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FCMP2019-0009 Andalusia Plan 23
Project Details PROJECT NUMBER F City of La Qu i nta FCMP2019-0009 �VI'T4� Description: ANDALUSIA / FIRE SPRINKLER / MASTER PLAN 23 / HEADS: 45 Status: APPROVED Type: FIRE CONSTRUCTION MASTER PLAN Status Date: 9/12/2019 Subtype: FIRE SPRINKLER MASTER PLAN Applied: 9/12/2019 Address: 59000 MADISON ST Approved: 1/21/2020 City, State, Zip: LA QUINTA,CA92253 Closed: Project Manager: Expired: Details: ADDITIONAL SI Project Summa;�' CASE OPEN OPEN DAYS COMPLETED REVIEWS 5 ACTIONS 4 INSPECTIONS CONDITIONS 1 -101 L, • Kele, CHRONOLOGYTYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES APPLICATION NOT RECEIVED - EMAILED ANGELA W/SYMON'S TO INFORM HER THAT WE NEED APPLICATION PRIOR TO NOTE KAYLI ALFORD 9/13/2019 9/13/2019 REVIEW. FIRE REVIEW VOIDED UNTIL APPLICATION IS RECEIVED. APPLICATION RECEIVED RECEIVED RETURN ENVELOPE FROM APPLICANT ON 10/14 - NOTE KAYLI ALFORD 10/15/2019 10/15/2019 MAILED BACK PLANS ON 10/15 NOTE KAYLI ALFORD 1/29/2020 1/29/2020 NOLAN SPARKS PICKED UP ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS NOTE KAYLI ALFORD 1/31/2020 1/31/2020 MAILED ONE SET OF APPROVED PLANS TO SYMON'S FIRE go • • CONDITION DATE DATE DATE CONTACT STATUS REMARKS NOTES TYPE ADDED REQUIRED SATISFIED Printed: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 4:24:01 PM 1 of 4 ,d;, CENTRALSQLIARE Project Details PROJECT NUMBER F FCM P2019-0009 City of La Qu i nta Standard Condition. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.180 (Fees and Deposits). These fees include all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and c FEE - A KOHL HETRICK 9/30/2019 1/29/2020 COMPLIES CONDITION ON ISSUANCE FOR PAYMENT OF FC M P2019-0004 CONDITION ON ISSUANCE FOR PAYMENT OF FC M P2019-0004 FEES PAID 1/29/2020 NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESSI CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION INC 12155 PAINE PL POWAY CA 92064 angela@SymonsFP.co m BILL TO SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION INC 12155 PAINE PL POWAY CA 92064 angela@SymonsFP.co m CONTRACTOR SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION INC 12155 PAINE PL POWAY CA 92064 angela@SymonsFP.co m OWNER T D DESERT DEV 81570 CARBONERAS I LA QUINTA I CA 0 A MAP"" CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY BY FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 1 $161.00 $161.00 1/29/20 R58834 883962 CREDIT nolan sparks AHI CARD FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 1 $161.00 $161.00 1/29/20 R58834 883962 CREDIT nolan sparks AHI CARD FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 1 $167.00 $167.00 11/23/21 WEB9970 63372963258 CREDIT 682025 ECON Total Paid for FIRE FEES: $489.00 $489.00 Printed: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 4:24:01 PM 2 of 4 CENTRALSQLIARE Project Details PROJECT NUMBER F City of La Qu i nta FCM P2019-0009 �VI'T4� CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY BY RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE - 101-0000-42416 0 $21.00 $21.00 1/29/20 R58834 883962 CREDIT nolan sparks AHI CARD MAJOR Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE - MAJOR: $21.00 $21.00 TECHNOLOGY 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 $5.00 1/29/20 R58834 883962 CREDIT nolan sparks AHI ENHANCEMENT FEE CARD Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 $5.00 INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED DATE COMPLETED RESULT DATE REMARKS NOTES PIP RETURNED 7 REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES DATE 1ST FIRE (2WK) KOHL 9/13/2019 9/27/2019 9/30/2019 REVISIONS REQUIRED SEE ATTACHMENTS PLEASE PLACE CONDITION ISSUANCE FOR HETRICK PAYMENT OF FCMP2019-0004 APPLICATION NOT RECEIVED - EMAILED ANGELA 1ST PERMIT PERMIT TECH 9/12/2019 9/13/2019 9/13/2019 INCOMPLETE MISSING W/SYMON'S TO INFORM HER THAT WE NEED TECHNICIAN (1DAY) BUCKET APPLICATION APPLICATION PRIOR TO REVIEW. 1ST PERMIT PERMIT TECH 9/13/2019 9/13/2019 9/13/2019 COMPLETE TECHNICIAN (1DAY) BUCKET 2ND FIRE (3WK) KOHL 1/3/2020 1/9/2020 1/21/2020 APPROVED HETRICK 3RD FIRE (2WK) KOHL 10/28/2021 11/11/2021 11/22/2021 APPROVED SEE ATTACHMENTS HETRICK BOND INFORMATI Printed: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 4:24:01 PM 3 of 4 CENTRALSQLIARE Project Details PROJECT NUMBER F FCM P2019-0009 City of La Qu i nta Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 10/28/2021 Etrakit Contractor REV 1 - 1ST SUBMITTAL 19-0216 - 2 HEAD CALC 1 - 2 HEAD CALC plan 23.pdf DOC 10/28/2021 Etrakit Contractor REV 1 - 1ST SUBMITTAL ANDALUSIA PLAN 23 - 8- 1 _ PLAN SET 6-21 FP1.pdf DOC 10/28/2021 Etrakit Contractor REV 1 - 1ST SUBMITTAL- FIREAPP PLAN 23.pdf 1 APPLICATION DOC 10/28/2021 Etrakit Contractor REV 1 - 1ST SUBMITTAL REL FIRES SERIES 1 - MATERIAL DATA 2 SPRINKLERS.pdf DOC 10/28/2021 Etrakit Contractor REV 1 - 1ST SUBMITTAL REL RFC SERIES 1 - MATERIAL DATA SPRINKLERS.pdf DOC 1/23/2020 KAYLI ALFORD AUTHORIZATION AUTHORIZATION 0 LETTER.pdf LETTER.pdf FCMP2019-0009 - FCMP2019-0009 - DOC 9/30/2019 KOHL HETRICK ANDALUSIA MASTER ANDALUSIA MASTER 1 PLAN 23 - CORR.pdf PLAN 23 - CORR.pdf FCMP2019-0009 - FCMP2019-0009 - DOC 1/21/2020 KOHL HETRICK ANDALUSIA - PLAN 23 ANDALUSIA - PLAN 23 0 MASTER.docx MASTER.docx DOC 11/22/2021 KOHL HETRICK FCMP2019-0009 - REV 1 FCMP2019-0009 - REV 1 1 APPROVED PLANS.pdf - APPROVED PLANS.pdf DOC 11/22/2021 KOHL HETRICK ANDALUSIA PLAN 23 11 ANDALUSIA PLAN 23 11 1 -18-21.pdf -18-21.pdf Printed: Wednesday, February 15, 2023 4:24:01 PM 4 of 4 CENTRALSOUARE Worldwide I w,�,w.tyrq-sire.dom tqc:urldwI Contacts Rapid Response Series LFII Residential 4.9 If -factor Concealed Pendent Sprinklers, Flat Plate Wei' Pipe and Dry Pipe Systems General The Series I.FI Residantiai Concealed Pendent Sprinklers [FY3596) has been flescription designed Walt hear sehsitkvltyand we- ber dirldbuCor, characteristics provan I he TYCO RAPID RESPONSE Be- to help in the control of residential firea ries LFII Rasid t E 4 - - an a .8 K tactor Con and to Improve the h - prove e Chance Far acda Coaled Pendedt 5pdrdders ITY35961 pants to ascape or t>e in acvated. are decorative. fast response, rus• The Sarlas LFII Residential Concealed ibie solder sprinklers designed for use Pendent 5nktars {Ty35W are in resident residential occupances such as snipped warn a Disposable Protective hon1OF. apa9rlm. dormitones. and Cap. The ProteGive Cap is tamporar- 1l otels. ily mmow_d for Installauon, and than The cover plate assamhty conceal It can be replaced to ba4p protect the the sprinkler operating components sprinkler whlie the c Ilrx fe being M- above the caAirlq. The flat profile of the skatled or flnWhed. The lip of tha Pro - cover prate pmvides the optimum aea- teclNa Cap can also be used to mark thetioally appealing sprinkler design, the center of the ceiYng bola into plas- m addition the tar bcoign tiles c n conceaad design at et gently 9 by 9e Y to r Se 12S LRi RUlidan Al Concealeda _9 usFea !an tlol a inst p U I se, The Series LRf RaskfiemjVCo,,)- GOr P r indent Anklets-f1r3.59fi ravldvs Pi-. theiVe V1hen the L:arlln tested F,?fid&rr[ r kWl : 5g£' mmf 112 inch (1ru2,,7 mm) vertical adls tr7,ent. inslallation is complete the Pro[aCtivg descrii, uW 6erein be srnsttabeer This adjushltem providesa measure of Gap is removed and the Corer Piate and makiterried in carrOA&ilce wiih Ilexihllity when cutbiag fixed sprinklar Assembly installed. fhis document and with the applka. drops_ LUa standards of the Nobanaf Firs Pro - The Series LFIE Resdentia! Concealed Dry Ppe System Application The Series LFtl Residential Cowoaled beciion Ataociavon, in addidon to the srandwds of any euthorltias haviagju- Spririklt5's are intended for use in the foBCwing P-4grd Sptir* r'5 offers a iabmtory risdfC6w.- Fa,Trrra tO dP $p rrwy impair 5Cenarjo5: apiP,c"d option For designing dry pipe fhe performance of fhase devices. • 1+raS and dry pipe residential sprin. mader&r sprinkler systems, whereas, 77w v1vrrerls rds m,,,teformafntaRl- kler systems for one- and two -lam- d ten sand mohila h N oral g ontes per most reaadendal s rinks rs re r P a a iapo a tor ved for wets ems one . v eAPm Y� only fug their fire protection system are dB- NFPA t31? Through extenaka teeing, It t� been vitas in proper Operating candr7iprL The mutai[rr 7m g coWractr yr sprinkler e wet and dry pipe ras^demlar aprin- dacefnlined that the n mtniar of design m-Awt-mr- sheuld be canlactad kler systems for raaie antial occu- ;3i spinnklsrs (hyd,•aulic design area) far the LFII Residential with any gLrrzsNans. pml es LAP to and imludhg stories in halght per NFPA 13R Bailee Concealed Pandora Sprinklers (TY35961 need not be increased over the de- Sprinkler • oval and dry pipe sprinkler systems for the reslderitlai portlens of any number of sign sprinklers (hydraulic design area) as specified for wet pipe spnnider sya- Identification occupancy per NFPA 13 tams, as Is accustomed ror dansityl yea sprinkler systems deGEgned par Number NFPA 13. TY3LoM Consequanlly, IN Series LFf1 Residen- tial Concealed Pendent Sprinklers of- FMPCRTAN'f for the features of norhvrater fated papa Alvavrs refer ro Technical Dar& in addilmm to net having to increase Sheet £TP700 tar The 'IN57ALLER the number of design sprnkers ft- WAHNFNG" that prdv,'Ces cautions druulle daeign area] for sysisma de- rvith respect to hand"am arid instal- 1 signed m NFPA 3 13fl or 59R. Non, i31/PR +.71 niiiaf 9leln5 dlKf Cans• dY water Filed I will permit options Ear P f>e P� pdnenls. I.. t7n]per ftarWing and in 8raas sansJ€iva tofrap4ing. alarlattmn Can permanently domage, a apdrArfer systarn Or its components and cause The sprinkler to tad to operate In a Nre sa tiAg r er cause it to operate premarwu"Y. Page 1 al s TFP442 Page 4 of e APFIIL 2013 _.. __.... LY£T f>!PE SYSTEM M®%tmum nr r u Mi awn Flowand Rssfdua Praseur'il� Gvr.rape Maxanum Specin a OrdEnery T.mp. R.tEng Area "I rt. 160"F 17 Deaactorto MJnimum Ft. x Ft. iml- Installation Spacing Flo GPAt Pm Praetnlra Pat Ceilinga s m On 1 Ira ,n { nl '^'"' i1/ b.L {harl 1i x 12 12"' [3 TO Snmutll ,3,7 x 3,7) t3.7) (49,2) Ks) Call s 1 tO 1 . i;eyla5 A 14 14 13 7.0 (4,9 xi143'r (4A (49.i) ON451 Reamed LY.'ilnrle per 8 16 x 16 18 19 7.0 j4,9 x d,sj t4,9k 4a 1 e p, aj NFPA 3Dc 13%or 13, i ta9ed n Cal Castel (2 41 18 A 15 1e 17 12-0(<i,S x 5,fi] l6,rs1 ("A[O,lfa) 7.'8 m 1 7A3 Im"D2 below -1 bats 1x R R 20 20 20 16.7 tcLl xe,1) re,M f75A [1.15} f 4earn 1 tqc:17 N' ontafde I w1rM1.v.-.1+rn,00m Contacts I` RAPID RESPONSE Series LFII Residential Sprinklers 4.9 IC factor Pendent Wet Pipe and Dry Pipe Systems General Escutcheon reduces the accuracy tv which the pipe drops to Zile sprinklers Description must be cut. The TYCO RAPID RESPONSE series The Series LFII ReSxenti l Sprinklers s have been designed will] heat aensr- LFIIResidentialpendent and Racassad S livlty and water distributlon charaC- ent rink Peridem Sprinklers 1TY2234} are daCP• t4,,4stics pd'oven to help in tho control railve, fast response, frangIble bulb of residential fires and to improve the In 1 s r k eE5 des+ nod far use in rasiden- P 9 chance for aocupafsfa to each pe nr he list occupancies such as hv-r1es, apart- evaPuemd- merits, darmiteries, and hotels. When aesaWUCS and OptlMrZbd flout Oftear Dry i cpe System Application teristkos are the major conslde%on, The Series LFII Residential Pendent ma Series LFII Residential Sprinklers and Reoassed Pendant Sprinklars (TY2234) should he Ilia kr5l choice. Otters a labdratary approved apttoo ror The Sorios LFR Residential 8prinWers Intend" f I I axe me led or use n the fat awl n9 designing dry plpa residential sprinkler a stems whereas most rased ! Y er1 u11 i - 37ra owner a res nsi,hle for main po acenaRPa: s rink[Eers are labdra[ar r ved for P Y aplxo Falnin tireiF fire mleclion s dam and 9 p ys wet slams ant, sY Y devices in roer rat? condition. • wet and dry pipe residential h lesfln t nod been g g i The lnsfeRrii cunt for OF sorFr+klsr g faprIn-art kiat systems #or on®- and two -Taal lY d0eri oci that I lele,kle,s dtar She ndesig D} design n ma u aciu er should ka cvnidctad w th dwellings and mobile homes per Sprinklers [hydTduliC design areal far an N YRt+es ins, NFPA 13D me Series LFii Residential Pandent and e wet and dry pipe residential sprinkler Receawd Pendent Sprinkiera {TY2234) Sprinkler aysEems for residential wwpencies up to and including €our stories in need net be increased war the number Wdesign sprinklers (hydraulic design identification height per NFPA 1 aR area) as specified for wet pipe sprinkler stems as Ls accustomed for densit 1 system. Y { Number (S1Nj r we1 and dry pipe sprinkler systems area sprink[er systems designed per for "1a residertt,W porndns of an Y NFPA 13. TY2234 occupancy per NFPA 13 The recessed Le[afon of the Series n Cv de tiarSl the Series LFIJ q R Sprinklers P LFII Residential Sprinklers re intended in addition of non -water @fled pipe to addition m for use in areas with g nished ceilings. not having to increase the number of it emproys A Iwo -pieta Style 20 design sprinklers (hydraulic design Recessed Escutcheon. The Reoused area) for systems designed to NFPA Eaeon provides 114 Inch (6.4 13. 130. or T3R. Non -water filled pipe inn1) of recessed adjustment or vp t9 wlh permit options for areas mnsltkve 1i2 inch 0?,7 mm) of total adjustment free2ing. 'ram the flush ceiYng p(mtron. The adjustment provided by the Recessed 1i11EM The SerL-s lF i` R&Odawlal Pandent arid . Recessed PeodenTSpernkfersrrYa234) IMPORTANT described hemin waist be instated and Anvays rater to Technical Data maintained in Gvrrkplfarrce w4h this Shear TFA700 for the `AISTA LER document and rho sppikaWa &fan- I+V.4RNfNG" that provides cautions Calds! Off The N4400W Fire P-Wactlon witA respect fa %ramtfing end rns�l- Assdciaflrin, m addr[dn to fne standards efion of sprinkler syaneilrs and anyauthorities heW dsdieMon. Y components. improper handling and Failure to de, se, may impatr the parivr- bretolfalion can pan,nanendy Camag'a manse of those devices. a sprinter System yr ks corrrpO- + ants arMcause the spdnMerto iaa', operate In a fife slfuahbo or ca iF fo pperafe pfemafurely. TPP442 1 Page f of $ W f rvwerae,!. dhMbrsiM I- it- rr lieiisvren rime n .i d.-1!+e,lro !r i,i' l rm �:>KtF R.ighpMb am"Alan:terwnlD.tr&,tL'I[deSgnykmiaemuk--rK Al lt.nur.ma,,,a bnaed a rne1-4-i- f%tA unit inn. r..�, aeElalar. T1•c a xlrlr"b.edd,lal pi =-ry 6AicvmiGd uen;1r. namrw K-#,-?rdx rrr?.- (two, L,.w the Dw4r, ant - -tan. {F! PwkF?Atamsan &piertier.v,�egxrerol0.lgorrt•Rwertf'e*"wa�o!ihe!fbHm.ecebaz ,Mm Oro cu-- el tics t,l ; ire t%.d. TABLE A WET FIFrE SYSTE M AR-LATECC CLSERIES LT{ 7E5DEN-PLED PEDEW SPRIAO lR .. (FY3"6) NFPA 13D, 13R, AND 13 HYDRAULIC SIGN CRITERIA DRY PIPE SYSTEM MaxlMom Minimum Flaw and Realdusl Ataxitnum Prea5ure e.0 Min€rr im r &pacing a R7mdnarv7em 9. Rating 4& 1.1R, , lsd'F I71"Cr I Fk' Deflector to Im) Inetatlpllvn 5"eng (m"-4 f i GPM P P511e Gailing Type Ft. 1d.1 Vain 12Y 1z 12 13 70 S,rw0h f3,7.12 I0.71 OaA (3.481 4e;Ln s 7.$ to 1g1lS V x 14 (4r x4.1I 14 1 i=,31 14 $5,� S2 io_57) irahers Beamiepda 6 48 % 1$ 1) 15 9.4 µ,fix a51 t4.8] (58,8) i0e51 1VFAAl 13p ei 13Ft, or 13. kxta€ed ,n pear:? Gcncasled fZ4} 13.18 18 la *. 0,ri-ip. {5,61 155.1) (0,93) i 718 re t-118 Irig r ` cta z a • hottrnl ❑t 20x 2fl 1 20 21 18.4 OJ x&I] 1 0.1) 1YgA O.M beam W ." as r.ip - a-,... I.. 1i0Y, ar Del -, J..e ,iaV'Eiea, use Alg.Ml- tar -_te RMT ,Ile nail :',0hNA-wft- rf.a•arfe,',:,brydneulicdr.lgnntr6wvra.W1L 0f7u'at: a b-d dn!h�r-. Fl aTW li-rxfr4imn matr_ a�I.a9aate rtded airg dqgkml tU{ia•q, R91y L yllrriAi 1)6an MIH it. Dir,pn G!da4. ahtib, t; fY NFPA 13 ffidd nik l dp, -Iir r lM gnWw vl O.1 inir-1' r the dmW - of sal lkew In .acrxda,icr k. .%e.Olwn-,e&s wAeT9Athe.A. FABLE H 7]RY PIPE SYSTEM i Pl4ftp RE$PDivSE $FRIES LFIEREs}yEMiAL 4.8 fr-FACmDR FLAT PLATE C0I4r,"), SD 1>RivaENT (TY3696) NFPA 1W, 13R, A4NO 0 4#Y09AOU(C D"YGN CR;TERJA :.- �:: .;: . • ..... ARGCO FIRE ALARM BELLS E _� • Four wire, 120 and 24 volt. UI, i0 DrA. GC3N, _ .1 • Indoor and outdoor instaflation - y • Weatherproof backhox 1 fr _ "I I20 VAC: 6 $". ID" 1I '�11 � j 24 YAC: 6". 10" 8' A1A GONG � j % I ! stne ,1111M �1 d f s Drtioaifa� .�i e RgTlllc 6 f+7rr¢e>ZE a GCNGg12E t0 'ow%m Rs'aetl &Lend LV- Ra,ed 3-vl tam, Rand $py a Lcg1 VOLTAGE C,MrerrL a, t U.I. CYrtM:1 a 1 alder r:,1Ren1 .r 1 Memr av0C 29LtN5 BFidrl 254Y+L1 BSda 28dM 95da 1N6C IB:TrA 3id9 IBerM 95da 15krM PE tla 24voc +pp,y,. g 11 saint e5da 1b91,A 96da t2CL'.iC :i9relq %5da 25mr, a5er& 25mh 114da 22CVAC 2�. 95ad ZwA 95m 2N,A 07da 0"" d i77 F �. _j iI 15' 't 4' i a• 3,23 d2' 11:3e 3-15+32' m Beck Sax WIRING INSTRUCTIONS D.C. BELTS (observe polarity) A.C. BELLS RO M '. ................. R$D REDS, ..-- RED ui -- --. -�,r; I 1 \ i S hum-n rdp-ff ex ' I I xaear Lefw 6fm CoMd penA!tt Ir j f P&-Bakv DO l ! aN rs resistor In -din; MeV 1 /5 i 1` Ri ACK T''1'• --....r/ O� r BLAf:kfifuT;• 9LAC 111'- ,O Fl BLACK can ........ --- ..._....._..... r...._....�..' �_ �. Vft-el l ggerv�.r ri le4,xed=,n arts but pads a sl,, wn WI%"r�r'Asupar 'm reauired:xa h a id de, Lea& m seam. 1. 0bw,a paWsyb rng DGbAHt I Whm uiu 4 AC balk, bdrnal. bsch aAfA -t.4 atet'EIy 2. Red tenet I M*R ftl am lmt bas I Bbdt tire. nVilve L'I 2. E ,"ria raisin. Is eancdred dri TIC WK INSTA IL ATIOH: I . The hell sltould be mnuntO A minimum of 8 fc, from the #lace- or of close to the, ceiling as possible. r- 2. llemove the gang 3. Connect the .Tiring (see diagram). 4. Mount boll mechanism to bacl lbby (ball mee:heJ Kon mutt Zia mounted wnh ilia striker pointmg down). 5. Rein5tall the gong (be sure that the gong positioning pill in the mechanism housing, is in ter hale In the gorg)- 6. Test all hills For ,per operation that they rant be il�rd where required (heirs must be haarti in ell areas as designated by the c • authority hating jLwWlalan). 