FSS Codorniz Plan Cassia6>M--I5' C�] 5 T.01L . WIH EL -15' B.U.R. EL-7 or A Z-M C A&Z FINI5IfP 0-'-3 NQ As. � HALL 28 50. rf. { M UP i0' n fQ Law f 1.X I fo CAN ANY K Gfm APM PINING ' ! WT. CL 1 Fn-1 in 0 5 O r I5f FLOM PIPING MMI I 1 41!1.,11,011 R " CP'VC: PIPING A-Ir' U.N.O. Fig. 22dAML r LFASfEMERSTWTYFE U.L LIED HANGERS t�.;r ft umed in er.-cr szaim; FOn OAVP--� PLASTTO PIPE MEETS W EXCEEDS � -4 F� 1 ThE REQUIREMEI?I.T5 OF tLF.P-A- 13- 13H & 13D %vprixIcar I3Y6'T FAS A�'.vy Rt Fig. 73 WMER MCIM FASTENER SUMP TfPE fiid 6 hAtOaSON S I HEE L 4O I ONA. CAUFOMIA V 7 r IS 3W METER TRANS FROM 8" MAIN - P'11C 7C COP 40' E 10 9EL=O Iff" = 3' �/EL = 5' ar "A Wn la ff TO 2W KDOR PATH FAX LM 69Ai KM, Vlt. Q.G. pIfCN IN PU. 5.OM GLG'S DO NOf MEW 9/ 12 'r 'i An \-TYpIC& Ii4ap mlpahtw wf TO ex P 6 Tf. AMY FOR I" C FVC n = T.O.R. EL R COUPLING �-- 30". WATER GAUGE OPTIONAL PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE 112' DRAIN VALVE - OPITONAL PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE CHECK VALVE WITH RESILENT SEAT 1i2' PVC DRAIN TO E)GT B.O.R. EL = 9' U M. MV C N r4� A5. ;j�5 50. F1'. ft.-- 25 A up - o M-255- PN io,ff fo i5T N-49a c . pt-25' D L� _ 7., , HALT, � E! 00 ,i�� W" a TO >O ftm �1 I` 69AT I M. PN I 'fT To 15f kAz K1TC-N Mn 2 I A WANING 5VAN, ME MINIMUM 1I 4" WVZ, SHALL K MfWP AVJ. aNT TO TW MAIN WaF VALVE MP 5HA L %At 11t I✓0t.LC7v"-* WANING; TIF, WATT 5Y5MM FOR M5 HOW 5UnE5 P9 S MR9R5 THAT MOM (MAIN MM ANP M55LM5 TC] trim A PE, MVICP5 THAT W,5TdGf 1 f FWW OR 12MME ff ft5M OR W,IrOMM1C}UY 51-Iff CUFF 11t MIER TO 1W P9 5I'fti WUR 5Y59M, 5V A5 WAIM 5GrfWC5, FL ITPATUN 5Y5TM5, AW M OMATIC SHE OFF VA W5, %tL NCr VE AMV TQ IM5 5Y5TI M WITH Off MIIEW CF TIf P9 5WIMM 5Y51I M PY A 1 'M Fft?TCWN5 5MCK15f, PO NOr MMolll✓ TH5 SIGN, t7N ia' �T To 1ST �LO� �NTt�Y OMN TO Mow Ali. COMPAUMM5 WrH ONE k M WILL ft PA -TV ON A 20Tf SpffM. G4t1LAfM i'120`v= At �A. ~' ON PINING T& W CASE 5LTNe 10 WHICH WOLLP Vc A 2 F GhZ W, CLG. ftf 15 MOIL mmmm MU WOLLV Of A 2 WV CAZ (71416 Tf 5FACIN6 2N12 I✓WR pIP1N6 MAN I II � I II r AiVERSIDF CCUNTV I IRL I)1-1.AI�'I'MENT Al I" cpvc rIIwING ALL d -O" FLAT "� 5 A P P I LI ND. ) SUFJEIt'T C[)�}�I DA!*COIR CASE# 0 [V l BY TIT1,E INS FIR!~ DIsPLAN IS VALID FOR ONE YEAR 5�CiioN CLIP' A J�II�II��11 ' La 4u164a Citrus •� 'i2WAve - Golf Course 62nd Avg - --- -...ti - _ 5 1►4 Ave Fritz Bums.......-•g •. �, • f f 53rd A. Park: �,...� / 641hAve :. S-s:)Ave A rr*W Palmier *w r r Golf Course., TPC Stadium VICINITY MAP N .f .5. 6006 r MAP5 - GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS IS A WET PIPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGNED AND INSTALLED PER CRC 313.3 AND i OR N.F.P.A. RIAMPLEii 13-1) (2010 EDITION] AND THE LA OUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY 2. ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS ARE NEW AND 1}L LISTED. 3. STORAGE IN ATTIC AND CRAWL SPACES NOT ALL -OWED WHERE NOT PROTECTED- 4. ,3AI AGE AND MECHANICAL ROOMS TO BE SPRINKLED W1200 NO. S. SPRINKLER HEADS OMITTED FROM BATHROOMS DUE TO NON COMBUSTIBLE FIXTURES AND NOT Er EEDING 55 Sa FT. 6. < = IND#CATES CALC. REFERENCE POINT- 7, Lam, LLING OR NOTCH3NG OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CBG- (2010). B. ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH FIREWAI LS AND CEILINGS BETWEEN ATTACHED GARAGE AND RESIDENCE WILL BE SEALED IN AN APPROVED MANNER TO MAINTAIN THE INTEGRITY OF THE RREWAL.L. 9. h AINTENANCE BOOS( AND 3 HEADS OF EACH TYPE USED PLUS HEAD WRENCH SHALL BE PROVIDED ;11 SPARE HEAL? CABINET LOCATED NEXT TO RISER. 10. FIPE HANGERS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA-13b AND THE WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS OF THE PIPE MANUFACTURER_ 11_ ANY SPRINKLERS THAT HAVE BEEN PAINTED OUTSIDE OF THE FACTORY SHALL BE REPLACED WITH A NEW LISTED SPRINKLER PER NFPA 13-0 STANDARDS. 12_ EXTERIOR E7CPOSED STEEL PIPING PAINTED. 13. CONTRACTORfOWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND. (CHECK WITH SYMONS F71RE PROTECTION FOR PROPER SONG) 14. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 72, NATIONAL FIRE CODE (AND TO BE INSTALLED BY OTHERS). SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS DESIGN SPRINKLER = 'IYCO LF II CONC 1 FLAT 4.9 K-FACTOR Fm-:' .INKLER FLAW REQ. (aa) 16' SPACING, SLOPED. W MAX OFF WALL FV3W8 PER HEAD ARE FIAW = 13 GPM @ 7_;_0 PSI. [SIN] e SYSTEM FLOW REQU REMENTS: 2 HD = 81.5 GPM FLAWING Wj 23.9 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER 2 IID = 3115 GPM FLOWING W j 58.2 RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE V :A ITR FLOW INFO BY: COACHELLA VALLEY WADER NUMBER: 1760) 398-2651 f I ,,TACT: DAN BATE OBTAINED: 1-11-11 STATIC 95 PSI. SPRINKLERS " ,XB —>� MAKE & MODEL ORF TYPE TEMP FINISH K-FACT CANOPY QTY TYCO E.F11 CONUFLAT %" SSA 160 WHT 4.1 CONGFLAT I ( Yi lu NG Q/R Y2" SSP 240 WHT 5.6 40[WIG RDS TIITAL. SPRINKLERS THIS DRAWING w 4 w w+ LL 0 1 � R 0 o II] .�•i WA LV 1 !V b cy t d C U • i INC � J AMSCAM 1/19fx� AS NOTED 1UMM. ANGELA ZUAULYA JOB: 11-199 SHEET 1 OF 3 SHEETS I" MTR IN WALL W/ IW. LAI3q. W PM55 PML T.o.IL EL -15' f3A 1 R.ox WIC EL-9 12'-5"` A !� s 2-CAI� GAPAGI� FIN15WP W n �- � NO f43 40 50. C-T, �f LIN 71 71 to 6 W A.5, I M. 1L Jr TO OMN OMN I '3` 5-- TO TPY I TO �NI �- � � I � I3PLOW I � i PINING I 7 7,_6m I GHAT PM,,__ I amff PA. 3 MM%NT5 Ella VLT, CLG, I` i I A a.GACHAnI I i 15f FLOOR PIPING PLAN II I/ 411 10I, _011 1 ALL I CPVC I�IPING ALL S -0" FLATCW5 U,N,CJ. S�IONu�r rA I/ 4tl.011,0II IN a., n aus oxc�r� 4i is 2NV FLOOR PIPING PLAN 4 W rn i i� A (;:PU I" CPVC PPNG ALL 6 -C1" SLAT CI.G' 5 u.N D. \WiWAw= l0 6'Ff'1PWfM I" CP111G Al COMPAI M NIIIP5 V I OW WA17 WILL M PM EV ON A 20' PT 5PAGING, CALCLLAWN5 PMIX9 AID MEP ON f1f W k5fr CA51r 5CENWO WHICH WOLLp M A 2 I-W CALL fI f 15 MOIL MMAWING CA tU.ATION5 M MEP ON T& WOff CA5E SCEIEPIO V►MICH WOLLP M A 2 WAP CALC ON 16' FT 5PACK6 ,. 314" METER TRANS FROM 8" MAIN PVC X COP 447 IV d 1" PVC 1 11V COP 9EL = Cr LIEL = 3' \?-/EL = 5' pet? 5 L! = T.O.R. EL - 15' V COUPLING 300LB. WATER GAUGE WIC Itr DRAIN VALVE - OPTIONAL PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE CHECK VALVE WITH RESILENT SEAT ■ 1 112e PVC DRAIN TO EXIT T = B.O.R. EL = 9' SHUT OFF A WA1NIN6i SIGN, WIllH MINIMI IM 1/ 4" WSR5, 5HU M AI✓FDW APJAaNf TO fIt MAIN 5WOFF VA AM AW 5HALL 5TATE fIf FOLLnVVING: WAMII ; f#f WASR 5Y5YTEM FOR fHl5 HOME 5LME5 HIT 9MWIXR5 fHAT MOM MAN WA15 M I 55IH5 TO FVW A FW . MVa5 f1T M5fWf 11f FLOW OR MIMME IM PM55LM OR AIrON4MGAI.LY SHLI`T OFF ff WAIR TO 1W FM 9TIN P 5Y51 M, %GH A5 WAfW 50FTWR5, FLTRANGIN 5MM5, ANP AROMATIC W OFF VALVf5, 5HALL NOT M Amp TO fH15 5Y59M M OLIIT t-VIEW OF flt PIM 5IMWLW 551 M VYY A NIT PPOTIC11ON5 5PPCIA 1% 190 NOr mMOVL fH15 5IGN, r� $%.22UM&W 0eU STWTYK U_L I. MD HANGERS (Can he used in differ pogtlon) FOR C.P.V.C- PiAS17q PIPE MEM OR EXCEEDS N.f.PJ-• 13, 13R & 130 S+fMMS DO MU F 5731AP TTPE — r U` 79R F. HARFe5Q11 ST4EET, COROFN, CALITOWA 81719 47141737-5599 FAx171417374330 14*170t-2632 ,Y Y P�I2MAh�NTLY �p II�NfIIylCAfiOh15�I5 5HALL K ATMACIW TO ALL COW% VALVI:5, F F •. a .. .. .. .. ... .. .- .... �.}Sf- S d . 52M A Frdz Bum pi1t1(= 53rdt n. VICINITY MAP N ><�'�5, Gooax MAP5 �` GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS IS A WET PIPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGNED AND INSTALLED PER CRC 313.3 AND I OR N.F.P.A. PHAMPLt T013fD (20100ITION) AND THE LA UINTA BUILDING &SAFETY 2. ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS ARE NEW AND UL LISTED, 3. STORAGE 1N ATTIC AND CRAWL SPACES NOT ALLOWED WHERE NOT PROTECTED. 4. GARAGE AND MECHANICAL ROOMS TO BE SPRINKLED W1200 HD. 5. SPRINKLER HEADS OMITTED FROM BATHROOMS DUE TO NON COMBUSTIBLE FIXTURES AND NOT DEEDING 5 ► SQ. FT. 6. = INDICATES CALL. REFERENCE POINT_ 7. D NG OR NOTCHING bF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CBC- (21110). 8. ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH-RREWALLS AND CEILINGS BETWEEN ATTACHED GARAGE. AND RESIDENCE WILL BE SEALED IN AN APPROVED MANNER TO MAINTAIN THE INTEGRITY OF THE FIREWALL. 9. MAINTENANCE BOOT{ AND 3 HEADS OF EACH TYPE USED PLUS HEAD WRENCH SHALL BE PROVIDED IN SPARE HEAD CABINET LOCATED NEXT TO RISER- % PIPE HANGERS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA-13D AND THE WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS OF THE PIPE MANUFACTURER. 11. ANY SPRINKLERS THAT HAVE BEEN PAINTED OUTSIDE OF THE FACTORY SHALL BE REPLACED WITH A NEW LISTED SPRINKLER PER NFPA 13•D STANDARDS. 12. EXTERIOR EXPOSED STEEL PIPING PAINTED. 11 CONTRACTORIOWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND. (CHECK WITH SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION FOR PROPER SIZING) 14. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 72, NATIONAL FIRE CODE (AND TO BE INSTALLED BY OTHERS). SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN. CRITERIA AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS DESIGN SPRINKLER = TYCO LF 11 CONC. FLAT 449 K FACTOR SPRINKLER FLOW REQ. [a lW SPACING, SLOPED S' MAX OFF WALL FLOWS PER HEAD ARE FLOW = 13 GPM @ TO PSI. 1SDT) # TY2524 SYSTEM FLOW REQUIREMENTS: 2 HD = 31.0 GPM FLOWING WJ $4.0 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER i 2 HD = 31.0 GPM FOW111rG W/ 57.8 RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE WATER FLOW INFO BY: COACHELLA VALLEY WATER NUMBER: (7601 398-2651 CONTACT: DAN DATE OBTAINED: 1-11-11 STATIC 95 PSI. SPRINKLERS SYMB MAKE & MODEL I ORF I TYPE 'TEMP FINISH K-FACT CANOPY 9TY TYCO Ull CONUrLAT h" SSP 160 Wl f 4.9 CONUFIAT 13 01 YINIHG Q/R %:" SSP 200 1 WHT 1 5.6 1401WIGMS 6 TOTAL SPRINKLERS THIS DRAWING: 19 m 4 f IL � 0 0 :0) w a M L��yy t••i o �A w- iV mLtl �g� t� G IL7 ATE: 1/19/12 SCAM AS NOTEd DRAWN: ANGELA ZQ VA 11-299 SAGE SHEET 2 OF 3 SEUMM z zz T.OJL EL —15 B.O.R. EL — 7 15f FLOW PIr"LNG PLAN I / -4 1 1 -011 SHALL K ATTACHeP To ALL CONTWL VALVES, A WADING SIGN, WITH MINIMUM 1/ 4" LETTER5. 5HA1..1. M AFFDW APJA W TO 11f MAIN 5HLIrDEF VALVE AV %U SPATE TIf FOLLOMNG: ■ ■! Rl M: l i R► irA -55MFOR HOW 5M95 FI M 5PMWI N5 ftf IGLU CUCAIN FLOWS MV M55M5 TO EW A FM 7cVa5 ftf M5WT TIC FLOW 4R #7EMA% 1W IW5M OR ALKOMA V.LY %ff OFF T1t WAV TD TIC rK 5MWUk 5Y51fM, 90 A5 WATT 50MR5. FLVATM 55TEM5, AW AKOMATIC SH,IT Orf VALVE5, SHALL NOf K AUn TO M5 5Y51TM 1Nt1'H OU" MVIEW Of 11 t FW 5PIdNUR 5YSTEM W A Pff I'MUON5 5MCV4-19r. f7O Nei' MMOVE M5 SIGN, 6'Ff. APAkr FOR I I I CT Ir �, dll�l l�ll AALL I I me PINING ha � � -a1 I FIAT CL6 � 5 5 ci lON CUB' R 1/ 411 s1 I _011 METER B" MAIN �*EL =0 4�EL=s' T1®ma l Roo R/CAATfp TRANS FROM Pvc x COP \?/EL = S' Fs 22 KkNQHZ,1 W 61.E fI1vou Si1W TYK U L. LISTED HANGERS Gn ha used in ■ithe' vosNeon] FOR CP,V,C. PLASTIC, PIPE AHEM OR EXCEEDS THE REOUIRELIENTS OF N.F.P.A 13T 13R & 13D , VSTELA5 " F 23 HA N O011alfTEIA STfiEA irre 7196 E- MAMSON STREET, CMCflh, CALm-aRNa 91714 ;71A1737.5599 -FAX0141737-0336 14161741-2632 F w O s (J - T.O.R. EL - 1 V COUPLING 300 B. WATER GAUGE 11T DRAIN VALVE - OPTK%AL PRESSURE RELIEF VALVE CHECK VALVE WVM RESILENT SEAT • 11r PVC DRAIN TD EKIT T=B.OR EL- W SHUT OFF `k. La auintaCr#r�s� 22 - x j a. �` { iF'S�% :.2nd ter",��,y � e'� V�M1 ►.rW 7aG•5 � � ik'11iii . .-Aw1�wfi* 53t 0 A. VICINITY MAP N .T,5. lJ1lJlJ ca wp5 Abbi- GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS 15 A WET PIPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGNED AND INSTALLED PER CRC313.3 AND/ OR N.F.P.A PHAMPLET# 13-D (2010 EDITION) AND THE LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY 2. ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS ARE NEW AND UL LISTED. 3. STORAGE IN ATTIC AND CRAWL SPACES NOT ALLOWED WHERE NOT PROTECTED, 6 4. GARAGE AND MECHANICAL ROOMS TO 13E SPRINKLED W1200 HD_ 5. SPRINKLER HEADS OMITTED FROM BATHROOMS DUE TO NON COMBUSTIBLE FIXTURES AND NOT EE 55 SQ FT. ' 6. INDICATES CALL. REFERENCE POINT. T. D LNG OR NOTCHING OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CBC- (2010). R. ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH FIREWALLS AND CEILINGS BETWEEN ATTACHED GARAGE AND RESIDENCE WILL BE SEALIrD IN AN APPROVED MANNER TO MAINTAIN THE INTEGRITY OF THE F1REWALL 9. MAINTENANCE BOOK AND 3 HEADS OF EACH TYPE USED PLUS HEAD WRENCH SHALL BE PROVIDED IN SPARE HEAD CABINET LOCATED NEXT TO RISER. 10. PIPE HANGERS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA-13D AND THE WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS OF THE PIPE MANUFACTURER 11. ANY SPRINKLERS THAT HAVE BEEN PAINTED OUTSIDE OF THE FACTORY SMALL OF REPLACED W ITH A NEW LISTED SPRINKLER PER kFPA 13-D STANDARDS_ 12. EXTERIOR EXPOSED STEEL PIPING PAINTED. 13. CONTRACTOR1OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND. (CHECK WITH SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION FOR PROPER SLING) 14. SMO3KE DETECTORS ARE TO BE INSTALLED 1N ACCORDANCE WrTH NFPA 72, NATIONAL FIRE CODE (AND TO BE INSTALLED BY OTHERS). SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AND FLAW UIREMENTS DESIGN SPRINKLER = TYCO LF II CONC. FLAT 4.9 K-FACTOR SPRINKLER FLAW REQ. 'a 16' SPACING, FLAT W MAX OFF WALL FLAWS PER HEAD ARE FLOW = 13 GPM 4 7Z0 PSI. (SIN) # TY2524 SYSTEM FLAW REQUIREMENT'S: 2 HD = 3" GPM FLOWING WI 24.8 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER 2 HD = 31.2 GPM FLOWING W1 58.7 RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE WATER FLOW INFO BY: COACHELLA VALLEY WATER NUMBER: I760I 398-2651 CONTACT: DAN DATE OBTAINED: 1-11-11 STATIC 95 PSI. SPRINKLERS SYMB I MAY&E & MODEL ORF TYPE TEMP FINISH K-FACT CANOPY gmy RCO LFN CONCIFLAT %" SSP 160 WFIT 43 CONClfLAT 14 VIVJNG QIR 2 SSP 200 WILT 5.6 401W/GDi 4 TOTAL SPRINKLERS THIS DRAWING: It Irl • m W a, L w O a. w I� z, c OS ■ N i vs S►I cu o Q .w t 10 b LTF--. 1/19/12 AS NOM RA7ZMAYA SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4,31 - SUBMITTAL. ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. LICENSE 682025 DESIGNER ANGELA ZUMAYA DATE 01-20-2012 FILE 11-199 JOB NAME : CODORNIZ - CASSIA 16'FT SLOPED LOCATION 52ND AND JEFFERSON, LA QUINTA, CA DESIGN DATA. DESIGN CRITERION: MIN SPR FLOW : AREA PER SPRINKLER TOTAL CALCULATED AREA : TOTAL SPRINKLERS CALCULATED FLOW DATA. TOTAL SPRINKLER FLOW DOMESTIC DEMAND : TOTAL WATER REQUIRED BASE OF RISER NODE: 7 NFPA 13-D 13 Gpm 256 Sq Ft 512 Sq Ft 2 Heads 26.5 Gpm 5.0 Gpm 31.5 Gpm FLOW: 31.5 Gpm PRESSURE: 23.9 Psi AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION : LA QUINTA BLDG & SAFETY PHONE 760-777-7012 HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. Page 1 i 5 ENGINEERS SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 01-20-2012 File: C:IRESDEN43111-199.RES JOB : CODORNIZ ` CASSIA 16'FT SLOPED SOURCE I STATIC 95.0 Psi RESIDUAL 94.0 Psi FLOW : 31 Gpm DESIGN I SPRINKLER MANUF TYCO MODEL LF II I SPRINKLER Q .0 Gpm VALVE .0 Psi SPRINKLER P .0 Psi METER 13.0 Psi NODE ELEVATION K- PRESSURE DISCHARGE NO. Feet ----------------------------------------------------------- FACTOR Psi Gpm 1 25.0 4.9 7.0 13.0 2 25.0 4.9 7.6 13.5 3 25.0 7.6 4 25.0 9.1 5 15.0 14.9 6 15.0 18.2 7 9.0 23.9 5.0 DOME 8 5.0 30.2 9 3.0 37.7 10 .0 SOURCE 58.2 31.5 SPRINKLERS FLOWING 2 AREA PER SPRINKLER 256 Sq Ft TOTAL DESIGN AREA 512 Sq Ft REQUIRED DENSITY Gpm/Sq Ft COMPUTED DENSITY .051 Gpm/Sq Ft TOTAL SPRINKLER FLOW 26.5 Gpm TOTAL DOMESTIC FLOW 5 Gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED 31.5 Gpm TOTAL SPRINKLER PRESS 45.2 Psi WATER METER LOSS 13.0 Psi VALVE FIXED LOSS .0 Psi Copyright(2002) SUPPLY PRESS AVAILABLE 94.0 Psi by DEMAND PRESS REQUIRED 58.2 Psi Hydronics Engineering PRESSURE CUSHION 35.7 Psi 34119 Fremont B1, Suite 609 Fremont, Ca., 94555 MAXIMUM VELOCITY 13.0 F/S (510) 487-9160 HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 586-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 01-20-2012 File: C:\RESDEN43y11-199.RES JOB ; CODORNIZ - CASSIA 161FT SLOPED PIPE BEG FLOW NO. Gpm END 1 q= 13.0 1 Q= 13.0 Vel= 4.4 3 K-FACTOR LENGTH C-FACTOR FITTING TYPE FTG FR- LOSS DIAMETER TOTAL (Psi/Ft) --------------------------------- K= 4.9 L= 6.0 Pt F= 1R1B1L F= 13.0 C= 150 Pe D= 1.101 TL= 19.0 .0306 Pf Pt Page 2 PRESSURE Psi ------------- 7.0 Pt 7.0 .0 Pv -.1 .6 Pn 6.9 7.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 q= 13.5 K= 4.9 L= 5.0 Pt 7.6 Pt 7.6 2 Q= 1.4 F= 2B F= 10.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv .0 Vel= .5 D= 1.101 TL= 15.0 .0005 Pf .0 Pn 7.6 3 Pt 7.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 q= 13.5 K= 4.9 L= 35.0 Pt 7.6 Pt 7.6 3 Q= 12.1 F= 2R2B1L F= 19.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.1 D= 1.101 TL= 54.0 .0267 Pf 1.4 Pn 7.5 4 Pt 9.1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 q= .0 K= .0 L= 30.0 Pt 9.1 Pt 9.1 4 Q= 12.1 F= 2R2B2L F= 26.0 C= 150 Pe 4.3 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.1 D= 1.101 TL= 56.0 .0267 Pf 1.5 Pn 9.0 5 Pt 14.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 q= .0 K= .0 L= 45.0 Pt 7.6 Pt 7.6 5 Qz= 14.4 F= 5R3B2L F= 34.0 C= 150 Pe 4.3 Pv -.2 Vel= 4.9 D= 1.101 TL= 79.0 .0371 Pf 2.9 Pn 7.5 5 Pt 14.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5 q= .0 K= .0 L= 10.0 Pt 14.9 Pt 14.9 6 Q= 26.5 F= 2L1B F= 19.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.5 Vel= 8.9 D= 1.101 TL= 29.0 .1144 Pf 3.3 Pn 14.4 6 Pt 18.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 q= .0 K= .0 L= 6.0 Pt 18.2 Pt 18.2 7 Q= 26.5 F= 4R1S1C1L F= 21.0 C= 150 Pe 2.6 Pv -.5 Vel= 8.9 D= 1.101 TL= 27.0 .1144 Pf 3.1 Pn 17.7 7 Pt 23.9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7 q= 5.0 DOME L= 10.0 Pt 23.9 Pt 23.9 S Q= 31.5 F= 1B2L1G F= 10.0 C= 150 Pe 1.7 Pv -1.0 Vel= 12.2 D= 1.025 TL= 20.0 .2233 Pf 4.5 Pn 22.9 8 Pt 30.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 q= .0 K= .0 L= 40.0 Pt 30.2 Pt 30.2 9 Q= 31.5 F= 2C F= 2.0 C= 150 Pe .9 Pv -.8 Vel= 10.6 D= 1.101 TL= 42.0 .1576 Pf 6.6 Pn 29.4 9 Pt 37.7 HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. Page 3 ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 01-20-2012 File: C:\RESDEN43111-199.RES JOB : CODORNIZ - CASSIA 16'FT SLOPED PIPE BEG FLOW K-FACTOR LENGTH C-FACTOR PRESSURE NO. GPM FITTING TYPE FTG FR- LOSS Psi END DIAMETER TOTAL (Psi/Ft) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 q= .0 K= .0 L= 20.0 Pt 37.7 Pt 37.7 10 Q= 31.5 F= 1L1C F= 4.0 C= 150 Pe 1.3 Pv -1.1 Vet= 13.0 D= .995 TL= 24.0 .258 Pf 6.2 Pn 36.6 10 Pt 45.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meter =13.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q= 31.5 C[[ SOURCE >>> Pt 58.2 E=>45-Elb L=>90-Elb B=>TeeBch R=>TeeRun C=>CouPlg S=>SwgChk G=>GatVly HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.2 - SUBMITTAL. ENGINEERS SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. DATE 01-20-2012 FILE C:\RESDEN43`11-199.RES JOB CODORNIZ - CASSIA 15'FT SLOPED PSI 100 90 80 70 6a 5a 4a 3Q 2a 1Q 0 10 15 20 25 u--0 Supply Curve Static 95.0 Resid 94.0 Flow 31.0 FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULIC GRAPH 30 35 40 45 50 FLOW - Gpm 0 Demand Curve Avl Pr 94.0 @ 31 Req Pr 58.2 @ 31 Pr Cush: 35.7 Copyright: Hydronics Engineering, 2002. 34119 Fremont Bl, Suite 609, Fremont, CA. 94555. (510) 487-9160. Fit-6 S1JPP1_eSSi011 & Building Products Technical Services 840-381-93121 +1-401-781-8220 www.tyco-fir3e.com Series LF11 Residential Sprinklers Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent 4.9 K.-Factor eneral Description The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series LF11 Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers { fY2524) are decora- tive, fast response, fusible sofdersprin- klers designed for use in residential oc- cupancies such as homes, apartments, dormitories, and hotels. The Cover PlatelRetainer Assembly con- ceals the sprinkler operating compo- nents above the telling. The flat profiile Of the Cover Plate provides the optimum aesthetically appealing sprinkler design. Additionally, the concealed design of the Series LFII Residential Flat -Plate Con- cealed Pendent Sprinklers .provides 112 inch (12,8 mm) vertical adjustment. This adjustment provides a measure of flex- ibilty when cutting fixed pipe drops. The Series LF11 Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are in- tended for use in the following systems - per NFPA 13D, wet pipe residential sprinkler systems for one- and two- family dwellings and mobile homes; • per NFPA 13R, wet pipe residential sprinkler systems for residential oc- cupancies up to and including four stories in height; and • per NFPA 13, wet pipe sprinkler sys- tems for the residential portions of any occupancy. Owners are responsible for maintaining their frreprotection system and devices in proper operating condition. The in- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- facturer should be contacted with any questions. IMPORTANT Alvmys refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER WARNING" that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and corn- ponents. improper handling and in- stallation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its components and cause the sprinkler to fail to, operate in a Ere situation or cause it to operate prematurely. page 1 of 6 The Senes LF11 Residential Fiat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinkler has a 4.9 (60,5) K factor that provides the required residential flow rates at reduced Ares-- sures, enabling smaller pipe sizes and water supply requirements. This sprinkler has been designed wlth heat serfsitivity and water distributlon characteristics proven to help in the con- trof of residential fires and to improve the chance for occupants to escape or ba evacuated. The series LF11 Residential Fiat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are shipped with a Disposable Protective Cap. The Protective Cap protects the sprinkler during ceiling installation or finish. After ceiling installation is com- plete, the Protective Cap is removed and the Cover Plate/Retainer Assern- bly is installed. Removing the Protec- tive Cap is required for proper sprinkler performance. EEM The Series LFIi Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers f 7Y2524j described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this doc- ument and with the applicable standards Of the National lire Protection Assoda- tion, in addition to the standards of any authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of hhese devices. aL effSpr►nkler Identification Number (SIM) TY2524 OCTOBER 2010 flr rap-pmdresp nsw HOME FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM 'technical Data Approvals t1L and C-UL Listed NSF-61 Certified The Series LF11 Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are only listed with the Series LF11 Concealed Cover Plates having a factory -applied finish. Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12,1 bar) Discharge Coefficient K=4.9 GPM/psi°R (70,6 LPM/bar•',nj Temperature Elating Sprinkler: 113d°F (71 °C) Cover Plate: 139'1= (59'C) Vertical Adjustment 112 inch (12,7 mm) Finishes Refer to the Ordering Procedure section. Physical Characteristics • Cover Plate/R etainer Assern bly: Cover Plate , ... , ...... Copper Fjection Spring .... Stainless Steel Retainer Brass TFP443 TFP443 Page 2 of 6 Horizontal Ceiling Minimum Flaw+Oland Residual Pressure Sloped Ceiling Minimum Flowraand Sloped Gelling Minimum Flow(nand 1 l Maximum Coverage � Maximum [Maximum 2-inch rise Spacing for 12-inch run } Residual Pressure { Greater than 2-inch rise Residua! Pressure {Greater than 44neh rise ,area _T 1 up to maximum 4-lnch rise for 12-inch run) up 110 maximum 8-inch rise for 12-inch rung 150°F (71°C) Sprinkler 160•F{71°C) Sprinkler 160-F(71•C) 12' x 12' {3,7 m x 3,7 m) 12' 13 GPM (49.2 LPM) (3,7 m} 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 17 GAM 64,3 LPM } (0,83 Sprinkler 1 ((0,83 14' x 14' 14' 12.0 psi bar) 12.0 psi bar)} {4,3 m x 4,3 m} 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) (4,3 rn) 70 psi (0,48 baO 17 GPM f 64,3 LPM] 120 psi 0,83 ba 17 GPM (64.3 LPM) 16' x 16' (4,9 m x 4,9 m) 18, 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) (4,9 m) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar] 17 GPM (64,3 LPM 3 bar} 7 GPM psi (64,3 LPM 112 Is' x 18' T$' 12.0 psi(0,83 bar}} 0 psi (0, 3 bar}) {5,5 m x 5,5 m} 17 GPM 64,3 LPM (5,5 m) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar}} 20 Psi 22 GPM 9 bar}} 22 GPM {8 4 LPM) 20' x 20' 20' 20 GPM (75,7 LPM) (6,1 m) 16.7 psi 1,15 bar) p { r} 24 GPM 90,8 LPM ( } 2 psi 39 24 GPM [(1,6 Lori {a! For coverage area dimensions less than 24A psi {1,65 bar} 240 psi (1,65 barj or between those indicated, use the minimum required Dow for area for which, Hydraulic Design seeiion under the Design Criteria are stated, the next highest coverage Minima. Flow requP�ment is based on minimum flow in GP10 (LPM) from each spdr,kler. The associated are calc-:tatrd using the nominal Kdactor, Refer to -Hydraulic Design" to the besign residlal pressures Criteria section for details. TABLEA SERIES LF11 RESIDENTIAL FLAT -PLATE CONCEALED AFFPA PENDENT SPRINKLER (TY2524) 13D AND NFPA 1314 HYDRAULIC DESIGN CR17-ERIA WET PIPE SYSTEMS • Sprinkler/Support Cup Assembly: Body........... .... Brass Cap ........... Bronze Saddle .................. Brass Sealing Assembly ... , ...Beryllium Nickel w/ Teflon' Soldered Link Halves ...... Nidkel Lever.... Bronze Compression Screw .. , _ _ , _ grass Deflector . Bronze Guide Pin Housing.. _ ..... Bronze Guide Pins , ........ Bronze Support Cup ........... . .. Steel Operation When exposed to Feat front a fire, the Cover Plate, which is normally soldered to the Retainer at three points, falls away to expose the Sprinkler/Support Cup As- sembly. At this point, the Deflector, sup- ported by the Guide Pins, drops down to its operated position, The Solder Link Element of the Sprinkler/ Support Cup Assembly is comprised of two link halves that are soldered togeth- er with a thin layer of solder. When the rated temperature is reached, the sol- der melts and the two link halves sepa- rate, afl❑wing the sprinkler to activate and flow water. 1 Registered trademark W i]uporn D-esign Criteria The TYGO RAPID RESPONSE Series LFIJ Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2524) are UL and C-UL Listed for installation in ac- cordance with the following criteria. ■ When conditions exist that are outside the scope ofthe provided Criteria, re- fer to the Residential Sprinkler Design Garde TFP490 for the manufacturer's recommendations that maybe accept- able to the Authority Having Jurisdiction. The Series LFII Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers must not be used in applications Where the air pressure above the ceiling is greater than that below_ Down drafts through the Support CUP can delay sprinkler op- eration in a fire situation. System Type Only wet pipe systems may be utilized. Hydraulic Design Table A provides the minimum required sprinkler flow rate for systems designed to NFPA 13D or NFPA 13P as a function Of temperature rating and the maximum allowable coverage areas. The sprinkler flow rate is the minimum required dis- charge from each of the total number of "design sprinklers,, as. specified in NFPA 13❑ or NFPA 13R. For systems designed to NFPA 13, the number of design sprinklers is to be tha.four most hydraufically demanding sprinklers. The minimum required dis- charge from each of the four sprinklers is to be the greater of the fallowing_ • flow rates given in Table A for NFPA 1.3D and 13R as a function Of tem- perature rating and the maximum ak lowable coverage area ■ minimum discharge of 0.1 GPM/ sci. ft. over the `design area" com- prised of the four most hydraulically demanding sprinklers for actual cov- erage areas protected by the four sprinklers Obstruction To Water faistributian Locate sprinklers in accordance with the obstruction rules of NFPA for residential sprinklers as well as obstruction criteria described within TYCG technical data sheet TFP490. Operational Sensitivity Install sprinklers relative to the Ceiling mounting surface as shown in Figure 3. Sprinkler Spacing The minimum spacing between sprin- klers is 8 feet (2,4 m). The maximum spacing between sprin- klers cannot exceed the length of the coverage area (Table A) being hydrau- lically calculated; for example, a maxi- mum of 12 feet for a 12 ft. x 12 ft. cov- erage area or 20 feet for a 20 ft. x 20 ft. Coverage area, BODY (1I2' NPT) CAP SADDLE SUPPORT CUP WITH - ROLL FORMED THREADS GUIDE PIN GUIDE PIN HOUSING DEFLECTOR-� THREAD WTO SURP013T CUP UNTIL MOUNTING SURFACEIS FLUSH WITH CEILING SEALING ASSEMBLY SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA COMPRESSION SCREW LEVER 1 r J ' SOLDER LINK ELEMENT ,ir------ DEFLECTOR (OPERATED P081770M fSPRINKLERISUPPORTCUP + r ASSEMBLY r r 1 ' I RETAINER WRENCH RECESS PUSH WRENCH IN TO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA NTH THREAD c:) DIMPLES FIGURE'2 W CD -TYPE 78 EJECTION SPRINKLER IVREAIGH SPRING SOLDER COVER PLATVRETAINER TAB ASSEMBPL LY COVER ATE FIGURE I FLAT -PLATE CONCEALED PENDENT SP,4INKLE/? (7-Y2524) ASSEMBLY 2-1/2' DID. {63,5 mrnj 112' 12,7 rnm n 5PRINKLER- 112. ] FACE OF SUPPORT CUP NPT THREADED SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY _ ADJUSTMENT FITTING r OPERATI SPRINKL 1-718'*lA, COVER [47,6 mm PLATE 1/E ` GAP �312 mm} RETAINEI (3.2 mm) j L COVER- SPRINKLER- f 7I8" i222 m RETAINER SUPPORT CUP MOUNTING ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY 3l16' J SURFACE 1-718' (28.6 n (¢"a mmj 3-3116' DID, (81,0 mm) DISPOSABLE TIP PROTI_CTNE CAP FIGURE 3 PROTECTIVE CAP AMD ACTIVATED DEFLECTOR INSTALLATION DIMENSIONS DEFLECTOR IN OPERATED I'MITION TFP443 Page 3 016 TFP443 Page 4of6 Installation The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series LF(I Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instructions. EMM Damage to the Solder Link Element dur- ing installation can be avoided by han- dling the sprinkler by the Support cup only'. that is, do not apply pressure to the Solder link Element (Figure 1). Obtain a leak -tight 112 inch NPTsprinkler joint by applying a minimum -to -maxi- mum torque of 7 to 14 ff.-ibs. (9, 5 to 19 0 NM). Higher levels of torque can distort the sprinkler inlet with consequent leak- age or impairrnenf of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for in- sufficient adjustment in the Cover pletel Retainer Assembly by under- or over - tightening the sprinkler: Re -adjust the position of the sprinkler frffng to suit 1_ Install pendent sprinklers in th Pendent position, with the cente line of the sprinkler perpendicula tothe mounting surface. 2. Remove the Protective Cap, 3. With pipe -thread sealant appile to the pipe threads; and using the W-Type 18 Wrench shown in Figure 2, install and tighten the Sprinkler/ Support Cup Assembly into the fit- ting. The W-Type 18 Wrench ac- cepts a 1/2 inch ratchet drive. Replace the Protective .Cap by pushing it upwards until it bottoms out against the Support Cup. The Protective Cap helps prevent dam- age to the Deflector and Guide Pins during ceiling installation and/ or during application of the finish Coating of the ceiling. IMUM As long as the protective lap re- mains in place, the system is con- sidered "put Of Service-. 5. After the ceiling has been com- pleted with the 2-1/2 inch (63 mm) diameter clearance hole and in Preparation for installing the Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly, remove and discard the Protective Cap, and verify that the Deflector moves up and down freely. If the Sprinkler has been damaged and the Deflector does not move up and down freely, replace the entire Sprinklerassembly. Do not attempt to modify or repairs damaged sprinkier. 6. Screw on the Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly until its flange contacts the ceiling. Do not continue to screw on the Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly such that it lifts a ceiling panel out of its normal position. if the Cover Piate/Retainer Assembly cannot be engaged with the Mounting Cup or the Cover Plate/Retainer As- sembly cannot be engaged sufficiently to contact the ceiling, the Sprinkler Fitting must be repositioned. Care and Maintenance The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinkler (Y2524) must be maintained and serviced in accordance with the following Instructions. EMM e Before closing a fir protection system r_ main control valve for maintenance work r on the fire protection system that it con- trols, obtain permission to shut dawn the affected tare protection system from the Proper authorities and notify allperson- d nel who maybe afectedby this action. When properly installed, there is a nomi- nal 1/a inch (3,2 mm) air gap between the Ilp of the Cover Plate and the ceil- ing, as shown in Figure 3. This air gap is necessary for proper operation of the sprinkler by allowing beat flow from a fire to pass below and above the Cover Plate to help assure appropriate release of the Cover Plate in a fire situation. If the ceiling needs repainting after sprinkler installation, exercisa.care to ensure that the new paint does NOT seal off any of the air gap. Failure to do so may impair sprinkler operation. Absence Df a Cover Plate can delay the sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Do not pull the Cover Plate relative to the Enclosure. Separation may result. Exercise care to avoid damage to sprin- klers before, during, and after, installa- tion. Never paint, plate, coat, or other- wise alter automatic sprinklers after they leave the factory. Never repaint factory -painted Cover Plates. When necessary, replace cover Plates with factory -painted units. Non - factory applied paint can adversely de- lay I prevent sprinkler operation in the event of a fire. Replace sprinklers that. - were damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twisting, wrench slippage, or the like. • were modified or over -heated, • are leaking or exhibiting visible signs Of corrosion. Responsibility lies with owners for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association (for example, NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurlsdiction. Contact the install- ing contractor or sprinkler manufaoturer regarding any questions. Automatic sprinkler systems are rec- ommended to be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspec- tion Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyuo Fire Suppression & Building Products (TFSBP) are warranted solely to the orig- inai Buyer for tern (10) years against de- fects in material and workmanship when paid For and properly installed and rrlain- tained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten fjq years from date of shipment by TFS13P No warranty Is given for products or com- ponents manufactured by companies not affiliated by ownership with TFSBP or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, impror installation, corrosion, or which have penot been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Materials found by TFSBP to be defec- tive shall be either repaired or replaced, at TFSBP s sole option. TFSBP neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of products. TFSBP shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete in- formation supplied by Buyer or 8uyer's In no event shall TFSBP be liable, in con- tract, tort, strict liability or under any oth- er legal theory, for incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages, in- cluding but not lirrmlted to labor charg- es, regardless of whether TFSap was informed about the possibility of such darn agas, and in no event shall TFSBP's liability exceed an amount equal to the sales price. The forelJoil INI ni is made in I'eu of an a d all the warrant s e ress prim lied includin warranties of et- ch tit biilt n fitness for articul r ur ose. This limited Warranty sets forth the ex- clusive remedy for claims based on fail- ure of or defect in products materials or components, whether the clairn is made in contract, tort; strict liability or any oth- er legal theory. This warranty will apply to the full extent permitted by law. The invalidity, in whole or part, Of any portion Of this warranty will not affect the remainder - Ordering Procedure Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. When placing an order, indicate the full product description and Part Number (P/N). Sprinkler/Support Cup Assembly Specify: Series LFII Residential Flat - Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinkler 0Y2524), K=4.9, without Cover Plate/ Retalnat Assembly, P/N 51-114-I-160. Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly Specify: Cover Plate/Retainer Assem- bly with finish (below) for the Series LFlf Residentiaf Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinkler (TY2524)K=4.9, PIN (below)- Gnome ........... . ..... . PIN 56-207-9-135 Custom ............ . ......PIN 55-201 X-7 35 off White ....... . ........ P/N56-201-0-735 Pure white• (RAL 9070}................ PYN 56-201-3-135 Signal White* (RAL 90o3) ............... PIN 56 201-4-735 Standard white (Grey white) (RAL9 D2).... . .. . .. . ..... P/N 56-201-5-135 ' Eastem Hemisphere salas on)/ Previous!}• krawn as Bright VVh Me, Note: All Custorn Cover Plates are Painted using Shor-n Wt7f'ams lniarrvr Latex Paint. Contact 7yCQ Customer Service with arty questions related to custom Orders. Sprinkler Wrench Specify VV-Type 18 Sprinkler Wrench, f /N 56-DOO-1-265. TFP443 Page 5 of 6 7 December 20, 2010 f Sprinkier 41a MICROF'AST®AND MicrofastNP® QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Mi 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: B77-384-5464 Fax. 269-81B.1680 Email. techsvcs@vikingcorp.com 1. DESCRIPTION Viking Mierofast& and MiervfastHP" Quid[ Response Pendent Sprinklers are small, thermosensitive, glass -bulb spray sprinklers available in several different finishes and temperature ratingsand K-Factors to meet design requirements. The spe; ial Polyester and Teflon, coatings can be used in decorative applications where colors are desired. In addition, these coatings have been investigated for Installation in corrosive al-- mospheres and are cULus listed as corrosion resistant as indicated in the Approval Chart. (Note: FM Global has no approval dassification forTe# orrl and Polyester c oat- ines as corrosion resistant_) 2. LISTINGS AND APPROVALS CULus Listed: Category VNjV FM Approved: Classes 2007, 2002, 2015, and 2017 NYC Approved: Calendar Number 219-76-SA and MEA 89492-E Volume 'IS A135 Certified: Certificate 04-HS407984GPDA Vd5 Approved: Certificates G404DD95, G44DO97, G4060056, G4050057, G48SW45, G4930b38, and C498D421 LPC Approved: Ref. Nos. 096e103 and O%e104 CE Certified: Standard EN 12259-1, EC -certificate of Wnformity 0832-CPD-2001, 0832-CPD-20it3, 0786-CPD-4s?134, and 0785-CPD-40170 ME[) Certified: Standard EN 12259-1, EC -certificate of conformity 0832-MED-1003 and D342-MED-1006 NOTE: Other international approval certificates are available upon request. Refer to Approval Chart 1 and Design Crfieria on page 47d for cULus Listing requirements and refer to Approval Chart 2 and Design Cri#eria on page 41 f for FM Approval requirements that must be followed- 3- TECHNICAL DATA Specifications: Available since 1987_ Minimum Operating Pressure: 7 psi (0.5 bar)' maximum Working Pressure: Sprinklers 12282 and 12290 are rated for VAking Technical Data may be found on use with water working pressures ranging from the minimum 7 psi The liking Corporations web site at (0.5 bar) up to 250 psi (17 bar) for high-pressure systems. Highrpnes- httpJrwww_vikinggrtwpinc.com. sure (HPj sprinklers can be identified by locating "250" stamped on The Web site may intrude a more resent the deflector. All other Part Nos_ not mentioned above are rated to a edition of this Technical Data Page_ maximum 175 psi ('12 bar) wwp. Factory tasted hydrostatically to 500 psi (34.5 bar) Testing: U.S-A. Patent No_ 4,837,870 Thread size: Refer to the Approval Charts Nominal K-Factor. Refer to the Approval Charts Glass -bulb Fluid temperature rated to -65' (-55 °C) Dverall Length: Refer to the Approval Charts 'cULus Listing, FM Approval, and NFPA 13 installs require a minimum of 7 psi (0.5 bar). The minimum operaYng pressure for LPCB and CE Approvals ONLY is 5 psi (0.35 tzar). Material Standards: Frame Casting: Brass UNS-CB4400 or QM grass for Sprinklers 06662E and 1228Z grass UNS-CB4400 for all other sprinklers. [reflector: Phosphor Bronze LJNS-051 D00 or Copper UNS-Cl9500 for Sprinklers 056528, 06666B, and 06765B_ Copper UNS- C19500 for Sprinkler 12252, Phosphor Bronze UNS-0510001 Copper LJNS-C19500 or Brass UNS-C26000 for Sprinklar 06720B. Brass UNS-C26000 for all other Sprinklers. Bushing (for Sprinklers D67IBB, 067208, and 12290): Brass UNS-C36000 Bulb: Glass, nominal 3 mm diameter Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy, coated on both Was with Teflon `tape Screw., Brass uNs-C36000 Form No. F 081296 Replaces page 41a-f, dated November 16, 2010. (Added FM Approval for sprinkler 06765B.) Sprinkler 41 b December 20, 201 MICROFAST'sAND MicrofastHP* QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone: 269-945-95o1 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1630 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Pip Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper UNS-C11000 and Stainless Steel i1NS S30400 For Tefiole Coated S rinklers Selleville Spring-aposed, Screw -Nickel Plated, Pip Cap -Teflon° Coated For Polves#er Coa ed 5 nnklers: Belleville Spring -Exposed Ordering Information. (Also refer to the current Viking price list.) Carder Microfaste and MicrofastHPe Quick Response Pendent Sprinklers by first adding the aPproPriate suffix for the Sprinkler fin- ish and then the appropriate suffix for the temperature rating to the sprinkler base part number. Finish Suffix: Brass = A, Chrome-Enloyc = F. White Polyester = it 4W,, Black Polyester = M4B, and Black Teflone = N Temperature Suffix (°F1°C): 135°157` =A, 155`168' = B, 175179° = D. 200193' = E, and 2861141' = G For example, sprinkler VK302 with a 112' thread Brass finish and a 155 °17168 'C temperature rating = Part No. 06662BAB Available Finishes And Temperature Ratings: Refer to Table 'I _ Accessories- {Also refer to the "Sprinkler Accessories" section of the !liking data bo(*.) Sprinkler Wrenches: A. Standard Wrench: fart No. 10896ME (available since 2000). 13. Wrench for Coated and/or Recessed Spnnklers: Part No. 12144WB' (available since 2003) C. Optional Protective Sprinkler Cap Remover/EscUicheon Installer Tool— Part No. 15915 (available since 2010.) NOTE: RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLERS WITH PROTECTIVE CAPS MUST USE WRENCH 12144W/8, 'A %' ratchet is required (not available from viking). Allows use from the floor by attaching a length of #' diameter CPvc tubing to the taof. Ideal for sprinklercabinats. Refer to Bulletin F 051805. Sprinkler Cabinets; - A. Six -head capacity: Part No. 01724A (available since 1971) B. Twelve -head capacity_ Part No. 01725A (available since 1971) 4. INSTALLATION Refer to appropriate NFPA Installation Standards. 5- OPERATION During fire conditions, the heat -sensitive liquid in the glass bulb expands, causing the glass to shatter, releasing the pip Cap and sealing spring assembly. Water flowing through the sprinkler o0oe strikes the sprinkler defector, forming a undorm spray pattern to extinguish or control the fire. 6. INSPECTIONS, TESTS AND MAINTENANCE Refer to NFPA 25 for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance requirements. 7- AVAILABILITY Wrench The liking Micrcfastm and MicrofastHP® Quick Response Pendent Fta is Sprinklers are available through a network of domestic and international distributors. see The Viking Corporation web site for the closest distributor or, contact The Viking Corporation. 8. GUARANTEE For details of warranty, refer to Viking's current fist price schedule or contact Viking directly. Pr^otective Sprinkler Cap Figure 1: Standard Sprinkler Wrench ioa%W/s I ? December 20, 2010 i Sprinkler 41 i iNfICIOEAST®AH❑ r . _ - # ti g Micro#'astHP° QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT - SPRINKLERS l The Viking Corporation, 21(} N industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone. 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-168U Emil: techsvcs@vikingcarp.corr - - � ar,r• - � - . w _ • ;�=� _ '•.ova•:.,_, ,Y�- .�+rC;SIo � ` - Ordinary Ordinary— -�, w aFF _: •4_s'e•: 135 vF (57 °C) 10D °F (38 "C) Orange 155 °F (68 -0) 100 T (38 °C) Red Intermediate 175 T (79 °C) 150 T t65 °C) Yellow intermediate 200 "F (93 °C) 150 eF 55 - C1 1 Green High 2845 "F (141 T) 225 o f (107 °C) Sprinkler rinishes.- Brass, Chrome-Enloy®, tiAMe polyester, Black Polyester, and Black Teflon@ Blue Corrosion --Resistant Coatings': White Polyester, Black Polyester, and Black TeflonO Footnotes 'The sprinkler temperature rating is stamped on the defwctor- - 2 Based on NFPA-13. Other limits may apply, depending an fire loading, sprinkler location, and other requirements of the Authority having Jurisdicton- Reier to specmc otta€labon standards, ' The -mosiondesistard Coatings have gassed the standard corrosion test required by the approving agencies indicated in the Approval Charts- These lests cannot and do not represent at! possible corrosive environments. Priar #o instalfaton, verily through the acid user that the coatings are s ties- ible with or suitable for The proposed environment- For automatics rinklers• the coatings indicated area lied to the Nate that the spring is Y P e Pp exposed exterior surfat�es only. P 9 exposed on sprinklers with Ppl ester and Teflon coatings- f t II i I - K i I I Sprinkler Wrench I2144Vf]3xw For €I { installing Coates' and/or recessed pendent sprinklers N i Corefutty slide the { with Protective caps. r= wrench sideways +T L_------; a ys ?;------; around the protective --------- cap, ensuring engoge- nent with the sprinkler xxA I12' ratchet is required wrench flats, (nct available from Viking). Figure 2: Wrench 12144W!& for Coated and/or Recessed Pendent Sprinklers Decamber20, 2010 Sprinkler 41 MICROFASTO AND MicrofastHP® QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS VikingThe 49058 Telephone: 269-w-9507 echnf al -Services: ces: 877-384-54 4Fax:69-818-1680 Emaal Park Drive, Hastings il: terhsvcs@vikingcor .r_osr cilLus Lisiirr Re ui--_._____s_.�-��.�.._.�-•:-��4-: - ter_ r��'��.�?'s;�:=.=�3°>���" i ;�-��-"'- 9.�3 remants� �. Microfasteand A crDfastNP� Quick Response pendent Sprinklers are Wl-us Listed as indicated in the Approval Chart forinstallation in accordance wish the latest ed6on of NFPA 13 for standard spray sprinklers. Designed for use In light and Ordinary Hazard oompandes (excepborl.