2016 10 25 PCP Planning Commission agendas and staff reports are now available on the City's web page: www.la-quinto.org PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta REGULAR MEETING on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 2016 AT 6:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER 1. Roll Call 2. Pledge of Allegiance PUBLIC COMMENT At this time members of the public may address the Planning Commission on any matter not listed on the agenda. Please complete a "Request to Speak" form and limit your comments to three minutes. CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Approval of the minutes of October 11, 2016 PUBLIC HEARING For all Public Hearings on the agenda, a completed "Request to Speak" form must be filed with the Executive Assistant prior to consideration of that item. A person may submit written comments to the Planning Commission before a public hearing or appear in support or opposition to the approval of a project(s). If you challenge a project(s) in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing or in written correspondence delivered to the City at, or prior to the public hearing. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 1 OCTOBER 25, 2016 Beginning Resolution No. 2016-016 1. Site Development Permit 2016-0005 submitted by SilverRock Development Company, LLC for the consideration of the site plan, architectural design and landscaping for Planning for a 140 -room luxury hotel, 29 hotel -branded residences, spa, meeting and conference center, and a shared service center. Project: SilverRock Resort. CEQA: previously reviewed under Environmental Assessment 2014-1003; the project is consistent with the analysis previously approved. Location: Southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Avenue 52. COMMISSIONER ITEMS STAFF ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The next regular meeting of the Planning Commission will be held on November 8, 2016, commencing at 6:00 p.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers, 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA 92253. DECLARATION OF POSTING I, Wanda Wise -Latta, Executive Assistant of the City of La Quinta, do hereby declare that the foregoing Agenda for the La Quinta Planning Commission meeting was posted on the outside entry to the Council Chamber at 78-495 Calle Tampico, and the bulletin boards at 78-630 Highway 111, and the La Quinta Cove Post Office at 51-321 Avenida Bermudas, on October 21, 2016. DATED: October 20, 2016 WANDA WISE-LATTA, Executive Assistant City of La Quinta, California PUBLIC NOTICES The La Quinta City Council Chamber is handicapped accessible. If special equipment is needed for the hearing impaired, please call the City Clerk's office at 777-7123, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting and accommodations will be made. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 2 OCTOBER 25, 2016 If special electronic equipment is needed to make presentations to the Commission, arrangements should be made in advance by contacting the City Clerk's office at 777-7123. A one (1) week notice is required. If background material is to be presented to the Commission during a Planning Commission meeting, please be advised that eight (8) copies of all documents, exhibits, etc., must be supplied to the Secretary for distribution. It is requested that this take place prior to the beginning of the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Commission regarding any item(s) on this agenda will be made available for public inspection at the Community Development Department's counter at City Hall located at 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California, 92253, during normal business hours. PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA 3 OCTOBER 25, 2016 CALL TO ORDER PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2016 A regular meeting of the La Quinta Planning Commission was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Chairperson Bettencourt. PRESENT: Commissioners Blum, Fitzpatrick, Quill, Wright and Chairperson Bettencourt ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Planning Manager Gabriel Perez, Assistant City Attorney Morgan Wazlaw, Principal Planner Jay Wuu, Principal Engineer Bryan McKinney, Executive Assistant Wanda Wise -Latta, and Office Assistant Carley Votaw Commissioner Fitzpatrick led the Commission in the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC COMMENT - None CONFIRMATION OF AGENDA - Confirmed APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Blum/Fitzpatrick to approve the Planning Commission Minutes of September 13, 2016, as submitted. AYES: Commissioners, Blum, Fitzpatrick, Quill, Wright and Chairperson Bettencourt. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion Passed. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Village Use Permit 2013-048 submitted by Robert J. Novello for the consideration of a 1,800 square -foot expansion of the Crab Pot Restaurant inclusive of an interior dining area, a seasonal indoor/outdoor dining area and a restroom. Project: Crab Pot Restaurant Expansion. CEQA: Exempt from environmental review pursuant to Section 15301 Existing Facility. Location: 78121 Avenida La Fonda. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 1 OCTOBER 11, 2016 Principal Planner Jay Wuu presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Staff addressed the Commission's questions with regards to land use setbacks in the Village; parking in lieu fee; the in lieu fee fund; and the available parking spaces within the village. Chairperson Bettencourt declared the PUBLIC HEARING OPEN at 6:21 p.m. Public Speaker: Robert J. Novella, Crab Pot Restaurant - introduced himself and stated he was in support of staff's recommendation and accepted the conditions of approval as written. Mr. Novella addressed the Commission's questions regarding hours of operation; deliveries; replacement of the tile treatment with a parapet on the south elevation of the proposed expansion; and roofing material being used on the expansion. Staff addressed Chairperson Bettencourt's question regarding hours of operation and stated that if the Commission would have an interest in adjusting the hours of operation, it could be addressed in the Conditions of Approval. Commissioner Fitzpatrick stated that, although not a direction, she thought it would be nice to see a mural painted on the eastside of the building possibly as part of the City's Art in Public Places program. Mr. Novello shared his concerns regarding the letter received from Mr. Wells Marvin and provided pictures for the Commission's review. Chairperson Bettencourt declared the PUBLIC HEARING CLOSED at 6:30 p.m. Motion - A motion was made and seconded by Commissioners Blum/Wright to approve Resolution No. 2016-015 of the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California approving Village Use Permit 2013-048 for an expansion to the Crab Pot Restaurant and provide to the applicant the option to determine the treatment to be used for the top of the south elevation of the expansion. AYES: Commissioners Blum, Fitzpatrick, Quill, Wright and Chairperson Bettencourt. NOES: None. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. Motion passed. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL - None PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 2 OCTOBER 11, 2016 COMMISSIONER ITEM Commissioner Fitzpatrick acknowledged the event that occurred in the City of Palm Springs and the loss of two of their police officers. STAFF ITEMS 1. City of La Quinta Historic Preservation Update Planning Manager Perez presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Design and Development Department. Planning Manager Perez said that in 1993, the City adopted the Historic Preservation Ordinance; in 1994 the Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) was appointed; and in 1995 the City received State certification as a Certified Local Government. He stated that the City's Historic Preservation initiatives have included a Historic Resources Survey conducted in 1997 that identified 72 properties as eligible for landmark status; in 2006 a Historic Site Survey was conducted and identified 183 buildings which were recorded into the California Historical Resources Inventory; and in 2011 the historic resource data was digitized into a searchable database which is available on the City's website. Planning Manager Perez said that currently 262 buildings have been identified in the historic survey; 101 properties contribute to a thematic district in the Cove area and 111 properties are listed as historical resources under CEQA by their eligibility for the California Register of Historic Resources or for local designation by the City. He shared that with the elimination of the HPC, the City Council encouraged future historic preservation efforts to continue and include the leadership of the La Quinta Historical Society. In addition, he stated a historic building tracking system with the Trakit permitting software alerts permit technicians of buildings in the historic resources inventory before a building permit is issued thus allowing planning staff to coordinate with the La Quinta Historical Society for review of building permits when building alterations are being proposed. Public Speaker: Linda Williams, La Quints Historical Society - introduced herself and thanked the City Council and staff for allowing the Historical Society to be a part of the process to ensure that historic preservation takes place. Ms. Williams stated that the majority of owners of historical properties in La Quinta understand the significance and value of their property. She also stated that the Historical Society has developed relationships with many of these homeowners who have restored their homes. Ms. Williams introduced fellow La Quinta Historical Society Board Members Jeff and Val Smith. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 3 OCTOBER 11, 2016 Public Speaker: Jeff Smith, La Quinta Historical Society - Mr. Smith spoke regarding the Historical Society's role in the City's preservation efforts. As a member of the La Quinta Historical Society, Commissioner Fitzpatrick said she would like to see documentation of the Ahmanson Ranch House at SilverRock Resort as it is in its current condition before moving forward in the reuse of the Ahmanson Ranch House. Commissioner Wright stated that as the La Quints Historical Preservation Commission was born out of the La Quinta Historical Society, it was fitting that the Quinta Historical Society is once more a part of the process regarding historical preservation in the City of La Quinta. Assistant City Attorney Morgan Wazlaw addressed Chairperson Bettencourt's question as to whether or not the Commission should comment on any item or project that might be coming before the Commission. Assistant City Attorney Wazlaw advised that as a member of the public, a commissioner could comment on a project; however, should that project come before the Commission, the commissioner would not be able to participate in any discussion regarding that project. Planning Manager Perez advised the Commission that the SilverRock Site Development Permit will come before the Commission on October 25, 2016. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Fitzpatrick/Wright to adjourn this meeting at 7:19 p.m. in memory and honor of Palm Springs Police Officer Jose "Gil" Vega and Officer Lesley Zerebny and in recognition of the La Quinta Police Department and its Fire Service First Responders. Motion passed unanimously. Respectfully submitted, WANDA WISE-LATTA, Executive Assistant City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES 4 OCTOBER 11, 2016 PH 1 PLANNING COMMISSION STAFF REPORT DATE: OCTOBER 25, 2016 CASE NUMBER: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 APPLICANT: SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC PROPERTY OWNER: CITY OF LA QUINTA REQUEST: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005, INCLUDING THE SITE PLAN, ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND LANDSCAPING FOR PLANNING AREAS 2, 3 AND 4 OF THE SILVERROCK SPECIFIC PLAN. CEQA: THE PROJECT WAS PREVIOUSLY REVIEWED UNDER ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT 2014-1003. THE PROJECT IS CONSISTENT WITH THE ANALYSIS PREVIOUSLY APPROVED. THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN CONDITIONS, OR IN THE PROPOSED PROJECT AND NO FURTHER ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW IS REQUIRED UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT. LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF JEFFERSON STREET AND AVENUE 52. LEGAL: APN: 776-150-022, 777-490-011, 770-200-026, 776-150-021, 776-150-023, 777-490-007, 777-490-001, 777-490-012, 777- 490-014, 777-490-018 RECOMMENDED ACTION Adopt resolution approving Site Development Permit 2016-0005, and a finding of consistency with Environmental Assessment 2014-1003 (Attachment 1) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Site Development Permit is proposed for a portion of the SilverRock property, generally located in the center of the north half of the site (Attachment 2). The request includes approval of the site plan, architecture and landscaping for a 140 room luxury hotel, 29 hotel -branded residences, a spa, a meeting and conference center, and a shared service facility BACKGROUND The City has entered into an agreement with the applicant for the sale and development Page 1 of 6 of the undeveloped portions of the SilverRock property (Attachment 6). This submittal represents the first phase of the development proposal. A separate application has been submitted for a Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide the Specific Plan planning areas consistent with this application and future applications for other parts of the property. In addition, the City will be realigning the golf course to remove those portions of the course proposed to be part of the proposed project. PROPOSAL & ANALYSIS Overview: The applicant proposes the development of Planning Areas 2, 3 and 4 of the SilverRock Specific Plan. The site areas and development parameters are provided in the Table below (please also see page A-1.0 of Attachment 3, Site Development Plan Set). Table 1 SDP 2016-0005 Development Parameters Planning Area # Acres Development Proposed 2 23.6 140 room hotel 13,483 s.f. spa building Restaurant (re -use of the Ahmanson House) 3 13.9 29 luxury -branded residences 4 9.1 7,279 s.f. Meeting Center 34,738 s.f. Conference Center 21,978 s.f. Shared Services Facility The proposed project will be accessed from the existing SilverRock Way. An existing stub - out will be extended into the residential area, and provide a cul-de-sac for the residences. The main drive will continue to the hotel lobby entrance. The hotel is proposed as a resort complex, rather than a single hotel building. The lobby will be located in the area of the current golf cart storage area, immediately south of the existing Ahmanson House, which will remain. From the lobby, a system of paved walkways will access the 140 hotel rooms, which are proposed in clusters of units around the golf course. The walkways are not intended for vehicular traffic, but rather for pedestrian and golf cart use. Immediately south of the lobby will be a pool area and the spa facility. North of the hotel, and immediately south and adjacent to SilverRock Way, will be a meeting and conference center (in two building areas) and a shared service facility. The meeting center is intended to house small, conference room -like facilities, while the conference center will accommodate larger groups. The shared services facility will provide a centralized "bock of house" service facility for all current and future uses on the property. Please see sheets L-0.2 and L-0.3 of Attachment 3 for on overview site plan. Separate application has been made for a Tentative Parcel Map TPM) to subdivide the property into the planning area parcels. The TPM is still under review, requires staff level Page 2 of 6 approval, and will be processed separately. In addition, the City is implementing a golf course realignment to accommodate the proposed project. These modifications will be completed during the summer of 2017. Site Design: The development of three of the 5ilverRock Specific Plan planning areas is proposed at the center of the site. The project fulfills one of the 5ilverRock Specific Plan goals of bringing a high-end resort hotel to the golf course complex. The proposed project is consistent with the land use plan of the Specific Plan. The site plan has been designed to create a low-rise, resort atmosphere for hotel guests in Planning Area 2. By eliminating vehicular traffic within the hotel itself, a resort atmosphere will be created. The hotel lobby and its associated pool area will provide the activity hub for the property, while the hotel units will be separated and remain a quiet enclave. Similarly, the spa will be nestled against the mountains, northwest of the lobby area, and will provide a restful, quiet location for spa services. In reviewing the project, the Fire Department raised a concern regarding emergency vehicle access to all the hotel units, which is a requirement of Fire Code. The applicant has and will continue to work with the Fire Department to provide a 20 -foot wide access way, which may be a combination of concrete and other materials, to meet this requirement. A condition of approval has been included to require compliance with Fire Department standards. The proposed 29 luxury -branded residential units will have expansive views of the golf course and adjacent mountains in Planning Area 3. They will be independent units with access to hotel services. Parking for the residential units is provided within the cul-de- sac, and is not dependent on the central parking area at the conference center. The meeting and conference center and the shared services facility are located adjacent to 5ilverRock Way in Planning Area 4 and accessible to both the hotel guests and the general public. This area also centralizes all the parking for the complex. Architectural Design: The proposed project has been designed with a contemporary architectural theme reminiscent of 20th Century Modern styles. All the buildings are designed with clean, sharp horizontal and vertical planes, and large expanses of glass to take advantage of surrounding views. All buildings on the site are proposed to be single story with flat roofs. The hotel lobby roof will extend to 16 feet in height, with the top of parapet in the center of the structure extending to 18 feet. The west wall will be dominated by glass, with deep overhangs to protect from sun exposure. Materials will include plaster, stone, and porcelain tile in a muted color palette. Please see pages H1 -A-1.0 through A-3.0 of Attachment 3. At the pool building, screen walls, consisting entirely of vegetation, are proposed on each side, to soften the appearance of the structure. This building also includes wood exterior Page 3 of 6 cladding. The pool bar building rises to a height of 11 feet. Please see pages GR 1-A-1.0 through A-2.0 of Attachment 3. Similar to the pool building, the spa building is proposed to incorporate the living wall concept on all sides. Materials will be consistent with the hotel lobby, and will also incorporate large expanses of glass. The spa building's high point, at the center of the structure, is 16 feet. The location of the spa has been designed to incorporate the existing rock outcropping to the south of the Ahmanson House, thereby creating a stunning natural backdrop to the facility. Please see pages HS -A-1.0 through A-3.0 of Attachment 3. The hotel building clusters include west elevations composed of glass with overhangs. Materials will be consistent and complementary to the hotel lobby building. Hotel rooms can connect between suites, or remain locked off as individual rooms. The maximum height of the hotel units will be 12 feet 4 inches. Please see pages GR 1-A-1.0 through GR 4-A-2.0 of Attachment 3. The meeting and conference center buildings continue the architectural theme of the project. These buildings extend to a height of 15 feet 6 inches and 28 feet, respectively. The meeting center will provide a more intimate scale. It is designed around a central courtyard that will also provide pre -function space. The conference center, which will accommodate larger groups and is intended as a more active space, will have more mass and scale. The conference center will also incorporate walls of glass, particularly on its west and north sides. Please see pages MC -A-1.0 through A-3.0 and CC -A-1.0 through A-3.0 of Attachment 3. The shared service building is the most utilitarian of the structures within the project, and will house the project's loading docks, laundry, mechanical and employee support facilities. It will rise to a height of 18 feet, and will incorporate the some style and materials as the other buildings in the complex. It is the only building that includes overhead doors. Please see pages SS -A-1.0 through A-3.0 of Attachment 3. Three models are proposed for the 29 luxury -branded residences, ranging in size from 4,575 to 5,949 square feet on individual tots of more than 10,000 square feet. Building heights vary by model, but range from 15 to 18 feet. All the homes are single story, and will include garages. The modern architectural theme is incorporated in the residential design, with clean lines and muted colors that use glass to take advantage of views. Please see pages R1-1 through R1-18 of Attachment 3. Landscaping: The landscaping plans are provided in Attachment 3. A series of detail areas have been prepared, which show the typical planting plans at several locations within the site (page L-0.1 through L-2.9). The balance of the landscaping plan shows a master palette, with details to be provided in the Final Landscaping Plan (pages SP -L-1.1 through LP -3.5 of Attachment 3). The planting palette incorporates a number of native species, and will blend well with the natural backdrop of the Santa Rosa Mountains, and the more lush Page 4 of 6 environment created by the golf course. However, the planting details provided on pages L-0.1 through L-2.9 emphasize the use of one -gallon shrubs, annuals and perennials. In order to assure that the plantings have variety of bulk and texture, a condition of approval has been added that requires that the shrubs, annuals and perennials contain a minimum of 50% five -gallon plants. The planting palette has been reviewed for consistency with the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan permitted and prohibited planting list, to assure that the project's adjacency to the Santa Rosa Mountains Conservation Area does not introduce inappropriate plant species. The planting plan was also reviewed to assure that it did not create additional turf, and the associated water use. As shown in Attachment 4, the proposed project will reduce turf within the project area by over 387,000 square feet, from its current 595,000 square feet to 208,000 square feet. Project lighting is detailed on pages EO.1 though E1.6 of Attachment 3. As shown in these pages, low level lighting is proposed, and all lighting will be contained within the site. Parking: As previously described, parking for the project will be provided at the meeting and conference center. As detailed on page G-0.1 of Attachment 3, the parking provided is consistent with the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and the Specific Plan. Traffic Analysis: A traffic impact analysis was conducted to determine whether the traffic generated by the proposed project and future components of the project to be processed in the future would be consistent with the impacts of the original 2006 Specific Plan. As shown in the letter (Attachment 5), the proposed project, and the additional components that will constitute build out of the SilverRock Specific Plan will result in at least 4,000 fewer trips than was previously analyzed, depending on the ultimate development scenario. As a result, the currently proposed project will have lesser impacts on the regional roadway system than originally considered. AGENCY & PUBLIC REVIEW Public Agency Review: This request was sent to all applicable City departments and affected public agencies on May 31, 2016. All written comments received are on file and available for review with the Design and Development Department. All applicable comments have been adequately addressed and/or incorporated in the recommended Conditions of Approval. Public Notice: This project was advertised in The Desert Sun newspaper on October 14, 2016, and mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site. To date no comments have been received. Any additional written comments received will be handed out at the Planning Commission hearing. Page 5 of 6 ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW The proposed project was reviewed under the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Design & Development Department determined that the application is a "project" as defined by CEQA. However, the Department also found that Environmental Assessment 2014-1003 reviewed amended plans for the SilverRock Specific Plan, and that the currently proposed project is consistent with that reviewed and approved in 2014. Conditions have not substantially changed, and no substantial changes have been made to the project when compared to the 2014 analysis. As a result, the previously approved Environmental Assessment, including its mitigation measures and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program will be applied to the currently proposed project, resulting in less than significant impacts. Prepared by: Nicole Sauviot Criste, Consulting Planner Approved by: Gabriel Perez, Planning Manager Attachments: 1. Project Information 2. Project Area Site Map 3. Site Development Permit Plan Set 4. Turf Reduction Graphics 5. Traffic Analysis Letter 6. Site Photos Page 6 of 6 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016 — A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA, APPROVING A SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A 140 ROOM HOTEL, SPA, 29 HOTEL -BRANDED RESIDENCES, A MEETING CENTER, CONFERENCE CENTER AND SHARED SERVICES FACILITY WITHIN THE SILVERROCK SPECIFIC PLAN CASE NUMBER: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 APPLICANT: SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of La Quinta, California did, on the 25th day of October, 2016, hold a duly noticed Public Hearing to consider a request by SilverRock Development Company, LLC, for approval of a hotel, spa, conference center and shared services facility generally located on the southwest corner of Jefferson Street and Avenue 52, more particularly described as: APN: 776-150-022, 777-490-011, 770-200-026, 776-150-021, 776-150-023, 777-490-007, 777-490-001, 777-490-012, 777-490-014, 777-490-018 WHEREAS, the Design and Development Department published a public hearing notice in The Desert Sun newspaper on October 14, 2016 as prescribed by the Municipal Code. Public hearing notices were also mailed to all property owners within 500 feet of the site; and, WHEREAS, at said Public Hearing, upon hearing and considering all testimony and arguments, if any, of oil interested persons desiring to be heard, said Planning Commission did make the fallowing mandatory findings pursuant to Section 9.210.010 of the Municipal Code to justify approval of said Site Development Permit: 1. Consistency with General Plan and SilverRock Specific Plan The land use is consistent with the General Plan land use designation of Tourist Commerciol. The proposed project is also consistent with the SilverRock Specific Plan, and implements the goals, policies and development standards of the Specific Plan. 2. Consistency with Zoning Code The proposed development, as conditioned, is consistent with the development standards of the City's Zoning Code and/or SilverRock Specific Plan, as applicable. The Site Development Permit has been conditioned to ensure compliance with the zoning standards and other supplemental standards as established in Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. Planning Commission Resolution 2016 - Site Development Permit 2016-0005 SilverRock Development Company LLC Adopted: Poge 2 of 3 3. Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) The Design and Development Department has determined that this project is consistent with Environmental Assessment 2014-1003 and no further environmental review is required. 4. Architectural Design The architectural design of the project, including, but not limited to, the architectural style, scale, building mass, materials, calors, architectural details, and roof style ore compatible with the architectural guidelines of the SilverRock Specific Plan and the quality of design prevalent in the city. 5. Site Design The site design of the project, including, but not limited to, project entries, interior circulation, pedestrian and bicycle access, pedestrian amenities, screening of equipment and trash enclosures, and exterior lighting, are consistent with the SilverRock Specific Plan and with the quality of design prevalent in the city. 6. Landscape Design Project landscaping, including, but not limited to, the location type, size, color, texture and coverage of plant materials, has been designed so as to provide visual relief, complement buildings, visually emphasize prominent design elements and vistas, screen undesirable views, provide a harmonious transition between adjacent land uses and between development and open space, and enhance the visual continuity of the project. The landscape design will be consistent with the established landscape guidelines for the SilverRock Specific Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, 6E IT RESOLVED by the Planning Commission of the City of La Quints, California, as follows: SECTION 1. That the above recitations are true and constitute the findings of the Planning Commission in this case. SECTION 2. That the above project be determined by the Planning Commission to be consistent with Environmental Assessment 2014-1003. SECTION 3. That it does hereby approve Site Development Permit 2016-0005, for the reasons set forth in this Resolution and subject to the attached Conditions of Approval. Planning Commission Resolution 2076 - Site Development Permit 2016-0005 SilverRock Development Company LLC Adopted: Poge 3 of PASSED, Quinta Planning following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: APPROVED, and ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City of La Commission, held on this the 25th day of October, 2016, by the PHILIP BETTENCOURT, Chairperson City of La Quinta, California ATTEST: GABRIEL PEREZ, Planning Manager City of La Quinta, California PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 SILVERROCK ADOPTED: Page 1 of 16 GENERAL The applicant agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of La Quinta ("City"), its agents, officers and employees from any claim, action or proceeding to attack, set aside, void, or annul the approval of this Site Development Permit. The City shall have sole discretion in selecting its defense counsel. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any claim, action or proceeding and shall cooperate fully in the defense. 2. Prior to the issuance of any grading, construction, or building permit by the City, the applicant shall obtain any necessary clearances and/or permits from the following agencies, if required: • Riverside County Fire Marshal • La Quinta Public Works Development Division (Grading Permit, Green Sheet (Public Works Clearance) for Building Permits, Water Quality Management Plan(WQMP) Exemption Form - Whitewater River Region, Improvement Permit) • Design & Development Department • Riverside Co. Environmental Health Department • Desert Sands Unified School District • Coachella Valley Water District (CVWD) • Imperial Irrigation District (IID) • California Water Quality Control Board (CWQCB) • State Water Resources Control Board • SunLine Transit Agency • SCAQMD Coachella Valley The applicant is responsible for all requirements of the permits and/or clearances from the above listed agencies. When these requirements include approval of improvement plans, the applicant shall furnish proof of such approvals when submitting those improvements plans for City approval. Coverage under the State of California Construction General Permit must be obtained by the applicant; who then shall submit a copy of the Regional Water Quality Control Board's ("RWQCB") acknowledgment of the applicant's Notice of Intent ("NOI") and Waste Discharger Identification (WDID) number to the City PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 SILVERROCK ADOPTED: Page 2 of 16 prior to the issuance of a grading or building permit. 4. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 et seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Colorado River Basin Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011 and the State Water Resources Control Board's Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ and Order No. 2012- 0006-DWQ. A. For construction activities including clearing, grading or excavation of land that disturbs one (1) acre or more of land, or that disturbs less than one (1) acre of land, but which is a part of a construction project that encompasses more than one (1) acre of land, the Permitee shall be required to submit a Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan ("SWPPP"). The applicant or design professional can obtain the California Stormwater Quality Association SWPPP template at www.cabmphandbooks.com for use in their SWPPP preparation. B. The applicant's SWPPP shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to any on or off-site grading being done in relation to this project. C. The applicant shall ensure that the required SWPPP is available for inspection at the project site at all times through and including acceptance of all improvements by the City. D. The applicant's SWPPP shall include provisions for all of the following Best Management Practices ("BMPs") (LQMC Section 8.70.020 (Definitions)): 1) Temporary Soil Stabilization (erosion control). 2) Temporary Sediment Control. 3) Wind Erosion Control. 4) Tracking Control. 5) Non -Storm Water Management. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 SILVERROCK ADOPTED: Page 3 of 16 6) Waste Management and Materials Pollution Control. E. All erosion and sediment control BMPs proposed by the applicant shall be approved by the City Engineer prior to any onsite or offsite grading, pursuant to this project. F. The SWPPP and BMPs shall remain in effect for the entire duration of project construction until all improvements are completed and accepted by the City. G. The inclusion in the Conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions (CC&Rs), a requirement for the perpetual maintenance and operation of all post - construction BMPs as required; and the applicant shall execute and record an agreement that provides for the perpetual maintenance and operation of all post -construction BMPs is required. 5. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual attorney's fees incurred by the City Attorney to review, negotiate and/or modify any documents or instruments required by these conditions, if Developer requests that the City modify or revise any documents or instruments prepared initially by the City to effect these conditions. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. 6. Developer shall reimburse the City, within thirty (30) days of presentment of the invoice, all costs and actual consultant's fees incurred by the City for engineering and/or surveying consultants to review and/or modify any documents or instruments required by this project. This obligation shall be paid in the time noted above without deduction or offset and Developer's failure to make such payment shall be a material breach of the Conditions of Approval. PROPERTY RIGHTS 7. Prior to issuance of any permit(s), the applicant shall acquire or confer easements and other property rights necessary for the construction or proper functioning of the proposed development. Conferred rights shall include irrevocable offers to dedicate or grant access easements to the City for emergency services and for maintenance, construction and reconstruction of essential improvements. Said PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 SILVERROCK ADOPTED: Page 4 of 16 conferred rights shall also include grant of access easement to the City of La Quinta for the purpose of graffiti removal by City staff or assigned agent in perpetuity and agreement to the method to remove graffiti and to paint over to best match existing. The applicant shall establish the aforementioned requirements in the CC&R's for the development or other agreements as approved by the City Engineer. 8. Pursuant to the aforementioned condition, conferred rights shall include property rights necessary for construction and proper functioning of the proposed development not limited to access rights over proposed and/or existing private streets that access public streets and open space/drainage facilities. 9. The applicant shall furnish proof of easements, or written permission, as appropriate, from those owners of all abutting properties on which grading, retaining wall construction, permanent slopes, or other encroachments will occur. 10. The applicant shall offer for dedication on the Final Map all public street rights-of- way in conformance with the City's General Plan, Municipal Code, applicable specific plans, and/or as required by the City Engineer. STREET AND TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS 11. The applicant shall construct the following street improvements to conform with the General Plan and provisions of LQMC Sections 13.24.060 (Street Improvements), 13.24.070 (Street Design - Generally) & 13.24.100 (Access For Individual Properties and Development) for public streets. A. OFF-SITE STREETS 1) Construct right turn deceleration lane at all access points where there is a peak hour right -turn volume of 50vph. The deceleration lane length shall be as specified in Engineering Bulletin 06-13. 2) Jefferson Street (Major Arterial) - Construct a traffic signal or roundabout at the project entrance off Jefferson Street at such time that warrants are met. PARKING LOTS and ACCESS POINTS 12. The design of parking facilities shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150 and in PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 SILVERROCK ADOPTED: Page 5 of 16 particular the following: A. The parking stall and aisle widths and the double hairpin stripe parking stall design shall conform to LQMC Chapter 9.150. B. Cross slopes should be a maximum of 2% where ADA accessibility is required including accessibility routes between buildings. C. Building access points shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plans so that ADA accessibility issues can be evaluated. D. Accessibility routes to public streets and adjacent development shall be shown on the Precise Grading Plan. E. Parking stall lengths shall be according to LQMC Chapter 9.150 and be a minimum of 18 feet in length with a 2 -foot overhang for all parking stalls or as approved by the City Engineer. One van accessible handicapped parking stall is required per 6 handicapped parking stalls. F. Drive aisles between parking stalls shall be a minimum of 26 feet with access drive aisles to Public Streets a minimum of 30 feet or as approved by the City Engineer. A minimum of 20 feet on each side of approach drives shall be provided where divided by median islands and as approved by the City Engineer. 13. The applicant shall design street pavement sections using CalTrans' design procedure for 20 -year life pavement, and the site-specific data for soil strength and anticipated traffic loading (including construction traffic). Minimum structural sections shall be as follows: Major Arterial Residential 5.5" a.c./6.5" c.a.b. 3.0" a.c./4.5" c.a.b. Parking Lot & Aisles (Low Traffic) 3.0" a.c./4.5" c.a.b. Parking Lot & Aisles (High Traffic) 4.5" a.c./5.5" c.a.b. Loading Areas 6" P.C.C./4" c.a.b. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 SILVERROCK ADOPTED: Page 6 of 16 or the approved equivalents of alternate materials. 14. The applicant shall submit current mix designs (less than two years old at the time of construction) for base, asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete. The submittal shall include test results for all specimens used in the mix design procedure. For mix designs over six months old, the submittal shall include recent (less than six months old at the time of construction) aggregate gradation test results confirming that design gradations can be achieved in current production. The applicant shall not schedule construction operations until mix designs are approved. 15. Improvements shall include appurtenances such as traffic control signs, markings and other devices, raised medians if required, street name signs and sidewalks. 16. Improvements shall be designed and constructed in accordance with City adopted standards, supplemental drawings and specifications, or as approved by the City Engineer. Improvement plans for streets, access gates and parking areas shall be stamped and signed by qualified engineers. IMPROVEMENT PLANS As used throughout these Conditions of Approval, professional titles such as "engineer," "surveyor," and "architect," refers to persons currently certified or licensed to practice their respective professions in the State of California. 