FCMP2021-0029 Jewel Plan 3a u�tt Project Details PROJECT NUMBER ` =�w City of La Qu i nta FCM P2021-0029 MoFT�• . Description: JEWEL / TRACT# 36537-1 / MASTER PLAN TYPE 3 Status: APPROVED Type: FIRE CONSTRUCTION MASTER PLAN (WEB) Status Date: Subtype: FIRE SPRINKLER MASTER PLAN Applied: 9/23/2021 Address: 56140 PGA BLVD Approved: 11/30/2021 City, State, Zip: LA QUINTA,CA92253 Closed: Project Manager: Expired: Details: ADDITIONAL SITES CHRONOL DAYS REVIEWS ACTIONS INSPECTIONS CONDITIONS NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESSI CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS INC 705 E HARRISON ST STE CORONA CA 92879 (951)272-2522 jamieb@fireinc.net 200 CONTRACTOR FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS INC 705 E HARRISON ST STE CORONA CA 92879 (951)272-2522 jamieb@fireinc.net 200 OWNER RREF II CWC LAQ LLC 5927 PRIESTLY DR STE CARLSBAD CA 92008 (951)272-2522 jamieb@fireinc.net 110 CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT CITY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY BY FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 0.5 $80.50 $80.50 12/1/21 WEB10036 6339461 413 CREDIT 684600 ECON Printed: Monday, March 06, 2023 10:33:55 AM 1 of 3 CENTRALSOLIARE a u�tt Project Details PROJECT NUMBER ` =�w City of La Qu i nta FCM P2021-0029 MoFT�• CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY BY FIRE STAFF - PER HOUR 101-0000-42420 1 $167.00 $167.00 12/1/21 WEB10036 633961 413 CREDIT 684600 ECON Total Paid for FIRE FEES: $247.50 $247.50 RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE - 101-0000-42416 0 $21.00 $21.00 12/1/21 WEB10036 633967413 CREDIT 684600 ECON 41 MAJOR Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE - MAJOR: $21.00 $21.00 TECHNOLOGY 502-0000-43611 0 $5.00 $5.00 12/1/21 WEB10036 633967413 CREDIT 684600 ECON ENHANCEMENT FEE 41 Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $5.00 $5.00 INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED COMPLETED RESULT REMARKS NOTES DATE DATE RETURNED REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES DATE 1ST FIRE (2WK) KOHL 9/23/2021 10/7/2021 10/5/2021 REVISIONS REQUIRED SEE ATTACHMENTS HETRICK 1ST PERMIT PERMIT TECH 9/23/2021 9/24/2021 9/24/2021 COMPLETE TECHNICIAN (1DAY) BUCKET 2ND FIRE (1WK) KOHL 11/17/2021 11/24/2021 11/30/2021 APPROVED SEE ATTACHMENTS HETRICK BOND INFORMATION Printed: Monday, March 06, 2023 10:33:55 AM 2 of 3 CENTRALSOLIARE ° Project Details PROJECT NUMBER yow City of La Qu i nta FCM P2021-0029 OFTt ma Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED DOC 9/23/2021 Etrakit Contractor 1ST SUBMITTAL Plan Type 3 Lot 1 Application Application.pdf DOC 9/23/2021 Etrakit Contractor 1ST SUBMITTALTracking Plan Type 3 Lot 1 Sheet Tracking Sheets.pdf DOC 9/23/2021 Etrakit Contractor 1ST SUBMITTAL Fire Fire Flow.pdf 1 Flow DOC 9/23/2021 Etrakit Contractor 1ST SUBMITTAL Fire Plan 3 - 1st 1 Plan Submittal.pdf DOC 9/23/2021 Etrakit Contractor 1ST SUBMITTAL Plan 3 Calcs.pdf 1 Hydraulic Calculations DOC 11/17/2021 Etrakit Contractor Correction Letter Plan 3 - Correction 1 Lette r. pdf DOC 11/17/2021 Etrakit Contractor Fire Flow Fire Flow 10.26.21.pdf 1 DOC 11/17/2021 Etrakit Contractor Plan 3 Resubmittal Plan 3 - D1 Submittal1 11.16.21.pdf Plan 3 Hydraulic DOC 11/17/2021 Etrakit Contractor Calculations Plan 3 Calcs_1.pdf 1 Resubmittal FCMP2021-0029 -1ST FCMP2021-0029 - 1ST DOC 10/5/2021 KOHL HETRICK REVIEW - PLAN REVIEW - PLAN 1 CORRECTIONS.pdf CORRECTIONS.pdf DOC 11/30/2021 KOHL HETRICK FCMP2021-0029 - FIRE FCMP2021-0029 - FIRE 1 APPROVED PLANS.pdf APPROVED PLANS.pdf DOC 11/30/2021 KOHL HETRICK FCMP2021-0029 - COA FCMP2021-0029 - COA 1 LETTER.pdf LETTER.pdf Printed: Monday, March 06, 2023 10:33:55 AM 3 of 3 CENTRALSQUARE SENJU SPRINKLER CO., LTD. Ransidenfial Lead Free Flat Concealed Sprinkler, SE JU SPRINKLER CO., LTD. Residential Lead Free flat Conceded fed Sonikiar, andont LdillEiLl = it 14 �Zdel.'RQRES. K-FactoD3,7. SIN: 2dej.RCFRES. K-FRIABUD4.9. SIN'SS8464 i_j GENERAL DESCRIPTION 11, 1111, ICSEI P111I I I I C11111" =MVIIIIT�111=11*�­, _ - I. . pen 1. 111 11 1 11 111 KI erg ­1 IN, ..p ... ___E, ­K�p, lKI... 11. .­ SO RES OUI 1. - ..Ii -NE. Is I. . ­ . we p,, SHINK, .,U­ N, on. .. - -UN "Nal ]A I 1PIUNL0I IS. =PNN PSN .-A proud.. NO 11111.­ ­1.1 w,utlmem, UPIR, eeSHN.N In a. IIIURN 11 1 .1 "Pa. 11 S,,nPan, I pA,,,KN` I py .1 111, 1.11 p- 1y-AU TECHNICAL DATA A, ­­w a=F.nPfl"` (11. LINabor') ji 1.- .1 app-IM, cr, i,rq C: Adj.- .: In .... (I 1.. -1 LNlAN. Ilg­.,el ", P`M`* I. ZIZI =11 OPERATION VW CII= _ new - If I IIIRl­ .11 1._ 1. ..I ­ R. E.R.SP IT a SIT 'R., "E" ePxa 1111 ,I_, 11 FAIL 11 lo., 71 . 11 P. I, 71 In NO 1111 R_ 11 LI �1., 71 (. an a late, TO N1 O 1S R-Uh (ART IS RaIn I' SoT'l T2 S., 11 41)K P=n V On ) (I I.I.) (. LB') (4 I.In S.lan GENERAL DESCRIPTION Th, So ES==Cgc,19.dSp AN..NN IS.. RK ONAK., I ryaI-Pt 1, pp,I N.­ -d A N. 1 .1 minima-N. I­SRE, 11. NNE.I-E. .P.. 1. (12 ­1 "wait, p-1 111. 1,. IS. -E N R wmn en 'FI N d0n*d:,;,RoduO = In.) 'll'N , =Mn, PI I ­d ..I. 11211 bee 1 .1.1 IF. RISK I.=.- -1 A. IS. �=W `.d!=d= I wmlmy o IS, I, SO, ON uwg I =1,7 I d%- I TECHNICAL DATA ONNS IRREIR OR I P.,.", (A Z.*: ;_1 _Z __.1mp EiiLD, FF`NB�.)�. PIF OPERATION RRR.e-- ..-IBIR-14, MEMO LMmmmmm M mmmmmmm m mmill mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm M mmmoomm mm m 0 �mm m 74.10=1 I ...... ... HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Thia ED Wing I, Protectedby S Hydia.fiSally EMAg,nd Automatic Sprid., System. Data natall.Rd Bmi Loaf., CALL AREA 2 NuPnlx, of Sprink- I ElIS , I Sign I DENS" 05 going fl. 2. DENCRED ARES OF DRUCHAk OF 400 N.A. System Demand ,.