BCOM2015-0065 Title 24BUILDING ENERGY ANALYSIS REPORT PROJECT: TENANT IMPROVEMENT 78471 & 78487 HWY 111 LA QUINTA, CA Project Designer: RECEIVED DEC 0 9 2015 CITY OF LA QUINTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Report Prepared by: PERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT, INC. CITY OF LA QUINTA BUILDING & SAFETY DEPT, APPF� VED FOR CONST UCTION DATE 2J ob Number: T15 -2357R Date: 12/4/2015 The EnergyPro computer program has been used to perform the calculations summarized in this compliance report. This program has approval and is authorized by the California Energy Commission for use with both the Residential and Nonresidential 2013 Building Energy Efficiency Standards. This program developed by EnergySoft, LLC—www.energysoft.com. EnerovPro 6.7 by EnergvSo/t User Number: 1919 ID: T15 -2357R ■ r/7L I TABLE OF CONTENTS Cover Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Form ENV -01 -E Envelope Component Approach 3 Form ENV -02-E Fenestration Worksheet 7 Form ENV -04-E Daylit Zone Worksheet 10 Form ENV -06-E Area Weighted Average Calculation Worksheet 12 Form ENV -MM Envelope Mandatory Measures 14 Form MCH -01-E Mechanical Systems 15 Form MCH -02-E HVAC System Requirements 19 Form MCH -03-E Mechanical Ventilation and Reheat 22 Form MCH -04-E Required Acceptance Tests 24 Form MCH -05-E Requirements for Packaged Single Zone Units 27 Form MCH -07-E Fan Power Consumption 29 Form PLB-01-E Water Heating System 32 HVAC System Heating and Cooling Loads Summary 34 Zone Load Summary 36 Room Load Summary 38 Room Heating Peak Loads 40 Room Cooling Peak Loads 42 Room Cooling Coil Loads 44 r I EnergyPro 6.7 by EnergySoft Job Number: ID: T15 -2357R User Number: 1919 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENVELOPE COMPONENT APPROACH MY} CEC-NRCC-ENV-01-E Revised 05115 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION — CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-ENV-01-E Envelope Component Approach (Page 1 of 4) P.J..Nama TENANT IMPROVEMENT ° "apand 12/4/2015 A. GENERAL INFORMATION 1 2 1 Project Location: 78471 8& 78487 HWY 111 6 Compliance Method: ---0Component ❑Unconditioned (file 9 10 11 Affidavit) 2 CA City and Zip Code: LA QUINTA, 7 Building Front Orientation (deg or cardinal): 45 deg 3 Climate Zone: b 8 Phase of construction ❑ New Construction ❑ Addition ❑ Alteration 4 Total Conditioned Floor 4,318 9 Building Types) ❑ Nonresidential ❑ High -Rise Residential ❑ Hotel/Motel Guest Room 4.2.2-A5 Area: 0.0 0.075 5 ❑ Schools (Public School) ❑ Relocatable Public School Bldg. 12 Conditioned Spaces ❑ Unconditioned Spaces Wall Wood 2x4 @ 16 1 ❑ Skylight Area for Large Enclosed Space> 5000 ft' (If checked include the NRCC-ENV-04-E with submittal) 11 0. ENVELOPE DETAILS — Framed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Tag/ID Assembly Type Frame Frame Frame Material Depth Spacing Appendix JA4 Reference Cavity R -value Continuous Insulation R -value Proposed U -Factor Required U -Factor From Tables, B, C, D Field Inspection Comments 1 Roof Wood 2x4 @ 16 4.2.2-A5 19 0.0 0.075 0.075 Default Roof Prior to 197 2 Wall Wood 2x4 @ 16 4.3.1-A2 11 0.0 10.110 0.110 1 Default Wall Prior to 197 C. ENVELOPE DETAILS — Non -framed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Tag/ID Assembly Type Assembly Materials Thickness (inches) Interior or Core Insulation R -value Continuous Insulation R -value Appendix JA4 Reference Proposed U -Factor Required U -Factor from Tables, B, C, D Field Inspection Comments D. ENVELOPE DETAILS — Mass 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Mass Tag/ID Type Density (lb/ft') Mass Thickness (inches) Furring Strip Thickness (inches) Interior Insulation R -value Exterior Insulation R -value Appendix JA4 Reference Proposed Insulation U -factor Required U -Factor from Tables, B, C, D Field Inspection Comments CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENVELOPE COMPONENT APPROACH as CEC-NRCC-ENV-01-E Revised 05/15 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-ENV-01-E Envelope Component Approach (Page 2 of 4) Prolm N,,e: TENANT IMPROVEMENT o+ta Prawred: 12/4/2015 E. ROOFING PRODUCTS (COOL ROOF) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Mass Roof 25 lb ft2 or greater Roof Pitch CRRC Product ID Number Product Type Proposed Minimum Required Comments Aged Solar Thermal SRI= Aged Solar Thermal SRI Reflectance Emittance (Optional) Reflectance Emittance (optional) ❑ ❑1 ❑ ❑' ❑ 1 ❑' ❑ An aged solar reflectance less than 0.63 is allowed provided the maximum roof/ ceiling LI -factor in TABLE 140.3 is not exceeded ❑ High-rise residential buildings and Hotels and Motels with low -sloped roofs in Climate Zones 1 through 8, 12 and 16 are exempted from aged Solar Reflectance and emittance requirements. ❑ High-rise residential buildings and Hotels and Motels with steep -sloped roofs in Climate Zones 1 and 16 are exempt from aged Solar Reflectance and emittance requirements. O The roof area covered by building integrated photovoltaic panels and building integrated solar thermal panels are exempt from aged Solar Reflectance and emittance requirements To apply Liquid Field Applied Coatings, the coating must be applied across the entire roof surface and meet the dry mil thickness or coverage recommended by the coatings manufacturer and meet minimum performance requirements listed in §130.8(i)4. Select the applicable coating: ❑ Aluminum -Pigmented Asphalt Roof Coating ❑ Cement -Based Roof Coating ❑ Other NOTES: 1. Check the box if the aged Solar reflectance was not available in the Cool Roof Rating Council's Rated product Directory, Then use the equation in Section 110.8(i)2 where the Initial Reflectance value from the some directory and use the equation (0.2+8(p;,;v„ —0.2) to obtain o calculated aged value. Where p is the Initial Solor Reflectance and 8 is either set to 0.65 for Field -Applied Coatings or it is set to 0.70 for all other roofing products other than Field -Applied Coating. 2. Calculate the SRI Value by using the SRI -Worksheet at (TBD) and enter the resulting value in the SRI Column above and attach a copy for the SRI -Worksheet NRCC-ENV-03-E to the to this form. F. Air Barrier 1 2 3 4 5 NameNa Air Barrier Air Barrier Whole Building me Material Type Assembly Type Air Leakage Testing Comments CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENVELOPE COMPONENT APPROACH CEC-NRCC-ENV-01-E (Revised 05115) CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-ENV-01-E Envelope Component Approach (Page 3 of 4) vrcl.aw.m.: TENANT IMPROVEMENT °a8"0P'"a` 12/4/2015 G. FENESTRATION PROPOSED AREAS AND EFFICIENCIES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 30 11 12 Orientation Surface N, S, W, E 1i of Max Max Min Conditions Tag/ID Fenestration Type Area or Roof Panes LI -Factor Overhang (R)SHGC VT Label Status Comments H. ENVELOPE MANDATORY MEASURES Indicate location on building plans of Mandatory Envelope Measures Note Block: ENV -MM INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANT ENVELOPE COMPLIANCE & WORKSHEETS (check box if worksheet are included) For detailed instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, please refer to the Nonresidential Compliance Manual. 0 NRCC-ENV-01-E Certificate of Compliance. Required on plans for all submittals. 0 NRCC-ENV-04-E Use when minimum skylight requirements for large enclosed spaces are required in climate zones 2 through 15. Optional on plans. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENVELOPE COMPONENT APPROACH CEC-NRCC-ENV-01•E Revised 05/15 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION � CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-ENV-01-E Envelope Component Approach (Page 4 of 4) TENANT IMPROVEMENT D98°`°P"°d` 12/4/2015 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1. 1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Name: Documentation Author Signature: . Company: PERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT, INC. signature Date: 12/4/2015 Address: CEA/ HERS Certification Identificati rf►►� j7licabld 1 r � T City/State/Zip: Phone: RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: Nk 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Compliance is true and correct. 2. I am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design or system design identi I Certificate of Compliance (responsible designer). 3. The energy features and performance specifications, materials, components, and manufactured devices for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. 4. The building design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided on other applicable compliance documents, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application. 5. 1 will ensure that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance shall be made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Responsible Designer Name: Responsible Designer Signature: Company: 'Date Signed: Address: - license: city/State/Zip: Phone: CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA FENESTRATION WORKSHEET CEC-NRCC-ENV-02-E (Revised 05/15) CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Fenestration Worksheet CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION IQ NRCC-ENV-02-E (Page 1 of 3) Project Name: TENANT IMPROVEMENT I Date Prepared. 12/4/2015 I A. WINDOWS DETAILS Worksheet §140.3(a)58 and C NOTE: Newly installed fenestration shall hove a certified NFRC Label Certificate or use the CEC default tables found in Table 116-A and Table 1168. Site -built fenestration less than 1,000 ftZ, or more than or equal to1,000 ftl see Reference Nonresidential Appendix NA6. 1 2 3 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 8 1 9 10 11 12 13 14 Ta /ID g Window Type (e.g., Window -1) Surfac e Area2 Fenestration Overhang Ll -Factor SHGC VT Dimensions Calculated .0 v v N v a 3 o a` Q v v N v a 3 0 0 a Q ar W 0 v n 3 0 o a Q H V H/V Max (R)SHGC (R)SHGC Proposed Allowed 1 Window 179 1.190 1.190 0.8301 0.830 0.500 0.9 0.0 0.0 10.00 0.830 0.830 B. WEST WINDOW AREA CALCULATION See §140.3(a)5A in the Energy Standards E. Gross Exterior Wall Area A. Gross West Exterior Wall Area 1,555 ft' x 0.40 = 622 ft2 40% of Gross West Facing Exterior Wall Area; or B. West Display Linear Perimeter 0 FT x 6 ft = 0 ft West Display Perimeter Area C. Enter Larger of A or B 622 ft Maximum Standard West Area D. Enter Proposed West Window Area 0 ft Proposed West Window Area Note: If the PROPOSED WEST WINDOW AREA is greater than the MAXIMUM STANDARD WEST AREA then the envelope component approach may not be used. C. WINDOW AREA CALCULATION for all other orientations other than West - See §140.3(a)5A in the Energy Standards E. Gross Exterior Wall Area 3,226 ft' x 0.40 = 1,290 ft 40% of Gross Exterior Wall Area or F. Linear Display Perimeter 0 FT x 6 ft = 0 ftZ Display Perimeter. Area G. Enter The Larger of E or F 1 290 ft Maximum Standard Area H. Enter Proposed Window Area 179 ft Proposed Window Area Note: If the PROPOSED WINDOW AREA is greater than the MAXIMUM STANDARD AREA then the envelope component approach may not be used. