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FCMP2018-0010 Griffin Ranch Plan 1 Rev 1
a u�tt Project Details PROJECT NUMBER ` =�w City of La Qu i nta FCM P2018-0010 MoFT�- Description: GRIFFIN RANCH / MASTER PLAN TYPE 1 / FIRE SPRINKLER / REV 1 Status: APPROVED Type: FIRE CONSTRUCTION MASTER PLAN Status Date: Subtype: FIRE SPRINKLER MASTER PLAN Applied: 11/6/2018 Address: 81181 MERV GRIFFIN WY Approved: 11/21/2018 City, State, Zip: LA QUINTA,CA92253 Closed: Project Manager: Expired: Details: ADDITIONAL SI REVI ACT INSPECT CONDIT •• • • CHRONOLOGYTYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES NOTE ARMANDO MAGALLON 12/11/2018 12/12/2018 ADD FEES AND SEND INVOICE TO APPLICANT FEES WILL BE UPDATED TO REFLECT 45 MINUTES SPENT ON EACH OF THE PERMITS FOR A GRIFFIN RANCH REVISIONS INCLUDING FCMP2018-0002-FCMP2018-0010. PERMIT CHANGED TO APPROVED STATUS PER EGO'S REVIEW DATED 11-21-2018 NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESSI CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS INC 705 E HARRISON ST SUITE 200 CORONA CA 92879 CONTRACTADMIN@FIR EINC.NET BILL TO FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS INC 705 E HARRISON ST SUITE 200 CORONA CA 92879 CONTRACTADMIN@FIR EINC.NET Printed: Friday, January 13, 2023 9:14:34 AM 1 of 3 CENTRALSOLIARE Project Details PROJECT NUMBER `..=� w City of La Qu i nta FCM P2018-0010 MoFT - r NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESSI CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL CONTRACTOR FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS INC 705 E HARRISON ST CORONA CA 92879 CONTRACTADMIN@FIR SUITE 200 EINC.NET OWNER IOTA GRIFFIN 4675 MACARTHUR CT NEWPORT CA 0 NO 1550 BEACH CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY BY FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 0.75 $117.00 $117.00 12/12/18 R42302 233200 CHECK FIRE SPRINKLER AMA SYSTEMS Total Paid for FIRE FEES: $117.00 $117.00 RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE - 101-0000-42416 0 $21.00 $21.00 12/12/18 R42302 233200 CHECK FIRE SPRINKLER AMA SYSTEMS MAJOR Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE - MAJOR: $21.00 $21.00 TECHNOLOGY 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 $5.00 12/12/18 R42302 233200 CHECK FIRE SPRINKLER AMA ENHANCEMENT FEE SYSTEMS Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 $5.00 • INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE RETURNED DATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES 1ST FIRE (2WK) EDGAR GONZALEZ 11/21/2018 11/21/2018 11/21/2018 APPROVED Printed: Friday, January 13, 2023 9:14:34 AM 2 of 3 CENTRALSOLIARE ° Project Details PROJECT NUMBER yow City of La Quinta FCMP2018-0010 1ST PERMIT PERMIT TECH 1 12/6/2018 1 12/7/2018 12/11/2018 COMPLETE TECHNICIAN (1DAY) I BUCKET :• ) INFORMATION Am Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 12/8/2021 JOSE DELGADO Fire Review Fire Review 0 Application.pdf Application.pdf CVWD Domestic Water CVWD Domestic Water DOC 12/8/2021 JOSE DELGADO System Flow Analysis System Flow Analysis & 0 and Hydraulics Hydraulics Calculation Calculation Report.pdf Report.pdf DOC 12/8/2021 JOSE DELGADO FCMP2018-0010.pdf FCMP2018-0010.pdf 0 Printed: Friday, January 13, 2023 9:14:34 AM 3 of 3 CENTRALSQUARE BuIJetlr1006 Fiev. I fm Model RFC30 (SIN RA0611) 11ablModel RFC43 (SIN RA0612) Model RF 49 (SIN RA061 G) 0 Residential Fiat Concealed Sprinklers - A Residential Flat Concealed prl nkler engl neeredfora minimum design density of 0,gpmM with low GPM requIrernent . Features 1, Very law water flow requirements. 2. Cluver plale aMchment (Pletn or Perforated) 1Nftfl1/2' (13rTn) Told adjusb-rrellt. 3. Thread-OnlThread-Off or P€1sh-Orlirhread Off cover attachment option 4. Smooth aesthelic ceiling profile_ 5. Available in brass, chrome and Flack plated or painted finishes. Listings & Approval 1. Listed by Underwriters Laboralories, and certified by UL for Canada (cUl-li LPL Listing Categories Residential Autwiiatic Sprinklers Plain Ggvsr Plate UL Guide Number VKKW Producx Description IVradel RFC-4 0, RFC'I-;3 and RFG49 Concealed fResldon - hall SW 1rt64 * $re fast re Dponse rinIderxIs1 fusible soIdef1. "hYm'., .m,1 link &Ljornatia sprinkk�vk F slde tag sprilnMerc differ from standard sprinIiws prfrnw4y in their response Brine and water distribution patterns. Perforated Cover Platte Via dat RFC30, RF(;4.3aria RFC49 spr1nkiwadlscrarge water In a Mirdspherlcal pattern below the spr',nKler de- and pos 1:11ve ly anac; red and bie ins into the gelling, con- flsctar. RRasldentlal t3isirlblJtl[Jrl patterns see rllgtler and cea11ng the most dependade lire protesnon avaii[able, ari plawrally conlaina finer droplet size Tan standard span- aulamatlif sprimler systafrl. kW pallerns- The FIFC30, RF'C43 aInd FIFC49 are UL Listed Rouidan- The Gomblrlatan of speed of operation and high die- lial Sprinklers to ba irratalled In the residential portions crsarge panefn tlegUred for residential sprinklers rlas or any occupancy Irr ac'cadance with NFPA 13, 131Rr & riemarntaled, in fire Tenting, are elbllity tar controlling 13D, residemlai tires, and thereby providing significant evacu- The RM-30, RFC43 and 9FC49 09111 recittCe the need &ian time for occupants, for preelse ctuing of drop nipples. The Inreaded cover The RFC30, RFG43 and RFC49 Sprinklers provide we plate assembly can be acijiumed vAlhout wols m iit ac- bestlorm offire protection by corilblriirlg an attractive ap- curately against trim calling_ Tine lira prot nan system pears; ce and lk" (13mm) of coved arjudmert for ease roeea not be shut down n [a adjust or rarrlave the cover at Inn tglla[tl rt Ttla stlnall diameter cover plate ;s wily plate a3sembty. The RidlaWe Automatic S prinkter Co., Ine", 103 Fairview Park Dive, EI rnsfoird, New Fork 40523 Thread Nomin13l Sprinkler COP r 98'BiYibiy Max. Amioieilt KMax.Model Size Orifice Temp fitlrag Tern)- Rating Pressure 1N lnch (mrn) Inch (rnrn) Item P Factor PSI I bat) aF dC ,F C aF ,G R�r-}FIC 30r (77At 112+�� YIL OI '-664 .,15 L 1'fh) .id u' L� ,F:�.1 (1) RFC 43 (Rr40617) r>',151 ",s,1G} 165 74 i2F E7 etlt+ SA 4.3,52; 1T5(12) H FC 49 {IRA�G16 r1,a1111 ',ti5 lA i� !,? ;•,r a 4 ;I1?r. aj} 1r"F h•1(+*a 1 nnir Ijo10;1 RFC 30 Ordinary Temp- Rating Max. Coverage Max. Spacing g (1651Ff74°C) Top of DOertor m1nirnum Installation ' area Ft x R (rn x rn) (rrr) Flaw Pressure is ce ing Inch (mmrr Spacing Type Et (Irr) 1 --- CPhIi(IJirtfrl) PSI (tor) k2 x t r;i,� x :�.�rr 12 !3,6) -�LI:C --JdCod;^Ige- pArNITA .;3D, '314t- ;.; .,y�iy it:2,.1. a ;4 x "4 i-1, ` x /t•� 1 f_ F4..ij 1#1 (.}?-Gil = 13 :IEe'a '� iM r-IS I'l i{1 1 {1'i 10 25A) I fog 'ter llF'• 1+rx:ys rrier lu W- PA la, I: R r: 13ID IREC 43 ardinary TOMP. RERIng Minx. Correrage Max. Spsclrtg I 1 WR74°C Top Of i7e W-13r ; Minimum Insiafiatir area F1 x Pit {m x tn} Ft (m) to Gelling Inch (MM) ; spacing Tye Ft (rn) Flow pmeriul'a GP144(IJm1n) PSI (bar) 12 x i2 [:i.6 x as) 12{3,E1 12 (4.5! 7.F140,54, 14 )r 1414.. x 4,31 1 ,4,31 13 (44) 511 t•G„03: 5:r*Dt1-, CriILn[ss A to l (731c 25.4,' 16 k 16,10 x 4.G7 16 (4,j3) 131,40) 9,1 r1},s33? Besrned Cedi;tpe [3er NFPA ' 4'u, 1'M Cf 1.2 nisis111ad ri LAgrn--k Y'R u1 1 (131r? �5:4) 19X 18.(5,b.x.rssi 1$�5r51 16{5t) t?-5{1.21, I 20 x 20 [6.1 1'' 20 1,5.1) 21• %=�j 23. t3 (1.84, For Ca mno woos rde to 'I -PA 13. 13r1 a' 13` FIFC 49 ardirlary Temp. Fiatin Max. Coverage max.t}pacing � Top of beffector installation rl+flrlisnum 1 I area Ft (M) _ .. .._.... __.. Flaw Pressure to GEiing 7y� pacitng Ft x Ft (rr x m Inca (MM) Ft (err) Pf l mIn PSI bar 12 x 12 ;3.F ;i•6; 13 ,49) 7 6 (t1,4b; :.ir, Zor, Coo islg3 ; I'. 1 'w Im 25,4) I 14 x 14 -4,'J x .4.:Ir :4,2) 13:;d9j 7L< (0-4$) 1F3x1 t4.1sx1..}y SD{d,+.' 13;4) ?.u,C,4b; NiawnOC;aillr.gsp1,r14-PA 1:3R13Fta 13-ir:ssldllfld in bcaris': ;o 1(18 to 25-4,1 Crr+cealear, 8{?,4} 18x 15;5,5x5.5, :7 12'��'Ct,!ii5 2GA 2Q%'.G,l x6 1y e'I;(6,1) 3+.rVb. 1-) irr Far-C'_hnG lypF9 f&t,;r to NFRA 1:i, 131; cr 1;i7 Bjgin 135 . L MoM F1 R liabld Residential Spri nkWs for Design Density of .05 gWff r MDM Ft Roe Sprinkkn arlgirwi l d for title lowestftaws 1I0 mill the mi nimurn dmig n dendty of XG5 gpin if Tye: --- F 1 flea 30 Pa laert 2 F1 Fee 30 PeDeamd PencerTF2 k . . I w 3, F1 Fee X wed Pencar- FP4w 4 F1 fi0e 49 Pa-K%1tt S. F'1 rigs 49 reed Penceff-1 6, F1 Sias 49 Rased PancenFF 7, F1 firs 5Ei Pillar l Ft RaS 30, 49, 52 8 76 F1 Fe$ 30, 49, 58 & 75 8, F1 flee W RaDessed FloricennFi Pwoused PandemIF1 Remmm, D;nderl 1=P = Rea a, H-Grm 9, F1 FE9 5B Plaoawed Flanca TFP -0, F1 FIe$ 715 Fla -Mill _ t F1 lies 76 Re d PencermFl A. -. 2. F1 Fins 76 R. x--med kmcerrff -3. F1 Fias 3D r,; P FetidEm1 Is> -4- 1=1 Flea 49 P P-Mdert - (dw'4 . -5, F1 Fee W (--P Rnd[3rl -8- F1 IF1ee 76 MP Pendlilrl -7. F1 Peu 44 HO14 F' Ides X' 4 B, 58 dt F 6 F' FM 44 & 58 I'll des 44 5'c -8. F1 FM 44- Ill HSWF2 CCP Pero ! 1M Racf. 0XI HSiiVr!F2 '9. F1 Free Z% HLLV 20. F1 Fier %HS 1VX Horixorltel Sidwu sprinWs(F;s, S, 6 7)aeeg1219 Vw- 21, 14ResEB HSM t+le vel-i aboA clfrlg piping C&TO be ugal 22.F1R3359HE41i%0 dHSW)" 2 The3rrrl Llbpender1opfinkffEpa'nlIhr3OTEkwitL9E; 23. F1 Fyea 44 S'yylC of r{ r-ft r►a er surd M far sprilW -looXag0 r 'eSf<]P U LI6t114$8 & Approvals ffep'0:r3n0n '% Thela'lar1us'::I Pc9spriri Ere al' ErglirawWftrfirt L9;ea VY Urdewiva Llaba-morim nC, aria t"idm d r--parlay k0 rival the eCrwya w vCrio nn aplicE, 1JL CdrtdIad -or Ca nac 4cULr.s; tail nmdB d-.he md3rlal rnada saldafds {JL 1312E Srandrq. U�or1lre ta3ndl1�ls, rI heel C311965 aepr rht ers SpMkkn Ill 0 I}enakr. Refer to B:illetn 176 r -serr kw,oemem.�M tx&or lrltt'3acme, 16wsigve UL Using C. r ory w in } for B eta tb►n ar-m the �e -tor. ace ny �sr l lg r-a i riaerIlEIAutolres'I prrkler d*alargqury x >1C�urmoaarrq. iUL Guides Ew,fllnrber Toohnleal Data, VK,Yd Trume! se-aer Salcere'y Elsrwff. (Lrrl41} Cr wn nag 3pn n gla9B-CiAb tE'nferlts • SprrMar trame . BrpmCastlrg 05 9le7[ No. ..F I4..16,89S a17p Lea 141#1@ IWAoCIei F1 Flea 49, 5 rlriders'PlessureFlairt - 175 s� FS g p 56 :�enCelit Sprinklerg Facto.y �-yEWA&oatlyTasI�d to500 i US Patent NCL 7.353A82 apes i-EIS [a 14X50I l+1 :1e3 44 & 56 a Tr rend S tom, 1t" '!PT 41} iH5VSprirkerg US Dart PJ a. 7.7134,55E ap Wag 10 WWIF I lies 44 SWC + K-Facio-'sG(+434}A=)-FiR�3DPonde-x rfer SprllYllef9 0(704I du4)•F-1Rw.4aPen3itSPFftAr &905)';A&all rltiee; F'andr!n $t�ri xrslllar Product 681C€II rY r-F 1 Res 7B Faidrat conMrx Vicx 1 N 19138 PS bK-- 2pniters . 1, 2, 9, & 4) am ig5. 4-4( (A:tjd-F1 Fae.c4194' 3rsii& r YS 7flrill@r3Ci]rr16r111gt 4091 r1r drr3titrjrrh47 wrov. ; I illy' IUhirn-im GLG5 ppm. AV (N aLxc--,Jd ; art# la+ p"Ala cecc�awe d6�ig i P* F:1 piss The Reliable Automatic Sprinkler C* Inc., 133 FArv!P-w Park Dive, EkTstord, New York 10 3 Tachrilcal Data F1 r3es 30 Peiic�anl arld Receesed Penckm (SIN RR3511) --- - — Yllr ati — - -,- - - - :.................::.,...............,... I gna nos orifl*G ; nlldfrLPI- u%u,a Gprin# l'er TgfrNy Flplrn,� ..-..�- — ---, r1�Ritr_ mb41i dutl•K !SOrllticri-on th inch(mrp ctTdy imrr}o F ------- +Ar" n=r ------- YB 2) 1?(12) r �.A,i — ---• i'(, M au(da-y '_-'_25 [�j7 j MEL Cktillinary'rerriR Elating ; intwmoWegta Tww. BaCrig I I f1 IrMlirn 1 "w. Ca► &Q110 aran n 6� a t1.T6-?FrbE:'! J C17wrllwram ,1 ,•---1--_Prv-F —""Plow P"�'R 7 QLP 01 Atco:4or W Cali nij Sfie'Jng Ft r rt (m x m} Ft .rn Ft .i rr!# wre lie l Flom' iAr& 0115 #I-hTdri la51-iwY GPM (Mils-) I t31 Ebar}' lridn lmrnl I ft i.rpd- _ - - -I Grrrrlth C�inM, !ty I- a C41 7'rs JrP; +� J� _ t2 x, I r 5A X:,'O) j-} _ 12 ( } 6) _ y C� {r'Jl•}: r L Lr� 4[Eri 1 t 1.9,1. Y1 f I.r �4��4 4IJ rQ F2e$Sula-&wl -- -- ..... — - --•.-..—. --.-. _..-.-.._.-. _�..- . I........- - - P,camrcl C ixys par Wes? i ir7. t3R a R4; I4 x 14- (4,'v x P,v) • a [� �) iG � Y,d) 1 1 (i7_ rC�j r 10 P..7 B.) t 1 f0 76) c+ 15rlstalbd+n tlBRrro 1"4 tti 154 _ f3 1' t•-s A+i.r[ 1 t�rta r� $fdi;Lli;f�rOF-i I — I-,r Ca,;Irg NI7Es rerer to t FFNJ 10. 