklers contained in the NFPA installation standards must be followed except as modified by the individual UL 1626 listing information provided in the technical data pages and this Residential Sprinkler Installation Guide. For listed areas of coverage, technical data, and specific design and installation instructions, refer to the appropriate Viking techni- cal data page for the sprinkler model used. C. Viking residential sprinklers listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. (UL) have passed fire tests designed to represent fire conditions for the sprinkler's listed area of coverage. The standards for residential sprinkler performance and spray patterns are printed in Underwriters Laboratories Publication UL 1626, "Standard for Residential Sprinklers for Fire Protection Service". All listed Viking residential sprinklers meet or exceed UL 1626 performance requirements and spray pattern criteria for their listed areas of coverage. D. NFPA standards allow use of residential sprinklers with rates, design areas, areas of coverage, and minimum design pressures other than those specified in the standards when they have been listed for such specific residential installation conditions. 3. TECHNICAL DATA Specifications: Viking Technical Data may be found on Refer to the appropriate sprinkler technical data sheet. The Viking Corporation's Web site at Material Standards: http://www.vikinggroupinc.com. Refer to the appropriate sprinkler technical data sheet. The Web site may include a more recent edition of this Technical Data Page. 4. INSTALLATION NOTE:Take care not to over -tighten the sprinkler and/or damage its operating parts! Maximum Torque: 1/2" NPT: 14 ft-Ibs. (19.0 N-m) 3/4" NPT: 20 ft-Ibs. (27.1 N-m) A. Care and Handling (also refer to Bulletin - Care and Handling of Sprinklers, Form No. F_091699.) Sprinklers must be handled with care and protected from mechanical damage during storage, transport, handling, and after installation. Store sprinklers in a cool, dry place in their original container. Use care when locating sprinklers near fixtures that can generate heat. Never install sprinklers that have been dropped, damaged in any way, or exposed to temperatures exceeding the maximum ambi- ent temperature allowed (refer to Table 1.) Never install any glass -bulb sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or if there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. A small air bubble should be present in the glass bulb. Any sprinkler with a loss of liquid from the glass bulb or damage to the fusible element should be destroyed immediately. (Note: Installing glass bulb sprinklers in direct sunlight (ultraviolet light) may affect the color of the dye used to color code the bulb. This color change does not affect the integrity of the bulb.) Viking residential sprinklers are intended for use on wet pipe residential systems only. Adequate heat must be provided for wet - pipe systems. DO NOT use Viking residential sprinklers on dry systems unless specifically allowed by recognized installation standards or the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Residential concealed sprinklers must be installed in neutral or negative pressure plenums only! Corrosion -resistant sprinklers must be installed when subject to corrosive atmospheres. NOTE: Viking residential sprinklers are not intended for use in corrosive environments. Replaces pages 1-17, dated December 1, 2016. Form No. F 080190 18.10.25 Rev 16.1.P65 (Added P65 Warning.) Sprinkler RES2 N4 I Kj 77 Jill 7FREEDOW RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER STALLATION GUIDE The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com TABLE 1: RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER TEMPERATURE RATINGS Sprinkler Temperature Sprinkler Nominal Maximum Ambient Bulb Color Classification Temperature Rating' Ceiling Temperature3 Residential Glass Bulb Style Sprinklers Ordinary 155 °F (68 °C) 100 °F (38 °C) Red Intermediate 175 °F (79 °C) 150 °F (65 °C) Yellow Sprinkler Temperature Sprinkler Nominal Temperature Maximum Ambient Classification Rating (Fusing Point)' Ceiling Temperature' Residential Fusible Element Style Sprinklers Ordinary 165 °F (74 °C) 100 °F (38 °C) Sprinkler Temperature Sprinkler Nominal Temperature Maximum Ambient Temperature Classification Rating (Fusing Point) Ceiling Temperature Identification Stamp Residential Flush Style Sprinklers Ordinary 165 °F (74 °C) 100 °F (38 °C) On Cover or Sprinkler Inlet (VK476) Intermediate 220 °F (104 °C) 150 °F (65 °C) On Cover Sprinkler Temperature Sprinkler Nominal Temperature Maximum Ambient Cover Plate Temperature Classification Rating (Fusing Point) Ceiling Temperature Rating Residential Concealed Style Sprinklers Ordinary 135 °F (57 °C)', 140 °F (60 °C)2, 100 °F (38 °C) 135 °F (57 °C) 155 °F (68 °C)', or 165 °F Footnotes The sprinkler temperature rating is stamped on the deflector or flow shaper. 2 The temperature rating is stamped on the sprinkler. s Based on NFPA-13. Other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location, and other requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Refer to specific installation standards. B. Installation Instructions Viking sprinklers are manufactured and tested to meet the rigid requirements of approving agencies. They are designed to be installed in accordance with recognized installation standards NFPA 13, NFPA 13R, and NFPA 13D, and any associated TIAs. Deviation from the standards or any alteration to the sprinklers or cover plate assemblies after they leave the factory including, but not limited to: painting, plating, coating, or modification, may render the sprinklers inoperative and will automatically nullify the approval and any guarantee made by Viking. The use of residential sprinklers may be limited due to occupancy and hazard. Residential fire protection systems must be designed and installed only by those who are completely familiar with the appropriate standards and codes, and thoroughly experienced in fire protection design, hydraulic calculations, and sprinkler system installation. Before installation, be sure to have the appropriate sprinkler model and style, with the correct K-Factor, temperature rating, and response characteristics. Viking residential sprinklers must be installed after the piping is in place to prevent mechanical damage. Keep sprinklers with protective caps or bulb shields contained within the caps or shields during installation and testing, and any time the sprinkler is shipped or handled. 1 a. For frame -style sprinklers, install escutcheon (if used), which is designed to thread onto the external threads of the sprinkler*. *Refer to the appropriate sprinkler technical data page to determine approved escutcheons for use with specific sprinkler models. 1b. For flush and concealed style sprinklers: Cut the sprinkler nipple so that the'/2" or 3/4" (15 mm or 20 mm) NPT** outlet of the reducing coupling is at the desired location and centered in the opening** in the ceiling or wall. **Size depends on the sprinkler model used. Refer to appropriate sprinkler data page. Form No. F_080190 18.10.25 Rev 16.1.P65 Sprinkler RES3 NJ 4 RESIDENTIAL I I a N7G41 IMMUFREEDOW SPRINKLERSTALLATION GUIDE The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com DESIGN CRITERIA For Systems Designed to NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R: Apply the listed areas of coverage and minimum water supply requirements shown in the approval charts on the residential sprinkler data pages. The sprinkler flow rate is the minimum required discharge from each of the total number of design sprinklers as specified in NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R. For Systems Designed to the latest edition of NFPA 13: The number of design sprinklers is to be the four most hydraulically demanding sprinklers. The minimum required discharge from each of the four sprinklers is to be the greater of the following: • The flow rates given in the approval charts on the data pages for NFPA 13D and NFPA13R for each area of coverage listed, or • Calculated based on a minimum discharge of 0.1 gpm/sq. ft. over the "design area" in accordance with sections or of NFPA 13. The greatest dimension of the coverage area cannot be any greater than the maximum areas of coverage shown on the data pages. Flow Rates All residential sprinklers manufactured on or after July 12, 2002 are listed with a single minimum flow rate. Where rooms have more than one sprinkler, multiple -sprinkler calculations are still required, but the first sprinkler and any additional sprinkler or sprinklers must be calculated flowing at identical mini- mum flow rates, based on the area of sprinkler coverage, using the minimum flow and pressure listed for the sprinkler model used. Consult the appropriate standards and the Authorities Having Jurisdiction to determine the number of sprinklers to hydraulically calculate to verify ad- equate water supply for multiple -sprinkler operation. Operating Pressure: The minimum operating pressure of any sprinkler shall be the minimum operating pressure specified by the listing, or 7 psi (0.5 bar), whichever is greater. The maximum allowable operating pressure is 175 psi (12 bar). Areas of Coveraae If the actual area of coverage is less than the listed area of coverage, use the minimum water supply for the next larger area of coverage listed. DO NOT interpolate. Residential sprinkler systems must be hydraulically calculated according to NFPA standards to verify that the water supply is adequate for proper operation of the sprinklers. Hydraulic calculations are required to verify adequate water supply at the hydraulically most remote single sprinkler when it is operating at the minimum gpm and psi