2024-25 Alpha Media - Radio & Digital Marketing ServicesMEMORANDUM, U]I ORN1.1 DATE: June 19, 2024 _ TO: Jon McMillen, City Manager FROM: Marcie Graham, Marketing Manager RE: Alpha Media - Marketing Services for Ironman 70.3 event; radio ads; and recycling education Please list the Contracting Party / Vendor Name, type of agreement to be executed, including any change orders or amendments, and the type of services to be provided. Make sure to list any related Project No. and Project Name. Authority to execute this agreement is based upon: JVJ_ Approved by City Council on June 18, 2024 Consent Item No. 10 .a City Manager's signing authority provided under the City's Purchasing Policy [Resolution No. 2023-008] for budget expenditures of $50,000 or less. Department Director's or Manager's signing authority provided under the City's Purchasing Policy [Resolution No. 2023-008] for budget expenditures of $15,000 and $5,000, respectively, or less. Procurement Method (one must apply): .Q Bid ❑✓ RFP 0 RFQ _❑. 3 written informal bids QSole Source F] Select Source 1-1 Cooperative Procurement Reauestina department shall check and attach the items below as auurouriate: ✓ Agreement payment will be charged to Account No.: 101-3003-60149 & 221-0000-60127 ✓� Agreement term: Start Date July 1, 2024 _ End Date June 30, 2025 ✓Q Amount of Agreement, Amendment, Change Order, etc.: $ 86,475 REMINDER: Signing authorities listed above are applicable on the aggregate Agreement amount, not individual Amendments or Change Orders! FV—/1 Insurance certificates as required by the Agreement for Risk Manager approval Approved by: NSA Date: 6/20/2024 aBonds (originals) as required by the Agreement (Performance, Payment, etc.) Conflict of Interest Form 700 Statement of Economic Interests from Consultant(s) NOTE: Review the "Form 700 Disclosure for Consultants" guidance to determine if a Form 700 is required pursuant FPPC regulation 18701(2) _a Business License No. NSA_ Expires: .Q Requisition for a Purchase Order has been prepared (Agreements over $5,000) PRESENTED BY Dayna Smith April 30th, 2024 Radio Schedule: 09/23 -10/6, 10/14 - 10/27 and 11/11 - 12/8 (Monday - Sunday 7A -8P) • 25 Thirty second commercials per week on 93.7 KCLB • 25 Thirty second commercials per week on 98.5 The Bull • 25 Thirty second commercials per week on 107.3 MOD • 25 Thirty second commercials per week on 106.9 The Eagle • 25 Thirty second commercials per week on U92.7 • 25 Thirty second commercials per week on 103.9 ESPN • 25 Thirty second commercials per week on 94.3 KNWZ • 25 Thirty second commercials per week on Mix 100.5 • 15 Fifteen second PSA's per week per station reminding people to check the map online for road closures and upcoming date of event • On air interview Digital Schedule: 09/30 - 12/08 • Rotating banner ads on all Alpha Media station websites with link to URL and map posted with Iron man route • Mobile campaign - Mobile to social and targeted display advertising and performance tv (OTT/CTV) o polygon select gyms, athlete races, other fitness competitions pull a lookback on all locations o create lookalike audience from captured device ID's o Utilize fitness/health & wellness audiences in the Coachella Valley o Mobile retargeting o Social strategy - upload captured device ID list into FaceBook and Instagram, reach those individuals through their social profiles o Target audience on social - fitness junky, ironman, marathons, racing, crossfit, extreme sports, cycling, healthy lifestyle, active lifestyle, etc. o Place a FaceBook retargeting pixel W -N 10 9A Approve $26,475 ---°4` Jon McMillen Date 4 q City Manager Business i ,� ��� ��:++Address �$�IQ�(,al�f."