TalleyHOW OCCUPATION OF A BUSLNESS PER.VUT# F-N5FE=0N IAA TJ Please read each cond.iitwo li sted on the attachment is this packet �0 sce if the proposed home business complies with the City's Home Occupaton regwlat ons. NEW APPLICATION S f 05-00 LOCATION CHANGE S55.00 Ap�y t l as : Inc.Ro[ c 1 i Iin , Adds' e 0 Ilia Pavia Imo"'. End: 60- nik igro rig. rn Type of r€Qdcnu-. Square Footage: jingle 2700 TjW of BR%Nem- event rigging Brief Description of the lausiilam Comvdam- temporary special evert and theatrical rigging Lacatiu F3 auil Square Footage of Saebwu in Homm 033L Bedbor m 120 SF) bedroom (office), 120 sf rNumber of Persons Involved In Bmdne&: G Description of Machinery, Fquipment, and Suppkin Being Used: offioe co rnputerslprinters Dn sqe; truss and motors for rigging kept off site at s!oraga facility in Bermuda Durres I HAVE READ, lJ D1E]ELSTA]YD, A.I'D AGREE %TM THE ArTACEOED CONDTITONS BY WJE CH A HOME OCCUPATION PEWMIT IS ALLOWED. Nikki Talley bada_2022irOol 781NBW Talley 7--. 9--06W APPUCANTSr NATURE 1/18/2022 DATE 78495 CALLE TAM FMCO- LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Y 7W777-7a00 WWW.LAQUINTACA.GOV IF APPLICANT` IS OTTIER THAN 7HE P O TY OWbMP, A Sl qM) AUTHORIZATION FROM OWNER OR REZQTAJ-JT-EASrNG AGENT ISR URD. DATE AGENT CO1+iPANYNAME CONZ'ACTPHDN"E PLEASE CONTACT YQL'R HO OWNER'S ASSOCIATION PRIOR TD PAYING FOR YOUR HOIa OCCUTATION PER-MM YOUR HOA MAY RESTFUCT CAR PROHIBIT A HOM&BASED BUSINESS. IMPORTANT, FAI R OR 2WSLEADLNG fNTOKMATION SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR DENYING YOUR APPLICATION; FAELURE TO CO.V2LY WTFH TIE CONDITIONS LISTED ON THE ATTACHED PAGE SHALL BE GROUNDS FOR REVOCATTON OF THIS PER ri, I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS STATENT. Nikki Talley 7k: Tna SIGNATURIE CODE COM LLA- CE USE ONLY s ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ w ■ ■ ■ s ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ q ■ ■ ■ i r ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ APPROVED D iffiD SPECIAL CONDMONS OFFICER DATE 78495 CALLE TAMPICO - LA MINTAk, CA 92253 - 760-Tn-7000 WORKER"WORKER"S COMPENSATION If your company has employees, a copy of the Workman's Compensation Policy must accompany the Business License application, indicating dates of coverage end dollar amount. This proof of Coverage must be received before the Business License tarp be processed, If you do not have employees, please check the last section on this page: "I certify that If your business is being operated from your home in La Quinta, a Home Occupation Permit is required before a Business License is issued. If you have any questions, please contact the Cade Carr pliance Division at 760.777.7063_ Every employer who applies for any license or renewal Qf any license for a business issued p-ursua,)- to Sect: on 37101 of -he government code or Section 7284 of the Revenue and 7axa#ion Code, shall corn plete a nd s[ n declaration that skates the foIlowdm; I hereby affirm under penafty of penury, one of the fotlowing declarations; I have and will maintain a certificate of consent to self -insure for Woricer's Compensation, as provided by Section 3700 for the duration of arty business activities conducted far which this license is issued. I have and will maintain Workers Com pensaticn Insurance, as required by Section 3700 for the duration of any business act:nrities c❑nducted for which this license is issued - My Worker's Com pensation Insura n c e carrier and policy number are: Carrier: State Compensation Insurance Fund Policy Number 90784 - 1 Expires: 11/9/2022 A COPY OF SAID POLICY OR CERTIFICATE DF CONSENT SHOWING THE AMOUNT OF COVERAGE AND EXPIRATION DATE FOR WORKER'5 CCMPENSATION IS REQUIR.E0 TO PRDCESS THIS APPUCA110N. I certify that in the performance of any business activities for which this license is issued, 1 shall not employ any person in any Manner so as to become subject to the worker's compensation laws of CaIifomia, and agree that if I should become subject to the worker's compensation provisions of Section 3700, I will provide the City with a policy or certificate copy within ten (10) days of the change in requirements. ikki Taller 817;18,21 �, . 