Vintage Landscape-NN u IMS It k -:SSIUNP ESCAPE rrKIAKIf IMMINSIAL i VINTAGE LANDSCAPE April 24t', 2024 City of La Quinta Attn: Dianne Hansen, M&O Superintendent 78495 Calle Tampico La Quinta, CA 92253 Tel: (760) 777-7117 Email: dhansen@LaQuintaCA.gov RE: Landscape Maintenance of SilverRock Park Project No. 2023-31 Thank you for the opportunity to submit our proposal for landscape maintenance of SilverRock Project No. 2023-31. Vintage is incredibly appreciative to be part of this process. We can assure you of our unwavering commitment to being responsive, accepting responsibility, and working with you to find solutions. Vintage Associates is a local family-owned company currently operated by the second generation who is personally involved in every account. We are unique in our industry because we are the only company in the Coachella Valley to offer a complete range of services. Subsidiary branches of Vintage Associates include Vintage Landscape with Tree Division and Water Management, Vintage Nursery, and Vintage Outdoors- landscape design and construction. Vintage Associates team members comprise of certified professionals in the horticultural field with over 100 years of combined experience dedicated to our accounts only in the Coachella Valley. Our proposal includes detailed information about our company, key personnel, and service practices. Vintage assures that all the information provided in this proposal is valid for at least ninety (90) days, which includes the price of the contract. Vintage confirms that any individual who will perform work for the City of La Quinta is free of any conflict of interest. Sincerely, �C/ �� Kyle Gritters CEO Vintage Landscape 78-755 Darby Road Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 760-772-3673 kyles@thevintageco.com HOA Proposal — COD IV] IJNTAGL LANDSCAPE Contractor Background, Qualifications, and Experience: (a) Thirty-two (32) years in business (b) 33-0499024 (c) Thirty-two (32) years in landscaping and twenty-nine (29) years in arboricultural services (d) Kyle Gritters – CEO 9 Years Experience BA Applied Design Qualified Applicators License – No. 145327 Contractors License – C27 647984 •< r } Alan Hollinger –Chief Horticulturalist 36 Years Experience BS Ornamental Horticulture – Cal Poly Pomona ISA Certified Arborist– No. WE1490A Qualified Applicators License – No. 105459 Instructor at College of the Desert (ret.) Leonel Meza – Account Manager 21 Years Experience AA Turf Management ISA Certified Arborist– No. WE10075A ISA Certified Tree Risk Assessor Qualified Applicators License – No. 45330 IQ4 Certified Expert – Rainbird Maxicom Certified - Rainbird Francisco Javier Garcia – Supervisor 18 Years Experience OSHA General Industry Safety and Health ESP-LXD & ESP-LXME Operator- Rainbird Water Management for Landscape Professional CVWD Landscape Certification CVAG Overseeding Certification — 60� IV] IJNTA,L LANDSCAPE Contractor Background, Qualifications, and Experience (cont.): David Smith — President Vintage Outdoor Division 21 Years Experience BS Business Administration ISA Certified Tree Arborist No. WE -9734A ISA Certified Tree Risk Assessor CVAG Overseeding Certification Greg Gritters — Risk and Loss Control 22 Years Experience BS Chemical Engineering MBA, Thunderbird School of Management Qualified Applicators License No. Certified Water Manager Octavio Garcia — Business Development 6 Years Experience BA Business Management CVAG Overseeding Certification (e) Incorporated in the state of California on February 3rd, 1992 (f) Vintage Associates Inc. X11 4 — 60� IV] IJNTA,L LANDSCAPE Qualifications Summary including the following: (a) Mission Statement: To honor God and be the most respected and successful landscape resource company in the Coachella Valley by exceeding the expectations of our Customers and Employees. It is our goal is to achieve success for our Customers, our Employees and for our Company. Visinn- • To be the best company for our clients • To be the best employer for our employees Core Values: • Honest —Always telling the truth and doing the right thing • Respect — Treat coworkers and customers with respect • Innovative — Supporting new ideas in this evolving profession (b) Work Schedules: Please see the following pages for proposed weekly schedule OcaQ�r� - GEM o t c DESERT - - 61 f poeA- OAJ CITY OF LA QUINTA WEEKLY MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Landscape