13FS or ::its tech ntcal Dal a: F1 Res 49 Pendent and Reeese&d Pendent (SIN R35115) Thread Hotnlnal DrIPiCe ME'M_ Sprinkler Max. Actual Sprinkler size Ittoh(mm) pressure Tern P. Ams:ie1ltTcMP- _... - I{ Length °F °C= — °F,_... _.. aC ....__ Factor _Inoti(rrlrrlJ le f 1.-+.1.! ,s -76 (% *a 15 c. f5.. dl'• ri ".1 10C; r 15r �P ri1 OFClirtary Temp F�Mng +ram 1 amp- P&rlg 7cp of [ieiiectgr Minimum Tow, Cover 1� era i Max. sp�acing �55°FJ�B'C 17a°FIi9� C� ..-.. to Cellil�t Spacing Flarf Prel3sure Fk x Pt (m x mj 1"l { nt) F�oml pleas to Inch{mrn) F't(m) _... 1 Urr1) PEt b2 QPh�1..t t7l P51 12 x 12l,''I rJi-S� ll...iF I '3(441 7 )(0,4&, . -14�1I I �- P1'.Ti J r rYli�Y����r#N'F �J1 f irk 1021 u01,10 F7 b5.w0hw1j 11c4(�b4Udy�!u13elk�' Itx Ia(4,3x4,3} .4(,d-,3j 13C421 7Ai0,4a) 1�rd�i 7i?f( ABI. d4�1;c3li:+r-. Fell cd�'9r1}jib r+Frr7, 1 (� ':� (1.1e3 1 i k4k1 7 rl ti7,t+'sS 1? (�' ..ij '. ;,'.ail 18 x lz I x �,5j '� (Y,�'r '� i9b sl 12 r n &::, T Qam5; 11A 10 i'i, (; 1 f !. dL 41 ajsng �7. #,s:SrriJS' I wk rl, I �OICA;(b.'MG. I.t :�:(ri.11 xS(f1,,#y 1�ift'.,1A, '),-16,I1 1t;,fs1.141 kolsbr25.4lodd�:ukr.cft Fcr Cmling rypefe refer 10 NFP3 , 15. 13k pr 1!�D HYDRAULIC SYSTEM This Building is Protected by a Hydraulically Designed Automatic Sprinkler System. Date installed 8r+15J17 Location CAI-C AREA 2 Number of Sprinklers 2 Basis of Ceslgrt 1. DENSITY .05 gpml5q.ft, 2. DESIGNED AREA OF DISCHARGE # 512 system Derrland 1. WATER FLOWN RATE - 32.5 gpm 2. RESIDUAL PRESSURE AT THE BASE OF THE fRI5ER 38.4 psi Installed By Fire Sprinkler Systems, Inc. L HYDRAULIC NAMEPLATE E N,T,S. r� SENJU SPRINKLER 0.,LTD, J: Resideritiaf Lead Free FW Concealed SP nkl'err Pendent. JI{ odef: RC-RES, K-Factor: . F, SIN: SS826 f GENERAL DESCRilPT70N The Modal RC-RES Res ids rq gal Flat Conceeled8pnnkiers al,e aul*Mollc $11WO&S or tMatOrnprOSSWlrSMIs smder[We. The" are dacorative an0 tasl response. The Cover Plate Assembly hldes the Deflector. Head Responalva Plemard ell., which Is in lurn concealed agave the Cell ing The Rover pintA lies in nor prow. and im diameter IS akliam My smsii (2-W inch, rem m). 7rw push -on awkF Thread-rn, tkrread OF des9grt of the cormoMod cmrgr plala assembly wirws easy Insiallallon of the covet plat a. Therarore, the 5tloda! RC-RE9 aho ld be your IMl choice when msthMIcs is I h a major SansideraUnn ror uglrnllte appeal and unboalable parrormance h desired. The rrfadgl RC-RES is designed for lire resrdan[in I owl-panc4" and it is perferl for use in hahles. nbiats anti other raring quattem- The Model RC-RES is to be used in wet pipe resrden1631 sprinkler systems Mt One- and lwo- family ❑weriigs and Morlufacit,rad Rgrnes per NFPA 13b- wet pipe residanlial spr nkler systems for Re30wilia1 Owupancles up to and inchuding Four' lariLs in Hsii;H pnrNFPA 1JR; or, wing plpr sprinkler syslems for the re Aenrial parlions of arryoccupunclea Per NFIRA 13. The IAMO RC-RES has a 3-1 153.3 LPulbarli'rr K-reeler Ihal meets the required resldenllal flow rales with minimal re5xinr,l pre3sure.whith erlcrrsforsmaller pipe si�!esandwaler supply requtsmcitls. Fur exl211de4l inswiaLlan nuxlblLry, UA Modal lRC-RES pi owldes Io2 Inch (12 ami+3j verWill adjusiman[_ This adjrtslLnMA In Inslalli doCraase3lhe rued for pr2002 CLOng Of inn pipe thal drove td Dirt spnnrliar and aiews far a pariact 79 w[In a range of piAQ lerlxdths_ The hbst senstlOy and wsteF dIAitN+hlon ds6lgR 6r Model RC-RES allows Tar an Increased chance of rosid4nlg' escape or evacuallon In easy efTim. Hev.'ever, tvilderrtlal flea 3Pdnkler systams ere nol a subsidute for fire safely m4.Arr r1L1= 6r me saraly comiruellvnrvqulrerl aybuilding cedes. J_aed Free -is deMbd a: tha Rtrduciion ar Lead in Drinking Water At7 (S.3e74) endorser) by rAvvwAs tnrilar Chilly Council, and California Assembly BIT! tr11353 as h"ng loss than or equal is a wetghred eruerarge of 111_25% dead in wetted srnfats or pipe., plunibing fl1111ing9 and fodure5 kY�HNINr�i9 isle 6'1'odvr RC,RFS r+sr ha frrsrelJed and mair31afnerr ip gecvrd0Tkd0 LOW tree tz WS sr;rtbd rrerein ,as "if xs M, ewnpbaime with hhea;lpifebbfe starwardi a1 the Habana! Flue Prawc ion Assocfaafan reguratfon9 a}1d me starrtlartls of any &Mar .4wiografas h jgvlagowsdcuoos. to Itre 6Ve11[ of 1N5 wildX11011, Canso f the arrlfiorfd4s Jlavilrgjt�rfatifcefan for ,juidarW Byrd at praVad Filr4im to do sn Ineyf fprpair the h,tepwny for gfr23B dBvices. if is #W re9pol15115 sty a1 fha 1rrsr2ri1)1g provide acopy of INs docuxrreru 3u the wvwj,"hrS represer+tafive, and fi3 brrn ; if is rfr ti alrrigaHOrr of Me awher I'd provide a CO p}• bf 1ALS da-Es7P rlt td A saecaedma amw.. Tire owner is rosponsiufa For rnarrl[ahrlorg ttlofr II+Tr prot4sttarl system arrd derkas }rI proper ❑peraSn_q cvridl[I TAe rrufar i co, wu for ors prfukler lrunrdact4rrer should be contacted pki' r dh+,+ 1raML-d gLhL1& 6)0&. TECHNiGAL DA to PApproveis ciJL_ Listed, NSF41_0 Sprinkler Identillcatlon %Pnber{Sltk]. SiUO Maximum Nrorldng Presruro:175p!vf (I ?A har! 011charg&caaMcienl fmownal K-Faclor). i't='3-7 GPWill (53.3 LPtArbar"j Temperlure Raling: 162� (72.0 Sprinkler with 140 f (44'CI CorQr Plabe 17Sf 174°C1 SprinIder with i4Gf 161ft) Corer Platt - r �rr,�r4 rtt,c .._:.rf i82f 2'G Curer Plato 'i � - .r 175f 74°C S rinlderwith 7 rttY�, rrs . '- J ' rl . ,�;• ;la�nr�l: -ill,,-y'c. Coker Code [Sprinkisrl r�-:� 111-5wk 162'F(72°CI:Uncvlored _ ';;-1fi�J ��= LCMrr�'�r,•eps, ti: Whke r • — r NY 175fT9GL!$k ( I - - 1ii.l iaRR - - CNot Code iCowerPlait I ". _ r.lv lr_ A 'r 1441F (SIMI:NoMark 162E (72''G): White -Colored Mark as? m' :. 1 e Lre2iiow r oyi" Varltcal ACjuslmanl: 1l2 inch [13.dr Fling) _ s n . . rec-r. . ,.n, r.uoenyw W Cover Plate f ut[s has: Standard Finishes- Whit%ivor!r891 Q, Brown, Rlark, Mickel: 4Ycdd Grain CUs1almFhrlsJles- Cu%fon, color and custom pattern tover prates are avallable, on spacial order. cantact a Sequ Ir Sprinkler reprasardetive With any cuSf4m Pie use see snarl vn Fage v ro r mere wiaii. cad Characteristics: Ref. Figure 1 I'' o :L OPERAT}ON In case of roe, pta so, `vr cornponnnl inat holds iogelhar iha Cover Plate and Ilse Pt tatrr4r mails. Than. Itw Cuwr Pdata Is rot-C63ed at once. As a :psr,q Ilie detle,:or dhop5 do ern to the intended paski on Tvio Heel G91l6Clors &rE eXposed tv riho. wo wnen sufriciani hair) fI'rk;' ..,,ra•e.rs recorded-inlemal comiow-te rlx of the sprinkiarto fell avail. This leads to ellGwthd",§fflow to be dislribuled on 1ht aftcetee by Fire arse. [Ref- Figure 21 TASZ€A. 11lFPA 130 & 13R WET PtPEHYDRA ULfC DESIGN CPiTERIA ForMudcl 5S62157 ofdirlwy InTaTmMQl,W .1-7xrmu'n Maxe+lust Temperature hating Tempera[urt, Ratirrg Qeaevtor Mmirnum average SP. ,ng 1l5ZF ;72'G) 175'f f'76°C) Installalaan Spacing =r to Tyae Ft Flow" PressLJT ' Fides Pressufa`' lr=aFL r r1pM F'SI GPM Psi Ge n 9 (m) (m =m) _pro bar t_Phi lbar smoom CAgkl[]3 ors to 71e f2=12 T? 10 7.5 11 8.e InChbs. (3.7k3.7; (3.7) (37 S) (0.50) (41 6} {0,50) eeamdd ria,llnys par NFri4 13D•13R Of13 conceal :i nsbbned In beam 3M to r 14 t4 4A 11) 7.� 11 8 d 7r8 (A.3+rd 3j (4, d) fd7,8) (0. 5Oi (41.5) {0.6W n7(a below boimm of beam. {ai FarcoVef&gee= adrmens!onslesstrapihi±abavamentwkmitn+;edstousememinimumrequQedflaw for rm Neikt.HIghe-Cv:4t.TageArea iis,ad (lb) Requiremarit ig be9ed on minimum 11ow In GPrMA-PIA from each sprinkler. The assnclared re; idual pTessuTes are c21cu[nted using The nominal K-Factor. rkaterw Hydraulic Design Criterlq geCdQn rpr de&Ik (4) Fot systems wrt, coiling types mnac?m rat ronzontaC ar seamed, or sloped. In sxcordance with The 2013 Eoltvn of NFPA 130, 13R'cr 13asapplicable 13D RC 313.3 GENERAL NOTES 1, AUTOMATIC FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 11302016 EDITION AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA l=1REE DEPARTMENT. 2. THIS SPRINKLER SYSTEM SHALL BE TESTED ARID INSPECTED BOTH THE ROUGH AND FINAL INSPECTION PRIOR TO OCCUPANCY BEING GRANTED_ THE JURISDICTIONAL FIRE PREVENTION OFFICE WILL BF NOTIFIED A MINIMUM OF TWO WORKING DAYS IN ADVANCE OF THE REQUESTED INSPECTION, 3- THE INSTALLER SHALL PERFORM ALL REQUIRED ACCEPTANCE TESTS. 4. MEOW BEIRS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITCHING DRILLING. OR OTHERWISE TH CALIFIORNIA NG BUIIL INGLCODE- 5. TYPE OF PLASTIC PIPE TO BE CPVC MANUFACTURED BY BLAZEMiASTER U.L. LISTED, 6. ALL VALVES SHALL HAVE A PERMANENTLY AFFIXED SIGN INDICATING IT'S FUNCTION. 7, PIPE SHALL BE HUNG FROM STRUCTURAL MEMBER PER THE UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, PIPE CLAMPS AND SCREWS ARE MANUFACTURED BY AFCON MFG, ARE U.L. LISTED AND ARE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO THE HANGING REQUIRREMIENTS IN THEIR TECHNICAL DATA (SEE DETAIL). 6, THE SPACING AND LOCATION OF SPRINKLERS SHALL CONFORM WITH THE MANUFACTiURRES REQUIREMENTS AND THOSE CONTAINED IN NFPA 13D, 2016 EDITION. 9- IF REQUIRED BY A.H.J. THE ALARM} INDICATING DEVICE SHALL BE LISTED FOR OUTSIDE SERVICE AND AUDIBLE FROM THE STREET THAT THE HOUSE IS ADDRESSED ON_ 10. SMOKE DETECTORS TO BE INSTALLED BY OTHERS, 11. RESIDENTIAL CONCEALED PENDENT SPRINKLERS ARE U-L. LISTED AND MANUFACTURED BY RELIABLE INSTALLED AT 16 FT. MAXIMUM SPACING (SEE TECH_ DATA). 12. PENDENT INTERMEDIATE TEMP. QUICK RESPONSE SPRINKLERS ARE U.L. LISTED AND MiANUFAC;TURE❑ BY RELIABLE INSTALLED AT 16 FT. MAX_ SPACING (SEE TECH. DATA). 13. PENDENT SPRINKLERS ARE AT LEAST 3 it- FROM OBSTRUCTIONS E.G- LIGHT FiXTURErS, CEILING FANS. ETC, OR IN ACCORDANCE WITH TABLE 6.2-5,3,2 AND SECTION SPiRINKLER LOCATIONS FOR CONTINUOUS OBSTRUCTIONS ARE IN COMPLIANCE WITH 8.2-5.3. 14. SOFFITS AND CABINETS TO BE PROVIDED WITH SPRINKLER COVERAGE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 5-2-5-5- 15, SPARE SPRINKLERS SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED TO BE PROVIDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 5-1 A -2- 16. NI4PA13D WHERE THE FUEL -FIRED EQUIPirAENT IS ABOVE ALL OF THE OCCUPIED AREAS OF THE DWELLING UNIT, NO SPRINKLER PROTECTION SHALL BE REQUIRED IN THE CONCEALED SPACE, PRESSURE REGULATOR PRESSURE REGULATOR TO BE SET AT 60 PSI TO BE SET AT 60 PSI TO DOMESTIC WATER TO DOMESTIC WIVATER CONTROL VALVE FOR DOMESTIC CONTROL VALVE FOR DOMESTIC 5 GPM ALLOWANCE 5 GPM ALLOWANCE 104 2' ELEV. _ — (10 4 2' I=LIFV. CONTROL BALL VALVE 1 CONTROL BALL VALVE c4x , FINISH GRADE I V ELEV. 1'/4" COPPER L --� �'I" MASTER METER BLIVJ 9.5 PSi LOSS 1VA PVC fl 1" COPPER K 9 70' MAX 1 1 so' MAX -2' ELEV. 10 0 -2 ELEV. AL T UNDERGROUND DETAIL N.T.S. (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) `FOR REFERENCE ONLY FINISH GRADE G' ELEV. 1 4" COPPER L 1" METER 4 PSI LOSS 11/4" PvC 1" COPPER K D6Q 103 710' MAX W MAX 100 -2' ELEV. 12 101 -2 ELEV, -2 ELEV. UNDERGROUND DETAIL N.T.S. (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) Eo� -2 ELEV. ■ AVENUE 51 Fnj u1 — AVFN 11E 52 r w AVENUE 53 L u1Ir- �i AVENUE 54 � � SITE z AVENUE 55 we 0 44 `11• 4R- o Ii INITY MAP � AIRPORr 91-vr) Et NTS YICfJ'MITYa! AP N.T.S. GRIFFIN RANCH MASTER PLANS TRACT 32879' PLAN 4820 LA QUiNTA, CA. AHJ: CITY OF LA QUINTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION OCCUPANCY' R3 f U CONSTRUCTION: V-B STORIES: 1 BUILDING AREA: 5536 SOFT_ FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM. DESIGNED AND INSTALLED PER 2016 NFPA 13D ALL RESIDENTIAL WITH A .05 DENSITY WITHIN AREAS. SCOPE OF WORK' FIRE SPRINKLER DESIGNED AND INSTAL LED PER 2016 NFPA 13D ALL RESIDENTIAL WITH A .05 DENSITY WITHIN AREAS RESIDENTIAL, WITH A ,05 IDENS iTY UVITHINI AREAS. SCOPE OF VVORK TO START AT EASE OF FRISERR (NODE 104). BUILDING SUMMARY CONCEALED RES. PENDENT SPRINKLER CONCEALED RES. PENDENT SPRINKLER REIDEN I• IAL PENDENT SPRINKLER } CHANGE IN ELEVATION RiSER LOCATION (PER DETAIL) NODE POINT FOR CALCULATION HANGER TIC DETAIL SYMBOLLFGEIVD 5, ><� :r: 7 CP T r, 1F"� f�F ri iN■ iilVLrR>�rt}ff !7f-TJ4RFM RN'f-' � L % �A9 RCYI EVVEZ ANa API'MOYE0 TH6 FLANS A590CIA r6 0 WIT►{ THK P RMIT/C# ARE NUMr E;ft L-I6TO `} C, 11 FLOW. APr ROVEo PLAN ra VAL 14 FVR ON6 YEA. P_ An 13 5V CJ CCT To nom FLAN GEL WItM APPLICABLE MIU98 g=Fr PrA TiprE OR Ap�RPVA+- Ar r F VQUJPFLE FIELD INEPCCTi4N6- CPVC TO SYSTEM — SPARE SPRINKLERS SHALL NOT BE iREQUIIRED TO BE PROVIDED PER G '/2"MAIN URAIN VALVE DRAI TO EXTERIOR RUSB R FACED CHEC 3 PSI OSS APPROVALSTA 4a 1Do1' ELEV. FROM FINISH+ BADE 1" CPVC RISER 14-1 Q" x 3C ACCESS a 2-1 52 iLl EK Vi HIN fr11mKifiA 111111TVA" MC. LICENSE NO-fi84M • C USTOM, TMCT, MULTI-FAMI LY AM) COMMERCIAL DESIGN, FNGINFEIRING AND INSTALLATION 0 705 E, HARRISON F , SUITE 20' WRONA. GA 9267D 80�91r3473 PH FAX . 