2024 CVAG Reimbursement Agrmt ATP Amendment 3 - Avenue 48 Art & Music Line Design Proj. 2020-0874-199 El Paseo Drive, Suite 100 CVAG Palm Desert, CA 92260 TRANSMITTAL Date: February 16, 2024 To: Bryan McKinney Public Works Director/City Engineer City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Amendment No. 3 to the Reimbursement Agreement for the ATP — Arts and Music Line Project CVAG Contract No. CVAG-20-018-03 Enclosed please find a fully executed original hardcopy of Amendment No. 3 to the Reimbursement Agreement Between CVAG and the City of La Quinta for the ATP —Arts and Music Line Project. If you have any questions or would like additional information, please feel free to contact me by email at arncmillen@cvag.org or by telephone at (760) 346-1127. Sincerely, 741ee"r �a/fillew Allen McMillen C� Contracts Analyst II — Contracts and Procurement Coachella Valley Association of Governments ITEM 12B Coachella Valley Association of Governments . Joint Meeting of tine Executive & Transportation Committees CVAC December 4, 2023 STAFF REPORT Subject: Next Steps for the Arts and Music Line Project Contact: Randy Bowman, Transportation Program Manager (rbowman(cvag.orcl) Recommendation: Authorize the Executive Director to take the following actions for the Arts & Music Line project: 1. Execute a professional service agreement with Anser Advisory, LLC in an amount not to exceed $509,333, including 20 percent contingency, to provide pre - construction and construction management services; 2. Execute a professional service agreement with T.Y. Lin International in an amount not to exceed $50,000 to provide pre -construction and construction management services; 3. Execute a professional services agreement with Chen Ryan Associates, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $934,730, including 20 percent contingency, to provide non - infrastructure program professional services; and 4. Negotiate and execute amendments to existing reimbursement agreements with the Cities of Coachella, Indio and La Quinta to adjust the local share of pre - construction, construction management, and non -infrastructure program services Background: In December 2022, the Executive Committee, at the recommendation of the Transportation Committee, authorized the Executive Director to take the necessary steps to accept $36.483 million in Active Transportation Program funding for the Arts and Music Line (AML). This project will provide nearly nine miles of protected bicycle facilities (Class 1 and Class 4) along Avenue 48, Van Buren Street, and Dillon Road in the Cities of La Quinta, Indio and Coachella. The project will also construct more than six miles of new or upgraded Class 2 and Class 3 bikeways that directly connect the project to 11 disadvantaged schools. The project scope includes branded elements like colored concrete, special markings and signage, lighting, two bridge under -crossings, traffic signal construction, paving, concrete channel modifications as well as connections to the CV Link and to the polo grounds, which is home to the world-renowned Coachella and Stagecoach art and music festivals. It also features innovative safety features including bicycle signals with fully protected bicycle movements, raised and/or recessed bike/pedestrian crossings, and bicycle signal indicators to alert cyclists that they have been detected by the traffic signal. On September 30, 2019, the Executive Committee authorized a contract for the design of the AML project with Webb and Associates. The project design is now 65% complete and the project plans will be 90% complete in February 2024. Construction is anticipated to start in 2025. With this item, staff is recommending several contracts that will get the project construction -ready and plan ahead for when it is complete. Construction Management Services Similar to the CV Link and CV Sync projects, CVAG staff has identified the need for professional engineering services to assist with pre -construction activities and construction management and inspection during construction. A Request for Proposals (RFP) was properly advertised and posted on July 12, 2023. Four proposals were received by the August 23, 2023 submittal deadline. CVAG assembled a proposal review committee comprised of staff from CVAG and the Cities of Indio and La Quinta. Proposals were evaluated on September 12, 2023, and a short list of two proposers was selected for interviews. Interviews of the top scoring firms were conducted on September 27, 2023. Consultant Anser Advisory, LLC Southstar Engineering & Consulting, Inc. TKE Engineering, Inc. T. Y. Lin International Location Palm Desert, CA Riverside, CA Palm Desert, CA Ontario, CA Anser Advisory, LLC received the highest ranking from the proposal evaluation committee. The consultant is an established engineering consultant with office in 12 states, including a local office in Palm Desert. The consultant has performed construction management for several cities in the Coachella Valley and the region and is currently the construction manager for CVAG's CV Link project. Based on the proposal evaluation committee's feedback, staff is recommending the Executive Director be authorized to execute a contract with Anser that is limited to bid administration and pre -construction assistance. Upon successful completion of the pre - construction activities and satisfactory performance, CVAG staff would negotiate fees and bring back any recommendations related to a contract for the construction management services needed during construction. CVAG staff reserves the right to hire other consultant(s) as necessary or if it is determined that Anser is not performing to CVAG's satisfaction. In addition, CVAG staff is recommending the Executive Director be authorized to execute a construction management services contract with T. Y. Lin International, the second highest - ranked consultant from the proposal evaluation committee. The consultant has substantial experience with member jurisdictions, including Indio and La Quinta. The Arts and Music Line project may require independent value engineering or design review, which would be provided by T. Y. Lin International. Non -Infrastructure Program Professional Services CVAG's application to the CTC also included a non -infrastructure component that requires professional engineering and public outreach services. The program will include engagement with schools, residents, businesses, the organizers of music festivals such as Coachella and Stagecoach and other stakeholders. Data will be collected during the program and an Outreach and Engagement Plan will be developed. The goal of the education and encouragement activities is to increase interest in active transportation and safe routes to schools. The program will commence prior to construction, continue during construction and following construction, to be concluded in a program evaluation in 2027. v V A RFP was properly advertised and posted on July 26, 2023. Three proposals were received by the September 6, 2023 submittal deadline. The proposal review committee was comprised of staff from CVAG, the Cities of Indio and La Quinta, and from Riverside University Health. Proposals were evaluated on September 28, 2023, and a short list of two proposers was selected for interviews. Interviews of the short list were conducted on October 4, 2023. Consultant Location Chen Ryan Associates, Inc. San Diego, CA Kounkuey Design Initiative, Inc. Los Angeles, CA Southstar Engineering & Consulting, Inc. Riverside, CA Chen Ryan Associates, Inc. received the highest ranking from the proposal evaluation committee. Chen Ryan Associates, IncJs an established engineering consultant based in San Diego, CA, and has extensive knowledge of the AML, having assisted in the preparation of the ATP grant application. The consultant is presently assisting in the design of the project as a subconsultant to Webb. Based on the proposal evaluation committee's feedback, staff is recommending the Executive Director be authorized to execute a contract with Chen Ryan Associates, Inc. In addition to recommending execution of all three contracts, staff is seeking authorization to negotiate and execute amendments with the cost -sharing agreements that CVAG has with the Cities of La Quinta, Indio and Coachella. These recommended actions would also authorize the Executive Director and/or Legal Counsel to make clarifying revisions before execution. Fiscal Analysis: Staff is recommending three contracts related to the AML. Two of these contracts are for pre -construction and construction management services. The professional service agreement with Anser Advisory, LLC is recommended for a not -to -exceed amount of $509,333, including 20 percent contingency. The professional service agreement with T.Y. Lin International in for an amount not to exceed $50,000. Staff is also recommending an agreement with Chen Ryan Associates, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $934,730, including 20 percent contingency, to provide non -infrastructure program professional services. The cost for AML, from design through construction, is estimated at $46.099 million. The project's construction is primarily funded through the $36,483,000 ATP grant. Local and regional funding are being used to cover the remaining costs, including design, right- of-way acquisition, utility relocation, construction management, and non -infrastructure program activities. The three contracts proposed with this staff report would also be covered by local and regional funding. These costs would follow the 75 percent/25 percent funding formula that is standard for regional projects. Because the AML local share spans more than one jurisdiction, the approved reimbursement agreements have split the 25 percent city share based on the project's centerline miles. That means it is split with the City of La Quinta contributing 6.25%, City of Indio contributing 16.75% and the City of Coachella contributing the remaining 2.00%. CVAG staff will work with its member jurisdictions to revise the agency reimbursement agreements to account for the additional $1,494,063 for pre -construction construction management and non -infrastructure program services. Looking ahead, CVAG staff continues to look for additional funding opportunities for the AML. Construction costs continue to rise and are being tracked as the project design continues. Staff will also work with its member jurisdictions to address cost -sharing of the local share of the construction phase, allowing them to budget for future fiscal years. Attachments: 1. Anser Advisory, LLC Technical & Fee Proposal: httos://cvag.oralpdf/aml/AMLAnser.pdf 2. Chen Ryan Associates, Inc. Technical & Fee Proposal: htl s://cva .or 1 df/aml/AMLChenR an. df 3. T. Y. Lin International Technical & Fee Proposal: https:Hcvag.oM/pdf/aml/AMLTYLin.odf 4. Professional services contract for Anser Advisory, LLC 5. Professional services contract for Chen Ryan Associates, Inc. 6. Professional services contract for T. Y. Lin International tA F z 1 w 7ALLETAMPICO AVENUE 52 frt N 00 8,600 Feet � � r islmrizu ��lea... �i i 46 lr�rlfan a. �c✓r. IdiVq":€ YU COUNTY- Jy UhCT LOCATION w 4 T s Legend Proposed Improvements Arts and Music Line and School Connection Spurs Connection to CV Link Existing/Planned Conditions CV Link Bicycle Lanes Bear Creek Trail Schools Polo Fields/Local Event Venue Jurisdictions Coachella Indio r � y■ 3•YR La Quinta Unincorporated Riverside County - - i CVAGAt-is and MnsicLine Project Location Map Acliue Trrnuporlalion Program Cycle 6 Grant Application Contract No. CVAG-20-018-03 Project: ATP — Arts and Music Line AMENDMENT NUMBER THREE TO THE REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN CVAG AND THE CITY OF LA QUINTA FOR THE ATP —ARTS AND MUSIC LINE This AMENDMENT NUMBER THREE is made and entered into this 4' day of December 2023, by and between the Coachella Valley Association of Governments, a California joint powers agency (CVAG), the City of La Quinta (Agency) and is made with reference to the following background facts and circumstances. All other terms and conditions shall remain the same as stated in the original agreement dated March 18, 2020 for the ATP — Arts and Music Line Project. This Amendment Number Three extends the term of the contract to December 31, 2025. 2. This Amendment Number Three authorizes the scope of services in accordance with the attached Anser Advisory Management, LLC Technical and Fee Proposal for the not -to -exceed amount of $509,333, including 20 percent contingency, to provide pre - construction and construction management services. 3. This Amendment Number Three authorizes the scope of services in accordance with the attached T. Y. Lin International Technical and Fee Proposal for the not -to -exceed amount of $50,000 to provide supplemental pre -construction and construction management services. 4. This Amendment Number Three authorizes the scope of services in accordance with the attached Chen Ryan Associates, Inc. Technical and Fee Proposal for the not -to - exceed amount of $934,730, including 20 percent contingency, to provide professional engineering and public outreach services. 5. This Amendment Number Three increases CVAG's Regional Share to $3,964,470, and the Local Share to $1,321,490. 6. This Amendment Number Three authorizes CVAG to amend the cost -sharing agreements between CVAG and the Cities of La Quinta, Indio and Coachella for design costs related to the ATP - Arts and Music Line, by adding $1,494,063 to the total costs for a revised total of $5,285,960 which represents an additional $1,120,547 totaling $3,964,470 for the 75 percent CVAG share and an additional $373,516 totaling $1,321,490 for the 25 percent local share. Original Contract March 18, 2020 Amendment Number One February 28, 2022 Amendment Number Two December 5, 2022 Amendment Number Three December 4, 2023 Total Contract not -to -exceed Amendment Regional Local Amount Share Share $2,731,897 $2,048,923 $682,974 No Cost $0 $0 $1,060,000 $795,000 $265,000 $1,494,063 $1,120,547 $373,516 $5,285,960 $3,964,470 $1,321,490 Contract No. CVAG-20-018-03 Project: ATP — Arts and Music Line Based on the revised additional $373,516 to the local share, the revised 25 percent local share which totals $1,321,478 per this amendment will be split between the cities of La Quinta, Coachella and Indio as follows: Total Local La Quinta Indio Coachella Share (25%) $330,372 $885,398 $105,719 $1,321,490 25% 67% 8% 100% SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE Contract No. CVAG-20-018-03 Project: ATP — Arts and Music Line The parties hereto have caused this Amendment Number Three to be executed by their duly authorized representatives on the above -reference date. ATTEST CITY OF LA QUINTA By: By: Jon McMillen, City Manager Linda Evans, Mayor ATTEST PrkCVAG By: TExecutive Director COACHELLA ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS By: 6. Scott Matas, CVAG Chair Contract No. CVAG-20-018-03 Project: ATP — Arts and Music Line Attachment A-1 Anser Advisory Management, LLC Technical and Fee Proposal UNDERSTANDING OF SPECIAL ISSUES (IV) Construction Management Reimagined The Anser team is comprised of individuals who truly take ownership of the project and are willing to go the extra mile to ensure the project is built right the first time. We are constantly looking for design and construction enhancements that will result in a pristine finished product. An example of this on the CV Link project was at the Palm Springs Visitor Center access point. The design drawings had laid out the top of footings in line with the proposed finished grades. Our Resident Engineer, Tyson Atwood, realized early that the visual roof line would look odd once complete. As such, he made slight modifications to the top -of -footing elevations so that the shade structures would visually be shaped like a "V," which also cast a much more appealing shadow. It is this high attention to detail which separates the Anser team from any other construction management firm. Plans are heavily scrutinized both in the office and in the field to ensure that the design intents are being met during construction. The Anser team is very accustomed to making minor design changes in the field as nearly all of the proposed tie-in elevations on the CV Link project have been significantly off. The way we have efficiently overcoming these challenges is by being very proactive. Once construction stakes are set, the Anser team will go out a minimum of two days ahead of the Contractor's planned activities to ensure design feasibility. Minor adjustments can then me made with have zero to minimal impacts to the contractors means and methods and schedule. We can make such adjustments easily because, as part of our standard tools, Anser has invested in a builder's laser level so that our inspection team can not only verify grades and forms without the assistance of a contractor. This also allows us to gather simple field topo without the need of additional survey costs. Unique Design Elements The AML has many unique features and elements which are being custom developed for the project. Anser has extensive experience in dealing with unique design elements andthe challenges that it brings to an owner. The first decision that CVAG must make is whetherthe agency should procure these items under a sole source agreement and then provide them to the contractor as owner furnished material. This is always heavily scrutinized by Caltrans and puts funding at risk if the proper procedures are not followed. Furthermore, California Public Contract Code section 3400 also prohibits the use of specific brand names when bidding outwork. On the CV Link project, Anser provided guidance to CVAG about the best way to procure specific design elements while still being in compliance with California Public Contract Code section 3400. Through our guidance, the Segment i contract was able to procure the exact benches, trash receptacles and bicycle racks that were desired by CVAG. As part of the Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act (II)A), the Build America, Buy America Act (BABA) was enacted in November of 2o21. This act greatly increased the number of products which now fall within the Buy America requirements. This may include many of the fiberoptic and specialty lighting that is currently shown in the AML drawing package. During the pre -construction phase, Anser will ensure that all specified products meet the BABA requirements. The newly updated Caltrans 2023 standard specifications largely incorporate all these new Buy America requirements, however at this time it is unclear what the base specifications will be. If the Caltrans Standard Specifications are not used, the Anserteam will ensure that all the newly updated Buy America language is in the contract specifications so that the contractor may accurately bid the project. Finally, during construction, our Resident Engineer will ensure that all Buy America requirements are being met and the paperwork is meticulously filed in preparation for any audit. Understanding of Regional and Community Needs Anser has worked extensively in the region for over five years and has had an established local office foroverthree. Over75% of the daily Anser team staff that will be working on the Art and Music Line Project call the Coachella Valley home. COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project 12 1 Anser Advisory SECTION 4 (CONTINUED) As such, we have a strong understanding of the unique community needs of the Art and Music Line project, both as it relates to its local residents and tourism, driven in large part to the music festival season and other special events. Connections to Schools: The AMLwill connect to over half a dozen schools, all of which are within disadvantaged communities where over 8o9/o of the children are on Free and Reduced Priced School Meals. Many of these children rely on public or active transportation to get to school. The AML will provide safer routes to children who are already using active transportation means to get to and from school each day. Tourism: April is one of the most important months to the region. Each weekend, over 1oo,000 festival goers visit the Empire Pole Grounds to attend Coachella Music and Arts and Stagecoach music festivals. This is not including the thousands of vendors that it takes to support these events. These grounds are also increasingly the home to additional festivals taking place in October. Consideration for these high traffic events must be accounted for both during the design and construction phase. The design must be thoughtful enough to recognize that there are io's of thousands of people who would use the facilities no more than once a year. Likewise, during construction, we must ensure that our project is of minimal impact to the traveling public, espciallyduring these high-volumeweekends. The Anser team iswell experienced workingwith in the region duringthese timelines. During construction of our CV Link project, we ensured that our contractor took extra precautions by utilizing a combination of chain link andsnow fence to keep tourism outof the construction zones. We also added additional signage above and beyond the requirements of the CA MUTCD to ensure clear communication to all tourists. Understanding of the Dillon Road Connection The Dillon Roadconnection isthe eastern mostconnection to CV Link. Anser is aware that the existing Dillon Road Bridge over the Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel is structurally deficient and functionally obsolete. Dillon Road is also a principal arterial serving the two tribal reservations: Cabazon Band of Mission Indians and Twenty -Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians, and is the only access to the City of Coachella connecting to Interstate io freeway. The risks and reliabilities are extremely high and Anser is ready to work through any and all challenges, including: 4 Coordination with Caltrans, Coachella Valley Associations of Governments, Coachella Valley Water District, City of Indio, City of Coachella, Cabazon Band of Mission Indians, Twenty -Nine Band of Mission Indians, utility companies and school districts on a consistent basis. 4 Possible closing o f Dillon Road Bridge during construction which may require long detours through Avenue 50 via a low-water crossing (not accessible during flood event) or Avenue 52, which will significantly increase emergency response time. 4 Understanding that there is a Joint Powers Authority between the City of Indio, City of Coachella, Cabazon Band of Mission Indians and Twenty -Nine Band of Mission Indians, established in September 2018, related to the Dillon Road Bridge Project. 4 Understanding that the Dillon Road Bridge Project is one of Coachella Valley Associations of Governments transportation projects in the Transportation Project Prioritization Study and how this relates to the Art and Music Line Project which is funded by federal ATP and local funds. 4 Managing environmental clearances (i.e., AB52 and Section 7o6 consultations). 4 Managing and conducting biological studies during breeding seasons only which may cause delays. 4 Strategizing the political process and facilitating discussion among stakeholders that may have differing opinions or priorities. Anser has built a team who is ready to take on these challenges. Martin Magana of Magana Consulting Services joins the Anser team with extensive existing relationships and knowledge of the rich history of the surrounding area. We will guide CVAG in addressingthese challenges by including City and Tribal staff in pre -construction meetings and progress meetings, implement City and Tribal punch list items during project closeout and coordinate acceptance walks with the City and Tribal staff as part of the final punch list process. COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project 13 1 Anser Advisory SECTION 4 (CONTINUED) `y 0Q Design and Practical Experience �.n.� Anser has extensive knowledge of the ADA requirements and bikeway construction �a as outlined in the California MUTCD. We've also kept up on all changes as these manuals are updated. This gives us a strong understanding of the critical elements not only during the constructability review phase, but also during construction. For example, we understand that there has to be 2-foot clear zone from the edge of path from any obstacles while the path. During the construction of CV Link behind the Palm Desert High School, this understanding of design criteria was critical as the proposed pathway alignment encroached into this buffer zone against an CVWD chain link fence. Since our contract stated to protect the fence in place, the Anser team made alignment modifications in the field to ensure that our edge of pathway was at least 2-feet away from the existing fence. This change was made a zero cost to CVAG. Had we not had this understanding, post solution would have certainly cost tens of thousands of dollars. Anser also understands that even though a design may work on paper and is within the guidelines of design standards, new features may cause confusion with drivers. As new sections of travel are opened, Anser will observe how traffic reacts to the changes, recognizing that there is a typical time period where locals will need to adjust to the changes. If any element of the design is not working as intended, Anser will take immediate action to add any temporary fixes as necessary while the design team provides a final solution. Signal timing adjustments are frequently required on these types of projects. Anserwill work with the local agency to ensure that signals are adjusted ahead of opening new routes to traffic. Levee and Undercrossing Construction One of the more important connections to the Arts and Music Line is connectivity with CV Link at the La Quinta Promontory PointAccess Point. In orderto make this connection, the proposed pathway will travel from Avenue 48 along the La Quinta Evacuation Channel and then drop under both the Highway iii and Werson bridges. Anser has unmatched knowledge of the challenges of obtaining both design approval and constructing within Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) right-of-way. Our Resident Engineer, Tyson Atwood, has spent the past three years working very closely with CVWD, especially David Wilson and Chad Austin, in getting both design approvals, as well as construction coordination within the channel. Anser recognizes that CVWD has strong reservations about constructing the undercrossings as proposed due to both safetyand engineering concerns. Engineering Concerns. One example of the engineering concerns CVWD will likely have is with capacity and scour analysis. The proposed design will reduce capacity of the existing channel by the addition of a retaining wall, and/or fill slope. As this channel is designated as a Zone A by the FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM), CVWD will likely require a hydrologic/ hydraulic (HH) analysis which shows that the impacts have negligible effects on the existing water surface elevations and scour depths. CVWD traditionally has Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (NHC) complete their third -party review of all HH studies. Through this process, Tyson has working knowledge of the types of analysis that NHC will be looking for, as well as how they prefer the data presented. Having previously worked as a HH design engineer, Tyson has a strong understanding of the software and types of analysis used to complete these studies. During the approval process of the CV Link under crossings, Tyson performed Quality Assurance of the designers' analyses and report prior to submitting to CVWD for review. During this process, he caught several inconsistencies in the report which had traditionally been flagged by NHC; avoiding an additional costly round of reviews and loss in schedule. With his extensive knowledge of what kinds of issues CVWD and N HC traditionally lookfor in their review, theAnserteam will be able to perform independent Quality Assurance checks ahead of design submittals to CVWD which will cut down on the number of submittal reviews required ahead of CVWD approval. Safety Concerns. Through our conversations with CVAG, we also understand that CVWD has safety concerns about building the pathway underneath the Jefferson and Highway iii bridges, respectively. During our field visit, the Anser team did observe one homeless encampment in the Jefferson bridge abutment, opposite of where the pathway is proposed. The Anser team has vast experience in working with the homeless of similar under crossings during construction of CV Link. The Monroe under crossing had proven to be the most challenging location as there was a very well establish encampment within ourconstruction limits. Prior to construction ofthe undercrossing, Anser teamed with the CVAG Homeless outreach team so that contact could be made with the individuals. Once that initial contact failed, Anser worked with local law enforcement to have the individuals removed. Anser also came up with some additional design elements which helped as homeless deterrents. Through persistent work, there are no longer homeless encampments at any CV Link under crossing locations. COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OFGOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project 14 1 Anser Advisory SECTION 4 (CONTINUED) Anser will work closely with CVAG to help ensure the safest possible route to access CV Link at the La Quinta Access Point. We will look at all options, including additional lighting which would not have adverse environmental impactswhile enhancing the safety of users after dark. Retaining Wall Construction The current plan shows two different types of walls being constructed within the channel, a tieback wall and a cast -in - place wall. In our initial review of the plans, as demonstrated in Figure 1, it appears that CVAG may need to acquire additional right-of-way in order to construction the tiebacks. This appears to be most prominent at the Highway iii undercrossing, especially towards the northerly side where there is an existing shopping center adjacent to the channel. These kinds of right- of-way constraints will be one of our top priorities during our constructability review. It will be critical to both the schedule and design that these kinds of restrictions are identified early so that proper action can be taken to mitigate the design. c n..K ow — — — —ir. I ti =Me %-4p.