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FCMP2020-0016 Silverrock PA3 Montage Residences
Project Details PROJECT NUMBER F FCMP2020-0016 City of La Qu i nta �V I'T4 Description: SILVERROCK / PA3 MONTAGE RESIDENCES / AM&M Status: APPROVED Type: FIRE CONSTRUCTION MASTER PLAN (WEB) Status Date: Subtype: FIRE SPRINKLER MASTER PLAN Applied: 9/9/2020 Address: Approved:6/28/2021 City, State, Zip: ,CA Closed: Project Manager: Expired: Details: Project Summ CASE OPEN 7 OPEN DAYS ` ! COMPLETED REVIEWS ACTIONS INSPECTIONS CONDITIONS ADDITIONAL SITES IL CHRONOL NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESSI CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT MICHAEL TYLMAN 75410 GERALD FORD STE 100 PALM DESERT CA 92211 (760)643-6543 MTylman@mbakerintl. Com OWNER SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC 3551 FORTUNA RANCH ROAD ENCENITAS CA 92024 (760)643-6543 DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY CLTD BY FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 2 $322.00 $0.00 Total Paid for FIRE FEES: $322.00 $0.00 Printed: Thursday, March 02, 2023 3:49:56 PM 1 of 3 CENTRALSQLIARE Project Details PROJECT NUMBER F City of La Qu i nta FCMP2020-0016 �VI'T4� CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY BY RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE - 101-0000-42416 0 $21.00 $0.00 MAJOR Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE - MAJOR: $21.00 $0.00 TECHNOLOGY 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 $0.00 ENHANCEMENT FEE Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 $0.00 INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED COMPLETED RESULT REMARKS NOTES DATE DATE PIP RETURNED 7 REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES DATE 1ST FIRE (3WK) KOHL 9/9/2020 9/30/2020 6/28/2 APPROVED FIRE CHIEF APPROVED FIRE CHIEF BILL WEISER APPROVED AND SIGNED HETRICK AM&M THE AM&M THIS APPLICATION WILL BE CHARGED AT AN 1ST PERMIT ARMANDO HOURLY FEE. 9/14/2020 9/15/2020 9/17/2020 COMPLETE PLANS HAVE BEEN UPLOADED AND REVIEWS TECHNICIAN (1DAY) MAGALLON HAVE BEEN SET UP. Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED ALTERNATIVE METHODS DOC 9/14/2020 ARMANDO MAGALLON AND MATERIAL - PA3 SilverRResort PA3 - 0 A MM.pdf SILVERROCK RESORT Printed: Thursday, March 02, 2023 3:49:56 PM 2 of 3 CENTRALSQLIARE Project Details PROJECT NUMBER F FCM P2020-0016 City of La Qu i nta low Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED FCMP2019-0013 AND FCMP2019-0013 AND DOC 6/28/2021 KOHL HETRICK FCMP2020-0016 - FCMP2020-0016 - 1 APPROVED AM AND APPROVED AM AND M.pdf M.pdf Printed: Thursday, March 02, 2023 3:49:56 PM 3 of 3 CENTRALSOUARE V) 0 0 0 0 o Q DR o J w Indian Wells D J CO) F cn �� cn a 42ND 0 AVE F- o Bermuda o' CD Dunes w z z = U) MILES 0 Q w 0 z w w Ste 40TH AVE tiao�c� ST9T� AVE V w z 0 Y Indio :%V- La Quinta z 0 0 _a E AVE z 50TH - o V) w COACHELLA CHANNEL 52ND AVE TRACT 37730 54TH AVE SILVERROCK RESORT VICINITY MAP GENERAL NOTES 'N' J 1. ALL WORK SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LATEST EDITION OF THE STANDARD PLANS OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA AND THE LATEST EDITION OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION. 2. IT SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO APPLY TO THE CITY OF LA QUINTA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FOR THE NECESSARY PERMITS AND TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SATISFACTORY COMPLIANCE FOR ALL CURRENT ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS DURING THE LIFE OF CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES FOR THE PROJECT. ADDITIONAL STUDIES AND/OR PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED. 3. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL PERMITS AS REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA OR OTHER GOVERNING AGENCIES. 4. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FORTY-EIGHT (48) HOURS PRIOR TO ANY GRADING, BRUSHING, OR CLEARING AND EACH PHASE OF CONSTRUCTION AT (760) 777-7048. 5. THE LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR AGREES TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED BY HIS FAILURE TO EXACTLY LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UTILITIES. 6. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL REPLACEMENT OR RELOCATION OF ALL REGULATORY WARNING AND GUIDE SIGNS. 7. THE CITY ENGINEER SHALL APPROVE THE DESIGN AND INSTALLATION OF ALL STREET NAME SIGNS, TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS, TRAFFIC STRIPING, LEGENDS, AND PAVEMENT MARKERS TYPE AND LOCATION. 8. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT DISTURB EXISTING SURVEY MONUMENTS OR BENCH MARKS NOTED ON THE PLANS OR FOUND DURING CONSTRUCTION. REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT SHALL BE DONE BY A CALIFORNIA REGISTERED CIVIL ENGINEER WITH AN R.C.E. NUMBER BELOW 33,966, OR A LICENSED LAND SURVEYOR ONLY. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, ALL HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL SURVEY CONTROL MONUMENTS AND ACCESSORY TIES ARE TO BE LOCATED OR SET IN THE FIELD AND PRE -CONSTRUCTION CORNER RECORDS SHALL BE FILED. UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION, ALL DAMAGED OR DESTROYED SURVEY MONUMENTS AND ACCESSORY TIES ARE TO BE RESET AND POST -CONSTRUCTION CORNER RECORDS FILED WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR'S OFFICE IN ACCORDANCE WITH BOARD RULE 464. MONUMENTS NEED TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE CITY'S PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PRIOR TO FILING WITH THE COUNTY SURVEYOR. ALL RESTORATION OF SURVEY MONUMENTS SHALL BE PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 8771 OF THE BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE. 9. CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT SHALL BE PERFORMED ONLY DURING THE TIME PERIODS AS FOLLOWS: PRESCRIBED BY THE LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE OR AS OTHERWISE MAY BE PERMITTED BY SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES. WORK SHALL BE PROHIBITED ANY TIME ON SUNDAYS OR ON FEDERAL HOLIDAYS. NO REDUCTION OF THE TRAVELED WAY WIDTH SHALL BE PERMITTED ON ANY CITY STREET ON WEEKENDS OR HOLIDAYS, OR WHEN ACTIVE WORK IS NOT BEING DONE, UNLESS PRIOR AUTHORIZATION TO DO SO IS GRANTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. NO LANE CLOSURES SHALL BE PERMITTED OR ALLOWED ON ANY CITY STREET BEFORE 8:30AM AND AFTER 3:30PM UNLESS AUTHORIZATION TO DO SO IS GRANTED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 10. ALL TRAVELED WAYS MUST BE CLEANED DAILY OF ALL DIRT, MUD, AND DEBRIS DEPOSITED ON THEM AS A RESULT OF THE OPERATIONS. CLEANING IS TO BE DONE TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY ENGINEER. 11. ALL CONSTRUCTION AREAS SHALL BE PROPERLY POSTED AND LIGHTED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CALIFORNIA STATE MANUAL OF WARNING SIGNS, LIGHTS, AND DEVICES FOR USE IN THE PERFORMANCE OF WORK UPON ROADWAYS IN ORDER TO ELIMINATE ANY HAZARDS. 12. CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS DISTURBING MORE THAN 1-ACRE MUST OBTAIN A NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT. OWNERS/DEVELOPERS ARE REQUIRED TO: A) FILE A NOTICE OF INTENT (NOI) WITH THE STATE WATER RESOURCES CONTROL BOARD (SWRCB); B) PREPARE A STORM WATER POLLUTION PREVENTION PLAN (SWPPP); AND C) HAVE A MONITORING PLAN FOR THE SITE. THE NPDES IS A NATIONAL PROGRAM TO CONTROL NON -POINT SOURCE POLLUTANTS CARRIED BY STORM WATER. THE PROGRAM IS IMPLEMENTED AND ENFORCED BY THE SWRCB. PAVING NOTES 1. ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES, INCLUDING SERVICE LATERALS, SHALL BE IN PLACE WITH TRENCHES COMPACTED AND TESTED PRIOR TO BASE GRADE INSPECTION AND PAVING. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT TO THE CITY WRITTEN EVIDENCE ISSUED BY THE RESPECTIVE UTILITY PURVEYOR INDICATING THE SUBSURFACE PORTION OF THEIR UNDERGROUND FACILITIES HAS BEEN INSTALLED AND ACCEPTED. 2. LANE CLOSURES AND DETOURS SHALL BE POSTED, DELINEATED, AND LIGHTED IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CALTRANS MANUAL OF TRAFFIC CONTROLS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE WORK ZONES AND ANY ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS DEEMED NECESSARY BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 3. ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING, EXCEPT FOR OVERLAYS, SHALL BE INSTALLED IN TWO (2) OR MORE COURSES WITH MIX DESIGNS THAT CONFORM TO SECTION 400 OF THE REVISED STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS, COACHELLA VALLEY VERSION (GREEN BOOK), NOTED AS FOLLOWS: WEARING COURSE (UPPER COURSE): IIIA-C2-PG70-10 BASE COURSE (LOWER COURSES): IIIB-B3-PG70-10 THE WEARING COURSE SHALL BE 0.1 FEET THICK; THE BASE COURSE(S) SHALL CONTAIN THE BALANCE OF THE REQUIRED ASPHALT CONCRETE THICKNESS. 4. MIX DESIGN REQUIRED: FOURTEEN (14) DAYS PRIOR TO COMMENCEMENT OF PAVING OPERATIONS, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SUBMIT FOR CITY APPROVAL, A COMPLETE PROPOSED MIX DESIGN IDENTIFYING THE MIX CHARACTERISTICS SUCH AS AGGREGATE GRADATIONS, VOIDS IN MINERAL AGGREGATE (VMA), AIR VOIDS, AND S-VALUE FOR VARIOUS OIL CONTENTS FOR EACH MIX. 5. A TACK COAT SHALL BE APPLIED TO EXISTING PAVEMENT, P.C.C. SURFACES, AND THE A.C. BASE COURSE, IF TRAFFIC HAS DRIVEN ON IT. THE TACK COAT SHALL BE SLOW SETTING ANIONIC EMULSIFIED ASPHALT TYPE "SS-1H" CONFORMING TO SECTION 203-3 OF THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS. THE LIQUID ASPHALT SHALL BE GRADE 60-70 AND APPLIED AT THE RATE OF 0.1 GALLONS/YARD. 6. NEW IMPROVEMENTS THAT JOIN EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS SHALL JOIN OR MATCH IN A MANNER SATISFACTORY TO THE CITY ENGINEER. CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE A SAFE, DURABLE, AESTHETICALLY PLEASING TRANSITION BETWEEN THE NEW AND EXISTING IMPROVEMENTS MAY INCLUDE SAW CUTTING, REMOVAL, REPLACEMENT, CAPPING, AND/OR COLD PLANNING, AS NEEDED. 7. ALL MANHOLES AND VALVE BOX FRAMES SHALL BE ADJUSTED TO FINAL GRADES AFTER PAVEMENT INSTALLATION IS COMPLETED. 8. THE CURB SHALL BE ETCHED OR STAMPED SHOWING UTILITY SERVICE LATERAL LOCATIONS AS FOLLOWS: "S" FOR SEWER "G" FOR GAS "E" FOR ELECTRICAL POWER. NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: EXISTING UTILITIES ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANS WERE OBTAINED FROM A REVIEW OF AVAILABLE RECORD DATA. WHILE DUE CARE WAS TAKEN IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS INFORMATION, MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL CANNOT AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE THE ACCURACY NOR THE COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION. THE LOCATIONS OF EXISTING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES ARE SHOWN IN AN APPROXIMATE WAY ONLY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DETERMINE THE EXACT LOCATIONS OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK. THE CONTRACTOR AGREES TO BE FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES, WHICH RESULT FROM HIS FAILURE TO LOCATE EXACTLY AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL POTHOLE PROPOSED CROSSINGS OF EXISTING UTILITIES PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL VERIFY THEIR HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL LOCATIONS.IN THE EVENT, DURING CONSTRUCTION, THAT UNKNOWN UTILITIES OR UNKNOWN STRUCTURES ARE FOUND AT UNEXPECTED ELEVATIONS OR LOCATIONS, MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL IS TO BE NOTIFIED OF SUCH CONDITION AT ONCE. MICHAEL BAKER INTERNATIONAL WILL REQUIRED DESIGN CHANGES AND THE CONTRACTOR AGREES TO COMPLETE ALL WORK, INCLUDING REPAIRS REQUIRED, IN AND EXPEDITIOUS MANNER. THE CONTRACTOR FURTHER AGREES TO PURSUE DILIGENTLY THE COMPLETION OF SAID WORK. DIG RT BENCHMARK: BASIS OF BEARINGS: DESCRIPTION: THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE KPD-103-3-70 FD. 1 1/4" BASED ON THE EAST LINE DIAL TOLL FREE 0 . D . I . P . FILLED W/ CONC. IN 5" SECTION 6, T. 6S . , R. 7E . , O.D. CONC. COLLAR DN. 0.6', S.B.B.& M., AS SHOWN ON TRACT 1-800-227-26M 330 ' NORTH OF C.L. INT. OF MAP NO. 28470-1 , MB AT LEAST TWO DAYS WASHINGTON STREET AND 52ND 263/76-90, RECORDS OF AVENUE & 6.2' SOUTH OF PP# RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CA. BEFORE YOU DIG 989270 DATE BY UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ELEV. = 40.110 IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA SILVERROCK RESORT PA 3 TRACT NO. 37730 ROUGH GRADING PLANS LOCATED WITHIN SECTIONS 5, 6, AND 8, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN PREPARED FOR: SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 3551 FORTUNA RANCH ROAD EN CI N I TAS, CA 92024 .• (760) 634-6543 26 27 28 25�� - 11`1 \ J j 31 II I J 22 - ' \ �,♦ SHEET NUMBER (TYP) \ I L 1 OWNER i i ► I A PARCEL 16- PARCEL 17 �a r 17 ter• i'�i ;� � ( � .- \ 1w 1 \. \ a �) PARCEL 17 C \ 9 \\\l \ 1 8 7 Ti �\ INDEX MAP SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY 200 100 0 200 400 600 3551 FORTUNA RANCH ROAD ENCINITAS, CA 92024 (760) 634-6543 SCALE: 1"=200' SOILS ENGINEER GLOBAL GEO-ENGINEERING, INC. 3 CORPORATE PARK, SUITE 270 IRVINE, CA 92606 (949) 221-0900 BASIS OF TOPOGRAPHY PARCEL 5 1 INDEX OF SHEETS SHEET DESCRIPTION 1 TITLE SHEET 2 SECTIONS AND DETAILS 3 ROUGH GRADING PLAN 4 1 ROUGH GRADING PLAN SOILS ENGINEER ALL GRADING SHALL BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE SOILS REPORT NO. 544-14059 , 17-01-01 1 PREPARED BY: SLADDEN ENGINEERING ,�� 1 B. 4 INLAND AERIAL SURVEYS, INC. 45090 GOLF CENTER PARKWAY, SUITE F = ur&wl _ INDIO CA 92201 RE 7117 ARL I NGTON AVENUE, SUITE A Exp. 03/3 /2021 � 760 863-0713 . RIVERSIDE, CA 92503 �760) 863-0847 FAX (951) 687-4252 DATED 02/25/15 SOILS ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE MASS GRADING PLAN AS -BUILT TOPOGRAPHY THESE PLANS CONFORM WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS PERFORMED BY:MSA CONSULTING, INC. OF THE SOILS REPORT NO. 544-14059, 17-01-011 34200 BOB HOPE DRIVE DATED FEBRUARY, 2017. RANCHO MIRAGE, CA 92270 (760) 320-9811 DATED: 05/03/19 LEGAL DESCRIPTION BRETT L. ANDERSON BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PARCEL 1 AND PORTION OF PARCEL 17 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 37207, FILED IN BOOK 242, PAGES 72 THROUGH 87, INCLUSIVE, OF PARCEL MAPS IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA; LOCATED WITHIN QUINTA,SECTIONS, COUNTY OFNRIVVERSOWNSHIP 6 IDE, STATES OFTH, RANGE 7 CALIFORNIA EAST, S.B.M., IN THE CITY OF LA W DI DI# 733C382617 DESCRIPTION R E V I S 1 0 N S APP'D I DATE �o QROF ESS K 099 FAG CO Z rn LU o No.C36718 N * APPROVED BY: CHERI FLORES PLANNING MANAGER CITY OF LA QUINTA GRADING NOTES 1. GRADING SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE ENGINEERED GRADING REQUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, LATEST EDITION, AND SOILS REPORT NO. 544-14059, 17-01-011 DATED:FEBRUARY 10, 2017 AND GEOTECHNICAL UPDATE LETTER NO. 544-14059, 19-11-532, PREPARED BY: SLADDEN ENGINEERING, TELEPHONE NO. (760) 863-0713. 2. THE SOILS ENGINEER AND THE ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST SHALL EXERCISE SUFFICIENT SUPERVISORY CONTROL DURING GRADING TO INSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND CODE WITHIN THEIR PURVIEW. 3. THE DESIGN CIVIL ENGINEER SHALL EXERCISE SUFFICIENT CONTROL DURING GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND CODE WITHIN HIS PURVIEW. 4. DURING ROUGH GRADING OPERATIONS AND PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, TEMPORARY DRAINAGE CONTROL SHALL BE PROVIDED TO PREVENT PONDING WATER AND DAMAGE TO ADJACENT PROPERTY. 5. AFTER CLEARING, EXISTING GROUND SHALL BE SCARIFIED TO A MINIMUM OF 6" ON THE ENTIRE SITE OR AS RECOMMENDED BY THE SOILS REPORT. 6. THE MAXIMUM CUT AND FILL SLOPES SHALL BE 2: 1. 7. PADS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF 90% RELATIVE DENSITY PER ASTM SPECIFICATIONS AND THE ABOVE MENTIONED SOILS REPORT. 8. MINIMUM BUILDING PAD DRAINAGE SHALL BE 2%. DRAINAGE SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 0.3'DEEP AND BE CONSTRUCTED A MINIMUM OF 2' FROM THE TOP OF CUT OR FILL SLOPES. THE MINIMUM SLOPE OF SWALES SHALL BE 0.50%. 9. ALL FILLS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO A MINIMUM OF NINETY (90) PERCENT OF MAXIMUM DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SECTION 7010 OR EQUIVALENT AS APPROVED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. FIELD DENSITY SHALL BE DETERMINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE SECTION 7002, OR EQUIVALENT, AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. 10. ALL STREET SECTIONS ARE TENTATIVE. THE MINIMUM SECTION IS 3" A.C. OVER 4.5" CLASS II A.B. ADDITIONAL SOIL TEST(S) SHALL BE REQUIRED AFTER ROUGH GRADING TO DETERMINE EXACT SECTION REQUIREMENTS. THE CITY ENGINEER SHALL APPROVE THE FINAL STREET SECTION. 11. THE CITY ENGINEER WILL REVIEW FOR APPROVAL THE FINAL STREET SECTIONS AFTER SUBMITTAL OF "R" VALUE TESTS FOR ROADWAY SUB -BASE. 12. LOCATIONS OF FIELD DENSITY TESTS SHALL BE DETERMINED BY THE SOILS ENGINEER OR APPROVED TEST AGENCY AND SHALL BE SUFFICIENT IN BOTH HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL PLACEMENT TO PROVIDE REPRESENTATIVE TESTING OF ALL FILL PLACED. TESTING IN AREAS OF A CRITICAL NATURE OF SPECIAL EMPHASIS SHALL BE IN ADDITION TO THE NORMAL REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLINGS. 13. THE FINAL COMPACTION REPORT AND APPROVAL FROM THE SOILS ENGINEER SHALL CONTAIN THE TYPE OF FIELD TESTING PERFORMED. EACH TEST SHALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH THE METHOD OF OBTAINING THE IN -PLACE DENSITY, WHETHER SAND CONE OR DRIVE RING, AND SHALL BE SO NOTED FOR EACH TEST. SUFFICIENT MAXIMUM DENSITY DETERMINATION SHALL BE PERFORMED TO VERIFY THE ACCURACY OF THE MAXIMUM DENSITY CURVES USED BY THE FIELD TECHNICIAN. 14. ALL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES, WITH LATERALS, SHALL BE IN PLACE AND INSPECTED PRIOR TO PAVING, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE FOLLOWING: SEWER, WATER, ELECTRIC, COMMUNICATIONS, GAS, AND DRAINAGE. 15. THE FINAL UTILITY LINE BACKFILL REPORT FROM THE PROJECT SOILS ENGINEER SHALL INCLUDE AN APPROVAL STATEMENT THAT THE BACKFILL IS SUITABLE FOR THE INTENDED USE. 16. BLOCK WALLS ARE NOT PART OF THE GRADING PERMIT. PLEASE SUBMIT THESE FOR SEPARATE BUILDING PERMIT(S). 17. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE TO PREVENT SILT CONTAMINATION OF STORM WATER INFILTRATION FACILITIES DURING CONSTRUCTION OF SUBSEQUENT IMPROVEMENTS BY THE CONTRACTOR. IMMEDIATELY PRIOR TO FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF STORM DRAINAGE RETENTION/INFILTRATION FACILITIES, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONDUCT, IN THE PRESENCE OF THE CITY INSPECTOR, A PERFORMANCE TEST DESIGNED TO CLEARLY DEMONSTRATE THE FUNCTIONAL ADEQUACY OF THE FACILITIES. 18. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE WIND EROSION AND DUST CONTROL MEASURES AS REQUIRED BY THE FUGITIVE DUST CONTROL PLAN APPROVED FOR THIS PROJECT. ALL MEASURES SHALL BE TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE CITY. 19. FIRE ACCESS ROAD SURFACES SHALL BE DESIGNED TO BE ALL-WEATHER AND ABLE TO SUPPORT 40,000 POUNDS OVER TWO AXLES. ABBREVIATIONS LEGEND (501.54) EXISTING ELEVATION 501.54 PROPOSED ELEVATION CL CENTERLINE EDF EXTENDED DEPTH FOOTING FF FINISH FLOOR FG FINISH GRADE FL FLOW LINE FS FINISH SURFACE GB GRADE BREAK HP HIGH POINT LP LOW POINT PL PROPERTY LINE PUE PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT R/W RIGHT OF WAY S SEWER SD STORM DRAIN TC TOP OF CURB TYP TYPICAL W WATER WSE WATER SURFACE ELEVATION ESMT EASEMENT PROP PROPOSED EX EXISTING TMH TOP OF MANHOLE MH MANHOLE INV INVERT RCP REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE AC ASPHALTIC CONCRETE CB CATCH BASIN TC TOP OF CURB EARTHWORK QUANTITIES CUT FILL MASS EXCAVATION 5,678 CY 10,657 CY NET IMPORT 4,979 CY NOTE THE ABOVE QUANTITIES INCLUDE OVER -EXCAVATION AND ARE ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE ONLY. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES FOR BID SUBMITTAL. 75410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 APPROVAL BY: Michael Baker Palm Desert, CA 92211 Phone: (760) 346-7481 MBAKERINTL.COM N T E R N A T I O N A L BRYAN W. MCKINNEY CITY ENGINEER PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: R C E NO 49418 DANIEL KORAVOS DATE: R.C.E. 36718 EXP. 06/30/20 DRAWN DESIGNED SM SCALE AS NOTED CHECKED DATE AC --- ASPHALT CONCRETE MVC -- MIDDLE OF VERTICAL CURVE BC --- BEGINNING OF CURVE LOC --- LENGTH ON CURB BCR -- BEGIN CURB RETURN NG --- NATURAL GROUND BVC -- BEGIN VERTICAL CURVE t --- PROPERTY LINE CF --- CURB FACE PCC -- POINT OF COMPOUND CURVE CONC - CONCRETE PCC -- PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE DWY -- DRIVEWAY PI --- POINT OF INTERSECTION EC --- END OF CURVE PIG -- POINT OF INTER. GUTTER ECR -- END CURB RETURN PRC -- POINT OF REVERSE CURVE EG -- EXISTING GRADE PP --- POWER POLE EP --- EDGE OF PAVEMENT PVI -- POINT OF VERT A NTERSECTION EVC -- END VERTICAL CURVE RP --- RADIUS POINT FG --- FINISHED GRADE R/W -- RIGHT-OF-WAY FL --- FLOW LINE S/W -- SIDEWALK FS --- FINISHED SURFACE TC --- TOP OF CURB GB --- GRADE BREAK TEL -- TELEPHONE BOX GL --- GRADE LINE WV --- WATER VALVE HP --- HIGH POINT VC --- VERTICAL CURVE LP --- LOW POINT VLT -- VAULT LS --- LANDSCAPE AREA WM --- WATER METER WSE --- WATER SURFACE ELEVATION PAD ELEVATION . . . . . . . . 369.1 EXISTING ELEVATION . . . . . . 100.50, (100.50) FINISHED ELEVATION . . . . . . +101.50 CURB & GUTTER . . . . . . . EDGE OF PAVEMENT . . . . . . . PROPERTY LINE . . . . . . . . CENTERLINE . . . . . . . . . . - - RIGHT-OF-WAY (R/W) . . . . . . - - - - EASEMENT LINE . . . . . . . . DAYLIGHT LINE . . . . . . . . PROPOSED STORM DRAIN . . . . . - - UTILITY GAS LINE . . . . . . . G UTILITY TELEPHONE LINE T UTILITY TELEVISION LINE. TV-_ UTILITY ELECTRICAL LINE (EDISON) E UTILITY WATER LINE . . . . . . W UTILITY SEWER LINE . . . . . S wwivu I OR C TRUCTION99 CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA S H E E T SILVERROCK RESORT C-1 PA 3 TRACT 37730 DATE ROUGH GRADING PLANS of 4 SHEETS EXP. 09/30/20 TITLE SHEET D WG. NAM E JOB NUMBER LOCATED WITHIN SECTIONS 5 AND 8, FILE N 0. SM 161178 TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.B.& M. RV DATE 07/29/20 FOR: CITY PROJECT NO. RG2020-0002 0 0 N 0) N 0 6 U) LU I R/W , R/W 11' 33 11' PUE 6yl 16' � 16' I� PUE TYPE "C" CURB TYPE "C" CURB 2� 2.00% !7/7 � )IAL TOLL FREE lJ 1-800-227-2600 AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE YOU DICE UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LLJ ^ z �o J O] LOWER PAD STREET W TYPICAL SECTION (PRIVATE) NTS P/L v (SIDE YARD) (SIDE YARD) LLJ 7.5' VARIES 7.5' J ^ C 6" HIGH m BERM NOTE: PARKING ON ONLY ONE SIDE OF STREET UPPER PAD 6" MIN. BENCH A SECTION 2 NTS P/L w z 7.5' IL J . SETBACK ,t�o f LOT 29 PAD 7/7777/7 20' 6" MIN. EMERGENCY VEHICLE BENCH ACCESS ROAD VARIES 8' 12' 15'-24.2' GRASSPAVE CONC. L 2 SEE CART PATH & GRASSPAVE2 DETAIL BELOW B SECTION 2 NTS VARIES 7.4-25.9' w z J 0 3 Lq�I 7� /IFS k INSTALL SIGNAGE ALONG EITHER SIDES OF PATH WAY STATING "FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES, GOLF CARTS & MAINTENANCE VEHICLES ONLY. NO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC ALLOWED". STANDARD "NO PARKING" SIGN SIZE (18%24") SHALL BE USED. SIGNS SHALL BE PLACED IN BETWEEN RCFD SIGNS, OR APPROX. 150 FEET APART. SEE FIG. 6, RCFD FIRE LANE REW TS. FOR ADDITIONAL INFO. 20' FIRE ACCESS (TYP) 12' 8' CONCRETE GOLF CART PATH GRASSPAVE2 ° a Ri GRASSPAVE2 W/ DG CLASS "C" CONCRETE (PER MANUFACTURER'S COMPACTED SANDY GRAVEL ROAD BASE DETAILS & SPECS-TYP) 2 CART PATH & GRASSPAVE2 NTS / (FRONT YARD) P/L 20' P/L z SETBACK (REAR YARD) J ^ 0 14' 8' 20 J 6" MIN. SETBACK m DRIVEWAY PARKING BENCH o `l m - VARIES LOTS 1-4 PROP. 0" PROP. 4"� CURB ROLLED PAD DRIVEWA MA LOP CURB z PAD �� �� E 2 CD EXIST. GOLF o S•� PROPOSED AC COURSE PAVEMENT C SECTION 2 NTS BENCHMARK: I BASIS OF BEARINGS: DESCRIPTION: THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE KPD-103-3-70 FD. 1 1/4" BASED ON THE EAST LINE O.D.I.P. FILLED W/ CONC. IN 5" SECTION 6, T. 6S., R. 7E., O.D. CONC. COLLAR DN. 0.6', S.B.B.& M., AS SHOWN ON TRACT 330' NORTH OF C.L. INT. OF MAP NO. 28470-1, MB WASHINGTON STREET AND 52ND 263/76-90, RECORDS OF AVENUE & 6.2' SOUTH OF PP# RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CA. 989270. ELEV. = 40A10 P/L 1' MIN. BENCH E SECTION 2 NTS a EXIST. GOLF COURSE FLUSH CURB OR CONCRETE MOW STRIP r FINISH GRADE VARIES 3 50 0 3•V�RIFS \'7� 41y EXIST. GOLF COURSE APPROVAL BY: 75410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 ESS / Desert, CA 1 �o Q�pF pN9l � �Palm Phone (760) 3469 7481 �o�9/- F�� MBAKERINTL.COM m I N T E R N A T I O N A L CD l BRYAN W. MCKINNEY � No. C36718 � * * PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. N0. 49418 pIV 1�- J� �Q' 9�F OF CA1 \F��� DATE: DANIEL KORAVOS R.C.E. 36718 EXP. 06/30/20 DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D DATE DRAWN SM DESIGNED R E V I S 1 0 N S SCALE AS NOTED CHECKED C� PROP(,..,,, f1l PAVEMENT 2HIGH ROCK WAL EXIST. GOLF COURSE F SECTION 2 NTS D SECTION 2 NTS APPROVED BY: CHERI FLORES PLANNING MANAGER CITY OF LA QUINTA CONSTRUCTION NOTES UNIT QTY. O1 CONSTRUCT 5" PCC OVER 4" AGGREGATE BASE FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS PATH SF 5,280 O2 INSTALL GRASSPAVE2 PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS SF 2,916 O CONSTRUCT 4" THICK PCC GOLF CART PATH SF 5,929 CITY OF LA QUINTA DATE EXP. 09/30/20 DATE "NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION" I JOB NUMBER SM 161178 RV DATE FOR: 07/29/20 CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA S H E E T SILVERROCK RESORT C-2 PA 3 TRACT 37730 ROUGH GRADING PLANS of 4 SHEETS SECTIONS AND DETAILS D WG. NAM E LOCATED WITHIN SECTIONS 5 AND 8, FILE NO. TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.B.& M. CITY PROJECT NO. RG2020-0002 O N O N N O 6 LIJ LIJ 1� o_ 0 0 N 0 N rn N J w Q U) w U Q z w c� 0 N 0 0 1 Q 0 I of U I cD 0 N 0 H— U a o' y APPROVED BY- .' \ CHERI FLORES / q P , �- PLANNING MANAGER 20 I , I I 30.85 FS 31.04 FS i�/ S \ \ \-----\� ` \\� CITY OF LA QUINTA JOIN EX. JOIN EX . 32.77 FS (33.20 FS/31.20 \ / ----- I /i✓� \ \ \ . \� JOIN EX. I JO I N EX. FS-HP 1 ~=--------�-- \ c IN f 34.20 - 1 - _ - --- ; --__ ----- _ J \ FS-HP 4 35 0 _ \ T --- _ \34.00FFS- 2 -- JCN ' ( \ SECTION 1 33.00 I n+ °p DAYLIGHT S LINE i \� FS-GB .,'�s0� LINE -� \ � 2 a A / / 1 32.00 ,I \ I I I \ •17= • .Y;3 (34.45)FS A E L 17 I / \ L °+ rF/\RfiJ ,Z2 � 2 0 7 JOIN EX:-7 ' '\ \ + \i \/ \ w I 3 / • . > \ \ 29 39. (34.59 FS \ \ - / 1 , ;• J PE=36.3 �S7 JOIN EX . '-�\\\ (n J `. \ 30.70 FS - - w I \ JOIN EX. q'`' \ �5,; S3> \� \ - - ��--___ --- ' ``_ \ \ \\ \ / w • III '- \ \ N _ �� 493 6�l_ TRACT \---------'- \\ \ \ °/ �' N 8 ---- - BOUNDARY - _ \ \ � J �! (30.81) FS 50 se ---- -- \ _ JOIN EX. _ 1 FS-HP o q, N 39 ' '` \ �- _ _ / w IL _ 0I� 0 0 , \\ PROP . 8" - \ \ \ \ _ _ / / / J / F J S\ ® sr6 > 1 N N WATER LINE ----- \ \ • / - - �/�// 3A.43 S 224.96) _35 DAYLIGHT � \ \------------------------r ---- R/W - _ A-04034'00 \ \�\ \ / / 6 / �� o,,6'p 0 \ 5$.27 W -- -- - - - - R=630. 00' \\\ _ / / %`�� " _ ---- LINE 6, - - ---- \ ` I 1 ' \ -� - - - 33 84 _ � � / � � / ®--------- TC \ \ ---- 90.75 27 /W 33 DAYL I GHT PE=37 I / .5 - _ _ 9 35 0. 13 TC TC eC LINE I I 1 3. PROP. 8» SEWER LINE 99 tK</ / \ �� \FFT 2g s > SO • pVI \ \ \� �,\. I 26 PE=38.3 N TC I MI2a 21 0 1 o \ PE=35.8 PE=35.3 m 2 0 .-- \ 89.8 > 32' N 36.08 � �v O � TIC o / 23 I \ `% PE=35.0 PE 13.28 25 PE=38.1 TRACT 24 ` O \BOUNDARY ��9> PE=37.3 0 DAYLIGHT LINE j j J -- \N.p l CONSTRUCTION NOTES \\ 0�5, \ I � PE=34.8 \ ca 18 96, I A PE=34.7 91 23. 68' °� N ��� 2 I -01 w� \ \ \ 90.000 6 \ \ . so(33.77)FS .00j jnTM EX,F 1 _ - it �� _ 90 0 ' �°� - � �•- _ DAYLIGHT r =_ W , LINE \ DAYLIGHT _ _ - 824 105 . ,' _ LINE ----- _ � - 91, \, ����° •. / JOIN EX. \ \ � � - l o. �+�� TRACT -- - 36.10 / \ p ,''- \�\ BOUNDARY 3500\ \ \ 2� �o 3 DAYLIGHT (32.64) FS r \ \ \ P-rl\ r' I%EXISTING EASEMENTS LINE JOIN EX . \ TO I BE I ABANDONEDNG NTS \ \ _ r L J 1 TO BE ABANDONED JOIN EX. \+�� O1 CONSTRUCT 5" PCC OVER 4" AGGREGATE BASE FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLE ACCESS PATH O2 INSTALL GRASSPAVE2 PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS O CONSTRUCT 4" THICK PCC GOLF CART PATH 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE: 1"=40' AAL TOLL FREE lJ 1-800-227-2600 AT LEAST TWO DAYS BEFORE YOU DICE UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA BENCHMARK: DESCRIPTION: KPD-103-3-70 FD. 1 1/4" O.D.I.P. FILLED W/ CONC. IN 5" O.D. CONC. COLLAR DN. 0.6', 330' NORTH OF C.L. INT. OF WASHINGTON STREET AND 52ND AVENUE & 6.2' SOUTH OF PP# 989270. ELEV. = 40.110 LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE �0 BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT 1 N 08050'42" E -- 23.50' -- 2 51011'25" 613.50' 548.12' 293.88' 3 N 29057'53" W -- 1 351.91' -- 4 40°54'17" 116.52' 1 83.19' 43.45' BASIS OF BEARINGS: THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE EAST LINE SECTION 6, T. 6S., R. 7E., S.B.B.& M., AS SHOWN ON TRACT MAP NO. 28470-1, MB 263/76-90, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CA. DATE I BY r / / \ \ � l / �\ � --� SECTION LINE J o\ \ DESCRIPTION I APP'D I DATE R E V I S 1 0 N S �o Q�OFESS /ON9\ o � o z m � No. C36718 � k�e'- OIV\Q' OF CA1 �F'6/ 75410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 ,In Palm Desert, CA 92211 l�7 rr 11 Phone: (760) 346-7481 MBAKERINTL.COM INTERNATIONAL PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: DATE: DANIEL KORAVOS R.C.E. 36718 EXP. 06/30/20 17 PE=34.2 I&, TC pVr �o /, / PROP. 24" \ / / SD LINE SECTION \ LINE \ / APPROVAL BY: CITY OF LA QUINTA BRYAN W. MCKINNEY CITY ENGINEER R.C.E. NO. 49418 DRAWN DESIGNED SM SCALE AS NOTED CHECKED DATE EXP. 09/30/20 JOB NUMBER SM 161178 RV DATE 07/29/20 I 16 - 07 46'� \ / �15 / \ PE=35.6 134.40' - J DATE "NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION" CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA SILVERROCK RESORT PA 3 TRACT 37730 ROUGH GRADING PLANS LOCATED WITHIN SECTIONS 5 AND 8, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, S.B.B.& M. FOR: CITY PROJECT NO. RG2020-0002 SHEET C-3 OF 4 SHEETS DWG. NAME 0 0 N N 0 6 Ld LU u APPROVED BY: / - - I� / \ CHERI FLORES DATE I / �'� �`� / r-, rr \ r3 `� _-\` \ PLANNING MANAGER / i / // /\ �' 7' \\ I / ''- � /�R I I J �ee 'I i / \ Dc `� I / /� I.\ \ CITY OF LA QUINTA X/ (0 co) x W 2 \. / SECT I ON, .11 + / ' LIN ` ES � I ° ,' -�_--- O -- _- R=181 00' ---------- --- -- 0 11 21 24 EXISTING EASEMENTS �5`- �07 28 15 DAYLIGHT R=222.00 � - �I� �Ir - 30�r ti�46.99 �.,. f k,!) ,', �/,1�' \ \ Z�� �TO BE ABANDONED / R=121.50' E LINE L=44.00 I - � - gyp- TRACT " ' / '/ , L=15.84 2 1 BOUNDARY \\��`,\ \ I / � _ _ 35 ,� � �9 w so' U \� ., - - rlr - U- - -iU- - �~ N45°2 40 5 ° , 5 5 F" �- \,-- \ \ ° 4,, 38" R=216. 00 L=82. 16 �49. 49' �6.13 ti� N30 55 16 E _ 1.00% N51°47'32"W 161.59 ° L=77.16' 35 ° 125.60 J. 8 _ -,� _ 70.44'- ,35.85 13 1A \ \ (ee ?77 - N55 46 59 W - I \ - 00, =85 0=12 37' 52" R-350. 00' 3g 10 47. 36' 4• _ _ -'c �1 22 36 3 D N2g ° �� / 1 - Hp 05 47.56 1.93 _ - �'�'� 6 �g TC-B R"10 6.08 ' 10_ ' FL 26 • _ - - _ - _ , 7 'S �R N C 32.09 \� 351. g� -'�'- 1 � 01 6'- �• �' 21.34' 48.56 T PROP. 8 ° 5 g5 C \\ WATER LINE ..+7 ,�� 5 43 95.61 - - - - - _\ p 82.23 8.65 1 41°17'30"W °42'08.36 "W 214.18' - - - - - - - - - - - 35-BCR \ 1 T , N55 c� / --- - 35.51 97 _ _ - '- 93. 44'- --3. 56'- - alb- - - - - - �o �' TC GB \ A \ T F 3 2 TC-BC TC-EC 2VV 4. 4 2 C 33 p - 33.76 33.77 - 1 LID `'� o� n PE=39.3 4g T C S TC-BC r------- TC TC-EC 4 `�- ti� M TC-PRC�� '�' C14- _ 81.29' 86.86' W 93.Og' R/W 34 � 3 T ?4 1 c° a; PE=40.0^�`° - - - - - - - ----- 1.76' 35 w C \ 8�9� PE=38.5 2 �i 'S1G,Q��G oq' q1 /'`�' PE=39.3 p q°`� PE!;4_ , � PROP. 8 � � � � � � �O • o � °�S �n / , SEWER LINE / _ , 4.� � PE=35.6 � � \� � 89 �0 2 I Oti 0� � SQ��, � Og �0 �/ =38.2 � � � � � °.�S• � ��. ��� _ A �� 58, F 1 �, '� % 14 /j/ - ° _ �• - 1 I 58'07"W 95.64' PE=35.8 h. st TC 'g6 1 - 40 i .�'� ^� C, `1' `��` // d' / \ \i1 i1i,(�rl 824.21 S pCC� 06.4 - - - 51 J� ��°,/ I \ `11 �6 35 8 52, 40 2 / 7. 06 C pC - - , - - - - - - 96 13 / DAYLIGHT \ - - 509 35 GB STREET TC / 6 \\,1111111111111 PE=36.0 0 TC 36.18 S ��. / vvI / f \ L I NE \ - g0 '� 1� 33' TC 5p4PE=38.5 / •`1�' l\ T \ 111lllll 1 I !I\' , �� I�I. (29.41)FS JOIN EX. 12 ry ---------------- PE-36.2 \ 82' ,36 `b �o o. / / � �,' l A-37 51'47 ? 