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA FENESTRATION WORKSHEET CEC-NRCC-ENV-02-E (Revised 05/15) CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION IQ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-ENV-02-E Fenestration Worksheet (Page 2 of 3) Project Name: TENANT IMPROVEMENT Date Prepared: 12/4/2015 D. SKYLIGHT AREA CALCULATION See §143(a)6A in the Energy Standards Option 1 ACTUAL GROSS ROOF AREA ❑ Specific Climate Zone Metal Identification Label — Place two labels on each relocatable school building and indicate on the building plans. STANDARD ALLOWED SKYLIGHT AREA Option 2 A IF Atrium/Skylight Height is 5 55 ft; or 4,318 ftz x 0.05 = 216 ft B. IF Atrium/Skylight Height is > 55 ff ftZ x 0.10 = ft C. Proposed Skylight Area (from plans) 0 ft D. Skylight SSR %1, Z = Proposed Skylight Area Divided by Actual Gross Roof Area = 0.0 % 1. If the SKYLIGHT SSR Y. is less than or equal to 5% then choose the appropriate column in Table 140.3-8 and C and row in Table 140.3-0. 2. If the SKYLIGHT SSR % is greater than 5% then the Envelope Component Approach may not be used. E. RELOCATABLE PUBLIC SCHOOL BUILDINGS - See Section140.3(a)8 in the Energy Standards Option 1 ❑.For Specific Climate Zone, use Table 140.3-13 - Prescriptive Envelope Criteria. ❑ Specific Climate Zone Metal Identification Label — Place two labels on each relocatable school building and indicate on the building plans. Indicate location from the building plans: Option 2 ❑ For Any (All) Climate Zone, use Table 140.3-D -Prescriptive Envelope Criteria. ❑ Any (All) Climate Zone Metal Identification Label - Place two labels on each relocatable school building and indicate on the building plans. Indicate location from the building plans: CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA FENESTRATION WORKSHEET CEC-NRCC-ENV-02-E (Revised 05/15) CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION , CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-ENV-02-E Fenestration Worksheet (Page 3 of 3) Project Name: TENANT IMPROVEMENT Date Prepared: 12/4/2015 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT Q. 4.OND 1. 1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Name: Documentation Author Signature: ` f 06-30 Company: PERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT, Signature Date: 12/4/2015 Address: CEA/ HERS Certification Identification (if ap!lik iL1F . City/State/Zip: Phone: RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Compliance is true and correct. 2. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance (responsible designer). 3. The energy features and performance specifications, materials, components, and manufactured devices for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. 4. The building design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided on other applicable compliance documents, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application. 5. 1 will ensure that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance shall be made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Responsible Designer Name: Responsible Designer Signature: Company: Date Signed: Address: License: City/State/Zip: Phone: CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENVELOPE — DAYLIT ZONE WORKSHEET CEC-NRCC-ENV-04-E (Revised 05/15) CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-ENV-04-E Envelope - Daylit Zone Worksheet (Page 1 of 2) ProjeCtName: TENANT IMPROVEMENT Date Prepared: 12/4/2015 This worksheet applies only to buildings with three or fewer stories, climate zones 2 through 15, having an enclosed conditioned or unconditioned space > 5, 000ftz that is directly under a roof with a ceiling height > 15 ft and > 0.5 watts per square foot, unless exempted by the EXCEPTIONS in §140.3(c). A. MINIMUM SKYLIGHT AREA FOR LARGE ENCLOSED SPACES (definitions in §130.1(d), requirements in §140.3(c) 1. Enter building plan reference page(s) for large enclosed space ; and 2. Enter building plan reference page(s) for daylit zone plans for enclosed space or attach a separate daylit zone design plan with this form; then Go to Step 1 below. B. CALCULATE DAYLIT AREA The minimum Skylit Zone requirements can be met by using either Skylit Daylit Zones or Primary Sidelit Daylit Zones or Combinations. Step 1 Calculate the minimum prescriptively required total Daylit Zone Area, per§140.3(c)1 1. Floor area of enclosed space A 0 ft' Floor area Minimum prescriptively required total daylit area is (0.75 x floor area (A) Minimum prescriptively required Total 2. — the area of any permanent obstructions), see §140.3(c)1 &§130.1(d)lA B z 0 ft Daylit Zone Area for additional details. Step 2 Calculate Total Daylit Zone Area Skylit Daylit Zone Area, determined in accordance with §130.1(d)lA and C 0 ftz Skylit Daylit Zone Area 3. as shown on the building plans. Primary Sidelit Daylit Zone Area determined in accordance with z 0 4. §130.1(d)1B and as shown on the building plans. D ft Primary Sidelit Daylit Zone Area Areas of Primary Sidelit Daylit Zone Area that overlap with the Skylit 0 Z 5 Daylit Zone Area E ft Overlap Zone Area L Total daylit Zone Area F = C+D-E F 0 ftz Total Daylit Zone Area C. COMPARE DAYLIT ZONE AREA Step 1 Compare 1. 1 Check if Total Daylit Zone Area (F) is equal to or greater than Minimum Prescriptively Required Daylit Zone Area (B). Space PASSES if F >_ B. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ENVELOPE — DAYLIT ZONE WORKSHEET y CEC-NRCC-ENV-04-E (Revised 05/15) CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-ENV-04-E Envelope - Daylit Zone Worksheet (Page 2 of 2) Project Name: TENANT IMPROVEMENT Date Prepared:. 12/4/2015 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1. 1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Name: Documentation Author Signature: Oy �k Company: PERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPMEN' Signature Date: 12/4/2015 NA M.27 Address: CEA/ HERS Certification Identification (if a Ifda e): fit? City/State/Zip: Phone: RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT'l� I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: N 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Compliance is true and correct. 2. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance (responsible designer). 3. The energy features and performance specifications, materials, components, and manufactured devices for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. 4. The building design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided on other applicable compliance documents, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application. 5. 1 will ensure that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance shall be made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Responsible Designer Name: Responsible Designer Signature: Company: L Date Signed: Address: License: City/State/Zip: Phone: CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA AREA WEIGHTED AVERAGE CALCULATION WORKSHEET CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-ENV-06-E Area Weighted Average Calculation Worksheet (Page 1 of 2) ProledName: TENANT IMPROVEMENT Date 12/4/2015 This worksheet is used to calculate the area weighted -average values for a building envelope features such as, walls, roofs, floors, mass, and fenestration/glazing U -factors, Relative Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (RSHGC) or Visible Transmittance (VT) for the prescriptive compliance approach. R -values can never be area weighted averaged. Only U -factors, SHGC, RSHGC or VT can be used. When a window has an overhang, calculate the RSHGC first (see Equation 140.3-A), then determine the weighted average if need be. Weighted averaging is used when there is more than one level of insulation or more than one type of window and one or more type of fenestration which would not meet prescriptive compliance requirements. Each fenestration type (e.g., vertical windows, skylights, dynamic glazing, and window films) are treated independently or cannot be combined. Weight averaging is not allowed for chromogenic glazing. A. Area Weighted Average Calculation Item/ Tag No. Type 1 Value' Tag Type 1 Areal Vertical Fenestration U -Factor Type 2 Value' n/a Type 2 Areal n/a Type 3 Value' VFSa Type 3 Areal VFSp Total Area Vertical Fenestration VT Area Weighted Average Value n/a VFVp n/a Skylight LI -Factor SUa n/a SUP n/a Skylight SHGC SSa I n/a SSP n/a Skylight VT SVa n/a SVP n/a Wall LI -Factor WUa n/a WUp n/a Roof U -Factor RUa n/a RUp n/a Door U -Factor DUa n/a DUp n/a [( ) X ( ) + (� X (� + ( X [( ) X ( ) + ( ) X ( ) + (� X ( [( ) X ( ) + ( ) X (� + ( X [(� X ( ) + (� X (� + ( X - --r= , 1. "Value" can be replaced throughout the formula by "U factor'; 'Relative Solar Heat Gain Coefficient, Visible Transmittance" or any other value that varies throughout Nonresidential and is appropriate to weight average. Mixture of different units not allowed. 2. Area" can be replaced throughout the formula by 'length" or any other unit of measure used for the value being averaged. Mixture of different units not allowed. 3. Enter the above Weighted Average Value on the NRCC-ENV-01-E and NRCC-ENV-02-E form and attach this sheet. Area Weighted Averages Tag Allowed Tag Proposed Complies Vertical Fenestration U -Factor VFUa n/a VFUp n/a Vertical Fenestration SHGC VFSa n/a VFSp n/a Vertical Fenestration VT VFVa n/a VFVp n/a Skylight LI -Factor SUa n/a SUP n/a Skylight SHGC SSa I n/a SSP n/a Skylight VT SVa n/a SVP n/a Wall LI -Factor WUa n/a WUp n/a Roof U -Factor RUa n/a RUp n/a Door U -Factor DUa n/a DUp n/a Floor U -Factor FUa n/a FUp n/a CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA AREA WEIGHTED AVERAGE CALCULATION WORKSHEET CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-ENV-06-E Area Weighted Average Calculation Worksheet (Page 2 of 2) Project Name: TENANT IMPROVEMENT Dd1e 12/4/2015 y DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1. 1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Name: Documentation Author Signature: 'Z Company: PERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPME Signature Date: 12/4/2015 rn Address: CEA/ HERS Certification Identification (if app 1. r � City/State/Zip: Phone: RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Compliance is true and correct. 2. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance (responsible designer). 