RFP On-Call CIP Project Management & Professional Engineering Services - Addendum 1taQaiara [;EM ofthe DESERT — DATE: May 13, 2024 TO: All Prospective On -Call CIP Project Management and Professional Engineering Services RE: RFP On -Call CIP Project Management and Professional Engineering Services ADDENDUM NUMBER 1 The following shall be considered as incorporated into the Request for Proposal (RFP) for the above referenced services. Portions of RFP not specifically mentioned in this Addendum remain in force. ■ REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Question: Can a firm submit a proposal for the "project management" services only? Answer. No, a partial proposal will not be accepted. Question: Is an evaluation form available that would assist our team in establishing the weight of specific proposal criteria? Answer: Yes, see attachment 1. Question: In the event that our proposal is too large to fit as a single attachment in an e-mail, will a Sharefile or Dropbox link to the document suffice to meet the electronic submittal requirements, as long as the upload and e-mail are completed before the deadline? Answer. Yes, a Sharefile link to the document is sufficient, as long as the upload and e-mail are completed before the deadline. A link to a Sharefile can also be provided upon request as long as the request is submitted, and the file is uploaded before the deadline. Question: What will be the awarded contract term and anticipated Fiscal Year budget resulting from the RFP? Answer. The term will be three (3) years with an optional two (2) year extension. The Fiscal Year budget will be up to $600,000 per year. Question: Within the Draft Agreement Exhibit for Insurance Requirements, there is a requirement for Cyber Liability Insurance. We do not see this within the RFP Insurance Requirements nor included in the Insurance Requirement Acknowledgement Attachment. Will Cyber Liability insurance be required for this contract? Answer. No, Cyber Liability insurance is not required. The Consultant is hereby notified; Addendum No. 1 must be acknowledged as stipulated under the instructions to Bidders and submitted as part of the RFP. Failure to do so shall result in the City designating said bid as "Non -Responsive." Addendum No. 1 Page 1 APPROVED: 61L� Y,41� Bryan McKinney Public Works Director/City Engineer Attachments: 1. Evaluation Form END OF ADDENDUM NUMBER 1 Addendum No. 1 Page 2 ATTACHMENT 1 REQUEST FOR PROPSAL EVALUATION City of La Quinta On -Call CIP Project Management and Engineering Design Services Consultant: Reviewer: Date: Refer to Scoring Breakdown on next sheet. Experience and Qualifications 30 Staffing and Scope of Work 25 Understanding and Approach 20 Cost 10 Unique Qualities 10 Presentation/Format 5 Total 100 Unique Qualities (Intangibles): (Explanation) Comments: TOTAL Reviewer's Signature: Contract Administrator's Initials: Date: Scoring Breakdown: Experience and Qualifications - 30 points maximum 0-10 points: Consultant does not include previous experience or has very minimal experience. 11-20 points: Consultant lists previous experience, but experience is not relevant or similar. 21-30 points: Consultant lists relevant previous experience with similar work. Quality of staff for work to be done/Scope of Work - 25 points maximum 0-10 points: Resumes not included or staff has little to no experience with similar project. 11-17 points: Staff list includes resumes, but experience is not relevant or similar. 18-25 points: Staff has relevant experience and is competent to perform scope requested. Understanding of work to be done and approach - 20 points maximum 0-10: Scope of work is off topic or is missing more than 5 key elements. 11-15: Scope of work is understandable but missing a few key elements. 16-20: Scope of work well justified and most or all key elements are included. Cost — 10 Points maximum 0-4 points: Consultant rates significantly vary from standard rates for similar services, and/or there are significant errors in calculations. 5-7 points: Consultant rates vary from standard rates for similar services and/or there are minor errors in calculations. 8-10 points: Consultant rates are within standard rates for similar services. Unique Qualities (Intangibles) - 10 points maximum Presentation/Format - 5 points maximum 0-2: Scope of work is not or barely organized into tasks and subtasks, does not flow clearly. 2-4: Scope of work is organized into tasks and subtasks, but not in a clear logical order. 4-5: Scope of work is well organized into logical tasks and subtasks to complete a project. On -Call CI P Project Management and Eng Services Addendum 1 Final Audit Report 2024-05-14 Created: 2024-05-14 By: Carley Escarrega (cescarrega@laquintaca.gov) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAFUj1rdV4wTGlzus4CLSmFvlkuYkzNRus "On -Call CIP Project Management and Eng Services Addendum 1" History Document created by Carley Escarrega (cescarrega@laquintaca.gov) 2024-05-14 - 0:34:09 AM GMT Document emailed to Bryan McKinney (bmckinney@laquintaca.gov) for signature 2024-05-14 - 0:34:12 AM GMT Email viewed by Bryan McKinney (bmckinney@laquintaca.gov) 2024-05-14 - 2:22:37 PM GMT &0 Document e-signed by Bryan McKinney (bmckinney@laquintaca.gov) Signature Date: 2024-05-14 - 2:22:44 PM GMT - Time Source: server Agreement completed. 2024-05-14 - 2:22:44 PM GMT a Adobe Acrobat Sign