17. Improvement plans shall be prepared by or under the direct supervision of qualified engineers and/or architects, as appropriate, and shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.040 (Improvement Plans). 18. The following improvement plans shall be prepared and submitted for review and approval by the Design and Development Department. A separate set of plans for each line item specified below shall be prepared. The plans shall utilize the minimum scale specified, unless otherwise authorized by the City Engineer in writing. Plans may be prepared at a larger scale if additional detail or plan clarity is desired. Note, the applicant may be required to prepare other improvement plans not listed here pursuant to improvements required by other agencies and utility purveyors. A. On -Site Mass Grading Plan 1" = 100' Horizontal PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 SILVERROCK ADOPTED: Page 7 of 16 B. On -Site Rough Grading Plan 1" = 40' Horizontal C. PM10 Plan 1" = 40' Horizontal D. Final WQMP (Plan submitted in Report Form) NOTE: A through D to be submitted concurrently. E. On -Site Street Improvements/ Signing & Striping/ Storm Drain Plan 1" = 40' Horizontal, 1"= 4' Vertical (Separate Storm Drain Plans if applicable) F. On -Site Commercial Precise Grading 1" = 20' Horizontal (Separate Storm Drain Plans if applicable) Other engineered improvement plans prepared for City approval that are not listed above shall be prepared in formats approved by the City Engineer prior to commencing plan preparation. "On -Site Commercial Precise Grading" plan is required to be submitted for approval by the Building Official, Planning Manager and the City Engineer. "On -Site Commercial Precise Grading" plans shall normally include all on-site surface improvements including but not necessarily limited to finish grades for curbs & gutters, building floor elevations, parking lot improvements and ADA requirements. All On -Site Signing & Striping Plans shall show, at a minimum; Stop Signs, Limit Lines and Legends, No Parking Signs, Raised Pavement Markers (including Blue RPMs at fire hydrants) and Street Name Signs per Public Works Standard Plans and/or as approved by the Engineering Department. "Rough Grading" plans shall normally include perimeter walls with Top Of Wall & Top Of Footing elevations shown. All footings shall have a minimum of 1 -foot of cover, or sufficient cover to clear any adjacent obstructions. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 SILVERROCK ADOPTED: Page 8 of 16 19. The City maintains standard plans, detail sheets and/or construction notes for elements of construction which can be accessed via the Public Works "Plans, Notes and Design Guidance" section of the City website (www.la-quinta.org). Please navigate to the Public Works home page and look for the Standard Drawings hyperlink. 20. The applicant shall furnish a complete set of the mylars of all approved improvement plans on a storage media acceptable to the City Engineer. 21. Upon completion of construction, and prior to final acceptance of the improvements by the City, the applicant shall furnish the City with reproducible record drawings of all improvement plans which were approved by the City. Each sheet shall be clearly marked "Record Drawing" and shall be stamped and signed by the engineer or surveyor certifying to the accuracy and completeness of the drawings. The applicant shall have all approved mylars previously submitted to the City, revised to reflect the as -built conditions. The applicant shall employ or retain the Engineer of Record during the construction phase of the project so that the EOR can make site visits in support of preparing "Record Drawing". However, if subsequent approved revisions have been approved by the City Engineer and reflect said "Record Drawing" conditions, the Engineer of Record may submit a letter attesting to said fact to the City Engineer in lieu of mylar submittal. GRADING 22. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.050 (Grading Improvements). 23. Prior to occupancy of the project site for any construction, or other purposes, the applicant shall obtain a grading permit approved by the City Engineer. 24. To obtain an approved grading permit, the applicant shall submit and obtain approval of all of the following: A. A grading plan prepared by a civil engineer registered in the State of California, B. A preliminary geotechnical ("soils") report prepared by a professional PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 SILVERROCK ADOPTED: Page 9 of 16 registered in the State of California, C. A Fugitive Dust Control Plan prepared in accordance with LQMC Chapter 6.16, (Fugitive Dust Control), and D. A Best Management Practices report prepared in accordance with LQMC Sections 8.70.010 and 13.24.170 (NPDES Stormwater Discharge Permit and Storm Management and Discharge Controls), and E. A WQMP prepared by an authorized professional registered in the State of California, and F. A grading bond in a form acceptable to the City, and in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the grading bond requirements. All grading shall conform with the recommendations contained in the Preliminary Soils Report, and shall be certified as being adequate by soils engineer, or engineering geologist registered in the State of California. The applicant shall furnish security, in a form acceptable to the City, and in an amount sufficient to guarantee compliance with the approved Fugitive Dust Control Plan provisions. Additionally, the applicant shall replenish said security if expended by the City of La Quinta to comply with the Plan as required by the City Engineer. 25. The applicant shall maintain all open graded, undeveloped land in order to prevent wind and/or water erosion of such land. All open graded, undeveloped land shall either be planted with interim landscaping, or stabilized with such other erosion control measures, as were approved in the Fugitive Dust Control Plan. 26. Grading within the perimeter setback and parkway areas shall have undulating terrain and shall conform with the requirements of LQMC Section 9.60.240(F) except as otherwise modified by this condition requirement. The maximum slope shall not exceed 3:1 anywhere in the landscape setback area, except for the backslope (i.e. the slope at the back of the landscape lot) which shall not exceed 2:1 if fully planted with ground cover. The maximum slope in the first six (6) feet adjacent to the curb shall not exceed 4:1 when the nearest edge of sidewalk is within six feet (6') of the curb, otherwise the maximum slope within the right of way shall not exceed 3:1. All unpaved parkway areas adjacent to the curb shall be PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 SILVERROCK ADOPTED: Page 10 of 16 depressed one and one-half inches (1.5") in the first eighteen inches (18") behind the curb. 27. Building pad elevations on the precise grading plan submitted for City Engineer's approval shall conform with pad elevations shown on the Site Development Permit Preliminary Grading Plans, unless the pad elevations have other requirements imposed elsewhere in these Conditions of Approval. 28. Prior to any site grading or regrading that will raise or lower any portion of the site by more than plus or minus five tenths of a foot (0.5') from the elevations shown on the Site Development Permit Preliminary Grading Plans, the applicant shall submit the proposed grading changes to the City Staff for a substantial conformance finding review. 29. Prior to the issuance of a building permit for any building lot, the applicant shall provide a lot pad certification stamped and signed by a qualified engineer or surveyor with applicable compaction tests and over excavation documentation. Each pad certification shall list the pad elevation as shown on the approved grading plan, the actual pad elevation and the difference between the two, if any. Such pad certification shall also list the relative compaction of the pad soil. 30. This development shall comply with LQMC Chapter 8.11 (Flood Hazard Regulations). If any portion of any proposed building lot in the development is or may be located within a flood hazard area as identified on the City's Flood Insurance Rate Maps, the development shall be graded to ensure that all floors and exterior fill (at the foundation) are above the level of the project (100 -year) flood and building pads are compacted to 95% Proctor Density as required in Title 44 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 65.5(a) (6). Prior to issuance of building permits for lots which are so located, the applicant shall furnish elevation certifications, as required by FEMA, that the above conditions have been met. DRAINAGE 31. Stormwater handling shall conform with the approved hydrology and drainage report for SDP 2016-0001 SilverRock. Nuisance water shall be disposed of in an approved manner. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 SILVERROCK ADOPTED: Page 11 of 16 32. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.120 (Drainage), Retention Basin Design Criteria, Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 - Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems and Engineering Bulletin No. 06-015 - Underground Retention Basin Design Requirements. More specifically, stormwater falling on site during the 100 year storm shall be retained within the development, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. The design storm shall be either the 1 -hour, 3 -hour, 6 -hour or 24-hour event producing the greatest total run off. 33. Nuisance water shall be retained on site. Nuisance water shall be disposed of per approved methods contained in Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 - Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems and Engineering Bulletin No. 06-015 - Underground Retention Basin Design Requirements. 34. No fence or wall shall be constructed around any retention basin unless approved by the Planning Manager and the City Engineer. 35. For on-site above ground common retention basins, retention depth shall be according to Engineering Bulletin No. 06-16 - Hydrology Report with Preliminary Hydraulic Report Criteria for Storm Drain Systems. Side slopes shall not exceed 3:1 and shall be planted with maintenance free ground cover. Additionally, retention basin widths shall be not less than 20 feet at the bottom of the basin or as approved by the City Engineer. 36. Stormwater may not be retained in landscaped parkways or landscaped setback lots. Only incidental storm water (precipitation which directly falls onto the setback) will be permitted to be retained in the landscape setback areas. The perimeter setback and parkway areas in the street right-of-way shall be shaped with berms and mounds, pursuant to LQMC Section 9.100.040(B)(7). 37. The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions for post construction runoff per the City's NPDES stormwater discharge permit, LQMC Sections 8.70.010 et seq. (Stormwater Management and Discharge Controls), and 13.24.170 (Clean Air/Clean Water); Riverside County Ordinance No. 457; and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011 and the State Water Resources Control Board's Order No. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 SILVERROCK ADOPTED: Page 12 of 16 2009-0009-DWQ and Order No. 2010-0014-DWQ. A. For post -construction urban runoff from New Development and Redevelopments Projects, the applicant shall implement requirements of the NPDES permit for the design, construction and perpetual operation and maintenance of BMPs per the approved Water Quality Management Plan (WQMP) for the project as required by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board - Colorado River Basin (CRWQCB-CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011. B. The applicant shall implement the WQMP Design Standards per (CRWQCB- CRB) Region Board Order No. R7-2013-0011 utilizing BMPs approved by the City Engineer. A project specific WQMP shall be provided which incorporates Site Design and Treatment BMPs utilizing first flush infiltration as a preferred method of NPDES Permit Compliance for Whitewater River receiving water, as applicable. C. The developer shall execute and record a Stormwater Management/BMP Facilities Agreement that provides for the perpetual maintenance and operation of stormwater BMPs. UTILITIES 38. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.110 (Utilities). 39. The applicant shall obtain the approval of the City Engineer for the location of all utility lines within any right-of-way, and all above -ground utility structures including, but not limited to, traffic signal cabinets, electric vaults, water valves, and telephone stands, to ensure optimum placement for practical and aesthetic purposes. 40. Existing overhead utility lines within, or adjacent to the proposed development, and all proposed utilities shall be installed underground. All existing utility lines attached to joint use 92 KV transmission power poles are exempt from the requirement to be placed underground. 41. Underground utilities shall be installed prior to overlying hardscape. For installation of utilities in existing improved streets, the applicant shall complywith PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 SILVERROCK ADOPTED: Page 13 of 16 trench restoration requirements maintained, or required by the City Engineer. The applicant shall provide certified reports of all utility trench compaction for approval by the City Engineer. Additionally, grease traps and the maintenance thereof shall be located as to not conflict with access aisles/entrances. CONSTRUCTION 42. The City will conduct final inspections of habitable buildings only when the buildings have parking lot improvements and (if required) sidewalk access to publicly -maintained streets. The improvements shall include required traffic control devices, pavement markings and street name signs. If on-site streets in residential developments are initially constructed with partial pavement thickness, the applicant shall complete the pavement prior to final inspections of the last ten percent of homes within the development or when directed by the City, whichever comes first. LANDSCAPE AND IRRIGATION 43. The applicant shall comply with LQMC Sections 13.24.130 (Landscaping Setbacks) & 13.24.140 (Landscaping Plans). 44. The applicant shall provide landscaping in the required setbacks, retention basins, and common lots. 45. All new landscape areas shall have landscaping and permanent irrigation improvements in compliance with the City's Water Efficient Landscape regulations contained in LQMC Section 8.13 (Water Efficient Landscape). 46. The applicant shall submit final landscape plans for review, processing and approval to the Design and Development Department, in accordance with the Final Landscape Plan application process. Design and Development Director approval of the final landscape plans is required prior to issuance of the first building permit unless the Director determines extenuating circumstances exist which justify an alternative processing schedule. NOTE: Plans are not approved for construction until signed by the appropriate City official, including the Design and Development Director. PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 SILVERROCK ADOPTED: Page 14 of 16 Prior to final approval of the installation of landscaping, the Landscape Architect of record shall provide the Design and Development Department a letter stating he/she has personally inspected the installation and that it conforms with the final landscaping plans as approved by the City. If staff determines during final landscaping inspection that adjustments are required in order to meet the intent of the Planning Commission's approval, the Design and Development Director shall review and approve any such revisions to the landscape plan. 47. All trees shall consist of, at minimum, 36 -inch box trees (i.e., a minimum 2.5 inch caliper measured three feet up from grade level after planting), 5 -gallon shrubs, and groundcover. Double lodge poles (two-inch diameter) shall be used to brace and stake trees. 48. A minimum of 50% of plantings classified "Shrubs, Perennials and Annuals" shall be provided as 5 -gallon plants. This requirement shall be implemented on each Final Landscaping Plan submitted for review and approval to the City. MAINTENANCE 49. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.160 (Maintenance). 50. The applicant shall make provisions for the continuous and perpetual maintenance of all private on-site improvements, perimeter landscaping, access drives, sidewalks, and stormwater BMPs. FEES AND DEPOSITS 51. The applicant shall comply with the provisions of LQMC Section 13.24.180 (Fees and Deposits). These fees include all deposits and fees required by the City for plan checking and construction inspection. Deposits and fee amounts shall be those in effect when the applicant makes application for plan check and permits. 52. Permits issued under this approval shall be subject to the provisions of the Development Impact Fee and Transportation Uniform Mitigation Fee programs in effect at the time of issuance of building permit(s). PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION 2016 - CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL - RECOMMENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 SILVERROCK ADOPTED: Page 15 of 16 CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT 53. All mitigation measures included in Environmental Assessment 2014-1030 shall apply to this project. 54. If Bighorn Sheep enter into the Project Site, an 8 -foot fence (or the functional equivalent) between the development and the hillside shall be constructed. The gaps should be 11 centimeters (4.3 inches) or less. If determined necessary, the City shall construct temporary fencing while permanent fencing is constructed. The fence shall not contain gaps in which Bighorn Sheep can be entangled. If the Department transfers or disposes of any of the property adjacent to the hillside, the Department shall reserve an easement sufficient for the construction of fencing if needed in the future. FIRE DEPARTMENT 55. Developer shall provide 20 foot Fire Department access to hotel guest rooms and spa buildings. Access shall comply with CFC Chapter 5 and Riverside County Code 787. ATTACHMENT 1 Proiect Information CASE NUMBER: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005 APPLICANT: SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY LLC PROPERTY OWNER: CITY OF LA QUINTA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT: BURTON LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE STUDIO ARCHITECT: GENSLER REQUEST: ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 2016-0005, INCLUDING THE SITE PLAN, ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND LANDSCAPING FOR PLANNING AREAS 2, 3 AND 4 OF THE SILVERROCK SPECIFIC PLAN. LOCATION: SOUTHWEST CORNER OF JEFFERSON STREET AND AVENUE 52 GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: TOURIST COMMERCIAL, OPEN SPACE - RECREATION ZONING DESIGNATION: TOURIST COMMERCIAL, GOLF COURSE SURROUNDING ZONING/LAND USES: NORTH: GOLF COURSE (WITHIN THE SILVERROCK PROJECT) SOUTH: GOLF COURSE (WITHIN THE SILVERROCK PROJECT) WEST: OPEN SPACE (SANTA ROSA MOUTAINS) EAST: GOLF COURSE (WITHIN THE SILVERROCK PROJECT) Project Area Site Ma SDP2016-0005 ATTACHMENT 2 Map SilverRock Development Company, LLC SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 PA -2. 3 & 4 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 10-18-2016 55.7598.000 NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION ATTACHMENT 3 SilverRock Development Company, LLC DEVELOPER 3551 Fortuna Ranch Road Encinitas, CA 92024 Telephone: 760.634.6543 Gensler ARCHITECT 225 Broadway Suite 1600 San Diego, CA 92101 Telephone: 619.557.2500 Michael Baker International CIVIL ENGINEER 75-410 Gerald Ford Drive Suite 100 Palm Desert, CA 92211 Telephone: 760.346.7481 Burton Landscape Architecture Studio LANDSCAPE 307 S. Cedros Ave. Solana Beach, CA 92075 Telephone: 858.794.7204 Glumac LIGHTING ENGINEER 18200 Von Karman Ave. Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92612-1029 Telephone: 949.833.8190 Melia Homes RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECT 8951 Research Drive Irvine, CA 92618 Telephone: 949.759.4367 VICINITY MAP I 1._ SiwerRack SPBCifIC Plan Area w - SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES 79-179 AHMANSON LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT CODES AND REGULATIONS 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATIVE CODE PART 1, TITLE 24, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS (CCR) 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE PART 2, TITLE 24, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS (CCR) (2009 IBC AND 2010 CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS) 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE PART 3, TITLE 24, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS (CCR) 2008 NEC AND 2010 CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS) ) 2013 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE PART 4, TITLE 24, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS (CCR) (2009 UMC AND 2010 CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS) 2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE PART 5, TITLE 24, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS (CCR) (2009 UPC AND 2010 CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS) 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE PART 9, TITLE 24, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS (CCR) (2009 IFC AND 2010 CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS) NFPA 101 (LIFE SAFETY CODE), 2013 EDITION NFPA 72 (NATIONAL FIRE ALARM AND SIGNALING CODE), 2013 EDITION PARKING CALCULATIONS ii1@rel :1oil] 1:10SI0NIF7IT,r_F 101.191:!11khoI170d10211 LAND USE REQUIRED PROVIDED NOTES HOTEL UNITS 266 269 SP REQUIREMENTS: IIKEY FIRST 50 ROOMS. 751 EY OVER 50 ROOMS. 340 KEYS. HOTEL F& B 97 97 115 SEATS. 205 SEATS LUXURY HOTEL. 278 SEATS LIFESTYLE HOTEL. HOTEL EMPLOYEE 189 PARKING - J_ CONFERENCE CENTER 350 76,444 SF/1.75 AC SHAREDSERVICES 7,065 SF10.76 AC 'AC GOLFCOURSE 90 558S FUTURE GOLF 45 r•arrsr L�_�-� 92,589 SF12.13AC 8.99%OF PA2 SITE 255,000 SF/5.65 AC 24.76% OF PA2 SITE SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES 79-179 AHMANSON LANE LA QUINTA, CA 92253 SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT CODES AND REGULATIONS 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING STANDARDS ADMINISTRATIVE CODE PART 1, TITLE 24, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS (CCR) 2013 CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE PART 2, TITLE 24, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS (CCR) (2009 IBC AND 2010 CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS) 2013 CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE PART 3, TITLE 24, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS (CCR) 2008 NEC AND 2010 CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS) ) 2013 CALIFORNIA MECHANICAL CODE PART 4, TITLE 24, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS (CCR) (2009 UMC AND 2010 CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS) 2013 CALIFORNIA PLUMBING CODE PART 5, TITLE 24, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS (CCR) (2009 UPC AND 2010 CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS) 2013 CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE PART 9, TITLE 24, CALIFORNIA CODE OF REGULATIONS (CCR) (2009 IFC AND 2010 CALIFORNIA AMENDMENTS) NFPA 101 (LIFE SAFETY CODE), 2013 EDITION NFPA 72 (NATIONAL FIRE ALARM AND SIGNALING CODE), 2013 EDITION PARKING CALCULATIONS ii1@rel :1oil] 1:10SI0NIF7IT,r_F 101.191:!11khoI170d10211 LAND USE REQUIRED PROVIDED NOTES HOTEL UNITS 266 269 SP REQUIREMENTS: IIKEY FIRST 50 ROOMS. 751 EY OVER 50 ROOMS. 340 KEYS. HOTEL F& B 97 97 115 SEATS. 205 SEATS LUXURY HOTEL. 278 SEATS LIFESTYLE HOTEL. PA 3 PA 2 �PA 94,000 SF 255,000 SF 189,000 SF IMPERMEABLE IMPERMEABLE IMPERMEABLE SURFACE SURFACE SURFACE\ SILVERROCK WAY a I19191uv a 610 �10A m o oy e� A 7 HARDSCAPE VS PERMEABLE SURFACE SCALE: 1"=400'-0" PRACTICE RANGE 20 TOTAL MASTERPLAN 1,059 DEVELOPMENT ADA PARKING SPACES 21 IN TOTAL PROJECT DATA 189 5 SPACES PER 378 MAX DAILY SHIFT EMPLOYEES. 351 CREDIT 30 SF/GUEST UNIT. THEREAFTER 1 SPACE PER 30 SF OF MTG AREA. 20,473 SF MTG AREA. 90 SP REQUIREMENT 18 HOLES:5 STALLSIHO11, 45 SP REQUIREMENT -9 HOLES'.5 STALLSIHOLE. 20 VPRACTICE RANGE TEE, 1,061 21 21 SPACES INCLUDED (4 OF WHICH ARE VAN) MASTERPLAN PARKING CALCULATIONS (ABOVE);1 FOR EACH100, OR FRACTION THEREOF, OVER 1000. PROJECT DATA CONTINUED BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE H1 -LUXURY HOTEL. AND PERCENT OF SITE AREA: HS-HOTELSPA: GR- GUESTROOMS: 140 ROOMS GRI: GR2: GR3: GR4: GR- GUESTROOMS (TOTAL): PARKINGIIMPERMEABLE AREA: LANDSCAPEAREA MC - MEETING CENTER: CC- CONFERENCE CENTER: SS- SHARED SERVICES: PARKINGIIMPERMEABLE AREA: LANDSCAPEAREA R1 -29 LUXURY RESIDENCES PARKINGIIMPERMEABLE AREA: LANDSCAPEAREA 23,960 SF10.55AC HOTEL EMPLOYEE 189 PARKING - J_ CONFERENCE CENTER 350 76,444 SF/1.75 AC SHAREDSERVICES 7,065 SF10.76 AC 'AC GOLFCOURSE 90 558S FUTURE GOLF 45 PA 3 PA 2 �PA 94,000 SF 255,000 SF 189,000 SF IMPERMEABLE IMPERMEABLE IMPERMEABLE SURFACE SURFACE SURFACE\ SILVERROCK WAY a I19191uv a 610 �10A m o oy e� A 7 HARDSCAPE VS PERMEABLE SURFACE SCALE: 1"=400'-0" PRACTICE RANGE 20 TOTAL MASTERPLAN 1,059 DEVELOPMENT ADA PARKING SPACES 21 IN TOTAL PROJECT DATA 189 5 SPACES PER 378 MAX DAILY SHIFT EMPLOYEES. 351 CREDIT 30 SF/GUEST UNIT. THEREAFTER 1 SPACE PER 30 SF OF MTG AREA. 20,473 SF MTG AREA. 90 SP REQUIREMENT 18 HOLES:5 STALLSIHO11, 45 SP REQUIREMENT -9 HOLES'.5 STALLSIHOLE. 20 VPRACTICE RANGE TEE, 1,061 21 21 SPACES INCLUDED (4 OF WHICH ARE VAN) MASTERPLAN PARKING CALCULATIONS (ABOVE);1 FOR EACH100, OR FRACTION THEREOF, OVER 1000. PROJECT DATA CONTINUED BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE H1 -LUXURY HOTEL. AND PERCENT OF SITE AREA: HS-HOTELSPA: GR- GUESTROOMS: 140 ROOMS GRI: GR2: GR3: GR4: GR- GUESTROOMS (TOTAL): PARKINGIIMPERMEABLE AREA: LANDSCAPEAREA MC - MEETING CENTER: CC- CONFERENCE CENTER: SS- SHARED SERVICES: PARKINGIIMPERMEABLE AREA: LANDSCAPEAREA R1 -29 LUXURY RESIDENCES PARKINGIIMPERMEABLE AREA: LANDSCAPEAREA 23,960 SF10.55AC 2.35%0F PA2SITE 13,083 SFN.30 AC 127% OF PA2 SITE 76,444 SF/1.75 AC 742%OF PA2 SITE 7,065 SF10.76 AC 'AC 0.69%OF PA2SITE 558S 0.35%OF PA2 SITE 5, 522 SF,0.13 AC 0.54%OF PA2 SITE 92,589 SF12.13AC 8.99%OF PA2 SITE 255,000 SF/5.65 AC 24.76% OF PA2 SITE 644,983 SF/14.81 AC 62.63% OF PA 2 SITE 7,279 SHIA 7 AC 185% OF PA4 SITE 34,738 SFN.80 AC 8.81%OF PA4 SITE 21,978 SFN.50 AC 5.57%OF PA4 SITE f89,000SF/4.33AC 47.93% OF PA4 SITE 747,312 SF/3.25 AC 35.84% OF PA4 SITE 151,621 SF/3.48 AC 25.10% OF PA3 SITE 9000 SFI2.16 AC 15.56% OF PA3 SITE 358,540 SF/ 8.23 AC 59.34%OF PA 3 SITE MAX BUILDING HEIGHT H1 -HOTEL LOBBY 18'A'-21'-8", SINGLE STORY RANGES': H1 -HOTEL POOL BAR 11'-0'-14'-0", SINGLESTORY HS - HOTEL SPA 16'a'-19'-3", SINGLE STORY GRT, 12'-0'-15'-0-, SINGLE STORY 0R3 12'-0'-15'-0', SINGLE STORY GR4 74'-10', SINGLE STORY CC CONFERENCE CENTER 28'-0'-31'-0", SINGLE STORY MC MEETING CENTER 15'3'-18'-6", SINGLE STORY SS SHARED SERVICES 18'-0'-21'-0", SINGLE STORY RESIDENNALPLANI 16'3'-19'-5", SINGLE STORY RESIDENTIAL PLAN 2 17'3'-20-9", SINGLE STORY RESIDENTIAL PLAN 3 173'.20'-9", SINGLE STORY RESIDENTIAL PLAN 4 16'A'-19'-8", SINGLE STORY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: HOTEL: TYPE V -B, FULLY SPRNKLERED SPA TYPE V -B, FULLY SPRINKLERED GUESTROOMS: TYPE V -B, FULLY SPRNKLERED MEETING CENTER: TYPE V -B, FULLY SPRNKLERED CONFERENCE CENTER: TYPE V -B, FULLY SPRNKLERED SHARED SERVICES BUILDING: TYPE V -B, FULLY SPRINKLERED ' MAXIMUM HEIGHT RANGE PROVIDED TO ACCOUNT FOR POTENTIAL ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT ENCLOSURE 776 -150 -022,777 -090 -011,770 -206026,77E -1W-021, 77fi-150-023,777-090007, OCCUPANCY: PA2- R-1, A-2, B, S-1, S-2 L-0.1 PLANTING NOTES AND LEGEND PA3- R,3 OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, LOCATED WITHIN SECTIONS 5 AND 8, TOWNSHIP 6 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT TYPICAL GUESTROOM PA4- A-2, B. S1, S-2 ILLUSTRATIVE OVERALL SITE PLAN PROPOSED LAND USE: PA2- HOTEL WITH SUPPORTING SPAAND RESTAURANT SP -L-1.2 L-0.3 PA -3 -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL HOMES SHEETINDEX PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN PA -0- CONFERENCE CENTER AND HOTEL SUPPORT SVCS G-0.0 SETBACKS: MINIMUM PERIMETER BUILDINGIANDSCAPE SETBACKS PER LA QUINTA SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNADINO MERIDIAN G-0.1 MUNICIPAL CODE. CT DISTRICT' PRELIM INARYLANDSCAPEENLARGEMENTTYPICAL GUESTROOMDETAIL PPA: THOSE PORTIONS OF PARCELS 1,18 AND'(' OF PARCEL MAP 33367, AS SHOWN ON A MAP THEREO 92253 BLDG. LS LP -3.2 FROM PERIMETER STREET RIGHT OF WAY: 20' 10' 23.6 AC FROM RESIDENTIAL, PR, OS AND GC DISTRICTS: 30' 15' PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT TYPICAL ENTRY DETAIL 'SPECIFIC PLAN APPROVAL REQUIRED FOR DEVELOPMENT OR LAND DIVISION GREATER 13.9 AC THAN 10 ACRES IN THE CR, CP, AND CT DISTRICTS PER 9.90.040 C-1 BUILDING/LANDSCAPE SETBACKS PER SILVERROCK RESORT SPECIFIC PLAN BLDG. LS PA2 FROM PERIMETER STREET RIGHT OF WAY. 10 10' FROM INTERIOR PROPERTY LINES WITHIN SAME PROPERTY: 0' 0' PA3 FROM PERIMETER STREET RIGHT OF WAY: 10' 10' GARAGE/CARPORT FROM STREET CURB: 5' PROJECT DESCRIPTION: THE PROJECT CONSISTS OF THE EXISTING AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE RESTAURANT, A NEW 140 KEY FROM INTERIOR PROPERTY LINES WITHIN SAME PROPERTY: 0' 0' LUXURY HOTEL, HOTEL SPA AND FITNESS BUILDING, MEETING CENTER, CONFERENCE CENTER, SHARED SERVICES BUILDING, LUXURY BRANDED RESIDENCES, PARKING AND RELATED SITE PA -0 FROM PERIMETER STREET RIGHT OF WAY: 10' 10' IMPROVEMENTS. ABUTTING RESIDENTIAL, OS, AND GC DISTRICTS: 10' 0' GARAGFJCARPORT FROM STREET CURB: 5' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: PA2: THOSE PORTIONS OF PARCELS 1, 18,20,22,'I'AND'K OF PARCEL MAP 33367, AS SHOWN ON MAJ FROM INTERIOR PROPERTY LINES WITHIN SAME PROPERTY: 9 0' PLANNING AREA 3: BOUTIQUE HOTEL THEREOF FILED IN BOOK 224 OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGES 24 THROUGH 39, INCLUSIVE, IN THE OFFICE L-0.1 PLANTING NOTES AND LEGEND PLANNING AREA 4'. RESORT OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, LOCATED WITHIN SECTIONS 5 AND 8, TOWNSHIP 6 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT TYPICAL GUESTROOM L-0.2 ILLUSTRATIVE OVERALL SITE PLAN SOUTH, RANGE 7 FAST, SAN BERNADINO MERIDIAN SP -L-1.2 L-0.3 PA3: THOSE PORTIONS OF PARCELS 1, 14, 19 ANDW OF PARCEL MAP 33357, AS SHOWN ON A MAP SHEETINDEX PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN THEREOF FILED IN BOOK 224 OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGES 24 THROUGH 39, INCLUSIVE, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, LOCATED WITHIN SECTIONS 5,Q AND 8, TOWNSHIP G-0.0 PROJECT COVER SHEET CT-TOURISTCOMMERCIAL SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNADINO MERIDIAN G-0.1 ARCHITECTURAL TITLE SHEET AND INDEX PRELIM INARYLANDSCAPEENLARGEMENTTYPICAL GUESTROOMDETAIL PPA: THOSE PORTIONS OF PARCELS 1,18 AND'(' OF PARCEL MAP 33367, AS SHOWN ON A MAP THEREO 92253 LIGHTING LP -3.2 FILED IN BOOK 224 OF PARCEL MAPS, AT PAGES 24 THROUGH 39, INCLUSIVE, IN THE OFFICE OF THE CIVIL 23.6 AC COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, LOCATED WITHIN SECTIONS 5 AND 8, TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT TYPICAL ENTRY DETAIL PA3- 604,161 SF 13.9 AC RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNADINO MERIDIAN C-1 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN APN: 776 -150 -022,777 -090 -011,770 -206026,77E -1W-021, 77fi-150-023,777-090007, C-2 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT TYPICAL STREETSCAPE DETAIL 777-0saool, 777,90-612, R40-014,777490-018 C-3 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: TOURISTCOMMERCIAL C-4 PRELIMINARY GRADING PLAN MEETING CENTER, CONFERENCE CENTER, SHARED SERVICES BUILDING OPEN SPACE -RECREATION PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT HOTEL SPA PA4- 368,996 SF 8.5AC OPEN SPACE -NATURAL LANDSCAPE PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT HOTEL ENTRY ROAD SILVERROCK SPECIFIC PLAN DESIGNATION: LAN GAR 2: CIVIC AND CULTURAL EVENTS FACILITIES San Diego, CA92101 L-2.4 PLANNING AREA 3: BOUTIQUE HOTEL SILVERROCK L-0.1 PLANTING NOTES AND LEGEND PLANNING AREA 4'. RESORT HOTEL AND RESORT CASITAS PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT TYPICAL GUESTROOM L-0.2 ILLUSTRATIVE OVERALL SITE PLAN ZONING: SP -L-1.2 L-0.3 ILLUSTRATIVE SITE PLAN - LUXURY HOTEL, SPA & SHARED SERVICES GC -GOLF COURSE PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN COMPANY LLC LP -3.0 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT INDEX CT-TOURISTCOMMERCIAL SP -L-1.5 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE SI TE PLAN LP -3.1 PRELIM INARYLANDSCAPEENLARGEMENTTYPICAL GUESTROOMDETAIL SITE AREAGROSS: FP - FLOODPLAIN : 92253 LIGHTING LP -3.2 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT TYPICAL GUESTROOM DETAIL PA2- 1,029,675 SF 23.6 AC LP -3.3 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT TYPICAL ENTRY DETAIL PA3- 604,161 SF 13.9 AC OVERALL SITE LIGHTING PLAN LP -3.4 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT TYPICAL MODEL HOME DETAIL PA4- 394,307 SF NET: 9.1 AG LP -3.5 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT TYPICAL STREETSCAPE DETAIL PA2- 927,31zsF 21.3 AC L-2.1 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT HOTEL POOL PA3- 492, 798 SF 11.3 AC MEETING CENTER, CONFERENCE CENTER, SHARED SERVICES BUILDING L-2.2 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT HOTEL SPA PA4- 368,996 SF 8.5AC E1.5 L-2.3 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT HOTEL ENTRY ROAD E1.6 GUESTROOMS SITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC San Diego, CA92101 L-2.4 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT RESIDENTIAL ENTRY United States ARCHITECTURAL L-2.5 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT TYPICAL RESIDENTIAL LANDSCAPE A-1.1 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN - AREA A L-2.6 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT SILVER ROCK WAY ENTRY ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN - AREA B A-1.3 L-2.7 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT SHARED SERVICES SHEET INDEX CONTINUED SILVERROCK L-2.8 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT SHARED SERVICED BUILDING L-2.9 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE ENLARGEMENT TYPICAL GUESTROOM DEVELOPMENTLANDSCAPE SP - L-1.1 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN SP -L-1.2 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN SP - L-1.3 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN COMPANY LLC SP - L-1.4 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE SITE PLAN 7 SP -L-1.5 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE SI TE PLAN 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 LIGHTING E0.0 ELECTRICAL LEGEND AND ABBREVIATIONS AND SHEET INDEX E0.1 LIGHTING FIXTURE SCHEDULE E1.0 OVERALL SITE LIGHTING PLAN E1.1 MEETING CENTER, CONFERENCE CENTER, SHARED SERVICES BUILDING SITE LIGHTING PLAN E1.2 HOTELAND SPA SITE GPLAN E1.3 GUESTROOMS SITE LIGHTINGGHTINGPLAN Gensler E1.4 MEETING CENTER, CONFERENCE CENTER, SHARED SERVICES BUILDING SITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 E1.5 HOTELAND SPASITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 E1.6 GUESTROOMS SITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC San Diego, CA92101 United States ARCHITECTURAL A-1.0 OVERALL ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN A-1.1 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN - AREA A A-1.2 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN - AREA B A-1.3 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN - AREA C A-1.4 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN - AREA D A-1.5 ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN -AREAE A-2.0 BUILDING RENDERINGS A-2.1 BUILDING RENDERINGS A-2.2 BUILDING RENDERINGS A-2.3 BUILDING RENDERINGS Date Description A-3.0 MATERIALS BOARD 111 -A-1.0 HOTEL BUILDING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 05-16-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 1 H1 -A-1.2 HOTEL POOL BAR EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 2 111 -A-2.0 HOTEL OVERALL ROOF PLAN 10-111-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 H1 -A,3.0 HOTEL OVERALL FLOOR PLAN GR 1 - A-1.0 GR 1 - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS GR 1 - A-2.0 FLOOR PLAN, ROOF PLAN GR 2 - A-1.0 GR 2 - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS, FLOOR PLAN, ROOF PLAN GR 3 - A-1.0 GR 3 - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS, FLOOR PLAN, ROOF PLAN GR4-A-1.0 GR4- EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS GR 4 - A-2.0 FLOOR PLAN, ROOF PLAN HS -A-1.0 HOTEL SPA BUILDING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS HS -A-2.0 HOTEL SPA OVERALL ROOF PLAN HS -A-3.0 HOTEL SPA OVERALL FLOOR PLAN OCC - A-1.0 OVERALL CONFERENCE & SHARED SERVICES ROOF PLAN OCC - A-2.0 OVERALL CONFERENCE & SHARED SERVICES FLOOR PLAN MC -A-1.0 MEETING CENTER BUILDING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS MC -A-2.0 MEETING CENTER OVERALL ROOF PLAN MC -A-3.0 MEETING CENTER OVERALL FLOOR PLAN CC -A-1.0 CONFERENCE CENTER BUILDING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS CC -A-2.0 CONFERENCE CENTER OVERALL ROOF PLAN CC -A-3.0 CONFERENCE CENTER OVERALL FLOOR PLAN SS -A-1.0 SHARED SERVICES BUILDING EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 5Eo A& / s K MFti(T� SS -A-2.0 SHARED SERVICES OVERALL ROOF PLAN U� SS -A-3.0 SHARED SERVICES OVERALL FLOOR PLAN C 2 830 1 ��9 IFN 9130^ �2� LUXURY RESIDENTIAL ARCHITECTURAL OP CA��FO R1 -1 CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN R1- 2 CONCEPTUAL SITE PLAN R1 - 3 PLAN N0.1 CONCEPTUAL ELEVATION'A' Seal / Si9nature R1-4 PLAN NO.1 CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS' R1 -5 PLAN NO. 1 CONCEPTUAL ROOF PLANS R1- 6 PLAN N.1 CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLANS R1 -7 PLAN N0O.2 CONCEPTUAL ELEVATION'A' NOT FO R R1 - 8 PLAN NO.2 CONCEPTUAL ELEVATION'S' R1-9 R1 -10 PLAN N.2CONCEPTUALOFPLANS .2 CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLANS PLAN NO. FL CONSTRUCTION R1-11 PLAN NO.3 CONCEPTUAL ELEVATION'A' R1 -12 PLAN NO.3 CONCEPTUAL ELEVATION'B' R1-13 PLAN NO.3 CONCEPTUAL ROOF PLANS R1 -14 PLAN NO.3 CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLANS Project Name R1 -15 PLAN NO.4 CONCEPTUAL ELEVATION'A' SILVERROCK RESORT & R1-16 PLAN NO. 4 CONCEPTUAL ELEVATIONS' R1 -17 PLAN NO.4 CONCEPTUAL ROOF PLANS R1-18 PLAN NO. 4 CONCEPTUAL FLOOR PLANS RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description ARCHITECTURAL TITLE SHEET & INDEX Scale NOT TO SCALE G-0.1 02015 Gensler _v NOTE: PLANTING AREA5 ARE SHOWN ON \ M , v LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. ------- - ^1F C ) ----------- j� T 0 x 1 �s (� 11 III - / O \ \ 26 - 27 2 ,- I 38.5 37.5 36. J� I I L - � s F� C 36.0 \ \ 6.6 43 `a 241 25 38. 1 C�T10 xx II i e — e , ss F " I F 24 Q � � 37.5 22 4 fes. •�/y)1 1 \ 8 vv 35.0 v 224 \\ \\ sv 20 ` , TPM P/L 34.5 \\ ` 1j PUE b, 26.0 Sano' A\ 21 qN A 34.0 R � A A 10' PUE ROADBED NTDTH/ ROADBED WIDTH - \ / cuae FACE cuRe FACE � � � ��` 33.5 ra s 13:5' 13.5' G.. 1� v 10 ' 10' T-\,\,�\ _v Q Rao EEEv Fa— \ \ �% y A ;j TYPE „C„ G �tjV CURB C.. NO V - vvvv 1 J \Y� i A11I 1YE 6 v \\ _ CURB COPE VARIES �% $LOPE VARIES vvv 33.0 V g \V D _ ' '--14455 GRADE STREET UNDERC� TYPICAL INTERIOR STREET 25' R/W \ \ 3oA Y / TYPICAL SECTION ,l , /�j NOT TO SCALE % ,j,R� 1�/ NOTE: NO ON STREET PARKIN l / �� 55.0 v LEGEND CUT/FILL LINE PROPOSED CONTOUR —BB r.e au 3 a EXISTING CONTOUR — as I SLOPE VARIES, rro - MAX. 2:1 �--�_-�_ roE � � $`Y 33.5 EXISTING _ A PROPERTY LINE ]pe TPM PL PARCEL LINE FROM TENTATIVE ❑ s. I `;.� /�,// �P �, - �, PARCEL MAP P.A. 3 E577MA7"E19 14 10' PUE EARTHWORK QUANTITY (RAW EARTHWORK) CUT = 32,400 CY �- a s°"a TPM P/L 35.0 FILL =10,000 CY No DR � 3,,4 sand O �� J 1 U �I I I YYYY TPM P/L UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES B' USES" THE ENGINEER PREPARING THESE PIANS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE I Y ` \ O \\ PLA S MUT BE IOR L�LE N4UNA TI C�NOES TO OR WRIT1NG AND MUST BE APPRO✓fD BY ES OF THERE NE PREPARER OFSALL NESE PTANS. TO THE Q Y\ 1 2 � \ \ IMPORTANT NOTICE: MOIL" APPROVAL BY: CITY OF LA OUINTA IN THE CITY OF LA DUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALL BEFORE YOU DIG ALL YhOERGROLINO UIRl1/fS BENCHMARK: BASIS OF BEARINGS: STATE OF CALIFORNIA S H E T REM 4216 0' H 0� %VE LOCA/KMS ARE PER RECORD DESCRIPTION: THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON QApF ESS70�,7 r ` �� '- CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN REWIRES AN INOUA7Y PIANS 7Hf CON-CIOR 044 pE� s BO ! B.mRmrE Nuata'eE RPD -103-3-70 FD. 1 t/4' O.O.LP. FILLED THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 6, TES, RTE, h s bs6ro 9EroREn FERWI SHAY USE DUE CAUFOV IN R/ CIXAC. IN 5' 0.0. CONC. COLLAR ON. SBM, AS SHOWN ON TRACT MAP NO.28470-f, "' 1 N T E R N A T 1 O N A L DATE SILVERROCK RESORT IO EXGYA7E WAL Bf YAW. AD EXG1YAl10N, AIJD NOTE TIMOTHY R. JONASSON, PE 0.6',330 NORTH OF C.L. INT. OF WASHINGTON A18 263/76-90, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE No. 57667 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER fae rtue PRE-Exavan<wm ,RE ALL UhNY ONES 75410 Gera lO Foro Drive, Suite IOD, Palm Desert, CA P.A. 3 (WEST HALF) NuuetR GQ: STREET G 52ND AVENUE G 6.2' SOUTH OF COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, BEING Exp. 12-37-201 www. mha ker i ntl.com OF 4 SHEETS UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALER ARE COfA1FD RELOCATED PPi 989270. a: 760-346-7481 f: 760-346-8315 R.CE NO. L8H61 E%P. 12-31-18 TALL FREE 1-800-227-2600 RMLFOR DCUNfNTA III65O ON RECORD. PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: DRAWN DESIGNED JOB NUMBER BEING A PORTION THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF FlNAL OPAMINGS Of RfCORO. DATE BY DESCRIPTION AFP'D DATE SECTION R, TOWNSHIP I SCUTH, RANGE 7 EAST S. 8. E.6 M. TWO WORI!lNG DAYS DATE: SCALE CHECIO:O DATE FOR: PROJECT NO 152669 BEFORE YOU DIG ELEV. = 40.110 R E V I S I 0 N S MICHAEL S. SUTTON R.aE57887 as snawN Nss MAYtB.2018 CITY OF LA OUINTA rl 1 \ ' NOTE: PLANTING AREAS ARE SHOWN ON 17 ,`� y LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS. \y 33.0 ---------------------- — „ - - � 'T�X 33.0 10 PUE CIL BOADBEO NIO / 2 ROADBED NIRTH/ 1 33,5 cua8 FACE 3 5 ' 13. 