2023 11 08 FAC Minutes Special MeetingCALL TO ORDER FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION iPECIAL MEETIr'- MINUTES WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 2023 A special meeting of the La Quinta Financial Advisory Commission (Commission) was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Chair Dorsey. PRESENT: Commissioners Anderson, Batavick, Mast, Mills, and Chair Dorsey ABSENT: Commissioner Way VACANCY: One (1) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioner Mills led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS NOT ON THE AGENDA - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed ANNOUNCEMENTS, PRESENTATIONS, AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - None CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 1. APPROVE MEETING MINUTES DATED OCTOBER 4, 2023 2. RECEIVE AND FILE REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE REPORT DATED AUGUST 31, 2023 Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Mills/Mast to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. Motion passed: ayes - 5, noes - 0, abstain - 0, absent - 1 (Way), vacancy - 1. BUSINESS SESSION - None STUDY SESSION - None DEPARTMENTAL REPORTS - All reports are on file in the Finance Department. 1. FINANCE DEPARTMENT CURRENT AND FUTURE INITIATIVES Staff provided an update on current and upcoming Finance Department projects and City events; explained the purpose for a land-based financing policy; said that an update for FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES Page 1 of 2 NOVEMBER 8, 2023 SPECIAL MEETING both the Highway 111 Corridor project current expenditures and damages incurred by Hurricane Hiliary in August 2023 and subsequent storm to the City will be added to a special Commission meeting in December; and that staff anticipates the completion of the City's Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for year ending June 30, 2023 on or before January 30, 2024. 2. SECOND QUARTER 2023 (APRIL -JUNE) SALES TAX UPDATE FOR THE CITY OF LA QUINTA The Commission and staff discussed fiscal year 2022/23 budget; changes in sales tax; and sales tax trends based on HDL Companies September 2023 California forecast found on attachment 2 of staff report. COMMISSIONERS' ITEMS — None ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Batavick/Mills to adjourn this meeting at 3:29 p.m. Motion passed: ayes — 5, noes — 0, abstain — 0, absent — 1 (Way), vacancy — 1. Respectfully submitted, Jessica Delgado, Administrative Technician/Commission Secretary City of La Quinta, California FINANCIAL ADVISORY COMMISSION MINUTES Page 2 of 2 NOVEMBER 8, 2023 SPECIAL MEETING