-I FLOW RATE 26.0 Ppm 2. RESIDUAL PRESSURE AT THE WE OF THE RISER 35.1 R& In By F.SpinklIrSyMana INC HYDRAULIC NAMEPLATE N.T.S. 13D GENERAL NOTES I-, - 1. 11�11­,IIUNUII 11111BUIR ­1 HAS 1111 11INS111 TI 11 S, A, ONDAN,0� R NFPA OGE IOTNAN THE NSP,UNEMEPL T E 19 LA U 1304 CA Y INTI I E ENT 2. THIS 8PRUNRUEA IOSTEM 8FALL IS TEDANDIN8 ECTEDECTH N ­RRNlIRININ TO- _ ­ 1ACVAN1IAR_ THE IIANTEI. THE 11RI111CNINAL FREE FREPIENNINT IFINRE ­ IE Nil AMN11l11T11HRE, TE, PEC 1, 1. THE INSITALLE1 IUALL IREIIIII ALL 4. NOT-ViGbORILL&NEF OA CTFUoAN8EATN,�AATCG8ARU LORA 19 MENCER, LA I IN CCN Z I, T, R in PING L_NC. ,X 1. �EIIILA�CPIIETIIEC�MANIIA�IEDIYI�EIA�R N L LICTE, 1. IL, EINIGI I I L CTNIeIL TAVEAIE1IANENTLFPA­aoNUNr­NRS =P, 1. THE 1111BRIANI LCCANINL IFIPFUNKLEES SHALL CINFIII ­ TICIAN1111TISE1 IEQIIIEIENTI All THOSE 11NUFNNE1 IN 8. IFREQUIRE�5YAHf,.ETANEAA�RMLN�,CATNTG EVNRES�AL E EC NDRCE BER, U I E I RON 1 0 1 L8 "T CUO HE A� TLAT H-SE"'NEE-7 ON THE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Thia ED Wing I, Protectedby S Hydia.fiSally EMAg,nd Automatic Sprid., System. Data natall.Rd Bmi Loaf., CALL AREA 2 NuPnlx, of Sprink- I ElIS , I Sign I DENS" 05 going fl. 2. DENCRED ARES OF DRUCHAk OF 400 N.A. System Demand ,.-I FLOW RATE 26.0 Ppm 2. RESIDUAL PRESSURE AT THE WE OF THE RISER 35.1 R& In By F.SpinklIrSyMana INC HYDRAULIC NAMEPLATE N.T.S. 13D GENERAL NOTES I-, - 1. 11�11­,IIUNUII 11111BUIR ­1 HAS 1111 11INS111 TI 11 S, A, ONDAN,0� R NFPA OGE IOTNAN THE NSP,UNEMEPL T E 19 LA U 1304 CA Y INTI I E ENT 2. THIS 8PRUNRUEA IOSTEM 8FALL IS TEDANDIN8 ECTEDECTH N ­RRNlIRININ TO- _ ­ 1ACVAN1IAR_ THE IIANTEI. THE 11RI111CNINAL FREE FREPIENNINT IFINRE ­ IE Nil AMN11l11T11HRE, TE, PEC 1, 1. THE INSITALLE1 IUALL IREIIIII ALL 4. NOT-ViGbORILL&NEF OA CTFUoAN8EATN,�AATCG8ARU LORA 19 MENCER, LA I IN CCN Z I, T, R in PING L_NC. ,X 1. �EIIILA�CPIIETIIEC�MANIIA�IEDIYI�EIA�R N L LICTE, 1. IL, EINIGI I I L CTNIeIL TAVEAIE1IANENTLFPA­aoNUNr­NRS =P, 1. THE 1111BRIANI LCCANINL IFIPFUNKLEES SHALL CINFIII ­ TICIAN1111TISE1 IEQIIIEIENTI All THOSE 11NUFNNE1 IN 8. IFREQUIRE�5YAHf,.ETANEAA�RMLN�,CATNTG EVNRES�AL E EC NDRCE BER, U I E I RON 1 0 1 L8 "T CUO HE A� TLAT H-SE"'NEE-7 ON THE JEWEL TRIV-SR5 7 FIN B HASTER PLAN .1HUMITTAL 11. 1111C ISTECT111 TI IE VICTALICI 1Y OTHERS. 11. RECCENTUAL ­CCALEC PENCENT PFURBILER. ARE L.L. LICTEC AN. MANUFACTLIRE1 BY IENIU. NaTALLEI AT 14 FT. MANNIuM 11-NI SEETE,L CATI 12. PEN DENT INTER " ECIATETE" PQRCK RESPONSE SPRINKLERS ARE U L LIDLE, All MANIFACTUREO , USNIINSTALLEIAT14-MAKIRAIINI CREE TE- ATA, 13. PCIDENT 1PIURILER1 ARE AT LGAIT I 11111 -FT -INS El. DUITTEE, _1 N. ... _ CR IN ACCC, PANCEVATILTA.1FAIRSISUIP) PREITI111�1�1 KCER�KTLHE, 11 TNINUI DIN CINFUNLING ­U_ ARE_ �114N �4 LI, CLUNTA GA. ALL. LAQUINTA FIRE DEPARTMENT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OCCUIPANCY RS/U OONSTRUCTION V-43 STORIES 1 BUILCINGAIREEk. 1,6 Ec'. 14. INI CAII­ TO IE 11-1al ­ IPI1NNTFI ­ERAFE IN AN.REART-I.E.E. ,...... E HrSPRINKMS SHALL NCT or IE.LRUIEG - CE PIOVOCC IN , N EPA 1 3D a 3 5EA11"HETRHEET-ELLEL"NT. E`LIPM ENTLIEN ,OTE ALLORM SHALL IS RECIURE. IN THE CIPPRUEALED SPACE. FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTLEM DEKIGNEDANDINE LED PER 2RDIR NFRA ­ ALL RSG CENTA­THA.G5CENSITYVMTHINAFE­ BUILDING SUMMARY CONCEALED REEL. PENDENT SPRINIQUER OGN­ RES. PENDENT SPRINNILER RES. PENDENT SPRINKLER O CHANGE IN ­10N & RISER LOCATION(PER DETAIL) NODE POINT FOR CALCLULATION HANGER TIC DETAIL IL LET Quinta Office of the Fire Marshal By: Kohl Hetrickl_!'!n­-­ FIRE SAFETY SPECIALIST .21 3 07 53 PM Th. .,,.,,J'-..fplans and specifications does not permit the violation, deletion, curniaskIn or faulty installation of Plants of Title 24 or any _.CSI Clifin='C'u"'Brultimn shall remain eCC.smbI.and exposed nsped'On purposes until approved by the Fha --ftm.Nt PERMIT# - FCMP2021-0029 APPROVAL STAMP 'FOR REFERENCE ONLY PRESSURE REULATEIR TO DOMCESTIC WATER CONTROL VALVE FIDS DOMESTIC 5 GPM ALLCVIANCE A FINIIT J.HG-DE I-PLEV`12. I MASTER MIER I OW COPPER L SINGLE CHECK VALVE ,a L.., ill EVE 1" COPPER R IN MAIL, I ELEV. 1 ELEV. E­ UNDERGROUND DETAIL N.T.S. (FOR REFERENCE ONLY) To KOTEN - 190 JOB NO 32142 DATE S122,i21 DFLOWN aV C.F. SPARESPRINKLE11-1. F HOT BE RECUIR E,To PROVIDED PER T" -___ = . Lii. PTALTIKEPICGURE-PAIRa DRA` P 7 RURaER -In 1 6 R.- SARPUR; Na rN_ 1, daR -1 rOn . 1. .1 RISER DETAIL N.T.S. Table R • One Point of Restraint qq � One -Point / i/ertica! / Restraint RESTRAINT RESTRAINT ONE -POINT ONE-POiNT m)R R MAKI fvfAX.I Nominal -Ii'TS3 li rA3l Pipe Size Less than Greater than ANTS[ Inches 10fJ psi i0t3 psi QN (6,9 bar) (6,9 bar) 3f4 0'-9" 0'-S" QN20 (0,23 m) (Qi5 m) QN25 (0,30 rri) (0,23 m) 1-1f4 1'-4" 1'-D" C3N32 (0,41 m) (0.30 m) 1-1/2-3 2'-D" QN40 - DNso (o,si m) (D,so Table S • Two Points of Restraint Nominal Pipe iLS„ ,LS>, Size Lass than Greater than ANSI Inches 140 psi iQD psi QN (6,9 bar) (6,9 bar) 3f4 4'-0" 3'-0" DN20 (1,22 m) (0,91 rtt) 1 5'-0" 4'-0" []N25 (1,52 m) (1,22 m) 1-1/4 6'-D" 5'-0" QN32 (1;$3 m) {1,52 m} 1-11f2 - 3 7'-0" T-D" DN40 - DN80 (2,13 rrt) (2,13 m). S Two -Point ANY DISTANCE �---- Vertical Restraint RESTRAINT TWO -POINT January 2005 Garage Installation Snecificattons Garage installation Specifications shall only apply for the installation of UL Listed BlazeMaster CPVC pipe and fittings in garages requiring sprinkler protection per NFPA 13D and NFPA 13R. These Standards are defined in NFPA codes entitled 'One and Two Family Dwellings and Mobile Homes' and in 'Residential Occupancies up to Four Stories in Height'. As referenced in NFPA 13D Section 8.6.4,'Sprinklers are not required in