5 s cuss FACE �\ A \ 0 — �F, TYPE C' Q GJP ­�- G g \ �� g\ \ \ \ �PAD ELEV � ��CUAfl � 4 CURB Np PAD Et�V n �'F\ 14 SLOPE VARIES T C SLOPE VARIES ` _ 11 34.5 ♦ _; �\- O a"a puss GaabE stREFT wmER UT �a,�.aY �, ��>_ O/A� X TYPICAL INTERIOR STREET 13 as TR lel 28' R/W TPM P/L 35.0 \� _\ \ TYPICAL SECTION NOT TO SCALE 1 i NOTE: NOON STREET PARKING , � 1 2 p $v,. ,i 38.0 ,vv� \�\_ \ A-� 35.5 0 o O 10' PU6'59.0 36.0c 140.0 Obswred Area O�i.9 � � O � � / 1D �a . S 36.5 r . �(y 0 6 �910' PUE 61 31.6 63 36.5 3 rj 37.8 —38.0 !� ear :x / FTpm P/L �- � 37.3 C 37.0 i P.A. 3 ESTIMATED _ EARTHWORK QUANTI /, ,� - - - �LIMR5 OF GRADING c rs. (RAW EARTHWORK) - CUT = 32,400 CY \FILL = 10 000 CY Fai •aY J e „ LEGEND CUT/FILL LINE PROPOSED CONTOUR —ss 32 3 � EXISTING CONTOUR- - 5e VARIES. - MAX. 2.'l � �_� i� - TPM P/L P/L , l— 1 \ EXISTING 0, _ I PROPERTY LINE J n r � 7 -. - sae 1 TPM PL PARCEL LINE FROM TENTATIVE ' \ A '� T � Ul iH se PaNs wrcc oT 6E eesPayslecc F PARCEL MAP app I� U I D Il \� cHAmses ro Trrc V l� lJ l{E PREPAREF' Or' 7Nfs PLANS. IMPORTANT NOTICE: MOILAPPROVAL BY: CITY OF LA OUINTA IN THE CITY OF LA DUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALL BEFORE YOU DIG ALL UNOSWONO UIRl1/ES BENCHMARK: BASIS OF BEARINGS: STATE OF CALIFORNIA S H E T RV4216 � H 0� c E LOCALYbVS ARE PER RECORD DESCRIPTION: THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON QApF ESs70A,7 r � 77 ,� CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN REWIRES AN INOUA7Y PIANS 7NE CON-CTOR Q44 vE� s sG bmRmfaTroN NNN�R ec RPD -103-3-70 FD. 1 t/4' O.O.LP. FILLED THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 6, TfiS, RIE, s `L) bs6ro ecrarEn vcavR SHALL USE ONE CAUFOV IN R/ CONC. IN 5' 0.0. CONC. COLLAR ON. SBM, AS SHOWN ON TRACT MAP NO.28470-f, "' 1 N T E R N A T 1 O N A L DA7E SILVERROCK RESORT TO fXGYA"WAL Bf YAfA. AD EXG1YAl10N, AIJO NOTE " s z TIMOTHY R. JON AS" PE 0.6',330 NORTH OF C.L. INT. OF WASHINGTON A18 263/76-90, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE No. 57667 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER //�� fae rtue PRE-aavaTmNm KTRE ALL ANY ONES 75410 Gera lD Foro Drive, Suite 100, Palm Desert, CA P.A. 3 (EAST HALF) NUN9ER GQ: STREET G 52ND AVENUE G 6.2' SOUTH OF COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, BEING Exp. 12-31-201 www. mha ker intl.cOm OF 4 SHEETS UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALER ARE LOfAT � RELOCATED PPY 98927D. a: 750-345-7481 f: 760-345-8315 R.C.E NO. L5861 EXP. 12-31-16 TOLL FREE 1-800-22)-2600 RROOCUNI16SO REON CORD, PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: DRAWN DESIGNED JOB NUMBER BEING A PORTION THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF FlNAL OPAMINGS OF RfCORO. DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D DATE SECTION A. TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST S.R.R.& M. TWO WORI!lNG DAYS DATE: SCALE CHE Eo DATE FOR: PROJECT NO 152669 BEFORE YOU DIC ELEV. = 40.110 R E V I S I 0 N S MICHAEL S. SUTTON R.aE57887 as snawN mss MAY CITY OF LA OUINTA rl 1 V A NOTE: PLANTING AREAS ARE SHOWN ON LEGEND v v LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL, PL 5. v � ` P.A. NORTH ESTIMATED � cur�Flu LINE V A V A PROPOSED CONTOUR —ee v EAR WORK QUANTITY yy�� \\ \ \ \ AItY E517MA� - SLOPEIVDRIESTOUR — ee RA THWORK QUANTITY MAX. z: - �� A \ \V ( EARTHWORK) �� EXISTING�T \ �+ .y �+ PROPERTY LINE 3 \ \ CUT _ 21,700 CY OR") -TPM PL PARCEL LINE FROM TENTATIVE 1B 5' 3 ` \ \ �__.'� �� PARCEL MAP ROADBED HIDTH/ ROADBED NIDTR/ \ W EARTHW i \ FILL 14 400 CY \ \ 225 CURB FACE — FL 15 15' G '' CURB FACE 8 V � F 77,200 200 li 1 TYRE0. 02PO � �� cc 1 MCUR px 22 7MAS5 GRADE STREET UNDE UT � yipE "C" URB -- OIL VERROCK WAY -_� --' - --- ----- 31,R/W _ \ \- - T1 P/CALNOTBSSCT70N CALE NOTE-,NO-0"ETPARK/NG 0H+ / . 6tsD � �x ra• � � � v TPM / � _ i � � � v v �3 a - I 1 \ TPM P/L v Nes. uo 2 10PU89.0 oho o \ 3 34 0 � L\� -40.0 \ 39.0-- _� 10 _ ; 3s — TP c yA - 10' POE 19 r` I 36.5 — — _ L F 3� � 38.0 / F i . TPM P/L z 37.3 i T ��\ T\ s 1 � � 6 37.0 6' --- _�� v IMIT5 OF GRADING a r 11 .� �' _ 1 —_ UNAUTHORIZED G'H U$€SENCINEE PRP T ESE PIANS WILL NOT B -SP( NSI6LE ' SNE- FOR, OR LIABLE FOR, UNAU __ UJES OF THESE PLANS. ALL CHANT L., 7O iH= PLANS MUST BE IN WRITING AND MUST BE APPROVED BY THE PREPARER OF THESE PUNS. _ IMPORTANT NOTICE. NDIL APPROVAL BY: CITY OF LA OUINTA IN THE CITY OF LA DUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALL BEFORE YOU DIG AUUND5WONDUI&IIIPs BENCHMARK: BASIS OF BEARINGS: STATF OF CALTFORNTA SHE - T s M4216�Hc�14MA�eNrc E LSCADa95'ARE PERRECORD DESCRIPTION: THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON QApFESS)pA,V r ' � �` ;77 '- CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN REWIRES AN INOUA7Y PIANS 7Hf CSN724C70R Q44 pE� s BO - M.mRmraTroN NuwtaR eE RPO -103-3-70 FD. 1 t/4' O.O.LP. FILLED THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 6, TfiS, R7E, h s bs6ro 9EroREA FEBWI SHALL USE DUE CAU/,OV IN R/ CONC. IN 5' O.D. CONC. COLLAR ON. SBM, AS SHOWN ON TRACT MAP NO.28470-1, "' 1 N T E R N A T 1 O N A L DATE SILVERROCK RESORT IO EXGYATE WAL Bf YAW. Aft EXG1YAl10N, AIJD NOTf " s z TIMOTHY R. JONASSON, PE 0.6',330 NORTH OF C.L. INT. OF WASHINGTON A9 2fi3/76-90, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE No. 57667 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/dTY ENGINEER fae rtue RRE-aava>Kwm 4 1 ALL U➢UIY UNfS 75410 Gera lO Foro Drive, Suite 100, Palm Desert, CA P.A. 2 (Portion) & P.A. 4 ALERT GLL: STFEET G 52ND AVENUE G 6.2' SOUTH OF COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, BEING Exp. 12-37-201 www. mha kerintl.com OF 4 SHEETS UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALER ARE LSGIFD RfLOCA7ED PPi 98927D. a: 760-346-7481 f: 760-346-8315 R.C.E NO. L5861 EXP. 12-31-16 TOLL FREE 1-800-227-2600 H7R000UNE65NTA Of REON CORD. PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: DRAWN DESIGNED JOB NVMBER BEING A PORTION THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF FINAL SPAMINGS OF RfCORO. oATE BY DESCRIPTION AFP'D DATE SECTION A. TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST S.B.B.& M. TWO WORI!lNG DAYS DATE: SCARE CHECKED DATE FOR: PROJECT N0.'952E69 BEFORE YOU DIG ELEV. = 40.110 R E V I S I 0 N S MICHAEL S. SUTTON R.aEs7Na7 AssnawN Hss MAY 1B. 2018 CITY OF LA OUINTA rl 1 L NO PLANTING AREA5 ARE 5HOVY/N e TPM P/L s' � � � LANDSCAPE ARC ITE PLANS. - - FLc nor �, Tae 4J / - � T^' \ \IA•w �� I I ` r In \ P.A. 2 SOUTH ESTJ v EARTHWORK QUANTITY�� I EARTHWORK _ I 6 p � Cu -1�, O, �AT �� _ 26.0 I � ® ., - FILL O � I II Y ` 24.5 s. / a, ' 25. 0: n - M 24.0' P/L iII ^...0 _ JOIN EXISTING 24A _ ®--- �> y ' �a l ® c 24.0 GOLF CART PATH 2A'.O TPM P/L FA- �o.o � � o ��•% x1 i -.� V11 r — —�— -- 23'Oi - - L,.,n M TPP L �a 1 1 - --' - 28.0 _1L�-_ .-.� -Pl , _�, _ W.5.15 /<U JOIN EXISTING 1Y 8 23.0 - " 11 V __ --_,� " _� -,r ��.� ,- F 1 0 ' GOLF CART PATH � \ B c ® I - r.,. n a ao.Wrl � F LEGENDo CUTiFILL LINE 23.0_- PROPOSED CONTOUR —HB EXISTING CONTOUR as ( 0 �(�� ® 4 TPM P/L SLOPE VARIES. — T� ! , `� i - Y\ 23.0 MAX. 21 L__I_TOE P/L O 2n N\ • O EXISTING PROPERTY LINE i TPM PL PARCEL LINE FROM TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP \ JOIN EX157ING I GOLF CART PATH ImI UNAUTHORIZED GRANGES 8' USES. THE ENGINEER PREPARING THESE PLANS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE �\ - �\ O, U T O JOIN EXISTING \ FOR, OR LLABLE FOR, UNAUTHORI7ED CHANGES TO OR USES OF THESE PLANS ALL CHANCES TO THE - \ -- GOLF CART PATH PLANS MUST BE IN WRITING AND MUST BE APPRO✓ED BY THE PREPARER OF THESE PUNS. IMPORTANT NOTICE: MOIL" APPROVAL BY: CITY OF LA OUINTA IN THE CITY OF LA DUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, CALL BEFORE YOU DIG ALLYhOSAGROUNDUIRl1/PS BENCHMARK: BASIS OF BEARINGS: STATF OF CALIFORNIA S H L T REM 4216 m INE mWRvucxT cmc LOCAIKMS ARE PER RECORD DESCRIPTION: THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON QApF ESS)p3,7 r ' ` � n` •� � �� -• CONCEPTUAL GRADING PLAN REWIRES AN INOUA7Y PIANS ME CON724C70R Q44 vE� s BO B.mRmraTrox xuxmR eE WPO -103-3-70 FD. 1 t/4' O.O.LP. FILLED THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 6, TfiS, RTE, h s bs6ro 9EroREn FEftW/ SHALL USE DUE CAU/,OV /N W/ CINI. IN 5' 0.0. I.C. COLLAR ON. SBM, AS SHOWN ON TRACT MAP NO.28470-1, "' 1 N T E R N A T 1 O N A L DATE SILVERROCK RESORT IO EXGYATE WAL Bf YNA. AU fXG1YAl10N, AIJD NOTE " s � z TIMOTHY R. JONASSON, PE 0.6',330 NORTH OF C.L. INT. OF WASHINGTON A18 263/76-90, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE No. 57667 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/dTY ENGINEER fae roue RHE-aavarax LN MfAtEALLU7l"TY"NES 75410 Gera ltl Ford Drive, Suite f00, Palm Desert, CA P.A. 2(Portion) NuuetN GLL: STREET & 52NO AVENUE & 6.2' SOUTH OF COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, BEING Exp. 12-37-201 www. mha ker intl.cOm OF 4 SHEETS UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT LOGIFD RfLOCA7ED PPi 98927D. a: 750-346-7481 f: 760-346-8315 R.C.E NO. L58.3 EXP. 12-31-16 TOLL FREE i -BOD -22I-2600 IN DOCUMENTAIIONON ON PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: DRAWN DESIGNED JOB NVMBER BEING A PORTION THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF FlNAL DPAMINGS OF RfCORO, DATE BY DESCRIPTION AFP'D DATE SECTION A. TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST S.R.R.& M. TWO YVORI!lNG DAYS DATE: SCALE CHEg4=0 DATE FOR: PROJECT N0.'152669 BEFORE YOU DIC ELEV. = 40.110 R E V I S I 0 N S MICHAEL S. SUTTON R.aEs7ae7 AssnawN mss MAY 1B. 2018 CITY OF LA OUINTA rl 1 a 0 16 15 r� 1911 LEGEND CUT/FILL LINE PROPOSED CONTOUR —ee EXISTING CONTOUR - 99 MAX. 2: :RIES, EXISTING PROPERTY LINE TPM PL PARCEL LINE FROM TENTATIVE ' \ PARCEL MAP 14,o '\ 1nAM \ 1 \Y D \ o � \ o N -- -- - - � eao I PHASE 1 DESIGN SLOPES 5% OR GREATER I I 1 o� IrNrn i / \ G� 0T Q , UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES B' USES" THE ENGINEER PREPARING THESE PIANS WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR, OR LfABLE FOR, UNAUTHORIZED CHANGES ]0 OR USES OF THESE PLANS. ALL CHANCES TO THE C NS TR PLANS MUST BE IN WRITING AND MUST BE APPROWD BY THE PREPARER OF THESE PUNS. I I IMPORTANT NOTICE. NDIL APPROVAL BY: CITY OF LA OUINTA IN THE CITY OF LA OUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, BENCHMARK: BASIS OF BEARINGS: STATF OF CALIFORNIA s H E E T CALL BEFORE YOU DIG ALL UNDfAGROUNO UIRl1/ES n , s M4216 Hc�I4M6�eNTc E LpCA/IgySAREPERRECORD DESCRIPTION: THE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON AFE BASED ON QApFESS7p�,� r ,� '- SLOPES 5% OR GREATER REWIRES AN INOUA7Y PIANS 7Hf CDN724C70R 044 vE� s BO ! B.m6mraTrox xuNt><R eE NPo-1G3-3-70 FD. 1 1/4' O.O.I.P. FILLED THE EAST LINE OF SECTION 6, T6S, RTE, h .r SHALL USE DUE CAUMV IN v bs6ro 9EroaEn FEftW/ N/ CONI. IN 5' 0.0. CONC. COLLAR ON. SBM, AS SHOWN ON TRACT MAP N0.28470-1, I N T E R N A T 1 O N A L DA7E SILVERROCK RESORT ID EXGYA7E WAL Bf YAW. AD EXGIYADON, AIJD NOTE " s z TIMOTHY R. JONASSON, PE 0.6',330 NORTH OF C.L. INT. OF WASHINGTON W 263/76-90, RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE No. 57667 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR/CITY ENGINEER fae rtue PaE-aavan<w 01 �,E ALLUDUIY ONES 75410 Gerald Ford Drive, Suite 100, Palm Desert, CA P.A. 2 (Portion) & P.A. 4 NUN9EN GLL: STFEET & 52ND AVENUE & 6.2' SOUTH OF COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, BEING Exp. 12-31-201 www. m5a Su intl.cOm OF SHEETS UNDERGROUND SERVICE ALERT LOGIFD RfLOCA7ED PPi 98927D. a: 750-345-7481 f: 760-345-8315 R.C.E. NO. L5861 E%P, 12-31-16 TOLL FLEE 1-800-22)-2600 H7RD000NENTA"ONON PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECT SUPERVISION OF: DRAWN DESIGNED JOB NUMBER BEING A PORTION THE NORTH HALF OF THE NORTH HALF OF FlNAL DPAA1NGS OF ORECO DATE BY DESCRIPTION APP'D DATE SECTION A. TOWNSHIP 6 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST S.B.B.& M. TWO WORI!lNG DAYS DATE: .' BEFORE YOU DIG ELEV. = 40.110 R E V I S I 0 N S MICHAEL S. SUTTON R.O.E. 57667 SCALE As snawN CHEC o Nss DATE AUGUST W. 24 6 FOR: CITY OF LA OUIN A PROJECT No152669 N Z Q Plant Legend Canopy Trees Symbol Botanical name Common Name Vertical Accents //�`�\ Minimum Size SSyymbol Botanical name \ - m Parkinsonia x'Desert Museum' ++ Desert Museum Palo Verde 36" Box \ } Cereus hildmannianus++ Peru Apple Cactus Prosopis glandulosa Texas Honey Mesquite �/ Ulmus parvifolia'True Green' Chinese Elm Accent Trees Symbol Botanical name Common Name Minimum Size Enhanced Desert Landscape Plant material to supplement "Native / Naturalized Desert Zone" Common Name Minimum Size Symbol Botanical name Common Name Size Dasylirion wheeleri ++ Chilopsis linearis Desert Willow 15 Gal Fouquieria splendens++ X Chitalpa tashkintensis Chitalpa Foothill Yucca Thevetia nerifolia (peruviana) Citrus species Citrus Beaked Yucca Native / Naturalized Desert Zone Lysiloma watsonii Desert Fern 1 Gal Ebenopsis ebano Texas Ebony 5 Gal Olneya tesota Desert Ironwood 1 Gal Sophora secundiflora Texas Mountain Laurel 1 Gal Thevetia nerifolia Yellow Oleander 1 Gal Vitex agnus-castus Chaste Tree 1 Gal Palms Echinocactus grusonii ++ Golden Barrel Cactus 5 Gal Symbol Botanical name Common Name Minimum Size Brahea armata Mexican Blue Fan Palm Varies 6-20' BTH Phoenix dactylifera Date Palm 1 Gal Washingtonia filifera California Fan Palm 1 Gal Turf Hesperoyucca whipplei ++ Foothill Yucca 1 Gal Symbol Botanical name Common Name Size Leucophyllum species Bermuda sod Dasylirion wheeleri ++ Desert Spoon Dodonaea viscosa'Purpuraea' Purple Hop Bush Fouquieria splendens++ Ocotillo Hesperoyucca whipplei ++ Foothill Yucca Thevetia nerifolia (peruviana) Yellow Oleander Yucca rostrata ++ Beaked Yucca Native / Naturalized Desert Zone Symbol Botanical name Common Name 36" Box Size Vines Symbol Botanical name Common Name Size Bougainvillea spp. Agave americana ++ Century Plant 5 Gal False Sarsaparilla Aloe striata ++ Coral Aloe 1 Gal 5 Gal Baccharis pilularis Dwarf Coyote Brush 1 Gal Rosa banksiae Baileya multiradiata Desert Marigold 1 Gal Caesalpinia pulcherrima Red Bird of Paradise 5 Gal Calliandra californica Baja Fairy Duster 1 Gal Dalea frutescens'Sierra Negra' Black Dalea 1 Gal Dalea greggii Trailing Indigo Bush 1 Gal Dyssodia acerosa Shrubby Dogwood 1 Gal Echinocactus grusonii ++ Golden Barrel Cactus 5 Gal Encelia ferinosa Brittlebush 1 Gal Ericameria laricifolia Turpentine Bush 1 Gal Ericameria nauseosa Rubber Rabbitbrush 1 Gal Festuca mairei Atlas Fescue 1 Gal Hesperoyucca whipplei ++ Foothill Yucca 1 Gal Larrea tridentata Creosote Bush 1 Gal Leucophyllum species Texas Ranger 5 Gal Muhlenbergia rigens Deer Grass 1 Gal Opuntia species ++ Prickly Pear 5 Gal Penstemon spectabilis Royal Beard Tongue 1 Gal Senna artemisiodes Feathery Cassia 1 Gal Stipa tenuissima Mexican Feather Grass 1Gal Tecoma stans Yellow Bells 5 Gal Vines Symbol Botanical name Common Name Size Bougainvillea spp. Asparagus densiflorus'Sprengeri' Sprenger Asparagus 1 Gal False Sarsaparilla Bougainvillea spp. Red Bougainvillea 5 Gal 5 Gal Bulbine frutescens ++ No Common Name 1 Gal Rosa banksiae Carissa macrocarpa'Tuttle' Natal Plum 5 Gal Euphorbia rigida ++ Yellow Spurge 1 Gal Eremophila maculata'Valentine' Spotted Emu Bush 1 Gal Feijoa sellowiana Pineapple Guava 5 Gal Ficus microcarpa nitida Indian Laurel Fig 15 Gal Justicia spicigera Mexican Honeysuckle 1 Gal Lantana species No Common Name 1 Gal Ligustrum japonicum'Texanum' WaxLeafPrivet 5 Gal Myrtus communis Myrtle 1 Gal Pedilanthus macrocarpus Slipper Plant 5 Gal Penstemon eatonii Firecracker Penstemon 1 Gal Portulacaria afra ++ Elephant's Food 1 Gal Prunus caroliniana Carolina Laurel Cherry 15 Gal Punica granatum Flowering Pomegranate 5 Gal Rhus lancea African Sumac 15 Gal Rosmarinus officinalis species Rosemary 1 Gal Ruellia brittoniana Mexican Petunia 1 Gal Salvia greggii Autumn Sage 1 Gal Santolina chamaecyparissus Lavender Cotton 1 Gal Sophora secundiflora Texas Mountain Laurel 1 Gal Tecoma capensis* Cape Honeysuckle 5 Gal Trachelospermum jasminoides Star Jasmine 1 Gal Westringia fruticosa Coast Rosemary 1 Gal Xylosma congestum Shiny Xylosma 5 Gal Vines Symbol Botanical name Common Name Size Bougainvillea spp. Red Bougainvillea 5 Gal Hardenbergia violacea False Sarsaparilla 5 Gal Macfadyena unguis-cati *** Cat's Claw 5 Gal Pyrostegia venusta Flame Vine 5 Gal Rosa banksiae Lady Banks' Rose 5 Gal SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United Staten burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307 S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 93075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F .—burtan-studio.com L Data Description 0616-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09.19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-15-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �NpCHITF,r. T9TF0 3 Wm.i g.ftn No. 2135 y 311>��'`'��• Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Landscape Planting Notes & Legend Scale L-0.1 15 Gensler C. 1 .X A0 A p..�r � '� Vii•,. - ~� � � .. `�•;�,,- _ `�'i'�,,� � ..meq �, {t� -'� ____-- __ _ - -�.``In Q j4 ?. ffj of � r y'�, ,cis, —;�� .. _ - '�._ :�i `� •Q •..•\ SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307 S Cedros Solana Beach Ca 91075 959 794 7209 T 959 794 7207 F www.bu rtan-studio.com L Data Description 05.16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09.19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-15-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �NpCHIT9f7, =Qy�,F T9TF0 S Wm.� urtOn No.1135 a Project Name are - SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Deseription Illustrative Overall Site Plan Scale V =150'-0" 0 75 150 300 L-0.2 D15 Gensler I:- ._.—.—._�—•`__�, l�. ,_ifL — !>L^�'"i'�jy .V l`1 w1 ,J(^�. u=/��L=l1f - �'a•d.1 � P)� 14 ' � -� ��� � _ \�•���: �`— � � fir/ �� '`y - ! i.-�'t—• ;/a,� .. I�1 Q f r' l L" 1j f1 Al 1131 31 I I .. r I - COQ .' rte, = rr• I t Al f - 1, �+ `t�`` i ,` ;'.: r • -_ � - 1 1 r � i SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307 S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 92075 858 7 94 7 204 T 858 794 )20) F www. burtan-Audi-- Date Description 05-16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09.19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-15-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �NpCHITEfT. =Qy�,F T9TF0 Wm.i urtan No.2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Illustrative Site Plan - Luxury Hotel, Spa & Shared Services Scale V = 80'-0.1 17 0 20 40 86 160 L-0.3 Gensler KEY PLAN r _ PA 3 MIC PA 2 \ CC SS 1 � 2�(I AH \ �1 PA 4 HS t `aLP3 PA ♦ .'o ��•a GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307S Cedros Solana Beach Ca 93075 858 394 3204 T 858 794 )207 F _ burt.n-studio.c.m Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19-2016 SDP Submittal 4o.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �NpCHITef7. =Qy�,F T9TF0 Wm.i g.ftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Index Scale 0 05 10 20 LP -3.0 0 2015 Gensler Plant List Trees Symbol Botanical name Common Name Size Cereus peruvianus Peruvian Apple 36" box �-✓ Parkinsonia x'Desert Museum' No Common Name 36" box ► Prosopis glandulosa Honey Mesquite 36" box Vines Symbol Botanical name Common Name Size OBougainvillea 'La Jolla' No Common Name Shrubs, Perennials, and Annuals Symbol Spacing Botanical name Common Name 15 gal - Staked Size AA 7' o.c. Agave americana ++ Century Plant 20 gal BL 36" o.c. Bougainvillea'La Jolla' La Jolla Bougainvillea 1 gal BO 30" o.c. Bulbine frutescens ++ No Common Name 1 gal Cp 7' o.c. Caesalpinia pulcherrima * Red Bird of Paradise 1 gal Ef 5' o.c. Encelia farinosa Brittlebush 1 gal Em 36" o.c. Eremophila maculata'Valentine' No Common Name 1 gal O36" O.0 Festuca mairei No Common Name 1 gal Hp 18" O.C. Hesperaloe parviflora ++ Red Yucca 1 gal Lt 8' O.C. Larrea tridentata Creosote Bush 1 gal Mr 4' o.c. Muhlenbergia rigens Deergrass 1 gal Op 36" o.c. Opuntia ficus-indica ++ Prickly Pear 1 gal Pe 24" o.c. Penstemon parryi Parry's Penstemon 1 gal Ro 48" o.c. Rosmarinus officinalis'Prostratus' Rosemary 1 gal Rp 36" o.c. Ruellia peninsularis Desert Ruellia 1 gal Lm 48" o.c. Lantana montevidensis Trailing Lantana 1 gal KEY PLAN r — PA MC \ CC SS 1 � AH \PA4 H 1 HS; `aLP3PA2 GR7,l; � SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307 S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 92075 959 294 2209 T 959 794 7207 F www.bu rtan-studio.com L Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 00-19-2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature ,NpCHIT9f7. T9TF0 3 Wm.i g.ftn No. 2135 y Project Name o. SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Typical Guestroom Landscape Detail Scale 1 11 101-0.1 0 05 10 20 LP -3.1 2015 Gensler Plant List Trees Symbol Botanical name Common Name Size OCereus peruvianus Peruvian Apple 36" box 10 Cordia boissieri Texas Olive 24" box ����JJJJ . Fouquieria splendens Ocotillo 36" box 0 Lysiloma watsonii Desert Fern 15 gal V Parkinsonia x'Desert Museum' No Common Name 36" box ► Prosopis glandulosa Honey Mesquite 36" box Yucca rosrata Beaked Yucca 36" box Palms Symbol Botanical name Common Name Size Washingtonia filifera California Fan Palm 25' BTH Shrubs, Perennials, and Annuals Symbol Spacing Botanical name Common Name Size Ad 48" o.c. Agave desmettiana 'Variegata' ++ Variegated Smooth Agave 1 gal AA 36' o.c. Aloe'Blue Elf' No Common Name 1 gal BO 30' o.c. Bulbine frutescens ++ No Common Name 1 gal cg 36' o.c. Carissa macrocarpa 'Green Carpet' Natal Plum 1 gal Ca 30' O.C. Citrus aurantium Sour Orange 1 gal Df 5' o.c. Dalea frutescens'Sierra Negra' Black Dalea 1 gal Hp 18" O.C. Hesperaloe parviflora ++ Red Yucca 1 gal SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307 S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 9)0)5 858 7 94 7 204 T 858 794 )20) F www.bu rtan-studio.com Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature Rp 36" o.c. Ruellia peninsularis Desert Ruellia 1 gal �NpCHITEfT.s =Qy�,F T9TF0 Wm.i g.ftn No. 2135 y KEY PLAN Project Name r _ � PA 3 tt 7� /'+ L ` �PA2 MC SILVERROCK RESORT & CC RESIDENCES Project Number -1- - SS 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Typical Guestroom Landscape Detail AH PA 4 H 1 PA 2 Scale HS LP3.2�1 11 101-0.1 o 135 lo 20 LP -3.2 02015 Gensler IF ------- f1 �� Plant List Trees Symbol Botanical name Common Name Size Ebenopsis ebano Texas Ebony 36" box OParkinsonia x'Desert Museum' No Common Name 36" box ► Prosopis glandulosa Honey Mesquite 36" box Yucca rosrata Beaked Yucca 36' box Palms Symbol Botanical name Common Name Size Washingtonia filifera California Fan Palm 25' BTH Shrubs, Perennials, and Annuals Symbol Spacing Botanical name Common Name Size Ad 48" o.c. Agave desmettiana 'Variegata' ++ Variegated Smooth Agave 1 gal Ag 7' o.c. Agave guiengola ++ Creme Brulee Agave 20 gal BL 36" o.c. Bougainvillea 'La Jolla' La Jolla Bougainvillea 1 gal OB 30" o.c. Bulbine frutescens ++ No Common Name 1 gal Ef 5' o.c. Encelia farinosa Brittlebush 1 gal Hp 18" o.c. Hesperaloe parviflora ++ Red Yucca 1 gal Lt 8' O.C. Larrea tridentata Creosote Bush 1 gal Mr 4' o.c. Muhlenbergia rigens Deergrass 1 gal Op 36" o.c. Opuntia Ficus-indica ++ Prickly Pear 1 gal Rp 36" o.c. Ruellia peninsularis Desert Ruellia 1 gal Sc 72" o.c. Simondia chinensis Jojoba 15 gal KEY PLAN r _ PA 3 MC PA 2 \ CC - SS 1 � AH ? - f (LP3.4 \PA4 H1 PA HS GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United states burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307 S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 93075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F .—burtan-studio.com L Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �NpCHnF1r =Qy�,F T9TF0 Wm.i g.ftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Typical Entry Landscape Detail Scale 1 11 101-0.1 0 OS 10 20 LP -3.3 1015 Gensler Plant List Trees Symbol Botanical name Common Name Size OCereus peruvianus Peruvian Apple 36" box Chilopsis linearis Desert Willow 36" box �-✓ Parkinsonia x'Desert Museum' No Common Name 36" box Yucca rosrata Beaked Yucca 36" box Vines Symbol Botanical name Common Name Size 0 Bougainvillea 'La Jolla' No Common Name 15 gal - Staked Shrubs, Perennials, and Annuals Symbol Spacing Botanical name Common Name Size Ag T o.c. Agave agave guiengola ++ Creme Brulee Agave 20 gal Ov 18" o.c. Agave victoriae-reginae ++ Victoria Agave 1 gal BL 36" o.c. Bougainvillea 'La Jolla' La Jolla Bougainvillea 1 gal OB 30" o.c. Bulbine frutescens ++ No Common Name 1 gal OB 30" o.c. Bulbine frutescens ++ No Common Name 15 gal Ca 30" o.c. Citrus aurantium Sour Orange 1 gal Er 5' o.c. Euphorbia rigida ++ Yellow Spurge 1 gal EO 5' o.c. Euphorbia resinifera No Common Name 1 gal Ly 36" o.c. Lantana x 'New Gold' No Common Name 1 gal Rp 36" o.c. Ruellia peninsularis Desert Ruellia 1 gal KEY PLAN r — PA MC \ CC - SS 1 � AH ? - f (LP3.4 \PA 4 H1 PA HS GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307 S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 93075 959 794 7204 T 959 794 7207 F _ burtan--am.com L Date Description Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 00-19-2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature Signature �NpCHITF,r. T9TF0 Wm.i g.ftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Typical Model Home Landscape Detail Scale 1 11 101-0.1 0 OS 10 20 LP -3.4 2015 Gensler Plant List Trees Symbol Botanical name Dalbergia sissoo \-✓ Parkinsonia x'Desert Museum' ► Prosopis glandulosa Vines Symbol Botanical name 0 Bougainvillea 'La Jolla' Common Name Size Indian Rosewood 36' box No Common Name 36' box Honey Mesquite 36' box Common Name Size No Common Name 15 gal - Staked Shrubs, Perennials, and Annuals Symbol Spacing Botanical name Common Name Size Ad 48' o.c. Agave desmettiana 'Variegata' ++ Variegated Smooth Agave 1 gal BO 30' o.c. Bulbine frutescens ++ No Common Name 1 gal Df 5' o.c. Dalea frutescens'Sierra Negra' Black Dalea 1 gal Hp 18' o.c. Hesperaloe parviflora ++ Red Yucca 1 gal Ly 36' o.c. Lantana x'New Gold' No Common Name 1 gal O5' O.C. Leucophyllum frutescens'Green Cloud' Green Cloud Texas Ranger 15 gal Mc 36' o.c. Myrtus communis Myrtle 15 gal F51 F51 IF671 FEc& 11, •.O KEY PLAN r _ PA 3 MIC 1PA 2 LP3.5 CC ` - SS 1 � AH \ �1 PA 4 -H1 PA 2 HS GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307S Cedro, Solana Beach Ca 92075 858 7 94 7 2o4T 858 794 )20) F www. bur_—dio.com L Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19-2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 MR23�. �NpCHITEfT. =Qy�,F T9TF0 s Wm.i g.ftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Typical Streetscape Landscape Detail Scale 1 11 101-0.1 0 OS 10 20 LP -3.5 0 2015 Gens uW . HHH0 Pool Fence • 166 Chaises • Bar Patio • QUICK LEGEND & NOTES Trees & Palms Symbol Type Canopy Trees Accent Trees Vertical Accents Palms Shrubs Symbol Description Natural Landscape Enhanced Desert Turf Landscape Totals Existing Turf Area within Project: 594,978 SF Total Proposed Turf Area within Project: 207,623 SF Total Turf Reduction: 387,366 SF Percentage of Turf Area within total project area - 11 Irrigation Irrigation systems are located around the buildings in the landscaped areas. Shrub areas will use high efficiency in-line drip tubing. Turf areas will use matched precipitation spray heads or rotors. The system will be centrally controlled with weather -based ET/ SMART controllers with rain sensors. Notes 1. Based on the net loss of turf area, this plan is in conformance with the City of La Quinta Water Efficiency Ordinance and the Coachella Valley Water District's Landscaping and Irrigation System Design Ordinance. KEY PLAN r — PA MC CC SS 1 � AH \PA4 H 1 HS �PA2 ♦ ♦�� ��� GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307 5 Cedros Solana Beach Ce 92075 959 294 2209 T 959 794 7207 F www.bu rtan-studio.com Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 Ott- 19-2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �NpCHITEfT. =Qy�,F T9TF0 S Wm.i uftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Hotel Pool Scale 0 05 10 20 40 L-2.1 115 Gensler 0 0 0 Pool 5,625 SF o D 0 0 - 78'-0" i i •U i g g q. •a • n : �' 0 D 0 Bar Patio • QUICK LEGEND & NOTES Trees & Palms Symbol Type Canopy Trees Accent Trees Vertical Accents Palms Shrubs Symbol Description Natural Landscape Enhanced Desert Turf Landscape Totals Existing Turf Area within Project: 594,978 SF Total Proposed Turf Area within Project: 207,623 SF Total Turf Reduction: 387,366 SF Percentage of Turf Area within total project area - 11 Irrigation Irrigation systems are located around the buildings in the landscaped areas. Shrub areas will use high efficiency in-line drip tubing. Turf areas will use matched precipitation spray heads or rotors. The system will be centrally controlled with weather -based ET/ SMART controllers with rain sensors. Notes 1. Based on the net loss of turf area, this plan is in conformance with the City of La Quinta Water Efficiency Ordinance and the Coachella Valley Water District's Landscaping and Irrigation System Design Ordinance. KEY PLAN r — PA MC CC SS 1 � AH \PA4 H 1 HS �PA2 ♦ ♦�� ��� GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307 5 Cedros Solana Beach Ce 92075 959 294 2209 T 959 794 7207 F www.bu rtan-studio.com Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 Ott- 19-2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �NpCHITEfT. =Qy�,F T9TF0 S Wm.i uftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Hotel Pool Scale 0 05 10 20 40 L-2.1 115 Gensler 0 0 Pool 5,625 SF o D 0 0 - 78'-0" i Bar Patio • QUICK LEGEND & NOTES Trees & Palms Symbol Type Canopy Trees Accent Trees Vertical Accents Palms Shrubs Symbol Description Natural Landscape Enhanced Desert Turf Landscape Totals Existing Turf Area within Project: 594,978 SF Total Proposed Turf Area within Project: 207,623 SF Total Turf Reduction: 387,366 SF Percentage of Turf Area within total project area - 11 Irrigation Irrigation systems are located around the buildings in the landscaped areas. Shrub areas will use high efficiency in-line drip tubing. Turf areas will use matched precipitation spray heads or rotors. The system will be centrally controlled with weather -based ET/ SMART controllers with rain sensors. Notes 1. Based on the net loss of turf area, this plan is in conformance with the City of La Quinta Water Efficiency Ordinance and the Coachella Valley Water District's Landscaping and Irrigation System Design Ordinance. KEY PLAN r — PA MC CC SS 1 � AH \PA4 H 1 HS �PA2 ♦ ♦�� ��� GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307 5 Cedros Solana Beach Ce 92075 959 294 2209 T 959 794 7207 F www.bu rtan-studio.com Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 Ott- 19-2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �NpCHITEfT. =Qy�,F T9TF0 S Wm.i uftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Hotel Pool Scale 0 05 10 20 40 L-2.1 115 Gensler i i i q. n : Bar Patio • QUICK LEGEND & NOTES Trees & Palms Symbol Type Canopy Trees Accent Trees Vertical Accents Palms Shrubs Symbol Description Natural Landscape Enhanced Desert Turf Landscape Totals Existing Turf Area within Project: 594,978 SF Total Proposed Turf Area within Project: 207,623 SF Total Turf Reduction: 387,366 SF Percentage of Turf Area within total project area - 11 Irrigation Irrigation systems are located around the buildings in the landscaped areas. Shrub areas will use high efficiency in-line drip tubing. Turf areas will use matched precipitation spray heads or rotors. The system will be centrally controlled with weather -based ET/ SMART controllers with rain sensors. Notes 1. Based on the net loss of turf area, this plan is in conformance with the City of La Quinta Water Efficiency Ordinance and the Coachella Valley Water District's Landscaping and Irrigation System Design Ordinance. KEY PLAN r — PA MC CC SS 1 � AH \PA4 H 1 HS �PA2 ♦ ♦�� ��� GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307 5 Cedros Solana Beach Ce 92075 959 294 2209 T 959 794 7207 F www.bu rtan-studio.com Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 Ott- 19-2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �NpCHITEfT. =Qy�,F T9TF0 S Wm.i uftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Hotel Pool Scale 0 05 10 20 40 L-2.1 115 Gensler QUICK LEGEND & NOTES Trees & Palms Symbol Type Canopy Trees Accent Trees Vertical Accents Palms Shrubs Symbol Description Natural Landscape Enhanced Desert Turf Landscape Totals Existing Turf Area within Project: 594,978 SF Total Proposed Turf Area within Project 207,623 SF Total Turf Reduction: 387,366 SF Percentage of Turf Area within total project area - 11 Irrigation Irrigation systems are located around the buildings in the landscaped areas. Shrub areas will use high efficiency in-line drip tubing. Turf areas will use matched precipitation spray heads or rotors. The system will be centrally controlled with weather -based ET/ SMART controllers with rain sensors. Notes 1. Based on the net loss of turf area, this plan is in conformance with the City of La Quinta Water Efficiency Ordinance and the Coachella Valley Water District's Landscaping and Irrigation System Design Ordinance. KEY PLAN r — PA MC \ CC SS 1 � AH \_f \PA 4 H1 PA 2 HS �` ♦ #. k, \= ;-`10 SILVERROCK GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 93075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F _ burton-studio.com Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal N` 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �ppCHIT8f7. =Qy�,F T9TF0 S W— uftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Hotel Spa Scale 1" = 20'-0" 0 05 10 20 40 L-2.2 0 2015 Gensler QUICK LEGEND & NOTES Trees & Palms Symbol Type Canopy Trees Accent Trees Vertical Accents Palms Shrubs Symbol Description Natural Landscape Enhanced Desert Turf Landscape Totals Existing Turf Area within Project: 594,978 SF Total Proposed Turf Area within Project 207,623 SF Total Turf Reduction: 387,366 SF Percentage of Turf Area within total project area - 11 Irrigation Irrigation systems are located around the buildings in the landscaped areas. Shrub areas will use high efficiency in-line drip tubing. Turf areas will use matched precipitation spray heads or rotors. The system will be centrally controlled with weather -based ET/ SMART controllers with rain sensors. Notes 1. Based on the net loss of turf area, this plan is in conformance with the City of La Quinta Water Efficiency Ordinance and the Coachella Valley Water District's Landscaping and Irrigation System Design Ordinance. KEY PLAN r — PA MC \ CC SS 1 � AH ff PA4 '--"� H PA 2 HS ♦'♦;� k, \= ;-`10 SILVERROCK GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 93075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F _ burton-studio.com Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal N` 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �ppCHIT8f7. =Qy�,F T9TF0 S W— uftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Hotel Entry Road Scale 1" = 20'-0" 0 OS 10 20 40 L-2.3 0 2015 Gensler QUICK LEGEND & NOTES Trees & Palms Symbol Type Canopy Trees Accent Trees Vertical Accents Palms Shrubs Symbol Description Natural Landscape Enhanced Desert Turf Landscape Totals Existing Turf Area within Project: 594,978 SF Total Proposed Turf Area within Project 207,623 SF Total Turf Reduction: 387,366 SF Percentage of Turf Area within total project area - 11 Irrigation Irrigation systems are located around the buildings in the landscaped areas. Shrub areas will use high efficiency in-line drip tubing. Turf areas will use matched precipitation spray heads or rotors. The system will be centrally controlled with weather -based ET/ SMART controllers with rain sensors. Notes 1. Based on the net loss of turf area, this plan is in conformance with the City of La Quinta Water Efficiency Ordinance and the Coachella Valley Water District's Landscaping and Irrigation System Design Ordinance. KEY PLAN r — PA MC PA \ CC SS AH PA 4 H 1 PA 2 HS �` \= vim;',♦,i GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 93075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F _ burton-studio.com Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal N` 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �ppCHIT8f7. =Qy�,F T9TF0 S W— uftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Residential Entry Scale 1" = 20'-0" 0 05 10 20 40 L-2.4 0 2015 Gensler 9 QUICK LEGEND & NOTES Trees & Palms Symbol Type Canopy Trees Accent Trees Vertical Accents Palms Shrubs Symbol Description Natural Landscape Enhanced Desert Turf Landscape Totals Existing Turf Area within Project: 594,978 SF Total Proposed Turf Area within Project: 207,623 SF Total Turf Reduction: 387,366 SF Percentage of Turf Area within total project area - 11 Irrigation Irrigation systems are located around the buildings in the landscaped areas. Shrub areas will use high efficiency in-line drip tubing. Turf areas will use matched precipitation spray heads or rotors. The system will be centrally controlled with weather -based ET/ SMART controllers with rain sensors. Notes 1. Based on the net loss of turf area, this plan is in conformance with the City of La Quinta Water Efficiency Ordinance and the Coachella Valley Water District's Landscaping and Irrigation System Design Ordinance. KEY PLAN r — PA MC \ CC SS 1 � � J CI AH \ �1 PA 4 �H 1 PA 2 HS \= � vim;',♦,i I GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 9)0)5 858 7 94 7 2o4T 858 794 )20) F bur— _ —di-- L Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19-2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �NpCHITF,r. T9TF0 S Wm.i uftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Typical Residental Landscape Seale 1" = 20'-0" 0 05 10 20 40 L-2.5 0 2015 Gensler QUICK LEGEND & NOTES Trees & Palms Symbol Type Canopy Trees Accent Trees Vertical Accents Palms Shrubs Symbol Description Natural Landscape Enhanced Desert Turf Landscape Totals Existing Turf Area within Project: 594,978 SF Total Proposed Turf Area within Project 207,623 SF Total Turf Reduction: 387,366 SF Percentage of Turf Area within total project area - 11 Irrigation Irrigation systems are located around the buildings in the landscaped areas. Shrub areas will use high efficiency in-line drip tubing. Turf areas will use matched precipitation spray heads or rotors. The system will be centrally controlled with weather -based ET/ SMART controllers with rain sensors. Notes 1. Based on the net loss of turf area, this plan is in conformance with the City of La Quinta Water Efficiency Ordinance and the Coachella Valley Water District's Landscaping and Irrigation System Design Ordinance. KEY PLAN r — PA MC \ CC \ - SS 1 � AH PA 4 H1 PA 2 HS V \= � vim;',♦,i I GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 93075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F _ burton-studio.com Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �ppCHIT8f7. =Qy�,F T9TF0 S W— uftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Silver Rock Way Entry Scale 1" = 20'-0" 0 05 10 20 40 L-2.6 0 2015 Gensler QUICK LEGEND & NOTES Trees & Palms Symbol Type \ Canopy Trees Accent Trees \ Vertical Accents \ Palms Shrubs Symbol Description Natural Landscape Enhanced Desert Turf Landscape Totals Existing Turf Area within Project: 594,978 SF Total Proposed Turf Area within Project 207,623 SF Total Turf Reduction: 387,366 SF Percentage of Turf Area within total project area - 11 Irrigation Irrigation systems are located around the buildings in the landscaped areas. Shrub areas will use high efficiency in-line drip tubing. Turf areas will use matched precipitation spray heads or rotors. The system will be centrally controlled with weather -based ET/ SMART controllers with rain sensors. Notes 1. Based on the net loss of turf area, this plan is in conformance with the City of La Quinta Water Efficiency Ordinance and the Coachella Valley Water District's Landscaping and Irrigation System Design Ordinance. KEY PLAN r — PA MC \ CC - SS \CI AH \ �1 PA 4 H1 PA 2 HS �` \= � vim;',♦,i I GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 93075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F _ burton-studio.com Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal N` 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �ppCHIT8f7. =Qy�,F T9TF0 S W— uftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Shared Services Building Scale 1" = 20'-0" 0 05 10 20 40 L-2.7 0 2015 Gensler rr 6— QUICK LEGEND & NOTES Trees & Palms Symbol Type Canopy Trees Accent Trees Vertical Accents Palms Shrubs Symbol Description Natural Landscape Enhanced Desert Turf Landscape Totals Existing Turf Area within Project: 594,978 SF Total Proposed Turf Area within Project: 207,623 SF Total Turf Reduction: 387,366 SF Percentage of Turf Area within total project area - 11 Irrigation Irrigation systems are located around the buildings in the landscaped areas. Shrub areas will use high efficiency in-line drip tubing. Turf areas will use matched precipitation spray heads or rotors. The system will be centrally controlled with weather -based ET/ SMART controllers with rain sensors. Notes 1. Based on the net loss of turf area, this plan is in conformance with the City of La Quinta Water Efficiency Ordinance and the Coachella Valley Water District's Landscaping and Irrigation System Design Ordinance. KEY PLAN r — PA MC \ CC SS `\f V� \PA 4 AH H 1 PA 2 HS GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 9)0)5 858 7 94 7 2o4T 858 794 )20) F www. bur— _ —dim.