951-2n-2535 • The ceclpient of these p1a; . hereby arkniawledges that plans, details, spec h:cations ,I mathads of ns#Dilation containiad in this set ;f piano is the sole property of Fire Sprinkler Systems, Inc. and that any use af'thitsnt of nlarl4 is prohibited and is a vio6ion of copyright laws without first receivtna mr-mission from Fire 0 Z W 0 W J Z Q W H O z J W Z W C� C3 €V co wr :11:-. CO Z <C C] d C) 0C rL L� cr�rn -- CO ��yyyy 4�yr LL H JOB NC; 31586 I DATE: 8115117 DRAWN RYtlri.i - 106 I STATIC 82.8 • t1 a - 74_52 PSI RESIDUAL 74.82 -10% = 57.N PS 105 4r ELEV. FLOW— 2,3w GPM 41 A TER FL C W 1NFOR MLA TION 1 U4 _ . 2' ELEV. RISER DETAIL N.T.S. U- C-i 6 LICENSE h10. F CAS SIZE - 24' N 36" SCALE N.T.S. IF SHEET IS LESS TRAM 24" X 36" IT IS A REDUCED PRINT SCALE REDUCr ACCORUNGLY SHEET ID GENERAL ROTES SHEET FP1 CF.FP4 1-HR. AND 2-HR, GYPSUM WAIL ASSEMBLY 1 OR 2 HOUR FIRE RATE{} THROUGH PENETRATION FIRESTOP FOR $[OGLE PLASTC PIPE THROUGH GYPSUM WALLS USING BLAZEMASTER CAULK & WALK F RATING =1-HR. AND 2-HR. T RATJNG = 1-HR. AND 2-HR, I?ft WING N07 TO SCALE 1- PRE -RATED GYPSUM WALLROARDISTUD} WALL ASSEMBLY Aj THE F RATING = t + CIIJR IF THILRE IS ONE LAYER DF GYPSUM WALLBOARD. 8 THE F RATING = 2 HOUR 1>: THERE ARE TWO LAYERS OF GYPSUM WALLBOARD, 2. PLASTIC PIPE - A) NOV. 2" DIAM. fOR SMALLER SICK 40 PVC PIPE H NOM. E" DIAM. {DR SMALLER CPUC PIPE. THE ANNULAR SPACE RANOE HALL BE ,MI t+L 114i TO hW) I-M', NOTE: FOR USE IN CLOSEIj IPRDCF5S OR SUPPLY) PIPING SYSTEMS. 3. BLAI.EMASTER CAULK & WALK, MIN, 12 THICKNESS OF SEALANT APPLIED WM IN OPENING. ADDITIONAL SEALMT TO BE IN STALLED SXH THAT A MIFF. 1 M' CROWN 13 FORMED AROUND THE PENEW71 NG " NOTE, THE F IT RATNG$ OF THE SYSTEM IS EQUAL TO THE FIRE RATING OF THE WALL ASSEMBLY. UUCUL SYSTEM ND, WL2151 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM This Building is Protected by a Hydraulically Designed Automatic Sprinkler System. Date Installed 8115117 Location CALL AREA 1 Number of Sprinklers 2 Basis of Design 1. DENSITY .OS gPM/Sq.ft. 2. DES IGNEC AREA OF DISCHARGE _ 512 sq.ft. System Demand 1. WATER FLOW RATE 32.6 gpm 2. RESIDUAL PRESSURE AT THE BASE OF THE RISER 38.4 psi Installed By Fire Sprinkler Systems, Inc. 4 fry r* tti 7 w �C) LLLIIYY� u � � .�Z"'ttY CAX ARCA2 ii t+r PLAN 4820 FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN SCALE: 3J16" =1'-B' L.. SIZE - SYSTEM PIPE- 314" thru 3" MATE RIAL-CARRON FlHISH - Md. Galverured LISTINGIAPPf10VAL- ' 203-Eit 4231. Eft 255t FUNCYION - Support horizontat piping: ti PVC, Copper ar &Del. Size 3F4' - 2' Pre%ents upawarU wGvornervt of pipe tmm pendant sp+Jnklar desaarge 5lalWas vertical piping. IN$TALLATION - Per tt1959 inetructtans rn d.ng NFPA 19_ T3R, 13G a:tid CPUC manuiacturam klsrrercrions u1a1 311 oP horizontal or Vertical mourTIing-AuftCA. FASTENERS - UL Listed per NFPA 13 in 'NOa4' 3I4' - 3" G Pyo PIPE - RHEIS 5oraw - no. iv%-dll 3A - 3" Steel and Coppet pipe - #14 x 3 1+2" SM$ or 1 J4" x 1 1 F2" INU 6ntt - no pre•dril . in $TEEL: min. 16 GA 3f4" - 3" CPVC, Copper and Steal pipe- 1W oe 4td Tek Strew. FEATURES Puler edge elirriinatea ahreerort. ' Retainer dinep1 sea.rra hanger to pipe during Installation Reqquirt}d AF CQN #945 smbw ndum - 5I113 htx head ORQERaNG - Part it m d pipe m. CAN ALSO 6E USED TO RIEPLACf� ritS0f3 Pipe Stra p 0520 Tin Strap H S 3'. i' S¢E34 OL 3f4 12 i26 1 2 all 1 lie 3 T70 t 3f1 1 aq0 21Pi .314 3 5 320 $x5i milli Sleet pipe except threaded lighlwall WA IZ-7 IZ-T 15W IJ - 15-0' 1 F-R' iS'-O` 1fi' 0 15)-0' 15'-0' 15'-0" Threaded lightwaE sleel hUA IT-7 IZ-T J2'-0" 12'-T 12'4' 124' *A NFA WA NIA NA Pipe Cappmtune 84' 81'4' 10'-0' lb'4' 17,11- 1ZA' 12'.0' 15'-0" 15'-lP 15%0, 15•4" $5`-0' CPVC 5'-13' tT-q' ti'•ff T-0" S'-4" 6.91' 10'•6' WA WA WA h1A VA pdybutytena Aps1 NIA 3!4 4'•7' 5-T S-11 WA NIA MA WA WA NYA VA Powlydeire (CTS) x'-11" 3'-' Y-11' 4'-5` 6-5' WA WA VA WA WA FUA Nfr1 Ductifa Iron pipQ NA NIA WA NIA NJA 15-0- IVA NfA 15'-0" WA 15'.(r 15'•4" AFICOA1510 HANGER (STEEL EEL -COPPER - C.P.V. . WT TO ;CALF. SIZE -SYSTEM RIPE; 3hV thru 2' h1RTERIAL-f-RIMCM StINBI FIN ISH - Mi. G•IaYanixed LI S nNGfAPPKVAL - 203-EX a231, EX 255n PATENT - Na 6,648 279 'UNCTION-SZ,Ort hdnxontal Fiioi[v CPUC. C oppor c r 5taet. Provides Ilit 4. Jr=aUhori�nn . restraint antl preyen% upward rnovemant of pipe from pendent sprinkler dischm ge Sffihlrize VBr[IC3r pip41o. IN5TALLATIQN - Per to" inrMictiorl s including NFPA 15. 13R, $30 arxi CPUC m8nur6clurere ensiructions Jn056II Grp h4r40Rtal or wertwi rnountlrl Alsrrace. Soap over a thin a{tuhste strap back allowing gape to slide hilly Wien t19fl3 thneads are exposed in wood. install 4906 hacking nut FASTENEfiS - UL Llated PW NrPA 13 tiU000 - CPVC pipe, i140S 9Crew- no pre -drill Copper Ind SLeel pipe - 844 31.15 or 114 "ki 11,�" lag stew • no pre dill Thru 5A3" gypsum Wara - V4-k 2" Jag Sti-SW $TEI=L - in in. 15 = CPVC. Co er and Soen - 1I4' or #1 A Tek Screw. CONGRETE. REg6md mJnlmum load eat h Fae6amer - S(0t 2501be x FEAT1RES • 1 I M, offset- goose fit allows pipe IQ slide ' COrnmon centerline for 3+4" and 1" ' 4ffsei etlgge elrminatea atraalon. AFCON screw ind uded . 5116" hnx h sad ORCIERrNG - Part It and pipe siz9- AFOON #soa packing nut sold sarpwately. �I- rtesr PAU Fks�er+Ftas[rainer Rglrr.CY Non0al Pipa&za *1 SfrgdpiP- except tl" Med NfA 12'4r TZ4r 1S'4r W-4' 1V-0' 15'4' 1V-0' 16'-0" 1641" 154- 1U-9" Threaded Jightwag steel NIA 12'.0" 13'-0' I Z4Y 12'-T 12'-0' IZ-O' NA WA WA 1UA NfA pipe Copperiube BI-01 T-0' 101-C, 19-V 174Y 17-01 12'4' 15'-0" 15'-0" 16-W tT-v 1S�t" MC T-6' V-iV 6-17 7-0' 6'-0' VV ib'-0' NIA WA PJA NIA WA PalybwMane (IPS) NIA 3'-9' 44" 6-0' S=t 1" W MIA NIA WA WA NIA NIA Polybutylane(CTS) 7-11" 3'-V 3'-11' 4'a' SLE' N+A NIA NOA RfA WA HJA NIA Dft-tmironpipe NIA WA NA NJA NIA 154' NIA NIA 1V-0' NIA 15'-0- 15�i AFCON 514 HANGER ('9 TEEL - COPPER - C. P. V. Q MOTTO SCAtF A-z'B rNae ISUS FIM FP11 f114LZFt �1fEYlE iF�i. • LICEN5E I+ID. 604600 CUSTDM, TRACT, MULTI -FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL DE0N, ENGINEERING AND INSTALLATION s 705 E. HARRZW ST., SUITE 200 COROI'IP,, CA 92879 PH - 8%Q 15-3473 FAX - 951.272-2535 The recipient of these plans hereby adEnawkadge5 that all plans, details, specrfications yr methods DI Installad4n cont$ined in Ois set of plans is the sole property of Fire Spnrzklar Systerlts, Inc arld that any use of this sel of.plans is prohibited and is a vlolaElflfl of eppyright laws without first rE:CEIVlr1Q permission from Fire � �r rn ra �r to co W w tr] �2 S7 Q. try ra Rt cn Y Lu r r r� uU cp Fa_ C7 Vy ci U v d Er OL O � C} M M UU w�w - 1 0C CD co 7 M CL Q, H -!r �CO N LLI RIRR LdC � FLOOR AREA - 4,820 SQFT. TOTAL LIVING AREA - 4,820 SQr-T. GARAGE AREA- 716 SOFT, DESIGN AND INSTALLATION SHALL CONFORM TO NFPA 13D, 2016 ED. NOTES- 1 . ALL HEAT] $PACING TD BE 15'KI$'. UNLESS OTHERMSE NOTED. 2- ALL PIpPS TQ BE PC OPVC, UNLESS OTHERW S£ NOTED - PIPE GLEARA#40ES Mt1ST BE IN ACM RQANICE 1A11TH NFPA 13-9.3.4. 4 HANGERS SHOM FOR RErERENCI= PURPOSES ONLY HANGER SPACENG TO BE PER TABLES ON THIS SHEET 5. SPRINKLERS SHALL NOT BE REWIRED JN BATHROOMS OF 558gPt. ANE} LESS. {SECTION 6- SPRINKLERS SMALL NOT SE REQUIRED IN CLOTHES GLOSETS, UMEN GLOSE-FS, AND PANTMES TRAT MEET ALIL OF THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: (1 ) THE AREA OF THE SPACE obES NCiT MEED 24sgR (2) THE WALLS AND CEILINGS ARE SURFACED WITIi NONCOMBUSTIBLE OR LIMrTtQ-00M1l3U"6LE MATE RIALSAS 0EFINED IN NFPA 220. S. 0-25,1.2 THE DISTANC= $HALL BE MEASURED FROM THE GENTEII Or THE SPRINKLER TO THE CEN'l-ER of THE OBSTRUCTION. 1Q$2.55SHADDWAREAS SHALL 13EPERMITIzOINTHE PROTECTION AREA OF A SPRINKL£ft AS LONG AS THE CUMULATIVE DRY AREA Do 1'J(IT EXCEED 15sgt (1-4 scini P:R SPRINKLER JOB NO 31586 DATE: 8115117 DRAWN BY. M.N. V CLASSIFICATION "cI1 16 * LICENSE NO. � 684600 51Z1; - 24" X 36" _ I SCALE IF SHEET E LESS THAN 24" X 36" IT IS A REDUCI=ID PRINT SCALE REDUCE ACCORDINGLY SHEET ID FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN SHEET FP2 OF FFd a 1-HR. AND 2-HR. GYPSIJ M WALL ASSEMBLY 1 OR 2 HWR FIRE RATED THROUGH PENETRATION 9RESTOP FOR SINGLE PLASTIC PIPE THROUGH GYPSUM WALLS USIK BLAZEMASTER CAULK & WALK F RATING 1 -HR. AND 2-Hit. T RATING = I-HR, AND 2-HR DRAWING NDT TO SCALE 1. NE -RATED GYPSUM WALLRGARIDATU 0 VYW ASSEMBLY A) THE F RATING =1 HOUR IF THERE IS ONE LAYER OF GYPSUM WALLBOARD_ 8 THE F RATING = 2 HOUR IF THERE ARE TWO LAYBS OF MUM YVALLBOARD, 2, P1A5TIG PIPE -A) NOSE, r ULAM ORSMALERISCH, 40 PVC PIPE ROM. OV. 2' DIAM. (OR SWM-LER) WC PIPE ANNULAR SPACE RANGE SHALL BEPIN. 114'TO MAX 1-30. NOTE: FOR WE IN CLOSED (PROCESS OR SUPPLY) PIPING SYSTEMS. 5. BiLAZEMASTER CAULK & WALK- MIN. 1j2"THICKNESS OF SEALANT APPLIED WITHIN OPENING- AZD1710KAL SEALANT TO BE INSTALLED SUCH THAT A MIN. 'IM"CROWN IS FORMED AROUND THE PENETRATING ITEM. NOTE: THE F & T RATINGS DF THE SYSTEM IS FCAJAL TO THE FIRE RATING OF THE WALL ASSEMBI-Y. ULkIJ L SYSTEM NO. WL2151 . L II f7 9N] ED <'A'10 IN 0 CALCARE42 a. 44—- T 0 7 V-1) 97 41k .P' V M. 1� 1a2 10 .0 00 HEAT ONE 17 MURNM ROW f 77 i: 1TCHEN -W� TZ 0 ' I11 L 0 U- r2 0 1;'41 r-. j V. I.- LL, 4 D L r7 LJ J. H&L ott N f— P ROOM op iz_r 4 14 V. I-L fl� -=7 L E3 2 E3 ------ A 0C 0 7P_ L Z...... ED 3 op lo -Or -- - ------- T. . ....... W RRWOW cta cL A , "'itz T`�?Lv v --Pei omd o. r G. I!i f I a 't 0, tIT-0r {Lei. _11' ol 6ric o' AUCESS; RnRWM 2. 04. --__j 1112 ST11 (-JA F sm ur�- sw� I VLCAM I 2OWSPAC HYDRAULIC SYSTEM This Building is Protected by a Hydraulically Designed Automatic Sprinkler System, Date Installed 8115117 Loca6an CALL AREA 1 Number of Sprinklers 2 Basis of Design 1. DENSITY .05 gpm1sq.ft. 2, DESIGNED AREA OF DISCHARGE System Demand WATER FILO'N RATE 25 gpm 2. RESIDUAL PRESSURE AT THE BASE OF THE RISER 362 psl Installed By Fire Sprinkler Systems, Inc. L . 2 — ` +1 1. ALT. PLAN 4820(141X141) FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN $GALE: 3116"= 1-C' a RSEIR LOC SIZE -SYSTEM PIPE: 34"thru5' M&T-r=R IAL: - CARBON 8TEEL FINESH - MIL. Galvanized. LJ3_nNQiA1PPR0VAL - * 203- EX 4231, EX Z551 FUNCTION - Suppofl hoeizatilM pkpH1q'C PVC- Capper br Stffel Size X4'- ZPravents upward friwarr6ent at pipe fruwpenaeM Wrwheq di&maroa St.ib%2:. 'mrbncI g. INSTALLATION - Prrna wkstruciww. including NFPA 13. 1 aR, 1 JD and CPVC manufacturers insutictlons Install on horizotdzli or mniE"I rnoLinrlkAg suffece FASTENERS - LrL LiSL&d per NFPA 1 a in VOOD: W4" - Z" CPVC PIPE- AGIDS Ezrffw - no pre -drill. WA" - 71 Sbw and 000p6t pipe - 004 x 1 1fZ' SIVIS of 114'xi 1 rt lap tvt - no predrill. In STEEL. min. IS GA. 3?4"- �'CPVC, Copper and Stem pkpe - 14- or 41A Tait Sqw- FEATURES ' 011ral ed-qo slinnir.&Es abrasion. segue dimple!; &era hanger to pipe vudn� Irvitakaidon. . Required AFCONbg0gscrew inducted .t,115 hLyrwao ORDERING -Part# and pipe Size CAN ALSO 8E USE13TO REPLACE- N500 Pipe 51rap 4920 7 in sh iap HurriniA FOu Sze (in.) Meng 510 FAST SIZE I DIU I 14, V I W 1W 71 2,4" "? 3%, 4' 5. G. 8. Steel pipe exwpt Ihreacl&d lghhval NIA 1 2'�D' 12!-V 15'41" 1 9_0' I 9-V $!7_X 15'-V 15_C' 15'-T 15'-(r 15!