1 3S g0 0 �� lc . o> w / /�1 °` R=50.00 /'; 1 �� JOIN EX. 30.50 '' E / - \ IlIl( Dc FS-GB '"�'� ' .; '°,Qc S j -33 38 ,10 �, v\ �\ 31.00TW �® 11 36.46 0 5p ti� / ` R_40.00 I \ \ \ PROP. 2' MAX . o'� > 16 TC g'L D \� o L 23.48 = _ ` PE=36.6 q, h 1 \ \ RET. WALL6TF 31.00 0 ? 9 0' 1.72 42 i 7 Ali' p I �. ` e \ I / N3 4s�' 0 00 - / I^ N86°46'33"W \ \ %� �.✓ FS-HP 30.50 _g`� 3>>� PE=38.4 / 33.00TW FS-GB ti,` s3?.? 33.OFG g' 11 LO I \ \ M / /� o- �j 30.33TF j o 1 - ,` 10 o T \I \ I d I \1 \ \ II I 1 31.00TW j. / PE=37.1 I o=52 ° 22' 14" /,��-C_�, ` 29.66TF - 0 / `'� I I ICI = I I +2 __/ 3 I \�'` 0' ;, 1 R 40.00 11 1 w / ; �, ��--� \\\�\ , 29.16 FS �\ \ \ ��. "! -_ L=36.56 \ `, _ +2 �\ 111 I;29.25 FS JOIN EX. '`� e ` o / ` \ ''� / � � , I I 1 JO I N EX. l W r' , YJ -' - � -- ��� /�f \ � �\ _ _ \ 00' PE=37.5 o PE=37.9 � /� DAYLIGHT � 1 IJ I 17----- -BOUINDARy - I '- TRACT - ti�' `� LINE Z i, "I , - - -*I - �,. 0 30 50 42 \ E L J I• I 0 42.57'rc 40 20 0 40 80 120 SCALE• 1"=40' LINE/CURVE DATA TABLE �0 BEARING/DELTA RADIUS LENGTH TANGENT 1 N 29057'53" W -- 351.91' -- 2 22039'14" 299.00' 118.22' 59.89' 3 N 52037'07" W -- 88.61' -- 4 50006'47" 235.50' 205.98' 110.10' 5 19048'53" 114.50' 39.60' 20.00' 6 68001'30" 364.50' 432.76' 245.97' 7 11042'52" 214.50' 43.86' 1 22.00' 8 N 77056'25" E -- 4.99' -- 9 08°27'04" 150.00' 22.12' 11.08' 10 N 86023'29" E -- 74.53' -- 11 34025'09" 44.00' 26.43' 13.63' 12 N 59011'23" W -- 70.43' -- 13 1 12007'38" 51.00' 10.79' 5.42' 14 N 71019'01" W -- 43.36' -- 15 16036'40" 213.50' 61.90' 31.17' 16 81054'40" 150.00' 214.44' 130.19' 17 16036'40" 213.50' 61.90' 31.17' 18 1 34025'08" 100.00' 60.07' 30.97' 19 N 59011'23" W -- 40.37' -- 20 30058'02" 50.00' 27.02' 13.85' 21 18050'24" 1 50.00' 16.44 8.30' DIG RT BENCHMARK: BASIS OF BEARINGS: Mi w� DESCRIPTION: THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE KPD-103-3-70 FD. 1 1/4" BASED ON THE EAST LINE DIAL TOLL FREE 0 . D . I . P . FILLED W/ CONC . IN 5" SECTION 6, T. 6S . , R. 7E . , O.D. CONC. COLLAR DN. 0.6', S.B.B.& M., AS SHOWN ON TRACT 1-800-227-2600 330 ' NORTH OF C.L. INT. OF MAP NO. 28470-1 , MB AT LEAST TWO DAYS WASHINGTON STREET AND 52ND 263/76-90, RECORDS OF AVENUE & 6.2' SOUTH OF PP# RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CA. BEFORE YOU DICE 989270. UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ELEV. = 40.110 4' 10 24.�X r� - �14052'56" �iti _ ►- .- ',- �� \ \ - L=42.86 \� N370 17'09"W _ 7, :C ---- 1 \ -- -------- -' / + a �e / / I CONSTRUCTION NOTES LOT LINE O3 CONSTRUCT 4" THICK PCC GOLF CART PATH TO BE ADJUSTED / -�+ "NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION" APPROVAL BY: CITY OF LA QUINTA CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA S H E E T 75410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100 Palm esert, CA 221Michael Baker Q,wpF E S S /ON9l SILVERROCK RESORT �o Phone (760) 346974811 Ko MBAKERINTL.COM PA 3 TRACT 37730 C-4 o o m I N T E R N A T I O N A L BRYAN W. MCKINNEY DATE ROUGH GRADING PLANS of 4 SHEETS Uj No. C36718 � CITY ENGINEER DWG. NAME * * PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: R.C.E. NO. 49418 EXP. 09/30/20 ����� �Q 9�F OF LOCATED WITHIN SECTIONS 5 AND 8, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, s.e.B.& M. DRAWN DESIGNED JOB NUMBER FILE No. DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D DATE CAS\F DATE: DANIEL KORAVOS R.C.E. 36718 EXP. 06/30/20 SM SM 161178 R E V I S 1 0 N S SCALE AS NOTED CHECKED RV DATE 07/29/20 FOR: CITY PROJECT NO. RG2020-0002 O N N N O 6 Ld LU u N 0 0 N 0 N rn N J W Q Lv U Q z w c� 0 0 0 I r� Q I Of I 0 0 N i 0 r� H- U Q I Q c� D 0 c� z 0 Q Of 0 J 0 0 z Q J 0 0 a U 0 0 10 N a Q 0 on Riverside County Fire Department OfFilm of the Fire Marshal Riverside Office: 2300 Markel St. Ste 150, Riverside, CA 92501 Ph. (951) 9554777 Fax (051) 05548M Palm Desert Office: 77-933 Las Montahas Rd, # 201 Palm Deserl, CA 922114131Ph (760) W3-6885 Fax (760) W3-7072 APPLICATION FOR ALTERNATE MATERIALS AND METHODS 1 02.2019 REV 09.09.2020 PROJECT NAME PROJECT ADDRESS PERMIT O APPbDNO SilverRock Resort SilverRock Way 52000, 52100, 52150, 52200, 52400 RA 01I .rpolt OWNER'S NAME OWNER'S ADDRESS PHONE SilverRock Development Company, LLC 3551 Fortuna Ranch Road, Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 634-6543 TENANT'S NAME {If other than owner) TENANT'S ADDRESS PHONE Montage International 30801 South Coast HWY, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (866) 551-8244 APPLICANT'S NAME (Not company name) APPLICANT'S ADDRESS PHONE? Please Print Veit Kugel, Gensler 225 Broadway #100, San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 657-2529 RELATIONSHIP OF APPLICANT TO PROJECT AND COMPANY NAME FIRE DEPT EMPLOYEE FAMILIAR WITH PROJECT Architect, Gensler Kohl Hetrick Pursuant to Section 104.9 of the 21916 California Fire Code (CFC), a request is hereby made to the'Fire Marshal for an alternate material and method from Section CFC 503.2 and CCR 3.05(a) , which requires that: CCR Title 19 Div 1 § 3.05. (a) (a) Exception: The enforcing agency may waive or modify this requirement if In his opinion such all-weether hard -surfaced condition is not necessary in the interest of public safely end welfare. CFC 503.2.3 Surface Fire apparatus access roads shell be designed end maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus end shall be surfaced so as to provide ell-weether driving capabilities RVC Fire requires a minimum of 60.000 pounds over 2 axles I request your acceptance oh (Wse attachments frnecessary) Fire Apparatus Access Road to be constructed of 12' of concrete and 8' of GrassPave2 surface both suitable for a min. load of 75,000 lbs. The FAAR will connect to the FAAR recently build and AMM approved 2016 at the SilverRock Golf Course I believe this proposal complies with the intent of the provisions of the CFC, and that the material, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that prescribed in the CFC in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability, and safety because: (Use at►achnreirts if fecessdry) Proposed construction and alternate road surface is similar as attached approved AM&M from 2016. Veit Kugel, Gensler VPW OWNER, ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER SIGNATURE TITLE DECISION OF THE FIRE MARSHAL, ARCHITECT OR ENGINEERS SEAL ❑ Approved )N Approved with Stipulations ❑ Denied Stipulations: 60A&i0^15 Or- Arptagl E trc P6eotq. cog fart a �coi "ej P-a Zo ZOL. I0-0Z, DA=Z'o h RSHA or authorized designee 5l16116 Riverside County Fire Department Office of the Fire Marshal Riverside Office: 2300 Market St., Ste. 150, Riverside, CA 92501 Ph. (951) 955-4777 Fax (951) 955-4886 Palm Desert Office: 77-933 Las Montanas Rd., # 201 Palm Desert, CA 92211-4131 Ph. (760) 863-8886 Fax (760) 863-7072 DATE APPLICATION FOR ALTERNATE MATERIALS AND METHODS 09-08-20 PROJECT NAME PROJECT ADDRESS PERMIT OR APP. NO. SilverRock Resort — PA3 Montage Residences 51-900 to 51-999 Conchilla Court (to be approved by City) GR2020-0002 OWNER'S NAME OWNER'S ADDRESS PHONE SilverRock Development Company, LLC 3551 Fortuna Ranch Road, Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 643-6543 TENANT'S NAME (Ifother than owner) TENANT'S ADDRESS PHONE APPLICANT'S NAME APPLICANT'S ADDRESS PHONE Michael Tylman, PE 75-410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100, Palm Desert, CA 92211 (760) 776-6142 RELATIONSHIP OF APPLICANT TO PROJECT AND COMPANY NAME FIRE DEPT EMPLOYEE FAMILIAR WITH PROJECT Civil Engineer, Michael Baker International Kohl Hetrick Pursuant to Section 104.9 of the 2016 California Fire Code (CFC), a request is hereby made to the Fire Marshal for an alternate material and method from Section CFC 503.2 & CCR 3.05 (a) of the , which requires that: California Code of Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §3.05(a) exception. Exception: The enforcing agency may waive or modify this requirement if in his opinion such all-weather hard -surfaced condition is not necessary in the interest of public safety and welfare. 503.2.3 Surface Fire apparatus access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be surfaced so as to provide all-weather driving RVC Fire requires minimum 60,000 pounds over 2 axles. I request your acceptance of: Secondary Fire Apparatus Access Road to be constructed of 12' width of concrete and 8' width of GrassPave2 at the Montage Residences (29 lots). Load calc: Tire: 1 I R22.5 x 4 on rear axle Weight (conservative). 80,000 lbs Tire patch: 74 square inches per tire x 4 = 296 square inches Weight distribution and tire patch is estimated to be 203 lbs./in. GRASSPAVE2 Provided 15,940 PSI Load Capacity. EXCEEDING REQUIRED. Base Course accommodates Heavy Fire Truck, H-20 Loading of 80,000 lbs. SEE PAGE 33, Attached LOAD TABLE I believe this proposal complies with the intent of the provisions of the CFC, and that the material, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that prescribed in the CFC in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability, and safety because: Grasspave2 product has a greater lifespan and sustain greater live loads than both asphalt and concrete. It has been used for fire access application since 1982. (see attached details, product literature and narrative). Regional Practice Lead OWNER, ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER SIGNATURE TITLE DECISION OF THE FIRE MARSHAL ARCHITECT OR ENGINEERS SEAL ❑ Approved ❑ Approved with Stipulations ❑ Denied Q',nTESS)a� I ��,E t 7,k <� Stipulations: af No. C4K96 a Jr �IVl1 9TB OF CA0F�� DATE FIRE MARSHAL or authorized designee Sladden Engineering 45M Coif Center Parkway, Suite F, Indio, CA 92M (76a) 863-0713 Fax (760) 86MO47 6782 S tantan Avenue, Suite C, Buena Park, CA 94621 (714) 523-0952 Fax (714) 523-�359 450 Egan ,Avenue, Beaumont, CA 92223 (951) 945-7743 Fax (951) 84MB63 www.Sladdenengineering_com September 8, 202D SilverRock Development Company, LLC c/o The Robert Green Company 3551 Fortuna Ranch Road Encinitas, California 92024 Project: SilverRock Resort Parcel Map 37207 La Quinta, California Subject: Emergency Vehicle Access -- Grasspave2 Project No. 544-I4059 20-09-452 Ref: Geotechnical Investigation report prepared by Sladden Engineering dated February 10, 2017, Project No. 544-14059, Report No.17-01-011 Geotechnical Update — Site Design prepared by Sladden Engineering dated August 7, 2020, Project No. 544-14059, Report No. 20-08-395 It is our understanding that the use of the Grasspave2 Grass Covered Porous Pavement system is proposed for some of the emergency vehicle access roadways planned in conjunction with the development of the SilverRock Resort project located in the City of La Quinta, California. The Grasspave2 Grass Covered Porous Pavement system consists of an interlocking geogrid structure infilled with sand and covered with turf. The Grasspave2 interlocking geogrid structure is supported upon aggregate base material. Based upon our review of the above referenced geotechnical reports and the Grasspave2 technical specifications, it is our opinion that the Grasspave2 Grass Covered Porous Pavement system should be expected to provide adequate all-weather support for fire and emergency veWcles up to 80,000 pounds. The Grasspave2 Grass Covered Porous Pavement system should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. The Grasspave2 geogrid structure should be supported upon at least 12 inches of sandy gravel base course that meets the manufacturer's gradation specifications and does not include recycled materials or crushed aggregate. The base course should be placed in thin lifts not exceeding 6 inches in thickness and compacted to at least 95 percent relative compaction. The base course should be supported upon firm native soil or fill soil compacted to no more than 90 percent relative compaction to promote infiltration. Sladden Engineering www.Sladdenengineering.com September 9, 2020 -2- Project No. 544-14059 20-09-452 If you have questions regarding this letter or the referenced reports, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted, SLADDEN ENGINEERING Brett L. AndersonIPrincipal EngineerAI+lpEi3SDfI - No. C45389 n SER/ra CIVIL NGIiVEERING Copies: 4 J Addressee Sladden Engineering w w w. SI a d d en engin a ering. c om 100% Grass Covered Porous Pavement Grasspave2 Flem1ble Plastice Porous Pavement Grasspave2 protects and en- hances the environment in three ways: First, made from 100% recycled plastic, Grasspave2 keeps common consumer and in- dustrial products from going into landfills. Second, grass paving directly improves the environ- ment by recharging water tables on site (reducing flooding hazards downstream), reducing sources of oils and solvents from asphalt, absorbing carbon dioxide, and creating oxygen. Third, it en- hances the beauty and quality of the built environment —replacing hot asphalt paved areas with cool, sparking green lawn -like Product Description ff II IIII IIII IIII `If{ Grasspave2 has thin -walled independent plastic rings con- nected by an interlocking geogrid structure, which, because it is installed below the surface, is invisible in the completed project. While the rings are rigid, the grid itself is flexible, which makes it easy to install on uneven grades, and reduces usual cut and fill requirements. The rings transfer loads from the surface to the grid structure and engineered base course material below, thus preventing compac- tion of the upper root zone of the grass. A single ring supports small loads, such as shoes; several rings support tires and large loads. The rings also act to contain the root zone medium (sand) and prevent lateral migration away from tires, feet, or other loads. This protects the grass root system, enabling roots to grow deep into the porous base course. The result is healthy, green turf at the surface. One person can easily install the Grasspave2 rolls at a rate of 70m2 (750 ft2) per hour, plus time for base course preparation and grass installation (seeding, sod or sprigging). Step-by-step instructions are included in our Installation Instructions, which accompany each order. Features and Benefits *Allows 100%o grass coverage instead of asphalt • Made from 100% post consumer plastic • High strength to weight load -bearing capacity • Supports vehicular and pedestrian traffic • Maximum porosity • Low to zero runoff • Free airlwater movement • Permits more trees ■ Cooler site `° • Greater oxygen • Removes air pollutants " • Can preserve existing trees N R • Helps to meet "Green Coverage Codes" • Fast, low cost installation ' • Competes in cost with asphalt paving • No gutter and rain system needod • No added land required for detention facilities • Lower life cycle costs orsodde6mi' Applicadons sand ial GMNgMrv@2 -1 in 2.5 do twM90" ■ Churchlemployee parking end erg sr$.,,E ■ Overflow and event parking i baae cmrrae -Bin to 12 In . Golf cart paths I II I I��— cm�aea auay�� ■ Residential driveways ■ Frelanes Specifications Unit Size —20"x 20"x l" (50 x 50 x 2.5cm) Unit Weight —18oz (510 grams) Strength — 15,940 psi (109,906 kPa) Connector Pull Apart Strength (Tensile) - 458 lbfrn Color — Black Resin —100% recycled HDPE with 3% carbon black Shipped in Rolls (431 sq ft standard, other roll sixes available) 92°% Void Space (8%v plastic by volume) Invisible Structures, Inc. 1600 Jackson Street, Suite 310 www.invisiblestructures.com Golden CO, 80401 800-233-1510 Fax: 800-233-1522 (DISI, US Patent #5 ,250,340 r� +7 AM q IVIO V, MV T'I lot oil UPDATED! 15,940 p'sr-r2.29 million psf 109,906 kPa Introduction History of Porous Paving Pebbles, cobblestones, and wood decking structures have been used since the dawn of civilization to reinforce where we walk and the roads we use. Little did we realize that these methods had benefits over the modern trends of sealing up the ground with asphalt and concrete. Porous, permeable or pervious paving —whatever you prefer —became a method for addressing stormwater issues in the early 20th century. Concrete turfblock for grass paving began in the mid-1940s and plastic versions were invented in the late '70s and early 'fills. Great advance- ments have occurred in pervious concrete, pervious asphalt, and other permeable sur- faces. We introduced Grasspave2 in 1982, improving upon these earlier concepts. In 1993, Gravelpave2 was unveiled, the only product specifically developed for gravel porous paving. Fast forward to this millen- nium, and Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 are considered by most, the finest porous pavers developed. infiltation ofthegmind Porous paving allows rainwater to percolate through the pavement's surface and back into the ground (infiltrating), where the water is cleaned and returned to ground water supplies. Porous paving improves upon impermeable sur- faces, such as concrete or asphalt, which do not allow for this natural filtration. Rain collects airborne and surface pollutants such as sediment, brake dust, chemicals, vehicle exhaust, oil, salts, fertilizers, bacteria, and animal waste. On impermeable surfaces the polluted rainwater runoff (non -point source pollu- tion) is collected, concentrated, and discharged to downstream waters such as streams, reservoirs, and lakes --our drinking water. This runoff also harms vegetation and wildlife with increased water volumes, velocities, and higher temperatures. The Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 systems protect against this dangerous runoff by processing and cleaning the water, thus safeguarding the natural water cycle. State of the Earth Invisible Structures, Inc has developed an entire line of products r and environmental concerns. Rainstore3, Slopetamez, Draincore2, and Beachrings2 can work in addition to, or in conjunction with, Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 to provide your site, home, or office with stormwater and environmental enhance- ments, Our products can store and collect rain, provide erosion and sediment control, efficiently convey and deliver water, and protect natural areas. Advanced Technology The Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 systems are based on a simple, but impressive technology —a series of rings (cylinders) connected on a flexible grid system. The cylinders are engineered to withstand to address stormwate f�asspe � ►ergs rarRs a nd Gra w alpa� large rolls (�ors�orvnjrnstaNgQaakfyarrdmnFormtau�erontaas significant structural loads and the grid provides stability, flexibility, and continuity for large areas. The grid system also has the unique ability to be rolled up for easy shipping, handling and installation. This engineered design allows For any street -legal vehicle (and sometimes larger) to park or drive on our Grasspave2 or Gravelpave2 surfaces. The point Ioad pressure is transferred from the top of the ring, through the fill material and cylinders, to the engineered base course. Comrphoto.414esr7nr(i dandReswtand5pa,Scottsdare,ftwa--crasslvave211re► Mandcravelpau2rarerare(aoraerewiatM"4. 4 The ring and grid structure is 92 percent void space allowing For the healthiest root zone for grass (in Grasspave2) and male deco- rative gravel (in Gravelpave2) for some of the most attractive paved surfaces around. Less plastic means more natural looking surfaces. This technology also makes for better runoff coefRclents and better percolation rates, 120 psi Maximum on Public Highways! F,ven empty, Grasspa► O and The heavier a vehicle, the more axles and tires it needs to support the load heirig carried. Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 will meet and exceed all loading criteria. V&le iaadng Examples Auto tires: 40 psi Ti uck tires: 110 psi ' DC-10 tires: 250 psi 'a F-16 Woes, 350 psir►w1►ri,aiy4soun►ai Fire ti,rck with ouo iggers: 78psi ard&aSspave2in VV' ' (An 85,000 ih rnick distributed fo four outrigger pads is equal to 21,250lbs. for each outrigger pad with 12' x 18' surfrce cancan Ivith Geasspase?) at►am a, A4onhale All these Vehicles are well within our 5,700 psi loading capability. With a sturdy base course design, our rings will easily perfornt 00 under all conditions. It's also a good design practice to strengthen concrete sidewalks and curbing that will be mounted by fire trucks. CSI 3212 43 Flexible porous Pavers In 1997 The Construction Specifiers Institute (CSI) came out with a generalized listing (02795j For all porous pa►Ing products. However, since performance and application is varied even in the porous paving industry, the 2004 CSI MasterFormat'I has adopt- ed a new number 3212 43 Flexlble ImPorous Paving, to recognize that i Grasspave2 and Gravelpave? are in a class by themselves. Best management Practise Porous paving Is recognized as a Best INIanagement Practice (B.. IP) by the Environmental Protection Agency, the Center for Watershed Protection, the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, and countless other feder- al, state, regional and local authod- ties. In addition. Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 are often mentioned by name, as the product of choice for many of these agencies. Applications Stuanwater Management The Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 systems can easily handle storni water from an intense storm dropping three inches of rain In less than thirty minutes! In one square meter (4W x 401 there are 144 rings, two niches in diameter by one inch high, With one inch of fill in the rings and a standard road base of sandy gravel six .'SMNNNNjNL- w 8n000ditrtrPointkegionalFark, FartM}►xrs8�ah` Florida—(zrawzipave� AarkrraJbays6lelwd u� with ahe na�lSurro�rdFrx,� inches thick, our porous systems will percolate approximately 'Iz inch of rain per hourl A seven-inch section can store 2.4 inches of water (about 20 percent void after compaction). Alternatively, hard surfaces, such as asphalt and concrete, shed 95 percent of storm water. Aesthetics As a designer, engineer, contractor, or homeowner, you can be sure Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 can deliver a mare beautiful surface and add a unique look to a site. Grass simply looks better than asphalt and decorative gravel has been used for centuries in landscaping. Space constraints can be dealt with by combining the beauty of grass or gravel with the utility of paving. Trees and other vegetation not only survive, they thrive with Grasspavez and Gravelpave2. Porous paving has the ability to deliver water, oxygen and carbon dioxide through the crass sec- tion —all essential to root survival. Concrete and asphalt suffo- cate and starve the root zones of water and air. With Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2, you can now design in as many trees and plants as your site will allow. Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 prevent com- paction while allowing for ample amounts of water and air. Cars can then drive and park below tree canopies. Saving existing, mature trees is also possible with our products --our structures can come within inches of the mature tree trunk without damage. Our mats have the ability to flex with the tree root growth that would otherwise damage and crack hard surfaces. Environmental Benefits Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 not only protect the environment, they enhance it. All of our products are made from 140 percent recycled plastic —plastic that goes into improving the environ- ment and not into a landfill. Through bioremediation, porous pavers have the ability to clean pollutants (heavy metals, 96-99 percent; suspended solids, 95 percent; phosphorous, 65 percent; nitrogen, 82 percent, hydrocarbons, up to 100 percent) out of starmwater. Our products also reduce erosion and soil migration, reduce site disturbance, and contribute to airborne dust capture and retention. Cooling the atmosphere and reducing the "urban heat island e&cr (cities being up to 16 degrees hotter than undeveloped land) are added benefits of Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2. Both products can mitigate these increased temperatures. In addition, Grasspave2 promotes the conversion of carbon dioxide (green- house gas) into oxygen and has an "air-conditioning effect.' Dri%"ays Environmental, economic, and aesthetic enhancements are drawing homeowners and designers to use Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 in driveways. Most residential driveways are good candidates for our porous duo because of the reduced speed and limited frequency of traffic. Our products can add beauty to residential and commercial driveways. Parking Lots Parking for churches and synagogues, stadiums, arenas, and overflow, at shopping centers, campuses, parks and more are ideal for Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2. These sites generally support large numbers of vehicles but only on periodic basis. Stormwater management and green space can be combined with parking, reducing maintenance, real estate, and development costs. A great design idea is combining durable Gravelpave2 drive aisles with attractive Grasspave2 parking bays. Pedestrian, Horse Trails and Bicycle Paths Garden paths, greenhouse aisles, sidewalks, park paths, and wilderness trails paved with Grasspave2fGravelpave2 provide a stable surface for strollers, bicycles, wheelchairs, and horses. There are no puddles or mud and traction is very good. Tree roots break up hard surface sidewalks, but our mats flex to accommodate such shifts and gradient changes. Plus, with the high proportion of air, roots are discouraged from moving upward. Mountain bikers will not be able to tear up paths reinforced with Grasspavel/Gravelpavel. Our products can resist the destructive forces of mountain bikes, allowing your trails to be reopened to bikes. A Fire Lanes 13y far, the most common application for Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 installations is for fire lanes. Our long and established history of providing safe, well - constructed fire lanes began in 1982 with our first instalIa- tion in Snowmass. Colorado, near Aspen Ski Resort. Since then, we have firmly established credibility for this application. Tests have been conducted by several fire departments in Aurora, Colorado and Irvine, California. Nearly every major U.S. metropolitan area has accepted and used 0 Grasspave2 in a fire 00 lane. You will most likely find a fire lane v installation k' in your area. i i OMIW 8 Grasspave2 Installation flats can be rolled out in minutes! 6DD m2 (6,000 A per two -person hour! For steps shown belo►v-100 m2 (1,080 so per two -person hour! mare andmmpactsandand giaaelba� caxsu u ❑7 �yf0lJ15E8Rdf [1901110W67gtjC'i�. . AMyH)4oc owWx1um.. F ir. y Itz tkea rega?arlaarirttatmr for�x. �Orltl[BClele? TheC,r�ss�mas�parousp�aeemerttsystem rsuonrprisedola samdygorav�eltrasem�orse, Hyftpwp*w-krtff&ff m&tu% ft&-asWaWrhVaridgridsu sharpc&wdemr4andgras mWarson! Rwgodw1*W yroner. l• T - :t i p fir._ ► *• R 9 Grasspave2 Installation Proeedvres This installation section is only intended as an overview. Please review our Grasspave2 Tedmical Specifications (available at www.invisiblestructurescorn or ca 11800-233- 1510) for comprehensive installation insuvctlon& Excavate a space for the base course as determined by site soils and loading requirements. Place and compact sandy gravel which should be a mixture of clean sharp sand and gravel varying in size but nut exceeding 314 of an inch. To check porosity, use a hose to see that water flows into the base and drains away. Add subsurface drainage as necessary to law spots or locations with poor draining soils. Install irrigation lines and sprinkler heads if necessary. Apply the Hydrogrow mixture that is included free with your order. Hydrogrow is a mix- ture- of polymer and fertilizer designed especially for our Grasspave2 system. kS'�;. r .1 Roll out Grasspave2, aligning the side hole fasteners over the side pegs. The warmth of the sun will relax the plastic so it lays flat. Cut the grid between rings using pruning shears, Incorporate the cut pieces in other areas, as needed, keeping the distance between the rings uniform. Fill rings with clean sharp concrete sand (AASHTQ M6 or ASTM C-33) using large rakes and brooms so that the tops of the rings show when done. Lay turf over the rings. On warm days, wet the sand first to lower sand temperature and provide moisture for grass roots. Seeding and hydromulching is also an accepted vegetating method at this stage. Repeated hydromulchinglseeding may be necessary. Roll sod with heavy toiler to eliminate air pockets and make sure roots are in contact with the sand fill. Water lawn as usual according to climatic requirements. Whether the area has been seeded or sodded, wait to drive on grass until two mowings have been completed, by which time the root system will be established and the sod pieces locked into place. In an emergency such as the need for fire truck access, grass may be driven on immediately after installation. Use a regular lawn mower for maintenance. There should be no paver parts protruding through the surface that would damage mowers. Do not aerate! •� • `� •• r - ti. - if �' l_� �RF ` � •=its �`-fiM' r ; • . __ �'`• - L �� ." .- � 4 ` ����, _._:��' �•�: p• _ . 4 _�e'��`' . �x�_ tom"'• : r .1. �"' _ ,, �: _ . •''.�•• , 10 A. j Y; Ptaoearrf aorr�Oart sand andgravefroaat ase. RoflautG aelpav2?allgnkxdmmWfitrasteners, Secure mars alto a,xliors provided (s+re aml type may vary). Tiff rings with clean gravel, Con�aart gra�rl n�Gh vlbrawrruperorf�ar place corrgvacmr �mt sf nwrrj Gravel pavO Installation--- Gravelpave2 Size/Shape Fill Requirements You will. need 1'' of gravel fill, compacted. Be careful to order enough for the compaction process and choose a gravel size that will nest well into the rings. We have found that Yr' minus crushed stone and sometime Ve" with limited small sharp screetrings (#40 to #100 screen) works well. Washed graiei will roll within the rings and will also "roll about." For this reason, we do not recommend pea grikVPl. eVelr though it is often very attractive. A visit to your local quarry is suggested. LVe have found that some geological areas of the United States have limited types of sharp gravel available. It has been necessary to import gravel from a neighboring state, but remember the aniounts are relatively small -- the top one -and -a -quarter inch of the cross sec- tion. Gravel should be as free of fines as possible. To maintain porosity, avoid soft stone materials with law durability that will break easily. Other Fill Materials for Gravelpavve2 Please ask our staff for assistance with this category since it is use -specific and often experi- mental. Ground rubber. crushed glass, crushed brick, and many other materials can be useful as attracrive. fill materials for various applications. Thenrioset (epoxy polyurethane. etc.) binders may be cast prohibitive for most projects, but offer unique design possibilities, including clarity, color enhancement (wet look), flexibility, and durability. Our technical support staff will assist with selection of gravel sources, The photographic samples shown on this page will help you marrow your gravel choices. Should you have questions concerning the selection, please submit a small sample For approval prior to specifying or securing the materials. Mats can be rolled out in minutes! GrwelpaW Installation Procedure This installation section is only intended as an overview. Please review our Gravelpave2 Technical Specifications (available at www.invisiblestructurescom or call M233-1510) for comprehensive installation instructions. Prepare sandy gravel base course to a depth as determined by a soils engineer. Compact with a vibrating plate compactor or use a heavy motorized roller for large jobs. To test porosity, water with a hose and check to see that water drains readily through the base course before installing the Gravelpavez mats. Roll out mats with the grain (in the same direction) so that the snap fit fasteners can be used with neighboring mats. To fit around boxes and curbs, cut the grid between the rings with pruning shears and scissors or a small portable electric hand saw. Fasten the mats together using the snap fit fasteners that are molded into the product inserting the prongs into the rectangular openings. Tuck the fabric underneath the fasteners to keep joints closed. A quarter -inch nut driver head (6 nun) fits nicely over the fastener to compress the pieces together. A piece of lumber placed under the Gravelpavez mat will provide stability to aid in fastening. Supplied anchors must be used to secure the mats to the base. Hammer anchors with washers at a rate of one anchor per six rings in both directions, Use extra anchors around the perimeter of the Gravelpavez install and In high _ traffic areas. Reciprocating hammers can be used to speed up the anchoring { awl 11 process. Anchors should be placed inside the rings as close to the center as possible. Begin anchoring from one corner in a radial pattern. Gradually place gravel fill (see suggested fill material on Facing page) into rings by using a Front-end loader and shaking out the fill as the machine drives forward. Carefully lower the bucket when empty and back up while dragging it above the rings to smooth out the gravel, finishing with a stiff broom. Wheel barrow and shovel works well for small jobs. Contractor tip —you can store excess material for future maintenance, top dressing as may be necessary. Use rakes and/or push brooms to distribute the gravel fill to a level slightly above rings so that compacting the fill will not uncover the rings. Use a vibrating plate compactor or large driving roller again to compact the gravel fill. Additional gravel may be necessary to finish filling the rings. Compact again until the material appears solid in the rings. Wetting the gravel may help it to interlock. Drive on the Installation when finished, If car tires make a pattern, there may he too much gravel or it may need additional compaction. It is expected that tops of the rings may be visible. If sides of the rings show, then add more fill] material and repeat the compaction process. 