garages, open attached porches, carports or similar structures." The installation of TFP BlazeMaster sprinkler pipe and fittings for use in garages requiring sprinkler protection per NFPA 13R is only applicable to the UL listing of this product. Requirements for Pipe, Fittings, Solvent Cement Systems, System Design, Installation, Freeze Protection, and Penetrating Fire Related Walls and Partitions are covered in this installation and technical handbook. Please read these sections of the manual carefully prior to designing or installing TFP BlazeMaster pipe and fittings for garage installations. The Installation of TFP BlazeMaster pipe and fittings in garages requiring sprinklers Is only UL Listed and is not C-UL Listed. •Installation Requirements -Protection: TFP BlazeMaster CPVC pipe and fittings shall be installed concealed behind protection consisting of a minimum of one layer of/e'thick gypsum wallboard or thick plywood. -Sprinkler Requirements: UL Listed, quick response, standard coverage, pendent or sidewall sprinklers with a 225°F (107°C) maximum temperature rating shall be utilized. All sprinklers shall be installed per the manufacturer's published installation instructions. -Installation Standard: The Listing for Garage Installations shall pertain to those occupancies defined by NFPA 13R. System Risers In accordance with the UL listing, TFP BlazeMaster CPVC pipe and fittings may be used as system risers in accordance with NFPA 13,13Dand 13R when subject to the following additional limitations: 1. When installed protected (concealed) in accordance with NFPA 13D and 13R, the minimum protection shall consist of either one layer of s/s' (9.5 mm) thick gypsum wallboard or'/i (12.7 mm)thick plywood. 2. When installed without protection (exposed) in accordance with NFPA 13, 13D and 13R, the following limitations shall apply: - The riser shaft be installed below a smooth, teat, horizontal ceiling construction. A Listed residential pendent sprinkler is to be installed with its deflector at the distance from the ceiling specified in the sprinkler Listing. OR The riser shall be installed below a horizontal unfinished basement ceiling (in accordance with NFPA 130) constructed utilizing nominal 2" x 10" or nominal 2' x 12"exposed solid wood joists on 16' centers. A Listed residential pendent sprinkler is to be installed with its deflector a maximum of 13/; below the bottom of the solid wood joist in anticipation of future installation of a finished ceiling. When installing TFP BlazeMaster CPVC pipe and fittings in conjunction with 2' x 12' solid wood joists, the maximum system working pressure under flooding conditions shall not exceed 100 psi and the maximum system working pressure under static (nonflotving) conditions shall not exceed 175 psi. The Listed residential pendent sprinkler is to have 155°F (68°C) maximum temperature rating and is to be installed at a maximum horizontal distance of 12 inches from the center fine of the riser. The system is to be designed based upon the Listed flows for the sprinkler selected except that the flow for a single sprinkler or multiple sprinklers shall not be less than 11 gpm per sprinkler. CAL 20'X2( PLAN 3 -FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN Size Range: %a" through 3" Finish: Pre -Galvanized Carbon Steel per ASTM A653 Service: Hanger for CPVC, steel, &copper pipe in the horizontal position on the bottom (3jp o�u and side of structural wood beams, composite beams and Steel 20 Ga. (min.) (Fig. A, C respectively). Can be used as a restrainer when installed on top of structural wood beams (Fig. B), for limiting pipe movement due to thrust loads during sprinkler system start-up. It can also be used as a guide to limit movement for pipe in the vertical position. When used on composite wood beams, web thickness must be 8" or greater. Approvals: cULus Listed Installation:- Y • Snap hanger over pipe. f� • Secure hanger to mounting surface with screws provided. • Do not make adjustments to hanger mounting flanges that result in clamping the pipe to the mounting surface. Pipe must be allowed to move freely through hanger. • Steel applications require two (2) #14 x 1" hex washer head self -drilling TEK screws. Not Supplied. Part Number STD-0090. Features: • Beveled edge design helps protect the CPVC pipe from any rough surface. • Easily attaches to wood structure with #10 x 1" hex washer head self threading screw supplied with product. No pre -drilling required. • Retaining dimples hold the strap onto the pipe for ease of installation. (Not shown) Ordering: Specify pipe size, figure number, and description. Fig. A Fig. B Fig. C FIG. 186: DIMENSIONS (IN) •WEIGHT (LBS) Pipe Size A B eC E F Approx. Weightl100 (Ibs) 1 2 is va 1y 1y 5 1 11/4 V4 1'/z 6 1y 3X 11Y6 7 1y 1 %s 3/8 2% 8 2 1 is 4% 2%6 9 2% 2Y 5% 1%6 2% 14 3 2/e 6% 3/2 17 ANVIL 186 HANGER (STEEL -COPPER - C.P.V.C. NOT TO SCALE Size Range: %a" through 2" Hangs Material: Carbon Steel Finish: Pre -Galvanized per ASTM A653 `i Service: i;':;, • Hanger and surge restraint for horizontal CPVC, steel, and copper piping when installed on the top, bottom, and side of the supporting structure. • Guide for vertical CPVC, steel, and copper piping when installed on the side of the M supporting structure. . • Horizontal and vertical seismic restraint per NFPA 13-2016 requirements. • May be installed with concrete, steel structural members, and other structural members with fasteners which comply with the requirements of NFPA 13. Approvals: cULus Listed Patents: No. 6,648,278 Installation: • Snap hanger over pipe. If needed, squeeze strap back around