LAQ-17-BP-003ADDITIONAL SITES CHRONOLOGY CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY AJ ORTEGA 4/1/2018 4/16/2018 SECOND TEMPORARY EXTENSION: 30-DAY TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED FROM ORIGINAL EXPIRATION DATE OF 3/31/2018 TO APRIL 30, 2018. PAYMENT OF EXTENSION FEE AND INSPECTION OF BUILDING DIVISION REQUIREMENTS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE. Description: CONTOUR DERMATOLOGY / 5,544SF OFFICE/VB/B-OCC/55-OL/SPRINK Type: BUILDING COMMERCIAL Subtype: OFFICE/BANK Status: FINALED Applied: 12/19/2016 MFA Parcel No: 600070012 Site Address: 46080 JEFFERSON ST ST INDIO,CA 92201 Approved: 5/22/2017 SKH Subdivision: Block: Lot: Issued: 5/22/2017 SKH Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: 4/19/2018 AOR Valuation: $440,409.90 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: 5,544SF OFFICE BUILDING/VB/B-OCC/55-OL/FULLY SPRINKLED [CONTOUR DERMATOLOGY] THIS PERMIT DOES NOT INCLUDE BLOCK WALLS, BUILDING SIGNAGE, SITE LIGHTING, CARPORTS, OR TRASH ENCLOSURES. CVMSHCP DOES NOT APPLY BASED ON EXISTING LAND USE, TUMF ASSESSED FOR ENTIRE BUILDING WITHOUT CREDIT DUE TO RECREATIONAL AREA (GOLF COURSE) STILL REMAINING. 2016 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES. TEMPORARY SEPTIC SYSTEM APPROVED AS AN ALTERNATEDMETHOD OF CONSTRUCTION PER CBC 104.11. (SEE ATTACHMENTS) ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DEPT APPROVED PLANS AND COMPLETION BOND ARE ON FILE WITH PUBLIC WORKS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES. 2016 CODES. 30-DAY TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED 3/1/2018. EXPIRES 3/31/2018. SEE FINAL INSPECTION NOTES AND/OR ATTACHED EMAIL FOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AND ALL ITEMS THAT MUST BE RESOLVED PRIOR TO PERMANENT TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUANCE. SECOND TEMPORARY EXTENSION: 30-DAY TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED FROM ORIGINAL EXPIRATION DATE OF 3/31/2018 TO APRIL 30, 2018. PAYMENT OF EXTENSION FEE AND INSPECTION OF BUILDING DIVISION REQUIREMENTS REQUIRED PRIOR TO ISSUANCE. Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 1 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY JAKE FUSON 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 30-DAY TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED 3/1/2018. EXPIRES 3/31/2018. SEE FINAL INSPECTION NOTES AND/OR ATTACHED EMAIL FOR CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL AND ALL ITEMS THAT MUST BE RESOLVED PRIOR TO PERMANENT TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUANCE. E-MAIL AJ ORTEGA 2/16/2017 2/16/2017 EMAIL SENT TO JOHN GREENWOOD (JOHNG@PRESTVUKSICARCHITECTS.COM) WITH 2ND REVIEW REDLINES AND COMMENTS E-MAIL AJ ORTEGA 3/9/2017 3/9/2017 EMAIL SENT TO JOHN GREENWOOD REGARDING 3RD REVIEW CORRECTIONS FOR OUTSTANDING PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS FROM 1ST AND 2ND REVIEWS. E-MAIL AJ ORTEGA 3/29/2017 3/29/2017 EMAIL SENT TO JOHN GREENWOOD REGARDING THE FINAL ITEMS REQUIRED FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE, SEE CONDITIONS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. E-MAIL BURT HANADA 12/18/2017 12/18/2017 NOTIFIED BRUCE BUSHORE & JOHN GREENWOOD THAT TEMP SEPTIC SYSTEM IS APPROPVED. SEE ATTACHMENTS. NOTE ARMANDO MAGALLON 2/20/2018 2/20/2018 FEE OF 156.00 ADDED PER RON FOR INSPECTION PUPOSES. THIS WAS A COUNTY PERMIT THAT WAS TAKEN OVER BY THE CITY. NOTE JIM JOHNSON 3/31/2017 3/31/2017 JOHN VUKSIC OFFICE PERFORMED THE REQUIRED SLEP- SHEETING PER A.J. NOTE KAY HENSEL 1/6/2017 1/13/2017 CHECK THIS ONE. UNDER REVIEWS IT SAYS ESGIL - COMPLETE REVIEW BUT ON 2ND PAGE OF CORRECTION LIST IT NOTES STRUCTURAL REVIEW ONLY. NO ENERGY WAS SENT. REVIEWS CORRECTED. NOTE MARY FASANO 3/17/2017 3/17/2017 APPLICANT BROUGHT IN TITLE 24 AND SKIP SHEETS. PUT ON AJ DESK PLAN CHECK COMMENTS FROM CONSULTANT RECEIVED KAY HENSEL 1/6/2017 1/6/2017 READY FOR CORRECTIONS 1/6/2017 Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 2 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 CONDITION TYPE CONTACT DATE ADDED DATE REQUIRED DATE SATISFIED STATUS REMARKS NOTES READY TO ISSUE CHECKLIST AJ ORTEGA 3/27/2017 5/22/2017 COMPLETE FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL REQUIRED IN ADDITION TO ITEMS LISTED ON READY TO ISSUE TAB. PLAN CHECK COMMENTS FROM CONSULTANT RECEIVED STEPHANIE SWANSTROM 2/13/2017 2/13/2017 MINOR DEFICIENCIES PLAN CHECK PICKED UP TOMMI SANCHEZ 1/13/2017 1/13/2017 PLAN CHECK COMMENTS AND PLAN PICKED UP BY RYAN GRISWOLD. PLAN CHECK SENT TO OUTSIDE PC STEPHANIE SWANSTROM 2/1/2017 2/1/2017 PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL RECEIVED STEPHANIE SWANSTROM 2/1/2017 2/1/2017 PUBLIC COUNTER VISIT AARON HICKSON 2/15/2018 2/16/2018 MONTY SORENSEN CAME IN TO PAY FEES FOR FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. PERMIT WAS GIVEN TO RON TO TAKE OVER FROM COUNTY. PER RON ADDED FEE TO THIS BCOM SO HE CAN INSPECT WORK. PUBLIC COUNTER VISIT ARMANDO MAGALLON 4/17/2018 4/17/2018 PAYMENT RECEIVED FROM APPLICANT FOR 143.56. SUBMITTAL AARON HICKSON 12/12/2017 12/12/2017 BOND FOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS DROPPED OFF BY SCOTT WITH ORR BUILDERS TELEPHONE CALL AARON HICKSON 2/16/2018 2/16/2018 CALLED MONTY SORENSEN TOLD HIM FEES ARE READY TO PAY. TELEPHONE CALL AJ ORTEGA 1/13/2017 1/13/2017 PHONED APPLICANT (JOHN GREENWOOD 760-779-5393) THAT PLANS ARE READY FOR CORRECTIONS, MESSAGE LEFT WITH OFFICE ASSISSTANT DUE TO JOHN BEING IN A MEETING. TELEPHONE CALL BURT HANADA 12/18/2017 12/18/2017 NOTIFIED SCOTT WERRY OF ORR BUILDERS THAT TEMP SEPTIC SYSTEM IS APPROVED. FEE IS $156.00. APPROVED FORM IS FILED IN "WILL CALL". CONDITIONS Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 3 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 READY TO ISSUE CHECKLIST AJ ORTEGA 3/27/2017 5/22/2017 COMPLETE THE FINAL CONDITIONS FOR ISSUANCE ARE AS FOLLOWS: 1. SLIP-SHEETING OF THE LATEST ENERGY AND LIGHTING REVISIONS. NOTE FROM JJ WITH AJ SIGNATURE. AM 2. ONE (1) ADDITIONAL COPY OF THE ENERGY REPORTS.AM 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL, AND IF NECESSARY ADDITIONAL SLIP-SHEETING.AM 4. GRANT DEED COPY. SS 5. CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS MANAGEMENT PLAN.AM 6. PUBLIC WORKS RELEASE. 7. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION. SS 8. SCHOOL FEE RECEIPT. 5-16-17 REMAINING ITEMS AS OF TODAY: 3. FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL (REVIEW COMPLETED, LETTER REQUIRED) 6. PUBLIC WORKS RELEASE, AMY STILL HAS OUTSTANDING ITEMS AS STATED IN EMAIL TO JOHN GREENWOOD (MARCH 29, 2017) TIME IS REQUIRED TO STAMP APPROVE AND SIGN PLANS AND CALCULATIONS WHEN OUTSTANDING ITEMS ARE SUBMITTED. 6. PUBLIC WORKS RELEASE, AMY STILL HAS OUTSTANDING ITEMS - AMAMY RELEASED BUILDING PERMIT 5/22/2016SHE STILL REQUIRES SLADDEN LETTER STATING SLADDEN WILL TAKE OVER AS SOILS ENGINEER OF RECORD AND A SEPARATE SLADDEN CERTIFYING BORING UNDERNEATH THE UNDERGROUND RETENTION IS DONE PER SOILS REPORT BEFORE FINAL. Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 4 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 CONTACTS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESS1 CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS INC.44530 SAN PABLO STE 200 PALM DESERT CA 92260 (760)423-4243 CONTRACTOR ORR BUILDERS 39-301 BADGER STREET STE 300 PALM DESERT CA 92211 (760)423-4243 LSTOLZOFF@ORRBUILD ERS.COM OWNER EJ LA QUINTA LLC 42600 MIRAGE RD RANCHO MIRAGE CA 92270 (760)423-4243 READY TO ISSUE CHECKLIST AJ ORTEGA 3/27/2017 5/22/2017 COMPLETE PLANS ARE NOW STAMPED AND READY TO ISSUE, ISSUE DATE TO BE SET FOR DATE WHEN PLANS, JOB CARD, AND PERMIT ARE GIVEN TO CONTRACTOR. FINANCIAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT #CHECK #METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 101-0000-42600 0 $143.56 $143.56 4/17/18 R34349 11115 CHECK ORR BUILDERS AMA TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY 101-0000-42600 0 $143.56 $143.56 3/1/18 R32671 03774G CREDIT CARD BRUSE BUSHORE MFA Total Paid for ADMINISTRATIVE: $287.12 $287.12 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES - COMMERCIAL 270-0000-43201 0 $2,202.05 $2,202.05 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA Total Paid for ART IN PUBLIC PLACES - AIPP: $2,202.05 $2,202.05 HOURLY CHARGE - CITY BUILDING STAFF 101-0000-42600 1 $156.00 $156.00 12/18/17 R30279 10410 CHECK ORR BUILDERS MFA Total Paid for BLDG CITY STAFF - PER HOUR: $156.00 $156.00 BSAS SB1473 FEE 101-0000-20306 0 $18.00 $18.00 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION BSA: $18.00 $18.00 Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 5 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT #CHECK #METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY Credit Card Fee 101-0000-43505 0 $2.58 $2.58 3/1/18 R32671 03774G CREDIT CARD BRUSE BUSHORE MFA Total Paid for Credit Card Fee: $2.58 $2.58 DIF - CIVIC CENTER 252-0000-43200 0 $2,067.91 $2,067.91 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA DIF - FIRE PROTECTION 257-0000-43200 0 $948.02 $948.02 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA DIF - STREET MAINTENANCE 255-0000-43200 0 $1,053.36 $1,053.36 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA DIF - TRANSPORTATION 250-0000-43200 0 $25,751.88 $25,751.88 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA Total Paid for DIF - OFFICE/HOSPITAL: $29,821.17 $29,821.17 TEMP POWER SERVICE 101-0000-42403 0 $25.33 $25.33 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA TEMP POWER SERVICE PC 101-0000-42600 0 $17.73 $17.73 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA Total Paid for ELECTRICAL: $43.06 $43.06 NON-RESIDENTIAL, EA ADDITION 2,000SF 101-0000-42403 0 $114.00 $114.00 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA NON-RESIDENTIAL, EA ADDITION 2,000SF, PC 101-0000-42600 0 $30.39 $30.39 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA NON-RESIDENTIAL, FIRST 2,000SF 101-0000-42403 0 $114.00 $114.00 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA NON-RESIDENTIAL, FIRST 2,000SF, PC 101-0000-42600 0 $88.16 $88.16 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA Total Paid for ELECTRICAL - NEW CONSTRUCTION: $346.55 $346.55 FIRE COMPLIANCE RELEASE/FINAL 101-0000-22812 0 $156.00 $156.00 2/16/18 R32261 16251 CHECK COMTRON AHI FIRE COMPLIANCE RELEASE/FINAL 101-0000-22812 0 $156.00 $156.00 2/20/18 R32350 030218 DEBIT LUIS STAHL AMA Total Paid for FIRE FEES: $312.00 $312.00 Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 6 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT #CHECK #METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY AIR HANDLER 101-0000-42402 0 $342.00 $342.00 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA AIR HANDLER PC 101-0000-42600 0 $114.03 $114.03 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA CONDENSER/COMPRES SOR 101-0000-42402 0 $266.00 $266.00 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA CONDENSER/COMPRES SOR PC 101-0000-42600 0 $177.31 $177.31 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA VENT FAN 101-0000-42402 0 $101.36 $101.36 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA VENT FAN PC 101-0000-42600 0 $40.56 $40.56 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA Total Paid for MECHANICAL: $1,041.26 $1,041.26 NEW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 101-0000-42400 0 $751.71 $751.71 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA Total Paid for NEW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT: $751.71 $751.71 NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHECK 101-0000-42600 0 $117.35 $117.35 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHECK 101-0000-42600 0 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 12/21/16 R20921 11311 CHECK PREST VUKSIC ARCHITECTS INC.SKH Total Paid for NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHECK: $1,617.35 $1,617.35 BACKFLOW DEVICE 101-0000-42401 0 $12.67 $12.67 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA BACKFLOW DEVICE PC 101-0000-42600 0 $5.07 $5.07 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA BUILDING SEWER 101-0000-42401 0 $25.33 $25.33 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA BUILDING SEWER PC 101-0000-42600 0 $17.73 $17.73 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA FIXTURE/TRAP 101-0000-42401 0 $329.42 $329.42 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA FIXTURE/TRAP PC 101-0000-42600 0 $329.42 $329.42 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA GAS SYSTEM, 1-4 OUTLETS 101-0000-42401 0 $12.67 $12.67 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA GAS SYSTEM, 1-4 OUTLETS PC 101-0000-42600 0 $25.33 $25.33 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 7 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 INSPECTIONS SEQID INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES TEMPLATE FOOTING AOR 6/2/2017 6/2/2017 APPROVED (21) STEEL LOCATIONS ONLY GRADE BEAM AOR 6/2/2017 6/2/2017 PARTIALLY APPROVED (3) LOCATIONS WHERE STEEL TEMPLATES INTERSECT ONLY UNDERGROUND PLBG DCL 6/9/2017 6/9/2017 APPROVED - DOES NOT INCLUDE TRAP PRIMER INSPECTION.- DOES NOT INCLUDE SEWER CONNECTION. DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT #CHECK #METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY ROOF DRAIN 101-0000-42401 0 $177.38 $177.38 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA ROOF DRAIN PC 101-0000-42600 0 $177.38 $177.38 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA WATER HEATER/VENT 101-0000-42401 0 $12.67 $12.67 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA WATER HEATER/VENT PC 101-0000-42600 0 $7.60 $7.60 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA WATER SYSTEM INST/ALT/REP 101-0000-42401 0 $12.67 $12.67 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA WATER SYSTEM INST/ALT/REP PC 101-0000-42600 0 $12.67 $12.67 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA Total Paid for PLUMBING FEES: $1,158.01 $1,158.01 SMI - COMMERCIAL 101-0000-20308 0 $123.31 $123.31 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA Total Paid for STRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTATION SMI: $123.31 $123.31 TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 $5.00 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 $5.00 OFFICE BUILDING 224-0000-20320 0 $28,758.95 $28,758.95 4/3/17 R23544 24553 CHECK EJ LA QUINTA LLC MFA Total Paid for TUMF - OFFICE: $28,758.95 $28,758.95 TOTALS:$66,644.12 $66,644.12 Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 8 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 UNDERGROUND PLBG AOR 6/15/2017 6/15/2017 PARTIALLY APPROVED CUSTOMER REQUESTING IF ANYWAY POSSIBLE PLEASE MAKE FIRST STOP, FOR TRAP PRIMER LINES, WOULD VERY MUCH APPRECIATE EARLY AS POSSIBLE INSPECTION. TRAP PRIMER LINE ONLY, DOES NOT INCLUDE TAPS TO TRAPS FOOTINGS AOR 6/22/2017 6/22/2017 NOT READY ANCHORS NOT SET, STEEL COLUMNS NOT SET OR ARE AREAS BLOCKED OUT, DID NOT WALK ANY AREAS, FULL REVIEW REQUIRED, RECALL WHEN READY. SLAB AOR 6/22/2017 6/22/2017 NOT READY ANCHORS NOT SET, RECALL WHEN READY FOOTINGS AOR 6/26/2017 6/26/2017 APPROVED W/EXCEPTIO N FOOTING AREAS BLOCKED OUT AT STEEL COLUMNS YET TO BE SET, REINSPECTION REQUIRED - RFI REQUIRED FOR USE OF SSTB ANCHORS IN STEM WALLS, AND WET- SETTING OF SP1 BOLTS REQUIRED TO BE VERIFIED BY REINSPECTION OR AT DRYPACK. SLAB AOR 6/26/2017 6/26/2017 PARTIALLY APPROVED SLAB AREAS BLOCKED OUT AT STEEL COLUMNS YET TO BE SET, REINSPECTION REQUIRED DRYPACK JFU 8/2/2017 8/2/2017 APPROVED DRYPACK AT (21) STEEL COLUMNS. ROOF NAIL JFU 8/31/2017 8/31/2017 CANCELED CANCELED OER ARMANDO MAGALLON. ROOF DRAIN AOR 9/22/2017 9/22/2017 APPROVED SCHEDULED AT THE COUNTER FRAMING JFU 9/26/2017 9/26/2017 PARTIALLY APPROVED PRELIM FRAMING AT ELECTRICAL ROOM AND WEST WALL OF COMPUTER ROOM. SEE JOB PLANS SHEET S4.1 FOR LOCATIONS. THE REMAINING ROUGH MEP OF THE EAST WALL OF THE ELECTRICAL ROOM AND THE COMPUTER ROOM WALL WILL BE VISIBLE FROM THE BACK SIDE OF BOTH WALLS. Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 9 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 DRYWALL NAIL DCL 9/29/2017 9/29/2017 PARTIALLY APPROVED - INCLUDES ELECTRICAL ROOM, AND WEST IT ROOM WALL. SEE S-4.1 NOTES FOR APPROVED AREAS ROOF NAIL JFU 10/5/2017 10/5/2017 PARTIALLY APPROVED PARTIAL APPROVAL OF ROOF NAILING AT ROOF JOISTS, DRAG BEAMS, ETC. DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY PARAPET WALLS.CORRECTIONS: -CRICKETS INSTALLED PRIOR TO INSPECTION-PARAPETS WERE SHEATHED PRIOR TO INSPECTION. WHEN A WORKER ON ISTE PULLED ONE PANEL, THE REQUIRED SDS SCREWS REQUIRE PER PLAN WERE NOT PRESENT. REMOVE PARAPET SHEATHING AND REVISIT PLANS AND CONSTRUCTION TO VERIFY ALL CNN CTIONS HAVE BEEN MADE PER PLAN. -CUT IN AND INSTALL SCUPPERS AS NOTED ON ROOF PLAN ROOF NAIL AOR 10/10/2017 10/10/2017 APPROVED SDS SCREWS ADD PER DETAIL 10/SD5.1, SHEATHING OF PARAPET NOT SHOWN IN DETAIL, OKAY TO SHEATH AND COVER, AND SCUPPERS TO BE CUT IN BY ROOFER. FRAMING JFU 10/27/2017 10/27/2017 PARTIALLY APPROVED WALLS ONLY--HARD LID CEILINGS AND T- BAR AREAS NOT COMPLETE AT THIS TIME. DOES NOT INCLUDE ACCESSIBLE SHOWER COMPARTMENT OR FIREPLACE AREA AT WAITING ROOM--REINSPECTIONS OF THESE AREAS REQUIRED. OKAY TO WRAP JFU 10/27/2017 10/27/2017 DISAPPROVE D -COMPLETE WIRING TO ALL LIGHTING AT EXTERIOR SOFFITS-OBTAIN FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL OF SPRINKLER SYSTEM AS SPRINKLERS COVER EXTERIOR COVERED AREAS Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 10 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 ROUGH ELEC JFU 10/27/2017 10/27/2017 PARTIALLY APPROVED WALLS ONLY--HARD LID CEILINGS AND T- BAR AREAS NOT COMPLETE AT THIS TIME. DOES NOT INCLUDE FIREPLACE AREA AT WAITING ROOM--REINSPECTIONS OF THESE AREAS REQUIRED. FEEDER SIZES VERIFIED BUT DOES NOT INCLUDE MAKEUP OF PANELS. ROUGH MECH JFU 10/27/2017 10/27/2017 NOT READY INCOMPLETE AT THIS TIME. ROUGH PLBG JFU 10/27/2017 10/27/2017 APPROVED W/EXCEPTIO N WALLS ONLY. VENT AT JANITOR'S CLOSET MUST BE EXTENDED VERTICALLY IN ORDER TO VENT THROUGH ROOF. VERIFY AT OVERHEAD INSPECTION. INSULATION AOR 11/3/2017 11/3/2017 PARTIALLY APPROVED EXTERIOR WALLS ONLY, DOES NOT INCLUDE WING WALL DOUBLE FRAMED AREAS, INSULATION NEEDS TO BE SECURED AND INSTALLED IN THESE AREAS. OKAY TO WRAP JFU 11/16/2017 11/16/2017 APPROVED W/EXCEPTIO N REINSPECTION FENESTRATION SURFACE VALUES YET TO BE INSPECTED. DRYWALL NAIL JFU 11/28/2017 11/28/2017 PARTIALLY APPROVED AT ALL ROOMS EXCEPT JANITOR ROOM, BIO WASTE ROOM AND NORTHWEST CORNER OF WAITING AREA. SEE NOTE BELOW. NOTE: CONSTRUCTION MUST BE REMOVED OR ACCESS MUST BE PROVIDED ALTERNATIVELY TO VIEW SECURING OF INSULATION PER PREVIOUS CORRECTION. INSULATION AOR 12/1/2017 12/1/2017 DISAPPROVE D PENETRATIONS MADE INTO SHEATHING DOES NOT PROVIDE ACCESS TO VIEW INSULATION IN QUESTION, ADDITIONALLY DUE TO PENETRATIONS MADE AN EOR FIX FOR REPAIRING SHEARWALLS WILL BE REQUIRED. LATH AOR 12/1/2017 12/1/2017 APPROVED Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 11 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 INSULATION JFU 12/6/2017 12/6/2017 PARTIALLY APPROVED RESOLUTION OF PREVIOUS INSPECTION CORRECTIONS AT (3) OF (4) LOCATIONS WHERE CORRECTIONS WERE GIVEN. WING WALL AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF BUILDING STILL YET TO BE VIEWED. ROUGH ELEC JFU 12/6/2017 12/6/2017 NOT READY WORK INCOMPLETE. CONDENSATE LINES TO BE RUN, ELECTRICAL WIRING TO BE ROUTED, ETC. RECALL WHEN READY. ROUGH MECH JFU 12/6/2017 12/6/2017 NOT READY WORK INCOMPLETE. CONDENSATE LINES TO BE RUN, ELECTRICAL WIRING TO BE ROUTED, ETC. RECALL WHEN READY. ROUGH PLBG JFU 12/6/2017 12/6/2017 NOT READY WORK INCOMPLETE. CONDENSATE LINES TO BE RUN, ELECTRICAL WIRING TO BE ROUTED, ETC. RECALL WHEN READY. FRAMING JFU 12/19/2017 12/19/2017 PARTIALLY APPROVED CEILINGS ONLY AT HARD LID AREAS BUT DOES NOT INCLUDE CEILING FRAMING OF PROCEDURE ROOMS WHERE A DESIGN MUST BE PROVIDED AS FRAMING IS NOT OF A CONVENTIONAL NATURE AND 20"X30" ACCESS OPENINGS MUST BE PROVIDED. ROUGH ELEC JFU 12/19/2017 12/19/2017 APPROVED W/EXCEPTIO N CEILINGS ONLY AT HARD LID AREAS--DOES NOT INCLUDE MAKEUP OF SERVICE PANEL OR OTHER DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT. ALSO, DOES NOT INCLUDE OVERHEAD AT T- BAR GRID AREAS. ROUGH MECH JFU 12/19/2017 12/19/2017 APPROVED W/EXCEPTIO N CEILINGS ONLY AT HARD LID AREAS--DOES NOT INCLUDE MAKEUP OF SERVICE PANEL OR OTHER DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT. ALSO, DOES NOT INCLUDE OVERHEAD AT T- BAR GRID AREAS. ROUGH PLBG JFU 12/19/2017 12/19/2017 APPROVED W/EXCEPTIO N CEILINGS ONLY AT HARD LID AREAS--DOES NOT INCLUDE MAKEUP OF SERVICE PANEL OR OTHER DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT. ALSO, DOES NOT INCLUDE OVERHEAD AT T- BAR GRID AREAS. Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 12 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 INSULATION JFU 12/22/2017 12/22/2017 APPROVED ALL REMIANING AREAS--COMPLETE APPROVAL. DRYWALL NAIL JFU 12/22/2017 12/22/2017 PARTIALLY APPROVED ALL AREAS ECXEPT PROCEDURE ROOMS WHERE AN RFI MUST STILL BE PROVIDED FOR CEILING FRAMING. TEMP USE OF PERM PWR JFU 12/22/2017 12/22/2017 APPROVED W/EXCEPTIO N APPROVED PER ELECTRICAL SERVICE LOCKOUT PROCEDURE AND AGREEMENT (ATTACHED). FRAMING AOR 12/29/2017 12/29/2017 APPROVED FRAMING AND ACCESS TO HARD LID AREAS OF EXAM ROOMS PER RFI FROM EOR. SEPTIC SYSTEM JFU 1/9/2018 1/9/2018 CANCELED CANCELED BY INSPECTOR AFTER CONVERSATION WITH CONTRACTOR. CONTRACTOR STATES HE WILL RECALL WHEN TANK IS INSTALLED AND ALL ASSOCIATED PIPING IS CONNECTED. SEPTIC SYSTEM JFU 1/16/2018 1/16/2018 PARTIALLY APPROVED TANK PLACEMENT AND PIPING FROM BUILDING TO TANK. DOES NOT INCLUDE DISTRIBUTION TANK OR SEEPAGE PITS. TANK PLACEMENT AND PIPING FROM BUILDING TO TANK. DOES NOT INCLUDE DISTRIBUTION TANK OR SEEPAGE PITS. SEPTIC SYSTEM JFU 2/2/2018 2/2/2018 PARTIALLY APPROVED SCHEDULED PER PHONE CONVERSATION. (1) OF (2) SEEPAGE PITS. SEPTIC SYSTEM JFU 2/6/2018 2/6/2018 APPROVED COMPLETE APPROVAL. INCLUDES TANK, DISTRIBUTION BOX AND SEEPAGE PITS. Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 13 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 T-BAR/OVERHEAD JFU 2/14/2018 2/14/2018 DISAPPROVE D -PROVIDE OVERHEAD APPROVAL FROM FIRE DEPARTMENT-INSTALL SUPPORT WIRES AT ALL REGISTERS, SPEAKERS, AND LIGHT FIXTURES (WIRES PRESENT BUT INSTALLATION TO FIXTURES INCOMPLETE)NOTE: LOW VOLTAGE CONDUCTORS PRESENT, HOWEVER DAYLIGHT HARVESTING AND OCCUPANCY SENSING CONTROLS WILL BE INSTALLED AFTER TBAR CEILING HAS BEEN INSTALLED OVERHEAD ROUGH PIPING RGR 2/21/2018 2/21/2018 APPROVED County fire sprinkler permit final MAIN DRAIN - INSPECTORS TEST RGR 2/21/2018 2/21/2018 APPROVED FIRE ALARM CONNECTION RGR 2/21/2018 2/21/2018 APPROVED FINAL FOR OCCUPANCY RGR 2/22/2018 2/22/2018 APPROVED 24 HR. BATTERY TEST RGR 2/22/2018 2/22/2018 APPROVED T-BAR/OVERHEAD JFU 2/22/2018 2/22/2018 CANCELED T-BAR/OVERHEAD BLD 2/26/2018 2/26/2018 CANCELED - DUPLICATE INSPECTION. T-BAR/OVERHEAD JFU 2/27/2018 2/27/2018 CANCELED DUPLICATE INSPECTION. T-BAR/OVERHEAD JFU 2/27/2018 2/27/2018 APPROVED Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 14 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 FINAL**JFU 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 APPROVED W/EXCEPTIO N TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED 3/1/2018. THE FOLLOWING IS A LIST OF CORRECTIONS THAT MUST BE RESOLVED PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF A PERMANENT CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: -WEATHERSTRIP FRONT DOOR -RESOLVE MAIN ENTRY DOOR HARDWARE -SUBMIT COMPLETED ENERGY DOCUMENTS (ELECRICAL, MECHANICAL, PLUMBING, & ENVELOPE) -SUBMIT AIR BALANCE REPORT -INSTALL BIKE RACK -PROVIDE PANEL SCHEDULES AND LABEL SWITCHGEAR -INSTALL OCCUPANCY SENSOR AT ELECTRICAL ROOM -T & P VALVE AT WATER HEATER MUST BE PIPED SEPARATELY -INSTALL SEDIMENT TRAP AT WATER HEATER -MAKE UP JUNCTION BOX AT ELECTRICAL ROOM -SEAL LINESET PENETRATIONS AT CONDENSERS -INSTALL IN-USE STYLE COVERS AT RECEPTACLES LOCATED IN WET LOCATIONS -PROVIDE LOCKING CAPS AT REFRIGERANT PORTS Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 15 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 FINAL**JFU 4/18/2018 4/18/2018 PARTIALLY APPROVED THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE YET TO BE RESOLVED IN ORDER TO GRANT FINAL APPROVAL AND CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY: -SUBMIT AIR BALANCE REPORT -SUBMIT ALL FINAL ENERGY COMPLIANCE DOCUMENTATION -OBTAIN FINAL APPROVAL FROM PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION NOTE: NO FURTHER SITE INSPECTIONS WILL BE REQUIRED FROM BUILDING DIVISION PERSONNEL. FINAL**JFU 4/19/2018 4/19/2018 APPROVED FORMS RECEIVED AND PUBLIC WORKS GAVE FINAL APPROVAL, UPDATED FOR INSPECTOR JFU. REVIEWS REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE RETURNED DATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES 1ST BLDG STR (3 WK)KURT CULVER 12/19/2016 1/11/2017 1/5/2017 REVISIONS REQUIRED UPDATED FROM TRANSMITTAL RECEIVED VIA EMAIL 1ST BLDG NS (3 WK)AJ ORTEGA 12/19/2016 1/11/2017 1/12/2017 REVISIONS REQUIRED SEE ATTACHED CORRECTIONS LIST 1ST PLANNING (3 WK) CARLOS FLORES 12/19/2016 1/11/2017 12/28/2016 INCOMPLETE PLANNING WON'T BEGIN REVIEW UNTIL ENTITLEMENT COMPLETE (SDP2016-0007 IS STILL NOT COMPLETE) 2ND BLDG NS (2 WK)AJ ORTEGA 2/1/2017 2/15/2017 2/16/2017 REVISIONS REQUIRED SEE ATTACHED 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS 2ND BLDG STR (2 WK)KURT CULVER 2/1/2017 2/15/2017 2/9/2017 READY FOR APPROVAL PARENT PROJECTS Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 16 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 Building Plan Review– Contour Dermatology LAQ-17-BP-003/BCOM2016-0069 460820 Jefferson Street La Quinta, CA Fire Department personnel have reviewed and have not approved the plans you submitted for the above referenced project. Please be advised the following corrections apply prior to issuance of a building permit: 1) Fire Department never received the original submittal. We received 2nd submittal only, as of February 1st, 2017. These will be based upon the 2013 CBC requirements for B and S occupancies. It is prohibited to use, process or store any materials in the occupancy that would classify it as a Group H occupancy. 2) Repair work and/or maintenance using open flame equipment, welding or the use of Class I, II, or III-A liquids are prohibited. 3) The Fire Department needs the fire hydrant, FDC and PIV relocated due to no fire apparatus access on Palm Circle Drive. The turnaround is too far and the connection is on the opposite side of the street. Hydrant, FDC, PIV are required to be in front of the buildings(not the back of the building) for fire safety purposes. The Fire Department is required to set a minimum fire flow for the remodel or construction of all commercial buildings using the procedure established in the 2013 CFC. A fire flow of 1500 gpm for a 2-hour duration at 20 psi residual operating pressure must be available before any combustible material is placed on the job site. 4) Applicant and/or developer shall separately submit 2 sets of water system plans to the Fire Department office for review. Plans must be signed by a registered Civil Engineer and/or water Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 17 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 purveyor prior to Fire Marshal review and approval. Mylar will be signed by the Fire Marshal after review and approval. The following conditions must be met prior to occupancy: 5) Whenever sprinkler overhead mains of 4” size or larger are provided, the Riverside County Fire Department requires documentation from a structural engineer that the roof structural members will be capable of supporting the weight of the water filled mains and attached lines. Provide appropriate detailed documentation, with a wet stamp and signature, by the project structural engineer. 6) Install a complete fire sprinkler system per NFPA 13. System plans must be submitted to the Fire Department for review, along with current plan/inspection fee. 7) Install a manual and/or automatic fire alarm system as per NFPA 72 required by the California Building Code, California Fire Code and designed in accordance with adopted standards. A C-10 licensed contractor must submit plans to the Fire Department office for review and approval prior to installation. (Prior to building final inspection) Buildings/facilities 8) Install Knox Key Lock box, mounted per recommended standard of the Knox Company. If the building/facility is protected with a fire alarm system or burglar alarm system, the lock boxes will require "tamper" monitoring. Special forms are available from this office for the ordering of the Key Switch. This form must be authorized and signed by this office for the correctly coded system to be purchased. 9) Provide keys to the tenant space for inclusion in the main building Knox Box. Key(s) shall have Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 18 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 1ST FIRE (2 WK) LISA NOTTINGHA M 2/16/2017 3/3/2017 3/24/2017 READY FOR APPROVAL - CONDITION durable and legible tags affixed for identification of the correlating tenant space. Other requirements: 10) Install panic hardware and exit signs as per the 2013 CBC 11) Exit signs, exit marker and exit path markings shall be installed per the California Building Code. (Prior to building final inspection) 12) Submit flame-retardant certification(s) by applicator or manufacturer, along with CSFM Listing, for all decorative materials used in this facility. Samples of flame-retardant material(s) may be required for flame spread testing. All required treated materials must have a current CSFM approval tag affixed to each item or panel. (Prior to building final inspection) 13) Prior to final inspection of any building, the applicant shall prepare and submit to the Fire Department for approval, a site plan designating required fire lanes with appropriate lane painting and/or signs. 14) Certain designed areas will be required to be maintained as fire lanes and will require approved signs and/or stenciling in red with CVC 22500.1 conspicuously posted. 15) Install portable fire extinguishers per Title 19, but not less than 2A10BC in rating. Contact a certified extinguisher company for proper placement and spacing of equipment. 16) This building has not been reviewed or approved for high pile/rack storage. Prior to such use, building(s) shall be approved for high-piled storage (materials in closely packed piles or on pallets, or in racks where the top of storage exceeds 12 feet in height, 6 feet for Group A plastics and certain other hazardous commodities) or aerosols products. High-piled Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 19 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 and aerosol stock shall be approved by the Fire Department prior to materials being stored on site. A licensed Fire Protection Engineer or a Fire Department approved consultant must prepare plans for high-piled storage or aerosol storage in accordance with the 2013 CFC and NFPA 13. 17) Applicant/developer shall be responsible for obtaining aboveground tank permits from both the County Health and Fire Departments (if applicable) 18) Approved building address shall be placed in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street and rear access if applicable. Building address numbers shall be a minimum of 12”. All addressing must be legible and of a contrasting color with the background and adequately illuminated to be visible from the street at all hours. 19) Applicable room door(s) shall be posted “ELECTRICAL ”, “FACP”, “FIRE RISER” and “ROOF ACCESS” on the outside of the door so it is visible and in a contrasting color. 20) Room occupancy load, as approved by the Building Official, shall be posted in a conspicuous place near the main exit from the room(s). The location shall be approved by the Fire Department office. Posting shall be by means of an approved durable sign having a contrasting color from the background to which it is attached. The owner shall maintain signs in a legible manner. No person shall deface, remove or change the occupant load on the sign except as authorized by the Building Official and/or Fire Department office. (Prior to building final inspection) 21) A durable sign stating "This door to remain unlocked during business hours" shall be placed on or adjacent to the front exit doors. The sign shall be in letters not less than one inch high on a Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 20 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 contrasting background. The Fire Department approved plans and conditions letter must be at the job site. Applicant/installer shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspections. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 72 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (760)863-8886. SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION - Nothing in our review shall be construed as encompassing structural integrity. Review of this plan does not authorize or approve any omission or deviation from all applicable regulations. Final approval is subject to field inspection. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Office of the Fire Marshal staff at (760)863-8886. REVISIONS APPROVED-March 24th, 2017 Essi Engineering-Art Gardner 77570 Springfield Lane Suite “C” Palm Desert, CA Re: Underground Water Service Plan Review- Contour Dermatology(Conceptual Only) LAQ-17-BP-003 46080 Jefferson Street La Quinta, CA The above referenced water plans have been reviewed and are approved by the Riverside County Fire Department with the following conditions: The County Fire Department must witness the following tests: Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 21 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 • Pre-Thrust Block Pour • Post-Thrust Block. Provide concrete slurry mix sheet • A rough and hydrostatic test of 200 psi for two (2) hours or at 50 psi in excess of the maximum static pressure when it is in excess of 150 psi shall be witnessed by a fire inspector prior to covering piping joints. Test is done from check valve to end of hydrant line. • Underground flush shall be performed prior to connection to the sprinkler system. • A final inspection is required The Fire Department approved plans and conditions letter must be at the job site. Applicant/installer shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspections. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 72 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (760)863-8886. SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION - Nothing in our review shall be construed as encompassing structural integrity. Review of this plan does not authorize or approve any omission or deviation from all applicable regulations. Final approval is subject to field inspection. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Office of the Fire Marshal staff at (760)863-8886. Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 22 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 Lisa Nottingham - Fire Safety Specialist March 24th, 2017-RESUBMITTALS APPROVED Essi Engineering-Art Gardner 77570 Springfield Lane Suite “C” Palm Desert, CA Re: Underground Water Service Plan Review- Contour Dermatology(Conceptual Only) LAQ-17-BP-003 46080 Jefferson Street La Quinta, CA The above referenced water plans have been reviewed and are approved by the Riverside County Fire Department with the following conditions: The County Fire Department must witness the following tests: • Pre-Thrust Block Pour • Post-Thrust Block. Provide concrete slurry mix sheet • A rough and hydrostatic test of 200 psi for two (2) hours or at 50 psi in excess of the maximum static pressure when it is in excess of 150 psi shall be witnessed by a fire inspector prior to covering piping joints. Test is done from check valve to end of hydrant line. • Underground flush shall be performed prior to connection to the sprinkler system. • A final inspection is required Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 23 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 The Fire Department approved plans and conditions letter must be at the job site. Applicant/installer shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspections. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 72 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (760)863-8886. SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION - Nothing in our review shall be construed as encompassing structural integrity. Review of this plan does not authorize or approve any omission or deviation from all applicable regulations. Final approval is subject to field inspection. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Office of the Fire Marshal staff at (760)863-8886. Lisa Nottingham - Fire Safety Specialist 3RD BLDG NS (1 WK)AJ ORTEGA 3/1/2017 3/8/2017 3/8/2017 REVISIONS REQUIRED COORECTIONS: -PLANNING, PUBLIC WORKS AND FIRE REVIEWS STILL OUTSTANDING. -DISCREPANCIES STILL EXIST IN ENERGY CALCAULTION MODELING. WILL FOLLOW UP WITH JOHN GREENWOOD REGARDING REMAINING ITEMS. 