800-854-IC18 www.nrgco.com FAX 760-707-3270 TFP400 Page 4 of 6 APRIL 2013 - WET sys PdR TEM 3 S0. n M nlmutn fle>ti1, runt ReaFdua3 Pressure Ma x carers �1; T.eip-R.0lg " lnlermedlete Temp. Rating " I Arad n} 155'F (SB`Gj 776=F 179°C3 miri€mum FL n FL aefl.d-W Cie ale I g IeetaBauvn T r v a Spacing Ft. F[vw pressure F w la Pr berurb ire xm 1 GPM PSI [aPM PSI m rl TVmin) Marl lVmtn) lbarl 12=12 13 7.0 E3 7.0 Smoolh (3.7 x 3.'n (49-4 OAer !49,2} fa,4� CeiMg. t-1.4 tc 4 inches to % 1d 13 7A 13 7.0 t4,3 x 4.31 W4.2i (0.4a) 148.2) MAIN Baamad dW4 Sryle 20 Espulcrrao,a or 8 n8 x 18 t9 r.0 13 r.o t 4,9 x A:3t 148.21 f0.d8i (40 A id.43) Oelllnp4 ptr NFPA 13❑ w 93R npll-rr=veHSad per NFPA 1 alJ. 13R, or 10 f2.4) t8 % i6 i7 t7.0 17 15r-x$A [R A (BA31 ("A fli57 t.7A to 1-a' Irmhes be1- mof 2Dxp4 2I1 1bait EAt %8,1) (75.7) l7,ir:) [1i.7t beam. {al Jarcmwyge- ryes men d 9. "". tlfere Irk, ttrb'rn°,tM1nn„h1--, u,-4 nbw Mr 1rn rmx:,uh.a cav .w Aran for.wlch Vid- edr,egn pent, are natrt 01 FWIL,i- Auk M EAred an m:Nmen ffp hr GAM 0Mban 4 Wch WnlhW S ag aeAse:Ned-0y 1Aare.sureA me e.krleLed ueirg Grf. rffnhal K-recta. R.d. Witydrau � tlutp,,.dw the D. ign Qil,l'., Ii.. ec} Fu NK'AUrerldelll[J appxebm'8.1hr gnekva19.19p,•IVaver 1ne6.'g1 ilea of t•A eau ir.I.r,U;-rh-pnoliere IF+. laM -. c4 u L Titers A WET PIPE SY8 TEM SERIES LFN REWDENTIAL PENDENTANID AECESSED PEUDENT SPRINKLERS (TY2234) NFPA f3A, 138, .AND I RYDRAUL1C DESOON CR)TERfA 'MP400 aAV Pipe $Y$TE M [t` Agaximuym VFrimum Frew and Re.iduat Press ,0b,0 F CArepa-0]e _ orah. F� ; i�.g mm Tnter-aditi� . Ralin9 ..-.._` i FLx F[. DeReefor fn. InelaHaNen Minimum Spacing I:-ia,e Preasura Frew Pressure 0x ml cow,;i iyea Ft. rm1 Im (lb-0 ! "iiO toad 12 x 12 19 1..0 1S 7.0 Smooth +:S,T x 3.7) (a9,2} P.418 r44_2l ((,da} ;andltjg 1-114 t0 4irrclraa 14 x 14 14 82 1, a.2 ;4,3 x A-3} >_53,0) tp.S71 [Atl} 10,5T) Recessed using Style 2a 16x 16 {4.9x4, gF t5 iSs,al 9.4 (.65) 15 [56.6] 9.4 t0.851 naR"qpar N1FT+A1% ar TaR ESpu€Fltann U non•recaeaed p�NFPA t30,i 151?• ar l3 a 12,41 r !Baia 1B 18,5 18 Ta.S r!iF x 5.5t 161.) 10,93i esa 11 [a_a31 F-tAtp l-01a &xby b4low botaorn Qf I 20 x 20 21 la.Lt 21 t8,a (S,1 > E,'1 t7a,51 [1,271 179,5I 11,27) oaam. pa ru rxwnaa9b tiros. 'means Frrn cr tnn>o.alse o. ,&ximd,-`in nc•nirrrxanxautativv Mrilan.xel.:g.mt -*, Arne to wF,h nyc:> oc deagn erizah-.mod, Ili Rixouncva n ram c1rrvr m sin In r>aws RPrm in,pn post.Wr lq; ml. drriks,bl l*wr ,, re-:.yvkftd wn, L*s m n'=',p K•*.exr. 3�r w uSd`e 1c Petp-Lads ue [)Ml9n L7� . eecrm. i9 Pw NFM"rxidgi.AprSl:Yhn:i-4mg-krora'yprurt1-r 0.*-gnnrm af�mU lr,¢yvrd- h*. ^•rkicrlarn i'$1.tla na5t be -a. TABLE & DRYPIPE SYSTEM SERIES LF11 RESIDENTIAL PFNDENTAND R CE$$rD P,Ek oar SFR imEns (7'Y2,234i NFPA f3D, 73R. AlyV 73l1YD4q"LAC DkS rant CRnZRFA December 12.2013 Spllnkler4la MICRCIFASTQAND KJNG4 MicrofastNPv QUICK RESPONSE PENDENT SPRINKLERS The Vining Corporation, 210 N Industrial Park Drive, Hastin� M1 49058 Telephone; 269.945-9501 Technical Services: 877-384-5464 Pax: 265-61a-1680 Email: techsvcs0vIkingcorp,cvm 1. DESCRIPTIONF Viking Acrofast" and WtfolasltlPn Quick RRsyarwe Pendent Sprinklers are small, Ki emivae ngjfive, ginsaRxtb spayy aprkikiars evadahre n 9avfepl d,Yl'erpnt flnMhas artd IaMpefdWre ratings sill K-Factom la meet design roquirem+ants R., special it Polyester,Poiytelraauorval""'ne (PTFE1,andElacrrolrss "ll"e+P(ENT}cvarin a canbe used in decvraflve )lest ns u rn - 9 app ka •h�'e ga - are desad[Ic1,thecarea€ingshaul:-en inve54r.dfarIrlsiaNallenInvanalnws-,S '` - pheresand are I__"appmvedascwrbs,oil- -slant asindinaled intppr�oval ,�.is Charts- {r,ta: FAR Gtabsl approves ENT finish as corrosion ra4latant FM Giodal nos ror aa"m m GaSaafrcatlon ror P ,,, and Polyester caahngs as carmeaan resist• ant.) w 2. LISTINGS AND APPROVALS cULus Lfstodi Cart ',1NIU g� �4.5, FM Approved: Classes 2u01, 2W2, 2015, and 2017 RN 1R0T9 pN 00665B NYC Approved+ CalarKWr Number 219.76-SA and M£A8"2£, Vuluma ?6 ADS Certified; Ce6hcate 04-H$4pT9a4C-POA re, Vd0 Approved: CeniSr tes C34NOO7 k5. G404o097_ G40e0056, G4C60057, G4a8^045, G4930G-38, and G48eW21 LP Approved: Piker. Nos. L1!30e.•03 and 096e1A4 u CE Ceftlfled: Stanoard EN 122$9.1, FG- Attica Las fit Cellrormily 0706-CPD-40130, 078&�CPD-a0^75 and J 1W-CPFR P - Afl278 08.32-CPD•2001 and E832 G 0 2003 x ME0 CeYtifiOtl: Standard £N 12259.1 EC-cortificat or of rmi frB32-M£L�1Q33 an_ C - ❑ o0 0 832 MED•100A NOTE: Other lntamartior.al approval cerilBca[es are nv E pp a 4nb18 Uj)efr request Refer to Approval Chan 1 and Design Criteft on page 41d for cQLm Listing requlrements and role- W Approval Chw 2 d,W Das'gn Criteria on page 4if for FM Approval lxlquiremgnls lhEkt must he fa fared. 3, TECHNICAL DATA SpecrflcaHons: ATaflavte sauce I W. Minimum Cheraling Pfe55uw; 7 psi (0.5 bar]' Vliring TachnFcal Data miry he ionnd nn Maximum Warlrfrmj Pressure: Sprinklers IZM arid 12290 are rated for use with water -king presaures ranging from tha minimum 7 psi The 1RkinR C.4rVpr?IIPn'a LYah 6a10;<r (0.5 bar) up to 260 psi (17 bar) for high-pressure, systems. High -pray- hStpJAwrw.vgk1"0groupinccmn- sury HP sprinklers can be idantifled lucathi ` I `250" stain ed on The a rn f } p 4ve4 site ma rntfuda oro ner>arlt trY 9 p Y the deflector. All vthmr ixa r[ Nos. not mentioned a v r r Wi be e are sled LP a Cdkden Of this .....Technical .... Page,.... maximum 178 I t2 bra row . ........._..--.--....._---.._....-...._...._..-..�. I>a ( 1 P Factory !ev--d hydroAarical!y ;o 50 psi r;.34.5 bar) Tlueod aiae: Rector to rho Approval Charts Nominal K-Factor: Refer to the Approval Charts Glass-bUt fluid temperature sated to -65 `F (-55 =G) Overall Length: Refer to the Approval Charts 'cULus Lrsring. FM Approval. and NFPA 13 in5lslls require a minlnaem vt T per aS bars The minenum op8--W 04 Weaalda Tar LPCB rxld GE Appevvakr ONLY 5 W. (0-35 bat). Material $tarldardar Frame Casting: grain (JNS-C844D0 or OM Bra5s rat Sprinkiera 12979 and 12282. Brass UNS-C84400 for 0 other splfnMem- Deflector: Phosphar Bronze UNS-C81GW or Copper UNS-C19500 for Sprinklers 12979. G6666B, and 05765B. Copper UN8- C19500 for Sonkier 12282. Phosptivr Br nze UNS-C91000. Copper UMS-C19500 or grass UNS-C2FD00 for Sprinkler 06729B. Brass UNS-C2WM for all other Spri nklem. Bushing [rorSprir*Iem 067788, 067206, and'229D): Brass UNS•C36000 Bulk: Glare. nonllnpE 3 mm diameter Bella le Soling Sealing A.s9emWr. Nickel X". coated on both sides with PTFE Tape Screw: Brass UN5-C3WCl0 Pip Cap and inaa : Asxem.Ny: Copper UN S-C110011 and Slainims Sled UN£ S30d00 Fur PIPE Ceatnd Suai ias: SeHmville Spring-Expased, Screw -Nicks] Plated. PIP Cap-PTFE Coatad E-,g-eIlU.r,J, i�9fiSCSF_$LFJO P-,5.i Belleville Spring -Exposed Fix ENT Coaled Sotinklers: Belreville 5pdng•Expcsed, Scriaw and Pipcap - ENT coatsd. Form Na. F_081296 Replaces page 41a-f, dated December a, 2013. (Added E-3 Escu"eori) Sprinkler 41d December 12. 2013 g' MICROFAST" AND QUIC NIMWAi IIcrofRESPONSE PENDENT RESPONSE PENDENT NDEN SPRINKLERS The Viking Corporation. 210 N Industrial Park Drive. Hastings Mt 49056 rE a Telephone; 289 9 5-9501 Technical Services., 877.3114 ur484 Fax: 269A18 168D Email: tachevcaOvlkinacar•p.cam Ti i sprinkler Thread $IX. Neminet Overep Lb9n4Vs and Appe l.- Bee. 81N r RFaetvr unpin (Hafer slab 1. Tde.lgn CdlyNa an PS" 41 e.) pan Nv.' NF''f eaP U.S. metric+ Inehea mm eut.ua' NYC' Vd9 LPCB ' CC 0 sl.na.ra Ddne. ............-......-.....- .- .............__..... .......... ._...___.. ----_. 12979 VK902 1IT 15 mm GA 80-1 2-14- 37 Alk Bl'4 C4, E47. AIX. B1Y - - •• - 18021 1rIS302 1r1' 15 n1! 6.8 Sf1-5 2-11'• 5S 1) 61Y AI% B1Y A A2 A2k[. 2Y CZX ' ' B I . E1 GI}l, E2Y" ....._..-..........-......... ...-.-........... ..._...- �.__... �..._ ...-........_.-..........-..._ ......_... _........._...._ Larva DMIca ....._- ............._-..... ..... _-.............,...- OC-B66B ...._....--......--..-..-. ..�..... VK352 34' 20mm 8.0 f15.2 2-31e- ............................-.........�........._........�........... 60 A11c. 3 iY,C4,EAZ AIX.SlY A2 ._._....�.... .-..-.__ A2X C2" ............... -- p670w" uK?.52 Fr2' 1$man 8.0 1t5.2 2S'8' 6iF Atx. 91Y.f d. Ee2 A1k, 9fY 2 I...._.X.21 A2 2 •- A2" - - ..............._.....� .... _.._L-. _ - --... _ ........._.....8 _.........._E4Z _ Small orifice' ..__ ...__.._._....----,,........ . __...- -..... 06r1Bfd' S4[329 7f2- is mm 2.H A0.3 $-9r1 a- SB A1K. A7r R1x, RTY - - - - D57808' lf.r ...... .. .- .... . -B min. 42 57 -1X 50 AIX-01V 1AIX-B1 --..._. - ....__ 97 ..-.....- _ . 2.e' e0 --- -- --- -. G 09]?H - . i0mm 4.7 - Maximum Zap Pal (17 bar) YYWP Standard Q61fka ....�.-- .-..-._�_ _-._.._.....--.-_.-.__....._..-'--'-'--'--....-_..._. ,.._.-....... Spdrdller. TTrraad SEza Nominal dverelr LlsdnW and Ap .-ral 47 K�autaf ar Ryfar slab to pr9i n Cnlerie M a e O, Base SIN LenR [ g p g 1 Hv Par! HPT aSP t1,S. m.afb irlCRae = CUua' NYC'. Yd5 4PCB ......._ ..._._._.....-..I--...- - - - ...r. ..._... 1 2pa2 VIL9}7 W, -... la mm ...... it -. NA .-..... ..---...- 2•V4- tlA . - __ Al)t, 91Y A1x .- ............ •• mAxknum 250 Pal 1171kw) wwP Smell ormoar 12290 NL342..L nB mm as 40.3 2af15"1.-55 - A}]L R1Y.. . R1x: -_I._._..�-......... __- ..... .... ..._..-_- ApF--d Tmrpr -t- Rican A -185'c ei5577'Ct ^. Cv T Bft'G?: 1Y5 -n LN -a'.m t- [a3'C} end Ap9e'baeie Efeld(a.Gi9 2AR'-F1`-i1'[:] Ayprorrd Pealrhp K .. slaaaru ,S.xb•RY�nlal ARILlLM1.elrr N $-=264 ui."i,1:1106°C}, 175"+i79-c7.,,U;7W-F teZ 'GS 1 ,stet., dnnlnat. iki�a eF•, P6�Y4=err'. yh1 Bla:k F'TFTF Ohm '+ieiea slir,wlran iM:dul F•1 F[Ikd,�le saalehron C - 7S5 -F r88 Td, 17B -F gg-C), 20G'F VA -4 Aid 2M •F 1141 2 - El A . Cbr . lVhile r'oly9ALK', end 8k.x y - a`•,d. d S,�,rg,y . y,�. y y.. ,epr, pr eke wI n 1'^trm' 4ti41)0Awg *t`mDd6MA71iumueE- a.1a5'F[57-41S$'Rpa-(I.115' tAY4ree2as•P{141 rj , 'A aAa and Cr-a 4Fy ' 1M&-F,'.&--Rlx4F d1-�7-lrE 3RaEyr min -S1dQald uKau!ad tlih`sntltoa-155'FtaS'C,175'F17i1', F-t65'F"-Ck 1rS•F tie"L]. and M'F fiA I'ej Gt W] .thev"N Miv ar-mLm, IL-1e- 19B'F M4,1:; T...-.-.-- __......... - .... __ .....-... _.... -.._.._-..__.__-....- Fvadroloe ' 8... win r,,mbe i, rim-. Fm umgy,Pe1. ur,t ma,ebw. eafef 1p Mk:4.t �:M:. 1rharr e, 'A K>w.oA.kstwdrha.¢w-°enseas:,Bvmares515a'.smarm+�xue:meWt.mlao Wa.dudernr.dx K-taxrsanrr M'1V.9. ' fhm 1" En- p w sand n-r bw • u time d - chat* air.: anal- Mier lor.n &AIL -a la, Y � apirc+a. (C,rd.ry-, sxgNova ' Lbdr:rl Ur,d.rkddYl, afar fd "M In a,n i1.3 ,d41.+,--1au 1'k-v-- °Acepparl far u.a. Gig � rWrn vnrx aurrd er[ 61ro,derdx Ana -;q.sA. Calmdw hLmaeu 2i1F78Sf. O •'VLVs WW" a. 4»cnemreti%;anr. 'Omvmk ere -latde G t xdr the -t L A and R are a. Iho siareex wl- r.mxs rq5 Fora' • LWing; -1 Ar4luaals "a I la W9M ft R U 9W'1.• VNlai mere aroueel by eke "bras d.nd C la nq apt lea, W,M nyd-Mrsilg.4 fated reel .yaeVnk Ead1'- E-pu- 4 ;M Nrsek,ea. mrg to rrL4,lkxf 1xr' yd- rr:r:y ,A.'t.--.,-1,1-•' p11u! -, w9 ,41 F4iiy'a wmq.tu. rneranrgr Imeynrrlly g,an d-;- •The4111.1 r o.rr'm it b.lahen. "Awesmd +cr ues. Clry Fr NeM Yt* r*loenmentd &adlr,q . MEA Nwnber 8Da2-E, Va. 1 a. °CE C.1i. e-slar,dard Ea l='I, llr M!Ialn{al=b rdry 1532iX'628P1 ax t652CT+r}2U0a. w tE L>rnmed. sslnenre eN 42"M-l. Ll-r%k- of...'Lxrlhp )MO- IC-62Ys. CE Cooed. sx :Ara &N.122?9.1. wxFa of bprraralry 978,3 G-10t97 .4 alLL `'18 xEU Goan. sl.,d.d 8N 12Ya0.], fiG<aniF:rAIA. d LC[apma& o9Y2-M� Qw end aN32-►fEL1-1911a. u T`r. 112'rtiP?Largo Orifr Spr=lJer%Lk,!x: s_ ___ _ __rstrii@n____ ....-.__.-....._.___ --_.-...-.....-..... SITE PLAN NOTES: tLJL:t J Fire & Building 0 PrOrluCtS vapid response: - Technics€ Services: Tel: (HO) 381-93121 Fax; MY 791-66GD HOME Flat FPAJlm*LkA $YSTEfa BlazeMaster CPVC Fire Sprinkler Pipe & Fittings Submittal Sheet General Description Technical T poi' CPVC Pia Fittings and F itin a to- Y P 9 D�-•� s L.! a e a _ ducal by Yyov Pine S Building Prat- r - ::,�. ucte (rF5P) are designed cxcrusivmry Slaw for use In wol pipe buiomptio fire aprm- 314" to 3" kler Systems. The Tyco CPVC Pipe And Fltfings era producedm froBlaze- Maximum Work" Pressure - - Maatal® CPVC compound that is a l7s ps+ specfally developed thermoplastic Apr7rgYale compound Cori sad of Post chlorin- Po UL FM C-UL NSF LPCB M A and E n o�. atedpolyvinyl chloride (CPVC)rTar es]n the C- of Las Angeles- Re - to In and slate of thea art addililres. Tyco ti1 st 11 4i n r - a On Handbook W 19D0 dated CPVC Plpe and Fillings are a8sier to June 2008 for exact l5th1giappFDval fnstall than tradiflonar sisal pipe ays- lnlarmatian.l terns, and at the same time. provide Manufactura Source, su ne r eikr ,al eS15lAnOa and Strength p 4 U.S.A. as Compared to lradit�nal GPVG and PVC piµrng rllaleriars used In the Material plum6atg trade. Various adapters are avai4�ble to connect CPVC pipe to me• - Pipe! ASTM F442, 8OR 13.5 talilq'.plping. All famale pipe thread • Fitfings: A37M F438 (Sch, 40) and ada^ra have brass Inserts for dura- ASTM F439 (Scn. 80), ASTM F11a70 hdity; Grooved adapters connect di- Calar m,.fy to grooved sod valves and me• Orange tLilicxplpa, with flexible grenvRd end = Tyoa,LL CPVC Pipe and Fittings pro &M& with 8raz6-M6-ster"CPVC cam- peur• described herein must 00 in- sfal and mantis ned ! f compliance Mitt S docwrlant and nadh lho app}i- Ge1b standards a7 the Nabon-Al Ffra Pfb mn Asswc Rtfon, In addition to Mfrs. dardsofairyaulhexiffesrfaving ion. Fallura le de, so pray im- pair d WOY,rance vflhese deWces. rrs responsible rarmainlarn- 77fi'l�'I"1'1,m, irbproractivn system andde- Nroper Operating candition. T,, roi7lraclar ae s 1 n 9 Pr lfar should be contacts d m- alyprfy --ions. i11 5l.,&Masfars is a .p.1-d &adenwnk . of The LubrfRrw ccra rraribri Pag'A 1 of 2 JUNE, 2008 TFP7915 I Page2oF2 frrstallation Limited TyGO'F CPVC Rpe and Fittings pro- yy a (rc f t}/ duoeil by Typn Flre 8 Ruildang Pron- ue[s;{TFBP) are L. he installed In Produces martufacsured>ry Tyco Firg$ moordancs with Irlatallation Hand- it 8u d n8 Products (TFBP) r- are wa i)ook iH-1900 dated June, 2608. ranted solely to the odgina I Buyer for ten (10} years against defects in maie- Ca re n d flat and workmanship when paid for Maintenance and properly installed and maintained under normal use and ere,Ace. -7bM warranty will expire ten (10) yeara rlom data of billpmadt by TFBP. No The owner 15 responsible for the In- warranly is given for products or wm- spection, testing, and maintenance of ponants manulaclured by companies their fire protection system and de- net efbtleled by ownership with TFBP vices in car*larule with inks loco- or for products and componenta which ment. as welt as wM the applicable havoheensubjectiomisuse; improper standards of the NBDonel Fire Protel:- installation, corrosion, or which have lion Aebaclativn (e.g.. NFPA 25), in not been installed, maintained, mo6- --illon to the standards of any 8edor e,,6edinaecordancemthap- a ih a In- v aril Navin 'urktlictiarr. Th Y 9 I Standards of the National Fire stalling contractor orproduct madu[at- Protect ndfor protection Association, suitor the turer should be contacted relative la slant! pf any ether Authorities any queshvnS- Having Jurladichon. Materials found Automalle sprinkrar systemsshould be by TF 5P le be dafedliee shell be ellher inspecteJ, tested. and maintained by a ropalrod or replaced, at TF$P's cote qualified Inypedlon Samm in accord- optloo. TFBP neither Aslsunres, nut ante with local roOlrentents aridW aulhoriA.rha any pelf. -to assume for K. national codes. any other o41igatlon in connecllon with the salu or pruuudlu or parts c( prod- uce. TF 9P shall nol b. responsible ror apdhXler eyscem design arrure or Inac- 0, )re Wing B r,rdPrata b(0ft sy9lam curalo or Incomplvin InlOrmall0n sup• Plead by Buyor or Buyer's repro- currrrd vafva for lrLsp,acffan or malrar--• aenaHlV92. nance, work on the IRO pfoleegian sys• tam Niel it r cent ols. nnrsafon to trot pe s in na event shall TFBP 4• Iletlle, in dawn Me affected fire prof4C'tian sys- cantract, lart, strict rlabllily Or undsr fern musf Nrat be ofrlained from the any Other €ggel theory, for incidental. A.ropeF suMorlr+es and all parsonnal indirect, special or consequential dam- wiha may be alfecled by inns action ages, including but nal limited to labor r1War6a natured. ct;nrqps,.rs ylndnss.nf. wb.ktl- TrsP was informed a the k -lli of bout a oss b After pi8C0r;V a Fir& pr6f6cli1On Sy4fom Duch dnmagos, and In no event hall in Service, mfify lhs proper arrlhonNas TFBP's Irehlht) nxcaod an amount advi sad se those redpanSillla idfirrenl- or4rlel td the salsa lPicu. rt}fi�0 progietary'AndlPr canlrel sl&- �_ alarms. { xrmnty TJ31t.LpORllitfAp.7d emade In llau ul...dDy-Sat[.N Qvial„owlAWkItin..ux: nresa.or Imdlad_ mclud,ng ties nlef[h.,nlulriktV and Bk1e5a1Dkk_a�L .. i- ri . 1. ALL LOTS TO HAVE 3/4" WATER METERS. 2. ALL LOTS TO HAVE 2" (SCHEDULE 40) PVC PIPE FROM WATER METER TO ]HOUSE. 3. NO ELEVATION ON ANY LOT TO EXCEED 5'FT IN ELEVATION FROM METER TO HOUSE. 4. NO LOT TO EXCEED 2O r FT FROM 8" 1dd4IN TO 3/4" PPATER METER. 5. NO LOT TO EXCEED 120'FT OF 2"PVC FROM 3/4" WATER METER TO HOUSE. . 6. ALL FIRE SPRINKLER RISERS LOCATED IN GARAGE. 7. ALL 3/4' WATER METERS WILL BE LOCATED AT PROPERTY LINE OF EACH HOUSE. 8. CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON THE WORST CASE SCENARIO FOR ENTIRE PROJECT, WHICH WOULD BE THE LONGEST RUN OF UNDERGROUND FROM MAIN TO WATER METER OF 2O'FT AND THE LONGEST UNDERGROUND FROM WATER METER TO HOUSE OF 12Q'I'T FOR EACH PLAN TYPE. 8" MA1 CIEL-W T hIs warrant wll I a I l0 1t!e Full ex• lent permitted by Idw. Fhd invslldity, In whole or ad, of an odlon of this p Y P warrant Will not fi !h r Ind Y W I o a 0M 4 BRis or. 280a TYCC FIRE & suILD1NG PROL)u C73. A.)f Narin Carmn Avenue. Lansdale, Pennsylvania 1944A iis 2 a ip E O S DOMESTIC PLUMBING REGULATOR - PLUMBING SHUT OFF COMiNED PLUMBING AND SPRINKLER SHUT OFF - (OPTIONAL) METER TFP19f5 .O.R. EL=15' HARDENED HEX HEAD SELF THREADING SCREW IS FURNISHED WITH THE HANGER AND IS THE HARDENED HEX HEAD SELF THREADING SCREW MINIMUM FASTENER SIZE AOCEFrABLE IS FURNISHED WITH THE HANGER AND IS THE MINIMUM FASTENER SIZE ACCEPTABLE. 