listed for single -sprinkler operation for the sprinkler model used. Viking residential sprinklers may be listed for more than one area of coverage. Suggested practice in selecting area of coverage is to select the one that can be adequately supplied by the available water supply and still allow for the installation of as few sprinklers in a compartment as possible while observing all guidelines pertaining to obstructions and spacing. This maximizes the use of the available water supply, which is often limited on residential fire protection systems. After selecting an appropriate area of coverage, sprinklers must be spaced according to guidelines set forth in the installation standards. Definition of "COMPARTMENT": A space completely enclosed by walls and a ceiling. Openings to an adjoining space are allowed, provided the open- ings have a minimum lintel depth of 8 in. (203.2 mm) from the ceiling. Saacina Guidelines For guidelines concerning spacing of Viking residential sprinklers near beams, obstructions, heat sources, and sloped ceilings [slopes more than a 2/12 (9.5°) pitch], refer to the Viking residential sprinkler data pages and installation guide, the appropriate NFPA standard, and the Authority Having Jurisdiction. NOTE: Sloped, beamed, and pitched ceilings could require special design features such as larger flow, or a design for more sprinklers to operate in the compartment, or both. Distance from Walls: Install not more than one-half the listed sprinkler spacing nor less than 4" (102 mm) from walls, partitions, or obstructions as defined in the standards. Minimum Sprinkler Spacing: The minimum distance between residential sprinklers to prevent cold soldering (i.e., the spray from one operating sprink- ler onto an adjacent sprinkler that could prevent its proper activation) is 8 ft. (2.4 m). Maximum Sprinkler Spacing: Locate adjacent sprinklers no farther apart than the listed spacing. Deflector Position: Install frame style residential pendent sprinklers with the deflector between 1" and 4" (25.4 mm to 102 mm) below smooth ceilings, unless the sprinkler data page indicates otherwise. Install pendent sprinklers in the pendent position only, with the deflector oriented parallel with the ceiling or roof. Refer to the individual listings in the residential sprinkler data pages for horizontal sidewall sprinkler deflector or sprinkler centerline distance below the ceiling. Install horizontal sidewall sprinklers in the horizontal position only below smooth ceilings, with the leading edge of the deflector or element assembly oriented parallel with the ceiling. IMPORTANT: Always refer to Bulletin Form No. F_091699 - Care and Handling of Sprinklers. Also refer to the ap- propriate sprinkler data page. Viking sprinklers are to be installed in accordance with the latest edition of Viking technical data, the appropriate standards of NFPA and any other similar Authorities Having Jurisdiction, and also with the provisions of governmental codes, ordinances, and standards, whenever applicable. Final approval and acceptance of all residential sprinkler installations must be obtained from the Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Form No. F_080190 18.10.25 Rev 16.1.P65 Sprinkler RES4 Jill 7FREEDOM@ RESIDENTIAL A SPRINKLER STALLATION GUIDE The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com 2. Apply a small amount of pipe -joint compound or tape to the external threads of the sprinkler only, taking care not to allow a build-up of compound in the sprinkler inlet. NOTE: Sprinklers with protective caps or bulb shields must be contained within the caps or shields before applying pipe -joint compound or tape. Exception: For concealed sprinklers (i.e., VK457, VK458, VK468, VK474, and VK4570) the protective cap is removed for installation. 3. Care must be taken when installing sprinklers on CPVC and copper piping systems. Never install the sprinkler into the re- ducing fitting before attaching the reducing fitting to the piping. Sprinklers must be installed on CPVC systems after the reducing fitting has been installed and the primer and/or cement manufacturer's recommended curing time has elapsed. When installing sprinklers on copper piping systems, take care to brush the inside of the sprinkler supply piping and reducing fitting to ensure that no flux accumulates in the sprinkler orifice. Excess flux can cause corrosion and may impair the ability of the sprinkler to operate properly. 4. Refer to the appropriate sprinkler technical data page to determine the correct sprinkler wrench for the model of sprinkler used. DO NOT use the sprinkler deflector or fusible element to start or thread the sprinkler into a fitting. a. Install the sprinkler onto the piping using the special sprinkler wrench only, while taking care not to over -tighten or damage the sprinkler operating parts. b. Thread the flush or concealed sprinkler into the %" or 3/4" (15 mm or 20 mm) NPT** outlet of the coupling by turning it clock- wise with the special sprinkler wrench. NOTE: For flush and concealed sprinklers with protective shells, the internal diameter of the special flush and concealed sprinkler installation wrench is designed for use with the sprinkler contained within the shell. Exception: For concealed sprinklers VK457, VK458, VK468, VK474, and VK4570 the protective cap is removed for installation, and then placed back on the sprinkler temporarily. 5. After installation, the entire sprinkler system must be tested. The test must be conducted to comply with the installation standards. a. Make sure the sprinkler has been properly tightened. If a thread leak occurs, normally the unit must be removed, new pipe -joint compound or tape applied, and then reinstalled. This is due to the fact that when the joint seal leaks, the sealing compound is washed out of the joint. b. Remove plastic protective sprinkler caps or bulb shields AFTER the wall or ceiling finish work is completed where the sprinkler is installed and there no longer is a potential for mechanical damage to the sprinkler operating ele- ments. To remove the bulb shields, simply pull the ends of the shields apart where they are snapped together. To remove caps from frame style sprinklers, turn the caps slightly and pull them off the sprinklers. SPRINKLER CAPS OR BULB SHIELDS MUST BE REMOVED FROM SPRINKLERS BEFORE PLACING THE SYSTEM IN SERVICE! Retain a protective cap or shield in the spare sprinkler cabinet. 6. For residential flush sprinklers, the ceiling ring can now be installed onto the sprinkler body. Align the ceiling ring with the sprin- kler body and thread on or push it on until the flange touches the ceiling. Note the maximum vertical adjustment is ''/z" (12,7 mm) for sprinkler VK420 and 5/8" for VK476. DO NOT MODIFY THE UNIT. If necessary, re -cut the sprinkler drop nipples as required. 7. For residential concealed sprinklers, the cover plate assembly can now be attached. a. Remove the cover plate assembly from the protective box, taking care not to damage the assembly. b. From below the ceiling, gently place the base of the cover plate assembly over the sprinkler protruding through the opening in the ceiling or wall. c. Carefully push the cover plate assembly onto the sprinkler, using even pressure with the palm of the hand, until the unfinished brass flange of the cover plate base touches the ceiling or wall. d. The maximum adjustment available for residential concealed sprinklers is M." (12.7 mm) [1/4" (6.4 mm) for sprinkler VK480]. DO NOT MODIFY THE UNIT. If necessary, re -cut the sprinkler nipples. NOTE: If it is necessary to remove the entire sprinkler unit, the system must be taken out of service. See Maintenance instructions below and follow all warnings and instructions. 5. OPERATION During fire conditions, the operating element fuses or shatters (depending on the type of sprinkler), releasing the pip cap and seal- ing assembly. Water flowing through the sprinkler orifice strikes the sprinkler deflector or flow shaper, forming a uniform, high -wall wetting spray pattern to extinguish or control the fire. Form No. F_080190 18.10.25 Rev 16.1.P65 Sprinkler RES5 NJ 4 RESIDENTIAL I I a N7G41 111OLFREEDOW SPRINKLERSTALLATION GUIDE The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com 6. INSPECTIONS, TESTS AND MAINTENANCE Refer to NFPA 25 for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance requirements. NOTICE: The owner is responsible for having the fire - protection system and devices inspected, tested, and maintained in proper operating condition in accordance with this guide, and applicable NFPA standards. In addition, the Authority Having Jurisdiction may have additional maintenance, testing, and inspection requirements that must be followed. A. Sprinklers must be inspected on a regular basis for signs of corrosion, mechanical damage, obstructions, paint, etc. Frequency of the inspections may vary due to corrosive atmospheres, water supplies, and activity around the device. B. Sprinklers or cover plate assemblies that have been field painted, caulked, or mechanically damaged must be replaced im- mediately. Sprinklers showing signs of corrosion shall be tested and/or replaced immediately as required. Installation standards require sprinklers to be tested and, if necessary, replaced immediately after a specified term of service. Refer to NFPA 25 and the Authorities Having Jurisdiction for the specified period of time after which testing and/or replacement of residential sprinklers is required. Never attempt to repair or reassemble a sprinkler. Sprinklers and cover assemblies that have operated cannot be reassembled or re -used, but must be replaced. When replacement is necessary, use only new sprinklers and cover assemblies with identical performance characteristics. C. The sprinkler discharge pattern is critical for proper fire protection. Nothing should be hung from, attached to, or otherwise ob- struct the discharge pattern of the sprinkler. All obstructions must be immediately removed or, if necessary, additional sprinklers installed. D. When replacing existing sprinklers, the system must be removed from service. Refer to the appropriate system description and/ or valve instructions. Prior to removing the system from service, notify all Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Consideration should be given to employment of a fire patrol in the effected area. 1. Remove the system from service, drain all water, and relieve all pressure on the piping. 