— L Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19-2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �NpCHITF,r. T9TF0 S Wm.i uftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Shared Services Building Seale 0 05 10 20 40 L-2.8 0 2015 Gensler QUICK LEGEND & NOTES Trees & Palms Symbol Type Canopy Trees Accent Trees Vertical Accents Palms Shrubs Symbol Description Natural Landscape r===^^l Enhanced Desert Turf Landscape Totals Existing Turf Area within Project: 594,978 SF Total Proposed Turf Area within Project 207,623 SF Total Turf Reduction: 387,366 SF Percentage of Turf Area within total project area - 11 Irrigation Irrigation systems are located around the buildings in the landscaped areas. Shrub areas will use high efficiency in-line drip tubing. Turf areas will use matched precipitation spray heads or rotors. The system will be centrally controlled with weather -based ET/ SMART controllers with rain sensors. Notes 1. Based on the net loss of turf area, this plan is in conformance with the City of La Quinta Water Efficiency Ordinance and the Coachella Valley Water District's Landscaping and Irrigation System Design Ordinance. KEY PLAN r — PA MC \ CC SS 1 � AH PA 4 H1 H/PA2 S \ A. ,� l GR t' SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 93075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F _ burton-studio.com Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal N` 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �ppCHIT8f7. =Qy�,F T9TF0 S W— uftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Enlargement Typical Guestroom Landscape Scale 0 OS 10 20 40 L-2.9 0 2015 Gensler QUICK LEGEND & NOTES Trees & Palms Symbol Type Canopy Trees Accent Trees Vertical Accents Palms Shrubs Symbol Description Natural Landscape Enhanced Desert Turf Landscape Totals Existing Turf Area within Project: 594,978 SF Total Proposed Turf Area within Project 207,623 SF Total Turf Reduction: 387,366 SF Percentage of Turf Area within total project area - 11 Irrigation Irrigation systems are located around the buildings in the landscaped areas. Shrub areas will use high efficiency in-line drip tubing. Turf areas will use matched precipitation spray heads or rotors. The system will be centrally controlled with weather -based ET/ SMART controllers with rain sensors. Notes 1. Based on the net loss of turf area, this plan is in conformance with the City of La Quinta Water Efficiency Ordinance and the Coachella Valley Water District's Landscaping and Irrigation System Design Ordinance. KEY PLAN r — PA MC \ CC SS 1 � AH PA 4 H1 PA 2 HS V GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 93075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F _ burton-studio.com Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal N` 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �ppCHIT8f7. =Oy�,F S'T9TE0 S W— uftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Site Plan Scale 0 15 30 60 120 SP - L-1.1 0 2015 Gensler QUICK LEGEND & NOTES Trees & Palms Symbol Type Canopy Trees Accent Trees Vertical Accents Palms Shrubs Symbol Description Natural Landscape Enhanced Desert Turf Landscape Totals Existing Turf Area within Project: 594,978 SF Total Proposed Turf Area within Project 207,623 SF Total Turf Reduction: 387,366 SF Percentage of Turf Area within total project area - 11 Irrigation Irrigation systems are located around the buildings in the landscaped areas. Shrub areas will use high efficiency in-line drip tubing. Turf areas will use matched precipitation spray heads or rotors. The system will be centrally controlled with weather -based ET/ SMART controllers with rain sensors. Notes 1. Based on the net loss of turf area, this plan is in conformance with the City of La Quinta Water Efficiency Ordinance and the Coachella Valley Water District's Landscaping and Irrigation System Design Ordinance. KEY PLAN r — PA MC \ CC SS 1 � AH PA 4 H1 PA 2 HS V GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 93075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F _ burton-studio.com Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal N` 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �ppCHIT8f7. =Qy�,F T9TF0 S W— uftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Site Plan Scale 0 15 30 60 120 SP - L-1.2 0 2015 Gensler QUICK LEGEND & NOTES Trees & Palms Symbol Type Canopy Trees Accent Trees Vertical Accents Palms Shrubs Symbol Description Natural Landscape Enhanced Desert Turf Landscape Totals Existing Turf Area within Project: 594,978 SF Total Proposed Turf Area within Project 207,623 SF Total Turf Reduction: 387,366 SF Percentage of Turf Area within total project area - 11 Irrigation Irrigation systems are located around the buildings in the landscaped areas. Shrub areas will use high efficiency in-line drip tubing. Turf areas will use matched precipitation spray heads or rotors. The system will be centrally controlled with weather -based ET/ SMART controllers with rain sensors. Notes 1. Based on the net loss of turf area, this plan is in conformance with the City of La Quinta Water Efficiency Ordinance and the Coachella Valley Water District's Landscaping and Irrigation System Design Ordinance. KEY PLAN r — PA MC \ CC SS 1 � AH PA 4 H1 PA 2 HS V GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 93075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F _ burton-studio.com Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal N` 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �ppCHIT8f7. =Qy�,F T9TF0 S W— uftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Site Plan Scale 0 15 30 60 120 SP - L-1.3 0 2015 Gensler QUICK LEGEND & NOTES Trees & Palms Symbol Type Canopy Trees Accent Trees Vertical Accents Palms Shrubs Symbol Description Natural Landscape Enhanced Desert Turf Landscape Totals Existing Turf Area within Project: 594,978 SF Total Proposed Turf Area within Project 207,623 SF Total Turf Reduction: 387,366 SF Percentage of Turf Area within total project area - 11 Irrigation Irrigation systems are located around the buildings in the landscaped areas. Shrub areas will use high efficiency in-line drip tubing. Turf areas will use matched precipitation spray heads or rotors. The system will be centrally controlled with weather -based ET/ SMART controllers with rain sensors. Notes 1. Based on the net loss of turf area, this plan is in conformance with the City of La Quinta Water Efficiency Ordinance and the Coachella Valley Water District's Landscaping and Irrigation System Design Ordinance. KEY PLAN r — PA MC \ CC SS 1 � AH PA 4 H1 PA 2 HS V GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 93075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F _ burton-studio.com Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal N` 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �ppCHIT8f7. =Qy�,F T9TF0 S W— uftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Site Plan Scale 0 15 30 60 120 SP - L-1.4 0 2015 Gensler QUICK LEGEND & NOTES Trees & Palms Symbol Type Canopy Trees Accent Trees Vertical Accents Palms Shrubs Symbol Description Natural Landscape Enhanced Desert Turf Landscape Totals Existing Turf Area within Project: 594,978 SF Total Proposed Turf Area within Project 207,623 SF Total Turf Reduction: 387,366 SF Percentage of Turf Area within total project area - 11 Irrigation Irrigation systems are located around the buildings in the landscaped areas. Shrub areas will use high efficiency in-line drip tubing. Turf areas will use matched precipitation spray heads or rotors. The system will be centrally controlled with weather -based ET/ SMART controllers with rain sensors. Notes 1. Based on the net loss of turf area, this plan is in conformance with the City of La Quinta Water Efficiency Ordinance and the Coachella Valley Water District's Landscaping and Irrigation System Design Ordinance. KEY PLAN r — PA MC \ CC SS 1 � AH PA 4 H1 PA 2 HS V GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States burton Landscape Architecture Studio 307S Cedros Solana Beach Ce 93075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F _ burton-studio.com Date Description OS16-2016 SDP Submittal N` 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature �ppCHIT8f7. =Qy�,F T9TF0 S W— uftn No. 2135 y Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Preliminary Landscape Site Plan Scale 0 15 30 60 120 SP - L-1.5 0 2015 Gensler SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway To 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States GLUMAC anal n e a is for isu si,lna6le luiura 7.1916.934.5103 0 P jjed Managers G6m ne C.1— EnoginuerNesi9ner �16IP 07 4 Data Description 516.2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 1048 16 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal I Signature OQAOFESS/pN9Y RWM a ION CO frYtf0i Ct1\7o��\ Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description ELECTRICAL LEGEND & ABBREVIATIONS Scale AS SHOWN E0.0 m 2015 Gensler REFR TO TING LS FOR MOHEIGHTS OF E L E C T R I C A L LEGEND EALL ABBREVIATIONS NOTESYMBOILS, ABBREVUNETC. ARE ESSARIILYGUSED ON THIS PROJECT (E) EXISTING TO REMAIN MAX MAXIMUM LIGHTING SWITCHING CONTROLS POWER DEVICES WIRING (F) FUTURE MCA MINIMUM CIRCUIT AMPERES (R) EXISTING TO BE REMOVED MFR MANUFACTURER (RL) EXISTING TO BE RELOCATED MIN MINIMUM AB ABOVE COUNTER BACKSPLASH MSC MISCELLANEOUS ACU AIR CONDITIONING UNIT MLO MAIN LUGS ONLY SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL Sa DESCRIPTION SINGLE POLE SWITCH (SUPERSCRIPT DENOTES SYMBOL DESCRIPTION SYMBOL DESCRIPTION o RECESSED 2X4 LUMINAIRE SINGLE RECEPTACLE – WALL, CEILING, ON ALT. WIRING CONCEALED IN CEILING OR WALL. SIMILARLY MARKED LUMINAIRES CONTROLLED LINE WEIGHT TOP TO BOTTOM= NEW, EXISTING AC ALTERNATING CURRENT MO MANUAL OPERATOR SURFACE MOUNTED 2X4 LUMINAIRE TOGETHER) a@ 0-i DUPLEX RECEPTACLE – WALL, CEILING, ON ALT. TO REMAIN, FUTUREA, AMP AMPERES MTD MOUNTED S TWO POLE SWITCH ----- WIRING CONCEALED IN FLOOR OR UNDER GRADE MTR MOTOR AF AMPERE (RATED) FUSE OR –N– NEUTRAL(GROUNDED CONDUCTOR) RECESSED 1X4 LUMINAIRE S Ss THREE WAY SWITCH �(� DOUBLE DUPLEX RECEPTACLE –WALL, CLG, ON ALT. --.--- OR ROUTED IN CEILING SPACE OF FLOOR BELOW. CB FRAME NC NORMALLY CLOSED n.@IN SPECIAL PURPOSE RECEPTACLE –WALL, CEILING LINE WEIGHT TOP TO BOTTOM= NEW, EXISTING TO REMAIN, FUTURE AFF ABOVE FINISHED FLOOR AFG ABOVE FINISHED GRADE NEC NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 0 SURFACE MOUNTED 1X4 LUMINAIRE Sa FOUR WAY SWITCH L5 -15R ON ALT. POWER; NEMA CONFIGURATION AS NOTED –,NEG NEGATIVE AL ALUMINUM (ALLOY) RECESSED 2X2 LUMINAIRE SK KEY OPERATED SWITCH Ag RECEPTACLE TYPE SHOWN WALL –ABOVE COUNTER NEMA NATIONAL ELECTRICAL MFGR'S ASSOC. ALC AUTOMATIC LIGHTING CONTROL NL NIGHT LIGHT (UNSWITCHED) E BACKSPL45H. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS. AS AMPERE (RATED) SWITCH NO NORMALLY OPEN ❑ SURFACE MOUNTED 2X2 LUMINAIRE D DIMMER SWITCH. NUMBER INDICATES WATTAGE "ON SHADED RECEPTACLES "ON EXISTING WIRING TO BE REMOVED AT CIRCUIT BRKR TRIP SETTING NTS NOT TO SCALE —T— SHADING OF ANY LUMINAIRE INDICATES CONNECTION RATING. IF NOT SHOWN THEN EQUAL TO LOAD. ALT." NOTED ALT." ABOVE ARE CONNECTED TO ALTERNATE POWER SOURCE (EMERG., TELEPHONE SYSTEM CONDUIT ATS AUTOMATIC TRANSFER SWITCH ATS AUTO AUTOMATIC NP NAMEPLATE Lid • TO ALTERNATE POWER SOURCE (EMERGENCY, UPS, STANDBY, UPS, ETC.) PER CIRCUITING INDICATED _MV_ MEDIUM VOLTAGE CONDUIT AUX AUXILIARY OC ON CENTER STANDBY, ETC.) PER CIRCUITING INDICATED Sr MOTOR–RATED THERMAL OVERLOAD SWITCH AWG AMERICAN WIRE GAUGE OD OUTSIDE DIAMTER DUPLEX RECEPTACLE – WALL – HALF SWITCHED BARE GROUNDING GRID OR CONDUCTORS, UON. BAT BATTERY OFCI OWNER FURNISHED CONTRACTOR —G— ____GC_ GC_ D SUSPENDED LINEAR LUMINAIRESIZE VARIES LUMINAIRE(SIZE PC PHOTOCELL GROUNDING CONDUCTOR(S) ROUTED IN CODE SIZED BG BELOW GRADE INSTALLED OF01 OWNER FURNISHED, OWNER COMBINATION SWITCH/DUPLEX RECEPTACLE CONDUIT, UON. C CONDUIT (CIRCULAR RACEWAY) INSTALLED WALL MOUNTED LINEAR LUMINAIRE (SIZE VARIES) EQUIPMENT OPERATOR PUSH BUTTON STATION. STROKES INDICATE QUANTITY OF #12 AWG. CAB CABINET OS OCCUPANCY SENSOR PROVIDED WITH EQUIPMENT, INSTALLED AND DUPLEX RECEPTACLE – WALL – WITH INTEGRAL CONDUCTORS, UON. NOTE: WIRING STROKES FOR CB CIRCUIT BREAKER P POLE ® SUSPENDED PENDANT LUMINAIRE (SIZE VARIES) CONNECTED BY ELECTRICAL, UON. GFl GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER 20A BRANCH CIRCUITS ARE NOT SHOWN ON CBI CENTRAL BATTERY INVERTER PB PUSHBUTTON 0 DRAWINGS. CONTRACTOR SHALL USE INFORMATION CKT CIRCUIT PH, PHASE O RECESSED DOWNLIGHT, CEILING MOUNTED PUSHBUTTON OR PUSHBUTTONS, BY ELECTRICAL. WP RTYPE SHOWN WWEATHERPROOF COVER IN PANEL AND BRANCH CIRCUIT SCHEDULES TO CLG CEILING PiPANEL TC � TIME CLOCK ANDND INT IMEGRAL GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER PROVIDE REQUIRED CIRCUITING. CO CONDUIT ONLY +,POS POSITIVE O SURFACE DOWNLIGHT, CEILING MOUNTED CPT CONTROL POWER TRANSFORMER READ REQUIRED OS OCCUPANCY SENSOR –WALL MOUNTED +42" RECEPT. TYPE SHOWN AT SPECIAL HEIGHT GROUND CT CURRENT TRANSFORMER RNC RIGID NON–METALLIC CONCUIT (PVC) 0 WW DIREC110N–► RECESSED WALLWASH GROUND, ISOLATED CU COPPER RS RAPID START DC DIRECT CURRENT O 360 DEGREE OCCUPANCY SENSOR –CEILING MTD. WALL MOUNTED ELECTRICAL CONNECTION TO HOT DISC DISCONNECT S.A.D. SEE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS WW DIR[cnoN–s SURFACE WALLWASH ELECTRIFIED FURNITURE. PROVIDE 8 WIRES NEUTRAL DIA DIAMETER SEC SECONDARY S 180 DEGREE OCCUPANCY SENSOR – CEILING MTD. ( 4 HOTS, 1 DEDICATED NEUTRAL, 1 COMMON DIV DIVISION SPOT SINGLE POLE DOUBLE THROW ®f RECESSED LINEAR WALLWASH S CORRIDOR/AISLE OCCUPANCY SENSOR –CEILING NEUTRAL, 1 ISOLATED GROUND) NEUTRALS HOME RUN WIRING TO INDICATED DESTINATION, SPST SINGLE POLE SINGLE THROW DPDT DOUBLE POLE DOUBLE THROW SWBD SWITCHBOARD SURFACE LINEAR WALLWASH MOUNTED TO BE $10 AWG. USE LIQUID–TIGHT FLEX. 3/4"C. MIN. OR AS OTHERWISE NOTED. CONTRACTOR DPST DOUBLE POLE SINGLE THROW SWGR SWITCHGEAR COMBINATION OCCUPANCY SENSOR & SWITCH L1A-1,3 SHALL USE CIRCUIT SIZES NOTED IN RESPECTIVE DWG DRAWING TB TERMINAL BOARD J E�- RECESSED WALL MOUNTED LUMINAIRE GANGED UNDER A COMMON COVER PLATE. CLOCK HANGER RECEPTACLE HD1A SCHEDULES AND INFORMATION IN THE FEEDER AND E,EMERG EMERGENCY TEL TELEPHONE OS SENSOR TO CONTROL ALL LUMINAIRES IN DOOM BRANCH CIRCUIT SCHEDULES. EF EXHAUST FAN TLP TYPICAL TRACK LIGHTING WITH HEADS AS INDICATED. WITH LIGHT REDUCTION COMROLLED BY ROOM WITH CONDUIT RUN TURNED UP THROUGH FLOOR OR EMi ELECTRICAL METALLIC TUBING ENCL ENCLOSURE UL UNDERWRITERS LAB ®7 RECESSED CEILING ADJUSTABLE POINT SOURCE IGN SWITCH, DESIGNATED BY LETTER. 2–GANG BOX WITH ® FLUSH FLOOR BOX DEVICE –DEVICE TYPE PER SYMBOLS ABOVE CEILING. CORE & FIREPROOF AS REQUIRED. EO ELECTRICALLY OPERATED LION UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED SINGLE–GANG MUDRING, LION SPECIFIED EOL END OF LINE UPS UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLY Cb SURFACE CEILING ADJUSTABLE POINT SOURCET(� O THERMOSTAT –WALL, CEILING. PROVIDED BY CONDUIT RUN TURNED DOWN THROUGH FLOOR OR EW C ELECTRIC WATER COOLER V VOLTS VA VOLT–AMPERES 4 WALL MOUNTED LUMINAIRE MECHANICAL, INSTALLED AND WIRED BY ELECTRICAL. ❑® PEDESTAL FLOOR DEVICE –DEVICE TYPE PER SYMBOLS ABOVE CEILING. CORE &FIREPROOF AS REQUIRED. CONDUIT STUBBED OUT LOCATION SHOWN. EWH ELECTRIC WATER HEATER W VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVE FA FIRE ALARM W WATT EPO EMERGENCY POWER OFF, HEAVY–DUTY, OIL–TIGHT RED MUSHROOM–HEAD PUSHBUTTON W/ GUARD. POKE THRU UNIT WITH DUPLEX RECEPTACLE – HI PROVIDE INSULATED BUSHING & PULLROPE. FC FOOT CANDLES W/ WITH � WALL MOUNTED DIRECTIONAL (SIZE VARIES) Q FLUSH, PEDESTAL MOUNTED. FLA FULL LOAD AMPERES W/O WITHOUT LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL AND ASSOCIATED �� TELEPHONE/DATA SLEEVE THROUGH WALL, ABOVE CEILING. EXTEND TO ACCESSIBLE TILE CLG. BOTH FLEX FLEXIBLE FPB FAN POWERED BOX WP WEATHERPROOF �� FLUORESCENT STRIPLIGHT –POWER FEED SECTION, FEED THROUGH SECTION. LENGTH AS SHOWN. LCP ? COMPONENTS. PROVIDE 120V OR 277V CONTROL POWER AS REQUIRED OR AS INDICATED. ®® _ C� ® POKE THRU UNIT WITH DOUBLE DUPLEX SIDES. TERMINATE WITH BUSHINGS. f 1.25" CO FSD FIRE/SMOKE DAMPER XFR TRANSFORMER ". RECEPTACLE – FLUSH, PEDESTAL MOUNTED. UON. COORDINATE LOCATIONS WITH LE INSTALLER(S) PRIOR TO ROUGH–IN. FU FUSE IN INCHES GEN GENERATOR ', FT FEET �i WALL MOUNTED FLUORESCENT STRIPLIGHT TX REMOTE MOUNTED LINE TO LOW–VOLTAGE FUSED COMBO POKE THRU UNIT WITH DUPLEX RECEPTACLE AND TELEPHONE OUTLET –FLUSH, GFl GROUND FAULT CIRCUIT INTERRUPTER UNDERCABINET FLUORESCENT STRIPLIGHT TRANSFORMER. CONCEAL FROM VIEW. PEDESTAL MOUNTED. BASKET TYPE CABLE TRAY WITH 90 DEGREE ELBOW GND GROUND SHOWN GRAP GENERATOR REMOTE ANNUNCIATOR PNL CONTINUOUS LINEAR SOURCE (LED, COLD CATHODE, © ROOM CONNECTOR. SEE SHEET E9.1. ®V ®� MULTI–SERVICE FLOOR BOX CAST IN GONG. OR GRC GALVANIZED RIGID STEEL CONDUIT NEON, FIBER OPTIC, ETC...) IN RAISED FLOOR – SEE ARCH DWGS; WITH RECEPTACLES & SIGNAL OUTLETS AS NOTED. .. """`1� LADDER TYPE CABLE TRAY WITH 90 DEGREE ELBOW SHOWN HLO HANDLE LOCK–ON (OFF) HP HORSEPOWER Y I BATTERY POWER EMERGENCY UNIT EQUIPMENT (SEE POKE THRU UNIT WITH JUNCTION BOX. ® JUNCTION BOXES, WALL, CEILING AND FLUSH FLOOR HPF HIGH POWER FACTOR HTR HEATER LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE FOR QUANTITY OF HEADS) – RACEWAY COMPONENTS RC -700 SERIES. MOUNTED. 4' SQ. BOX MIN., LARGER IF REQUIRED HZ HERTZ (CYCLES PER SECOND) WALL, CEILING MOUNTED. ID INSIDE DIAMETER ILLUMINATED EXIT SIGN, SHADED QUADRANT J (� WIRING EXTENSION POINT –CONDUIT TO MC CABLE OR MANUFACTURED WIRING SYSTEM J–BOX ABOVE IISOLATED GROUND G A q INDICATES FACES, ARROWS AS SHOWN @� TELE/POWER POLE, POWER POLE ® ® ACCESSIBLE CEILINGS AREAS, OR EXTEND CONDUIT & "HARD" IMC INTERMEDIATE METAL CONDUIT J WIRE IN EXPOSED OR CEILING AREAS. SHADED= ON ALT. POWER SOURCE (EMERG,UPS,ETC.) K KEY OPERATED KCMIL THOUSAND CIRCULAR MILS ® BOLLARD J TELE/POWER POLE WITH WHIP CONNECTION TO ELECTRIFIED FURNITURE PB PULL BOX, MIN. SIZE PER NEC., JON. KO KNOCK OUT I��---ILL_a_I��—I POLE MOUNTED LUMINAIRE– SINGLE OR DUAL HEAD a= UNDERFLOOR RACEWAY KW KILOWATTS KVA KILOVOLT–AMPERES INDICATES ROTATED OPTICS DISTRIBUTION &EQUIPMENT SURFACE METAL RACEWAY WITH RECEPTACLES AS NOTED, LENGTH AS RECEPTACLES FLEXIBLE CONDUIT CONNECTION LTG UGHTING INDICATED ON THE DRAWINGS AND WITH ALL ® POWER CONNECTION TO FIRE/SMOKE DAMPER. LCP LIGHTING CONTROL PANEL SYMBOL DESCRIPTION ® POST TOP MOUNTED LUMINAIRE FfifIN REQUI GS AS RED. ® REFER TO FSD CONNECTION DETAIL IF NOT SHOWN BRANCH CIRCUIT PANELSOARDS, SURFACE AND RECESS MOUNTED, SOLID= 12Z28OV, HATCHED= 277/48OV, DASHED EQUIP. = FUTURE ®s IN–GRADE POINT SOURCE TWO OR THREE COMPARTMENT SURFACE METAL RACEWAY WITH RECEPTACLES AND OUTLETS AS ® GARAGE LIGHTING LUMINAIRE WITH CUTOFF LOUVERS y INDICATED, LENGTH AS INDICATED ON THE CONTROL / CLEARANCES MOTORLUMINAIRE PROVIDE ALL FITTINGS AS MARKING CONVENTION LEGEND: ®.....:: SHOWN, DASHED QUIP.R=FUTURE REQUIRED. HA HA = LUMINAIRE TYPE IDENTIFICATION. SEE LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE. 3c =CIRCUIT NUMBER VIA LOCAL SWITCH TRANSFORMER WITH CODE CLEARANCES SHOWN ELECTRICAL DESIGN CRITERIA ELECTRICAL DRAWING LIST 3c HA (LOWERCASE LETTER) THAT SERVES THE LUMINIARE. -- 3A =CIRCUIT NUMBER/UPPERCASE LETTER SERVICE AND/OR DISTRIBUTION EQUIPMENT WITH CODE CLEARANCES SHOWN SHEET DESCRIPTION 3A COMBINATION INDICATES LOW VOLTAGE RELAY OR LIGHTING CONTACTOR THAT CONNECTION TO MOTOR PROVIDED BY OTHERS 1. CALIFORNIA ELECTRICAL CODE; 2013 EDITION SERVES THE LUMINAIRE E0.0 ELECTRICAL LEGEND AND ABBREVIATIONS CONNECTION TO MECHANICAL FURNISHED VARIABLE 2. CALIFORNIA FIRE CODE: 2013 EDITION WITH NFPA 72, E0.1 ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES AND DIAGRAMS FREQUENCY DRIVE WITH INTEGRAL DISCONNECT 2008 EDITION ELECTRICAL TO INSTALL VFD EQUIPMENT 3. CALIFORNIA BUILDING CODE: 2013 EDITION E11.0 OVERALL SITE LIGHTING PLAN E7.MEETING CENTER, CONFERENCE CENTER, SHARED SERVICES �–LI LJ DISCONNECT SWITCH, SIZE AS NOTED IF NOT SI SHOWN SIZE PER CONNECTED MOTOR SIZE AND MOTOR DISCONNECT SCHEDULE 4, AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT, (ADA) SITE LIGHTING PLAN (MCI)1 E1.2 LUXURY HOTEL & HOTEL SPA SITE UGHTING PLAN (Hi) REFERENCE SYMBOLS E1.3 GUESTROOMS SITE LIGHTING PLAN ( rl� LJ FUSED DISCONNECT SWITCH, SIZE AS NOTED. SIZE FUSE PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS ENCLOSED CIRCUIT BREAKER DISCONNECT SWITCH, TRIP SIZE AS NOTED. 5. CALIFORNIA ENERGY CODE: 2013 TITLE -24, PART 6. E1.4 MEETING CENTER, CONFERENCE CENTER,TER, SHARED SERVICES SITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC PLAN (MCI) E1.5 LUXURY HOTEL & HOTEL SPA SITE UGHTING PHOTOMETRIC PLAN (H7) SYMBOL DESCRIPTION 12 KEYED NOTE REFERENCE 125.4 BRANCHCIRCUIT OR FEEDER NOMINAL AMPACITY & DISCONNECT W/ MAGNETIC MOTOR STARTER E1.6 GUESTROOMS SITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC PLAN (GRI) TYPE; REFER TO BRANCH CIRCUIT AND FEEDER SCHEDULES FOR WIRE AND CONDUIT SIZES & QTY. Z'(CONTROLLER) OR CONTACTOR. SIZE PER LOAD SERVED. NEMA SIZE #1 MINIMUM. GENERAL NOTES e REFER TO DETAIL NO. ON DRAWING INDICATED NOT ALL DETAIL REFERENCES ARE SHOWN. ALL ® MAGNETIC MOTOR STARTER (CONTROLLER) OR CONTACTOR. SIZE PER LOAD SERVED. E4.1 DETAILS APPLY TO ALL APPLICABLE SITUATIONS, UON. NEMA SIZE $1 MINIMUM. 1. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL ELECTRICAL GEAR, EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS. 2 ELEVATION TAG: REFER TO ELEVATION NUMBER ON 8 ELECTRICAL CONNECTION, EQUIPMENT PROVIDED BY OTHERS. SHADED = ON ALT. POWER SOURCE NOTED E4.1 DRAWING INDICATED ELECTRICAL CONNECTION TO EQUIPMENT WITH INTEGRAL DISCONNECT THAT IS PROVIDED BY OTHERS. SHADED = ON ALT. POWER SOURCE NOTED 2 SECTION TAG: REFER TO SECTION NUMBER ON DRAWING INDICATED EQUIPMENT OR TERMINALURE AS NOTED, EL, 1 SURFACE AND RECESS MOUNTED �r BUILDING GROUND BUS, SEE DETAILS K11 KITCHEN EQUIPMENT REFERENCE, REFER TO KITCHEN DM CH 1 EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT IDENTIFICATION TAG 32E DAMPER MOTOR BUSWAY RISER EQUIP NAME EQUIPMENT BY OTHERS IDENTIFICATION TAG BUSWAY STAB–IN TYPE CIRCUIT BREAKER OR FUSE DISCONNECT. SIZE AS NOTED. SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway To 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States GLUMAC anal n e a is for isu si,lna6le luiura 7.1916.934.5103 0 P jjed Managers G6m ne C.1— EnoginuerNesi9ner �16IP 07 4 Data Description 516.2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 1048 16 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal I Signature OQAOFESS/pN9Y RWM a ION CO frYtf0i Ct1\7o��\ Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description ELECTRICAL LEGEND & ABBREVIATIONS Scale AS SHOWN E0.0 m 2015 Gensler LUMINAIRE SCHEDULE LAMPS TYPE IMAGE MANUFACTURER, MODEL&CATALOG DESCRIPTION MOUNTING VOLTS REMARKS LUMENS, NUMBER TYPE COLOR, CRI WATTS Al BEGA#77263 LED BOLLARD SURFACE 277 LED 3000K 5 TO INCLUDE WID. 12V TRANSFORMER Bi BK LIGHTING NITE STAR WITH LINEAR SPREAD #NSII-LED-e64-WFL SIGN ACCENT LIGHT SURFACE 277 LED 27001 7 C1 DETRAIN LINEAR GRAZE #IQA-VEGA EXTRUSION 15DEGO LINEAR LED GRAZER DOWN THE WALL SURFACE 277 LED 2700K C2 Q-TRAN LINEAR IP67 #iQ67-27-50-2.6 LINEAR LED UNDERBENCH SURFACE 277 LED 2700K 2.6W/ft Di BK LIGHTING NITE STAR ##NS-LED-e64-WFI_ TREE ACCENT UP LIGHT SURFACE 277 LED 2700K 7 FIXTURE TO BE MOUNTED INSIDE BOTTOM Fl TMS LIGHTING.—IND Ill 00SP-10 DECORATIVE LED LANTERN SURFACE 277 LED 2700K 15 OF LANTERN TO BE SELECTED BY ARCHITECT Gi BK LIGHTING DELTA STAR DS -Li LED TRELLIS ACCENT SURFACE 277 LED 2700K 7 H1 BK LIGHTING H12#HP2-LED-TR-e64-WFL TREE INGRADE UPLIGHT INGRADE 277 LED 2700K 7 J1 BKLIGHTING MICRO NITE STAR TREE SUSPENDED DOWNLIGHT TREE RING 277 LED 2700K 7 #RM -25-M WLEDc67-NFL-BZP-12-E Ki �' PENTAIR#1_13242-W UNDERWATER LED LIGHT RECESSED 3/277 LED 30001 1G 93CRI K2 LIGHTGRAPHIX#LD43DR-11WLWWMB UNDERWATER LED UPLIGHT RECESSED 3!277 LED 3000K 12 93CRI L1 BK DENALI-POWER CANOPY #DE -LED -x30 -FL -PC ROOF MOUNTED FLOOD LIGHT SURFACE 277 LED 27001 29 L2 BK DENALI W/POWER PIPE GROUND MOUNTED FLOOD LIGHT SURFACE 277 LED 2700K 29 #DE-LED-FL-x30-PPII Mi LUCIFER STEP LIGHT#ISL-ALED-2.71-NL RECESSED LED STEP LIGHT RECESSED 277 LED 2700K 3.2 WALL N1 METEOR#SH2O0 INGRADE SOLAD LED INGRADE NA LED 27-R INI SOLAR POWERED 01 TIMES SQUARE #LED60P GOB. LIGHT SURFACE 12F LED N/A 80 160W TOTAL POWER SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 lui_nsler 225 Broadway To 619. '57.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States CLUMAC anal n s e rs for oat,lnable rotate Fol— n Pmjed Margate CBm ne .­rEnegin uerNeoo— .18IPn0n] 0 Data Description 516.2016 Si Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.152016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal I Signature OQAOFESS/pN9� � a CO EION frYtf 0i Ct1\1o��\ Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES AND DIAGRAMS Scale AS SHOWN E0.1 492015 Gensler OVERALL SITE LIGHTING PLAN .... iii ........ KEYED NOTES F — —\ PA 3 It It L \\�PA2 cc \ CC r- - SS 1 � AH �� �l PA 4 H1 HS PA 2 `` ♦ �"i G R SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 "SI r 225 Broadway Tel M. '57.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States GLUMAC enein.era ror a su slainaoie ruwre T.I916.934.5103 a www.glumac Pmjed Managermi ne Culver EngiN.—.12.16 PW07 signer CC 0 Data Description 516.2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.152016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal I Signature OQAOFESS/pN9� � a CO ION fr�tf 0i Ct1\1o��\ Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description OVERALL SITE LIGHTING PLAN Scale AS SHOWN E1.0 m 2015 Gensler 0 a— I rr 7 /,� • 6 MEETING CENTE D 0 CONFERENCE CENTER, & SHARED SERVICES SITE LIGHTING PLAN KEYED NOTES KEY PLAN F _ PA 3 It It \ CC r- - SS 1 � AH �� �l \PA4 ;H 1 PA 2 H, ♦ ���� ��o G R SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 _"Slur 225 Broadway Tel M. '57.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States GLUMAC eneinsers ror a su slainaoie ruwre T 9169345103 a Pnj M."'.1 -1h. .—r EobNue. 9ner . mbe1e.PW07 0 Data Description 516.2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.152016 SDP Submittal No.3 I Seal I Signature OQAOFESS/pN9� CO s E aW ION �tf 0i Ct1\1o��\ Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description MEETING CENTER, CONFERENCE CENTER, & SHARED SERVICES SITE LIGHTING PLAN Scale ASSHOWN T E1.1 m 2015 Gensler S40 /O� L1 MATCHLINE _ LINE Ilk Alk J 11 i:- 11 A V/ J LUXURY HOTEL & HOTEL SPA SITE LIGHTING PLAN 1 SCALE: 1"=50' 0 25' 50' 100' KEYED NOTES KEY PLAN F — —\ PA 3 11 It \ CC r- — SS 1 � \PA4 H1 PA 2 HS "411' *aaaaft 2�w G R V SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 U_" I r 225 Broadway Tel 619. 557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States GLUMAC enein.ers ror a su slainaoie ruwre T.I916.934.5103 n Pn-Menagar.� Cnm ne Culver engineerNesigner . 1 0 Data Description 516.2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.152016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal I Signature OQAOFESS/pN9� CO s EW ION �tf 0i Ct1\1o��\ Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description LUXURY HOTEL & HOTEL SPA SITE LIGHTING PLAN Scale AS SHOWN E1.2 m 2015 Gensler &a—�WFmg ROOMS SITE LIGHTING PLAN 0 25' 50' 100' KEYED NOTES F — —\ PA 3 It It CC r- — SS 1 � AH �� �l \PA4 H1 PA 2 H, "411' taiamatia 27�7 G R SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 _"miler 225 Broadway Tel M. '57.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States GLUMAC until n s e ra fore su slalnaCle More T.I916.934.5103 a www.glumaccom P. mi ulveManager ne Cr eng'oineerNesigner CC 0 Data Description 516.2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.152016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal I Signature OQAOFESS/pN9� � a CO ION fr�tf 0i Ct1\1p1�\ Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description GUESTROOMS SITE LIGHTING PLAN Scale AS SHOWN E1.3 m 2015 Gensler 0.0 0-0 '0 -.0 b-.0--,0-. 4 0.4 0.0 0.4.0 0.0 0.0 0. f°I q�, , 101 iv . 5 0 07 .0 + 0 0.0 + 0 + 0. 0® 0 O.]�1 +�0.0 o.Qy0.0 O O� 0 1117 -� 0 O :$ o . 0.0 0-.0 ,; 0.0, 06 0.0 6� 0.2 e 0 0.0 .0 0. 1.1 .0 1.0 0.1 0.0 4.0 0.-0 0.0 0.0 �Ci.4070 0.00.0,`0.0 0.4 0 0.0 0. 0 0 It 0. 0. 0 10 O 4°5 0 Rbt 0,. 0 0 0 0 0 0 .9 0 . .;`8 0..0 .8 0.09 .0 0.4 0.0 0 0+ A c )4.0 O .0;EO.O 0%O Q� .0 0 0.0 .0 0.0 0.� 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0:0.0 0.0 0 +00. do Al 0.0 0.0 0: 0 +0:0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0.0 0.0 +.0 0.0 +0.0 0.0 �- 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 X7.4 0.0 0 1 0 fl -0.0 0.0 0 0 0. 0.0 0 0 0.0 �# ��� +/ _ 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0 0.0 0. 0 0 1 0.0 0. 0 + . 0 0. y +0.0 + 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. + 0.0 0. + 0 0.0 0 O:f\p OLOLO 0 .0 .0 0. / )d U.0 0. 0 0. 0 0. 00b0 t. 0. 4 4.\. 4 4. 4+ 0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0. 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O.o 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. -k0 0.0 + 0 0.0 0:0 0.0 0.0 + 0 0. 0.0 .0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0+0 \ 6 j 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 +40 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 o.o ° + 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0\ : 01.0 + o i 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. "�.0 0.0 +.0 0 0. +.0 0.0 +.0 +.o 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0\ + '0.0 0. ° 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 + 0 0.0 0.o 6. + 0 o.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0. 0 0.0 0. 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 + 0.0 0 0.o 0.0 o.o b.o b.o 8.o o.o + o 8.o o.o 0 o o o 8.o o.o o.o o.o +.o 0.0 o.o b.o o b.o o.o o.o o. o o b b.o b. o. _o.o b.o b.o LUXURY HOTEL & HOTEL SPA SITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC PLAN KEYED NOTES KEY PLAN r - -\ PA 3 c L \��PA2 1E A cc CC - SS 1 � l AH�PA4 H1 �PA 2 HS GR SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 -1Gr 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States GLUMAC engl n e e r. for a. u s I, 11-1 tutu re stn .1- Dove 95630 T 9169345103 wuwgumaueom Pm1M Manager Chn,e,eCu- Eob NumlceN9�r 12 16Po007 0 Data Description 5-16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.182016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal/ Signature oQQ,OFESS/pyo 4g�A CO aE6 7 ION fr��FOf CAUE�Q� Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description LUXURY HOTEL & HOTEL SPA SITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC PLAN Scale AS SHOWN E1.5 82015 Gensler ILLUMINANCE (FC) AVERAGE-0.0 MAXIM UMI .5 MINIMUM -0.0 UI er 0 X0.0 0, 0 0 ^.'0 6.0 0 I ! C 0 0 0-- , 0 I O jj O � ® 0.0 0 0.0p0.0 0.00 /.0 0.0 .\ t 10. GUESTROOMS SITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC PLAN 1 SCALE: 1"=50' 0 25' 50' 100' KEYED NOTES r - -\ PA 3 c L \��PA2 IEA cc \ CC r- - SS 1 � l � AH PA4 H1 �PA 2 HS G R SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Lze-"sI`r 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States GLUMAC engl neer. fora su s lJ 11-a fulu re sm cieeo onVe T�,, cn wean 916.934.5103 .al u-- PmjMManager Chn-t Cu- EnSgieeerl. a—, CC18Po00] 0 Date Description 5-16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.182016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal/Signature oQQ,OFESS/pyo CO flEe ] ION fr��FOf CAUE�Q� Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description GUESTROOMS SITE LIGHTING PHOTOMETRIC PLAN Scale AS SHOWN E1.6 82015 Gensler EXISTING AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE PROPERTY LINE AH -AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE HS - HOTEL SPA H1 - LUXURY HOTEL PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY LINE GOLF SAFETY LINES GR - GUESTROOMS EXISTING ENTRY ROAD, NOT PART OF SUBMITAL MC - MEETING CENTER CC - CONFERENCE CENTER SS - SHARED SERVICES BUILDING GENERAL NOTES BUILDING KEYNOTES AH AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE H1 LUXURY HOTEL GR GUESTROOMS HS HOTELSPA MC MEETING CENTER O CONFERENCE CENTER SS SHARED SERVICE BUILDING Ri LUXURY BRANDED RESIDENTIAL SITE PLAN LEGEND eaaaaaaaaaa- eaa� PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY LINE GOLF SAFETY LINES EXISTING AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK PER LA QUINTI MUNICIPAL CODE — — — — — — — — — — LANDSCAPE SETBACK PER LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE • — • — - — BUILDING SETBACK PER SILVERROCK RESORT SPECIFIC PL =00000000000000• ACCESSIBLE PATH KEY PLAN F — _\\ \PA\3I' — —\— _ MC \ 1 \PA2 1 PA4\ 1 y SS CC AHDJI H1 LJ� HS DPA2 \��00000 GR I V SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States Date Description 05-16-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO1 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 ?� R� 5 K C 2 830 OP CAS F SSI I Signature NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN � scale As indicated 0 38 75 150 300 A -1.0 02015 Gensler 777' GENERAL NOTES BUILDING KEYNOTES AH AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE H1 LUXURY HOTEL GR GUESTROOMS HS HOTELSPA MC MEETING CENTER O CONFERENCE CENTER SS SHARED SERVICE BUILDING Ri LUXURY BRANDED RESIDENTIAL SITE PLAN LEGEND eaaaaaaaaaa- eaa� PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY LINE GOLF SAFETY LINES EXISTING AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK PER LA QUINTI MUNICIPAL CODE — — — — — — — — — — LANDSCAPE SETBACK PER LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE • — • — - — BUILDING SETBACK PER SILVERROCK RESORT SPECIFIC PL =00000000000000• ACCESSIBLE PATH KEY PLAN F \PA\3I' — —\— _ MC \ 1 \PA 2 1 PA4- SS CC AHD�JrI-p/ H 1 HS/ T❑PA2 ��� GR V SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States L Date Description 05-16-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO1 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 5Eo AR�y Y4��y`E5 K HF'L Tf0 C 2 830 OP CAS F Seal I Signature NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN - AREA A Style 0 15 30 60 120 A -1.1 2015 Gensler 5 \�D v �� ♦.�� • o SEE RESIDENTIAL ARCHITICTS DRAWINGS -� Illy ��Forma CIOiIII II`1�1IpII , / I AH - AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE H1 - LUXURY HOTEL -GOLF SAFETY LINES '�HS - HOTELSPA 1111// A0 GENERAL NOTES BUILDING KEYNOTES AH AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE H1 LUXURY HOTEL GR GUESTROOMS HS HOTELSPA MC MEETING CENTER O CONFERENCE CENTER SS SHARED SERVICE BUILDING Ri LUXURY BRANDED RESIDENTIAL �e� L iffi MHUM Am �� ♦.�� • o SEE RESIDENTIAL ARCHITICTS DRAWINGS -� Illy ��Forma CIOiIII II`1�1IpII , / I AH - AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE H1 - LUXURY HOTEL -GOLF SAFETY LINES '�HS - HOTELSPA 1111// A0 GENERAL NOTES BUILDING KEYNOTES AH AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE H1 LUXURY HOTEL GR GUESTROOMS HS HOTELSPA MC MEETING CENTER O CONFERENCE CENTER SS SHARED SERVICE BUILDING Ri LUXURY BRANDED RESIDENTIAL SITE PLAN LEGEND •� •� PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY LINE GOLF SAFETY LINES EXISTING AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK PER LA QUINTI MUNICIPAL CODE — — — — — — — — — — LANDSCAPE SETBACK PER LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE - — - — - — BUILDING SETBACK PER SILVERROCK RESORT SPECIFIC PL =0000000.000000• ACCESSIBLE PATH KEY PLAN — _\\ L �\ mc \ 1 \PA 2 1 PA 4 1 y SS J \\ CC AHDJI H1 LJ� HS_0PA2 \A�°���°moo I GRY V SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States L Date Description 05-16-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO1 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 5Eo AR�y Y4��y.ES K HF'L Tf0 C 2 830 OF CAL�FO SSI I Signatum NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN - AREA B Scale 0 15 30 60 120 A -1.2 Gensler YDH \SERVICE/ I i PART OF SUBMITT R1 - LUXURY BRANDEI RESIDENTIAL, SEE RESIDENTIAL ARCHITCTS DRAWING, HA2 .A I" LH - AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE 1 - LUXURY HOTE 'OLF SAFETY LINES GENERAL NOTES BUILDING KEYNOTES AH AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE H1 LUXURY HOTEL GR GUESTROOMS HS HOTELSPA MC MEETING CENTER O CONFERENCE CENTER SS SHARED SERVICE BUILDING Ri LUXURY BRANDED RESIDENTIAL SITE PLAN LEGEND eaaaaaaaaaa- eaa� PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY LINE GOLF SAFETY LINES EXISTING AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK PER LA QUINTI MUNICIPAL CODE — — — — — — — — — — LANDSCAPE SETBACK PER LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE - — - — - — BUILDING SETBACK PER SILVERROCK RESORT SPECIFIC PL =00000000000000• ACCESSIBLE PATH KEY PLAN F \PA\3I' — —\— _ MC \\ 1 \PA2 1 PA4\ Z L-CZ� SS cc AHS G,JI H1 HS/ T❑PA2 ��� GR I V SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States L Date Description 05-16-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO1 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 ?� R� 5 K C 2 830 1P � . 