Travertine - Draft EIR re SP Amendment - Notice of Availability (October 2023)Desert
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I acknowledge that I am a principal clerk of the
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I certify under penalty of perjury, under the laws of
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Ad#: GC11116136
# of Affidavits :1
— GEM of the DESERT — — SCH# 2018011023
In eecordance with the Calif omla Environmental Quality Act (GEfA), the. City ai LaDente ICityl, ea Lead Agency,
has prepared a Araft Emireementel impact Report fE Rl fur the proposed Travertine Specific Plan Amendment H
Project (' Piaftot" Y (SCH# 2D18011023). This mein briefly d the Project and Ito location, liars the Project's
yignifoantettocfs qn the environment, which are addressed In detail In Me draft EIR. status wham Me Draft EIR
and all ddcumerilo That era reteranced le the Draft EIR ore available tar public rav1ow, and provides the 5mettema
for submitting comments an Dra Draft EIR: Please note that mommeels must ha submitted In writing according to s the directions provided below,
Project LOcallan: Thu Protect site encamrm an area of approximately 555 acres In the sou111eaatsrn portion
of the City. bounded by Coral Mounain on the northwest, Avenue 60 to the•rierth, and Us. Bureau of Reclamation
mks. Na. 4 3n -haves!. Tha Project fa located In Section 33, Township 5 South, Range 7 East. and Seorions 3
through 5 in T3wrship 7 South, Range 7 East, Seri Bernardino Base Line and Meridian. Martinez Mountain and
Valerie 7.5-minute quadrangles and et Latitude 33' 35' 53" N Longitude I16° 15' 33" W Sapprexlrnata
geograplilr, center of the properly].
ttiI.see utility infrastructure that would be needed in serve InctProject al full hulldout fan Imperial Irrigation
Disldcl st8.fsMline and Coachella Valley Woter Di1Vlet water waliat is proposed to he located east and northeast al
the Pm§eat property, generally between Avenue 5a en the nit, Avenue 52 on the south, Calhoun Street an the
east. end Almonle Drive and Monroe Street on the west.
PraieetOescr[piio+r:The Project would amend the ridopmd Travertine Specific Plan to armada far Medovalapmem
of a min of use_ including up 101.200 dwelling units of varying residential.producl types ant twit community parks {east and westl an 378.8 acres; a 36.3-
ergo meat/ape facility with a 45,000.9quare-tout biouilque hams with a 175-seat restaurant, 97,55D.eyrlarefeat of rasortvillas, and 8,750 square feat at epo
end wellness Canter, e40.2-arse resertfgvlf irmany wilh.a5,500-square-faCig1R aptl5my, a 1,40g•aquare-foot clehhov.s, and 10,000•aquare•footbangdet
restaurant I500-seat 0apact, The Project etsa proposes do -site and elf -site drainage Infrasbuciure, and recreational open space ea -eliding al a 5•mle
pink Iran system, staging areas, gathering areas, and passive and active spaces on approximately 55.9 acres. Natural open apace land uses are proposed
tla appronimutsty 301.2 cares on the southern portion oldie project property Tor Wnsewatien and ptessevotlon purposes.
General puhlie access to tho Pfo;eel prohidod by a southerly eiuursion 3f Jelterson Street and a westerly extension of AVM* 62-These M0edwey5
wdl extend tote the !Inject site and create aspine readway.thaf will provide access le the neighborhood carnmurutea. An emergency vehicle acdoes fend *HI
be provident along the unirrrpreeed portion of / to lison StreeL
At fill bulidooa, Project domi.dentorrd would he offset by 1 new electrical outstation and up Igrr& Coacnata Yaliry Water Wehict {LVWa} wets.
Tfie ProloduriPanenttaseeking. the togow105 entitlements trom the City-. General Ptah Ame-polTretllt0PA2017.0002),7nne Change {LC 2011-0004
Bpe0flo FlanAmendmem 0,2111.T-000h1, Temaaee Tract Map (17M 2017-0008i, einnu tielpphi[ent Agreement IDA 2021-0001).
Signifcant:Mots Dlarru0sedlnthe Drag EIR:.Tt-,n Oroft EIR cane/tides that the Prniect Mil resit iii iese lhalr o1 rdIIeiM ernvlrmreneulal impelCs to the
fellmvinig raceme areas: Amlldffitiral Resources and Fareeiry R0ouices,.Energy, Lend Use and Planning, Population mod Housing, Recreation: andWifdfrre
Risk. The.Draft EIR concludes That the Prot may result in potentially slgnlrrrant but mflg&hie impacts Mahe following resource area a Aestnetics, Air
Quality. 610tng1ea1 Resources, Cultural Resources, Geology avid Sella. }Wade and Hazardous Materials; Hydmkrgyarid Water 0ualliy,Noise, Paine Services,
Trensporielronl, Tribal Cullum! P.usoorees, and Utilities. The Draft EIR•luriher concludes anti t11e Proieelmaytesuh 1R perentially significant and unavoidable
Imparts to tie following resource areas G1Oenh04154 Sasses and Transportation (vehicle. mita8 traveled-.
