FCMP2020-0007 Griffin Ranch Plan 1x Rev 2a u�tt Project Details PROJECT NUMBER ` =�w City of La Qu i nta FCM P2020-0007 MoFT�• . Description: GRIFFIN RANCH / MASTER FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN 1X / REV 2 Status: APPROVED Type: FIRE CONSTRUCTION MASTER PLAN (WEB) Status Date: Subtype: FIRE SPRINKLER MASTER PLAN Applied: 7/29/2020 Address: 81181 MERV GRIFFIN WY Approved: 8/24/2020 City, State, Zip: LA QUINTA,CA92253 Closed: Project Manager: Expired: Details: Pr DAYS REVIEWS III ACTIONS INSPECTIONS CONDITIONS ADDITIONAL SITES CHRONOL CONDITION TYPE CONTACT DATE ADDED DATE REQUIRED DATE SATISFIED STATUS REMARKS NOTES Standard Condition. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.180 (Fees and Deposits). These fees include all FEE - A KOHL HETRICK 8/24/2020 9/23/2020 COMPLIES deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and c FEES PAID. STATUS CHANGED TO "APPROVED" PER KOHL. NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESSI CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS INC 705 E HARRISON ST STE CORONA CA 92879 jamieb@fireinc.net 200 Printed: Thursday, March 02, 2023 2:56:56 PM 1 of 3 CENTRALSOLIARE a u�tt Project Details PROJECT NUMBER ` =�w City of La Qu i nta FCM P2020-0007 MoFT�• r NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESSI CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL BILL TO FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS INC 705 E HARRISON ST STE CORONA CA 92879 jamieb@fireinc.net 200 CONTRACTOR FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS INC 705 E HARRISON ST STE CORONA CA 92879 jamieb@fireinc.net 200 OWNER IOTA GRIFFIN 4675 MACARTHUR CT NEWPORT CA 0 NO 1550 BEACH CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY BY FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 1 $161.00 $161.00 9/23/20 WEB6328 035810 CREDIT FIRE SPRINKLER ECON SYSTEMS INC Total Paid for FIRE FEES: $161.00 $161.00 RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE - 101-0000-42416 0 $21.00 $21.00 8/7/20 WEB5946 CREDIT FIRE SPRINKLER ECON SYSTEMS INC MAJOR Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE - MAJOR: $21.00 $21.00 TECHNOLOGY 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 $5.00 8/7/20 WEB5946 CREDIT FIRE SPRINKLER ECON ENHANCEMENT FEE SYSTEMS INC Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 $5.00 • INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED I DATE COMPLETED DATE RESULT REMARKS NOTES REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE RETURNED STATUS REMARKS NOTES DATE Printed: Thursday, March 02, 2023 2:56:56 PM 2 of 3 CENTRALSOLIARE a u�tt Project Details PROJECT NUMBER ` =�w City of La Qu i nta FCM P2020-0007 MoFT�• 1ST FIRE (2WK) KOHL HETRICK 8/6/2020 8/17/2020 8/6/2020 INCOMPLETE NEED PLANS UPLOADED PRIOR TO REVIEW START 1ST FIRE (2WK) KOHL 8/7/2020 8/21/2020 8/24/2020 APPROVED EMAILED APPROVED HETRICK DOCS 1ST PERMIT PERMIT TECH 8/6/2020 8/7/2020 8/6/2020 COMPLETE TECHNICIAN (1DAY) BUCKET Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 8/7/2020 EtrakitContractor Master Plan 1X Fire Plan Master Plan 1X.32711 Fire Plan.pdf DOC 8/7/2020 EtrakitContractor Application 1 Plan 1X Application.pdf 1 DOC 8/7/2020 EtrakitContractor Application 2 Plan 1X Tracking 1 Sheet.pdf DOC 8/7/2020 EtrakitContractor Plan Type 1X Hydraulic Plan 1X.3271 Hydraulic 1 Calculations Calculations.pdf DOC 8/6/2020 KAYLI ALFORD FCMP2020-0007 FCMP2020-0007 1 APPLICATION.pdf APPLICATION.pdf DOC 8/27/2020 KOHL HETRICK Master Plan 1X - 3271 Master Plan 1X - 3271 1 Fire Plan (K3.7).pdf Fire Plan (K3.7).pdf Master Plan 1X - 3271 Master Plan 1X - 3271 DOC 8/27/2020 KOHL HETRICK Hydraulic Hydraulic 1 Calculations.pdf Calculations.pdf Printed: Thursday, March 02, 2023 2:56:56 PM 3 of 3 CENTRALSOLIARE euKeor. me n., Model RFI"i. 0 (SIN RA0611) @ Re''ab'id Model RFC4(SIN RA0612) Model RFC49(SIN RA0616) Residential Flat Concealed a Sprinklers A Residentlal Flat Cortotalletl - -- Sprinklerengi neeredfora minimum design density of 0.05 gpnV t' with low GPM requirements. Features 1. Very low water ff ' req,bar ananls 3 2. C_ plate adeormant(Plain or Pala lad) vnlh'h' (lamm) Total adNarnorn. 3. Thread-0NThri IT or Rlah-0rvfl d Off cover elWchm1moplbn. _. 4. Smooth aeatlrale ce Inn pmfle 5. AVailable'n brass Chmmd.nd black plated or panted Ilnshes Ustings & Approval I. Listed by Undenwiters teloRawles. and Con I eel by UL to, Canada (cULus) UL Lledng Categories F 17 Ili, t1­a Ri'. .aa RxR Axnl. I A i mi al i. Cpr nklerx UL Guide Number VKKW Product 03emdpllon P a p ce ­nKii, Nx,'m W �9 tl Gs P 9� c na Na. d «.age .vary a«wnare nn n PA 11 ua a n e imnw.e rsA.a M FBCag boles per^ - Oeab attnN r9a,a par N m T cea - aaa NameM to ve ins rove d ins t. caa, 3e cavar Mew a N aenemZ, 7MRellable Automede 6pdnkler Co., Im., 103 Folrvbw Park I)i Elmsford Ni IM23 am W�Mmm MW®®®®®®� Em=®ME®®®®® Ba® _ -. '. _ ®®f ®M®® Mudd P1 Residential SpnnIders for Design Density of A5 gpi €� —F1 Rea SPm`mA aginea -this krwmtI— mmcetmamHlm.ndabnda avnr.9swma' .12 D 11"1Alprwep'rtwn nro 8pdnklenb.tOMN1y:Pdi B',SeM tT6 ULUe+ig dau9nrYntc'xueaxa aw x'rq'a� ULtaulderhei n Tsmlpl Ma: n ntigx+c 5a act f..w.)n rvern TP rc T19A .- nroau �f ` rinse aN.., 9P�M Thea oma+c8pnt I O3 Fa RarkDive, HnshJ,Nerv�mk i0:29 ®MEMO HYDRAULIC SYSTEM This Building is Protected by a Hyd ly Deagned ALtomi Sprin'der System. Date lnsmlkd 8115117 Location CALC AREA Numberof8pdnidels 2 Ba EiNaof Design Iry .g5 gpmisg.fL 26E61GNEDAREAOF OI6cRARGE 332 Sp.R System Demand 1. WATER nai RATE 25.3 gpm 2RERIDUALPRESRUREATTHE RASEOFThERBER 27.2 psi Installed By Fire SpinlderSyssms, Inc. HYDRAULIC NAMEPLATE N.T.S. SENJU SPRINKLER =LTD. Reamenlrarr.ead Free Bra concearm sannxra -- F ` .. N__-II peaaeat_ I -cf 4 y I -cf 4 y 4PFB40Pa EM 111-1107,1 milli 13D/CRC 313.3 GENERAL NOTES 1. AUTOMATIC FIRESPPRINRLER SYSTEM HAS BEEN DESIGNED TO BE vMTH NFPA I3D D1s EDIT EOUu, NTS OF TLEMMCITY OFLAOFEUSSINTA FIRE DEPA TMENT OO. 2. 7NES SPRINKLERS rINSATEINSPE TLl NPBOB DTODI ISPANCmFEING GRANiEDNMINIMNMISDFCTI�ONA�FI GRWV5NINI NC NICE—LBE ANITII OFTHE REQUESTED INSPECTION. 3. THE INSTALLER SHALL PERFORM ALL REQUIRED ACCEPTANCE TESTS IIIII� Ru<RSE PENETRAT NG sTRUCTUw.L A MEMBEI'ZS SHALL BEMACWRDANCE VMTH CALIFORNIA BUILgNGOODE. 5 TYPE OF PLASTIC PIPETOBE CPVC MANUFACTURED BY BL MASTER LISTED. /10INITY MAP 6' AULVALVEGSHALL HAVEA PERMANENTLY AFFIXED SIGN INDICATING Mrs ITSRJN­ 7. PIPE SHALL BE HUNG FROM STRUCTURAL MEMBER PER THE UNIFORM sTHE MANIIINq ABRLONATIU� OF SPRINKLERS SHALLCONF E�IN TH INIFFFPAop1i310 FACT URES IR OU REMENTSSDAND THOGF ICCONTA S' HGSE N9ICE SERVICE ANDAUDIBLE FROMI THE STREET THAT FRETTED DETTEEKTTORS TO BE 10 sMq(E INSTALLED BY OTHERS 11 MANUFACTURED BV RELIABLE INSTALLEDAT 16 FT MAXIMUMSPACING (SEE TECH DATA) 12 PENDENT INTERMEDATE TEMP WICK RESPONSE SPRINKLERS ARE UL 13 FMTUIROES CEILING FA���NSRETC LEAST R IN AMRDANCE V.ATH Td6LE835>2 AND AREIN CAMPLIANCEIMTHB ]OC TIONS FOR CONTINUOUS OBSTRUCTIONS is AS FITT$AAND CABINETS O BE PROVIDED VMTH SPRINKLER COVERAGE IN 15 S SPRINKLERS SHALL NOT BE REWIRED TO BE PROVIDED IN ACCARDANCE WITH 51 12 16 NFPA13D83511VV GRE THE FUELFIRED EQUIPMENT ISABOVEALL ff_HE, PRESSURE REGULATOR PRESSURE REGULATOR TO BE SET AT Go PSI �.Es_.Eani ETAT6 PSI DOME6n LWATER ESTIC LWATER OMEbTIC T \S GPM AIIfLIIILOWANCE R DOM T CONTROLS GPM AIIfLKIILOWANCE D 11W — 3 ELEV. 11WEE— 2 ELEV. CONTROL BALL VALVE FINISH GRADE — O ELEV. IR COPPER BS MASTER BL Y E� 135' MAX un,x COPPER K Al 02F1EV1 ALT. UNDERGROUND DETAIL N.T.S. (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) 'FOR REFERENCE ONLY WNTROLBALLVALVE FINISH GRADE — O ELEV. 1W COPPER L 1n METER 9 .as z EOLEV 135'MA "F'w 1"mN © 02 F1EV1 UNDERGROUND DETAIL N.T.S. (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) GRIFFIN RANCH TRACT 2a ASTEa - PP APLAAIN 3271 LA OUINTA, CA. AH-17YOFIAOUINTA LEGAL DESCRIPTION OCCUPANCVION'. 13 VLB TORIES'. I BUILDNGPREA. 3,-.1. FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM' FEES IGNEDAND INSTALLEE PER 2A16 NFPA MDALL RESIDENTAL VATH A O5 DENSITY VMTHIN AREAS SCOPE OF woR1 To START AT BASE OF DENST'R ER( ROE 114) BUILDING SUMMARY • CONCEALED RES. PENDENT SPRINKLER ® CONCEALED RES. PENDENT SPRINKLER Q RESIDENTIAL PENDOJT SPRINKLER G CHANGE IN ELEVATIM ® RISM LOCATION (PER DETAIL) ® NODE POINT FOR CALWLATION HANGER TO DETAIL SYMBOLLEGEND La Quinta Office of the Fire Marshal By: Kohl Hetrick W ^--_,—' .