12 Golf Industry Gravelpave2 and Grasspave2 golf cart paths give the look of a natural path through trees, along faint'ays, and around greens. The Flush surface requires no trinnining or edging.'rracciari is excellent with Gravelpare2 and Grasspave2 traction Is slightly better than grass. Grasspave2 and Gr'a.velpm-es can enhance yorrr golf cart staging area, pedestrian traffic area, parking lot, road shoulder, and mainte- nance yard. Automobile Dealership Displays Car dealerships have discovered that Gnasspave2 and Gravelpave.L are perfect for automobile dis- play areas. Dealerships now have an option when it comes to adding paved areas for car transport and display: Dealerships like the "soft" attractive look grass and decorative gravel provide. Utility and Maintenance VehideAecess Providing your site with impor- tant utilitarian ftnlctions with- out compromising beauty is simple. Grasspave2 and Gravclpave2 can incorporate a structural road without inter• rupting your landscaping. No obtnisive concrete or asphalt access roads are necessary to get to window crashing areas, pump stations, microwave tow- ers, tanks, or electrical boxes. Unique Applications Our mats are installed in some unique and interesting places: 1-lelkopter landing pads, rate car display arenas, outdoor amphithe- ater seating, under picnic tables, under concrete pavers (support), airplane display and transport, cemetery marker reinforcement, eave drip lines and more. Installations arse not limited to traditional paved areas. GrasspavO Charamristics Large Rolls Our patented systems have a shipping, handling and installation advantage as well —large rolls. Our standard roll sire (model 2020) covers 431 sq. ft. (40 in?) and weighs 192 pounds (87 kg). Other roll sires are available. Installers of our products have mpeat(Aly commented that they Lab Compression Test Results Load -bearing capacity of filled Grasspave2lGravelpave2 rings ►%. concrete, and vehicle loading examples li Grasspave2lGrave�arae- 5,720psi rapacity (fi1A4 C�mrere-3,UOOpsrcapacrty u J x � C Runoff Comparison Chart Runoff coefficients, GrasspavezlGravelpave2 and 100`Rb sandy gravel base over various soil types 90% A#,ep 80% near" 70% �. 60%„rcmr 50% 30% 20% 10% � 0% .o...,a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Inches of Rain During 24 Hours Cakulatmw irdude GP1(Wplwed corer 6' otsaMy gr" base course, lmd off tsatire sods mdiraeed Rhtg and Grid Structure Grasspave2 is by most accounts the best flexible grass paver made today. Its unique ring and grid structure allow for flexibility, stability, and exceptional grass growth, With 92 percent void space for healthy roots and 100 percent grass coverage, Grasspave2 is the indusn y's preeminent choice. Our installations are hard to find because they are invisible! With so little plastic near the crown of the grass, the blades of grass are not smashed by prod- uct. Root development is not interrupted from spreading laterally. The rings are strong and rigid, keeping grass root systems pro- tected from harm. The roots grow directly downward, deep into the sandy gravel base course. enjoy the easy installation. Rolling out Grasspave2 is similar to rolling out carpeting and coverage is fast and eFfi- clettt. The mat system can be easily cut to fit around trees. irrigation, curbing, or other I errain. The rolls have srtap•fit contuvors to atrach to adjacent rolls. snaking one unified, can- tiguous system. This unified ntat system adds stability and continuity In design. GrasspaveZ cat J st as easily he snapped to GravelpavO to add stability and product variation. Hydro9rm Another reason Grasspave2 Is the Industry leader is the addition of Ilydivgrmv soil amendownt, which is supplied with your order: liydrogrow is engineered. to help grass grow, in our sand based root zone. The results are anta7ing and our Grasspave2 areas often look healthier than surrounding turf. By using this special mix- ture in the sand, porosity will be maintained, turf will be attractive, and aeration will not be necessary Sand rill Grasspave2 is the only grass paver on the market specifying sand as part of its cross section. Sand is the best medium to pro- vida v ater and air to the roots and still provide high cornpres- sive strength. The United States Golf Association uses sand for every USDA golf course and nearly every professional and colle- giate turf athletic field uses a sand cross section as well. Topsoil (or other organics fill material) in the rings will eventually compact and damage the root zone. Sand negates the need for mechanical aeration, which can damage Grasspave2 and other grass pavers. Strength When Installed When installed over a thick base course and compacted to 95 percent modified Proctor, sand -filled rings can support 5,700 pounds per square inch (psi) without deflection or compromise to safety. The cylinder is the strongest shape to support compressive loads because it has no corners. Supporting heavy loads with the rings allows us to use less plastic in the product creating a 92 percent void area for root development, combined with strength! Less plastic means a lower cost for you. Id Traffic Frequency Grass as a surface material can withstand from two to six (varies with grass species and environmental conditions) trips daily over the same spot. This suggests that most parking applications we pave with asphalt today could be paved with Grasspave2 instead. Vehicles can remain parked on grass for extended periods of time, provided some relief can be given for a few days for the grass to recover. Lifespan Grasspave2 has a projected lifespan of 60 years. Compared to asphalt with a lifespan of 15 years; and concrete with a lifespan of 25 years, Grasspave2 will save you money on replacement costs. �)0( 0, Irrigation { Grass needs water and you may need to have irrigation installed. Grasspave2 has a sand based root zone which usually requires slightly more water than a normal topsoil or organic root zone. If golf courses in your area use irrigation systems, you probably should in your Grassapave2 installation. Gravelpave2 Characteristics Fabric, Ring and Grid When we developed Gravelpave2 in 1993, our goal was to provide designers a second option for a porous pavement that can tolerate high frequency and low -speed traffic. By molding our ring and grid structure onto a non- woven polyester filter fabric, we were able to create a new product that contains gravel and prevents particle migration and rutting. i Jr Should the fasteners of one mat not align over the distance of another mat, then anchor pins (or eight inch ring shank nails and large washers) can be used to secure the mats along the seam. Forcing the alignment can cause the mats to ripple and not lay down evenly. Traffic Frequency Gravelpave2 has no limits on frequency or duration of traffic on the system. Park or drive as often as you like on Gravelpave2. However, speeds should be kept at or below about 24 mph (30 km/h). Durability Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 are ! ( made from flexible High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) plastic 3 with UV inhibitors, which } withstands repeated Standard mbs losfrr _- Tart Ohmt ft ww &I,, Terra Cana. P freeze -thaw cycles and f. continuous subzero tem- peratures without crack- ing. HDPE resists aggres- sive chemicals such as road salts, motor oils and fuels. HDPE is highly abrasion -resistant and is unaffected by extremes in pH. A well - maintained Gravelpave2 installation will last 25 years in most climates. Invisible Structures —Standard Product Roll Sizes r Model m R m R m #t mz ftZ kg lbs 1010 1 33 10 323 0.5 1.7 10 108 22 48 1020 1 3.3 Z0 65.6 0.8 2.7 20 215 44 96 1520 1.5 49 20 656 08 Z.7 30 323 65 144 2020 2 6.6 Z0 65.6 0.8 7-7 40 430 87 192 2520 2.5 8.2 20 65.6 0.8 2.7 50 538 109 240 Rolls c he hmiaUed manually (2 People advlaed}. Rolls apply to GrawWft-'. Qwmipare=. Drabmml, and Stawtam4_ Gravelpave2 is the only system specifically designed for aggregate containment porous paving. The cylinders displace the load onto an engineered base course and hold the decorative gravel in place. The fabric keeps the top -dress gravel from compacting into the road base, acts as a weed and vegetation barrier, and suppresses dust. Traditional pavements, including gravel roads, are designed to shed water and keep it away from the pavement's cross-section. Gravelpave2 Is designed to do the opposite —welcoming water down through the system. Plus, Gravelpave2 will not rut, wash- board, or puddle like traditional gravel roads. Snap -Fitt Fasteners Designed into Gravelpave2 is a snap -fit fastener, a two -pronged arrow that fits into a rectangular slot. Simply push the slot over the prongs to easily snap together panels of Grasspave2. To take them apart, just squeeze the prongs together and lift off the slot. Aesthetics Part of what draws many designers to use Gravelpave2 Is the ability to have an area maintain a natural look Many times native soils or gravel can be used as fill material, comple- menting surrounding areas. Gravelpave2 is available In four standard colors —black, tan, gray, and terra cotta (custom colors are available at addition- al cost). Ring colors are intend- ed to blend with the gravel color so they will be less visible should some portion of the rings show. A small amount of excess stone !fill should be left above the top of the rings to provide visu- al cover and additional UV protection. This excess will migrate, but usually not very far. Size and Shape Requirements for Gravel Hit You will need one and a quarter inch (3.2 cm) of gravel fill, before compaction. After compaction the gravel shouid be only be slightly higher than the rings CA inch, 3 mm above). The following criteria for gravel fill will make the most of the systems performance: • Hard —resistant to breaking, crushing or crumbling Sharp and angular (do not use rounded pea gravel) Clean, washed (free of fines) • Size % to % inch (5 mm. to 1 cm) Other fill material may be used in certain situations, but may be considered use -specific or experimental. Please consult with our technical support staff regarding fill material not meeting the above criteria or for installations requiring "binders." 16 Dust suppression Dirt and gravel roads have the potential to kick up dust and dirt when traversed. Many communities have regulations limiting or eliminating gravel surfaces from new construction. Rest assured, If you design a Gravelpavez surface you will be getting a virtually dust - free surface. The clean and washed fill material required to fill the rings will not have any more dust than an asphalt -paved surface. Gravelpave2's geotextile fabric will prevent the dust -sized particles contained within the base material (existing gravel surface or dirt), from being displaced by moving tire or wind forces. Industry Advantages Economic Advantages Whether you are an engineer, architect. landscape architect. contractor or homeowner you will be concerned with the cost of you project. Grasspave2 and Gravepave2 will save you money. Our products will save on design costs, installa- tion costs, component materials, maintenanceloperations expenses and lifecycle costs. We can find a way to reduce your site expenses with our porous pavers. In addition to cost savings in the design phase, you may be able to eliminate other components during installation such as root protection for trees, grates, manholes, curbing, and tree and vegetation removal costs. Oakdale Natexe Preren� Freeport 1lNrrauir�ravxdpan�redures erasionand rYrtting in thisAVA accauffile Emil. When designing, you may be able to eliminate or reduce storm - water filters, detention basins, conveyance lines, modifying grading requirements, or many other necessities" associated with asphalt or concrete. A great deal of your stormwater mitigation plan can be built into Grasspavez and Gravelpave2. Installers have been astounded by the speed and efficiency for which large areas can be accommodated by our large rolls. Unrolling our mats, snap fitting, and cutting is easy and requires no special machinery Please view our technical specifications (from www.invisiblestnactures.corn, call 800-233-1510, or avail- able through our partner network) for the installation procedure. A brief installation overview is also on pages 8 and 10). CarrgvacWsarrdygmvelmadbmpfaaed abovemaWiedubgrade, 95%mouMed ProctordmiV 6mv*ave2MIsare lmdpmnod and rifled WtheleaR AVgrawet Maintenance and operations costs are significantly reduced over asphalt and concrete surfaces. A. (Andy) E. Lindsey, Director of Grounds Maintenance. University of South Alabama, in his written analysis dated February 18, 1999, compared the cost of our porous systems to asphalt pavement using historical data from university records. The conclusion was a $56,000 savings over 20 years, by using Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2. Our products can save you the most money by combining your surfaces uses into one area, Multiple surface use means savings on real estate. design costs, maintenance, insur- ance and more. You can have a fire lane that doubles as "green space" for employees or visitors, combine a parking lot with a bio-swaie and stormwater mitigation system, and expand your lawn into the driveway. The Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 Installations at Reliant Stadium, Houston, Texas, pull quadruple duty, providing over seven acres of parking, stormwater mitigation, required "green space," and an outdoor festival site which generate additional income. As mentioned above. Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 have a longer lifespan than asphalt. Compound the above savings with the longer lifespan, and you can have a lifecycle cost which can save thousand of dollars on even moderately sized installations. Competitive Advantages Our porous pavers not only have advantages over impervious surfaces, we are proud to compete with any other plastic porous pavers manufactured. Our products are the strongest on the market 5,721 psi installed (39,273 kPa, 823.844 psf or 7,414,416 psy), or 2.100 psi empty. Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 have Fof&fiwe 6inpactu d sandy gra vel road base phwedabove WMPKWWb9Mk 95%madiFW �1+i ,]116 Off—,l6 L�.,. l..,li t i, ..1•. a, ,.,77'— 18 92 percent void space for the best root development and grass coverage (Grasspave2 and the most volume available for desired fill (Gravelpave2). Most other plastic pavers come in rigid unit blocks, which are cumbersome to install and difficult to cut and shape. Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 rolls are considered the favorite to work with by installers, for the flexibility, continuity, and speed of installations. Grasspave2 is the only product on the market specifying sand infill for the grass roots. Sand is recom- mended as the infil] of choice for grass pavers by Professor Bruce K. Ferguson, Univ. of Georgia, author of the book, "Porous Pavements." Competing Technologies Porous paving technology has made great strides not -only in flexible plastic pavers but In other areas as well. Permeable asphalt, permeable con- crete, interlocking unit blocks, rein- forcement mats, and concrete grid pavements, have all Improved and advanced to meet the growing demand for environmentally friendly technolo- gies. It is Invisible Structures firm belief that you should use porous paving, even if it is not our product line, whenever possible. The more you use these technologies, the better accepted they become- If you have to pave, porous pave! Invisible Structures also contends that while these competing tech- nologies have their place, in most instances, our Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 systems outperform, last longer, require less maintenance, look better, and are easier to install. Check with our technical specialists at 800-233-1510 for the latest data. (Designing for Grasspave2 and Y&MUMCRY Worb ram Vamuwa, 8WtuhCWWnaia—mairutaff parkingftdMinb}'aeer W2.. Cl Design For Use There is an area in your development, site, or home that will most likely ben- efit from Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2. We advise that you take a look at prop- er use patterns, site conditions, and other specifications to get full advan- tage and long life out of our products. Invisible Structures, 800-233-1510, is available for preliminary design assistance and consultation. Please note that other porous paving systems are NOT interchangeable with Grasspave2 or Gravelpavo consult our technical specifications for full installation instruction Considerations for Design: • High use, low speed, and unlimited traffic volume is optimal for Gravelpave2 ■ Low to moderate use, low speed. with recovery time is perfect for Grasspave2 or Gravelpavez .40 • Keep the porous paving area free of sediment and erosion from adjacent areas as they can cause drainage and aesthetic issues. Extra care should be taking for use in swales or berms. • Slope should be considered. Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 perform the best for all vehicles when the slope is no greater than 8 percent. Light vehicles (golf carts), bicycles, and pedestrian areas can have up to a 20 percent slope. Grasspave2 in fire lanes should not exceed five percent {consult yaur local fire departments). • Check the permeability of existing `j underlying soils. Percolation rates should be .64 cm to 1.3 cm of water per hour {EPA guidelines}, • The water table should be about three feet (approx. I m) below base course in most instances. • Bedrock should not be closer than two feet (0.6 m) below base course. • Avoid use of Grasspave2 and Gravelpavez in areas where high- speed acceleration or braking and turning occur. Examples are entrances and exits to parking lots that connect to higher speed roads. If your site varies from these condi tions, please consult ISI directly, 800-233-1510, as same conditions can be overcome with design and comlmnent adjustments - base Course Design Calculating the depth and composition of materials for the base course incor- porates the same design criteria as for other pavements: • Load -bearing capacity of native (or fill) subsoil, ■ Plasticity or impact of moisture on strength and longevity, • Frostheave potential, and • Traffic load, frequency and/or duration. Sample Base Course Depths Please consult with a soils engineer for site -specific base requirements. ��=► k Generally, the depth that is used under asphalt will be the requirement under fkerane, SW Match C"agRahn graMaadather"XIM Grasspave2/Gravelpave2. Golf carts and vegetsdon cmbegvwnin6rasrpave2 pedestrian traffic may require nothing over sandy gravel soils, and just two to four Inches of base course (5-10 cm) over very weak soils. Cars usually need a six- to eight -inch base course (1540 cm). Buses, trucks, and fire engines can easily require eight to 12 inches (20-30 cm) or more. The use of geotextiles, below the base is not required, but will prevent integration with subsoils and is strong- ly advised in areas of clay or silt soils and frost heave. Do not use 100 percent limestone base as Iimestone will compact and become impervious --if limestone must be used, mix with 25-,30 percent sand (AASTO M6 or equal). zo Bedding Sand Not Necessary Do not use a sand scuing base with our products. Unlike concrete pavers, bricks, and other rigid pavers —our Grasspavez and Grmelpave? are flexible and do not require sand to level. Edge Protection For aesthetic aLnd maintenance considerations, you may want to design in a durable edging material to separate our porous paters From adjacent arras of tuff or to simply delineate a fire Luke r►r path. With Gravelpave2• au edging can prevent vegetation from enn-vaching onto the system and can prevent the gravel fill from rnigiatirg at, Ilie edge. Steel. aluminunt. wood, brick. or con, t'i'ettk fire all afTeptable edging materials- keep the edging flush or slightly bigher than the porous graver grade. Maintenance and Operation Grasspavel Maintenance In-in.iliott is required in dry climates. Any popular pop-up system can be its[ d. Simply rut out rings to reveal the irrigation head. If golf courses in your area wL`ii: irrigation systems, you probably should in . (ntr [:r'asepave' installation. Be careful not to over - water as this gill encxturage shallow root development. Fertilize once a vear with an NPK slow -release fertilizer that contains trace o6net►t"s. There are many brands on the market. Do not aerate! loat'll end up with product damage. When installed using sand in Lhe rings, there will not be a compaction problem. Be careful not to rrse clay -!rased sods in pedestrian or vehicular t ratt:il s..intly soli sod, or seed and mulch. There seeins to be no problem with sad selection for lire lanes. If the Grasspaver area lies just been seeded or sodded, drive on it only ill all emergency, Gravelpaver Maintenance Potholes will rnily appear if the base course lies not been compacted plvprly b4hro laying the rungs or if the base material is alloNvM. to mtx into cJav soils below (use nonwoven fabric to keep srpaiate)- Should this occur, reninie a suction by vacuuming the gravel From Lhe rings. imPOsten the situp At fastener, bring the ban. course to the proper grade raid companion, put the Gravclpacez square beck itt place. anchor, and till to the top of the rings. Seasonally check the rings in high -trains areas and entrance linm for Hover levels of fill and irplace by suWpittg gravel from other areas Lo brig it level again. Leaves should be raked or vacuumed and not allmved to decay. Organic matter rill stlumlate %�ved grnwth And reduce porosity: 'To attack any occa- sional weeds that may locate within the Gra elpave,2 installation, simply spray them with a [geed killer (such as Roundup7") and reinove them when dead. Cold Climate Concerns Porous pavement thaws faster than conventional pavements because it allows melted water to Flow directly through the pavement, increasing the temperature in the cross-section. Grasspa►r?, and GravelpavO are made from flexible High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) plastic with UV inhibitors, which withstands repeated freeze -thaw cycles and continuous subzero temperatures without cracking. .01it.. F►rvateldesialerrctkFlor►stortTX�ras�vawe?stynportedvrasssecri ninMJsarstamhninedriveway. 22 Fire departments usually require you to plow snow that is over three inches deep. (7.5 cm). Consult with your local fire department for their guidelines. Educate your snow removal crew to take care not to have the plow blade make contact with the Grasspave2 or Gravelpave2 systems. Experienced snowplow drivers can leave a thin layer of snow on the systems or they can attach skids C/< inch-2 cm) to the bottom of the blades. Sales and Technical Support Partners Invisible Structures, Inc. welcomes the opportunity to review designs and answer technical questions. Design details, technical specifica- tions, white papers, and other support material may be downloaded from our web site. See a comprehensive list of project profiles and case studies at www.invisiblestructures.com. In addition to the high -quality, professional, experienced staff at our main headquarters in Colorado, we have excellent partners represent- ing their geographical areas. They are prepared to assist you locally, at all levels, with your project needs. Please contact us or check our web site for your partner name and information. Contact Information Invisible Structures, Inc. 1600 Jackson St. Suite 310 • Golden, Colorado 80401, USA 800-233-1510 overseas and locally 303-233-8383 Fax 800-233-1522 overseas and locally 303-233-8282 www invisiblestructures.com email. sales@invisiblesttuctures.com Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 Patent No. 5,250,340 Held by William Bohnhoff, ASLA. Copyright ® 2006 &asspaw2 humdasamaf, staW=Yawfarpicnk&bhnata mm McWtypoaf. C40idbfte ftkUperabm,11*0 Rock, BrfM &kwitm—Craws mw is used ktthe mafn drive aisle offt wntksya V&W &w*aw ?k=dfar WpanthWbaft Grawdpa . Awailabfe - Gra5V8+O2ftW trtse►ieralmOsrres. Crawe�taw'z: Reusable 4tr w we* 1,97kg sttapo cwu�tor req�ures k ''� �" � 341b] each ( _ 5ths taconmet wd resistsl0fbsaf P fay Blackhw&&eyTerra 1? Cats, qO`' a ' j A. fdeslt-hm. _ �R _ ` � - 6pn 27m 9]em to-02r PSaoo 5�v►gtiR �Qzff�Grrr (5,720 psi]. r SPamgwAt ❑9.TJ 24 Awff irrgs? apwtableat dre-wa* plastkiioarditseAksystem, provfdesan atffaerhre, tomforta* andslgoreasunt stxfaee farW1aaw tnbeadies. 9eachrings2aisa isavrks as ff forterrq[rarary M1M*acaess overmudarrd sans! &aintarefcorweyant 1ajwisysedfor advarreed srrbst�facae an dgre�r-mof apppcatim A mpWatt eNforandg mted French drain& ikrafrrcarez can maximira diafnage 08 pMpef footwIdth4 d m&*Wze masts RainswW is the newstwgW in efliciew sub -a rfaca stormwaersmrage, RainswO is marVmand statkatde for vwmdle site design. Rao axO h 94% waidspmamt ranbe designed fordetemiom, mtembn or wrerharwestfng forre-use. �. dM1`" � •�ltttpi r -�. �i • .I : BI 5iupet8111e2—MLKhM0M ftn an ms ion carrtrelbfanketarnW—a completely integmtedspem ofring4904 fabric, anchorr� and iegetatlorf toavmrofem>sivn onswwof the tougirestskgpet, diaruL* srakesandmaara. Quick Reference Guide for Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 pave pave Description Connectable i ing and grid system Connectable ring grid, and integrated fabric Also Included Hydrogiow polymer —exclusively tot Geotextile fabnc molded to gi id (exclusive to Giasspave2 Giavelpave2) and anchors Availablc in Large, Flexible Rolls Yes, various sizes —see roll chart page 14 Yes, various sixes —see roll chat t page 14 Colot s Black Black, gray, tan, terra costa, custom color s exit a Components Needed for System Base course. sand, labor, sod or seed Base course, 1Ile (3 2cm) of (ingation is recommended) decay alive gt avel, and Jabot Tiafric Low speed, inteimittent to moderate use Law speed, unlimited use Compressive System Strength Filled 5,721 psi (39,273 kPa). Filled co 5,721 psi (39,273 kPa) Empty 2,100 psi (14.470 kPa) Empty 2,100 psi (14,470 kPa) Life Span 60 years 25 yeal s Recommended Maximum. Slope 5% fire lanes, 8% car.7rght truck, 15-20% golf 5% fire lanes. 8% cardight truck. 15-20% golf carts, pedestrian use, and trails carts, pedestrian use and trails Stormwater Storage Yes Yes Clean Pollutants through Biorernediatton Excellent Good Air -Conditioning Eflett Yes NO Heat Island Mitigation Yes —thermal conductivity, heat storage capacity, Yes —thermal conductivity, heat storage capacity. density, albedo ( 40) and emissivity density, albedo (varies) and emissivity Reduces Runoff and Ilion -Point Source Pollution Yes Yes Recycled Content 100% 1 ecycled HDl'E plastic 100% recycled HDPE plastic, remnant fabric. Erosion Control Yes Yes Airborne Dust Capture and Retention Excellent Good Promotes and Retains Tree Growth Yes Yes Recharges Groundwater P Yes Yes 1600 Jackson St., Suite 310, Golden, CO 80401, USA 800-233-1510 � Fax: 800-233-1522 - Overseas and locally: 303-233-8383 • Fax: 303-233-8282 www invisiblestructures.com email: sales@invisiblestructures.com Gravelpave2 and Grasspave? Patent Na. 5,250,340 held by William Ekhnhofr, ASL.A Copyright c 2006 INVISIBLE STRUCTURES" Invisible Structures, Inc. 303-233-8383 www. invisiblestructures.com Grasspave2 Product Specification (CSI Format) April 2015 Notes: This product guide specification is written according to the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) Format, including MasterFormat(1995 Edition), SecfronFormat, and PageFormat, contained in the CSI Manual of Practice. The section must be carefully reviewed and edited by the Engineer to meet the requirements of the project and local building code. Coordinate with other specification sections and the drawings. Delete all "Specifier Notes" when editing this section. SECTION 3212 43 POROUS FLEXIBLE PAVING (Formerly 02795 Porous Paving) Notes: This section covers Grasspave2 Porous Pavement System from Invisible Structures. The system provides vehicular and heavy load support over grass areas while protecting grass roots from harmful effects of traffic. The major components of the complete system are the Grasspave2 units, an engineered base course, Hydrogrow soil amendmentlfertilizer, sand, and grass from seed, hydromulch, or sod. Consult Invisible Structures, Inc. for assistance in editing this section for the specific application. PART1 GENERAL 1.1 SECTION INCLUDES A. Porous pavement system. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section [31 20 00 - Earth Moving] F — — - 1• B. Section [33 46 00 - Subdrainage] r C. Section [32 10 00 - Bases, Ballasts, and Paving] [ Notes: Edit the following list as required for the project. List other sections with work directly related to the porous pavement system. D. Section [32 30 00 - Site Improvements] E. Section [32 90 00 Planting] I- F. Section [32 92 00 - Manufacturers of Turfs and Grasses] G. Section [32 80 00 - Irrigation or Section 32 84 13 - Drip Irrigation] GB/CSI-321243 APRIL2015 PAGE 1 1.3 REFERENCES A. ASTM F 1951 -08 Standard Specification for Determination of Accessibility of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment. B. ASTM D 638-10 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics C. ASTM C 33 Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates D. AASHTO MB Standard Specification for Fine Aggregate for Hydraulic Cement Concrete 1.4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. The Grasspave2 porous pavement system provides vehicular and pedestrian load support for grass areas, while protecting grass roots from harmful effects of traffic. B. Major Components of the Complete System 1. Grasspave2 units, assembled in rolls. 2. Engineered sand and gravel base course. 3. Hydrogrow soil amendment and fertilizer, supplied with Grasspave2. 4. Sand fill or USDA greens mix. 5. Selected grass from seed, hydroseedinglhydro-mulching, or sod. S. Selected topsail (only for seeded installation). 7. Mulch (needed only for seeded or hydroseeded installations). C. The Grasspave2 grass paving units, sand, and base course work together to support imposed loading. D. The Grasspave2 grass paving units, Hydrogrow, and sand fill contribute to vegetation support. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provisions of Section 01 30 00. B. Shop Drawings: Submit design detail showing proper cross-section. C. Samples: Submit manufacturer's sample of Grasspave2 10" x 10" section of Grasspave2 material. D. Installation Instructions: Manufacturer's printed installation instructions. Include methods for maintaining installed products. E. Certificates: 1. Manufacturer signed certificate stating the product is made in the USA. 2. Submit Material Certificates for base course and sand (or USDA mix) fill materials 3. Product certificates signed by the manufacturer certifying material compliance of polyethylene used to make Grasspave2 units. 4. 