0 A I I I I I �I I� CPVC DOUiiLE FASTENER STRAP TYPE HANGER CPVC DOUBLE FASTENER STRAP TYPE WINGER RGURE 23 - CPVC HANGER FiGURE 24 - CPVC HANGER 112- D WATER GUAGE 1(2^ DriAIH FLOW SWETCN CHECK VALVE j-TRANSITION FROM COP TO CPVC B.0.11t. EL-9' _..........I..... 5'FT OF 1" CAP r 2" PVC {SWEEP} TRANSITION FROM PVC TO GOP 4�EL=5' EILAZEMASTER CPVC PIPE HANGER SPACING TABLE 1 MAXIMUM SUPPORT SHP tN DISTANCE END TINE SPRINKI ER ROP ELBOW NOMINAL. SIZE inches (mm) MAX SPACING fee! (m} PiPE SIZE inches T(STEM PRESSURE C 1 DO pal ] l00 pal 1' 25.p ( } 6.0' 1.5 1" 12" 9' 1-1 4' 32.0 } 5.5' 2.0 1 1 4 16 1 - 2 1-1 2" 40.0 7.0' 2.1 7-7 2'-3' 24- 12- TABLE 2 i.W[)AIUM SUPPORT SPACING DISTAN E PiPE SIZE inches SYSTEM PRESSURE < 100 pal I} 100 psi 1- 5' 4' 1-•1/4. 6' 51 1-1 2--3- 7' 7' HARDENED HEX HiAD SELF THREADING SCREW IS FURNISHES] WITH THE HANGER AND iS THE MINIMUM FASTENER SIZE ACCEPTABLE oQX"=1=6M a cwc SINGLE FASTENER STTYPE HANGERFIGURE 22 - CPVC HANGER HANGER LOCATIONS ARE TO BE PLACED PER MANUFACTllRERES SPECI�'ICATI0N5 APPROVAL River-4jide County Fire Department r 't r~ of e •re Marshal r 71 _tit. 1 anal rte - ngeT Etta -,ppTc al of Plans and speclhrations does net . I4;It. t(l,; ,Ao}etion, deletion, OrnissiOn Or fal)ity ,l any re-quirenients of Title 24 or any :;: d,:nf: 4- Construd, Shall remain and exposed for nspectlon purposes until l ii •,v':iI Ii�'r11•, ('Ire{ epaTlTrlrent. GENERAL NOTES I. THIS IS A WET PIPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGNED AND INSTALLED PER 313.3 AND l OR N.F.P.A. PHAMPLE # 13•D (2016 EDITION) AND THE RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT 2. ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS ARE NEW AND UL LISTED. 3. PROVIDE ELECTRIC BELL FOR LOCAL ALARM. WIRING BY OTHERS. SIZE AND LOCATION ON PIPING PLANS. 4. STORAGE IN ATTIC AND CRAWL SPACES NOT ALLOWED WHERE NOT PROTECTED. 5. GARAGE AND MECHANICAL ROOMS TO BE SPRINKLED W1175 HD. 6. SPRINKLER HEADS OMITTED FROM BATHROOMS DUE TO NON COMBUSTIBLE FIXTURES AND NOT E EEDING 55 SQ. FT. l = REFERENCE POINT. INDICATES CALL. REFEREN I B. DV OR NOTCHING OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CBC- (2016). 9. ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH FIREWALLS AND CEILINGS BETWEEN ATTACHED GARAGE AND RESIDENCE WILL BE SEALED IN AN APPROVED MANNER TO MAINTAIN THE INTEGRITY OF THE FIREWALL. 10. MAINTENANCE BOOK AND 1 HEAT] (UP TO 3 OF EACH TYPE IF REQUIRED) OF EACH TYPE USED PLUS HEAD WRENCH SHALL BE PROVIDED IN SPARE HEAD CABINET LOCATED NEXT TO RISER. 11. PIPE HANGERS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA-13D AND THE WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS OF THE PIPE MANUFACTURER. 12, ANY SPRINKLERS THAT HAVE BEEN PAINTED OUTSIDE OF THE FACTORY SHALL BE REPLACED WITH A NEW LISTED SPRINKLER PER NFPA! 13-D STANDARDS. 13. EXTERIOR EXPOSED STEEL PIPING PAINTED.{BY OTHERS.) 14. CONTRACTORIOW INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND. CHE NER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR iNSTA { (;K WITH SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION FOR PROPER SIZING) 15. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE TO BE INSTALLED iN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 72, NATIONAL FIRE CODE (AND TO BE INSTALLED BY OTHERS). 16. WATER INFORMATION PROVIDED? BY COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT WITH A STATIC PRESSURE OF 94 PSI @ LOTS 182 & 102 ON 11-29-17 'FOR ALL PLAN TYPES*** SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AIVD FLOW RE T]IREMENTS DESIGN SPRINKLER = TYCCO LF II C'ONC.1 FLAT 4.9 K-FACTOR I � 1 SPRINKLER FLOWFLOWREQ. 20a SPACING, MAT 10" OFF WAI.I1 FI10WS PER HEAD ARE FLOW = 20.0 GPM Cad16.7 PSI. (SIN) # TY3596 SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS DESIGN SPRINKLER = TYC'O LF II CONC. / FLAT 4.99 K-FACTOR SPRINKLER FLOW ILEQ• Cry 15' SFACING, PLAT S' OFF �'V ALL FLOWS PER HEAD ARE F1,0W =13.0 GPM C 7^0 PSI. (SLY] # TY3596 SYSTEM DESIGN FLOW RE UIRERIENTS FOR PLAN #23 1HD = 20.0 GPM Sri; 39.7 PSI AT OR 25.0GPl1I (a 65.6 PSI AT SOL"RC SYSTEM DESIGN FLOW REQU REIIIENTS FOR PLAN #23 2HD = 26.2 I 1 @ 39.8 PSI AT BOR 31.2 GPM@ 70.4 PSI A r SOL R[,E SYSTEM DESIGNT FLOW RF, L?IRERI[F,NTS FOR PLAN #24 1HD = 20.0 GPNI CQ) 39.0 PSI AT BUR 25.0 GPM @� 64.9 PSI AT SOURCE SYSTEM DESIGN FLOW RE UIREAUNTS FOR PLAN 424 2HD = 26.1 GPM Cqi 40.5 PSI AT BOR 31.1 GP'�I Ca, PSI AT SOURCE SYSTEM DESIGN FIsO'%i' REQUIREMENTS FOR PLAN #25 1HD = 20.0 GPM Ca44.2 PSI AT BOR 25.0 GPM* 70e2 PSI AT SOURCE SYSTEM DESIGN FLOW REQ t IIREMENTS FOR PLAN iE25 2HD = 27.7 GPM C} 49.2 PSI AT BOR 32.7 GPM@ 81.0 PSI AT SOURCE SYSTEM DESIGN FLOW RF,OUIRE4 N ENTS FOR PLAN #26 1HD = 20.0 GPM (4D, 418 PSI AT BOR 25.0 GPM C 68.8 PSI AT SUURCT SYSTEM DESIGN FLOW RE L'IRFNMNTS FOR PTrAN 926 2HD = 26.7 GPM qi) 45.7 P5I AT BOR 31.7 GY I [rt). 76.7 PSI AT SOURCE F i ILW 11 Jm�1 1 I,JI, iµ * * 111 ,7 0 .00 � 00 I u. u3 �S rW} 1 V. 7-4I0 S 1111111 ID n di cq 1 Csr `7 40 W � 3t a U t�.j.y ICI * -{ . V a'A W�� C> Z 00 a nLL R f1J � C. �.r � CL' Lt7 v n �i1 lr 1--4 -4 is4 H P , W Q0 I --I cc cc • Cl:7 OQ a • C> � QD Q t` l� `� Cn 04 W I- 1--1 • a Z co CJ7 to - = � l0l ..•r, -el W IBC Q 9 H U -el = (z) :2" H w r� a r, Q ca CQ � H cla � M • • E ," M C7 N I-400� � � 00 F 0 2-,z H OD 1L1 :n E. 0 I DATE: 12-2Q-17 AS NOTED DRAWN: �JOBgANNY ECHEVERRI JOB: 17-0357 SHEET 1 OF fi SHEETS APPROVAL. Riverside County Fire Department e of he re Marshal noer itie approval of pplans and specifications does not permit the viola up, dele��omission or 24 nu any rnstailawn of any re4� local 4rdInances Construedon shall remaln accessstr:-' and exposed for inspection purpoSes until appruvr-d Fire Department, PLAN TYPE ADDRESS PERMIT # 25 59-775 SEVILLE BRES2017-0157 26 59-565 SEVILLE BRES2017-0154 26 81-501 RONDA BRES2017-0155 26 81-513 RONDA BRES2017-0158 23 81-746 ANUALUSIA BRES2017-0301 A WARNING SIGN WITH MINIMUM 1/4' INCH LETTERS, SHALL BE AFFIXED ADJACENT TO MAIN SHUT OFF VALVE AND SHALL STATE THE FOLLOWING: 'rTHE WATER SYSTEM FOR THIS HOME SUPPLIES FIRE SPRINKLERS THAT REQUIRE CERTAIN PLOWS AND PRESSURES TO FIGHT A FIRE. DEVICES THAT RESTRICT THE FLOW OR DECREASE THAT PRESSURE. OR AUTOMATICALLY SHUT OFF THE WATER TO FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM, SUCH AS WATER SOFTNERS, FILTRATION SYSTEMS, AND AUTOMATIC SHUTOFF VALVES, SHALL NOT BE ADDED TO THIS SYSTEM WITHOUT A REVIEW OF THE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM BY A FIRE PROTECTION SPECIALIST. DO NOT REMOVE THIS SIGNtt. ALL COMPARTMENTS WITH ONE HEAD WILL BE BASED ON 20'FT SPACING. ALL OTHER ROOMS ARE BASED ON 16'FT SPACING. CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON THE WORST CASE SCENARIO WHICH WOULD BE A 2 HEAD CALC ON 16 TT SPACING A 10% REDUCTION WAS TAKEN OFF FOR CALC PURPOSES. STATIC PRESSURE IS 94 PSI PER COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DEPT. SYSTEM WAS CALCULATED 'WITH 84 PSI. PLOT PLAN 06. N.T.S- h DATE; 12-20-17 SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWN: JOB ECHEVERRI JOB* 17-0357 SHEET 2 II ff II II II II II II II II II I� I I� II II II II I I II II II II II II II 0 PATIO 0 Q I. T. V. 5' -0" AB. F. G. W/ ICE RCH CAI,, FP -15 HEAT ZONE / I EL=15 FAU IN 0 ATTIC GREAT RM I 12'CLG ! UP 3'FT i DN 2'FT I_ DN i0 P�'� 0 _ RCH .4 1 V.� /Z HALL � wICTC I M. BED o Y f > 0 r 10" ELEC. BELL W/ SIGN AUDIBLE THROUGHOUT WIC r, BATH SECTION CUTS 3I16"-i'_0" ?SS HOSE BIBB r f 0 I I E1=:1 PATIO f I ' x ICI II II o I! i DN 3'FT o �I 1 ENTRY I 14' CLG' ICI UP 5'FT 0 / I ® DINING 0 /at I AS t t mom 10� I / REPRESENTS SOFFITS, ALL SOFFITS `I'0 BE ITT = REPRESENTS LIGHT FIXTURES VX r 19 FT.BED 2 L i ARCH VAN 4 HALL �,-7' CL e f NO 22 s4. I I Q op 0' t HALL 4pc ffVAN Owl PAN S. r i . FT15A. N4 A. S. 22 SQ.I+T. + PIPING PLAN ALL 3/4" CPVC PIPING 3/ 1 6 11-1 f _O f' ALL 10' -0" FLAT CLG' S U. N. 0. U. N. 0. PLAN 23 0 CD BED 3' EL=15r t� S. 128 1'U's J x Q VAN 3 CAR GARAGE ' ❑ FINISHED CL CL w ` UTIL + n .-3, CD t15' U � wrH w�H 1" RISER IN WALL-W/-INT. IN WALL W�INT. LABELED ACCELABELED ACCE C REPRESENTS LINE — — — OF CLG CHANGE r EL=15 I T. 0. R. 5 EL = 15 ' B. 0. R. EL = 9' �I APPROVAL Riverside county Fire Department Xaa; gresi;59F� By: The approval of plans and specifications does not permit the oolation, deietlon, omission or faulty rnstal[at+an of any requErements of Title 24 ar any Local Ordinances. Con on shall remain accessible and exposed for inspection purposes wtll approved by the Fire department, *** LOT #23 *** SYMB MAKE & MODEL SICNN# TYPE TEMP FINISH K-FACT CANOPY QTY TWO LH I TY35j5 RES 160 WHT 4.9 eoNc/i 1.nr 30 VIKING Q/R VK302 SSP 200 W11T 5.6 401iY/GUS 2 TYCO PENDENT FTY2234] RE S 175 W1 I T 4.9 slim:' ]RK- 5 TOTAL SPRINKLERS FOR LOT # 23: N w �_A00 V" 00 oa 00 00 a • a I a PC GIB N * 9 N F U La Q A C� Cam] CD —1 11 ] • • C'7 --r 0 00 00 L a DATE: 12-20-17 SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWN: J OBANNY ECHEVERRI IO$: 17-0357 SHEET 3 0 3 w r bulletin 005 ?shay 2019 Modal RFC Series Residential Sprinklers 1 F1al Corm eled Pe1IdGt1! cULI]n Lls!etl Features • WLts Listed as Resldentlei Sprinklers " push•an Hover plate nsiallaum • LOW iNa6ar flaw reQJrrerrleR49 Product Description Mopal RFC Series msio@ntiai sprnklera are flat cv mr plate. ganogged WndeM SPrinkliam hHerl d@d for Ir'Btallatlon In kicG%qI RFC96 8 RF03OL L Rvm RFC4$4 IRKAS�4 aooardanne with NFPA 13, NFPA 18P. rr f PPP 130- The sprinklers are CULLn Listed me ResdantlW Sprlrnkters in Rc- mirdanoe with ILX 16�8. In addlilon, Model fIFCLL Sarlaa snrinklers are cULus Cmrniied I'm HeWln Effects is NWANBL slwx O 51 Annex G (LL) and Australian. WatsrMark Cwtlfl®d (WMGS). P.AWO RFC30 5prir'irlere have a 166°F (T4°C} Lenlporeture rated Fu3lble4lnk operaing element hlk+del RFC43, RFC49, RFC59, ana RfCPB spn nKMM Me ofarl5d with L'&w a 165°F (74'C) or 212'F f10TC) lemperatuea rated fusible-Ifnk eper- ating tttanant. Sprmkiers with A 165'F (74°C) Igmperaklre Model RF%198 RFCAW-L M0119RFCd& rating are crainary temperature tlt'aeatflcallon and are IIW.d For use with a t361F (6M) ienVararuag rated oover plate. Sprinkler& wlth a 212T (l 'Q terllparelura rating we mr• rr i1 diixte tornpailaWre of wli!FtalJon an 0 are IGfnn for Lisa oath a I65°F (i 4°C i lomDwaiure sled ccv,;w plari3. J Model RFC Sarlss sprinkles are analled wHh d Model HFG coww pate. Model RFC oovet plates may be lrz%wlhud by el - Thar pushing or rhreadrig the Cower plate Into the sprinkler sup- Model RFCW, RFG30LL, RFC43, PF:C43LL, Rrl' 9 grid RF049LL sprinklers Wbw V2` (13 mm) of cv+rer p]a a 4usl- men1. Model RFC5B and RFG78 eprlNdars al" M4" (19 rrml) ad 12-4+reF PIRM o4ustmant Modal RRC oGvw plot" we BYall- Modell RF0,79 ModN RFC C.ovor Plata hn6 in a vet icily of rini&h9s as istsd in Table H. Winkler Model Nominal K-i=aotor ft m. COVerage Area U%ldi g9 & Sprinider Idontil1eatil- QpmlpsT1 plminlbar"ry ft x it 0 x rnl APprowaia Number (Sim RFC30 3-0 (48) 14 x 14 (4..3 x 4,3) Wl-us PU�0611 RFC30L>_ 3A (40) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3) cLlLus, I L, WMCS tRA3211 TTC43 4-3 (62) 20 x 20 (8,1 915.11 QULus RA061 Z RFG43LL 4.3 M 20 x 20 %1 x 6,11 oULus, LIL WMCS F1f3212 RFEA9 4.9(71) 20x20(6,1X8.1J CUW6 RA061-5 RIPE,4 1- 4.9(71) 27 x 20 is.1 A 8.1I i>UUa9, LL, "C"S PA3215 RFCSB 5.8(64) F4 x 20 (a. I x 5.1) CI Aus FAIL 613 RFC75 7.50C*1 2Dx20[6:1x6,1] CULu9 RA%15 i:LLvi_ CL W3 Lsled Lo UUM0, Aesldenrtel $Pn'klera for FYa Pfw ecU4n S9rvkro, U- cUL x C:@nnod for HMilb E1roc;s Lo NSFIAN9l Stup:lwd 61 Annex G;Legs R,an92"5% Lead awnbWj. WMCS; Ausrallan WaLuMark GerUrlea- wwr..rwliwWtlClp+p'&IGr. oGm TheTnieet SipaeieeptlwmF IM34w: F:ai Concaalad Pendant Thmadc 1P2' NPT or 180 7- l R112 Noreirrlal K•Facli---4.3 (U aeAitrie) Max. working Presawm 175 pal {12 loaf! Mtn, Spsdng:8 1.. (2,4m) Ma?arid 9peaHkeheIlls T1larmal Seriaon Nalmil plrin4' Sotaer Link 6Aldnk]Or body; 9ra58 AW Yoko: Brass Amoy 6eo9ng Assunbry, , hkomI AIW whn PTFE Lead 3arew, aronxa Alloy Towers: UFpnt Alloy PlrrF-; Slainlsss S18e1 Wrlat-tor. thane, Alloy L41p: Sled cover Pla6 l`Irwllos ($y6 TAUIQ H) SenslG oLy fast-responca Tempanduke Flpfi g OfdrurT 16WF VVC] spm*lar laVl= M7%;1 oyo& plita Ineermedlele; 21 IF I100"C1 eprsrauer TO5°F f741C 14WAW PI4t9 r'r VY9F 1�lita NOW RFC cc.er plate SFrinkter Wunsch Mpde1 PC (wllhoul wPwxh•able cep) Modal W3 (wllh wr4 5C# tYhk ogpi aaI V en Lk"a and Avprarale -, LA l OW4 to VL 160 .uLus Canfta hGrHeale) Elfecta in he$P?A1U$I Standard 51 Annas G {RFC43LLorto N'alermork iyiwilnatl (RFC4,TLL t my Model RFC43 6 FkFC40LL SprinklarComporwitg and pimensions 2S+te• (58 mmj Threrid! � RIY, tardy Cup Taymr I-VC(44 mrnl +r- 1fa' FuYiblo Lit# Nordriml rags O}filtlnpto aaii9q �nacNr(re,raCWCI) 43AW16 ;(Urmnm) �3artwrtlrw Pln (exL'Mad) ErMIbC9N[�K:ndedl .-'- }Iodal RFC OmarPlale C 0np NSodel RFC43 d RF043LL Soirinkler Hvdraulle- aeslan Qrlterla Mlnlmum flow and Residual Pros sure "I -- Max- Coverage Area- dfrdlraYry Temper lLue Inbuff rdlaw Trmperatum now Pvssure Flow pressure h- x h- (1m x rn) 9PM Y7i1I 2W psi (Ilrninl (harj V-iil) (bar} 1� 7.a 12. 7.8 1b x 13 (4.fj a -.6, 145) (0.54I (481 (0.64) lox 16 13 p.1 13 DA 14.9 x 4-9) (49i pm) (49) {10,83} is x 18 18 17.5 i5.5 x 5.5) lam) (1.21) „ 20 x 20 21 23,8 (6.1 x 9-1) (Tff) (1.64) - - Not1� 1, FO+b1f pp.131NMNIGttwrVh tn4 GwW Ixr IgwrinNrOR rri.IQt t1R Rk ar8ater 0!; {11 Uye Ilpw 1161dG � Tord6 G etx7ke arld IP} p,a 9a�v reauiied to scrnave a minlrmumdgBl ri doriVN-ot It.1 gpnYmq h over me eeelgn gMgf the sprrtsler. 2. For coverage eras dirnarelons lass;han lhosa lislao atom e, via the minlmam roouaea Ran forms next larger rrax. coverage area llsroa. 9u11etln OG6 58.gg 3b1 0 Mpy 20n www.raliehlasarinkler.cml Bulletin T3S n,tey Sol Model FiRes Series Class Bulb Rellabld Residential Sprinklers WLurr, Uvad Features • G;JLus LIS14d Residarlflal SprinldWs `` • Available in pendant and horlaonlal sldewEd orlontaliona �'• - " Danxatlue rillehae avalloble. Including racasaed eaeutctl- am&and oonloal cartealind =m pietas y' F 5'rY (Product Desc1'iption 4t Madge FlPgr - Serle8 Eprirkle,a srti negidsl-A l gp.lnlderg wAti a 3 mm glass vilb operating element. A variety 0 I{_Fat~tore as — well Sa recessed and conrWal cprcealed: cpbQns ale arailrb-p es delayed In this8ulletln, The F1Fles Series sprinklers aT8 specially erlgrneerad for last thermal response to rneet the rwgijuumanm gf UL 1s2a. Thay , -- wo intended for Inslallatlon in accordance wilh NFPA 13, 13R, µ'me an-5 1 ]Q. Application - The Modal F1149s Series aprlr%ler9 cUi_us Limed Rasldenlrar spTlnlrfem are intended for Lisa In amwdancs wetly NFPA 13, NFPA 13R, or WPA 130. The Model FiRes rasldenllal sprin- Deftn CriterS3tatilss inthis. E Ieiln, For NFPA 13arppl1cwhwa, Idler% era OU Lug LISlard for L5a In FmrdMlidl occupancies and the &&V density ShA be a minanwn of 0.1 gprtlsf 14.1 mrill r$2;idsnU0I pPrliad-ft of Vy 6Ccupbnuy,, rwrAre permttad by mini, bur In no case ohal the kw and pramure be lass Ulan NFPA 12, NFPA :3FL or NFPA i3t- For NFPA ISk and MFFk Ilya minimum rfD w and pn muz-io spw1fied In the Listed Design 13D aRpllceltionit the oebign Now and prosou g aholl not b9 Crlte,ia tables In this bulletin, Made' IF Ros Series sprinklersam lesathan the rrubmum flaw and pressur6 9perAik in the Listed ligtaa for u59 In wet systems only, Residrmial "Mar Summary tS-Faatdr Sprihkter @prinklw w IderdlffcaYlvn Crimtollar pp of TNrq*o *ova* Alex Caverege Area Instalratlon 6plleew Model Nurrrber (15" 0pMjbrq FIPT or IS47-1 It x R im A m) F;Henu R3511 Ponpgnl a (43] t02 Pendant or Accessed 18 x1G S4.$ x 4.c F1rt"49 R3610 Fanderlt 4.13 [711 in Pendent or Tllv,geCd 20 x 2016.1 k45,11 I,irtft56 R0513 vommnr Fidb EM] Ei2 Pendent orflecseaed 20x26143.1xe.II F1Rffl79 R7519 Fenderlt 7.8 (10% 314 Pendent or AAC*Seed 80 x 2018,1 x0,1I F1F;&=CGP Rlfi11 PGno6rll 3.0[43I 112 Gonlcel R�esEad r 14x144.3A'4.31 F1F1$i1*C30P R3616 Panaant 4.@(F1] 11`E CUnic31CcwmeaWor 19scessad 20x2016,1x6.11 FIFias'$ COP I R3518 Pwwnt 5A (84] Ire Conical Cmcgaled er Ricked 20x211143.1 413.11 Flfla37S GCP R75t8 PGMEnt 7.0110% 3M Conical Cmceaiad or Rscegsaa 26x 2D t9.1 x6.11 F1FIN44HSW I.2W1 11awy40rAEdSldWs& 4-4(6'I V2 Recessed 16x2014.ax8,11 F1 Rea4m S'NG R2531 Flwdzmal SidgmAll 4_4 (W I IQ COE" owl,*Oplpd 113 x W L4,9 x U.I I F1Flwa HISw $Idgvbi "MAI 112 Recessed lax 20 (4.9 x 0. 11 Firs 58 RA2613 EisW Y{ Whdvxnel Sldawml B_8 (841 se? RBCecsm0 14 x 29 f4.3 x 7.Gq wwryr. ref Tab i s ep r i n k la r. gam ,.. .- rar-lnlcai Goeclrw ken■ Firwahas i Style; Pendsr4 and Flecssxad Pendant iBPe mil) N! TrtragdS_ iry 74PT or Jea?-IR112 114—I.W R-F.wbyr-. 3,0 (43 rrlebro TCrrrpemYure R�iv,gs MELx. workbW P voourw 175 pSl (12 car I I3b"F (wc] , n* 1121C 1 MaI6644 SpedNce7lons Thermal 5 3 nm gloss typlb Eimeutehoern - Sprinkler Fran16; BrbiA Akw Far FI IDS& ed Burton: Ccpaer Pdloy FV Recessed' 5ea11ngALt,smT&sr-- Nlakgl Abyi w1t1, PTPF , Lpad 5vow,, arontq Aloy *MnkIVW(efthila Wkicr;or. &onaRAlloyr modol WR Model GFR2 iAeonseaI Modal Fv e&c:rcneMa Ora nol for use In pc-*thVely proo8urizoo nadrig pMni,yte. Mattel F1 Rea36 Residantinl Pendent SprinkLor Components and Inatallatlen Olmensrons 2-11i' i5irrrrrj CIA. Faso cl 116,9 ff 1.1y11{' W nNehe: raeml,lou. fldlna i r2'1�3mmI W".-A Fix !• rr,r(irnml Sea wp Meembrr2-awh _ Olrasa th7Load�,� I S ) —F-TW 172M 1 GIA iNdIIOGMaTR aimerrsiom 1172 FV Rec"sed EscuthN krataRmUon FLIGGIN F1Rsr30 Reatdalhtl9l F*9ndhYtt SprllYxlar HyUrsuliC CaNgn Centrrd IMInknum FLaw and Residual Pre sure In Wei Pipe Syodms'O Araxa"m Flaw Ptd,"Ure i7.II4eIprto q t. AM 1k( 1t.9IL(mxm) pp, OFmin i par (bar! CCollinIDINWrrce 12 x 12 (S.7 „ 5.71 5 x� 7.13 t10.48) 14 x 14 (4,a a 4.31 t4 (art] 11 b f5 7,$] 1 bo 4 lnahlaal 15x15(4244.51 12(45) 16.0(1,1) IZ5toIDID mm; ldxld (A.9x4,91 r3149) 16.0(1,3I Not": 1 FW NFPA I3 inslallarlorXL the (low pn apdnklar nus bs the p�sa�rar- (ly St,o rinw listed M rho tsbb share or{2'I the Ikolr required h� achlgoe a i ifhmom 6ealgn de,sily of 0.1 jWVm4j Itbi 9r me d"19n ow p1 the eptiinklet. 