2a. For frame -style sprinklers, use the special sprinkler wrench and remove the old sprinkler by turning it counterclockwise to unthread it from the piping. 2b. Forresidentialflushpendentandconcea/edstyle sprinklers: Remove the ceilingring orcoverplate assemblybefore unthreading the sprinkler body from the piping. To remove a ceiling ring, grasp it from below the ceiling and gently turn it counterclockwise. Cover plates can be removedeitherbygentlyunthreading them orpulling them offthe sprinklerbody(dependson the sprinklermodel used). After the ceiling ring or cover plate assembly has been removed from the sprinkler, use the sprinkler wrench to unthread the sprinkler from the piping. NOTE: For flush and concealed sprinklers with protective shells, the internal diameter of the special flush and concealed sprinkler installation wrench is designed for use with the sprinkler contained within the shell. Place a plastic protective shell (from the spare sprinkler cabinet) over the sprinkler to be removed and then fit the sprinkler wrench over the shell. Exception: Concealed sprinklers VK457, VK458, VK468, VK474, and VK4570 are removed without the plastic cap. 3. Follow instructions in section 4B. Installation Instructions to install the new unit. Be sure the replacement sprinkler is the correct model and style, with the appropriate K-Factor, temperature rating, and response characteristics. A fully stocked sprinkler cabinet should be provided for this purpose. (For flush or concealed style sprinklers, stock of spare ceiling rings or cover plates should also be available in the spare sprinkler cabinet.) 4. Place the system back in service and secure all valves. Check for and repair all leaks. E. Sprinkler systems that have been subjected to a fire must be returned to service as soon as possible. The entire system must be inspected for damage, and repaired or replaced as necessary. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion or high ambient temperatures, but have not operated, should be replaced. Refer to the Authority Having Jurisdiction for minimum replacement requirements. 7. AVAILABILITY Viking Residential Sprinklers are available through a network of domestic and international distributors. See The Viking Corporation web site for the closest distributor or contact The Viking Corporation. 8. GUARANTEE For details of warranty, refer to Viking's current list price schedule or contact Viking directly. Form No. F_080190 18.10.25 Rev 16.1.P65 Sprinkler RES6 N4 I Kj 77 Jill 7FREEDOM@ RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER STALLATION GUIDE The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com S� I? `A ❑PP❑SITE �y SIDE ADJACENT SIDE TANGENT = ❑PP❑SITE SIDE (RISE) ADJACENT SIDE (RUN) RISE = TANGENT RUN ANGLE = TAN-1 RIS RUN SLOPE DISTANCE=./(RISE5+ (RUN)' RISE RUN ANGLE SLOPE RISE RUN TANGENT ANGLE DISTANC 2 12 .1666 9,45° 12.1 3 12 .2500 14° 12.3 4 12 .3333 18.4° 12.6 5 12 .4166 22,6° 13 6 12 .5000 26,5° 13.4 7 12 .5833 30,2° 13.8 8 12 .6666 33,6° 14.4 9 12 .7500 36,8° 15 10 12 .8333 39,8° 15.6 11 12 .9166 42,5° 16.2 12 12 1 45° 16.97 Table 2 Rise Over Run Conversion to Degrees of Slope Form No. F_080190 18.10.25 Rev 16.1.P65 Sprinkler RES7 NJ 4 RESIDENTIAL I I a N7G41 IMMOLFREEDOM@ SPRINKLERSTALLATION GUIDE The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com SPACING OF RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS LISTED FOR USE BELOW SLOPED CEILINGS UP TO AN 8/12 (33.70) PITCH (Refer to the appropriate residential sprinkler technical data page for listings.) Pendent Sprinklers Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers (Spray Across the Slope) Figure 1 (A) One-half listed spacing of sprinkler maximum, 0'-4" (0-102 mm) minimum. (B) Listed spacing of sprinkler, maximum, 8'-0" (2.4 m) minimum. (C) Where angle "C" is greater than an 8/12 (33.7°) pitch, see Figure 2 below. SPACING OF RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS BELOW SLOPED CEILINGS WITH GREATER THAN 8/12 (33.7°) PITCH (NOTE: Refer to NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R, and the Authority Having Jurisdiction.) )le Slope Figure 2 (A) One-half listed spacing of sprinkler, maximum. (B) T-0" (.91 m) maximum. (C) 0'-4" (0-102 mm) minimum. (D) Slopes greater than an 8/12 (33.7°) pitch. (E) For distance less than 8'-0" (2.4 m), baffle required. Form No. F_080190 18.10.25 Rev 16.1.P65 Sprinkler RES8 N4 I Kj 77 Jill 7FREEDOM@ RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER STALLATION GUIDE The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com SPACING OF RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS LISTED FOR USE BELOW SLOPED CEILINGS UP TO AN 8/12 (33.7°) PITCH (Refer to the appropriate residential sprinkler technical data page for listings.) venaent sprinKiers Figure 3 morizontai siaewan sprinKiers (Spray Across the Slope) (A) One-half listed spacing of sprinkler, maximum (B) 8'-0" (2.4 m) minimum. (C) 0'-4" (0-102 mm) minimum. (D) 3'-0" (.91 m) maximum. (E) Acceptable for slopes of 0/12 to 8/12 (0' to 33.7°) pitch. SPACING OF RESIDENTIAL PENDENT SPRINKLERS AT PEAK OF SLOPED CEILINGS WITH PITCH LESS THAN8/12 (�33.7°) (Refer to the appropriate residential sprinkler technical da a page for listings.) ,pe Figure 4 (A) Listed spacing of sprinkler, maximum. (B) One-half listed spacing of sprinkler, maximum. (C) 0'-4" minimum. (D) Refer to page 10 for minimum distance between sprinkler and intersecting sloped ceiling. (E) Refer to the appropriate residential sprinkler technical data page for deflector distance below ceiling. (F) 8'-0" minimum. (G)Reference: 4/12 (18.0°) pitch maximum for 12' (3.7 m) spacing. 2.5/12 (12.0°) pitch maximum for 14' (4.3 m) spacing. 2/12 (10.0°) pitch maximum for 16' (4.9 m) spacing. 2/12 (10.0°) pitch maximum for 18' (5.5 m) spacing. 1.9/12 (9.0°) pitch maximum for 20' (6.1 m) spacing. Angles based on sprinklers installed 0'-4" (0-102 mm) from peak. NOTE: Whenever possible, utilize design as shown in Figure 3 above. Form No. F_080190 18.10.25 Rev 16.1.P65 Sprinkler RES9 NJ 4 RESIDENTIAL I I a N7G41 111OLFREEDOM@ SPRINKLERSTALLATION GUIDE The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com SPACING OF RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS BELOW SLOPED CEILINGS WITH GREATER THAN 8/12 (33.7°PITCH WITH NO BAFFLE AND A MAXIMUM OF 2 SPRINKLERS IN THE ROOM (NOTE: Refer to NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R, and the Authority Having Jurisdiction.) Aultiple Slope ,_. -- - (A) One-half listed spacing of sprinkler, maximum. (B) 8'-0" (2.4 m) minimum. (C) 0'-4" (0-102 mm) minimum. (D) T-0" (.91 m) maximum. (E) Acceptable for slopes greater than an 8/12 (33.7°) pitch. (F) When this design is used, refer to the appendices of NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R, and the Authority Having Jurisdiction regarding the number of design sprinklers to hydraulically calculate. SPACING OF RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS BELOW CEILINGS WITH SLOPES EXCEEDING 8/12 (33.7°) PITCH WITH NO BAFFLE AND A MAXIMUM OF 3 SPRINKLERS IN THE ROOM (NOTE: Refer to NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R, and the Authority Having Jurisdiction.) tiple Slope Flume v (A) 0'-4" (0-102 mm) minimum, to one-half listed spacing, maximum. (B) One-half listed spacing, maximum, 8'-0" (2.4 m) minimum. (C) 0'-4" (0-102 mm) minimum. (D) Listed spacing maximum, 8'-0" (2.4 m) minimum. (E) T-0" (.91 m) maximum. (F) Slopes greater than 8/12 up to a 21/12 (33.7° up to 60°) pitch. NOTES: In addition to the above limits, rooms requiring this type of installation must be hydraulically cal- culated to supply a minimum of three operating sprinklers. Layout similar for horizontal sidewall sprinklers with throw across slope. Refer to the appropriate residential sprinkler technical data sheets. Form No. F_080190 18.10.25 Rev 16.1.P65 Sprinkler RES10 N4 I Kj 77 Jill 7FREEDOM@ RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER STALLATION GUIDE The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com SPACING OF RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS BELOW CEILINGS WITH SLOPES EXCEEDING 8/12 (33.70) PITCH WITH NO BAFFLE AND A MAXIMUM OF 2 SPRINKLERS IN THE ROOM (NOTE: Refer to NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R, and the Authority Having Jurisdiction.) iltiple Slope Figure 7 (A) 0'-4" (0-102 mm) minimum, to one-half listed spacing, maximum. (B) One-half listed spacing, maximum, 8'-0" (2.4 m) minimum. (C) 0'-4" (0-102 mm) minimum. (D)Slopes greater than 8/12 pitch up to a 21/12 (33.7° up to a 60°) pitch. (E) 3'-0" (.91 m) maximum. (F) When dimension "F" exceeds 16' (4.9 m), utilize design configuration shown in Figure 6. NOTES: Layout similar for horizontal sidewall sprinklers with throw across slope. Refer to the appropriate residential sprinkler technical data sheets. Multiple Slope Multiple Slope Figure 8 Single Slope (A) One-half listed spacing, maximum. (B) Refer to the appropriate residential sprinkler technical data pages for listings of sprinklers for use below slopes up to and including a 8/12 (33.7°) pitch. (C) 3'-0" (.91 m) maximum. (D) 0'-4" (0-102 mm) minimum. (E) 8'-0" (2.4 m) minimum without baffle. NOTES: Layout similar for horizontal sidewall sprinklers with throw across slope. Refer to the appropriate residential sprinkler technical data sheets. Form No. F_080190 18.10.25 Rev 16.1.P65 Sprinkler RES11 FREEDOM° RESIDENTIAL TECHNICAL DATA N11UNG4 SPRINKLER INSTALLATION GUIDE The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com MINIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN SPRINKLER AND INTERSECTING SLOPED CEILINGS 4' (1.2 m) d 3'-6" (1.06 m a 0 co 3' (.91 m) A B = w 2'-6" (.76 m d u C 16 0 2' (.61 m) E 3 E NOTES: For any ceiling slope under 7/12 (30°), 1'-6" (.46 m distribution is considered Not Unduly Obstructed. 