2ND PLANNING (2 WK) CARLOS FLORES 3/1/2017 3/15/2017 3/9/2017 READY FOR APPROVAL ENTITLEMENT APPEAL PERIOD ENDS ON MARCH 10, 2017 3RD BLDG NS (1 WK)AJ ORTEGA 3/17/2017 3/27/2017 3/27/2017 APPROVED- CONDITIONS SEE CONDITIONS TAB FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 4TH BLDG NS (1 WK)AJ ORTEGA 5/18/2017 5/23/2017 5/22/2017 READY FOR APPROVAL PLANS NOW STAMPED, SEE CONDITIONS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 24 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 1/9/2017 AJ ORTEGA 1ST REVIEW STRUCTURAL FEE SHEET BCOM2016-0069 - 1ST REVIEW STRUCTURAL FEE SHEET.pdf 0 DOC 1/9/2017 AJ ORTEGA 1ST REVIEW STRUCTURAL CORRECTIONS BCOM2016-0069 - 1ST REVIEW STRUCTURAL CORRECTIONS.pdf 0 DOC 1/13/2017 AJ ORTEGA 1ST REVIEW NON- STRUCTURAL CORRECTIONS BCOM2016-0069 - 1ST REVIEW NON- STRUCTURAL CORRECTIONS.pdf 0 BOND INFORMATION 1ST PW GREEN SHEET AMY YU 5/18/2017 5/25/2017 5/22/2017 READY FOR APPROVAL - CONDS PENDING EARTH SYSTEMS LETTER CERTIFYING GRADING WORK PERFORMED IN COMPLIANCE WITH SOILS REPORT WITH COMPACTION TESTS. IF SLADDEN ENGINEERING IS USED INSTEAD, A LETTER FROM SLADDEN STATING THAT THEY ARE NOW THE SOILS ENGINEER OF RECORD AND THAT THEY HAVE REVIEWED EARTH SYSTEMS GEOTECHNICAL REPORTS FOR THE PROJECTS. TOLD SCOTT WITH ORR BUILDERS TO SUBMIT LETTER FROM SLADDEN STATING THAT THEY ARE NOW THE SOILS ENGINEER OF RECORD AND SLADDEN TO CERTIFY THE 8 CORES BELOW THE UNDERGROUND RETENTION WERE DONE PER SOILS REPORT RECEIVED SLADDEN LETTER FOR CHANGE OF GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT. PENDING LETTER FROM SLADDEN CERTIFYING THE 8 CORES BELOW THE UNDERGROUND RETENTION Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 25 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 2/13/2017 AJ ORTEGA 2ND REVIEW STRUCTURAL TRANSMITTAL (APPROVED) BCOM2016-0069 - 2ND REVIEW STRUCTURAL TRANSMITTAL.pdf 0 DOC 2/16/2017 AJ ORTEGA 2ND REVIEW ENERGY DOCUMENTS (REDLINED) BCOM2016-0069 - 2ND REVIEW ENERGY DOCUMENTS.pdf 0 DOC 2/16/2017 AJ ORTEGA 2ND REVIEW NON- STRUCTURAL CORRECTIONS BCOM2016-0069 - 2ND REVIEW NON- STRUCTURAL CORRECTIONS.pdf 0 DOC 3/29/2017 AJ ORTEGA FEE SUMMARY BCOM2016-0069 - FEE SUMMARY.pdf 0 DOC 3/29/2017 AJ ORTEGA SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION OF BUILDING AREA BCOM2016-0069 - SCHOOL FEE CERTIFICATION OF BUILDING AREA.pdf 0 DOC 6/8/2017 AJ ORTEGA FIELD MEMO (COMPACTION TESTS) BCOM2016-0069 - FIELD MEMO (COMPACTION TESTS).pdf 0 DOC 6/28/2017 AJ ORTEGA FIELD MEMO (COMPACTION AT FOOTINGS) BCOM2016-0069 - FIELD MEMO (COMPACTION AT FOOTINGS).pdf 0 DOC 6/28/2017 AJ ORTEGA FIELD MEMO (COMPACTION AT SLAB) BCOM2016-0069 - FIELD MEMO (COMPACTION AT SLAB).pdf 0 DOC 6/28/2017 AJ ORTEGA SPECIAL INSPECTION (TEMPLATES) BCOM2016-0069 - SPECIAL INSPECTION (TEMPLATES).pdf 0 DOC 9/26/2017 AJ ORTEGA FIELD MEMO (COMPACTION AT CURBS) BCOM2016-0069 - FIELD MEMO (COMPACTION AT CURBS).pdf 0 Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 26 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 9/26/2017 AJ ORTEGA FIELD MEMO (COMPACTION AT STORM DRAINS) BCOM2016-0069 - FIELD MEMO (COMPACTION AT STORM DRAINS).pdf 0 DOC 9/26/2017 AJ ORTEGA SPECIAL INSPECTION (CURB CONCRETE) BCOM2016-0069 - SPECIAL INSPECTION (CURB CONCRETE).pdf 0 DOC 9/26/2017 AJ ORTEGA SPECIAL INSPECTION (EPOXY) BCOM2016-0069 - SPECIAL INSPECTION (EPOXY).pdf 0 DOC 9/26/2017 AJ ORTEGA SPECIAL INSPECTION (STEEL WELDS) BCOM2016-0069 - SPECIAL INSPECTION (STEEL WELDS) (2).pdf 0 DOC 9/26/2017 AJ ORTEGA SPECIAL INSPECTION (STEEL WELDS) BCOM2016-0069 - SPECIAL INSPECTION (STEEL WELDS).pdf 0 DOC 9/26/2017 AJ ORTEGA STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION (FOUNDATION FROM EOR) BCOM2016-0069 - STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION (FOUNDATION FROM EOR).pdf 0 DOC 4/23/2018 AJ ORTEGA CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY BCOM2016-0069 - CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY.pdf 1 DOC 5/18/2017 AMY YU PAD CERTIFICATION 4817_001.pdf 0 DOC 5/22/2017 AMY YU CERTIFICATION OF BUILDING PAD GRADING AND COMPACTION (SLADDEN) SLADDEN CERTIFICATION OF BUILDINGPAD GRADING AND COMPACTION.pdf 0 Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 27 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 5/26/2017 AMY YU CHANGE OF GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT (SLADDEN) SLADDEN LETTER 5-23- 17 - CHANGE OF GEOTECHNICAL CONSULTANT.pdf 0 DOC 12/18/2017 BURT HANADA APPROVED ALT MAT OR METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTOUR DERMATOLOGY - TEMP SEPTIC SYSTEM APPROVAL.pdf 0 DOC 10/27/2017 JAKE FUSON STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT BCOM2016-0069 - STRUCTURAL OBSERVATION REPORT.pdf 1 DOC 12/22/2017 JAKE FUSON ELECTRICAL SERVICE LOCKOUT PROCEDURE AND AGREEMENT BCOM2016-0069 - ELECTRICAL SERVICE LOCKOUT PROCEDURE AND AGREEMENT.pdf 1 DOC 3/1/2018 JAKE FUSON TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (3/1/2018) BCOM2016-0069 - TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY - 3-1- 2018.pdf 1 DOC 3/1/2018 JAKE FUSON EMAIL CORRESPONDENCE RE: FINAL INSPECTION CORRECTIONS BCOM2016-0069 - FINAL INSPECTION CORRECTIONS.pdf 1 DOC 4/18/2018 JAKE FUSON 2ND TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY (4/18/2018) BCOM2016-0069 - 2ND TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY - 4-18- 2018.pdf 1 DOC 4/3/2017 MARY FASANO SCHOOL LETTER SCHOOL LETTER RECEIPT.pdf 0 Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 28 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 2/1/2017 STEPHANIE SWANSTROM 2ND SUBMITTAL CORRECTION LIST AND COMMENTS 2-1-17 2ND SUBMITTAL CORRECTION LIST AND COMMENTS 2-1-17.pdf 0 DOC 4/4/2017 STEPHANIE SWANSTROM GRANT DEED Grant Deed from Jochen and Erwin Trusts to EJ La Quinta LLC Rec 4-26- 16 2016-0164358.pdf 0 Printed: Wednesday, March 13, 2024 8:54:28 AM 29 of 29 Permit Details City of La Quinta PERMIT NUMBER BCOM2016-0069 FIRE ALARM NOTES 1. The applicable codes and standards are the 2016 California Fire Code (CFC), 2016 California Building Code (CBC) and NFPA 72. 2. The system shall be pre -tested prior to inspection to determine that the system is properly installed and functions in accordance with the approved plans and the manufacturer's installation and maintenance manual. (NFPA 72 7.5.2) 3. Upon completion, a copy of "as built" drawings and written operation and maintenance instructions shall be provided to the ownerloccupant. 4. A 24-hour emergency response phone number shall be permanently posted adjacent to the control panel. 5. The installing contractor shall provide an Record of Completion to the inspector and to the business owner fallowing completion of alarm testing as witnessed by. (CFC 907.7-2) 6. Through penetration fire stopping for all fire walls, floor/ceilings, and assemblies shall have an "F" or 7' rating per the CBC and standards. Installation of fire stopping shall comply with approved methods. 7. The circuit disconnect breaker providing power to the fire alarm unit shall only be accessible to authorized personnel, and shall be identified as "FIRE ALARM CIRCUIT'. 8. All fire control units shall be interconnected with all other fire alarm control units located within the facility. (NFPA 72: 23-8.2-1, and 23.B.2.3) 9. All audible alarm notification signals shall be a three pulse temporal pattern- (CFC 907.5 2.1.3) 10, Audible alarm should sound level shall be the minimum specified by CFC 907.5.2.1, 1 11. When more than two visual notification appliances are located within the same room or area, they shall be synchronized. (NFPA 72: 1S.5,5.4.2) 12. All fire sprinkler systems shall be monitored except those noted in CFC 903A 13. Where a building fire alarm or monitoring system is installed, automatic fire- extinguishing systems shall be monitored by the building fire alarm or monitoring system in accordance with NFPA 72_ (CFC 904.3.5) 14. Location of branch circuit shall be permanently identified on FACP- Circuit disconnect shall be identified in red as "Fire Alarm Circuit" with a listed breaker lock'iig device installed in accordance with NFPA 72, : l SCOPE OF WORK Installation of monitored fire alarm system. System includes connection to one annunciators, one smoke detector, one pull station, wireless AES radio, all sprinkler tamper devices and water flow to be monitored. P.W. & TAMPER SW. 7,r Ic - C.FeL! TFC,111 WIRE DEWRIPTION SYMDO 2518 GAL 2 CONO. FPLR UL WIRE. ZONE #' SMOKE DETECTOR AT FACP ELECT, RM, 518 GA 2 COND. FPLR UL WIRE. ZONE #2 PULL STATION RISER RM 25118 GA 2 COND. FPLR UL ff E ZONE 03 WATER FLOW 2516 GA 2 COND. FPLR UL WIRE, ZONE #4 BUTTERFLY VALVE 16014 GA.2 COND. THWN UL IV IRE N SCH 40 3W "CONDUIT ZONE #5 OS & Y AND PIV 5118 GA, 4 COND, FPLR UL V41RE ZONE 001 ANNOUNCIATOR 1oa 5 18 GA. 4 COND. FPLR UL W Z ] I ONE # 03 AE5 RADIO 7idFNLLO.Q.lp6 taRnMn.11T 7�RaVL RE:tl11ka �. �r4 �t4T..AAr�iA.. eR•w�r ,aP,.x u,F:o wieeM�E mdadn�a► 1Re� w�xRRR�atoPdet r t�YE G[l.A's.TiI6 llw�r>..YYAR.3P4l�N'�}L5P Tit R7NNRRµT Tt+r4a.cnas �LAst.PrdLae lwmrFw7trrai 5 E4V E NCE OF OPE RATIO NS PLMLSTAi GN XF DET HVAC OUCF DET. POWERFAILL E RYSTEUTROME VoiERFLOW"ON.. VALVETAMPERSW APMLM L4TE AT P ANEL Y S E YES Y ES 7E8 YES YES YES ANNMCLATE Ar REMOTE ANNuNCIAMQ YES YES YES YES YES YES YES SOUND AUDIBLE DEVIDE.S YE3 YES NO NO NO YES NO A):TNATE CENTRALSTATIDN 0DNNECnONALARM YES YE8 NO t+o NO YES 140 ACTIYArE CEWRALSTATION rSNJNECTlOf4$UPfRvl9p!' NO NO YES No NO NO YES AGTNATECENTRAL--OA WNNECTIONSYSTERI 7nuE3LE Np NO NO YES YES NO NO SOUNDE%FERIORNM7ERFL❑WA.ARM BELL NO NO NO m] NO YES NO WARNNC 0WNER'S'*MI.=r10H NOTICE NW TO U RIIrpYED THIS EOuiipmuir SHOULO 9E INSTALLED IN ACOORDANCE fM THE NAT1DN4 FIFE NOTE AE lh"d, PF10=I0H ASS'MI- ATN]N•5 STAND00n Mdw32FS1atw1WMd [NATIOH14LF11 !a uL CnrrrnrylF,l Rn ROTECTIDH RS V-1A LiATTERYMARCH!'ARk IrKOR1PNNu. C.Nnet ouINOY• I]. -LWe -pN 14AH INFORM PRINTamaP lk,S10Pf Net�dea i1a6 VMRRiIL.LIT T188CW&Ha PRO,rER CPbnar Khi. Rothe INarALLg710N T �N❑, ep M 84.V.K 11,MMAC- ROPEPIARI8XA PAt A... MW kn.1Pn EP EIVICE 'e1N 1451 T.an4PRnof TO HE PRDYIDEn IInFI (a UL UAA C MMWM W TldtS EOUFPMENT. adsa,y p,�Feean ww,7wr7A.4 P-0-1 L t� TEST E4190LMY 9MEN WEEKLY � �.� aw.wPa alPwli+lP MW YeL�nnE81YIHwpw�FL+d1 NWIHP OL1ttn= tuA tsr e�a�iti lblPf.L� � fYt11Pr1Al al.mlY ue[-tA>•ettA7 Y44VV e N.la.Tra swan :MImfAPtroATr +d1✓GGnuI GA TeL t� -un J01P8nA.gwdy P�wPew La1R6"ARRENMN"6Mi �LNRrIR J,MIYY walMin.Pa.0 -�� M.kNPw1.a+1••I 4lY'EPM p1A0lRF.APTATIO'1 aW Asssmbled 1n a `A '"�'��,�r•P bEbSdbSbB i ie °Ri.uwarr�`� `o. weaoa�" wnwwes7anpxr �a�+P �!p, ,xmpnmrt«xrn�w�,mcn. 00000a000 a MOXII00 � rnWrL. -0 a: p��(.�,q r. on aura }IyNirN.-�'d p�REyyecrxWM�E mx A,S 4PY.M NiR�SR E.TGInMEh I•IXa1lBm19lWYNIII�IL IEYI COIIiIq R.tlR%wnNO RWaw ael.Pulnm •'- twtY' Pwrnn M1dle �, , lid Oh Glmm nlo.a rrwls E1r.akx f Lwd PtTlwFderwt} RUPERYIBFL .fill ou � 4 � � �� REPLACG 9TRiri RFTHt �� �Fq„ � am end divVE I„Me• wv, REr' umLua,•PaMifen + - + - + - - + + - a ! _ + eo.,.s,o bPPx l+a.r T-1d 15) ppa>4 fAw NAI{($TANLIaYI "E+A a+xrN OP,oPn� Fh+n[EeM T In.J 81 /pu ppl J_q_ny pFgwtl S.M INX{/WOfJ Sw I�NFy,A4 bl • 8.. Nola R- hemieOPte. hum 99t eYtpRR1q'WaN1n.P, R�-m-u-I PAPS. rip pw M, IWM ee s9p.n,.wr. e.m uplAllipl Pern�eetlon 7n.ww.,en.P.lMw,�n ���Ptgor�.wt.vrtw RG. RA. r:.a na. Rn N.0. dap-Mondw l.,*11, ra.e PldR FIM CM auPrr. uPFQ to a0LR 1 ALTIw mdlnp a tl rw ✓iR i9olU OPdir6Wer..E lPn.d MJra t+wrm..wntP ur PrERred-.Wh. ZOr! H MRIRf aPrwfn.*Pw.- P-..r'.�vmrJe •P•Cr�Ptl.r 14V Czk-.W IW --k m.rlR FPTI70tigT4TRiq.W.EB b2c~ ..d2lk Pw-0.1- mZrr.:!ZM RPAWLaFWyP ?-PPRw.9 L..N.4. 1. NCR& r1de0c 10-11VO0,-A ma. .dpW e0r WD.A.n ewu _� �� ��'�" aw.0lwCIwCtlPe. y, FNTpw�Iw dPAr� 8lOEA 4fd.mm �:PP�dfal tPwe nPy 1. wwe Intl -den .7m. ngPryR YA-5M.8 ill wtWN. d.Fm. ]Pa trtr,✓allmwa ewwN Pa -wt. an m-.t WARNING: TO PREVENT n.q....�.e. a.1.aF,.. .PPn..R. i W-Pu kft" P WAFA"rlPne:l olsARMt.,. N.F R.lmtsxrs�.dwaq «,y. w.R. run l.ree lrswx.. H1 t.rlwDe+tF�w++eRENrrED EEXCerr R19K OF ELECTRICAL Th. vlsrx mLw. Now. r �Naeww'� hlOUTPUr OPTNEFOMMTR� SHOCK, DISCONNECT c"e�++rn Pcc A�PK are. TELCO JACK BEFORE r�cn.9. NP.:Acswanie-,�� SERVICING THISPANEL VISTA-32FB SUMMARY OF CONNECTIONS ,T TO FACP t NOTER�GRY SPRNP,LED LJNTR.GTfSL STPNOnP F{dMTC. TYPM..1! tWR9 CTRRFcaPT oN F:nw wart« VM4GNr-,r H0W EOL EH DEICES r,PN mPETANPE1.Au1ENEa TYP.CAL FOR EH?n ]1RV.AL brll'bRrlRtlpgywnt T1'P4'L RPRi94R TYPCA PULL TON Eol �i s i �aL Stmonn TMPER BMTCNE3 ivsa:0.l stars EtpR iYP,:y I, i ETECO REREPEGTR �^ENOOSLNE I Kt www-eLNwnm &M su4L Ee iu All a FOi HOCATN60EYGEi AN0 P1R AYY3FGR rtRrIRG oHAGEs Ppp.:>DE LVl R1On/RE PRGFE351GWLLY PRIN'P LONE NAPE rrCNEL1ULE FP.^AE6 O NSIALLR.V ABOIE ARHIlRC1- P � FAAP FIRE ALARM LCNFROL PPJREI I 12]Y AC ^'�l pl V W PHifJY445TOR -EL Tlaz-I rACP i cCi as AES YIIRELE55 CdP11VNICAWR li S s4"C LNIh ``1 yy }E-.Ae G'BL YPTIIAEO A�%ITiEEMOTE 11Eb EPARiMFW ,n-Env COPI ARTN:HI SINGLE LINE DIAGRAM 120 v dell Provided By Others FIRE SPRINKLER MONITORING PLAN UNDERGROUND PVC RUN 1IEVIMS ------ "-- FPLP. VWW OR Tf'l W "f OX 1HAtYEADiM W-WTANT 0rftA AN0 Ti3W" PWr--F .W,*RL-M, - G0"MT TO 0M. f l rTttrC4 1"MM 3i'1 r4�F1 W"jjj&�X4 C3la VS srwLl� � GV&EP go PROWMI) BY a FHER Aida SHALL OD IPLY VWTI.1 Hurr TO 3GALE FPL AiRE '4UT i � I C3 NOUTT TO BOX FMTt { WYM E aOW Fit r� V TiCLE 30o TARM & f=faR -,WT1 OPA W ook Qyw $ 1 tiEr,TMN1F IWAT00 AMOW ('machWIRIMM FIDE SPRINKLER MONITORING SYMBOL LEGEND QTY SYMBOL DESCRIPTION BACK BOX MOUNTING HEIGHT MANUFACTUER MODEL CSFM 1 FACP VIS32FB CONTRON PANEL 45 DEEP TOP OF BOX BELOW 60" A.F.F HONEYWELL VIS32FB 7155-1645:0123 1 FAA 6160CR2 ANNOUNCIATOR 4S DEEP TOP OF BOX BELOW 60" A.F.F HONEYWELL 6160CR2 7300-1645:0115 1 SMOKE DETECTOR 45 DEEP WISINGLE GANG RING ON CEILING SYSTEM SENSOR 2WBA 7272-1653:0152 1 ❑M PULL STATION I 4S DEEP WISINGLE GANG RING CENTER OF BOX 48" A.F,F ADEMCO 514OMPS-1 7150-1645:0118 1 $ BUTTERFLY TAMPER SWITCH NiA NIA PROVIDED BYOTHERS NIA NIA 1 WATER FLOW SWITCH NIA NIA PROVIDED 13YOTHERS NIA NIA 1 POST INDICATOR VALVE (PIV) NIA NIA PROVIDED BYOTHERS NIA NIA 2 (S)-X OS&Y TAMPER SWITCH NiA NiA PROVIDED BYOTHERS NIA NIA 1 RV120 VOLT OUTDOOR BELL I SVV-13B 10' PROVIDED BYOTHERS NIA N?A 1 Ass RADIO COMMUNICATOR NIA TOP OF Box BELOW 60" A.F.F AES INTELINET 7788F 7300-1516:0108 g EOL 7E END OF THE LINE RESISTOR NiA NIA NiA NiA NIA a EWPRL+580Rti � Orru cruER3xrERr .ES nM �! o y isvLr�, NR AES RADIO IRE DESIGNATION CHART T Riverside County Fire Office of the Fire Marshal Received APPROVAL Riverside County Fire Department By. etr k The approval of plans and specifications does not permit the violation, dU4 etiOents n4iMl tie 24 aulty Installation of any req Tany Local ordinances. Construction shafvremain until accessihle and expposed for inspe rposes appsoved by the f•Ire Department. M SCALE: 1l811=11 W 4 ••Taal- :..:. , .! ;r.:i Pr ! . •• .0 - !-_I:i-:.. - `e:: I' a� l E"•tic ' �i;:g ter.. .1il �iG,=i'9EFR®..,R •3, ' - )t]ile : 1,. }�. s:::{:::::'s:icyiii;i.•' Indi3n,-, 'rs n.' r; 0 H 1�ris i.t _V .:�-�': .._ as:-ws��•:. .,,.^S...w..--...:: ...._F.: _ _ _ •� ir, - �--'-':cam.... c�fi 7 . r :C35 �ry f 'Ii } 3 r - � '� V: Ii41 tL• 1' (D«111I 1si Wsiv ar ._�r'.ic. _ )Dr .. .. „K,: !i:I. :3••.` ;.�, _ --I • •ill`s:."''='� ":' -�-.. ::&:zz � �£" - - pis::: '.••.;�: ��:ts:`�, i -- - IkI;�Y��: �•� 46080 Jefferson Street e'R$, is . y •" Yiarsesh0.: r':':I � , 1 J Honeywell Security Facility Information Enter Standby and Alarm Times Location: CONTOUR DERMATOLOGY Baffery Sfano9by (Hours): 24 " Account #: 46080 JEFFERSON 5T Alarm Duration(minufesj: 5 Modei: VIS32FB Engineer: Recomrmrided $•2 �, pate: 10125'12017 Banery(12AH) SELECTED P NEL MAXIl11 UM OUTPUT RATINGS Select Panel from Polling Standby Auxiflary Alarm Auxiliary Panel Standby Farrel B�tr #z Dolour s�rr #2 Output(if Maximum Panel Maximum Panel list: Loop (mA) Power Power (mA) Alarm (mA} (wA) used; mA} Standby Output Alarm Output pulldown (mA) (-A) 128 760 10OU 3W 470 1700 9700 1000 23W Total Standby Total Atarm Calculated Bell Calculated Current Draw D 1 20 Draw 0 0 1 20 SfarldbyBudget Alarm Budget Power Budget 128.0 749.0 980.0 ell Power Budget 1700.0 1700.0 999.0 2280.0 External Bell Ext. UL Power Power Regd (inA): D-D Read (mA): Grayed -out device(s) are not supported by selected panel Flow many Alarm Total Total Enter powered Standby Current Fblfing Starrdby rotal External KEYPADSIINTERFACES Quariffry externally? (-PMrr) (Aux) Polling Loop Loop Currant rowlAlarm Current Current Required 6160CR-2 1 17 45 1 O-D `t . , 4 0 0 0 HOW many Alarm rotaf Total AUXILIARYPOVVERE❑ Enter powered Standby Current F'blfing Standby Total External DEVICES Quantify externally? (auXP-) (Aux) PbllingLoop Loop I Current Total Alarm Current CurrlentRequired 2wb 2 wire smoke det 1 0 1 20 3.1' .. ' �� i ' " 1 20 0 SYSTEM INSTALLATION BY COMTRON SYSTEMS, INC. 41-651 CORPORATE WAY SUITE 6 PALM DESERT, CA 92260 TELE: (760) 776-8811 STATE CONTRACTORS C-10 LIC#:530025 Securixy I tam) OCOMTRON w o Jr trTr All design, ideas and arrangements as indicated on these drawings are the legal property of Comiron Systems, Incorporated and the specific project for which they were prepared as indicated on the project title block, Reproduction, publication ar re -use by any method, in whole or part, without the express written consent of Comtron Systems, Incorporated is prohibited. There shall be no changes, substitutions, modifications or deviations from these drawings or acccmpanyii;g specifications without the consent of Comtron Systems, Incorporated. Visual, physical, or electronic contact or use of these drawings and attached specifications shall constitute the acceptance of all these restrictions. PROJECT NAME' C J Llwwwl LU 0 wwwwwwFLwwwwFLL� REVISIONS # DATE: a PROJECT DRAWN BY: V� h S 1 CHECKED BY: A1 P DATE: 10-25-17 SCALE- AS SHOWN SM1nET TiTLE: FIRE ALARM PLAN SH EET NO: I :ions Q: B—L ne by ffenTo 3race Components g. Nurnber Adjusted Load 1425 lbs (546 kg) 1425 lbs (646 kg) sad on CONCENTRIC Loading ns are for Tolvo components -only. Uae of any other ra"lalipn3 and the listing of the assen-Ny. ssembly Detail TOLCO FIG. 98 k5AL SWAY BRACE ATTACHMENT STEEL PIPE C): a rn plans LATERAL. Lateral Total Calculated Load 167 lbs (76 kg) 123 R>_s (56 kg) 37 Ibs (17 kg) 49 It�.5 (22.23 kg) 376 lbs (111 kg) Tol-Brace Seismic Calculations CONTOUR DERMATOLOGY ol-1 4680 JEFFFRSON Brace Identification LATERAL Brace Type: [Per NFPA413) NFPA Type E Braced Pipe 3" Sch.10 Steel Pipe Spacing of Brace 35' 0' (10.67 In) Orientation of Brace Lateral Bracing Material 1" SchAO Maximum Brace Length TO' (2.13 m) Slenderness Ratio used for Load Calculation 200 True Angle of Brace for Caicu€ation 45' Type of Fastener 1/2in. x 4-112in. Lag -Screw Length of Fastener 4-1/2in. Summary of Pipe within Zone of Inliuence 3" 6Ch.10 6tael Pipe {76 2 ­1 1.15' Seh.40 StBel Plpe t11 75 MM I' Sch.40 Steel Pine f2 .4 mmV 9 10.7 ml 7011121.3 m 305119.1 mI G-Factor Used 0.6 Allowance for Heads and Fittings 15% Conclusions Tota! Adjusted Load of Pipe in Zone of Inftuence 1 376lbs (171 kg) Material Capacity 1310lbs (594 kg) Fastener Capacity 400 Ibs (181 kg) Fig. 1001 Clamp 14251bs (646 kg) Fig.980 Universal Swivel 1425 Ihs {646 kg) Structural Member WOOD JOIST Calculations prepared by AARON J 'The description at the Suvcrurai Meinbei 15 for inlormatlonal pLtposes only. Tot -grace sv%I re calculates dx Crace assemt�iy a nl-y, not the itrlKlure i1 is at[arhed tv. Cakdmed wlh 1ot-6,Ae A Vnel �s �! www tnka.[um r f kZ. L+i Location.- CONTOUR DERMATOLOGY Area: REMOTE AREA 1 Hazard: LIGHT gaup: -- Density,. _--.10 GPM Remote area: _ � ��0--- Sq, Ft. Total number of Sprinklers Calr.ulated: 1 — _....._.. T SYSTEM ES DEMAND T— Flordarr @ BOR: 3515 Added Flows: 0 100 Total Flow; 468 ;� _ ._I..__ I .. t� .......... ttttt��ttttt�. .... .. ..... ......._ f GPM @ 56.0 PSI odes- UOR GPM (inside Hose Per Table . .3,1,1) GPM (Outside Hose Per Table 111 GPM @ 6.8.3 PSI Node; SOURCE -Lire by .# " B OLT & NUT TOLCO FiG. 980 (2) UNIS TRU r �TOLCO FIG. 1000 FAST CLAMP` 1(2) 4—WAY EARTHQUAKE BRACE X 2;"BOLT JUT & WARNER Structure 1" TOLCO Fig. 909 Brace Fitting 45. 1" SCH. 40 59' �7� MAX. 1" TOLCO Fig, 4 „ Brace Fitting 40' MAX. UP TO 4" MAX. LONGITUDINAL EARTHQUAKE BRACE DETAIL " X 2;"F30L T NUT WASHER Structure 1" TOLCO Fig. 909 Brace Fitting 45' 1" SCH, 40 —�' MAX. 59' 1" Tolco fig. 1000 -- Brace Fitting 20' MAX. UP TO 4' MAX. LATERAL EARTHQUAKE BRACE DETAIL 3. Number 12, 44C—Ib.wire installed at least 45 degrees from vertical and anchored an bath Sides of the pipe NOTE: ALL PIPE LENGTHS ARE CENTER LENGTHS Side Beam Through Bra cke °l �', Nut & Wash. o i /; /, (Length) Hanger Ring FIGURE 105 COACH SCREW ROD HANGER 1 SUR GE BRA N." CHL I NE L I NE RES TRA I N I 4 NOT TO SCALE „ SEE NOTE ON PLANS �l +i 12. All system risers sholl be equip' ed with a Hydraulic Design information Sign as described in California Versim of NFPA 13, Sid ction 25.5 (as amended.) 13. All underground mains and leain connections shall be flushed in accordance with NFPA 13 and/or 24 prior to connection the overhead system and shall be witnessed by the fire department inspector. 14. Cali the Fire Department at (x)xxx--xxxx to schedule all inspections at least 4 working days in advance. Inspections conce after 1 p.m. on the day before the scheduled date may 4' DIA POW INplCATOR VALVF. CV W a;a+5 OR APPROVED EQUAL be subject to o re —inspection fee, 15. The installer shall perform all required acceptance tests in the presence of the fire 4' CIA TWO WAY. wtV Fi E .DCCRE 09L, department inspector, CQNNE"ON. GAR OB10 4g CLAPPER OR APOROVED EQUAL 16• All new systems and additions or modifications to existing piping offectib more than 20 �uPeRVlsoRr orvlee i"'• CL£ARENCF �ALIagT�aN sprinklers shall be hydrostatically tested at 200 psi or of 50 psi above the s 'tern operating P Y Y P p ys P 9 CONDUIT & YARING. FROM FACE BY ELEC. DIV1510N PER pressure, whichever is greater for two hours. Hydro testing above operating pressure is not CEC, REimR TO FIRE ALARM CONtRACTOR DRAWINGS required for relocated drops. PROPOSED FINISHED DoWa WATER 17. All FDCs, wall PIVs, and exteridWexposed sprinkler riser valves shall be painted OSHA EGRADE NE safety red. Other fire sprinkler or pply pipe exposed to the sky or susceptible to wet $ conditions shall be painted (any c or) or otherwise coated to inhibit corrosion. Stainless steel assemblies and piping may be leftlnpainted provided that any dose connections, valves, or rF ..._. other components operated by f fire department e painted red. 18. All valves shall have a perrnari fly affixed sin indicating function and building protected. 19, All sprinkler piping shall remain uncovered until inspected by the fire department. M -MIN- 20. Welding of the pipe shall be formed b a qualified/certified certified welder. Welder's certification g P�P P Y q . information and mark shall be pro ed to the fire department with other required information sheets. �I 21. When mechanical tees are use4l all metal disk coupons from the drilling of the pipe shall be - wired to or near the mechanical t1314. DOWNSTREAMFa& se40 40 22. The system shall be certified for to the fin❑I inspection, and a copy of the certification form [ r(:CT'QR (3.1EClS . {{} i6 4a3 2" ANNULAR �GY:fAVEMM. CbNNM'n0V- C%D R cw,REn. „� va,b' provided to the fire department a the owner of the system. PI�PNn FLEXwwi9E0ENNIHG OF PRIVATE 23. A copy of NFPA 25, 2013 wit the California Fire Code Amendments shall be given to the ' I r1Rt PR TeCi10Fi LINE. ,...._ PINT—FDC DE'T'AIL building owner and tenant. M Big W . N.WF _ Essl—�:- I;NGINEERING 77.57Q SPRIN ELDDES RT, , stJrT1 C PAI DESERT, >rA 9221 t k ) 772$4.0Q OF RCE 60) 772�8421 FAX CMLAND STRUCTURAi...EPlGths FF[ih1G NINE - stiRVE1iNG Date: September 5, 2017 i Re: Fire flow analysis of the existing and proposed water system, Contour Dean logy Offices, La Quinta, CA To whom it may concern; We have examined the existing water system currently serviced by the Coache Valley Water District (CVWD) located along Jefferson Street between Westward Ho Drive and Pa Circle Drive for the proposed connection of the fire system of the Contour Dermatology Offices b g constructed on the east side of Jefferson Street. The existing system is at the northern reach of CVWD's pressure zone and b unds the India Water Authority (IWA) system at Westward Flo Drive. The existing hydrant located 1,this intersection with Jefferson Street belonging to IWA and not interconnected with the systel. being analyzed. The proposed connection is a private on -site system connected to an existing S-j(ch diameter Asbestos Concrete pipeline (ACP) in Palrn Circle Drive connected to an existing 24-inch dialmeter maul in Jefferson Street and feed an existing tract to the east of the site. A proposed 6-inch dia,41; detector check and fire run are to be constructed northerly to a point where a 6-inch super hydranYwi:l be connected to the system and run adjacent to the on -site parking IcL Here, it reduces to a 4-ind diameter line and loops southeasterly to the proposed offices in the fire riser roam located an the midc;le-western side of the structure. The existing 24-Inch diameter main line runs north along Jefferson Street to Westward Ho Drive and them reduces to a 12-inch diameter line running westward. A smaller 6-inch diameter line runs east along the southern side of Westward Ho Drive along the site's north boundary. No connection is proposed onto either of these existing lines. A fire flow test was performed by CVWD on March 2, 2017 at the existing hydrant on the west side of Jefferson Street between Westward Ho Drive and Palm Circle Drive, The test results are included at the end of this report. It was impossible to model the results exactly as provided by CVWD. The data indicates a static pressure of 97 psi and an observed pressure of 91 psi with a flow of 1000 gpm. The next column of data indicates 83 psi residual at 1500 gpm, 83 psi residual at 1730 gpm and 4965 gpm at a residual pressure of 20 psi projected. The test duration was 3 hours. Pumps may have been activated during the testing and the lack of drop in pressure between the 1500 gpm and 1730 gpm results throws off the curve. Since the required fire flow is significantly lower than that avaikbfe from the system, the model's curve was based upon a curve using the lower two data points at 1000 gpm and 1500 gpm. PLAN N ORTH Si TE U �ILTE�SP�L N 1 /32" 1 '—D" TYPICAL ALL MAINS Wood Member FIG. 200 ADJUSTABLE RING HANGER TYPICA1, AFL BRANCH IJNE,3 lee NOMINAL PIPE SIZE (in.) STEEL PIPE EXCEPT THREADED LIGHTWALL i-MRIEADED LIGHTWALL STEEL PIPE OWNER/APPLICANT: ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: EJ LAvtJINrA IJLC APN; 600-070-012 C/O PRESr/VUKSIC ARCHITECTS DISTURHEDAREA 44-530 SAN PA13LO AVENUE. SUITE 20 AREA-55,193 5F, 1.3 AC PALM DESERT, CA 92260 , (760)779-5393 OFFICE (76o)77a-5395 FAX C T FERENCE DWG ENGINEER: 66003, 84071, 95049, 07157. 09032, 09067, 10016 ESSI ENGINE RING FEMA ZONE: 77-570 SPRINGRELD LANE, SUITE 'C' FANEL 06065C2234G PALM DESERT. CA S2211 SHADED ZONE "X' (760)772-8460 FAX (760)772-8421 LAND USE: ESS! SHAHANDEH esel.shahndehGeeicompany.com EXISTING: ABANDONED GOLF CLUBHOUSE/PARKING LOT PROPOSED: COMMERCIAL —MEDICAL OFFICES BASIS OF HEARINGS: SURROUNDING. GOLF COURSE/RESIDENTIAL THE BEARINGS HEREON ARE BASED UPON THE ZONING: G/L OF JEFFTL7r-i?P, .iRCE_ ka SHOWN ON EXISTING: GC (GOLF COURSE) TRACT MAP 2180 AS FILED IN BOOK 41 OF PROPOSED: GC (GOLF COURSE) MAPS AT PAGES 37-38, WLCUSNE, OFFICIAL SURROUNDING: GC (GOLF COURSE), RL (LOW DENSITY RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY. CA. RESIDENTIAL) SAID LINES BEARS N WD4'39" E ARCHITECT: PREST/VLrKSKX ARCHFMM 44-530 SAN PA13LO AVENUE, SUITE 2C PALM DESERT, CA 92200 (160)779-5393 OFFICE (7a0)779-5395 FAX LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT N/A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A PORTION OF THE NW 1 /4 OF SECTION 28, T55, 117E, SBM SITE ADDRESS: I MILES AVENUE 46--080 JEFFERSON STREET T — — LA QUINTA, CA 92253 I— / THOMAS BRO'S REFERENCE: I �� PAGE 5470 GRID A-1 (38TH EDITION)tz UTILITY PURVEYORS: v' SEWER/WATER: COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT (760)3915--2651 GAS: THE GAS COMPANY (213)244--1200 WESTWARD DR. ELECTRIC: IMPERIAL IRRIGATION[ DISTRICT (760)398-5B117ELEIPC LEHaNE: InME-WAR7iER C (�SA)34p-1312 �� e' K , R r EAST PALM CANYON DRIVE ST-11 C)flL_ trfr;�lalsf t OCI 3 9 2017 CITY LIMITS VICINITY MAP Bel ei118u NTS — MAXIMUM DISTANCE BETWEEN HANGERS 3/4" 1 1, 1 —114" 1-112" 2" 2-1/2" 3" 3-1/2" 4,1 5„ 6" 81, N/A 12-0 12-0 15-0 15---0 15-0 15-0 15-0 15-0 15-0 15-0 15-0 N/A 12-0 12-0 12-0 12-0 12-0 12-0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PIPE SIZE ROD SIZE 1 3/8 1 2 2 21 2 3 31 Z2 4. SPRIIII CL ER LEGEND FASTENER CHART PI#�E SIZE EYE RODS / SIDE BEAM HANGERS ROD SIZE UP To 2" (2) #16 x 2" DRIVE SCREWS` 3/8" UP To 2" 3/B" Y 2-1/2" LAG SCREW 3/8" 2-1/2", 3", 3-1/2", 4° 1/2" x 3" LAG SCREW 3/8" 5" & 6" 1/2" x 3" LAG SCREW 1/2" 8" 5/8" x 3" LAG SCREW 1 /2" SYM CNT POSITION FINISH TEMP K NPT SIN MFG. MODEL# C) 54 UPR BRASS 200 155 200 4.20 112 TY2131 TYCO TY—FRB 81 PEN❑ WHITE 5.60 112 1 /2" rY3231 TY3231 TYG!� TYCO —FRB TY— FRB pl N D WHITE 5.60 ❑ C S I D E WA LL WHITE 286 5.60 112" TY3331 TYCO TY— FR B TOTAL GENERAL DESIGN NOTES GENERAL INSTALLATION NOTES 11. SYSTEV; DESIGNED TO COMPLY tAl!TH. NFPA 13 1. BUILDING CONSTRUCTION: COMBUSTIBLE 2016 EDITION & UFC. JOIST 0 > 2'—D"" OC: OBSTRUCTED 12.FITNESS BUILDING = LIGH f HAZARD OCCUPANCY DESIGN OF 0.10/1500 SQ.FT. 2. BLDG TO BE FULLY SPRINKLERED 13,ALL MATERIAL SHALL BE U.L. LISTED AND/OR 3. ATTIC COVERAGE HEADS: FM APPROVED FOR FIRE PROTECTION USE. 130 SQ FT MAX LIGHT HAZARD SSU 14-ALL PIPING SHALL BE HYDROSTATICALLY TESTED AT 200 PSI FOR 2 HOURS 4. FLOOR COVERAGE HEADS: 15.THIS SYSTEM DOES REQUIRE REMOTE STANDARD SPRINKLER HEADS SPACED MONITORING — BY OTHERS 225 SQ FT MAX LOCAL ALARM: HORN STROBE HEADS LOCATED IN CENTER OF TILE 16.THiS IS A SIMPLE TREE SYSTEM, ONE SYSTEM FOR ENTIRE BUILDING. 5. HANG BRANCH LINE PIPING AT 0„-10" BELOW 17.ON WET SYSTEMS, SPRINKLER PIPES SHALL E3E DECKTO BOTTOM OF JOISTS USING PERMITTED TO BE INSTALLED LEVEL. 3/8" CS ROD & PIPE SIZED RINGS 18.ALL PAINTING OF PIPE BY OTHERS. 5. HANG MAIN PIPING AT 2'-0" BELOW DECK (VARIES BELOW BOTTOM OF JOISTS) TO BOTTOM OF JOISTS USING 3/8" SBB, 3/811 ATR & PIPE SIZED RINGS 7. HANG ALL ARMOVERS OVER 2'--0" S. AT ENDS OF LINES, RUN ROD DOWN TIGHT SCOPE OF WORK TO TOP OF PIPE TO PROTECT AGAINST LATERAL & VERTICAL FORCES INSTALL NEW FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM WITH RODS LESS THAN 6" THIS QUALIFIES -�I- FOR END OF LINE RETRAINT REQUIREMENTS 4PWG-= LIGHT HAZARD (NFPA 9-- & 9-3.6.3) OCCUPANCY DESIGN OF 0.1 G/1500 SQ.FT. IF HANGERS ARE LONGER THAN 6" USE ADDITIONAL HANGER INSTALLED AT AN ANGLE. OWNER OWNER: 9, EARTHQUAKE BRACE ALL MAINS PER DETAILS ADDRESS: iO.MATERIAL NOT REQUIRED TO BE DOMESTIC. ARCHITECT ARCHITECT: CONTACT CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION: COMBUSTIBLE OBSTRUCTED FULLY FIRE SPRINKLERED OCCUPANCY OCCUPANCY: DOCTORS OFFICE BUILDING AREA BUILDING AREA: 10,912 SQ.FT. APPROVAL :_iverside County Ere Department Oft` a 'i1 ny. �- Tire a ., roV61 c::.;,.., .. .. _Incations does not peTRllt the violation,, tle ettoi3, amiss1 or faulty installation of anyrequirements of Title 24 or any Lnr;tl 4rdlnence;. Cims tucoan shall remain 4—WAY E.O.B. ASSEMBLY ABOVE FLEXIBLE COUPLING HORN AND STROBE (WIRING 8Y OTHER f . 1 PRESSURE GAUGE INSPECTOR'S TES7 AND MAIN DRAIN VALVE Y�L DRAIN TO EXTERIOR MUST DISCHARGE TO A ' PAVED SURFACE NO MORE THAN 24" ABOVE GRADE FLEXIBLE COUPLING 24„ MAX. USE SLEEVE AND THRUST RODS 4' STUB —UP E%IS11HG BY OTHERS RISERIMAIN SIZE SIZE OF 13RAIN CLEARANCE AROUND RISERt1PT02" 3f4•' MIN. AND UP 2'ONLY 3" 12'ONLY MIN. HOLE 2" LARGER ON PIPE 1"-3" PIPE d" 2-HOLE 4" LARGER ON PIPE 4" AND LARGER S 4 NEW 3" RISER *NOTE: SEND SPARE HEAD CABINET (6 HD. — [3] 5SU & [3] SSP) 1h STANDARD HEAD WRENCH. SYMBOL LEGEND a PIPE RISE ® PIPE DROP a,? GROOVED FLEX COUPLING GROOVED RIGID COUPLING :-........, SWAY BRACE 4 WAY SWAY BRACE HANGER HYDRAULIC NODE PENDENT SPRINKLER HEADS 0 UPRIGHT SPRINKLER HEADS ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION SYMBOL 41! z 0 z 0 0-1 LU Ci) co i 0 0 _� LL LL r, V) w 0 0 0 6� a z 0 p O L� ¢ m N o z to ¢ o 0 d > � LU _J I z L~rw d H < n_ M Li3 :F I LL ' I I i 1-3 I . J m ol rIT 1-1-ml Y I 1 10-0 F jI r I 22,D k f i 1 a I I ! I I I i 1 the : `4 .4, . 0 ,, for � ��� .::.:.: �. e the Npri.nW.rr ul, du' 1 . r f ;: �� h wnie ni _ par that iu i 112 12. 112 8-312 r,1_812 8-9 I 5-51 2 112 ' ■ n --'n , sd i 112 _. 4- 612 112 7- 712 FC!, 0 MMUM CN j 114 1 7-612 2-512 li I i I r I i 1 i I )2 r 1L}-q 11--512 6-312 j 1 3-812 12-0 -11 8-1 a 0 I f I f ii I DPAVVINC SCA LLJ Z O d O d r-'..7 Ez . /0' w Q� tp i%-- 0 U) 0) 0� Z co 0 L Z `LL a... 0L C) 0 W B C'L] O Z p o ¢ Q L p m rn <L�i 3 o rV d LrJ J 4 w D- m LiJ I.,_I 0 0 rn es i ¢ o V) .1 J -I II 0 •r� I SPMNK'_FR CEUNG PLAN DRAVVhG SCA�E W Z- 0 U) a 0 00 N , r a � n Fes=• _� 9. S 2 JZ Z � � Q �J V7 Q WU) IY Z LU of ��Z CY z 0 v, 4J m Q z Q n ❑ 0 LL- Q n 0 Cy m a r< (n J > °� z a H w ¢ � z w O U�] 4 E] CONSTRUCTION NOTES & QUANTITHES ESTIMATE: L'J SAWCUT & REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT 335 SF SAWCUT & REMOVE EXISTING AC PAVEMENT 335 SF CONSTRUCT 4.5" AC PAVEMENT OVER 6.5" MISC.. CRUSHED AGG. BASE OVER 12" NATIVE SOIL COMPACTED TO 95% 11,625 SF SAWCUT & REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER 85 LF REMOVE EXISTING BLOCK WALL 780 LF CONSTRUCT 6" CURB & GUTTER PER CLQ STD DWG 201 190 LF 11 1p is IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA pG3C�C��NC� ��G3!1DC�1� � pLQM0�1C� ����1 �pC�����C��002�C� THE C0N70UFs'3__l'l a0FRC[E* 1/4 �I it �W,t y CONSTRUCT 6" PC CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APPROACH PER DETAILS HEREON OVER 6" CRUSHED AGGREGATE (CLQ PSN TC TOP OF CURB TOP OF AC PVMT �I 97056) 705 SF TP FS FINISH SURFACE co L b FG FINISH GRADE LOTS 40 Q 41� CONSTRUCT 6.5" FIBER REINFORCED PC CONCRETE PAVEMENT OVER 8" CRUSHED AGGREGATE (CLQ PSN 97056) COLOR, 315 SF FL FLOWLINE FINISH AND EXPANSION JOINTS LAYOUT PER ARCHITECT'S PLANS AND SOILS ENG'S RECOMMENDATIONS GB GRADE BREAK HP HIGH POINT m 10 CONSTRUCT 4' WIDE PCC RIBBON GUTTER OVER 6" CRUSHED AGGREGATE (CLQ PSN 97056) PER DEFF CL TAIL SHEET 5 140 LF LOW POINT FINISH FLOOR � 11 CONSTRUCT 3.5" AC PAVEMENT OVER 4" CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE OVER 12" NATIVE SOIL COMPACTED TO 95% PE PAD ELEVATION 6,770 SF NG NATURAL GRADE • wor ' 12 CONSTRUCT 4" P.C. CONCRETE PAVEMENT OVER 12" 957COMPACTED NATIVE SOIL PER CLQ STD DWG 200 1,535 SF TW TOP OF WALLTF TOP OF FOOTING 13 INSTALL TRUNCATED DOME TILES PER ADA STD'S & CITY ENGINEER'S APPROVAL 82 SF TMH TOP OF MANHOLE BSL BUILDING SETBACK LINE - LSL LANDSCAPE SETBACK LINE 14 CONSTRUCT H/C RAMP WARNING TRACK PER DETAIL SHEET 5 15 LF WV WATER VALVE ui SMH SEWER MANHOLE 15 CONSTRUCT 8" CONCRETE BLOCK RETAINING WALL BY SEPARATE PLAN & PERMIT. FINISH & COLOR PER ARCH'S SPEC'S 217 LF P/L PROPERTY LINE R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY ' 16 INSTALL 60" DIA. ADS DRAINAGE PIPE PER DETAILS SHEET 5 OR APPROVED EQUAL 250 LF C/L CENTERLINE TOG TOP OF GRATE 17 {I INSTALL 24" DIA MANHOLE PER DETAILS SHEET 5 OR APPROVED EQUAL 2 EA INV INVERT OF PIPE 1 PIC POINT OF INTERSECTING GR DE 18 INSTALL AIR VENT PER DETAILS SHEET 5 OR APPROVED EQUAL 1 EA TCO TOP OF CLEANOUT - P PLANTER 19 INSTALL CLEANOUT PER DETAILS SHEET 5 OR APPROVED EQUAL 1 EA RD ROOF DRAIN HOL100 HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE 10 Y 20 INSTALL 18" DIA CPP STORM DRAIN ADS N-12 OR APPROVED EQUAL 210 LF WS100 WATER SURFACE 100YR ( } � 21 CONSTRUCT MAXWELL PLUS DRYWELL SYSTEM PER DETAIL SHEET 5 1 EA EXISTING DAYLIGHT LINE 22 INSTALL 6" DIA ADS N-12 STORM DRAIN LINE OR APPROVED EQUAL 453 LF ---- TOP/TOE OF SLOPE _*E 1 �d 23 INSTALL 6" DIA NDS ATRIUM STYLE AREA DRAIN SAND COLORED (90S) OR APPROVED EQUAL 19 EA PROPOSED CONCRETE ' l 24 CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN PER CLQ STD DWG 300 W/ WCS-1 TRASH CAPTURE DEVICE OR APPROVED EQUAL 1 EA PROPOSED mow\ 25 PAINT 4" WHITE PARKING STALL STRIPING, PER DETAIL SHEET 5 1,320 LF ASPHALT PAVEMENT 26 INSTALL PRECAST CONCRETE WHEEL STOPS OR APPROVED EQUAL 2 EA F-7 REMOVE EXISTING Qom[ ASPHALT PAVEMENT yQr O 27 INSTALL H/C SIGN PER CLQ STD'S, DETAILS SHEET 5 & ADA STD'S �CQa�� 2 REMOVE EXISTING 00 PAINT BLUE HANDICAP STRIPING WITH SYMBOLS PER CLQ, DETAILS SHEET 5 & ADA STD'S 2 EA CONCRETE PAVEMENT 0. I 6 29 PAINT 12" WIDE WHITE LIMIT LINE & "STOP" LEGEND I EA F/L FLOWLINE - - R/W RIGHT-OF-WAY- - 30 INSTALL R-1 "STOP" SIGN PER CLQ STD DWG XXX ----- C/L CENTERLINE ' IN I CONSTRUCT f TYPE D BAf2RIER CURS PER CLQ ST❑ DWG 210 625 LF CLO CITY OF LA QUINTA LJJ THE NW OF SECTION I' 28, T5S, R7E, APPROVED FOR PERMITTING: I PLANNING AND ZONING COMPLIANCE: BURT HANADA BUILDING OFFICIAL DATE GABRIEL PEREZ PLANNING MANAGER CITY OF LA QUINTA DATE GRADING NOTES: CITY OF LA QUINTA SBM 1. GRADING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ENGINEERED GRADING REQUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, LATEST EDITION AND 40_ '501LS REPORT N0. 16-02-712, DATE 2-12-2016 AND PERCOLATION TESTING UPDATE 17-02-717 DATED 2-27-2017 PREPARED BY EARTH ! SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST; TELEPHONE (760)345-7015. 2. THE SOILS ENGINEER AND THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST SHALL EXERCISE SUFFICIENT SUPERVISORY CONTROL DURING GRADING TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE PLAINS, SPECIFICATIONS AND CODE WITHIN THEIR PURVIEW. 3. THE DESIGN CIVIL ENGINEER SHALL EXERCISE SUFFICIENT CONTROL DURING GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND CODE WITHIN THEIR PURVIEW. AGO �'ROUNV 4 �'� 4. DURING ROUGH GRADING OPERATIONS AND PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, TEMPORARY DRAINAGE CONTROL SHALL OVERFLOW BAA BE PROVIDED TO PREVENT PONDING WATER AND DAMAGE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY. WS1�,0--5'6 55 3 �' ' ` 5. AFTER CLEARING, EXISTING GROUND SHALL BE SCARIFIED TO A MINIMUM OF 6" ON THE ENT4RE SITE OR AS RECOMMENDED BY THE SOILS fir~-- -TOP=61.0 *r 4 ENGINEER. E3OT-5 ? 6. MAXIMUM CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHALL BE 2.1. ��0 t 7. PADS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF 90% RELATIVE DENSITY PER A.S.T.M. SPECIFICATIONS AND THE. ABOVE MENTIONED SOILS REPORT. 8. MINIMUM PAD DRAINAGE SHALL BE 2%. DRAINAGE SHALL BE AT A MINIMUM OF 0.3' DEEP AND BE CONSTRUCTED A MINIMUM OF 2' FROM THE TOP i 10o OF CUT OR FILL. SLOPES. THE MINIMUM SLOPE OF SWALES SHALL BE 0.5%. e I 9. ALL FILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF NINETY (90) PERCENT OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SECTION 7010 OR EQUIVALENT AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. FIELD DENSITY SHALL BE DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SECTION 700, OR EQUIVALENT, AS DETERMINED By THE f'ITY ENGINEER. Q 10. ALL STREET SECTIONS ARE TENTATIVE. THE SECTION IS 3" A.0 OVER 4.5" CRUSHED A.B. ADDITIONAL SOIL TEST(S) SHALL 13E REQUIRED AFTER (;VI ROUGH GRADING TO DETERMINE EXACT SECTION REQUIREMENTS. THE CITY ENGINEER SHALL APPROVE THE FINAL STREET SECTIONS. Y ,• r � SE. 1 1. THE G1T1` ENGINEER WILL REVIEW FOR APPROVAL, THE FINAL STREET SECTIONS AFTER 5U$MITTAL DF "R" VALUE TESTS FOR ROADWAY SUBBASE. =• , ��� 12. LOCATIONS OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER OR APPROVED TEST AGENCY AND SHALL BE SUFFICIENT IN Q ❑ BOTH HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL PLACEMENT TO PROVIDE REPRESENTATIVE TESTING OF ALL FILL PLACEMENT. TESTING IN AREAS OF A CRITICAL T 'r NATURE OF SPECIAL EMPHASIS SHALL BE IN ADDITION TO THE NORMAL REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLINGS. w a� 13. THE FINAL COMPACTION REPORT AND APPROVAL FROM THE SOILS ENGINEER SHALL CONTAIN THE TYPE OF FIELD TESTING PERFORMED. EACH TEST SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH THE METHr?D, OF OBTAINING THE IN -PLACE DENSITY, WHETHER SAND CONE OR DRIVE RING SHALL BE SO NOTED FOR EACH TEST. SUFFICIENT MAXIMUM DENSITY CURVES USED BY THE FIELD TECHNICIAN. �! 14. ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES WITH LATERALS SHALL BE IN PLACE AND INSPECTED PRIOR TO PAVING. INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE 26 FOLLOWING: SEWER, WATER, ELECTRIC, COMMUNICATIONS, GAS AND DRAINAGE. • ,� 15. THE FINAL UTILITY LINE BACKFILL REPORT FROM THE PROJECT SOILS ENGINEER SHALL INCLUDE AN APPROVAL STATEMENT THAT THE BACKFILL IS #1 ' f. SUITABLE FOR THE INTENDED USE. 4 J ;= 16. BLOCK WALLS ARE NOT PART OF THE GRADING PERMIT. PLEASE SUBMIT THESE FOR SEPARATE BUILDING PERMITS). 17. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO PREVENT SILT CONTAMINATION OF STORMWATER INFILTRATION FACILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION OF tt; SUBSEQUENT IMPROVEMENTS BY THE CONTRACTOR. IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE STORM DRAINAGE RETENTION/INFILTRATION FACILITIES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT, IN THE PRESENCE OF THE CITY INSPECTOR, A PERFORMANCE TEST DESIGNED TO CLEARLY DEMONSTRATE THE FUNCTIONAL ADEQUACY OF THE FACILITIES. 18. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE WIND EROSION AND DUST CONTROL MEASURES AS REQUIRED BY THE FUGITIVE DUST CONTROL. PLAN APPROVED FOR THIS PROJECT. ALL MEASURES SHALL BE TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY. •� PAVING NOTES: N it - 1. ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES, INCLUDING SERVICE LATERALS, SHALL BE IN PLACE WITH TRENCHES COMPACTED AND TESTED PRIOR TO BASE GRADE _ CFS T t �•. �• II, ' • INSPECTION AND PAVING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT TO THE CITY, WRITTEN EVIDENCE ISSUED BY THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY PURVEYORS ��� 7 52 CFS •� INDICATING THE SUBSURFACE PORTION OF THEIR UNDERGROUND FACILITIES HAS BEEN INSTALLED AND ACCEPTED. •• = 2. LANE CLOSURES AND DETOURS SHALL 8E POSTED, DELINEATED AND LIGHTED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CALTRANS MANUAL FOR TRAFFIC - -- CONTROLS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTFNAKCI= WORK ZONES AND ANY ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE CITY ENGINES 3. ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING, EXCEPT FpR OVERLAYS, SHALL BE INSTALLED IN TWO (2) OR MORE COURSES WITH MIX DESIGNS THAT CONFORI TO SECTION 400 OF THE REVISED STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. COACHELLA VALLEY VERSION, NOTED AS FOLLOWS: ONfi (G WEARING COURSE(UPPER COURSE): ILIA-C2-PG70-10 �Z I BASE COURSE(LOWER COURSES). IIIA-B3-PG70-10 �9 CNo THE WEARING COURSE SHALL BE 0.1 FT THICK: THE BASE COURSE(S) SHALL CONTAIN A BALANCE OF THE REQUIRED ASPHALT CONCRETE s S, THICKNESS. 4. MIX DESIGN REQUIRED: FOURTEEN (14) DAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF PAVING OPERATIONS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT FOR CIT APPROVAL. A COMPLETE PROPOSED MIX DESIGN IDENTIFYING THE MIX CHARACTERISTICS SUCH AS AGGREGATE GRADATIONS, VOIDS IN MINERAL AGGREGATE (VMA), AIR VOIDS AND S-VALUE FOR VARIOUS OIL CONTENTS FOR EACH MIX. 1 EA ---- P/L PROPERTY LINE 5. A TACK COAT SHALL BE APPLIED TO EXISTING P.C.C. SURFACES AND THE AC BASE COURSE, IF TRAFFIC HAS DRIVEN ON IT. THE TACK COAT 0 31 INSTALL 6" DIA SDR-35 SEWER LATERAL OR APPROVED EQUAL 19� LF SHALL BE SLOW SETTING ANIONIC EMULSIFIED ASPHALT TYPE "SS-1 H" CONFORMING TO SECTION 203-3 OF THE STANDARD INDEX & LOCATI N MAP SPECIFICATIONS. THE LIQUID ASPHALT SHALL BE GRADE 60-70 AND APPLIED AT A RATE OF 0.1 GALLON/YARD. 32 INSTALL 6" DIA SEWER CLEANOUT PER CVWD STD DWG S-6 4 EA SCALE 1 "=40 UTILITY PURVEYORS: $_ NEW IMPROVEMENTS THAT JOIN EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS SHALL JOIN OR MATCH IN A MANNER SATISFACTORY TO THE CITY ENGINEER. CONSTRUCTIOL " 33 CVWD FORCES TO INSTALL 1 }� METER AND BF DEVICE PER CVWD 5TD DWG W-11 ON NEW 2 SERVICE AT 1 IRA SHEET 1 - SHEET 2 - COVER SHEET /' DETAILS NORTH PRECISE =GRADING & PAVING PLAN SEWER/WATER: COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT OPERATIONS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE A SAFE, DURABLE, AESTHETICALLY PLEASING TRANSITION BETWEEN THE NEW AND EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS MAY INCLUDE SAW CUTTING REMOVAL REPLACEMENT CAPPING AND/OR COLD PLANING AS NEEDED , DEVELOPER'S EXPENSE. CONTRACTOR TO CONNECT TO NEW BF DEV. UNDER DIRECT CVWD INSPECTION 34 INSTALL 2" PVC WATER SERVICE LINE SCH 40 OR APPROVED EQUAL D=3' TYP 50 LF 35 CVWD FORCES TO INSTALL 6" DETECTOR CHECK ASSY PER CVWD STD DWG W-30B AT DEVELOPER'S EXPENSE. 1 EA CONTRACTOR TO CONNECT TO DETECTOR CHECK ASSY UNDER DIRECT CVWD INSPECTION AND INSTALL 4" PIV VALVE AND 4" FDC SIAMESE CONNECTOR WITH WAFER CHECK VALVE PER DETAIL SHT 5 36 INSTALL 4" PVC C-900 FIRE LINE OR APPROVED EQUAL D=4' TYP 135 LF 37 INSTALL 12" SQ AREA DRAIN, NDS 1200 W/12125 (SAND) GRATE OR APPROVED EQUAL 11 EA 38 INSTALL 6" DI TEE W/ POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT FLG X FLG X FLG & 3-MJ X FLG ADAPTERS 1 EA 39 INSTALL 6" DI FLG X FLG GATE VALVE W/ POLYETHYLENE ENCASEMENT 1 EA 40 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK PER CVWD STD DWG W-19 & W-20 6 EA 41 INSTALL 6" FIRE HYDRANT ASSY (SUPER 6"X 4"X 2.5"X 2.5") PER CVWD STD DWG W-34A. HYDRANT TO BE PAINTED 1 EA RED. 42 INSTALL VALVE OPERATING WELL & CAP PER CVWD STD DWG W-18A 2 EA 43 INSTALL BLUE DOT REFLECTOR 1 EA 44 INSTALL 1 )�" DIA PVC SCH 40 WATER LINE OR APPROVED EQUAL D=4' - LF 45 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BLOCK GARDEN WALL BY SEPARATE PLAN & PERMIT. COLOR & TEXTURE PER ARCH'S SPEC'S 75 LF 46 INSTALL 4" PfV VALVE AND 4" FDC SIAMESE CONNECTOR WITH WAFER CHECK VALVE PER DETAIL SHT 5 WITH 4" DIA 1 EA FLANGED END CAP 47 INSTALL 8" DIA ADS N-12 CPP STORM DRAIN LINE OR APPROVED EQUAL 27 LF 48 INSTALL 6" DIA PVC C-900 FIRE LINE OR APPROVED EQUAL 150 LF 49 INSTALL 6"X 4" DI REDUCER (FLGXFLG) & (1) 6" FLGXMJ ADAPTER 1 EA ESTIMATE OF EARTHWORK QUANTITIES: RAW CUT: 2033 CY RAW FILL: 470 CY NOTE: 0.1' STRIPPING: 171 CY 8 CY CONSTRUCTION ND DEMOLITION SUBTOTAL: 99 D.2' SUBSIDENCE: 983 CY WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY 1O'% SHRINKAGE: 9CY REQUIRES SEPARATE "STREET 10% SHRINAKGE FOR 5' OVEREX (2937 CY). 300 CY CONSTRUCTION PERMIT". EXPORT: 652 CY TOTAL ADJUSTED FILL: 1381 CY NOTE: THE QUANTITIES SHOWN ARE FOR OBTAINING A PERMIT ONLY! THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR OWN OUANTITIES FOR BIDDING PURPOSES! STORM DRAIN NOTES: 1. ALL MATERIALS TESTING FOR THE DRAINAGE FACILITIES SHALL BE PROVIDED BY THE CONTRACTOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LOCATION AND FREQUENCY REQUESTED BY THE CITY'S INSPECTOR OR AS DETERMINED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER. 2. STORM DRAIN FACILITIES SHALL BE CLEAN OF ALL DEBRIS PRIOR TO CITY ACCEPTANCE. 3, THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO PREVENT SILT CONTAMINATION OF STORM WATER INFILTRATION FACILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSEQUENT IMPROVEMENTS. IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF STORM DRAINAGE RETNETION/INFILTRATION FACILITIES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT, IN THE PRESENCE OF THE CITY INSPECTOR, A PERFORMANCE TEST DESIGNED TO CLEARLY DEMONSTRATE THE FUNCTION ADEQUACY OF THE FACILITIES. Knc~ what**.- 1,7401QVN_ Ca11 bafora you dig_ DATE I BY [ MARK ENGINEER DESIGNED BY REVISIONS DRAWN BY: SHEET 3 - SOUTH PRECISE GRADING & PAVING PLAN, (760)398-2651 7. ALL MANHOLES AND VALVE BOX FRAMES SHALL. BE ADJUSTED TO FINAL GRADE AFTER PAVEMENT INSTALLATION IS COMPLETED. SHEET 4 - STORM DRAIN DETAIL SHEET GAS: THE GAS COMPANY (213)244-1200 8. THE CURB SHALL BE ETCHED OR STA..,,PEn SHOWING UTILITY SERVICE LATERAL LOCATIONS AS FOLLOWS: SHEET 5 - SITE DETAIL SHE77 ELECTRIC: IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT (760)398-5811 "S" FOR SEWER SHEET 6 - DIMENSION CONTROL PLAN TELEPHONE: FRONTIER, (888)669-9034 "G" FOR GAS T� CABLE: SPECTRUM, (855 986-4919 "E" FOR ELECTRICAL POWER OWNER A�-� PLICANT: ) GENERAL NOTES: EJ LA QUINTA, I,LC ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER: SIGNING & STRIPING 1l'TES: C/O PREST/VUK.30IC ARCHITECTS APN: 600-070-012 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY ALL EXISTING STRIPING WITHIN HTE PROJECT LIMITS TO ENSURE COMPATIBILITY WITH THE SIGNING AND 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE 44-530 SAN PABLO AVENUE, SUITE 2C DISTURBED AREA STRIPING PLANS. STANDARD PLANS OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE LATEST EDITION OF THE STANDARD PALM DESERT, CA 92260 2. PAVEMENT LEGENDS SHALL BE PER THE PAVEMENT MARKINGS CHAPTER OF THE LATEST EDITION OF THE STANDARD HIGHWAY SIGN MANUAL. SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION. (760)779-53932;()FFICE (76'D)779-5395 FAX AREA=55,193 SF, 1.3 AC PUBLISHED BY FHWA. 2. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY TO THE CITY OF LA ' 3. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION, LATEST EDITION, AND THE QUINTA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR THE NECESSARY PERMITS AND TO BE ENGINEEF�: CITY REFERENCE DWG S CITY OF LA QUINTA STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD PLANS, UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. RESPONSIBLE FOR SATISFACTORY COMPLIANCE FOR ALL CURRENT ENVIRONMENTAL 66003, 84071, 95049, 07157, 4. RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS SHALL BE INSTALLED IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE SECOND COAT STRIPING OPERATIONS AND SHALL UTILIZE ESSI ENGINEERING REGULATIONS DURING THE LIFE OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES FOR THE PROJECT. ADDITIONAL " 09032, 09067, 10018, 17XXX BITUMINOUS ADHESIVE. RAPID SET EPDXY ADHESIVE FOR PAVEMENT MARKINGS IS PERMITTED WITH PRIOR APPROVAL FROM THE CITY 77-570 SPRINT; `fELD LANE, SUITE C STUDIES AND/OR PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. �` ENGINEER. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL PERMITS AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA PALM DESERT, PA 92211 FEMA ZONE: 5. TRAFFIC STRIPES AND MARKINGS SHALL BE APPLIED IN TWO COATS WITH REFLECTOR€ZED MATERIAL IN BOTH COATS AND SHALL CONFORM TO OR OTHER GOVERNING AGENCIES. (76O 772-840a FAX 760 772-8421 PANEL 06065C2234G } ( ) " SECTION 84-3. ENTITLED PAINTING TRAFFIC STRIPES AND PAVEMENT MARKINGS, AS SPECIFIED IN THE STATE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. THERE 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT ESSI hahnde DE SHADED ZONE X' SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 7 DAYS BETWEEN THE APPLICATION OF THE FIRST AND SECOND COATS. STRIPING SHALL BE FULLY APPLIED, FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS PRIOR TO ANY GRADING, BRUSHING, OR CLEARING AND EACH essi.5hahndeh�eiccmpany.cam PARKING SPACE DATA: INCLUDING DUAL STRIPED PARKING STALLS WITH RADIUS ENDS, LEGENDS, ETC, PRIOR TO INITIATION OF THE FIRST COAT WAITING PERIOD. PHASE O CO G UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE BASIS 0Fl BEARINGS: EXISTING PARKING SPACES; OPEN DECAYED LOT 7. WHEN STREE6. T ISTCUERB LRESISGORS WHEN STREET ALIGNMENTHALL NOT BE UTILIZED PROVIDES LESS APPROVED AND U UNRELIABLBY THE E BASISTY FOR5. THELOCATIONS OFEXISTING MEASUREMENT, STRIPING CONTRACTOR SHALL WAY ONLY, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING PROPOSED PARKING SPACES: 3 H/C(3 VAN) AND 31 USE CENTERLINE CONTROL POINTS (ON 50 FOOT CENTERS-i.e. STATIONS AND HALF STATIONS) PLACED DIRECTLY ON PAVEMENT BY A LICENSED UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR AGREES TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE THE BEARINGS EREON ARE BASED UPON THE C L STANDARD PLANNING HAS REVIEWED THE OVERALL LAND SURVEYOR OR CIVIL ENGINEER AS A BASIS FOR STRIPING LAYOUT. OF AIRPORC BLVD. (AVE 56} OF THE S.W. FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY HIS FAILURE TO EXACTLY / PARKING STATUS AND FINDS IT TO BE ADEQUATE 8. ALL TRAFFIC STRIPING AND PAVEMENT LEGENDS AND RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS THAT ARE CONFLICTING AS A RESULT OF THE NEWLY INSTALLED LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UTILITIES. 1 /4 OF SEC. 15, T6S, R7E, SSM AS SHOWN ON FOR THE PROPOSED USAGES WORK SHALL ON THIS PLAN BE FULLY REMOVED BY GRINDING. NO ASPHALT PAINT SHALL BE UTILIZED ADJACENT TO LANE LINES FOR 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT, OR TRACT MAP 291'36 IN BOOK285 OF MAPS AT APPROVAL BLACKOUT/REMOVAL AND SLURRY SEAL SHALL BE UTILIZED FOR BLACKOUT ADJACENT TO LANE LINES. SAND BLASTING MAY BE UTILIZED WITH RELOCATION OF ALL REGULATORY, WARNING AND GUIDE SIGNS. PAGES4-16, OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE Riverside County Fire Department 7. THE CITY ENGINEER SHALL APPROVE THE DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF ALL STREET -� PRIOR AUTHORIZATION BY THE CITY ENGINEER. ALL REMOVALS TO BE PERFORMED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER_ Office of the Fire Marsbal COUNTY, CA. Sf�iD LINES BEARS N $9'13'0$" E .7Y� 9. DEBRIS FROM REMOVAL OPERATIONS SHALL BE CONTAINED WITHIN THE WORK AREA AND THE CONTRACTOR SHALL TAKE PRECAUTIONS NECESSARY NAME SIGNS, TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS, TRAFFIC STRIPING, LEGENDS, AND PAVEMENT /7 By. _ � -`���� __ TO PROTECT PERSONS AND PROPERTY ADJACENT TO THE SANDBLASTING OPERATIONS. THE DEBRIS RESULTING FROM THE SANDBLASTING SHALL BE MARKERS TYPE AND LOCATION. A CHITEOT: � ;;.�.r Lsa NCiFlfl� •fir DISPOSED OF BY MECHANICAL SWEEPING OR HIGH-POWERED VACUUM. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DISTURB EXISTING SURVEY MONUMENTS OR BENCH MARKS L, . Tine approval of plans and specifications does not PREST VU � permit the vidatlon, deletion, omission ar fain 10. SCARRED PAVEMENT SURFACE RESULTING FROM REMOVAL OPERATIONS SHALL BE SEALED WITH ASPHALT PAINT CONFORMING TO SECTION 203-8 NOTED ON THE PLANS, OR FOUND DURING CONSTRUCTION. REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT / KSIC RCHITECTS rnstatlation of any rerulrements of Titie 24 fir y OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. SCARRED AREAS RESULTING FROM WORK OR GRAPHIC LEGEND REMOVAL SHALL BE FULLY COVERED WITH AN SHALL BE DONE BY A REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER WITH AN R.C.E. NUMBER BELOW 33,966, 44-530 SAN P BLO AVENUE, SUITE 2C �3l j,c'�" i:real Ordinances. Constructlon shall remain OR A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR ONLY. PALM DESERT, A 92264 �1 V! '� ° ' '" ' n far inspeetton pur until ASPHALTIC PAINT SQUARE OR RECTANGULAR SHAPE THAT COMPLETELY OBLITERATES THE OLD LEGEND FORM. PLEASE CONTACT CITY INSPECTION r m nt. STAFF PRIOR TO APPLICATION OF ASPHALTIC SEALANT. 9. CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT WITHIN ONE HALF MILE (760)779-5393i OFFICE (760)779-5395 FAX _ _ _ _ _ _ ALL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO SECTION 56-2, ENTITLED "ROADSIDE SIGNS," AS SPECIFIED IN THE STATE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. OF HUMAN OCCUPANCY SHALL BE PERFORMED ONLY LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT' �- - - / SIGNS SHALL BE REFLECTORIZED SHEET l.!_,WNUM USING HIGH INTENSITY GRADE SHEETING THAT MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF REVISION 2 TO / ��," THE 2003 MUTCD, ALL SIGNS SHALL BE MOUNTED WITH THEFT/VANDAL--PROOF FASTENERS. OCTOBER 1ST TO APRIL 30TH: MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 7:OOAM TO 5:30PM f 12. PER GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 4216, IF THE WORK IS IN AN AREA WHICH IS KNOWN, OR REASONABLY SHOULD BE KNOWN, TO CONTAIN MAY 1ST TO SEPTEMBER 30TH: MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY 6:OOAM TO 7:00PM LEGAL DL, -� f- ' SUBSURFACE INSTALLATIONS, CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT (U.S.A. AT 1-800-422-4133 AND OBTAIN AN INQUIRY SCRIPTION: Cr IDENTIFICATION NUMBER AT LEAST TWO WORKINC DAYS (48 HOURS) PRIOR TO COMMENCING ANY WORK THAT PENETRATES THE EXISTING SURFACE. WORK SHALL BE PROHIBITED ANY TIME ON SUNDAYS OR ON CITY HOLIDAYS. NO REDUCTION A PORTION OF THE NW 1 /4 OF SECTION 2$, W 13. STRIPING LAYOUT SHALL BE APPROVED BY CITY ENGINEER PRIOR TO APPLICATION OF PERMANENT PAINT. CONTACT THE CITY ENGINEERING OF THE TRAVELED WAY WIDTH SHALL BE PERMITTED ON ANY CITY STREET ON WEEKENDS OR TSS, R7E, SBM DEPARTMENT 4$ HOURS PRIOR TO LAYOUT. HOLIDAYS, ORE WHEN ACTIVE WORK 15 NOT BEING DONE. UNLESS PRIOR AUTHORIZATION 1.4. STEEL SIGN POSTS INSTALLED IN CONCRETE AREAS SHALL BE INSTALLED IN TELSPAR STEEL SLEEVES OR EQUAL TO FACILITATE REPLACEMENT TO DO SO IS GRANTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. NO LANE CLOSURES SHALL BE PERMITTED SITE ADDRESS: OR ALLOWED ON ANY CITY STREET BEFOR 8:30AM AND AFTER 3:30PM UNLESS 46-080 JEFFE�SON STREET WESTWARD HO ❑R. WOOD POSTS ARE NOT TO BE UTIL#ZED FOR PERMANENT 51GNAGE INSTALLATIONS. BREAKAWAY POSTS HALL BE USED FOR ANY SIGNS LOCATED IN AUTHORIZATIONTO DO SO IS GRANTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. LA QUINTA, CA• 92253 _ o I Z )r� THE TRAVELED WAY OR IN THE 20 FOOT CLEAR ZONE OF THE ROADWAY SHOULDER. 10. ALL TRAVELED WAYS MUST BE CLEANED DAILY OF ALL. DIRT, MUD AND DEBRIS I �n DEPOSITED ON THEM AS A RESULT OF THE GRADING OPERATION. CLEANING IS TO BE THOMAS _.RO}S REFERENCE: „,)% DONE TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER. �� LL. 11. ALL CONSTRUCTION AREAS SHALL BE PROPERLY POSTED AND LIGHTED IN CONFORMANCE PAGE 5470 GRIT] A-1 (38TH EDITIONS BRED G�0 } Riverside County Fire ,�c WITH THE CALIFORNIA STATE MANUAL of WARNING SIGNS, LIGHTS, AND DEVICES FOR USE IN r���' SITE OtfIce of the Fire �,,,Sjh THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK UPON HIGHWAYS IN ORDER TO ELIMINATE ANY HAZARDS, LAND USIA' y 12. CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS DISTURBING MORE THAN 1-AGRE MUST OBTAIN A NATIONAL EXISTING: ABAN ONED GOLF CLUBHOUSE/PARKING LOT '"� M; R oQ' NO. 1760�' POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) ERMIT. PROPOSED: CON MERCIAL-MEDICAL OFFICES ( CERTIFIED OWNERS/DEVELOPERS ARE REQUITED TO: SURROUNDING: ,GOLF COURSE/RESIDENTIL ENGINEERING A) FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT (N01) WITH THE STATE WATER RESOURCES EAST PALM CANYON DRIVE (ST-111) By Received GEOLOGIST CONTROL BOARD (SWRC9); ZONING: B) PREPARE A STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP); AND EXISTING: GC (GOLF COURSE) C) HAVE A MONITORING PLAN FOR THE SITE. THE NPDES IS A NATIONAL PROPOSED: GC (GOLF COURSE) VICINITY MAP OF CNO PROGRAM TO CONTROL NON -POINT SOURCE POLLUTANTS CARRIED BY SURROUNDING: GO (GOLF COURSE}, RL (LOW DENSITY NTS STORM WATER. THE PROGRAM IS IMPLEMENTED AND ENFORCED BY THE SWRCB. RESIDENTIAL) CITY LIMITS RECOMMENDED FOR SEAL APPROVAL DATE APPR BATE CHECKED BY CITY DATE CHECKED BY: SEAL 4ROFESSIO SA/4, 0 i No. 47834 Li rr, CIV11- APPROVED BY TIMOTHY R. JONASSON, P.E. DATE DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. NO. 45843 - EXPIRES 12/372018 PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: ESSI SHAHANDEH DATE RCE NO. 47834 - EXPIRES 12/31 /2017 ssl77-570 SPRINGFIEL.D LANE, SUITE "C" PALM DESERT, CA 92211 IrNGINEERING (160)772-8400OFFICE (760) 772.8421 FAX SCALE: 1 "=40' C.I.=1 DATE: NOV 2016 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL I NGINi ERING - PLANNING . S IRVEYING BENCHMARK: SOILS ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE: I CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REVIEWED THESE PLANS AND FIND THAT THEY ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS SETFORTH IN THE SOILS REPORT 16-02-712, DATE: 2-12-2016 AND PERCOLATION TESTING UPDATE 17-02-717 DATED 2--27-2017 PREPARED BY THIS OFFICE. BY - ------------ DATED _ DALE M. HAMELEHLE, PG 5551, EG 1760 -Y EARTH SYSTEMS SOUTHWEST 79-811 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE, SUITE B BERMUDA DUNES, CA 92203 (760)345-7015 OFFICE (760)345-7315 FAX IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SHEET No. PRECISE GRADING & PAVING PLAN THE CONTOUR DERMATOLOGY OFFICES PG2010-0026 COVER SHEET OF 0 SHT$, APN 600-070-012 FILE No. IN THE NW 1 4 OF SECTION 28 T55 R7E SBM FOR JOB No. EJ LA QUINTA, LLC 1 20160101 M O Q 1• CONSTRUCTION NOTES: II ! I LOTS W p 4� � 1 I I I I j (ASPH PARKING LOT) i O 1 �1` Q[PH 600-0 @41I - - - - - - - - - ^_ J (_J SAWCUT & REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT I II I I I j I I \ \ _ SAWCUT & REMOVE EXISTING AC PAVEMENT TRW 55 ,50 - r _ r TRW 56.50 TF 53.00 3 CONSTRUCT 4.5" AC PAVEMENT OVER 6.5" MISC. CRUSHED AGG. BASE z _ - - _- - - ` c_ TF 52.5❑ FS 54.67 OVER 12' NATIVE SOIL COMPACTED TO 95% li III Nz l 1 I-------------------------------�-- } - - - -- - - - SO' Q4' 39"E 156,13= - P7cL - T W 53.00 - - - 1 55.50 1 w p I I 1 - - - - -- - w SAWCUT &REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE CURB &GUTTER u III w S z I TF 52�0 PROPOSED CONCRETE BLOCK WALL & I - TF 52.pp 'JOIN EXISTING FS 53.51 12 ¢ TRW 57.50 I I I (ASPH CART PATH) TRW 58.00 45 GATES BY SEPARATE PLAN & PERMIT SEE I ;rS I Q TRW 56.50 FS 52.94 -- 6 CONSTRUCT 6" CURB & GUTTER PER CLQ STI] DWG 201 o I I TF 51.50 (CONC CART PATH) o z x I I TRW 54.5D TRW 56.00 TRW 58.00 ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS & SHEET 6 FOR DETAILS �f CONSTRUCT 6" TYPE "D" BARRIER CURS PER CLQ STD DWG 210 w I I; TF 52.00 TF 52.g0 TF 51.50 ` (CB) a, �a �� TRW 59.50 TF 52.50 TF 51.50 (FS 53A0) F5 53.05 "-- 7 (n x - I TRW 56.00 RW 58.00 TRW 60.00 1 ®TRW 60.00 0° A DAYLIGHT L114E I p o liiFn I I TF 51.50 TF 51.50 TF 51.50 50' 04' 39"E 1D0.00' S 5Qz TRW 57.50 _ ---- (Ty'P] g CONSTRUCT 6" PC CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APPROACH PER DETAILS 1 a I TRWI 54.50 (NG 17NG 53 NG 53.2)- - - - P - {1 -�' 15 SEE SECTION SHEET 5 TF 52.00 -�--"� HEREON OVER 6" CRUSHED AGGREGATE (CLQ PSN 97056) TF 1 52.00 EXISTING EDGE OF (FS 52.90) - w F 1.50 T W 59.50 f- J \FL 54.20 I j L � I (NG� 2_5� I - - - - - -- - - - - - - AC PAVEMENT - - - - - - TF 152.8) T90 F 51. - - - - T � - - - - - - - - - 18 CONSTRUCT 6.5" FIBER REINFORCED PC CONCRETE PAVEMENT OVER 5" I I I � f �� 1 - 7 FS 52. } _� `~ 6 �% CRUSHED AGGREGATE (CLQ PSN 97056) COLOR, FINISH AND EXPANSION GB -HP I I ¢ I -- 0 m r, JOINTS LAYOUT PER ARCHITECT'S PLANS & SOILS ENG'S -�- 27 a z ¢ z ---- 21.6$%------------- - --- - -- - -Ff - - ------ --- - - - ---- -- r - 57.40 � 1 rr R!~COMMENDATIONS - -- III Q .� J - 0.50% �' GB TC -6 .fib T T r m I I o o rn I I I r r1 I I Gg T. 0. __j .. � FS 6 .6S m c� w 10 CONSTRUCT 4' PC CONCRETE WI❑E RIBBON GUTTER OVER 6" CRUSHED II III Q � a o n I I I LJ IJ I PP``�- AGGREGATE (CLQ PSN 9705 ) PER DETAIL SHEET 5 I ❑ ty I , _ (PP) or -.----�... _- - - m -- _ TOP TC fi1.5fi _ GB � I-w �w ' Il III I x m ors I - - a - - -Q _- - - - - TOP p -- - - - - - - TP 61.Ofi - T 1 1 CONSTRUCT 3.5" AG PAVEMENT OVER 4" CRUSHED AGGREGATE. BASE II I LJ I j I 1-4 DA LIGHT LINE TYPY OVER 12" NATIVE SOIL COMPACTED TO 95% 60.87 FS 61.19 FS 61.27 1' 5' II I I w I II I ;ss 0. 05 q / 12 u� N �n 12 CONSTRUCT 4" P.C. CONCRETE PAVEMENT OVER 12" 95% COMPACTED I I I III LLI � z ❑ I I I + C4 r `� � (6 �N 8.33% 8.33% � NATIVE SOIL PER CLQ STD DWG 200 5.33 P ----- - -- _ -- - - a c I jI I EXI TING GAS STUB OUT � 0.50% 7.83' 17.33' 7.83' O n 13 INSTALL TRUNCATED DOME TILES PER ADA STD'S & CITY ENGINEER'S 9 TYP a 2'OD 00 PROPOSED PARKING ID 45 o co 7 CANOPY POST (TYPj �_ T APPROVAL I I I I 1 o I (GUY ANCHOR EXISTING DBL CHECK `° •-- - �n -_ - - �- r 0 � BY SEPARATE PLAN I II _ ( )I LsJ - P ciQ co cnm 14 CONSTRUCT H/C RAMP WARNING TRACK PER DETAIL SHEET 5 I I I ti I' I VALVE ASSY CONNECT [ _ o. & PERMIT m LA- CD II I U or AS IRR. SERVICE -- 0 0- o v 7 a s 0° III j U wl 1 I - I 'n a 25 T 15 CONSTRUCT 8" CONCRETE BLOCK RETAINING WALL BY SEPARATE PLAN & ;IN 2' g' _- I n P 12 PROPOSED PARKING I r �� P PERMIT. FINISH &COLOR PER ARCH'S SPEC'S II III 2 z (D� CO O I x I - 12 2_ 9' TYP CANOPY (TYP)BY H II I I F I I m IPROPOSED 11 - SEPARATE PLAN i 11 16 INSTALL 60" DIA. ADS DRAINAGE PIPE PER DETAILS SHEET 4 OR II I I w I- I TC 60.65 PARKING o o I 9' 5' APPROVED EQUAL I x z z I I { ip) s TP 60.15 CANOPY POST BY & PERMIT - n ctit- I I I I x cn I z C SEPARATE PLAN - - - -- o I I x I z I I I 6 v � co 17 INSTALL 24" DIA MANHOLE PER DETAILS SHEET 4 OR APPROVED EQUAL �- II P I w w c� I I o TP 60.53 TP 60.1 fi TP fiD.O$ & PERN#IT co rn ry Lr]��-, ,� PROPOSED PARKING ao 00 I I I _ _ i .... - - --- -- - --- -� a n a _. a. a- o.o a o. a CANOPY POST BY cv r� - - -- --- -- -- - . -.- . - - - -- -.• _ - - .- -,- - _-- - _-- - .-- -- . -- ... I a 6-. - 1$ INSTALL AIR VENT PER DETAILS SHEET 4 OR APPROVED EQUAL l- T I �� �--I _ 2.32% I 1 a � cp w co m co cQ SEPARATE PLAN 25 I 2g cn ua r I 1 1I PROPOSED PARKING v �'' &PERMIT c, a Y III 1� U- � w w w w F o L J 19 INSTALL CLEANOUT PER DETAILS SHEET 4 DR APPROVED EQUAL 1 II Y I 1 CANOPY (TYP) BYI} r, III I I ! 7 3 1 SEPARATE PLAN Q r r r' I S INSTALL 18" DIA CPP STORM DRAIN ADS N-12 OR APPROVED EQUAL I 33' I & PERMIT v o o � � �� � N 30 BSL EXISTING WATER METE U) TO BE RETAINED AS I w a w 0 I n n 21 CONSTRUCT MAXWELL PLUS DRYWELL SYSTEM PER DETAIL SHEET 4 18'f/- I ,I I 1 LPL. IRRIGATION METER I 25 I n n oo r In n f1�i 2+ CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN PER CLQ STD DWG 300 W/ WCS-1 TRASH C7 I1 I -'I 1 �o o luu, CAPTURE DEVICE OR APPROVED EQUAL Q?u,o RIES I "' 10 cm 00 25 PAINT 4" WHITE PARKING STALL STRIPING, PER DETAIL SHEET 5 ## I I o E ISTING "DEAD END" I I GUY A NCH °D I ~ a INSTALL PRECAST CONCRETE WHEEL STOPS OR APPROVED EQUAL STREET SIGN TO REMAIN I I I I { ;n ) j1 to `n cv -"� N 2s o o 26'+f I !II I I cr)�; - - - - v 0.50� ` � w � 27 INSTALL H/C SIGN PER CLQ STD'S, DETAILS SHEET 4 & ADA STD'S c, z 1 LO 2' �� ! 1 w F- I T I I I M 0 w �`n o I rn 28 PAINT BLUE HANDICAP STRIPING WITH SYMBOLS PER CLQ, DETAILS a o ,n cp m SHEET 5 &ADA STD'S IJ ? a Z � W EXISTING CROSSING I I N I I - - - - - 8.5' ra 0 B I I I - a AHEAD SIGN TO REMAIN '�� I - - 2.00% - - - ;� 9 TYP �� °� a 8.5' 4- PAINT 12" WIDE WHITE LIMIT LINE & "STOP" LEGEND w � W I j I '� 2' o C� ni 2.00% 29 I I I 1 i z v c�7 (TC 56.74) 4 �I 11 �i 11 ca cp I 11 I z e w to Ln (G 56.24) I z \ f 6 7 rt 7 25 12 n V- 30 INSTALL R-1 "STOP" SIGN PER CLQ STD DWG XXX I o II ] L z JOIN EXISTING z L h 0.50% _,., a s " - II `"' - 1 0 I 3 - co c0 31 INSTALL 6 DIA SDR 35 SEWER LATERAL OR APPROVED EQUAL I IIII w I m CD x z I t ! I 1 M. SEE SHEET 5 FOR II:,, ~ 32 INSTALL 6" DIA SEWER CLEANOUT PER CVWD STD DWG S-6 I ~ II w J I m D i `� P 18 DETAILS ON U G J' 1 � [n U 17 TYP 26' 12 / � � � Ix II �, I w I I o STORM WATER STOR�d r '1 45 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BLOCK GARDEN WALL BY SEPARATE PLAN & J _ G PERMIT. COLOR 8t TEXTURE PER ARCH'S SPEC'S I III _j 1 - - - - - - - - PIG -GB I - 0.50% SYSTEM � ����° p 7 I I� O emF II y I I = NorE: � w 1 ,. S I I I a 1O Id '2 43' 2' TC 59.80 60.38 CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION 4�3I z z f G 59.30 ! I G \59 8$ WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY U) L) X X�' �' f I2� . 1 rrrrrm�r.rrr.vr., REQUIRES SEPARATE "STREET 1 I I I f k I CONSTRUCTION PERMITuj . 11 2 I I ff 1 la a l� 1B I^ � d "' U � l0ci I I I (TC 58.32) I 1 a VARIES -- - I - - - - - - - I INV 52.50 w C 2 / I (G 57.82) I II I FL 58.46 - LI I= - -- - - - I JOIN EXISTING I 11 I 1 _ m # I HG 100= fi 80 I \ z- - -TOG 60.97---1 - I �sS�, INV 52.50 z EXISTING TRAFFIC r -�` 4 GB TC 59.17 ,� L.L. cD PONDING=57.87 I ONTRACTOR-T-O-EXAC_T-LY \ ri I F5 5$.6 CFS TC 60.79 - - - - - SIGNAL PULL BOX I l I { I\ TC 60.61 G110�1 31 TP 6D.29 I LOCATE EXISTING SEWER \ I 1l V - a�5 2fi CFS -� - LATERAL -END VERTLCALLI - TC fi1.Q4 �. u7 I \ TP sO,11 O1 0 - I TP E0.54 3 43% 2-5s% HORIZONTALLY PRIOR TO START - - EXISTING TRAFFIC } �l 1 \ OF ANY C NSTRUCTION TG 61.1 q TC 61.17 J TC 59.44 I I SIGNAL STANDARDl I \:T.; GB w INV 54.55 f f V) I 1 24 ,J FS 58.94 Q10-1-31 CFS L=100A0 LF cn I x I 6' EMERGENCY Q100=3.26 CFS m �g Vo 6 rj 20100 P 1 1 I s I`�� OVERFLOW V10=0.74 FPS` 0 81 TG fi1.37°� \ �i' 1 - T• 32 T 7 ri FPS P 60 8 \ 1 III I \ P FL 60.50 TO MAXWELL V10 ..1.$5......_.. - - - \\ � M PRIM- II !�- ------ - - -- I �:--...:_ _-----:_:.-_-:...----.::... ___ - -- �►------- -... _ _ ..n -._._. _: w w I �`� `� `�J L-150 29 LF c2 I 1 n \ 4.8% TOG 59.00 --- 3.1 % F/L S=0.01 OD + - 29 �\ I I s ~\ inNiv OUT 5s 50� T P TD -� 20' 1 w 1 _ _ -- - --- _ _I �` ,r' EXISTING IID U/G CONDUIT BOT 51.00 �' I � � \ EXISTING FRONTIER Uf G CONDUIT !III vs _ �4 ., rL} \\ HGL1GO=57.81 12 13 1-t Fr-F" .a \f ��- -SO' 04' 39"E 327.77' N EXISTING F 61 5 co j ? EXISTING 2 GAS MAIN tea... _ . I ..-� - . - - - - - - _ II TG . 51.0� - III ! w w L EXISTING fi" ACP WATER MAIN I !t HP 7 EXISTING TRAFFIC 31 ' + t'. ����C TC`6D.3, _� _ � SIGNAL PULL BOX EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK I + rp 1 I I I I GRAPHIC SCALE ------------------------------------t - cF' J I o a 10 20 I 40 TC 60.9$ - - I G fi0.48 EXISTING 6" CURB & GUTTER EXISTING 6" DIA VCP SEWER I (G TT 6�.3 7} _ TC 60.25 T I I I LATERAL SEE DIST DWG NO 26220 11 2 8 III I I JOIN EXISTING G 60.17 I I TN FEET I EXISTING TRAFFIC STRIPING I I w I TC 61.16 TP 50.66 TP 160.7320, C/L 0 W 186.99' TO o C/L IN T. JEFFERSON x I ST.& WESTWARD HO DR.-n TC - 61;37 GB58- Its60.87 Hp, 'IFS 60.68.. .1 Q..59%... T .. FS`I ;n FS `�0. 9. SAWCUT" LINE :�? JEFFERSONSTREET I j I 1 inch = id €t7 I I > EXISTING STORM DRAIN I '� - - - -- - - -- - - (PUBLIC STREET I 1 7 f TCO 61.00 32 INV 55. FS 60.58 11 (TC 60.47) / (G 59.97) JOIN EXISTING TO..G.L.._-----..... - - RECOMMENDED FOR SEAL SEAL APPROVED BY APPROVAL QOFESSfpss l 77.570 SPRINGFIELD LANE, SUITE "C" Know whrat'n 1110e10kW. Cc'aII hefare yvu dig. DATE I BY I MARK ENGINEER DESIGNED BY: REVISIONS DRAWN BY DATE APPR. I DATE CHECKED 6Y CITY DATE CHECKED BY: � a No. 47834 ' W TIMOTHY R. JONASSON, P.E. DATE DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR /CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. NO. 45843 - EXPIRES 12/3/2018 PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: ESSI SHAHANDEH DATE RCE NO. 47834 - EXPIRES 12/31 /2017 SCALE; DATE: NOV 2016 l y G I N E E R I N G PALM DESERT, 92211 (760) 772-840 0 OFFICE (760) 772-8421 FAX CIVIL AND STRi1MRAL ENGINEERING - PLANNING - SURVEYING BENCHMARK: IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA PRECISE GRADING & PAVING PLAN THE CONTOUR DERMATOLOGY OFFICES PG2016-0026 NORTH PARKING LOT APN 600-070-012 IN THE NW 1 4 OF SECTION 2$ T5S R7E SBM FOR MIR No, EJ LA QUINTA, LLC 1 20160101 SHEET No- 2 OF 6 SHTS. FILE No. I M1N SECONDARY CHMBR COVERED PARKING I � CONSTRUCTION NOTES: I I 1� I I ' TOE fia.5a' SEE SHEET 5 FOR 6 5' T 61"'68 CANOPY (TYP) B l kk I ! w wj 1 31 �, INV 5E 51�77. (8'°1} DETAILS ON U/G 2.00% 11 0 F 61 BB , r*1 SAWCUT & REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT I ' SAWCUT LAVE, u 0' INV N 55.00 18'1)� 16 STORM WATER STORAGE � o I � � � � z � j l I j a INV NE 52-4418 } SYSTEM 2% 1 =i SAWCUT & REMOVE EXISTING AC PAVEMENT I I �� l� I w 171 ����� r I ; 40 r�] N ! P II I �BOT 45.50 2$ GBTC 61.58 U 5 z 11 Iry UU `�J / ,� �,� HGL100=57.64 TP 61.08 3: l l 1 w I I 3 CONSTRUCT 4.5" AC PAVEMENT OVER 6.5" MISC. CRUSHED AGGREGATE li - . " I I �� I PP. 0 0 20 I U(; 60:97 1 PROPOSED IID TRANSFORMER °7 26 110 BASE OVER 12 NATIVE SOIL COMPACTED TO 95%tit[. Ln- �j] I I I r T fi 1.11 L� U U� �� CS 85 p o f 1NV 52 50; BSAWCUT & RE I 17 0 2 3 LOCATION. SEE IID PLANS TP 61.1 1 °Q 3' 4 MOVE EXISTING CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER I I 1 u� FOR DETAILS TC 6171 I I 36 r Q ,� I I I ! x o..'. ,I `n TC 61.28 in 2% TC 61.14 kn FS 61;21 G,B cr CONSTRUCT 6" CURB & GUTTER PER CLQ STD DWG 201 I W I 49 I ,n N � - 2 GB x � TC ' 61.74 �,o cn " " " r I 38 40 42 132 ,n Q - - 7 ¢ TP 60.78 TP 61.14 CONSTRUCT 6 TYPE D BARRIER CURB PER CLQ STD DWG 210 `� Ilti, M ♦ l U- z r TC. 61 .36 - - TP 60.78 TC 1. FS .I 61.24 G I l I I I I D I Ir FS r50:86 .... + I 1 CONSTRUCT 6 PC CONCRETE DRIVEWAY APPROACH PER DETAILS " In TC 61 .36 0 F5 61 .fi7 g I 1 I _ ���, Q1fl= 1.96 CFS 1 HEREON OVER 6" CRUSHED AGGREGATE (CLQPSN 97056 I ti f I :� O 139 �1 i' 2 TP f0.$fi Q100=4.79 CFS ni 12 P GB °0 14 7 I I I I '} 1 �� 11 21 TQ 61. , 6 \N ti__;. 8' 9' V10=1.11 FPS - T - - - - - - - - - - - �`� �f0 I x o I I FS 60. 6 l r, 13 V100=2.71 FPS 61.7-7 11 OL 9' TYP 2 �r FS€ 61.77 UB I '� 10 CONSTRUCT 4 WIDE PC CONCRETE RIBBON GUTTER OVER 6" CRUSHED I w 0 I - : 14 x� WS10O- 57.63 i AGGREGATE (CLQ PSN 97056) PER DETAIL SHEET 5 tt� �J j FS 61.73 0 5� 1IL J 7 TC 60. 6 I S-d.3364 1 1 irUN51 t�UCT 3.5" AC PAVEMENT OVER 4" CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE I I l� j1 J a I (I oT 61 fit 5' I TP 6❑.9fi 26= L=12.13 LF TOG g0,g0 GB -HP �S fi$ .83 1 1 OVER 12" NATIVE SOIL COMPACTED TO 95% I -I TC 61.62 TC 61.60 12 I I I 12 it TP 6 i .12 TP 61.1 D 7 TC 61.60 INV 57.06 23 i �2% T G 61.2E I 0 1 I N cn' �j fi 6 79 to S � LEVEL TP 61.10 LEVE 1.05% _ 57.27. 23 r ,ri I 12 CONSTRUCT 4" P.C. CONCRETE PAVEMENT OVER 12" 95% COMPACTED 1 it l l w I z X. I ill � � , EL FS 61.6d � LO NATIVE SOIL PER CLQ STD DWG 200 ` II ^ a 0 w - TOG 61.20 23 22 = GB I ca 1 I..L c~n `� I 4 60% ;_t TC 61.54 L=2.59LF ° 1 ° 5=0.01 Odcn T z - ° INV 56.46 ib to h# FS 61.72 V,� 22 z ww 6 1 1 Il x ca I 6 +/- F 6 7 .s, w¢ 14 oyo n 61.72� 1NV 56.87 cti L 1.❑0 L -J 13 INSTALL TRUNCATED DOME TILES PER ADA STD S & CITY ENGINEER'S i I I I w 0 c? a ) 4,43 5=0.010❑ _ APPROVAL i I I I iB E - , { U 01 dQ LEVEL _ _ ~.=-- - - - _ S=i701 DO 5 51 .95 Q 1 11 I _- - _ _ - 10 I � LL I - -- � _ - S 6 .74 FS B _......_._ - = - _ 1 g.96 LF 22 L�16.1 L=23. g = _ B HP -x.. 5-0.0 0 I f W L=21.45 LF 6' 22 L=1 .57 LINE TYP `'� '7 14 CONSTRUCT H/C RAMP WARNING TRACK PER DETAIL SHEEP 5 i I I II ' I J I ING GB P 22 I TOG 60 1O $=0.❑1O0 �F DAYLIGHT rn 1 -1v 1 Ill II 6 4 'FS 61.56 INV 52.1 37 n P 6 INV 50.67 23 22 FG ;61.33 ° FS 61.72 P `. GB -HP ¢I s p 1 15 CONSTRUCT $" CONCRETE BLOCK RETAINING WALL 8Y SEPARATE PLAN Sc I I I u� 5=b.010 I S=0.Q100 FF !s2.Q0 j PERMIT. FINISH & COLOR PER ARCH'S SPEC'S I I I II I 1i 2 I -' GB 23 Y L=10.50E 22 L-B. ❑_ LF 22 P v TOG 61.20 23 �I j `�� I I I I I III II TOG 61.2❑ 23 FS .61.96 �ni I� INV 5 .40 z 1 0.01 0 16 1 II I 31 I RD 22-.1.43LF INV 56.89 FF 62.00 FG 61.5 S .2449 1 INSTALL 60" DIA. ADS DRAINAGE PIPE PER DETAILS SHEET 4 OR i I I 1 ' 1 2 J ti co - g1 -- - - q i L= .29 LF 2 .38' ` 11 APPROVED EQUAL +t ` I } i1 Il , 60 �. 16 .50 1' -- I I o l RD = TOG 1 -- - } I I I P FG 51.5 INV 5 0 s i...... 2 FG 61�.5 �' �] ' n 11 G 17 INSTALL 24" DIA MANHOLE PER DETAILS SHEEP 4 OR APPROVED EQUAL I I I 11' MIN' 2 ---- -- - ...-. .95 ❑ 0 4 I I I I 51 +/- 9'+/ I r o N 1; FF 62.00 I GB -HIS \ 1 z 11 I :TOG 51.50 FS. 161.96 1$ INSTALL AIR VENT PER DETAILS SHEET 4 OR APPROVED EQUAL I I 1 47 Il --A INV 59.30 37 FF .62.00 ROOF O/H TYP i F �l 22 I ! III I I I I I 37 TOG 61.5❑ I'J 1 �' TOG 61.30 F5 1fi1.87 DECORATIVE BEAM to/H T�P INV 59.3Q 0 1 1 19 INSTALL CLEANOUT PER DETAILS SHEET 4 OR APPROVED EQUAL I II SAWCUT LINE 3 23 i' !' -- I I'+/- I I INV 52.24 PROPOSED Po[O] $' a cv I TOG 61.50 32 -_, s `-! BIKE RACK � I III � r i f � 20 INSTALL 18" DIA CPR STORM DRAIN ADS N-12 OR APPROVED EQUAL 1 I I 25' - - ! INV 5 2% �I1 II 3' - -- 21 CONSTRUCT MAXWELL PLUS DRYWELL SYSTEM PER DETAIL SHEET 4 ti 5'+ -- --- I_- 15' I I 2' I 11 11 1 �1 ' � 22 J � �I DAYLIGHT 22 INSTALL 6" DIA ADS N-12 STORM DRAIN LINE OR APPROVED EQUAL i 1d' 7'+rl� II I 44'+/- I I cy 12 �, € LINE TYP `1 23 INSTALL 6" DIA NDS ATRIUM STYLE AREA DRAIN SAND COLORED 90S I� I� ~I'�r�I w I I (n LO 31 �Q 0 l 1 j ( I 1 I II� ROOF O H TYP TOG 60.95 23 l OR APPROVED EQUAL f z 1 � "� ' I I 1 z o 1- fi'J I. ROOF. O/H T'fP INV 57.63 1 y� c� � I�� x 11 I �. U3211. CONSTRUCT CATCH BASIN PER CLL1 5TD DWG 3OO I1 a Iw f a : - L=21.08 LF DECORATIVEEAM 0 H TYP 22 I�$i I s=w jpro III II.� TOG fit3 31 _I_23 s=d.dldd I I 0 5�- 1 APAINT 4" WHITE PARKING STALL STRIPING, PER DETAIL SHEET 5 I I I I- + 0 I €? ' z INV 52 44 DECORATIVE. BEAM Hj 1YP F`O`c, c7 o I 11, �, 0 / I z I�.� I w 22s=❑.s817Toc61.5❑62.00c��N 1 A 1 2fi INSTALL PRECAST CONCRETE WHEEL STOPS OR APPROVED EQUAL III a �L=7.78 L P 37 1 of I I =° C, INV 59.30 0 II II I FG 61 .5 1 T' ' III z f I '..� 22 5=0.0100 PE 61-50 (fGB-H INSTALL H/C SIGN PER CLO STD S, DETAILS SHEET 5 & ADA STD'S I II I I 1 j Q, z �L=1$.$7 L�r 0 FS161.65 T 1 1 I III 11 I o I f I 11 3O' BSL I I I Q I I I. Fs 61.80 I _ 2x 0 2$ PAINT BLUE HANDICAP STRIPING WITH SYMBOLS PER CLQ, DETAILS II I m I a ra - 23 TOG fit 30 `I I I 0 1 0 C, I + z I I z z INV 52. 3 2% S- 0.�147 22 1 SHEET 6 & ADA STD'S II I I- z I � I �_ L= 66 LF 1 I I III I_ 'I I `n i I I I to 22 ST0.0100 FF s2.00 TOG 61.5d� 1 31 INSTALL 6" D!A SUR-35 SEWER LATERAL OR APPROVED EQUAL I I I. •� I ca IA i z I I L-4.33 L FS 51.8d 61.96 3 INV 59. 0 TOG ❑.95 ty, 1 j I I l z x I F5 61 66 F5: 61.65 - RQ INV 57. 87 23 I 2E' L5L FS 61 50 1 % TOG 81.50 32 INSTALL 6" DIA SEWER CLEANOUT PER CVWD STD DWG S-6 I I I I I I _- 3 INV 59_ RD. L`2.2110L� 2 I { I I I `° 1� I I j 1 22 5=0.a 100 -- 1 11 I I c� I ``' I l I �L=14.47 � ■' 33 CVW0 FORCES TO INSTALL 1 Jj" METER AND BF DEVICE PER CVWD STD I II II z I w I 5=3.7341 ' �- - r 5 61,76 N DWG W-11 ON NEW 2" SERVICE AT DEVELOPER'S EXPENSE. I I I III I t; I I I 0 } 22 L=1.73 L - SIRE RISER ROOM FF 62.00 FS fi11.96 g1 g S_ 46 3 2 ■■ to 1 I I I I I I I z F T 5� 16r FS fi1 96 ({; 64.g5 L- 05 LF CONTRACTOR TO CONNECT TO NEW $F DEV. UNDER DIRECT CVWD - - �I x L - r� a I f _ 23 1 INSPECTION _ I - - - - - I_ - -- ' I k U J 338 _..... _.- - �� c9 - r _ _ I ,� I 9 FG€!fi1.5 I� INV 58.01=4,010Q p o H 0 4U - , Ii =12.06 I LF I z I.I ..i..l. ... __. - z a 4 _ 1 FF 62.0d I_.. -- J �� 11 Q I I m 1 j c ti-- -_. _ ; r 34 INSTALL 2" PVC WATER SERVICE LINE SCH 40 OR APPROVED EQUAL I g j I ( ] E a _ D 4 . D=3' TYP I I I 1� III I I 0 , I I C) z �� =a.a100 2 ` w z l I z 40 I TOG 61.50 + j I I ¢ ¢ III II I I � \ �I I NE" TOG 61.0 L=2.24 LF ; INV 59.30 37 22 L=b.0 L PROPOSED GAS Fs 61,60 II 1 35 CVWD FORCES TO INSTALL 6' DETECTOR CHECK A55Y PER CVWD STD I I I I I I I y , w 23 2% TOG 61.5a L=.dO LF , METER LOCATION TOG 61.5❑ DWG W-30B AT DEVELOPERS EXPENSE. CONTRACTOR TO CONNECT TO I I I I I f I I a ;'i TOG 61.50 3 F5 61:80 FG 61.5 1 � 0 � I I I � I _z �0 5=D.35 9 � INV 59.3d 3 INV 58.91 � DETECTOR CHECK ASSY UNDER DIRECT CVWD INSPECTION AND INSTALL I w � I F I 9'+/ -I :� 22 L=18.3 LF INV 5E9.30i P 4" PIV VALVE AND 4" FDC SIAMESE CONNECTOR WITH WAFER CHECK ! Ii �`° z 11 14 I J U I S=O.6127 1, 2% N cv 1 I r I �- `n 1 22 F fi� .5 D 1� 1 cn cN _j rn _ w I ! w o J P FF 62.00 L=9.45LF I- ff �� �°J° `■ j VALVE PER DETAIL SHT 5 I I I I o i 1 w � f ` II Ca -- -^ _ FG ;61.5 f 1 i z I w N ¢ v �' z I I V a I 1 I I! I w 40 010 r, FS 51.96 22 5=0.01 O0 FG 61.5 2� 22 5=0.01 OO .1 M11y ��1 I n J I�--_ u ° S=0.504fi 36 - E 0 0 o I Q' I L=7.50 L I �� 22 22 `I' �L=33.05 L ,+ 1 INSTALL 4" PVC C-900 FIRE LINE OR APPROVED EQUAL D=4' TYP a a z I I I I� a , I I I ICI n `V = - _ L=9-79 LF ;. �■ - ---- z ¢ 0 0 w I I I TO 61 .00 III . II - -- - :. 2 3 " v, o c� t� A I I I I c, 1 I w 23 rn . J 34 - u. - P `Z 1 INSTALL 12 5Q AREA DRAIN, NDS 1200 W/12125 (SAND) GRATE OR ¢ I I� I - 3 I € I I INV 53.00 FS fi1.96 :;_-..I�., .. �- �• 1 APPROVED EQUAL c� _ o - cv 0 >� l I i N ❑ I I I 22 +� - � _ I as iv I I j rn 1, �° 22 F5 5=0.0100 22 23 TOG .1 TW 66.1 ❑ 45 f f- �; 57.30 37 1 IJ 2 Ii531.- , rnINV 54.30 1 - INV 87 - - _ L-15.O0 L� ...=-= -�� ~� " rn z - c� N EXISTING STREET ! . 5= 10 0 _......._ .. _..- ---- -- -- - - --- -- - I T._ 6Q.60 INSTALL 6 DI TEE FLG X FLG X FLG & 3-MJ X FLG ADAPTERS c7 z - z - I II z - I I - -- - -- - - - -_...- FG 6i.1 t WS100 57. 1 o F-- 1 a LIGHTI STANDARD FG fi1.1-___-- _- z I~ ~ �' I I I I I I I x L=32.29 LF -- - 39 INSTALL 6" DI FLG X FLG GATE VALVE I w x w x w 11 I I w 22 S=d.0100 TOG 61-2Q w I w uj V) w `'� I I'I w i �� III 53.32 NV53.49 TOG 61.20 22 23 y iy 23 L=15.15 L INV 53.97 INV 53.57 40 I I I II I I 22=d,�VOd ROOF O/ TYP TOG 61.15 S=dA100 22 � --- CONSTRUCT CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK PER CVWD STD DWG W-19 & ! I I - I� 23 48 =9.49 L DECORA IVE BEAM 0/H TYP TW 66.10 INV 53.72 L=10.40 LF W-20 I I I III II I 7' I EXISTING TRAFFIC 45 I I I I I I I I } I CONTROL PULL BOX FS 61.68 23TOG 61.3d FS fi1.68 41 INSTALL 6" FIRE HYDRANT A55Y (SUPER 6"X 4"X 2.5"X 2.5") (1) 6" DI I I y / I I ` FG 61.5 NV 53.41 FG 61.5 m J - II I f I � \ EXISTING CAN PULLBOX � -- - - S=O.010d TEE (FLGXFLG), (1) 6" DI GV (FLGXFLG), (1) 6"X 4" DI REDUCER I I { I y \ 22 - I I ' I I I \ EXISTING STREET @L=17.52 OVERI~LOW BASIN (FLGXFLG) PER CVWD STD DWG W-34A. HYDRANT TO BE PAINTED RED. I I I I I 11 \ NAME SIGN 40 - --" _--- WS1oo MAX=57.63 42 INSTALL VALVE OPERATING WELL & CAP PER CVWD STD DWG W-18A I i I i I III u \ \ EXISTING J _��� D1oo MAX-0.13' z�. 1 1 I I - sS• \VE�ON BOX, 35 N79` 32' d2"E 12.72' 43 INSTALL BLUE DOT REFLECTOR I I I ' ��. \ '� - - --EXISTI IID ELECTRICAL U/G CO D DAYLIGHT LINE FG 62,5 44 INSTALL 1 1�" DIA PVC SCH 40 WATER LINE OR APPROVED EQUAL D=4' I I I I '�iy \- 33 f - ��^f ERI ON U/G CONDUIT DAYLIGHT J I I I I r■} N89' S5' 21 "E 180.20' LINE TYP 45 CONSTRUCT CT CONCRETE BLOECK GARDEN WALL LL BY SEPARATE PLAN &PERMI 1 I ��� I �� I E�kISTING TRAFFIC 8j� - - - - - - - �W- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j CON ROL PULL BOX-- 47 INSTALL $" DIA ADS N-12 CPP STORM TRAIN LINE: OR APPROVED I � � I� }� I � j � I ��_ - EQUAL--------=---w-^=---_-_.--____-__----------------��_ - - - - -----------------.-------=--_..� T- -- -- EXISTING 4' ROLLED CURB 48 INSTALL 6" DIA PVC C-900 FIRE LINE OR APPROVED EQUAL D=4' TYP ' ` I II 1j I m I z I EXISTINGI IRR. CTRL VALVE ~ 49 INSTALL 6"X 4" DI REDUCER (FLGXFLG) & (1) fi" FLGXMJ ADAPTER I I I II - - - - - I- - - f - -�- 4 - L -� I 1 " .