9I3a", OP CAS F Seal I Signature NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN -AREA C Style 0 15 30 60 120 A -1.3 2015 Gensler HS - HOTEL SPA AH - AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE H1 - LUXURY HOTEL - PA 2 GR- HOTEL GUESTROOMS GOLF SAFETY LINES ILW i /lam TRASH 11 10 10 w"w GENERAL NOTES BUILDING KEYNOTES AH AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE H1 LUXURY HOTEL GR GUESTROOMS HS HOTELSPA MC MEETING CENTER O CONFERENCE CENTER SS SHARED SERVICE BUILDING Ri LUXURY BRANDED RESIDENTIAL SITE PLAN LEGEND eaaaaaaaaaa- eaa� PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY LINE GOLF SAFETY LINES EXISTING AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK PER LA QUINTI MUNICIPAL CODE — — — — — — — — — — LANDSCAPE SETBACK PER LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE • — • — - — BUILDING SETBACK PER SILVERROCK RESORT SPECIFIC PL =00000000000000• ACCESSIBLE PATH KEY PLAN — —\\ L \PA\3\ I' — —\— _ me 1 \PA 2 1 PA4- SS cc AH H1 LJ� HS DPA2 \��00000 GR V SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States L Date Description 05-16-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO1 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 5Eo AR�y lv�l3E5 K C 2 830 OP CAS F SSI I Signatum NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN - AREA D Style 0 15 30 60 120 A -1.4 2E LAP r- 0 O 1 f HOTEL POOL DECK POOL J \\ GENERAL NOTES BUILDING KEYNOTES AH AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE H1 LUXURY HOTEL GR GUESTROOMS HS HOTELSPA MC MEETING CENTER O CONFERENCE CENTER SS SHARED SERVICE BUILDING R1 LUXURY BRANDED RESIDENTIAL SITE PLAN LEGEND eaaaaaaaaaa- eaa� PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY LINE GOLF SAFETY LINES EXISTING AHMANSON RANCH HOUSE PROPERTY LINE BUILDING SETBACK PER LA QUINTI MUNICIPAL CODE — — — — — — — — — — LANDSCAPE SETBACK PER LA QUINTA MUNICIPAL CODE • — • — - — BUILDING SETBACK PER SILVERROCK RESORT SPECIFIC PL =00000000000000• ACCESSIBLE PATH KEY PLAN — —\\ L \PA\3I' — —\— _ MC \ 1 \PA 2 1 PA 4 SS cc AH-- H1 LJ� HS DPA2 \��00000 GR I V SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States L Date Description 05-16-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO1 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 5Eo AR�y lv�l3E5 K C 2 830 OF CAS F SSI I Signature NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description ARCHITECTURAL SITE PLAN - AREA E � scale 0 15 30 60 120 A -1.5 02015 Gensler w u LUXURY HOTEL ARIVAL VIEW v LUXURY HOTEL WATER FEATURE r. L GENERAL NOTES KEY PLAN F \PA\3\ I' — —\— _ Mc 1 \PA 2 1 PA 4 SS cc AH H1 H 1 HS - \O Opo p�oa o���0000�U I GR V SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States L Date Description 05-16-2016 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 10-1&2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 5Eo AR�y 1v�13�5 K HF%L Tf� C 2 830 OF CAS F I S�IISignatum NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description BUILDING RENDERINGS A - 2.0 02015 Gensler SPA ARIVAL VIEW Z� u LUXURY HOTEL POOL DECK % E�j 11 GENERAL NOTES KEY PLAN F \PA\3\ I' — —\— _ Mc 1 \PA 2 1 PA 4 SS cc AH Jl HSr1Apop�oa \o���0000�U I GR V SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States L Date Description 05-16-2016 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 10-1&2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 5Eo AR�y 1v�13�5 K HF%L Tf� C 2 830 OF CAS F SSI I Signature NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description BUILDING RENDERINGS Scala A-2.1 02015 Gensler m CONFERENCE CENTER ARRIVAL CONFERENCE CENTER GENERAL NOTES KEY PLAN F \PA\3—\— _ MC \PA 2 PA 4 1( y SS AHo�Jrl-p/ H1 �0 HS/ T❑PA2 O Opo p�oa \���0000�� I GRo SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States L Date Description 05.16.2015 SDPSUBMITTAIL 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 10-1&2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 5Eo AR�y 1v�13�5 K HF%L Tf� C 2 830 OF CAS F SSI I Signature NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description BUILDING RENDERINGS Scale A - 2.2 02015 Gensler IJ — — '4—� gs' SPA ARIVAL VIEW LUXURY HOTEL POOL DECK GENERAL NOTES KEY PLAN MC \ 1 \PA 2 1 PA 4 SS CC AHoJrl-p/0 H1 - E� HS/ T❑PA2 �\� �O Opo p�oa o�00000�� GRo V SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States L Date Description 05.18.2015 3DPBUBMITTAIL 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 10-1&2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 5Eo AR�y 1v�13�5 K HF%L Tf� C 2 830 OF CAS F Seal I Signature NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description BUILDING RENDERINGS I sale A - 2.3 115 Gensler GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK 7A CEMENT PLASTER DEVELOPMENT 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER— COLOR 1 INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 8 ROOFING COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER— COLOR 2 UP 2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 3D PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLOR 1 4B METAL FASCIA -COLOR 1 4C METAL FASCIA -COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA -COLOR 3 4E METAL TRELLIS - COLOR 1 QData Description 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 1 05-16-2016 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 10-1&2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERAI 50 INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS 5F GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRY WALL 6A SITE WALL 7 PAVING/FLOORING 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 8 ROOFING O THERMOPLASTIC POLYOLEFIN(TPO) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP 2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE KEY PLAN F \PA\3\ I' — —\— _ MC 1 \PA 2 1 PA4_ SS CC AHo�Jrl-p/ H1 HS/T❑PA2 ��� O Opo p�oa GR I V 5Eo AR�y SK C 2 830 OP CAS F Seal / Signature NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description MATERIALS BOARD Scale 0 25 50 100 200 A - 3.0 02015 Gensler 4 H1 - NORTH OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16"=V-0' UPPER ROOF h LOWER11' fi" LEVEL " 0 0 LEVEL01 31'-0' ABOVESEA LEVEL 3 H1 -WEST OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16"=V-0' 2 H1 - SOUTH OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1116"=V-0' H1 - EAST OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1116"=V-0' UPPER ��'��'RppppppOO,1pppp h LOWER11' 6' LE r 0 LEVEL01 ABOVESEA LEVEL UPPERJRgR LOWERUI I 11' 6" V LEVEL 01 h o" �I LEVEL01 31'-0" ABOVE SEA LEVEL UPPER1RgOOpF O� LOWER ROOF h`P U. , LEVEL01 31'-0" ABOVESEA LEVEL GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT CEMENT PLASTER 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER– COLORI INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER– COLOR 2 POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 3D PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI Data Description 05 -16-16 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 20016 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN – COLORI 09-19-2 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN – COLOR 2 10-1&2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERAI 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 8 ROOFING BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE KEY PLAN F \PA\3\ I' — —\— _ MC 1 \PA 2 1 PA4_ SS AH �oJI Hcc 1 y LJO HS/ T❑PA2 GR I V 5Eo AR�y SK K C 2 830 OF CAS F Seal / Signature NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description HOTEL EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS Scale 1116" =1'-0" 0 4 8 16 32 H1 - A-1.0 02015 Gensler 4 H1 - HOTEL POOL BAR -NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" =1'-0" _POOL BAR ROOF h 11' - 0- 0. LEVEL 01 h 0' POOL BAR ROOFh r,j.�.(F�'.�.{.'a1&' `�:•�i`�`�'n LEVEL 0 3 H1 - HOTEL POOL BAR -EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" =1'-0" 2 H1 - HOTEL POOL BAR -SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" =1'-0" DOL BAR R jo 1' 0" H1 - HOTEL POOL BAR -WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8- V 0" )L BAR R0 1' 0" r GENERAL NOTES CEMENT PLASTER 1A 3 -COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR/ 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 2 TEXTURED WALL O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 3C WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLOR/ 4B METAL FASCIA -COLOR/ 4C METAL FASCIA -COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA -COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLOR/ 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR/ 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERA/ 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR/ 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 8 ROOFING 6A POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE KEY PLAN F \PA\3 I' — —\— _ MC \ 1 \PA 2 1 PA 4 SS CC AHoJI H1 y HS/ T❑PA2 GR I v SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States L Date Description 05.18.2015 3DPBUBMITTAIL 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 10-1&2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 Seal / Signature NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description HOTEL POOL BAR EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS � scale 118" =1.4. 0 4 8 16 32 H1 - A-1.2 02015 Gensler 1 \ 1 HOTEL GUESTROOM, SEE GUESTROOM DRAWINGS 1 I 233 - 7 314" J GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK CEMENT PLASTER DEVELOPMENT 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER— COLORI COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER— COLOR 2 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI L Data Description 05.18.2015 3DPBUBMITTALN01 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN — COLORI 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL N01 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 10-1&2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERATIO 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS 5F GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING SDK ��9 U en ti� F 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR I �4 C 2 830 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 d'j9 IFN 9135\^^�2� �op 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 CAL\FO 8 ROOFING Seal/Signature BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE NOT FOR 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE KEY PLAN — _\\ L \PA\3\ I' — —\— _ MC � 1 \PA 2 1 PA 4 `sS AH �oJI Hcc 1 y HS/ T❑PA2 Y5A GR I V Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description HOTEL OVERALL ROOF PLAN Scale 1116" =1'-0" 0 4 8 i6 32 H1 - A-2.0 02015 Gensler GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT CEMENT PLASTER 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI RESIDENCES MC \ � \ r Project Number COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 ��9 SDK F Description 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY C 2 830 sj9 IFN 7C UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 9135\^^�2� �OP CAL\FO 3 WOOD I GR , O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Seal/Signature BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 9 SIGNAGE 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 3D PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI ac METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 aD METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI Data Description 05.16.2015 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 aF METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLORI 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 10-1&2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 aH OVERHEAD DOOR al VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERAI 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL SILVERROCK RESORT & O SITEWALL RESIDENCES MC \ � \ r Project Number 7 PAVING I FLOORING ��9 SDK F Description U en ti� 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR I 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 C 2 830 sj9 IFN 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 9135\^^�2� �OP CAL\FO 8 ROOFING I GR , H1 - A-3.0 V Seal/Signature BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE NOT FOR 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE CONSTRUCTION KEY PLAN r _ Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & L ` RESIDENCES MC \ � \ r Project Number PA 2l �PA4 \ \ 55.7598.000 1 / Description SS J \ HOTEL OVERALL FLOOR PLAN CC f AHoJI H1 /�y HS HS / T❑ Scale 1/16" = V-0" PA 2 � 0 0 0000 00� \p o�O�o�O �3 0 4 6 16 32 I GR , H1 - A-3.0 V 02015 Gensler UP�4' LOWERROOF 10' 2' V 3 WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" =1'A" 2 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" =1'-T SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" =1' 0" UPPER ROOF 4°y LOWERto -2" LEVEL 01 h 0'-0" FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) UPPE 4" LOWER 0?4 0'-22" EVE 0'-0" Y FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) UPPER 2' 4" LOWER ROOF $ 10'-2" FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK FINISH FLR DEVELOPMENT ELEV 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI VARIES BY 4 NORTH ELEVATION BUILDING (SEE SCALE: 1/8" =1'-0" CONCEPT 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 GRADING PLANS) 3 WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" =1'A" 2 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" =1'-T SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" =1' 0" UPPER ROOF 4°y LOWERto -2" LEVEL 01 h 0'-0" FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) UPPE 4" LOWER 0?4 0'-22" EVE 0'-0" Y FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) UPPER 2' 4" LOWER ROOF $ 10'-2" FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK CEMENT PLASTER DEVELOPMENT 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE WILOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN ANDIOR TRELLIS - COLORI L Data Description OS -16-2016 SDPSUIMITTALNO1 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLORI 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 10-1&2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERATIO 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING SDK ��9 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR I C 2 830 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 sj9 IFN 9135\^^�2� �OP 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 CAL\FO 8 ROOFING Seal/Signature BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE NOT FOR 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE KEY PLAN F \PA\3I' — —\— _ MC \ 1 \PA 2 1 PA 4 SS CC AHBJI H1 HS DPA2 GR \/�00000 I V Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description GR 1 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS Scale 118" =1'-0" 0 4 8 16 32 GR 1 - A-1.0 02015 Gensler m 12-4" 4 Ems' 49'- 0114' V \ i Y I EXTERIOR WALL BELOW 1 i / -- e aA P T O BES W � i i f I r t i ' ____________4E_ i f f I � - f O8A O BEF W \1 I f i r 1 1 I i i 4E 1 2 ROOF PLAN 4 1n'-11' A' - T, FLOOR PLAN -0 2 R1 -A-1. GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT CEMENT PLASTER 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 C 2 830 sj9 IFN913 COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY Seal/Signature 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR KEY PLAN 3 WOOD Pmject Name O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS RESIDENCES \ A r Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 55.7598.000 / Description 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 AH,-o-J-I�p/ H1 San Diego, CA 92101 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL V 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 � Data Description 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI 05 -16-16 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 20016 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLORI 09-19-2 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 10-1&2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERATIO 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING SDK ��9 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR I 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 C 2 830 sj9 IFN913 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 �Op CAL\FO 8 ROOFING BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY Seal/Signature ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE NOT FOR 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE CONSTRUCTION KEY PLAN Pmject Name L SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES \ A r Project Number PA 21�/—MC PA4\ 55.7598.000 / Description SS J GR 1 FLOORPLAN & ROOFPLAN CC AH,-o-J-I�p/ H1 Z'O Hs o Scale PA 200 A��00000 118" =1'4. OD I GR I GR 1- A-2.0 V 02015 Gensler 25'-6' :�� 21' 8' 4 ---------------- ---- i I i i I c- 1 Z 4" 12'-4' O i j 4E ------------------------- 25'-6' 2 L 21'-8" R2 -A-1. 6 ROOF PLAN SCALE: 116'= R2 -A-1. 1 WALL 8 S EL. 10'-2' 4 3 R2 -A-1. I I I NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1l8" =1'-0" 3 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" =1'-0" 2 SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 118'= V-0" UPPERROOF,L 4 4.. LOWERRO JF 1a-2" — LE� a -p FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) — UPPER OF LOWERROOF� 10'-7 _ LEVEL 01 h FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) UPPER 4" LOWER RO 10'-2" FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) —UP� - 4" LOWERROOF� 0'-2" L 2 J I I I I I I ! I P l l l l I L I I LEVEL hY R2 -A-1. FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING 5 FLOOR PLAN WEST ELEVATION (SEE CONCEPT SCALE: 116" = 1' 0" SCALE: 118' = V-0" GRADING PLANS) GENERAL NOTES CEMENT PLASTER rr 3 -COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR/ 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 OPEN TEXTURED WALL O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY BA UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 8A WOOD BELOW WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 'I t 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE WILOUVER 4 METAL t 1 GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLOR/ i j 4E ------------------------- 25'-6' 2 L 21'-8" R2 -A-1. 6 ROOF PLAN SCALE: 116'= R2 -A-1. 1 WALL 8 S EL. 10'-2' 4 3 R2 -A-1. I I I NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1l8" =1'-0" 3 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" =1'-0" 2 SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 118'= V-0" UPPERROOF,L 4 4.. LOWERRO JF 1a-2" — LE� a -p FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) — UPPER OF LOWERROOF� 10'-7 _ LEVEL 01 h FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) UPPER 4" LOWER RO 10'-2" FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) —UP� - 4" LOWERROOF� 0'-2" L 2 J I I I I I I ! I P l l l l I L I I LEVEL hY R2 -A-1. FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING 5 FLOOR PLAN WEST ELEVATION (SEE CONCEPT SCALE: 116" = 1' 0" SCALE: 118' = V-0" GRADING PLANS) GENERAL NOTES 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERA/ 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 CEMENT PLASTER 1A 3 -COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR/ 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 2 TEXTURED WALL O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY BA UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 3C WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE WILOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLOR/ 4B METAL FASCIA -COLOR/ 4C METAL FASCIA -COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA -COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLOR/ 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR/ 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERA/ 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR/ 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 8 ROOFING BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE KEY PLAN F \PA\3 I' — —\— _ MC \ 1 \PA 2 1 PA 4 SS CC AHOJI H1 HS DPA2 \71 o?, _o GR I V SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States Date Description 05-16-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO1 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 10-111-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 SED A& 44��y`E5 K C 2 830 OP CAC F Seal I Signature NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description GR 2 PLANS & ELEVATIONS � scale 118" =1'-0" GR2-A-1.0 02015 Gensler R3 -A-1. 1 m 12'-2" R3 -A-1. iB 3E 4E 1A 4B q UPS q' 25' fi" 21' 8' _ LOWERR 0'-2' L I I 4E 1 I .I r EXTERIOR WALL BELOW i _ 3 O BA EL. T-13-0 _14- I f f i 4E 6 ROOF PLAN 23'. n' 1)..1r 4.7' 5 FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/8"= 1'4' 3 R3 -A-1. 4 NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8'= V-0" 3 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 118' = V-0" 2 SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 118'= 1' 0" WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 118'= V-0" EVEL 01 0'-P V FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) 4" OWERR to -2" LEVEL 01 $ 0'-0" FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) LOWER RI 0' 2" V LEVE 0'-0" FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) UPP R R2��4F' L� LOWS ` LEVEL Ll 0'-P FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT CEMENT PLASTER 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 C 2 830 sj9 IFN 9135\^^�2� COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY Seal/Signature 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR KEY PLAN 3 WOOD Pmject Name O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS RESIDENCES \ r MC Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 55.7598.000 Description 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 AH �,-B-J-I�p/ H1 San Diego, CA 92101 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL V 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 Date Description 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI 05 -16-16 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 20016 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLORI 09-19-2 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 10-1&2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERATIO 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 02015 Gensler 7 PAVING I FLOORING ��9 SDK 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR I 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 C 2 830 sj9 IFN 9135\^^�2� 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 �Op CAL\FO 8 ROOFING BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY Seal/Signature ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE NOT FOR 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE CONSTRUCTION KEY PLAN Pmject Name L SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES \ r MC Project Number PA 21 �PA4 55.7598.000 Description SS J GR 3 PLANS &ELEVATIONS CC AH �,-B-J-I�p/ H1 Z Z'O Hs 13 Scale PA 2 00 1/8" =1.4. ��90 .'oo OD I GR I GR3-A-1.0 V 02015 Gensler m 4 NORTH ELEVATION SCALE: 1/8" =1'-0" UPPE�4" _ LOWER ROOF 10'-4-a„ LEVE I Y FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) 3 EAST ELEVATION SCALE: 118" =1'-0" 2 SOUTH ELEVATION SCALE: 118" =1'-0" WEST ELEVATION SCALE: 118" =1'-0" EVEL 01 h 0' - 00' FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) UP 00 4' LOWER ROOF h LEVEL 01 0'-0' V FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) UPPE 4" LOWERROOFh 10' - 44" LEVE 0'-0" FINISH FLR ELEV VARIES BY BUILDING (SEE CONCEPT GRADING PLANS) GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT CEMENT PLASTER 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER— COLOR/ RESIDENCES \ r MC Project Number COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER— COLOR 2 Description SS J 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY Scale 1/8" =1.4. UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR ���00000 OD 3 WOOD GR4-A-1.0 O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS ©2015 Gensler Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLOR/ 4B METAL FASCIA - COLOR/ 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLOR/ Data Description 05 -16-16 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 20016 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN — COLOR/ 09-19-2 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN — COLOR 2 10-1&2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERATIO 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING SDK ��9 U ti� F 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR I �4 C 2 830 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 1p 1p, 9135\^, �Op 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 CAL\FO 8 ROOFING Seal/Signature BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE NOT FOR 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE CONSTRUCTION KEY PLAN r _ Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & L ` RESIDENCES \ r MC Project Number PA 21 PA4 \ \ � 55.7598.000 1 / Description SS J GR -4 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS CC H1 Z'O Hs D Scale 1/8" =1.4. PA 2 00 % ���a ���00000 OD I GR \�I GR4-A-1.0 V ©2015 Gensler 2 ROOF PLAN zm 011111lieaml n EXTERIOR WALL BELOW b 3 A R4 -A-1. 1 2 2 R4 -A-1. R4 -A-1. FLOOR-0"PLAN 3 R4 -A-1. GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT CEMENT PLASTER 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 C 2 830 sj9 IFN 9135\^^�2� COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY Seal/Signature 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR KEY PLAN 3 WOOD Project Name O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS � RESIDENCES \ A ` r Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 55.7598.000 / Description 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 AH,-o-J-I�p/ H1 San Diego, CA 92101 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL V 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 Data Description 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI 05 -16-16 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 20016 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLORI 09-19-2 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 10-1&2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERATIO 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 02015 Gensler 7 PAVING I FLOORING ��9 SDK 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR I 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 C 2 830 sj9 IFN 9135\^^�2� 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 �Op CAL\FO 8 ROOFING BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY Seal/Signature ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE NOT FOR 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE CONSTRUCTION KEY PLAN r Project Name L SILVERROCK RESORT & � RESIDENCES \ A ` r Project Number PA 21�/—MC PA4\ 55.7598.000 / Description SS J GR4 FLOORPLAN & ROOFPLAN CC AH,-o-J-I�p/ H1 Z Z'O Hs o Scale PA 2 00 A��00000 1/8" =1'-0" OD I GR I GR 4- A-2.0 V 02015 Gensler 4 HS - NORTH OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16"=V-0" 3 HS - EAST OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1116"=V-0- 2 110"=1'-0" 2 HS - SOUTH OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16"=V-0" LEVEL 3' LEVE I 11'-6' LEVEL01$ P LEVEL01 30'-0" ABOVE SEA LEVEL LT LEVEL 02 h 6" � LEVELY 0' LEVEL01 30'-0" ABOVE SEA LEVEL 33' '- LEVE 1 $ 11' 6' LEVEL 0" LEVEL01 30'-0" ABOVESEA LEVEL 1 HS - WEST OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16" =1'-0' E N3" LEVEL 6 h 11' 6" _LEVEL 01 h 0' LEVEL01 30'-0" ABOVE SEA LEVEL GENERAL NOTES SILVER ROCK DEVELOPMENT CEMENT PLASTER 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 3D PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI Data Description 05 -16-16 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 20016 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLORI 09-19-2 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 10-1&2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERAI 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 8 ROOFING BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE KEY PLAN F \PA\3\ I' — —\— _ MC 1 \PA 2 1 PA4_ SS CC AHBJI H1 HS PA2 �� GR V 5Eo AR�y SK K C 2 830 1p �. 9135\"���c OP CA��F Seal / Signature NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Pmject Name SILVER ROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description HOTEL SPA EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS Style 1116" =1'-0" 0 4 8 16 32 HS - A-1.0 02015 Gensler ,GOLF SAFETY SETBACK LINE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT PROPERTYLINE I`\ S -A-1.0 4 SPA 2 ENTRY 1 SILVER ROCK 1 CEMENT PLASTER DEVELOPMENT y 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI • ADJACENT EXIST L� 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 LUXURY HOTEL 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY i UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD 1 WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS I i HS -A-1.0 WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 AHMANSON RANCH WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 PROPERTY LINE 30 .: United States 3 ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE WILOUVER ,,�� METAL TOPOFWALLEL. 5' 0' - - :,.' "• ; 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI Date Description 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLORI 05-16-2016 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 10-111-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4 - VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT TOP OF WALL EL. 8'-0'-' 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERATIO 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING ��9 SDK 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR I �Jb 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 EL. IV-fi" 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 9135\^^�2� �Op CAL\FO 8 ROOFING SPA 2 ENTRY 1 SILVER ROCK 1 CEMENT PLASTER DEVELOPMENT y 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI L� 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY i UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD 1 WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS I i . 0-1 GENERAL NOTES SILVER ROCK 1 CEMENT PLASTER DEVELOPMENT 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE WILOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI Date Description 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLORI 05-16-2016 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 10-111-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERATIO 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING ��9 SDK 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR I 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 C 2 830 sj9 IFN 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 9135\^^�2� �Op CAL\FO 8 ROOFING Seal l Bignaturel Signature BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE NOT FOR 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE CONSTRUCTION KEY PLAN �Pmject Nam' SILVER ROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number \ � \ r l MC PA 2 �PA4 55.7598.000 Description SS HOTEL SPA OVERALL ROOF PLAN \ f J CC AH,-o-J-I�p/ H1 O �Swle HS D PA 2 � 0 0 0000 00� 1116" =1'-0" \o �� 0 4 8 i6 32 o�O�o�O I GR HS - A-2.0 V 02015 Gensler GENERAL NOTES SILVER ROCK DEVELOPMENT CEMENT PLASTER 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER— COLORI RESIDENCES MC \ � \ r Project Number COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER— COLOR 2 ��9 SDK SS J \ 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY C 2 830 sj9 IFN 7C UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 9135\^^�2� �OP CAL\FO 3 WOOD HS - A-3.0 O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Seal/Signature BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 9 SIGNAGE 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 3D PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI Data Description 05 -1 6-209-20 116 SDP SUBMITTAL NO1 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN — COLORI 09-1 6 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN — COLOR 2 10-1&2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERAI 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL SILVER ROCK RESORT & O SITEWALL RESIDENCES MC \ � \ r Project Number PA 2l �PA4 \ \ 7 PAVING I FLOORING ��9 SDK SS J \ HOTEL SPA OVERALL FLOOR PLAN 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR I AH,-o-J-I�p/ H1 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 C 2 830 sj9 IFN 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 9135\^^�2� �OP CAL\FO 8 ROOFING HS - A-3.0 V Seal/Signature BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE NOT FOR 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE CONSTRUCTION KEY PLAN r _ Pmject Name SILVER ROCK RESORT & L ` RESIDENCES MC \ � \ r Project Number PA 2l �PA4 \ \ 55.7598.000 1 / Description SS J \ HOTEL SPA OVERALL FLOOR PLAN CC f AH,-o-J-I�p/ H1 Z'O Scale HS D PA 2 � 0 0 0000 00� 1/16" =1'-0" �32 o o�00000�� D a e s I GR HS - A-3.0 V 02015 Gensler MEETING CENTER BUILDING L SHARED SERVICES BUILDING �l4E 6" GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK CEMENT PLASTER DEVELOPMENT 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA -COLOR: 4D METAL FASCIA- COLOR3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI Data Description 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLORI 05 -16-16 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 20016 09-19-2 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERATIO 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING ��9 SDK 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR I 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING -COLOR: C 2 830 sj9 IFN 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 9135y^^�2� �OP CAL\FO 8 ROOFING Seal/Signature BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE NOT FOR 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE CONSTRUCTION KEY PLAN Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES \ Project Number \ � \ r / Mc PA 2l PA4\ 55.7598.000 Description SS OVERALL CONFERENCE \ cc ? CENTER/SHARED SERVICES f BUILDING ROOF PLAN AH------ }BJ\ H 1 ,- -gyp/ — H2HS O IScale 0 PA20 0000 00� 0 8 1s 30 6CC GR I OCC A-1.0 V 02015 Gensler a U U U � U U W/W Cw w w w z z z I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING $ MECFJANIf,AL MAINTENANCE 260/OX$\F 2415 SF GENERAL / \ DRR. STORAGE SF 25 SF 1 HUMAN SILVERROCK ACCOUNTING CEMENT PLASTER I 1A EN 925 SF 1350 SF 1B EXTERI ADMINISTRATNE 17M 5 SF HOUSEKEEPING OFFICES 2 2750 SF 1436 SF _80M CORfY 1 STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY r — J 3 WOOD 126 SF O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS LOCKER -- MEETING MEN'S i WOMEN ' CAFE LOCKER r RGOM#3 7795E 177 SF 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR J I L-- 1002 SF 4 METAL ---------- 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA- COLOR I 4c METAL FASCIA- COLOR2 4D BANQUET BANQUET 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI Data Description rEXTERIOR 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLORI 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 AV STORAGE 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL PRE -FUNCTION MEETING GLAZING 518 SF 1300 SF ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 3468 SF ROOM #4 LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERATIO BANQUET 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E ETI MENO 773 SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 KITCHEN 3277 SF O SITEWALL ROOM #2 7 PAVING I FLOORING SDK ��9 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/TILE PAVING COLOR I 1000 SF C 2 830 I I INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 sj9 IFN 9135\^^�2� �OP 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 CAL\FO 8 ROOFING MEETING I Seal/Signature I POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE NOT FOR ROOM I BOH ❑ 773 SFF I I 45866 SF SF WOMEN 275 SF MEETING MEN 275 SF I Bt ROOM OMS METING ROOM #1 8540 SF 59S ROAM #7 -'-�--- 1000 SF ❑ MEN 2240 SF 59S I MEETING ROOM O I I I 1005 SFF I — — BU INESS EXTERIOR PRE -FUNCTION C TER ENTRY LOBBY .71.F----- -'--- 2 3 SF CORRIDOR 713 SF 13401 SF LR. BALLROOM — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 00 -- — — — — ❑ �I ----- __ FUNCTION TERRACE, FUNCTION TERRAC , '---- _ SEE LANDSCAPE - SEE LANDSCAPE O _ DRAWINGS - DRAWINGS L — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — _ q I I I I I I I I I I I I I ENGINEERING $ MECFJANIf,AL MAINTENANCE 260/OX$\F 2415 SF GENERAL / \ DRR. STORAGE SF 25 SF 1 HUMAN SILVERROCK ACCOUNTING CEMENT PLASTER RESOURCE 1A / IT OFFICES 925 SF 1350 SF 1B LAUNDRY/ ADMINISTRATNE HOUSEKEEPING OFFICES 2 2750 SF 1436 SF O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY r — J 3 WOOD WOMEN'S O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS LOCKER Gensler MPLOYE MEN'S ROOM 1181 SF CAFE LOCKER WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 7795E RCOM 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR J I 1158 SF r I 4 METAL I 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI I' FUNCTION TERRACE, o - SEELANDSCAPE DRAWINGS ----------------------------------------- Q _ _______________ PROPOSED DEVELPP'MENT - -- PROPERTY -LINE -- a )9§ GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK CEMENT PLASTER DEVELOPMENT 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA- COLOR I 4c METAL FASCIA- COLOR2 4D METAL FASCIA -COLORS 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI Data Description 05-16-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO1 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLORI 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERATIO 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING SDK ��9 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/TILE PAVING COLOR I C 2 830 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 sj9 IFN 9135\^^�2� �OP 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 CAL\FO 8 ROOFING Seal/Signature BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE NOT FOR 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE KEY PLAN F �PA� _ MC � \ 1 \PA2 1 PA 4\ 1 y SS CC AHOJI H1 y �L7o HS/ T❑PA2 ��� GR � V Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description OVERALL CONFERENCE CENTER/SHARED SERVICES BUILDING PLAN Scale 1" = 30-4- 0 8 15 30 6c OCC - A-2.0 02015 Gensler 4 MC - NORTH OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1116" =1'-W 3 MC - EAST OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1116'=1'-9' 2 MC - SOUTH OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1116"=1'-9' MC ROOF V 13-fi" LEVEL 0"JI LEVEL 01 29'-0' ABOVE SEA LEVEL MC ROOF h 13'-6" LEVEL 0' LEVEL01 29' 0' ABOVE SEA LEVEL MC - WEST OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1116"=1'4' U' Y LEVEL01 29'-0" ABOVE SEA LEVEL MC ROOF h 13-6" LEVEL 01 h 0" V LEVEL01 29' 0" ABOVE SEA LEVEL GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT CEMENT PLASTER 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI RESIDENCES \ � \ r / Mc Project Number COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 ��9 SDK Description 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY C 2 830 sj9 IFN 7C UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 9135\^^�2� �Op CAL\FO 3 WOOD I GR O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Seal/Signature BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 9 SIGNAGE 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 3D PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI Date Description 05 -16-16 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 20016 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLORI 09-19-2 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERAI 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL SILVERROCK RESORT & O SITEWALL RESIDENCES \ � \ r / Mc Project Number 7 PAVING I FLOORING ��9 SDK Description SS \ 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR I ELEVATIONS 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 C 2 830 sj9 IFN 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 9135\^^�2� �Op CAL\FO 8 ROOFING I GR MC - A-1.0 v Seal/Signature BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE NOT FOR 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE CONSTRUCTION KEY PLAN r _ Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & L ` RESIDENCES \ � \ r / Mc Project Number PA 2l PA 4 \ \ 55.7598.000 � � 1 / Description SS \ MEETING CENTER EXTERIOR ? cc ELEVATIONS AH,-o-J-I�p/ H1 O HS/ T❑PA2 Scale 1/16" V-10" � 0 0 0000 00� 0 4 8 16 32 I GR MC - A-1.0 v 02015 Gensler GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK CEMENT PLASTER DEVELOPMENT 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI Data Description 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLORI 05 -16-16 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 20016 09-19-2 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERATIO 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING ��9 SDK F U ti� �4 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR I 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 C 2 830 sj9 IFN 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 9135\^^�2� �OP CAL\FO 8 ROOFING Seal/Signature BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE NOT FOR 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE CONSTRUCTION KEY PLAN Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & L RESIDENCES Project Number \ � \ r / Mc PA 2l PA 4 \ 55.7598.000 Description SS MEETING CENTER OVERALL ROOF cc PLAN AH,-o-J-I�p/ H1 OScale HS/ T❑PA2 � 0 0 0000 00� 1116"=1�-0" 0 4 8 16 32 GR MC - A-2.0 V 02015 Gensler 00 O ------------- I I I I I I I I I I I \II I 08 O CD 0 n 47Q10i 3 F 7 MEETING ROOM #3 1 1002 SF L J x / x SILVERROCK .— — — ----------- — — — — — — — — — — W.F.UET BANQUET AV STORAGE 518 SF 1300 SF 77 BOH CORR. 1B 4586 SF 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR EXTERIOR 3 MEETING O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Gensler FRE -FUNCTION WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM ROOM #4 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 3468 SF San Diego, CA 92101 30 773 SIF EXTERIOR I BOH CORR. 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER MEETING METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 1126 SF METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c ROOM #2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI Date Description 1000 SF 05-16-2016 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLORI 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I I 5 GLAZING 1 MEETING 2 O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C R7O3 SFS 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E I I GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL I SITEWALL I I 7 PAVING I FLOORING SDK ��9 U ti� F 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR I WOMSEN I C 2 830 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 sj9 IFN 9135\^^�2� �OP 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 CAL\FO 8 ROOFING I Seal/Signature I POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY I MEN I SIGNAGE NOT FOR 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE MEETING 275 SF ROOM 1000 SFF I 3C MEETING ROOM #6 1005 SF I O VALET OFFICE BUSINESS CENTER I 1 150 SF 213 SF I x x x x x 1 EXTERIOR ENTRY CORRIDOR 3401 SF j I I x x ----------------------------------------------J x x I x 1 1 x / x SILVERROCK .— — — ----------- — — — — — — — — — — W.F.UET BANQUET AV STORAGE 518 SF 1300 SF 77 BOH CORR. 1B 4586 SF BALLROOM 8510 SF I 0 I I I LOBBY PRE -FUNCTION 713 SF 5571 SF I I I 0 0 I ` L- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK CEMENT PLASTER DEVELOPMENT 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI Date Description 05-16-2016 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLORI 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERATIO 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING SDK ��9 U ti� F 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR I �4 C 2 830 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 sj9 IFN 9135\^^�2� �OP 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 CAL\FO 8 ROOFING Seal/Signature BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE NOT FOR 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE KEY PLAN F \PA\3I' — —\— _ MC \ 1 \PA 2 1 PA4_ SS CC AHBJI H1 HS/T❑PA2 ��� GR � V l M Li_JMl ,1111IMMU] Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description MEETING CENTER OVERALL FLOOR PLAN � scale 1116" =1'-0" 0 4 8 16 32 MC - A-3.0 02015 Gensler 4 CC - NORTH OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1116'= 1'4' CCCC R 20' 0" LEVE LEVEL01 29'-0' ABOVE SEA LEVEL 3 CC - EAST OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1116'= V-0" TOP OF PARAPET EL. 28' 2 CC - SOUTH OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1116'= V-0' TOP OF PARAPET EL. 28'- 0" .0. 