Maintenance Area No. & Day of Fertilizer Staff Description Week Used/ Levels Frequency H12S FORM 3 Type of Current or Work Make-up Work ,-Ati_iiNP T&A,;,, 4000-7 V� ij a_ta NS. W-t� 6 • IMP. � N -M � 0_� .t 4000-7 V� ij a_ta NS. W-t� 6 S,IvEa. iZoek -%V_k o�Ay v4F"Y" a q 4 CITY OF LA QUINTA WEEKLY MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE FORM 3 Landscape Maintenance Area No. & Description Day of Week Fertilizer Used/ Frequency Staff Levels Type of Current or Work Make-up Work 1- N 1 is - .2 095 TT su- rjc-up AT9 DM STAT' 2. Cly 14 kc DG Z Slyek- P11L 4. N . PS 5- YZ i g N S 7114611 Gk. -v Sw 6. In Ito, OeA4 T 7• +DElRi n.l� $. rTYlrc 9. Web . 2 mus st-� it'L- 1Y teq swrtm 10. to ngs. 11.E 1 12. S[.1 N 13. NE iiS• f2 IG1c-�u 57 14. -rd s 15. 16. ST �IErZSy 17. N Bdc -u l r 18. C IMP W i OG TaQ S 19. Stceiv4l �l 20. nZrk,� 4. Report Comments: 40M7 Ps vets• 'vs . Ns /ONS NS FORM 3 CITY OF LA QUINTA WEEKLY MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Landscape Maintenance Area No. & Day of Fertilizer Staff Type of Current or Description Week Used/ Levels Work Make-up Work Frequency 2. N 3. iIDPA Wes 4. Imo- e Pr 6. sizS NE tMl:3EI� 7. oZTo F, 3 ats a pet4 Vlkna aomS I agg 6 "M 8. N r 9. d 19'J511 C mm 11. PP k) J1-Sfl-- 12. 1Z5 v" )"NE RA1140B4 13- -web. 3 AS 1 a C ,4 14. C gVjC t+ 15. F S 16. C b,611C !M 17. 16* 18. t NJA aONC I t—T1EJP_ 19. ' !EwimeligE f5uc.k R 20.tavEµvoluN ptsTS Report Comments: Gf?TR1.3VPX9, a ?e4MAe T eg, pr--Tem'TIOo A Usk 1 3 FORM 3 CITY OF LA QUINTA WEEKLY MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Landscape Maintenance Area No. & Day of Fertilizer Staff Type of Current or Description Week Used/ Levels Work Make-up Work Frequency ++ 2. C NBOCCE1 3. o 4. /r1 C lEWfs tCAT I N 5.'Nessul bas 6. HQ Al NE p 7. 8. L'� Imo. 1. S i ENS hl ro 9. i� N 13CC'CE PIq t C vi -.T 10.� 11. IM N Pu hC_ N 12. ? ES W 13. 14. QF SU k S. 15. 16. 17. 18, 19. 20, Report Comments: 40MY M G nevewl✓12 -*a Prz f2' METE'L /9EjFNTkGN3 V110E k. a 4 L4 FORM 3 CITY OF LA QUINTA WEEKLY MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Landscape Maintenance Area No. & Day of Fertilizer Staff Type of Current or Description Week Used/ Levels Work Make-up Work Frequency �+ 2. 3.T, It tia 46 FS 4. Ci N L' 14 )N 6. 7- , e»E S . nS o PUN 9-65794=5 B�fi66 8. B6CCE o 10. CCEC} j! C14 /N 11. 12E W�1S 12. �Hj1 TIO / 13. C•'{ AYL 02 USE eN m E G tF 14. l ti aver 16. [r N V. /N 17. E- 18. 19. 20, Report Comments: 4000I 7 FR 2Am 10 �"eg_iLETENTIQI`i usEEk.244 FORM 3 400a-7 �)Jj Am 11 CITY OF LA QUINTA WEEKLY MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Landscape Maintenance Area No. & Day of Fertilizer Staff Type of Current or Description Week Used/ Levels Work Make-up Work Fre uenc 1. E -S, fto r- r 2. Bocce 3. 4. C1e- c e 5. V � 6. 7. s.-3 HgsN T>eo m s 9. N occE I r�tjr- 10. l _Fd_1 o 11. 1l1�IBk56P71001 12. nee 141 13. 14. 15. 16, 17. 18. 19. -T 20.F Report Comments: 400a-7 �)Jj Am 11 7tcll• Pao- sCffE,ou/G-- We�k / � j FORM 3 CITY OF LA QUINTA WEEKLY MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Landscape Maintenance Area (Location) Day of Week Equipment and Material Used Type of Work Status 1.0- Ni'a�u • MRS. 2. CT 1 3. � 4N ,A''1/�2- N W� 12 4. 5.itZ/ !i%dlZ I U5 f,/i►2S• 6•- 7. a OM 0 8. 9. 10. G� Alp, 11. 612 0 tc 6 1 12. 11 13. �, i1 ?G12 �i%/JK • �%I�5 - 14. 15. DIe del DiLJ� (� 16. U Cff 17. - �l7,WfI 18. 1g, IZ �II__ 20.! it /OA1 ,", COM�cPr Report Comments: Reports and Schedules 8000-1' 57- EAS. 7- Ens. V57- 5195 V5• - )6z5 57 - )EAS T ) AS J VST- WE "S 19AXII 12 6v C 11 _:Z440YA70W 76*14 0y 'e, FORM 3 CITY OF LA QUINTA WEEKLY MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Landscape Maintenance Area (Location} Day of Week Equipment and Material Used Type of Status Work 2. 11i� -/Yo U5 3. .+elm ON 4. 6• D If 6. 7. a av 8. 10. 11. A1 ow ar4t 12. 13. 14. S 15 DX IAA Nd -D 16. 17. 18. -04)�]U 19. OiCI OAJ N I� (/ 20. Report Comments: Reports and Schedules 8000=1° �s XV -5 s T 6X5 13 — 60� IV] IJNTA,L LANDSCAPE Qualifications Summary including the following: (cont.) (c) Report Sample: S I LV E R R O C K PARK MAY 2024 FLOWERS Maintenance — Flower beds will be cleaned weekly. * Annual flowers will begin to decline as temperatures rise. Remove flowers as they become unsightly. No.,] Mowing — Mowing will be completed once as week as scheduled. * Overseeded turfgrass will begin to have progressively more hot spots as temperatures rise and the turf transitions from ryegrass to bermuda grass. Fertilization — Fertilization will not be applied for this month. *Continue to adjust irrigation as temperatures rise. Herbicide — Apply herbicides to any nut sedge or broadleaf weeds that may appear. SHRUBS Focus Pruning — All shrub areas will be natui raked. * Shrubs will grow rapidly this month. This is many shrubs so prune accordingly. Watch for Plant Replacement Will continue during spring as directed. 