-0' Threaded ligh wallsiael pip* NA 1Z-Q' 124r 14r-V' 12�" IZ-W IZ-(r WA WA WA WA WA CQpPerlube VY t-T 117-(r TV4r 1 Z-4r IZ-W 17-(r 15'-C' 15'-Q' 1 5'-Ir 1 P-V 154' CPVC 6W 64r F45' T4)' 0'4r l'-0- 1Q'-(r tWA NA WA NJA, WA P"Irm_ OPIr?) WA 4L_r F-O' WA WA NIA WA WA NVA 14A Pd"vmwv (CTSI Z-1 V T-4' 3'-1 1" 4-5' F-S! NA WA WA W, WA WA IVA OLK& trurr pipe WA NIA NIA MA NIA 15-0' NIA WA 1.5-T NA I S-0' 15r-W AFCON 515 HANGER (STEEL - COPPER - C.P V C. NOT 10 SCALE S II-E - SYSTEM 41WE. 314" IhTLP 2' !ARTERIAL -Carbon Steel FINISH - Mi. itavanizad. LISTINGAPPROVAL - * 203-EX 4231. EX 2551 PANT- No- 5j648.27b FUNCTION - va=hcrw, or3i1LaIP�Pvrg CPVC, , w antrainj and 13 'qI'd mverr-ent of pipe flom pen(Wt sprinkrur dIGChairg a �lwt?la,e vertical piping. INSTALLATION - P-Srlhe&6 OS"UiOnt. iriduclIfig NFPA 13 13.R ISD and CPVC marIuraqWjp-eF$ jpjL"c,pnn$ Install on hDri=rrI:A or vertical amounting surraGal EQUI, StfSf baCIK aLM17 Xaff to 301ft freLly Z7n6T%',nd_. Brie wood, I I hacWq '14 FASTENERS - UL tieLled par NF PA 13 VV900 - CPVC pipe - RM 5 screw- no pre -drill. 00V and SUN pipe - V14 SMSor 114 "M 1.1- lag screw - nopre-drilt. Thaigypsum hoard - 1?4"Y r lap screw $TEEL - ak, 19 QA_ - CPVC. Co arid SIMI pipe - 114" on #14 Tak Fc" CONCRETE' Required minimu ni f,,P.",r ..., fasjeff'& = 5wt)+2501bs. FEATURES I 1r2. Offset - Laostt Ift ialklws eP n0P!61Ide. min Cornrenter-Ime toI. ale" 1 Oftet odge aLiminabaq abrasion. 'AFC13M 100E screw ,nu1udL d - FVIVriex head ORDER,ING, Parl garx! pipe size AF CON 9906 backing nut sold wparatel Y. It Rasif Kirr*Lai P*e SiZL. (ii�) 1/4' 114 1W 2,V' 4' a,T 4- S' 113, 151 SW= 0000 Ihragded Igh . WA #Z-U' 12-W 15'-T 1 S-G- ?F43r IF-T 13'-0' IS-0' 15'-0" IV -a' $T-W 1'&eodLd j1ghhv.A!sbE4 WA IZ-0' 1 Z4)' 12'-D' 194T 17-W V-W NtA WA NJo% P%VA WA we Copper idbe 8'4Y' 6'-G' 104r jjj'-0' 17-V t2`.0r 12'-T 15•,0' 1 jr-4r le!.r- 1$'.0" CPVC 5,41 01,0" 9'-15P T4, WT v-op ICr-ir NIA MA NIA NVA INVA P14vhulylem (Ipsl 4A 3'-V 4'-T' IF-T V-11' NIA NIA WA WA t0A WA NIA Dudie von plpa WA NA WA NIA NIA I-F-T MA MA 15-4- NIA 1 F-Er W--0r AFC01V 514 HA NIGER (S TEEL - COPPER - C. P. V Q NOT TO SCALE FLOOR AREA - 4,820 SOFT. TOTAL LIVING AREA - 4,620 SOFT. GARAGE AREA- 716SOFT_ DESIGN AND INSTALLATION SHALL CONFORM TO NFPA 131), 2016 ED. NOTES I ALL H EA Q SPA{;ING TO BE 1 4'x1 4'. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2 ALL RPES TO BE j/4P CPVC, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, 3. PIPE CLEARANCES fAlJ$_r 0 E IN AIXDREPANCE VVI'TH NFPA 134.3.4. 4. HANGERS SHOVA41 FOR REFERENCE FURIP0SE6 ONLY. HANGER SPACING TO BE PER TABLES ON THIS SHEET. 5 $PRINKLERS SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED IN BATHROOMS OF 55sqtL AND LESS (SECTION 8.3.2_I $ SPRINKLERS SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED IN CLOTHES CLOSETS, LJN E N CLOSETS, ANij l"ANn1rzS THAT MEAT ALL OF THE FOLLOWING REG UIR EMENTS: 11) TH 5 AREA OF THE SPACE Di)E5 NOT EXCEED 245qft (2)THE WALLS AND CEILINGS ARE SURFACES WITH J40NCQM5IJ STI 5LE OR Ll MfTEID- COMBUSTIBLE LtATERLAL 5 AS DEFINED IN NFPA 2213. b. 5.2-5 ' 12 TH E DISTA NC E SHALL BE MEA$U RED F ROM THE CENTER OF T#iE SPRINKLER TO THE 0 EN rr-R OF THE D13STRUCT-iGN ID. 0.2.5A1 SHADOw AREAS SHALL BE HEIRMITTED IN THE PROTECTION AREA OF A S PRI NXLFR AS LONG AS THE CUMULATIVE DRY AREA DO NOT EXCEED 1 Ssqft (I A &qrn PER SPRINKLER. LICENSE NO, U64600 0 CUSTOM, TRACT, MULTI -FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL a DESIGN, ENGINEERING AND INSTALLATION 0 705 E. HARRISON ST.. SUITE 200 CORONA, CA 92879 PH - NO-9 15-3473 FAX - 951-272-2535 a ThR I-L-r-pent of 111-rese plans hereby acknowlladj3es that all plans, details, specifications a rThethods of iI1StaIiatjUF] r.QuitariFtej in il;W5 5el of plans lo thesoleproperty of Fire Sgrinkle'r Systems. Inc. and that , hiat any use af In ls set of ?. laps �s pro It ited and Is a v1dallon of mp'yl &WICUT, Wsr r rp _Cei". eceiving errniission from Fire �- ystems. 9 rl ni� 1 8 ri*ei Q4 LLI nt � ul Ir LU tl _j T 0 c"LL] Lu Cal rj%_ U LLO Di L" LU Lo CD EN CD 1;T Z <L LU LU I— C4 LU tY JOB NO 31586 DATE: 8115/17 DRAWN SY: M-N. CO. C FI C-1 LICENSE NO sa - 2,r x 36' j SMF 3116' -1' IF SHEET IS LESS THAN 2-V X 3S"IT IS A REDUCED PRINT SCALE REDUCE ACCORDINGLY SHEET ID FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN SHLET FP3 OF FP4 ' I � I I I � 4 i � i Table R + One Pgdra of I#ebtFairrt R MAX. �bVLri brv,Pairl¢ Res2rainr Fra STu41pIT r0mm;C AINrr �[JE RLtiINT AINT Nominal "ta" Pips Sinn Lass than Greater#han ANSIInehers 100 Psi ip9 psinN f6.`.tLiar) (GAher) t7t't20 54,23 m} {U,16 rnl DICE fa,sa m} Ip,23 �r11 i]P13� 1d,41 rrQ I;G,3.0 mj pNaB- 6rygn SO,n1 rra fa,3fl m} Table S • 1,*. Paints of R.-Lrairl4 NgfrYinal Pipe "$^ _$" 5ise Lxsslhan T,.r<xdtsr#ban AHSllnsfnss 100riei 1013psi ON �6,9krar} (8,96ar! {}M20 f1,22irr) 0%91 mj # 5"-9" K'=4' PP125 11.52 ny} {1.22 rnl Dhi82 It,ts3 rs}l [e,52 ate} (7R40 - DiILBU (2,13 m) (8 i3 rri} I�` t,4Ai35 7tvo•Fartt uNrtr.S%4�iGG -i• 4orfrca! I - RestrwFnt fiE5 fFL4hFT Tat S�f+01Pr 1 ,41ryrrf2pP; 6�ra■e pre�l ilea toeexFc�llane Garage inshllalEon Sprciticuians snail Holy a[W4 for me Ilkalar4uan of 11L LMerf &aaetiashe° GfNC wipe and fMlnq€ in paregrs requulnq spnlJq•r Ilruisrlic* par Hfft 13Q and NFPA 73R, Thais Slangy are tlelirxtl iti MFPA mtlaa enlrtletl `ISne sad Two. kamilyr7ralfimBcana rAohilc h'•mrs'ayd m'Idrsidnatial Ocuvoalleiee up to four 9torin m lrliphr. Aa rdrnnced In irFpA 130 Srnion L.5-4,'typrlphlors are rht ragllued 9n garayrs . upeh allached pr,¢bes, ealpurta a 177nHar clruerures' iheinclallalian or iTa BIue1Fr.ler spM1nhlpr p,pfand IrlM1rlpa rpr uscm pa*ipte rCQYirinp aprinMu pra^=Iide Ocr riFpik 73R r1 9111Y7PpUWGIe 0 ire tlLiiSGpp at 0-0 arddutlt Raquirrrnenku for riph, Fltinpa. 3olvanr Cement SycGe'hs, System L' evpn, InstYAy[len. Frsdra ?roseAlor; anA Paxe7reling ire SeJSFed Wets $Ir9 parfAlaros are couergd in tkn er6fallae 7n ,}qtl. tubalicu Mirruhoek. i'!eaSe Teaa lhaea Y-ctl4ne C9 1h! manlldl c8reha'Iy prim m cesipning or Instil slp'H dlm[Aasler ape and rlMhgs for image lastalff:Jona. Tlw Intallnllrn ■I FFP89exaillrrtar rTnaaad IIMInpelit gilTagWrley eprlrhrero K a,1Y wf6 ►Isir1 ead kemiG-rf LlalaM• =L IslallaLun R-Galrelnents -prpieCllyt 1FP elarsr•SxVN GPuG GIBE n1I11igirvo}i,hll yGlmilallhd wenealcd btMnd yro6�eflon flonelclleq oe a mndnsum e; 9ne $yea 413fq'ihlck gypsen tyallhaatd oe';r' chick plyu"ood. • 3rar4jEr RCAuiFenrhala: UL Lmad, raurdreeapaaca cialroerd cowerega, Grodenr w stimxa13 spnnlpne+nidl a tFS"i [14i"Cj melfmum [amRarYure ratPg ailall h• ulllired. All eprinldera shell he 1•shlled per the mioolaoWTeYs Ix,hhehetl nslallalion illaklvclims, astallaean 3Tae,tla7d: mb Lk;liilq im rasie I■Lnagaaa■c ih4ll ern -.o IlnFe tltaFpanl;lee domed by tJFPA 18R. 8ffiim 1315M 4i a:,coltlanw wllh Uyr 11L Llstlrlp, iFP 94zfilWyr CPVC pips iptl f,1re-rpa rosy 4a utttl a aysNm Man a,ccmeeodp with NFF'A t8, iap Arlo, EFT tirildh ruWscl Id rAo-TaA0VpIr14 adtlllfanal pmlla[bans: i- yijr;n IIshLPd pmDeclod �cer4eak7l N aua*duere errgr iFP,# 19f)and Teri. rie minimum Proier•Inn anaEl cenaisr � oilhar sale dyer ur'p' f 9 S mm} mad[ yhfywm wy' W one Or iq' 112.7 rnm I Ihxa #n'+ood. F V+hw inatfllea xXhoul yro5erfion ie�•oeeal In acconirlr�u+ah Nh'pAy3 y30 and igae. Iha bulrwin9 fenk:iomtlall pp*: - TRQrle;riCF�pt-0e I�r�*1 heldwrl emdom, rasa, naraa,z7el eexmQ oomarme9pn-A LiShetl re49llilell flmd•rt3 aplinil•r la lobe iileWlled mih rla tlefMcloi as the dieterlep IrCP1Ihn clilerQlprn[icd In lheaorsnklor Llaenp DR tea nsgr eniuee Insgpep 6hluw a hGriaOrlW .nlru+IshaebasuneN ceGnp (In ecnortlanre •xlln NFPA FE411 pansuuLled uluiDnp ■al■:lal � x �h`araominel2-x 13"aamastd ao�d wood Ipi9iS on dH'C�I•r;. A tI'sre6�eaidenilal pratlenl upringler In [o ho-.yslelletl with its doIFltgr• Irx�vmurrl ed #'i�rhelow ClsbotldcI er pre salldxvou krcrrm alerJp>Imrp qI 141Wq IIIGIie131icn ht a hnl�ledT:e�lnp Wlltn Ih6CaRh4 Tf�ilFurhrlFasler Gr'VC pipe alyd hL[hgs m [mpinChan wilF 2'xiT 5411q weu1316rYt6, Uya IyrLwnulR eiystem wolidTq rue�u"r under Ageing eenTldlgr� snarl nolxvgrrl Ipp Psi r'Id the maxinaan syat®171VOIxll1[j PrwSl"under pt" pyurtAou�iap� i6ntlgluna shell our aoci+d F t3 pa. •ThrLlslea rasldmaa Penuemepnnxu �s:a Haut 15SF 14a'Cjrnhmnurt+ lerrr,�aralure ralilq an! � b Ile Ilwlaietl at a IarlGlnLlrl heal [prlrl I?irarlcs of i 2 ini>�ix frdgl Iha cs-iu hoe al Iha r+ser. irlt sysi■n Is ao-Le Aradgred bped epun rtx IisraO uonls lot ihespdnkkrede� edrraeyl e!atC7p11eVrr9rp#IngIC>-Dmuet or IlvYgdk aQ^eryrs shah npl M Iqs11wn 11 qpm per sprhYder. t- 2 - Double Offset Hanger & Restrainer for PVC Plastic Pipe E �� �0 Size Range — Avaiisble Pn 3}4" and 1 " pipe sizes NFaterlal —Pre-Cailranl2ed S#eel Eu:tCt'ian — Irytanded to p+}rform as a hanger said resitainer far Gl'VG, p[aStiC fire sprinkler pipe. Provides double offset t 3h" x 1 'Js" from mountil?g surface. This design will nsa installation by efiritirTating the need !or woad block 156CC9r1SfQf5 and allow refro-fik attachrnart +af hanger to sprinkler pipe. Feztiures — + Thumb tab prtlwides oratectlan to res:dain pipe in rough job s±e Cgd,drfions. 721b is not required tq xt'Ey i,t f4f I�sYed IriStdl.atlCiR. • Off sTst ode elirTril-Iatey rasipn. • Aif9c#les easily to wood struCtL[ra with two sf,eGiat 410 x 1 hex head set#-thT�adietg screws furnished wi#l, pepolrCF. ■ Cart be used as a jingle off sf*t hanger by 2fllgiltng `dimples" with top of mounting SL1rf2A0 and diiliaH#p [[> #esteners in two of the #brae hales provided - Approvals — Underwriters' Laboratories Listed In C0e USA (UL) and Canada (tilt.) as a danger and restrainer biz suppurt fire sprinkler systems_ Meets and exr- as rssytsiremgrtts of NFr3A 13, 73R and 131)- FFnish —pre-GalvaraizeU Otder By — Figure numberand pi r"fe siz4. PATENT PEtvif]ING e soerlitl h&J-lsaO o�ail-wNf:g �ers3f�rG4.d:�ri.�baTN � d r, aY. a^:�n to inn ndw F„n !a rrC -• BILDIN SECTION' •JLrriL1:- 1'4" F-lair Fig. it LICENSE N0- 684600 COSTOM, TRACT, MULTI -FAMILY All COMMERCIAL • sESlGid, ENGINEERING AND INSTALLATION • 705 E. HARRISON ST., SUfTE gyp[} CORONA, CA 92879 RM - 800-915-3473 FAX - 951-272-25M r The reCipier7l of these plans hereby acknowledges tti8.k all plans, details, Spi3C11-IC,atl9r45 4F rnekt7ads of installation contained in this set of ptarrs is. fhT3 sale prGa{�rty ill Fire SpnnkteF Sys#erns, Ins said that any � se of ihti,s sdt� oY`piarss is prattbIte[i and is a wo[ak10n of copyrtght laws without first receiving permission from Fire00 W �# ~ to Z LLl r- LLI tn .kOE3 NO- 31586 DATA: 811 511 7 � CLASSIFIC,4FION SCALE 114' =1' IF SHEET IS L.l<S57HAN 24• � 3G' JT IS A REDUCE D PRINT SCALE; INDUCE ACCORDINGLY sEiEErlo sEcrlaNs SHEET FP4 OF FP4 Z Domestic Water System Flow Analysis Domestic Water System Flow Analysis (Hydraulic Model) Requested By: I FIRE SPRINKLERS SYSTEMS, INC, Address: 705 E. HARRISON STREET CORONA, CA 92879 Contact Name; t JAMIE BISHIP Coachella Valley Water District 75515 Hovley Lane East Palm Desert, CA 92211 Date: 7/18/17 APN: Req. Fire Flow: 1000gpm at 20psi fort hours. Project Name: j GRIFFIN RANCH Phone: 800-915-3473 Email: jamieb@fireinc.net Cell: Domestic Water System HYDRANT AT THE NE CORNER OF MERV GRIFFIN WAY AND DAMASCUS DRIVE, La Quinta, GEO Flow Analysis Location: 6-7-15-2, PZ 17-8160 Model information Flaw Analysis Description ' � r �f ' "" Requested Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Flow Domestic Elevation (Ft): -16 system flow -Steady State, Dynamic (psi): $2.8 None available Residual Pressure (psi): 74.82 without Fire Flow Tested (gpm): 2,300 N/A exceeding CVWD's Combined Total: N/A criteria. Tested Model Junction: J1828 Duration: 2 hours Demand Conditions: Peak Day Demand (PDD) Reservoir No./Level (s): Reservoir 6726 Pumps Operating No's: Pumps On Pressure Zone and HGL I lake Cahuiila (145') Model: MervGriffin&Damascus-CVWD DomesticWater 012616 Comments: i The domestic water system is capable of providing 2,300 gpm for 2 hours that satisfies CVWD's minimum pressure, velocity, and/or head loss criteria, This flow can be achieved by using multiple fire hydrants. This simulated system flow analysis may not include all facilities that may be required for this development/project. Please check with Development Services for further information on all required facilities. The theoretical flow to drop the residual pressure to 20 psi is greater than 5,000 gpm. Please note the theoretical flow exceeds CVWD's design criteria on the domestic water network. These results are based on hydraulic modelling and not a guarantee that CVWD's domestic water system will have the capacity to supply water to the project at the flows or pressures indicated. It is important to note that the capacity of the on -site fire system, meters, service lines, backflow assemblies and other appurtenances were not considered in this analysis, which may alter actual flows or pressures. Due to continuous changes in the system, CVWD only considers this system flow analysis valid for six months from date of modelling/analysis. These system flow analysis comments are for plan check purposes only. The ultimate design responsibility resides with the Engineer -of- r15ti1*is Project. 