�- -- -- - � - - - - - - - - -- -GRAPHIC -SCALE - - - - - - - - - - - -- �` ca 0 I EXISTING STDP & ' = PALM I E10 0 5 10 20 40 `l lIIiNO i LEFT TURN" SIGN ! EXISTING 2" GAS MAIN +� CIRCLE I I II '�� f� � I I I i 11 I (ASPH) N (PRIVATE STREET) NOTE:---- --� ----------- - --- -------------=-- --------------------------------------------7ffRETT------------------- z z + EXISTING 8" AGP WATER MAIN + 1 Inch = 10 ft CONSTRUCTION AND DEMOLITION WITHIN PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY 1 I I \1 `I - z I I N - �- - \kl\ REQUIRES SEPARATE STREET I I v, ! � -- -Tw -� �-- - - - fl - - -- " C fk CONSTRUCTION PERMIT". j 11 I I I N� x - - - - ^ - - - - - - - 39 - - - - - - - - - - - - EXISTING 4 ROLLED CURB x I I L 1-------------------------_-------------------------------------- 1 -__- _-_------- --- _------- ___- _-^ --. _---�_��-- =-- _-_---___----__-_---_-- --- - - - - -_--__ __ _____ = �C OMMOQH LQ� � RECOMMENDED FOR SEAL SEAL APPROVED BYININ THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SHEET No, APPROVALRgFESSIa j 77.570 SPRINGFIELD LANE, SUITES "C" -�-�' �4� �pFt SISr,���f FNGINEERING PALM DESERT. CA92211 PRECISE GRADING & PAVING PLAN3 4 �,o �r� �z TIMOTHY R. ,1ONASSON, P.E. DATE (760)772.8400OFFlCE THE CONTOUR DERMATOLOGY OFFICES DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR /CITY ENGINEER (760)772.8421 FAX pG��I�-�0 � - No. 47834 s R.C.E. NO. 45843 - EXPIRES 12/3/2018 Knck�w++ wlhaat's i]4eI4CW1M- DATE BY MARK htafaore� ycpu dig- ENGINEER REVISIONS DESIGNED BY- DRAWN BY: DATE APPR. I DATE CHECKED BY CITY DATE CHECKED BY: c7 rr CIVk\- PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: ESSI SHAHANDEH DATE RCE NO. 47834 - EXPIRES 12/31 /2017 SCALE; 1"=19 C.I.=1 DATE. NOV 2016 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL. ENGINEERING - PLANNING - SURVEYING BENCHMARK: SOUTH PARKING LOT OF 6 SHTS. APN 600-070-012 FILE No. IN THE NW 1 4 OF SECTION 28 T55 R7E SSM FOR JOB No, EJ LA QUINTA, LLC 1 20160101 * CLASS II MATERIAL PER UNDISTURBED _ _,._-_ _-___ AgTM n? -V?I I ATPrT PNTirlM INSPECTION MANHOLE DETAIL - PLAN VIEW NTS 520-C-2500 TYPE V LOAD BEARING 24" DIA C.I. FRAME & GRATE CONCRETE COLLAR TOG AS NOTED r 24" MIN 24" CORRUGATED HDPE RISER TOP 57.79 UNDISTURBED EARTH CONSTRUCTION NOTES: CONSTRUCT 4.5" AC PAVEMENT OVER 6.5" CRUSHED MISC BASE OVER J 12" NATIVE SOIL COMPACTED TO 95% CONSTRUCT 6" CURB & CUTTER PER CLQ STD DWG 201 0 CONSTRUCT 6" TYPE "D" BARRIER CURB PER CLQ STD DWG 210 CONSTRUCT 5" FIBER REINFORCED PC CONCRETE PAVEMENT OVER 4" CRUSHED AGGREGATE (CLQ PSN 97056) COLOR, FINISH AND EXPANSION JOINTS LAYOUT PER ARCHITECT'S PLANS 11 CONSTRUCT 3.5" AC PAVEMENT OVER 4" CRUSHED MiSC QASE OVER 12" NATIVE SOIL COMPACTED TO 95% 16 INSTALL 60" DIA. ADS DRAINAGE PIPE PER DETAILS THIS SHEET OR APPROVED EQUAL 17 INSTALL 24" DIA MANHOLE PER DETAILS THIS SHEET OR APPROVED EQUAL 1 B INSTALL AIR VENT PER DETAILS THIS SHEET OR APPROVED EQUAL 19 INSTALL CLEANOUT PER DETAILS THIS SHEET OR APPROVED EQUAL 2O INSTALL 18" DIA CPP STORM DRAIN ADS N-12 OR APPROVED EQUAL 21 CONSTRUCT MAXWELL PLUS DRYWELL SYSTEM PER DETAIL THIS SHEET 22 INSTALL 6" DIA ADS N-12 STORM DRAIN LINE OR APPROVED EQUAL 31 INSTALL 6" DIA SDR--35 SEWER LATERAL OR APPROVED EQUAL 32 INSTALL 6" DIA SEWER CLEANOUT PER CVWD STD DWG S---6 38 INSTALL 6" DI TEE FLG X FLG X FLG & 3-MJ X FLG ADAPTERS 39 INSTALL 6" DI FLG X FLG GATE VALVE 40 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK PER CVWD STD DWG W-19 & W-20 41 INSTALL 6" FIRE HYDRANT ASSY (SUPER 6"X 4"X 2.5"X 2.5") PER CVWD STD DWG W-34A. HYDRANT TO BE PAINTED RED. 42 INSTALL VACNE OPERATING WELL & CAP PER CVWD STD DWG W--18A 43 INSTALL BLUE DOT REFLECTOR 46 INSTALL 4" PIV VALVE AND 4" FDC SIAMESE CONNECTOR WITH WAFER a CHECK VALVE PER DETAIL SHT 5 WITH 4" DIA FLANGED END CAP 48 INSTALL 6" DIA PVC C-900 FIRE LINE OR APPROVED EQUAL D=4' TY 49 INSTALL 6"X 4" DI REDUCER (FLGXFLG) & (1) 6" FLGXMJ ADAPTER SOF 57.50 WS100=57.63 LATERAL TOP 60.20 INV 52.50 I *:::TOG 60.09 INV 52.50 17 WS 100=57.63 I INV 52.50 0.50% Q14-1.31 CFS 0100=3.26 CFS V10=0.74 FPS 00=1.85 FPS 0. 05 % PLANTER 5 TC 60.38 G 59.88 83.33' ONTRACTOR TO BORE (8) 8" DIA. HOLES AT 10' O.C. ALONG CENTRAL 16 PIPELINE C/L TO A DEPTH OF 60' BELOW EXISTING NATWE SOIL OR ELEVATION 3.0% WHICHEVER IS GREATER, UP TO THE BOTTOM OF THE FILTER FABRIC BASE 78.36' INV 52.54 I � L0a n irs � N 0a n� cv TO a- C9�: N TC 61.10 TC 61.02 TP 6a.52 PLANTER TC 61.17 TP 60.67 L.=100.0 LF S=0.0100 LO { N i I INV 152.50 GRAPHIC SCALE 2.5 S 10 IN FEET } I inch = 5 f t. 43 SD-SWR XING INV 18" 54.25 INV 18" SD 53.08 INV 60 52.50 LEVEL INV 6" SWR 55.58 TCO 61.00 'r' TC 61.d4 32 I5 1 � GBTP 60.54 NV 55.5 Nr 0 %�� . 1 L=150.28 LF �7 A^ A ,S A I S=0.0100 BOTTOM 52.21 1. ALL REFERENCES TO CLASS II MATERIAL (1.5" DIA MIN. CLEAN WASHED OCK) ARE PER ASTM D2321 "STANDARD PRACTIV 40 ��---- - UNDERGROUND INSTALLATION OF THERMOPLASTIC PIPE FOR SEWERS AND OT R GRAVITY FLOW APPLICATIONS", LATEST EDITIO 2. ALL RETENTION AND DETENTION SYSTEMS SHALL SE INSTALLED IN ACCD ANCE WITH ASTM D2321, LATEST EDITION AND * CLASS Ii MATERIAL PER * BEDDING (CLASS II MATERIAL) MANUFACTURER'S PUBLISHED INSTALLATION GUIDELINES. j� h� �7 j ASTM D232I LATEST EDITION, fi" M!N_ FOR 30"-60" HOPE PIPE ' j N D E R G R O U 1 Y D S TO 1• V V /, T E O COMPACTED IN MAX_ S" LOOSE 3. MEASURES SHOULD BE TAKEN TO PREVENT THE MIGRATION OF NA IV iNES INTO THE BACKFILL MATERIAL LJ j''�, j� LIFTS TO 95% MIN. OF MAX. SPD SECTION A_I`''1 4. FILTER FABRIC: A GEOTEXTILE FABRIC MAY BE USED AS SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER TO PREVENT THE MIGRATION OF FINES FROM THE STORAGE CHAMBERS_ NATIVE SOIL INTO THE SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL. INSPECTION MANHOLE DETAIL SCALE 1"=5' 5. FOUNDATION: WHERE THE TRENCH BOTTOM IS UNSTABLE, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL EXCAVATE TO A DEPTH REQUIRED BY THE ENGINEER AND 520-C-2500 TYPE V LOAD BEARING CONCRETE COLLAR NTS 6" C.I. CLEANOUT LID Tnn � i nn 7 REPLACE WITH SUITABLE MATERIAL AS SPECIFIED BY THE ENGINEER. AS AN ALTERNATIVE AND AT THE DISCRETION OF THE DESIGN ENGINEER, THE D TRENCH BOTTOM MAY BE STABILIZED USING A GEOTEXTILE MATERIAL. 6. BEDDING: SUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE CLASS II. (1.5" DIA MIN. CLEAN WASHED ROCK) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE NON -WOVEN FILTER FABRIC DOCUMENTAT#ON FOR MATERIAL SPECIFICATION TO ENGINEER. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED BY THE ENGINEER, MINIMUM BEDDING THICKNESS SHALL CLASS II MATERIAL PER BE 4" (100mm) FOR 4"-24" (100mm-600mm); 6" (150mm) FOR 30"-60" (750mm-900mrn). MAxVIlELL NOTES ASTM D2321, LATEST EDITION, COMPACTED IN MAX. 8" LOOSE LIFTS TO 95% MIN OF MAX SPD 7. INITIAL BACKFILL: SUITABLE MATERIAL SHALL BE CLASS II (1.5 DIA MIN. CLEAN WASHED ROCK) IN THE PIPE ZONE EXTENDING NOT LESS 1 MANHOLE CONE -MODIFIED FALT BOTTOM. THAN 6" ABOVE CROWN OF PIPE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION FOR MATERIAL SPECIFICATION TO ENGINEER. MATERIAL STABILIZED BACKFILL--COMPACTED NATIVE IN LANDSCAPE AREAS, 1 SACK SLURRY IN 6" DIA SOLID WALL HDPE CLEANOUT 24" MIN �� SHALL BE INSTALLED AS REQUIRED IN ASTM D2321, LATEST EDITION. PAVEMENT. � TMH AS NOTED X/ II 3 BOLTED RING AND GRATE COVER - DAiMETER AS SHOWN. CLEANCAST IRON WITH WS100=57.63 t 8. MINIMUM COVER: MINIMUM COVER OVER ALL RETENETION/DETENTION SYSTEMS IN NON -TRAFFIC WORKING "STORM WATER ONLY" IN RAISED LETTERS. BOLTED IN 2 LOCATIONS AND APPLICATIONS (GRASS OR LANDSCAPE AREAS) IS 12" FROM TOP OF PIPE TO GROUND SURFACE. ADDITIONAL COVER MAY BE REQUIRED TO SECURED TO CONE WITH MORTAR_ RIM ELEVATION +/-0.02 OF PLANS.Ocl PREVENT FLOATATION. FOR TRAFFIC APPLICATIONS, MINIMUM COVER IS 12" UP TO 36" DIAMETER PIPE AND 24" OF COVER FOR 42" - 60" 4 GRADED BASIN OF PAVING {BY OTHERS). DIAMETER PIPE, MEASURED FROM T P OF P#PE TO BOTTOM OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT OR TO TOP OF RIGID PAVEMENT. 5 COMPACTED BASE MATERIAL (BY OTHERS}. ~\ 6 PUREFLO DEBRIS SHIELD - ROLLED 16 GA. STEEL X 24" LENGTH WITH VENTED ANTI �r - - - C LATERAL ------------- 3 -----------------------�-_--- ------_-_--_---_-_- - SIPHON AND INTERNAL. 265' MAX. SWO FLATTENED EXPANDED METAL SCREEN X 12'• - - ._..__... _ -- --- -- --- -- -- - - --- --- -- - - - -- --- -- --- -- - - H LENGTH. FUSION BONDED EPDXY COATED. / /` PRECAST LINER 4000 PSI CONCRETE 48" DIA. X 54" O.D. CENTER IN HOLE AND ALIGN 4` I (FLEX PVMT.) SECTIONS TO MAXIMIZE BEARING SURFACES. 8 MIN. 6' DIA. DRILLED SHAFT. SUPPORT BRACKET - FORMED 12 GA. STEEL. FUSION BONDED EPDXY COATED. FILTER FABRIC UNDISTURBED OVERFLOW PIPE -- SCH. 40 PVC MATED TO DRAINAGE AT BASE SEAL. (WHERE REQUIRED - -- - - - EARTH 1 6" DIA DRAINAGE PIPE - ADS WY GRADE WITH TRI-A COUPLER SUSPEND PIPE DURING BY ENGINEER) / /r- X BACKFILL OPERATIONS TO PREVENT BUCKLING OR BREAKAGE. DIAMETER ASNOTED, I BASE SEAL - GEOTEXTILE, POLYLINER OR CONCRETE SLURRY. * CLASS II MATERIAL a S t 1� ROCK - CLEAN AND WASHED, SIZED BETWEEN %" AND 1 Y2" TO BEST COMPLEMENT PLACED AND COMPACTED IN SOILS CONDITION. 19 18" DIA ADS N-12 CPP ACCORDANCE WITH '� - +�" FLOFAST DRAINAGE SCREEN - SCH. 40 PVC 0.120" SLOTTED WELL SCREEN WITH 32 OR APPROVED EQUAL ASTM D2321 IN PIPE ZONE I I SLOTS PER ROW/FT. DIAMETER VARIES 96" OVERALL LENGTH WITH TRI-B COUPLER. CONTRACTOR TO DRILL 2" DIA. HOLES AT �- C ---- * BEDDING (CLASSII MATERIAL) 1 MINIMUM 4' DIA. SHAFT - DRILLED TO MAINTAIN PERMEABILITY OF DRAINAGE SOILS. L EA N U T DETAIL 30' EITHER SIDE OF C/L FOR DRAINAGE ` fi" MIN. FOR 3a" - 60" PIPE 1 ABSORBENT --- HYDROPHOBIC PETROCHEMICAL SPONGE. MIN. 128 OZ. CAPACITY. 1 AT 24" O.C. (TYP) NON -COMPACTED SUITABLE 1 CONNECTOR PIPE - 18" DIA. ADS NJ12 OR APPROVED EQUAL. NTS TAMPED NATIVE SOILBACKFILL FOUNDATION FREEBOARD DEPTH VARIES WITH INLET PIPE ELEVATION. INCREASE PRIMARY / TO FILTER FABRIC SECONDARY SETTLING CHAMBER DEPTHS AS NEEDED TO MAINTAIN ALL INLET NOMINAL NOMINAL TYPICAL TYPICAL TYPICAL SIDE H H DIAMETER O.D. SPACING "S" SPACING "C" WALL "X" (NON -TRAFFIC) (TRAFFIC) 60" 67" 24" 90" 18" 12" 24" (1500 MM) (1702 MM) (610 MM) (2286 MM) (457 MM) (292 MM) (610 MM) ELEVATIONS ABOVE CONNECTOR PIPE OVERFLOW. 2' BENTONITE CAPS MOISTURE MEMBRANE - 6 MIL. PLASTIC. PLACE SECURELY AGAINST ECCENTRIC CONE AND HOLE SIDEWALL USED IN LEIU OF SLURRY IN LANDSCAPE AREAS. 15' MONTEREY #3 (8) 8" DIA CORES AT 10' Q.C. OF CENTRAL PIPELINE NON -WOVEN FILTER FABRIC SAND BACKFILL TO 60' BELOW EXISTING NATIVE GRADE OR ELEVATION 3 0' * CLASS I BACKFILL REQUIRED AROUND 60" DIAMETER FITTINGS. RECOMMENDED FOR APPROVAL Kn<>�w+ what's �4��vv" DATE BY MARK ` *311 before y8u dig_ ENGINEER REVISIONS DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: DATE APPR. DATE CHECKED BY CITY CHECKED BY; DATE WHICHEVER IS DEEPER. BACKFILL TO BE LOOSELY TAMPED INTO CORE CASING TO THE BASE OF THE STONE BEDDING S EAL SEAL APPROVED BY QRaFESSIp] 77-570 SPRINGFIELD LANE, SUITE "C" � � PALM DESERT, 92211 OFFICE AR 5y'��iyy� c^�� TIMOTHY R. JONASSON, P.E. DATE (7fi4) 77?..�8Q04 OF'�'ICI; � c� DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR /CITY ENGINEER f�cn»^�nan+s+ rnV L,,� No. 47834 m m R.C.E. NO. 45843 - EXPIRES 12 3 2018 L PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: SCALE: 1 '=1 a G.I.=1' ��q CIVIL. ESSI SHAHANDEH DATE OF CDATE: NOV 2016 RCE NO. 47834 - EXPIRES 12/31 /2017 CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING - PLANNING - SURVEYING BENCHMARK: INV I 54.25 17' 20 L= 1 00.00LF j S=OA100 I Ij MAXWELL SECONDARY CHAMBER TOG 61.00 INV SE 51.77 (8" 21 INV N 55.00 (18-1 INV NE 52.04 (18 ) BOT 45.50 HGL100=57.69 71 TOG 60.50 HGL 00= NV 18 55.2 Is. 04 UNDISTURBED SOIL MAXWELL DETAIL NTS m J 0 V) 1 w 19 > _ 0 d 1- (/ 0 ZI w m 1O a to 51.77 � 0 8" IN J 11 0 cn ui J J �m oaW qC w z IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SHEET No. PRECISE GRADING & PAVING PLAN /� THE CONTOUR DERMATOLOGY OFFICES `� PG2016-0020 STORM DRAIN PLAN & DETAILS OF 0 SHTS. APN 600-070-012 F,LE No, IN THE NW 1 4 OF SECTION 28, T5S, R7E SSM FOR JOB No. EJ LA QUINTA, LLC 1 20160101 CONSTRUCTION DOTES: � ,PROPOSED 2.00% 3 CONSTRUCT 4.5" AC PAVEMENT OVER 6.5" CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE W.I. RAILING COVERED PARKING 12 l OVER 12" NATIVE SOIL COMPACTED TO 95% JEFFERSQN STREET TC 61.64 CANOPY (TYP) 11 6.5' 1 31� I � 6 CONSTRUCT fi" CURB &GUTTER PER CLQ STD DWG 201 C/L & SECTION LINE R/W , TP 61.14 7 CONSTRUCT 6" TYPE "D" BARRIER CURB PER CLQ STD DWG 210 VARIES TC 1.66 s &I 14 7'RT TO 10 17' PARKING 17' PARKING VARIES f° TP 61.16 € LANDSCAPE 6.5' 24.65 TO 9 CONSTRUCT 6.5" FIBER REINFORCED PC CONCRETE PAVEMENT OVER 8" 5'LT 60' 20' LS8 30' DRIVE AISLE ISLAND SPACE Wf 2' O.H. 26' DRIVE AISLE SPACE W 2' O.H.p�L 38 COVERED G8 TC TP 61.1 S _ _ % WALKWAY 36.65' CRUSHED AGGREGATE (CLQ PSN 97056) COLOR, FINISH AND EXPANSION �I PARKING POST TC 61.6T3 EXISTING FS 61.68GB JOINTS LAYOUT PER ARCHITECT'S PLANS AND SOILS ENG. 6' S1 EWALK 12 26 27 RECOMMENDATIONS MEDIAN ISLAND TURN POCKET € �~ 3, BENCH rn 9' I ! 2.00% 10 CONSTRUCT 4' WIDE PC CONCRETE RIBBON GUTTER OVER 6" CRUSHED , VARIES 18' PO � AGGREGATE (CLQ PSN 97056) PER DETAIL THIS SHEET - 3' RT TO 6'+/- VAR- 3 EX. SIDEWALK 7 I 7 8.7'- GB TC 61.1 1 Ir__�I 7 LT 3 fi 7 11 r 3 11 +_ 25.3' TP 61.11 TC 161.71 _ 11 CONSTRUCT 3.5" AC PAVEMENT OVER 4" CRUSHED AGGREGATE BASE 1 ❑ 2% TYP _ - - - - - -- 8 T - -- 3' F5 61.21 GB 3 OVER 12" NATIVE 501E COMPACTED TO 95% VARIES 1.4% TO 2.0% 2% TYP 12 CONSTRUCT 4" P.C. CONCRETE PAVEMENT OVER 1 2" 95% COMPACTED �_ ~' _,I ,o _ �} b� 13 I v P I TC 61.28 `. cli NATIVE 501E PER CLQ STD DWG 200 GB TC 61.14 TYP I TP 60.78= TP 61.14 2.40% x 13 INSTAI.t. TRUNCATED DOME TILES PER ADA STD'S & CITY ENGINEER'S EXISTING _I 7 APPROVAL EXISTING AC PAVEMENT 6 CURB COMPACTED NATIVE SOIL TO 95% (TYP) & GUTTER PARKING LOT CROSS SECTION "A -A" TC 61.77 PROPOSED W.I. RAILING 12 7 TC 61.64 5' FS 61.27GB 14 CONSTRUCT H/C RAMP WARNING TRACK PER DETAIL THIS SHEET SCALE HORT7 1"=10' F%L � 0 ' VERT 1 =5 PROPOSED CRUSH MISC AGG BASE AS NOTED (TYP) FS 61.14 W " 11 12 oa 00 1 CONSTRUCT 8" CONCRETE BLOCK RETAINING WALL BY SEPARATE PLAN 8c PERMIT. FINISH & COLOR PER ARCH'S SPEC'S Q TC 61.28 P� 25 PAINT 4" WHITE PARKING STALL STRIPING, PER DETAIL THIS SHEET TP 60.78 2 FS 61.67 2fi INSTALL PRECAST CONCRETE WHEEL STOPS OR APPROVED EQUAL COVERED PARKING GB -HP YC 61.77 CANOPY (TYP) 15_ S 61.77 GB -HP. INSTALL. H/C SIGN PER CLQ STO'S, DETAILS THIS SHEET &ADA 5TD'S � I �J �� PROPOSED IID 1'4 TRANSFORMER LOCATION 5' , SEE IDD PLANS PROPOSED PAINT BLUE HANDICAP STRIPING WITH SYMBOLS PER CLQ, DETAILS THIS I �! � FOR DETAILS �- 0 W.E. RAILING SHEET & ADA STD'S j cLERED �.00% in } P�RKING POST 12 l 0 [ 36 INSTALL 4" PVC C-900 FIRE LINE OR APPROVED EQUAL D=4' TYP 3 35 1 38 INSTALL 6" DI TEE FLG X FLG X FLG & 3-MJ X FLG ADAPTERS I' 39 INSTALL 6" DI FLG X FLG GATE VALVE 2'tD0% ' HNC PARKING STALL DETAIL EAST LOT 40 SCALE 1 "=5' 40 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE THRUST BLOCK PER CVWD STD DWG W-19 & ' 11 7 6 5' f 44 46 LL-- - _4 I W-20 0 a 41 INSTALL 6" FIRE HYDRANT ASSY (SUPER 6"X 4"X 2.5"X 2.5"} (i) 6" DI 3 49 TEE (FLGXFLG), (1) 6" DI GV (FLGXFLG), (1) 6"X 4" DI REDUCER I (FLGXFLG) PER CVWD STD DWG W-34A. HYDRANT TO BE PAINTED RED. 12 I o} I TC 60,74 7 TC 61.02 39 I C7 4" DIA POST INDICATOR VALVE, CLOW 42 INSTALL VALVE OPERATING WELL & CAP PER CVWD STD DWG W-18A TP 60.24 TP 60.52 ! 41 TMH 60.96 2945 OR APPROVED EQUAL 46 t - - - - -- 1 I / INV 52.50 43 INSTALL BLUE DOT REFLECTORTC h? 60.59 �� ��� - ....,� 4" DIA TWO WAY INLET- FIRE DEPT. 45 CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BLOCK GARDEN WALL BY SEPARATE PLAN & i TP fi .19 II �i'-f - � ,.� � CONNECTION, CROAKER 6510 DBE. 4g PERMIT. COLOR &TEXTURE PER ARCH'S SPEC'S 3, P III ��` �� CLAPPER OR APPROVED EQUAL. 14' TC E1.36 MIN. CLEARENCE 46 INSTALL 4" PIV VALVE AND 4" FDC SIAMESE CONNECTOR WITH WAFER I + I FS 0,86 AS INSTALLATION I SUPERVISORY DEVICE CHECK VALVE PER DETAIL THIS SHEET WITH 4" DIA FLANGED END CAP 1W 66.50 TW 86.50 f 1,1`a� �J�j� CONDUIT & WIRING FROM PERMITS FACP BY ELEC. DIVISION PER TP fi0.Q5 ITC 60.71 ��__�� CEC. REFER TO FIRE ALARM FS 60.05 w FS 60.21 F 60,00 c�+ 4S TF 60.5 38 40 r CF 7 CONTRACTOR DRAWINGS INSTALL 8" DIA ADS N-12 CPP STORM DRAIN LINE OR APPROVED ,_ FG 60. ' FG 60.5 TC 61.3fi !� � EQUAL I 2yo k ' Q� I- - - - � 2% 48 ! :C7 u! TP 60.86 28 o PROPOSED FINISHED �? 48 INSTALL 6" DIA PVC C-900 FIRE LINE OR APPROVED EQUAL D=4' TYP 3' I �$ 8Q.6 TO 60 78 C 60.92 n �€ I GRADE OVER WATER °-x°� 3' T' ao 13 UNE Ja S 60.42 �c� I I TC 77 F5 60.2$ � •rl 1' 6' I 36 7 49 INSTALL 6"X 4" DI REDUCER (FLGXFI-G) & (1) 6" FLGXMJ ADAPTER I j FS 60.27 fi0. 7 1 10.5' 7.67' S.67' TC 1 46 TC 60.96 �c S E ARCH'S PLANS FOR TC 60.81 FS 61.37 FS 96 . TP 60.96 DETAILS N GAT AND POSTS FS 60.31 U, m C 60.95 �� 8' j 9' - }:.,� 9' - F 42 ``' FF N �-- o i,� FS 60.45 - P 2.❑O�S �3 L'' C fi0.96 2.IJD% , 2.00% FS 61. 3:1 a to c5; 48 26 V F 60.46 o I TG 61.60 25 �? 12 Lw } _ °? 7 TP 61.10 1 } LCfi0. TC 61.62 LEVEL 36 47 0 I 1 FS 60.32 0 43 FS 61.37 , } TP 61.12 z 5' MIN_ t TC 60.13 9 0 `3' FS 61.41 I 1 36 40 m 36 TC 61.62 FS 60'35 w F 61.11 I s P 61.12 N �= 3' TYPICAL ALL EDGES I T �-- a7 TC 60.99 TC 1 62 f 4 `�� 12 O AGAINST AC PAVEMENT I 1 FS 60.63 2.00% F5 1.62 27 °$ TC 60.84 F5 0.49 _ FS 60.34 1 I_._... 48 38 40 40 4 1 - a PROPOSED V` P kl C7:.... 36 TC 60.81 1 CD W.I. RAILING I 40 46 48 2" ANNULAR CLEARENCE 1 FS 31 TW 66.50 Tw\66.50 I H/C^PARKING STALL DETAIL SOUTH LOT REQUIRED. FILL VOID WITH FS 60.15 TE 60.00 ui TF 0 00 I SCALE 1 "=5' - - DOWNSTREAM FLEX MASTIC. 9 EDGE DETAIL OF PC CONCRETE f FG 60.5 60 FG 09.5 DETECTOR CHECK TP 60.15 W , CONNECTION. CVWD PAD AT TRASH ENCLOSURE - 14 I PROPERTY BEGINNING OF PRIVATE NTS TC 60. P P FIRE PROTECTION LINE. TP 60.33 CONTRACTOR TO 24' SEE EDGE DETAIL CONNECT UNDER PIV-FDC DETAIL 11 OR 3 2' F L ' 3 OR 11 THIS SHEET LEFT --Atli j ­_2" SIGN POST DIRECT DISTRICT - 1 4" CONCRETE INSPECTION NO SCALE pI TC 60.90 TC 61.18 BOLLARD WITH -- TP 60.40 7 12 TP 60.68 6.58' 1 SIGN "RESERVED & VAN ACCESSIBLE N 1 f m BLU E I, COVERED PARKING l�+�Ai THORZM V�i�S CANOPY (TYP) w ` w � PARKED N DESKMTM I 9' TYPICAL I � WHITE LETTERING ON SIGN MUST BE } 0 CCESSBLE SPACES NOT I 2% 'O R A MIN. OF 1 IN HEIGHT A AREA OF SIGN TO BE „ CRUSHED AGG. BASE Q F5 AC PAVING A MIN. OF 70 5Q. IN.� PARKING PLACARDSOR SPE0AL _ CLASS 8 CONCRETE 4» � �NL I E �NSE (j, O 4' WIDE RIBBON GUTTER DETAIL H C PARKING STALL & TRASH ENCLOSURE DETAIL NORTH LOT NTS SCALE 1 "=5' 0 REFLEC ORIIEDDOSIGN AWAYDEAM-MTH OALL BE T 8� „ PORCELAIN STEEL APPROPRIATE INFORMATION �, V16" W. Tip. GRAPHIC SCALE 7 -8 $» CONCRETE FOOTING WITH BEADED TEXT RNE $250 MUST BE INCLUDED ON SIGN TOWED VEMCUM 1 /4 TYPICAL OR EQUAL. (MiN. OF 1 IN HEIGHT) MAY BE REGLAMIED AT 3 4 s 0 2-5 s 10 20 L'--I 78-495 CALLE TA4PICO, LO. rl 4" STEEL PIPE, SCH. 40 CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY VAN ACE OR BY TELEPFK)NlNQ �J_ 6�� CONCRETE FILLED I CORRECTWITH LA DFINE AMOUNT PRIOR TO ORDERING SIGNAGE 80" MIN CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY II WITH LA QUINTA POLICE DEPT. 1/4" 1 bach - 5 ft. Li Li Li J - `p CORRECT PHONE NUMBER PRIOR 4 WARNING TRACK GROOVING DETAIL 12 LE t / / TO ORDERING SIGNAGE NTS 18 THE RAMP SHALL HAVE A 12" WIDE BORDER WITH 114" PARKING STALL STRIPING DETAIL ARKING SPACE SIGNAGE UNAUTHORIZED VEHICLE SIGNAGE GROOVES APPROXIMATELY 314" O.C. � N.TNO SCALE S. � 4" CONCRETE SIGHT BOLLARD 7 � NO SCALE NO SCALE RECOMMENDED FOR SEAL SEAL APPROVED BY - � IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SHEET No. APPROVAL a1-ESS/ 77-570 SPRINGI;IELD LANE. SUITE "C' QR °q PALM DESERT, CA9221 1 PRECISE GRADING & PAVING PLAN 5 • �� �o�A s ��f�� TIMOTHY R. JONASSON, P.E. DATE 7���� 1 (760)772-64000F;✓ICE THE CONTOUR DERMATOLOGY OFFICES 0 Q ti DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR /CITY ENGINEER (760)772$421 FAX r No. 47$34 x R.C.E. NO. 45843 - EXPIRES 12 3 2018 PG20I6-0026 PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: CIVIL AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING - PLANNING • SURVEYING SITE DETAILS OF 6 SHTS. KFtow what's �7e � aW_ DATE DATE BY MARK APPR. CHECKED BY DATE SCALE: 1"=5' C.1.=9' BENCHMARK: APN 600-070-012 FILE No. Call �efnlra you dig_ �. ENGINEER REVISIONS CITY lc ilI'v ESSI SHAHANDEH DATE IN THE NW 1 4 OF SECTION 28 T55 R7E 5BM DATE G' CALF DATE. NOV 2016 FOR JOB No. DESIGNED BY: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: RCE NO. 47834 - EXPIRES 12/31 /2017 EJ LA QUINTA, LLC 201 60101 11 a II' I IJ I I { - • - N �.r I I II IIi 11J I I I ; 11 II III I III I I I LAPH W-070-0 ll II 31.5'+/- 17-5"+/-1111 L07S 410 h C� I } II ! z Ill QIPI KWR LDS I d oL 11 �� `� GRAPHIC SCALE J �r 111 I I a III I I I ['Ml D 41166 57 + >l1 0� _ � I I II IIi 111 I I ASPH a ,a sa 4080 f r� L43 I! II II III k ! Il I I ( } I i l� D4��� �-�21 II I! (GRASS) l li p�Co� � f �. � � III 11 I I I I I! I (GRASS) { IN FEET } I III o 1 Il I z III I I I I 1. inch = 20 fi~ /� III II I QI � COI o III rr, c {} l 1 o u� ll ` I I I I I L40 li II I I� III 3� I!:i x�I _ L41 - - - - - -� I I III I� III z I c s w I - ` I I! II II Ili Z O /! 1: ,,� I I (ASPH) (CB) (CONC} J J �cn I IID w 111 __ --L39 -- ` - IIII �- 1 f I I I l �I Lj//� I'I ``' I 1- -_- _-__- _------- _J SAWCUT LINE �� o _� - - - --'LAAITFR,L- - li Ilk �I� III - - --------��---------;�,-----------fig-- __ ��- / I I EXISTING PP AND GUY - -_ _ --- --- - -- -- f,`may1, II/ �I� r�7! �� l��` _wca / /ow� i �I■ ,j 1IIlIIIIi1lI1 IIj II.l I iI F [� UJ} ``' IiI IIIIkIII _I �I f ^T�EJ2} - �`I I}>�m�= 11IIIIII JlI!Ii 1III1I1I;I, 1II{1Ii I'I W❑ IIIIII !IiltII! w L11 o0/ ❑ POLE movD � Ql � F < 1 0 w L8 � � 9. < z w Ln 0 0 N 00 2' TYP ' -, TYP N J Uw 2'00= La X z� -LAP%, ❑oU ac'a L29 vz L6 L49C17 l i� 0 C4 L23 78. 3 n� L1IIII wJw II w o�OL aTYP EXISTING IID LD W �Ja � l z I Ihh II [/] III 4 U/G CONDUIT III ! I I �{ {IIII1 W z i U,,�� EXITING FRONTIER Cfi �` C) C$ - a - III +� IIi { 11 L ^-'a I I I ix x I I! N n 1} U/q CONDUIT C7 - � I 11 l l l i z i II l i i I43' N l I (IIII w II } Ln 1 II1111 T } � I I II I I I 9 TYP ° 9 TYP L52- 4 m. z a Lu _ _ -- 0. tr~ 'co t, I � I x r--I I I I 1 - SAWCUIT & REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT FOR HYDRANT, DETECTOR CHECK & WATER f SERVIC CONNECTIONS. WIDTH TO VA I4Y DUE ITO DEPTH OF INSTALLATION SAWCUT iLINE 4 �i- EXISTING CA`TV PULL BOX EXISTING TRAFFIC CTRL PULL BOXES - _ r rtis..... -... -. - EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK U/G CONDUIT ;1I I Cow- - ���I-`f� L37 �;- r - _ J - I 5 rr r f J ... r L58 \ - r ---_ / v I I I \ I r L3B n N n q- ~~ - EN EXISTNG FRONTIER I r� - - - J J-�...�, L54 - - - f� I I PULL B�� ---- - ------ Zw- - - �l I �� [----------_----------- --- --� - - - --- .-- -- - _ - - --- --- - --_----__ -�--_- M _ _ _ r - - - -� S -U-, )J � I �{GONG} _I - -...� C14 T41S^� l L56 L55 + - _ o -- L45 - - r CONC IIII--_______ _ __ `{coNc}-_--[CONc} - -f� I (Co�rC} �� ��+ --�- --�I1 ---- --- _ _ ---- - IIi T - -- ---�- -EXISTING RETA111NG INAL--f__�-------- -- - - \ �! = = ` - - ITS I I :J SI4WCUT LINE ' EXISTRU-111T- I J EXISTING s" CtJRf3 &GUTTER EXISTING 4" - J - - - - I I EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK 78.03' 23.81' Y- U/G CONDUIT TO BE REMOVm GAS MAIN III { - - - - - - SAWCUT LINE 1I _ -- -- - - - - _EXISTING _6 CURB_ & GUTTER- - - - - --.- - - - ..-. - -- - _.._, - - - - -- -. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ - -EXISTING FRONTIER JI- - - - - -- �SPHH)- TING FRONTIER - -E _.. ��� L - - - - - - - -------- ----------- - ------ - ------lJ/._QNIIT_ --------- -- - -- -- ------------ U/G CONDUIT I � �_f � � +�-------------- - --- --- _� - � r-- � I tIi J I J�FFERSON STREET EXISTING STORM DRAIN 1I + l I-------------------- --1---PUBLIC STREET--------------------------- - - - - - - - - - ! I �' ----------- -----I--j- ----------------------- EXISTING fi" I11� / III O I EXISTING STRIPING ! (ASPH} EXISTING 24" DIA DIP WATER MAIN �� I1 - I I I EXISTING WATER METER [LAND CURB 1 / J / J I I SEE DIST DWG NO 30548 I I I I & BF PREVENTOR � I f EXISTING 12" DIA CML/CMC WATER MAIN I! C!] I _ _ SEE DIST DWG NO 9326 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -__-_ fr !iJ ��/--- -- -----------Zx1aT1�i.G_C I-,IA�lCL�IRD., I --------------------- __�--t� _-� � -_�=-==-=-___ -====_==_ ---- -- -- - Tom- --- - -� - - - - - I // J r� _ -_ _ -r� C i� J ~ ~ I �j ICV �D3RT} ICV I� E�`Q ri II /C) I �--- -` -- ��l - C/L 1SECTION LINE CaNC k EXISTING IID METER I IIIff € I S ------ -___-- ___- _-__-_--_1-_ [ }I_ EL- 1 111 __-----------__ j EXISTING 2" GAS MAIN EXISTING 6" ISLAND CURB ---------------------------------- ---. EXISTING 24" DIA DIA WATER MAIN J III � E--�------------------------------- - - - - - --.��.----------�.--.�-�.--- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i-__.---- SEE DIST , �VG NO 305'4 IID 1 1 a EXISTING 3" GAS MAIN EXISTING 8" DIA VCP SEWER MAIN l (ASPH) EXISTING I I f II I I I SEE DIST DWG NO 26220 = --1 1- j�� FRONTIER _ _ _ _ L] VAULT (ISTING STORM DRAIN �I.I I I I EXISTING 12 DIA WATER MAIN EXISTING 4 GAS MAIN J - "� EXISTING 6" CURB & GUTTER EXISTING STRIPING I EXISTING STORM DRAIN I I SEE DIST DWG I�kO 2B212A - - --- EXISTING 11D U/G CONDUIT _ I ! J I l �1 EXISTING ELECTRIAL IIi EXISTING ELECTRICAL :xI5TING CATCH BASIN I l / EXISTING 8" DIA IVCP SEWER MAIN I I a TRANSFORMER EXISTING 5" FIRE HYDRANT I EXISTING CATCH BASIN EXISTING ELECT: TRANSFORMER - - - - - - - - - - --� SEE DISTI I DWG NO 26215 I 1 EXISTING fi CURB &GUTTER ETER EXISTING WATER M" PULLBOX I I ! IIIr I I I� ! - - - _------,----------- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- � ---,---------------------- --- _-_--_ �_ __ - __-_-_---- CIO LL o :> I I III 2 43' fi' � 12' �n 11 1 0 I � I I I' � _� � I III i J� Ili 74 I - I�I� wi1! � L17 I r -6' I 17'TYP , I ! I I I -J J`J III I IIIJ!I s- a I o L14 17'TYP 26' S I ! j I 78.33' 40.5' 5 LSL I I JI + I ! w 30'BSL _ - - L64 - _ II ! I _ - _- � '33.a' ! r' A111 I I I l l -- - j' 12,17 III II L3 «:- - v SAWCUT LINE I I I - - - - _ 110 µ L6 L33,' � 14 L3 - r-- - - `� -.. _ --a In � - m . -. L35 \ Il 1 I L50 20 a 20' c, �., � ; I. ! . o J pn ,t EXISfTING I[D I I �1 I it t I j - r�; i r� _ z ''� Un o _------ram---�?;� .� _ILA I I I �el. CURVE TABLE CURVE TABLE CURVE TABLE CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGHT TANGENT CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGHT TANGENT CURVE DELTA RADIUS LENGHT TANGENT C 1 90' 00' 26" 14.00 21-99' 14.00' C8 130- 00' 19" 3.00 6.8 1' 6.43' C 17 90' 00' 00" 3.00 4.71' 3.00' C2 90' 00, 00" 15.00 23.56' 15,00' C10 49' 59' 40" 10.00 8.73' 4.66' C18 90' 00' 00" 3.00 4.71' 3.00' C3 90' Oa' 00" 3-00 4.71' 3.00' C12 90' 00' 00" 15.00 23.56' 15.00' C4 90' 00' 00" 3.00 4.71' 3.00' C13 180' 00' 00" 5.00 15.71' INFINITY' C5 90' 00' 00" 15.00 23.56' 15.00' C14 180' 00' 00" 5.00 15.71' INFINITY' C5 130' 00' 19" 3.00 6.81 6.43' C15 90' 00' 00" 15.00 23.56' 15.00' C7 49' 59' 41 " 10.00 8.73' 4.66' C 16 90' 06, 15" 14.00 22.02' 14.03' Know what's 1J491OW. Gc-2I111 bof ore yvu dig. DATE I BY I MARK ENGINEER DESIGNED BY: REVISIONS DRAVVN BY: RECOMMENDED FOR SEAL APPROVAL DATE APPR. DATE GHECKED BY CITY DATE CHECKED BY: SEAL �R4FESS1pN ca Na. 47834 muj CIS F r m 1� APPROVED BY TIMOTHY R. JONASSON, P.E. DATE DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR /CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. NO. 45843 - EXPIRES 12/3/2018 PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: ESSI SHAHANDEH DATE RCE NO. 47834 - EXPIRES 12/31/2017 5 EXISTING IID METER 77-570 SPRINGFIELD LANE, SUITE "C" �--EsslPALM DESERT, CA 92211 17NGINEERING (760)77.8400O IFAX CE SCALE: 1 "=20' C.I.=1 DATE: NOV 2G16 CIVIL. AND STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING - PLANNING - SURVEYING BENCHMARK: LINE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH L1 N9` 36' 20"W 90.00' L2 N89' 55' 21"E 0.23' L3 NO- 04' 39"W 58.50' L4 N0' 04' 39"W 38,50' L5 N89' 55' 21 "E 85.00' L6 SO' 04' 39'E 16.00' L7 N89' 55' 21 "E 12.00' L8 SD' 04' 39"E 54.00' L9 S89' 55' 21 "W 14.00' L1O SO' 04' 39"E 2.83' L11 S0' 04' 39"E 95.00' 112 S89' 55' 21 "W 3.64' L13 N89' 55' 21 "E 14.00' L14 NO' 04' 39"W 108.00' L16 S89' 55' 21"W 14.00' L17 N89' 55' 21 "E 3.64' L18 N89' 55' 21 "E 10.00' L19 S89' 55' 21 "W 10.00' L20 NO' 04' 39"W 16.10' L21 S89- 55' 21 "W 0.18' L22 NO' 17' 18"E 104,25' L23 SO' 04' 39"E 2.83' L24 N89' 55' 21 "E 14.00' L25 SO' 04' 39"E 72.00' L26 N89' 55' 21 "E 1.00' L27 SO' 04' 39 "E 14.00' L28 S89' 55' 21 "W 18.00' L29 SO' 04' 39 "E 16-00' L30 S89' 55' 21 "W 63.00' L31 SO' 04' 39 "E 1.00' 1_32 S89' 55' 21 "W 17.00' L33 No' 04' 39"W 12.90' L34 S89' 55' 21 "W 5.00' L35 SO' 04' 32"E 12.90' L36 S89' 55' 21 "W 5.75' L37 N46' 00' 54"E 13.88' L38 N89' 55' 21 "E 134.65' L39 SO' 04' 39"E 100.00' L40 N89' 55' 21 "E 12.00' L41 SO' 04' 39"E 156.13' L42 S27' 33' 17"E 99.84' L43 S79' 32' 02"W 12,72' L44 S89' 55' 21 "W 180.20' L45 N46` 14' 19"W 13.87' L46 NO' 04' 39"W 327.77' L47 NO' 04' 39"W 17.04' L48 S89` 55' 21 "W 0.50' L49 N89' 55' 21 "E 0.50' L50 SO' 03' 47"E 154.29' L51 N44' 55' 19 "E 20.2 1' L52 NO' 00' Oa"E 27.06' L53 N45' 04' 39"W 38.68' L54 NO' 04' 57"W 107.61' L55 NO' 03' 19"E 4.00' L56 NO' 04' 57"W 6.00' L57 N89' 55' 21 "E 3.00' L58 50' 04' 39"E 93.01' L59 S45' 05' 13"E 14.19' L60 N89' 55' 21 "E 13.97' L61 N89' 54' 27"E 17.00' L62 SO' 05' 05"E 156.51' L63 N89' 56' 17"E 21.08' L64 N89' 56' 17"E 2.00' IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA PRECISE GRADING & PAVING PLAN THE CONTOUR DERMATOLOGY OFFICES PG2016-0026 DIMENSION CONTROL PLAN FOR APN 600-070-012 IN THE NW 1 /4 OF SECTION 28. EJ LA CIONTA, LLC JOB No. 20160101 SHEET No. 6 OF 6 SHTS_ FILE No- =---17SS1— 77.570 SMINGFIELD LANE, SLIfpE C PALM DESERT, CA 92211 N I N t t RI N U (7sv) 772,13400 OFFICE �IL (760) 772-8421 FAX CIVIL AND SMCTURAL, ENGINEERING - PLANNING - SLJFNf;YJNG Date: September 5, 2017 Re: Fire flow analysis of the existing and proposed water system, Contour Dermatology Offices, La Quinta, CA To whom it may concern; We have examined the existing water system currently serviced by the Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) located along Jefferson Street between Westward Ho Drive and Palm Circle Drive for the proposed connection of the fire system of the Contour Dermatology Offices being constructed on the east side of Jefferson Street. The existing system is at the northern reach of CVWD's pressure zone and bounds the Indio Water Authority (IWA) system at Westward Ho Drive. The existing hydrant located at this intersection with Jefferson Street belonging to 1WA and not interconnected with the system being analyzed. The proposed connection is a private on -site system connected to an existing 8-inch diameter Asbestos Concrete pipeline (ACP) in Palm Circle Drive connected to an existing 24-inch diameter main in Jefferson Street and feed an existing tract to the east of the site. A proposed 6-inch diameter detector check and fire run are to be constructed northerly to a point where a 6-inch super hydrant will be connected to the system and run adjacent to the on -site parking lot. Here, it reduces to a 4-inch diameter line and loops southeasterly to the proposed offices in the fire riser room located on the middle -western side of the structure. The existing 24-inch diameter main line runs north along Jefferson Street to Westward Ho Drive and them reduces to a 12-inch diameter line running westward. A smaller 6-inch diameter line runs east along the southern side of Westward Ho Drive along the site's north boundary. No connection is proposed onto either of these existing lines. A fire flow test was performed by CVWD on March 2, 2017 at the existing hydrant on the west side of Jefferson Street between Westward Ho Drive and Palm Circle Drive, The test results are included at the end of this report. it was impossible to model the results exactly as provided by CVWD. The data indicates a static pressure of 97 psi and an observed pressure of 91 psi with a flow of 1000 gpm. The next column of data indicates 83 psi residual at 1500 gpm, 83 psi residual at 1730 gpm and 4965 gpm at a residual pressure of 20 psi projected. The test duration was 3 hours. Pumps may have been activated during the testing and the lack of drop in pressure between the 1500 gpm and 1730 gpm results throws off the curve. Since the required fire flow is significantly lower than that available from the system, the model's curve was based upon a curve using the lowertwo data points at 1000 gpm and 1500 gpm. The proposed system was run as well as the existing system for comparison. The available flow of the on -site system is 1500 gpm @ 60.1 psi residual and approximately 2250 gpm at 20 psi residual. The proposed system meets the site's required criteria for fire flow. The model was prepared using the Bentley Watercad System EsfandiarShahandeh, Professional Engineer — RCE 47834 - Dated V/�O,p•R Sk,� CO No.4i834 X Scenario: Scenario - 7 CONTOUR DERMATOLOGY -Iww 0780i0i_FIREFLOW.wtg Bentley B-Hey WaterCAD CONNECT Edition 2y Systems, Inc. Haested Methods Solution Center [10 00.00,55] 12017 27 Sismon Company Orive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1,203- 755-1 BBB Pape 1 of 1 Scenario Summary Report Scenario: Scenario - 7 CONTOUR DERMATOLOGY Scenario Summary ID 104 label Scenario - 1 CONTOUR DERMATOLOGY Notes 15DO GPM 2 HR DURATION Active Topology <I> Base Active Topology Physical <I> Base Physical Demand aI> Base Demand Initial Settings ¢Is Base Initial Settings Operational <1> Base Operational Age <Ia Base Age Constituent <I> Base Constituent Trace <I> Base Trace Fire Flow <I> Base Fire HOW Energy Cost <1> Base Energy Cost Transient ❑y Base Transient Pressure Dependent Demand Qa Base Pressure Dependent Demand Failure History <1> Base Failure History SCADA <1> Base SCADA User Data Extensions <I> Base User Data Extensions Steady State/EPS Salver Calculation Options 1500 GPM 2HR DURATION Transient Salver Calculation Options <I> Base Calculation Options Hydraulic Summary Time Analysis Type Steady State Use simple controls during steady state? True Friction Method Hazen- Is EPS Snapshot? False Williams Accuracy 0.001 Start Time 12:00:00 AM Trials 40 Calculation Type Hydraulics Only Bentley WaterCAD CONNECT Edition 20160101_FIREFLOW.wtq Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [10 00 00.551 9/5/2017 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT Page 1 of 1 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 Hydraulic Model Inventory: 20160101_FIREFLOW.wtg Title SHAH_NETWORILDHS_I1016 Engineer ESSI SHAHANDEH Company ESSI ENGINEERING Date 8/1/2011 Notes NETWORK ANALYSIS FOR DR. SHAH PROJECT IN DESERT HOT SPRINGS, CA Scenario Summary ID 104 Label Scenario - 1 Notes 1500 GPM 2 HR DURATION Active Topology <I3 Base Active Topology Physical <5 Base Physical Demand <I> Base Demand Initial Settings <Ia Base Initial Settings Operational aI> Base Operational Age <I> Base Age Constituent <Ia Base Constituent Trace CID Base Trace Fire Flow <I> Base Fire Flow Energy Cast aI> Base Energy Cost Transient <I> Base Transient Pressure Dependent Demand <Ia Base Pressure Dependent Demand Failure History <I> Base Failure History SCADA <1> Base SCADA User Data Extensions <1> Base User Data Extensions Steady State/EPS Salver Calculation 1500 GPM 2HR DURATION Options Transient Solver Calculation Options <I> Base Calculation Options Network Inventory Pipes 10 Pumps 0 Laterals 0 Pump Stations 0 Junctions 7 Variable Speed Pump Batteries 0 Hydrants 2 PRV's 0 Tanks 1 PSV's 0 -Circular 1 PBV's 0 -Non-Circular 0 FCV's 0 -Variable Area 0 TCV s 0 Reservoirs 0 GPV'S 0 Customer Meters 0 Isolation Valves 0 Taps 0 Spot Elevations 0 SCADA Elements 0 Transient Network Inventory Turbines Periodic Head -Mows Air valves Hydropneumatic Tanks Surge Valves -Away from Wye Rupture Disks Discharges to Atmosphere Orifices Between Pipes Valves With Linear Area Change Check Valves 1 Surge Tanks 0 -Towards Wye 1 Pressure Pipes Inventory 4.0 (in) 134 ft 12.0 (in) 114 ft 6.0 (in) 464 ft 24.0 (in) 118,374 ft 8.0 (in) 248 ft All Diameters 119,334 ft Bentley WaterCAD CONNECT Edition 20160101_FIREFLOW wtg Bentley Systems, Inc Haeslad Methods Solution Center [10.00.00 551 915/2017 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown. CT Page 1 of 1 06795 USA +1-203-755-1666 FlexTable: Junction Table ID Label Elevation Zone Demand Demand hydraulic Grade Pressure (ft) Collection (gpm) {tta (psi) 88 ]-1 24X24X8 TEE 160.00 <None7 <Collection: 0 p 362.62 87.7 Items> 148 ]-7 PALM CIRCLE DRIVE 160.E None} <Collection: 0 items p 362.62 87,4 150 �E NEW 8X8X6 162.00 <None7 <Collection: 0 p 362.62 86.8 items 157 1-8 PR BLDG 162.00 <None7 <Collection: 0 p 362.62 86.8 Items? EXISTING HYDRANT H-1 ON JEFFERSON STREET SOUTH OF WESTWARD HO DRIVE OPEN AT 1.5fla GPM Gerriley WaterCAD CONNECT Edition 20160101_FIREFLOW.wtg Bentley Systems, Inc Haestad Methods Solution Center [10MM,55] 91512017 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203- Page 1 of 1 755-1666 FlexTable: Pipe Table ID Label Length (Scaled) Start Node Stop Node Diameter Material Hazen -Williams Has Check Minor Loss (ft} (in) C Valve? Coeffident (Local) 112 P-1 24 DIP 186 T-2 3-1 24X24X8 TEE 24.0 Ductile Iran 130.0 False 1.13D 121 P-2 24 DIP 132 H-1 EX 3-1 24X24X8 TEE 24.0 Ductile Iron 130.0 False 1.280 151 P-6 8 ACP 63 J-1 24X247(8 TEE 1-6 NEW 8X8X6 8.0 Asbestos 140.0 False 0.000 TEE Cement 152 P-7 8 ACP 211 3-6 NEW 8XBX6 J-7 PALM 8.0 Asbestos 140.0 False 0.000 TEE CIRCLE DRIVE Cement 154 P-8 PR 6 DIP 29 3-6 NEW 8X8X6 CV-1 PR DET 6.0 Ductile Iron 130.0 False 1.670 TEE CHECK 156 P-9 PR 6 DIP 72 CV-1 PR DEf CHECK H-2 PR FH 6.0 Ductile Iron 130.0 False 4.400 158 P-10 PR 4 DIP 130 H-2 PR FH 3-8 PR BLDG 4.0 Ductile Iron 130.0 True 3.010 Flow Velocity Headloss Has User Length (User Flow (Initial) (gpm) (ft/S) Gradient Defined Length? Defined) (gpm) (ft/ft) (ft) 1,500 1.06 0.000 True 118,000 0 -1,500 1.06 0,000 True 156 0 0 0.00 0.000 True 86 0 0 0.00 0.000 True 162 0 0 Q.D0 0.000 True 23 0 0 0.00 0.000 True 151 0 0 0.00 0.000 True 134 0 EXISTING HYDRANT H-1 ON JEFFERSON STREET SOUTH OF WESTWARD HG DRIVE OPEN AT 1500 GPM Bentley WaterCAD CONNECT Edition 20160107 FIREFLOW.wtg Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [] 915f2017 27 Stenwn Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, Cr 06795 USA +1-203- page 1 of 1 755-1666 ID I Label 78 H-1 EX 155 H-2 PR FH Hydraulic Grade Pressure (ft} (psi) 351.82 83.0 362.62 87.1 FlexTable: Hydrant Table Hydrant Status Include Hydrant Emitter Length (Hydrant Elev on Zane Demand Demand Lateral Loss? Coefficient Lateral) 00 Coliecpvn (gpm) (9pmlpslAn) {ft} Vosed True 0.000 57 160.00 <None> aColleclaon:0 1,500 items> Ipen True 0.000 15 161.40 <None> <Collection, 0 0 items> MATCHES OBSERVED DATA CV W D 3-2-2017 EXISTING HYDRANT H-1 ON JEFFERSON STREET SOUTH OF WESTWARD HO DRIVE OPEN AT 1500 GPM 20160101_FIREFLOWBentley WaterCAD CONNECT EditionwIg Bentley Systems, Inc. Haaatad Methods Solution Center (10 00.00.5 ] 9/5/2017 27 5iemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203- Page 1 of 1 755-1666 Hydrant Flow Curve Detailed Report - Hydrant Flow Curve - 5 Element Details Label Hydrant Flow Nominal Hydrant Flaw 1,500 gpm Curve - 6 Hydrant/junction H-1 EK Number of Intervals 30 Time (hours) 0.000 0.000 hours I 0.000 hours Flow Pressure 0 97.0 50 97.0 100 97.0 150 96.9 200 96.7 250 96.5 300 96.3 350 96.1 400 95.9 450 95.6 500 95.2 550 94.9 600 94.5 650 94.1 700 93.7 750 93.2 800 92.7 850 92.2 900 91.7 950 91.1 1,000 90.5 1,050 89.9 1,100 89.2 1,150 88.6 1,200 87.9 1,250 87.1 1,300 86.4 1,350 85.6 1,4013 84.8 CVWD CALC'D FLOW 1000 GPM @ 91 PSI RESIDUAL ESSI ENGINEERING DATA FOR EXISTING HYDARNT FLOWS BASED UPON THE LOWER VALUES FROM FLOW TESTING. DEEMD TO BE MORE CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE Bentley WaterCAD CONNECT Edition 20160107 FIREFLOW wtg Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [10 00 00.551 9512017 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203- Page 1 of 4 755-1666 0.000 hours 0.000 hours I Flow Pressure 1,450 84.0 1,500 83.1 1,550 82.3 1,600 81.4 1,650 80.5 1,700 79.5 1,750 78.5 1,800 77.5 1,850 76.5 1,900 75.5 1,950 74.4 2,000 73.3 2,050 72.2 2,100 71.1 2,150 69.9 2,200 68.7 2,250 67.5 2,300 66.3 2,350 65.0 2,400 63.7 2,450 62.4 2,500 61.1 2,550 59.7 2,600 58.4 2,650 57.0 2,700 55.6 2,750 54.1 2,800 52.7 2,850 51.2 2,900 49.7 2,950 48.1 3,000 46.6 3,050 45.0 3,100 43.4 3,150 41.8 3,200 40.1 3,250 38.5 3,300 36.8 3,350 35.1 Hydrant Flow Curve Detailed Report - Hydrant Flow Curve - 6 DW 1500 GPM 83 PSI SIUDUAL CVWD CALC'D FLOW 1730 GPM @ 83 PSI RESIDUAL DEEMED IMPOSSIBLE TO HAVE NO PRESSUE LOSS WITH HIGHER FLOWS. USING ABOVE NUMBERS TO MATCH MODEL ESSI ENGINEERING DATA FOR EXISTING HYDARNT FLOWS BASED UPON THE LOWER VALUES FROM FLOW TESTING. ❑EEMD TO BE MORE CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE Bentley WaterCAD CONNECT Edition 20160101_FIREFLOW_wtg Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [10 00 00.55) W512017 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203- Page 2 of 4 755-i666 O.a00 hours Flow (gpm) 0.00o hours Pressure (psi) 3,400 33.3 3,450 31.6 3,500 29.8 3,550 28.0 3,600 26.2 3,650 24.3 3,700 22.5 3,750 20.6 3,800 18.7 3,850 16.7 3,900 14,8 3,950 12.8 4,000 10.8 4,050 8.8 4,100 6.8 4,150 4.7 4,200 2.6 4,250 0.5 4,262 0.0 Hydrant Flow Curve Detailed Report - Hydrant Flow Curve - 6 CVWD CALC'D FLOW 4965 GPM @ 20 PSI RESIDUAL. USING LOWER PRESSURE AND FLOW VALUES TO BE CONSERVATIVE. MID -NUMBER DEEMED NOT VIABLE WITH NO LOSS OF PRESSURE BETWEEN 1500 GPM & 1730 GPM ESSI ENGINEERING DATA FOR EXISTING HYDARNT FLOWS BASED UPON THE LOWER VALUES FROM FLOW TESTING. DEEM❑ TO BE MORE CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE Bentley WaterCAD CONNECT Edition 20160107_FIREFLOW wtg Bentley Systems, Inc Haestad Methods Solution Center 110.00-00,55) 9/5/2017 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203- Page 3 of 4 755-1666 Hydrant Flow Cure Detailed Report - Hydrant Flow Curare - 6 Hydrant Flow Curve - 6 100.0 - — 87.5 75.0 62.550.0 - at m a 37.5 25.0 12,5 f 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 Flow (gpm) ESSI ENGINEERING CURVE FOR EXISTING HYDARNT FLOWS BASED UPON THE LOWER VALUES FROM FLOW TESTING. DEEMD TO BE MORE CONSERVATIVE ESTIMATE Bentley WaterCAU CONNECT Edition 24164101_FIREFLOW.wtg Bentley Systems. Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [10.00.00-551 915f2017 V Siemon Company drive Suite 200 W Watertown. CT 06795 USA +1-203.- Page 4 of 4 755-1666 FlexTable: Junction Table ID Label Elevation (ft) zone Demand Collection Remand (gpm) Hydraulic Grade (ft) Pressure (psi) 88 3-1 24](24X8 TEE 160.00 allone> Collection: a Q 362,62 87.7 Items> 148 1-7 PALM 160.50 <None> <Cdlection: 0 0 359.72 86.2 CIRCLE DRIVE items 150 3-6 NEW 8X8X6 162.00 <Hone> <Collection: 0 0 359.72 85,5 TEE itemsa 157 3-8 PR BLDG 162.00 <Nane> ¢Collection: 0 a 305.07 61.9 items> 201 Sot 01_FI R EF LO W.wtg 9/5/2017 PROPOSED ON -SITE HYDRANT H-2 OPEN AT 1500 GPM Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Sdution Center 27 Sienm Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 00795 USA +1-203- 755-1666 Bentley WatwCAD CONNECT Edition [10 00,00.561 Page i of 1 ID Label Length (Scaled) I Start Node 112 P-1 24 DIP 121 P-2 24 DIP 151 P-6 8 ACP 152 P-7 8 ACP 154 P-8 PR 6 DIP 156 P-9 PR 6 DIP 158 P-10 PR 4 DIP Flaw Velocity Wpm) (ftls) 1,500 0 1,500 0 1,500 1,500 0 1.06 0.00 9.57 0.00 17.02 17.02 0.00 FlexTable: Pipe Table Stop Node Diameter Material (in) 186 T-2 1-1 24X24X8 TEE 132 H-1 EX 3-1 24X24X8 TEE 63 3-124X24X8 TEE �ENEW 8X8X6 211 3-6 NEW 8X8X6 3-7 PALM TEE CIRCLE DRIVE 29 3-6 NEW 8X8X6 CV-1 PR DET TEE CHECK 72 R DET H-2 PR FH CHECK 130 H-2 PR FH 3-8 PR BLDG Headloss Has User Length (User Gradient Defined Length? Defined) (ftlft) (ft) 0.000 True 118,000 0.000 True 156 0.034 True 86 0.000 True 162 0.484 True 23 0.288 True 151 0.000 True 134 24.0 I Ductile Iron 24.0 Ductile Iron 8'0 Asbestos Cement 8,0 Asbestos Cement &0 Ductile Iran 6.0 Ductile Iron 4.0 Ductile Iron Flow (Initial) (gPm) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hazen -Williams C 130.0 130.0 140.0 140.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 PROPOSED ON -SITE HYDRANT H-2 OPEN AT 1500 GPM Has Check Minor Loss Valve? Coefficient (Local) False 1.130 False 1.280 False 0.000 False 0.000 False 1.670 False 4.400 True 3.010 Bentley WaterCAo CONNECT Edition 20180101_FIREFLOW wtg Berrtley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center [10.00,00.65] 9/5/2017 27 Siemon Company drive Suite 200 W 114ttertown, CT 06795 USA +1-203- Page 1 of 1 755-1666 FlexTable: Hydrant Table ID Label Hydrant Status Include Hydrant Emitter Length (Hydrant Elevation Zone Lateral Loss? Coefficient Lateral) (ft) (gpm/psi^n) (ft) 78 H-1 EX Open True 0.000 57 160.00 <None> 155 H-2 PR FH Open True 0.000 15 161.40 <None> Hydraulic Grade Pressure (ft) (psi) 362.62 87.7 300.92 60.4 PROPOSED ON -SITE HYDRANT H-2 OPEN AT 1500 GPM 2016otol FIREFLOW wtg RerMey Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center 9/612017 27 Siemon Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06795 USA +1,203- 755-1666 Demand Demand Collection (gprn) ¢Collection: 0 0 items <Collection: 1 ftms> 11500 Bentley WaterCAa CONNECT EdrWn (10.woo.55] Page 1 of 1 Hydrant Flow Curve Detailed Report - Hydrant Flow Curve - 5 Element Details Label Hydrant Flow Nominal Hydrant Flow 1,500 gpm Curve - 5 Hydrant/Junctlon H-2 PR FH Number of Intervals 30 Time (hours) 0.000 0.000 hours Flow (9pm) 0.000 hours Pressure (psi) 0 96.4 100 96.2 200 95.7 300 94.7 400 93.5 500 92.0 600 90.1 700 88.0 Soo 85.5 900 82.8 1,000 79.8 1,100 76.4 1,200 72.8 1,300 69.0 1,400 64.8 1,500 60.4 1,600 55.6 1,700 50.7 1,800 45.4 1,900 39.9 2,000 34.0 2,100 28.0 2,200 21.6 2,300 15.0 2,400 8.1 2,500 1.0 2,513 0.0 1500 GPM @ 60.1 PSI RESIDUAL PRESSURE APPROXIMATE AVAILABLE FLOW TO ON -SITE HYDRANT @ 20 PSI RESIDUAL, 2250 GPM PROPOSED ON -SITE HYDRANT CURVE H-2 OPEN Bentley WaterCAO CONNECT Edition 20160101_FIREFLOW.w� Bentley Systems, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center 110.00 00.55] W6f2017 27 Siemon Company pave Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 06705 USA +1-203- Pape 1 of 2 755-1666 100.0 $7.5 75.0 62.5 T 50.0 N N a` 37.5 25.0 12.5 0.0 0 500 Hydrant Flaw Curve Detailed Report - Hydrant Flaw Curve - 5 Hydrant Flow Curve - 5 1,00U 1,500 Flaw (gpm) 2,000 2,500 PROPOSED ON -SITE HYDRANT CURVE H-2 OPEN Bentley WaterCAD CONNECT Edition 20160101_FIREFLOW_wtg Bentey Systema, Inc. Haestad Methods Solution Center (10,00.00.55] 91&2017 27 Sieman Company Drive Suite 200 W Watertown, CT 08795 USA +1-2M Page 2 of 2 7S5-1S68 ;. Domestic Water System Flow Analysis Coachella Valley Water District 75515 Hovley Lane East Palm Desert, CA 92211 Domestic Water System Flow Analysis (Hydraulic Model) Requested By: E551 ENGINEERING Date: 3/2/17 Address: 77S70 SPRINGFIELD LANE, STE. C APN: 600-070-012 Req. Fire Flow: 15ODgpm at 20psi for2 hours. Palm Desert, CA. 92211 Contact Name: ARTGARDNER Project Name: CONTOUR DERMATOLOGY Phone: 760-772-8400 Email. amgeng@dc.rr.corn Cell: 1 760-834-5627 Domestic Water System HYDRANT LOCATED SOUTHWEST OF WESTWARD HO DRIVE AND JEFFERSON STREET FOR Flow Analysis location: COUNTOUR DERMATOLOGY, La Quinta, GEO 5-7-29-1, PZ 17-7859 Model information Flow Analysis Description CVW' Domestic Water Hydraulic Model Requested Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Flow Domestic Elevation (Ft): 63 63 63 63 None system flow available without exceeding Steady State, Dynamic (psi). 97 97 97 97 Residual Pressure (psi): 91 83 83 20 Fire Flow Tested {gpm): 1,000 1,500 1,730 4,965 N/A CVWD's Combined Total: N/A criteria. Tested Model Junction: 67144 Duration: 3 hours Demand Conditions. ESP Peak Day Demand (PDD) Reservoir No./Level (s): R6630/(281) Pumps On Lower La Quinta, 235' Pumps Operating No's: Pressure Zone and HGL: Model: ESP 2015 Domestic Water Hydraulic Model (24hr) Comments: Multilple domestic water hydraulic model simulations were performed at the requested location. There is an existing 12-Inch and 24-inch diameter domestic waterlines along Jefferson Street. The domestic water system is capable of providing 1,730 gpm for 3 hours that satisfies CVWD's minimum pressure, velocity, and/or head loss criteria's. It should be noted, that these simulations may not include all facilities that may be required for this development and/or project. Finally, the theorical flow required to drop the residual pressure to Za psi is about 4,965 gpm. These results are based on hydraulic modelling and not a guarantee that CVWD's'domestic water system will have the capacity to supply water to the project at the flows or pressures indicated. It is important to note that the capacity of the on -site fire system, meters, service lines, backflow assemblies and other appurtenances were not considered in this analysis, which may alter actual flows or pressures. Due to continuous changes in the system, CVWD only considers this system flow analysis valid for six months from date of modelling/analysis. These system flow analysis comments are for plan check purposes only. The ultimate design responsibility resides with the Engineer -of -Record for this Project. 5hould you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (760) 398-2661, ext. 2511. Completed By: Date:' Page 1 of 1 ENG D5-016 (8/31/15) ___----_____------------------------------------------------------------------------------------__, � I 1 I 1 WESTwPRO _ j Na j DRIVE j I HIGHWAY 1 HGI�U �vGY Dl •• e..• a 'ice Ra �•• � N a r W Q � • r' • 1"{ 1�'{ld 3 It1 I I SCALE OAR IN FEET: o t:~ 40 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fiQQ CiDX=M0N NOW & 0UAN TTRES WrIMAU IN THE. CITY OF LA QUINTA. RIVERSIDE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA s PRECOE QRWDflMG & PAWMQ PLAH SDP 201"807} THE CONTOUR DERMATOLOGY�WCES IN THE NW 1/4 ❑F' SECTION 2S. T5S. R71;, SBI( D rwE ae<,rE .oar a,a rm r y . � © oacwwr r ssae a YNRIR rp au srn ovc ml fe v ]rFC!}Y�: [�p' iG{i' Mre O poEewl r m[ b' ernes [ire ra e10 W Me rw eS! r Pn 5°vrcr � ✓' �• ` � � enrefnRf r a owt,c d.Eer entaee ra yenta na[a. wa r c.�m Awrdx [rw rp ttxi v � �� _ I ���°�°n�', a3R •�,�n Ir�vk � +e a�sn p+[r<u z�n a•'erlom �nem,,r [nn ra. vrar.o mue � wol kaMwwplpe in v � r+atr� I . �P7E fA k. 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Eve .• oa , p 1 Qr .rso,u e' wi Am eh n o. srw,r yaw rx t. rtaNcp enws v Ir '_ - _ QrmrY. r a nc caw rt ulE w +n.vty wwa .w w y+w;w.ti[nro-�r�Ef.�E''a a Ivr m�O"�u e� �rawi e't ♦• a rG+a'A. InpiW a [II r nmu, Apnu , G 1' y a s� er. 4n N>bw rAe we r.A El1M77E OF EARIXWOIV[4UAHiR1E&�wy .°etwie oa".rs,u o. .rao we eYx r w a M :rK uNM ;M X,.ip e ergwiru m�e�`�°"m.c,n"'�"i'wnr'�' �emr oxw� rwa IwiEnm fr M pTM5 WlRpr d .S K,oEfYw9 !r m[ 1Ws aGYIN v'ww y IK �w E � as n, ar°�mnw.�00'.I.i° sr�w wartwa. rwmEs nwrc s SYa¢pYwr IritY.[rpa! rre'�r!4r nlree m nrt rn-0nwwt O< apwl piY+tn 2',XMT�r.N.11ktpr prRllO. M[ m4inrcid 4fur Oy4=�w mE neap S Or M N. SRCIWIn r{Yruarwp[ >m ?wPcn ip pLE.r..an.rsratE n[ nXN:avn N.iwpwr u nc rra-ui[3 .. ro �f��w,erw I SErA IK. H2OW e � Callan row yrr dfy. 1 urrel 'I 1 ��•�•S" i 1 _ _ Ij ' f 1 r t7o, dM➢NaNlr'r of air w u w1R. v. rn• INe..o rvtw�,oi a.sa�P.'mrer� �°i r ro r' �wx mx� ro � _ name "... ertar,wr an,.n s..ac Yrw.e m �a.k u� ��,n �� wa w r Ma awr,...ml 4 puc w.ari.•.. Xrn ,x E ricer rG al�nK,c. y�Xw.M d.r.y[ prvriwq iPINr.Xr I�I..l[ Wr.r>t vrw rp pyY, n[�eL� m .� w .' d >ir Rnu ax a w wrxw.pom a ne iau wrn�v N�y+w, � wrr� a er4 1bWryvy.i w >rf'.k1F �CFn4u FLf wrorr. e.wr a r wvr n.o m mn,rwm • lwrrr w r r,w .IE m tr x im uuw�.. �m_•I.r ual_w_n r .c rAa..r _wvan .s •eop.� wry. rcrl.i.wu._ _. rrn - -rw'i rat d rwv is=*aa ravn.m W als :sn�rn wv mx a vwa � ,.Y.. e m .vac rye I euav" b "Irvyy v 1raf�oFLon�`mn' k A,IPr ke.10V�� e•.�Y[p�lrpop �o ci l�nwr�N�w�'sp p_ir3rea� vmYR _ _ _ _ r eew6 tlai >w,a �JEFFERSON STREET L � �W�al rs,�l. w-aSaero le IP11R1JC $iREE7I ��.+trp oa.,r: '+ti ■ a, n nra., wa rx wnpv afu .•r.a �.- y i. � JRRr�i4�dy� r+ya[p ny Ya,]o4 4 marMr rM1l fa, Y'� PAR '.R.r-,®• ..p A r'a � [ sri r[ � Ip ms,rr, .r{ yrrq{i xp M Y. MF CCtR. f ,�illC M1 pq0 P lr M err. PYr INRCY L fLtf'a'TfflN 1La� a ..M ro- a1Yrlerc S.eEr , � ray eNm r nau u7'11A7"f Pl1iz4,',�jjg; c - .evx�,�r 'wc s e.e.c n.w enin�.,a.: wrm mnrr YtR ] - 1rlYiw N4Vwr 4.SW a rAww 1'w. [nglre-Deg 1cR e - ew.L men use T[ c4 wNwh R�!]iw rise _ IVmr �wXC.tlarr.41 [iwjia„F 'c'rm,vr'v�M lwi.areraev DgHER jAFPLICAFIT_ r'u` ,��-u,r rx y ru�u��u� Nlrn ��rt'P�5➢$�S PARCEL NITA�ER rd >w r err rµ uxirr, a: rm�'�nrue is ➢ISEURem AREA _ ' Irevi'rl-Sk! wr,EE [wejrra-ssn ru .mr.f}In Y, �.s K .&t50DiESE- CITY REFERFNf:E. D1iC'3 M+sK ce r� W Ira'�pi � YerYTlm IIIf_ yuc ti' aqn; �hmt ' Nrler rbOf% G ltllt Rne+�i�nw rF ki � �- R-awe IN []ae]m-rrpl � ior4 y a rru! m : w.� wn. 1X41YAO „lor pAR.R1cC sPCf.�AiAr aaert �,.m,-. a, f}h9�q DP E[6nRIN�; pw.® rn. , PkR iswlle � - a r. �� vyQ wu �Ti � �r •R Pr Brew KN\ [..eeri Ce Te i,.. r+eK suM-w �h[ [,LWa li 1 .Nca`z , >< rr c Y.wa a roe ,K ..elwn waz Ir[�e�q l�rG �I�A �u:C+➢L �I!!I.cL Irw�ap e�a.� mirk m ry ewe X rll�LY F L r +... ar Iwr wr lHCHITECT� ��/y,yy� neER _ �s�rwa� vc[ C •. rnmrr�lsar,.rci pro,rr>-z!n rar _ LAN83CAFF ARCFITEP.CT i ✓,w a�""i r� rur'ime UZAL DES RC 1PMV .�r Iwn THDMA8 FIRO.B REFERENCE::�: -' xw N rKe w,a cap ,_, Irl. mrwc 4 1 i SITE .r.4 rf.m��w! �p Wf WrMprf[IeM. fm Y __- arm �ray.rpw o,icrs m.nuNwecalt - � { VICINITY FfAP rceral•Y.1 � fau :ar4El. t Gw pwnvr�'� Xrs SEAS ®_ ��� tir• I I �rCf^_I NGINFERING I[�RLTm�ufa�wn➢YVRRW NnnY f LE u�u.� r�blb�O�jyL�ie rsq a r6w:nm 3ER1F1N �N�• IrY"`w.a"rx.,v., :r�w"`f,r.r�r..:'�a7.x nppen� ".a"'"�..c r.•r..s< �,�w w r.a _ wnFrYn' w4 viwi crreelw ro lun �HNMk' n wakxr Nnarrarp rvs � � �� r�vl� luu¢ • v.ra,Y ]RAu Ninr rAeYr Eae 4mo.ei [IC eVe fe NMrd u � fNii mf M1?� gale u Y�sv r— r �® s• is ur wme MI-r�..or TMd e'mairEf .uwYrr rang .,.a+Y�s rue fu rMtxn. r�.5 wa�.rlP T.IL TeNlf !d W rmr satW-tom iuun! we ,cr T�lrrf IVS6 9arSnr d rr.r+4M1 e. rr�uri M1 MY rrvlarr �aW �tryetlrt „Y`ne ,Iw � [C.11ae4e r Y wadi rl:xi raewu . i anR.az m .""r'er"e.rm •r. '" ,.,.. w r� �r r,o.n: t— Ne r.r_w � HL v4a.n9.5 r�l.rr � air,s, �m ��,orc• t �mm �. rR nar oA.arry >aresk.,awY r .u..uv vw rc. r�r.a• arx »mt+r rlwr ra, +.E warwown w rand . ,v m .vtt-cove rK,wos ♦ame, pereae+a rXu eeeel rNeasr'n lower .nx .a r .wn. 41wr. i,e •e.'!re WI mr�uK .A. bw n� m[�efleiti S.OI4 `EHY Ili C�fi2dElS9S1<� almrr ,m! RAlr+.n nrs Tyr wIR Yr.3 .nn eaAean.t[ nrr� rtvc�.�urR R � 1 r M rr-a•nr. ,-,r wrwlie .xax win �-n-rrr '�+� clw, errrz � w�,�i�CCE . w.tli}Splt]!ss••1sH dKe i�9}HS-131A iu SNEEl Ii. r"r wui� PFTCM GRADING A[ PAVING PLAN THE ORTO[IR DERYFTOEDGY MICE$ SDP M16-0007 COVER SHEET ry .B orr: II lil I N I Wkz 43ff4f 1 .R w« .., a° t I ItaiSI9 ; RR a we rramt ski -- O n..><A . auvc mycR rirvar V r�Cr�[ iJL [pM'KRd 1p pg , ■ �p � 'r�'i w+ srr +r*n a[� caeca a� rwi . ntl' s r.t° xr ov,na : � - Q � . tmuuc osnre aana,c mst ^ ama YR IE xw xm 1f - ¢s e'er °ew�tlrc ri.w a rwrr .¢ .,,t„� mel..c. e• wa a wnu ra m my we m� S i R - @ 1 nxaar[C,uaa °nwe a sear a sd ®.s � Irk .. O i � A„ � i^.yp - .. 4 •_ •� � m�sawo a' nA[ V w.aRa a.a rca nn sn .re plc � a_an�+oe ee ' rr. n• nen. I, frT SE , •- - - 1R xellar s'a�a • Itr sa.m 'e'� �1 � � �.• ve moor Gkw a�.an,l'P au.f ti rae ,r ! ! I � �r3 � . -+ I -' -------' ---- - - - - _� �-.... - - - - - ° - ii1 eo°�aa,• a,rA ar m++aart a.,oar ar. r ,I . I _ - �•m � ro�i *xeit [AOi hm we srwan, A li i � � ��@�• 'I L J j� `� - 3�{�ex - - �c f aW�www�naa 6 T I �1✓� �k� � " � � we - --—�-.6:-�-_ - -+lr- _ ' _�_L ,9� � .._ --- - r�'� im .n ��y�an�iagar so-oi e-t«+�o III f n , � � � f d � � } , � i -- 3 ik e36; J � = �' °J =+s ai,a �rw.i m m� `nv� � r o.A ,:• m r�n'c� a III I e ou s � I I I ® I! I I �•r} �'rsa � I 1 $ � ^�aa � -a©wsevx .a.a.m orae nas H. n, says . m aas t.e �. � li i � � � i�•ncgl � ��rt.7 -- - ' - �-- - - 1 - - -_ . � - .9 � a lVrisr� = � - � IQ eesaucr rVc w+w.t aaa, aaa tarn tea, a � n,.,,r � �.w:c new . m�`cM rc: raw•,�a•cs .r rir,w,e ..»� . � �., ; II I h+ r , „• , L I.,y_r �r Lt r {ewmr IhpEar ds�r Ik W4K 71 yj I _ * ' `'�' d'� „�� $. � !� �.ewa ,a• n w sa.r .wr.at u-,x u....oaa [aua r e1{ .w ewe. m u { alC nwr a ixn., mn L+^2 ©"eL r,.+ni nos nn.ci srnw .a °eo-a war , a'. anWq Krt.� d 13f R] ro �v ra xv r� cs-r nrs ' , � • `-• I �� � V Cvni.e R4 a aenxwm v �f¢ Mk ac[r jI 1yw_ II `r 1 �� • �"'i �rwrt .•..R r�..e avu n�.4 w1 earn oar s 3 � � LL sw , � � :Wr �w•r � - - I, �� retm w.we.E *sm SbM W wawm muu I II I' g ❑ _ --- LL3 it 9 1..1 F- �L '°" �,.RLo 'r ■ i.. r'_ i ' + .oxiwn :u `. rain R,ry ,[� wr..„ Zrm• 9w Im +n'7 1 � I' ♦f � • Q U � g� � I � ��' �n � o�[rMa C+ wo �� �i .4rN. 1' w aerGr twad ¢x.[� r.1 n fww,rt�n.w y11 II; Iys 3 1 �„ya 1 ^ ra' nCr�[ ! ©rwn. can a ,ucrc Im wra xcx �? i � .7 , I __-___ s rt� ro urasn. a I __ NS �! N v ' ' i I' {• r - - I - - _ -wmu nw.rz"ar oil • � -----� �I ... ,w, , , � i � I a — '© � —.—.._ — =tea-- _ --4T •�- xs .. to ae.�i �,.-__ ��_ _ ! I. —_ _ - - - ig ,•� I'$�r..'°>ti.-F'� ,a .arse`° urvcan rw _ cn �� ` I I i f g 'A � ,v: _ � 3�' L'1_nrrr axs�r.� 'A r. x'.•�1 ;III � S � `, � .• �..,�� ,�.. `�`' - �.� � . __-_� � �. � � + � > i � • �� :� - ___---_'_ -� ----- _ -` _ YAv14e a [Inl � � �__�FPSr I > ' �tl M I I I `�•�• (grat Tw.c smawe ' � •� .w�uesl • Lw = JEFFERSON STREET [PUBUC STREET) — E5${ § nawaar�wmoule anac r .ems "` r s curJENGINEERING ;,ul r� cvrriro aMn�uioc orYr� ices aaaw . P lB-pUp7 NORTH PAF�tING LOT vau erw e""p P. L 111 0 own . rrwis. [ri-+o rc rvn4nr I 1Y l u; W ; tl 4aGLLSi�I� I y f��Ip' e'1 I r j � � i p!SEE SHEET 2 �, savor a carer. � casecc awe .arm. P I I I !I * as aaaRn� 4 V I � eaeT.,er rrc ro• .v.rw or,. ,a, av =m vrc err i. rry � lL ® .e.raC°A°�'e.a•r ecaamO4"rae°erR�u'� .,r.,,er ror .._. I ° INp � � � � S� I 'i ° , �I . � III I I i >< ma rw rrxal { >n O cor -r---- � ox�wa•'r R' .er rc ewwe rear vmoY am r caarin Ycaran. lav ra .tirT rw xra rx� s , µ rc U `-t7 y © a• r .,....-., er.: vwu raxcLrt war �.._..-.� Y� � m � � ' ! � Ei) _Lu 1 e1 :i; Avon xw ,r «a a urea ii LL a § + LL cnm.ar v1° Rry ruenc nrcc ra ttYa MIR 5 ! W .., V -{ Rf u� IrI 1 ��� .• vuaAs era, rn.°.r .r.. e< grvfu,r ef,r, . �. � I n .. _ _ - - �. - � : r a, ...nc n. nnrs sir rr Y.rR.� enx. `aV y_ e•µ j �% I r b+++ ��� i -ppp�- ,. w�J W', f . �3rs.0 r w.aa .-[> ear, ew ur vR Arnvm rvv 1 �r 'rr � a I -. �ii _ , I e � � �----�•� �' �' �' I + � � '+ t'i aw 0NTrwa"""sn,s °awr,vmeamrasl'?n y a aAa r w.a ..fss a., a,v.c�aa mx>Yrtrc e I `II II j a� ' ��� I I � • � I .----••-m°srt' *�F I °ctewr � � 1 �� � �� /` i� FF 62A0 p.rtiycsw anzirxnrasane+dsoa e illl I �!, �: PE 61.50 aL ta.-b-v gent {�w,.r {- M>ZwM tIWnR rP e� em oee sti ' {� • � }�JI $ �' a�! � I �i'•9-w�� 1 � 1 , f .. vela macs m ne'+u , A' rRR+ ua br er,C rta m xro I r. r Yrrr rr er..w.o� r4rxvr I � ��� U i Is I ii I'� .. � •,. -- m� � t - a ® �.s�mm frc .,a w.se us ad w r,rwwm rofw _ a_ _ J ._ � �. - � � { F � i q� v �1 nve ruwv ,o Rep,. a' oenaon cwa cn ra oev ar ', I � ', ' I` II [ Y �. . f'•, e�, mnAv°Ra L�FIR[ enmv. m vane, m @ I � ii L.en Darr o�.v �w+arwr N.e .ew. ..ttaa w.vro r.°c �.� eaetcd w,x 1Rrut dLa i II'. li ' 1 II , x C�,. n i{S°4 �• I .. , 1 •� '1 •1. LCs [ ee1 RI.. see p I,, 11, j , I it Y• i � ®v. r LF I �� ' •, " I ' 1 + Qwimti9 mnr""` eo.., rs ,xe .�e,aA [y.ao �r4,wa °' P � ne x nx Y no • ]-ie = nn ILVrCa • 3 i 6� � a �6 i+l i1 �.+ I I r1 I I ' I �% � ` � _ � . _ _ � - ✓� ^�'. .-` i�., � � �— � — _ ` 1 L 'L. [ 8 � e� I � �� � pl II oil ..a..• � }, � [i:(P,r� � ' � - — -' - � � / 1i, Qninir rRr rw_a n! a• n e �,pRnLl- rq Rti r n pram 1 �I u V Y - [.mom wf [�y� �/��'Rn eYorues RUs+e.N lfR wRO fN 9�4 �M i I �I II I i j ?�al� ci�nR+fa•M. ~ ---—_•�1•,i � � ii-------- �----------- O rIST41 ourm aniewl , III [� ` tY .II `.°'_=eRm ' y C}�rsr,.. , �• as rYs ee. w .nen fra a wAnm raw v.r � I i',lrigC i I 'b• �� � � — '- - ^ �- r `yl s n.rr Q r,.eme rmc wee,. rra w m..,re rur • •1�Ny^^ I u.nrar uc _ - -- - — �nRl �Lm+cr "%~ \ � 1Q• w J f �SIiL \ -- -- --^----------- p'+Ya,.0 I' W rW c•rm Act uia. nMre'xm Earr e-. nP � „1 � �-- _ --_ __ _ ____�__ -_ _!~~. _ _ _ . rrsrasra:e� �'_rotir+cr����II'=-....________________.________���` - vDRIVEPALM n , +— - 1 r n T S R 7 TR ET I H w uaenr. � II n J� -- ' I �------�ti; C d. -------------------- � �rM1 ------------------ -- ------- �-- �----"--' ��-_- -----�-----�- ------ ---- --- -- 'R--�--{ JLPN WDIPWIM `_ __ ' f l R I /Y •. n L,ulr°eed .`rsr rrv'evcw 10MO H LOT m ■ „.� B 41 a. a E55i _ENGINEERING PrrEclsE s xoie�oaifHc MOM µ 'THE CONTOL' nERLATWACr 4iF1C�t1 oeeMm Pa`. M aaaf atvra a x SOUTH D PARKING Lfl'!' e Carl O.Ter� Yau d1O. :.Y ��f�N 9F•! .uHwe r GR �>p l�rar-PPP[e ,2JJil1T° nc w•a� w ldlr iMn Ium MI, Ecax, ufo[-co O Si _ iE. mRie>i ri a Lui rpE+ rn a mu=m= Er wvlEa ru es urn - csew C2•�'�Y� � r O rn.RatT .• m . enne .a ne s,e me ar 1 "�� � marr* e' nx V PuavEn a� Ecn vly P[D we Elv >a Eex � c ansa. ia� � wlnL,n owe , wr.® LnSc w¢ vmr n .� — - , (x�NrTN`• Lv I.ETrx. EC vw us Pawac xr..m aT..� na ..c[ or rPPaP.so mAa Q x6T w YNRUE Kn aTAu nr 9KCr W NCO 1 ®EgTuy xn r1Ni xlu DE1.4s alc to MMxm [oAC T _ t• I(dl.eou cE+ANn,r rEw vn,NLs wEs uru w n,aa.Eo EwE �. A nys ph eE sa0 .w Df> a LMET - - - �"1 w1 r H. "•� .r ,o r,a ...ec xE.TMk PM d K' tl0N' fmfii urM iw nEw,aar 1 u � le M p*OL Of >«E la,u Iwa[ [Psc '-�� +Q x.srnu r f+ rLr fL0 x nE . nc . a-Yx . ne Aawmn �I � - �- •� - - � ` � _ INSKOTION MANHOLE DETAIL - PLANViEW 5u-e-xee i.rE arl Ovu�n.Dfa-"+aE nr°�`wxrt ,�`a��wn®n�� rs� rs7 +o. era I �.>R►! _ � _ � _ —� _ � -Y:$ 'S� Li+re.ETE coww �a' � • '" • []•R w..s aEEro,rw aoA . r,. xol c,.e s10 fRe „_,ex �_ VV «� GRAPHIC SCAlB 0. I I r 11 >r PH paSD A a,. DD REFlE— [.J r Lr. �x ,,xe a• Fx :r„"E aD+.avE wn� .NTn -niece rRNE ww n..a m a ,La,..• w r=.:r,-e sb u� _- ,, ®�.�•.wT a- W xAc c-rA f1A[ W of Y[oAL fOna O-a �� v _ � ti� Tt' iwu0A1CA tLG R1 . p •rAD[or (Rc�wl . (,I s Rcw ww a._ZK LLr.v v.i,YC r�u a.aolm Rb" "�nin � — ��� '¢.a-'���ie r n,owsi: � J . X. X � r iaE uRETu ADS NOTES I. A A0Wtb•K-- TO Cui! 14 , I13' 0l H1Y. CLEAN M1OEAOfd111Y0 YN:r�EDy FAE PEA RTM QG 1xl 'STPNdWQ PLyCR II . AL1A11p OF THFAYOPIASIC P.PE FCR SEaER5 .W7 EIGHfT Z0.' 13PLIGTWG-, N'¢' ElMQ Ipl - - �yy J 2. - AW em :r ORCON =H L CC s/•'rALYEO H N"rr hS1Y D2121- uiEEF EpNON MD RE•1Lf+x10S' l uunll.LNRER'S PufuEKD 11r"414,10N WIC4vE5. I 1 Dj Ma r m�E 3- MGSLWES • . 1LQ EE f.Rl1 }D PPE4Ai THE YICA411p1 DP I!A} .� USE 9EC,{ftll WlC19rL UNDERGROUND STDR WATER r1 i-[®Y�. aF wa YH a RTRE rarer • GEpLFj11LE -+WIC LEVY RE u5E0 45 °�14-AED 5x nrt EWMEEIL 10 PHEAll 1LK NW - 9F SECTION A A HATry wIL mo HE SELE[T Ei• -TERu ilrES FRpEE THE STORAGE CHAMBERS INSPECTION MANHOLE DETAIL i � 5 ['�9p� 1M ATE 114 T—H E1—N IS LaC'i40rE, THE NNiRILTi]R • L E } A1E 10 A I H KWITEO W THE f1RY EER - j Ppq,Kfr�m •�EI(tyLE WrEM aSRECIFKO B THE.AS AN k1EaWlni AND IE THE 05C OP ME Cf ICI Er INEW, AND LHE x[L .' _H lOrrOy y,5v BE V-1E0 UAIEIIIE ENIlR'AL ua-C-1000 im0 rtuvt 6 5w K ABE µE :- Ou xx 1[iYpNRY.Yu ET FN RETE ACNIRA x Irk'' � E01/u["QUIpI 10W .M1D rk401 NU.M—D B1Hc4HP QFOMdI� HYW,E]8 EMYL R[ i'm4-2-' kILsm) F0N•-OY ryMA](UVELL NOTES xm PSWrwN,[5T � I- Mw a`=U- SORu3EE .1M. J— r l-S 1 { .- QN NIH. CLCM WS• W ROC61 IN TW PIPE 2ONC WTU&NO Flo, LETS WTs i1uN s xY1�r1E J"N APE. 1W EwRu[TOR SnQ,L fK Drq( DOCiIYp,EAROH fOR W,CRYr.. rt wTtlN TO M4RR fuRitAl 6WutfE�M�Yfi M+"a�. r urvrxE ,ww; 1 v[s •x rtx 1R wx-. NJ M � m w 9pq wNC N]K CIl.9/r ,rt' rr SWLL EK 116T/ClID REEK w H A wP I. LATCST E➢IIIOH. CD Y%][v e. ,_..E,,,,, r�„i.. wGwYUY evflr Wsn hLE �vrt17N n,'sEE1fs H W`L-1LrA1HIE. .e t,Qr rme.Lrx• " N,.�D uTQRs xA,m PL x cae.raw .ae .DEA xQ.E L•.1r W,NL Lnr 4M,1 a/-d pE' d "Aas APPW..E fbsN,e CA W,¢Ya,PL NRaTi 6 lx• INtlY fOp of pP6 1a G1�lIg0 wRFKL INO TDYH CuiP YAi Q[ PEQuflLO tt1 er.�T ©uri MM Ln rnus; PAE'x R fW{uTCN. FAN iREEEC WPNGi,W T nR1011n CP4R Is ]- Ob 1n !{- ONYFfIR PIPE aw xf' a curer .a+ 1Y• - eti OL•uET+ P1PE wAs'_[�Q FitlLL � Apy�TO 8Gi0Y FC{'�9E fLSt11VEr r'A Tfi 1� CF R[O oATTMELF. wi Lx.•_ Ih' p�pe11. ` .-i I uiErAL _ _. 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YG YLRN r os'rlces PIMP a B F,lr r SPRINKLER, FIRE ALARM MONITORING SYSTEM PLAN CHECK: DESIGNED BY: Comtron Systems, Inc. 41-651 Corporate Way Suite 6 Palm Desert, CA 92260 OWNERS: EJ La Quinta, LLC CIO Contour Dermatology Timothy Jochen, M.D. 42-600 Mirage Road Rancho Mirage, CA 92270 FOR: Contour Dermatology 46-080 Jefferson Street La Quinta, CA 92253 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Orr Builders 39-301 Badger Street Suite 300 Palm Desert, CA 92211 This has an Occupancy Rating of B for a Single Story Building Fully Sprinkler Fire Monitoring System Fire Alarm System Designed per NFPA 72 NEC 2016 with California Amendments, CFC 2016 with California Amendments, CBC 2016 with California Amendments Po. $ox 13470 PALM DESERT, CA 92255-3470 (760) 776-881 FAX (760) 341-5971 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The Fire System is based on the installation of the f panel oneywell Vis32FB Control Panel. This 12 volt, 8 zone control has an integrated digital communicator, and will be equipped with a supervised AES wireless communication system. The Vis32FB is U.L. Listed Power LLimited, and meets all NFPA 72 requirements. This system is designed to provide sprinkler water flow and supervisory signal service in accordance with NFPA 72, sec. 26 2016 Edition. LLocal notification is also transmitted to our U.L. approved monitoring facility. LUpon sensing of visible or invisible particles of combustion, the respective devices shall cause an indication of alarm to be received by the fire alarm control panel. The panel shall cause all indicating devices to Loperate. The respective zone shall be identified at the panel and an appropriate signal shall be transmitted to the receiving monitoring facility for disposition in accordance with NFPA 72, sec. 17 2016 Edition. -Upon leak or flow of water of 10 gallons per minute, the flow switch shall close with the respective device causing an indication of alarm to be received by the fire alarm control panel. The panel shall cause all indicating devices to operate. The respective zone shall be identified at the panel, and appropriate signal shall be transmitted to the receiving station for disposition in accordance with NFPA 72, sec. 17 2016 -Edition. LUpon movement of a fire protection system control valve from an open position, and during the first two revolutions, an indication of an alarm shall be interpreted by the fire alarm control panel and appropriate Valve Tamper signal Lshall be transmitted to our U.L. central Monitoring Facility for disposition in accordance with NFPA 72, sec. 17 2016 Edition. LThe occurrence of any trouble of any nature such as circuit wiring break or ground fault occurring in the devices or wiring associated with the protective signaling system shall cause a (distinctive signal to be received by the fire alarm Lcontrol panel, and a appropriate signal shall be transmitted to our U.L. Central station facility for disposition in accordance with NFPA 72, sec 17 2016 Edition. The owner shall be responsible for maintaining required L utilities so as to provide for the continuous operation of the protection system. this shall include dedicate primary power supply by means of a dedicated branch circuit with suitable { lockout NFPA 72, sec 10 2016 Edition. LAll exposed wiring shall be protected from physical damage and shall be installed within appropriate raceway within 7 feet of j the floor per NEC 760, 2016 Edition. MONITORING FACILITY Monitoring Central Station provided by tristar located 1255 Granite Dr. Corona, CA. 92877 U.L. listing number UL# 278564-001 File # S3564-1 SYSTEM WIRING: catalog numbers #204-18-1-2j with FPLR type insulation #204-18-1-4j with FPLRS type insulation #202-14-1-2j with THWN type insulation SYSTEM POWER: ,_Power is provided by a 16.5 VAC 40 VA transformer that is internally fused. The A.C. transient suppressor and 3 point spark gaps. Primary 120 volt power will be a dedicated circuitry ANNUNCIATION: LAnnunciation is accomplished through the use of the 6160CR annunciator. This Keypad provides an English Ldisplay of the system status at all times. This includes alarm and trouble by zone, low battery, and failure to communicate. 1 VISUAL INDICATION: (1) Alarms are displayed as FIRE with a zone description as to the origin of the alarm. IE: Water Flow ,Smoke Detector, Manual. Pull. (2) System Trouble is displayed as TROUBLE with a zone description as to the origin. (3) Supervisory alarms are displayed as SUPERVISORY with a zone description as to the origin. IE: OS&Y, PIV AUDIBLE TONES: (1) Trouble: Buzzer (2) Fire Alarms: High Pitched Temporal Three Bell Tone (3) Supervisory: Buzzer DISPATCHER ACTION (1) Trouble: Alarm Company Runner to respond (2) Fire Alarms: Fire department to respond (3) Supervisory: Alarm Company Runner to respond n I f I Series 202 at I Fire Protective WIRE & CABLE CORP. Power-Lunited Fire Protective Circuit Signaling Cable Manufactured In Accordance YLUnderwriters with UL Subject 1424 and Laboratories lnc.G)- The N.E.C.1990, Article 760 Listed Type FPL Sections 760-51 (f) & 760-53 (c) ATLAS UL File W E 95962 Catalog Number Nominal Weight Standard Stock Number of Cord's C.D. Lbs t MFt Colors #16 AWG Solid Cabled and Jacketed 2a2-18-1-2J 2 .160 17 Black, Red 202-18-1-4J 4 .185 30 Black, Red, White 202-18-1-6J 6 .209 43 Red, White 202-15-1-BJ 8 .235 55 Real 202-18-1-10J 10 - . .258 68 Red 202-18-1-12J 12 .279 80 Red 202-18-1-16J 16 .316 105 Red #16 AWG Solid Cabled and Jacketed 202-16-1-2J. 2 .182 24 Red 202-16-1-4J 4 .212 43 Red #14 AWG Solid Cabled and Jacketed 202-14-1-2J ' 2 .208 35 Red 202-14-1-4J 4 .350 75 Red #12 AWG Solid Cabled and Jacketed 202-12-1-2J 2 Color Code sm Tattle V .320 . 57 -Red Pnoe 32 State of Califomia State Fire Marshal Approval plumber 71 SG-972-1 DO VISTA-32FB COMMERCIAL PARTITIONED FIRE AND BURGLARY ALARM CONTROL PANEL Designed to integrate seamlessly with CCTV, access control and Honeywell's full range of fire and burglary components, the new VISTA-32FB provides the ultimate protection of life and property. The UL Listed commercial fire and burglary control panel supports up to two partitions and up to 32 zones/points using hardwired, wireless and V-Plex" addressable technologies. A diverse line of Honeywell FEATURES • Supports addressable V-Plex access control points using VistaKey (One to Four doors) • Supports eight hardwired zones, 24 V-Plex addressable pointsfzones, or 32 wireless points/zones • Can control two separate areas (partitions) independently • Stores up to 512 events and can accommodate 75 user codes • Easily programmed and maintained with newly upgraded Compass Downloader Software Honeywell Now ULS64 Sth Edition Approved initiating devices, notification circuits, communication devices, keypads. RF receivers and relays are also supported. The VISTA-32FB has been designed to mount quickly and easily. • Automatic smoke detector sensitivity maintenance testing + Commerclal Wireless Fire and Burglary • Notification Appliance Circuits (two): - Programmable - Individually silenceable • Carbon monoxide (CO) zone support (Rev 5 and higher) + Programmable on -board auxiliary relay • False alarm reduction features: - Exit error logic - Exit delay reset - Cross zoning - Call waiting defeat Recent close report + Supports commercial hardwired, addressable V-Plex polling loop and wireless zones • Listed to UL864 gth Edition (Rev 5 and higher) VISTA-32FB COMMERCIAL PARTITIONED FIRE AND BURGLARY ALARM CONTROL PANEL ADDITIONAL FEATURES • Hardwired zones - Provides Trine style B hardwired zones - EOLR supervised for Fire and UL burglary installations - Supports N.O. or N.C. sensors - Individually assignable to one of eight partitions - Up to 16 two -wire smoke detectors each on zone one and two {32 total) • Patented addressable V-Plex polling loop technology - Supports up to 24 two -wire V-Plex zones/points - Global polling technology for faster processing - Supervised by panel - Individually assignable to partitions, notification circuit (bell) output or aux relay - 4,000 ft. capability without the use of shielded cable - Extender/Isolation bus modules - Two -wire smoke detector zone/group expansion module adds two or four zones - Eight zone - Class A and B extender module - Eight zone - Class B extender module - One zone supervised contact monitor module • UL Listed wireless expansion - Supports up to 32 wireless zones/ points using 5881 ENHC or 5883H Receiver - Supervised by control for check -in signals - Tamper protection for transmitters - Individually assignable up to eight partitions - Supports wireless smoke detectors • Event reporting • Local printer for access or VISTA related event Honeywell • Up to four doors using VistaKey V-Plex Access Control • Stored events for one call retrieval • Communication - Panel operation during download - Split/Dual Reporting Applications The VISTA-32FB control is well suited for a variety of applications as an integrated fire and burglary control, Some of the applications supported are; medical and professional buildings, churches or synagogues, office buildings, schools, strip malls, residences and factory or warehouse environments. Installation The VISTA-32FB alarm system has been designed to mount both quickly and easily, it meets all applicable requirements for UL commercial fire and burglary installations. SPECIFICATIONS Electrical • Primary power: 18VAC 0 72VA ADEMCO No. 1451 • Quiescent Current draw: 300mA • Backup battery; -12VDC, 7AH min to 34AAH max - Lead acid battery (gel type) • Alarm power: 12VDC, 1.7A max for each notification (bell) circuit output • Aux. standby pwr: 12VDC, 1 A max • Total power: 2.3A at 12VDC, 3.AA at 24VDC from all sources • 24 hours with I standby load Fusing • Battery input. aux. and notification (bell) circuit outputs are protected using PTC circuit protectors. All outputs are power limited. Main Dialer • Line seize: Double Pole • Ringer equiv.. 0.7B • Formats: ADEMCO Low Speed, ADEMCO 4+2 Express, ADEMCC High Speed, ADEMCO Contact ID, Sescoa and Radionics Cabinet dimensions •14.5"HX12.5"WX3'D Environmental * Storage temp: 14' F to 158' F (-10' C to 70° G) • Operating temp; 32` F to 122° F (0- C to 50° C) ■ Humidity: 85% RH • EMI: Meets or exceeds the following requirements: - FCC Part 15, Class B Device FCC Part 68 - IEG EMC Directive Honeywell Agency Listings • FCC Part 15, Class 6; FCC Part 68 • UL864INFPA 72, Central Station and Remote Station (Fire) • UL609 Local Mercantile Premises/Mercantile Safe & Vault • UL365 police statlon connected burglar alarm • UL610 Central Station Burglar Alarm • California State Fire Marshal • FM ■ CANIULC 5304 - Central and Monitoring Station Burglar Alarm Unit • CANIULC S527 - Central Unit for Fire Alarm Systems • CANIULG 5303 - Local Burglar Alarm Unit • CANIULC 5525 - Audible Signal Appliances VISTA-32FB COMMERCIAL PARTITIONED FIRE AND BURGLARY ALARM CONTROL PANEL COMPATIBLE DEVICES Auxiliary Devices • 4204 - Relay Module, four form C contacts ■ 4204CF - Two supervised output circuits • 5140DLM - Supervised Dialer • 5881 ENHC - RF Receiver • 5883H - RF Receiver • 6160CR-2 - Red Alpha Keypad • 6160 - Burglary Keypad * 6220S - System printer used with 4100SM serial module 'TWo-Wire Smoke Detectors Conventional • System Sensor - • ESL • DSC Horn/Strobes • System Sensor • Wheelock ■ Gentex Manual Pull Stations • 514OMPS-1 • 5140MPS-2 V-Plex (Addressable) Devices • 4101 SN Relay Zane Module • 4190SN Remote Point Module - two zones Pmduct sped vocations subWr tv change. ORDERING • 4190WH • 4193SN Two Zone Serial Interface Module • 4208U Loop Expansion Module - eight zones • 4208SNF Eight Zone/2 Class A/6 Class B Expander Module • 4293SN One Zone Serial Interface Module • 4297 Isolator/Extender Module • V-Plex VSI Isolator Module V-Plex Smoke Detectors • 5193SD •5193SDT V Plex Passive Infrared Detectors • 998MX • IS2500SN • DT75WSN • QUEST2260SN V-Plex Contacts • 4194WH ■ 4939SN-WH • 4944SN-WH • 4959SN V-Plex Qlassbreak Detectors *FG1625SN VISTA-32FB Commercial Fire and Partitioned Burglary Alarm Platform V32FB-9 UL864 Rev 9 Version (Rev 5 and higher) Automation and Control Solutions Honeywell Security & Communications 2 Corporate Center Dr. Suite 100 Melville, NY 11747 LMST32FWD 1.800.467.5875 0010t r 2010 www.honeywell.com 0=16 Han6ywdl IMamatWol Inc. L AlarmNet Communicators • 7545i-ENT - Internet/Intranet Communicator • 7845GSM - Digital Cellular Communicator • 7845i-GSM - Internet and Digital Cellular Communicator Access Control • VistaKey V-Plex {addressable} Access Control • VistaKey-SK Starter Kit • VistaKey-EX Expansion Kit Commercial Wireless Devices • 5808W3 - Photoelectronic Smoke/Heat Detector ■ 5806W3 - Photoelectric Smoke Detector • 5809 - Wireless Heat Detector • 5817CS - Wireless Commercial Transmitter • 5869 - Hold -Up Transmitter • 5881 ENHC - RF Receiver • 5883H - RF Receiver Honeywell 6160CR-2 COMMERCIAL FIRE ALPHA KEYPAD UL864 REV 9 USTE❑ The 6160CR-2 is an addressable remote keypad intended For use in commercial fire applications with Honeywell's commercial fire control panels. The keys are continuously backlit for convenience and easy visibility. The LCD display FEATURES is backlit only when a key is depressed', or when the system is in alarm or trouble condition. 'Note. The LCD may be programmed to remain on at all times (sae panel instructions for details). • Four programmable • Seven Status LEDs function keys - Armed (Red) - Ready (Green) ■ Built-in sounder - Power (Green) - Fire Alarm (Red) - Silenced (Yellow) - Supervisory (Yellow) - Trouble (Yellow) SPECIFICATIONS Sounder ■ High -quality speaker Electrical • 45mA standby 160mA in alarm (sounder, back light and LED on) ORDERING 6160CR-2 Commercial Fire Alpha Keypad For more information: www.honeywell.com/security/hsc Automation and Control Solutions Honeywell Security & Communications 2 Corporate Center Dr. Suite 100 Melville, NY 11747 1.800.467,5875 www.hon"ll.com Compatibility • Large easy -to -read display • Red removable door • Physical 5.250" W x 7.437" H x 1.312" D • Supports Control Panels - VISTA-32FB Rev 5 and higher - VISTA-128FBP Rev 4 and higher - VISTA-250FBP Rev 4 and higher ULICUL and residential Listed fcr commercial fire and burglary installations. To be employed with manufacturer's listed cordrol units as indicated in the installation instructions. Product specifications subject to change. ustsocaaD/D septernbw 200e 0 2009 tioneYw@II International Inc. Honeywell SYSTEM SENSOR" Photoelectric Smoke Detectors System Sensor i3" series smoke detectors represent signi6cont advancement in conventional detection. The i3 family is founded on three principles: installation ease, intelligence, and instant inspection. Features Plug-in detector line, mounting base included Large wire entry port In -line terminals with SEMS screws Mounts to octagonal and single -gang back boxes, 4-square back boxes, or direct to ceiling Stop -Drop `N Lock attachment to base Removable detector cover and chamber Built-in remote maintenance signaling Drift compensation and smoothing algorithms • Simplified sensitivity measurement Wide-angle, dual -color LED indication Loop testing via EZ Walk feature Built-in test switch Agency Listings MEA MSFM ��vs LISTED approved approve 5911 3011496 7272.1651:152 290-01-E 2093 3180432 AW W-0 3) installation ease.The i3 line redefines installation ease with its plug-in design. This allows an installer to pre -wire bases (included with heads). The large wire entry port and in -line terminals provide ample room for neatly routing the wiring inside the base. The base accommodates a variety of back box mounting methods as well as direct mounting with drywall anchors. To complete the installation, i3 heads plug into the base with a simple Stop - Drop 'N Lock"' action - Intelligence. i3 detectors offer a number of intelligent features to simplify testing and maintenance, Drift compensation and smoothing algorithms are standard with the i3 line to minimize nuisance alarms. 