pipe. • CPVC pipe must be allowed to slide freely through the Fig. 188R. • Secure hanger to mounting surface with screws provided or with listed fasteners. Features: • Beveled edge design helps protect the CPVC pipe from any rough surface and eliminates pipe abrasion • Easily attaches to wood structure with #10 x 1" hex washer head self -threading screw supplied with product. No pre -drilling required. • Bottom of pipe is offset 1)/2" from the structure. Eliminates wooden spacer blocks. Ordering: Specify CPVC pipe size, figure number and description. Hanger & Restrainer Rests —V d • d d a :a ainer Hanger and Restrainer B —A— E -® mC I ' Installation -Backing Nut Hanger = 1 - at top fastener Restraint = 2 - on each fastener Per NFPA-13D and NFPA-13R FIG. 188R: DIMENSIONS (IN) •WEIGHT (LBS) CPVC Pipe Size A B oC D E F G Max. Hanger Spacing (FT.) Approx. Weightl100 (Ibs) %4 23/4 3% '/, 2 1 2% 1% 5Y 11 1 21%6 3% % 2%6 1 3% 1% 6 12 1y 21%6 34 % 2%6 1 3Ya 1y 6Y 13 1y 3% 44 / 2%s 1 3% 1Y 7 14 2 31Y6 4% % 21Y6 1 4 1% 8 16 FIG. 188R: LISTED FASTENERS Pipe Wood and Composite Beams Steel (18ga. Minimum) CPVC Screw Supplied or #10 x 1"TEK Screw #14 x 1"TEK Screw ory"x1"TEK Screw Steel &Copper #14 x 1"TEK Screw ory"x1%" Lag Screw #14 x 1"TEK Screw or%"x1"TEK Screw ANVIL 188R HANGER (STEEL -COPPER - C.P.V.C.) NOT TO SCALE TOTAL LIVING AREA - 1,222 SQFT. GARAGE AREA - 417 SQFT. DESIGN AND INSTALLATION SHALL CONFORM TO NFPA 13D, 2016 ED. NOTES: 1. ALL HEAD SPACING TO BE 14'x14', UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 2. ALL PIPES TO BE 3/" CPVC, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. PIPE CLEARANCES MUST BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH NFPA 13-9.3.4. 4. HANGERS SHOWN FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. HANGER SPACING TO BE PER TABLES ON THIS SHEET. 5. ALL PIPING INSTALLED WITHIN THE ATTIC SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH MIN. 6" INSULATION ON THE ATTIC SIDE OF THE PIPING TO AVOID EXPOSURE OF THE PIPING TO TEMPERATURES IN EXCESS OF THE PIPES RATED TEMPERATURE (2016 NFPA 13D 7.7). 6. SPRINKLERS SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED IN BATHROOMS OF 55sgft. AND LESS. (SECTION 8.3.2.) 7. SPRINKLERS SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED IN CLOTHES CLOSETS, LINEN CLOSETS, AND PANTRIES THAT MEET ALL OF THE FOLLOWING REQUIREMENTS: (1) THE AREA OF THE SPACE DOES NOT EXCEED 24sgft. (2) THE WALLS AND CEILINGS ARE SURFACED WITH NONCOMBUSTIBLE OR LIMITED -COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS AS DEFINED IN NFPA 220. 8. THE DISTANCE SHALL BE MEASURED FROM THE CENTER OF THE SPRINKLER TO THE CENTER OF THE OBSTRUCTION. 9. SHADOW AREAS SHALL BE PERMITTED IN THE PROTECTION AREA OF A SPRINKLER AS LONG AS THE CUMULATIVE DRY AREA DO NOT EXCEED 15sgft (1.4 sqm) PER SPRINKLER. FIRi SPRINIaiR SYSTEMS INC. • LICENSE N0.684600 • CUSTOM, TRACT, MULTI -FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL • DESIGN, ENGNEERING AND INSTALLATION • 705 E. HARRISON ST., SUITE 200 CORONA, CA 92879 PH - 800-915-3473 FAX - 951-272-2535 • The recipient of these plans hereby acknowledges that all plans, details, specifications or methods of installation contained in this set of plans is the sole property of Fire Sprinkler Systems, Inc. and that any use of this set of plans is prohibited and is a violation of copyright laws without first receiving permission from Fire Sprinkler Svstems. LU i � /lam � � 11 / . V y � QCA T H � N � � W Z aD �Y 00 � 2 Z :;t "t o Z U Q � X x x ' C/) O � (n W J Y ao 0 o Z C:) a w � � I-- (n Q W U Q ti o rn W i C6 c+') � Y J 0 W �z oZ �z 0 iY� oo �� , O UU wz VU =) Z � Z Z � Z Q Yry J Q a � O Cl)co tb ►c> U LL LLl Cl)Cl) c JOB NO: 32142 DATE: 9/22/21 DRAWN BY: C.H. ION Q�o,��CT � CLASSIFICATION C-16 * LICENSE N0. 684600 J�gTF OF C A` \�Q SIZE - 24" X 36" SCALE 114" =1' � IF SHEET IS LESS THAN 24" X 36" IT IS A REDUCED PRINT SCALE REDUCE ACCORDINGLY SHEET ID PLAN 3 FIRE SPRINKLER PLAN SHEET FP2 OF FP3 0 (V I IIt•xal 1A 181E 4A 413 91 IN, 4A KITCHEN MASTER BATH W.I.C. W.I.C. 3F MASTER BATH KITCHEN BUILDING SECTION U_ p LU H Q p O_ Z p O N V! J W U � p Z Q O J LL_ LU Of LL LU cV co p O G Z \ M FIM SFNIINIMER SYSTEMS INC. • LICENSE NO.684600 • CUSTOM, TRACT, MULTI -FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL • DESIGN, ENGNEERING AND INSTALLATION • 705 E. HARRISON ST., SUITE 200 CORONA, CA 92879 PH - 800-915-3473 FAX - 951-272-2535 • The recipient of these plans hereby acknowledges that all plans, details, specifications or methods of installation contained in this set of plans is the sole property of Fire Sprinkler Systems, Inc. and that any use of this set of plans is prohibited and is a violation of copyright laws without first receiving permission from Fire Sprinkler Svstems. 4A J Q � O T.P. �X��M� ca I i I I �Qz Q c) z}0- m T.P.LU T.P. U M a 0 O — ~ L o J 0-1 2A co m r" I Q �i 0 O17— BUILDING SECTION IV 9 JOB NO: 32142 DATE: 9/22/21 DRAWN BY: C.H. ION CLASSIFICATION Li C-16 * LICENSE NO. 684600 J�gTF OF C A` \�O���Q SIZE - 24" X 36" SCALE AS SHOWN IF SHEET IS LESS THAN 24" X 36" IT IS A REDUCED PRINT SCALE REDUCE ACCORDINGLY SHEET ID PLAN 3 SECTIONS SHEET FP3 OF FP3 ZDomestic Water System Flow Analysis Coachella Valley Water District 75515 Hovley Lane East Palm Desert, CA 92211 Domestic Water System Flow Analysis (Hydraulic Model) GEO 06-07-21-2 PZ 21-12795 Requested By: Woodbridge Pacific Date: 10/26/2021 Address: 27271 Las Ramblas Suite 100 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 APN: Req. Fire Flow: 1000 gpm at 20psi for 2 hours. Contact Name: Matt Messina Project Name: Jewel / Tract 36537 