� -- L ,�.._=� Figure i Another challenge that the project may face is with the current design of the cast -in -place (CI P) wall. In order to cost effectively construct the CIP wall, the contract will need room to excavate for the footing. This is demonstrated in Figure2. saceo,e r.,s I.r. J u Figure 2 As demonstrated in this figure, this back cut will likely affect the columns of the existing bridge. During the constructability phase, we would review the both the Jefferson and Highway iii as -build drawings to ensure that future construction would not impact the structural integrity of the bridges and that any potential back cuts would be above the existing pile caps. Additionally, access during construction of the CIP wall will be restrictive due to the placement of the existing columns. Extreme caution must be maintained at all times so that equipment does not strike and damage any of the structural components of the bridges. The Anser team will also ensure that the environmental clearance areas also accurately account for construction activities. As a lesson learned from the CV Link project, the environmental boundary of the under crossings did not account for the back cut required for the cutoff wall construction. The Anser team has worked with both CDFW and CVWD to mitigate these impacts so that the project could be built per plan. On -Street Construction While the levee and undercrossing may appear to be the most technically complex component of the project, the on -street work will have its own unique set of challenges, from both a constructability and engineering perspective. Project Staging and Schedule. One of our lessons learned from our City of Indio Herbert Hoover Pedestrian Improvement project is the success of breaking the project in to manageable stages of work. Because the project is spread out through commercial, residential, and school zones, it is important that the contractor is diligent when they start construction. For example, we would not want the contractor to start demo work in La Quinta, near Desert Sands Unified School District and then move into the City of Indio, and not complete the work within the City of La Quinta for weeks, or even months later. We will work with CVAG and the design team to establish reasonable work zone areas which would not substantially drive costs, while minimizing impacts to the public as much as possible. Prior to starting the project, we will review and agree on the Contractor's baseline schedule. Our team will discuss the project schedule with the contractor prior to mobilization and listen to any concerns or enhancements they have relating to the schedule. When both Contractor and Construction Manager agree on a schedule prior to starting the project, the project has a much higher rate of success! — _ _ _ _ - - - Joints will be separate pours. _ _ _ _ _ Saw cuts recommended (TY -Dal---I Concrete Mixes Very Ihln pour. suscepUble to cra&ing.- Patterned Colored Concrete. The ambition of the AML is to truly live up to its name to where it will be a piece of art. The pathway will create an amazing user experience with its blends of colors and shapes. The issue is that each one of these colors and shapes will require separate concrete pours, which drives up costs and can lead to challenges with differential settling, joints/cracking, and color inconsistency between pours. The Anser team is very familiar with these types of challenges through our work on the North Park Mid -City project and the CV Link project. COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project 15 1 Anser Advisory SECTION 4 (CONTINUED) Our Lead Inspector, Kenny Casados, has worked through all these types of challenges during the construction of the CV Link access points and branded banding. These sections consisted of similar intricate patterns which required their own separate pours. We worked hand -in -hand with the contractor to develop pour plans and methods to cut relief joints which have avoided over 90/oof cracking. Prior to bid, Anserwill share our lessons learned with the design team to ensure contract specification language requiring sample panels, pour plans, doweling and saw cutting are all in the bid package. In addition, we'll recommend that language is in the contract which requires that the same mix design be used in sections, which ensures a consistent color product throughout the project Coordination with Cities, Utilities, and Future Projects We recognize the need to coordinate with many different stakeholders on this project, all of which the Anser team has existing working relationships with. A detailed description of our communication plan is discussed later. We also recognize that the AML is not the only planned project within the same footprint of work and that other agencies have their own projects to manage. The AML project is not scheduled to go to construction until Q2 of 2025, meaning there is ample time to coordinate any future projects currently planned with the stakeholders. However, this also means that it's likely that projects within our work limits will be completed ahead of the AML going to construction. The Anser team has extensive experience coordinating these kinds of efforts on many different projects including North Park Mid - City, Bayshore Barrio Logan, and of course CV Link. ■ On the North Park Mid -City project, we actively had to coordinate with the City of San Diego for outside projects such as annual slurry seal maintenance, installation of fiber optics lines, and new building development; all of which impacted our work zones. Our proposed Assistant Resident Engineer, Brandon McKay, actively managed each of the conflicts with our contractor. Preferred critical path activities were altered, and re -design work arounds were just some of the solutions the Anserteam came up with. ■ On the Bayshore Barrio Logan project, we are actively managing a scenario where a local City sewer project within our work limits has been substantially delayed, which in turn has caused the Anser-managed project to pivot. We have proactively worked with our contractor to sequence the preferred critical path components of the project, so that construction activities could continue. We have many simi larexperiences on the CV Link project. CVWD has hadtwo projectswithin the channel which have affectedour ability to perform work in the areas, causing us to re -sequence work. The Dune Palms bridge replacement falls within the footprint of the current Segment 1 project which required the Anser team to revise start/stop locations. In the City of Palm Springs, the City had completed a small traffic calming project within the CV Link limits which was unknown toCVAC and the design team. Once construction began, our proposed Resident Engineer, Tyson Atwood, and Lead Inspector, Kenny Casados, actively worked with Donn byeno, then with Palm Springs, to incorporate the existing speed humps into the CV Lintz project. The Anser team is prepared to actively deal with any curvebal I that the AML project throws our way and our proposed team has a proven record of success in keeping projects actively progressing through all of these types of scenarios. ADA Compliance Public safety is a key component to the success of this project. Nearly every aspect of the project has to be within compliance of ADA standards. That means pathway cross slopes cannot exceed 29/oand anythingover5% in the travel path is considered a ramp and must be treated as such in the design. Through our workon many projects, but especially on CV Link, our inspection team has developed comprehensive spreadsheets which ensure compliance with all ADA standards, while being able to complete the checks in a timely manner. Our inspection team will document all ADA components using tape measures to a 1/16 of an inch and smart levels to the tenth of a degree to ensure features do not exceed the maximum allowable slopes.dimensions. If features are found to be out of toerance, the Contractor will not be compensated for the work until the ramp meets protect requirements. In addition to permanent ADA facilities, temporary facilities may be needed to guide pedestrians during stage construction and closed ramps. We could not find any mention of how the Contractor should contruct temporary ADA facilities in the contract documents, therefore we recommend that these temporary facilities follow the Caltrans Temporary ADA Facilities Handbook. COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OFGOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project 16 1 Anser Advisory SECTION 4 (CONTINUED) APPROACH/ WORK PLAN TO SCOPE OF SERVICES Bid Administration and Pre -Construction Assistance Schedule (a): Anser currently employs a team of critical path method (CPM) scheduling experts who are experienced in a variety of scheduling software, including Primavera P6 and Microsoft Project. For the Art and Music Line project, there will be three critical phases to completing the project which are: Completion of Design, Obtaining E76/Advertise/Award, Construction. A detailed schedule is shown toward the end of the proposal. Completion of Design is much more than simply just how long it will take for the designer to complete the drawings. This is the critical phase in which all the project stakeholders will have the majority of their input on the design. Anser has extensive experience working with all of the stakeholders on the project, including: Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD), Cities of La Quinta, Indio, and Coachella, as well as coordination with the Cabazon Tribe. Having worked with these agencies, Anser has extensive working knowledge of which agencies tend to stretch beyondtheir initiallystated review period. We also have a strong understanding that it will likely take multiple reviews before obtaining approvals. In order to setup an accurate schedule, it is critical to set realistic activity durations, as well as allowing for multiple reviews. Obtaining E76/Advertise/Award. There is an extensive package which is required as part of the approval package from Caltrans. The proposed Anser team are subject matters experts which in comes to the Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) has successfully supported CVAG on a number construction package related to the CV Link program. Most recently, Anser was asked by CVAG to put plan packages and provide cost estimates for multiple Caltrans packages with just a few days turnaround deadline. Anser was able to quickly allocate resources and completed over 80 manhours of work in just 48 hours. Once the E76 is obtained, Anser will support CVAG in putting the bid package out for construction. Again, there are strict guidelines which must be followed in accordance with the LAPM. The advertise and award package is always the first item which is reviewed by Caltrans auditors during the initial project audit. Construction. Having managed dozens of bikeway projects, the Anser team are experts in not only putting together but managing these linear projects in which the critical path activities may frequently change. As part of this procurement, Anser has developed a probable construction sequence which the contractor would likely follow. This schedule will be further updated as we progress from 65 to i00% design drawings. Additionally, as discussed in our Special Issues section, we will be sure that we capture any outside agencies projects which could potentially affect our project. Bid Processes (e): Once our constructability review is com plete, Anserwi I I then assistCVAG with putting out a bid package. As discussed 0 above, Anser has extensive experience putting !0 ui together bid packages in conformance with the Caltrans LAPM. Once the project is advertised, as we did with CV Link, we can take the lead in answering any questions which may arise from potential contractors during that process. Once bids are open, Anser will complete a comprehensive analysis of the bid items to ensure that there are significant bid items which are unbalanced. We will also review each bidder package to ensure that they submitted complete and responsive bids. A large part of that review wil I be to ensure that the contractor has made accurate claims of the DBE goal participation, or a review of the "good faith effort," which would ultimately need Caltrans approval. Budget b : Every successful construction project starts with a great estimate! Financial expectations determine which projects are started, but only accurate cost estimates determine which are completed within budget. Our in-house Cost Estimating group lead by Andy Kleimola, recognizes the importance of having reliable construction cost estimates before a shovel ever hits the ground. Accurate cost estimates are required to create project budgets, evaluate cost implications of numerous design decisions as design advances and to analyze the accuracy and fairness of contractor's estimate submissions. Not only does the AML add complexities to standard concrete pathway construction, it also incorporates a number of unique fiberoptic and other unique lighting elements, all of which are key to making the pathway a work of art. This is all in addition to the structural elements that wil I need to be bui It to connect the AML to CV Link at the La Quinta Access Point. These elements all come at a cost where budgets are limited. The success of a project hinges on getting the alignment of budget, scope, and quality right at the beginning of the project, as well as the maintenance of that alignment as design progresses. Our team of estimators will help confirm engineer's estimates, and when needed we can provide guidance to any discrepancies so that CVAG may have the most accurate information to make decisions from. COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project 17 1 Anser Advisory SECTION 4 (CONTINUED) Communication Plan. Given the number of stakeholders on the project, having a formal communication plan and having contact information for all members is critical. The Anser team is unmatched not only its understanding of this, but also with having already established much of the groundwork requiredas part of this project. Through our work on the CV Link project, Anser and Burke Rix have already developed acommunication plan which contains most contacts which will be part of the AML communication plan. We will work with CVAG to refine this list and ensure that contact information is captured in an organized manner in a way that anyone new to the project could be brought up to speed with who the key stakeholders are by simply reviewing the document. Given the length of the project, it's likely that key stakeholders may move positions. As such, we recognize that our communication plan will always be a working document which will needto be updated throughout the life ofthe project. Constructability Review (c): As discussed in the Special Issues section, the Anser team brings knowledge of not only constructability issues, but also design guidelines, especially as it relates to bikeway facilities. As shown in the appendices, Anser has already began its initial list of field observations with the provided 659/o drawings. A thoughtful review of work adjacent to right-of-way lineswill be required throughout the project. During the construction of CV Link, Anser was able to identify several areas which required either a Temporary Construction Easement or Slope Easement. By identifying early, Anser was able to put all the document required in order to obtain these easements with zero delay to the project. In addition to constructibility review, Anser will utilize Steve Latino from Michael Baker to perform a comprehensive engineering review. Steve has recently worked side -by -side with Tyson on a number of bikeway project forthe City of Palm Desert. Their different backgrounds allow for highly detailed review of drawings which far expand beyond the typical constructibility review comments. Bluebeam RevuTM has become the standard software for constructability review comments, however not all firms use it to its full capabilities. Effective use of studio sessions, thoughtful layers, and summary reports are what set Anser constructability reviews apart. Anserwill mark up a set of plans on the PDFeditor. There are two benefits with this software which can improve efficiency and reduce review times between the project team. First, we can place the drawings in a cloud -based server where multiple team members can comment directly on the PDF. This will allow simultaneous reviews rather than back and forth commenting between the team. Second, once all the comments are compiled on the marked - up pdf set, the software can export a review sheet, which clearly identifies the page number, comment and most importantly a picture of the item being discussed. This report is to supplement or replace the excel spreadsheet typically issued as the tracking log for the constructability comments. When reviewing comments, there is no need for a set of plans and excel sheet. This report will combine both and make for more efficient, productive meetings with the team. Additional sketches and drawing details containing recommendations for package improvements will be provided to supplement the comment log to ensure clarity. The comment/response log will be supplemented with full-size sheet plans with markups for each project. Mitigation Measures and Environmental Requirements (d): Through our experience on CV Link and other projects, Anser has a strong understanding of the environmental requirements required to complete the Art and Music Line. These will include mitigation measures for burrowingowls, nesting birds, and bats, among others. Additionally, there will be cultural requirements, at minimum, for work that takes within the Cabazon and Twenty -Nine -Palms right-of-way. Anser has teamed with LSA who has a local office in Palm Springs and had been providing local support to the Coachella Valley foryears. Along with Anser, LSA has personal working relationships with the local agency representatives, including)acob Skaggswith the Departmentof Fish and Wildlife (CDFW). Anser, with the support of LSA, will complete a thorough review of all environmental documents and place relevant items in our CPM schedule. A risk analysis of the current construction schedule will be reviewed with the CVAG so that thoughtful decision on when to release projects to bid can be made. We will take extensive care to ensure that all environmental requirements are capture in the projects Special Conditions and the time of bid. COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project 18 1 Anser Advisory SECTION 4 (CONTINUED) Construction Management O Project Administration (3) , Procedures Manuals (c, g, h): The Anser Team understands that we will have to create and maintain hundreds of documents throughout the project duration to provide proof that the project was administered in accordance with Local, State and Federal guidelines. The requirements of the Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) provide the minimum filing system thatwe must adhere to. However, a project of this size wi I I require that we implement the full filing system established in the Caltrans Construction Manual. Anser's Resident Engineer, Tyson Atwood, and Document Control specialist, Amelia Fitchett, have expansive experience utilizing the Caltrans filing system and together have successfully passed many Caltrans audits, including ones for CVAG, typically with just minorcomments. Coordination & Reporting (b, d, j): Open communication is one of the keys to success of any project. The Anser team has an existing working relationship with not only CVAG, but the majority of stakeholders on the project. As discussed above, Anser understands the importance of having a written plan when dealing with so many stakeholders and partners on the project. Once the project is awarded, the Anser team will kick-off the project with a pre -construction meeting which will include all project stakeholders. Clear lines of communication through the Anser construction management team will be reinforced at this meeting. During the construction phase, it is crucial to keep all stakeholders informed of the progress of the project. In order to manage the flow of information and keep the focus on the important issues, Tyson will institute weekly contractor progress meetings. Again, all stakeholders, such as the contractor, CVAG, the design engineer, CVWD, RCTD, and all Cities and Public Relations Officers will be invited to attend. Minutes of issues, discussions, statements, and commitments will be recorded and distributed after every meeting. Weekly and monthly Construction Progress Report will be provided to CVAG staff and other stakeholders as approved by CVAG identifying the progress made, upcomingwork, and any issues that have or may be developing. Anser is very familiar with the formatting requirements for these reports as Anser helped develop many of the standard reportsstill used by CVAC as part ofsetting up the document control system on the CV Link project. Progress Payments (a, e, 0: Priorto biddingthe project, Anserwill ensure that there is specification language which clearly define the payment schedules of the project. Anser will follow the time -tested procedures established in the Caltrans Construction Manual for the tracking and payment of materials placed by the Contractor each month. Daily reports become the basis of documenting the material placed by the Contractor. This information is transferred to quantity (or Q) sheets that are established for each item of pay. All quantity sheets are backed up with calculations, photos or other means of verification, and are checked by an independent party prior to being submitted to Tyson. Payment vouchers are generated, along with a breakdown of reimbursement from the various funding buckets on the project. Monthly estimates are submitted to CVAG after discussion with the Contractor and confirmation that payment items are accurate. A detailed discussion on the process can be found in the Cost and Schedule section. Monitor Contractor's Schedule (i): We will ensure that the Contractor is complying with the requirements of the monthly schedule updates and closely monitor the critical path to avoid delays and disruptions whenever possible. Non -working days anddays added bythe change order processwill be incorporated into schedule updates. Our unique approach to scheduling is discussed in detail in the Cost and Schedule section. Partnering (1): Anser firmly believes and practices proactive management on the job and will make every attempt to resolve issues at the lowest level possible. As discussed later in our approach to claims, even when there are disputes on a project, Tyson maintains the highest level of professionalism and never takes a difference of opinion personally. While we have a proven track record of being able to resolve disputes, should CVAG feel that a partnering session is needed, Anser will participatewith an open mind. Quality Assurance Program (QAP) Manual (m): Anser has managed hundreds of millions of dollars in federally funded projects, as such, we are extremely familiar with the Caltrans Quality Assurance Program in addition to the approved CVAG Quality Assurance Plan (QAP). The Anser team is currently administering the CVAG QAP by accurately tracking the quantities of all materials placed on the project to ensure that we are meetingthe minimum testing requirements as outlined in the CVAG QAP. To increase cost effectiveness, Anser has teamed with Earth Systems who will perform all of our Quality Assurance Material Testing. Earth Systems has a Caltrans accredited laboratory locally in the Coachella Valley, along with local staff who are also Caltrans certified. It is through these accreditations that we will comply with the Independent Assurance (IA) requirements of the QAP Manual. Labor Compliance (n): Standards established by the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) require that Contractors adhere to specific pay requirements and submit certified payrolls to the managing body. Daily reports, along with employee EEO COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project 19 1 Anser Advisory SECTION 4 (CONTINUED) interviews form the basis for reviewing contractor certified payrolls. During audits of construction records, certified payroll records are an area that is most often reviewed. Tyson has extensive experience providing Labor Compliance administration and will be supported by Chia -Chi Wang of our DBE subcontractor, DESI. Any deficiencies will be reported and pursued. Withholding of payment may be utilized to achieve compliance. Environmental Compliance (h): As previously discussed, Anser and LSA will ensure that we are meeting all the environmental requirements set forth in the environmental documents. In the construction phase, we will ensure that our contractor is complying with all of the environmental requirements for the project that would now be in the special provisions. We are anticipating that the majority of the environmental monitoring will be required to take place at the two ends of the projects which tie into CV Link. Through our work on CV Link, we know that the surrounding area around Promontory Point has cultural resources which require additional monitoring. We also know of similar requirements at the Dillon Road connection, which takes place on tribal lands. In addition, monitoring of burrowing owls, bats, and other nesting bird will be required along the channels and under the bridges. From our initial site walk of the evacuation channel, we did notice a hest inside one of the bridge abutments which will need to be addressed prior to construction. SWPPP AQMD, and Environmental Coordination (o, p): Construction activities are ever changing for various reasons throughout a project, thus the reasons for continuous monitoring on a project. Knowing the appropriate BMP's for various construction activities is key to properly implementing a SWPPP and Dust Control Plan, especially on a project with so many working locations. Our team is extremely experienced in both Storm Water and Air Quality as Tyson is a Qualified SWPPP Developer's (QSD) and is also SCAQMD Coachella Val ley Fugitive Dust Control certified. Tyson and members of the Anser team are well versed in the new requirements set forth in the 2022 Construction General Permit which will become effective September7, 2023. Projectdust is always a challenge when working in the Coachella Valley, thus the additional requirement unique to the Coachella Valley in which the contractor will be required to submit a Dust Control Plan to AQMD. We have found that dust can be especially challengingwhen workingwithin the channels. Often times, dust complaints are blamed on the project, when in fact the dust in large part is a biproduct of high winds and regional dust. Anser has extensive experience with managing dust throughout the valley. On the CV Link project, Anser wrote a change order to the contractor to apply temporary tachi Fier to areas within the channel so that it could be proven to AQMD that the project was doing everything possible to stay within compliance. We will take this lesson learned and ensure that such dust control measures are requirements in the contract documents during the constructability review phase. In addition, Anser will ensure that the Contractor maintains properly permitted dust levels, as well as minimizes project track out from the site. Each project will have some scope of work requiring concrete, so our inspectors will ensure the contractor has washouts setup to rinse out the trucks. Tyson will continually monitor the site for compliance and strictly enforce that all mitigation measures described in the Dust Control Plan and/or SWPPP are being implemented and documented on a daily basis. As-Builts (q): As part of our daily and monthly documentation we will maintain "As -Built" drawings. Developing these items in a contemporaneous fashion ensures the most accurate memorialization of the activities as they occur in the event of a time impact or dispute. We will keep a "Live" as built set of plans using Bluebeam Studio Software. This will be a tool that each memberoftheAnserTeam can utilize andwill have access tothe most current set of plans at any time. At the end of the project, these electronic files can easily be bundled and transmitted to be updated into the electronic plan set and transmitted to CVAG, and all applicable stakeholders, for archiving. iTConstruction Coordination (3) ❑ Active construction coordination is discussed a through various section of the proposal 0 = such as our under of project stakeholders, a= communication plan, and SWPPP coordination. As demonstrated throughout this proposal, Anser has a strong understand of the coordination required to complete the AML project. Tyson Atwood, will lead the Anser Team as the Resident Engineer and looks forward to continuing his work as being the day-to-day contact with many of the same parties associated with the projectwhich he is currently workingwith through his workwith the CV Link project. Construction Inspection (4) Field Inspection (a-q): Anser offers experienced Fzzoand qualified inspectors with extensive experience with Greenbook and Caltrans COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project 20 1 Anser Advisory Nkl SECTION 4 (CONTINUED) standards. These individuals will provide daily on -site observation and inspection of required materials, equipment, and methods of construction and assure that the project remains in compliance with all contract documents, permits and regulations. Our inspectors are also cross trained and versed in compliance as it relates to ADA, traffic control, SWPPP and AQMD PMio inspections. Our digital daily inspection reports discuss conversations, labor, equipment, quantities, location and full description of work completed during the shift, as well as adherence to the compliance aspects of the Contract backed up with photographs. These daily reports are the backbone of hour our quantity (Q sheets) are generated during the progress payment, which is discussed in the above section. Our work plan is to eliminate surprises to CVAG by being proactive in working with the Contractor to identify and resolve deficiencies or problems as quickly as possible at the field level. Our inspectors will utilize the three (3) week -look - ahead -schedule to properly advance the construction effort by looking ahead, and by assisting the Contractor in resolving issues before they become problems. All work will be inspected for conformance with contract plans, specifications, and current specified and standards. Inspection documentation, processes, materials testing, and quality assurance will all be in accordance with CVAG and Caltrans Quality Assurance Manual. Comprehensive and accurate daily records of field activities become the go -to document when a dispute comes to light. Early recognition of an issue allows added opportunities for resolution. If extra work is required, accurate documentation is critical to determine the actual costs incurred and come to an accurate evaluation of cost. When disputed work is not resolved by change order, it must continue under a potential claim. In this case, the Anser Team will