`—­ FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST O8r2412020 10 29 42 AM Th pp I f pl s and spec feat ons does not p.mmutth Violation, dekbon omsson.r faulty Imsbi stairs, qumamsma.f Ttle 249rany Lo I O d' Constructor shall ...in Tole and exposed for imip.oti.n purposes urn I approved by the F're Depado PERMIT Ill -PCMP2020-0007 APPROVAL STAMP CPVCTOSYSTEM— 10 fA'ELEV.FROMFIRSHGRADE 6PAAEePANNER83INLL NOEEAEOER"BE PRAYOED PER5.1.1] 1"CPVCRISER F GAUGE ACCESS ODOR —AllII''DRAIN VALVE ORAIry TO IXTERIOR 1� "IES IIER FACED CHECKVALVE 1� 4ELEV. yL 10J_ z'ELIEV. RISER DETAIL N.T.S. JOB NO: 31M.N. DATE: &1117 ORAVMI BV: M.N. 1-HR. AND 2-HR. GYPSUM WALL ASSEMBLY 1 OR 2 HOUR FIRE RATED THROUGH PENETRATION FIRESTOP FOR SINGLE PLASTIC PIPE THROUGH GYPSUM WALLS USING BLAZEMASTER CAULK & WALK F RATING =1-HR. AND 2-HR. T RATING =1-HR. AND 2-HR. DRAWING NOT TO SCALE 1. PRE -RATED GYPSUM WALLBOARD/STUD WALL ASSEMBLY A) THE F RATING =1 HOUR IF THERE IS ONE LAYER OF GYPSUM WALLBOARD. B THE F RATING = 2 HOUR IF THERE ARE TWO LAYERS OF GYPSUM WALLBOARD. 2. PLASTIC PIPE - A) NOM. 2" DIAM. (OR SMALLER) SCH. 40 PVC PIPE B) NOM. 2" DIAM. (OR SMALLER) CPVC PIPE. THE ANNULAR SPACE RANGE SHALL BE ,MIN.1/4" TO MAX 1-3/8". NOTE: FOR USE IN CLOSED (PROCESS OR SUPPLY) PIPING SYSTEMS. 3. BLAZEMASTER CAULK & WALK - MIN. 1/2" THICKNESS OF SEALANT APPLIED WITHIN OPENING. ADDITIONAL SEALANT TO BE INSTALLED SUCH THAT A MIN. 1/4" CROWN IS FORMED AROUND THE PENETRATING ITEM. NOTE: THE F & T RATINGS OF THE SYSTEM IS EQUAL TO THE FIRE RATING OF THE WALL ASSEMBLY. UL/cUL SYSTEM NO. WL2151 A A HYDRAULIC SYSTEM This Building is Protected by a Hydraulically Designed Automatic Sprinkler System. Date Installed 8/15/17 Location CALC AREA 2 Number of Sprinklers 1 Basis of Design 1. DENSITY .05 gpm/sq.ft. 2. DESIGNED AREA OF DISCHARGE 400 sq.ft. System Demand 1. WATER FLOW RATE 25 gpm 2. RESIDUAL PRESSURE AT THE BASE OF THE RISER 37.0 psi Installed By Fire Sprinkler Systems, Inc. ❑0 I I -V VLV. '- 6'-T VERANDA 12'-0" CLG. COURTYARD ALT. PLAN 3271(141X141) FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = V-0" SIZE - SYSTEM PIPE: 3/4" thru 3" _ MATERIAL - CARBON STEEL. FINISH - Mil. Galvanized. LISTING/APPROVAL - 203-EX 4231, EX 2551 FUNCTION -Support horizontal piping: CPVC, Copper or Steel. Size 3/4" - 2" Prevents upward movement of pipe from pendent sprinkler discharge. Stabilize vertical piping. INSTALLATION - Per these instructions including NFPA 13, 13R, 13D and CPVC manufacturers instructions. install on horizontal or vertical mounting surface. FASTENERS - UL Listed per NFPA 13 in WOOD: 3/4" - 3" CPVC PIPE - #905 screw - no pre -drill. 3/4" - 3" Steel and Copper pipe - #14 x 1 1/2" SMS or 1/4"x1 1/2" lag bolt - no pre -drill. in STEEL: min. 18 GA. 3/4" - 3" CPVC, Copper and Steel pipe - 1/4" or #14 Tek Screw. FEATURES Offset edge eliminates abrasion. Retainer dimples secure hanger to pipe duringq installation. Required AFCON #905 screw included - 5/16 hex head. ORDERING - Part # and pipe size. CAN ALSO BE USED TO REPLACE - #500 Pipe Strap #520 Tin Strap 510 FAST. SIZE DIM. 3/4 2.126 1 2.312 1 1/4 3.170 1 1/2 3.400 2 1/2 4.320 3 1 5.320 Restraint Hanger Stabilize Nominal Pipe Size (in.) 1„ 1,1„ 1,1„ 2„ 2,1„ 3„ 31/2" 4„ 51, 6„ 8„ Steel pipe except threaded N/A 12'-0" 12'-0" 15'-0" 15-0" 15'-0" 15-0" 15'-0" 15-0" 15-0" 15,-0" 15-0" lightwall Threaded lightwall steel N/A 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A pipe Copper tube 8'-0" 8'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 15'-0" 15-0" 15-0" 15'-0" 15-0" CPVC 5'-6" 6'-0" 6'-6" 7'-0" 8'-0" 9'-0" 10'-0" N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Polybutylene (IPS) N/A 3'-9" 4'-7" 5'-0" 5-11" N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Polybutylene (CTS) 2'-11" T-4" 3'-11" 4'-5" 5'-5" N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Ductile iron pipe N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15'-0" N/A N/A 15-0" N/A 15'-0" 15-0" AFCON 510 HANGER (STEEL -COPPER - C.P. V.C. NOT TO SCALE SIZE - SYSTEM PIPE: 3/4" thru 2" MATERIAL - Carbon Steel. FINISH - Mil. Glavanized. LISTING/APPROVAL - 203-EX 4231, EX 2551 r� II #905 I I � #906 I� I 100 � II 0 PATENT - No. 6,648,278. FUNCTION - Support horizontal piping: CPVC, Copper or Steel. Provides listed vertical/horizontal restraint and prevents upward movement of pipe from pendent sprinkler discharge. Stabilize vertical piping. INSTALLATION - Per these instructions including NFPA 13, 13R, 13D and CPVC manufacturers instructions. Install on horizontal or vertical mounting surface. Snap over pipe then squeeze strap back allowing pipe to slide freely. When #905 threads are exposed in wood, install #906 backing nut. FASTENERS - UL Listed per NFPA 13 WOOD - CPVC pipe - #905 screw- no pre -drill. Copper and Steel pipe - #14 SMS or 1/4 "x1 1/2" lag screw - no pre -drill. Thru 5/8" gypsum board - 1/4"x 2" lag screw. STEEL - min. 18 GA. - CPVC, Copper and Stell pipe - 1/4" or #14 Tek Screw. CONCRETE: Required minimum load each fasterner = 5(wt)+250lbs. 2 FEATURES 1 1/2" Offset - loose fit allows pipe to slide. Common center -line for 3/4" and 1 ". Offset edge eliminates abrasion. AFCON #905 screw included - 5/16" hex head. ORDERING - Part # and pipe size. AFCON #906 backing nut sold serparately. Hanger/Restrainer Nominal Pipe Size (in.) %4" 1" 1'/4" 1 % " 2" 2%z" 3" 3%z" 4" 5" 6" 8" Steel pipe except threaded N/A 12'-0" 12'-0" 15-0" 15-0" 15'-0" 15-0" 15-0" 15-0" 15-0" 15,-0" 15,-0" lightwall Threaded lightwall steel N/A 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A pipe Copper tube 8'-0" 8'-0" 10'-0" 10'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 12'-0" 15'-0" 15-0" 15,-0" 15,-0" 15-0" CPVC 5'-6" 6'-0" 6'-6" 7'-0" 8'-0" 9'-0" 10'-0" N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Polybutylene (IPS) N/A 3'-9" 4'-7" 5'-0" 5'-11" N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Polybutylene (CTS) 2'-11" 3'-4" 3'-11" 4'-5" 5'-5" N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Ductile iron pipe N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15'-0" N/A N/A 15'-0" N/A 15'-0" 15'-0" AFCON 514 HANGER (STEEL - COPPER - C. P. V. C. NOT TO SCALE )ilize FLOOR AREA - 3,271 SQFT. TOTAL LIVING AREA - 3,271 SQFT. GARAGE AREA- 634 SQFT. DESIGN AND INSTALLATION SHALL CONFORM TO NFPA 13D, 2016 ED. 1 NOTES: 1. ALL HEAD SPACING TO E 14'x14', ONLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. ALL PIPES TO BE %" CPVC, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. PIPE CLEARANCES MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 13-9.3.4. 4. HANGERS SHOWN FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. HANGER SPACING TO BE PER TABLES ON THIS SHEET. 5. SPRINKLERS SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED IN BATHROOMS OF 55sgft. AND LESS. (SECTION 8.6.2.) 6. SPRINKLERS SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED IN CLOTHES CLOSETS, LINEN CLOSETS, AND PANTRIES THAT MEET ALL OF THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: (1) THE AREA OF THE SPACE DOES NOT EXCEED 24sgft. (2) THE WALLS AND CEILINGS ARE SURFACED WITH NONCOMBUSTIBLE OR LIMITED -COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS AS DEFINED IN NFPA 220. 9. THE DISTANCE SHALL BE MEASURED FROM THE CENTER OF THE SPRINKLER TO THE CENTER OF THE OBSTRUCTION. 