2024-05-07 SDC - Cypress AMENDED NOTICE OF TRUSTEE's SALE Under Deed of Trust DOC # 2024-0131662RECORDING REQUESTED BY AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO First American Title Insurance Company 9255 Town Center Drive Suite 200 San Diego,CA 92121 DOC # 2024-0131662 05/07/2024 08:42 AM Fees: $311.00 Page 1 of 5 Recorded in Official Records County of Riverside Peter Aldana Assessor -County Clerk -Recorder **This document was electronically submitted to the County of Riverside for recording** Receipted by: NORMA #248 Space above this line for recorder's use only Trustee Sale No. 1197779 Loan No. Title Order No. AMENDED NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 11/18/2022. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 05/30/2024 at 09:30AM, First American Title Insurance Company as the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded on November 30, 2022 as Document Number 2022-0486431 of official records in the. Office of the Recorder of Riverside County, California, executed by: SilverRock Development Company, LLC, as Trustor, Cypress Point Holdings, LLC, as Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States, by cash, a cashier's check drawn by a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state). At: the bottom of stairway of building located at 849 W. Sixth Street, Corona, CA, all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County,. California describing the land therein: See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein The property heretofore described is being sold "as is". The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: Vacant Land. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding tile, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of thetrusts created by said Deed of Trust, to -wit: $45,550,467.00 (Estimated;; Accrued interest and additional advances, if any, will increase this figure prior to sale. 1 DOC #2024-0131662 Page 2 of 5 Trustee Sale No. 1197779 Loan No. Title Order No. APN The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and deliveredto the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written. Notice of Default and Election. to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property' is located and more than three months have elapsed since such recordation. NOTICE TO POTENTIAL. BIDDERS: If you are considering bidding on this property lien, you should understand that there are risks involved in bidding at a trustee. auction. You will be bidding on a lien, not on the property itself. Placing the highest bid at a trustee auction does not automatically entitle you to free and clear ownership of the property.. You should also be aware that the lien being auctioned off may be a junior lien. If you are the highest bidder at the auction„ you are or may be responsible for paying off all liens senior to the lien being auctioned off, before you can receive clear title to the property. You are encouraged to investigate the existence,. priority, and size of outstanding liens that may exist on this property by' contacting the county recorder's office or a title insurance company, either of which may charge you a fee for this information. If you consult either of these resources, you should be aware that the same lender may hold more than one mortgage or deed of trust on the property. NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: The sale date shown on this notice of sale may be postponed one or more times by the mortgagee, beneficiary, trustee, or a court„ pursuant to Section 2924g of the California Civil Code. The law requires that information about trustee sale postponements be made available to you and to the public, as a courtesy to those not present at the sale.. If you wish to learn whether your sale date has been postponed, and, if applicable, the rescheduled time and date for the sale of this property, you may visit the website below using the file number assigned to this case.. Information about postponements that are very short in duration or that occur close in time to the scheduled sale may not immediately be reflected on the Internet Web site. The best way to verify postponement information is to attend the scheduled sale. 2 DOC #2024-0131662 Page 3 of 5 Trustee Sale No. 1197779 Loan No. Title Order No. APN NOTICE TO TENANT: You may have a right to purchase this property after the trustee auction pursuant to Section 2924m of the California Civil Code. If you are an "eligible tenant buyer," you can purchase the property if you match the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. If you are an °eligible bidder," you may be able to purchase the property if you exceed the last and highest bid placed at the trustee auction. There are three steps to exercising this right of purchase. First, 48 hours after the date of the trustee sale, you can call (858) 410-2154, or visit, this Internet website [iSee Link Below], using the file number assigned to this case [TS 1197779] to find the date on which the trustee's sale was held, the amount of the last and highest bid, and the address of the trustee. Second, you must send a written notice of intent to place a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 15 days after the trustee's sale. Third, you must submit a bid so that the trustee receives it no more than 45 days after the trustee's sale. If you think you may qualify as an "eligible tenant buyer" or "eligible bidder," you should consider contacting an attorney or appropriate real estate professional immediately for advice regarding this potential right to purchase. For information on sale dates please visit our website at https://foreclosure.firstam.com/#/foreclosure. DATE: 5/6/24 First American Title Insurance Company. 