(,ao;mCity�rn_State($Zip. .5 Start date Jo l , ZhzL, End date _UUnPl 2J6 Advertiser may cancel this agreement upon 14 days prior notice. This agreement is confidential. n��x�oos THE GLE , ssosre,,,,n From: Alpha Digital To: City of la Quinta Connected Television Ad Delivery $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 Date: 5/14/2024 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 OTT Ad Delivery MALMA $ 31.00 $ 31.00 $ 31.00 $ 31.00 $ 31.00 Rep: Dayna Smith $ 31.00 $ 31.00 $ 31.00 $ 31.00 Viewable Display RT to Exposed HH's $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ 12.50 Digital Advertising Media Planner for: $ City of la Quinta $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ Product Jul-24 I Aug-24 I Sep-24 I Oct-24 I Nov-24 I Dec-24 I Jan-25 I Feb-25 I Mar-25 I Apr-25 I May-25 I Jun-25 I Total TELEVISION TO WEB COMPANION AD DELIVERY: CONNECTED COMMERCIAL CONTENT DELIVERED TO TV SCREENS WITH POST IMPRESSION ACTION ANALYTICS Connected Television Ad Delivery AUDIENCE CRITERIA: BRANDING CAMPAIGN - PSA TO THOSE LIVING IN IDENTIFIED ZIP CODES FOR EDUCATIONAL MESSAGES ABOUT RECYCLING IN THEIR COMMUNITY $ 990 $ 990 $ 990 $ 990 Item $ 990 $ 990 $ 990 $ 990 $ 11,883 OTT Ad Delivery $ 480 $ 480 Connected Television Ad Delivery 20,630 20,630 20,630 20,630 20,630 20,630 20,630 20,630 20,630 20,630 20,630 20,630 247,560 $ 480 OTT Ad Delivery 15,480 15,480 15,480 15,480 15,480 15,480 15,480 15,480 15,480 15,480 15,480 15,480 185,760 $ Viewable Display RT to Exposed HH's 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 28,800 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 38,510 38,510 38,510 38,510 38,510 38,510 38,510 38,510 38,510 38,510 38,510 38,510 462,120 CPM Connected Television Ad Delivery $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 $ 48.00 OTT Ad Delivery $ 31.00 $ 31.00 $ 31.00 $ 31.00 $ 31.00 $ 31.00 $ 31.00 $ 31.00 $ 31.00 $ 31.00 $ 31.00 $ 31.00 $ 31.00 Viewable Display RT to Exposed HH's $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ 12.50 $ 12.50 Cost Connected Television Ad Delivery $ 990 $ 990 $ 990 $ 990 $ 990 $ 990 $ 990 $ 990 $ 990 $ 990 $ 990 $ 990 $ 11,883 OTT Ad Delivery $ 480 $ 480 $ 480 $ 480 $ 480 $ 480 $ 480 $ 480 $ 480 $ 480 $ 480 $ 480 $ 5,759 Viewable Display RT to Exposed HH's $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 30 $ 360 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 18,001 Effective Audience CPM Reach of Audience at Effective CPM $ 39 $ 39 $ 39 $ 39 $ 39 $ 39 $ 39 $ 39 $ 39 $ 39 $ 39 $ 39 $ 39 TARGET MARKET PROJECTIONS Zip Codes = 92253, 92210, 92247, 92248 *Due to small population size, budgets may need to be shifted between video products during program City of La Quinta July 1st, 2024 -June 30th, 2025 • You choose the two stations. • 160x + 160x Paid thirty second commercials on two radio stations of your choice. • 160x + 160x + 160x Bonus thirty second commercials on three additional stations of your choice. • 800x Total Total Annual Contract: $42,000 Approved tart: 07/01/24 ___— Jon McMillen, City Manager-/ / *Commercials will be scheduled Monday through Sunday 6a -10p. Stations: U92.7, 93.7, 106.9,100.5 and 98.5 • pricing based on a 4 week month Monthly Package $3,500/Month End:06/30/25 a•a ALPHAM EDTA LIVE. LOCAL. PALM SPRINGS CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM NO. 10 City of La Quinta CITY COUNCIL MEETING: June 18, 2024 STAFF REPORT AGENDA TITLE: APPROVE CONTRACT SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH ALPHA MEDIA FOR MARKETING SERVICES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 RECOMMENDATION Approve Contract Services Agreement with Alpha Media for Marketing Services for Fiscal Year 2024/25; and authorize the City Manager to execute the agreement. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • Alpha Media is a broadcast company providing media, entertainment, and digital marketing solutions. • The City has utilized Alpha Media's services for radio and digital advertising to educate and inform the community on IRONMAN 70.3 event and to ensure compliance with AB 1383 through Cal Recycle for mandatory education on recycling and composting. FISCAL IMPACT The total not to exceed amount for this agreement for fiscal year (FY) 2024/25 is $86,475 as detailed below. The cost for Alpha Media's IRONMAN campaign is $26,475. Funds will be budgeted in the FY 2024/25 Community Experiences account 101-3003-60149; costs have remained consistent with FY 2023/24 campaign. The cost for Alpha Media's Recycling Education campaign is $57,000, which includes both radio and connected television ads. Funds will be budgeted in FY 2024/25 AB 939 Recycling Solutions account 221-0000-60127; costs have increased from FY 2023/24 campaign as the proposed agreement, if approved, will provide for a full year of services versus a partial year period. 