10. SHADOW AREAS SHALL BE PERMITTED IN THE PROTECTION AREA OF A SPRINKLER AS LONG AS THE CUMULATIVE DRY AREA DO NOT EXCEED 15sgft (1.4 sqm) PER SPRINKLER. Z O U) w � � o Q M N Oz \ I\ I\ I\ I\ I Ow JFS"S FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS INC. • LICENSE NO.684600 • CUSTOM, TRACT, MULTI -FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL • DESIGN, ENGINEERING AND INSTALLATION • 705 E. HARRISON ST., SUITE 200 CORONA, CA 92879 PH - 800-915-3473 FAX - 951-272-2535 • The recipient of these plans hereby acknowledges that all plans, details, specifications or methods of installation contained in this set of plans is the sole property of Fire Sprinkler Systems, Inc. and that any use of this set of plans is prohibited and is a violation of copyright laws without first receiving permission from Fire Sprinkler Svstems. ZQ N GO C'h O 1 v� co w w 2 co CD o 2 Q d X V X V X O cli Z U) Cn w J Y Z_ d GO C7 CL w J O w co co io ,i O U � co o rn co coY J co J 0 UZ o� � Z 0 �d WM LU d �O �w O U U w J J Z Z Q Q Q w co J w J w � lY r` CV Cl) U ZZ Q U d� Q Q z m uj 0 N0 LU Q JOB NO: 31630 DATE: 8/15/17 DRAWN BY: M.N. ION CLASSIFICATION C-16 * LICENSE NO. 684600 J�gTF OF C A` \�O���Q SIZE - 24" X 36" SCALE 1/4" =1' IF SHEET IS LESS THAN 24" X 36" IT IS A REDUCED PRINT SCALE REDUCE ACCORDINGLY SHEET ID FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN SHEET FP3 OF FP4 Table R • One Point of Restraint MAX, I R R MAX. 1 One -Point Vertical Restraint RESTRAINT - RESTRAINT ONE-POINTT ONE -POINT Nominal "R" °R„ Pipe Size Less than Greater than ANSI inches 100 psi 100 psi ON (6,9 bar) (6,9 bar) 3/4 0'-9" 0'-6" DN20 (0,23 m) (0,15 rri) DN25 (0,30m) (0,23 m) QN32 (0,41 m) (0.30 rn) 1-1/2 - 3 2'-0" 1'-0" DN40 - DN80 (0,61 m) (0,30 rf1) Table S • Two Points of Restraint Nominal Pipe °.S„ „S., Size Less#hen Greater than ANSI Inches 100 psi- 100 psi DN (6,9 bar) (6,9 bar) 3f4 4'-0" 3'-0" DN20 (1,22 m) (0,91 rn) 1 5-011 4'-0» DN25 (1,52 m) (1,22 m) 1-1/4 6'-0" 5'-0" DN32 (1;83 m) (1,52 m) 1-1/2-3 7'-0" T-0" DN40 - DN80 (2,13 rrt) (2,13 rn) S MAX._ Two -Point ANY DISTANCE �— Vertical Restraint RESTRAINT Two -POINT January2005 Garage Installation Specifications Garage Installation Specifications shall only apply for the installation of UL Listed BlazeMasters CPVC pipe and fittings in garages requiring sprinkler protection per NFPA 13D and NFPA 13R. These Standards are defined in NFPA codes entitled 'One and Two Family Dwellings and Mobile Homes' and in 'Residential Occupancies up to Four Stories in Height'. As referenced in NFPA 13D Section 8.6.4,'Sprinklersore not required in garages, open attached porches, tarpons or similar structures." The installation of TFP BlazeMaster sprinkler pipe and fittings for use in garages requiring sprinkler protection per NFPA 73R is only applicable to the UL Listing of this product. Requirements for Pipe, Fittings, Solvent Cement Systems, System Design, Installation, Freeze Protection, and Penetrating Fire Related Walls and Partitions are covered in this installation and technical handbook. Please read these sections of the manual carefully prior to designing or installing TFP BlazeMaster pipe and fittings for garage installations. The Installation of TFP BlazeMaster pipe and fittings in garages requiring sprinklers is only UL Listed and is not C-UL Listed. •Installation Requirements -Protection: TFP BlazeMaster CPVC pipe and fittings shall be installed concealed behind protection consisting of a minimum of one layer of/e thick gypsum wallboard or'!s'thick plywood. -Sprinkler Requirements: UL Listed, quick response, standard coverage, pendent or sidewall sprinklers with a 225°f (107C) maximum temperature rating shall be utilized. All sprinklers shall be installed per the manufacturer's published installation instructions. -Installation Standard: The Listing for Garage Installations shall pertain is those occupancies defined by NFPA 73R. System Risers In accordance with the UL Listing, TFP BlazeMaster CPVC pipe and fittings maybe used as system risers in accordance with NFPA 13, 130 and 13R when subject to the following additional limitations: 1. When installed protected (concealed) in accordance with NFPA 13D and 13R, the minimum protection shall consist of either one layer of ;/s' (9.5 mm) thick gypsum wallboard or'h' (12.7 mm) [hick plywood. 2. When installed without protection (exposed) in accordance with NFPA 13, 130 and 13R, the following limitations shall apply: - The riser shall be installed below a smooch, flat, horizontal ceiling construction. A Listed residential pendant sprinkler is to be installed with its deflector at the distance from the ceiling specified in the sprinkler Listing. OR The riser shall be installed below a horizontal unfinished basement ceiling (in accordance with NFPA 130) constructed utilizing nominal 2" x 10" or nominal 2' x 12' exposed solid wood joists on 16' centers. A Listed residential pendent sprinkler is to be installed with its deflector a maximum of 1�l7 below the bottom of the solid wood joist in anticipation of future installation of a finished ceiling. When installing TFP BlazeMaster CPVC pipe and fittings in conjunction with Z' x 12' solid wood joists, the maximum system working pressure under flowing conditions shall not exceed 100 psi and the maximum system working pressure under static (nonflotvrng) conditions shall not exceed 175 psi. The Listed residential pendent sprinkler is to have 155°F (66°C) maximum temperature rating and is to be installed at a maximum horizontal distance of 12 inches from the center tine of the riser. The system is to be designed based upon the Listed flows for the sprinkler selected except that the flow for a single sprinkler or multiple sprinklers shall not be less than 11 gpm per sprinkler. BUILDING SECTION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Fig. 29 -Double Offset Hanger &Restrainer for CPVC Plastic Pipe C & US LISTED Size Range — Available in 3/4" and 1" pipe sizes Material —Prc-Galvanized Steel Function —Intended to perform as a hanger and restrainer for CPVC, plastic fire sprinkler pipe. Provides double offset 1 '/z" x 1•500 1 '/z" from mounting surface. This design will ease installation by eliminating the need for wood black extension and allow retro-fit attachment of hanger to sprinkler pipe. '_- Features -- • Thumb tab provides protection to restrain pipe it rough Job site 1,500 conditions. Tab is not required to be bent for listed installation. • Offset edge eliminates abrasion. • Attaches easily to wood structure with two special #10 x 1 hex Q o head self -threading screws furnished with product. • Can be used as a single offset hanger by aligning "dimples" with top of mounting surface and utilizing two fasteners in two of the three holes provided. q 3 Approvals —Underwriters' Laboratories Listed in the USA (UL) ' and Canada (eUL) as a hanger and restrainer to support fire 3 3 sprinkler systems. Meets and exceeds requirements of NFPA 13, 13R and 13D. Finish —Pre-Galvanized Order By —Figure number and pipe size. —__ PATENT PENDING BUILDING SECTION SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" e sup_cia ex -a'd self-taztor lr gar cefsre , .."_e, .stailatcri �` � � o Q M N 0 0 �ti (MFSS FIRi SPRINIaiR SYSTEMS INC. • LICENSE N0.684600 • CUSTOM, TRACT, MULTI -FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL • DESIGN, ENGINEERING AND INSTALLATION • 705 E. HARRISON ST., SUITE 200 CORONA, CA 92879 PH - 800-915-3473 FAX - 951-272-2535 • The recipient of these plans hereby acknowledges that all plans, details, specifications or methods of installation contained in this set of plans is the sole property of Fire Sprinkler Systems, Inc. and that any use of this set of pions is prohibited and is a violation of copyright laws without first receiving permission from Fire Sprinkler Systems. z U w Of ti N Cl) U ZZ Q U � � Q Q z m w H JOB NO: 31630 DATE: 8/15/17 DRAWN BY: M.N. 10 � CLASSIFICATION C-16 * LICENSE N0. 684600 J�gTF OF C A` \!O���Q SIZE - 24" X 36" SCALE 114" =1' IF SHEET IS LESS THAN 24" X 36" IT IS A REDUCED PRINT SCALE REDUCE ACCORDINGLY SHEET ID SECTIONS SHEET FP4 OF FP4 DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271.rdf Page 1 FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 705 E. HARRISON, SUITE 200 CORONA,CA 92879 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR GRIFFIN RANCH LA QUINTA, CA PLAN 3271 10% TAKEN OFF WATER SUPPLY FOR SAFETY MARGIN CALC AREA 1 Date: 7/20/2020 File No: 31630 Data File Name: 3271.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING APPROVED Riverside County Fire Department La Quinta Office of the Fire Marshal By: Kohl Hetrick Roason lam ltus Date 20 ent Dale: D2020.08.24 10:32:18-07'00' FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST 08/24/2020 10:31:21 AM The approval of plans and specifications does not permit the violation, deletion, omission or faulty installation of any requirements of Title 24 or any Local Ordinances. Construction shall remain accessible and exposed for inspection purposes until approved by the Fire Department. PERMIT # - FCMP2 02 0 - 0007 196.0 sq. ft./spklr.(max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 14.0 ft. Min. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 8.0 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 7.0 ft. SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Senju Descr: SS8261 Pend.RC-RES(14xl4) K=3.7G Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs & Drops: 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=3.61 (Incl. 1 Tee) 0.