Designation LetterCOACHELLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT HOA AND COMMERCIAL TURF CONVERSION REBATE PROGRAM APPLICATION PROGRAM YEAR: JULY 1, 2023- JUNE 30, 2024 Page 5 of 5 Revised 9/01/2023 File: 0585.09.1 This page is not required. It is ONLY used if the property owner is designating another individual to represent their interests and act on their behalf for this rebate. DESIGNATION LETTER Date: _________________ Account/Property Owner Name: _____________________________________________ Service Address: _____________________________________________ CVWD Account Number: _____________________________________________ Account/Property Owner Phone Number: _____________________________________________ TO: CVWD I, _____________________________, hereby authorize _______________________________to represent Customer Name Contractor’s Name my interests in the located at the address above for purposes of the HOA and Commercial Landscape Rebate Program. Please consider this written authorization to represent our permission for said contractor to provide landscape property design and/or apply to participate in the HOA and Commercial Landscape Rebate Program. All work completed by or on behalf of a residential property owner shall be completed in conformance with all laws, rules, and regulations of all governing bodies and agencies having jurisdiction over the work, including but not limited to Federal, State, County, Local, HOA, and CVWD rules and regulations. Applicant or designated representative has read and agrees to the terms and conditions as indicated by initialing the agreement. Incomplete applications will not be accepted by the Coachella Valley Water District. Contractor Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Lead Contact Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________ City: _______________________________ Email Address: ________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Date: _________________ Property Owner/Customer’s Signature