1' (305 mm) 20' (6.1 m) 18' (5.5 m) d d 16'(4.9m) v d 14' (4.3 m) D, 12' (3.7 m) a JV JJ TV �J (B) Slope of Ceiling (degrees) 12/12 (inches) MAXIMUM DISTANCE DOWN SLOPE TO AVOID OBSTRUCTION TO SPRINKLER DISCHARGE 7 A B 12(3.7 m) 10' (3.05 m) m d rn 8' (2.4 m) _ 3 0 6' (1.8 m) C l6 Vl 0 4'(1.2m) 2' (.61 m) raw NOT UNDULY OBSTRUCTED OBSTRUCTED 20' (6.1 m) d w 18'(5.5m) _ 16'(4.9m) Z cc 14' (4.3 m) Y _ 12'(3.7m)'Q U) E 3 E R 2 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 (B) Slope of Ceiling (degrees) Form No. F_080190 18.10.25 Rev 16.1.P65 Sprinkler RES12 N4 I Kj 77 Jill 7FREEDOM@ RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER STALLATION GUIDE The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com AVOIDING OBSTRUCTIONS TO SPRINKLER DISCHARGE (Obstruction rules for residential sprinklers are found in section 8.10 of the 2010 edition of NFPA 13.) Positioning Residential Pendent Sprinklers - Obstructions at the Ceiling LJ I a I -•- A Maximum Distance from Distance from Sprinkler Deflector to Bottom of Ceiling to Side of Ceiling Obstruction (Dimension B) Inches mm Obstruction (Dimension A) Less than 1 ft. 6 in. 0 0 (Less than 457 mm) 1 ft. 6 in. to less than 3 ft. 1 25.4 (457 mm to less than .94 m) 3 ft. to less than 4 ft. 3 76 (.91 m to less than 1.2 m) 4 ft. to less than 4 ft. 6 in. 5 127 (1.2 m to less than 1.37 m) 4 ft. 6 in. to less than 6 ft. 7 178 (1.37 m to less than 1.8 m) 6 ft. to less than 6 ft. 6 in. 9 229 (1.8 m to less than 2 m) 6 ft. 6 in. to less than 7 ft. 11 279 (2 m to less than 2.1 m) 7 ft. or greater 14 356 (2.1 m or greater) Residential pendent sprinklers may be located on opposite sides of continuous obstructions up to 4 ft. (1.2 m) wide at the 4' Max. ceiling, as long as the distance from the centerline of the obstruction to the sprinklers (A) does not exceed one-half the maximum A A spacing allowed between sprinklers. Positioning Residential Pendent Sprinklers - Obstructions Along Walls (A) Distance from centerline of sprinkler to side of obstruction. (B) Distance from deflector to bottom of obstruction. B (C) Width of the obstruction. Obstructions up to 30 in. (.8 m) wide (C) located against the wall are permitted C to be protected when (A) is greater than A or equal to (C) minus 8 in. (.2 m) plus (B). C < 30 in. for metric C < .8 m A>(C-8in.)+B A>(C-.2m)+B Form No. F_080190 18.10.25 Rev 16.1.P65 Sprinkler RES13 NJ 4 RESIDENTIAL I I a N7G41 111OLFREEDOW SPRINKLERSTALLATION GUIDE The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com AVOIDING OBSTRUCTIONS TO SPRINKLER DISCHARGE (Obstruction rules for residential sprinklers are found in section 8.10 of the 2010 edition of NFPA 13.) Positioning Residential Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers - Obstructions at the Ceiling Ceiling or Roof. B Obstruction A Wall (A) Distance from sprinkler to side of obstruction. (B) Distance from deflector to bottom of obstruction. Distance from Sprinkler to Maximum Distance from Deflector to Bottom of Ceiling Obstruction Side of Ceiling Obstruction (Dimension B) (Dimension A) Inches mm Less than 8 ft. No Obstructions Allowed (Less than 2.4 m) 8 ft. to less than 10 ft. 1 25.4 (2.4 m to less than 3.05 m) 10 ft. to less than 11 ft. 2 50.8 (3.05 m to less than 3.35 m) 11 ft. to less than 12 ft. 3 76 (3.35 m to less than 3.7 m) 12 ft. to less than 13 ft. 4 102 (3.7 m to less than 4 m) 13 ft. to less than 14 ft. 6 152 (4 m to less than 4.3 m) 14 ft. to less than 15 ft. 7 178 (4.3 m to less than 4.6 m) 15 ft. to less than 16 ft. g 229 (4.6 m to less than 4.9 m) 16 ft. to less than 17 ft. 11 279 (4.9 m to less than 5.2 m) 17 ft. or greater 14 356 (5.2 m or greater) Positioning Residential Horizontal Sidewall Sprinklers - Obstructions Along Walls A j e Distance from Sprinkler to Maximum Distance from Deflector to Bottom of Side of Obstruction Along Obstruction (Dimension B) Wall (Dimension A) Inches mm Less than 1 ft. 6 in. 0 0 (Less than 457 mm) 1 ft. 6 in. to less than 3 ft. 1 25.4 (457 mm to less than .94 m) 3 ft. to less than 4 ft. 3 76 (.91 m to less than 1.2 m) 4 ft. to less than 4 ft. 6 in. 5 127 (1.2 m to less than 1.37 m) 4 ft. 6 in. to less than 6 ft. 7 178 (1.37 m to less than 1.8 m) 6 ft. to less than 6 ft. 6 in. 9 229 (1.8 m to less than 2 m) 6 ft. 6 in. to less than 7 ft. 11 279 (2 m to less than 2.1 m) 7 ft. or greater 14 356 (2.1 m or greater) (A) Distance from sprinkler to side of obstruction. Form No. F 080190 18.10.25 Rev 16.1.P65 (B) Distance from deflector to bottom of obstruction. Sprinkler RES14 Jill 7FREEDOM@ RESIDENTIAL A SPRINKLER STALLATION GUIDE The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com LOCATING RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLERS NEAR HEAT SOURCES Ordinary temperature rated residential sprinklers (135 °F to 170 °F rated) are only to be installed where the maximum ambient ceiling temperature will not exceed 100 'F. Where the maximum ambient ceiling temperature will be from 101 °F to 150 °F, use intermediate temperature rated residential sprinklers (175 °F to 225 °F rated). Residential sprinklers must be positioned a sufficient distance away from heat sources that include fireplaces, stoves, kitchen ranges, wall ovens, hot water pipes, water heaters, furnaces and associated flues and ducts, and light fixtures. The following minimum distances must be maintained for both ordinary and intermediate temperature rated residential sprinklers as indicated. Heat Source Minimum Distance from Edge of Source to Ordinary Temperature Rated Sprinkler Minimum Distance from Edge of Source to Intermediate Temperature Rated Sprinkler Inches metric Inches metric Side of open or recessed fireplace 36 .91 m 12 305 mm Front of recessed fire place 60 1.5 m 36 .91 m Coal- or wood -burning stove 42 1.1 m 12 305 mm Kitchen range 18 457 mm 9 229 mm Wall oven 18 457 mm 9 229 mm Hot air flues 18 457 mm 9 229 mm Uninsulated heat ducts 18 457 mm 9 229 mm Uninsulated hot water pipes 12 305 mm 6 152 mm Side of ceiling- or wall -mounted hot air diffusers 24 .61 m 12 305 mm Front of wall -mounted hot air diffusers 36 .91 m 18 457 mm Hot water heater or furnace 6 152 mm 3 76 mm Light fixture less than 250W 6 152 mm 3 76 mm Light fixture 250W to 499W 12 305 mm 6 152 mm Where residential sprinklers will be exposed to the rays of the sun passing through glass or plastic skylights, use inter- mediate temperature rated sprinklers. When locating residential sprinklers in an unventilated concealed compartment, under an unventilated attic or unin- sulated roof, where the maximum ambient temperature does not exceed 150 °F, use intermediate temperature rated sprinklers. Form No. F_080190 18.10.25 Rev 16.1.P65 Sprinkler RES15 NJ 4 7FREEDOM@ RESIDENTIAL I IU A A A SPRINKLERSTALLATION GUIDE The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com NOTE: The dimensions shown are intended to apply to residential sprinklers installed in ceilings above fireplaces used to burn products that cause elevated temperatures at or near the ceiling in areas surrounding the fireplace. The recommendations should not be construed to apply to decorative non -opening fireplaces such as gas fire units that will not cause elevated temperatures at the ceiling. Top View Sprinklers near an open hearth fireplace must be located outside of the shaded area or be intermediate degree rated. Top View Side of fireplace Front of fireplace Front Vi( ...................... ..................... .................... ................... ................. . 5'-0" (1.5 m) LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL iw LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLL LL LLL LL LLLL LL LLL LL LLL LL LLL LL LLL LL LLL LL L L L L X-0" (.91 m) Sprinklers near a recessed hearth fireplace must be located outside of the shaded area [at least T-0" (.91 m)] from the side of a recessed fireplace and at least 5-0" (1.5 m) from the front) or be intermediate degree rated. Form No. F_080190 18.10.25 Rev 16.1.P65 Sprinkler RES16 N4 7FREEDOM° RESIDENTIAL 4 I KiA SPRINKLERSTALLATION GUIDE The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com 1'-6" (457 mm) TYP Top View ....... ...................� 2'-6" (.8 m) TYP 0 ................... ................... ................... 