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LAQ-14-RS-151 Andalusia Plan 21
+ire c:o Worldwide Fire ProLeodon contacts I www.tyco-fim.com Productsf!! RAPID RESPONSE aeries LFII Residential 4.9 IC factor Concealed Pendent Sprinklers, Flat Plane Wet Pipe and Dry Pipe Systems General The Series LFIi Residential Concealed Penderrt Sprinklers (TY8596) has been p Description designed with heat sensitivity and wa• A ter distributlon characteristics proven ::..F. •, The TYCD RAPt0 RESPONSE Se- to help in the control of residential fires and to improve the chance for occu- Ties LFII Residential 4-9 K-factor Can- n S Pinkie s TY3596 cealed Pendent p ( ) are decorative, last response, fus- pants to escape of be evacuated. The Series LFII Residential Concealed ' ible solder Sprinklers designed for use Pendent Sprinklers (TY3595} are in residential occupancies such as shipped with a Disposable Protective homes, apartments, dormitories, and Cap, The Protective Cap is temporar- I. . _. hotels, €ly removed for installation, and then The tower plate assembly conceals It can be replaced to help protect the spr€n%ler while the calkng is being InKEM the sprinkler operating components above the ceiling. The flat profile of the stalled or linishsd. The tip nt the Pro - cover plate provides the optimum aes- tective Cap can also be used to mark the center of the ceiling hole into Alas- The Series LFII Pesldential Con- ceeied Pendent Sprinklers (TY3596) thelicall ealtsl s rinkler design. Y aAA 9 P g In addition, the carlceated design of ter board, ceiling tiles, etc. by gently described herein most de installed s I-FilSprhRe the Series IFiE Ressdent€ai Concaared Pushing the calling product against the Protective Cap. Whan the calling and maintained in compliance with this document and with the appUca- Pendent (TY3598) provides 112 inch (i2,7 mm) vertical adjustment. installation 1s complete the Protective 6la standards of Eha NaUDna1 Fare Pro This adjustment provides a measure of Cap is removed and the Cover Plate Assembly installed. tectron Association, in AdOfllon to the standards of any aiutharl&s having ju- }Eaxibility when cutting fixed sprinkler n.,Woction. Failure to do so may impair draps. Dry Pipe System App,leatfon the performance of these devices. The Series LFII Residential Concealed Tire Ser€es LFII Residential Concraa}ad The owner is responsible for maintain - Sprinklers are Intended for use in the Pendent Sprinklers offers a laboratory leg their fire protection system and de - fallowing scenarios: approved option for designing dry pipe vices in proper operadng condition. • wet and dry pipe residential spdn- residential sprinkler systems, whereas, most residential sprinklers are labora- The installing contractor or sprinkler kker systems for one- and two-�fam- tory approved for wet systams onry. manufacturer should be contacted Hy dwellings and mobile homes par with any Questions. NFPA 13D Through extensive testing, it has been • wet and dry pipe res€dentlaf span- determined that the number of design sprinklers (hydraulic design area) for Sprinkler p kler systems for rasdential occu- panties up to and including tout the Series LFII RasdanFial Concealed Identification stories in height per NFPA 13P Penitent Sprinklers (7Y35961 need not be irsaeased over the number of de- Number • wet and dry pipe sprinkler systems sign sprinklers (hydraulic design area) for the residential portbns of any as specified for uvvet pipe sprinkler sys- TY3596 occupancy per NFPA 13 tems. as is accustomed for density/ area sprinkler systems designed per NFPA 13. Consequently, the Series LFII Residen- tial Concealed Pendent Sprinklers of- fer the features of non -water filled pipe UOPORTANYT In addition to riot having to increase Always refer to Technical data Y the number of design sprinters (hy- Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTAt_LER draw[€c design area) lot systems de- C ti n WARNING that pravldes au o s signed to NFPA 13, 13D, or 13R, with respect fo handling and in8tal- iatlon of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and in- stallation can pemvanentfy damage a sprinkler system or Its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire slitvation or cause It to operate prematurely. Page 1 of B TFP442 Page 4of6 FEBRUARY 2014 WET PIPE SYSTEM Minimum Flow and Residual Pre6surela°I 1,taximum 1slaxlmpm Ord [nary Temp. Rating MEnlmum Coverage Sp��In9 Area1'U Art, x fit, IRL iswr(71"o) deflector to Installation SpaRcing Flaw Preasure {mxm} Ceiling Type GPM PSI (m) lLJmin} ba. 12 x i2 12 13 7.0 Sm0001 (3,7x 3,7) (3,7) (49,2) 0,46] C, .Wngs 71S lu I-1/8 lnchns 14 x 14 14 13 1 ❑ (A .3 x 4,3) 0.3) [41).;')(I1 ) 4H) linamorl CeIIIl If11pa I NFPA ;r r:nncenked 8 16 x 16 --... _ 161:1 7.D 14,9 x 4,91 (4,91 {4a,21 (0,48) 1 13R_ oo13. Installer) rn R.4) 1 18 x a 1 ti 17 12.0 beam {5,5 x 5,5) {5,5) (64,3) (D,83) 71B to 1.1:8 inches below bottom of 20 x 2A 20 20 18.7 (r5,1 xG,1) gi.l) 175,7y 0.151 ha am TFP4.42 r " f V aoxt , 1 Iha minhnum ur,dd rho d id r cover ,i rlrr,icmluns loot than a t»tween 1h0oa indite c[1. ura For rx a v< a9 [ai 1 , h••.I ,�, n i..l, 1, k,.[a [rl „n, nnluiW 1 , .o v rrrra hw v4 rlrnn 1 wIr + . 1 I ar 1 r rear, r p l IduM Pro. mo x �[, , ,i � I 1 In rl a N1nMlgr tl,e ati{WVarad tar. man, ehl rioyr,lydn•r �lu5odc mirtilnun tow In GPM fLPN1) ro 4nC L P . Irh.,,Ll1+.,! iY.•ii�1111 r1 ,per nl,pl K-7.IrM" RAI- III P1101uul,• nrm�rir•,I.,r1rr, ll,n If•••„iln nnlww ns:lw.n (,I l Or NI M 1 :1 o••,denvra appNr:atmnv, the gronlm of r1 I gm0k nw,r the do�gn rasa of 1ho flow In WC4144n6a wen the C'mW.r 0" I.,1- n„ d 11" irtiml TABLE A WET PIPE SYSTEM SFRIES LFt1 RESIDENTIAL 4.9 K-FACTOR FLAT PLATE GONC E'ALED PENDENT SPRINKLER ETY359 fi) NFPA 13D, 13R, AND 13 HYDRAMIC DESIGN CRITERIA DRY PIPE SYSTEM Minimum Flow and Roslduni PreN'ssure M a;kmunh Maximum Covers a 9 SPacmg OrdlneryTsmp- Rnunpl Mlnlmum Area -Ft- Ft, x Ft. 160-F{71-C] - - --- - Deflector to Installation 8pacing {mxml m t } Ft PreSSlJre m"` Ceiling Type Ft. PM PSI G (ro} Llmirs) (har) 12 x 12. 12 13 7.0 &maotth (3,7 x 3.7) (3,7) 149.2E 10A$1 Ct,A ings 7/ia to 1-1I8 inches 14 x 14 14 14 8.2 (4,3 x 4,3) (4.3] (53:(h {0,57} Beamed Cel3ing'per NFPA 9835.o-r CanvesNfd B 16 x 15 t6 15 g 4 (4,9 k 4,4) (4,9) 0") (0;e� 13R. or 13. F1 iii€sd In [?.Al le x 18 1s 1H I l it hnnm Is,s r. 5,G) (5,L) {5a, Ii pe s3) IItl to 3-116 Inches. below 2n K 2C 20 21 i8.d��°f f0,1 x 8,1] (S,1} (7g,5) (1,27) w rn n 'l�aSe ,nd+:A[eeF iiYR t 18 mvamur•t P. ,ared d" r lrie A,.'t For � 1ensEols IBR3 Fr1�1 Of rJ'.rwF%°1, n Fa] ❑ swvsraAe sere -a d,n regheit co,waga ma For which )Omvlo design trtwa are sited. W Haqulrw nerd le Mixed m rhlr4nnm flaw In GPM (LP" film "di nfirin4er. The asaonaatw4 rexkiuel preesurlhe We c4LIcWntg0,re6/p tho miv&ml K-ImIm rtelO Id HydroWIC Dolt n under the poalgn Crlteda ee010.1 iri ✓•nr NFPAt3rww Iial"tm111:ulwk.lhav-rrrufir.luprnnl'rwo,tealiew[Wxrn:inlll,-ilk r,.,.r,, .LI.... with by mho cr,tu In In 1YF 1A61a "hoot ."d TABLE 8 DRY PIPE S VS TEM RAPID AFSP(IMSE SERIES LFiI RESIDENTIAL 4.0 X-FACTOR FLAT -PLATE CONCEALED PENDENT fTY3698J NFPA 930, 13R, AND 13 HYDRAULM DESIGN CRITERIA ARGO FIRE ALARM BELLS -CTDNCa _ter Four wire 120 and 24 volt U� 1001A__-' 1 • Indoor and ourdoor installation f l IN I • VYoatherprnof backixdx y y I20 VAC: b", 8", 10" 8° 01A. cow, -i--H► 24 VAC 6", 10" i (( �j , 1 t Y 1 1 \ Q j '/ 8 ©IA. GONG' �/// RATrNG 5 0CM SIZE 8 GONG SIZE 10 GsnNGSVE Rated Sourxt Ls O Rated Sound Level Ra.d Soland Leref vOLTAGE Gunerm al 1 Meter Carmen! ,a 1 Ma,lor Current at 1 Mefar SVDC 250mA %,w 250mA 45da 250mA e5dB 12VDC l80MA, 95du IMMA 85dB 'BOMA 9tldB 24VX loorn4 9'SaB iOOmA 95d6 tOOmA 9fide 1211VAC 25,nk 96d6 2,"A 95d6 25rrA 9I dB 22E1VAC' 20mA 9r,dh I20,nk 95dh I 20ntA 97ah WIRING INS D.C. BELLS (observe polarity) fIED Ili; - RED (OUT) ...... �..-_ o -\ froo ivnrRB Danef or Pj r, W bad a I arr*a-Errs resr5R7r [I r i'.. i BLACK N ' 6LACI( ((riIT �_.: �. . r.-...�.... `'-...-..s'r Who el &cal wpermor is mg4md flea In &Mut leads as dmn, t, observe rp to r OC hers p r I 2, Rad wm p witive (+) I 3. MBA wires negative {-) .. _.. _ .... I ip C3 o n 13ack Box PRUCTIOVS A.C. BELLS from wnhol p preceding WNn electric,€ a*w" "Is required use in and oul leads as shown. 