6A 10A SA 4E <4� C \ SE SA SC C SE 6A 0.6 i■ii'idi■ili9l7 = u 11 I o h CC - WEST OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1116'= V-0" U" Y LEVEL01 29'-0' ABOVE SEA LEVEL CC ROOF h LEVEL 01 h 0' LEVEL01 29'-0' ABOVE SEA LEVEL _ CCR LEVEL 01 $ o" I LEVEL 01 29-0' ABOVE SEA LEVEL GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK 7A CEMENT PLASTER DEVELOPMENT 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER— COLORI INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 8 ROOFING COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER— COLOR 2 ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 3D PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE WILOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4C METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI Data Description 05 -16-16 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 20016 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN — COLORI 09-19-2 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN — COLOR 2 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERAI 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 8 ROOFING BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE KEY PLAN F L \ \PA� MC \ 1 \PA 2 1 PA 4 1 y SS CC AH6Jl H1 y HS/ T❑PA2 O % p�oa \o A��0000�� I GR V 5Eo AR�y SK K C 2 830 OP CAS F Seal / Signature NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description CONFERENCE CENTER EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS � scale 1116" =1'-0" 0 4 8 16 32 CC - A-1.0 02015 Gensler GENERAL NOTES 1 CEMENT PLASTER - 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK CEMENT PLASTER DEVELOPMENT 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI Data Description 05 -1 6-209-20 116 SDP SUBMITTAL NO1 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLORI 09-1 6 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERATIO 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING SDK ��9 U ti� F 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR I �4 C 2 830 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 sj9 IFN 9135\^^�2� �OP 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 CAL\FO 8 ROOFING Seal/Signature BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE NOT FOR 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE KEY PLAN F \PA\3\ I' — —\— _ MC � 1 \PA 2 1 PA 4 ,� ' y SS J \ CC AHo�Jrl-p/ H 1 y �0 HS/ T❑PA2 ��� GR � V Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description CONFERENCE CENTER OVERALL ROOF PLAN I sale 1116" =1'-0" 0 4 6 16 32 CC - A-2.0 02015 Gensler L'k1Qr1Y MEETING ROOM #6 1005 SF BANQUET AV 518 SF 7 C -A-1. i 3 OFFICE 111 SF BANQUET STORAGE 1300 SF BALLROOM 85M 0 SF WOMEN MEN 177 SF 175 SF I I I I I I EXTERIOR ENTRY LOBBY PRE -FUNCTION CORRIDOR 713 SF 5571 SF 3401 SF I I I I _ _ O 0 0 o O o I I ----------J L-------------------------------------� I WOMEN II MEN 559 SF 559 SF BANQUET KITCHEN 3277 SF BOH CORR. 4586 SF T MEETING ROOM #7 2209 SF JR. BALLROOM 4000 SF mil. I I I I I I I I I I I I %I JI I I EXTERIOR i BOH CORP 1955 SF I I 2 C -A-1. I I I I I I I I I I I Lz I V V I EXTEROj m----------- `-- LOADING DOCK 2819 SF SECURITY 180 SF BOH CORR. 1701 SF HUMAN RESOURCES 925 SF LAUNDRY/ HOUSEKEEPING 2750 SF BOH CORR. 1701 SF GENERAL NOTES i I I I I I � I DEVELOPMENT I 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI I I I 3C MEETING 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 ROOM #4 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 773 SF 92253 EXTERI R STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY BOH COIK UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR I 1126 S I � MEETING I I O ROOM #5 773 SF I I 3B WOMEN I I 275 SF I� 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE f MEN San Diego, CA 92101 30 275 SF I I I 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER MEETING ROOM #6 1005 SF BANQUET AV 518 SF 7 C -A-1. i 3 OFFICE 111 SF BANQUET STORAGE 1300 SF BALLROOM 85M 0 SF WOMEN MEN 177 SF 175 SF I I I I I I EXTERIOR ENTRY LOBBY PRE -FUNCTION CORRIDOR 713 SF 5571 SF 3401 SF I I I I _ _ O 0 0 o O o I I ----------J L-------------------------------------� I WOMEN II MEN 559 SF 559 SF BANQUET KITCHEN 3277 SF BOH CORR. 4586 SF T MEETING ROOM #7 2209 SF JR. BALLROOM 4000 SF mil. I I I I I I I I I I I I %I JI I I EXTERIOR i BOH CORP 1955 SF I I 2 C -A-1. I I I I I I I I I I I Lz I V V I EXTEROj m----------- `-- LOADING DOCK 2819 SF SECURITY 180 SF BOH CORR. 1701 SF HUMAN RESOURCES 925 SF LAUNDRY/ HOUSEKEEPING 2750 SF BOH CORR. 1701 SF GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK CEMENT PLASTER DEVELOPMENT 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLORI COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER- COLOR 2 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN ANDIOR TRELLIS - COLORI Data Description 05 -16-16 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 20016 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLORI 09-19-2 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN - COLOR 2 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERATIO 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING SDK ��9 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR I �4 C 2 830 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 sj9 IFN 9135y^^�2� �OF 7C IINTEGRALCOLORCONCRETE OR STONE/TILE PAVING- CAL\FO 8 ROOFING Seal/signature BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE NOT FOR 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE CONSTRUCTION KEY PLAN Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & L RESIDENCES Project Number \ rPA �4 55.7598.000 2l PAMc \ \ /I Description �1 SS CONFERENCE CENTER OVERALL \ cc FLOOR PLAN AHH1 ,-2 o-JIp/ - HO I Scale HS/ T❑PA2 ��� 1/16" V-10" OpOOpoo Ooh \p o�O�o�O �� I 0 4 8 i6 32 GR CC - A-3.0 V ©2015 Gensler 4 SS - NORTH OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: i/16"=1'-0' 3 SS - EAST OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16"=V-0- 2 /16"=1'-0' 2 SS - SOUTH OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16"=V-0 SS - WEST OVERALL ELEVATION SCALE: 1/16"=V-0' SS R� LEVEL01 0.$ LEVEL 01 29'-0' ABOVE SEA LEVEL SS ROOF h 13'-6' LEVEL 0" LEVEL01 29' 0' ABOVE SEA LEVEL SMS ROO 13' - 6' LEVEL Ll 0' LEVEL01 29' 0' ABOVE SEA LEVEL SS ROOF h 13'-6' LEl. 0' LEVEL01 29'-0" ABOVE SEA LEVEL GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT CEMENT PLASTER 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER— COLORI INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER— COLOR 2 POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 3D PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI Data Description 05 -16-16 SDP SUBMITTALNO1 20016 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN — COLORI 09-19-2 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN — COLOR 2 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERAI 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 8 ROOFING BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE KEY PLAN F \PA\3\ I' — —\— _ MC 1 \PA 2 1 PA4_ SS CC AHBJI H1 HS/ T❑PA2 ��� O Opo p�oa GR I V 5Eo AR�y SK K C 2 830 OF CAS F Seal / Signature NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description SHARED SERVICES BUILDING - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS � scale 1116" =1'-0" 0 4 8 16 32 SS - A-1.0 02015 Gensler I GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK 7A CEMENT PLASTER DEVELOPMENT 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER— COLORI INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 8 ROOFING COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER— COLOR 2 ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 3D PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI Data Description 05 -1 6-209-20 116 SDP SUBMITTAL NO1 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN — COLORI 09-1 6 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN — COLOR 2 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERAI 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 8 ROOFING BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE KEY PLAN F \PA\3\ I' — —\— _ MC 1 \PA 2 1 PA4_ SS CC AHo�Jrl-p/ H1 �0 HS/ T❑PA2 O Opo p�oa GR I V 5Eo AR�y SK C 2 830 OP CAS F Seal / Signature NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Pmject Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description SHARED SERVICES BUILDING OVERALL ROOF PLAN I sale 1111 =1'-0" 0 4 8 16 32 SS - A-2.0 02015 Gensler BOH CORR. 4586 IF ■ 25' - 0" EXTERIOR BOH CORR. 1955 IF LOADING DOCK 2819 SF SECURFIRE RECEIVING 180 SrF COMMAND 140IF /1 � 1605E BOH CORR. 1701 IF 151' 10" ENGINEERING MAINTENANCE 24155F GENERAL STORAGE 1125 SF MEETING 2400 #7 HUMAN ACCOUNTING RESOURCES /IT OFFICES 925 SF 1350 SF LAUNDRY/ SB -A-1.0 4 HOUSEKEEPING 2750 IF IADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 1436 IF I J I I I WOMEN'S LOCKER ROOM EXTERIOR 1161 SF EMPLOYEE JR. DINING EMPLOYEE MEN'S — _BALLBDONE TERRACE CAFE LOCKER 4000 IF 953 IF 779 IF ROOM 11585E J I I I I I I I I I I I I -------------------� I / ---------------- l M HANICAL OO IF X 2 JSq LIFESTYLE HOTEL C GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK BANQUET CEMENT PLASTER KITCHEN 1A 3277 IF BOH CORR. 4586 IF ■ 25' - 0" EXTERIOR BOH CORR. 1955 IF LOADING DOCK 2819 SF SECURFIRE RECEIVING 180 SrF COMMAND 140IF /1 � 1605E BOH CORR. 1701 IF 151' 10" ENGINEERING MAINTENANCE 24155F GENERAL STORAGE 1125 SF MEETING 2400 #7 HUMAN ACCOUNTING RESOURCES /IT OFFICES 925 SF 1350 SF LAUNDRY/ SB -A-1.0 4 HOUSEKEEPING 2750 IF IADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES 1436 IF I J I I I WOMEN'S LOCKER ROOM EXTERIOR 1161 SF EMPLOYEE JR. DINING EMPLOYEE MEN'S — _BALLBDONE TERRACE CAFE LOCKER 4000 IF 953 IF 779 IF ROOM 11585E J I I I I I I I I I I I I -------------------� I / ---------------- l M HANICAL OO IF X 2 JSq LIFESTYLE HOTEL C GENERAL NOTES SILVERROCK CEMENT PLASTER DEVELOPMENT 1A 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER– COLORI COMPANY, LLC 1B 3COAT CEMENT PLASTER– COLOR 2 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 2 TEXTURED WALL 92253 O STRIATED PORCELAIN TILE, NATURAL STONE TILE OR MASONRY UNIT WALL OR SIMILAR 3 WOOD O WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE SLATS Gensler 3B WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE TRIM 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 3c WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE GATE Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 30 PAINT GRADE DOOR WITH ACCENT COLOR United States 3E ACCESS DOOR WOOD OR WOOD COMPOSITE W/LOUVER 4 METAL 4A GLAZED WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES - COLORI 4B METAL FASCIA - COLORI 4c METAL FASCIA - COLOR 2 4D METAL FASCIA - COLOR 3 4E METAL COLUMN AND/OR TRELLIS - COLORI Date Description 05-16-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 1 4F METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN – COLORI 09-19-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO2 4G METAL MECHANICAL SCREEN – COLOR 2 10-18-2016 SDP SUBMITTAL NO 3 4H OVERHEAD DOOR 4I VEGETATED SCREEN WALL 5 GLAZING ALUMINUM FRAME WITH DARK BRONZE 3 -COAT KYNAR FINISH OR SIM ALL FRAMES TO BE THERMALLY BROKEN O INSULATED GLASS STOREFRONT/ CURTAINWALL SYSTEM 5B LAMINATED GLASS SKYLIGHT 5C OPERABLE INSULATED GLASS WALL, BI -FOLD OR MULTI -SLIDE OPERATIO 5D INSULATED GLASS DOOR 5E HERCULITE DOOR OR SIMILAR WITH MONOLITHIC LAMINATED GLASS SF GLASS GUARDRAIL 6 MASONRYWALL O SITEWALL 7 PAVING I FLOORING SDK ��9 7A INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE/ TILE PAVING COLOR I C 2 830 7B INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE I TILE PAVING- COLOR 2 0'j9 IFN 9135\^^�2� �Op 7C INTEGRAL COLOR CONCRETE OR STONE TILE PAVING- COLOR 3 CAL\FO 8 ROOFING Seal/Signature BA POLYVINAL CHLORIDE (PVC) ROOFING SYSTEM OR BUILT UP2 PLY ROOF - WHITE COLOR 9 SIGNAGE NOT FOR 9A BUILDING IDENTIFICATION SIGNAGE KEY PLAN F \PA\3 I' — —\— _ MC � \ 1 \PA 2 1 PA 4 SS CC AH ------- 9�Jrl-p/ H1 HS/T❑PA ��� \A�°���°moo GRY V l m Li_JMl ,19mmUl Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description SHARED SERVICES BUILDING OVERALL FLOOR PLAN � scale 1116" =1'-0" 0 4 6 16 32 SS - A-3.0 02015 Gensler I I 1 3B1 x 24.5 SETBACKS 18 i Gab — ----° -- � \ 33.0 \ --- -- I Back 1 O 1 I I1 7.6„ T-61 ,I ; Proposed I Property Lined I _I 1 Proposed 1 ISetback Line I II II LFront I O p J HCD 0 0o 0 = N En o0 N Note: Exceeds setbacks as described in the "Specific Plan", Table 12 PA4 Casitas. ✓39.0 �/ 7 0 Q GENERAL NOTES Site Tabulation: Site Area: 599,914.27 S.F. = 13.8 Acres Proaram Summary (House + Garaae): 7 Plan 1 - House & Garage 7 x 4,575 S.F. = 32,025 S.F. 6 Plan 2 - House, Pool Bath & Garage 6 x 4,895 S.F. = 29,370 S.F. 4 Plan 2 - House, Pool Bath, Casita #1 & Garage 4 x 5,286 S.F. = 21,144 S.F. 1 Plan 2 - House, Pool Bath, Pool Pmjed Name House, Casita #1 & Garage 1x 5,785 S.F. = 5,785 S.F. 1 Plan 3 - House & Garage D 1 x 5,595 S.F. = 5,595 S.F. 6 Plan 3 - House, Casita #1 & Garage 6 x 5,784 S.F. = 34,704 S.F. 2 Plan 3 - House, Pool House, Casita #1 &Garage 2 x 5,949 S.F. = 11,898 S.F. 2 Plan 4 - House & Garage 2 x 5,528 S.F. = 11,056 S.F. 29 Total Units Total Square Footage = 151,577 S.F. Open Space Area: Site Area: 599,914.27 S.F. = 13.8 Acres Covered Site Areas: Total Building Footprints = 151,577 S.F. PA 3 Driveway Areas D = 33,324 S.F. AR rights reserved Streets With Parking = 84,867 S.F. Sloped Open Spaces D = 46,055 S.F. Total Covered Site Areas = 315,823 S.F. Provided Open Space: Site Area = 599,914 S.F. Covered Site Area = 315,823 S.F. Total Open Space = 284,091 S.F. Total % Open Space 47.4% 40.0 b see civil drawingsfor � see 7 8 Sliding Slopo 5 6 Gale O _ civil drawing for Private Road SlidlO 9,,o \\ t dimension g 37.5 J /II i ass ogs �A KEY PLAN SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 1PE2101 4 a �M t� �d Data Description 5.16.2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09.193016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal l Signature " C- 313 OF CA1.1F Pmjed Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Conceptual Site Plan Scale II 0 15' 30' 60' 120' R1-1 PA 3 Copyright ® MARK GROSS & ASSOCIATES, INC. AR rights reserved x lee l I b I ee )I I e' res SETBACKS I Back 78 , I I1 7.6„ T-61 ,I ; Proposed , Property Lined I _I I Proposed Setback Line 1 1 'I I' I� II LFront I O p J ( H 0 oo 0 ]o = co 00 N Note: Exceeds setbacks as described in the "Specific Plan", Table 12 PA4 Casitas. 205 , '90.\ 0.. 18 33.5 /J I I I II I v I II II x 22.4 I 16 I I I �I I .22. I I I I I I� I� GENERAL NOTES Site Tabulation: Site Area: 599,914.27 S.F. = 13.8 Acres Program Summary (House + Garage): Site Area: 599,914.27 S.F. 7 Plan 1 - House & Garage 7 x 4,575 S.F. = 32,025 S.F. 6 Plan 2 - House, Pool Bath = 151,577 S.F. Driveway Areas D & Garage 6 x 4,895 S.F. = 29,370 S.F. 4 Plan 2 - House, Pool Bath, Total Covered Site Areas = 315,823 S.F. Casita #1 & Garage 4 x 5,286 S.F. = 21,144 S.F. 1 Plan 2 - House, Pool Bath, Pool Covered Site Area = 315,823 S.F. House, Casita #1 & Garage 1x 5,785 S.F. = 5,785 S.F. 1 Plan 3 - House & Garage D 1 x 5,595 S.F. = 5,595 S.F. 6 Plan 3 - House, Casita #1 & Garage 6 x 5,784 S.F. = 34,704 S.F. 2 Plan 3 - House, Pool House, Casita #1 & Garage 2 x 5,949 S.F. = 11,898 S.F. 2 Plan 4 - House & Garage 2 x 5,528 S.F. = 11,056 S.F. 29 Total Units Total Square Footage = 151,577 S.F. Open Space Area: Site Area: 599,914.27 S.F. = 13.8 Acres Covered Site Areas: PA 3 Total Building Footprints = 151,577 S.F. Driveway Areas D = 33,324 S.F. Streets With Parking = 84,867 S.F. Sloped Open Spaces D = 46,055 S.F. Total Covered Site Areas = 315,823 S.F. Provided Open Space: Site Area = 599,914 S.F. Covered Site Area = 315,823 S.F. Total Open Space = 284,091 S.F. Total % Open Space 47.4% SETBACKS x2 s --y .29.1 i KEY PLAN SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 ®rhonq A i. Oma m Data Description 5-16.2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09.193016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal ISignature A " (;-24 13 OFCALA1.1F Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Conceptual Site Plan Scale II 0 15' 30' 60' 120' R1-2 PA 3 Copyright ® MARK GROSS & ASSOCIATES, INC. AR rights reserved Front Elevation Rear Elevation Left Elevation Right Elevation SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-119 AHMANSON' ANE, ILA WNYk CA 92253 G Oa6r deecrgum $1 c.29+a $pp &tbml.lel N.,1 5.7.2a1a Pnnnag RrrYew 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.1&2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Sea � Sputum aapd �•irC•M913�` Prow x.o,a SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Prem N.".' 55.7598.000 D..:mftu Plan No.1 Conceptual Elevaom'A: a.. 0 2 4 a 's L RI -3 PA 3 CVP3TLWh[ A VARK GCC7iti & AZIMCWES. iKC. All nghte r—r-d Front Elevation Rear Elevation Left Elevation SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-119 AHMANSON' ANE, ILA WNYk CA 92253 L x •G m a � C � G vabr Das6nplfon 51.-2011 $DP SubmlfUf No.1 97—;!)K Planni'ltev— 09-19-2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-16.2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Prow N— SlLVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES 55.7598.000 Plan No.1 Conceptual Elevation 9 Right Elevation 0 2 6 A :6--L�—'1 R14 PA 3 S;op_vrl7ht A VARK GCS7iti d AZIMCW ES. 1144. All nghts —ar-d ---------------------------------- I I I I I I Flat Roof I L I I I � Flat Roof -Flal Roof 17 I I Parapet Wall Flat Roof I Flat Roof I Flat Roof Skylight Concrete Wall I -'1-tRoof I Fla[ Roof -Flat Roof I I I I I Parapet Wall I I I I r I I J I I I I I I I Elevation 'B' Roof Plan ---------------------------------- I I I I I I Fla[ Roof I I I L I I I Flat Roof 7"F - I I F-- PWall I -Flat Roof I Fla[ Roof I I -Flat Roof Skylight CMU Wall Pompe[ Wall I I I �Flal Roof I Flat Roof Flat Roof I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Elevation 'A' Roof Plan SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 4, C' Q Date Description 516-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09.19-2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal o�agC.%R 49p'rP^ 29313'�J O v 9�a 93a s� Op CAt.x Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Plan No. 1 Conceptual Roof Plans Swle 2 4 8 16 R1-5 PA 3 Copyright p NARK GROSS & ASSOCIATES, INC. All rights reserved Junior Master Option I I I I I Floor Plan M I I I I I I I I I Vanity I edro m 2 4-z• 1za• I I ---L--J 3,936 sq. ft. Theater Option i I I I I I I I SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 q a O m a Cm5 Q Data Description 516-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 OS -152016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.18.2016 SDP Submittal No.3 MEM A ��aspW' a G9pry'rF^ C-24313 ieJ 9� O 9 30 _dt � CAt.x Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Plan No. 1 Conceptual Floor Plan Scale 0 2 4 S 16 R1-6 PA 3 Copyright p NARK GROSS & ASSOCIATES, INC. All rights reserved Front Elevation Rear Elevation Left Elevation r7 Iff- Right Elevation SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 78-1 N AHMANSON LANE, LA QUIRN CA! 92253 m �Q I (� 06[e DncNpfon i16-!116 SDI-S-WNWINo.t 97-2216 Pl,mpo Rmgi 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 s"Iislp*m f p.jacl Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES P.Jw1 Nambar 55.7598.MO Dnnlpdum Plan No, 2 Conceptual Elevation K 9.1. 118" = TA' /") I �j D 2 6 8 8 RI J PA 3 Cowrl&l 0 NANN 08954 & AMCCIATBS. W. All rights reserved Front Elevation Rear Elevation Left Elevation Right Elevation SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-1 N AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTN CA! 1 92253 m �Q ^.Ogle Dncnplfon 516-W$ SDP SOAittal No.1 %7.2616 Pl -mw R -w. 09.19-2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.18-2016 SDP Submittal No.3 seI+silimailure x 1 f OFF M4 Rnjeci Nmre SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES P.Jw1 Nmbee 55.7598.000 l* cjpgos Plan No, 2 Conceptual 5levatfon W 86016 iib' = V -W T) I D 2 6 "'6 RI-8 PA 3 Cowrl&t 0 NARK 08954 & AMCCIAT6S. INC. All rights reserved ------------------------- I I I I I Elevation 'B' Roof Plan ---------------------------------- I I I I I Flat Roof I o I r, LJ I I I I I I I r,l J' Built Up Gravel Roof Flat Roof I I I I I I I I I I I I I I j I F I I II I I .75:12 Pitch I I 0 I I I I I I I Built Up Grovel Roof I I I I I I I 1 I I I I L r r J parapet wall II I II I II Pampetwall II II II I LJ Built lip Gravel Rao' I I I I I Flat Roof II I II I II II I II J I I I I I I -----------------------------------� Elevation 'A' Roof Plan SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 U d L Date Description 5-16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.1&2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seall Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598 .000 Description Plan No. 2 Conceptual Roof Plans Soale 0 2 4 6 16 R1-9 PA 3 Copyright © MARK GROSS & ASSOCIATES, INC. All righta reserved Pool House 20'.19' Pi Pool House Option Casita Option #2 499 sq. ft. - For Lots + 160' 499 sq. ft. - For Lots + 160' Casita Option #1 391 sq. ft. - For Lots + 13 5' C n 90, ------------------------- 1 Cuidoor Sftow 1 Pool r- , ®Bath I O ' rill Cov ed tdoor Dini Sp e __ a Ref. 1 • 0" Call 1---------------- µ AAr iD0� 1 Covered Ou oor Kitchen Mas[ r Sulte Living 114' 17'1 z' -a• 1 10'-O'Cellin9 23'x14' 10'-O'Celling 10'-0' Ceilin ❑ Corp 1001 I , I�1 I I Floor Plan M 0'-0" Ceiling earage 21' 10'-0" Calling ' 1 1 1 1 4,223 sq. ft. SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 A � �m5 Q Data Description 516-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.1&2016 SDP Submittal No.3 MEM A ��a5p1' a G9pry'rF^ C-24313 ieJ 1 Op CAt.1 Project Name —ty ster Bath Project Number -0" Ceiling 55.7598.000 , Linen 1 1 lalana AC. 1 Scale AC. I ® T-6. PA 3 ledroo 3 14' 13' All rights reserved I x 10'-0" Ceiling O ' M Ir 1 .;72 , 0'-0" Ceiling earage 21' 10'-0" Calling ' 1 1 1 1 4,223 sq. ft. SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 A � �m5 Q Data Description 516-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.1&2016 SDP Submittal No.3 MEM A ��a5p1' a G9pry'rF^ C-24313 ieJ Op CAt.1 Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Plan No. 2 Conceptual Floor Plan Scale 6 R1-10 PA 3 Copyright p NARK GROSS & ASSOCIATES, INC. All rights reserved Front Elevation Rear Elevation f Left Elevation i'F Right Elevation SIL SILVERRCCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79.179 AHMANSON LANE. LA QLWTIL C4 92253 C G y s 4 m L� Dm. G.wrlpli.n '111-7076 SGP Subakul No.7 r� 4T3616 PlnanYlp Haalew 09.19-2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.16-2016 SDP Submilal No.3 Bent I3ig.el— Cop."10t » MOr GROSS & ANUCIAMM. INC All rlpblx riser -1 " �•2f]7 Now Nom. SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES N*o l Numbs' 55.7598.000 11-cr1ptios Plan No. 3 Conoeptval Eley Dm PI sur. ti c ? s [ t1 R1-11 PA 3 Cop."10t » MOr GROSS & ANUCIAMM. INC All rlpblx riser -1 , II _ I Front Elevation I I I II I II or I I Rear Elevation Left Elevation I I I ❑I Right Elevation I I r= 1""16 i I_, SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE. LAUUINTA. CdA 92253 b lip Ul e � C � O N •'� U�is s. Ul a •... Diu Dwrlpilon !W -M SDP SNblNlual Na. 1 9-71015 lolvm1fto Nwlow 09-19-2016 SDP Submitlal No.2 10-18.2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Sol I sigaww" aro["t Nam YCY/� N. gq�lA, Cr2i313 � A � CRl1F SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES PraJeel Number D i 4 A 16 Rl -1 2 PA 3 CnpyrlgU a MARK CRbSA & ASSDCIATM. INC. All Alib a re.—d ---------------------------------- I I I I I I -Flat Roof I I I Parapet Wall I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -Flat Roof I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Parapet Wall I I I I I Built -Up Gravel Roofer I I ~Porch Below Flat Roof I I Built -Up Gravel 1 I I I I I I I -Flat Roof II I I II II Flet Roof Roof i I I I I I I I Parapet Wall I I I I I I I I Elevation 'B' Roof Plan ---------------------------------- I I I I I I I I I I I I Flat Roof I I I I I I Parapet Wall I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -Flat Roof -Flat Roof ~Porch Below Flat Roof Built -Up Gravel Roof- I I I I I I I I I I I Parapet Wall I I I I - -----------J Elevation 'A' Roof Plan SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 U d Date Description 5-16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.1&2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seall 6FasEetl A6'kT``�, -' C.21313 A Nle s 9�O 9A op CAl1f Pmjed Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Pmjed Number 55.7598 .000 Description Plan No. 3 Conceptual Roof Plans Soale 0 2 4 6 16 R1-13 PA 3 Copyright p MARE GROSS & ASSOCIATES, INC. All rights reserved ' IILL7 � 1 u` j II �� y" 1Maste II I I I I 7'-6" I. : I1 W r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I F I I I I I I I I I 7'_6•• Jr I , I I Pool House Ago e" I 90 7 — I_ Sink❑ I ' ^ Ret. _ x I u, ^1 ry c I Fla[ Sree^ wine Sink ry I Above o O I Ell I❑ 00 D­ 12" owRef. B r Outdoor I I I I Shower I II IIMasteFS11, ------- s n- Maste t1fi-0'16-0" Abo Casitas I Option #2 Pool House Option I 451 sq. ft. 454 sq. ft. 7 At Lots 165'-0" + Deep Only At Lots 165'-0" + Deep Only ����r Illillltll 1111_11 I I9IIIlI�V��91�1�19��@�I ■ Cla �� _� 11 I I I I Casitas Option #1 Additional 189 sq. ft. Bedroom & Ba. 6 Option L unge 17'-6" x 19'-0• ----------------------- vanity rs�^a�a Covered Outdoor Island Living Space Master Bath Raf. 27'6'.16'-D" Ovens I Goll Pantry D Sink❑ Kitchen Cook[oP Ref. ;" Linen I I I O g O I � I I Roo In Om Room 6'-0' x 2 0" �0? z•-o•ceii 9 at oo Flat i� Be room I� 0' C ilio Sere rl 10-8" x 14-0. I 9 Ab-, I � ❑� I Pwd r. I I I Entry Ba.4 B droom 2 . 2 ----- - � 1 •-IT x 12' " I2 a LL Linen rank) ® 9N -16 [r& n,ficSinkwater r6a� N Bdroom 3 ❑ FA.a.® Tankle W.H. 4mslil I ® ® E I ------ Ymsrl 4msd Office / Opt. - r IS I Ba' Bedroom 5 2 I 0 ------------- ------ I I I I I I L J I I I I I I I 90' Floor Plan 4,953 sq. ft. SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 c q U1 t $ O m Og Q Data Description 516-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.1&2016 SDP Submittal No.3 MEM /:5;.293^ � CAt.1 Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Plan No. 3 Conceptual Floor Plan Scale 6 R1-14 PA 3 Copyright p NARK GROSS & ASSOCIATES, INC. All rights reserved ■ II • Bedroom & Ba. 6 Option L unge 17'-6" x 19'-0• ----------------------- vanity rs�^a�a Covered Outdoor Island Living Space Master Bath Raf. 27'6'.16'-D" Ovens I Goll Pantry D Sink❑ Kitchen Cook[oP Ref. ;" Linen I I I O g O I � I I Roo In Om Room 6'-0' x 2 0" �0? z•-o•ceii 9 at oo Flat i� Be room I� 0' C ilio Sere rl 10-8" x 14-0. I 9 Ab-, I � ❑� I Pwd r. I I I Entry Ba.4 B droom 2 . 2 ----- - � 1 •-IT x 12' " I2 a LL Linen rank) ® 9N -16 [r& n,ficSinkwater r6a� N Bdroom 3 ❑ FA.a.® Tankle W.H. 4mslil I ® ® E I ------ Ymsrl 4msd Office / Opt. - r IS I Ba' Bedroom 5 2 I 0 ------------- ------ I I I I I I L J I I I I I I I 90' Floor Plan 4,953 sq. ft. SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 c q U1 t $ O m Og Q Data Description 516-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.1&2016 SDP Submittal No.3 MEM /:5;.293^ � CAt.1 Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Plan No. 3 Conceptual Floor Plan Scale 6 R1-14 PA 3 Copyright p NARK GROSS & ASSOCIATES, INC. All rights reserved m Front Elevation Rear Elevation C E ElevationLeft Right Elevation SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE. LAUTANT& CA 92253 K b l� Ir �r 11 Diu Dw llom 3-10.mtt SDP Submittal Na. 1 A 114-2016 lolwi, iq RNlow 09.19-2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10-18.2016 SDP Submittal No.3 $-At+slpnalur. Akcs� CQA317 ( PralActNi'- SILVERRNCK RESORT 81 RESIDENCES Prelw N—aer 55.7598.000 )—riplm Pian No. 4 CDRc a" sevaum -K Seal* 0 r A is R1-15 PA 3 Cnpprl;hC * MARK CRDSA & ASSUCIATFti. INC. N1 Ajhu re --d ■ ikon LA i��1 IBi Front Elevation Rear Elevation Right Elevation Left Elevation I SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHA9AN5UN LANE. LAUUNTA. CdA 92253 b i � C � M m O N 4 0J e @ { t U g i s 4 b 0 � L ,... Dow Dwrlpllon !W -M0 SDP Sublolttal Na. 1 0-720% Pig nnlnq Awiow 09.19-2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.18.2016 SDP Submittal No.3 S��I f �&'Anflup YCY/� N. gq�lA, Cr2i313 � A 1 � CRI�F faro["t Nam SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES P,q.d N umber 55.7598.000 13-1plian Plan No. 4 Conceptual ElevaM W Sul* 0 i n A i6 RI -16 PA 3 Cnpprl;hC * MARK CRbSA & ASSDCIATFi. INC. All Alibu re.—d mevduoii 15 KUUT rldfl SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Q Date Description 516-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submittal No.2 10.1&2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal o�'agE0 ASN, -24 13 Y Op CA'1 Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Plan No. 4 Conceptual Roof Plans Swle 0 2 4 1 6 R1-17 PA 3 Copyright p NARK GROSS & ASSOCIATES, INC. All rights reserved Office/Yoga Room Option 134_4/, Bedroom & Ba. 5 Option SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Q Date Description 516-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19.2016 SDP Submitral No.2 10.1&2016 SDP Submittal No.3 Seal :t"agC.%R -24313 v 9�4 930 s� Op CAt.1 Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Plan No. 4 Conceptual Floor Plan Swle 6 R1-18 PA 3 Copyright p NARK GROSS & ASSOCIATES, INC. All rights reserved W 07 Of ry U) z LU CD CD 00 LO r` LO i m Y 00 0 0 a� U O O O O M M r` LO 0 a M N M O N N V Existing Turf Area within PA 2, 3, 4: 594,978 SF Parcel Line�PA2 40 ml�.JOk* SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States I � I � I � n l; i' 307 S Cedros Solana Beach Ca 92075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F www.burton-studio.com SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensler 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States u r t o n Landscape Architecture Studio 307 S Cedros Solana Beach Ca 92075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F www.burton-studio.com 0 Date Description 05-16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19-2016 SDP Submittal No. 2 Seal 1 Signature PRCHITECT, ST�TO Q� a WLn M z O w � jWm. S. Burton No. 2135 • �h 5/17/2016 ��^• Pva date /date . 31 1a��a Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Turf Reduction Exhibit - Existing Scale 111 - 801-011 0 20 40 80 160 L-4. 1 © 2015 Gensler Total Proposed Turf Area within PA 2 3 4: , i. 207 623 SF 10 rTT- 0 oleo %; • — o :y4T y a : j O ♦ is :'! .... .. :.°.; �'..,..—. o e .. ..i• y -,v . v 3:- ,L i is \ . "•� / .. , ';-s,-• :.;5ii� <• of r-* / y, t. -.: .. t-' • _ — _ — _ _ _ _ _ y r. ••!:• ?M='•#:S.,d.3: %. �d,;.f• :ir:`'' 3!.ci �;g .s: IF 19 14 qW 0,010 \ - g a r: f I r •. VA V O I \ m J :..:.. \ � I � /0 00, O Q 0 'i V O`, i• - .jw• : ! � .rte.-:�__ >^- / Y •'y O O O -- O •O :1 O _ .f O i Q Q O =i ' Q I I .Q •r•, 0 2 I i A 1 ne ' L i , O , SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensle r 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States u r n to Landscape Architecture Studio 307 S Cedros Solana Beach Ca 92075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F www.burton-studio.com 0 Date Description 05-16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19-2016 SDP Submittal No. 2 Seal 1 Signature H EC Cit T R Q P L P T '9 J♦ O � F o T V7 Z Uj T7 Burton No. 2135 • 5/17/2016 .^• hP� date a � nate - 31 )af%'a Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Turf Reduction Exhibit - Proposed Scale 1 i' — 801-01 ' 0 20 40 80 160 L-4.2 © 2015 Gensler Total Turf Reduction within PA 2, 3, 4: 387 ,366 SF "J I V, - • • • •��' • `tel ✓ _ � ./ • • .; is `'.qt.r. ?gir.•.t • �♦.� ` M7,� / - • • ° :./. .:pit iq:` . •• ° O qi.�• .1 I s: ,L i — Won,/// rye , `sr• :.i'cii� <• of _ rr AIL, M i, / / - g I .y 0 14 l l'00 000 IirO lI / i I 0 . 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I I 1' 1 •• 7 v ` L ., JII I I rl - r ♦ J I -�I - r•.j. t i` / cel Line par r- I SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 79-179 AHMANSON LANE, LA QUINTA, CA 92253 Gensle r 225 Broadway Tel 619.557.2500 Suite 1600 Fax 619.557.2520 San Diego, CA 92101 United States u r n to Landscape Architecture Studio 307 S Cedros Solana Beach Ca 92075 858 794 7204 T 858 794 7207 F www.burton-studio.com 0 Date Description 05-16-2016 SDP Submittal No.1 09-19-2016 SDP Submittal No. 2 Seal 1 Signature H EC CIT T R P W • STgTF C -T v O r to O Z i7 j Uj Wm. S. Burton No. 2135 • 5/17/2016 .^• 7P date a/� late . 31 la�0a Project Name SILVERROCK RESORT & RESIDENCES Project Number 55.7598.000 Description Turf Reduction Exhibit - Removed Scale 1 11 – 801-011 0 20 40 80 160 L-4.3 © 2015 Gensler L!#�URBAN 41 Corporate Park October 5, 2016 Mr. Robert S. Green, Jr. SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC 3551 Encinitas Road Encinitas, CA 92024 ATTACHMENT 5 Suite 300 Irvine, CA 92606 (949) 660-1994 www.urban roads.com SUBJECT: SILVERROCK RESORT SPECIFIC PLAN UPDATE TRIP GENERATION EVALUATION Dear Mr. Robert S. Green, Jr. : Urban Crossroads, Inc. is pleased to provide the following SilverRock Resort Specific Plan Update Trip Generation Evaluation. The purpose of this work effort is to assess the potential changes in trip generation associated with the update to the SilverRock Resort Specific Plan. The project location is shown on Exhibit A. PREVIOUS (2006) PLAN ANALYSIS The project was originally approved in 2002 via a Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND). A subsequent Addendum to the original 2002 MND was prepared in 2006. As part of the supporting documentation for the 2006 Addendum, a traffic study report was prepared by Urban Crossroads, Inc. (Silver Rock Resort Traffic Evaluation, May, 17, 2006). The traffic study letter report prepared in 2006 is included as Attachment "A to this letter report. The traffic study letter report evaluated the 2006 Specific Plan project, including the following explicit land uses: • Resort Hotel — 334 Rooms • Timeshare — 2,020 Dwelling Units • Mixed Use Village — 160,000 square feet of commercial use • Conference Center— 10,000 square feet • Restaurant — 15,000 square feet • Golf Course — 36 holes The plan evaluated in the 2006 traffic study is presented on Exhibit B. Based on the information included in Attachment "A", the 2006 traffic study concluded that the project would generate 20,021 trips per day, with 1,423 trips generated during the AM peak hour and 1,834 trips generated during the PM peak hour. These trip generation estimates represent the appropriate benchmark for any future amendments to the Specific Plan, as they were the basis of the original project approval process. 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Evol Ltr.docx Mr. Robert S. Green, Jr. SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC October 5, 2016 Page 2 of 10 EXHIBIT A: PROJECT LOCATION Isli�itiiti• 1�1 COUA1TYOF r SAN BEfi?NAROJNG f COUNTY OF R1vFks101.r �taE�T -m*— To Los kgae es FAQ; V SP4;vGs 1 ` 1kir1 w111�5 # Ti q(%SAN D FA LMS SDRIud6 OUMCM aESERT A'rpgri f f ' INDIAN ' f H 11 LA WINIA Jao4ua3no Cochr SILVER ROCK RESORT }{ SPE=CIFIC PLAN tits I l 1.�Ir t r fir 1111C*C11�• '. 'u COUNTYOF 41 ar '.f'f ..'4 R�IIFRSIOE ' .rte •f - � �r-- �' . }{ _�, COUNTY OF CQ11N SAKI D;EG0 MME J n 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Eval Ltr.docx [_� URBAN Mr. Robert S. Green, Jr. SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC October 5, 2016 Page 3 of 10 EXHIBIT B: PREVIOUSLY EVALUATED 2006 SPECIFIC PLAN o.h.L ate•.. , L�Ii �Oo�llor�i --- mmW l..wwer.dmL... 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Eval Ltr.docx Sm, �LL r M1 1. ' •� r 14} � •�a-• Ll L u r, 4, ,:r� yqy fji + [_� URBAN Mr. Robert S. Green, Jr. SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC October 5, 2016 Page 4 of 10 CURRENT PLAN DESCRIPTION The currently proposed plan is presented on Exhibit C. EXHIBIT C: CURRENTLY PROPOSED PLAN I�A ; LLX LIM BRAN DED LI XURY 110i LL �--- �&RKIM. PA -1 5=WFS PA PA IDA VA'I 0 A [A6 Im- rA 11 FAFM 7 FA I SPA PA 2 LA 114ft 11i LUXVRYt 41MA, ARIA I % 1,8 Lj WXL[) L%L LAND USE SUMMARY VrU-J&-L - ARLA 11 4 -.6 VRAA= PQ LIPP,:' RK/F� WIINUMM 9 mu imt F. LcK '%nw uxvLLvA AmA a kN: mm fl L-A r ". -W (AWA 1*1N Yr ;I PAM Jd MEW& 7MAC. couf*r -7.w- 0 00 800 lim APPROXIMATE SCALE IN FEET 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Eval Ltr.docx URBAN CRSRDS Mr. Robert S. Green, Jr. SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC October 5, 2016 Page 5 of 10 Attachment "B" to this letter report consists of the "scope of development" from the conformance document that documents the currently proposed SilverRock Resort Specific Plan. Additional information has also been obtained through discussions with the project team to determine the potential mix of land uses that are currently being considered for the project site. The proposed project land uses are summarized on Table 1. TABLE 1: PROPOSED PROJECT LAND USES The project description obtained from the materials in Attachment "B" to this letter describe a mix of single family detached and multi -family attached residential products in several planning areas (PAs), including PA 7, PA 8, & PA 9. The analysis assumes that all of the units are single family detached residential units, which represents a conservative worst case to estimating the project trip generation. 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Eval Ltr.docx [_� URBAN LAND USES Single Multi- Time- Golf Confer Rest - Family Family Hotel share Course en e Retail aurant Ctr Planning Area I Description DU DU Room Key Holes TSF TSF Existing Golf Course & Support Facilities, along with 1 the Ahmanson Ranch House (proposed use as a 18 1 DAO restaurant) 2 140 room luxury hotel 140 3 35 resort residential dwelling units; undetermined # 35 35 with "lock -offs" (conservatively assume ALL). 4 Conference Center with 57,800 SF of interior space 57.8 (gross floor area supporting both hotels. Approximately 170,000 SF Lifestyle Hotel. Minimum 4 5 of rooms combined with Luxury Hotel will total 340. 200 Yields 200 rooms Lifestyle branded residential development of 6D single 6 family attached (Condominium) units, each with a 60 60 separate lock -off unit Part of Promenade Mixed Use Village. Combined uses include an undetermined mix (SF vs_ MF) of an 7 indeterminate # of residential units (225 per client), 225 40,00 along with up to 40,000 SF of Commercial_ Analyzed residential as all SF (worst case) Resort Residential Village include an undetermined 8 mix (SF vs. MF) of 160 residential units. Analyzed as 160 all SF (worst case) 9 See PA 7 Future 18 hole Golf Course, including driving range, 10 clubhouse 1 support facilities & 25 "golf cabins" (800 25 18 SF, intended for "transient use"_ Treated as timeshare Not in conformance document. Park in previous 11 document TOTALS 420 60 340 120 36 57.8 40.00 10.00 The project description obtained from the materials in Attachment "B" to this letter describe a mix of single family detached and multi -family attached residential products in several planning areas (PAs), including PA 7, PA 8, & PA 9. The analysis assumes that all of the units are single family detached residential units, which represents a conservative worst case to estimating the project trip generation. 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Eval Ltr.docx [_� URBAN Mr. Robert S. Green, Jr. SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC October 5, 2016 Page 6 of 10 The project description notes that the dwelling units in PA 3 may include a "lock -off" area that could be utilized as a timeshare unit. The analysis conservatively assumes that all 35 units will include lock -off areas. The Conference Center in PA 4 is intended to provide conference facilities in support of the 2 hotels located in PA 2 and PA 5. Conference facilities are a primary differentiator between conventional hotels and resort hotels. Trip generation estimates have been prepared and are presented subsequently that treat the convention facilities as a part of the hotel complex and also that separate out the Conference Center as a separate use (consistent with the study that was previously prepared in 2006). PA 10 includes 25 golf cabins. These golf cabins are described in the 2014 Addendum materials as "transient oriented units" and have therefore been treated as timeshare units in the subsequent trip generation evaluation. The proposed Specific Plan presented on Exhibit B also identified a Park as PA 11. This use is not included in the project description in the CD. Parks generally generate nominal amounts of traffic, and for this reason traffic associated with a potential park use is not included in the subsequent analysis. The proposed project land uses analyzed in this letter report based upon the assumptions outlined previously consist of 420 single family dwelling units, 60 condominiums (multi -family dwelling units), 340 hotel rooms, 120 timeshare units, 36 hole golf course, a 57,800 square foot conference center, 40,000 square feet of commercial use, and a 10,000 square foot restaurant (The Ahmanson Ranch House). PROPOSED PROJECT TRIP GENERATION EVALUATION The proposed project land uses presented on Table 1 have been used to evaluate the project trip generation. Trip generation represents the amount of traffic which is both attracted to and produced by a development. Traffic generation rates for the proposed Project have been derived from the informational document Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation (91h Edition, 2012). Additional data specifically addressing the trip generation for timeshare units was also included in the previously published traffic study report, as timeshare land use is not addressed by the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation report. Table 2 presents the trip rates used in this evaluation for the various project/trip generation alternatives considered. As discussed previously, trip rates for both conventional and resort hotels are included in Table 2. The primary differentiating factor between a conventional hotel and a resort hotel is the presence of conference / convention facilities. The trip rates for a conventional hotel, which includes such facilities, are approximately double the trip rates for a resort hotel. Table 3 presents the proposed project trip generation, assuming that the Conference Center in PA 4 is a supporting use for the 2 hotels and the trips associated with the Conference Center uses are captured by the trip generation rates for the hotels themselves. As discussed previously, the trip rates for a conventional hotel are much higher than the trip rates for a resort hotel, due to the additional traffic associated with the conference activities. 