0114 Should you have any questions or neec dq* a Iinites�rt ion, please contact me at (760) 398-2661, ext. 2397. y •O I � u ° `�° RE NOV 06 2018 pp Completed By: Date:Z._ CITY OF LA OlDiNTA COMUMT`! DEVE ©PMEW n�Page 1 of 1 ENG D5-016 o I I, I I I —------------------------------------------- I I I I + I m� wn •xv.r�ai up,a y. I - . + ).�•, ..• •. SGY.. FJ.r7 M FELT- '___ I r.--...----.._-- .W aD'J 6M dPP ------------------------- t ------ ••-------...--.....------`----------------------J r I t I 1 I 1 7. — -- — -- _ or •c- Foy lOr •AM LOT-Ar Lam.=E�� 787 288 LOT•aq•286 WULSffl 20 285 CANANEEO CIEC14 NAEL7N__ 284 291 190 289 49 21 # 97 96 82 83 84 292 ; 75 0 283 299 a 47 2 CONSTRUCTION PHASING LEGEND: 19 22 ' 98 293 300 50 S r.- MODEL HOMES - 4 TOTAL (LOTS 60 AND 210.212) o 95 93 42 83 n 281 x 298 Eli PARKING - 1 TOTAL (LOTS 227.231) 74 99 CW)(4wc0 86 214 Qi SDl 46 � PHASE 1 - 6 TOTAL (LOTS 1111, 120, 129, 130, 204 AND 127-229) 23 91 I 1B1 297 51 3 RiiPHASE 2 • S TOTAL (LOTS 173, 174,184. 230 AND 231) 18 100 94 l 29S ■ 3D2 = PHASE 3.6 TOTAL (LOTS 1 U-192) 73 90 87 a 1 280 246 T PHASE 4.4 TOTAL (LOTS 121, 122, 127 AND 120) 03 52 45 KM PHASE 5 - 6 TOTAL (LOTS 107. 118 AND 123-126) R4 101 pB9 all174 W4cp, 10 3r=.a PHASE 6 - 5 TOTAL (LOTS 109, 117, 175, 176 AND 183) T7 72 107 ryM pT 278 H'M 4 •`.'3PHASE 7-STOTAL (LOTS 109, 116, 177, S78 AND 182) 103 I 277 276 275 44 T= PHASE 6-6TOTAL (LOTS 110,115AND 179-181) 112 111 _ 104 1p,§ 10d 237 258 274 53 I 759 43 3 11j MDH4A 260 2J3 26 114n M •ODE 256 �O k S4 15 p12A 1T5 16. 2dT 268 F 47 0 27 12J':.. 116. 117. I.B; 255 172 6 ti 70 ' u ' 122- 4 3211� 11 I �I 262 267 s5 41 ">,x ,i.. !R.-•� i o254 �' 17t 14 �8 123 17d i`o 4CnueT _ $ 2463 7 a i % 69 J� 253 N 266 �, 270 56 40 4 10 11 12 13 ` 19 136 264 265 34 d8 135 13' 133 i32 131 ' 252 TE4 2av � 137 wEO1 TI 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 "'CaFTN miff 251 250 4 57 alE veil/ Nw 7 67 138 `e 139 140 141 142 143 144 LCT•Arr / ' � 61 J 66 ~ COMMUNmf o f 59 59 I 60 ` 62 63 64 65 «s,'',t 155 iIGTATIONCEMEi P iEG1EaTIDN/ MEAN comilt AN LOr ww- ? 2]7 2L5 2I4 .'"' - - ' �` .e , '1179 156 �'o T53 RLOTT•," � -- 234 213 2�Z_'I 202 201 f) T4 1� 5 154 152 ,�178 aG Lor•A0- 3/ j/ �. � 235 216 sroSMCATCOtIiT .e / 214 1�1rt 203 197 t 1$9 18 u �T77 - 163 164 K r t ETrENnON _ 717 218 249 n T' e. ii A 158 0 # I51 W I 1 10ATT•AP 2367 fit o-� Q 199 yl 3 I 9 K 750 145 22g M 0 � 2TQ-. `204� 17 154 Ell144 o ��(� 221 709 dip 148 Y94 ;176 160 \ 241 238 THu i p '143F 166 148 T47 r� I — ^p$ N► THt7nnFi GULCH WAT 247 246242 /2n4l2l243 240 239 T32 226 2�r 224 213 722 208 207 206 197 14d 195 186 1851 1&f 7 73 772 171 [� q 169 o SGtL• 1,-�, 170 I68 167 P OJEC7 LfANAG DATE VICE RESIpENT SALES TE YLCE PR SIOENT CONSTRUC110 1YI310N PR ID Nf pA1 r x Z wJ z F0 2I 0-0 ZZ OQ U� /D LL iL Z IL 0001 4 64 ■ z. U9� DATE: 8/29/2017 S:\2017\31586\CALC\4820.rdf Page 1 ,FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 705 E. HARRISON, SUITE 200 CORONA,CA 92879 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR GRIFFIN RANCH LA QUINTA, CA PLAN 4820 10W TAKEN OFF WATER SUPPLY FOR SAFETY MARGIN CALC AREA 1 Date: 8/29/2017 File No: 31586 Data File Name: 4820.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING 400.0 sq. ft./spklr.(max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 20.0 ft. Min. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 10.0 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 10.0 ft. SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Reliable Descr: RA0616 RFC49 F1 Conc .Pend.(20x20) K=4.90 Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs & Drops: 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=4.71 (Intl. 1 Tee) 0.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Arm -Over: K=4.67 (Intl. 1 Tee & 1 Ell) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: CPVC HWC: 150 WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: By: Static: 74.5 psi Resid: 67.3 psi Flow:2300.0 gpm Public Main Size: 8 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 104 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Press. Flowing Flow (psi) 1 20.0 18.0 1 20.0 18.0 REVIEWING AUTHORITY CITY OF LA QUINTA FIRE DEPT. Node Total Avail. Req'd No. Flow Press. Press. 13 25.0 74.5 52.0 13 25.0 74.5 52.0 DATE: BI29/2017 S:\2017\31586\CALC\4820.rdf Page 2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * 1 sprinkler flowing * 1 sprinklers flowing FIXD P # END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISCH FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC NOD DIA EQV.LN PUMP (FT) (K) *(GPM.) FL/FT PE (PSI) * (GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) 1 100 30.00 BG ---- -2.0 SRCE ----- 25.0 6.05 52.0 ---- 25.0- 6.06 52.0 150 101 0.995 6.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.17 0.00 45.9 ---- 0.17 0.00 45.9 2 101 1.00 -4.0 -2.0 ---- ---- 25.0 0.17 45.9 ---- 25.0 0.17 45.9 150 102 0.995 0.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.17 0.00 41.8 ---- 0.17 0.00 41.8 3 102 70.00 3L ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 25.0 3.45 41.6 ---- 25.0 3.45 41.8 150 103 1.360 24.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.04 0.00 38.3 ---- 0.04 0.00 38.3 4 103 4.00 LG ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 25.0 0.37 38.3 ---- 25.0 0.37 38.3 150 104 1.265 3.0 ---- 2.0 -5 5 0.05 1.73 36.2 5 0.05 1.73 36.2 5 104 2.00 L ---- 2.0 -5 5 20.0 0.48 36.2 5 20.0 0.48 36.2 150 105 1.101 5.0 ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 0.07 0.87 34.9 ---- 0.07 0.87 34.9 6 105 1.00 -3.0 4.0 ---- ---- 20.0 0.07 34.9 ---- 20.0 0.07 34.9 150 106 1.101 0.0 ---- 4.0 ---- ----- 0.07 0.00 31.8 ---- 0.07 0.00 31.8 7 106 7.00 2L ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 20.0 1.16 31.8 ---- 20.0 1.16 31.8 150 10 1.101 10.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.07 3.03 27.6 ---- 0.07 3.03 27.6 8 10 7.50 LR ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 20.0 2.62 27.6 ---- 20.0 2.62 27.6 150 11 0.874 5.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.21 0.00 25.0 ---- 0.21 0.00 25.0 9 11 67.00 L7R ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 11.9 6.27 25.0 ---- 11.9 6.27 25.0 150 12 0.874 11.0 ----- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.08 0.00 18.7 ---- 0.08 0.00 18.7 10 12 0.50 B ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 20.0 0.73 18.7 ---- 20.0 0.73 18.7 150 13 0.874 3.0 ---- 11.0 4.71 20.0 0.21 0.00 18.0 20.0 0.21 0.00 18.0 11 12 9.50 R ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -8.1 0.41 18.7 ---- -8.1 0.41 18.7 150 14 0.874 1.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.04 0.00 19.1 ---- -0.04 0.00 19.1 12 14 2.00 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -8.1 0.23 19.1 ---- -8.1 0.23 19.1 150 15 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ----'-0.04 0.87 18.5 ---- -0.04 0.87 18.5 13 15 10.00 LBR ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -8.1 0.70 18.5 ---- -8.1 0.70 18.5 150 16 0.874 8.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ----- -0.04 0.00 19.2 ---- -0.04 0.00 19.2 14 16 2.00 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -8.1 0.23 19.2 ---- -8.1 0.23 19.2 150 17 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.04 0.87 20.3 ---- -0.04 0.87 20.3 15 17 17.50 LBR ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -8.1 1.00 20.3 ---- -8.1 1.00 20.3 150 18 0.874 8.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.04 0.00 21.3 ---- -0.04 0.00 21.3 16 18 2.00 L ---- 11.0 ----- ---- -6.1 0.23 21.3 --- -8.1 0.23 21.3 150 19 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.04 0.87 20.7 ---- -0.04 0.87 20.7 17 19 5.50 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -8.1 0.37 20.7 ---- -8.1 0.37 20.7 DATE: 8/,29/2017 S:\2017\31586\CALL\4820.rdf Page 3 150 20 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.04 0.00 21.1 ---- -0.04 0.00 21.1 18 20 17.00 3R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -3.7 0.19 21.1 ---- -3.7 0.19 21.1 150 21 0.874 3.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 21.2 ---- -0.01 0.00 21.2 19 21 15.00 LB ---- 13.0 ---- ----- 0.0 0.00 21.2 ---- 0.0 0.00 21.2 150 22 0.874 7.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ----, 0.00 0.00 21.2 ---- 0.00 0.00 21.2 20 21 5.00 B ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -3.7 0.07 21.2 ---- -3.7 0.07 21.2 150 23 0.874 3.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 21.3 ---- -0.01 0.00 21.3 21 23 9.00 B ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -3.7 0.11 21.3 ---- -3.7 0.11 21.3 150 24 0.874 3.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 21.4 ---- -0.01 0.00 21.4 22 24 69.50 7R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -3.7 0.71 21.4 ---- -3.7 0.71 21.4 150 25 0.874 7.0 ---- 13.0 ----- ---- -0.01 0.00 22.1 ---- -0.01 0.00 22.1 23 25 13.00 BR ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -3.7 0.16 22.1 - -- -3.7 0.16 22.1 150 26 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 22.3 ---- -0.01 0.00 22.3 24 26 2.00 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -3.7 0.06 22.3 ---- -3.7 0.06 22.3 150 27 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.87 23.2 ---- -0.01 0.87 23.2 25 27 2.50 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -3.7 0.06 23.2 ---- -3.7 0.06 23.2 150 28 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 23.3 - -- -0.01 0.00 23.3 26 28 17.50 L2BR ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 4.4 0.36 23.3 ----- 4.4 0.36 23.3 150 29 0.874 11.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 22.9 ---- 0.01 0.00 22.9 27 29 2.00 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 4.4 0.08 22.9 ---- 4.4 0.08 22.9• 150 30 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ----- ---- 0.01 0.87 22.0 ---- 0.01 0.87 22.0 28 30 59.50 LB7R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 4.4 0.92 22.0 ---- 4.4 0.92 22.0 150 20 0.874 14.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 21.1 _--- 0.01 0.00 21.1 29 28 36.00 B5R ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -8.1 1.72. 23.3 ---- -8.1 1.72 23.3 150 11 0.874 8.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.04 0.00 25.0 - -- -0.04 0.00 25.0 Legend: P - Pipe # DIA - Pipe Diameter EQV._LN - Pipe Equivalent Length PUMP - Pump Pressure SP - K-Factor FLOW - Flow Rate PF - Pressure Loss due to Friction PT - Total Pressure at Node Node Notes Pipe Notes LEN - Pipe Length FIT. - Pipe Fittings FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device EL - Node Elevation DISCH - Discharge in gpm FL/FT - Friction Loss per Foot PE - Pressure Loss due to Elevation Fitting Code Letters: E=45 Ell, L=90 Ell, B=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatV1v, X= X, Y= Y, Z: DATE: 8/29/2017 S:\2017\31586\CALC\4820.rdf Page 4 The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 8 at 10.70 ft/s.with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 10 at 10.70 ft/s with 1 sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard.npt PAGE: C MATERIAL. CPVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y z 0.874 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.101 1.