-;mall of&e spnn1ders are limited to Light hazard where allowed by Me installation standards being applied wi[ti hydraulically cxlcalated wet - The sprinkler installation rules contained in NFPA 13 for standard spray sys[ems an1yJ. sp y pendent sprinklers must be followed. 11M+PPORTANT: Always refer to Bulletin Form No. F 091699 - Care and Handling of Sprinklers. Also refer to page QR1-3 for general care, installation, and maintenance information. 'Viking sprinklers are to be installed in accor- dance With the latest edition of Viking technical data, the appropriate standards of NFPA, 1_PCB, APSAB, Vds or other similar organizations, and also vdth the provisions of governmental codes, ordinances, and standards, whenever applicable. Ceiling Dpening Slze: 2-5/16' (58.7 mm) rlinimum 2-1/2' (63.5 nrq) maximum 1/2' (15 nn) NPT Y-5l8' (58 mn) (41 rin) 0 1 Instatled with a Pendent Sprinkler standard 1/8• SLrt^aCe- 06662B (VK302) mounted escutcheon. 2--I/8' j (54 mM) I��a� ! �" 1-1/2' (38.1 r9n) (5018 rrn) Hir7lmLrr Maximum Installed with a Microfast Model E-1 Adjustable Escutcheon Figure 3: Sprinker WW2 Dimensions with a Standard Escutcheon and the Model a=-9 Adjustable Escutcheon 2-1t6" Ceiling Dpening Size: 2-1/8• (5� mr) Z-5/16' (58.7 rim} minimum (54 fir,] 2-1/2' (63.5 nn) maximum C44.5 mr) Minimum z' 19 1-1I8' (2$.6 mm) Maximum �� (50.8 min) Minimum Maximum Installed with a Micromatic Made( E-1 Recessed Escutcheon Installed with a thread on Modei E-2 Recessed Escutcheon Figure 4: sprinkler VK302 Dimensions with the Model F-1 and E 2 recessed Escutcheons i Sprinkler 4l d December 20, 20" MICROFASTmAND MicrofastHPo QUICK ° RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS - The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone:269-945-9501 Technical Services. 877-384-5464 Fax:269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.com Mal 5prirrkler� .� " mow. -+ram � �;� • �� _ - = �� - �z�, - M ...� , Thread Size NominalOverall ,'. Base ' SIN K-Factor Length Listings and Approvals' Part Na. (Refer also to Design Criteria on page 43e.) — NPT 8SP t1,S, metricz inches mm GUi�us; WYCS VdS LPCB Standard Orifice 056525 VtC302 i12° 15 mm 5.6 80.fi 2-114° 58 41X, S1Y A1X, BiY A3 A3X, 133Y C3X, E3Y" 1ME3Y,a 06666$ VIC352 314" 20 mm Large Orifice $.� 115.2 2-318° 60 A1X, SIY AiX, B1Y A3 A3X C311 _ 06765B VK352 112" 15 rnm 8.0 115.2 2-318" 60 A1X, B1Y A1X, B1Y A3 small on — 0671889 1/IC329 112" 16 mm 1 2.8 40.3 2-3116.1 56 AIX. 61Y AIX, Sly 0672085 VK331 12' 15 mm 4.2 — — — 57 2-114° 58 Ai?C, BiY AIX, BiY 069326 VK331 — 10 mm 4.2 57 2-318" fi0 — — — - - Maximum 250 PSI (17 bar) VVVVFI Standard or�re Sprinkler ominal Base SiN thread Size NOverall Listings andA li- actor Length 3 ppravals Part Na' (Refer also to Design Criteria on page 41e.) NPT 85P D.S. metric f inches mm CULus` N clo VdS LPCB 12262 WiC317 112" Yar mm 5.6 60.8 2-114" 58 A1X, B1Y AIX �� 1 Maximum 250 PSI (17 bar) VVWp 1 v 1229010 Small office, 1i2" i 5 40.3 2-3116" 56 AIX.Sly AIX Approved Temperature i3aGngs A - 135 °F (57 °C). 155 °F (fib °C), 175 °F (79 -C), 200 °F (93 `C), and 296 °F (141 °C) Approved Escutcheons t3 - 135 °F (57 °C), 155 °F (68 °C}, 175 °F (i9 °Cj, and 20D °F Approved Finishes (93 °C) X - Standard suffac—ounted escutcheon or 1 - Brass, Chrome-�fayb, lVlhne Vie Viking Micrafasl'7 Model F-1 Adjustable C (f5411 C)GB `C}, 175 °F (7g °C), 20D `F fg3 °G), and 286 °F Pnlyesterrr, Black pofyesterE c can D - 135'F (57 °C) y35'F {68 "C}, 175 "F (79 °C}, aria 28& °F and Black 7efon6' Y Standard surface -mounted escutcheon or (141 °C) 2 - Brass and Chrome Enlayd the Irking 1"7icrofasts Mode) F-h E - 155 °l 3 -Brass, Chrome-Enl❑ Adjustable {68 °C), 175 °F (79 'C}, and 200 °F (93 °C Y , White Escutcheon or recessed with the liking F - 155 °F SS "C), 175 F 8 ° °) Polyester', and Black Polyester' Micromafic® Model E-T or ✓ -2 recessed { ) (7 C), and 286 °F (141 C) Escutcheon G -155 °F fi8 °C ' Bayn. or complete ra number, refer to Mking'scurrent price schedula- z Metric It- star rrreasurernentshown is when pressure is measured in Bar- Men pressure is rneaseered in kPa, d vide the metric lC�ar�or shown by 10A. 3 This table Shows the listings aria approvals available at the tune of printing Check with the manufar torsi far any additl4nai approvals, ' Listed by Uriderwdlers Labnratorles in_ for use in the U.S. and Canada. SAccepted for use, City of New York guard of Standards and Appeals, Calendar Number 219-7ti 54 e Other Listed as corrnsron resistant- ' Listin colors are available on request with the same Listings and Appoovais as the standard cofors- e Listings and only. xr limited 4. Light Hazard Occupancies where allowed by the installation standards. being applied, with hydrauligfly calculated wet systems only. lacception: 4.2K s rinkle internally.gaivanized, P rs may be installed on hydraulically ralcuiatad dry pipe systems where piping is corrosion resistant or ',',,The sprinkler orifice is bushed. p p 5 Il�e pied for use, Clty of New York Department of Buildings, MEFI Number 89-82-E, Vol 16. " (£ Certified, Standard EN 12259--1, BC{F �ficate of cvnfarmity 0632-CPC-2001 and fl832-CP[] 2p113. � L Certi Ce Standard da 12 14121 ECG effllate of conformity 0786-CPp +fp I3p and 832- CPD 40170_ ,s MEt7 Certified, Standard EI f i2259-1 � rt cate of onformily 0832-40130 And and -CPD4lEI]-1008. Sprinkler 4?f December 20, 20 MIGRQFAST®AND MicrofastHP° QUICK W - RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS The Viking Corporation, 210 hr industrial Park Drive, Hastings M! 49058 -telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-819.1684 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.corr �` •.�, _ :e. is .. �� •• ���f=5�rr� �`'' _ ' �+�-a�r��' �; - - Sprinkler ' SIN Thread Size Base Nominal K-Factor _ Overall Length Part No. FM Approvals' - r�P7 B5i' i I•S. metric•' inches rnm (Refer also to Design Criteria below.) Standard orifice 06662B VK302 112' 15 mm 5.15 80.6 2-114" 56 , ABC, B2Y Large Orifice 06666B VX352 314' 20 mm 8,0 115.2 2-318n 50 05765B V1C352 112" 45 mm g•p ! AIX, B1Y 115,2 A1X, BIY small Orifice' 0671886 Vl{32g 112" 15 mm 2.8 dJ7.3 2-3ft 6" 56 A 1x I Approved •temRatings perature Approved Escutcheons A - 135 °F (7 °C), 155 °F {68 -C}, 175 °F (79 `C) Approved Finishes X- Standard surface- nounted escutcheon or the Viking 240 of {°3'C}, and 288 °F (141 °C) 1 - Brass and Chrome Enloyt' Microfasts Model F-1 Adjustable Escutcheon 6 - 135 °F (7 °C}, 155 °F (6a °c), 17-5 aF (78 °C), 2-grass, Chrome-Fnloy°, MdePolyester5, Y - Standard surface -mounted escutcheon or the and 20� °F (93 °C) and Black Paiyesler° Vlking Wrofast- Madei F-1 Adjustable E5cod�em or recessed with the VprJng MicroI Model E-1 or E-2 t4eoessed Escutcheon Base part number is shown- For complefe part number, refer to Footnotes t 1 IeGic K-factor measur B price schedule. 2rings shown is when pressure is rn8asured in Bar. ► ftn pressure i< measured in kPa, divide the meb is K-factor shown by 10.0, = This Yable strows >}� iis6ngs and approvals available at the time ofprindn9- Check; with the rnanu>acturer for any additional approvals. ' theFMApest aP as quirk response Control mode standard spray Non -storage sprinklers. Forsperific application and installation requirements, reference Other latest appljcable FIUI Loss Preventon Data Sheets (including Data Sheet 2-0)- s Other colors are availabla on request with the same Listings and Approvals as the standard colors. ' The sprinkler orMce is busihed. *fir 4 wmt�a _ F M Aporoyat Renuir8rnerrts. ,u ��,,;,�,,,,�„ •. The sprinklers indicated in Approval Chart 2 are FM Approved as quick response Hon3torage standard spray pendent s FM Approval Guidet. For speck application and installation requirements,'kre reference the latest a Data Sheets 2-0 and rI9 op FM Global Loss Prevention Data Sheets contain guidelines relating to, but net limited to: minimumpwater 1esu asl indicated in the applicable FM Loss Prevention Data Sheets {inducing Hydraulic design, ceiling slope and obstructons, minimum and maximum allowable spacing and deflector distance below the ceng- supply y requirements, AtDTI=: The FNf installation guidelines may differ frorn ct)Lus and/or NFPA criteria, tSprinklers VK302 and VK352 are also FM Approved as QUO response Back Storage standard spray pendent sprinklers. Refer io technicaIda ta page 131 a-e for Intermediate Level In -Rack Sprinklers - IMPORTANT: Always refer to Bulletin Form No, F_091699 • Care and Handling of Sprinklers. Also refer to page QF2?-3 for general care, installation, and maintenance information. Viking sprinklers are to be installed in ac- cordance with the latest edition of Viking technical data, the appropriate standards of NFPA; FiV Global, 1_PCg, APSAD. VdS or other similar organizations, and also with the provisions ofgovernmental codes, ordinances, and standards, whenever applicable. Form No. F 08129S Replaces page 41a-f, dated November 16, 2010. Added FM Approval for sprinkler 06765B.) 1— 0 Product Specifications Harvel" Blazemaster& CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe Application: Corrosion resistant fire sprinkler pipe, IPs sizes 3/4' through T, for use in wet automatic fire sprinkler systems. When installed in accordance with Harvel's Installation Instmedom, this pipe is Listed. -by iindemrriters Laboratories CuL) for use in: might Hazard Occupancies as defined in the Standard for Installation of Sprinkler systems PUTA 13); Residential Occupandes up to and including four stories in height (NFPA 13R); and Residential Occupancies as defined in the Standard for Sprinkler Systems in One and Ttyo Family Dwellings and Mobile Homes (NFPA 13D). Harvel BlawMaster, pipe is UL Listed for use in Return Air Plenums (NFPA 90A), System Risers per NFFA 13 Light Hazard, 13R and 13D, Exposed installations, Garages per NFPA 13R, and for use as Underground Fire Service Mains (NFPA 24) when installed in accordance with Harvel Cf'VC Fire sprinkler Pipe Installation Instructions. Scope: This specification outlines minimum manufacturing requirements for Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) standard dimension ratio (SDR)13.5 series iron pipe size(IFS) file sprinkler pressure pipe. Pipe is intended for use in wet automatic fire sprinkler sys- tems when installed in accordance with Harvel PIastics, Inc. CPVC Fire sprinkler Piping products installation Instructions. Harvel, BIazeMaster, pipe carries a maximum working pressure of 175 psi @ 150T Pipe meets or exceeds applicable industry - standards and requirements as set forth by the American Society for'lbsting and Materials (A3 M), the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), and Underwriters Laboratories [UL). Harvel, BlazeMaster, fire sprinkler pipe is approved by the Factory Mutual Corporation (FM) and the Loss Prevention Certification Board PCB). Refer to current approval guide and installation and design manual for installation limitations. CPVC Materials: The material used in the manufacture of the pipe shall be a rigid chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CFVC) compound, Type IV Grade 1, with a Cell Classification o€23547 as defined in ASTM D1784. The compound and the finished product shall be orange in color, and shall be approved by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) fur use with potable water: Material used sbail be domestically produced BiazeMaster, CPVC material as provided by Noveon, Inc. (formerly the KGoodrich Company). System Design: the CPVC sprinkler system shall be hydraulically calculated using i Hazen -Williams C factor of 150, and shall be designed in strict mcordance. with the Standard for Installation of Sprinkler iystems, NFPA 13 Light Hazard, NFPA MR, and NFPA 13D us applicable. Dimensions: ddop� HARVU Harvel Bla2emaster, CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be manufactured to Standard Dimension patio (SDR)13.5 dimensions in strict accordance to the requirements of ASTM F442 for physical dimensions and tolerances. Each production run of pipe manufactured in compliance to this standard, shall also meet the test requirements for materials, workmanship, burst pressure, flattening, and extrusion quality defined in ASTM F442. Furthermore, this pipe shall consistent, meet or exceed the physical perhrmance test requirements of the appropriate approval{listing agency(s) follow-up procedures established fnr the product. Marking: Product marking shall meet the requirements of ASTM F 442 and the Listing agency. Marking shall include: the phrase Harvey BlazeMasters (or the Manufacturers' trademark when privately labeled); the nominal pipe size; the type. of material and material designation code; the SDR series and pressure rating for water (SDR 13.5; 175 psi Ca' 150' F); the ASTM designation F 442; the logo of the. Listing and Approval agencies (UL, FM, LFCB, etc.). the independent laboratory's seal of approval for potable water usage (NSF pw); the date and time of manufacture; and the UL assigned c)n Wi number (2N95). Installation Procedures: Alt installation procedures such as storage and handling, solvent cement joining techniques, pipe support spacing, bracing, allowance for thermal expansion/contraction, component assembly techniques, and testing etc. shall be in strict accordance with Harvel Plastics, Inc. Installation instructions and the UL Listing which includes installation limitations. System Components: Fittings used shall be UL Listed CPVC fittings and shall meet or exceed the requirements of ASTM F437 (Sch 80 threaded), ASTM F437 (Sch 80 socket), or ASTM F438 (Sch 40 socl-et) as applicable, such as those manufactured by Spears Manufacturing Co. or equivalent. Solvent cements used shall be those referenced in HarveI Plastics, Inc. Installation Instructions (such as Spears F'S-5 or equivalent), which meet or exceed the requirements of ASTM F656 and ASTM F493, and shall be approved by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) for use with potable water. Socket type joints, sizes 3l4" - T, shall be made. up using the One -Step solvent cement joining method. The solvent cement joining method chosen shall be applied in strict accordance with the appropriate procedures as outlined in Harvel Plastics Installation Instructions. Maintenance: Maintenance shall be in accordance with the Standard for Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water Based Sprinkler Systems as defined by NFPA 25. Harvel Plastics, Inc. - 300 Kuebler fed., Easton, PA I8044-9290 Tel. 610.252.7355 - Fax: 610 253.4436 • www.harvelspiinklerpipe.com ILARVEI: Limitations: Product Specifications Harwell Blazemaster' CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe • CPVC systems are intended for use at a maximum working pressure of I75 psi and ambient temperature of 150' R ■ CPVC systems shall employ sprinkler heads having a maximum temperature rating of 2257 or lower, regardless of type. ■ CPVC products shall be installed in wet pipe systems only. ■ Air or compressed gas shall never be used for pressure testing. ► CPVC sprinkler systems shall be hydrostatically tested for 2 hours at 236 psi, or 50 psi in excess of the maximum working Pressure when the maximum working pressure exceeds 150 psi. Lines shall be slowly filled with water and the air bled from the highest and farthest sprinkler heads before test pressure is applied. + Only Teflon's tape or a thread sealant specifically approved for use with HarvelO CPVC Fire Sprinkler Products shall be used in making threaded connections. ■ Where freeze protection is requited, only glycerin based anti -freeze solutions shall be used and installed in accordance with NFPA 13. Do not use glycol base anti -freeze solutions or contaminated glycerin solutions. + CPVC is not approved for use in combustible concealed spaces where sprin1ders are required to protect these areas as defined by NFPA 13, unless certain specific application sprinklers are installed per their listing. Refer to Harvel's current Installation Instructions for additional information. Harvel CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe Dimensions SDR 13.5 (ASTM F442) Nominal Size (in.) Average U.D. Min. watt Average I.D. Norn.Wt. Lbs.1Ft. 314 1.050 0.078 0.674 0.168 1 1.315 0.097 1.101 0262 1.114 1.660 0.123 1.394 0 418 1-1/2 L900 0.141 1.590 0 548 2 2.375 0.176 2.003 0159 2-if2 2875 0.213 2.423 2257 3 3.500 0.259 2.950 J,867 Sample Specification: ■ CFVC sprinkler piping may be installed in a plenum space adjacent to, but not over, openings in the ceiling sue as open ventilation gills, and require the use of schedule 80 fittings for use on 11/1" and larger pipe sizes. Refer to lnstallation Instructions for additional detail. • Minimum protection when installed 'concealed" shall consist of 3/8" gypsum wallboard or drywall, suspended membrane ceiling panels weighing not less than .35 pounds per square foot, or 1/2' plywood soffits. Minimum protection for NFPA 13R and 13D systems may consist of 1/2" plywood. + Harvel, B1azeMaster, pipe is Listed for use in exposed applications with certain limitations. When installed without protection, "exposed" pipe is to be installed beneath smooth, flat, horizontal ceiling construction. Exposed categories include: standard coverage and residential pendent and sidewal] sprinkler applications, light hazard extended coverage and residential sprinkler pendent and sidewall sprinkler applications, use in unfinished basements with exposed solid wood joists, light hazard upright quick response sprinklers, and system risers (in 13R & 13D occupancies). Refer to Harvel's installation instructions for specific sprinkler head temperature ratings and spacing requirements. The product must be installed in strict accordance with NFPA 13, 13D, 13R and Harvel's current CPVC Fire Sprinkler Piping Products Installation Instructions (HF'S-3). ■ Harvel CPVC Fire Sprinkler Products must be installed in accordance with Harvel's current installation instructions (HF&3). Refer to this document for current listing limitations and installation requirements. ASTM STANDARD D1784 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION EQUIVALENTS: Cell Classification 23447 = CPVC F Type IV Grade 1 = CPVC 4120 PIPE SIZES SHOWN ARE IF #' MANUFACTURED IN STRICT COMFLL4NCE WITH ASTM F442 i%144Fu f•.L %fl�GH:d L nk,'AU1 All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be manufactured from a Type IV, Grade I Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) compound with a Cell Classification of 23547 per ASTM D1784, Pipe shall be manufactured in strict compliance with ASTM F442 to SDR 13.5 dimensions, con- sistently meeting the Quality Assurance test requirements of this standard with regard to material, workmanship, burst pressure, flatten- ing, and extrusion quality. All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be Listed by Underwriters Laboratories for wet pipe systems, and shall carry a rated working pressure of 175 psi @ 150'E All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be installed in accordance with Harvel Plastics, Inc. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Piping Products Installation Instructions. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards 13, 131), and 13R must be referenced for design and installation requirements in conjunction with the Installation Instructions. All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe &ball be manufactured in the USA by an ISO 9001 certified manufacturer and shall be FM and LPCB approved. All CPVC fire sprin- kler pipe shall be packaged immediately after its manufacture to prevent damage and shall be stored indoors after production, at the manufacturing site, until shipped from factory. This pipe shall bear the logo of the listing pipe as manufactured by HARVELP PLASTICS, INC. agencies, and shall carry the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seai of approval for potable water applications. All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be Harvel ae BlaMaster@ Harvel Plastics. Inc. • 300 Kuebler Rd., Easton, PA ISM-9290 Tel: 610.252,7355 - Fax: 610.253.4436 - www.harreisprinklerpipe.com ON Job Name Job Location Engineer Approval Series FB`I-4, FBV S-4 2-Piece, Full Part, Brass Ball Valves Sizes:'/4" — 3" (8 80mmj Series FBV-4, FBVS-4 2-Piece, Full Port, Brass Ball Valves are suitable for a full range of liquids and gases in residentlal and commercial applications. These valves feature an adjustable packing for !anger service life, a bottom loaded blow-out proof stem for safety, a fluorocarbon elastomer stern O-ring to prevent stem leaking at installation, and are rated to 600psi WOG/15DpsI WSP '/4 —2' (8-50mm) and 400psf WOG1125psi WSP 2'h'-3' (65-80mm). Features ' GSA approved threaded valves only Y4' -3' ■ Certified to NSFIANSI Standard 61/8 • Metal -to -metal adapter body seal to eliminate adapter leaks after soldering • Fluorocarbon elastomer stern O-ring prevents stem leaks ■ Adjustable stem packing gland provfdes longer service life • Bottom baded blowout proof stem • PTFE stem packing seal and seats • Machined chrom, plated brass bail • Complies with MSS-SP-110 Models FBV-4 '/4' - 3' (8 - 80mm) threaded end connections FBVS-4 'lh' - 3' (15 - 80mm) solder and connections* Specifications Approved valves shall be 2-plece full port design constructed of a forged brass body and end adapter. Seats and stem pack- ing shall be PTFE. Stem to be bottom -loaded, blowout proof design with a fluorocarbon Nastomer O-ring to prevent stem leakage. Valves required to have arr adjustable packing gland and chrome -plated brass ball. Threaded valves W-3' shall be CSA approved to'h psig and 5 psig and certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 6118 by NSF. Solder valves also required to be certi- fied by NSF to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 /8. Valve sizes'/4' — 2` Pressure rated to 60O psi WOG and 150 psi WSP. Valve sizes 2'h' — 3' pressure rated to 400 psi WOG and 125 WSP. Valves specified are Watts Series FBV-4 or FSVS-4- ES-F8V-4 Contractor Approval Contractor's P.O. No. Representative - FBVS-4• Approvals Y4' - 3' FBV-4 fa' - 3' FBVS-4 Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 61/8 Domestic cold water at 73OF Gas Approvals (Threaded Valves Only) ,�■_alga CSA 34 psig, 5 psig ASME 1316.33, CSA 1h psig, 5 psig ® -40OF to 125OF ASME B16.38, CSA 'h psig, 5 psig 0 -40*F to 125*F Pressure — Temperature Temperature Range: -47F to 4CffF (-40°C to 204°0) Pressure Rating: '!4'-2' (8-50mm) 60Opsi (41.4 bar) WOG non -shock 150psi (10.3 barJ WSP 2'h'-3- (65-80mm) 400psi (27.6 bar) WOG non -shock 125psi (8.5 bar} WSP 'This valve is designed to be soft soldered irno Ifnes without dis- assembly, usfng a low temperature solder to 420*F (216,q. Higher temperature solders may damage the seat material. Apply heat with the flame directed AWAY from the center of the valve body. Excessive heat can harm the seats, After soldering, the packing nut may have to be tightened. Md& specfl Techa n & ar9h%M unit srd metric are eppr Or M and ale p, &M ianaf,.rence ordy. of p9ORS mrrsmnmer,s #- Waase wr�rt Ylla� Techdcal 5eryira. way resenres the dpht m rranpe a modry prndut �g4 �, spe�cafions, w msoerr�s wiitrI&IWATM - out pdornobm aid +MNa4ir, u&g &V dAlpton to "We such [Ames and modllcaGor,s on walk MAWts vu6iously or sut�uer dy sm. Materials A. Handle Nut 71nc plated carbon steel B. Handle Assembly Zinc plated carbon steel with vinyl insulator C. Packing Nut Brass D. Stem Packing Virgin PTFE E. O-Ring Fluorocarbon elastomer (FKM) G. Stem Machined Brass H. Tag Cardboard, Mylar coated both sides 1. Body Forged brass J. Seats Virgin FIFE K Ball Chrome plated brass L Adaptor Forged brass Dimensions -Weights b F8V-4 Flow Curves 1 R x4 S I769O a m i0 01d0 a 100 a IM MM IBM Mw Flow (9pm) Valve Seat Rating 41.3 d6o s1s sm 271 Z,h"-3n 7 26.7 s66 a 138 20D U 1on 3.1 s9 C L l FBVS-4 C H in — - — w '/4 a 11316 46 31/16 87 ?rfe 10 11M6 46 37A,6 87 15 113413 46 37/+6 87 20 2'/1e 53 3'bfia 101 1 25 21/6 r 62 q'/. 10R i'/a 32 2'1 64 41/. 108 11h 40 3 76 5�16 135 2 50 31h 89 6 153 2Y2 65 4146 104 7% 188 3 80 41.4 114 73/ 1 197 VMArM � A Watts Water Technologies Company ES-FBV-4 1 OM s6 189 200 sob 4oa 5M'F to- 36 93 149 204 200 T Temperature F8V-4 .4 OA 0.16 — — 0,4 0.17 — — OA 0.18 1 0.4 1 0.10 0.27 Z4 21'416 71 V3'AG83 1.1 0.49 1.0 0.44 31 3146 80 1.5 0.68 1-4 0.6437 Wiie 88 2.3 1.O6 2.1 0.95 51 41A 105 3,7 1.69 3.8 1,74 64 55/6 134 79 3577B 6'/6 155 11.8 5.37 111.0 4.99 � 9001-ZgflB GERTI FIFP USA: No. ArdOW, AAA • TO. MM 688-1611 • Fax: P713j 794-1848 • wvw watts.00rn Canada: Burlington, OW. lW 332-m • Fax (905) a32-7(m • www.watlsmr ada,C 0 2010 Watts L {� ,n rtsm h � mm 1-Y4 45 — — 1 Y4 441 — — 2 50 2'/16 53 2'/4 57 2s/6 67 BiOTTCIM LC1,-%—D N1 U LTI-J ET M R-, 5/B ", 3/4, r r 1 :r ,yJ TOUGi-,, DEPE:1\'DAf3LE AND EX1 REMELY CAPABLE Master Meter Bottom Load MultiLJets get the job done. Featuring the latest in measurement technology they bring sustained accuracy with tough performance that stands up to particulates that would choke other meters. These bold meters have sensitive measurement capabilities that account for every drop of potential revenue — reading flow as low as 1/8 gallon per minute. Nothing sneaks by our meters. If you demand tough -as nails Performance, with a keen eye on your bottom line, you can count on Master Meter Bottom Load MultWets. FEATURES: Rugged Basket Strainer Built From Advanced Polymer Materials for Superior Wear Mitigation. * Proprietary Design Produces Smooth, Laminar Flow Profrlefor Improved Accuracy. r Accuracy Meets or exceeds the AMA C-708 Standard. Optional NSF Certification Available, * Optional 313 Integrated Register Delivers; Revenue Impact Alerts - Leak, Tamper, Theft (backflaw), and Zero Consumption - Rich 4,000 Read Data Logging Capabilities - Deploy District Management Areas/Zones LIVE LUNG WITi-I 4 BRIGHT FiJTfJRE WrONDMZ) Advanced infrastructure Leak Management Programs The Bottom Load MulB-Jet is an updated smart design to the classic "top load" multyet meter. These meters are designed with the future in mind for use in mobile and fixed network AMR/ SIZES AVAILABLE. 5/8", 3/4', 1" AMI data management systems. Choose an optional DIALOG REGISTER OPTIONS: 3GO Integrated AMR Register and put our ConnectionFree"' r DIALOG 3G Integrated AMR Register AMR Technology to work for you. 30 delivers powerful results DIALOG 3G LCD Interpreterlm with 4,000 read data logging and vigilant Revenue Impact DIALOG 2G- Pit Alerts'" monitoring for leaks, tamper, theft (backfloM, and zero x° DIALOG Indoor � Direct Reaa d consumption. Our awar"oning register design houses all vital components — encoder, RF transmitter, battery and antenna — HEAD: safely within the register's sealed stainless steel and tempered * Direct Read/Manual glass enclosure. We eliminated external wires, components * ProximiWFouch - 2G and connections —the #2 cause of held related issues on M Mobile Drive, By AMR - 3G M Fixed Network AMI Solution - 3G (FN migratable competitive designs. usinq existing Mobile AMR infrastructure) Tough I Sustained Accuracy I Dependable I AMR/AMI Migratable, with 3G TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: AWMA Standard -Meets or exceeds all sections of AWWA Standard C•7p8, most recent revision; NSF/ANSI Standard 6 1 - Optional Standard 61 certified no- [a ad brain case available. Register Sealing - Direct read and DIALOW registers are permanently sealed wdtt a scratch resistant glass lens, stainless steel base and wraparound gas ketto prevent intrusion of dirt or molsilm e. Design Operation - Velocity-}yppeHowmeasurement Water gat is evenly d1shributedby rnAple converging inlet ports flaws past an impeller in the measuring chamber, creating an impeller vefocfty directly proportional to water flow rate. The metal's register integrates that velocity into totalized flow. An inherent advantage for this design is unparalleled wear mitigation leading to sustained revenues. The register assembly is removable under line Pressure permitting seam ass, slmpfiFled upgrades in reading technology, Register Unit- Registration available in [I.S- gallons, cubic feet or cubic meters. Test Circle -Large center sweep hand with one hundred (100) clearly marked gradations on the periphery of the dial face. Low Row/Leak lni icatur- Center mounted indicator with high sensitivity resulting from drect one to one linkage to measuring element. Main Case - Choice of waterworks bronze case of 8I % coppercompositicri, or, 86..% to per, no lead bronze. All main cases Incorporate extemally threaded ends to aid installation. Measuring Chamber -The measuring chamber housing and measurement element are built with an advanced syrdhegc polymer. This tough, nan-hydrnlyzing material ensures durable wear. The chamber design optimizes Water flow eliminating harsh turbulence for smooth, easy, operation {hat Tnin izes hearing wear. Measurement surfaces are not wear surfaces, providing sustained accuracy despite the presence of errtralned solids in the water. A long-Fda synthetic sapphire bearing serves as a wear surface willY radially balanced water flows. The .chamber housing is constructed in two parts to allow access to the impeler. Strainer - A rugged, 350-degree advance polymer basket strainer prutectsi the critical measuring element from damage. The unique strainer design smoothes the flaw of water entering into the meter creating a laminar Row that is gentle on the meter's Internal components. Tough materials operating in a smooth, balanced environment enable the meters to perform more accurately over time. tltifties' investments fast longer while capturing more revenue, Optional Bottom Plates • Bronze, Cast Iron (ell, or Engineered Plastic. Magnetic Drive -A reri able, direct magnetic drive Provides linkage between measurement element and register. No intermediate gearing is required, rfa gearing is exposed to water. Adjusting Port- Sealed after factory calibration. Part is accessible for utility recabbration to compensate for inaccuracy in older meters without parts replacement. Register - Standard Direct Read, DIALOG 2G and DIALOG 3G AMR System registers are available. Six wheel odometers are standard. Together,. an Integrated and migratiibfe technology environment is allalned, direct; proximity Rauch), m de AMR, and Fixed Network Am. Tamper Detection - The Master Meter Mul[Fjet adjusting port and register are concealed to prevent tampenng and removal of the register, This design also provides a visual indication of tampering attempts. ' y Flow Rating (gpm) zo 30 30 34 so - — Y'.Oh'rhrh Ums Now ;r�-6ynu .•:. � ..''�,�"�- .. ,}�- .. - Normal Flow Range igpm) 1-20 230 2-30 7.3U 3.54 E1t8nrim Low. Eiow.lgR n} r . ;: ;.i! • '� q ., c;; _. _ . __._ .-- --- ---�t --' 1 ••�, t/8 lj4 1 Jd .. MaYJmum Working pressure Ipsi) 150 ]so 150 150 150 Maximurn WorkingTemperahnre if) �'- - WNE�:: .:_ ...,:. 120 120 120 120 Length {A below} �� Width:4�.,'•'t�'x_-:r ls�..3 :.;... Z;5=1.'��i. 7 I, Z" 3.5/8. 7 1/2 3.`,,/g." e" 3.5/&- 8' -- 3-5�g". -.z�....r'� _ems.. ... 4. Height, standard register wah lid (C below) 5' 5' S" 5" .... M1. ¢., HeSP.ht bottom m cetrier liAe;�. ! ";;JIGti /E" 1-112 5-2/4" 1_4' WeightObs) 3.95 4.0 4.1 ,.. 5,25 .. :: Packed To Carton 'i•�nl 5 6 Carton Weight {Ibsl ... 25.1 .25.4 - 26 ...... .. . I ... 22.4 ACCURACY AND HEAD L❑SS CHART ACCURACM c u 5 IV 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 so Master Meter, Inc. 101 Regency Parkway, Mansfield, TX 76063 Toll Free: 800-765-6518 •)Main Line: 817-8424WO • FAX, 817-842-8100 MASTUML-IEIR.CaM Msner Meter is rh tw asscd3ted with nor a dL ar of rrvtertg 70UU wider the regstanzd tradenrarh; of MCO, fledge, Hersey. Pk{rhr a and Sensus. Q�20M haslet Meier, Inc. AG r �#s reserved. f]EeLOG, IfVTEFf R R, arrJ Master Meter are registered Iradanarks of hsaft Wier. Inc. blaster Meter reserves the dght 10 make rrhud mftrrsto the products described herein at arty time and without notice. U.S Patent NoL 7,135,985; 6,819,292: 6,954,17N and others paMkT, A MASTER METER Fig. 22 - Hanger for CPVC Plastic Pipe Single Fastener Strap Type C iJL us LK= Size Range — 3/4" thru 2° CPVC pipe Material — Pre -Galvanized Steel Function — Intended to perform as a hanger to support C g pport CPVC piping used in automatic fire sprinkler systems. The product acts as a hanger when tab is upward and the fastener screw is in the horizontal position. Figure 22 can be installed on the top of a beam, but in this situation acts as a guide to the piping which is supported by the beam itself. It is not intended to sup_ i1 port CPVC pipe from under a flat horizontal surface, such as a ceiling. For i this type of Installation, use the TOLCOO Fig. 23, Double Fastener Strap for ! CPVC Piping. Fig, 22, when Inverted, with the hanger tab downward, can A t -' function as a restrainer to prevent the upward movement of the sprinkler head during activation. Approvals — Underwriters' Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada e (cUL) to support fire sprinkler piping. May be installed in wood using fasteners supplied with product, or Into minimum 20 gauge steel using (1) 1/4" x 1 " tek type screw. Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13, 13R and 130. Features — Fig, 22 incorporates features which protect the pipe and ease installation. The flared edge design pro- tects CPVC pipe from any rough surface. it is easily attached to the building structure using the special UL Listed hex head self threading screw* furnished with the product. It is recommended that rechargeable electric drills fit- ted with a hex socket attachment to be used as installation tools. No impact tools {such as a Kammer) are allowed. Damage has been known to result from installations using impact type tools. No pre-drilfing of a pilot hole in wood is required. Finish — Pre -Galvanized Order By — Figure number and CPVC pipe size. * Hardened hex head self threading screw is furnished with the product and is the minimum fastener size acceptable, Dimensions • Weights CPVC Pipe Size A $ C Max. Hanger Fastener Hex Approx. N4 Spacing (FL) Head Size M.li00 1 27AG 2"As i As l rs 5+fz 5116 g 1 Y+ 3r/ra 1 �k 1356 fi'h 13¢ 2 We 7�a I -Me 7 5/16 5/16 11 33A 2A I -Me � &i8 12 15 UFFICG+rMUFACiURING FACUTY • 1375 SAMPSON AVE • COB -DNA, CA 92879 • PH - CUSTOMER • FA7L 951.737 033p CUSTOMER SERVICE • 8W.7afi.52aE W-Va ca"M Fig. 23 - Hanger for CPVC Plastic Pipe Double Fastener Strap Type Size Range —• 314" thru 3" CPVC pipe Material — Pre -Galvanized Steel Function — Intended to perform as a hanger/restrainer to support p� j CPVC piping used in automatic fire sprinkler systems. Fig. 23 can be installed on the top, bottom or side of a beam. The Fig. 23 also j functions as a restrainer to prevent the upward movement of the sprinkler head during activation. Approvals — Underwriters' Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cuL) sizes 3/4" thru 2" to support fire sprinkler piping. i May be installed in wood using fasteners supplied with product, or into minimum 20 gauge steel using (2) 1/4" x 1 " tek type screw. Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13, 13R and 13D, i Features — Fig. 23 incorporates features which protect the pipe and ease installation. The flared edge design protects the CPVC pipe from any rough surface. It also incorporates snap restrain- ers allowing easier and faster installation. Easily attaches to the building structure using the two UL Listed hex head self thread- ing screws' furnished with the product. It is recommended that rechargeable electric drills fitted with a hex socket attachment be used as installation tools. No impact tools (such as a hammer) are allowed. Damage has been known to result from installations using impact type tools. No pre -drilling of a pilot hole in wood is required. Finish — Pre -Galvanized Order By — Figure number and pipe size * Hardened hex head self threading screw is furnished with the product and is the minimum fastener size acceptable. s &W usm Dimensions a Weights CPVC Pipe Size A B C Max. Han9 er Fastener Hex Approx. Spacing (FL) Head Size Wt/100 3/4 1 31A 19+is 19/16 5A 5/16 9 111a 3% 44is 11Yic 13,a 6 5/16 g 11h 47Aa 27/� 134r 61fz 1me 5/16 11 2 2712 47A 27A5 7 1Me $ 5116 5/ 12 5 3 109/32 211 /Te 13I1e Corrsuit Factory 5116 6 22 11 �/n 3 1 V16 Consult Factory 5/16 25 OFACFIMANUFACTURING FACR ITV • 1375 SAMPSON AVE,' CORONA, CA VM • K 951 J37, %N • FAY,, 951.737.M CUSTOMER SERVICE • gW,7N.SM www.wmcam WFDTH Waterflow Detector The System Sensar WFDTH Retard T-Top Waterflow - - Detector is designed for primary signaling in residential systems and fits within 2x4 stud wall construction. Features • Residential sprinkler systems -Sealed retard mechanism Visual switch activation Rugged, dual 5PDT switches enclosed in a durable terminal block • Easyto install and maintain design • Vertical or horizontal mount • Feld replaceable retard mechanism and switch assembly Twelve different flexible paddles • Durable, tamper resistant enclosure -Two conduit openings • Handy depth gauge • Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire • 100%synchronization fires alarm panel and local bell simultaneously Agency Listings uL uis - MEA LISTED approved 57" ��.. 7770-1WWA 167434 y.... ._ The WFDTH fits any tee that has a 1' NPT branch, including:) , 1 Y4 ; 1 K , and 2" NRT threaded ferrous and brass tees; 1 ,1 Y. ,1 Y2' and 2" copper sweat tees; Central, Spears*, and Vctaulic' brand 1 "CPVC tees and W polybutylene tees. Design. The design ofthe WFDTH makes It easyto install and simple to maintain. It can be mounted In the vertical or horizontal position -Two conduit openings permit easyattachment to the local alarm system.The retard mechanism and switch assembly are field - replaceable. Features. Twelve different flexible paddles fit 1, 1 Y, , i 3h , and 2" tees. Sizes are marked dearly on the paddle for ease of installation. Plastic paddles slip over the actuating lever and are securely fastened with one screw. The handy depth gauge insures the proper installation depth and clearance of the detector to the tee. Con stmction.The WFDTH includes a durable and tamper resistant enclosure. Its sealed retard assures that the delay mechanism Is not contaminated by dust and dirt when the cover is removed. The long lasting cover completely encloses the electrical components to further keep out dust and dirt. Improved self -guiding security screws and removal tools make detectors resistant to tampering and simpllfy field maintenance. I 1 WFDTH Specifications Model shall be a WFDTH as manufactured by System Sensor. T tap waterflow detectors shall be installed on a tee that has a 1- NPT branch including: 1 ,1'ti , 1'r4 , or 2-threaded ferrous or brass tee,1-2"copper sweat tees; Central, Spears', and Viictaulie brand 1"CPVC tenor I A' polybutylene tee as designated on the drawings and/or as spedfied herein. Detectors shall mount on any clear pipe span of the appropriate slag either a vertical or horizontal run at least 6" from any fittings or valves which may change waterdirectlon, flow rate, or pipe diameter or no doserthan 24-from a valve or drain. Detectors shall have a sensiti riry in the range of 4to 10 gallons per minute and a static pressure rating of 250 psi, The retard t-rap detector shall be a sealed mechanical pneumatic unit with visual - indication of actuation.The actuation mechanism shall include a polyethylene Vane inserted through the tee fitting and connected by a mechanical linkage to the delay mechanism. Outputs shall consist of dual SPDT switches {Form C contacts).Two conduit entrances {one of which is a knockout type) for mnda►d fittings of commonly used electrical conduit shall be prrnrided on the detectors. A grounding provision is provided. WFDTH is listed by Underwriters Laboratories for indoor use. 1/0 Static Pressure Rating 250 PSI (max,) Operating Temperature Range 32°F to 12(YF (17C to 49°Q Maximum Surge 18 f PS Enclosure Rating UL listed for indoor use Triggering Threshold 4-1 D GPM Cover Tamper Switch Canadian models only, factory installed Bandwidth (Flow Rate) Overall dimensions, 43"H x 3.55"W x 67- L Service Use Automatic Sprinkler NFPA 13 Installed (I 1.4Cm H x 9cm W x 17cm L) One or Two Family Dwelling: NFPA 13D Residential Occupancies up to 4 Stories: NFPA 13R National Fire Alarm Code: NFPA 72 Contact Ratings Two sets of SPDT (Form C) 5 hipping Weight 2.6 Ids. (1.2 kg.] 10)0ALa I3iZoVAC 25A&24VDC Compatible Tee Threaded ferrous and brass tees, copper Warranty 3 years Fittings Sweat tees, CPVC tees, and polybuty4ene tees Conduit Entrances Two openings for',':' conduit. U.S. Patent Numbers 3,845,259; 4,782,333; 5,213,205 Electrical Connections Delay Adjustment Dial UL-LISTED COMPATIBLE CONTROL PANEL POWEP + 24V. OR i20VAC _ INITIATING + r] SUGGESTED I LOOP ] RESISTOR Ordering information SSM2¢?r HOTS COMMON AND B-NO SSV120-x CONNECTIONS MILL CLOSE Delay WHEN VANE IS DEFLECTED, I.E. adle ,"nt WHEN WATER IS FLOWING. DUAL SWITCHES PERMIT dial APPLICATIONS To BE COMBINED ON A SINGLE DETECTOR. r — 30TC11 i rwa ru,rwls: 7Mmosi CONTACT RATiN G S 26J2W VA 1 r] AhmPS 24VDC i 2-5AMP5 SCHEMATIC OF n c INDIVIDUAL SWITCH IN mil "NO WATERFLOW- CONDITION ono BREAK WIRE AS SHOWN FOR SUPERVISION OF CONNECTION. DO NOTALLOW STRIPPED WIRE LEADS TO EXTEND BEYOND SWITCH HOUSING. DO NOT LOOP WIRES. NOTE: Fletud Yrne may exceed 90 seconds, Adjust wW verify *W rime does not exona go seconds. WFDTH WFDT HA WaterFlnw Detector, fits 1 ", 1 Y.', I % , 2"ferrous and brass threaded tees; 1 , 1 Y. , 1 Ye-, 2- copper sweat tees; T"CPVC tees; and 114"polyeutylene tees Accessories A77-01-02 Replacement terminal block for WFDTH 507-66002 Replacement tamper screws for covers of WFL7TH PRK9 Replacement paddle kit -12 paddles for WFDTH (see WFDW Replacement tamper proof wrench for cover of WFDTH for sizes included) WFDTH A30DB-00 Replacement retard mechanism C58-D0D9-000 Replacement metal cover $p¢iri• k a nghurw naarmrk d rhr sorts AUrrhCMnM1l9 Canprn.kelwl�r Y a mgkm�a Vad.mrk ddieLi[nulk 4dnpuiy d Ivnpkl. SYSTEM 3825 Ohio Avenue • St Charles, IL 60774 f °P01Q '"" s" °' y��P xb),cl W dlxgrvMlioutnaoeeKsh rl'+�TMeruaaan% 1j 5Ei1V50J? ` Phone 800-SENSOF2 • Fax 630-377-195 °"'" p°' "� """ "d �1'rw°■"q^b +rm"oK+,� And+ 6"-71i0.43151 -CH15 - Technical Features • Sizes available (Nominal) : DN151'12", DN2 PA3 , DN2511 DN3211'/4", DN4011'I2" and DN5012". • Pressure data: Working pressure: From DNT502" to DN25IT" - 16 bar (232 psi) From DN3211'14" to DN5012" - 10 bar (145 psi) Shell Test Pressure: 24 bar (348 psi) Seat Test Pressure: i7.6 bar (255 psi) • Seat type : Resilient disc • Finish : Cast Bronze • Connections : Female threaded BSP inlet and outlet, Spring Loaded Check Valve (Threaded) - CH 16 Nominal Pipe-5Tze . ` Dimensions form finch Metric indr A B ❑N 15 4811.89 291 1.14 ON20 'la 5212.05 3711.46 DN25 1" 5912.32 4511.77 DN32 1'1a' 65 1 2.56 5612,20 DN40 1112' 1 70 / 2-7fi 1 63 / 2.48 DN50 2" 1 7813,07 1 7913-11 Spring Loaded Check Valve (Threaded) - CH16 Materials List Mrn Material _Sronre B5 2872 - CZ122 ASTM B 124Brass B5 2872-CZ122, ASTM 8124Nitrile Rubber Commercial Acetal Copolymer Commerdal 5 Spring Stainless Steel l NIKJNGA SupplyNet", LIJ Reierenre NRVO04SPRJNCO15 NRV004SPRING020 NRVOC14SPRINGOZS NRV0045PRING032 NRVOG45PRING040 NRV004SPRING050 Physical Data Weight:.. 0.10 10,22 0.15 10,33 0.2410-53 0.35 1 0, 77 DA3 f 0.95 0.75 1 1,65 3 V) 4 g N i� ter♦ .. .. ..- � � -��- � � .. - .. .. - .. - � - - ... .. ..... .... . . WorldwideRre Protection wunv.vikingcarp.[nm HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. LICENSE : 682025 DESIGNER : ANGELA ZUMAYA DATE : 01-23-2012 FILE : 11-199-2 JOB NAME : CODORNIZ - CORDIA LOCATION : 52ND & JEFFERSON, LA QUINTA, CA �FT FLAT DESIGN DATA_ DESIGN CRITERION: NFPA 13-D MIN SPR FLOW : 13 Gpm AREA PER SPRINKLER 256 Sq Ft TOTAL CALCULATED AREA 512 Sq Ft TOTAL SPRINKLERS CALCULATED 2 Heads FLOW DATA. TOTAL SPRINKLER FLOW : DOMESTIC DEMAND : TOTAL WATER REQUIRED BASE OF RISER NODE: 7 26.2 Gpm 5.0 Gpm 31.2 Gpm FLOW: 31.2 Gpm PRESSURE: 24.8 Psi AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION : LA QUINTA BLDG & SAFETY PHONE : 760-777--7012 HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. -8NGT'NEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 01-23-2012 File: C:IRESDEN43111-199-2.RES JOB : CODORNIZ - CORDIA 16'F T FLAT SOURCE I STATIC 95.0 Psi RESIDUAL 94.0 Psi FLOW 31 Gpm p DESIGN SPRINKLER MANUF : TYCQ MODEL I SPRINKLER Q .0 Gpm VALVE ..00 Psi 1 SPRINKLER P .0 Psi METER 13.0 Psi NODE ELEVATION K- PRESSURE DISCHARGE NO. Feet FACTOR Psi ---------------------------------- p 1 25.0 4.9 7.3 13.2 2 25.0 4.9 7.0 13.0 3 25.0 7.7 4 15.0 13.2 5 15.0 14.6 6 15.0 19.1 7 9.0 24.8 5.0 DOME 8 5.0 30.9 9 3.0 38.3 10 .0 SOURCE 58.7 31.2 Page 1 SPRINKLERS FLOWING 2 AREA PER SPRINKLER 256 Sq Ft TOTAL DESIGN AREA 512 Sq Ft REQUIRED DENSITY Gpm/Sq Ft COMPUTED DENSITY .051 Gpm/Sq Ft TOTAL SPRINKLER FLOW 26.2 Gpm TOTAL DOMESTIC FLOW 5 Gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED 31.2 Gpm TOTAL SPRINKLER PRESS 45.7 Psi WATER METER LOSS 13.0 Psi VALVE FIXED LOSS .0 Psi SUPPLY PRESS AVAILABLE 94.0 Psi Copyright (2002) DEMAND PRESS REQUIRED 58.7 Psi by Hydronics Engineering PRESSURE CUSHION 35.3 Psi 34119 Fremont B1, Suite 609 Fremont, Ca., 94555 MAXIMUM VELOCITY 12.9 F/S (510) 487-9160 HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. Page 2 ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 586-6364. ADDRESS 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, E1 Cajon CA 92020. Date: 01-23-2012 File: C:\RESDEN43`11-199-2.RES JOB : CODORNIZ - CORDIA 16'FT FLAT PIPE BEG FLOW K-FACTOR LENGTH C-FACTOR PRESSURE NO. Gpm FITTING TYPE FTG FR- LOSS Psi END DIAMETER TOTAL (Psi/Ft) 1 q= 13.2 K= 4.9 L=: 2.0 ^--v - Pt -- 7.3 4 Pt ` 7.3 1 Q= 13.2 F= 1B1L F= 12.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.4 D= 1.101 TL= 14.0 .0315 Pf .4 Pn 7.1 3 Pt 7.7 2 q= 13.0 K= 4.9 L= 10.0 ----------- Pt 7 OPt -- - 7.0 2 Q= 13.0 F= 1B1L F= 12.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.1 _ Vel= 4.4 D= 1.101 TL= 22.0 .0306 Pf .7 Pn 6.9 3 Pt 7.7 3 q= .0 K= .0 L= 20.0 -----T- ` Pt `` 7.7 Pt - 7.7 3 Q= 12.1 F= 2B2L F= 24.0 C= 150 Pe 4.3 Pv -,1 Vel= 4.1 D= 1.101 TL= 44.0 .0267 Pf 1.2 Pn 7.6 4 Pt 13.2 4 q= .0 K= .0 L= 25.0 - 4` ^-- Pt13.2Pt -- 13.2 4 Q= 12.1 F= 2B1L2B F= 27.