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BSOL2022-0392- Structual Calcs
54260 DARK STAR DR., LA QUINTA, CA 92253 MACLELLAN, DOUGLAS Prepared For: JJ ENERGY 74555 FALCON LANE PALM DESERT, CA 92260 PHONE:760-835-4611 Design Criteria 1- Code: CALIFORNIA BLDG CODE 2019 / ASCE 7-16 2 - Wind: 110 MPH, Exposure: C 3 - Wood Species: DF-L No. 2 (SG = 0.5 ) Notice: Use restrictions of these calculations. The attached Calculations are valid only when bearing original signature hereon. Contractor/Client to verify existing dimensions/conditions prior to construction & solar racking is installed per manufacturer span requirements. The use of these calculations is solely intended for the above mentioned project. 7/18/2022 Structural Calculations for SOLAR POWER SYSTEM CONNECTION CHECK AT: Job: 1-844-PV ELITE | info@yoursolarplans.com 3000 E. Birch Street Suite 201 | Brea CA 92821 ASCE 29.4.4 Rooftop Solar Panels Parallel to the Roof Surface on Buildings of All Heights and Roof Slopes. Roof Slope =20 ° Roof Shape Hip Tributary Width s =4.00 ft Tributary Length l =3.46 ft Effective Area Ae =13.83 ft2 Height of Structure h =15 ft Wind Speed V =110 mph Exposure Category C Building Width B =60 ft Building Length L =70 ft Zone Width a =6ft Elevation Height zg =-23 ft Wind Directionality Kd =0.85 Topography Factor Kt =1.00 Ground Elevation Factor Ke =1.00 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient Kz =0.85 Velocity Pressure qz = 0.00256KzKztKdKeV2 =22.37 psf Solar Array Pressure Equalization a =0.78 Array Edge Factor E =1.50 Zone GCp p = qz(GCp)(E)(a) 3 2.58 -67.67 3r - - 3e - - 2-- 2r 2.35 -61.82 2e 2.58 -67.67 2n - - 1 1.80 -47.29 1' - - LAG SCREW ANALYSIS Loads Wind Pressures qz =-67.67 psf Solar Panel Load QD =3 psf Panel Length l =6.916 ft Panel Width b 3.4383 ft Attachment Spacing s =4ft Portrait Tributary Area At =13.83 ft2 Wind Load PW = qz * At =-936 lbs Dead Load PD = QD * At =41.495 lbs Uplift Pa = 0.6 PD + 0.6 Pw =-537 lbs Landscape Tributary Area At = b * s =6.8767 ft2 Wind Load PW = qz * At =-465 lbs Dead Load PD = QD * At =20.63 lbs Uplift Pa = 0.6 PD + 0.6 Pw =-267 lbs Lag Screw Specific Gravity of Lumber SG =0.50 (Douglas Fir-Larch) Diameter of Lag Screw D =5/16 in Withdraw Design /in 1800*SG3/2*D3/4 =266 lbs/in Depth of Embedment lp =2.50 in Total Nominal Withdrawal Value W = W * l p =665 lbs Load Duration Factor CD =1.6 Withdrawal Design Value W' = W * C D =1064 lbs Demand Capacity Ratio DCR = Pa / W'=0.50 < 1 OK ASCE 30.3.2 Design Wind Pressure Beam/ Top Chord Check Roof Slope =20 ° Roof Shape Hip Tributary Width s =2.00 ft Tributary Length L =31.50 ft Effective Area A = L ( MAX [ s , L/3] )=100 ft2 Height of Structure h =15 ft Wind Speed V =110 mph Exposure Category C Building Width B =60 ft Building Length L =70 ft Zone Width a =6ft Elevation Height zg =-23 ft Wind Directionality Kd =0.85 Topography Factor Kt =1.00 Ground Elevation Factor Ke =1.00 Velocity