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: K MATERIAL: Copper Tube-K HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y z 0.995 1.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y z 1.265 1.00 3.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: P MATERIAL: PVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y z 1.360 2.00 8.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 11.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HASS HOUSE 3.7.0 computer program (License No. 50081444 ) to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node and a maximum imbalance of 0.08 gpm with one sprinkler flowing, and 0.010 gpm at each node and maximum imbalance of 0.02 gpm with 1 sprinklers flowing in accordance with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. The minimum source pressure is 20.0 psi with a minimum required pressure of 52.0 psi and a 7 minute flow of 175 gal. and a 10 minute flow of 250.0 gallons. The minimum pressure at any node is 18.0 psi at node 13. HRS Systems, Inc. 208 Southside Square Petersburg, TN 37144. (931) 659-9760 DATE: 8/29/2017 S:\2017\31586\CALC\4820.rdf Page 5 ar ran ar 75.0 Wm I 67.5 p I R60.0 s52I.5 D S. I U45.0 R I E37I'5 (30.0 p I 522.5 I I 15I'0 7.5 I, 0. C4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 n = FLOW (GPM) 74.5 Psi, Re6-Luua..L = o ! . 3 psi @ 2300 qpm r flowinq) (1 sprinklers flowing) = Available WatC = Available Water Supply 74.5 psi @ 25.0 c74.5 psi @ 25.0 qpm = Required WateD = Required Water Supply 52.0 psi @ 25.0 c52.0 psi @ 25.0 gpm DATE: 8/29/2017 S:\2017\31586\CALC\4820.rdf Page 1 FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 705 E. HARRISON, SUITE 200 CORONA,CA 92879 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR GRIFFIN RANCH LA QUINTA, CA PLAN 4820 10% TAKEN OFF WATER SUPPLY FOR SAFETY MARGIN CALC AREA 2 Date: 8/29/2017 File No: 31586 Data File Name: 4820.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING 256.0 sq. ft./spklr.(max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 16.0 ft. Min. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 8.6 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 8.o ft. SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Reliable.Descr: RA0616 RFC49 F1 Conc .Pend.(16xl6) K=4.90 Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs & Drops: 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=4.71 (Incl. 1 Tee) 0.0 ft. x 0.674 in. Arm -Over: K=4.67 (Intl. 1 Tee & 1 Ell) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: CPVC HWC: 150 WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: By: Static: 74.5 psi Resid: 67.3 psi Flow:2300.0 gpm Public Main Size: 8 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 104 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Press. Node Total Avail. Req'd Flowing Flow (psi) No. Flow Press. Press. 1 13.0 7.6 22 18.0 74.5 34.0 2 13.0 7.6 22 32.5 74.5 60.4 REVIEWING AUTHORITY CITY OF LA QUINTA FIRE DEPT. DATE: 8/29/2017 S:\2017\31566\CALC\4820.rdf Page 2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * 1 sprinkler flowing * 2 sprinklers flowing FIXD Pf# END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISCH FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC NOD DIA EQV.LN PUMP (FT) (K) *(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI)*(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) 1 100 30.00 BG -- - -2.0 SRCE ---- 18.0 3.29 34.0 ---- 32.5 9.83 60.4 150 101 0.995 6.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.09 0.00 30.7 ---- 0.27 0.00 50.6 2 101 1.00 -4.0 -2.0 ---- ---- 18.0 0.09 30.7 ---- 32.5 0.27 50.6 150 102 0.995 0.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.09 0.00 26.6 ---- 0.27 0.00 46.3 3 102 70.00 3L ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 18.0 1.88 26.6 ---- 32.5 5.61 46.3 150 103 1.360 24.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 24.7 ---- 0.06 0.00 40.7 4 103 4.00 LG ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 18.0 0.20 24.7 ----- 32.5 0.59 40.7 150 104 1.265 3.0 ---- 2.0 -5 5 0.03 1.73 22.8 5 0.08 1.73 38.4 5 104 2.00 L ---- 2.0 -5 5 13.0 0.21 22.8 5 27.5 0.86 38.4 150 105 1.101 5.0 ----- 4.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.87 21.7 ---- 0.12 0.87 36.6 6 105 1.00 -3.0 4.0 ---- ----- 13.0 0.03 21.7 ---- 27.5 0.12 36.6 150 106 1.101 0.0 ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 18.7 ---- 0.12 0.00 33.5 7 106 7.00 2L ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 13.0 0.52 18.7 ---- 27.5 2.08 33.5 150 10 1.101 10.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.03 3.03 15.1 ----- 0.12 3.03 28.4 8 10 7.50 LR ---- 11.0 ---- ----- 13.0 1.18 15.1 ---- 27.5 4.71 28.4 150 11 0.874 5.0 ---- 11.0 ----- ---- 0.09 0.00 14.0 ---- 0.38 0.00 23.7 9 11 67.00 L7R ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 5.0 1.25 14.0 ---- 10.4 4.87 23.7 150 12 0.874 11.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 12.7 ---- 0.06 0.00 18.8 10 12 0.50 B ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 12.7 ---- 0.0 0.00 18.8 150 13 0.874 3.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 12.7 ---- 0.00 0.00 18.8 11 12 9.50 R ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 5.0 0.17 12.7 ----- 10.4 0.66 18.8 150 14 0.874 1.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 12.5 ---- 0.06 0.00 18.2 12 14 2.00 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 5.0 0.10 12.5 ---- 10.4 0.37 18.2 150 15 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.87 11.6 ---- 0.06 0.87 16.9 13 15 10.00 LBR ----- 13.0 ---- ---- 5.0 0.29 11.6 ---- 10.4 1.12 16.9 150 16 0.874 8.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 11.3 ---- 0.06 0.00 15.8 14 16 2.00 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 5.0 0.10 11.3 ---- 10.4 0.37 15.8 150 17 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.87 12.1 ---- 0.06 0.87 16.3 15 17 17.50 LBR ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 5.0 0.41 12.1 ---- 10.4 1.59 16.3 150 18 0.874 6.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 11.6 ---- 0.06 0.00 14.7 16 18 2.00 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 5.0 0.10 11.6 --- 10.4 0.37 14.7 150 19 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ----- ---- 0.02 0.87 10.7 ---- 0.06 0.87 13.4 17 19 5.50 L ---- 13.0 ---- ----- 5.0 0.15 10.7 ---- 10.4 0.59 13.4 DATE: 8/Y9/2017 S:\2017\31586\CALC\4820.rdf Page 3 150 20 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 10.5 ---- 0.06 0.00 12.9 18 20 17.00 3R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 8.4 0.85 10.5 ---- 17.2 3.17 12.9 150 21 0.874 3.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ----- 0.04 0.00 9.7 ---- 0.16 0.00 9.7 19 21 15.00 LB ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 13.0 2.08 9.7 ---- 13.0 2.08 9.7 150 22 0.874 7.0 ---- 13.0 4.71 13.0 0.09 0.00 7.6 13.0 0.09 0.00 7.6 20 21 5.00 B ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -4.6 0.11 9.7 ---- 4.2 0.09 9.7 150 23 0.874 3.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 9.8 ---- 0.01 0.00 9.6 21 23 9.00 B ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -4.6 0.16 9.8 ---- 4.2 0.14 9.6 150 24 0.874 3.0 ----- 13.0 4.71 ---- -0.01 0.00 10.0 14.5 0.01 0.00 9.4 22 24 69.50 7R ---- 13.0 4.71 ---- -4.6 1.04 10.0 14.5 -10.3 4.68 9.4 150 25 0.874 7.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 11.0 ---- -0.06 0.00 14.1 23 25 13.00 BR ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -4.6 0.23 11.0 ---- -10.3 1.04 14.1 150 26 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 11.2 ---- -0.06 0.00 15.2 24 26 2.00 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -4.6 0.08 11.2 ---- -10.3 0.37 15.2 150 27 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.87 12.2 ---- -0.06 0.87 16.4 25 27 2.50 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -4.6 0.09 12.2 ---- -10.3 0.40 16.4 150 28 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 12.3 ---- -0.06 0.00 16.8 26 28 17.50 L2BR ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 3.4 0.23 12.3 ---- 6.8 0.81 16.8 150 29 0.874 11.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 12.0 ---- 0.03 0.00 16.0 27 29 2.00 L ----- 11.0 ---- ----- 3.4 0.05 12.0 ---- 6.8 0.17 16.0 150 30 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.87 11.1 ---- 0.03 0.87 14.9 28 30 59.50 LB7R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 3.4 0.59 11.1 ---- 6.8 2.09 14.9 150 20 0.874 14.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 10.5 ---- 0.03 0.00 12.9 29 28 36.00 B5R ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -8.0 1.69 12.3 ------ -17.1 6.89 16.8 150 11 0.874 8.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.04 0.00 14.0 ---- -0.16 0.00 23.7 Legend: P - Pape # DIA - Pipe Diameter EQV. LN - Pipe Equivalent Length PUMP - Pump Pressure SP - K-Factor FLOW - Flow Rate PF - Pressure Loss due to Friction PT - Total Pressure at Node Node Notes Pipe Notes LEN - Pipe Length FIT. - Pipe Fittings FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device EL - Node Elevation DISCH - Discharge in gpm FL/FT - Friction Loss per Foot PE - Pressure Loss due to Elevation Fitting Code Letters: E=45 Ell, L=90 Ell, B=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatVIv, X= X, Y= Y, Z DATE: 8/29/2017 S:\2017\31586\CALC\4820.rdf Page 4 The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 2 at 7.43 ft/s with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 8 at 14.70 ft/s with 2 sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard.npt PAGE: C MATERIAL: CPVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y 2 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y z 0.874 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.101 1.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: K MATERIAL: Copper Tube-K HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y z 0.995 1.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y z 1.265 1.00 3.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: P MATERIAL: PVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y z 1.360 2.00 8.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 11.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HASS HOUSE 3.7.0 computer program (License No. 50081444 ) to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node and a maximum imbalance of 0.12 gpm with one sprinkler flowing, and 0.010 gpm at each node and maximum imbalance of 0.06 gpm with 2 sprinklers flowing in accordance with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. The minimum source pressure is 20.0 psi with a minimum required pressure of 60.4 psi and a 7 minute flow of 227 gal. and a 10 minute flow of 324.9 gallons. The minimum pressure at any node is 7.6 psi at node 22. HRS Systems, Inc. 208 Southside Square Petersburg, TN 37144 (931) 659-9760 DATE: 8/29/2017 S:\2017\31586\CALC\4820.rdf Page .' 5 - WATER SUPPLY CURVE 75.0 67.5 P 60.0 R E 52.5 S S 45.0 U R 37.5 E ( 30.0 P 22.5 S z 15.0 7.5 V.V 04 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 FLOW (GPM) Static = 74.5 psi, Residual = 67.3 psi @ 2300 gpm (1 sprinkler flowing) (2 sprinklers flowing) A = Available Water Supply C = Available Water Supply 74.5 psi @ 18.0 gpm 74.5 psi @ 32.5 gpm B = Required Water Supply D = Required Water Supply 34.0 psi @ 18.0 gpm 60.4 psi @ 32.5 gpm DATE: 1.0/31/2018 S:\20:L7\31586\CALC\4820—ALT..rdf Page 1 FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 705 E. HARRISON, SUITE 200 CORONA,CA 92879 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR GRIFFIN RANCH LA QUINTA, CA PLAN 4820 105.1 TAKEN OFF WATER SUPPLY FOR SAFETY MARGIN CALL AREA 1 Date: 10/31/2018 File No: 315BG Data File Name: 4820 ALT.