2 Far sGvwags amp rhmensians less Then those Ilstad &E*E. um to minkmm repwredtkm farihe rent Iargern;ax. cm waaeaesa IkAea. Bulletin 136 Page-2 at 15 MW 2019 wmxfi*&Nl.SDnnklsr,Ccrrl HAR4Er✓FtS Htx HEAD SELF TFntiEM11r13 SCREW IS FLF4WSMID WFN THE H04GER AND IS THE "FWJM FASTENER SLM ACCEPTABLE 0 is CPW DOUBLE FAQ STRAP T,'FE I-ANGIR FIGURE 23 - CPVC HANGER HARGENIM HEaf HVC SELF 1nIRCAf M 5CREW 1S FURMSHryp WRH THE RAWER MID 15 THE MIFRlJM FASTENER Sa NOL'IiFTA�R� HARDENED HEN HEAD SW THRr1DIRC SCREW 15 FURNMEU lNrlH THE rMGER *W N THE MINIMUM FASTENER SCE ACOEPVOLE I OFMG VW LB FASTDZR STW TYPE HMOV CR'o 5IN4LE FAGrmm STFVw THE HUN M FrOURE 24 - CPVC HAf4GFR rlGuh 22 - CPVC RMIGER CPVC PIPING APPLICAT1011 PIPE SITES MAX. HANGER I SPACING 3/4" 5•-6" 1" 5._0n 1 f 2' 7'-0" 2- R,,4» HANGER LOCATIONS ARE TO BF PLACED PER MANUFACTURERES SPECIFICATIONS 11 MASTER PLAN FOR PLAN 23 C5 Aridalusia Country Club 1� �9 181040 Andalusia VICINITY MAP N. T. s. GENERAL NOTES I. THIS IS A WET PIPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGNED AND INSTALLED PER 313.3 AND f OR N.F,P,A. PHAMPL,ET 13-D (016 EDITION) AND THE LA QUINTA FIRE DEPARTMENT Z. ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS ARE NEW AND UL LISTED. . STORAGE IN ATTIC AND CRAWL SPACES NOT ALLOWED INHERE NOT PROTECTED, 4. GARAGE AND MECHANICAL ROOMS TO BE SPRINKLED Wf175 HD. S. SPRINKLER HEADS OMITTED FROM BATHROOMS DUE TO NON COMBUSTIBLE FIXTURES AND NOT EXqEEDiNG 55 Sty. FT_ 6, = INDICATES CALL. REFERENCE POINT. 7, D LLING OR NOTCHING OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS SHALL BE IN 'STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CBC- (2016). 8, ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH FIREWALLS AND CEILINGS BETWEEN ATTACHED GARAGE AND RESIDENCE WILL BE SEALED IN AN APPROVED MANNER TO MAINTAIN TIE INTEGRITY OF THE FIREWALL, 9. MAINTENANCE BOOK AND 1 HEAD (UP TO 3 OF EACH TYPE IF REQUIRED) OF EACH TYPE USED PLUS HEAD WRENCH SHALL BE PROVIDED IN SPARE HEAD CABINET LOCATED NEXT TO RISER. 10. PIPE HANGERS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA-13D AND THE WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS OF THE PIPE MANUFACTURER. 11. ANY SPRINKLERS Ti HAT HAVE BEEN PAINTED OUTSIDE OF THE FAC70RY SHALL BE REPLACED WITH A NEW LISTED SPRINKLER PER NFPA 13-D STANDARDS. 12. EXTERIOR EXPOSED STEEL PIPING PAINTED.(BY OTHERS.) 13. CONTRACTOIJOWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND, (CHECK SMITH SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION FOR PROPER SIZING) 14. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 72, NATIONAL FIRE CODE (AND TO BE INSTALLED BY OTHERS). SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS DESIGN SPIUNKLER = RELIABLE RFC 43 CONC. FLAT 4.3 Ida -FACTOR SPRINKLER FLOW REQ. (6� 15' SPACING, FLAT V6 MAX OFF WALL FLOWS PER HEAD ARE FLOW — 12.0 GPM @ 1.8 PSI, (SIN) # RA0612 *** PLAN 23 *** SYSTEM FLOW REQUIREMENTS: IUD = 24.0 GPM FLOWING WJ 24.2 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER AID = 29.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 53.0 RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE APPftQVA 11 Lc Fp 1•rT9r Vt' la FrS 4�Iltir sJ�ii 11i4[: �I'JI .J ati.'�� • ••.•� ppernilt a aims an, dOWHOttr Orms5i0R 4t Islay 1r1st311Btjon of any rNulterrlents o€ TIde 24 or arty Loral Osdinalxem CcnWmAiril s110 remain ap mviud by the re DepartRle on purposes WWII INC. Q SN -3 Aridalusia Country Club 1� �9 181040 Andalusia VICINITY MAP N. T. s. GENERAL NOTES I. THIS IS A WET PIPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGNED AND INSTALLED PER 313.3 AND f OR N.F,P,A. PHAMPL,ET 13-D (016 EDITION) AND THE LA QUINTA FIRE DEPARTMENT Z. ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS ARE NEW AND UL LISTED. . STORAGE IN ATTIC AND CRAWL SPACES NOT ALLOWED INHERE NOT PROTECTED, 4. GARAGE AND MECHANICAL ROOMS TO BE SPRINKLED Wf175 HD. S. SPRINKLER HEADS OMITTED FROM BATHROOMS DUE TO NON COMBUSTIBLE FIXTURES AND NOT EXqEEDiNG 55 Sty. FT_ 6, = INDICATES CALL. REFERENCE POINT. 7, D LLING OR NOTCHING OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS SHALL BE IN 'STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CBC- (2016). 8, ALL PENETRATIONS THROUGH FIREWALLS AND CEILINGS BETWEEN ATTACHED GARAGE AND RESIDENCE WILL BE SEALED IN AN APPROVED MANNER TO MAINTAIN TIE INTEGRITY OF THE FIREWALL, 9. MAINTENANCE BOOK AND 1 HEAD (UP TO 3 OF EACH TYPE IF REQUIRED) OF EACH TYPE USED PLUS HEAD WRENCH SHALL BE PROVIDED IN SPARE HEAD CABINET LOCATED NEXT TO RISER. 10. PIPE HANGERS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA-13D AND THE WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS OF THE PIPE MANUFACTURER. 11. ANY SPRINKLERS Ti HAT HAVE BEEN PAINTED OUTSIDE OF THE FAC70RY SHALL BE REPLACED WITH A NEW LISTED SPRINKLER PER NFPA 13-D STANDARDS. 12. EXTERIOR EXPOSED STEEL PIPING PAINTED.(BY OTHERS.) 13. CONTRACTOIJOWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND, (CHECK SMITH SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION FOR PROPER SIZING) 14. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 72, NATIONAL FIRE CODE (AND TO BE INSTALLED BY OTHERS). SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA AND FLOW REQUIREMENTS DESIGN SPIUNKLER = RELIABLE RFC 43 CONC. FLAT 4.3 Ida -FACTOR SPRINKLER FLOW REQ. (6� 15' SPACING, FLAT V6 MAX OFF WALL FLOWS PER HEAD ARE FLOW — 12.0 GPM @ 1.8 PSI, (SIN) # RA0612 *** PLAN 23 *** SYSTEM FLOW REQUIREMENTS: IUD = 24.0 GPM FLOWING WJ 24.2 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER AID = 29.0 GPM FLOWING W/ 53.0 RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE APPftQVA 11 Lc Fp 1•rT9r Vt' la FrS 4�Iltir sJ�ii 11i4[: �I'JI .J ati.'�� • ••.•� ppernilt a aims an, dOWHOttr Orms5i0R 4t Islay 1r1st311Btjon of any rNulterrlents o€ TIde 24 or arty Loral Osdinalxem CcnWmAiril s110 remain ap mviud by the re DepartRle on purposes WWII INC. Q SN -3 N LU z +� _ 4 A— z LJ 0 01 U 113 M9 5 Lw �W} d Lu Lu ❑ � Lu a LL C7 Y Jf�1ryry ��--yy J W � , U IL ■ y W LL D U1 D a r J d I t] W 07 � Z in 0) �0•- L.Yf 1f1 Ld I— z Liu O A W L LI 4,5 LU J CY W Q � Q• � — �Z3 [ o LO (J 96 go W .4• J U r. pq W TO GATE ' 09-06-19 SCALE: AS NOTED DRAW14 BY'. JOBANNY ECHEVERRIA JOB No. 19-0216 SREV NO_ M OF FP3 'A 2#, AREA OF PRESSURE PROM 201! AREA OP NEW WORK, SEE ED9AIL FOR PRESSURE ZONE 2014 PRESSURE -;�;�, Resi�entia�,Confaec�inn C#arge EstEr�S#e November 25, 2014 [ulxomar Name: 7. D. Oesgrt Devei meat Wwne No. 17150777-1001 Panel na. 76r1-664-001 cec, 06-07-27-1 AcWr°sa- 81940Antlalusie, la qulnita LlDr. 6r;1352 aJ odl No. L-k No. 2 X 51M ur Lot. 10,00 SR, Ft, Iran Nlo. fiiii 11.3 TTPvorSeruka. p,l -I ouPIC4: lJ TFIIPWxI ❑ APMf1 SWSC: $ 6,245.28 Aewe 0.4$ swrCS $13r071,04 JOICre WSLFC; $ _ scr S 2,43fi-aq Treatmrmt:: $2,4z]Qedu coi,[Emon:_52,415fedLi AKhA UP F L�)�)UKt M{: [rIC[l , 39a*40 f41R7er Sixi-- 3f4 Inch �°fir �`��°' � Ser„Itr Gee: 1 Ser+ricelce; $ 04teI 5ervsyl 4Hter: rj 1,2uD,pp^;sere i.pjanaunn 846Yri FROM 2014 sewer L>trral: _ TPsl1c $ 10r271,2$ otJ7rr albJltla67[ f pl9aC#i! libq radon � 1" seryrgl{ Infarnytien Sirpp,Ifrld Jill Cuerpmrr cvwck sptom om DnmWIL j(yater Rdmana" 5ervitr er Inc," VIRK.6Jo,o= 29.5 Spin Phakj1hum'r 29.5 EPrn van. Presl.urc= psi tnLrt Pressure "= 102 psi firr5 In ❑e ndr Oudrt Fressur9= 72 •PSi 'Aym- Flow- _ Zb CPJ>7 Mrn. Pressure= _ - 4S Meeai Six. � 3/4 inch ,tYS1lJn Trpe- J so -Vice slte= 1 inch multi Stand A3one T I r P s e R.pjLIjdrW VNry • • Eor CiIt�KJatln nn P.JiRRSR!- Sxvke Lanntrjion Ifi�ItrArsr town US0 WOUT CkQ C'MD11roN SaMct Lm z .rer4n RAr-Sr, Mal{r stop, Meter, Cfteck lyre & Lh qjr v}hJ0 NODES! Tret No. 31681-3. Anda-.wu4 Tire 5WK I{e will hu chlrged .A$ per JpI L ctim Lp ALPrciat Agre.rrrrnt w{ w1Jl rink Sollq{T IM V65FC JL "V tplimt the TFCarlha scc lee. PU Cora LHf-LIgn dwA. No 83359toort r1 an vlsLing 1" "r&r a Por lnW1. PFo. 333E9 %krM 11 anrxhtd;sewer lateral. E-rn3R irrLrok. 10; _ u+JgcJfHll9b>!@ry',rhoatarn P� 1A-sags TvAndmi 5,7l1dra Villa IDbox +SaJuovad>by: Evwe•aso •'•",-•ThrFls,uirn4u(1il, air rd{rsnrrw��Ilo[Nanpr••••••••• iRev "n/iqt THESE PLANS SHALL SERVE AS THE MASTER PLAN FOR THE REMAINDER OF THIS PROJECT FOR PLAN TYPES 23, 25, 26 ONLY. ALL UNDERGROUND NOTES ARE FOR WORST CASE SCENARIO AND NO LOT TO EXCEED ANY MAX LENGTH, SIZE, ELEVATION, ETC. LISTEll BELOW a ERGROUND NO-F :S: 1. ALL LOTS TO 1VE`3;'4" fir'-1_TER METERS. 2. ALL LOTS TO } VE 2° (SCHEDULE 40) PVC PIPE FROM WATER METER TO HOUSE, 3. NO ELUATLON N ANY LOT TO EXCFFD 5rFT IN ELFVATTON CHANGE L'RON METER TO HOUSE. 4. NO LOT TO EXC�ED 20' FT FROM $'r MATN TO 3/4" WATFF KFTF.R. _ S. NO LOT TO EXC ED.120'Ff OF 2"PVC; FROM 3/4" WATER METER TO HOUSE, 7 6. ALL FIRE SPRINKLER RISERS LOCA E1) IN t;,ARAG1i. 7. ALL 3/4" WATER METERS WILL BE LOCATED AT PROPERTY LINE OF EACH HOOSE. 11- COPPER LATTERAL 8" MAf EL�O 2019 PRESSURE ^*51211&01111 Carrft Wj-oft Oarn Estimate January 22, ZG19 C'vLLainlfrJ.rne: T.Q, Desert ❑2vlpilinr, PRana Mg. {70777-1776 Panel No. T 764780.002 _ C+tit. 05-07-27-4 — Addr{ee.- 81734 90n Oil, La QUfnia Lip; $63512 Block No, Lot N.- J34 Slfy oriu t: E3,439 i[, TriES yo-❑ di48J-3 Type of 5ervitr: R i= aY01ot; ❑ TriP[{g AprJ; 5,245,28 AQa+: 0.40 Sws[r $13•g11,00 �CrE - +J[rwc xx: 2,4#6,0D treltnieR[L: 52,436/edu raN-c iam $2,415jgdu ugaF: $ 290.Co raw{r Slid 3/4 I'mili rHHiF VIreII�ll: $ - i*NICl She: 1 tLICh lrrtikr: $ macge L;rule!: $ J tot IndstYPluli on Ilk. 13acklktw: ,5 i0c"en - TA Simi-3, Sp1SIN Agra,mppt [no W.,Wr o C&I 0 5CCi 5awartaLeaL• $ _ Colllct0,d6 atrea fmr SWSC- Per CM0 apFum mq 354 is ;I � 1' make {7dct}and 6Ny 35131 813[erd CldFtr. Fi 19-9599 --Twirl: Ir�9,IJ71,2$ [nfaree¢114n SPpI pwastfc W aim [iartundr Max. F'Ln4= Mn Rmure= Flea SprJnNJlr,•,pAnA * me.. HOW-- Min. hmsurtu IM wir, Ty"! M01 9Y £1lxkamsr 29.5 gpm 5- 215 49 Sid§ d Alone "CYNIC USES 41rp[15TLka CC"PITIOR Cline kM: PL. Wit Gfedilk nGL- V5 eES-h= 5735 RE*f#iT= 31 PROP. ELEV, #1.5 +t IrM -_ Tlly; Dumestle Watev oertragd Fees hppre,rua qy: nate i. p _ r LUW D SM411ffn QEL! k-laufamw-10m-- MAX Ft W'" Z4,5 RPM Inlrt Pressure'. 96.32 psi CWtler Pf"skir{. 66,72 Psi moltvT J,ae r SErACe SIZE- 2/4 inch 1 jAch r Are r to u I;!<auksCnJtyari* iindilyti= _ #T $ R, rtafcul nw.e iesvrra ry, tlGdmN ��pr41R Lon n-rirm Npe,L'. klrlrr Stop, m—,, chnk vAi k5hut cM w" ' 1 51 -`.1,, � 3/4 � MEIER 1 'SFaVICE 1 f {N CSAta I a lltr lSSS 65.Y2 CS Psi /0 WprmridP wrviiA J + L 2019 EMAII, PRESSURE Frorn: Ruben Montiel <RMo tie[O[uwd.inrp Sent- tUaSdayr June 25, 2C19 1:58 PM To. A la Zumaya <ange[a@symonsfp,Com>- Sara Lapel <St0pexi_�i=vwd.Drgs 3nb' . R[:; Andalusia Mi AIBela. Thea#ir Pressure at Andalusia at the location beWeen Lol,411 & (Lake Cohiijilla Pressure Zone -Flat Sheet 6-7-27-3) ; [145' + 16' — { (hank, RUM MONTIEt Oevelopl unt Services Aide YourWater is our promise f� L ElCioQ® COAthella Halley Water Distf[Ct 75515 Hovley Lane tas[ palm Desen, CA 92211 (760) 398,2651 e>tt. 3521 5 in DOME$TIQ PLUMBING REO LI LATO R --*- q PLUMBING SHUT OFF COMOMED r+I VII415IN9 AND 5PRIfJfKLER SHUT OFF — (OPTIONAL) i �Lr 12077 . ELae 2 3 11f 8:PY e T� k' ELi5' 1•' WATER METLR s T.pR. EL-19' ■ alllQLB, WATER GUAGE 1I 2•' DRAIN u I" CHECK VALVE e rRAIN31TIOH FROM COO TO (',PVC, 5 'f3.0-8- ELa9' S`FT OF 1' GOP tswrcep) -TRANS ITICM FROIA PVC TO COP ]! 14} at r< n � + zu 3 4 " x 1- rL 4 - Ln C — z 0 uU F +/! LU ..�J 1 !r � w a 4 0 W in LW oe AtG ' all Lu 0 0 aIC 41 I!1 J J 'Le Cl r CC J �� W , C T D I r l � L11 Lj IL 0 7 w L a .1s JA F La Ln U (D to W > EL CD w El z .-. a. 0) In Ln W T X N < LL 0 III 9L W ad l Zj u.l clic Z co V) �L NU 4N Lu W ; M. 4 z 1• a R 5 IIJ LLA im 4 5 i3 :` PATE: D4-06-19 SCALE : A5 NOTED DRAWN BY O JEANIVY EC JOB NO- 1 - 1 SHeer dip, Fp FPS Z- ARCH V- f_ P j{ 0 PATIO 1 1�1 0 II i� II 0 II i 1 UP 2'FT =1 W11EAT � 11r-9r} 1 10'-2" GREAT RM 12' C[,GC[,G w P C ��■ I� lit r. 12 1 A s FFL _'71 � 0 i i 1 PATIO 0 8 II^j lJ - - INN ' ..PT 4'_10,� 7' 6„ tNTR s 14' CLG i UP 5'FT _ FF DINING p V/////,] 0 EL=15 0 REPRESENTS EIB SOFFI TSTO BE 1 '}FT L 4�(00(D REPRESENTS LIGHT FIXTUR REPRESENTS FAN �.0 .MMA—a ra 1 10 HALL, '-7" CLVAN 5� cPAN S. FT_ WIC r PIPING PLAN 1 ALL 1" CI'VC PIPING 3I 16 ftT] r_0„ALL 10 -0" FLAT CLG'S U. N. O. BATH WIC GREAT RM SECTION CUT C / 1 6 — _ rp y� a J - 2 BED 3 I ob VAN a CL MIJCII PLAN #23 , _ V� ' w 5' El �� nW1 (W REPRESENTS LINE OF CLG CHANGE C 10'— 7" 4I_7�� Y — 10',1T I E I 1' — lob '-7'- CAR GARAGE 7 oJ-_ R 1 FINTSHED '-7"- 7 EL=1 5 I" RISER III WALL W1 INT. LABELED EL�15• � � t I T. O. R, EL � 15' • B. O, R. EL = 9' PLAN 23 *** SYMB MA E & MODEL SIN# 1 ° la TYPE RFS TEMP 165 FINISH K-FACT WHT 4. 3 CANOPY mil" I* QTY 7 REL FTC 43 { RFL F 1 RE 30 l23511 ES 175 Wff 3. D sEm S TOTAL SPRINKLERS FOR PLAN 23: 45 a+ ACTOR* Li co 5N 3 0n z a ca 4i 0 h I"ti c Lu o — Z 0 u ❑ LU ad � a Lu O a W ad T W W Ln J ` co J m �L W L , Ll 4c J 7 0 u V Q z 0 D ry U) W Ln U p < C2 J L m LJ U) z n Q a. L Lu Lu r— N <. r YLL uj ULA Lu Lu � . Z J u W z () V W <Lu W-Q ait C, u z �! z �— ac3Q _ . �S CF W �ad 11.5LLJ ~ LL v o a u p DATE= 09-46-1? SCALE: AS NOTED DRAWN BY: JOSANNY 6CH€VERWA JOB NO- 1-1 SHEE7 NO. FP3 OF FP Aracr:tta gracersa ;ratmona a a G 7 2 60th Ave 60th Ave 6ULh Ave 60th Ave 60th Ave 59th 7 low r- -------- Urr0t" UNDERGROUND DETAIL (N.T.S.) x E La Dom F-STI I, I}LLIMA 11" i - REGIV LLTOR -i PLUM B hNG # SHUT OFF MINED PLUMBING AND SPRtNK LE R SHUT OFFS (ORTIOMAJ4 i or 7M PVC 2 • ELF' 314' WATER ME T,O. R. ELO I E' SDI L�• WATER 04JAGE 'Fr." DRAIN I" CtRECK VALVE TRANSITION FROM COP TO CPVC B.D.R. E L!--9' 5'rT of 1- cop f5wi p) TRANS ITI ON FROP& PVC TO Cof THESE PLANS SHALL SERVE AS THE MASTER PLAN FOR THE REMAINDER OF THIS PROJECT FOR PLAN TYPE 23 ALL UNDERGROUND NOTES ARE FOR WORST CASE SCENARIO AND NO LOT TO EXCEED ANY MAX LENGTH, SIZC, ELEVflTION, ETC. LISTED BELOW UNDERGROUND VOTES: 1. ALL LOTS TO HAVE 3/4" WATER ?DETERS. 2. ALL LOTS TO HAVE 2" (SCHEDULE 40) PVC PIPE FROM WATER METER TO HOUSE. 3. NO ELEVATION ON ANY LOT TO EXCEED a'FT IN ELEVATION CHANGE FROM METER TO HOUSE. �1. NO LOT TO EXCEED 20'FT FROM 8" MAIN TO 314" WATER METER. 3. NO LOT TO EXCEED 120'FT OF 2"PVC FROM 314" WATER METER TO HOUSE. G. ALL FIRE SPRINKLER RISERS LOCATED IN GARAGE. i. ALL 3,'4" WATER METERS WILL BE LOCATED AT PROPERTY LINE OF EACH HOUSE. FLOW TEST . a`� Residential Connection Chian a Estimate x �... . _ January 22, 201 Cars#ori�nr Name. T-D. Desert Dev1pnint, Phone No. (760) 777-1776 Parcel No. 764-6 0-001 C�eo. 06-07-27-4 Address: a 81734 Ronda, La Quanta . q HD: 66351: Bieck IVp�_,�� 4 Size of LA-:sj 13,939 Sq. ft. Tract Nc� � c�� _�BF -`3 Cl Type of Service.: R_ ';.; 1 13u lex. Triplex, Apts: SWSC: 11 }'} r r� ; .. 6,24 .28 �I. 0 7 - Li_ #t �...._ ��� sous+~; 13,011.00 Jacre . SOFE ,436.00 7fcatment' 2,436 i�d€1 ColleitJon. $2,415/edu Meter: 77+rr-00 Metorsa:e_ 3/4 � inch ;4 — Meter surcharge: .,[i s: gip_ _ r �°e-'fir' =`���_ ' ` ..�srvire Size, ik — inch Se Meter &Service, Not :d:typiCa1500 fitt.. BatkNow: t'f Other, �, ' b Tf2 31G$1-3. 5peelal .greerriEnt ini) WSBFC Or CSC of $CC Sewer Latt ra! $ ; `r1 P _:, r_ `;.;. .. 'collect 0.40 acres for SWSC. Per CVWD approved dwg 35415 a ' 1 .. s. -- I" service exlr& and d K 35431 a later:xl exists. PP 19-95,36. : Total: ,07;1.28". Technh€60.Sara Loper ' s'r ' f'1 Pees Aj)prove d bY: lloatez . . msmmmmw�� information Sun olied ev f'taKtnmvpr [3ornt�stic Water Demand.* NlaK. Flow= 29.5 gpm -%11r.. Pressure= 65. psi Fl.re 5 pyinkI q.'IbMarnd - -- ... .. _t1 ..Max. Now= 6 gplTl Ml{1..i�r c p 5_Lft_- - y -4975t Multi Stand Alone CVWD System Data , [te +[net#iort#* Mag:1Iow*= 29.5 9PM'.7- Erl`.k'Press re'= 6.32 PSI Outlet Pr ssur R,T 66,72 PSI ..fi�ee t l Serwr.e S-2C_ ,r"inch t Prior to Pre swre_ReguFatlrr VaIv_ s• Lor—calculation Ft,rpnse5=.5efv1ce Conncullon 1ndudes:. • CVWD USES -WORST CASE CONWTION _ wce-[anrec[ior Muse+Slop. Vttrr, 1:hPCkvaIveSh,i-OV Va;;e C I�L,Ia#inns USJE--.-.7a 3f4 PALTER P'.= lake CahuiEla Z' SLFtviCE l�Ul- 1-�5 •:- s jSF P! Cto ti.5 r x ax,Jbw4.50 Gr,A u tapro vide service F/�P 'RIF [1onies!,- kVjkLr 0en;dr1G A OYt'� �Y •f �z } � L r _ pp �+ f _ * - - Date: The +Hater srzu7g is for plan check purposes only_ At ultimate reslro,tsrbi4ty rexides with the ErpIrteer Of Ord fnr thP ;xrnjPcC. E e tnt'C PresSLIre at AndaIL151a, at the location bet + .en Lot 411 & 412 is ap f0Vrhate1 97,40 psi. (Lake Cahwilla Press -e Zone -Plat Sll; � et 6.7-- - ; - AY + _l ' 4 2- 3 -1 -9 7 - 4 0'' pia TbPnkst_• LlltoO N TIEL gT YourWater I Our promise T�13 13 El 7S515 Hlovlev Large East Pa 1 ni Desert. CA 9221 7 L0 N r n m W Z O r. = ,,,,, r- rL Q N 0 Z 0 N W Z O U_ z 0 W N a W Z Ur Z o O LU i= im rL Q U Q Z ur O a ,� CC a a � LU J C In `0 m Q0000 o N 00 LJ W "J it +NU J E D Q 0 LL W 0rD 04- W 1 D n E Q I 0 W z N Q 1 U ♦ QLO W 00 I Y Cfl W00 W 00 ILO Z U� o W� U)UX W �LL10) H Z W CL Z 0 a J � CL W > H M LIDN W 0 M Lo NN 19 W Q N O% �� Q N W O, J`' i Jof U W OU Q W) W Q� UZ NZ =0 �— :n W Z Q � � D L? W UQ a.J `• a H 00 -A ,^ Z LL W O f- Z a O U 0 DATE : 11-18-21 SCALE AS NOTED DRAWN BY: DEREK POWELL JOB 19-0216 SHEET FP-1.0 MASTER PLAN 23 PIPING PLAN ALL 3/4" CPVC PIPING U.N.O. 10 :' ITCU 3/ 16"=1 '-0" 10, SECTION CUTS 3/ 16"=1 '-0" 17, ALL 10'-0" FLAT CLG'S U.N.O. PORTICO BED 4 REPRESENTS LINE OF CLG CHANGE T.O.R. � EL = 15'6/ B.O.R. EL=9' 50 A 10% REDUCTION WAS TAKEN OFF FOR CALC PURPOSES. STATIC PRESSURE IS CALCULATED AT 96.32 PSI PER COACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT. RESIDUAL SYSTEM WAS CALCULATED WITH 86.69 PSI. ALL ROOMS ARE BASED ON 15x15 FT SPACING. CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON THE WORST CASE SCENARIO TWO HEAD CALC ON 15 FT SPACING HARDENED HEX HEAD SELF THREADING SCREW IS FURNISHED WITH THE HANGER AND IS THE MINIMUM FASTENER SIZE ACCEPTABLE ` TO O 0 D� CPVC DOUBLE FASTENER STRAP TYPE HANGER FIGURE 23 - CPVC HANGER HARDENED HEX HEAD SELF THREADING SCREW IS FURNISHED WITH THE HANGER AND IS THE MINIMUM FASTENER SIZE ACCEPTABLE 0 aC�� 0 0 CPVC DOUBLE FASTENER STRAP TYPE HANGER FIGURE 24 - CPVC HANGER CPVC PIPING APPLICATION PIPE SIZES MAX. HANGER SPACING 4" 5'-6" 1" 6'-0" 1 6'-6" 1 %" T-0" 2. $,-0. Lake Cahw1h, pt''trE trtrvn Aren ehe quarry t Le qua^e. pGA W ro�.."^^,^"t Club houw PGA WY.9 ,'Ivdte S Dh.