Pressure Exposure Coefficient Kz =0.85 Velocity Pressure qz = 0.00256KzKztKdKeV2 =22.37 psf Internal Pressure Coefficient (GCpi)=-0.18 Zone GCp p = qz [(GCp) - (Gcpi)] 3 2.03 -49.47 3r - - 3e - - 2-- 2r 1.30 -33.11 2e 2.03 -49.47 2n - - 1 1.00 -26.40 1' - - Beam/ Top Chord Check Lumber: Moment Demand # of Attachment per Rafter NA =Span :Orientation Lenght (ft) : Dead Load Roof Material:QD =psf Live Load QLr =psf Wind Load p = psf Snow Load QS =psf Rafter Spacing s = in Wind Load, Portrait Portrait UL = Wind Load, Landscape Landscape UW = Linear Dead Load wd =plf Live Load wLr = plf Start ft Start ft End ft End ft Snow Load ws = plf Start ft Start ft End ft End ft Ma, Moment D lb-ft D+Lr lb-ft D+S lb-ft 0.6D+0.6W lb-ft D+0.45W+0.75Lr lb-ft D+0.45W+0.75S lb-ft Moment Capacity Framing Member Size Lumber Grade : DF-L No. 2 CM = 1 Ct = 1 Cr=CF = fb =psi Cfu =Ci = Breadth b = in Depth d = in Section Modulus Sx = bd 2 / 6 =in3 Bending Stress Capacity Fb = CM * Ct * Cr * C F * fb =psi Table 4.3.1 NDS 2015 Deflection Limit E = ksi I =in4 Transient Deflection in Transient Deflection Allowed > [OKAY] Total Deflection in Total Deflection Allowed > [OKAY] 1.0 1 20 0.00 24 TILE 0.326 276 180 1.6 2484 psi D+0.45W+0.75S 1166 psi 0.47 OKAY 1.6 2484 psi D+0.45W+0.75Lr 1166 psi 0.47 OKAY 1.6 2484 psi 0.405 222 120 1600 4.50 0.6D+0.6W 2198 psi 0.88 OKAY 1.15 1785 psi D+S 1058 psi 0.59 OKAY OKAY 1.25 1941 psi D+Lr 1295 psi 0.67 OKAY DCR 0.9 1397 psi D 1058 psi 0.76 3 1553 CD Fb' = CD * Fb ASD Load Ma / Sx 2x4 1.15 1.5 31.50 26.43 31.50 900 2.00 3.00 265 324 265 550 291 291 0 0.0 0 12.6 0 0 0.0 Portrait 12.6 0.0Portrait0 0.0 0.0 AT (ft2) 13.832 6.8767 pd (lbs) 41.495 -684 pw (lbs) ps (lbs) 0 26.4340 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 Portrait 0 0.020.63 -340 0 0 0.0 Portrait 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 34 1234Eave 2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 1.50 Portrait 3 20.4 41.5 17.00 -49.47 DF-L No. 2 4 j lj (ft)pd,j (lbs) pw,j (lbs) ps,j (lbs) Portrait 1 13.5 41.5 -684 0.0 18.6 41.5 -684 -684 0.0 4 25.5 41.5 -684 0.0 𝑴𝒙ൌ𝑹𝒊ሺ𝒙െ𝑳𝒊ሻെ𝑷𝒋𝒙െ𝒍𝒋െ 𝒘𝒅𝒙𝟐 𝟐 ‐800.0 ‐600.0 ‐400.0 ‐200.0 0.0 200.0 400.0 600.0 0.000 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 EISMIC WEIGHT COMPARISON / ANALYSIS - (PER CEBC 2019 Part 10 Chapter 5 Section 502.5) PV System Weight Module Model URECO Panel Weight W panel = 53.79 lbs Number of Panels NPV =18 Total PV System Weight W PV = W panel * NPV =968.2 lbs Existing Roof Weight Roof Weight QD =17.0 psf Building Length Lbuild =70 ft Building Width W build =60 ft Roof Area Abuild =4200 ft2 Building Perimeter Pbuild =260 ft Wall Height ht =8ft Wall weight Qwall =15 psf Interior wall weight Qint =10 psf Roof Load W floor = Abuild * QD =71400 lbs Wall LoadW wall = ht /2 * Qwall * Pbuild + Abuild * Qint /2 =36600 lbs Total Story Weight W build = W floor + W wall =1E+05 lbs Percentage Weight Increase WPV / Wbuild = 0.90% < 10% OKAY