SalkinCity of La Quinta 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, Ca 92253 QU 760-777-7050 - - c,E M aj'the- f)LSLRI' Location Address 51960 AVENIDA MENDOZA LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Contacts Kyle a Salkin Owner (760) 333-3067 kjpauto2023@gmail.com Description: wholesales of used vehicles Fees Fee assessed for processing a home occupation application Credit Card Convenience Fee Flat fee for expense of Technology Enhancements utilized by Jurisdiction. Flat fee for expense of Technology Enhancements utilized by Jurisdiction. Total: Condition Name Plan NO.: H02023-1 Plan Type. Home Occupa Work Classification: Staut Plan Status: Fees Apply Date: 12/7/2023 Parcel Number 773182011 Kyle a Salkin Applicant (760) 333-3067 kjpauto2023@gmail.com Valuation: $0.00 Total SQ Feet: 50.00 Amount Payments Amt Pal $114.00 Total fees $133.0 $3.05 Credit Card $133.0 $8.00 Amount Due $O.0 $8.00 $133.05 Description % _ ft Comments Code Compliance Officer Signature HOME n_ CC'i IPATION CONDITIONS ADDRESS " I � (. U N e Y\ j f r-� ALL HOME OCCUPATIONS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1. The establishment and conduct of a home occupation shall be an incidental and accessory use and shall not rhnnne the nrinrinnl rhnrnrtPr or i_lsn of the dwPiling, l init involvPrl_ 2. Only residents of the dwelling unit may be engaged in the home occupation. 3. A home occupation shall be conducted only within the enclosed living area of the principal dwelling °nit or tta;thin th �Mrs� a prev!ded no ninr�trn can`s ro��lir�srl far �ff_c�rrrn+ ncrkinn !s used. The homn y ,. y. . r.. .. r .. ,y occupation shall not occupy more than twenty-five percent of the combined floor area of the house and garage. 4 A hnrnP nrrl motion shniI not hp ronrl, IrtPrl within n rtQtnrhPA nrrp�c,cnry Mtn lrtl lrp, rttthnf lnh rnntPrinlc may be stored in such a structure. 5. There shall be no signs, outdoor storage, parked vehicles or other exterior evidence of the conduct of the home occupation. Neither the dwelling nor the lot shall be altered in appearance so that it appears other than a residence, either by color, materials, construction, lighting, sounds, vibrations or other 41AJI 1J A.C41 I�u6J. 6. Electrical or mechanical equipment which creates interference in radio, television or telephone receivers or causes fluctuations in line voltage outside the dwelling unit shall be prohibited. 7. Tile hUllle ULLUPUdUll Siluil IIUL Ueuie dUSi, Ilvi�e Uf Udufb ill eAm!bb UI Ului 11U111iuliy ussu(.iuied Wi6l residential use. 8. No sales activity shall be conducted from the dwelling except for mail order sales. The dwelling unit S. It.11l not u6' a 1e Point yr Vusiol l Icy lalcnur or ueliveiy "�" P+Gdu%w vr sci v"ecca, nor 31 la.c": u hvmc vi.ciiNutiWin create greater vehicular or pedestrian traffic than normal for the district in which it is located. Exception: Musical instruction and academic tutoring where not more than two students are present at the residence at the some time shall be permitted. 9. Medical, dental or similar occupations in which patients are seen in the home are prohibited. 10. All conditions attached to the home occupation permit shall be fully complied with at all times. Resvue:uiiull ur Sutpellsiwl ul'FeriiuL The direciuf ui b6idifly ulld Suieiy ffluy reVVke 111 bUbPelId idly VeI111 . iur u home occupation if the director determines that any of the performance and development standards listed in subsection C of this section have been or ore being violated, that the occupation authorized by the perrnit is or has been conducted in violation of any state statute or city low. or that the home occupation has changed or is different from that authorized when the permit was issued. Special Conditions. BY 51JN1Nb rH15 D(CUMENf 1 AGREE IMAF i HAVE REAL), UNDER51 AQU kNU WILL"URE olIiON5. PRI T NAME 0 R I SIGNATURE V DATE Conditions Per La Quinto Municipal Codes: 9.60.110, 9.160, 9.210.060 DR.nPFRTY r)WNFR/ACFNT AUTHORIZATION IF APPLICANT IS OTHER THAN THE PROPERTY OWNER, A SIGNED AUTHORIZATION FROM O►AWE-V OR RENTAI ri PACINf-. Ar:FNT TS RFnliIRFn OWNER/AGENT SIG�FATEJFtE I! i1S 7 ►ti AGEN I CGint-A Y!irnf+3E DATE P1 FAcr= rnNTArT vniw wilMFrimmFwS A4;SnT'TATiON PR TOR TCi PAYTN(-, FOR YOUR HnmF OCCUPATION PERMIT. YOUR HOA MAY RESTRICT OR PROHIBIT A HOME -BASED BUSINESS. IMPORTANT. FALSE OR MISLEADING INFORMATION SHALL BE L,R[JUNUS rUH UtNYINU YOUR APPLICATION; FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS LISTED ON THE H I IHt Ntu NHtak WIALL bt UKUUNUS rOK KT"NSJL-A I ►UN OF T niS PEnMi-i + aMW� ■%S r%v wfaoar .,,.aaw... a..... rx.rr ...iy STATEMENT. SIGNATURE LvVE C.0rIe"ou-SCE UaC Vf,vL i t IiYYftV4CU IJCtY1CLJ .']Y �41✓•1 C. l,V IYUI IIVIYJ ns�TrFR nATr _