create a file number to track the Contractor's effortwith added scruti ny. Accurate documentation of manpower, equipment, and materials will allow us to disallow or minimize the cost of disputed extra work. Project Support (5) Construction Surveys (a-d): Anser has teamed once again with the local branch office of Michael Baker International (MBI) to provide surveying services. MBI understands the importance in providing high quality services. The team we have assembled for this project propose to carry out those services to enhance the CVAG's outstanding reputation in providingtheCoachellaValley with safe, reliable transportation and amenities throughoutthe COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OFGOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project Valley. Our approach to the project is a proven and efficient team approach with California Licensed Land Surveyors engaged in every work task throughout the scope of work. The local Palm Desert Office currently has four (4) Licensed Surveyors and four (4) fully capable field crews employed full time working on Coachella Valley Projects. Many times, it is the surveyorwho discovers an inconsistency or deviation from design. While it is intended that deviations from plans do not occur, they inevitably may. Minor deviations are normal and can be dealt with routinely by the Party Chief and the Resident Engineer, who will keep the staff informed. When a plan deviation is other than minor in nature, the Party Chief will assess the problem and gather enough survey information for the Resident Engineer to resolve the issue without undue delay. TheAnserand MBI team have an extensive working relationship when it comes to fixing errors in the {geld, as the CV Link project has been rattled with elevation busts throughout the project. TheAnserandMBI team have worked together to obtain additional pothole and elevation data ahead of when the contractor wants to begin their work. Working together, we have saved CVACio's, if not, ioo'softhousands ofdollars in additional re -work costs. In addition to construction staking, the Anser and MBI teamed have worked through a number of right-of-way issues on the CV Link project as well. MBI has assisted Anser and CVAG in preparing legal documents which have enabled CVAG to get necessary temporary construction easements and slope easements which were not previously identified but required in order to complete the CV Link project. Material Testing/Source Inspection (e): Anser has teamed with Earth Systems who will perform all material testing and source inspection. Earth Systems has extensive experience throughout the Coachella Valley and currently provides on -call geotechnical service to Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Riverside County Transportation Department, the Cities of Rancho Mirage and Indio. They also often work on projects for the Cities of Palm Springs, Cathedral City, Palm Desert, La Quinta and Coachella, as well as Coachella Valley Water District. They have a local, Caltrans certified laboratory located in La Quinta. Public Outreach (c): Anser has once again teamed with local small business, Burke Rix Communications (BRC) to helpsupportourpublic outreach effort. BRC has extensive experience in providing a wide array of community outreach services on large infrastructure projects. Their team maintains relationships with community leaders and stakeholders throughout the region and particularly in the Eastern Coachella Valley. BRC has a positive track record in working closely with CVAG on CV Link and has 21 1 Anser Advisory 1 SECTION 4 (CONTINUED) demonstrated to the public that the agency can deliver quality transportation projects with a community driven approach that is transparent and timely. The Anser and BRC is able to hit the ground running in providing timely and efficient outreach and communication services forthe AML project. Puhl it i7u{VGar19 BRC is currently provides public outreach and communications services with Anser on the construction management of the CV Link project. In this role, BRC closely coordinates with local agencies that include the AML cities of La Quinta, Indio, and Coachella. BRC also coordinates with many of these cities police departments as well as with other stakeholders such as the Desert Sands Unified School District, Desert Healthcare District, SunLine, property owners, chambers of commerce, community -based organizations, and bicycle groups. BRC proactively coordinates with these stakeholders and the public to inform and raise awareness regarding project updates. The BRC team has developed and disseminated bilingual notices, social media tool kits, and signage. They also regularly maintain the project website and social media channels. BRC manages the construction project hotline coordinates with our team on quickly responding to inquiries. As a local firm, BRC can connect with residents and businesses on a personal level and immediately respond in person. All calls and any subsequent response are logged for the record and maintained. Construction Communication Plan As discussed in preconstruction, BRCwill develop a Construction Communications Plan for the AML that will be a comprehensive document designed to guide construction communication and outreach in a timely and easy -to -understand format that leads to public understanding and support of the project. The Construction Communications Plan will also address planning for project -related emergencies, notices, website content, newsletters, social media, coordination with local agency PIO's on outreach, coordination with the AML Non -Infrastructure Program Manager, and presentation materials for various audiences. BRC provides most of these services now for the CV Link projectand can streamline these efforts forthe AML project. Community Meetings and Events The BRC team will help plan, facilitate, and promote community meetings and presentations prior to construction and throughoutthe projectas needed. BRC has extensive experience leading virtual and in -person meetings for CV Link and many other projects. BRC worked closely with CVAG staff on the first CV Link ribbon cuttingceremony in Palm Springs and Cathedral City as well as the groundbreaking ceremonies in Palm Desert, La Quinta, and Indio. All of the ceremonies were promoted by BRC in partnership with CVAG and were very well attended! The BRC team handed event logistics and marketing that included rentals, signage, colleterial materials, and photography/video services. BRC offers full -service in-house event services that include: • Event Planning Er Logistics • Program Development • Design and Production of all Collateral Fr Marketing Materials in English and Spanish • Event Marketing, Advertising and Public Relations Public Outreach Events and Stakeholder Management As part of the team that launched the CV Linkproject, BRC helped lead the unique approach in utilizing the many community events in the Coachella Valley to help educate, raise awareness, and receive support about the project. BRC strategically identified community events throughout the Valley and created an engaging booth with project literature and promotional items to iNk vut* engage visitors. BRC staffed dozens of events over the years for CV Link and created a large database of people interested in the project that were segmented and contacted for various LINK communications. The BRC team includes bilingual speakers that can help interpret at events and translate materials. This experience gives BRC the ability to fully support the AML project and the Non - Infrastructure Program with any public event. irl* LINK COLLATERAL MATERIALS BRC has an in-house award -winning graphic designer with extensive experience developing all types of bilingual collateral materials that can include: » Project Factsheets, FAQs, and Notices • Signage and Posters • Promotional Materials • Direct mail PowerPoint presentations COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OFCOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project 22 1 Anser Advisory SECTION 4 (CONTINUED) Our team can also provide in-house photography as well as project management on video and drone services. BRC currently maintains the CV Link project website and can quickly with the CVAG Public Information Office to create content for the AML tab on the CVAG site. The BRC team's experience workingwith CVAG IT and managingthe CV Link and other program sites will allow work on the AML to be seamless and consistent. Permits d : Havingworkedextensively throughout the Coachella Valley, Anser is well versed in the various permits required to complete a project such as the AML. We anticipate that there will be dozens of permits required to complete the project. Each Citywill require multiple permits to complete work within their right-of-way; as will CVWD, County of Riverside, and the Tribes. In addition, there will be environmental permits such as the stormwater general permit, AQMD permit, as well as requirements notyet knowwhich will be identified in the NEPA documents, which our teaming partner, LSA will identify and ensure compliance with. While this may be significantly higher than the average number of permits required for a typical construction project, the Anser team is managing twice as many on the CV Link project. We have existing relationships with all of the permitting agencies and have built a level o f trust with all those which administer these permits. The Anser team will continue fostering those relationships and ensure that we are in compliance with all permits throughout construction. We will continue to reviewall permits at minimum of a monthly basis to ensure that extensions are filed and executed well ahead of the expiration date, ensure no lapses in permits. Cost and Schedule (6) S Cost Control (a): At the beginning of the project,AnserwiIIsetupamasterspreadsheet which tracks payment quantities of each bid item, as well as total payment amounts each month to the contractor. Change Orders, Extra Work, and Potential Change Orders will all be tracked in their own report. Additionally, payment for Owner Furnished Materials and Materials on Hand will be separately reported on. A monthly project summary report of all these items will be providedto CVAG on a monthly basis. Tyson will closely monitor the project contingency and report on it on a monthly basis. We will analyze both bid items and CCOs to estimate the total contingency used. It is imperative to communicate the project's budget with CVAG so that project mitigation measures can be made and/or additional contingency funds can be secured. At the end of each pay period our i nspectors wi I I prepare Quantity (Q) Sheets that clearly and accurately calculate the quantity of work completed in the past period. The quantity sheets wiII show calculations or field measurements to justify proper payment to the Contractor. Upon completion by the field inspector, the Office Engineer will check the Q Sheets for accuracy and input the quantities into the Anser tracking log spreadsheet. Prior to finalizing the payment and submitting to CVAG each month, Tyson will perform a final check of complete payment package. With multiple locations and various site conditions on each project, it is possible that some items may experience quantity overruns. The Anser team will closely monitor each item of work and look for trends early in the operation that could raise red flags of an overrun. If that does happen, Tyson will immediately bring it up to CVAG and begin to form mitigation ideas in order to save project costs. Tyson has had great past success managing cost overruns. While a Resident Engineer on the County of San Diego AC Overlay project, Tyson accurately forecasted that the asphalt concrete (AC) quantity wasgoing to be severely overrun. Due to this, the design engineer was able to revise originally proposed treatment types from mill and inlay to overlay, saving on AC tonnage. Ultimately all planned roadways were completed with an AC treatment and the project finished sl ightly under budget. Schedule Control (b): Minimizing impacts to the traveling public, local residents, and businesseswiII be critical to the success ofthis project. There are time sensitive notifications, submittal review times, and utility notifications that will need to be incorporated into the project specifications so that the Contractor can list these critical items into the CPM baseline schedule and tie them to a specific activity. During each monthly update review, the engineer and Contractor can look at these items to ensure the team is making the proper notifications to the utility or turning in and reviewing submittals. We ensure that the Contractor is complying with the requirements of the monthly schedule updates and closely monitor the critical path to avoid delays and disruptions whenever possible. Our unique approach involves analysis of the Contractor's schedules on a weekly basis, using the information from our inspectors' daily reports, meeting minutes, submittal logs and other project records. This schedule analysis approach COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OFGOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project 23 1 Anser Advisory NN SECTION 4 (CONTINUED) is extremely proactive and provides CVAG with notice of any potential delays. We believe the project schedule isacritical tool for managing project completion, when fully integrated into the 40 project's requirements. Ourexperience indicates thata proactive scheduling approach with clear specifications and effective administration is a proven methodto reduce riskand liabilityon the successful completion of the project for both CVAG and the - Contractor. The construction management team enforces the scheduling requirements in the Contract provisions, which are key to place the project in a positive position in case of claims. Our team is versed in Primavera P6, Phoenix, Expedition, Claim Digger, MS Project and other programs. We have experience dealing with various schedule types, and specific analytical approaches, including CPM, fragnets, move in schedules and contemporaneous period analysis as an effective method of characterizing and quantifying delays. Our unique approach involves analysis of the Contractor's schedules on a weekly basis, using the information from our inspectors' daily reports, meeting minutes, submittal logs, Weekly Statement of Working Days, and other project records. This schedule analysis approach is extremely proactive and provides CVAG with notice of any potential delays. We believe the project schedule is a critical tool for managing project completion, when fully integrated into the project's requirements. Ourexperience indicates thata proactive scheduling approach with clear specifications and effective administration is a proven method to reduce risk and liability on the successful completion of the project for both CVAG and the Contractor. We have experience dealing with various schedule types, and specific analytical approaches, including CPM, fragnets, move in schedules and contemporaneous period analysis as an effective method of characterizing and quantifying delays. CM Staffing Plan (c): During the Baseline review, our Resident Engineer, Tyson Atwood will sit down with our Project Manager, Lucas Rathe and CVAG to discuss potential staffing needs. We will identify key activities in which part-time personnel will be required. We will also analyze the anticipate location of each overlapping activity to ensure that we have adequate resources to ensure Quality Assurance of the project. Anserfield personnel arewell cross trained and can manytimes fulfill multiple project roles.Wewill lookforopportunitiesto utilize staff inthis manner, reducing the total number of hours required on the project. Our proposed resource plan will be shared with CVAG for additional input and approval. Should major changes be made to the project schedule, Tyson will again work with Luke to ensure that we have the proper amount of resources on the project. Contract Change Order and Claims (7) Change Orders(a-d): Whether it be an unknown utility, design omission, or Owner requested design modification; change is an inevitable part of construction. Anser will advise CVAG of all situations when a contract change order should be submitted to the contractor. Proper backup documentation, emails, approvals, relevant photographs, and reports are always kept in the project file to support the terms of the Change Order. Anser's pri mary mechanism for change managementwil I beanegotiate lump sum agreement. For these agreements an independent cost estimate (ICE) will be provided with each change order. If the scope cannot be clearly defined, or if Tyson cannot agree to a cost with the Contractor, then a Force Account Contract Change Order (CCO) will be issued. Tentative agreements will be issued daily by our inspector to the contractor for all work which is beingtracked under force account, for any work which may later be disputed. Anser will write the change order, accompanying memorandum, and package all backup necessary prior to submittingto CVAG forfinal approval. Claims e:Anserbelievesandpracticesproactivecommunication and proactive management which promotes collaboration on the job and will make every attempt to resolve issues before they become disputes. However, we will vigorously defend the interests ofCVAG and explicitly enforce the contract documents. Our Team employs claims experts with a proven track record with Caltrans and other public agencies on projects of all sizes. The Anser Team brings valuable "lessons -learned" and as - needed advice on resolving and mitigating potential contractor claims. The core of the Anser Team Risk Management strategy is to ensure assembling a well-defined bid document. We will monitorall site records of events, labor, materials and equipment for potential claims or delay issues. This contemporaneous data will be essential when analyzing a contractor's claim and crucial to refute parts of it. Our team will assemble complete "issue binders" of every issue that will contain all relevant RFI's, change orders, correspondence, pictures, inspector's dailies, cost analysis and schedule analysis. These documents will be electronically linked in our document control system for easy retrieval by CVAG staff for review. Our objective will be to minimize misunderstandings by providing clear and concise analysis of all the major issues on the project. COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project 24 1 Anser Advisory SECTION 4 (CONTINUED) Safety (8, a-d) Safety is Anser's number one priority. This includes the safety of the travelling public, the contractor, and our team. We adopt a zero -tolerance culture for preventable accidents to ensure that every team member and public drivers go home atthe endof the day. Every memberofourconstruction team has an obligation to never walk by an unsafe act. We will require the contractor to submit an Injury and Illness Protection Plan (I I PP) for all their operations for the project and make sure the contractor is held accountable for enforcing their plan. If we see something that goes against the Contractor's plan, we will shut down the operation and call a meeting to make sure safety is the numberone goal of the project. Safety is the responsibility of everyone on the team and, at minimum, we will perform document weekly and monthly safety checks which will be sent to our contractor and filed as part of our construction files. For the Art and Music Line project a few of the high priority safety items the Anser team will lookout for are machinery working in close proximity to each other; traffic control; fatigue due to hot weather conditions, and slips, trips, and falls. Additionally, there will be added safety requirements when working in the La Quinta Evacuation channel. This includes fall protection, both during and after the CIP retaining wall construction, carbon monoxide monitoring for equipment uses underneath the bridges, and low objects as we will be in close proximity to the existing bridge decks and hanging utilities. Finally, it's likely that we will need to remove some hazardous materials/waste as a result of the existing homeless encampments. The Anser team has experience with this on the CV Link project and will ensure thatthere is a bid item allowance for such cleanup at the time of bid to ensure the safety of our workers. tl.- •... .�- .1V,iJiwwtn [3w�p�N� �sk�q YgGwM 9iMm+w IF11 .'Ya y�1 � ......-gyp SharePoint example - Project Closeout Project Closeout( 6a-h) Anser believes that punch list items should begin well before the near completion of a project. Following this logic, Anser has established an innovated way to streamline this process utilizing an interactive, "live' and always up-to-date punch list. This web -based punch list (using a cloud -based software such as Microsoft SharePoint; please reference the bottom left example) can be viewed by anyone at any time and is always current. Anser has even developed an app for easy data entry. The benefit is that the CM, contactor, and other agencies can have certain permissions to view, update and status the log. The CM inputs items on the logwhich the contractorcan view, correct the items, and update the logonce the item is complete. The CM will receive notification that punch list items are completed and can verify completeness in the field and update the list. This log can be accessed and modified in the field using a smart phone or other mobile device. This streamlined process eliminates the needs for meetings, reduces the number of transmittals to/from the contractor and increases efficiency of the project team. Anser has had a lot of success using this feature on the Segment i CV Link project. The punch list has evolved into a project completion list with several different ways to f 1 ter the data that make management of long, linear project much more feasible. We would implement a similar system which would be tailored for the features of the AML project. As discussed early, throughout the duration of the project, our Resident Engineer will keep an electronic set of "as -built" plans utilizing the Bluebeam software previously described. In utilizing the Bluebeam software, this ensures that A) our Field Inspector always has the latest information, and B) as -built packages are complete and ready to send to the design engineer for review at the cl ick of a button. Tyson will complete both a proposed and final payment to the contractor. Hewill assistCVAGwith filingof all required closeout documentation, including the "Notice of Completion" He will supply CVAG and applicable stakeholders with a separate package containing all manuals, warranties, and other such guarantee's as they relate to the individual project. As part of the final deliverable of all project files, a final project report, which will include lessons learned, will be reviewed with CVAG. Anser will complete all project closeout activities in accordance with Caltrans LAPM requirements. Anser has provided the following Responsibilities Matrix on the subsequent page. COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OFGOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project 25 1 Anser Advisory The following includes a detailed breakdown of hey responsibilkities by personnel. Arts & Music Line Responsibility Matrix P= Primary Responsibility =Support Role R= Review = Approve C = Consult if Necessary a ''' v .� °C c m N a w e E. L o `u H a z M v n a LL ° = E u`o a \ z c W 2 ~ ,. Randy Bowman Tyson Atwood Brandon McKay Amelia Fitchett Scott Walker Kenny Casados Var. Melanie Lopez Chia -Chi Wang Shawn Paroline LSA MBI Earth Systems RE Weekly Report C P S S Weekly Progress Report R A R S P Monthly Report R A P S Labor Compliance/EEO Review C A R S P DBE Compliance Review C A P SNR 5 5 QC Testing Review C A P SQA Testing Review C A P S Progress Pay Estimate C A P S S 5 Weekly Statement of Working Days C A R P Change Orders A A P 5 5 S 0 Request for Information (RFI) Review C A P S S Submittal Review C C P S S S LAPM Document Control C A R P R Construction Staking Request C C A S R P Material Testing Coordination C C P 5 5 S R Utility Procurement C C S S P Bi-WeeklySafety Meeting C A P S S S S S S S S S S Schedule Review C A S 5 P SWPPP Monthly Check List C A R P Field Daily Report C A R S R P P Construction Staking/Cut Sheets C A R S S P Safety Review/ReportingReview/Reporting C A R S P S -p SWPPP Field Review C A R S P S N Labor Compliance Interview C A R 5 P 5 R R LL Environmental Compliance C A R S P Punchlist&Completion List C A R S P S Non -Conformance Report C A P S S S s QA Material Testing C C R S S S S P COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project 26 1 Anser Advisory SECTION 4 (CONTINUED) METHODS FOR QUALITY, BUDGET AND SCHEDULE CONTROL Anser prides itself in successfully delivering projects with the highest quality of work productwhile meeting our clients' needs and expectations. Our quality procedures encompass all aspects of our performance. We implement project management procedures to assure accountability of the team using the project control methods described below to keep this project on schedule and within the authorized budget. Additionally, we have quarterly internal audits that vet the completeness of daily reports and confirm that only relevant and contractual information is recorded. Project Management Plan for Successful Delivery In accordance with Anser standard procedures, Lucas Rathe, PE, our Project Manager, develops and issues a Project Management Plan (PMP). The PMP details our management and technical plan for successfully delivering your project, including quality procedures, and details the following subjects: Project Overview. Describes the overall project, your project goals, your expectations of Anser, and our scope of work. Organization/Roles and Responsibilities. Provides for a clear chain of command, confirms the role and decision -making authority for team members. This can also be used as our communication plan. Deliverables/Schedule. Ties deliverables to the schedule, details deliverable requirements andstandards, and includes a copy of the contractor's detailed schedule once it is issued. Document Control Procedures. Details how we will manage hard copy and electronic files and provides a quick reference sheetforthe filingsystem. Inspection and Sampling/Testing Procedures. Provides a quick reference sheet for inspection protocols with references to standards, forms, and requirements. Standard Forms. Provides easy access to all forms we will use on this project. All forms will be in accordance to the Caltrans Manual. The PMP is issued to every project team member, including CVAG, andweaskteam members to reviewandsign itto confirm that they have read and understand our approach to delivering the project. The PMP is regularly updated to reflect the current status of the project and any changes that have occurred, such as changes in standard forms. Using the PMP we align the entire team around your goals, objectives, standards, and requirements. This approach enables us to achieve consistent and predictable results the first time and helps us avoid costly and time-consuming rework. In addition to planning for quality, we regularly verify that we are following the plan and meetingyour expectations. Verifying compliance is the responsibility of our Resident Engineer, Tyson Atwood, who performs periodic quality assurance audits to confirm that procedures we comply with all project standards and procedures, including: • Field Safety » Office Procedures • Submittal tracking and review • Timely schedule review and monthly updates • Project f le organization • Timely daily reports • Timely RA review and response • Timely response to claims notices • Accurate monthly progress payments with support documents • Timely meeting minutes • Material testing requirements and resolution of disputed test results • Documentation for project permits • Timely contract change orders and independent estimates review • Current As -built status • Timely issuance of Relief of Maintenance Following the audits, improvement notifications are issued for any deficiencies and Luke will follow up with the CVAG PM to confirm that appropriate corrective action is taken. To meet or exceed your expectations, Luke will meet with CVAG every six months to perform an evaluation of our team where we ask you about our performance. Following this discussion, Luke will meet with Tyson to provide feedback and help the team adjust how we perform our work so that we provide you greater satisfaction with our services. The end result of our approach is continuous performance improvement over the duration of the contract. In addition, the Anserteam will work closely with CVAG to verify and monitor contractor's adherence to the contract Special Provisions, Plans, Standard Plans and Caltrans Manuals as it pertains to Quality Assurance (QA.) QA testing and inspections will take place to ensure the accuracy and compliance of the work. QA sampling and testing will be in accordance with Caltrans Test Methods (CTMs) per the frequencies dictated in the Caltrans Construction Manual, Testing Frequency Tables. Test that are not covered by CTM will be covered by American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International. A Caltrans certified laboratory shall always be utilized to perform soils and material service testing to validate contractor's test results. The Anser team will ensure that all test machines are calibrated annually or more frequently using devices of accuracy traceable to the National Bureau of Standards. Batch plant and source inspections shall take place by individuals that are certified forthis type of sampling. COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project 27 1 Anser Advisory N SECTION 4 (CONTINUED) Anser will keep daily reports and logs to track the stages of the work, progress, and any required Quality assurance testing. The logs will track test performed and their results, samples taken, and any test or samples taken by the construction management team will assure current status of certifications, non-compliance reports (NCRs), submittals, and any other aspect of quality assurance and inspection that should be tracked for compliance and proper record keeping. Document Control The Anser team, led by Tyson Atwood, will establish, manage and coordinate a document control system to manage and store all project - related information for the Project. We are well versedwith the Caltrans uniform filingsystem and intendto use the same system both electronically and hard copy. A unique tracking numbersystern will be implemented to provide control of all documents, records, reviews, and writings, and to provide for expediting the transmittal of all construction documents. This tracking system will account for all letters, memos, submittals, shop drawings, change orders, Requests for Information, Request for Qualifications, notice of potential claims, suspended correspondence, and all other pertinent sources of information. Tyson will also establish and maintain an issue tracki ng system. Both tracking systems will use a unique numbering system to ensure document control. The system will contain all issues requiring the attention of all stakeholders. All meeting minutes will be recorded sequential ly to ensure that al I actions items are tracked and completed in a timely manner to avoid potential project delays. We will utilize an electronic system to allow complete storage of all project documents electronically in addition to customary storage of hardcopy documents in accordance to the Caltrans uniform filing system. Upon completion of each project, all hardcopy and electronic documents will be transmitted to CVAG. Cost Control We understand the importance of delivering projects within budget. We have a history of completing construction projects on time and within budget. Value engineering is an excellent method to reduce the project costs. We constantly look for means and methods to reduce the project cost while being thoughtful to not create impacts to the public or the cities. Our team is experienced in identifying and quantifying items to enhance the quality of the project while reducing lifecycle costs. Through partnering, the contractor is encouraged to also find ways and means that benefit both the contractor and CVAG, providing a win —win situation. Using experience, the CPM schedule and a five -week look -ahead schedule, we are proactive in "looking ahead" of the contractor's operations to identify issues that may impact costs, and we make every effort to provide solutions and present them to CVAG. If an extra cost item cannot be completely eliminated, we evaluate the contractor's change order requests to ascertain validity, merit and appropriate costs based on an independent cost estimate. Contractor monthly pay estimates are reviewed for content and financial accuracy and are certified. Schedule Control As discussed in the Cost and Document Control section, our team will review and provide comments to the baseline schedule submitted by the contractor. The team will review and monitor progress on a weekly basis by walking the site and recording actual status and developments. All inspectors will be required to note down the accuracy of the milestones, start and completion dates indicated in the approved baseline schedule. Anserwill reviewthe monthly updates in a timely manner. These updates are critical not only to establish exactly how the project is being built, but also to flag emerging issues and trends. Trend reporting will be used to track the changes in float for all areas of the project, flagging those areas where the available float is indicates lack of progress or exceeding planned progress and to further identify the specific factors that caused the occurrence of the change. This method ensures that problem areas are not overlooked by all stakeholders and are identified prior to the activity becoming critical. The report also provides the explanation of the root causes for a delay in the project and makes it an important defense for future claims. Any proposed change resulting in altering the critical path or near critical path or extending the schedule completion date that was originally identified in the approved baseline, the contractor will be required to submit a revised schedule and a time impact analysis (TIA) immediately in accordance to the special provisions. Anser will immediately analyze the TIA after an event occurs, and, if possible, prior to the start of the additional work. We will ensure that the review of the TIA is completed prior to the start of the additional work in order to recommend the issuance of the change order to increase the contract duration and price, prior to performing the additional work. We will analyze the effects of events and added work in a timely manner. 