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.1 Vel= 4.1 D= 1.101 TL= 52.0 .0267 Pf 1.4 Pn 13.1 5 Pt 14.6 3 q=. D K= .0 L= 40.0------ --- -_` Pt7. ` 7 ` Pt 7.7 5 Q= 14.1 F= 3B3R2L F= 32.0 C= 150 Pe 4.3 Pv -.2 Vel= 4.8 D= 1.101 TL= 72.0 .0356 Pf 2.6 Pn 7.5 5 Pt 14.6 5 q= .0 K= .0 L= 20,0 ---------- -' Pt 14.6 `- Pt 14.6 6 Q= 26.2 F= 1B1R2L F= 20.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.5 Vel= 8.8 D= 1.101 TL= 40.0 .1119 Pf 4.5 Pn 14.1 & Pt 19.1 6 q= .0 K= .0 L= 6.0 - - Pt ` 19.1 Pt 19.1 7 Q= 26.2 F= 4R1S1L1C F= 21.0 C= 150 Pe 2.6 Pv -.5 Vel= 8.8 D= 1.101 TL= 27.0 .1119 Pf 3.0 Pn 18.6 7 Pt 24.6 7 q= 5.0 DOME L= 10.0 `------^ Pt Av 24.8 ` Pt24,8 8 Q= 31.2 F= 1G1B2L F= 10.0 C= 150 Pe 1.7 Pv --1.0 Vel= 12.1 D= 1.025 TL= 20.0 .2191 Pf 4.4 Pn 23.8 8 Pt 30.9 8 q= .0 K= .0 L= ----------- 40.0 Pt ` 30.9 ' Pt30.9 5 Q= 31.2 F= 2C F= 2.0 C= 150 Pe .9 Pv -.7 Vel= 10.5 D= 1.101 TL= 42.0 .1547 Pf 6.5 Pn 30.2 9 Pt 38.3 HYQRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. Page 3 ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, E1 Cajon CA 92020. Date: 01-23-2012 File: C:\RESDEN43111-199-2.RES JOB : CODORNI2 - CORDIA 161FT FLAT PIPE BEG FLOW K-FACTOR LENGTH C-FACTOR PRESSURE NO. GPM FITTING TYPE FTG FR- LOSS Psi END DIAMETER TOTAL (Psi/Ft) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 q= .0 K= .0 L= 20.0 Pt 38.3 Pt 38.3 10 Q= 31.2 F= 1L1C F= 4.0 C= 150 Pe 1.3 Py -1.1 Vet= 12.9 D= .995 TL= 24.0 .2532 Pf 6.1 Pn 37.2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 Pt 45.7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meter =13.0 11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q= 31.2 CC< SOURCE >>> Pt 58.7 E=>45-Elb L=>90-Elb B=>Tee$ch R=>TeeRun C=>CouPlg S=>SwgChk G=>GatVly HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.2 - SUBMITTAL. ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. DATE : 01-23-2012 FILE : C:SRESDEN43111-199-2.RES JOB : CODORNIZ - CORDIA 161FT FLAT PSI FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULIC GRAPH 100 90 80 70 I 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 FLOW - GpTa �-0 Supply Curve 0 Demand Curve Static : 95.0 Avg Pr : 94.0 @ 31 Resid : 94.0 Req Pr : 58.7 @ 31 Flow : 31.0 Pr Cush. 35.3 Copyright: Hydronics Engineering, 2002. 34119 Fremont B1, Suite 609, Fremont, CA. 94555. (510) 487-9160. fc� Fire Suppression & Building ing Products Technical Services 804-381-9312 J +1-401-781-8220 www.tyco-fire.com Series LFii Residential SprIn iers Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent 4.9 K-Factor en era! Description The TYCC] RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2524) are decora- tive, fast response, fusible solder sprin- klers designed for use in residential oC- ❑upancies such as homes, apartments, dormitories, and hotels. The Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly con- ceals the sprinkler operating compo- nents above the Ceiling. The fiat profile Of the Cover Plate provides the optimurn aesthetically appealing sprinkler design. Additionally, the concealed design of the Series 1_FIi Residential Flat -Plate Con- cealed Pendent Sprinklers provides 112 inch (12,8 mm) vertical adjustment. This adjustment provides a measure of flax- itAity when cutting fixed pipe drops. The Series LFII Residential Flat -Plate Concealed pendent Sprinklers are in- tended for use in the fallowing systems:. per NFPA 130, wet pipe residential sprinkler systems for one- and two- family dwellings and mobile homes; per NFPA 13R, wet pipe residential sprinkler systems for residential ac- Cupancies up to and including four stories in height; and per NFPA 13, wet pipe sprinkler sys- tems for the residential portions of any occupancy, iMPORTANT Always refer to Technical DatIJa Sheet TFP70❑ for the "INSTA,' LER WARNING" that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- latron of sprinkl&rsAtems and com- ponents. Improper handling and in- stallation can permanently damage a sprinkler system ❑r its components and cause the sprinkler to fail to'1 operate in a fine situation or cause it II to operate prematurely. The Series LFII Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinkler has a 4.9 (60,S) K-factor that provides the required residential flow rates at reduced pres- sures, enabling smaller pipe sizes and Water supply requirements. This sprinkler has been designed with heat sensitivity and water distrjbution characteristics proven to help in the con- trol of residential fires and to improve the chance for occupants to escape or be evacuated. The Series LFII Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are shipped with a Disposable Protective Cap. The Protective Cap protects the sprinkler during telling installation or finish. After ceiling installation is com- plete, the Protective Cap is removed and the Cover Piate/Retainer Assem- bly is installed. Removing the Protec- tive Cap is required for proper sprinkler Performance. 1 The Series [Fll Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers g y2524) described herein must be installed and maintained in compliance with this doc- ument and with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Associa- tion, in addition to the standards of any authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to dig so may impair the performance of these devices. Owners are responsible for maintaining their frreprotection system and devices in praperoperating condition. The in- stalling contractor or sprinkler rnanu- facturershouid be contacted with any questions. 1 OdellSprinkler Identification Number (SlAq TY2524 Honer FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed NSF-61 Certified The Series LFII Residential Flat -Mate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are only listed with the Series LFII Concealed Cover Plates having a factory -applied finish. Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12,1 Nary Discharge Coefficient K=4.9 GPMIpsP'2 (70,6 LPMlbar` J Temperature Rating Sprinkler: 160'F (71`0) Cover Plate: 139°F (59°C} Vertical Adjustment 112 inch [12,7 mm) Finishes Refer to the Ordering Procedure section. Physical Character"tsties • Cover PfatelRetainer Assembly: Cover Plate ............. Copper Ejection Spring .... Stainless Steel Retainer .. - .... .. _ , .. Brass Page 7 of 6 OCTOBER 2010 TPP443 TFP443 Page 2 of 6 Norisant21 Ceiling -Sloped Ceiling Minimum Flow0land Minimum FlovOhl Residua! Pressure and Sloped Getting Minimum Fland Maximum Cover' a Residual Pressure Maximum {Maximum 2-inch rise {Greater than 2-inch rise Spacing for 12-inch run) Residual Pressure (Greater than 4-inch rise Area u p to maximum 4-inch rise for 12-inch run) up to maximum 8-inch 8i rise for 12-inch run) 150°F (71-C) 160°F(71°C) Sprinkler Sprinkler 160°F(71°C) 12' x 12' (3,7 m x 3,7 m) 12' 13 GPM 49,2 LPM) 17 GPM (64,3 LP) (3,7 m) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) Sprinkler 64,3 112 14' x 14' 12.0 psi (0 3 bar) psi (0,93 baGPM 4 il g m x 4.3 m) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 17 GPM (GPM44,3 (4,3 m) 7.0 psi [0,48 bar} 12.0 psi(0,83 bar)) 112 15' x 16' (4,9 m x 4,9 m) is, 13 GPM 49,2 LPM) 17 GPM 64,3 LPM) (4,9 m) 7.0 (0,48 barj [0,83 a psif[0 3 bar)) 1 18, x 18` psi 12.0 psi bar]12 is, D pMi[(o 83 bar)) (5.5 m x 5,5 m) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 22 GPM (5,5 m) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 20.2 psi 9 b r) p [ 1 '2 GPM {(1, 3 LPM) '20.2 20' x 20' Al m x 6,1 m) 20' 20 GPM {75,7 LPMj 24 GPM90,8 LPM)24 Al m) T$,7 psi (1,T5 bar) 24t7 psi,{1,39 bar] GPM (30,8 LPM) p [ g psi bag 24.0 psi (1,85 barl 1z) For coverage area dimensions . Tess than or between those fndkated, use the rnirumum required flow for the next highest area for which Hydraulic Resign sestioo underahB Design Criteria are slated. coverage (b) The MiNmum Flow requirement is be sed on minimum flow in ePM iLPM) from each sprinkler. The associated residual pressures are caleumted using the nominal K-factor. Refer to 'Hydraulic Design,, in the Design Crilerie section for details. TABLEA SERIES LFJI RESIDENTIAL FLAT -PLATE CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER NFPA (TY2524) 13D AND NFPA 13R HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA WET PIPE SYSTEMS • Sprinkler/Support Cup Assembly - Body _.. . ............. Brass Cap. ..........Bronze Saddle.................. Brass Sealing Assembly ..... _ .Beryllium Nickel wf Teflon' Soldered Link Halves - . Nickel Lever .................. Bronze Compression Screw ..... , . Brass Deflector ............... Bronze Guide Pin Housing........ Bronze Guide Pins .. Bronze Support Cup , .. , .. , .. , . Steel Operation When exposed to heat from afire, the Cover Plate, which is normally soldered to the Retainer at three points, falls away to expose the Sprinkler/Support Cup As- sembly. At this point, the Deflector, sup- ported by the Guide Pins, drops down to its operated position. The Solder Link Element o€.the Sprinkler! Support Cup Assembly is comprised of two link halves that are soldered togeth- er with a thin layer of solder. When the rated temperature is reached, the sol- der melts and the two link halves sepa- rate, allowing the sprinkler to activate and flow water. 7 Registered trademark of Dupont Design Criteria The TYGO RAPID RESPONSE Series L 91 Residential Fiat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2524) are UL and C-UL_ Listed for installation in ac- cordance with the following criteria. Emm When conditions exist that are outside Me scope of the provided criteria, re- fer to the Residential Sprinkler Design Guide TFP4g0 for the manufacturer's recommendations that may be accept- able to the Authority {laving Jurisdiction. The Series LF11 Residential Fiat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers must not be used in applications where the air pressure above the ceiling is greater than that below. Down drafts through the Support Cup can delay sprinklerop- eration in a fire situation, System Type Only wet pipe systems may he utilized. Hydraulic Design Table A provides the minimum required sprinkler flow rate for systems designed to NFPA 13D or NFPA 1313 as a function of temperature rating and the maximum allowable coverage areas. The sprinkler flow rate is the minimum required dis- charge from each of the total number of "design sprinklers" as specified in NFPA 131) Or NFPA 13R. For systems designed to NFPA 13, the number of design sprinklers is to be the. four most hydraulically demanding sprinklers. The minimum required dis- charge from each of the four sprinklers is to be the greater of the following_ • flow rates given in Table A for NFPA 13D and 13R as a function of tem- perature rating and the maximum al- lowable coverage area ■ minimum discharge .of 0.1 GPM/ sq. fi over the 'design area" com- prised of the four most hydraulically demanding sprinklers for actual cov- erage areas protected by the four sprinklers Obstruction To Water Distribution Locate sprinklers in accordance with the Obstruction rules of NFPA for residential sprinklers as well as obstruction criteria described within TYC0 technical data sheet TFP49D. Operational Sensitivity Install sprinklers relative to the ceiling mounting surface as shown in Figure 3, Sprinkler Spacing The minimum spacing between sprin- klers is 8 feet (2,4 rn). The maximum spacing between sprin- klers cannot exceed the length of the coverage area (Table A) being hydrau- lically calculated; for example, a maxi- mum of 12 feet for a 12 ft.. x 12 ft. cov- erage area or 20 feet for a 20 ft. x 20 ft. coverage area. BODY (112" N" GAP SADDLE SUPPORT CUP WITH ROLL FORMED THREADS GUIDE PIN GUIDE PIN HOUSING DEFLECTOR f THREAD INTO SUPPORTCUP UNTIL MOUNTING SURFACE IS FL:1SH W}TH CEILING SEALING ASSEMBLY SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA COMPRESSION SCREW LEVER + i SOLDER LINK ELEMENT rr f tt ri � rr rr --�---- DEFLECTOR - -----�----r---_� � o [OPERATED P051TIpN) SPAlNKLEFVSi)PPpRT CUP ASSEMBLY r p RFTA1NER WRENCH RECESS 1 PUSH WRENCH IN TO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA UV1TH THREAD CD L]IMPLES FIGURE 2 w 7_YPE is EJECTION L PRIN/CLER WRENCH SPRING SOLDER J OOVER PLgTFJRETPiNER TAB ASSEMBLY COVER PLATE E 1 FLAT -PLATE CONCEALELY PENDENT SpRjArKLE}? ASSE1l BLY 2�24J 2-712' DLO. {63,5 rnm] 712, (12,7 mm ire• ) FACE of NPT THREADED SPRINKLER ADJUSTMENT FITTING 7-718`t118' 147,E mm 1 1I6 ` GAP f3,2 mmj _ (3,2 mm) COVER- SPRINKLER - RETAINER SUPPORT CUP MOUNTING ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY 3i76 J SURFACE {4,8 mnz) 3-3V`IW DIA, (81,0 mm) SPRINKLER - SUPPORT Cup ASSEMBLY OPERATI // SPRINKLI COVER PLATE RETAINt=F L 7r8' (222 m 1-7r81 (28,6 n � l DISPOSABLE TIP PROTECTIVE CAP FIGURE 3 PROTECTIVE CAP AND ACT VATED DEFLECTOR INSTALLATION DIMENSIONS DEFLECTOR IN OPERATED POSITION TFP443 Page 3 of 6 TFP443 Page 4 of 6 2_ Remove the Protective Cap. 3. With pipe -thread sealant applied to the pipe threads,. and using the W Type fib Wrench shown in Figure 2, instali and tighten the Sprinkler/ Support Cup Assembly into the fit- ting. The W-Type 18 Wrench ac- CePts a 112 inch ratchet drive. 4. Replace the Protective Cap by pushing it upwards until it bottoms out against the Support Cup. The Protective Cap helps prevent dam- age to the Deflector and Guide Pins during ceiling installation and/ or during application of the finish coating of the Ceiling. As long as the protective Cap re- mains in place, the system is con- sidered "put of Service". S. After the ceiling has been corn- pleted with the 2-1/2 inch (63 mm) diameter clearance hole and in preparation for installing the Cover PlatelRetainer Assembly, remove and discard the Protective Cap, and verify that the Deflector moves up and down freely. if the Sprinkler has been damaged and the Deflector does not move up and down freely, replace the entire Sprinkler assembly. Do not attempt to modify or repair damaged sprinkler. Installation The TYCC RAPID RESPONSE Series LFI( Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instructions, EMM Damage tv the Solder Link Bement dur- ing installation can be avoided by han- dling the sprinkler by the Support Cup only, that is, do not apply pressure to the Solder link Element (Figure V- Obtain a leak tight 112 inch AfPT sprinkler joint by applying a minimum -to -maxi- mum torque of to 14 ff.-lbs. (9,,5 to 19, Q Nm). Higher levels of torque can distort the sprinklerinlet with consequent leak- age or impairment of the sprinkier. Do not attempt to compensate for in- sufficient adjustment in the Cover platel Retainer Assembly by under- or over- tr9hfsnrng the sprinkler. Re -adjust the position of the sprinkler fr'tting to suit. CEM 1- install pendent sprinklers in the Before closing a fire protection system Pendent position, with the center- main control valve for maintenance wank line of the sprinkler perpendicular on 0e treprotectran system that if con - to the mounting surface. trots, obtain permission is shut dawn the affected fire protection system from the Proper authorities and notify all person- ae! vrho may be affected by this action. When properly installed, there is a nomi- nal 118 inch A2 mm) air gap between the lip of the Cover Plate and the ceil- ing, as shown in Figure 3. This air gap is necessary for proper operation of the sprinkler by allowing heat flow from a fire to pass below and above the Cover Plate to help assure appropriate release Of the Cover Plate in afire situation. if the Ceiling needs repainting after sprinkler installation, exercise care to ensure that the new .Paint does NOT seal off any of the air gap. Failure to do so may impair sprinkler operation. Absence of a Cover Plate can delay the sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Do not pull the Cover Plate relative to the Enclosure_ Separation may result. Screw on the Cover PlatelRetainer Assembly until its flange contacts the ceiling. Do not continue to screw on the Cover PlateiRetainer Assembly such that it lifts a ceiling panel out of its normal position. If the Cover Plate/RetainerAssembly cannot be engaged with the Mounting Cup or the Cover Plate/Retai ner As- s e mbly cannot be engaged sufficiently to contact the ceiling, the Sprinkler Fitting must be repositioned. Care and Ida►ntenance The TYCC RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Flat -Plats Concealed Pendent Sprinkler (TY2524) must be maintained and serviced in accordance With the following instructions. Exercise care to avoid damage to sprin- klers before, during, and after installa- tion. Never paint, plate, coat, or other- wise alter automatic sprinklers after they leave the factory. Never repaint factory -painted Cover Plates. When necessary, replace cover Plates with factory -painted units. Non - factory applied paint can adversely de- lay or prevent sprinkler opera#ion in the event of a fire. Replace sprinklers that: were damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twisting, wrench slippage, or the like. were Modified or aver -heated, ' are leaking or exhibiting visible signs Of corrosion. Responsibility lies with owners for the inspection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and devices in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association (for example, NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. Contact the install- ing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer regarding any questions. Automatic sprinkler systems are rec- ommended to be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspec- tion Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. Limns d Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco fire Suppression & Building Products (TFSBP) ara warranted solely to the ong- inal 8uyerfor ten (1p) years against de- fects in material and workmanship when Paid for and properly installed and main- tained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by TFggp No warranty is given for products or corn- ponents manufactured by companies not affiliated by ownership with TFSBP or to products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corrosion, Or which have not been installed, maintained, modified or repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of tha National Fire Protection Association, and/or the standards of any otherAuthorities Having Jurisdiction. Materials found by TFSBP to be defec- tive shall be either repaired or replaced, at TFSBP s sole option. TFSBP neither assumes, nor authorizes any, person to assume for it, any .other obligation in connection with thesale of products or Parts of products. TFSBP shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inaccurate or incomplete in- formation supplied by Buyer or Buyer's r Fro ce ure Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. When placing an order, indicate the fuil product description and Part Number (P/N). Sprinkler/Support Cup Assembly Specify: Series l-FIl Residential Flat - Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinkler (TY2524). K=4.9, without Cover Plate/ RetainerAssernbly, P/N 51-114.1_160. Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly Specify: Cover Plate/Retainer Assem- bly with finish (below) for the Series LFII Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinkler (TY2524), K=4.9, PIN (below). Chrome .................. PIN 56-201-9-135 Custom .............,P/N 5g 20i x-135 Off white ........... .... and S 3-201-0 135 Pure White. {RAL 9010}... . ............ P/N 56-201-3-135 Signal White - [RAIL 9003; ............... PIN 56.201-4-135 Standard White (Grey White) (FiA 9002) ........ . . . ..... PI1456-201-5-135 Eastem Hemisphere sales only. " Preriousty krawn as Brigrrt While_ epresentatrves. Ivote- r4fi C In no event shall TFSBP be liable, in con- tract, tart, strict liability or under any oth- er legal theory, for incidental, indirect, special or consequential damages, in- cluding but not Iimded to labor charg- es, regardless of whether TFSBP was informed about the possibility of such damages, and in no event shall TFSBP's liability exceed an amount equal to the sales price. The for 291 oin wart nt is made in lieu Of an d i whet w rr ntie ex re s or ire lied includ' I w rr nties of rner- c to ili and fine s for a a is far ur ose_ This limited warranty sets forth the ex- clusive remedy for claims based on fail- ure of or defect in products, materials or components, whether the claim is made in contract, tort, strict liability or any oth- er legal theory. This warranty will apply to the full extent permitted by law. The invalidity, in whole or part, of any portion of this warranty will not affect the remainder_ GSrom Cover Plates are painted using Sherwin Wiliiarns lrrterlor Latex Paint, Contact TYCQ Customer Service with any questions related to custom orders. Sprinkler Wrench Specify W 7•ype.113 Sprinkler Wrench, PIN 56-000-1-265. TFP443 Page 5of6 r i December 20, 2010 r_ n Sprinkler 41 a MICROF,ASTOAND MicrofastNP° QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings M149058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Pax: 259-818-1880 Email: techsvcs0)vikingcarp.com a. aJ=SCRIFTJON Viking Microfasta' and MirrofastHPe Quick Response Pendent Sprinklers are small, 1 thermosensitive, glass -bulb spray sprinklers available in several different finishes and temperature ratings and K-Factors ID meet design requirements. The special Polyester and Teflon° coatings can be used in decorative applications where colors are desired. In addition, these coatings have been investigated for installation in corrosive at- rn osp heres and are cULus Iisted as corrosion resistantas indicated in the ApprovaI Chart. (Nofe: FM Global has no approval classification for Teflons and Polyester coat - [rigs as corrosion resistant) 2. LISTINGS AND APPROVALS cULus Listed: Category VNIV FM Approved: Classes 2001, 2002, 2015, and 2017 NYC Approved_ Calendar Number 219-76-SA and MEA 89-92-E Volume 1fi A13S Certified- Certificate 04-HS407984C<Pf)A Vd5 Approved: Certificates G4040095, G4040097, G06D056, G406OD57, G4880045, G493DO38, and G4980021 LPC Approved: Rep' Nos. 096e/03 and 096e104 CE Certified_ Standard EN 12259-1, EC -certificate of conformity 0832-CPD-2001, 0832-CPD-2003, 0786-CPD-40130, and 0786-CPD-40170 ARE0 Certified:. Standard EN 12259-1, EC-certricate of conformity 0832-MED-1003 and 083E-MED-10�8 NOTE: Other Intemational approval certificates are available upon request Reterto Approval Chart 1 and Design Criteria on page 41d for cULus Listing requirements and refertoApprcvai Chart 2 and DDesign Criteria on page 41 f for FM Approval requirements that must be followed. 3. TECHNICAL DATA Specifications: Available since 1987. Minimum Operating Pressure: 7 psi (0.5 bar)' Maximum Working Pressure- 5prink!lers '12282 and 12290 are rated for Viking Technical Data may be foundon use with water working pressures ranging from the rninima�rn 7 psi The Viking Corpurationt Web site at (0.5 bar) up to 250 psi (17 bar) for high-pressure systerns. High-pres- h":lrwww.vikinggroupirnc.com. sure (HP) sprinklers can be identified by locating "250" stamped on The Web site may include a more recent the deflector. All other Part Nos. not mentioned above are rated to a edition of this Technical data Page. maximum 175 psi (12 bar) wwp. Factory tested hydrostatically to 500 psi (34.5 bar) Testing: U.S.,tl- Patent No. 4,831,870 Thread size: Refer to the Approval Charts Nominal K-Factor: Refer to the Approval Charts Glass -bulb fluid temperature rated to -65 °F (-55 `C) Overall Length: Refer to the Approval Charts 'cL)Lus Listing, FM Approval, and NFPA 13 installs require a minimum of 7 psi (0.5 bar). The minimum operating pressure for LPCB and CE Approvals ONLY is 5 psi (0_35 bar). Material Standards: Frame Casting: Brass UNS--C8 400 or QM Brass for Sprinklers D56628 and 12282. Brass UNS-r-84,*0 for ail other sprinklers. Deflector Phosphor Bronze LJN5-051 DOD or Copper UNS-Cl95flD for Sprinklers 066E2B, 05566B, and 067658. Copper LNVS- C19500 far Sprinkler 12282. Phosphor Bronze UNS-051 DOD, Copper UNS-C19500 or Brass UNS-C26000 for Sprinkler 067208. Brass UNS-C26000 for all other Sprinklers. Bushing (for Sprinklers 05716B, 06720B, and 12290): Brass UNS--C36000 Bulb. Glass, nominal 3 mm diameter Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly. Nickel Alloy, coated on both sides with Teflon Tape Screw. Brass UNS-C360DO Form No. F 08'1296 Replaces page Ala-f, dated November 16, 2010. (Added FM Approval for sprinkler 06765B.) { j { i 3 � I Sprinkler 41 b December 20, 201 MiCRDF'AST®AND MicrofastHP° QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS F - The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 l Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: iechsvcs@vikingcolp_rom i Pip Cap and InsertAssernbly: Copper UNS-C116Dp and Stainless Steel UNS-S30400 For Teflon° Caa#ed 5orini:lers Belleville Spring -Exposed, Screw -Nickel Plated, Pip Cap -Teflon° Coated For Poi Kes'er Coated S rinklers: Belleville Spring -Exposed Ordering Information: (Also refer to the current Viking price list.) Order Mirrpfasir and MicrofastHpo Quick response Pendent Sprinklers by first adding the appropriate suffix for tine sprinkler fin- ish and then the approprate suffix for the temperature rating to the sprinkler base part number. Finish Suffix: Brass = A, ChromeEnloy° = F White Polyester = M-1N, 61ack Polyester = M-1B, and Black Teflon° = N Temperature Suffix ('F!°C)] 135"157e =A, 155°158" = 8, 175°17g° = p, 200°193° = E, and 286'1141' = G For example, sprinkler VK302 with a 112' thread, .Brass finish and a 155 "F168 °C temperature rating = Part No 056628AB Availab;e Fin istkes And Temperature Ratings: Refer to Table 1. Accessories: (Also refer to the 'Sprinkler Accessories' section of the Viking data book) Sprinkler Wmnches: A- Standard Wrench: Part No. 10895WIB (available since 2000), S. Wrench for Coated andlor Recessed Sprinklers: Part No. 12144VV18i (available since 20M) C. Dpbonal Protective Sprinkler Cap Remover/Escutcheon Installer Tool— Part No. 15915 (available since 2010.) NOTE: PECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLERS WITH PROTECTIVE CAPS MUST USE WRENCH 1214.4W/8_ A W ratchet is required (not avaifabie from Viplr?g). Aflows use from the floor by attaching a langth of 1" diameter CPVC thing to the tool. (deal for sprinkler cabinets. Refer to Sulie F 051 ans, Sprinkler Cabinets: A_ Six -,head capacity: part No. 01724A {available since 1971) B. twelve -head capacity: part No. 01725A (available since 1971) 4. INSTALLATION Refer to appropriate NFPA Installation Standards. 5. OPERATION! Curing fire conditions, the heat -sensitive liquid in' the glass bulb expands, causing the glass to shafter, releasing the pip cap and sealing spring assembly- Waier flowing through the sprinkler orifice strikes the sprinkler deflector, farming a uniform spray pat.em to extinguish or vontrof the fire- 6- INSPECTIONS, TESTS AND MAINTENANCE Refer to NFPA 25 for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance requirements_ 7. AVAILABILITY The lrikirrg Micxofast® and MicrOfastHP® Quids Response Pendent Sprinklers are available through a network of domestic and international distributors. See The Viking Corporation web site for the closest distributor or contact The Viking Corporation. 6. GUARANTEE For details of warranty, refer to Viking's current list price schedule or contact Viking directly. Wrench — Fats Protective Sprinkler Cap � Q Figure I. Standard Sprinkler Wrench 1o$9$WIS i l f f f 1 s December 20, 2010 Sprinkler 41 MICROFAS7®AND icro#astHP® QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT - SPRINKLERS The Viking Corporation, 210 N industrial Park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone_ 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp,com _ ..�`iT.'. r was ' t Ordinary z��� 135 °F {57 °C) 100 °F (3S "C) Orange Ordinary 155 °F ($8 °G) 100F 38 t; ° { ] Fled Intermediate 175 °F {79 °C] 150 °F (65 °C) Yellow Intermediate 200 °F (93 °C) 150 °F (65 °C) Green 2$fi °F �141 °C} 225 °F {147 °C} Blue Sprinkler Finishes: Brass, Chrome-Fnloy° White Polyester, Black Polyester, and Black Teflon° Corrosion -Resistant Coatings: V►+hite Polyester, Black Polyester, and Black Tefione Footnotes ' The sprfni[ier temperature rating is stamped on the defle-ctor_ s Based on NFPA-13. other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinklerfocation, and other requirements of tNe Authority Having jurisdiction_ Refer to spectnc installation standards. Tine corrosion -resistant coatings have passed the standard carrosion lest required by the approving agencies indicated in the Approval Charts- These tests canr7[st and do not represent all possible corrosive environments. Prior to installation, verily through the end -user that tine coatings are rompat_ ible with or suitable for the proposed environment. Far automatic sprinklers, the coatings indicated are applied to floe exposed exterior surTaoes only. Note that the spring is exposed on sprinklers with polyester and %flone eaatings- 1 r I Sprinkler Wrench 12144W/$nE)K for r Installing coated and/or recessed 4r,' Pendent sprinklers N I Carefully slide the j with pro#active cops. - I-- -�"- +j rench sideways w -ram---`-�-r--- r;- ---;T around the protective ! cap, ensuring engage- ------- -- ment with the 5Prinkler NwA 112' ratchet is required wrench flats, (not available from Viking). Figure 2. Wrench 12144WI8 for Coated andlor Recessed Pendent Sprinklers Et i i December 20, 201 U Sprinkler 41 MICROFASTOANO MicrofastHP® QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.corr Listing Re 13irErt7ent5- Micrafast" end Miq-ofastHpsQ,itk Response Pendent Sprinklers are rULUS Listed as indicated in theApproval Chart for installation in accordance with the latest edition of NFPA 13 for Standard spray sprinklers. - • Designed for use in Light and Ordinary Hazard occupancies (exception-- small Rrffice sprinklers are limited to Light Hazard where allowed by Me installation standards being applied, with hydraulically calculated wet systems ❑n)yJ. - The sprinkler installation rules contained in NFPA 13 for standard spray pendent sprinklers must be followed. IMPORTANT. Always refer to Bulletin Form No. F <091699 - Care and dandling of Sprinklers. Also refer to page QR1-3 for general care, installation, and maintenance information. Vining sprinklers are to the installed in accor- dance with the latest edition of Viking technical data, the appropriate standards of NFPA, t_PCB, APSAD, VdS or other similar organizations, and also with the provisions of governmental codes, ordinances, and standards, whenever applicable. Ceiling Qpenirig Size: 2-5/16' C-58.7 mm) minimum 2-1/2' (63.5 mm) maximum 112, (is r,ny NPT L 1-5/8` (58 mr) C41 nn) InstaUed with a Pendent Sprinkler standard 1/W surFace- 06662$ CVK302) mounted escutcheon. 2-1I8" (54 mn) l� f �` 1-112' C38.1 rim) (50.8 nn) Minimum Maximum T Installed with a Microfast Model F-1 Ad iustable Escutcheon Ftgtare 3: SArinkier VK302 Dimensions Witb a standard Escutcheon and the Model F-1 Adjustable Escutcheon 2-1/8" Ceiling Opening Size 2-I/8` C54 ram] 2-5/16' (58.7 mm) m!ni>1um {54 mm) 2-1/2' (63.5 mm) maximun 1-314' 1-1/8` (28.6 mro (44.5 ran) Minimum 21 1-1/2' (28.6 ram) Maxirnur, (50.8 mm) Minimum Maximum Instalted with n Micromatic Mode{ E-1 Recessed Escutcheon InstaUed with a -thread on Model E-2 Recessed Escutcheon Figure 4: Sprinkler V1t302 Dimensions with the Model E-1 and E-2 Recessed Escutcheons Sprinkier 41d December 20, 20, ROFasr aND MicrofastHP° QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS - The Viking Corporation, 210 fd Industrial Park Drive, )-Hastings Ml 49058 Telepf3one: 269-945-95C1 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 259-918-1680 email: tech s►+cs@vikingcvrp.corrl 5 rink P lei Thread size Nominal OveraIt SIN ' Listings and Approvais3 1C-Factor length (Refer also to Design Criteria on Part No.' Page 41 a) NPT asp U.S. metriO inches Minn CW-ue R1YC5 Vd5 LpCB Standard oeaw Q5fi62i3 VIC3D2 112 15 mrn 5-S 8p,8 2-114° 58I AIX, 31Y AIX, BlY A3 A3x, 83Y C3X, F_3Y" C3X, E3Yi3 Large Once 06566613 V!(352 314" 20 mm 8.0 115.2 2-31g" 60 AIX, Sly AIX 0676513 VK352 112° 15 mm 8.0 115.2 2-318" 60 A1X, eiY � A1x B1Y I � 43X C311 VK329 112" 7 Small Orifice° t]fi7i8B9 mm 2.8 C.3 2-3116° f 56 AIX. 81Y AIX, 1: 1 _ C6720B11 VK331 ire° 15 mrn 4.2 57 12-114' f 58 AIX, 51Y Aix, B1Y _ 06932E VK331 — 1 o rnm 42 57 2 2-318" 60 12 fWaxirnurn 250 PSI (17 bar) iNWP I Standard Orifice Sprinkler Base SIN Thread Size Nominal overall Listings and Approvals' lC�attor Part No, Length (Refer also to Design Criteria on Page 41e.) NP7 BSP U.S. metric? Inches rnrn ciJLus° NYC70 VdS L 12282 VK317 112' LPCl3. 15 mm � 5.f 80.6 2-114" 58 A1X, $iY AIX Wximurn 250 PSI f17 bar) WWP I SmaJ1 Orifices 722gD'° VIC342 112" 15 mm 2.8 4D.3 2-3116" 56 AIX, SlyApproved Temperature Ratings AIX A - 135 OF (57 -C), 155 `F (88 °C), 175 °F (79 °C), 200 °F (93 'C), and 286 -F (141 `C) Approved Escufcf�eons 8 - 135 °F {57 °C), 155 °F {88 °C}, 175 `F {79 °C), and 200 °F Approved Finishes (93 °C) X - standard surface- mounted escutcheon or `F (Be °C}, 175 °F (7g 'C], 200 F (93 °C}, and 2$g °F T By ss Chrom�Enfo} llhite �e Viking Microfast' Model F-I Adjustable ° Pal esters , $lack Po! Escutcheon and Black Tef nrF, a - 135 °F (i57 °C), 155 °F !68 °C}, 775 °F (79 °C}, and 286 °F �` - Standard surface -mounted escutcheon or (141 °C} 2 - Brass and Chrome-Enloys the Viking Microfasls Model F-1 Ad table E - 155 OF (68 'C], 175 °F (79 °C), and 200 °F (93 °C 3 - Brass, Chrome-Enlo s Husking Y , White Escutrtieon ar rea=4cnd with the Viking F - 155 °F(68 °C), 175 °F (79 °Cj, and POIYester, and Rack Polyester' . m Microatic° Mode[ E-1 or E-2 Recessed 286 °F (147 °C)G - 155 °F (68 °C) Escutcheon ' Base part number is shown. For 0nrl lete p a Footnotes Metric, bl factor rreasurerrwnt silavn is when Pressure is measured n Ba 51M�e�p tr�sure is �dasun � in kPa, divide the metric 1C {aCar shown by i OA_ This table shows the listing s and approvals available at the time of printing. Check with the manufacturer for any additional approvals. Listed by Underwriters ba+atarim Inc. for use in the U.S. and Canada, SAcceptLi for use, Cary of New York Board of Standards and Appeals, Calendar Number 29827S-SA. e cULus Listed as corrosion resistant r Otryer colors are available on request with the same Listings 'and Approvals as the standard colors. e Listings and Approvals limited to Li ht Hazard occupancies ies where allowed b the installation standards. bet wet systems ❑niy. Exoepti4n: 4.2K spr+nklers may be instal an hydraulirzliy calculated d intemaiiy galvanized. E rig applied, with hydraulically c is.ta t or 'The sprinkler orifice is bushed_ rY pipe systems where piping is corrosion resistant or 10 Certified for use, City of New York ❑epartment of Buildings, MEA Number 89-92-E, Vol. 16. " Certified Standard EN 12259-1, EC--cerncate of conformity 0832-�CPD-2001 and t}832-CPD-21M. a �E Certified: Standard EN 12259_1EC-��uate of conformity 0785-CPp--40i30 and 0786-CPD-4017q. J 'a MED Certified, Standard EN 12259_1 EC cerdflcate of conformity 0882-MED-1003 and 4832-MED-1008. I Sprinkler 41 f t Decernber20, 20 MICROFASTe AND j r n CIA.z. MiCr1DfastHP° QUICK - - RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS - . Telephone: 269-945-9501 The Viking Corporation, 21C N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings Nil 49058 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269 898-t68U Email: tectlsvcs@vikin car ,cart 9 P ���' a • l ���i{�� C_• • A�'.'.f�. • • _ • -- mil. - = 4'.�ii•C , ;,^ ..-Q. - -&:���-��". _ Sprinkler Base Pan No.' S1N Thread Size Nomirla! 3t.i actor Overall Length _ NPT 8SP 11.5. rrretric� inches trim FM Approvals' {Re;er also to Design criteria below.} ! 066628 VK302 Standard Orifice 112" 15 mm 5-fi 80.6 2-114" 5$ , A2X, B2Y {A56686 VK352 Zarge Orifice 314" 20 +nm 8.0 06765E VK352 115.2 2-3J8" s0 112' 15 mrn 8,0 A1X, B ly T15.2 2-318' 60 A1x, 8lytY 5rnatl Orifice' 0671886 VK329 1I2° 45 mrrr 2.8 -3 2-311$" 56 A1x APProved Temperature Ratings Approved Escutcheons A - 135 °F (571 °C), 155 °F (68 °C), 175 `F (79 'C], Approved Finisf�es X-Slandard surface -mounted esculdvon orthe Viking 200 'F {83 °C), and 285 °F (141 -C) 1 -Brass and Chrome-Enloyv MirrofaM Model F-1 AdjustablA Escutcheon 8 - 135 °F (7 °C}. 155 °F (68 °Cf, 175 °F (7g °C}, 2-Brass, Chmme-Enloye, White Polyesters, Y - Standard surface- mounted escutcfreon or the and 204 F {93 °C} and Btack Polyesters VVdcing M'crofesp Model F-1 Adjustable Esa,rtcheon or recessed with the V hg MkTomatica Model E-1 or E-2 Recessed EsWcheon Base Part number is shown. For complete part number, refer to VikinFootnotes Qxret price schedule. 7 Metric fC fauc, rreasurer,e,,t sb.Wn is when pressure is me ►r o in $ar When ' This table shows the listings and approvals available at the time of printing. n heck pressure the as claret for , )e rrrrtio al a��� SfiOwn h} 10,0- ` FM Approved as quirk response control mode standard approvals, spray ing D -storage She sprinklers- For speciFc app&ration and installation requirements, reterence the latest applicable FM Loss Preventon Data Sheets {indrsding Data Sheet 2-0}. s Other colors are available on request with the same Listings andgpprows as the standard colors- 5 The sprinkler acute is bushed - FM Approval Re uirement5: i ire sprinklers indicated in Approval Chart 2 are FM Approved as quick response Non -storage standard spray FM Approval Guidef- For spec'd-ic application and instaflafivn sP y pendent sprinklers as indicated in the ❑eta Sheets 2 t? and 8-9j. FM Global Loss Prevention Data Sheets contain g deltnes elating to, buplfca notlimi d to min mum water Data Sheets uiindu Jn hydraule FM Loss PreverrfjDJ1 lic design, ceiling slaps and obs#ruct ons., minimum and rrTaXir17i1,7� allowable spacing, and deSetfvr distance below pPY q NOTE: The PM installation guidelines may differ from cULus andlor NFPA criteria. � ceiling. Sprinklers and VK352 are. also FM Approvers as. quick response Back Storage standard spray pendent sprinklers. Refer to technical data a for inr Intermediate 1_evel In -Rack Sprinklers. page 131a-e 1NIPGRTANT: Always refer to Bnl+etin Form NO. F 091699 - Care and Handling Of Sprinklers. Also 'refer to page QFt1-3 for general care, installation, and maintenance information. Viking sprinklers are to be installed in ac- cordance with the latest edition of Viking technical data, the appropriate standards of NFPA, FM Global, ZPCl3, APSA[J, VdS or other sirrlilar organizations, and also with the provisions of governmental codes, ordinances, and standards, whenever applicable, Form No, F 081296 Replaces page 41a-f, dated November 16, 2010. (Added FIVI Approval for sprinkler 0676513.) s.. r s- :�c,�rss'c My Product Specifications HarvelO Blazemastee CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe Application: Corrosion resistant fire sprinkler pipe, IPS saes 31T through 3', for use in wet automatic fire sprinkler systems. When installed in accordance with Harvel's Installation Instructions, this pipe is Listed by Underwriters Laboratories (n) for use in: Light Hazard Occupancies as defined in the Standard for Installation of Sprinkler systems (NFa 13); Residential Occupancies up to and including four stories in height (NFFA 13R); and Residential Occupancies as defined in the standard for Sprinkler Systems in One and TWo Family Dwellings and Mobile Homes (NFPA 13D). Harvel BIazeMaster, pipe is UL Listed for use in Return Air Plenums (NFPA 90A), System Risexs per NFPA 13 Light Ha.7ard, 13R'and 13D, Exposed installations Garages. per NFPA 131� and for use as Underground Fire Service Mains (NFPA 24) when installed in accordance with Harvel CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe Installation Instructions. Scope: This specification outlines minimum manufacturing requirements for Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) standard dimension ratio (SDR) 13.5 series iron pipe size (IPS) fire sprinkler pressure Pipe. Pipe is intended for use in wet automatic fire sprhAJer sys- tems when installed in accordance with Harvel plastics, Inc. CPVC Firs Sprinkler Piping Products Installation Instructions. Harvel, B1aaeMaster, pipe carries a maximum working pressure Of 175 psi @ 150 `E Pipe meets or exceeds applicable industry standards and requirements as set forth by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), and Underwriten Laboratories (UL). Harvel, Blaze Master, fire sprinkler pipe is approved by the Factory Mutual. Corporation (FM) and the Kass Prevention Certification Board (LPCB). Refer tocurrent approval guide and installation and design manual for installation limtations. CPVC Materials: The material used in the manufacture of the pipe shall be a rigid chlorinated.polyviriyl chloride (CPVC) compound, Type N Grade 1, with a Cell Classification of 23547 as defined in ASTM D1784- The compound and the finished product shall be orange in color, and shall be approved by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) for use with potable water. Material used shall be dorrrsstically produced Blazelvlaster, CPVC material as provided by Noveon, Inc. (formerly the BFGoodrich Company). System Design: The CPVC sprinkler system shall be hydraulically calculated using a Hazen -Williams C factor of 150, and shall be designed in strict accordance with the Standard for Installation of Sprinkler iystems, NFPA 13 Light Hazard, NFPA AR, and NFPA 13D 3.s applicable. Dimensions: OeTN M '�.jw Harvel BlazeMaster, CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be manufactured to Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5 dimensions in strict accordance to the requirements of ASTM P442 for physical dimensions and tolerances. Each production run of pipe manufactured in compliance to this standard, shall also meet the test requirements for materials, workmanship, burst pressure, flattening, and ermision quality defined in ASTM F442. Furthermore, this pipe shall consistently meet or exceed the physical performance test requirements of the appropriate approval/listing agency(s) follow-up procedures established for the product. Marking: Product marking shall meet the requirements of ASTM F 442 and. the Listing agency. Marking shad include: the phrase Harvelo BIaaeMastery (or the manufacturers' trademark when privately labeled); the nominal pipe size; the type of material and material designation code; the SDR series and pressure rating for water (SDR 13.5; 175 psi @ 150' F); the ASTM designation F 442; the Iogo of the Listing and Approval agencies (n, FM, LPCS, etc.); the independent laboratory's seal of approval for potable water usage (NSF pw); the date and time of manufacture; and the uL assigned control number (2N95). Installation Procedures. - All installation procedures such as storage and handling, solvent cement joining techniques, pipe support spacing, bracing, allowance for thermal espansion/amtractdon, component assembly techniques, and testing etc. shall be in strict accordance with Harvel Plastics, Inc. Installation Instructions and the UL Listing which includes installation limitations. System Components: Fittings used shall be UL Listed CPVC fittings and shall meet or exceed the requirements ofA3yM F 137 (Sch 80 threaded), ASTM F437 (Sch 80 socket), or AKE F43S (Sch 40 socket) as applicable, such as those manufactured by Spears Manufacturing. Co. or equivalent. Solvent cements used shall be those referenced in Harvel Plastics, Inc. installation Instructions (such as Spears FS-5 or equivalent), which meet or exceed the requirements of AS m F656 and ASTM F493, and shall be approved by the National Sanitation Foundation (NM for use with potable water Socket type joints, sizes 314' - T, shall be made up rasing the One-step solvent cement joining method. The solvent cement joining method chosen shall be applied in strict accordance with the appropriate procedures as outlined in Harvel Plastics Installation Instructions. Maintenance: Maintenance shall be in accordance with the Standard for Inspection, 'ksting, and Maintenance of Water Based Sprinkler Systems as defined by NFPA 25, Harvel plastics, Inc. - 300 Kuebler Rd., Easton, PA 18040-9290 Tel: 610.252.7355 - Fax: 610-253.4436 - www.harvelsprinklerpipe.com Product Specifications HarVelO Blazemaster* CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe Limitations, • CPVC systems are intended for use at a maximum working pressure of 175 psi and ambient temperature of 15a'F. • CPVC systems shall employ sprinkler heads having a maximum temperature rating of 725'F or lower, regardless of type, • CPVC products shall be installed in wet pipe systems only. • Air or compressed gas shall never be used for pressure testing. ■ GPVC sprinkler systems shall be hydrostatically tested for 2 hours at 200 psi, or 50 psi in excess of the maximum working pressure when the maximum working pressure exceeds 154 psi. Lines shall be slowly filled with water and the air bled from the highest and farthest sprinkler heads before test pressure is applied • Only-Wons tape or thread sealant specifically approved for use with Harvey CPVC Fire Sprinkler Products shall be used in malting threaded connections. • Where freeze protection is required, only glycerin Based anti -freeze solutions shall be used and installed in accordance With NFPA 13. Do not use glycol base anti -freeze solutions or contaminated giycerin solutions. • CPVC is -tot approved for use in combustible concealed spaces where sprinklers are required to protect these areas as defined by NFPA 13, unless certain specific application sprinklers are installed per their listing. Refer to HarUePs current Installation Instructions for additional information. Harvel CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe Dimensions SDR 13.5 (ASTM F442) Nominal Size (in.) Average D.Q. Min. Wall Average I.D. Nam. Wt. Lbs.IFt. 314 1.050 0-078 0.874 0368 1 1.315 0.097 1.101 0.262 1-114 1.660 0.123 1.394 0418 1-1I2 1100 0.141 1.598 0.548 2 2.375 0.176 2.003 0-859 2-112 1875 0.213 2.423 1.257 3 3.500 0.259 2.950 1.867 Sample Specification; • CFVC sprinkler piping may be installed in a plenum space adjacent to, but not over, openings in the ceiling such as open venti]ation grills, and require the use of schedule 80 fittings for use on 1112' and larger pipe sizes- Refer to Installation Instructions for additional detail. • Minimum protection when installed "concealed" shall consist of: 318' gypsum wallboard or drywall, suspended membrane ceiling panels weighing not less than .35 pounds per square foot, or 1/2" plywood soffits. Minimum protection for NFPA 13R and 13D systems may consist of 1 /2' plywood. • Harvel, BlazeMaster, pipe is Lasted for use in exposed applications with certain limitations- When installed without Protection, "exposed° pipe is to be installed beneath smooth, flat, horizontal ceiling construction. Exposed categories include: standard coverage and residential pendent and sidewall sprinkler applications, light hazard extended coverage and residential sprinkler pendent and sidewall sprinkler applications, use in unfinished basements with exposed solid wood joists, light hazard upright quick response sprinklers, and system risers (in 13.R €s 13D occupancies). Refer to Harvel's installation instructions for specific sprinkler head temperature ratings and spacing requirements. The product must be installed in strict accordance with NFPA 13, 13D, 13R and Harvel's current CPVC Fire Sprinkler Piping Products Installation Instructions (HFS-3). ■ Harvel CPVC Fire Sprinkler Products must be installed in accordance with Harvel's current installation instructions (HFS-3). Refer to this document for current listing limitations and installation requirements. ASTM STANDARD D1784 MATERIAL CLASSIFICATION EQUIVALENTS: Cell Classification 23447 ; CPVC Type IV Grade I = CPVC 4120 S f PIPE SIZES SHOWN ARE ' • +�• S; MANUFACTURED IN STRICT `_'4. COMPLIANCE WITH ASTM F442 iSoV041F,r:a_li Q►WW-0-u%7i aria All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be manufactured from a Type IV, Grade I Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) compound with a Cell Classification of 23547 per ASTM. D1784. Pipe shall be manufactured in strict compliance with ASTM F442 to SDR 13.5 dimensions, con- sistetitly meeting the Quality Assurance test requirements of this standard with regard to material, workmanship, burst pressure, flatten- ing, and extrusion quality. All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be Listed by Underwriters Laboratories for wet pipe systems, and shall carry a rated working pressure of 175 psi @ 150'F. All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be installed in accordance with Harvel PIastics, Inc. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Piping Products Installation Instructions. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards 13,.13D, and 13R must be refermced.for design and installation requirements in conjunction with the Installation Instructions- All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be manufactured in the USA by an ISO 9001 certified manufacturer and shall be FM and LPCB approved. All CPVC lire sprin- kler pipe shall be packaged immediately after its manufacture to prevent damage and shall be stored indoors after production, at the manufacturing site, until shipped from factory. This pipe shall bear the logo of the listing agencies, and shall carry the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seal of approval for potable water applications. All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be Harvel® B1azeMasterO Pipe as manufactured by HARVELOO PLASTICS, INC. Harvel Plastics, Irc. • 300 Kuebler Rd., Easton. PA 18040-9290 Tel: 610-252.7355 4 Fax: 610-253.4436 • www.harvielsprinklerpipe.com P 71, ES-FBV-4 Job Name Contractor Job Location Approval Engineer Contractor's P.D, No. Approval Represenistrve Series FEBV-a , F�VS-4 2-Piece, Full Port, Brass Ball Valves Sizes:'/4" - 3" (S - somm) Series F13V-4, FBVS-4 2-Piece, Full Port, Brass Ball Valves are suitable far a full range of liquids and gases in residential and commercial applications. These valves feature an adjustable packing for longer service life, a bottom loaded blow-out proof stem for safety, a luorocarbon elastorner stem 0-ring to prevent stem leaking at installation, and are rated to 60Wpsi WOG/150psl WSp 1/4'-2' (g-50mm) and 400psi WCG/125psi WSP 2'h'-3' (65-80mm). Features • CSA approved threaded valves only'/4' - 3' ■ Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 /8 • MetaJ-to-metal adapter body seal to eliminate adapter leaks after soldering ■ Fiuorocarbon eiastomer stem 0-ring prevents stem leaks • Adjustable stem packing gland provides longer service Iffe • Bottom loaded blowout props stem • PTFE stem packing seal and seats • Machined chrome -plated brass bagl ■ Complies with MSS-SP-110 Models FBV=4 '/V -3' (8 - 80mm) threaded end connections FBVS--4 '/r° - 3' (15 - 80mm) solder end connections' Specifications Approved valves shall be 2-piece full port design constructed of a forged brass body and end adapter. Seats and stem pack- ing shall be PTFE. Stem to be bottom -loaded, blowout proof design with a fluorocarbon eJestomer 0-ring to present stem leakage. Valves required to have an adjustable packing gland and chrome -plated brass ball. Threaded valves I/? —a, shall be GSA approved to 1/a psig and 5 psig and certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 61/8 by NSF. Solder valves also required to be certi- fied by NSF to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 /8. Valve sizes'/4" — 2" pressure rated to 600 psi WOG and 150 psi WSP. Valve sizes 2 Y2' — 3' pressure rated to 400 psi WOG and 125 WSP. Valves specified are Watts Series FSV-4 or FBVS-4. Approvals '/' - 3° FBV-4 �• 'h' - 3' FBVS-4 Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 61/8 Domestic cold water at 73°F Gas Approvals (Threaded Valves Only) '/4' — 3/8' CSA 'h psig 5 psig 16.-2' a ASME 816-33, CSA Ro lh psig, 5 psig @ -40°F to 1250F ASME B16,38, CSA s i� psig, 5 psig @ -4TF to 125'F Pressure — Temperature Temperature Range: -4C'F to 40CPF (-40°C to 204°C) Pressure Rating: '/4'-2' (8-50mm) 600psi (41.4 barj WOG non -snook 150psi (10.3 bar} WSP 2'h'-3' (65-80mm) 400psi (27.6 bar) WOG non -shock 125psi (8.6 barj WSP `This valve is designed to be soft soldered into lines without dls- assernbiy, using a low temperature solder to 42p°F (216'C). Higher temperature solders may damage the seat material. Apply heat with the dame directed AWAY from the center of the valve body. Excessive heat can harm the seats. After soldering, the packing nut may have to be tightened, * P � tioo in U.S. ouslomary Ufte%r and medic are appr 0r m and are prditsi terrs:wttrh only. Forrcgo a ar maLamer ✓ D- pl�se cerLct WalfsTectrMcal Service, Watt reserves Cie rightto change or mpdiry pradud Oesign, cvr�ction, speLyfcaiiorrs, or mat>:ri;�s wdh- atpriorrQ&e aid wtfhout Urcurring any Ralf t maws such do" and nrodificaenrrs on watts pradL& premusly or whsepuerty sold Materials L A. Handle Nut Zinc plated carbon steel B. Handle Assembly Zinc plated carbon steel with vinyl insulator C. Packing Nut Brass D. Stem Packing Virgin PTFE E. 0-Ring Fluorocarbon elastorner (FKM) G. Stem Machined Brass H. Tag Cardboard, Mylar- coated both sides I. Body Forged brass J. Seats Virgin PTFE K. Ball Chrome plated brass L Adaptor Forged brass Dimensions -Weights k FBV-4 Flow Curves S I W C m 8 1 e x 1 11,11110 a A . n too mo ru o p s!v moo UK moo Flow (gp" Valve Seat Rating bw �1 413 660 34s sm era aoo 217 300 a 13.0 2O0 &9 100 14 11 i fC Li FBVS-4 10 36 93 149 204 260*0 Temparahn C V1 mm n an h H I MM i2 l amra it L rmp err r 1 I mm FBV-4 bs Gg FBVS-4 A>s Ay.. F '/4 8 11% 46 37/,a 87 7/1E— % 10 T13J,e 46 37/6 87 1h 13 A 15 113/1a 46 W/,6 87 '/z 13 2 5Q 2'/6 53 0.4 O.iB Q.4 0.15 3/4 20 2'/,5 53 VA6 101 }'/1s 78 2'!a 57 Esle 67 0.6 Q.27 0.5 Q.24 1 25 27/16 62 4y. 108 75/,e 24 273/,a 71 3°/,fi 83 1.1 0.49 1.0 0.44 11/a 32 64 4% 108 T3As 31 3�/a 80 311Iia 93 7 5 O,GB 1.4 a.B4 11/2 40 3 76 55AB 135 17Ji6 1 37 37/i6 88 43/,s f07 2,$ 1.Q6 2.7 0.95 2 50 31I 89 6 153 2 1 51 14'Ia 105 56 13S 3.7 T.69 3.$ T.74 2'/ 65 4'/r6 104 79/ 18$ 2'lx 64 5§46 13d &3/ie 158 7,9 3.57 ?.2 3.27 3 80 4lAr 114 73/4 197 3 76 6'/e 155 7'/a 184 11� 5.37 11.0 4,39 VMA"S * 9 CE RTIF FED A Watts Water 7echnologles Company USA: No. W1dover, MA • TeL (978) 60&1811 • Fax. (978) 794-1848 • www.waM.cam Canada: BU*00n, ON T. (905) 332-4090 • Fax (905) 332-7068 • www.watrscanada.Ca ES-FBV-4 1033 0 2010 Watts 0T TOM LOAD MULTI -JET NI'E`FERS 5/S", 3/491, 1 71 TOUGH, 0EPENDABLE ANQ EXTREMELY CAPABLE Master Meter Bottom Load Multi -Jets get the job done. Featuring the latest in measurement technology they bring sustained accuracy with tough performance that stands up to particulates that would choke other meters. These bold meters have sensitive measurement capabilities that account for every drop of potential revenue — reading flow as low as 1/8 gallon per minute. Nothing sneaks by our meters. It you demand tougWs-nails performance, with a keen eye on your bottom line, you can count on Master Meter Bottom Load MuWets. LIVE LONG WITH A BRIGHT FLaTURE The Bottom Load Multi -Jet is an updated smart design to the classic'top load" muftyet meter. These meters are designed with the future in mind for use in mobile and fixed network AMR/ AMf data management systems. Choose an optional DIALOG 3GO Integrated AMR Register and put our ConnectionFree AMR Technology to work for you. 3G delivers powerful results with 4,000 read data logging and vigilant Revenue Impact Alerts' monitoring for leaks, tamper, theft {backliowy, and zero consumption. Our award winning register design houses all vita! components — encoder, RIP transmitter, battery and antenna -- safely within the register's sealed stainless steel and tempered glass enclosure. We eliminated external wires, components and connections —the Sit cause of field related issues on competitive designs. 1 FEATURES: Y Rugged Basket Strainer Built From Advanced Polymer Materials for Superior Wear Mitigation. m Proprietary f)esign Produces Smooth, Laminar Flow Profrfe for Improved Accuracy. r Accuracy Meets or exceeds the A1MA C-708 Standard. Optional NSF Certification Available. Optional 3G Integrated Register Delivers: Revenue Impact Alerts - Leak, Tamper, Theft {backliow), and Zero Consumption - Rich 4,000 Read Data Logging Capabilities - Deploy District Management Areas/Zones (I)MA/DMZ) Advanced Infrastructure Leak Management Programs SIZES AVAILABLE: 5/8", 3/4", 1" REGISTER OPTIONS: DIALOG 313 Integrated AMR Register DIALOG 3G LCD Merpreter'�' Y DIALOG 2G' Pit DIALOG 2G Indoor Direct Read READ: * Direct Read/Manual * Proximity/fouch-2G m Mobile Drive -By AMR • 3G * Fixed Nehvork A411 Solution - 3G ;FN migratable using existing Mobile AMR infrastructure) Tough I Sustained Accuracy i Dependable I AMR/AM] Migratable with 3G FEATURES: Y Rugged Basket Strainer Built From Advanced Polymer Materials for Superior Wear Mitigation. m Proprietary f)esign Produces Smooth, Laminar Flow Profrfe for Improved Accuracy. r Accuracy Meets or exceeds the A1MA C-708 Standard. Optional NSF Certification Available. Optional 3G Integrated Register Delivers: Revenue Impact Alerts - Leak, Tamper, Theft {backliow), and Zero Consumption - Rich 4,000 Read Data Logging Capabilities - Deploy District Management Areas/Zones (I)MA/DMZ) Advanced Infrastructure Leak Management Programs SIZES AVAILABLE: 5/8", 3/4", 1" REGISTER OPTIONS: DIALOG 313 Integrated AMR Register DIALOG 3G LCD Merpreter'�' Y DIALOG 2G' Pit DIALOG 2G Indoor Direct Read READ: * Direct Read/Manual * Proximity/fouch-2G m Mobile Drive -By AMR • 3G * Fixed Nehvork A411 Solution - 3G ;FN migratable using existing Mobile AMR infrastructure) Tough I Sustained Accuracy i Dependable I AMR/AM] Migratable with 3G TECHNICAL SPECIFICAT[ONS: AWWA Standard - Meets or exceeds all sections of AWWA Standard C-708, most recent revision; NsF/ANSI Standard 61- Optional Standard fit certified no - lead main case available. Register Sealing -Direct read and DALOGareginters are permanent!y sealed with a scratch resistant glass lens, stainless steel base and wraparound gasket to prevent intrusion of dirt or moisture. Des Operation - Velocitytype flow measurement. Water at rs evenly distribute by multiple converging inlet Port flows past an impeller in the measuringg chamber, creating an impeller vefocitydirectiy prop or5onalto water flow rate. The meter's register integrates that velocity into totafized flow. An inherent advantage for this design is unparalleled wear mitigation leading to sustained revenues. The register assembly is removable under line pressure perrnittrng seamless, simplified upgrades In reading technology. Register Unit- Registration available in U•S• gallons, cubic feet or cubic meters. Test Circle - Large center sweep hand w•rth one hundred [100) clearly marked gradations on the periphery of the dial face. Low FlowlLeak indicator - Center mounted indicator with high sensitivity resulting from direct one to one linkage to measurrag.element. Maln Case - Choice of waterworks bronze case of 81 9; copper composition, or, 86% copper, no lead bronze. All main cases incorporate externally threaded ends to aid installation. Measuring Chamber -The measuring chamber housing and measurement element are built with an advanced synthetic polymer. This tough, non*drmlyzing material ensures durable wear. The chamber desiggnn optimizes water flow, eOminabng harsh turbulence for smooth, easy, operation that minimizes bearng wear - Measurement surfaces are not wear surfaces, providing sustained accuracy despite the presence of entrained solids in the water. A long -life, synthetic sapphire bearing serves as a wear surface with radially balanced water flows. The chamber housing is constructed in two parts to allow access to the impeller. Strainer - A rugged, 36"egree advance polymer basket strainer protects the critical measuring element from damage. The unique strainer design Smouthes the flaw of water entering into the meter creating a laminar flow that is gentle on the meter's internal componerrfs. Tough materials operating in a smooth, balanced environment enable the meters to periorm more accurately over time. Utilities' investments last longer while capturing more revenue. Optional Bottom Plates • Bronze, Cast Iron la, or Engineered Plastic. Magmetic Drive - A reliable, direct magnetic drive provides linkage between measurement element and register. No intermediate gearing is required; no gearing is exposed to water. Adjusting Part - Sealed after factory calibration. Port is accessible for utr7ity recalibrataon to compensate far inaccuracy in cider meters without parts replacement, Register -Standard Direct Read, DIALOG2G and DIALOG 3G AMR System registers are available. Six wheel odometers are standard. Together, an integrated and migratable technology envir8amerd is attained; direct, proxirmrfy [touch], mobile AMR, and Fixed Network IUAL Tamper Detection - The Master Meter Multi -Jet adjusting part and register are Concealed to prevent tarnpenng and removal of the register. This design also provides a visual indication of tampering attempts. '_ 7. _ Flow Rat[ fBPmlc - y- I'ivrrtinuous Fiow.:a r l'+{`:& 'iy, g.'G y ' ��.r.�.� `• -'L-ram _ ao 2ii zb:'. 30 Normal FYow Range Igpm1 - 1-20 2 30 2�0 ... 3.. 3 50 Extended Low Flow iI �; — -- - ij4 1j4.3/$. .Lr1,: IIN-',u+-L,^c'f'-'i:-- -- -1j8 igsr �. Maximum Working Pressure '} ax g.Pre 150 150 15D lip _ l hlax'imurn WorkingTemperkWmiE2 120 120 150 120 Length {A below) _ - - 7-1 » 7_1I2,. 1G 3/4^ Width !6 bMm) r..+ Y � a 3 .....:.::. 3- 4" Hght, standard register with lid IC below) 5" - 9 ::3tcigfit, twtLom to cemer fine try r,ei�•j [���-�}�r� ��=�� 5' S• 5 I/4^ . �� ', ' _ - Z-1n• 1-1/r I-lir VIA" .. .. 1-V4. Weight fibs) 3.95 4.0 4.1 ....... 4.6 5.25 Packed To Cartari ' . . ' ry: �i:,-r.M� S .. 6........ Carton Weight tlbsl 25.1 25.4 26 19'a 22A ACCURACY AND HEAD L❑SS CHAPT ACCURACY% V t, 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Master Meter, Inc. 101 Regency Parkway, Mansfield, TX 76063 Toll Free: 800-765-6518 • Maul line: 817.842$OQO * FAX. 817-842.8100 MAMRMErmcom Master Meter is nether a--daw with rur a 71st wor of metering Arm urdw the regf —a trademarks of AMCO, Badger, Hersey. rune and Senses. 02= Meter Meer, krc Al rights mwwed. ❑MM, KO PREU. and Master Meer are Ostend trade ,arks Dr Master f r&' tie. Mas[cr 6.954,t 78;; and Oftrsrs Meter re— the t e make modSfica6ons to the vredilets described therein at arty time and wittqut rotice. U.S. Paterd Nos. 7,135r986; 6,814,29Z Verldlmg. AMA MASTER METER Fig. 22 - Hanger for CPVC Plastic Pipe Single Fastener Strap Type Size Range — 3/4" thru 2" CPVC pipe Material — Pre -Galvanized Steel Function — Intended to perform as a hanger to support CPVC piping used in automatic fire sprinkler systems. The product acts as a hanger when tab is upward and the fastener screw is in the horizontal position. Figure 22 can be installed on the top of a beam, but in this situation acts as a guide to the piping which is supported by the beam itself. It is not intended to sup- port CPVC pipe from under a flat horizontal surface, such as a ceiling. For this type of installation, use the TQLCC& Fig. 23, Double Fastener Strap for CPVC Piping. Fig. 22, when inverted, with the hanger tab downward, can function as a restrainer to prevent the upward movement of the sprinkler head during activation. Approvals — Underwriters` Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (GLIL) to support fire sprinkler piping. May be installed in wood using fasteners supplied with product, or into minimum 20 gauge steel using (1) 1W x 1 " tek type screw. Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13, 13H and 13D. Features — Fig. 22 incorporates features which protect the pipe and ease installation. The flared edge design pro- tects CPVC pipe from any rough surface. It is easily attached to the building structure using the special UL Listed hex head self threading screw' furnished with the product. it is recommended that rechargeable electric drills fit- ted with a hex socket attachment to be used as installation tools_ No impact tools (such as a hammer) are allowed. Damage has been known to result from installations using impact type tools. No pre -drilling of a pilot hole in wood is required. Finish — Pre -Galvanized Order By — Figure number and CPVC pipe size. } Hardened hex head self threading screw is furnished with the product and is the minimum fastener size acceptable. CPVC Dimensions • Weights Pipe Size 314 1 1 V4 11h 2 A 27As 211A8 31/16 3%5 3�A g 13',8 17/1s 16A 1$r4 21A C Max. Hanger Spscing (Ft) 1 �+1a 51h 1 M6 fi I'VI6 61h 1�ie $ Fastener Hex Head Size 5/16 5/16 5/16 5/1B 5116 Approx. Y11t.11DD g g 11 12 15 OFFIC"K MVFACM1N8 FACILITY • 1375 SAMPSON AVE. - GL)RCINA, CA 92879 • PN; 951.n7,5599+ FA%: 951.737.0330 CUSTOMER SE %E • 800.705.5286 WWWrelt4PLV= 31 Fig. 23 - Hanger .for -GPVC Plastic Pipe Double Fastener Strap Type Size Range — 314" thru 3" CPVC pipe Material — Pre -.Galvanized Steel Function — Intended to perform as a hanger/restrainer to support GPVC piping used in autornatic fire sprinkler systems. Fig. 23 can be installed on the top, bottom or side of a beam. The Fig. 23 also functions as a restrainer to prevent the upward movement of the sprinkler head during activation. Approvals — Underwriters' Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) sizes 3/4" thru 2" to support fire sprinkler piping. May be installed in wood using fasteners supplied with product, or into minimum 20 gauge steel using (2) 114" x 1 " tek type screw. Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13, 13R and 13D. Features — Fig. 23 incorporates features which protect the pipe and ease installation. The flared edge design protects the CPVC pipe from any rough surface. It also incorporates snap restrain- ers allowing easier and faster installation. Easily attaches to the building structure using the two UL. Listed hex head self thread- ing screws' furnished with the product. It is recommended that rechargeable electric drills fitted with a Flex socket attachment be used as installation tools. No impact tools (such as a hammer) are allowed. Damage has been known to result from installations using impact type tools, No pre -drilling of a pilot hole in wood is required. Finish — Pre -Galvanized Order By — Figure number and pipe size * Hardened hex head self threading screw is furnished with the product and is the minimum fastener size acceptable. c@US uMo Dimensions - Weights GPVC Pipe Size AS C Max. Hanger Fastener Hex Approx. Spacing (rt.) Head Size Wtiloo 3/4 31A 12Yie 1 Yis 51h 5/16 1%a 4,Yio 2Y82 1*6 6 5/1$ g � 11z 471ic 27A2 13'ie 4 7 5116 11 2 211z 47A 1091a2 27Ae 1Yie $ 5/16 5/16 12 15 3 11718 211116 13/1e Consult Factory 5/16 22 3 1$/10 consul# Facto 5/16 25 OFFICE/ MUFACTURING FACAJTY -1375 SAMPSON AVE. • CORQN ,. CA 92379 • PR 951.7371m. FAX; 951.737.0330 CUSTOMFS SERVICE - F5,GJ8U256 wwwra&vxam WFDTH waterflow Detector The System Sensor WFDTH Retard T-Tap Waterflow Detector is designed for primary signaling in residential systems and fits within 2x4 stud wall construction. Features Residential sprinkler systems Sealed retard mechanlsrn • Visual switch activation • Rugged, dual SPIDT switches enclosed in a durable terminal block • Easy to install and maintain design -vertical or horizontal mount Field replaceable retard mechanism and switch assembly Twelve different flexible paddles ,Durable, tamper resistant enclosure Two conduit openings Handy depth gauge • Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire -100%synch ronization fires alarm panel and local bell simultaneously Aqencv Listin s U� usrEo 11LC MEA approved V39 7770.1653:114 167 !}E 3033305 :lf The WFDTH fits any tee that has a 1-Wbranch, including: 1 ;114 Vh , and 2"NPTthreaded ferrous and brasstees; l , 114 r lWand 2" copper sweat tees; Central, Spears , and Victaulic• brand 1'CPVC tees; and 114' polybutyiene tees. Design. The design ofthe WFDTH makesit easy to install and simple to maintain, It can be mounted in the vertical or horizontal position -Two conduit openings permlt easy attachment to the Iota! alarm system.The retard mechanism and switch assembly are field - replaceable. Features. Twelve different flexible paddles fit 1 , 1 Y , 11fa , and 2" tees. Sizes are marked clearly on the paddle for ease of installation. Plastic paddles slip over the actuating lever and are securely fastened with one screw. The handy depth gauge insures the proper installation depth and clearance of the detector to the tee. Construction. The WFDTH includes a durable and tamper resistant enclosure. Its sealed retard assures that the delay mechanism is not contaminated by dust and dirt when the cover is removed. The long lasting cover completely encloses the electrical components to further keep out dust and dirt. Improved self -guiding security screws and removal tools make detectors resistant to tampering and simplify field maintenance. I { 4i } I I i I WFDTH Specifications Model shall be a WFDTH as manufactured by System 5ensa..l'tap waterflow detectors shall be installed on a tee that has a 1 "NPf branch including; / ;1 i 14 ; or 2"threaded Ferrous or brass tee; 1-2'copper sweattees; Central; Spears; andctauli� brand 1'CF VC teespolybul}dene tee as designated on the drawings and/or as specified herein. Detectors shall mount an any clear pipe span of the appropriate sire either a vertical or horizontal run at least 5"front any finings or valves which may change water direction, flow rate, or pipe diameter or no closer than 24' from a vah+e or d rain. Detectors shall have a sensitivity In the range of 4 to 10 gallons per minute and a static pressure rating of 250 psi.The retard t-tap detector shall be a sealed mechanical pneumatic unit with visual indication of actuation.The actuation mechanism shall tndude a polyethylene vane inserted through the tee fitting and connected by a mecl tanical linkage to the delay mechanism Outputs shall consist of dual SPOT switches (form C contac(s).Two conduit entrances lone of which is a knockout typo) for standard fitti ngs of commonly used electrical conduit sha II be provided on the detectors. A grounding provision is provided. WFDTH Is listed by underwriters Laboratories for indoor use, Static Pressure Rating 250PSI (max.1 OperatingTemp era tureRange 32°Fto1209F(0°Cto47Q - Maximum Surge 18 FPS Endosure Rating L& listed for indoor use Triggering Threshold 4-10GPM Cover Tamper5witch Canadian models MY,,factory installed Bandwidth (Flow Rate) 1 Overafl Dimensions, 4.5-H x 3.55' W x 6.7' L service Use Automatic Sprinkler: NFPA 13 Installed (I 1.4cm H )< 9cm W x 17cm L) One or Two Family Dwelling: NFPA 730 Residential Occupancies up to 4 Stories: NFPA 13R National Fire Alarm Code: NFPA 72 Contact Ratings Two sets of SPDT (Form[] shipping Weight 2 6Ibs. (1.2 kq j 10.0 A @ 725/250 VAC 25 A @ 24VDC Compatible Tee Threaded ferrous and brass teesr copper Warranty 3 years Fittings sweat tees, CPVC tees, and polybutylene tees Conduit Entrances Two open ings for Yz"conduit, U.S. Patent Numbers 3,8452%9 4,782,333, 5,213,205 Electrical Connections Delay Adjustment Dial UL-LISTED SSM24-X N� COMMON AND B-NO pµt F9 COMPATIBLE SSV12aX CONNECTIONS WILL CLOSE u, CONTROL PANEL WHEN VANE IS DEFLECTED, i.E., 8*M WHEN WATER I$ FLOWING. Dt1AL � 0 49'r POWER + SWITCHES PERMIT 24VDC OR APPLICATIONS TO BE CpMBINED � r 120VAC ONASINGLE DETECTOR, n INITIATING + SUGGESTED EOL CONTACT RATINGS LOOP RESISTOR J!12�1250VAGI Jo PIS S 24VDC I 2.r3AMPS SCHEMATIC OF x r c INDIVIDUAL NOTE: Retard 5rm may exceed 90 sacm* SWITCH IN caM Adjust and verify do lime Aces nor exceed 90 secwds. 'NO WATERFLOW CONDITION B•eio s�iro O 06 SREAICWIREAS 83MUCH 1 SWITCH 2 SHOWN FOR amr �o�.wc SUPERVISION OF CONNECTION. DO NOTALLOW STRIPPED WIRE V u LEADS TO EXTEND >r� BEYOND SWITCH a HOUSING. Do NOT LOOP WIRES. Ordering information WFRTH WFDTHA Waterflow Detector, Fits 1" 1 s4 ;1 Vz'2'ferrous and brass threaded tees; i ;1P, , 1 A' 2-copper sweat tees; 1"CPVCtees; and Wpolybutylene tees Accessories A77-01-02 Replacement terminal block for WFDTH S07-66002 Replacement Tamper screws for covers of WFDTH ARIC9 Replacement paddle kit-12 paddles For WFDTH (see WFDW Replacement tamper proof wrench for cover of WFDTH for sixes included) WFDTH A30DS-00 Replacement retard mechanism C58-0009-00o Replacement metal cover Spear• Ica reyut�rW trWenak oftliQSpris hlnnAadutlng Conyry.yel5uk^ uanghtaed tradenwko'the NuificCom If, r �I� wro�+rm.nr, �` �` �P 3825 Ohia Avenue • 5t. Charles, IL 60i 74 ,w a 41019S0""s" 0 Phone; 1300-SENSOR2- Fax: 630-377-6495 AosoailmS.7110. Rlis CH16: Technical Features • Sizes available (Nominal): DN1S1'I2", DN20PA-, DN25/1 DN3211'/4", DN4011'12" and ❑N5012'. • Pressure data Working pressure From DN 151'1�' to DN2511 " - 16 bar (232 psi) From DN32Ii1!4" to DN5012" - 10 bar (145 psi) Shell Test Pressure: 24 bar t348 psi) _ — Seat Test Pressure: 176 bar (255 psi) • Seat type: Resilient disc • Finish : Cast Bronze Connections : Female threaded BSP inlet and outlet, viwrvG SupplyNet' U Spring Loaded Check Valve (Threaded) - CH16 Namiriaf Pipe-Sfze: Metric ..:. inch' DN75 12" DN20 DN25 7" RN32 1'1i DN40 1'12- DN50 2' Dimensions {mm ! in[h] A B 4B11.99 1 2911-14 5212,05 3717.46 591232 4517.77 6512.56 5612.20 7012.76 6312A8 78 / 3.07 1 79 / 3,71 Reference:.. NRV0045PRJNG015 NRV0045PRING020 NRV0045PRING025 NRV0045PRING032 NRV0045PRING040 1 NRV0045PR1NG050 Spring Loaded Check Valve (Threaded) - CH16 Materials List Item.I De,,mpn6n. A4aterial . ' .. . -517�d�IG7h OiT .. .. I body Hronze B5 2872 CZ122 AS-.rM Bi24 2 Cap Brass BS 2872-CZ722, ASTM B124 3 Disc Nitrite Rubber Comnierdat 4 Stem A[etaJ Copolymer Comrnerdal 5 -Spring StairJess Steel 3 4 Ln Physical Data WeiyhY . -' 0,10 / 0.22 0.15 10,33 0,2410,53 0.35 10.77 0-43 10.95 D-751 1.65 Worldwide Fire Protection www.Vikingcorp.cnm M"i_'W for V*hV SW"' by +.olwrod LW- Wd Spedr� Ulb;m mcw�ye i.j& u nonce t HYDRONICS; RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. ENGINEERS ; SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. LICENSE : 682025 DESIGNER : ANGELA ZUMAYA DATE : 01-23-2012 FILE 11-199-1 JOB NAME : CODORNIZ - SAGE 16'FT SLOPED LOCATION : 52ND & JEFFERSON, LA QUINTA, CA DESIGN DATA. DESIGN CRITERION: MIN SPR FLOW : AREA PER SPRINKLER ; TOTAL CALCULATED AREA : TOTAL SPRINKLERS CALCULATED FLOW DATA. TOTAL SPRINKLER FLOW DOMESTIC DEMAND : TOTAL WATER REQUIRED BASE OF RISER NODE: 7 NFPA 13-D 13 Gpm 256 Sq Ft 512 Sq Ft 2 Heads 2 6. 0 Gpm 5.0 Gpm 31. 0 Gpm FLOW: 31.0 Gpm PRESSURE: 24.0 Psi AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION LA QUINTA BLDG & SAFETY PHONE 760-777-7012 "'--'•"`•�"--� -"`A"-L11yL rlttr; Lii HXIvKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. Page 1 ENLINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 01-23-2012 File: C:IRESDEN43111-199-1.RES JOB : CODORNIZ - SAGE 161FT SLOPED SOURCE I STATIC : 95.0 Psi RESIDUAL 94.0 Psi FLOW 31 Gpm DESIGN I SPRINKLER MANUF TYCO MODEL LF II I SPRINKLER Q .0 Gpm VALVE Psi I SPRINKLER P .0 .0 Psi METER 13.0 Psi NODE ELEVATION K- PRESSURE DISCHARGE -NO. GFeet ---------_--------_-- FACTOR Psi 1 25.0 2 ----------------Gpm_-- 4.9 7.0 13.0 25.0 3 4.9 7.0 13.0 25.0 7.5 4 25.0 8.6 5 15.0 14.5 6 15.0 18.5 7 9.0 8 24.0 5.0 DOME 5.0 30.1 9 3.0 37.5 10 .0 SOURCE 57.8 31.0 SPRINKLERS FLOWING 2 AREA PER SPRINKLER 256 Sq Ft TOTAL DESIGN AREA 512 Sq Ft REQUIRED DENSITY Gpm/Sq Ft COMPUTED DENSITY .051 Gpm/Sq Ft TOTAL SPRINKLER FLOW 26.0 Gpm TOTAL DOMESTIC FLOW 5 Gpm TOTAL WATER REQUIRED 31.0 Gpm TOTAL SPRINKLER PRESS 44.8 Psi WATER METER LOSS 13.0 Psi VALVE FIXED LOSS .0 Psi SUPPLY PRESS AVAILABLE 94.0 Copyright(2002) Psi DEMAND PRESS REQUIRED PRESSURE CUSI�IQN 57.8 by psi HydroniGs Engineering. 36.2 Psi 34119 Fremont B1, Suite 609 Fremont, Ca., 94555 MAXIMUM VELOCITY 12.8 F/S (510) 487-9160 +,- - '­ I --. tXuJtLLiLV11Hl.i r -LnL brx1NKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL, Page 2 ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 01-23--2012 File: C:\RESDEN43111-199-1.RES JOB : CODORNI2 - SAGE 16'FT SLOPED PIPE BEG NO. FLOW K-FACTOR LENGTH C-FACTOR PRESSURE Gpm FITTING TYPE FTG FR- LOSS Psi D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DIAMETER TOTAL (Psi/Ft) q=--------------------------------------------------- q= 13.0 K= 4.9 L= 5.0 Pt `- 7.0 Pt^�7.0 Q= 13.0 F= 1B1L F= 12.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.1 3 Vet- 4.4 D= 1.101 TL= 17.0 .0306 Pf .5 Pn 6.9 --__-____- -------------------------- Pt t .5 2 2 q= 13.0 K= 4.9 L= 5.0 -___-_ Pt -Pt -7.0 Q= 13.0 F= 1B1L F= 12.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.1 3 Vel= 4.4 D= 1.101 TL= 17.0 .0306 Pf .5 Pn 6.9 ------------_ -_-_-- ------ `. Pt 7.5 3 3 q= .0 K= 0 --`L= ----------- -_-38.0 Pt - 7.5 Pt 7.5 Q= 9.6 F= 4R281L F= 21.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.1 4 Vel= 3.2 D= 1.101 TL= 59.0 .0175 Pf 1.0 Pn 7.5 ------------ --- ----- ------ Pt .6 4 4 q= .0 x`--= 0----L-----4 ----------_---__P----B . 6 -Pt^ 8. 6 Q= 9.6 F= 4L2B2R F= 40.0 C= 150 Pe 4.3 Pv -.1 5 Vel= 3.2 D= 1.101 TL= 89.0 .0175 Pf 1.6 Pn 8.5 t 14.5 3 5 q= . 0 K= .0 ----L'----28. 0 -- _----P�---7.5- PtT`7, 5 Q= 16.4 F= 2L2B3R F= 27.0 C= 150 Pe 4.3 Pv -.2 5 Vel= 5.5 D= 1.101 TL= 55.0 .047 Pf 2.6 Pn 7.3 Pt .5 5 6 q= .0 --------------------- K= .0 L= 16.0 Pt14.5 " Pt-14.5 Q= 26.0 F= 1R2L1B F= 20.0 C= 150 Pe .0 Pv -.5 6 Vel= 8.7 D= 1.101 TL= 36.0 .1102 Pf 4.0 Pn 14.0 18.5 6 7 q= .0 --- K= .0 L= --^ ----pt -Y-_6,0 Pt 1$.5 Pt 18.5 Q= 26.0 F= 4R1S1L1C Vel= 8.7 F= D= 1.101 TL= 21.0 27.0 C= 150 Pe Pf 2.6 3.0 Pv -.5 7 .1102 Pn 17.9 --_-^L=10.0 Pt 24.0 7 8 q= 5.0 DOME - __----Pt--24.0`-Pt 24.0 Q= Vel= 31.0 12.0 F= 1G2L1B F= 10.0 C= 150 Pe 1.7 Pv -1.0 D= 1.025 TL= 20.0 .2163 Pf 4.3 Pn 23.1 -------------- t 30.2 8 9 q= .0 K= .0 L= 40.0 Pt 30.1` Pt 30.1 Q= 31.0 F= 2C F= 2.0 C= 150 Pe .9 Pv -.7 9 Vel= 10.4 D= 1.101 TL= 42.0 .1527 Pf 6.4 Pn 29.4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pt 37.5 nsUnUNIUb: h6biUENTiAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.31 - SUBMITTAL. Page 3 ' ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS : 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. Date: 01-23-2012 File: C:\RESDEN43111-199-1.RES JOB : CODORNIZ - SAGE 16TFT SLOPED PIPE BEG FLOW K-FACTOR LENGTH C-FACTOR PRESSURE NO. Gpm FITTING TYPE FTG FR- LOSS Psi END DIAMETER 'DOTAL (Psi/Ft) 9 q= .0 K= .0 L= 20.0` v -- T -` Pt 37.5Pt 37.5 10 Q= 31.0 F= 1LIC F= 4.0 C= 150 Pe 1.3 Pv -1.1 Vet= 12.8 D= .995 TL= 24.0 .2499 Pf 6.0 Pn 36.4 10 Pt 44.8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meter =13.0 - 11 Q= 31.0 CCC SOURCE----f '-`---`-- ii3 Pt57.$ E=>45-Elb L=390-E1b B=3TeeBch R=]TeeRun C=>CouPlg S=>SwgChk G=>GatVly HYDRONICS: RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULICS 4.2 - SUBMITTAL. ENGINEERS : SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION. (619) 588-6364. ADDRESS 1050 Pioneer Way, Suite R, El Cajon CA 92020. DATE 01-23-2012 FILE C:IRESDEN43111-199-1.RES JOB CODORNIZ - SAGE 16'FT SLOPED PSI FIRE SPRINKLER HYDRAULIC GRAPH 100 90 f 80 I 70 1 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 FLOW - Gpm o 0 Supply Curve 0 Demand Curve Static : 95.0 Avl Pr : 94.0 @ 30 Resid : 94.0 Req Pr : 57.8 @ 30 Flow : 31.0 Pr Cush: 36.2 Copyright: Hydronics Engineering, 2002. 34119 Fremont BI, Suite 609, Fremont, CA. 94555. (510) 487-9160. ow ;= Fire Silppi e ssic ii & Buildiiirg Products Technical Services SOO-381-93121 +1-401-781-8220 www-tyro- lrexorn Series LF11 Residential prinii-tiers Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent 4.9 K Factor - General D es cr1p tion The `fYC❑ RAND RESPONSE: Series LFII Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2524) are decora- tive, fast response, fusible solder sprin- kiers designed for use in residential oc- cupancies such as homes, apartments, dormitories, and hotels. The Cover Piate/Rstainer Assembly can- teals the sprinkler operating compo- nents above the ceiling. The flat profile of the Cover Plate provides the optimum aesthetically appealing sprinkler design. Additionally, the concealed design of the Series LFIJ Residential Flat -Plate Con- cealed Pendent Sprinklers provides 112 inch (12,8 mrr ) vertical adjustment. This adjustment provides a measure of flex- ibility whey? cutting faced pipe drops. The Series LF11 Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are in- tended far use in the following systems: • per NFPA 13D, wet pipe residential sprinkler systems for one- and two- family dwellings and mobile homes; per NFPA 1313, wet pipe residential sprinkler systems for residential oc- cupancies up to and including four stories in height; and ■ per NFPA 13, wet pipe sprinkler sys- tems for the residential portions of any occupancy. iMPOR%4Ni Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP70o for the "INSTALLER WARNING" that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and cam- panents. Improper handling and in- stallation can permanently damage a sprinklersystem orits components and cause the sprinkler to fail to, ❑perate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. page 7 of S The Series LF11 Residentof Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinkler has a 4.9 (60,5) K factor that provides the required residential flow rates at reduced pres- sures, enabling smaller pipe sixes and water supply requirements. This sprinkler has been designed with heat sensitivity and water distribution characteristics proven to help in the con- trol of residential fires and to improve the chance for occupants to escape or be evacuated. The Series LF11 Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are shipped with a Disposable Protective Cap- The Protective Cap protects the sprinkler during ceiling installation or finish. After ceiling installation is com- plete, the Protective Cap is removed and the Cover Plate/Retainer Assem- bly is installed. Removing the Protec- tive Cap is required for proper sprinkler Performance. The Series LF1 Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pen de n t Sprinklers f7Y2524) described herein must be installed and maintained ir? compliance with this doc- Urnent and with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Associa- tion, in addition to the standards ofany authorities having jurisdiction. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these devices. Owners are responsible formaintaining theirflre protection system and devices in proper operating condition. The in- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- facturershould be contacted with any questions. udellsprinkler layer tlftcativn Number (SIN) TY,2524 OCTOBER 201O ,a:. l"IORRE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM Technical Data Approvals UL and C-UL Listed NSF-61 Certified The Series LFII Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers are only listed with the Series LF11 Concealed Cover Plates having a factory -applied finish. Maximum Working Pressure 175 psi (12,1 bar) Discharge Coefficient K=4,9 GPMIps"rR (70,6 LPMJbar'-, j Temperature Flating Sprinkler: 1607 (711C) Cover Plate: 139OF (59.q Vertical Adjustment 112 inch (12,7 mm) Finishes Refer to the Ordering Procedure section. Physical Characteristics • Cover Plate/RetainerAssembly: Cover Plate ... , ...... _ _ Copper Ejection Spring .... Stainless Steel Retainer ................ Brass TFP4443 TFP443 Page 2 of 6 Horizontal Ceiling Minimum FlowNand Residual Pressure Sloped Ceiling - Minimum Row(bJend Sloped Ceiling Minimum Flawrw and Maximum Coverage ki Maximum Spacing (Max[murn 2-inch rise for 12-inch run} Residual pressure [Greater than 2-inch rise Residual Pressure {Greater than 4-inch rise Area i — up to maximum 4-inch rise for 12-inch run) up to maximum a -inch rise for 12-inch run) Sprinkler 160°F (71°G) sprinkler 160°F(71"C) 12' x 12' (3,7 m x 3,7 m) 12' 13 GPM 49,2 LPM (3,7 mP [) 70 si 0,48 ba } r} T7 GPM (64,3 LPM) Sprinkler 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 14' x 14' {4,3 m x 4.3 m) 14' 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) (413 m) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 17 GPM 64,3 LPM ) 12.0 psi (0,83 bal 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) ifi' x 16' 12.0 Psi bar p { ) 12.0 psi (0,63 bar) (4,9 rn x 4,9 m) 13 GPM (49.2 LPM) [4,9 m} 7A psi {0,49 her} 17 GPM 54,3 LPM 12.0 psi{ 0,83 ba } ( � 17 GPM f64,3 LPM) 18' x is, m x 5,5 m} 18' 17 GPM 64,3 LPM (5,5 m) 12.Q psi (Q,83 bar}) 22 P 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) � GPM (83,3 LPM) 20' x 20' 20` 20.2 si{8339 bard} P [ ) -20.2 psi fl.39 bar) ,, 20 GPM ,m} 5,M{61m661 76.7 psi lirli�4 24 GPM {90,8 L' si1,85 bar) GPM (90,8 LPM)24.fl 24.0 (a) For coverage area dimensions less than or between those indicated, psi (1,65 bao use the minimum required flow for area for which Hydratdic Design section underthS Design Criteria are sLjjCd, the next highest coverage {t1} The M'nimurr: Flew requiMrnent is based on mnimum now in GPM (LPM) from each sprinkler. The assoclaiad residual pressures are calculated using the nominal K-factor. Refer to _hydraulic Design" in the Design Criteria section for detalk. TABLEA SERIES LFII RESIDENTIAL FLAT PLATE CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLER (Ty2524) NFPA 13D AND NFPA 13R HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA WET PIPE SYSTEMS ■ Sprinkier/Suppor-t Cup Assembly: Body Brass Cap ..._............. Bronze Saddle .. ..... - Brass Sealing Assembly ..... _ .Beryllium Soldered Link Halves Nickel w. Nfcckef Lever.., Bronze Compression Screw .. _ _ ... Brass Deflector . ..... _ .. _ . , Bronze Guide Pin !-lousing........ Bronze Guide Pins _ .... _ ... Bronze Support Clap .............. Steel Operation When exposed to heat from a fire, the Cover Plate, which is normally saidered to the Retainer at three points, falls away to expose the Sprinkler/Support Cup As- sembfy. At this point, the Deflector, sup- ported by the Guide Pins, drops down to its operated position. The Solder Link Element of the Sprinkler/ Support Cup Assembly is Comprised of two link halves that are soldered togeth- er with a thin layer of solder. When the rated temperature is reached, the sol- der melts and the two link halves sepa- rate, allowing the sprinkler to activate and flow water. 1 Fleglstered trademark of Dupont Design Criteria The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers (TY2524) are UL and "L Listed for installation in ac- cordance with the following Criteria. ften conditions exist that are outside the scope Of the provided Criteria, re- fer to the Residential Sprinkler Design Guide TFP490 far the rnianufacturers recommendations that may be accept- able to the AuthOnty Having Jurisdiction. The Series LF11 Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinklers must not be used in applications where the air pressure above the celling is greater than that beloK_ down drafts through the Support Cup can delay sprinkler op- eration in a fire situation. Systarn Type Only wet pipe systems may be utilized. Hydraulic Design Table A provides the minimum required sprinkler flow rate for systems designed to NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R as a function of temperature rating and the maximum allowable coverage areas. The sprinkler flow rate is the minimum required dis- charge from each of the total number of "design sprinklers" as specified in NFPA 13D or NFPA 13iR. For systems designed to NFPA 13, the number of design sprinklers is to be the four most hydraulically demanding sprinklers. The minimum required dis- charge from each of the four sprinklers is to be the greater of the fallowing: • flow rates given in Table A for NFPA 131) and 13R as a function of tem- perature rating and the maximum al- lowable coverage area • minimum discharge of a.1 GPM/ sq. ft. over the 'design area,, com- prised of the four most hydraulically demanding sprinklers for actual cov- erage areas protected by the four sprinklers Obstract ion To Wafer DIstribution Locate sprinklers in accordance with the Obstruction rules of NFPA for residential sprinklers as well as Obstruction criteria described within TYCO technical data sheet TFP49f1. Operational Sensitivity Install sprinklers relative to the ceiling mounting surface as shown in Figure 3, Sprinkler Spacing The minimum spacing between sprin- klers is 8 feet (2,4 m). The maximum spacing between sprin- klers carinct exceed the length of the coverage area (Table A) being hydrau- lically calculated; for example, a maxi- mum of 12 feet for a 12 ft. x 12 ft. cov- erage area or20 feet for a 20 ft. x 2Q ft. coverage area. BODY {1/2" NPTj SEALING ASSEMBLY CAP SPRINKLER SADDLE WRENCHING AREA SUPPORT CUP W TH COMPRESSION ROLL FOAMED SCREvv THREADS GUIDE LEVER WRENCH PIN RECESS SOLDER LINK GUIDE PIN ELEMENT I ! HOUSING �r I ---___--- it DEFLECTOR - DEFLECTOR r �1� - (OPERATED ----`�_ I P051TiON) PUSH WRENCH 5PF?1N!{LERISUPPOF3TQUP IN TO ENSURE ASSEMBLY ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER THREAD INTO I WRENCHING AREA SUPPOFiTOUP I I UNTIL MOUNTING I RETAINER SURFACE WITH THREAD SLIS FLuSN WITH � _ DIMPLES FIGURE2 O CEJUNG 'EJECTION W-TYPE -fig SPRING SPR))VKLER WRENCH SOLDER TAB COVED PLATFIRETAINER ASSEMBLY COVER PLATE FLAT -PLATE CONCEALED PEMDENT SPRINKLER (TY2524) ASSEMBLY 2-112" ow 112' 1l2" f12, 7 Inm] FA CE OF SPRINKLER - NPT SUPPORT CLIP THREADED SPRINKLER ASSEMBLY ADJUSTMENT FITTING OPERATI SPRINKL 1-7/8 "f118' COVER [47,6 mm E 118' GAP t0,2 mmj REPLATE (3,2 mm) T COVER- SPRINKLER - RETAINER SUPPORT GUP MOUNTING 7�" j22,2 m J ASSEMBLY ASSEMBLY SURFACE 1-71E" {28,6 n 3fmr �4,8 j lrl 3-3/1S' DIA. {81,0 mm} DISPOSABLE TIP PROTECTIVE CAP FIG uRE PROTECTIVE CAP ANACTIVATED DEFLECTOR 1N57ALLATION DIMENSIONS DEFLECTOR IN OPERATED POSITION TFP443 Page 3 of 6 TFP443 Page 4 of 6 Installation The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinkla:rs must be installed in accordance with the following instructions, - Damage to the Solder Link. Element dur- ing installation can be avoided by han- dling the sprinkler by the Support Cup only,- thatis, do not apply pressure to the Solder Link Element (Figure 1). Obtain a leak -tight 112 inch NPT sprinkler joint by applying a minimum-to,,i- munr torque of to 14 f[.-lbs. (9,5 to 79,0 Nm). Nigher levels of torque can distort the sprinkler inlet with consequent leak age orimpaftent of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for in- sufficient adjustment in the CoverPlatel Retainer Assembly by under or over- tigh fening the sprinkler. Re -adjust the Position of the sprinkler fitting to suit 6. Screw on the Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly until its flange contacts the ceiling. Do not continue to screw on the Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly such that it lifts a ceiling panel out of its normal position. lfthe Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly cannot be engaged with the Mounting Cup or the Cover PlaelRetainerAs- sembly cannot be engaged sufficiently to contact the ceiling, the Sprinkler Fitting must be repositioned. Care anal Maintenance The TYC❑ RAPID RESPONSE Series LF11 Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinkler (Ty2524) must be maintained and serviced in accordance with the following instructions. LEM Install pendent sprinklers in the Ref n 9 a fro protection sys fern pendent position, with the center- main control valve for maintenance ivark line of the sprinkler perpendicular on the fire protectr'on system that it con - to the Maunting surface, trols, Obtain Permission to shut b th 2. Remove the protective Cap. 3. With pipe -thread sealant applied to the pipe threads; and using th W Type 7g Wrench shown in Figure 2, install and tighten the Sprinkler/ Support Cup Assembly into the fit- ting. the t+v_Type 18 Wrench ac- cepts a 112 inch ratchet drive. 4. Replace the Protective Cap by pushing it upwards until it bottoms out against the Support Cup. The Protective Cap helps prevent .dam- age to the Deflector and Guide Pins during ceiling installation and/ Or during application of the finish coating of the ceiling. As long as the pratoctive Cap re- mains in place, the system is con- sidered "put of Service-. 