This Draft 11R ae avatteble fora 45-day public re015w period beginning on 0otaher 27 2023 end.endlno.nn Decarebor 11, 2023. Tile Draft EIR tId.nll
document That ere referenced In the Drag EIR aro available for public review at the La Outr te.Cdy ttldl, mated al 78-495 Calla Templco, La oolrfa, CA
62253. Is aildltan, an el scion& 0ereion oi111c.0rattpin is available ea the C-Ay'±•wehaita nt:htttsdfkrttia,,Vavartine.
CemmerrlS OR titeDraft EIR may be providedin writing by December 17,.2023 l3: Cared Rona, Flaming Olinger, Clip of La nutnta, 73.495 Calla Templed,
Ia1urrnt1, CA 92253, or c1Boraegisteutrrhrca.do0. Pieaso naln'TravertineSPA DUR" In the suhjeCtleie_ Weskit Ihdode.your name, address,. end other contact
fnrarrrixtion In your submispth. Further tnfnrmatlrm:dbeet the piopttsod Pr* mllableat}1D>sllerwwltssiu It ce0cv lmvmline.
v a � o r(V
GEM of the DESER]' —
In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City
of La Quinta (City), as Lead Agency, has prepared a Draft Environmental
Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Travertine Specific Plan Amendment
Project ("Project"). This notice briefly describes the Project and its location,
lists the Project's significant effects on the environment, which are addressed
in detail in the Draft EIR, states where the Draft EIR and all documents that
are referenced in the Draft EIR are available for public review, and provides
the timeframe for submitting comments on the Draft EIR. Please note that
comments must be submitted in writing according to the directions provided
Project Location: The Project site encompasses an area of approximately
855 acres in the southeastern portion of the City, bounded by Coral Mountain
on the northwest, Avenue 60 to the north, and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
dike No. 4 on the east. The Project is located in Section 33, Township 6
South, Range 7 East, and Sections 3 through 5 in Township 7 South, Range
7 East, San Bernardino Base Line and Meridian, Martinez Mountain and
Valerie 7.5 -minute quadrangles; and at Latitude 330 35' 53" N Longitude 1160
15' 33" W (approximate geographic center of the property).
Off-site utility infrastructure that would be needed to serve the Project at full buildout (an Imperial Irrigation District
substation and Coachella Valley Water District water wells) is proposed to be located east and northeast of the
Project property, generally between Avenue 58 on the north, Avenue 62 on the south, Calhoun Street on the east,
and Almonte Drive and Monroe Street on the west.
Project Description: The Project would amend the adopted Travertine Specific Plan to provide for the
development of a mix of uses including up to 1,200 dwelling units of varying residential product types and two
community parks (east and west) on 378.8 acres; a 38.3 -acre resort/spa facility with a 45,000 -square -foot boutique
hotel with a 175 -seat restaurant, 97,500 square feet of resort villas, and 8,700 square feet of spa and wellness
center; a 46.2 -acre resort/golf facility with a 5,500 -square -foot golf academy, a 1,000 -square -foot clubhouse, and
10,000 -square -foot banquet restaurant (500 -seat capacity). The Project also proposes on-site and off-site drainage
infrastructure, and recreational open space consisting of a 5 -mile public trail system, staging areas, gathering
areas, and passive and active spaces on approximately 55.9 acres. Natural open space land uses are proposed
on approximately 301.2 acres on the southern portion of the Project property for conservation and preservation
General public access to the Project would be provided by a southerly extension of Jefferson Street and a westerly
extension of Avenue 62. These roadways will extend into the Project site and create a spine roadway that will provide
access to the neighborhood communities. An emergency vehicle access road will be provided along the unimproved
portion of Madison Street.
At full buildout, Project utility demand would be offset by a new electrical substation and up to five Coachella Valley
Water District (CVWD) wells.
The Project proponent is seeking the following entitlements from the City: General Plan Amendment (GPA 2017-
0002), Zone Change (ZC 2017-002), Specific Plan Amendment (SP 2017-0004), Tentative Tract Map (TTM 2017-
0004), and Development Agreement (DA 2021-0001).
