Willdan EngineeringCity of La Quinta
On-Call Engineering Plan Checking
May 31, 2024
1 – Cover Letter
May 31, 2024
City of La Quinta
Attn: Carley Escarrega, Administrative Technician
78495 Calle Tampico
La Quinta, California 92253
Submitted via email: cescarrega@LaQuintaCA.gov
The City of La Quinta (City) is seeking a qualified firm to provide on-call plan checking services for a three-year
contract term. Willdan Engineering (Willdan) is fully confident that we can successfully continue to provide the
requested professional engineering plan check services as a valuable resource to help augment City staff in
accomplishing the City’s goals and needs. Throughout this proposal, we have demonstrated advantages the
Willdan team brings to the range of services requested and how the City can benefit from
having us as their supporting consultant. The following strengths are what sets us apart from
the competition and makes us the best-qualified support team for the City.
Knowledge of the City. Willdan has provided professional services to the City of La Quinta on
various projects since 1999. The services include civil and traffic engineering, landscape
architectural, survey, pavement engineering, utility coordination, construction management
and financial consulting services. More specifically Willdan is the incumbent for the current Plan Review contract
since 2019. For this reason, we have an established working relationship with City staff and a familiarity with City
procedures and requirements. Our knowledge of the City will enable us to initiate work quickly and to respond
appropriately to issues that arise during the course of this contract.
Highly Skilled Project Manager. Mr. Ron Stein has 12 years of experience as a project manager, civil engineer and
QA/QC plan reviewer for various municipalities, including 3 years of public works experience with the Florida
Department of Transportation (FDOT). He has led land development engineering teams engaged in the design of
projects encompassing all aspects of the City’s scope of work, conducting meticulous QA/QC plan reviews that
ensured quality products that adhered to all local agency standards. At FDOT, where Mr. Stein focused on public
works construction, he rotated through every office of the department—providing him with a strong technical
foundation throughout the entire project lifecycle. Mr. Stein’s experience in the design and construction of private
and public works projects will add tremendous value to the City’s plan review process from the perspective of
constructability and value engineering.
In House Capability. Willdan has the resources in-house to successfully complete those tasks outlined in the RFP
and therefore does not have the need to utilize subcontractors on this project.
Understanding of City Plan Checking Services. Willdan's plan checking applies City, state and federal guidelines,
particularly the California Subdivision Map Act, NPDES and Low Impact Development requirements and general
compliance with City Standards, Ordinances and Regulations. Our staff of experts will stamp and wet sign the
approval of engineering documents/plans/maps for accuracy and adequacy. Open communication is one of the
most important elements to the success of a plan check, Willdan will always perform all necessary correspondence
and coordination with City Staff to ensure the plan check is completed in a timely manner.
No Learning Curve. Willdan has been providing plan checking services to the City of La Quinta since 2019 and to
local agencies in Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and Orange Counties for more than 60 years. Our staff has
hands‐on working knowledge and direct experience implementing County and City standards. Willdan has
extensive experience providing a complete range of professional services to local agencies on both on-call and
project specific bases.
Local Office:
Willdan Engineering
650 E. Hospitality Lane,
Suite 400
San Bernardino, CA 92408
Willdan confirms that this submittal will remain valid for 180 days from the date of the proposal due date. I am
authorized to negotiate and bind the company contractually. Neither Willdan nor myself have any known conflicts
of interest on this proposal. We appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to discussing
our proposal with you and your staff.
Respectfully submitted,
Tyrone Peter, PE
Director of Engineering
O: 657.223.8557 | C. 714.393.1963
Corporate Office:
2401 E. Katella, Suite 300
Anaheim, CA 92806
City of La Quinta
Table of Contents
1 – Cover Letter ..................................................................................................................................................... 0
3 – Qualifications, Related Experience and References .......................................................................................... 1
About Willdan ............................................................................................................................................................ 1
Financial Strength ...................................................................................................................................................... 1
Plan Checking Expertise ............................................................................................................................................. 1
On-Call Contract Expertise ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Other Services ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
Current and Past Clients/Projects .............................................................................................................................. 3
4 – Proposed Staffing and Project Organization ..................................................................................................... 4
5 – Work Plan/Technical Approach ........................................................................................................................ 6
Understanding of City’s Objections and Requirements............................................................................................. 6
City Required Information ......................................................................................................................................... 6
Willdan’s Approach .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Responsiveness to City Staff and Project Requirements ........................................................................................... 8
Review of Improvement Plans ................................................................................................................................... 8
Scope of Services ................................................................................................................................................... 9
Outline of Quality Assurance Program ................................................................................................................ 14
6 – References of California Government Agencies .............................................................................................. 15
7 – Subcontracting Services ................................................................................................................................. 18
8 – Disclosures ..................................................................................................................................................... 18
Appendix – Required Forms ................................................................................................................................. 19
9 – Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements ................................................................................................. 19
10 – Non-Collusion Affidavit .................................................................................................................................... 20
11 – Acknowledgement of Addenda ....................................................................................................................... 21
12 – Schedule A – Service Term, Schedule & Cost Proposal .................................................................................... 22
13 – List of Complementary Services Offered by Proposer along with Corresponding Prices ............................... 24
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
3 – Qualifications, Related Experience and References
About Willdan
Willdan Engineering (Willdan), a California corporation since 1964, is a subsidiary of Willdan Group, Inc., a publicly
traded Delaware corporation. Services are provided to nationwide clientele through three subsidiary firms –
Willdan Engineering, Willdan Energy Solutions, and Willdan Financial Services – that offer a
portfolio of diversified strengths.
Throughout our 60-year history, Willdan has been a consistent industry leader providing all
aspects of municipal, infrastructure, and transportation engineering; program management;
financial consulting; municipal planning; environmental; energy-related services, along with a
full complement of related disciplines. Dedicated to providing public agencies with reliable,
quality, and cost-effective services, Willdan merges sound solutions with a solid respect for the
fiscal responsibility faced by local agencies and the concerns of affected communities. This
approach has proven responsive to the most challenging budget, schedule, and aesthetic
requirements. It is a contributing factor to our industry reputation and our company growth.
Willdan addresses the varied demographics of our public agency clients through focused, specialized services
offering solutions tailored to the unique goals and visions of each agency.
Willdan’s understanding of public agency’s needs and issues is unique in the industry. In addition to the significant
portion of our staff that have served in public agency management positions prior to joining Willdan, Willdan has
had numerous assignments with over 90% of the cities and counties in California for building officials, city
engineers, city roads supervisors, planning directors, traffic engineers, and other public agency staff members. The
diversity of our staff’s experience is an added value to our professional services.