180 Certificate certifying manufacturer's quality management system is currently registered to ISO 9001:2008 quality standards. F. LEED Submlttais: Provide documentation of how the requirements of Credit will be met: 1. List of proposed materials with recycled content. Indicate post -consumer recycled content and pre - consumer recycled content for each product having recycled content. 2. Product data and certification letter indicating percentages by weight of post -consumer and pre - consumer recycled content for products having recycled content. 3. Description of Grasspave2 in stormwater design to limit the disruption of natural hydrology by reducing impervious cover, increasing on -site infiltration, reducing or eliminating pollution from stormwater runoff and eliminating contaminants. 4, Designing elements for Grasspave2 to limit the disruption and pollution of natural water flows by managing stormwater runoff. 5. Documenting the use of Grasspave2 to reduce heat islands to minimize the impact on GBICSI-3212 43 APRIL 2015 PAGE 2 microclimates and human and wildllfe habitats. G. Substitutions: No material will be considered as an equivalent to the Grasspave2 unit specified herein unless it meets all areas of this specification without exception. Manufacturers seeking to supply what they represent as equivalent material must submit records, data, independent test results, samples, certifications, and documentation deemed necessary by the Specifler to prove equivalency. H. Manufacturer's Material Certification: Product manufacturers shall provide certification of compliance with all applicable testing procedures and related specifications upon written request. Request for certification shall be submitted by the purchasing agency no later than the date of order placement. I. Product manufacturers shall also have a minimum of 30 years' experience producing products for porous pavement systems. J. Manufacturer Quality Certification: ISO Certification certifying manufacturer's quality management system for its Grasspave2 system is currently registered to ISO 9001:2008 quality standards. Any alternate materials submitted shall provide a certification that their porous pavement system manufacturing process is part of an ISO program and a certification will be required specifically stating that their testing facility is certified and in accordance with ISO. 11.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store products in manufacturer's unopened packaging until ready for installation. B. Protect Grasspave2 units/rolls from damage during delivery and store rolls upright, under tarp, to protect from sunlight, when time for delivery to installation exceeds one week. C. Store Hydrogrow in a dark and dry location D. Handling: Protect materials during handling and installation to prevent damage 1.7 MAINTENANCE SERVICE Notes: Once healthy turf has been established, the cell wall structure will have minimal visibliity when proper turf maintenance practices are followed. A. Installer responsible for maintenance of grass plants — watertirrigation, fertilizing, mowing — for one growing season_ DO NOT AERATE. See Grasspave2 Maintenance Guide from Invisible Structures B. System to be maintained by , after one growing season. 1.8 Project Conditions A. Maintain environmental conditions within limits recommended by manufacturer for optimum results. Do not install products under environmental conditions outside manufacturer's absolute limits. B. Do not begin installation of porous pavements until all hard surface paving adjacent to porous pavement areas, including concrete walks and asphalt paving, is completed. C. Install turf when ambient air temperatures is at least 55 degrees F (13 degrees C). D. In cold weather, do not use frozen materials or materials mixed or coated with ice or frost, and do not build on frozen base or wet, saturated or muddy subgrade. E. Protect partially completed paving against damage from other construction traffic when work is in progress. F. Adequately water sod or grass seed to assure germination of seed and growth of root system. G. Grass coverage on the sand -filled Grasspave2 rings must be completed within one week: See Part 3 Execution. H. DO NOT DRIVE, PARK ON, or use Grasspave2 system for two or three mowing cycles until grass root system has matured (about 3 to 4 weeks for sod or 6 to 8 weeks for seeded areas). Any barricades constructed must still be accessible by emergency and fire equipment during and after installation. GBICS I-3212 43 APRIL 2015 PAGE 3 1.9 LIMITED WARRANTY A. Invisible Structures, Inc. (ISI) warrants to Its purchasers that all products furnished by ISI will be free from defects in material andfor workmanship. B. This warranty shall be extended for a period of five (5) years following the date of shipment by ISI. C. Providing a written claim is presented to ISI within the warranty period and after inspection by ISI showing the materials have failed under this warranty, all defective materials shall be refurnished under this warranty, at no charge, excluding re -installation costs. This in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied and is the sole warranty extended by ISI. D. Our liability under this warranty is limited to the refurnishing of materials and does not include any responsibility for incidental, consequential, or other damages of any nature. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturer: Invisible Structures, Inc., which is located at: 3510 Himalaya Rd. Suite 200 ; Aurora, CO 80011; Tel: 303-233-8383; Web: www,invisiblestructures.com. B. Substitutions: Not permitted. 2.2 GRASSPAVE2 A. Cam position: 1. Manufactured in the USA. 2. High density polyethylene (HDPE): 100 percent recycled materials. 3. Color: black 4. Color Uniformity: Uniform color throughout all units rolls. 5. Carbon Black for ultraviolet light stabilization. 6. Hydrogrow soil amendment and fertilizer, provided by manufacturer with Grasspave2. B. Performance Properties: 1. Maximum Loading Capability: 15,940 psi (2.29 million psf, 109,906 kPa) when filled with sand. 2. Wheelchair Access testing foor ADA Compliance: Passing ASTM F 1951-08. 3. Wheelchair Access testing for ADA Compliance: Passing Rotational Penetrometer testing. 4. Tensile strength, pull -apart testing: 458 ibflin from ASTM D638 Modified. 5_ System Permeability (Grasspave2, sand, base course): 2.63 to 38.55 inches of water per hour. 6. Effective Imperviousness (E.I.): 10%. C. Dimensions (ndividual units are assembled and distributed into rolls): 1. Roll area: From 108 sq ft (10 sq m) to 538 sq ft (50 sq m), in 108 sq ft (10 sq m) increments 2. Roll Widths: From 3.3 ft (1 m) to 8.2 ft (2.5 m), in 1.6 ft (0.5 m) increments. 3. Roll Lengths: From 32.8 ft (10m) to 65.6 ft (20 m), in 3.3 ft (1 m) increments. 4. Roil Weights: From 41 Ibs (19kg) to 205 Ibs (93kg), in 41 Ibs (19 kg) increments. 5. Unit Nominal Width by Length: 20 inches by 20 inches (0.5 m by 0.5 m) or 40 inches by 40 inches (1 m by 1 m). 6. Nominal Depth: 1 inch (2.5 cm) -- for rolls and individual Units. 7. Unit Weight: 18 oz (510 g) or 5 Ibs. (2.27 kg). 8. Volume Solid: 8 percent. =1 'j I �j F-11 I=1NF1I&I GBICSI-3212 43 APRIL 2015 PAGE 4 Notes: All measurements are subject to manufacturing tolerances, unless otherwise specified. A. Base Course: Sandy gravel material from local sources commonly used for road base construction (recycled materials such as crushed concrete or crushed asphalt are NOT acceptable). 1. Conforming to the following sieve analysis and requirements: a. 100 percent passing sieve size 1 inch (25 mm). b. 90-100 percent passing sieve size 314 inch (19 mm). C. 70-80 percent passing sieve size 3/8 inch (9 mm). d, 55-70 percent passing sieve size #4. 9. 45-55 percent passing sieve size #10. f. 25-35 percent passing sieve size #40. g. 3-8 percent passing sieve size #200. 2. Provide a base course material nearly neutral in pH (range from 6.5 to 7.2) to provide adequate root zone development for turf. 3. Material may be either "pit run" or "crusher run." Avoid using clay based crusher run/pit run. Crusher run material will generally require coarse, well -draining sand conforming to AASHTO M5 or ASTM C 33 to be added to mixture (20 to 30 percent by volume) to ensure long-term porosity. 4. Alternative materials such as crushed shell, limerock, or crushed lava may be used for base course use, provided they are mixed with sharp sand (20 to 30 percent) to ensure long-term porosity, and are brought to proper compaction. Without added sand, crushed shell and limerock set up like concrete and become impervious. 5. Alternative size and/or composition of base course materials should be submitted to Invisible Structures, Inc. (Manufacturer) for approval, B. Sand Fill for Rings and Spaces Between Rings: Clean sharp sand (washed concrete sand). Choose one of the following: 1. Coarse, well -draining sand, such as washed concrete sand conforming to AASHTO M6 or ASTM C-33. 2. United States Golf Association (USGA) greens, section - sand mix "The Root Zone Mixture." C. Turf Conditioner: 1. Hydrogrow a proprietary soil amendment manufactured by Invisible Structures, Inc. and provided with Grasspave2. 2. NO SUBSTITUTIONS. Notes- Use grass species resistant to wear by traffic generally a Blue/Rye/Fescue mix used for athletic fields in northern climates, and Zoysia, Fescue, or Bermuda types in southern climates. Check with local sod and seed suppliers for preferred mixtures. Dedicated fire lanes can use same grass species used on surrounding turf. Parking applications require greatest wear -resistant species possible, generally available only by seed or hydroseeding/hydro-mulching. D. Grass — Choose either sod or seed: 1. Sod: [ 1. Use 13 mm (0.5") thick (soil thickness) rolled sod from a reputable local grower_ Species should be wear resistant, free from disease, and in excellent condition. Sod shall be grown in sand or sandy loam soils only. Sod grown in soils of clay, silt, or high organic materials such as peat, will not be accepted. 2. Seed: [ 1. Use seed materials, of the preferred species for local environmental and projected traffic conditions, from certified sources. Seed shall be provided in containers clearly labeled to show seed name, lot number, net weight, % weed seed content, and guaranteed % of purity and germination. Pure Live Seed types and amount shall be as shown on plans. a. Mulch — needed only for hydroseeding: Wood or paper cellulose commercial mulch materials compatible with hydroseeding operations. Mulch depth according to mulch GB/CS I-3212 43 APRIL 2015 PAGE 5 manufacturers' recommendation. D❑ NOT use mulch of straw, pine needles, etc., because of their low moisture holding capacity. b. Topsoil — needed only for seeding, reoommended for hydroseeding: Obtain specified topsoil for a light "dusting" (no more than'/" or 13mm) above rings filled with sand for seeding germination. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION A. Examine subgrade and base course installed conditions. Do not start porous paving installation until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Check for improperly compacted trenches, debris, and improper gradients. B. For fire lane installations: prior to installing base course for turf paving, obtain approval of local fire authorities of sub -base. C. Start of installation constitutes acceptance of existing conditions and responsibility for satisfactory performance. If existing conditions are found unsatisfactory, contact Architect for resolution. 3.2 PREPARATION (dotes: Ensure that subbase materials are structurally adequate to receive designed base course, wearing course, and designed loads. Generally, excavation into undisturbed normal strength soils will require no additional modification. Fill soils and otherwise structurally weak soils may require modifications, such as geotextiles, geogrids, andlor compaction (not to exceed 90%v). Ensure that grading and soil porosity of the subbase will provide adequate subsurface drainage A. subgrade Preparation: 1. Prepare subgrade as specified in Section 32 10 00. Verify subgrade in accordance with porous paving system manufacturer's instructions. 2. Proper subgrade preparation will enable the Grasspave2 rollstunits to connect properly and remain Notes: For Fire lanes and emergency access, It Is recommended that Fire Department inspectors be scheduled to inspect installation of Grasspave2 during preparation of the subbase, installation of the base course, and installation of Grasspave2 units. Most small projects can accommodate these inspections all on the same day. Verify with Fire Department if certificates of inspection are required. level and stationary after installation. 3. Excavate area allowing for unit thickness, the engineered base depth (where required), and 0.5 inch (1.25 cm) for depth of sod root zone or topsoil germination area (when applicable). 4. Provide adequate drainage from excavated area if area has potential to collect water, when working with in -place soils that have poor permeability. 5. Ensure in -place soil is relatively dry and free from standing water. 6. Uniformly grade base. T. Level and clear base of large objects, such as rocks and pieces of wood. B. Base Preparation: 1. Install Base as specified in Section 32 10 00. Verify engineered base (if required) is installed in accordance with porous paving system manufacturer's instructions. 2. Coordinate base installation and preparation with subdrains specified in Section 33 46 00. 3. It required, place a geotextile separation layer between the natural ground and the 'engineered base'. 4. If required, install the specified sub -drain and outlet according to construction drawings. 5. Coordinate vase installation and preparation with irrigation and drip irrigation lines specified in Section 32 80 00 and 32 84 13, respectively. 6. Place engineered base in lifts not to exceed B inches (150 mm), compacting each lift separately to GBICS1-3212 43 APRIL 2015 Paol= 6 95 percent Modified Proctor. Leave 1 inch (2.5 cm) of depth below final grade for porous paver unit and sand fill and 0.5 inch (1.25 cm) for depth of sod root zone or topsoil germination area (when applicable). Notes: Delete requfrement for on -site manufacturer's field representative if not required 3.3 ON -SITE MANUFACTURER'S FIELD REPRESENTATIVE A. A qualified Manufacturer's field representative shall be available for a pre -construction meeting via phone or in person and will provide installation videos, design details, installation instructions, and the technical specifications. B. The time for on -site observation shall be indicated in the Contract Documents and included in the base bid price. 3.4 HYDROGROW INSTALLATION A. Spread all Hydrogrow mix provided (spreader rate = 4.53 kg per 100 m2 (10 Ibs per 1076 ft2) evenly over the surface of the base course with a hand-held, or wheeled, rotary spreader. B. The Hydrogrow mix should be placed immediately before installing the Grasspave2. 3.5 GRASSPAVE2INSTALLATION A. Install the Grasspave2 units by placing units with rings facing up, and using snap -fit connectors, pegs and holes, provided to maintain proper spacing and interlock the units. Units can be easily shaped with pruning shears or knife. Units placed on curves, slopes, and high traffic areas shall be anchored to the base course, using 40d common nails with fender washer, as required to secure units in place. Tops of rings shall be between 6 mm to 13 mm (0.25" to 0.5") below the surface of adjacent hard -surface pavements. B. Install sand in rings as they are laid in sections by "back -dumping" directly from a dump truck, or from buckets mounted on tractors, which then exit the site by driving over rings already filled with sand. The sand is then spread laterally from the pile using flat bottomed shovels andlor wide "asphalt rakes" to fill the rings. A stiff bristled broom should be used for final "finishing" of the sand. The sand must be "compacted" by using water from hose, irrigation heads, or rainfall, with the finish grade no less than the top of rings and no more than 6 mm (0,25") above top of rings. 3.6 INSTALLATION OF GRASS A. Grass coverage on the sand -filled rings must be completed within one week. Sand must be re -installed and leveled and Grasspave2 checked for integrity if rings become exposed due to wind, rain, traffic, or other factors. (Choose one paragraph below to meet grass installation method desired.) Notes: Choose one paragraph below to match grass installation method 1. Preferred method: Hydroseedinglhydro-mulching - A combination of water, seed and fertilizer are homogeneously mixed in a purpose-built, truck -mounted tank. The seed mixture is sprayed onto the site at rates shown on plans and per hydroseeding manufacturer's recommendations. Coverage must be uniform and complete. Following germination of the seed, areas lacking germination larger than 20 cm x 20 cm (8" x 8") must be reseeded immediately. Seeded areas must be fertilized and kept moist during development of the turf plants. ). DO NOT DRIVE ON SYSTEM: Hydroseededfhydro-mulch areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, for a period of 6 to 8 weeks, or until the root system has penetrated and established well below the Gr2sspave2 units. 2. Install thin sod directly over sand filled rings, filled no higher than the top of the rings. Sod strips should be placed with very tight joints. Sodded areas must be fertilized and kept moist during root GBICSI-321243 APRIL2015 PAGE7 establishment (minimum of 3 weeks). ❑O NOT DRIVE ON SYSTEM: Sodded areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, for a period of 3 to 4 weeks, or until the root system has penetrated and established well below the Grasspave2 units. 3. Install grass seed at rates per grass type. Alight "dusting" of commercial topsoil mix, not to exceed 112" (25 mm) will be placed above the rings and seed mix to aid germination rates. Seeded areas must be fertilized and kept moist during development of the turf plants. ). DO NOT DRIVE ON SYSTEM: Seeded areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, for a period of 6 to 8 weeks, or until the root system has penetrated and established well below the Grasspave2 units. B. Adequately water sod or grass seed to assure germination of seed and growth of root system. 3.7 PROTECTION Notes: Choose one paragraph below to match grass installation method. A. Seeded areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, for a period of 4 to 8 weeks, or until the grass is mature to handle traffic. B. Sodded areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, far a period of 3 to 4 weeks, or until the root system has penetrated below the Grasspave2 units. 3.8 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Remove and replace segments of Grasspave2 units where three or more adjacent rings are broken or damaged, reinstalling as specified, so no evidence of replacement is apparent. B. Perform cleaning during the installation of work and upon completion of the work. Remove all excess materials, debris, and equipment from site. Repair any damage to adjacent materials and surfaces resulting from installation of this work. 3.9 MAINTENANCE A. Maintain grass in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and as specified in Section 32 92 00 Manufacturers of Turfs and Grasses. B. Lawn Care: Normal turf care procedures should be followed, including de thatching. C. DO NOT AERATE. Aerator will damage the Grasspave2 units. Aeration in not necessary in a sand root zone. D. When snow removal is required, keep a metal edged plow blade a minimum of % inch (17 mm) above the surface during plowing operations to avoid causing damage to the Grasspave2 units, or 1. Use a plow blade with a flexible rubber edge, or 2. Use a plow blade with skids on the lower outside comers set so the plow blade does not come in contact with the units. END OF SECTION GBICSI-3212 43 APRIL 2015 PAGE $ GRASSPAVE2 BY INVISIBLE STRUCTURES" INSTALLATION GUIDE - Grasspave2 Porous Grass Pavement Introduction A. This document describes step-by-step information on how to properly install the Grasspave2 Porous Pavement System. Grasspave2 provides vehicular and pedestrian load support for grass areas, while protecting grass roots from harmful effects of traffic_ The major components of the complete system are the Grasspave2 units, an engineered base course, Hydrogrow soil amendment/fertilizer, sand, and grass from seed, hydromulch, or sod. B, Contractors: Only licensed contractors should install the Grasspave2 system. The contractor should have a good performance record with similar construction projects. Homeowners should only attempt installation after they have read and understood fully this installation guide and/or our Technical Specifications. C. Landscaping: Plant a grass species in Grasspave2 that 1) is climate appropriate, 2) will receive the necessary maintenance for the species (irrigation and fertilizer support), 3) is wear resistant to hold up to vehicular traffic, 4) can be grown in a sand -based root zone, 5) is shade tolerant (if applicable). F. Warning: Unless there is an emergency, DO NOT DRIVE, PARK ON, or use Grasspave2 system for two or three mowing cycles until grass root system has matured (about 3 to 4 weeks for sod or d to 8 weeks for seeded areas). Any barricades constructed to prevent traffic flow must still be accessible by emergency and fire equipment during and after installation. G. Warranty: Invisible Structures, Inc. (ISI) warrants to its purchasers that all products furnished by ISI will be free from defects in material and/or workmanship. This warranty shall be extended for a period of five (5) years following the date of shipment by ISI. Providing a written claim is presented to ISI within the warranty period and after inspection by ISI showing the materials have failed under this warranty, all defective materials shall be refurnished under this warranty, at no charge, excluding re -installation costs. This in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied and is the sole warranty extended by ISI. Our liability under this warranty is limited to the refurnishing of materials and does not include any responsibility for incidental, consequential, or other damages of any nature. Delivery, Storage. and Handling A. Store products in manufacturer's unopened packaging until ready for installation. B. Protect Grasspave2 units/rolls from damage during delivery and store rolls upright (like a soda can), and under a tarp to protect from sunlight when time for delivery to installation exceeds one week. Lao not store rolls on their sides. C. Store Hydrogrow in a dark and dry location. D. Handling: Protect materials during handling and installation to prevent damage. Installation Considerations A. Review installation procedures and coordinate Grasspave2 work with other work affected. Generally, Grasspave2 is installed at the same time as project grass installation, nearly the last site construction activity. B. Do not begin installation of porous pavements until all hard surface paving adjacent to porous pavement areas, including concrete walks and asphalt paving, is completed. C, install turf when ambient air temperatures is at least 55 degrees F (13 degrees Q. D. In cold weather, do not use frozen materials or materials mixed or coated with ice or frost, and do not build on frozen base or Nvet, saturated or muddy subgrade. E. Protect partially completed paving against damage from other construction traffic when work is in progress. F. Adequately water sod or grass seed to assure germination of seed and growth of root system. G. Grass coverage on the sand -filled Grasspave2 rings must be completed within one week. H. DO NOT DRIVE, PARK ON, or use Grasspave2 system for two or three mowing cycles until grass root system has matured (about 3 to 4 weeks for sod or b to 8 weeks for seeded areas). Any barricades constructed must still be accessible by emergency and fire equipment during and after installation. Materials A. Grasspave2 Porous Paving Rolls B. Base Course: Sandy gravel material from local sources commonly used for road base construction (recycled materials such as crashed concrete or crushed aggregate are NOT acceptable). 1. Conformingto the followin sieve analysis and g y requirements: t 100 percent passing sieve size 1 inch (25 mm).y`'~''''�`'' 90-100 percent passing sieve size 3/4 inch (19 mm). 70-80 percent passing sieve size 3/8 inch (9 mm). 55-70 percent passing sieve size #4. 45-55 percent passing sieve size #10. 25-35 percent passing sieve size #40. 3-8 percent passing sieve size #200. 2. Provide a base course material nearly neutral in pH (range from 6.5 to 7.2) to provide adequate root zone development for turf. 3. Material may be either "pit run" or "crusher run." Avoid using clay based crusher run/pit run. Crusher run material will generally require coarse, well -draining sand conforming to AASHTO Mb or ASTM C 33 to be added to mixture (20 to 30 percent by volume) to ensure long-term porosity. 4. Alternative materials such as crushed shell, limerock, or crushed lava may be used for base course use, provided they are mixed with sharp sand (20 to 30 percent by volume) to ensure long-term porosity, and are brought to proper compaction. Without added sand, crushed shell and limerock set up like concrete and become impervious. 5. Alternative size and/or composition of base course materials should be submitted to Invisible Structures, Inc. (Manufacturer) for approval. C. Sand Fill for Rings and Spaces Between Rings: Clean sharp sand (washed concrete sand). Choose one of the following: 1. Coarse, well -draining sand, such as washed concrete sand conforming to AASHTO M6 or ASTM C-33_ 2. United States Golf Association (USGA) greens, section - sand mix "The Root Zone Mixture." D. Turf Conditioner: 1. Hydrogrow a proprietary soil amendment manufactured by Invisible Structures, Inc. and provided with Grasspave2. 2. NO SUBSTITUTIONS. E. Grass — Choose either sod or seed. Use grass species resistant to wear by traffic generally a Blue/Rye/Fescue mix used for athletic fields in northern climates, and Zoysia, Fescue, or Bermuda types in southern climates. Check with local sod and seed suppliers for preferred mixtures. Dedicated fire lanes can use same grass species used on surrounding turf. Parking applications require greatest wear -resistant species possible, generally available only by seed or hydroseeding/hydro-mulching. i . Sod: Use 13 mm (0.5") thick (soil thickness) rolled sod from a reputable local grower. Species should be wear resistant, free from disease, and in excellent condition. Sod shall be grown in sand or sandy loam soils only. Sod grown in soils of clay, silt, or high organic materials such as peat, will not be accepted. 2. Seed: Use seed materials, of the preferred species for local environmental and projected traffic conditions, from certified sources. Seed shall be provided in containers clearly labeled to show seed name, lot number, net weight, % weed seed content, and guaranteed % of purity and germination. Pure Live Seed types and amount shall be as shown on plans. a. Mulch — needed only for hydroseeding: Wood or paper cellulose commercial mulch materials compatible with hydroseeding operations. Mulch depth according to mulch manufacturers' recommendation. DO NOT use mulch of straw, pine needles, etc., because of their low moisture holding capacity. b. Topsoil — needed only for seeding, recommended for hydroseeding: Obtain specified topsoil for a light "dusting" (NO MORE than W' or 13mm) above rings filled with sand for seeding germination. F. Fertilizer: A commercial "starter" fertilizer, with Guaranteed Analysis of 17-23-6, or as recommended by local grass supplier, for rapid germination and root development. G. Grasspave2 Sign: A sign to identify the presence of Grasspave2 paving, stating that special maintenance is required, with the Manufacturer's phone number, and made of durable materials for outdoor exposure shall be provided and installed. H. Fire lame Signage & Delineation: Fire lanes must be identified regarding their entrance and physical location with the placement of signs, gates, curbs, bollards, etc. Specific signage wording and other details must be coordinated with and approved by local fire authorities. INSTALLATION Iosaection (For Fire lames and emergency access, It is recommended that Fire Department inspectors be scheduled to inspect installation of Grasspave2 during preparation of the subbase, installation of the base course, and installation of Grasspave2 units. Most small projects can accommodate these inspections all on the same day. Verify with Fire Department if certificates of inspection are required.) A. Examine subgrade and base course installed conditions. Do not start porous paving installation until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Check for improperly compacted trenches, debris, and improper gradients. B. For fire lane installations: prior to installing base course for turf paving, obtain approval of local fire authorities of sub -base. C. Start of installation constitutes acceptance of existing conditions and responsibility for satisfactory performance. If existing conditions are found unsatisfactory, contact Architect .for resolution. Preparation (Ensure that subbase materials are structurally adequate to receive designed base course, wearing course, and designed loads. Generally, excavation into undisturbed normal strength soils will require no additional modification. Fill soils and otherwise structurally weak soils may require modifications, such as geotextiles, geogrids, andlor compaction (not to exceed 90%). Erasure that grading and soil porosity of the .subbase will provide adequate subsurface drainage) A. Subgrade Preparation: 1. Prepare subgrade as specified for project, 2. Proper subgrade preparation will enable the Grasspave2 rolls/units to connect properly and remain level and stationary after installation. 3. Excavate area allowing for unit thickness (1 in), the engineered base depth (where required), and 0.5 inch (1.25 cm) for depth of sod root zone or topsoil germination area (when applicable). 4. Provide adequate drainage from excavated area if area has potential to collect water, when working with in -place soils that have poor permeability. 5. Ensure in -place soil is relatively dry and free from standing water. 6. Uniformly grade base. 7. Level and clear base of large objects, such as rocks and pieces of wood. 12 Base Preparation: -, 1. Install Base as specified. 2. Coordinate base installation and preparation with subdrains (if necessary). 3. If required, place a geotextile separation layer between the natural ground and the `engineered base'. 4. If required, install the specified sub -drain and outlet according to construction drawings. 5. Coordinate base installation and preparation with irrigation and drip irrigation lines.' 6. Place engineered base in lifts not to exceed 6 inches (150 nun), compacting each lift separately to 95 percent Modified Proctor. 