14 I — 60� IV] IJNTA,L LANDSCAPE Qualifications Summary including the following: (d) Equipment & Maintenance: • Toro Reelmaster 7000-D Boom Truck 75' • Toro 5610-D Chipper Truck • Exmark Lazer Supervisor Truck • Exmark Navigator Crew Truck • Exmark Mower 21" Irrigation Truck • Stihl Chain Saw Spray Truck • Stihl Hedge Trimmer Utility Cart • Stihl Stick Edger Aerator Truck • TMC String Trimmer Turf Vac • Lesco Sprayer • Stihl Backpack Blower • Stihl Handheld Blower • Pressure Washer (e) Proposed Personnel: Account Manager– Leo Meza Leo has been with the company for 13 years and oversees six supervisors and 12 properties. Leo list of credentials speak for them selves. Leos on hand approach with his supervisors and his excellent communications skills ensures City of La Quinta will be well managed. Supervisor– Francisco Garcia Francisco has been with the company for close to five years with over 20 years of experience in landscape and construction. Francisco is responsible for two properties that includes City of La Quinta and Lake La Quinta. For SilveRock Park we anticipate having a supervisor on site as needed, a part-time irrigator and two full time gardeners. The staff will be experience in irrigation, gardening, spray application, weed removal, plant replacement and attention to detail. A separate mow crew and tree crew will come in to assist when needed. Vintage prides itself to promote within. That is the reason we invest in a lot of training in our employees. We pride ourselves in always doing the right thing, this includes our employees. With proper training and guidance, we setup our employees for success. That is what sets us apart from most companies. 15 — COD IV] IJNTA,L LANDSCAPE Qualifications Summary including the following: (f) Certifications: • BS Ornamental Horticulturist —1 • AA Turfgrass Management— 2 • ISA Certified Arborist — 5 • ISA Tree Risk Assessor — 2 • State License Qualified Pesticide Applicators —11 • Water Management — CLCA Expert Manager Status —1 • Certified Landscape Irrigation Auditors —1 • Certified Water Managers — 2 • Certified Irrigation Technician —1 • Maxicom and Site control operators — 5 • College of the Desert Certificate of Achievements • Turfgrass • Pesticide Management • Arborist • Landscape & Irrigation (g) Company's Information: Vintage Associates Inc. 78755 Darby Road Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203 Our headquarters is centrally located in the Coachella Valley on a 20 -acre lot which also houses the nursery, tree division, construction division and all of our fleet. Vintage is comprised of 445 employees with over 30 service properties all over the Coachella Valley. Our work force is comprised of hard- working individuals from different parts of the world. Because of our vision of being the best company for our clients and the best employer for our employees, we have serviced some properties for over 20 years and still have employees with 30 -year tenure. 16 — COD IV] IJNTA,L LANDSCAPE Reference of California government agencies (a) City of Rancho Mirage: I. Ryan Stendell Director of Public Works 760-770-3224 Ext. 254 ryans@ranchomirageca.gov (b) Landscape, Tree pruning, & power washing for the entire City of Rancho Mirage (c) Contract started September 1St, 2022, thru June 301h, 2024 (d) Staff: • Supervisor ��QCyQ • Foreman Q • Irrigator • Gardener • Facilities 19ffAu u�� • Tree Crew • Spray Tech (e) Summary of outcome: Currently maintaining the City of Rancho Mirage (a) City of Coachella (Bagdouma Park): I. Maritza Martinez Public Works Director 760-398-3502 Ext. 201 mmartinez@coachella.org (b) Landscape & power washing services for the entire park (c) Contract started July 23rd, 2023 thru July 22nd, 2025 (d) Staff: o%:: "A • Supervisor • Foreman • Irrigator • Gardeners • One Facilities fro (e) Summary of outcome: Currently maintaining the parks for City of Coa 17 — 60� IV] IJNTA,L