3. The energy features and performance specifications, materials, components, and manufactured devices for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. 4. The building design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided on other applicable compliance documents, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application. 5. 1 will ensure that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance shall be made available with the building permit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Responsible Designer Name: Responsible Designer Signature: Company: Date Signed: Address: License: City/State/Zip: Phone: CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 ENVELOPE MANDATORY MEASURES: NONRESIDENTIAL ENV -MM Project Name Date TENANT IMPROVEMENT 12/4/2015 DESCRIPTION Building Envelope Measures: §110.8(a): Installed insulating material shall have been certified by the manufacturer to comply with the California Quality Standards for insulating material, Title 20 Chapter 4, Article 3. §110.8(c): All Insulating Materials shall be installed in compliance with the flame spread rating and smoke density requirements of Sections 2602 and 707 of Title 24, Part 2. §110.8(f): The opaque portions of framed demising walls in nonresidential buildings shall have insulation with an installed R -value of no less than R-13 between framing members. §110.7(a): All Exterior Joints and openings in the building that are observable sources of air leakage shall be caulked, gasketed, weatherstripped or otherwise sealed. Manufactured fenestration products and exterior doors shall have air infiltration rates not exceeding 0.3 cfm/ft.z of §110.6(a): window area, 0.3 cfm/ft.z of door area for residential doors, 0.3 cfm/ft.z of door area for nonresidential single doors (swinging and sliding), and 1.0 cfm/ft.2 for nonresidential double doors (swinging). §110.6(a): Fenestration U -factor shall be rated in accordance with NFRC 100, or the applicable default U -factor. §110.6(a) : Fenestration SHGC shall be rated in accordance with NFRC 200, or NFRC 100 for site -built fenestration, or the applicable default SHGC. §110.6(b): Site Constructed Doors, Windows and Skylights shall be caulked between the unit and the building, and shall be weatherstripped (except for unframed glass doors and fire doors). Ener Pro 6.7 by Ener Soft User Number: 1919 RunCode: 2015-12-04709:23:47 /D: T15 -2357R Page 14 of 45 STATE OF CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL SYSTEMS r•��t "01-0 CEC-NRCC-MCH-01-E Revised 05/15 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION - CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-MCH-01-E Mechanical Systems (Page 1 of 4) TENANT IMPROVEMENT DaePfp1ed1 12/4/2015 A. MECHANICAL COMPLIANCE FORMS & WORKSHEETS (check box if worksheet is included) For detailed instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, refer to the 2013 Nonresidential Manual Note: The Enforcement Agency may require all forms to be incorporated onto the building plans. YES NO Form/Worksheet q Title 0 ❑ NRCC-MCH-01-E (Part 1 of 3) Certificate of Compliance, Declaration. Required on plans for all submittals. 0 ❑ NRCC-MCH-01-E (Part 2 of 3) Certificate of Compliance, Required Acceptance Tests (MCH -02A to 13A). Required on plans for all submittals. 0 ❑ NRCC-MCH-01-E (Part 3 of 3) Certificate of Compliance, Required Acceptance Tests (MCH -12A to 18A). Required on plans where applicable. 0 ❑ NRCC-MCH-02-E (Part 1 of 2) Mechanical Dry Equipment Summary is required for all submittals with Central Air Systems. It is optional on plans. 0 ❑ NRCC-MCH-02-E (Part 2 of 2) Mechanical Wet Equipment Summary is required for all submittals with chilled water, hot water or condenser water systems. It is optional on plans. E3 ❑ NRCC-MCH-03-E Mechanical Ventilation and Reheat is required for all submittals with multiple zone heating and cooling systems. It is optional on plans. 0 ❑ NRCC-MCH-07-E (Part 1 of 2) jPower Consumption of Fans. Required on plans where applicable 0 ❑ NRCC-MCH-07-E (Part 2 of 2) jPower Consumption of Fans, Declaration. Required on plans where applicable CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL SYSTEMS 1-59V CEC-NRCC-MCH-01-E Revised 05/15 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION � CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-MCH-01-E Mechanical Systems (Page 2 of 4) °rota'Nam' TENANT IMPROVEMENT °aBrpaed` 12/4/2015 B. MECHANICAL HVAC ACCEPTANCE FORMS (check box for required forms) Test Performed By: Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below are all the acceptance tests for HVAC systems: The designer is required to check the applicable boxes for all acceptance tests that apply and list all equipment that requires an acceptance test. All equipment of the same type that requires a test, list the equipment description and the number of systems. Installing Contractor: The contractor who installed the equipment is responsible to either conduct the acceptance test them self or have a qualified entity run the test for them. If more than one person has responsibility for the acceptance testing, each person shall sign and submit the Certificate of Acceptance applicable to the portion of the construction or installation for which they are responsible. Enforcement Agency: Plancheck —The NRCC-MCH-01-E form is not considered a completed form and is not to be accepted by the building department unless the correct boxes are checked. Inspector - Before occu anc permit is granted all newly installed process systems must be tested to ensure proper operations. Test Description MCH -02A MCH -03A MCH -04A MCH -05A MCH -06A MCH -07A MCH -08A MCH -09A MCH -10A MCH -11A Demand Equipment Air Hydronic Automatic # of Outdoor Single Zone Economizer Control Supply Fan Valve Leakage Requiring Testing Distribution Supply Water System Demand Shed Units Air Unitary Controls Ventilation VAV Test or Verification Ducts Temp. Reset Variable Flow Control (DCV) Control ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ 1 ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL SYSTEMS CEC-NRCC-MCH-01-E Revised 05/15 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-MCH-01-E Mechanical Systems (Page 3 of 4) P,*.Ni"°` TENANT IMPROVEMENT ° °fepaed` 12/4/2015 C. MECHANICAL HVAC ACCEPTANCE FORMS (check box for required forms) Test Performed By: Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below are all the acceptance tests for HVAC systems. The designer is required to check the applicable boxes for all acceptance tests that apply and list all equipment that requires an acceptance test. All equipment of the same type that requires a test, list the equipment description and the number of systems. Installing Contractor: The contractor who installed the equipment is responsible to either conduct the acceptance test them self or have a qualified entity run the test for them. If more than one person has responsibility for the acceptance testing, each person shall sign and submit the Certificate of Acceptance applicable to the portion of the construction or installation for which they are responsible. The following tests require a Enforcement Agency: Plancheck —The NRCC-MCH-01-E form is not considered a completed form and is not to be accepted by the building department unless the correct boxes are checked. Inspector - Before occupancy permit is granted all newly installed process systems must be tested to ensure proper operations. Test Description MCH -12A MCH -13A MCH -14A MCH-1SA MCH -16A MCH -17A MCH -18A Equipment pof Automatic Fault Fault Detection & Distributed Energy Thermal Energy Requiring Testing units Detection & Supply Air Condenser Water Diagnostics for DX Diagnostics for Air & Storage DX AC Storage (TES) or Verification Temperature Reset Reset Controls ECN1S Units Zone Systems Systems Controls ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL SYSTEMS CEC-NRCC-MCH-01-E Revised 05/15 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-MCH-01-E Mechanical Systems (Page 4 of 4) DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1. 1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Name: Documentation Author Signature: t company: PERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT, INC. Signature Date: 12/4/2015 Address: CEA/ HERS Certification Identification (if appiic * city/state/Zip: Phone: •�CNAN�G �\ RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Compliance is true and correct. 2. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance (responsible designer). 3. The energy features and performance specifications, materials, components, and manufactured devices for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Part i and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. 4. The building design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provide :o .off Epp I mpliance documents, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit applicatio ��`+ 5. 1 will ensure that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance shall be made available with the building permit(s) issued for the:'ulI E�a4GRnade a alfab tp`the enforcement a•� �e� c,. agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance is required to be includeds�vliti, e''�i�ocumen' fiatVo t e.� 'der provides to the building owner at occupancy. i,��+v _ Responsible Designer Name: RAYMOND M. ZHONG, P.E. Responsible Designer Signature: Company: PERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT, INC. Date Signed: Afi "" M F r_ Address: 2416 W. VALLEY BLVD License: 1 A City/State/Zip: ALHAMBRA, CA 91803 Phone: (626)280 8 8% rrCMAN\:i CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA HVAC SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS CEC-NRCC-MCH-02-E (Revised 05/15) CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-MCH-02-E HVAC Dry System Requirements (Page 1 of 3) Project Name: TENANT IMPROVEMENT Date Prepared: 12/4/2015 A. Equipment Tags and System Description' AC -1 AREA I PHP -2 AREA B. MANDATORY MEASURES T-24 Sections Reference to the Requirements in the Contract Documents2 Heating Equipment Efficiency3 110.1 or 110.2(a) Cooling Equipment Efficiency3 110.1 or 110.2(a) HVAC or Heat Pump Thermostats 110.2(b), 110.2(c) Furnace Standby Loss Control 110.2(d) Low leakage AH Us 110.2(f) Ventilation 120.1(b) Demand Control Ventilations 120.1(c)4 Occupant Sensor Ventilation Contro16 120.1(c)5, 120.2(e)3 Shutoff and Reset Controls' 120.2(e) Outdoor Air and Exhaust Damper Control 120.2(f) Isolation Zones 120.2(g) Automatic Demand Shed Controls 120.2(h) Economizer FDD 120.2(i) Duct Insulation 120.4 C. PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Equipment is sized in conformance with 140.4(a & b) Y Y/N Y Y/N Y/N 140.4(a&b) Supply Fan Pressure Control 140.4(c) Simultaneous Heat/C0018 140.4(d) Economizer 140.4(e) Heat and Cool Air Supply Reset 140.4(f) Electric Resistance Heating9 140.4(g) Duct Leakage Sealing and Testing.10 140.4(1) Notes: 1. Provide equipment tags (e.g. AHU 1 to 10) and system description (e.g. Single Duct VAV reheat) as appropriate. Multiple units with common requirements can be grouped together. 