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Eval Ltr.docx Mr. Robert S. Green, Jr. SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC October 5, 2016 Page 7 of 10 TABLE 2: TRIP GENERATION RATES ' Source: ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Trip Generation Informational Report, 9th Edition, 2012_ 2 DU = Dwelling Unit; TSF = Thousand Square Feet TABLE 3: PROPOSED PROJECT TRIP GENERATION BASED ON CONVENTIONAL HOTEL TRIP RATES LAND PEAK HOUR LAND USE USE UNITS- DAILY AM PM CODE IN OUT TOTAL IN CUT TOTAL Single Family Detached 210 DU 0.19 0.56 3.75 0.63 0.37 1.30 9.52 Condominium 220 OCCUPIED DU 0.10 0.41 0.51 0.40 0.22 0.32 3.65 Hotel 310 OCCUPIED ROOMS 0.39 0.28 0.67 0.34 0.36 0.70 8.92 Resort Hotel 330 OCCUPIED ROOM 0.27 0.10 0.37 0.21 0.28 0.49 420 Timeshare Per Study Keys 0.13 0.43 0.56 0.35 0.20 0.55 5.86 Golf Course 430 HOLES 1.76 0.47 2.23 1.25 1.53 2.78 35.74 Conference Center 495 TSF 0.99 0.63 1.6.2 0.54 0.91 1.45 22.88 Ahmanson House (Restaurant) 932 TSF 5.99 5.53 11.52 6.58 4.57 11.15 127.15 Mixed Use Village Commercial 1 820 1 TSF 1 1.38 0.85 1 2.23 1 3.89 4.22 8.111 1 93.59 ' Source: ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Trip Generation Informational Report, 9th Edition, 2012_ 2 DU = Dwelling Unit; TSF = Thousand Square Feet TABLE 3: PROPOSED PROJECT TRIP GENERATION BASED ON CONVENTIONAL HOTEL TRIP RATES I Source: ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Trip Generation Informational Report, 91h Edition, 2012. 2 DU = Dwelling Unit, TSF = Thousand Square Feet As shown on Table 3, the proposed project will generate 13,149 trips per day, with 846 trips generated during the AM peak hour and 1,198 trips generated during the PM peak hour. This assumes that the hotels and conference center are associated uses and have been analyzed as such. This represents a daily 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Eval Ltr.docx [_� URBAN PEAK HOUR LAND USE QUANTITY UNITS DAILY AM PM IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL Single Family Detached 420 DU 80 235 315 265 155 420 3,998 Condominium 60 OCCUPIED DU 6 25 31 24 13 37 399 Hotel 340 OCCUPIED ROOMS 133 95 228 116 122 238 3,033 Timeshare 120 Keys 16 52 68 42 24 66 703 Ahmanson House (Restaurant) 10.000 TSF 6D 55 115 66 46 112 1,272 Mixed Use Village Commercial 40.000 TSF 55 34 89 156 169 325 3,744 PROPOSED PLAN TRIP GENERATION 350 496 846 669 529 1,198 13,149 2006 PLAN TRIP GENERATION 495 928 1,423 976 858 1,834 20.021 NET CHANGE -145 -432 577 1 -307 -328 -636 -6.872 I Source: ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Trip Generation Informational Report, 91h Edition, 2012. 2 DU = Dwelling Unit, TSF = Thousand Square Feet As shown on Table 3, the proposed project will generate 13,149 trips per day, with 846 trips generated during the AM peak hour and 1,198 trips generated during the PM peak hour. This assumes that the hotels and conference center are associated uses and have been analyzed as such. This represents a daily 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Eval Ltr.docx [_� URBAN Mr. Robert S. Green, Jr. SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC October 5, 2016 Page 8 of 10 trip generation reduction of 6,872 trips per day compared to the traffic generation estimate in the 2006 traffic study report. Similarly, the proposed project will reduce the AM peak hour trip generation by 577 trips and the PM peak hour trip generation will be reduced by 636 trips. As described previously, the proposed project trip generation has also been evaluated assuming that the conference center generates trips separately from the hotels, while the hotels generate traffic at the lower "Resort Hotel" trip rate. Table 4 presents the trip generation estimates based on this alternative approach to calculating the trip generation related to the hotels and conference center. TABLE 4: PROPOSED PROJECT TRIP GENERATION BASED ON RESORT HOTEL AND SEPARATE CONFERENCE CENTER Source: ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Trip Generation Informational Report, 91h Edition, 2012_ DU = Dwelling Unit, TSF = Thousand Square Feet As shown on Table 4, the proposed project will generate 14,153 daily trips based on this alternative approach to estimating the project trip generation. This is slightly higher than the 13, 149 daily trips estimated based on using the conventional hotel trip generation approach. Similarly, the AM peak hour trip generation of 917 peak hour trips and the PM peak hour trip generation of 1,310 peak hour trips are both slightly higher than the number of trips estimated using the conventional hotel trip rates and assuming that the conference center is accounted for via the higher conventional hotel trip rates. Based on the results of this sensitivity analysis, the higher (more conservative) trip generation estimate shown on Table 4 should be used to represent the traffic associated with the currently proposed project. This approach is also consistent with the methodology used in the 2006 traffic study that is being used as the baseline for comparison purposes. The trip generation for the proposed project using this approach is again lower than the trip generation for the approved project per the 2006 study for every time frame considered, with a daily trip generation reduction of 5,868 trips per day, a reduction in AM peak hour trip generation by 506 trips and a reduction in PM peak hour trip generation of 524 trips. 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Eval Ltr.docx [_� URBAN PEAK HOUR ANI PM LAND USE QUANTITY UNITS DAILY IN OUT ITOTAL IN I OUT I TOTAL Single Family Detached 420 DU 80 235 315 265 155 420 3,598 Condominium 60 OCCUPIED DU 6 25 31 24 13 37 399 Resort Hotel 340 OCCUPIED ROOM 92 34 126 71 95 166 1,428 Timeshare 120 Keys 16 52 68 42 24 66 703 Golf Course 36 HOLES 63 17 80 45 55 100 1,287 Conference Center 57.8 TSF 57 36 93 31 53 84 1,322 Ahmanson House (Restaurant) 10.000 TSF 60 55 115 66 46 112 1,272 Mixed Use Village Commercial 40.000 TSF 55 34 89 156 159 325 3,744 PROPOSED PLAN TRIP GENERATION 429 488 917 700 610 1,310 14,153 2006 PLAN TRIP GENERATION 495 928 1,423 976 858 1,834 20,021 NET CHANGE -66 -444 -506 -276 -248 -524 -5.868 Source: ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Trip Generation Informational Report, 91h Edition, 2012_ DU = Dwelling Unit, TSF = Thousand Square Feet As shown on Table 4, the proposed project will generate 14,153 daily trips based on this alternative approach to estimating the project trip generation. This is slightly higher than the 13, 149 daily trips estimated based on using the conventional hotel trip generation approach. Similarly, the AM peak hour trip generation of 917 peak hour trips and the PM peak hour trip generation of 1,310 peak hour trips are both slightly higher than the number of trips estimated using the conventional hotel trip rates and assuming that the conference center is accounted for via the higher conventional hotel trip rates. Based on the results of this sensitivity analysis, the higher (more conservative) trip generation estimate shown on Table 4 should be used to represent the traffic associated with the currently proposed project. This approach is also consistent with the methodology used in the 2006 traffic study that is being used as the baseline for comparison purposes. The trip generation for the proposed project using this approach is again lower than the trip generation for the approved project per the 2006 study for every time frame considered, with a daily trip generation reduction of 5,868 trips per day, a reduction in AM peak hour trip generation by 506 trips and a reduction in PM peak hour trip generation of 524 trips. 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Eval Ltr.docx [_� URBAN Mr. Robert S. Green, Jr. SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC October 5, 2016 Page 9 of 10 A potential project alternative is also under consideration. The potential project alternative would eliminate 9 additional golf course holes (reducing the Specific Plan total from 36 holes to 27 holes) and replace this use with 150 additional single-family residences. The trip generation estimates for this project alternative are presented on Table 5. TABLE 5: PROJECT ALTERNATIVE TRIP GENERATION ' Source: ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Trip Generation Informational Report, 9th Edition, 2012. 2 DU = Dwelling Unit, TSF = Thousand Square Feet The project alternative trip generation has been calculated based on separating out the conference center use from the hotels, as this approach has been shown to be more conservative and is also consistent with the approach used in the 2006 traffic study. As shown on Table 5, the project alternative land use is anticipated to generate 15,611 trips per day, with 1,042 trips generated during the AM peak hour and 1,468 trips generated during the PM peak hour. This represents a daily trip generation reduction of 4,410 trips per day compared to the traffic generation estimate in the 2006 traffic study report. Similarly, the project alternative will reduce the AM peak hour trip generation by 381 trips and the PM peak hour trip generation will be reduced by 366 trips. CONCLUSIONS The 2006 traffic study concluded that the approved project would generate 20,021 trips per day, with 1,423 trips generated during the AM peak hour and 1,834 trips generated during the PM peak hour. These trip generation estimates represent the appropriate benchmark for any future amendments to the Specific Plan, as they were the basis of the 2006 project approval process. The proposed project land uses were previously summarized on Table 1 and consist of 420 single family dwelling units, 60 condominiums (multi -family dwelling units), 340 hotel rooms, 120 timeshare units, 36 hole golf course, a 57,800 square foot conference center, 40,000 square feet of commercial use, and a 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Eval Ltr.docx [_� URBAN PEAK HOUR LAND USE QUANTITY UNITS AM PM DAILY IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL Single Family Detached 570 DU 108 319 427 359 211 570 5,426 Condominium 60 OCCUPIED DU 6 25 31 24 13 37 399 Resort Hotel 344 OCCUPIED ROOM 92 34 126 71 95 166 1,428 Timeshare 180 Keys 23 77 100 63 36 99 1,055 Golf Course 27 HOLES 48 13 61 34 41 75 965 Conference Center 57.8 TSF 57 36 93 31 53 84 1,322 Ahmanson House (Restaurant) 1D_OD TSF 60 55 115 65 46 112 1,272 Mixed Use Village Commercial 4D.06 TSF 55 34 89 156 169 325 3,744 PROPOSED PLAN TRIP GENERATION 449 593 1,042 804 664 1,468 15,611 2006 PLAN TRIP GENERATION 495 928 1,423 976 858 1,834 20;021 NET CHANGE ,46 -335 -381 -172 •194 1 -366 -4,410 ' Source: ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Trip Generation Informational Report, 9th Edition, 2012. 2 DU = Dwelling Unit, TSF = Thousand Square Feet The project alternative trip generation has been calculated based on separating out the conference center use from the hotels, as this approach has been shown to be more conservative and is also consistent with the approach used in the 2006 traffic study. As shown on Table 5, the project alternative land use is anticipated to generate 15,611 trips per day, with 1,042 trips generated during the AM peak hour and 1,468 trips generated during the PM peak hour. This represents a daily trip generation reduction of 4,410 trips per day compared to the traffic generation estimate in the 2006 traffic study report. Similarly, the project alternative will reduce the AM peak hour trip generation by 381 trips and the PM peak hour trip generation will be reduced by 366 trips. CONCLUSIONS The 2006 traffic study concluded that the approved project would generate 20,021 trips per day, with 1,423 trips generated during the AM peak hour and 1,834 trips generated during the PM peak hour. These trip generation estimates represent the appropriate benchmark for any future amendments to the Specific Plan, as they were the basis of the 2006 project approval process. The proposed project land uses were previously summarized on Table 1 and consist of 420 single family dwelling units, 60 condominiums (multi -family dwelling units), 340 hotel rooms, 120 timeshare units, 36 hole golf course, a 57,800 square foot conference center, 40,000 square feet of commercial use, and a 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Eval Ltr.docx [_� URBAN Mr. Robert S. Green, Jr. SILVERROCK DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LLC October 5, 2016 Page 10 of 10 10,000 square foot restaurant (The Ahmanson Ranch House). This Trip Generation Evaluation shows that the proposed project described in the conformance document will generate 14,153 daily trips, with AM peak hour trip generation of 917 peak hour trips and the PM peak hour trip generation of 1,310 peak hour trips. The trip generation for the proposed project is lower than the trip generation for the approved project per the 2006 study for every time frame considered, with a daily trip generation reduction of 5,868 trips per day, a reduction in AM peak hour trip generation by 506 trips and a reduction in PM peak hour trip generation of 524 trips. A potential project alternative was also evaluated in this report. The project alternative land use is anticipated to generate 15,611 trips per day, with 1,042 trips generated during the AM peak hour and 1,468 trips generated during the PM peak hour. This represents a daily trip generation reduction of 4,410 trips per day, with a reduction of 381 AM peak hour trips and a reduction 366 PM peak hour trips. In summary, the results of the evaluation summarized in this letter report indicate that the proposed project, as well as the project alternative, will generate less traffic than the approved project. Therefore, no additional project traffic related impacts are anticipated as a result of the modified project description or project alternative description. Urban Crossroads, Inc. is pleased to provide this trip generation evaluation for your use. If you have any questions, please contact me directly at (949) 336-5981. Respectfully submitted, URBAN CROSSROADS, INC. Carleton Waters, P.E. Senior Transportation Engineer 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Eval Ltr.docx Bill Lawson, P.E. Principal ATTACHMENT A: 2006 TRAFFIC STUDY 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Eval Ltr.docx [_� URBAN This page intentionally left blank 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Eval Ltr.docx [_� URBAN T URBAN CRC�SSROADS 41 Corporate Park, Suite 300 Irvine, CA 92606 949.660.1994 main 949.660.1911 fax www.urbanxroads.com May 17, 2006 Mr. Tony Locacciato IMPACT SCIENCES, INC. 803 Camarillo Springs Road Camarillo, CA 93012 Subject: Silver Rock Resort Traffic Evaluation Dear Mr. Locacciato: The firm of Urban Crossroads, Inc. is pleased to submit the following traffic evaluation for the proposed Silver Rock Resort development. The site is located south of Avenue 52 and west of Jefferson Street in the City of La Quinta (see Exhibit A). The uses will consist of a mixture of resort hotels, a conference/community center, commercial uses, and timeshare units. The intent of this letter is to identify if the project would contribute towards the need for additional improvements beyond what is planned in the General Plan Circulation Element. To this end, research has been conducted to identify land use and trip generation information that were assumed in the General Plan. Coordination with City staff has been undertaken to determine what land uses have been constructed in the area and what uses are planned (if any) beyond what is anticipated for the project. A comparison of the project land uses and trips with the previous General Plan assumptions are presented to determine if new or additionally more significant impacts are anticipated to occur. Project Description As indicated above, the project consists of a mixture of resort hotels, conference/community center, commercial uses, and timeshare units as illustrated on Exhibit B. The project would take access to both Avenue 52 and Jefferson Street. It is Mr. Tony Locacciato IMPACT SCIENCES, INC. May 17, 2006 Page 2 our understanding that the current proposal consists of a mixture of uses with the maximum land use densities as follows: DESCRIPTION Resort Hotel Timeshare Conference/Community Center Restaurant Mixed Use Village Golf Course Project Trip Generation MAXIMUM UNITS 334 Rooms 1,020 Units 10,000 SF 15,000 SF 100,000 SF Ground Floor 60,000 SF 06 Floor 36 Holes Trip generation represents the amount of traffic which is attracted and produced by a development. The traffic generation for the project is based upon the specific land uses which have been planned for the development. As indicated above, the project site is proposed to be developed with resort hotels, a conference/community center, commercial retail and timeshare land uses. Trip generation rates for this project are shown in Table 1. The trip generation rates are based upon data coilected by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) and others on similar timeshare sites (see Appendix "A") Both daily and peak hour trip generation for the proposed project are shown in Table 2. The proposed development is projected to generate a total of approximately 20,021 trip - ends per day with 1,423 vehicles per hour during the AM peak hour and 1,834 vehicles per hour during the PM peak hour. The traffic volumes shown in Table 2 consist of the Mr. Tony Locacciato IMPACT SCIENCES, INC. May 17, 2006 Page 3 total trips generated for each project land use. As a resort hotelltimeshare trip generated by the project will also be making trips to the golf courselcommercial land uses within the project, a double counting of those trips occurs. Therefore, a reduction in externally oriented trips could be applied to these estimates to develop a more realistic estimate of trips assigned to the adjacent roadway system. General Plan Model Inputs The City's current General Plan was adopted in 2002. As part of the General Plan Circulation Element, extensive long range travel demand modeling was performed to identify the appropriate roadway infrastructure/classifications to support the buildout of the City's Land Use Element. Exhibit "C" illustrates a portion of the zone structure for the General Plan traffic model. As indicated in this exhibit, the project resides partly in both TATs 961 and 965. The traffic model indicates that these zones will generate a total of 40,330 trips per day. After balancing of the internal interactions within the zones, a total of 31,202 trips per day were assigned to the roadway network. Trip Generation Comparison A comparison of the trip generation estimates between the model and project indicates that the model was assumed to generate approximately 11,181 more trips (11,181 = 31,202-20,021) than the project. One of the 18 -hole golf courses is currently situated on portions of both TAZ 961 and TAZ 965. Again, it is important to mote that this reflects a conservative estimate due to the model trips representing the externally routed traffic and the project trips representing driveway estimates. Mr. Tony Locacciato IMPACT SCIENCES, INC. May 17, 2006 Page 4 Conclusions Based upon this review, the project can be accommodated within the planned circulation system, if the General Plan Circulation Element roadways are implemented. Due to the magnitude of the differences in the future traffic forecasts, it is further anticipated that no new or more significant impacts would result due to the proposed project development. It is recommended that subsequent traffic studies be prepared to evaluate the needs at the project access points and to monitor the interim needs at the surrounding study area intersections. If you have any questions regarding this analysis, please do not hesitate to call at (949) 660-1994. Sincerely, Scott Sato, P.E. Principal SS:mt JN:03251-03 Attachments TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION RATES' LAND USE ITE CODE JQUANTITJUNITSz IN I PEAK HOUR TRIP RATES AM IPM OUT ITOTALI IN I OUT TOTAL DAILY Resort Hotel 330 334 RM 0.22 0.9 1.12 0.18 0.24 0.42 4.2 Timeshare Appendix"A°' 1020 DU 0.13 0.43 0.56 0.35 0.2 0.55 5.86 Shopping Center 820 160 TSF 0.79 0.51 1.3 2.56 2.77 5.33 57.61 Conf. Center 495 10 TSF 0.99 0.63 1.62 0.48 1.16 1.64 22.88 Restaurant 932 1 15 1 TSF 5.99 5.53 11.52 6.66 4,26 10.92 127.15 Golf Course 430 1 36 holes 1 1.75 1 0.47 2.22 1.21 1.53 2.74 1 35.74 1 Source: ITE (Institute of Transportation Engineers) Trip Generation Manual, 7th Edition, 2003. RM = Room, DU = Dwelling Units, TSF = Thousand Square Feet Appendix "N'- Timeshare Trip Generation Study Li:lUciobsk_03100-03500k_03200103251kExcel1(TRl PGEN3.x1sjT1 TABLE 2 SILVERROCK RESORT TRIP GENERATION SUMMARY LAND USE QUANTITY UNITS' IN AM OUT PEAK HOUR TOTAL I IN PM I OUT ITOTAL DAILY Resort Motel 334 RM 73 301 374 60 80 140 1,403 Timeshare 1020 DU 133 439 572 357 204 561 5,977 Shopping Center 160 TSF 126 82 208 410 443 853 9,218 Conf. Center 10 TSF 10 6 16 5 12 17 229 Restaurant 15 TSF 90 83 173 100 64 164 1,907 Golf Course 1 36 1 holes._t 63 1 17 80 1 44 55 99 1 1,287 TOTAL I 1 1 495 1 928 1,ELL 976 1 858 1 1,834 120.02111 1 RM = Room, DU = Dwelling Units, TSF = Thousand Square Feet U :IUr-J obsl 03100-035001_03200103251',Exr-e Il[TR I PGE N3. x[s]T2 AVENUE 50 AVENUE 52 EXHIBIT A LOCATION MAP SILVER ROCK, LA QUINTA, California - 03251: 01 0 URBAN [k•inva�e, 51 is �w�r�uw.=� I Fir 4 I piles s 'I" R,)" h'k. M: -1:.v hIa.J I Xk TIok L• oxtiy, EXHIBIT B SITE PLAN 5I_ VER ROCK, LA QUINTA, California - 03251: 02 Ll :tekn I'a�c 0 U RBAN EXHIBIT C TRAMCANALYSISZONE (TAZ) STRUG`fL1RE 893 924 914 g25 ;-0 923 1062 824 927 34 AVE 50 933 935 937 CL TAM PI CO 945 943 946 948 950 963 964 a w 0 961 SITE x v 965 968 465 967 947 978 LA Q U I N T Al 979 X—Y, 994 995 993 N I 0 1,400 2,800 Feet SILVERROCK, La Quinta, California -03251 922 WE 49 957 942 j921 920 919 IND/0 941 939 955 954 1056 OR OX1. 983 I[oP1r 0 URBAN EXHIBIT D CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL PLAN CIRCULATION ELEMENT (,,,__WA$HlNGT0N ST. GOUNTRI —'"'� 1� F[OVLEY LN. �'1 d2N13.AUE: AUTCENTER .. •.-.:DUNE:.. -- DR. f 'PALMS Fig: A"8 -' - bILLIflN .AD FRED WARtN AV 4 \� ■� •.. MILDS SAVE-__ \ VISTA DEL SUR -7 EISENHOWER - AVE. VVE57'NARD 1 t s y {� rIK. I�RTI If �I• �'� � � � I �_ I wK I i 1� i � Y � � � . r �I��w w w w w r w � w M+ .. '� AVE; 5 2 'T - z e t ; SITE.. i 1� F ;mBERM AVE. 34 ! ! -. IAfk FF - lu --1z V1 i .. 'i, ., •.. 'I:.: :.. ;...ter f ,.:, M .• ... r� .., I •- E -.., = FREEWAY INTERCFIANGE t I 4 -- I _ = FREEWAY �� � n, ■I ■ WJOR ROADWAY (5D) ! PRI MARY ROADWAY -A(4D1 rr, =PRIMARY ROADWAY • B (4D) - -- - = SUL pNDARY ROADWAY (4U) COLLEMOR ROAMAY (Ill) LA QUINTA Grh3r ! PLAN nUNDARY 0 SILVER ROCK, LA PUINTA, California - 03253: 04 URBAN EXHIBIT E CITY OF LA QUINTA GENERAL PLAN ROADWAY CROSS-SECTIONS [1B' iz• 2' 111 � MAJOR ARTERIAL 1 02' 14' 13'--T--12' 1 PRIMARY ARTERiAt - A 86' PRIMARY ARTERIAL - B i6' 12 �—r­Tt3� 712• - _ 13, -vrT7• , 64' GOLLELTOR R W 74` R W 52' LOCAL RAW 60 R W 7 2' is, ., 8' 2' R'W fi� i5I; rRA R W 50' 36' 7' 18 —18• 7' SOURCE: CITY OF LA QU11dTA SILVER ROCK, LA QUMTA, California - 03251: 05 !jFtBAN APPENDIX A TIMESHARE TRIP GENERATION STUDY Hicc INS AssociATES CIVOL 9 TRAFFOC ENSWEERS 1335 First Street, Suite A, Gilroy, CA 95020 - 408 848-3122 • fax 408 848-2202 - e-mail info@a kbhiggins.com RECEIVED MAY - 41998 May 1, 1998 R K J K Mr. Carl Ballard RK1K 1641 Dove Street, Suite 290 Pewport Beach, CA 92650 Re: Trip Generation Data for Hyatt Vacation Club Timeshare, City of Indian Wells, California Dear Carl: Ter your request, enclosed is a summary, of our findings on trip generation data for timeshare and related uses. Unlike hotel, condominium, and recreational home uses, very little published trip generation data is available on timeshare and vacation club uses. For your reference, a 4 -page document is attached entitled `Trip Generation Rate Research" which was prepaxed by Higgins Associates in 1996 for the conversion of the existing HigWands Inn to Timeshare in Monterey County. This letter report provides a compendium of trip generation data for timeshare use. The appropriate daily and peak hour trip generation rates for the proposed Hyatt Vacation Club will depend on its setting, size, physical characteristics, and operational characteristics. Setting refers to the location (eg. Santa Monica Mountains, Big Sur coastline, or Carmel Valley), environment (eg. urban, suburban, rural, country side, mountain,. or remote), and attractions (eg. near beach, theme parks, recreational trails, or monuments), Size refers to the total number of timeshare units. Physical characteristics refer to on-site amenities such as bar, lounge, restaurant, barbeque dining, banquet/wedding facilities, retail shops, spa, swimming pool, gymnasitun, golf course, and tennis court. Operational characteristics refer to vacation packages, programs, services, and activities anticipated on-site as well as at nearby off-site locations within walking distance of a timeshare facility. As discussed above, the traffic generation characteristics of a timeshare facility vary considerably depending on its intended use and intemity of use. Traffic generation characteristics of timeshare facilities tend to closely resemble that of either a hotel, a luxury condominiurnitownhouse, a recreational home, or a vacation club. It is dependent on which of these land use categories the timeshare facility is most similar to. Hotels typically provide full room services, sleeping accommodations, restaurants, cocktail lounges, retail shops, bmquetlwedding facilities, and conference/meeting rooms. As confirmed by survey data at the San Luis Bay Inn, a timeshare facility, timeshare facilities have lower traffic generation potential than full-service hotels with similar setting and amenities, especially considering trips generated by sales and promotion activities at the San Luis Bay Inn during the survey. .Luxury condorniniumhownhouses typically provide luxury facilities and services. Luxury condominium/ townhouse units are usually owned by individual owners. Recreational homes are typically located in a resort containing local services and complete recreational facilities, Recreational homes are usually owned F:Lt98BLiOBS� Draft.wpd Carl Ballard May 1, 1998 Page 2 by individual owners. Vacation Clubs typically provide amenities and services similar to recreational homes. Recreational homes and vacation clubs generally have low traffio generation potential because relatively few guests need to drive to off-site locations for food, services, and recreation. If the proposed timeshare facility operates similar to a hotel, M's hotel trip rates can be used to conservatively estimate project trip generation. Alternatively, the timeshare daily trip rate derived from the San Luis Bay inn data can be used. The ITE hotel's % of Daily and directional inlautsplit % were applied to the San Luis Bay Inn's daily trip rate to determine timeshare weekday AM and PM peak hour trip rates. The San Luis Bay Inn's timeshare daily trip rate is 8.31 trips per occupied unit, which is 7%c lower than ITE's hotel daily trip rate of 8.92 trips per occupied unit_ An example of timeshare urdts analyzed as hotel rooms is the Sands of Monterey Resort (375 hotel rooms, 84 timeshare units, lel condominium units) in the City of Sand City, California. If the proposed timeshare facility operates similar to a condominiunn, ITE luxury condor nium/townhouse trip rates can be used to estimate project trip generation, For luxury condomuiiurn/townhouse, ITE's daily trip rate is 5.85 trips per occupied unat, which is 34% lower than ITE hotel daily trip rate of 8.92 trips per occupied unit. An example of timeshare units analyzed as a condominium is the Marriott Timeshare (236 timeshare units) in the City of Palm Desert, California If the proposed timeshare facility operates similar to a recreational home or vacation club, the Transp❑ Group daily trip rate can be used to estimate project trip generation. However, no weekday street peals hour data was published by the Transpo Group. The ='s recreational home's % of Daily and directional inlout split % were applied to Transpo Group's vacatiou club daily trip rate to establish the vacation club AM and PM peak hour trip rates. The Transpo Group's vacation club daily trip rate is 6,9 trips per occupied unit, which is 23% lower than M's hotel daily trip rate of 8.92 trips per occupied unit. An example of timeshare units analyzed as vacation club units is the Gieneden Beach Vacation Club (81 timeshare units) in the City of Lincoln City, Oregon. A total of four exhibits are attached. Exhibit 1 provides a comparison of daily and peals hour trip generation rates per occupied room for various land uses from several sources, Our recommended weekday trip rates are also illustrated on Exhibit 1.. Vacation club survey data obtained from the T'ranspv Group are sunurnarized on Exhibit 2, Timeshare survey data at San Luis Bay Inn performed by Higgins Associates are summarized on Exl-ibit 3. Examples of trig rates used in other traffic studies of timeshare facilities are summarized on Exhibit 4. In the case of the proposed 300 -unit Hyatt Vacation Club Timeshare proje4 the project description (ie., a kitchen in each unit, no restaurant, and no retail space) indicate that trip generation rates for luxury condominium/townhouse are the most appropriate. The luxury condominiutnitownhouse trip rate is 5.86 daily trips per occupied unit, with 0.56 trip (23%4 4 77% out) in the AM peak hour and 0:55 trips (63% in, 38% out) its tate PM peak hour. FA1996U08SW6-09Z95-C92 Dratt.wpd Carl Ward May 1, 1998 Page 3 If you have further questions regarding this letter report, please feel free to call me at 408 848-3122 Thank you for this opportunity to assist you on your project. Sincerely, Philip Ho, TE Keith B. Huggins, CE, Project Manager President enclosure cc. Mark Soli# 1 F:11995UOB� Draft.WN HIOGIN5 AssOCIATES 1335First Street. Suite A, Giircy, CA 05020 • 408 848-3122 - fax 408 848-2202 - e-mai: into@kbNggins.=m TRIP GENERATION RATE RESEARCH FOR HIGHLANDS INN CONVERSION TO TIMESHARE December 2, 1596 This report summarizes our findings on trip generation rates for the conversion of Highlands Inn from the existing hotel use to.a timeshare facility. A. DATA RESEARCH Available information regarding timeshare condominium trip generation rates was researched including a literature search and telephone communications with persons with information regarding this Subject 1, Literature Search A literature search was conducted which included reviewing our firm's library and contacting the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. Unfortunately, no published information was found pertaining to trip generation rates for Timeshare. 2. Personal Interviews In addition to the literature search, municipalities with Timeshare Condominiums and individuals knowledgeable with Timeshare Condominiums and Timeshare Condominium conversions were contacted. The following summarizes the information obtained.. a. A traffic study was prepared for Marriott Timeshare Condominiums located in Palm Desert, California by ASL Consulting Engineers, June, 1989, for the Marriott Ownership Resort. The project included 236 condominium units located in a resort setting. Marriott projected an average party of 4.7 people and an average length of stay of 4.5 days with an occupancy rate of 90% to 95%. Trip generation for the project was estimated using Residential Condominium rates from the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Trip Generation, 4th Edition, with the assumption that the project would experience 100% occupancy during the peak season. This yielded rates of 5,857 trip ends per unit per weekday, 0.446 trip ends per unit per morning peak hour and 0.561 trip ends per unit per evening peak hour. A trip end represents the end or beginning -of a trip. For example, a trip from Fisherman's Wharf to the inn would constitute one trip and two trip ends, one trip end at the Fisherman's Wharf origination and one trip end at the inn destination. The traffic report did not estimate weekend daily or peak hour traffic; A Marriott Timeshare Condominium unit is typically a two bedroorn/two bathroom unit while the Highlands Inn typical unit will be comprised of one bedroom with a bathrootrt. Therefore, the panty size at the Highlands inn is anticipated to be lower than the average party of 4.7 people reported by Marriott. 954M2 / 9MM'nMham Remarchmp-d mage 1 of 4 j b. Tim Stripe, with Continental Development, has overseen the development of two Timeshare projects. In both cases Hotel trip generation rates, as published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, were used. Mx. Stripe mentioned this was a conservative approach as his observation has been that Timeshares typically generate less traffic than hotels per occupied unit as the duration of the visit to a hotel is typically shorter than that of a Timeshare. In addition, Mr. Stripe stated that Timeshares are more apt to be located with food, beverage, and recreational services onsite. Also, he felt that peak hour trips would be lower as Timeshare guests typically schedule their trips during off-peak periods. c. The Cathedral City Planning Department was contacted regarding a Timeshare conversion located in that jurisdiction. Claudia Garalin, Planner, stated a traffic report was not required for the Timeshare. d. The City of Del Mar was contacted regarding the Del Mar Inn Conversion. Kent Whitson, the City of Del Mar Consulting Traffic Engineer who also coordinates trip generation studies for the San Diego Association of Governments (SANTAG), stated that no formal data was available and recommended using multi -family or lodging trip generation rates. e. Kerr Mathis, with the City of Pacific Grove Public Works Department was contacted regarding the PG Plaza Timeshare. The PG Plaza Timeshare is comprised of approximately ten Timeshare units located above a retail plaza_ No report was completed for the conversion which occurred appraxirrratelyten years ago, Mr. Mathis did say there appears to be very little difference in the traffic generated before and after the conversion. He stated the biggest difference in the traffic occurs during the sell out period when additional traffic is attracted to the project for the sales presentations. John Burlingame, with HT-Hrghlands, Inc. provided information pertaining to his past experience with Timeshares and the planned marketing and operations of the Eghlands Inn Timeshare. Although very little specific information is available, the length of stay at a Timeshare is typically longer than at a traditional hotel. While the Highlands Iran operating as a hetet has an average length of stay of 1,95 days it is anticipated that the average length of stay at the Highlands Lm Timeshare will be 4 to b days, similar to the Marriott Condominium Timeshare. Iiiistoricaiiy, people with longer visits at a facility will spend more time at the facility and generate less trips. Regarding the sell out period, Mr. Burlingame stated a strategy has been developed to obtain much of the Hrghland Inn Timeshare sales from the people already staying on the property. Due to the Highlands Inn's reputation for quality and the marketing company's experience in Florida's Key West, a Wgher close (sale of the property) rate, approximately 15%, is anticipated with many of the purchases from persons already familiar with the property. The Key West project has obtained a close rate of 11.4% with outside (off the property) sales only. Marketing strategies include a mini -vacation program and lunch or dinner grogram which will offer lodging andlor meals in exchange for participating in a tour (tire sales program for the project). This will further encourage purchases from people already staying on the property or visiting the ori -site restaurant. Other inquires to obtain data have been made, including David Matheson with American Resort Association and Tony Castro with Douglas County, Nevada. However, as of this daze no qe q= 19&092 Th*share R esewch.wpd Page 2 of 4 response has been obtained. B. TIMESHARE VERSUS HOTEL CHARACTERISTICS Although no defuritive trip generation data was obtained a significant amount of anecdotal information was gathered that was consistent among the various individuals interviewed. They are as follows: 1. Timeshare amenities and consumer use differ from hotels in several ways. Timeshares are typically sold in weekly increments and in some cases on a split week basis. Therefore, the length of stay at Timeshare is typically longer than at a hotel. Timeshare consumers are more likely to have a larger parry size than the traditional hotel occupant as the typical timeshare will accommodate a larger party than a hotel. However, the Highlands Inn Timeshare with their one bedroo m with a bath unit would be more conducive to a smaller party size. 2. During sell out of the Timeshare additional traffic is generated from potential buyers. Typically on a conversion the developer would continue to rent out the unsold inventory until complete sellout. 'rose units already sold would be used by the owners_ In addition., those interested in purchasing will visit the site. It has been estimated that, on average, ten people attend an on-site sales presentation for every one Timeshare sold. However, given that the Highlands Inn is an existing project with considerable existing repeat demand, a higher ciose rate is .estimated. 3. Consequently, additional traffic generation during sell out can be significantly reduced where a higher percentage of sale closure is attained, as expected with the Highlands Inn. Other techniques such as the implementation of reduced rental rates for attending a sales presentation can offset sales related traffic with traffic associated with the on-going hotel operation. A limit on the number of sale visits scheduled can also reduce sell out traffic. This technique, correspondingly, lengthens the duration of the sales. C. TIMESHARE TRIP GENERATION Trip generation for the Highlands Ent* Timeshare is presented for the existing use, the proposed Timeshare, and for the additional traffic during the sell out period. Higgins Associates, as part of the December 1984 letter -report on the traffic element of the Draft EIR for the Point Lobos Ranch, calculated the trip generation for the Highlands Inn and the Tickle Pink Inn (a 34 -unit hotel) based on traffic counts conducted Thanksgiving weekend, 1984, when both hotels were at full occupancy. A daily traffic generation rate of 11.9 trip ends per roorn was determined for both weekday and Saturday.. A weekday evening peak hour rate (during the Highway I peak hour) of 1.03 trip ends per occupied room was determined as well. Project trip generation determined at that time is tabulated on Exhibit 1. E Timeshare trip generation rates were tabulated based on the information and recommendations received during the data research activity described earlier in this letter. Rates published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers, "Trip Generation," Fifth Edition, 1.991, for a residential condominiunVtownhouses, hotel and resort hotel are tabulated on Exhibit L Rates published by San Diego Traffic Generators, January 1990 for resort hotels and residential condominiums are also tabulated on Exhibit 1. 