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Arm -Over: K=3.59 (Intl. 1 Tee & 1 Ell) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: CPVC HWC: 150 WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: By: Static: 74.5 psi Resid: 67.3 psi Flow:2300.0 gpm Public Main Size: 8 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 104 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Press Flowing Flow (psi) 1 10.0 7.7 2 10.0 7.7 REVIEWING AUTHORITY CITY OF LA QUINTA FIRE DEPT. Node Total Avail. Req'd No. Flow Press. Press. 20 15.0 74.5 29.7 20 25.3 74.5 45.7 DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271.rdf Page 2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * 1 sprinkler flowing * 2 sprinklers flowing FIXD P # END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISCH FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC NOD DIA EQV.LN PUMP (FT) (K) *(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI)*(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) 1 100 30.00 BG ---- -2.0 SRCE ---- 15.0 2.35 29.7 ---- 25.3 6.20 45.7 150 101 0.995 6.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.07 0.00 27.4 ---- 0.17 0.00 39.5 2 101 1.00 -4.0 -2.0 ---- ---- 15.0 0.07 27.4 ---- 25.3 0.17 39.5 150 102 0.995 0.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.07 0.00 23.3 ---- 0.17 0.00 35.3 3 102 135.00 3L ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 15.0 2.27 23.3 ---- 25.3 5.99 35.3 150 103 1.360 24.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 21.1 ---- 0.04 0.00 29.3 4 103 4.00 LG ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 15.0 0.14 21.1 ---- 25.3 0.38 29.3 150 104 1.265 3.0 ---- 2.0 -5 5 0.02 1.73 19.2 5 0.05 1.73 27.2 2.00 L ---- 2.0 -5 5 10.0 0.13 19.2 5 20.3 0.49 27.2 5 150 104 105 1.101 5.0 ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.87 18.2 ---- 0.07 0.87 25.9 6 105 1.00 -3.0 4.0 ---- ---- 10.0 0.02 18.2 ---- 20.3 0.07 25.9 0.0 ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 15.2 ---- 0.07 0.00 22.8 150 106 1.101 7 106 6.00 2L ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 10.0 0.30 15.2 ---- 20.3 1.12 22.8 150 10 1.101 10.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.02 2.60 12.3 ---- 0.07 2.60 19.1 8 10 3.50 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 10.0 0.44 12.3 ---- 20.3 1.62 19.1 150 11 0.874 4.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.06 0.00 11.8 ---- 0.22 0.00 17.5 9 11 8.00 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 5.8 0.23 11.8 ---- 11.8 0.86 17.5 150 12 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 11.6 ---- 0.08 0.00 16.6 1.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 5.8 0.10 11.6 ---- 11.8 0.39 16.6 10 150 12 13 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.43 11.1 ---- 0.08 0.43 15.8 11 13 13.50 L2R ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 5.8 0.41 11.1 ---- 11.8 1.53 15.8 150 14 0.874 6.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 10.6 ---- 0.08 0.00 14.2 2.00 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 5.8 0.13 10.6 ---- 11.8 0.47 14.2 12 150 14 15 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.87 9.7 ---- 0.08 0.87 12.9 13 15 1.00 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 5.8 0.10 9.7 ---- 11.8 0.39 12.9 150 16 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 9.6 ---- 0.08 0.00 12.5 14 16 43.00 3L6R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 5.1 1.04 9.6 ---- 11.0 4.21 12.5 150 17 0.874 18.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 8.5 ---- 0.07 0.00 8.3 15 17 1.00 R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 8.5 ---- 10.3 0.12 8.3 150 18 0.874 1.0 ---- 13.0 3.61 ---- 0.00 0.00 8.5 10.3 0.06 0.00 8.2 16 17 10.00 B ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 5.1 0.22 8.5 ---- 0.6 0.00 8.3 13.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 8.3 ---- 0.00 0.00 8.3 150 19 0.874 3.0 ---- DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271.rdf Page 3 17 19 1.00 B7R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 10.0 0.64 8.3 ---- 10.0 0.64 8.3 150 20 0.874 10.0 ---- 13.0 3.61 10.0 0.06 0.00 7.7 10.0 0.06 0.00 7.7 18 19 42.50 150 21 0.874 19 21 2.00 150. 22 0.874 20 22 7.50 150 23 0.874 21 23 5.00 150 24 0.874 22 23 17.50 150 25 0.874 23 25 8.50 150 26 0.874 24 26 2.00 150 27 0.874 25 27 25.00 150 16 0.874 26 25 29.50 150 28 0.874 27 28 1.00 150 29 0.874 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -4.8 0.65 8.3 ---- -9.4 2.18 8.3 0.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.02 0.00 8.9 ---- -0.05 0.00 10.5 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -4.8 0.09 8.9 ---- -9.4 0.31 10.5 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.02 0.87 9.9 ---- -0.05 0.87 11.7 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -4.8 0.18 9.9 ---- -9.4 0.59 11.7 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.02 0.00 10.1 ---- -0.05 0.00 12.2 LB ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 10.1 ---- 0.0 0.00 12.2 7.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 10.1 ---- 0.00 0.00 12.2 BR ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -4.8 0.33 10.1 ---- -9.4 1.10 12.2 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.02 0.00 10.4 ---- -0.05 0.00 13.3 B ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.6 0.00 10.4 ---- -0.8 0.01 13.3 3.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.87 9.5 ---- 0.00 0.87 12.5 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.6 0.00 9.5 ---- -0.8 0.00 12.5 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 9.5 ---- 0.00 0.00 12.5 LB4R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.6 0.01 9.5 ---- -0.8 0.02 12.5 11.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 9.6 ---- 0.00 0.00 12.5 B4R ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -4.2 0.43 10.4 ---- -8.6 1.60 13.3 7.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 10.8 ---- -0.04 0.00 14.9 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -4.2 0.06 10.8 ---- -8.6 0.22 14.9 4.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.43 11.3 ---- -0.04 0.43 15.6 28 29 26.50 L3B3R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -4.2 0.50 11.3 ---- -8.6 1.86 15.6 150 11 0.874 16.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 11.8 ---- -0.04 0.00 17.5 Node Notes Pipe Notes Legend: P - Pipe # LEN - Pipe Length DIA - Pipe Diameter FIT. - Pipe Fittings EQV. LN - Pipe Equivalent Length FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device PUMP - Pump Pressure EL - Node Elevation SP - K-Factor DISCH - Discharge in gpm FLOW - Flow Rate FL/FT - Friction Loss per Foot PF - Pressure Loss due to Friction PE - Pressure Loss due to Elevation PT - Total Pressure at Node Fitting Code Letters: E=45 Ell, L=90 Ell, B=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatVly, X= X, DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271.rdf Page 4 The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 2 at 6.19 ft/s with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 8 at 10.87 ft/s with 2 sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard.npt PAGE: C MATERIAL: CPVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 0.874 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.101 1.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: K MATERIAL: Copper Tube-K HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 0.995 1.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 1.265 1.00 3.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: P MATERIAL: PVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 1.360 2.00 8.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 11.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HASS HOUSE 3.8.0 computer program (License No. 50081444) to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node and a maximum imbalance of 0.08 gpm with one sprinkler flowing, and 0.010 gpm at each node and maximum imbalance of 0.11 gpm with 2 sprinklers flowing in accordance with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. The minimum source pressure is 20.0 psi with a minimum required pressure of 45.7 psi and a 7 minute flow of 177 gal. and a 10 minute flow of The minimum pressure at any node is 7.7 psi at node 20. HRS Systems, Inc. 208 Southside Square Petersburg, TN 37144 (931) 659-9760 253.4 gallon,, DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALLS\3271.rdf Page 5 WATER SUPPLY CURVE 75.0- 67.5 P 60.0 R E 52.5 S S OD 45.0 U j R j 37.5 E 30.0 B ( P 22.5 S I 15.0 i 7.5 0.0 04 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 FLOW (GPM) Static = 74.5 psi, Residual = 67.3 psi @ 2300 gpm (1 sprinkler flowing) (2 sprinklers flowing) A = Available Water Supply C = Available Water Supply 74.5 psi @ 15.0 gpm 74.5 psi @ 25.3 gpm B = Required Water Supply D = Required Water Supply 29.7 psi @ 15.0 gpm 45.7 psi @ 25.3 gpm DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271.rdf Page 6 DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271.rdf Page 1 FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 705 E. HARRISON, SUITE 200 CORONA,CA 92879 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR GRIFFIN RANCH LA QUINTA, CA PLAN 3271 10% TAKEN OFF WATER SUPPLY FOR SAFETY MARGIN CALC AREA 2 Date: 7/20/2020 File No: 31630 Data File Name: 3271.