1 _ — 4- 1 COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project 28 1 Anser Advisory PROPOSED ENHANCEMENTS, PROCEDURAL OR TECHNICAL INNOVATIONS (V) Approach to Civil Integrated Management Anser effectively leverages tools available today, including bringing our projects successfully into the future by implementing Civil Integrated Management (CIM). CIM is the technology -enabled collection, organization, managed accessibility, and the use of accurate data and information throughout the Iifecycle of a project. Our aspirations are to make incremental improvements to functions in workflow and enable full digital workflows from project inception to project delivery. Our team is encouraged to always find cost and time savings on all projects and CIM is proving to be a true value add to our clients that brings those benefits. We have and continue to work with different technologies that best fit our projects and have identified OpenSpace technology and C-MIS project management software technology to be two tools that we believe can bring value to this project. Openspace.Ai OpenSpace is a document control that captures 36o degree images which are then stitched to site plans allowing users to locate exact locations on the plans via the site plan and givi ngyou split screen images of current days activities and any other past day activities in the same exact area. This tool has been proven invaluable in pre -construction services, claims avoidance or dispute resolution and being historical record, which provides information for as -built designs in the future if needed. Anser is currently using the software on a number of projects including: CV Link with CVAG, the Landis and Georgia -Meade bikeways project, and the Bayshore Bikeway Barrio Logan project, both administered by SAN DAG. By utilizing this software, Anser was successfully able to defend SANDAL who was named as part of a larger accident within the City of San Diego. The claim was made that the George -Meade project had left uneven sidewalk elevations after the project. Through the use of OpenSpace, we were quickly able to go to the exact spot of the claim, pull our pre -construction records, and prove that the uneven sidewalk was an existing conditions within the City right-of-way and that SANDAL was not responsible for any of the damages. CMISATAkiIIESI _(NWNffMM9KAT CMIS is an online project management software that manages all basic _ .._.Y_ .,..,._• construction management-=ri==~==•==-=-=�.- services, such as RFIs, Submittals, Change Orders, and Progress Payments. In _--- addition, all inspector daily diaries are entered through the online system in the field. The major advantage is in searchability of information which is accessed remotely and immediately. For inspectors this means more field time inspection and less time in the office doing administrative work. This information is accessed by all authorized staff which allows expeditious flow of information thereby expediting responses to questions RFIs and any other question that may impede real time delays to construction. With this software, data can be mined in minutes instead of days, making it much more cost feasible to fight frivolous claims. In addition to using the software for the CVAG CV Link program, Anser is currently utilizing this software for a number of other clients including the County of San Diego and the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority. Our commitment to our clients is always being proactive in seeking solutions that bringourclients value in assuring project delivery success. SCHEDULE AND DEADLINES (VI) As demonstrated throughout various section of this proposal, theAnserteam is readyto hittheground runningoncewe receive our NTP There is much work to be done so that the project can be advertised in January of 2025 so that construction can begin in Q2 2025. We will immediately begin our constructibility review of the design drawings and provide comments back to the designer. In parallel with our constructibility review, we will also begin our cost estimating services to ensure that costs are lining up with the engineer's estimate. Because there are federal funds on the project, prior to advertisement, a complete package will need to be submitted to Caltrans for review prior to receiving our E76 for construction. Typically this review takes a minimum of 8-weeks, so this package must be submitted by October 2024 to meet the current project schedule. Below, we have detailed out a preliminary schedule for both pre -construction and construction services. Once additional information is known, this schedule can easily be manipulated and refined for use as we move forward with the project. COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project 29 1 Anser Advisory ID Task Task Name Duration Start Finish Predecessors Total Slack e Made D Half 1, 2024 Half 2, 2024 Half 1, 2111 Half 2, 2121 HaJ11, 2111 Half 2, 2111 Half 1, 211 Half 2, 202 Half 1, 2021 1 F M A M 1 1 A S O N D 1 F M A M 1 1 A S O N D 1 F M A M 1 1 A S 0 il D 1 F M A M 1 1 S O N D 1 F M 0 Arts and Music 910 days Mon 1/1/24 Fri 6/25/27 0 days 1 Pre -Construction 325 days Mon 1/1/24 Fri 3129/25 0 days 1.11st Round Construcability Review 40 days Mon 1/1/24 Fri 2/23/24 0 days �+ 1.2 Designer Finalize 100% Drawing Package 60 days Mon 2/26/24 Fri 5/17/24 2 0 days �+ 1.3 Cost Estimating 25 days Mon 2/26/24 Fri 3/29/24 2 115 days + 1.4 ROW Permits (City/CVWD/Tribes) 130 days Mon 1/1/24 Fri 6/28/24 10 days 1.5 Caltrans ROW Certification 40 days Mon 7/1/24 Fri 8/23/24 5 10 days 1.6100% Drawing Package Review 20 days Mon 5/20/24 Fri 6/14/24 3 0 days 1.7 Prepare Final Bid Documents 60 days Mon 6/17/24 Fri 9/6/24 7 0 days �, 1.8 Caltrans E76 Construction Review 45 days Mon 9/9/24 Fri 11/8/24 8,6,4 0 days 1.9 Advertise/Bid/Award 100 days Mon 11/11/2 Fri 3/28/25 9 0 days . 2 Construction 525 days Mon 3/31/2! Fri 4/2/27 0 days M. 2.1 Construction Submittals 45 days Mon 3/31/25 Fri 5/30/25 10 0 days rre. 2.2 A48 Washington to Jefferson 80 days Mon 6/2/25 Fri 9/19/25 0days . 2.2.1 Demo 10 days Mon 6/2/25 Fri 6/13/25 12 0 days . 2.2.2 Bikeway and Corner Improvements 40 days Mon 6/16/25 Fri 8/8/25 14 0 days . 2.2.3 Dune Palms Intersection 15 days Mon 8/11/25 Fri 8/29/25 15 0 days M. 2.2.4 Grind and Overlay 5 days Mon 9/1/25 Fri 9/5/25 16 0 days . 2.2.5 Sign and Stripe 10 days Mon 9/8/25 Fri 9/19/25 17 0 days . 2.3 A48 Jefferson to Monroe 90 days Mon 9/22/2! Fri 1/23/26 0days . 2.3.1 Demo 10 days Mon 9/22/25 Fri 10/3/25 18 0 days . 2.3.2 Bikeway and Corner Improvements 50 days Mon 10/6/25 Fri 12/12/25 20 0 days . 2.3.3 Monroe Intersection 15 days Mon 12/15/2 Fri 1/2/26 21 0 days M. 2.3.4 Grind and Overlay 5 days Mon 1/5/26 Fri 1/9/26 22 0 days M. 2.3.5 Sign and Stripe 30 days Mon 1/12/2E Fri 1/23/26 23 0 days rre. 2.4 A48 Monroe to Dillon 90 days Mon 1/26/2t Fri 5/29/26 0days . 2.4.1 Demo 15 days Mon 1/26/2E Fri 2/13/26 24 0 days . 2.4.2 Bikeway and Corner Improvements 60 days Mon 2/16/2E Fri 5/8/26 26 0 days . 2.4.3 Grind and Overlay 5 days Mon 5/31/2E Fri 5/15/26 27 0 days . 2.4.4 Sign and Stripe 10 days Mon 5/18/2E Fri 5/29/26 28 0 days M. 2.5 Evacuation Channel 225 days Mon 9/22/2! Fri 7/17/26 260 days M. 2.5.1 Ste 10+59 to 43+00 40 days Mon 9/22/2! Fri 11/14/25 260 days M. Civil Work 20 days Mon 9/22/25 Fri 10/17/25 18 160 days . Place Bike Path 15 days Mon 10/20/2 Fri 11/7/25 32 160 days . Sign and Stripe 5 days Mon 11/10/2 Fri 11/14/25 33 160 days . 2.5.2 Ste 49+00 to 62+09 40 days Mon 11/17/2 Fri 1/9/26 160 days M. Civil Work 20 days Mon 11/17/2 Fri 12/12/25 34 160 days �. Place Bike Path 15 days Mon 12/15/2 Fri 1/2/26 36 320 days �. Sign and Stripe 5 days Mon 1/5/26 Fri 1/9/26 37 320 days M. 2.5.3 Ste 43+00 to 49+00 155 days Mon 12/15/2 Fri 7/17/26 160 days . Civil Work 20 days Mon 12/15/2 Fri 1/9/26 18,36 160 days . Tie -Back Wall 20 days Mon 1/12/2E Fri 2/6/26 40 160 days . Excavate for Retaining Wall 5 days Mon 2/9/26 Fri 2/13/26 41 160 days . Retaining Wall 45 days Mon 2/16/2E Fri 4/17/26 42 160 days . Cure Retaining Wall 20 days Mon 4/20/2E Fri 5/15/26 43 160 days . Backfill Retaining Wall 20 days Mon 5/18/2E Fri 6/12/26 44 160 days M. Subgrade Preparation 10 days Mon 6/15/2E Fri 6/26/26 45 160 days rre. Place Bike Path 10 days Mon 6/29/2E Fri 7/10/26 46 160 days rre. Sign and Stripe 5 days Mon 7/13/2E Fri 7/17/26 47 160 days . 2.6 Hjorth and A49 55 days Mon 6/1/26 Fri 8/14/26 0 days . 2.6.1 Demo 10 days Mon 6/1/26 Fri 6/12/26 29 0 days 2.6.2 Bikeway and Corner Improvements 30 days Mon 6/15/2E Fri 7/24/26 50 0 days M. 2.6.3 Grind and Overlay 5 days Mon 7/27/2E Fri 7/31/26 51 0 days M. 2.6.4 Sign and Stripe 10 days Mon 8/3/26 Fri 8/14/26 52 0 days M. 2.7 Van Buren 70 days Mon 8/17/2t Fri 11/20/26 0 days . 2.7.1 Demo 30 days Mon 8/17/2E Fri 8/28/26 53 0 days . 2.7.2 Bikeway and Corner Improvements 30 days Mon 8/31/2E Fri 30/9/26 55 0 days M. 2.7.3 Van Buren Intersection 15 days Mon 10/12/2 Fri 10/30/26 56 0 days �. 2.7.4 Grind and Overlay 5 days Mon 11/2/2E Fri 11/6/26 57 0 days 2.7.5 Sign and Stripe 30 days Mon 11/9/2E Fri 11/20/26 58 0 days M. 2.8 Dillon 70 days Mon 11/23/2 Fri 2/26/27 0 days . 2.8.1 Demo 10 days Mon 11/23/2 Fri 12/4/26 59 0 days . 2.8.2 Bikeway and Corner Improvements 30 days Mon 12/7/2E Fri 1/15/27 61 0 days . 2.8.3 Dillon Intersection 15 days Mon 1/18/27 Fri 2/5/27 62 0 days M. 2.8.4 Grind and Overlay 5 days Mon 2/8/27 Fri 2/12/27 63 0 days M. 2.8.5 Sign and Stripe 10 days Mon 2/15/27 Fri 2/26/27 64 0 days M. 2.9 Punch List 25 days Mon 3/1/27 Fri 4/2/27 65,48 0 days . 3 Post Construction 60 days Mon 4/5/27 Fri 6/25/27 0 days rre. 3.1 Project Cloeout 60 days Mon 4/5/27 Fri 6/25/27 11 0 days Pre -Construction 1st Round Construcability Review Designer Finalize 100% Drawing Package ROW Permit (City/CVWD/Tribes) Itrans ROW Certification 100% Drawing ackage Review Prepare Final Bid Documents Caltrans E76 Construction Review Advertise/Bid/Award Construction Submittals A48 Washington to Jefferson Demo Bikeway and Corner Improvements , Dune Palms Intersection �. Grind and Overlay 'gn and Stripe I A48 Jefferson to Monroe Demo -Bikeway and Corner Improvements Monroe Intersection -.Grind and Overlay Sign and Stripe I A48 Monroe to Dillon Demo Bikeway and Corner Improvements Grind and Overlay T Sign and Stripe Evacuation Channel Sta 0+59 to 43+00 Civil Work Place like Path Sign and Stripe Sta 49+00 to 62+09 Civil Work Place Bike Path Sign and Stripe Sta 43+00 to 49+00 -,Civil Work -Tie -Back Wall L Excavate for Retainir g Wall Retaini g Wall C re Retaining Wall Backfill Retaining Wall Subgrade Preparation Place Bike Path sign -an Hjorth and A49 .Demo .. Bikeway and Corner Improvements 7 Grind and Overlay Sign and Stripe Van Buren Demo Bikeway and Corner Impin ments Van Buren Intersection Grind and Overlay Sign and Stripe Dillon -. Demo Bik ia, and C Dillon hire , Grind anc �&=i Construction Arts and Music nts Post Construction Project Cloeout 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 inner Improvem section Overlay rd Stripe Punch list 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 Project : Arts and Music Date: Tue 8/22/23 Task Milestmmaone ♦ Project Summary �� Inactive Milestone Manual Task Manual SummaryRollup Start -only C External Tasks -' Deadline b Critical 'Pit.......... Manual Progress Split .......... Sury �1 Inactive Task Inactive Summary o o Duration -only i Manual Summary r -----1 Hnish-only 3 External Milestone O Critical Progress ogre Page 1 COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS Professional Engineering Services, Arts and Music Line Project 30 1 Anser Advisory ANSER ADVISORY AML SUMMARY OF COSTS Company Pre -Construction & Bid Services Anser Advisory $314,170.00 Labor $299,170.00 ODC's $15,000.00 Escalation Dan ken $23,061.60 Labor $23,061.60 ODC's Escalation Michael Baker International $11,400.00 Labor $11,400.00 ODC's Escalation Burke Rix $32,440.00 Labor $25,240.00 ODC's $7,200.00 Escalation Dynamic Engineering Services, Inc. $1,482.40 Labor $1,482.40 ODC's Escalation LSA Environmental $9,540.00 Labor $9,540.00 ODC's Escalation Earth Systems $0.00 Labor $0.00 ODC's Escalation Magana Consulting $24,850.00 Labor $24,850.00 ODC's Escalation MLA Consulting Services, Inc. $7,500.00 Labor $7,500.00 ODC's Escalation TOTALS: $424,444.00 Contigency (20%): $84,888.80 Total: $509,332.80 Contract No. CVAG-20-018-03 Project: ATP — Arts and Music Line Attachment A-2 T.Y. Lin International Technical and Fee Proposal Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services Work Plan PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The Arts and Music Line (AML) is a multi -benefit project that will make public safety enhancements for pedestrians and bicyclists, encourage modes of alternative transportation, and create connectivity to local and regional bike and pedestrian infrastructure. When completed, the 10 miles of protected Class I and Class IV bicycle facilities will connect services, and amenities in the area and add to the CV Link's 40-plus mile alternative transportation corridor. The alignment follows Avenue 48 and Dillon Road through the Cities of La Quinta, Indio, and Coachella. These are busy thoroughfares with vehicle speeds in excess of 50 miles per hour. The much -needed project will create safer routes to schools, promote outdoor recreation, while improving health and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The AML will upgrade the current Class II bike lanes along Avenue 48 to a fully protected Class IV bike lane; construct new Class IV lanes along Hjorth Street, Van Buren Avenue, and Dillon Road; and construct a Class I bike lane along the La Quinta Evacuation Channel, connecting to the CV Link at the Whitewater River. The AML will provide a safe backbone that connects existing Class II bike lanes to provide safe and efficient alternative transportation options to schools, residences, shopping, entertainment, and employment centers. In addition to the transportation benefits, the AML offers architectural features that draw attention and interest while promoting safety. The completed network will be recognized as a nationwide model of alternative transportation. The work along Avenue 48 involves removing the existing bike lane along Avenue 48, constructing the concrete separation, replacing the road pavement, placing the new bike lane behind the separation, and completing a full width grind and overlay along Avenue 48. This work is Figure 1. Rendering courtesy of CVAG website performed on both sides of Avenue 48 for about 2 miles and a single side for about 3.5 miles. It will impact intersections, access to shopping, as well as restrict traffic with construction activity and extended lane closures. Work along Hjorth Road and Van Buren Street is similar, though these roads are not as busy as Avenue 48. Dillon Road will be reduced from four lanes to two lanes to accommodate the added bike lane and will likely be the least impactful construction location for the project. Work along the La Quinta Channel includes a significant amount of import material and retaining wall construction prior to constructing the bike path base and surface. A dedicated, focused, and proactive CM team will be needed to smooth the way for the contractor to successfully construct this project. The project success will be largely defined by the timely completion of a quality product and public's perception of the progress and productivity seen during every week of construction. 'IYI.in Page 17 40 n! CVAG The TYLin Team has a proven track record of proactive Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services changes to accommodate public traffic, or extreme weather leadership, foreseeing and addressing potential challenges conditions. Each of these situations can be anticipated and to allow the contractor to continue their work without delay. a plan can be formulated to specifically mitigate the impact. Typical delays may include unresolved utility conflicts, right-of-way encroachments, inaccuracies in the project plans, alignment issues, unanticipated delays caused by APPROACH TO COMPLETING THE WORK PROJECT MANAGEMENT Strong and proactive project management is needed to efficiently execute the required scope of services and successfully construct this project within budget, schedule, and minimal impact to the public. Project Manager, Joseph Smith, PE, has a demonstrated record of meeting and overcoming the issues that will be encountered on this project. Mr. Smith is an experienced construction manager and can quickly understand project issues. He also has personally selected the members of this team, both TYLin staff and sub -consultant support, to meet the specific challenges that may be encountered throughout the project duration. Mr. Smith, Mr. Nowak, and the team have demonstrated problem solving skills on these and other similar project impacts throughout their careers. As Project Manager, Mr. Smith will have ultimate control over the TYLin Team budget. He will also have oversight over Resident Engineer, Thomas Nowak, as he monitors and manages the construction schedule and construction budget. In our experience, cost and schedule control must be exercised every day and be regularly evaluated to assure the final costs are within the budget and the schedule is acceptable once all the unforeseen contingencies are considered. TYLin has maintained our reputation for smooth and efficient project delivery throughout Southern California for 50 years by developing, deploying, and adapting project control tools to monitor budget, schedule, and documents. Each of these is discussed below: ` Budget Monitoring & Control I To manage the budget of a given project, TYLin's engineers and project controls staff use data from TYLin's internal accounting system, Deltek Vision, to evaluate progress. The information is updated monthly for the overall scope of services. Schedule Monitoring & Control I On contractor driven projects, TYLin uses scheduling tools, including Microsoft Project and Primavera P6, for Critical Path Method (CPM) scheduling of the work. The schedule is used to monitor progress throughout the project and is updated monthly or more frequently as needed. Various metrics are analyzed to track schedule performance. Document Control I TYLin implements a uniform filing system for all documents associated with each task order, including prime agreement; amendments; subconsultant contracts; prevailing wage documents; timesheets and receipts for ODCs. ,rYUn Page 18 `7i CVAG Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services Managing the contractor's schedule is directly related to managing our level of staffing and the resulting budget. Mr. Smith and Mr. Nowak will work together to provide an efficient and effect level of staffing to meet the project needs. Mr. Smith will remain in regular and close contact with Mr. Nowak to provide supervision, consultation, and staffing support to assure that the TYLin work plan is effectively implemented to the satisfaction of CVAG and involved cities. Mr. Smith has worked closely with the Cities of La Quinta, Coachella, and Indio, as well as RCTD, and has a proven reputation of partnering with client agencies to overcome project challenges and deliver successful projects. With Mr. Smith's oversight, Mr. Nowak will provide the level of staff needed to effectively manage the contractor's activities. Serving as the prime CM firm on more than a dozen projects within Coachella Valley, TYLin has gained experience working closely with IID electrical transmission and distribution divisions; CVWD sewer, irrigation, and potable water departments; and personnel that monitor the CVSC. We have gained experience working in challenging hot -weather and windy conditions, and understand some materials in the region may not be suitable for structure foundations or bike and roadway construction and know when suitable material must be imported. Mr. Nowak is currently serving as the Resident Engineer and Structure Representative on the Dune Palms Road Bridge project. To allow construction of the bridge within the alignment of the existing roadway, the project utilizes a temporary roadway shoo -fly and temporarily relocates IID distribution to the south within the CVSC. Additionally, Mr. Nowak is overseeing relocation of both water and sewer services at each end of the project, as well as relocation of existing dry utilities in the project footprint. Figure 2. 1-10/Jefferson Street Interchange Mr. Smith served as Resident Engineer on the Madison Street Canal Improvement project in the City of Indio, responsible for overseeing the construction of a large double -box channel, extension of the canal to the south, temporary relocation of the existing channel utilizing temporary bridges and allowing for upgrades to many of CVWD's existing utilities. As Project Manager for the 1-10/Jefferson Street Interchange (Figure 2), Mr. Smith presented to the leadership team of Golden Voice, the promoter that spearheads the Coachella and Stagecoach music festivals, multiple times over three years to update the group on the changes to traffic patterns within the interchange and to obtain feedback on how the CM team could help improve movement of concertgoers through the interchange over the multiple weekends that are so vital to the economy of the Valley. Through these many projects TYLin has gained experience with the many stakeholders of the AML and will point this experience towards establishing the best bid set possible and constructing the high -quality transportation link the residents of La Quinta, Indio, and Coachella envision. 'IYI.in Page 19 CVAG Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services BID ADMINISTRATION AND PRE -CONSTRUCTION ASSISTANCE Immediately following authorization, the TYLin Team contractor problems and solutions. Mr. Nowak and will begin the duties outlined as "Bid Administration and Pre -Construction Assistance." Primary duties include conducting a thorough constructability review of project plans at the 65%, 90%, and 100% level of completion, creating a Construction Communication Plan, and reviewing all environmental permits and required mitigations. Following advertisement, the team will assist with contractor bid administration, to assure all funding requirements are met in accordance with the Caltrans Local Assistance Manual (LAPM) and the manual of Special Funded Projects. Resident Engineer, Mr. Nowak and Scheduling and Claims expert, Wade Durant, PE will lead the constructability Mr. Durant are intimately familiar with Caltrans standards and specifications and the LAPM. Their reviews will start with a field visit to understand field conditions and include a complete review of project plans, looking for conflict in details, or the constructability of the work within the actual constraints of the site. Additionally, the plans will be reviewed for "bid -ability" to assure the contractor can be confident that the work is clearly defined, the quantities are accurate and all accounted for, thus reducing risk and yielding a lower bid. At times, if a contractor finds an error in the plans, instead of asking for clarification, they will lower a bid, knowing a contract change order will likely be required from which they will review effort. Both Mr. Nowak and Mr. Durant have over 30 benefit. TYLin has already flown the alignment of the project years of road, highway, bridge, and related construction experience with a diverse range of projects. Every one of these projects has included constructability reviews, whether a formal review prior to the start of work, or an ongoing weekly look -ahead review to anticipate potential and has captured video and photos of the project footprint with a drone (Figure 3). This information is always valuable when reviewing project plans and determining whether the design intent can be implemented considering actual field conditions that may have changed during plan development. Figure 3. Drone images of AML project site. r Y I, i n Page 20 40 n! CVAG Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services Project specifications will be reviewed to assure all project special situations or conditions are addressed and captured in bid quantities. This will provide the contractual muscle to the Resident Engineer to enforce the intentions of CVAG and the cities. Typical issues may include allowed hours of work, accommodations for public traffic, or advance notification requirements. Additionally, material specifications may need to be amended to account for extreme desert weather conditions. Examples might include concrete or hot mix asphalt (HMA) placement, visibility of traffic cones and other control materials, limitations to sun exposure of plastic materials such as drainage pipe or wire, or application temperatures for pavement striping. Figure 4. Extreme heat caused thermoplastic melting. To prevent this, we will assure manufacturers provide necessary details for the application processes, including minimum and maximum tempera- ture application, type of application method, thickness tolerances, and protection time before traffic allowed on the applied markings. Project quantity estimate will be verified. A savvy contractor will over -bid items that will likely over -run and under -bid items that will likely under -run. This practice is a form of unbalanced bidding and can occur on seemingly minor items such as temporary pavement striping. It is bad enough if the final quantity is twice the estimated amount, but when the contractor has increased his bid, knowing that the quantity would over -run, the cost impacts are significant. A confirmation of the estimated quantities will eliminate this opportunity for the contractor and assure a balanced and competitive bid from all contractors. As one of the premier engineering design firms in California, TYLin has a depth of resources available for analyzing plans and bid documents. Our CM team enjoys a symbiotic relationship with TYLin civil and structures designers, routinely exchanging ideas and seeking solutions to challenging project issues. In addition, TYLin has a national cost estimating and risk management group within the CM sector that will be available to Mr. Nowak and Mr. Durant as they verify estimates and appropriate bid values. TYLin has provided support to many agencies through the advertisement, pre -bid meeting, bidder questions and addenda, bid opening, bid analysis, and recommendation for award. The process is well defined in the Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM) (Figure 5). Additionally, Mr. Magana with Magana Consulting Services will assist the team with reviewing any specific funding requirements are implemented to assure all requirements are met prior to recommendation for award of the construction contract. .41 LOCAL ASSISTANCE PROCEDURES MANUAL Figure 5. TYLin and its subconsultants are all familiar with the Caltrans LAPM and processes. Mr. Smith, Mr. Nowak, and