— HARDENED HEX HEAD SELF THREADING SCREW IS FURNISHED WITH THE HANGER AND IS THE MINIMUM FASTENER SIZE ACCEPTABLE O aC�O CPVC SINGLE FASTENER STRAP TYPE HANGER FIGURE 22 - CPVC HANGER HANGER LOCATIONS ARE TO BE PLACED PER MANUFACTURERES SPECIFICATIONS vaAwe9t_ Visa Santa 6nag plorma" Rosa nu.houia The Palms (;.If chu 6 58[h M, :9l�hye A"[eiT38 - `�LL e1 9el Andalusia 6uch Ave v 54th Ave VICINITY MAP N.T.S. GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS IS A WET PIPE SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGNED & INSTALLED PER 313.3 AND/OR N.F.P.A. PAMPHLET #13-D (2016 EDITION) AND THE LA QUINTA FIRE DEPT. 2. ALL PIPE AND FITTINGS ARE NEW, UL LISTED, AND CONFORM TO THE STANDARDS OF NFPA 13D 2016 EDITION. 3. PROVIDE ELECTRICAL BELL FOR LOCAL ALARM. WIRING BY OTHERS. SIZE AND LOCATION ON PLANS. 4. STORAGE IN ATTIC & CRAWL SPACES NOT ALLOWED WHERE NOT PROTECTED. 5. GARAGE & MECHANICAL ROOMS TO BE SPRINKLERED W/175* HEADS 6. SPRINKLER HEADS OMITTED FROM BATHROOMS DUE TO NON-COMBUSTIBLE FIXTURES AND NOT EXCEEDING 55 SQ. FT. 7. 0= INDICATES CALC. REFERENCE POINT. 8. DRILLING OR NOTCHING OF STRUCTURAL MEMBERS SHALL BE IN STRICT ACCORDANCE WITH CBC & CRC - (2016) 9. ALL PENETREATIONS THROUGH FIREWALLS & CEILINGS BETWEEN ATTACHED GARAGE & RESIDENCE WILL BE SEALED IN AN APPROVED MANNER TO MAINTAIN INTEGRITY OF THE FIREWALL. 10. MAINTENANCE BOOK & 1 HEAD (UP TO 3 OF EACH IF REQUIRED) OF EACH TYPE USED PLUS HEAD WRENCH SHALL BE PROVIDED IN SPARE HEAD CABINET LOCATED NEXT TO RISER. 11. PIPE HANGERS SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 13D & THE WRITTEN INSTRUCTIONS OF THE PIPE MANUFACTURE. 12. ANY SPRINKLERS THAT HAVE BEEN PAINTED OUTSIDE OF THE FACTORY SHALL BE REPLACED WITH A NEW LISTED SPRINKLER PER NFPA 13D STANDARDS. 13. EXTERIOR EXPOSED STEEL PIPING PAINTED.(BY OTHERS) 14. CONTRACTOR/OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND. (CHECK WITH SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION FOR PROPER SIZING.) 15. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE TO BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 72, NATIONAL FIRE CODE (AND TO BE INSTALLED BY OTHERS.) SPRINKLER SYSTEM DESIGN CRITERIA & FLOW REQUIREMENTS. DESIGN SPRINKLER = REL. RFC43 CONCL. FLAT 4.3 K-FACTOR SPRINKLER FLOW REQ. @ 15' SPACING 7'6" MAX OFF WALL FLOWS PER HEAD = 12.0 GPM (a 7.8 PSI (SIN) # RA0612 SYSTEM FLOW REQUIREMENTS: REMOTE AREA 1 2HD = 24.00 GPM FLOWING W/ 24.20 RESIDUAL PSI AT BASE OF RISER 2HD = 29.00 GPM FLOWING W/ 53.00 RESIDUAL PSI AT SOURCE WATER FLOW INFO BY: COACHELLA VALLEY W.D. PHONE NUMBER:(760) 398-2661 CONTACT:RUBEN MONTEL DATE OBTAINED: 6-25-19 STATIC: 96.32 PSI Sprinkler Legend Symbol Manufacturer SIN Model Quantity K-Factor Type Size Response Finish Temperature Reliable RA0612 RFC43 40 4.3 Pendent % Quick White 165T Reliable R3511 F1Res30 7 3 Pendent % Quick White 175T Total = 47 LO N r m W Z O = uw H a a N 0 z O N W Z 0 H U_ z 0 Lu N OC � � Q Z U' Lu Z 0 0 25 a Q ILL. I= = U Q H Z W O a ,� Q J a � W J cY) Lo �o m QCON 0000 _ LO W _U "J \ + co rn� J E Q 0 LLU w � 0 v, W0 \ ] Q 5 I W z � 1 � + 0 W OQ I � Cfl w I 00 >_ W 00 � In (� Q 0� Z (n W� UX w r,,LL It 10) II-_ Z LU IL Z 0 a J � CL LU > H M N LU th H Le)LU Q N 0� �� QON W . `' i U if W ad N W Q� U04 ad CL t = W Z U `I LUZ U� I� Q Q ~ eD —A O Z LL LU 0 H Z IL O U o DATE : 11-18-21 SCALE AS NOTED DRAWN BY: DEREK POWELL JOB 19-0216 SHEET FP-2.0 SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION, INC 12155 PAINE PLACE POWAY,CA 92064 LICENSE C16-682025 HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS FOR ANDALUSIA - PLAN TYPE 23 REMOTE AREA 2 HEAD CALC RELIABLE RFC 43 CONC/FLAT FILE NUMBER: 19-0216 DATE: 10-09-16 -DESIGN DATA - OCCUPANCY CLASSIFICATION: DENSITY: AREA OF APPLICATION: NUMBER OF SPRINKLERS CALCULATED: TOTAL SPRINKLER WATER FLOW REQUIRED: TOTAL WATER REQUIRED (including hose): FLOW AND PRESSURE (@ NODE 5 BOR): SPRINKLER K-FACTOR (ORIFICE SIZE): DESIGN/LAYOUT BY: AUTHORITY HAVING JURISDICTION: a^, ui — rli �000X n � Na �� 03 C 4 >.L'_ ya',J�a� U o c ro o� m� t„20U'Sri R3 .05 gpm/225 sq. ft. 450 sq. ft. 2 sprinklers 24.0 gpm 29.0 gpm (5 gpm Hose STREAM) 24.0 gpm @ 24.2 psi 4.3 JOBANNY ECHEVERRIA LA QUINTA FIRE DEPT. WATER FLOW AVAILABILITY DATA: STATIC: 96.3 psi RESIDUAL: 66.7 psi FLOW: 29.5 gpm WATER DEPARTMENT: COACHELLA VALLEY WATER 01-22-19 CALCULATIONS BY HASS COMPUTER PROGRAM HRS SYSTEMS, INC. ATLANTA, GA SPRINKLER SYSTEM; HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 1 DATE: 10/9/2019 S:1JJIHASS119-0216-3.SDF JOB TITLE: ANDALUCIA (PLAN 23) - 2 HEAL] CALC ph 91% WATER PPLY DATA 14 SOURCE STATIC RESID. FLOW AVAIL. TOTAL REQ'D NODE PRESS. PRESS. @ PRESS. @ DEMAND PRESS. TAG (PSI) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) (GPM) (PSI) 1 96.3 66.7 25.9 59.7 29.0 53.0 AGGREGATE FLOW ANALYSIS: TOTAL FLOW AT SOURCE 29.0 GPM TOTAL HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCE AT SOURCE 0.0 GPM OTHER HOSE STREAM ALLOWANCES 5.0 GPM TOTAL DISCHARGE FROM ACTIVE SPRINKLERS 24.0 GPM NODE ANALYSIS DATA NODE TAG ELEVATION NODE TYPE PRESSURE DISCHARGE (FT) (PSI) (GPM!) 1 0.0 SOURCE 53.0 29.0 2 3.0 - - - - 45.3 - - - 3 3.0 - - - - 32.3 - - - 4 5.0 - - - - 30.5 - 5 9.0 HOSE STREAM 24.2 5.0 6 15.0 - - - - 20.3 - - - 7 15.0 - - - - 16.4 - - - 8 15.0 - - - 12.9 - - - 9 15.0 - - - - 13.0 - - - 10 17.0 - - - - 10.1 - -- - 11 19.0 - - - - 8.1 - - - 12 19.0 _ _ _ _ 8.1 - - - 13 19.0 K= 4.30 7.8 12.0 14 19.0 K= 4.30 7.8 12.0 '• SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 2 DATE: 10/9/2019 S:\JJ\HASS119-0216-3.SDF JOB TITLE: ANDALUCIA (PLAN 23) - 2 HEAD CALC PIPE DATA PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) Pipe: 1 29.0 0.995 PL 20.00 PF 6.4 1 0.0 SRCE 53.0 (N/A) 12.0 150 FTG TG PE -1.3 2 3.0 0.0 45.3 0.0 0.222 TL 29.00 PV Pipe: 2 FIXED PRESSURE LOSS DEVICE 2 3.0 0.0 45.3 0.0 13.0 psi, 29.0 gpm 3 3.0 0.0 32.3 0.0 Pipe: 3 29.0 2.003 PL 120.00 PF 0.9 3 3.0 0.0 32.3 0.0 3.0 150 FTG 2.0 PE -0.9 4 5.0 0.0 30.5 0.0 0.007 TL 122.00 PV Pipe: 4 29.0 1.025 PL 5.00 PF 4.6 4 5.0 0.0 30.5 0.0 11.3 150 FTG 19.0 PE -1.7 5 9.0 H.S. 24.2 5.0 0.192 TL 24.00 PV Pipe: 5 24.0 1.101 PL 6.00 PF 1.2 5 9.0 H.S. 24.2 5.0 8.1 150 FTG 7.0 PE -2.6 6 15.0 0.0 20.3 0.0 0.096 TL 13.00 PV Pipe: 6 24.0 1.101 PL 18.00 PF 3.9 6 15.0 0.0 20.3 0.0 8.1 150 FTG 23.0 PE 0.0 7 15.0 0.0 16.4 0.0 0.096 TL 41.00 PV Pipe: 7 11.7 1.101 PL 112.00 PF 3.5 7 15.0 0.0 16.4 0.0 3.9 150 FTG 26.0 PE 0.0 8 15.0 0.0 12.9 0.0 0.025 TL 138.00 PV Pipe: 8 12.3 1.101 PL 94.00 PF 3.5 7 15.0 0.0 16.4 0.0 4.2 150 FTG 30.0 PE 0.0 9 15.0 0.0 13.0 0.0 0.028 TL 124.00 PV Pipe: 9 11.7 1.101 PL 44.00 PF 2.0 8 15.0 0.0 12.9 0.0 3.9 150 FTG 34.0 PE -0.9 10 17.0 0.0 10.1 0.0 0.025 TL 78.00 PV Pipe: 10 12.3 1.101 PL 64.00 PF 3.1 9 15.0 0.0 13.0 0.0 4.2 150 FTG 47.0 PE -1.7 12 19.0 0.0 8.1 0.0 0.028 TL 111.00 PV Pipe; 11 11.7 1.101 PL 22.00 PF 1.1 10 17.0 0.0 10.1 0.0 3.9 150 FTG 22.0 PE -0.9 11 19.0 0.0 8.1 0.0 0.025 TL 44.00 PV Pipe: 12 -0.3 1.101 PL 9.00 PF 0.0 11 19.0 0.0 8.1 0.0 0.1 150 FTG 9.0 PE 0.0 12 19.0 0.0 8.1 0.0 0.000 TL 18.00 PV Pipe: 13 12.0 1.101 PL 2.00 PF 0.3 11 19.0 0.0 8.1 0.0 4.1 150 FTG 9.0 PE 0.0 14 19.0 4.3 7.6 12.0 0.027 TL 11.00 PV SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 3 DATE: 10/9/2019 S:1JJIHASS119-0216-3.SDF JOB TITLE: ANDALUCIA (PLAN 23) - 2 HEAD CALL PIPE TAG Q(GPM) DIA(IN) LENGTH PRESS. END ELEV. NOZ. PT DISC. VEL(FPS) HW(C) (FT) SUM. NODES (FT) (K) (PSI) (GPM) FL/FT (PSI) Pipe: 14 12.0 1.101 PL 2.00 PF 0.3 12 19.0 0.0 8.1 0.0 4.0 150 FTG 11.0 PE 0.0 13 19.0 4.3 7.8 12.0 0.026 TL 13.00 PV NOTES (HASS): (1) Calculations were performed by the HASS 8.8 D computer program in accordance with NFPA13 (2016) under license no. 38071930 granted by HRS Systems, Inc. 208 Southside Square Petersburg, TN 37144 (931) 659-9760 (2) The system has been calculated to provide an average imbalance at each node of 0.001 gpm and a maximum imbalance at any node of 0.010 gpm. (3) Total pressure at each node is used in balancing the system. Maximum water velocity is 12.0 ft/sec at pipe 1. (4) Items listed in bold print on the cover sheet are automatically transferred from the calculation report. (5) Available pressure at source node 1 under full flow conditions is 56.39 psi with a flow of 30.44 gpm. (6) PIPE FITTINGS TABLE User Pipe Table Name: FSS.PIP PAGE: * MATERIAL: S40 HWC: 120 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D N Ell -------------------------------------------------------- Tee LngEll ChkVly BfyVly GatVly A1mChk DPVly NPTee F45EII 1.101 2.53 6.33 2.53 6.33 7.59 1.27 12.66 2.53 6.33 1.27 -% SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 4 DATE: 10/9/2019 S:1JJ\HASS119-0216-3.SDF JOB TITLE: ANDALUCIA (PLAN 23) - 2 HEAD CALC PAGE: H MATERIAL: CPVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T R K C L B L Ell Tee TEERUN COUPLG EL45 1.101 7.00 5.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 2.003 11.00 10.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 PAGE: I MATERIAL: CPPR--L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D Eil Tee 1.025 3.00 8.00 2.00 8.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: K MATERIAL: CPPR-K HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E T L C B G A D Ell Tee L 0.995 2.00 6.00 1.50 0.00 0.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 5 DATE: 10/9/2019 S:IJJIHASS119-0215-3.SDF JOB TITLE: ANDALUCIA (PLAN 23) - 2 HEAD CALC WATER SUPPLY ANALYSIS 120.0 100.0 G A U 80.0 G E P 60.0 R E S S 40.0 U R E ( 20.0 p s i r 0.0 -14.7 Static: 96.30 psi Resid: 66.70 psi Flow: 25.9 gpm LEGEND 1 9 Available pressure 59.72 psi @ 29.0 gpm Required pressure 53.03 psi @ 29.0 gpm A. Source Supply Curve B. System Demand Curve 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 FLOW (GPM) )te: (1) Dashed Lines indicate extrapolated values from Test Results DAT�: 10/9�20I9 SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC ANALYSIS Page 6 S:1JJIHASS119-0216-3.SDF JOB TITLE: ANDALUCIA (PLAN 23) - 2 HEAD CALC WATER SUPPLY CURVE 108+ I I I 99+ 1 1 901 1 1 1 811 1 1 1 P 721 R 1 E * [-66.7 psi @ 26 gpm S I Flow Test Point S 63+ U 0 R 1 E t 54X { I P 1 S 1 I 45+ I I I 36+ I I 27+ I 1 18 d- LEGEND 1 H X = Required Water Supply " 1 53.03 psi @ 29.0 gpm 9+ „ 1 0 - Available Water Supply " 1 59.72 psi @ 29.0 gpm f *' 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 FLOW (GPM) Bulletin 006 September 2020 Reliable Features cULus Listed as Residential Sprinklers Push -On cover plate installation Low water flow requirements Product Description Model RFC Series residential sprinklers are flat cover plate, concealed pendent sprinklers intended for installation in accordance with NFPA 13, NFPA 13R, or NFPA 13D. The sprinklers are cULus Listed as Residential Sprinklers in ac- cordance with UL 1626. In addition, Model RFCLL Series sprinklers are cULus Certified for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI standard 61 Annex G (LL) and Australian WaterMark Certified (WMCS). Model RFC30 sprinklers have a 1650F (74°C) temperature rated fusible -link operating element. Model RFC43, RFC49, RFC58, and RFC76 sprinklers are offered with either a 1650F (74°C) or 212OF (100°C) temperature rated fusible -link oper- ating element. Sprinklers with a 1650F (74°C) temperature rating are ordinary temperature classification and are listed for use with a 1350F (57°C) temperature rated cover plate. Sprinklers with a 212OF (100°C) temperature rating are inter- mediate temperature classification and are listed for use with a 1650F (74°C) temperature rated cover plate. Model RFC Series sprinklers are installed with a Model RFC or Model G5 Cover Plate. Model G5 Cover Plates may be installed by either pushing or threading the cover plate into the sprinkler cup. Model RFC30, RFC30LL, RFC43, RFC43LL, RFC49 and RFC49LL sprinklers allow 1/2" (13 mm) of cover plate adjustment. Model RFC58 and RFC76 sprinklers allow 3/4" (19 mm) of cover plate adjustment. Model RFC and G5 Cover Plates are available in a variety of finishes as listed in Table H. Model RFC Series Residential Sprinklers Flat Concealed Pendent 1 V 1 Model RFC30 & RFC30LL Model RFC49 & RFC49LL Model RFC76 cULus Listed a Model RFC43 & RFC43LL Model RFC58 �ft Model RFC & G5 Cover Plate Sprinkler Model p Nominal K-Factor gpm/psi12 (1/min/bar12) Max. Coverage Area ft x ft (m x m) Listings & Approvals Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) RFC30 3.0(43) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3) cULus RA0611 RFC30LL 3.0(43) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3) cULus, LL, WMCS RA3211 RFC43 4.3(62) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) cULus RA0612 RFC43LL 4.3(62) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) cULus, LL, WMCS RA3212 RFC49 4.9(71) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) cULus RA0616 RFC49LL 4.9(71) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) cULus, LL, WMCS RA3216 RFC58 5.8(84) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) cULus RA0613 RFC76 7.6(109) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) cULus RA0618 cULus: cULus Listed to UL1626, Residential Sprinklers for Fire Protection Service. LL: cULus Certified for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Annex G (Less than 0.25% Lead content). WMCS: Australian WaterMark Certified. www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Style: Flat Concealed Pendent Threads: 1/2" NPT or ISO 7-1 R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 3.0 (43 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Min. Spacing: 8 ft. (2.4 m) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: Nickel Alloy Solder Link Sprinkler Body: Brass Alloy Levers: Bronze Alloy Yoke: Brass Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Towers: Copper Alloy Pins: Stainless Steel Deflector: Bronze Alloy Cup: Steel Cover Plate Finishes (See Table H) Sensitivity Fast -response Temperature Rating 165°F (74°C) sprinkler 135°F (57°C) cover plate Cover Plate Model RFC Cover Plate Model G5 Cover Plate Sprinkler Wrench Model FC (without wrench -able cap) Model W3 (with wrench -able cap) Listings and Approvals cULus Listed to UL 1626 cULus Certified for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Annex G (RFC30LL only) Watermark Certified (RFC30LL only) Model RFC30 & RFC30LL Sprinkler Components and Dimensions Body Cup Towe Fusible Li Deflector (retr Pin (exten Deflector (exter 1-3/4" (44 mm) +/- 1/4" (6 mm) Nominal face of fitting to ceiling Model G4/G5 Cover Plate Model RFC30 and RFC30LL Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Bottom View 2-5/16" (58 mm) Dia. 3-5/16" (84 mm) Dia. �3/16"(5mm) Ceiling Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure Max. Coverage Area (2) Flow Pressure ft. x ft. gpm psi (m x m) (1/min) (bar) 12 x 12 9 9.0 (3.6 x 3.6) (34) (0.62) 14 x 14 10 11.0 (4,3 x 4.3) (38) (0.76) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in Table B above and (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Bulletin 006 Reliable Page 2 of 8 September 2020 www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Style: Flat Concealed Pendent Threads: 1/2" NPT or ISO 7-1 R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 4.3 (62 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Min. Spacing: 8 ft. (2.4 m) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: Nickel Alloy Solder Link Sprinkler Body: Brass Alloy Levers: Bronze Alloy Yoke: Brass Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Towers: Copper Alloy Pins: Stainless Steel Deflector: Bronze Alloy Cup: Steel Sensitivity Fast -response Temperature Rating Ordinary: 165°F (74°C) sprinkler 135°F (57°C) cover plate Intermediate: 212°F (100°C) sprinkler 165°F (74°C) cover plate Cover Plate Model RFC Cover Plate Model G5 Cover Plate Sprinkler Wrench Model FC (without wrench -able cap) Model W3 (with wrench -able cap) Cover Plate Finishes Listings and Approvals (See Table H) cULus Listed to UL 1626 cULus Certified for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Annex G (RFC43LL only) Watermark Certified (RFC43LL only) Model RFC43 & RFC43LL Sprinkler Components and Dimensions Body Cup Towe Fusible Li Deflector (retry Pin (exter Deflector (extenc 1-3/4" (44 mm) +/- 1/4" (6 mm) Nominal face of fitting to ceiling Model G4/G5 Cover Plate Model RFC43 & RFC43LL Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Bottom View 2-5/16" (58 mm) Dia. 3-5/16" (84 mm) Dia. 3/16" (5 mm) Ceiling Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure 0) Max. Coverage Area (2) Ordinary Temperature Intermediate Temperature Flow Pressure Flow Pressure ft. x ft. (m x m) gpm psi gpm psi (1/min) (bar) (1/min) (bar) 15 x 15 12 7.8 12 7.8 (4.6 x 4.6) (45) (0.54) (45) (0.54) 16 x 16 13 9.1 13 9.1 (4.9 x 4.9) (49) (0.63) (49) (0.63) 18 x 18 18 17.5 (5.5 x 5.5) (68) (1.21) 20 x 20 21 23.8 (6.1 x 6.1) (79) (1.64) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in Table C above and (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Bulletin 006 Reliable Page 3 of 8 September 2020 www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Sensitivity Style: Flat Concealed Pendent Fast -response Threads: 1/2" NPT or ISO 7-1 R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 4.9 (71 metric) Temperature Rating Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Ordinary: Min. Spacing: 8 ft. (2.4 m) 165°F (74°C) sprinkler 135°F (57°C) cover plate Material Specifications Intermediate: Thermal Sensor: Nickel Alloy Solder Link 212°F (100°C) sprinkler Sprinkler Body: Brass Alloy 165°F (74°C) cover plate Levers: Bronze Alloy Yoke: Brass Alloy Cover Plate Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Model G5 Cover Plate Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Towers: Copper Alloy Sprinkler Wrench Pins: Stainless Steel Model FC (without wrench -able cap) i rh Deflector: Bronze Alloy Model W3 (with wrench -able cap) Bottom View Cup: Steel Cover Plate Finishes Listings and Approvals cULus Listed to UL 1626 (See Table H) cULus Certified for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Annex G (RFC49LL only) Watermark Certified (RFC49LL onlv) Model RFC49 & RFC49LL Sprinkler Components and Dimensions i nrei Body Cup Towe Fusible L Deflector (retn Pin (extei Deflector (extent 2-5/16" (58 mm) Dia. 1 1-3/4" (44 mm) +/- 1/4" (6 mm) Nominal face of fitting to ceiling �3/16"(5mm) Model G4/G5 Cover Plate 3-5/16" (84 mm) Dia. -1 \ Ceiling Model RFC49 & RFC49LL Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Minimum Flow and Residual PressureM Max. Coverage Area(') Ordinary Temperature Intermediate Temperature Flow Pressure Flow Pressure ft. x ft. (m x m) gpm psi gpm psi (1/min) (bar) (1/min) (bar) 16 x 16 13 7.0 13 7.0 (4.9 x 4.9) (49.0) (0.48) (49.0) (0.48) 18 x 18 17 12.0 17 12.0 (5.5 x 5.5) (64.3) (0.83) (64.3) (0.83) 20 x 20 20 16.7 21 18.4 (6.1 x6.1) (75.7) (1.15) (79.5) (1.27) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in Table D above and (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Bulletin 006 Reliable Page 4 of 8 September 2020 www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Style: Flat Concealed Pendent Threads: 1/2" NPT or ISO 7-1 R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 5.8 (84 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Min. Spacing: 8 ft. (2.4 m) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: Nickel Alloy Solder Link Sprinkler Body: Brass Alloy Levers: Bronze Alloy Yoke: Brass Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Towers: Copper Alloy Pins: Stainless Steel Deflector: Chrome Plated Bronze Alloy Cup: Steel Cover Plate Finishes (See Table H) Sensitivity Fast -response Temperature Ratings Ordinary: 165°F (74°C) sprinkler 135°F (57°C) cover plate Intermediate: 212°F (100°C) sprinkler 165°F (74°C) cover plate Cover Plate Model G5 Cover Plate Sprinkler Wrench Model FC (without wrench -able cap) Model W3 (with wrench -able cap) Listings and Approvals cULus Listed Model RFC58 Sprinkler Components and Dimensions Thre - Body Cup Towe Fusible Li Deflector (retr< Pin (exter Deflector (extenc 1-7/8" (48 mm) +/- 3/8" (9 mm) Nominal face of fitting to ceiling Model G4/G5 Cover Plate Model RFC58 Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Bottom View SS 2-5/16" (58 mm) Di a. 3-5/16" (84 mm) Dia. 3/16" (5 mm) Ceiling Minimum Flow and Residual Pressures') Max. Coverage Area s2s Flow Pressure ft. x ft. gpm psi (m x m) (1/min) (bar) 16 x 16 16 7.6 (4.9 x 4.9) (60.6) (0.53) 18 x 18 18 9.6 (5.5 x 5.5) (68.1) (0.66) 20 x 20 20 11.9 (6.1 x 6.1) (75.7) (0.82) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in Table E above and (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Bulletin 006 Reliable Page 5 of 8 September 2020 www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Style: Flat Concealed Pendent Threads: 3/4" NPT or ISO 7-1 R3/4 Nominal K-Factor: 7.6 (109 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Min. Spacing: 8 ft. (2.4 m) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: Nickel Alloy Solder Link Sprinkler Body: Brass Alloy Levers: Bronze Alloy Yoke: Brass Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Towers: Copper Alloy Pins: Stainless Steel Deflector: Bronze Alloy Cup: Steel Cover Plate Finishes (See Table H) Sensitivity Fast -response Temperature Ratings Ordinary: 165°F (74°C) sprinkler 135°F (57°C) cover plate Intermediate: 212°F (100°C) sprinkler 165°F (74°C) cover plate Cover Plate Model G5 Cover Plate Sprinkler Wrench Model FC (without wrench -able cap) Model W3 (with wrench -able cap) Listings and Approvals cULus Listed Model RFC76 Sprinkler Components and Dimensions Threa Body Cup Towei Fusible Li Deflector (retra Pin (exten Deflector (extend _av Bottom View ° i 2-5/16" (58 mm) Dia. 1-7/8" (48 mm) +/ 3/8" (9 mm) Nominal face of fitting to ceiling Model G4/G5 Cover Plate Model RFC76 Flat Concealed Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria 3-5/16" (84 mm) Dia. 3/16" (5 mm) Ceiling Minimum Flow and Residual PressureN Max. Coverage Area (2) Flow Pressure ft. x ft. gpm psi (m x m) (1/min) (bar) 16 x 16 21 7.6 (4.9 x 4.9) (79.5) (0.52) 18 x 18 24 9.9 (5.5 x 5.5) (90.8) (0.68) 20 x 20 34 20 (6.1 x 6.1) (128.7) (1.4) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in Table E above and (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Bulletin 006 Page 6 of 8 September 2020 Reliable www.reliablesprinkler.com Cover Plate Finishes(') Standard Finishes Special Application Finishes White Polyester Off White Paint Black Paint Raw Brass Chrome Plated Bright Brass Finished Bronze Black Plated Satin Chrome Stainless Steel Clad (3) Custom Color Paint(2) Notes: 1. Paint or any other coating applied over the factory finish will void all approvals and warranties. 2. Custom color paint is semi -gloss, unless specified otherwise. 3. Stainless steel clad cover plates are Type 316 Stainless Steel on the finished side and C102 Copper Allow on the backside. Cover plates are not listed or approved as corrosion resistant. Installation Dimensions Recommended Min. to Min. to Max. Sprinkler Cover Cover Plate Hole Diameter Cover Plate Max. Face Dropped Deflector Cover Plate Model Plate Diameter in Ceiling Adjustment of Fitting to Distance below Temperature Model inch (mm) inch (mm) inch (mm) Ceilings') Ceiling Rating inch (mm) inch (mm) RFC30, RFC or 3-5/16 2-5/8 1/2 1-1/2 to 2 1/2 to 1 1350F RFC30LL G5 (84) (67) (13) (38 to 51) (13 to 25) (57°C) RFC43, 1350F(2) RFC43LL, RFC or 3-5/16 2-5/8 1/2 1-1/2 to 2 1/2 to 1 (57°C) RFC49, G5 (84) (67) (13) (38 to 51) (13 to 25) or 1650F(3) RFC49LL (74°C) 1350F(2) RFC58, RFC or 3-5/16 2-5/8 3/4 1-1/2 to 2-1/4 1/4 to 1 (57°C) RFC76 G5 (84) (67) (19) (38 to 57) (6 to 25) or 1650F(3) (74°C) Notes: 1. Face of fitting to ceiling dimensions are based on a nominal thread make up. Verify dimensions based on fitting and thread sealing method prior to installation. A 1/2" x 1/2" brass nipple extension (Reliable P/N 6999991900) is available where necessary for replacement of existing sprinklers. 2. For use with 165°F (74°C) temperature rated sprinklers where the Maximum Ceiling Temperature does not exceed 100°F (38°C). 3. For use with 212°F (100°C) temperature rated sprinklers where the Maximum Ceiling Temperature does not exceed 150°F (66°C). Installation Model RFC series sprinklers are intended to be installed in accordance with NFPA 13, NFPA 13R, or NFPA 13D, as well as the requirements of applicable authorities having jurisdiction. Model RFC series sprinklers must not be installed in ceilings with positive pressure in the space above. Ensure that the 4 slots in the cup are open and unobstructed following installation. Model RFC series sprinklers are shipped with a wrench -able protective cap that should remain on the sprinkler until the sprinkler system is placed in service following construction. Model RFC series sprinklers can be installed without removing the wrench -able protective cap using the Model W3 wrench. Alternatively, Model RFC series sprinklers can be installed using the Model FC wrench by temporarily removing the protective cap during installation of the sprinkler. The use of any other wrench to installed Model RFC series sprinklers is not permitted and may damage the sprinkler. Fully insert the Model W3 wrench over the cap until it reaches the bottom of the cup, or the Model FC wrench over the sprinkler until the wrench engages the body. Do not wrench any other part of the sprinkler/cup assembly. The Model W3 and FC wrenches are designed to be turned with a standard 1/2" square drive. Tighten the sprinkler into the fitting after applying a PTFE based thread sealant to the sprinkler's threads. Recommended installation torque is 8 to 18 ft-Ibs (11 to 24 N-m) for 1/2" thread sprinklers and 14 to 20 ft-Ibs (19 to 27 N-m) for 3/4" thread sprinklers. Do not exceed the maximum recommended torque. Exceeding the maximum recommended torque may cause leakage or impairment of the sprinkler. Use care when inserting or removing the wrench from the sprinkler to avoid damage to the sprinkler. Install the cover plate by hand by pushing the cover plate into the cup and turning the cover in the clockwise direction until it is tight against the ceiling. Application Model RFC series sprinklers are intended for installation where residential sprinklers are permitted or required by NFPA 13, NFPA 13R, and NFPA 13D. The sprinklers are concealed pendent residential sprinklers. Model RFC 30 and RFC30LL sprinklers are available in ordinary temperature classification for installation where the Maximum Ceiling Temperature does not exceed 100OF (380C). Model RFC43, RFC43LL, RFC49, RFC49LL, RFC58, and RFC76 sprinklers are available in either ordinary or intermediate temperature classification for installation where the Maximum Ceiling Temperature does not exceed 100OF (38°C) or 150OF (660C), respectively. Bulletin 006 September 2020 Page 7 of 8 www.reliablesprinkler.com Model FC For use with Model RFC Series sprinklers without wrench -able cap installed Model W8 High -strength plastic wrench for limited (emergency) use with Model RFC Series sprinklers without wrench -able cap installed. Meets NFPA requirements for sprinkler wrench on premises. Maintenance Model RFC series sprinklers should be inspected and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by gentle vacuuming. Replace any sprinkler cover plate assembly which has been painted (other than factory applied) or damaged in any way. A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick replace- ment of damaged or operated sprinklers. Prior to installation, sprinklers should be maintained in the original cartons and packaging until used to minimize the potential for damage to sprinklers that would cause improper operation or non -oper- ation. Guarantee For the Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Co., Inc. guarantee, terms, and conditions, visit www.reliablesprinkler.com. Model W3 For use with Model RFC Series sprinklers with wrench -able cap installed Listings and Approvals Listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. and UL Certified for Canada to UL1626, Residential Sprinklers for Fire -protection Service (cULus). Certified by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc. and Underwrit- ers Laboratories of Canada for Health Effects to NSF/ANSI Standard 61 Annex G (LL) (RFC30LL, RFC43LL, and RFC49LL only). Australian WaterMark Certified (RFC30LL, RFC43LL, and RFC49LL only). Patents Model RFC30, RFC30LL, RFC43, RFC43LL, RFC49, RFC49LL, RFC58, and RFC76 sprinklers are covered by U.S. Patent No. 9,248,327 and U.S. Patent No. 7,275,603. Model RFC30, RFC30LL, RFC43 and RFC43LL sprinklers are additionally covered by U.S. Patent No. 8,776,903. Ordering Information Specify the following when ordering. Sprinkler • Model (RFC30, RFC30LL, RFC43, RFC43LL, RFC49, RFC49LL, RFC58, RFC76) • Temperature Rating Cover Plate • Model RFC or G5 • Temperature Rating • Finish (See Table H) Sprinkler Wrench • Model FC • Model W3 • Model W8 (Limited use) r. n Bulletin 006 September 2020 Page 8 of 8 www.reliablesprinkler.com Bulletin 135 April 2021 Reliable Features • cULus Listed Residential Sprinklers • Available in pendent and horizontal sidewall orientations • Decorative finishes available, including recessed escutcheons and conical concealed cover plates Product Description Model F1 Res Series sprinklers are residential sprinklers with a 3 mm glass bulb operating element. A variety of K-Factors as well as recessed and conical concealed options are available as detailed in this Bulletin. The F1 Res Series sprinklers are specially engineered for fast thermal response to meet the requirements of UL 1626. They are intended for installation in accordance with NFPA 13, 13R, and 13D. Application The Model F1 Res Series sprinklers cULus Listed Residential sprinklers are intended for use in accordance with NFPA 13, NFPA 13R, or NFPA 13D. The Model F1 Res residential sprinklers are cULus Listed for use in residential occupancies and residential portions of any occupancy, where permitted by NFPA 13, NFPA 13R, or NFPA 13D. For NFPA 13R and NFPA 13D applications, the design flow and pressure shall not be less than the minimum flow and pressure specified in the Listed Design Criteria tables in this Bulletin. For NFPA 13 applications, Residential Sprinkler Summary Model F1 Res Series Glass Bulb Residential Sprinklers cULus Listed Important Note: Model D wrench and Model GFR2 wrench are no longer compatible with this product. Model W2 (non - recessed) and Model W4 (recessed, concealed) are required. 4L fT the design density shall be a minimum of 0.1 gpm/sf (4.1 mm/ min), but in no case shall the flow and pressure be less than the minimum flow and pressure specified in the Listed Design Criteria tables in this bulletin. Model F1 Res Series sprinklers are listed for use in wet systems only. Sprinkler Model Sprinkler Identification Number (SIN) Orientation K-Factor gpm/psi112 (Ipm/bar'12) Thread Size NPT or ISO7-1 Installation Options Max. Coverage Area ft x ft (m x m) F1 Res30 R3511 Pendent 3.0(43) 1/2 Pendent or Recessed 16 x16 (4.9 x 4.9) F1 Res49 R3516 Pendent 4.9(71) 1/2 Pendent or Recessed 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) F1 Res58 R3513 Pendent 5.8(84) 1/2 Pendent or Recessed 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) F1 Res76 R7618 Pendent 7.6(109) 3/4 Pendent or Recessed 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) F1 Res30 CCP R3511 Pendent 3.0(43) 1/2 Conical Concealed 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3) F1 Res49 CCP R3516 Pendent 4.9(71) 1/2 Conical Concealed 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) F1 Res58 CCP R3513 Pendent 5.8(84) 1/2 Conical Concealed 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) F1 Res76 CCP R7618 Pendent 7.6(109) 3/4 Conical Concealed 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) F1 Res44 HSW R3531 Horizontal Sidewall 4.4(63) 1/2 Recessed 16 x 20 (4.9 x 6.1) F1 Res44 SWC R3531 Horizontal Sidewall 4.4(63) 112 Conical Concealed 16 x 20 (4.9 x 6.1) F1 Res58 HSW R3533 Horizontal Sidewall 5.8(84) 1/2 Recessed 16 x 20 (4.9 x 6.1) F1 Res 58 HSM RA3533 Horizontal Sidewall 5.8(84) 1/2 Recessed 14 x 26 (4.3 x 7.9) Note: Please note SIN difference between F1 Res58 HSW (R3533) and F1 Res58 HSWX (RA3533). www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Finishes Style: Pendent and Recessed Pendent (See Table N) Threads: 1/2" NPT or IS07-1R1/2 Sensitivity Nominal K-Factor: 3.0 (43 metric) Fast -response Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) ` Material Specifications 175°F (79°C) Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb Recessed Escutcheons Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy F2 Recessed Button: Copper Alloy FV Recessed* Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Sprinkler Wrenches " Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Model W2 Deflector: Bronze Alloy Model W4 (Recessed) *Note: Model FV escutcheons are not for use in positively pressurized ceiling plenums. Model F1 Res30 Residential Pendent Sprinkler Components and Installation Dimensions Threads Wrench Flat MSYM Sealing Assembly 03SVH 2-1/4" Glass Bulb (57mm) Load Screw Deflector 1-1/4„ (32mm) Components Dimensions Model F1 Res30 Residential Pendent Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria 2-1/4" (57mm) DIA. 1-15/16" (49mm) DIA. I I 2-7/8" (72mm) Face of fitting to finished ceiling 112" (13mm) +/- 1/4" (6mm) 1-3/4" (44mm) +/ 1/4" (6mm) F2 & FV Recessed Escutcheon Installation Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems") Maximum Coverage Area (2) ft. x ft.