Significant Effects Discussed in the Draft EIR: The Draft EIR concludes that the Project will result in less than
significant environmental impacts to the following resource areas: Agricultural Resources and Forestry Resources,
Energy, Land Use and Planning, Population and Housing, Recreation, and Wildfire Risk. The Draft EIR concludes
that the Project may result in potentially significant but mitigable, impacts to the following resource areas: Aesthetics,
Air Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Geology and Soils, Hazards and Hazardous Materials,
Hydrology and Water Quality, Noise, Public Services, Transportation, Tribal Cultural Resources, and Utilities. The
Draft EIR further concludes that the Project may result in potentially significant and unavoidable impacts to the
following resource areas: Greenhouse Gasses and Transportation (vehicle miles traveled).
This Draft EIR is available for a 45 -day public review period beginning on October 27, 2023 and ending on
December 11, 2023. The Draft EIR and all documents that are referenced in the Draft EIR are available for public
review at the La Quinta City Hall, located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. In addition, an electronic
version of the Draft EIR is available on the City's website at
Comments on the Draft EIR may be provided in writing by December 11, 2023 to: Cheri Flores, Planning Manager,
City of La Quinta, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253, or clflores Please note "Travertine
SPA DEIR" in the subject line. Please include your name, address, and other contact information in your submission.
Further information about the proposed Project is available at
GEM of rhe DESERT — —
SCH# 2018011023
In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the City of La Quinta (City), as Lead Agency,
has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Travertine Specific Plan Amendment h
Project ("Project") (SCH# 2018011023). This notice briefly describes the Project and its location, lists the Project's ; c
significant effects on the environment, which are addressed in detail in the Draft EIR, states where the Draft EIR S;' $
and all documents that are referenced in the Draft EIR are available for public review, and provides the timeframe; Avenue 50
for submitting comments on the Draft EIR. Please note that comments must be submitted in writing according to } •,
the directions provided below.
Project Location: The Project site encompasses an area of approximately 855 acres in the southeastern portion o
of the City, bounded by Coral Mountain on the northwest, Avenue 60 to the north, and U.S. Bureau of Reclamation
dike No. 4 on the east. The Project is located in Section 33, Township 6 South, Range 7 East, and Sections 3 62nd Ave
through 5 in Township 7 South, Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base Line and Meridian, Martinez Mountain and project She
Valerie 7.5 -minute quadrangles; and at Latitude 33° 35' 53" N Longitude 116° 15' 33" W (approximate
geographic center of the property).
Off-site utility infrastructure that would be needed to serve the Project at full buildout (an Imperial Irrigation
District substation and Coachella Valley Water District water wells) is proposed to be located east and northeast of
the Project property, generally between Avenue 58 on the north, Avenue 62 on the south, Calhoun Street on the
east, and Almonte Drive and Monroe Street on the west.
Project Description: The Project would amend the adopted Travertine Specific Plan to provide forthe development
of a mix of uses including up to 1,200 dwelling units of varying residential product types and two community parks (east and west) on 378.8 acres; a 38.3 -
acre resort/spa facility with a 45,000 -square -foot boutique hotel with a 175 -seat restaurant, 97,500 square feet of resort villas, and 8,700 square feet of spa
and wellness center; a 46.2 -acre resort/golf facility with a 5,500 -square -foot golf academy, a 1,000 -square -foot clubhouse, and 10,000 -square -foot banquet
restaurant (500 -seat capacity). The Project also proposes on-site and off-site drainage infrastructure, and recreational open space consisting of a 5 -mile
public trail system, staging areas, gathering areas, and passive and active spaces on approximately 55.9 acres. Natural open space land uses are proposed
on approximately 301.2 acres on the southern portion of the Project property for conservation and preservation purposes.
General public access to the Project would be provided by a southerly extension of Jefferson Street and a westerly extension of Avenue 62. These roadways
will extend into the Project site and create a spine roadway that will provide access to the neighborhood communities. An emergency vehicle access road will
be provided along the unimproved portion of Madison Street.
At full buildout, Project utility demand would be offset by a new electrical substation and up to five Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) wells.
The Project proponent is seeking the following entitlements from the City: General Plan Amendment (GPA 2017-0002), Zone Change (ZC 2017-0002),
Specific Plan Amendment (SP 2017-0004), Tentative Tract Map (TTM 2017-0008), and Development Agreement (DA 2021-0001).