3ACKGROUND/ANALYSIS The City has previously partnered with Alpha Media for radio, connected TV, and digital marketing services to inform the community on IRONMAN, as well as recycling education. 261 The proposed agreement will expand to a full year of services for the recycling and connected tv campaign; as well as continue the IRONMAN event information. This campaign will bring the total of the agreement to $86,475 for fiscal year 2024/25. ALTERNATIVES Council may elect not to expand Alpha Media promotion services. Staff does not recommend an alternative action. Prepared by: Marcie Graham, Marketing Manager Approved by: Gilbert Villalpando, Director Attachments: 1. Alpha Media IRONMAN Proposal 2. Alpha Media OTT Proposal 3. Alpha Media Recycling Education Proposal 262 taQ�W SELECT/ SOLE SOURCE JUSTIFICATION Vendor: CALIFORNIA Select/Sole Source purchases may be made in a non-competitive manner only when in the best interest of the City and when the price is considered reasonable. Attach this form and other supporting documents if available, to the purchase Requisition. Complete responses must be provided for all of the following items. A. THE PURCHASE REQUEST IS RESTRICTED TO ONE VENDOR FOR THE REASONS STATED BELOW: 1. Why is the purchase of goods or services restricted to this vendor? Explain why the purchase cannot be competitively bid. Examples of Single/Sole Source procurements include, but are not limited to: Compatibility: The commodity or service matches existing brand of equipment for compatibility. Replacement Part: The item is a replacement part for a specific brand of existing equipment. Emergency: URGENT NEED for the item or service does not permit soliciting competitive bids. Procurement exemption form may also be required. Alpha Media is the only radio broadcast group that oversees the majority of radio stations in the Coachella Valley. Additionally, they oversee the main stations the City is advertising on for both recycling education/ information but also notices about IRONMAN as those stations reach the majority of listeners in the valley. 2. What market research was conducted to substantiate no competition, including evaluation of other items considered? Provide a narrative of your efforts to identify other similar goods/services, including a summary of how the department concluded that such alternatives are either inappropriate or unavailable. The names and addresses of suppliers contacted and the reasons for not considering them must be included OR an explanation of why the survey or effort to identify other goods/services was not performed. Staff did review the other radio group in the valley, but found that the stations did not meet criteria for the marketing and outreach strategies. Additionally, the stations for the other groups were not able to provide the frequency needed. B. PRICE ANALYSIS: 3. How was the price offered determined to be fair and reasonable? Explain what the basis was for comparison, if any. For example, if the item/service has been purchased in the past, compare historical pricing. Pricing for Alpha has not changed from previous years to honor our annual contract commitment. J 6/20/2024 Prepared By Approved By Date Sole or Select Source: Defined as any contract entered into without a competitive process, based on a justification that only one known source exists or that only one single supplier can fulfill the requirements. The requesting department is responsible for supplying written justification, approved by the department director or designee with signing authority for these purchases.