BOTH2022-0021Description: KLEIN / FLAGPOLE AT REAR YARD Type: STRUCTURE OTHER THAN Subtype: Status: FINALED Applied: 12/6/2022 EPRS BUILDING (WEB) Approved: 5/15/2023 DCL Parcel No: 762380002 Site Address: 57595 SEMINOLE DR LA QUINTA,CA 92253 Subdivision: TR 29147-2 Block: Lot: 43 Issued: 5/15/2023 ONLINE Lot Sq Ft: 0 Building Sq Ft: 0 Zoning: Finaled: 6/30/2023 MHU Valuation: $250.00 Occupancy Type: Construction Type: Expired: No. Buildings: 0 No. Stories: 0 No. Unites: 0 Details: INSTALLATION OF FLAGPOLE AT REAR YARD [CITY STANDARD]. THIS PERMIT EXCLUDES ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS. 2019 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODES. ADDITIONAL SITES I 160 46 Applied to Approved Approved to Issued Issued to Finaled Printed: Monday, November 20, 2023 2:17:06 PM 1 of 7 WSYSiEMS Wailloll'.0191kelcrm CHRONOLOGY TYPE STAFF NAME ACTION DATE COMPLETION DATE NOTES Regarding the above permit submittal. There were not any documents attached for review.Please upload a site plan E-MAIL AARON HICKSON 12/7/2022 12/7/2022 showing the location of the flagpole. The structural detail for the flagpole footing. And HOA approval for review. Printed: Monday, November 20, 2023 2:17:06 PM 1 of 7 WSYSiEMS Printed: Monday, November 20, 2023 2:17:06 PM 2 of 7 WSYSiEMS We are unable to upload the documents for the applicant. Also these are not the items requested. We require a site plan not an aerial photo. Structural engineering for the footing. And HOA approval letter. If you login to your account. 1. Click the paper clip on the permit line see image below. E-MAIL AARON HICKSON 12/7/2022 12/7/2022 And select the files to be uploaded. 2. After they have loaded in the window. You must click upload after for the documents to attach to the online permit. See 2nd image below. 3. To verify the documents uploaded they will show in the attachment window. See 3rd image below. I have attached a sample site plan also. You can draw a site plan yourself. Or have a Draftsman prepare one. A structural engineer may have a basic flagpole footing design you can purchase and use for the project. There are also Flagpole installers that may have a detail you can purchase from them. We do not have a city standard for flagpole footings. This is required in La Quinta since this is E-MAIL AARON HICKSON 12/7/2022 12/7/2022 considered a structure. And we have 110mph wind loads so engineering is required. The site plan is required so we know the location and setbacks of the flagpole. So we can review that it meets municipal codes. And the HOA approval is required since the property in in an HOA. E-MAIL AARON HICKSON 12/9/2022 12/9/2022 SEE EMAIL IN ATTACHMENTS Regarding the above permit. This is still an incomplete submittal. The Site plan and HOA approval were uploaded. We still require a structural detail of the flagpole footing. The file you marked installation