9255 Town Center Drive Suite 200 San Diego, CA 92121 (858) 410-2158 David Z. Bark, Foreclosure Trustee 3 Exhibit "A" PARCEL B:. DOC #2024-0131662 Page 4 of 5 THAT PORTION OF PARCELS 4 AND 18 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 37207,IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY CF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN BY A MAP FILED IN BOOK 242, PAGES 72 THROUGH 87, INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT "C" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 2020-0010, RECORDED JULY 15, 2021 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2021- 0426711 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS DESCRIBED THEREIN, PARCEL C: THAT PORTION OF PARCEL 3 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 37207, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN BY A MAP FILED IN BOOK 242, PAGES 72 THROUGH 87, INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: LOT "B" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 2020-0010, RECORDED JULY 16, 2021 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2021- 0428113 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS DESCRIBED THEREIN. PARCEL G: THAT PORTION OF PARCELS 6 AND 7 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 37207, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN BY A MAP FILED IN BOOK 242, PAGES 72 THROUGH 87, INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED: AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL "A" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 2020-0005, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 2, 2021 AS INSTRUMENT NO.. 2021-0527060 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS DESCRIBED THEREIN. PARCEL H:. THAT PORTION OF PARCELS 6, 7 AND 8 -OF PARCEL MAP NO. 37207, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE,, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN BY A MAP FILED IN BOOK 242,. PAGES 72 THROUGH 87,, INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL, MAPS,, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL "B" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 2020-0005, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 2, 2021 AS INSTRUMENT NC. 2021-0527060 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS DESCRIBED THEREIN. PARCEL I: THAT PORTION OF PARCELS 7 AND 8 OF PARCEL MAP NO. 37207, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS SHOWN BY A MAP FILED IN BOOK 242, PAGES 72 THROUGH 87, 4 DOC #2024-0131662 Page 5 of 5 INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL "C" OF LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO. 2020-0005, RECORDED SEPTEMBER 2, 2021 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2021-0527060 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS DESCRIBED THEREIN. PARCEL J: PARCEL 5 AND LETTERED PARCELS E, F AND G OF PARCEL MAP NO. 37207, AS SHOWN BY A MAP FILED IN BOOK 242, PAGES 72 THROUGH 87, INCLUSIVE OF PARCEL MAPS, IN THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM PARCELS 5 AND 12, ALL OIL, GAS, HYDROCARBON SUBSTANCES, AND MINERALS OF EVERY KIND AND CHARACTER LYING MORE THAN FIVE HUNDRED (500) FEET BELOW THE SURFACE, TOGETHER WITH THE RIGHT TO DRILL INTO,. THROUGH, AND TO USE AND OCCUPY ALL PARTS OF THE PHASE 1A AND 1B PROPERTY LYING MORE THAN FIVE HUNDRED (500) FEET BELOW THE SURFACE THEREOF FOR ANY AND ALL PURPOSES INCIDENTAL TO THE EXPLORATION FOR AND PRODUCTION OF OIL, GAS, HYDROCARBON SUBSTANCES OR MINERALS FROM SAID PHASE 1A AND 1B PROPERTY OR OTHER LANDS, BUT WITHOUT, HOWEVER, ANY RIGHT TO USE EITHER THE SURFACE FROM SAID PHASE 1A AND 1B. PROPERTY OR ANY PORTION THEREOF WITHIN FIVE HUNDRED (500) FEET OF THE SURFACE FOR ANY PURPOSE OR PURPOSES WHATSOEVER, OR TO USE THE PHASE 1A AND 1B PROPERTY IN SUCH A MANNER AS TO CREATE A DISTURBANCE TO THE USE OR ENJOYMENT OF THE PHASE 1A AND 1B PROPERTY, AS RESERVED BY THE CITY OF LA QUINTA, A CALIFORNIA MUNICIPAL CORPORATION AND CHARTER CITY, IN THE GRANT DEED RECORDED NOVEMBER 28, 2018, AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2018-0464674 AND RECORDED NOVEMBER 6, 2017, AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2017-0463950, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. 777-490-057; 777-490-058; 777-490-059; 777-490-060; 777-490-061; 777-490-062; 777-490-063; 777-490-064; 777- 490-065; 777-490-066; 777-490-037; 777-490-068; 777-490-072; 777-490-076; 777-490-073; 777-490-074; 777-490- 075; 777-490-080; 777-490-077; 777490-078; 777-490-079; 777-490-054; 777-490-042; 777-490-055; 777-490-053 5