Submittal 3 - Rock 2024-01-19 UAJ REVIEWROCK MATERIAL SUBMITTAL LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR: Conserve LandCare 72265 Manufacturing Road Thousand Palms, CA 92276 Ph. 760-343-1433 Fx. 760-343-0433 CLIENT: City of La Quinta 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 PROJECT: La Quinta Landscape Improvements – Cactus Flower MATERIAL LIST Project:Project – La Quinta Landscape Improvements – Cactus Flower Contractor:Conserve LandCare Date Submitted:1/19/2024 ITEM VENDOR SIZE DESCRIPTION 1. Southwest Boulder & Stone 1’, 2’ & 3’ Rustic Brown Boulders 2. Southwest Boulder & Stone 3/8” Minus Desert Gold DG – Stabilized 3. Southwest Boulder & Stone ¾” Desert Gold Gravel 4. Southwest Boulder & Stone 3/8” Apache Brown Gravel 5. Southwest Boulder & Stone 12”, 18” Sierra Cobble 6. Southwest Boulder & Stone 6” Minus Baja Cresta Cobble 7. Southwest Boulder & Stone 6” Minus Cresta Cobble SUPPLIER CONTACT INFORMATION 1. Southwest Boulder Peter Sanchez – 760-328-5877 979 South Gene Autry Trail Palm Springs, CA 92264 Material Specifications 877-SWB-ROCK • SouthwestBoulder.com Name: Rustic Brown Boulders Description: As gold as the wheat fields of summer, this stone is stunningly rich with burnished golden bronze tones. Size:1', 2', 3', 4', 5' Color:Gold with brown tones Material Specifications 877-SWB-ROCK • SouthwestBoulder.com Name:Desert Gold Decomposed Granite Description:This ve rsatile de c ompose d g ranite mixes be ig e with brown and is sprinkle d with g old f or the finishing touc h. Size:Fine s, Stabilize d Color:Lig ht tan Geology:Granitic Material Specifications 877-SWB-ROCK • SouthwestBoulder.com Name:Desert Gold Crushed Stone Description:Endowe d with lustrous g olde n c oloration on a c harc oal and white base , this c rag g y roc k sug g e sts sple ndid pirate tre asure s of g old and silve r laden c he sts. Sizes:3/4" Color:Golde n browns, tans, and g rays Geology:Granitic Material Specifications 877-SWB-ROCK • SouthwestBoulder.com Name:Apache Brown Crushed Stone Description:Ric h shade s of me dium and lig ht browns g ive this s tone a le athery old we ste rn fe e l. Like a we ll-worn saddle , this stone has c owboy written all ove r it. Ple ase Note : The 4" - 11" size is spec ial orde r and only available in full load quantitie s. Size:3/8", 1/2" -, 3/4" -, 1" - 6", 4" - 11" Color:Mix of lig ht and medium browns with a splash of g ray Geology:Granitic Material Specifications 877-SWB-ROCK • SouthwestBoulder.com Name:Sierra Cobble Description:This c obble is ric h with sparkling blac k, white and g ray c ombinations. An e xc e lle nt c hoic e for a c ool oasis se tting or for c reating a natural-looking dry stream be d. Ple ase note that the (1" -), and (12 " - 24") sizes are sold in 12 or 2 4 ton inc re me nts only. Size:1" -, 1.5" - 3", 3" - 5", 4" - 8", 6" - 12", 12 " - 2 4" Color:White with blac k striata with a spot of rust Geology:Granitic Material Specifications 877-SWB-ROCK • SouthwestBoulder.com Name:Baja Cresta Crushed Stone Description:As gold as the wheat fields of summer this stone is stunningly rich with burnished golden bronze tones. Size:3/4", 3/8", 1" - 3", 4" - 8" Color:Gold with brown tones Geology:Granitic Material Specifications 877-SWB-ROCK • SouthwestBoulder.com Name:Cresta Rubble Description:Stormy c harc oals battle with the se re ne and ve nerable ashen tone s. The g ray c olor fusion of this boulde r is bold intre pid and powerful. Size:6"-, 9"- Color:Rust-re d with bronze Geology:Granitic