9804-025 (SFD) Soil Engineering ReportEarth Systems Consultants Southern California Consulting Engineers and Geologists Earth Systems Consultants Southern California 79-811B Country Club Drive Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 (760)345-1588 (800)924-7015 ' FAX (760) 345-7315 .April 10, 1998 . Martinovich Construction, Inc. 78-620 Arapahoe Drive Indian Wells, California 92210 Attention: Mr. Jay Martinovich Project: Lot 44 - Tract 25237 - The Enclave Vista Rosa Indian Wells, California Subject: LIMITED SOIL ENGINEERING STUDY Introduction File No. SS -6787 -PI 98-04-715' As you authorized, we have completed our limited soil engineering study for the proposed residence to be located on Lot 44 of Tract 25237 in the City of Indian Wells; California. The following report describes the. results of our field exploration, and presents our recommendations for design and construction of the proposed residence. Based on the results of our study, we conclude that the proposed lot is suitable for the proposed construction. The recommendations presented herein should be incorporated into the appropriate construction plans and specifications. We should also provide the on-site geotechnical testing and observation services during grading and' foundation construction, as specified in our recommendations. This report completes our scope of services in accordance with our agreement dated March 16, 1998, and signed March 25, 1998. Other future services which will be required, such as consultation, grading and foundation observations during construction are additional services that would be billed according to the Fee Schedule in effect at the time the services are provided. Although available through this office; the current scope of work for this report did not include any environmental assessment or investigation for the presence of. hazardous or toxic materials in the soil, surface water, groundwater, or air on, below, or proximal to this site. Site Description and Planned Construction The site is located in the private community of .the The Enclave on Lot 44 of Tract 25237, Indian Wells, California. The project site is relatively level with no existing structures. We anticipate that the proposed construction will be a one story single family residence and will utilize wood frame construction with concrete slabs -on -grade. Please refer to the attached site plan for the approximate location of the proposed residence. April 10, 1998 -2- File No. SS -6787-P1 98-04-715 The project site is adjacent to an existing residential home along the western property line which is defined by a 6 foot high block wall. The northern property line borders an existing manmade lake. The street Vista Rosa bounds the property to the south, while the eastern property line is adjacent to a vacant lot. The surrounding community is generally composed of residential homes and private recreational country clubs. Telephone, electric, water, sewer, and.cable utilities exist along Vista Rosa in the southern regionof the property. No other utilities were evident. Field Conditions Three exploratory borings were drilled for soil -profiling and sampling to a maximum depth of 20 feet below the existing ground surface. Site soils were designated according to the Unified Soil Classification System with classifications ranging from Silty Sands (SM), Clayey Silts (VII,) to Clays (CL) as the concentrations of silt, sand, and clay varied. The soils tended to be dark brown to olive brown in color, very fine grained, micaceous, slightly moist to moist, and loose to medium dense for sands and medium stiff for silts and clays. Some roots were encountered in Boring #1 at a depth of 20 feet. Clay and silt laminations appeared at various depths in all three borings. The enclosed boring logs contain a more