5. After the ceiling has been com- pleted with the 2-1/2 inch (62 mm) diameter clearance hole and in preparation for installing the Cover Plate/Fietainer Assembly, remove and discard the Protective Cap, and verify that the Deflector moves Lip and down freely. If the Sprinkler has been damaged and the Deflector does not move up and down freely, replace the entire Sprinkler assembly. Do not attempt to modify or repair a damaged sprinkler. affected fire protection system from the properauoh ,,itiesand notifyallperson_ nel who may be affected by this echo 7. e When properly installed,- there is a nomi- nai 1/8 inch (3,2 mm) ar gap between the lip of the Cover Plate and the ceil- ing, as shown in Figure 3. This air gap is necessary for proper operation of the sprinkler by allowing heat flow from a fire to pass below and above the Cover Plate to help assure appropriate release Of the Cover Plate in a fire situation. If the ceiling needs repainting after sprinkler installation, exercise care to ensure that the new paint does NOT seal off any of the air gap. Failure to do so (nay impair Sprinkler operation. Absence of a Cover Plate can delay the sprinkler operation In a fire situation. Do not pull the Cover Plate relative to the Enclosure, Separation may result. Exercise care to avoid damage to sprin- klers before; during, and after installa- tion. Never paint, plate, coat, or other- wise after automatic sprinklers after they leave the factory. Never repaint factory -painted Cover Plates. When necessary, replace cover plates with factory -painted units. Non - factory applied paint can adversely de- lay or prevent sprinkler operation in the event of a fire. Replace sprinklers that: • were damaged by dropping, striking, wrench twisting, Wrench slippage, or the like. • were modified or over -heated, • are leaking or exhibiting visible signs of corrosion. Responsibility lies with owners forthe inspection, testing, and maintenance of theirfire protection system and devices in compliance with this document. as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Association (for example, NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurlsdicti0n_ Contact the install- ing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer regarding any questions, Automatic sprinkler systems are rec- ommended to be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspec- tion Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fir Suppression & Building Products (TFSBP) are warranted solely to the orig- inal Buyer for ten {1o) years against de- fects in material and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and main- tained under normal use and service. This warranty wilt expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by TFSBP No warranty is given for products or com- ponents manufactured by companies not affiliated by ownership with TFSBP or for products and components which have been subject to misuse, improper installation, corrosion, or which have not been Installed, maintained, modified or repaired in accordance with applicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, and/or the standards of any other Authorities !-laving Jurisdiction. Materials found by 7TSBp to be defec- tive shall be either repaired or replaced at TFSBP's sole option. TPSgP neither assurn es, nor authorlies any person to assume. for it, any other obiigation in connecton with the sale of products or parts of Products. TFSBP shall not be responsible for sprinkler systern design errors or inaccurate or' ncomplete in- formation supplied by Buyer or Buyer's representatives. In no event shall TFSBP be fiable, in con- tract, tort, strict Ilability or under any oth-. er legal theory, for incidental, indirect, special OF consequential damages, in- cluding but not limited to labor charg- es, regardless of whether TFSBP was informed about the possibility of such damages, and in no event shall TFSBPIs liability exceed an amount equal to the sales price. The fir ai war of is made in lieu of an n N ther warm ti s e or m !ie i ludi warranties of mer- ch n billt nd ttness o a rYcui r ur ose. This limited warranty sets forth the ex- clusive remedy forclaims based on fail- ure of or defect in products, materials or components, whetherthe elaim is made in contract, tort, strict liability or any oth- er legal theory_ This warranty will apply to the full extent permitted by law- The invalidity, in whale or part, of any portion of this warranty will not affect the remainder. Ordering Procedure e Contact your local distributor for avail- ability. When placing an order, indicate the full product description and Part Number (PIN). Sprinkler/Support Cup Assembly Specify: Series LFIl Residential Flat - Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinkler {N2524), K=4.9, without Cover Plate/ Retainer Assembly, PIN 51-114-1-160. Cover Plate/Retainer Assembly Specify: Cover Plate/Retainer Assem- bly with finish (below) for the Series LFII Residential Flat -Plate Concealed Pendent Sprinkler ('TY2524), K=4.g, PiN (below): Chrome". . .......... P/N 55-201-9-135 Custom .. _ .. . • -. ... - .....P}N 56-2Q7-]C-T35 Off White ..... ...... Pure White- (RAL 9oTr1).............. . . PIN 56201-3-T35 Signal white- -(RAIL 900al ......... .......... PIN 56-201_4-135 Standard White (Grey White] (RAL9o02) ................ PIN 56-201-5-135 ` Eastern Hemisplyere sales vnh}. Previously kr,crwn as Rri9h1 wh te. NoT`e: All Cusrom Cover plates are Painted using Sherwin Williams interior Latex paint. Contact TyCp Customer Service with any questions related to custom orders. Sprinkler Wrench Specify W_TYPe 18 Sprinkler Wrench, FIN 56-0OO-1-265. TFP443 page 5of6 December 20, 2010 Sprinkler 41a MICROFAST" AND f - crofastHP° QUICK RESPONSE PtNDENT SPRINKLERS ! The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastings M149058 Telephone: 259-943-95io l Technical Services: 877-394,5464 Fax: 259-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@trikingcarp.cam 1. DESCRi'P7IQIN Viking Microfaste and MicrofastHP° Quick Response Pendent Spriniders are small, thermosensitive, glass -bull, spray sprinklers available in several different finishes and temperaiure ratings and K-Factors to me et design requirements. The speeiaf Polyester and Teflone EAatings care be used in decorative applications where colors are desired - In addition, these coatings have been investigated for installation in corrosive at- —r rnospheres and are cULus Iisted as corrosion resistant as indicated in the Approval - Chart- (Note: FiU1 GfobaI has no approval classification farTeflon" and Polyester ❑oat- Ings as Corrosion resistant) 2. LISTINGS AND APPROVALS CLlL.vs Listed: Category VNIV FM APProved: Classes 2001. 20D2, 2615, and 2017 NYC Approved: Calendar Number 219-76-SA and MEA 89-92-E Volume 15 ASS Certified: Certificate 0441S407984GPDA Vd5 Approved: Certificates G4040095, G4040097, G4060056, G4060057, G4880045, G493D038, and G4980021 LPC Approved.- Ref. Nos. O%e103 and 095e104 CE Certified_ Standard EN 12259-1, EC-wrtificate of conformity 0832-CPa-2001, 0832-CPO-2003, 0786-CPD-4013o, and 0786-CPCs 40170 MED Certified: Standard EN 12259-1, EC -Certificate of confon-My D832-MED-1003 and 0832-thED-1008 NOTE: Other Intemabonal approval certificates are available upon request- RefertoApprovai Chart 1 and Design Criferia on page 41d for cULus Listing requirements and refer to Approval Chart 2 and Design Criteria on page 41 f for FM Approval requirements that mast be followed. 3- TECHNICAL DATA SPecifcations: Available since ign. Minimum Operating Pressure_ 7 psi f0.5 bar)' INaxim.urn YVarkin.9 Pressure: Sprinklers 42282 and 12290 are rated for Viking Technical Data may be found on use with water working pressures ranging from the minimum 7 psi The Viking Gorporation� Web site at (0.5 bar) up to 250 psi (17 bar) for high-pressure systems. High _Pies - ht#p_llwwwriking9roupinc.com. sure (HP) sprinklers ran be identified by locating "250" stamped on The web site may include a mare recent the defiector. All other Part Nos. not mentioned above are rated to a edition of this Tea nical pats page. maximum 175 psi (12 bar) wwrp. Factory tested hydrostatically to 5DD psi (34.5 bar) Testing: U-SA. Patent No. 4-831T870 Thread size: Refer to the Approval Charts Nominal K-Factor. Refer to the Approval Charts Glass -bulb fluid temperature rated to 65 vF (-55 °C) Overall Length: Refer to the Approval Charts "cULus listing, FM Approval, and NFPA 13 installs require a minimum of 7 psi (0.5 bar). The minimum operating pressure for LPC6 and CE Approvals ONLY is 5 psi (4.35 bar), Material Standards_ Frame Casting: Brass UNS-CB4400 or QM Brass for Sprinklers D6662B and 12282- Brass UNS-CS4400 for afl other sprinklers. Deflector, Phosphor Bronze ONS-05I DDD or Copper UNS--CI P500 for Sprinklers DSM2B, 066668, and 067658. Copper UNS- C19500 for Sprinkler 12282. Phosphor Bronze UNS-051 DOO, Capper UNS-C19500 or Grass UN5-C26000 for Sprinkler 06720S. Brass UNS-C2600D for ail other Sprinklers. Bushing (for Sprinklers 06718B, 067206, and 12290): Brass IJNS-C36000 Bulb: Glass, nominal3 mm diameter Belleville Spring Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy, coated or) both sides with Teflon Tape Screw. Brass UNS-C360D0 Form No. F 081296 Replaces page 41a-f, dated November 16, 2010. (Added FM Approval for sprinkler 06765B.) r J. f I i { Sprinkfer4lb Decernber 2a, 201 1`AST IUIlCRO AND j �' •" NlicrofastHP® QUICK I _ = RESPONSE PENDENT I SPRINKLERS The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial Paris Drive, Hastings M149058 I Telephone; 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-39.4-5464 Fax: 269-818 1680 Email: techsvcs vi}cin Ca g rp.corn I PIP Cap and Insert Assembly: Copper UNS-C11000 and Stainless steel UNS-S30400 For Teflon° Coated 5 rinkieNs Belleville Spring -Exposed, Screw -Nickel Plated, Pip Cap Tet7onO Coated For Polyester Cflated S nnk eers: Belleville Spring -Exposed Ordering Irtfor iation: (Also refer to the current Viking price list) Order Microfastl' and MicrofastHP@ Quick Response Pendent Sprinklers by first adding the approprlate suffix for the sprinkler fin- ish and then th6 appropriate suffix for the temperature rating to the sprinkler base part number. — — Finish Suffix: Brass =A, Chrome-Enloyr, = i , White Polyester= U W,, Black Polyester = M-/B, and Black Teflon® = N Temperature Suffix {'Fl°C}: 135'/57' =A, 155°168' = B, 175°179' = ❑, 200'193' = E. and 286'1141' = G For example, sprinkler VK302 with a 112' thread, Brass finish acid a 155 'FM 'C temperature rating = Part No- 06562BAB Avaiiabte rinishes And Temperature Ratings: Refer to Table 1- Accessories: (Also refer to the 'SprinklerAdcessories" section of the Viking data book,} Sprinkler Yfrenches: A. Standard Wrench: Part No. 10895W/B (available since 2000}. 13, Wrenn, for Coated andlor Recessed Sprinklers: Part No. 12144W16' (available since 2003) C_.Opbona! Protective Sprinkler Cap Remover/Escutcheon Installer Toot' Part No- 15915 (available since 2010.) NC)TE: RECESSE13 PENDENT SPRINKLERS WITH PROTECTIVE CAPS MUST USE WRENCH 12144W18. 'A Y--' ralchet is required (not available fmm Yrfcing). "Atiaws use from the floor by attaching a length of V diarrreter CP11C tubing to the toed. Ideal for sprinkler cabinets. Refer to Bulletin F 051308. Sprinkler Cabinets: A. Six -head cap2city-1 Part No. 01724A (available since 1971) B. Twelve -head capaMriy- Part No. 01725A (available since 1971) 4. INSTALLATION Refer to appropriate NFPA lnstailation Standards- 5. OPERATION During fire conditions, the heat -sensitive liquid in the glass bulb expands, causing the glass to shatter, releasing the pip cap and sealing spring assembly. Water flowing through the sprinkler orifice strikes the sprinkler deflector, forming a uniform spray pattern to extinguish or control the fire. B. INSPECTIONS' TESTS AND MAINTiENAtiCE Refer to NFPA 25 for Inspection, Testing and Maintenance requirements. 7. AVAILABILITY Wrench The liking Microfasf® and MicrofastHP® Quick Response Pendent Flats Sprinklers are available through a network of domestic and international distributors. See The Viking Corporation web site for the closest distributor or contact The faking Corporafion, S. GUARANTEE For details of warranty, refer to Viking's current list price schedule or contact liking directly. Protective Sprinkler Cap Figure 1: Standard Sprinkler Wrench 14896wm i � l i r # December 20, 201() Sprinkler 41 1ViICROFAST(DAND cl-a E fastHP® QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS I The Viking Corporation, 290 1N Industrial park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone. 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax. 269-818 1680 Email: techsvcs@vikin car .c 13 � rm Ordinary - -- —'�=-�� "• �xTx„�,..G ����� ���a�;�=;' 135 "F (57 °C) 100 IF f38 °C) Oran Ordinary '155 IF (68 °C) I00 °F (38 °C) 9e ° interrnediale Red 775 F �79 ° C) 150 °F (65 °C) Yellow intermediate 200 °F (93 °C) 150 IF (65 °C) Green High 286 °F (141 °C) 725 °F (107 °C) Blue Sprinkler Finishes, Brass, Chrome-Enloy°, White polyester, afack Polyester, and Black Teflon° Corrosion -Resistant Coatings': YVhite polyester, Black polyester, and Black Teflone 'The sprinkler temperature rating is stamped on the deftector. Footnotes Based on NFPA-13. Other limits may apply, depending on fire loading, sprinkler location, and other requirements of the Authority Having Jurisdiction - Refer tospearTc installation standards• 'The corrosion resisfarrt tnairngs have passed �e standard corrosion tes requrrd by the apprrnnng agencies indicated in LSeApprnval Chars. These otests cannot and da not represent all possible corrosive enhronrryents. Prior to instaiiatipn, verity through the end -user that the coatings are oprnpat- t yvhh or suitable for the proposed en►nronment. For automatic sprinklers, the coatings indicated are applied to the exposed exterior surfaces anly- Note that the spring is exposed on sprinklers with Polyester and Tefloe coatings. I 1 i Sprinkler Wrench 22144VIRAX for ' / installing coated " and/or recessed Pendent sprinklers Carefully slide the with protective caps. wrench sideways r;------; 7 arnurld the protective 1 cap, ensuring engage- :Rent with the sprinkler w3kA 1/2' ratchet is required wrench flats, (not avciitalale Fran Vining), Figure 2: Wrench 12144WI13 for Coated awVor Recessed pendent Sprinklers December 20, 2010 Sprinkler 41 MICROFAST® AND MicroffastHP® QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS The Viking Corporation, 210 N Industrial park Drive, Hastings MI 49058 Telephone. 299-945-9547 Technical Services: 877-384v464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp,corr Ceiling Opening Size 2-5/lb' (58.7 rim) Hnirhum 2-112' (63.5 nri) maxirlun 1/P` (15 mm) 14PT _ (58 nn) C41 Installed with a Pendent Sprinkler standard 1/8' surface- 2' (50.8 MM) �lnxir7ur� 2-1/8' (54 m-) 1-1f2' C38.1 MM) Minimum U6662B (Vi(302) mounted escutcheon. Installed with a Micro -Fast Model E-1 Adjustable Escutcheon Figure 3: S#rinkier VK302 DimemJons with a Standard Escutcheon and the Model F-1 Adjustable Escutcheon 2-1f8" Ceiling Opening Size; L 2-1/B` (54 j-) 2-5f16' (58.7 rim) minimum f (54 MM) (63.5 nn) maximum II 1-3t4' 1-1J$' (28,6 MM) �r C44.5 rtn3 Miniir�uM Z` 1-1/$` (28,6 ran) Maximum � f - (50,8 MM) Minimum Maximum �f Installed With a Micr•Qnatic Model E-1 Recessed Escutcheon Installed with a thread on Model E-2 Recessed Escutcheon Figure 4: Sprinkler VK302 Dimensions with the Model E-1 and E-2 Recessed Escutcheons i Sprinkler 4.ld December 20, 20' t- MICRDFAST&AND MicrofasWal QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS - The Viking Corppration, 210 �} Industrial Park ❑rive,IHastings Ml 49058 Telephone: 269-945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techSvcs@vikin2Corp_com Spank* -` .� - Norninal + Base Thread size Overall Listings and Approvals' SIN K-Factor Length Part No.' (Refer also to Design Criteria an page 41e.) HPT 65R U.S. rr►etrit� inches mm eULus; AIYCS Vd5 LPC$ Sta d 066628 065668 6513 0&7VK352 VK302 1 �` V K362 314" 1/2' 15 mm 20 mm 15 mm n and Orifice 5-6 t30-5 2-114' S8 A1X, STY A1X,- 8TY A3 A3X, B3Y C3X, E3Y" C3X, E3Y'3 Large Grrfice 8.0 115.2 2-318° 60 A1X, B1Y A1X, BTY A3 A3X G311 8.0 115.2 2-318" 60 AIX, BTY AIX, 8TY A3 O671 EiS9 Small orrFice' VK3z9 712" 75 Trim Small 40-3 2-3116" 56 AIX, 81Y ATX, BTY 267208' VK331 112' 15 rnm 4-2 � — — 57 2-114" 5$ AIX, 81Y AIX, $tY 06932E VIC331 — 10 mrn 4.2 57 _ — — — 2-�" So — A3 Maximum 250 PSI (17 bar) WVvp 5landard OrfSce Sprinkler Nominal Overall Base SIN Thread Size ListingsandA iC-Factor Length ppro►els' Part No, NPT 8SP f (Refer also to Design Criteria nr1 page 41e.} } ! i1-5. rnetric, inches mm cilLus� T2282 1 VX317 112" 15 mm 5.6 80.6 2-T14" 58 ATX, 8TY f Ai?C7p VdS LPCE E . Maximurn 250 PSI (17 bar) Virwin Small O " 5 12299"D r nice VIC 112" 115 mm 1 2.8 40.3 2-3116" 56 AIX. BTY Approved temperature i3aticgs AIX — A- 135 IF 286 "FI;), 155 °F (68 °C), 175 °F(79 °C), 20D °F (93 °C), and 28C °F {T¢7 °C) B - 135 °F (57 'C), 155 °F (68 °C), T75 °F {79 °C}, and 20p 4F Approved Finishes Approved Escutcheons (B3: °C) X - Standard suri2ce- mounted esculcheon or G - 155 °F 138 °C , 175 °F 9 ° 1 Poi ester6 , Black Enpol3esterQ� the Viking Microfast9 Model F-1 Adjustable (141 'C] ) C), 200 'F (33 °C}, and 28fi °F yy Es=cheon D - 135'F (57 °C), 155 °F and 9ladc%8on�' (141 'C (� °G}, 175 `F (79 'C), and 286 °F 2 - Brass and Chrome-Enlo Y ` Standard surfacasts mo a esr�rtq�eor3 or E - 155 °F (68 °C), 175 °F {79 °C), and 200 °F 93 °C � the Viking lvlicrofast� lutode! F-i Adjustable 3 - Brass, Chrome-EntoyL Vftle Escutcheon or recessed with the Viking F - 155 °F (68 °C), 175 °F (79 °C), and 286 F { ) Polyeste" , and Black Polyesters MicromaUe Model E-1 pr E-z G - 155 °F (6s "C) ° {T41 °C) Recessed Escutcheon ' Base part number is shown- For complete part number, refer to Vlking's Curren t price schedule. z Metric 5-factor rneasura"'if shown is when $ This fable shows the listings and approvals available at the time ❑f Printing Cheek with the manufacturer for any additional approvals. Pressure is measured u tpl When pressure is r teasured in kPa, divide the metric jC-factor sF�cayn by 7 D.O. ` Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. for use in the U,S. and Canada. SAccepted tar use City of New Ynrk Board of Standards and Appeals, Calendar Number 219-76-SR ° CULus Listed as corrosion resistant t7the1 calDrs are available on request with the same Listings and Approvals as the standard colors- e Listings and Approvals limited to Light Hazard C)Coupancies where allowed b wet systems on 1 . Farce y the instaflatfon standards being applied; with hydraulically calculated pf;on: 4_2K sprinklers may be installed an hydraulically calculated d pipe systems where piping is corrosion resistant or intemalty galvanized. "The sprinkler orifice is bushed. P p Y pted for use, City Of New York De a " L£ Cert6ed, Standard EN 1,22b9-1 E ellificate of rld co ono ty 0832 PC 2s, MEAN umbel- i7r7? and 0832-CPD-2DD3. C£Certifce Standard EN T2259-1 EC certif ,a 1 MEI7 Certified, Standard EN 42259-1, EG�ert ca a o c of 0786 CPD M01130 Odd and - 2 M0170. 8. Sprinkler 4 l f December 20, 20 MiCRQFASTO AND MicrofastHP® QUICK ` RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS The Viking Corporation, usal Park Drive, Hastings Ml 4905& 210 lv indtri- 7elephohe: 2&9-9a5-9507 Technical Services; 877-384-5464 Fax: 269-818-1680 Email: techsvcs@vikingcorp.corr. Sprinkler Base Part No.r 06662E 51N VK302 thread Size ifPi 85P 112" 15 rnm r O Nominal K-Factoverall length US. rnetrit� inches MM standard Orifice 5.6 8D.6 2-114" S8 yN FM Approvals' [Refer also to Design Criteria below-) A2X, 132Y Ofi666�IK312 D6 314" 1 2Q 5 mrn A115.2 115.2 2.318" 6Q A1X, B1Y52 A1X, 81Y D671$$6 ViC329 912" t5 mm 1 l 2.8 small orifice` 41 2-317G' . 56 AIX AFRmves! %mperferre Ratings Approved Escutcheon A -135 °F {57 "C)., 155 "F (fi8 °C), 175 "F a ' APProved Finishes X-Standard surF&W-mounted estutd+em or the king 2Q0 °F {93 °C). and 28Ei `F {141 "C) C} Vj 1 -Brass and Chrome-Enleye MkMfast£ Model F-'1 Adjustable EsWichyon 8 - 135 °F {57'C), 155 "F (66 °c), 175 °F {7g °Cj, 2-Brass, Chmme-Enloy®, Vt+h}te polyesters, Y - Standard surface -mounted esc Acheon or the and 200 °F (g9. "C) and Black Polyesters Wing Microfaste Moder F-1 Adjustable E,4� orre0Ssed Wilk the Vlfjng Micromatiea Model E-1 urE-2 Recessed Escutcheon notes ' Base park number is shown. For comp{eta part number, reler to VFkig�current price schedule. ru►ztnc Ff factor measurament shown is MVI-1 pressure is measured in Bar When Prassi rre is measured t7 F Pa, div de tkfa medic K-Factor shown by 1p.{)- ' This fable shows Ills listings and approvals available a# the time of printing- Check w� the manufacturer for any additional approvals_ ` FN1ApProyed as quick response control mode standard spray Mon storage spnnkJers. Far s the latest applicable FM Loss Prevention ❑ata,heets {including Data ghat 2-0}- pac4c application and instaNa ton requirements, reference s Other colors are available on request with the same Listings and Approvals as the standard colors. s The sprinkler orifice is bashed. FM Approval Retruirements. The sprinklers indic22ed in Approval Chart.2 are Fly Approved as quids response hlon storage standard spray FM Rppraval Guide. For specll5c application and installation requirements, reference the latest applicable FM Loss Prevention Data sheets tac[(incin th Pendent spnnlders as indicated in the Data She de q and 8-g} FM Global Loss Prevention Data Sheets contain guidelines relating to, but riot limited to: minimum water su i re uirements, hydraulic design, ceiling slope arrd oAsfructions, minimum and maximum allowable spacing, and deiiector distance below the ceiling. h10TE: The FM ins#allab-n .guidelines may differ from ci}Lus andlnr NFPA criteria. PPY q -rSprinklers VK302 and VK352 are also FM Approved as quick response Rack storage standard spray pendent sprinklers. Refer to technical data page 131a-e for lntermediats Level In Pack Sprinklers. 1MP0RTaH7_ Always refer to Bulletin Form No. F_091699 Cars and Handling of Sprinklers. Also refer to page QR9-3 for genera! care installation, and rriaintenance information. Viking sprinklers are to be installed in ac- cordance with the latest edition of Viking technical data, the appropriate standards of NFPA, FM Global, in ac APSAD, VdS or other similar organizations, and also ► 6th the provisions of governmental codes, ordinances, and standards, whenever applicable. Farm No. F 081296 Replaces page 41a-f, dated November 16, 2010. (Added FM Approval for sprinkler 06765B.) Product Specifications F c r Harrel" Blazemaster" CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe Application: Corrosion resistant fire sprinkler pipe, IPS sizes 314' through 31, for use in wet automatic fire'sprinkler systems. When installed in accordance with Harvei's Installation Instructions this pipe is =n' . Listed by Underwriters Laboratories for use in: Light Hazard Occupancies as defined in the Standard for Installation of Sprinkler systems (NFPA I3)• Residential Occupancies up to and including four stories in height (MTA 13R); and Residential T Occupancies as defined in the Standard for Sprinkler Systems in I r ' One and We Family Dwellings and Mobile Homes (NFPA 131)). Harrel BlazeMaster pipe is UL Listed for use in Return tic Plenums (NFPA 90A), System Risers per NFPA 13 Light Hazard, 13R and 131), Exposed installations, Garages per NFPA 13R, and for use as Lrndergmund Fire Service Mains (NFPA 24) when installed in accordance with Harrel CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe Installation Instructions. e1 tv m Scope: i Thir, sP8ClfCati0r1 Outlines MuL?m n, maIfactg reurin quirements for Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (cPYC) standard dimension _ ratio (SDR)13.5 series iron pipe size (IPS) fire sprinkler pressure Tripe. Pipe is intended for use in wet automatic fire sprinkler sys- terns when installed in accordance with Harrel Plastics Inc. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Piping Products Installation Trtsnctions. Harvel, BlazeMaster, pipe carries a maximum working pressure of 175 psi @ 150'F Pipe meets or exceeds applicable industry standards and requirements as set forth by the American Society, for 'Idsting and Materials (ASTM), the National Sanitation Foundation (NM, and Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Harvel, BlazeMaster, fire sprinkler pipe is approved by The Factory Mutual Corporation (FM) and the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB). Refer to current approval guide and installation and design manual for installation limitations. CPVC Materials: The material used in the manufacture of the pipe shall be a rigid Chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) compound, Type IV Grade I, with a Cell Classification of 23547 as defined in ASTM D1784. The compound and the finished product shall be orange in color, and shall be approved by, the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) for use with potable water: Material used shall be domestically produced BlazeMaster, CPVC material as provided by Noveou, Inc. (formerly the BFGoodrich Company), System Design: Che CPVC sprinkler system shall be h7draulically calculated using 1 Hazen -Williams C factor of 150, and shall be designed in strict =ordance with the Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Ystems, NFPA 13 Light Hazard, NFPA 13R, and NFPA 13D s applicable. Dimensions: HARVLrr��rr �r �i Harrel B1awMaster, CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be. manufactured to Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR)13.5 dimensions in strict accordance to the requirements of ASI`M F442 for physical dimensions and tolerances. Fach production run of pipe manufactured in compliance to this standard, shall also meet the test requirements for materials, workmanship, burst pressure, flattening, and extrusion quality defined in AK'M F442. Furthermore, this pipe shall consistently meet or exceed the physical performance test requirements of the appropriate approval/listing agency(s) follow-up procedures established for the product. Marking: Product marking shall meet the requirements of ASUMM F 442 and the Listing agency. Marking shall include: the phrase Harvels BlazeMaster* (or the manufacturers' trademark when privately labeled); the nominal pipe size; the type of material and material designation code; the SDR series and pressure rating for water (SDR 13.5;175 psi ON 150'5); the ASTM designation F 442; the logo of the Listing and Approval agencies (UL, FM, LPCB, etc.); the independent laboratorysseal of approval for potable water usage (NSF pw); the date and time of manufacture; and the UL assigned control number (2N35). Installation Procedures: All installation procedures such as storage and handling, solvent cement joining techniques, pipe support spacing, bracing, allowance for themral expansion/contraction, Component assembly techniques, and testing etc. shall be in strict accordance with Harrel Plastics, Inc, Installation Instructions and the UL Listing which includes installation limitations. System Components: Fittings used shall be UL Listed CPVC fittings and shall meet or exceed the requirements of ASTM F437 (Sch 80 threaded), ASTM F437 (Sch 80 socket), or ASTM F438 (Sch 40 socket) as applicable, such as those manufactured by Spears Manufacturing Co. or equivalent Solvent cements used shall be those referenced in Harrel Plastics, Lnc, Installation Instructions (such as Spears F,-5 or equivalent), which meet or exceed the requirements of ASTM F656 and ASTM F493, and shall be approved by the. National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) for use with potable water Socket type joints, sizes 3I4" - 31, shall be made up using the one-step solvent cement joining method. The solvent cement joining method chosen shall be applied in strict accordance with the appropriate procedures as outlined in Harvel Plastics Installation Pnstructions. Maintenance: Maintenance shall be in accordance with the Standard for Inspection, 'testing, and Maintenance of Water Based Sprinkler Systems as defined by NFPA.25. Harrel Plastics, Inc, • 300 Kuebler Rd., Easton, PA 18040-9290 Tel: 610.252,7355 • Fax 610.253.4436 • www.harvelspriniderpipe.com Product Specifications Harvel* BlazemasterA CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe Limitations: • CPVC systems are intended for use at a maximum working Pressure of 175 psi and ambient temperature of 156,E ■ CPVC systems shall employ sprinkler heads having a maximum temperature rating of 225'F or lower; regardless of type. • CPVC products shall be installed in wet pipe systems only. • Air or compressed gas shall never be used for pressure testing. ■ CPVC sprinkler systems shall be hydrostatically tested for 2 hours at 200 psi, or 50 psi in excess of the maximum working Pressure when the maximum working pressure exceeds 150 psi. Lines shall be slowly filied with water and the air bled from the highest and farthest sprinkler heads before test pressure is applied. • Only TeflonO tape Ora thread sealant specifically approved for use with Harvel® CFVC Fire Sprinkler Products shall be used in making threaded connections. + Where freeze protection is required, only glycerin based anti -freeze solutions shall be used and installed in accordance with NFPA 13. Do not use glycol base anti -freeze solutions or contaminated glycerin solutions. • CPVC is not approved for use in combustible concealed spaces where sprirrklers'are required to protect these areas as defined by NFRA 13, unless certain specific application sprinklers are installed per their listing Refer to H mrel's current Installation Instructions for additional information. Harvel CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe Dimensions SDR 133 (ASTM F442) Nominal Average Min. Average Nom.Wt Size (in.) O.D. Wall I.D. Lb5.1Ft 314 1.050 0.072 0.874 0,168 1 1.315 0.097 1.101 0.262 I414 1.660 0.123 1.394 0.418 1-112 1.900 0.141 1.596 0.548 2 1375 0.176 2.003 0.859 2-112 2.875 0.213 2.423 1.257 3 3,500 0.259 2.950 1.867 Sample Specification: • CPVC sprinkler piping may be installed in a plenum space adjacent to, but not over, openings in the ceiling such as open ventilation grills, and require the use Of schedule So fittings for use on 11h° and larger pipe sizes. Refer to Installation Instructions for additional detail. • Minimum protection when installed "concealed" shall consist of. 318" gypsum wallboard or drywall, suspended membrane ceiling panels weighing not less than .35 pounds per square foot, or 112' plywood soffits. Minimum protection for NFPA 13R and 13D systems may consist of 112" plywood. • Harvel, BlazeMaster, pipe is Listed for use in .exposed applications with certain limitations. When installed without Protection, 'exposed' pipe is to be installed beneath smooth, flat, horizontal ceiling construction. Exposed categories include: standard coverage and residential pendent and sidewaIl sprinkler applications, light hazard extended coverage and residential sprinkler pendent and sidewall sprinkler applications, use in unfinished basements.with exposed solid woad joists, light hazard upright quick response sprinklers, and system risers (in 13R Fr 13D occupancies]. Refer- to Harvel's installation instructions for specific sprinkler dead temperature ratings and spacing requirements. The product must be installed in strict accordance'tiIth NFPA 13, 13D, 13R and Harvel's current CPVC Fire Sprinkler Piping Products Installation Instructions (HFS-3). • Harvel CPVC Fire sprinkler Products must be installed in accordance with Harvel's current installation instructions (HFS-3). Refer to this document for current listing limitations and installation requirements. ASTM STANDARD D1784 KATERIAL CLASSIFICATION EQUIVALENTS: Cell Classification 23447 = CPVC Type IV Grade I - CPVC 4120 PIPE SIZES SHOWN ARE " 0-h AA ! M MANUFACTURED IN STRICT i COMPLLANCE WITH ASTM F442 ru �. hz All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be manufactured from a Type lv. ,, Grade I Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) compound with a all Classification of 23547 per ASTM D1784. Pipe shall be manufactured in strict compliance with ASTM F442 to SDR 13.5 dimensions, con- sistently meeting the Quality Assurance test requirements of this standard with regard to material, workmanship, burst pressure, flatten- ing, and extrusion quality. All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be Listed by Underwriters Laboratories for wet pipe systems, and shall carry a rated working. pressure of 175 psi @ 150'E All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be installed in accordance with HarveI Plastics, Inc. CPVC Fire sprinkler Piping Products Installation Instructions. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standards 13, 13D, and 13R must be referenced for design and installation requirements in conjunction with the Installation Instructions. All CPVC fin: sprinkler pipe shall be manufactured in the USA by an ISO 9001 certified manufacturer and shall be FM and LPCB approved. All CPVC fire sprin- kler pipe shall be packaged immediately after its manufacture to prevent damage and shall be stared indoors after production, at the mar) u factu ring site, until shipped from factory. This pipe shall bear the logo of the listing agencies, and shall carry the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seal of approval for potable water applications. All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be Harveif BlamMaster@ Pipe as manufactured by IIARVFL® PLASTICS:, INC. �N I Harvel Pfasbu. Inc. - 300 Kuebler Rd., Eascon, PA ISD40-9290 Tel. 610.2517355 • Fax_ 610.253.4436 - www.harveirkprinklerpipe.com ES-FBV-4 tt�tti Job Name Job Location Engineer Approval Series F13V-4, FBV-4 2-Piece, Full Port, Brass Ball Valves Sizes:1�4" - 3" (8 - 80mrn) Series FBV-4, FSVS-4 2-Piece, Full Port, Brass Ball Valves are suitable for a full range of liquids and gases In residentlai and commercial applications. These valves feature an adjustable packing for longer service i[fe, a bottom loaded blow -cut proof stem for safety, a fluorocarbon elastomer stem O-ring to prevent stem leaking of installation, and are rated to 600ps[ WOG/150ps1 WSP %"-2' (8-50mm) and 400psl WOG112apsi WSP 21h'-3' (65-80mm). Features • CSA approved threaded valves only 'l4' - 3' ■ Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 611$ • Metal -to -meta[ adapter body seal to eliminate adapter kkft after soldering • Fluorocarbon elastomer stem O-dng prevents stem leaks • Ad]ustable stem packing gland provides longer service iife • Bottom loaded blowout proof stem • PTFE stem packing seal and seats • Machined chrome -plated brass ball * Compiles with MSS-Sp-I10 Models FEW-4 '/4" - 3' (3- 80rnm) threaded end connections FBVS-4 '/h" - 3' (15 - 80mm) solder end connections` Specifications Approved valves shall be 2-piece full port design constructed of a forged brass body and end adapter, Seats and stem pack- ing shall be PTFE. Stem to be bottom -loaded, blowout proof design with a fluorocarbon elastomer O-ring to prevent stem leakage. Valves required to have an adjustable packing gland and chrome -plated brass ball. Threaded valves �/2' - 3' shali be CSA approved to 1h psig and 5.psig and certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 6118 by NSF. Solder valves also required to be certi- fied by NSF to NSF/ANSI Standard 5118. Valve sizes Y4' - 2' pressure rated to 600 psi WOG and 150 psi WSP. Valve sizes 2 'h' - 3' pressure rated to 400 psi WOG and 125 WSP. Valves specified are Watts Series FEV-4 or FBVS-4. Contractor Approval Contractor's P.C. No. Representative FBV-4 FBA' Approvals Y4' -3' FBV-4 '1Z' - 3' FBVS-4 Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 6118 Domestic cold water at 730E Gas Approvals fffireaded Valves Only) 1/ ' — 31e" GSA h Psig 5 pSig h._2' ASME B16.33, CSA ft 'h psig, 5 psig @ -40OF to 125`F ASME 516.38, CSA � 0= 1h psig, 5 psig @ -40T to 125'F Pressure — Temperature Temperature Range; -40OF to 40ooF (400C to 204°C) Pressure Rating: 1/4'-2' (8-50mm) 6o0psi (41.4 bar) WOG non -shock 150psi (10.3 bar) WSP 21h'-3' (65-Bomm) 400psi (27.6 bar} WOG non -shock 125psi (8.6 bar) WSP 'This valve Is designed to be soft soldered into lines without dis- assembly, using a low temperature solder to 4201F (216'C). Higher Temperature solders may damage the seat material. Apply heat with the flame directed AWAY from the center of the valve body. Excessive heat can harm the seats. After soldering, the packing nut may have to be tightened. W"'S 1»�dVwfimdom In U.S. mA mery urns and radric am appraodr W and are pmdded for roferehce orgy. For pneds> measu amerns, Please -4' tWadsTac49W Sefviraa. Waft mefvosthe fight rn cta W or modify product daslye, cor�tru'Jon, specifisalfures, a M-dnls with- TO out prior rlotio9 ad Vdlhdd AiClY M Ny 0*31im b make Such charges and nlodfimbom on Warts afoducts prs—ly or WbSer;mMy said. Materials L A. Handle Nut Zinc plated carbon steel B. Handle Assembly Zinc plated carbon steel with vinyl insulator C. Pac)ong Nut Brass D. Stem Packing Virgin PTTE E. O-Ring Fluorocarbon elastorner (FKMj G. Stem MacHned Brass H. Tag Cardboard, Mylar coated both sides I. Body Forged brass J. Seats Virgin P-FFE K- Ball Chrome plated brass L Adaptor Forged brass Dimensions -Weights ''A 3/a �mr7 10 15 20 25 32 40 50 c �+. mm 1t9.5r 48 1'�'76 48 173ib 46 2M 53 2% 62 2'1h 64 3 76 3'% 89 VAG 104 4'h 114 Flow Curves 20 'A' W W W 1' iW 1%-2' 2W 3' MMMM 70 .. toy M a M M� am saoo Flow Opmj Valve Seat Rating mr psi 479 3U 27E 40� M 209 3oD a 132 2M 3A s9 I ' L1 FUS-4 H 3le 87 37/1s 87 3Mr. 87 316 101 4'% 108 4'/ 153 1t18 !'1 188 7%197 TOWArM A Waits Water Technologies company ES-F6V-4 IOW L p2 MM 13a 45 13/4 447 2 50 2'/4 57 17/e 37 2 51 Th 64 3 76 I 6'/a 155 7'/4 184 i 1 f .8 5.37 11.4 4.99 9[101-2008 C EfiTI FIEp USA: No. Andover, MA - Tel. (978) 688-1all • F&C (978) i84-1848 • www.watts.00m Canada_ Burlington, QNT. (905) 332-4090 - Fax OM) 332-7068 - www.watWcanada ca 0 2010 Watts L1 it f mm Z "J1s 53 2% 1 67 50 100 200 Sao 4M 5W-F 10 38 43 149 zu me -C Tempemture XA, 88 43/,4 1 107 4'A 105 5V4 135 5% 134 6-MA 158 F9V-4 MM-4 & t b� !®.. 0.4 0.16 -- — 0.4 0,17 — — 0.4 0.18 CA 0.16 0.6 0.27 0.5 0,24 1.1 0.49 1.0 0.4-4 1,5 0,68 1.4 O.64 2.3 1.06 2.1 0.95 1.7 1.69 3.8 1.74 7.9 3.57 T2 3-27 I I LJ LJ 0rA KA Ij � ��1 " T S/8", 3/4", 1 97 TOUGH, CERENDABLE AND EXTREMELY CAPABLE Master Meter Bottom Load Muff Jets get the job done. Featuring the latest in measurement technology they bring sustained accuracy with tough performance that stands up to particulates that would choke other meters. These bold meters Have sensitive measurement capabilities that account for every drop of potential revenue — reading flow as low as 1/8 gallon per minute. Nothing sneaks by our meters. If you demand touglms-nails performance, with a keen eye on your bottom line, you can count on Master Meter Bottom Load Multr-Jets. LWE LONG WITH A E3RIGHT FUTURE The Bottom Load Multi -Jet is an updated smart design to the classic "top load" muitijet meter. These meters are designed with the future in mind for use in mobile and fixed network AVIR/ AMI data management systems. Choose an optional DIALOG 3G® Integrated AMR Register and put our ConnectionFree- AMR Technology to work for you. 3G delivers powerful results with 4,000 read data lagging and vigilant Revenue Impact Alerts' monitoring for leaks, tamper, theft Ibackifowl, and zero consumption. Our award -winning register design houses all vital FEATU R ES : * Rugged Basket Strainer Built From Advanced Polymer Materials for Superior Wear Mitigation. * Proprietary Design Produces Smooth, Laminar Flow Profile for Improved Accuracy. T Accuracy Meets or exceeds the AYVWA G708 Standard. Optional NSF Certification Available. Optional 3G integrated Register Debvers: - Revenue Impact Alerts - Leak, Tamper, Theft (backffow), and Zero Consumption - Rich 4,000 Read Data Logging Capabilities De ploy District Management Area s/2ones (DMA/DMZ) Advanced Infrastructure Leak Management Programs SIZES AVAILABLE: 5/8", 3/4", 1" REGISTER DPTIONS: * DIALOG 3G Integrated AMR Register * DIALOG 3G LCD irierpreterl" * DALOG 2G' Pit * DIALOG 2G Indoor * Direct Read components — encoder, RF transmitter, battery and antenna — READ: safely within the register's sealed stainless steel and tempered M Direct Read/Manual glass enclosure. We eliminated external wires, components m Proxim4/Tcuch - 2G and connections —the #1 cause of field related issues on M: Mobile Drive -By AMR - 313 i rxed Network AMJ Solution - 3G tFN migratable competitive designs- using existing Mobile AMR Infrastructure) Tough I Sustained Accuracy I Dependable I AMR/AMI Migratable with 3G TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: ! AWYVA Standard -Meets or exceeds all sections ofAMA Startdard C•708,most recant revWon; NSF/ANSI Standard 61- Optional Standard 61 certified no - fend main case available, Register Sealing - Direct read and OXOGa registers are permanently sealed with a scratch resistant glass lens, stainless steel base and wraparound gasket to prevent intrusion of dirt or mblsture. Design Operation -Velocity -type flow measurement. Water at is evenly distributed by multiple converging inlet ports Rows past an imp Oar in the measuring chamber, creating an impeller velocity directly proportional to water flow rate. The meter's register integrates that velocity into tntafrzad flaw. An inherent advantagge for this design is unparalleled wear mitigation leafing to sustained revenues. The register assembly is removable under fine pressure permittrng seamless, simPitled upgrades In reading technology. Register Unit - Registration available in U.S. gakons cubic feet or cubic meters. Test Circle • Large center sweep hand with one hundred 11 QQl clearly marked gradations on the periphery of the dial face. Low Flow/Leak indicator - Center mounted indicator with high sensi54 resufting from direct one to one linkage to measuring element. Main Case -Choice of waterworks bronze ease of 8I%, copper corrnpnsftfbn, or, 86% copper, no lead bronze. X main cases incorporate extemaffy threaded ends to aid installation. Measuring Chamber -The measuring chamber housing and measurement element are built with an advanced synthetic polymer. This tough, non -hydrolyzing material ensures durable wear. The chamber design optimizes water flow, eliminating harsh turbulence for smooth, easy, operation that minknizes bearing wear. Measurement surfaces are not wear surfaces, pproviding sustained accuracy despite the presence of entrained solids in the water. A long -life synthetic sapphire hearng serves as a wear surface %tip radially balanced water flows, The chamber housing is constructed in two parts to allow access to the impeller. Strainer - A rugged, 35.�degree advance polymer basket strainer protects the critical measuring element from damage, The unlque strainer design smoothes the flow of water entering into the meter creatinga laminar flow that is ggentle on the meter's internal components. Tough materials operating in a smooth, balanced environment enable the meters to perform more accurately over time. Utilities investments last longer while capturing more revenue. Optional Bottom Plates - Bronze, Cast Iron (Cli, or Engineered Plastic. Magnetic Drive -A reliable, direct magnetic drive provides linkage hehveen measurement elememtand register. No intermediate gearing is required; an gearing is exposed to water Adjustingg Part- Sealed after factory calibration. Port is access�fe for utility recalibration to compensate for fnacpuracy in older meters without parts replacement. Register- Standard Direct Read, DIALOG 213 and EXALr7G 3G AMR System registers are available. Six wheal odometers are standard. Together, an integrated and migratable technologgyy environment is attained; direct, proximity (touch), mohife AMR, and Fixed Network AMt, Tamper Detection -The Master Meter MUltijet adjusting Port and re star are concealed to prevent tamperng and removal cf V1e register. This design also provides a +nsuaf indication of tampering attempts. r Flow Rating (gpm} �rPRtirla6n5 Flaw.`gpmi . _.. .' •'..'• ... ' :� � I. ..... . _.. ...... . - _.. 20z' �o Normal Flow Range Igpm1 *::—.��-.--_-- - ---- 5 Fadendad Lori FluW Rum) -ey ;z ' _ ,., .. �'�� 1-ZO 2-30 2.30 2-ab 3.50 ....._.----------�-.._ ...- .:,T s: y'•,;_ r- tfa IJ4 I/4 14:' 3 a Maximurn Wonting Pressure {psi} s fVla omum YYor _.... _. ...__ long Tenyerature ff ]so 1zR 150 IiiJ120 150 150 15D -� 1., r _ Length (A belver) _kf:•' 7.1JZ" 7.1/2" IZSI i'' i tth fa oeic-r+) ... - _ a'+t `F _ ie s II ,:J;r •'-`.. 3-�/a� ... 3.5J8 .. .. �LY:.+u7. 3•S�" -:3.5�8•'. S. Height, standard register with lid IC below! - w74r • Height bottom to ceirltcr hire fD iotirj .''.,-��s--•--G''.•; sWe-11r .. Weight Ibst ---- -- _ �� 40 d6 PaclredTo Cat[ua :." Carton weight (lbs) I _ 25,4 26 19.8 22-4 ACCURACY ANL] HEAD L13S5 CHART ACCt1RACY% a 1V I 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Master Meter, Inc. 101 Regency Parkway, Mansf eld, TX 76063 Toll Free; 800-765.6518 - Main Line: 817-842-800D - FAX. 817 842$100 MAsS71ftV.00nrt M&garr?&1er is nether associated wdh nor a dstnt for of metering products under the eVjh,e tradernerla of Samos, W,9CQ, Badger, He 'ey, Nepity c anSamos, ®20C14 Raster Meter, hr. 91 tE resented. t]NtOG, grf�FPi7 fER, and h9aster Meier are registered tadernaales of Master Meier, Inc. Master Meter reserves the right to make nrAkaarrs lathe prpducts desurbW herein at any time and wdiwut notice. a 5. Patent NoA 7.135,986; 6.875,24� 6,954.178: end others perrotng. M MASTER METER Fig. 22 - Hanger for CPVC Plastic Pipe Single Fastener Strap Type Size Range — 314" thru 2" CPVC pipe Material — Pre -Galvanized Steel Function — Intended to perform as a hanger to support CPVC piping used in automatic fire sprinkler systems. The product acts as a hanger when tab is upward and the fastener screw is in the horizontal position. Figure 22 can be installed on the top of a beam, but in this situation acts as a guide to the piping which is supported by the beam itself. It is not intended to sup- port CPVC pipe from under a flat horizontal surface, such as a ceiling. For this type of installation, use the TOLCOO Fig. 23, Double Fastener Strap for CPVC Piping. Fig. 22, when inverted, with the hanger tab downward, can function as a restrainer to prevent the upward movement of the sprinkler head during activation. Approvals — Underwriters' Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) to support fire sprinkler piping. May be installed in wood using fasteners supplied with product, or into minimum 20 gauge steel using (1) 1/4" x i " tek type screw. Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13, 13R and 13D. B etts us= Features — Fig. 22 incorporates features which protect the pipe and ease installation. The flared edge design pro- tects CPVC pipe from any rough surface It is easily attached to the building structure using the special UL Listed hex head self threading screw' furnished with the product. It is recommended that rechargeable electric drills fit- ted with a hex socket attachment to be used as installation tools. No impact tools (such as a hammer). are allowed. Damage has been known to result from installations using impact type tools. No pre -drilling of a pilot hofe in wood is required. Finish — Pre -Galvanized Order By — Figure number and CPVC pipe size. Hardened hex head self threading screw is furnished with the product and is the minimum fastener size acceptable. CPvc Dimensions • Weights Pipe Size W4 1 1Ya 1,h 2 A 27/ia 2t,tia 3i/�s 3§4e g I-Vespacing 1 �s tie i sy, 21i� C Max. Banger (Ft.) ibis 5W IM6 6 ia s1 1 �i5e B Fastener Hex Bead Size 71 5lis 5/16 5116 5/16 5/16 Approx. W000 g 11 12 15 4FFICFj1 MUFACTURING FACILnY • 1375 UMPSON AvF • CORONA. CA 92879 • PR 951.737.5 W • FAX %1,737.= CUSMUER SERICE - uuG.796,52sE L37 Fig. 23 - Hanger for CPVC Plastic Pipe Double Fastener Strap Type Size Range — 3f4" thru 3" CPVC pipe Material — Pre -Galvanized Steel Function — Intended to perform as a hanger/restrainer to support CPVC piping used in automatic fire sprinkler systems. Fig. 23 can be installed on the top, bottom or side of a beam. The Fig. 23 also functions as a restrainer to prevent the upward movement of the sprinkler Bead during activation. Approvals — Underwriters' Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) sizes 314" thru 2" to support fire sprinkler piping. May be installed in wood using fasteners. supplied with product, or into minimum 20 gauge steel using (2) 1/4" x 1 " tek type screw. Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13, 13R and 13D. Features — Fig. 23 incorporates features which protect the pipe and ease installaton. The flared edge design protects the CPVC pipe from any rough surface. It also incorporates snap restrain- ers allowing easier and faster installation. Easily attaches to the Widing structure using the two UL Listed hex head self thread- ing screws* furnished with the product. It is recommended that rechargeable electric drills fitted with a hex socket attachment be used as installation tools. No impact tools (such as a hammer) are allowed. Damage has been {mown to result from installations using impact type tools. No pre -drilling of a pilot hole in wood is required. Finish — Pre -Galvanized Order By — Figure number and pipe size * Hardened hex head self threading screw is furnished with the product and is the minimum fastener size acceptable. Dimensions CPVc Pipe Size A B C 314 31A 1Si6 1V1e 1 334 111ii5 WIG 11/a 43/iB ��2 19/1 11h 47A6 27i 13,e 47A 27/16 13'ie 212 09132 211/16 1 a116 3 11 718 3 13116 c& um, Max. Hanger Fastener Hex Approx. Spacing (Ft.; Head Size WtJ100 s 5/1 s g 61h 5/16 11 7 5116 12 8 5116 15 Consult Factory 5116 22 Consultt Facto 5116 25 OFFWWANUFACTURING FACILITY -1375 SAMPSON AVE. - COnov s_ CA �2679 • PH: 951.737.5599 • FM: 951.737.03M CUSTOMER SERL7CE • BOO_786.5 c[ LrovxLro C&COM 3s SEAusoR- WFDTH Waterflow Detector The System Sensor WFDTH Retard T-Tap Watergow Detector is designed for primary signaling in residential systems and fits within 2x4 stud wall construction. Features Residential sprinkler systems • Sealed retard mechanism • Usual switch activation Rugged, dual SPDT switches enclosed in a durable terminal block - Easyto install and maintain design -'Vertical or horizontal mount Field replaceable retard mechanism and switch assembly Twelve different flexible paddles • Durable, tamper resistant enclosure -Two conduit openings • Handy depth gauge •Accommodates up to 12 AWG wire • 700%synchronization fires alarm panel and local bell simultaneously Agency Listings uL LISTED @ t.- �E� approved 5739 �i69 TY�ulp33;l i4 1674a MIMS The WFDTH fits anytee that has a 1-NPT branch, including: 1, 1'l4 , 1% , and 2' NPTthreaded Ferrous and brass tees; 1 ,1 , M-and 2- copper sweat tees; Central, Spears, andUctaufie brand 1"Cr'VCtees, and 1 y4• polybutylene tees. Design. The design of the WFDTH makes it easy to install' and simple to maintain. It can be mounted in the vertical or horizontal posttion.Two conduit openings permit easy attachment to the local alarm system, The retard mechanism and switch assembly are field - replaceable. Features. Twelve different flexible paddles fit 1" I W, I W, and 2- tees- Sizes are marked clearly on the paddle for ease of installation. Plastic paddles slip over the actuating lever and are securely fastened with one screw. The handy depth gauge insures the proper Installation depth and clearance of the detector to the tee. ton0ruction. The WFDTH includes a durable and tamper resistant enclosure. Its sealed retard assures that the delay mechanism is not contaminated by dust and dirt when the cover is removed. The long lasting cover completely encloses the electrical components to further keep out dust and dirt. Improved self -guiding security screws and removal tools make detectors resistant to tampering and simplify field maintenance. WFDTH Model shall be a WFDTH as manufactured by System 5ensor.T-tap waterflow detectors shall be instal led on a tee that has a 1' NPT branch including: l ; l Y, ; i 35 ; or 2"threaded ferrous or brass tee;1-2" copper sweat tees; Central, spears , and Victaulic brand 1"CPVC tees; or M' polybutylene tee as designated on the drawings and/or as specified herein. Detectors shall mount on any dear pipe span of the appropriate size, either a vertical or horizontal run at least 6"from any fittings or valves which may change water direction, flow rate, or plpe diameter or no closer than 24"from a valve or drain. Detectors shall have a sensitivity in the range of 4 to 10gallons per minute and a static pressure rating of 250 psi. The retard 14ap detector shall be a sealed mechanical pneumatic unit with visual Indication of actuation.The actuation mechanism shall include a polyethylene vane inserted through the tee fitting and connected by a mechanical linkage to the delay Mechanism. Outputs shall consist of dual SPDTsMtr-hes (Form C contacts).Two conduit entrances (one of which Is a knockout Type) for standard fittings of commonly used electrical conduit shall be provided on the detectors, A grounding provision is provided. WFDTH is listed by Underwriters Laboratories for Indoor use. AM Static Pressure Rating 250 PSI (max) y Operating Temperature Range 32°F to 120`F [09C to 499Q Maximum Surge i S FPS Enclosure Rating UL Jisied for indoor use TriggeringThreshvld 4-10GPM Cover Tamper Switch Canad [an models only, factory installed Bandwidth (Flow Rate) Overall Dimensions, 45"ld x 355"W x 6.7' L Service Use Automatic Spripkfer: NFPA 13 Installed 01.4cm Hx9cm Wx 17cm Q One orTwo Family Dwelling; NFPA 13D Residential occupancies up to 45tories: NFPA 13R National Fire Alarm Code: NFPA 72 Contact Ratings Two sets of SPDT (Form Q Shipping Weight 2A 1bs. (12 kg.) 10D A @ 125/250 VAC 25 A IZ 24 VDC compatible Tee Threaded ferrous and bra sstees, oopper Warranty 3years Fittings sweat tee;, CPVC tees, and polyburylene tees Conduit Entrances T— openings for'h%onduit. ld.S. Patent Numbers 3,545,259; 4,782,333; 5,213,205 Electrical Connections Delay Adjustment Dial UL-LISTED SSM24-X Nam: COMMON AND MO COMPATIBLE SSV120-X CONNECTIONS WILL CLOSE D6y WHEN VANE Is DEFLECTED, I.E., CONTRpLAANEL adpW"rit WHEN WATER IS FLOWING. DUAL POWEq + SWITCHES PERMIT �� R' APPLICATIONS To BE COMBINED ON A SINGLE DETECTOR. SUGGESTED EOL CONTACT PAT7NGS INi1y RESISTOR 125�25Q VA 10 AMPS LOOPOOP _ 24 VDC 2.5 AMPS SCHEMATIC OF k w INDIVIDUAL SWITCH IN NO WATERFLOW" CONDITION s-rrz s rn Q U ❑ BREAK WIREAS MUCH I sorm " 2 SHOWN FOR aura sam— SUPERVISION OF CONNECTION. DO NOTALLOW STRIPPED WERE 0 LEADS TO EXTEND BEYOND SWITCH 0 HOUSING. Do NOT LOOP WIRES. NOTE Aetard tine may exceed go stipends. Adult and verify pot Yme does not exosed go seMnda. Ordering information WFD11 I WFDTHA VV terlow Detector, Fits 1 ; I W 1 Yz-, 2"ferrous and brass threaded tees; 1 ; 1 A-, 1% , 2-copper sweat teen 1 "CPVC tees; and tY2' polyeutylene tees Aaesswias A77-01-02 Replacement terminal block for WFDTH S07-66002 Replacement tamper screws for covers of WFDTH PRK9 Replacement paddle kit -12 paddles for WFDTH (see WFDW Replacement tamper proof wrench for cover of WFDTH for sizes included) WFDTH A30D8-00 Replacement retard mechanism C58-0009-= Replacement metal cover $PNWR8[eghlaed Wdurwk of lheSpoorsMr.6cwfkgc mpuy. vaa eisa nquored Ir+d.ma,k d[heVkl-*Ctanpany frkmerk SYSTEM :a Oi0lp5ystrn 5enuu 3825 Ohio Avenue - St. Charles, IL 60774 Rww , ei,n �aq,op„, h%ff nffiV ; _SENSOR Phone: 800-SENSOR2-Fax630-377-6495 ""'"`p°-wKDti yhwA'dM"mlaw or+f.d�3hm Aos-oe4lt%o VID4201 CH16 Technical Features • Sizes available (Nominal) : DN15/112 ; DN201314, DN2511 DN32/1114", DN40101z" and DN5012". • Pressure data: Working pressure: From DN15/'/2" to DN2511" - 16 bar (232 psi) From DN3211114" to DN5012" - 10 bar (145 psi) Shell Test Pressure; 24 bar (348 psi) Seat Test Pressure: 17.6 bar €255 ps) • Seat type : Resilient disc -finish :Cast Bronze • Connections : Fernaie threaded 8SP inlet and outlet. Spring Loaded Check Valve (Threaded) - CH16 Nominal Fve..5iz, : Dimensions tram 1 inr#t} . 1llelxir :'z' ":::'•• , inch A f3 29 1 1140 31a- 37/1.465 1" EDN40 fZ f 451177 1'1" 561 2,20 1 trz-63J2.48 DN50 2' . 791 3.1 1 Spring Loaded Check Valve (Threaded) - CH16 Materiais f_i5t ...; ::il4arer7aj Bronze 35 2872 - CZ122 ASTM B124 r Brass 85 2672 - czizz ASTM 8124Nitrrle Rubber CommercialAretal Copolymer CommercalStainless Steel Worldwide Fire Protection vHUivc SupplyNet' 3 a J (A Physical Data Refesertre'.. .....weight (kglfb� NRV004SPRING015 0.1010.22 NRVOO14SPRJNG020 Q1510.33 NRV0Q4SPRING025 0.2410,53 NRV0045PRINGQ32 0.3510.77 NW004SPRING040 0.4310,95 NRV0045PRING050 0-7511.65 www.►likingcorp.tam • -M—wed kr+WM U*,,L t M wAc�od� Ltd>s t• Anw�ao,,,rs �waer. weo7 Bore sJ.rcc m manyc xde�an �weoe L CITY OFOU BUILDING & SAFETY DETAPT. APPROVED L FUF CEIVEID BY: 5£p 2 6 2011 FIRE • Fire Sprinkler Hydraufics Calcination Program Lung Water Designs Swdmlale, A7 85260 General Project Data Report General Data Project Title: SF1 Cassia Designed By: Chad Ryan Code Reference: "F" FITTING = "T" RUN Client Name: Address: Company Name, Company Address: Phone: Building Name: Great Contact at Building: Address Of Building: Project Data Descriptbon Of Hazard: Residential Design Area Of Water Application- 512 fF Default Sprinkler K-Factor: 0-00 K Inside Nose Stream Allowance: 0.00 gpm In Rack Sprinkler Allowance: 0,00 gpm Sprinkler Specifications Make: RELAIBLE Size: 7116 �; Water Supply Test Data Source Of Information: Test Hydrant ID: Hydrant Elevation: 0 ft Test Flow Rate: 800.00 gpm Calculated System Flow Rate: 31.72 gpm Available Residual Pressure At System 94.97 psi Flow: ;Calculation Project Data Calculation Mode: Demand HMD Minimum Residual Pressure: 9.20 psi Maximum Water Velocity: 0.00 ftls Number Of Active Nodes: 16 Number Of Active Pipes; 15 Number Of Active Sprinklers: 2 Elite Software DeveloprnenL Inc. _ 5F 1 Cassia Page I Project File Name: SF1 Cassia..fiw .,` pBOTECTj4 Dale: August 10, 2\`�' FIRE pq4 y� II I O Approving Agency: T��� Phone: U CLAS.SIFICArl� City, State Zip Cade: C_1 s Represenlalive: LICENSE City And Slate: 874589 is Building Owner: �'9J�.�S8Y1L.�-�'�\�' Phone at Building. CF CAI.ti�C City, Stale Zip Cade: Sprinkler System Type: Wet Maximum Area Per Sprinkler: 256 R2 Default Pipe Material: SLAZEMASTER CPVC Outside Hose Stream Allowance: 0.00 gpm Model: RFC Temperature Rating-. 165 F Dale Of Test: Static Pressure: 95.00 psi Test Residual Pressure: 85.00 psi Calculated Inflow Residual Pressure: 6T-22 psi Minimum Desired Flow Density: 0.05 gpmlft= Maximum Frictional Lass 1 100 feet: 20.00 psi Number Of Inactive Pipes: 35 Number Of Inactive Sprinklers: 0 FIRE - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Uvh,Q Waler Desinns - - SeottAaVe- AZ B5260 Fire Sprinkler Output Data - Elite Software DerretnpmeM Inc. Sr 1 Gae54a - ----- - - Page-2 1 r- Overall Pipe Output Data - Beg. Nodal Spk/Hose Residual Nora, Dia- q (gpm) Q (gpm) F L.1ft (psilft) Pipe -Len, Fit -Len. pF-(psi) si ) r End. Elevation KFactor Discharge (feet) Pressure Inside Dia. Velocity Fittings jai -Len. PE -(psi) PT -(Psi} Node (Kl (9pm} (psi) C-Value - (fps) Type -Grp _...iftl. - - 1 4,30 12.50 13,67 10.11 1.00 13.67 0,03369 0.50 0.185 2 0.00 13,00 0.00 10,08 1101 13.67 T 5.00 -0,217 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 -4.61 0 5.50 -0,031 2 0.00 13,00 0,00 10.08 1.00 0.00 0.03369 10,00 0.371 4 0,00 16.00 0.00 9.15 1.101 13,67 F 1,00 -1.299 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 4,61 0 11.00 -0.928 r 3 4-30 15.50 13.04 9.20 1,00 13.04 0.03084 0.50 0.170 4 0.00 16.00 0,00 9-15 1.101 13.04 T 5.00 -0.217 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 4.39 0 550 -0.047 4 0.00 16,00 0.00 9-15 1-00 0.00 0.11627 13.00 3.721 7 0.00 19.00 0.00 M57 1,101 26.71 2ET 19.00 -1.299 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 9-00 0 3200 2,422 6 0.00 19.00 0.00 11-57 1,00 0.00 0.00000 10.30 0.000 7 0-00 19.00 0.00 11.57 1,101 0.01 F 1.00 0.000 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 0.00 0 11.30 0.000 7 0,00 19.00 D.00 11,57 1.00 0,00 0,11631 23.20 4,676 8 0-00 19.00 0.00 16.25 1.101 26,72 3F2F 17.00 0.000 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 9.00 0 40.20 4.876 ' B 0.00 19.00 0.00 16.25 1,00 0,00 0.11631 9.5D 1,221 70 0.00 9.50 0.00 21,59 1.101 26,72 F 1.00 4.114 BLAZEMASTER GPVC 150 9.00 0 10.50 5.335 70 0.00 9.50 0,00 21.59 1.00 0-00 0.11631 4.50 0.872 75 0.00 5.00 0.00 24.41 1.101 2632 3F 3.00 1,949 I _ T BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 9.00 0 7-50 2,821 75 FS 5.00 24.41 26.71 L f 100 3.00 psi 5.00 27.41 100 0,00 5.00 0.00 27.41 1.00 0-00 0.16478 5,00 1.648 110 0.00 0.00 5.00 31.22 1,025 26.72 EC 5.00 2.165 COPPER PIPE 150 10.39 0 10.00 3,813 110 0,00 0.00 5.00 31.22 1.00 5.00 0.22633 3.00 3.621 L 120 0.00 -2.00 0.00 35.71 1.025 31,72 2ET 13,00 0,866 COPPER PIPE 150 12.33 0 16.00. 4.487 120 0,00 -2,00 0.00 35.71 1.00 0.00 0.22633 10,00 3.848 130 0.00 -2.00 0.00 39.55 1.025 31.72 T 7.00 0.000 COPPER PIPE 150 12,33 0 17.00 3,848 FIRE - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program ILiving Water Designs :; Elite Software Development, Inc SF1 Gassw � `SCOttsdRie. AI 852t 4 71 _ Page 3 - I Fire Sprinkler Output Data - - - l Overall Pipe Output Data (Cont'd) Be,. Nodal SpklHose Residual Nam. Dia. q (gpm) Pipe -Len. PF�psi) End. KFactor Elevation Discharge (feet) Pressure Inside Die, a (gpm) Velocity tt) (psvilrt) Fittings Fit -Len. Tot -Len. PE4psi) Node (K) (gpm) (psi) C-Value tfp)__TyPe-Grp (fl) Pi -(psi) r 130 0.00 -2-00 0.00 39.55 1.00 0.00 0.20220 40.00 8.553 !1 140 0.00 -2.00 0.00 48.11 1.049 31.72 FG 2.30 0.000 SCHEDULE 40 PVC 150 11.77 0 42.30 8.553 140 Meter -2.00 48.11 31.72 150 13.00 psi -2.00 61.11 I 150 0.00 -2.00 0.00 61.11 1.00 0.00 0.22633 20.00 6.111 160 0.00 -2.00 0.00 67.22 1.025 31.72 T 7.00 0.000 ` COPPER PIPE r c� } f L- I L L� L 150 12.33 0 27.00 6.111 FIRE - Fire SprinkIor Hydraulics Cal auiation Pragram — - - - — T - - Elite Sokwaro povolopment. Inc. Uvhsg Water Resigns SF 1 Cassls l 5oo�ale'AZ RogB n. !IFire- Sprinkler Output Summary J - - - - - Hydraulically Most Demanding Sprinkler Node HMD Sprinkler Node Number: 3 HMD Actual Residual Pressure: 9.20 psi HMD Actual GPM: 13.04 gpm I LSprinkler Summary Sprinkler System Type: Wet Specified Area Of Applicafion: 512.00 f? j� Minimum Desired Density: 0-050 gpmfft' Application Average UensRy. 0.052 gpmfftz I Application Average Area Per Sprinkler: 256.00 f? Sprinkler Flow: 26.72 gpm - Average Sprinkler Flow: 13.36 gpm Flow Velocity And Imbalance Summary Maximum Flow Velocity ( In Pipe 110 - 120 j 12.33 ftlsec Ma)amum Velocity Pressure [ In Pipe 110 - 120) 1.02 psi Allowable Maximum Noda) Pressure Imbalarxe- 0.0100 psi Actual Maximum Nodal Pressure Imbalance: 0.0025 psi Actual Average Nodal Pressure Imbalance: 0-0015 psi Actuai Maximum Nodal Flow lmbalance: -0.0077 gpm + Actual Average Nodal Flow Imbalance: 0.0023 gpm Overall Network Summary [ Number Of Unique Pipe Sections: 15 - Number Of Flowing Sprinklers: 2 Pipe System Water Volume. 3.03 gal Sprinkler Flow: 26.72 gpm Non -Sprinkler Flow: 5.00 gpm Minimum Required Residual Pressure At System Inflow Node: 67.22 psi Demand Flow At System Inflow Node: 31.72 gpm FIRE - Fire Sprinkter Hydraulics Calculation Program Living Water Dmigns Scottsdale, AZ -85260 General Project Data Report General Data Project Title: SF1 Cassia Designed By: Chad Ryan Code Reference: "F" FITTING = "T" RUN Client Name: Address: Company Name: Company Address: Phone: Building Name: Bdrm Contact at Building: Address Of Building: Project Data Description Of Hazard: Residential Design Area Of Water Application: 400 ft2 Default Sprinkler K-Factor: 0,00 K Inside Huse Stream Allowance: 0.00 gpm In Rack Sprinkler Alfowance: 0.00 gpm Sprinkler Specifications Make: RELAIBLE Size: 7116 Water Supply Test Data Source Of Information: Test Hydrant ID. - Hydrant Elevation: 0 ft Test Flow Rate: 800-00 gpm Calculated System Flow Rate: 26.01 gpm Available Residual Pressure At System 94.98 Flow: psi Calculation Project Data Calculation Mode: Demand HMD Minimum Residual Pressure: 23.87 psi Maximum Water Velocity: 0.00 ftls Number Of Active Nodes: 15 Number Of Active Pipes: 14 Number Of Active Sprinklers: t - Elite Software Development. Inc- SF1 Cassia Project File Name- 5F1 Cassia..fiw Date: August 10, 2011 Approving Agency: Phone: City, State Zip Code: Representative: City And State: Building Owner: Phone at Building: City, State Zip Code: Sprinkler System Type: Wet Maximum Area Per Sprinkler: 400 ft= Default Pipe Material: BLAZEMASTER CPVC Outside Hose Stream Allowance. 0,00 gpm Model: RFC Temperature Rating: 165 F Date Of Test: Static Pressure: 95.00 psi Test Residual Pressure: 85.00 psi Calculated Inflow Residual Pressure: 65.91 psi I Minimum Desired Flow Density: 0,05 gpmlftz Maximum Frictional Lass 1 100 feet: 20.00 psi Number Of Inactive Pipes: 36 Number Of Inactive Sprinklers: 0 FIRE 014 Sprinkler WjdraW�i da� 1206ii _Pm9r3m ro e- 6pWCq . �Inc� ElffeSoftwa ve 1 Living W9W DOW" SF 1 Cassia Fire Sprinkler ... .. ..... Output Data Overall Pipe Output Data Beg. Nodal Elevation SpIklHose Residual Nom Ma. q (gpm) Q (gpm) F. LAI (PS00 Pipe -Len. Fit -Len. PF-(psi) End. KFactor feat) Pressure anside DO, Velocity Fittings To( -Len PE -(psi) Node (K) {gpm) WPM) (psi) C-Va)ue (fPs). JYPL)'GTP YQ PT -(psi) 2 0.00 1100 0.00 27-65 1.00 0.00 0.00000 10.00 0-000 4 0,00 16A0 0.00 26-36 1.101 OM F 1,00 -1,299 SLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 0,00 0 11,00 -1.299 5 4,30 18,50 21,01 23.87 1.00 21-01 0.07456 0-50 0559 6 0.00 19.00 0.00 24,21 1.101 21.01 E 1.00 -0.217 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 7.08 0 7-50 0343 4 0.010 16,00 0,00 26-35 1.00 000 0.00000 13.00 0'000 7 0,00 19.0(1 0.00 25,06 1.101 0-00 2ET 19,00 -1,299 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 0.00 0 32,00 -1.299 6 0.00 19.00 0,100 24,21 100 0,00 0.07456 10,30 0,842 7 0-00 19.00 0,00 25,06 1-101 21,01 F 1.00 0.000 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 7.08 0 11130 0.642 7 0.00 19.00 0-00 25,06 1,00 0,00 0.07456 23,20 2,997 8 0.00 19,00 0,00 28.05 1.101 21.01 3172E 17.00 0,000 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 7.08 0 40.20 2.997 8 0.00 19-00 0,00 28.05 1.00 0.00 0,07456 9,50 0183 70 0,00 9.50 0,00 32.95 1.101 21-01 F 1.00 4.114 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 7,08 0 14.30 4.896 70 000 9.50 0.00 32.95 1.00 0.00 0,07466 4.50 0.559 75 0,00 5.00 0.00 35.46 1.101 21.01 3F 3-00 1.949 SLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 7,08 0 7,50 2.508 75 FS 5.00 35-46 21.01 100 3.00 psi 6100 38.47 100 0.00 5.00 0.00 38.47 1.00 0.00 0A0562 5-00 1.056 110 0,00 0.00 5.00 41.69 1,025 21.01 EC 5,00 2.166 COPPER PIPE 150 8,17 0 10,00 1221 110 0.00 0.00 5.00 41.69 1.00 5.00 0.15678 300 2.509 120 0.00 -2.00 0,00 45.06 1.025 26.01 2ET 13,00 0.866 COPPER PIPE 150 10-11 0 16.00 3.375 120 0.00 -2.00 0,00 45,06 1.00 0.00 0.15678 10,00 2.665 130 0,00 .200 0,00 47.73 1,025 26.01 T 7.00 0.000 COPPER PIPE 150 10.11 0 17,00 2.665 130 0.00 -2-00 0.00 47.73 1,00 0,00 0,14007 40,00 5.925 140 0100 -2.00 0.00 53.65 1.049 26,01 FG 2,30 0.000 SCHEDULE 40 PVC 150 9.66 0 42.30 5.925 rr ` rFIRE -Fire Sprinkior MydrauliCS Calculation Program Elite Software ❑evefopmertt, Living Waler Designs SF 1 Cassia ScDdsdale. AZ_K2 �•• Page 3 Fire Sprinkler Output Data Overall Pipe Output Data (cont'd) Be,, Nodal SplMose Elevation Residual Nom. pia. 4 (gpm) Q tgpmf F. L./ft 4pSMI Pipe -Len. Fit -Len. PF-(psi) End KFactor Discharge (feet) Pressure Inside Dia. Velocity Fbrgs Tot -Len. PE-�Psl) Node �K) WPM) (Psi) C-Value (fps) Type -Grp (ft) PT -(Psi) 140 Meter -2.00 53.65 26.01 150 8.00 psi -2.00 61.68 150 0.00 -2.00 0.00 61.68 1.00 0.00 0.15678 20.00 4.233 160 0.00 -2.00 0.00 65.91 1,025 26.01 T 7M 0.U00 ` 1' r L COPPER PIPE I � 150 10,11 0 27.00 4.233 h I I i ti i I jf I1 i' - � FIRE 4-ire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program + Living Waler Designs SCDtomp AZ-85?EO rw. Fire Sprinkler Output Summary Hydraulically Most Demanding Sprinkler Node HMD Sprinkler Node Number: 5 HMD Actual Residual Pressure: 23.87 psi HMD Actual GPM: 21.01 gpm i Sprinkler Summary Sprinkler System Type: Wei Specified Area Of Application: 400.00 f? Minimum Desired Density: 0.050 gpmlfl' Application Average Density: 0.053 gpmlft' Application Average Area Per Sprinkler: 400.00 fir Sprinkler Flow: 21.01 gpm Average Sprinkler Flow: 21.01 gpm Flow Velocity And Imbalance Summary Maximum Flow Velocity ( In Pipe 150 - 160 ) 10.11 ftlsec Maximum Velocity Pressure ( In Pipe 150 - 160 Z 0.69 psi Allowable Maximum Modal Pressure lmbalance: 0.0100 psi Actual Maximum Nodal Pressure Imbalance: 0,0000 psi Actual Average Nadal Pressure Imbalance: 0.0000 psi Actual Maximum Nodal Flow Imbalance: 0.0004 gpm Actual Average Nodal Flow Imbalance: 0.0001 gpm Overall Network Summary Number Of Unique Pipe Sections: 14 Number Of Flowing Sprinklers: 1 Pipe System Water Volume: 2.99 gal Sprinkler Flow: 21.01 gpm Non -Sprinkler Flow 5.00 gpm Minimum Required Residual Pressure At System Inflow Node: 65.91 psi Demand Flow At System Inflow Node: 26.01 gpm 1 Elite Software Delvtl'oprnfr�, MC. SF1 Csasie � ' _-� page s 1 1 I� FIRE - Fire Sprinklor Hydraulics Calculation Program Lmrtg W mer DeSignS Scottsdale, AZ 8520 �- .--- -- . General Project Data Report General Data Project Title: SF2 $age 1 Desigmed By- Chad Ryan Code Referertce: "F" FITTING = "T" RUN Ciient Name: Address: Company Name: Company Address: Phone: 1 Building Name: Master Contact at Building: Address Of Building: Project Data I Description Of Hazard: Residential Design Area Of Water Application: 512 It" Default Sprinkler K-Factor. 0.00 K Inside Hose Stream Allowance: 0-00 gpm Rack Sprinkler Allowance: 0.00 gpm lin 1 Sprinkler Specifications Make: R E LAIBt_E Size: 7116 Water Supply Test Data Source Of Information: Test Hydrant ID: Hydrant Elevation: 0 ft Test Flow Rate: 800.00 gpm Calculated System Flow Rate: 31.10 gpm Available Residual Pressure At System 94.98 psi Flow: 1 i calculation Project Data + Calculation Mode: Demand HMD Minimum Residual Pressure: 9.20 psi Maximum Water Velocity: 0.00 ftls Number Of Active Nodes: 17 Number Of Active Pipes: 16 Number Of Active Sprinklers; 2 i -- Elhe 8oitwars Devaloprnent. Inc. SF2 Sage Pa2a 1 Project File Name: SF2 SageAiw Date: Approving Agency: August 10.' pR�T�C�7O r�\� �r% ORE P,q4 T��� 0, Phone: �O w� City, State Zip Code: z a� Representative: U CLA55IFICATION City And Stale' C- S Building Owner: aF L(CENSE9No- �'�. Phone at Building: City, Stale Zip Code: 9 Os GAtt ��P Sprinkler System Type: Wet Maximum Area Per Sprinkler: 256 f12 Default Pipe Material: BLAZEMASTER CPVC Outside Hose Stream Allowance: 0.00 gpm Model: RFC Temperature hating: 165 F Date Of Test: i Slatic Pressure: 95.00 psi Test Residual Pressure. 85.00 psi Calculated inflow Residual Pressure: 64-32 psi Minimum Desired Flaw Density: 0.05 gpmlft' Maximum Frictional Loss 1 100 feet: 20.00 psi Number Of Inactive Pipes: 34 Number Of Inactive Sprinklers: 0 -- I FIRE - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program r Elite S*ftmta Development, Inc - Living Water Designs SF2 Sage Scgtlsoft AZ_ 8526D - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - Page 2 , Fire Sprinkler Output Data Overall Pipe Output Data Beg. Nodal SpklHose Residual Nom. ❑ia. q (gpm) F. Lift Pipe -Len. PF-(psi) -1 End. Elevation KFactvr Discharge Pressure inside Dia. 0 (gpm) (psilft) Fit -Len .PE -(psi) Node (K) (feet) (gpm) (psi) C-Value Velocity Fittings Tot -Len. PT (psi) Type -Grp _ ... -- --(ft} _. - 2 0,00 14.00 0,00 13.46 1,00 OM 0.00000 25.50 0.000 8 0.00 19.00 0.00 11.30 1.101 0.00 4F3E 2500 2A65 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 0.00 0 50.50 2A65 3 4,30 18.50 13.04 9-20 100 13.04 0,03086 0.50 0.231 1 4 0.00 19.00 0.00 9.21 1.101 13.04 E 7.00 -0.217 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 4-40 0 7 50 0.015 5 6 4.30 18.50 0.00 19.00 13,05 0.00 9.21 9.23 1.00 1.101 13.05 13.05 0.03091 E 0.50 7.00 0.232 -0,217 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 4.40 0 7.50 0.015 4 0.00 19.00 0,00 9.21 1.00 0-00 0.03086 4.80 0.302 7 0.00 19.00 0.00 9-52 1101 13-04 T 5.00 0,000 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 4.40 0 9.80 0.302 6 0.00 19.00 0.00 9.23 1,00 OM 0.03091 4.30 0.287 7 0.00 19-00 0.00 9.52 1,101 13.05 T 5.00 0.000 1 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 4,40 0 9.30 0,287 7 0,00 19.00 0.00 9.52 1.00 0.00 0.11135 11.00 1,782 8 0,00 19,00 0.00 11.30 1.101 26.10 T 5.00 0.000 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 8.79 0 16.00 1.782 8 0.00 19.00 0.00 11.30 1.00 25.10 0-11135 13.60 2.962 l 9 0.00 19.00 0.00 1416 1,101 26.10 FET 13.00 0.000 J BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 8.79 0 26.60 2.962 9 0.00 19.00 0.00 14.26 1.00 0.00 0.11135 9,50 1.169 f 70 0.00 9.50 0.00 19.54 1,101 26.10 F 1,00 4A14 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 8.79 0 10.50 5.283 70 0.00 9.50 0.00 19.54 1-00 0.00 0,11136 4.50 0-835 75 0.00 5.00 0.00 22.33 1,101 26.10 3F 3.00 1.949 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 8,79 0 7.50 2.784 75 FS 5.00 22.33 26.10 ' 100 3.00 psi 5.00 25.34 i 100 0.00 5.00 0.00 25.34 1.00 0.00 OA5776 5.00 1.578 1 110 0.00 0,00 5,00 29.08 1.025 26A0 EC 5.00 2.165 J - COPPER PIPE 15O 10,15 0 10.00 3.743 110 0.00 0.00 5.00 29.OB 1.00 5.00 0.21819 3.00 3.491 J 120 0.00 -2.00 0.00 33.44 1,025 31.10 2ET 13.00 0.866 COPPER PIPE 150 12,09 0 16.00 4.357 J J FIRE - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software DeveioWenL Inc. Living Water Designs S172 Sage Si:otlsdale,AZ,852B0__.__-. ---Rage g Fire Sprinkler Output Data Overall Pipe Output Data (cont'd) Beg. Nodal Spk/Hose Elevation Residual Nom. Dia. 4 (gpm) a (gpm) F. LJFt (psilft) Pipe -Len. Fit -Len. PF (p$') End_ }(Factor Discharge (feet) Pressure Inside Dia, Velocity Fittings Tot -Len. PE (psi) Node (K) (gprn) (psi) C-Value PT4psi) _-- (fps) type -Grp (ft) 120 0.00 -2.00 0.00 33.44 1.00 0.00 0.21819 10.00 3.709 130 0.00 -2.00 0.00 37.14 1.025 31 A 0 T 7.00 0.000 COPPER PIPE 150 12.09 0 17.00 3.709 130 0.00 -2.00 0.00 37.14 1.00 0,00 0.19493 40.00 8.246 140 0.00 -2.00 0.00 45.39 1,049 31,10 FG 2.30 0.000 SCHEDULE 40 PVC 150 11.54 0 42.30 8.246 140 Meter -2.00 45.39 31.10 150 13.00 psi -2.00 58.43 150 0,00 -2.00 0.00 58.43 1.00 0.00 0,21819 20,00 5,891 160 0.00 -2.00 0.00 64.32 1,025 31.10 T 7.00 0,000 COPPER PIPE 150 12,09 0 27,00 5.891 r IN • v ir4 upriniuer Hydraullcs lGaicuiatfon Program - `Livingater Wdesigns + _�olSs[fa19 AZ _ 85260 Fire Sprinkler Output Summary '1 Hydraulically Most Demanding Sprinkler Node HMO Sprinkler Node Number: 3 HMD Actual Residual Pressure: 9.20 psi HMO Actual GPM: 13.04 gpm Sprinkler, Summary Sprinkler System Type: Specified Area Of Application: Minimum Desired Density: Application Average Density: Application Average Area Per Sprinkler Sprinkler Flow: Average Sprinkler Flaw: Flow Velocity And Imbalance Summary i Maximum Flow Velocity ( In Pipe 110 - 120 ) Maximum Velocity Pressure ( In Pipe 110 - 120 } Allowable Maximum Modal Pressure Imbalance -- Actual Maximum Nodal Pressure Imbalance: Actual Average Nodal Pressure Imbalance: Actual Maximum Nodal Flow Imbalance: Actual Average Nodal Flow Imbalance: .Overall Network Summary Number Of Unique Pipe Sections: Dumber of Flowing Sprinklers: i Pipe System Water Volume: ' Sprinkler Flow: Non -Sprinkler Flow: 1 l Minimum Required Residual Pressure At System Inflow Node: Demand Flow At System Inflow Node: Wet 512.00 ft" 0.050 gpmlftz 0.051 gpmJil= 256.00 ft2 26A0 gpm 13.05 gpm 12.09 filsec 0.98 psi 00100 psi 0.0073 psi 0.0013 psi -0.0004 gpm 0.0000 gpm 16 2 2.41 gal 26.10 gpm 5.00 gpm 64.32 psi 31.10 gpm Ell* software peval4ma k ina. j 3F2 Saps �_P. FIRE -Fire. Sprinkler Hydraull7�CNuftMon Program E1ito Software Qvvalopmoal. Inc. LMw Water Designs SF2 Sage LSORP AZ 1 General Project Data Report General Data Project Title: SF2 Sage Project File Name: SF2 Sage- _ Designed By: Chad Ryan Date: August 10, 20 990TEC?'�0 Code Reference: Approving Agency: �Q FIRE N "F" FITTING = "T" RUIN � �� �OTF CQ Client Name: phone: Address: City, State Zip Code; 2 s Company Name: Representative: CL4SSIFICATiON Chi Company Address: City And Stale: C-16 v Phone: } LICENSE No, Z17 Building Name: Great Building Owner: 45&4 -0 r Contact at Building: Phone at Building: ' �SEV11.�� Address Of Building: City, State Zip Code: aF CAL1F�? Project Data Description Of Hazard: Residential Sprinkler System Type: Wet Design Area Of Water Application: 400 ft' Maximum Area Per Sprinkler: 400 W Default Sprinkler K-Factor: 0.00 K Default Pipe Material: S AZEMASTER CPVC Inside Bose Stream Allowance: 0.00 gpm Outside Hose Stream Allowance: 0.00 gpm In Rack Sprinkler Allowance: 0.00 gpm Sprinkler Specifications Make: RELAIBLE Model: RFC Size: 7116 Temperature Rating: 165 F Water Supply Test Data 1 Source Of Information: Test Hydrant ID: Date Of Test: Hydrant Elevation: 0 ft Static Pressure: 95.00 psi Test Flow Rate: 800.00 gpm Test Residual Pressure: 85.00 psi - Calcufaled System Flow Rate: 26.01 gpm Calculated Inflow Residual Pressure: 65.65 psi Available Residual Pressure At System 94 g8 psi Flow: Calculation Project Data 1 Catculabon Mode_ Demand HMD Minimum Residual Pressure: 2337 psi Minimum Desired Flow Density: 0.05 gpmlftx Maximum Water Velocity: 0.00 fus Maxirnum Frictional Loss 1 100 feet: 20.00 psi Number Of Active Lodes: 16 Number Of Active Pipes: 15 Number Of Inactive Pipes: 35 Number Of Active Sprinklers. 1 Number Of Inactive Sprinklers: 0 FIRE - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Cafcufat6n Prograrn _ Living Wroar ❑osigns Elite Sof mre Development, Irrc ` I � 5F2 S � . _ '. � I Stonsdale, AZ -857,F34_-_-- j Fire Sprinkler Output Data :Overall Pipe Output Data Beg. Nadal SpklHose Residual Nam. ❑ia. q (9pm) F. L.Ift Pipe -Len. PF-{psi} End. Elevation Kf=actor Discharge pressure Inside>Jia, Q (9pM) (psilft) Fit -Len. PE -{psi} Node (feet) (K) WPM) (psi) C-Value Velocity Fittings To( -Len. PT -{psi) �fp s) Type -Grp _ {it} 1 4.30 13.50 21.01 23.87 1.00 21,01 0.07456 0,50 0.559 2 0.00 14.00 0.00 24.21 1.101 21.01 E 7,00 -0117 BLAZEMASTER CPVC i50 7.08 0 7.50 0,343 4 0.00 19,00 0.00 25.81 1.00 0.00 0,00000 4.80 0,000 7 0.00 19.00 0.00 25.81 1.101 0.00 T 5.00 0,000 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 160 0.00 0 9,80 0.000 6 0.00 19.00 0.00 25.81 1.00 0.00 0.00000 4.30 0.000 7 0.00 19.00 0.00 25.81 1.101 0.00 T 5-00 0,000 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 0.00 0 9,30 0A00 ` 7 0.00 19-00 0.00 25.81 1.00 0.00 0.00000 11.00 0.000 8 0.00 19M 0.00 25.61 1.101 0.00 T 5.00 0.000 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 0.00 0 16.00 0.000 2 0.00 14.00 0.00 24,21 1.00 0-00 0.07456 25,50 3.765 8 0.00 19.00 0,00 25.81 1,101 21.01 4F3E 25.00 -2.165 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 7.08 0 50.50 1.600 8 0.00 19A0 0.00 25.81 1.00 21.01 0,07456 13.60 1.983 4 0.00 19M 0.00 27,80 1.101 21,01 FET 13.00 0.000 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 7.08 0 26,60 1,983 9 0.00 19,00 0.00 27.60 1.00 0,00 0,07466 9.50 0,783 70 9,50 0.00 32,69 1.101 21.01 F 1.00 4.114 -0.00 BLAZEMASTER CPVC _. 150 7.08 0 10.50 4.896 70 0.00 9.50 0.00 32.69 1.00 0.00 0,07456 4.50 0.559 75 0.00 5,00 0.00 35.20 II A 01 21.01 3F 3.00 1.949 - BLAZE MASTER CPVC - 150 7.08 0 7,50 2,508 75 FS 5.00 35.20 21.01 100 3.00 psi 5M 38.21 100 0.00 5.00 0M 38.21 1.00 0.00 0,10562 5.00 1.056 j 110 0.00 0.00 5.00 41.43 1.025 21.01 EC 5,00 2.165 COPPER PIPE 150 8.17 0 10.00 3.221 110 0.00 0.00 5.00 41.43 1,00 5.00 0.15678 3,00 2.509 120 0.00 -2.00 0.00 44.81 1.025 26.01 2ET 13.00 0.866 _ COPPER PIPE 150 10.11 0 16,00 3.375 120 0.00 -2.00 0.00 44.81 1.00 0.00 0.15678 10.00 2,665 130 0.00 -2.00 0-00 47,47 1.025 26.01 T 7.00 0.000 COPPER PIPE 150 10.11 0 17.00 2.665 f10E - Fire 3pr4kier ifydraulics Caiculation Prcgrarn - - - - - � Living Wator Dtr5ign6 SC04d* 7ii ti- ..Y �,{,k--�;� -��` Elite Software DwaloprR�t, Enc. AZ 85260 S172 sage Fire Sprinkler Output Data Overall Pipe Output ❑at�cant'd _ - - - - - Beg. Nodal Efevafian 5pkfliogg End. KFaCtor Discharge Residual Nom, Dia. Q WPM) (9Pml l • L.lft Pipe -Len. PF-(psi) f i Node {Ky (feet) (9Pm) PresWre (Poi) Inside Dia. C-Value Velocity {P 1} Fiftings Fif-Len. ot Len, Tot-Len,' PE -(psi) - - -- fP§3 T -Cam - _ (Ft} P7- psi) -� 130 0.00 -2.00 ❑.ao 140 0,00 -2.00 0.00 47.47 1.00 0.00 0.14007 40.00 5.926 SCHEDULE 40 PVC: 53.40 1.049 26.01 FG 2.30 0.000 -_ - - - 150 9M 0 42.30 5.925 I 140 Meter -2.00 53.40 26.01 150 8.00 Psi -2.00 61.42 j 150 0.00 -2.00 0.00 160 0.00 -2.00 0.00 61.42 66,65 1.00 0.00 0.15678 20.00 4.233 - COPPER PIPE 1.025 26.01 T 7.00 0.000 - -- -150 10.11 Q 27.170 4_233 i a FIRE - Fife Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Llving Water D"ns - - LSt ts�al� 2 5528v_._. y - -- Fire Sprinkler Output Summary Hydraulically Most Demanding Sprinkler Node HMD Sprinkler Node Number: 1 HMD Actual Residual Pressure: 23.87 psi HMD Actual GPM: 21.01 gpm Sprinkler Summary Sprinkler System Type: Wet Speciried Area Of Application: 400.00 R2 Minimum Desired Density., 0.050 gpm/W Application Average Density 0.053 gpMtft2 Application Average Area Per Sprinkler: 400.00 fP Sprinkler Flow: 21.01 gpm Average Sprinkles Flow: 21.01 gpm Flow Velocity And Imbalance Summary Ma)amum Floe+ Velocity ( In Pipe 150 -160 ) 10.11 fusee Maximum Velocity Pressure (In Pipe 150 - 160) 0.69 psi Allowable Ma)(murn Nodal Pressure Imbalance: 0.0100 psi Actual Maximum Nodal Pressure Imbalance: 0.0064 psi Actual Average Nodal Pressure Imbalance, 0.0026 psis Actual Maximum Modal Flow Imbalance: -0.0014 gpm Actual Average Nodal Flow Imbalance: 0,0002 gpm Overaii Network Summary Number Of Unique Pipe Sections: 15 Nimnber Of Flouring Sprinklers: 1 Pipe System Water Volume: 2.86 gaI Sprinkler Flow: 21.01 gpm Non -Sprinkler Flow: 5.00 gpm Minimum Required Residual Pressure At System Inflow Node: 65.65 psi Demand Flow At System Inflow Node: 26.01 gpm Elite Soltwaro Development, Inc. SF2 Saw Pale 4 FIRE -Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics CgiIOutatlen FIDaram l llte $O**We Developmo t, Inc. Living walar Oesigns SF3Corifia 1 Switsdale. AZ 85260 _ General Project Data Report - General Data I - Project Title: SF3 Cordial Project File Name: SF3 Cordia.Aw Designed By; Chad Ryan Date; August 10 Cade Reference; Approving Agency-. R TECTI "F" FITTING = "T" RUN Client Name: Phone: rl;��F1RE PRO�C' Address: City, State Zip Code: Company Name: Representative: LU CLASSiFICATI0R C� Company Address: City And State: 0 �_ � 6 � Phone: ^� Building Name: Hall Building Owrwr: i [ 7Lt;89 7.1 Contact at Building- Address Of Building: Phone at Building: S,k � �� P S•- 0 City, State Zip Code; OF Project Data Description Of Hazard: Residential Sprinkler System Type; Wet Design Area of Water Application: 512 It' Maximum Area Per Sprinkler. 256 ft' Default Sprinkler K-Factor: 0.00 K Default Pipe Material: BLAZEMASTER CPVC Inside Hose Stream Allowance: 0.00 gpm Outside Hose Stream Allowance: 0.00 gpm In Rack Sprinkler Allowance: 0.00 gpm Sprinkler Specifications Make: RELAIBLE Model: RFC Size: 711b Temperature Rating: 165 F 1 i Water Supply Test Data Source Of Information: Test Hydrant 10: Date Of Test. Hydrant Elevation: i} ft Static Pressure: 95.00 psi Test Flaw Rate: 800.00 gpm Test Residual Pressure; 85.00 psi Calculated System Flow Rate: 31.67 gpm Calculated Inflow Residual Pressure: 61.73 psi l Available Residual Pressure At System gq 97 psi Flow: Calculation Project Data Calculation Mode: Demand HMD Minimum Residual Pressure: 9.20 psi Maximum Water Velocity: 0.00 ftls Number Of Active Nodes: 20 Number Of Active Pipes: 21 Number Of Active Sprinklers: 2 Minimum Desired Flow Density: Maximum Frictional Loss 1100 feel: Number Of Inactive Pipes: Number Of Inactive Sprinklers: 0.05 gpmiw 20.00 psi 29 0 FIRE - Fire SpHnkler Hydrsullta Calcutatlon Program � Ute Software Development, Inc. Living Water Dwain - SF3 Cordia Scollsdale, AZ 852N _ _ _ _ �., _ Page 2 Fire Sprinkler Output Data Overall Pipe Output Data Beg, Nodal SpklHose Elevation Residual Nom. Dia. 9 (gpm) 'Q {gpm} F. LAI [psilfl] Pipe -Len. Fil-Len. PF-(psi) End. KFacior Discharge (feet) t] e Pressure Inside Dia. Velocity Fitting. s Tat -Len PE -(psi) Node {I{} {gpm} {psi] C-Value (fps) Type -Grp (ft.) PT -(psi) 2 0.00 19.00 0.00 10.48 100 10.53 0,02077 15.80 0.474 5 0,00 19.00 0.00 10.01 1.101 10.53 2FT 7.00 0.000 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 3.55 0 22.80 0.474 2 0.00 19.00 0.00 10.48 1.00 0.00 0.02077 10.20 0.357 3 0.00 19.00 0.00 1084 1.101 10.53 E 7.00 0,000 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 3.55 0 17.20 0.357 4 4.30 18.50 13.63 10.04 1.00 13.63 0.03347 0.50 0A84 5 0.00 19.00 0.00 10.01 1.101 13.63 T 5.00 -0.217 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 4.59 0 5.50 -0.032 6 4.30 18.50 13.04 9.20 1.00 13.04 0.03086 0.50 0.231 7 0.00 19.00 0.00 9.21 1.101 13.04 E 7.00 -0.217 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 4.40 0 7 50 0.015 5 0.00 19.00 0.00 1001 1.00 3.10 0.00216 2.40 0,007 8 0.00 19.00 0,00 10.02 1.101 3.10 F 1.00 0.000 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 1.04 0 3.40 0.007 7 0.00 1900 0.00 9.21 1.00 0.00 0.03086 15.00 0.802 8 0.00 19.00 0.00 10.02 1.101 13.04 F2T 11.00 0.000 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 4.40 0 2600 0.802 8 0_00 19.00 0.00 10.02 1.00 0.00 0.04577 18.80 1.547 9 0.00 19.00 0.00 11.56 1.101 16.14 F2E 15.00 0.000 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 5.44 0 33.80 1.547 3 0,00 19.00 0.00 10.84 1.00 0.00 0.02077 9.50 0.343 10 0.00 9.50 0.00 15.30 1.101 10-53 E 7.00 4.114 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 3.55 0 16.50 4.456 10 0.00 9.50 0.00 15.30 1.00 5.68 0.00664 21.30 0.248 11 0.00 9.50 0.00 15.54 1.101 5.68 2F2E 16.00 0.000 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 1.92 0 37.30 0.248 10 0.00 9.50 000 15.30 1.00 4.85 0.00494 43.40 0.417 12 0.00 9.50 0.00 15.71 1,101 4.85 3F4E2T 41.00 0.000 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 1.63 0 84.40 0.417 11 0.00 9.50 0.00 15.54 1.00 0.00 0,00664 21.50 0.169 12 0.00 9.50 0.00 15.71 1.101 5.68 4F 4,00 0.000 SLAZEMASiER CPVC 150 1.92 0 25.50 0,169 9 0.00 19.00 0.00 11.56 1.00 0,00 0.04577 9.50 0.481 70 0.00 9.50 0.00 16.16 1.101 16.14 F 1.00 4,114 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 5.44 0 10.50 4.594 FIRE - Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program T E1ita 6o4rm pOYatOpment, Ir1a, t-ft Water Designs 5F3 G wft ;crrisclase, A. 8.52s�1- - - �_- _ -_ �• _.-_-- _ _ - _-- _ Page 3 I Fire Sprinkler Output Data Overail Pipe Output Data (cont'd) Beg. Nadal Spk/Hose Residual Nom. Dia. q (gpm) F. L.lft Pipe -Len. PF-(psi) Elevation End. KFactor Discharge Pressure Inside Dia. a (gpm) (psifft) Fit -Len, PE -(psi) (feet) Node (K) (gpm) (psi) C-Value Velocity Fittings 'Type Tot -Len PT -(psi) , `(fps) -Grp (ft) 12 0.00 9.50 0.00 15.71 1.00 0.00 0.02077 9.40 0A45 } 70 0.00 9.50 0.00 16.16 1.101 1053 ET 12.00 0.000 I BLAZ£MASTER CPVC 150 3.55 0 21.40 0A45 70 0.00 9.50 0.00 16.16 1.00 0.00 0.11593 4.50 0.869 75 0.00 5.00 0.00 18.98 1.101 26,67 3F 3.00 1.949 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 8.99 0 7.50 2.818 75 FS 5.00 18.98 26.68 100 3.00 psi 5.00 21.98 100 0.00 5,00 0-00 21.98 1.00 0,00 0,16423 5.00 1.642 110 0.00 0.00 5.00 25.79 1.025 26.67 EC 5.00 2.165 COPPER PIPE 150 10.37 0 10.00 3.807 110 0.00 0.00 5.00 25.79 1.00 5.00 0.22570 3.00 3.611 120 0.00 -2.00 0.00 30.26 1.025 31.67 2ET 13.00 0.866 COPPER PIPE 150 12.31 0 16.00 4.477 120 0.00 -2.00 0.00 3026 1.00 0-00 0.22570 10.00 3.837 130 0.00 -2.00 0.00 34.10 1.025 31.67 T 7.00 0.000 COPPER PIPE 150 12.31 0 17.00 3.837 j 130 0.00 -2.00 0.00 34.10 1.00 0.00 0,20164 40.00 8.529 140 0.00 -2.00 0.00 42.63 1.049 31.67 FG 2.30 0.000 JI SCHEDULE 40 PVC 150 11.76 0 42.30 8.529 140 Meter -2.00 42.63 31.68 150 13.00 psi -2.00 56.64 150 0.00 -2.00 0,00 W64 1.00 0.00 0.22570 20.00 6.094 160 0.00 -2.00 0.00 61.73 1.025 31.67 T 7.00 0.000 COPPER PIPE 150 12.31 0 27.00 6,094 --I 1 FIRE • Fire Sprinkler Hydrautles Calcula>fon Program Elko software Dovelopment. Inc. . Living W2ler Desigsts _ SF3 Cordia Fire Sprinkler Output Summary 'Hydraulically Most Demanding Sprinkler Node HMD Sprinkler Node Number: 6 HMD Actual Residual Pressure: 9.20 psi HMD Actual GPM: 13.04 gpm Sprinkler Summary Sprinkler System Type: Wet Specified Area Of Application: 512.00 fig Minimum Desired Density: 0.050 gprnlftz Application Average Density: 0.052 gpmJft2 Application Average Area Per Sprinkler 256.00 W Sprinkler Flow: 26.67 gpm Average Sprinkler Flow: 13.33 gpm Flow Velocity And Imbalance Summary Maximum Flow Velocity { In Pips 110 -120 ] 12.31 fllsec Maximum Velocity Pressure { In Pipe 110 - 120 ] 1.02 psi Allowable Maximum Nodal Pressure Imbalance: 0.0100 psi Actual Maximum Nodal Pressure Imbalance: 0.0090 psi Actual Average Nodal Pressure Imbalance: 0.0014 psi Actual Maximum Nodal Ftow tmbalance: -0.0094 gpm Actual Average Nodal Flow Imbalance: 0.0019 gpm i Overall Network_ Summary ` Number of Unique Pipe Sections: 21 Number of Flowing Sprinklers: 2 Pipe System Water Volume: 8.51 gal Sprinkler Flow: 26.67 gpm Non-Spw*ter Flow: 5.00 gpm Minimum Required Residual Pressure At System Inflow Node: 61.73 psi Demand Flow At System inflow Node. 31.67 gpm FIRE • Fire Sprinkler Hydraulics Calculation Program Elite Software Dowelopment, tnc. Living Water Designs _ _ SF3 Cardia SCattsdnle,AZ 85260 -.-. - _ ---,-- �.• - _ .- Pago 1 ,General Project Data Report .General Data Project Title: SF3 Cordia Project File Name: SF3 Cordia..fiw Designed By. Chad Ryan pate: August 10 Code Reference; "F" FITTING = "T RUN Approving Agency: ok0TECTjQ Client Name: k1�`� AFIRE P Phone: A TF O - Address: City, State Zip Code: Company Name: Representative: 351FICA71pN] Company Address: Phone: City And Slale: A h r Building Name; Master Building Owner: UCENU No. -0t Contact at Building; Address Of Building: Phone at Building: ,Q 874 City, State Zip `y ��L�V4►-L�P�?� l Code: OF CNUf 1 Project Data — --- - - Description Of Hazard: Residential Sprinkler System Type: Wet Design Area Of Water Application: 400 ft' Maximum Area Per Sprinkler: 400 IV Default Sprinkler K-Factor: 0.00 K Default Pipe Material: BLAZEMASTER CPVC Inside Hose Stream Allowance: 0.N gpm Outside Hose Stream Allowance: 0.00 gpm In Rack Sprinkler Allowance: 0.00 gpm Sprinkler Specifications Make: RELAIBLE Model: RFC Size 7116 Temperature Rating: 165 F Water Supply Test Data Source Of Information: Test Hydrant ID: Date Of Test: Hydrant Elevation: 0 It Static Pressure: 95.00 psi Test Flow Rate: 800.00 gpm Test Residuat Pressure: 85.00 psi Calculated System Flow Rate: 26.01 gpm Calculated Inflow Residual Pressure: 62.64 psi Available Residual Pressure At System 94 98 Flow- psi Calculation Project Data Calculation Mode: Remand HMD Minimum Residual Pressure: 23.87 psi Minimum Desired Flow Density: 0.05 gpmlf? Maximum Water Velocity: 0.00 ftls Maximum Frictional Loss J 100 feet: 28.00 psi Number Of Active Nodes: 19 Number Of Active Pipes: 20 Number Of Inactive Pipes: 30 Number Of Active Sprinklers: 1 Number Of Inactive Sprinklers: 0 FIRE - Fire SprirkWar Hydraulics Calculation Program LFving Waiter Designs Swffsd* AZ, §260_ ... _ s •. Fire Sprinkler Output Data Overall Pipe Output Data Beg. Nadal SpkfHose Residual Nam, Dia. End. Elevation KFactor Discharge Pressure Inside Dia. Mode {feel} (K) (gpm) (psi) C-Value 1 4.30 18.50 21.01 23-87 1.00 2 0.00 19-00 0-00 2406 1-101 BLAZEMASTER CPVC _ 150 2 0.00 19,00 0.00 24.06 1.00 3 0.00 19.00 0.00 24.41 1.101 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 15C 2 0.00 1900. 