Signature PGA West Phone: 951-214-0982 Email: mmessina@woodbridgepacific.com Cell: 951-214-0982 Domestic Water System Flow analysis Location: Hydrant at Redstone / Royal Oaks Way, Signature at PGA West, La Quinta Flow Analysis Description Model Information m Requested • Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Flow Domestic Elevation (Ft): -8 None system flow available without exceeding Steady State, Dynamic (psi): 76.3 Residual Pressure (psi): 74.4 Fire Flow Tested (gpm): 750 N/A CVWD's Combined Total: N/A criteria. Tested Model Junction: J22627 Duration: 2 hours Demand Conditions: Peak Day Demand (PDD) Reservoir No./Level (s): Reservoir 6726/21.9' Pumps Operating No's: Pumps On Pressure Zone and HGL: Lake Cahuilla (145') Model: CVWD DOMESTICWATER 2020UPDATE 092221 Comments: The domestic water system is capable of providing 750 gpm for 2 hours that satisfies CVWD's minimum pressure, velocity, and/or head loss criteria. This simulated system flow analysis may not include all facilities that may be required for this development/project. Please check with Development Services for further information on all required facilities. The theoretical flow to drop the residual pressure to 20 psi is ,700 gpm. Please note the theoretical flow exceeds CVWD's design criteria on the domestic water network. - T $Y'§.; ,J' These results are based on hydraulic modelling and not a guarantee that CVWD's domestic water system will have the capacity to supply water to the project at the flows or pressures indicated. It is important to note that the capacity of the on -site fire system, meters, service lines, backflow assemblies and other appurtenances were not considered in this analysis, which may alter actual flows or pressures. Due to continuous changes in the system, CVWD only considers this system flow analysis valid for six months from date of modelling/analysis. These system flow analysis comments are for plan check purposes only. The ultimate design responsibility resides with the Engineer -of -Record for this Project. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at (760) 398-2661, ext. 2397. my Completed By- ,f� Date: Page 1 of 1 ENG DS-016 Z (8/31/15) i 6 - 7 - 16 - 3 I I I .. I I I I N I I I r I I I � I I I I e - i - di -j 0 100 200 400 600 B00 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - J FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 705 E. HARRISON, SUITE 200 CORONA,CA 92879 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR JEWEL LA QUINTA, CA. TRACT# 36537-1 *PLAN 3 *10% TAKEN OFF WATER SUPPLY FOR SAFETY MARGIN CALC AREA 1 Date: 11/16/2021 File No: 32142 Data File Name: Plan 3.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING 196.0 sq. ft./spklr.(max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 14.0 ft. Min. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 8.0 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 7.0 ft. SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Senju Descr: SS8261 Pend.RC-RES(14x14) K=3.70 Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs & Drops: 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=3.61 (Incl. 1 Tee) 0.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Arm -Over: K=3.59 (Incl. 1 Tee & 1 Ell) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: CPVC HWC: 150 WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: By: Static: 63.9 psi Resid: 62.2 psi Flow: 750.0 gpm Public Main Size: 4 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 5 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Press. Node Total Avail. Req'd Flowing Flow (psi) No. Flow Press. Press. 1 10.0 7.7 13 15.0 63.9 33.5 2 10.0 7.7 13 25.4 63.9 43.7 REVIEWING AUTHORITY RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * 1 sprinkler flowing * 2 sprinklers flowing FIXD P # END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISCH FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC NOD DIA EQV.LN PUMP (FT) (K) *(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI)*(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- 1 1 25.00 BG ---- -2.0 SRCE ---- 15.0 2.02 33.5 ---- 25.4 5.38 43.7 150 2 0.995 6.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.07 0.00 31.4 ---- 0.17 0.00 38.3 2 2 1.00 -12.0 -2.0 ---- ---- 15.0 0.27 31.4 ---- 25.4 0.71 38.3 150 3 0.745 0.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.27 0.00 19.2 ---- 0.71 0.00 25.6 3 3 70.00 3L ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 15.0 0.65 19.2 ---- 25.4 1.71 25.6 150 4 1.590 27.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.01 0.00 18.5 ---- 0.02 0.00 23.9 4 4 4.00 L ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 15.0 0.07 18.5 ---- 25.4 0.18 23.9 150 5 1.505 4.0 ---- 2.0 -5 5 0.01 1.73 16.7 5 0.02 1.73 22.0 5 5 2.00 C ---- 2.0 -5 5 10.0 0.06 16.7 5 20.4 0.21 22.0 150 6 1.101 1.0 ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.87 15.8 ---- 0.07 0.87 20.9 6 6 1.00 -3.0 4.0 ---- ---- 10.0 0.02 15.8 ---- 20.4 0.07 20.9 150 7 1.101 0.0 ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 12.8 ---- 0.07 0.00 17.8 7 7 6.00 3R ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 10.0 0.17 12.8 ---- 20.4 0.63 17.8 150 10 1.101 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.02 2.60 10.0 ---- 0.07 2.60 14.6 8 10 4.50 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 10.0 0.49 10.0 ---- 20.4 1.85 14.6 150 11 0.874 4.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.06 0.00 9.5 ---- 0.22 0.00 12.8 9 11 51.50 L2B3R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 5.5 1.25 9.5 ---- 11.0 4.49 12.8 150 12 0.874 13.