Financial Strength
Willdan has the financial strength, resources, qualified staffing, and wherewithal to complete all projects
undertaken due to our strong, dependable reputation and a stable client base that continues to expand through
repeat customers, referrals, and new service areas. Willdan's corporate-wide staffing resources have
grown from 637 in 2014 to over 1,500 employees in 56 offices nationwide. The firm's size and
organization enable staff to efficiently communicate individual project challenges and goals
companywide, thus capitalizing on all Willdan's resources to deliver the highest quality and most cost-
effective product. There are no pending conditions that would impede Willdan's ability to complete
assignments under the City's as-needed contract. Financial information is issued quarterly and can be
found on the Investors page at www.willdan.com. Our firm is not debarred, suspended, or otherwise declared
ineligible to contract with any other federal, state, or local public agency.
Plan Checking Expertise
Through Willdan’s previous plan review contract with the City, we have developed knowledge of the city’s
practices, policies, and procedures. Improvement plan checking will include the review of plans submitted for
subdivision (residential) improvements, commercial developments, and infrastructure improvements. The plans
shall be reviewed for conformance with local and other applicable (County, State and Federal) ordinances and
standards with a strict attention to details. Documents will be reviewed for conformance with City of La Quinta
standards, Standard Plans for Public Works Construction, Caltrans Standard Plans, Caltrans Highway Design
Manual, and other standards relevant to the project. Willdan can assist the City with various engineering review
support and design services including, but not limited to the items listed on the right.
Willdan’s staff size, breadth of experience and collaborative approach among our team members will enable us to
review all submittals of the anticipated plan sets in the desired turnaround time frame if not sooner. Our staff,
many of whom have experience as former public agency staff and management understands the uniqueness of
public agency needs and issues; they serve as city engineers, planning directors, traffic engineers, building officials,
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
and public agency staff members on a contract basis for numerous cities and counties. The diversity of our staff’s
experience is an added value of our services.
Willdan has been providing services to local agencies in Southern California for 60 years. Our staff has hands-on
working knowledge and direct experience implementing City and County standards. We have developed a well-
coordinated review process, including a plan check tracking, and reporting system and specific discipline review
checklists, to provide the City with timely, cost-effective service.
On-Call Contract Expertise
On-call engineering services are Willdan's foundation. Our staff includes former public agency employees or
contract agency staff. Therefore, we understand the importance and purpose of on-call contracts and are very
familiar with the processes and procedures for such services. Within the last 10 years, Willdan has completed
projects and task orders for more than 300 as-needed/on-call contracts. This experience and the relevant
experience of our dedicated and available key personnel are what best suits Willdan to provide the City with on-
call services.
Our history of working with on-call contracts has well prepared our staff to respond to all requests for services in a
positive, efficient manner. Our firm's commitment to responsive service and successful project delivery has given
us a reputation as a firm that can be trusted to listen and to deliver a
product our clients envision and embrace.
We begin our approach by adhering to these principles:
Conduct business with truthfulness and high ethical standards
Approach each project with a spirit of resourcefulness and
Seek appropriate solutions that fit the project
Maintain high standards of technical quality
Willdan understands the unique aspect of working under an on-call
contract. Success in working with this type of contract is dependent
upon understanding a variety of elements that may be encountered,
such as:
Short project durations and minimal lead times for
assignments may be required
Flexibility in service assignments, understanding work to date, and coordinating the completion of project
tasks already started by agency staff in crucial projects
Availability of our staff to the work assignment as it develops is often critical to moving that project forward
Efficient use of resources is important for project assignments that are relatively small
Consistent, organized project management is vital due to the potentially large numbers of projects that may
be in the process
Special attention to quality assurance and quality control is particularly important as short-term projects
may limit the number of interim review steps often associated with a project-specific contract
Other Services
We understand that, in addition to plan checking service, the City may request additional services to be provided.
Willdan’s experience in serving public agencies provides us with unmatched knowledge of the needs and services
required by City departments. As we serve directly in City offices, we are keenly aware of how City CIP and design
projects are planned, designed, and constructed. The services that we provide to clients on a routine basis include
Civil Engineering, Traffic Engineering, Survey/Mapping/ Right-of-Way Engineering, Structural Engineering,
Pavement Engineering, Stormwater Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Landscape Architecture, Construction
Management/Inspection, Utility Coordination and Permitting, Environmental Compliance and Permitting, Grant
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
Funding, and Labor Compliance Management and Oversight. These are the core services that we provide daily to
our clients and are prepared to offer them to the City of La Quinta.
Current and Past Clients/Projects
The matrix below represents a small excerpt of our recent relevant plan checking services with local government
agencies within the Counties of the Inland Empire. Willdan has provided plan check services for over 90% of the
Inland Empires’ cities. Due to Willdan's commitment to meeting and regularly exceeding client expectations, we
have served many of our local government clients for decades. Detailed references are provided in a later section
of this proposal.
Client Civil and Grading Plan Reviews Subdivision Maps, Lot Merger, and Lot Line Adjustment Reviews Drainage and Stormwater Management Sewer/Water Street and Improvement Plans Traffic Signals, Signing & Striping, Street Lighting, Technical Studies National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Review Low Impact Development and Erosion Control Review La Quinta
Chino Hills
Grand Terrace
Indian Wells
Lake Elsinore
Loma Linda
Palm Springs
San Bernardino
County of Riverside
County San Bernardino
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
4 – Proposed Staffing and Project Organization
For this assignment, Ron Stein, PE will continue to serve the City as Project Manager. Ron will
be the single point of contact for City staff and will convey all-important matters to the project
team as appropriate. Based on our experience we have learned that it is best to have one single
point of contact to avoid any confusion on chain of command. Ron will funnel all work to
specific discipline leads and be in responsible charge of all
engineering reviews conducted under this contract. He will have
full responsibility for understanding the project requirements,
detailing the project scope requirements, and overseeing the necessary tasks to
complete the project.
Ron has managed the existing Plan Review contract for the City of La Quinta for the
past 5 years. He has 12 years of experience as a project manager, civil engineer, and
plan reviewer for various municipalities, including 6 years of public works experience
starting with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and working with
various agencies throughout California for Willdan. Ron has led land development
engineering teams engaged in the design of projects encompassing grading, erosion
control, street improvements, striping, traffic control, storm drains, and utilities.