1, Whet, uping AC bey, Feninata each extra wire sep&alel,, mini laet bell 2. En"Hine resister is rm raqu'aed on AC beds. ...._.._. t1Worldwide { wvrw.syco-rire.com 011:0 Contacts jg RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Sprinklers 4.9 K-factor Pendent Wet Pipe and Dry Pipe Systems General Escutcheon reduces the accuracy to which the pipe drops to the sprinklers Description be t Ul, The nklers The Series The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Ssrles eat sensi- have been designed with heat senss- designLIFII ed LFII Residential Pendent and Recessed doily and water ccont Pendent S inklers (TY2234 are deco- P� } help inl thaon terlgtlGs proven to help ' of rative, fast response. frangible bulb of residential fires and to improve the sprinklers designed for use in residen- chance for occupants to escape or be tlal OCGupancle6 Such a3 homes, apart- avacUated. meets, darmitories, and hotels. When aesthetics and optimized flow charac- pry Pipe System Application teristics are the major oonsideration, The Series LFII Residential Pendent the Series LFII Residential Sprinklers and Recessed pendent Sprinklers tshould be he first Gho1G@, (FY223 } toffers option for rat approved n an ❑ a labs ory pp p The Series LFII Residential Sprinklers designing dry pipe residential sprinkler are intended for use In the following systems, whereas, most residential The owner rs responsible for main scenaros: sprinklers ara laboratory approved for Paining their fire protection system and wet systems only. &-vices In proper operating condltfon. • wet and dry pipe residential sprin- Through extensive testing, it has been The installing contractor or sprinkler Her systems for one- and two-family determined that the number of design manuhactursrshouW be contacted with dweNT493 and mobile homes per sprinklers (hydraul€O design area) for any questions. NFPA 13D the Series LFII Residential Pendentand • Wet and dry pipe residential sprinkler Recessed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2234) Sprinkler systems for residential occupancies need not be increased over the number up to and including four atones In of design sprinktsrs (hydraulic design Identification height per NFPA 13R area) as specified for wet pipe sprinkler • wet and dry pipe s rinklsr s tams systems, as is accustomed for densiiyl Number (SHIP) Y P p Ys area sprinkler systems designed per for the residential portFons of any NFPA 13 TY2234 accuparicy per NFPA 13 Consequently, the Series LFII The recessed version of the Series LFII Resid"tial Sprinklers is intended Residential er 9119 ens offer the itofu to P of Han -wafer filled pipe ]n addition to for use in areas with finished ceilings. not having to increase the number of It employs a tvvD-piece Style 20 design sprinklers (hydraulic daslgn Recessed Escutcheon. The Recessed area) for systems designed to NFPA Escutcheon provides 114 inch (6,4 13, T3D, or 13R. Non -water filled pipe mm) of recessed adjustment or up to will permit options for areas sensitive 112 inch {12,7 tam} of total adjtastmenS to freezing - from the flush ceiling position. The adjustment provided by the Recessed The Series LF11 Residential Pemlent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2234) IMPORTANT described herein must be installed and Always refer to Tecltnical Data maintained incompliance with this Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER d❑cupterrt and the applicable stan- WARNING" that provides cautions dardz of the National Fire Protection with respect to handling and instal- Association. in addition to Me standards lation of sprinkler systems and Of any authorities having jurisdiction. components. Improper handling and Falure to do so may impair the p--rfor- f1 d +Hence of these devices. iostal,atlon can pem3anan y amago a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fart to operate in a lire shuatson or cause it to operate prematurely. Page 1 of 6 TFP400 Page 4 of 6 APRILL 2013 TFP400 WET PIPE SYSTEM Minimum Flaw and Residual PressureM, d Max- Cv Ordinary TErrp, Ptattng Intormadtat® Tom . Rating Minimum .. 0jga Area Is1 13S`F {8$`C] 77S'F {79° ) DePleckhr tv Installation Spacing Flow Pressure Flow Pressure Ft. x Fl. Ceiling Type Ft. Im x m} GPM P61 GPM PSI I-) (Llmrn} tsar} (Lim€n) lb&') 12 x 12 13 7A 13 7.0 Smooth (3,7 x aM (49,21 0,46) (49,21 (0A8) Ceilings 1-ii4 to 14 x '14 (4,3 x 4.3) 13 (49,2) 7.0 (0,48) 13 H9,2? 70 {D4s) 4 inches Recessed Beamed u51ng Style 21) }15 x 1S 13 TO 13 7.0 1rn � per eNFPA Escutcheon or a (4,9 x 4,e) 49,2) ((),48} (49,2) i0,48} 13D Han -rein" c } U,4) Ur 13H �1:3Nri,por 130 18 x 10 17 i2.0 17 12.0 f5,5 x 5,51 (64.31 (0.63) W-M (0,83j 1.1r4 to 1-3/4 Inches bel(Av 20 x 20 20 1G.7 20 16. 7 bottom of (6,1 x5.1) (75,7) (1,15) i75,7S 0115} beam. (n) FED corarage area darenalwa loss ataa or between thg�, rndicatud, UW She rnlnlrallat aorlydred 8t.,� W d8 r�axt highest aowxage Aria ter wrreit by Lfic design tritons era ;fated ([,I wegwne M 9 13s _ i r Mgnmw rlow In GPM ILPrAI fmrn earn 50] kl r. rhM as W-Ileft r Iduar V re LKH are „a,.^v4vted 45e1g C Maria srw6m n undor Iha - n the nominal K•�factor. A:�¢r to H molt Gle i- alp id I h rn usi n urea o the Ilaw M acturWnnca w,! Ina �JI na si - I h ,'n rnsu d1v d i I- one Pilo rKt[wa e NFPAIS lat<derttitd Iced f>m 9 c Fur p 4 9 t. a1Ly 7agte ml1Et rM used. TABLE A WET PiPE SYSTEM SERIES Ls=l1 RESIDENTIAL PENDENT AND Ff1ECES5ED PEf'ICIENT SPRINKLERS (TY2234) NFPA 13D, 13P, AND 13 HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA GRY PIPE SYSTEM Maximum Minimum Flow and Residual Pressve0l-0 Goveragqc Ordinary Temp, Reling IntermadiatvT6try] Rating Minimum Area [•I 155-F 168.0 175`F (79'Cj Deflector to Installations Spacing Ft. x Ft. (m x m) Flaw Pressure stow Pressure Gelling Type Ft GPM (l Imin) PSI I (bar) GPM (Lrminl PSI (spar] (m) 12x12 13 7.0 13 7-0 otlln1 5 0 (3.7-1.7) (49,2) (0-411) i4 V.2) (0.43) Ceilings 1-1 d t r c 4 inches Recessed :4 x 14 (4,8 x4,3) 14 {53,Oj 6.2 (d,57} 14 (53,0) S-2 (0,571 Beamed using Style 20 :SxiG [4,9x.4,g] 1!i a t56. 1 9.a as 10. ) 15 s {56, } g'4 ( 0 65 3 Gelb s{� r D NFPA 13D Earu,rhruon yr Han-racassetl 8 4 {2 } or 13R Per NFPA 131s, tsR, or !9 (5 5 x 5-4) (68.1) €D 93} ' (e81) (C 93) 1-11a t 1-314 mcnes below t x 20 21 18.4 21 1S.d 17Lt,om of I0,1 x 0,11 (7g.57 [9,27) 179,5) (t,27) beam. 0) Far ro rerags anha 4hT4 r,.+r*s Igsc lli r, or rwtxaen dean and-ted, ,se the m✓,1rrs,m retIdmd flow fro rho next 1lighaai cov.irarla wee rn., .Kh nyGnuric dwg, criteria am sma fbl Raj memo c a baavd ❑n limimorn How ae GPM iLPf 1j from each gout w, The aaaoc,ated residual preaw- ono cakulaiRd dmne the a"me3l H-(acier. Rs1er to Hydral'lic Design arks 8� Denali: Critens slx:Lnn {la For+9PA 13 reltldanM1 a441eallon5. tF a greateriA:)A gpndfla Hoar the dtsgn area N Ins 14yas m actxxdom * vnth the cmerm Irl this table moat be udad, TABLE B DRY PIPE SYSTEM SERIES LFII RESIDE'NT'fAL PENDENT AND RECESSED PENDENT SPRtNiCLERS (TY2234) NFPA 130, 73R, AND 13 HYDRAULIC I]ESIGN CRITERIA Resftie?i tial Connection Charge Estimate =-' Vat*:. €3ecembt-r 26, .2G' I2. _ _, _- Customer Name: ' ,) °.. .. � �� , . T) %P�1. c, . C .. s .', pfrrsfle 1Ir_. --- -- .. -- . .tl, -- _.... AvrceF No-_._ � 1i� i��:!::." ��' i &eo, W rc -�:'� - _:' . res .._.. :... Add S' " . ,, ' .:=. ;.u;r;,ii VD:•• a�P3 - s3irlLcNa. . --... .. .... , ...... ......-.........r - .......... __,,,,, .: Lot hlo' >i : � ' 5 inn of tot: € M" 2: . S . ft. Ttact Rtt . Lau' ? ' - ,-: w,.. - q I.: - .... Type of Service; �R-1�1I - Duplex: 0 Tripl' © Alm ... . StAfSC:�_.__.__ ... `3:� _...:: ..-.,_,.�, ..'..ex: N ,". . �- ... `'..fit':. rBGf.t' WSR : . sa: _-._._... . - . - Nlete+= � __. ..:. fit s'ib • Meter sStrc arge:. : , _.. -.._. _::........ - --- - ..._.- . '' Service s-tie: 1. ... ':..............: .. ......._....._ ;' �_ -ir.:. ".i Servida: ,.... Alleter & 5ervice:r`......... --- . . ' Other: ~�; . _ ": (seeexplanation below) severer tateral: . Tool: .3, 811.06 Other: Abandon I Relocate . ,... .. N .. 1 ;ti. ;:. ..... ... - r ., '� ... ..... J. lttiarlTr8L16rt S40.01 t ftyr Customev : C%Avb.syate°rn Oars . L1r1 Mic Wattr Demands 5ar} CaMSIM' " MAX. m-'. < g13:.: ft4a1 FIa1'= Mirs. Pressure _- .„ _ ._.V r . "::__..Si .. � _ tnfet Pressure= - .�.. _'.. y 41 RSI. _T _._,. _ iTTTt[1ET'trtElii� .. >L7utlei Fie5S11 r1"' `:-+F -- - ..._--_...----._...__.-.._...__.._._ maxi Flow= ._� , "_!. i4 .' l� _ _..-�.._. _-9_ Min, Pressure= .::: B.......j�a3 Meter51te = _inch System Toilet Service Size- inn .. ML M n Stand Alrlrse 0 _..