Mr. Durant will work side -by -side with CVAG and the design engineers as questions come in during bid time. They will assist in validating questions from contractors and provide content for appropriate responses along with recommendations of where plans, specifications, and bid quantities must be revised. Time is of the essence when a project is out to bid, and our team will work as 'IYI.in Page 21 CVAG Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services many hours as necessary to allow CVAG to maintain timely plan will inform and excite the public for the upcoming responses to questions and the overall bid schedule. project and provide a proven framework to communicate Mr. Smith and Mr. Nowak will conduct the pre -bid meeting along with CVAG representatives and design personnel. Exhibits will be created to clearly define the project and an agenda will be created for review and approval by CVAG prior to issuance in the meeting invite. PUBLIC OUTREACH Public outreach will be a critical component of the pre - construction activities. An effective project communication throughout the duration of the project. The TYLin Team includes Connect and Company (Connect) to develop and lead an effective outreach plan for the AML. The plan will follow proven protocol used on the Avenue 66 Grade Separation Project in Mecca; the Herbert Hoover Pedestrian Improvement Project with a Safe Routes for All outreach in Indio; and currently on the Dune Palms Bridge Replacement project with TYLin in La Quinta. The protocol includes: Develop a targeted, measurable Construction Communications Plan in coordination with the client/CVAG. 00o Research key stakeholders and the target audience to develop and maintain a solid working database. o°o°o Reach out and host meetings early to inform key contacts (emergency services/key stakeholders) and to Inl establish communication, address concerns, build trust, and tap into their network. o Complete boots -on -the -ground outreach to impacted residents and businesses (door-to-door, pop-up events, n community events/meetings). This may occur in phases based on the construction schedule. �owl Provide timely, accurate and accessible information for the duration of the project using collateral with clear 711 and concise text and simple graphics. Respond immediately to questions and concerns; document resolution. g8Serve as both a community resource and a liaison to the construction team representing public point of view. We've found that if we do the work to know our audience and make connections up front —fostering two-way open communication with the public —our team is able to build ramp -up outreach efforts for traffic pattern changes, large paving operations or any outreach needs that come up as the project continues. When the project nears completion, trust and troubleshoot small problems before they escalate. Connect will start planning a unique, interesting, and safe Project Pacing Following this tested outreach protocol, we typically spend a large chunk of time completing the first 4 steps shown above, followed by a groundbreaking event before construction starts. As the project moves out of the start- up phase, outreach moves into "maintenance mode" and our monthly budget reduces. The team remains ready to ribbon cutting event, coordinating with local organizations and giving back to the community when possible. Communications Plan Connect will draw on the team's years of experience working with cities, public agencies, non -profits and on transportation infrastructure projects to design a unique, measurable and appropriate communications plan for the 'IYI.in AML. Page 22 `7i CVAG The plan will follow our protocol and include a Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services COLLATERAL groundbreaking event, collateral development and project start up; an emergency services and stakeholder meeting; community meetings and/or pop. up events; ongoing outreach as the project progresses to different locations; and ongoing coordination with emergency services, local cities, public information officers (PIO) and City Engineers. Connect will also include a media relations section to engage local media through photo opportunities, events or tours; and an emergency communications plan that will include protocol about notifying and speaking with the media, working with local PIOs and internal emergency communications protocol. Connect recently completed a project in the City of Indio with the County Health Safe Routes for All program and is incorporating the program into two additional projects currently under construction. Our team will coordinate with CVAG and County Health to incorporate the non -infrastructure activities and possible media opportunities. 111 ■ compalienos a una celebraci6n comunitaria en el nu— puente de la Avenida 66 en Mecca! sabado 13 de m— 111 am a 1 pm PrYus Meco Bays&Girls e el servitlodevanaponegrn arms Club en 9139'166tM1 oamine onibles dentro del 9ovs Ave, Mecca, CA9i359 M1aaael bro and Gins Cl.club. en el poem¢. Figure 6. Connect & Co has extensive experience developing outreach materials in both English and Spanish. Connect's public outreach manager and in-house graphic designer will develop and deliver clean and clear, English and Spanish collateral materials to meet the unique needs of the AML project. The Connect team will work closely with the CM team and CVAG staff with approval processes in place to assure collateral are accurate and meet expectations. Collateral could include a fact sheet, door hangers, post cards, construction alerts, construction cards, signs/banners, newsletters, advertisements, PowerPoint presentations, project boards, etc. We will also develop and manage a webpage on the CVAG website to provide the most updated information. Our team will create unique project social media pages and create weekly social posts with video photos and will monitor the comments to respond if necessary. Connect can also manage social media boosting/ advertising if agreed upon with CVAG. ADDRESSING ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS AND MITIGATION REQUIREMENTS The TYLin Team includes ECORP to lead in understanding all environmental restrictions and concerns and enforce the required mitigation. ECORP has assisted TYLin on numerous projects in the lower desert over the past 10 years, including 1-10/Jefferson Street Interchange, City of Indio Retrofits, and Dune Palms Road Bridge. ECORP routinely assists clients in complying with environmental conditions stipulated in regulatory permits and/or agreements for specific projects, plans, and programs. Their team includes senior and expert personnel with experience with the federal Clean Water Act, Porter -Cologne Act, federal and state ESAs, the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and the California Fish and Game Code. ECORP's project managers and technical experts routinely meet with regulatory agency personnel on site or in meetings to negotiate, review and discuss permit 'IYI.in conditions and the associated schedules, monitoring, and Page 23 CVAG Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services implementation. ECORP routinely assists with creation of a permit compliance matrix for clients. ECORP's compliance specialists prepare and implement worker education programs in English and Spanish, conduct comprehensive pre -construction surveys, and monitor during construction activities, as well as prepare the associated survey and monitoring reports. The firm works closely with the client and the construction contractors to establish the correct timing, schedule, and level of effort required for both pre -construction surveys and construction monitoring. ECORP's compliance specialists and monitors are well-informed about all aspects of the projects and permit conditions prior to the implementation of the projects so they can ensure compliance with the permit conditions. They also prepare the variety of plans typically required by permit conditions, such as Nesting Bird Management Plans, Protected Species Plans, Habitat Restoration Plans, HMMPs, Invasive Plant Species Management Plans, and Conceptual Mitigation Packages. ECORP's biological monitors are also experienced in conducting species relocation, monitoring the installation Street. Project permits may require a 250-foot buffer during breeding season and a 160-foot buffer during non -breeding season (can vary depending on the permit). CDFW coordination and concurrence to either passively relocate the owls or negotiate a reduced buffer may be required for work to occur in these areas adjacent to occupied owl habitat. Passive relocation of burrowing owl typically can only occur outside of their breeding season and requires the creation of a Burrowing Owl Exclusion Plan for the project. Nesting birds: Cliff swallows nest at many of the bridges along the Whitewater River/CVSC. They typically arrive in March and nest until the end of June/ beginning of July. There could be seasonal restrictions related to work occurring within a certain distance of Dillon Road and Jefferson Street/La Quinta Bridges. With other projects, it has been easier to avoid their nesting season for those areas rather than implement abatement measures. Cultural Our cultural resources team did a preliminary review and and maintenance of Best Management Practices (BMP) and did not find any seasonal restrictions related to cultural or exclusion devices, and completing all reporting prior to the tribal resources other than weather which could affect the due dates listed in the permit conditions. A cursory review of the project documents indicates the following potential environmental restrictions that may constrain the construction schedule: Biological Burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia): a State Species of Special Concern, breeding season is generally Feb 1 to August 31 (CDFW Staff Report). If burrowing owls are found within the vicinity during pre -construction biological surveys, then the project has a limited time of the year that work could occur within so many feet of the owls (this would be in the Streambed Alteration Agreement (1600 permit). From our knowledge of the area, we do know burrowing owls occupy the Whitewater River/CVSC at Dillon Road and Jefferson project schedule overall. General From ECORP's knowledge and experience of projects in the area, the Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival (typically in mid -April) can cause schedule delays due to traffic issues and restrictions upon limiting traffic in the area. Each environmental permit must be closed to the satisfaction of the issuing agency prior the completion of the project. ECORP specialists including biologists and archaeologists will review all important permits related to environmental compliance for this project and determine which requirements need to be met during project close- out. ECORP will conduct final site inspections and will provide the necessary final reports and annual reports to meet close-out conditions as required by project permits. "IYT,in Page 24 CVAG Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services These reports will first be provided to CVAG for review and approval, before submission to the appropriate agency. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT - RESIDENT ENGINEER Following the award of the construction contract and prior to the first working day, Resident Engineer, Mr. Nowak, PE, will prepare the TYLin Team for the task of providing professional and consistent construction management. Processes will be implemented, forms will be created, recurring tasks will be identified and assigned with defined deadlines and deliverables. Mr. Nowak is perfectly suited for this role. As demonstrated by his wide variety of experience, he has the ability to implement comprehensive QA, financial management, and communication practices, Monthly estimate Coordination meetings Certified payrolls SWPPP review Monthly Weekly Monthly Annual, at events, weekly Partnering Quarterly Requests for information (RFI) As needed Submittals As required Progress schedules Initial baseline with monthly updates Record drawings Regularly Additionally, during this pre -construction period, templates will be developed, and file folders will be created to manage the information developed throughout the duration of the project. Financial oversight and quality control of materials and workmanship are based upon monitoring activities every day and having the ability to access the detailed information and confirm the quality of workmanship and materials is satisfactory, any errors have been corrected, and quantities to be paid for the month are constructed in accordance with the project specifications. The TYLin Team regularly uses the Caltrans filing system with 63 different categories to comprehensively track while at the same time, working closely with the contractor in partnership to deliver the most practical and effective solutions to daily project challenges. Prior to the Notice to Proceed (NTP), Mr. Nowak will schedule a pre -construction meeting with the contractor and all stakeholders. Contract expectations will be clearly laid out during this meeting. Contractor responsibilities will be identified that conform with the Caltrans Construction Manual. Practices following a regular monthly schedule throughout the contract with required deliverables will be defined and clearly communicated to the contractor, with defined responsibilities. Typical recurring tasks throughout the project are listed below, with frequency, and responsibility identified: Quantity request Quantity authorization Look ahead schedule Minutes Payroll records Review and confirm Required report Review and confirm Project status Project status Clear question Timely and clarifying response Timely, complete submittal Timely response Monthly 15 days following submittals Maintain current markups Maintain current markups the progress of the project and confirm the quality of construction and the financial accuracy of all payments. Following the Notice to Proceed (NTP), project pre -planning and preparation is complete, and it is "Go Time." The project moves forward per the contractor's approved baseline CPM schedule and a rhythm of daily, weekly, and monthly duties begins to develop. Local traffic impacts due to school schedules and music festivals will be factored into the contractor's work schedule. As Resident Engineer, Mr. Nowak will be responsible to confirm and assure that the contractor is meeting all contractual obligations, QA, and at the same time eliminating obstructions to project progress, 'IYI.in partnering contribution. Page 25 ME CVAG Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services QUALITY, SCHEDULE AND BUDGET CONTROL TYLin implements a quality control plan on all projects consisting of construction services that follow recognized procedures including detailed checklists and documentation that closely follow the Caltrans project and to assure our client's best interests are being cared for. Our OAP is separated into three segments to validate documentation, submittals and the inspection of field work and materials. The first segment addresses the Construction Manual. The first page of TYLin's Construction overseeing of the office level documentations, the second Management Quality Assurance Plan summarizes our plan segment is employed to ensure all submittals are properly as follows: TYLin's quality assurance program (OAP) is employed to ensure a successful and correctly managed construction 4& Documentation \TV Documentation reviewed and verified prior to approval. The last segment is to verify all field work and materials are being approved and documented. Submittals(a Contractor Performance and Incorporated Materials QA of the CM process ensures all office level documentations are reviewed and verified by a colleague for accurateness and completeness. Examples of documents slated for this level of review are CCOs/RFIs, monthly billing estimates and quantity sheets. Also periodic spot checking of daily documentation to ensure that the record of activities and work completed is well documented in writing and pictures at the Resident Engineer's discretion. Submittals The second segment of our OAP is the validation of our submittal review process. TYLin has QA checklists for various submittals set up to ensure that all aspects of a submittal have been checked and verified and the review has been conducted accurately and in its totality. Some examples of checklists for submittal review are: post - tensioning shop drawing, falsework submittals, temporary shoring, MSE walls, pile placement plan, and concrete mix designs. These QA checklists will be filled out by the reviewer and placed in the job files. When submittals are reviewed by a junior engineer, a licensed engineer will spot check their work and verify any comments. Contractor Performance and Incorporated Materials The third segment of our OAP is the inspection and verification of all materials and work that occurs on the job site. We have modified our construction procedures manual to encompass all tasks associated with bridge and roadway related inspection work. This is the first line of reference to execute our tasked duties. This manual, coupled with the contract specifications and the agency's governing specifications, will ensure all work is inspected and verified to an acceptable level. The utilization of our OAP will ensure a successfully managed project and assure our clients that we are correctly overseeing and controlling the project. TYLin team members understand the importance of delivering quality services and products for our clients. Our team understands the connection between quality and cost control on a project, and we believe work must be performed, inspected, and documented properly the first time to avoid errors and schedule delays to successfully deliver a project. The practice of quality assurance is accomplished by review of the contractor's submittals and field work to assure 'IYI.in Page 26 `7i CVAG the contractor's Quality Control Plan is being followed. A Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services challenges to the project. This priority will build trust sufficient level of qualified staffing needs to be maintained between the contractor and the TYLin Team, resulting to meet the varying levels of work that is ongoing. A in swift conflict resolution, fewer change orders, and a proposed staffing plan is included in this proposal to reflect how CM staffing might be scheduled to meet a proposed contractor work plan. However, Mr. Nowak will regularly review the workload facing his team and assign duties to qualified staff to confirm contractor adherence to project specifications. TYLin's workplan to assure compliance to the contract standards is based on the Caltrans Construction Manual and recognized professional practices to meet the needs of CVAG, the Cities of La Quinta, Coachella, Indio, RCTD, as well as residents and business owners. Quality oversight duties of the Resident Engineer and CM team include: Project Safety >> Stormwater Compliance Contract Change Order Control Submittal Review Material Testing Monthly Progress Payments Traffic Control Environmental Compliance Payroll and DBE Compliance RFI Review and Response Public Safety Impacts to Local Schools Partnering Whenever unforeseen conditions are discovered that could possibly impede the contractor's work, it is Mr. Nowak's project centered priority to help resolve the situation to eliminate, or minimize additional cost, or project delay. These conditions are typically documented by a formal RFI from the contractor, but are initially identified by either the contractor, or the CM team. Most often these issues come to the attention of the team following careful review of project plans in anticipation of the upcoming work considering potential impediments. Along with implementing formal partnering in accordance with the project specifications, Mr. Nowak will demonstrate his "project first" priority and proactively work to address collaborative work environment. As a good project partner, Mr. Nowak will work with the contractor and other stakeholders to resolve conflicts and provide the contractor a path to continue his work without delay or added effort. Some sources of conflict may include: Delayed utility relocations Differing site conditions Plan changes initiated by the owner Special public events Reporting Mr. Nowak will produce a monthly report to update CVAG on the project status. The report will include the status of the project schedule, (days completed versus days remaining), project budget, (dollars spent, versus dollars remaining), and percent of work completed to date. There will be a description of the location and type of work completed during the past period, and the work expected to be completed during the upcoming period. The report will also include a listing and status of all project change orders and any potential change orders, as well as a discussion of current or anticipated project issues and any potential claims. Construction Management - Construction Inspection The TYLin team's primary responsibility is to assure project plans and specifications, including all referenced standards, are safely performed in the field every day. This and in -person oversight is performed by our field inspectors. Typically, our field inspector will meet with the contractor's field crews at the beginning of each shift and gain a clear understanding of the work planned for the day including what items of work are planned to be accomplished. They will learn the names of the crew that is working, the 'IYU n Page 27 CVAG Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services Figure 7. The planned dramatic outcome for the CV link will be achieved by daily, consistent, and professional over- sight and construction management. Renderings courtesy of CVAG website. equipment that is to be used, any traffic control that will be conforming work that was corrected, any discussions with implemented, any anticipated closures to roads or private access, what potential critical operations are anticipated, if specialty subcontractors are anticipated, what material testing is anticipated, and what full-time inspection will be required. A field inspector may be covering two or more different crews and need to alternate attention between different activities throughout the day. Field Inspectors will work with assistance of our Resident Engineer and Office Engineer to ensure approved submittals are being followed and approved and accepted materials are being incorporated into the work and plan changes are being implemented. Material testing will be scheduled in advance to assure materials are installed to the proper compaction and grade, concrete is the approved mix design and within specification for temperature and age, and HMA is the approved mix design and placed per project specifications for temperature and compaction. In the event of full-time inspection for placement of concrete or HMA paving, the team will coordinate staffing to meet project requirements and assure contractor compliance. The activities of each day of contractor work will be fully documented on inspector daily diaries. Daily diaries will include all contractor staff and equipment, the hours worked, which items of work were performed, and the limits of work. The quantities of work will be documented as well as any testing that was performed, any non- the contractor that were held, and any issues or potential issues that were encountered or anticipated. These daily diaries are the foundation of our QA oversight. Based on the daily activities, summary sheets are built to document material testing, monthly payments, Q-Sheets, payroll monitoring, safety compliance, and tracking the beginnings of contract change orders. Our Field Inspectors will provide daily photographs that document the existing status of landscaping, pavement, concrete, and other facilities prior to construction activities. If the contractor's work unnecessarily damages existing facilities, the daily report will prove highly valuable in resolving any dispute by the contractor. Equally, the contractor will be protected from false accusations if existing conditions are sub -standard. The material testing schedule is typically the responsibility of the contractor. Tests are required to be scheduled 48 hours in advance to assure that testers can be on site. Our Field Inspector will work with the contractor to be sure delays to testing avoid impacting the contractor's schedule. In the same way, he will also assure the contractor does not over -schedule testers for his convenience and impact the tester's (and CVAG's) budget. All non -conforming work will be immediately communicated to the contractor and asked to be removed or corrected. It is typically corrected immediately; however, 'IYI.in Page 28 40 n! CVAG Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services when correction is delayed, our inspector will document the location and the issue with a non -conformance -report (NCR), which will require a specific and documented re - inspection prior to acceptance of the work. In addition to the daily ongoing items of work, our inspectors will continually review traffic control, SWPPP compliance, and safety practices throughout the project. Depending on the specific issue observed, the inspector will direct the contractor to correct an infraction immediately, by the end of the day, or by the end of the week. These observations will be forwarded to Mr. Nowak to be noted and addressed at the weekly construction progress meeting. SCHEDULE Our proposed project schedule can be found on the following page. ASSUMPTIONS The contractor will perform work during the Caltrans Working Day calendar. The contractor will procure long lead items as early as possible. (e.g. traffic signals) City and County Traffic Control Plans will need City and County approval prior to construction. All utilities (electrical, irrigation piping) will be installed after surface removals for the various areas are complete but prior to construction of roadways. The grind and overlay work performed near active roadways, (single lane), will minimally disrupt traffic. PROJECT CLOSEOUT AND ACCEPTANCE: As the project approaches completion, Mr. Nowak and the team will begin the process of project closeout. Material testing sheets will be reviewed to assure there are no outstanding NCRs, submittal and RFI logs will be reviewed for completeness, payroll logs will be reviewed for completeness, and a proposed final estimate will be compiled for the contractor's review. The contractor's acceptance of the final estimate is his acknowledgement that he agrees to the payment for all the work performed including all change orders and claims. Any outstanding payroll records will be submitted, and potential liens will be released. All maintenance and operation manuals will be confirmed to have been submitted. The final project walk will generate a final punchlist. The Cities of La Quinta, Coachella, and Indio will have input for their jurisdictions. Once the work is satisfactorily completed, the project can be recommended for acceptance to CVAG. Grind and overlay, construction of the new bike paths, retaining wall construction, bridge, and traffic signal work may take place concurrently in different locations. The NEPA permit will be obtained after 90% design is reviewed but before 100% design is submitted. The contractor will have multiple crews available to work at any given time. No dewatering is required. The total duration for construction including closeout activities will be 21 months, about 420 working days. TYLin constructability reviews will take place after 65%, 90% and 100% design is submitted. The contractor will need 2 months for submittals and City and County Traffic Controls Plan approvals after contract award and prior to NTP 'IYI.in Page 29 oil CVAG Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services Arts and Music Lime Coachella Valley Association of Governments Proposed Construction Schedule D 0 Task Name Duration Start Finish 2024 2025 2026 tr3 tr4 tr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 Qtr4 Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 � Qtr4 Qtr1 Qtr2 Qtr3 1 Pre -Construction 291 days Fri 8/18/23 Fri 9/27/24 Period 2 Perform 20 days Fri 8/18/23 Thu 9/14/23 Constructability Review- 95% PS&E 3 Finalize Plans 120 days Fri 9/15/23 Thu 2/29/24 NEPA, and Permits 4 Advertise for 1 day Fri 3/1/24 Fri 3/1/24 Construction 5 Contract Award 90 days Mon 3/4/24 Fri 7/5/24 6 Submittal Review 60 days Mon 7/8/24 Fri 9/27/24 7 Pre -Construction 1 day Tue 9/10/24 Tue 9/10/24 Meeting 8 Construction 420 days Wed 9/11/2d Tue 4/21/26 9 Area 1- Ave 48/La 195 days Wed Tue 6/10/25 Quiinta 9/11/24 10 Removals 65 days Wed 9/11/24Tue 12/10/2' 11 Construct new 75 days Wed Tue 2/11/25 curbs 10/30/24 12 Conduit and ligh 50 days Wed 1/8/25 Tue 3/18/25 13 Construct 40 days Wed 3/5/25 Tue 4/29/25 Bikelane 14 Overlay Street 30 days Wed 4/23/25Tue 6/3/25 15 Stripe and open 5 days Wed 6/4/25 Tue 6/10/25 ir 16 Area 2- Ave 48/Inc 205 days Wed 12/11/, Tue 9/23/25 17 Removals 130 days Wed 12/11/2Tue 6/10/25 18 Construct new 90 days Wed Tue 7/1/25 — curbs 2/26/25 19 Conduit and ligh 70 days Wed 4/2/25 Tue 7/8/25 20 Construct 80 days Wed Tue 8/19/25 Bikelane 4/30/25 21 Overlay Street 60 days Wed 6/18/25Tue 9/9/25 22 Stripe and open 10 days Wed 9/10/25Tue 9/23/25 23 Area 3- 145 days Wed Tue Evacuation 6/11/25 12/30/25 24 Removals 25 days Wed 6/11/25Tue 7/15/25 25 Wall Constructic60 days Wed 7/16/25Tue 10/7/25 26 Pave 30 days Wed 10/8/25Tue 11/18/21 27 Rail, Stripe, and 30 days Wed Tue open 11/19/25 12/30/25 28 Area 4- Hjorth Stre 100 days Wed 8/13/2! Tue 12/30/2! 35 Area 5- Van Buren 100 days Wed Tue 2/10/26 Street 9/24/25 42 Area 6- Dillon Row 120 days Wed 11/5/2! Tue 4/21/26 43 Removals 30 days Wed 11/5/25Tue 12/16/2! 44 Construct new 25 days Wed Tue 1/20/26 curbs 12/17/25 45 Conduit and ligh 15 days Wed 1/21/2ETue 2/10/26 46 Construct 25 days Wed Tue 3/17/26 Bikelane 2/11/26 47 Overlay Street 20 days Wed 3/18/2ETue 4/14/26 48 Stripe and open 5 days Wed 4/15/2ETue 4/21/26 49 Post Construction 46 days Wed 4/22/2E Wed 6/24/2E 50 Final Estimate 30 days Wed 4/22/2ETue 6/2/26 51 As-Builts 40 days Wed 4/22/2ETue 6/16/26 52 Final Acceptance 5 days Wed 6/17/2ETue 6/23/26 53 Deliver Files 1 day Wed 6/24/2E Wed 6/24/2E Project: Project1 Task I Summary ii Inactive Milestone Duration -only Start -only C External Milestone ♦ Manual Progress Date: Fri 8/18/23 Split ............. Project Summary Inactive Summary o o Manual Summary Rollup Finish -only ] Deadline i Milestone ♦ Inactive Task Manual Task Manual Summary r ........ I External Tasks Progress TYLin 'IYI/in Page 30 R A HOURLY RATES TYLin Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services Joseph Smith, PE, CCM Project Manager $326.81 $339.88 Thomas Nowak, PE, QSD Resident Engineer/Structure Rep. $256.20 $266.45 Abigail Manriquez Office Engineer $129.56 $178.00 $134.74 $178.00 Alejandro Armendariz Structural/Const. Inspector $149.43 $182.73 $155.41 $182.73 Curis Musashi, EIT Structural/Const. Inspector $129.35 $176.70 $134.52 $176.70 AIX Robert Delgado Inspector/Safety $205.70 - $213.93 - Frank Duffy Lead Inspector $205.70 $178.50 $213.93 $178.50 CONNECT AND CORPORATION Andrea Suarez Outreach Director -FT $170.00 - $176.80 - Jessica Sanchez Outreach Specialist- FT $90.00 $93.60 Christine Feldman Creative Director/Graphic Design- PT $110.00 $114.40 Jenessa Sanchez Outreach Coodinator- PT $51.00 - $53.04 - DESI John Kannor Sr. Electrical Inspector $162.14 $178.50 $168.63 $175.50 Michael Roush Electrical Inspector $162.14 $178.50 $168.63 $175.50 Chia -Chi Wang Labor Compliance Officer $185.32 - $192.73 - ECORP Kevin Israel Environmental Manager $160.00 $166.40 Wendy Turner Senior Biologist $160.00 $166.40 Sonia Sifuentes Cultural Resources Task Manager $160.00 $166.40 Jesus "Freddie" Olmos Principal Environmental Planner $210.00 $218.40 Seth Myers Air Quality/Noise Task Manager $195.00 $202.80 Caroline Garcia Lead Biological Monitor $106.74 $111.01 Robert Cunningham Archaeology Support $110.50 $114.92 Julian Acuna Lead Archaeological Monitor $106.74 $111.01 Scott taylor Aquatic Resources Specialist $161.73 $168.20 Samantha Alfaro CEQA Support $90.83 $94.46 Marc Guidry GIS $158.63 $164.98 Torrey Rotellini GIS $96.33 $100.18 Jackie McComas Admin $110.56 $114.98 Laura Hesse Publications $112.66 $117.17 GEOCON See attached rate sheet on page 9. Wl.in Page 7 E A MICHAEL BAKER Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services Jarrad Truman, PLS Lead Surveyor $275.00 $286.00 Christopher Albert, PLS Lead Surveyor $300.00 $312.00 Steven Chi, PLS Field Supervisor $185.00 $192.40 ZT CONSULTING Farzad Tabingoo Principal Engineer $206.30 $214.55 Derick Hobbs SMR/ Quality Engineer $128.36 $133.49 Andrew Soria Lead Precast QA Inspector $136.39 $141.85 William Kent Lead QA Inspector $173.06 $179.98 Eric Sanabria QA Inspector $120.34 $125.15 Nathan Liszewski QA Inspector $128.36 $133.49 MAGANA CONSULTING Martin Magana President/ Construction Liaison $175.00 $182.00 'IYI,in Page 8 Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services GEOTECHNICAL 0 GE OWN ENVIRONMENTAL w IRM INC. 2023 Schedule of Fees — RV23 MATERIALS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Word Processor/Non-Technical Assistant/Draftsman..................................................................................................................................................$90/hr. EngineeringAssistant/Lab Technician.......................................................................................................................................................................... $90/hr. EngineeringField Technician....................................................................................................................................................................................... *801hr. SeniorField Technician................................................................................................................................................................................................ *80/hr. Special Inspector (Concrete, Rebar, Masonry, Welding, etc.).................................................................................................................................... *90/hr. FieldTechnician Supervisor....................................................................................................................................................................................... *120/hr. StaffEngineer/Geologist............................................................................................................................................................................................. *125/hr. Sr. Staff Engineer/Geologist....................................................................................................................................................................................... *135/hr. ProjectEngineer/Geologist......................................................................................................................................................................................... *145/hr. SeniorProject Engineer/Geologist............................................................................................................................................................................. *155/hr. SeniorEngineer/Geologist.......................................................................................................................................................................................... *165/hr. AssociateEngineer/Geologist..................................................................................................................................................................................... *175hr. Principal Engineer/Geologist/Litigation Support..........................................................................................................................................................400/hr. AttorneyFees (General)............................................................................................................................................................................................. $500/hr. Depositionor Court Appearance................................................................................................................................................................................ $550/hr. Overtime/Saturday Rate/Night Rate (7pm — 6am w/ 8 Hr minimum per call out)......................................................................1.5 X Regular Hourly Rate Sunday and Holiday Rate................................................................................................................................................................2 X Regular Hourly Rate Minimum Field Services Fee per call -out, 4 hrs (if 4 hrs or less), 8 hrs (if more than 4 hrs and less than 8 hrs) Short -Notice Cancellation 4 hrs (if after 4 pm of the day prior to the scheduled inspection time) Short -Notice Cancellation, 4 hrs (upon or after arrival atjobsite) *Prevailing Wage (PW) California Labor Code §1720, et. Seq. add $45/hr. TRAVEL E Personnel................................................................................................................................................................................................. Regular Hourly Rate Subsistence (Per Diem)................................................................................................................................................................. Quote Based on Location VehicleMileage........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 0.751mile EQUIPMENT & MATERIALS *Nuclear Density Gauge/Sand Cone Testing Equipment ............. $10/hr *Vehicle............................................................................................ $10/hr. *Special Inspection Equipment........................................................ $5/hr. Coring Machine (concrete, asphalt, masonry) .......................... $285/day Generator..................................................................................... $150/day Double Ring Infiltrometer........................................................... $200/day GPSUnit...................................................................................... $175/day Pick-up Truck.............................................................................. $150/day Mobile Laboratory with Lab Technician .................................. $1,650/day Drive -Tube Sampler..................................................................... $60/day Hand-Auger.................................................................................. $50/day Dynamic Cone Penetrometer.................................................... $250/day Manometer................................................................................. $100/day Schmidt Hammer....................................................................... $100/day Water Buffalo .....................................................................$751ea. Battery -Powered Pump..............................................................$100/day Water Level Indicator....................................................................$50/day Perforated 3" PVC Pipe............................................................... $45/1 Oft. Gravel............................................................................................ $30/bag Sand.............................................................................................$30/bag AC Cold Patch.............................................................................. $30/bag Quick Set PCC Patch................................................................... $30/bag Temp Marking Paint..................................................................... $151can LathBundle..................................................................................$1001ea. Air Compressor...........................................................................$1501day Soil Sample Tube..........................................................................$15/ea. Percussion Hammer Drill...........................................................$125/day 31 78-075 Main Street #G-203 ■ La Quinta, California 92213 ■ Telephone 760.565.2002 ■ Fax 951.304.2392 io' 06: Y I I i n Page 9 Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services GEOTECHNICAL 0 GE OWN ENVIRONMENTAL w IRM INC. 2023 Schedule of Fees — RV23 MATERIALS LABORATORY TESTS COMPACTION CURVES (D698/D1557/T99/T108) 4-inch mold ............................................... $220 (D698/D1557/T99/T108) 6-inch mold ............................................... $230 (CT 216) California Impact................................................................. $230 CheckPoint........................................................................................ $100 (D1632/CT312) Soil Cement Cyl. Fabrication (Set of 3) ................. $150 (D1632/CT312) Soil Cement Cyl. Fabrication (Addtl. Spec.) ............ $50 (D1633/CT312) Soil Cement Comp. Strength (Set of 3) ................. $300 (D1633/CT312) Soil Cement Comp. Strength (Addtl. Spec.) ......... $100 SOIL AND AGGREGATE STABILITY (D2844/CT301) Resistance Value .................................................... $290 (D2844/CT301) Resistance Value, Treated ...................................... $295 (D1883) California Bearing Ratio ...................................................... $530 (C977) Stabilization Ability of Lime .................................................... $185 (D1883) Calif. Bearing Ratio (Army Corp of Engineers) ................. $105 CHEMICAL ANALYSIS (G187/CT643/T288) pH and Resistivity ............................................ $135 (D4972/T289) pH Only......................................................................... $30 (CT417) Sulfate Content.................................................................... $100 (CT422) Chloride Content.................................................................... $55 (D2974) Organic Content..................................................................... $50 PERMEABILITY, CONSOLIDATION AND EXPANSION (D5084) Permeability, Flexible Wall .................................................. $270 (D5856) Permeability, Rigid Wall ...................................................... $260 (D2434) Permeability, Constant Head ............................................. $280 (D2434) Permeability, FHA Slab -on -Grade ...................................... $110 (D2434) Permeability, Hourly.............................................................. $55 (D2435IT216) Consolidation (6 pts. w/ Unload) ............................... $350 (D2435/T216) Consolidation Additional Point wl Unload ................... $65 (D4546) Swell/Compression Testing & Density ................................ $120 (D4546) Swell/Settlement Testing & Density (ea. addtl. pt.) ............. $85 (D4546) Swell/Settlement Testing & Density (County) .................... $100 (D4546) Swell/Settlement Testing & Density (FHA) .......................... $90 (D4829) Expansion Index of Soils ..................................................... $160 SOIL AND AGGREGATE PROPERTIES (D422/T88) Particle Size, Hydrometer w/out Sieve ..........................$165 (C136/D6913/T27) Sieve, Coarse to Fine w/ #200 Wash ................$150 (C13606913/T27) Sieve, Coarse or Fine w/ #200 Wash................$115 (C136/D6913/T27) Sieve, Coarse or Fine No #200 Wash...............$100 (Cl 17/D1140/T11) Materials Finer than#200.....................................$90 (D2216/T265/CT226) Moisture Content..............................................$30 (D2487/D2488) Visual Soil Classification............................................$30 (D2937) Density of In -Place Soil, Drive-Cyl. Method ..........................$45 (D4943) Shrinkage Factors of Soils, Wax Method..............................$55 (Cl 31/C535/CT211) L.A. Abrasion Resistance................................$200 (C142/T112) Clay Lumps and Friable Particles................................$170 (Cl 23/T113) Light Weight Particles...................................................$245 (D3744/CT229/T210) Durability Index Fine......................................$190 (D3744/CT229/T210) Durability Index Coarse..................................$225 (CT227) Cleanness Value..................................................................$170 (D4791) Flat & Elongated Particles ................................................... $165 (D693/CT205) Percent Crushed Particles.........................................$145 (D5821) Percent. of Fractured Particles, Coarse Aggregate ............ $140 (C40/CT213/T21) Organic Impurities..................................................$75 (C235) Soft Hardness (Scratch Hardness)......................................$100 (C88/CT214/T104) Sulfate Soundness.............................................$410 (C1252/T304) Uncompact. Void Content, Fine Aggregate ..............$150 (C127/CT206/T85) Coarse Specific Gravity......................................$125 (C1281CT207/T84) Fine Specific Gravity..........................................$150 (D8541CT209/T100) Specific Gravity of Soil.....................................$150 (C29/CT212/T19) Unit Weight & Percent Voids..................................$90 (D2419/CT217/T176) Sand Equivalent.............................................$110 (D43181CT204/T89/T90) Plastic Index (PlasticlLiq. Limit) ...............$165 (D4318/CT204/T89) Liquid Limit..........................................................$95 (D43181CT204/T90) Plastic Limit.........................................................$95 (C330) Spec. for Lightweight Aggregates, Struc. Concrete .......... Quote SHEARSTRENGTH (D2166) Unconfined Compression....................................................$100 (D3080/T236) Direct Shear (3 points) ..............................................$295 (D3080/T236) Remolded Direct Shear (3 points).............................$300 (D3080/T236) Direct Shear Addtl. Points/ea. residual pass.............$115 (D2850) Unconsolidated-Undrained Triaxial Shear ..........................$160 (D2580) Unconsolidated-Undrained Triaxial Staged ........................$160 (D4767) Consolidated-Undrained Triaxial Shear..............................$265 (D4767) Consolidated-Undrained Triaxial Staged............................$340 (EM1110) Consolidated -Drained Triaxial Shear...............................$375 (EM1110) Consolidated -Drained Triaxial Staged.............................$480 -2- M&A66 'IYUn Page 10 A Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services AillIk E 000 'EST, a Na LABORATORY TESTS (CONTINUED) (A370) Bend Test 2023 Schedule of Fees — RV23 • #11 Bar & Smaller.............................................................................. $50 • #14 & #18 Bar.................................................................................... $70 (A370) Tensile - Mechanically Spliced Bar • #11 Bar & Smaller............................................................................ $150 • #14 Bar & Larger.............................................................................. $190 (A370) Tensile — Electric Resist. Butt Splice w/ Control ................... $150 (A370) Straightening of bar (if required) .............................................. $25 Structural Steel Tests: • (A370) Machining & Prep of Test Specimen ...................... Cost + 20% • (A370) Tensile Strength & Elongation Up to 200,000 Ibs...................................................................... $100 200,000 — 300,000 Ibs.............................................................. $125 300,000 — 400,000 Ibs.............................................................. $150 Pre -stressing Wire & Tendon Tests: • (A421) Tensile Strength, Single Wire .............................................. $150 • (A416) Tensile Strength, 7-Wire Strand .......................................... $175 High Strength Bolt, Nut, & Washer Tests: • (A325/A490) Tensile Test on Bolts ................................................. $100 • (A563) Proof Load Test on Nuts ..................................................... $100 • (A325/A490) Hardness Test on Bolts ............................................... $50 • (A536) Hardness Test on Nuts.......................................................... $50 • (F436) Hardness Test on Washers ................................................... $50 Weld Specimen Tests: • (E164) Ultrasonic Examination ......................................................Quote Machining & Prep of Test Specimen ........................... Cost + 20% • (E381) Macrotech Test (3 Faces) .................................................. $355 ASPHALT TESTING Asphalt Properties: • (D2726/CT308/T166) Bulk Spec. Gray., Compacted HMA........... $100 • (D1560/CT366) Stabilometer Value (HVEEM) .............................. $145 • (D2041) Theoretical Max Specific Gravity ...................................... $145 • (D5444) Sieve Analysis of Extracted Asphalt ................................. $150 • (D6307/CT382) Percent Asphalt, Ignition Method ......................... $150 • (D1188) Unit Weight of Asphalt Core ................................................ $65 MISCELLANEOUS TESTING SERVICES • Emulsion........................................................................................... $300 • Wet Track Abrasion......................................................................... $175 MASONRY** GEOTECHNICAL ENVIRONMENTAL MATERIALS Concrete Block Test (Sets of 3 Required): • (C140) Unit Weight Moisture Content & Absorption .......................$195 • (C140) Moisture Content/Absorption (ea. addtl. specimen) ............$65 • (C140) Compression Test................................................................$195 • (C140) Compression Test (ea. addtl. specimen).............................$65 • (C426) Linear Drying Shrinkage......................................................$285 • (C109/UBC 21-16) Mortar Cylinder (2"x4")......................................$30 • (C942) Grout Prism (3"x3"x6"), trimming included ............................$35 Masonry Prism (Assemblage): • (C1314) 8"x8"x16" — 8"x12"x16...................................................... $200 • (C1314) 8"xl6"xl 6" — 10"ATA6 .. .................................................$225 • (C1314)12"ATA6"-12"x16"x16"...............................................$250 • (C1314) Larger than 12" ITA6.. ................................................ Quote Brick Test (Set of 5 Specimens): • (C67) 24-Hour Absorption, Cold Water...........................................$225 • (C67) 5-Hour Absorption, Boiling Water..........................................$225 • (C67) Compression Test or Modulus of Rupture............................$255 • (C67) Each Additional Specimen.......................................................$45 CONCRETE** Mix Designs: • (ACI211/ACI214) Concrete Mix Design..........................................$350 • (ACI211/ACI214) Review of Concrete Mix Design .........................$350 • (C192) Concrete Trial Mix (includes equipment & labor) ...............$495 Concrete Properties: • (C39/CT521/T22) Comp. Strength, Concrete Cyl.............................$30 • (C421CT521/T22) Comp. Strength, Concrete/Gunite Core..............$60 • (C78/CT523) Flex. Strength of 6"x6"x21" Concrete Beam.............$165 • (C174) Length Measuring of Drilled Cores.......................................$75 • (C1140) Shotcrete Panel -Coring & Testing (Set of 3)....................$290 • (C1140) Shotcrete Panel (each addtl. specimen).............................$90 • (C496) Static Modulus of Elasticity ..................................................$200 • (C496) Drying Shrinkage (Set of 3, up to 28 days).........................$395 • (C642) Spec. Gravity, Absorp., Voids in Hardened Concrete .......... $95 • (F1869) Moisture Vapor Emission Rate, Concrete Subfloor............ $50 Calibration of Hydraulic Ram: • 100 Ton & Under.............................................................................. $200 • 101 Tons — 200 Tons....................................................................... $300 Use of Universal Testing Machine: • UTM with One Operator.................................................................. $320 • Additional Technician ............................................... Regular Tech Rate Spray Applied Fireproofing: *2X Surcharge on rush turn -around for laboratory testing. • (E605/E736) Fireproofing Oven Dry Density/Thickness...... $90 **Fee applies for sample storage, testing, or disposal. -3- 'IYI,in Page 11 Arts and Music Line Construction Management Services GEOTECHNICAL 0 `EOWN ENVIRONMENTAL w IRM 1W. 2023 Schedule of Fees — RV23 MATERIALS 1. Listed are typical charges for the services most frequently performed by Geocon. Prices for unlisted services as well as special quotations for programs involving volume work will be provided upon request. Laboratory test prices shown are for laboratory work only and include reporting of routine results not calling for comments, recommendations or conclusions. 2. Sampling and testing are conducted in substantial conformance with the latest applicable or designated specifications of the American Society for Testing and Materials, Caltrans, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, or other pertinent agencies. 3. Saturday, night work, and overtime hours are charged at time and one-half; Sundays and holidays at double time. Per diem is based on the local costs per day when location of work dictates. 4. Equipment and materials will be billed at cost plus 15%. Outside services including subcontractors and rental of special equipment are billed at cost plus 15%. Hourly services are billed portal to portal from closest office in accordance with the stated hourly rates herein. 5. Invoices will be submitted at four -week intervals. Terms of payment are met upon presentation of invoice. Invoices become delinquent thirty (30) days from invoice date and subject to one and one-half percent (1-1/2%) service charge per month, or the maximum rate allowed by law, whichever is lower. If Client objects to all or any portion of any invoice, Client will so notify Geocon in writing within fourteen (14) calendar days of the invoice date, identify the cause of disagreement, and pay that portion of the invoice not in dispute. The parties will immediately make every effort to settle the disputed portion of the invoice. Payment on delinquent invoices will first be applied to accrued interest and then to the principal amount. All time spent, and expenses incurred (including any attorney's fees and costs) in connection with collection of any delinquent amount will be paid by Client to Geocon per Geocon's current fee schedule. Client and Geocon shall allocate certain of the risks so that, to the fullest extent permitted by law, Geocon's (the term "Geocon" includes Geocon's partners, officers, directors, employees, agents, affiliates, subcontractors and subconsultants) total aggregate liability to Client is limited to the greater of $50,000 or the total compensation received from Client by Geocon for services rendered on this project, for any and all of Client's injuries, damages, claims, losses, expenses, or claim expenses arising out of this Agreement from any cause or causes, including attorneys' fees and costs which may be awarded to the prevailing party, and Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Geocon from and against all liabilities in excess of the monetary limit established above. 7. Client and Geocon shall allocate certain of the other risks so that to the fullest extent permitted by law, Client shall limit Geocon's total aggregate liability to all third parties, including contractors, subcontractors of all tiers, materialmen, and others involved in Client's project, as well as persons and other entities not involved in the project, to the greater of $100,000 or the total compensation received from Client by Geocon for services rendered on this project, for any and all injuries, damages, cause or causes, including attorneys' fees and costs which may be awarded to the prevailing party, and Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Geocon from and against all liabilities in excess of the monetary limit established above, including all liability incurred by Geocon for acts, errors, or omissions, pursuant to entering into agreements with third parties on behalf of Client in order to obtain access or entry onto property not owned by Client. Client agrees to notify all contractors and subcontractors of any limitation of Geocon's liability to them and require them to abide bysuch limitation for damages suffered by any contractor or subcontractor arising from Geocon's actions or inactions. Neither the contractor nor any subcontractor assumes any liability for damages to others which may arise on account of Geocon's actions or inactions. -4- IL 'IYI,in Page 12 Contract No. CVAG-20-018-03 Project: ATP — Arts and Music Line Attachment A-3 Chen Ryan Associates, Inc. Technical and Fee Proposal sone 4. Work Plan The CVAG Arts & Music Line: The nexus of transportation planning and the arts The approach that informs our vision for the CVAG Arts and Music Line (AML) Active Transportation Plan (ATP) Non -Infrastructure Program is the nexus of active transportation planning and the arts. If infrastructure is the physical manifestation of the AML, then the arts, education and encouragement elements that define the Non -Infrastructure Program are the cultural manifestation of the AML. Indio La I ella Coachella Valley has experienced a steady growth over the last fifteen years that has increased vehicular traffic, collisions, and air pollution. The AML ATP Non -Infrastructure Program (AML NI Program) focuses on moving youth, seniors, and the mobility - challenged community to parks and activity centers including recreation centers, schools, and commercial centers. The AML NI Program also incorporates arts into the design of the AML and will deploy active transportation education curriculum and community encouragement campaigns. The scope, scale, and holistic approach of the AML has the potential to be highly transformative for residents, visitors, and businesses with impacts and effects far reaching throughout the Coachella Valley. The CRA team knows the history of the AML; CRA and Arellano Associates (AA) helped conduct community engagement and supported the Caltrans ATP Cycle 6 grant application submittal. The CRA team recognizes the importance of the AML for connecting transportation planning and the design process, as well as changing people's minds and transportation choices. The overarching goal of the AML is to improve health and increase safe mobility for residents, workers, students and visitors (particularly vulnerable populations reliant upon walking/biking for transportation) to jobs, schools, and activity centers through the AML. The AML will facilitate improved public health, social equity, and provide other important community benefits. The AML will be used to achieve the following objectives: A. Enhance multimodal neighborhood mobility by strategically identifying street and sidewalk connections, crossings, gaps, and identifying how residents can better access businesses, retail centers, schools, parks, recreational facilities, and community services, through a seamless active transportation network. B. Improve active transportation safety by exploring linkages of residences, schools, and other activity centers via pedestrian and bicycle corridors and the AML, assessing the conditions of the streets and sidewalks connecting these places, and by identifying countermeasures to target the main causes of bicycle and pedestrian - involved traffic collisions in the region. C. Foster equitable, livable and healthy communities by improving walking and bicycling access to desired destinations, building upon existing plans and public health programs that not only identified destinations to implement changes for social equity, but also provide the framework to identify more destinations for future work in expanding such initiatives. This project focuses on providing people opportunities to achieve a healthier lifestyle and create a sense of community using pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure with the AML. Cp RESPONSE TO CVAG - AML ATP NI PROGRAM 1� PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC OUTREACH SERVICES on 4. Work Plan The construction of the AML will create a high quality pedestrian and bicycle corridor through Coachella, Indio, La Quinta, and unincorporated Riverside County. The AML will connect to eleven schools from the Desert Sands Unified and Coachella Valley Unified School Districts, the Coachella Valley Link (CV Link, the regional multi -use trail) and Bear Creek Trail, as well as connections to nine different neighborhoods and community parks including Rancho Las Flores Park, Dr. Carreon Park, Hijorth Park, Saguaro Park, La Quinta Park, De Oro Park, Shields Park, South Jackson Park, and Civic Center Campus. CRA will work with staff to determine a clear set of performance metrics that will be tracked through a two-year arts, education and awareness program with the goal of creating a system for measuring mode shift and active transportation change over time in the Coachella Valley. At the center of this curriculum is a community -wide bicyclist and pedestrian safety and education awareness campaign that will include instructional activities throughout the community reaching