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING 400.0 sq. ft./spklr.(max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 20.0 ft. Min. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 8.0 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 10.0 ft. SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Reliable Descr: RA0616 RFC49 F1 Conc .Pend.(20x20) K=4.90 Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs & Drops: 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=4.71 (Incl. 1 Tee) 0.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Arm -Over: K=4.67 (Incl. 1 Tee & 1 Ell) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: CPVC HWC: 150 WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: By: Static: 74.5 psi Resid: 67.3 psi F1ow:2300.0 gpm Public Main Size: 8 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 104 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Press. Node Total Avail. Req'd Flowing Flow (psi) No. Flow Press. Press. 1 20.0 18.0 13 25.0 74.5 58.0 1 20.0 18.0 13 25.0 74.5 58.0 REVIEWING AUTHORITY CITY OF LA QUINTA FIRE DEPT. DATE: 10/31/2018 S:\2017\31586\CALC\4820_ALT.rdf Page 2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * 1 sprinkler flowing * 1 sprinklers flowing FIxD P # END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISCH FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC NOD DZA EQV.LN PUMP (FT) W *(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI)*(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) 1 100 30.00 BG ---- -2.0 SRCE ---- 25.0 6.06 58.0 ---- 25.0 -6 06-58.0 150 101 0.995 6.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.17 0.00 52.0 ----- 0.17 0.00 52.0 2 101 1.00 -9.5 -2.0 ---- ---- 25.0 0.69 52.0 ---- 25.0 0.69 52.0 150 102 0.745 0.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.69 0.00 41.8 ---- 0.69 0.00 41.8 3 102 70.00 3L ---- -2.0 ----- ---- 25.0 3.45 41.8 ---- 25.0 3.45 41.8 150 103 1.360 24.0 ---- -2.0 ----- ---- 0.04 0.00 38.3 ---- 0.04 0.00 38.3 4 103 4.00 LG ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 25.0 0.37 38.3 ---- 25.0 0.37 38.3 150 104 1.265 3.0 ---- 2.0 -5 5 0.05 1.73 36.2 5 0.05 1.73 36.2 5 104 2.00 L ----- 2.0 -5 5 20.0 0.48 36.2 5 20.0 0.48 36.2 150 105 1.101 5.0 ---- 4.0 ---- ----- 0.07 0.87 34.9 ---- 0.07 0.87 34.9 6 105 1.00 -3.0 4.0 ---- ---- 20.0 0.07 34.9 ---- 20.0 0.07 34.9 150 106 1.101 0.0 ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 0.07 0.00 31.8 ---- 0.07 0.00 31.8 7 106 7.00 2L ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 20.0 1.16 31.8 ---- 20.0 1.16 31.8 150 10 1.101 10.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.07 3.03 27.6 ---- 0.07 3.03 27.6 8 10 7.50 LR ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 20.0 2.62 27.6 ---- 20.0 2.62 27.6 150 11 0.674 5.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.21 0.00 25.0 ---- 0.21 0.00 25.0 9 11 67.00 L7R ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 11.9 6.29 25.0 ---- 11.9 6.29 25.0 150 12 0.874 11.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.08 0.00 18.7 ---- 0.08 0.00 18.7 10 12 0.50 B ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 20.0 0.73 18.7 ---- 20.0 0.73 18.7 150 13 0.874 3.0 ---- 11.0 4.71 20.0 0.21 0.00 18.0 20.0 0.21 0.00 18.0 11 12 9.50 R ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -8.1 0.41 18.7 ---- -8.1 0.41 18.7 150 14 0.874 1.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.04 0.00 19.1 ---- -0.04 0.00 19.1 12 14 2.00 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -8.1 0.23 19.1 ---- -8.1 0.23 19.1 150 15 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.04 0.87 16.5 -- -0.04 0.87 18.5 13 15 10.00 LBR ----- 13.0 ---- ---- -8.1 0.70 18.5 ---- -8.1 0.70 18.5 150 16 0.874 8.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.04 0.00 19.2 ---- -0.04 0.00 19.2 14 16 2.00 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -8.1 0.23 19.2 ---- -8.1 0.23 19.2 150 17 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ----- ---- -0.04 0.87 20.3 ---- -0.04 0.87 20.3 15 17 17.50 LBR ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -8.1 0.99 20.3 ---- -8.1 0.99 20.3 150 18 0.674 8.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.04 0.00 21.3 ---- -0.04 0.00 21.3 16 18 2.00 L ---- 11.0 ---- ----- -8.1 0.23 21.3 ---- -8.1 0.23 21.3 150 19 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.04 0.87 20.7 ---- -0.04 0.87 20.7 17 19 5.50 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -8.1 0.37 20.7 ---- -8.1 0.37 20.7 DATE: 10/31/2018-S•::\2017\31586\CALC\4820 ALT.rdf Page 3 ' 150 20 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.04 0.00 21.0 ---- -0.04 0.00 21.0 18 20 17.00 4R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -3.8 0.20 21.0 ---- -3.8 0.20 21.0 150 21 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- -0.01 0.00 21.2 -0.01 0.00 21.2 19 21 15.00 LBR ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 21.2 ---- 0.0 0.00 21.2 150 22 0.874 8.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 21.2 ---- 0.00 0.00 21.2 20 21 5.00 B ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -3.8 0.08 21.2 ---- -3.8 0.08 21.2 150 23 0.874 3.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ----- -0.01 0.00 21.3 ---- -0.01 0.00 21.3 21 23 10.00 B ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 21.3 ---- 0.0 0.00 21.3 150 24 0.874 3.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 21.3 ---- 0.00 0.00 21.3 22 23 56.00 9R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -3.8 0.62 21.3 -- - -3.8 0.62 21.3 150 25 0.874 9.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 21.9 ---- -0.01 0.00 21.9 23 25 26.50 B2R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -3.8 0.30 21.9 ---- -3.8 0.30 21.9 150 26 0.874 5.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 22.2 ---- -0.01 0.00 22.2 24 26 2.00 L ----- 13.0 ---- ---- -3.8 0.06 22.2 ---- -3.8 0.06 22.2 150 27 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.87 23.2 ---- -0.01 0.87 23.2 25 27 2.50 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -3.8 0.06 23.2 ---- -3.8 0.06 23.2 150 28 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 23.2 ---- -0.01 0.00 23.2 26 28 17.50 2LBR ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 4.3 0.36 23.2 ---- 4.3 0.36 23.2 150 29 0.874 12.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ----- 0'.01 0.00 22.9 ---- 0.01 0.00 22.9 27 29 2.00 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 4.3 0.07 22.9 ----- 4.3 0.07 22.9 150 30 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.87 21.9 ---- 0.01 0.87 21.9 28 30 59.50 LB7R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 4.3 0.89 21.9 ---- 4.3 0.89 21.9 150 20 0.874 14.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 21.0 ---- 0.01 0.00 21.0 29 28 38.00 B5R ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -8.1 1.79 23.2 ---- -8.1 1.79 23.2 150 11 0.874 8.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.04 0.00 25.0 ---- -0.04 0.00 25.0 Node Notes Pipe Notes Legend: P - Pipe ## DIA - Pipe Diameter EQV. LN - Pipe Equivalent Length PUMP - Pump Pressure SP - K-Factor FLOW - Flow Rate PF - Pressure Loss due to Friction PT - Total Pressure at Node LEN - Pipe Length FIT. - Pipe Fittings FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device EL - Node Elevation DISCH - Discharge in gpm FL/FT - Friction Loss per Foot PE - Pressure Loss due to Elevation Fitting Code Letters: E=45 Ell, L=90 Ell, $=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatVly, X= X, Y= Y, Z DATE: ',I0/31/-2018'S.:\2017-\31586\CALC\4820`ALT.rdf --t- `,"-;- . Page-4 The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 2 at 18.40 ft/s with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 2 at 18.40 ft/s with I sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard.npt PAGE: C MATERIAL: CPVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 0.874 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.101 1.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: K MATERIAL: Copper Tube-K HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 0.745 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.995 1.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 1.265 1.00 3.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: P MATERIAL: PVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 1.360 2.00 8.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 11.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HASS HOUSE 3.8.0 computer program (License No. 50081444 ) to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node and a maximum imbalance of 0.01 gpm with one sprinkler flowing, and 0.010 gpm at each node and maximum imbalance of 0.01 gpm with 1 sprinklers flowing in accordance with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. The minimum source pressure is 20.0 psi with a minimum required pressure of 58.0 psi and a 7 minute flow of 175 gal. and a 10 minute flow of 250.0 gallons. The minimum pressure at any node is 18.0 psi at node 13. HRS Systems, Inc. 208 Southside Square Petersburg, TN 37144 (931) 659-9760 DATE: '10/31/2018 S: \2017\31586,CALC,4820_ALT:rdf Page 5 ' 75. 67 P 60. R E 52. S S 45. U R 37.! E 7.5 0.0 WATER SUPPLY CURVE 04 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 FLOW (GPM) Static = 74.5 psi, Residual = 67.3 psi @ 2300 gpm (1 sprinkler flowing) (1 sprinklers flowing) A = Available Water Supply C = Available Water Supply 74.5 psi @ 25.0 gpm 74.5 psi @ 25.0 gpm B = Required Water Supply D = Required Water Supply 58.0 psi @ 25.0 gpm 58.0 psi @ 25.0 gpm DATE: 10/31/2018 S:\2017\31586\CALC\4820 ALT.rdf-: Page: -1 . FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 705 E. HARRISON, SUITE 200 CORONA,CA 92879 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR GRIFFIN RANCH LA QUINTA, CA PLAN 4820 1016' TAKEN OFF WATER SUPPLY FOR SAFETY MARGIN CALC AREA 2 Date: 10/31/2018 File No: 31586 Data File Name: 4820 ALT.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING 196.0 sq. ft./spklr.(max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 14.0 ft. Min. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 8.0 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 7.0 ft. SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Senju Descr: SS8261 Pend.RC-RES(14xl4) K=3.70 Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs & Drops: 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=3.61 (Incl. 1 Tee) 0.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Arm -Over: K=3.59 (Incl. 1 Tee & 1 Ell) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: CPVC HWC: 150 WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: By: Static: 74.5 psi Resid: 67.3 psi F1ow:2300.0 gpm Public Main Size: 8 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 104 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Press. Node Total Avail. Req'd Flowing Flow (psi) No. Flow Press. Press. 1 10.0 7.7 22 15.0 74.5 35.4 2 10.0 7.7 22 25.3 74.5 51.0 REVIEWING AUTHORITY CITY OF LA QUINTA FIRE DEPT. DATE:. 10/31/2018 S:.\2017\3.1586\CALC\4820 ALT.rdf Page '2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * 1 sprinkler flowing * 2 sprinklers flowing FIXD P # END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISCH FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC -NOD DIA -------------------- EQV.LN PUMP (FT) (K) *(GPM) FL/FT PE (PST)*(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) 1 100 30.00 BG ---- -2.0 SRCE ---- 15.0 2.34 35.4 ---- 25.3 6.19 51.0 150 101 0.995 6.0 ---- -2.0 -_-- -_-_ 0.07 0.00 33.1 ---- 0.17 0.00 44.8 2 101 1.00 -9.5 -2.0 ---- ---- 15.0 0.27 33.1 ---- 25.3 0.70 44.8 150 102 0.745 0.