Throughout all stages of design, he has conducted meticulous QA/QC plan reviews to ensure every submittal was a
quality product that adhered to all local agency standards. He is also skilled in the development and review of
hydrology/hydraulic calculations and reports, cost estimates, stormwater pollution and prevention plans
(SWPPPs), water quality management plans and erosion and sediment control plans.
Project Manager
Ron Stein, PE
2401 E. Katella Avenue
Suite 300
Anaheim, CA 92806
(657) 223-8551
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
Team Member Role Years of
Experience Qualifications/Education
Ron Stein, PE, QSD,
ENV SP Project Manager 12
BS, Civil Engineering, Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL
Civil Engineer, CA No. 86877
Envision Sustainability Professional No. 56028
Qualified SWPPP Developer, California
Stormwater Quality Association No. 86877
Tyrone Peter, PE Principal-in-Charge 18
BS, Engineering and Civil Engineering, Tamil
Nadu College of Engineering
Civil Engineering, Murugappa Polytechnic
Civil Engineer, CA No. 81888
Jeff Lau, PE, TE, ENV SP
Signal & Striping, Traffic Signals,
Street Lighting, Construction
BS, Civil Engineering, California Polytechnic
State University, Pomona
Civil Engineer, CA No. 83887
Traffic Engineer, CA No. 2835
Envision Sustainability Professional No. 45376
Stefan Chiose, PE Structures/Bridges 12
BS, Architectural Engineering, California
Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo
Civil Engineer, CA No. 82816
ICC Certified Plans Examiner
ICC Certified Fire Sprinkler Plans Examiner
Chris Stone, CFPM
Water Quality Management Plans,
SWPPP’s Erosion Control Plans,
Sewer Studies,
Graduate Course, Mathematics, Oregon State
Graduate Course, Engineering Mechanics,
Montana State University
BS, Civil Engineering, Montana State University
Certified Floodplain Manager US-16-08884
Civil Engineer, NV No. 12379
Civil Engineer, AZ No. 55200
Jocelyn Limas, PLS
Final Maps, Parcel Maps,
Easements, Dedications,
Vacations, Quitclaims, Lot Line
Adjustments, Parcel Mergers
AS, Sociology, College of the Sequoias
Continuing Education - Subdivision Map Act
Land Surveyor, CA No. 9596
Remote Pilot License, FAA No. 4080288
Dr. Chien-Chen Chang,
Geotechnical Reports & Roadway
Structural Section Calculations 24
PhD, Geotechnical Engineering, Georgia
Institute of Technology
MS, Geotechnical Engineering, Georgia Institute
of Technology
BS, Civil Engineering, National Chiao Tung
University, Taiwan
Geotechnical Engineer, CA No. 3183
Civil Engineer, CA No. 63238
Kevin Smith, PE
Grading, Drainage & Utility Plans,
Street Improvements, Storm
Drainage Plans, Hydrology &
9 BS, Civil Engineering with Mathematics Minor,
California Polytechnic University, Pomona, CA
Civil Engineer, CA No. 90584
John Hidalgo, RLA Landscape Architecture 31 BS, Landscape Architecture, California State
Polytechnic University, Pomona
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
Team Member Role Years of
Experience Qualifications/Education
European Study Tour, California Polytechnic
State University, School of Architecture,
Landscape Architect, CA No. 3551
5 – Work Plan/Technical Approach
Understanding of City’s Objections and Requirements
The City of La Quinta is currently seeking proposals from qualified On-Call Engineering
Plan Check firms for a three-year contract term. Plan checking may be provided by an On-
Call Engineering Plan Check Consultant, as applicable, with the scope provided in the RFP.
City Required Information
As a full-service consulting firm with an established history of providing plan review
services, we typically receive the following types of documents and assistance from our
agency partners on plan review assignments:
City improvement plan review checklists
Development Conditions of Approvals
Copies of City Standards
City text files and boilerplate documents
Approved Tentative Map
Specific Plans and General Plans (if not available online)
Requirements of other agencies (such as Riverside County Flood Control District
and Coachella Valley Water District)
Willdan’s Approach
Willdan is noted for open lines of communication and flexibility in providing plan review
services. We can provide reviews of hard copies or electronic documents. Coordination of all plan reviews will be
through Ron Stein. We understand that site visits may be required to the project locations and when so
conducted, photographs will be taken and documented in the project file. It is expected that plan checks should
not exceed four (4) total plan checks which includes three (3) plan reviews and one (1) final electronic mylar review
for approval. Willdan’s approach to the plan review process is shown in the flow chart below and as follows:
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
Process Items 1 through 4: Once Willdan receives notice of a plan review assignment, we coordinate delivery
of the project documents, log them into the tracking system and distribute them to the discipline leaders.
Process Item 5: The documents are given a preliminary review for completeness, thus ensuring materials
required for review are present. The plans are then assigned an internal project task tracking number. Once
the project receives a task tracking number, the Project Manager assigns the various documents to the
appropriate staff for review.
Process Items 5a through 6b: Our professionals perform a preliminary review of the plans to gain knowledge
of the site and the improvements and to determine any substantial errors or omissions such as obvious utility
conflicts. These can become critical issues that necessitate substantial redesign. If critical issues are noted,
they will be brought to the attention of the City to determine if the review should continue or be suspended
pending the redesign required.
Process Item 7: Saving review time saves time for the developer, which is paramount to a project schedule.
Once a plan check is determined complete for further review, the reviewers review the documents
electronically and provide comments in an electronic format acceptable to the City.
Process Item 8: At the completion of the plan review, a review comment letter will be created which
summarized the comments from all disciplines reviewed.
Process Item 9: Electronic plan review allows for ideal record keeping of documents reviewed. Willdan will
file all documents reviewed electronically and make them available to others as requested by the City.
Process Item 10: At the completion of the plan review, the review documents and comment letter will be
electronically delivered applicant with appropriate City Staff copied.
In our communication process, we can transmit rough drafts of our comments back to the City for review prior to
preparation of final copies. This gives the City staff the prerogative of changing, modifying, or adding any
comments they desire. Following approval of draft comments, final copies are printed on agency letterhead, or as
otherwise directed, and forwarded to the applicant and/or returned to the City. This process assures local input
and knowledge of the content of corrections and produces continuity between the jurisdiction and the consultant.