�._...... _. INSTALLA-TLON: I. The bell should be mounted a minimum of 8 fc from the floor or, as close to the ceiling as possible. `F¢ rk3f€ n PuiE7traes-Semite Caorrrlecti- intfiltiEs: I Remove the gong a CVWD USES WOR.iT CASE CONDlitON Service Connection f Ipe=W', klemr Stop, le�tsr, C]hra Vaiyt & Sham ow Virive 3. Connect the wiring (see diagram), d with the striker ❑irttin down)- 4, Mount bell mechanism to b<lckhax (hell mechanism must be maunte p g ) S. Reinstall the ❑ be sure that the en osidonin in, in the mechanism housing, is In th hale rn the on 11lptes:''rt..... .... .. _ _ . :q - ,. ..F ..... ° gong S gP 8fz g S 1rN b. Tess all balks for proper operation that they can be heard where required [hens must be heard in all areas as designated by the �,:. ..:' :. : '. , r:r cj.;r ;. '; , .. 41.% Lac F.r:;: < •,€ ....: ; -. r,:: [> . .. . authoi'2y having jurisdiction). :. ..:' :1 ; '.Ys" 3 4 w x' :: �1 :;'.:f . Pz:%".3-5�Wc- `ter€oi: !.-, i ' -'. f e ;. e. . _ , _ f3O0-854-9G9Fa www.ar•gtaa.aorrs FAX 76f]-727-327C! December 12, 2413 Spdrikler 41 a The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings IMI 49058 Telephone. 269-945.9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818.1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com 1. DESCRIPTION Viking Microfasts and M[GrofasfHFIe Quick Response Pendent Sprinklers are small, thermosensitive, glass -bulb spray sprinklers available in several different finishes and kaipperatllre ratings and K Factors to meet design requirements- The special Polyester,Posytetratluoroethylene (PTFE), and EEeGtroless Nickel PTFE 4ENT) . .:r.�,... coatings can be used in docorativ. applications where colors are desired. In ad- dition, these coatings have been investigated for €nslallatiun in corrosive atn1DS- p ;..' pheres and are lisladlappruvad as eormslon resistant as indicated in the Approve€ Charts. (Note: FM Global approves ENT finish as corrosion raalstant FM Global 1 has no approval classification for PTFE and Polyester coatings as corrosion resist- s ant.) 2, LISTINGS AND APPROVALS � e us cVLus Listed: Category VNIV FM Approved: Classes 2001, 2002, 2015, and 2017 Ptl 12479 PH ©6fiH5$ NYC Approved; Golmdar Number 219-76-SA and MEA a9-92-E, Vrllun3e 16 ABS Certified' Cetlfflcate 04-H5407!M4C-PDA VdS Approved: Cartiflcates (34040096. G4040097, G40&W55, C,4064II57, 04880045. G4930038, and G4980021 LPC Approved: Ref. No _ 096eiO3 and 096ef04 Eta CE Certified: Slandard EN 12259-1. EC -certificates of conformity 0786-CPD-40130, 0786-CPD-40170 and 0786-CPD- CE 40279, 0632-CPD-2001, and 0632-CPD-2003 MED Certified: Standard EN 12259-1, FCC-Deof conformity 0832-MED-1003 and 0832-MED-1008 ANTE: Q1her international approval certificates are available upon request. Risfar to Approval Chart 1 and Dltsign Crttefia on page 41d for cULus Listing requlrements and Peter to Approval Chart 2 and Design Cnteria an pags 41f for FBA Approval requirements that most De followed. 3. TECHNICAL_ DATA Specifications: Available since 1987. Minimum Operating PreF,stJrn' 7 psi (0.8 bar}" VHting Technical Data may be found on Maximum Worsting Pressure: Sprinklers 12282 and 12290 are rated for Lase with water working pressures ranging from the minimum 7 psl The Viking Corporation's Web site at (0.5 bar) up to 250 psi (17 bar) for high-pressure systems. High -pies- hitp4!lwww.vikinggroupine.com. sure (HP) sprinklers can be identified by locating "250" stamped on The Web site may include a foots recent the deflector. AU other Part Nos. not mentioned above are rated to a edition of thin Technical Date Page. rhaximurn 175 psi (12 bar} wwp. Factory tested hycirostelrcally 10 SN pst (34.5 bar) Thread size- RefeF to the Approval Charts Nominal K-Factor: Refer to the Approval Charts Glass -bulb iiuld temperature rated to -65 "F (-55 `C) Overall Length: Refer to the Approval Cheris 'cVlius Llsting, FM Approval, and NFPA 13 Installs require a mirr[mum of 7 psd JO.5 bar). The n-01-vm operating pr, G"ura for 1.,PCE3 and CE Approvals ONLY is 5 psi (0.35 ba-). Material Standards: Frame Casting: Brass UNS-CS4400 or ❑M Brass for Sprinklers 129713 and 12282, Brass TINS-CS4400 far all other sprir*Wrs. Deflector: Phosphor Bronze UNS-051000 or Copper UNS-C19500 for Sprinklers 12979, D6r66B- and 06765B. Copper UNS- C19500 for Sprinkler 12262. Ph*sphbr Brotlze UNS-0510OOr Copper IJNS-G195W or Brass UNS-C240VO for Sprinkler 06720B, Brass UNS-C2WOO for all other Sprinklers. Bushing (for Spdrlklers 06718B, 067208, and I22 O): Brass UNS-C36000 ?vuEh: Cass, nominal 3 tam diameter Sett ' Re Spring Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides will PTFE Tape Screw. Brass UNS-C36000 pip Cap and Insert Assembty: Copper UNS-C11000 and Stainless Steel UNS-S30400 Eor PTFE Coated_S2rip f9-i . Belleville Spring -Exposed, Screw -Nickel Plated. Pip Cap-PTFE Coated For PolveSter C ed Sorinklers: Belleville Spring -Exposed For ENT Coated Sg frlkais: Belleville Spring-EXpos�, Screw and Pip-'ap - ENT coated. Form No. I" 081296 Replaces page 41 a-f, dated December 4, 2013. - (Added E-3 Escutcheon) Sprinkler 41d December 12, 2013 V, N11UNG MICROFAST" AND LViePONSEP�ENDE#4 RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS 12979 VH302 1P2" 15 tam 5.6 80_e I. 2.1i4" 1. 57 ... ..-..__........-..... _..-._..._-L........... -._.....__. A17(. I31Y, (if. E4Z ASX, R1Y - - .--...--.--..�_.__._-....__. _.�..........�..._.-.._ .._....._....._.-. .-_.._. ..... _......_..._- ....................�... r �� ,. i5 mm s,b 80.& 2.114" i 5B . 11 VfL302 2 AIX, Sly RTX BlY A2 ASX SZ'r C?X. F2Y't I C2K E7Y" I Large Orifice Cd688B I VK352 1 314 20 tar, 8.0 1,6.2 ?-316" SO A97C, 89Y, C4, F42 A1x 81Y A2 A?K C?" a d 1)(B Y A.2 -- :F - A A1x R1Y cd z 1 1, 571 .2 2.31fI" 60 a6765B" VK352 1Ii" 95 tam 8 0 I Small Orifices - 06718W VK329 ir1" 15 mini 2.8 40.3 l 2.3i16' "4 A1X, RiY AIL, B1Y - - -- - 067208t VK331 tv-2' 15 tan, 4.2 57 ' 2.114" 58 AIX, R1Y AIX, B1Y - -- -- - "."__..�..-.._..... _._. ..._...� _. --..-�.._....._. ........_-„ ................._,,, ................_...j_..--- 069326 VK331 - form 4.2 57 2-31�60 - A2 G3` • -- - -.�..,_�... .............................. _r....... -.._. ........ ----...-.._ .-.. _._ -_...._ --_-- . ._ .........� _ - -. Maximum 250 PSI (17 bar) WWVP Standard Orifice Sprinkler Nominali Overall Listings and Approvals' Base SIN Thread Spa H-Factor Length {l3a}er alsoto Design Criteria on page 41e.) Pan No' NPT ESP U.S. metric' 1 tnchae tam cUta s` NYC" Vd5 l PCf3 1G282 VIS317 1i2" 15 tam 5.8 ESO.fi 2-114 58 Atx, BtY AtK - Maximum 250 PSI (17 bar] WVVP q Small orifice _.._....._.-... __...__..._....- ......... ......_1-_.._...._i[._...._..._.................. _._...__.._..__....._ .._.... ._...- -- ---", 111:}I]'-'.. V![3A2„1,• 112- .� 15 mar .2:t3 ..LIO'l j 2.3118" SB _.-.. Al x, f3lY ... J1. Call(.,. --� ___.-_____ �,,,.,.-- Appmvad Tampamfora Ratings 1 A - l35'F (67'C). 15.i -F tea TC1. 175'F M ' C), 200'F (93 "C),.and Approved Escutcheons A rsrvrd Ponlshea ;Epp •Allot •G) k sLsndard surlaoe'mounlM escufcheat yr B • 165 -F (57 -C1, 15$'F (6B'C), 175-F t79 `C), and 200'F f93 r 1 • Brass. Ghronra, 'Vft-Lo Pa€�'ssraru", EwaCk fhp Viking hlicrNast Modal F•1 AdivaleE,le N". n BI PTFE PD rite a d adc "C1 :I Y Escutcheon C- t-5o'F {G8'(;), f75 -F (79 `C), 200'F 183 "Ci. and 285 "F {1st 2 - crass, Chrcme. LL'hlfe PClyeyta. anti B1acI. Y - Standard sunax.nm rted esWrl!eah or " Po sate IY M ^tgMadel F•i Ad' EaartdRir,n: 7 1Nidng r_rore., F - ,lP�t1 Lhe V,Y;n Mir-romall� Node! E- i b - 195'F (5'r'C), i56 x (88 °C), 17S 1F (79 'C). ts'1d 286 °F (144 3 Brass end Chrome vrrecessed g .'C) Il=syx,lr3>son 4 - EN7 1, L�2, nr E3 Recessed a -m " d h oil w re- E - 160 ' F (fib 'C), 775'F I79 'C1. and 2DR "F [aa -GI z - Slandery svrr. re a a esn+lc a 1 F • 155 "F 68'C . 175'F 79 "C1. and 286 -F {141 'Cl do3sau with the Vik:no A4orornatic'� Model E-1 i ) { D 155 -F 158 'C) j 1 Faatmws 1 om I r to Viking S r' ..' h WH. ' Base ! nu Peer � s!a:Ha. Mcr s u n n• ter n? a .um�it icr Sd ed rx, {u FtM i�W � - Wt. w Ufa r rnnsxuacx f 0x is were pmsswe ka rnoad,red in few 'Ad" pressum rs rmia jred in wa. dvlde €iw nt 4 K-facim &Nwi by le,S. I This table shows ate Ii6tir-v end approvals avaliabk4 Vi at Vie time of pnnlvig CheGk wgh fhe manLrfaGi-imr fix any addilima ,a'.a appls. ' Listed try WdNwriters Laboratories Inc. nor uee ii the U.s. am Caii da. 