0 ................... o� 1'-6" (457 mm) TYP 0 ......................................., Front View F I o F-1 Sprinklers near a furnace or water heater must be located outside of the shaded area or be intermediate degree rated. Top View Edge of coal- or wood -burning stove Edge of coal- or wood -burning stove Front Vi( 3'-6" (1.1 m) 3'-6" (1.1 m) 3'-6" (1.1 m) Sprinklers near a coal- or wood -burning stove must be located outside of shaded area or be intermediate degree rated. Form No. F_080190 18.10.25 Rev 16.1.P65 Sprinkler RES17 NJ 4 RESIDENTIAL I I a N7G41 111OLFREEDOW SPRINKLERSTALLATION GUIDE The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Top View (457 mm) ILL.LLL.LLILILILILILILILILLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLL Front View LLLLLLLLL L 0 tLLL , - L L L LLL L LL Sprinklers near a range or wall oven must be located outside of shaded areas or be intermediate degree rated. Replaces pages 1-17, dated December 1, 2016. Form No. F 080190 18.10.25 Rev 16.1.P65 (Added P65 Warning.) Page 1 of 4 CARE AND HANDLING 7W74j] 1111 OF SPRINKLERS The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com SPRINKLERS ARE FRAGILE - HANDLE WITH CARE! General Handling and Storage: • Store sprinklers in a cool, dry place. • Protect sprinklers during storage, transport, handling, and after installation. • Use the original shipping containers. DO NOT place sprinklers loose in boxes, bins, or buckets. • Keep sprinklers separated at all times. DO NOT allow metal parts to contact sprinkler operating elements. For Pre -Assembled Drops: • Protect sprinklers during handling and after installation. • For recessed assemblies, use the protective sprinkler cap (Viking Part Number 10364). Sprinklers with Protective Shields or Caps: • DO NOT remove shields or caps until after sprinkler installation and there no longer is potential for mechanical damage to the sprinkler operating elements. • Sprinkler shields or caps MUST be removed BEFORE placing the system in service! • Remove the sprinkler shield by carefully pulling it apart where it is snapped together. • Remove the cap by turning it slightly and pulling it off the sprinkler. Sprinkler Installation: • DO NOT use the sprinkler deflector or operating element to start or thread the sprinkler into a fitting. • Use only the designated sprinkler head wrench! Refer to the current sprinkler tech- nical data page to determine the correct wrench for the model of sprinkler used. • DO NOT install sprinklers onto piping at the floor level. • Install sprinklers after the piping is in place to prevent mechanical damage. • DO NOT allow impacts such as hammer blows directly to sprinklers or to fittings, pipe, or couplings in close proximity to sprinklers. Sprinklers can be damaged from direct or indirect impacts. • DO NOT attempt to remove drywall, paint, etc., from sprinklers. • Take care not to over -tighten the sprinkler and/or damage its operating parts! Maximum Torque: 1/2" NPT: 14 ft-Ibs. (19.0 N-m) 3/4" NPT: 20 ft-Ibs. (27.1 N-m) 1" NPT. 30 ft-Ibs. (40.7 N-m) CORRECT INCORRECT (Original container used) (Placed loose in box) CORRECT INCORRECT (Protected with caps) (Protective caps not used) CORRECT INCORRECT (Piping is in place at the (Sprinkler at floor level) ceiling) (Special installation (Designated wrench not wrenches) used) WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm- www. P65Warn ings. ca.gov Any sprinkler with a loss of liquid from the glass bulb or damage to the fusible element should be destroyed. Never install sprinklers that have been dropped, damaged, or exposed to temperatures exceeding the maximum ambient temperature allowed. Sprinklers that have been painted in the field must be replaced per NFPA 13. Protect sprinklers from paint and paint overspray in accordance with the installation standards. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia, or any other cleaning fluid. Do not use adhesives or solvents on sprinklers or their operating elements. Refer to the appropriate technical data page and NFPA standards for complete care, handling, installation, and maintenance instructions. For additional product and system information Viking data pages and installation instructions are available on the Viking Web site at www.vikinggroupinc.com. Form No. F_091699 18.10.11 Rev 16.1.P65 Replaces Form No. F_091699 Rev 16.1 (Added P65 Warning) Page 2 of 4 CARE AND HANDLING 7W74J] 1111 OF SPRINKLERS The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com PROTECTIVE SPRINKLER SHIELDS AND CAPS General Handling and Storage: Many Viking sprinklers are available with a plastic protective cap or shield temporarily covering the operating elements. The snap - on shields and caps are factory installed and are intended to help protect the operating elements from mechanical damage during shipping, storage, and installation. NOTE: It is still necessary to follow the care and handling instructions on the appropriate sprin- kler technical data sheets* when installing sprinklers with bulb shields or caps. WHEN TO REMOVE THE SHIELDS AND CAPS: NOTE: SHIELDS AND CAPS MUST BE REMOVED FROM SPRINKLERS BEFORE PLACING THE SYSTEM IN SERVICE! Remove the shield or cap from the sprinkler only after checking all of the following: The sprinkler has been installed'. The wall or ceiling finish work is completed where the sprinkler is installed and there no longer is a potential for mechanical damage to the sprinkler operating elements. SHIELDS AND CAPS MUST BE REMOVED FROM SPRINKLERS BEFORE PLACING THE SYSTEM IN SERVICE! ply, ' •.�. Figure 1: Sprinkler shield being removed from a pendent sprinkler Figure 2: Sprinkler cap being removed from a pendent sprinkler. Figure 3: Sprinkler cap being re- moved from and upright sprinkler. HOW TO REMOVE SHIELDS AND CAPS: No tools are necessary to remove the shields or caps from sprinklers. DO NOT use any sharp objects to remove them! Take care not to cause mechanical damage to sprinklers when removing the shields or caps. When removing caps from fusible ele- ment sprinklers, use care to prevent dislodging ejector springs or damaging fusible elements. NOTE: Squeezing the sprinkler cap excessively could damage sprinkler fusible elements. • To remove the shield, simply pull the ends of the shield apart where it is snapped together. Refer to Figure 1. • To remove the cap, turn it slightly and pull it off the sprinkler. Refer to Figures 2 and 3. REMRefer to the current sprinkler technical data page to determine the correct sprinkler wrench for the model of sprinkler used. ©WARNING Never install sprinklers that have been dropped, damaged, or exposed to temperatures in excess of the maximum ambient temperature allowed. * Refer to the appropriate current technical data pages for complete care, handling, and installation instructions. Data pages are included with each shipment from Viking or Viking distributors. They can also be found on the Web site at www. vikinggroupinc.com. Form No. F_091699 18.10.11 Rev 16.1.P65 Figure 1: Sprinkler shield being removed from a pendent sprinkler Figure 2: Sprinkler cap being removed from a pendent sprinkler. Figure 3: Sprinkler cap being re- moved from and upright sprinkler. HOW TO REMOVE SHIELDS AND CAPS: No tools are necessary to remove the shields or caps from sprinklers. DO NOT use any sharp objects to remove them! Take care not to cause mechanical damage to sprinklers when removing the shields or caps. When removing caps from fusible ele- ment sprinklers, use care to prevent dislodging ejector springs or damaging fusible elements. NOTE: Squeezing the sprinkler cap excessively could damage sprinkler fusible elements. • To remove the shield, simply pull the ends of the shield apart where it is snapped together. Refer to Figure 1. • To remove the cap, turn it slightly and pull it off the sprinkler. Refer to Figures 2 and 3. REMRefer to the current sprinkler technical data page to determine the correct sprinkler wrench for the model of sprinkler used. ©WARNING Never install sprinklers that have been dropped, damaged, or exposed to temperatures in excess of the maximum ambient temperature allowed. * Refer to the appropriate current technical data pages for complete care, handling, and installation instructions. Data pages are included with each shipment from Viking or Viking distributors. They can also be found on the Web site at www. vikinggroupinc.com. Form No. F_091699 18.10.11 Rev 16.1.P65 Page 3 of 4 U ARE AND HANDLING I KJ N7G*J 0 M OF SPRINKLERS The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com ACAUTION CONCEALED COVER ASSEMBLIES ARE FRAGILE! TO ASSURE SATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE OF THE PRODUCT, HANDLE WITH CARE. Concealed Sprinkler and Adapter Assembly (Protective Cap Removed) Concealed Sprinkler and Adapter Assembly with Protective Cap Cover Plate Assembly (Pendent Cover 12381 shown) GENERAL HANDLING AND STORAGE INSTRUCTIONS: • Do not store in temperatures exceeding 100 °F (38 °C). Avoid direct sunlight and confined areas subject to heat. • Protect sprinklers and cover assemblies during storage, transport, handling, and after installation. Use original shipping containers. Do not place sprinklers or cover assemblies loose in boxes, bins, or buckets. • Keep the sprinkler bodies covered with the protective sprinkler cap any time the sprinklers are shipped or handled, during testing of the system, and while ceiling finish work is being completed. • Use only the designated Viking recessed sprinkler wrench (refer to the appropriate sprinkler data page) to install these sprinklers. NOTE: The protective cap is temporarily removed during installation and then placed back on the sprinkler for protection until finish work is completed. • Do not over -tighten the sprinklers into fittings during installation. • Do not use the sprinkler deflector to start or thread the sprinklers into fittings during installation. • Do not attempt to remove drywall, paint, etc., from the sprinklers. • Remove the plastic protective cap from the sprinkler before attaching the cover plate assembly. PROTECTIVE CAPS MUST BE REMOVED FROM SPRINKLERS BEFORE PLACING THE SYSTEM IN SERVICE! Refer to the appropriate current technical data pages for complete care, handling, and installation instructions. Data pages are included with each shipment from Viking or Viking distributors. They can also be found on the Web site at www. vikinggroupinc.com. Form No. F_091699 18.10.11 Rev 16.1.P65 Page 4 of 4 CARE AND HANDLING 7W74j] 1111 OF SPRINKLERS