2. Provide references to plans (i.e. Drawing Sheet Numbers) and/or specifications (including Section name/number and relevant paragraphs) where each requirement is specified. Enter "N/A" if the requirement is not applicable to this system. 3. The referenced plans and specifications must include all of the following information: equipment tag, equipment nominal capacity, Title 24 minimum efficiency requirements, and actual rated equipment efficiencies. Where multiple efficiency requirements are applicable (e.g. full- and part -load) include all. Where appliance standards apply (110.1), identify where equipment is required to be listed per Title 201601 et seq. 4. Identify where the ventilation requirements are documented for each central HVAC system. Include references to both central unit schedules and sequences of operation. If one or more space is naturally ventilated identify where this is documented in the plans and specifications. Multiple zone central air systems must also provide a MCH -03-E form. 5. If one or more space has demand controlled ventilation identify where it is specified including the sensor specifications and the sequence of operation. 6. If one or more space has occupant sensor ventilation control identify where it is specified including the sensor specifications and the sequence of operation 7. If the system is DDC identify the sequences for the system start/stop, optimal start, setback (if required) and setup (if required). For all systems identify the specification for the thermostats and time clocks (if applicable). 8. Identify where the heating, cooling and deadband airflows are scheduled for this system. Include a reference to the specification of the zone controls. Provide a MCH -03-E form. 9. Enter N/A if there is no electric heating. If the system has electric heating indicate which exception to 140.4(8) applies. 10. If duct leakage sealing and testing is required, a MCH -04-A form must be submitted. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA HVAC WET SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS - rOrniorr_hArWJYLCID—A-1 AA11 Al CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-MCH-02-E HVAC Wet System Requirements (Page 2 of 3) . Project Name: TENANT IMPROVEMENT Date Prepared: 12/4/2015 A. Equipment Tags and System Description' F I B. MANDATORY MEASURES Heating Hot Water Equipment Efficiency3 Cooling Chilled and Condenser Water Equipment Efficiency3 Open and Closed Circuit Cooling Towers conductivity or flow -based controls Open and Closed Circuit Cooling Towers Maximum Achievable Cycles of Concentration (LSI )6 Open and Closed Circuit Cooling Towers Flow Meter with analog output Open and Closed Circuit Cooling Towers Overflow Alarm Open and Closed Circuit Cooling Towers Efficient Drift Eliminators Pipe Insulation C. PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Cooling Tower Fan Controls Cooling Tower Flow Controls Centrifugal Fan Cooling Towers° Air -Cooled Chiller Limitations Variable Flow System Design Chiller and Boiler Isolation CHW and HHW Reset Controls WLHP Isolation Valves VSD on CHW, CW & WLHP Pumps >SHP DP Sensor Location Notes - T -24 Sections 110.1 110.1, 140.4(1) 110.2(e) 1 110.2(e) 2 110.2(e) 3 110.2(e) 4 110.2(e) S 120.3 140.4(h)2, 140. 140.4(h) 3 140.4(k) 140.4(k) 140.4(k) 140.4(k) Reference to the Requirements in the Contract Documentsz Y/N I Y/N I Y/N 1. Provide equipment tags (e.g. CH 1 to 3) or system description (e.g. CHW loop) as appropriate. Multiple units with common requirements can be grouped together. 2. Provide references to plans (i.e. Drawing Sheet Numbers) and/or specifications (including Section name/number and relevant paragraphs) where each requirement is specified. Enter "NIA "if the requirement is not applicable to this system. 3. The referenced plans and specifications must include all of the following information: equipment tog, equipment nominal capacity, Title 24 minimum efficiency requirements, and actual rated equipment efficiencies. Where multiple efficiency requirements are applicable (e.g. full- and part -load) include all. For chillers operating at non-standard efficiencies provide the Kadj values. For chillers also note whether the efficiencies are Path A or Path B. 4. Identify if cooling towers have propeller fans. If towers use centrifugal fans document which exception is used. 5. If air-cooled chillers are used, document which exceptions have been used to comply with 140.4(j) and the total installed design capacity of the air-cooled chillers in the chilled water plant. 6. Identify the existence of a completed MCH -06-E (when open or closed circuit cooling towers are specified to be installed, otherwise enter "N/A". CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA HVAC SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-MCH-02-E HVAC Wet System Requirements (Page 3 of 3) Project Name: TENANT IMPROVEMENT Date Prepared: 12/4/2015 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT O I 1. 1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. t y Documentation Author Name: Documentation Author Signature:Z c� M--27635 -T Company: PERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT Signature Date: 12/4/2015 Exp. 1D5 17 Address: CEA/ HERS Certification Identification City/State/Zip: Phone: r F RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Compliance is true and correct. 2. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance (responsible designer). 3. The energy features and performance specifications, materials, components, and manufactured devices for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. 4. The building design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided on other applicable compliance documents, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application. - 5. 1 will ensure that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance shall be made available with th b ildm rmit(s) issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand th '" �� copy of this Certificate of Compliance is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides to;4F FI dirr �p pant . Y Responsible Designer Name: RAYMOND M. ZHONG, P.E. Responsible Designer Signature: tiKjd `N 02 t� Wen Company: PERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT Date Signed: 7r G :J t- 7G Address: 2416 W. VALLEY BLVD License: Exp. 6- -17�' i City/State/Zip: ALHAMBRA, CA 91803 one: Ph (6 08`y�� �FQF CAL\F�. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL VENTILATION AND REHEAT fpA1 2� CEC-NRCC-MCH-01E Revised 05115 CALIFORN A ENERGY COMMISSION -fir• CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-MCH-03-E Mechanical Ventilation & Reheat (Page 1 of 2) Pr°)•°N"^°TENANT IMPROVEMENT a°[efmp—d: 12/4/2015 ACTUAL DESIGN INFO (FROMEQUIPMENT VAV Reheated Primary Air VAV Deadband SCHEDULES, ETC) AREA BASIS OCCUPANCY BASIS MINIMUM CFM Primary Air CFM A B C D E F G H 1 1 K L M N 0 P Q R s T n i xZ cD~i3 x 3 o r m m o z z 3 3 a n _QQ 3 z —p "s ~ z ^ ^ 3 --. Dp o z^M D 33 0 _ p 2e D ry O 'n^z opz 'n^z nr= —p3 3 3 0 >3 ^ow^ ^zoa< °v3� 3 nz p T o0 0 3Az' inn 3p's z 3or "ap v m v 9 y� 3-0< - 30^'o Oxv ' 30� 3nZK o yon 3c> �on `o i9 z a P o all o —Aiz R' o of pZ Zo — F K t n mD y 2 AC -1 < 2,159 0.15 324 21.6 15.0 324 324 Y Total 324 PHP -2 2,159 0.15 324 21.6 15.0 324 324 Y Tota 1 324 Yellow shaded cells require user input. Remaining cells are protected and automatic B. The largest amount of primary air supplied by the terminal unit when it's operating in the cooling mode. C. The smallest amount of primary air supplied by the terminal unit in the deadband mode. D. The largest amount of primary air supplied by the terminal unit when it's operating in the heating mode. E. A terminal unit can be controlled with DDC controls, or non -DDC controls. Each control category has different reheat limitations in code. F. Transfer Air must be provided where Required Ventilation Airflow (Column M) is greater than the Design Primary Deadband Airflow (Column Q. H. Minimum ventilation rate per Section §120.1. Table 120.1-A. J. Based on number of fixed seats where applicable or the greater of the expected number of occupants and 50% of the CBC occupant load for egress purposes for spaces without fixed seating. M. Required Ventilation Airflow (Req'd Ventilation Airflow) is the larger of the ventilation rates calculated on an AREA BASIS or OCCUPANCY BASIS (Column I or L) N. This column identifies whether or not the Design Primary Deadband Airflow complies or not. It compares the value in column M to the value in column C and column F. O. Design Primary Cooling Airflow' 0.50 for DDC, Design Primary Cooling Airflow' 0.30 for Non -DDC. If the Design Primary Cooling Airflow, is less than 300 cfm, then this is not applicable. P. Maximum of Column M and Column 0. If the Design Primary Cooling Airflow is 300 cfm or less, then this is not applicable. Q. This column identifies whether or not the Design Primary Reheat Airflow at the zone level, complies or not. It compares the value in column P to the value in column D. R. Design Primary Cooling Airflow' 0.20 for DDC. Not applicable for Non -DDC zones or zones where Design Primary Cooling Airflow is 300 cfm or less. S. Maximum of Column M and Column R. Not applicable if the Design Primary Cooling Airflow is 300 cfm or less. T. This column identifies whether or not the Design Primary Deadband Airflow at the zone level, complies or not. It compares the value in column S to the value in column C. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL VENTILATION AND REHEAT CEC-NRCC-MCH-03E Revised 05/15 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION -'%iP- CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-MCH-03-E Mechanical Ventilation & Reheat (Page 2 of 2) ProJac9N... : TENANT IMPROVEMENT DatePrePa.d: 12/4/ DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT ' 1. 1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Name: Documentation Author Signature:- Company: PERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT, INC. Signature Date: 12/4/2015 Address: CEA/ HERS Certification Iden ti&ation(if applicable): Iftr City/State/Zip: phone: A RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: OF C+A�-ti� 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Compliance is true and correct. 2. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design or system design identified on this Ce fai45f' ompliance (responsible designer). 3. The energy features and performance specifications, materials, components, and manufactured devices for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. 4. The building design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information provided on other applicable compliance documents, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application. nm.� 5. 1 will ensure that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance shall be made available with the building p g p g permits) issued f ry , , I tn"fitn� 4itable to the enforcement agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance is required to be incl"u�rd W veloeu rS� lg the builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Responsible Designer Name: RAYMOND M. ZHONG, P.E. Responsible Designer Signature:* CompsPERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT, INC. Date Signed: ;!•a Adores::s: 2416 W. VALLEY BLVD ucense: n ^17 y71 city/state/zip: ALHAMBRA, CA 91803 phone: (626) 8Q, 08 -1//.1,11 v J9 cC` \ nt a TF CF CA��F� .-r CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA REQUIRED ACCEPTANCE TESTS CEC-NRCC-MCH-04-E Revised 05/15 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-MCH-04-E Required Acceptance Tests (Page 1 of 3) "°I'°".— TENANT IMPROVEMENT Dae°"°'�4` 12/4/2015 MECHANICAL COMPLIANCE FORMS & WORKSHEETS (indicate if worksheet is included) For detailed instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, refer to the 2013 Nonresidential Manual Note: The Enforcement Agency may require all forms to be incorporated onto the building plans. Forms NRCC-MCH-04-E and NRCC-MECH-05-E are alternative forms to NRCC-MCH-01-E, NRCC-MCH-02-E and NRCC- MCH-03-E for projects using only single zone packaged HVACsystems. YES NO Form Title NRCC-MCH-04-E (1 of 2) Certificate of Compliance. Required on plans when used. NRCC-MCH-04-E (2 of 2) Mechanical Acceptance Tests. Required on plans when used. NRCC-MCH-05-E (1 of 2) HVAC Prescriptive Requirements. It is required on plans when used. NRCC-MCH-05-E (2 of 2) Mechanical SWH Equipment Summary is required for all submittals with service water heating, pools or spas. It is required on plans where applicable. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA REQUIRED ACCEPTANCE TESTS CEC-NRCC-MCH-04-E Revised 05/15 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION — CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-MCH-04-E Required Acceptance Tests (Page 2 of 3) P"J" Name: TENANT I MPROVEMENT °aB P"P"etl` 12/4/2015 Designer: This form is to be used by the designer and attached to the plans. Listed below are all the acceptance tests for mechanical systems. The designer is required to check the applicable boxes by all acceptance tests that apply and list all equipment that requires an acceptance test. If all equipment of a certain type requires a test, list the equipment description and the number of systems. The NA number designates the Section in the Appendix of the Nonresidential Reference Appendices Manual that describes the test. Since this form will be part of the plans, completion of this section will allow the responsible party to budget for the scope of work appropriately. Enforcement Agency: Systems Acceptance. Before occupancy permit is granted for a newly constructed building or space, or a new space -conditioning system serving a building or space is operated for normal use, all control devices serving the building or space shall be certified as meeting the Acceptance Requirements for Code Compliance. Systems Acceptance. Before occupancy permit is granted. All newly installed HVAC equipment must be tested using the Acceptance Requirements. . The NRCC-MCH-04-E form is not considered a completed form and is not to be accepted by the building department unless the correct boxes are checked. The equipment requiring testing, person performing the test (Example: HVAC installer, TAB contractor, controls contractor, PE in charge of project) and what Acceptance test must be conducted. The following checked -off forms are required for ALL newly installed and replaced equipment. In addition a Certificate of Acceptance forms shall be submitted to the building department that certifies plans, specifications, installation certificates, and operating and maintenance information meet the requirements of Section 10-103(b) and Title 24 Part 6. The building inspector must receive the properly filled out and signed forms before the building can receive final occupancy. Test Description MCH -02-A MCH -03-A MCH -04-A MCH -05-A MCH -06-A MCH -07-A MCH -11-A MCH -12-A MCH -14-A MCH -18-A Test Performed By: Equipment N of Outdoor Single Zone Air Economizer Demand Supply Automatic FDD for Distribute Energy Requiring units Air Unitary Distribution Controls Control Fan VAV Demand Packaged d Energy Managem Testing or Ducts Ventilation Shed DX Units Storage ent Verification (DCV) Control DX AC Control Systems System CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA REQUIRED ACCEPTANCE TESTS CEC-NRCC-MCH-04-E Revised 05/15 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-MCH-04-E Required Acceptance Tests (Page 3 of 3) TENANT IMPROVEMENT Deteprepared: DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1. 1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Name: Documentation Author Signature: iYf VNIMR s Company: PERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT, INC. Signature Date: 12/4/2015 i Address: CEA/ HERS Certification Identification (if applicable): JQ r � city/stat.t ip: Phone: A� r_ ! RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENTCOW I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Compliance is true and correct. 2. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance (responsible designer). 3. The energy features and performance specifications, materials, components, and manufactured devices for the building design or system design ideentif�teda,?Qir. Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Part land Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. �' L� 4. The building design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information pro�vlded '.the ap OC'i, e� pliance documents, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application.�9p S. I will ensure that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance shall be made available with the building permit(s) issued.fo� t 15Id'�, and mdd�av 'fablb to the enforcement used U �e i agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance is required to be in,ytluded,wlih• a documentatlt)r�d et t der provides to the building owner at occupancy. 0 Aft L' ' Responsible Designer Name: Responsible DiSi esponse esgner Signature: r -Mi i RAYMOND M. ZHONG, P.E. ( �• ' -27635 � f Company: PERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT, INC. Date signed: C q, 3C_ z; / Adore::: 2416 W. VALLEY BLVD License: t A� City/state/Z+p: ALHAMBRA, CA 91803 Phone: (626) 280-814&' OQ` CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA REQUIREMENTS FOR PACKAGED SINGLE ZONE UNITS CE NR (Revised 05/15) CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION r� CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC MCH -OS -E Requirements for Packaged Single -Zone Units (Page 1 of 2) '`°"`".- TENANT IMPROVEMENT °a`°few`°"` 12/4/2015 MANDATORY MEASURES T-24 Sections Requirement' As Scheduled Requirement I As Scheduled Requirement' As Scheduled' Heating Equipment Efficiency" 110.1 or 110.2(a) 7.70 HSPF 7.00 HSPF 7.70 HSPF 7.00 HSPF Cooling Equipment Efficiency" 110.1 or 110.2(a) 13 SEER 10.0 SEER / 9. 13 SEER 10.0 SEER / 9.: Thermostats$ 110.2(b), 110.2(c) Setback Setback Setback Setback Furnace Standby Loss Controlb 110.2(d) n/a n/a Low Leakage AHU 110.2(f) NR none NR none Ventilation' 120.1(b) 324 324 324 324 Demand Control Ventilation' 120.1(c)4 NR No NR No Occupant Sensor Ventilation Control' 120.1(c)S, 120.2(e)3 Shutoff and Reset Controls' 120.2(e) Req Programmable Req Programmable t Outdoor Air and Exhaust Damper Control 120.2(f) Req Auto Req Auto Automatic Demand Shed Controls I 120.2(h) NR none NR none Economizer FDD 120.2(i) INR INR Duct Insulation 120.4 R-8 R-8.0 R-8 R-8.0 PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES Equipment is sized in conformance with 140.4(a & b) 64,445 Btu/hr 34,352 Btu/hr 64,445 Btu/hr 34,352 Btu/hr 140.4 (a & b) 79,941 Btu/hr 41,986 Btu/hr 79,941 Btu/hr 41.986 Btu/hr Economizer 140.4(e) Reg No Economize) Reg No Economizer Electric Resistance Heating10 140.4(g) No No No No Duct Leakage Sealing and Testing." 140.4(l) NR_ Yps NR ypc Notes: 1. Provide equipment tags (e.g. ACI or AC1 to 10). Multiple units of the some make and model with the some application and accessories can be grouped together. 1. Enter the following information as appropriate: Unit Manufacturer; Unit Model Number (including all accessories); Description of the unit (e.g. gos-pack or heat pump; rated heating capacity (enter "N/A" if no heating); and, rated cooling capacity (enter "NIA"if no cooling). For unit capacities include the units (e.g. kBtuh or tons). 3. For each requirement enter the minimum requirement from the Standard In the left column (under "Standard Requirement"). In the right column (under As Scheduled) enter the value for the units as specified. 4. Where there is more than one requirement (e.g. full and pan load efficiency) enter both with the appropriate labels (e.g. COP and IEER). S. In the left column identify the thermostatic requirements from the standard (e.g. programmable setback thermostat or heatpump with electric heat), . In the right column indicate the capabilities of the thermostat as scheduled. 6. If the unit hos a furnace which is rated at >=115,000 Btuh of capacity, indicate the rated standby loss and ignition source (e.g. 1ID). If there is no furnace or the unit is rated for <225,000 Btuh indicate "NIA". 7. In the left column, enter both the required ventilation value from Table 110.1A and for the number of occupants times 15 cfm/person. In the right column enter the actual minimum ventilation os scheduled. If the space is naturally ventilated enter "NIA" in the left column and 'the space is naturally ventilated" in the right column. 8. If the space is required to have either DCV or Occupant Sensor Ventilation Control indicate "required" in the left column (otherwise indicate "NIA" in the left column). lfeither DCV or Occupant Sensor Ventilation Control is provided indicate "provided" in the right column (otherwise indicate "NIA" in the right column) 9. In the left column indicate the required time controls from the standard. In the right column identify the device that provides this functionality (e.g. EMCS or programmable timeclock). 