01118/2022 APPLICANT SIGNATU RE .� DATE WARNING: Failure to secure Worker's Compensation coveraige is unlawfuJ, and shall subject an employer to criminal penalties and civil fines up to $100,0W. In addition to the cost of wmpen sation, damages, Interest, and attorneys fees may he assessed to you as Pmvided in Section 3706 of the Labor Code, 78495 CALLE TAMP1CD " LA QUINTA, CA 92253 " 7543L-777-7000 WV1 [ ,LAQUINTAC.kGQV HOME OCCUPATl NODNDMONS H.O. # ADDRESS 78W Via Pavion La Quinta, CA 92253 ALL HOME OCCUPATIONS SHALL COMPLY WrT14 THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1, The establishment and conduct of a hone occupation shod be an incidental and accessory use and shall not change the principal character of use of the dwelling unit involved, 2. Only residents of the dwelling 1init moy be erigoged in the home occupation. 3. A home occupation shall be conducted only within the enclosed living area of the principal dwelling unit or within the garage provided no garage space required for off-street parking is used. The horne occupatlofi shall not occupy mare than twerxty-five percent of the combined floor area of the house and garage. 4. A home accu potion 5hcR not be conducted within a detached accessory structure, olthough materials may be stored in such a structure. 5. There shnit be no signs, outdoor storage, porked vehicles or other exterior evidence of the conduct of the harm occupation. Neither th-e dwelling nor the lot shall be altered in oppe ronce so that it appea rs other than a residence, either by color, materials, construct ion, lighting, sounds, vibratioris or other characteristics. 6. Electrical or mechunicaI egtjipment which creates interference in radio, television or telephone receivers or causes fluctuations in tine voltage outside the dwelling unit small be pro hibited. 7_ The borne occupotion shall not create dust, noise or odors in excess of that normally associated with residential use_ 8. No soles activity shall be conducted from the dwelling except for mail order sales. The dwelling unit shalt mK be the point of customer pickup or delivery of products or services, nor shall o home occupation create greatef vehicular or pedestrian ttoflic than normal for the district in which it is located_ Exception: Musical instruction and academic tutoring where not more than two students are present at the residence at the some time shalt be permitted. 9. Medical, dentat or similar occupations in which patiants are seen in the home are prohibited. 10, All conditions attached to the horse occupation permit shalt be fully complied with at alt tirnes. Revacatkm or Suspension erf Permit. The director of building and safety may revoke or suspend any Permit for 0 home occupation if the director determines that any of the performance and devOopment standards listed in subsection C of th is section have been or are being vioiatK that the occupation a uthofized by the permit is or has been conducted In violation of any state statute or city low, or that the home =upotion has changed or is different from that a uthorized when the permit was issued. Special Conditions: BY SIGNING T1415 DDCUM£NTI AGREE THAT I HAVE REAR, UNDE#ISTAND AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL CONDITIONS. Nikki Taller PRINT NAME OFFICER SIGNATURE MOW owndbyW*;Ta" Nikki Talley 0�z=ZL -lift un-MxuI SIGNATURE DATE Conductions Per La Quinta Municipal Codes 9M.110, 3160, 9,210AU