The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com USE THE FOLLOWING PRECAUTIONS WHEN HANDLING WAX -COATED SPRINKLERS Many of Viking's sprinklers are available with factory -applied wax coating for corrosion resistance. These sprinklers MUST receive appropriate care and handling to avoid damaging the wax coating and to assure satisfactory performance of the product. General Handling and Storage of Wax -Coated Sprinklers: • Store the sprinklers in a cool, dry place (in temperatures below the maximum ambient temperature allowed for the sprinkler temperature rating. Refer to Table 1 below.) • Store containers of wax -coated sprinklers separate from other sprinklers. • Protect the sprinklers during storage, transport, handling, and after installation. • Use original shipping containers. • Do not place sprinklers in loose boxes, bins, or buckets. Installation of Wax -Coated Sprinklers: Use only the special sprinkler head wrench designed for installing wax -coated Viking sprinklers (any other wrench may damage the unit). • Take care not to crack the wax coating on the units. • For touching up the wax coating after installation, wax is available from Viking in bar form. Refer to Table 1 below. The coating MUST be repaired after sprinkler installation to protect the corrosion -resistant properties of the sprinkler. • Use care when locating sprinklers near fixtures that can generate heat. Do not install sprinklers where they would be exposed to temperatures exceed- ing the maximum recommended ambient temperature for the temperature rating used. • Inspect the coated sprinklers frequently soon after installation to verify the integrity of the corrosion resistant coating. Thereafter, inspect representative samples of the coated sprinklers in accordance with NFPA 25. Close up visual inspections are necessary to determine whether the sprinklers are being affected by corrosive conditions. Sprinkler Temperature Rating (Fusing Point) Wax Part Number Wax Melting Point Maximum Ambient Ceiling Temperature Wax Color 155 °F (68 °C) / 165 °F (74 °C) 02568A 148 °F (64 °C) 100 °F (38 °C) Light Brown 175 °F (79 °C) 04146A 161 °F (71 °C) 150 °F (65 °C) Brown 200 °F (93 °C) 04146A 161 °F (71 °C) 150 °F (65 °C) Brown 220 °F (104 °C) 02569A 170 °F (76 °C) 150 °F (65 °C) Dark Brown 286 °F (141 °C) 02569A 170 °F (76 °C) 150 °F (65 °C) Dark Brown Based on NFPA-13. Other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location, and other requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Refer to specific installation standards. ©WARNING Never install sprinklers that have been dropped, damaged, or exposed to temperatures in excess of the maximum ambi- ent temperature allowed. Refer to the appropriate current technical data pages for complete care, handling, and installation instructions. Data pages are included with each shipment from Viking or Viking distributors. They can also be found on the Web site at www. vikinggroupinc.com. Form No. F_091699 18.10.11 Rev 16.1.P65 Replaces Form No. F_091699 Rev 16.1 (Added P65 Warning) Page 1 of 3 N4 I KJ 7W74J] 111 i 9 SPRINKLER OVERVIEW The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com 1. DESCRIPTION Viking fire sprinklers consist of a threaded frame with a specific waterway or orifice size and a deflector for distributing water in a specified pattern. A closed or sealed sprinkler refers to a complete assembly, including the thermosensitive operating element. An open sprinkler does not use an operating element and is open at all times. The distribution of water is intended to extinguish a fire or to control its spread. Viking sprinklers are available in several models and styles. Refer to specific sprinkler technical data pages for available styles, finishes, temperature ratings, thread sizes, and nominal K-Factors for the particular model selected. 2. LISTINGS AND APPROVALS Refer to the Approval Charts on the appropriate sprinkler technical data page(s) and/or WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm - approval agency listings. www.P65Warnings.ca.gov 3. TECHNICAL DATA Pressure Ratings: Maximum allowable water working pressure is 175 psig (12 Bar) unless rated and specified for high water working pressure [250 psig (17.2 bar)]. Sprinkler Identification: Viking sprinklers are identified and marked with the word "Viking", the sprinkler identification number (SIN) consisting of "VK" plus a three digit number', the model letter, and the year of manufacture. Available Finishes: Viking sprinklers are available in several decorative finishes. Some models are available with corrosion -resistant coatings or are fabricated from non -corrosive material. Refer to the sprinkler technical data page for additional information. Available Temperature Ratings: Viking sprinklers are available in several temperature ratings that relate to a specific temperature classification. Applicable installa- tion rules mandate the use and limitations of each temperature classification. In selecting the appropriate temperature classifica- tion, the maximum expected ceiling temperature must be known. When there is doubt as to the maximum temperature at the sprinkler location, a maximum -reading thermometer should be used to determine the temperature under conditions that would show the highest readings to be expected. In addition, recognized installation rules may require a higher temperature classifica- tion, depending upon sprinkler location, occupancy classification, commodity classification, storage height, and other hazards. In all cases, the maximum expected ceiling temperature dictates the lowest allowable temperature classification. Sprinklers located immediately adjacent to a heat source may require a higher temperature rating. K-Factors: Viking sprinklers are available in several orifice sizes with related K-Factors. The orifice is a tapered waterway and, therefore, the K-Factor given is nominal. Nominal U.S. K-Factors are provided in accordance with the 1999 edition of NFPA 13, Section 3-2.3. Refer to the specific data page for appropriate K-Factor information. Available Styles: Viking sprinklers are available for installation in several positions as indicated by a stamping on the deflector. The deflector style dictates the appropriate installation position of the sprinkler; it breaks the solid stream of water issuing from the sprinkler orifice to form a specific spray pattern. The following list indicates the various styles and identification of Viking sprinklers. UPRIGHT SPRINKLER: A sprinkler intended to be installed with the deflector above the frame so water flows upward through the orifice, striking the deflector and forming an umbrella -shaped spray pat- tern downward. Marked "SSU" (Standard Sprinkler Upright) or "UPRIGHT" Viking Technical Data may be found on on the deflector. PENDENT SPRINKLER: A sprinkler intended to be oriented with the deflec- The Viking Corporation's Web site at for below the frame so water flows downward through the orifice, striking http://www.vikinggroupinc.com. the deflector and forming an umbrella -shaped spray pattern downward. The Web site may include a more recent Marked "SSP" (Standard Sprinkler Pendent) or "PENDENT" on the de- edition of this Technical Data Page. flector. CONVENTIONAL SPRINKLER: An "old style" sprinkler intended to be installed with the deflector in either the upright or pendent position. The deflector provides a spherical type pattern with 40 to 60 percent of the water initially directed downward and a proportion directed upward. Must be installed in accordance with installation rules for conventional or old style sprinklers. DO NOT USE AS A REPLACEMENT FOR STANDARD SPRAY SPRINKLERS. Marked "C U/P" (Conventional Upright/Pendent) on the deflector. Form No. F_080814 18.12.06 Rev 14.1.P65 Replaces Form No. F_080814 Rev 14.1 (Added P65 Warning.) Page 2 of 3 N4 I KJ 7W74J] 111 i 9 SPRINKLER OVERVIEW The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com VERTICAL SIDEWALL (VSW) SPRINKLER: A sprinkler intended for installation near the wall and ceiling. The deflector provides a water spray pattern outward in a quarter -spherical pattern and can be installed in the upright or pendent position with the flow arrow in the direction of discharge. Marked "SIDEWALL" on the deflector with an arrow and the word "FLOW". (Note: Some vertical sidewall sprinklers can only be installed in the upright or pendent position —in this case, the sprinkler will also be marked "UPRIGHT" or "PENDENT".) HORIZONTAL SIDEWALL (HSW) SPRINKLER: A sprinkler intended for installation near the wall and ceiling. The special deflector provides a water spray pattern outward in a quarter -spherical pattern. Most of the water is directed away from the nearby wall with a small portion directed at the wall behind the sprinkler. The top of the deflector is oriented parallel with the ceiling or roof. The flow arrows point in the direction of discharge. Marked "SIDEWALL" and "TOP" with an arrow and the word "FLOW". EXTENDED COVERAGE (EC) SPRINKLER: A spray sprinkler designed to discharge water over an area having the maximum dimensions indicated in the individual listings. Maximum area of coverage, minimum flow rate, orifice size, and nominal K-Factor are specified in the individual listings. EC sprinklers are intended for Light -Hazard occupancies with smooth, flat, horizontal ceil- ings unless otherwise specified. In addition to the above markings, the sprinkler is marked "EC". QUICK RESPONSE (QR) SPRINKLER: A spray sprinkler with a fast- actuating operating element. The use of quick response sprinklers may be limited due to occupancy and hazard. Refer to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) prior to installing. QUICK RESPONSE EXTENDED COVERAGE (QREC) SPRINKLER: A spray