'Accepted for use. Cty of New York Beard of Standards and Rppeafa, Cahendrr Humber 219.76.4A. r cULus 1jgtarl AS C rrn o on rosistanl. '.. ' C'lner odors am avabWe w mglleSl w1th the same L,stktga and Approvals es the standard m1ors. ' Listings and Appmn is limited to L411 Hazard Occupancies whore allawed by ft h%lalfetion varidamds being aa,lW, whit hydrsulrcaty calculated wet systems only. Exception: 4 2K sprinklers may he Installed m hldmultally uiwated dry pipe sysle s where pory , A cOrro"'Jon rogiswnl or ,nte nett' gaivan,Yed " T'he sprinkler url(= w bushed. ccepsfor use. City of Now Yrxk Dopogm nr or SuAdingg. MEA Number 89.92•E, Vol 16. °d " Ct C'r'',Od, standard EN 12259.1• EC�rhGcr,tea of cmfurrnity W85 ,CPD -2001 and CW2-Cpt'M2 . " CC Certi5atr. Slarlux,d FN 122n9-1, ECtoltifw:alu rA, x twrnity 0T86•CPD•45279. " (i CeO'iod. Standard EN 12259.1, EC-oartiricate o1 DDOmmKy O?50- Pik401 a0 arsj o18sCPaA0170. •' O MED Caruricd. Standard EN 122Ki-1, EC.xrl,rr try r1 cxx,fottnity 0ai 2-MED-t GfK1 ar.1J W37•MED-1008. „The 1:2' NPT Large Drthoe ,Wrkor is Listed and Appmved for reacfit Dnly_ _ 0 W 2 in a TRANS FROM 8" MAIN 3/4" METER PVC X COP r r 1 .1 Gr 4 P (�)(DT 4EL-0 EL=3' EL=5' TO SYSTEM CL n = T-Q.R. EL = 15' COUPLING 300LB. WATER GAUGE 1/2" DRAIN VALVE; - OPTIONAL PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE LL FLOW SWITCH WITH 30 - 40 SEC. DELAY 41 CHECK VALVE WITH RESILE:NT SEAT r 11�7� 112" PVC DRAIN TO EXIT = B.O.R. EL = 9' h SHUT OFF 'aI Fire & Building Products 0 rapid response' HOME FIRE SWittlMxvER Sys-rvI Technical Services: Tel' (800) 381-93121 Fax: (800) 791-5500 BlazeMaster CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe & Fittings Submittal Sheet General Description Technical.. TycGl�" CPVC Pipe and Fittings pro- Data duced by Tyco Fire & Building Prod- - acts (TFBP) are designed exolusiveky Sizes foruse inwat pipe automatic fire sprtn- 3/4" to 3" �i. kfer systems. The Tyco CPVC Pipe Iitaxlmuln Working treasure and Fittings are produced from Blaze- 175 psi Maskers' CPVC compound that is a specially developed thermoplastic App provals compound composed of past chi Dili F EA and Dt FM C-UL NSF, LPCB hh V resin aced polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) esI the Cif of Los Angeles. Refer to In- ( . Y 9 , and state of the art additives. Tyco stallation Handbook IH-1900 dated , . s CPVC Plpe and Ftttings are easier to June 20 8 for exact fisiin a ravel - D 91 PF : '. - install than traditional steel pipe Sys- __ - informallon.) teals. and a( the same time. provide Manufacture Source superior heat resistance and strength U.S.A. as compared to traditional CPVC and PVC piping imetL-rials used in the Material plumbing trade. Various adapters are .pipe: ASTM F442, SDR 13.5 available to connect CPVC pipe to me- tallic piping. All tamale pipe thread • Fittings: ASTM F438 (Sch. 40) and adapters have brass inserts for Jura- ASTM F439 (Sch. 80), ASTM F1970 billty. Grooved adapters connect di- Color redly to grooved end valves and me- Orange tallic pipe, with flexible grooved end coupl rags. Tyc,O CPVC Pipe and Fittings pro- duced with Blazemesiero CPVC com- pound described herein must be in- staL)8d and maintained in dill plane { with this documarlf and with the appli- cable standards of the National Fire J Protection Association, in addition to , the standards otany aufhodflss having jurisdiction_ Failure to do so may im- pa{r the Perf❑rMOPCe of these daviceS. The owner is responsible for msmWn- r ing their fire protection system and de- Oces in proper operating coriditiors. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted wiih any questions. WazeMasfeO is a registered liedemark or77ta Lubr4ol CorporaEiori Page 1 of 2 JUNE, 2008 TFP1915 Page 2 of 2 installation TycO CPVC Pipe and Fittings prc- duced by Tyco Fire & Buildirg Prod- ucts (TFBP) are W be Installed in accordance with Inslallation Hand- book IH-1900 dated June 2008, Care and Maintenance The owner is responsible for the in- specliOn, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and de- vices in GomplianCe with this docu- ment, as well as wilh the applicable stan dards rds of the National Fire Prolec- tion Association (e.g.. NFPA 25), in addtt€on tc the standards of any y` authority having jurisdiction. The in - eta I lrn g contractor or p rod u cl m a rt u fsc- turer should be contacted relative to any questions. sprinkler systems should be Automatic s e s P Y Inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspeclion Service in accord- s Bnce with local requirements andlor j'l national codes Before closing a fire prarecr€an system conlral valve for inspection or mainfe• trance work on Elie fire protection Sys - tom tihal a controls, permission io shur down #hs affected fire protect1 on sys- tem must first be obtained from the proper authorities and all personnel who may be affected by this action most be rtatiFed. After placing a fire protection systems Jr? service, notify the proper auttroNties a dadvi n a those res nsible for moni- s toring proprietary and/or central SeO- fion afarr7l8- r i I I I+ Lim ited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire & Building Products =TFBP) are war- ranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in mate- rial and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years From date of shipment by TF5P- No warranty Is given for products or com- ponents manufactured by companies not affiliated by ownership with TFBP or for products and componants which have been subject to misuse. improper installation, corrosion, or which have not been Installed, maintalned, modi- fied or repaired In accordance with ap- pllcable Standards of the Nation al Fire Protection Assdciatlori, and/or the Standards n other Authorities ard s of any r' Having Jurisdiction. Materials Is found by TFBP to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, al TFSP's sole option. TFBP neither assumes, nor F l author xes any person toassume or it any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of prod- ucts. TFBP shall not be responsible for sprinkler syslem design errors erinac- curale or incomplete informallon sup- plied by Buyer or Buyer's repre- ss eta lives. In no event shall TFBP be liable, in contract, fart strict liabilll QY under any other legy al theory, forincldental, indirect, special orconsequentlal dam- ages, including but not limited [o labor charges, regardless of whether T PSP was informed afoot the possibility of such damages, and in no event shall TFBP's liability exceed an amount equal to the sales price. forenoino watr9nty is iade_1L11ieu pfanyr and all other warWrit[es. Ax- aress or' armerchantabillt t€cti lar ou roose. This Iirrlits d warranty sets forth the ex- clusive remedy for claims based on failure of or defect in products, materi- als or components, whether the Claim is made in contract, tort, strict liability or any other legal theory. This warranty wllI apply to the lull ex- tent permitted by law, The invalidity, in whole or part, of any porfkon of this warranty will not affect the ramaindet. Q 2008 TYCO FIRE & Bu11_61NG PRODUCTS, 451 North Gamx> n Avenue, Lansdale. Pennsytvarva 19446 TFP1915 HARDENED HEX HEAD SELF 1HRE+IONG SCREW a FURNSHE6 MM THE K44M AND IS THE HARDENED M HEAC SELF THREMANG SCREW MII4MUM FASTENER SIZE ACCEPTABLE IS FURNISHED AM THE HAHGETI AND IS THE mmMUM FASTENER SZE ACCEPTABLE KWDENEM HEX HEAD SELF THREAOIHG SCREW IS FLAnd9HED WPM THE HANGER AND IS THE MINIMUM FASTENER SIZE ACCEPTABLE �l o �I CPVC DOUBLE FAStENER STRAP TYPE HANGER CPVC DOUBLE FASTENER STRAP TYPE H."ER INGLE FASTENER SfkAP TYPE FIAJ1dER FIGURE 23 - CPVC HANGER FIGURE 24 - CPVC HANGER FIGURE 22 - CPVC HANGER BLAIEMASTER CPVC PiPE �AQL k4WMUM SUP HG OESTA[VCE HANGER SPA.CANG N SPRIN DROP ELBOW HANLQCA I i0 v5 Al2h TO $E HANGER PLACED PER MP�N[1FACTLTRERES SPF,CIFICATIONS NOMINAL. 512E inches (mlm) 1- 25.4 MAX SPAC8H9 feet (m) &O, (1.I1) PIPE SIZE [nchas SYSTEM PRESSURE [ 100 psi 7 IOU psi 1- 12" 9' 1-1 4- 32.0 1-1/2- 40.0 6.6 2.C' 7.0' 2-1 1-1 4- 18- 12- 1-1 2-_.�- s4- 12' TARI F 7 PIIPF SIZE SYSIFAI PRESSURE 1ncl+ea [ 1D0 oat 7 '00 poi A �`ARNING SIGti WITH MINIMiJM 1/9" INCH LL''i"I'1';1ZS, SILILL BE AFFIXED ADJACENT TO MAIN SHUT OFF VALVE AND SHALL STATE THE FOLLOWING: "THE WATER SYSTEM FOR THIS HOIv1E SUPPLIES FIRL' SPRINKLERS THAT REiUIRE CERTAI? FLOWS AND PRESSURES TO FIGHT A FIRE. DEVICES THAT RESTRICT THE FLOW OR I]ECREASE THAT PRESSURC OR AUTOMATICALLY 5HtlT 5 W ER SOFTNER SCk1A AT OFF THE YfATER TO FIRE SPItINi{LER SYSTEM, U , FILTRATION SYSTEMS, AND AUTOMATIC SHUTOFF VALVES, SHALL NOT BE ADDED TO THIS SYSTENf WITHOLfT A REVI1aW OF THE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM BY AFIRE PROTECTION SPECIALIST. DO NOT REMOVE THIS SIGN". SITE PLAN NGTES; 1. ALL LOTS TO HAVE 3/4' WATER METERS. 2. ALL LEDULE 40) PVC PIPE FROM WATER METER TO HOUSE. 3, NO ELEVATION ON ANY LOT TO EXCEED 5'FT IN ELEVATION FROM METER TO HOUSE. 4. NO LDT TO EXCEED 24'FT FROM 8" MAIN TO 3/4" WATER METER. 5. NO LOT TO EXCEED 12O'FT FROM 314" WATER METER TO HOUSE. 6. ALL FIRE SPRINKLER RISERS LOCATED IN GARAGE. 