10. Enter NIA if there is no electric heating. If the system has electric heating indicate which exception to 14a4(g) applies. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA REQUIREMENTS FOR PACKAGED SINGLE ZONE UNITS CEC-NRCC-MCH-05-E Revised 05115 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-MCH-05-E Requirements for Packaged Single -Zone Units (Page 2 of 2) P,ol-N.": TENANT IMPROVEMENT DdiBPfBwRd 12/4/2015 11. If duct leakage sealing and testing is required, o MCH -04-A form must be submitted. DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1. 1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Name: Documentation Author Signature: QA , companv:PERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT, INC. signature Date: 12/4/2015 �? No. s'3 n4 Address: CEA/ HERS Certification Identification (if applicable): t Exp • 0 •�-' city/State/Zip: phone: V' RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT S% gN1G I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: F 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Compliance is true and correct. 2. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design or system design identifie o 'his 'ertificate of Compliance (responsible designer). 3. The energy features and performance specifications, materials, components, and manufactured devices for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. 4. The building design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consistent with the information.provid�d +"qt e,�' a compliance documents, worksheets, calculations, plans and specifications submitted to the enforcement agency for rti r C� p p g y approval with this building permit applat� Ct,tiyy+� \ 5. 1 will ensure that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance shall be made available with the building permit(s) is ded fQh v"C+fdiA"g�ar1� .g°a�(v�ailable to the enforcement OY agency for all applicable inspections. I understand that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance is required to be.ijye`uedv�u h the docum iion�Rfi builder provides to the building owner at occupancy. Y �N (,� \ (s i', Responsible Designer Name: RAYMOND M. ZHONG, P.E. Responsible Designer Signature: 11% ) ,� o. N4-27635� Yt! companv: PERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT, INC. Date Signed:xp. 06-30-17 �(r ll Address: 2416 W. VALLEY BLVD License: city/state/zip: ALHAMBRA, CA 91803 Phone: (626) 280-8808ne�J� CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA FAN POWER CONSUMPTION R110 CEC-NRCC-MCH-07-E Revised 55115 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-MCH-07-E Power Consumption of Fans Requirements (Page 1 of 2) Project Name: TENANT IMPROVEMENT Date Prepared: 12/4/2015 Constant Volume Fans Systems NOTE: Provide one copy of this worksheet for each fan system with a total fan system horsepower greater than 25 hp of Constant Volume Fan Systems when using the Prescriptive Approach. See Power Consumption of fans §140.4(c). A B C D E F FAN DESCRIPTION DESIGN BRAKE HP EFFICIENCY NUMBER OF FANS PEAK WATTS B x E x 746 / (C x D) MOTOR DRIVE AC -1 AREA - Supply Fan 0.850 85.5% 100,0%1 1.0 742 B) Calculate Fan Adjustment and enteron line 6. 6) Fan Adjustment = 1-(SPa —1)/SPf C) Calculate Adjusted Fan Power Index and enter on Row 7 7) ADJUSTED FAN POWER INDEX (Line 3 x Line 6)1 0.371 W/CFM 1. TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER INDEX or ADJUSTED FAN POWER INDEX must not exceed 0.8 w/cfm for Constant Volume systems or 1.25 w/cfm for VA systems. Variable Air Volume Fans Systems NOTE: Provide one copy of this worksheet for each fan system with a total fan system horsepower greater than 25 hp of Variable Air Volume (VA V) Systems when using the Prescriptive Approach. See Power Consumption of fans §140.4(c). A B C I D E F FAN DESCRIPTION DESIGN BRAKE HP EFFICIENCY NUMBER OF FANS PEAK WATTS B x E x 746 / (C x D) MOTOR DRIVE Total Fan pressure drop across the fan (SPf) on Line 5. 4) SPa in W.0 or Pa 5) SP f in W.0 or Pa B) Calculate Fan Adjustment and enteron line 6. 6) Fan Adjustment = 1-(SPa —1)/SPf C) Calculate Adjusted Fan Power Index and enter on Row 7 7) ADJUSTED FAN POWER INDEX (Line 3 x Line 6)1 0.371 W/CFM Totals and Adjustments FILTER PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT Equation 140.4-A in §140.4(c) of the Building Energy Efficiency 1) TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER (WATTS, SUM COLUMN F) 742 W 2) SUPPLY DESIGN AIRFLOW 2,000 CFM Standards. A) If filter pressure drop (SP.) is greater than 1 inch W. C. or 245 Pascal then enter SP, on line 4. Enter 1 3) TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER INDEX (Row 1 / Row 2) W/CFM Total Fan pressure drop across the fan (SPf) on Line 5. 4) SPa in W.0 or Pa 5) SP f in W.0 or Pa B) Calculate Fan Adjustment and enteron line 6. 6) Fan Adjustment = 1-(SPa —1)/SPf C) Calculate Adjusted Fan Power Index and enter on Row 7 7) ADJUSTED FAN POWER INDEX (Line 3 x Line 6)1 0.371 W/CFM 1. TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER INDEX or ADJUSTED FAN POWER INDEX must not exceed 0.8 w/cfm for Constant Volume systems or 1.25 w/cfm for VA systems. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA FAN POWER CONSUMPTION CEC-NRCC-MCH-07-E Revised 05/15 CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION '4fti CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-MCH-07-E Power Consumption of Fans Requirements (Page 1 of 2) Project Name: TENANT IMPROVEMENT Date Prepared: 12/4/2015 Constant Volume Fans Systems NOTE: Provide one copy of this worksheet for each fan system with a total fan system horsepower greater than 25 hp of Constant Volume Fan Systems when using the Prescriptive Approach. See Power Consumption of fans §140.4(c). A B C D E F FAN DESCRIPTION DESIGN BRAKE HP EFFICIENCY NUMBER OF FANS PEAK WATTS B x E x 746 / (C x D) MOTOR DRIVE PHP -2 AREA - Supply Fan 0.850 85.5% 100.0% 1.0 742 B) Calculate Fan Adjustment and enter on line 6. 6) Fan Adjustment = 1-(SPa—1)/SPf C) Calculate Adjusted Fan Power Index and enter on Row 7 7) ADJUSTED FAN POWER INDEX (Line 3 x Line 6)' 0.371 W/CFM 1. TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER INDEX or ADJUSTED FAN POWER INDEX must not exceed 0.8 w/cfm for Constant Volume systems or 1.25 w/cfm for VAV systems. Variable Air Volume Fans Systems NOTE: Provide one copy of this worksheet for each fan system with a total fan system horsepower greater than 25 hp of Variable Air Volume (VAV) Systems when using the Prescriptive Approach. See Power Consumption of fans §140.4(c). A B C I D E F FAN DESCRIPTION DESIGN BRAKE HP EFFICIENCY NUMBER OF FANS PEAK WATTS B x E x 746 / (C x D) MOTOR DRIVE Total Fan pressure drop across the fan (SPf) on Line 5. 4) SPa in W.0 or Pa 5) SP f in W.0or Pa B) Calculate Fan Adjustment and enter on line 6. 6) Fan Adjustment = 1-(SPa—1)/SPf C) Calculate Adjusted Fan Power Index and enter on Row 7 7) ADJUSTED FAN POWER INDEX (Line 3 x Line 6)' 0.371 W/CFM Totals and Adjustments FILTER PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT Equation 140.4-A in §140.4(c) of the Building Energy Efficiency 1) TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER (WATTS, SUM COLUMN F) 742 W 2) SUPPLY DESIGN AIRFLOW 2,000 CFM Standards. A) If filter pressure drop (SP.) is greater than 1 inch W. C. or 245 Pascal then enter SP, on line 4. Enter 1 3) TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER INDEX (Row 1 / Row 2) W/CFM Total Fan pressure drop across the fan (SPf) on Line 5. 4) SPa in W.0 or Pa 5) SP f in W.0or Pa B) Calculate Fan Adjustment and enter on line 6. 6) Fan Adjustment = 1-(SPa—1)/SPf C) Calculate Adjusted Fan Power Index and enter on Row 7 7) ADJUSTED FAN POWER INDEX (Line 3 x Line 6)' 0.371 W/CFM 1. TOTAL FAN SYSTEM POWER INDEX or ADJUSTED FAN POWER INDEX must not exceed 0.8 w/cfm for Constant Volume systems or 1.25 w/cfm for VAV systems. CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA FAN POWER CONSUMPTION F d!l CEC-NRCC-MCH-07-E (Revised 07/14) CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-MCH-07-E Power Consumption of Fans Requirements (Page 0 of 2) Project Name: TENANT IMPROVEMENT Dare Prepared: 12/4/2015 DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1. 1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete. Documentation Author Name: Documentation Author Signature: Q Company: PERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT, signature Date: 12/4/2015 Address: CEA/ HERS Certification Identification (f i ez I City/State/Zip: Phone: r RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Compliance is true and correct. 2. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance (responsible designer). 3. The energy features and performance specifications, materials, components, and manufactured devices for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Title 24, Part 1 and Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations. 4. The building design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of Compliance are consis e t with the information provided on other applicable compliance documents, worksheets, calculations, plans and specificati . § ufs Tt'ted o a enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application. ��9�� 5. I will ensure that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance shall be made avail by will�t(i iiildin rrtt,3 )issued for the building, to the for inspections. I dec�topy and made available enforcement agency all applicable underStandithat a complete (' of this �octypancy. Certificate of Compliance is required to be included with the documentation the builder provides_ t . t- b 'I ing owne��r a Responsible Designer Name: RAYMOND M. ZHONG, P.E. espnse eger gnure. ire ' • i—,t_ l C�JO Responsible Designer Siat Rsttt ffrnn! Company: PERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT, Date Signed: e\S ^A� �•`/ Address: 2416 W. VALLEY BLVD License: ��. City/State/Zip: ALHAMBRA, CA 91803 Phone: ( 626 28©-8'808 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA WATER HEATING SYSTEM GENERAL INFORMATION CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-PLB-01-E Water Heating System General Information (Page 1 of 2) Project Name: TENANT IMPROVEMENT Date Prepared: 12/4/2015 A. GENERAL INFORMATION/SYSTEM INFORMATION 1. Water Heater System Name: AMERICAN STD. CE -52 -AS (9 KW 2. Water Heater System Configuration: Non -Central 3. Water Heater System Type: AMERICAN STD. CE -52 -AS 9 K 4. Building Type: S. Total Number of Water Heaters in Systems: 1 6. Central DHW Distribution Type: n/a 7. Dwelling Unit DHW Distribution Type: Parallel Piping B. WATER HEATER INFORMATION Each water heater type requires a separate form. 1. Water Heater Type: Small Storage Electric 2. Fuel Type Electric Res 3. Manufacture Name AMERICAN STD. CE -52 -AS 9 K 4. 