detailed description of the soils encountered. Laboratory Testing One sample was obtained from the subject site and tested for Soluble Sulfate. This value should be used when considering the concrete type to be used on this project. The soluble sulfate content in the soil obtained was measured to be 290 mg/kg (0.029%) or negligible as defined by the Uniform Building Code in Table 1. The following table provides, recommendations to mitigate potential problems due to sulfate content. TABLE 1 (UBC TABLE 19-A-3) REQUIREMENTS FOR CONCRETE EXPOSED TO SULFATE -CONTAINING SOLUTION, A lower water=cementitious materials ratio- or higher strength may be required for low permeability or for protection against corrosion of embedded items or freezing and thawing (Table 19-A-2). , ' z Seawater: s Pozzolan that has been determined by test or service record to improve sulfate resistance when used in concrete containing Type V cement. ' . Refer to Appendix B for tabular and'graphic representation of the test results. • ' EARTH SYSTErv1S CONSULTANTS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA _ 4 WATER NORMAL LIGHTWEIGHT SOLUBLE WEIGHT AGGREGATE SULFATE AGGREGATE CONCRETE (SO4) IN SOIL, SULFATE *Maxim * um Minimum SULFATE PERCENT- (SO4) IN CEMENT Water -Cement Compressive EXPOSURE BY WEIGHT WATER, PPM TYPE - Ratio,,by Weight Strength f c psi' Negligible 0.00-0:100-150 --- --- --- Moderate'' 0.10-0.20 150-1,500 Il, IP(MS)IS 0.50 4,000 (MS) Severe 0.20-2.00 1,500-10,000 V 0.45 4,500 Very Over 2.00 Over 10,000 V plus 0.45 • 4;500 Severe pozzolan' A lower water=cementitious materials ratio- or higher strength may be required for low permeability or for protection against corrosion of embedded items or freezing and thawing (Table 19-A-2). , ' z Seawater: s Pozzolan that has been determined by test or service record to improve sulfate resistance when used in concrete containing Type V cement. ' . Refer to Appendix B for tabular and'graphic representation of the test results. • ' EARTH SYSTErv1S CONSULTANTS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA _ 4 April' 10, 1,998 -3- File No. SS -6787-P1 98-04-715 Grading Recommendations Site grading and the bottom of all excavations should be observed by a representative of Earth ' Systems Consultants Southern California prior to the placement of fill material. Local variations in soil conditions may warrant increasing the depth of recompaction and/or overexcavation. ' 1. Prior to site grading, the site should be prepared by removing non complying material or other deleterious material from.the building envelopes. The unsuitable soil should then be removed from the project site. Any areas .disturbed during clearing activities should be properly backfilled and compacted. ' 2. Due.to the silt and loose nature of the site soils it is likely that compaction y y. canbe best attained by overexcavating the building footprint to a depth of 2 feet below the bottom of the footing or ' 3 feet below existing grade, whichever is deeper. The resulting surface should be scarified an additional 6 to 8 inches, moisture conditioned to slightly above the optimum moisture content and compacted to a minimum of 90% of maximum dry density. Previously removed soil may ' be replaced, moisture conditioned, and compacted in thin lifts of between 6 to 8 inches. 