7. ALL 3/4" WATER METERS WILL BB LOCATED AT PROPERTY LINE OF EACH HOUSE. S. CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON THE WORST CASE SCENARIO FOR ENTIRE PROJECT, WHIGH WO[iLD BE TH1 LONGEST RUN OF UNDERGROUND FROM MAIN TO WATER METER OF 11 20'FT AND THE LONGEST UNDERGROUND FROM WATER METER TO HOUSE OF 120'FT FOR 11 EACH PLAN TYPE. Y CA6 License 682025 GIty or La Qulr�ta Tract "'31681-3 PLANS 21, PLAN 2! MAIN FLOOR 25872 S.F. CASITA 408 S.F. TOTAL 3,280 S.F. GARAGE 809 S.F. PORTICO 68 S.F. COVERED PATIOS 729 S.F. PLAN 21 MAIN FLOOR -- 2,579 S.F. CASITA _ 418 S.F. SECOND FLOOR 327 S.F. TOTAL 3,324S.F. GARAGE 809 S.F. PORTICO 24 S.F. COVERED PATIOS 729 S.F. COVERED DECKS 209 S.F. 22 & 23 (6,5'Lots) PLAN 22 PLAN 23 MAIN FLOOR 33116 S.F. CASITA 444 S.F. TOTAL 31560 S.F. GARAGE 1 & 2 856 S.F. PORTICO 105 S.F. COVERED PATIOS 630 S.F. PLA N 22 MAIN FLOOR 29814 S.F. CASITA 444 S.F. SECOND FLOOR 341 S.F. TOTAL 31599 S.F. GARAGE 1 & 2 870 S.F. PORTICO 104 S.F. COVERED PATIOS 630 S.F. COVERED DECKS 250 S.F. ALL COMPART14ENTS W11'H ONE HEAll WILL $E BASED OIV 2O' FT SPACING. ALL OTI M ROOMS ARE BASED ON 16'FT SPACING. CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON THE WORST CASE SCENARIO RHIGH WOULD BE A 2 111:/lI] n c AVE, 6OTH C SR � TTIN ,HIE. 0 C F.. G _ cALc DN i Fi F� SPACIN , 2DATF `+ VV FRWY, (10) 7N�1 F12ED WARING D12, �I , MMID COACHELLA MAiN FLOOR 37100 S.F. CASITA 512 S.F. TOTAL 39512 S.F. GARAGE 863 S.F. PORTI( 161 S.F. COVERED PATIOS 631 S.F. PLAN 23X -, MAIN FLOOR 29821 S.F. CASITA 512 S.F. SECOND FLOOR - 372 S.F. TOTAL 31705 S.F. GARAGE 863 S.F. PORTICO 161 S.F. COVERED PATIOS 631 S.F. SUN DECK , y 446 S.F. 1. DESERT DEVELOPMENT F- �}5� n4 TMSH�n AVE, � ,f.�t L,j V D IN U GS PROJECT SITE AIRPH T a�V�' 58TH AVE, APrROVAL LLl Ly IZNERSiGE COUNTY FIRE DE-FARTMEN T � R CA f IiE FIRE !:)EP1 APPRMAL FOR PLANS q VALID FOR ONE YWI-SUBJECTTO 4L 62N]J AVE, COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE CODES VICINITY MAP NTS SECTI❑N 27, T.6.S., R,7.E•, S,E.R& M. GENERALNDTES 1. THIS IS A WET PIPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGNED AND INSTALLED PER 313.3 AND/OR N.F.P.A. PHAMPLET1113- (2013 EDITION) AND THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2. ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS ARE NEW AND UL LISTED. ?, PROVIDE ELECTRIC BELL FOR LOCAL ALARM. WIRING BY OTHERS. SIZE AND LOCATION ON PIPING PLANS. 4. STORAGE IN ATTIC AND CRAWL SPACES NOT ALLOWED WHERE NOT PROTECTED. 5, GARAGE AND MECHANICAL ROOMS TO BE SPRINKLED W1175 HD. 6. SPRINKLER HEADS OMITTED FROM BATHROOMS DUE TO NON COMBUSTIBLE FIXTURES AND NOT EXCEEDING 55 SQ. FT. 7. C) = INDICATES CALL. REFERENCE POINT. 8. DRILLING OR NOTCHING OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CBC- (2013). 9. ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH FIREWALLS AND CEILINGS BETWEEN ATTACHED GARAGE AND RESIDENCE WILL BE SEALED IN AN APPROVED MANNER TO MAINTAIN THE INTEGRITY OF THE FIREWALL. 10. MAINTENANCE BOOK AND 1 HEAD (UP TO 3 OF EACH TYPE IF REQUIRED) PLUS HEAD WRENCH SHALL BE PROVIDED IN SPARE HEAD CABINET LOCATED NEXT TO RISER. 1L PIPE HANGERS SHALL BE 1N ACCORDANCE WiTH NFPA-13D AND THE WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS OF THE PIPE MANUFACTURER. 12. ANY SPRINKLERS THAT HAVE BEEN PAINTED OUTSIDE OF THE FACTORY SHALL BE REPLACED WITH A NEW LISTED SPRINKLER PER NFPA 13-D STANDARDS. 13. EXTERIOR EXPOSED STEEL PIPING PAINTED. 14. CONTRACTORIOWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND. (CHECK WITH SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION FOR PROPER SIZING) 15. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 72, NATIONAL FIRE CODE (AND TO BE INSTALLED BY OTHERS). 16. WATER INFORMATION PROVIDED BY COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT WITH A STATIC PRESSURE OF 102 PSI AT THE WATER MAIN AND 69 PSI AFTER THE WATER METER OUTLET ON DECEMBER 26, 2013. NO CALCULATIONS EXCEED THE 69 PSI. SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS: DESIGN SPRINKLER = TYCO LF II CONC. FLAT 4.9 K-FACTOR SPRINKLER FLOW REQ. (k Ifs' SPACING, FLAT S' MAX OFF WALL FLOWS PER HEAD ARE FLOW = 13.0 GPM la 7.0 PSI. (SIN) # TY3596 SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA APik FLOW REQUIREMENTS: DESIGN SPRINKLER = TYCO LF II CONC-/FLAT 4.9 K-FACTOR SPRINKLER. FLOW REQ. (iri 20' SPACING, FLAT 10' MAX OFF WALL FLOWS PER HEAD ARE FLOW = 20.0 GPM (t., 16.7 PSI. (SIN) # TY3596 SYSTEM FLOW REQUIREMENTS: SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS PLAN 21 (GREAT RM) 1 HD = 20.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 49.8 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER 1 HD = 25.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 75.7 RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS PLAN 21 (GREAT RM). 2 HD = 28.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 57.8 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER 2 HD = 33.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 89.8 RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS PLAN 21X (2rr17 FL BED 3) 1 HD = 20.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 45.9 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER I HD = 25.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 71-9 RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS PLAN 21X IIST FL GREAT RM) 2 IUD = 28.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 58.2 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER 2 HD = 33.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 90.2 RESIDUAL. PSI AT SOURCE 11 SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS PLAN #22 (MORNING RAU 1 HD = 20.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 45.9 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER 1 HD = 25.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 71.9 RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA. AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS PLAN #22 (KITCHEN 2 HD = 27.8 GPM FLOWING W/ 5jOA RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER 2 HD = 32.8 GPM FLOWING W/ $2.3 RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN' CRITERIA AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS PLAN PLAN 22X (2NB FL -BED 3j 1 HD = 20.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 42.4 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER 1 2 HD 5.0 GPM FLAWING W 68.4 RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS PLAN PLAN 22X MITCHEM 2 HD = 27.8 GPM FLOWING W/ 49.8 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER 2 HD = N-8-8-8 GPM FLOWING W/ 81.7 RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS PLAN 23 IGREAT RM 1 HD = 20.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 45.3 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER 1 HD = 25.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 71.3 RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS PLAN 23 (GREAT RM) 2 HD = 26.2 GPM FLOWING: W/ 45,8 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER 2 HD = 31.2 GPM FLOWING W/ 76.3 RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE S_RINKCRITERIA P_ LER SYSTEM DESIGN AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS PLAN `23X (1ST FL CASITA) 1 HD = 20.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 41.9 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER I HD = 25.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 67.9 RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS PLAN 23X (2� FL OFFiCE1 2 HD = 27.3 GPM FLOWING W/ 43.6 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER 2 HD = 32.3 GPM FLOWING W/ 75.1 RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS PLAN 233OL CASITA 1 HD = 20.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 51.8 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER 1 HD = 25.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 77-$ RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AND FLOW BWUIREMENTS PLAN 23X KITCHEN 2 HD = 26.2 GPM FLOWING W1 45.9 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER 2 HD = 31.2 GPM FLOWING W1 76.5 RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE Ic "I� :c 00 F CD CC) ON Q 0) A' z 0 x TJ ,r aQ wcl M #-� F-i C' - �a L."] a w 00 Gz7 oG . 4 1 I---, Gl•. e W x �'o H GO CZ- 00 00 �- I 00 0 � t- H '_' EC R 04 DEC 24 2014 RMRSWt COUNTY FIRE ERG IECTION PLRImH&a SALM DFSHRT ON) 8fi3-SSS H LID _5011 Fz;) _Ln l7. Cq �� M rni R C..7 e �4 E-'U� fth wca" o M'� a 00 =� i- . U W ti O d t- -i coo d _:C� I� - ¢ d E- IJ] � W ., . ,.. 10/31114 SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWN: CANI]I CAiI1] I LLQ JOB: 14-307 IOF 9 SHEETS V i ................ . ...... i i 1 1 jj SN''7S TA 4-11 ANPRO 1 FT ©F FILL DIRT A. 94 1 85 ,ti 156 ([y� 86 �~ 155 87 88 �_ � � 113 � 154 9 114 153 91 �� � . sr 115 15p, 92 116 � 151 93 0' 94 112 117 95 150 ~ 7 97 96 - 111 118 149 r' 11 1194 AR 99 109 t o 120 147 107 121 146 101 i 106 122 � 145 105 1�3 1.44 102 12 143 103 104 125 I 142 126 141 127 ' 1.10 128 139 129 j 138 130 �.._ --.137 131 J 132 133 13 1135 136 f � --------------- ��m� CAXk8�* C-16 License 682025 a o Of r_z�� H o �w� O x ATE: 10/31/14 AS NOTED DRAWN: CANDI CAUDILLO JOB: 14-307 FCAB 7FI, CAB%, ** PLAN 21 i+rxr SYMB MAKE & MODEL SIN# TYPE TEMP FINISH X-FACT CANOPY QTY TYCO LFII TY3596 SSP 160 WHT 4.9 CONC/FLAT 39 VIKING Q/R V1{302 SSP 200 WHT 5.6 401W/G DS I 0 TYCOLF II TY2234 SSP 175 WHT 4.9 401 W/GRDS 5 TOTAL SPRINKLERS FOR PLAN 21: 45 F-� U7 Lo w 4 00 t W Lo J= I cy —.1 CO -fill E- UAJ1-11: 10/31/14 SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWN: CANDI CAUDILLO JOB 14-307 SHEET 3 9 SHEETS �Af1-I4-RS-/5► ZResidential Connection Charge Estimate Date: November 25, 2014 Customer Name: T. D. Desert Development Parcel No. 764-670-001 Address: 81770 Andalusia, La Quinta Lot No. 31 Size of Lot: Type of Service: R-1: 0 Duplex: ❑ Phone No. (760) 777-1001 Geo. 06-07-27-1 LID: 663414 Block No. 10,019 sq. ft. Tract No. 31681-3 Triplex: ❑ Apts: ❑ SWSC: $ 6,245.28 Acres: 0.48 SWSC: $13,011.00 acre WSBFC: $ - SCC: $ 2,436.00 Treatment: $2,436/edu Collection: $2,415/edu Meter: $ 390.00 Meter size: 3/4 inch Meter surcharge: $ - service Size: 1 inch Service: $ - Meter & Service: $ - Backflow: $ - Other: $ 600.00 (see explanation below) Sewer Lateral: $ - Total: $ 9,671.28 Other: Abandon / Relocate Abandon existing 1" service Information Supplied By Customer 11 CVWD System Data Domestic Water Demand* Max. Flow= 29.5 gpm Min. Pressure= 65 Fire Sprinkler Demand* Max. Flow= 26 gpm Min. Pressure= 49 System Type: Multi E Stand Alone ❑ Service Connection** Max. Flow*= 29.5 gpm Inlet Pressure 1= 99 psi Outlet Pressure= 69 psi Meter Size = 3/4 inch Service Size= 1 inch 1 Prior to Pressure Reaulatine Valve ** For Calculation Purposes- Service Connection Includes: * CVWD USES WORST CASE CONDITION 11 Service Connection Pipe=50', Meter Stop, Meter, Check Valve & Shut Off Valve Notes: Tract No. 31681-3, Andalusia. The SWSC fee will be charged .48 per lot & due to a Special Agreement we will not collect the WSBFC & only collect the TFC of the SCC fee. Per Construction Dwg. No. 33358 there is an existing 1" service & per Dwg. No. 33366 there is an existing sewer lateral. E-mail Invoice to: kingchris1962@yahoo.com PZ 14-5898 Technician: Sandra Villalobos Approved by: Date: 'k�I 1 cvwd-950 *********This is just a QUOTE, all fees are subject to Change********* (Rev. 10/14) SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 1050 PIONEER WAY, SUITE R EL CAJON, CA 92020 LICENSE C16-682025 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR ANDALUSIA *** PLAN 21 - GREAT RM *** REMOTE AREA 1 HEAD' CALC' TYCO LF II CONC/FLAT FILE NUMBER: 14-307 DATE: 11-3-14 -DESIGN DATA - OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: R3 DENSITY: .05 gpm/400 sq. ft. AREA OF APPLICATION: 400 sq. ft. NUMBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: 1 sprinklers TOTAL SPRINKLER WATER FLOW REQUIRED: 20.0 gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose): 25.0 gpm (5 gpm Hose STREAM) FLOW AND PRESSURE (@ NODE 5 BOR): 20.0 gpm @ 49.8 psi SPRINKLER K-FACTOR (ORIFICE SIZE): 4.9 DESIGN/LAYOUT BY: CANDI CAUDILLO AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE WATER FLOW AVAILABILITY DATA: STATIC: 102 psi (-10% 91PSI) RESIDUAL: 101 psi FLOW: 500 gpm WATER DEPARTMENT: COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 12-26-13 CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATLANTA, GA r 1KLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANT V"-5 Page 1 DATE: 11/3/2014 c -- C:\PROGRAM FILES\HRS SY:. -,\HASS83\14-307-A.SDF JOB TITLE: PLAN 21 - 1 HEAD CALL. WATER SUPPLY DATA SOURCE STATIC RESID. FLOW AVAIL. TOTAL REQ'D NODE PRESS. PRESS. @ PRESS. @ DEMAND PRESS. TAG (PSI) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) 1 91.0 90.0 500.0 91.0 25.0 75.7 AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE 25.0 GPM TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE 0.0 GPM OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES 5.0 GPM TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS 20.0 GPM NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE (FT) (PSI) (GPM) 1 0.0 SOURCE 75.7 25.0 2 3.0 - - - - 69.6 - - - 3 3.0 --- - - - 56.6 - 4 5.0 -- - - - 55.0 - - - 5 9.0 HOSE STREAM 49.8 5.0 6 15.0 - - - - 46.3 - - - 7 15.0 - - - - 44.3 - - 8 15.0 - - - - 36.2 - - - 9 15.0 -- - - - 42.9 - - - 10 15.0 - - - - 34.3 - - - 11 19.0 - - - - 25.7 - - - 12 19.0 - - - -- 21.7 - - - 13 19.0 K= 4.90 16.7 20.0 NKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANT-v"`S Page 2 DATE: 11/3/2014 -- C:\PROGRAM FILES\HRS SY�--��---,\HASS83\14-307-A.SDF JOB TITLE: PLAN 21 - 1 HEAD CALC. PIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) Pipe: 1 25.0 0.995 PL 20.00 PF 4.9 1 0.0 SRCE 75.7 (N/A) 10.3 150 FTG TG PE -1.3 2 3.0 0.0 69.6 0.0 0.168 TL 29.00 PV Pipe: 2 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE 2 3.0 0.0 69.6 0.0 13.0 psi, 25.0 gpm 3 3.0 0.0 56.6 0.0 Pipe: 3 25.0 2.003 PL 120.00 PF 0.7 3 3.0 0.0 56.6 0.0 2.5 150 FTG 5.0 PE -0.9 4 5.0 0.0 55.0 0.0 0.006 TL 125.00 PV Pipe: 4 25.0 1.025 PL 5.00 PF 3.5 4 5.0 0.0 55.0 0.0 9.7 150 FTG 19.0 PE -1.7 5 9.0 H.S. 49.8 5.0 0.146 TL 24.00 PV Pipe: 5 20.0 1.101 PL 6.00 PF 0.9 5 9.0 H.S. 49.8 5.0 6.7 150 FTG 7.0 PE -2.6 6 15.0 0.0 46.3 0.0 0.068 TL 13.00 PV Pipe: 6 20.0 1.101 PL 8.00 PF 2.0 6 15.0 0.0 46.3 0.0 6.7 150 FTG 22.0 PE 0.0 7 15.0 0.0 44.3 0.0 0.068 TL 30.00 PV Pipe: 7 10.6 0.874 PL 83.00 PF 8.0 7 15.0 0.0 44.3 0.0 5.7 150 FTG 40.0 PE 0.0 8 15.0 0.0 36.2 0.0 0.065 TL 123.00 PV Pipe: 8 10.6 0.874 PL 71.00 PF 8.9 8 15.0 0.0 36.2 0.0 5.7 150 FTG 65.0 PE -1.7 11 19.0 0.0 25.7 0.0 0.065 TL 136.00 PV Pipe: 9 9.4 1.101 PL 50.00 PF 1.3 7 15.0 0.0 44.3 0.0 3.2 150 FTG 29.0 PE 0.0 9 15.0 0.0 42.9 0.0 0.017 TL 79.00 PV Pipe: 10 9.4 0.874 PL 113.00 PF 8.6 9 15.0 0.0 42.9 0.0 5.0 150 FTG 55.0 PE 0.0 10 15.0 0.0 34.3 0.0 0.051 TL 168.00 PV Pipe: 11 9.4 0.874 PL 77.00 PF 6.9 10 15.0 0.0 34.3 0.0 5.0 150 FTG 57.0 PE -1.7 11 19.0 0.0 25.7 0.0 0.051 TL 134.00 PV Pipe: 12 20.0 0.874 PL 6.00 PF 4.0 11 19.0 0.0 25.7 0.0 10.7 150 FTG 13.0 PE 0.0 12 19.0 0.0 21.7 0.0 0.209 TL 19.00 PV �r JKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANT V` S Page 3 DATE: 11/3/2014 C:\PROGRAM FILES\HRS SY \HASS83\14-307-A.SDF JOB TITLE: PLAN 21 - I HEAD CALC. PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ, PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) Pipe: 13 20.0 0.874 PL 9.00 PF 5.0 12 19.0 0.0 21.7 0.0 10.7 150 FTG 15.0 PE 0.0 13 19.0 4.9 16.7 20.0 0.209 TL 24.00 PV NOTES (HASS): (1) Calculations were performed by the HASS 8.4 computer program under license no. 38071930 granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 208 Southside Square Petersburg, TN 37144 (931) 659-9760 (2) The system has been calculated to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0.003 gpm and a maximum imbalance at any node of 0.034 gpm. (3) Total pressure at each node is used in balancing the system. Maximum water velocity is 10.7 ft/sec at pipe 12. (4) Items listed in bold print on the cover sheet are automatically transferred from the calculation report. (5) Available pressure at source node 1 under full flow conditions is 91.00 psi compared to the minimum required pressure of 20.00 psi. (6) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: FSS.PIP PAGE: * MATERIAL: S40 HWC: 120 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D N Ell Tee LngEll ChkVly BfyVly GatVly AlmChk DPVly NPTee 2.003 4.29 8.58 2.57 9.44 5.15 0.86 8.58 8.58 8.58 PAGE: H MATERIAL: CPVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T R K C L B L Ell Tee TEERUN COUPLG EL45 0.874 5.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.101 7.00 5.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 - (� , `iKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANT - "� -S Page 4 DATE: 11/3/2014 C.