LANDSCAPE Reference of California government agencies (a) City of Indian Wells: I. Mihai Dan Maintenance Supervisor 760-346-2489 mdan@indianwells.com (b) Landscape, Tree pruning, & power washing for the entire City of Rancho Mirage (c) Contract started July 1St, 2020, thru June 30th, 2025 (d) Staff: • Supervisor • Foreman • Irrigator INDIAN FELLS • Gardener t:ALIFQRNIR • Tree Crew • Spray Tech • Color Crew (e) Summary of outcome: Currently maintaining the City of Indian Wells (a) City of Palm Desert/Civic Center: I. Brad Chuck Supervisor Community Services Manager 760-423-3392 bchuck@cityofpalmdesert.org (b) Landscape & power washing services for the entire parks (c) Contract started July 1St, 2020 thru June 30th, 2025 (d) Staff: • Supervisor • Foreman • Irrigator • Gardeners PALM DESERT • Facilities • Spray Tech (e) Summary of outcome: Currently maintaining the City of Palm Desert 18 IV] IJNTA,L Complete Pricing List and Labor Rates LANDSCAPE 2024 Plant/Material/Labor Unit Price includes labor and material Shrubs $ 1 gal. 15.00-20.00 5 gal. 28.00-36.00 15 gal. 100.00-140.00 Vines $ 5 gal. Stk. 32.00 - 40.00 15 gal. Stk. 110.00- 120.00 5 gal. Esp. 70.00 15 gal. esp. 185.00 Trees $ 15 gal. 100.00-150.00 24" box 375.00-400.00 depending on the species Citrus $ 24" box 375.00-400.00 Palms $80-$85 per I/f depending on species 24" box Chamaerops 385 Palm Pruning $ Robusta Boom $60 - Climber $85 Filifera Boom $70- Climber $95 Date Palm Boom $65 - Climber $85 Tree Pruning Trees under 15' $60.00 Trees over 15' Price will be determined on size of tree Material Header board/edging Invoice plus 15% Boulders, Rubble, D.G. Invoice plus 15% River rock Invoice plus 15% Equipment Rental Invoice plus 15% Labor $/hr. Supervisor 55.00 Laborer 35.00 Irrigator pipe fitter 45.00 Construction 45.00 Equipment/operator 104.00 Foreman 50.00 19 — COO IV] IJNTA,L LANDSCAPE List of Complementary Services: Site Recon a property mapping software for Landscaping professionals. We have invested in the complete mapping of your entire property. This technology helps us with our gardening and mowing sequencing. The aerial images are taken within the last six months and are 7x more detailed than google earth images. It has allowed us to accurately budget chemicals and fertilizer needed for your turf. Arbor Note is a premier tree care business management software. They simplify and streamline every facet of your tree care operation. While we understand the City of La Quinta has their own arbor software, we do offer this complementary service to all of our accounts. Enhancement Designs is a service we provide to ensure our customer can visualize our ideas and suggestions with any project. Whether is desert scape conversion, turf renovation or any construction project, the enhancement designs will be part of our complementary service. Subcontracting Services: Vintage Associates Inc. takes pride in being the only company in the Coachella Valley that can offer landscape maintenance, landscape construction, nursery, water management and tree division. If there was anything that could be subcontract it would be specialized pest control. The vendor would depend on the type of pest we would require to address. Disclosures: Vintage Associates Inc., certifies that we do not have any civil, criminal litigation or investigation pending or have been judged guilty or found liable with in the last five years. 20 ATTACHMENT 2 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT f Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal (name) hereby acknowledge and confirm that it of kctcl (name of company) has reviewed the City's indemnification and minimum insurance requirements as listed in Exhibits E and F of the City's Agreement far Contract Services (Attachment 1); and declare that insurance certificates and endorsements verifying compliance will be provided if an agreement is awarded. am 1/�6 of. In�u�i+✓ SS `Cfc r� ' (Title) (Company) 21 Commercial General Liability (at least as broad as ISO CG 0001) $2,000,000 (per occurrence); $4,000,000 (general aggregate) Must include the following endorsements: General Liability Additional Insured General Liability Primary and Noncontributory Commercial Auto Liability (at least as broad as ISO CA 0001) $1,000,000 (per accident) Personal Auto Declaration Page if applicable Worker's Compensation (per statutory requirements) Must include the following