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 8.3 ---- 0.07 0.00 8.3 10 12 7.50 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 10.0 0.61 8.3 ---- 10.0 0.61 8.3 150 13 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 3.61 10.0 0.06 0.00 7.7 10.0 0.06 0.00 7.7 11 12 4.50 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -4.5 0.10 8.3 ---- 1.0 0.01 8.3 150 14 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 3.61 ---- -0.01 0.00 8.4 10.4 0.00 0.00 8.3 12 14 25.00 L3R ---- 10.0 3.61 ---- -4.5 0.42 8.4 10.4 -9.4 1.65 8.3 150 15 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 8.8 ---- -0.05 0.00 9.9 13 15 2.00 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 8.8 ---- 0.0 0.00 9.9 150 16 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 8.8 ---- 0.00 0.00 9.9 14 15 44.50 L7R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -4.5 0.73 8.8 ---- -9.4 2.85 9.9 150 11 0.874 11.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -0.01 0.00 9.5 ---- -0.05 0.00 12.8 Node Notes Pipe Notes Legend: P - Pipe # LEN - Pipe Length DIA - Pipe Diameter FIT. - Pipe Fittings EQV. LN - Pipe Equivalent Length FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device PUMP - Pump Pressure EL - Node Elevation SP - K-Factor DISCH - Discharge in gpm FLOW - Flow Rate FL/FT - Friction Loss per Foot PF - Pressure Loss due to Friction PE - Pressure Loss due to Elevation PT - Total Pressure at Node Fitting Code Letters: E=45 Ell, L=90 Ell, B=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatVly, X= X, Y= Y, Z= The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 2 at 11.04 ft/s with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 2 at 18.69 ft/s with 2 sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard PAGE: C MATERIAL: CPVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 0.874 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.101 1.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: K MATERIAL: Copper Tube-K HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 0.745 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.995 1.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 1.505 2.00 4.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: P MATERIAL: PVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) L B R C S G X Y Z E L B R C S G X Y Z 1.590 9.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 14.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HASS HOUSE 2021.0.01 computer program (License No. ) to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node and a maximum imbalance of 0.05 gpm with one sprinkler flowing, and 0.010 gpm at each node and maximum imbalance of 0.09 gpm with 2 sprinklers flowing in accordance with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. The minimum source pressure is 20.0 psi with a minimum required pressure of 43.7 psi and a 7 minute flow of 178 gal. and a 10 minute flow of 253.9 gallons. The minimum pressure at any node is 7.7 psi at node 13. HRS Systems, Inc. 208 Southside Square Petersburg, TN 37144 (931) 659-9760 WATER SUPPLY CURVE 75.0 67.5 P 60.0 R E 52.5 S S 45.0 U R 37.5 E 30.0 P 22.5 S I 15.0 7.5 0.0 04 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 FLOW (GPM) Static = 63.9 psi, Residual = 62.2 psi @ 750 gpm (1 sprinkler flowing) (2 sprinklers flowing) A = Available Water Supply C = Available Water Supply 63.9 psi @ 15.0 gpm 63.9 psi @ 25.4 gpm B = Required Water Supply D = Required Water Supply 33.5 psi @ 15.0 gpm 43.7 psi @ 25.4 gpm FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS 705 E. HARRISON, SUITE 200 CORONA,CA 92879 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM HYDRAULICS CALCULATION REPORT FOR JEWEL LA QUINTA, CA. TRACT# 36537-1 *PLAN 3 *10% TAKEN OFF WATER SUPPLY FOR SAFETY MARGIN CALC AREA 2 Date: 11/16/2021 File No: 32142 Data File Name: Plan 3.rdf SPRINKLER SPACING 400.0 sq. ft./spklr.(max) Max. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 20.0 ft. Min. Dist. Bet. Spklrs: 8.0 Max. Dist. Spklr. to Wall: 10.0 ft. SPRINKLER SPECIFICATIONS Mfr: Senju Descr: SS8464 Rec.Pend.(20x20) K=4.90 Calculated K Factor for Arm-Overs & Drops: 1.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Drop: K=4.71 (Incl. 1 Tee) 0.0 ft. x 0.874 in. Arm -Over: K=4.67 (Incl. 1 Tee & 1 Ell) PIPE SPECIFICATIONS Type: CPVC HWC: 150 WATER SUPPLY Source: Public Test Date: By: Static: 63.9 psi Resid: 62.2 psi Flow: 750.0 gpm Public Main Size: 4 in Domestic Demand: 5.0 gpm at node number 5 SPRINKLER DEMAND No.Spklrs. Min Spklr. Press. Node Total Avail. Req'd Flowing Flow (psi) No. Flow Press. Press. 1 21.0 19.9 16 26.0 63.9 57.2 1 21.0 19.9 16 26.0 63.9 57.2 REVIEWING AUTHORITY RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT RESULTS OF ANALYSIS PIPE & NODE DATA * FLOW ANALYSIS * 1 sprinkler flowing * 1 sprinklers flowing FIXD P # END LEN FIT. LOSS EL SP *DISCH FLOW PF PT *DISCH FLOW PF PT HWC NOD DIA EQV.LN PUMP (FT) (K) *(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI)*(GPM) FL/FT PE (PSI) --------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- 1 1 25.00 BG ---- -2.0 SRCE ---- 26.0 5.61 57.2 ---- 26.0 5.61 57.2 150 2 0.995 6.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.18 0.00 51.6 ---- 0.18 0.00 51.6 2 2 1.00 -12.0 -2.0 ---- ---- 26.0 0.74 51.6 ---- 26.0 0.74 51.6 150 3 0.745 0.