students, residents, visitors, commuters, and other community stakeholders. The CRA team will leverage its relationships it has built with Desert Sands Unified and Coachella Valley Unified, as well as the 11 schools making up the project area, through outreach in the community in 2021 and 2022 and through other CVAG projects. O DESIRED OUTCOMES OF THE AML The AMUs origins come from the communities of Coachella, Indio, and La Quinta, CVAG, area schools, and other stakeholders. They have expressed the desired outcomes of the AML, which we understand to be: ► Access to amenities of daily life through active transportation (parks, grocery stores, pharmacies, employment, etc.) ► Active transportation safety and enjoyment ► Community/public health through active transportation ► Educational and skill development of students and the broader community about active transportation and the arts ► Promotion and support for the arts ► Positive experience in communities' relationship with public agencies through collaboration ► Enhancing the icon of Coachella Valley as an arts destination ► Improved aesthetic experience of Avenue 48 and the "spurs" connecting to project area schools ► Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through increasing active transportation The AMUs NI Program will contribute to the identity of the region as an arts destination and draw people from all over the world. The AML is a tool for capitalizing on state, national and international interest in the Coachella Valley. While there are many positive economic benefits to hosting the Coachella and Stagecoach festivals, there are also environmental impacts to the Valley. CRA will work with CVAG to collaborate with each festival's organizers to develop an active transportation plan to improve mobility options during the periods when festivals are being held, with materials that will encourage festivalgoers to use active transportation while attending. As is the case with cities who have seasonal influxes of visitors due to regularly scheduled and seasonal events, the AML is a strategy to address the transportation and arts needs of communities throughout the year, and visitors on festival occasions. Scope of Work O TASK 1: PROJECT MANAGEMENT & ADMINISTRATION PROJECT MANAGEMENT CRA Project Manager, Jenny An, will organize and facilitate the AML NI Program project kick-off meeting. That meeting will establish project direction, communication protocols, and refine the project schedule and scope. The kickoff meeting will introduce the approach and plan for outreach and engagement, data collection and analysis, as well as the preparation of associated public facing materials including the project promotion toolkit, maps, and visuals. A meeting agenda will be submitted by CRA in advance of the kickoff meeting and presumably include a review of the project scope, budget, schedule, establish a bi-weekly check in meeting, and Cp RESPONSE TO CVAG - AML ATP NI PROGRAM 1� PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC OUTREACH SERVICES p/12 on 4. Work Plan a preliminary discussion of branding, project look and feel, and communication protocols. After the kickoff meeting, CRA will develop and submit minutes within five business days focusing on key decisions, action items, and next steps. Jenny will maintain a detailed project schedule and budget consistent with this proposal (pending any changes at the kickoff meeting), with careful attention to the allocation of resources and control over task execution. CRA has proposed a schedule (see GANTT Chart at the end of this section) to establish a logical task sequencing including outreach activities, which will be further refined in the opening month of the project. The CRA team has led many projects of this scale, vision, and scope, and has the multidisciplinary staff to deliver. CRA recognizes the importance of presenting detailed and technical materials in an intuitive and aesthetically attractive format to the public. After the schedule has been confirmed at the kickoff meeting, CRA will develop a simplified version of the project schedule for use in the Promotional Toolkit, for the purpose of public presentation. CRA and CVAG will hold biweekly, primarily virtual meetings with partner agencies and stakeholders. In addition to these regular meetings, CRA will support and facilitate meetings of the existing Ad Hoc Committee and other already -committed stakeholders with the goal of maintaining existing AML public outreach providing continuity for the AML NI Program. Additionally, CRA will assemble and maintain a list of AML stakeholders. This list begins with the Ad Hoc Committee and currently active stakeholders and will be further developed as the AML reaches more people within the project area communities and people throughout the cities of the Coachella Valley. The AML NI Program is ambitious to a degree that knowledge of it could become a household conversation, and thus we expect stakeholder interest to increase qualitatively and quantitatively. AA will recruit participants for the Stakeholder Advisory Group from the stakeholder pool, City staff, and potentially from other community - based organizations in underserved communities. The CRA team will prepare Stakeholder Advisory Group meeting invitations and track invitations and RSVPs. CRA will facilitate 8 meetings with the Ad Hoc Committee, Transportation, and Executive Committees. To inform as well as draw upon assets within CVAG, CRA will make presentations to CVAG's Transportation Committee meetings and Executive Committee meetings throughout the three-year duration of the AML NI Program at key decision making points. The CRA team will prepare presentation content related to outreach efforts for Transportation, Executive, and Ad Hoc Committee, and other stakeholder meetings. 0-1 4A TASK 1 DELIVERABLES • Meeting agendas, minutes • Technical memos • Staff reports and attachments • Stakeholder list • Ad Hoc Committee list • Grant reporting materials • Presentation materials • Biweekly project meetings (in -person or remote, as approved by CVAG) • Ad Hoc Committee, stakeholders and member agencies meetings (8 meetings) • Transportation Committee (2 meetings) • Executive Committee (2 meetings) O TASK 2: COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND ENGAGEMENT Prior engagement on the AML has been extensive, robust, and impressive and this is the foundation of the AML since 2018. The Ad Hoc Committee and active stakeholders comprising the Stakeholder Advisory Group will continue to be engaged and will include community -based organizations (CBOs), schools, communities in the project area including families living in affordable housing. The diversity of publics engaged in the AML includes generational diversity, which has been facilitated by intentional collaboration with institutions and organizations for the young and elderly. The Stakeholder Advisory Group is best positioned for understanding how, when, and where outreach in the project area will be most effective, and whose networks will be a vital Cp RESPONSE TO CVAG - AML ATP NI PROGRAM 1� PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC OUTREACH SERVICES p/13 on 4. Work Plan asset for achieving broad -based public engagement. AA has been our engagement partner on the AML throughout the earlier phases of the project. Continuity and a track record of successful collaboration with CVAG is a major asset that we bring to the project. We have already achieved project collaboration efficiencies — relationships, communication protocols, and unparalleled project understanding — that allow us to hit the ground running with CVAG. TASK 2.1: OUTREACH AND ENGAGEMENT PLAN CRA and AA, in collaboration with the stakeholder group, will launch a new phase of outreach and community engagement for the AML NI Program, leading to the creation of an Outreach and Engagement Plan (CEP) (draft and final). AA, with input from CVAG, will prepare a detailed OEP that will include parks' and recreation centers' information as well as data from the technical team and community engagement events throughout the development of the AML NI Program. This OEP will identify outreach methods and activities, as well as new stakeholders to engage including students, residents, advocates, and CBOs not previously involved in the project. The OEP will consist of a strategy to fully engage disadvantaged communities, including outreach in multiple languages and through nontraditional means to reach groups that may not typically participate in the urban planning process. The OEP, utilizing AML branding and visual approved as part of the Promotional Toolkit (see examples below), will present engagement dates informed by the Coachella Valley communities. Schedules will include established community events as well as potential events at ideal locations for community engagement. The OEP will include timeline and strategies for how to integrate the project promotion and outreach events including up to 22 pop-up events, 10 community events, participatory challenges such as Bike to Work Day, Bike to Work Month, or National Walk and Bike to School Day. The Project will also work integrate the SCAG Go Human toolkit for demonstration/safety education classes/assemblies. The OEP schedule will also be informed by the academic calendar as part of the school -based programs associated with the AML NI Program. Outreach and engagement events will also be timed with families' working schedules and availability in mind. The activities and materials of engagement will be in formats appealing to the community, and with an understanding of diverse learning styles for widespread appeal. The goals for each outreach activity will be defined by the project leadership, informed by local communities and stakeholders. A key piece of the OEP will be ongoing surveying throughout all engagement activities for the duration of the project. A paper and online survey tool will be promoted at events, on the project website, and distributed via all available electronic means of communication (email, social media outlets). The input generated through outreach will be documented as part of the project process. The input we hear from community members and other stakeholders will continually inform the project as it develops, particularly in terms of the conceptual development of the educational curricula and encouragement campaigns, the aesthetic/artistic development of the AML, and subsequent outreach opportunities and methods. As part of the initial review of contacts AA will identify missing key stakeholders in the communities of the project area and recommend their inclusion in the project contacts database. Identified groups will be considered for specific targeted notification and engagement during the outreach process. AA will maintain the database throughout the Project and add contacts as stakeholders join the project's electronic mailing list. The totality of the OEP along with the database of stakeholders and their input will be reported in an Appendix of Program Evaluation Report. This information will also inform CVAG and advisory committees, as appropriate. TASK 2.2: PROJECT PROMOTION At the onset of the project, CRA and AA will develop a branding and style guide for use in the AML Communications and Promotions Toolkit. This will include branding and a project logo that refers to the aesthetics of the natural beauty of the Coachella Valley as well as the centrality of the arts to the region and to the AML NI Program. CRAs graphic designer will produce copy of public facing materials (draft Cp RESPONSE TO CVAG - AML ATP NI PROGRAM 1� PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC OUTREACH SERVICES p/14 on 4. Work Plan and final) that can be presented in multiple forms (for screen viewing, physical copies, etc.) and through a diversity of outlets (traditional media, online/social media, and local media including school newspapers/ newsletters, etc.). Project promotion is essential to inform stakeholders about the AML clearly and coherently. The CRA team are experienced in developing various strategies and collateral materials based on and tailored to the needs of the project. All materials will be translated into Spanish, following English content approval. The Communications and Promotions Toolkit will present a plan for the strategic targeting of audiences, scheduled according to the timing of engagement events, and according to project milestones. The following materials will be developed: Project Branding: AA will create visually engaging project branding in alignment to enhance project recognition and resonance. CRA and AA will listen closely to the community about the brand identity of the AML NI Program, such that it will be context -sensitive and appealing to residents and visitors alike. The brand will reference the region as an icon of arts and music, as a region that supports the arts from within (uplifting local artists) and from without (showcasing talent from beyond the Coachella Valley). Materials utilizing project branding will include promotional items, tabling materials including posters, banners, or tablecloths. AA will work with the Project Team to ensure graphics are consistent with the CVAG's branding guidelines. ► Communications and Promotional Toolkits: AA will develop two Communications and Promotional Toolkits, one for schools and one for employers. The Toolkits will focus on encouraging participation and feedback from program partners and participants. Anticipated partners include Riverside County Public Health, Coachella Valley and Desert Sands Unified School Districts, Cities of Coachella, Indio, La Quinta, and Riverside County. Public facing materials will be bilingual (English and Spanish) and include an 11 x1 7 poster, postcards, online/paper survey, data gathering tools, and other items. Social Media: AA will develop, at minimum, one social media post per month that can be shared across social media platforms for CVAG and partner cities' accounts. Posts will be visually appealing, informational, and provided in both English and Spanish. Project Website: AA will develop a project website for the AML NI Program to promote outreach and education materials, document activities, promote community events, participatory challenges, pop -ups, walk audits, and to facilitate data gathering for the AML NI Program. AA will host the website and post information about the project timeline, background information, and toolkit resources. There will also be opportunities to solicit feedback from visitors on various elements of the project. The website will also allow stakeholders to submit feedback without attending outreach events. It could include a simple online mapping tool to identify current barriers and recommendations for suggested improvements around a given park, school, or community activity site, and allow the ability to rank improvements. Other interactive website activities will be developed in coordination with CVAG and the technical team. ► Traditional Media: AA will develop promotion for radio, door to door notification, and telephone and SMS campaign in coordination with CVAG. Youth Focused: The project team will work with schools, recreation centers, public works, and parks and recreation departments in the partner cities to promote the project website and AML NI program. The project website will be promoted through each of the project schools through school newsletters. Employer Focused: The project team will work with employers, the Greater Coachella Valley Chamber of Commerce, and local businesses to promote the project website and AML program. Additionally, "business cards" which will contain a high-level summary of the project, the project's web address and a QR Code will be handed out at the outreach events. At the conclusion of the survey period, the Consultant will prepare a Cp RESPONSE TO CVAG - AML ATP NI PROGRAM 1� PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC OUTREACH SERVICES p/15 on 4. Work Plan memorandum outlining the findings of the virtual engagement platform. 6 TASK 2 DELIVERABLES Outreach and Engagement Plan Project Contact Database Communications and Promotional Toolkits and collateral materials O TASK 3: EDUCATION AND ENCOURAGEMENT ACTIVITIES AA will plan and lead engagement events for this program. This will include pop-up events, community events, and participatory challenges such as Bike to Work Day, Bike to Work Month, and National Walk and Bike to School Day. Outreach at these events will be conducted to promote the AML NI Program and gather data from the community about opportunities and challenges of active transportation in the Coachella Valley. As part of all outreach events, active transportation incentives (such as merchandise, bicycle helmets, lights and bells) will be incorporated to encourage participation. TASK 3.1: COMMUNITY PARTNER COORDINATION To encourage participation and increase program awareness, AA will utilize extended outreach through community partners. AA will collaborate with CBOs who will be compensated to implement the notification plan utilizing their local networks and communication tools. CBO partners will be confirmed and on -boarded during the development of the outreach and engagement plan and will be asked to support outreach notification, host or support facilitation at community events, and serve as strategic advisors. AA will identify potential CBOs based on their proximity and relationship to stakeholders within the project corridor, their interest in active transportation projects, and/or their ability to provide a local event venue to meet people where they are already going. A potential partner includes the Coachella Valley Housing Coalition, who can assist with notifying stakeholders in their communities via pop-up events or by distributing door -hangers. ASSUMPTIONS ► All collateral and notification materials will be translated into Spanish ► CVAG will share branding guidelines ► Technical consultants will contribute to the content of outreach materials ► Technical consultants will prepare maps and other technical materials TASK 3.2: POP-UP EVENTS The intent of pop-up events is to connect project - specific engagement with standing community functions, meetings, and events which have existing audiences and participants. Pop-up events add great value to the engagement process because it enables the project to connect and interface with individuals who may have meaningful input, but would not have otherwise been interested in participating in standalone project events. For this project, pop-up events may include a safety demonstration events (e.g., teaching riders how to properly navigate across streets), bicycle rodeos, bicycle skills classes, bike safety assemblies, safety events in partnership with local fire and police departments. All pop -ups will have raffles and giveaways related to active transportation to incentivize participation. Outreach will integrate existing events such as at the Tamale Festival and Date Festival, as well as coordination with music and arts festivals (e.g., Coachella and Stagecoach festivals). TASK 3.3: COMMUNITY EVENTS AA will organize and lead ten (10) community events. This may include bike rides/trains, walking tours or walking school buses to help educate the community on roadway safety. The outreach team will engage with local schools, the YMCA, and Boys and Girls Clubs to promote safety and awareness to the youth population. In addition, AA will collaborate with CBO partners to assist with promoting the community events to their audiences. The outreach team will also seek to partner with the American Automobile Association (AAA) on their bike safety program. Cp RESPONSE TO CVAG - AML ATP NI PROGRAM 1� PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC OUTREACH SERVICES p/16 on 4. Work Plan Tabling at pop -ups and community events will involve project materials dissemination, appealing visuals, snacks and water, shade, and the opportunity to provide input on the AML NI Program via a survey or conversations with facilitators present . Promotion of the AML NI Program and events associated with the engagement campaign will also occur on public kiosks and in parking lots associated with community and arts events, through electronic communications means (messaging through SMS and robocalls), and through advertisements on radio stations such as KCRI, KVRA, KKUU, and KPST. The AML NI Program collaboration with area music and arts festivals is a key part of the engagement plan as it supplies the opportunity to simultaneously address the needs of festival organizers (with regard to transportation demand and environmental impact) as well the needs of local communities and the project team who are seeking the support of festival organizers and festivalgoers alike. With AA, CRA will lead in the planning and operations of bicycle services at music festivals of Coachella and Stagecoach, specifically by offering bike valet services as well as bicycle maintenance services for festivalgoers. As we elaborate in the Innovations section below, we foresee student involvement in the festival's bike elements in the form of assisting with bike valet and assisting with bicycle maintenance (the skills for which students will develop as part of the bicycle mechanics after -school program). TASK 3.4: COMMUNITY CHALLENGES The project team will help organize and promote two community participatory challenge events, such as a Bike to Work Day, Bike to Work Month, or National Walk and Bike to School Day. The goal of the these activities is to ignite a sense of enthusiasm within the community for walking and biking activities on one designated day. AA will explore multifaceted strategies including sustained promotional efforts, enticing raffles, and thoughtful giveaways. Collaborations with local businesses will be explored to provide attractive incentives, while also considering partnerships with employers to offer participation - based rewards. AA will prepare a media toolkit for local news stations to promote the challenges. TASK 3.5: ARTS PROGRAM AND BIKE MECHANICS COURSE CRA will collaborate with school's art programs and look for opportunities to incorporate art into the AML project. This will include coordination with arts instructors, students, administators to secure and incorporate art work into the project procss for marketing, visual materials. The project team will work with CVAG to collaborate with music festival organizers to incorporate bicycle services. CRA will coordinate with a volunteer -run community bike repair shop to teach youth how to repair bikes and to educate interested community members on the the fundamentals of establishing and maintaining a volunteer -run repair shop that serves as a cooperative community space. To create efficiencies, the Team recommends collaborating with organizations with experience to utilize and build upon existing curriculum and models. This approach seeks to learn from proven models of success and is anticipated to help the CVAG region establish similar sustainable models and programs. ✓4 TASK 3 DELIVERABLES • Planning and attendance of up to twenty- two (22) pop-up events, ten (10) community events, and two (2) community challenges • Coordination with festival organizers for bike services • Public facing materials needed per the outreach and engagement strategy including PowerPoint presentations, boards, posters, and incentives • Event documentation including photos, summaries, and feedback received • CBO partner onboarding and coordination • Arts program • Bike mechanics course Cp RESPONSE TO CVAG - AML ATP NI PROGRAM 1� PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC OUTREACH SERVICES p/17 on 4. Work Plan O TASK 4: EVALUATION AND ASSESSMENT TASK 4.1: GIS DATA COLLECTION CRA -- in coordination with CVAG, the Stakeholder Advisory Group, school districts and schools, the County, the Cities of Coachella, Indio, and La Quinta, and our project partners AA -- will conduct an inventory of project area physical conditions and assets of the project area, the neighborhoods of the project area and proximate neighborhoods, areas including the 11 schools that are part of the AML NI Program. The elements of the built environment that will be studied include sidewalks, street crossings, bus stops, and bikeways/bicycle infrastructure. Our analysis will include data on commercial and retail establishments, community spaces, parks, community centers, and religious facilities. Data collected will be relevant to metrics associated with Safe Routes To School, Safe Routes To Parks, and Safe Routes For Seniors planning and programs (see Task 5). CRA will develop GIS maps using available data sources and some inventory for each of the 11 school's surrounding areas and the Empire Polo Fields (where both Coachella and Stagecoach festivals are held), displaying their mobility networks (including street system, bikeways, sidewalks or missing sidewalk locations, and bus stops). The maps will highlight key land uses, destinations, and other points of interest. Neighborhood boundaries, school enrollment areas, and/or other potentially informative administrative boundaries will also be displayed. The maps will be used in the subsequent technical tasks and products of this study, including the collision analysis (Task 4.2), mobility assessments (Task 4.4), existing conditions (Task 4.6), and recommendations maps (Task 5). J . TASK 4.1 DELIVERABLES Technical memos and reports GIS mapping with metadata TASK 4.2: BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN COLLISION ANALYSIS CRA will analyze a period of five years of recent pedestrian and bicycle collision history in the cities of the study area (which include the 11 schools served by the AML) using the client's preferred source of data, though if not otherwise specified then SWITRS/ TIMS records. The analysis will help identify trends, issues, high collision locations, common collision causes, and help determine which user group(s), if any, are disproportionately represented among the collisions. The findings will be presented on collision maps and supporting tables and summarized in a technical memo according to Caltrans ATP guidelines. The following attributes will be summarized by frequency: ► Intersection and segment locations ► Worst injury outcome ► Party at -fault ► Primary Collision Factors and/or CA Vehicle Code violations Findings from collision analysis will be examined in relationship to other technical analysis performed as a part of this scope, including the existing conditions, bike/walk audits, and multimodal and summarized in a technical memorandum (draft and final). The project team will determine collision exposure rates from crash frequencies and AADT (derived from multimodal counts and "Big Data", see Task 4.3), and assess those local conditions relative to regional, state, and national rates and benchmarks; this comparative section of the analysis will be summarized into a scorecard of roadway health. CRA can monitor collisions post -project during the lifespan of the study, with the caveat that making conclusions about safety effects would require additional years of collection. One helpful strategy for post -project monitoring can be for the project team to set up an online collision GIS map with capabilities to filter, visualize and summarize the data by key attributes. CRA can provide guidance to CVAG on how to maintain this resource and update on an annual basis with new records to assist with post -project safety monitoring. Cp RESPONSE TO CVAG - AML ATP NI PROGRAM 1� PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC OUTREACH SERVICES p/18 on 4. Work Plan TASK 4.2 DELIVERABLES • Technical memos and reports • GIS data, documentation, maps, and summary tables • Presentation materials • Online collision GIS map and guidance for maintenance TASK 4.3: MULTIMODAL COUNTS CRA will commission 24-hour multimodal roadway segment/mid-block active transportation counts at up to 45 locations. These include the AML "spurs" leading to the project area schools (11 counts), Avenue 48 between major intersections (10 counts), at the 10 highest frequency collision locations (10 counts, Task 4.2), and at each of the two festivals (4 counts). Other locations will be chosen based on results from Existing Conditions facility locations (z 10 counts, Task 4.6). We will deploy 24-hour counts because they eliminate the necessity of extrapolation relative to peak rates. Existing Conditions facility locations will also influence the number of counts. CRA will collect mode share data pre- and post-AML construction. CRA will present our analysis of count data by mode converted to annual average daily trips (AADT) for collision analysis, and provided in tabular and GIS data formats. To help estimate activity rates in areas where count data is not collected, CRA will use location -based services data (otherwise known as "Big Data") to extrapolate pedestrian and bicycle volumes in other parts of the study area. CRA will use ReplicaHQ to retrieve pedestrian and bicycling data, to supplement the counts for the development of the AADT estimates needed to determine exposure rates for pedestrian and bicycle collisions. The use of Big Data can also assist with post -project activity monitoring. ✓ . TASK 4.3 DELIVERABLES Technical memos and reports 24-hour counts in 45 locations • GIS mapping with metadata • ReplicaHQ Big Data to estimate pedestrian and bicycle activity throughout the project area • Presentation materials TASK 4.4: MOBILITY ASSESSMENTS CRA will observe mobility conditions in the field at the 11 schools of the project area and the Empire Polo Club that hosts the Coachella and Stagecoach music and arts festivals. Mobility Assessments will include Pedestrian Environment Quality Evaluation (PEQE) as part of the analysis of pedestrian conditions, and Level of Traffic Stress (LTS) as part of the analysis of bicycling conditions. During visits to each school, CRA will canvass the area surrounding the school, documenting the attributes and deficiencies of transportation assets, infrastructure, and presence of other support features (crossing guards, school chaperons, etc.) next to each school. Trip activity, routines and other travel behavior which occur during pick-up and drop-off periods will also be observed. During visits, CRA will meet with administrators deeply familiar with the school's transportation issues to supplement our understanding. Similar efforts will be undertaken to do mobility assessments at the Empire Polo Club, and in coordination with festival organizers. In Year 1, CRA will canvass the areas surrounding access to the Empire Polo Club, documenting transportation assets and infrastructure. Trip activity and festivalgoers' routines will be observed. In Year 2, CRA, in coordination with festival organizers, will deploy a transportation plan and maps to test new active transportation access to the festivals. The information gathered to produce brief mobility assessment reports for each school and the festival site with issues map and recommendations on how to improve their walking and bicycling conditions. These assessments may result in various types of recommendations such as new or improved crossing locations, sidewalk repair, new signage, suggested Cp RESPONSE TO CVAG - AML ATP NI PROGRAM 1� PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC OUTREACH SERVICES p/19 on 4. Work Plan routes to school or festival grounds, new bicycle parking, and changes in vehicle pick-up/drop-off routine. 