DAS 140 AGC RevisedI ITI IT/ice PUBLIC WORKS CONTRACT AWARD INFORMATION Contract award information must be sent to your Apprenticeship Committee if you are approved to train. If you are not approved to train, you must send the information (which may be this form) to ALL applicable Apprenticeship Committees in your craft or trade in the area of the site of the public work. Go to: http://www.dir.ca.gov/databases/das/pwaddrstart.asp for information about programs in your area and trade. You may also consult your local Division of Apprenticeship Standards (DAS) office whose telephone number may be found in your local directory under California, State of, Industrial Relations, Division of Apprenticeship Standards. nf% nest cPnri this form to the Division of Apprenticeship Standards. NAME OF YOUR COMPANY CONTRACTOR'S STATE LICENSE NO Conserve LandCare, LLC 1073122 MAILING ADDRESS- NUMBER & STREET, CITY, ZIP CODE 72265 Manufacturing Road, Thousand Palms CA 92276 AREA CODE & TELEPHONE NO. (760) 343-1433 NAME & ADDRESS OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT DATE YOUR CONTRACT EXECUTED La Quinta Landscape Renovation Improvement - Cactus Flower 01/16/2024 Intersection of Star Flower & Dune Palms to Fred Waring & DATE OF EXPECTED OR ACTUAL START OF PROJECT Monticello, La Quinta CA 92253 02/05/2024 NAME & ADDRESS OF PUBLIC AGENCY AWARDING CONTRACT ESTIMATED NUMBER OF JOURNEYMEN HOURS The City of La Quinta 5270 78495 Calle Tampico OCCUPATION OF APPRENTICE La Quinta, CA 92253 Landscape/Irrigation THIS FORM IS BEING SENT TO: (NAME & ADDRESS OF APPRENTICESHIP PROGRAM(S)) ESTIMATED NUMBER OF APPRENTICE HOURS 1054 Associated General Contractors 1180 Spring Street APPROXIMATE DATES TO BE EMPLOYED Riverside, CA 92507 02/05/2024 This is not a request for dispatch of apprentices. Contractors must make a separate request for actual dispatch, in accordance with Section 230.1(a) California Code of Regulations Check One Of The Boxes Below 1, a We are already approved to train apprentices by the Apprenticeship Committee. We will employ and train under their Standards. Enter name of the committee 2. F1 We will comply with the standards of Apprenticeship Committee for the duration of this job only. Enter name of the Committee 3. � We will employ and train apprentices in accordance with the California Apprenticeship Council regulations, including § 230.1 (c) which requires that apprentices employed on public projects can only be assigned to perform work of the craft or trade to which the apprentice is registered and that the apprentices must at all times work with or under the direct supervision of journpyman/men. Signature Date 02/01 /2024 r. Typed Name Title Payroll Manager State of California - Department of Industrial Relations DIVISION DAS 140 (REV. 1104) OF APPRENTICESHIP STANDARDS