engineering is the contractor's E-MAIL AARON HICKSON 2/7/2023 2/7/2023 invoice. See image below. I can set up the reviews as soon as a footing detail stamped by an engineer is uploaded for review. Printed: Monday, November 20, 2023 2:17:06 PM 2 of 7 WSYSiEMS Printed: Monday, November 20, 2023 2:17:06 PM 3 of 7 WSYSiEMS Regarding your counter visit. We have added your contractor account to his existing permit. You can login to your contractor account. And the permit BOTH2022-0021 will E-MAIL AARON HICKSON 2/27/2023 2/27/2023 be on your dashboard. You can click the blue paper clip to upload the footing detail. And we will set the reviews. If you want to use the detail submitted it will need to be stamped and approved by an engineer. The footing detail you are currently proposing is less than what we have previously E-MAIL AARON HICKSON 3/28/2023 3/28/2023 accepted. If you do not want to get an engineer's approval. We can supply you with a footing detail we have approved in the past to meet our reasonable standard for installation. This footing is a 30" depth footing at a 24" radius. Let me know how you would like to proceed? Regarding your phone call. If the location needs to be E-MAIL AARON HICKSON 5/18/2023 5/18/2023 revised. Please upload a revised site plan to the permit number above. Do not apply for a new permit. Show the correct revised distances on the site plan and we will review. E-MAIL DUANE CLAYTON 4/6/2023 4/6/2023 - NOTIFIED APPLICANT THAT PLAN REVIEW IS COMPLETE AND REQUIRES REVISIONS. E-MAIL DUANE CLAYTON 5/15/2023 5/15/2023 - NOTIFIED Intruderjk@aol.com THAT PLAN REVIEW IS COMPLETE AND APPROVED. E-MAIL DUANE CLAYTON 6/8/2023 6/8/2023 NOTIFIED Intruderjk@aol.com THAT REVISION 1 PLAN REVIEW IS COMPLETE AND APPROVED. PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL DUANE CLAYTON 5/2/2023 5/2/2023 - 2ND BUILDING AND PLANNING REVIEWS CREATED. RECEIVED PLAN CHECK SUBMITTAL DUANE CLAYTON 5/22/2023 5/22/2023 - IST SUBMITTAL FOR REVISION 1 RECEIVED 5/20/23. ONE RECEIVED DAY REVIEW SCHEDULED. TELEPHONE CALL AARON HICKSON 3/16/2023 3/16/2023 INFORMED CONTRACTOR STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING REQUIRED CONDITIONS Printed: Monday, November 20, 2023 2:17:06 PM 3 of 7 WSYSiEMS FINANCIAL INFORMATION CONTACTS CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY NAME TYPE NAME ADDRESSI CITY STATE ZIP PHONE FAX EMAIL APPLICANT James Klein 57595 Seminole Dr La Quinta CA 92253 (760)698-1504 870352891 Intruderjk@aol.com CONTRACTOR EMERALD COMPLETE LANDSCAPE 81064 PORTOLA CIR INDIO CA 92201 (760)698-1504 ESMERALDA@EMERAL DCL.COM OWNER James Klein 57595 Seminole Dr La Quinta Ca 92253 (760)698-1504 101-0000-42404 Intruderjk@aol.com FINANCIAL INFORMATION CLTD DESCRIPTION ACCOUNT QTY AMOUNT PAID PAID DATE RECEIPT # CHECK # METHOD PAID BY BY HOURLY CHARGE - CITY 101-0000-42600 0.25 $43.75 $43.75 6/12/23 WEB15399 110003933 CREDIT 1084399 ECON BUILDING STAFF 3 Total Paid for BLDG CITY STAFF - PER HOUR: $43.75 $43.75 BSAS SB1473 FEE 1 101-0000-20306 1 0 $1.00 $1.00 1 5/15/23 WEB15157 870352891 CREDIT 1 1084399 1 ECON Total Paid for BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION $1.00 $1.00 BSA: FLAG/LIGTHING POLE, 101-0000-42404 0 $43.77 $43.77 5/15/23 WEB15157 870352891 CREDIT 1084399 ECON FIRST FLAG/LIGTHING POLE, 101-0000-42600 0 $117.30 $117.30 5/15/23 WEB15157 870352891 CREDIT 1084399 ECON FIRST PC Total Paid for FLAG/LIGHTING POLE 2022: $161.07 $161.07 RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE - 101-0000-42416 0 $22.00 $22.00 5/15/23 WEB15157 870352891 CREDIT 1084399 ECON MAJOR Total Paid for RECORDS MANAGEMENT FEE - MAJOR: $22.00 $22.00 TECHNOLOGY 502-0000-436110 $8.00 $8.00 5/15/23 WEB15157 870352891 CREDIT 1084399 ECON ENHANCEMENT FEE Total Paid for TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENT FEE: $8.00 $8.00 TOTALS: INSPECTIONS Printed: Monday, November 20, 2023 2:17:06 PM 4 of 7 WSYSiEMS SEQID INSPECTION TYPE INSPECTOR SCHEDULED COMPLETED RESULT REMARKS NUltb REVIEW TYPE DATE DATE DUE DATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES FOOTINGS MHU 6/14/2023 6/14/2023 APPROVED 1ST PERMIT TECH (1 AARON 6/22/2023 2:14 PM EMERALD COMPLETE 12/6/2022 12/7/2022 12/9/2022 PENDING DOCUMENTS LANDSCAPE DAY) HICKSON Contact Name: EMERALD COMPLETE FINAL" MHU 6/23/2023 6/23/2023 NOT READY eTRAKiT Inspection LANDSCAPE 2ND PERMIT TECH – AARON 3/29/2023 3/29/2023 3/29/2023 COMPLETE Request TO USE CITY APPROVED FOOTING TO AVOID ETRAKIT (1 DAY) HICKSON Site Address: 57595 SEMINOLE DR Phone:7606981504 e -Mail: ESMERALDA@EMERALDCL.COM 6/29/2023 12:24 PM EMERALD COMPLETE LANDSCAPE Contact Name: EMERALD COMPLETE FINAL" MHU 6/30/2023 6/30/2023 APPROVED eTRAKiT Inspection LANDSCAPE Request Site Address: 57595 SEMINOLE DR Phone:7606981504 e -Mail: ESMERALDA@EMERALDCL.COM Printed: Monday, November 20, 2023 2:17:06 PM 5 of 7 WSYSiEMS NEEK— RETURNED REVIEWS REVIEW TYPE REVIEWER SENT DATE DUE DATE STATUS REMARKS NOTES DATE 1ST PERMIT TECH (1 AARON 12/6/2022 12/7/2022 12/9/2022 PENDING DOCUMENTS DAY) HICKSON HOMEOWNER AND CONTRACTOR WOULD LIKE 2ND PERMIT TECH – AARON 3/29/2023 3/29/2023 3/29/2023 COMPLETE TO USE CITY APPROVED FOOTING TO AVOID ETRAKIT (1 DAY) HICKSON ENGINEERS COST. ATTACHED CITY APPROVED DETAIL AND ADDED REVIEWS. Printed: Monday, November 20, 2023 2:17:06 PM 5 of 7 WSYSiEMS Printed: Monday, November 20, 2023 2:17:06 PM 6 of 7 WSYSiEMS ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type - INDICATE MINIMUM 5' SETBACK DIMENSION IST BLDG NS (1 DUANE 3/29/2023 3/30/2023 4/6/2023 REVISIONS REQUIRED BETWEEN METAL FLAG POLE AND POOL, OR DAY) CLAYTON DOC 12/9/2022 AARON HICKSON INDICATE ON PLANS THAT FLAG POLE IS TO BE 57595 SEMINOLE 0 DR.msg CONNECTED TO POOL BONDING GRID. 1ST SUBMITTAL CITY 1. THE MINIMUM SETBACK FOR FLAGPOLES 1ST PLANNING — SIJIFREDO 3/29/2023 3/30/2023 3/30/2023 REVISIONS REQUIRED SHALL BE TEN (10) FEET FROM ANY PROPERTY ETRAKIT (1 DAY) FERNANDEZ DETAIL.pdf BOTH2O22-0021 - 1ST DOC LINE. 2ND BLDG NS — DUANE 5/2/2023 5/3/2023 5/15/2023 APPROVED - SEE APPROVED SITE PLAN IN ATTACHMENTS. ETRAKIT (1 DAY) CLAYTON 2ND PLANNING — SIJIFREDO 5/2/2023 5/3/2023 5/2/2023 READY FOR APPROVAL APPROVED SITE PLAN APPROVED SITE PLAN ETRAKIT (1 DAY) FERNANDEZ CF.pdf 1ST BLDG NS - DUANE 5/22/2023 5/23/2023 6/8/2023 APPROVED - SEE APPROVED REVISION 1 SITE PLAN IN ETRAKIT (1 DAY) CLAYTON DUANE CLAYTON APPROVED REVISION 1 APPROVED REVISION 1 1 ATTACHMENTS. Printed: Monday, November 20, 2023 2:17:06 PM 6 of 7 WSYSiEMS ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED RE BOTH2O22-0021 RE BOTH2O22-0021 DOC 12/9/2022 AARON HICKSON 57595 SEMINOLE 57595 SEMINOLE 0 DR.msg DR.msg 1ST SUBMITTAL CITY DOC 3/29/2023 AARON HICKSON APPROVED FLAGPOLE FLAGPOLE DETAIL.pdf 1 DETAIL.pdf BOTH2O22-0021 - 1ST DOC 4/6/2023 DUANE CLAYTON 1ST REVIEW - SITE PLAN REVIEW - SITE PLAN 1 WITH CORRECTIONS WITH CORRECTIONS.pdf BOTH2O22-0021- DOC 5/15/2023 DUANE CLAYTON APPROVED SITE PLAN APPROVED SITE PLAN 1 CF.pdf BOTH2O22-0021 - DOC 6/8/2023 DUANE CLAYTON APPROVED REVISION 1 APPROVED REVISION 1 1 SITE PLAN SITE PLAN.pdf PHOTO 5/1/2023 Etrakit Contractor 2ND SUBMITTAL - SITE plan.jpg 1 PLAN Printed: Monday, November 20, 2023 2:17:06 PM 6 of 7 WSYSiEMS Printed: Monday, November 20, 2023 2:17:06 PM 7 of 7 WSYSiEMS ATTACHMENTS Attachment Type CREATED OWNER DESCRIPTION PATHNAME SUBDIR ETRAKIT ENABLED PHOTO 5/20/2023 Etrakit Contractor IST SUBMITTAL - Revised plan.jpg 1 REVISION 1 SITE PLAN 7163A95E-0553-493E- PHOTO 12/19/2022 Etrakit Public 1ST SUBMITTAL SITE A623- 1 Registration PLAN EF24433772BB.jpeg A7B57FF3-8576-4431- PHOTO 12/19/2022 Etrakit Public 1ST SUBMITTAL HOA 8BD4- 1 Registration Approval A688D82CEAF4.jpeg Printed: Monday, November 20, 2023 2:17:06 PM 7 of 7 WSYSiEMS - � � �'� - �������«��� .� . ¢ \ � § / CITY OF UI LA QNA kIA& DIVISION REVIEWEDFOR CODE e_Imc _ _ a �C | BOTH2 2 301-57595 SEMINOLE ! � REVISION 1 REVISED SETBACK FROM POOL TO FLAGPOLE. 2022CauFORma BUILDING CODES. �A ou-�a &D % ::F -A__ -s AA qwvr4 OA f(,6` w.:D4F—) 4/6/23, 4:59 AM Sf[IsYN@a 7163A95E-C553-493E-A623-EF24433772BB.jpeg (3024x4032) poi CG��aS / � w r 0 I V-1epu�5i�— IVAZ �►s•krlVBl� D R ( sr�z,eer https://Iaqu-trk.aspgov.com/CommunityDevelopment/Attachments/PERMITS/BOTH2022-0021/7163A95E-0553-493E-A623-EF24433772BB.jpeg 1/1 S�Dr;iL'J AA q--rr, n• "� I� I i7r �►s•krlVBl� D R ( sr�z,eer https://Iaqu-trk.aspgov.com/CommunityDevelopment/Attachments/PERMITS/BOTH2022-0021/7163A95E-0553-493E-A623-EF24433772BB.jpeg 1/1 single revolving truck -and flnial ball halyard wlth two snap hooks cast al Limirru-m cleat cone tapered aluminurrr shaft spun aluminum flash collar 7 VD1130 Concrete (2,500PSI) Foundation Dimensions H A 6 C D E 20' 24" 6" 30" 18" 24" E