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING 400.0 sq. ft./spklr.(max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 20.0 ft. Min. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 8.0 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 10.0 ft. SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Reliable Descr: RA0616 RFC49 F1 Conc .Pend.(20x20) K=4.90 Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs & Drops: 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=4.71 (Incl. 1 Tee) 0.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Arm -Over: K=4.67 (Incl. 1 Tee & 1 Ell) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: CPVC HWC: 150 WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: By: Static: 74.5 psi Resid: 67.3 psi Flow:2300.0 gpm Public Main Size: 8 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 104 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Press Flowing Flow (psi) 1 20.0 18.0 1 20.0 18.0 REVIEWING AUTHORITY CITY OF LA QUINTA FIRE DEPT. Node Total Avail. Req'd No. Flow Press. Press. 24 25.0 74.5 55.1 24 25.0 74.5 55.1 DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271.rdf Page 2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * 1 sprinkler flowing * 1 sprinklers flowing FIXD P # END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISCH FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC NOD DIA EQV.LN PUMP (FT) (K) *(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI)*(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) 1 100 30.00 BG ---- -2.0 SRCE ---- 25.0 6.04 55.1 ---- 25.0 6.06 55.1 150 101 0.995 6.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.17 0.00 49.1 ---- 0.17 0.00 49.1 2 150 101 102 1.00 0.995 0.0 -4.0 -2.0 ---- ---- ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 25.0 0.17 0.17 0.00 49.1 ---- 44.9 ---- 25.0 0.17 0.17 0.00 49.1 44.9 3 150 102 103 135.00 1.360 3L 24.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- -2.0 ---- ---- ---- 25.0 0.04 5.84 0.00 44.9 ---- 39.1 ---- 25.0 0.04 5.84 0.00 44.9 39.1 4 150 103 104 4.00 1.265 LG 3.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- ---- 2.0 -5 25.0 5 0.05 0.37 1.73 39.1 ---- 37.0 25.0 5 0.05 0.37 1.73 39.1 37.0 5 150 104 105 2.00 1.101 L 5.0 ---- 2.0 -5 ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 5 20.0 0.07 0.48 0.87 37.0 35.6 ---- 5 20.0 0.07 0.48 0.87 37.0 35.6 6 150 105 106 1.00 1.101 0.0 -3.0 4.0 ---- ---- ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 20.0 0.07 0.07 0.00 35.6 ---- 32.6 ---- 20.0 0.07 0.07 0.00 35.6 32.6 7 150 106 10 6.00 1.101 2L 10.0 ---- 4.0 ---- ---- ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 20.0 0.07 1.09 2.60 32.6 ---- 28.9 ---- 20.0 0.07 1.09 2.60 32.6 28.9 8 150 10 11 3.50 0.874 L 4.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 20.0 0.21 1.57 0.00 28.9 ---- 27.3 ---- 20.0 0.21 1.57 0.00 28.9 27.3 9 150 11 12 8.00 0.874 B 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 11.0 0.07 0.76 0.00 27.3 - - 26.6 ---- -- 11.0 0.07 0.76 0.00 27.3 26.5 10 150 12 13 1.00 0.874 L 4.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- ---- ll.0 ---- ---- 11.0 0.07 0.35 0.43 26.6 ---- 25.8 ---- 11.0 0.07 0.35 0.43 26.5 25.8 11 150 13 14 13.50 0.874 L2R 6.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 11.0 0.07 1.35 0.00 25.8 ---- 24.4 ---- 11.0 0.07 1.35 0.00 25.8 24.4 12 150 14 15 2.00 0.874 L 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 11.0 0.07 0.41 0.87 24.4 ---- 23.1 ---- 11.0 0.07 0.41 0.87 24.4 23.1 13 150 15 16 1.00 0.874 L 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 11.0 0.07 0.35 0.00 23.1 ---- 22.8 ---- 11.0 0.07 0.35 0.00 23.1 22.8 14 150 16 17 43.00 0.874 3L6R 18.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 6.1 0.02 1.42 0.00 22.8 ---- 21.4 ---- 6.1 0.02 1.42 0.00 22.8 21.4 15 150 17 18 1.00 0.874 R 1.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.4 ---- 21.4 ---- 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.4 21.4 16 150 17 19 10.00 0.874 B 3.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 6.1 0.02 0.30 0.00 21.4 ---- 21.1 ---- 6.1 0.02 0.30 0.00 21.4 21.1 DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271.rdf Page 3 17 150 19 1.00 20 0.874 B7R ---- 10.0 ---- 13.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.0 ---- 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.1 ---- 21.1 ---- 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.1 21.1 18 150 19 42.50 21 0.874 ---- 0.0 ---- 13.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 6.1 ---- 0.02 0.99 0.00 21.1 ---- 20.1 ---- 6.1 0.02 0.99 0.00 21.1 20.1 19 150 21 2.00 22 0.874 L ---- 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 6.1 ---- 0.02 0.14 0.87 20.1 ---- 20.8 ---- 6.1 0.02 0.14 0.87 20.1 20.8 20 150 22 7.50 23 0.874 L ---- 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 6.1 ---- 0.02 0.27 0.00 20.8 ---- 20.5 ---- 6.1 0.02 0.27 0.00 20.8 20.5 21 150 23 5.00 24 0.874 LB ---- 7.0 ---- 11.0 ---- 11.0 4.71 ---- 20.0 20.0 0.21 2.51 0.00 20.5 ---- 18.0 20.0 20.0 0.21 2.51 0.00 20.5 18.0 22 150 23 17.50 25 0.874 BR ---- 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -13.9 ---- -0.11 2.30 0.00 20.5 ---- 22.8 ---- -13.9 -0.11 2.30 0.00 20.5 22.8 23 150 25 8.50 26 0.874 B ---- 3.0 ---- 11.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -4.9 ---- -0.02 0.18 0.87 22.8 ---- 22.2 ---- -4.9 -0.02 0.18 0.87 22.8 22.1 24 150 26 2.00 27 0.874 L ---- 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -4.9 ---- -0.02 0.09 0.00 22.2 ---- 22.2 ---- -4.9 -0.02 0.09 0.00 22.1 22.2 25 150 27 25.00 16 0.874 LB4R ---- 11.0 ---- 13.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -4.9 ---- -0.02 0.55 0.00 22.2 ---- 22.8 ---- -4.9 -0.02 0.55 0.00 22.2 22.8 26 150 25 29.50 28 0.874 B4R ---- 7.0 ---- 11.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -9.0 ---- -0.05 1.75 0.00 22.8 ---- 24.6 ---- -9.0 -0.05 1.75 0.00 22.8 24.6 27 150 28 1.00 29 0.874 L ---- 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -9.0 ---- -0.05 0.24 0.43 24.6 ---- 25.3 ---- -9.0 -0.05 0.24 0.43 24.6 25.3 28 150 29 26.50 L3B3R 11 0.874 ---- 16.0 ---- 10.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -9.0 ---- -0.05 2.04 0.00 25.3 ---- 27.3 ---- -9.0 -0.05 2.04 0.00 25.3 27.3 Node Notes Pipe Notes Legend: P - Pipe # DIA - Pipe Diameter EQV. IN - Pipe Equivalent pump - Pump Pressure SP - K-Factor FLOW - Flow Rate PF - Pressure Loss due to LEN - Pipe Length FIT. - Pipe Fittings Length FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device EL - Node Elevation DISCH - Discharge in gpm FL/FT - Friction Loss per Friction PE - Pressure Loss due to Foot Elevation PT - Total Pressure at Node Fitting Code Letters: E=45 Ell, L=90 Ell, B=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatVly, X= X, DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271.rdf Page 4 The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 8 at 10.70 ft/s with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 8 at 10.69 ft/s with 1 sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard.npt PAGE: C MATERIAL: CPVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 0.874 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.101 1.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: K MATERIAL: Copper Tube-K HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 0.995 1.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 1.265 1.00 3.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: P MATERIAL: PVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 1.360 2.00 8.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 11.