3. Testing has indicated that the near surface site soils are generally loose'and slightly moist. ' These soils can . be susceptible to hydroconsolidation when water is added at the in-situ conditions. Therefore, to control differential settlement and to, produce a more uniform bearing condition, overexcavation and recompaction should be performed in order to provide adequate support for the proposed building foundation. ' 4. Some of the soils in and around thero'ect site are moisture sensitive and irrigation control i P � b s vital in order to reduce the risk of settlement. Settlement may also be caused by the absence of ' compaction of sewer and/or other utility line connections to the property. Compaction of utility lines should be tested and approved by a representative of ESCSC. ' 5. Fill material, if any, should be placed in thin lifts at near' optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90% relative compaction. ' 6. Rocks larger than 8 inches in greatest dimension should be removed from fill or backfill material. ' 7. Areas around the structure should be graded so that drainage is positive and away from the structures. Watershould not be allowed to pond on or near pavement sections. ' 8.. Excavations . should be made in accordance with. applicable regulations. From our site exploration and knowledge, of the general area, we feel there is a potential for construction problems involving caving of site excavations (i.e. utilities, footings etc.). Where- deep excavations are planned or .encountered, lateral bracing or appropriate cut slopes should be ' provided.. 9. No surcharge loads should be allowed within a horizontal distance measured from the top of ' the excavation slope, equal to the depth of the excavation.: EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA April 10, 1.993 -4 T _ File No. SS-6787-P1 98-04-71 Foundation Recommendations ' I. It is our understanding that they proposed single. story.residence will be, supported by conventional shallow continuous or pd footings with concrete slabs on grade. The following structural values are recommended for use in foundation design. Conventional. shallow ' continuous footings at least 12 inches wide'and 12 inches deep and isolated pad footings at least 2 feet square and 12 inches deep can be designed using an allowable bearing value of 1,S00 psf. This value can be increased by one-third for seismic loading. V ' 2. A coefficient of friction of 0.35 -of the normal loads is recommended and passive resistance can be estimated utilizing an equtvalent fluid weight of 250_pcf. If the passive resistance is to be used in combination with frictional resistance, the coefficient of friction should be reduced to ' 0.23. ' If anv •retainimr walls are planned, active pressures can be estimated utilizing an equivalent fluid pressure of 40 pcf for well drained level backfill conditions. ' The site is located in'a seismically active area and the structure should be designed by a qualified proft-ssional that is aware of the site's seismic setting If there are any questions concerning this letter, please contact the undersigned. Respectfully submitted,' EARTH SYSTEMS CO\STRUCTION' - Southern California °F `= CE 38234 A ' Karl Hewes o clvty CraiS g . Hill, Staff Engineer\`OFCAL\'Q ' S E P,/pc Distribution: 4fN4artinovich Construction, Inc. l/VTA File ' 1 BD File , ' EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULT: IN7S SOtTI MRN C-Uff0P_N1-\ File Name: Lot 44 - Vista Rosa Modonov Mgp File No. SS -6787-P1 N. - \ .� \,.✓ 1 ' v�.� ^'!= Well. ....... `•,._ `� fib' Water `C .. C.),^.� �'. .. = = = TI -LOCATION •. �.� ' �\`�: — ,.^.. i _ – I :1 fir--' •' � .•; �•% r i . — i� -��. �.. - _�. •�+Nater ^� =`.� .�–�(t.., ; •SV3:er II I Well 1 �;' i;`''.:�',•.1. `\`--�• of `� � m. We ----- `C 'N' •. 6 i •�;, ice\ .' `�=�. � ,1 � ���. J� !� '/i�'I III�� Ir •�I i• I� lia!L��.!�L ••I� !I j�� - � B 01\ OU 'GL•L1L.JULI J: 1i - IM11, PI Base: La Quinta, California quadrangle map photorevised 1980 0 2000 ft Earth Systems Consultants Southern California Figure 1 4 �. r y. 1 / �' ; ND _J X8.30 s ,. o �o �s \37 J ' :, b• dg _N 10 31 ^ WE (P) 2 1 � ./ VVV .i3 •. FOR .04A�NAOE\ E41EMWEXT. 1 34 ,_ LOT -F A . ,cste.E� �, 3.3C04...f ,:�, .10'Plc 2 TYP, 1 r 1. •..�'.J JI ti � . -Z 38 N6 . 