96-= IW-�Tme*iom Rewrch.wo Page 3 of 4 The highest estimated daily traffic generation occurs with the Resort Hotel land use designation published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. Approximately 1,372 trip ends are anticipated during the weekday and 1,514 during Saturday. This is 33C less weekday daily trip ends and 183 less Saturday daily trip ends than generated by the Highlands Inn under its existing use. The highest estimated morning peak hour volume is anticipated to be 75 trip ends while the highest estimated evening peak hour volume is anticipated to be 142 trip ends, 45 trip ends less than the existing evening peak hour volume. Although the directional distribution associated with each of the rates varies, clearly the proposed Timeshare use would generate less traffic under any of the five land use designations tabulated on Exhibit 1. The proposed conversion to Timeshare units is anticipated to generate approximately 42 less Saturday daily trip ends than the existing highlands inn when comparing the highest anticipated proposed development trip generation to lowest estimated trip generation for the existing Highlands Inn. This results in an approximate 3% reduction However, during the sell out period additional traffic will be attracted to the site. Similar to traffic generation for Timeshare units there is no available data regarding traffic generation during the Timeshare sell out period. Historically it takes about ten people to go through the sales process for every closure. The average person purchases 1.3 weeks. Each Highlands Inn Timeshare unit would be available only 51 weeks of each year. Therefore, approximately 53,O00 tours would be required to sell the property assuming a 10% close rate. The project proponent is projecting a six year sell out period which would equate to 9,935 tours per year. To minimize sales staff, tours would be offered fairly evenly over 362 days of the year. (The sales facility would be ciosed only three days a year.) This would yield approximately 24 tours a day, or 48 trip ends per day. Additionally, the Trlighlands Inn Timeshare projects a close rate of up to 15% as well as anticipating that a substantial amount of their tours will contain people already staying on the property. The Highlands Inn currently rum at an average of 30% occupancy with 1.95 days the average length of stay. This provides approximately 55 rooms a day which house different guests. The Kghlands Inn Timeshare expects to obtain a 20% capture rate of these guests for their sales presentation. Further, the Highlands Inn Timesi=e will likely run a mini -vacation program as a marketing tool, the guests stay at a reduced rate in return for their attendance at a sales presentation. By achieving a. 15% Close rate, the additional daily trip ends would likely be less than the estimated 48 per day, perhaps as low as 42 trip ends per day or lower when sales to guests on-site are considered. D. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The project is anticipated to generate less traffic, even during the sell out period, than the existing use. This is based on the consm= of the individuals contacted regarding timeshare conversions. Therefore, no traffic impact mitigations are recommended. 99-M 19B-= Tmeshare Reenrchmpd Page 4 of 4 EXHIBIT 3 TIMESHARE TRIP GENERATION RATES BASED ON SURVEY DATA AT SAN LUIS BAY INN, CALIFORNIA Time Time Driveway Count Hourly Total Trip Rasta Per Periost Period ( vehicles) ( vehicles) Occupied Unit Starting Ending Total In Out Total In Out Total In, Out % % 12 : 00 midnight 12 : 15 am 0 .... ,...,..... 12 . 15 12 . 30- 0 12 : 30 12 . 45 12 : 45 1 00. am 0 0 0 0 1 00 am 1 15 0 0 0 0 1: 15 1 30 1 1 1 1 0 1 30 9: 45 0 1 1 0 1 45 2 00 am 2 2 3 3 0 2 00 am 2 15 0 3 3 0 2 15 2 30 1 1 3 2 1 2 30 2 45 0 3 2 1 2 45 3 00 am 0 1 0 1 3 00 am 3 15 0 1 0 1 3 15 3 30 0 0 4 0 3 30 3 45 0 0 0 0 3 45 4 00 am 0 0 0 0 4 00 am 4 15 0 0 0 0 4 15 4 30 0 0 0 0 4 30 4 45 0 0 0 0 4 45 5 00 am 0 0 0 0 5 00 am 5 15 0 4 0 0 5 15 5 30 0 0 0 0 5 30 5 45 0 0 0 0 5 45 6 00 am 0 1 0 0 0 6 04 am 6 15 0 0 0 0 5 15 6 30 0 0 0 0 8 30 6 45 0 0 0 0 6 45 j 7 00 am 2 1 1 2 1 1 7 00 am 7 15 1 1 3 2 1 7 15 7 30 1 1 4 3 1 7 30 7 45 2 1 1 6 4 2 7 45 8 00 am 3 3 7 6 1 8 00 am 8 15 2 2 8 7 1 8 is 8 30 2 1 1 9 7 2 8 30 8 45 3 2 1 14 8 2 8 45 9 00 am 1. 1 8 5 3 9 00 am 9 15 9 2 7 15 5 10 9 15 9 30 4 2 2 17 to 11 9 30 9 45 8 3 5 22 7 15 9 45 10 00 am 8 3 5 29 10 19 10 00 am 14 15 5 5 25 13 12 F:\1998VDBS19&092198.092 San Luis Bay Inn.wb3 05101198 Page 1 of 3 EXHIBIT 3 TIMESHARE TRIP GENERATION RATES BASED ON SURVEY DATA AT SAN LUIS BAY INN, CALIFORNIA Time Time Driveway Count Hourly Total Trip Rate Per Period Period (vehicles) t vehicles } Occupied Unit Starting Ending Total In Out Tota€ In Out iotas. In : Dut 1G 15 10 30 1G 45 11 d0 am 1f 15 1 30 1 45 12 00 prn 1r 15 12 30 12 45 1 00 PM I 15 1 30 1 45 2 00 pm 2 15 2 30 2 45 3 00 pm 3 15 3 30 3 .45 4 00 pm 4 15 4 30 4 45 5 00 pm 5 15 5 30 a UV pm 6 15 6 30 6 45 7 44 pm 7 15 7. 30 7 45 8 00 PM 8 15 14 30 10 45 11 00 am 11 15 11 30 11 45 12 00 Prn 12 15 12 30 12 45 1 00 pm 1 15 1 30 . 1 45 2 00 pm 2 15 2 30 2 45 3 00 pm 3 15 3 30 3 45 4 00 pm 4 15 4 30 4 45 5 00 prn 5 15 5 30 5 45 B 00 m 6 i5 6 30 6 45 7 00 pm 7 15 7 30 7 45 8 00 PM. 8 15 8 30 11 6 5 32 17 15 38 35 20 15 35 22 13 8 1 39 25 14 14 ...;. 7:.::. ........4 7 :, ....,, 42.... 26. 16 0.62 9 5 40 25 15 10 5 5 42 25 17 9 6 3 42. 23 19 16 6 10 44 22 22 i:2 8 4 47 25 22 14 3 T 47 23 24 .16 .. 9... :::G 53... 26 .....27 0.7 B 9 5 4 46 25 21 6 4 2 40 21 19 10 $ 4 40 24 16 18 15 3 43 30 13 13 9 4 47 34 „13 .za.. : ..:s .. 12 .:. 61.........38 .. .::23 0.90 8 5 3 59 37 22 $ 5 3 49 27 22 14 8 6 50 25 24 15 8 7 45 25 i9 13 5 8 50 26 24 20 13 7 62 34 28 15 13 2 63 39 24 12. .460 35 25 ...........:................... 23 .::...:.....:.:8::.::14 . 70 39 31 69 37 32 9 .::.:::: ..:.71: ":.::::33 : ' ::::.38. 1.94 9 5 4' 68 34 34 11 5 6 56 30 26 8 4 4 45 23 22 6 2 4 34 16 18 6 3 3 31 14 17 4 1 3 24 i0 14 6 3 3 22 9 13 8 3 5 24 10 14 2 2 20 7 13 6 1 5 22 7 15 4 4 20 4 16 7 4 3 19 5 14 F:11998W08S19M92%WO92 San Luis 13ay Inn.wb3 52 : 38 ` I f 49 : f I 51 62 : 38 i 05101f98 Page 2 of EXHIBIT 3 TIMESHARE TRIP GENERATION RATES BASED ON SURVEY DATA AT SAN LUIS BAY INN, CALIFORNIA Note 1. Total Number of timeshare units = 68 2. Number of Occupied Units = 08 on Friday 9112197 and Saturday 9113/997 3. Survey data was collected by Higgins Associates at the San Ws Bay Inn in Avila Beach, California for 24 hours from Friday midnight 9112197 to Saturday midnight 9113/97. F:119981J{)MS 092198-092 Sart Luis Bay lnn.wh3 05101/96 Page 3 of 3 Time Period Starting Time Period Ending Driveway Count ( vehicles ] Total In Out Hourly Total ( vehicles) Total In Out Trip Rate Per Occupied Unit Total In : Out 'a6 96 8 30 8 45 ?::';' ':: 8::::.:,.1 24 11 13 8 45 9 00 pm_ ;E3 ...... b 24 12 12 9 00 pm 9 15 ::::. ..::.::::.::1.';;; _; ;;':; ,4 25 13 12 9 15 9 30 $: '; : ;,;° 4. . ':. ; : :; ::,:: 26:::::. '13::.::::::::13 0.38 50 : 50 9 34 9 45 3 2 1 22 9 13 9 45 10 00 }gym 5 3 2 21 10 11 10 00 pm 10 15 0 16 8 7 10 15 10 30 4 3 1 12 8 4 10 30 10 45 4 1 3 13 7 6 10 45 11 00 pm 5 1 4 13 5 8 11 00 pm 11 15 4 1 3 17 6 11 11 15 11 30 4 3 1 17 6 11 11 30 11 45 2 2 15 5 10 11 45 pm 12 00 midnight 2 2 12 4 8 Daily Total 565 299 266. 8.91 TripstUnit Note 1. Total Number of timeshare units = 68 2. Number of Occupied Units = 08 on Friday 9112197 and Saturday 9113/997 3. Survey data was collected by Higgins Associates at the San Ws Bay Inn in Avila Beach, California for 24 hours from Friday midnight 9112197 to Saturday midnight 9113/97. F:119981J{)MS 092198-092 Sart Luis Bay lnn.wh3 05101/96 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT B: CONFORMANCE DOCUMENT SCOPE OF DEVELOPMENT 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Eval Ltr.docx [_� URBAN This page intentionally left blank 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Eval Ltr.docx [_� URBAN ATTACHMENT NO.5 SCOPE OF DEVELOPMENT I. GENERAL SUMMARY This document outlines the general requirements for the improvements to be constructed on the Property. Specific details are addressed in the SilverRock Specific Plan 2006-480, as amended by Resolution No. 2006-083, which was duly: adopted by the City Council on July 18, 2006 ("Specific Plan"), as conformed by a finding of Substantial Conformance on November 4, 2014, and in the construction plans that will be prepared for the development. The Property is located at the southwest intersection of Jefferson Street and Avenue 52 in the City of La Quinta, and is approximately 145 acres in size. The Specific Plan provides for the development of a commercial development project that contains all of the following: a Luxury Hotel, associated Luxury Branded Luxury Development, and related amenities, a Lifestyle Hotel, Lifestyle Branded Residential Development, and related amenities, a Conference and Snared Service Facility, a Promenade Mixed -Use Village, a Resort Residential Village, and associated amenities, renovation of the existing Ahmanson Ranch House, the Golf Course Realignment, and construction of a Permanent Golf Clubhouse. Development of the Project requires the installation and construction of Master Site Infrastructure Improvements. A depiction of the Master Site Infrastructure Improvements is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit W. II. PROJECT COMPONENTS A. Arnold Palmer Classic Golf Course —Planning Area 1 Planning Area 1 consists of approximately 173 acres, which consists primarily of the existing Arnold Palmer Classic Golf Course. This Planning Area also contains the existing Ahmanson Ranch House, which sits on a 1.5;acre parcel, and the 3 -acre golf course maintenance facility site located at the southern boundary of the SllverRock Resort Area adjacent to 50 Avenue. As currently contemplated by the project, the Golf Course will be modified to allow for the development of the Luxury Hotel. This work will be performed by the Developer in concert with City and Arnold Palmer Design Group. B. Luxury Hotel - Planning Area 2 Planning Area 2. consists of approximately 17 acres planned for a 140 -room (but not less than a 120 -room) Luxury Hotel in an intimate setting, with a high level of service and a unique architectural theme designed to blend with natural site attributes and close proximity to the mountains. In total, the Luxury Hotel will consist of approximately 170,000 square feet of air- conditioned and exterior spaces, comprising front -and -back -of --house functions. Table 2 below contains a preliminary summary of the Project design program for the Luxury Hotel. MM1561"065 6885841.12 a11I19I14 TABLE 3 PLANNING AREA 2 Silver Rock Resort Specific Plan Luxury Hotel Planning Area PROJECTLUXURY DESIGN Description HOTEL PROGRAM Total Interior Area Total Exterior Area. Hotel Units 87,600 sf 16,700 sf Food & Beverage 4,500 sf 2,300 sf Back-of-House/Admin 13,000 sf 3,004 sf Spa & Fitness 11,000 sf 6,500 sf Recreation 1,300 sf 9,000 sf Public Spaces 4,000 sf 61000 s# Retail 1,500 sf 0 sf 122,900 9f 43,500 sf In addition to the Luxury Branded Residential Development, the Luxury Hotel will feature a day spa & fitness center, conference, and back-ef--house facilities shared with a Lifestyle Hotel planned for construction in Planning Area 5. The Luxury Hotel will be serviced by a Conference and Shared Service Facility, which houses common back -of -house functions. such as housekeeping, food & beverage, reservations, and executive management offices shared with the Lifestyle Hotel described in Planning Area 5. In addition, it will offer a variety of meeting spaces to appeal to group business and conferences, with ballroom and boardroom programming. This facility is more fully described in Planning Area 4. Detailed information, including refinement of programming, site design, architecture, landscape architecture, and other details will be presented to City for approval per the Site Development Plan requirements of the Specific Plan. TABLE 4 PLANNING AREA 2 - LAND USE Silver Rock Resort Specific Plan Luxury Hotel Planning Area GENERAL PLAN/LAND USE ZONE ACRES MINIMUM UNITSIDENSITY Luxury Hotel 120 roomst,120 keys 120 roomstl 20 keys_ G. Luxury Branded Residential Development- Planning Area 3 Planning Area 3 will be developed into an enclave of exclusive for -sale single family detached residences on fee simple lots. The residences will be sold with an amenity agreement, affording owners and their guests with a host of privileges and access rights at the Luxury Hotel. The Luxury Branded Residential Development will consist of approximately 35 Resort Residential Dwelling Units. Homes are expected to range from 2,800 — 4,500 square feet in size, and some of the homes may have lock -offs. The architecture is anticipated to be 68,2147 661 aV085 8895841.72 at 1!78174 -2- stylistically consistent with the theme of the Luxury Hotel. The product is expected to feature generous interior volumes with some appropriately massed two-story elements possible. TABLE 5 PLANNING AREA 3 - LAND USE Silver Rock Resort Specific Plan Luxury Branded Residential Development Planning Area GENERAL■ USE ZONE ACRES APPROXIMATE UNITS/DENSITY CT Luxury Branded Residential GT 14.0 35 DU SFD12.5 DUTAC Development. TOTAL 14.D 35 DU SFD12.5 Dt11AC D. —Conference and Shared Service Facility Planning Area 4 consists of a Conference and Shared Service Facility and associated parking. As explained previously, this facility will be shamed by the Luxury Hotel and Lifestyle Hotel. By combining services and amenities required by, and desirable to, both properties, advantageous efficiencies can be achieved that enhance the economics of operations. The Conference and Shared Service Facility will consist of one or more buildings containing ballroom, meeting space and food service areas, as well as back -of -house functions including executive and administrative offices, reservations, human resources, accounting, laundry and valet, security, receiving and purchasing,.and engineering and maintenance. These functions may occur in one or a series of "pavilion -style" buildings, subject to final planning and design. The total anticipated square footage is expected to be approximately 71,000, square feet, predominantly interior air-conditioned space, but with. some public and back -of -house exterior areas as well. Table 4 below contains a summary of the Project design program for the Conference and Shared Service Facility. TABLE 6 PLANNING AREA 4 Silver Rock Resort Planning Area Specific Pian Conference and Shared Service Facility Building CONFERFNCE + ■ SHARED PROJECT DESIGN Description SERVICE FACILITYBUILDING PROGRAMInterior Total Interior Area Total Exterior Area Meeting/ an uet 36,375 sf 5,000 sf Food Services Areas 3,100 sf 0 sf Back -of -House 11,600 sf 3,000 sf Qffrces & Administrative 4,650 sf 0 sf Public Spaces 2,075 sf 51000 sf 57,800 sf 13,000 sf Site planning for the Conference and Shared Service Facility includes parking sufficient to accommodate functions and events at the Conference and Shared Service Facility managed by the hotel administration. . 882101561Q-065 6896841.12 911119!14 -3- TABLE 7 PLANNING AREA 4 - LAND USE Silver Rock Resort Specific Plan Conference and Shared Service Facility Planning Area GENERALPLAN/LANDMAXIMUM UNITSIDENSITY CT Conference and Shand Service CT 92.0 Approx. 71,000 sf of Facility front/back-of house services and functions TOTAL 1 112-01 E. Lifestyle Hotel - Planning Area 5 Planning Area 5 consists of approximately 10 acres planned for a Lifestyle Hotel. The Lifestyle Hotel will take advantage of the natural site attributes and setting within the SilverRock Resort Specific Plan. It is anticipated. that the buildings will be two -and three-story design, with a single -loaded exterior access corridor. All of the rooms will have views oriented towards the. adjacent Coral Reef Mountains. The Lifestyle Hotel will consist of approximately 170,000 square feet of air-conditioned and exterior space, comprising front -and -rack -of -house functions. Table 8 below contains a preliminary summary of the Project design program for the Lifestyle Hotel. The Lifestyle Hotel will have an associated Lifestyle Branded Residential Development consisting of approximately 60 single family attached residences in Planning Area 6, more fully described below. As mentioned previously, the Lifestyle Hotel will share sorne common facilities with the Luxury Hotel described in Planning Area .2. Shared facilities include the Conference and Shared Service Facility, which has been described in Planning Area 4. TABLE 8 PLANNING AREA 5 Silver Rack Resort Specific Plan Lifestyle Hotel Planning Area PROJECT Description HOTELLIFESTYLE -■Interior Total Interior Area Total Exterior Area Hotel Units 86,000 sf 22,000 sf Food & Beverage/Ent 12,200 sf 3,900 sf Back-of-House/Admin 16,700 sf 2,800 sf Fitness 4,800 sf 0 sf Recreation 200 sf 90,000 sf Public Spaces 4,600 sf 5,000 sf Retail 1,300 sf 0 sf 126,000 sf 43,700 sf 88=15610-0065 8845841.1 Z W 1119(14 4- TABLE 9 PLANNING AREA 5 - LAND USE Silver Rock Resort Specific Plan Lifestyle Hotel Planning Area GENERAL A L ` USE ZONE ACRES UNITSIDENSITY CT Lifestyle Hotel CT 10,0 A minimum number of hotel guest rooms such that when combined with the hotel guest rooms in the Luxury Hotel, the combined total is not less than 340 hotel guest moms TOTAL 10.0 A minimum number of Hotel guest rooms such that when combined with the hotel guest rooms in the Luxury Hotel, the combined total is not less than 340 hotel uest rooms F. Lifestyle Branded Residential Development - Planning Area 6 This Planning Area contains the Lifestyle Branded Residential Development associated with the Lifestyle Hotel described in Planning Area 5. Approximately 60 Resort Residential Dwelling Units may be developed on 10 acres. Homes are expected to range from 2,100 — 3,500 square feet in size. Each Resort Residential Dwelling Unit will be designed with a lock -off unit, adding a potential total key capacity of approximately 120 keys to the Lifestyle Hotel Architecture is expected to complement the style of the Lifestyle Hotel. The product' is envisioned to be expressed similarly as well, in two -and -three-story volumes. Programming will emphasize active lifestyles, and embrace the site ambiance of the SilverRock. Specific Plan with its other amenities and strong view orientation to the Coral Reef Mountains. TABLE 14 PLANNING AREA 6 - LAND USE Silver Rock Resort Specific Plan Lifestyle Branded Residential Development Planning Area G. Promenade Mixed -Use Village — Planning Areas 7 & 9 These Planning Areas are collectively referred to as the Promenade MU Village, featuring residential, mixed-use, stand-alone, and polrup retail/commercial uses, all as described in Table 2 below. BS�IV7 661 V-0085 8895849.12 a11/19114 'S- TABLE 2 PLANNING AREAS T & S - LAND USE Silver Rock Resort Specific Plan Promenade MU Village Areas I & II GENERAL PLANILAND USE •UNITS/DENSITY Planning Area 7 — Promenade MU Village Area CT River Walk Lofts CT 6.0 Avg 1,000 SF MFR units; studio -2 BR mix CT Bungalows CT Avg 1,500 SF SFD units; 1-2 BR mix, CT CommerciaVRetail CT Mixed -Else CommT 16,000 SF Stand -Alone Comm'I: 8;500 SF Pop-up Comm'I: 2,560 SF 10.5 150,000 SF livable res./up to 25,000 SF comm'I Planning Area 9 — Promenade MU Villaa Area II CT Public & Private Park CT 15.0 Private & Public park & recreation Residential improvements, including water play facilities CommerciaVRetall and ancillary entertainment, dining, and retail; Community gardenslhentage farmlagri- tourism; Branded/non-branded Glamping product; Branded/non-branded residential product; Mixed-use, Stand-alone, Pop-up Comm'] 15.0 75,000 SF livable res./15 000.SF comm'I TOTAL 25.5 225,000 SF livable req./up to 40,000 SF comm'I H. Resort Residential Village — Planning Area 8 Planning Area 8 is planned as a Resort Residential Village featuring 160 residences on 32,5 awes located in the south part of the site. Homes are�expected to range from 2,200 — 4,000 SF in size, and may be developed in a combination of single family detached and attached product of varying densities, each with access to a central amenity and community management facility. I. Permanent Goff Clubhouse —Planning Area 10 Planning Area 10 consists of approximately 131.0 acres, divided into two sub -areas, Planning Areas 10A and 108. The uses within Planning Areas 10A and 'tog consist of the Gaff Course, the location for the Permanent Golf Clubhouse, and a reservation of land area for possible future golf improvements, as more fully described in Table 3 below. TABLE 3 PLANNING AREA 10- LAND USE Silver Rock Resort Specific Plan Golf Course & Public Use Area GENERAL ZONE ACRES MAXIMUM UNITS/DENSITY Plannin Area 10a G Permanent Golf GC 6.0 Pro Shop/Starter C Clubhouse (Developer Bar/Grill owned and teased to City) Kitchen & Prep (breakfasUlunch) Changing Room & Restrooms 882101561"065 6885841.12 al U19114 _g_ y ■ A F USE . GENERAL MAXIMUM Plannin Area t 4a Ad m i n i strativelOffice Foyer/CirclStorage/Common Area Total Conditioned Space: 5,000 - 5,504 SF Cart Storage Building Outdoor Patio Seating Event Lawn Twenty five 840 —1,000 SF Golf Cabins Totai Unconditioned Space: 11,500 SF G Driving Range (City owned) GC 12-5 - C G Public Use Area (city GC 46 Potential future golf coursetiand reserve C owned) area Pla ning Area 10b G Public Use Area (City GC 86.5 Potential future golf courseiland reserve C owned) area TOTAL 151.0 25 Golf Cabins/16,504 SF (clubhouse only)' 'Final clubhouse space allocations subject to adjustment during site development permit process. All spsoe references are approximate_ III. DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT The Property shall be improved by the Developer in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the Specific Plan, and all applicable codes, ordinances, and statutes. including requirements and procedures set forth in the La Quints Municipal Code adopted in conjunction with or subsequent to execution of this Agreement. IV. ON-SITE DEVELOPMENT AND IMPROVEMENTS Developer shall prepare such plans, reports, and studies, and obtain such permits and approvals as required, including, but not limited to, grading plans for construction of the Project. Plans shall be prepared by a licensed civil engineer in good standing and subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works. Developer shall grant and permit all necessary and appropriate utility easements and rights for the development c f the Project, including but not limited to sanitary sewers, storm drains, water, electrical power, telecommunications, natural gas, cable television, ate. V. LANDSCAPING Developer shall be responsible to landscape the Project in accordance with the Specific Plan and landscape plans approved by the City. VI. ON-SITE AND OFF-SITE INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS Developer shall be responsible for the construction of (i) Master Site Infrastructure Improvements per this Agreement, and (ii), all on-site and off site infrastructure improvements that may be identified. per the Specific Plan, including, but not limited to, all required internal 8 8 214 1 5610-[]U65 8895&!1.13 a9111917 d -7- utilities, All such construction shall be done to City standards_ Additionally, Developer shall be responsible for obtaining and delivering to the City such bonds or other improvement security as City may require in accordance with applicable law, including payment and performance bonds per the terms of this Agreement. VII. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS All development on the Property shall conform to the development standards set forth in the Specific Plan, and other applicable City codes and development standards per this Agreement. 8821015610-0085 889584'1.12 871/18/14 -$- This page intentionally left blank 10559-02 SilverRock Resort TG Eval Ltr.docx vim"_�,_ ,;y�Y,�f, rra .�rP=.�'`e� ���. a: J=`s - �" �-_ _ _. yr,-,� - '�`�:: 1;� .:E..� - +y � - -• .,. -}�., ��'r� _ _ ,r. may.. � _ - '_ _ y� �'9lr�tR-���� ._-.. �. ��. �. ,e++�.�- _ �•...�� :.� _ - � _ .:,,, - _ ��► =fir ?fir � � - �� +^6�°� �. `�wN�t•: ' \� �� � 'p.�+�T� ��� ids '��`.- �. f -5 � ��_ � _�� 'i �4', �._-r �-a.-�^z�•,e�+'+bF.� der '�i �� rf �4•' ��;•.; {ice. ,�'�. .:y- r "T \ � -tea .. �.'� � ��._,� ; w�. � r.wna.��"wr vie or 44 Mr PEON tJ A- •-,�'l. r ~ .�'!�:Y��;# a�-- __ . _ - � � +r � , 'ops. �', • ver'` �'" STREET PANORAMIC VIEW i A pqq PA 2 STREET PANORAMIC VIEW Silver Rock 55.7598.000 0 6.0 9.2 016 A j PA 4 PA 2 i11- PLC�BEj 011H Gensler Silver Rock 55.7598.000 0 6.0 9.2 016 PA 3 SITE PANORAMIC VIEW PA 4 PA 2 PA 2 ENTRY DRIVE i11- PLC�BEj 011H Gensler Silver Rock 55.7598.000 0 6.0 9.2 016 PA 2 ROCK FORMATION A PA4 PA 2 PA 2 ROCK FORMATION A PA 4 PA 2 i11- PLC�BEj 011H Gensler \. 3Y'=fb -f.i y t Z_4. ..e ice• r .,'���. JL .. __ Silver Rock 55.7598.000 0 6.0 9.2 016 PA 3 ENTRY DRIVE PA 3 GOLF COURSE A c PIORF RT UR FFti Gensler 7 924" � I 1�`Y� Silver Rock 55.7598.000 06.09.2016 PA 3 i A i p PA 2 i11- PLC�BEj 011H Gensler 8 mp� Silver Rock DD.1 D7o.uuu V O. u J. z u CANAL CANAL A PA 4 PA I- RORFRT URFFti Gensler 9 WRITTEN PUBLIC COMMENT PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 25,2016 RAY ROOKER ARCHITECT architecture interiors landscape design 49410 Brian Court, La Quinta CA 92253 (760) 564-6798 rrooker@dc.rr.com Oct. 24, 2016 City of La Quinta PLANNING COMMISSION ATTN: Mr. Gabriel Perez RE: SILVERROCK RESORT AND RESIDENCES Ladies and Gentlemen, cYTy or t.A QUINTA Please allow me to make the following comments and observations regarding the new project now under review by the City. The application is complete and very well done, Following are my comments. ARCHITECTURAL CHARACTER I am concerned that the style presented is just a copy of 1960 dated homes and buildings, and nothing new or exciting. The stark differences between the desert and mountains and the proposed new buildings is also very uncomfortable. (See application cover sheet.) Skinny metal posts and full height curtain walls appear more like a 1960 shopping center than a new world class resort. Framing around the skinny posts to provide maybe 24" square posts would certainly help. COLORS It appears that the proposal is to have an all white exterior. I would prefer to see instead darker desert tone colors. CEILING HEIGHTS The proposed flat roofs allow the buildings to stay low in height, and the low ceiling heights gives the illusion that the buildings are spreading around the desert. Perhaps some of the larger buildings could increase their height to break up the monotomy. The project resort is quite large and spread out. Perhaps raise entry heights or do something architecturally pronounced. HEAT CONTROL Several buildings and residences feture floor to ceiling glass facing the west. The heat gain can be quite difficult. Maybe consider exterior awnings or other architectural solutions. SPA Surround with water fountains and plush plantings? LANDSCAPE Provide lots of palm trees, flowering shrubs, large boulders, etc. but not so much grass. ENTRY Resort automobile entries should have "porte cochere" provided with lots of flowering shrubs, etc. to create a since of arrival for the guests. Respectfully submitted, /"�g —L' Ray Rooker Architect Former member of La Quinta ALRB Warden Williams LLP Trusted Legal Services Since 1975 October 25, 2016 Via E -Mail to wlattai(@la-guinta.org Planning Commission c/o Wanda Wise Latta City of La Ouinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Ouinta, California 92253 Re: October 25, 2016 Public Hearing, Item 1 Site Development Permit 2016-0005 submitted by SilverRock Development Dear Members of the Commission: These comments are submitted on behalf of the Sierra Club and the Center for Biological Diversity ("Center"). We just became aware of the item referenced above and are writing this Letter in haste for your consideration. As discussed in more detail below, the proposed item should not be approved because it is part of a project that is currently attracting and causing significant harm to endangered Peninsular bighorn sheep due to the fact that a fence required to keep bighorn out of the project site has not been constructed. The Sierra Club is a California non-profit corporation dedicated to the conservation and preservation of the nation's natural resources. The Sierra Club and its members utilize the natural, scenic and biological resources of the Coachella Valley and the City of La Quinta through their corporate and individual activities including scientific research, planning, education, and recreation. The Center is a non-profit environmental organization with more than one million members and online activists, including members who live in or visit the Coachella Valley and the City of La CQuinta. The Center uses science, policy and law to advocate for the conservation and recovery of species on the brink Areas Of Practice Real Estate Estate Planning & Administration Business Land Use & Environmental Litigation Public Agency Attorneys D. Wayne Brechtel Kristen McBride Jason R. 5chingler Tomer T. Gutman Tracy R_ Richmond Of Counsel D. Dwight Warden Retired W. Scott Williams Retired Office 462 Stevens Avenue suite 100 5otana Beach California 92075 (858) 755-6604 word enwiLUams.com .W. Planning Commission City of La Quinta October 25, 2016 Page 2 of extinction and the habitats they need to survive including the endangered bighorn sheep which will be affected by the proposed project. The Sierra Club and Center urge you to deny the request for approval of a site plan, architecture and Landscaping for a 140 room luxury hotel, 29 hotel -branded residences, a spa, a meeting and conference center, and a shared service facility, and to not make a finding of consistency with Environmental Assessment 2014-1003, because the current SilverRock Project is not in compliance with i) the Coachella Valley Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan ("MSHCP") requirement for a Bighorn Sheep Barrier, ii) past City approvals, and iii) the Environmental Assessment (E.A. 2014-1003). The Coachella Valley Multiple Species Conservation Plan With respect to Peninsular bighorn sheep, the MSHCP stated the following: "Although fully protected species are included in the list of Covered Species, Take of these species is not authorized in the NCCP Permit and is prohibited by California Fish and Game Code. The following species in the MSHCP are fully protected under the California Fish and Game Code: 1) Peninsular Bighorn Sheep... "(MSHCP, page 7-1) "The Peninsular bighorn sheep is a California Fully Protected Species and as used with respect to PBS, Take Authorization refers only to disturbance of habitat. The MSHCP does not permit Take of an individual PBS. All Covered Activities of the Plan must avoid actions in violation f Section 4700 of the Fish and Came Code that addresses Fully Protected Species (See IA Section 15.5)"(MSHCP, Section, Page 7-53, emphasis added) The MSHCP identifies various Conservation Areas and specifies requirements for each. For Unit 6, which is near La Ouinta, the measures include provisions to restrict bighorn sheep use of existing urban development near Unit 6. Among the required measures is MSHCP item 14, which states: 14, if the USFWS or CDFC provides written notice to the CVCC or Local Permittee that Peninsular bighorn sheep are using artificial sources of food or water in unfenced areas of existing urban Development within or near a w Planning Commission City of La Quinta October 25, 2016 Page 3 Conservation Area, the CVCC (unless otherwise agreed to by the applicable Local Permittee) shall cause to be constructed a barrier to sheep access to cure the problem within 2 ,years of such notice. The location of this barrier (i.e., an 8 -foot fence or functional equivalent) shall be determined by CVCC based on its ability to obtain permissfonlaccess to the necessary lands If placement of a barrier must occur on other public lands (e.g., BLM, CDFG), CVCC will coordinate with these other agencies as appropriate. (emphasis added) Unfortunately, since at Least 2012, not only have sheep been using unfenced areas of existing urban development, but there have been 12 documented deaths of Peninsular bighorn sheep within urbanized areas in and near La Quinta. The SilverRock Development is one of the developments within the City of La Quinta causing bighorn sheep deaths. In 2016, alL of the sheep deaths were lambs under six months of age that contracted diseases, while numerous incidences have been documented of sheep entering urban areas, including running through traffic. This was exactly the kind of problem that Item 14 was created to address. Accordingly, a letter was sent by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife on February 28, 2014 invoking the provision of MSWCP, Item 14. To date, the fence has not been built and the two-year deadline has passed. Past Environmental Assessments The requirement for a fence was one of the original mitigation measures of the project when it was approved in 2002. The Mitigated Negative Declaration included the following mitigation measure: 2. If Bighorn Sheep enter into the Project Site, an 8 -foot fence (or the functional equivalent) between the development and the hillside shall be constructed. The gaps should be 11 centimeters (4.3 inches) or less. If determined necessary, the City shall construct temporary fencing while permanent fencing is constructed. The fence shall not contain gaps in which Bighorn Sheep can be entangled. If the Department transfer or disposes of .W, Planning Commission City of La Ouinta October 25, 2016 Page 4 any of the property adjacent to the hillside, the Department shall reserve an easement sufficient for the construction of fencing if needed in the future. Note that the measure requires the City to build a temporary fence, if deemed necessary. The 2006 Addendum to the 2002 MND continued the requirement for the fence, and identified that City staff was working with the USFWS and CDFG regarding Peninsular bighorn sheep sightings on and adjacent to the Specific Plan Area and that, if needed, a Peninsular bighorn sheep perimeter fence would be installed. The 2014 Addendum (EA 1014-1003) also specifically found that the fence was required as mitigation for project impacts: Consequently, impacts associated with the Modified Project would be similar to those identified in the 2002 MMD and 2006 Addendum and would be less than significant with the incorporation of mitigation measures 1 through 10 identified in the 2001 MND and 2006 Addendum, as well as the incorporation of design features 1, 6, and 9 identified in the 2035 General Plan. No new information, changed circumstances, or more severe impacts would occur with the implementation of the Modified Project. Past Cita Approvals In November 14, 2014, (after the Notice from the wildlife agencies invoking MSHCP item 14) the City approved a Purchase, Sale and Development Agreement with SiNerRock Development Company, LLC which also included the requirement for bonding and construction of the fence prior to any grading on the site, as detailed in the following provisions: 100 DEFINITIONS "Luxury Hotel Fence" means a fence dor the functional equivalent, as determined by City) that meets the applicable specifications and standards of the Coachella Dalley Conservation Commission acting as authorized agent for the requirements and obligations of the Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan. FW Planning Commission City of La Quinta October 25, 2016 Page 5 205. Conditions of Closing. Each of the Phase 1 Closing and Phase 2 Closing is conditioned upon the satisfaction of the following terms and conditions within the times designated below' 205.1 City ; Conditions of Closing. City's obligation to proceed with the Phase 1 Closing or Phase 2 Closing (as applicable) is subject to the fulfillment, or waiver by City, of each and all of the conditions precedent (a) through (w), inclusive, described below (`City's Conditions Precedent to the Closing ), which are solely for the benefit of City, and which shall be fulfilled or waived by the time periods provided for herein: (q) Security for Luxury Hotel Fence. Developer shall have delivered to City evidence, in a form satisfactory to City, in City's reasonable discretion, that Developer has obtained Contractor Bonds or other security acceptable to City, for the completion of the Luxury Hotel Fence. Said Contractor Bonds shall be issued to, and shall be enforceable by, City 208. Installation of Luxury Hotel Fence, Implementation of Dust Control Program. (a) Within the time set forth in the Schedule of Performance, and prior to the time Developer commences any grading activities on the Phase T Property. Developer shall install the Luxury Hotel Fence. Developer shall defend, with counsel approved by City in City's sole and absolute discretion, indemnify, assume all responsibility for, and hold the Indemnitees harmless from all claims, demands, damages, defense costs or liability of any kind arising from Developer's failure to strictly comply with the Mitigation Measures related to the protection of Bighorn Sheep set forth in that certain Mitigated Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact for Environmental Assessment 2002-435 (State Clearinghouse No. 1999081020). (Purchase, Sale and Development Agreement, emphasis added) Planning Commission City of La auinta October 25, 2016 Page 6 Given the history of harm to bighorn sheep, the fact that it is a fully protected mammal and no take is allowed under state law, the requirements of the MSHCP and past City Approvals, this project cannot be advanced by any new approval until the fence has been constructed. The City's Staff Report and approval before you for Item 1 fails to require that the fence be installed immediately, or even prior to grading, which is scheduled for 2017, and therefore you cannot make findings of consistency with Environmental Assessment 2014-1003, nor can you approve the Site Development Permit before you today. Please place this office on the mailing List to receive aIL future notices about this project. Very truly yours, WORDEN WILLIAMS LLP '_71) ''V D. Wayne Brrech e� Esq. dwb@wordenwilliams.com DWB:tg cc: Clients Coachella Valley Conservation Commission (E-maiL- tkirk(_ cvag.org) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (E -Mail: paul__souza fws.govj California Department of Fish and Wildlife (E -Mail: director(a7wildlife.ca.gov) POWER POINTS PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 25,2016 C: Planning Commission Meeting October 25, 2016 PH 1— SilverRock Resort and Residences -V:; ~a C -E M of the DESERT EEL- 70b, wv W� �r ro. W4 imp . X11 - b .-_ S Legend �` ya;lai Site Development Permit • 140 room luxury hotel and spa • 29 luxury -branded residences • Meeting and conference center with shared service facility • Outdoor activity areas including three swimming pools SilverRock Resort • 2002- Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) adopted • 2006- SilverRock Specific Plan and MND Addendum • 2014- Development Agreement and MND Addendum • 2016- Master site design and golf course realignment 10/25/2016 VA l:F7-F j i Planning Area 2 M. 10/25/2016 4 - jn� I I F VA l:F7-F j i Planning Area 2 M. 10/25/2016 4 10/25/2016 01 - Planning Area 3 t N ME • Eu nxtx• •; VEL -.)LE;4. +� �'� C �.^ . S` - - _�•_- - _ x-) �� � III I L:y[ _R.. `.'C" f `s.- ._, •1 y �S s'IT 1 .• ffOh �_�4.'�.L: ` �{• - jam- Xl - � -I lvwo'I H -L AOLC't1RY <'. I '�� / Lots wroleu FI a. I. 01 10 Planning Area 4 _ P. � moire P. E9R.i`I�ET-__ 94�EL Yx.CILtiT W �r S J I .•tl�E !v._s_. � 1� r r-m¢ryud �4eafm Bdhann 5 =SIF =F 151 y �S s'IT 1 .• ffOh 10 Planning Area 4 _ P. � moire P. E9R.i`I�ET-__ 94�EL Yx.CILtiT W �r S J I .•tl�E !v._s_. � 1� r r-m¢ryud �4eafm Bdhann 5 11 10/25/2016 12 13 10/25/2016 14 Aw In- WAS M%S MW All "NEW v L'16G A1�H� 4 H7 -NORTH OVERALL ELEVATION 3 H7 -MF OVERALL ELEVATION 17 2 Iii - SOUTH OVERALL ELEVATION #i! 11- 1 H7 - EAST OVERALL ELEVATION 18 10/25/2016 a 10/25/2016 19 all 10 10/25/2016 21 22 11 10/25/2016 23 24 12 FYI _71 ROOF RM ROOR PLAN G R 1 25 I. ol 4 !MEWATM .3 n[�EVAT'om 26 TT --I-T --------- 2 OMELedflm bliffifififli- 10/25/2016 13 �• ; ® O � '{� G TlOFTILeEvnn1av �1 HM I "AAY 6 FpOF PIAN 3 f+GT5WATMI ..n 7 2 Vkr aFUAnc++ y a � 'fl 5 ROOF FkAN 3 V�ESi E1PadTICfr �" Pel 4 rsarN m-Eflc a -r-211, A Ko a: s= 3 EasT r�EvnnoF • p !(KrE EVATDN qtr 11fi lull WHO PW 10/25/2016 14 91 Q P&:] i tL�" 6 ,49 G R4 10/25/2016 91t, 15 R W, Hotel Spa Elevations Hotel Spa Elevations Hotel Spa Floor Plan ti�►llil 11►��r�� f�rrrrrr .. ill/f//»I/If�f .�. ��� ries •n� �flll� IlII ,n�� Es OF LIS - Meeting Center Elevations 2 ASC - 5411TH OVERALL ELEVATION MC - WEST OVERALL ELEVATION gul 10/25/2016 40 20 4 CC-NpRTHOVERALL ELEVATION - 3 CC - EAST OVERALL ELEVATION 41 2 OC -SOUTH OVERALL ELEVATION 1 CC- WEST OVERALL ELEVATION 9uE LIN 10/25/2016 21 10/25/2016 43 Iii 44 22 Shared Services Floor Plan Parking • 1,059 parking spaces are required by the Specific Plan • 1,061 parking spaces provided 10/25/2016 48 24 10/25/2016 W PLAN 50 F. -ow. Eievwk)n tORMT R�sr Eleyati�n o© ov® h — j u Rio -S Ele-aticm 25 10/25/2016 51 PLAN 2A Froni EluYation ==ME INN 52 26 PLAN 2 B _ From Ettvatlon Ile ■■u LeF- Elevation 7-7-111177-0� Right Elevatia, 53 PLAN 3 A lu-* FxvaNcn 1 � i 7 Frei Elfaticn ;_ 1 Right 3Pvalia, 54 10/25/2016 27 PLAN 3B From ElevaJim Rvr Fevaeian LeR ile�a'irn Rohr 3rmio, m.7 PLAN 4 A F r. Fmn)i E.e,-hc n I r c Fxar Ek+elioR Left 3-,3Ajnn =Ep RPe- eta.Ekxon l.Y: 10/25/2016 PLAN 4B 57 PLAN 4 W L- LLE 11 1 1 11mi Real Z le.a t On Left Elevation piII 134'-4" -1 -- — -- 10/25/2016 29 10/25/2016 M Total Turf Reduction within PA 2, 3, 4: 387,366 SF I:Alti 30 Environmental Review • Environmental Assessment 2014-1003 reviewed amended plans for the SilverRock Specific Plan, and the proposed project is consistent with the Specific Plan. Recommendation • Adopt resolution approving Site Development Permit 2016-0005, and a finding of consistency with Environmental Assessment 2014-1003 MW W� A EA2014-1003 & DA2014-1001 • Arnold Palmer Classic Golf Course — reconfigure the golf course to accommodate the luxury hotel on the property developed with the 17th hole. • Luxury Hotel — a 140 -room 5 -star quality luxury hotel and spa (170,000 square feet in total) • Luxury Branded Residential — 35 for -sale, single-family detached residences. • Lifestyle Hotel — a 200 -room 4 -star quality lifestyle hotel of approximately 170,000 square feet, which would include a day spa and fitness center, conference and back -of -house services. • Lifestyle Branded Residential — 60 residential homes branded with the lifestyle hotel. EA2014-1003 & DA2014-1001 • Conference Center —71,000 square feet containing a ballroom, meeting space and food service areas, as well as back -of -house functions. • Promenade Mixed -Use Village — a resort village with 150,000 square feet of resort residential units and up to 25,000 square feet of retail space • Permanent Clubhouse — 5,000 square feet 10/25/2016 RIN 34