sprinkler designed to discharge water over an area having the maximum dimensions indicated in the individual listing. This is a sprinkler with an operating element that meets the criteria for quick response. QREC sprinklers are only intended for Light Hazard occupancies. The sprinkler is marked "QREC'. FLUSH SPRINKLER: A decorative spray sprinkler intended for installation with a concealed piping system. The unit is mounted flush with the ceiling or wall, with the fusible link exposed. Upon actuation, the deflector extends beyond the ceiling or wall to distribute water discharge. The sprinkler is marked "SSP", "PEND", or "SIDEWALL" and "TOP". CONCEALED SPRINKLER: A decorative spray sprinkler intended for installation with a concealed piping system. The sprinkler is hidden from view by a cover plate installed flush with the ceiling or wall. During fire conditions, the cover plate detaches, and upon sprinkler actuation, the deflector extends beyond the ceiling or wall to distribute water discharge. The sprinkler is marked "SSP", "PEND", or "SIDEWALL" and "TOP". RECESSED SPRINKLER: A spray sprinkler assembly intended for installation with a concealed piping system. The assembly con- sists of a sprinkler installed in a decorative adjustable recessed escutcheon that minimizes the protrusion of the sprinkler beyond the ceiling or wall without adversely affecting the sprinkler distribution or sensitivity. Refer to the appropriate technical data page for allowable sprinkler models, temperature ratings, and occupancy classifications. DO NOT RECESS ANY SPRINKLER NOT LISTED FOR USE WITH THE ESCUTCHEON. CORROSION -RESISTANT SPRINKLER: A special service sprinkler with non -corrosive protective coatings, or that is fabricated from non -corrosive material, for use in atmospheres that would normally corrode sprinklers. DRY SPRINKLER: A special -service sprinkler intended for installation on dry pipe systems or wet pipe systems where the sprinkler is subject to freezing temperatures. The unit consists of a sprinkler permanently secured to an extension nipple with a sealed inlet end to prevent water from entering the nipple until the sprinkler operates. The unit MUST be installed in a tee fitting. Dry upright sprinklers are marked with the "B" dimension [distance from the face of the fitting (tee) to the top of the deflector]. Dry pendent and sidewall sprinklers are marked with the "A" dimension [the distance from the face of fitting (tee) to the finished surface of the ceiling or wall]. LARGE DROP SPRINKLER: A type of special application sprinkler used to provide fire control of specific high -challenge fire haz- ards. Large drop sprinklers are designed to produce an umbrella -shaped spray pattern downward with a higher percentage of "large" water droplets than standard spray sprinklers. The sprinkler has an extra -large orifice with a nominal K-Factor of 11.2. Marked "HIGH CHALLENGE" and "UPRIGHT'. EARLY SUPPRESSION FAST -RESPONSE (ESFR) SPRINKLER: A sprinkler intended to provide fire suppression of specific high - challenge fire hazards through the use of a fast response fusible link, 14.0, 16.8, or 25.2 nominal K-Factor, and special deflector. ESFR sprinklers are designed to produce high -momentum water droplets in a hemispherical pattern below the deflector. This permits penetration of the fire plume and direct wetting of the burning fuel surface while cooling the atmosphere early in the development of a high -challenge fire. Marked "ESFR" and "UPRIGHT' or "PEND". INTERMEDIATE LEVEL/RACK STORAGE SPRINKLER: A standard spray sprinkler assembly designed to protect its operating element from the spray of sprinklers installed at higher elevations. The assembly consists of a standard or large orifice upright or pendent sprinkler with an integral upright or pendent water shield and guard assembly. Use only those sprinklers that have been tested and listed for use with the assembly. Refer to the technical data page for allowable sprinkler models. RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER: A sprinkler intended for use in the following occupancies: one- and two-family dwellings with the fire protection sprinkler system installed in accordance with NFPA 13D; residential occupancies up to four stories in height with the fire protection system installed in accordance with NFPA 13R; and where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction in resi- dential portions of any occupancy with the fire protection system installed in accordance with NFPA 13. Form No. F_080814 18.12.06 Rev 14.1.P65 Page 3 of 3 N4 I Ki 7W74j] 111 i 9 SPRINKLER OVERVIEW The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Residential sprinklers have a unique distribution pattern and utilize a "fast response" heat sensitive operating element. They en- hance survivability in the room of fire origin and are designed to provide a life safety environment for a minimum of ten minutes. For this reason, residential sprinklers must not be used to replace standard sprinklers unless tested for and approved by the Authority Having Jurisdiction. In addition to standard markings, the unit is identified as "RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER" or "RES". 4. INSTALLATION Refer to appropriate NFPA Installation Standards. 5. OPERATION Refer to the appropriate sprinkler technical data page(s). 6. INSPECTIONS, TESTS AND MAINTENANCE Refer to NFPA 25 for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance requirements. 7. AVAILABILITY Viking sprinklers are available through a network of domestic and international distributors. See The Viking Corporation web site for the closest distributor or contact The Viking Corporation. 8. GUARANTEE For details of warranty, refer to Viking's current list price schedule or contact Viking directly. IMPORTANT. Always referto Bulletin Form No. F_091699 - Care and Handling of Sprinklers and the appropriate sprin- klergeneral care, installation, and maintenance guide. Viking sprinklers areto be installed in accordancewiththe latest edition of Viking technical data, the appropriate standards of NFPA, FM Global, LPCB, APSAD, VdS or other similar organizations, and alsowith the provisions of governmental codes, ordinances, and standards, wheneverapplicable. The sprinkler technical data page may contain installation requirements specific for the sprinkler model selected. The use of certain types of sprinklers may be limited due to occupancy and hazard. Refer to the Authority Having Jurisdiction prior to installation. Form No. F_080814 18.12.06 Rev 14.1.P65 Replaces Form No. F_080814 Rev 14.1 (Added P65 Warning.) Page 1 of 1 BEST PRACTICES FOR RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER N4 I KJ 7W7*J]JJJJ HANDLING & INSTALLATION The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page. SPRINKLERS ARE FRAGILE - HANDLE WITH CARE! • Always keep sprinklers in a cool dry place. • Protect sprinklers during storage, transport and handling as well as before, during and after installation. Refer to Viking's Care and Handling of Sprinklers Bulletin Form No. F_0916991. • Proper transit, storage and installation of sprinklers in a high -heat environment is a must. Care should be taken to prevent sprinklers from being exposed to ambient heat conditions in excess of those referenced in installation standards. • Do not stage or store sprinklers on the job site in advance in a non -conditioned space prior to installation. • Keep sprinklers in the original packaging and check temperature indicators on box label prior to installation. If the indicator has turned black, DO NOT install any product contained in the box. Refer to Viking product return policies. • Temperatures exceeding the maximum ambient temperature of the sprinkler temperature -rating during storage, transport, handling and installation must be avoided. • Per NFPA standards 13, 13R, and 13D, sprinklers installed where maximum ambient temperatures are at or over 101 °F (38 °C ) through 150 °F (66 °C) shall be intermediate temperature -rated sprinklers. Additionally, if sprinklers are installed in an unventilated concealed space under an uninsulated roof or in an unventilated attic, they shall be of intermediate temperature classification. • Sprinklers installed where ambient temperatures are at or below 100 °F (38 °C) may be either ordinary or intermediate temperature -rated sprinklers. Refer to NFPA standards 13R and 13D • Rough -in of sprinkler piping during hot weather conditions should not include the installation of sprinklers unless reasonable ambient temperatures can be maintained. Ambient temperatures that are considered when choosing the temperature rating for a sprinkler should take into account the range of ambient temperatures that are expected from installation through establishment and maintenance of temperature in a conditioned space. Appropriate insulation may be considered. Example: An ordinary temperature sprinkler should not be exposed to maximum ambient temperature higher than 100 °F (38 °C) or more. Refer to NFPA 13, Table, NFPA 13R, and NFPA 13D, • CPVC fire sprinkler products exposed to high ambient temperatures (e.g. installed in unventilated, concealed spaces such as attics) should be insulated to maintain a cooler environment. Refer to Viking Plastics Installation and Design Manual, Form No. F_0807122, for care and handling procedures. • Protect all sprinklers and connecting CPVC piping in attic spaces and unvented concealed spaces from excessive heat exposure above 100 °F (38 °C). To separate excessive attic heat, properly tent and fully insulate all pipe in unconditioned spaces. • Pressure relief valves should be installed on wet sprinkler systems where there is a risk of over -pressurization of a checked water supply, due to thermal expansion. Refer to NFPA 13, and NFPA 13D, A. • Fire sprinkler systems should be installed per current referenced editions of building codes and installation standards adopted in the jurisdiction where work is being performed. WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm- Zt 'Hot weather condition is defined as temperatures that can reach the maximum ambient temperature -rating of the sprinkler. 