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HASS HOUSE 3.8.0 computer program (License No. 50081444) to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node and a maximum imbalance of 0.14 gpm with one sprinkler flowing, and 0.010 gpm at each node and maximum imbalance of 0.01 gpm with 1 sprinklers flowing in accordance with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. The minimum source pressure is 20.0 psi with a minimum required pressure of 55.1 psi and a 7 minute flow of 175 gal. and a 10 minute flow of The minimum pressure at any node is 18.0 psi at node 24. HRS Systems, Inc. 208 Southside Square Petersburg, TN 37144 (931) 659-9760 250.0 gallon: DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271.rdf Page 5 75.0 67.5 P 60.0 R E 52.5 S S 45.0 U R 37.5 E 30.0 ( P 22.51 S I 15.0 7.5 WATER SUPPLY CURVE 04 8 12 16 20 24 28 FLOW (GPM) 32 36 Static = 74.5 psi, Residual = 67.3 psi @ 2300 gpm (1 sprinkler flowing) (1 sprinklers flowing) A = Available Water Supply C = Available Water Supply 74.5 psi @ 25.0 gpm 74.5 psi @ 25.0 gpm B = Required Water Supply D = Required Water Supply 55.1 psi @ 25.0 gpm 55.1 psi @ 25.0 gpm 40 DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271.rdf Page 6 DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271_ALT.rdf Page 1 FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 705 E. HARRISON, SUITE 200 CORONA,CA 92879 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR GRIFFIN RANCH LA QUINTA, CA PLAN 3271 ALT 10% TAKEN OFF WATER SUPPLY FOR SAFETY MARGIN CALC AREA 1 Date: 7/20/2020 File No: 31630 Data File Name: 3271 ALT.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING 196.0 sq. ft./spklr.(max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 14.0 ft. Min. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 8.0 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 7.0 ft. SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Senju Descr: SS8261 Pend.RC-RES(14xl4) K=3.70 Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs & Drops: 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=3.61 (Incl. 1 Tee) 0.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Arm -Over: K=3.59 (Incl. 1 Tee & 1 Ell) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: CPVC HWC: 150 WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: By: Static: 74.5 psi Resid: 67.3 psi Flow:2300.0 gpm Public Main Size: 8 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 104 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Press. Node Total Avail. Req'd Flowing Flow (psi) No. Flow Press. Press. 1 10.0 7.7 20 15.0 74.5 35.5 2 10.0 7.7 20 25.1 74.5 51.3 REVIEWING AUTHORITY CITY OF LA QUINTA FIRE DEPT. DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271_ALT.rdf Page 2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * 1 sprinkler flowing * 2 sprinklers flowing FIXD P # END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISCH FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC NOD DIA EQV.LN PUMP (FT) (K) *(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI)*(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) 1 100 30.00 BG ---- -2.0 SRCE ---- 15.0 2.34 35.5 ---- 25.1 6.09 51.3 150 101 0.995 6.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.07 0.00 33.1 ---- 0.17 0.00 45.2 1.00 -9.5 -2.0 ---- ---- 15.0 0.27 33.1 ---- 25.1 0.69 45.2 2 150 101 102 0.745 0.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.27 0.00 23.3 ---- 0.69 0.00 35.0 3 102 135.00 3L ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 15.0 2.27 23.3 ---- 25.1 5.88 35.0 150 103 1.360 24.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 21.1 ---- 0.04 0.00 29.1 4 103 4.00 LG ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 15.0 0.14 21.1 ---- 25.1 0.37 29.1 150 104 1.265 3.0 ---- 2.0 -5 5 0.02 1.73 19.2 5 0.05 1.73 27.0 5 104 2.00 L ---- 2.0 -5 5 10.0 0.13 19.2 5 20.1 0.48 27.0 150 105 1.101 5.0 ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.87 18.2 ---- 0.07 0.87 25.7 6 105 1.00 -3.0 4.0 ---- ---- 10.0 0.02 18.2 ---- 20.1 0.07 25.7 150 106 1.101 0.0 ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 15.2 ---- 0.07 0.00 22.6 7 106 6.00 21, ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 10.0 0.30 15.2 ---- 20.1 1.10 22.6 150 10 1.101 10.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.02 2.60 12.3 ---- 0.07 2.60 18.9 8 10 3.50 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 10.0 0.44 12.3 ---- 20.1 1.58 18.9 150 11 0.874 4.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.06 0.00 11.8 ---- 0.21 0.00 17.3 9 11 8.00 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 5.8 0.23 11.8 ---- 11.6 0.84 17.3 150 12 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 11.6 ---- 0.08 0.00 16.5 10 12 1.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 5.8 0.10 11.6 ---- 11.6 0.38 16.5 150 13 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.43 11.1 ---- 0.08 0.43 15.6 11 13 13.50 L2R ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 5.8 0.41 11.1 ---- 11.6 1.49 15.6 150 14 0.874 6.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 10.7 ---- 0.08 0.00 14.1 12 14 2.00 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 5.8 0.13 10.7 ---- 11.6 0.46 14.1 150 15 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.87 9.7 ---- 0.08 0.87 12.8 13 15 1.00 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 5.8 0.10 9.7 ---- 11.6 0.38 12.8 150 16 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 9.6 ---- 0.08 0.00 12.4 14 16 43.00 3L6R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 5.1 1.04 9.6 ---- 10.8 4.12 12.4 150 17 0.874 18.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 8.5 ---- 0.07 0.00 8.3 15 17 3.50 LR ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 8.5 ---- 10.1 0.50 8.3 150 18 0.874 5.0 ---- 13.0 3.61 ---- 0.00 0.00 8.5 10.1 0.06 0.00 7.8 16 17 10.00 B ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 5.1 0.22 8.5 ---- 0.8 0.01 8.3 150 19 0.874 3.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 8.3 ---- 0.00 0.00 8.3 DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271-ALT.rdf Page 3 17 19 1.00 B7R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 10.0 0.64 8.3 ---- 10.0 0.64 8.3 150 20 0.874 10.0 ---- 13.0 3.61 10.0 0.06 0.00 7.7 10.0 0.06 0.00 7.7 18 19 42.50 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -4.8 0.65 8.3 ---- -9.2 2.14 8.3 0.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.02 0.00 9.0 ---- -0.05 0.00 10.4 150 21 0.874 19 21 2.00 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -4.8 0.09 9.0 ---- -9.2 0.30 10.4 150 22 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.02 0.87 9.9 ---- -0.05 0.87 11.6 20 22 7.50 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -4.8 0.18 9.9 ---- -9.2 0.58 11.6 150 23 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.02 0.00 10.1 ---- -0.05 0.00 12.2 21 23 5.00 LB ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 10.1 ---- 0.0 0.00 12.2 150 24 0.874 7.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 10.1 ---- 0.00 0.00 12.2 22 23 17.50 BR ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -4.8 0.33 10.1 ---- -9.2 1.08 12.2 150 25 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.02 0.00 10.4 ---- -0.05 0.00 13.3 23 25 8.50 B ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.6 0.00 10.4 ---- -0.8 0.01 13.3 150 26 0.874 3.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.87 9.6 ---- 0.00 0.87 12.4 24 26 2.00 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.6 0.00 9.6 ---- -0.8 0.00 12.4 150 27 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 9.6 ---- 0.00 0.00 12.4 25 27 25.00 LB4R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.6 0.01 9.6 ---- -0.8 0.02 12.4 150 16 0.874 11.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 9.6 ---- 0.00 0.00 12.4 26 25 29.50 B4R ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -4.2 0.43 10.4 ---- -8.5 1.56 13.3 150 28 0.874 7.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 10.9 ---- -0.04 0.00 14.8 27 28 1.00 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -4.2 0.06 10.9 ---- -8.5 0.21 14.8 150 29 0.674 4.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.43 11.3 ---- -0.04 0.43 15.5 28 29 26.50 L3B3R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -4.2 0.50 11.3 ---- -8.5 1.82 15.5 150 11 0.874 16.