7. Leave 1 inch (2.5 cm) of depth below final grade for porous paver unit and sand fill and 0.5 inch (1,25 cm) for depth of sod root zone or topsoil germination area (when applicable). H dro row Installation A. Spread all Hydrogrow mix provided (spreader rate = 4.53 kg per 100 m2 (10 lbs per 1076 ft2) evenly over the surface of the base course with a hand-held, or wheeled, rotary spreader. B. The Hydrogrow mix should be placed immediately before installing the Grasspave2. Grasspave2 Unit Installation A. Install the Grasspave2 units by placing units with rings facing up, and using snap -fit connectors, pegs and holes, provided to maintain proper spacing and interlock the units. Units can be easily shaped with pruning shears or knife. Units placed on curves, slopes, and high traffic areas shall be anchored to the base course, using 40d common nails with fender washer, as required to secure units in place. Tops of rings shall be between 6 nun to 13 mm (0.25" to 0.5") below the surface of adjacent hard -surface pavements. B. Install sand in rings as they are laid in sections by "back - dumping" directly from a dump truck, or from buckets mounted on tractors, which then exit the site by driving over rings already filled with sand. The sand is then spread laterally from the pile using flat bottomed shovels and/or wide "asphalt rakes" to fill the rings. A stiff bristled broom should be used for final "finishing" of the sand. The sand must be "compacted" by using water from hose, irrigation heads, or rainfall, with the finish grade no less than the top of rings and no more than b mm (0.25") above top of rings. Installation of Grass A. Grass coverage on the sand -filled rings must be completed within one week. Sand must be re -installed and leveled and Grasspave2 checked for integrity if rings become exposed due to wind, rain, traffic, or other factors. Notes: Choose one paragraph below to match grass installation method 1. Preferred method: Hydroseeding/hydro-mulching - A combination of water, seed and fertilizer are homogeneously mixed in a purpose-built, truck -mounted tank. The seed mixture is sprayed onto the site at rates shown on plans and per hydroseeding manufacturer's recommendations. Coverage must be uniform and complete. Following germination of the seed, areas lacking germination larger than 20 cm x 20 cm (8" x 8"} must be reseeded immediately. Seeded areas must be fertilized and kept moist during development of the turf plants. ). DO NOT DRIVE ON SYSTEM: Hydroseeded/hydro- mulch areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, for a period of 6 to 8 weeks, or until the root system has penetrated and established well below the Grasspave2 units. OR 2. Install thin sod directly over sand filled rings, filled no higher than the top of the rings. Sod strips should be placed with very tight joints. Sodded areas must be fertilized and kept moist during root establishment (minimum of 3 weeks). DO NOT DRIVE ON SYSTEM: Sodded areas must be an protected from traffic other p Y than emergency vehicles, for a period of 3 to 4 weeks, or until the root system has penetrated and established well - below the Grasspave2 units. - OR 3. Install grass seed at rates per grass type. A light "dusting" of commercial topsoil mix, not to exceed 1/2" (25 mm.) will be placed above the rings and seed mix to aid germination rates. Seeded areas must be fertilized and kept moist during development of the turf plants). DO NOT DRIVE ON SYSTEM: Seeded areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, for a period of d to 8 weeks, or until the root system has penetrated and established well below the Grasspave2 units. B. Adequately water sod or grass seed to assure germination of seed and growth of root system. _Protection Choose one paragraph below to match grass installation method. A. Seeded areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, for a period of 4 to 8 weeks, or until the grass is mature to handle traffic. B. Sodded areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, for a period of 3 to 4 weeks, or until the root system has penetrated below the Grasspave2 units. Field Qalitv Control A. Remove and replace segments of Grasspave2 units where three or more adjacent rings are broken or damaged, reinstalling as specified, so no evidence of replacement is apparent. B. Perform cleaning during the installation of work and upon completion of the work. Remove all excess materials, debris, and equipment from site. Repair any damage to adjacent materials and surfaces resulting from installation of this work. INVISIBLE STRUCTURES" Invisible Structures, Inc. 303.233.8383 www.invisibelstructures.com INVISIBLE Base Course Depth Recommendations S T R R G T R R E K GRASSPAVE2 and GRAVELPAVE2 WvWbieSbvdures, III• MSA Consulting, Inc. 303-233-8383 www.1w1s1b1esuucwres.wm Base Course Recommendation is no less than 12-inches of Class III Soil or better, at 95% compaction for the occasional passes of a Heavy Fire Truck & H-20 Loading (Max 110 psi, 80,000 LB) Normal Traffic Cccassional Passes Infrequent Passes CBR 2-4 1 CBR-4-1 CBR >4 GBR 2-4 1 CBR >4 Heavy Fire Truck & H-20 Loading Max 110 psi 14 in 12-14 in 12-14 in 12 in 12 in 10-12 in 80000 lb V J Light Fire Truck & H-15 Loading Typical 85 psi 12 in 10-12 in 10 in 8-10 in 8-10 in 8 in 60,000 lb Utility & Delivery Truck & H-10 Loading Typical 60 psi 8-10 in 8 in 8-10 in 6-8 in 6-8 in 6 in 40,000 lb Cars & Plck-Up Truck Access Typical 45 psi 6-8 in 6 in 6 in 4-6 in 4-6 in 2-4 in 8,000 lb Trail Use and Cart Paths t1,000 lb 6 in 4-6 in 2-4 in 0-2 in None None * THESE DEPTH RECOMMENDATIONS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES GRASSPAVEI BY INVISIBLE STRUCTURC$'• GRAVELPAVE2 BY INVISIBLE STAOCTURE$" V4.1 Riverside County Fire Department OfFilm of the Fire Marshal Riverside Office: 2300 Markel St. Ste 150, Riverside, CA 92501 Ph. (951) 9554777 Fax (051) 05548M Palm Desert Office: 77-933 Las Montahas Rd, # 201 Palm Deserl, CA 922114131Ph (760) W3-6885 Fax (760) W3-7072 APPLICATION FOR ALTERNATE MATERIALS AND METHODS 1 02.2019 REV 09.09.2020 PROJECT NAME PROJECT ADDRESS PERMIT O APPbDNO SilverRock Resort SilverRock Way 52000, 52100, 52150, 52200, 52400 RA 01I .rpolt OWNER'S NAME OWNER'S ADDRESS PHONE SilverRock Development Company, LLC 3551 Fortuna Ranch Road, Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 634-6543 TENANT'S NAME {If other than owner) TENANT'S ADDRESS PHONE Montage International 30801 South Coast HWY, Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (866) 551-8244 APPLICANT'S NAME (Not company name) APPLICANT'S ADDRESS PHONE? Please Print Veit Kugel, Gensler 225 Broadway #100, San Diego, CA 92101 (619) 657-2529 RELATIONSHIP OF APPLICANT TO PROJECT AND COMPANY NAME FIRE DEPT EMPLOYEE FAMILIAR WITH PROJECT Architect, Gensler Kohl Hetrick Pursuant to Section 104.9 of the 21916 California Fire Code (CFC), a request is hereby made to the'Fire Marshal for an alternate material and method from Section CFC 503.2 and CCR 3.05(a) , which requires that: CCR Title 19 Div 1 § 3.05. (a) (a) Exception: The enforcing agency may waive or modify this requirement if In his opinion such all-weether hard -surfaced condition is not necessary in the interest of public safely end welfare. CFC 503.2.3 Surface Fire apparatus access roads shell be designed end maintained to support the imposed loads of fire apparatus end shall be surfaced so as to provide ell-weether driving capabilities RVC Fire requires a minimum of 60.000 pounds over 2 axles I request your acceptance oh (Wse attachments frnecessary) Fire Apparatus Access Road to be constructed of 12' of concrete and 8' of GrassPave2 surface both suitable for a min. load of 75,000 lbs. The FAAR will connect to the FAAR recently build and AMM approved 2016 at the SilverRock Golf Course I believe this proposal complies with the intent of the provisions of the CFC, and that the material, method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the equivalent of that prescribed in the CFC in quality, strength, effectiveness, fire resistance, durability, and safety because: (Use at►achnreirts if fecessdry) Proposed construction and alternate road surface is similar as attached approved AM&M from 2016. Veit Kugel, Gensler VPW OWNER, ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER SIGNATURE TITLE DECISION OF THE FIRE MARSHAL, ARCHITECT OR ENGINEERS SEAL ❑ Approved )N Approved with Stipulations ❑ Denied Stipulations: 60A&i0^15 Or- Arptagl E trc P6eotq. cog fart a �coi "ej P-a Zo ZOL. I0-0Z, DA=Z'o h RSHA or authorized designee 5l16116 100% Grass Covered Porous Pavement Grawpave2 FlWble Plastlee Porous 1Pavemient Grasspave2 protects and en- hances the envirtlnnlent in three ways: #rust, made from 100% recycled plastic, Crasspave2 keeps common consumer and in- dustrial products from going into landfills. Second, grass paving directly improves the environ- ment by recharging water tables on site (reducing flooding hazards downstream), reducing sources of oils and solvents from asphalt, absorbing carbon dioxide, and creating oxygen. Third, it en- hances the beauty and quality of the built environment — replaci s hot asphalt paved areas with coal, sparking green lawn -lilac Product Description • Maximum porosity • Low to zero runoff • Free aidwater movement R • Pernuts Uwe frees • Cooler site • (treater oxygen • Removes air pollulants A g- • Can Fmscrve existing trees •' • Helps to meet "Green Coverage Codes" ■ Fait, low cost installation is S • Competes in oast with asphalt paving ■ No gutter and rain system needed m ■ No added land required for detention facilities • lower life cycle aom -17rVM177r747^s-+ �sia� �f rt� wI � Vy. ZAP Grasspave2 has thin -walled independent plastic rings con- nected by an interloclang geogrid structure, which. because it is installed below the surface, is invisible in the completed project. While the rings are rigid, the grid itself is feasible, which makes it easy to install on uneven grades, and reduces usual cut and fill requirements. The rings transfer loads firm the surface to the grid spucture and engineered base course material below, thus preventing compac- tion of the upper root zone of the grass. A single ring supports small loads, such as shoes; several rings support braes and large loads. The rings also act to ear WR the root zone medium (sand) and prevent lateral migration away from tires, feet, or other loads_ This protects the grass root system, enabling roots to grow deep into the porous base course. The result is healthy, green turf at the surface. One person can easily install the Grmspave2 rolls at a rate of 70rn2 (750 f12) per hour, phis time for base course preparation and grass installation (seeding, sad or sprigging). Step-by-step instruWons are included in our Installation Instructions, which accompany each order. Fe aWns and Benefits *Allows 100% grass coverage instead of asphalt • Made from 10post consumer plastic ■ High strength to weight load -bearing capacity ■ Supports vehicular and pedestrian traffic Sp"McIl as • Church/emplayee parking • Overflow and event parking • Golf cart paths ■ Residential driveways ■ 19relanes Unit Size -- 20"x 24"x 1" (50 x 50 x 2.5cm) Unit Weight —18oz (510 grams) Strength — 15,940 psi (109,906 iCl'$) Connecxor Pull Apart Strength (Tensile) - 458 lbfhn Cola — Black Resin —100% recycled 1DPE with 3% carbon black Shipped in Rolls (431 sq fi standard, other roll sixes available) 92% Void Space (8% plastic by volume) Invisible Struolum. Inc. 1600 Jackson Sweet, Suite 310 wwwjnvisibleidruchm.com Golden CO, 80401 800-233-1510 Fax: SM-233-1522 NISI, US Patent Am 1Y53040 ;.. UPE � s,s 109.906 kPI Fwave ddIffm • � �` ice/ ♦M ' � 1• � Ir ' I Y ��.'ii :�,'l..�r� .i.T { Y.r+G'!�• i� � �,F � •�•�, 31��� ��, �}r r.t' � :Y�. 1 k �� ..• ...-=w:-•F 3F..1•' ;'f �• R.�'�'�:'t_is L �i'�. s. i'.t4. - -'��ir •_1_� �•,r--. ?' ��.+r�•� {%IL Introduction History of Porous Paving Pebbles, cobblestones, and wood decking structures have been used since the dawn of civilization to reinforce where we walk and the roads we use. Little did we realize that these methods had benefits over the modern trends of sealing up the ground with asphalt and concrete. Porous, permeable or pervious paving —whatever you prefer —became a method for addressing stormwater issues in the early 20th century. Concrete turfblock for grass paving began in the mid-1940s and plastic versions were invented in the late '?Us and early '80s. Great advance- ments have occurred in pervious concrete, pervious asphalt, and other permeable sur- faces. We introduced Grasspave2 hi 1982, Improving upon these earlier concepts. In 1993, Gravelpave2 was unveiled, the only product specifically developed for gravel porous paving. Fast forward to this millen- nium, and Grasspave2 and Gravelpavez are comsidered by most, the finest porous pavers developed, waters such as streams, reservoirs, and lakes —our drinking water. This runoff also harts vegetation and wildlife with increased water volumes, velocities, and higher temperatures, The Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 systems protect against this dangerous runoff by processing and cleaning the water, thus safeguarding the natural water cycle. State of the Earth Invisible Structures, Inc. has developed an entire line of products to address stormwater and environmental concerns. Rainswre3, Slopetarne2,Draincore2, and Beachringsz can work in addition to, or in conjunction with, Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 to provide your site, home, or office with stormwater and environmental enhance- GraupaW2largerolls endCravelpa*e large rolls (nashoHmjlnstallquicklyandwnla+rota rheoarrrours Infiltration oftliegcod, Porous paving allows rainwater to percolate through the pavement's sue€ace and back Into the ground (infiltrating), where the water Is cleaned and returned to ground water supplies. Porous paving improves upon impermeable sur- faces, such as concrete or asphalt, which do not allow for this ttatttrai flkratkn. Rain aaillecrs airborne and surface pellutartta such as sediment, brake dust, demicals, vehicle exhaust, afl, salts, fertilizers, bacteria, and animal waste. On impermeable surfaces the polluted rainwater runoff tnon-point source pollu- tion) is collected, concentrated, and dlsc}rarged to downstream ments. Our products can store and collect rain, provide erosion and sediment control, efficiently convey and deliver water, and protect natural areas. Advanced leMnology The Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 systems are based on a simple, but impressive technology --a series of rings (cylinders) connected on a flexible grid system. The cylinders are engineered to withstand significant structural loads and the grid provides stability, flexibility, and continuity for large areas. The grid system also has the unique ability to be roiled up for easy shipping, handling and installation. This engineered design allows for any street -legal vehicle (and sometimes larger) to park or drive on our Grasspave2 or Gravelpave2 surfaces. The point load pressure is transferred from the top of the ring, through the fill material and cylinders, to the engineered base ootirse. - LOrptmta:6jGk+IKlufendlflesartsrrol**"&war** The rhig and grld structure is 92 percent void space allowing for the healtitlest root Torre far grass [ht Grasspave� and more deco- rative gravel (in GravelpaveZ) for some of the most attractive paved surfaces around. Less plastic means more natural looking surfaces. This teduto] ogy also makes far better runoff coefiicients and better percolation rates. 120 psi Yetthmm en Pu6fic Higlr MYd F.voen empty, Grampavez and Gravelpave2 wtll support 2,1001 (14.4 70 kpa]---well over the 120 The heavier a vehicle, the nwe axles and tiros it a *& to support the load behig carried. Graw.spave2 and Gravelpavet will meet and exceed all loading diterin. "Wet""howk Auto tires 40 pal 'Intck ticm:l l0 pad AC-10 tires: 250 psi go fheLF�ri F-ls tiros: S50 psi andA�p�lrtlrpaors Fire Oudlt with outriggers: 780 An 85,fif)f IA trurA distributed to Ibur ouidger rrxfs is crgataI to 21,2501&s. for each oua r pad with 12' x 1fP srlrflire restart with GrWsspare2.J All dwse vehicles are well within our 5.700 psi loading capability. With a sturdy base course design, our rings wW easily perform under all conditions. It's also a good design pracitoe to strengthen concrete sidewalks and curbing that w M be mounted by fine trucks. Col S212 4S fiend W@ Petwrt Petters In 1997 The Constructinn Specifiers InstitWe 01) came out with a generalized listing (02795) for all porous pa►zng products. However, since performance and application is varied even in the penotrs pavht8 hdttstryti the 2004 CSI Mast&Farmaill [as adopt- ed a new nwnUer 321Z 43 RaSk Fbrow Faving, to recognize that Grasspave2 and Gravelpave? are in a class by themselves. 6eddtf tetrthwke Peruus paving is remgr lzod as a Best Management Practice am by the F. wUmmental Protection Agmey, the Center far Watershed Protection, rite U S. Army Corp of Engineers, and countless other feder- al, sib rggf W and Loral authori- ties. In addition. Grasspavex and GravelpaveZ are Often mentioned by name. as the p mduet of cults for many of these agencies. - �— -- Stonowater Management The Grasspav62 and GravelpaveZ systems can easily handle store► water from an intense storm dropping three Inckres of rain in less than thirty minutes] In one square meter (40" x 401 there are 144 rings. tivo inches in diameter by one inch high. With one intro of fill in the. rings and a standard road base of sandy gravel six ROMItm/wilrReglonalPark,FortWiNamch, Ronda--- V,,Ipau:2pe&,gDay A W nSM&MftWMM indms rhickt, our pavans. systems will percolate approximately '1, inch of rain per hour! A seven-inch section can store 2.4 inches of water (about 20 percent void after compaction). Alternatively, hard surfaces, such as asphalt and concrete, shed 95 percent of storm water: AudWo As a designer, engineer, contractor, or homeowner, you can be sure Grasspave2 and GravelpaveZ can deliver a more beautiful surface and add a unique look to a site, Grass simply loots better than asphalt and decorative gravel has been used for centuries in landscaping. Space constraints can be dealt vft by ixxmb aft the Duty of grass or gravel with the utility of paving. Trees and other vegetation not only survive, they tlulve with Grasspavez and Gravelpave2. Porous paving has the ability to deliver water, wWp and carbon dlordde through the crass sec - don —pail essentiai to root swvWal. Concrete and asphalt au6o- sate and starve the root zones of water and air. With GrasspiwO and Gravelpave2, you can now design in as many trees and plants as your site will allow. Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 prevent com- paction while allowing for ample atnaurts of water and air, Can can then drive and park below tree canopies. Saving existing, mature tines is also passible with our products —our structures can come wldAn Itches of the.nuMire ow trunk w thout damage. Our mats have the aWitty to flex with the knee root grmvth that would otherwise damage and cracit hard surfaces. hwhrwrreatd Beawlhs Grasspaver and Gmvelpave2 not only protect the envirorromt, they enhance it. All of our products are made from 100 percent recycled p wdt---plastic that gm into Improving the environ- ment and not into a larrdfiri Through bioremediation, porous pavers have the ANY to Clean pollutants. (heavy metals, 96-99 percent: suspended solids, 95 percent: phosphorous. 65 patent; nitrogen, 82 percent, hydmcwtorrs, up to 100 peroeut) out of starmwater. Our products also reduce erasion and soil migration, reduce site dksturbanoe, and oartribute to airbarrre dust capau e and retention. CooWig the at muphere and redttaing the "urban heat island effect' (cities being up to 10 degrees hotter than undeveloped land) are added benefits of Grasspavez and Gravelpave2. Both products can mitigate these increased temperatarm In additim Grasspav,0 promotes the conversion of carbon dkodde (green- house g14 taro oxygen Cud has an "airconditioning eJEW FavJronrne W, ecmric, and sesthedc enhanceramts are drawing hoe and designers to use Grasspavez and GravelpayeZ in driveways. Most residential driveways are good earrdldeft for our porous duo because of the reduced speed and limited frequency of traffic. Our products can add beauty to Mldarrtial and commercial drhrways. PrwftLo : Parking for churches and synagogues, stadiums, arenas, and overflow at shopping centers, campuses, parks and more are Ideal for Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2. These sites generally support large numbers of vehkhs but only on periodic basis. Stormwater management and green space can be combined with parldrtg, reducing maintenance, real estate, and development costa. A great design idea is combining durable GravelpaveZ drive aisles with attractive GrassprW parking bays. AedertrUn, Horw rraAt crud Paths Garden paths, greenhouse aisles, sidewalks, park paths, and wilderness trails paved with Grasspave2lGravelpave2 provide a stable surface for strollers, bicycles, wheelchairs, and horses. Thee are no puddles or mud and traction is very good. Tree roots break up hard surface sldewaHL% but our mats flex to axonunodate such shifts and gradient changes. Plus, with the high proportion of air, roots are discouraged &arn moving upward. Mountaln bikers will not be able to tear up paths reinforced with GrassrwvAGraveloavA Fite to ' By far- die mast cowcom application for Grasspavea and GravelpaveZ installations is for Am lanes. Our IoM and established history of providing safe, well- constructedfire lanes began in 19K with our first instaft- tion in Swiawmass, Colorado, near Aspen Ski PAsom Since then, we have firmly established cred[bWty for 00 appReation. Tests have been conducted by several fire departments in Aurora, Colorado and Irvine, i California. Necarly every major U.S. metropolitan area has accepted and used Grasspave2 in a ftrc lane. You will most .r a Grasspave2 Installation --Mats can be rolled out in minutes! 600 mZ {5,OW sO per t►4o-person hour! For steps Awn bdw--100 m2 (1�UN ,%o pw tm.person hour! Rau andawacrwdandprow6zeEMW 0 f➢I m}f1 w7ohdaan f1Yry cavx7eraselX! Rrrdylbrsw"tr Mwftgdit Rppyll�drogormrrt++re a k"LVA-rysod l® aAerp oar+a�trt�nd ttatfgt�r�edur�a! =rt ie�aa,rsrs�,.r? Gr'asspaW Ir>stalhow Prooedurr's This installadon salon is only intended as an overview. Pipe review our Graspare2 Tedmkal 5peclllc dons (avallable at www.irnLsiblr mmcaom or tall IUD 433-1510) far QoaiprehUISAE ftLWd1etM inskwd*M Excavate a space for the base course as determined by site ads and loading requirements. Place and =pad sandy gravel which should be a mixture of clean sharp sand and gravel varying in size but not exceeding 34of an inch. To check porosity, use a hose to see that water Flows into the base and drains away. Add subsurface drainage as necessary to low spots or locations with poor draining soils. Install irription lines and sprinkler heads if r4e&mry f Apply the Hyd regrow mixture that is included hw with your order. Hydrogrow is a mix - `'lure of polymer and fertilizer designed especially for our Grasspave2 system. 1 y Z Roll out Grasspave2, aligning the side hale favteners over the side pegs. The warmth of the sun will relax the plastic so it lays flat. Cut the Od between rings using pruning shears. Incorporate the cut pieces in other areas, as needed, keeping the distance between the rings uniform. FM rings with clean sharp concrete sand (AASHTO M$ or AMU Cr33) using large rakes and brooms so that the tops of the rings show when done. Lay tort over the rings. On warm days, wet the sand first to lower sand temperature and provide moisture for grass roots. Seeding and hydromulching Is also an accepted vegetating method at this stage. Repeated hydromulchinglseeding may be necessary. Rdl sod with heavy roller to ellminate air podwts and make sure roots ase in oontact with the sand llll. Water lawn as usual according to clfnnatic requiremerft Whether the area has been seeded or sodded, wait to drive on grass Will two mowings have been completed, by which time the root system will be established and the sad pieces IodW into place. In an emergency a Kh as the need for Eire truck access, grass may be driven on immediately after installation. Use a regular lawn mower for main terwrice. There should be no paver parts protruding through the surface that would damage mowers. Do not aeratel .ti VIA oixapp ' fir,• A JOIL ra B N .•�s T'Lrj{ �+'ArB arPdld�l pu[ Svxl Prx1 gr�YEirond ba;ct � Ralfoutfrmr.i, ?aff9oftmemap6ersafnerx f!llrkr,�r � Near g�a�W II can�wn��r�n n�6rm.mr�.rariYsrpierr uvly�xmr[rrar�armj. GravelpaW I nstal lation-- Giwelpa►reP SimlShape RD Requimments You win need 1' of gunnel ills, comtpmud, Be carefal to order enough for the compaction Process and choose a gravel sire that will nest well into the rings- We have foutu] that YW rahius artsW stone wA smwtime W sith knitted Small sharp screeLIhTS (f4D to #100 screen) works we]1. Na shed gravel will roll wlthin the rings and Kill also "roll about.' For this reason, we do not m, -ainniend pea gniverl. eveti though it is often very aIIract1%e. A Asit to your iocaI quarry is suggested. We have founts that some geological areas of the United States have limited types of sharp gravel aval]able, It has been necessary to import gravel fiom a neighbor•Ing state, but remember the amotu its are relatively smalI— the top one -and -a -quarter inch of the crass sec - [Jon. Gravel should be as free of fines as possible. To maintain porosity, avoid soft stone materials with br durability that will break easily Other Fill Materials for Grave 1pavO Please ask our staff foe assistance Kith this ca€egoiy slnce it is use -specific and often experi- mental, Ground tubber, crushed glass• crushed brink, and many other materials can be useful as attrarrlve. fill materials for various applicatfons. Thennoset (epoxy, polyurethane. oic.) hinders may be cast prohibitive fur most projects, but offer unique design possibilities. Including clarity, color enlsancement (wet look), flexibility and durability. Our technical support staff will assist with selection of gravel soureec. The photographic samples shown on this page will help you narrow your gravel choices. Should you have questions concerning the selection, please submit a small sample for approval prior to specifying r or securing the materials. 411t Mats can be rolled out in minutes! Grave"W installation Wow&n This lnstallatian section is only intended as an overview. Please review oaf Gravelpave2 Technical Specllications (available ar www.invlslblestructurrscom or call 800.233.1510) for comprehensive itutallatiorr lnismred = Prepare sandy gravel base course to a depth as determined by a soils engineer. Compact with a vibrating plate compactor or use a heavy motorized roller for large, jobs. To test porosity, water with a hose and check to see that water drains readily through the base course bt 6t m InstaWng the Gravelpave2 mats. Roll out mats with the grain (in the same direction) so that the snap fit fasteners can be used with neighboring mats. To fit around boast and curbs, art the grid between the dW with pruning shears and scissors or a small portable electric hand saw. Faster. the mats together using the snap fit fasteners drat are molded into the product inserting the prongs into the reatangtnlar openings. Tuck the fabric underneath the fasteners to keep joints closed. A quarter -inch nut driver head (6 mm) fits nicely over the fastener to compress the pieces together. A piece of lumber placed under the Giavelpa►ret mat will provide stability to aid in fastening Supplied anchors must be used to secure the mats to the bass Hammer anchors with washers at a rate of one anchor per six rings in bath directions, Use extra anchors around the per4meter of the Gravelpavel install and in high traffic areas. Reciprocating harturiers can be used to speed up the anchoring { ;� .1% t r 11 process. Anchors should be placed inside the rings as close to the center as possible. Begin anchoring from one corner in a radial pattern. Gradually place gravel fill [see suggested fill material on facing page] into rings by using a front-end loader and shaking out the fill as the machine drives forward. Carefully lower the bucket when empty and back up while dragging it above the rings to smooth out the gravel, finishing with a stiff broom. Wheel barrow and shovel works well for small jobs. Contractor tip —you can store excess material for future maintenance, tap dstssing as may be necessary. Use rakes andlor posh brooms to dish* to the gravel ill to a level slightly above rings so that compacting the fill will not uncover the rings, Use a vibrating plate compactor or large driving roller again to compact the gravel fill. Additional gravel may be necessary to finish filling the rings Compact again until the material appears solid in the rings. Wetting the gravel may help it to interlock. Drive on the installation when finished. If car tires make a pattern. there may be too much gravel or it nay eieed additional conpadlau. it Is expeded that tops of the rings may be visible. If sides of the rings show, then add more fill material and repeat the compaction process. r' Jd& M r 12 Gdf IndLay Gravelpave2 and GrasspaveZ golf' cart paths give are look of a natural path through trees, along fairways, and around greens. Tiie flush surface requires no trinuning or edging.'ftzcdon is excellent with GrarelpavO and Grasspave? inaction is slightly better than grass. GrasspaveZ and Gra.velpave7 can enhasrre yore golf cart staging area, pedestrian traffic area, parking lot, road shoulder. and mattitc- nan a yard. Auto "I*9eahrship Car dealerships have dismyered that GrasspaveZ stud GravelM%2 are perfect for automobile dis- play areas. DealersMp now have an aptkm when ft Corm to adding paved areas fur car transport and display: Dealeaxhips like the 'soft' attracth-e look grass and decorative gravel provide. Udflry and M dratasterroe Vehide Accros Providing your site ndtft3mpor- Wit utilitarian fuitILions With- out cMnp cursing beauty is simple. GrasspaveZ area Gravelpave2 can incorporate a structural road without inter• avpting your landscaping. No obtrusive concrete or asphalt access roads are necessary to get to wfndkaw washing areas, puMp stfidons, microwave tow- ers, WAS, or ekrctsical boaoes. Our' mats are installed In cacao unique and Interesting places: Helicopter' landing pads, race car display arras, outdoor amphithe- ater seating, under picnic tables, under concrete pavers (support), airplane display and transport, cemetery Marker rewwo mnent, em drip lines and more. Installations are not limited to tra&UMal paved areas. Grrm"W owwwriiift large 11olls Our patented systems have a AiIpping, handling and installation advantage as well —large rolls, Our standard roll size (model 2020) covers 431 sq. ft. (40 Ana) and weighs 192 pounds (87 kg), Other roll sixes are available. Installers of our products have Runoff Comparison Chart Runoff coefficients, Grasspave2lGravelpave2 and 100% sandy gravel base over various soil types 80% 0096 ire 609E as � 20% 104h y- � 0% 1 2 9 4 6 0 7 a 9 10 11 12 Inches of RWn during Zi Hours IRltg atd Grid5ttwWre GrasspaveZ is by most accounts the best flexible grass paver made today. Its unique ring and grid structure allow for flexibility, stability, and exceptional grass growth. With 92 percent void space for healthy mats and 100 percent grass coverage, Grasspa► O Is the Industry's preeminent choice, Our installations are hard to find because they are invisible! With so little plastic near the crown of the grass, the blades of grass are not smashed by prod- uct. Root development is not interrupted from spreading laterally. The rings are strong and rigid, keeping grass sxoot systems pro- tected from harm. The roots grow directly downward, deep into the sandy gravel base course. IILT"trdly rarnmented that they enjoy the easy hrstalladom Rolling nit Gr&sspwvg is rarnilaa• to rolling out carpeting and coverage is fast and eFff- ticul. The mat system can be easily cut to fit arowid trees irrigation, cttrbhgg or other terrain, The rolls lave snap -tit min ectors to attach to ascent rolls. trtaldug one unfffed, con- t4pous system. This uniiled Mat systom odds stabflity and wntinuity in design. GrasspaveZ can just n.S easily be snapped to Gravelpa►0 to add stability and product variation. M Arw her reasort•QwspavO is the h>tlustty leader Is the addition of Hydmgrmr sail . amendmant, which Is supplied with your order. H}vlrograw is engkvAmrd to lielp VP w p-mv In ow sand based root zone. TIV results are ama sng and our GrasspaveZ atvas often look ltealthk r than surmunding tart By using this special mix- ture in the sand, pmusiRy will be mafrnahmA tud will be attractive, and aemlon will not be necessary. Said Fill Grwgwve2 is the Only grass paver on the market spmlfying sand as part of Its cross section. Sand U the best utedlum to pm - vide water and air w the roots and stm provide high WMPres- sive sus ength, The United States Goff AsWatlan uses sand for every USDA golf course and nearly every profess€onal and colle- giate turf athletic field uses a sand cross section as well. Topsoil (or other organics fill material) in the rings will eventually compact and damage the Hoot zone. Sand negates the need for mechanical aeration, which can damage GrasspaveZ and other grass pavers. Sfaer"Whom Tula" When installed over a thick base course and compacted to 95 percent modified Proctor, sand -filled rings can support 5,700 pounds per square Inch (psi) without deflection or compromise to safety The cylinder Is the strongest shape to support compressive loads because it has no comers. Supporting heavy loads with the tangs allows us to use less plastic in the product creating a 92 percent void area for root development, combined with strength! Less plastic means a lower cost for you, 14 TO is hequency Grass as a surface material can withstand A" two to six (varies with grass species and envinonmental condidam) trips daily over the same spot. This suggests that most parking applicatiom vve pave with asphalt today could be paved with GrasspaveZ instead. Vehicles can rema#n parked on grass for contended periods of tune, provided some relief can be given for a few days for the grass to recover. tifespan GrasspaveZ has a projected lifespan of 00 years. Compared to asphalt with a lifeq= of la 1 and concrete with a 1ffespan of 25 years, Grasspave2 will r l save ym) nwney on replacement oasts. . k4mbnf deeds water and you Grass , may need to have irrigation installed Grasspave2 has a sand based root aurae which ustbttl>:y requires shgl Wy more water than a normal topsoil or tugank root zam If guff couram in your area use inigwdm systems, you probably should in your GrassapaveZ installation. Graveorjg2 Charateteristks Fehtie Iling ord Grid When we deveknped GravelpaveZ in 1993, our goal was to provide deslpun a second option for a posts pavement that can tolerate high fi-eNency and kn"peed hift By molding our ring and grid structure onto a non- woven porter filter Mirk, we were to create a new product that contains gravel and prevents part & migration and rutting. Should the fasteners of one mat not align► over the distance of another mat, then anchor pins (or eight inch ring shank nails and large washers) can be used to secure the mats along the seam. Forcing the alignment can cause the mats to ripple and not lay down evenly Trd k Frequency Gravelpavez has no limits on frequency or duration of trek on the system. Pink or drive as often as you like on Gravdpave2. However, speeds should be kept at or below about 20 mph (30 kmlh). firramilty GrasspaveZ and Graveipave2 are made from flexible High Density Palyetlrylene (HDP£J plastic } with UV inhibitors, which withstands repeated < < < 1 freawthaw cycles and �? wnthnmS subizero tem- { pruatum without crack- ing 1HDPE resists 16aggres- sive cimmkals such as read $ ants, motor ails d fuels. IIDPE s W. is highly abrasion-resLstant and is unaffected by extremes in pH. A well - maintained Gravelpave2 installation will last 25 years in most climates. bv*be SM SMnderd PMdM RWI Sipes } 11 Wd a it a 8 a ft at its ke ho 1010 1 3.3 10 32.6 U L7 1 18 108 ZZ 48 1aZ0 1 3.3 70 45.6 U.8 2.7 20 215 44 88 ING 1.5 44 20 654 0•e V 30 323 55 144 20M Z U 20 5.4.5 U.8 2.7 40 430 87 IS 25Z6 1 Z.5 8.2 1 20 US I U.8 2.7 1 50 538 1 100 Z40 NoiEc Qn he vuialled nw�ty � peeple�A�.iOolha�lym [i��reeR,aedlrr2,Dntnu�, ens Slopcte�. Gravelpave2 is the only system specifically designed for aggregate containment porous paving. The cylinders displace the load onto an engintwW base course and hold the decorative V wd in place. The fabric keeps the top -dress gravel from compacting into the road base, acts as a weed and vegetation barrier, and suppresses dust. Traditional pavements, including gravel roads, are designed to shed water and keep It away from the pavement's cross-section. Gravelpave2 is designed to do the oppaalte—rveit UhW water dawn through the system. Plus, Gravelpave2 will not rut, wash- board, or puddle like traditional gravel roads. Snap•Fk Fasteners Designed into Gravelpave2 is a snap -fit fastener', a tv"ronged arrow that fits into a rectangular slot. Slurp pasts the slot over the prangs to easily snap together panels of Gtasspavek To take them apart, just squeeze the prangs together and lift off the slot. AmMmOn Part of what draws many designers to use Gravelpave2 Is the abilliy to have an area maintain a natural look. Many tunes native soils or gravel can be used as fill material, comple- menting surrounding areas, Gravelpave2 Is available in four standard colors —black, tan, gray, and terra toffs (custoan colors are available at addition - a] cusp. Ring colors are b tend- ed to blend with the gravel oalar• so they will be less visible should some portion of the dregs shave A wall amount of excess stone fill should be left above the top of the rl V to provide visu- al cover and additional UV pr'obection. This moass will migrate, but usually not very far. Sire 4nd Snaps lieoWnu is For Gr" Fill You will need one and a quarter rods (3.2 rm) of gravel ft before compaction. After compaction the gravel should be only be slightly higher than the rings ells inch, 3 mm above). The following criteria for gravel All will make the most of the systems performance: • Hard —resistant to breaking, crushing or crumbling * Sharp and angular (do not use rounded pea graver • Clean, washed (free of fines) • Size Vi, to % Inch 0 MM tc 1 CM) Other fill material may be used in certain situations, but may be considered usr}speciflc or wTer lmantal. Please consult with our techr" support staff regarding fill material nut meeting the above criteria or for installations requiring `binders.' 