Insurance Certificates - DRD a Member of CJPIA 2024From: Barb Adair <>
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2024 3:11 PM
To: Olivia Rodriguez
Subject: RE: Required Action for Insurance Compliance
Follow Up Flag: Follow up
Flag Status: Flagged
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Hi Olivia,
Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today. As I mentioned to you, Alex Mellor from the CJPIA came up with
the language below for our member agencies as we share the municipal self-insurance pool therefore, we do not need
to exchange EOC's. I hope this helps. If you need to reach out to him, he told me he would be happy to discuss with
your Clerk.
Thank you. I will be happy to discuss with you or do what the city would like.
Thank you.
(c) The CITY and The DISTRICT mutually represent and acknowledge that both are members of the
California Joint Powers Insurance Authority ("JPIA"), a municipal self-insurance pool. The California
JPIA provides liability coverage, including general liability and automobile liability, to the CITY and
(d) If at any point during the term of this Agreement, CITY or DISTRICT no longer receive liability coverage
through the California JPIA, the parties mutually agree to renegotiate the insurance requirements
contained herein.
Best regards,
Assistant General Manager
Desert Recreation District
Phone: (760) 347-3484
Fax: (760) 347-4660