0.00 24.06 1.00 5 0.00 19-00 0.00 2455 1.101 BLAZEMASTER CPVC _ 15C 5 0.00 19-00 0-00 24.55 1.0C 8 0.00 19.00 000 24 62 1.101 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 15C 7 0.00 19.00 0.00 24.62 1-0C 8 0.00 19.00 0.00 24.62 1 A 01 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 15( 8 0.00 19.00 0.00 24.62 1.0( 9 0.00 19.00 0.00 25.34 1.101 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 15( 3 0.00 19.00 0.00 24.41 1.0( 10 0.00 9.50 0.00 28.85 1.10, BLAZEMASTER CPVC 15( 10 0.00 9.50 0-00 28.85 1.0( 11 0.00 9.50 0.00 29.09 1.10. BLAZEMASTER CPVC 15( 10 0.00 9.50 0.00 28.85 1.0( 12 0-00 9.50 0.00 29.25 1.10 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 151 11 0.00 9.50 0.00 29.09 1 D1 12 0.00 9.50 0.00 29.25 1.10 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 151 9 0.00 19.00 0.00 25.34 1-01 70 0.00 9.50 0.00 29.68 1.10 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 151 12 0.00 9.50 0.00 29.25 1.01 70 0.00 9.50 0.00 29.68 1110 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 15, Elite Software development, Inc.' SF3 Cordin Wage 2 _ q (gpm) F. L.Ift Pipe -Len. PF-(psi) 0 (gpm) (psilft) Fit -Len. PE -(psi) Velocity Fittings Tot -Len. PT (psi) xt) 21.01 0,07456 0.50 0.410 21.01 T 5.00 -0.217 7.08 0 _ 5.50 0,194 10.32 0.02002 10.20 0.344 10.32 E 7,00 0.000 3.48 0 17.20 0.344 10.69 0.02135 15.80 0.487 10.69 21FT 7.00 0.000 3.60 _ 0 22.80 _ 0.487 0.00 0.02135 2.40 0.073 10.69 F 1.00 0,000 3.60 0 3.40 0,073 0-00 0.00000 15.00 0.000 0.00 F2T 11,00 0,000 0.00 0 26.00 0.000 0.00 0.02135 18.80 0.722 10.69 F2E 15.00 0.000 3.60 0 33.80 0.722 0-00 0.02002 9-50 0-330 10.32 E 7.00 4.114 3.48 0 16.50 4.444 5.57 0.00640 21.30 0.239 5.57 2F2E 1&00 0.000 1.88 0 37.30 0,239 4.75 0.00476 43AO 0-402 4.75 3F4E2T 41.00 0.000 1.60 _ _ 0 84AO 0.402 0.00 0.00640 21.50 0.163 5.57 4F 4.00 0.000 1.88 0 25.50 0.163 0.00 0,02135 9.50 0.224 10.69 F 1.00 4,114 3.60 0 10.50 4.338 0.00 0.02002 9.40 0.428 10.32 ET 12,00 0.000 3.48 0 21.40 0.428 FIRE -Flm Sprinkler Hydraulles Calculation Program Elite Software Dove fopmant, Inc. 6hring Walar Designs 5F3 Conliaa Scptbdate, AZ 85260 _ - _ - . -- f ,,., Pa 3• Fire Sprinkler Output Data Overall Ripe Output Data (oont'd) Beg. Nodal SpklHose Residual Nom. Dia. q (9pn) F. LAt Pipe -Len. PF-(psi) Elevation End. KFactor Discharge Pressure Inside Dia, Q Wpm) (PSWO Fit -Len. PE -(psi) Node (K) (feel} (gpm) (psi) C-Value Vel f Ay Fetings Tot-L ft-Grp PT -(psi) T yp.70 0.00 9.50 0.00 29.68 1.00 0.00 0.07456 4.50 0.559 75 0.00 5.00 0.00 32.19 1.101 21.01 3F 3.00 1,949 BLAZEMASTER CPVC 150 7.08 0 7.50 2.508 -, 75 FS 5.00 32.19 21.01 100 3.00 psi 5.00 35.20 100 0.00 5.00 0.00 35.20 1.00 0.00 0.10562 5.00 1,056 110 0.00 0.00 5.00 38.42 1.025 21.01 EC 5.00 2.165 COPPER PIPE 150 8.17 0 10.00 3.221 110 0.00 0,00 5.00 38.42 1.00 5.00 0.15678 3.00 2.509 120 0.00 -2.00 0.00 41.B0 1.025 26.01 2ET 13.00 0.866 COPPER PIPE 150 10.11 0 16.00 3.375 120 0.00 -2.00 0.00 41.80 1.00 0.00 0.15678 10.00 2,1565 130 0.00 -2.00 Ho 44.46 1.025 26.01 T 7.00 0,000 COPPER PIPE 150 10.11 0 17.00 2.665 130 0,00 -2.00 0.00 4446 1.00 &00 0.14007 40,00 5.925 140 0.00 -2.00 0.00 50.39 1.049 26.01 FG 2.30 0.000 SCHEDULE 40 PVC 150 9.66 0 42.30 5.925 140 Meter -2.00 50.39 26.01 150 8.00 psi -2.00 58.41 150 0.00 -2.00 0.00 58.41 1.00 0.00 0.15678 20.00 i 4.233 160 0.00 -2.00 0.00 62.64 1.025 26.01 T 7.00 0.000 COPPER PIPE 1 150 10.11 0 27.00 4.233 FIRE - Fire Sprin*Ier Hydraulics Calculation Program ` �r Living Water Designs al+lam Scottsdale. AZ 85260 :.. Fire Sprinkler Output Summary Hydraulically Most Demanding Sprinkler Node HMO Sprinkler Node Nurnher 1 HMD Actual Residual Pressure: 23.87 psi HMD Actual GPM: 21.01 gpm Sprinkler Summary Eft Soitwar4Devalopmen%Inc. i SF3 Cordia i Page 41 Sprinkler System Type: Wet Specified Area Of Application: 400.00 ill Minimum Desired Density: 0.050 gprWft2 Application Average Density: 0.053 gpmlft2 Application Average Area Per Sprinkler; 400.00 ft2 Sprinkler Flow: 21.01 gpm Average Sprinkler Flow: 21.01 gpm Flow Velocity And Imbalance Summary Maximum Flow Velocity ( In Pipe 120 - 130 ) 10.11 fUsec Maximum Velocity Pressure ( In Pipe 120 - 130 } 0.69 psi Allowable Maximum Nodal Pressure lmba}ance: 0.0100 psi Actual Maximum Nadal Pressure Imbalance: 0.0000 psi Actual Average Nodal Pressure Imbalance: 0.0000 psi Actual Maximum Nadal Flow Imbalance: -0.0019 gpm Actual Average Nodal Flow Imbalance: 0.0002 gpm Overall Network Summary Number Of Unique Pipe Sections: 20 Number Of Flowing Sprinklers: 1 Pipe System Water Volume: 7.94 gal Sprinkler Flow: 21.01 gpm Non -Sprinkler Flow: 5.00 gpm Minimum Required Residual Pressure At System Inflow Node: 62.64 psi Demand Flow At System Inflow Node: 26.01 gpm M NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION MFG. & SUPPLY, Inc. PATaY 6,076,545 R E 5 I- R I S E RTM & R E 5 I — PA C TMOTHER PATS� PENDIIN[y The RESI-RISERTM is a pre -assembled, compact, attractive fire sprinkler riser unit for residential sprinkler systems in NFPA 13, 131), and/or 13R systems. Brass construction makes RFSI-RISERTm the ideal choice for use with potable water systems. The manifold portion of the RESI-RISER7m is manufactured from a one-piece brass casting, air tested at the factory for leaks. Raised lettering on both sides allows the unit to be installed to the right or left and easily identifies the flow direction, as well as Test and Drain outlet, • Two mounting legs are molded onto the manifold, allowing secure fastening to joists. • The dedicated flow switch used with the RESI-RISERTm has been tested and approved by its manufacture, to work with the RESI-RISERTm. This quality flow switch is UL listed, FM Approved, and contains dual SPDT switches with an adjustable retard time of 0-90 seconds. A slim flow switch and the RESI-RISER's unique design of installing all the components to one side, while molding the mounting legs on the opposite side, gives the ability to be installed within 2x4 wood frame construction. An optional pressure relief valve is available for use with CPVC systems or in accordance with NFPA 13 section 3-1.2, which requires a pressure relief valve on gridded systems. REST -PACT, The RESI-PACTm is a RESI-RISERTM that has been completely enclosed in an attractive metal cabinet that has a white powder coat finish. • Eliminates the need for an access panel • EIiminates the need for a return trip to install the access panel • Dry wallers dry wall up to the cabinet giving a clean finish • The Riser is protected throughout the construction phase and after completion • The RESI-PACTIu has a built in head box, (eliminating the need for an unsightly red head box installed on the exterior of the wall.) It On the inside of the door has a history record of past system inspections and a hydraulic calc plate. • The RESI-PACTnr can be recessed in a 2x4 wall or mounted on the surface. • The RESI-PACTm has a white powder coat finish that blends well with most finishes or maybe painted over. • The RESI-PACrM comes with all necessary openings for electrical and piping penetration. • The RESI-PACT,., comes with a screw driver lock. Key-Iock and handle are PATENTS PEnto1NG optional. PAC 1-800-528-7978 Local, 602-504-9578 Fax: 602-60"680 Size Chart RrsI- M eoNwNiGI DLWIMu[ Dw[wT[D 9n O�Of _J0611 512JLL PRODUCTIONS No'. P RTDVM PATENT RENDING RES I -RI S ERTM Size Chart Description 1" 1-114" 1-112" 2t' Height A* 13" 13" 13" 13" Width B ** 10-314" 11-112" 12" 12-112" Depth C 3-112" 3-112" 3-112" 3-112" Dram Size 112" 1.1 1111 " Measunnents include all spacing needed to operate drain valve and rernove flow switch cover. *With out check valve **With or with out pressure roliefvalve Component Description 1 RES1-RISER-Manifold 2 300 PSI. Water Gauge 3 P RTDV- (Pressure Relief Test and Drain Valve) 4 Flowswitch wl Dual SPDT Switches 5 Check Valve 6 Mounting leas HOW IT WORKS (PRESSURE RELIEF TEST AND DRAIN VALVE) 51-Ar1G PPE55URE r1ffUnVWG PiPff-15f 1X'E ��SG��D�NG 17� P5r I i 1"1NvU& OPEN/ DR�VNING 5Y5r�M/ �w5rr1n1� GONrN 1/N/W 5 LOCKED POR MD905r,Ar1G rr5r no �n a�oa ts �a�tl �wu PRODUCTIONS Product Specifications rL� IiVF�� Harrell Blazemaster® CPVC Fire sprinkler Pipe Application: Corrosion resistant fire sprinkler pipe, IPS sizes 3/4" through 3', for use in wet automatic fire sprinkler systems. When installed in accordance with Hanel's Installation Instructions, this pipe is Listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) for use im Light Hazard Occupancies as defined in the Standard for Installation of Sprinkler systems (NFPA 13); Residential Occupancies up to and including four stories in height (NFPA 13R); and Residential Occupancies as defined in the Standard for Sprinkler Systems in One and Wo Family Dwellings and Mobile Homes (NFPA 13D). Harvel BlawMaster, pipe is UL Listed for use in Return Air Plenums (NFPA 90A), System Risers per NFPA 13 Light Hazard, 13R and 13D, Exposed installations, Garages per NFPA 13R, and for use as Underground Fire Service Mains (NFPA 24) when installed in accordance nrith Harvel CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe Installation Instructions. Scope: This specification outlines minimum manufacturing requirements for Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVG) standard dimension ratio (SDR)13.5 series iron pipe size (1PS) fire sprinkler pressure pipe_ Pipe is intended for use in wet automatic fire sprinkler sys- tems when installed in accordance with Harvel Plastics, Inc. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Piping Products Installation Instntetions. Harvel, BlazeMaster, pipe carries a maximum working pressure of 175 psi @ 150`F. Pipe meets or exceeds applicable industry standards and requirements as set forth by the American Society for `IFsting and Materials (ASTM), the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), and Underwriters Laboratories (UL). Harvel, B1awMaster, fire sprinkler pipe is approved by the Factory Mutual Corporation (FM) and the Loss Prevention Certification Board (LPCB). Refer to current approval guide and installation and design manual for installation limitations. CPVC Materials: The material used in the manufacture of the pipe shall be a rigid chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC) compound, Type IV Grade I, with a Cell Classification of 23547 as defined in ASTM D1784, The. compound and the finished product shall he orange in color, and shall be approved by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) for use with potable water. Material used shall be domestically produced BlazeMaster, CPVC material as provided by Noveon, Inc. (formerly the BFGoodrich Company). System Design: The CPVC sprinkler system shall be hydraulically calculated using a Hazen -Williams C factor of 150, and shall be designed in strict accordance with the Standard for Installation of Sprinkler Systems, NFPA 13 Light Hazard, NFPA 13R, and NFPA 13D as applicable, Dimensions: Harvel BlazeMaster, CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be manufactured to Standard Dimension Ratio (SDR) 13.5 dimensions in strict accordance to the requirements of ASTM F442 for physical dimensions and tolerances. Each production run of pipe manufactured in compliance to this standard, shall also meet the test requirements for materials, workmanship, burst pressure, flattening, and extrusion quality defined in ASTM F442. Furthennore, this pipe shall consistently meet or exceed the physical performance test requirements of the appropriate approval/listing agency(s) follow-up procedures established for the product. Marking: Product marking shall meet the requirements of ASTM F 442 and the Listing agency. Marking shall include: the phrase Harvel* B1azeMasterO (or the manufacturers' trademark when privately labeled); the nominal pipe size; the type of material and material designation code; the SDR series and pressure rating for water (SDR 13.5; 175 psi @ 150' F); the ASTM designation F 442; the logo of the Listing and Approval agencies (UL, FM, LPCB, etc.); the independent laboratory's seal of approval for potable water usage (NSF•pw); the date and time of manufacture; and the UL assigned control number (2N95). Installation Procedures: All installation procedures such as storage and handling, solvent cement joining techniques, pipe support spacing, bracing, allowance for thermal expansion/contraction, component assembly techniques, and testing etc. shall be in strict accordance with Harvel Plastics, Inc. Installation Instructions and the UL Listing which includes installation limitations. System Components: Fittings used shall be UL Listed CPVC fittings and shall meet or exceed the requirements of ASTM F437 (Sch 80 thteaded), ASTM F437 (Sch 80 socket), or ASTM F438 (Sch 40 socket) as applicable, such as those manufactured by Spears Mamitacturing Co. or equivalent_ Solvent cements used shall be those referenced in Harvel Plastics, Inc. Installation Instructions (such as Spears FS-5 or equivalent), which meet or exceed the requirements of ASTM F656 and ASTM F493, and shall be approved by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) for use with potable water. Socket type joints, sixes 3/4" - 3% shall be made tip using the One -Step solvent cement joining method. The solvent cement joining method chosen shall be applied in strict accordance with the appropriate procedures as outlined in Harvel Plastics Installation Instructions. Maintenance: Maintenance shall be in accordance with the Standard for Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water Based Sprinkler Systems as defined by NFPA 25. Harvel Plastics. Inc. • 300 Kuebler Rd_, Easton. PA 18040-9290 Tel: 610.252.7355 • Fax: 610.253.4436 • www.harvelsprinklerpipe.com L L L /7\ 1L4 RVEL' �J Limitations: Product Specifications Harrel" Blazemastee CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe ■ CPVC systems are intended for use at a maximum working pressure of 175 psi and ambient temperature of 150' F. • CPVC systems shall employ sprinkler heads having a maximum temperature rating of 2257 or lower, regardless of type- * CPVC products shall be installed in wet pipe systems only. • Air or compressed gas shall never be used for pressure testing. + CPVC sprinkler systems shall be hydrostatically tested for 2 hours at 200 psi, or 50 psi in excess of the maximum working pressure when the maximum working pressure exceeds 150 psi. Lines shall be slowly filled with water and the air bled from the highest and farthest sprinkler heads before test pressure is applied. + Only'lbflonO tape or a thread sealant specifically approved for use with Harvels CPVC Fire Sprinkler Products shall be used in making threaded connections. Where freeze protection is required, only glycerin based anti -freeze solutions shall be used and installed in accordance with NFPA 13. Do not use glycol base anti -freeze solutions or contaminated glycerin solutions. • CPVC is not approved for use in combustible concealed spaces where sprinklers are required to protect these areas as defined by NFPA 13, unless certain specific application sprinklers are installed per their listing. Refer to Harvel's current Installation Instructions for additional information. Harvel CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe Dimensions $bIR 13,5 (ASTM 1F442) Nominal Sire (in.) Average 0.D. Min. Wall Average I.D. Mom. Wt. Lbs.lFt. 314 1.050 0.078 0.874 0.168 1 1.315 0.097 1.101 0.262 1-1/4 1.660 0.123 1.374 0.418 1-112 1.900 0.141 1,598 0.548 2 2.375 0.176 2.003 0.859 2-1l2 2.875 0.213 2.423 1.257 3 3.500 0.259 2.950 1.867 Sample Specification: • CPVC sprinkler piping may be installed in a plenum space adjacent to, but not over, openings in the ceiling such as open ventilation gn116, and require the use of schedule 80 fittings for use on 11I2" and larger pipe sizes. Refer to Installation Instructions for additional detail. • Minimum protection when installed "concealed" shall consist of: 3/8" gypsum wallboard or drywall, suspended membrane ceiling panels weighing not less than .35 pounds per square foot, or 112' plywood soffits. Minimum protection for NFPA 13R and 13D systems may consist of 1/2' plywood. • Harvel, B1azeMaster, pipe is Listed for use in exposed applications with certain limitations. When installed without protection, 'exposed' pipe is to be installed beneath smooth, flat, horizontal ceiling construction. Exposed categories include; standard coverage and residential pendent and side -wall sprinkler applications, light hazard extended coverage and residential sprinkler pendent and sidewall sprinkler applications, use in unfinished basements with exposed solid wood joists, light hazard upright quick response sprinklers, and system risers (in 13R & 13D occupancies). Refer to Harvel's installation instructions for specific sprinkler head temperature ratings and spacing requirements. The product must be installed in strict accordance with NFPA 13, 13D, 13R and Harvel's current CPVC Fire Sprinkler Piping Products Installation Instructions (HF'S-3). • Harvel CPVC Fire Sprinkler Products must be installed in accordance with Harvel's current installation instructions (HFS-3). Refer to this document for current listing limitations and installation requirements. ASTM STANDARD D1784 14LATERIAL CLASSIFICATION EQUIVALENTS: Cell Classification 23447 = CPVC L type IV Grade I = CPVC 4120 / PIPE SIZES SHOWN ARE MANUFACTURED IN STRICT COMPLIANCE WITH ASTM F442 HurrltNuLk Iw a� 9}��eialfe�einit4 dui AVAZKd r- W U91 All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be manufactured from a Type IV, Grade I Chlorinated Polyvinyl Chloride (CPVC) compound with a Cell Classification of 23547 per ASTM D1784_ Pipe shall be manufactured in strict compliance with ASTM F442 to SDR 13.5 dimensions, con- sistently meeting the Quality Assurance test requirements of this standard with regard to material, workmanship, burst pressure, flatten- ing, and extrusion quality. All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be Listed by Underwriters Laboratories for wet pipe systems, and shall carry a rated working pressure of 175 psi @ 1507 All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be installed in accordance with Harvel Plastics, Inc. CPVC Fire Sprinkler Piping Products Installation Instructions. National Fire Protection Association (NFFA) Standards 13, 13D, and 13R must be referenced for design and installation requirements in conjunction with the Installation Instructions. All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be manufactured in the USA by an ISO 9UO1 certified manufacturer and shall be FM and LFCB approved. All CPVC fire sprin- kler pipe shall be packaged immediately after its manufacture to prevent damage and shall be stored indoors after production, at the manufacturing site, until shipped from factory. This pipe shall bear the logo of the listing agencies, and shall carry the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) seal of approval for potable water applications. All CPVC fire sprinkler pipe shall be Harvel's BlamMaster® pipe as manufactured by HARVELID PLASTICS, INC. Harvel Plastics. Inc. - 300 Kuebler Rd.. Easton, PA 18040-9290 Tel: 610,2517355 - Fax: 610.253.4436 • www.harvelsprinklerpipe.com tqCC Fire &Building Products Technical Services: Tel: (800) 381-93121 Fax: (800) 791-5500 Series LFII Residential Pendent Sprinklers 4.9 K-factor General Description The Series LFII (TY2234) Residential Pendent Sprinklers are decorative, fast response, frangible bulb sprin- klers designed for use in residential occupancies such as homes, apart- ments, dormitories, and hotels. When aesthetics and optimized flow charac- teristics are the major consideration, the Series LFII (TY2234) should be the first choice. The Series LFII are to be used in wet pipe residential sprinkler systems for one -and two-family dwellings and mo- bile homes per NFPA 131): wet pipe residential sprinkler systems for resi- dential occupancies up to and includ- ing four stories in height per NFPA 13R; or, wet pipe sprinkler systems for the residential portions of any occu- pancy per NFPA 13. The Series LFII (TY2234) has a 4.9 (70,6) K-factor that provides the re- quired residential flow rates at reduced pressures, enabling smaller pipe sizes and water supply requirements. The recessed version of the Series LFII (TY2234) is intended for use in areas with finished ceilings. It employs a two-plece Style 20 Recessed Es- cutcheon.The Recessed Escutcheon provides 114 inch (6,4 mm) of recessed IMPORTANT Always refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP700 for the "INSTALLER WARNING" that provides cautions with respect to handling and instal- lation of sprinkler systems and com- ponents. Improper handling and in- stallation can permanently damage a sprinkler system or its compo- nents and cause the sprinkler to fail to operate in a fire situation or cause it to operate prematurely. adjustment or up to ill inch (12,7 mm) of total adjustment from the flush ceil- ing position. The adjustment provided by the Recessed Escutcheon reduces the accuracy to which the pipe nipples to the sprinklers must be out. The Series LFII (TY2234) has been designed with heat sensitivity and water distribution characteristics proven to help in the control of residen- tial fires and to improve the chance for occupants to escape or be evacuated. WARNINGS The Series LFII (TY2234) Residential Pendent Sprinklers described herein mast be installed and maintained in compliance with this document, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protection Asso- ciation, in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdic- tion. Failure to do so may impair the performance of these devices. The owner is responsible for maintain- ing their fire protection system and de- vices In proper operating condition - The installing contractor or sprinkler manufacturer should be contacted with any questions. SprinklerAl lodel identification Number SIN TY2234 ,a rapid response Homm FIRE SPRIIIf1ELER SYSTEM Page 1 of a JANUARV, 2006 TFP400 Page 2 of 8 TFP400 Minimum Flow tb) and Mlnlmum Flow IN and Minimum Flow (a) and Maximum Maximum Residual Pressure Residual Pressure Residual Pressure Coverage Spacing For Horizontal Ceiling For sloped Ceiling For Sloped Calling Area tat Ft. (Max. 2 Inch Rise (Greater Than 2 Inch Rise (Greater Than 41nch Rise Ft. x Ft. (m) for 12 Inch Run) Up To Max. 41nch Rise for 12 Inch Run) Up To Max. 8 Inch Rise for 12 Inch Run) (m x m) 155'F168'C or 155'F188'C 175'F179'C 155'Fi686C 175'F179'C 175' FI79'C 12 x 12 12 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 13 GPM (492 LPM) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) (37 x 3,7) (3,7) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 14 x 14 14 13 GPM (492 LPM) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 13 GPM (49.2 LPM) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) (4,3 x 4,3) (4,3) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) TO psi (0,48 bar) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 16 x 16 16 13 GPM (49.2 LPM) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 13 GPM (49,2 LPM) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) (4,9 x 4,9) (4,9) TO psi (0,48 bar) TO psi (0,48 bar) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 7.0 psi (0,48 bar) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 18 x 18 18 17 GPM (64.3 LPM) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) 17 GPM (64,3 LPM) (5,5 x 5,5) (5,5) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 12.0 psi (0,83 bar) 20 x 20 20 20 GPM (757 LPM) 20 GPM (75,7 LPM) 20 GPM (75,7 LPM) 21 GPM (79,5 LPM) 22 GPM (83,3 LPM) (6,1 x 6,1) (6,1) 16.7 psi (1.15 bar) 16.7 psi (1.15 bar) 16.7 psi (1,15 bar) 18.4 psi (1,27 bar) 20.2 psi (1,39 bar) (a) For coverage area dimensions less than or between those indicated, it is necessary to use the minimum required flow for the next highest coverage area for which hydraulic design criteria are stated. (4) Requirement is based on minimum flow in GPM (LPM) from each sprinkler. The associated residual pressures are calculated using the nominal K-factor. Refer to Hydraulic Design Criteria Section for details. TABLE A NFPA 13D AND NFPA 13R WET PIPE HYDRAULIC DESIGN CRITERIA FOR THE SERIES LFII (TY2234) RESIDENTIAL PENDENT AND RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLERS Technical Data Approvals: LIL and C-IJL Listed. NYC Approved under MEA 44-43-E, Maximum Working Pressure: 175 psi (12.1 bar) Discharge Coefficlent: K = 4.9 GPMfpsi712 (70,6 LPMlbarlJ2) Temperature Rating: 155'Fl68°C or175°FI79°C Finishes: White Polyester Coated, Chrome Plated, or Natural Brass Physical Characteristics: Frame ............. Brass Button . .. ........ Bronze Sealing Assembly Beryllium Nickel wlTeflont Bulb .. .. 3 mm dia. Glass Compression Screw ..... Bronze Deflector . Bronze Ejection Spring .. . . Stainless Steel tDuPont Registered Trademark Operation The glass Bulb contains a fluid that expands when exposed to heat. When the rated temperature is reached, the fluid expands sufficiently to shatter the glass Bulb allowing the sprinkler to activate and flow water. Design Criteria The Series LFII (TY2234) Residential Pendent Sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed for installation in accordance with the following criteria. MOTE When conditions exist that are outside the scope of the provided criteria, refer to the Residential Sprinkler Design Guide TFP490 for the manufacturer's recommendations that may be accept- able to the local Authority having Juris- diction. System Type. Only wet pipe systems may be utilized. Hydraulic Design. The minimum re- quired sprinkler flow rate for systems designed to NFPA 130 or NFPA 13R are given in Table A as a function of temperature rating and the maximum allowable coverage areas. The sprin- kler flow rate is the minimum required discharge from each of the total number of `design sprinklers" as specified in NFPA 13D or NFPA 13R. For systems designed to NFPA 13, the number of design sprinklers is to be the four most hydraulically demanding sprinklers. The minimum required dis- charge from each of the four sprinklers is to be the greater of the following: • The flow rates given in Table A for NFPA 13D and 13R as a function of temperature rating and the maxi- mum allowable coverage area. • A minimum discharge of 0.1 gpmisq. ft. over the "design area" comprised of the four most hydraulically de- manding sprinklers for the actual coverage areas being protected by the four sprinklers. Obstruction To Water Distribution. Locations of sprinklers are to be in accordance with the obstruction rules of NFPA 13 for residential sprinklers. Operational Sensitivity. • For "Horizontal Ceilings" (maximum 2 inch rise for 12 inch run), the sprin- klers areto be installed with a deflec- tor to ceiling distance of 1-318 to 4 inches or in the recessed position using only the Style 20 Recessed Escutcheon as shown in Figure 2. NOTES The Beam Ceiling Design Criteria" section starting on Page 4 permits de- flector to ceiling distances up to 15-314 inches. So as to help avoid obstructions to water distdbudon, a maximum 12 inch deflector -to -ceiling distance Is permit - red for NFPA 130 and NFPA 13R appli- cations where the sprinklers are located in closets. • For "Sloped Ceilings" (greater than 2 inch rise up to 8 inch rise for 12 inch run), the sprinklers are to be installed with a deflector to ceiling FTFP400 7/16" (11,1 mm) 1/2„ ESCUTCHEON Components: NOMINAL NPT PLATE SEATING 1 - Frame MAKE -IN SURFACE 2 - Button 3 - Sealing Assembly 1 4 -Bulb 5 - Compression 2 Screw 2-114" 6 - Deflector " 3 } (57,2 mm) A 4 1-518" (41,3 mm) * Temperature ' raGng is indicated on 6 - Deflector. CROSS SECTION PENDENT Page 3 of 8 - 2-718' DIA. (73,6 mm) WRENCH � j-� ) ESTYLE 20 SC RECESSED FLATS `�' RECESSED PENDENT FIGURE 1 SERIES LFII (TY2234) RESIDENTIAL PENDENT AND RECESSED PENDENT SPRINKLERS 2.718' 01A. 7116±118' (73,0 mm) 117' (12,7 mm) (11,1t3,2 mm) FACE OF 2-114" DIA. (57.2 mm) 114"(6,4 MM) SPRINKLER MOUNTING FITTING PLATE MourvTl�v� T SURFACE 118" (3,2 mm) CLOSURE Ty2234 1-318" 34,9 mm 1-118" (28,6 mm) FIGURE 2 STYLE 20 RECESSED ESCUTCHEON FOR USE WITH THE SERIES LFII (TY2234) RESIDENTIAL PENDENT SPRINKLER distance of 1-318 to 4 inches or in the recessed position using only the Style 20 Recessed Escutcheon as shown in Figure 2 Sprinkler Spacing. The minimum spacing between sprinklers is 8 feet (2,4 m). The maximum spacing be- tween sprinklers cannot exceed the length of the coverage area (Ref. Ta- ble A) being hydraulically calculated (e.g., maximum 12 feet for a 12 ft. x 12 ft. coverage area, or 20 feet for a 20 ft. x 20 ft, coverage area), WRENCH RECESS (END "A" USED FOR TY2234) FIGURE 3 W-TYPE 6 SPRINKLER WRENCH WRENCH RECESS PUSH WRENCH IN TO ENSURE ENGAGEMENT WITH SPRINKLER WRENCHING AREA FIGURE 4 W-TYPE 7 RECESSED SPRINKLER WRENCH Page 4 of 8 Seam Ceiling Design Criteria The Series LFII (TY2234) Residential Pendent Sprinklers are UL and C-UL Listed for installation in residential oo- cupancles with horizontal ceilings (i.e., slopes up to a 2 inch rise over a 12 inch run) with beams when installed in ac- cordance with the following criteria: General Information. The basic con- cept of this protection scheme is to locate the sprinklers on the underside of the beams, Ref. Figure 5, (not in the beam pockets); to Identify the main beams that principally run in one direc- tion as "primary beams"; and, to iden- tify the beams that run principally per- pendicularto the main beams, as may be present (or in some cases may be necessary for proper sprinkler protec- tion), as "secondary beams". Primary and Secondary Beam Types. Solid surface, solid or hollow core, combustible or non-combustible. Primary and Secondary Beam Posi- tioning. Directly attached to the un- derside of a combustible or non-com- bustible smooth ceiling at any elevation. Primary Beam Cross -Section: Maxi- mum depth of 14 inches and the maxi- mum width is unlimited. The cross - sectional shape of the primary beam may be rectangular to circular. Secondary Beam Cross -Section. Maximum depth to be no greater than the primary beam and the maximum width is unlimited. The cross -sectional shape of the secondary beam may be rectangular to circular. Primary Beam Spacing. The primary beams (Fig. $A) are to be 3 ft. - 4 in. to 6 ft. from the compartment wall to cen- ter of the nearest beam and from cen- ter to center between beams. Secondary Beam Spacing. The sec- ondary beams principally run perpen- dicular to the primary beams. Secondary beams of a depth equal to the primary beam must be placed so that the beam pockets created by the primary beams do not exceed 20 feet in length (Fig. 6B). NOTE When the beam pockets created by the primary beams exceed 20 feet in length, the installation will require the use of secondary beams as described above. Otherwise, secondary beams need not be present. Secondary beams of a cross -sectional depth greater than one -quarter the depth of the primary beams are to be a minimum of 3 ft. - 4 in. from the compartment wall to center of the nearest beam and from center to cen- ter between beams (Fig. 6C). Secondary beams of cross -sectional depth no greater than one -quarter the depth of the primary beams may be placed at any compartment wall to center of the nearest beam distance and from any center to center distance between beams (Fig. 6C). Lintels. Lintels over doorways exiting the compartment must be present. The minimum height for the lintels is 8 inches or no less than the depth of the Primary Beams, whichever is greater. Sprinkler Types. Series LFtI (TY2234), 155F and 175F, Pendent and Recessed Pendent Residential Sprinklers. Sprinkler Coverage Area and Hy- draulic Design. The sprinkler cover- age areas and hydraulic design criteria as presented in the Table A for "Hori- zontal Ceilings" are to be applied. Sprinkler Position. The deflector to bottom of primary beams for the Series LFII (TY2234) Pendent Sprinklers or Series LFII (TY2234) Recessed Pen- dent Sprinklers is to be 1-1i4 to 1-314 inches (Fig. 5A). The vertical center- line of the Series LFII (TY2234) Pen- dent Sprinklers is to be no greater than half the primary beam cross -sectional width plus 2 inches from the centerline of the primary beam (Fig 513). NOTES Core drilling of beams to allow the in- stallation of sprinkler drops requires consulting with a structural engineer. Where core drilling is not permitted, the previously stated sprinkler position criteria for the Series LF11 (TY2234) Pendent Sprinklers allows for the sprinkler drop to be placed adjacent to the primary beam. Beam and Soffit Arrangements. A soffit is permitted to be placed around the perimeter of a compartment with the beam arrangement within the sof- fited area (Fig.7). The cross-section of the soffit may be any size as long as it does not create an obstruction to water distribution per the obstruction rules of NFPA 13 for residential sprinklers. When soffits are present, the pre- viously provided 3 ft. - 4 in. to 6 ft. "compartment wall to adjacent beam" distance for the primary and secon- dary beams is to be measured from the face of the soffit as opposed to the compartment wall. TFP400 A E E E TY2234 B 2 L E I=_ �vQ a. i 1 } MAXIMUM TY2234 ONE-HALF BEAM WIDTH PLUS 2"(54,8 mm) FIGURE 5 SPRINKLER POSITIONING CINDER PRIMARY BEAMS (Refor to the "Beam Ceiling Design Criteria" section) NOTE Although the distance to the beams is measured from the face of the soffit, the sprinkler coverage area is to be measured from the compartment wall. TFP4DG Page 5 of 8 AIRES_ A- w��A�A--� DI$TANCSTANCESARE MEASURED TO 14" (356 mmj COMPARTMENT MAXIMUM WALL FACES AND TO CENTERLI N ES OF 13EAMS A = 3'-4' t0 6'-0' (1,0 to 1,$ m) FOR PRIMARY BEAMS HAV- ING A 14" (356 mm) MAXIMUM DEPTH PRIMARY V MAXIMUM BEAM :. 29-a" (6.1 my COMPARTMENT WALLS V _ FIGURE 6A PRI MARY BEAM SPANS U P TO 20'-0' (6,1 m) —A---�— AA� B A = 3'-4" to 5.0" (1,0 to 1,8 m) FOR PRIMARY BEAMS HAV- SECONDARY B ING A 14" (356 mm) MAXIMUM BEAM DEPTH B = 20'-0" (6,1 m) MAXIMUM FOR SECONDARY BEAMS THAT ARE TO BE EQUAL IN PRIMARY DEPTH TO PRIMARY BEAMS BEAM AND THAT MUST BE IN PLACE SO THAT PRIMARY BEAM POCKETS DO NOT EXCEED 2V-W (6,1 m) COMPARTMENT WALLS FIGURE 6B PRIMARY BEAM SPANS GREATER THAN 20'-0' (B,1 m) SECONDARY BEAM PRIMARY BEAM *REFER TO FIGURE68 COMPARTMENT FOR SPANS WALLS EXCEEDING 2V-0"(6,1 mj IF IF FIGURE 6C COMBINATIONS OF PRIMARY AND SECONDARY BEAMS A = T-4- to B'-0" (1,0 to 1,B m) FOR PRIMARY BEAMS HAV- INGA 14" (355 mm) MAXIMUM DEPTH C = Y4' (1,O m) MINIMUM FOR SECONDARY BEAMS HAVING DEPTHS GREATER THAN 25°% OF PRIMARY BEAMS or— C =ANY DISTANCE FOR SEC- ONDARY BEAMS HAVING DEPTHS UP TO 25% OF PRIMARY BEAMS FIGURES BEAM ARRANGEMENTS (Refer to the "Beam Ceiling Design Criteria" section) Page 6 of 8 SECONDAF SEAM PRIMAF BEAN FIGURE 7 BEAM AND SOFFI►ARRANGEMENTS (Refer to the "Beam Gelling Design Criteria" section) Ins to lla tion The Series LFII (TY2234) must be in- stalled in accordance with the follow- ing instructions: MOTES Do not install any bulb type sprinkler if the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. With the sprinkler held horizontally, a small air bubble should be present. The diameter of the air bubble is approximately 1116 inch (1,6 rnm). A leak tight 112 inch NPTsprinklerjoint should be obtained with a torque of 7 to 14 ft.lbs. (9,5 to 19,0 Nm). A maxi- mum of 21 ft.lbs, (28,5 Nm) of torque is to be used to install sprinklers. Nigher levels of torque may distort the sprinkler inlet with consequent leak- age or Impairment of the sprinkler. Do not attempt to compensate for In- sufficient adjustment in an Escutcheon Plate by under- or over -tightening the Sprinkler, Readjust the position of the sprinkler fitting to suit. The Series LFII Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in accordance with the following instructions. Step 1. Pendent sprinklers are to be installed in the pendent position with the deflector parallel to the ceiling. Step 2. With pipe thread sealant ap- plied to the pipe threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step 3. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 3). With reference to Figure 1, the W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to the wrench fiats. The Series LFII Recessed Pendent Sprinklers must be installed in ac- cordance with the following instruc- tions. Step A. Recessed pendent sprinklers are to be installed in the pendent posi- tion with the deflector parallel to the ceiling, Step B. After installing the Style 20 Mounting Plate over the sprinkler threads and with pipe thread sealant applied to the pipe threads, hand tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting. Step C. Tighten the sprinkler into the sprinkler fitting using only the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench (Ref. Figure 4). With reference to Figure 1, the W-Type 7 Recessed Sprinkler Wrench is to be applied to the sprinkler wrench flats. Step D. After the ceiling has been in- stalled or the finish coat has been ap- plied, slide on the Style 24 Closure over the Series LFII Sprinkler and push the Closure over the Mounting Plate until its flange comes in contact with the ceiling. TFP400 USE DISTANCES SHOWN IN FIGURES 6A, 6e & 6C, EXCEPT MEASUREMENTS ARE TAKEN FROM FACES OF SOFFITS INSTEAD OF FROM COMPARTMENT WALLSURFACES Care and Maintenance The Series LFII (TY2234) must be maintained and serviced in accord- ance with the following instructions: NOTES Absence of an Escutcheon Plate may delay the sprinkler operation in a fire situation. Before closing a fire protection system main control valve for maintenance work on the fire protection system which it controls, permission to shut down the affected fire protection sys- tem must be obtained from the proper authorities and all personnel who may be affected by this action must be no- tified. Sprinklers which are found to be leak- ing or exhibiting visible signs of corro- sion must be replaced. Automatic sprinklers must never be painted, plated, coated, or otherwise altered after leaving the factory. Modi- fied sprinklers must be replaced. Sprinklers that have been exposed to corrosive products of combustion, but have not operated, should be replaced if they cannot be completely cleaned by wiping the sprinkler with a cloth or by brushing it with a soft bristle brush. Care must be exercised to avoid dam- TFP4OO age to the sprinklers - before, during, and after installation. Sprinklers dam- aged by dropping, striking, wrench twistlslippage, or the like, must be re - pia red. Also, rep ace any sprin kler that has a cracked bulb or that has lost liquid from its bulb. (Ref. Installation Section). The owner is responsible for the in- spection, testing, and maintenance of their fire protection system and de- vices in compliance with this docu- ment, as well as with the applicable standards of the National Fire Protec- tion Association (e.g., NFPA 25), in addition to the standards of any other authorities having jurisdiction. The in- stalling contractor or sprinkler manu- facturer should be contacted relative to any questions. NOTE The owner must assure that the sprin- klers are not used for hanging of any objects and that the sprinklers are only cleaned by means of gently dusting with a feather duster, otherwise, non - operation fir the event of a fire or inad- vertent operation may result. It is recommended that automatic sprinkler systems be inspected, tested, and maintained by a qualified Inspection Service in accordance with local requirements and/or national codes. Limited Warranty Products manufactured by Tyco Fire & Building Products (TFBP) are war- ranted solely to the original Buyer for ten (10) years against defects in mate- rial and workmanship when paid for and properly installed and maintained under normal use and service. This warranty will expire ten (10) years from date of shipment by TFBP. No warranty is given for products or com- ponents manufactured by companies not affiliated by ownership with TFBP or for products and components which have been subjectto misuse, improper installation, corrosion, or which have not been installed, maintained, modi- fied or repaired in accordance with ap- plicable Standards of the National Fire Protection Association, and/or the standards of any other Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Materials found by TFBP to be defective shall be either repaired or replaced, at TFBP's sole option. TFBP neither assumes, nor authorizes any person to assume for it, any other obligation in connection with the sale of products or parts of prod- ucts. TFBP shall not be responsible for sprinkler system design errors or inac- curate or incomplete information sup- plied by Buyer or Buyer's repre- sentatives. In no event shall TFBP be liable, in contract, tort, strict liability or under any other legal theory, for incidental, indirect, special or consequential dam- ages, including but not limited to labor charges, regardless of whether TFBP was informed about the possibility of such damages, and in no event shall TFBP's liability exceed an amount equal to the sales price. The foregoing warranty Is made in lieu of any and all other warranties, ex- press or imp[med. inclW�ing warranties of merchantability and fitness for a par- ticular purpose_ This limited warranty sets forth the ex- clusive remedy for claims based on failure of or defect in products, materi- als or components, whether the claim is made in contract, tort, strict liability or any other legal theory. This warranty will apply to the full ex- tent permitted by law. The invalidity, in whole or part, of any portion of this warranty will not affect the remainder. Page 7 of 8 Ordering Procedure When placing an order, indicate the full product name. Contact your local distributor for availability.. Sprinkler Assembly: Series L F I I (TY2234), K=4.9, Residen- tial Pendent Sprinkler with (specify) temperature rating and (specify) fin- ish, PIN (specify). 1551F168'0 or Chrome Plated ......... PIN 51-Z01-9.155 155'F168'C White Polyester_. , , ... PIN 51-201-4-155 155-FI6a'c White (RAL9010)............. PIN 51.201-3-155 155'F168"C Natural Brass........... PIN 51-201-1-155 1757I79'C or Chrome Plated ......... PIN 51-201-9-175 175'F179'C White Polyester......... PIN 51-201-4-175 175•F179'C White (RAL9010)',......... PIN 51-201-3-175 175'FI79'C Natural Brass........... PIN 51-201-1-175 'Eastern Hemisphere sales only. Recessed Escutcheon, Specify: Style 20 Recessed Escutch- eon with (specify*) finish, PIN (spec- ify"). *Refer to Technical Data Sheet TFP770. Sprinkler Wrench: Specify: W-Type 6 Sprinkler Wrench, PIN 56-000-6-387. Specify: W-Type 7 Sprinkler Wrench, PIN 56-850-4-001. rPage 8 of a I L TFP400 i TYCO FIRE & BUILDING PRODUCTS, 461 North Cannon Avenue, Lansdale, Pennsylvania 19446 f Ly Bulletin 035 Rev.E Rel"labld Residential Sprinklers For Sloped Ceilings Guidelines for Listed Residential Sprinkler rinstallations below Sloped Ceilings The installation guidelines cover Residential Sprinkler Models: F1 Res 49 Pendent F1 Res 48 Recessed Pendentl172 F1 Res 44 NSW F1 Res 44 Recessed HSWIF2 i F1 Res 40 HSW l F1 Res 40 Recessed HSW/F2 F1 Res 49 CCP RFC 43 Flat Concealed Listings & Approvals 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and UL Certified for Canada (cULus) 2. NYC MEA 258-93-E UL Listing Category Residential Automatic Sprinkler UL Guide Number VKKW Patents: US Patent number 6,516,893 Model F1 Res 49 Product Description for F1 Res Sprinklers Model F1 Res Pendent sprinklers are fast response sprinklers combining excellent durability, high sensitivity glass -bulb and low profile decorative design. The F1 Res Horizontal Sidewall sprinklers are equally attractive when above ceiling piping cannot be used. The 3mm glass -bulb pendent sprinklers, with a K Factor of 4.9 for pendent and 4.4 for horizontal sidewall, permit the efficient use of residential water supplies for sprinkler coverage in residential fire protection design. The low flow F1 Res sprinklers are specially engineered for fast thermal response to meet the sensitive fire protection application needs of the latest residential market standards (UL 1626 Standard*). Upon fire conditions, rising heat causes a sprinkler's heat -sensitive glass -bulb to shatter, releasing the waterway for water flow onto the deflector, evenly distributing the discharged waterto control a fire. F1 Res 49 Pendent F1 Res 44 HSW F1 Res 40 HSW F1 Res 49 CCP Pendent RFC 43 * Effective date July 12, 2002 F1 Res 48 Recessed Pendent / F2 F1 Res 44 Recessed HSW/F2 F1 Res 44 Recessed HSWIF2 V I 4 RFC 43 The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vemon, New York 10552 Product Description for RFC 43 Model RFC43 Concealed Residential Sprinklers are fast response residential fusible solder link automatic sprinklers. Residential sprinklers differ from standard sprinklers primarily in their response time and water distribution patterns. Model RFC43 sprinklers discharge water in a hemispherical pattern below the sprinkler deflector. Residential distribution patterns are higher and generally contain a finer droplet size than standard sprinkler patterns. The combination of speed of operation and high discharge pattern required for residential sprinklers has demonstrated, in fire testing, an ability for controlling residential fires, and thereby providing significant evacuation time for occupants. The RFC43 Sprinkler provides the best form of fire protection by combining an attractive appearance and I/a' (13mm) of cover adjustment for ease of installation. The small diameter cover plate is easily and positively attached and blends into the ceiling, concealing the most dependable fire protection available, an automatic sprinkler system. The RFC43 is a UL Listed Residential Sprinkler to be installed in the residential portions of any occupancy in accordance with NFPA 13, 13R, & 13D. The RFC43 can reduce the need for precise cutting of drop nipples. The threaded cover plate assembly can be adjusted without tools to fit accurately against the ceiling, The fire protection system need not be shut down to adjust or remove the cover plate assembly. Technical Data (171 Res Sprinklers): • Thermal Sensor: Nominal 3mm glass -bulb • Sprinkler Frame : Brass Casting • Sprinkler Pressure Rating : 175 psi Factory Hydrostatically Tested to 500 psi • Thread Size : '/i' NPT (R'/2) • K Factor : 4.9 (Actual) - F1 Res 49 Pendent Sprinkler 4.4 (Actual) - F1 Res 44 HSW Sprinkler 4.0 (Actual) - F1 Res 40 HSW Sprinkler • Density : Minimum .05 gprnlft2 Technical Data (RFC 43): • Thermal Sensor : 165OF Fusible Link • Sprinkler Frame : Brass Machined • Sprinkler Pressure Rating : 175 psi Factory Hydrostatically Tested to 500 psi • Thread Size : '/a" NPT (R%) ■ K Factor 4.3 (Actual) • Density Minimum .fly gpmlft2 Application Model F1 Res and RFC 43 Sprinklers are used for Residential Fire Protection according to UL 1636 Standard*. Be sure that orifice size, temperature rating, deflector style, cover plate and sprinkler type are in accordance with the latest published standards of The National Fire Protection Association or the approving Authority Having Jurisdiction. * Effective date July 12, 2002 2. METHOD OF CALCULATING THE CONVERSION OF 'RISE —OVER —RUN' TO DEGREES OF AN ANGLE, a—' a (rise) run 1.4 A = TAN-' (alb) 2. slope distance: a = ate+ b Example: a = 4 b = 12 4A = TAN-' (a%b) 4 A = TAN-' = (0.333) 4 A = 1 SAY a35-MWa slope distance: a = 4 +122 a =A sa o = 12.65 Note: There must be an 8 in. lintel at the peak separating the 2 slopes. 3. Model F1 Res 49 Pendent & F1 Res 49 Recessed PendentlF1 & F1 Res 49 CCP Pendent & RFC 43 Pendent Flat Concealed Sprinklers installed below Sloped Ceilings. Of.�.:, • r F1 Res 49 Pendent 1.10 "m F1 Res 49 Recessed Pendent 1 F2 Note: F1 Res 49 CCP Pendent and RFC 43 sprinklers are not suitable for installation in ceilings which have positive pressure in the space above. 4. RFC 43 F1 Res 49 CCP Pendent t LE VA I KJW p N LISTED AREA OF COVERAGE CORRESPONDS TO CEILING SLOPE - L = THE MAXIMUM LISTED SPRINKLER SPACING, LENGTH (8'-0" MINIMUM). L/2 = ONE HALF THE MAXIMUM LISTED SPRINKLER SPACING (0'-4" MINIMUM). W = THE MAXIMUM LISTED SPRINKLER SPACING. WIDTH. A = V-0" MAXIMUM. B = RANGE: 2/12 (9.4') t B S 8/12 (33.T). C = 8'—V MINIMUM. 033FGOI �t12 Sprinkler spacing below single sloped ceilings with a maximum slope of Y12 (33.70) pitch. 