16 Dust 5uppreWon Dirt and gravel roads have. the potential to kick up dust and dirt when traversed. Many communities have regulations limiting or eliminating gravel surfaces from new construction. Rest assured, If you design a Gravelpave2 surface you ►vial be getting a virtually dust - free surface. The clean and washed fill material required to fill the rings will not have any more dust than an asphalt -paved surface. Gravelpavevs geotextile fabric will prevent the dust -sized particles contained within the base material (eadsting gravel surface or dirt), from being displaced by moving tire or wind forces. Eeaffixe cAdwatages Whether you are an ernghmr, ambitect, landscape ancidtect, contractor a honmowner you will be concerned with the cost ofyou project. Grasspave2 and Gravepave2 will save you money. Our products will save on design oasts, installa- tion costs, component materials, maintenancelaperatlons expenses and lifecycle wats, Vk can And a way to reduce your site expenses with our porous pwvera 9kb&*AVAsn ftR When designing, you may be We to eAmWb or reduce ataem- water filters, detention basins, conveyance lines, modifying grading requirements, or many other 'necessities' associated with asphalt or concrete. A great deal of your stormwater mitigation plan can be built into Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2. Installers have been astounded by the speed and efficiency for which large areas can be accommodated by our large rolls. Unrolling our mats, snap fitting, and cutting is easy and requires no special machinery PIease view our tedmical specifications (from ww-winvisiblestructures.com, call 800-233-1510, or avail- able through our partner network) for the installation prowdurc. A brief installation overview is also on pages 8 and 1%. 1P+Kdwvdb wepWWskwmnpcWxdprcote X%m* WW PhomMrdYa t%W0WroAsuehMpd►Nne4aWA6dWftdM#WpgvW In aMdan to coat savings in the design phase, you may be able to eliminate other components during installation such as root pt+otection for trees, grates, mniwks, curbing, and tree and vegetation removal ousts. Maintenance and operations Doers are significantly reduced aver asphalt and comete surfaces A. (Andy) E. Lindsey, Director of Grounds Maintenance. Lhniversity of South Alabama, in his written analysis dated Februiuy 18. 1999, ownpared the cast of our porous systeerm to asphalt pavement using ]Historical data E m urdversity records. The conchWon was a $56,000 savings over 20 years, by using Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2. Our products can save you the most money by combining your surfaces' uses into one area M iltiple surface use means savings an real estate, design oasts, maintenmut, insur- ance and more. You can have a Are lane that doubles as'green Space tor employaes or visitors, combine a parking lot with a bio4wale and sto mmater mitigation system, and expand your lawn into the driveway The Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 installations at iiellant Stadium, Iiouseon, Texas, pull quadruple duty, pravldhg aver semen acres of parking, stormwater mitigation, required 'green apace,' and an auto= festival site which generate additi%W inrerrul As mentioned above, Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 have a longer lifespan than asphalt. Compound the above savings with the longer lifespan, and you can have a lifecyde cast which can save thousand of dollars on even moderately sized installations. Ou� pavers only have advantages over impervious surfaces, we are proud to compete with any other plastic porous pavers manufacturer]. Our products are the strongest on the market 5,721 psi installed (39.273 kPa, 823,844 psf or 7.4€4,416 psy), or 2.100 psi empty" Grasspavez and Gravelpave2 have ire►iwn : a" medhWplred8b0W 9Nflf st0 Ffi I 18 92 percent void space for the best root development and grass coverage (Gras spavez) and the most volume available for desired Fill (Gravdpave2j Most other plastic pavers own In rigid unit blocks, which we cumbrirronw to install and difl3oWt to cut and shape. Grasspavez and Gravelpave2 walls are considered the favorite to work with by installers, for the fleidbility, continuity, and speed of Installations. GrasspaveA is the only product on the market specifying sand iniill for the grass roots. Sand is reco Keep the porous paving area free of sediment and erosion from adjacent areas as they can cause drainage and aesthetic issues. Extra tare should be taking for use in swales or berms Slope should be considered, Grasspave? and Gravelpavo?, perform the best for all vehicles when the slope is no greater than 8 percent. Light vehicles (golf carts), bicycles, and pedestrian areas can have up to a 20 percent slope. Grasspave2 in fire lanes should not exceed five percent (consult your local mended as the Wlii of choke for grass fire departments). pavers by Professor Bruce K. Ferguson, • Check the permeability of existing Univ. of Georgia, author of the book, :wk-1� underl n sails. Percolation rates "Porous Pavements." � � i ■ should be .64 cm to 13 cni of water Can"TOMMI011ift Porous paving technology has made great sickles not only in flexible plastic pavers but in other area as well. Permeable asphalt, permeable con- crete, interWdng unit blocks, reln- foreement mam and concrete grid pavements, have all improved and advanced to meet the growing demand For environmentally hiendly technolo- files. It is Invisible Structures' firm belief that you should use porous paving, even iF it is not our product line, whenever possible. The more you use these tecimologies, the better accepted they become: If you have to pave, porrnfs pavpl Invisible Structures also contends that rrwMe these competing tech- nolugles have their place, in moat Instances, our Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 systems outperform, last longer, require less maintenance, look better, and are easier to install. Check with our terlmiral specialists at SDO-233-1510 for the latest data. Designing for Grasspwm2 and GravelpaW Design for Use per hour (EPA guldehnes). The water table should be about three feet ha rna 1 m1 below base course in most instances. Bedrock should not be closer than two feet (0.6 m) below base murse. • Avid use of Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2 in areas where high- ; speed acceleration or braking and tuning occur Examples are �41YpW* entrances and exits to parking lots P ieta"ih&arorpau? that connect to higher speed roads. There is an area in your development, r "Ar' site, or home that will most likely ben- efit from Grasspave2 and Gravelpave2. lfy wsite varies tram Owe avndl tiory please mrisult ISI dire dy, 800-M-1510, as some cnnditm can he ovwoww with design and coftrwent 4usmer2#s_ Base Ouse DWF CakWa" the depth and composition of materials for the base course inner- porates the same design criteria as for other pavements: ' Load -bearing capacity of native (or fIIQ subsoil, Plasticity or impact of moisture on strength and lwVvIty, • Frosdieave potential, and ■ Traffic load, frequency andfor duration. 5ampie Rase Course Depths Please consult with a soils engineer for site -specific base requirements. ► Generally, the depth that is used under We advise that ou take a look at ra asphalt will be the requlrement under Y p p fire CA—Mynynedwegrassesandotheratfr&6VO Grasspave2/Gravelpave2. Golf carts and er use patterns, site conditions, and viegotoYon con begrown In aaLTd te, pedestrian traffic may require nothing other specifications to get full advan- tage and long life out of our products. Invisible Structures, 800-233.1510, is available for preliminary design assistance and consultation. Please note that atherporrus paving systems are NOT interchangeable with Grasspavc� or Gravrlpave2 consult our technical specifications for full installation instructions. Considerations for Design: • High use, low speed, and unlimited traffic volume is optimal for GravelpavO • Low to moderate use, low speed, with recovery time is perfect for Grasspave2 or Gravelpave2 over sandy gravel soils, and just two to four Inches of base course (5-10 cm) over very weak soils. Cars usually need a six- to eight -inch base course (15-20 cm). Buses, trucks, and fire engines can easily require eight to 12 inches (20--30 cm) or more. The use of geotextiles, below the base is not required, but will prevent integration with subsoils and Is strong- ly advised in areas of clay or silt soils and frost heave. Do not use 100 percent limestone base as limestone will compact and become impervious Ifllmestone must be used, mix with 25 30percent sand AAASTO MB or equal). 20 Bedding Sand IOotllmmury Do not use a sand setting base with our products. Utrllke mrrcrete pavers, bricks, and other rigid pavers --our Grasspavez and GtavelpavO aiv flexible and do not require sand to level, NPRVNcft Fos acstltctic and mainUnane>' cunsldt•rations, you may want i❑ design in a durable, edging material to separate uur porous pavers From adjacent: antes of turf or to simply delittemtr. a fire ]Foie +rr patio. With GIAVOpavO, and edging rats prevent vegetation from enctimching onto the s}astern and can prevent the gravel fill from migrating at the edge. Steel. aluminum, wood, brick, or con- cretha tyre all arreptable FtlgItrg materials, Keep the edging flush or slightly I0ghot' than rlu porous paver gra& Mart illm a and Operation Cras�►auet 1laintenatroe Irrigallou is required in dry climates. Any popular pop-up system can be used. Simply cut out rings to reveal the irrigation head. if golf r:oum—.s In your area use irrigation systems, you probably should in your Grasspave? installation. Be careful not to over - water as this will oncourirge slrnllow rnut development, Fertilime once apeear witit an NPK slow -release fertilizer that rurttains to -ace etotrt ft Thaw are many brands on the market. Do not aerate! loot Il end up with product damage. When installed Ming laird in the rings, there will not be a compaction problem. Be caretith not to rise clay-Imsed sods in pedestrlau or vehicular traffic aveas use sauly soil sod, or seed and mulch. There seems to be no problem with sod selectlon for fine lanes, if the Grasspavez area has just been seeded or sodded, drive on it only Ftt an emerrgettcy. &MIpaver maintenance Potholes will only appear If the base course has not been compacted properly brfon! hayttrg the rings or if the hase material Is aflowed tv mix into clay soils below (use nomvoven fabric W keep separate). Should this occur, remove a section by vacuuming IN- gravel from the rings, unfasten ilre smip fit fastener, bring the basn coui:sc to tiro proper grade and compaction, put the GravelpaveZ ,;giLare back tri plane. anrl►rn. and hill to the tole of list rings. 5crrsonally check the rings It liIgh•traifir areas arttl erntr'arrce lanes for lower levels of rill and replace by sweephig gravel from other arras to hying It level again. Leaves should be raked or vacuumed and not allowed to decay. Organk , matter will stimulate weed growth and reduce porosity 'ro attack any occa- - slonal weeds that may locate within the Gravelpavt2 Installation, simply spray them mith a weed killer (such as Roundupug and rentove them when dead. Catd#tMNSOattenx Porous pavement thaws faster than conventioroil pavements because It allows melted water to flow diiectly through the pavement, lrrcreasing the temperature in the crass on. Grasspaver and GravelpavO are made from Flexible High Density Pofyedsylene (HDPI) plastic witft UV Inhibitors, which withstwxls netted freeze -thaw cycles and mntia mus subzero (emperatums without cracft it l,iJ,Ijjjjljjj )kl oa esldmoe Florian TX�srtopurtadpranxrtbnstnthiscraaamAer N*Atwrray 22 Fine dalw ments usually require you to plow snow that is over da-ee inches deep (7.5 cmj. Consult with your focal fire departmait far their guidelines. Educate your snow removal crew to take care not to have the plow blade make contact with the Grasspave2 or Gravelpavez systems. Experienced snowplow drivers can leave a thin layer of snow on the systems or they ran attach skids (9ti kKh--2 cm) to the bottom of the Modes. Sales and Teehnical Support Partners Invisible Stu, Inc. welcomes the opportunity to review designs and an wer technical gteestiam Design details, tethnical specifics dons, white papers, and other support materlal may be downloaded from our web site. See a omg ehensive list of project profiles and case studies at wwwinvisiblestz'umtres eo a In addition to the highluaft professional, experienced staff at our main headquarters in Colorado, we have excellent parttlers represuA- ing their hical areas. They are prepared to assist you locall}t at an levels your project needs. Please contact us or check au' vxb site for your partner name and ir6rmatlon. Coma Information hNISIble Stsuctum itu. 1600 Jackson St. Suite 310 ■ Golden, Colorado 80401, USA 800.233-1510 overseas and locally 303.233-M Fax SM233.1622 overseas and locally 303-2334M vvwas ernall: saleffnvisiblestructures onm Grasspave2 and Gravelpnves Patent M. 5,250,340 Held by William B&mtwM ASI A. Copyrl& o 2M r f�01l:'Jti� � (f 31iy1rrth, datanrCa�lx+wl�a4 r r r CrRgMM2isusedasawal smblesurfswkrpknktables eta anmmsnItypaof. �� r l Ci[yof Whim Ro&VXratiow, Mite Rock Br'iM CWu *--( raYelpaW iSused ie tlletAeirdJlaaiste ofthewarls�ridaid�a�a�drrAl6rtlMlperii�b�ik y�, �md "Mp" 56110 -AW Mftmaker 24 4 14esdwi► ,, rptrli t&IIdraitmblt + oaialllrte8ls, aadi�ilgiMgrd storfaatlbiraptiefemeu�s oobw4Ae1: Rtrdtrir�ahrliarts IteNilrtsnparary iilhtf6leatceisattirnitidaadsiwel lkalrxor&zrnrrreya "raprlsvwror adlsiti4radx"rrM&WvWhW fiwiol4d�r, �ritslr�aoaaemdotbe drrliir� [3Baainperfiestiltdltmland ntlgliltrasttrts store �i�rslisthrrwrilAeat�dant stit�rtrfeaeslaiAw�egnsEsr�pe, �e6timiul IsAledtiltrandilarlarbla Ior tersat�ralJt desk RaFa4erralial� taieli�rowrtd trirbadrs�sdl6rdskidtal+ drtiuflrAarl�enig�riorafa QuCk ifefelm Guide far Grasqwm2 and GmWp mJ . tome SkpdrWW-qriivhmora 11WM WWW rannoo181�4►foralet--,�ennpekiry d�d►� 9�'� l�Ofk aaebor; amdnoDulseloa teoaixulerwiart ais�amteailbr � sarrle�rfrittililrn Palm pave ring and VM s &Mm Coruvectoble rk a 011L and integated fabric Also Intltidbd HY&W— PdYma-e=kMvly for Gwhmtda iabsk mulled to gild (emdum a to anuMprobt Gmvelpave2 and enrbm Available in Large. Fleadbb Raps Iris, various dens- sec roll chart page 14 Yak various sees rap chat peke 14 WON Black 8lacl4 WAM tau, tare calla. custom colors Wba COrnpsneats madsd for Sysearn Sale Cause, send. lWw, cud or seed Sala eourse, IV? (3,2cm) of Vie to W fatless= is tMWA m h4 deooratWe VSVW, and labor 19ui$c Law speed latermttlM to rmderwx we Low speed, unbnhod use C-Vr"Wft SYKWn SI—glh Trilled; 5,721 ps1(38.273 We): Fipad; to 5.721 pet (30.273 kPa) Empty- 2.100 psi (14,470 kI* 13MM.- 2.100 psi (I4.470 kPa) LAre Span 60 Yean 2S YeMa Recommended Mwdmwn M%W 5% lire laws 8% tarJlf& track,15-M sat 5% Sre lanes. 6%ra ivk truck MW%Rolf cam Pedestrian use, and trails carts, Pedesgieu use, and trails Starrnwater Swraga yes Yn Clean Pbifubu to d muiyh BWremedtntlon Mcelletu Gard Air-CondYUafty Eftct Yes No Heal Island H$tlgiulan Yes—thermsl eKWWtivO h0al storage uWaclig Yes-thumd canducavayt heat storage cePwW. densft albede (40) and eansshby density, albedo ("Wes) and smtsatvlly ltedums Runoff and Mari`l oft Source Panution Yes Yes Recyclied Cowent IDO% recycled HDPE plestle 1009A recycled HDPE phsac, rem wm hlb 1Jiaaton Control you Yes Alrbwne Dust Coptwe and Retwoon Euellant Good Promotes cad Ratelns Tree Growth Yes Yes Recharges Groundwater yw Yaa • 1600.1aeksatl St., Suite 310. Golden. CO 80401, USA /!t SOM3-1510 • Flax: M233-15U � (�*a►�J Oven m and kcally. 303-Z33"3 - Fax: 303-2334M GravclpevetandGrasspawetPateatks 5,250,3W wwv4hwidblerbmdur�,nolll email, told by 7ASI m Hohnhs$ ASIA Cspyrl& 0 2006 INVISIBLE April2016 sTRUCTURIS' Invisiible Structures, Inc. 303-233-6383 www_ iny isi blestru ctu res.com Grasspave2 Product Specification (CSI Format) Notes: This product guide specification Is written according to the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI) Format, Including AfsaferFarmet [1995 Edldon] 8ectlonFormat and Pag0brmaf, contained in the CSI Manust of Practice. The section must be carefully reviewed and edited by the Engineer to most the roquiremeMs of the project and local building code. Coordinate with other specification sections and the draWngs. Delete all'Specifier Notes" when editing this section. SECTION 3212 43 POROUS (FLEXIBLE PAVING (Formerly 02795 Porous Paving) Notes This section covers Grasspays2 Porous Pavement System from Invisible Structures. The system provides vehicular and heavy load support over grass areas while protecting grass roots from harmful effects of traffic. The major components of the complete system are the Grasspeve2 units, an engineered base course, Mydrogrow sol ameadmentlfertilker, sand, and g rasa from seed, hydromulch, or sod. Consult Invisible Structures, Inc. for assistance In editing this section for the specific application. PART 1 GENERAL 1.11 SECTION INCLUDES A. Porous pavement system. 1.2 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section [31 20 00 — Earth Moving] [ _ _ - 1 B. Section 133 48 00 -- Subdrainage] [ _ _ _ - 1. C. Section [32 10 00 — Sales, Ballasts, and Paving] [ Notes: Edit the following list as required for the project. Lest other sections with work directly related to the porous pavement system. D. Section [32 30 GO - Site Improvements] [_,. ^ E. Section [32 9000 Planting] [_ F. Section [32 92 00 —Manufacturers of Turfs and Grasses] G. Section t32 80 00 — Irrigation or Section 32 84 13 — Drip Irrigation] [_• _ — - _ 1. GBICSI-321243 APPJL 2015 PAGE 1 1.3 REFERENCES A: ASTM F 1951-08 Standard Specification for Determination of Accessibility of Surface Systems Under and Around Playground Equipment. B. ASTM D 638-10 Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics C. ASTM C 33 Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates D. AASHTO M6 Standard Specification for Fine Aggregate for Hydraulic Cement Concrete 1.4 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION A. The Grasspave2 porous pavement system provides vehicular and pedestrian load support for grass areas, while protecting grass roots from harmful effects of traffic. B. Major Components of the Complete System 1. Grasspave2 units, assembled in rolls. 2. Engineered sand and gravel base course. 3. Hydrogrow soll amendment and fertilizer, supplied with Grasspave2. 4. Sand fill or USGA greens mix. 5. Selected grass from seed, hydroseeding/hydro-mulching, or sod. 6. Selected topsoil (only for seeded Installation). 7. Mulch (needed .only for seeded or hydmseeded .installations). C. The Grasspave2 grass paving units, sand, and base course work together to support Imposed loading. D. The Grasspave2 grass paving units, Hydrogrow, and sand fill contribute to vegetation support. 1.5 SUBMITTALS A. Submit under provlslons of Section 01 30 00. B. Shop Drawings: Submit design detail showing proper cross-section. C. Samples: Submit manufacturer's sample of Grasspave210" x 10" section of Grasspave2 material. D. Installation Instructions: Manufacturer's printed Installation Instructions. Include methods for maintaining installed products. E. Certificates: 1. Manufacturer signed certificate stating the product Is made In the USA. 2. Submit Material Certificates for base course and sand (or USGA mix) fill materials 3. Product certificates signed by the manufacturer certifying material compliance of polyethylene used to make Grasspave2 units. 4. ISO Certificate certIfying manufacturer's quality management system is currently registered to ISO 9001:2008 quality standards. F. LEED Submittals: Provide documentation of how the requirements of Credit will be met: 1. List of proposed materials with recycled content. Indicate post -consumer recycled content and pre - consumer recycled content for each product having recycled content. 2. Product data and certification letter Indicating percentages by weight of post -consumer and pre - consumer recycled content for products having recycled content. 3. Description of Grasspave2 in stormwater design to limit the disruption of natural hydrology by reducing impervious cover, Increasing on -site infiltration, reducing or eliminating pollution from stormwater runoff and eliminating contaminants. 4. Designing elements for Gresspave2 to limit the disruption and pollution of natural water flows by managing stormwater runoff. 6. Documenting the use of Grasspave2 to reduce heat islands to minimize the Impact on GB/CSI-3212 43 APRIL 2015 PAGE 2 microclimates and human and wildlife habitats. G. Substitutions: No material will be considered as an equivalent to the Grasspave2 unit specified herein unless It meets all areas of this specification without exception. Manufacturers seeking to supply what they represent as equivalent material must submit records, data, independent test results, samples, certifications, and documentation deemed necessary by the Specifier to prove equivalency. H. Manufacturer's Material Certification: Product manufacturers shall provide certification of compliance with all applicable testing procedures and related specifications upon written request. Request for certification shall be submitted by the purchasing agency no later than the date of order placement. I. Product manufacturers shall also have a minimum of 30 years' experience producing products for porous pavement systems. J. Manufacturer Quality Certification: ISO Certification certifying manufacturer's quality management system for its Grasspave2 system is currently registered to ISO 9001:2008 quality standards. Any alternate materials submitted shall provide a certification that their porous pavement system manufacturing process is part of an ISO program and a certification will be required specifically stating that their testing facility is certified and In accordance with ISO. 1.6 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. Store products In manufacturer's unopened packaging until ready for installation. B. Protect Grasspave2 units/rolls from damage during delivery and store rolls upright, under tarp, to protect from sunlight, when time for delivery to installation exceeds one week. C. Store Hydrogrow In a dark and dry location D. Handling: Protect materials during handling and installation to prevent damage Notes: Once healthy turf has been established, the cell wall structure will have minimal visibility when proper turf maintenance practices are followed. A. Installer responsible for maintenance of grass plants — water/irrigation, fertilizing, mowing — for one growing season. DO NOT AERATE. See Grasspave2 Maintenance Guide from Invisible Structures B. System to be maintained by , after one growing season. 1.8 Project Conditions A. Maintain environmental conditions within limits recommended by manufacturer for optimum results. Do not install products under environmental conditions outside manufacturer's absolute limits. B. Do not begin instaiiation of porous pavements until all hard surface paving adjacent to porous pavement areas, including concrete walks and asphalt paving, Is completed. C. Install turf when ambient air temperatures Is at least 55 degrees F (13 degrees C). D. In cold weather, do not use frozen materials or materials mixed or coated with ice or frost, and do not build on frozen base or wet, saturated or muddy subgrade. E. Protect partially completed paving against damage from other construction traffic when work Is in progress. F. Adequately water sod or grass seed to assure germination of seed and growth of root system. G. Grass coverage on the sand -filled Grasspave2 rings must be completed within one week: See Part 3 Execution. H. DO NOT DRIVE, PARK ON, or use Grasspave2 system for two or three mowing cycles until grass root system has matured (about 3 to 4 weeks for sod or 6 to 8 weeks for seeded areas). Any barricades constructed must still be accessible by emergency and fire equipment during and after installation. GBICSI-3212 43 APRIL 2015 PAGE 3 1.9 LIMITED WARRANTY A Invisible Structures. Inc. (ISI) warrants to its purchasers that all products furnished by ISI will be free from defects in material and/or workmanship. B. This warranty shall be extended f6r a period of five (5) years following the data of shipment by ]St. C. Providing a written claim Is presented to IS] within the warranty period and after inWecOon by ISI showing the materials have failed under this warranty, all defective materials shall be refurnished under this warranty, at no charge, excluding re -Installation costs. This in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied and Is the sole warranty extended by ]St. D. Our liability under this warranty is limited to the refurnishing of materials and does not include any responsibility for Incidental, consequential, or other damages of any nature. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 MANUFACTURERS A. Acceptable Manufacturer. Invisible Structures, Inc., which is located at: 3610 Himalaya Rd Suite 200 ; Aurora, CO 80011; Tel: 3D3-233-8383; Web: www.invisiblestructures.corn. B. Substitutions: {dot permitted. 2.2 GRASSPAVE2 A Composition: 1. Manufactured In the USA. 2. High density polyethylene (HDPE� 100 percent recycled materials. 3. Color black 4. Color Uniformity: Uniform color throughout all units rolls. 5. Carbon Black for ultraviolet light stabilization. 6. Hydrogrow soll amendment and fertilizer, provkted by manufacturer with Grasspave2. B. Performance Properties: 1. Maximum Loading Capabllity: 115,94) psi (2-29 mlllion p9f, 109,906 kPa) when flJled with sand_ 2. Wheelchair Access testing for ADA Compliance: Passing ASTM F 1951-08. 3. Wheelchair Access testing for ADA Compliance: Passing Rotational Penetrometer tasting. 4. Tensile slrertgth, pu"part testing: 458 IMM from ASTM D638 Modl#ed. 5. System Permeability (Grasspave2, sand, base course): 2.63 to 38.55 inches of water per hour. G. Effective Imperviousness (E.I.):10%. C. Dimensions (Individual units are assembled and distributed Into roils): 1. Roll area: From 108 sq R (10 sq m) to 538 sq ft (50 sq m), in 108 sq It (10 sq m) increments 2. Roll Widths: From 3.3 ft (1 m) to 8.2 ft (2.5 m), in 1.6 ft (0.5 m) increments. 3. Roll Lengths: From 32.8 ft (10m) to 65.6 ft (20 m), in 3.3 ft (1 m) increment& 4. Roil Weights: From 41 bs (19kg) to 205 Ibs (93kg), In 41 ibs (19 kg) increments. 5. Unit Nominal Width by Length: 2D Inches by 20 Inches (0.5 m by OS m) or40 Inches by40 inches (1mbyIm). 6. Nominal Depth: 1 inch (2.5 cm) -for rolls and Individual units. 7. Unit Welgtd: 18 oz (510 g) or 5 Ibs. (2.27 kg). 8. Volume Solid: 8 percent. 2.3 SYSTEM MATERIALS GO/CSI-321243 AprK=5 PAOE4 Notes: All measurements are subject to manufacturing tolerances, unless otherwise specified A. Base Course: Sandy gravel material from local sources commonly used for road base construction (recycled materials such as crushed concrete or crushed asphalt are NOT acceptable). 1. Conforming to the following sieve analysis and requirements: a. 100 percent passing sieve size 1 inch (25 mm). b. 90-100 percent passing sieve size 3/4 inch (19 mm). C. 70-80 percent passing sieve size 3/8 inch (9 mm). d. 55-70 percent passing sieve size #4. e. 45-55 percent passing sieve size #10. f. 25-35 percent passing sieve size #40. g. 3-8 percent passing sieve size #200. 2. Provide a base course material nearly neutral in pH (range from 6.5 to 7.2) to provide adequate root zone development for turf. 3. Material may be either "pit run" or "crusher run." Avoid using clay based crusher run/pit run. Crusher run material will generally require coarse, well -draining sand conforming to AASHTO M6 or ASTM C 33 to be added to mixture (20 to 30 percent by volume) to ensure long-term porosity. 