1 Model Number 5. Number of Identical Water Heaters: 1 6. Installed Water Heater System Efficiency: 0.95 7. Required Minimum Efficiency: 0.95 8. Standby loss percent or Standby loss total: 0.027 9. Rated Input 30,708 810 Pilot Energy: 911 Water Heater Tank Storage Volume: 52 12 Exterior Insulation On Water Heater: 0 13. Volume of Supplemental Storage: 14. Internal Insulation on Supplemental Storage: 15. Exterior Insulation on Supplemental Storage: CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 STATE OF CALIFORNIA WATER HEATING SYSTEM GENERAL INFORMATION CEC-NRCC-PLB-01-E (Revised 05/15) CALIFORNIA ENERGY COMMISSION —'111I CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NRCC-PLB-01-E Water Heating System General Information (Page 2 of 2) Project Name: TENANT IMPROVEMENT °ate Pre°are°: 12/4/2015 PLUMBING COMPLIANCE FORMS & WORKSHEETS (check box if worksheet is included) For detailed instructions on the use of this and all Energy Efficiency Standards compliance forms, refer to the 2013 Nonresidential Manual Note: The Enforcement Agency may require all forms to be incorporated onto the building plans. YES NO Form/Worksheet # Title ❑ ❑ NRCC-PLB-01-E Certificate of Compliance, Declaration. Required on plans for all submittals. ❑ ❑ NRCI-PLB-01-E Certificate of Installation. Required on plans for all submittals. ❑ ❑ NRCI-PLB-02-E Certificate of Installation, required on central systems in high-rise residential, signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance is required to be included with the docum r�>a to the builder pro ide o the building owner at occupancy. S� F CC, �Q Responsible Designer Name: RAYMOND M. ZHONG, P.E. Responsible Designer Signature •, GF' hotel/motel application. ❑ ❑ NRCI-PLB-03-E Certificate of Installation, required on single dwelling unit systems in high-rise Phone: (626) 280-8808 residential, hotel/motel application. ❑ ❑ NRCI-PLB-21-H Certificate of Installation, required on HERS verified central systems in high-rise residential, hotel/motel application. ❑ ❑ NRCI-PLB-22-H Certificate of Installation, required on HERS verified single dwelling unit systems in high-rise residential, hotel/motel application. ❑ ❑ NRCI-STH-01-E Certificate of Installation, required on any solar water heating DOCUMENTATION AUTHOR'S DECLARATION STATEMENT 1. 1 certify that this Certificate of Compliance documentation is accurate and complete.44 Documentation Author Name: Documentation Author Signat Company: PERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPMI signatweDate:12/4/201 O, M.ei Address: CEA/ HERS Certification Identi if City/State/Zip; . Phone: �ANlca RESPONSIBLE PERSON'S DECLARATION STATEMENT ALI I certify the following under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California: 1. The information provided on this Certificate of Compliance is true and correct. 2. 1 am eligible under Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code to accept responsibility for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance (responsible designer). 3. The energy features and performance specifications, materials, components, and manufactured devices for the building design or system design identified on this Certificate of Compliance conform to the requirements of Titler24?�Iactlta d Part 6 of the California Code of Regulations.EN I' 4. The building design features or system design features identified on this Certificate of Com�p1hP�``c __.ar c s tett ith the information provided on other applicable compliance documents, worksheets, calculat o�,,p{a`rtLs and spit iiio . submitted to the enforcement agency for approval with this building permit application. G' Gy 1-alde t 5. 1 will ensure that a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance shall be av4'IJable�v * X,'�ijil i~ rmit(s) �n issued for the building, and made available to the enforcement agency for all applical�l pe c ts0 u3¢e �stan a completed signed copy of this Certificate of Compliance is required to be included with the docum r�>a to the builder pro ide o the building owner at occupancy. S� F CC, �Q Responsible Designer Name: RAYMOND M. ZHONG, P.E. Responsible Designer Signature •, GF' Company: PERFECT DESIGN & DEVELOPME Date Signed: Address: 2416 W. VALLEY BLVD License: City/State/Zip: ALHAMBRA, CA 91803 Phone: (626) 280-8808 CA Building Energy Efficiency Standards - 2013 Nonresidential Compliance May 2015 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY Project Name TENANT IMPROVEMENT Date 12/4/2015 System Name AC -1 AREA Floor Area 2,159 ENGINEERING CHECKS SYSTEM LOAD Number of Systems 1 COIL CFM Total Room Loads 3,874 Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation 324 Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK Heating System Sensible Latent CFM Sensible Output per System 55,000 49,775 4,318 637 28,016 Total Output Btuh 55,000 0 Output Btuh/s ft 25.5 2.489 1,401 Cooling System 0 0 Output per System 57,000 11,315 198 324 14,248 Total Output Stuh 57,000 0 4,516 0 Total Output Tons 4.8 2,489 1,401 Total Output Btuh/sgft 26.4 Total Output s ft/Ton 454.5 66,067 45,066 Air System CFM per System 2,000 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION Airflow cfm 2,000 EXISTING A/C UNIT (5 TON) 41,986 13,344 34,352 Airflow cfm/sgft 0.93 34,352 Jan 1 AM Airflow cfm/Ton 421.1 Outside Air % 16.2 % Total Adjusted System Output 1 41,986 (Adjusted for Peak Design conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK 13,344 Jul 3 PM Outside Air cfm/s ft 0.15 Note: values above given at ARI conditions 1 HEATING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Temperatures at Time of Heating Peak 26 OF 61 Outside Air 324 cfm AL 67 OF OF 110 OF 110 OF Heating Coil Supply Fan 109 OF 2,000 cfm ROOM . M 68 OF -1 .......... t COOLING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Temperatures at Time of Cooling Peak 112/78°F Outside Airy 324 cfm 79 / 69 OF 84/70°F 65/64°F 65/64°F O Cooling Coil Supply Fan 66 / 64 OF 2,000 cfm 61.8% ROOM 78 / 68 OF EnergyPro 6.7 by EnergySoft User Number: 1919 RunCode: 2015-12-04T09:23:47 ID: T15 -2357R Page 34 of 45 HVAC SYSTEM HEATING AND COOLING LOADS SUMMARY Project Name TENANT IMPROVEMENT Date 12/4/2015 System Name PHP -2 AREA Floor Area 2,159 ENGINEERING CHECKS SYSTEM LOAD Number of S stems 1 COIL CFM Total Room Loads 3,874 Return Vented Lighting Return Air Ducts Return Fan Ventilation 324 Supply Fan Supply Air Ducts 1 TOTAL SYSTEM LOAD I COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK Heating System Sensible Latent CFM Sensible Output per System 55,000 49,775 4,318 637 28,016 Total Output Btuh 55,000 0 Output Btuh/s ft 25.5 2,489 1,401 Cooling System 0 0 Output per System 57,000 11,315 198 324 14,248 Total Output Btuh 57,000 0 4,516 0 Total Output Tons 4.8 2,4891 1,401 Total Output Btuh/sgft 26.4 Total Output s ft/Ton 454.5 66,067 45,066 Air System CFM per System 2,000 HVAC EQUIPMENT SELECTION Airflow cfm 2,000 EXISTING HEAT PUMP (5 TON) 41,986 13,344 34,352 Airflow cfmisgft 0.93 34,352 Jan 1 AM Airflow cfm/Ton 421.1 Outside Air % 16.2% Total Adjusted System Output 41,986 13,344 (Adjusted for Peak Design conditions) TIME OF SYSTEM PEAK Jul 3 PM Outside Air cfmis ft 0.15 Note: values above given at ARI conditions HEATING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Temperatures at Time of Heating Peak 26 OF Outside AirW__..��. AV - 324 cfm 67 OF 61 OF 110 OF 110 IF Heating Coil Supply Fan 109 OF 2,000 cfm ROOM 68 OF COOLING SYSTEM PSYCHROMETRICS Airstream Temperatures at Time of Cooling Peak 112 / 78 OF Outside Air. 324 cfm 79 / 69 OF 84 170 OF 65 / 64 OF 65 / 64 OF Cooling Coil Supply Fan 66 / 64 OF 2,000 cfm 61.8% € ROOM 78 / 68 OF EnergyPro 6.7 by EnergySofl User Number: 1919 RunCode: 2015-12-04709:23:47 /D: T15 -2357R Page 35 of 45 ZONE •AD SUMMARY IMPROVEMENTProject Name TENANT ..- System Name AC -1 AREA ZONE .•. SUMMARY .COOLING EnergyPro 6.7 by Enw—g-10., —ysoft User Number., 1919 RunCode: ,• T15 -2357R Page 36 of 45 ZONE •AD SUMMARY Project Name TENANT -• ..- Name PHP -2 AREA Floor Area 2,159 ZONE LOAD SUMMARY ZONAL SYSTEM - �M LOAD)System EnergyPro 6.7 by EnergySoft User Number: 1919 Runtode: 2015-12-04TO9:23:47 ID: T15 -2357R Page 37 of 45 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY Project Name Date TENANT IMPROVEMENT 12/4/2015 System Name Floor Area AC -1 AREA 2,159 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK Zone Name Room Name Mult. CFM Sensible Latent CFM Sensible Latent CFM Sensible rAC 1 AREA AC 1 AREA 1 3,888 49,955 4,318 3,874 49,775 4,318 6371 28,016 PAGE TOTAL TOTAL' 3,874 49,775 4,318 637 28,016 3,874 49,775 4,318 637 28,016 Total includes ventilation load for zonal systems. Ener Pro 6.7 by Ener Sok User Number: 1919 RunCode: 2015-12-04T09:23:47 ID: T15 -2357R Page 38 of 45 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY Project Name Date TENANT IMPROVEMENT 12/4/2015 System Name Floor Area PHP -2 AREA 2,159 ROOM LOAD SUMMARY ROOM COOLING PEAK COIL COOLING PEAK COIL HTG. PEAK Zone Name I Room Name I Mult. I CFM Sensible I Latent CFM I Sensible I Latent CFM I Sensible PHP -2 AREA I PHP -2 AREA 1 1 3,8881 49,9551 4, 318 3,874 1 49,7751 4, 318 6371 28,016 PAGE TOTAL TOTAL' 3,874 49,775 4,318 637 28,016 3,874 49,775 4,318 637 28,016 Total includes ventilation load for zonal systems. Ener Pro 6.7 Dy Ener Soft User Number: 1919 RunCode: 2015-12-04709:23:47 /D: T15 -2357R Page 39 of 45 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Name TENANT IMPROVEMENT Date 12/4/2015 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name AC -1 AREA Floor Area 2,159.0 ft2 Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 68 °F Time of Peak Jan 1 AM Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26 OF Conduction Area U -Value X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X AT *F Btu/hr = 6,801 c 10,630 _ 41478 = 6,107 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = 28,016 42 = 0 Default Roof Prior to 1978 2,159.0 X 0.0750 42 Default Wall Prior to 1978 2,300.8 X X 0.1100 42 Single Metal Clear 89.6 1.1900 42 Slab -On -Grade perim = 199.2 X 0.7300 42 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction Infiltration:[ 1.00 X 1.064 Schedule Air Sensible Fraction through an interior surface to X 2,159 X Area Ceiling another room 12.00 X 0.000 Height ACH Page Total / 60 1 X AT TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 28,016 EnergyPro 6.7 by EnergySoft User Number: 1919 RunCode: 2015-12-04T09:23:47 /D: T15 -2357R