2-wire i3 detectors can generate a remote LED - indicated maintenance signal when connected to the 2W-MOD2 loop test/maintenance module or a panel equipped with the i3 protocol. The SENS-RDR, a wireless device, displays the sensitivityof 13 detectors in terms of percent -per -foot obscuration. Instant inspection.The i' series provides wide-angle red and green LED indicators for instant inspection of the detector's condition; normal standby, out -of -sensitivity, alarm, or freeze trouble. When connected to the 2W-MOD2 loop test/maintenance module or a panel with the i' protocol, the EZ Walk loop test feature is available on 2-wire 13 detectors. This feature verifies the initiating loop wiring by providing LED status indication at each detector. (b Smoke Detector Specifications Smoke detector shall be a System Sensor V Series model number listed to Underwriters Laboratories UL 268 for Fire Protection Signaling Systems.The detector shall be a photoelectric type {Model 2W-B, 4W-6) or a combination photoelectridther mal (Model 2WT-B, 4WT-0) with thermal sensor rated at 135'F (57.2'Q. The detector shaP include a mounting base for mounting to 317e-irneh and 4-inch octagonal, single -gang, and 4-inch square back boxes with a plaster ring, or direct mount to the ceiling using drywall anchors Wiring connections shall be made by means of SEMS strews. The detector shall allow pre -wiring of the it base and the head shall be a plug-in type.The detector shall have a nominal sensirivity of 2.5 percent -per -foot nominal as measured in the UL smoke box. The detector shall be capable of automatically adjusting its sensitivity by means of drift compensation and smoothing algorithms. The detector shall provide dual - color LED indication that blinks to indicate power up. normal standby, out of sensitivity, alarm, and freeze trouble {Model 2WT-B, 4WT-13) conditions. When used in conjunction with the 2W-MOD2 module, 2-wire models shall include a maintenance signal to indicate the need for maintenance atthe alarm control panel i and shall provide a loop testing capability to verify the circuitwithout testing each detector Individually. Electrical Specifications Operating Voltage Nominal: 12124 V non -polarized Minimum: 8.5 V Maximum: 35 V Maximum RippleVoltage 30% peak to peak of applied voltage Standby Current 2-wire: 50 pA maximum average; 4wmire: 50 pA maximum average Maximum Alarm Current 2-wire:130 mA limited by control panel; 4-wire: 20 mA W 2V, 23 mA @ 24V Peak Standby Current 2�wlre: 100 pA; 4-wire: n/a - Alarm Contact Ratings 2-wire: nla; 4-wire; 0.5 A @ 30V AC/DC Physical Specifications Dimensions (including base) 5.3 inches (127 mm) diameter; 2-0 inches (51 mm) height Weight 6.3 o2 (178 g) ~ OperatingTern peratuire Range 2W-B a n a 4W-B:3rF to 1201(0°C to 4TQ; 2WT-B and 4W7d3: 32°F to 100°F (0°C to 37.M) r operating Humidity Range 0to95%RHnon-condensing i Thermal sensor 135°F (57.2°C) fixed Freeze Trouble 2Wt-B and 4WT-6 only:41°F (5°C) sensitivity 2.5%/ft nominal InputTerminals 14 to 22 AWG Mounting 3Vz-inch octagonal back box 4-inch octagonal back box Single -gang back box 4-inch square back box with a plaster ring Direct mount to ceiling r Modes r Indication LED Mode Green LED Red LED Condition Duration Power up Blink every 10 seconds Blink every 10 seconds Initial LED status indication 80 seconds Normal (standby) Blink every 5 seconds off Out of sen s itivity off Blink every S seconds 1 Freeze trouhle off Blink every 10 seconds Alarm off Solid Ordering Information Model Thermal Wiring Alarm Current 2W-8 No 2-wire 130 mA max. limited by control panel r 2WT-B Yes 2-wire 130 mA max. limited by control panel 4W-B No 4-wire 20 mA @ 12 V, 23 mA @ 24 V L 4WT-B Yes 4-wire 20 mA @ 12 V, 23 mA @ 24 V Accessories 2W-MOD2 2-wire loop test) maintenance module RT Removal) replacement tool 5EN5-RDR Sensitivity reader A77-AB2 Retrofit adapter bracket, 6,6 inch 06.76 cm) diameter L SYSTEM/! Dth=n- _ �l. p 3825 Ohio Avenue • 5t. Charles, IL 6017a A�cV rt r ��tm� tt ^*� s9�so ' Phone: BOO-SENSOR2 • Fax: 63U-377-6495 M5.011F-W7, 6IC9• 0149 1 L L L. vv AOEMCO COMMERCIAL 9TSawnomo 514OMPS-1 /514OMPS-2 Manual Pull Stations PRIMARY FEATURES ■ ADA COMPLIANT ■ KEY TEST OR ALLEN RESET ■ KEYED TO ADEMCO CONTROLS ■ STYLIZED HIGH TECH DESIGN ■ ALUMINUM DIE CAST HOUSING ■ TERMINAL BLOCK OR WIRE LEADS ■ GOLD CONTACTS ■ UL L16TEO ■ GENERAL DESCRIPTION Ademco's manual fire alarm stations are designed t4 be non -cads single action devices for use in UL listed fire alarm applications. The attractive die-cast alu- minum -alloy housing meets ADA pull requirements and has been tested at underwriter's Laboratory. For ADA compliance, manual stations must be mount, ed Tess than 4S" above the floor far front wheelchair access and less than 54" above the floor for side wheelchair access. A key reset feature on the 514OMPS-1 is designed for positive authorized resetting action. The key is designed to operate and match Ademc❑ controls. The 514OMPS-1 utilizes a terminal block for secure terminations. The 514OMPS-2 is furnished with an Allen hex fitting and is equipped with wire leads. Two alarm deterrent break tubes are supplied with each manual station; ore tube is visible from the Front, and the spare is stored in a compartment within the unit. ■ OPERATION Pulling the handle down causes the manual stations to latch in the down position and to close the normally open switch. The handle is restored manually by using the key to unlock the station and pivot the station for- ward for resetting the pull handle to its normal posi- tion. The crush tube is then inserted in the cavity and the station assembly is then locked in the normal upright position. ■ CONSTRUCTION The 5140MPS-1 and 514OMPS2 manual stations are constructed of a durable die-cast eluminurn4lay and provide a neat and distinctive appearance, The housing is finished in red with white raised lettering and the 'T bar" handle is white with raised red lettering for enhanced visibility. The units are adaptable to both sur- face and semi -flush mounting configurations. ■ MOUNTING SEMI -FLUSH MOUNT Most semi -flush mount installations can be attached to a standard single -gang switch box using two "2 screws inserted through the slots that are centered on the unit'a metal mounting plate. SURFACE MOUNT Use Ademco Eackbox model number 5140MPS-BB for surfacei mount installations. The Backbox has four pre- drillad mounting holes of 0.137 inch diameter and con- duit knockouts. Secure the Backbox to a wall with screws of size 8 or smaller. After the Backbox is in place, attach the conduit, The housing is locked by using a key or AND wrench lock. Unlock the housing by turning the key clockwise and swinging down the front of the housing to make the sheet metal mounting plate accessible. Mount the metal plate to the Sackbox using the four 1 /4" long, B-32 screws (suppliedl- ■ DIMENSIONS 4.75"Hx3.12"Wx2"0 ADEMCa The Technology Leader ■ ORDERING INFORMATION 514O MPS-1: Manual Station Key Reset Test and Terminal Block 514OMPS-2: Manual Station Hex Allen Reset Test and Wire Leads 514OMPS-BB: Surface Backbflx ■ WIRING 131AGRAM To previous dw oe a control xom terminals 5140NPS-1 PULL / SGmw Terminals •f To next dovice or ELOR To previous device or canlrol mne terminals 5140MPS-2 PULL Wre Leeds TO next davloa or ELOR ARCHITECTURAL/ENGWEERIN© SPECIFICO13V5 Manual Fire Alarm Station Mader 514OMPS 1� mum distgnba''of a}�e #iiindc»c! feet; irortt •or s[de: (514C]MPS-2; shall be norr coded and include a' break Men%W Str�tio►t -'strell .bwcenstri cted of die cast type tube operated test -reset lock allowing testing aluminum atlay'witFi,clearly visible Operating instruc- with a key. [Allen wt-enchi. They shall be designed sa tions provided ort the crniar,-The Word FIFE $hall that normal' -operation cannot be restored alter an. appear ari tFle f�ront:''nf. me sCatiyms 1n. raised is rs. actual Fire Erriergancy Operation except tay ore i7E a' Stations shall l�a.s�c: al le'fr�'lt surf ce mounting.ar> key (Allen wrench). The. key shall frt all- standard rnatchind Bdbkbox:,. 'qr semRlush.:m6tinting on a Ademno controls, standard sing le-png:box-: lantaaf'SC9tions shall k a An operated station shah automatically condition itself Underwriter's Laborstarias'1jarted' so as to be vlauaally detected, as operated, at a in, ADEMCO L/MPS-1-2/06 The Technology Leader Is -• PO ER r S R F VANETYPE WATERFLOW SWI12H WITH BETARD Potter Electric Signal Company Potter Electric Signal A Mfg. LTD 2081 Craig Rd.,IP.O. Box 28480 1967 Leslie Street St. Louis, MO 63148 Den Mills, Ontario, Canada M3E2M3 (314)878-4321 1(000) 325.39M (416) 441-1833 SERVICE PRESSURE UP TO 450 PSI CHARACTERISTICS MINIMUM FLOW RATE FOR ALARM -10 GPM tLL LISTED & Fill APPROVED SEiiVICE PRESSURE Up to 45Q PSI FLOW FOR ALARM: 10 GPM MAXIMUM SURGE. 18 ES CONTACT RATINGS n} 5.P.D.T. (F57:01(A 10.00 Amp. @ 12 2.00 Amp.0 0-30V. OC Resistive ENVIRONMENTAL LIMITATIONS: 40 FI120 F 4.5C148C CAUTION: This device Is not Intended for applications In explosive environments. SIZES AVAILABLE: For Schedules 10 thru 40 Sates T thru it ' SERVICE USE: Automatic Sprinkler NFPIMI3 One or TWO Family Dwelling NFPA-130 Central Station NFPA-71 Local NFPA-72A Auxiliary NFPA-726 Remote Station NFPA-720 U.S. PAT NO.3921989 CANADIAN PAT. ND.1 o0988R) Proprietary NFPA-720 OTHER PATENTS PENDING OPTIONAL: Cover Temper Switch Order Slk. No. 0090018 GENERAL INFORMATION The Model VSR-F Is a vane type waterflow switch for use on wet sprinkler systems. It is L IL Listed and FM'ap. proved for use on steel pipe; schedules 10 through 4o sizes 2" thru 8% The unit may also be used as a sectional waterflow do. rector on large systems. The unft contains two single pole, double throw, snap action switches and an adjustable pneumatic retard. The switches are actuated when a flow of 10 gallons per minute or more occurs downstream of the device. The flow condition must exist for a period of time necessary to overcome the selected retard period. ENCLOSURE: The unit Is enclosed In a general pur- pose, cast aluminum housing. The cover Is held In place with two tamper resistant screws which require a special key for removal. A field Installable cover tamper switch is available as an option which may be used to Indicate un- authorized removal of the cover. See Bulletin 763 for in- stallation Instructions of this switch. ELECTRONIC RETARD VERSIONL The Model VSR- FE has an electronic retard in place of the pnuematic retard. This model requires 24V ACIGC or 120V AC nmmr and has uwNM atala tahla tirnaa snnrr►r n r S an 45, 60, 75 and 90 seconds. Sae Bulletin 762 for addi- tional information. INSTALLATION: See FIp.2 Time devices may be mounted In a horizontal or vertical pipe. On horizontal pipe they should be installed on the top side of the pipe where they will be accessible. The units should not be Installed within a inches of a fitting which changes the direction of the waterflow or within 24 Inches of a valve or drain. Drain the system and drill a hole In the pipe using a dry lar saw in a slow speed drill. The r and 2 W devices require a 1 1IC hole; all other sizes require a 2" hole. Clean the Inside of the pipe of all growth or other material for a distance equal to the pipe diameter on either side of the hole. Roll the vane so that It may be Inserted Into the hole; do not bend or crease ft. Insert the wanes so that the arrow on the saddle points In the direction of the waterf w. Install the saddle strap and tighten nuts alternately to an eventual 50 FT.-LBS. of torque. See Fig. 2. The vane must not tub the Inside of tyre pipe or bind In any way. Www A E s ei;un�Yr CORPORATION i Technical Specifications Please refer to individual product datasheetsfor detailed technical specifications `I of each component. About AES Corporation AES Corporation is the leading l manufacturer of code compliant w wireless alarm communication products and solutions serving commercial security markets `- and government agencies worldwide. AES-InteflWer" patented technology will never - sunset compared to obsoleting technologies such as cellular sl and traditional phone lines. AES private mesh radio networks are owner operated and controlled, providing infinite scaiability and superior reliability with the fastest transmission speed available. Over a half million AES Smart Subscribers are installed worldwide. AES is the clear choice for life safety and security, protecting people and property for over 40 years. i i L I L ae's-corp.com 8 Zone Fire Subscriber,, 8 Supervised zones, includes 7795 AFS-IntelliPro Fire 7 7 V V F r U L i ~ P Local A nn=ioii'r Faster, Cleaner Installation No longer required to wire alarm trouble and supervisory outputs on radio -No relay required Ideal replacement for phone lines -Full alarm signal data -Flexible options for existing or new installations -UL 864 Listed for Primary Standalone Alarm Communication & 7762 Accessory Poords AES-lntelliPro Fire Full Qoto Module (7794) with Hardware Supervisory Module (7762) and Local Annunciator (7740) 7795 7794 7762 7740 Full Data Modijr`e Hard.vOre 3upervisnry Module L4[o'Annunciotor HOW TO ORDER Model Description 7788F-ULP-P 8 Zone fire Subscriber, 8 Supervised Zones, includes 7795 AES-InteffiPro Fire, Red Enclosure. UL listed for primary standalone communication with fire radios. 7795 fKirj AES-IntefflPra Fire Full Data Module (7794) with 7762 Hardware Supervisory Module and 7740 AES Local Annunciator. UL listed for primary standalone communication with fire radios. LIB NIFPA �. 'S.,. L L I L I r L. l� @POT -TER PCVS CONTROL VALVE SUPERVISORY SWITM Potter Electric Signal Company Potter Electric Signal & Mfg. LTD 2D81 Craig Rd.,1F.C. Box 28480 1967 Leslie Street St. Louis, MO 63146 Don Mills, Ontario, Canada M302M3 (314)US-43211(11146) 325-3936 (416) 441-1833 STK. NO.1D1M5 US PAT. NO.4739134 The Model PCVS is a weather proof and tamper resistant switch for monitoring the open position of lire sprinkler control valves of the post indicator, butterfly and other types. Two S.P.D.T. contacts are provided which will oper- ate when the valve position is altered from an open state. The unit mounds in a 112" NPT lapped hole in the post indicator or butterfly valve housing. The device is engaged by the indicating assembly of the post indicator or the operating mechanism of the butterfly valve, actuating switches when the valve is fully open. The unit should be installed where it is accessible for service. The cover is held in place by two tamper resistant screws that require a special tool to remove. The tool Is fumished with each device and should be left with the building owner or responsible party. Replacement or additional cover screws and hex keys are available. See ordering informa- tion on page 6. UL 3 ULC LISTED 6 FM APPROVED Dimensions: 4.7571. x 2.25V x 7.20'H (stem exiended) 12.0cm L x 5.7cm W x 18.3crn H Weight: 2 lb.1.9 kg Enclosure: Cover -Die-@st Aluminum Red Sparer Enamel Fnah Base - Formed Steel Corrosion Resistant Finish Cover Tamper: Tamper Resistant Screws Mounting: 112" NPT Contact Rating: Two, sets of S.P.D.T. (Form C) 5.00 A. 01251250V. AC 0.25 A. 125MWV. DC 2.50 A. 0.30V. DC f Environmental Limitations: -44°F 1 +1440F indoor or Outdoor Use (Not for use In hazardous iocMkx Conduit Entrance@: 2 openirgs is t?' corri�rs Features: Adjustable Trip Rod A fwl C Yd A Fromm" Service Uses: Central Stat*n NFPA•71 Local NFPA-72A Auxiliary NFPA-72B Remole Station NFPA-72C Proprietary NFPA-720 Note: Replacing the tamper-resistarrl cover screws with different type screw will void Underwriters Laboratory listlr� and FM approval. OPTIONAL COVER TAMPER SWITCH: AfreldirWallabli cover tamper switch is available as an option which may bt used to indicate unauthorized removal of the cover. See bulletin no. 756 for installation instructions for this switch See ordering information page 6. INSTALLATION: This device is mounted by screwing thi pipe nipple into placethen sliding the unit onto thenippleanr locking it in place with set screws. This trip rocs is adjustabl to accomodate variable applications. TESTING: The PCVS and he associated protective mono loring syslem should be tested in accordance with awl: cable NFPA standards. The manufacturer recommend monthly or more frequent testing. PROMO W USA Rt v a M PAdE 1 OF L L_ ams¢co MBA Series Indoor/Outdoor Fire Alarm 12V DC Motor Driven Bells Descri tivn: AMSECO's MBA Series Indoor/Outdoor bells utilize a specialty designed gong, that gives out a loud mechanical resonant tone. This improvement is designed to make the whole series more effective and provide performance and dependability at a low current consumption. The bell design incorporates a micro - motor with built-in varistor suppression element, to reduce RFl and EMI interference found in today's highly integrated microprocessor driven control panels. The terminal design makes it convenient when wiring or trouble -shooting. The design features as a result saves you lime and provides a more effective installation for maximum performance. The MBA series bails are made available in 6", 8" and 10" gong size and are painted red to enhance its appearance and provide a long durability. Application: The MBA series bells is recommended for use Indoors or Outdoors in areas such as: schools, corridors, apartments, office buildings, hotels, and any other application where effective audible warning is required and approved by Federal, State, orlocal authority having jurisdiction. Gong S 8 and 10 inch: 10" 8 Fr sr Ordering Information: CORPORATE OFFICE $ WAREHOUSE 2081 Craig Road St Louis, Missouri 63146 (800) 325-3936 Farr. (800) 768-8377 Local: (314) 878-4321 Wwtiv.amseco-kai.comisales . ottersignaLcom al-) u ME►4 , Features: • Indoor I Outdoor motor driven design • UL Listed for fire protective service • Polarized models with wide listed voltage fangs using filtered DC or unfiltered FWR input voltage. . Terminals for fast infout field wiring. • High sound dB output with low current draw. • Built -In trim plate for a clean flush mount installation. • All models mount to a 4" square or, single gang back box. • A complete range of gong sizes 60, 8, and 10". • Input terminals for field wiring using AWG 12 to 18. • RFI and EMI noise suppression element built-in. • Available in Red or Gray Color. Wiring Control To Next Device or Panel End4X Line-Resismr + _ WARNINCr. Conductor Size (AWG), Length and capacity should betaken into consideration prior to design and instaUetim or thaw produds, particularly In ratrofit insfaflatlons_ f Rated Rated Operating UL Rating !AC Rating Operating Model Gong Voltage Current Range @12V DC 612V DC Temperature Number Size (VDC) ( Amps ] (VDC ) ( dB) (416) Range g¢� 61 12 0.029 8 - 17.5 84.4 94 - 150°F MR"12 1 81 12 0,029 8 -17.5 87A 86 -31'F °�' -` s$�G MBA-10-12 't r 12 o.030 8 - 17.5 88.9 90 r I j Engineering S eciftcations: L The alarm indicating appliance shall be AMSECO model MBA -Series or equivalent device. The Bell shall be listed for Indoor and Outdoor under UL Standard and shall be approved for fire protective service. The typical dB output shall be 83 -960B The signaling device shall operate on 12VDC from a non -coded regulated DC supply or full -wave rectified, unfiltered supply. The signaling device shall be designed to produce a dB signal outputof83 - 86 with continuously applied minimum voltage. The signaling device shall be capable of mounting to a 4" x4" x 1-112" standard back box. Specifications: f L f i L L Model Number Gong Size Rated Current! Sound Output 8vVC 12VOC 1 -5voc UL Typical UL ULc Typical UL Typical DC rnR. FWR rnA. Q d6 oc mA. FWFt mh_ I de dB d6 DC A. FWR WL dB d0 MBA-6-12 61' 29.1 30 79.3 83 33.7 35.5 194.4 94 T 88 56 56.9 89.3 93 MBA-9-12 8i i 29 32 78.2 83 60 61 87A 86 91 81 89 89.6 93 MBAr1O-12 10" 1 30 34 82.7 8$ 1 68 69 188.9 90 1 93 89 93 91.9 98 HQrixontal Dispersion: Angle 8"dB1m S"d131m I10"dWrn -90 1.4 2.9 3.6 -75 1.1 4.3 8.9 -00 3.1 3.2 6.4 -45 0.3 1.6 3.9 30 1.2 0,9 0.9 1.8 0.2 1,2 _-15 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15 4.9 -0.4 2.0 30 1.8 0.9 3.9 45 -0.1 1.1 5.1 60 2.8 2.4 6.3 75 3.7 3.3 6.0 90 -0.2 2.7 6.4 Dimensions: inches (mm) 3-3f8 (80.5) 2•382 (W•5) (85.7) Mounting Hales Mounting Options: Single gang baclbox II 1 14 3-1f32 (fi (2�) 8 (200) 6 (150) 2-3/8 (150.5) 4" x 4" x 1-1f2" baclbox 0 �) v ' r { Due W w nllnvaus duvBWmenl or our proJud Ilna. ipooTkmit xru are subject to change wllhoul notice. 1 f 1 Vertical Dispersion: Angle B"dSlm 8"dWm 10"dWrn 90 0.4 0.4 0.8 75 -0.5 0.3 3.0 60 1,2 1.1 4.5 45 -0.2 1.0 3.7 30 -0.9 -1.2 OA 15 -1.2 -0A 0.5 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -15 -2.3 -0.7 -1.5 -30 -2.0 -0.6 -0.5 45 0.3 0.8 1.e -60 -0.5 2.0 3.8 -75 -2.6 3.3 3.3 -90 1 -2.7 2.5 1.5 SBx-4 weather-pmaf baokbok g Y� OP e - J MBA-1210194 CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7160-0060:0101 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7160 -- CABLES -OTHERS LISTEE: Belden Wire & CableP_O. Box 1980, Richmond, IN 47375-1980 Contact: Geratd Dorna (765) 983-5200 Fax (775) 806-2991 Email: gerald.dorna@belden.com DESIGN: Class 2 and Class 3 power limited circuit cables. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances, and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, type, classification and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as power -limited circuit cables. NOTE; Formerly 7160-0050:101, 7161-0060:101 i 'Rev 03-20-06 W This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed Ithe test results andlor other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not � an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, Instaltation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2O17 Listing Expires June 30, 2018 Authorized By: DAWD CAS77LLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING -BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7161-0060:0103 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7161 — CABLES -FIRE PROTECTIVE SIGNALING LISTEE: Belden Wire & CableP.O. Box 19B0, Richmond, IN 47375-1980 Contact: Gerald Dorna (765) 983-5200 Fax (775) 806-2991 Email: gerald.dorna@belden.com DESIGN: Type FPLR power -limited fire protective signaling cable. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. Insulation* Semi -rigid PVC compound No. 70 through X79, X960 through X979, X2000 through X2049 or X-20 through X-39, X2400 through X2419, X-6501 through X-6539, or Geon 8891. Shields: (Optional) metal or polyethylene terephthalatelmetal tape shield. Core Wrap: (Optional) Glass Reinforced TFE (Teflon) impregnated tape or polyethylene terephthalate. Filler: (Optional) PVC or polypropylene. Jacket: PVC Compound No. X-99000 through X-99199 or X-199000 through X-199199. RATING: INSTALLATION: In accordanoe with listee's printed installation instructions, NEC Article 760, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, type, classification and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as power -limited fire protective signaling cable. NOTE: 'Rev 03-20-06 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed T the test results andlor other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not � a an endorsement or recommendation of the Item Listed. This listing should not be used to verity correct operational requirements or Installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions andlor other Date Issued: July 01, 2017 Listing Expires June 30, 2018 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE mls� LISTING No. 7161-0060:0104 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7161 -- CABLES -FIRE PROTECTIVE SIGNALING LISTEE: Belden Wire & CableP,O. Box 1980, Richmond, IN 47375-1980 Contact: Gerald Doma (765) 983-5200 Fax (775) 805-2991 Email: gerald.dorna@belden.com DESIGN: Type FPLP power -limited fire protective signaling cable Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. Insulation: PVC compound X30800-X30899. Shields: (Optional) Aluminum/Polypropelene tape. Core Wrap: (Optional) Polypropelene tape, Braid: (Optional) Tinned or untinned copper or aluminum_ Jacket: PVC Compound X30800-X30899. RATING: INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, NEC Article 760. applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction_ MARKING: Listee's name, type, classification and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as power -limited fire protective signaling cable. NOTE: 'Rev 03-20-06 This listing Is teased upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed F�� the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct "" 9operational requirements or installatlon criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued. July 01, 2017 Listing Expires June 30, 2018 Authorized By DAVID CAS77LLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7165-1645:0123 Page 1 of 2 CATEGORY: 7165 -- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT (COMMERCIAL) LISTEE: HONEYWELL SECURITY2 Corporate Center Dr, Ste, 100, Melville, NY 11747 Contact: lssa Khouryawad (516) 577-2312 Fax (516) 577-3540 Email: issa.khouryawad@honeywell.com DESIGN: Models FA1600G, FA1670C, FA1700C, Vista-100, Vista-128FB, Vista-128FBP, Vista-250FBP, and Vista-32F6 fire alarm control units. Power -limited. Automatic, manual, noncoded, local, remote station, central station, waterflow and sprinkler supervisory service. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. Minimum system components: Vista 100, Vista-128FB, -32FB; Control Unit 1451 Transformer 6137, 5137-R, 6139, 6139-R Keypad *COM-UL Enclosure *6160CR-2 Alpha Keypad (for use with Vista series) *FA570CR Alpha Keypad (for use with First Alert series) *ECP Isolator *4146 Keyswitch *5140 DLM Backup Dialer Module +7845i-ENT Internet Communicator *4208U 8 Zone Remote Zone Expander *4208SNF 8 Zone V-Plex Class A Adapter *Vplex VSI Short Isolator 14204CF Supervised *4190SN 2 Zone Expansion Module *4193 Serial Number Interface Module *4297 Palling Loop Extender *5881 ENHC, 5883-H Short Range RF Receiver RATING: Primary 120 VAC, 18 VAC Secondary, 12 VDC Standby INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as fire alarm control units for use with separately listed compatible initiating and indicating devices. This control unit can generate the distinctive three -pulse Temporal Pattern Fire Alarm Evacuation Signal (for total evacuation) in accordance with NFPA 72, 2002 Edition. Refer to `Rev. 01-07-11 BH s i This listing Is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed 9 t the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not f an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2017 Listing Expires June 30, 2018 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division L L C L L if L L L Listing No. 7165-1645:0123 Page 2 of 2 manufacturer's Installation Manual for details. This control unit meets the requirements of UL Standard 864, 9th Edition. NOTE: 1. For Fire Alarm Verification, the maximum Retard/Reset/Restart period shall not exceed 30.0 seconds. 2, Burglary and other non -fire functions were not examined. 3. Formerly 7165-0078:174 4. Changed company name and number to 2011 and Honeywell Security, 9-08-10. FM *Rev. 01-07-11 BH This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed �} the test results andlor other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not J an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or Installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 201 i Listing Expires .tune 30, 2018 Authorized By: ❑Ajfia CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division f r I CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAML 16 T LISTING SERVICE 3 LISTING No. 7300-1645:0115 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7300 -- FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIESIMISC. DEVICES LISTEE: HONEYWELL SECURITY2 Corporate Center Dr, Ste 100, Melville, NY 11747 Contact: Issa Khouryawad (516) 577-2312 Fax (516) 577-3540 Email: issa.khouryawad@honeywell.com DESIGN: Models 6139, 6139R, 6160VADT, 6160V, 6270, 6270ADT, FA700KP, 616GCR, 6150V, 6150VADT, CP150KP, FA560VKP, FA6150KP-GP, 6160VBAY, 6164, 6164SP, 8132i, 8142i, FA800KPi, FA85011(pi, 6270PL2, 6271V, 6271VADT, FA270VKP, FA570VKP. FA270KP, FA570KP, FA574KP, 6271C, 6271CV, FA701CKP, FA701CVKP, FA701VKP, FA570CR, 6160CR-2, 6164US, FA271KP, 6149EX, 6165EX remote keypads, 4146 keyswitch, and *6280S, *6280W, *TUXS, `TUXW touchscreen keypads. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes & ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating, UL and ETL label. APPROVAL: Listed as remote keypads for use with listee's separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Refer to listee's installation Instruction Manual for details. rev. 09-23-11 mt This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed ro : the lest results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verity correct operatlonal requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2017 Listing Expires June 30, 2018 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division L CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7272-1653:0152 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7272 -- SMOKE DETECTOR -SYSTEM TYPE -PHOTOELECTRIC LISTEE: System Sensor, Unincorporated Div of Honeywell Int'I Inc.3825 Ohio Ave, St. Charles, IL 60174 Contact: Vladimir Kireyev (203) 484-6277 Fax (203) 484-7309 Email: Vladimir. Kireyev@honeywell.com DESIGN: Models 2W B, 2WT-13, 4W-B and 4WT-B photoelectric type smoke detectors. Models 2W B and 2WT-B are 2-wire and model 4W-B and 4WT-B are 4-wire detectors. Models 2WT-13 and 4WT-B employ a thermistor type heat sensor (135`F). The heat sensor is are supplemental to the detector and is not intended for use as a required heat detector. Refer to listee's printed data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations_ RATING: 8.5 - 35 VDC INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. For vertical wall or ceiling mount. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as photoelectric smoke detectors for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units. Suitable for installation in open areas with air velocity range from 0-1000 furnin. NOTE: Formerly 7272-1209:210 06-20-05 This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed " the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installatlon criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2017 Listing Expires June 30, 2018 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Eire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7150-1645:0118 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7150-- FIRE ALARM PULL BOXES LISTEE: HONEYWELL SECURITY2 Corporate Center Dr, Ste, 100, Melville, NY 11747 Contact: Issa Khouryawad (516) 577-2312 Fax (516) 577-3540 Email: issa.khouryawad@honeywell.com DESIGN: Models 5140MPS-1 (Key lock) and 5140MPS-2 (Hex Lock) noncoded manual pull stations. Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number, electrical rating and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as manual pull stations for use with separately listed and compatible fire alarm control units. For indoor use only. Model 5140MPS-BB may be installed with all units- * This manual pull boxes meet the requirements of UL Standard 38, 1999 Edition with California amendments. NOTE: Formerly 7150-0078,169 XLF: 7150-1408:0107 10-28-2010 JG This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results andlor other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or Installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other ❑ate Issued: July 01, 2017 Listing Expires June 30, 2018 Authorized By: DAV1D CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM L LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7770-0328:0001 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7770 — VALVES/SWITCHES LISTEE: Potter Electric Signal Co1609 Park 370 Place, Hazelwood, 63Q42 United States 7 Contact: Bill Witherspoon (314) 595-6900 Fax (314) 595-6959 Email; BiIIW@pottersignal.com DESIGN: Vane and pressure type water flow alarm switches listed below. Refer to Iistee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. Vane Types: r L VSR-CF VSR-D VSR-F VSR-SF VSR-FE-2 VS -Sp VS-F VSR-SFG VSR-SFT VSG VSR VSR-S VSR-C VSR-ST VSR-SG Pressure Type: WFS-B WFSR-C WFSPD-B PS10 PS-10A PS-100A WFSR-F PS100 INSTALLATION: In accordance with Iistee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model number and UL or FM label. APPROVAL: Listed as waterflow alarm switches for use with fire sprinkler systems. Vane models may be used in wet pipe systems; pressure models may be used in wet or dry systems. Model VSR-CF is for use on K. L or M copper pipe (2", 2-1 /2", 3", 4") and listed CPVC pipe (2", 2-1/2", 3"). Model VSR-SF for use on 1", 1-1/4", 1-112" and `2" steel, copper or listed plastic pipe. Model VSG is for low flow rate. Model VSR-SFG and VSR-SFT are for use on 1", 1-1/4", 1-1/2" and '2" plastic pipe. Models VS-F, VSR-F. VSR-FE and VSR-FE-2 is for use on 2", 2-1/2", 3", 3-1/2", 4", 5", 6", 8" and 10" pipe. `Model VSR is for use on steel pipe sizes from 2" through 8". Vane type switches may be used outdoors when the outdoor temperature never falls below 40oF. Rev"5-17-2007 jw This listing Is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verrfication of any claims. This listing is not ' an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed_ This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other ! Date Issued: July 01, 2017 Listing Expires June 30, 2018 4 Authorized By: DAWD CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division L L CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY & FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILDING MATERIALS LASTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7770-0328:0010 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7770 -- VALVES/SWITCHES LISTEE: Potter Electric Signal Co1609 Park 370 Place, Hazelwood, 63042 United States Contact: Bill Witherspoon (314) 595-6900 Fax (314) 595-6999 Email: BiIIW@pottersignal.com DESIGN: Supervisory switches listed below to monitor pressure, OS&Y, gate, globeigate, PIV, tank temperature or water level valves. Refer to listee's data sheet for detailed product description and operational considerations. HLS-B WLS-W WLS-S PS-40A PS-120A OSYSU-2 OSYS-B PMS PTS-B OSYSU-1 GVS PCVS-1 PIVS-B TTS-S TTS-W PCVS-2 WLS PTS-C PS40 PS120 RBVS 'PSIS 'PS25 INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARRING: Listee's name, model designation and FM or UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as sprinkler system supervisory switches. NOTE: Formerly 7738-0328:010 'Revision 09-07-2016 do This listing is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results and/or other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verity correct operatlonal requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: .duly 01, 2017 Listing Expires June 30, 2018 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY d. FIRE PROTECTION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MARSHAL FIRE ENGINEERING - BUILIANG MATERIALS LISTING PROGRAM LISTING SERVICE LISTING No. 7300-1516:0108 Page 1 of 1 CATEGORY: 7300 — FIRE ALARM CONTROL UNIT ACCESSORIESIMISC. DEVICES LISTEE: AES CORPORATION285 NEWBURY ST, PEABODY, MA 01960 Contact: Owais Hassan (978) 535-7310 Ext: 263 Fax (978) 536-7313 Email: OHassan@aes-intellinet.com DESIGN: 'Model 7788F Subscriber Unit, RF transceiver. Unit is intended for use with listee's separately listed Model IntelliNet 7705i system (7300-1516:104) and 7170-EM IPLinks, Remote Transcievers (7300-1516:105). Refer to listee's data sheet for additional detailed product description and operational considerations. RATING: 120 VAC, 16.5 VAC 40VA Secondary, 12 VDC nominal �.. INSTALLATION: In accordance with listee's printed installation instructions, applicable codes and ordinances and in a manner acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction. MARKING: Listee's name, model designation, and UL label. APPROVAL: Listed as a two-way transceiver unit for use with separately listed compatible fire alarm control units_ f 07-12-2013 bh This Ilsting Is based upon technical data submitted by the applicant. CSFM Fire Engineering staff has reviewed the test results andlor other data but does not make an independent verification of any claims. This listing is not an endorsement or recommendation of the item listed. This listing should not be used to verify correct operational requirements or installation criteria. Refer to listee's data sheet, installation instructions and/or other Date Issued: July 01, 2017 Listing Expires .tune 30, 2018 Authorized By: DAVID CASTILLO, Program Coordinator Fire Engineering Division W w Fx ��a �Ury J W 0. Ow. n , a r•1L1 ce o w z20rn F lye • �' � ;ryOry r0rnn LL�LyJJ �'141..L V r IJ U boo. Q f i a3 'v 4 b 4 e N 4� w N V G] 3 CV Ica" 0.� ll! O o r E ca e a p W � ] � W } Q T Q r , a u•i Q T d .n� o f m a V N a x w L � � 11 x I L a ez O o a z " z � N � w a � c to a to ra o C) m N rnauI 0 Lucn U(1) � Lu w W �U> z7jr w U U�Q Q) Z co y Q N o C) c�`n W7 0 c3 v f' U Ai � ti F v L V C'] < Q� L L' O it i2 G IL. V1. UApplicant ID No: 653960-001 Service Center No:1 Expires: 31-MAR-2018 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the Alarm Service Company indicated below is included by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) in its Product Directories as eligible to use the UL Listing Mark in connection with Certificated Alarm Systems. The only evidence of compliance with UL's requirements is the issuance of a UL Certificate for the Alarm System and the Certificate is current under UL's Certificate Verification Service. This Certificate does not apply in any way to the communication channel between the protected property and any facility that monitors signals from the protected property unless the use of a UL listed or Classified Alarm Transport Company is specified on the Certificate. Listed Service From: PALM DESERT, CA Alarm Service Company: i653960-001 Service Center: 653960-001 COMTRON SYSTEMS INC COMTRON SYSTEMS INC 41651 CORPORATE WAY 41651 CORPORATE WAY PALM DESERT CA 92260-1987 PALM DESERT CA 92260-1987 The Alarm Service Company is Listed in the following Certificate Service Categories: File - Vol No. CCN Listing Cateclory $7301-1 UUFX [Signal and Fire Alarm Equipment and Services] (Protective Signaling Services) Central Station *"*THIS CERTIFICATE EXPIRES ON 31-MAR-2018*** "LOOK FOR THE UL ALARM SYSTEM CERTIFICATE" I UApplicant ID No: 100592-M L Service Center No: 0 Expires: 31-MAR-2018 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the Alarm Service Company indicated below is included by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) in its Product Directories as eligible to use the UL Listing Mark in connection with Certificated Alarm Systems. The only evidence of compliance with UL's requirements is the issuance of a UL Certificate for the Alarm System and the Certificate is current under UL's Certificate Verification Service. This Certificate does not apply in any way to the communication channel between the protected property and any facility that monitors signals from the protected property unless the use of a UL listed or Classified Alarm Transport Company is specified on the Certificate. Listed Service From: CORONA, CA (CORONA, CA) Alarm Service Com an 100592-546Service Center; 100592-54G TRISTAR MONITORING LLC TRISTAR MONITORING LLC 1255 GRAPHITE DR 1255 GRAPHITE DR CORONA CA 92881.7252 CORONA CA 92881-7252 The Alarm Service Company is Listed in the following Certificate Service Categories: File - Vol No. CCN Listing Cate9orV S25277-1 UUFX [Signal and Fire Alarm Equipment and Services] (Protective Signaling Services) Central Station **"THIS CERTIFICATE EXPIRES ON 31-MAR-2018*** "LOOK FOR THE UL ALARM SYSTEM CERTIFICATE" FM Approved and Fully Usted Sprinkler Pipe Wheatland's Schedule 10 and Schedule 40 steel fire sprinkler pipe is FM Approved and UL. C-UL and FM Listed. Approvals and Speclficatlons Both products meet or exceed the following standards. • ASTM A135, Type E, Grade A (Schedule 10) • ASTM A795, Type E, Grade A (Schedule 40) • NFPA 13 Manufacturing Protocols Schedule 10 and Schedule 40 are subiected to the toughest possible testing protocols to ensure the highest quality and long-lasting performance. Finishes and Coatings All Wheatland black steel fire sprinkler pipe up to 6" receives a proprietary mill coating to ensure a clean, corrosion -resistant surface that outperforms and outlasts standard lacquer coatings. This coating allows the pipe to be easily painted, without special preparation. Schedule 10 and Schedule 40 can be ordered in black, or with hot -dip galvanizing, to meet FM/UL requirements for dry systems that meet the zinc coating specifications of ASTM A795 or A53. All Wheatland galvanized material is also UL Listed. Product Marking Each length of Wheatland fire sprinkler pipe is continuously stenciled to show the manufacturer, type of pipe, grade, size and length. Barcoding is acceptable as a supplementary identification method. SCHEDULE 10 SPECIFICATIONS NOMINAL NOMINAL MPS NOM OD NOM ID WALL WEIGHT UL In. mm In, mm In. mm 16a./ft. k9/m CRR' 1% 1,660 42.2 1,442 36.6 A09 2.77 1-81 269 7.3 131 1,900 493 1.682 42.7 109 2.77 2-09 311 5.a 2 2,375 60.3 2.157 54.8 .109 2.77 2.454 3.93 4.7 2% 2.97$ 73.0 2.635 66.9 .120 3.05 3.53 5,26 3.5 3 3,500 88.9 3.260 $2.8 .120 3.05 4.34 6.46 26 4 4.500 1143 4.260 108.2 .120 3.05 5.62 0.37 1.6 5 5.563 741.3 5.295 134.S .134 3AD 7.78 11.58 1.5 5 6.625 168.3 6.357 161.5 134 3.40 9.30 13S5 1.0 a 8,625 219-1 8,249 209.5 Lies 4.78 16,96 25,26 2.1 • calculated usft standard ML CRR forrnulai, UL Frra Protection Of sectary, Category %qZV: • The CRRrs a raNa val+M used to measw* the abAFHy Ora pipe to withstand corm3la& Threaded scMdwe 40 steel pfpe It used as the benchmark Nahn Of r_Ol. SCHEDULE 40 SPECIFICATIONS NOMINAL NOMINAL NIPS MOM OD NOM ID WALL WEIGHT UL In. Rim In. mm In. n" Iba./fr. ko/m CRR' 1 1.315 33.4 1.049 26.6 133 3.38 1,66 2.50 1.00 114 1-660 42.2 1.390 35.1 140 3.56 2.27 3.39 1.00 1Ys 1.900 48.3 T.610 40.9 .145 3.68 2.72 4.05 2 2.375 60.3 2.067 52S .154 3.91 3,66 5,45 • Calculated ushW Standard UL CRR fermuk UL Fire protection abrdo% Category VW - The CRR rs a ratio value used to measwe the abNfty of a pipe to withstand corrosion. Threaded Schedule 4o sreef pipe 1s used as the benchmark traAra of 1.0). 