Plan reviewers will be available to discuss and clarify plan check issues with the City staff, designers, owners, and
contractors. Willdan will utilize Bluebeam software for plan review. The electronic format provides efficiency in
the distribution and recordation of plan review comments and responses. Mylar plans ready for approval by the
City Engineer will be initialed, and a letter will be provided stating that the design is in substantial compliance with
the applicable local, state, and federal requirements. Deliverables to the client and applicant for a typical plan
check will include electronic delivery of reviewed plans and documents and a corresponding plan review comment
letter. For projects containing the review of multiple documents, the plan review comments will be consolidated
into one comprehensive comment letter.
Willdan has been providing plan review services electronically for over 20 years. The electronic plan review
process is a web-based program utilizing software that enables a plan reviewer to insert annotations
(comments) on plans and create issues (comments) within a letter format. Services are provided at
the request of the applicant or the agency we serve. Submittals can be accepted either in hard copy,
whereby Willdan converts the plans to electronic format, or electronic copy in a PDF or TIF format.
Willdan will review plans and can transmit the electronic redlined plans back to the applicant or the
City as directed, in either electronic or hard-copy format. The reviewers can create a comment letter
with links to the electronic project pages under review. All administrative tools are provided for
correspondence, tracking, stepping through stages, and administering all access privileges. This
service allows for collaboration between the City, designer, and plans examiner to facilitate a
complete understanding of plan review comments and can reduce shipping, printing, and time for the plan review.
Willdan utilizes Bluebeam Revu in its’ electronic plan review process. Several of our clients use permit tracking
software such as TRAKiT or Energov and we are proficient in the use of those software platforms as well. We will
coordinate our review services with the City’s permit tracking system. Throughout the plan check process,
Willdan will be available to meet with City Staff and/or the developers’ consultant with 48 hours advance notice.
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
Willdan understands that adherence to plan review turnaround times is of paramount importance. We are fully
committed to meeting the City’s following turn around review times:
Willdan will utilize the City provided Review checklists for Precise Grading, CIP, ADA, Tract Maps and/or tailor one
for our in-house checklists as directed. For WQMP reviews, Exhibit F of the Technical Guidance Documents will be
filled out for each review and once completed sent over with the final documents. We routinely utilize check lists
to track the completion of the various plan check requirements. They promote consistency in reviews and can be
used in-house only or distributed to the City and applicant as directed.
Responsiveness to City Staff and Project Requirements
Willdan’s approach to facilitating the plan check process includes:
Review of Improvement Plans
Since projects with their location environments and conditions can and do vary considerably, the presentation of a
single sequential outline of activities to be undertaken would be inadequate. Conversely, the attempt to describe
varying project type staffing assignments, actions to complete objectives and approval recommendations would be
more complex and may not provide the clarity we understand to be requested here. Hence the following
descriptions of typical review content and the sequential review actions, that may or may not apply to every
project, are presented to link with our team qualifications as an assurance of our knowledge and capabilities to
perform what is necessary and requested in the City’s RFP.
Improvement Plan package reviews will typically include: grading plans, geotechnical reports, preliminary drainage
studies, street and drainage plans, hydrology and hydraulic studies, FEMA requirements, SWPPP requirements,
sewer and water plans, WQMP’s, design connections to existing systems, landscape and irrigation, bridges and
structures, traffic signal and signing and striping plans, park facilities, and engineer’s estimates.
Typically, many of the following tasks are part of a project review:
Following receipt of the complete review submittal material and initial familiarization of the project, a
field review utilizing available satellite aerial imagery will be performed or possibly an actual in-field site
visit may be performed to further familiarize the plan reviewer with the existing conditions. If appropriate
digital photos will be taken while on site for record and reference purposes.
Timely technical reviews
of complete plans and
reports to help control
cost and meet schedules.
This avoids delays and
added costs that result in
incorrect review package
Record keeping utilizing
in-house tracking
software, digital files, plan
check mark-ups and
reference materials while
logged in the City tracking
system is part of our
facilitating process.
Communication between
the plan reviewer(s) and
the Engineer of Record
facilitates issue resolution
and will be done through
phone calls, e-mails, and
teleconference meetings
to facilitate reviews.
Keeping the City and
others informed through
CCs of Review Matrix, e-
mails, phone calls,
tracking logs, and City
tracking system will be
given priority by our team
1 2 3 4
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
Review Improvement Plans for compliance with conditions of approval, the approved tentative map, any
applicable specific plans, and design criteria approved by the City.
Review Improvement Plans with appropriate easement documents, record maps, and right-of-way
documents. Determine the need for permanent/temporary easements and additional right-of-way.
Review the overall plan set package to ensure no internal discrepancies exist from plan to plan.
Review general notes, title block, signature block, benchmark data, quantities and unit costs, vicinity map,
index map and other general requirements. Confirm USA note on plans along with survey reference data.
Review data shown on the plans for consistency with approved adjacent plans and record maps.
Review the proposed improvements for constructability. Request redesign of any proposed improvement
when the plans propose a situation where the improvement is not build-able, conflicts with an existing
improvement, creates a public hazard or nuisance, creates a maintenance issue, creates a potentially
unsafe condition, or will not function due to an inadequate level of capacity.
Review for accuracy of design and fit with existing improvements and underground utilities.
Review for conflicts, mistakes, inaccuracies and omissions on the plans.
Review sight distance based on appropriate design speed.
Review pavement design for consistency with recommendations of the soils engineer and County.
Review hydrology/hydraulic study for the associated storm drain plans, including hydrology calculations
prepared by hand or approved software, street capacities, HGL's, velocities, inlet or outlet control and
other hydraulic factors, all per the latest edition of the City’s Storm Drain Storm drain Manuals, County’s
Hydrology Manual, Local Drainage Manual, and other City or County drainage documents. Review for
consistency with any Master Drainage Plans.
Review of WQMP’s will be in accordance with the Orange County DAMP and the City’s Water Quality web
page that lists updated templates and memorandums regarding County policy.
Review plans for possible special conditions, which could be anticipated during construction such as street
closures, protection of existing utilities, etc.
Review for ADA compliance utilizing a CASp-certified reviewer, when applicable.
Erosion Control Plans will be reviewed to assure erosion and sedimentation measures comply with the
Best Management Practices listed in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans, in compliance with
NPDES and the California Construction General Permit.
Review for compliance with land use planning and implementation components as established by the City,
with focus on zoning, and implementation of community visions through formulation of plans, policies,
and strategies for specific study areas and associated impacts.
Review and/or assist with environmental planning assignments, including reviewing documents on behalf
of the lead/responsible agencies.