endorsements: Worker's Compensation Waiver of Subrogation Worker's Compensation Declaration of Sale Proprietor if applicable 21 CA H141itKIA ATTACHMENT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF ADDENDA Must be executed by proposer and submitted with the proposal, If no addenda has been issued, mark "N/A" underAddendum No. indicating Not Applicable and sign ADDENDUM NO. SIGNATURE INDICATING RECEIPT 1 t 22 SECTION 1200 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS DATE:2 L The undersigned, as proposer, declares that we have received and examined the Contract Documents entitled SilverRock Landscape Maintenance Services, for the City of La Quinta, Project No. 2023-31 and will contract with the City, on the form of Agreement provided herewith, to do everything required for the fulfillment of the contract for said work at the prices and on the terms and conditions herein contained. We have included the following items and agree that they shall form a part of this proposal: SECTION TITLE 1200 Contract Documents 1205 Examination of Contract Documents 1210 Compliance Form 1220 Certification of Proposer's Experience and Qualifications 1230 Non -Collusion Affidavit 1240 Summation — Proposal Form 1250 Notice to Contractor We acknowledge that the following addenda/s have been received and have been examined as part of the Contract Documents. Addendum # VA Name bf Proposer 'O 7I one Number Date Received Initials ress 1200-1 23 If our proposal is accepted, we agree to sign the agreement without reservations and to furnish the performance bond and payment bond and the required evidence of insurance within ten (10) calendar days after receiving written notice of the award of the Contract. We further agree, if our proposal is accepted, and a contract for performance of the work is entered into with the City, to plan work and to execute it with such diligence that the work shall be completed within the time stipulated. CompanyAame irk -Obrl Address of Proposer 64 52- x.03 State of Incorporation . /0&0 IU6 Department of Industrial Relations No. witness Ow er's Representative 6qE7041 Contractor's License No. &130220 .LI License Expiration Date (7 60 -772--3(,-7q Te ephon6 Number Title of Signatory Title of Witness SECTION 1205 EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS SILVERROCK LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES PROJECT NO. 2023»31 Proposal to the City of La Quinta, In compliance with the Advertisement for Proposals, the undersigned Contractor: Has examined the contract documents, site of work, and being familiar with the conditions to be met, hereby submits the following Proposal for furnishing the material, equipment, labor, and everything necessary for the completion of the work listed and agrees to execute the contract documents and furnish the required bonds and certificates of insurance for the completion of said work, at the locations and for the prices set forth on the inside pages of this form. Understands that services of this project shall be in accordance with all applicable specifications in this document. Agrees that, upon receipt of a Notice of Award, from the City, the contractor will execute the contract documents. Work shall be completed within one (1) year (twelve [121 months), by June 30, 2025, beginning on July 1, 2024 as specified in the Notice to Proceed. /L<1 le- 6�*� Nam6 of Proposer Date 1200-3 25 SECTION 1210 COMPLIANCE FORM AGREEMENT FOR CONTRACT SERVICES PARK LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE SERVICES PROJECT NO. 2023-31 Read and initial one of the paragraphs below, then sign at the bottom. `l I have read and understand the conditions of the Contract Services Agreement for SilverRock Landscape Maintenance services. If I am selected to perform landscape maintenance services for the City, I am willing and able to comply with all contract documents. have read and understand the conditions of the Contract Services Agreement for SilverRock Landscape Maintenance services but am not able commit to all of the conditions required. Below are the portions I contest. Changing the described items would enable me to comply. (If you need more space please attach more pages and fill in the number of sheets at the bottom of the page. Any requested changes to the Contract Services Agreement must be approved by the City Attorney.) Prinf Name Sig Da e 1200-5 26 SECTION 1220 