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.27 0.00 23.3 ---- 0.70 0.00 34.6 3 102 70.00 3L - -2.0 ---- ---- 15.0 1.34 23.3 ---- 25.3 3.53 34.6 150 103 1.360 24.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 22.0 ---- 0.04 0.00 31.1 4 103 4.00 LG ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 15.0 0.14 22.0 ---- 25.3 0.37 31.1 150 104 1.265 3.0 ---- 2.0 -•5 5 0.02 1.73 20.1 5 0.05 1.73 29.0 5 104 2.00 L ---- 2.0 -5 5 10.0 0.13 20.1 5 20.3 0.49 29.0 150 105 1.101 5.0 ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.87 19.1 ---- 0.07 0.87 27.6 6 105 1.00 -3.0 4.0 ---- ---- 10.0 0.02 19.1 ---- 20.3 0.07 27.6 150 106 1.101 0.0 ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 16.1 ---- 0.07 0.00 24.5 7 106 7.00 2L ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 10.0 0.32 16.1 ---- 20.3 1.19 24.5 150 10 1.101 10.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.02 3.03 12.7 ---- 0.07 3.03 20.3 B 10 7.50 LR ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 10.0 0.73 12.7 ---- 20.3 2.69 20.3 150 11 0.874 5.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ----- 0.06 0.00 12.0 ---- 0.22 0.00 17.6 9 11 67.00 L7R ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 3.9 0.78 12.0 ---- 7.8 2.85 17.6 150 12 0.874 11.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 11.2 ---- 0.04 0.00 14.8 10 12 0.50 B ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 11.2 ---- 0.0 0.00 14.8 150 13 0.874 3.0 ---- 1.1.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 11.2 ----- 0.00 0.00 14.8 11 12 9.50 R ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 3.9 0.10 11.2 ---- 7.6 0.38 14.8 150 14 0.874 1.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 11.1 ---- 0.04 0.00 14.4 12 14 2.00 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 3.9 0.06 11.1 ---- 7.8 0.22 14.4 150 15 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.87 10.2 ---- 0.04 0.87 13.3 13 15 10.00 LBR ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 3.9 0.18 10.2 ---- 7.8 0.66 13.3 150 16 0.874 B.0 ---- 13.0 ----- ---- 0.01 0.00 10.0 ---- 0.04 0.00 12.7 14 16 2.00 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 3.9 0.06 10.0 ---- 7.8 0.22 12.7 150 17 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.87 10.8 ---- 0.04 0.87 13.3 15 17 17.50 LBR ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 3.9 0.25 10.6 ---- 7.8 0.93 13.3 150 18 0.874 8.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 10.6 ---- 0.04 0.00 12.4 16 18 2.00 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 3.9 0.06 10.6 ---- 7.8 0.22 12.4 150 19 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.87 9.6 ---- 0.04 0.87 11.3 17 19 5.50 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 3.9 0.09 9.6 ---- 7.8 0.35 11.3 DATE:• .10/31/2018 S:\201.7,\31586\CALC\4820_ALT.rdf Page 3 150 20 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 9.5 ---- 0.04 0.00 10.9 18 20 17.00 4R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 6.4 0.53 9.5 ---- 12.8 1.93 10.9 150 21 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.03 0.00 9.0 ---- 0.09 0.00 9.6 19 21 15.00 LBR ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 10.0 1.34 9.0 ---- 10.0 1.34 9.0 150 22 0.874 8.0 ---- 13.0 3.61 10.0 0.06 0.00 7.7 10.0 0.06 0.00 7.7 20 21 150 23 5.00 0.874 B ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -3.6 0.07 9.0 ---- 2.8 0.04 9.0 3.0 ---- 13.0 ----- ---- -0.01 0.00 9.1 ---- 0.01 0.00 9.0 21 23 10.00 B ----- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 9.1 ---- 10.3 0.80 9.0 150 24 0.874 3.0 ---- 13.0 3.61 ---- 0.00 0.00 9.1 10.3 0.06 0.00 8.2 22 23 56.00 9R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -3.6 0.57 9.1 ---- -7.5 2.23 9.0 150 25 0.874 9.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 9.7 ---- -0.03 0.00 11.2 23 25 26.50 B2R ----- 13.0 ---- ---- -3.6 0.28 9.7 ---- -7.5 1.08 11.2 150 26 0.874 5.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 9.9 ---- -0.03 0.00 12.3 24 26 2.00 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -3.6 0.05 9.9 ---- -7.5 0.21 12.3 150 27 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.87 10.9 ---- -0.03 0.87 13.3 25 27 2.50 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -3.6 0.06 10.9 ---- -7.5 0.22 13.3 150 28 0.874 4.0 ---- 1.1.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 10.9 ---- -0.03 0.00 13.6 26 28 17.50 2LBR ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 2.5 0.14 10.9 ---- 5.0 0.48 13.6 150 29 0.874 12.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 10.8 ---- 0.02 0.00 13.1 27 29 2.00 L ---- 11.0 ---- -•--- 2.5 0.03 10.8 ---- 5.0 0.10 13.1 150 30 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.87 9.9 ---- 0.02 . 0.87 12.1 28 30 59.50 LB7R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 2.5 0.34 9.9 ---- 5.0 1.19 12.1 150 20 0.874 14.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 9.5 ---- 0.02 0.00 10.9 29 28 38.00 B5R ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -6.1 1.09 10.9 ---- -12.5 4.06 13.6 150 11 0.874 8.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.02 0.00 12.0 ---- -0.09 0.00 17.6 Node Notes Pipe Notes Legend: P - Pipe # LEN - Pipe Length DIA - Pipe Diameter FIT. - Pipe Fittings EQV. LN - Pipe Equivalent Length FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device PUMP - Pump Pressure EL - Node Elevation SP - K-Factor DISCH - Discharge in gpm FLOW - Flow Rate FL/FT - Friction Loss per Foot PF - Pressure Loss due to Friction PE - Pressure Loss due to Elevation PT - Total Pressure at Node Fitting Code Letters: E=45 Ell, L=90 Ell, B=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatVIv, X= X, Y= Y, Z DATE. -10/3:1/2'018 S:\2017\31586\CALC\4820_ALT.rdf :. .2j"j Page 4 The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 2 at 11.04 ft/s with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 2 #` at 18.63 ft/s with 2 sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard.npt PAGE: C MATERIAL: CPVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet ( in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 0.874 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.101 1.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: K MATERIAL: Copper Tube-K HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 0.745 0..00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.995 1.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 1.265 1.00 3.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: P MATERIAL: PVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatV1v X Y Z 1.360 2.00 8.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 11.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HMS HOUSE 3.8.0 computer program (License No. 50081444 ) to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node and a maximum imbalance of 0.17 gpm with one sprinkler flowing, and 0.010 gpm at each node and maximum imbalance Of 0.11 gpm with 2 sprinklers flowing in accordance with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. The minimum source pressure is 20.0 psi with a minimum required pressure of 51.0 psi and a 7 minute flow of 177 gal. and a 10 minute flow of 253.2 gallons. The minimum pressure at any node is 7.7 psi at node 22. HRS Systems, Inc. 208 Southside Square Petersburg, TN 37144 (931) 659-9760 City of La Quinta Design and Development Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Telephone: (760)777-7125 Fax: (760)777-1233 www.lu€nta.org Riverside County Fire Department Riverside Office 2300 Market Street, Ste. 150 Riverside, CA 92501 (951)955-4777 DDDEG=.12," 8� CITY OF LAQUINTA FIRE REVIEW APPLICATION PC1M1P` IV 00 ❑ NEW 8 TENANT IMPROVEMENT PERMIT NO. ESS-2017-0038 PROJECT INFORMATION (Please Print) Project Name: GRIFFIN RANCH / TRACT 32B79 / PLAN TYPE 8 Sign: Site Address: MASTER PLAN 8 (AS -BUILT) Print: J $ IP City 8, Zip: LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Fursuorit to a Cooperative Agreement to Provide Fire Services, the Riverside County fire Department serves as the City's fire department, and the County designee serves as the City's fire chief. Applicant recognizes this contracted. carfangement and shall comply with County Fire Department directions. APPLICANT/CONTACT INFORMATION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: 19 Same as Applicant Info Applicant Name: FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS Contractor#: 684600 Contact Person: JAM I E B I S H I P Mailing Address: 705 HARRISON ST. # 200 City s, zip: CORONA, CA 92879 Phone Number: 951-272-2522 Fax: Email: Contaci Person: J AM I E B I S H I P Mailing Address: 705 E. HARRISON ST. #200 City a zip: CORONA, CA 92879 Phone Number: 951-272-2522 Fax: Email: A. APPLICATION TYPE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM SUPRESSION SYSTEM ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ------------ ❑ HOOD & DUCT $405 ❑ 0-35,000 SQ FT $639 ❑ SPRAY BOOTH $795 ❑ 35,001-75,000 SQ FT $756 ❑ CELL SITE $795 ❑ 75,001-120,000 SQ FT $951 ❑ OTHER SUPRESSION SYSTEM $795 ❑ 120,001 AND UP $1185 MISC ❑ TI COMMERCIALIINDUSTRIAL $405 ❑ HAZMAT $327 * RESIDENTIAL- 1 DWELLING UNIT $405 ❑ HIGH PILE RACK STORAGE $327 ❑ RESIDENTIAL - (EA) ADDITIONAL x $171 ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL - U/G WATER $4&3 ❑ MULTI -FAMILY (3 OR MORE) $561 ❑ FIRE FLOW REPORT $327 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ❑ TECHNICAL REPORT RESEARCH HOURLY @ $156/HR ❑ COMMERCIAL - SPRINKLER MONITORING $405 ❑ SPECIAL INSPECTION $161 ❑ COMMERCIAL - FIRE ALARM SYSTEM $1092 ❑ FIRE PUMPS $639 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ❑ STANDPIPE SYSTEMS $561 ❑ COMMERCIAL - SPRINKLER MONITORING $405 ❑ WATER TANKS $390 ❑ COMMERCIAL - FIRE ALARM SYSTEM $1092 STORAGETANKS ❑ DISPENSERS ONLY HouRLr @ $156/HR ❑ ABOVE GROUND HOURLY @ $156/HR Lacn appticatlon type tnatuaes o temnoiogy Ennoncement ree» & Hemras Management ree siu A sin # �I tY Of La Qulhta BulkUng a Sareity MUM P.O. Box 1504,'78-495 Calie Tampico fa.Wnta, CA 92253-:(760) 7777012 Building Permit' Application'and Tracking Sheet Permit # ProjectAddcess: MASTER PLAN 8 (AS -BUILT TO FSS-2017-0038) owneesName: LENNAIR A.P.Number. Address:980 MONTECITO DR. # 302 Legal Description: MASTER PLAN TYPE 8• . • Contractor. FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, INC • City, ST, Zip: CORONA, CA 92879 Telephone: X Address: 705 E. HARRISON ST. #200 Project Description: City, Sr, Zip: CORONA, CA 92879 INSTALLATION OF RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLERS Telephone: 951-272-2522 � 54 HEADS 15,536 SF State Lie. # : 684600 tatty Lic. #; 762890 Arch., Engr., Designer. Address: City, ST, zip: Telephone: State Lim M. NamedCoatattPerson: JAMIE BISHIP Cornstruction*C V-B pang* R3N Project type (circle one): Now Add'a Alter Repair Demo Sq.FL: 5,536 SF #Stories: 1 #Units: NIA Telephone # of Contact Person: 951-272-2522 Estimated Value oP Project: $2,950.00 APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE 0 SabmIttal Rteq'd ' Itee'd TRACING rERNITIFE£S. Plan Sets Plan Check submitted item Amount Structund Coles. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan CheckDeposit. . Tti uw Coles. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balaaee. Title 24 Coles. Puns picked up Construction Flood Plata plan Plans resubmitted,'. Meclnarilcal Giadlug plan 2!Review, ready Gor correctionsfctsue Electrical Subcontactor Lk Called ContaetPerson Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up H.O.A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading EN ii011S8:- ''dReview; ready for correetionsfissme Developer Impact Fee PlanningApproval. Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr ' Date of permit issue $&ool Fees Total Permit Feu