100 1,00 PIECES Lift 61 61 37 30 19 19 13 10 7 PIECES Lin 70 51 44 30 C U� F flA APPROVED PROJECT: CONTRACTOR: DATE: ENGINEER. SPECIFICATION REFERENCE: SYSTEM TYPE: LOCATIONS: COMMENTS; ❑ BLACK ❑ NOT -DIP GALVANIZED `.ii f: •'' hill �'-�!fil'1 C1r;f Fl ;h.-orci,, PA 161-1: :is� �1l-4I.,i.� 0111 Wheatland Tube oil A DIVl51DN OF ZEKELMAN INDUSTRIES I"!; f J 1.; 1101iii,:=! SAMM'1' W FOR, WOOD i - 914 6tack Nut Driver part # 8113910 i . A14 SYi Red foul Dri'vDr NITI # 8114910 • No pre -drilling required. Quick to install using the Sammy Nut Driver with an 18V cordless drillfdriver. Saves time from Iraditional methods. • Reduces installation costs. • Made in the U.SA- Notch a siin drrrms�w, -+r www.itwBuildex.cam 1!4' 8DD2951 GST 100 114 x 1" 210 (7116' DSB) 570 (314" Ply) 25 125 114' 8003957 GST 200 1f4 x 2' 1760 (Fir) 25 125 114' BOD4957 GST 300 1f4 x 3' 2060 (Fir) 25 125 L 318' 8007957 GST 10 1f4 x 1' 218 (7116" 8T0 (314' Pto yj me 125 yJ C 318" B008957 GST 20 114)(2, 1760 (Fir) 850 1475 25 125 y� 319" BD68925 GST 20-S6 f 14 x 2' 17W (FiO am 25 U5 318" BDD9925 GST 25-38D 3.s x 2-117 2113 (Fir) 1500 25 125 3r8" 8010%7 GST 30 114 x 3' 2t160 (Fir) 1500 14T5 25 125 318' 8069925 GST 3D•SS ti4 x 3' 2060 (fir) 25 125 318' 8011925 GST 40 114 x4' 2180 (Fir) 25 125 112 8013925 GST 2 f i4 x 2' 1760 {Fir) 25 US 112' 80149Z GST 2.5-360 A x 2-112' 2113 (Fir) 25 125 112' B015925 GST 3 1 f4 x 3' 2275 (Fir) 25 125 ROHS ■une w u.s.w ' SPECIAL NUT DRIVER SYSTEM: The nut drivers were designed mth a unique spin-off feature which prow des a fast and sate installation each Ome. When the Face of lire driver limes into contact write the malarial you are installing into, con0nue drilling until nut driver spins free. Installation is then complete. Warranty requires the use of the appropriate nut driver for Installations. PIPE RINGS Fig. 69 Adjustable Swivel Ring, Tapped Per NFPA Standards Sire Pangs.'/2" through 9' Material: Carbon steel Finish: Strap is Pre -Galvanized Zinc Material. Nut is Zinc Plated. Service: Recommended for suspension of non -insulated stationary pipe line. Maximum Temperature: 45V F Approvals: complies with Federal Specification A-A-1192A (Type 10), WW-H-171-F (Type 10), and ANSI/MSS SP-58 (Type 10). UL Listed and FM Approved (Sizes'14" - 8'. Features: '/i' - Z" sixes designed for use with steel and CPVC piping and manufactured with FBC System Compatible oil. Threads are countersunk so that they cannot become burred or damaged. Knurled swivel nut provides vertical adjustment after piping is in place. Captured swivel nut in the through 6" sizes. The capture is permanent in the bottom portion of the band, allowing the hanger to be opened during installation if desired, but not allowing the nut to fall completely out. Ordering: Specify size, figure number and name. Non -captured nut also available upon request. " I a 4JAt- F 8 C +q G '/z" through 1" pipe JAr+ 1 1/4" through 2" pipe 21/:" through 8" pipe FIG. 69: LOADS (LBS) * WEIGHT (LBS) • DIMENSIONS (IN) Pipe Size Max Load Weight RodSize B C F Width 1h 300 0.10 'A 2'/e 2 1 '/1a 1/0 3/4 0.10 23/4 1"A islr 1 0.10 29/+s 1 "/11e 1 1'/r 0.10 2sA 13/ t 1h 0.10 23/4 1'A 2 0_11 31/4 23A 1 eA 21/2 525 0.20 4 21/4 1'As '14 3 0.20 31s/is 2"As 13/1s 4 650 0.30 V/4 313/,6 19/16 5 1,000 0.54 '/s 55/a 43A 6 0.65 61As 21/4 8 1.00 89/16 -5�A6 1 "I6 31/4 '/i" through 2" Size Rounded Edge design clw APPROVED 21/2" through 8" Size PH-3.17 <EF1F:=/F:4N! MALLEABLE IRON THREADED FITTINGS = ANVIL Class 150 (Standard) FIG. 3101 90* Elbow FIGURE - ELBOW 3101 - 90, Nominal Size Dimension A Approx. Wt. Each k?. (OW ik (4) 0.69 D.06 i/5j i1 J-i " 0-81 0,10 0.95 0.15 13 1h 1.12 0.22 D j5 0 N 1/4 1.31 0.36 150 0.57 11/4 1.75 0.87 3, I 1h 134 1.16 2.25 1.81 2)h 2J0 3.23 3.08 4.82 3.79 8.41 -71 z/'D 6 5.13 19.96 Diff <8> W10 APPROVED LfAt od141m mw uwftiiws. ' 11rd c, m N m AmF Rp.pfe nmim Dimensions: Fittings: ASME B 16.3 Unions: ASME B16.39 Bushings/Plugs: ASME B16.14 Material: ASTM A-1 97 Finish: Block or Hot Dip Galvanized per ASTM A 153 Class A Threads*: NPT per ASME B1.20.1 Pressure Ratings. Fittings: ASME B16.3 Unions: ASME B 16,39 Bushings/Plugs: ASME B 16.14 Pressure Testing: All malleable iron fittings are tested for through wall porosity using an air under water process. Agency Approvals: All malleable iron fittings and unions are UL/ULC Listed and FM Approved. * British Standard threading per BS 21 available upon request. SK/W .15 0sPF/RN MALLEABLE IRON THREADED FITTINGS I= ANVIL Class 150 (Standard) FIG. 3105 Straight Tee FIGURE 3105 - STRAIGHT TEE Nominal Size DirneWon A Approx. Wt. Each m. A* I k (W Lk 4) 0.69 0,09 '/4 0.t31014 'q aA 0.95 0,21 1.12 0.31 L '- , , L fol 0. J, i 1.31 0.50 30.'j - 0.-�J 1,50 0.77 1.75 1.19 1 1.94 1.57 2 215 2.43 21/2 2.70 4.33 3 3.08 6.37 7.1 4 3.79 11.03 -"�_ 6 5.13 .98 111� liOl - 1j.4 -j C W <E�> E APPROVED .-f I wvM VvWW --d wwebw .1 www"Vwm.c W cmud W Amr Sol" RWVH-Wift. Dimensions: Fittings: ASME B16.3 Unions: ASME B 16.39 Bushings/Plugs: ASME B 16.14 Material: ASTM A-1 97 Finish: Block or Hot Dip Galvanized per ASTM A] 53 Class A Threads'. NPR' per ASME BI.20.1 Pressure Ratings; Fittings: ASME B1 6.3 Unions; ASME B1 6.39 Bushings/Plugs.ASME816.14 Pressure Testing: All malleable iron fittings are tested for through wall porosity using an air under water process. Agency Approvals: All malleable iron fittings and unions are UL/ULC Listed and FM Approved. * British Standard threading per BS 21 available up -on request. SK)MI-1.15 VictaulicO Grooved Coupling Style 31 Patented 1.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Available Sires • 2-36"fDN8D—DN900 xziw�z�ul-y 23.02 Pipe Material • Ductile Iron with a minimum wall thickness of ANSIIAWWA C151JA21.51, Class 53 Maximum Working Pressure • Up to 544 psi13450 kPa Function • Provides a fully restrained pipe joint to the published maximum allowable working pressure. • Joints are rigid or flexible depending on groove style. • Rigid joints resist axial and angular movement. • Fiexible joints allow for restrained axial and angular movement to the couplings published capabilities. 2.0 CERTIFICATIONILISTINGS NOTES - Refer WAdautic--1-h--:IItn, I (!!for detwis ALWAYS REFER TD A1kY HpTIFICATIDNs AT THE END OF THIS DOCUMENT REGARDING pRODUCT INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE DR SUPPORT. System No, Submitted By Location Date Spec Section Paragraph Approved Date victaulic.com , - 23.02 1656 Rey H Updated 0&2017 0 2017 Victaulic Company- All rights reserved. _ 4J/�aia 1 J �, - -. . victaulic.com 3.0 SPECIFICATIONS - MATERIAL Housing: Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A536, Grade 65-45-12. Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A395, Grade 65-45-15, is available upon special request. Housing Coating: (specify choice) Standard. Alkyd -phenolic primer (2.5 mil). Optional: Orange enamel. Optional: Coal tar epoxy coating (3 mils). Organic zinc primer (3 mils). Bituminous coating. NOTE Others available, comae[ Victaulic. Gasket: (specify chokiP) Grade "M" FlushSea]ITK Halogenated Butyl (Brown color code). Temperature range -20°F to +200°Ff-29'C to +93°C. Specially compounded to conform to ductile pipe surfaces. Recommended for water service within the specified temperature range plus a variety of dilute acids, oil -free air, and many chemical services. UL classified in accordance with ANSI/NSF 61 for cold +W 1`1+30�C potable water service. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR PETROLEUM SERVICES. Grade "S" FlushSeallm Nitrile (Red color code). Temperature range -200F to +1800F1-29°C to + 82°C. Specifically compounded to conform to ductile pipe surfaces. Recommended for petroleum products, air with oil vapors, vegetable and mineral oils within the specified temperature range, except hot air over +140" F1+60" C and water over +150° FI+66°C. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR HOT WATER SERVICES. Services listed are General Service Guidelines only. It should he noted that there are services for which these gaskets are nat compatible_ Reference should always be made to the latest Vi: i_::r = G4 t:t 5•. ii_ n :•: ii.? : for specific gasket service guidelines and for a listing of services which are not compatible. Bohffiluts: (specify choice) Standard: Carbon steel oval neck track bolts meeting the physical and chemical requirements of ASTM A449 (imperial) and ISO 898-1 Class 9.8 (metric), Carbon steel hex nuts meeting the physical and chemical requirements of ASTM A563 Grade B (imperial - heavy hex nuts) and ASTM A563M Class 9 (metric - hex nuts). Track bolts and hex nuts are zinc electroplated per ASTM B633 ZNIFt=5, finish Type III (imperial) or Type II (metric). Optional: Stainless steel oval neck track bolts meeting the requirements of ASTM F593, Group 2 (316 stainless steel), condition CW. Stainless steel heavy flex nuts meeting the requirements of ASTM F594, Group 2 (316 stainless steel), condition CW, with galling -resistant coating? ' optional bolwnuls are avaliable in imperial size only. Exaggerated forGfaaly 23.02 1656 Rev H Updated 0312017 0 2017 Victaulic company_ All rights reserved victaulic.com 2 Ct.�lalW victaulic.cam 4.0 DIMENSIONS Style 31 14 - 20' Sizes 24 - 36' Sizes Pipe Size 13oltlNut3 Dimensions Weight Actual Outside Approximate Nominal Diameter Qty. size X Y Z Tuh' inches inches inches Inches inches inches lb ON mm rnm mm mm kg 3 3.960 5.50 7.63 2.13 4.8 80 100E 2 14 x 2-% 140 194 54 2.2 4 4.800 6.25 9.20 2.09 1 7.5 100 121.9 2 % x 334 159 234 53 _ 3.4 6 6.900 sag 17.19 2.22 9.4 1 150 175.3 2x33<r 210 ! 284 1 56 43 8 9.050 10.74 14.33 j 2.59 16.5 200 229.9 2 U x 5 273 364 66 75 10 11.100 12.84 16.44 175 22.5 250 281.9 2 34 x $ k 326 418 70 10.2 12 13.200 1517 19.16 2.75 30.0 300 3353 2 v x 5 389 487 70 14.0 14 15300 17.21 21.96 2.75 40.8 1 350 388.E q 1 1 x 3'h 437 558 70 18.5 16 17.400 19.90 23.96 3.50 61.3 4OD 442.0 4 1 x 3'l/) 505 609 89 27.8 18 19.500 4 1 x j % 72A3 26.33 3.50 i 80.0 450 495.3 56D 669 89 36.3 2D 21.600 24A3 28,69 350 76.0 500 549.6 4 1 Ya x 4 613 729 89 34.5 24 �•�0 28.31 33.06 3.50 104.0 600 655.3 6 1 1Kx4 719 $40 89 47.2 30 32.000 35.02 39.39 4.38 162.0 750 812.8 6 1 Y x 4 890 1001 111 73.5 36 38.300 41.56 46.04 4.44 200.0 1 900 972.8 6 1 1 K x 4 1056 1169 113 90.7 a Number of bolts required equals number of housing segments. Metric thread size bolts are available (color coded gold} for all coupling sizes upon request. Contact Victaulic for details. NOTES • WARNING: Depressurize and drain the piping syslern before attompting to install, remove, or adjust any Victaulic piping products. • WARNING: FOR ONETIME FIELD TEST ONLY, the Maximum Joint Working Pressure may be increased to 1 55 times the figures shown. 23.02 1656 Rev H Updated 0312017 0 2017 Victaulic Company_ All rights reserved.. Y J victaulic.com 3 "ctouba vietaulie.eom 5.0 PERFORMANCE Style 31 Pipe End site Separation° Deflect FR. W Actual Maximum Maximum pal& Joint Wortdng Permis. Nominal Diameter Allowable Per Pipe Pressures End Loads inches inches Inches Cplg. InJFt. psi lb DN mm mm Degree mm kPa N 3 3.960 0-0.09 1•-21' 0.28 Soo 6200 80 100.6 ❑ - 2.A 23 3450 27590 4 4.8t10 0- 0.09 1 $ 0.21 500 9D00 100 121.9 0-2.4 17 3450 40050 6 6.900 0 - 0.09 0' 47' a14 400 14950 150 � 175.3 0 - 2.4 i 12 2750 66528 8 _ 9.050 0 - 0.09 0°- 36' 0.11 400 25600 200 229.9 0 - 2A 9 2750 113920 10 11.100 0 - 0.16 0"- 48" 0.15 350 33850 250 281.9 0-4.0 13 2410 150632 12 13.200 0 - 0.16 0"-41' 0.13 350 47.900 300 335.3 0-4.0 11 2410 21150 14 _ 15,300 0 - 0.16 V - 35' 0.11 250 45950 350 388.6 0 - 4.0 9 1725 204470 16 17.400 0 - 0.25 0" 49" u 6 250 59400 40O 442.0 0-6A 13 1725 264330 18 19" 0 - 0.25 -� 0.14 250 74650 450 495.3 4 - 6A 12 1725 332190 20 21.600 0-0.25 0, 40. 0.12 150 54900 500 54B.6 0 - 6.4 10 1035 244305 24 25" 0 - 0.25 0° - 33' O.T 1 150 78.400 600 655.3 0 - 5.4 9 1035 34880 30 32.1301) 0-0.47 V -51' 0.17 150 120570 750 812.8 0 -17.9 74 1035 536530 36 38" 0 - 0.47 0° - 47' 0.15 150 1 172815 900 977 8 0 -11.9 13 1035 769030 Allowable Pipe End Separation and Deflection figures show the maximum nominal range of movernent available at earh pint for pipe prepared to flexible cut sporillcations. Pipe cut grooved to rigid cut grooved specifiratians does not permit expansion and contracllon. grooved Working Pressure and End Load are total, from all Internal and external loads, based on AW WA class 53 or higher ductile iron pipe radius rut grooved in accordance with Victaulic published radius cut groove dimensions. NOTE • WARNING. FOR ONETIME FIELD TEST ONLY, the Maximum Joint Working Pressure may be increased to 1 1h times the figures shown. Z3.02 1656 Rev H Updated o312017 ® 2017 Viclaulic Company. All rights reserved-, VictauiIC.COffl 4 XActauhcr CCC�.RNVIL O.D i 90' Elbow C to Nominal Max. [enter O.D. Working Approx. Size fo End Pressure Wt. [a. i./mow k,/MM MOW kl 1 1.315 300 2'f, 0.6 _. 2. V 111, 1.660 300 2'1, 0.8 1'h 1.900 300 2'! 1.1 2 2.375 300 3'11 1.5 21h 2.875 300 331, 23 3 3.500 300 41!, 4.2 4 4.500 300 5 6.7 S 5.563 300 5'h 11.9 6 6, 625 300 61h 17.3 8 8.625 300 1'1, 32.2 10 1O 750 300 9 54.1 12 12]50 300 10 70.0 r"' VdS APPROVED 09, 'SFal UsliflOAPP -IM DOUAS ana LO"Lwok r$d a lrRh W 11 �-WMACd=M m MdW LPS 1219; 19 3,1 w Arn1-$aim Aapl ro lva. CBWLPCB ref. 519af12 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS CAST FITTINGS: Duclile Iron conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12 FINISH: []Rust inhi6ifing point Color. ORANGE lstandardj or ❑ Hot Dipped Zinc Galvanized conforming to ASTM A-153 (optional) [I Other available options; Example: RAL3000 or RAL9000 Series /&NVIL FP-8.17 Straight Tee q:CS1/RNV -T ------- --------- O.D. C to E C to E T-1 STRAIGHT TEE Wmal OR Cealer Approx. !km to End Wt. Ea. --6a,7m—m— L"- 1 1.315 2% 0.9 V Ir 11/4 1.60 21/4 1:4 I 1h 1.900 N 1.5 2 2375 31/4 2.4 211§ 2,875 3N 16 3 3-59— —6, 6.3 4 t500 S 9-6 I i.3 5 1563 51A 17.8 !V3 1.1) — 6 6.625 25.3 8.625 73/4 42.1 .'.- � I J, ; )11 10 10,750 9 00 12.750 10 91,0 V '/11W1,L II&N <8> LIM APPROVED � LPC6 itl C ForLbtimWAWftW ONSRA r0 our wwwro at w -anwdlrtLcamn or conum LP$ 1219-1 m3A w Axwr Saleg Flepmmwitgf— Ca-ULPCB W. 519WI4 77777 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS I CAST FITTINGS: Dud le Iran conforming to ASTM A-536 COATINGS: []Rust inhibiting point Color: ORANGE (standard) or 0 Hot Dipped Zinc Galvanized conforming to ASTM A-1 53 (optionall El other avoi6ble options; Example- RAL3000 or RAL9000 Series FP-8.1 7 Threaded Mechanical Branch Tee 5PF/RNVIo Mechanical branch connections are used for reducing branch outlets without welding. The MT-8 is a molted saddle type fitting with BSP Female threaded outlets. Design assures superior sealing, full pipe support, excellent stability and easy installation. For the latest UL/ULC listed, LPC6, VdS and FM Approved pressure ratings versus pipe schedule, see www.onVilintl.com or contact your local Anvil Representative. HOUSING: Ductile Iron conforming to ASTM A-536, Grade 65-45-12 BOLTS: 5AE J429, Grade 5, Zinc EledTgA rted 150 898-1, Gau 8.8, Tarx Ejft+op6gd followed by o Yellow Chromob Dip HEAVY HEX NUTS: ASTM A563, Grade A, zinc Electroplated ISO 898-2, doss 8.8, Zinc g6ctropfated hAawed by a Yellow Chromate Dip COATINGS; ❑Rust inhibiting paint Color: ORANGE (standard) []Hot Dipped Zinc Galvanized [optional} ❑Clther available options: Example_ RAL3000 or RAL9000 Series For other coaling requirements contact a Anvif Represento I ive. LUBRICATION: ❑Standard Grwlok ❑Grwlok XtremeT°^ required fordry pipe systems and freezer applications. Project: Address: Contractor: Engineer. Subm Mal Date: Notes t: /&NVIL C @ a Lffm APPROVED Lpm u�et I Fw Lluwosd VpprmW Mlle and Lwnk0 % Ili VNII our mbww H WWWARJLv s nrow"& LPS 1219: Isurs 11 enArwrSake peprra►eWw. GanAPMFOL519a10 GoASICM: Makdak Properties as designated in accordance with ASTM D-200D. Grade "E" EPDM (Green color code) -40°F to 230` F (Service Temperature Range)(-40°C to 110*0 Recommended far water service, diluted acids, alkalies solutions, ail -Free air and many cflemical services. NOT FOR USE 1N PETROLEUM APPOCAT)ONS. 11 Approved ]Approved as noted El Not approved Remarks: Notes 2: FP-1 D.16 Threaded Mechanical Branch Tee s1)F/RMVL Kaminul Site D.D. Hole Dimensions i ■ ■ Max. Working pressure< Nun. Diamder Max. DiamOhr In %f1lr jmmJ humm h0mm I■./mm P511%or 2 x 1 2,375 x 1.315 11h 134 500 2 x 1'14 2.375 x 1.660 1Y44 1'h 500 2 x 1'Ia 2.375 x 1.9D0 1V 1'h SOD x 1 2.875 x 1.315 1'h 11f6 500 21f x 1'14 2.875 x 1.660 2 2'4 500 2'h x 111? 2.875 x 1.900 2 Pt/e 500 76.1 x 25 76.1 x 33.7 38 41 34.5 76.1 x 32 76.1 x 42.4 51 54 34-5 Tb.I x 40 76.1 x 48.3 51 54 34.5 3 x 1 3.500 x 1.315 1 S00 r•y ; :1 � it 7 3 x 1114 3.500 x 1-b60 2 2% 500 3 x 1'h 3.5DO x 1.900 2 2''A 5D0 )%.�0 .; 5 3 x 2 3.500 x 2375 Th 2S1A 1 S00 4 x 1 4,500 x 1.315 1'h 14 500 4 x 1'1� 4.500 x 1.66D 2 215 500 4 x Ph 4,500 x 1.96D 2 2% 500 4 x 2 4.500 x 2.375 2'h 21% 500 100 x 76.1 114.3 x 76.1 00 73 34.5 4 x 3 4.500 x 3300 3'h 31a 5D0 5 x 2 5.563 x 2.375 P'h 2% 500 0.3 BRANCHMECHANICAL Dimensions i U V w- Y I hom b /rltm in %= ha,/mm 10 /mm hL/lem 2% 191t6 4S 2% =., r !: 11Sh6 1'fr N 1'It6 41A 2'h 7 il? '3 1'Si6 VA 2% 1'1,6 4% VA it a VAL 1'h 3 1'% VA P 2'lie 1'Ii 3 116 541i6 3'h F/m 1% 3 VA& V16 3'h :+I 62 51 81 48 I'. 145 il 86 62 51 81 48 145 86 62 51 Bl 48 145 86 Y�14 2 snc 2'/e 61/+ 3r$16 2'1 2 3'hs 2'A 6'/4 31S1i6 2'14 2 3rl,t 21le 674 3tslt6 2Y4 2 311i6 2'ri 61/4 3161is J 3% 2 4 2% 71! 3"A6 3 6 2 4 214 7% 3'7i6 31A6 2 4 25 7114 36Ii6 2 4 21h 7'14 4'h r 78 f 51 102 67 184 i15 3 2 4 2s1A 1'14 5'Is J. r is 4'1�4 2'1+ 4% 3" It4 41h /�IV�II L Boll Approx. Size Wt. Ea. in,/am AUAj- %x2 1.1 %x2 1.7 %x2 1.1 'h x 2114 3.6 'h x 2Y, 3.6 'hx2Y'4 3.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 'h x N 3.8 'A x 2'14 3.8 th x 214 3.1 rrx2/4 4.4 hx2. 4.6 'h x 2V4 4,6 'h x 2'1, t- C6 'h 2.3 th x 2% 5.4 i % x 4 6.0 All sixes Troy be used as mechoniml arises. A *N i Tluerds ore Brifish Standard Parollel (BSP) per BS-21. • - Working Pressure Rolingi ere for reference only on� Eased on 5rh. 40 Pipe- for the 6" Ulf UiC, FK Vd5 and IPCB Preswre For dry Pipe systems and freezer required, ro6ngs wrs%n pipe schr ule, please visit - ilirdl.com ar cordael your kxol Anvil Represenl0k.- luvlok* tan m the goskrt is required, Grurlok' xsrc�meT' iubriCant is required. FP-10,16 qOE-/T-m-m->' T T Kominall O.Sire D. Hole DimensionsMG)L :ad q 1 m4:vjj 11:41" Working PressureA 1393 x 50 139.7 x 613 64 67 343 OD 010 S 2 139,7 x 76.1 139.7 x 76.1 70 73 343 139.7 x 88.9 1391 x 88-9 89 92 30 6 x 11/4 &625 x 1.660 2 21A 500 L Elk 5 ---6-x 1 �Ih -6.625 K 1 -900 2 2% 500 fry. : 'I ".15 6 x 2 --- 6.625 x 2.375 21h 21A 500 --77 7. 150 x 76] 168.3 x 761 70 73 34.5 6X3 6.625 x 3.500 Th TA 500 Jirl f "r 165.1 x 32 165.1 x 42.2 51 54 34.5 _155.1 x 40 L65 I x 48.3 51 54 - 34.5 165] x 50 _L65 1 x �60.3 64 7 67 34.5 it 'i'j: 165.1 x 80 165.1 x 98.9 89 92 34.5 .8 x 2 8.625 x 2.375 71.E 2 Ila Soo -------- -- ?An v 761 2191 x 761 70 73 34-5 A&N%AL Bolt Apptox- size wl. Ea. 3.6 3.6 3.6 'A x 4 7.9 'A x 4 8-0 'A x 4 0.0 4.4 % x 4 9.7 --� -9.6 - U 0 I.t 5.7 9.6 1/4 x 4% 10,2 4.8 All sizes may 6e used as "*c6wkixal cm- Ivreclas are BMA %ndcwd Par*U [8SP) per BS-21, A Working Pressure Rulings ,,e for m6nanoa o* and bused on S& A0 pipe. For 16 kriest UL/ULC, FM, VdS and LPCB pmswe For dry pipe ryoorns and keezer applications rulings versus Pipe schedule, pW50 visit mwitutd.corn or conkwt your 6cof Anv-jt Repre,56ftfikee- Glruvu6tication of *m LAricant goskat is sari red, lok* Xfterrm- i's required. MECHANICAL BRANCH TEE Dimert5ions T U v w y z MA L b"/m. 95 57 117 81 213 114 95 57 117 81 213 114 95 57 124 81 213 130 311A4 TA 4A 31% 93S 31/o 47A6 211. 51/0 T'At 9% f 4'Ai 21/4 514 3""16 91A 4 1A r. 106 57 130 94 238 112 V/16 sf 7 102 57 121 93 235 98 110 57 129 93 235 98 Ila 57 129 93 235 112 114 57 130 93 735 143 57A, 214 1 414 12% 41A6 138 1 64 1 156 1 124 314 112 FP-10.16 Threaded Mechanical Branch Tees �111►►11: ALWAYS USE A GRUVLOK• SPF/A14VIL6 LUBRICANT FOR PROPER COUPLING ASSEMBLY. Thorough lubrication of the gasket is essential to assist the gasket into the proper sealing position. Pipe preparaf1Of1 Cut the appropriate size hole In the pipe and remove any burrs. Be sure to remove the slug from inside the pipe. Clean the gasket sealing surface within sla' (16mm) of the hole and visually inspect the sealing surface for defects that may prevent proper sealing of the gasket. BRANCIA SIZE HOLE SAW SIZE FLOW DATA MT-) MT-8 Mdw Va* I00+'A40W -4 fseonaml 2 t'h V`iun) 134 4 4 4 -a r- nc�z'r�° nm1 2 a 4 2 2'h 9 9 2'k 2 10 10 I :1 3 O.D. 29/ 7 7 - r 3 3'h 8 a Align the strap around the pipe, insert the bolts and tighten the nuts finger tight Check the gasket to be sure it is compatible for the intended service. Apply a thin layer of Gnavlok SPFfAnvil lubricant to the back surface of the gasket. Be careful that foreign particles do not adhere to the lubricated surfaces. Insert the gasket back into the outlet housing making sure the labs in the gasket line up with the tab recesses in the housing. Note: Flow Date is expressed as FeetlMeters of Schedule 40 steel outlet pipe with a 'Hazen - Williams coefficient of friction value of 120". Alternately and evenly tighten the nuts to the specified bolt torque. X:-:: . Lubrlcate the exposed surface of f the gasket. Align the outlet housing over the pipe hale making sure that the locat- ing collar is in the pipe hole. S'Pe:CJ:ti ed Bolt Torq:ue Specified bolt torque is for the oval neck track bolts used an 5PF® threaded mechanical branches. The nuts must be tightened alternately and evenly until fully tightened. Caution: Proper torquing of mechanical branch bolts is required to obtain specified performance. Over torquing the bolts may result in damage to the bolt and/or casting which could result in pipe joint separation. Under torquing the bolts may result in lower pressure retention capabilities, lower bend load capabilities, joint leakage and pipe joint separation. Pipe joint separation may result in significant property damage and serious injury. Non -lubricated bolt torque "- Non -lubricated bolt torque FP-10.16 SWAY BRACE -- SEISMIC (1-W).ANVIL Fig. 770 Sire Range: Service Pipe: I' through 6' Sch.10 and Sch. 40 IPS UL and FM Approved Service Pipe.1" through 6' Flaw Pipe FM Approved Brace Pipe:1" or 1'/:'Sch. 40 IP5 Material: Carbon steel Finish: grace Rod: Plain, Channel Bracket: Zinc Plated Service: Used to rigidly brace piping systems subjected to sway and seismic disturbances. Pipe clamp component of Anvil's 700 series sway brace assembly. Primarily a lateral brace clamp and applicable as a riser/four way brace. Approvals: UL and ULC Listed (UL 203A:2009), and FM Approved (FM 1950:2010). Complies with seismic bracing requirements of NFPA-13.Office of Statewide Heaith Planning and Development (OSHPD) State of California approved. Features: OPA-2E • Used to brace schedules 101PS, 40 IPS (UL and FM), and Sch. 7 IPS flow pipe (W). • Field adjustable design requires no threading of bracing pipe CMOs v v • Can be used as a component of a four-way brace support U70 'MOVED Functions as a lateral brace application Installation Instructions: 1, Minimum brace pipe extension 2" beyond channel bracket or brace clamp rod end. Note: 6" sixes are supplied with retaining plate that assembles between sprinkler system pipe and brace pipe. Not required for FM applications. 2. The brace clamp channel bracket can be installed inside or outside the service pipe at the end of the brace pipe. 3. The Q brace clamp must be a minimum of 6" away from a pipe joint in order to not weaken the pipe joint. 4. Riser/4-way brace - The Q brace clamps must be installed within 6' of each other. 5. Adjust brace angle as necessary. 6, lighten hex nuts until spring indicating clip is completely flattened and the required torque of 14 Ft-Lbs is achieved. For sixes 2' - 3'; 4" x 1; 5" x 1° and 6' continue tightening to a torque of 16 Ft-Lbs. ordering: Specify service pipe diameter, brace pipe diameter, figure number, name and finish. Q Brace Clamp Notes: 1. Fcx fire protection Installations - sway braces are intended to be installed in accordance with NFPA-13 and Anvit's installations instructions and local codes. 2. The required type. number and si-,e of fasteners used for the structural attachment fitting shall be in accordance with NFPA-13. I To assure proper performance, installer is responslble for: a Structural integrity of attachment member to safely handle load requirements. b_ Securely tightening the component on the brace pipe. 4. Anvil International" brand bracing components are designed to be compatible ONLY with other Anvil International"' brand bracing components, resulting in a Listed seismic bracing assembly. S. Updated uL listing information may be viewed at www.ul.com and FM approvals may be viewed at www.fmgtobal.com Project Address: Contractor: Engineer: Subntit4al [late: Notes 4: Holes 2: PH-9.16 771 Sway Brace Swivel Attachment Typical Assembly (Brace Pipe Below Service Pipe) proved []Approved as noted []lint approved Remarks, Fig, 770 0 Brace Clamp SWAY BRACE - SEISMIC 16Tr1A1VV1L" Fig. 770 Riser/4-Way Brace Assembly FIG. 710 UL MAX LOAD: LOADS (LBS) • WEIGHT PS) ■ DIMENSIONS (IN) Service Pipe Size UL Max Load Weigh# Sch.10 Sch. 40 t" Brace Pipe 1114" Brace Pipe 1 A. s 1000 '82 .87 111a B 8$ _90 11h $ 90 .95 2 .96 1.00 21/2 1.02 1.06 3 1.09 1.13 4 1.23 1.26 5 16fl0 1.32 Mat Listed g 1 A9 1.53 A - Schedule 40 only. B - UL Listed as a restraint and sway brace. Q Brace Clamp (cunt.) FIG. 770 FM MAX LOAD: LOADS (LBS) - DIMENSIONS (IN) o ANGLES [DEGREES] Service Pipe Size W or 1114" Brace Pipe] Brace Angle*** FM Max toad•" (Horizontaly Sch.10 Sch. 40 Flow Pipe 1 30-44 1110 250 45-59 1500 260 60-74 1900 440 75-90 2100 500 1 �!� 30-44 570 50 45-59 810 360 60-74 1000 440 75-90 1100 500 11�z 30-44 570 250 45-59 810 360 60-74 1000 440 75-90 1100 500 2 30-41 570 250 45-59 810 360 60-74 1040 440 75-90 1100 5500 2'la 30-44 570 250 45-59 810 360 60-74 1000 440 75-90 1100 500 3 30-44 570 250 45-59 810 360 60-74 1000 440 75-90 1100 500 4 30-44 76D 410 45-59 1070 590 60-74 1320 720 75-90 1470 800 5 30-44 760 410 45-59 1070 590 60-74 1320 720 75-90 1470 800 6 30-44 770 450 45-59 1090 0 s 4 1340 1 780 75-90 1490 1 870 See FM Approval guide for approved flaw pipe. The allowable FM approved capacity of brace subassemblies have been determined by resolving the load rating to the horizontal direction and dividing by a safety factor of 1.5 to allow the values to be used directly for Allowable Stress Design_ Fbr Load Resistance Factor Design (tRFD) capacities, the above values will need to be mul iplied by 1.5. """ Brace Pipe Angles are determined from vertical. FIG. 770: TORQUE VALUE (FT LBS) Service Pipe Size Torque Value 1thru11 4x111+5x11/4 14 2thru3 4x1 5x1 6 7ti 1 For more detailed information on Aril's Seismic Sway Brace for Fire Sprinlder Systems, see the 0SHPD Manual in the Catalog Section of the Anvil Website, www.aWlintl.camlliteraiNFOh atalog9-aspx Seis Brace® Seismic Fire Protection Design Tool may be accessed at www.seisbrace-com Disclaimer: Anvil International ('Anvil") does not provide any warranties and specifically disclaims any liability whatsoever with respect to Anvil bracing products and components that are used in combinat=on with products, parts or systems riot manufactured or sold by Anvil. in no event shall Anvil be liable for any incidental, direct, consequential, special or indirect dam>ges or lost profits where non -Anvil bracing components have been, or are used. PW9.16 tqvv Fire Protection Products Model BFV-N Butterfly Valve Grooved End General Description The Model BFV-N Grooved End But- terfly Valves (Ref. Figure 1) are indi- cating type valves designed for use in fire protection systems where a visual indication is required as to whether the valve is open or closed. They are used, for example, as system, sectional, and pump water control valves. They have cut groove inlet and outlet connections that are suitable for use with grooved and pipe couplings that are listed and approved for fife protection systems. For applications requiring supervision of the open position of the valve, the Gear Operators for the Model BFV-N Butterfly Valves are provided with two sets of factory installed inter- nal switches each having SPDT con- tacts (Ref. Figure 3). The supervisory switches transfer their electrical con- tacts when there is movement from the valvWs normal open position during the first two revolutions of the handwheel. The Model BFV-N Grooved End But- terfly Valves described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire protection Association, in addition to the standards of any other authori- ties having prisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these devices. The owner is responsible for main - raining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating con- dition. Contact the installing contrac- tor or product manufacturer with any questions. Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed FIN Approved Listed by California State Fire Marshall under Listing No. 7770-1670:100 All laboratory Astings and approvals are for indoor and outdoor use. Sizes 2 112 thru 10 Inch (DN65 thru DN250) Maximum Working Pressure 2-112 to a Inch (DN65 to DN200) 300 psi (20,7) bar 10 Inch (DN250) 175 psi (12,0 bar) Materials of Construction Body Ductile Iron conforming to ASTIVI A395 Body Coating Polyamide Disc Ductile iron conforming to ASTM A395 Disc Seal Grade EPDM "E" encapsulated rubber conforming to ASTM D2000 Upper & Lower Stem Type 416 Stainless Steel conforming to ASTM 582 Lower Plug PVC Operator Gear operator with iron housing Worldwide www.tyco-fire.com Contacts page 1 of 4 JULY 2015 TFP15tO TFPia1a Page 2 of 4 Pfl� Installation Dimensions Weight Valve Inches [mm] Sizes inches Inches (mm) A B C D E F G H [k9l {DHj 2-112 2.$$ 3.$5 11.94 3.25 5.67 5.94 5.82 2.13 D 22 (fi5) (73,0) (9$,0) (343,3) [83,0] [144,4] {149,9} (147,8) [54,1] {14,4} 78,1mm 3.44 3.85 11.94 3.25 5.67 5.94 5.82 2.13 4 22 (65) {7$,1) (98,4) (343,3) (83,4) (144,4) (149,9) (147,8) (54,1) 3 3.54 3.85 12.48 3.54 5,94 5.94 5.82 2.13 D 23 (84) (88,9) (9814) (317A) (94,4) (154,9) {149,9} {147,8} (54,1) (14,4) 4 4.50 4.51i 14,18 4.35 6.31 5.94 7.64 2.13 p 28 (140) [114,3] [116,0] [364,2J (110,0) (164,3) (149,9) (194,1) [54,1] [12,7] 5 5.56 5.86 15.17 4.84 7.32 5.94 7.64 2.13 4 31 {125} (141,3) {149,0} (385,3) (123,4) [185,9] {149,9} (194,1) (54,1) {14,1} 1&5,1rnm (150) - (165.1) 5.86 (149,4) 17.54 [445,5] 5.93 51,4) 8.fi2 (218,9) 5.94 (149.9) 7,64 (194,1) 2.13 [54,1] 4.67 [17,0] di (1$16) fi 6.63 5.88 17.54 t16.193 8.62 5.94 7.64 2.i3 4.fi7 41 {154}(1&8,3)[149,D] (445,5) (11,4) (21$,9) {149,9} (194,1) (54,1) (717,4) (18,8) 8 8.63 5.26 19.42 6.87 9.80 9.80 7.91 2.13 5.86 53 (244) (219,1) {134,0} (493,3) {174,0} (248.9) (248,9) (240,9) (54,1) (148,8) (24,1) 14 10.75 6.29 24.43 9.17 11.61 19.DD 9.49 3.03 7.41 88 (254) (273,1) (164,0) {614,4} [233,Q] (294,9) (457,2) (241,4) [77,4] (188,2) (44,4) G r— F - -I HANDWHEE� INDICATOR j` FLAG 112" NPT 1 ,^ CONDUIT CONNECTION GEAR _ E 4PERATOFi BODY g t DISC CI f - A FIGURE 1 MODEL BFV-N GROOVED END BUTTERFLY VALVE NOMINAL DIMENSIONS Nominal Nominal e, Lu 0 I H SUPERVISORY CONTACT RATING: I I SWITCH I I 1/2A 0 125 VDG l I 114A 10 250 V9C I I SWITCH SHOWN 15.1A112HP 125,250 VAG I 1 WITH VALVE 5A W 125 VAG `L' `— --- -- --- —J FULL OPEN � i O c Lu END 4F LINE PANEL RESISTOR POWER i I I I AuxILIARv + GND � SWITCH I I I I SWITCH SHOWN I I WITH VALVE �— -- —� —^— —J FULL OPEN can 5 � � FIGURE a MODEL BFW-N 6UiTERFLY VALVE INTERNAL 51iNlTCN WIRING DIAGRAM WITH VALVE IN OPEN POSlTrON BELL TFP1510 Page 4 of 4 Care and Maintenance Before closing a fire protection system control valve for maintenance or inspection work on either the valve or fire protection system which it con- trols, permission to shut down the affected fire protection systems must be obtained from the proper authorities and all personnel who may be affected by this decision must be notified. The owner is responsible for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices In accordance with the applicable stan- dards of the National Fire Protection Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any authority having jurisdiction. Contact the installing con- tractor or product manufacturer with any questions. Any impairment must be immediately corrected. it is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified inspec- tion service. Limited Warranty For warranty terms and conditions, visit www.tyw-fire.com. Ordering Procedure Grooved End Butterfly Valves Specify. (specify inch size) Model BFV-N Grooved End Butterfly Valve with internal supervisory switches, PIN {specify}; 2-112 inch (DN65)............ 59-300-F-025N 76.1mm (DN65)'....... • • • • • . 59-300-F-076N 3 inch (DN80) ....... ....... 59-300-F-030N 4 inch (UN100j ......... _ .... 59-30a-F-0401\1 5 Inch (DN125) .............. 59-300-F-050N 165,1mm (DN150]' . - • • ....... 59-300-F-165N 6 inch (DN150) .............. 59-3D0-F-06ON 8 inch (DN200).............. 59-300-F-080N 10 inch (DN250) ......... 59-300-F-100N 'MaUbig for EMEA and APAG markets aNy GLUt3AL HEADQUARTERS j 1400 Pennbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 194461 Telephone +1-215-362-0700 Copyright ® 2015 Tyco Fire Products, LP. All rights reserved. tqqq Firs. Prutecflon Producrs FUR SMALL PiPE VSR—S PPOTTER VANE TYPE WATERFLOW F The Symbol of Protection ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD Stock No. 1144440 Installation must be perfonled by qualified personnel and in accordance with all national and local codes and ordinances. Shock hazard. Disconnect power source before servicing. Serious injury or death could result. Risk of expplosion. Not for use in hazardous locations. Serious injury or death could result. The Model VSR-S is a vane type waterflow switch for use on wet sprinkler , . tctns that use I" (25mm), 1'','V (32mm), 1 �2" (38inm) or 2 (50mm) pipe size. The unit may also he used as a sectional watcitlov,' detector on large systems. The unit conlains two single pole double throw snap action switches and an adjustable, instantly recycling pneumatic retard. The switches are actuated wilco aflow of 10 gallons per minute (38 LPM) ormore occurs downstream of the device. The flow condition must exist for a period of time necessary to overcome the selected retard period. Enclosure The V SR-S switches and retard device are enclosed in a goneral purpose, dic-caxt housing. The cover is held in pi.acc with two lamp cr resistant screws which require .i special key for removal. A field installable cover tamper switch is available as an option which may be used to indicate unaulhnrizLd rairinvul of thi: cover. See bulIelin number 5401103 For installation. instructions of this switch. UL, ULC, CSFhl Listed and NYMEA Accepted Service Pressure: Up to 300 PSI (20,7 BAR) Flow Sensitivity Range for Signal: 4-10 GPM (15-M LPM) UL Maximum Surge: 18 FPS (5,5 m/s) Enclosure: Die-cast, red enamel finish Cover held in place with tanrper resistant screws Contact Ratings: Two sets ofSPDT tFonri C) 10.0 A mps at 125/250 VAC 2.0 Amps at 30 VDC Rcgislive WmAmps min. at 24 VDC Conduit Entrances: Two openings provided for 1/2" conduit. Individual switch compartments suitable for dissimilar voltages. Usage: Lis(cd plastic, copper and schedule 44) iron pipe. Fits pipe sizes - 1" (25mm), 1 114" (32mm), 1 1i2" (39mm) and 2" (50mm) Note: 12 paddles are furnished with each unit, one for each pipe sire o f threadcd and sweat'FEE, one I'or f" (25min) CPVC, one for I" (25mm) CPVC (Central), one for i" threaded Nibco CPVC, and one for 1 112" (38mm) thmade:d (Japan). Environmental Specifications: • NEMA-41IP54 Rated enclosure suitable for indoor ar outdoor use with factory installed gasket and die-cast housing when used with appropriate conduit fitting. • Temperature range: 460 F to 1200 F, (4,50 C to 490 C) UL Service Use: Automatic Sprinkler NFPA-13 One or two family dwelling NFPA-13D Residential occupancy up to four stories NFPA-l3R National Fire Alarm Code NFPA-72 Optional: CovcrTamper Switch Kit, Stock No. 0090148 (Sec: Fig. 7 for terminations) Replaceable Components: Retard/Switch Assembly, stock no. 1029030 Installation Thesc devices may be mounted in horizonial or vertical pipe. On horizontal pipe they should be installed on the top side ofthc pipe where they will be accessible. The units should not be installed within 6" (I 5cm) of avalve, drain or fitting which changes the direction of the waterflow. Select the proper paddle for the pipe size and type of TEE used see Fib. 1 for instructions on changing paddle. The unit has a 1" NPT bushing for threading into a non -corrosive TEE. See Fig. 2 for proper TEE size, type and installation. Use no more than three wraps of tellon tape. Screw the device into the TEE fitting as shown in Fig. 2. C'are must be taken to properly orient the device for the direction of waterflow. The vane must not rub the inside of the TEE or bind in any way. The stem should move freely when operated by hand. The device can also be used in copper or plastic pipe installations with the proper adapters so that the. specified TEE fitting may be installed on the pipe run. Nate: Do not leave cover AT for an extended period of time. poncr F.lcctric Signal Company, LLC • 2081 Craig Road, St. Louis, Mil, 63146-4101 • Phone 800-325-393tiCanada 888-892-1833• www.pottersigna).com PRINTEi11N USA MF(i.1l54a12V,- REV G Rr-' ;rS 1 OF 3 2:OS (2)POTTER e The Symbol of Protection Fig. t Rctard Adjustment Thetimcde[ayisfactory set a001 [oseconds. The delay can be adjusted by rotating the retard adjustmentknob from 0 to Ihemax sett i n g (60- 90 :seconds). The tiniede lay should be set at the miniinum mjuired to prevent false alarms. rllxra7lu� I � WATER Fix. W There arc 12 paddles famished with each unit. One for each sire of thnacled sv" or plastic TEE, as descxibcd in Fig. 2. These paddlt—, have raised letictingthat shows thepipe si-and type 017EC Huntthey are it) be L"A w11h. ThepmW paddle muAbm,AA.Zliepaddlcmustbl:p uMiy aumikx d (soe drawing) and the ,,am that holds tho paddic must be scGur ly tigltteriA FOR SMALL PIPE VSR—S VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD T10 NI]T I F•\ti'F f'{ 1\• f'R S iFS' FS IR F.k r r NPI'P r1-111[ Hr . W l I kilt 1 •Ili..... _.