\PROGRAM FILES\HRS SY'-..ci_.s\HASS83\14 17' JKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC AN, `t'- Page 5 DATE: 11/3/2014 ('',' C:\PROGRAM FILES\HRS SYS-__;HASS83\14-307—A.SDF JOB TITLE: PLAN 21 — 1 HEAD CALL. f I y> a a � � 1 a) b) b) U U D N a) o o D � D ca Lo u)u-)p, ra r) a) (N u U) (14 " F, m 75 a) �j co a 3 � m f m Q -O U Q) -A 2 Q a Q) a P-) W o I -a n O ?1 C7 mo +rcnco V w 5r I1A n n � f n a I D I. F- 9 1A I I 1 O O O 00 H F:4 �D w O O O O w z;T' 04f4DQMMr:)Ixw •E O O • rl O O I N 0+ U) -H 0 0 0 I• co a7 ro O^ w Q) c7 +) ro 3 O O a, w � x o o 4J ro u 0 m 0 a) Ln a a� 0 U) 0 ro -V Q a) 4J 0 O 0 z m 0 0 N �TKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANC 5 Page 6 DATE: 11/3/2014 C�' - C:\PROGRAM FILES\HRS SY AHASS83\14-307-A.SDF JOB TITLE: PLAN 21 - 1 HEAD CALC. WATER SUPPLY CURVE 96+ I 0 * <-90.0 psi @ 500 gpm 88+ Flow Test Point I I I 80+ 1 X 1 72+ I I I P 64+ R I E i S I S 5 6+ U R 1 E I 48+ ( i P I S I I 40+ I I 1 32+ I 1 24+ 1 I 16+ LEGEND I" X = Required Water Supply tF 1 75.75 psi @ 25.0 gpm FF 8 + It 0 = Available Water Supply IT 1 91.00 psi @ 25.0 gpm 'T IT 0++-+---+----+-----+------+--------+--------+---------+----__------+ 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 FLOW (GPM) SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION, INC. 1050 PIONEER WAY, SUITE R EL CAJON, CA 92020 LICENSE C16-682025 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR ANDALUSIA *** PLAN 21 - GREAT RM *** REMOTE AREA 2 HEAD CALC TYCO LF II CONC/FLAT FILE NUMBER: 14-307 DATE: 11-3-14 -DESIGN DATA - OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: DENSITY: AREA OF APPLICATION: NUMBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: TOTAL SPRINKLER WATER FLOW REQUIRED: R3 .05 gpm/256 sq. ft. 512 sq. ft. 2 sprinklers 28.0 gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose): 33.0 gpm (5 gpm Hose STREAM) FLOW AND PRESSURE (@ NODE 5 BOR): 28.0 gpm @ 57.8 psi SPRINKLER K-FACTOR (ORIFICE SIZE): 4.9 DESIGN/LAYOUT BY: CANDI CAUDILLO AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE WATER FLOW AVAILABILITY DATA: STATIC: 102 psi (-100 91PSI) RESIDUAL: 101 psi FLOW: 500 gpm WATER DEPARTMENT: COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 12-26-13 CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATLANTA, GA ' �pP �!iKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANAT,YPTS Page 1 DATE: 11/3/2014 -� C:\PROGRAM FILES\HRS Y!S\HASS83\14-307.SDF JOB TITLE: PLAN 21 - 2 HEAD CALL. w' WATER SUPPLY DATA SOURCE STATIC RESID. FLOW AVAIL. TOTAL REQ'D NODE PRESS. PRESS. @ PRESS. @ DEMAND PRESS. TAG (PSI) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) -1 91.0 90.0 500.0 91.0 33.0 89.8 AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE 33.0 GPM TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE 0.0 GPM OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES 5.0 GPM TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS 28.0 GPM NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE (FT) (PSI) (GPM) 1 0.0 SOURCE 89.8 33.0 2 3.0 - - 80.3 - - - 3 3.0 - - 67.3 - - - 4 5.0 - - - - 65.3 - - - 5 9.0 HOSE STREAM 57.8 5.0 6 15.0 ----- 53.5 --- 7 15.0 - - - - 49.7 - - - 8 15.0 - - - - 34.9 - - - 9 15.0 - - - - 47.3 - - 10 15.0 - - - - 31.2 - - 11 19.0 - - - - 16.7 - - - 12 19.0 K= 4.90 9.3 14.9 13 19.0 K= 4.90 7.0 13.0 ` CDP-`jKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANITYF79 Page 2 DATE: 11/3/2014 `� C:\PROGRAM FILES\HRS S\HASS83\14-307.SDF __-41 JOB TITLE: PLAN 21 - 2 HEAD CALL. PIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) Pipe: 1 33.0 0.995 PL 20.00 PF 8.1 1 0.0 SRCE 89.8 (N/A) 13.6 150 FTG TG PE -1.3 2 3.0 0.0 80.3 0.0 0.281 TL 29.00 PV Pipe: 2 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE 2 3.0 0.0 80.3 0.0 13.0 psi, 32.9 gpm 3 3.0 0.0 67.3 0.0 Pipe: 3 32.9 2.003 PL 120.00 PF 1.2 3 3.0 0.0 67.3 0.0 3.4 150 FTG 5.0 PE -0.9 4 5.0 0.0 65.3 0.0 0.009 TL 125.00 PV Pipe: 4 32.9 1.025 PL 5.00 PF 5.8 4 5.0 0.0 65.3 0.0 12.8 150 FTG 19.0 PE -1.7 5 9.0 H.S. 57.8 5.0 0.243 TL 24.00 PV Pipe: 5 27.9 1.101 PL 6.00 PF 1.6 5 9.0 H.S. 57.8 5.0 9.4 150 FTG 7.0 PE -2.6 6 15.0 0.0 53.5 0.0 0.126 TL 13.00 PV Pipe: 6 27.9 1.101 PL 8.00 PF 3.8 6 15.0 0.0 53.5 0.0 9.4 150 FTG 22.0 PE 0.0 7 15.0 0.0 49.7 0.0 0.126 TL 30.00 PV Pipe: 7 14.9 0.874 PL 83.00 PF 14.9 7 15.0 0.0 49.7 0.0 7.9 150 FTG 40.0 PE 0.0 8 15.0 0.0 34.9 0.0 0.121 TL 123.00 PV Pipe: 8 14.9 0.874 PL 71.00 PF 16.4 8 15.0 0.0 34.9 0.0 7.9 150 FTG 65.0 PE -1.7 11 19.0 0.0 16.7 0.0 0.121 TL 136.00 PV Pipe: 9 13.1 1.101 PL 50.00 PF 2.5 7 15.0 0.0 49.7 0.0 4.4 150 FTG 29.0 PE 0.0 9 15.0 0.0 47.3 0.0 0.031 TL 79.00 PV Pipe: 10 13.1 0.874 PL 113.00 PF 16.1 9 15.0 0.0 47.3 0.0 7.0 150 FTG 55.0 PE 0.0 10 15.0 0.0 31.2 0.0 0.096 TL 168.00 PV Pipe: 11 13.1 0.874 PL 77.00 PF 12.8 10 15.0 0.0 31.2 0.0 7.0 150 FTG 57.0 PE -1.7 11 19.0 0.0 16.7 0.0 0.096 TL 134.00 PV Pipe: 12 27.9 0.874 PL 6.00 PF 7.4 11 19.0 0.0 16.7 0.0 14.9 150 FTG 13.0 PE 0.0 12 19.0 4.9 9.3 14.9 0.389 TL 19.00 PV . F 'TKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANP'Y"-S Page 3 DATE: 11/3/2014 (� C:\PROGRAM FILES\HRS .-S.-,�S\HASS83\14-307.SDF JOB TITLE: PLAN 21 - 2 HEAD CALC. PIPE TAG END ELEV. NOZ. NODES (FT) (K) Pipe: 13 12 19.0 4.9 13 19.0 4.9 NOTES (HASS): Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) 13.0 0.874 PL 9.00 PF 2.3 9.3 14.9 7.0 150 FTG 15.0 PE 0.0 7.0 13.0 0.094 TL 24.00 PV (1) Calculations were performed by the HASS 8.4 computer program under license no. 38071930 granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 208 Southside Square Petersburg, TN 37144 (931) 659-9760 (2) The system has been calculated to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0.005 gpm and a maximum imbalance at any node of 0.062 gpm. (3) Total pressure at each node is used in balancing the system. Maximum water velocity is 14.9 ft/sec at pipe 12. (4) Items listed in bold print on the cover sheet are automatically transferred from the calculation report. (5) Available pressure at source node 1 under full flow conditions is 90.99 psi compared to the minimum required pressure of 20.00 psi. (6) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: FSS.PIP PAGE: * MATERIAL: S40 HWC: 120 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D N Ell Tee LngEll ChkVly BfyVly GatVly AlmChk DPVly NPTee 2.003 4.29 8.58 2.57 9.44 5.15 0.86 8.58 8.58 8.58 PAGE: H MATERIAL: CPVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T R K C L B L Ell Tee TEERUN COUPLG EL45 0.874 5.00 3.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.101 7.00 5.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 -pF--NKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC AN7"Y` -S Page 4 DATE: 11/3/2014 4 Y C:\PROGRAM FILES\HRS _3.-.kS\HASS83\14-307.SDF JOB TITLE: PLAN 21 - 2 HEAD CALC. PAGE: I MATERIAL: CPPR-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D Ell Tee 1.025 3.00 8.00 2.00 8.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: K MATERIAL: CPPR-K HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D Ell Tee L 0.995 2.00 6.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 D_P- 'TKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC AN?'—\S Page 5 DATE: 11/3/2014 L "�) C:\PROGRAM FILES\HRS ..o',-.lS\HASS83\14-307.SDF JOB TITLE: PLAN 21 - 2 HEAD CALC. I I a a a� � I a) bl b) U U CD � o u0 >zt CD v) � • rI m a) m Q r Ln r P 04 m ri a) F a) IuCOra 0. m 1 U N o -- 0 u) z Q a a p 44 W H 0) I -li 0) 0 >1 C7 Hm Ibj�cn� W . a � r> m 1 a ri N � 1 rz I � I C14 I O H I rn U i rl � I A>), 1 1 1 1 QQ � N O O O o 0 00 rl C7 aC D C7 W O O O O tlo 1:3, 104 0Z W 0 CO �:) 0Z W Q M -A O O N O d O I 0 0 O Al IN 1 4J En a� x -p 0 0 E 00 0 w U) (1) ro 0 o� r- a 0 0 +) �ro 3 o O 04 w m -p x 0 N CD a) Q0 +-) U -�I s~ o U) 0 0 Ln s~ a a� 0 m o m � Ll a) +-) o 0 0 z M O O N "aF "TKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANT" Y'-'-9 Page 6 DATE: 11/3/2014 C:\PROGRAM FILES\HRS . .3_...AS\HASS83\l4-307.SDF JOB TITLE: PLAN 21 - 2 HEAD CALC. WATER SUPPLY CURVE 96+ I 0 * <-90.0 psi @ 500 gpm 88+ Flow Test Point I I I 80+ I I I 72+ I I I P 64+ R I E S S 5 6+ U I R I E I 48+ ( I P I S I I 40+ I I I 32+ I I I 24+ I I 16+ LEGEND " I I X = Required Water Supply " 1 89.79 psi @ 33.0 gpm " I 8+ i 0 = Available Water Supply " 1 90.99 psi @ 33.0 gpm ft I 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 FLOW (GPM) Palmieri, Jacqueline@CALFIRE Subject: LAQ-I4-RS-151 - ANDALUSIA/CORAL MT - OH HYDRO Location: 81754 ANDALUSIA, LOT 31, LA QUINTA Start: End: Recurrence: Organizer: Rep. Name: LUPE Phone#: Thu 6/11/2015 1:00 PM Thu 6/11/2015 1:30 PM (none) Palmieri, Jacqueline@CALFIRE Co. Name: Cell#: 760-574-8298 SYMONS FIRE LrossSt: HYDRANT SYSTEM PASS FAIL FIRE ALARM PASS FAIL Thrust block pre -pour Rou h-wire inspection Underground rough Function test Underground hydro Duct detectors/velocity Flush 24 hr. battery test Final Sprinkler monitoring SPRINKLER U.G. Final Thrust block pre -pour