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 11.8 ---- -0.04 0.00 17.3 Node Notes Pipe Notes Legend: P - Pipe # LEN - Pipe Length DIA - Pipe Diameter FIT. - Pipe Fittings EQV. IN - Pipe Equivalent Length FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device pump - Pump Pressure EL - Node Elevation SP - K-Factor DISCH - Discharge in gpm FLOW - Flow Rate FL/FT - Friction Loss per Foot PF - Pressure Loss due to Friction PE - Pressure Loss due to Elevation PT - Total Pressure at Node Fitting Code Letters: E=45 Ell, L=90 Ell, B=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatVly, X= X, DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271_ALT.rdf Page 4 The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 2 at 11.04 ft/s with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 2 at 18.47 ft/s with 2 sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard.npt PAGE: C MATERIAL: CPVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 0.874 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.101 1.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: K MATERIAL: Copper Tube-K HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 0.745 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.995 1.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 1.265 1.00 3.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: P MATERIAL: PVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 1.360 2.00 8.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 11.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HASS HOUSE 3.8.0 computer program (License No. 50081444) to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node and a maximum imbalance of 0.18 gpm with one sprinkler flowing, and 0.010 gpm at each node and maximum imbalance of 0.12 gpm with 2 sprinklers flowing in accordance with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. The minimum source pressure is 20.0 psi with a minimum required pressure of 51.3 psi and a 7 minute flow of 176 gal. and a 10 minute flow of 250.9 gallon: The minimum pressure at any node is 7.7 psi at node 20. HRS Systems, Inc. 208 Southside Square Petersburg, TN 37144 (931) 659-9760 DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271_ALT.rdf Page 5 WATER SUPPLY CURVE 75.0 67.5 P 60.0 R E S 52.5 CD S 45.0 U R 37.5 E B 30.0 ( P 22.5 S I 15.0 ) I 7.5 0.0 40 04 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 FLOW (GPM) Static = 74.5 psi, Residual = 67.3 psi @ 2300 gpm (1 sprinkler flowing) (2 sprinklers flowing) A = Available Water Supply C = Available Water Supply 74.5 psi @ 15.0 gpm 74.5 psi @ 25.1 gpm B = Required Water Supply D = Required Water Supply 35.5 psi @ 15.0 gpm 51.3 psi @ 25.1 gpm DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271—ALT.rdf Page 6 DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALLS\3271_ALT.rdf Page 1 FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 705 E. HARRISON, SUITE 200 CORONA,CA 92879 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR GRIFFIN RANCH LA QUINTA, CA PLAN 3271 ALT 10% TAKEN OFF WATER SUPPLY FOR SAFETY MARGIN CALC AREA 2 Date: 7/20/2020 File No: 31630 Data File Name: 3271 ALT.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING 400.0 sq. ft./spklr.(max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 20.0 ft. Min. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 8.0 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 10.0 ft. SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Reliable Descr: RA0616 RFC49 Fl Conc .Pend.(20x20) K=4.90 Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs & Drops: 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=4.71 (Incl. 1 Tee) 0.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Arm -Over: K=4.67 (Incl. 1 Tee & 1 Ell) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: CPVC HWC: 150 WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: By: Static: 74.5 psi Resid: 67.3 psi Flow:2300.0 gpm Public Main Size: 8 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 104 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Press Flowing Flow (psi) 1 20.0 18.0 1 20.0 18.0 REVIEWING AUTHORITY CITY OF LA QUINTA FIRE DEPT. Node Total Avail. Req'd No. Flow Press. Press. 24 25.0 74.5 61.1 24 25.0 74.5 61.1 DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271_ALT.rdf Page 2 RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * 1 sprinkler flowing * 1 sprinklers flowing FIXD P # END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISCH FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC NOD DIA EQV.LN PUMP (FT) (K) *(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI)*(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) 1 100 30.00 BG ---- -2.0 SRCE ---- 25.0 6.06 61.1 ---- 25.0 6.06 61.1 150 101 0.995 6.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.17 0.00 55.1 ---- 0.17 0.00 55.1 2 101 1.00 -9.5 -2.0 ---- ---- 25.0 0.69 55.1 ---- 25.0 0.69 55.1 150 102 0.745 0.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.69 0.00 44.9 ---- 0.69 0.00 44.9 3 102 135.00 3L ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 25.0 5.84 44.9 ---- 25.0 5.84 44.9 150 103 1.360 24.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.04 0.00 39.0 ---- 0.04 0.00 39.0 4 103 4.00 LG ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 25.0 0.37 39.0 ---- 25.0 0.37 39.0 150 104 1.265 3.0 ---- 2.0 -5 5 0.05 1.73 36.9 5 0.05 1.73 36.9 5 104 2.00 L ---- 2.0 -5 5 20.0 0.48 36.9 5 20.0 0.48 36.9 150 105 1.101 5.0 ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 0.07 0.87 35.6 ---- 0.07 0.87 35.6 6 105 1.00 -3.0 4.0 ---- ---- 20.0 0.07 35.6 ---- 20.0 0.07 35.6 150 106 1.101 0.0 ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 0.07 0.00 32.5 ---- 0.07 0.00 32.5 7 106 6.00 2L ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 20.0 1.09 32.5 ---- 20.0 1.09 32.5 150 10 1.101 10.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.07 2.60 28.8 ---- 0.07 2.60 28.8 8 10 3.50 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 20.0 1.57 28.8 ---- 20.0 1.57 28.8 150 11 0.874 4.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.21 0.00 27.3 ---- 0.21 0.00 27.3 9 11 8.00 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 11.0 0.76 27.3 ---- 11.0 0.76 27.3 150 12 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.07 0.00 26.5 ---- 0.07 0.00 26.5 10 12 1.00 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 11.0 0.35 26.5 ---- 11.0 0.35 26.5 150 13 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.07 0.43 25.7 ---- 0.07 0.43 25.7 11 13 13.50 L2R ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 11.0 1.35 25.7 ---- 11.0 1.35 25.7 150 14 0.874 6.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.07 0.00 24.4 ---- 0.07 0.00 24.4 12 14 2.00 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 11.0 0.41 24.4 ---- 11.0 0.41 24.4 150 15 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.07 0.87 23.1 ---- 0.07 0.87 23.1 13 15 1.00 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 11.0 0.35 23.1 ---- 11.0 0.35 23.1 150 16 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.07 0.00 22.8 ---- 0.07 0.00 22.8 14 16 43.00 3LGR ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 6.1 1.42 22.8 ---- 6.1 1.42 22.8 150 17 0.874 18.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 21.3 ---- 0.02 0.00 21.3 15 17 3.50 LR ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 21.3 ---- 0.0 0.00 21.3 150 18 0.874 5.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 21.3 ---- 0.00 0.00 21.3 16 17 10.00 B ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 6.1 0.30 21.3 ---- 6.1 0.30 21.3 150 19 0.874 3.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 21.0 ---- 0.02 0.00 21.0 DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271_ALT.rdf Page 3 17 19 1.00 B7R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 21.0 ---- 0.0 0.00 21.0 150 20 0.874 10.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 21.0 ---- 0.00 0.00 21.0 18 19 42.50 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 6.1 0.99 21.0 ---- 6.1 0.99 21.0 150 21 0.874 0.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 20.1 ---- 0.02 0.00 20.1 19 21 2.00 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- 6.1 0.14 20.1 ---- 6.1 0.14 20.1 150 22 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.87 20.8 ---- 0.02 0.87 20.8 20 22 7.50 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 6.1 0.27 20.8 ---- 6.1 0.27 20.8 150 23 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 20.5 ---- 0.02 0.00 20.5 21 23 5.00 LB ---- 11.0 ---- ---- 20.0 2.51 20.5 ---- 20.0 2.51 20.5 150 24 0.874 7.0 ---- 11.0 4.71 20.0 0.21 0.00 18.0 20.0 0.21 0.00 18.0 22 23 17.50 BR ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -13.9 2.30 20.5 ---- -13.9 2.30 20.5 150 25 0.874 4.