105. i M AGOG N a5'57'42'x LOT '0. so.00 • - .1.32 :RE3ERVL0 104 11,'57 E PUdP03E4 r: ' N 65'23�••N N 89'30 107.75, N 8J•03.s9 k 50.! 1Cg• 46 N s z-1 v ? lJ 1 � oa 45 �o _ �S. t N It 23'31'E (AI m o 0 44 ~ r- - — — i; N 4v 95'12�w (n: O.— — — �. — r 2 B-3 N, 3.53 - 10'PUE TYP. :2 13'5o•E• B -2 - iPRcT. (D�_ VISTA f 08.51 175.32 6 . ss �N 10 0`•3j.E (9) o-_-��.It g)5.3P RO SA RESERvE 175.3? :1' in FOR AVENIDA FERNANDO - G EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS DATE: 3/98 JOB NO. SS -6787 -PI ' Earth Sj'StemS CODSUItantS e 79-811B Country Club Drive, Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 Southern California Phone (760) 345-1588, Fax (760) 345-7315 Boring No: 1 Drilling Date: April 1, 1998. Project Name: Lot 44 -Enclave ' ' A _ Drilling Method: 8" HSA Project Number: SS -6787 -PT k Drill Type: CME 45 Boring Location: Pei Plan Logged By: K. Hewes Sample o Type Penetration Resistance � v � DESCRIPTION OFUNITS a (Blows/6") A 0 U Silty Sand; dark brown, very fine to fine grained, silt, clay layers to 1/8" _ 12,18 S M °101.0 3.5 , thick (medium frequency), micaceous, slightly moist, medium dense, low to noplasticity _ 13,17 ML 109.8 12.6 5 @ 3' Clayey Silt; dark brown, very fine sand, trace mica, trace gravel 16,19 - - 12.3 to 1/4", slightly moist, stiff, low to medium plasticity, clay layers to _ 1/4" (medium frequency) " - @ 5' gravel_ to 1/2" in diameter (low frequency) 10 13,18 113.3 16.910 - @ 'gra " (low frequency), clay layers and lenses vel to 3/4 _ Clay; olive brown to dark brown with some rust discoloration, thinly _ laminated clay, thin sand and silt laminations, roots to 1/8" in diameter (low frequency), decomposed, trace mica, slightly moist, 6,8 CL 93.1 15 19.2 _ Total Depth = 15' ` No Groundwater Encountered 20 No Bedrock Encountered + 25 30 � . • • 35 . 40 i Note: The stratification lines shown represent the approximate boundary, between soil and/or rock types and the transition may be gradual.. # Page l of 1 ' Earth Systems Consultants' Southern California 79-811B Country Club Drive, Bermuda Dunes, -CA 92201 Phone (760) 345-1588 Fax r7601 345-7315 Boring No: 2 Drilling Date: April 1, 1998 Project Name: Lot 44 - Enclave Drilling Method: 8" HSA Project Number: SS -6787-P1 Drill Type: CME 45 Boring Location: Per Plan Logged By: K. Hewes .. Sample a b% y 1;,Type a Penetration Resistance UA N DESCRIPTION OF UNITS A y d (Blows/6") i~ U , A 0 _ Silty Sand; dark brown, very fine to fine grained, silt, micaceous, thin clay _ 16,26 _ SM 104.2 3.3 layersto'1/4" (low frequency), slightly moist, medium dense, no to low plasticity _ 16,26 ML 114.5 10.0 5 , @ 3' Clayey Silt; dark brown, trace gravel to 1/4" (low frequency), trace _ 16,24 109.4 14.0 mica, very fine grained sand, clay layers to 1/4" thick, slightly moist, _ stiff, medium plasticity 10 8,14 87.3 .15.5 @ 10' sand and silt laminations (low frequency), trace gravel to 1/4" _ (low frequency) - Clay; olive brown to light brown with some rust discoloration, trace 15 sand and silt laminations, trace mica, very thinly laminated clay, no , - 9,10 CL 85.9 22.9 evident roots, moist, medium stiff, medium to high plasticity Clayey Silt as above@ 3', very fine grained sand layers, roots to - - 1/4" (medium to low frequency, decomposed, collapsed), clay 18.3 laminations (medium to high frequency), medium plasticity 8,12 ML 95.2 20 - Total Depth = 20' - No Groundwater.Encountered 25 No Bedrock Encountered 30 35 40 Note: The stratification lines shown represent the approximate boundary —between soil and/or rock types and the transition may be gradual. Page 1 of1 ' Earth Systems Consultants Southern California 79-811B Country Club Drive, Bermuda Dunes, CA 92201 Phone (760) 345-1588 Fax (760) 345-7315 Boring No: 3 Drilling Date: April 1, 1998 Project Name: Lot 44 - Enclave Drilling Method: 8" HSA