Review and analysis of traffic and parking impact studies, circulation patterns, and traffic control plans,
unless this activity is reserved to the City.
Review of applicant engineer’s records on existing or planned utility identification and coordination with
permitting agencies relative to the improvements to be constructed for the project.
Review proposed wastewater services, including the use of septic tanks, for compliance with waste
discharge criteria of the local receiving agency and in the case of septic tank use, the City regulations and
applicable RWQCB regulations.
Review of easement documents, lot line adjustments, dedications, vacations, Parcel and Tract Maps shall
be by or under the direction of a Licensed Land Surveyor to assure compliance with applicable provisions
of the Subdivision Map Act, County ordinances, and other conditions of approval and requirements.
Scope of Services
The following is a sample of the services Willdan can provide and their associated scope of work that may be
required with each specific project assignment. This is intended only as a guide.
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
Type Scope of Work Type Scope of Work Grading Willdan will perform grading and site accessibility
plan review for projects constructed in the City
for conformance with City codes and ordinances,
including the City grading code and manual, California
Building Codes related to site accessibility, or consistent
with the City’s Drainage design policies.
Willdan's staff assigned to City projects has a thorough
knowledge of civil engineering principles and practices
and site improvement design requirements. All plan
reviews are completed using City-established policies
and procedures. Our grading plan review will be
consistent with Willdan plan review quality guidelines.
We will utilize the City’s grading plan checklist and mark-
up plans. Willdan will ensure plans meet applicable
codes and ordinances upon completion of plan reviews,
evaluation of the engineers cost estimate, and final
recommendation on the bond amount and permit fees. Erosion and Sediment Control Willdan will review associated erosion and
sediment control plans in accordance with
City, County and State Regional Water
Quality Control Board requirements. The best
management practices during construction will be
reviewed for compliance and appropriateness for the
proposed project improvements. Willdan staff has
experience with the preparation of erosion and sediment
control plans for the associated grading and drainage
improvement plans and, therefore, a working knowledge
of the design requirements and implementation of
appropriate BMPs selection and design. Geotechnical and Soils Report Willdan will review geotechnical reports submitted
as supporting documents for development
projects. Our review will include the review of
recommendations related to roadway structural section
designs, trench backfill designs, and structural footing
designs. As applicable, we will perform our work in
general accordance with the following:
Adequacy with respect to geotechnical and geologic
Conform with applicable City, State and Federal laws
Comply with the governing codes
Conform with City Design Manuals and City
Standard Plans
Most recently adopted Uniform Building Code and
California Building Code
1991 Seismic Hazards Mapping Act/1972 Alquist-
Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act
California Division of Mines and Geology Notes Sewer Improvements and Studies Sewer Improvement Plans will be checked
under the direct supervision of a registered civil
engineer. As applicable, we will perform our
work in general accordance with the following:
Review general notes, title block, signature block,
benchmark data, quantities, unit costs, vicinity map,
index map, and other general requirements.
Check plans for compliance with general design
criteria established by the City standards for
underground wet utilities.
Check to ensure that plans reflect all required
improvements, as shown on the approved tentative
map and in the subdivision resolution.
Check data shown on plans for consistency
Review available sewer study against the sewer
improvement plans, including capacities, minimum
slopes, geometry, manhole spacing, pipe size and
Review proposed sewer plans for conformance with
the City's approved master plan of sewers.
Review the proposed improvements for
constructability Water Improvements Water Improvement Plans will be checked
under the direct supervision of a registered
civil engineer. As applicable, we will perform our work in
general accordance with the following:
Review general notes, title block, signature block,
benchmark data, quantities, unit costs, vicinity map,
index map, and other general requirements.
Check plans for compliance with general design
criteria established by the City standards
underground wet utilities. Landscaping and Irrigation Landscaping and Irrigations Plans will be
checked under the direct supervision of a
registered landscape architect. As applicable,
we will perform our work in general accordance with the
Review for compliance with City's WELO, including all
calculations and other technical information and
Review for compliance with City landscape
standards, water purveyor standards, design
guidelines, and City conditions of approval
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
Type Scope of Work Type Scope of Work
Check to ensure that plans reflect all required
improvements, as shown on the approved tentative
map and in the subdivision resolution.
Review available water service study/report against
the proposed water plans.
Review proposed water plans for conformance with
City's approved master plan.
Review the proposed improvements for
Review for compliance with easement documents,
record maps, and right-of-way documents
Review for impacts of drainage on downstream
Review for discrepancies among other design
Review for compliance with sound landscaping
practices such as planting palette suitability and
placement, irrigation design, and constructability.
Review proposed improvements for conformance
with City's approved master plans.
Review the proposed improvements for
constructability Water Quality Management All new development and significant
redevelopment projects are required to
incorporate Low Impact Development (LID) Best
Management Practices to the maximum extent possible.
The intent of these requirements is to reduce the
discharge of pollutants to receiving waters. These are
the results of federal and state regulations and provide
implementation plans to protect water quality. Willdan
will review the WQMP submitted by applicants to
ensure compliance with the requirements. Storm Water Pollution Prevention Dischargers whose projects disturb one (1) or
more acres of soil or whose projects disturb less
than one acre but are part of a larger common
plan of development that in total disturbs one or more
acres are required to obtain coverage under the General
Permit for Discharges of Storm Water Associated with
Construction Activity Construction General Permit Order
2009-0009-DWQ. Construction activity subject to this
permit includes clearing, grading and disturbances to the
ground such as stockpiling or excavation, but does not
include regular maintenance activities performed to
restore the original line, grade, or capacity of the facility.
Willdan has several QSD/QSP staff members who are
qualified to review SWPPP’s if desired by the City. Hydrology/Hydraulics Reports & Storm Drain Hydrology/Hydraulics Reports and Storm Drain
Plans will be checked under the direct
supervision of a registered civil engineer. As
applicable, we will perform our work in general
accordance with the following:
Check the H/H report for compliance with City and
County standards and design guidelines.
Check grading, street, and storm drain plans for
conformance with the H/H report.
Check the H/H report for compliance with City
conditions of approval and the approved tentative
Check for any diversion of flows from their historic
Check for any adverse effect of drainage on down-
stream properties.
Check various plan sets to assure no discrepancies
from set to set.
Review general notes, title block, signature block,
benchmark data, quantities, unit costs, vicinity map,
index map, and other general requirements.