(m x m) Flow gpm (1/min) Pressure psi (bar) Deflector to Ceiling Distance 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7) 8 (30) 7.0 (0.48) 1 to 4 inches (25 to 100 mm) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3) 10 (38) 11.0 (0.76) 15 x 15 (4.6 x 4.6) 12 (45) 16.0 (1.1) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9) 13 (49) 18.8 (1.3) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Bulletin 135 Reliable Page 2 of 15 April 2021 www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Finishes Style: Pendent and Recessed Pendent (See Table N) Threads: 1/2" NPT or ISO7-1 R1/2 Sensitivity Nominal K-Factor: 4.9 (71 metric) Fast -response Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) Material Specifications 175°F (79°C) Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass -bulb Recessed Escutcheons Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy F1 Recessed Button: Copper Alloy F2 Recessed Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE FV Recessed* Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Sprinkler Wrenches Deflector: Bronze Alloy Model W2 Model W4 (Recessed) *Note: Model FV escutcheons are not for use in positively pressurized ceiling plenums. :' Model F1 Res49 Residential Pendent Sprinkler Components and Installation Dimensions 2-1/4" (57mm) 2-1/4" (57mm) DIA. Face of fitting DIA. Face of fitting 1-15/16'. to finished 1-15/16" to finished (49mm) DIA. ceiling (49mm) DIA. ceiling 5/8" (16mm) 1/2" (13mm) +/- 3/8" (9mm) +/- 1/4" (6mm) 2-1/4" 03$Vtt 00 (57) I 1-3/4" (44mm) +/- 1-5/8" (41mm) +/- 1/4" (6mm) 3/8" (9mm) 1-1/4" I (32mm) 2-7/8" (72mm) DIA. 2-7/8" (72mm) DIA. Dimensions F1 Recessed Escutcheon Installation F2 & FV Recessed Escutcheon Installation Model F1Res49 Residential Pendent Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems(' Maximum Coverage Area (2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (1/min) Pressure psi (bar) Deflector to Ceiling Distance 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7) 13 (49) 7.0 (0.48) 1 to 4 inches (25 to 100 mm) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3) 13 (49) 7.0 (0.48) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9) 13 (49) 7.0 (0.48) 18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5) 17 (64) 12.0 (0.83) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) 20 (76) 16.7 (1.15) 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7) 15 (57) 9.4 (0.65) 4 to 8 inches (100 to 200 mm) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3) 16 (61) 10.7 (0.74) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9) 17 (64) 12.0 (0.83) 18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5) 19 (72) 15.0 (1.03) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) 22 (83) 20.2 (1.39) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Bulletin 135 Reliable Page 3 of 15 April 2021 www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Finishes Style: Pendent and Recessed Pendent (See Table N) Threads: 1/2" NPT or ISO7-1 R1/2 Sensitivity \` Nominal K-Factor: 5.8 (84 metric) Fast -response Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Temperature Ratings Material Specifications 155°F (68°C) 175°F (79°C) Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb Recessed Escutcheons Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy F1 Recessed Button: Copper Alloy F2 Recessed Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE FV Recessed* Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Sprinkler Wrenches ` Deflector: Bronze Alloy Model W2 Model W4 (Recessed) *Note: Model FV escutcheons are not for use in positively pressurized ceiling plenums. Model F1 Res58 Residential Pendent Sprinkler Components and Installation Dimensions 2-1/4" (57mm) 2-1/4" (57mm) DIA. Face of fitting DIA. Face of fitting 1-15/16" to finished 1-15/16" to finished (49mm) DIA. ceiling (49mm) DIA. ceiling 5/8" (16mm) I 1/2" (13mm) +/- 3/8" (9mm) +/- 1/4" (6mm) 11 OOStll1 05 00 2-1/4" (57) I 1-3/4" (44mm) 1-5/8" (41mm) +/- 1 3/8" (9mm) /4" (6mm) 1-1/4" I I (32mm) 2-7/8" (72mm) DIA. 2-7/8" (72mm) DIA. Dimensions F1 Recessed Escutcheon Installation F2 & FV Recessed Escutcheon Installation Model F1 Res58 Residential Pendent Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems') Maximum Coverage Area (2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (1/min) Pressure psi (bar) Deflector to Ceiling Distance 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9) 16 (61) 7.6 (0.52) 1 to 4 inches (25 to 100 mm) 18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5) 19 (72) 10.8 (0.75) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) 22 (83) 14.4 (1.0) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Bulletin 135 Reliable Page 4 of 15 April 2021 www.reliablesprinkler.com Finishes Technical Specifications (See Table N) Style: Pendent and Recessed Pendent Sensitivity Threads: 3/4" NPT or ISO7-1 R3/4 Fast -response Nominal K-Factor: 7.6 (109 metric) Temperature Ratings Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) 155°F (68°C) 175°F (79°C) Material Specifications Recessed Escutcheons Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb F1 Recessed Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy F2 Recessed Button: Copper Alloy FV Recessed' ... Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Sprinkler Wrenches Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Model W2 Deflector: Bronze Alloy Model W4 (Recessed) *Note: Model FV escutcheons are not for use in positively pressurized ceiling plenums. Model F1 Res76 Residential Pendent Sprinkler Components and Installation Dimensions 2-1/4" (57mm) 2-1/4" (57mm) DIA. Face of fitting DIA. Face of fitting 1-15/16° to finished 1-15/16'. to finished (49mm) DIA. ceiling (49mm) DIA. ceiling 5/8" (16mm) 1/2" (13mm) +/ 3/8" (9mm) +/- 1/4" (6mm) 03SVH 00 03 (57) I 1-3/4" (44mm) +/- 1-5/8" (41mm) +/- 1/4" (6mm) 3/8" (9mm) 1-5/8" I (44mm) 2-7/8" (72mm) DIA. 2-7/8" (72mm) DIA. Dimensions F1 Recessed Escutcheon Installation F2 & FV Recessed Escutcheon Installation Model F1 Res76 Residential Pendent Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems') Maximum Coverage Area (2) Flow Pressure Deflector to ft. x ft. (m x m) gpm (1/min) psi (bar) Ceiling Distance 18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5) 21 (80) 7.6 (0.52) 1 to 4 inches (25 to 100 mm) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) 23 (87) 9.2 (0.63) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Bulletin 135 Reliable Page 5 of 15 April 2021 www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Style: Conical Concealed Pendent and Recessed Pendent Threads: 1/2" NPT or ISO7-1 R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 3.0 (43 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Sensitivity Fast -response Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) Recessed Escutcheons/Cover Plates CCP Conical Concealed Plate 135°F (57°C)* FP Recessed* Sprinkler Wrenches Model W4 *Note: Model FP escutcheons and CCP cover plates are not listed for use in positively pressurized ceiling plenums. Model F1 Res30 CCP and FP Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Installation Dimensions 2-5/8" (67mm) 1 1 2-5/8" (67mm) =ace of fitting to finished ceiling -1/4" (32mm) /- 1/4" (6mm) 15/16" (24mm) CCP Recessed Escutcheon Installation FP Recessed Escutcheon Installation ace of fitting to finished ceiling -1/4" (32mm) /- 1/4" (6mm) 1" (25mm) /- 1/4" (6mm) Model F1 Res30 CCP Pendent & FP Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria ' Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems') Maximum Coverage Area (2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (1/min) Pressure psi (bar) Deflector to Ceiling Distance 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7) 8 (30) 7.0 (0.48) 1/2 to 1 inch (13 to 25 mm) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3) 11 (38) 13.4 (0.92) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. 3. The sprinkler must be installed into a ceiling with the listed cover plate installed. Bulletin 135 Reliable Page 6 of 15 April 2021 www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Style: Conical Concealed Pendent and Recessed Pendent Threads: 112" NPT or ISO7-1 R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 4.9 (71 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Sensitivity Fast -response Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) Recessed Escutcheons/Cover Plates CCP Conical Concealed Plate 135°F (57°C)* FP Recessed* Sprinkler Wrenches Model W4 *Note: Model FP escutcheons and CCP cover plates are not for use in positively pressurized ceiling plenums. Model F1 Res49 CCP & FP Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Installation Dimensions 9_F/A" lR7mm\ CCP Recessed Escutcheon Installation 2-5/8" (67mm) DIA. 2-5/16" (59mm)DIA. ace of fitting to finished ceiling I Face of fitting to finished ceiling -1/4" (32mm) 0E.d 1-1/4" (32mm) /- 1/4" (6mm) +/- 1/4" (6mm) 14mm Lv- �1" /4" ( m) (24mm) +/- 1/4" (6mm) 3 3/16" (78mm) DIA. FP Recessed Escutcheon Installation Model F1 Res49 CCP Pendent and FP Recessed Pendent Hydraulic Design Criteria Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systemsi') Maximum Coverage Area (2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (I/min) Pressure psi (bar) Deflector to Ceiling Distance 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3) 13 (49) 7.0 (0.48) 1/2 to 1 inch (13 to 25 mm) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9) 14 (53) 8.2 (0.57) 18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5) 18 (68) 13.5 (0.93) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) 20 (76) 16.7 (1.15) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. 3. The sprinkler must be installed into a ceiling with the listed cover plate installed. Bulletin 135 Reliable Page 7 of 15 April 2021 www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Style: Conical Concealed Pendent and Recessed Pendent Threads: 112" NPT or ISO7-1 R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 5.8 (84 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Sensitivity Fast -response Temperature Ratings 155°F (68-C) Recessed Escutcheons/Cover Plates CCP Conical Concealed Plate 135°F (57°C)* FP Recessed* Sprinkler Wrenches Model W4 *Note: Model FP escutcheons and CCP cover plates are not for use in positively pressurized ceiling plenums. Model F1 Res58 CCP and FP Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Installation Dimensions CCP Recessed Escutcheon Installation 2-5/8" (67mm) DIA. 2-5/16" (59mm)DIA. ace of fitting to finished ceiling Face of fitting to finished ceiling 1/4" (32mm) 1-1/4" (32mm) - 1/4" (6mm) v�-rrrn rrrrrrT +/- 1/4" (6mm) 1 1 m) 15/16" +/- 1/4/4"" ((6mm) (24mm) 3-3/16" (78mm) DIA. FP Recessed Escutcheon Installation Model F1 Res58 CCP Pendent & FP Recessed Pendent Hydraulic Design Criteria 111171 101 ra Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems') Maximum Coverage Area (2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (1/min) Pressure psi (bar) Deflector to Ceiling Distance 7 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9) 16 (61) 7.6 (0.52) 1/2 to 1 inch (13 to 25 mm) 18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5) 19 (72) 10.8 (0.75) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) 22 (83) 14.4 (1.0) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. 3. The sprinkler must be installed into a ceiling with the listed cover plate installed. Bulletin 135 Reliable Page 8 of 15 April 2021 www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Style: Conical Concealed Pendent and Recessed Pendent Threads: 3/4" NPT or ISO7-1 R3/4 Nominal K-Factor: 7.6 (109 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Sensitivity Fast -response Temperature Ratings 155-F (68°C) Recessed Escutcheons/Cover Plates CCP Conical Concealed Plate 135°F (57°C)* FP Recessed* Sprinkler Wrenches Model W4 *Note: Model FP escutcheons and CCP cover plates are not for use in positively pressurized ceiling plenums. Model F1 Res76 CCP and FP Recessed Pendent Sprinkler Installation Dimensions CCP Recessed Escutcheon Installation .-5/8" (67mm) DIA. 2-5/16" (59mm)DIA. ace of fitting i Face of fitting to finished to finished ceiling ceiling -1/4" (32mm) ®0 1-1/4" (32mm) /- 1/4" (6mm) o T - TT +/- 1/4" (6mm) 15/16" 1" m) (24mm) +/- 1/4/4"" (6mm) 3-3/ 1\8(78mm) DIA. FP Recessed Escutcheon Installation Model F1 Res76 CCP Pendent & FP Recessed Pendent Hydraulic Design Criteria Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems0) Maximum Coverage Area (2) Flow Pressure Deflector to Ceiling Distance ft. x ft. (m x m) gpm (1/min) psi (bar) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9) 21 (80) 7.6 (0.52) 1 inch 1/2 (13 to o 25 mm) 18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5) 22 (83) 8.4 (0.58) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) 25 (95) 10.8 (0.75) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. 3. The sprinkler must be installed into a ceiling with the listed cover plate installed. Bulletin 135 Reliable Page 9 of 15 April 2021 www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Style: Sidewall and Recessed Sidewall Threads: 1/2" NPT or ISO7-1 131/2 Nominal K-Factor: 4.4 (63 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Sensitivity Fast -response Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) 175°F (79°C) Recessed Escutcheons F2 Recessed FV Recessed Sprinkler Wrenches Model W2 Model W4 (Recessed) Model F1Res44 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Installation Dimensions Face of fitting to finished wall 1-5/8" (41 mm) 3/8" (10mm) +/- 1/4" (6mm) +/- 1/4" (6mm) 2-7/16" (62mm) 5/16" (8mm) Dimensions 2-1/4" 1-15/16" (57mm) (49mm) - DIA. DIA. F2 & FV Recessed Escutcheon Installation Model F1 Res44 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Top of Deflector Down from Ceiling to be Either 4" to 6" (100 to 150 mm) or 6" to 12" (150 to 300 mm) Based on Hydraulic Calculations Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems(') Maximum Coverage Area (2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (1/min) Pressure psi (bar) Deflector to Ceiling Distance 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7) 12 (45) 7.5 (0.52) 4 6 inches (100 to 150 mm) t 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3) 14 (53) 10.2 (0.70) 15 x 15 (4.6 x 4.6) 15 (57) 11.6 (0.80) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9) 16 (61) 13.3 (0.92) 16 x 18 (4.9 x 5.5) 18 (68) 16.8 (1.16) 16 x 20 (4.9 x 6.1) 23 (87) 27.4 (1.89) 18 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5) 19 (72) 18.7 (1.29) 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7) 14 (53) 10.2 (0.7) 6 to 12 inches (150 to 300 mm) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3) 16(61) 13.2(0.91) 15 x 15 (4.6 x 4.6) 16 (61) 13.2 (0.91) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9) 17 (64) 15.0 (1.03) 16 x 18 (4.9 x 5.5) 20 (76) 20.7 (1.43) 16 x 20 (4.9 x 6.1) 23 (87) 27.4 (1.89) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Bulletin 135 Reliable Page 10 of 15 April 2021 www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Style: Conical Concealed Sidewall Threads: 1/2" NPT or ISO 7-1 131/2 Nominal K-Factor: 4.4 (63 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass -bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Sensitivity Fast -response Temperature Ratings 155°F (68°C) 175°F (79°C) (') Cover Plates SWC Conical Concealed Plate(�) SWC-2 (Slotted) Conical Concealed Platet3i Sprinkler Wrenches Model W4 SWC Note: (t) Not for installation where the maximum ceiling temperature exceeds 100°F due to cover plate temperature rating. (1) 135°F SWC Conical Concealed Plate for 155°F (68°C) sprinklers (3) 135°F SWC-2 (Slotted) Conical Concealed Plate for 1750F (79°C) sprinklers Model F1 Res44 SWC Conical Concealed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler and Installation Dimensions 5/16" (8mm) Dimensions 1" (25mm) 1" (25mm) +/-1/4" (6mm) 1/4" (6mm) Face of fitting to finished wall (67mm) (58mm) - - DIA. DIA. 1 5/8" H-(41mm) SWC & SWC-2 Concealed Cover Plate Installation SWC-2 Top of Deflector Down 3 5I from Ceiling to be Either 4" to 6" (100mm to (84mm) 150mm) or 6" to 12" DIA. (150mm to 300mm) Based on Hydraulic Calculations Model F1 Res44 SWC Conical Concealed Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems(') Maximum Coverage Area (2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Ordinary Temperature Rating 155°F (68°C) Intermediate Temperature Rating 175°F (79°C) Deflector to Ceiling Distance Flow gpm (I/min) Pressure psi (bar) Flow gpm (1/min) Pressure psi (bar) 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7) 13 (49) 8.7 (0.60) 14 (53) 10.2 (0.7) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3) 14 (53) 10.2 (0.7) 14 (53) 10.2 (0.7) 15 x 15 (4.6 x 4.6) 16 (61) 13.2 (0.91) -- -- 4 to 6 inches 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9) 17 (64) 15.0 (1.03) -- _ _ (100 to 150 mm) 16 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5) 19(72) 18.7(1.31) -- -- 16 x 20 (4.9 x 6.1) 23 (87) 27.4 (1.89) - - - - 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7) 14 (53) 10.2 (0.7) -- -- 14x14(4.3x4.3) 15(57) 11.7(0.81) -- -- 15 x 15 (4.6 x 4.6) 17 (64) 15.0 (1.03) -- _ _ 6 to 12 inches (150 to 300 mm) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9) 18 (68) 16.8 (1.16) -- -- 16 x 18 (4.9 x 5.5) 20 (76) 20.7 (1.43) - - - - Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. Bulletin 135 Reliable Page 11 of 15 April 2021 www.reliablesprinkler.com Technical Specifications Style: Sidewall and Recessed Sidewall Threads: 1/2" NPT or IS07-1R1/2 Nominal K-Factor: 5.8 (84 metric) Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) Material Specifications Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy Button: Copper Alloy Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Deflector: Bronze Alloy Finishes (See Table N) Sensitivity Fast -response Temperature Ratings 155-F (68-C) 175°F (79°C)., Recessed Escutcheons F2 Recessed FV Recessed Sprinkler Wrenches Model W2 Model W4 (Recessed) Model F1Res58 Residential Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Installation Dimensions 2-7/16" (62mm) Dimensions Face of fitting to finished wall 3/8" (10mm) +/- 1/4" (6mm) ' 2-1I/4" 1-15/16" (57mm) DIA. (49mm) DIA. - - 5/16" (8mm) 1-5/8" (41 mm) +/- 1/4" (6mm) Top of Deflector Down from Ceiling to be Either 4" to 6" (100 to 150 mm) or 6" to 12" 71 (150 to 300 mm) Based on Hydraulic Calculations F2 & FV Recessed Escutcheon Installation Model F1 Res58 Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems') Maximum Coverage Area (2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (1/min) Pressure psi (bar) Deflector to Ceiling Distance 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7) 16 (61) 7.6 (0.52) 4 to 6 inches (100 to 150 mm) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3) 18 (68) 9.7 (0.66) 15 x 15 (4.6 x 4.6) 19 (72) 10.7 (0.74) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9) 21 (80) 13.2 (0.91) 16 x 18 (5.5 x 5.5) 25 (95) 18.6 (1.28) 16 x 20 (4.9 x 6.1) 29 (110) 25.0 (1.72) 12 x 12 (3.7 x 3.7) 22 (83) 14.4 (1.0) 6 to 12 inches (150 to 300 mm) 14 x 14 (4.3 x 4.3) 22 (83) 14.4 (1.0) 15 x 15 (4.6 x 4.6) 24 (91) 17.1 (1.18) 16 x 16 (4.9 x 4.9) 26 (98) 20.1 (1.39) 16 x 18 (4.9 x 5.5) 31 (117) 28.6 (1.97) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. 