4. Alternative materials such as crushed shell, limerock, or crushed lava may be used for base course use, provided they are mixed with sharp sand (20 to 30 percent) to ensure long-term porosity, and are brought to proper compaction. Without added sand, crushed shell and limerock set up like concrete and become Impervious. 5. Alternative size and/or composition of base course materials should be submitted to Invisible Structures, Inc. (Manufacturer) for approval. B. Sand Fill for Rings and Spaces Between Rings: Clean sharp sand (washed concrete sand). Choose one of the following: 1. Coarse, well -draining sand, such as washed concrete sand conforming to AASHTO M6 or ASTM C-33. 2. United States Golf Association (USGA) greens, section - sand mix "The Root Zone Mixture." C. Turf Conditioner: 1. Hydrogrow a proprietary soil amendment manufactured by Invisible Structures, Inc. and provided with Grasspave2. 2. NO SUBSTITUTIONS. Notes: Use grass species resistant to wear by traffic generally a BluelRye/Fescue mix used for athletic fields in northern climates, and Zoysia, Fescue, or Bermuda types in southern climates. Check with local sod and seed suppliers for preferred mixtures. Dedicated fire lanes can use same grass species used on surrounding turf. Parking applications require greatest wear -resistant species possible, generally available only by seed or hydroseeding/hydro-mulching. D. Grass — Choose either sod or seed: 1. Sod: [ _ ]- Use 13 mm (0.5") thick (soil thickness) rolled sod from a reputable local grower. Species should be wear resistant, free from disease, and in excellent condition. Sod shall be grown in sand or sandy loam soils only. Sod grown in soils of clay, silt, or high organic materials such as peat, will not be accepted. 2. Seed: 1 ]. Use seed materials, of the preferred species for local environmental and projected traffic conditions, from certified sources. Seed shall be provided in containers clearly labeled to show seed name, lot number, net weight, % weed seed content, and guaranteed % of purity and germination. Pure Live Seed types and amount shall be as shown on plans. a. Mulch — needed only for hydroseeding: Wood or paper cellulose commercial mulch materials compatible with hydroseeding operations. Mulch depth according to mulch GB/CSI-3212 43 APRIL 2015 PAGE 5 manufacturers' recommendation. DO NOT use mulch of straw, pine needles, etc., because of their low moisture holding capacity. b. Topsoil — needed only for seeding, recommended for hydroseedin9: Obtain specified topsoil for a light "dusting' (no more than "A* or 13mm) above rings filled with sand for seeding germination. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 INSPEMON A. Examine subgrade and base course Installed conditions. Do not start porous paving Installation until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Check for improperly compacted trenches, debris, and improper gradients. B. For fire lane Installations: prior to installing base course for turf paving, obtain approval of local fire authorities of sub -base. C. Start of installation constitutes acceptance of exlsting conditions and uesponslblllly for satisfactory performance. If existing conditions are found unsatisfactory, contact Archlbect for resolution. 3.2 PREPARATION Notes: Ensure that subbase materials are structurally adequate 4b nsosi►ro designed fiese scores, �roarNt9 course, and designed loads. Generally, axcevation info undisturbed normal strength soils will require no additional modification. Fill soils and otherwise sbucturaliy weak soils may require modiricuffons. such as geotexilies, geogrids, andlor compaction (not to exceed 90%� Ensure that grading and soil porosity of the subbase Wil provide adequate subsurface drainage A. Suhgrade Preparation: 1. Propane subgrade as specified In Section 3210 oo. Verify subgrade In accordance with porous Paving system manufaftrers Instructions. 2. Proper subgrade preparation will enable the Grasspave2 rolls/unfts to connect properly and remain Notes: For Fire lanes and emergency access, It Is recommended that Fire Department inspectors be scheduled to inspect Installation of Grasspave2 during preparation of the subbase, installation of the base course, and installation of Gresspmm2 units. Most small projeols can accommodate Visas inspections GM on the some day. Verity with Fire Department If COM08153 of inspection are required, level and stationary after installation. 3. Excavate area allowing for unit thickness. the engineered base depth (where required), and 0.5 inch (1.25 cm) for depth of sod root zone or topsoil germination area (when appllcabiej. 4. Provide adequate drainage from excavated area If area has potentlai to collect water, when woddng with In -place soils that have poor permeability. 5. Ensure in -place soil Is relatively dry and free from standing water. B. uniformly grade base. 7. Level and clear base of large objects, such as rocks and pieces of wood. S. Lase Preparation: I. Install Base as specified in Section 3210 00. Verify engineered base (tf required) is installed in accordance with porous paving system manufacturers instructions. 2. Coordlnate base installation and preparation with subdrains specified In Seallon 33 46 00. 3. If required, place a geotextiie separation layer between the natural ground and the 'engineered base'. 4. If required, Install the specified sub -drain and outlet according to constnlctlon drawings. 5. Coordinate base installation and preparation with irrigation and drip irrigation lines specified in Section 32 80 00 and 32 8413, respectively. 8. Place engineered base in Itfts not to exceed 6 Inches (150 mm), compacting each lift separately to GOICSI-321243 APRIL2016 PAGEB 95 percent Modified Proctor. Leave 1 inch (2.5 cm) of depth below final grade for porous paver unit and sand fill and 0.5 inch (1.25 cm) for depth of sod root zone or topsoil germination area (when applicable). Notes: Delete requirement for on -site manufacturer's field representative if not required 3.3 ON -SITE MANUFACTURER'S FIELD REPRESENTATIVE A. A qualified Manufacturer's field representative shall be available for a pre -construction meeting via phone or In person and will provide installation videos, design details, installation instructions, and the technical specifications. B. The time for on -site observation shall be Indicated In the Contract Documents and included in the base bid price. 3.4 HYDROGROW INSTALLATION A. Spread all Hydrog row mix provided (spreader rate = 4.53 kg per 100 m2 (10 Ibs per 1076 ft2) evenly over the surface of the base course with a hand-held, or wheeled, rotary spreader. B. The Hydrogrow mix should be placed immediately before installing the Grasspave2. 3.5 GRASSPAVE2INSTALLATION A. Install the Grasspave2 units by placing units with rings facing up, and using snap -fit connectors, pegs and holes, provided to maintain proper spacing and interlock the units. Units can be easily shaped with pruning shears or knife. Units placed on curves, slopes, and high traffic areas shall be anchored to the base course, using 40d common nails with fender washer, as required to secure units in place. Tops of rings shall be between 6 mm to 13 mm (0.25" to 0.5") below the surface of adjacent hard -surface pavements. B. Install sand in rings as they are laid in sections by "back -dumping" directly from a dump truck, or from buckets mounted on tractors, which then exit the site by driving over rings already filled with sand. The sand Is then spread laterally from the pile using flat bottomed shovels and/or wide "asphalt rakes" to fill the rings. A stiff bristled broom should be used for final "finishing" of the sand. The sand must be "compacted" by using water from hose, irrigation heads, or rainfall, with the finish grade no less than the top of rings and no more than 6 mm (0.25") above top of rings. 3.6 INSTALLATION OF GRASS A. Grass coverage on the sand -filled rings must be completed within one week. Sand must be re -installed and leveled and Grasspave2 checked for integrity if rings become exposed due to wind, rain, traffic, or other factors. (Choose one paragraph below to meet grass installation method desired.) Notes: Choose one paragraph below to match grass installation method Preferred method: Hydroseeding/hydro-mulching - A combination of water, seed and fertilizer are homogeneously mixed in a purpose-built, truck -mounted tank. The seed mixture is sprayed onto the site at rates shown on plans and per hydroseeding manufacturer's recommendations. Coverage must be uniform and complete. Following germination of the seed, areas lacking germination larger than 20 cm x 20 cm (8" x 8") must be reseeded Immediately. Seeded areas must be fertilized and kept moist during development of the turf plants. ). DO NOT DRIVE ON SYSTEM: Hydroseeded/hydro-mulch areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, for a period of 6 to 8 weeks, or until the root system has penetrated and established well below the Grasspave2 units. Install thin sod directly over sand filled rings, filled no higher than the top of the rings. Sod strips should be placed with very tight joints. Sodded areas must be fertilized and kept moist during root GBICSI-3212 43 APRIL 2016 PAGE 7 establishment (minimum of 3 weeks). DO NOT DRIVE ON SYSTEM: Sodded areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, for a period of 3 to 4 weeks, or until the root system has penetrated and established well below the Grasspave2 units. 3. install grass seed at rates per grass type. Alight "dusting" of commercial topsoil mix, not to exceed 1/2" (25 mm) will be placed above the rings and seed mix to aid germination rates. Seeded areas must be fertilized and kept moist during development of the turf plants. ). DO NOT DRIVE ON SYSTEM: Seeded areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, for a period of 6 to 8 weeks, or until the root system has penetrated and established well below the Grasspave2 units. B. Adequately water sod or grass seed to assure germination of seed and growth of root system. 3.7 PROTECTION Notes: Choose one paragraph below to match nrr:ss installation method. - --- A. Seeded areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, for a period of 4 to 8 weeks, or until the grass Is mature to handle traffic. B. Sodded areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, for a period of 3 to 4 weeks, or until the root system has penetrated below the Grasspave2 units. 3.8 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Remove and replace segments of Grasspave2 units where three or more adjacent rings are broken or damaged, reinstalling as specified, so no evidence of replacement is apparent. B. Perform cleaning during the Installation of work and upon completion of the work. Remove all excess materials, debris, and equipment from site. Repair any damage to adjacent materials and surfaces resulting from Installation of this work. 3.9 MAINTENANCE A. Maintain grass in accordance with manufacturer's Instructions and as specified In Section 32 92 00 Manufacturers of Turfs and Grasses. B. Lawn Care: Normal turf care procedures should be followed, including de -thatching. C. DO NOT AERATE. Aerator will damage the Grasspave2 units. Aeration in not necessary in a sand root zone. D. When snow removal is required, keep a metal edged plow blade a minimum of % Inch (17 mm) above the surface during plowing operations to avoid causing damage to the Grasspave2 units, or Use a plow blade with a flexible rubber edge, or Use a plow blade with skids on the lower outside comers set so the plow blade does not come in contact with the units. END OF SECTION GB/CSI-3212 43 APRIL 2015 PAGE 8 GRASSPAVE2 INSTALLATION GUIDE - Grasspave2 Porous Grass Pavement Introduction A. This document describes step-by-step information on how to properly install the Grasgmve2 Porous Pavement System. Grasspave2 provides vehicular and pedestrian load support for grass areas, while protecting grass roots from harmful effects of traffic. The major components of the complete system are the Grasspave2 units, an engineered base course, Hydrogrow soil amendment/fertilizer, sand, and grass from seed, hydromulch, or sod. B. Contractors: Only licensed contractors should install the Grasspave2 system. The contractor should have a good performance record with similar construction projects. Homeowners should only attempt installation after they have read and undentood fully this installation guide and/or our Technical Specifications. C. Landscaping: Plant a grass species in Gmspave2 that 1) is climate appropriate, 2) will receive the necessary maintenance for the species (irrigation and fertilizer support), 3) is wear resistant to hold up to vehicular traffic, 4) can be grown in a sand -based toot zone, S) is shade tolerant (if applicable). F. Warning: Unless there is an emergency, DO NOT DRIVE, PARK ON, or use Grasspave2 system for two or three mowing cycles until grass root system has matured (about 3 to 4 weeks for sod or 6 to 8 weeks for seeded areas). Any barricades constructed to prevent traffic flow must still be accessible by emergency and fire equipment during and after installation. G. Warranty: Invisible Structures, Inc. (ISI) warrants to its purchasers that all products furnished by ISI will be free from defects in material and/or workmanship. This warranty shall be extended for a period of five (S) years following the date of shipment by ISI. Providing a written claim is presented to ISI within the warranty period and adieu inspection by ISI showing the materials have failed under this warranty, all defective materials shall be refurnished under this warranty, at no charge, excluding re -installation costs. This in lieu of all other warranties expressed or implied and is the sole warranty extended by ISI. Our liability under this warranty is limited to the refurnishing of materials and does not include any responsibility for incidental, consequential, or other damages of any nature. Delivery, Storage, and Handling A. Store products in manufactum's unopened packaging until ready for installation. B. Protect Grasspave2 units/rolls from damage during delivery and store rolls upright (like soda can), and under a tarp to protect from sunlight when time for delivery to installation exceeds one week. Do riot store rolls on their sides. C. Store Hydrogrow in a dark and dry location. D. Handling: Protect materials during handling and installation to prevent damage. Instillafion Considerations A. Review installation procedures and coordinate Grasspave2 work with other work affected. Generally, Grasspave2 is installed at the same time as project grass installation, nearly the last site construction activity. B. Do not begin installation of porous pavements until all hard surface paving adjacent to porous pavement areas, including Concrete walks and asphalt paving, is completed. C. Install turf when ambient air temperatures is at least 55 degrees F (13 degrees Q. D. In cold weather, do not use frozen materials or materials mixed or coated with ice or frost, and do not build on frozen base or wet, saturated or muddy subgrade. E. Protect partially completed paving against damage from other construction traffic when work is in progress. F. Adequately water sod or grass seed to assure germination of seed and growth of root system. G. Grass Coverage on the sand -filled Grasspave2 rings must be completed within one week. H. DO NOT DRIVE, PARK ON, or use Grasspave2 system for two or three mowing cycles until grass root system has matured (about 3 to 4 weeks for sod or 6 to 8 weeks for seeded areas). Any barricades constructed must still be accessible by emergency and firs equipment during and after installation. Materials A. Grasspave2 Porous Paving Rolls B. Base Course: Sandy gravel material from local sources commonly used for road base construction (recycled materials such as crushed concrete or crashed aggregate are NOT acceptable). 1. Conforming to the following sieve analysis and requirements: 10D percent passing sieve sine 1 inch (25 mm). 90-100 percent passing sieve size 3/4 inch (19 rum). 70-80 percent passing sieve size 3/8 inch (9 mm)., 55-70 percent passing sieve size #4. 45-55 percent passing sieve size #10. 25-35 percent passing sieve size #40. 3-8 percent passing sieve sine #200. 2. Provide a base course material nearly neutral in pH (range from 6.5 to 7.2) to provide adequate root zone development for turf. 3. Material may be either "pit run" or "crusher run." Avoid using clay based crusher run/pit run. Crusber run material will generally require coarse, well -draining sand conforming to AASHTO M6 or ASTM C 33 to be added to mixture (20 to 30 percent by volume) to ensure long-term porosity. 4. Alternative materials such as crushed shell, limerock, or crushed lava may be used for base course use, provided they are mixed with sharp sand (20 to 30 percent by volume) to ensure long-term porosity, and are brought to proper compaction. Without added sand, crushed shell and limerock setup like concrete and become impervious. 5. Alternative size and/or composition of base course materials should be submitted to Invisible Structures, Inc. (Manufacturer) for approval. C. Sand Pill for Rings and Spaces Between Rings: Clean sharp sand (washed concrete sand). Choose one of the following: 1. Coarse, well -draining sand, such as washed concrete sand conforming to AASHTO M6 or ASTM C-33. 2. United States Golf Association (USGA) greens, section - sand mix "The Root Zone Mixture:, D. Turf Conditioner: 1. Hydrogrow a proprietary soil amendment manufactured by Invisible Structures, Inc. and provided with Grasspave2. 2. NO SUBSTITUTIONS. E. Grass — Choose either sod or seed. Use grass species resistant to wear by traffic generally a BluelRyelFescue mix used for athletic fields in northern climates, and Zoysia, Fescue, or Bermuda types in southern climates. Check with local sod and seed suppliers for preferred mixtures. Dedicated fire lanes can use same grass species used on surrounding turf. Parking applications require greatest wear -resistant species possible, generally available only by seed or hydroseeding/hydro-mulching. 1. Sod: Use 13 mm (0.5") thick (soil thickness) rolled sod from a reputable local grower. Species should be wear resistant, free from disease, and in excellent condition. Sod shall be grown in sand or sandy loam soils only. Sod grown in soils of clay, silt, or high organic materials such as peat, will not be accepted. Seed: Use seed materials, of the preferred species for local environmental and projected traffic conditions, from certified sources. Seed shall be provided in containers clearly labeled to show seed name, lot number, net weight, % weed seed content, and guaranteed % of purity and germination, Pure Live Seed types and amount shall be as shown on a. Mulch — needed only for hydroseeding Wood or paper cellulose commercial mulch materials compatible with hydroseeding operations. Mulch depth according to mulch manufacturers' recommendation. DO NOT use mulch of straw, pine needles, etc., because of their low moisture holding capacity. b. Topsoil — needed only for seeding, recommended for hydroseeding: Obtain specified topsoil for a light "dusting" (NO MORE than !h" or 13mm) above rings filled with sand for seeding germination. F. Fertilizer: A commercial "starter" fertilizer, with Guaranteed Analysis of 17-23-6, or as recommended by local grass supplier, for rapid germination and root development. G. Grasspave2 Sign: A sign to identify the presence of Grasspave2 paving, stating that special maintenance is required, with the Manufacturer's phone number, and made of durable materials for outdoor exposure shall be provided and installed. H_ Fire lane Signage & Delineation: Fire lanes must be identified regarding their entrance and physical location with the placement of signs, gates, curbs, bollards, etc. Specific Signage wording and other details must be coordinated with and approved by local fire authorities. INSTALLATION Insertion (For Fire lanes and emergency access, It is recommended that Fire Department inspectors be scheduled to inspect installation of Grasspave2 during preparation of the subbase, installation of the base course, and installation of Grasspave2 units. Most smallprojects can accommodate these inspections all on the same day. Verify with Fire Department if certajiicsates of inspection are required,) A. Examine subgrade and base course installed conditions. Do not start porous paving installation until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected. Check for improperly compacted trenches, debris, and improper gradients. B. For fire lane installations: prior to installing base course for turf paving, obtain approval of local fire authorities of sub -base. C. Start of installation constitutes acceptance of existing conditions and responsibility for satisfactory performance. If existing conditions are found unsatisfactory, contact Architect .for resolution. EIMM"M (Ensure that subbase materials are structurally adequate to receive designed base course, wearing course, and designed loads. Generally, excavation into undisturbed normal strength soils will require no additional modification. Fill soils and otherwise structurally weak soils may require modifications, such as geotextiles, geogrids, andlor compaction (not to exceed 9017o). Ensure that grading and soil porosity of the subbase will provide adequate subsurface drainage) A. Subgrade Preparation: I . Prepare subgrade as specified for project. 2. Proper subgrade preparation will enable the Grasspave2 rollslnnits to connect properly and remain level and stationary after installation. 3. Excavate area allowing for unit thickness (1 in), the engineered base depth (where required), and 0.5 inch (1.25 cm) for depth of sod toot zone or topsoil germination area (when applicable). 4. Provide adequate drainage from excavated area if area has potential to collect water, when working with in -place soils that have poor permeability. S. Ensure in -place soil is relatively dry and free from standing water. 6. Uniformly grade base. 7. Level and clear base of large objects, such as rocks and pieces of wood. B Base Preparation: r 1. Install Base as specified. 2. Coordinate base installation and preparation with subdrains (if necessary). 3. If required, place a geotextile separation layer between the natural ground and the `engineered base'. 4. If required, install the specified sub -drain and outlet ; according to construction drawings. 5. Coordinate base installation and preparation with irrigation and drip irrigation lines. 6. Place engineered base in lifts not to exceed 6 inches (150 nuu), compacting each lift separately to 95 percent Modified Proctor. 7. Leave 1 inch (2.5 cm) of depth below final grade for porous paver unit and sand fill and 0.5 inch (1.25 cm) for depth of sod root zone or topsoil germination area (when applicable). H dry grow bmtellafion A. Spread all Hydxogrow mix provided (spreader rate = 453 kg per IOU m2 (10 lbs per 1076 ft2) evenly over the surface of the base course with a hand-held, or wheeled, rotary spreader. B. The Hydrogrow mix should be placed immediately before installing the Grasspave2. Grasspave2 Unit Installation A. Install the Grasspave2 units by placing units with rings facing up, and using snap -fit connectors, pegs and holes, provided to maintain proper spacing and interlock the units. Units can be easily shaped with pruning shears or knife. Units placed on curves, slopes, and high traffic areas shall be anchored to the base course, using 40d common nails with fender washer, as required to secure units in place. Tops of rings shall be between 6 mm to 13 mm (0.25" to 0.5") below the surface of adjacent hard -surface pavements. B. Install sand in rings as they are laid in sections by "back - dumping" directly from a dump truck, or from buckets mounted on tractors, which then exit the site by driving over rings already filled with sand. The sand is then spread laterally from the pile using flat bottomed shovels and/or wide "asphalt rakes" to fill the rings. A stiff bristled broom should be used for final "finishing" of the sand. The sand must be "compacted" by using water from hose, irrigation heads, or rainfall, with the finish grade no less than the top of rings and no more than 6 mm (025") above top of rings. Installation of Grass A. Grass coverage on the sand -filled rings must be completed within one week. Sand must be re -installed and leveled and Grasspave2 checked for integrity if rings become exposed due to wind, rain, traffic, or other factors. Notes: Choose one paragraph below to match grass installation method 1. Preferred method: Hydroseedingthydro-mulching -A combination of water, seed and fertilizer are homogeneously mixed in a purpose-built, truck -mounted tank. The seed mixture is sprayed onto the site at rates shown on plans and per hydroseeding manufacturer's recommendations. Coverage must be uniform and complete. Following germination of the seed, areas lacking germination larger than 20 cm x 20 cm (8" x 8") must be reseeded itn nediately. Seeded areas must be fertilized and kept moist during development of the turf plants. ). DO NOT DRIVE ON SYSTEM: Hydroseeded/hydro- mulch areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, for a period of 6 to 8 weeks, or until the root system has penetrated and established well below the Grasspave2 units. OR 2. Install thin sod directly over sand filled rings, filled no higher than the top of the rings. Sod strips should be placed with very tight joints. Sodded areas must be fertilized and kept dioist during root establishment (minimum of 3 weeks). DO NOT DRIVE ON SYSTEM: Sodded areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, for a period of 3 to 4 weeks, or until the root system has penetrated and established well below the Grasspave2 units. OR 3. Install grass seed at rates per grass type. A light "dusting" of commercial topsoil mix, not to exceed 1/2" (25 mm) will be placed above the rings and seed mix to aid germination rates. Seeded areas must be fertilized and kept moist during development of the turf plants). DO NOT DRIVE ON SYSTEM: Seeded areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, for a period of G to 8 weeks, or until the root system has penetrated and established well below the Grasspave2 units. B. Adequately water sod or grass seed to assure germination of seed and growth of root System. Froteeg Choose one paragraph below to match grass installation method. A. Seeded areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, for a period of 4 to 8 weeks, or until the grass is mature to handle traffic. B. Sodded areas must be protected from any traffic, other than emergency vehicles, for a period of 3 to 4 weeks, or until the root system has penetrated below the Grasspave2 units. FWQualityt Cuntrgi A. Remove and replace segments of Grasspave2 units where three or more adjacent rings are broken or damaged, reinstalling as specified, so no evidence of replacement is apparent. B. Perform cleaning during the installation of work and upon completion of the work. Remove all excess materials, debris, and equipment from site. Repair any damage to adjacent materials and surfaces resulting from installation of this work. INVISIBLE STRUCTURES' Invisible Structures, Inc. 303.233.8393 www.invisibeistructures.com Oat I S aia ` ' t::E 1 n' nt 'a i � •r I - !•C � S`�>11{ 1i 1 I cc•nrcri� Eli 1 SC J a tk CD 2 ya is It It Rf g t7sail i�36. v1I 1r .vi n: .` 19 t o ail iff � ills F] 1QI J ! k2 _ Ue s kfg '� " 8 Jill g l m Jp� gihill Qi�d 5 �J it%g 1� .� € v► � i �1�1 �'�� �.StR P tY • -.i• '11ltkl�! �� Ij L.— --- F'' p� Q PPRd -v 40 11� MYY 5 j fj1k ll�� 6 ❑ fill l�@lEflfl�ir�iti MINN w fill 1 pill Nut _ �y31151i Y{ 7 I f ; I ,a ii unn .01 'i + l' JiII i (F a� Y 5 p a} "' � d i [ �'2_15 VJ �V.l�yii 1od1 ,jx F�! I �� �;;; S3�NBOISM AaaN3d O30NIa 19 s f oil: H S SGISSUAHONU CSOM lial I BON V:)'V-LNino vi us I E S CE E I E El H E ES 3 a Fj C-3 E! 8 El r I 'd I I I lijjj BEI 8 MSEDE! Oily smowoNnasioe V:)'VINino vi cello511 1 1 , il 1 1 11 111 B F- BBSE 2 .. .. r.-. r� - R I I L 45 tz R El M rt.! R FEI R .9.1 a lwl W mix LLJ �.C= Q� L= COD Ary c u = C U IT = A c 133 U co t N _ e ;� N a U ry V G A cli � 1 1 v4 r V C o rq 74 s W 7"I LP Ln 1 OD - C) t a d IM :3 W 9 2 cor � VJ W r� Y W J V z W LU 2 W N N r�r flfff , BBE) oo8EfIN z z A Q ■ �. SHEET NOTES FIRE CODE AVENUE 52 I \ I :: O O O 00 M LO Lid LO (D1 U a) ¢I z LU 0 I 0 U 0 U) F- 0 0 ry 0 0 1 0 O <n U c� Cl) Cl) M M 6) LO ti LC) LC) O CD co Cl) 0 SITE FIRE ACCESS SCALE: 1 = 160-0 1. COMPLETE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS; FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS; INCLUDING AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS, WET, AND DRY STANDPIPES; HALON SYSTEMS AND OTHER SPECIAL TYPES OF AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS; AND OTHER APPURTENANCES THERETO SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALL _ 2. POST INDICATOR VALVES, FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS, AND ALARM BELL SHALL BE zC LOCATED ON THE ADDRESS / ACCESS SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE PER UFC 1001.4 3. BUILDING ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR \ ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY PER FHPS POLICY P-00-6 UFC 901.4.4 4. FIRE ACCESS ROADWAY SIGNS OR RED CURBS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH FHPS POLICY A-08-1 5. FIRE ACCESS LANE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO WITHSTAND 95,000 LBS PER FHPS POLICY A-08-1 AND ALSO COMPLY W/ CFC 503 - MOST CONSERVATIVE LANGUAGE GOVERNS: ALL FIRE ACCESS ROADS WILL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE IMPOSED LOAD OF AT LEAST 75,000 LBS AND WILL NOT EXCEED 105 OF GRADE. ALL FEATURES OF THE FIRE ACCESS ROADS INCLUDING TURNING RADIUS AND DEAD END DESIGN WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CFC 503 AND APPENDIX D OR OTHER APPROVED. \ RESOLUTION 2017-001 / SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-009: 56. "ALL FIRE DEPARTMENT APPLIANCES SUCH AS, FDCs AND PIVs SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE FRONT ACCESS SIDE OF THE BUILDING. PIV AND FDC APPLIANCES SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 40' FROM THE BUILDING AND WITHIN 50' OF AN APPROVED ROADWAY AND NO TABLE C102.1 REQUIRED NUMBER AND SPACING OF FIRE HYDRANTS FIRE -FLOW REQUIREMENT MINIMUM NUMBER AVERAGE SPACING MAXWUJM DISTANCE FROM ANY [gpm} OF HYDRANTS BETWEEN HYORANTSI°`•'•a (feet) POINT ON STREET OR ROAD FRONTAGE TO A HYDRANT''''° 1.750 or less 1 500 250 2•oon-2a50 2 450 225 FIRE FLOW: MINIMUM 2,500 GPM AT 20 PSI RESIDUAL PRESSURE WHILE SIMULTANIOUSLY FLOWING AT A MINIMUM OF 2 MOST -REMOTE FIRE HYDRANTS PER RSFD COMMENT 05.07.2020 1,000 GPM/ 20 PSI FOR RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES PER RSFD LETTER 03.23.2016 For 51: I foot = 304.8 mm. N 0 P, 2fi' R TY 20` 60-FOOT -Y 60, 20' 28' R TYP zs• 120-FOOT HAMMERHEAD 2D` 26' 20' 20' MINIMUM CLEARANCE AROUND A FIRE HYDRANT 28' R TYP. 70' 20' 20' ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO 120-FOOT HAMMERHEAD FIGURE D103.1 DEAD-END FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD TURNAROUND PHI; I I wR fives I `, kN fir I,, k g UK "'E r� r Ufa# higa§ga� 9s "a FACE FACE �t3 41il_ g� cummI r CLAMI �Ir $ I I row - -- --- ---- ------ J 4 � � C4elVET OI/rYE2 4b ________ ________h J SSS ][ $ 'r' ��-' .RNYA_6 C O !C 76 t6'�77-d0.76 © CURB R PROPERTY L R L CLrIB R L PRCP9iiY R L 76'1CfP HP a�.ar:,w 701fi 21]'ST 7l' a6 N7_A7 N' 770.1Y Te P3 Si r� �' aV 11' 7r 9M1OP ta'18lt 771' SLrr toV 7P98 x1s st'tY !!' r.1R9e ee •7ae.P LEFT OR RROOFFSET 1UV DE LOCATED HOEr[ HT. i A i G o e b- i i V �� B h Z r 3r 9 °� jIII �{ I lr !a AM-MW M NOT TO 8OALE COLWW OF fbvFli aw OFFSET 91AMPARD—aooW m » ar ae.ea isovare rw m.ez � rro maa 2ro-ar+r aP r>som � rra.aP ar as a m esre xi°asap rrr 2a►e �ar � mr°rrr� ae tsrAs rP mas u ar sz +a Alto' +aver rrR s2ax +ar x>nA' anros rr a°' +ar.ar ca .ar�r m ao xs H' a1.dP 7r17ar 111111 MW tar Mm 27412evr aP 16.111 er 22LSr •�H cuR4Et 0=OFAOWMA 6aW - CL AE W=OFA0OMQKMaMM — 1Y POAO 2r-IS>D aasr — 7R'046P 8 M.1► — Armv'I®iT' Gd1NTr OF AIYifOluF ane aavAsr �� C. On streets• driveways, etc., where no curb exists and the entire right-of-way is to he a fire lane, paint bath sides of the street as indicated in Section B above. Paint white letters in the street Five (5) feet in height "FIRE LANE — NO PARKING — FIRE LANE — CVC 22500.1 ". Vertical separation between words shal be forty (40) feet (See Figures 2 & 3). STREET OR DRIVE FIRE (5•) wmrrE LANE (5') (AO' BETWEEN WORDS) RV WITH NO (5) WFnTE LETTERING PARKING (5) WKrrE FIRE (5') LANE (5'] CVC 22500.1 (5) Figure 20' 11 Ftra Ac Lana Notes l — O'l Reefferto: Landscape Planting LegamdLJ vehicular ,u art system III _ Il i Refer to: Landscape Consirucrio. Plan Rehr In_ Landscape Specifications �3 Compacted subbase Refer to- Landscape S eCiiications Referto: GeotechnicaiPEngiaEar's documents �d PerfOrated drain pipe wrapped in filter fabric Refer to: Civ+l Engineer's documents M5 Filtar fabrtp Refertn: Lanscape5pecificatien5 Conpacted sutagra ®de Referta;eaSeclRnical Engineers documents �7 AdE'acent couGrete pawing Refer to; Lanrtuapa Conslnaetion Plan ® Concrete containment curb Refer to- Gaotechnlcal Engineer's documents 20' FIRE LANE WITH TURF BLOCK Alternate Fire Lane beyond sign 4: "No Parking of Vehicles Beyond This Point" LEGEND STANIOPM M. 800 Mow Curb al Fire lane with red stencil every 30' intervai: No - Parking Flre Lane I PROPERTY LINE AB A MAIN ACCESS / INGRESS —� ERRANT BALL FLIGHT ZONE SECONDARY ACCESS / EAMK�] PROPOSED STRUCTURE INGRESS _ HOSE PULL (MAX. 300' FOR NEW ACCESS ROAD — GUEST VILLAS AND 12'-0" WIDE CONCRETE ANCILLARY BLDGS PER RSFD' ' OR ASPHALT (N) FIRE HYDRANT 8'-0" WIDE GRASSPAVE (E) FIRE HYDRANT INSIDE RADIUS > 28'-0" lop, OUTSIDE RADIUS > 48'-0"IV WALL MOUNTED FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION INCREASE FIRE HAZARD DESINITY BY ONE GROUP © KNOX BOX UP, SEE DEFFERRED FIRE SUPRESSION SUBMITTAL STAND PIPE CLASS 3/250 GALLON (IN WALL CABINET/ IV FREE STANDING) KEY PLAN SILVERROCK LODGING, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States 0 Date Description 2019 12-20 PERMIT SET A 2020 04-03 CD - PERMIT 2ND CYCLE B 2020 06-19 CD - PERMIT 3RD CYCLE C 2020 07-10 CD - PERMIT 4TH CYCLE Seal / Signature K J \ C 26830 `)'y /V 913z, t'�F Project Name SILVERROCK - SITE Project Number 55.7598.004 Description SITE PLAN - FIRE ACCESS Scale As indicated 0' 80, 160' 320' S1 A00n502 M © 2015 Gensler CD CD 0 co M LO LO LO I N L) U ¢I z LU �I 0 U 0 f) I- 0 0 ry 0 0 1 U O U 0 CD co (DR CID LO ti LO LO CD CD co co 2 m a co M co 0 0 CV O (V ti LO v�TU �r FF�0T v DROP-OFF `�' FIRE ANNUNCIATOR FDC-6 05 03 04 BUILD G I • 1 0 < 30' / o I FULL LEF rn TRI I TIOKI _ L_t 0 o :,! J o 150'— 150' U (181' O 1 STORY FULL.