FCMP2021-0034 Stone Creek Ranch Plan 2Project Details PROJECT NUMBER F City of La Qu i nta FCMP2021-0034 �VI'T4� Description: STONE CREEK RANCH / FIRE SPRINKLER MASTER / PLAN TYPE 2 Status: APPROVED Type: FIRE CONSTRUCTION MASTER PLAN (WEB) Status Date: Subtype: FIRE SPRINKLER MASTER PLAN Applied: 12/8/2021 Address: 80411 OLD RANCH TRL SOUTH Approved: 12/19/2021 City, State, Zip: LA QUINTA,CA92253 Closed: Project Manager: Expired: Details: ADDITIONAL SITES CHRONOL Project Surnm CASE OPEN OPEN DAYS COMPLETED REVIEWS ACTIONS INSPECTIONS CONDITIONS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESSI CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT RESIDENTIAL FIRE PROTECTION DBA ON GUARD 6438 ARVILLE ST LAS VEGAS NV 89118 (702)966-8021 VanesaH@ONGUARDF P.COM BILL TO RESIDENTIAL FIRE PROTECTION DBA ON GUARD 6438 ARVILLE ST LAS VEGAS NV (702)966-8021 VanesaH@ONGUARDF P.COM CONTRACTOR RESIDENTIAL FIRE PROTECTION DBA ON GUARD 6438 ARVILLE ST LAS VEGAS NV 89118 (702)966-8021 VanesaH@ONGUARDF P.COM OWNER TOLL LAND XXII LTD PARTNERSH 725 TOWN & COUNTRY RD ORANGE CA 92868 1 (702)966-8021 MSTEFFEN@TOLLBROT HERS.COM •' ll • Printed: Monday, March 06, 2023 11:07:42 AM 1 of 4 CENTRALSQLIARE Project Details PROJECT NUMBER F City of La Qu i nta FCMP2021-0034 �VI'T4� CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY BY FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 1 $167.00 $167.00 12/20/21 WEB10200 634337 104 CREDIT 950378 ECON FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 1 $167.00 $167.00 4/22/22 WEB11525 636 543383 CREDIT 950378 ECON FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 1 $167.00 $167.00 7/22/22 WEB12566 672286081 CREDIT 950378 ECON Total Paid for FIRE FEES: $501.00 $501.00 RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE - 101-0000-42416 0 $21.00 $21.00 12/20/21 WEB10200 634339104 CREDIT 950378 ECON 37 MAJOR Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE - MAJOR: $21.00 $21.00 TECHNOLOGY 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 $5.00 12/20/21 WEB10200 634339104 CREDIT 950378 ECON ENHANCEMENT FEE 37 Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 $5.00 INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED COMPLETED RESULT REMARKS NOTES DATE DATE RETURNED REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES DATE 1ST FIRE (2WK) KOHL 12/8/2021 12/22/2021 12/19/2021 APPROVED SEE ATTACHMENTS HETRICK 1ST PERMIT PERMIT TECH 12/8/2021 12/9/2021 12/9/2021 COMPLETE TECHNICIAN (1DAY) BUCKET 2ND FIRE (1WK) KOHL 4/4/2022 4/11/2022 4/22/2022 APPROVED SEE ATTACHMENTS HETRICK 3RD FIRE (1WK) KOHL 6/21/2022 6/28/2022 7/21/2022 APPROVED SEE ATTACHMENTS HETRICK Printed: Monday, March 06, 2023 11:07:42 AM 2 of 4 CENTRALSQLIARE Project Details PROJECT NUMBER F FCMP2021-0034 City of La Qu i nta a fixel: I LTA I ILI I Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 12/8/2021 Etrakit Contractor 1ST SUBMITTAL HYD CALCS PLAN 2 1 HYDRAULIC CALCS DO.pdf 00 STONE CREEK DOC 12/8/2021 Etrakit Contractor 1ST SUBMITTAL PLAN MASTER FS PLAN 2 1 DO.pdf 1ST SUBMITTAL DOC 12/8/2021 Etrakit Contractor MATERIAL SPEC SHEETS OGFP MATERIAL 1 W/FLOW TEST SUBMITTAL.pdf DOC 12/8/2021 Etrakit Contractor 1ST SUBMITTAL COPY LOT 35 PLAN 2- 1 OF BUILDING PERMIT BRES2021-0743.pdf DOC 4/4/2022 Etrakit Contractor ASBUILTS TO STONECREEK PLAN 2 FS 1 APPROVED PLANS PLANS - D1.pdf DOC 4/4/2022 Etrakit Contractor NEW HYDRAULIC CALCS STONECREEK RANCH - 1 PLAN 2 CALCS - D1.pdf DOC 4/4/2022 Etrakit Contractor MATERIAL SPEC SHEETS OGFP MATERIAL 1 W/FLOW TEST SUBMITTAL_1.pdf 00 - STONECREEK DOC 6/21/2022 Etrakit Contractor Changes made per RANCH PLAN 2 FS 1 Khol's request. PLANS - D2.pdf Update caics to show DOC 6/21/2022 Etrakit Contractor both 1" & %" water STONE CREEK RANCH 1 PLAN 2 CALCS - D2.pdf meter. DOC 12/19/2021 KOHL HETRICK FCMP2021-0034 - COA FCMP2021-0034 - COA 1 LETTER.pdf LETTER.pdf FCMP2021-0034 - FCMP2021-0034 - DOC 12/19/2021 KOHL HETRICK APPROVED PLANS AND APPROVED PLANS AND 1 CALCS.pdf CALCS.pdf Printed: Monday, March 06, 2023 11:07:42 AM 3 of 4 CENTRALSQLIARE Project Details PROJECT NUMBER F FCMP2021-0034 City of La Qu i nta Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED FCMP2021-0034 - FCMP2021-0034 - DOC 4/22/2022 KOHL HETRICK REVISED APPROVED REVISED APPROVED 1 PLANS.pdf PLANS.pdf FCMP2021-0034 - 2ND FCMP2021-0034 - 2ND DOC 7/21/2022 KOHL HETRICK REVISED PLANS AND REVISED PLANS AND 1 CALCS - APPROVED.pdf CALCS - APPROVED.pdf Printed: Monday, March 06, 2023 11:07:42 AM 4 of 4 CENTRALSOUARE SIENJUE SPRIINIIO.ER M, LW - it it iiii GENERAL INFORMATION: PLAN 2-THE I-ARREA LIVING 3,156Na 1 GARAGE: 441 ft' GARAGE 2 21OW OC UPANCY-11-311-) CONSTRUCTION TYPE V-B NP.OFSTO IES 1 ON GUARD FIRE PROTECTION C-16 950378 HANGERSPACING DETAIL M S BLAZEMASTER2W0PIPE ASRIsi11PE LE66 iXAN 1WPe GRFATEa T— 1.11, I (21.0) SEE (1-1) E,Gg (,u) M N rvJo-A— _ T "TIT' PINT 7 HANGER SACING DETAIL M`CS) Mi.n(A) I-- MINIMUM DISTANCES FOR ORDINARY AND INTERMEDIATE HEADS HEATSORCE ORDINARYTEMP IN'tERMEDIATETEMP. 111E IF IIEN IF RUIE—D Fill—E I All 2 I-S L-EN R—E I 7 2. A I I.n. 1. 1 ft 14 LGHT—REMIMT1 %—F2­1.r= ­V. PP (in) . PbEp. lN Fitting 2'1 T T. branch M1e garage eMlor carport shall be sepsmfetl as requiretl by febkf302.6. OpenirpTS In 9amge walls shall 4 �7 l.' 11.mply witF seIXion Y302.5. TFIs provision does not apply ro garage walla that are perpeMlcular t. the adlace 2 13unit andacarp.a, provided [he capon is E.— 1 1 2 2 2 4 �FtiPl, ­ r — A- th— -d—d . unit wall.Aseparation is rwt re quires between —I 2 15 Coupllry 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 ti,n,lhlll,"Illll pipe darege pn.., p—mr, ­ NFPA 1. — NFPA I BE. =C installation i�' pipe . rage 2 2 '1 1 g -lili"9 d f0i­ A L-Al-=n%Nll`.=­� —.1on m ly -2 —el, &- Requirements: 31 ep.—I —1 b. I. aBmi arde"'ti, I .. d FEE— -11 RlAbd --Ibd p—im ns-,, �3.2 $,,n— -11 b. —ir-n 55 U (5.1 Z -t--. "'T.-I Piofe - ;1.1 thl — .111 th. in 4 T TABLE —,E DWELLING/GARAGE AND/ OR CARPORT SERARFE11011 SEP-111 AlATERIAL From I.. th_ th. —id— t. th. I. equivalent applied p- �pnn—­h— ­i, ....... — iM1e garage side. FP. th� L-Abb I.— b— e.­ 11 N. — th X g,pwm bor — _p_ _7 h—, .—d ­ I.— - carp. tl'p Zkn=! i n NI less than N'­. board r &th. bud,n, I ft for than 3 � from . dueling �Nqol'l!l@:lsl'ht3np` dMpwthZ=oH—fF,.-t.r- h= .,....d ft. the d. Pli. th. —in, nk supporting 11— iling a�mlia& — that .. fthin th. N SITE MAP lwnwa 7STATIC. —86.6pw - 1 G% 77.94p RESIDUAL: 89.6 - 10% 76.95F 85o,Ep. tit. -FF7 Ev - VICINITY MAP N.T.S. TINE WATER PRESSURE. SEE NFPA PIPE N ATFCS—SSHAULBE SUFFICIEN Y—EFEDAETH .TILE TO PREVEN'TPREEZING(BYOTHERS). NKLER HEADS ARE ORDINARY TEMPERATURE AND THEREFORE IE SUFFICEENTLY SPACED FROM HEAT PRODUCING DEVICES AS 4; MINIMUM FROM L. MAXIMUM OFF ANY WALLS. MAXIMUM BETWEEN HEADS. MINIMUM BETWEEN HEADS. ADS SPACED AT 2D X 2D SHALL HAVE THE FOLLOWING 4-MINIMUMFROMWALL I G- MAXIMUM OFF ANY ThO —S ALL SOFFITS OVER 30' IN WIDTH ARE TO BE PROTECTED WITH PRINGUER COVERAGE UNDER SOFFIT. ). ALL STREET — CONNECTIONS ARE FLUSHED AT THE GARAGE ISER BY THE PLUMBING CGJTRACTGE AND IN ADDITION ARE ROYIDED WITH A STRAINER. I. PENDENT SPRINKLERS SHALL BE LOCATED 38 AWAY FROM CEILING ANSAND LIGHT FIXT.JRES. 2. PER NFPA 13D 2016 IN ALL CLOSETS, INCLUDING — CLOSETS OUS NED MECHANICAL EWIPMENT, THAT ARE NO LARGER THAN 400M 1SIZE ASINGLE SPINKILER AT THE HIGHEST CEILING SPACE IN THE LOSETSHALL BESUFFICIENT WITHOUT REGUARDTOOBSTRU"OW 3. PER NFPA 13D 2016, SPARE SPRINKLERS SHALL NOT BE La Quinta Office of the Fire Marshal BY: Kohl Hetrick -='VI FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST re 0712 12022 4 35 57 PM Th­­1 ofpl-- d.—. _IL ". violation, I-Nufm Drone regairemema or rnk 24.r., act ibk and exposed for inspection purposes until ­—d by the Fire CP,P,d—L PERMIT " -FCNV2021-0034 Z LU It 0 8z- - LU M Z 0 0 .5mLs GENERAL NOTES 1 OF r 1 T Co [ 31-11 111 I � �I Ev TEA & T j6 M I I' 162 i 101 i/ 1 .QQ I ARY OM 1 CV L-2 7 41-2 LUXURY OUTDOOR LIVIN 12'-1" STUCCO CLG. S' CASUAL`- DINING 10'-1" CLG. M UP 3/4 X 2'-Q a r F r 3/4 / 9r r 102 _ 156 4'-fi 1'-11 61 %fl 14 a s s� a' -1 "#GLG ti 6a r 7 d 3� C\t 3! 2� 4 3/4 3/4 r , C'7 ! co 3/ 3/4 PRIWARF BED 4 fi 15 r 160 '-1 5'-51* 2'-9 - •; �' KITCHEN 0. 158 t U Pr X 2'-0 — 10'-1" CLG. - - , / UPS/x3'-0 00 J4 TO FAU gL 4 GREAT `T_ ROOM9 r.T il T sl 12'-1" CLG. 6-2UP % X 21-a • _ U P 3/ X 2'-0 154 PRIMARY 3/4 3r �/� 3/4 s/a , _, �14 % BATH 164 3'-6 4'-1 5'-3 ,� C° 15' 1 4'-6 '-"1'_ 11 6' 01 r 10'-1" CLG. rf 5-1 PRIMARY BATH CLOSET 34 10' 1" CLG. 61-2 3'•-�1 _. C STOM-S ALL_D02Ir- r- h --� r 10'4"CLG.. r EVERYDAY ,I r LA r ENTRY 10'-1" / :1 - F, , I I I 1 �00 3 � /4 -'�00 FOYER UP 3f X 2'-0 3~ r1 U P 3%a X 2'-0 3/4 r nHALL�+ 1 s 3 f s f '34 g C7 2 -10 3'-44 t r 1-r / / �d / 4 -3 2 -9 4'-1 1 �_ R 3/ 5'-4- 4'-10 7 4'-1 1 -1 1fifi 1Q" 1ss FOYER 12' -1" CLG. 1 L[') 3! 1g1 '1 2'-5 ' 1 ;�Z N - r, r- [ Q 1 EDROOM 3 - s 3/4 #� `� r GARAGE -A d� 3 10'-1" CLG.: V-3 BEDROOM 3 CLOSET -1 LO s 1 '-1" CLG. HALL- # 11 L BED FLEX 11 4 103 1 " CLG. r ROOM/ r , OPT. [ 3-9 BEDROOM PORCH -1 Q CV) 10'-1" STUCCO 4 �7 % 3/4 011 BEDR[ GM 2 1 I_ 31 5'-9 x SE r � E 172 I� S C � 170 - I- a� Z .r -1 I � r U"-1" LG. 201 FIRST FLOOR SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0 1 M ILD f4 3/4 s/4 '-4 6'- 4'-10 GAR E - BI OPT MULTkQEN SUIT 1 u-1 " PLG. 2'-3 � 12'=5 r r J 152 t_ s/4 ` pq r 11'-1 CD r 12'-2 0 1 15D 4'41 /\ 1" RISER LOCATION SEE RISER DETAIL ON PG.1 t'r3 BEDROOM 2 OPT. 4-CAR GARAGE SB PLAN OPTIONS ' SCALE: 1/8" = 13-0 I GREAT ROOM t2'-1"CLG. V�a Ll LAU. - 1 — - 90'-1" CLG 'GAR r/Iffl, �� % IL UP v, x r-0' 4'-1 ',9 2'-9 VA 2'-8 1' 1 FOYER UP v X 2'-0 E_UO2 GLG. CUSTOM-LAFb3 12'-1' OPT. WE BAR I.L.O. STORAGE *FLPkJWD3 a� sfi BEDROOM 4 iC' 1" LG. Ii +— E Ll OPT. BEDROOM AND BATH I,L.4. FLEX ROOM #1=LPLDW ] _J I s MULTI GEN LIVINGAREA 1 ♦7'•1"CLG. 3.9 N HALL- - 0 �, CL¢..� RALL MULTI -GE sf 7Ti-1" C Nm� 3n73I- '-1D hiFLILTFGEN MULTI-GEN, BEDROOM 4 9-3 1-10 MULTFGEW CLOSET — i OPT. MULTI-GEN SUITE SB I.L.O. FLEX ROOM #FLPL0030 A S��iIQ1U � SECTION VIEW SCALE: 1 /8" _ V -0 § 7" CPVC CONTINUING N TE Y," 300 PSI 5 1"CPVC CONTINUING -NOTES -'-- Sy y.' 300 PSI PTO SPRINKLER STEM jTO SPRfNKL£R SYSTEM PRESSURE GAU PRESSURE G,4UG 1) 'SMOKE ALARMS OR DETECTORS 'SMOKE ALARMS OR DETECTORS W BALL VALVE ARE INSTALLED PER NFPA72. ti" BALL VALVE ARE #NSTALLED PER NFPA72. TEST E. DRAIN TE5T & ❑RAIN PER NFPA 93 "PER NFPA 13D 2016 5-1-12. SPARE PER NFPA 13D "PER 7JFPA 13D 26tfi 5.1.52, SPARE 7,2.7 \1"CPVC TEE SPRINKLERS SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED 7.2, 9 1"CPVC TEE SPRINKLERS SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED. w PVLr \\ W, PVC — ADAPTER 1 " SPEARS CPVC ADAPTER #" SPEARS CPVC SxS CHECK VALVE SK3 CHECK VALVE 1 " CPVC 1' CPVC Wp' pDR�R�AA�IINEETO q%1O INTO LpGATIpN 1' CPVC 90' ELGM LOCH I N 1" CPVC 90, ELBOW 1" CPVC MALE ADAPTER 1' CPVC MALE ADAPTER ION GUARD FIRE PROTECTION P.O.C.) 4 r (ON GUARD FIRE PROTECTION P.O.C.) _�,,��-�-DOOOOOMMMMMMESTIC WATER SHUT OFF DOMESTIC WATER SHUT OFF )_ CNTINUES TO DOMESTIC WATER J= % CONTINUES TO DOMESTI C WATER 77yy pp }}��ggV1� 5GPM DOMESTI VALVE SHLJT-0F 0 3 DEMAND (M N 5C90 [NO 5GPM DOMESTIC W MASTER METER 3 1 " MASTER METER DEMAND] 1w, PEX: 11/Y PE% 3 t SY-1' N.T.S. 4 (WORST CASE) 12 V COPPER K 1 (WORST CASE) 1" CAPPER K 1 80'-0" N.T.S. 89'-0" N.T.S. }� ZINORST CASE] (WORST CASE) JI RISER AND UNDERGROUND DETAIL W13�" METER RISER AND UNDERGROUND DETAIL W11 "' METER RISERDETAIL Hydraulic Information Remote Area 1-16`x16' SPACING OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION Residential DENSITY Opmlfl2) 0.05 for 512.ODft2 (Actual 159.83ft2) TOTAL HOSE STREAMS 5.00 TOTAL HEADS FLOWING 2 K-FACTOR 4.9 TOTAL WATER REQUIRED 32.23 TOTAL PRESSURE REQUIRED 70.639 BASE of RISER (gpm) 27.23 BASE of RISER (psi) 33.411 S TY MARGIN (psi) +7.299 (9.4%) Hydraulic Information Remote Area 2- 20' X 20' SPACING OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION Residential DENSITY (gpml112) 0.05 for 400.00112 (Actual 144.53" TOTAL HOSE STREAMS 0.00 TOTAL HEADS FLOWING 1 K-FACTOR 4.9 TOTAL WATER REQUIRED 21.02 TOTAL PRESSURE REQUIRED 59.225 BASE of RISER (gpm) 21.02 BASE of RISER (psi) 36.958 SAFETY MARGIN (psi) +18.714 (24.0%I�) G RAU P❑ TEC TION 6= ARVILLE STREET LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89118 PHONE (702) 966.8021- FAX (702) 987-1174 http Jhwww.ongua rdfp.com NV Fire Marshal LIC: G-537 & JG-85 NV LIC: 61307 - GA LIC: 950M Z J LL LL 0, W G �r ZLLI �wRw�yOQw,wH�a�ZO�p oaOcZw❑wrriwf�va4=I9: OZCL w8< ¢FiQw9-aewi<LOU z�W= Za00°r(0Z2ZQ ca���+❑w �qp� Z(7�wp❑xd04[wj Q2�a W Q Z_7}f- ZCt W �_ FyJ7.- CCa awc$❑°CZt�=� �awJ fl44zLLZZa4a��QQ�wp��[n� a-2 24C] �E3-: w- LU0.,-,w w �oa aymLLpzluT�n�zWZF w�a0 wi~Q<J22m�r�nz❑ �za aWawc�O�Q�LLz2o�2�j�t�i. w cgs_ p- wz� za o� O� �Ooaaz2<-, aDauza�UwflwNU❑Irpa�¢ oaDwoC��o�2wOawwiw JCL ma 0. 0=z as W W 0 aLUZ ❑ ~O N fV CI o � m LI. LI- a � w Q U U W� IL] (] F �y W PE LU N W z fA a �. <C LLI ❑ C o' QL m wL L 0 Q LO w T >1 u 5 w H c�rla � 4 4 if V �4)IDIDt, ~ a 9L rL Y az vi oz• 1•v 4 4 Q} co w w LU U_ J U U U Q EC x 0 L Z 0 00 OD Q 3 [�!] i�Il f�fJ CD O O O L _88(3 �-2� y L L L �to0} Z��� �xxxC) r CAN 0 to Q4�,GT I Cw CLASSIFICATION �►► ] C-16 LICENSE NO. 950378 � 0� lF��� _ CAL 00 G � Nt C4 .J L) IZ ■ 4 0 � � z z r1 UJ C[3 W LU — p aH 0w—�~_ w zUJC 0§1 � � �"' ( W J 0 0WIEL CIL © 4a0 cc TITLE: GENERAL NOTES PROJECT NO: 21-20.24 DRAWN: JR VEM iDATE: 09124f2021 SCALE: AS NOTED SHEET FP 2 OF Hydraulic Calculations for Project Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Location: LAQUINTA, CA, , Drawinq Name: STONE CREEK PLAN 2 D2 Design Remote Area Number: Remote Area Location: Occupancy Classification: Commodity Classification: Density Area of Application: Coverage per Sprinkler: Type of sprinklers calculated No. of sprinklers calculated: No. of nozzles calculated: In -rack Demand: Hose Streams: 1-16'x16' SPACING MASTER BEDROOM Residential 13D WET 0.050gpm/ft2 512.00ft2 (Actual 159.83ft2) 256.00ft2 Pendent 2 0 N/A gpm at Node: N/A 0.0 gpm at Node: 1 Type: Total Water Required (including Hose Streams where applicable): From Water Supply at Node 1: 27.23 @ 68.974 Type of System: Volume of Dry/PreAction/Antifreeze/OtherAgent N/A for Node: 1 Date: 09/10/2021 Location: 58TH AVE & STONE CREEK WAY Source: COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Name of Contractor: ON GUARD FIRE PROTECTION Address: 6438 ARVILLE STREET, LAS VEGAS, NV 89118 Phone Number: 702-966-8021 Name of designer: MAXWELL FULLMER Authority Having Jurisdiction: LAQUINTA Notes: Automatic peaking results Left: N/A Right: N/A Calculation Date: 6/20/2022 Allowance at Source (Safety Margin = 8.964) L© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. �JJJAutoSPRINK 2020 1-16'x16' SPACII 6/20/2022 9:25:42AM Page 1 i Hydraulic Summary .am Job Number: 212024 Report Description: Residential (1-16'xl6' SPACING) Job Number Design Engineer 212024 MAXWELL FULLMER Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Stale Certifl-tionlLicense Number 950378 Address I LAQUINTA, CA AHJ LAQUINTA Address 2 Job SitelBmldmg TRACT -30834 Address 3 D—ing Name STONE CREEK PLAN 2 D2 System Remote Area(s) Most Demanding Sprinkler Data Occupancy Job SuRx 4.9 K-Factor 13.00 at 7.039 Residential Hose Allowance At Souroe Density Area of Application 0.00 0.050gpm/ft2 512.00ft2 (Actual 159.83ftz) Additional Hose Supplies Number Of Sprinklers Calculated Number Of Nomles Calculated Coyerege Per Sprinkler Node Flow(gpm) 2 0 256.00ft2 Au.Peak Results: Pressure For Remote Areas) Adjacent To Most Remote Area Total Hose Streams 0.00 System Flow Demand Total Water Required (Including Hose Allowance) 27.23 27.23 Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 Maximum Velocity Above Ground 14.56 between nodes 150 and 152 Maximum Velocity Under Ground 7.19 between nodes 3 and 4 Volume capacity of Wet Pipes Volume capacity of Dry Pipes 32.58gal Supplies Hose Flow Static Residual Flow Available Total Demand Required Safety Margin Node Name m(psi) (psi)°C m(psi) @ m(psi) (psi) 1 Water Supply 77.940 76.950 850.00 77.938 27.23 68.974 8.964 Contractor Contractor Number 950378 Contact Name BOBBOY TAVAKOLI Contad Title Name of Contractor. ON GUARD FIRE PROTECTION Phone 702-966-8021 Extension Add... 6438 ARVILLE STREET FAX 702-987-1174 Address 2 LAS VEGAS, NV 89118 E-mail BOBBY@ONGUARDFP.COM Web -Site Address 3 k, @ M.E.P.CAD, Inc. l�jj AutoSPRINK 2020 6/20/2022 9:26:26AM Page 1 Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Remote Area Number: 1-16'x16' SPACING 100 90 80 70 60 .N a 50 a� a` 40 30 20 10 Hydraulic Graph N 1.85 Date: 6/20/2022 Water Supply Summary Sheet Node: 1 -Available Supply Static Pressure 77.940 27.23 @ 77.938 27.23 68.97 850.00 76.950 @ System demand curve DO 1000 1200 1400 Flow - gpm 1600 1800 0011111 &@ M.E.P.CAD, Inc. �jjj AutoSPRINK 2020 v16.3.18.0 6/20/2022 9:25:49AM Paqe 1 4ilsummary Of Outflowing Devices Job Number: 212024 wo-- Keport uescription: Kesiaentiai (i-lb-xlb- SrHciNU) Actual Flow Minimum Flow K-Factor Pressure Device (aum) (apm) (K) (psi) EP Sprinkler 101 13.00 13.00 4.9 7.039 Sprinkler 102 14.23 13.00 4.9 8.432 y Most Demanding Sprinkler Data L, © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 111 AutoSPRINK 2020 6/20/2022 9:25:56AM Page 1 Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Remote Area Number: 1-16'x16' SPACING Date: 6/20/2022 Supply Analysis Node Name Static (psi) Residual Flow (psi) co (gpm) Available Total Demand (psi) @ (gpm) Required Pressure (psi) 1 Water Supply 77.940 76.950 850.00 77.938 27.23 68.974 Node Analysis Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 1 0' Supply 68.974 27.23 101 10'-1 Sprinkler 7.039 13.00 102 10'-1 Sprinkler 8.432 14.23 2 -2' 50.073 3 -2' 42.239 4 -2' 38.917 5 2'-11 Supply 33.411 150 10'-7 25.802 152 10'-7 23.256 154 10'-7 16.673 156 10'-7 12.302 158 10'-7 9.169 160 10'-7 8.717 162 10'-7 7.247 164 10'-7 14.536 166 10'-7 17.039 168 10'-7 17.421 500 2'-1 36.282 LM © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AN AutoSPRINK 2020 06.3.18. 6/20/2022 9:26:05AM Paqe 1 Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Remote Area Number: 1-16'x16' SPACING Date: 6/20/2022 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev 1 (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices . Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pf) and shown as Fitting (Foot) pf Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 101 10'-1 4.9 13.00 % (See Notes) 6" 150 7.039 ••••• Route 1••••• Sprinkler, 4' -0.217 162 10'-7 13.00 0.8740 0.094407 E(4') 4' 6 0.425 162 10'-7 % (See 16-4 150 7.247 5' Notes) 158 10'-7 13.00 0.8740 0.094407 2EE(1'), T(T) 20'-4 1.922 158 10' 7 14.23 %(See Notes) 6-5 150 9.169 Flow (q) from Route 2 3' 156 10'-7 27.23 0.8740 0.370681 T(T) 8 5 3.133 156 10'-7 3/, (See 10'-5 150 12.302 2' Notes) 164 10'-7 18.46 0.8740 0.180545 2Tr(1') 12' S 2.234 164 10'-7 3/, (See Notes) 20'-9 150 14.536 Tr(1') 13' 166 10'-7 11.41 0.8740 0.074150 2Tr(1'), 2T(3'), E(4') 33'-9 2.503 166 10'-7 % (See 6' 3 150 17.039 2' Notes) 168 10'-7 8.86 0.8740 0.046460 2Tr(1') 8 3 0.382 168 10'-7 2.55 % (See Notes) 48'-8 150 17.421 Flow (q) from Route 4 30' 152 10'-7 11.41 0.8740 0.074150 4Tr(1'), 5E(4'), 2T(3') 78'-8 5.835 152 10' 7 15.82 %(See Notes) 2'-10 150 23.256 Flow (q) from Route 3 4' 150 10'-7 27.23 0.8740 0.370681 E(4') 6'-10 2.546 150 10'-7 1 (See 12'-7 150 25.802 23' 3.328 Notes) 5 2'-11 27.23 1.1010 0.120408 3E(5'), f(-0.000), 2Tr(1'), sCV(5 ), cplg(1'), BASE OF RISER 35'-7 4.281 5 2' 11 1 (See 101, 150 33.411 0.363 Notes) 500 2'-1 27.23 1.0250 0.170583 BaIV(-2.183) 101, 2.507 500 2'-1 1'/2 (See 5'-1 150 36.282 8' 1.767 Notes) 4 -2' 27.23 1.2440 0.066433 2E(4') 13' 1 0.869 & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. �jjj AutoSPRINK 2020 1-16'x16' SPACING 6/20/2022 9:26:14AM Page 1 Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Remote Area Number: 1-16'x16' SPACING Date: 6/20/2022 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev 1 (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices . Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pf) and shown as Fitting (Foot) pf Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 4 -2' 1'/2 50' 150 38.917 0.066433 3 -2' 27.23 1,2440 50' 3.322 3 -2' 1 (See Notes) 1' 150 42.239 WMV(-6.860) 0.197134 2 -2' 27.23 0.9950 11 7.834 2 -2' 1 (See Notes) 80' 150 50.073 AngV(-2.244), T(T), BaIV(-0.05 6), S 7' 0.197134 -0.867 1 0' 27.23 0.9950 87 19 769 0.00 68.974 Hose Allowance At Source Total(Pt) Route 1 1 27.23 102 10'-1 4.9 14.23 3/4 (See Notes) 6" 150 8.432 ..... Route 2 Sprinkler, E(4') 4' 0.111570 -0.217 160 10'-7 14.23 0.8740 4 6 0.502 160 10'-7 3/4 (See Notes) 3'-1 150 8.717 Tr(1') 1 1 0.111570 158 10'-7 14.23 0.8740 4 1 0.452 9.169 Total(Pt) Route 2 154 10'-7 8.77 + 7.05 % (See Notes) 30'-6 150 16.673 ..... Route 3 Flow (q) from Route 5 and 6 5Tr(1'), 2E(4'), T(T), 2EE(1') 18' 0.135742 0.000 152 10'-7 15.82 0.8740 48'-6 6.584 23.256 Total(Pt) Route 3 166 10'-7 3/4 (See 63-6 150 17.039 ..... Route 4 T(T)Notes) 7Tr(1'), 3T(3') 19, 0.004630 168 10'-7 2.55 0.8740 82'-6 0.382 17.421 Total(Pt) Route 4 156 10'-7 % (See Notes) 59'-10 150 12.302 ..... Route 5 T(T) 8Tr(1'), 5E(4'), 2EE(1'), T(3') 36' 0.045597 154 10'-7 8.77 0.8740 95'-10 4.371 16.673 Total(Pt) Route 5 & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. �jjj AutoSPRINK 2020 1-16'x16' SPACING 6/20/2022 9:26:14AM Page 2 Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Remote Area Number: 1-16'x16' SPACING Date: 6/20/2022 Pipe Information Elev 1 Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Node 1 (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device (Equivalent Fitting (Foot) pf Friction Elev(Pe) (q) Equiv. Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, Elev 2 Total Flow Loss Per Unit when applicable, are added Total Friction(Pf) Node 2 (Foot) (Q) Actual ID F oot) (Foot) ) (psi) directly to (Pf) and shown as (Foot) 164 10' 7 3/, (See 44'-3 150 14.536 • • • • • Route 6 T(T)Notes) 26' -0.000 154 10'-7 7.05 0.8740 0.030414 4Tr(1'), 4E(4'), T(T) 70'-3 2.137 16.673 Total(Pt) Route 6 & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. �jjj AutoSPRINK 2020 1-16'x16' SPACING 6/20/2022 9:26:14AM Page 3 Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Remote Area Number: 1-16'x16' SPACING Equivalent Pipe Lenoths of Valves and Fittinos (C=120 only) IC Value Multiplier Date: 6/20/2022 Actual Inside Diameter 4.87 I Value Of C 100 130 140 150 = Factor Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 1.51 ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valve b Bushing BaIV Ball Valve BFP Back -flow Preventer BV Butterfly Valve C Cross Flow Turn 90' cplg Coupling Cr Cross Run CV Check Valve DeIV Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe Valve E 90' Elbow EE 45' Elbow Eel 11'/4' Elbow Ee2 22'/2' Elbow f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 900 FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 450 FireLock(TM) Elbow flg Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve PO Pipe Outlet PrV Pressure Relief Valve PRV Pressure Reducing Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve SFx Seismic Flex Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90' Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. �jjj AutoSPRINK 2020 1-16'xl6' SPACING 6/20/2022 9:26:14AM Page 4 Hydraulic Calculations for Project Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Location: LAQUINTA, CA, , Drawinq Name: STONE CREEK PLAN 2 D2 Design Remote Area Number: Remote Area Location: Occupancy Classification Density Area of Application: Coverage per Sprinkler: Type of sprinklers calculated No. of sprinklers calculated: No. of nozzles calculated: In -rack Demand: Hose Streams: 2- 20' X 20' SPACING BEDROOM 2 Residential 0.050gpm/ft2 400.00ft2 (Actual 144.53ft2) 400.00ft2 Pendent 1 0 N/A gpm at Node: N/A 0.0 gpm at Node: 1 Type: Total Water Required (including Hose Streams where applicable): From Water Supply at Node 1: 21.02 @ 59.225 Type of System: 13D WET Volume of Dry/PreAction/Antifreeze/OtherAgent N/A for Node: 1 Date: 09/10/2021 Location: 58TH AVE & STONE CREEK WAY Source: COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Name of Contractor: ON GUARD FIRE PROTECTION Address: 6438 ARVILLE STREET, LAS VEGAS, NV 89118 Phone Number: 702-966-8021 Name of designer: MAXWELL FULLMER Authority Having Jurisdiction: LAQUINTA Notes: Automatic peaking results Left: N/A Right: N/A Calculation Date: 6/20/2022 Allowance at Source (Safety Margin = 18.714) L© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. �JJJAutoSPRINK 2020 2- 20' X 20' SPA( 6/20/2022 9:26:52AM Page 1 i Hydraulic Summary .am Job Number: 212024 Report Description: Residential (2- 20' X 20' SPACING) Job Number Design Engineer 212024 MAXWELL FULLMER Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Stale Certifl-tionlLicense Number 950378 Address I LAQUINTA, CA AHJ LAQUINTA Address 2 Job SitelBmldmg TRACT -30834 Address 3 D—ing Name STONE CREEK PLAN 2 D2 System Remote Area(s) Most Demanding Sprinkler Data Occupancy Job SuRx 4.9 K-Factor 21.02 at 18.400 Residential Hose Allowance At Soume Density Area of Application 0.00 0.050gpm/ft2 400.00ft2 (Actual 144.53ftz) Additional Hose Supplies Number Of Sprinklers Calculated Number Of Nomles Calculated Coyerege Per Sprinkler Node Flow(gpm) 1 0 400.00ft2 AutoPeak Results: Pressure For Remote Areas) Adjacent To Most Remote Area Total Hose Streams 0.00 System Flow Demand Total Water Required (Including Hose Allowance) 21.02 21.02 Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 Maximum Velocity Above Ground 11.24 between nodes 170 and 172 Maximum Velocity Under Ground 5.55 between nodes 3 and 4 Volume capacity of Wet Pipes Volume capacity of Dry Pipes 32.58gal Supplies Hose Flow Static Residual Flow Available Total Demand Required Safety Margin Node Name m(psi) (psi)°C m (psi)°� m (psi)(psi) 1 Water Supply 77.940 76.950 850.00 77.939 21.02 59.225 18.714 Contractor Contractor Number 950378 Contact Name BOBBOY TAVAKOLI Contad Title Name of Contractor. ON GUARD FIRE PROTECTION Phone 702-966-8021 Extension Add... 6438 ARVILLE STREET FAX 702-987-1174 Address 2 LAS VEGAS, NV 89118 E-mail BOBBY@ONGUARDFP.COM Address 3 Web -Site k, @ M.E.P.CAD, Inc. l�jj AutoSPRINK 2020 6/20/2022 9:26:38AM Page 1 Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Remote Area Number: 2- 20' X 20' SPACING 100 90 80 70 60 .N a 50 a� IL` 40 30 20 10 Hydraulic Graph N 1.85 Date: 6/20/2022 Water Supply Summary Sheet Node: 1 -Available Supply Static Pressure 77.940 21.02 @ 77.939 850.00 76.950 21.02 @ 59.22 System demand curve 800 1000 1200 1400 Flow - gpm 1600 1800 0011111 &@ M.E.P.CAD, Inc. �jjj AutoSPRINK 2020 v16.3.18.0 6/20/2022 9:27:10AM Paqe 1 4ilsummary Of Outflowing Devices I Job Number:212024 UINIU i3 I Report Description: Residential (2- 20' X 20' SPACING) Actual Flow Minimum Flow K-Factor Pressure Device pm pm K psi Sprinkler 201 21.02 21.02 4.9 18.400 y Most Demanding Sprinkler Data L, © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 111 AutoSPRINK 2020 6/20/2022 9:27:17AM Page 1 Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Remote Area Number: 2- 20' X 20' SPACING Date: 6/20/2022 Supply Analysis Node Name Static (psi) Residual Flow (psi) co (gpm) Available Total Demand (psi) @ (gpm) Required Pressure (psi) 1 Water Supply 77.940 76.950 850.00 77.939 21.02 59.225 Node Analysis Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 1 0' Supply 59.225 21.02 201 10'-1 Sprinkler 18.400 21.02 2 -2' 47.839 3 -2' 43.293 4 -2' 41.235 5 2'-11 Supply 36.958 150 10'-7 30.978 152 10'-7 29.401 154 10'-7 26.739 164 10'-7 25.445 166 10'-7 23.593 168 10'-7 23.646 170 10'-7 21.308 172 10'-7 19.217 500 2'-1 38.930 LM © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AN AutoSPRINK 2020 06.3.18. 6/20/2022 9:27:26AM Paqe 1 Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Remote Area Number: 2- 20' X 20' SPACING Date: 6/20/2022 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev 1 (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices . Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pf) and shown as Fitting (Foot) pf Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 201 10'-1 4.9 21.02 % (See Notes) 6" 150 18.400 ••••• Route 1••••• Sprinkler, E(4') 4' 0.229630 -0.217 172 10'-7 21.02 0.8740 4 6 1.033 172 10'-7 % (See Notes) 6'-1 150 19.217 T(T) 3' 0.229630 -0.003 170 10'-7 21.02 0.8740 9 1 2.095 170 10'-7 % (See Notes) 22'-11 150 21.308 4Tr(1') 4' 0.084977 166 10'-7 12.28 0.8740 26-11 2.284 166 10'-7 3/, (See Notes) 6-3 150 23.593 T(T) 2Tr(1') 5, 0.004760 10'-7 2.59 0.8740 11'-3 0.053 168 10' 7 8.74 %(See Notes) 48'-8 150 23.646 Flow (q) from Route 5 4Tr(1'), 5E(4'), 2T(3') 30' 0.073127 152 10'-7 11.32 0.8740 78'-8 5.755 152 10'-7 9.70 % (See Notes) 2'-10 150 29.401 Flow (q) from Route 2 E(4') 4' 0.229630 150 10'-7 21.02 0.8740 6'-10 1577 150 10'-7 1 (See Notes) 12'-7 150 30.978 3E(5'), f(-0.000), 2Tr(1'), sCV(5 ), cplg(1'), BASE OF RISER 23' 0.074591 3.328 5 2'-11 21.02 1.1010 35'-7 2.652 5 2'-11 1 (See Notes) 101, 150 36.958 BaIV(-2.183) 0.363 500 2'-1 21.02 1.0250 101,0.105673 1609 500 2'-1 11/2 (See Notes) 5' 1 150 38.930 2E(4') 8' 0.041154 1.767 4 -2' 21.02 1.2440 13' 1 0.538 4 -2' 11/z 50' 150 41.235 0.041154 3 -2' 21.02 1.2440 50' 2.058 3 -2' 1 (See Notes) 1' 150 43.293 WMV(-6.860) 0.122121 2 -2' 21.02 0.9950 1 4.546 & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. �jjj AutoSPRINK 2020 2- 20' X 20' SPACING 6/20/2022 9:27:36AM Page 1 Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Remote Area Number: 2- 20' X 20' SPACING Date: 6/20/2022 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev 1 (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices . Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pf) and shown as Fitting (Foot) pf Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 2 2' 1 (See Notes) 80' 150 47.839 AngV(-2.244), T(T), BaIV(-0.05 6), S 7' 0.122121 -0.867 1 0' 21.02 0,9950 87 12.253 0.00 59.225 Hose Allowance At Source Total(Pt) Route 1 1 21.02 154 10'-7 5.50 + 4.19 3/4 (See Notes) 30'-6 150 26.739 ..... Route 2 Flow (q) from Route 3 and 4 5Tr(1'), 2E(4'), T(3'), 2EE( 1 ) 18' 0.054869 0.000 152 10'-7 9.70 0.8740 48'-6 2.661 29.401 Total(Pt) Route 2 164 10' 7 9.70 3/4 (See Notes) 44'-3 150 25.445 ..... Route 3 Flow (q) from Route 6 4Tr(1'), 4E(4'), T(T) 23' 0.019243 -0.000 154 10'-7 5.50 0.8740 67'-3 1.294 26.739 Total(Pt) Route 3 164 10'-7 9.70 % (See Notes) 70'-3 150 25.445 ..... Route 4 T(3'), Flow (q) from Route 6 10Tr(1'), 2T(3'), 5E(4'), 2EE(1') 41' 0.011635 154 10'-7 4.19 0.8740 111'-3 1.294 26.739 Total(Pt) Route 4 170 10'-7 12.28 % (See Notes) 40'-8 150 21.308 ..... Route 5 Flow (q) from Route 1 3T(T), 2Tr(1') 11' 0.045267 168 10'-7 8.74 0.8740 51'-8 2.338 23.646 Total(Pt) Route 5 166 10'-7 3/4 (See Notes) 20'-9 150 23.593 ..... Route 6 Tr(1') E(4'), 2T(3'), 2Tr(1') 13' 0.054869 164 10'-7 9.70 0.8740 33'-9 1.852 25.445 Total(Pt) Route 6 & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. �jjj AutoSPRINK 2020 2- 20' X 20' SPACING 6/20/2022 9:27:36AM Page 2 Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Remote Area Number: 2- 20' X 20' SPACING Equivalent Pipe Lenoths of Valves and Fittinos (C=120 only) IC Value Multiplier Date: 6/20/2022 Actual Inside Diameter 4.87 I Value Of C 100 130 140 150 = Factor Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 1.51 ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valve b Bushing BaIV Ball Valve BFP Back -flow Preventer BV Butterfly Valve C Cross Flow Turn 90' cplg Coupling Cr Cross Run CV Check Valve DeIV Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe Valve E 90' Elbow EE 45' Elbow Eel 11'/4' Elbow Ee2 22'/2' Elbow f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 900 FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 450 FireLock(TM) Elbow flg Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve PO Pipe Outlet PrV Pressure Relief Valve PRV Pressure Reducing Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve SFx Seismic Flex Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90' Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. �jjj AutoSPRINK 2020 2- 20' X 20' SPACING 6/20/2022 9:27:36AM Page 3 Hydraulic Calculations for Project Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Location: LAQUINTA, CA, , Drawinq Name: STONE CREEK PLAN 2 D2 Design Remote Area Number: Remote Area Location: Occupancy Classification Density Area of Application: Coverage per Sprinkler: Type of sprinklers calculated No. of sprinklers calculated: No. of nozzles calculated: In -rack Demand: Hose Streams: 3 - 16'x16' SPACING PRIMARY BEDROOM Residential 0.050gpm/ft2 512.00ft2 (Actual 159.83ft2) 256.00ft2 Pendent 2 0 N/A gpm at Node: N/A 0.0 gpm at Node: 1 Type: 5.00 at Node: 500 Type: Total Water Required (including Hose Streams where applicable): From Water Supply at Node 1: 32.23 @ 70.639 Type of System: 13D Volume of Dry/PreAction/Antifreeze/OtherAgent N/A for Node: 1 Date: 09/10/2021 Location: 58TH AVE & STONE CREEK WAY Source: COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Name of Contractor: ON GUARD FIRE PROTECTION Address: 6438 ARVILLE STREET, LAS VEGAS, NV 89118 Phone Number: 702-966-8021 Name of designer: MAXWELL FULLMER Authority Having Jurisdiction: LAQUINTA Notes: Automatic peaking results Left: N/A Right: N/A Calculation Date: 6/20/2022 Allowance at Source Hose (Safety Margin = 7.299) L© M.E.P.CAD, Inc. �JJJAutoSPRINK 2020 3 - 16'x16' SPAC 6/20/2022 9:28:29AM Page 1 i Hydraulic Summary .am Job Number: 212024 Report Description: Residential (3 - 16'xl6' SPACING) Job Number Design Engineer 212024 MAXWELL FULLMER Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Slate Certifl-tionlLicense Number 950378 Address I LAQUINTA, CA AHJ LAQUINTA Address 2 Job SitelBmldmg TRACT -30834 Address 3 Drawing Name STONE CREEK PLAN 2 D2 System Remote Area(s) Most Demanding Sprinkler Data Occupancy Job SuRx 4.9 K-Factor 13.00 at 7.039 Residential Hose Allowance At Souroe Density Area of Application 0.00 0.050gpm/ft2 512.00ft2 (Actual 159.83ftz) Additional Hose Supplies Number Of Sprinklers Calculated Number Of Nomles Calculated Coverage Per Sprinkler Node Flow(opm) 2 0 256.00ft2 Hose At Node 500 5.00 Au.PeakResults :Pressure For Remote Area(s)AdjacentToMost Remote Arse Total Hose Streams 5.00 System Flow Demand Total Water Required (Including Hose Allowance) 32.23 32.23 Maximum Pressure Unbalance In Loops 0.000 Maximum Velocity Above Ground 14.56 between nodes 150 and 152 Maximum Velocity Under Ground 8.51 between nodes 3 and 4 Volume capacity of Wet Pipes Volume capacity of Dry Pipes 32.58gal Supplies Hose Flow Static Residual Flow Available Total Demand Required Safety Margin Node Name m(psi) (psi)°C m(psi) @ m(psi) (psi) 1 Water Supply 77.940 76.950 850.00 77.938 32.23 70.639 7.299 Contractor Contractor Number 950378 Contact Name BOBBOY TAVAKOLI Contad Title Name of Contractor. ON GUARD FIRE PROTECTION Phone 702-966-8021 Extension Add... 6438 ARVILLE STREET FAX 702-987-1174 Address 2 LAS VEGAS, NV 89118 E-mail BOBBY@ONGUARDFP.COM Address 3 Web -Site k, @ M.E.P.CAD, Inc. l�jj AutoSPRINK 2020 6/20/2022 9:29:36AM Page 1 Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Remote Area Number: 3 - 16'x16' SPACING 100 90 80 70 60 N a 50 a� IL` 40 30 20 10 Hydraulic Graph N 1.85 Date: 6/20/2022 Water Supply Summary Sheet Node: 1 -Available Supply Static Pressure 77.940 32.23 @ 77.938 32.23 @ 70.639 850.00 76.950 System demand curve 800 1000 1200 1400 Flow - gpm 1600 1800 0011111 &@ M.E.P.CAD, Inc. �jjj AutoSPRINK 2020 v16.3.18.0 6/20/2022 9:28:43AM Paqe 1 4ilsummary Of Outflowing Devices I Job Number:212024 us1511M Report Description: Residential (3 - 16'x16' SPACING) Device Actual Flow pm Minimum Flow pm K-Factor K Pressure psi Sprinkler 101 13.00 13.00 4.9 7.039 Sprinkler 102 14.23 13.00 4.9 8.432 Hose 500 5.00 5.00 0 33.918 b Most Demanding Sprinkler Data L, © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. 111 AutoSPRINK 2020 6/20/2022 9:28:50AM Page 1 Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Remote Area Number: 3 - 16'x16' SPACING Date: 6/20/2022 Supply Analysis Node Name Static (psi) Residual Flow (psi) co (gpm) Available Total Demand (psi) @ (gpm) Required Pressure (psi) 1 Water Supply 77.940 76.950 850.00 77.938 32.23 70.639 Node Analysis Node Number Elevation (Foot) Node Type Pressure at Node (psi) Discharge at Node (gpm) Notes 1 0' Supply 70.639 32.23 101 10'-1 Sprinkler 7.039 13.00 102 10'-1 Sprinkler 8.432 14.23 500 2'-1 33.918 5.00 2 -2' 44.164 3 -2' 41.408 4 -2' 36.871 5 2'-11 Supply 33.411 150 10'-7 25.802 152 10'-7 23.256 154 10'-7 16.673 156 10'-7 12.302 158 10'-7 9.169 160 10'-7 8.717 162 10'-7 7.247 164 10'-7 14.536 166 10'-7 17.039 168 10'-7 17.421 LM © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. AN AutoSPRINK 2020 06.3.18. 6/20/2022 9:29:OOAM Paqe 1 Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Remote Area Number: 3 - 16'x16' SPACING Date: 6/20/2022 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev 1 (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices . Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pf) and shown as Fitting (Foot) pf Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 101 10'-1 4.9 13.00 % (See Notes) 6" 150 7.039 ••••• Route 1••••• Sprinkler, 4' -0.217 162 10'-7 13.00 0.8740 0.094407 E(4') 4' 6 0.425 162 10'-7 % (See 16-4 150 7.247 5' Notes) 158 10'-7 13.00 0.8740 0.094407 2EE(1'), T(T) 20'-4 1.922 158 10' 7 14.23 %(See Notes) 5'-5 150 9.169 Flow (q) from Route 2 3' 156 10'-7 27.23 0.8740 0.370681 T(T) 8 5 3.133 156 10'-7 3/, (See 10'-5 150 12.302 2' Notes) 164 10'-7 18.46 0.8740 0.180545 2Tr(1') 12' S 2.234 164 10'-7 3/, (See Notes) 20'-9 150 14.536 Tr(1') 13' 166 10'-7 11.41 0.8740 0.074150 2Tr(1'), 2T(3'), E(4') 33'-9 2.503 166 10'-7 % (See 6' 3 150 17.039 2' Notes) 168 10'-7 8.86 0.8740 0.046460 2Tr(1') 8 3 0.382 168 10'-7 2.55 % (See Notes) 48'-8 150 17.421 Flow (q) from Route 4 30' 152 10'-7 11.41 0.8740 0.074150 4Tr(1'), 5E(4'), 2T(3') 78'-8 5.835 152 10' 7 15.82 %(See Notes) 2'-10 150 23.256 Flow (q) from Route 3 4' 150 10'-7 27.23 0.8740 0.370681 E(4') 6'-10 2.546 150 10'-7 1 (See 12'-7 150 25.802 23' 3.328 Notes) 5 2'-11 27.23 1.1010 0.120408 3E(5'), f(-0.000), 2Tr(1'), sCV(5 ), cplg(1'), BASE OF RISER 35'-7 4.281 5 2'-11 1 101, 150 33.411 0.363 500 2'-1 27.23 1.0250 0.170583 10" 0.143 500 2'-1 5.00 1'/2 (See 5'-1 150 33.918 8' 1767 Notes) 4 -2' 32.23 1.2440 0.090748 2E(4') 13' 1 1.187 & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. �jjj AutoSPRINK 2020 3 - 16'x16' SPACING 6/20/2022 9:29:09AM Page 1 Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Remote Area Number: 3 - 16'x16' SPACING Date: 6/20/2022 Pipe Information Node 1 Elev 1 (Foot) K-Factor Flow added this step (q) Nominal ID Fittings & Devices . Equiv. Length (Foot) Length (Foot) C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Fitting/Device (Equivalent Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, when applicable, are added directly to (Pf) and shown as Fitting (Foot) pf Friction Loss Per Unit (psi) Elev(Pe) Node 2 Elev 2 (Foot) Total Flow (Q) Actual ID Total (Foot) Friction(Pf) 4 -2' 1'/2 50' 150 36.871 0.090748 3 -2' 32.23 1,2440 50' 4.537 3 -2' 1 (See Notes) 1' 150 41.408 WMV(-1.615) 0.269285 2 -2' 32.23 0.9950 11 2.756 2 -2' 1 (See Notes) 80' 150 44.164 AngV(-2.249), T(T), BaIV(-0.05 6), S 7' 0.269285 -0.867 1 0' 32.23 0.9950 87 27 342 0.00 70.639 Hose Allowance At Source Total(Pt) Route 1 1 32.23 102 10'-1 4.9 14.23 3/, (See Notes) 6" 150 8.432 ..... Route 2 Sprinkler, E(4') 4' 0.111570 -0.217 160 10'-7 14.23 0.8740 4 6 0.502 160 10'-7 3/, (See Notes) 3'-1 150 8.717 Tr(1') 1 1 0.111570 158 10'-7 14.23 0.8740 4 1 0.452 9.169 Total(Pt) Route 2 154 10'-7 8.77 + 7.05 % (See Notes) 30'-6 150 16.673 ..... Route 3 Flow (q) from Route 5 and 6 5Tr(1'), 2E(4'), T(T), 2EE(1') 18' 0.135742 0.000 152 10'-7 15.82 0.8740 48'-6 6.584 23.256 Total(Pt) Route 3 166 10'-7 % (See 63-6 150 17.039 ..... Route 4 T(T)Notes) 7Tr(1'), 3T(3') 19, 0.004630 168 10'-7 2.55 0.8740 82'-6 0.382 17.421 Total(Pt) Route 4 156 10'-7 % (See Notes) 59'-10 150 12.302 ..... Route 5 T(T) 8Tr(1'), 5E(4'), 2EE(1'), T(3') 36' 0.045597 154 10'-7 8.77 0.8740 95'-10 4.371 16.673 Total(Pt) Route 5 & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. �jjj AutoSPRINK 2020 3 - 16'x16' SPACING 6/20/2022 9:29:09AM Page 2 Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Remote Area Number: 3 - 16'x16' SPACING Date: 6/20/2022 Pipe Information Elev 1 Flow added Fittings & Length C Factor Total(Pt) Notes Node 1 (Foot) K-Factor this step Nominal ID Devices (Foot) Fitting/Device (Equivalent Fitting (Foot) pf Friction Elev(Pe) (q) Equiv. Length) Fixed Pressure Losses, Elev 2 Total Flow Loss Per Unit when applicable, are added Total Friction(Pf) Node 2 (Foot) (Q) Actual ID F oot) (Foot) ) (psi) directly to (Pf) and shown as (Foot) 164 10' 7 3/, (See 44'-3 150 14.536 • • • • • Route 6 T(T)Notes) 26' -0.000 154 10'-7 7.05 0.8740 0.030414 4Tr(1'), 4E(4'), T(T) 70'-3 2.137 16.673 Total(Pt) Route 6 & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. �jjj AutoSPRINK 2020 3 - 16'x16' SPACING 6/20/2022 9:29:09AM Page 3 Job Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Remote Area Number: 3 - 16'x16' SPACING Equivalent Pipe Lenoths of Valves and Fittinos (C=120 only) IC Value Multiplier Date: 6/20/2022 Actual Inside Diameter 4.87 I Value Of C 100 130 140 150 = Factor Schedule 40 Steel Pipe Inside Diameter Multiplying Factor 0.713 1.16 1.33 1.51 ALV Alarm Valve AngV Angle Valve b Bushing BaIV Ball Valve BFP Back -flow Preventer BV Butterfly Valve C Cross Flow Turn 90' cplg Coupling Cr Cross Run CV Check Valve DeIV Deluge Valve DPV Dry Pipe Valve E 90' Elbow EE 45' Elbow Eel 11'/4' Elbow Ee2 22'/2' Elbow f Flow Device fd Flex Drop FDC Fire Department Connection fE 900 FireLock(TM) Elbow fEE 450 FireLock(TM) Elbow flg Flange FN Floating Node fT FireLock(TM) Tee g Gauge GloV Globe Valve GV Gate Valve Ho Hose Hose Hose HV Hose Valve Hyd Hydrant LtE Long Turn Elbow mecT Mechanical Tee Noz Nozzle P1 Pump In P2 Pump Out PIV Post Indicating Valve PO Pipe Outlet PrV Pressure Relief Valve PRV Pressure Reducing Valve red Reducer/Adapter S Supply sCV Swing Check Valve SFx Seismic Flex Spr Sprinkler St Strainer T Tee Flow Turn 90' Tr Tee Run U Union WirF Wirsbo WMV Water Meter Valve Z Cap & © M.E.P.CAD, Inc. �jjj AutoSPRINK 2020 3 - 16'xl U SPACING 6/20/2022 9:29:09AM Page 4 011111111110077�N 6438 Arville St. GLIARDFIRE Las Vegas,8 9118 (702) 966-8021 Tel (702) 987-117174 Fax License#: NV-61307CA-950378 PROTEETION www.onguardfp.com Bid Limit$4.5 M MATERIAL SUBMITTAL FOR: STONE CREEK RANCH TRACT #30834 LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA GENERAL CONTRACTOR: TOLL BROTHERS 09/27/2021 PREPARED BY: ON GUARD FIRE PROTECTION ENGINEERING DEPT. nNFPAo MEMBER FIRE SPRINKLERS -FIRE ALARMS -FIRE EXTINGUISHERS -EMERGENCY LIGHTING - SAFETY & FIRST AID SUPPLIES 0�" - - 0""� ij N LIARIPFIRE G License#:NV-61307 CA-950378 PROTEETION Bid Limit $4.5 M TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Water Flow Info 2. Sprinkler Heads 3. Pipe & Fittings 4. Valves 5. Accessories & Fire Caulking 6438 Arville St. Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 966-8021 Tel (702) 987-1174 Fax www.onguardfp.com 14m] NFTK MEMBER FIRE SPRINKLERS —FIRE ALARMS —FIRE EXTINGUISHERS —EMERGENCY LIGHTING — SAFETY & FIRST AID SUPPLIES Page 2 of 7 r6117N ARIP IRE License#:NV-61307 CA-950378 PROTEETION Bid Limit $4.5 M I . Water Flow 6438 Arville St. Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 966-8021 Tel (702) 987-1174 Fax www.onguardfp.com U41 NFIW MEMBER FIRE SPRINKLERS —FIRE ALARMS —FIRE EXTINGUISHERS —EMERGENCY LIGHTING — SAFETY & FIRST AID SUPPLIES Page 5 of 7 Z Domestic Water System Flow Analysis Coachella Valley Water District 75515 Hovley Lane East Palm Desert, CA 92211 Domestic Water System Flow Analysis (Hydraulic Model) Requested By: ON GUARD FIRE PROTECTION Date: 09123/2021 Address: APN. 762-430-001 11800 Sterling Ave Ste L Riverside, Ca 92503 Req. Fire Flaw: gpm at 20psi for hours. Contact Name: OSCAR GARCIA Project Name: STONE CREEK RANCH Phone: 951-254-5848 Email: oscarg@onguardfp.com Cell: 951-254-5848 Domest ALocation: icwaterystem Hydrant closet to 58th Ave & Stone Creek Way Flow Flow Model Information DomesticCVWD . Requested • Flow Analysis Description Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Flow Domestic Elevation (Ft): -33 None system flow available without exceeding CVWD's Steady State, Dynamic (psi): 86.b Residual Pressure (psi): 85.5 Fire Flow Tested (gpm): S50 N/A Combined Total: N/A criteria. Tested Model Junction: J22475 Duration: 2 hours Demand Conditions: Peak Day Demand (PDD) Reservoir No./Level (s): Reservoir 6726/21.5' Pumps Operating No's: Pumps On Pressure Zone and HGL: Lake Cahuilla (145') Model: CVWD DOMESTICWATER 080521 Comments: The domestic water system is capable of providing 850 gpm for 2 hours that satisfies CVWD's minimum pressure, velocity, and/or head loss criteria. This simulated system flow analysis may not include all facilities that may be required for this development/project. Please check: with Development Services for further information on all required facilities. The theoretical flow to drop the residual pressure to 20 psi is neater than 5,000 gpm. Please note the theoretical flow exceeds CVWD's design criteria on the domestic ater network. These results are based on hydraulic modelling and not a guarantee that CVWD's domestic water system will have the capacity to supply water to the project at the flows or pressures indicated. It is important to note that the capacity of the on -site fire system, meters, service lines, backflow assemblies and other appurtenances were not considered in this analysis, which may alter actual flows or pressures. Due to continuous changes in the system, CVWD only considers this system flow analysis valid for six months from date of modelling/analysis. These system flow analysis comments are for plan check purposes only. The ultimate design responsibility resides with the Engineer -of -Record for this Project. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (760) 398-2661, ext. 2397. Date: Page 1 of 1 ENG D5-016 ,Hare (8/31115 ) a+s TRl-e r61r_7N ARIP IRE License#:NV-61307 CA-950378 PROTEETION Bid Limit $4.5 M 6438 Arville St. Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 966-8021 Tel (702) 987-1174 Fax www.onguardfp.com 2., Sprinkler Heads NFM MEMBER FIRE SPRINKLERS —FIRE ALARMS —FIRE EXTINGUISHERS —EMERGENCY LIGHTING — SAFETY & FIRST AID SUPPLIES Page 3 of 7 Page : 1 of 8 SENJU SPRINKLER CO., LTD. Residential Lead Free Flat Concealed Sprinkler, Pendent, Model: RC-RES, K-Factor: 4.9, SIN: SS8464 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The Model RC-RES Residential Flat Concealed Sprinklers are automatic sprinklers of the compressed fusible solder type. They are decorative and fast responding. The Cover Plate Assembly hides the Deflector, Heat Responsive Element etc., which is concealed above the ceiling. The cover plate has a flat profile, and its diameter is extremely small (2-5/8 inch, 68mm). The push -on and/or thread -on, thread -off design of the concealed cover plate assembly allows for easy installation of the cover plate. Therefore, the Model RC-RES should be your first choice when aesthetics is the major consideration for ultimate appeal and unbeatable performance is desired. The Model RC-RES is designed for residential occupancies and is perfect for use in homes, hotels and other living quarters. The Model RC-RES is to be used in wet pipe residential sprinkler systems for One- and Two- Family Dwellings and Manufactured Homes per NFPA 13D; wet pipe residential sprinkler systems for Residential Occupancies up to and Including Four Stories in Height per NFPA 13R; or, wet pipe sprinkler systems for the residential portions of any occupancies per NFPA 13. The Model RC-RES has a 4.9 (70.6 LPM/bar'/Z) K-factor that meets the required residential flow rates with minimal residual pressure, which allows for smaller pipe sizes and water supply requirements. For extended installation flexibility, the Model RC-RES provides 1/2 inch (12.8mm) vertical adjustment. This adjustment in installation decreases the need for precise cutting of the pipe that drops to the sprinkler and allows for a perfect fit with a range of pipe lengths. The heat sensitivity and water distribution design of Model RC-RES allows for an increased chance of residents to escape or evacuate in case of a fire. However, residential fire sprinkler systems are not a substitute for fire safety awareness or fire safety construction required by building codes. "Lead Free" is defined in the Reduction of Lead in Drinking Water Act (S.3874) endorsed by AWWA's Water Utility Council, and California Assembly Bill #1953 as having less than or equal to a weighted average of 0.25% lead in wetted surface of pipes, plumbing fittings and fixtures. WARNINGS The Model RC-RES must be installed and maintained in accordance with the rules stated herein as well as in compliance with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association regulations and the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. In the event of this condition, consult the authorities having jurisdiction for guidance and approval. Failure to do so may impair the integrity of these devices. It is the responsibility of the installing contractor to provide a copy of this document to the owner or their representative, and in turn, it is the obligation of the owner to provide a copy of this document to a succeeding owner. The owner is responsible for maintaining their fire protection system and devices in proper operating condition. The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with any related questions. Document No. U085167 Date : Nov/20/2019 TECHNICAL DATA Approvals: cUL„5 Listed NSF/ANSI/CAN 61, NSF/ANSI 372 Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN): SS8464 Maximum Working Pressure: 175psi (12.1bar) Discharge Coefficient (Nominal K-Factor): K=4.9 GPM/psi112 (70.6 LPM/bart12) Temperature Rating: 162°F (72°C) Sprinkler with 140°F (60°C) Cover Plate 175°F (79°C) Sprinkler with 140°F (60°C) Cover Plate 175°F (79°C) Sprinkler with 162°F (72°C) Cover Plate 205°F (96°C) Sprinkler with 162°F (72°C) Cover Plate Color Code (Sprinkler) 162°F (72°C): Uncolored 175°F (79°C): White 205°F (96°C): White Color Code (Cover Plate) 140°F (60°C): No Mark 162°F (72°C): White -Colored Mark Vertical Adjustment: 112 inch (12.8 mm) Cover Plate Finishes: Standard Finishes - White, Ivory, Beige, Brown, Black, Nickel, Wood Grain Custom Finishes - Custom color and custom pattern cover plates are available on special order. Contact a Senju Sprinkler representative with any custom orders. Please see chart on Page 8 for more detail. Physical Characteristics: Ref. Figures 1 and 1-1 OPERATION Page : 2 of 8 2-1 /T6" (0 b2rnrn) Marking 3 Lot No. Year of Manufacture E SIN : SS8464 r i K-factor : K4.9 q Temperature Rating: 162 F/ 72 C 5 or 17TF/79 C 2 UL Mark or 205 F/96 C Control No.: GP37 ALS Mark : NSF 61 /372 RES SPKR (1) Body (Copper Alloy) J,) Deflector (Phosphorus Bronze) (2) Gasket (PTFE) 2-5/8" ( di 68mm) (QJ Fusible Metal (Solder) or 3-1/4" (0683mm) j Heat Collector (Copper) or 2-5/8"s uare fiEmm ,6) Cover Plate Assembly FIGURE 1. Model RC-RES K=4.9 Marking (Deflector) SIN : SS8464 K-factor . K4.9 Color Code Temperature Rating 162'F/72'C 0 or 1755F/79'C LJL Mark or 205'F/96'0 ❑ o f o an as 0 0 COVER PLATE SPRINKLER (Top view) (Bottom view) FIGURE 1-1. Marking (Color Code) In case of fire, the solder component that holds together the Cover Plate and the Retainer melts. Then the Cover Plate is released at once. As a result, the Deflector drops down to the intended position. Two Heat Collectors are exposed to fire, and when sufficient heat from the fire is reached, internal components of the sprinkler fall apart. This leads to the water flow to be distributed on the affected fire area. (Ref. Figure 2) Normal Condition Cover Plate Operation Sprinkler Operation OPERATIONFIGURE 2. - • .ure is for illustrative purposes Document No. U085167 Date : Nov/20/2019 Page : 3 of 8 DESIGN CRITERIA The herein stated rules for use and installation of Model RC-RES are provided by the manufacturer and must be strictly implemented for safe and full results. NOTES Residential Fire Sprinkler Systems should only be designed and installed by individuals who are completely familiar with automatic sprinkler system design, installation procedures, and techniques. Several criteria may apply to the installation and usage of each sprinkler. Consequently, it is recommended that the sprinkler system designer review and develop a working understanding of the complete list of criteria prior to initiating the design of the sprinkler system. Questions concerning sprinkler installation and usage criteria, which are not covered by the following instructions, should be submitted to your contracted company. Include sketches and technical details, as appropriate. In some instances, the requirements of this document may concern specifications which are more stringent, and which take precedence over those specified in NFPA 13, 13D, 13R, or by the authority having jurisdiction. The Model RC-RES must not be used in applications where the air pressure above the ceiling is greater than that below. Inspect all sprinklers after installation to ensure that both the gap between the cover plate, ceiling and the 6 slots in the cup are open and free from any air flow impediment. The spray from the sprinkler is distributed radially outward and downward from the sprinkler deflector. Consequently, the sprinklers must be located such that there will be no blind spaces shielded from spray by partitions, room dividers, overhangs or other parts of the dwelling structure. The number of sprinklers within each compartment (as defined by NFPA 13, 13D, or 13R) must be kept as few as possible. Do NOT use more sprinklers than necessary to cover a particular space. Use only the Cover Plate provided for the Model RC-RES. The sprinkler must be secured in place by firmly fastening the sprinkler system piping to the structure. If the sprinkler is not properly secured in position, reaction forces resulting from sprinkler operation could alter its orientation and its water distribution pattern. Obstruction to Water Distribution Locations of sprinklers must follow the obstruction rules of NFPA 13, 13D and 13R for Residential Sprinklers. General Service Conditions The Model RC-RES must only be utilized in WET PIPE sprinkler systems. Heat Source Criteria Refer to NFPA 13D, 13R or 13 for the requirements relating to the prevention of possible activation of the Heat Responsive Element of Model RC-RES, due to the exposure of a heat source other than an actual fire. Available Sprinkler Temperature Ratings Sprinkler Temperature Classification Sprinkler Nominal Temperature Rating Maximum Ambient Ceiling Temperature Temperature Rating of the Cover Plate Assembly Ordinary 162°F (72°C) 100°F (38°C) 140°F (60°C) Intermediate 175°F (79°C) 150°F (66°C) 140°F (60°C)'� Intermediate 175°F (79°C) 150°F (66°C) 162°F (72°C) Intermediate 205°F (96°C) 150°F (66°C) 162°F (72°C) 1) Maximum ambient temperature for the Cover Plate Assembly is 100°F (38°C). Precautionary Warnings for Corrosive Environments Model RC-RES sprinklers should not be installed where they may be subjected to a corrosive environment including the following: (1) Chlorine ion and Chloride environment. Stress corrosion cracking may be caused by exposure to environments with Chlorine ion and Chloride. Exposure to this environment may result in sprinklers operating under Non -Fire conditions or Not Operating when exposed to an actual fire. (2) Sprinkler system piping with Copper. Sprinkler systems should be constructed in compliance with the applicable standards and the requirements for copper piping