0-1 -- TASK 4.4 DELIVERABLES • Technical memos and reports • GIS mapping with metadata • Presentation materials TASK 4.5: WALK AUDITS CRA will conduct Walk Audits as part of the mobility assessment. School administrators and other stakeholders at each of the 11 schools, and at the Empire Polo Club grounds that host Coachella and Stagecoach will be invited to participate. Walk Audits serve three functions for the AML NI Program: They are an engagement activity, particularly of students, parents, and educators, they are an educational experience as participants learn how to make systematic observations of roads and AT infrastructure, and they contribute vital data for understanding current AT conditions in the project area. Tasks 4.1, 4.4, and 4.5 will be conducted on the same day. ✓4 TASK 4.5 DELIVERABLES • Technical memos and reports • GIS mapping with metadata TASK 4.6: EXISTING CONDITIONS AND NEEDS ANALYSIS MEMO Based on the data collection, evaluations, and assessments of the physical and built environment of the project area completed in the preceding tasks, including bicycle and pedestrian collision data, multimodal counts, mobility assessments and bike and walk audits, CRA will prepare an Existing Conditions and Needs Analysis Memo (draft and final). Like the data collection process, this Memo will be prepared in collaboration with CVAG, school officials, city staff, and other stakeholders, and culminate in presentations to various stakeholders and project partners. JQ- TASK 4.6 DELIVERABLES • Technical memos and reports • GIS mapping and metadata • Presentation materials O TASKS: ENGINEERING TASK 5.1: SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL, SAFE ROUTES FOR SENIORS, SAFE ROUTES TO FESTIVALS MAPS CRA will develop maps to convey the safe/suggested route recommendations identified in Task 4.4 for the 11 schools and the festival grounds. The purpose of these maps is to help guide people, particularly students, seniors, and visiting festivalgoers, to and from their respective destinations, along direct navigational routes from the destination's surrounding areas, along quality facilities, and which channel travelers to safe and preferred street crossing locations. The maps will be graphically appealing, using intuitive design and symbology, and be public facing. Formats will be optimized for screens and for physical copies. ✓EM ve TASK 5.1 DELIVERABLES • Technical memos and reports • GIS mapping with metadata • User maps • Website mapping • Presentation materials TASK 5.2: PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY RECOMMENDATIONS Upon completion of all data collection and analysis Cp RESPONSE TO CVAG - AML ATP NI PROGRAM 1� PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC OUTREACH SERVICES p/20 on 4. Work Plan CRA will develop a Project Implementation Strategy Recommendations Memorandum (draft and final). The Memorandum will summarize CRAs analyses of data collected through our outreach, engagement, education and encouragement efforts, as well as our analyses of active transportation conditions and the broader transportation network in the project area. Based on those assessments, CRA will make a prioritized recommendations list for infrastructure as it relates to school/park access and programmatic recommendations. This Project Implementation Strategy Recommendations Memorandum will be prepared in collaboration with CVAG, school officials, city staff, and other stakeholders. Near the conclusion of the project, CRA will develop and lead the presentation of the Memo to CVAG and project stakeholders. TASK 5.2 DELIVERABLES • Technical memos and reports • GIS mapping with metadata • Presentation materials O TASK 6: PROGRAM EVALUATION CRA will develop a comprehensive Program Evaluation Report (draft and final) that will supply a complete assessment of the effectiveness of the public engagement activities, before and after construction of the AML. Metrics for evaluation will include: ► Stakeholders and project team member feedback/evaluation ► Outreach results ► Effectiveness of Communications and Promotions Toolkit ► AML design including arts implementation along the AML ► Curriculum development at schools and for the community ► Community challenges results ► Festival active transportation analyses and results ► Summaries of all data collection results, including safety, multimodal counts, and mobility assessments This critical Program Evaluation Report allows for continued learning of the AML project team and stakeholders in terms of how the project unfolded, identifying what was effective and what was challenging, how challenges were overcome, and documenting how project outcomes and goals were met. 0-1 4- TASK 6 DELIVERABLE • Program Evaluation Report O METHODS OF BUDGET AND SCHEDULE CONTROL, AND QUALITY CONTROL BUDGET AND SCHEDULE CONTROLS CRA has a track record of delivering high quality projects on -schedule and within budget. Our outstanding organizational skills and technical capabilities in combination with the strong support from our experienced and highly -qualified staff — including our seamless internal team communication developed over years of working together — will ensure successful project completion. 9`O ®iudum-yampamo AJERA- 'C CRA prepares and tracks detailed project schedules for each task including a customized critical path driven schedule with a detailed list of subtasks, milestones, deliverables, and completion dates. Each task and subtask listed match the work outlined in the Scope of Services. Cp RESPONSE TO CVAG - AML ATP NI PROGRAM 1� PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC OUTREACH SERVICES p/21 on 4. Work Plan CRA uses an interactive web -based management system to assist our project and task managers to successfully maintain control of a project budget by providing real-time status reports on performance, variances, forecasts, and expenditures for all project tasks. We apply earned value management as the primary means of monitoring project progress and forecasting performance by integrating the three fundamental components of every task order — scope, schedule, and budget. This allows CRA to evaluate and control project risk by planning and monitoring project performance. CRA prepares and tracks detailed project schedules through Microsoft Project. The schedule will typically consist of a customized critical path method schedule with a detailed list of subtasks, milestones, deliverables, and completion dates. Each subtask listed would match the work outlined in the Scope of Work. QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL CRA takes pride in providing quality services and products. Our firm was founded on a commitment to fostering a workplace culture dedicated to delivering products that are accurate, well -written, based on sound analysis and industry/city specific design standards, and an assurance that final products have been thoroughly reviewed by our assigned quality assurance/quality control manager before submission. Kickoff Discussion Following contract authorization, the project team will begin with a kickoff meeting to establish client expectations, contract require- ments, and task scheduling. QA/QC Procedures Work Products Checklist Redlines, Reviews & Notes Quality Close -Out Process Checklists for each technical group and project phase are used by QC leads to ensure accuracy and attention to detail. Edits and notes are digitally archived for accessibility. Task & Review Scheduling Schedules are designed to include internal and external reviews. This allows the project manager and QC reviewers to establish timing and duration for reviews. QC leads provide feedback by "redlining" products and using review forms. Revisions are rechecked to ensure corrections have been successfully implemented. Cross -Discipline & Compliance Reviews QC leads perform compliance reviews before submission of deliverables to ensure regulatory compliance and alignment with constructability criteria. Principal verifies QC process implementation. Check -ins culminate with a final meeting to ensure con- tractual obligations have been met and expectations have been exceeded. Progress Discussions CRA team meets to review comments and anticipated project challenges to ensure the project can proceed without hindrance. C p RESPONSE TO CVAG - AML ATP NI PROGRAM p / 22 1� PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC OUTREACH SERVICES on 4. Work Plan We have the policies and procedures in place to ensure that our team delivers a quality product every time. We acknowledge that quality and schedule can compete — and, for us, quality always wins. As a result, our project schedules consider time for quality control and document revisions prior to each submittal. SPECIAL ISSUES OR PROBLEMS AND HOW THESE WILL BE ADDRESSED The challenges we identify with the AML NI Program are associated with its ambitious scope and associated numerous elements to manage. It will take a team of experienced active transportation professionals spanning multiple disciplines to successfully manage this project so that it meets its goals and desired outcomes. With our partners AA, we present to CVAG a team assembled and equipped to handle this exciting and ambitious project. We are inspired by the ways in which public and community engagement has already developed and want to contribute our hands to the AML effort. The complexity of this project is the greatest challenge, but with our collective resources and assets, those challenges will not be insurmountable. ENHANCEMENTS OR PROCEDURAL OR TECHNICAL INNOVATIONS (OPTIONAL) CRA professionals express a scientific disposition to our projects, while also bringing artistic sensibilities forward as well. The AML project, occupying the nexus of transportation planning and the arts, supplies the opportunity for CRA to apply our insights and perspectives across a broad range of issues that the AML contains. For this reason, CRA is excited by the current structure of the AML NI Program as presented in the RFP. In the process of preparing our response, CRA developed additional enhancements and innovations that we present for CVAG's consideration. They are: / AML Promotional materials commissioned from student artists/musicians/videographers As the project develops and word of the AML spreads through our various engagement events, the AML can become the inspiration for the creation of artworks. The education program discussed above could include commissioning artworks about the AML and AT from local student artists/musicians. After -school Bicycle Mechanics course We see tremendous value and potential in helping to establish an after -school bike mechanics course as part of the education and encourage element of the public engagement of the AML NI Program. This would also serve as an opportunity for local professional bicycle mechanics to collaborate with schools and educators in developing a bicycle mechanics curriculum. ► Students working at Bike Valet and Bicycle Maintenance at Music Festivals As part of the educational element of the AML NI Program, students in the bicycle mechanics course will have the opportunity to apply what they are learning to serve festivalgoers with bicycle needs. The reward for taking this opportunity is free access to the festival. Cp RESPONSE TO CVAG - AML ATP NI PROGRAM 1� PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC OUTREACH SERVICES p/23 son 4. Work Plan Schedule Task 1 Project Management & Administration Task 1 Project Kickoff Meeting Project Kickoff Meeting (including agenda & minutes) Task 1 Project Meetings Bi-weekly Project Meetings (including agenda & minutes) Task 1 Ad -Hoc Committee/Stakeholder Advisory Group Meetings A-HC/SAG Meetings (and presentation deliverables) Ad -Hoc Committee and Stakeholder List Task 1 CVAG Transportation Committee Meetings (4) Meetings (and presentation deliverables) Task 1 CVAG Executive Committee Meetings (4) Meetings (and presentation deliverables) Task 2 Community Outreach and Engagement Task 2.1 Community Outreach and Engagement Outreach Engagement Plan Project Contact Database Task 2.2 Project Promotion Communications and Promotions Toolkits Task 3 Education and Encouragement Activities Task 3 Public facing materials and event documentation Task 3.1 Community Partner Coordination Task 3.1 Community Partner Coordination Task 3.2 Pop -Up Events Task 3.2 Pop -Up Events (22) Task 3.3 Community Events Task 3.3 Community Events (10) Task 3.4 Community Challenges Task 3.4 Community Challenges (2) Task 3.5 Festival Bike Services Task 3.5 Coachella and Stagecoach -- research (Year 1) Task 3.5 Bicycle planning, maps, valet, and maintenance services Task 4 Evaluation and Assessment Task 4.1 GIS Data Collection Task 4.1 GIS Data Collection (including deliverables) Task 4.2 Bicycle and Pedestrian Collision Analysis Collision Analysis (including deliverables) Task 4.3 Multimodal Counts 24-hour counts in 45 locations ReplicaHQ Big Data to estimate activity Task 4.4 Mobility Assessments Mobility Assessments at 11 schools, Spring 2024 Mobility Assessments at Empire Polo Club, Year 1 Technical Memos/Reports, GIS mapping, and presentations Task 4.5 Bike/Walk Audits Bike/Walk Audits at 11 schools, Spring 2024 Bike/Walk Audits at Empire Polo Club, Year 1 Technical Memos/Reports, GIS mapping, and presentations Task 4.6 Existing Conditions and Needs Analysis Memo Existing Conditions Needs Analysis Memo Task 5 Engineering Task 5.1 Safe Routes Maps Task 5.1 GIS Mapping with Metadata Task 5.1 User Maps Task 5.1 Technical Memos and Reports and Presentation materials Task 5.2 Project Implementation Strategy Recommendations Task 5.2 Project Implementation Strategy Recommendations Memo Task 5.2 GIS Mapping with Metadata, and Presentation Materials Task 6 Program Evaluation Task 6 Program Evaluation Report 1/24 2/24 3/24 4/24 5/24 6/24 7/24 8/24 9/24 10/24 11/24 12/24 1/25 2/25 3/25 4/25 5/25 6/25 7/25 8/25 9/25 10/25 11/25 12/25 1/26 2/26 r ^ 1/27 2/27 3/27 4/27 5/27 V Z ■ .........................I z I.... �������������������������� w ■���� ts determined by A-HC/SAG (and presentation deliverables) Committee���er developed �����������������r maintained�and (deliverables) ■���� Q ■ ■ ■ l/1 w H ■ ����������t��������������1 ■���� ',y community, schools V Q Q LU rM mission 3.1 Community Partner Coordination LU LLI Z Q V w C11— Z O H t/1 Z Q V C I1�'1� ®.1E]....... 1� --- �It 171 3 I�u I� Cp RESPONSE TO CVAG -AMLATP NI PROGRAM 1� PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND PUBLIC OUTREACH SERVICES p/24 Coachella Valley Association of Governments Arts & Music Line ATP Non -Infrastructure Program The CRA Team Fee Proposal No. Task Description CRA AA Total by Task Task 1 Project Management and Administration $ 85,880 $ 28,859 $ 114,739 Project Kick -Off Meeting $ 2,400 $ 903 $ 3,303 Bi-weekly Project Management Meetings (up to 70) $ 32,820 $ 5,729 $ 38,549 Ad Hoc Committee Meetings (up to 8) $ 9,660 $ 12,201 $ 21,861 Transportation Committee Meetings (up to 2) $ 2,840 $ - $ 2,840 Executive Committee Meetings (up to 2) $ 2,840 $ - $ 2,840 Project Coordination and Invoicing $ 35,320 $ 10,026 $ 45,346 Task 2 Community Outreach and Engagement $ 23,780 $ 57,359 $ 81,139 2.1 Outreach and Engagement Plan $ 4,120 $ 7,909 $ 12,029 2.2 Project Promotion $ 19,660 $ 49,450 $ 69,110 Task 3 Education and Encouragement Activities $ 54,540 $ 181,428 $ 235,968 3.1 Community Partner Coordination $ - $ 11,068 $ 11,068 3.2 Pop -Up Events (Up to 22) $ 10,840 $ 36,955 $ 47,795 3.3 Community Events (Up to 10) $ 22,000 $ 88,446 $ 110,446 3.4 Community Challenges (Up to 2) $ 1,720 $ 20,944 $ 22,664 3.5 Arts Program and Festival Coordination $ 11,040 $ 11,426 $ 22,466 3.6 Bike Mechanics Course $ 8,940 $ 12,591 $ 21,531 Task 4 Evaluation and Assessment $ 109,700 $ - $ 109,700 4.1 GIS Data Collection $ 26,080 $ - $ 26,080 4.2 Bicycle and Pedestrian Collision Analysis $ 15,100 $ - $ 15,100 4.3 Multimodal Counts $ 10,630 $ - $ 10,630 4.4 Mobility Assessments $ 19,260 $ $ 19,260 4.5 Bike/Walk Audits $ 19,670 $ - $ 19,670 4.6 Existing Conditions and Needs Analysis Memo $ 18,960 $ - $ 18,960 Task 5 Engineering $ 47,285 $ - $ 47,285 5.1 Safe Routes for Youth/Seniors/Festival Maps $ 19,540 $ - $ 19,540 5.2 Project Implementation Strategy Recommendations $ 27,745 $ - $ 27,745 Task 6 Program Evaluation $ 57,110 $ - $ 57,110 Draft Program Evaluation Report $ 34,240 $ $ 34,240 Revised Program Evaluation Report $ 16,160 $ $ 16,160 Final Program Evaluation Report $ 6,710 $ $ 6,710 Labor Subtotal $ 378,295 $ 267,646 $ 645,941 Direct Cost Subtotal $ 21,000 $ 112,000 $ 133,000 CRA Total $ 399,295 $ 379,646 $ 778,941 20% Contingency, $ 155,788 Grand Total $ 934,730 Coachella Valley Association of Governments Arts & Music Line ATP Non -Infrastructure Program Fee Proposal - CRA No. Task Description Principal -in -Charge Monique Chen Project Manager Jenny An Deputy Project Manager Lars Christiansen Technical Advisor Adam Chase Senior Trans. Planner/GIS Sasha Jovanovic Trans. Planner/GIS Eric Sindel Assistant Trans. Planner Annabel Grealish Lead Engineer Ross Duenas Senior Traffic Engineer jonaman Traffic Engineer Cristian Belmudez Senior Graphic Design Rene Rivas Senior Project Accountant Claudia Joaquin CRA Labor Cost $340.00 $260.00 $170.00 $290.00 $210.00 $150.00 $135.00 $305.00 $235.00 $165.00 $170.00 $170.00 Hrs. Cost Hrs. Cost Hrs. Cost Hrs. Cost Hrs. Cost Hrs. Cost Hrs. Cost Hrs. Cost Hrs. Cost Hrs. Cost Hrs. Cost Hrs. Cost Hrs. Cost Task 1 Project Management and Administration 25 $ 8,500 170 $ 44,200 134 $ 22,780 $ $ - 24 $ 3,600 $ $ $ $ - $ 40 $ 6,800 393 $ 85,880 Project Kick -Off Meeting 2 $ 680 4 $ 1,040 4 $ 680 $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ - 10 $ 2,400 Bi-weekly Project Management Meetings (up to 70) 8 $ 2,720 70 $ 18,200 70 $ 11,900 $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ 148 $ 32,820 Ad Hoc Committee Meetings (up to 8) 3 $ 1,020 24 $ 6,240 - $ - $ $ 16 $ 2,400 $ $ $ $ $ $ 43 $ 9,660 Transportation Committee Meetings (up to 2) 2 $ 680 6 $ 1,560 $ $ $ 4 $ 600 $ $ $ $ $ $ 12 $ 2,840 Executive Committee Meetings (up to 2) 2 $ 680 6 $ 1,560 $ $ $ 4 $ 600 $ $ $ $ $ $ 12 $ 2,840 Project Coordination and Invoicing 8 $ 2,720 60 $ 15,600 60 $ 10,200 $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ 40 $ 6,800 168 $ 35,320 Task 2 Community Outreach and Engagement 6 $ 2,040 24 $ 6,240 26 $ 4,420 $ $ - $ 30 $ 4,050 $ $ 22 $ 3,630 20 $ 3,400 $ - 128 $ 23,780 2.1 Outreach and Engagement Plan 2 $ 680 8 $ 2,080 8 $ 1,360 $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ - $ - $ 18 $ 4,120 2.2 Project Promotion 4 1 $ 1,360 16 $ 4,160 18 $ 3,060 $ $ $ 30 $ 4,050 $ $ 22 $ 3,630 20 $ 3,400 $ 110 $ 19,660 Task 3 Education and Encouragement Activities $ - 33 $ 8,580 96 $ 16,320 $ - $ 79 $ 11,850 62 $ 8,370 $ $ - 20 $ 3,300 36 $ 6,120 $ 326 $ 54,540 3.1 Community Partner Coordination $ $ - $ - $ $ $ - $ - $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ - 3.2 Pop -Up Events (Up to 22) $ 8 $ 2,080 12 $ 2,040 $ $ 24 $ 3,600 8 $ 1,080 $ $ $ 12 $ 2,040 $ 64 $ 10,840 3.3 Community Events (Up to 10) $ 16 $ 4,160 40 $ 6,800 $ $ 32 $ 4,800 16 $ 2,160 $ $ $ 24 1 $ 4,080 $ 128 $ 22,000 3.4 Community Challenges (Up to 2) $ 4 $ 1,040 4 $ 680 $ $ $ - $ - $ $ $ $ - $ 8 $ 1,720 3.5 Arts Program at Schools $ 3 $ 780 24 $ 4,080 $ $ 3 $ 450 18 $ 2,430 $ $ 20 $ 3,300 $ $ 68 $ 11,040 3.6 Bike Mechanics Course $ 2 $ 520 16 $ 2,720 $ $ 20 $ 3,000 20 $ 2,700 $ $ $ - $ $ 58 $ 8,940 Task 4 Evaluation and Assessment 10 1 $ 3,400 34 $ 8,840 1 $ 170 4 $ 1,160 70 $ 14,700 200 $ 30,000 148 $ 19,980 14 $ 4,270 30 $ 7,050 122 $ 20,130 - $ - $ 633 $ 109,700 4.1 GIS Data Collection 1 $ 340 4 $ 1,040 $ - 2 $ 580 20 $ 4,200 55 $ 8,250 46 $ 6,210 4 $ 1,220 4 $ 940 1 20 $ 3,300 $ $ 156 $ 26,080 4.21 Bicycle and Pedestrian Collision Analysis 2 $ 680 2 $ 520 $ $ - 16 $ 3,360 64 $ 9,600 - $ - $ - 4 $ 940 - $ - $ $ 88 $ 15,100 4.3 Multimodal Counts $ - 2 $ 520 $ $ 2 $ 420 4 $ 600 8 $ 1,080 $ 6 $ 1,410 40 $ 6,600 $ $ 62 $ 10,630 4.4 Mobility Assessments 2 $ 680 6 $ 1,560 $ $ 20 $ 4,200 40 $ 6,000 24 $ 3,240 $ 4 $ 940 16 $ 2,640 $ $ 112 $ 19,260 4.5 Bike/Walk Audits 1 $ 340 8 $ 2,080 1 $ 170 $ 4 $ 840 21 $ 3,150 30 $ 4,050 4 $ 1,220 8 $ 1,880 36 $ 5,940 $ $ 113 $ 19,670 4.6 Existing Conditions and Needs Analysis Memo 4 $ 1,360 12 $ 3,120 $ - 2 $ 580 8 $ 1,680 16 $ 2,400 40 $ 5,400 6 $ 1,830 4 $ 940 10 $ 1,650 $ $ 102 $ 18,960 Task 5 Engineering 4 $ 1,360 20 $ 5,200 6 $ 1,020 8 $ 2,320 40 $ 8,400 88 $ 13,200 $ - 8 $ 2,440 28 $ 6,580 41 $ 6,765 - $ - $ 243 $ 47,285 5.1 ISafe Routes for Youth/Seniors/Festival Maps 2 $ 680 8 $ 2,080 2 $ 340 $ - 24 $ 5,040 60 $ 9,000 $ 2 $ 610 2 $ 470 8 $ 1,320 $ $ 108 $ 19,540 5.2 Project Implementation Strategy Recommendations 2 $ 680 12 $ 3,120 4 $ 680 8 $ 2,320 16 $ 3,360 28 $ 4,200 $ 6 $ 1,830 26 $ 6,110 33 $ 5,445 $ $ 135 $ 27,745 Task 6 Program Evaluation 10 $ 3,400 48 $ 12,480 82 $ 13,940 4 $ 1,160 18 $ 3,780 54 $ 8,100 92 $ 12,420 6 $ 1,830 $ - $ - - $ $ 314 $ 57,110 Draft Program Evaluation Report 6 $ 2,040 24 $ 6,240 1 48 $ 8,160 4 $ 1,160 12 $ 2,520 32 $ 4,800 60 $ 8,100 4 $ 1,220 $ $ $ $ 190 $ 34,240 Revised Program Evaluation Report 3 $ 1,020 16 $ 4,160 24 $ 4,080 $ - 6 $ 1,260 16 $ 2,400 24 $ 3,240 $ - $ $ $ $ 89 $ 16,160 Final Program Evaluation Report 1 $ 340 8 $ 2,080 10 $ 1,700 $ - - $ - 6 $ 900 8 $ 1,080 2 $ 610 $ - $ - $ $ 35 $ 6,710 Labor Subtotal 55 $ 18,700 329 $ 85,540 345 $ 58,650 16 $ 4,640 128 $ 26,880 445 $ 66,750 332 $ 44,820 28 $ 8,540 58 $ 13,630 205 $ 33,825 56 $ 9,520 40 $ 6,800 2037 $ 378,295 Coachella Valley Association of Governments Arts & Music Line ATP Non -Infrastructure Program Fee Proposal - AA No. Task Description Project Manager Jessica Harleaux Deputy Project Manager Stephanie Espinoza Senior Project Coordinator Jennifer Velazquez Creative Lead Kyle Santiago Project Coordinator/ Tech Coordinator support staff AA Labor Cost $0.00 $179.03 $136.28 $106.88 $146.97 $90.85 Hrs. cost Hrs. Cost Hrs. Cost Hrs. Cost Hrs. Cost Hrs. Cost Hrs. Cost Task 1 Project Management and Administration - $ - 230 $ 23,274 30 $ 4,088 14 $ 1,496 - $ - - $ - 174 $ 28,859 Project Kick -Off Meeting - $ - 2 $ 358 4 $ 545 - $ - - $ - - $ - 6 $ 903 Bi-weekly Project Management Meetings (up to 70) - $ - 32 $ 5,729 - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - 32 $ 5,729 Ad Hoc Committee Meetings (up to 8) - $ - 40 $ 7,161 26 $ 3,543 14 $ 1,496 - $ - - $ - 80 $ 12,201 Transportation Committee Meetings (up to 2) - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - Executive Committee Meetings (up to 2) - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - Project Coordination and Invoicing - $ - 56 $ 10,026 - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - 56 $ 10,026 Task 2 Community Outreach and Engagement - $ - 44 $ 7,877 50 $ 6,814 71 $ 7,588 120 $ 17,636 192 $ 17,443 477 $ 57,359 2.1 Outreach and Engagement Plan - $ - 12 $ 2,148 16 $ 2,180 8 $ 855 - $ - 30 $ 2,726 66 $ 7,909 2.2 Project Promotion - $ - 32 $ 5,729 34 $ 4,634 63 $ 6,733 120 $ 17,636 162 $ 14,718 411 $ 49,450 Task 3 Education and Encouragement Activities - $ - 204 $ 36,522 258 $ 35,160 398 $ 42,538 32 $ 4,703 688 $ 62,505 1,580 $ 181,428 3.1 Community Partner Coordination - $ - 14 $ 2,506 4 $ 545 24 $ 2,565 - $ - 60 $ 5,451 102 $ 11,068 3.2 Pop -Up Events (Up to 22) - $ - 30 $ 5,371 40 $ 5,451 100 $ 10,688 - $ - 170 $ 15,445 340 $ 36,955 3.3 Community Events (Up to 10) - $ - 110 $ 19,693 150 $ 20,442 180 $ 19,238 - $ - 320 $ 29,072 760 $ 88,446 3.4 Community Challenges (Up to 2) $ - 18 $ 3,223 32 $ 4,361 40 $ 4,275 - $ - 100 $ 9,085 190 $ 20,944 3.5 Festival Bike Services - $ - 16 $ 2,864 24 $ 3,271 24 $ 2,565 - $ - 30 $ 2,726 94 $ 11,426 3.6 Bike Mechanics Course - $ - 16 $ 2,864 8 $ 1,090 30 $ 3,206 32 $ 4,703 8 $ 727 94 $ 12,591 Task Evaluation and Assessment - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - 4.1 GIS Data Collection - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - 4.2 Bicycle and Pedestrian Collision Analysis - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - 4.3 Multimodal Counts - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - 4.4 Mobility Assessments - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - 4.5 Bike/Walk Audits - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - 4.6 Existing Conditions and Needs Analysis Memo - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - Task5 Engineering - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - 5.1 Safe Routes for Youth/Seniors/Festival Maps - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - 5.2 Project Implementation Strategy Recommendations - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - Task 6 Program Evaluation - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - Draft Program Evaluation Report - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - Revised Program Evaluation Report - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - Final Program Evaluation Report - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ Labor Subtotal 0 $ - 378 $ 67,673 338 $ 46,063 483 $ 51,623 152 $ 22,339 880 $ 79,948 1.231 $ 267,646 Direct Cost Expenses Printing $ 12,000 Outreach Supplies (Merchandise, giveaways, promotional items, refreshments, branded materials) $ 36,000 CBO Partnerships $ 20,000 Travel $ 18,000 Written Spanish translations $ 4,000 Bike Repair & Co -Op Repair Shop Course (includes CBO compensation, venue fees, transportation for field trip to LA, video production for virtual r $ 22,000 Direct Cost Subtotal $ 112,000 AA Total $ 379,646 City of La Quinta CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 4 CITY COUNCIL MEETING: January 16, 2024 STAFF REPORT AGENDP TITLE: APPROVE AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT WITH COACHELLA VALLEY ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENTS FOR AVENUE 48 ARTS AND MUSIC LINE PROJECT NO. 2020-08 RECOMMENDATION Approve Amendment No. 3 to the Reimbursement Agreement with the Coachella Valley Association of Governments for the Avenue 48 Arts and Music Line Project No. 2020-08; and authorize the City Manager to execute the amendment. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Coachella Valley Association of Governments (CVAG) is the lead agency for the Avenue 48 Arts and Music Line project improvements and has contracted with Webb and Associates to design the project (Attachment 1). • This project will be a community connector to the CV Link located primarily along Avenue 48 between Highway 86 and Washington Street. • In March 2020 the City approved a reimbursement agreement with CVAG along with the Cities of Coachella and Indio. The participating cities' local share of the design cost is determined by their respective linear mileage of the project. • CVAG was successful in receiving an Active Transportation Program (ATP) grant in the amount of $36.483 million for the construction. • Amendment No. 1 updated the cost share associated with the design, and Amendment No. 2 added additional design to the agreement. • Amendment No. 3 will incorporate construction management costs and add the non -infrastructure services to the agreement (Attachment 2). FISCAL IMPACT Amendment No. 3 will revise CVAG's 75% total regional share under the agreement to $3,964,470, and the 25% local share to $1,321,490. The total project cost is allocated as follows: 31 Original Contract March 18, 2020 Amendment Number One February 28, 2022 Amendment Number Two ❑ecember 5, 2022 Amendment Number Three ❑ecember 4, 2023 Total Contract not -to -exceed Amendment Regional Local Amount Share Share $2,731,897 $2,048,923 $682,974 No Cast $0 $0 $1,060,000 $795,000 $265,000 $1,494,063 $1,120,547 $373,516 $5,285,960 $3,964,470 $1,321,490 The 25%, or $1,321,490, local share is divided between the Cities of La Quinta, Indio, and Coachella based on their respective linear mileage of the project; each city's share is detailed in the table below. The City's total share of the 25% is $330,372, which includes an additional $93,379. There is sufficient funding in the project budget (401-0000- 60188D) for the additional cost to the City. Total Local La Quinta Indio Coachella Share (25%) S330,372 $885,398 $105,719 $1,321,490 259Io 67 % 811/0 100 % BACKGROUND/ANALYSIS CVAG coordinated with the cities of La Quinta, Coachella, Indio, and Riverside County to develop the 10-mile project. The Arts and Music Line is a community connector to the CV Link that's located primarily along Avenue 48 between Highway 86 and Washington Street. The eastern end will extend along Dillon Road to the Spotlight 29 Casino. The western end will extend southward along Washington Street and then further west and south along Eisenhower Drive, connecting to the Bear Creek Trailhead at the western terminus of Calle Tampico. The project's design will incorporate both light and sound, and provide pedestrians and cyclists safe access to the music and art festivals at the Empire Polo Grounds. Partnerships with two school districts and Golden Voice, provides an opportunity to feature students' art and music along the route. In March 2020, the City executed a reimbursement agreement with CVAG and the cities of Indio and Coachella for the design of the project. The Avenue 48 Arts and Music Line is a priority identified in CVAG's Transportation Project Prioritization Study (TPPS) and was therefore eligible for regional transportation funding. By designing this project, CVAG was able to secure a $36.483M ATP grant for construction. Amendment No. 1, executed February 2022, revised the cost share after a portion of the La Quinta improvements was removed to improve the chances of receiving ATP grant funding. Amendment No. 2, executed December 2022, included additional design costs. 32 Proposed Amendment No. 3 extends the term of the agreement through December 31, 2025, incorporates the costs associated with pre -construction and construction management services per CVAG's agreements with Anser Advisory Management, LLC and T.Y. Lin International, and adds non -infrastructure services per CVAG's agreement with Chen Ryan Associates. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect not to approve this amendment. Prepared by: Julie Mignogna, Management Analyst Approved by: Bryan McKinney, PE, Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachments: 1. Avenue 48 Arts and Music Line Project Map 2. Amendment No. 3 to Reimbursement Agreement With CVAG 33