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.74 0.00 38.8 ---- 0.74 0.00 38.8 3 3 70.00 3L ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 26.0 1.79 38.8 ---- 26.0 1.79 38.8 150 4 1.590 27.0 ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 0.02 0.00 37.0 ---- 0.02 0.00 37.0 4 4 4.00 L ---- -2.0 ---- ---- 26.0 0.19 37.0 ---- 26.0 0.19 37.0 150 5 1.505 4.0 ---- 2.0 -5 5 0.02 1.73 35.1 5 0.02 1.73 35.1 5 5 2.00 C ---- 2.0 -5 5 21.0 0.22 35.1 5 21.0 0.22 35.1 150 6 1.101 1.0 ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 0.07 0.87 34.0 ---- 0.07 0.87 34.0 6 6 1.00 -3.0 4.0 ---- ---- 21.0 0.07 34.0 ---- 21.0 0.07 34.0 150 7 1.101 0.0 ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 0.07 0.00 30.9 ---- 0.07 0.00 30.9 7 7 6.00 3R ---- 4.0 ---- ---- 21.0 0.67 30.9 ---- 21.0 0.67 30.9 150 10 1.101 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.07 2.60 27.7 ---- 0.07 2.60 27.7 8 10 4.50 L ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 21.0 1.95 27.7 ---- 21.0 1.95 27.7 150 11 0.874 4.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.23 0.00 25.7 ---- 0.23 0.00 25.7 9 11 51.50 L2B3R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 8.7 2.92 25.7 ---- 8.7 2.92 25.7 150 12 0.874 13.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.05 0.00 22.8 ---- 0.05 0.00 22.8 10 12 7.50 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.0 0.00 22.8 ---- 0.0 0.00 22.8 150 13 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.00 0.00 22.8 ---- 0.00 0.00 22.8 11 12 4.50 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 8.7 0.34 22.8 ---- 8.7 0.34 22.8 150 14 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.05 0.00 22.5 ---- 0.05 0.00 22.5 12 14 25.00 L3R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 8.7 1.45 22.5 ---- 8.7 1.45 22.5 150 15 0.874 7.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 0.05 0.00 21.0 ---- 0.05 0.00 21.0 13 15 2.00 B ---- 10.0 ---- ---- 21.0 1.15 21.0 ---- 21.0 1.15 21.0 150 16 0.874 3.0 ---- 10.0 4.71 21.0 0.23 0.00 19.9 21.0 0.23 0.00 19.9 14 15 44.50 L7R ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -12.3 4.70 21.0 ---- -12.3 4.70 21.0 150 11 0.874 11.0 ---- 10.0 ---- ---- -0.08 0.00 25.7 ---- -0.08 0.00 25.7 Node Notes Pipe Notes Legend: P - Pipe # LEN - Pipe Length DIA - Pipe Diameter FIT. - Pipe Fittings EQV. LN - Pipe Equivalent Length FIXD LOSS - Fixed Loss Device PUMP - Pump Pressure EL - Node Elevation SP - K-Factor DISCH - Discharge in gpm FLOW - Flow Rate FL/FT - Friction Loss per Foot PF - Pressure Loss due to Friction PE - Pressure Loss due to Elevation PT - Total Pressure at Node Fitting Code Letters: E=45 Ell, L=90 Ell, B=TeeBch, R=TeeRun, C=Couplg, S=SwgChk, G=GatVly, X= X, Y= Y, Z= The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 2 at 19.14 ft/s with 1 sprinkler flowing. The maximum velocity of water flow occurs in pipe 2 at 19.14 ft/s with 1 sprinklers flowing. PIPE FITTINGS TABLE Pipe Table Name: standard PAGE: C MATERIAL: CPVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 0.874 1.00 4.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.101 1.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: K MATERIAL: Copper Tube-K HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 0.745 0.00 1.00 3.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.995 1.00 2.00 6.00 2.00 2.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: L MATERIAL: Copper Tube-L HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) E L B R C S G X Y Z 45 Ell 90 Ell TeeBch TeeRun Couplg SwgChk GatVly X Y Z 1.505 2.00 4.00 9.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PAGE: P MATERIAL: PVC HWC: 150 Diameter Equivalent Fitting Lengths in Feet (in) L B R C S G X Y Z E L B R C S G X Y Z 1.590 9.00 8.00 1.00 1.00 14.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sprinkler system has been hydraulically calculated with the HASS HOUSE 2021.0.01 computer program (License No. ) to provide an average imbalance of 0.010 gpm at each node and a maximum imbalance of 0.01 gpm with one sprinkler flowing, and 0.010 gpm at each node and maximum imbalance of 0.02 gpm with 1 sprinklers flowing in accordance with NFPA 13 and 13D or 13R. The minimum source pressure is 20.0 psi with a minimum required pressure of 57.2 psi and a 7 minute flow of 182 gal. and a 10 minute flow of 260.0 gallons. The minimum pressure at any node is 19.9 psi at node 16. HRS Systems, Inc. 208 Southside Square Petersburg, TN 37144 (931) 659-9760 WATER SUPPLY CURVE 75.0 67.5 P 60.0 R E 52.5 S S 45.0 U R 37.5 E 30.0 P 22.5 S I 15.0 7.5 0.0 04 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 FLOW (GPM) Static = 63.9 psi, Residual = 62.2 psi @ 750 gpm (1 sprinkler flowing) (1 sprinklers flowing) A = Available Water Supply C = Available Water Supply 63.9 psi @ 26.0 gpm 63.9 psi @ 26.0 gpm B = Required Water Supply D = Required Water Supply 57.2 psi @ 26.0 gpm 57.2 psi @ 26.0 gpm CAL FIRE - RIVERSIDE UNIT RIVERSIDE COUNTY FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFICE OF THE FIRE MARSHAL — LA QUINTA CALIFORNIA 78495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253 • Phone (760) 777-7074 • www.rvcfire.org November 30, 2021 Fire Sprinkler Systems INC 705 E Harrison St #200 Corona, CA 92879 Re: Residential Fire Sprinkler Plan Review — JEWEL TRACT #36537 FCMP2021-0029 / MASTER PLAN 3 The sprinkler plans you submitted for the above referenced project have been reviewed by Riverside County Fire Department - Office of the Fire Marshal personnel and are approved with the following conditions. Contractor shall separately apply and pay fees for the various Production Home lots associated with this project as each will be handled under separate permit. Permanently marked identification signs shall be attached to all control valves. The following inspections/tests are required to be witnessed by Office of the Fire Marshal Staff: (a) Overhead Rough and Hydro static test: All piping shall be visible and pumped