-......_ ... ._.... MOUNTSO ARROW uu IR'SI LING MIN I, 1N' D1RI K1 ION OV nr'nnln ow l' Np I IIRFA DWI I I TI IY3 ON RVN or 1111111:1. MAY A I In RRAORn OR ,, 'i Kr Prl'1+. hlkr.R WAT Shown wish upliiinai Co) cr Tumper Switch Kil. Fig. 3 Switch Terminal Connections Clamping Plate Terminal �ecl Fig. 2 II 1 Iq.l'r11 J II Screw the device into the tee fitting as shown. Care trust he taken to properly orient the device for the direction of waterflow. On sweat tees, no threaded bushings, inserts, or adapters are permitted, unless they comply with the dimensions listed in the chart below. Important - The depth to the inside bottom of the tee should have the following dimensions: Arpl iMtc Dwb Rcqukrmenl tic Slre ThrraJeA $,4+L'xl CPvc 3"x I'x 1T 211I6" I 1;4"x1I4"x1' 2716" 1 112"x t 1r2"x 1" ? 11ITe 1'4" rYA Da not use mare than tluxu wraps Vf lCtlurt ]'.h�• An uninsuWed section of a single conductor should not be looped around the terminal and sere as two seflaratc con necdons. The wire must tic severed, [Hereby providing supervision of the connection in the event that the >,'`'ire become dislodged from under the terminal. Failure to sever the wire may render the device inoperable risking severe property damage and loss of life. Fig. 4 Typical Electrical Connections NLriA'I IVU.. IH' OR NMIR U. AC u11% F rx'oR I Ar" 1WYC,NU 7Y I Notes: 1. The Model VSR-S 11.as two switches, nnc can be used to operate a central station, propriclary or remote signaling unit, while the other is used to operate a local audible or visual annunciator. 2. For supervised circuits see "Switch Tcnninal Connections" drawing and caution note (Fig. 3). PRINTED IN USA Fig, 5 Fig. 7 Cover Tamper Switch Wiring (Shown with Lover in place) c N.o. N.C•. (wiTr) (RED) (BLK) I]Nf�l.51MHx± Fig. 6 To removeknockaut_s: Breakout thin sectionofeoverwhenwiring Place scrcwvdrivcr at edge of both switches frnmi one conduit entrance. knockouts, ixit in the center. tit FG. 45401206 - REV (J 12MH PA(A'. 2 OF 3 (E)POTTER The Symbol of Protection FOR SMALL PIPE VSR—S VANE TYPE WATERFLOW ALARM SWITCH WITH RETARD Testing The frequency of inspection and testing for the Model VSR-S and its associated protective monitoring system should be in accordance with applicable NFPA Codes and Standards and/or the authority having jurisdiction (manufacturer rccommends quarterly or more frequently.) An impector's testvalve (usually located attheend ofthemost remotebranch litre) should always be used for test purposes. I f there are no pmvisions for testing the opera i on of the flow detection device on the system, application ofthe VSR S is not mcummended or advisable. A minimum flow of 10 gpm (38 Lpm) is required to activate this device. Please advise the person responsible lbr testing of the fire protection system that this system must be tested in accordance with the testing instructions. Maintenance Inspect detectors monthly for leaks. if leaks are found, replace the detector. The VSR-5 waterflow switch should provide years of trouble - free service.'17he retard and switch assembly are easily field replaceable. In the unlikely event that either component does not perform properly, please order replacement retard switch assembly stock t11029030. Thcrc is no maintenance acquired, only periodic testing and inspection. Mounting dimensions 159A ram) I" -I l 112 Nt' Removal • To prevent accidental water damage, all control valves should be shut tight and the system completely drained before waterflow detectors are removed or replaced. • Turn off electrical power to the detector, then disconnect wiring. • Use a wrench on the flats of the bushing- Turn the switch counterclockwise to disengage the pipe threads. • Gently lift with your fingers, roll the vane so it will fit thmugh the holy while continuing to lift the waterflow detector. • LiR detector clear of pi pc. A CAUTION Waterflow switches that are monitoring wet pipe sprink lersystems shall not be used as the sole initiating device to discharge AFFF, deluge, orchemical suppression systems. Waterflow switches used for this application may result in unintended discharges caused by surges, trapped air, or short retard times. d.1S9" [523 ram) r 20" (50A mm) — 5.5s" -- (141.2 mm) MGM 12K-5 PRINTED 1N USA MFG. N54012D6 - REV G PAGE 3 OF 3 RAIN BELLS (E)POTTER The Symbol of Protection PBA-AC & MBA -DC C *M These vibrating type bells are designed for use as fire, burglar or general signaling devices. They have low power consumption and high decibel ratings. The unit mounts on a standard 4" (10Imm) Square clectricak box for indoor use or on a model BBK-1 weatherproof backbox or BBX-1 deep wealherproofbackbox for outdoor applications. Weatherproof backbox model BBK-1, Stock No. 1500001. UL, ULC, and FM Approved Sizes Available: 6" (150mm), 8" (200mm) and 10" (250mm) Voltages Available: 24VAC 120VAC 12VDC (10.2 to 15.6) Polari7.cd 24VDC (20.4 to 31.2) Polari-rcd Service Use: Fire Alarm General Signaling Burglar Alarm Environment: Indoor or outdoor use (See Note 1) -400 to l50°F (-40° to 66°C) (Outdoor use requires weatherproof backbox.) 'termination: AC Bells - 4 No. 18 AWG stranded wires DC Bells - Terminal strip Finish: lied powder coating Optional: Model BBK-1 weatherproof backbox Model BBX-1 deep weatherproof backbox Notes: 1. Minimum dB ratings are calculated from integrated sound pressure measurements made at Undcrwritws Laboratories as specified in UL Standard 464. UL temporature range is -30* to 15VF (-34° to 66°C), 2. Typical dB ratings are calculated from measurements made with a (:onventional sound level melcr and are indicative: of output levels in an actual installation. 3. ULC only applies to MBA DC bells. Size inches (MITI) Voltage Model Number Stock Numbcr Current (Mar.) Typical dB at 10 ft. (3m) (2) Minimum dB at 10 ft. (3m) (1) 6 (150) 12VDC MBA-6-12 1750070 A 2A 85 76 8 (200) 12VDC MBA4-12 175(MO .12A 90 77 1t?(250) 12VDC MBA-10-12 1750060 .12A 1 92 78 6 (150) 24VDC MBA-6-24 1750100 .06A 87 77 8 (200) 24VDC META-8-24 1750110 .06A 91 79 10 (250) 1 24VDC MBA-10-24 1750NO D6A 94 W 6 (150) 24VAC PBA246 1806024* .17A 91 1 79 s (200) 24VAC PBA248 1808024* _ 17A 94 77 10 (250) 6 (150) 8 (200) 10 (250) 24VAC 120VAC 120VAC 120VAC PBA2410 PBA 1206 I PBA 1209 I PBA12010 1810024* 1806120* 1848120* 1 1810120* 17A .05A .05A .05A 94 92 99 99 78 83 84 1 A6 All DC bells arc polarized and have built-in hansient protection- * Does not have ULC lis in& AWARNING in outdoor or wet installations, bell must be mounted with weatherproof backbox, B13K-1 or B5 X-1 _ Standard electrical boxes will not provide a weatherproof enclosure. If the belt and/or assennbly is exposed to moisture, it may fail or emote an electrical hazard. PotAcr Electric Signal Company, LLC: • St. Louis, MO, - Phone: 8ti6-572-3005JCanoda 889-882-1833 • www_putic,rsignal.com vKIN TED IN USA .vtFG. M5400770 - REV Y-1 PAGF I OP 2 0l 13 BELLS(E)POTTER The Symbol of Protection PBA-AC & MBA -DC Bells dimensions Inches (mm) Fig. ! IIwIa71h1 Weatherproof Backbox Dimensions Inches (-In) Fig. 2 Box has one threaded 1/2" conduit ollruncc 111��' Il[S%7 V I Im iJ 7:�2 Wiring (rear view) Fig. 3 A.C. BELLS x N11 Ii Otis wIjrrli NN.rr) 0 JAOM MN I IttH P-Atil=l Ilk 0 III .4['N lltil C1111 f-AU IYi h: H III:K lit k-('iHICAI tl-P1:8%I':111ti 1S RI:ULIUM) 151: IN AND OUT 1.I.A155 AS SIHM N .Mn V.I. 1 v.'lll'.NIM.Nfl Af kill IS- IURMINA'k1'.l-Afllli%I RA x'IkErkP RXI ELYA17 PIN LAM All if. UNF ItESISMIt kSN(n RLQUIRE➢W1 M RFLLti f1CF C To Next Device or Did -of -Line RC:tiSlur Installation 1. The ball shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 13, 72, or It- wal AHJ. The top of the device shall be na less than 90" AFF and riot less than 6" below the ceiling. 2. Remove the gong. 3. Connect wiring (sea Fig. 3)- 4, Motint bell mechanism to baekbox (bell mechanism must be mounted with the striker pointing down). 5, Reinstall the gong (be sure that the gong positioning pin, in the mechanism housing, is in the hole in the gong). 6. Test all bells for proper operation and observe that they can be hvurd where required (bells must be heard in all areas as drsignatcd by the authority hawing jurisdiction). AWARNING Failure to install striker down will pmwllt bell from operating. PRINTED IN USA MFG, 05400776 - REV Y-1 PAGE 2 OF 2 0013 175 PSI WW P Bronze Angle Valves DezinciTication Fire Protection Valve • Screw -in Bonnet • Integral Seat ■ Renewable Disc Rasistent 175 PSV12.1 Bar Ikon -Shock Cold Water CONFORMS TO MSS SP-80 • UUULC LISTED* MATERIAL LIST PART SPECIRCAMON 1, Flandwheel Nut 3D0 Series Stainless Steel 2. Identification Plate Aiurninum 3. Flandwheel Aluminum Commercial Alloy C38000 4, Stem Silicon Brorue ASTM 8371 Alloy C69430 5. Packing Gland Bronze ASTM B62J ASTM B16t/ ASTM B584 Alley C84400 6. Packing Nut Bronze ASTM B62J ASTM B584 Allay C844001ASTM B16 7_ lacking Non Asbestos Aramid Fibers w/Graphite 8. Bonnet Bronze ASTM B62 Allay C83600 9. Gisc Holder Nut Bronze ASTM B62 Alloy C03600 10. Disc Holder Bronze ASTM B62 Alloy C83600 11. Seat Disc Nitrile (W) f 11J4' - 2'S PTFE (Y) (21J2' - Y) 12. Seat Disc Nut Bronze ASTM B62#JASTM B96 Alloy C651 DO wJSS Washer 13. 8udy Bronze ASTM B52/ 3584 Alloy C93600 * 214' and 3" size only t Not on 2* DIMENSIONS —WEIGHTS —QUANTITIES nimen ions Size A B H Weight Sax M83tgr hL mnl. In. mm. Is. mm. hL mm. Lbs. Kg. my, CO VA 32 2,19 56 6-13 156 2.19 56 331 1,69 1 10 11fs 40 2.31B 66 7,19 183 2,38 50 5.54 2,52 1 10 2 50 2.25 57 7.25 184 2.25 57 6,72 3.05 1 10 2'fz 65 3.19 81 10.56 268 3.19 81 16.13 7,33 1 2 "'3 80 3.RB 86 11.33 283 3.88 86 21,72 967 1 2 OLNLC Listed for sizes for trim end drain am ISe4ject 29j - Sinn 11/4",111r, 2'. Sixes 21h' and 3" seppliso as T-311-V wirY PTPE seat disc. Subject to AHd Approval NOTE see KT-R-UL for 1rP-1' Sixes. T 301-W Threaded T-301-W NPT x NPT u� ® NIBCO INC. WORLD HEA000ARTERS * 1515 MIDDLEBURY ST. • ELKHART, IN 46516474C • USA • PH: I LRM.234-42V TECH SERVICES PH:1.B8B.446A226 • FAX:1.M 336.4226 ■ INTERNATIONAL OFFICE PH: +1.574.295.3327 • FAX-. +1.574 295.3455 wwwnibm.com tqc� Fire Protection Products Worldwide www.tyco-fire.com Contacts Series TY-FRB — 2.5, 4.2, 5.5, and 8.0 K-Factor Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers Quick Response, Standard Coverage General Description The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright, Pen- dent, and Recessed Pendent Sprin- klers described in this data sheet are quick response, standard coverage, decorative 3 mm glass bulb -type spray sprinklers designed for use in light or ordinary hazard, commercial occupan- cies such as banks, hotels, and shop- ping mails. The recessed version of the Series TY- FRB Pendent Sprinkler, where applica- ble, is intended for use in areas with a finished ceiling. This recessed pendent sprinkler uses one of the following: A two-piece Style 10 (112 inch NPT) or Style 40 (314 inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon with 112 inch (12,7 mm) of recessed adjustment or up to 314 inch (19,1 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pendent position, or a + A two-piece Style 20 (112 inch NPT) or Style 30 (314 inch NPT) Recessed Escutcheon with 114 inch (6,4 mm) of recessed adjustment or up to 1/2 inch (12,7 mm) of total adjustment from the flush pendent position. The adjustment provided by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces the accuracy to which the fixed pipe drops to the sprinklers must be out. Corrosion -resistant coatings, where applicable, are utilized to extend the life of copper alloy sprinklers beyond that which would otherwise be obtained when exposed to corrosive atmo- IMPORTANT Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER WARNiNG' that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and installation can permanently dam- age a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fall to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. spheres. Although corrosion -resistant coated sprinklers have passed the standard corrosion tests of the appli- cable approval agencies, the testing is not representative of all possible cor- rosive atmospheres. Consequently, it is recommended that the end user be consulted with respect to the suit- ability of these coatings for any given corrosive environment. The effects of ambient temperature, concentration of chemicals, and gas/chemical velocity, should be considered, as a minimum, along with the corrosive nature of the chemical to which the sprinklers will be exposed. An intermediate level of the Series TY- FRB Pendent Sprinklers is detailed in Technical Data Sheet TFP356, and Sprinkler Guards are detailed in Tech- nical Data Sheet TFP780. The Series TY-FRB, P.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K factor, Upright, Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this document and with the applica- ble standards of the National Fire Pro- tection Association, in addition to the standards of any authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these devices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with any questions. _K Sprinkler identification Number (SIN) TY1131: Sprinkler identification Number (SIN) TY1131: Upright 2.8K, 112- NPT TY1231: Pendent 2.81K, 112- NPT TY2131: Upright 4.2K, 1f2- NPT TY2231: Pendent 4.2K, 1f2- NPT TY3131: Upright 6.6K, 112"NPT TY3231: Pendent 5.61K, 112' NPT TY4131: Upright 8.0K, 314- NPT TY4231: Pendent 8.01K, 314- NPT TY4831: Upright 8.01K, 1i2- NPT TY4931: Pendent 8.011K, 112- NPT Page 1 of 10 OCTOBER 2013 TFP171 'TFP171 Page 2 of 10 * Temperature rating ** Pipe thread connections per 1 - Frame is indicated on ISO 7-1 can be provided on ESCUTCHEON 2 - Button Deflector special request. PLATE SEATING k 7116' (11,1 mm) NOMINAL MAKE -IN 2-3116' (55,6 mm) 112" NPT** WRENCH FLATS UPRIGHT SURFACE 1—Z 2-114" (57,2 mm) 1-8l16" (39,7 mm) , STYLE 10 or 20 RECESSED PENDENT ESCUTCHEON RECESSED PENDENT 2-718' (73,0 mm) DIA. 3 - Sealing 5 Compression Assembly Screw 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector* 7 - Bushing CROSS SECTION FIGURE i QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TYI131) AND PENDENT (TY1237) SPRINKLERS 2.8 K-FACTOR, 1121NCH NPT Temperature rating ** Pipe thread connections per 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression Is indicated on ISO 7-1 can be provided on ESCUTCHEON 2 - Button Assembly Screw Deflector, special request. PLATE SEATING 4 - Sulb 6 - Deflector* SURFACE � 1 r 1 �3 7!1 B' (11,1 mm) NOMINAL , + 2-3/16" 2 MAKE -IN (55,6 mm) ` 4 2-3/16" 1-112" (55,6 mm) (38,1 mm) 5 6* 112` NPT** WRENCH STYLE 10 or 20 2-719' (73,0 mm) DIA. FLATS RECESSED UPRIGHT PENDENT ESCUTCHEON RECESSED PENDENT CROSS SECTION FIGURE 2 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY2131) AND PENDENT {TY2231) SPRINKLERS 4.2 K-FACTOR, 112INCH NPT TFP171 Page 3 of 10 * Temperature rating ** Pipe thread connections per 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression is indicated on ISO 7-1 can be provided on 2 - Button Assembly Screw Deflector special request. ESCUTCHEON PLATE SEATING 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector* 1/2" NPT* UPRIGHT 7116" 11,1 mm) NOMINAL ml� MAKE-IN2-3/16' (55,6 mm) * WRENCH FLATS PENDENT SURFACE 2-3/16" (55,6 mm) 1-1/2" (38,1 mm) I STYLE 10 or 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON _ 2-7/B' (73.0 mm) DIA. -� RECESSED PENDENT CROSS SECTION FIGURE 3 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES Ty-FRIS UPRI(3)4T (TY3131) AND PENDENT (TY3231) SPRINKLERS 5.6If FACTOR, 112INCH NPr * Temperature rating is indicated on Deflector. ** Pipe thread connections per ISO 7-1 can be provided on ESCUTCHEON special request. PLATE SEATING SURFACE 71(12,7 mm) OMINAL 2-&16" AKE-IN ' (58.7 mm) 2-1/4' 1 1-SIi B" (57 2 mn, {39 7 mmj 1 - Frame 3 - Sealing 5 - Compression 2 - Button Assembly Screw 4 - Bulb 6 - Deflector* 314" NPT** WRENCH STYLE 30 or 44 2_718• (73 0 mm) DIA. RECESSED UPRIGHTIGHT FLATS PENDENT ESCUTCHEON RECESSED PENDENT CROSS SECTION FIGURE 4 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY4131) AND PENDENT (TY4231) SPRINKLERS &0 K-FACTOR, 314 INCH NPT TFP171 Page 4 of 10 7116' (11,I rnm) NOMINAL MAKE -IN 2-3/1 6" (55,6 mm) l 112" NPT ** I WRENCH FLATS UPRIGHT PENDENT CEILING PLATE SEATING SURFACE 1 nm) CROSS $EGTION 1 - Frame 5 - Gompression 2 - Button Screw 3 - Sealing 6 - Deflector " Assembly 4 - Bulb * Temperature rating is indicated on Deflector. ** Pipe thread connections per ISO 7-1 can be provided on special request. FIGURE 5 QUICK RESPONSE SERIES TY-FRB UPRIGHT (TY4831) AND PENDENT (TY4931) SPRINKLERS 8.0 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT "Technical Data Approvals ULand C-UL Listed FM, LPCB, and NYC Approved Refer to Table A and B for complete approval information including corrosion -resistant status. Maximum Working Pressure Refer to Table C. Discharge Coefficient K=2.8 GPM/psi'/2 (40,3 LPMlbar" K=4.2 GPMlpsi'12 (60,5 LPMlbar'r� K=5.6 GPIVllpsi112 (80,6 LPMIbar'P2) K=8.0 GPM/psi712 (115,2 LPM/barll2 Temperature Rating Refer to Table A and B. Finishes Sprinkler: Refer to Table D. Recessed Escutcheon: White Coated, Chrome Plated, or Brass Plated. Physical Characteristics Frame ................... Bronze Button .............. Brass/Copper Sealing Assembly......... Beryllium Nickel w1TEFLON Bulb ... .Glass Compression Screw........ Bronze Deflector........... Copper/Bronze Bushing (K=2.8) ........... Bronze Operation The glass bulb contains a fluid that expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperature Is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass bulb, allowing the sprinkler to activate and water to flow. Design Criteria The TYCO Series TY-FRS, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright, Pen- dent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklers are intended for fire protection sys- tems designed in accordance with the standard installation rules recognized by the applicable Listing or Approval agency (such as, UL Listing is based on the requirements of NFPA 13, and FM Approval is based on the require- ments of FM's Loss Prevention Data Sheets). Only the Style 10, 20. 30, or 40 Recessed Escutcheon, as applica- ble, is to be used for recessed pendent installations. Installation The TYCO Series TY-FRB, 2.8, 4.2, 5.6, and 8.0 K-factor, Upright, Pendent, and Recessed Pendent Sprinklersmust be installed in accordance with this section. General Instructions Do not install any bulb -type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprin- kler held horizontally, a small air bub- ble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1116 inch (1,6 mm) for the 135°F (57°C) and 3132 inch (2,4 mm) for the 286°F (141°C) temperature ratings. A leak -tight 112 inch NPT sprinkler joint shold be obtained by applying a min- imum to maximum torque of 7 to 14 ft.-lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A leak tight 314 inch NPT sprinkler joint should be obtained with a torque of 10 to 20 ft.- Ibs. (13,4 to 26,8 Nm). Higher levels of torque can distort the sprinkler Inlet with consequent leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for insufficient adjustment in the Escutch- eon Plate by under- or over -tightening the sprinkler. Re -adjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. Series TY-FRB Upright and Pendent Sprinklers The Series TY-FRB Pendent and Upright Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instructions. Step 1. Install Pendent sprinklers in the pendent position. Install upright sprin- klers in the upright position. Step 2. With pipe -thread sealant applied to the pipe threads. hand - tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 3. Tighten the .sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Figure 14). With refer- ence to Figures 1 through 5, apply the W Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench to the sprin- kler wrench flats. Series TY FRB Recessed Pendent Sprinklers The Series TY-FRB Recessed Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accor- dance with the following instructions. Step A. After installing the Style 10, 20, 30, or 40 Mounting Plate, as applica- ble, over the sprinkler threads and with pipe -thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand -tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkierfitting. Step B. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Figure TFP171 Page 5 of 10 SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 5) K FACTOR TYPE TEMPERATURE BULB LIQUID COLOR NATURAL BRASS CHROME PLATED SIGNAL*** WHITE ENDEN] and UPRIGHT (TY1131} 135°F (57°C) Orange 1, 2, 3, 4 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow ° ° 200 F (93 G) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue 2.6 112" NPT RECESSED PENDENT (TY1231)' Figure fi 135°F(57°C) Orange 1,2,4 1 55°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C} Green RECESSED PENDENT (TY1231}** Figure 7 135°F(57°C) Orange 155°F (68°G) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°G) Green 4.2 1/2" NPT PENDENT (TY2231) and UPRIGHT (TY2131) 135°F(57°C) Orange 1,2 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C} Green 286°F (141°C) Blue RECESSED PENDENT (TY2231)* Figure 8 135°F(57°C) Orange 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green RECESSED PENDENT (TY2231)" Figure 9 135°F (57°C) Orange ° ° j C8F 1g5 (6 Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green NOTES: 1. Listed by undarwriiers Laboratories, Inc.. (UL as Quick Response Sprinklers, 2. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, inc., for use in Canada (C-UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 3. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM} as .Quick Response Sprinklers. 4. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354-01-E. 5, Where Polyester Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion -Resistant Sprinkkers_ ' Installed with Style 10 (112" NPT} or Style 40 (3/4" NPT) 3A" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Installed with Style 20 (1/2" NPT) or Style 30 (3/4" NPT) 1/2" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Frame and Deflector only. Listings and approvals apply to color (Special Order). WA: Not Available TABLE A LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS FOR 2.8 AND 4.2 IC -FACTOR SPRINKLERS 15). With reference to Figures 1 to 4, apply the W Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench to the sprinkler wrench flats. Step C. After ceiling Installatlon and finishing, slide on the Style 10. 20, 30, or 40 Closure over the Series TY-FRB Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mounting Plate until its flange comes in contact with the ceiling. TPP171 Page 6 of 10 SPRINKLER FINISH (See Note 8) K FACTOR TYPE TEMPERATURE BULB LIQUID BULB NATURAL BRASS CHROME PLATED SIGNAL -' WHITE LEAD COATED PENDENT (TY3231) and UPRIGHT 135°F (57°C) Orange 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 7 1, 2, 3, 5 155°F (gg°C) Red 175`F (79°Q Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 2867 (141°C) Blue 5.6 112 NPT RECESSED PENDENT (TY3231) Figure 10 135'F (57'C) Orange 1, 2, 4, 5 NIA 155°F (6WC) Red 175-F (79°C) Yellow 2000F (93'C) Green 286°F (141'C) Blue RECESSED PENDENT (TY3231)' Figure 11 135°F (57°Q Orange 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 NIA 155°F (68°C) Red 175`F (7M) Yellow 200°F (9WC) Green 286°F (141'C) Blue (TY 231) and UPRIGHT (TY4131) 135°F (57°C) Orange 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 1, 2.5 155-F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 286'F (141'0) Blue 8.0 314" NPT RECESSED PENDENT (TY4231)" Figure 12 135°F (57°C) Orange 1, 2, 5 NIA 155°F (68°C) Red 175'F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue RECESSED PENDENT (TY4231)" Figure 13 135°F (57°C) Orange 1, 2, 3,5 NIA 155°F (68°C) Red 175°F (79°C) Yellow 200°F (93'C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue 8.0 112" NPT (TY49 1) and UPRIGHT (TY4W1) 135°F (57°C) Orange 1, 2, 5 155'F (68°C) Red 175°F (79-C) Yellow 200'F (93°C) Green 286°F (141°C) Blue NOTES: 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.. (UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 2. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., for use in Canada (C-UL) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 3. Approved by Factory Mutual Research Corporation (FM) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 4. Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB Ref, No. M71k144) as Quick Response Sprinklers. However, LPCB does not rate the thermal sensitivity of recessed sprinklers. 5. Approved by the City of New York under MEA 354.01-E. 6. VdS Approved (For details, contact Tyco Fire Suppression & Building Products, Enschede, Netherlands, Tel, 31-53-428-4444/Fax 31-53-428-3377) 7. Approved by the Loss Prevention Certification Board {LPCB Ref. No. 094a)06) as Quick Response Sprinklers. 8, Where Polyester Coated and Lead -Coated Sprinklers are noted to be UL and C-UL Listed, the sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed as Corrosion -Resistant Sprinklers. Where Lead -Coated Sprinklers are noted to be FM Approved, the sprinklers are FM Approved as a Corrosion -Resistant Sprinklers. " Installed with Style 10 (112" NFIT) or Style 40 (314" NPT) 314" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. " installed with Style 20 (112" NPT) or Style 30 (314" NPT) 112" Total Adjustment Recessed Escutcheon, as applicable. Frame and Deflector only. Listings and approvals apply to coler (Special Order). NIA' Not Available TABLE B LABORATORY LISTINGS AND APPROVALS FOR 5.6AND &0 K-FACTOR SPRINKLERS IFP171 Page 7 of 10 SPRINKLER FINISH K TYPE NATURAL I CHROME SIGNAL LEAD FACTOR BRASS PLATED WHITE COATED PENDENT (TY1231) and 2.8 UPRIGHT (TY1131) 175 PSI (121 BAR) NIA 112" NPT RECESSED PENDENT (TY1231) PENDENT (TY2231) and 4.2 UPRIGHT (TY2131) 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) NIA 112" NPT RECESSED PENDENT (TY2231) PENDENT (TY3231) 175 PSI and UPRIGHT (TY3131) 250 PSI {{i7,2 BAR) (12,1 BAR) 5.8 OR 175 PSI 02.1 BAR) RECESSED NIA 112" NPT {SEE NOTE 1} PEN DENT (TY3231) PENDENT {TY4231) 175 PSI and (12.1 BAR) 8.0 UPRIGHT (TY4131) 175 PSI {12,1 BAR) 314" NPT RECESSED NIA PENDENT (TY4231) 8.0 PENDENT (TY4931) 175 PSI (12.1 BAR) 175 PSI (12,1 BAR) 11211 NPT UPRIGHand T (TY4831) NOTES: 1. The maximum working pressure of 250 psi (17,2 bar) only applies to the Listing by Underwriters Laboratories Inc_ (UL); the Listing by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. for use In Canada (G-UL); and, the Approval by the City of New York. TABLE C MAXIMUM WORKING PRESSURE Care and Maintenance The TYGO Series TY-FR8 must be maintained and serviced in accordance with this section. Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system that it controls, obtain permission to shut down the affected fire protection systems from the proper authorities and notify all personnel who may be affected by this action. Absence of the outer piece of an escutcheon, which is used to cover a clearance hole, can delay sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Sprinklers which are found to be leak- ing or exhibiting visible signs of corro- sion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated, or other- wise -altered after leaving the factory. Modified sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid dam- age to the sprinklers - before, during, and after installation. Sprinklers dam- aged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be replaced. Also, replace any sprinkler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installation Section.) The owner is responsible for the Inspection. testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Associa- tion (e.g., NFPA 25j, in addition to the standards of any other authorities hav- Ing jurisdiction. Contact the installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer regarding any questions. Automatic sprinkler systems are rec- ommended to be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspec- tion Service in accordance with local requirements andlor national codes. Care must be exercised to avoid dam- age to the sprinklers -before, during, and after installation. Sprinklers dam- aged by dropping, striking, wrench twist/slippage, or the like, must be replaced. Also, replace any sprinkler that has a cracked tmlb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installation Section). Initial and frequent visual inspections of random samples are recommended for corrosion -resistant sprinklers to verify the integrity of the corrosion -resistant material of construction. Thereafter, annual inspections per NFPA 25 should suffice. inspections of corrosion -resistant sprinklers are recommended at close range, Instead of from the floor level per NFPA. Inspection at close range can better determine the exact sprin- kler condition and the long-term integ- rity of the corrosion -resistant material, which can be affected by the corrosive conditions present. • TFP171 Page 8 of 10 2-718' DIA. (73,0 mm) 3/4' (19,1 mm) 518±i14" (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-114" DIA. 1/4" (6,4 mm) FACE OF (57,2 mm) COUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 118° (3,2 mm) T` MOUNTING SURFACE SERIES 1-5116" (33,3 mm) CLOSURE TY-FRB 13115" j20,6 mm) FIGURE 6 SERIES Ty-FR8 RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 314 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT 2-718" DIX 518±114" (73,0 mm) 314` (19,1 mm) (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-1/4" DIA 1/4'(6,4 mm) rFACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING j 1m jJ it (3,2 mm) I MOUNTING / SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-114' (31,8 mm) TY-FRB 314'"(19.1 mm) FIGURE 8 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 314 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT 112t118" (12,7-13.2 mm) 2-718" DIA. (73,0 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 1/2' (12,7 mm) 1/4" (6,4 mm) _ (57,2 mm) FACE OF MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATF FITTING 1 MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES TY-FRB {3,2 mmj ]�7 f 1-5/16" (33,3 mm) 1-1/16" (27,0 mm) FIGURE 7 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 112 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 2.8 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT 2-718" DIA. 112±1 /8" (73,0 mm) 1/2" (12.7 mm) (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-1/4" DIA. 114" (6,4 mm) FACE OF �^ (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING l' j 1J8" (3,2 mm) MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-1/4" (31,8 mm) TY-FRB 1" (254 mm) FIGURE 9 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 112 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 4.2 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT 2-7f8" DIA. 518+114" (73,0 mm) 314" (19,1 mm) (15,9±6.4 mm) 2-1f4' DIA. 114' (6,4 mm) FACE OF (57.2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 116" r (3.2 mm) M06NTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-114"(31,8mm) TY-FRB 3/4" (19,1 mm) FIGURE 10 SERIES Ty -FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 314 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 10 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT 2-718" DIA. (73,0 mm) 314" (19,1 mm) 518t114" (15,9±6,4 mm) 2-114" DIA. 114' (6,4 mm) {57,2 mm} FACE OF MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING (3,2 mm) t _ 1 MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-5116" (33,3 mm) TY-FRB 13116` (20,6 mm) FIGURE 12 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 314 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 40 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8"0 K-FACTOR, 314 INCH NPT 1f2tifB" (I2,7t3,2 mm) FACE OF SPRINKLER FITTING f � MOUNTING SURFACE TFP1T1 Page 9of10 2-718" DIA. {73,0 mmj 112" (12.7 mm) 2-114" DIA. 114" (6,4 mm) (57,2 mm) MOUNTING PLATE CLOSURE SERIES TY FRB a r1l1/8-1 (3,2 mm) 1-114'(31,8 mm) 1" (25,4 mm) FIGURE 1 i SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 112 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 5.6 K-FACTOR, 112 INCH NPT 2-718" DIA. (73,0 mm) 112" (12,7 mm) 112t1 (12,7±3,2 mm) 2-114" DIA. 114" (6.4 mmj FACE OF (57,2 mm) MOUNTING SPRINKLER PLATE FITTING 118" 1 (3,2 mm) MOUNTING SURFACE CLOSURE SERIES 1-5116" (33,3mm) TY-FRB 1-1116" (27,0 mm) FIGURE 13 SERIES TY-FRB RECESSED PENDENT WITH TWO-PIECE 112 INCH TOTAL ADJUSTMENT STYLE 30 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON 8.0 K-FACTOR, 314 INCH NPT WRENCH RECESS (END "A' USED FOR 112" NPT MODELS) WRENCH RECESS {END "B' USED FOR 314" NPT MODELS} FIGURE 14 W-TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH WRENCH RECESS I J PUSH WRENCH IN TO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGURE 15 W-TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH TFP171 Page 10 of 10 P/N 57 - XXX - X - XXX SIN � f 330 2.8K UPRIGHT (112"NPT) TY1131 331 2.8K PENDENT (112"NP7) TY1231 340 4.2KUPRIGHT(112"NPT) TY2131 341 4.2K PENDENT (112"NPT) TY2231 370 5.6K UPRIGHT (112"NPT) TY3131 371 5.6K PENDENT (1I2"NPT) TY3231 390 ECK UPRIGHT (3I4"NPT) TY4131 391 B.OK PENDENT (314"NPT) TY4231 360 8.01K UPRIGHT (1/2"NPT) TY4831" 361 8.OK PENDENT (1/2"NPT) TY4931' 1 3 4 5 7 SPRINKLER FINISH NATURAL BRASS PURE WHITE (RAL9010)` SIGNAL WHITE (RAL9003) JET BLACK (RAL9005)'" LEAD COATED 1 9 1 CHROME PLATED I Eastern Hemisphere sales only. Available in only 2.6K, 4.2K, and 8.OK,155'F (68°C) and 200°F (93`C); requires lead time to manufacture. TEMPERATURE RATINGS 135 1350F (57'C) 155 155°F (68°C) 175 175'F (79"C) 200 200°F (93°C) 286 286°F (141°C) TABLE D SERIES TY-FRB PENDENT AND UPRIGHT SPRINKLERS PART NUMBER SELECTION Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for availability. When placing an order, indicate the full product name and Part Number (PIN). Sprinkler Assemblies with NPT Thread Connections Specify: Series TY-FRB (Specify SIN), (specify K-factor), (specify Pendent or Upright) Sprinkler (specify) tempera- ture rating, (specify) finish or coating, PIN (specify from Table D) Recessed Escutcheon: Specify: Style (10, 20, 30, or 40) Recessed Escutcheon with (specify") finish, PIN (specify") Sprinkler Wrench Specify. W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench, PIN 56-000-6-387 Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, PIN 56-850-4-001 ' Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP770 GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS 1140D Pennbrook Parkway, Lansdale, PA 19446 1 Telephone +1-216-362-0700 Copyright 0 2013 Tyco Fire Products, I.P. All rights reserved. tL, qq TEFLON is trademark of The DuPont Corporation. Fire Pmrsction Praducfs Developing Visions into Landmarks May 31, 2017 CAL Fire/ Riverside County Fire Department Attn: Lisa Nottingham Office of the Fire Marshall 77933 Las Montanas Road, Suite 201 Palm Desert, CA 92211 Re: Contour Dermatology — New Building 46-080 Jefferson Street, La Quinta, CA 92253 Building Permit: BCOM2016-0069 Grading Permit: PG2017-0002 UG Water Service Plan: LAQ-17-BP-003 Dear Ms. Nottingham: Please let this letter serve as confirmation that ORR Builders is the General Contractor for the Contour Dermatology new building project located at the above aforementioned address in La Quinta, California. Also enclosed please find a copy of ORR Builders Contractor State License #693077 Class B & A. Best Regards, ORR BULL S Brun rr, President/CEO Enclosure BO:ams 39-301 Badger Street, Suite 300 Palm Desert, California 92211 760.360.6632 fax 760.360.5591 arrbuilders.com State license 0693077 Developing Visions into Landmarks t, 6, R Drr guilders .. .... 2 A...m. . CONTRACTORS STATE LICENSE BOARD .a.M'w..,..,..,.,.�....•a ACTIVE LICENSE .... 693077 sw, CORP ORR BUILDERS 07/31/2018 www.csib.ft.gov Developing Nsions into Landmarks TRANSMITTAL LETTER W Dders TO: CAL Fire/Riverside County Fire Dept. DATE: W3112017 Job NO.: 901-17 77-933 Las Montanas Road, Suite 201 ATTN: Lisa Nottingham, Office of the Firs Marshall Palm Desert, CA 92211 RE: Contour Dermatology ORIGINAL NUMBER DESCRIPTION 1 Letter confirming General Contactor 1 ORR Builders Contractor State License Return Approved As Noted Approved W/Corrections For Review & Approval X For Your Use as Requested As Requested Please return after event Sign & Return 1 copy Revised Documents COMMENTS: cc: Brian Orr 3rint Name Received by: Date Signature: Thank you, Anna Scoff, Executive Assistant to Brian Orr 39-301 BADGER STREET, SUITE 300, PALM DESERT, CA 92211 (760) 360-6632 • (764)) 360-5591 FAX ► WWW.O]tRAU1LDE?ItS.COM S'1ATE LICENSE 9693077 Developing Visions into Landmarks Brian Qrr President 1 CEO Stale License 4693077 rr�rr rr�sr rK�r..rr, rr�wrr^ r �.�srsaa �w�rr jb------ R �ll BaiIders 39-301 Badger Street, Suite 300 Palm Desert, California 92211 760.360,6632 Ext 221 Fax 760.360.6208 born@orrbuilders. com FArQ�IL/�o f Proudly urimy the imineorporated areas of riverside earrnty amd tha cities op Banning Beaumont Calimes4 Canyon Lake coaehalla Desert Not Springs East vale Indian Walls Indio Jurupa valley Lahr Elsinore to Quinta Manifee Moreno Valley Norco Palm Desert Parris Rancho Mirage Rubidaux CSD San jaclaeo Tameeulo Wildomar CAL FIRE -- RIVERSIDE UNIT aRR RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMEN OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL 77-933 Las Mantanas Rd., Ste. #201, Palm Desert, CA 922114131 ■ Phone (760) 863-8886 Fax (760) 863-7072 March 24'h, 2016 Essi Engineering -Art Gardner 77570 Springfield Lane Suite "C" Palm Desert, CA Re: Underground Water Service Plan Review -Contour Dermatology(Conceptual only) LAQ-17-BP-003 46080 Jefferson Street La Quinta, CA The above referenced water plans have been reviewed and are approved by the Riverside County Fire Department with the following conditions: The County Fire Department must witness the following tests: ■ Pre -Thrust Block Pour • Post -Thrust Block. Provide concrete slurry mix sheet • A rough and hydrostatic test of 200 psi for two (2) hours or at 50 psi in excess of the maximum static pressure when it is in excess of 150 psi shall be witnessed by a fire inspector prior to covering piping joints_ Test is done from check valve to end of hydrant line. Underground flush shall be performed prior to connection to the sprinkler system. • A final inspection is required The Fire Department approved plans and conditions letter must be at the job site. Applicantlinstaller shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspections. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 72 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (760)863-8886. SUBJECT TO FIELD INSPECTION - Nothing in our review shall be construed as encompassing structural integrity. Review of this plan does not authorize or approve any omission or deviation from all applicable regulations. Final approval is subject to field inspection. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Office of the Fire Marshal staff at (760)863-8886. Lisa Nottingham - Fire Safety Specialist RECEIVED CITY O� LA QUINTA COMMUINiT-( DEVELOPMENT