Project Number: SS -6787-P1 Drill Type: CME 45 Borin Location: Per Plan Logged By: K. Hewes ... Sample ,, o v Type y Penetration Resistance CIO q 14 o DESCRIPTION OF UNITS A d (Blows/6") q �.. o 0 Silty Sand; dark gray brown, very fine to fine grained, silt, micaceous, 15131- :: SM 100.2 2.9 some clay layers to 1/4" thick (low frequency), slightly moist to dry, _ medium dense, nonplastic 16,23 ML 112.5 10.4 5 .8.6 @ 3' Clayey Silt, dark brown, very fine grained sand, trace mica, trace _ 21,28 119.8 gravel to 1/4" (low frequency), clay, slightly moist, stiff, medium _ plasticity - @ T as above�@i3', sand and silt laminations (low to medium frequency), clay laminations (medium frequency) 10 10,14 103.7 1.6 @ 10' roots to 1/16" in diameter (low frequency, decomposed), voids - 1/16" in diameter (low frequency), clay and sand laminations as above at 5' Clay; olive brown to light brown, thinly laminated clay, very micaceous, _ sand layers to 1/2" thick (medium frequency), slightly moist, medium 10,12 JW 1 86.8 .14.3 15 stiff medium tohigh plasticity _ Total Depth = 15' No Groundwater Encountered 20 ' No Bedrock Encountered 25 , 30 35 40 Note:. The stratification lines shown represent the approximate boundary between soil and/or rock types and the transition may be gradual. Page 1 of 1 1 t � d Note:. The stratification lines shown represent the approximate boundary between soil and/or rock types and the transition may be gradual. Page 1 of 1 1 File Name: Lot 44 -Enclave rile No.: SS-67tS7 SYMBOLS COMMONLY USED ON BORING LOGS Modified California Split Barrel Sampler Modified California Split Barrel Sampler - No Recovery StandardPenetration Test.(SPT) Sampler Standard Penetration Test (SPT) Sampler - No Recovery 7 Perched Water Level ' Water Level First Encountered V Water Level After Drilling Q Pocket Penetrometer (tsf) Vane Shear (ksf) . t 1. The location of borings were approximately determined by pacing and siting from visible features. Elevations of borings are approximately determined by interpolation between plan contours. The location and elevation of the borings should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the method used. 2. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between soil types and the transition may - be gradual. 3. Water level readings have been made in the drill holes at times and under conditions stated on the boring logs. This data has been reviewed and interpretations made in the text of this report. However, it must be noted shat fluctuations,in the level of the groundwater may occur due to variations in -rainfall, tides, temperature, and"other factors at the time measurements, weremade. Earth Systems Consultants Southern •California -Yl SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM • (Modified from U.S.C.5) MAJOR DIVISIONS GRAPHIC] LETTER TYPICAL DESCRIPTIONS SYMBOL SYMBOL GRAVEL AND GW Well -graded gravels, gravel -sand GRAVELLY mixtures, little or no fines SOILS CLEAN GRAVELS GP Poorly -graded gravels, gravel -sand 1., mixtures, little or no fines M E E• J COARSE More than 50% of GRAINED SOILS coarse fraction %0 GM Silty gravels, gravel -sand -silt retained on No. 4 0. M. Me U. me as 0 mixtures sieve GC Clayey gravels, gravel -sand -clay GRAVELS WITH F 11 E, INS mixtures SW Well -graded sands, gravelly sands, . . . . . . . .little or no fines More than 50% of SAND AND CLEAN SAND material is ja= SANDY SOILS (little or no fines) ...................... SP Poorly -graded sands, gravelly than No. 200 sands, little or no fines sieve size • SM Silty sands, sand -silt mixtures More than 50% of SAND WITH FINES coarse traction (Appreciable Sc Clayey sands, sand -clay mixtures passing No. 4 amount of fines) sieve Inorganic silts and very fine sands, ML rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands or clayey silts with slight plasticity Inorganic days of low to medium FINE-GRAINED LIQUID LIMIT CL plasticity, gravelly clays. sandy SOILS LEaa THAN 50 clays, silty clays, lean clays 1111111 ' OL Organic silts and organic silty clays _ 1111111 of low plasticity SILTS AND Inorganic silts, micaceous, or CLAYS MH diatomaceous fine sand or silty soils More than 50% of material is smaller LIQUID LIMIT CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat than No. 200 GREATERTHAN 50 clays sieve size OH Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts yyyyyy HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS yyyyyy PT Peat, humus, swamp soils with high organic contents yyyyyy Earth Systems Consultants Southern California �-1 April 10, 1998 i. ,' -2- File No. SS -6787-P1• 98-04-715 ' ' IN-PLACE DENSITIES t + " BORING & DEPTH DRY DENSITY _ % MOISTURE 1 @ 1.0. 101.0 3.5 ' 3.0 109.8 12.6 5.0 -- 12.3 10.0 113.3 16.9 . 15.0 911 19.2 `. 2 @ 1.0 104:2 3.3 3.0 } 114.5 10.0 5.0 ' 109.4. 14.0 10.0 87.3 15.5 15.0 85.9 22.9 ' 20.0 .95.2 18:3 - 3 @ 1.0 -100.2 2.9 . - 3.010.4 10.4 5.0 119.8. 8.6- .610.0103.7 -1:6 ' 15.0 ., d 86.8 114.3 f ' EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHERN. CALIFORNIA SS -6787 -PI Apr '8, •1998 tPARTICLE SIZE ANALYSIS ASTM D-422 JOB NAME: Tract 25237, Lot 44 SAMPLE ID: Boring #1 @ 0; 5 a SAMPLE DESCRIPTION: F Sandy Silt'(ML) ' PARTICLE SHAPE: Angular _ f Dispersion Aparatus: Type A Length of Dispersion, min: 1.0 SIEVE SIZE % PASSING i 'SIEVE SIZE % PASSING 3„ 100.0 #16 96.3 2" 100.0 #30 95.0 ' 1. 1/2" 100.0 _ 450 91.0 , 1.. 100.0 f: -#.10.0 76.7 3/4" - r. 100.0 *200: 54.4 ' 1/2" 98.6 -69 Micron 5.3 , 3/8" 98.6 52 Micron 4.4 #4 ;` 98.3 •, 6 Micron 2.1 ' #10 97.7 _ •, 3 Micron 1.5' SAND % SILT,. % 3 MICRON CLAY ` 43.9 . 52.9 _ 15 EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS SOUTHERN. CALIFORNIA SS -6787-P1 Apr 8, 1998 MAXIMUM DENSITY /'OPTIMUM MOISTURE ASTM D 1557-91 (Modified) JOB NAME: Tract 25237, Lot 44 PROCEDURE USED: A SAMPLE I.D.:. 1 Boring #1 @'0-5' PREP METHOD: Moist LOCATION: Native RAMMER TYPE: Mechanical DESCRIPTION: Dark Olive Brown F Sandy Silt (ML.) SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 2.65 (assumed) SIEVE SIZE % RET 1 Max Density, pcf 125.0 3/4" 0.0 Opt Moisture, % 10.6 "3/,8" 0.0 #4 0.0 130 - ............................. ................ .............. .................. ....... ......... .. ... .. .. .. .. ... L::::::.............. 1 ... 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I 1.... .. t� 1 .............. 122 _......:...................... ................ ....:.................... .....:....: .:...... ............:....................... . ... � 121....... ........ ....... :............... :... ... ....... ........ ....... ...... .. .. .. .. .. ... .. .. ... .. .. .. .. .. -::..::.:..: 120 :............ .....1. .........:: ............................... ::1::..: 119 _..............1......................................:.... .. .. ............ ..: .......:..... .. .. .. .. .....:............ ... .........:... .. .- .. . ... .. .. 1 118 ........................:.....:...... ............. ..... 1y ....:..::........... .................:............................ ............... .... .....::................:: ..... ........:.:. . :: .. :: :17 ... ... .. .. .. .. .. ...: I .... ..:..................................... ... ............... . f .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. ..116 .._. .. .. ' 1I5 .... ...... ........ ... ............... ............. ....... ....... ....... ...... .. ..... ............... ........ ....... ....... ..... . ....... ....... ....... ...... 5 6 7 8 9 10 Il 12 13 4 14 15 16 1.7 III3 19 20 MOISTURE CONTENT, percent / Compaction Curve 1 EARTH SYSTEMS CONSULTANTS, SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA '