2023 Legacy Villas - TOT Mitigation Fee - correspondenceRUTAN • William H. Ihrke RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP August 15, 2023 VIA E-MAIL and CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Corey L. Todd, Esq. Tinnelly Law Group 27101 Puerta Real; Suite 250 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 E-mail: ctodd@tinnellylaw.com Re: Legacy Villas at La Quinta Homeowners Association Transient Occupancy Tax Mitigation Fee Notification of Reduced "Annual Mitigation Fee" Payment Dear Mr. Todd: E-mail: bihrke@rutan.com I am in receipt of a copy of your letter dated August 4, 2023, addressed to Danny Castro at the City of La Quinta ("City"), and M. Katherine (Kathy) Jenson of this office. As an initial matter, Kathy Jenson is retired. I am the City Attorney for the City of La Quinta and have been since 2014. As such, please address all future correspondence or inquiries to my attention. I reviewed your letter, forwarded to me by Mr. Castro, and have spoken with City staff in the City's Finance Department. City staff have reviewed their files, and the City's records do not support the Legacy Villas Homeowners Association's ("HOA") assertion that it has met the thresholds for modifying the TOT Mitigation Fee, as those are set forth in the Development Agreement by and Between the City of La Quinta ("City") and Centrex Homes, a Nevada General Partnership, DBA Centex Destination Properties ("Developer")" recorded on December 12, 2003, in the official records of the Riverside County Recorder's Office as Document No. 2003-972732 ("Development Agreement"). Specifically, the City's records reflect that while the threshold was met for Fiscal Years 2022/23 and 2021/22, the threshold for 2020/21 was not met. The City is happy to make arrangements for a date and time during regular business hours, if requested, for the HOA' s authorized representatives to come to City Hall to review the City's records relating to TOT receipts and the relevant documents used to calculate the thresholds for modifying the TOT Mitigation Fee. Because some of the City's records will contain personal identifying information and other information that is not subject to disclosure under the California Public Records Act (Gov. Code, § 7920.000 et seq.), the City will ask the HOA Board of Directors to confirm it has the authority to consent, on behalf of HOA members and Legacy Villas homeowners, to disclosure of confidential information, such as the amount of TOT paid by a homeowner and/or paid by an identified address in Legacy Villas. Assuming the HOA Board of Rutan & Tucker, LLP 1 18575 Jamboree Road, 9th Floor Irvine, CA 92612 1 714-641-5100 1 Fax 714-546-9035 Orange County 1 Palo Alto 1 San Francisco 1 Scottsdale 1 www.rutan.com 698/015610-0006 19494385.5 a08115/23 RUTAN RUTAN A TUCKCR, LLP Corey L. Todd, Esq. August 15, 2023 Page 2 Directors has such authority, and the HOA Board of Directors expressly consents on behalf of the HOA to have confidential information disclosed, the City will allow for the HOA's designated representatives to review these relevant City records. Relatedly, I have attached the current invoice for the TOT Mitigation Fee. Delivery of this invoice is by attachment to this letter, and the invoice will not be sent by separate mailing. Remittance may be directed to the City's Finance Department as instructed in the invoice. If you have questions concerning the invoice, or any prior invoices, please contact Rosemary Hallick in the City's Finance Department at rhallick@laquintaca.gov. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Very truly yours, RUTAN & TUCKER, LLP William H. Ihrke WHI:zc Attachment: TOT Mitigation Fee Invoice cc: Department of Design & Development, City of La Quinta Finance Department, City of La Quinta 698/015610-0006 19494385.5 a08/15/23 Attachment City Quinta Cvathtia, 78-495ofLa Calle Tampico GEM of the DESERT— La Quinta, CA 92253 Phone: 760-777-7000 Billed To: Legacy Villas Homewoners Association 48-800 Legacy Drive La Quinta, CA 92253 CUSTOMER ACCOUNT: 0007 INVOICE DATE: 8/10/2023 INVOICE: INV01808 DUE DATE: 9/11/2023 TOTAL DUE: 433,704.21 ITEM DESCRIPTION UNITS PRICE AMOUNT TOT Mitigation TOTAL THIS INVOICE 280.00 1,548.94 433,704.21 433,704.21 This invoice is for FY 2022-2023 Annual TOT Mitigation Fee for Legacy Villas. The amount due for each unit (280 units) is $ 1,548.94. The increase is a result of the change in the consumer price index as of March 2023. For questions, contact Daniela Batuta at 760-777-7019 REMIT TO: City of La Quinta Attn: Finance Department 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 A copy of this invoice should accompany your check. Thank you! Page 1 TINNELLY ORANGE COUNTY 27101 Puerta Real Suite 250 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 949.588.0866 LOS ANGELES 633 West Fifth Street Suite 2600 Los Angeles, CA 90071 213.805.7285 RIVERSIDE COUNTY 74-710 Highway 111 Suite 102 Palm Desert, CA 92260 760.862.9835 SAN DIEGO 5927 Balfour Court Suite 102 Carlsbad, CA 92008 760.862.9835 LAW GROUP BAY AREA 6701 Koll Center Parkway Suite 250 Pleasanton, CA 94566 650.425.9444 TINNELLY LAW GROUP A Professional Corporation tinnellylaw.com August 4, 2023 27101 Puerta Real — Suite 250 Mission Viejo, CA 92691 P: 949.588.0866 F: 949.588.5993 ctodd@tinnellylaw.com Via U.S. Mail & Certified Mail. Return -Receipt Requested. and Electronic Marl dcastro@laqurntaca.gov City of La Quinta Atm: Community Development Director 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 City of La Quinta Atm: Danny Castro 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, California 92253 Rutan & Tucker, LLP Atm: M. Katherine Jenson 611 Anton Boulevard, Suite 1400 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Ref. #: 14368 RE: Legacy Villas at La Quinta Homeowners Association Transient Occupancy Tax Mitigation Fee NOTIFICATION OF REDUCED "ANNUAL MITIGATION FEE" PAYMENT Dear Community Development Director, Mr. Castro, and Ms. Jensen: Our firm serves as general counsel to the Legacy Villas at La Quinta Homeowners Association ("Association"). In that capacity we are informed of the "Development Agreement by and Between the City of La Quinta ("City") and Centrex Homes, a Nevada General Partnership, DBA Centex Destination Properties ("Developer")" recorded on December 12, 2023, in the official records of the Riverside County Recorder's Office as Document No. 2003-972732 ("Development Agreement"). In accordance with Article 3, Section 3.3.3 of the Development Agreement, the Association has been obligated to remit an "Annual Mitigation Fee" related to the Transient Occupancy Tax ("TOT"), amounting to one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each rented residential unit, known as the "Villas La Quinta Unit Fee." However, as per the terms outlined in the Development Agreement, if the City has received TOT for rentals within the Association exceeding five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00) for three consecutive operating years, the Annual Mitigation Fees for the next Operative Year shall be reduced to five hundred dollars ($500.00) per unit, plus the increase after being adjusted for the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners. (Development Agreement, Art. 3, Sect. 3.3.3, 3.3.4). City of La Quinta August 4, 2023 Page 2 of 2 14368/221277 The purpose of this letter is to inform you that the Association has successfully fulfilled its obligations by completing the required Annual Mitigation Fee for three (3) consecutive operating years, adjusted with the Consumer Price Index, totaling in excess of $500,000.00, as outlined in the Development Agreement with the City. As a result, moving forward, the Association will only be required to pay $500.00 per unit, plus the annual increase from the Consumer Price Index, for the "Annual Mitigation Fee." Should the City have any further questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact our office. We are here to assist and ensure a seamless continuation of the agreed-upon arrangements. Thank you for your attention to this matter. CLT:ba Very truly yours, TINNELLY LAW GROUP COREY L. TODD, ESQ. TINNELLY LAW GROUP A Professional Corporation 27101 Puerta Real, Suite 250 1 Mission Viejo, CA 92691