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.11 0.00 22.8 ---- -0.11 0.00 22.8 23 25 8.50 B ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -4.9 0.18 22.8 ---- -4.9 0.18 22.8 150 26 0.874 3.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.02 0.87 22.1 ---- -0.02 0.87 22.1 24 26 2.00 L ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -4.9 0.09 22.1 ---- -4.9 0.09 22.1 150 27 0.874 4.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.02 0.00 22.2 ---- -0.02 0.00 22.2 25 27 25.00 LB4R ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -4.9 0.55 22.2 ---- -4.9 0.55 22.2 150 16 0.874 11.0 ---- 13.0 ---- ---- -0.02 0.00 22.8 ---- -0.02 0.00 22.8 26 25 29.50 B4R ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -9.0 1.75 22.8 ---- -9.0 1.75 22.8 150 28 0.874 7.0 ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -0.05 0.00 24.6 ---- -0.05 0.00 24.6 27 28 1.00 L ---- 11.0 ---- ---- -9.0 0.24 24.6 ---- -9.0 0.24 24.6 150 29 0.874 4.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -0.05 0.43 25.2 ---- -0.05 0.43 25.2 28 29 26.50 L3B3R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -9.0 2.04 25.2 ---- -9.0 2.04 25.2 150 11 0.874 16.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -0.05 0.00 27.3 ---- -0.05 0.00 27.3 Node Notes Pipe Notes Legend: P - Pipe # LEN - Pipe Length DIA - Pipe Diameter FIT. - Pipe Fittings EQV. LN - Pipe Equivalent Length FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device PUMP - Pump Pressure EL - Node Elevation SP - K-Factor DISCH - Discharge in gpm FLOW - Flow Rate FL/FT - Friction Loss per Foot PF - Pressure Loss due to Friction PE - Pressure Loss due to Elevation PT - Total Pressure at Node Fitting E=45 Ell, Code Letters: L=90 Ell, B=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatVly, X= X, DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271_ALT.rdf Page 4 The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 2 at 18.40 ft/s with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 2 at 18.40 ft/s with 1 sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard.npt PAGE: C MATERIAL: CPVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 0.874 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.101 1.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: K MATERIAL: Copper Tube-K HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 0.745 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.995 1.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 1.265 1.00 3.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 7.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: P MATERIAL: PVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 1.360 2.00 8.00 6.00 1.00 1.00 11.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HASS HOUSE 3.8.0 computer program (License No. 50081444) to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node and a maximum imbalance of 0.02 gpm with one sprinkler flowing, and 0.010 gpm at each node and maximum imbalance of 0.01 gpm with 1 sprinklers flowing in accordance with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. The minimum source pressure is 20.0 psi with a minimum required pressure of 61.1 psi and a 7 minute flow of 175 gal. and a 10 minute flow of 250.0 gallon: The minimum pressure at any node is 18.0 psi at node 24. HRS Systems, Inc. 208 Southside Square Petersburg, TN 37144 (931) 659-9760 DATE: 7/20/2020 S:\2017\31630\CALCS\3271_ALT.rdf Page 5 75.0 67.5 P 60.0 R E 52.5 S S 45.0 U R 37.5 E 30.0 ( P 22.5 S II I 15.0 ) I 7.5 0.0 04 8 12 16 20 WATER SUPPLY CURVE OD 24 28 32 36 FLOW (GPM) Static = 74.5 psi, Residual = 67.3 psi 0 2300 gpm (1 sprinkler flowing) (1 sprinklers flowing) A = Available Water Supply C = Available Water Supply 74.5 psi @ 25.0 gpm 74.5 psi @ 25.0 gpm B = Required Water Supply D = Required Water Supply 61.1 psi @ 25.0 gpm 61.1 psi @ 25.0 gpm 40 OFFICE USE ONLY: REVIEW DATE: ❑ APPROVED ❑ CORRECTIONS CALIFORNIA CALLED FOR PICKUP: DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78-495 Calle Tampico PICKED UP: La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 / FAX (760) 777-7011 FIRE REVIEW APPLICATION ❑ SUBMITTAL # [R] REVISION # 2 PERMIT NO. APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION Applicant Name: FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, INC Owner Name: LENNAR Mailing Address: 705 E. HARRISON ST. #200, CORONA CA 92879 Site Address: 81181 MERV GRIFFIN WAY Phone Number: 951-272-2522 Project PRESTIGE / TRACT# 32879 / PLAN TYPE 1X(3271) / 35 HEADS jamieb@fireinc.net Description: (Include # of sprinkler heads) Email: Pursuant to a Cooperative Agreement to Provide Fire Services, the Riverside County Fire Department serves as the City's fire department, and the County designee serves as the City's fire chief. Applicant recognizes this contracted arrangement and shall comply with County Fire Department directions. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Name: FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, INC. Contractor #: 684600 Signature: Contact Person: JAM I E B I SH I P Mailing Address: 705 E. HARRISON ST., #200 Print Name: JAMIE BISHIP City, State, Zip: CORONA, CA 92879 Phone Number: 951-272-2522 Business License #: 762890 Email Address: jamieb@fireinc.net A. APPLICATION TYPE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM STORAGE TANKS ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ------------ ❑ DISPENSERS ONLY HOURLY@161/HR ❑ 0-35,000 SQ FT $670 ❑ ABOVEGROUND HOURLY@161/HR ❑ 35,001-75,000 SQ FT $791 SUPRESSION SYSTEM ❑ 75,001-120,000 SQ FT $992 ❑ HOOD & DUCT $418 ❑ 120,001 AND UP $1234 ❑ OTHER SUPRESSION SYSTEM HOURLY@161/HR ❑ TENANT IMPROVEMENTS - FIRE SPRINKLER $418 MASTER PLAN ❑ RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEMS ------------ Q MASTER PLAN HOURLY@161/HR ❑ 1-50 SPRINKLER HEADS $418 MISC ❑ 51-100 SPRINKLER HEADS $498 ❑ PYRO $740 ❑ OVER 100 SPRINKLER HEADS $579 ❑ HAZMAT HOURLY@161/HR ❑ RESIDENTIAL TRACT HOME (EA.) ADDITIONAL ------------ ❑ HIGH PILE RACK STORAGE HOURLY@161/HR ❑ 1-50 SPRINKLER HEADS $176 ❑ PRIVATE FIRE MAINS $901 ❑ 51-100 SPRINKLER HEADS $257 ❑ TECHNICAL REPORT RESEARCH HOURLY@161/HR ❑ OVER 100 SPRINKLER HEADS $337 ❑ FIRE PUMPS $659 ❑ MULTI -FAMILY (3 OR MORE) $590 ❑ STANDPIPE SYSTEMS $579 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ❑ WATER TANKS $418 ❑ COMMERCIAL -SPRINKLER MONITORING $418 ❑ REVISION $161 ❑ COMMERCIAL - FIRE ALARM SYSTEM $1062 ❑ OTHER HOURLY@161/HR Each application type includes a Technology Enhancement Fee of $5 & Records Management Fee of $10 or $21 REVISED 12/6/2019 *For permits billed at an hourly rate, these fees will be added at time of payment. Bin # City of La Quints Building 8z Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La.Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # Project Address:81181 MERV GRIFFIN WAY Owner'sNarne: LENNAR A. P. Number: Address:980 MONTECITO DR. # 302 Legal Description: MASTER PLAN TYPE 1X (3271) Contractor: FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, INC City, ST, Zip: CORONA, CA 92879 pa Telephone U.;£;$�., Address: 705 E. HARRISON ST. #200 Project Description: City, ST, Zip: CORONA, CA 92879 INSTALLATION OF RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLERS Telephone: 951-272-2522 {y �k ,r'>Y "'` 'f 35 HEADS / 3,905 SF State Lie. #: 684600 City Lie. #.: 762890 Arch., Engr., Designer: Address: City, ST, Zip: Telephone: State Lic. #: . ,., �z?s" Name of Contact Person: JAM I E B I S H I P Construction Type:.V_g Occupancy: R3/U Project type (circle one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Sq. Ft.: 3,905 S F "St es: 1 # Units: N/A Telephone # of Contact Person: 951-272-2522 Estimated Value of Project: $3, 500.00 APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Req'd Reed TRACKING PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted Item Amouat Structural Cales. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss Calcs. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance Title 24 Cales. Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan r' Review, ready for correctionslissue Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. 11.0A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- '"' Review; ready for eorrectionsfrssue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees Total Permit Fees