CERTIFICATION OF PROPOSER'S EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS The undersigned Proposer certifies that he is, at the time of proposing, and shall be, throughoutthe period of the Contract, licensed under the provisions of Chapter 9, Division 3, of the Business and Professions Code of the State of California, to do the type of work contemplated in the Contract Documents. Proposer shall further certify that it is skilled and regularly engaged in the general class and type of work called for in the Contract Documents. The Proposer represents that it is competent, knowledgeable, and has special skills on the nature, extent, and inherent conditions of the work to be performed. Proposer further acknowledges that there are certain peculiar and inherent conditions existent in the maintenance of the particular facilities, which may create, during the landscape contract, unusual or peculiar unsafe conditions hazardous to persons and property. Proposer expressly acknowledges that it is aware of such peculiar risks and that it has the skill and experience to foresee and to adopt protective measures to adequately, and safely, perform the work with respect to such hazards. The Proposer shall list below three (3) contracts completed in the last seven (7) years of similar size and complexity that indicate the Proposer's experience as a Landscape Maintenance Contractor. The projects must be similar in scope of work (i.e. commercial and/or municipal). Please indicate on additional paper if a quality control program was implemented, and managed, as part of the work efforts, and if written proof of the quality control program can be provided to the City of La Quinta prior to the award of proposal for this previous assignment. A. Project Owner: Contract Amount: $ L, EVO Contract Timer Calendar Days Owner's Representative: '37,-;9/=- Owner's Telephone No:0–(- l%%�s[f Duration of Contract: Years from to C} a7 Prevailing Wage: G/Yes No B. Project Name: f-Za &-ic. 21ay& Owner: Contract Amount: $ Contract Time: 4Calendar Days Owner's Representative:.d/ #,4 t ,{/ Owner's Telephone No: Duration of Contract:7Years from. Q1011goto Prevailing Wage: V Yes — No 1200-7 27 C. Project Name: 1. Owner: 017`3✓ f)C A41V OPPk,'7" Contract Amount: $���.�7 Contract Time:4L95-- Calendar Days Owner's Representative: Ow%er's Telephone No: 446- IR 3 ? Duration of Contract: �� Years from d �1� to i Prevailing Wage: _Yes _ No Signed this .. L3 day of /�Qf d , 2024. /evfe 6f Name of Proposer G4.1��3J Address of Proposer Sign re of Proposer Z 1/ 71 Contractor's License No. License Expiration Date DIR Number (Prevailing Wage) QED Title of Signatory 1200-8 91 SECTION 1230 NON -COLLUSION AFFIDAVIT TO BE EXECUTED BY PROPOSER AND SUBMITTED WITH PROPOSAL State of California ) )ss. County of ) -ITS"�' , being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he/she is'—_ 6,tFZ of L �12fl� & ,the party making the foregoing proposal that the proposal is not made in the interest of, or on behalf of, any undisclosed person, partnership, company, association, organization, or corporation; that the proposal is genuine and not collusive or sham; that the proposer has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other proposer to put in a false or sham proposal, and has not directly or indirectly colluded, conspired, connived, or agreed with any proposer or anyone else to put in a sham proposal, or that anyone shall refrain from proposing; that the proposer has not in any manner, directly or indirectly sought by agreement, communication, or conference with anyone to fix the proposal price of the proposer or any other proposer, or to fix any overhead, profit, or cost element of the proposal price, or of that of any other proposer, or to secure any advantage against the public body awarding the contract of anyone interested in the proposed contract; that all statements contained in the proposal are true; and, further, that the proposer has not, directly or indirectly, submitted his or her proposal price of any breakdown thereof, or the contents thereof, or divulged information or data relative thereto, or paid, and will not pay, any fee to any corporation, partnership, company association, organization, proposal depository, or to any member of agent thereof to effectuate a collusive or sham proposal. Y/ l/ /" /1 Signature,:,.'/ r`e-r�7ers Name of Proposer CE-0- Title E-Title Date 1200-9 29