'Clicking on blue hyperlink will open referenced document. TORE INDICATOR DO NOT ACCEP IPMENT ABOVE INDIC DOT IS BLACK O O INCORRECT (Heat exposure) INCORRECT (Unconditioned at rough -in) INCORRECT (Exposed piping) INCORRECT (No pressure relief valve) Any sprinkler with a loss of liquid from the glass bulb or damage to the fusible element should be destroyed. Never install sprinklers that have been dropped, damaged, or exposed to temperatures exceeding the maximum ambient temperature allowed. Sprinklers that have been painted in the field must be replaced per NFPA 13. Protect sprinklers from paint and paint overspray in accordance with the installation standards. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia, or any other cleaning fluid. Do not use adhesives or solvents on sprinklers or their operating elements. Refer to the appropriate technical data page and NFPA standards for complete care, handling, installation, and maintenance instructions. For additional product and system information Viking data pages and installation instructions are available on the Viking Web site at WWw. vikinggroupinc.com. Form No. F_080415 18.10.11 Rev 16.3.P65 Page 1 of 1 N4 I KJ REGULATORYAND HEALTH WARNINGS The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page www.vikinggroupinc.com 1. DESCRIPTION Regulatory and Health Warnings applying to materials used in the manufacture and construction of fire protection products are provided herin as they relate to legally mandated jurisdictional regions. A WARNING STATE OF CALIFORNIA, USA Installing or servicing fire protection products such as sprinklers, valves, piping etc. can expose you to chemicals including, but not li- mited to, lead, nickel, butadiene, titaninum dioxide, chromium, carbon black, and acrylonitrile which are known to the State of California to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information, go to www.P65Warnings.ca.gov 2. WARRANTY TERMS AND CONDITIONS For details of warranty, refer to Viking's current list price schedule at www.vikinggroupinc.com or contact Viking directly. Form No. F 111218 18.11.15 Rev 18.1 New Bulletin CAL FIRE - RIVERSIDE UNIT RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL — LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 • Phone (760) 777-7074 • www.rvcfire.org April 26, 2022 ACER Fire Protection 4661 Mane Street Montclair, CA 91763 Re: Residential Fire Sprinkler Plan Review — YOUNESI RESIDENCE (VOLUNTARY INSTALL) FSS2022-0115 / 47990 VIA FIRENZE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 The sprinkler plans you submitted for the above referenced project have been reviewed by Riverside County Fire Department - Office of the Fire Marshal personnel and are approved with the following conditions. Permanently marked identification signs shall be attached to all control valves. The following inspections/tests are required to be witnessed by Office of the Fire Marshal Staff: (a) Overhead Rough and Hydro static test: All piping shall be visible and pumped at normal operating pressure. *No jacketed electrical and data wiring shall be in contact with, nor have the potential to contact CPVC piping once insulation is installed. (b) Final inspection The Fire Department approved plans and conditions letter must be at the job site. Applicant/installer shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspections. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 48 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (760)777-7131. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Office of the Fire Marshal staff at (760)777-7074. Kohl Hetrick - Fire Safety Specialist 1b RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE PROTECTION PLANNING RECORD OF INSPECTIONS / PERMIT CARD ai�Cv uGKCv THIS CARD IS TO REMAIN ON SITE AT ALL TIMES.—CALIFORNIA— INSTALLING CONTRACTOR MUST BE PRESENT FOR ALL INSPECTIONS. SEE NOTES ON REVERSE SIDE. JOB ADDRESS: 47990 VIA FIRENZE PERMIT#: FSS2022-0115 AT ED: 4/26/2022 DESCRIPTION: YOUNESI RESIDENCE CONTRACTOR: ACER FIRE PROTECTION HYDRANT SYSTEM DATE INITIALS SPECIAL SUPPRESSION DATE INITIALS Thrust block pre -pour Door fan test UG rough piping Abort test UG hydro Mechanical shutdown Flush Detector test Final IF Deluge/pre-action SPRINKLER U.G. Final EF Thrust block pre -pour UST/AST TANK UG rough piping Installation UG hydro Removal Flush Emergency shut off Final IF Primary piping FIRE SPRINKLER Secondary piping Weld inspection Dispensers & shear valves Overhead rough piping Final IF Overhead hydro MISC. INSPECTIONS UG flush / OK to connect Spray booths Main drain/inspectors' test Hood/duct extinguishing High pile storage High pile rack storage In -rack sprinklers H.P. vents/access/corridors Hose racks Tract access/hydrant verification Final IF Access & Address verification HOOD EXTINGUISHING OTHER CONST. PERMIT Detection system Function test Gas/electrical shut-off Nozzle model/placement Fire alarm connection Final e F SPRAY BOOTHS FIRE CODE PERMIT(S) Installation Air flow test Mechanical interlock Extinguishing system Fire alarm connection Final e F FIRE ALARM KNOX SYSTEM Rough -wire inspection Building Knox box Function test Gate access Knox box/padlock Duct detectors/velocity BUILDING INSPECTIONS 24 hr. battery test T/I final Sprinkler monitoring Shell final Final F' Final for occupancy FINAL INSPECTION DATE: INSPECTORS SIGNATURE: **WHEN CALLING FOR AN INSPECTION PLEASE HAVE PERMIT NUMBER READY. SEE NOTES ON REVERSE SIDE- 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 / 760-777-7000 / INSPECTION HOTLINE: 760-777-7131 INSPECTION NOTES 1. Sway bracing and hangers will be inspected at the time of rough piping inspection. 2. All required hydrostatic pressure tests shall maintain 200 psi for a 2-hour duration. (EX: Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems) 3. Fire sprinkler system remodels: if indicated on plans or this card, a hydrostatic pressure test shall be required. 4. All underground joints and thrusts blocks shall be exposed and readily visible during the hydrostatic test. 5. Contractor shall supply all testing equipment, access and operating instructions at time of test. 6. All systems shall be inspected, tested, and approved by a Fire Inspector before any work is started that may cause the affected system to be covered or hidden. POLICIES ON FIELD INSPECTIONS A. INSPECTION REQUESTS: Inspections are made subject to availability. Please have the permit number available when scheduling inspections. For City of La Quinta inspections call: (760) 777-7131. B. APPROVED PLANS: Shall be kept on the job site at all times that work is in progress. Work shall NOT commence without approved plans. C. INSPECTION REQUESTS: As required by the California Fire Code, the appropriate installing contractor shall be required to schedule the necessary inspections and be present on site for inspections. D. RE -INSPECTIONS: Will be charged against a permit when an inspection has failed, is not ready, the responsible party not on site or where previously noted corrections have not been completed. E. COMMODITIES: Unless otherwise noted on approved plans or letter of conditions, no commodities shall be entered into the structure until clearance has been granted by the Fire Dept and Building Official. F. OCCUPANCY: Buildings shall NOT be occupied by persons other than construction workers until a Final Fire Clearance has been granted by the Fire Dept and a Certificate for Occupancy has been issued by the Building Official. INSPECTION NOTES: THIS CARD IS REQURIED TO BE POSTED AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE. THIS CARD AND APPROVED PLANS MUST BE AVAILABLE AT THE CONSTRUCTION SITE FOR ALL INSPECTIONS. THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE AND BECOME NULL AND VOID IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF THE WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 180 DAYS OR MORE. THIS PERMIT IS FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL ONLY AND DOES NOT INTEND TO ABROGATE MORE RESTRICTIVE REQUIREMENTS OF OTHER AGENCIES HAVING RESPONSIBILITY. 78495 CALLE TAMPICO, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 / 760-777-7000 / INSPECTION HOTLINE: 760-777-7131 Hetrick, Kohl@CALFIRE From: hamid younesi <hamyou@sbcglobal.net> Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2022 8:13 AM To: Hetrick, Kohl@CALFIRE Cc: Hani Darzidan;josem.acerfire@gmail.com Subject: 47990 via firenze fire sprinkler Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Warning: this message is from an external user and should be treated with caution. Re: fire sprinkler installations 47990 via firenze la quinta , CA 92253 Dear Mr. Hetrick This letter is per your request in regards to installation of fire sprinkler system at my residence at 47990 via Firenze , La Quinta 92253. 1 would like to thank you for your detailed approach to this subject. I would also like to inform you that my contractor has informed me that a fire sprinkler system is not part of the code and is not required. I have decided that since the house is being completely remodeled , it would be a wise decision to add a fire sprinkler system. I would like to thank you again for your concern and please do not hesitate to call me for any additional concerns. my Cell number is (310) 925-2225. sincerely yours hamid younesi 47990 Via Firenze La Quinta , Ca 92253