at normal operating pressure. *No jacketed electrical and data wiring shall be in contact with, nor have the potential to contact CPVC piping once insulation is installed. (b) Final inspection The Fire Department approved plans and conditions letter must be at the job site. Applicant/installer shall be responsible to contact the Fire Department to schedule inspections. Requests for inspections are to be made at least 48 hours in advance and may be arranged by calling (760)777-7131. All questions regarding the meaning of these conditions should be referred to the Office of the Fire Marshal staff at (760)777-7074. Kohl Hetrick - Fire Safety Specialist 705 E. Harrison St Corona, Ca. 92879-1350 Phone: 800-915-3473 Fax:951-272-2535 To: Kohl Hetrick From: Chris Holthues RE: FCMP2021-0029 Pages: 1 Phone: 800-915-3473 Date: 11 /16/2021 Re: Jewel - Signature @ PGA West - Plan 3 ❑ Urgent x For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle Per your request I have made the following adjustments to your corrections needed: 1. New Fire Flow test is current within 6 months. 2. Fire Flow hydrant used for calculations is within project area. OFFICE USE ONLY: y REVIEW DATE: ❑ APPROVED ❑ CORRECTIONS CALIFORNIA CALLED FOR PICKUP: DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 78-495 Calle Tampico PICKED UP: La Quinta, California 92253 (760) 777-7125 / FAX (760) 777-7011 FIRE REVIEW APPLICATION [i] SUBMITTAL # 1 ❑ REVISION # PERMIT NO. APPLICANT/OWNER INFORMATION Applicant Name: FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, INC Owner Name: WOODBRIDGE PACIFIC Mailing Address: 705 E. HARRISON ST. #200, CORONA CA 92879 Site Address: LOT Phone Number: 951-272-2522 Project JEWEL / TRACT# 36537-1 / PLAN TYPE 3 / 18 HEADS Email: jamieb@fireinc.net Description: (Include # of sprinkler heads) Pursuant to a Cooperative Agreement to Provide Fire Services, the Riverside County Fire Department serves as the City's fire department, and the County designee serves as the City's fire chief. Applicant recognizes this contracted arrangement and shall comply with County Fire Department directions. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Contractor Name: FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, INC. Contractor #: 684600 Signature: Contact Person: JAM I E B I SH I P Mailing Address: 705 E. HARRISON ST., #200 Print Name: JAMIE BISHIP City, State, Zip: CORONA, CA 92879 Phone Number: 951-272-2522 Business License #: 762890 Email Address: jamieb@fireinc.net A. APPLICATION TYPE FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEM STORAGE TANKS ❑ NEW COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL ------------ ❑ DISPENSERS ONLY HOURLY@161/HR ❑ 0-35,000 SQ FT $670 ❑ ABOVE GROUND HOURLY@161/HR ❑ 35,001-75,000 SQ FT $791 SUPRESSION SYSTEM ❑ 75,001-120,000 SQ FT $992 ❑ HOOD & DUCT $418 ❑ 120,001 AND UP $1234 ❑ OTHER SUPRESSION SYSTEM HOURLY@161/HR ❑ TENANT IMPROVEMENTS - FIRE SPRINKLER $418 MASTER PLAN ❑ RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER SYSTEMS ------------ ❑ MASTER PLAN HOURLY@161/HR ❑ 1-50 SPRINKLER HEADS $418 MISC ❑ 51-100 SPRINKLER HEADS $498 ❑ PYRO $740 ❑ OVER 100 SPRINKLER HEADS $579 ❑ HAZMAT HOURLY@161/HR ❑ RESIDENTIAL TRACT HOME (EA.) ADDITIONAL ------------ ❑ HIGH PILE RACK STORAGE HOURLY@161/HR ❑ 1-50 SPRINKLER HEADS $176 ❑ PRIVATE FIRE MAINS $901 ❑ 51-100 SPRINKLER HEADS $257 ❑ TECHNICAL REPORT RESEARCH HOURLY@161/HR ❑ OVER 100 SPRINKLER HEADS $337 ❑ FIRE PUMPS $659 ❑ MULTI -FAMILY (3 OR MORE) $590 ❑ STANDPIPE SYSTEMS $579 FIRE ALARM SYSTEM ❑ WATER TANKS $418 ❑ COMMERCIAL - SPRINKLER MONITORING $418 ❑ REVISION $161 ❑ COMMERCIAL - FIRE ALARM SYSTEM $1062 ❑ OTHER HOURLY@161/HR tarn application type includes a Technology Enhancement Fee at $5 & Records Management Fee at $10 or $21 REVISED 12/6/2019 *For permits billed at an hourly rate, these fees will be added at time of payment. Bin # City of La Quints Building 8z Safety Division P.O. Box 1504, 78-495 Calle Tampico La.Quinta, CA 92253 - (760) 777-7012 Building Permit Application and Tracking Sheet Permit # Project Address: LOT / Owner'sNarne:WOODBRIDGE PACIFIC A.P.Number: Address:27285 LAS RAMBLAS #230 Legal Description: MASTER PLAN TYPE 3 Contractor: FIRE SPRINKLER SYSTEMS, INC City, ST, Zip: MISSION VIEJO, CA 92691 pa Telephone: U.;£;$�.,G Address: 705 E. HARRISON ST. #200 Project Description: City, ST, Zip: CORONA, CA 92879 INSTALLATION OF RESIDENTIAL FIRE SPRINKLERS Telephone: 951-272-2522 sy r>Y "'`' 'f k4i 18 HEADS / 1,639 SF State Lic. # : 684600 City Lie. #.: 762890 Arch., Engr., Designer: Address: City, ST, Zip: Telephone: State Lic. #: . ,., � z? s" Name of Contact Person: JAM I E B I S H I P Construction Type: .V_g Occupancy: R3/U Project type (eirete one): New Add'n Alter Repair Demo Sq. Ft.: 1,639 S F "St es: 1 #Units: N/A Telephone # of Contact Person: 951-272-2522 Estimated Value of Project: $1,155.00 APPLICANT: DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE # Submittal Req'd Reed TRACKING PERMIT FEES Plan Sets Plan Check submitted Item Amouat Structural Cales. Reviewed, ready for corrections Plan Check Deposit Truss Calcs. Called Contact Person Plan Check Balance Title 24 Cales. Plans picked up Construction Flood plain plan Plans resubmitted Mechanical Grading plan r' Review, ready for correctionslissue Electrical Subcontactor List Called Contact Person Plumbing Grant Deed Plans picked up S.M.I. 11.0A. Approval Plans resubmitted Grading IN HOUSE:- '"' Review; ready for eorrectionsfrssue Developer Impact Fee Planning Approval Called Contact Person A.I.P.P. Pub. Wks. Appr Date of permit issue School Fees Total Permit Fees