SPECIAL SUPPRESSION Underground rough Door fan test Under round hydro Abort test Flush Mechanical shutdown Final Detector test FIRE SPRINKLER Deluge/pre-action Weld inspection i Final Overhead rough piping UST/AST TANK X Overhead hydro V Installation UG flush / OK to connect Removal Main drain/Inspect. Test Emergency shut off High pile storage Primary piping In -rack sprinklers Secondary piping Hose racks Dispensers & shear valves Final Final KITCHEN HOOD EXTINGUISHING MISC. INSPECTION Detections stem Spray booths Function Test Hood/duct extinguishing Gas/Electrical shut-off High pile rack storage Nozzle model/placement H.P. vents/access/corridors Fire alarm connection Tract access/hydrant verification Final Other: SPRAY BOOTHS KNOX SYSTEM Installation Building Knox box Air flow test Gate access Knox box/padlock Mechanical interlock BUILDING INSPECTIONS Extinguishing system T/I final Fire alarm connection Shell final Final Final for occu anc Start Time: Finish Time: Start Time: Finish Time: ) i Hetrick, Kohl@CALFIRE Subject: LAQ-I4-RS-151 - ANDALUSIA/CORAL MT - LOT 31 - RES SPK FINAL Location: 81754 ANDALUSIA, LOT 31, LA QUINTA Start: End: Recurrence: Organizer: Rep. Name: LUPE Phone#: 760-574-8298 Mon 12/21/2015 8:00 AM Mon 12/21/2015 8:45 AM (none) Cervantes, Thomas@CALFIRE Co. Name. SYMONS FIRE Gell#F: CrossSt: HYDRANT SYSTEM PASS FAIL FIRE ALARM PASS FAIL Thrust block pre -pour Rough -wire inspection Under round rough Function test Underground hydro Duct detectors/velocity Flush 24 hr. battery test Final Sprinkler monitoring SPRINKLER U.G. Final Thrust block re -pour SPECIAL SUPPRESSION Underground rough Door fan test Underground hydro Abort test Flush Mechanical shutdown Final Detector test FIRE SPRINKLER Deluge/pre-action Weld inspection Final Overhead rough piping UST/AST TANK Overhead hydro Installation UG flush / OK to connect Removal Main drain/inspect. Test EmergencyErneEgency shut off High pile storage Primary piping In-racksprinklers SecondaW piping Hose racks Dispensers & shear valves X Final 5 Final KITCHEN HOOD EXTINGUISHING MISC. INSPECTION Detections stem Spray booths Function Test Hood/duct extin uishin' Gas/Electrical shut-off High pile rack storage Nozzle model/placement H.P. vents/access/corridors Fire alarm connection Tract access/hvdrant verification Final Other: SPRAY BOOTHS KNOX SYSTEM Installation Building Knox box Air flow test Gate access Knox box/padlock Mechanical interlock ] BUILDING INSPECTIONS Extinguishing system T/I final Fire alarm connection Shell final Final Final for occupancy Start Time: Finish Time: Start Time: I I Finish Time: 11 PROUDLY SERVING THE UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY AND THE CITIES OF: BANNING BEAUMONT CALIMESA CANYON LAKE COACHELLA DESERT HOT SPRINGS EASTVALE INDIAN WELLS INDIO JURUPA VALLEY LAKE ELSINORE LA QUINTA MENIFEE MORENO VALLEY NORCO PALM DESERT PERRIS RANCHO MIRAGE RUBIDOUx CSD SAN JACINTO TEMECULA WILDOMAR BOARD OF SUPERVISORS: KEVIN JEFFRIES DISTRICT 1 JOHN TAVAGLIONE DISTRICT 2 JEFF STONE DISTRICT 3 JOHN BENOIT DISTRICT 4 MARION ASHLEY DISTRICT 5 RIVERSIDE COUNTY F DEPARTMENT IN COOPERATION WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY AND FIRE PROTECTION 77-933 Las Montanas Rd., Ste. #201, Palm Desert, CA 92211-4131 • Phone (760) 863-8886 • Fax (760) 863-7072 www.rvcfire.org December 31 st, 2014 Symons Fire Protection, Inc. 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite "R" El Cajon, CA 92020 Re: Residential Fire Sprinkler Plan Review LAQ-I4-RS-151 Andalusia @ Coral Mnt. (Lot 1031) 81754 Andalusia, La Quinta, CA The sprinkler plans you submitted for the above referenced project have been reviewed by Riverside County Fire Department Planning & Engineering personnel and are approved with the following conditions. A minimum of three spare fire sprinklers of each type and temperature rating along with a sprinkler wrench should be located in a spare cabinet at the system riser or other approved location. Permanently marked identification signs shall be attached to all control valves. A warning sign, with minimum'/ inch letters, shall be affixed adjacent to the main shutoff valve and shall state the following: WARNING: The water system for this home supplies fire sprinklers that require certain flows and pressures to fight a fire sprinkler system, such as water softeners, filtration systems, and automatic shut-off valves, shall not be added to the system without a review of the fire sprinkler system by a fire protections specialist. DO NOT remove this sign. The following inspections/tests are required to be witnessed by the Fire Department Planning Division Staff (a) Overhead Rough and Hydro static test: All piping shall be visible and pumped at normal operating pressure (b) Final inspection The Fire Department job card, approved plans and condition letter must be at the job site or NO inspection will be performed. Applicant/installer shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspection(s) a minimum of 72 hours prior to the requested inspection date. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Fire Department Planning & Engineering Staff at (760) 863 8886. Sincerely, Lisa Nottingham, Fire Safety Specialist Riverside County Fire Department Fire Protection Planning Section Riverside Once: 2300 Market St., Ste 150, Riverside, CA 92501 Ph (951) 9554777 Fax (951) 955-4696 Mumete Office: 39493 Los Alamos Rd, Ste A, Murrieta, CA 92563 Ph (951) 600-6160 Fax (951) 600-6164 Palm Desert Office: 77-933 Las Montanas Rd., # 201 Palm Desert, CA 92211-4131 Ph. (760) 863-8886 (760) 863-7072 Date: 12/21 /2015 To: LA QUINTA B&S Fax: Tract/Parcel Map #: Permit/Lot #: Job Site Address: Fire Department Clearance/Release ANDALUSIA - #31 LAQ-1 4-RS-1 51 81754 ANDALUSIA LA QUINTA XX Final For Recordation RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM Release For Building Permit(s) Shell Final Only (No Tenant) Final For Occupancy Building Plan Check Fees Paid Building Plan Check Fees Not Paid Other Fees Fees Not Required If you should have any questions, please contact the appropriate Riverside County Fire Protection Planning office for further assistance. i� �w X�)-- Authorizing Signature For Release KOHL HETRICK Print Name Forth C — Revised 6/19/2014 Riverside County Fire Dep'irtment Riverside Office: 2300 Market Street, Ste. 150 Riverside, CA 92501 Phone: (951) 955-4777 - Fax: (951) 955-4886 PLAN REVIEW FORM 8 New ❑ Re -Submittal # ❑ As-builts fire Protection Planning Palm Desert ese Office: 77-933 Las Montanas Rd., Ste 201 Palm Desert CA 92211 Phone: (760) 863-8886 - Fax: (760) 863-7072 Permit NO- Lko _ l t j _ R5 -/5 l *5W.s r014 - 12GQ Project Information (Please Print) Plan 21 Project Name Address: City & Zip: Andalusia @ Coral Mountain Lot 1031 81-754 Andalusia La Quinta, CA 92253 Ih d Office Use Only RECEIVED DEC 2 4 2014 MFRSIDL COUNTY FI E PROTECRON PLANN]NG YALM11-Ig�tTf26f) R 3-9884 Plans Re& ave rea and understand that Fire Dept. fees are Deposit Based Fees an re may be additional money d prf to aft r pr t final. Sign: Print: Nolan Sparks ✓J_ %/- Contact Information Billing Information ❑ Same as Contact Info CONTACT PERSON: Nolan Sparks BILL TO: T.D. Desert Development, L.P. Mailing Address: City & Zip 81570 Carbonears La Quinta, CA 92253 Phone No.: 760 777 1001 Mailing Address: 81570 Carbonears City & Zip La Quinta, CA 92253 Fax: 760 564 8256 Phone No.: 760 777 1001 Fax: 760 564 8256 Email: nsparks@rancholaquinta.com Email: nsparks@rancholaquinta.com The person listed on "Billing Information" will receive ALL billing, correspondence and refunds for any work billed to this permit. Any changes in billing information must be made in writing to our office. Plan Review Tvoe [Check aDDrooriate items ❑ Commercial ❑ Industrial El Residential ❑ Special Event ❑ Other ❑ Building ❑ Building Tenant Improvement ( New / Existing ) ❑ High Fire Area 8 Sprinkler System ❑ TI Sprinkler System ❑ Sprinkler Monitoring ❑ Fire Alarm System ❑ Hood & Duct Suppression System ❑ Other Suppression System ❑ Spray Booth ❑ Cell Site ❑ High Pile/Racks ❑ Other: ❑ Underground Water Storage Tank Submittals: ❑ Dispensers Only ❑ Above Ground ❑ Underground Office Use Only Fee Paid: 6/11 Called for Pick -Up 7� a`7 7 y Reviewed by: — Date: 1 -;-1.3 c By: Date Paid: PC Review Date: >a Picked -Up Check#: 0000 8I66 ® Approved ❑ Denied Date: 17 1 f, BY: Received By: ?]�. Plans Stamped: ❑Yes ONO Shipped By / Method ,1/ Letter Attached: ❑Yes ONO Receipt#(OCR) 2 6.2 - i Job Card Included: DYes ❑No )216BF BF-�IfaP$/ BF Form 1 — Revised 7/25/2012 Visit us at www.rvcfire.or