3. Please note SIN difference between F1 Res58 HSW (R3533) and F1 Res58 HSWX (RA3533). Bulletin 135 Reliable Page 12 of 15 April 2021 www.reliablesprinkler.com Finishes Technical Specifications (See Table N) Style: Sidewall and Recessed Sidewall Sensitivity Threads: 1 /2" NPT or ISO7-1 R1 /2 Fast -response i Nominal K-Factor: 5.8 (84 metric) Temperature Ratings Max. Working Pressure: 175 psi (12 bar) 155°F (68°C) r 175°F (79°C) f. Material Specifications Recessed Escutcheons ` 4m Thermal Sensor: 3 mm glass bulb F2 Recessed Sprinkler Frame: Brass Alloy FV Recessed j p ' Button: Copper Alloy Sprinkler Wrenches !Y Sealing Assembly: Nickel Alloy with PTFE Model W2 Load Screw: Bronze Alloy Model W4 (Recessed) Deflector: Bronze Alloy Model F1 Res58 HSWX Residential Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Installation Dimensions 2-7/8" (73mm) 5/16" (8mm) Dimensions Face of fitting to finished wall 3/8" (10mm) +/- 1/4" (6mm) 2-1/4" 1-15/16" (57mm) (49mm) DIA. DIA. 1-7/8" (48mm) +/- 1/4" (6mm) F2 & FV Recessed Escutcheon Installation Model F1 Res58 HSWX Horizontal Sidewall Sprinkler Hydraulic Design Criteria Top of Deflector Down From Ceiling to be Either 4" to 6" (100 to 150 mm) or 6" to 12" (150 to 300 mm) Based on Hydraulic Calculations Minimum Flow and Residual Pressure in Wet Pipe Systems') Maximum Coverage Area(2) ft. x ft. (m x m) Flow gpm (1/min) Pressure psi (bar) Deflector to Ceiling Distance 18 x 20 (5.5 x 6.1) 30 (114) 26.8 (1.85) 4 to 6 inches (100 to 150 mm) 20 x 20 (6.1 x 6.1) 30 (114) 26.8 (1.85) 16 x 22 (4.9 x 6.7) 33 (125) 32.4 (2.23) 16 x 24 (4.9 x 7.3) 38 (144) 42.9 (2.96) 14 x 26 (4.3 x 7.9) 42 (160) 52.4 (3.63) 18 x 20 (5.5 x 6.1) 35 (133) 36.4 (2.51) 6 to 12 inches (150 to 300 mm) 16 x 22 (4.9 x 6.7) 38 (144) 42.9 (2.96) 16 x 24 (4.9 x 7.3) 42 (160) 52.4 (3.61) 14 x 26 (4.3 x 7.9) 46 (174) 62.9 (4.34) Notes: 1. For NFPA 13 installations the flow per sprinkler must be the greater of: (1) the flow listed in the table above or (2) the flow required to achieve a minimum design density of 0.1 gpm/sq ft over the design area of the sprinkler. 2. For coverage area dimensions less than those listed above, use the minimum required flow for the next larger max. coverage area listed. 3. Please note SIN difference between F1 Res58 HSW (R3533) and F1 Res58 HSWX (RA3533). Bulletin 135 Reliable Page 13 of 15 April 2021 www.reliablesprinkler.com Finishes Standard Finishes Special Application Finishes Sprinkler<'� F1, F2. FV, FP(3), CCP, SWC (Conical) Sprinkler �'� F1, F2. FV, FP(3), CCP, SWC (Conical) Escutcheons Cover Plates �'� Escutcheons Cover Plates ' Bronze Brass Bright Brass Bright Brass Bright Brass Chrome Plated Chrome Plated Chrome Plated Dull Chrome Dull Chrome Dull Chrome White White White Paint Black Black Black Paint Polyester(') Polyester Polyester(') Polyester Custom Color Custom Color Custom Color Paint Polyester Polyester Electroless Nickel - - PTFE (2) - Notes: (1) Paint or any other coating applied over the factory finish will void all approvals and warranties. (2) cULus Listed Corrosion Resistant. (3) The Model FP escutcheon assembly consists of an unfinished galvanized cup with a finished escutcheon ring. Installation Models F1 Res sprinklers are to be installed as shown in this bulletin. Model F1, F2, FV, and FP recessed escutcheons are the only recessed escutcheons to be used with Model F1 Res sprinklers. Not all F1 Res sprinklers may be used with all recessed escutcheons offered. Confirm listing of escutcheon type for use with individual sprinklers. Use of any other recessed escutcheon will void all approvals and warranties. For installing Model F1 Res sprinklers, use only the Model W2 sprinkler Wrench; for installing Models F1 Res Recessed Pendent, Sidewall, Conical Concealed Pendent (CCP), and Sidewall Concealed (SWC and SWC-2) sprinklers use only the Model W4 sprinkler wrench. Use of wrenches other than those specified may damage these sprinklers. Installation of F1 Res sprinklers in a wall or ceiling will require a hole diameter of 2-1/4" (57 mm) for F1 or F2 recessed escutcheons; or 2-5/8" (67 mm) for FP recessed escutcheons, CCP, SWC, and SWC-2 cover plates. Install F1 Res HSW sprinklers with a ceiling to deflector distance that complies with the hydraulic design criteria tables in this bulletin. The flow arrow on deflector must point away from near wall and "Top" marking must face the ceiling. A 'leak tight" sprinkler joint can be obtained with the following torque: • 1/2" NPT and IS07-1R1/2: 8-18 ft-Ibs (11 —24 N-m) • 3/4" NPT and ISO7-1 R3/4: 14-20 ft-Ibs (19 — 27 N-m) Do not tighten sprinklers over maximum recommended torque. This may cause leakage or impairment of the sprinklers. Do not install any glass bulb sprinklers where the bulb is cracked or there is a loss of liquid from the bulb. Glass bulb sprinklers have orange bulb protectors to minimize bulb damage during shipping, handling and installation. Remove this protection at the time the sprinkler system is placed in service. Removal of the protectors before this time may leave the bulb vulnerable to damage. RASCO wrenches are designed to install sprinklers when protectors are in place. Remove protectors by undoing the clasp by hand. Do not use tools to remove the protectors. Model W2 Model W4 The Model W4 wrench includes two sets of jaws. One set of jaws is equivalent to a Model GFR2 wrench and the other set of jaws is equivalent to a Model W 1 wrench. Use the smallest of the two sets of jaws that will fit on the sprinkler's wrench flats. The Model W4 wrench is used in conjunction with the installer's nominal 1/2" square drive ratchet and nominal 5" (125mm) long extension (not provided) as shown in Figure 13. Bulletin 135 April 2021 Page 14 of 15 www.reliablesprinkler.com Maintenance Reliable Model F1 Res Sprinklers should be inspected and the sprinkler system maintained in accordance with NFPA 25, 13, 13D, and 13R, as well as the requirements of any Authorities Having Jurisdiction. Prior to installation, sprinklers should remain in the original cartons and packaging until used. This will minimize the potential for damage to sprinklers that could cause improper operation or non -operation. Do not clean sprinklers with soap and water, ammonia liquid or any other cleaning fluids. Remove dust by gentle vacuuming without touching the sprinkler. Replace any sprinkler which has been painted (other than factory applied). Properly installed CCP, SWC, and SWC-2 cover plates will have an air gap that is required for proper operation, do not seal the gap or paint the cover plates. Replace any sprinkler which has been damaged, where cracks are observed in the glass bulb, or when liquid has been lost from the glass bulb. A stock of spare sprinklers should be maintained to allow quick replacement of damaged or operated sprinklers. Failure to properly maintain sprinklers may result in inadvertent operation or non -operation during a fire event. Listings & Approvals Listed by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. and UL Certified for Canada (cULus) Guarantee For Reliable Automatic Sprinkler Company guarantee, terms, and conditions, visit www.reliablesprinkler.com. Patents For patents applicable to products contained in this technical bulletin, please visit www.r-s.co Ordering Information Specify the following when ordering: Sprinkler • Model (See Table A) • Temperature Rating • Threads (NPT or IS07-1) • Finish (See Table N) Escutcheon or Cover Plate • Model • Finish (See Table N) Sprinkler Wrench • Model W2 (Pendent and HSW) • W4 (Recessed and Concealed) Note: Please note SIN difference between F1 Res58 HSW (R3533) and F1 Res58 HSWX (RA3533). LO M N O O O 0) O O Z d Bulletin 135 Reliable Page 15 of 15 April 2021 www.reliablesprinkler.com - IZESPprVSIVE i MESQ U IBC E F U L- ♦ 1?E LIP. B. LE TRANSMITTAL LETTER �i 2 12155 Paine Place ♦ Poway, CA 92064 ♦ 4619) 58"364 ♦ Fax (819) 588-6805 ♦ vvww.symon9fp.com DATE: � 1 r� aoa r+o: � � r aTTN: TO: E +� RE: 1r &C41 ` UGi Gt , Cz G G � G WE ARE SENDING YOU �g Attached ❑ Under separate cover via Shop drawings Hydraulic calculations ❑ Materials lists ❑ Copy of letter ❑ Change order ❑ Plans ❑ Specifications the following items COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: AFor approval ❑ For your use ❑ As requested ❑ For review and comment ❑ For bids due REMARKS COPY TO ❑ Approved as submitted ❑ Approved as noted ❑ Returned for corrections ❑ Forward to ,20 ❑ Return ❑ Return ❑ Prints returned after loan to us approved plans plans with comments SIGNED.;-�) r!��j if enclosures are not as noted, please notify us at once. r1 E$G�NSIVE 4 IZESQ VRGEF LUL ♦ r2E LIAR LE TRANSMITTAL LETTER RECEIVE SEP 1 9 REC'Q 12155 Paine Place • Poway, CA 92064 ♦ I619y 58&6364 * Fax I619I 588.68DS 4 www.symonsfp.eom DATE: : — ' 09 306 NO: �+ L ATTN: i 1 lr` V�- �Vcl ro: ►�V Gt �L WE ARE SENDING YOU [ik Attached ❑ Under separate cover via Shop drawings ❑ Copy of letter Hydraulic calculations ❑ Change order ❑ Materials lists Plans ❑ Specifications n the following items COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION l 1r- � � Lr K +� ► l H � THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: For approval ❑ Approved as submitted [a For your use ❑ Approved as noted [� As requested ❑ Returned for corrections [a For review and comment ❑ Forward to ❑ For bids due , 20 REMARKS COPY TO ❑ Return ❑ Retum li n Prints returned after loan to us SIGNED — approved plans plans with comments If enclosures are not as noted, please notify us at once. I"2ESPC>NSI\/E September 09, 2019 Response Letter f2ESalJf2GEFUL ♦ f?ELIA6LE Re: Project Number 19-0216 Andalusia plan 23 The purpose of this letter is to address the comments and corrections received. Symons Fire Protection responses are provided in BOLD. 1. Full height section added to the plans. 2. Beams to be removed from entire floor plan. 4. Beams to be removed from entire floor plan. 5. Calculations water info changed to the one provided. 12155 Paine Place Poway, CA 92064 (619) 588-6364 Fax (619) 588-6805 CA Llc. #682025 J�w"AL=7 v""JF- crwa�v,. w�vc_ F2ESPaR1SIVE • F2ESaLJF24=EFUL- i IZELIABL-E January 22, 2020 Re: Andalusia fire sprinkler permits To Whom It May Concern, For the project listed above, I give approval for Nolan Sparks and our Ryan Marsden, general contractor with Andalusia CC to sign and pick up permits/plans for The Andalusia project. If any payment is due at the time of issuing permits Nolan is also approved to make such payments. Thank you, Angela Zumaya Design Coordinator Symons Fire Protection 12155 Paine Place Poway, CA 92064 Phone: 619-588-6364 Fax: 619-588-6805 Email: angela@SymonsFP.com www.SyrnonsFP.com 12155 Paine Place Poway, CA 92064 (619) 588-6364 Fax (619) 588-6805 CA Lic. #682025 CAL FIRE - RIVERSIDE UNIT RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT SHAWN C. Nk- mAN -- F'ERE CHIEF CC& Qa4&a OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL — LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 . Phone (760) 777-7074 . www. rvefireorg September 30, 2019 Symons Fire Protection Inc. 12155 Paine PI Poway, CA 92064 Re: Residential Fire Sprinkler Plan Review —Andalusia — Master Plan 23 FCMP2019-0009 The sprinkler plans you submitted for the above referenced project have been reviewed by Riverside County Fire Department - Office of the Fire Marshal personnel and require corrections. 1. Provide a full -height cross section detail of the Great Room, including along the length of the branch -line supply piping. 2. NFPA 13D Section 10.2.1 Item (2) requires the sprinkler heads to be located below the beams. The fire sprinklers are shown in the pockets. In order to approve this head arrangement. a minimum 3- head calc would be required. (Section 10.2.4) *Relocate the heads in compliance with Section 10.2.1 or provide the 3 head calculation with adequate water supply. 3. Sheet FP3 note advises of beams located in the kitchen, however there is no detail of such present. 4. Hydraulic Calculations report includes a Water Supply Analysis showing a flow of 500 gpm with no resource information. *CVWD provided a Residential Connection Charge Estimate identifying a Static of 96.3 / Residual 66.7 / Flow of 29.5 gpm from the discharge side of the 3/4" water meter — this may be used as the water supply resource for the analysis. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Office of the Fire Marshal staff at (760)777-7074. Kohl Hetrick - Fire Safety Specialist y: OFFICE USE ONLY: REVIEW DATE: ❑ APPROVED ❑ CORRECTIONS NI CALIFORTA CALLED FOR PICKUP: DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT DATE PAID STAMP 78-495 Calle Tampico PICKED UP: La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 / FAX (760) 777-7011 FIRE REVIEW APPLICATION ❑ SUBMITTAL # [H] REVISION # 1 PERMIT NO. APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION Applicant Name: SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION Owner Name: NATIONAL MORTGAGE Mailing Address: 9475 CHESAPEAKE DRIVE Site Address: 5900 MADISON STREET Phone Number: 619-588-6364 Project MASTERPLAN TYPE 23 Email: ANGELA@SYMONSFP.COM Description: (Include # of sprinkler heads) Pursuant to a Cooperative Agreement to Provide Fire Services, the Riverside County Fire Department serves as the City's fire department, and the County designee serves as the City's fire chief. Applicant recognizes this contracted arrangement and shall comply with County Fire Department directions. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Name: SYMONS FIRE PROTECTION Contractor #: 682025 Signature: C� Contact Person: ANGELA ZUMAYA Mailing Address: 9475 CHESAPEAKE DRIVE Print Name: ANGELA ZUMAYA City, State, zip: SAN DIEGO, CA 92123 Phone Number: 619-588-6364 Business License #: LIC-767583 Email Address: ANGELA@SYMONSFP.COM A. APPLICATION TYPE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM JIL STORAGE TANKS ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ------------ ❑ DISPENSERS ONLY HOURLY@161/HR ❑ 0-35,000 SQ FT $C70 ❑ ABOVEGROUND HOURLY@161/HR ❑ 35,001-75,000 SQ FT $791 SUPRESSION SY. ❑ 75,001-120,000 SQ FT $992 ❑ HOOD & DUCT $418 ❑ 120,001 AND UP $1234 ❑ OTHER SUPRESSION SYSTEM HOURLY@161/HR ❑ TENANT IMPROVEMENTS - FIRE SPRINKLER $418 MATTER PLAN ❑ RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEMS ------------ ❑ MASTER PLAN HOURLY@161/HR ❑ 1-50 SPRINKLER HEADS $418 MISC ❑ 51-100 SPRINKLER HEADS $499 ❑ PYRO $740 ❑ OVER 100 SPRINKLER HEADS $579 ❑ HAZMAT HOURLY@161/HR ❑ RESIDENTIAL TRACT HOME (EA.) ADDITIONAL ------------ ❑ HIGH PILE RACK STORAGE HOURLY@161/HR ❑ 1-50 SPRINKLER HEADS $176 ❑ PRIVATE FIRE MAINS $901 ❑ 51-100 SPRINKLER HEADS $257 ❑ TECHNICAL REPORT RESEARCH HOURLY@161/HR ❑ OVER 100 SPRINKLER HEADS $337 ❑ FIRE PUMPS $659 ❑ MULTI -FAMILY Q OR MORE) $590 ❑ STANDPIPE SYSTEMS $579 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ❑ WATER TANKS $418 ❑ COMMERCIAL -SPRINKLER MONITORING $418 ❑ REVISION $161 ❑ COMMERCIAL -FIRE ALARM SYSTEM $1062 ❑ OTHER HOURLY@161/HR LOCH opplirotion type includes a 1ecnnology tnnancement Fee at Ss & heoords Monagement Fee atslu or S11 ktvlStD 1/29/2020 'Far permits billed of an hourly rate, these fees will be added of time of payment. Ow tra, CAI-IFORMA ■7 DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 4•� 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 (760)777-7125 FAX (760) 777-7011 FIRE REVIEW APPLICATION © NEW ❑ TENANT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT INFAOxll ATIAIU Project Nome: Site Address. City & Zip: rojte Co PERMITNO. FOUP Zolof-Xool n Pur$Uani la a Cooperative Agreement to Provide Fire Services, the Riverside County Fire Departnienf serves as the City's file department. and the County designee serves as the City's fire chief. Applicani recognizes this contracted -menf and shaft c :�;.;:i. ►Yiti} ; Fire [:c p �I ::::ntorireciians APPLICANT/CONTACT INFORMATION CONTRACTOR INFORlMATION: Same as Applicant info App6cani Nagle: 1n Contact Person: ZIUYI I Contact Person: Mailing Address: L . Mailin��] Address: City & zip: �fv &Zip: �T i11i Phone Number: LaPhone Number: Fox: Email: A. APPLICA N TYPE - FIRE SPRINXLER SYSTEM SUPRESSION SYSTEM ❑ NEW COMiuIERCIAL1INDUSTRIAL ❑ HOOD & DUCT $415 ❑ 0-35,000 50 FT $655 ❑ SPRAY BOOTH $816 CI 35,001-75,000 5Q FT $775 ❑ CELL SITE $816 91 ❑ 75,001-120,000 SQ FT $976 ❑ OTHER SUPRESSION SYSTEM $816 ❑ 120,001 AND UP $1216 MIISC ❑ TI COMMERCIALIINDUSTR1AL $415 ❑ HAZMAT $335 -1CSIDENTIAL -15T DWELLING UNIT $415 ❑ HIGH PILE RACE{ STORAGE $335 ❑ RESIDENTIAL - (EA) ADDITIONAL $175 ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL - UIG WATER $495 ❑ MULTI -FAMILY {3 OR MORE) $575 ❑ FIRE FLOW REPORT $335 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ❑ TECHNICAL REPORT RESEARCH HOURLY@1601HR © COMMERCIAL - 5i'RIIVF{LER MQNITORING $415 ❑ SPECIAL INSPECTION $165 ❑ COMMERCIAL - FIRE ALARM 5Y5TEM $1055 ❑ FIRE PUMPS $655 MASTER PLAN ❑ STANDPIPE SYSTEMS $575 YN MASTER PLAN HOURLY@160/HR ❑ WATER TANKS $415 ❑ WASTER PLAN REVISION I HOURLY@160IHR C3 PYRO $735 TORAGE TANKS DISPENSERS ONLY FEI HOURLY@Ifi01HR ABOVE GROUND HOURLY@1601HR Each apOiretion type includes a Technology Enhoncemenr Fee$5 r, Records Monagement Fee $10 REWSED 312&2019 CAL FIRE - RIVERSIDE UNIT RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT SHAWN C. NEWMAN — FIRE CHIEF OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL — LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA 78495 Calla Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 • Phone (760) 777-7074 • www.rvcfire.org January 21, 2020 Symons Fire Protection, INC. 12155 Paine PI Poway, CA 92064 Re: Master Plan - Residential Fire Sprinkler Plan Review — Andalusia - Plan 23 FCMP2019-000915900 MADISON STREET, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 The sprinkler plans you submitted for the above referenced project have been reviewed by Riverside County Fire Department - Office of the Fire Marshal personnel and are approved with the following conditions. Contractor shall individually apply for each lot that will utilize these plans for installation of a new fire sprinkler system. Applicable fees shall be paid and an individual job card issued. Permanently marked identification signs shall be attached to all control valves. The following inspections/tests are required to be witnessed by Office of the Fire Marshal Staff: (a) Overhead Rough and Hydro static test: All piping shall be visible and pumped at normal operating pressure. *No jacketed electrical and data wiring shall be in contact with, nor have the potential to contact CPVC piping once insulation is installed. (b) Final inspection The Fire Department approved plans and conditions letter must be at the job site. Applicantlinstaller shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspections. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 48 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (760)777-7131. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Office of the Fire Marshal staff at (760)777-7074. Kohl Hetrick - Fire Safety Specialist