Significant Effects Discussed in the Draft EIR: The Draft EIR concludes that the Project will result in less than significant environmental impacts to the
following resource areas: Agricultural Resources and Forestry Resources, Energy, Land Use and Planning, Population and Housing, Recreation, and Wildfire
Risk. The Draft EIR concludes that the Project may result in potentially significant but mitigable, impacts to the following resource areas: Aesthetics, Air
Quality, Biological Resources, Cultural Resources, Geology and Soils, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Hydrology and Water Quality, Noise, Public Services,
Transportation, Tribal Cultural Resources, and Utilities. The Draft EIR further concludes that the Project may result in potentially significant and unavoidable
impacts to the following resource areas: Greenhouse Gasses and Transportation (vehicle miles traveled).
This Draft EIR is available for a 45 -day public review period beginning on October 27. 2023 and ending on December 11, 2023. The Draft EIR and all
documents that are referenced in the Draft EIR are available for public review at the La Quinta City Hall, located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quints, CA
92253. In addition, an electronic version of the Draft EIR is available on the City's website at https://www.laguintaca.govftmvertine.
Comments on the Draft EIR may be provided in writing by December 11, 2023 to: Cheri Flores, Planning Manager, City of La Quinta, 78-495 Calle Tampico,
La Quinta, CA 92253, or Please note "Travertine SPA DER" in the subject line. Please include your name, address, and other contact
information in your submission. Further information about the proposed Project is available at
From: Capa, Ching <CCapa1>
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 1:33 PM
To: Tania Flores
Cc: Gannett Legals Public Notices 4; Cheri Flores; City Clerk Mail
Subject: Re: Order # GC11116136 1 Creative Review for Palm Springs Desert Sun
EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening
attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.
Hello, Tania -
Thank you for the approval. We are all set for publication in the Palm Springs Desert Sun on Friday, Oct.
27th of 2023.
Please let me know if you have any questions about this order and I'll be happy to assist you.
Ching Capa
Account Coordinator
Seize your potential at
From: Tania Flores <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 3:07 PM
To: Capa, Ching <>
Cc: Gannett Legals Public Notices 4 <>; Cheri Flores <>; City
Clerk Mail <>
Subject: RE: Order # GC11116136 I Creative Review for Palm Springs Desert Sun
Approved as revised. Thank you.
Tania Flores, CMC I Administrative Technician
Design & Development Department
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. (760) 777-7023
From: Capa, Ching <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 10:48 AM
To: Tania Flores <>
Cc: Gannett Legals Public Notices 4 <>; Cheri Flores <>; City
Clerk Mail <>
Subject: Re: Order # GC11116136 I Creative Review for Palm Springs Desert Sun
Importance: High
EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening
attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.
Hello, Tania -
I've attached the revised proof with corrections requested. Please check and let me know if further
changes are needed.
Ching Capa
Account Coordinator
Seize your potential at
From: Tania Flores <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 24, 2023 1:20 PM
To: Capa, Ching <>
Cc: Gannett Legals Public Notices 4 <>; Cheri Flores <>; City
Clerk Mail <>
Subject: RE: Order # GC11116136 I Creative Review for Palm Springs Desert Sun
Please see attached corrections highlighted with notes including:
• Add SCH# to title.
• Add SCH# to first paragraph after ("Project").
• Update Zone Change to (ZC 2017-0002).
• Update Tentative Tract Map to (TTM 2017-0008).
Let me know if you have any questions.
act Quiff
Tania Flores, CMC I Administrative Technician
Design & Development Department
City of La Quinta
78495 Calle Tampico I La Quinta, CA 92253
Ph. (760) 777-7023
From: Capa, Ching <>
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2023 2:13 PM
To: Tania Flores <>
Cc: Gannett Legals Public Notices 4<>; Cheri Flores <>; City
Clerk Mail <>
Subject: Order # GC11116136 I Creative Review for Palm Springs Desert Sun
Importance: High
EXTERNAL: This message originated outside of the City of La Quinta. Please use proper judgement and caution when opening
attachments, clicking links or responding to requests for information.
Good afternoon, Tania —
I work with the Legal Department for the Palm Springs Desert Sun and have your creative attached and ready for
your review.
Please note, our final deadline for creative approval is on October 25th at 3:00 PM EST.
Please let me know if you'd like any updates to your ad or if this is approved for publication. Corrections should be
submitted an hour before the deadline so we can cater for the changes needed. We are strict with deadlines, so we
need to approve the ad before the specific deadline given to make sure the ad reaches the press.
Order Details are noted below for your records:
Order # GC11116136 1 Material # GC11116136-01
Publication = Palm Springs Desert Sun
lO/PO = Travertine NOA
Section = Classifieds
Run Dates = October 27, 2023
Ad Size = 1/8th page (3 col. x 5")
Total Cost = $420.00
Please also click 'reply all' when responding to this email.
Thank you,
Ching Capa
Account Coordinator
LocaliQ I *
Seize your potential at