when copper piping is used in the sprinkler system. (Reference standards NFPA 13, ASTM B813, B828, and CDA (Copper Development Association) — Solder Joint) Document No. U085167 Date : Nov/20/2019 Page : 4 of 8 All residual flux must be removed from the interior and exterior of the copper piping by thoroughly flushing before installation of the Sprinkler Heads. Otherwise, residues of flux may cause corrosion and/or leakage in the sprinkler system. Hydraulic Design Criteria The minimum required sprinkler flow rates for systems designed to NFPA 13D or 13R are given in TABLE A as a function of temperature rating and the maximum allowable coverage area. The sprinkler flow rate is the minimum required discharge from the most hydraulically demanding sprinkler from each of the total number of "design sprinklers" as specified in NFPA 13D or 13R. For systems designed to NFPA 13, the number of designed sprinklers is to be the four most hydraulically demanding sprinklers. The minimum required discharge from each of the four sprinklers is to be the greater of the following: The flow rates given in TABLE A for NFPA 13D and 13R as a function of temperature rating and maximum allowable coverage area. A minimum discharge of 0.1GPM/sq.ft. [4.07LPM/sq.m] over the "design area" comprised of the four most hydraulically demanding sprinklers for the actual coverage area being protected by the four sprinklers. TABLE A. NFPA 13D & 13R WET PIPE HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA for Model SS8464 For systems with ceiling types smooth flat horizontal, or beamed, or sloped, in accordance with NFPA 13D, 13R or 13 as applicable. Ordinary Intermediate Intermediate Maximum Maximum Temperature Rating Temperature Rating Temperature Rating Minimum Covera e Spacing 162°F (72°C) 175°F (79°C) 205°F (96°C) Deflector Installation Spacing Area(a� to Flow Pressure(b) Flow(b) Pressure Flow Pressure(b)Type Ft. X Ft. Ft. Ceiling Ft. (m Xm) (m) GPM PSI GPM PSI GPM PSI (m) (LPM) (bar) (LPM) (bar) (LPM) (bar) 12X12 12 13 7.0 13 7.0 13 7.0 Smooth (3.7X3.7) (3.7) (49.2) (0.48) (49.2) (0.48) (49.2) (0.48) Ceilings 3/8 to 7/8 1014 14 13 7.0 13 7.0 13 7.0 Inches. (4.343) (4.3) (49.2) (0.48) (49.2) (0.48) (49.2) (0.48) Beamed Ceilings 16X16 16 13 7.0 13 7.0 per NFPA 8 (4.949) (4.9) (49.2) (0.48) (49.2) (0.48) 13D, 13R Concealed (2.4) or 13 Installed in 18X18 18 17 12.0 17 12.0 beam (5.5X5.5) (5.5) (64.4) (0.83) (64.4) (0.83) 3/8 to 7/8 inches below 20X20 20 21 18.4 21 18.4 bottom of (6.1X6.1) (6.1) (79.5) (1.27) (79.5) (1.27) beam. (a) For coverage area dimensions less than the above mentioned, it needs to use the minimum required flow for the Next Higher Coverage Area listed. (b) Requirement is based on minimum flow in GPM (LPM) from each sprinkler. The associated residual pressures are calculated using the nominal K-Factor. Refer to Hydraulic Design Criteria Section for details. Sprinkler Spacin_p Criteria The minimum spacing between sprinklers is 8 feet (2.4m). The maximum spacing between sprinklers cannot go beyond the coverage area calculated by using the specific hydraulic factors. (Ref. TABLE A) Document No. U085167 Date : Nov/20/2019 Page : 5 of 8 INSTALLATION The Model RC-RES must be installed in accordance with the following instructions: NOTES Do not use any sprinklers which have been subjected to potential mechanical damage. Do not use any sprinklers which show deformation or cracking in either the Sprinkler or the Protective Cap. Prior to installation, sprinklers should be maintained in the original cartons and packaging until used to minimize the potential for damage to the sprinklers that could cause improper operation or non -operation. The Protective Cap must remain on the sprinkler during installation. After the installation is completed, the Protective Cap must be removed to place the sprinkler in service. Use a torque of 7 to 14 ft•lbs (9.5 to 19.0 N•m) to achieve a 112 inch NPT sprinkler joint. If you exceed the recommended maximum torque, this could result in damage to the sprinkler inlet, which may lead to leakage from the sprinkler. Use only NR-H model wrench socket for installation of RC-RES sprinklers. Use of any other wrench or socket is prohibited and may cause damage to the sprinkler. In case of insufficient adjustment in Cover Plate installation, do not try to overly tighten, screw the sprinkler too loosely or make any modification to the cover plate assembly. Readjust the sprinkler fitting for a better fit. Do not rotate the Cap Remover RC to the left with force when placing the two hook arms into place. The installed sprinkler may become loosened, which may cause water leakage. Installing Procedure Step 1 The installation requirements for the sprinkler are as follows: to be installed only in the pendent position with the waterway perpendicular to the ceiling. Install the sprinkler fitting so that the distance from the face of the fitting to the mounting surface will be nominally 2 inches (50.8mm) as shown in Figure 3. Step 2 With pipe thread sealant applied to the threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Then tighten it with the Socket NR-H or Ratchet (3/8" drive) & Socket NR-H Combination (Ref. Figure 4). The teeth of the Socket must fit perfectly with the grooves on the Sprinkler for proper installation (Ref. Figure 4). Step 3 If desired, the Protective Cap may also be used to locate the center of the clearance hole by gently pushing the ceiling material against the center point of the Protective Cap. Before the installation of the ceiling, the sprinkler installation can be started with a 2-3/8 inch (60mm) diameter clearance hole (Ref. Figure 3). Use the "Vertical Adjustment' indicator on the Protective Cap to check for proper installation height (Ref. Figure 3). Step 4 Use the Cap Remover RC to remove the Protective Cap (Ref. Figure 5), and then push or screw a Cover Plate Assembly on the Cup of the Sprinkler by hand until its flange just has contact with the ceiling (Ref. Figure 6 and Figure 7). Stop tightening the Cover Plate Assembly once the flange has contact with the ceiling. If the ceiling has been lifted from its normal position in the process of tightening the Cover Plate Assembly, readjust the cover plate assembly as necessary. If the flange of the Cover Plate Assembly cannot contact the ceiling sufficiently, readjust the sprinkler fitting as necessary. When properly installed, there is a nominal 1/16 inch (1.6mm) air gap between the lip of the Cover Plate and the ceiling, as shown in Figure 6. Make a Space Here Do Not Ave- 1/4" (6-4mm) Over --Tighten Min. 1/8" 3-2m Or tE roove on the Sprinkler EVortical m A 'ustment N ez el' t E N T N Mounting Surface V Ratchet Mounting 2-3/8" (�BtTmm) Surface Ceiling Hole diameter CORRECT INC6RiiECT � FIGURE 3. INSTALLATION FIGURE 4. RATCHET & SOCKET Document No. U085167 Date : Nov/20/2019 Page : 6 of 8 Hook up Sprinkler Head Protective Cap t 1 } r r Cap Remover RC r i r r i Pull down stP 1 Step 2 Step 3 FIGURE 5. PROTECTIVE CAP REMOVAL i Cover Plate Assembly =L 2-5/8" 68mm} or 3-114" f 83mm) or 2-5.•S'souare M68mm] FIGURE 6. INSTALLATION (COVER PLATEASSEMBLY) lNOCRREC7 CORRECT INCORRECT FIGURE 7. INSTALLATION (CORRECT and INCORRECT) Document No. U085167 Date : NoW20/2019 Page : 7 of 8 CARE AND MAINTENANCE The following instructions must be implemented for the maintenance and service of the Model RC-RES. NOTES Wet pipe sprinkler systems must be maintained at a minimum temperature of 400F/4°C to prevent freezing and bursting of the pipe and/or sprinklers. Automatic sprinklers are not to be tested with a heat source. Operation of the heat responsive element can result. Absence of a Cover Plate Assembly may delay the response time of the sprinkler in case of a fire. Install the cover plate assembly properly, as shown in Figure 6. Improper installation of the cover plate assembly may cause improper operation or non -operation. If the ceiling is to be repainted after the installation of the Sprinkler, care must be exercised to ensure that the new paint does not seal off any of the air gap. Factory painted Cover Plates must not be repainted. They should be replaced, if necessary, by factory painted cover plates. Non -factory applied paint may adversely delay or prevent sprinkler operation in case of a fire. Do not pull the Cover Plate. Separation may result. In preparation for maintenance of the fire protection system, permission to close the main control valve must be obtained from the proper authorities, and all affected parties by this action, and must be informed before the maintenance session can commence. Do NOT enclose any sprinklers within drapes, curtains, or valances. Do NOT hang anything from the sprinklers. Do NOT clean the sprinklers with soap and/or water, detergents, ammonia, cleaning fluids, or other chemicals. Remove dust lint, cobwebs, cocoons, insects, and larvae by gently brushing with a feather duster or gently vacuuming with a soft bristle (i.e., dusting) brush attachment. Exercise suitable safety precautions in the use and storage of highly flammable materials. The rapid rate of fire development and spread of these materials can reduce the ability of the sprinkler system to aid in the control of a fire involving such hazards. Leaking or corroded sprinklers must be replaced. Automatic Sprinklers must be kept in a cool and dry place. Automatic sprinklers must never be physically altered, such as painted, plated, or coated, once shipped from the factory. If the sprinklers have been in any way modified, they must be replaced. Great caution must be applied to prevent damage to the sprinklers at all stages - before, during, and after installation. Damaged units because of dropping, hitting, over -tightening, or wrench slippage, must be replaced. The Model RC-RES must only be replaced with pendent sprinklers which are listed for residential fire protection service and which have the same nominal K-Factor, the same coverage area, and the same or lower flow ratings (as indicated under TABLEA "Hydraulic Design Criteria'). When remodeling, such as by adding false beams or light fixtures or changing the location of compartment walls, first verify that the new construction will not violate the installation requirements of the applicable standards of NFPA. Alter the new construction and/or the sprinkler system to suit the requirements of this document and the applicable NFPA regulations. The owner is responsible for the maintenance of the sprinkler system, including inspection and testing of its compliance with this document as well as the standards of the National Fire Protection Association (e.g., NFPA 25), and the regulations of any other authorities having jurisdiction. The owner should direct any questions regarding the above rules and regulations to the installing contractors or the sprinkler manufacturer. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service in accordance with NFPA 25. Limited Warranty For details of warranty, refer to Sales Contract. Document No. U085167 Date : Nov/20/2019 Page : 8 of 8 ORDER PROCEDURE When placing an order, please contact a local distributor with the following information (Model Name, Temperature Rating and Finish). Sprinkler Model: RC-RES (SIN: SS8464, Residential Flat Concealed Sprinkler, Pendent, K4.9, Temperature: 162°F (72°C) or 175°F (79°C) or 205°F (96°C)) Cover Plate Assembly 2-5/8 inch (0 68mm) or 3-1/4 inch (0 83mm) or 2-5/8 inch square (❑68mm), Order Separately from Sprinkler Please refer to the chart below for available sizes, temperature, and finishes. Standard Finishes Custom Finishes White Ivory Beige Brown Black Nickel Copper Wood Grain Custom Color Custom Pattern 2-5/8" Round, 140°F 0 0 - - - - - - 0 0 3-1/4" Round, 140°F 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2-5/8" Square, 140°F 0 - - - - - - - 0 0 2-5/8" Round, 162°F 0 - - - - - - - 0 0 3-1/4" Round, 162°F 0 - - - - - - - 0 0 Tools for Installation of Model RC-RES Socket NR-H For use with a 3/8" drive ratchet (not included) Socket NR-H Plastic For use with a 1/2" drive ratchet (not included) • Cap Remover RC Document No. U085167 Date : Nov/20/2019 Page 1 of 7 ATTIC UPRIGHT SPECIFIC APPLICATION 41K]SPRINKLER VK696 The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page www.vikinggroupinc.com. 1. DESCRIPTION The Viking Attic Upright VK696 is a specific application concealed space sprinkler that provides superior fire protection in combustible and non-combustible sloped attic spaces when used in conjunction with Viking's model V-BB (Back to Back) and V-SD (Single Directional) specific application sprinklers. Installed in the upright position, with the deflector parallel to the roof, the Attic Upright used in combination with the model V-BB increases the allowable span from 60' to 80' (18,3 m to 24,4 m). Viking Attic Upright sprinklers can be installed with either steel or CPVC piping, and allow the use of CPVC to feed the protected space below the attic (CPVC allowed on wet pipe systems only). They are available in brass or with corrosion -resistant Electroless Nickel PTFE (ENT) coatings where salt water and other corrosive elements are a consideration. Viking Attic Upright sprinklers are cULus Listed with specific application guidelines for use as special sprinklers as defined by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and are listed for specific pitch range 4:12 to 12:12. 2. LISTINGS AND APPROVALS " cULus Listed: Category VNIV C L Us Refer to the Approval Chart on page 3. 3. TECHNICAL DATA Specifications: Minimum Operating Pressure: 7 psi (0.5 bar) Rated to 175 psi (12 bar) water working pressure Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (34.5 bar) Thread size: 1/2" (15 mm) NPT Nominal K-Factor: 4.2 U.S. (57 metric*) Attic Upright Sprinkler VK696 NOTE: As of May 2018 all logos have been re- moved from the wrench boss. WARNING: Cancer and Reproductive Harm- www.P65Warnings.ca.gov * Metric K-factor measurement shown is when pressure is measured in Bar. When pressure is measured in kPa, divide the metric K-factor shown by 10.0. Glass -bulb fluid temperature rated to -65 °F (-55 °C) Overall Length: 2-1/4" (57 mm) Covered by the following U.S. Patent No.: 8,083,002 owned by Tyco. Material Standards: Frame Casting: Brass UNS-C84400 Deflector: Brass UNS-C26000 Bulb: Glass, nominal 3 mm diameter Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides with PTFE Tape Screw: Brass UNS-C36000 Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper UNS-C11000 and Stainless Steel UNS-S30400 Ordering Information: (Also refer to the current Viking price list.) To order the Attic Sprinkler, add the appropriate suffix for the sprinkler finish and then the appropriate suffix for the temperature rating to the sprinkler base part number. Finish Suffix: Brass = A, ENT = JN Temperature Suffix: E = 200 °F (93.3 °C) Available Finishes And Temperature Ratings: Refer to Table 1. Accessories: (Also refer to the Viking website.) Sprinkler Wrench: Standard Wrench: Part No. 21475M/B Sprinkler Cabinets: A. Six -head capacity: Part No. 01724A B. Twelve -head capacity: Part No. 01725A Form No. F_042815 18.10.11 Rev 18.2.P65 Replaces Form F_042815 Rev. 18.2 (Added P65 Warning.) Page 2 of 7 ATTIC UPRIGHT SPECIFIC APPLICATION 41K]SPRINKLER VK696 The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page www.vikinggroupinc.com. 4. INSTALLATION Refer to appropriate NFPA Installation Standards. NOTE: Precedence for allowing 4.2K sprinklers to be used on dry pipe systems utilizing corrosion -resistant or internally galva- nized steel pipe is based on paragraph of NFPA 13 (2013 edition). 5. OPERATION During a fire condition, the heat sensitive liquid in the glass bulb expands, causing the glass to shatter, releasing the pip cap and sealing spring assembly. Water flowing through the sprinkler orifice strikes the deflector, forming a uniform spray pattern to extinguish or control the fire, and protect the piping in the interstitial space. 6. INSPECTIONS, TESTS AND MAINTENANCE Refer to NFPA 25 for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance requirements. 7. AVAILABILITY The Viking Attic Upright Specific Application Sprinkler is available through a network of domestic and international distributors. See The Viking Corporation web site for the closest distributor or contact The Viking Corporation. 8. GUARANTEE For details of warranty, refer to Viking's current list price schedule or contact Viking directly. TABLE 1: AVAILABLE SPRINKLER TEMPERATURE RATINGS AND FINISHES Sprinkler Temperature Sprinkler Nominal Maximum Ambient Classification Temperature Rating' Bulb Color Ceiling Temperature' Intermediate 200 °F (93.3 °C) 150 °F (65°C) Green Sprinkler Finishes: Brass, ENT Footnotes The sprinkler temperature rating is stamped on the deflector. 2 Based on NFPA-13. Other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location, and other requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction. Refer to specific installation standards. 3 cULus Listed as corrosion resistant. Protective Sprinkler Cap Wrench Flat O".ai Figure 1: Standard Sprinkler Wrench �1-1/4" (32 mm) I 2-1 /4" (57 mm) 7/16" (12 mm) J 1/2" (15 mm) Nominal Pipe Engagement NPT (Dimensions are approximate) Form No. F_042815 18.10.11 Rev 18.2.P65 Page 3 of 7 ATTIC UPRIGHT SPECIFIC APPLICATION 41K]SPRINKLER VK696 The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page www.vikinggroupinc.com. APPROVAL CHART Temperature KEY Attic Upright Specific Application Sprinkler VK696 Finish Ali }[� Escutcheon (if applicable' For Combustible and Non -Combustible Sloped Attic Spaces Part Maximum Thread Size Nominal K-Factor Overall Length g Listings and Approvals' g PP Number' SIN Pressure NPT BSP U.S. metric' Inches mm cULue FM LPCB c C 19538 VK696 175 psi 1/2" 15 mm 4.2 57 2-1/4 57 A1, A2 I -- -- Approved Temperature Rating Approved Finish A- 200 -F (93.3 -C) 1 - Brass, 2 - ENT' Also refer to Viking's current price schedule. ' Metric K-factor measurement shown is when pressure is measured in Bar. When pressure is measured in kPa, divide the metric K-factor shown by 10.0. s This table shows the listings and approvals available at the time of printing. Other approvals may be in process. ° Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for use in the United States and Canada. ' cULus Listed as corrosion resistant. DESIGN CRITERIA - UL (Also refer to Approval Chart 1) Allowable Roof Span, Flow, Pressure and Slope for Specific Application Sprinkler Protecting Attics Sprinkler Thread Size Nominal Allowable Roof Minimum Minimum Dry Pipe System K-Factor Span' Flow Pressure Maximum Water Base Part SIN Pitch' Delivery Time Number NPT BSP U.S. metric Ft. (M) GPM LPM PSI BAR (in seconds) Minimum 7 psi (0,48 Bar) 4:12 to 60 seconds 19538 VK696 1/2" 15 mm 4.2 57 10 (3,1) x 12 (3,6) Minimum 0.10 gpm/ft' (4,1 mm/min.) Design Density 12:12 (All System Sizes) NOTE: Precedence for allowing 4.2K sprinklers to be used on dry pipe systems utilizing corrosion -resistant or internally galvanized steel pipe is based on paragraph of NFPA 13 (2013 edition). ' Pitch and slope indicate the incline of a roof, expressed as a proportion of the vertical to the horizontal. 'The Attic Upright is measured along the slope maximum 10 ft. (3,1 m) perpendicular to slope by maximum 12 ft (3,6 m) parallel to slope. IMPORTANT. Always refer to Bulletin Form No. F_091699 - Care and Handling of Sprinklers. Also refer to Form No. F_080614 for general care, installation, and maintenance information. Viking sprinklers are to be installed in accordance with the latest edition of Viking technical data, the appropriate standards of N FPA, FM Global, LPCB, APSAD, VdS or other similar organiza- tions, and also with the provisions of governmental codes, ordinances, and standards, whenever applicable. Form No. F_042815 18.10.11 Rev 18.2.P65 Page 4 of 7 ATTIC UPRIGHT N11K]SPECIFIC APPLICATION SPRINKLER VK696 The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page www.vikinggroupinc.com. ADDITIONAL DESIGN CRITERIA - UL Chart 2 (Also refer to DESIGN CRITERA Chart 1) Allowable roof span, flow, pressure and slope for attic protection using Viking V-SD Sprinklers Design Criteria: Flow and Pressures refer to Design Chart 1. System Type: Wet systems and dry systems. Piping Types: Steel (wet and dry) CPVC (wet systems only). Occupancy Classification: Light hazard only. Viking Attic Upright Sprinkler Spacing Maximum Coverage Area: 120 ft2 (11,2 m2) Minimum Spacing: 7'-0" (2,1 m) from Attic Upright Sprinklers, V-BB Sprinklers, V-SD Sprinklers, and Standard Spray Sprinklers, when measured along the peak/ridge direction. 26'-0" (7,9 m) from Viking V-BB and V-SD Sprinklers when measured down the slope. Maximum Spacing: 10'-0" (3,1 m) when measured perpendicular to the slope. 12'-0" (3,7 m) when measured parallel to the slope. Additional Spacing Considerations: If there is more than one row of Attic Upright Sprinklers, they must be staggered as shown in Figure 3. Attic Upright Sprinklers can provide up to 10'-0" (3,1 m) coverage at the eave(s) beyond the maximum allowable roof spans for the V-BB and V-SD Sprinklers by installing a row of Attic Uprights. Refer to Figure 4 and 5 for installation criteria in these situations. Deflector Position: Deflector located 1"— 3" (26 - 77 mm) below the bottom of the top chord or bottom of solid wood rafter for all roof pitches as per the listing from 4:12 — 12:12, with a maximum top chord or solid wood rafter depth of 12" (305 mm). Use of UL Listed CPVC Blazemaster Piping (Wet Systems Only): Can be used to supply the sprinklers protecting the floor below the combustible concealed space when covered with 6" (153 mm) of non-combustible insulation over the horizontal or vertical piping, and extending 12" (305 mm) on both sides of the center line of the piping. If the piping is located in the joist, the width of the joist channel must be entirely covered to 6" above the top of the piping. The area above the piping must be protected with the Viking Model V-BB's, V-SD's, or the Attic Upright Sprinklers. Listed CPVC Blazemaster piping may also be used exposed to provide wet system, vertical or angled, sprigs to Attic Upright Sprinklers where: • The exposed portion of an angled sprig is a maximum length of 3'-0" (0,9 m), with the sprig being supported adjacent to the Attic Upright Sprinkler, and vertical restraint is provided on the horizontal pipe runs with CPVC hangers. • Maximum exposed length on a sprig of 10'-0" (3,1 m), with a maximum lateral distance for the Attic Upright Sprinkler of 12" (305 mm) off of the centerline of the sprig. Sprig must also be supported at the swing joint to the Attic Upright Sprinkler. • Minimum 6" (153 mm) deep of non-combustible insulation extending 12" (305 mm) on each side of the pipe centerline for the CPVC branchline feeding the Attic Upright Sprinklers. • If the CPVC branchline is installed inside the ceiling joist, the joist channel must be covered or filled with a minimum of 6" (153 mm) deep non-combustible insulation on top of the branchline feeding the Attic Upright Sprinkler sprigs. • Additional non-combustible insulation can be added to reduce the exposed length of the sprigs being used with the Attic Upright Sprinklers. • Installed with a minimum lateral distance of 18" (458 mm) from any device that produces and releases heat, i.e Attic furnace, Kitchen or Bathroom Exhaust fan, Flue Vents, Heat Lamps, and other such devices. Continues on next page. Form No. F_042815 18.10.11 Rev 18.2.P65 Page 5 of 7 ATTIC UPRIGHT SPECIFIC APPLICATION SPRINKLER VK696 -N41K] The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page www.vikinggroupinc.com. Continued from previous page. Insulation requirements are provided solely for Fire Protection purposes and not for freeze protection. Non-combustible insulation being used needs to be verified for chemical compatibility with the CPVC piping at www.lubrizol.com Obstruction Criteria: Refer to Figures 6 and 7. Refer to Sections and of NFPA 13, 2013 for requirements if installed on greater than 2-1/2" diameter piping. Hydraulic Requirements: Minimum Design pressure: 7 psi Minimum design density: 0.10 gpm/sq. ft. For individual areas requiring more than four Attic Upright Sprinklers, the maximum area of the attic protected by Attic Upright Sprinklers is 3,000 ft (279 m2) in any single area. In order to be considered a single area, the areas protected by the Attic Upright Sprinklers must be separated by a minimum of 15'-0" (4,6 m), having that separation being protected by V-BB or V-SD sprinklers. The design area shall include the most hydraulically demanding sprinklers, and in certain cases may require more than one set of calculations to verify the systems design. Refer to the Technical Data Sheets for the Model V-BB (Form No. F_042915) and V-SD (Form No. F_043015) Specific Application Attic Sprinklers for more information regarding hydraulic requirements of Attic Upright Sprinklers. V-BB (Back to Back) V-SD (Single Directional) Attic Upright Top Side Top Side Top Side Form No. F_042815 18.10.11 Rev 18.2.P65 Page 6 of 7 ATTIC UPRIGHT SPECIFIC APPLICATION SPRINKLER VK696 -N41K] The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page www.vikinggroupinc.com. When the total number of Attic Upright Sprinklers at the hip is greater than 4: Wet Systems: Calculate the most demanding 5 model V-BB Sprinklers, add the most demanding 2 Attic Upright Sprinklers, then calculate the most demanding region up to 1500 ft2 (137 m2) that uses Attic Upright Sprinklers (example: Region 1 at right). Use the most demanding calculation. Dry Systems: Calculate the most demanding 7 model V-BB sprinklers, add the most demanding 2 Attic Upright Sprinklers, then calculate the most demanding region up to 1950 ft2, (181 m2) that uses Attic Upright Sprinklers (example: Region 1 at right). Use the most demanding calculation. Region 1: Region 2: Region 3: Attic Upright Sprinklers V-BB Sprinklers Attic Upright Sprinklers • • Spacing must a ' ' be staggered S �` ;; �` for additional 1 i rows M o� `�- 1 1 ;fie � 15' (4,6 m) Minimum � Refer to Figures 4 and 5 below. For attics having a span of 60 - 80 ft. (18,3 - 24,4 m), only the 8.OK model V-BB sprinklers combined with Attic Upright Sprinklers can be used. For attics with a span of over 80' (24,4 m), Standard Spray Spinklers must be used. In an attic using single ridge construction, 8.OK model V-BB sprinklers must be used to protect the center portion. Attic Upright sprinklers should be used to cover up to 10 feet (3,1 m) at the eaves beyond the maximum 60 ft. (18,3) span covered by the model V-BB Sprinklers. Refer to the Technical Data Sheets for the model V-BB and V-SD sprinklers for more information. Over 60 - 80ft (18,3 - 24,4 m) 6' (1,83 m) 6' (1,83 m) Maximum 17 Maximum 4'(1,22 m) V-1313 Minimum 10' (3,05 m) V-BB Coverage Maximum Attic Upright Coverage Figure 4: Model V-BB Spinklers Combined with Attic Upright Sprinklers Covering Over 60 to 80 ft. Span Attic Upright sprinklers spaced 7' - 8' (1,8 - 2,4 m) on centers V-SD \ 6' (1,83 m) Maximum 6' (1,83 m) Maximum 4' (1,22 m) Minimum V-SD 10' (3,05 m) Coverage Maximum Attic Upright Coverage Figure 5: Model V-SD Spinklers Combined with Attic Upright Sprinklers Form No. F_042815 18.10.11 Rev 18.2.P65 Page 7 of 7 ATTIC UPRIGHT SPECIFIC APPLICATION 41K]SPRINKLER VK696 The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Visit the Viking website for the latest edition of this technical data page www.vikinggroupinc.com. Refer to Figure 6 below. Requirements: X >_ 3Y or 3Z, X 5 24" (610 mm); Use the larger dimension Y or Z. ELEVATION VIEW PLAN VIEW X Y� Y . r Z X TABLE ATTIC UPRIGHT OBSTRUCTION CRITERIA Horizontal Distance (X) Minimum Vertical Distance Below Deflector (W) <6„ 3" (5152 mm) (77 mm) >6„ - 9„ 4" (>152 - 229 mm) (102 mm) >9„ - 12" 6" (>229 - 305 mm) (89 mm) > 12" - 15" 8" (>305 - 381 mm) (204 mm) >15" - 18" 9-1/2" (>381 - 458 mm) (242 mm) >18" - 24" 12-1/2" (>458 - 610 mm) (318 mm) >24" - 30" 15-1/2" (>610 - 762 mm) (394 mm) >30" 18" (762 mm) (458 mm) Form No. F_042815 18.10.11 Rev 18.2.P65 Replaces Form F_042815 Rev. 18.2 (Added P65 Warning.) ar License#:NV-61307 CA-950378 PROTEETION Bid Limit $4.5 M 6438 Arville St. Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 966-8021 Tel (702) 987-1174 Fax www.onguardfp.com 3. PIPE & FITTINGS NFM MEMBER FIRE SPRINKLERS —FIRE ALARMS —FIRE EXTINGUISHERS —EMERGENCY LIGHTING — SAFETY & FIRST AID SUPPLIES Page 4 of 7 Viking Plastics Features • Sizes Available (Nominal): 3/4" (DN20) through 3" (DN80) pipe diameters, with a Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) of 13.5 as specified in ASTM F442. • Environmental Specifications: Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature: 150°F (65°C) • Hazen -Williams C Value: 150 BIaZeMdstei-` CPVC Pipe • Pressure Data: Working Pressure: 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) • Specifications: Meets NFPA 13R and 13D standards for residential occupancies as well as NFPA 13 standards for light hazard occupancies. • Pipe meets or exceeds ASTM F442. • Certified by NSF International for potable water services. • CPVC pipe from Viking Plastics use compound cell class 23547 (demonstrated highest structural properties). • cULus Listed, FM Approved, New York City (MEA) Approved, LPCB Approved. CPVC PIPE PHYSICAL DATA e ul us LISTED Nominal Pipe Size Actual Outside Diameter Average Inside Diameter *Weight per 15' (4,6 m) length Length Approvals Part Number Inch DN Inch mm Inch mm Lb. Kg. Feet M 3/4" DN20 1.050 26,670 0.874 22,199 2.52 1,14 15 4.6 cU NSFFM 34PIPE 1" DN25 1.315 33,401 1.101 27,965 3.93 1,78 15 4.6 1PIPE 1 1/4" DN32 1.660 42,164 1.394 35,408 6.27 2,84 15 4.6 114PIPE 1 1/2" DN40 1.900 48,260 1.598 40,589 8.22 3,73 15 4.6 112PIPE 2" DN50 2.375 60,325 2.003 50,876 12.89 5,85 15 4.6 2PIPE 21/2" DN65 2.875 73,000 2.423 61,500 18.86 8,55 15 4.6 212PIPE 3" DN80 3.500 88,900 2.950 74,900 28.01 12,71 15 4.6 3PIPE Nominal Pipe Size Actual Outside Diameter Average Inside Diameter *Weight per 105 (3,05 m) length Length Approvals Part Number Inch DN Inch mm Inch mm Lb. Kg. Feet M 3/4" DN20 1.050 26,670 0.874 22,199 1.68 0,76 10 3,05 cU NSFFM 1 34PIPE10 1" DN25 1.315 33,401 1.101 27,965 2.62 1,19 10 3,05 1PIPE10 1 1/4" DN32 1.660 42,164 1.394 35,408 4.18 1,90 10 3,05 114PIPE10 1 1/2" DN40 1.900 48,260 1.598 40,589 5.48 2,49 10 3,05 112PIPE10 2" DN50 2.375 60,325 1 2.003 1 50,876 1 8.59 3,90 10 3,05 1 2PIPE10 21/2" DN65 2.875 73,000 2.423 61,500 12.57 5,70 10 3,05 212PIPE10 3" DN80 3.500 88,900 2.950 1 74,900 1 18.67 8,47 10 3,05 3PIPE10 NOTE: CPVC Pipe is produced in SDR 13.5 Dimensions in accordance with ASTM F442. Standard Dimension Ratio is the ratio of the outside pipe diameter to the wall thickness of the pipe. Blazemaster® is a registered trademark of Lubrizol. Specifications subject to change without notice *Empty pipe weights IMPORTANT. Installers should receive thorough hands-on training in the proper methods of assembly and installation of CPVC products Trusted above all TM N I KI Wj4 NIKJNG4 Plastics Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : 3/4" (DN20) through 3" (DN80) pipe diameters, with a Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) of 13.5 as specified in ASTM F442. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature : 150°F (65°C) • Hazen -Williams C Value: 150 • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150OF (65°C) • Specifications - Meets NFPA 13, 13R and 13D standards for light hazard occupancies. Pipe meets or exceeds ASTM F442. - Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services - CPVC Pipe from Viking SupplyNet complies to NSF cell class 23547 (demonstrated highest structural properties). - Meets LPC Sprinkler Rules requirements BlazeMaster° CPVC Pipe VIKING SupplyNef OFMc L us0LPCB';P° NSF WRASAPPROVER LISTED'F"' * LPCB Approved up to and including 2" n n 7M rrM Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Actual Outside Diameter Average I.D. (inch / mm) Weight per 15' (4.6m) length (Ib / kg) Length (� / m) Approvals Part Number inch metric inch mm 3/4" DN20 1.050 26,670 0.874 / 22,199 2.52 / 1,14 15 / 4,6 cULus, FM, LPCB', WRAS, NSF 34PIPE 1" DN25 1.315 33,401 1.101 / 27,965 3.93 / 1,78 15 / 4,6 1 PIPE 11/4" DN32 1.660 42,164 1.394 / 35,408 6.27 / 2,84 15 / 4,6 114PIPE 11/2" DN40 1.900 48,260 1.598 / 40,589 8.22 / 3,73 15 / 4,6 112PIPE 2" DN50 2.375 60,325 2.003 / 50,876 12.89 / 5,85 15 / 4,6 2PIPE 2'/2" DN65 2.875 73,000 2.423 / 61,500 18.86 / 8,55 15 / 4,6 212PIPE 3" DN80 3.500 88,900 2.950 / 74,900 28.01 / 12,71 15 / 4,6 3PIPE Nominal Pipe Size Actual Outside Diameter Average I.D. (inch / mm) Weight per 10' (3,05m) length (lb / kg) Length (ft / m) Approvals Part Number inch metric inch mm 3/4" DN20 1.050 26,670 0.874 / 22,199 1.68 / 0,76 10 / 3,05 cULus, FM, LPCB*, WRAS, NSF 34PIPE10 1" DN25 1.315 33,401 1.101 / 27,965 2.62 / 1,19 10 / 3,05 1 PIPE10 11/4" DN32 1.660 42,164 1.394 / 35,408 4.18 / 1,90 10 / 3,05 114PIPE10 1 %" DN40 1.900 48,260 1.598 / 40,589 5.48 / 2,49 10 / 3,05 112PIPE10 2" DN50 2.375 60,325 2.003 / 50,876 8.59 / 3.90 10 / 3,05 2PIPE10 2'/2" DN65 2.875 73,000 2.423 / 61,500 12.57 / 5,70 10 / 3,05 212PIPE10 3" DN80 3.500 88,900 2.950 / 74,900 18.67 / 8,47 10 / 3,05 3PIPE10 Note: CPVC Pipe is produced in SDR 13.5 Dimensions in accordance with ASTM F442. Standard Dimension Ratio is the ratio of the outside pipe diameter to the wall thickness of the pipe. ' Approved up to and inducing 2" IMPORTANT: Installers should receive thorough hands-on training in the proper methods of assembly and installation of CPVC products. On -site training is available at no charge from Viking SupplyNet. Participants in the training program will receive a special card acknowledging their attendance. In addition to receiving proper training, installers must always consult the Manufacturer's Design and Installation Guide before any installation project is commenced. Worldwide Fire Protection www.vikinggroupinc.com rc ... e. .9r.+aTA�.. �nr .MIMMUn .. aemr_arramm�,.,mrtmmrs�rr-+maw=rmars+mrrmnarrarr�trrrrn.�mamamm NIKJNG4 Plastics VIKING SupplyNef BlazeMaster® CPVC Pipe Product Specifications Corrosion resistance CPVC fire sprinkler pipe, when installed in strict accordance with the manufacturers design and installation instructions, are UL and C-UL Listed by Underwriters Laboratories for use in the following: • Light Hazard occupancies as defined in the Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems, NFPA 13. • Residential occupancies up to and including four stories in height as defined by NFPA 13R. • Residential occupancies as defined in the Standard for Sprinkler Systems in One and Two Family Dwellings, NFPAI3D. • Installation of private fire service mains and their appurtenances, NFPA 24. CPVC fire sprinkler pipe from Viking SupplyNet shall be employed in wet pipe systems only and are not listed for outdoor use. CPVC pipe must never be used in a system using compressed air or other gases. CPVC pipe from Viking SupplyNet also carries the following enhanced listings and approvals: • According to UL Listed (UL 1821) • Can be flush at return air plenums • Mechanical cut -in tee 8. crosses concealed with Grinnell figure 730 fittings • Mechanical cut -in tee 8, crosses exposed with Grinnell figure 730 fittings • Exposed system risers NFPA 13D, 13R • Exposed basement NFPA 13D (solid wood joist) • Extended coverage (exposed) • 20' spacing on pendent in lieu of 15' • 18' spacing on sidewall in lieu of 14' • Use with combustible concealed sprinklers • Tyco attic sprinkler head (to protect the floor below) • Tyco attic sprinkler head with wet system piping (feed main and ridge installation) • Exposed sidewall sprinkler Listing for exposed pipe 8, fittings • 24' extended coverage sidewall sprinkler, 12" drop, 155°F sprinkler head • 18' extended coverage sidewall sprinkler, 12" drop, 165°F sprinkler head • 16' extended coverage sidewall sprinkler, 12" drop, 1757 sprinkler head • 14' standard coverage sidewall sprinkler, 12" drop, 200°F sprinkler head • Factory Mutual Approved* • Factory Mutual Approval exposed • Factory Mutual Approval above drop -in ceilings • Factory Mutual Approval exposed w/ Soffi-Steel soffiting covering system • LPCB Approval • WRAS Approval The above data is based on UL and FM reported Listings and Approvals as of 11/30/05. New and enhanced listings and approvals are being pursued. Always check with the appropriate Listing and Approval agency for details on current listing parameters. CPVC pipe also meets all applicable standards for pressure rated application as required in ANSI -NSF Standard 14 and complies with ANSI -NSF Standard 61 for health effects and are marked with the NSF-pw end us marking. Viking Plastics CPVC Pipe is manufactured from WRAS approved Blazemaster® compound All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be Listed by Underwriters Laboratories for wet pipe systems, and shall carry a rated working pressure of 175 psi @ 150°F (12 bar @ WC). The FM Approval is limited to use in wet pipe fire protection sprinkler systems for light hazard occupancies in both concealed and exposed applications with certain restrictions. Piping must always be installed in strict accordance to the manufacturers System Design and Installation Manual, including product stor- age and handling, joining methods, supporting and bracing, expansion and contraction allowance and testing, etc. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards 13, 13D, and 13R or LPC Sprinkler Rules Technical Bulletins, must be referenced for design and installation requirements in conjunction with the installation instructions. All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe from Viking SupplyNet is manufactured in the USA by an ISO 9001 certified manufacturer. All CPVC pipe shall be packaged immediately after its manufacture to prevent damage and shall be stored indoors after production, at the manufactur- ing site, until shipped from the factory. The pipe shall bear the logo of the listing agencies, and shall carry the National Sanitation Founda- tion (NSF) seal of approval for potable water applications. CPVC products are intended for use in areas where the maximum ambient temperature does not exceed 150OF (66°0. If the ambi- ent temperature is expected to exceed this limitation, refer to the manufacturers System Design and Installation Manual for additional information on methods to reduce the pipe exposure temperatures. CPVC pipe is not intended to be installed in outdoor applications. CPVC pipe is intended to beused in wet pipe systems only and have not been investigated for use in dry pipe systems. Special installation and design criteria relative to pipe hanger spacings, piping and sprinkler restraint, sprinkler temperature rating, piping locations, testing procedures and friction loss characteristics are specified in the manufacturers installation instructions provided with the pipe. The manu- facturers installation instructions should be reviewed and the Authority Having Jurisdiction consulted before installation. Worldwide Fire Protection n n KID: 7 1 rho www.vikinggroupinc.com rc ... e. .9r.+aTA�.. �nr .MIMMUn .. aemr_arramm�,.,mrtmmrs�rr-+maw=rmars+mrrmnarrarr�trrrrn.�mamamm Socket x Socket x Socket Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : See table below. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature : 150°F (65°C) • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 1'/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 1'/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65'0 for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG4 SupplyNef FM c �L us NSF. 3 WRAS OLPCB' APPOOVED LPCB Approved up to and including 2" " Approval pending. n n 7M rrM Reducing Tee - Socket x Socket x Socket Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight (lbs. / kgs.) Part Number inch metric A B 3/4" x 3/4" x 1" DN20 x DN20 x DN25 / 0.70 / 0.70 / 0.73 0.15 / 0.068 V5011 R-102 1" x 3/4" x 3/4" DN25 x DN20 x DN20 / 0.74 / 0.80 / 0.84 0.15 / 0.068 V5011 R-125 1" x 3/4" x 1" DN25 x DN20 x DN25 / 0.74 / 0.91 / 0.73 0.22 / 0.100 V5011 R-126 1" x 1" x 3/4" DN25 x DN25 x DN20 / 0.61 / 0.61 / 0.94 0.13 / 0.059 V5011 R-131 11/4" x 1" x 3/4" DN32 x DN25 x DN20 / 0.74 / 0.60 / 0.89 0.20 / 0.091 V5011 R-157 1'/4" x 1" x 1" DN32 x DN25 x DN25 / 0.90 / 0.71 / 0.89 0.24 / 0.110 V5011 R-158 1'/4" x 1" x 1'/4" DN32 x DN25 x DN32 / 1.00 / 0.91 / 0.87 0.28 / 0.130 V5011 R-159 1'/4" x 1'/41,x 3/4" DN32 x DN32 x DN20 / 0.60 / 0.60 / 0.89 0.21 / 0.095 V5011 R-167 1'/4" x 1'/4" x 1" DN32 x DN32 x DN25 / 0.72 / 0.72 / 0.89 0.13 / 0.059 V5011 R-168 1'/4" x 1'/4" x 1'/2" DN32 x DN32 x DN40 / 1.00 / 1.00 / 0.88 0.42 / 0.191 V5011 R-169 1'/2" x 11/4" x 3/4" DN40 x DN32 x DN20 / 0.76 / 0.62 / 1.02 0.35 / 0.159 V5011 R-201 1'/2" x 1'/4" x 1" DN40 x DN32 x DN25 / 0.88 / 0.74 / 1.01 0.39 / 0.177 V5011 R-202 11/2" x 1'/2"x 3/4" DN40 x DN40 x DN20 / 0.76 / 0.76 / 1.31 0.48 / 0.172 V5011 R-210 1'/2" x 1'/2"x 1" DN40 x DN40 x DN25 / 0.77 / 0.77 / 1.29 0.52 / 0.236 V5011 R-211 1'/z" x 11/2" x 1'/4" DN40 x DN40 x DN32 / 0.87 / 0.87 / 1.04 0.47 / 0.213 V5011 R-212 1'/2" x 1'/2" x 2" DN40 x DN40 x DN50 / 1.30 / 1.29 / 1.14 0.67 / 0.304 V5011 R-213 2" x 2" x 3/4" DN50 x DN50 x DN20 / 0.67 / 0.67 / 1.56 0.65 / 0.295 V5011 R-248 2" x 2" x 1" DN50 x DN50 x DN25 / 0.77 / 0.77 / 1.55 0.69 / 0.313 V5011 R-249 2" x 2" x V/z" DN50 x DN50 x DN40 / 1.04 / 1.04 / 1.29 0.83 / 0.376 V5011 R-251 2'/2" x 2'/z" x 1" DN65 x DN65 x DN25 / 1.53 / 1.53 / 2.59 1.87 / 0.848 V5011 R-289 2'/z" x 21/2" x 1'/4" DN65 x DN65 x DN32 / 1.53 / 1.53 / 2.47 1.90 / 0.862 V5011 R-290 VW x 21/2" x 1'/2" DN65 x DN65 x DN40 / 1.53 / 1.53 / 2.08 1.86 / 0.844 V5011 R-291 3" x 3" x 2" DN80 x DN80 x DN50 / 1.34 / 1.34 / 1.82 1.73 / 0.785 V5011 R-338 3" x 3" x 2'/2" DN80 x DN80 x DN65 / 1.84 / 1.84 / 2.55 2.90 / 1.320 V5011 R-339 Refer to the "CPVC Equal Tee" datapage or manufacturer's installation instructions for friction loss information. Worldwide Fire Protection www.vikinggroupinc.com s 0 N Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturers datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Socket x Socket x Socket Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : 3/4" (DN20) through 3" (DN80) pipe diameters. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature : 150°F (65°C) • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 1'/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 1'/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG* SupplyNef FM c&us NSF 3 N'RAS (LP)CB APPROVED Ear * LPCB Approved up to and including 2" ** Approval pending. n n 7M Equal Tee - Socket x Socket x Socket Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight (lbs. / kgs.) Part Number inch metric A B C 3/4" DN20 / 0.56 / 0.56 / 0.56 0.09 / 0.04 V5011-007 1" DN25 / 0.69 / 0.69 / 0.69 0.15 / 0.07 V5011-010 11/4" DN32 / 0.89 / 0.89 / 0.89 0.30 / 0.14 V5011-012 1'/2" DN40 / 1.06 / 1.06 / 1.06 / 1.27 / 1.53 / 1.84 0.73 / 0.33 V5011-015 2" DN50 / 1.27 / 1.27 1.05 / 0.48 V5011-020 2'/2" DN65 / 1.53 / 1.53 1.59 / 0.72 V5011-025 3" DN80 / 1.84 / 1.84 2.38 / 1.10 V5011-030 CPVC Fittings Allowances for Friction Loss in Fittings Nominal Pipe Size Equivalent Feet / Meters of Pipe inch metric Tee Run Tee Branch 90* Elbow 45° Elbow Coupling 3/4" DN20 1 /0.3 3/0.9 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1" DN25 1 /0.3 5/1.5 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 11/4" DN32 1/0.3 6/1.8 8/2.4 2/0.6 1/0.3 1'/2" DN40 1 /0.3 DN50 1 /0.3 8 / 2.4 9 / 2.7 2/0.6 11 /3.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 2" 10/3.1 2'/2" DN65 2/0.6 12/3.7 12/3.7 3/0.9 2/0.6 3" DN80 2/0.6 15 / 4.6 13 / 4.0 4 / 1.2 2/0.6 Worldwide Fire Protection www.vikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturer's datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Socket x Socket x NPT Thread Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : See table below. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature: 150°F (65'0 • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) • Threaded Connections : 1 female threaded NPT outlet. • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 1'/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 11/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.5 bar) at 150°F (65'0 for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG4 SupplyNef FM c&us NSF. 3 WRAS OLPCB' APPROVE LPCB Approved up to and including 2" " Approval pending. n n 7M rrM Sprinkler Head Tee (Metal Thread Insert) - Socket x Socket x NPT Thread Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (inch) Approx. Weight (lbs. / kgs) Part Number inch metric g BA=h C 3/4" x 3/4- x'/z" DN20 x DN20 x DN15 / 0.42 / 0.42 / 1.60 0.22 / 0.100 V5012SBI-101 1" x 3/41, x'/z" DN25 x DN20 x DN15 / 0.43 / 0.83 / 1.69 0.27 / 0.125 V5012RSBI-124 1" x 1" x'/z" DN25 x DN25 x DN15 / 0.42 / 0.42 / 1.76 0.28 / 0.127 V5012SBI-130 1" x 1" x 1" DN25 x DN25 x DN25 / 0.83 / 0.83 / 1.48 0.43 / 0.195 V5012SBI-010 1'/4" x 1" x'/z" DN32 x DN25 x DN15 / 0.51 / 0.63 / 1.94 0.33 / 0.149 V5012RSBI-156 11/4" x 1'/4" x'/z" DN32 x DN32 x DN15 / 0.51 / 0.51 / 1.95 0.33 / 0.149 V5012SBI-166 11/2" x 1'/4" x'/z" DN40 x DN32 x DN15 / 0.45 / 0.67 / 2.13 0.47 / 0.213 V5012RSBI-199 11/2" x 1'/2" x'/z" DN40 x DN40 x DIN 15 / 0.45 / 0.45 / 2.13 0.47 / 0.213 V5012SBI-209 2" x 1'/z" x'/z" DN50 x DN40 x DN15 / 0.62 / 0.82 / 2.38 0.58 / 0.263 V5012RSBI-237 2" x 2" x'/z" DN50 x DN50 x DN15 / 0.50 / 0.50 / 1.68 0.58 / 0.263 V5012SBI-247 CPVC Fittings Allowances for Friction Loss in Fittings Nominal Pipe Size Equivalent Feet / Meters of Pipe inch metric Tee Run Tee Branch 90° Elbow 45' Elbow Coupling 3/4" DN20 1 /0.3 3 / 0.9 7 / 2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1" DN25 1 /0.3 5/1.5 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1'/4" DN32 1 /0.3 6/1.8 8/2.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 1'/2" DN40 1 /0.3 8 / 2.4 9 / 2.7 2 / 0.6 1 /0.3 2" DN50 1 / 0.3 10 / 3.1 11 / 3.4 2 / 0.6 1 / 0.3 2'/2" DN65 2 / 0.6 12 / 3.7 12 / 3.7 3 / 0.9 2 / 0.6 3" DN80 2 / 0.6 15 / 4.6 13 / 4.0 4 / 1.2 2 / 0.6 V �1111111111111F 1� Worldwide Fire Protection qrr www.vikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturers datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Socket x NPT Thread x Socket Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : 1" (DN25) x'/2" (DN15) x 1" (DN25) • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature : 150°F (65"0 • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) • Threaded Connections : 1 female threaded NPT outlet. • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 11/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 1'/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65"0 for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG* SupplyNef FM c �L us NSF WWRAS OLPCB' APPAOVEA a * LPCB Approved up to and including 2" ** Approval pending. n n 7M Sprinkler Head Tee (Metal Thread Insert) - Socket x NPT Thread x Socket Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight (lbs. / kgs.) Part Number inch 77 metric A B C 1" x'/2" x 1" DN25 x DN15 x DN25 / / / 0.25 / 0.113 V5012RSBI-122 CPVC Fittings Allowances for Friction Loss in Fittings Nominal Pipe Size Equivalent Feet / Meters of Pipe inch metric Tee Run Tee Branch 90o Elbow 45° Elbow Coupling 3/4" DN20 1 /0.3 3/0.9 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1" DN25 1 /0.3 5/ 1.5 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 11/4" DN32 DN40 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 6/ 1.8 8/2.4 9/2.7 2/0.6 2/0.6 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1'/2" 8/2.4 2" DN50 1 /0.3 10/3.1 11 /3.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 21/z" DN65 2/0.6 12/3.7 12/3.7 3/0.9 2/0.6 3" DN80 2/0.6 15/4.6 13/4.0 4/1.2 2/0.6 Worldwide Fire Protection www.vikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturer's datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. NPT Thread x NPT Thread x Socket Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) :'/2" ON15) pipe run with 1" (DN25) outlet. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature : 150°F (65"0 • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 1507 (65°C) • Threaded Connections : 2 female threaded NPT inlets. • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 1'/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 1'/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150OF (65'0 for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG* SupplyNef FM c&us NSF WWRAS (LP)CB APPROVED Ear * LPCB Approved up to and including 2" ** Approval pending. n n 7M Sprinkler Head Tee - Sidewall (Metal Thread Inserts) - NPT x NPT x Socket Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight (lbs. / kgs.) Part Number inch metric A B =C '/2" x'/2" x 1" I DN15 x DN15 x DN25 / 1.18 / 1.18 / 0.62 0.48 / 0.217 V501133SBIS-075 CPVC Fittings Allowances for Friction Loss in Fittings Nominal Pipe Size Equivalent Feet / Meters of Pipe inch metric Tee Run Tee Branch 90* Elbow 45' Elbow Coupling 3/4" 1" DN20 1 /0.3 DN25 1 /0.3 3/0.9 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 5/1.5 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1'/4" DN32 1 /0.3 6/1.8 8/2.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 1'/2" DN40 1 /0.3 8 / 2.4 9 / 2.7 2/0.6 1 /0.3 2" DN50 1 /0.3 10/3.1 11 /3.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 2'/2" DN65 2/0.6 12/3.7 12/3.7 3/0.9 2/0.6 3" DN80 2/0.6 15 / 4.6 13 / 4.0 4 / 1.2 2/0.6 Worldwide Fire Protection www.vikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturer's datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Socket x Socket Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : See tables below. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature: 150°F (65°C) • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 1'/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 11/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are LIL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150OF (65°C) for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. * LPCB Approved up to and including 2" ** Approval pending. NIKJNG4 SupplyNef n n BOW • B A REDUCING ELBOW ** FM c uL us ll$f. ; WRAS LPCB APPAOV® "Ea KID: 7M 90° Elbow - Socket x Socket Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight (Ibs. / kgs.) Part Number inch metric A B 3/4" DN20 / 0.56 / 0.56 0.06 / 0.022 V5007-007 1" DN25 / 0.69 / 0.69 0.09 / 0.034 V5007-010 1'/4' DN32 / 0.91 / 0.91 0.16 / 0.059 V5007-012 1'/2" DN40 / 1.06 / 1.06 0.50 / 0.187 V5007-015 2" DN50 / 1.24 / 1.24 0.70 / 0.261 V5007-020 2'/2" DN65 / 1.50 / 1.50 1.16 / 0.433 V5007-025 3" DN80 / 1.81 / 1.81 1.82 / 0.679 V5007-030 Reducing 90° Elbow - Socket x Socket Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight A B (Ibs. / kgs.) Part Number inch metric 1" x 3/4' DN25 x DN32 / 0.61 / 0.75 0.12 / 0.045 V500711-131 CPVC Fittinas Allowances for Friction Loss in Fittinas Nominal Pipe Size Equivalent Feet / Meters of Pipe inch metric Tee Run Tee Branch 90* Elbow 45• Elbow Coupling 3/4' DN20 1 /0.3 3/0.9 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1" DN25 1 /0.3 5/ 1.5 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 11/4" DN32 1 /0.3 6/ 1.8 8/2.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 1'/z" DN40 1 /0.3 8 / 2.4 9 / 2.7 2/0.6 1 /0.3 2" DN50 1 /0.3 10/3.1 11 /3.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 2'/z" DN65 2/0.6 12 / 3.7 12 / 3.7 3 / 0.9 2/0.6 3" DN80 2/0.6 15/4.6 13/4.0 4/1.2 2/0.6 Worldwide Fire Protection www.vikinggroupinc.com s 0 N Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturers datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Socket x NPT Thread Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : 3/4" (DN20) through 11/4" (DN32) run,'/2" (DN15) and 3/4" (DN20) outlet. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature: 150°F (65°0 • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) • Threaded Connections : 1 female threaded NPT outlet. • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 1'/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 11/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG4 SupplyNef FM c&us NSF. 3 WRAS OLPCB' APPROVE LPCB Approved up to and including 2" " Approval pending. A n n KID: 7M P'h P'h (M Qr Ln Sprinkler Head 90° Elbow (Metal Thread Insert) - Socket x NPT Thread Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight (Ibs. / kgs.) Part Number inch metric A B 3/4" x'/2" DN20 x DN15 / 0.56 / 1.62 0.22 / 0.099 V50073SBI-101 1" x'/2" DN25 x DN15 / 0.50 / 1.75 0.27 / 0.122 V50073SBI-130 1" X 3/4" DN25 x DN20 / 0.59 / 1.88 0.27 / 0.122 V50073SBI-131 1'/4" x'/2- DN32 x DN15 / 0.48 / 1.95 1.86 / 0.844 V50073SBI-166 CPVC Fittings Allowances for Friction Loss in Fittings Nominal Pipe Size Equivalent Feet / Meters of Pipe inch metric Tee Run Tee Branch 90° Elbow 45° Elbow JL Coupling 3/4" DN20 1 /0.3 3/0.9 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1" DN25 1 /0.3 5/1.5 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1'/4" DN32 1 /0.3 6/1.8 8/2.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 1'/2" DN40 1 /0.3 8 / 2.4 9 / 2.7 2 / 0.6 1 1 /0.3 2" DN50 1 /0.3 10 / 3.1 11 / 3.4 2 / 0.6 1 /0.3 2'/2" DN65 2 / 0.6 12 / 3.7 12 / 3.7 3 / 0.9 2 / 0.6 3" DN80 2 / 0.6 15 / 4.6 13 / 4.0 4 / 1.2 2 / 0.6 Worldwide Fire Protection W"%F www.vikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturers datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Socket x Socket Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : 3/4" (DN20) through 3" (DN80) pipe diameters. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature: 1507 (65"0 • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 1'/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 1'/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150OF (65°C) for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG4 SupplyNef FM c@us NSF. 3 WRAS OLPCB' APPROVE LPCB Approved up to and including 2" " Approval pending. n n 7M rrM 45' Elbow - Socket x Socket Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size inch metric Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight Ubs. / kgs.) Part Number J 3/4" DN20 / 0.32 0.06 / 0.027 V5006-007 I DN25 / 0.39 0.12 / 0.054 V5006-010 11/4" DN32 / 0.48 0.17 / 0.0794 V5006-012 1'/2" DN40 / 0.47 0.41 / 0.190 V5006-015 2" DN50 / 0.58 0.62 / 0.280 V5006-020 2'/2' DN65 / 0.65 0.93 / 0.420 V5006-025 3" DN80 / 0.76 1.39 / 0.630 V5006-030 CPVC Fittings Allowances for Friction Loss in Fittings Nominal Pipe Size Equivalent Feet / Meters of Pipe i2Gh metric Tee Run Tee Branch 90• Elbow 45• Elbow Coupling 3/4' DN20 1/0.3 3/0.9 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1/0.3 1" DN25 1/0.3 5/1.5 7/2.1 1/0.3 1/0.3 1'/4" DN32 1/0.3 6/ 1.8 8/2.4 2/0.6 1/0.3 1'/z" DN40 1/0.3 8 / 2.4 9 / 2.7 2/0.6 1 / 0.3 2" DN50 1/0.3 10/3.1 11 /3.4 2/0.6 1/0.3 21/z' DN65 2/0.6 12 / 3.7 12 / 3.7 3 / 0.9 2/0.6 3" DN80 2/0.6 15/4.6 13/4.0 4/1.2 2/0.6 Worldwide Fire Protection ri_ www.vikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturers datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Socket x Socket x Socket x Socket Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : See tables below. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature : 150°F (65"0 • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 1'/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 1'/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150OF (65°C) for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG4 SupplyNef FM c&us NSF. 3 WRAS OLPCB' APPROVE LPCB Approved up to and including 2" " Approval pending. n n 7M rrM Cross - Socket x Socket x Socket x Socket Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight A B (Ibs. / kgs.) IL Part Number inch metric 3/4" DN20 / 0.60 / 0.60 0.13 / 0.059 V5035-007 1" DN25 / 0.74 / 0.74 0.25 / 0.113 V5035-010 11/4" DN32 / 0.90 / 0.90 0.35 / 0.159 V5035-012 11/1" DN40 / 1.23 / 1.23 0.69 / 0.313 V5035-015 2" DN50 / 1.53 / 1.53 1.02 / 0.463 V5035-020 21/2" DN65 / 1.75 / 1.75 1.70 / 0.771 V5035-025 Reducing Cross - Socket x Socket x Socket x Socket Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight (Ibs. / kgs.) Part Number inch metric A B 1" x 1" x 3/4" x 3/4" 1 DN25 x DN25 x DN20 x DN20 / 0.60 / 0.72 0.18 / 0.082 V5035-131 CPVC Fittings Allowances for Friction Loss in Fittings Nominal Pipe Size Equivalent Feet / Meters of Pipe inch metric Tee Run Tee Branch 90' Elbow 45° Elbow Coupling 3/4" DN20 1 /0.3 3 / 0.9 7 / 2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1" DN25 1 /0.3 5/1.5 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1'/4" DN32 1 /0.3 6/1.8 8/2.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 1'/2- DN40 1 / 0.3 8 / 2.4 9 / 2.7 2/0.6 1 /0.3 2" DN50 1 /0.3 10/3.1 11 /3.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 2'/2" DN65 2/0.6 12 / 3.7 12 / 3.7 3 / 0.9 2/0.6 3" DN80 2/0.6 15 / 4.6 13 / 4.0 4 / 1.2 2/0.6 Worldwide Fire Protection www.vikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturers datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Socket x Socket x NPT Thread x NPT Thread Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : See table below • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature : 150°F (65°C) • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150OF (65°C) • Threaded Connections : 2 female threaded NPT outlets. • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 1'/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 1'/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG* SupplyNef FM c&us NSF 3 N'RAS (LP)CB APPROVED Ear * LPCB Approved up to and including 2" ** Approval pending. n n 7M Sprinkler Head Cross - Sidewall (Metal Thread Inserts) - Soc x Soc x NPT x NPT Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight Part Number inch metric A B C D (lbs. / kgs.) 1" x 1" x'/2" x'/2" DN25 x DN25 x DN15 x DN15 / 1.18 / 1.18 / 0.62 / 0.62 0.46 / 0.209 V50353SBIS-130 CPVC Fittings Allowances for Friction Loss in Fittinqs Nominal Pipe Size Equivalent Feet / Meters of Pipe inch metric Tee Run Tee Branch 90° Elbow 45* Elbow Coupling 3/4- DN20 1 /0.3 3/0.9 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1" DN25 1/0.3 5/1.5 7/2.1 1/0.3 1/0.3 11/4" DN32 1 /0.3 6/ 1.8 8/2.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 1'/2" DN40 1 /0.3 8/2.4 9/2.7 2/0.6 1 /0.3 2" DN50 1 /0.3 10/3.1 11 /3.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 2'/2" DN65 2/0.6 12/3.7 12/3.7 3/0.9 2/0.6 3" DN80 2/0.6 15 / 4.6 13 / 4.0 4 / 1.2 2/0.6 Worldwide Fire Protection www.vikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturer's datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Socket x Socket Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : 3/4" (DN20) through 3" (DN80) pipe diameters. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature: 150°F (65'0 • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 1'/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 11/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150OF (65°C) for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG4 SupplyNef FM c&us NSF. 3 WRAS OLPCB' APPROVE LPCB Approved up to and including 2" " Approval pending. n n 7M P'h P'h (M Coupling - Socket x Socket Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions [mm / inch) Approx. Weight Obs. / kgs.) Part Number inch metric A 3/4" DN20 / 0.10 0.05 / 0.023 V5001-007 1" DN25 / 0.09 0.08 / 0.036 V5001-010 11/4" DN32 / 0.10 0.13 / 0.059 V5001-012 1'/2" DN40 / 0.24 0.37 / 0.168 V5001-015 2" DN50 / 0.19 0.52 / 0.236 V5001-020 2'/2" DN65 / 0.13 0.68 / 0.308 V5001-025 3" DN80 / 0.16 1.05 / 0.476 V5001-030 CPVC Fittings Allowances for Friction Loss in Fittings Nominal Pipe Size Equivalent Feet / Meters of Pipe inch metric Tee Run Tee Branch 90° Elbow 45• Elbow Coupling 3/4" DN20 1 / 0.3 3 / 0.9 7 / 2.1 1 / 0.3 1 / 0.3 1" DN25 1/0.3 5/1.5 7/2.1 1/0.3 1/0.3 11/4" DN32 1/0.3 6 / 1.8 8 / 2.4 2 / 0.6 1/0.3 1'/2" DN40 1/0.3 8 / 2.4 9 / 2.7 2 / 0.6 1/0.3 2" DN50 1/0.3 10/3.1 11 /3.4 2/0.6 1/0.3 2'/2" DN65 2 / 0.6 12 / 3.7 12 / 3.7 3 / 0.9 2 / 0.6 3" DN80 2 / 0.6 15 / 4.6 13 / 4.0 4 / 1.2 2 / 0.6 Worldwide Fire Protection www.vikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturers datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Socket x Socket Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : 1" (DN25) through 2'/2" (DN65) inlet, 3/4" (DN20) through 2" outlet. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature : 150OF (65°C) • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 1'/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 11/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65'0 for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG4 SupplyNef FM c&us NSF. 3 WRAS OLPCB' APPROVE LPCB Approved up to and including 2" " Approval pending. Reducer Coupling - Socket x Socket Physical Data n n 7M rrM Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight (lbs. / kgs.) Part Number inch metric A 1" x 3/4" DN25 x DN20 / 0.29 0.07 / 0.032 V5001 R-131 1'/4" x 1" DN32 x DN25 / 0.35 0.12 / 0.054 V5001 R-168 1'/2- x 3/4" DN40 x DN20 / 1.02 0.31 / 0.140 V5001 R-210 1'/2" x 1" DN40 x DN25 / 0.88 0.33 / 0.150 V5001 R-211 11/2" x 1'/4" DN40 x DN32 / 0.76 0.50 / 0.230 V5001 R-212 2" x 1" DN50 x DN25 / 0.97 0.44 / 0.200 V5001 R-249 2" x 1'/2" DN50 x DN40 / 0.46 0.50 / 0.230 V5001 R-251 CPVC Fittings Allowances for Friction Loss in Fittings Nominal Pipe Size Equivalent Feet / Meters of Pipe inch metric Tee Run Tee Branch 90' Elbow 45' Elbow Coupling 3/4" DN20 1 / 0.3 3 / 0.9 7 / 2.1 1 / 0.3 1 / 0.3 1" DN25 1 /0.3 5/ 1.5 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 11/4" DN32 1 /0.3 6/1.8 8/2.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 1'/2" DN40 1 / 0.3 8 / 2.4 1 9 / 2.7 1 2/0.6 1 / 0.3 2" DN50 1 /0.3 10/3.1 11 /3.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 2'/2- DN65 2/0.6 12 / 3.7 12 / 3.7 3 / 0.9 2/0.6 3" DN80 2/0.6 15 / 4.6 13 / 4.0 4 / 1.2 2/0.6 ■ ■ � IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII� Worldwide Fire Protection www.vikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturers datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Socket x Groove Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : 1'/4" (DN32) through 3" (DN80) pipe diameters. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature : 150OF (65"0 • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°O • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 1'/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 1'/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG4 SupplyNef FM c&us NSF. 3 WRAS OLPCB' APPROVE LPCB Approved up to and including 2" " Approval pending. n n 7M rrM Coupling Adapter - Socket x Groove Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size K (in./mm) Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight (Ibs. / kgs.) Part Number inch metric B C 1'/4- DN32 1.66 / 42,2 / 0.83 / 1.04 / 2.98 0.17 / 0.077 V5001 G-012 1'/2" DN40 1.90 / 48,3 / 0.95 / 1.17 / 3.15 0.20 / 0.091 V5001 G-015 2" DN50 2.375 / 60,3 / 1.18 / 1.43 / 3.37 0.30 / 0.136 V5001 G-020 2'/2- DN65 2.875 / 73,0 / 1.43 / 1.74 / 3.66 0.52 / 0.236 V5001 G-025 3" DN80 3.50 / 88,9 / 3.50 -- - 0.72 / 0.327 V5001 G-030 CPVC Fittings Allowances for Friction Loss in Fittings Nominal Pipe Size Equivalent Feet / Meters of Pipe inch metric Tee Run Tee Branch 90° Elbow 45° Elbow Coupling 3/4" DN20 1 /0.3 3/0.9 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 V, DN25 1 /0.3 5/ 1.5 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1'/4" DN32 1 /0.3 6/ 1.8 8/2.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 1'/2- DN40 1 / 0.3 8 / 2.4 9 / 2.7 2/0.6 1 / 0.3 2" DN50 1 /0.3 10/3.1 11 /3.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 2'/2" DN65 2/0.6 12 / 3.7 12 / 3.7 3 / 0.9 2/0.6 3" DN80 2/0.6 15/4.6 13/4.0 4/1.2 2/0.6 Worldwide Fire Protection www.vikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturers datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Socket x NPT Thread Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : 3/4" (DN20) through 2" (DN50) pipe diameters. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature : 150°F (65"0 • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) • Threaded Connections : 1 female threaded NPT outlet. Note : 4235-012BS & 4235-015BS female threaded BSP. • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 11/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 1'/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150OF (6500 for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG* SupplyNef FM c&us NSF 3 N'RAS (LP)CB APPROVED Ear * LPCB Approved up to and including 2" ** Approval pending. n n 7M Female Adapter (Metal Thread Insert) - Socket x NPT Thread Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight (Ibs. / kgs.) Part Number inch metric A 3/4" DN20 / 1.19 0.28 / 0.127 V5003BI-007 1" DN25 / 1.59 0.63 / 0.286 V5003BIBSP-010 1'/4' DN32 / 1.97 1.07 / 0.485 V5003BIBSP-012 1'/2- DN40 / 1.98 1.33 / 0.603 V5003BIBSP-015 2" DN50 / 1.99 2.00 / 0.907 V5003BIBSP-020 CPVC Fittings Allowances for Friction Loss in Fittings Nominal Pipe Size Equivalent Feet / Meters of Pipe inch metric Tee Run Tee Branch 90' Elbow 45' Elbow Coupling 3/4" DN20 1 /0.3 3/0.9 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1" DN25 1 /0.3 5/ 1.5 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1'/4" DN32 1 /0.3 6/1.8 8/2.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 1'/2" DN40 1 /0.3 8 / 2.4 9 / 2.7 2/0.6 1 /0.3 2" DN50 1 /0.3 10/3.1 11 /3.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 2'/2" DN65 2/0.6 12/3.7 12/3.7 3/0.9 2/0.6 3" DN80 2/0.6 15/4.6 13/4.0 4/1.2 2/0.6 Worldwide Fire Protection www.vikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturer's datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Spigot x NPT Thread Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : Female Adapter: 3/4" (DN20) and 1" (DN25) pipe diameters. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature : 150°F (65°C) at 150OF (65°C) • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) • Threaded Connections : 1 female threaded NPT outlet. • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 11/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 1'/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150OF (65°C) for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG* SupplyNef FM c&us NSF WWRAS OLPCB' APPROVED a * LPCB Approved up to and including 2" ** Approval pending. n n 7M Female Adapter - (Metal Thread Insert) - Spigot x NPT Thread Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight (lbs. / kgs.) Part Number inch metric A 3/4" DN20 / 2.00 0.28 / 0.127 V50032BI-007 1" DN25 / 2.72 0.61 / 0.277 V50032BI-010 CPVC Fittings Allowances for Friction Loss in Fittings Nominal Pipe Size Equivalent Feet / Meters of Pipe inch metric Tee Run Tee Branch 90° Elbow 45' Elbow Coupling 3/4" DN20 1 /0.3 3/0.9 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1" DN25 1/0.3 5/1.5 7/2.1 1/0.3 1/0.3 1'/4" 1'/2" DN32 1 /0.3 6/ 1.8 8/2.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 DN40 1 /0.3 8 / 2.4 9 / 2.7 2/0.6 1 /0.3 2" DN50 1 /0.3 10/3.1 11 /3.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 2'/2" DN65 2/0.6 12/3.7 12/3.7 3/0.9 2/0.6 3" DN80 2/0.6 15/4.6 13/4.0 4/1.2 2/0.6 Worldwide Fire Protection wwwmikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturer's datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Socket x NPT Thread Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : 3/4" (DN20) pipe run x'/2" (DN15) outlet, 1" (DN25) pipe run x'/2" (DN15) outlet and 1" (DN25) pipe run x 3/4" (DN20) outlet. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature : 150°F (65"0 • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) • Threaded Connections : 1 female threaded NPT outlet. • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 11/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 1'/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150OF (65'0 for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG* SupplyNef FM c&us NSF 3 N'RAS (LP)CB APPROVED Ear * LPCB Approved up to and including 2" ** Approval pending. n n Kle: 7M Sprinkler Head Adapter - Female (Metal Thread Insert) - Socket x NPT Thread Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight (lbs. / kgs.) Part Number inch metric A 3/4' x'/2- DN20 x DN15 / 0.75 0.18 / 0.082 V5003SBI-101 1"x'/2" DN25 x DN15 / 0.76 0.21 / 0.095 V5003SBI-130 1" x 3/4' DN25 x DN20 / 0.95 0.18 / 0.082 V5003SBI-131 CPVC Fittings Allowances for Friction Loss in Fittings Nominal Pipe Size Equivalent Feet / Meters of Pipe inch metric Tee Run Tee Branch 90* Elbow 45'Elbow�,111111111111111111116 Coupling 3/41, DN20 1 /0.3 3 / 0.9 7 / 2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1" DN25 1/0.3 5/1.5 7/2.1 1/0.3 1/0.3 11/4" DN32 1 /0.3 6/1.8 8/2.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 11/2" DN40 1 /0.3 8 / 2.4 9 / 2.7 2/0.6 1 /0.3 2" DN50 1 /0.3 10/3.1 11 /3.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 21/2" DN65 2/0.6 12 / 3.7 12 / 3.7 3 / 0.9 2/0.6 3" DN80 2/0.6 15/4.6 13/4.0 4/1.2 2/0.6 Worldwide Fire Protection www.vikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturer's datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Spigot x NPT Thread Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : 3/4" (DN20) and 1" (DN25) pipe run, '/2" (DN15) outlet. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature : 150°F (65"0 • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) • Threaded Connections : 1 female threaded NPT outlet. • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 1'/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 1'/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150OF (6500 for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG* SupplyNef FM c&us NSF WWRAS OLPCB' APPROVED a * LPCB Approved up to and including 2" ** Approval pending. n n 7M Sprinkler Head Adapter - (Metal Thread Insert) - Spigot x NPT Thread Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight (lbs. / kgs.) Part Number inch metric A 3/4" x'/z" DN20 x DN15 / 1.50 0.19 / 0.086 V50032SBI-101 1" x'/2" DN25 x DN15 / 1.85 0.18 / 0.082 V50032SBI-130 CPVC Fittings Allowances for Friction Loss in Fittings Nominal Pipe Size Equivalent Feet / Meters of Pipe inch metric L Tee Branch 90' Elbo 11t Coupling 3/41, DN20 1 /0.3 3 / 0.9 7 / 2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1" DN25 1 /0.3 5/ 1.5 7/2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 11/4" DN32 1 /0.3 6/ 1.8 8/2.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 11/2" DN40 1 /0.3 8 / 2.4 9 / 2.7 2/0.6 1 /0.3 2" DN50 1 /0.3 10/3.1 11 /3.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 21/2" DN65 2/0.6 12 / 3.7 12 / 3.7 3 / 0.9 2/0.6 3" DN80 2/0.6 15/4.6 13/4.0 4/1.2 2/0.6 Worldwide Fire Protection www.vikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturer's datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Spigot x Socket Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : 1" (DN25) through 3" (DN80) inlet, 3/4" (DN20) through 2'/2" (DN65) outlet. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature : 150°F (65'0 • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 1'/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 1'/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65'0 for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG4 SupplyNef L FM c&us NSF. 3 WRAS OLPCB' APPROVE LPCB Approved up to and including 2" " Approval pending. n n 7M rrM Reducer Bushing - Spigot x Socket Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight (lbs. / kgs.) Part Number inch metric L N 1" x'/4" DN25 x DN20 / 1.28 / 0.27 0.05 / 0.023 V5018-131 11/4" x'/4" DN32 x DN20 / 1.41 / 0.27 0.05 / 0.023 V5018-167 1'/4" x 1" DN32 x DN25 / 1.41 / 0.40 0.06 / 0.027 V5018-168 11/2" X 3/4" DN40 x DN20 / 1.53 / 0.27 0.08 / 0.036 V5018-210 1'/2" x 1" DN40 x DN25 / 1.53 / 0.40 0.09 / 0.041 V5018-211 1'/2" x 11/4" DN40 x DN32 / 1.53 / 0.40 0.10 / 0.045 V5018-212 2" x'/4" DN50 x DN20 / 1.66 / 0.65 0.20 / 0.091 V5018-248 2" x 1" DN50 x DN25 / 1.66 / 0.27 0.22 / 0.100 V5018-249 2" x 1'/4" DN50 x DN32 / 1.66 / 0.40 0.24 / 0.109 V5018-250 2" x 1'/2" DN50 x DN40 / 1.66 / 0.52 0.25 / 0.113 V5018-251 2'/2" x 11/4" DN65 x DN32 / 1.94 / 0.55 0.27 / 0.122 V5018-290 2'/2" x 11/2" DN65 x DN40 / 1.94 / 0.68 0.31 / 0.141 V5018-291 2'/2" x 2" DN65 x DN50 / 1.94 / 0.80 0.31 / 0.141 V5018-292 3" x 2" DN80 x DN50 / 2A2 / 0.64 0.48 / 0.218 V5018-338 3" x 2'/2" DN80 x DN65 / 2.42 / 0.91 0.64 / 0.290 V5018-339 Refer to the "CPVC Equal Tee" datapage or manufacturers installation instructions for friction loss information. W E Worldwide Fire Protection r www.vikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturers datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Socket Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : 3/4" (DN20) through 3" (DN80) pipe diameters. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature : 150°F (65°C) • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 1'/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 1'/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150OF (65'0 for sprinkler NIKJNG* SupplyNef FM c �L us NSF 3 N'RAS (LP)CB APPROVED Ear service. * LPCB Approved up to and including 2" Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable • Approval pending. water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. n n 7M Cap -Socket Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inc Approx. Weight Ubs. / kgs.) Part Number inch metric '/4' DN20 / 0.31 0.08 / 0.036 V5017-007 1" DN25 / 0.38 0.14 / 0.064 V5017-010 1'/4" DN32 / 0.40 0.20 / 0.091 V5017-012 1'/2" DN40 / 0.41 0.26 / 0.118 V5017-015 2" DN50 / 0.42 0.38 / 0.172 V5017-020 2'/2" DN65 / 0.57 0.57 / 0.259 V5017-025 3" DN80 / 1.26 0.87 / 0.395 V5017-030 Worldwide Fire Protection www.vikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturer's datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. NPT Thread Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) :'/2" (DN15) pipe diameter. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature : 150°F (65°C) • Pressure Data : For pressure testing only • Threaded Connections : Threaded NPT • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 1'/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 1'/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. This product is FM Approved for pressure testing only. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG* SupplyNef FM S (LP)CB APPROVED Ear * LPCB Approved up to and including 2" ** Approval pending. n n 7M Test Plug - Thread Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight Obs. / kgs.) Part Number inch metric A '/2" DN15 / 1.06 0.03 / 0.014 V450-005 Worldwide Fire Protection www.vikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturer's datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Socket x Socket Technical Features • Sizes Available (Nominal) : 3/4" (DN20) through 2" (DN50) pipe diameters. • Environmental Specifications : Indoor use only. Maximum Ambient Temperature : 150°F (65"0 • Pressure Data : Working Pressure : 175 PSI (12.1 bar) at 150°F (65°C) • Specifications : For use with listed CPVC fire sprinkler pipe produced in Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5, as specified in ASTM F442. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Fittings are produced in Schedule 40 and Schedule 80 dimensions for sizes 3/4" (DN20) through 1'/4" (DN32) and in Schedule 80 for sizes 1'/2" (DN40) through 3" (DN80), in accordance with ASTM F437 (Schedule 80 Threaded Fittings), ASTM F438 (Socket type Schedule 40) and ASTM F439 (Schedule 80 Fittings), as applicable. These products are UL Listed and FM Approved for a rated working pressure of 175 psi (12.1 bar) at 150OF (65°C) for sprinkler service. Approved for National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) potable water services and complies with WRAS requirements for cold water use. NIKJNG4 SupplyNef FM c&s NSF. 3 WRAS OLPCB' APPROVE LPCB Approved up to and including 2" " Approval pending. n n 7M rrM Union - Socket x Socket Physical Data Nominal Pipe Size Dimensions (mm / inch) Approx. Weight (Ibs. / kgs.) Part Number inch metric A L 3/4' DN20 / 2.46 / 0.43 0.27 / 0.122 V5033E-007 1" DN25 / 2.70 / 0.43 0.40 / 0.181 V5033E-010 1'/4" DN32 / 3.31 / 0.79 0.87 / 0.395 V5033E-012 1'/2" DN40 / 3.58 / 0.80 0.93 / 0.422 V5033E-015 2" DN50 / 3.82 / 0.80 1.83 / 0.830 V5033E-020 2'/2" DN65 / 4.74 / 0.93 3.47 / 1.574 V5033E-025 3" DN80 / 5.05 / 1.42 3.95 / 1.792 V5033E-030 CPVC Fittings Allowances for Friction Loss in Fittings Nominal Pipe Size Equivalent Feet / Meters of Pipe inch metric Tee Run Tee Branch 90° Elbow 45° Elbow Coupling 3/4' DN20 1 /0.3 3 / 0.9 7 / 2.1 1 /0.3 1 /0.3 1" DN25 1/0.3 5/1.5 7/2.1 1/0.3 1/0.3 1'/4' DN32 1 /0.3 6 / 1.8 8 / 2.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 1'/2" DN40 1 /0.3 8 / 2.4 9 / 2.7 2/0.6 1 /0.3 2" DN50 1 /0.3 10/3.1 11 /3.4 2/0.6 1 /0.3 2'/2" DN65 2/0.6 12 / 3.7 12 / 3.7 3 / 0.9 2/0.6 3" DN80 2/0.6 15/4.6 13/4.0 4/1.2 2/0.6 wr Worldwide Fire Protection www.vikinggroupinc.com Manufactured for Viking SupplyNet by Nibco Incorporated. Refer to Manufacturers datasheet. Specifications subject to change without notice. Viking Plastics CPVC Pipe Product Specifications BIaZeMdstel-` CPVC Pipe Corrosion resistant CPVC fire sprinkler pipe, when installed in strict accordance with the manufacturer's design and instal- lation instructions, is UL and c-UL Listed by Underwriters Laboratories for use in the following: • Meets NFPA 13R and 13D standards for residential occupancies as well as NFPA 13 standards for light hazard occupancies. • Residential occupancies up to and including four stories in height as defined by NFPA 13R. • Residential occupancies as defined in the Standard for Sprinkler Systems in One and Two Family Dwellings, NFPA 13D. • Installation of private fire service mains and their appurtenances, NFPA 24. CPVC fire sprinkler pipe from Viking Plastics shall be employed in wet pipe systems only and are not listed for outdoor use. CPVC pipe must never be used in a system using compressed air or other gases. CPVC pipe from Viking Plastics also carries the follow- ing enhanced listings and approvals: • According to UL Listing • Can be flush at return air plenums • Exposed system risers NFPA 13D, 13R • Exposed basement NFPA 13D (solid wood joist) • Extended coverage (exposed) • 20' spacing on pendent in lieu of 15' • 18' spacing on sidewall in lieu of 14' • Use with combustible concealed sprinklers • Tyco attic sprinkler head (to protect the floor below) • Tyco attic sprinkler head with wet system piping (feed main and ridge installation) New and enhanced listings and approvals are being pursued. Always check with the appropriate Listing and Approval agency for details on current listing parameters. CPVC pipe meets all applicable standards for pressure rated applica- tion as required in ANSI -NSF Standard 14 and complies with ANSI -NSF Standard 61 for health effects and are marked with the NSF-pw end use marking. All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be Listed by Underwriters Laboratories for wet pipe systems, and shall carry a rated working pressure of 175 psi @ 150°F (12 bar @ 65.5°C). *The FM Approval is limited to use in wet pipe fire protection sprinkler systems for light hazard occupancies in both concealed and exposed applications with certain restrictions. Piping must always be installed in strict accordance to the manufacturer's DESIGN AND INSTALLATION GUIDE, including product storage and handling, joining methods, supporting and bracing, expansion and con- traction allowance and testing, etc. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards 13, 13D, and 13R must be referenced for design and installation requirements in conjunction with the installation instructions. • Exposed sidewall sprinkler listing for exposed pipe & fittings • 24' extended coverage sidewall sprinkler, 12" drop, 155T sprinkler head • 18' extended coverage sidewall sprinkler, 12" drop, 165T sprinkler head • 16' extended coverage sidewall sprinkler, 12" drop, 175T sprinkler head • 14' standard coverage sidewall sprinkler, 12" drop, 200T sprinkler head Factory Mutual Approved* • Factory Mutual Approval exposed • Factory Mutual Approval above drop -in ceilings • Factory Mutual Approval exposed w/Soffi-Steel soffiting covering system All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe from Viking Plastics is manufactured in the USA. All CPVC pipe shall be packaged immediately after its manufacture to prevent damage and shall be stored indoors after production, at the manufacturing site, until shipped from the factory. The pipe shall bear the logo of the listing agencies, and shall carry the National Sanitation Foun- dation (NSF) seal of approval for potable water applications. CPVC products are intended for use in areas where the maximum ambi- ent temperature does not exceed 150°F (65.5°C). If the ambient tempera- ture is expected to exceed this limitation, refer to the manufacturer's DE- SIGN AND INSTALLATION GUIDE for additional information on methods to reduce the pipe exposure temperatures. CPVC pipe is not intended to be installed in outdoor applications. CPVC pipe is intended to be used in wet pipe systems only and have not been investigated for use in dry pipe systems. Special installation and design criteria relative to pipe hanger spacings, piping and sprinkler restraint, sprinkler temperature rating, piping locations, testing procedures and friction loss characteristics are specified in the manufacturer's installation instructions provided with the pipe. The manufacturer's installation instructions should be reviewed and the Authority Having Jurisdiction consulted before installation. Trusted above all TM �� r61r_7N ARIP IRE License#:NV-61307 CA-950378 PROTEETION Bid Limit $4.5 M 4. Valves 6438 Arville St. Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 966-8021 Tel (702) 987-1174 Fax www.onguardfp.com MEMBER FIRE SPRINKLERS —FIRE ALARMS —FIRE EXTINGUISHERS —EMERGENCY LIGHTING — SAFETY & FIRST AID SUPPLIES Page 6 of 7 Spears® Technical Information I I-Mar-16 03:20:38 PM Part No: S1520-1000 F1ameGuard® Swing Check Valves Desc: 1 CPVC SWING CHECK VALVE SOC EPDM MSRP: 33.81 Part Code: 004 Weight(lbs):0.41 Weight(kg):0.186 Weight(gm):186 Size: 1 Color: ORANGE Material: CPVC Connection Socket x Socket Type Swing Check Gasket EPDM Note UL Listed A= 1-11/16 B= 2-5/16 C= 4-9/16 D= 2-5/8 Iniection Molded Dimension References: G = (LAYING LENGTH) intersection of center lines to bottom of socket/thread; 90' elbows, tees, crosses; f 1/32 inch. H = Intersection of center lines to face of fitting; 90' elbows tees, crosses; t 1/32 inch. J = Intersection of center lines to bottom of socket/thread; 45' elbows; t 1/32 inch L = Overall length of fittings; t 1/16 inch. M = Outside diameter of socket/thread hub; t 1/16 inch. N = Socket bottom to socket bottom; couplings; t 1/16 inch. W = Height of cap; t 1/16 inch Typical Molded Dimension References The information printed here is based on current information & product design at the time of publication and is subject to change without notification. Spears® ongoing commitment to product improvement may result in some variation. No representation, guarantees or warranties of any kind are as to its accuracy, suitability for particular application or results to be obtained thereform. For verification of technical data or additional information, please contact Spears® Technical Service Department:: WEST COAST : (818) 364-1611 - EAST COAST: (717) 938-9006 SUBMITTAL INFORMATION Angle Ball Meter Vales - (BA43-444W Q-NL style) QUICK JOINT FOR COPPER OR PLASTIC TUBING [CTS) INLET BY METER SWIVEL NUT OUTLET Solid one piece tee -head and stem Sturdy stops allow 90 motion and are enclosed and protected A snap ring locks the stem into the body of the valve Padlock Wing for locking valve Bronze Snap Ring in dosed positionMeter Swivel Nut Dual EP❑M 0-rings in the stem Meter Coupling Threads Fluorocarbon -coated brass ball Molded EPQM rubber seats with Outlet reinforcing ring support the ball .O Height External Nut Stop Quick Joint rout Molded Buna-N Spring Tiip Gasket provides Hydraulic Seal Stainless steel Gripper --i� inlet Length SERVICE LINE METER SIZE LAPPROX. PART V SUBMITTEe Va4vE SIZE SIZE INLET OUTLET ENGTFI HEIGHT WT. Las NUMBER ITEM(S) 1" 1" 1"1 2-43164" 2 29164" 3.7 I BA43-444W-0-NL Note: Ford recommends using insert stiffeners with plastic pipe or tuhing_ FEATURES • All brass that comes in contact with potable water conforms to AWWA Standard C800 (ASTM B584, UNS C89833) • The product has the letters "NL" cast into the main body for lead-free identification • Certified to NSFIANSI Standard 61 and NSF/ANSI Standard 372 where applicable Brass components that do not come in contact with potable water conform to AWWA Standard C800 (ASTM 862 and ASTM B584, UNS C83600, 85-5-5-5) • Ends are integral or secured with adhesive to prevent unintentional disassembly • Hole for attaching handle is provided in tee -head • 300 PSI working pressure • Padlock Wing for locking valve in closed position Conforms to AWWA C700 for Meter threads • Meter nut drilled for seal wire Note: Recommended for inlet side shut-off. Optional full 360' tee -tread rotation. Add "R" to end of part number. I ne rand Meter tsox Company considers the intormation in this submittal form to be correct at the time of publication. Item and option availability, including specifications, are subject to change without notice. Please verify that your product information is current. The Ford Meter Box Company, Inc. Submitted By. 1 r I P_Q. Box 443, Wabash, Indiana U.S.A. 45992-0443 1 Phone:260-563-3171 1 Fax:800-826-3487 Overseas Fax: 250-563-0167 www. fordme lerbox.corn 05/ 16/14 Pressure Loss (psi) v 0 o a 0 0 cn C �D r 0 m 0 s �� �_J SUBMITTAL INFORMATION I s . Ball Valve Curb Stop - (B17-444W-HT 34-NL style) ' . ti ; ' FEMALE IRON PIPE THREAD INLET BY FEMALE IRON PIPE THREAD OUTLET, WITH HANDLE Solid one piece tee-headf handle and stem Sturdy stops allow 90' motion and are enclosed and protected EPDM 0-rings in the stem Fernale Iron Pipe Thread r Inlet Length A snap ring locks the stem into the body of the valve Molded EPDM rubber seats support the ball 7 Outle[ Female Iron Pipe Thread Fluorocarbon -coated brass ball VALVE SIM 1 INLET SIZE OUTLET SIZE LENGTH APPROX. I PART V SUBMITTED `WT. Las NUMBER ITEMt51 FEATURES • All brass that comes in contact with potable water conforms to AVWVA Standard C800 (UNS NO C89833) • The product has the letters "NL" cast into the main body for proper identification • UL Classified to ANSIINSF Standard 61 and Standard 61 Annex G (NSF/ANSI 372) • Brass components that do not come in contact with potable water conform to AVVVVA Standard C800 (ASTM B-62 and ASTM B-584, UNS NO C83600 - 85-5-5-5) • Valve is non -directional and is watertight with flow in either direction • Ends are integral or secured with adhesive to prevent unintentional disassembly • Hale for attaching curb box rod or handle is provided in tee -head • 300 PSI working pressure The Ford Meter Sox Company considers the information in this submittal form to be correct at the lime of publication. Item and option availability, including specifications, are subject to change without notice. Please verity that your product information is current. The Ford Meter Box Company, Inc. submitted By'. I P.O. Box 443, Wabash, Indiana U.S.A. 46992-0443 Phone: 260-563-3171 / Fax: 800-826-3487 Overseas Fax: 260-563-0167 http:ltwww.fordrneterbox.com 03107/13 The Ford Meter Box Company, Inc. 11 Wabash, Indiana 46992 V5 a 0 L L CL Valve flow test performed by Quality Assurance Department March 12, 1992 B11-444 GPM PST Loss 5 10 15 0.01 20 0.03 25 0.05 30 0.08 35 0.12 40 0.17 45 0.24 50 0.29 Flow Test Results Flow Rate - GPM r61r_7N ARIP IRE License#:NV-61307 CA-950378 PROTEETION Bid Limit $4.5 M 6438 Arville St. Las Vegas, NV 89118 (702) 966-8021 Tel (702) 987-1174 Fax www.onguardfp.com 5. Accessories & Caulking NFM MEMBER FIRE SPRINKLERS —FIRE ALARMS —FIRE EXTINGUISHERS —EMERGENCY LIGHTING — SAFETY & FIRST AID SUPPLIES Page 7 of 7 CAL FIRE - RIVERSIDE UNIT RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL — LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 • Phone (760) 777-7074 • www.rvcfire.org December 19, 2021 On Guard Fire Protection 6438 Arville Street Las Vegas, NV 89118 Re: Residential Fire Sprinkler Plan Review — STONE CREEK RANCH — TRACT 30834 FCMP2021-0034 / MASTER PLAN 2 The sprinkler plans you submitted for the above referenced project have been reviewed by Riverside County Fire Department - Office of the Fire Marshal personnel and are approved with the following conditions. Contractor shall separately apply and pay fees for the various Production Home lots associated with this project as each will be handled under separate permit. Permanently marked identification signs shall be attached to all control valves. The following inspections/tests are required to be witnessed by Office of the Fire Marshal Staff: (a) Overhead Rough and Hydro static test: All piping shall be visible and pumped at normal operating pressure. *No jacketed electrical and data wiring shall be in contact with, nor have the potential to contact CPVC piping once insulation is installed. (b) Final inspection The Fire Department approved plans and conditions letter must be at the job site. Applicant/installer shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspections. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 48 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (760)777-7131. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Office of the Fire Marshal staff at (760)777-7074. Kohl Hetrick - Fire Safety Specialist Permit Page l of 2 PERMIT NO: BRES2021-0743ON-LINE PERMIT CITY OF LA QUINTA PERMIT TYPE APPLIED DATE 78-405 Calle Tampico, CA 92253 BUILDING RESIDENTIAL 1011312021 (760) 777-7125 (WEB) APPROVED DATE � PERMIT SUB -TYPE 1113/2021 DWELLING - SINGLE �i N Q FAMILY DETACHED' ISSUED DATE 111912021- JOB VALUE 203645-6 STATUS y' APN 762440016 i ISSUED DESCRIPTION STONE CREEK REANCH 1 3,166SF DWELLING 1 PLAN 21 LOT 35 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES -AIPP $20.00 BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION BSA $9.00 DIF - SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 2020 39,380.00 ELECTRICAL - NEW CONSTRUCTION 2021 $209.24 ELECTRICAL 2021 $0.00 GRADING 2021 $153.39 80411 OLD RANCH TRL SOUTH MECHANICAL 2021 $263.95 51TE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 MULTI STRUCTURE PLAN CHECK - EACH $55.58 NEW CONSTRUCTION PERMIT 2021 $2.101.31 APPLICANT TOLL BROS INC DBA TOLL BROS IN NEW CONSTRUCTION PLAN CHECK 2021 $0.00 1140 VIRGINIA ❑R HORSHAM PA 19034 PLUMBING 2021 $333.38 TUMF 2018 $2,310.00 OWNER TOLL LAND XXII LTD PARTNERSH MULTI -SPECIES RESIDENTIAL $1,400.00 50400 JEFFERSON ST STRONG MOTION INSTRUMENTATION SMI $26.46 LA QUINTA CA 0 RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE - MAJOR $21.00 TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE $5.00 ELECTRICAL - NEW CONSTRUCTION 2021 $0.00 GRADING 2021 $0.00 MECHANICAL 2021 $0.00 PLUMBING 2021 $0.00 MULTI -SPECIES RESIDENTIAL $0.00 Total Fees Collected: $16,285.31 GARAGE SALE RULES AND INSTRUCTIONS ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Any person intending to conduct a "`garage" sale, "yard" sale, or similar safe of personal property to the general public on residentially zoned property shall obtain a permit from the Clty of La Qulnta, as Date Sale Begins: required by Chapter 11 AR of the La Quinta Municipal Code. All items to be sold at the sale are to be Date Sale Ends: personal property in connection with the use of the premises and have not been acquired, possessed Hours of Sale: or consigned for the sale. A permit Is required for each sale. Not more than two sales shall be conducted at a particular location within a calendar year (January 1 — December 31). Sales shall Only be conducted between Fridays and Sundays, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7.00 p.m. Merchandise offered for sale shall not be displayed or stored in public rights, -of -way. A copy of the permit must be posted and visible from the street during the sale. Signs advertising the sale are subject to the following proOslons: (1) Signs may be no larger than 6 sq. ft. and posted/placed at a height not greater than 4'. (2) Signs shall clearly identify the address of the sale. (3) A maximum of two signs are permitted per sale; one placed at the site of the sale and one at the nearest intersection to the sale. (4) Signs shall In on private property with owner's permission. (5) Signs are not permitted In rights -of -way or on any utility poles, street slg ns, or traffic control sign posts. (6) Sign shall be displayed only on permitted days of sale. (7) https:lllaqu--trk.aspgov.com/etrakit/custor 1printPurmit.aspx?permitNo=BRES2021-0743 11/22/2021