Check plans for compliance with general design
criteria established by the City standards for streets, Street Improvement Street improvement plans will be checked
under the direct supervision of a registered
civil engineer. Improvement plan reviewing
will include, but not necessarily be limited to, street and
drainage plans, sewer and water plans, hydrology and
hydraulic studies, preliminary drainage studies, FEMA
requirements and design connections to existing
systems, landscape and irrigation, bridges and structures,
traffic signal, signing and striping plans, and park
facilities. Specifically. As applicable, we will perform our
work in general accordance with the following:
Check plans for compliance with general design
criteria established by the City standards for streets,
curbs, gutters, sidewalks, streetlights, drive
approaches, storm drain and flood control systems,
underground wet utilities, traffic signals, and signing
and striping, City and County standards, design
guidelines and check grading, street and storm drain
plans for conformance with the street improvement
Check street improvement plans for compliance with
City conditions of approval and the approved
tentative map.
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
Type Scope of Work Type Scope of Work
curbs, gutters, storm drain and flood control
systems, and underground wet utilities.
Review hydrology/hydraulic study against the storm
drain plans, including street capacities, HGLs,
velocities, inlet or outlet control, and other
hydraulic factors.
Review proposed storm drain plans for conformance
with the City's approved master plan of drainage.
Review the proposed improvements for
Check street improvement plans and plans against
easement documents, record maps, and right-of-way
documents; and determine the need for permanent
easements, additional right-of-way, or temporary
Review pavement design for consistency with the
recommendations of the soils engineer.
Review hydrology/hydraulic study against the storm
drain plans, including street capacities, HGLs,
velocities, inlet or outlet control, and other hydraulic
factors. Traffic Signal Plans, Signing & Striping, Street Lighting Plans and Construction Detour Traffic engineering design plans will be checked
under the direction of a state-registered Traffic
Engineer. Willdan’s plan review staff has the
capability to review traffic design plans, including, but
not necessarily be limited to, traffic signals, signing and
striping, street lighting, temporary traffic control and
construction detours, flashing beacons, EV charging
stations, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, and circulation
plans. As needed, Willdan's plan review staff can also
review and prepare comments on documents, such as
traffic studies related to a development project. As
applicable, we will perform our work in general
accordance with the following:
Check design plans for compliance with general
design criteria established by the City standards for
traffic signals, signing and striping, and streetlights.
Check design plans for compliance with City and/or
County standards, Caltrans standard plans, and
California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices
Check design plans to ensure all improvements are
shown, as required by the City’s conditions of
approval for the proposed development project and
general plan requirements.
For traffic control and detour plans, check proper
placement and spacing of traffic control equipment,
adequate transition and taper lengths, pedestrian
and bicycle access, working hours, correct sign
designations, driveway access, and turn restrictions. Traffic Studies Traffic studies including Traffic Impact
Analysis, Parking Demand, Traffic Circulation,
Traffic Signal Warrant, Street Lighting
Photometrics will be checked under the direct
supervision of a registered Traffic Engineer. As
applicable, we will perform our work in general
accordance with the following:
Review of studies for conformance with Conditions
of Approval
Review for conformance between plans and studies
Review Methodology and Assumption per the
memorandum of understanding
Review Data including collision history, Average Daily
Traffic Counts, Turning Movement Counts, Trip
Generation and Trip Distribution.
Review thresholds of significance for delay and V/C
Review of VMT methodology and findings.
Review Impacts and Recommendations Real Property Parcel/Tract Maps, Lot Mergers, Willdan’s review of easement documents, lot
line adjustments, dedications, vacations,
quitclaims, Parcel and Tract Maps shall be by or
under the direction of a Licensed Land Surveyor to
assure compliance with applicable provisions of the
Subdivision Map Act, County ordinances, and other
conditions of approval and requirements. There will be
detailed checks made, including, but not limited to,
review of survey documentation and title reports, lot
and boundary closures, dedication and easement
provisions, legal descriptions, completeness, and Utility/ Traffic Signal Pole, Bridge or Retaining Wall Willdan provides complete structural engineering
support for design, analysis, inspection, and
evaluation of structural systems. Our staff
performs bridge advance planning studies and analyzes
and designs bridges, sound walls, retaining walls, signal
pole foundations and buildings. Willdan’s team has
experience working on new, replacement, or
rehabilitated bridges; cofferdams; tie-back walls;
demolition; falsework and form design; bridge scour
plans of action; and design of work trestles and
temporary bridges for construction. Our staff members
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
Type Scope of Work Type Scope of Work
accuracy of data notation, and necessary certifications
of City and County staff. If required, Willdan can sign
maps in the capacity of the City Surveyor.
have designed weirs, spillways, box culverts, lined
channels, custom-designed manhole inlets, and pipe
protection. In addition, our staff has in-depth knowledge
of all federal, state, and local criteria and methodologies
including but not limited to Caltrans, AASHTO, ACI, and
AISC criteria and methods for reviewing plans, preparing
project development documents, design, construction
documents, and processing design of new bridges and
bridge widenings, including the latest seismic analysis
and design procedures.
NPDES/Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans
Since the adoption of the first municipal NPDES Permit for Los Angeles County in June 1990, Willdan has
provided professional permit and Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) management and review services for
many municipalities. The following are various levels of services Willdan provides to its clients:
Program Management – When called upon for help with NPDES Programs, the majority of Willdan’s clients
rely on the firm for full permit and TMDL program management services. This typically includes the preparation of
fiscal year budgets, reports, and presentations to city staff and city council; preparation of annual reports and
presentations to regulators; development and management of service contracts, multiagency agreements, and
compliance programs; coordination with watershed partners, regulators and at times non-governmental
organizations and managing city service personnel.
Full/Partial Minimum Control Measure (MCM) Implementation – Using a full range of administrative and field
activities, Willdan has experience ensuring compliance with the Municipal NPDES Permit – Stormwater
Management Minimum Control Measures. This includes compliance activities associated with public information
and public participation, industrial/commercial (I/C) facilities, planning and land development, development
construction, public agency activities, and illicit discharge/illicit connection management. We also augment our
clients existing resources, as well as train city staff to take over NPDES Permit requirements such as inspections or
the entire compliance program.
Development Plan Review Services – As part of the project development review process required by past
Municipal NPDES Permits as well as the current Permit, Willdan provides professional engineering related review
services for public and private projects subject to the conditioning and approval for design and implementation of
stormwater mitigation measures. This includes Water Quality Management Plans (WQMP) and Low Impact
Development (LID) standards for new development, redevelopment, and SWPPP for compliance with the State’s
General Permit for construction activities. As a result, Willdan has a comprehensive understanding of proper site
design, source control measures and the ability to implement appropriate best management practices (BMPs).