5. L L L L L L L *--S ELVdIlI�[ LLSW AM or CoADal" CD OS ro A -cm SLC Ml L = THE MAXIMUM LISTED SPRINKLER SPACING, UNGTH (W-0" MINIMUM). L/2 = ONE HALF THE MAXIMUM USTED SPRINKLER SPACING (0'-4" MINIMUM). W = THE MAXIMUM LISTED SPRINKLER SPACING. WIDTH. A = V-0" MAXIMUM. S = RANGE: 2/12 (SX) s 0 S 8/12 (33.T). C = W -0" MINIMUM. Sprinkler spacing below multiple sloped ceilings with a maximum slope of Yz (33.711) pitch. There must be an S in. lintel at the peak separating the 2 slopes. 1.1 2 r- i Model F1 Res 49 Pendent & F1 Res 49 Recessed PendenVF2 installed below Sloped Ceiling. TPrhnirai nnta Thread Max. Pressure Max. Actual Arnblent Temp. K Factor Sprinkler Escutcheon Sprinkler ldentliication Size � 1 (bar) 175 (12) Tf, _metric Length Number SIN} 1h" NPT (R'/z) 1DO (38) 4.9 (69,94) 2.25' F2 Y" Adjustment R3516 Tahle 1 - Annlleation Max. Sprinkler Spacing Along Slope (M Width x (L) Length ft (m) 12 x 12 3,6 x 3,6 Max. Slope of Min. Flow Per Sprinkler Head gpm m 3.i°) Pitch Max. Slope of % 18 4° Pitch Pressure i) Sprinkler Temp. Rating °F CC) 155 fib & 175 99) 155°F (68°C) 175°F QTC°) 155°F (fi8'C) 175°F (79PG°) Min. Flow Per Sprinkler Head m m Pressure I bar 13 49 13 49 7,0(0.48) 7.0 0,48 13 49 7.0 (0,48 14 x 14 4,3 x 4,3 13 48 13 49 7.0 0,48 7.0 0,48 13 49 7A .0 48 _ 16x16 49x49 13 49 13 49 7.0 0,48 7.0048 13 48 7.0 0448 18 x 18 (5,5 x 5,5 17 64,3 18 68,2 12.0 (0,83) 13.5 (0 93 17 K3 12.0 D 83 20 x 20 (6,11 x 6,1) 20 75,7 21 79,5 16.7 1,15 18.4 1 28 20(75.7) 16.7 1 15 Model F1 Res 49 CCP Pendent installed below Sloped Ceiling. Technical Data Sprinkler Temp. CCP Ass Y• Max. Max. Actual Thread Size Rating °F (°C) Temp. Ftatih Pressure psi (bar) Ambient Temg. K Factor F C F r ) , _ (metric) ' NPT R 155 (68) 135 57 175 12 100 38 4.9 69,94 Table 2 - ADalication Sprinkler Sprinkler Length Identification Number (SIN) 2.25' R3516 Slope)Min. Max. Sp� kyle x ( L Len Along ft ( { ) 9 ( )apm Max. Sloe ofK,(33.7°) Flow Per Sprinkler Head L Pitch Max. Slope of S 1lkr Pitch Pressure P-si _ bar TO 0,48 Pressure Min. Flow Per Sprinkler Head i bar 9pm (LPm] 12 x 12 3,6 x 3,6 14 53 8.2 0,57 13 49 14 x 14 (4,3 x 4,3) 14 53 8.2 0.57 13 49 7,0 0,48 16x16 49x49 14 53 B2 057 14 53 8.2 0,56 18x18 5.5x55 21 79.4 18.4 1,27 20 x 20 61 x fi 1 21 79,4 18.4 i,27 Model RFC 43 Pendent Flat Concealed installed below Sloped Ceiling, TPrhniral Data Thread Size Sprinkler Temp. Rating °F °C Co►►erplate Temp. Rating `F °C Max. Pressure i bar Max. Ambient Temp. °F °C Actual K Factor metric Sprinkler Max. Identification Adjustment Number (SIN 'h" NPT (R112) 165 74 135 57 175 12 100 38 4,3 61 4 Y" RA0612 Table 9 - Annitcation Max. Sprinkler (Wj idx (L) Length ft (m) Spacing Along Slope W Max. Slope of 33.7° Pitch Max. Slopeof If, (18.4°) Pitch Min. Flow m Per Sprinkler Head Pressure i (bar)g Min. Flow Per Sprinkler Head L Pressure pal(bar) 12 x 12 3,6 x 3,6) 18 68 17.5 1,21 13 49 9,1 0 63 14 x 14 4,3 x 4,3) 18 68 17.5 1,21 13 49 9.1 0,63 16 x 16 4.9 x 4,9) 18 68 17.5 1,21 13 49 9.1 163 18 x 16 (5.5 x 5,5 21 79 23.8 1 64 20 x 20 (6,1 x 6,1) _ 21 79 23.8 1,64 7. L- L- Installation Guidelines 1. For systems designed in accordance with NFPA 13, 13D and 13R, where specific UL Listed flows are not required, consult with the local Authority Having Jurisdiction regarding the. number of design sprinklers for sloped cellings having a pitch greater than %(9.4°). 2. Installation of UL Listed residential sprinklers under sloped ceilings shall be limited to a type d unobstructed construction consisting of smooth ceilings, as defined by NFPA 13, having a maximum pitch of 4/12 (18,4°) or 8112 (33.7-). 3. Spacing of residential sprinklers under sloped ceilings is measured along the slope when determining the distance off of wars and between sprinklers. 4. Measure listed areas of coverage along the sloped ceiling, The actual floor coverage area wdl be less than the listed area. 5. For coverage areas less than the listed coverage area shown In Tables 1 through 5, use the minimum flow requirement for the next largest listed coverage area. 6. Minimum spacing between pendent type sprinklers is 8 ft. (2.4 m). Minimum distance from a pendent type sprinkler and an adjacent wall is 4" (102 mm). 7. Residential sprinklers located closest to the peak of the ceiling shall have the deflectors located not more than 3 ft (1 m) vertically down from the peak. Align deflectors parailel with the ceiling slope 1" to 4" (25mm to 102mm) below the sloped ceiling. 8. Hydraulic Requirements: For NFPA 13D Systems, the number of design sprinklers shall include all sprinklers within a compartment, up to a. maximum of two sprinklers (where specific UL Listed flows are required) that requires the greatest hydraulic demand. b. For NFPA 13R Systems, the number of design sprinklers shall include all sprinklers within a compartment, up to a maximum of four (4) sprinklers (where specific UL Listed flows are required), that requires the greatest hydraulic demand. c. For NFPA 13 systems, the desi n area shall be the area that includes the four (4jq hydraulically most demanding sprinklers. The minimum ret uired discharge from each of the four hydraulically demanding sprinklers shall be the greater of the following: (1) In accordance with the minimum flow rates indicated by the individual listings (that already will provide a minimum density of .1 gprnfft� ; cr (2) A calculated value based on delivering a minimum of 0.1 gpmlft2 over the design area. 9. Because of the varied nature of residential construction features, there will be some compartment designs which cannot be fully sprinklered in accordance with-NFPA 13, 13D, or 13R. In these instances, consult the Authority Having. Jurisdiction (AHJ) for guidance and approval. This Includes sloped ceilings having a pitch greater than 8112 (33,7). 10.Giass bulb sprinklers have orange bulb protectors to minimize bulb damage durin�gshippppin�gg,�� handling and installation. REMOVIETHIS Pi�DT CTION ATTH�IME THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS PLACE IN SERVICE FOR FIRE PROTECTION. Removal of the protectors before this time may leave the bulb vulnerable to damage. RASC❑ wrenches are designed to Install sprinklers when covers are in place. REMOVE PROTECTORS BY UNDOING THE. CLASP BY HAND. DO NOT USE TOOLS TO REMOVE THE PROTECTORS. Model F1 Res 44 & 40 HSW and F1 Res 44 & 40 Recessed HSW1F2 installed bellow the slope ceiling. F1 Res 44 HSW Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler (with discharge directed across the slope) 1.1 F1 Res 44 Recessed HSW/F2 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler (with discharge directed down the slope) L- LISTED AREA OF C171MGE TOP OF DEFLECTOR MAST BE LOCATE i' TO 12" BELOW SLOPED CEXMk'i. THE TOP OF THE DEFLECTOR MUST L PARALLEL WAIN THE PLANE OF 7HE 1 D1SCR RGE IS ACROSS THE SLOPE L = THE MAXIMUM LISTED SPRINKLER SPACING, LENGTH. W = THE MAXIMUM LISTED SPRINKLER SPACING, WIDTH. W/2 = ONE-HALF THE MAXIMUM LISTED SPRINKLER SPACING. WIDTH (0'-4" MINIMUM). A = 3'-0" MAXIMUM. B = RANGE. 2/12 (9.4') < e e. 8/12 (33.7). C = 8'-0" MINIMUM. D AREA OF COVERAGE ESPORDS TO CEILING SLOPE TOP OF DEFLECTOR MUST BE LOCATED 4' TO 12' BELOW SLOPED CEILING THE TOP OF THE OEFLELTOR MUST U PARALLEL WIIM THE PLANE OF THE C&AWOG. DISCHARGE IS t2f THE SLOPE. O.75FC03A HSW sprinkler spacing below single sloped ceilings with a maximum slope of Y72 (33.7°) pitch. w .ram. w IN W12 w w �2 w/2 J - I A -� B LLSTED+ OF COriiaA C _ TOP OF DMECTaR M 3' TO $2' BELOW SLR inew NE TOW or THE OEf PARALLEL IRM ME A DSCKARCF 6 IL = THE MAXIMUM LISTED SPRINKLER SPACING, LENGTH. W = THE MAXIMUM LISTED SPRINKLER SPACING, WIDTH V-4" MINIMUM). W/2 = ONE-HALF THE MAXIMUM LISTED SPRINKLER SPACING, WIDTH (0'-4" MINIMUM). A = 3'-O" MAXIMUM. B = RANGE: 2/12 (9.4) s B e 8/12 (33.9" ). C e'—O" MINIMUM. ossFcaA HSW Sprinkler spacing below multiple sloped ceilings with a maximum slope of Yz (33.71) pitch. There must be an 8 in. lintel at the peak separating the 2 slopes. 9. Model F1 Res 44 HSW & F1 Res 44 HSW Recessed HSWIF2 installed below slope ceiling. Technical Data Thread Sprinkler Max. Max. Actual Sprinkler Sprinkler See Temp. Rating Pressure Ambient Temp. , K Factor Length Escutcheon Iderrtiflcation °F �Cpsi ar OF °C metric Number SIN 'h" NP7 (R'h) 155 (68) 175 (79) 175 (12) 10o (38} a.a (62,6} 2.45' /2° adjustment R3531 Discharge Directed Discharge directed Across the Slope Across the Slope Table 4 - Application 4" to 6'1 611 to 12" peflector to Cellina Deflector to Calling_ Max. Sprinkler Spacing Along Slope ('}Min. FlowT Pressure (Vin. Flow Pressure 14 x 14 4,3 x 4.3 16 60 5) .3 0 92 17 64,3 15 1.04 16 x 16 09 x 49 16 60,5 13.3 0,92 17 643 15 1,04 16 x 18 4,9 x 5,5 18 68.1 16.8 (1,16) 20 75,6 20.7 f 1.43 16 x 20 L4,9 x 6,1 23 68,1 27.d 1,89 23 68,1 f 27.4 (1.89 _Max. Slope of 33.71 Pitch Discharge Directed Discharge Directed MO)Discharge Directed Down the Slope Down the Slope Across the Slope Table 5 - Application pp 4" to 6" 6" to 1 211 4" to 12" Deflector to Cellin Deflector to Cel Uno Deflector to Cellin Max. Sprinkler Spacing t')Mln, Flow Pressure (Win, Flow Pressure t')Min. Flow Pressure Along Slope Width x L Len hit m gpm (Lpm) psi (bar) gpm (Lpm) psi (bar) gpm (Lpm) psi (bar) 12 x 12 3,6 x 3,6 1 (45,4) 7.5 r0,52] 1 14(53.0) 10.2 (0.71) 16 60,6 13.3 0.92 14 x 14 f4.3 x 4.31 14 I53.M 10.2 (0.71) 1 16(60,6) 13.3 f0.921 16 f60.0 1 13.3(0.92) 16 x 16(4,9 x 4,9) 1�23 60 6 13.3 0,921 17 (64,4 15 � 16 x 18 4,9 x 5,5 68 1 16.8 1,161 20 (75,7) 20.7 16 x 20 4,9 x 6,1 72,) 27.4 1,89 23 (87.1) 27A '} Minimum flow per sprinkler gpm (Lpm). Minimum 3 > ead design in a compartment 155°F only. Model F1Res 40 HSW and F1 Res 40 HSW Recessed HSW/P2 with a maximum slope Of Y12(33.r) pitch. h-1 hies 4U HSW F1 Res 40 Recessed HSW/F2 Technical Data Actual _ Thread Max. Pressure Max. Ambient Temp. K Sprinkler Sprinkler Identification Sue psi (bar) OF (°C) Factor Length Number (SIN) metric '/a NPT [R'A) 175 (12) 100 (38) 4.0 W.09) 2.45' R3538 10. L r fable 6 - Application Discharge Directed Discharge Directed Down the Slope Down the Slope 4" to 6" 6" to 1211 Deflector to Calling Deflector to Coiling Discharge Directed Across the Slope 4" to 6" Deflector to Ceilin Max. teWidth xSprinkler Spacing Along [ L Length ft "Min. Flow Pressure gprn L m i bar vain. Flow m L m Pressure f r [IN In. Flaw L m Pressure psi(bar) 12 x 12 (3,6 x 3,6) 13 49,0 10,60,73 13 49,0 10,6 (0,73) 17 64.3 18.1 r1,24 14 x 14 4,3 x 4,3 16 605 16 (1,10) 17 64,3 18.1 1,10 17 69,3 18.1 1,24 16 x 16(4,9 x 4,9) 17 640) 18,1 1,24 20 (75,7) 2$ (1,72) 17 64,3 18.1 (1,24 16x18 49x5,5 20*t757 25* 1 72 16 x 20 4,9 x 6,1 23 87,0 33.1 2,28 'Min flow and pressure on 175°F temperature rating only is 21 gpm 79,5 L m and 27.6 si 1 9 har Escutcheons Recessed with F2 Recessed with F2 Standard or raised mount only Temperature Rating °F °C 155 (68), 175 (79)—J— 155 (68), 175 (79) 155 (68) Minimum Flow Per Sprinkler gpm (Lpm). i� Minimum 3 head design in a compartment. Installation Guidelines 1. For systems designed in accordance with NFPA 13, 13D and 13R, where specific UL Listed flows are not required, consult with the local Authority Having Jurisdiction regarding the number of design sprinklers for sloped ceilings having pitch greater than 352 (9.4°). 2. Installation of UL Listed residential sprinklers under sloped ceilings shall be limited to a type of unobstructed construction consisting of flat, smooth ceilings, as defined by NFPA 13, having a maximum pitch of 4/12 (18.40) or 8/12 (33,70). 3. Where listed, install horizontal sidewall sprinklers along the wall below the sloped ceiling when discharge is directed across the slope, and install at the peak below the sloped ceiling when discharge is directed down the slope. Always align the sprinkler deflector parallel with the direction of the sloped ceiling. 4. Residential HSW sprinklers located closed to the peak of the ceiling shall have the deflectors located not more than 3 ft. (1m) vertically down from the peak, 5. Spacing of residential HSW sprinklers under sloped ceilings IS measured along the slope when determining the distance off of walls and between sprinklers. 6. Measure listed areas of coverage along the sloped ceiling. The actual floor coverage area will be less than the listed area. 7. For coverage areas less than the listed coverage area shown in Tables 1 through 6, use the minimum flow requirement for next largest listed coverage area. 8. Minimum spacing between horizontal sidewall sprinklers is 8 ft. (2.4 m), Minimum distance from a horizontal sidewall sprinkler and an adjacent wall is 4" (102 mm). 9. Where installation of F1 Res 40 horizontal sidewall sprinklers provide discharge across a slope having a maximum pitch of 8112, F2 escutcheons may be used for surface mounting only. 10. Hydraulic Requirements: a. For NFPA 13D Systems, the number of design sprinklers shall include all sprinklers within a compartment up to a maximum of two sprinklers (where specific UL Listed flows are required) that requires the greatest hydraulic demand. 11, Exception: Far F1 Res 40 horizontal sidewall sprinklers, where discharge is directed across a slope having a maximum pitch of 8/12 and the compartment that requires the greatest hydraulic demand is large enough where three (3) or more sprinklers are required for adequate coverage, the minimum number of design sprinklers within that compartment shall be three (3), where specific UL Listed flows are required. b, For NFPA 13R Systems, the number of design sprinklers shall include all sprinklers within a compartment, up to a maximum of four (4) sprinklers (where specific UL Listed flows are required), that requires the greatest hydraulic demand. c, For NFPA 13 systems, the design area shall be the area that includes the four (4) hydraulically most demanding sprinklers. The minimum required discharge from each of the four hydraulically demanding sprinklers shall be the greater of the following: (1) In accordance with the minimum flow rates Indicated by the individual listings (that already will provide a minimum density ❑fa 1 gpMM2); or (2) A calculated value based on delivering a minirnurn of 0.1 gpm/ftz over the design area. 11. Because of the varied nature of residential construction features, there will be some compartment designs which c5nnot be fully sprinklered in accordance with NFPA 13, 13D, or 13R. In these instances, consult the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) for guidance and approval. This includes sloped cellings having a pitch greater than 8112 (33:711). 12.Glass bulb sprinklers have orange bulb protectors to minimize bulb damage during shipping, handling and installation. REMOVE THIS PROTECTION ATTHETIME THE SPRINKLER SYSTEM IS PLACE IN SERVICE FOR FIRE PROTECTION. Removal of the protectors before this time may leave the bulb vulnerable to damage. RASCO wrenches are designed to install sprinklers when covers are in place. REMOVE PROTECTORS BY UNDOING THE CLASP BY HAND. DO NOT USE TOOLS TO REMOVE THE PROTECTORS. Reliable,.,For Complete Protection Reliable offers a wide selection of sprinkler components. Following are some of the many precision -made Reliable products that guard life and property from fire around the clock. • Automatic sprinklers • Flush automatic sprinklers • Recessed automatic sprinklers • Concealed automatic sprinklers • Adjustable automatic sprinklers ■ Dry automatic sprinklers • Intermediate level sprinklers • Open sprinklers • Spray nozzles • Alarm valves • Retarding chambers • Dry pipe valves ■ Accelerators for dry pipe valves * Mechanical sprinkler alarms * Electrical sprinkler alarm switches ■ Water flow detectors * Deluge valves * Detector check valves • Check valves • Supertrol electrical system * Sprinkler emergency cabinets • Sprinkler wrenches * Sprinkler escutcheons and guards • Inspectors test connections • Sight drains • Ball drips and drum drips • Control valve seals • Air maintenance devices • Air compressors • Pressure gauges • Identification signs • Fire department connection The equipment presented in this bulletin is to be installed in accvrdanoe with the latest pertinent Standardsof the National Fire Protection Assoc ation, Factory Mutual Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmerdal codes or ordinances, whenever applicable. Products manufactured and distrlbuted by RELIABLE have been protecting life and property for over 80 years, and are Installed and serviced by the most highly quafrred and reputable sprinkler contraciors located throughout the LJnited States. Canada and larelgn countries. Manufactured by r The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. (800J) 438-6051 SSales Fax ales offices L . 914} 56B-3476Corporate Offices __ reliat*spri*ercom Internet Address Recycled Paper Revision lines indicate updated or now data EG. Printed in U.S.A. 7M PM 9999970245 Bulletin 006 Rev.B � R�111b1� l A Concealed Residential Sprinkler engineered for a minimum design density of 0.05 gpmlfte with low GPM requirements. Features L. i L l L 1, Very low water flow requirements. Z 1/2" (13mm) Total adjustment. 3. Thread-On/Thread-Off cover attachment option. 4, Smooth aesthetic ceiling profile. 5, Available in brass, chrome and black plated or painted finishes. Listings & Approval 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, and certified by UL for Canada (cULus) 2. NYC MEA 258-93-E UL Listing Categories Residential Automatic Sprinklers UL Guide Number VKKW Product Description Model RFC43 Concealed Residential Sprinklers are fast response residential fusible solder link automatic sprinklers, Residential sprinklers differ from standard sprinklers primarily in their response time and water distribution patterns. Model RFC43 sprinklers discharge water in a hemispherical pattern below the sprinkler deflector. Residential distribution pattems are higher and generally contain a finer droplet size than standard sprinkler patterns. The combination of speed of operation and high discharge pattern required for residential sprinklers has demonstrated, in fire testing, an ability for controlling residential fires, and thereby providing significant evacuation time for occupants. The RFC43 Sprinkler provides the best form of fire protection by combining an attractive appearance and Ile (.13mm) of cover adjustment for ease of installation. The small diameter cover plate is easily and positively attached and blends into the ceiling, concealing the most dependable fire protection available, an automatic sprinkler system. Model RFC43 Concealed Residential Sprinkler (SIN RA0612) The RFC43 is a UL Listed Residential Sprinkler to be installed in the residential portions of any occupancy in accordance with NFPA 13, 13R, & 13D. The RFC43 can reduce the need for precise cutting of drop nipples. The threaded cover plate assembly can be adjusted without tools to fit accurately against the ceiling. The fire protection system need not be shut dawn to adjust or remove the cover plate assembly. Application and Installation The RFC43, for residential installations, uses a 165°F (74°C) fusible solder link in a tuning fork style sprinkler frame with a drop -down deflector. This assembly is recessed into the ceiling and concealed by a flat cover plate. The cover plate is attached to the skirt, using 135OF (57°C) ordinary temperature classification solder. When the ceiling temperature rises, the solder holding the cover plate releases the cover allowing the deflector to drop into position and exposing the sprinkler The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc., 525 North MacQuesten Parkway, Mount Vernon, New York 10552 CD Q a) UJ F L L Inside to ceiling temperature. The subsequent operation of the solder link opens the waterway and causes the deflector to drop into position to distribute the discharging water in a hemispherical pattern below the sprinkler deflector. Any adjustment of thread engagement between the cover plate and cup will assure that the drop -down deflector is properly located below the ceiling. The residential distribution pattern contains afiner droplet size than a standard sprinkler, and the pattern produces significantly higher wall wetting. After a 2 518 inch diameter hole is cut in the ceiling, the sprinkler is to be installed with the Model FC Wrench. When installing a sprinkler, the wrench is first positioned into the sprinkler/cup assembly and around the hexagonal body of the sprinkler frame. The Wrench must bottom out against the cup in order to ensure proper, safe installation. The sprinkler Temperature Rating Sprinkler Corer Plate Max. Ambient Temp. 165°FI746G I 135OF1570C 1 WF138°C Installation Data is then tightened into the pipe fitting. When inserting or removing the wrench from the sprinkler/cup assembly, care should be taken to prevent damage to the sprinkler. DO NOT WRENCH ON ANY OTHER PART OF THE SPRINKLER/CUP ASSEMBLY. MODEL RFC43 CONCEALED SPRINKLERS MUST BE INSTALLED ONLY WITH 135OF RATED COVERS. Cover assemblies provide up to y" (13rr m) of adjustment. Turn the cover clockwise until the flange is in contact with the ceiling. Cover removal requires turning in the counter -clockwise direction. In ceilings that have a plenum space above the sprinkler, the plenum space may have neutral or negative pressurization but must not be positively pressurized, Inspect all sprinklers after installation to ensure that the gap between the cover plate and ceiling and the 4 slots in the cup are all open and free from any air flow impedimerit. Minimum Required Thread Size inch Size K Factor Sprinkler Spacing ft. (m) Maximum Distance to Wall ft. (m) 6 1.83 Minimum distance between sprinkler ft. (m) 8 (2.43) Sprinkler Discharge Flow Press. gpm (Lpm) psi (bar) 12 (45 7.8 0.54 ''h" (15mm) 4.3 12 x 12 (3.6x3.6} 'h" (15mm 4.3 14 x 14 4.3x4.3}} 7 2.13 8(2.43 13 49 9.1 0:63 'V (1srnm� 1/v [15mm] 4.3 4.3 16 x 16 4.9x4.9} 20 x 20 6.Ox6.0) 8 2.43 10 3.05� 8 �2,43 8 2.43 13 49 9.1 OZ3 211 (79) 23.8 1.64 Note: 1 bar = 100 Kpa 2. L Maintenance Model RFC43 Concealed Sprinklers should be inspected quarterly and the sprinkler system maintained in acoordance with NFPA 25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or any other cleaning fluids. Rerlove dust by using a soft brush or gentle vacuuming. Remove any sprinkler cover plate assembly which has been painted (other than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick replacement of damaged or operated sprinklers. Prior to installation, sprinklers should be maintained in the original cartons and packaging until used to minimize the potential for damage to sprinklers that would cause improper operation or nan-operation. Model RFC43 Residential Concealed Sprinkler Specification Sprinklers shall be oULus Listed low Plow residential concealed sprinklers with drop -down deflector and adjustable flat cover plate engineered for a minimum design density cf 0.b5 gpm/ff. Sprinkler frame and deflector shall be of bronze frame construction having a '/a" NPT thread. Thermal element shall consist of an approved black -painted beryllium -nickel fusible solder link with symmetric lever mechanism, maintaining a Teflon -coated Belleville spring washer and machined brass cap water seal assembly containing no plastic parts. Sprinkler K-factor shall be nominal 4.3 (62A), having a 7/16" orifice. Temperature rating shall be Ordinary 165°F (74°C); cover plate temperature rating to be 135OF (570C). Cover plate assembly shall consist of a brass cover plate and copper alloy retainer flange allowing a'/2" cover plate adlusti rrent. Any secure engagement between the cover plate and the cup will assure that the drop -down deflector is properly located below the ceiling. A plastic protective cap shall be provided and factory installed inside the sprinkler cup to protect the drop -down sprinkler deflector from damage, which could occur during construction before the cover plate is installed. Standard cover finish: [Chrome] [White] [Specialty —specify]. Residential concealed sprinklers shall be Reliable Model RFC43, SIN RA0612 (Bulletin 006). 1 - x 112" REDUCING Ta OR ELBOW 2A" [58.7mml CM — HOLE IN CEILING L J CLIP —� Ordering Information Specify: 1. Sprinkler Model 2. Cover Plate Finish 2" [50.emm] MAX, FACE OF FITTING ` ` ` • ` TO FACE OF CEILING ` DIMENSION CEILING " [12.7m.n] MAX � I COVER ADJUSTMENT 3 J OW 3/1s" COVER PL47E [84,1 mm] (4.8mm] ASSEMBLY SPRINKLER COVER PL4 rF• 112" P 2. 7mm 7 ADJUSTMENT 3. Cover Plate Finishes "' (Standard Finishes Chrome White Special Application Finishes Bright Brass Black Plating Black Paint Off White Satin Chrome "' Other colors and finishes available. Consult factory for details. Note: Paint or any other coatings applied over the factory finish will void all approvals and warranties. D� 7�C70W, Reliable,,.For Complete Protection Reliable offers a wide selection of sprinkler components. Following are some of the many precision -made Reliable products that guard life and property from fire around the clock. • Automatic sprinklers • Flush automatic sprinklers • Recessed automatic sprinklers • Concealed automatic sprinklers • Adjustable automatic sprinklers • Dry automatic sprinklers • Intermediate level sprinklers * Open sprinklers * Spray nozzles * Alarm valves • Retarding chambers • Dry pipe valves • Accelerators for dry pipe valves • Mechanical sprinkler alarms • Electrical sprinkler alarm switches • Water flow detectors • Deluge valves • Detector check valves • Check valves • Supertrol electrical system * Sprinkler emergency cabinets • Sprinkler wrenches • Sprinkler escutcheons and guards * Inspectors test connections • Sight drains • Ball drips and drum drips * Control valve seals • Air maintenance devices • Air compressors • Pressure gauges • Identification signs * Fire department connection The equipment presented in [his bulletin is to be installed in accordance with the latest pertinent Standards of the Malional Fire Protection Association, Factory Mutual Research Corporation, or other similar organizations and also with the provisions of governmental codes or ordinances, whenever applicable. Products manufactured and distributed by RELIABLE have bean protecting life and property la over 80 years. and are installed and serviced by the most highly qualified and reputable sprinkler contractors Iodated throughout the United States, Canada and foreign countries. Manufactured by: 'The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. i� Paper d Reliable (800)848-1588 Sales Offices Paper {800) 848-6Q51 Sales Fax (914) 668-3470 Corporate Offices Revision lines indicate updated OF new data www.reliablesprinkler.corn Internet Address E.G. Printed in USA. 4105 PJN VM970261 L ES-FBV-4 Job Name Job Location Engineer — Approval Series FBV-4, FBVS-4 2-Piece, Full Port, Brass Ball Valves Sizes: 1/4" - 3" (8 - 80mm) Series FBV-4, FBVS-4 2-Piece, Full Port, Brass Ball Valves are suitable for a full range of liquids and gases in residential and commercial applications. These valves feature an adjustable packing for longer service life, p a bottom loaded blow-out proof stem for safety, a fluorocarbon { elastomer stem O-ring to prevent stem leaking at 11 installation, and are rated to 600psl WOG/150psi WSP '/4`-2' (8-50mm) and 400psi WOG/ 125psi WSP r 21/2"-3" (65-80mm). l Features + CSA approved threaded valves only'/4" - 3" ■ Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 61/B • Metal -to -metal adapter body seal to ellminate adapter leaks after soldering • Fluorocarbon elastomer stem 0-ring prevents stem leaks • Adjustable stem packing gland provides longer service life • Bottom loaded blowout proof stem • PTFE stem packing seal and seats + Machined chrome -plated brass ball • Complies with MSS-SP-110 Models FBV-4 1/4" - 3" (8 - 80mm) threaded end connections FBVS-4 1W - 3" t15 - 80mm) solder end connections* i t Specifications Approved valves shall be 2-piece full port design constructed of a forged brass body and end adapter. Seats and stem pack- ing shall be PTFE. Stem to be bottom -loaded, blowout proof Ldesign with a fluorocarbon elastomer C-ring to prevent stem leakage. Valves required to have an adjustable packing gland and chrome -plated brass ball. Threaded valves 1/2" - 3" shall be �y CSA approved to'h psig and 5 psig and certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 6118 by NSF. Solder valves also required to be certi- fied by NSF to NSF/ANSI Standard 61I8, Valve sizes''/" - 2" pressure rated to 600 psi WOG and 150 psi WSP, Valve sizes 2 '1h" - 3" pressure rated to 400 psi WOG and 125 WSP, Valves specified are Watts Series FBV-4 or FBVS-4. Contractor Approval Contractor's P.O. No. Representative Approvals YA" - 3" FBV-4 HSF. Y2" - 3" FBVS-4 Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 61I8 Domestic cold water at 73°F Gas Approvals (Threaded Values only) 1/4" —31g' CSA 1/2 psig, 5 pslg 1/2"-2- ASME B16.33, CSA J $QV- I2 psig, 5 psig @ -40°F to 125° F 2 1h" —_3" ASME B16,38, CSA r u Ya psig, 5 psig @ -40*F to 125OF Pressure — Temperature Temperature Range! -40OF to 400°F (40°C to 2040C) Pressure Rating:114"-2" (8-50mm) 600psi (41,4 bar) WOG non -shock 150psi (10.3 bar) WSP 21h"-3" (65-80mm) 40opsi (27.6 bar) WOG non -shock 125psi (8.6 bar) WSP 'This valve Is designed to be soft soldered into lines without dis- assembly, using a low temperature solder to 420*F (21 M). Higher temperature solders may damage the seat material. Apply heat with the flame directed AWAY from the center of the valve body. Excessive heat can harm the seats. After soldering, the packing nut may have to be tightened. Watts produnt specaicadons in US. uA nary Ora and metric are sWoodmate and are provided for reference Daly. For predse measurements, please oonlad Watts Technical Service. watts reserves trio right to change or modify product design, construction, geclticaltore, or malerlals m(Q IWWA W prior nDWe and wi W incurring any obligation to make such changes and mwdifications on Watts prWwW prevlousy or subsequently sdd. L 1 L. Materials A. Handle Nut Zlnc plated carbon steel B. Handle Assembly Zinc plated carbon steel with vinyl insulator C. Packing Nut Brass D. Stem Packing Virgin PTFE E. a -Ring Fluorocarbon elastomer (FKM) G. Stem Machined Brass H. Tag Cardboard, Myiar coated both sides I. Body Forged brass J. Seats Virgin PTFE K. Ball Chrome plated brass L. Adaptor Forged brass Dimensions -Weights I H� { L --� Ml" • _==i=_�siilci�5�i ��_�51��- - --Sa'��rEc�t: E:15F:o ��- �� �s�i�iiiiiliiiiiiii�w�ii::::::ii. � �rie.rl.�riilil.iir'✓r� ����romeenni3r�.�uRyu�u�l�nn.�wrawrewy���rrm w..n - !■...lilllllllfll!'1.■Ii.111[Il F11l•II.■I.I11111i1IE!!=I ■■II�i111111111Elllfrll►■rl�i II I IlHlilll fir111■1 � d Illilllll] �! - C��r11111111l11u1►4��111'�iul'Inll1►��In►EluRilnllll�l ■■�l[11111111111111v��lll�llEil�lllllllrl��►1111111111111■I =� ■■Ilf�lllllll�!Ili!Illlilll[i11111!;i►1►111�i111111111111 - _...11llill;llllll__II.►�iIIIfNIIII'i111111.►/lillllllllllllil -_■..fllifkSfllll�a•_■.Iillllllllli14117.■lillllllllElllil ��■■■�iFl liil IIIlii � ■I ■►Ai II I IIII!II ��■ II it i111111111 li�l =■■■11►1!ilIl!illIMTA i111►III►{III411lwm11111111111�11�1 I I 4 5 6711 7➢ a 51 10 20D 4W OW !W 20N 7 10 10D 1000 5700 Flow *NQ Valve Seat Rating hr psi 41.3 600 34.5 50p 27.6 400 w 20.7 300 13.6 20D 6.9 1W 3.4 so 0 0 ------------ C 4 -.. �- -L1 FBVS-4 2w - 3" 5p lop 200 3W 400 SW *F 10 36 93 149 204 260*0 Temperature SIZE 1 DIMENSIONS xa MM C ie ffm H in. I tom I rn MM L a2 nnll L1 rn I MM rBV-4 FBVS-4 1/4 8 1f3/6 46 3!4r6 87 7Ai; 11 13/4 45 - - 0A 0.16 - - 5/s 10 173/16 46 37Aa 87 1h 13 13/4 44.7 - - 0.4 0.17 - - 1h 15 113/16 46 3'A5 87 1/2 13 2 50 21/16 53 0.4 0.18 0.4 0.16 1/4 20 21/,6 53 315/16 101 11116 18 2'/4 57 25k 67 0.6 0.27 0.5 0.24 1 25 27Ar, fit 41/4 108 15I16 24 213/16 71 1 34/,s 83 1.1 0.49 1.0 0.44 11/4 32 1 24h 64 1 4'/4 108 1 13/16 31 TA 80 1 3"A" 93 1.5 0.68 1.4 0.64 11h 40 3 76 5Vi6 135 1'/,6 37 37/ls 88 Oe 107 2.3 1.06 21 2 50 31h 89 6 153 2 51 4'/6 105 55/1s 135 3.7 1.69 3.8 21h 65 41/16 104 7'A 188 2_1.A 64 55/6 134 63h6 158 7.9 3.57 ;7.2 L4.9 3 R0 41h 114 73/4 197 3 76 WA 155 71/4 184 11.8 5.37 1.0 9B01-2008 IWWAT C6RTIFIEO A Watts Water Technologies Company USA: No. Andover. MA • Tel. (978) 588-1811 • Fax: (978) 794-1848 • wwwmatts.com Canada: Burlington, ONT. (905) 332-4090 • Fax; (905) 332-7058 • wow mattscanrada.ca ES-FBV-4 1033 0 2010 Watts t✓ L Fig. 24 - Hanger for CPVC Plastic Pipe Double Fastener Strap Type - Side Mount Size Range — 3/4" thru 2" CPVC pipe Material — Pre -Galvanized Steel Function — Intended to perform as a hanger/restrainer to support CPVC piping used in automatic fire sprinkler systems. Can be installed on the top or on the bottom of a beam. The Fig. 24 can also function as a restrainer to prevent the upward movement of the sprinkler head during activation. Approvals — Underwriters' Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) to support fire sprinkler piping. May be installed in wood using fasteners supplied with product, or into minimum 20 gauge steel using (2) 1/4" x 1" tek type screws. Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13, 13R and 13D. Features — Fig. 24 incorporates features which protect the pipe and ease installation. The flared edge design protects the CPVC pipe from any rough surface. Easily attaches to the building structure using the two UL Listed hex head self threading screws* furnished with the product. It is recommended that rechargeable electric drills fitted with a hex socket attachment be used as installation tools. No impact tools (such as a ham- mer) are allowed. Damage has been known to result from installations using impact type tools. No pre -drilling of a pilot hole in wood is required. Finish — Pre -Galvanized Order 6y — Figure number and pipe size * Hardened hex head self threading screw is furnished with the product and is the minimum fastener size acceptable. r A' r @ US =0 Dimensions • Weights CPVC Max. Hanger Fastener Hex Approx. Pipe Size A 6 C Spacing (Ft.) Head Size Wt.1100 3/4 Vie 1%Z 13/16 51h 5/16 9 1 2% 154 1 V16 6 5/16 9 1'A 3 11/2 1me 61A 5/16 11 11h 31/4 1_% 1�/i6 7 5/16 12 2 311/16 123/32 13A0 8 5/16 15 OFFICE/MANUFACTURING FACILITY • 1375 SAMPSON AVE. • CORONA, CA 92878+PH: 951.73T5599 • FAx 951.737,0330 CUSTOMER SERVICE • 900.786.5H6 WWW.1010O.som 39 Fig. 23 - Hanger for CPVC Plastic Pipe Double Fastener Strap Type Size Range — 3/4" thru 3" CPVC pipe Material — Pre -Galvanized Steel Function — Intended to perform as a hangertrestrainer to support CPVC piping used in automatic fire sprinkler systems. Fig. 23 can be installed on the top, bottom or side of a beam. The Fig. 23 also functions as a restrainer to prevent the upward movement of the sprinkler head during activation. Approval$ — Underwriters' Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) sizes 3/4" thru 2" to support fire sprinkler piping. May be installed in wood using fasteners supplied with product, or into minimum 20 gauge steel using (2) 1/4" x 1" tek type screw. Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13, 13R and 13D. Features — Fig. 23 incorporates features which protect the pipe and ease installation. The flared edge design protects the CPVC pipe from any rough surface. It also incorporates snap restrain- ers allowing easier and faster installation. Easily attaches to the building structure using the two UL Listed hex head self thread- ing screws" furnished with the product. It is recommended that rechargeable electric drills fitted with a hex socket attachment be used as installation tools. No impact tools (such as a hammer) are allowed. Damage has been known to result from installations using impact type tools. No pre -drilling of a pilot hole in wood is required. Finish — Pre -Galvanized Order By — Figure number and pipe size • Hardened hex head self threading screw is furnished with the product and is the minimum fastener size acceptable. Dimensions • Weights r ill Us "In, { CPVC IL Pipe Size A B C Max. Hanger Spacing (Ft.) Fastener Hex Head Size Approx. WV1100 3/4 31A 1 V116 13/16 5/16 9 1 33A 111/1s 13/16 8 5/16 9 11/4 43/1a 2V32 13/16 Sib 5116 11 11h 47/is 27/32 13/16 7 5/16 12 2 47A 27/is 13/is 8 5116 15 21/2 109/32 211/16 13116 Consult Factory 5/16 22 _ 3 117/8 3 1 V16 Consult Factory 5116 25 L OFFICWANUFACTU RING FACILITY • 1375 SAMPSON AVE. • CORONA. CA 92879 • PH. 951.737-5599 • FAX: 951,737.0330 CUSTOMER SERVICE • 800 786.5266 i Fig. 22 - Hanger for CPVC Plastic Pipe Single Fastener Strap Type C° Size Range — 3/4" thru 2" CPVC pipe Material — Pre -Galvanized Steel AA Function -- Intended to perform as a hanger to support CPVC piping used in automatic fire sprinkler systems. The product acts as a hanger when tab is upward and the fastener screw is in the horizontal position. Figure 22 can be installed on the top of a beam, but in this situation acts as a guide tothe piping which is supported by the beam itself. It is not intended to sup- port CPVC pipe from under a flat horizontal surface, such as a ceiling. For this type of installation, use the TOLCOO Fig. 23, Double Fastener Strap for CPVC Piping. Fig. 22, when inverted, with the hanger tab downward, can .' function as a restrainer to prevent the upward movement of the sprinkler head during activation. a Approvals — Underwriters' Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) and Canada (cUL) to support fire sprinkler piping. May be installed in wood using fasteners supplied with product, or into minimum 20 gauge steel using (1) 114" x 1" tek type screw. Meets and exceeds the requirements of NFPA 13, 13R and 13D. Features — Fig. 22 incorporates features which protect the pipe and ease installation. The flared edge design pro- tects CPVC pipe from any rough surface. It is easily attached to the building structure using the special UL Listed hex head self threading screw' furnished with the product. It is recommended that rechargeable electric drills fit- ted with a hex socket attachment to be used as installation tools. No impact tools (such as a hammer) are allowed. Damage has been known to result from installations using impact type tools. No pre -drilling of a pilot hole in wood is required. Finish — Pre -Galvanized Order By — Figure number and CPVC pipe size. " Hardened hex head self threading screw is furnished with the product and Is the minimum fastener size acceptable. Dimensions -Weights CPVC Max. Hanger Fastener Hex Approx. Pipe Size A B C Spacing (Ft.) Head Size wt.1100 3/4 27A6 15/1e 1-1116 51b 5/16 9 11 211/1e 17/16 13/15 6 5116 9 1114 Vie 1 % 1 3/16 61/x 5/16 11 11h 35/1e 13/4 13/16 7 5/16 12 2 3W4 21A I VIS a 5116 15 OFFICEIMAN U FACTU RING FACILITY - 1375 SAMPM AVE - CORONA, CA 92879 - K 951.737.5599 - FAk 951.737,0330 CUSTOMER SERVICE - 800786.5266 www.rokoxtat 7�1 C„ d d 2 4 7 SERVICE SHALL NOT EXTEND OVER 3" ABOVE TOP OF cv MAIN. 8 r 1 L 1 DMIN. 45• MAX. NOTE-. WATER MAIN SEE DETAIL DRAWING W-6 FOR SERVICE CONNECTIONS TO MAINS. LOCATE METER BOX IN ACCORDANCE WITH DETAIL DRAWING W-5. REF; SEE ARTICLE TC--3 ITEM NO. SIZE AND DESCRIPTION REMARKS NO. REQ, 1 1 1" BALL VALVE TO BE INSTALLED 2 1 1" STRIAGHT METER COUPLING BY 3 1 3/4" METER DISTRICT 4 2 1 "X 1-1 /4" WATER METER BUSHING 5 1 METER BOX & LID TO BE INSTALLED 6 1 1" ANGLE METER STOP BY 7 1 1" X REQUIRED LENGTH SERVICE LINE CONTRACTOR S 1 1" CORPORATION STOP COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT DETAIL OF 1 61 SERVICE INSTALLATION METER ABOVE MAIN APPROVAL DATE: OCT 21305 1 W-7A BOTTOM LOAD MULTI -JET METERS 5/8" . 3/4" . 1 " TOUGH, DEPENDABLE AND EXTREMELY CAPABLE Master Meter Bottom Load Multi Jets get the job done. Featuring the latest in measurement technology they bring sustained accuracy with tough performance that stands up to particulates that would choke other meters. These bold meters have sensitive measurement capabilities that account for every drop of potential revenue -- reading flow as low as 1/8 galon per minute. Nothing sneaks by our meters. If you demand tough-awails performance, with a keen eye on your bottom line, you can count on Master Meter Bottom Load Multi -Jets. LIVE LONG WITH A BRIGHT FUTURE The Bottom Load Mult0et is an updated sma rt design to the classic "top load" multijet meter. These meters are designed with the future in mind for use in mobile and fixed network AMR/ AMI data management systems. Choose an optional DIALOG 3G'b Integrated AMR Register and put our ComectionFrW AMR Technology to work for you. 3G delivers powerful results with 4,000 read data logging and vigilant Revenue Impact Alerts' monitoring for leaks, tamper, theft lbackJbM, and zero consumption. Our award -winning register design houses all vital components — encoder, RF transmitter, battery and antenna — safely within the register's sealed stainless steel and tempered glass enclosure. We eliminated external wires, components and connections —the #1 cause of field related issues on competitive designs. FEATURES: * Rugged Basket Strainer Built From Advanced Polymer Materials for Superior Wear Mitigation. * Proprietary Design Produces Smooth, Laminar Flow Profile for Improved Accuracy. * Accuracy Meets or exceeds the AWWA D708 Standard. Optional NSF Certification Available. * Optional 3G Integrated Register Delivers: - Revenue Impact Alerts - Leak, Tamper, Theft (backffow), and Zero Consumption - Rich 4,000 Read Data Logging Capabilities - Deploy District Management Areas/2ones (DMA/DMZ) Advanced Infrastructure Leak Management Programs SIZES AVAILABLE; 5/8", 3/4", P REGISTER OPTIONS, * DIALOG 3G Integrated AMR Register * DIALOG 3G LCD Interpreter'"A * DIALOG 2G" Pit xc DIALOG 2G Indoor * Direct Read READ: * Direct Read/Manual * Proximity/Touch -2G * Mobile Drive -By AMR - 3G * Fixed Network AMI Solution - 3G (FN migratable using existing Mobile AMR infrastructure) Tough I Sustained Accuracy I Dependable I ANIR/AMI Migrallable with 3G fi I L TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: AWWA Standard • Meets or exceeds all sections of AWNA Standard C-708, most recent revision; NSF/ArISI Standard 6 1 - Optional Standard 61 certified no • lead main case available. Register Sealing - Dnct read and DIALOG' registers are permanently sealed with a scratch resistant glass lens, stainless steel base and wrap -around gasket to prevent intrusion of dirt or moisture. Design 'Operation - Valaclty type flow measurement. Water t�iat is evenly distributed y multiple converging inlet ports flows past an impeller in the measuring chamber, Creating an impeller velocity directly proportional to water flow rate. The meter's registe r inte grates that velocity into totalized flow. Art inherent advantage for this design is Lin paralleled. wear mitigation leading to sustained revenues. The register assembly is removable under line pressure peimltting seamless, simplified upgrades in reading technology. Register Unit -Registration avalable in U.S. gallons, cubic feet or cubic meters. Test Circle - Large center sweep hand with one hundred (1001 clearly marked gradations on the periphery of the chat face. Flow Rating (gpm) Continuous Flow (gpm) Normal Flow Range (gpm) Extended Low Flaw (gpnh) Maximum Working Pressure (psis MAaxkmn Worldng Temperature ffi Length (A below) Width (B below) Helght, standard register with hid (C below)i Height, bottom to center line (D below) Weight (ibs) Packed To Carton Carton weight (Ibs) Lnw Ftow,/Leak Indicator • Center mounted indicator with high sensitivity resulting from direct one to one linkage to measuring element. Main case - Choice of waterworks bronze case of 81 % copper composition, or, 86%copper, no lead bronze. AM main cases incorporate externally threaded ends to aid installation, Measuring Chamber - Tile measuring chamber housing and measurement elementart! built with an advanced synthetic polymer. This tough, non -hydrolyzing material ensures durable wear. The chamber desiggnn optimizes water flaw, eliminating harsh turbulence for Smooth, easy, operation that minimizes bearing wear. Measurement surfaces are not wear surfaces, providing sustained accuracy despite the presence of entrained solids in the water. A long -life, synthetic sapphire bearing serves as a wear surface with radially balanced water flows. The chamber housing is constructed in two parts to allow access to the impeller. Strainer - A rugged, 360•degree advance polymer basket stralner protects the critical measuring. element from damage. The unique Wainer design smmothes the flow of water entering into the rrieter creating a laminar flow that is as on the meter's intarnai components. Tough materials operating in a smooth, balanced environment ACCURACY A,HD f--IF_AD LCi:,S CI IAw-r ACCURACY% enable the meters to perform more accurately over time. Utilities' investments last longer while capturing more revenue. Optional Bottom Plates - Bronze, Cast Iron IC(1, or Engineered Plastic. Magnetic Drive -A reliable, direct ma gnetic drive provides linkage between measurement element and register. No intermediate gearing is required; no gearing Is exposed to water. Adjusting Port - Sealed after factory caiihration. Port is accessible for utility recalibration to compensate for inaccuracy in older meters without parts replacement. Register - Standard Direct Read, DIALOG 2G and DIALOG 3G AMR System registers are available. Six wheel odometers are standard. Together, an Integrated and migratable technology environment is attained; direct, proximity (touch), mobile AMR, and Fixed Network AMI. Tamper Detection - The Master Meter Mul6•jet adjusting port and register are concealed to prevent tampering and removal of the register. This design also provides a visual indication of tamparfng attempts. 20 30 30 30 50 15 20 20 20 30 I-20 2-30 240 2-30 3-50 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/8 ISO 150 150 150 150 120 12D 120 120 120 7.1/2" 7-1/2" V 9" 10-3/4" 3.5/6" 3.5/8" 3.5/8" 3.5/8" 4' 5" 5" 5" 5" 5.1/4- 1-1/8" 1-1/2., 1-1/2" 1-1/2" 1.3/4" 3.95 4.0 4.1 4.6 5.25 6 6 6 4 4 25.1 25.4 26 1918 22.4 C 11111 lip ID g , A Master Meter, Inc. 101 Regency Parkway, Mansfield, TX 76063 Toll Free: 800-765-6518 • Main Line: 817-842-8000 e FAX: 817-842-8100 MASTERMETER.COM Masker Mete, is rr ,u associated rA nor a distrilurar d metering pmdhcts under the registered trademarks yr AM X, Badger, Hersey, Nephme and Serous. QM8 Muster Meter, Inc. All dgrts reserved. DOL]G. INTERPRETER, and Master Meter are registered trademarks of Master Meter, Inc. Master Meter reserves the right to make modifications to the products described herein at any time and without notice. U.S. PateMNos, 7,135,986; 6,819,29P; 6,954,178; and others pending. BUAh0988 M V MASTER METER