Page 40 of 45 ROOM HEATING PEAK LOADS Project Name TENANT IMPROVEMENT Date 12/4/2015 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name PHP -2 AREA Floor Area 2,159.0 ft' Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 68 OF, Time of Peak Jan 1 AM Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 26 OF Conduction Area U -Value X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X AT *F = c c = = _ o = = c = = = c c _ = = = c o _ = c c = 42 Btu/hr Default Roof Prior to 1978 2,159.0 X 0.0750 42 6,801 Default Wall Prior to 1978 2,300.8 X X 0.1100 42 10,630 Single Metal Clear 89.6 1.1900 42 4,478 Slab -On -Grade perm = 199.2 X X 0.7300 42 6,107 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction Infiltration:[ 1.00 X 1.064 Schedule Air Sensible Fraction through an interior surface to X 2,159 X Area Ceiling another room 12.00 X 0.000 Height ACH Page Total /60] X AT 28,016 = 0 TOTAL HOURLY HEAT LOSS FOR ROOM 28,016 EnergyPro 6.7 by EnergySoft User Number: 1919 Run Code: 2015-12-04709:23:47 /D: T15 -2357R Page 41 of 45 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Name Date TENANT IMPROVEMENT 12/4/2015 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name AC -1 AREA Time of Peak Jul 2 PM Floor Area 2,159.0 ft' Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 111 OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 78 OF Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 OF Conduction Area U -Value DETD' Btu/hr Default Roof Prior to 1978 2,159.0 X 0.0750 X 70.5 = 11,421 Default Wall Prior to 1978 777.6 X 0.1100 X 39.4 = 3,366 Default Wall Prior to 1978 777.6 X 0.1100 X 34.5 = 2,949 Default Wall Prior to 1978 417.6 X 0.1100 X 46.2 = 2,120 Default Wall Prior to 1978 328.0 X 0.1100 X 33.8 = 1,220 Single Metal Clear 89.6 X 1.1900 X 20.4 = 2,172 X X = X X = X X = Page Total 23,249 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Weighting Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC Factor Btu/hr WINDOWS (NE) 89.61 X 47 X 0.864 X 1.314 = 4,737 X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = Page Total 4,737 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr Lights 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.750 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu[Watt X 0.999 = 5,519 Occupants 1.00 X 2,159 X 250 Btu/occ. / 100 Sqft/occ. X 1.000 = 5,398 Receptacle 1.00 X 2,159 X 1.500 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt X 1.000 - 11,053 Process 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.000 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt X 1.000 - 0 Process Lighting 1.001 X 1 2,159 X 0.000 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt X 0.000 = 0 Infiltration:[ 1.00 X 1.064 X 2,159 X 12.00 X 0.00 / 60 ] X 34 = 0 Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH AT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 49,955 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 2,159 X 200 Btuh/OCC. / 100 Sgft/occ. = 4,318 Receptacle 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.000 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.000 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu[Watt = 0 Infiltration:[ 1.00 X 4,771 X 2,159 X 12.00 X 0.00 /60] X 0.00000 -_ 0 Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH pW Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 4,318 Ener Pro 6.7 by Ener Soft User Number: 1919 RunCode: 2015-12-04T09:23:47 ID: T15 -2357R Page 42 of 45 ROOM COOLING PEAK LOADS Project Name Date TENANT IMPROVEMENT 12/4/2015 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name PHP -2 AREA Time of Peak Jul 2 PM Floor Area 2,159.0 ft' Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 111 OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 78 OF Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 OF Conduction Area U -Value DETD' Btu/hr Default Roof Prior to 1978 2,159.0 X 0.0750 X 70.5 = 11,421 Default Wall Prior to 1978 777.6 X 0.1100 X 39.4 = 3,366 Default Wall Prior to 1978 777.6 X 0.1100 X 34.5 = 2,949 Default Wall Prior to 1978 417.6 X 0.1100 X 46.2 = 2,120 Default Wall Prior to 1978 328.0 X 0.1100 X 33.8 = 1,220 Single Metal Clear 89.6 X 1.1900 X 20.4 = 2,172 X X = X X = X X = Page Total 23,249 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Weighting Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC Factor Btu/hr WINDOWS (NE) 89.6 X 47 X 0.864 X 1.314 = 4,737 X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = Page Total 4.737 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr Lights 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.750 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt X 0.999 = 5,519 Occupants 1.00 X 2,159 X 250 Btu/occ. / 100 SgfUocc. X 1.000 = 5,398 Receptacle 1.00 X 2,159 X 1.500 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt X 1.000 = 11,053 Process 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.000 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt X 1.000 = 0 Process Lighting 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.000 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt X 0.00011 0 Infiltration:[ 1.00 X 1.064 X 2,159 X 12.00 X 0.00 / 60 X 34 = 0 Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH AT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 49,955 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 2,159 X 200 Btuh/occ. / 100 Sqft/occ. Receptacle 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.000 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.000 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt = 0 Infiltration:[ 1.00 X 4,771 X 2,159 X 12.00 X 0.00 /60] X 0.00000 -_ 0 Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH AW Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 4,318 Ener Pro 6.7 by Ener Soft User Number: 1919 RunCode: 2015-12-04T09:23:47 /D: T15 -2357R Page 43 of 45 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Name Date TENANT IMPROVEMENT 12/4/2015 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name AC -1 AREA Time of Peak Jul 3 PM Floor Area 2,159.0 ft2 Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 78 OF Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 OF Conduction Area U -Value DETD' Btu/hr Default Roof Prior to 1978 2,159.0 X 0.0750 X 65.7 = 10,645 Default Wall Prior to 1978 777.6 X 0.1100 X 45.1 = 3,857 Default Wall Prior to 1978 777.6 X 0.1100 X 34.9 = 2,988 Default Wall Prior to 1978 417.6 X 0.1100 X 48.7 = 2,237 Default Wall Prior to 1978 328.0 X 0.1100 X 34.3 = 1,239 Single Metal Clear 89.6 X 1.1900 X 21.5 = 2,294 X X = X X = X X = Page Total 23,259 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Weighting Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC Factor Btu/hr WINDOWS (NE) 89.6 X 41 X 0.864 X 1.424 = 4,546 X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = Page Total 4,546 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr Li hts 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.750 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt X 0.999 = 5,520 Occupants 1.00 X 2,159 X 250 Btu/occ. / 100 Sqft/occ. X 1.000 = 5,398 Receptacle 1.00 X 2,159 X 1.500 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt X 1.000 = 11,053 Process 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.000 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt X 1.000 = 0 Process Lighting 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.000 Watts/Sgft X1 3.413 Btu/Watt X 0.0001 = 0 Infiltration:[ 1.00 X 1.064 X 2,159 X 12.00 X 0.00 /601 X 34 = 0 Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH AT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 49,775 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 2,159 X 200 Btuh/occ. / 100 Sqf /occ. = 4,318 Receptacle 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.000 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.000 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt = 0 Infiltration:[ 1.00 X 4,771 X 2,159 X 12.00 X 0.00 /60] X 0.00000 -_ 0 Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH AW Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 4,318 Ener Pro 6.7 by Ener Soft User Number: 1919 RunCode: 2015-12-04T09:23:47 /D: T15 -2357R Page 44 of 45 ROOM COOLING COIL LOADS Project Name Date TENANT IMPROVEMENT 12/4/2015 ROOM INFORMATION DESIGN CONDITIONS Room Name PHP -2 AREA Time of Peak Jul 3 PM Floor Area 2,159.0 ft' Outdoor Dry Bulb Temperature 112 OF Indoor Dry Bulb Temperature 78 OF Outdoor Wet Bulb Temperature 78 OF Conduction Area U -Value DETD' Btu/hr Default Roof Prior to 1978 2,159.0 X 0.0750 X 65.7 = 10,645 Default Wall Prior to 1978 777.6 X 0.1100 X 45.1 = 3,857 Default Wall Prior to 1978 777.6 X 0.1100 X 34.9 = 2,988 Default Wall Prior to 1978 417.6 X 0.1100 X 48.7 = 2,237 Default Wall Prior to 1978 328.0 X 0.1100 X 34.3 = 1,239 Single Metal Clear 89.6 X 1.1900 X 21.5 = 2,294 X X = X X = X X = Page Total 23,259 1. Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Items shown with an asterisk (') denote conduction through an interior surface to another room. Weighting Solar Gain Orientation Area SGF SC Factor Btu/hr WINDOWS (NE) 89.6 X 41 X 0.864 X 1.424 = 4,546 X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X = X X X X X X = X X X = X X X = Page Total 4,546 Sched. Weighting Internal Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Factor Btu/hr Lights 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.750 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 BtuMatt X 0.999 = 5,520 Occupants 1.00 X 2,159 X 250 Btu/occ. / 100 Sqf /occ. X 1.000 = 5,398 Receptacle 1.00 X 2,159 X 1.500 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt X 1.000 = 11,053 Process 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.000 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt X 1.000 = 0 Process Lighting 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.000 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt X 0.000 = 0 Infiltration:[ 1.00 X 1.064 X 2,159 X 12.00 X 0.00 / 60 X 34 = 0 Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH AT Fraction TOTAL HOURLY SENSIBLE HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 49,775 Sched. Latent Gain Frac. Area Heat Gain Btu/hr Occupants 1.00 X 2,159 X 200 Btuh/OCC. / 100 Sgft/occ. = 4,318 Receptacle 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.000 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt = 0 Process 1.00 X 2,159 X 0.000 Watts/Sgft X 3.413 Btu/Watt = 0 Infiltration:[ 1.00 X 4,771 X 2,159 X 12.00 X 0.00 /60] X 0.00000 -_ 0 Schedule Air Sensible Area Ceiling Height ACH AW Fraction TOTAL HOURLY LATENT HEAT GAIN FOR ROOM 4,318 Ener Pro 6.7 by Ener Soft User Number: 1919 RunCode: 2015-12-04T09:23:47 ID: T15 -2357R Page 45 of 45 .... . ...... 06