- SPRINKLERED �CONST It • ������•!•!•!•...��!�� -!� . • ��, FREE STANDING FDC ®o 4V ` FREE STANDING FDC GOL / / ALL TURNOUT TYPICAL 40'X26' PER RCFD STANDARD EXISTING PATH A GOLF COURSE 0 N.I.C. NOTE: ` ALL STRUCTURES TYPE VB CONSTRUCTION BUILDING GROUPINGS DO NOT EXCEED AGGREGATE 28,000 GSF AREA AND ARE ONE STORY I FIRE SEPERATION OF ALL STRUCTURES > 10', NO FIRE RATED WALLS REQUIRED. I ol H1 & HS FIRE ACCESS SCALE: 1" = 80'-0" nnnA1TAf'C f'_I ICCTDnnRA AInTCC SHEET NOTES THE MONTAGE GUESTROOM VILLAS WITH-NFPA l S/ CI T AZ RD SPRINKLER SYSTEMS ARE 1. COMPLETE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS; FIRE EXTINGUISHING CONSIDERED A SINGLE BUILDING PER CBC 7-5. > C PTION f. CLUSTERS AGGREGATE AREA SYSTEMS; INCLUDING AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS, WET, AND DRY STANDPIPES; HALON ARE BELOW 28 000 GSF (TYPE VB SINGLE STORY, SPRINKLERED, MEASURED TO ROOF LINE). CLUSTER 5 IS 9 0_ S _ABOVE THE 28,000 GSF LIMIT AND WILL CONFORM WITH APPLIED AREA SYSTEMS AND OTHER SPECIAL TYPES OF AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS; AND OTHER APPURTENANCES THERETO SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY FOR C INCREASE. REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALL • CLUSTER #1 CONSISTS OF BUILDINGS #1-3, 24 WITH 15,250 GSF AREA MEASURED TO ROOF 2. POST INDICATOR VALVES, FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS, AND ALARM BELL SHALL BE LINE. LOCATED ON THE ADDRESS / ACCESS SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE PER UFC 1001.4 • CLUSTER #2 CONSISTS OF BUILDINGS #4-7 WITH 16,000 GSF. 3. BUILDING ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR • CLUSTER #3 CONSISTS OF BUILDINGS #8-13 WITH 24,000 GSF. • CLUSTER #4A CONSISTS OF BUILDINGS #14-19 WITH VAS . Ac 4. ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY PER FHPS POLICY P-00-6 UFC 901.4.4 FIRE ACCESS ROADWAY SIGNS OR RED CURBS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH FHPS POLICY • CLUSTER #413 CONSISTS OF BUILDINGS #20-23 WITH 6 0 G A-08-1 • CLUSTER #5 CONSISTS OF BUILDINGS #25-32 WITH A95 S 5. FIRE ACCESS LANE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO WITHSTAND 95,000 LBS PER FHPS POLICY • CLUSTER #6 CONSISTS OF BUILDINGS #32-34 WITH 2� A-08-1 AND ALSO COMPLY W/ CFC 503 - MOST CONSERVATIVE LANGUAGE GOVERNS: ALL FIRE ACCESS ROADS WILL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE IMPOSED LOAD OF AT LEAST ALL CLUSTERS WITH THE EXCEPTION OF 4A AND 4B HAVE FIRE SEPARATION DISTANCES 75,000 LBS AND WILL NOT EXCEED 105 OF GRADE. ALL FEATURES OF THE FIRE ACCESS EXCEEDING 10' AND REQUIRE NO FIRE RATED WALLS OR ROOF OVERHANGS. THE FIRE ROADS INCLUDING TURNING RADIUS AND DEAD END DESIGN WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE SEPARATION DISTANCE BETWEEN CLUSTER 4A AND 4B IS 8'-6" FROM THE WALL AND 5'-6" FROM WITH CFC 503 AND APPENDIX D OR OTHER APPROVED. ROOF OVERHANG. THOSE EXTERIOR WALLS HAVE 1 HR FIRE RATING AND THE WINDOWS ARE LESS THAN 25% WALL SURFACE PER TABLE 705.8. THE ROOF OVERHANGS ARE 24" AS PER RESOLUTION 2017-001 / SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-009: TABLE 705.2. 56. "ALL FIRE DEPARTMENT APPLIANCES SUCH AS, FDCs AND PIVs SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE FRONT ACCESS SIDE OF THE BUILDING. PIV AND FDC APPLIANCES SHALL NOT BE INSTALL KNOX BOX AT LEVER SIDE OF MAIN ELECTRICAL ROOMS (BOH TYPE'E' ON SHEET S1 LESS THAN 40' FROM THE BUILDING AND WITHIN 50' OF AN APPROVED ROADWAY AND NO A00.551) AT BUILDINGS 2, 13, 20, 31. SEE NOTE 12 ON SHEET E00.004 FOR EXACT LOCATION. MORE THAN 200' FROM AN APPROVED HYDRANT." FIRE CODE TABLE C102.1 REQUIRED NUMBER AND SPACING OF FIRE HYDRANTS F[RE-FLOW REQUIREMENT MINIMUM NUMBER AVERAGE SPACING MAXWUM DISTANCE FROM ANY [gpm} OF HYDRANTS BETYVEEH Htoo ANTS ".9 {feet] POINT ON STREET OR ROAD FRONTAGE TO A HYDRANT 1.750 or less 1 500 250 2.000-2,250 2 450 225 FIRE FLOW 2,250 GPM/ 20 PSI FOR COMMERICAL STRUCTURES 1,000 GPM/ 20 PSI FOR RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES PER RSFD LETTER 03.23.2016 0 2D` 2fi' R 2fi• TYR 20' 2fi• 20• 60-FOOT -Y" MiNIMUM CLEARANCE AROUND A FIRE HYDRANT r.0 60, 28' R TYP- 20' 7a• 28' R TYP 2fi zs• 20' 120-FOOT HAMMERHEAD ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO 120-FOOT HAMMERHEAD For 51: I foot = 304.8 mm. FIGURE D103.1 DEAD-END FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD TURNAROUND • eit 1 fives I • �� Q 4N W A bt"V :; � to y�g 6 UNE urn tj �t�� r 1� h igs ga � 9s °�• i4 �a`ta•r�.e aa€ }r r i 8 k b 23 1i ' sate Nz 1 #BAR I Um 1 . h IF I. V IE CIliYE3 -------- ------ 16 t `-` i3 A h IN 4 h h ,., RAN. A a ll 0 ee m' 1s'ra-arLx © x°1ere axm R 110 r L R ar.ar'1w lrr . L _RL m,rr rrsrsr as wm M1A7 PROPERTYIS R L rs 770.rs T, B 6 _- •o' 7V tF +r 90.•v 1C1e3r 7fr a0v W mw w U&M W �%" e i G 5iggg�_, NOTE eFsaETR.VeELocArm HREA LBT oR Powir. e i i W k ►Nas>s;�s � I ' e�rie°•eH eLFntto= cw mx KMreaw nwAER-1Z1WGFwoREQM!!E NOT TO $CALE A 8 8 $ .�- — — 1Y •0.9• T-IS lO ]oar — — 7R'aP RP 8 M.1► — AM-WWBv: . GWNtY OF p1VEpBIGi arrRlrv®ar .. COLINTr OF RWif®7CF hlIR1 - RRIO! *i' OMET pr AlW1 Rl1C COCWI �..�. CUiJ'O�G eearwea• aR.aR aceur¢r me •r rwm Rm �, a wno utr cut_-D&S" ,� •�• m: nrty rt aw• .. _ srArvAsmRo-ao•w � ■ aTAroasm»o.eoo C. On streets• driveways, etc., where no curb exists and the entire right-of-way is to he a fire lane, paint bath sides of the street as indicated in section B above. Paint white letters in the street Five (5) feet in height "FIRE LANE - NO PARKING - FIRE LANE - CVC 22500.1 ". Vertical separation between words shall be forty (40) feet (See Figures 2 & 3). STREET OR DRIVE FIRE [5'] WHTE LANE [5'] (AO' BETWEEN WORDS) Rep wITH NO {5'] WHITE LETTERING PARKING [5'] WrrrrE FIRE [5'] m ar ar ee.ea isove6' rw m.ez � rvo may xro-vr+r es rs•sc � vs•F ar 9s a m airs xi°asar rrr aE►e tar � mr°lrsr ae tsras ra mas u ar sz +a Alto' +rsr cr r1s sTax tar nee' anros lr 2a' rm'.sr ca r•1�r m av xs n• •F.aF Trlsar nr uar tar Roos xTrsevs ev rer.Tr •r uErr LANE [5'] CVC 22500.1 [5'] Fi ra Mow Curb RI fire lane with red stencil every 30' interval: No - Parking Flre LRne ` _ _ _ _ .-� - - --- -- _ 2fi'rrin•:Tn Accaa Lsne -- A'. tufticck n Flm Accm 7 6• Concrete Paving I - Notes I _ i L iill rill" it Sad Refer Landscape Planting Legak E12Yehcu[ar Sl! en-t Sy9t4m Refer tot Landscape Co-nsiruc[ian Plan Refer Lo: Landscape Specifications �3 Compacted sub,hase Refer to- Landscape S eCiiications Referto: GeotechnicaiPEngiaeer'sdocuments �d Perforated drain pipewrapped in filter fabric Referto, Civil Engineer's documents �5 Filtar fabrtp Remrtn: Lanscape5pecificatiens ® conpacted subgrade Referta;eaSechnical Engineer% documents �7 AdE'acent concrete pawing Refer to; Lan[tuapa Cons lruetion Plan ® concrete containment curb Refer to: Gaotechnlcal Engmeee's documents 20' FIRE LANE WITH TURF BLOCK Alternate Fire Lane beyond sign 4: "No Parking of Vehicles Beyond This Point" LEGEND PROPERTY LINE - MAIN ACCESS / INGRESS — ERRANT BALL FLIGHT ZONE � SECONDARY ACCESS / INGRESS PROPOSED STRUCTURE _ HOSE PULL (MAX. 300' FOR GUEST VILLAS AND ANCILLARY BLDGS PER RSFD) NEW ACCESS ROAD 12'-0" WIDE CONCRETE (N) FIRE HYDRANT OR ASPHALT-" ® 8'-0" WIDE GRASSPAV2 P►t� (E) FIRE HYDRANT INSIDE RADIUS > 28'-0" IV OUTSIDE RADIUS > 48'-0" WALL MOUNTED FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION INCREASE FIRE HAZARD DESINITY 1r KNOX BOX BY ONE GROUP UP, SEE DEFFERRED FIRE SUPRESSION SUBMITTAL STAND PIPE CLASS 3/250 GALLON � (IN WALL CABINET/FREE STANDING) KEY PLAN AH HS H1 GR SILVERROCK LODGING, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensle 225 Broadway Suite 1600 San Diego, CA 92101 United States r Tel 619.557.2500 Fax 619.557.2520 0 Date Description 2020.01.31 CD - PERMIT 3RD CYCLE C 2020_05-08 CD - PERMIT 4TH CYCLE Seal 1 Signature K J C 26830 912P \F CA%-\�� Project Name SILVERROCK - SITE Project Number 55.7598.004 Description SITE PLAN - FIRE ACCESS H1,HS Scale As indicated 0' 40' 80' 160' S 1 AOOm5O3 © 2015 Gensler FIRE CODE H-2 FIRE ACCESS SCALE: 1" = 50'-0" a `o C U r C, C c GENERAL NOTES SHEET NOTES 1. COMPLETE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS; FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS; INCLUDING AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS, WET, AND DRY STANDPIPES; HALON SYSTEMS AND OTHER SPECIAL TYPES OF AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS; AND OTHER APPURTENANCES THERETO SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALL 2. POST INDICATOR VALVES, FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS, AND ALARM BELL SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE ADDRESS / ACCESS SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE PER UFC 1001.4 3. BUILDING ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY PER FHPS POLICY P-00-6 UFC 901.4.4 4. FIRE ACCESS ROADWAY SIGNS OR RED CURBS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH FHPS POLICY A-08-1 5. FIRE ACCESS LANE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO WITHSTAND 95,000 LBS PER FHPS POLICY A-08-1 AND ALSO COMPLY W/ CFC 503 - MOST CONSERVATIVE LANGUAGE GOVERNS: ALL FIRE ACCESS ROADS WILL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE IMPOSED LOAD OF AT LEAST 75,000 LBS AND WILL NOT EXCEED 105 OF GRADE. ALL FEATURES OF THE FIRE ACCESS ROADS INCLUDING TURNING RADIUS AND DEAD END DESIGN WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CFC 503 AND APPENDIX D OR OTHER APPROVED. RESOLUTION 2017-001 / SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-009: 56. "ALL FIRE DEPARTMENT APPLIANCES SUCH AS, FDCs AND PIVs SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE FRONT ACCESS SIDE OF THE BUILDING. PIV AND FDC APPLIANCES SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 40' FROM THE BUILDING AND WITHIN 50' OF AN APPROVED ROADWAY AND NO MORE THAN 200' FROM AN APPROVED HYDRANT." NOTE: AB ALL 3 STORY STRUCTURES TYPE VB CONSTRUCTION CENTER STRUCTURE 1 STORY TYPE VB CONSTRUCTION BUILDING GROUPINGS DO NOT EXCEED AGGREGATE 28,000 GSF AREA AND ONE STORY NO FIRE SEPARATION BETWEEN BUILDINGS REQUIRED FIRE SEPARATION TYPE VB > 10', NO FIRE RATED WALLS REQUIRED FIRE SEPARATION TYPE IIIB > 30' NO FIRE RATED WALLS REQUIRED FIRE SEPARATION OF EGRESS BALCONIES > 10' NO FIRE RATED WALLS REQUIRED (CBC 1021.4) POOL EQUIPMENT BUILDING AND RESTROOMS TO RECEIVE A CFC 903.3.8. FOR LIMITED AREA SPRINKLER SYSTEM TABLE C102.1 REQUIRED NUMBER AND SPACING OF FIRE HYDRANTS FIRE -FLOW REQUIREMENT MINIMUM NUMBER AVERAGE SPACING MAXWUJM DISTANCE FROM ANY [gpm} OF HYDRANTS BETWEEN HYDRANTS'°`•'•a (feet) POINT ON STREET OR ROAD FRONTAGE TO A HYDRANT''''° 1.750 or less 1 500 250 2,00n-2asn z 450 225 ... .... .... .. ..1—— 3 FIRE FLOW: MINIMUM 2,500 GPM AT 20 PSI RESIDUAL PRESSURE WHILE SIMULTANIOUSLY FLOWING AT A MINIMUM OF 2 MOST -REMOTE FIRE HYDRANTS PER RSFD COMMENT 05.07.2020 1,000 GPM/ 20 PSI FOR RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES PER RSFD LETTER 03.23.2016 For 51: I f not = 304.8 mm. 0 26' R TYP• 2D` 60-FOOT -Y 60, 20'28' R TYP 26• 120-FOOT HAMMERHEAD 2D` 26' 20• 20• MINIMUM CLEARANCE AROUND A FIRE HYDRANT 28' R TYP. 7a• 20' 20' ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO 120-FOOT HAMMERHEAD FIGURE D103.1 DEAD-END FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD TURNAROUND ' I am FACE i FACE Q11[YE1 I ! cummI I I row LIM worToscue CURVET GLNM 2 © PROP9lTY � plea PROPfa¢iY RNY . A a ll a 1.7L R L R L R L ae m' ,a' ,71 aG.76' x°,rR HP a,.ar ',ar m,fr 212'Sr 22' ds ,HAT N' 770.1Y m ar ar ae.ea isov a6' „tr m.ez � No maa xlG-ar,r as ,aa2c as 2r n' esre zz- „r 2a►e ,ar zsaa mr°,rr ae ,ar.�s %IRMMWar Ir aaav Tr,rar „i, Roar tar aaos alr2evr ev ,m.,r •�H CINl4E 4GOtEeFAGWIRMATRaeE MWAn WW0FA00MQKE8ABE — 1Y V0.90 2r-tS>D Roar — 7R'046P 8 M.1► — armvv®ar COUNTY OF RlYifaiCF ata oev°sr ��� G.� _ cueaorrartc STANOPMHO.aeo C. On streets, driveways, etc., where no curb exists and the entire right-of-way is to he a fire lane, paint bath sides of the street as indicated in section B above, Paint white letters in the street Five (5) feet in height "FIRE LANE — NO PARKING — FIRE LANE — CVC 22500.1 ". Vertical separation between words shall be forty (40) feet (See Figures 2 & 3). STREET OR DRIVE — FIRE (5•) LANE (5') WRrtE RV WITH NO (5) WFnTE LETTERING PARKING (5) WKrrE FIRE (T) concrete Pavloo ❑t sad Refer to: Landscape Planting Legaltd vehicular ,u wt system Refer to: Landscape Consirucrian Plan Rehr In_ Landscape Specifications �3 Compacted subbase Refer to- Landscape S eCiiications Referto: GeotechnicaiPEngiaeer'sdocuments ® Perforated drain pipe wrapped in filter fabric Refer to. Civil Engineer's documents ® Mitar fabrtp Refertn: Lanscape5pecificatien5 ® Conpacted Sutagrade Referta;eaSecbnical Engineer% documents �7 AdE'acent concrete pawing Refer to; Landscape Conslnaetion Plan ® Concrete containment curb Refer to- Gaotechnlcal Engineer's documents LANE (5'} CVC 22500.1 (5) Figure �'nT�lTflll � i�r�r? �111=A� III=AI` IiL��ir111�J�f.=.J (40' BETWEEN WORDS) Mow Curb al fire lane with red stencil every 30' interYai: No - Parking Flre Lane 20' Tiro. • Flm *muss Lana I T T I 20' FIRE LANE WITH TURF BLOCK Alternate Fire Lane beyond sign 4: "No Parking of Vehicles Beyond This Point" LEGEND PROPERTY LINE AB A MAIN ACCESS / INGRESS ERRANT BALL FLIGHT ZONE SECONDARY ACCESS / PROPOSED STRUCTURE INGRESS _ HOSE PULL (MAX. 300' FOR NEW ACCESS ROAD — GUEST VILLAS AND 12'-0" WIDE CONCRETE ANCILLARY BLDGS PER RSFD' " OR ASPHALT >0< (N) FIRE HYDRANT 8'-0" WIDE GRASSPAVE (E) FIRE HYDRANT INSIDE RADIUS > 28'-0" OUTSIDE RADIUS > 48'-0" WALL MOUNTED FIRE � DEPARTMENT CONNECTION INCREASE FIRE HAZARD DESINITY BY ONE GROUP © KNOX BOX UP, SEE DEFFERRED FIRE SUPRESSION SUBMITTAL It STAND PIPE CLASS 3/250 GALLON (IN WALL CABINET/ FREE STANDING) KEY PLAN SILVERROCK LODGING, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Suite 1600 San Diego, CA 92101 United States 0 Date Description Tel 619.557.2500 Fax 619.557.2520 2019_12-20 PERMIT SET A 2020_04-03 CD - PERMIT 2ND CYCLE B 2020 06-19 CD - PERMIT 3RD CYCLE C 2020 07-10 CD - PERMIT 4TH CYCLE Seal 1 Signature \_ OF CAL�F� Project Name SILVERROCK - SITE Project Number 55.7598.004 Description SITE PLAN - FIRE ACCESS H2 Scale As indicated 0' 25' 50' 100, S1 AOOm5O4 © 2015 Gensler FIRE CODE 0 0 0 Ln L0 Ln a�I L) U N ¢I z LU I 0 U 06 0 U) F- 0 0 LY 0 0 1 U O LY <n U c� 0 Cl) M 00 LO ti L0 Ln 0 CD coCID n M r9 N N 0 CV 0 N LO OCC FIRE ACCESS 0 SCALE: 1" = 30'-0" SHEET NOTES NOTE: ALL STRUCTURES TYPE VB CONSTRUCTION TYPE. BUILDING GROUPINGS DO NOT EXCEED AGGREGATE 24,000 GSF AREA AND ONE STORY FIRE SEPARATION OF ALL STRUCTURES > 10', NO FIRE RATED WALLS REQUIRED WITH EXCEPTION OF 2 HR FIRE WALL AS INDICATED 1. COMPLETE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS; FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS; INCLUDING AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS, WET, AND DRY STANDPIPES; HALON SYSTEMS AND OTHER SPECIAL TYPES OF AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS; AND OTHER APPURTENANCES THERETO SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALL 2. POST INDICATOR VALVES, FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS, AND ALARM BELL SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE ADDRESS / ACCESS SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE PER UFC 1001.4 3. BUILDING ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY PER FHPS POLICY P-00-6 UFC 901.4.4 4. FIRE ACCESS ROADWAY SIGNS OR RED CURBS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH FHPS POLICY A-08-1 5. FIRE ACCESS LANE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO WITHSTAND 95,000 LBS PER FHPS POLICY A-08-1 AND ALSO COMPLY W/ CFC 503 - MOST CONSERVATIVE LANGUAGE GOVERNS: ALL FIRE ACCESS ROADS WILL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE IMPOSED LOAD OF AT LEAST 75,000 LBS AND WILL NOT EXCEED 105 OF GRADE. ALL FEATURES OF THE FIRE ACCESS ROADS INCLUDING TURNING RADIUS AND DEAD END DESIGN WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CFC 503 AND APPENDIX D OR OTHER APPROVED. RESOLUTION 2017-001 / SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-009: 56. "ALL FIRE DEPARTMENT APPLIANCES SUCH AS, FDCs AND PIVs SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE FRONT ACCESS SIDE OF THE BUILDING. PIV AND FDC APPLIANCES SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 40' FROM THE BUILDING AND WITHIN 50' OF AN APPROVED ROADWAY AND NO MORE THAN 200' FROM AN APPROVED HYDRANT." TABLE C102.1 REQUIRED NUMBER AND SPACING OF FIRE HYDRANTS FIRE -FLOW REQUIREMENT MINIMUM NUMBER AVERAGE SPACING MAXWUJM DISTANCE FROM ANY [gpm} OF HYDRANTS BETWEEN HYDRANTS'°`•'•a (feet) POINT ON STREET OR ROAD FRONTAGE TO A HYDRANT''''° 1.750 or less 1 500 250 2,000-2,250 2 450 225 FIRE FLOW D 2,250 GPM/ 20 PSI FOR COMMERICAL STRUCTURES 2s R TYP, 1,000 GPM/ 20 PSI FOR RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES PER RSFD LETTER 03.23.2016 For 51: I f not = 304.8 mm. 60-FOOT -Y 60, 20' 28' R TYP zs• 120-FOOT HAMMERHEAD 2D` 26• 20' 20• MINIMUM CLEARANCE AROUND A FIRE HYDRANT 28' R TYP- 70' 20' 20' ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO 120-FOOT HAMMERHEAD FIGURE D103.1 DEAD-END FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD TURNAROUND ' I C'M FACE RAW I I row ALIM Nor To svrr e CURVE T Cl/rYE 2 © plRa PROP9lTY C,lea PROPfa¢iY RNY . A a ll 0 R L R L R L R L ae m' tC ,71 aG.76' 7a°1CR HP a,.ar'1ar m,fr 212'Sr 22' ds ,HAT N' 770.1Y m ar ar ae.ea isov a6' „tr m.ez � No maa 210-ar,r as ,aa2c %1RULMH' OLM 7r17 ar HT UM tar aaos 214'26gr a0 ,a IT •�H C,Nl4E t WWQFA0W0MMea6E nw+A:4-> aF woREw7Ea1BE — 1Y VOAO sear — 7R'046P 8 M.1► — armvv®ar COUNTY OF RlYifaiCF ata aavvsr ��� G.� _ cueaorrartc STAMMWO M. aeo C. On streets, driveways, etc., where no curb exists and the entire right-of-way is to he a fire lane, paint bath sides of the street as indicated in Section B above, Paint white letters in the street Five (5) feet in height "FIRE LANE — NO PARKING — FIRE LANE — CVC 22500.1 ". Vertical separation between words shall be forty (40) feet (See Figures 2 & 3). STREET OR DRIVE — FIRE (5•) LANE (5') WHrt1: RV WITH NO (5) WHITE LETTERING PARKING (5) WHrrE FIRE (T) LANE (5'} CVC 22500.1 (5) Figure r 1 Concrete Pavlog I Notes .-..... �l Sod Referto: Landscape Planting Legaltd vehicular ,u ort system Refer tn: Landscape Co-nsiruc[ian Plan Rehr In_ Landscape Specifications �3 Compacted subbase Refer to- Landscape S eCiiications Referto: GeotechnicaiPEngiaeer'sdocuments Ed Perfprated drain pipe wrapped in filter fabric Refert.o: Civ+l Engineer's documents M5 Filtar fabrtp Refertn: Lanscape5pecificatien5 conpacted sutagra ®de Referta;eatecbnical Engineers documents �7 AdE'acent concrete pawing Refer to; Landscape Conslnaetion Plan ® concrete containment curb Refer to- Gaotechnlcal Engmaee's documents (40' BETWEEN WORDS) Mow Curb al fire lane with red stencil every 30' interval: No - Parking Flre Lane 20' rrin. • Flm Ae Lana I I T T I 20' FIRE LANE WITH TURF BLOCK Alternate Fire Lane beyond sign 4: "No Parking of Vehicles Beyond This Point" LEGEND PROPERTY LINE —� ERRANT BALL FLIGHT ZONE PROPOSED STRUCTURE NEW ACCESS -•Att ►��i�i�i�i�i�i�i� OR ASPHALT 1" WIDE GRASSPAV2 INSIDE RADIUS 1 OUTSIDE -`D4: 1 - MAIN ACCESS / INGRESS SECONDARY ACCESS / INGRESS _ HOSE PULL (MAX. 300' FOR GUEST VILLAS AND ANCILLARY BLDGS PER RSFD) INCREASE FIRE HAZARD DESINITY BY ONE GROUP UP, SEE DEFFERRED FIRE SUPRESSION SUBMITTAL KEY PLAN (N) FIRE HYDRANT POO," (E) FIRE HYDRANT IV WALL MOUNTED FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION 1,5 KNOX BOX STAND PIPE CLASS 3/250 GALLON (IN WALL CABINET/FREE STANDING) SILVERROCK LODGING, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Suite 1600 San Diego, CA 92101 United States Date Description Tel 619.557.2500 Fax 619.557.2520 2019_10-04 PERMIT SET A 2019 12-13 CD - PERMIT 2ND CYCLE B 2020 02-28 CD - PERMIT 3RD CYCLE / GMP C 2020_05-08 CD - PERMIT 4TH CYCLE 2020 06-17CD PERMIT 5TH CYCLE Seal / Signature s� 'pccN 913p\rL ���Q- �OF Project Name SILVERROCK - SITE Project Number 55.7598.004 Description SITE PLAN - FIRE ACCESS OCC Scale As indicated 0' 15' 30' 60' S1 AOOm5O5 © 2015 Gensler FIRE CODE :: CD CD 0 00 LO LO Lis LO CD U L ¢I z LU 0 I 0 U 0 U) F- 0 0 LY 0 0 1 U 0 LY <n U 0 1Y CD co 00 LO ti LO LO CD CD coCID n 0 M co 0 CV O (V M CH FIRE ACCESS SCALE: 1" = 50'-0" SHEET NOTES 1. COMPLETE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR FIRE ALARM SYSTEMS; FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS; INCLUDING AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS, WET, AND DRY STANDPIPES; HALON SYSTEMS AND OTHER SPECIAL TYPES OF AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHING SYSTEMS; AND OTHER APPURTENANCES THERETO SHALL BE SUBMITTED TO FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY FOR REVIEW AND APPROVAL PRIOR TO INSTALL 2. POST INDICATOR VALVES, FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTIONS, AND ALARM BELL SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE ADDRESS / ACCESS SIDE OF THE STRUCTURE PER UFC 1001.4 3. BUILDING ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM THE STREET OR ROAD FRONTING THE PROPERTY PER FHPS POLICY P-00-6 UFC 901.4.4 4. FIRE ACCESS ROADWAY SIGNS OR RED CURBS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH FHPS POLICY A-08-1 5. FIRE ACCESS LANE SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED TO WITHSTAND 95,000 LBS PER FHPS POLICY A-08-1 AND ALSO COMPLY W/ CFC 503 - MOST CONSERVATIVE LANGUAGE GOVERNS: ALL FIRE ACCESS ROADS WILL BE CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING THE IMPOSED LOAD OF AT LEAST 75,000 LBS AND WILL NOT EXCEED 105 OF GRADE. ALL FEATURES OF THE FIRE ACCESS ROADS INCLUDING TURNING RADIUS AND DEAD END DESIGN WILL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH CFC 503 AND APPENDIX D OR OTHER APPROVED. RESOLUTION 2017-001 / SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-009: 56. "ALL FIRE DEPARTMENT APPLIANCES SUCH AS, FDCs AND PIVs SHALL BE LOCATED ON THE FRONT ACCESS SIDE OF THE BUILDING. PIV AND FDC APPLIANCES SHALL NOT BE LESS THAN 40' FROM THE BUILDING AND WITHIN 50' OF AN APPROVED ROADWAY AND NO MORE THAN 200' FROM AN APPROVED HYDRANT." TABLE C102.1 REQUIRED NUMBER AND SPACING OF FIRE HYDRANTS FIRE -FLOW REQUIREMENT MINIMUM NUMBER AVERAGE SPACING MAXWUJM DISTANCE FROM ANY [gpm} OF HYDRANTS BETWEEN HYDRANTS'°`•'•a (feet) POINT ON STREET OR ROAD FRONTAGE TO A HYDRANT''''° 1.750 or less 1 500 250 2,000-2,25D 2 450 225 FIRE FLOW 0 2,250 GPM/ 20 PSI FOR COMMERICAL STRUCTURES 2s R TYR 1,000 GPM/ 20 PSI FOR RESIDENTIAL STRUCTURES PER RSFD LETTER 03.23.2016 2W 60-FOOT -Y For 51: I foot = 304.8 mm. fives \ t a.aar --d I �i ------------b_ NOTE e i G OFFSET IUV OE LOCATED A HnEr[ LEFT OR R,OFrr. AM-MW M NOT TO 8OALE 60, 20'28' R TYP 26• 120-FOOT HAMMERHEAD a 2D` 26• 20• 20• MINIMUM CLEARANCE AROUND A FIRE HYDRANT 28' R TYP- 7a 20' 20' ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE TO 120-FOOT HAMMERHEAD FIGURE D103.1 DEAD-END FIRE APPARATUS ACCESS ROAD TURNAROUND rcl�'9•$ � � B ?t I raw _ - y l 3•� n �_ �^ �_ - m NOTTGSCAU { � � m CUITIVT CLWAa R L 7L R L RR R L PRGP9iiY R L wv w a'�7 d0.76 76'1C fP HP a,.ar ' im 7a,fi 21]'ST 7l' a6 m .s wd N,A7 N' ,70.1Y OOLWW OF (awutow OPMET cutrDE41AC sTAIQAROP -MOW e7 37 W a w /I'ovaa' „7 saw Jov xaa 7 270-a7',r• eF ,aa27 ae ,rsaF W IF2S IT ftV ,a°as a7 „T 2LW tar .' 20T'1r 4,' 3R 197Ae 17 T77�' u ar sz +a Alto' +aver r,s V,a ,ar aaffi• anros,e ar +ar.ar ca ra,�r m ao xs H' NN R',7 ar Hr Ram 1W ands 2742evr 07 ,er.,r eT 72a.rn •�H a;,Nl4Et W=OFAOe,d`'OKTEeAK wOREGM&ME — 1Y ae.90 2,-tS aO Rear — 7R'046P 8 M.17 — A'YPR[TI®aT' COUNTY OF AlYfiaiCF une oev°sr �4& _ cueaorrartc STANDPAD M. Rao C. On streets• driveways, etc., where no curb exists and the entire right-of-way is to be a fire lane, paint bath sides of the street as indicated in section B above, Paint white letters in the street Five (5) feet in height "FIRE LANE — NO PARKING — FIRE LANE — CVC 22500.1 ". Vertical separation between words shall be forty (40) feet (See Figures 2 & 3). STREET OR DRIVE — FIRE (5•) LANE (5') WNrt1: REA WITH NO {5•} WFnTE LETTERING PARKING (5) WKrrE FIRE (T) LANE [5'} CVC 22500.1 (5) Figure Concrete Pavlog I Notes ��.-..... �l Sod Refer to: Landscape Planting Legak L] vehicular ,u o,t system Refer to: Landscape Consirucrian Plan Rehr In_ Landscape Specifications �3 Compacted subbase Refer to- Landscape S eCiiications Referto: GeotechnicaiPEngiaEar's documents �d Perforated drain pipe wrapped in filter fabric Refer to: Civ+l Engineer's documents M5 Filtar fabrtp Refertn: Lanscape5pecificatien5 ® Conpacted Sutagrade Referta;eaSechnical Engineer% documents �7 AdE'acent concrete pawing Refer to; Landscape Cons lruetion Plan ® Concrete containment curb Refer to- Gaotechnlcal Engineer's documents (40' BETWEEN WORDS) Mow Curb al fire lane with red stencil every 30' interYai: No - Parking Flre Lane 20' Ifin. • FTre Accaa Lana (] I T I 20' FIRE LANE WITH TURF BLOCK Alternate Fire Lane beyond sign 4: "No Parking of Vehicles Beyond This Point" LEGEND PROPERTY LINE — ERRANT BALL FLIGHT ZONE PROPOSED STRUCTURE iiiiiiiii ►��i�i�i�i�i�i�i� I re - MAIN ACCESS / INGRESS SECONDARY ACCESS / INGRESS _ HOSE PULL (MAX. 300' FOR GUEST VILLAS AND ANCILLARY BLDGS PER RSFD) INCREASE FIRE HAZARD DESINITY BY ONE GROUP UP, SEE DEFFERRED FIRE SUPRESSION SUBMITTAL KEY PLAN (N) FIRE HYDRANT POO," (E) FIRE HYDRANT WALL MOUNTED FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION KNOX BOX STAND PIPE CLASS 3/250 GALLON (IN WALL CABINET/FREE STANDING) SILVERROCK LODGING, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Suite 1600 San Diego, CA 92101 United States Tel 619.557.2500 Fax 619.557.2520 0 Date Description 2019_11-25 PERMIT SET A 2020_01-17 CD - PERMIT 2ND CYCLE B 2020_04-03 CD - PERMIT 3RD CYCLE/GMP 2020 05-26 CD - PERMIT 4TH CYCLE Seal 1 Signature /S K NF\ NOP 913�o�t'CAL�F� Project Name SILVERROCK - SITE Project Number 55.7598.004 Description SITE PLAN - FIRE ACCESS CH Scale As indicated S1 AOOm5O6 A� © 2015 Gensler INVISIBLE STRUCTURES' 10"ble structures, Inc. 303-233-8383 www,irwv4lblestrvcwres.com Base Course Depth Recommendations GRASSPAVE2 and GRAVELPAVE2 Normal Traffic Occassional Passes = Infrequent Passes CBR 2-4 1 CBR ]4 CBR 2-4 CBR }4 1 CBR 2-4 1 CBR �4 Heavy Fire Truck & H-20 Loading Max 110 psi 14 In 12-14 in 12-14 in 12 in 12 in 10-12 in 80000 Ih V J Light Fire Truck & H-15 Loading Typical 85 psi 12 in 10-12 in 10 in 8-10 in 8-10 in 8 in 60,000 Ih Utility & Delivery Truck & H-10 Loading Typical 60 psi 8-10 in 8 in 8-10 in 6-8 in 6-8 in 6 in 40,000 lb Cars & Pick -Up Truck Access Typical 45 psi 6-8 in 6 in 6 in 4-6 in 4-6 in 2-4 in 8,000 lb Trail Use and Cart Paths t1,000 16 6 in :4-in 2-4 in 0-2 in None None * THESE DEPTH RECOMMENDATIONS SHOULD BE VERIFIED BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER AND LOCAL AUTHORITIES Geotechnical Report Global Geo-Engineering October 29, 2019 (Revised July 22, 2020) Project 8227-04 12.6.5 Grasspave2 The review of the manufacturer's specifications for the Grasspave2 product, it is our geotechnical opinion that the Grasspave2 is considered suitable to support the EVA provided the installation is conducted in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. GRAVELPAVE2 By INVISIBLE STAOCTURES" V4.1 INSTALL SIGNAGE ALONG SIDE OF ACCESS STATING "FOR EMERGENCY VEHICLES & MAINTENANCE VEHICLES ONLY. NO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC ALLOWED". STANDARD "NO PARKING" SIGN SIZE 0 8"x24") SHALL BE USED. SEE RCFD FIRE LANE REQ'TS. FOR ADDITIONAL INFO. 17-1�,, I d d 12' 20' FIRE ACCESS (TYP) CLASS "C" CONCRETE 2% a o c d a � d a �-- COMPACTED NATIVE SOIL PER GEOTECH. REPORT 12" SANDY GRAVEL BASE COMPACTED TO 95% PER GEOTECH REPORT GRASSPAVE2 W/ DG (PER MANUFACTURER'S DETAILS & SPECS-TYP) 8' GRASSPAVE2 d CONCRETE MOW STRIP TO BE STENCILED "FIRE LANE - NO g" PARKING - CVC 22500.1" PER RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE LANE REQUIREMENTS FORM 11 FINISH GRADE N e d 4" PERFORATED PIPE PER LANDSCAPE PLANS & STORM DRAIN PLANS �111I�Im-T I 0ra,wa1I�:IA90W,MTo19►`� w SILVERROCK LODGING, LLC 20' Min_ - Fire Access I ane N otes ❑1 Sod - Tifgre328 Hybrid Bermuda Refer to: Menanufacturer's recommendations (Materials Section E) �2 Grasspave 2 (#2520) �3 Compacted sub -base Refer to: Geotechnical Engineer's documents ® Perforated drain pipe wrapped in filter fabric Refer to: Civil Engineer's documents �5 Filter fabric Refer to: Landscape Specifications © Compacted subgrade Refer to: Geotechnical Engineer's documents IflVehicular Concrete Paving Refer to: Geotechnical Engineer's documents ® Concrete containment curb at fire lane with red stencil every 30' interval: No Parking - Fire Lane Refer to: Geotechnical Engineer's documents Grasspave at Fire Lane - Typical Section Scale: 1"=1'-0" D 26'-0" Min. - Fire Access Lane Grasspave at Fire Lane - Turnout Section Scale: 1"=1'-0" N otes �1 Sod - Tifgreen 328 Hybrid Bermuda Refer to: Manufacturer's recommendations (Materials Section E) �2 Grasspave 2 (#2520) �3 Compacted sub -base Refer to: Geotechnical Engineer's documents ® Perforated drain pipe wrapped in filter fabric Refer to: Civil Engineer's documents �5 Filter fabric Refer to: Landscape Specifications © Compacted subgrade Refer to: Geotechnical Engineer's documents �7 Vehicular Concrete Paving Refer to: Geotechnical Engineer's documents ® Concrete containment curb at fire lane with red stencil every 30' interval: No Parking - Fire Lane Refer to: Geotechnical Engineer's documents Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned Not Assigned I J K L 52-200 SILVERROCK WAY LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Suite 1600 San Diego, CA 92101 United States Tel 619.557.2500 Fax 619.557.2520 b u r t o n Landscape Architecture Studio 307 S Cedros Solana Beach Ca 92075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F www.burton-studio.com Date Description O0'`Pe� PRCHITECT . STgTF K C v X Patrick L. Baldwin z No.5208 04 Sep 20 ti ti OP date �d/crate . 90 Pp<'�� Seal 1 Signature NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT Project Number Description LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION DETAILS Scale No Scale LC-5.01 © 2019 Gensler