Watershed Management Plan/Program Group Representation – Willdan has in-depth knowledge of the
development and implementation of Watershed Management Programs (WMP). Throughout Willdan’s
participation in multiple WMP groups, our staff has negotiated multiagency contracts and agreements, actively
participated in the development process of the WMP and its Coordinated Integrated Monitoring Program (CIMP)
and has collaborated and participated in meetings with group partners and Regional Water Quality Control Board
(Regional Board) staff. In addition, Willdan has assisted in the development of presentations to the Regional Board,
multiagency agreements, CIMP implementation, and multiagency cost-sharing formulas.
TMDL Programs and Studies – From the review of Regional Board developed draft Basin Plan Amendments to
addressing TMDL requirements, Willdan has years of experience. Quite often Willdan finds itself representing
multiple clients with a common interest in the same watershed. These situations provide opportunities for our
firm to take on lead watershed roles for the betterment of its clients, especially concerning TMDLs. Another
example is a project Willdan designed, managed, and inspected installation of Connector Pipe Screens and
Automatic Retractable Screens full capture devices for more the 20 municipal clients in southern California putting
those clients ahead of the regulatory curve on the State’s Trash Policy and TMDLs.
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
Outline of Quality Assurance Program
Many of the Willdan Team members have performed plan and document review services for cities relative to
public facilities and building development in the past decade and are doing so currently.
In accomplishing development application/permit reviews, our team members have developed a proven approach
to the plan review process that includes organization and documentation, matching staff to assignments and
partnering with appropriate sub-consultants (when needed), applicant’s consultants, and the client agency to help
deliver a successful project. A successful project application review begins with the submittal of a complete
improvement plan review package of relevant materials, including the project conditions of approval or
compliance matrices, required regulatory submittals, all related improvement design plans, along with the
accompanying subdivision maps and technical reports to the City offices. (It is vital that the submittal packages
received are complete and contain all of the necessary reference materials to facilitate a thorough and timely
plan/document review).
Once a complete project review package of materials is assigned to our Willdan team members, we will promptly
undertake the review process. If incomplete submittals are received, the City will be notified immediately to avoid
wasting review time and fees. Notations of incomplete submittals will be done by listing identified submittal
deficiencies for the involved parties’ reference and use. Once the submittal content is complete, checking will be
resumed. At that point, we will do our best to keep the resumed plan review process on the revised time track.
Willdan’s Project Manager will be the first point of contact in our review team for each submittal and
correspondence. Other submittal review recipients will be established and contacted during the submittal review,
as necessary. This step will be part of expediting the assigned project distribution and return for best
As the plan review is begun, our staff will utilize the various City plan review checklists to maintain compliance with
the City standards, conditions of approval, and established practice. As required, Willdan will review the project
materials received and record the review comments on a comments matrix and provide appropriate ‘red-lined’
notations on the reviewed documents. Willdan reviewers have been trained to provide clear and concise
comments that have specific standard references to avoid any confusion.
A typical plan check comment might be: “The project proposes 8” curb and gutter on Alpha Street. The plans show
18” gutter pan. Revise the gutter pan to be 24” to be in conformance with City Standard Plan No. 120.” Upon
receiving the comment, the applicant knows exactly what to do per each specific standard.
This procedure will be followed in subsequent second and third review rechecks and will be accomplished within
the applicable plan review turn-around time frames. Corrective comments will accompany each review check,
with a recommendation for approval where applicable at the end of the third (3rd) review. Willdan’s QA program
is broken into four major phases, as outlined below.
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
6 – References of California Government Agencies
Over the past 60-years, Willdan has provided municipal services to more than 400 municipalities, for projects
involving a broad array of disciplines. The following briefly summarizes some of the firm’s relevant plan check
experience performed for various clients.
On-Call Improvement Plan Check
Client Name Contact Service Dates
County of Orange
601 North Ross Street
Santa Ana CA 92701
Bea Bea Jimenez
Division Manager-Land Development
(714) 667-8800
2013 – Ongoing
Willdan is responsible for reviewing private developer projects spanning on- and off-site improvements. Review
services entail final parcel and tract maps, lot line adjustments, grading and erosion control, storm drain,
hydrology, water, sewer, streets, signing and striping, traffic signals, landscape, storm water pollution prevention
plans, and water quality management plans. Willdan provided an expedited review contract for the Rancho
Mission Viejo residential development with strict deadlines on a condensed schedule.
Related Disciplines
Parcel/Tract Maps
Lot Mergers
Lot Line Adjustments
Grading and Erosion Control/
Storm Drain
Signing and Striping
Storm Water Pollution
Water Quality Management
Active Staff Responsible for Project
Ronald Stein – Project Manager
Chien-Chang Chen – Reviewer
David Knell – Reviewer
David Krommenhoek – Reviewer
Jeffrey Lau – Reviewer
Robert Burch – Reviewer
Tejal Gandhi – Reviewer
Reginald Greene – Reviewer
Kenneth Krieger – Reviewer
Johnny Ghazal – Reviewer
Representative Plan Review History
Rancho Mission Viejo Residential
6,000 acres of mixed-use residential
14,000 homes planned
Merrill Gardens Senior Facility TR19032
Rienda AQ22 TR19150
Rienda MR37 TR19025
Rienda MR21 TR19027
Rienda MR37 TR19025
The Perch @ RMV TR17932
PA3.3 VTTM17933
PA3.4 VTTM17934
Fire Station 67
Contract City Surveyor and On-Call Improvement Plan Check
Client Name Contact Service Dates
City of Rialto
335 West Rialto Avenue
Rialto, CA 92376
Vince Girón
Engineering Manager
(909) 820-8045
2020 – Ongoing
Willdan provides plan checking services for all improvement plans, including residential subdivisions; private
developments; and street, traffic, and grading improvements. Willdan is tasked with providing all map reviews
and serves as Contract City Surveyor for these reviews. In addition to improvement plans, Willdan reviews all
technical design reports associated with the improvement plans, including hydrology, utilities, SWPPP, WQMP,
and sediment control plans. Technology implementation was provided through successful introduction of
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
electronic plan review and developing a database to utilize Bluebeam Studio to streamline and expedite the
review process.
Related Disciplines
Contract City Surveyor
Parcel/Tract Maps
Lot Mergers
Lot Line Adjustments
Grading and Erosion Control/
Storm Drain
Signing and Striping
Storm Water Pollution
Water Quality Management
Active Staff Responsible for Project
Ronald Stein – Project Manager
Jocelyn Limas – Reviewer
David Krommenhoek – Reviewer
Chien-Chang Chen – Reviewer
Jeffrey Lau – Reviewer
Robert Burch – Reviewer
Kevin Custado – Reviewer
Reginald Greene – Reviewer
Kenneth Krieger – Reviewer
Glenn Hale – Reviewer
Representative Plan Review History
Bonnie View PPD2018-0094
201 S. Cactus Avenue PPD 2021-021
Casa Grande/Sierra ENG 21-0844
3435 Riverside LLA 2020-0007
Pepper Avenue LLA 2021-0010
Dutch Bros. 163 W. Valley Blvd PPD
Car Wash 141 W. Valley PPD 2021-0029
Rialto Self Storage 313 S. Riverside PPD
842 S. Lilac PPD 2021 – 0012
1275 Renaissance R39878
Travel Center PPD 2021-0013
Riverside Santa Ana PPD 2021-0020
On-Call Engineering and Land Development Review
Client Name Contact Service Dates
City of Rolling Hills Estates
4045 Palos Verdes Drive North
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274
David Wahba
Comm. Development/Public Works Director
(310) 377-15877
1998 – Ongoing
Willdan provides review services since 1998 for redevelopment projects, provides traffic engineering, provides
inspections, and issues public works permits within the City for public works requirements. Willdan performs
map checking and improvement plan reviews for private developments within the City of Rolling Hills Estates.
Related Disciplines
Parcel/Tract Maps
Lot Mergers
Lot Line Adjustments
Grading and Erosion Control/LID
Storm Drain
Signing and Striping
Storm Water Pollution
Water Quality Management
Active Staff Responsible for Project
Chien-Chang Chen – reviewer
David Knell – reviewer/surveyor
Susana Barrientos –reviewer/surveyor
Farhad Iranitalab – Reviewer
Representative Plan Review History
Chadmar Golf Course Development
Parcel Map 82074-3809 PVDN
LLA-2000054 (lots 95 and 96)
LLA 200060 (Lots 33 and 34)
Peninsula Center LLA
Traffic Review for PW Permits
Various Project Grading/PW Improvements
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
On-Call Improvement Plan Check
Client Name Contact Service Dates
City of Cerritos
18125 Bloomfield Avenue
Cerritos, CA 90703
Dario Simoes, PE
Deputy Director of PW/City Engineer
(562) 916-1219
1970 – Ongoing
Willdan has provided plan reviews and coordination of new development projects throughout the past 54 years.
Reviews encompass geotechnical and grading plans, erosion control plans, water and sewer plans, hydrology
reports, LID and drainage, and traffic related plans. Willdan provides mapping reviews and offers the City
expertise in land surveying and real estate property matters. Willdan reviewed multiple sites for a well-known
commercial retailer and worked closely with the developer to ensure water quality compliance was met.
Related Disciplines
Parcel/Tract Maps
Lot Mergers
Lot Line Adjustments
Storm Drain
Signing and Striping
Grading and Erosion Control/LID
Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Water Quality Management
Active Staff Responsible for Project
Chris Stone – Reviewer
Ronald Stein – Reviewer
David Knell – Reviewer
Susana Barrientos – Reviewer
Chien-Chang Chen – Reviewer
Jeffrey Lau – Reviewer
Robert Burch – Reviewer
Kenneth Krieger – Reviewer
Representative Plan Review History
17423-17501 Studebaker Rd
11340 South St
12701 Town Center Dr.
17200 Clarkdale Sewer/Water
15912 Piuma Avenue
12881 166th Street/Grading
17200 Clarkdale Avenue
17423 Studebaker Rd /Lexus
12061 Del Amo Blvd (Church)
10754 Artesia Blvd - Kia
19100 Gridley Rd
11525 South St. – Target
On-Call Land Development Review
Client Name Contact Service Dates
City of Santa Paula
970 East Ventura Street
Santa Paula, CA 93060
Clete Saunier
Public Works Director
(805) 525-7870 Ext. 314
2020 – Ongoing
Willdan provides reviews for land development projects encompassing civil infrastructure, grading, soils, traffic,
floodplain management, environmental studies, and permit application requests. Maps are reviewed for
conformance with the California Subdivision Map Act. Additional land-development-related services provided
under the contract involve contract extension of staff services for Deputy City Engineer, Traffic Engineer, and
Public Works Inspector; project management; development review meeting attendance; and independent
assurance sampling and testing.
Related Disciplines
Parcel/Tract Maps
Lot Mergers
Lot Line Adjustments
Storm Drain
Signing and Striping
Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Water Quality Management
Grading and Erosion Control/LID
Active Staff Responsible for Project
Chris Stone – Reviewer David Krommenhoek – Reviewer
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
Ronald Stein – Reviewer
Jocelyn Limas – Reviewer
David Knell – Reviewer
Susana Barrientos – Reviewer
Glenn Hale – Reviewer
Chien-Chang Chen – Reviewer
Representative Plan Review History
Williams Homes TR 5928
EA1 Lennar Homes
EA1 Khovian Homes
PW 5691 Foothill Improvements
TTM 5854 PAR C
PW 5778 TR Map 6074 EA1
PW 5617-5985 PH I and II
PW 5592 TR 5985 Lot 3
21- CUP 01 525 Main Street
PW5601 TR-5989 Home Pads
C-5541 811 W Telegraph
7 – Subcontracting Services
Willdan provides all administrative, professional, and other technical resources necessary to review designs for
completeness and correctness without the need for subconsultants.
8 – Disclosures
Willdan Engineering has normal workers compensation, auto, and liability litigation in the course of our daily
operation and none of the litigation materially impacts the financials of our company or will impact the
performance of this agreement.
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
Appendix – Required Forms
9 – Acknowledgement of Insurance Requirements
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
10 – Non-Collusion Affidavit
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
11 – Acknowledgement of Addenda
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
12 – Schedule A – Service Term, Schedule & Cost Proposal
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
Willdan Engineering Proposal for
On-Call Plan Check Services
City of La Quinta
13 – List of Complementary Services Offered by Proposer along with
Corresponding Prices
650 E. Hospitality Lane, Suite 400
San Bernardino, CA 92408-3586